What Is Administrative Law? Definition and Examples

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Administrative law is the area of law created by the agencies and departments of the government, which carry out the laws passed by Congress or a state legislature. Administrative law governs the decision-making and rulemaking of executive branch units of government responsible for regulating areas such as trade, labor, manufacturing, civil rights, the environment, taxation, communications, and transportation.

Key Takeaways: Administrative Law

  • Administrative law is created by the regulatory agencies of the government to carry out the laws passed by Congress.
  • The regulatory agencies have enormous power to interpret congressional laws and to enact and enforce rules which carry the weight of law.
  • Administrative law governs the regulation of areas such as trade, labor, manufacturing, civil rights, the environment, taxation, communications, and transportation.
  • Citizens are most likely to deal with administrative law when they apply for government benefits.
  • Examples of administrative law include The Civil Rights Act of 1964, part of which created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the environmental protection acts, which created the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • The process by which federal agencies develop, issue, and enforce regulations is governed by the Administrative Procedures Act.

Origins of Administrative Law

Considered a branch of public law, administrative law describes the processes, priorities, and procedures of the bureaucratic agencies within a government. These agencies have enormous power to interpret congressional laws, enact various rules defining and interpreting relevant statutes, enforce those rules, and adjudicate matters according to those regulations. Despite their powers, governmental agencies must still act within Constitutional and statutory parameters.

Along with statutory law , administrative law is one of two major types of laws passed by Congress. They are both derived from the principles of the Constitution. While they are both created by Congress, they fulfill different purposes. They also have different institutions to which they are applicable.

Statutory law is the type of law that most heavily affects the daily lives of citizens. Statutory laws are created to regulate citizens and private institutions and ensure that none of them infringe upon the rights of others. Examples include the Federal Uniform Drinking Age Act of 1984 stipulating that the minimum age of those who drink alcohol is 21, anti-trust laws , and the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022—the most significant gun control law enacted in years.

Administrative law outlines how delegated power can be used by the bureaucracy. Administrative laws are less likely relatively directly affects the everyday lives of large numbers of citizens. Examples of administrative law include The Civil Rights Act of 1964 , part of which created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the environmental protection acts , which created the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970, and the Department of Transportation Act of 1966, which created the Department of Transportation.

When it passes a law on such complicated issues, Congress often needs help in determining the details of how the law will be implemented and enforced. The applicable administrative agencies and government departments fill in those gaps by issuing additional rules and government regulations to achieve the goals expressed by Congress. This regulatory process is the essence of administrative law.

Citizens often deal with administrative agencies and administrative law when they apply for government benefits. For example, Congress has passed laws that allow all retired and certain disabled individuals to receive government assistance. The Social Security Administration (SSA) is the administrative agency created to implement Congress's social security and disability laws. The SSA receives applications when people apply for retirement or disability benefits, determines who is eligible for the benefits, and passes anti-fraud rules and regulations to ensure that only the people who deserve these benefits receive them. Generally, administrative agencies are created to protect a public interest rather than private rights such as privacy .

The fundamental legal principle of judicial review empowers the U.S. Supreme Court to review laws passed by Congress and regulations issued by the Executive Branch administrative agencies to determine whether they are constitutional.

There are two especially important landmark periods in the evolution of administrative law in the United States: the creation of the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations and the passage of the Administrative Procedures Act of 1946.

In overcoming the Great Depression of 1929 to 1939, the New Deal programs of the President Franklin Roosevelt’s administration brought a vast increase in new agencies and regulatory activity. The explosion of new regulations led to the creation (watch the video) of the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) in 1935 to keep track of them all.

The Federal Register is the official journal of the federal government of the United States that contains government agency rules, proposed rules, and public notices. The Code of Federal Regulations is the annual codification of the administrative regulations issued by the Executive Branch departments and agencies of the federal government.

