25 Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

Kalimat Past continuous tense juga dikenal dengan kalimat past progressive adalah kalimat yang mereferensikan kegiatan atau keadaan berlanjut yang sudah terjadi di beberapa kondisi di waktu lampau. Rumus kalimat Past Continuous tense adalah Subject + was/were+ verb 1-ing + Object. Contoh kalimat past continuous tense sebagai berikut : I was  visiting Tamara at this morning last week  artinya saya mengunjungi Tamara pada pagi hari minggu lalu. It was eight o’clock yesterday, I was watching youtube. artinya pada pukul 8 kemarin, saya melihat youtube. Tenses past continuous tense dibentuk dengan mengkombinasikan kalimat past tense pada to be was/were dengan kata kerja participle (menggunakan verb –ing).

Salah satu cara mempelajari kalimat past continuous tense adalah dengan mengerjakan latihan soal tentang past continuous tense , semakin kita sering mengerjakan soal latihan past continuous tense maka kemampuan kita di dalam bahasa inggris akan semakin mahir.

Berikut adalah 25 contoh soal Past Continuous Tense Essay, adapun kunci jawaban berada di akhir soal

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

Use the words in the brackets to complete the questions (Gunakan kata-kata yang terdapat di dalam kurung untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah) 

  • Were you … this picture at 8 o'clock yesterday?  (paint)
  • This morning, Yesterday, The rain … Harder and harder. (get)
  • My mother …This fruit to Farikha at eight o'clock last night. (give)
  • We … the chicken in front of the bridge at seven o'clock last night. (catch)
  • Was Salisa … my house at this time yesterday? (visit)
  • I … a new car at this time last month. (buy)
  • Tamara and Silvia … to Malang at this time last month. (go)
  • Sabrina … English at 8 o'clock last night. (learn)
  • Yesterday morning, They … me in this market. (help)
  • My mother … a bowl of rice when I bought a banana. (cook)
  • Tamara … a letter to his boyfriend at 7 o'clock yesterday. (write)
  • Was usman … in this store at 10 o'clock last night? (eat)
  • Were they .. this recipe at this time yesterday? (make)
  • I invited Sabrina at this event last, but Sabrina … to us. (come) 
  • At this time last month, Farida … new clothes for this meeting. (wear)
  • Was she … John at this time last week?  (know)
  • This time last year, I … in Bali. (live)
  • At 4 o'clock yesterday, I … on a train on my way to Malang. (am)
  • Reza Pahlevi … this flower at 7 o'clock yesterday. (water)
  • John … me when you arrived. (call)
  • Tamara opened her hijab when she … in the kitchen. (cook)
  • I … this event, but my husband wanted to go home. (enjoy) 
  • My teacher taught me this formula yesterday, But Abdillah  … to understand it. He couldn't use it. (confuse)
  • Were they … to the USA at this time last week? (travel)
  • I … al Qur'an when I met my teacher. (read)

Kunci Jawaban Soal Past Continuous Tense Essay.

Adapun warna kuning kami berikan kepada kata yang menunjukkan kunci jawaban daripada soal essay di atas.

  • Were you painting this picture at 8 o'clock yesterday? 
  • This morning, Yesterday, The rain was getting Harder and harder. 
  • My mother was giving This fruit to Farikha at eight o'clock last night. 
  • We were catching the chicken in front of the bridge at seven o'clock last night. 
  • Was Salisa visiting my house at this time yesterday?
  • I was buying a new car at this time last month. 
  • Tamara and Silvia were going to Malang at this time last month. 
  • Sabrina was learning English at 8 o'clock last night.
  • Yesterday morning, They were helping me in this market. 
  • My mother was cooking a bowl of rice when I bought a banana. 
  • Tamara was writing a letter to his boyfriend at 7 o'clock yesterday. 
  • Was usman eating in this store at 10 o'clock last night? 
  • Were they making this recipe at this time yesterday? 
  • I invited Sabrina at this event last, but Sabrina was not coming to us. 
  • At this time last month, Farida was wearing new clothes for this meeting 
  • Was she knowing John at this time last week? 
  • This time last year, I was living in Bali 
  • At 4 o'clock yesterday, I was on a train on my way to Malang. 
  • Reza Pahlevi was watering this flower at 7 o'clock yesterday.
  • John was calling me when you arrived. 
  • Tamara opened her hijab when she was cooking in the kitchen.
  • I was enjoying this event, but my husband wanted to go home 
  • My teacher taught me this formula yesterday, But Abdillah was not confusing to understand it. He couldn't use it. 
  • Were they traveling to the USA at this time last week? 
  • I was reading al Qur'an when I met my teacher. 

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30 Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense PG dan Essay beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda dan Essay beserta Jawabannya

Sonora.ID -  Simak sejumlah contoh soal past continuous tense pilihan ganda dan essay disertai jawabannya berikut ini yang dapat menjadi latihan untuk belajar.

Namun, sudahkah kamu tahu apa itu past continuous tense  dalam bahasa Inggris ?

Dilansir dari laman Grammarly, past continuous tense adalah tense yang menggambarkan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung di masa lalu.

Misalnya, "Aku sedang tidur saat kau menelpon," maka akan menggunakan past continuous tense menjadi, "I was sleeping when you called me."

Adapun format atau rumus dalam past continuous tense yakni subjek + was/were + kata kerja (verb)+ing + sisa kalimat.

Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense, Lengkap dengan Rumusnya

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya

Kerjakan terlebih dahulu soal di bawah ini kemudian koreksi bersama-sama pada jawaban yang tersedia di akhir.

1. We didn’t go out because it . . . . A. is raining B. rains C. was raining D. raining

2. Last night I . . . TV when suddenly I heard a scream. A. watch B. watching C. am watching D. was watching

3. My sister was watering...

Bahasa inggris, past continuous tense, soal past continuous tense, contoh soal past continuous tense, contoh soal past continuous tense pilihan ganda, contoh soal past continuous tense pilihan ganda dan essay, contoh soal past continuous tense dan jawabannya.

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Kampung Inggris Pare

45 Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense dan dan Jawabannya

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense dan dan Jawabannya

Mengerjakan soal latihan past continuous tense dapat membantu kamu mempertahankan memori terhadap materi tersebut. Oleh karena itu, kamu harus rajin mengerjakan latihan soal secara berkala. Nah, berikut adalah artikel contoh soal past continuous tense dan dan jawabannya yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk latihan. 

Secara khusus, dalam artikel ini terdapat soal past continuous tense pilihan ganda dan juga soal past continuous tense essay . Kedua tipe soal ini akan membantu kamu dalam mengingat-ingat kembali materi past continuous tense yang sudah kamu pelajari sebelumnya. Yuk, kerjakan soal-soal latihan ini dan tingkatan lagi memori kamu!

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

Belajar Mengerjakan Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

Berikut adalah 20 soal exercise past continuous tense dalam bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk pilihan ganda. Tentukan pilihan jawaban yang paling sesuai untuk setiap soal dengan cermat dan teliti!

  • Lisa : What just happened? I heard you got robbed last night.

          Bill : Yeah, I ___ in my room when the robber sneaked into the house and took my computer and television.

The correct answer to fill in the sentence is ___

  • was sleeping
  • were sleeping
  • Mother : What did your father do when I arrived home last night?

          Daniel : Well, he ___ television in the living room.

