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C Exercises – Practice Questions with Solutions for C Programming

The best way to learn C programming language is by hands-on practice. This C Exercise page contains the top 30 C exercise questions with solutions that are designed for both beginners and advanced programmers. It covers all major concepts like arrays, pointers, for-loop, and many more.


So, Keep it Up! Solve topic-wise C exercise questions to strengthen your weak topics.

C Programming Exercises

The following are the top 30 programming exercises with solutions to help you practice online and improve your coding efficiency in the C language. You can solve these questions online in GeeksforGeeks IDE.

Q1: Write a Program to Print “Hello World!” on the Console.

In this problem, you have to write a simple program that prints “Hello World!” on the console screen.

For Example,

Click here to view the solution.

Q2: write a program to find the sum of two numbers entered by the user..

In this problem, you have to write a program that adds two numbers and prints their sum on the console screen.

Q3: Write a Program to find the size of int, float, double, and char.

In this problem, you have to write a program to print the size of the variable.

Q4: Write a Program to Swap the values of two variables.

In this problem, you have to write a program that swaps the values of two variables that are entered by the user.


Swap two numbers

Q5: Write a Program to calculate Compound Interest.

In this problem, you have to write a program that takes principal, time, and rate as user input and calculates the compound interest.

Q6: Write a Program to check if the given number is Even or Odd.

In this problem, you have to write a program to check whether the given number is even or odd.

Q7: Write a Program to find the largest number among three numbers.

In this problem, you have to write a program to take three numbers from the user as input and print the largest number among them.

Q8: Write a Program to make a simple calculator.

In this problem, you have to write a program to make a simple calculator that accepts two operands and an operator to perform the calculation and prints the result.

Q9: Write a Program to find the factorial of a given number.

In this problem, you have to write a program to calculate the factorial (product of all the natural numbers less than or equal to the given number n) of a number entered by the user.

Q10: Write a Program to Convert Binary to Decimal.

In this problem, you have to write a program to convert the given binary number entered by the user into an equivalent decimal number.

Q11: Write a Program to print the Fibonacci series using recursion.

In this problem, you have to write a program to print the Fibonacci series(the sequence where each number is the sum of the previous two numbers of the sequence) till the number entered by the user using recursion.


Fibonacci Series

Q12: Write a Program to Calculate the Sum of Natural Numbers using recursion.

In this problem, you have to write a program to calculate the sum of natural numbers up to a given number n.

Q13: Write a Program to find the maximum and minimum of an Array.

In this problem, you have to write a program to find the maximum and the minimum element of the array of size N given by the user.

Q14: Write a Program to Reverse an Array.

In this problem, you have to write a program to reverse an array of size n entered by the user. Reversing an array means changing the order of elements so that the first element becomes the last element and the second element becomes the second last element and so on.


Reverse an array

Q15: Write a Program to rotate the array to the left.

In this problem, you have to write a program that takes an array arr[] of size N from the user and rotates the array to the left (counter-clockwise direction) by D steps, where D is a positive integer. 

Q16: Write a Program to remove duplicates from the Sorted array.

In this problem, you have to write a program that takes a sorted array arr[] of size N from the user and removes the duplicate elements from the array.

Q17: Write a Program to search elements in an array (using Binary Search).

In this problem, you have to write a program that takes an array arr[] of size N and a target value to be searched by the user. Search the target value using binary search if the target value is found print its index else print ‘element is not present in array ‘.

Q18: Write a Program to reverse a linked list.

In this problem, you have to write a program that takes a pointer to the head node of a linked list, you have to reverse the linked list and print the reversed linked list.

Q18: Write a Program to create a dynamic array in C.

In this problem, you have to write a program to create an array of size n dynamically then take n elements of an array one by one by the user. Print the array elements.

Q19: Write a Program to find the Transpose of a Matrix.

In this problem, you have to write a program to find the transpose of a matrix for a given matrix A with dimensions m x n and print the transposed matrix. The transpose of a matrix is formed by interchanging its rows with columns.

Q20: Write a Program to concatenate two strings.

In this problem, you have to write a program to read two strings str1 and str2 entered by the user and concatenate these two strings. Print the concatenated string.

Q21: Write a Program to check if the given string is a palindrome string or not.

In this problem, you have to write a program to read a string str entered by the user and check whether the string is palindrome or not. If the str is palindrome print ‘str is a palindrome’ else print ‘str is not a palindrome’. A string is said to be palindrome if the reverse of the string is the same as the string.

Q22: Write a program to print the first letter of each word.

In this problem, you have to write a simple program to read a string str entered by the user and print the first letter of each word in a string.

Q23: Write a program to reverse a string using recursion

In this problem, you have to write a program to read a string str entered by the user, and reverse that string means changing the order of characters in the string so that the last character becomes the first character of the string using recursion. 


reverse a string

Q24: Write a program to Print Half half-pyramid pattern.

In this problem, you have to write a simple program to read the number of rows (n) entered by the user and print the half-pyramid pattern of numbers. Half pyramid pattern looks like a right-angle triangle of numbers having a hypotenuse on the right side.

Q25: Write a program to print Pascal’s triangle pattern.

In this problem, you have to write a simple program to read the number of rows (n) entered by the user and print Pascal’s triangle pattern. Pascal’s Triangle is a pattern in which the first row has a single number 1 all rows begin and end with the number 1. The numbers in between are obtained by adding the two numbers directly above them in the previous row.


Pascal’s Triangle

Q26: Write a program to sort an array using Insertion Sort.

In this problem, you have to write a program that takes an array arr[] of size N from the user and sorts the array elements in ascending or descending order using insertion sort.

Q27: Write a program to sort an array using Quick Sort.

In this problem, you have to write a program that takes an array arr[] of size N from the user and sorts the array elements in ascending order using quick sort.

Q28: Write a program to sort an array of strings.

In this problem, you have to write a program that reads an array of strings in which all characters are of the same case entered by the user and sort them alphabetically. 

Q29: Write a program to copy the contents of one file to another file.

In this problem, you have to write a program that takes user input to enter the filenames for reading and writing. Read the contents of one file and copy the content to another file. If the file specified for reading does not exist or cannot be opened, display an error message “Cannot open file: file_name” and terminate the program else print “Content copied to file_name”

Q30: Write a program to store information on students using structure.

In this problem, you have to write a program that stores information about students using structure. The program should create various structures, each representing a student’s record. Initialize the records with sample data having data members’ Names, Roll Numbers, Ages, and Total Marks. Print the information for each student.

We hope after completing these C exercises you have gained a better understanding of C concepts. Learning C language is made easier with this exercise sheet as it helps you practice all major C concepts. Solving these C exercise questions will take you a step closer to becoming a C programmer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. what are some common mistakes to avoid while doing c programming exercises.

Some of the most common mistakes made by beginners doing C programming exercises can include missing semicolons, bad logic loops, uninitialized pointers, and forgotten memory frees etc.

Q2. What are the best practices for beginners starting with C programming exercises?

Best practices for beginners starting with C programming exercises: Start with easy codes Practice consistently Be creative Think before you code Learn from mistakes Repeat!

Q3. How do I debug common errors in C programming exercises?

You can use the following methods to debug a code in C programming exercises Read the error message carefully Read code line by line Try isolating the error code Look for Missing elements, loops, pointers, etc Check error online

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Problem Solving Through Programming in C

In this lesson, we are going to learn Problem Solving Through Programming in C. This is the first lesson while we start learning the C language.

Introduction to Problem Solving Through Programming in C

computer programmers are problem solvers. In order to solve a problem on a computer, we must know how to represent the information describing the problem and determine the steps to transform the information from one representation into another.

A computer is a very powerful and versatile machine capable of performing a multitude of different tasks, yet it has no intelligence or thinking power.

The computer cannot solve the problem on its own, one has to provide step by step solutions of the problem to the computer. In fact, the task of problem-solving is not that of the computer.

In order to solve a problem with the computer, one has to pass through certain stages or steps. They are as follows:

Steps to Solve a Problem With the Computer

Step 1: understanding the problem:, step 2: analyzing the problem:.

The idea here is to search for an appropriate solution to the problem under consideration. The end result of this stage is a broad overview of the sequence of operations that are to be carried out to solve the given problem.

Step 3: Developing the solution:

Step 4: coding and implementation:.

The vehicle for the computer solution to a problem is a set of explicit and unambiguous instructions expressed in a programming language. This set of instruction is called a program with problem solving through programming in C .

The problem solving is a skill and there are no universal approaches one can take to solving problems. Basically one must explore possible avenues to a solution one by one until she/he comes across the right path to a solution.

Problem Solving Steps

Problem-solving is a creative process which defines systematization and mechanization. There are a number of steps that can be taken to raise the level of one’s performance in problem-solving.

1. Problem Definition Phase:

In the problem definition phase, we must emphasize what must be done rather than how is it to be done. That is, we try to extract the precisely defined set of tasks from the problem statement.

2. Getting Started on a Problem:

Sometimes you do not have any idea where to begin solving a problem, even if the problem has been defined. Such block sometimes occurs because you are overly concerned with the details of the implementation even before you have completely understood or worked out a solution.

3. Use of Specific Examples:

It is usually much easier to work out the details of a solution to a specific problem because the relationship between the mechanism and the problem is more clearly defined.

4. Similarities Among Problems:

The more experience one has the more tools and techniques one can bring to bear in tackling the given problem. But sometimes, it blocks us from discovering a desirable or better solution to the problem.

5. Working Backwards from the Solution:

In some cases, we can assume that we already have the solution to the problem and then try to work backwards to the starting point. Even a guess at the solution to the problem may be enough to give us a foothold to start on the problem.

General Problem Solving Strategies:

There are a number of general and powerful computational strategies that are repeatedly used in various guises in computer science.

1. Divide and Conquer:

The Splitting can be carried on further so that eventually we have many sub-problems, so small that further splitting is no necessary to solve them. We shall see many examples of this strategy and discuss the gain in efficiency due to its application.

2. Binary Doubling:

3. dynamic programming:.

The travelling salesman problem falls into this category. The idea here is that a good or optimal solution to a problem can be built-up from good or optimal solutions of the sub-problems.