After World War II, concerns about the power of agencies and their haphazard rulemaking procedures led to the enactment of the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) in 1946. The APA governs the process by which federal agencies develop and issue regulations. It includes requirements for publishing notices of proposed and final rulemaking in the Federal Register and provides opportunities for the public to comment on notices of proposed rulemaking. The APA is designed to ensure uniformity and transparency in the procedures used by federal agencies.

Civil Law vs Common Law 

The legal systems in countries around the world generally fall into one of two main categories: common law systems and civil law systems. There are roughly 150 countries that have what can be described as primarily civil law systems, whereas there are about 80 common law countries. A few common law countries include The United States, England, India, and Canada. Some civil law countries include China, Japan, Germany, France, and Spain.

In common law countries like the United States, case law— “precedence” in the form of published court opinions—is used to decide cases at hand. Under civil law, codified statutes and ordinances rule the land. Some countries like South Africa use a combination of civil and common law. Since common law follows precedence, bad or unjust decision-making can occur. There is also the difficulty of continuing with a judicial process if no precedence can be found. 

In common law countries, the laws governing a case are based on both legal precedence, created by judges, and statutory laws, created by legislatures. In trials, judges act as impartial referees between opposing parties to a case. A jury may determine the facts and the judge will decide the law to be applied.

Civil law systems place greater emphasis on legal codes crafted by the legislature. Civil law statutes tend to be more detailed than statutes created under common law systems, and contain continuously updated legal codes that specify all matters capable of being brought before a court, the procedure to be followed, and the appropriate punishment.

In civil law countries, judges are often described as “investigators.” They generally take the lead in the proceedings by bringing charges, establishing facts through witness examination, and applying remedies found in long-standing, sometimes ancient legal codes. Juries are rarely used. Instead, a judge or panel of judges will decide the facts and the legal code to be applied.

A brief review of their historical bases helps in understanding the differences between these systems of law.

Common law system can be traced back to the early English monarchy , which used to issue formal orders called “writs”—written commands in the name of a court or other legal authority to act, or abstain from acting, in some way. Because writs were not sufficient to cover all situations, courts were ultimately established to hear complaints and devise appropriate remedies based on equitable principles taken from many sources of authority, such as Roman law and “natural” law. As these decisions were collected and published, it became possible for courts to look up prior opinions and apply them to current cases. Thus, the common law developed.

Civil law in other European nations is generally traced back to the Napoleonic Code , which was adopted in France in 1804. Since then, other civil-law countries have enacted similar codes, such as the German Civil Code in 1896. The Napoleonic Code and the German Civil Code have served as models for the vast majority of other modern civil law countries around the world.

In common law countries, bureaucratic agencies make up the largest percentage of the government sector of government and generate the highest number of decisions that directly affect the citizens’ lives. The role of administrative law in common law countries is to govern these agencies and other public bodies in rulemaking in areas such as the issuance of licenses, law enforcement, hiring of employees, and awarding of government contracts. They also guide in the making of other rules and regulations.

Most countries that follow common law have enacted legal procedures and judicial review processes—such as the Administrative Procedures Act—which place limitations on the reviewability of decisions or regulations made by bodies involved in administrative law.

In common law countries, bureaucratic agencies make up the largest percentage of the government sector of government and generate the highest number of decisions that directly affect the citizens’ lives. They also guide in the making of other rules and regulations.

Countries that follow the common law have come enacted legal procedures and judicial review processes, such as the Administrative Procedures Act, which places limitations on the reviewability of decisions or conclusions made by bodies involved in administrative law. The power to review decisions that concern administrative law is normally established and guarded by statute but was initially established by English law. In common law countries, the power to pass writs such as writs of certiorari and writs of habeas corpus is guaranteed in their constitution.