The perfect  answer to fill in the blank is ___

  • was watching
  • has watching 
  • I ___ my homework when my brother, Liam, played PlayStation in his room.

Which of the choices is the suitable expression to complete the sentence?

  • is finishing
  • has been finishing
  • was finishing
  • has finishing
  • Police Officer : Sir, where were you last night? A murder has been committed, and we suspect you.

          Leo : Last night at 9, I __ dinner with my girlfriend.

Which of the following options is the correct answer to complete the sentence?

  • was  having 
  • were having 
  • Jason and I ___ a motorcycle when you called me, so I could not answer your phone. 
  • have ridden
  • were riding 
  • They were not ___ music when the actor said his dialogue. 
  • She ___ at the restaurant last night. 

The suitable answer to fill in the sentence is ___

The following dialogue is for questions number 8 and 9

Oliver : Paul, I sent you a message a few hours ago. Why have you not replied to it?

Paul : What message? I’m sorry! I was having class when you sent this message. Is there anything I can help you with?

Oliver : Yeah, did you know where Noah was drunk last night? He lost his phone but could not remember where he had been last night.

Paul : Lucas and I was partying at Michele’s house. So probably he lost his phone there. 

      8. Based on that dialogue above, why did Paul not reply to Oliver’s message? 

  • Paul was taking a break.
  • He was not checking his phone when Oliver sent the message. 
  • It’s been a while since Oliver sent the message. 
  • He was having a class when Oliver sent the message.

      9. The underlined phrase in the dialogue above is wrong. Which of the options below is the correct choice to replace it?

  • is partying
  • were partying
  • Will : Were you watching Power Ranger when I came?

          Nick : Yes, I was.

What does the underlined sentence mean …

  •  Nick was watching a movie called Power Ranger when Will came.
  •  Nick was not watching anything when Will came.
  •  Nick was watching Will when he came.
  • Nick was not paying attention to Power Ranger when Will came.
  • Timmy was ___ inspiration by visiting an art gallery in the city a few days ago. 
  • was seeking
  • were seeking
  • has seeking 
  • Yesterday at this time, Julian __  in his office. 
  • was not teach
  • is not teaching
  • was not teaching
  • is not teach

The following text is for questions number 13 and 14

Last night, Mr. Henry’s house caught on fire. Mr. Henry is a retired soldier who currently lives alone. He is 75 years old, so his body is not as agile as before.

Sadly, the incident happened late at night, and most neighbors were sleeping. But Jacob and I were studying when the incident happened to Mr. Henry, so we called the firefighter as soon as we saw the fire. 

When I was accompanying Mr. Henry in my front yard, one of the firefighters told me that the fire happened because Mr. Henry forgot to turn off his stove. The fire started to catch when Mr. Henry is sleeping in his room upstairs . 

  • From the text, what is the cause of the fire?
  • The house owner forgot to push the switch off on his stove.
  • Mr. Henry forgot to turn off his electric switch.
  • The house owner caught his house on fire because his stove was off.
  • Mr. Henry ignores that his stove is on. 
  • “ Mr. Henry is sleeping in his room upstairs . ” is incorrect. Which option below is the correct past continuous form?
  • Mr. Henry was sleeping in his room upstairs.
  • Mr. Henry was sleep in his room upstairs.
  • Mr. Henry has sleeping in his room upstairs.
  • Mr. Henry was slept in his room upstairs.
  • ___ Jessica sleeping at this time last night?
  • Were Tommy and Wendy ___ to this cafe last week?

The following text is for questions number 17 to 20

Aron: ___ (17) Patrick and Rue ___ (18) in this library yesterday?

Ellen: I don’t know, but When I was ___ (19) my essay yesterday at this time, I was by myself. 

Aron: How about you, Dean?

Dean: Patrick and Rue ___ (20) using the computer lab to study yesterday. They were not learning in this library.

Soal Past Continuous Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh soal past continuous tense dalam bentuk esai. Isi bagian kosong pada soal ini dengan jawaban yang tepat dan benar!

  • I ___ with Tommy last night when you called me. (play)
  • Was Jenny ___ in this cafe at around 6 p.m. last Sunday? (sing)
  • Were Susan and Phoebe ___ a uniform this morning? (wear)
  • He was not ___ his car at uncle Joe’s workshop. (repair)
  • Simon and Bella ___ here before. (date)
  • I ___ when my mom called me to fix her hair. (shower)
  • Brandon and Chuck ___ Netflix last night when you were looking for them. (watch)
  • Well, we ___ to that girl the night before. (talk)
  • Last Monday, Alex and Fred ___ me at the gas station. (help)
  • We ___ lunch when the earthquake hit, so the food flew everywhere. (have)
  • I ___ my motorcycle when it began to rain heavily. (ride)
  • I didn’t mean to show off, but Johnny Depp ___ at my restaurant a few weeks ago. (show)
  • Lucas ___ outside when it was raining. (wait)
  • Ned was not ___ the plants when I came home. He lied. (water)
  • My sister ___ with her Barbie doll when my mother made food for dinner. (play)
  • While I was outside ___ the floor, my brother was ___ on his homework. (sweep, work)
  • Were you ___ this wall a day before today? (paint)
  • Was Jeremy ___ to Korea yesterday? (go)
  • Cindy and I ___ at the nearby mall when the storm hit. (shop)
  • She was not ___ at the house when I arrived. She ___ in her room. (clean, sleep)
  • Henry ___ his dog when the neighbor’s dog attacked him. (feed)
  • I ___ flowers on the street when a robber stole someone’s bag. (sell)
  • Police officers ___ the mugger when suddenly Superman came. (chase)
  • He ___ in the closet when the killer entered his house. (hide)
  • She was not ___ a cake when I was around. She was cooking a pie. (make)

Kunci Jawaban Contoh Soal Past Perfect Tense

Kunci Jawaban Contoh Soal Past Perfect Tense Untuk Bahan Koreksi

Menyambung pembahasan terkait contoh soal dan jawaban tentang past continuous tense , berikut adalah kunci jawaban untuk soal-soal di atas. Lihat dan bandingkan dengan hasil pengerjaan kamu!

  • was playing
  • were dating 
  • was showering
  • were watching
  • were talking
  • were helping
  • were having
  • was showing
  • was waiting
  •  sweeping, working 
  • were shopping
  •  cleaning, was sleeping 
  • was feeding
  • was selling
  • were chasing

Baca juga : Contoh Kalimat Past Continuous Tense Positif Negatif Interogatif

Nah, itulah contoh soal past continuous tense dan jawaban nya. Ingatlah mengerjakan soal latihan seperti di atas secara berkala. Tujuannya, agar bisa kamu tetap mengingat beragam materi bahasa Inggris yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya. 

Semoga contoh soal past continuous tense dan dan jawabannya  ini dapat bermanfaat dan juga membantumu dalam meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris lebih baik lagi. Selamat mengerjakan!

  • Facebook Messenger
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  • 50 Contoh Soal Past Perfect Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya
  • 20 Contoh Soal Present Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya
  • 45 Contoh Soal Future Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya
  • 50 Contoh Soal Past Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya

8 Contoh Keberagaman Budaya Indonesia yang Harus Dijaga

Belajar Memahami Arti Wife, Spouse, Woman, Consort, Housewife, dan Mate

Arti Wife, Spouse, Woman, Consort, Housewife, dan Mate

Beajar Memahami Arti Rich dan Wealthy serta Contoh Kalimatnya

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Kumpulan Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Simple Future Tense

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Simple Future Tense dan Artinya

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense, Esai, Pilihan Ganda, & Jawabannya

Contoh soal Simple Past Tense dan jawabannya dapat membantu pemahaman Anda tentang penggunaan struktur tersebut dalam kalimat. Berikut selengkapnya. - Contoh soal Simple Past Tense dapat membantu pemahaman Anda tentang penggunaan struktur tersebut dalam kalimat.