4. General Search, Back Tracking and Branch-and-Bound:

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  • Basic Algorithm
  • Variable Type
  • Input - Output
  • Conditional Statements
  • Do-While Loop
  • Linked List
  • Callback function
  • Variadic function
  • Inline Function
  • File Handling
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  • C Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution

What is C Programming Language?

C is a general-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations. C was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at Bell Labs. It has since become one of the most widely used programming languages of all time, with C compilers from various vendors available for the majority of existing computer architectures and operating systems.

The best way we learn anything is by practice and exercise questions. We have started this section for those (beginner to intermediate) who are familiar with C programming.

Hope, these exercises help you to improve your C programming coding skills. Currently, following sections are available, we are working hard to add more exercises. Please refer to this page for important C snippets, code, and examples before starting the exercises. Happy Coding!

List of C Programming Exercises :

  • Basic Declarations and Expressions [ 150 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Basic Part-II [ 7 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Basic Algorithm [ 75 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Variable Type [ 18 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Input, Output [ 10 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Conditional Statement [ 26 Exercises with Solution ]
  • While Loop [ 11 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Do-While Loop [ 12 Exercises with Solution ]
  • For Loop [ 61 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Array [ 107 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Structure [ 9 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Pointer [ 22 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Linked List [ 64 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Stack [ 17 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Binary Heap (Tree-Based Structure) [ 9 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Queue [ 13 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Hash [ 10 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Tree [ 10 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Graph [ 10 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Numbers [ 38 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Math [ 38 Exercises with Solution ]
  • String [ 41 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Date Time [ 10 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Function [ 12 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Callback Function [ 11 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Variadic Function [ 8 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Inline Function [ 11 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Recursion [ 21 Exercises with Solution ]
  • File Handling [ 19 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Search and Sorting [ 31 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Challenges [ 35 exercises with solution ]
  • C Snippets [29]
  • More to Come !

[ Want to contribute to C exercises? Send your code (attached with a .zip file) to us at w3resource[at]yahoo[dot]com. Please avoid copyrighted materials.]

Do not submit any solution of the above exercises at here, if you want to contribute go to the appropriate exercise page.

"Hello World!" in C Easy C (Basic) Max Score: 5 Success Rate: 85.72%

Playing with characters easy c (basic) max score: 5 success rate: 84.42%, sum and difference of two numbers easy c (basic) max score: 5 success rate: 94.63%, functions in c easy c (basic) max score: 10 success rate: 96.01%, pointers in c easy c (basic) max score: 10 success rate: 96.59%, conditional statements in c easy c (basic) max score: 10 success rate: 96.95%, for loop in c easy c (basic) max score: 10 success rate: 93.76%, sum of digits of a five digit number easy c (basic) max score: 15 success rate: 98.67%, bitwise operators easy c (basic) max score: 15 success rate: 94.98%, printing pattern using loops medium c (basic) max score: 30 success rate: 95.95%, cookie support is required to access hackerrank.

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  • AYUSH JAISWAL 3 years ago Can be explained in a better way and slides could have been provided as study materials. Better to add some more examples for students to understand. Helpful

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Problem solving through Programming In C - Session I - Program II Change of score

Those who have answered the program -II of Session-I correctly regardless of whichever printf statement ("Total Repeated elements" or "Total repeated elements" ) you have used may notice that their score is shown as 50% (for this particular program only).  You do not need to worry about it. It will be treated as full marks (100%) while calculating the final score.  This is mainly done to incorporate both the printf statement.  Thanks

Problem solving through Programming In C - Unproctored Exam Test - Session 2

Dear Students, The questions for the Unproctored Programming Exam Test are available now in the course page. Please fine the questions under the course outline Programming Exam Jan 2021(Second Session): (8.00PM - 9.00PM). You can access the questions in the below link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=199 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=200 Best of Luck! -NPTEL Team

Problem solving through Programming In C - Unproctored Exam Test - Session 1

Dear Students, The questions for the Unproctored Programming Exam Test are available now in the course page. Please fine the questions under the course outline  Programming Exam Jan 2021 (First Session:   (10.00AM - 11.00AM). You can access the questions in the below link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=196 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=197 Best of Luck! -NPTEL Team

Reminder 2: Problem solving through Programming In C : Online Programming test (Jan 2021 Semester) - April 18,2021!!

Dear Learner Unproctored Programming exam for this course will be as per schedule. Date:   April 18, 2021 (Sunday) First Session:  10.00AM - 11.00AM   (Duration of the session will be 1 hr) Second Session: 8.00PM - 9.00PM  (Duration of the session will be  1 hr ) Please check previous announcement for more details. -NPTEL Team

Reminder 1: Problem solving through Programming In C : Online Programming test (Jan 2021 Semester) - Postponed to April 18,2021!!

Dear Candidate "This is applicable only for those who have registered for Jan 2021 Exam" The criteria for certification of this course " Problem solving through Programming In C " is different because of the online programming exam component.  Please read the following carefully. Final score = 25% of Assignment score + 50% of Online exam score (Proctored) + 25% of Programming exam (unproctored).  - Unproctored means, candidates will be taking the exam from college/home without NPTEL team present for monitoring the test- with access to all resources. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  How to take the online programming test 1. Go to:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/ 2. Log in using the same email id which you have been accessing the course (i.e. using to watch videos & submit Assignments) 3. There will be sections under the course outline  "Programming Test (April 18)"   that will have the online programming exam link.   4. You can click on this link and attempt the programming exam. Date:   April 18, 2021 (Sunday) First Session:  10.00AM - 11.00AM   (Duration of the session will be 1 hr) Second Session: 8.00PM - 9.00PM  (Duration of the session will be  1 hr ) Note - You can take any one or both sessions too; the best score will be considered towards the final certification score. - You can take the exam from your college or home. - The exam has to be taken in pc or laptop.  DO NOT TRY TO TAKE THE EXAM USING YOUR MOBILE PHONE. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  - If you encounter any issues during the exam, please write to   [email protected] IMPORTANT: CERTIFICATION CRITERIA     Candidates have to come to the exam center and take the theory test on  April 24,2021.     It is mandatory to take the Proctored in-person final exam to obtain a certificate.     To pass the course and get a certificate:   Assignment score >= 40/100 AND Programming exam score >= 40/100 AND Proctored exam score >= 40/100         OR   Assignment score >= 10/25 AND Programming exam score >= 10/25 AND Proctored exam score >= 20/50    All 3 conditions have to be satisfied. All the best to the candidates! -NPTEL Team.

Problem solving through Programming In C : Online Programming test (Jan 2021)

Dear Candidate "This is applicable only for those who have registered for Jan 2021 Exam" The criteria for certification of this course " Problem solving through Programming In C " is different because of the online programming exam component.  Please read the following carefully. Final score = 25% of Assignment score + 50% of Online exam score (Proctored) + 25% of Programming exam (unproctored).  - Unproctored means, candidates will be taking the exam from college/home without NPTEL team present for monitoring the test- with access to all resources. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  How to take the online programming test 1. Go to:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/ 2. Log in using the same email id which you have been accessing the course (i.e. using to watch videos & submit Assignments) 3. There will be sections under the course outline  "Programming Test (March 16)"   that will have the online programming exam link.   4. You can click on this link and attempt the programming exam. Date:   March 16, 2021 (Tuesday) First Session:  10.00AM - 11.00AM   (Duration of the session will be 1 hr) Second Session: 8.00PM - 9.00PM  (Duration of the session will be  1 hr ) Note - You can take any one or both sessions too; the best score will be considered towards the final certification score. - You can take the exam from your college or home. - The exam has to be taken in pc or laptop.  DO NOT TRY TO TAKE THE EXAM USING YOUR MOBILE PHONE. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  - If you encounter any issues during the exam, please write to   [email protected] IMPORTANT: CERTIFICATION CRITERIA     Candidates have to come to the exam center and take the theory test on April 24,2021.     It is mandatory to take the Proctored in-person final exam to obtain a certificate.     To pass the course and get a certificate:   Assignment score >= 40/100 AND Programming exam score >= 40/100 AND Proctored exam score >= 40/100         OR   Assignment score >= 10/25 AND Programming exam score >= 10/25 AND Proctored exam score >= 20/50    All 3 conditions have to be satisfied. All the best to the candidates! -NPTEL Team.

Thank you for learning with NPTEL!

Dear Learner, Thank you for taking the course with NPTEL!! Hope you enjoyed the journey with us. The results for this course have been published and we are closing this course now.  You will still have access to the contents and assignments of this course, if you click on the course name from the "Mycourses" tab on  swayam.gov.in . The discussion forum is being closed though and you cannot ask questions here. For any further queries please write to  [email protected] . Enrollments are still open for 500+ courses for the Jan 2021 Semester!!! Enrollment for First set of courses will be closed by Feb 1,2021 Please Click here to see the Final course list for Jan 2021: https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX- 1vRTVXhVv0WXRk1wRyUTQrrJ2sXkZL hYELokwX8K7mRCDK42navKKDHHet7I iczDNODvLNY4fKnmEpka/pubhtml? urp=gmail_link&gxids=7628 - Team NPTEL

Problem solving through Programming In C: Results Published

  • If You have filled G-Form for Name/DOB changes, it will be reflected in your login and  E-Certificate after Jan 15th, 2021.
  • As announced earlier, hard copies of certificates will not be dispatched.

Problem solving through Programming In C : Open now for exam registration 2021!