  • Breyer, Stephen. “Administrative Law & Regulatory Policy.” Aspen Publishing, March 2022, ISBN-10: ‎1543825826.
  • Levin, Ronald. “Administrative Law and Process in a Nutshell.” West Academic Publishing, December 30, 2016, ISBN-10: ‎1628103558.
  • Hall, Daniel. “Administrative Law: Bureaucracy in a Democracy.” Pearson, January 22, 2019, ISBN-10: ‎0135186323.
  • Jeffrey S. Lubbers, Jeffrey S. “A Guide to Federal Agency Rulemaking.” ‎ American Bar Association; 6th edition, December 7, 2019, ISBN-10: ‎164105316X.
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Public Administration and Administrative Law Essay

Public administration is the process through which governments manage the public. The laws of the land define boundaries in which public administrators offer guidance, as well as the roles of the citizens in the decision making process. Administrative law provides codes of operation for both the public administrator and the citizens. It encourages transparency and openness in carrying out public administration.

The law provides fairness in decision making process, which guarantees equity in the society. Administrative law ensures that citizens are part of the decision making in every public administration process. Rather than focusing on the outcome of the decision, administrative law focuses on the process of making the decisions.

When it is conducted transparently on a state level including the opinions of the citizens, this is democratic decision making. Administrative law goes hand in hand with the values of democracy; therefore, most democratic nations use administrative laws to guide administrators on ways of handling the public.

The Ontario government in the year 2007 promised to increase the minimum wage incrementally for three years. However, in 2009, the Premier held a closed-door meeting with business executives where he stated that he would stop the increments before achieving the decided amount. The Premier did not follow the right channels of making a decision as stipulated in the administrative law.

For this reason, the idea of altering the wage increment promise raised many procedural fairness issues. The wage increment was a top priority issue during the election period. Leaders who took office promised to raise the minimum wage to about eleven dollars per hour in a period of three years.

The outcome of the decision was fair, but many people claim that the government did not consider their views in making such decision. A fair decision making process must include the views of the affected group, in this case – the employees. Besides, the decisions concerning such issues as minimum wages must not be made behind the closed doors.

In his statement, the Premier admitted that wage increment should be fair to both the employees and the employers. However, he only consulted the business leaders on the matter and did not seek the views of the workers. The law states that the administrators must offer the affected group, in this case these are the employees, a forum to express themselves before making a decision.

The wage increment was to protect the employees from malicious employers. For this reason, the views of the employees were supposed to become the basis for making any decision concerning wage increment. Since the employees were not given an opportunity to express themselves, the decision-making process can be viewed as undemocratic and non-transparent.

In a democratic nation, politicians cannot alter decisions or promises made to the public without consulting the affected group. Although the Premier alluded to economic struggles as his driving force, both the law and the principles of democracy prohibit such actions.

The Premier could have held meetings with different unions and shared his concerns about the economic stability of the nation. This way, both the public and the Premier could have come up with reasonable and agreeable ways to deal with the wage increment issue openly and fairly.

One might say that the approach the Premier employed was the most efficient way to solve the problem. According to the definition of efficiency, it is the way to achieve the desired result with minimal waste of effort and time . The Premier arranged the meeting with business leaders, and after a private discussion, the decision was made.

This certainly helped to save a lot of time and effort, since finding out the opinion of the workers would have included making ballots, voting and then processing of the votes. Besides, to vote properly, the employees would have to be provided with the information concerning the financial problems and the obstacles to the planned wage increment. All of these preparations and procedures are normally rather lengthy.

This way, instead of engaging the employees, the Premier involved the business leaders as the representatives of the public. It goes without saying that business leaders possess a lot of theoretical and practical expert knowledge and are able to analyze the situation they face professionally, which they did.

Yet, the reaction of the employees was logical, they were not informed about the financial issues, they were not a part of the decision making process, and their promised wage increment was suddenly taken away for unknown reasons. Of course, the public immediately blamed the leaders of being crooked liars.

This is a typical reaction, which happens every time and in every situation when certain benefits are first promised and then not provided to the public. In order to avoid misinterpretations and frustration in the masses, democratic laws require that the public is informed about the events in time.

In turn, the democratic government officials do not have the right to make decisions on behalf of the public without having a consultation with the public, assuming that the public is well aware of the problems and can provide a wise and sober opinion.