Simple Past Tense merupakan salah satu jenis kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris. Kalimat simple past tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang telah terjadi serta berakhir di masa lampau.

Subjek + Kata Kerja Bentuk Kedua (V2)

Contoh kalimat:

  • I worked yesterday
  • Your learned English since last night
  • We saw a horror movie two days ago

S + did not + Kata Kerja Bentuk Pertama (V1)

  • I did not worked yesterday
  • You did not learned English since last night
  • We did not saw a horror movie two days ago

Did + S + V1

  • Did all the students do the assignment yesterday?
  • Did you go to Jakarta yesterday?

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense

Untuk lebih memahami materi simple past tense, salah satu yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan mengerjakan soal-soal terkait.

Soal akan membantu Anda mengetahui seberapa jauh pemahaman tentang materi simple past tense. Berikut ini contoh soal simple past tense lengkap dengan jawabannya:

Tuliskan kembali kalimat-kalimat berikut ini dengan menggunakan Simple Past Tense.

1. My Mom (write) a letter to Aunt Tina in Japan just now.

Jawaban: My Mom wrote a letter to Aunt Tina in Japan just now.

2. Halimah (give) me some stationery as my birthday present this morning.

Jawaban: Halimah gave me some stationery as my birthday present this morning.

3. The children (sing) together in the choir competition last Sunday.

Jawaban: The children sang together in the choir competition last Sunday.

4. My dad and I (climb) Papandayan Mount together three months ago.

Jawaban: My dad and I climbed Papandayan Mount together three months ago.

5. Niken (fall) from her bike yesterday evening.

Jawaban: Niken fell from her bike yesterday evening.

6. Riana (not receive) the announcement last week.

Jawaban: Riana did not receive the announcement last week.

7. The students (not read) the text to discuss yesterday morning.

Jawaban: The students did not read the text to discuss yesterday morning.

8. Mr Joni (not teach) Math here last year.

Jawaban: Mr Joni did not teach Math here last year.

9. (he speak) politely to his elder brother just now?

Jawaban: Did he speak politely to his elder brother just now?

10. (the girls dance) beautifully on the main stage last night?

Jawaban: Did the girls dance beautifully on the main stage last night?

Pilihan Ganda

11. She … her dog everyday

Jawaban: Feeds

12. I … always … to the dentist

A. Do not, go

B. Does not, go

C. Do not, went

D. Does not, went

Jawaban: A. Do not, go

13. Mozart ___________ more than 600 pieces of music.

D. Was wrote

Jawaban: B. Wrote

14. We _______ David in town a few days ago.

Jawaban: A. Did see

15. It was cold, so I _____________ the window.

B. Was shut

Jawaban: A. Shut

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contoh soal simple past continuous tense essay


contoh soal simple past continuous tense essay

Kumpulan Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Materi Past Continuous Tense

contoh soal simple past continuous tense essay – Adjarian, di bawah ini adalah kumpulan soal essay bahasa Inggris materi past continuous tense .

Apa itu past continuous tense ?

Past continuous tense merupakan salah satu jenis past tense . Tenses satu ini befungsi untuk menceritakan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lalu selama periode waktu tertentu.

Nah, tenses ini biasanya dicirikan dengan adanya to be dalam bentuk kedua atau past . Masih ingat bentuk kedua dari to be kan?

Yap! Untuk to be “ is ” dan “ am ” bentuk keduanya adalah “ was ”, sementara to be “ are ” bentuk keduanya adalah “were ”.

Penggunaan to be dalam tenses satu ini juga selalu diikuti dengan kata kerja past participle atau verb-ing .

Misalnya, “ I was going to the mall yesterday at 7 p.m.”

Salah satu cara mengasah kemampuan pemahaman materi past continuous tense adalah dengan mengerjakan kumpulan soalnya.

Untuk itu, coba kita kerjakan bersama soal-soal di bawah ini, yuk!

Baca Juga: Rumus dan Fungsi Past Continuous Tense dan Contoh Penggunaannya dalam Kalimat

1. Were you … this table at 09 p.m. yesterday? (clean)

Bahasa inggris

Past continuous tense, kumpulan soal, promoted content, artikel terkait, kumpulan soal dan jawaban bahasa inggris materi future perfect continuous, kumpulan soal bahasa inggris materi relative pronoun 'who', 'whom', dan 'whose', kumpulan soal pilihan ganda materi grammar future continuous tense, kumpulan soal dan jawaban bahasa inggris materi to be 'was' dan 'were'.

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75 Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Past Tense Beserta Jawaban

75 Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Past Tense Beserta Jawaban – Artikel hari ini kalian akan menemukan latihan tingkat menengah (Intermediate Level) dalam  75 Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Past Tense Beserta Jawaban.

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Table of Contents

Part 1 (Intermediate)

Past Tense – Simple or Progressive: Fill in the correct form.

1. George _______ off the ladder while he _______ the ceiling. (fall, paint)

2. Last night I _______ in bed when I suddenly _______ a scream. (read, hear)

3. _______ TV when I _______ you? (you watch, phone)

4. Ann _______ for me when I _______ . (wait, arrive)

5. Maisie _______ up the kitchen when John _______ her to marry him. (clean, ask)

6. The house _______ £ 150,000 in 2003. (cost)

7. The fire _______ at six in the morning. (still, burn)

8. My brother _______ a new job a week ago. (get)

9. Columbus _______ America over 500 years ago. (discover)

10. She _______ not interested in the book because she _______ it. (be, not understand)

11. _______ at school yesterday? (you be)

12. We _______ in a house near the sea last summer. (live)

13. She _______ the piano very well when she _______ young. (can play, be)

14. She _______ the office very early last night. (leave)

15. I _______ a friend while I _______ the shopping. (meet, do)

16. I _______ for my things when I _______ someone call my name. (pay, hear)

17. I _______ around and _______ Judy. (turn, see)

18. She _______ a bright yellow dress when I _______ her last. (wear, see)

19. We _______ to have a cup of tea. (decide)

20. While the waiter _______ up the pieces of glass he _______ his finger (pick, cut)

21. Then we _______ the cafe and _______ goodbye. (leave, say)

22. I _______ the fire at six and it _______ brightly when Tom came in at seven. (light, still burn)

23. My dog _______ along quietly when Mary’s Pekinese _______ him. (walk, attack)

24. When I _______ she _______ lunch. She said she always _______ lunch at 12:30. (arrive, have, have)

25. What _______ of his last book? –I _______ it a lot. (you think, like)

26. He suddenly _______ that he _______ in the wrong direction. (realize, travel)

27. He _______ guitar when someone _______ the window and _______ out a bucket of water. (play, open, throw)

28. He _______ us to go out in the boat yesterday because of a strong wind _______. (not allow, blow)

29. The next day, as they _______ that the police _______ for them, they _______ the coats in the woods and _______ off in different directions. (know, look, hide, go)

30. When I _______ home they _______ around a fire. Jack _______ a crossword puzzle, Judy _______ and the others _______. Mother _______ at me and said: “ Come and sit down”. (come, sit, do, knit, read, smile)