Dear candidate, Here is a golden opportunity for those who had previously enrolled in  this  course during the  Jan 2020  semester, but could not participate in the exams  or were absent/did not pass the exam for this course .  This course is being reoffered in Jan 2021 and w e are giving you another chance to  write the exam  in Mar/Apr 2021 and obtain a certificate based on NPTEL norms. Do not let go of this unique opportunity to earn a certificate from the IITs/IISc. IMPORTANT instructions for learners - Please read this carefully  1 . The exam date for  this  course :   April 24, 2021 2. Certification exam registration URL is:  https://examform.nptel.ac. in/     Please  fill the exam form using the  same Enrolled email id  & make fee payment via the form, as before. 3. Choose from the Cities where exam will be conducted:  Exam Cities     4.  You  DO NOT have to re-enroll in the courses.  5.  You  DO NOT have to resubmit Assignments OR participate in the non-proctored  programming exams. 6. If you do enroll to Jan 2021 course, w e will take the best  average assignment  scores /non- proctored programming exam score  across the  two  semester s    Our suggestion : -  Please  check once if  you  have  >=  40/100   in average assignment score  and also the cutoff required in the non-proctored programming exam(s), wherever applicable. - If not,  please  submit Assignments  again in the Jan 2021 course  & and also participate in the non-proctored programming exams to become eligible for the e-certificate. -  You  can also submit Assignments  again  and participate in the non-proctored programming exams if  you  want to better  your  previous scores. RECOMMENDATION:  Please enroll to the Jan 2021 course   and brush up your lessons for the exam. 7. Exam fees:  If you register for the exam and pay before  Mar 8, 2021, 10:00 AM,  Exam fees will be  Rs. 1000/- per exam .  If you register for exam before  Mar 8, 2021 , 10:00 AM  and have not paid or if you register between  Mar 8, 2021, 10:00 AM & Mar 12, 2021, 5:00 PM,  Exam fees will be  Rs. 1500/-  per exam  8. 50% fee waiver for the following categories:  Students belonging to the SC/ST category: please select Yes for the SC/ST option and upload the correct Community certificate. Students belonging to the PwD category with more than 40% disability: please select Yes for the option and upload the relevant Disability certificate.  9. Last date for exam registration: Mar 12, 2021 5:00 PM (Friday).  10. Mode of payment: Online payment - debit card/credit card/net banking.  11. HALL TICKET:  The hall ticket will be available for download tentatively by  2 weeks prior to the exam date .  We will confirm the same through an announcement once it is published.  12. FOR CANDIDATES WHO WOULD LIKE TO WRITE MORE THAN 1 COURSE EXAM:- you can add or delete courses and pay separately – till the date when the exam form closes. Same day of exam – you can write exams for 2 courses in the 2 sessions. Same exam center will be allocated for both the sessions.  13.  Data changes:  Last date for data changes: Mar 12, 2021, 5:00 PM:  All the fields in the Exam form except for the following ones can be changed until the form closes.  The following 6 fields can be changed ONLY when there are NO courses in the course cart. And you will be able to edit the following fields only if you: -  REMOVE unpaid courses from the cart And/or - CANCEL paid courses  1. Do you come under the SC/ST category? *  2. SC/ST Proof  3. Are you a person with disabilities? *  4. Are you a person with disabilities above 40%?  5. Disabilities Proof  6. What is your role ?  Note:  Once you remove or cancel a course, you will be able to edit these fields immediately.  But, for cancelled courses, refund of fees will be initiated only after 2 weeks.  14.  LAST DATE FOR CANCELLING EXAMS and getting a refund: Mar 12, 2021, 5:00 PM  15. Click here to view Timeline and Guideline :  Guideline   We hope that those who missed out on writing exams previously will make use of this unique opportunity Please write to  [email protected]  for any queries.  Thanks & Regards,  - NPTEL TEAM.

Feedback for Problem solving through Programming In C

Dear student, We are glad that you have attended the NPTEL online certification course. We hope you found the NPTEL Online course useful and have started using NPTEL extensively. In this regard, we would like to have feedback from you regarding our course and whether there are any improvements, you would like to suggest.   We are enclosing an online feedback form and would request you to spare some of your valuable time to input your observations. Your esteemed input will help us in serving you better. The link to give your feedback is:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1msj3KTtZXAA2bZd9udiIkuKhzwRSEeTVgfB6XpPSmGs/viewform We thank you for your valuable time and feedback. Thanks & Regards, -NPTEL Team

Regarding Hall Tickets - Problem Solving through Programming in C

Those who have not received the hall tickets yet, kindly send a mail to

[email protected] regarding the same.

Exam Format - Jan 2020 courses!!

Dear Candidate, Type of exam will be available in the list: Click Here You will have to appear at the allotted exam center and produce your Hall ticket and Government Photo Identification Card (Example: Driving License, Passport, PAN card, Voter ID, Aadhaar-ID with your Name, date of birth, photograph and signature) for verification and take the exam in person.  You can find the final allotted exam center details in the hall ticket. The hall ticket is yet to be released.  We will notify the same through email and SMS. Type of exam: Computer based exam (Please check in the above list corresponding to your course name) The questions will be on the computer and the answers will have to be entered on the computer; type of questions may include multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, essay-type answers, etc. Type of exam: Paper and pen Exam  (Please check in the above list corresponding to your course name) The questions will be on the computer. You will have to write your answers on sheets of paper and submit the answer sheets. Papers will be sent to the faculty for evaluation. On-Screen Calculator Demo Link: Kindly use the below link to get an idea of how the On-screen calculator will work during the exam. https://tcsion.com/ OnlineAssessment/ ScientificCalculator/ Calculator.html NOTE: Physical calculators are not allowed inside the exam hall. -NPTEL Team

Reminder 3: Problem solving through Programming In C : Online Programming test

Dear Candidate The criteria for certification of this course " Problem solving through Programming In C " is different because of the online programming exam component.  Please read the following carefully. Final score = 25% of Assignment score + 50% of Online exam score (Proctored) + 25% of Programming exam (unproctored).  - Unproctored means, candidates will be taking the exam from college/home without NPTEL team present for monitoring the test- with access to all resources. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  How to take the online programming test 1. Go to:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/ 2. Log in using the same email id which you have been accessing the course (i.e. using to watch videos & submit Assignments) 3. There will be sections under the course outline  "December 4 programming Test"   that will have the online programming exam link.   4. You can click on this link and attempt the programming exam. Date:   Dec 4, 2020 (Friday) First Session:  10.00AM - 11.00AM   (Duration of the session will be 1 hr) Second Session: 8.00PM - 9.00PM  (Duration of the session will be  1 hr ) Note - You can take any one or both sessions too; the best score will be considered towards the final certification score. - You can take the exam from your college or home. - The exam has to be taken in pc or laptop.  DO NOT TRY TO TAKE THE EXAM USING YOUR MOBILE PHONE. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  - If you encounter any issues during the exam, please write to   [email protected] IMPORTANT: CERTIFICATION CRITERIA     Candidates have to come to the exam center and take the theory test on  Dec 19, 2020.     It is mandatory to take the Proctored in-person final exam to obtain a certificate.     To pass the course and get a certificate:   Assignment score >= 40/100 AND Programming exam score >= 40/100 AND Proctored exam score >= 40/100         OR   Assignment score >= 10/25 AND Programming exam score >= 10/25 AND Proctored exam score >= 20/50    All 3 conditions have to be satisfied. All the best to the candidates! -NPTEL Team.

Problem solving through Programming in C Unproctored Exam Test

Dear learners, There will be 3 programs for Unproctored Exam under December 4 programming test. You have to complete any 2 programs in 1 hour. You don't have to do all the programs.

NPTEL Jan-Apr 2020 - Update about PASS Certificate

The Assignment score sheet and Modified Pass certificate, if you are eligible for it, for all the exam registered courses have been generated.

How to access Candidate login:

Please login to https://nptel.ac.in/noc/ (preferably in incognito mode) with the exam registered email ID to check the same.

Average Assignment score is calculated as follows:

Please check Candidate login for details.

Modified pass certificate:

If this score >= 40/100 (which is also one condition for certificate eligibility), we will issue a modified Pass certificate.

If this score <40/100, this certificate will not be issued.

This Modified Pass certificate will not be counted towards the Domain certification as a completed course. 

Similarly, we will not be issuing an AICTE-NPTEL FDP certificate also based on the Modified Pass certificate.

For any queries, please write to [email protected]

As announced earlier there will be NO dispatch of certificate hard copies. 

Also, the certificate publishing link for social media is currently disabled.

Regarding the exam fee which you had paid for the Jan-Apr 2020 exams

Choose between the two options given below:

1. OPTION 1: "I wish to write exam"

NPTEL is planning to conduct the Jan-Apr 2020 semester exams (online remote proctored AND/OR in-person exams) in the coming days, based on prevalent government guidelines at that time. If you wish to write this exam - whenever we conduct it - we will retain the fees you had paid earlier and,

Inform you as & when we plan to conduct the exam for the subject you have registered.

You will be informed of the mode and date of the exam.

At that point if you are unable to write the exam, you will be allowed to cancel the registration and take the refund.

By choosing this Option 1, you also agree that:

If I choose Exam and I am absent for it OR do not pass the exam based on NPTEL criteria, I will not get a certificate or refund of fees.

2. OPTION 2: "I wish to cancel and take refund"

In case you do not wish to write the exam for the NPTEL course offered in Jan 2020, please choose this option.

In this case you will get a refund of 80% of the fee paid earlier.

You also hereby agree that even if we organize the exam on a later date, you will not be permitted to write the exam.


If you do not fill this form before the given deadline, by default, we will retain your exam fees and will expect you to write the exam on a later date as explained above. 