The inclusion of the public into the decision making process does not only help to avoid disorders in the masses and develop mutual trust between the leaders and the public, but also psychologically prepares the citizens for the upcoming changes and makes them less unexpected and shocking in cases when the anticipated outcomes are negative.

The procedural fairness, in this case, goes beyond administrative law. The process of decision-making in public administration has a significant impact on the political, social, and economic aspects of life in a society. For instance, the failure to involve the employees in a decision-making process would breed enmity between the employees and employers.

The employers and employees present two main segments of a society including the rich and the poor. The purpose of the wage increment program was to bridge the gap between these two groups through equity and fair remunerations. Altering those decisions in favor of one group would sour the relationship between the rich and the poor, and enhance social inequality in the society.

The concept of discrimination is the cornerstone of human rights law. In the studied case, the actions of the Premier and business leaders and the exclusion of the public from the discussion of an issue may be perceived as discrimination of the working class and increase the tension between the classes and social equality is detrimental to the economy in a society.

In conclusion, administrative law is an essential element of governance in democratic nations. Public administrators have a duty to honor the laws of the land, including administrative laws in making decisions that affect the lives of the citizens.

The constitution and courts enforce these laws to ensure that the government serves its people with justice. Other than directing the daily operations in a society, the law provides an ideal coexistence between the leaders and their subjects by ensuring respect for the authority.

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IvyPanda. (2020, March 13). Public Administration and Administrative Law. https://ivypanda.com/essays/public-administration-and-administrative-law/

"Public Administration and Administrative Law." IvyPanda , 13 Mar. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/public-administration-and-administrative-law/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Public Administration and Administrative Law'. 13 March.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Public Administration and Administrative Law." March 13, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/public-administration-and-administrative-law/.

1. IvyPanda . "Public Administration and Administrative Law." March 13, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/public-administration-and-administrative-law/.


IvyPanda . "Public Administration and Administrative Law." March 13, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/public-administration-and-administrative-law/.

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Artificial Intelligence Act: MEPs adopt landmark law  

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  • Safeguards on general purpose artificial intelligence  
  • Limits on the use of biometric identification systems by law enforcement  
  • Bans on social scoring and AI used to manipulate or exploit user vulnerabilities  
  • Right of consumers to launch complaints and receive meaningful explanations  

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On Wednesday, Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence Act that ensures safety and compliance with fundamental rights, while boosting innovation.

The regulation, agreed in negotiations with member states in December 2023, was endorsed by MEPs with 523 votes in favour, 46 against and 49 abstentions.

It aims to protect fundamental rights, democracy, the rule of law and environmental sustainability from high-risk AI, while boosting innovation and establishing Europe as a leader in the field. The regulation establishes obligations for AI based on its potential risks and level of impact.

Banned applications

The new rules ban certain AI applications that threaten citizens’ rights, including biometric categorisation systems based on sensitive characteristics and untargeted scraping of facial images from the internet or CCTV footage to create facial recognition databases. Emotion recognition in the workplace and schools, social scoring, predictive policing (when it is based solely on profiling a person or assessing their characteristics), and AI that manipulates human behaviour or exploits people’s vulnerabilities will also be forbidden.

Law enforcement exemptions

The use of biometric identification systems (RBI) by law enforcement is prohibited in principle, except in exhaustively listed and narrowly defined situations. “Real-time” RBI can only be deployed if strict safeguards are met, e.g. its use is limited in time and geographic scope and subject to specific prior judicial or administrative authorisation. Such uses may include, for example, a targeted search of a missing person or preventing a terrorist attack. Using such systems post-facto (“post-remote RBI”) is considered a high-risk use case, requiring judicial authorisation being linked to a criminal offence.

Obligations for high-risk systems

Clear obligations are also foreseen for other high-risk AI systems (due to their significant potential harm to health, safety, fundamental rights, environment, democracy and the rule of law). Examples of high-risk AI uses include critical infrastructure, education and vocational training, employment, essential private and public services (e.g. healthcare, banking), certain systems in law enforcement, migration and border management, justice and democratic processes (e.g. influencing elections). Such systems must assess and reduce risks, maintain use logs, be transparent and accurate, and ensure human oversight. Citizens will have a right to submit complaints about AI systems and receive explanations about decisions based on high-risk AI systems that affect their rights.