Past Tense – Simple or Progressive: Fill in the correct form. 1. George fell off the ladder while he was painting the ceiling. 2. Last night I was reading in bed when I suddenly heard a scream. 3. Were you watching TV when I phoned you? 4. Ann was waiting for me when I arrived . 5. Maisie was cleaning up the kitchen when John asked her to marry him. 6. The house cost £ 150,000 in 2003. 7. The fire was still burning at six in the morning. 8. My brother got a new job a week ago. 9. Columbus discovered America over 500 years ago. 10. She was not interested in the book because she did not understand it. 11. Were you at school yesterday? 12. We lived in a house near the sea last summer. 13. She could play the piano very well when she was young. 14. She left the office very early last night. 15. I met a friend while I was doing the shopping. 16. I was paying for my things when I heard someone call my name . 17. I turned around and saw Judy. 18. She was wearing a bright yellow dress when I saw her last. 19. We decided to have a cup of tea. 20. While the waiter was picking up the pieces of glass he cut his finger. 21. Then we left the cafe and said goodbye. 22. I lit the fire at six and it was still burning brightly when Tom came in at seven. 23. My dog was walking along quietly when Mary’s Pekinese attacked him. 24. When I arrived she was having lunch. She said she always had lunch at 12:30. 25. What did you think of his last book? –I liked it a lot. 26. He suddenly realized that he was travelling in the wrong direction. 27. He was playing guitar when someone opened the window and threw out a bucket of water. 28. He did not allow us to go out in the boat yesterday because a strong wind was blowing . 29. The next day, as they knew that the police were looking for them, they hid the coats in the woods and went off in different directions. 30. When I came home they were all sitting around a fire. Jack was doing a crossword puzzle, Judy was knitting and the others were reading . Mother smiled at me and said: “Come and sit down”.

[su_box title=” Read More ” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””] 150 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Tense Beserta Jawaban [/su_box]

Part 2 (Intermediate)

1. I _______ Sue in town yesterday, but she _______ me. She _______ the other way. (see, not see, look)

2. I _______ Tom and Jane at the airport a few weeks ago. They _______ to Berlin and I _______ to Madrid. We _______ a chat while we _______ for our flights. (meet, go, go, have, wait)

3. I _______ home yesterday when suddenly a man _______ out into the road in front of me. I _______ quite fast but luckily I _______ to stop in time and _______ him. (cycle, step, go, manage, not hit)

4. Jerry _______ for me when I _______ . (wait, arrive)

5. “What _______ at this time yesterday”? – “I was asleep.” (you do)

6. “_______ out last night?” – “No, I was too tired”. (you go)

7. “Was Carol at the party last night?” – “Yes she _______ a really nice dress.” (wear)

8. How fast _______ when the accident _______ ? (you drive, happen)

9. John _______ a photo of me while I _______ . (take, not look)

10. We _______ in a very difficult position. We _______ what to do. (be, not know)

11. I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last _______ him, he _______ to find a job in Leeds. (see, try)

12. I _______ along the street when suddenly I _______ footsteps behind me. Somebody _______ me. I was frightened and _______ to run. (walk, hear, follow, start)

13. When I _______ young I _______ to be a bus driver. (be, want)

14. While Mike _______ TV Sheila _______ a book. (watch, read)

15. She _______ for the bus when I _______ her yesterday. (wait, see)

16. On Sunday I _______ for a walk and then I _______ the museum. (go, visit)

17. He _______ lunch when the first guests _______ . (prepare, arrive)

18. She _______ when she suddenly _______ a strange noise. (sleep,hear)

19. We _______ on the lake when a terrible thunderstorm _______ up. (sail, come)

20. Some minutes later his friend _______ to take him to the airport. (come)

21. While his friend _______ the car, John _______ about his holidays. (drive, talk)

22. John _______ a shower when the telephone _______ . (have, ring)

23. When they _______ at the airport, the plane _______ high above their heads. (arrive, already fly)

24. They _______ to the restaurant and _______ a cup of coffee. (go, have)

25. While the football teams _______ up, the fans _______ their flags. (warm, wave)

Past Tense – Simple or Progressive: Fill in the correct form. 1. I saw Sue in town yesterday, but she didn’t see me. She was looking the other way. 2. I met Tom and Jane at the airport a few weeks ago. They were going to Berlin and I was going to Madrid. We had a chat while we were waiting  for our flights. 3. I was cycling home yesterday when suddenly a man stepped out into the road in front of me. I was going quite fast but luckily I managed to stop in time and didn’t hit him. 4. Jerry was waiting for me when I arrived . 5. “What were you doing at this time yesterday”? – “I was asleep.” 6. “ Did you go out last night?” – “No, I was too tired”. 7. “Was Carol at the party last night?” – “Yes she was wearing a really nice dress.” 8. How fast were you driving when the accident happened ? 9. John took a photo of me while I was not looking . 10. We were in a very difficult position. We didn’t know what to do. 11. I haven’t seen Alan for ages. When I last saw him, he was trying to find a job in Leeds. 12. I was walking along the street when suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. Somebody was following me. I was frightened and started to run. 13. When I was young I wanted to be a bus driver. 14. While Mike was watching TV Sheila was reading a book. 15. She was waiting for the bus when I saw her yesterday. 16. On Sunday I went for a walk and then I visited the museum. 17. He was preparing lunch when the first guests arrived . 18. She was sleeping when she suddenly heard a strange noise. 19. We were sailing on the lake when a terrible thunderstorm came up. 20. Some minutes later his friend came to take him to the airport. 21. While his friend was driving the car, John was talking about his holidays. 22. John was having a shower when the telephone rang . 23. When they arrived at the airport, the plane was already flying high above their heads. 24. They went to the restaurant and had a cup of coffee. 25. While the football teams were warming up, the fans were waving their flags.

Part 3 (Intermediate)

Past Tense – Simple or progressive.

1. It _______ (rain) when we _______ (come) out of the shopping center.

2. It _______ (happen) very quickly. The car _______ (come) out of the side road and then the van _______ (drive) into the back of it.

3. I _______ (be) ill last week.

4. He _______ (break) his leg when he _______ (ski).

5. I _______ (look) out of the window and saw that people _______ (walk) in the park.

6. Emma _______ (pass) her exam a few weeks ago.

7. When we _______ (see) the spaceship we _______ (stop) the car.

8. When _______ (you buy) the car? – I _______ (buy) it a few years ago.

9. He _______ (sit) in the garden when a wasp _______ (sting) him in the nose.

10. Claire _______ (go) to Egypt last month.

11. She _______ (have) a beautiful dream when the alarm clock _______ (ring).

12. The car _______ (stop) at the lights.

13. We _______ (drive) home in the middle of the night when we _______ (see) a flashing light.

14. Soft music _______ (play) when I _______ (go) into the room.

15. _______ (you buy) that bag while I _______ (look) after the children?

16. It _______ (be) peaceful and the birds _______ (sing).

17. Was _______ (Jimmy, already wait) for you when you _______ (get) there?

18. I _______ (ring) at about 3 o’clock yesterday, but you _______ (not pick) up the phone. – What _______ (you do)? – I _______ (help) Dad in the garden so I probably _______ (not hear) it.