Form Link: bit.ly/ExamOrRefundForm

For any queries: please contact [email protected]  

NPTEL: Latest update on Exams for Jan 2020 semester

Dear learner, Hope you are safe and doing fine in the current situation. This is with regard to the Jan-Apr 2020 NPTEL exams. Based on the feedback received the last couple of days from several stakeholders such as learners, colleges, etc, we have decided on the following: Cancelling the exams scheduled for 23/24/25 June through TCS The exams scheduled on 23/24/25 June, stand cancelled and the choices learners had opted for - In person exams or Refund, stand cancelled. 1. Attested Assignment Score sheet:  For ALL exam registered candidates: We will issue an attested assignment score sheet letter, regardless of your assignment score - which can be used as appropriate. 2. Modified Pass certificate: Based on Average Assignment score We will calculate the Average Assignment score as follows: Average of the best 3/6/8 assignments for courses of duration 4/8/12 weeks (or as announced apriori in the course in case of changes) If this score >= 40/100 (which is also one condition for certificate eligibility), we will issue a modified Pass certificate. If this score <40/100, this certificate will not be issued. This certificate will not be counted towards the Domain certification as a completed course.  Similarly, we will not be issuing an AICTE-NPTEL FDP certificate also based on this. 3. A generic letter from our side - request to College authorities to accept this as per their requirement will be put up on  nptel.ac.in , can be downloaded and used We will put up a pdf in which we will explain the assignment score sheet and the Pass certificate and request them to accept and process further. We will also independently approach the ministry, AICTE and UGC to convey this new process for Jan 2020 semester to all universities.    Regarding the conduct of exams in future: Independent of the Pass certificate and the Attested assignment score sheet mentioned above,  in order to plan for a possible exam sometime in the future, w e will share another form after the above activities are completed, with 2 choices:   a.  Cancel and refund  - Those who are very sure that they would not want to appear for regular proctored NPTEL exams and want a refund - can choose this. We will refund the money. We may not be able to open registrations again in this case if you wish to appear for it later. b.  NPTEL can retain fees for exams whenever organized for Jan 2020 courses  -Those who would like to wait and take the exam with us - whenever we conduct it - can opt for this choice  and we will keep the fees with us. Writing this and passing as per the certification criteria laid down will get them the regular NPTEL certificate. This will alone be counted towards the Domain certificate and issue of the FDP certificate. The mode of conducting the exams, date of the exams, etc - we will inform as the situation evolves.   For any queries: please contact  [email protected]. in -NPTEL Team


NPTEL Committee has decided to discontinue the Online Remote Proctored Exam Option .

Hence, you now have to choose between the following 2 options.


We will be conducting exams with TCS iON (like we normally do) for which you have to appear in person at the designated exam centre in the city chosen by you.

The current exam dates fixed for this are:

Exams scheduled on the below date

Rescheduled - New Date

March 29, 2020

June 23, 2020

April 25, 2020

June 24, 2020

April 26, 2020

June 25, 2020


The above is subject to Government restrictions prevalent in various states at that point in time.

If you choose this option, the responsibility to reach the centre lies with you.

If the exams do get postponed due to unavoidable circumstances, exams may be conducted in August 2020 or maybe even as late as in October 2020.

If you choose to write the exam through this option and the exam is conducted by us in a particular city and you miss it, refund will NOT be possible as all arrangements would have been made with the vendor for the same and hence payment made to the vendor.

If you do pass the course as per the criteria mentioned, certificate will be the same as we normally give.

  • We will ensure you will be able to write the exams you have registered for without a clash in slots.

NPTEL, along with the exam partner, will make sure that exams are conducted by following appropriate social distancing norms and hygiene rules as required in the current situation.

We will try and ensure conduct of exam in the cities given in the list, but if in case for any unforeseen reason, we are unable to conduct the exam in the city chosen by you, we will refund 80% of the exam fee. In this case, you will not get the certificate from us.

Same final score calculation and pass criteria as mentioned in the Course introduction page will be applied  and NPTEL certificates will be given as per that.

Exam fees will not be refunded if you select this option and later do not/cannot take the exam.

In the link given below, you may choose exam cities where you prefer to write exams.

------------------------------ ----


NPTEL certificate will NOT be issued in this case and you will only get an attested assignment score sheet. We will create and share a letter stating the Assignment scores obtained in the course, by the end of June, 2020.

We will refund 80% of the exam fees you had paid, with 20% retained by NPTEL towards admin costs. Refund will be initiated only after exams are concluded (after June 25).


By default, your choice will be taken as: CANCEL AND REFUND


Link: bit.ly/NPTELExamOptionForm (Please open from Incognito window)

- NPTEL Team

NPTEL:New Exam dates and options for Jan-Apr 2020

  • A laptop/desktop with webcam, audio and stable internet connection.
  • You can write the exam from wherever you are.
  • Please check system requirements shown below.

problem solving through programming in c

If you wish to take the remote proctored online exam online, please follow the following steps. STEP 1 : Mock Test You will receive an email with Link for a Mock Test. Please go ahead and use this link to test your system requirements and compatibility.

  • The duration of this Mock test will be 10 mins.
  • This Mock Test has to be completed in order to check your system’s compatibility to take the remote proctored online exam.
  • Hence, completing this Mock test is Mandatory for those who wish to take the remote proctored online exam.
  • Those who do not complete the Mock Test successfully will not be able to participate in the remote proctored online exam.
  • We, along with the exam partner, will make sure that exams will be conducted by following appropriate social distancing norms and hygiene rules as required in the current situation.
  • It will be your responsibility to ensure that you reach the centre to give the exam.
  • We will try and ensure conduct of exam in the cities given in the list, but if in case for any unforeseen reason, we are unable to conduct the exam in the city chosen by you, we will refund 80% of the exam fee and you will not get the certificate from us.
  • Those of you graduating this year and who definitely need an NPTEL certificate - we suggest that you should make a serious effort in attempting this online remote proctored exam. As you know, the in-person-at-centre exam has a lot more dependencies on external factors. So please try to arrange for the systems per the requirements and attempt this online exam.
  • The above 3 options can be exercised for each of the courses registered for individually.
  • If you pass the course as per the certification criteria, the certificate will be the same as we normally give.
  • You can choose either the online exam session or the in-person session to write the exam. If you miss that we will be unable to provide another opportunity to take up the exam this semester. The fees paid will be used towards this one session.
  • Fees will not be refunded if you participate in this exam and then could not complete the exam for any reason whatsoever.

Problem solving through Programming In C : Jan-Apr 2020 semester - Non-proctored Programming exam - cancelled

  • ( All assignments in a particular week will be counted towards final scoring - quizzes and programming assignments). 

Problem solving through Programming In C - Solution for Week 12 Assignment

Dear Learners,

Detailed Solution for Assignment 12 is available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Problem solving through Programming In C - Week 12 Feedback Form

Thank you for enrolling to this NPTEL course and we hope you have gone through the contents for this week and also attempted the assignment.

We value your feedback and wish to know how you found the videos and the questions asked - whether they were easy, difficult, as per your expectations, etc

We shall use this to make the course better and we can also know from the feedback which concepts need more explanation, etc.

Please do spare some time to give your feedback - comprises just 5 questions - should not take more than a minute, but makes a lot of difference for us as we know what the learners feel.

Here is the link to the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdHGLrRc9m1gjDlV2w7K0hL9eBq2XcMSJ-LYG6tWhxlR5ZRPw/viewform

Re-evaluation of Week-10 Quiz score

A brand new series from nptel is available from april 13, 2020 onward.

problem solving through programming in c

Problem solving through Programming In C - Week 12 is live now!!

Dear Students

The lecture videos for Week 12 have been uploaded for the course Problem solving through Programming In C  . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=13&lesson=70

The other lectures of this week are accessible from the navigation bar to the left. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already).

Assignments for  Week 12 are also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=13&assessment=159 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=177 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=178 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=179 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=180 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=181

The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, 2020-04-22, 23:59 IST. For Programming assignment due date will be : 2020-04-23, 23:59 IST.

As we have done so far, please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module.

--NPTEL Team

Problem solving through Programming In C - Week 11 Feedback Form

Problem solving through programming in c - solution for week 10 assignment.

Detailed Solution for Assignment 10 is available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Problem solving through Programming In C - April 25 NPTEL Exam Postponed

Dear learner, Hope you are staying safe and keeping well.  We are entering the last week of learning in all NPTEL online courses of the Jan 2020 Semester, next week. Many of you have been wondering about the status of exams and writing to us or posting on the forums.  In view of the current situation all across the country, we are  postponing the NPTEL exams  that were scheduled to have happened on April 25. We are still unsure about the dates for conducting the same as it depends on how things change. We will keep you informed through email and sms as we finalise the options. Once the dates are finalised, we will also allow you: 1. to cancel your exams if the future dates announced by us do not suit you  2. to change cities selected, if required. Please check the course Announcement section, your email (spam/junk folders also) and ask your friends/college for updates so that you don't miss it. Please write to  [email protected]  for any clarifications/concerns. Warm regards Nptel team

COVID-19 Lockdown should not affect your study - Join us for a session on how to utilize resources in Nptel

Dear Learners  We hope you are doing well and staying safe.  *Stuck indoors due to covid-19?*  *Have time and would like to use it well?*  *Have a passion to learn?*  Join us for a session on how to utilize resources in Nptel.  Presenter:  Dr. Prathap Haridoss  Professor, Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engg, IIT Madras  NPTEL Coordinator  Date:  April 7, 2020 (Tuesday)  Time:  4:00 pm  YouTube link  -  https://youtu.be/BqD6CGIM5Dw   Stay Home Stay Safe!”  Happy Learning!  NPTEL Team.

Problem solving through Programming In C - Online Programming test Postponed

Dear Candidate Taking into consideration the current situation due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and preventive actions, we are postponing the NPTEL Programming exam scheduled on April 15,2020 and 10AM and 8PM. We will keep you posted about the final date for the exam shortly. Please check your email/course announcement for further updates. Stay Home Stay Safe!” - NPTEL team

Problem solving through Programming In C - Week 10 Feedback Form

Problem solving through programming in c - week 11 is live now.

The lecture videos for Week 11 have been uploaded for the course Problem solving through Programming In C . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=12&lesson=65

Assignments for  Week 11 are also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=12&assessment=158 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=169 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=170 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=171 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=172 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=173

The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, 2020-04-15, 23:59 IST. For Programming assignment due date will be : 2020-04-16, 23:59 IST.

Problem solving through Programming In C - Solution for Week 9 Assignment

Detailed Solution for Assignment 9 is available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Problem solving through Programming In C - Week 10 is live now!!

The lecture videos for Week 10 have been uploaded for the course Problem solving through Programming In C . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=11&lesson=60

Assignments for  Week 10 are also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=11&assessment=157 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=162 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=163 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=164 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=165 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=166

The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, 2020-04-08, 23:59 IST. For Programming assignment due date will be : 2020-04-09, 23:59 IST.

Problem solving through Programming In C - Solution for Week 8 Assignment

Detailed Solution for Assignment 8 is available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Problem solving through Programming In C - Week 9 Feedback Form

Problem solving through programming in c - week 9 is live now.

The lecture videos for Week 9 have been uploaded for the course Problem solving through Programming In C . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=10&lesson=55

Assignments for  Week 9 are also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=10&assessment=150 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=151 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=152 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=153 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=154 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=155

The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, 2020-04-01, 23:59 IST. For Programming assignment due date will be : 2020-04-02, 23:59 IST.