Transparency requirements

General-purpose AI (GPAI) systems, and the GPAI models they are based on, must meet certain transparency requirements, including compliance with EU copyright law and publishing detailed summaries of the content used for training. The more powerful GPAI models that could pose systemic risks will face additional requirements, including performing model evaluations, assessing and mitigating systemic risks, and reporting on incidents.

Additionally, artificial or manipulated images, audio or video content (“deepfakes”) need to be clearly labelled as such.

Measures to support innovation and SMEs

Regulatory sandboxes and real-world testing will have to be established at the national level, and made accessible to SMEs and start-ups, to develop and train innovative AI before its placement on the market.

During the plenary debate on Tuesday, the Internal Market Committee co-rapporteur Brando Benifei (S&D, Italy) said: “We finally have the world’s first binding law on artificial intelligence, to reduce risks, create opportunities, combat discrimination, and bring transparency. Thanks to Parliament, unacceptable AI practices will be banned in Europe and the rights of workers and citizens will be protected. The AI Office will now be set up to support companies to start complying with the rules before they enter into force. We ensured that human beings and European values are at the very centre of AI’s development”.

Civil Liberties Committee co-rapporteur Dragos Tudorache (Renew, Romania) said: “The EU has delivered. We have linked the concept of artificial intelligence to the fundamental values that form the basis of our societies. However, much work lies ahead that goes beyond the AI Act itself. AI will push us to rethink the social contract at the heart of our democracies, our education models, labour markets, and the way we conduct warfare. The AI Act is a starting point for a new model of governance built around technology. We must now focus on putting this law into practice”.

The regulation is still subject to a final lawyer-linguist check and is expected to be finally adopted before the end of the legislature (through the so-called corrigendum procedure). The law also needs to be formally endorsed by the Council.

It will enter into force twenty days after its publication in the official Journal, and be fully applicable 24 months after its entry into force, except for: bans on prohibited practises, which will apply six months after the entry into force date; codes of practise (nine months after entry into force); general-purpose AI rules including governance (12 months after entry into force); and obligations for high-risk systems (36 months).

The Artificial Intelligence Act responds directly to citizens’ proposals from the Conference on the Future of Europe (COFE), most concretely to proposal 12(10) on enhancing EU’s competitiveness in strategic sectors, proposal 33(5) on a safe and trustworthy society, including countering disinformation and ensuring humans are ultimately in control, proposal 35 on promoting digital innovation, (3) while ensuring human oversight and (8) trustworthy and responsible use of AI, setting safeguards and ensuring transparency, and proposal 37 (3) on using AI and digital tools to improve citizens’ access to information, including persons with disabilities.


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  • Phone number: (+32) 2 28 42626 (BXL)  
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Janne OJAMO  

  • Phone number: (+32) 2 284 12 50 (BXL)  
  • Mobile number: (+32) 470 89 21 92  
  • E-mail: [email protected]  
  • Twitter account: @EP_Justice  

Further information  

  • Link to adopted text (13.03.2024)  
  • Plenary debate (12.03.2024)  
  • Procedure file  
  • EP Research Service: compilation of studies on Artificial Intelligence  
  • Result of roll-call votes (13.03.2024)  
  • Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection  
  • Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs  

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Published: Mar 20, 2024

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Introduction, challenges faced by sonic administrative assistants, opportunities for improvement, best practices for sonic administrative assistants.