19. I _______ (lie) in the bath when the phone _______ (ring). It _______ (stop) after a few rings.

20. It _______ (be) cold when we _______ (leave) the house that day.

Past Tense – Simple or progressive. 1. It was raining when we came out of the shopping center. 2. It happened very quickly. The car came out of the side road and then the van drove into the back of it. 3. I was ill last week. 4. He broke his leg when he was skiing . 5. I looked out of the window and saw that people were walking in the park. 6. Emma passed her exam a few weeks ago. 7. When we saw the spaceship we stopped the car. 8. When did you buy the car? – I bought it a few years ago. 9. He was sitting in the garden when a wasp stung him in the nose. 10. Claire went to Egypt last month. 11. She was having a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang . 12. The car stopped at the lights. 13. We were driving home in the middle of the night when we saw a flashing light. 14. Soft music was playing when I went into the room. 15. Did you buy that bag while I was looking after the children? 16. It was peaceful and the birds were singing . 17. Was Jimmy already waiting for you when you got there? 18. I rang at about 3 o’clock yesterday, but you didn’t pick up the phone. – What were you doing ? – I was helping Dad in the garden so I probably didn’t hear it. 19. I was lying in the bath when the phone rang . It stopped after a few rings. 20. It was cold when we left the house that day.

Semoga contoh soal di atas dapat menambah wawasan kalian dalam menjawab soal-soal di sekolah.

[su_box title=” Read More ” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””] Contoh Soal Passive Voice Beserta Jawaban dan Penjelasannya [/su_box]

contoh soal simple past continuous tense essay

10 Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense dan Pembahasannya, Bisa buat Ujian!

Siswa-siswi kelas 5 menjalani ujian penilaian akhir sekolah di SD Negeri Kota Baru 2 dan 3, Kota Bekasi, Jabar, Senin (7/6). Ujian dilaksanakan secara tatap muka.

Soal-soal mengenai Past Continuous Tense merupakan salah satu materi terkait Tenses dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Untuk topik ini, biasanya berfungsi dalam menyatakan perbuatan yang telah dimulai dan berlangsung saat perbuatan lain menyusul pada waktu lampau.

Atau pun dapat berfungsi untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang sedang terjadi di waktu lampau. Contoh soal Past Continuous Tense yang dirangkum detikEdu dari buku Be Smart Bahasa Inggris karya Asep Dadang dan Dian Anggraeni serta buku Get Success UN+SPMB Bahasa Inggris karya Farida Hidayati dapat disimak setelah penjelasan berikut ini.

10 Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense dan Pembahasannya

1. X: When did you do your homework? Y: I ... my homework when you watched television.



A. does B. am doing C. was doing D. has done E. were do

Pembahasan: Jawaban yang benar untuk melengkapi soal di atas adalah dengan menggunakan bentuk past continuous tense yang berpola (S + was/were + Verb-1 + ing ...). Kalimat di atas menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedang dikerjakan di masa lampau. Jadi, jawaban soal nomor 1 adalah C.

2. Nuki: What was your sister doing when you arrived home last night? Rendra: She ... in the kitchen.

A. cooks B. is cooking C. has cooking D. has been cooking E. was cooking

Pembahasan: Ungkapan yang paling tepat untuk menjawab pertanyaan Nuki adalah "She was cooking", karena pertanyaan tersebut mengandung bentuk past continuous tense yang ditandai dengan keterangan waktu when you arrived.

3. Insan: Were you laughing at me when I talked to Mrs. Ratna? Kamil: _____

What will Kamil say if her answer is NO?

A. No, I don't laugh. B. No, I was not laughing at you. C. No, I didn't laugh D. No, I am not laughing at you. E. No, I wont laugh.

Pembahasan: Jawaban yang benar untuk melengkapi soal di atas adalah dengan menggunakan bentuk past continuous tense yang berpola (S + was/were + Verb-1 + ing ...). Kalimat di atas menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedang dikerjakan di masa lampau. Jadi, jawaban soal nomor 3 adalah B.

4. Lalita: Were you watching 'strawberry shortcake cartoon' when I came? Qinna: Yes I was.

The underlined sentence means that ...

A. Lalita didn't care about Qinna's activities. B. Lalita was watching a cartoon when somebody came. C. Qinna was not doing anything when somebody came. D. Qinna was watching a cartoon when somebody came. E. Lalita and Qina were watching a cartoon when somebody came.

Pembahasan: Jawaban yang benar untuk melengkapi soal di atas adalah dengan menggunakan bentuk past continuous tense yang berpola (S + was/were + Verb-1 + ing ...). Kalimat di atas menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedang dikerjakan di masa lampau. Jadi, jawaban soal nomor 4 adalah D.

5. Kintan and I were drawing a view of Bromo mountain two days ago.

The interrogative construction of past continuous tense above is?

A. Are Kintan and I drawing a view of Bromo mountain two days ago? B. Do Kintan and I draw a view of Bromo mountain two days ago? C. Did Kintan and I draw a view of Bromo mountain two days ago? D. Were Kintan and I drawing a view of Bromo mountain two days ago? E. Was Kintan and I drawing a view of Bromo mountain two days ago?

Pembahasan: Jawaban yang benar untuk melengkapi contoh soal di atas adalah dengan menggunakan bentuk past continuous tense yang berpola (S + was/were + Verb-1 + ing ...). Kalimat di atas menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedang dikerjakan di masa lampau dan dilakukan oleh lebih dari satu orang. Jadi, jawaban soal nomor 5 adalah D.

For questions 6 to 8, choose the best word to complete the paragraph!

One day I ... (6) my grandma make dumplings. First, we poured the flour and the water to make the dough, then it was rolled out and shaped. After that, we ... (7) the filling with meat and cabbage. The rolled dough was then ... (8) in the fillings and cooked in boiling water. At last the dumplings were ready to eat.

6. A. helps B. helped C. was helped D. am helping E. has helping

Pembahasan: Kalimat soal menggunakan the simple past tense, maka verb yang tepat untuk melengkapi soal nomor 6 adalah (B) helped.

7. A. make B. makes C. made D. are making E. were making

Pembahasan: Kalimat soal menggunakan the simple past tense, maka verb yang tepat untuk melengkapi soal nomor 7 adalah (C) made.

8. A. given B. give C. gave D. gives E. was giving

Pembahasan: Kalimat soal merupakan kalimat pasif berbentuk subject + be + past participle. Jadi, kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat yang rumpang adalah (A) given.

9. Oni Shahrial ... dubbing Shinchan voice at this time last year.

A. is B. are C. was D. were E. has been

Pembahasan: Jawaban yang benar untuk melengkapi soal di atas adalah dengan menggunakan bentuk past continuous tense yang berpola (S + was/were + Verb-1 + ing ...). Kalimat di atas menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedang dikerjakan di masa lampau. Jadi, jawaban soal nomor 9 adalah C.

10. Olla: What were you doing when I rang you up? Qolli: I was ... my home works.

A. doing B. done C. does D. do E. had done

Pembahasan: Jawaban yang benar untuk melengkapi soal di atas adalah dengan menggunakan bentuk past continuous tense yang berpola (S + was/were + Verb-1 + ing ...). Kalimat di atas menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedang dikerjakan di masa lampau. Jadi, jawaban soal nomor 10 adalah A.

Selamat mengerjakan latihan contoh soal Past Continuous Tense ya, detikers. Semoga dengan latihan soal ini dapat membantu kamu dalam memahami materinya, ya.