Problem solving through Programming In C- Week 8 Feedback Form

Exam registration related queries.

Kindly write all exam registration queries (e.g. payment not successful, not received payment confirmation, not able to pay, refund etc.)  to  [email protected]

Problem solving through Programming In C : Content Release will be as per schedule

Dear Learner We are receiving queries about the course schedule due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and preventive actions. We will release our contents/assignment every Monday as usual till the course end date. Hence please note that our courses will be as per the schedule and request you to login your course and check for the contents every week. - NPTEL team 

Problem solving through Programming In C - Week 8 is live now!!

The lecture videos for Week 8 have been uploaded for the course Problem solving through Programming In C . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=9&lesson=50

Assignments for  Week 8 are also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=9&assessment=140 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=142 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=144 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=145 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=146 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=147

The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, 2020-03-25, 23:59 IST. For Programming assignment due date will be : 2020-03-26, 23:59 IST.

Regarding Week-8 Quiz Question No. 9

In Question no. 9 please consider a, b and c as three different numbers and answer the question accordingly. 

Problem solving through Programming In C - Solution for Week 6 Assignment

Detailed Solution for Assignment 6 is available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Problem solving through Programming In C : Online Programming test

Dear Candidate The criteria for certification of this course " Problem solving through Programming In C " is different because of the online programming exam component.  Please read the following carefully. Final score = 25% of Assignment score + 50% of Online exam score (Proctored) + 25% of Programming exam (unproctored).  - Unproctored means, candidates will be taking the exam from college/home without NPTEL team present for monitoring the test- with access to all resources. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  How to take the online programming test 1. Go to:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/ 2. Log in using the same email id which you have been accessing the course (i.e. using to watch videos & submit Assignments) 3. There will be sections under the course outline  "April 15 programming Test"   that will have the online programming exam link.   4. You can click on this link and attempt the programming exam. Date:   April 15 (Wednesday) First Session: 10.00AM - 11.00PM  (Duration of the session will be 1 hr) Second Session: 8.00PM - 9.00PM  (Duration of the session will be  1 hr ) Note - You can take any one or both sessions too; the best score will be considered towards the final certification score. - You can take the exam from your college or home. - The exam has to be taken in pc or laptop.  DO NOT TRY TO TAKE THE EXAM USING YOUR MOBILE PHONE. - The discussion forum will be disabled during the exam duration (during both sessions) and re-enabled thereafter.  - If you encounter any issues during the exam, please write to   [email protected] IMPORTANT: CERTIFICATION CRITERIA     Candidates have to come to the exam center and take the theory test on  April 25, 2020.     It is mandatory to take the Proctored in-person final exam to obtain a certificate.     To pass the course and get a certificate:   Assignment score >= 40/100 AND Programming exam score >= 40/100 AND Proctored exam score >= 40/100         OR   Assignment score >= 10/25 AND Programming exam score >= 10/25 AND Proctored exam score >= 20/50    All 3 conditions have to be satisfied. All the best to the candidates! -NPTEL Team.

Correction in Week-7 Assignment Question No. 3 option (c)

In Week 7, Question no. 3 the option (c) is wrongly typed as n1 =17, n1 =17 which should be  n1 =17, n2 =17 (by mistake both are typed as n1).  Kindly answer it accordingly. 

Correction in Week-7 Lecture 34 (4:30mins)

There is an ambiguity in the lecture regarding the method of finding the address of an element in a 2-dimensional array. The correct method is given below. The general formula to find address of any element in a 2D array is - Suppose a[x][y] has been declared. Starting address is z. The address of a[p][q] will be z+(p*y+q)*size of array element According to the lecture,  array is A[5][3] and z=1000, p=2, q=2 So, the location of A[2][2] will be 1000+(2*3+2)*2=1016 Please note this correction

Problem solving through Programming In C- Week 7 Feedback Form

Reminder 3 : problem solving through programming in c: register today - certification exam form is now open.

  • Certification exam registration URL is:  https://nptelaprilexam.swayam.gov.in/
  • Choose an exam session:  Forenoon: 9.00 AM -12.00 PM; Afternoon: 2.00PM - 5.00 PM
  • Choose from the Cities where exam will be conducted:  Exam cities
  • If you register for exam and pay before  Mar 16, 10:00 AM , Exam fees will be  Rs. 1000/- per exam.
  • If you register for exam before  Mar 16, 10:00 AM  and have not paid or if you register between  Mar 16, 10:00 AM &  Mar 20, 5:00 PM , Exam fees will be  Rs. 1500/- per exam
  • Last date for exam registration:    Mar 20, 2020 5:00 PM (Friday). 

Problem solving through Programming In C - Week 6 Feedback Form

Problem solving through programming in c - week 7 is live now.

The lecture videos for Week 7 have been uploaded for the course Problem solving through Programming In C . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=8&lesson=45

Assignments for  Week 7 are also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=8&assessment=132 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=133 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=134 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=135 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=136 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=137

The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, 2020-03-18, 23:59 IST. For Programming assignment due date will be : 2020-03-19, 23:59 IST.

Problem solving through Programming In C- Solution for Week 5 Assignment

Detailed Solution for Assignment 5 is available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Announcement of exam registration

Note: This is to remind you that exam registration deadline is 16 th March, 2020 and it is fast approaching. We recommend you to register for the certification exam so that your effort in learning this course gives you a valuable certificate with grades. If you have not registered yet, please do it as soon as possible.

Please ignore, if you have already registered for the exam.

Typing mistake in Assignment 5 Quiz question No. 9

Please note that in Assignment 5 question no. 9 the first "return 0;" statement  in wrongly typed inside the "if" statement. Please read the program as below and answer the question.  if( n%100 == 0 ){                 if (_______________){                         printf("%d is a leap year.\n",n);                 }                 return 0;         }         if( n%4 == 0){                 printf ("%d is a leap year.\n",n);                 return 0;         }

Problem solving through Programming In C - Week 6 is live now!!

The lecture videos for Week 6 have been uploaded for the course Problem solving through Programming In C . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=7&lesson=40

Assignments for  Week 6 are also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=7&assessment=124

https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=125 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=126 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=127 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=128 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=129

The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, 2020-03-11, 23:59 IST. For Programming assignment due date will be : 2020-03-12, 23:59 IST.

Problem solving through Programming In C - Solution for Week 4 Assignment

Detailed Solution for Assignment 4 is available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Problem solving through Programming In C - Week 5 Feedback Form

Problem solving through programming in c - week 5 is live now.

The lecture videos for Week 5 have been uploaded for the course Problem solving through Programming In C . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=6&lesson=35

Assignments for  Week 5 are also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=6&assessment=104 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=118 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=119 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=120 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=121 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=122

The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, 2020-03-04, 23:59 IST. For Programming assignment due date will be : 2020-03-05, 23:59 IST.

NPTEL - Assignment submission related FAQ

Dear Learners,    We have seen that there are many queries regarding assignment submission, hence we have prepared a document, please go through the document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KJp790xAaAbtEaYVvm0l-u87kAl48cn6/view?usp=sharing -NPTEL admin

Problem solving through Programming In C - Solution for Week 3 Assignment

Detailed Solution for Assignment 3 is available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Problem solving through Programming In C - Week 4 Feedback Form

Problem solving through programming in c - week 4 is live now.

The lecture videos for Week 4 have been uploaded for the course Problem solving through Programming In C . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=5&lesson=30

Assignments for  Week 4 are also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=5&assessment=103 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=109 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=110 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=111 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=112 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=113

The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, 2020-02-26, 23:59 IST. For Programming assignment due date will be : 2020-02-27, 23:59 IST.

NPTEL on Mobile: Issues with the display of assignment scores - fixed

Dear Learners We have noticed problems with the display of marks on mobile clients. For the users who submitted the assignment from the desktop, even when they have given the correct answer, the score for the individual question is shown as 0 on the assignment page on the mobile front. This error was specific to the users who submitted the assignment on the desktop and check the same from the mobile. The issue has been fixed now and you can check the same now through your desktop or mobile. -NPTEL amdin

Problem solving through Programming In C - Solution for Week 1 & 2 Assignment

Detailed Solution for Assignment 1 & 2 are available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

LIVE session with an Industry expert - Tomorrow at 7pm!

Dear NPTEL Learner, Here is a great opportunity to listen to an industry expert, Mr. Nitesh Kumar Jangid, Technology and Research Advisor of Green Research IT Solutions Pvt Ltd., talk about Web Key Components. The topics covered in this session will include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, etc.  Time & Date :   13/02/2020, 7PM Click on this link to watch this LIVE session:  youtu.be/AnD2xH72jHg During the session, you can  post your queries through the chat window. If you want to post any questions based on the topic of the Live session to the Industry expert, please click here:  forms.gle/ 6nE8vV9pnqMoH4k86 -NPTEL TEAM

Problem solving through Programming In C - Week 3 Feedback Form

Problem solving through programming in c - week 3 is live now.

The lecture videos for Week 3 have been uploaded for the course Problem solving through Programming In C  . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=4&lesson=25

Assignments for  Week 3 are also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=4&assessment=102 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=105 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=106 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=107 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/progassignment?name=108

The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, 2020-02-19, 23:59 IST . For Programming assignment due date will be : 2020-02-20, 23:59 IST.

Problem solving through Programming In C- Week 2 Feedback Form

Here is the link to the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1hlKvYYM4b9dUqhTDHUAY2R0Ke56e4XhR5lqgAZ_rZNg/viewform

Problem solving through Programming In C - Solution for Week 0 Assignment

Detailed Solution for Assignment 0 is available now in the Course Outline section. Please go through the solution and in case of any doubt post your queries in the forum.

Problem solving through Programming In C- Week 2 is live now!!

The lecture videos for Week 2 have been uploaded for the course Problem solving through Programming In C . The lectures can be accessed using the following link: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=3&lesson=20

Assignment for  Week 2 is also uploaded and can be accessed from the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=3&assessment=94

The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday, 2020-02-12, 23:59 IST.

Problem solving through Programming In C - Week 1 Feedback Form

Problem solving through programming in c - week 1 assignment is live now.