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administrative law sample essay


  1. Nature and Purpose of Administrative law Free Essay Example

    administrative law sample essay

  2. Administrative Law

    administrative law sample essay

  3. Administrative Law Summary Notes

    administrative law sample essay

  4. Administrative Law Final Exam Essay Summary

    administrative law sample essay

  5. Essay Summary of Administrative Law

    administrative law sample essay

  6. Administrative Law Final Exam Essay Summary

    administrative law sample essay


  1. CertHE Common Law (UOL International Programme)

  2. Administrative Law Week 2 Tutorial

  3. MOVING INTO THE ACADEMICS AS A LAWYER---What you need to do!!!!

  4. Administrative Law

  5. Administrative Law General Principles: Lesson 1

  6. Administrative Law T3 2023 Week 10 Tutorial


  1. Administrative Law Essays

    Example essay. Last modified: 6th Oct 2021. The purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the differences between the presidential and parliamentary systems of governance with a view to recommending a system for Ghana. The paper has been structured to focus on the separation of powers, the procedure of removal from office and the functions of ...

  2. Free Administrative Law Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

    Administrative Law Essay Examples and Topics. 90 samples. Roy v. O'Neill: How the Australian Legal System Is Reflected in the Case. This work includes the description of the case, the theoretical base, and the analysis of the legal system's reflection through this particular example. Pages: 11.

  3. Administrative Law Exams

    Always concentrate on the last few years exams, and recognize that the course coverage varies each year. Administrative Law Fall 2018 - with sample essay question answers. Administrative Law Fall 2007 - with sample answers. Administrative Law Fall 2005 - Exam with sample answers - open book because of special Katrina circumstances, the rest are ...

  4. Administrative Law Essays (Examples)

    Administrative Law & Due Process The legal foundation for due process in the U.S. is the 5th Amendment which stipulates that the infringement of certain rights of citizens with respect to life, liberty, and property will not be permitted without due process of law. The two fundamental aspects of due process are notice and hearing. The processes themselves have evolved over time, but they are ...

  5. What Is Administrative Law? Definition and Examples

    Administrative law governs the regulation of areas such as trade, labor, manufacturing, civil rights, the environment, taxation, communications, and transportation. Citizens are most likely to deal with administrative law when they apply for government benefits. Examples of administrative law include The Civil Rights Act of 1964, part of which ...

  6. Applications of Administrative Law

    A review of current practices, possible implications, and the circumstances that inform a particular regulation might equally be critical. This essay, "Applications of Administrative Law" is published exclusively on IvyPanda's free essay examples database. You can use it for research and reference purposes to write your own paper.

  7. Public Administration and Administrative Law Essay

    Public administrators have a duty to honor the laws of the land, including administrative laws in making decisions that affect the lives of the citizens. The constitution and courts enforce these laws to ensure that the government serves its people with justice. Other than directing the daily operations in a society, the law provides an ideal ...

  8. PDF Page 1 of 4 Administrative Law

    Administrative Law - Fall 2019 - Sample Exam - Essay Questions . I have several old exams posted with sample answers, but none of these include essay questions. These are the essay questions from the fall 2018 exam. The . bold. entries after each question are my notes on the key information I was looking for in an answer to the question.

  9. Study Aids, Strategies & Exam Prep: Administrative Law

    Black Letter Outline: Administrative Law by Russell L. Weaver & William D. Araiza. Call Number: Study Aids First Floor at KF5402 .W428. Older editions available on 2nd Floor at: KF5402.Z9 .W428 ... Sample essay and multiple choice questions with model answers and analysis. Questions & Answers: Administrative Law. Call Number: Study Aids First ...

  10. Administrative Law Study Aids

    Call Number: Online via West Academic study aid subscription. ISBN: 9781636592619. Publication Date: 2022-04-12. This Guide explains complex Administrative Law concepts in accessible language without sacrificing the nuance that distinguishes a superior exam performance from an average one.

  11. Administrative law

    administrative law, the legal framework within which public administration is carried out. It derives from the need to create and develop a system of public administration under law, a concept that may be compared with the much older notion of justice under law. Since administration involves the exercise of power by the executive arm of ...