20 Contoh Soal PAS Fisika Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka, Ayo Latihan!

20 contoh soal pas fisika kelas 11 semester 2 kurikulum merdeka beserta jawaban, misteri bunga rafflesia, parasit cantik yang harus dilindungi, to be 'was' digunakan untuk apa ini penjelasan dengan contohnya, 50 ucapan selain happy birthday dalam bahasa inggris beserta artinya, lepas dari mitos gaya belajar, 5 olahraga yang dipercaya bisa bikin panjang umur, mudah dilakukan di rumah, ucapan selamat ulang tahun bahasa inggris, personal dan penuh makna.

7 Foto Pernikahan Barbie Kumalasari Dengan Eks Suami, Akad Digelar Sederhana

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Soal Latihan Simple Past Tense vs Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense

contoh soal simple past continuous tense essay

  • He was in Jakarta yesterday.
  • I visited Lombok last year.
  • I always went to the mosque at night.
  • I was studying Grammar at 9:30 yesterday.
  • The boys were playing footbal at 4:30 yesterday afternoon.
  • I was walking down the street when the accident happened.
  • I was standing under the tree when my friend called me.
  • While I was studying at my room, someone knocked my door.


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6 Soal (Essay) Past Continuous Tense Beserta Jawaban

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60 contoh soal pilihan ganda past continuous tense disertai jawabannya


Berikut adalah 60 soal pilihan ganda tentang Past Continuous Tense lengkap dengan jawabannya.

  • While she ________ her homework, her sister ________ on the phone. a. does / talks b. was doing / was talking c. did / talked d. do / talk Jawaban: b
  • They ________ to the beach when it started raining. a. go b. were going c. goes d. went Jawaban: b
  • What ________ you ________ at 10 PM last night? a. do / watch b. are / watching c. were / watching d. is / watch Jawaban: c
  • At this time yesterday, she ________ a cake for her friend. a. bakes b. baked c. baking d. bake Jawaban: b
  • While I ________ the news, my sister ________ a book. a. watch / reads b. watched / read c. am watching / is reading d. watching / is reading Jawaban: c
  • They ________ a play when I visited the theater. a. practice b. practicing c. were practicing d. practiced Jawaban: c
  • What ________ you ________ when the teacher entered the classroom? a. do / talk b. are / talking c. were / talking d. is / talk Jawaban: c
  • At 8 AM this morning, I ________ breakfast. a. eat b. eating c. ate d. eats Jawaban: c
  • While he ________ for the train, it ________. a. waits / rains b. waited / was raining c. wait / is raining d. waiting / rains Jawaban: b
  • They ________ a new language when I met them. a. learn b. learning c. learns d. were learning Jawaban: d
  • What ________ you ________ when your friend called you? a. do / do b. are / doing c. were / doing d. is / do Jawaban: c
  • At this time last night, he ________ his car in the garage. a. park b. parks c. parked d. parking Jawaban: c
  • While they ________ the game, the lights ________. a. play / went out b. playing / go out c. played / goes out d. were playing / went out Jawaban: d
  • She ________ a book when the doorbell rang. a. reads b. reading c. read d. is reading Jawaban: d
  • What ________ you ________ at this time yesterday? a. do / study b. are / studying c. were / studying d. is / study Jawaban: c
  • What ________ you ________ when the phone rang? a. do / talk b. are / talking c. were / talking d. is / talk Jawaban: c
  • While they ________ for the bus, it ________. a. wait / rains b. waited / was raining c. waits / is raining d. wait / is raining Jawaban: b
  • He ________ his car when the accident happened. a. drive b. drives c. drove d. driving Jawaban: c
  • At this time last week, I ________ in the mountains. a. am hiking b. hike c. was hiking d. hiked Jawaban: c
  • What ________ you ________ when I saw you in the park? a. do / read b. are / reading c. were / reading d. is / read Jawaban: c
  • They ________ basketball when it started raining. a. play b. playing c. were playing d. plays Jawaban: c
  • While I ________ my room, my friends ________ a surprise party for me. a. clean / organize b. cleaned / organized c. am cleaning / organizing d. cleans / organizes Jawaban: b
  • At this time yesterday, he ________ a novel. a. reads b. is reading c. was reading d. read Jawaban: c
  • What ________ you ________ when the phone suddenly rang? a. do / talk b. are / talking c. were / talking d. is / talk Jawaban: c
  • She ________ her homework all afternoon. a. does b. is doing c. did d. was doing Jawaban: d
  • They ________ lunch when I visited them. a. have b. having c. had d. have been having Jawaban: c
  • While I ________ in the garden, it ________. a. am sitting / is raining b. was sitting / was raining c. sit / rains d. sits / is raining Jawaban: b
  • What ________ you ________ when the accident occurred? a. do / see b. are / seeing c. were / seeing d. is / see Jawaban: c
  • At this time last week, they ________ a new recipe. a. try b. tries c. tried d. trying Jawaban: c
  • While she ________ for her flight, her friends ________ her a goodbye party. a. waits / throws b. waiting / throw c. waited / threw d. wait / throws Jawaban: c
  • He ________ a song when I walked into the room. a. sing b. singing c. sang d. sings Jawaban: b
  • What ________ you ________ when the earthquake struck? a. do / feel b. are / feeling c. were / feeling d. is / feel Jawaban: c
  • They ________ the marathon when it started raining heavily. a. run b. running c. runs d. were running Jawaban: d
  • While I ________ my car, my neighbor ________ me for a chat. a. wash / approaches b. washed / approached c. am washing / approaches d. wash / approached Jawaban: b
  • At this time yesterday, she ________ her favorite TV show. a. watch b. watched c. watching d. watches Jawaban: b
  • What ________ you ________ when I phoned you? a. do / do b. are / doing c. were / doing d. is / do Jawaban: c
  • They ________ a road trip when their car broke down. a. plan b. planned c. planning d. plans Jawaban: b
  • While she ________ her presentation, the computer ________. a. prepares / crashes b. preparing / crashed c. prepared / crashes d. was preparing / crashed Jawaban: d
  • What ________ you ________ at this time last Saturday? a. do / study b. are / studying c. were / studying d. is / study Jawaban: c
  • They ________ to a concert when the singer forgot the lyrics. a. listen b. listening c. listens d. were listening Jawaban: d
  • While I ________ my lunch, the phone ________. a. eat / ring b. ate / rang c. am eating / is ringing d. eating / rings Jawaban: b
  • What ________ you ________ when the earthquake occurred? a. do / feel b. are / feeling c. were / feeling d. is / feel Jawaban: c
  • At this time yesterday, they ________ a documentary on TV. a. watch b. watched c. watching d. watches Jawaban: b
  • While she ________ her car, the kids ________ in the playground. a. washes / playing b. was washing / played c. wash / plays d. washed / play Jawaban: b
  • He ________ his phone when it suddenly ________. a. checks / rings b. checked / rang c. check / ring d. checking / is ringing Jawaban: b
  • What ________ you ________ when I called you yesterday evening? a. do / do b. are / doing c. were / doing d. is / do Jawaban: c
  • They ________ a picnic in the park when the rain ________. a. have / starts b. having / started c. had / starts d. were having / started Jawaban: d
  • While he ________ his favorite song, his sister ________ her homework. a. listens / doing b. listened / did c. listen / does d. was listening / was doing Jawaban: d
  • What ________ you ________ at this time last year? a. do / study b. are / studying c. were / studying d. is / study Jawaban: c
  • At 6 PM yesterday, she ________ dinner for her family. a. cooks b. cooked c. cooking d. is cooking Jawaban: b
  • While they ________ the play, the audience ________. a. watch / applauds b. watched / applauded c. watches / applaud d. were watching / were applauding Jawaban: d
  • She ________ her book when her friend ________ her a surprise. a. reads / gives b. reading / gave c. read / give d. was reading / gave Jawaban: d
  • What ________ you ________ when the storm hit? a. do / hear b. are / hearing c. were / hearing d. is / hear Jawaban: c
  • They ________ in the garden when it started snowing. a. play b. playing c. played d. were playing Jawaban: d
  • At this time last week, he ________ his new bicycle. a. rides b. riding c. rode d. ride Jawaban: c
  • While she ________ the news, her brother ________ music. a. watch / is playing b. was watching / played c. watches / plays d. watched / plays Jawaban: b
  • What ________ you ________ when the accident happened? a. do / see b. are / seeing c. were / seeing d. is / see Jawaban: c
  • They ________ their project when the professor entered the room. a. complete b. completes c. completing d. were completing Jawaban: d
  • At this time yesterday, I ________ a delicious meal. a. cook b. cooks c. cooking d. cooked Jawaban: d
  • While they ________ at the beach, the sun ________. a. are swimming / sets b. swimming / set c. swam / sets d. were swimming / was setting Jawaban: a
  • 20 contoh soal pilihan ganda past continuous tense beserta jawabannya 4 months ago