 Dear Learners,

The assignment for Week 1 for the course Problem solving through Programming In C  is made available early for viewing to get an idea about the assignments but the actual start date of the course remains unchanged.

Assignment 1 can be accessed using the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=2&assessment=93

The other Assignment 1 is accessible from the navigation bar to the left under Week 1. Please remember to login into the website to view contents (if you aren't logged in already).

The assignment has to be submitted on or before Wednesday , 12-02-2020 ,23:59 IST.

Please use the discussion forums if you have any questions on this module.

Happy Learning!


Some corrections in Lecture 3

There are some mistakes specially in the lecture 3 which are mentioned below: At 11.25 mins of the Lecture 3: Flow Chart and Pseudocode, in the flow chart of printing average of 3 numbers the final print statement should be “ Print AVG ” instead of “ Print SUM” as we are finding the Average of 3 numbers.

At 7.12 mins of the Lecture 3: Flow Chart and Pseudocode,   Regarding the symbols used to represent the flow chart, generally oblong symbol is used to represent START and END of a flow chart and a parallelogram symbol is used to represent INPUT and OUTPUT, and the Circle symbol is used as a connector, when we need to represent the continuation of flow chart when there is shortage of   space.  

At 18.52 mins of the Lecture 3: Flow Chart and Pseudocode , in the flow chart of printing the average of N numbers: after reading the number and storing it in N we should store in another variable say M. So after the statement “ Read the value of N ” there will be another statement which will be “ M=N ” in a rectangular box. And after the decision box instead of AVG=SUM/N it will be AVG=SUM/M, as the value of N is becoming zero at the end of the decision loop.

At 28.07mins of the Lecture 3: Flow Chart and Pseudocode : in the flow chart for finding Max of N positive integer please follow the flow chart drawn in blue colour. Please ignore the corrections made. Thanks 

Problem solving through Programming In C - Week 1 videos are live now!!

The videos for Week 1 for the course Problem solving through Programming In C is made available early for viewing to get an idea about the content but the actual start date remains unchanged.

The lectures can be accessed using the following link:  https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs06/unit?unit=2&lesson=15

Problem solving through Programming In C - Assignment-0-RELEASED

We welcome you all to this course. The assignment 0 for the course Problem solving through Programming In C  has been released. This assignment is based on a prerequisite of the course. Kindly note that marks obtained in this assignment will not be considered for the final assessment. You can find the assignment under Week 0 unit on the left-hand side of your screen You can submit the assignment multiple times before the due date. All the best !!    

The due date of Assignment 0: 2020-01-27, 23:59 IST.  

Problem solving through Programming In C : How does an NPTEL online course work?

Dear Learner Welcome to the NPTEL Online course. Thank you for enrolling with us.  We are releasing the first set of videos which are help videos. These are prepared to walk you through the portal functionalities and give you a basic idea about the entire online learning process. We request you to go through each of these videos for a better understanding of the NPTEL Certification Process (They are quite short and brief).  For first time online enrollees: How to view the videos: Click on the tab (on the left side if using a Desktop) called Course Outline and then on the Unit called " How does an NPTEL online course work? ". Click on every link given there and watch the video.  Hope these will help you get the most out of the online course. After watching these, ask any queries you may have on the Discussion Forum. Looking forward to interacting with you. Thanks & Regards, NPTEL Team.

Problem solving through Programming In C : REGISTER TODAY - CERTIFICATION EXAM FORM IS NOW OPEN!

  • Students belonging to the SC/ST category: please select Yes for the SC/ST option and upload the correct Community certificate
  • Students belonging to the PwD category with more than 40% disability: please select Yes for the option and upload the relevant Disability certificate.
  • Data that cannot be changed in form by candidates themselves: Name, DOB, Address, College name, Role, Photo, Signature, Exam city. 
  • If you have registered with us already, we have pre-filled your details in the current exam form which is non-editable, in case if you want to change anything you may send email to  [email protected]  giving your Application number, email id and name. 
  • Data that can be changed by Email request to us : Course selected, exam shift. For changes in these parameters, you may send email   to  [email protected]  giving your Application number, email id and name.               
  • No changes will be entertained in any details after  20 Mar 2020, 5:00 PM.     

Welcome to NPTEL Online Course :Problem solving through Programming In C

  • Assignment score = 25% of average of best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course. 
  • Unproctored programming exam score = 25% of the average scores obtained as part of Unproctored programming exam - out of 100
  • Proctored Exam score =50% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

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Where is programming logic/problem solving learned? [closed]

I feel stuck and I don't know what to do to become a good programmer. I have followed so many tutorials:

FreeCodeCamp - 4h 30 min

3dbuzz C# (like 2 beginner and 1 advanced)

Caleb Curry - 6+

Bob from Microsoft

and many more videos.

And I am stuck. My goal with C# was to improve it so I would get better at Unity. But I dont feel that much better. I would say that my syntax knowledge is pretty good now, but thats the easy part. C# is my first programming language and I am struggling to use my knowledge(syntax) to build things with it. I just dont have the problem solving skills required to create things in either C# or Unity. But where am I supposed to learn that? It seems like everyone either tells you to just do algorithms(Leetcode) or "Just code". (1) I have done different sorting algorithms and other stuff, but I feel like that doesn't really help me. (2) "Just code" yes but what? Everyone tells you to practice, but never how or what. Like I dont have any tasks to use the knowledge I have gained on.

I cant build big applications, I cant make save/load systems, I cant make complex things. I dont know where I am supposed to learn that stuff. And I cant find any vidoes/courses that teach me that stuff. Its all just "this is how foreach" works. "This is how delegates" works. "This is how you implement the observer pattern" its never "This is how you should think, this is how you should implement it all together"

Like do I have to enroll in CS50 to learn how to think as a programmer or is taking a deep dive in C# just a waste of time when my goal is game development(I dont think/hope it is, I mean game engines build on programming)

What Am I supposed to do?

  • unity-game-engine

MrV's user avatar

  • 1 tbh heres your issue "I have followed so many tutorials" if youj have watched enough tutorials that you would say this, you are either just blindingly doing the tutorial, like a race, and just blindly writing down what they did, or, you picked all the wrong ones. You need to use the tutorial to investigate exactly why they did what they did, even if they dont say. Unity methods are documented, look them up, look up alternatives, look to see if you would do thing their doing different, if you would, is your way actually worse? –  BugFinder Commented 19 hours ago
  • " you are either just blindingly doing the tutorial, like a race, and just blindly writing down what they did, or, you picked all the wrong ones" I would say Yes and no. The problem is that all of them just teached me about the syntax of the language. Thats easy to learn. But the hard part is how to use it together to create things, problem solving. But none of the videos/Courses so far teaches me that. I just want a course to actually teach me how it all comes together. –  MrV Commented 19 hours ago
  • 2 The very first book I read on VBA I did the following - read the book and when there was text about an example I closed it and tried to do it ON MY OWN before reading what the author did. Then learn from that. Then at the end of the chapter I would do ALL exercises WITHOUT ANY GOOGLE or HELP as if my life depended on it. –  Ivan Petrov Commented 19 hours ago
  • Don't just watch tutorials, find code challenges so you can get some actual experience –  Hans Kesting Commented 19 hours ago
  • 1 I cant build big applications - I cant make complex things - yes, you can. You can't just spit them out in one piece from end to end. Nobody can. Think of something that you want to do, like perhaps a simplified version of your favorite game. Then break the task into smaller pieces, A, B, C, and so on. If A is still too daunting to take on as a whole, break that down further into A1, A2, A3, and so on, until you have pieces that you actually feel you can handle. –  500 - Internal Server Error Commented 19 hours ago

2 Answers 2

This is a great question that I believe needs to be discussed more. I love programming and have done so from an early age. So, where did I learn it to become seasoned? To reiterate all the great comments, you get there by doing, get frustrated, work through it. Ask what else you could do.

The tutorials you've followed and possibly interacted with have led you to understand how to read code and, in a theoretical sense, concepts such as polymorphism and inheritance. The problem you're facing now is taking that and applying it to the Unity projects you've got queued up. The other piece to note, which you need to separate, is domain knowledge as it applies to C#. Knowing how to develop in C# and the domain libraries, terms, and concepts for game programming and graphics are different.

You're clearly motivated, so take one of your more straightforward ideas and work through it. Make it work, however ugly you think it is; a blank page is daunting. Unity has many tutorials. Work through one and then expand on it. Once it's effectively operating, think about how you could have broken that code up. Are some of your methods doing too much? If you wanted to expand your game ideas, will what you've written support that? If not, think about how you might extract critical information, such as the separation of duties. An example: Round 1 - You want a bag to carry the items you collected:

It's a start, but now you want to know more about the item rather than just a name. Ok, let's create an object for that and apply it.

In this example, you finally want some items to be health, weapons, armor, etc. Each one now deviates from a basic named item.