  12. Administrative Law: Sample Answers

    ADMINISTRATIVE LAW. Sample Answers to Final Exam. Spring - 1996. Prof. A. Michael Froomkin. QUESTION 1. The threshold fact to determine is whether this is a rule or can this action be interpreted to be an adjudication due to the tailoring of the application (see Vermont Yankee p. 508 quoting from Londoner v.Denver).

  13. Administrative Law Essay 1

    LS2033 essay 1. Admin Assessment - B2. Administrative Law Essay 1 - Essay on Judicial Review 1000 word essay administrative law 520920972 ls2033 ted for ted to bring an action of judicial review he.

  14. Administrative Law

    Administrative Law - Examples and Explanations by William F. Funk; Richard H. Seamon. Call Number: Aspen Learning Library (fka Wolters Kluwer Study Aid Library) ... Includes exam tips, sample exam and essay questions with model answers, and recommended approaches for crafting essays. (Emanuel Law Outlines) Administrative Law by Jack M. Beermann.

  15. Administrative Law Essay Sample

    LAW 443 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW I. Administrative law is all about administration of state affairs by the afore-mentioned agencies. More specifically, administrative law, inter alia: (a) Relates to the power and procedures of administrative agencies and the remedies available to persons who may be aggrieved by the conduct of these agencies; (b)

  16. Administrative Law Essay

    Administrative Law Essay. This problem is a straight forward problem in judicial review and prerogative remedies. Judicial review can be done through Prerogative orders. Judicial review refers to the Court's review of a lower or administrative body's factual or legal findings [1]. Prerogative remedies are remedies which if not always are ...

  17. Administrative-Law

    Administrative-Law. The importance of any case law can only be understood by appreciating the facts and the role of the concepts of Rule of Law and Separation of Powers as dealt by Judges of Supreme Court in the case. The case will be dealt: Firstly, Relevant Background; Secondly, Issues raised in the Judgement; Thirdly, Judgment by the Judges ...

  18. Nature and Purpose of Administrative law Free Essay Example

    Essay Sample: Introduction Administrative law is the law that determines the organization's powers and duties of administrative officers. It is the law relating to the Free essays. My List(0) About us; Our services. Essay topics and ideas; Custom essay writing; Flashcards and Quizzes ...

  19. The concept of 'internal judicial independence' in the case law of the

    Footnote 103 As such, I do not consider the situation here of certain administrative law tribunals and the Supreme Court (the court of cassation), since the internal organisation of those bodies differs significantly from the organisation of courts of first instance and appellate courts. Before 2002, judges essentially ruled over Dutch courts.

  20. PDF SAMPLE Examination for Administrative Law

    SAMPLE Examination for Administrative Law 2 General conditions of NCA online exams: The NCA allows three (3) hours in total for completion of each exam. NCA exams are open-book. Only hard copy study materials will be permitted; you will NOT have access to electronic copies of your notes or textbooks. The examination will be graded on a pass/fail basis (50% is a pass).

  21. Artificial Intelligence Act: MEPs adopt landmark law

    On Wednesday, Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence Act that ensures safety and compliance with fundamental rights, while boosting innovation. The regulation, agreed in negotiations with member states in December 2023, was endorsed by MEPs with 523 votes in favour, 46 against and 49 abstentions. It aims to protect fundamental rights ...

  22. Sonic Administrative Assistant Case Study

    Administrative assistants play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning of an organization. They are responsible for a wide range of tasks, including managing schedules, handling correspondence, and providing support to other staff members. In the case of Sonic, a global technology company, the role of the administrative assistant is ...

  23. Russia's Nuclear Deterrent Command Center Imperiled by ...

    A Russian nuclear deterrent command center in Moscow has been imperiled by power outages that have impacted more than one-quarter of the region's cities amid freezing temperatures, a Russian ...

  24. iNaturalist

    Intersection of Lenin Avenue, June 2014. Flag. Coat of arms

  25. Moscow Metro: Atlantic photo essay

    A visit to Russia is my to-do list. Great people & culture. [ Reply To This Message ] [ Share Thread on Facebook ] [ Start a New Thread ] [ Back to Thread List ]