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40 soal pilihan ganda : simple past tense & jawaban (b inggris).

Contoh soal pilihan ganda tentang simple past tense dan jawaban pada mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris. Sebelumnya, kami telah membagikan contoh latihan soal Bahasa inggris tentang simple past tense yang selain sudah ada kunci jawaban, juga terdapat pembahasan, yaitu buka :   Kumpulan Soal Simple Past Tense & Jawaban + Pembahasan Nah, untuk kali ini kami akan membagikan kembali soal mengenai simple past tense. Hanya saja kami hanya menyediakan kunci jawabannya saja. Artinya tanpa ada pembahasan soal. Kami pikir ketika teman-teman membuka artikel kami sebelumnya, maka teman-teman akan mampu sedikit mengetahui mengenai konsep atau cara menjawab soal simple past tense. Oleh karena itu, kali ini kami hanya menyediakan kunci jawabannya.

Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Simple Past Tense dan Jawaban

Soal pilihan ganda simple past tense (bahasa inggris smp sma) .

Soal Pilihan Ganda Simple Past Tense Jawaban Inggris

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  • Kamis, 6 Juni 2024
  • Metro Aspirasiku


50 Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense dan Kunci Jawaban Essay

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense (Pixabay/Markus Winkler)

ASPIRASIKU - 50 contoh soal simple past tense berikut ini dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban essay.

Contoh soal essay simple past tense ini cocok dipelajari para pelajar SMP dan SMA yang sedang belajar bahasa Inggris.

Berikut adalah 50 contoh soal tentang Simple Past Tense yang bisa membantu dalam belajar atau mengajar penggunaan waktu lampau dalam bahasa Inggris:

Baca Juga: Naskah Drama Berbentuk, Format Tradisional dengan Contoh Teks Narasi dan Dialog

1. She (visit) ______ her grandmother last weekend. 2. I (play) ______ soccer yesterday. 3. They (watch) ______ a movie last night. 4. We (go) ______ to the beach last summer. 5. He (have) ______ a big dinner last night. 6. You (write) ______ an email to your teacher yesterday. 7. The children (sing) ______ at the concert last week. 8. She (not / do) ______ her homework last night. 9. Did he (go) ______ to the party last Saturday? 10. What (you / do) ______ last weekend?

Baca Juga: Umpan-balik Dipergunakan untuk Mengubah Teknik, Isi Pesan atau Gaya Komunikasi. Jelaskan tentang Komponen Apa Saja dalam Proses Komunikasi dan Mengapa

11. Why (she / not / come) ______ to the meeting? 12. Who (you / meet) ______ at the mall yesterday? 13. (they / play) ______ video games all evening? 14. When (he / leave) ______ the office last Friday? 15. (you / watch) ______ the new movie last night? 16. I (not / understand) ______ the lesson yesterday. 17. They (eat) ______ at a new restaurant last month. 18. She (take) ______ her dog for a walk in the park yesterday. 19. We (be) ______ very tired after the long journey. 20. You (see) ______ anything interesting during your trip?

Baca Juga: SISWA Kelas 9 SMP! INILAH 15 Contoh Soal Matematika Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka untuk Ujian Sekolah, Disertai Kunci Jawabannya

21. He (buy) ______ a new car last week. 22. What time (she / finish) ______ work yesterday? 23. The teacher (explain) ______ the rules before the game started. 24. I (not / go) ______ to school because I was sick. 25. They (have) ______ a lot of fun at the theme park. 26. (you / talk) ______ to James at the party? 27. He (not / want) ______ to see the movie. 28. What (they / eat) ______ at the dinner? 29. She (write) ______ a letter to her friend last night. 30. We (not / hear) ______ the alarm clock this morning.

Baca Juga: Belajar Bahasa Inggris, Pengertian dan Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense

31. Did he (sleep) ______ well last night? 32. She (be) ______ excited to see her cousin. 33. The game (start) ______ at seven o'clock. 34. They (not / understand) ______ the instructions. 35. Where (you / spend) ______ your holiday last year? 36. He (sell) ______ his old computer. 37. Did she (enjoy) ______ her birthday party? 38. What (he / do) ______ when you called? 39. She (not / join) ______ us for dinner last night. 40. Why (you / not / help) ______ him with his project?

Baca Juga: Biografi Tokoh Terkenal dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya, Pahlawan dan Proklamator Indonesia Ir Soekarno

41. The movie (begin) ______ at nine o'clock. 42. They (not / be) ______ happy with the results. 43. Where (he / find) ______ that book? 44. She (cook) ______ a delicious meal last Sunday. 45. I (be) ______ late because of the traffic yesterday. 46. Did they (like) ______ the gift you gave them? 47. He (forget) ______ to lock the door when he left. 48. What (she / say) ______ about the news? 49. We (not / see) ______ any stars last night. 50. Did you (know) ______ about the surprise party?

Baca Juga: Rekomendasi Hero Honor of Kings untuk Pemula

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🏠 / Verb & Verbal / Passive Past Continuous Tense: Rumus, Kalimat, dan Contoh Soal

Passive Past Continuous Tense: Rumus, Kalimat, dan Contoh Soal

Rumus passive voice – past continuous tense.

Past participle ditemani oleh auxiliary verb “be” berupa was/were dan “being”. Be disesuaikan dengan subject pada passive voice (= object pada active voice) memenuhi aturan subject-verb agreement .