These still fit in your bag, but you can do much more now. You need to start with your problem, and yes, it can be frustrating, but it's that process of iterating that trains you to think about what you're attempting to do. Everyone has the potential to do this; it just takes time and experience, so start small and grow. Remember, even the most seasoned of us have days where we question our choices but keep going, it's worth it :-)

Maldaer's user avatar

  • I just... I still feel like my programming knowledge is mediocre at best and I can't get over to the other side. I can make simple games without following tutorials. I have made Flappy Birds, Ping pong and even Fruit Ninja Before, but the code I write feels childish. I went back to improve my C# in hopes of also getting better at Unity. I have learned a lot of syntax, I know about the 4 pillars of OOP, I have worked through the most known Design Patterns and done algorithms(Sorting/searching was easy, A* and harder algorithms where to hard)but I never got any tasks to test my knowledge on. –  MrV Commented 5 hours ago
  • That's my weakness, using my knowledge and I never get to use it. I can't find any tasks to do online. So thats why I am still stuck at beginner, not able to climb up to intermediate. I can do easy things, but I dont know how to think when doing more intermediate/advanced stuff. I need more tasks to do. Like there is no website that just gives you hundreds of programming challenged to do and help you with how to think like a programmer. –  MrV Commented 5 hours ago
  • But as you said its about just doing it, like that bag example you gave. But I am Kinda empty, I dont know what to do or what I need in a game. If I make a pirate game I dont know where to start or what to add or how it all works together. I have learned the syntax but no video taught me how to structure my code, what goes where, etc... Me and my friend started to make a game a couple of days ago, just to get better at Unity. The idea is: 2D game with a "ghost" that help you. This ghost is just a playback of the players movement and interactions before he/she entered a door. –  MrV Commented 1 hour ago
  • And with the help of the ghost you finish the game. We already have a simple walk Mechanic. But the problem is how this playback/recording is gonna work with everything. And I have seen that games usually have managers for sound, for spawning, for handling the game, etc... I just don't know how to structure it all. (Sorry for so much text) –  MrV Commented 1 hour ago

I have a suggestion to get a feedback loop that is more effective and engaging. Ask AI to build code for things you want to build. For example, a small game. For bigger things, you can ask it to build parts of it, and then you try to glue it together. Then, when invariably it doesn't work perfectly, either solve it, or, if you run out of ideas, ask the AI about your next doubt. If you can't get insight, then you can ask a human. But the fact you can ask lots of small questions in succession to an AI is beneficial when there's a lot to discover, vs. asking larger questions and waiting some time for an answer. The goal is to iterate quickly on small doubts. The small steps you make this way are motivating. This helps you identify if there are any specific areas you want to tackle first, as opposed to the full technology, by steering yourself towards what pikes your curiosity. Get interacting and put watching as a lower priority.

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NPTEL Problem Solving Through Programming In C - Programming Assignment | Jan-2024 Week 4 to 8

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Thomas Krogh-Jacobsen

If you have experience with object-oriented programming languages, then you’ve likely heard of the SOLID principles, MVP, singleton, factory, and observer patterns. Our new e-book highlights best practices for using these principles and patterns to create scalable game code architecture in your Unity project.

For every software design issue you encounter, a thousand developers have been there before. Though you can’t always ask them directly for advice, you can learn from their decisions through design patterns.

By implementing common, game programming design patterns in your Unity project, you can efficiently build and maintain a clean, organized, and readable codebase, which in turn, creates a solid foundation for scaling your game, development team, and business.

In our community, we often hear that it can be intimidating to learn how to incorporate design patterns and principles, such as SOLID and KISS, into daily development. That’s why our free e-book, Level up your code with game programming patterns , explains well-known design patterns and shares practical examples for using them in your Unity project.

Written by internal and external Unity experts, the e-book is a resource that can help expand your developer’s toolbox and accelerate your project’s success. Read on for a preview of what the guide entails.

Design patterns are general solutions to common problems found in software engineering. These aren’t finished solutions you can copy and paste into your code, but extra tools that can help you build larger, scalable applications when used correctly.

By integrating patterns consistently into your project, you can improve code readability and make your codebase cleaner. Design patterns not only reduce refactoring and the time spent testing, they speed up onboarding and development processes.

However, every design pattern comes with tradeoffs, whether that means additional structures to maintain or more setup at the beginning. You’ll need to do a cost-benefit assessment to determine if the advantage justifies the extra work required. Of course, this assessment will vary based on your project.

KISS stands for “keep it simple, stupid.” The aim of this principle is to avoid unnecessary complexity in a system, as simplicity helps drive greater levels of user acceptance and interaction.

Note that “simple” does not equate to “easy.” Making something simple means making it focused. While you can create the same functionality without the patterns (and often more quickly), something fast and easy doesn’t necessarily result in something simple.

If you’re unsure whether a pattern applies to your particular issue, you might hold off until it feels like a more natural fit. Don’t use a pattern because it’s new or novel to you. Use it when you need it.

It’s in this spirit that the e-book was created. Keep the guide handy as a source of inspiration for new ways of organizing your code – not as a strict set of rules for you to follow.

Now, let’s turn to some of the key software design principles.

The Player, refactored into classes with single responsibilities

SOLID is a mnemonic acronym for five core fundamentals of software design. You can think of them as five basic rules to keep in mind while coding, to ensure that object-oriented designs remain flexible and maintainable.

The SOLID principles were first introduced by Robert C. Martin in the paper, Design Principles and Design Patterns . First published in 2000, the principles described are still applicable today, and to C# scripting in Unity:

  • Single responsibility states that each module, class, or function is responsible for one thing and encapsulates only that part of the logic.
  • Open-closed states that classes must be open for extension but closed for modification; that means structuring your classes to create new behavior without modifying the original code.
  • Liskov substitution states that derived classes must be substitutable for their base class when using inheritance.
  • Interface segregation states that no client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use. Clients should only implement what they need.
  • Dependency inversion states that high-level modules should not import anything directly from low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.

In the e-book, we provide illustrated examples of each principle with clear explanations for using them in Unity. In some cases, adhering to SOLID can result in additional work up front. You may need to refactor some of your functionality into abstractions or interfaces, but there is often a payoff in long-term savings.

The principles have dominated software design for nearly two decades at the enterprise level because they’re so well-suited to large applications that scale. If you’re unsure about how to use them, refer back to the KISS principle. Keep it simple, and don’t try to force the principles into your scripts just for the sake of doing so. Let them organically work themselves into place through necessity.

If you’re interested in learning more, check out the SOLID presentation from Unite Austin 2017 by Dan Sagmiller of Productive Edge.

What’s the difference between a design principle and a design pattern? One way to answer that question is to consider SOLID as a framework for, or a foundational approach to, writing object-oriented code. While design patterns are solutions or tools you can implement to avoid everyday software problems, remember that they’re not off-the-shelf recipes – or for that matter, algorithms with specific steps for achieving specific results.

A design pattern can be thought of as a blueprint. It’s a general plan that leaves the actual construction up to you. For instance, two programs can follow the same pattern but involve very different code.

When developers encounter the same problem in the wild, many of them will inevitably come up with similar solutions. Once a solution is repeated enough times, someone might “discover” a pattern and formally give it a name.

Many of today’s software design patterns stem from the seminal work, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. This book unpacks 23 such patterns identified in a variety of day-to-day applications.

The original authors are often referred to as the “Gang of Four” (GoF),and you’ll also hear the original patterns dubbed the GoF patterns. While the examples cited are mostly in C++ (and Smalltalk), you can apply their ideas to any object-oriented language, such as C#.

Since the Gang of Four originally published Design Patterns in 1994, developers have since established dozens more object-oriented patterns in a variety of fields, including game development.

An illustration of the factory design pattern

While you can work as a game programmer without studying design patterns, learning them will help you become a better developer. After all, design patterns are labeled as such because they’re common solutions to well-known problems.

Software engineers rediscover them all the time in the normal course of development. You may have already implemented some of these patterns unwittingly.

Train yourself to look for them. Doing this can help you:

  • Learn object-oriented programming : Design patterns aren’t secrets buried in an esoteric StackOverflow post. They are common ways to overcome everyday hurdles in development. They can inform you of how many other developers have approached the same issue – remember, even if you’re not using patterns, someone else is.
  • Talk to other developers : Patterns can serve as a shorthand when trying to communicate as a team. Mention the “command pattern” or “object pool” and experienced Unity developers will know what you’re trying to implement.
  • Explore new frameworks :When you import a built-in package or something from the Asset Store, inevitably you’ll stumble onto one or more patterns discussed here. Recognizing design patterns will help you understand how a new framework operates, as well as the thought process involved in its creation.

As indicated earlier, not all design patterns apply to every game application. Don’t go looking for them with Maslow’s hammer ; otherwise, you might only find nails.

Like any other tool, a design pattern’s usefulness depends on context. Each one provides a benefit in certain situations and also comes with its share of drawbacks. Every decision in software development comes with compromises.

Are you generating a lot of GameObjects on the fly? Does it impact your performance? Can restructuring your code fix that? Be aware of these design patterns, and when the time is right, pull them from your gamedev bag of tricks to solve the problem at hand.

In addition to the Gang of Four’s Design Patterns, Game Programming Patterns by Robert Nystrom is another standout resource, currently available for free as a web-based edition. The author details a variety of software patterns in a no-nonsense manner.

In our new e-book, you can dive into the sections that explain common design patterns, such as factory, object pool, singleton, command, state, and observer patterns, plus the Model View Presenter (MVP), among others. Each section explains the pattern along with its pros and cons, and provides an example of how to implement it in Unity so you can optimize its usage in your project.

Unity already implements several established gamedev patterns, saving you the trouble of writing them yourself. These include:

  • Game loop : At the core of all games is an infinite loop that must function independently of clock speed, since the hardware that powers a game application can vary greatly. To account for computers of different speeds, game developers often need to use a fixed timestep (with a set frames-per-second) and a variable timestep where the engine measures how much time has passed since the previous frame. Unity takes care of this, so you don’t have to implement it yourself. You only need to manage gameplay using MonoBehaviour methods like Update, LateUpdate, and FixedUpdate.
  • Update : In your game application, you’ll often update each object’s behavior one frame at a time. While you can manually recreate this in Unity, the MonoBehaviour class does this automatically. Use the appropriate Update, LateUpdate, or FixedUpdate methods to modify your GameObjects and components to one tick of the game clock.
  • Prototype : Often you need to copy objects without affecting the original. This creational pattern solves the problem of duplicating and cloning an object to make other objects similar to itself. This way you avoid defining a separate class to spawn every type of object in your game. Unity’s Prefab system implements a form of prototyping for GameObjects. This allows you to duplicate a template object complete with its components. Override specific properties to create Prefab Variants or nest Prefabs inside other Prefabs to create hierarchies. Use a special Prefab editing mode to edit Prefabs in isolation or in context.
  • Component :Most people working in Unity know this pattern. Instead of creating large classes with multiple responsibilities, build smaller components that each do one thing. If you use composition to pick and choose components, you can combine them for complex behavior. Add Rigidbody and Collider components for physics, or a MeshFilter and MeshRenderer for 3D geometry. Each GameObject is only as rich and unique as its collection of components.

Create code architecture that scales | e-book promotional image

Both the e-book and a sample project on the use of design patterns are available now to download for free. Review the examples and decide which design pattern best suits your project. As you gain experience with them, you’ll recognize how and when they can enhance your development process. As always, we encourage you to visit the forum thread and let us know what you think of the e-book and sample.

Warrant reveals details behind B.C. safe-supply pill seizure

Campbell river rcmp search warrant that led to alleged find of 3,500 pills highlights issue of drug diversion.

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The investigation began with the alleged kidnapping last November of a bank customer in Campbell River, B.C., who claimed he was being forced to transfer his car and thousands of dollars to drug traffickers.

It ended with a raid on a fortress-like property within the boundaries of a tiny First Nation 10 kilometres away and, according to police, the seizure of thousands of pills originally provided to users of the province's safe supply program.

Four people now face charges of drug trafficking in association with the bust — with one count specifically accusing them of dealing hydromorphone, the substance handed out as safe supply.

The story of the investigation and its consequences — including banishment for three of the accused from the We Wai Kai First Nation — is told in documents CBC News applied to unseal in provincial court.

  • B.C. should expand safer-supply program despite drug diversion risks: provincial health officer
  • 'Deficiencies' in overdose prevention programs: auditor general

It's a case the We Wai Kai chief says raises questions about the flow of government-funded drugs into the illicit market; a story that illuminates the bigger toxic drug crisis and its mix of greed, death and desperation.

"It's never 'safe' when it's in the hands of drug dealers," says Chief Ronnie Chickite, leader of the We Wai Kai's roughly 1,100 members.

"It just shows you that it's not a safe supply. I think the program had intentions, but it's obviously failed. ... I know the government officials see it different, but this is how we're seeing it as a nation of our size. And seeing the amount that was there, I mean it's unfortunate, but it's not the system we need."

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First Nation chief shocked at drug bust that included safe supply pills

'it's a good money-maker'.

The search warrant and the criminal charges that flowed from it were all issued in the downtown Campbell River courthouse, which sits about 50 metres away from the pharmacy where a handful of people line up every weekday morning to get their safe supply pills.

According to documents obtained by CBC in a similar case , patients can be issued up to 28 hydromorphone tablets at a time. On the street, the tiny pills are worth as much as $20 each and can be swapped for cash or harder drugs.

CBC spent two days in Campbell River speaking to police, First Nations members and safe supply users. 

William Cook is here every day. He says he'd never trade the safe supply that protects him from death; he thinks it's wrong to sell personal medication.

But he understands both the temptation and the pressure.

A man with headphones and a white hat on looks to his left.

"Sometimes it's chaotic. There's people outside and they're bugging you and they're asking you and there are people trying — like more than multiples — trying to get it. It's a good money-maker," he says.

"For some people it's probably an income and they'd starve [without it]. I think it's wrong, of course, because it's against the law, [but] some people need it to eat. That is a fact."

CBC News applied to unseal the Campbell River search warrant to look at the facts behind the controversy surrounding claims that safe supply drugs are winding up in the hands of criminals.

British Columbia became the first province to offer prescribed alternatives to street drugs in March 2020. As of this April, 4,387 people were dispensed safe supply, according to figures provided by B.C.'s Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions.

  • Trade of safe-supply drugs detailed in Prince George RCMP warrant

Advocates have long acknowledged the possibility some safe supply users might exchange their prescription drugs for stronger street drugs — a process known as diversion.

But the extent of the problem is unknown.

At one point, Prince George RCMP called it an "alarming trend" — a claim the force's assistant commissioner countered almost immediately by saying there was "no evidence to support a widespread diversion."

  • Q&A: Are fears that young people are getting hooked on prescribed opioids a 'moral panic?'

B.C. Premier David Eby says he has asked health authorities to look at introducing some kind of chemical marker into the supply of prescribed alternatives in order to trace them back to their origin.

"Yes, there's a risk of diversion, just like any medication," Eby said in the legislature in response to a question about the issue in May. 

"We need to, as government, through the health authorities, through the prescribers, stay on top of that and address those issues as they come up. And that's what we will continue to do."

'He had been kidnapped'

Campbell River RCMP entered the fray in February by announcing the seizure of 3,500 pills of Dilaudid — a brand name for hydromorphone — during a bust on the We Wai Kai First Nation.

The target of the raid was a home on Nursery Drive — a bucolic road about two minutes drive from a controlled gate Chief Chickite said was purpose built to keep first COVID, then drug dealers out of the reserve.

Four of the home's residents — Chris Lewis, Leah Lewis, Shyanne Davis and Serena Hadley — have since been charged with drug trafficking.

An aerial image of a house surrounded by green fields, with cars and trucks visible.

None of the accused have entered a plea at this point and none of the allegations against them have been tested in court.

According to the search warrant, the arrests followed surveillance of a husband and wife suspected of drug trafficking, who were flagged to police by staff at the TD bank.

A customer "told the bank staff he had been kidnapped and was being forced to transfer money to a bank account," the warrant says.

"Bank staff called the Campbell River RCMP, who responded."

The detachment's street crime unit began watching the suspects, noting "meetings with known drug users and street-level drug traffickers" as they drove between the Nursery Road house and locations around Campbell River, including hotels, parking lots and residences.

Police obtained the search warrant on Feb. 20. The raid happened the next day, with the safe supply pills allegedly turning up alongside two kilograms of fentanyl and a kilo each of cocaine and methamphetamine.

A man with glasses and an RCMP uniform speaks in an office.

Campbell River RCMP Insp. Jeff Preston says police regularly test drugs to determine whether they're counterfeit or diverted from safe supply or another type of prescription.

"Typically when a person does get prescribed safe supply, they go to the pharmacy, they will get their pill bottle with the allotted number of prescribed pills," Preston says.

"And there is a way for us to tell from that bottle if it's safe supply."

'Taxpayers are getting ripped off'

Collen Middleton keeps a drawer full of those bottles in the small room where he hangs his guitars in his house in Nanaimo, about 150 kilometres south of Campbell River. He has collected them as evidence of what he sees as a failure of the safe supply system that he has observed first hand.

An environmental scientist and punk musician, Middleton admits he knew little about the toxic drug crisis before moving to Vancouver Island from Calgary with his wife and children a few years ago. Then someone died in his yard.

A white man wearing a blue shirt looks at a table with pill bottles and plastic bags on it.

He says he started finding labels and pill bottles on the ground between his house and the safe supply pharmacy a few blocks away — which is how his collection started.

Middleton says he has watched people swap safe supply pills for money or drugs before casting aside the empty containers. They tear the labels off some. There are names on others. Middleton wonders how many of those people are now dead.

Middleton and his neighbours started the Nanaimo Area Public Safety Association in an effort to have their voices heard. He says he has been attacked as a right-wing conspiracy theorist — a charge he calls "ridiculous."

A person uses a bong and implements to smoke drugs.

He doesn't know what to do with his collection of bottles, which no one seems to want.

Like the We Wai Kai chief, Middleton says he feels like he's pointing out facts government doesn't really want to hear.

"I think taxpayers are getting ripped off," he says. 

"If the drugs aren't being used for their intended purpose and they're being sold into the black market for profit, then the people who are selling their supply are not getting the health benefits of the system, and organized criminals and gangs are profiting."

'The system's broken'

All four accused in the case made brief first appearances in the Campbell River courthouse on June 10 — two by phone and two in person.

In addition to the count accusing them of trafficking in hydromorphone, they are also charged with multiple counts of trafficking in other substances, including fentanyl, methamphetamine, cocaine and GHB. 

Leah Lewis had little to say as she and her co-accused left court and walked across the street to her car.

A woman wearing a blue top with tattoos on her shoulder speaks to a person with a mic.

"The system's broken," she told CBC News before driving off. She wouldn't explain what she meant.

According to Chickite, the raid and the allegations of drug dealing have had consequences beyond the courthouse for Leah Lewis, Serena Hadley and Shyanne Davis.

All three women — who are not members of the We Wai Kai First Nation — have been banished from the reserve.

"It's a grave threat. ... They are not permitted on any land the nation owns," Chickite says.

He said Chris Lewis is a member of the First Nation.

A table with white and brown substances in takeaway containers, along with stacks of money.

In part because of the raid and the sheer amount of drugs seized, Chickite says the We Wai Kai have also amended their laws to give the band the option of revoking citizenship for members considered to be a "grave threat" to the citizenry.

Chickite says the We Wai Kai have been successful in steering youth away from the toxic drugs that killed 47 people in the Greater Campbell River health area in 2023 — the region's deadliest year since a public health emergency was declared in 2016.

According to the search warrant, one of those deaths occurred in a motorhome in the front yard of the Nursery Road property last October: "Leah Lewis advised that her husband Chris Lewis found the woman deceased."

'I'd rather live than die'

Outside the Campbell River pharmacy, Shauna Adams holds out her hand to display the 10 Dilaudid pills she gets through safe supply every day. She takes them two at a time, every few hours, to stave off withdrawal.

The 30-year-old says her problems began with a bad relationship and "spiralled from there." 

She says she has seen too many friends die from overdoses.

A woman with a red bandana and a black hoodie on speaks.

"I didn't want to be one of them because I have two kids," she says. "So I want to be in their lives and watch them grow up."

Adams says her boys only know that she needs to "go and get medicine every day."

  • A bitter pill: Safer supply program flawed but vital, patient says
  • B.C.'s safer supply program needs more choice, say drug users and advocates

She puts her hands over her ears as she talks about the pressure to sell and the dealers who circle safe supply users every day asking if they want to trade or sell their pills.

"I kind of just don't listen to it 'cause I don't wanna be a part of it," she says.

"I'd rather live than die. That clearly makes sense. I don't want to cheat the system. I like my doctor. I don't want to lie to her."

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Safe supply user frustrated with those abusing the program

At the end of the day, Adams says the ability to get off drugs comes down to a combination of willpower, support and motivation. She's come to know a lot of the people who depend on the safe supply program as friends.

It upsets her to see anyone taking advantage of them.

"It bothers me that they care more about making money than other people's safety," she says. "That's what really bothers me."

problem solving through programming in c

How taxpayer-funded drugs meant to help solve the opioid crisis ended up on the street

About the author.

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Jason Proctor is a reporter in British Columbia for CBC News and has covered the B.C. courts and the justice system extensively.

With files from Chris Corday

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