Contoh kalimat passive voice - past continuous tense dan artinya: While the meal was being prepared, I was offered free snacks. (Ketika makanan sedang disiapkan, saya ditawarkan makanan ringan gratis.)

contoh kalimat passive voice – past continuous tense

Lihat juga:

  • Passive Voice: Past Perfect Tense
  • Passive Voice: Future Perfect Tense

Passive Voice

  • Get-Passive
  • Short Passive (Agentless Passive)
  • Passive pada Tenses, Infinitive, dan Gerund
  • Passive pada Intransitive Verb (Prepositional Passive)
  • Panduan Belajar Passive Voice

Berikut rumus passive voice dalam past continuous tense:

Active Voice

S + was/were + present participle + direct object

S (direct object) + was/were + being + past participle +/- by … (agent)

Adapun agent pada passive voice merupakan subject pada active voice. Rumus di atas berlaku untuk transitive verb , dimana memang kata kerja tersebut yang umum dipasifkan.

rumus passive voice - past continuous tense: passive voice (auxiliary verb) past continuous tense active voice: was/were + verb-ing passive voice: was/were + being + verb-3

rumus passive voice – past continuous tense

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice – Past Continuous Tense

Bread  was being baked when I came. (Roti sedang dipanggang ketika saya datang.)

The toll road was being maintained at this time yesterday. (Jalan tol sedang dipelihara kemarin.)

The kitchen floor was being cleaned while the children were playing in the living room. (Lantai dapur dibersihkan ketika anak-anak bermain di ruang tamu.)

Exchange rates  were being discussed at 7 o’clock this morning. (Kurs sedang didiskusikan pada pukul 7 pagi ini.)

The human resource manager said that my documents were still being processed . (Manager SDM mengatakan bahwa dokumen saya masih diproses.)

10 Contoh Soal Passive Voice – Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda

Direct object  pada active voice menjadi subject  pada passive voice  dimana pada past continuous tense kata kerja be (was/were) + v-ing ( present participle ) diubah menjadi be (was/were) + being + verb-3 ( past participle ).

Active Voice:

Passive voice:.

S (direct object active voice ) + was/were + being + past participle +/- by … (subject active voice )

Ketik a atau b untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong pada soal passive voice – past continuous tense di bawah ini dengan mengikuti petunjuk di dalam kurung.

We were sitting quietly while the movie ... (play).

  • was being played
  • were being played

Your answer:

When anna came to her grandfather's house, the roses ... (water)..

  • was being watered
  • were being watered

My car ... (service) at this time yesterday.

  • was being serviced
  • were being serviced

... paths through the jungle being cleared all day yesterday?

The guest walked up to me while the dishwasher ... (load)..

  • was being loaded
  • were being loaded

I couldn't use my computer last week because it ... (repair).

  • was being repaired
  • were being repaired

It ... (no longer produced) in 1977.

  • was no longer being produced
  • were no longer being produced

Breakfast ... (serve) when we arrived.

  • was being served
  • were being served

I was told that the hardware ... (not make) any more.

  • wasn't being made
  • weren't being made

I discovered two weddings ... (hold) at this hotel at 8 pm last night.

  • was being held
  • were being held

Javascript diperlukan untuk menjalankan quiz ini.

  • Past Continuous Tense
  • Wh- Question Past Continuous Tense
  • Soal Past Continuous Tense
  • Soal Wh- Question Past Continuous
  • Soal Tenses


  • Passive Verb Tenses. Accessed on November 16, 2014.
  • Continuous Forms of the Passive. Accessed on November 16, 2014.
  • The Past Continuous Tense. . Accessed on November 15, 2014.
  • Grammar Challenge – continuous passives . . Accessed on March 7, 2016.
  • Exercise on Passive Voice – Past Progressive. . Accessed on March 7, 2016.
  • The Simple Past and the Past Progressive with When and While. Accessed on March 7, 2016.
  • Clear. . Accessed on March 7, 2016.
  • Past Progressive.  Accessed on February 16, 2013.

Wilma is a grammar enthusiast. She loves learning about things and writes about them.

8 thoughts on “ Passive Past Continuous Tense: Rumus, Kalimat, dan Contoh Soal ”

Halo Nurlaila… maaf ya baru balas 🙁

While dan when itu subordinate conjunction of time ya, jadi ada banyak lagi yang untuk menunjukkan keterangan waktu. Mungkin dapat dipelajari juga gimana penggunaan sisanya itu, seperti: after (setelah), as (ketika, sementara), as soon as (segera setelah), before (sebelum), once (segera setelah), since (sejak), until/till (sampai), dan whenever (kapan saja, sewaktu-waktu). Coba lihat: .

Saya menyarakan kamu mempelajari sequence of tenses (rangkaian tenses) sebagai gambaran bagaimana penggunaan verb tense yang berbeda-beda dalam satu kalimat karena aksi-aksinya memiliki perbedaan waktu atau urutan. Semoga membantu 🙂

kak mau nanya… guna nya passive voice past tense itu untuk mengungkapkan apa? trsselain yg diatas tsb ada ga ktentuan2 lainnya?

Pada dasarnya passive voice untuk memberi penekanan pada objek, memberi variasi pada tulisan, dan/atau digunakan ketika pelaku aksi tidak diketahui, sudah jelas / dapat ditebak, atau merujuk kepada orang secara umum Azizah. Contoh dan penjelasannya bisa dilihat di . Nah past tense ketika hal kejadiannya terjadi di masa lampau. Sepertinya itu Azizah secara garis besar. Mungkin bisa kamu sebutkan ketentuan-ketentuan dalam hal apa 😀

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Ruang Seni

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Past Continuous dan Simple Past Tense

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Past Continuous dan Simple Past Tense – Past Continuous dan Simple Past Tense adalah dua jenis tenses yang sering digunakan bersama dalam penggunaannya. Past Continous Tense adalah jenis tense yang menggunakan to be (was, were) dan verb-ing. Sedangkan Simple Past Tense adalah jenis tense yang menggunakan kata kerja bentuk ke-2 (Verb 2). Agar lebih memahami penggunaan kedua jenis tenses tersebut, berikut adalah soal latihan bahasa Inggris tentang Past Continuous dan Simple Past Tense.

Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Past Continuous dan Simple Past Tense

A. Exercise 1: Choosing the best form (Latihan 1: Memilih bentuk yang tepat)

Read what each speaker is thinking about. Tick the best sentence to use for the speaker (v).

I want to describe the main situation when I arrived at the party. a) Everyone was dancing. v b) Everyone danced. ____

1. I am thinking of the whole car journey. a) The driver was driving too fast. ____ b) The driver drove too fast. ____

2. I want to know about your action after the President’s death. a) What were you doing when the President died? ____ b) What did you do when the President died? ____

3. I want to show that I finished my dream. a) I dreamt about a wonderful holiday. ____ b) I was dreaming about a wonderful holiday. ____

4. I want to tell you what sort of person he was. a) He was talking too much. ____ b) He talked too much. ____

5. I want to show that I was interrupted. a) I was talking about her when she came into the room. ____ b) I talked about her when she came into the room. ____

[sc:ads] 6. I want to show that different things happened at the same time. a) He made a phone call, cooked, supper, and drank a coffee. ____ b) He was making a phone call, cooking supper and drinking a coffee. ____

7. I want to describe the situation when I broke my arm. a) I carried a big bag up some steps. ____ b) I was carrying a big bag up some steps. ____

8. I want to show that different things happened one after another. a) She was buyinga new house, writing a novel and arranging the wedding. ____ b) She bought a new house, wrote a novel and arranged the wedding. ____

B. Exercise 2: Learning from learners (Latihan 2: Belajar dari pelajar)

Look at these extracts from pieces of writing by learners of English. Put a tick mark (v) if the verbs of the past continuous or simple past are right, or you can put a cross mark (x) if the verbs are wrong.

The bell at pur school rang (v) at two o’clock in the afternoon and all of the children were running (x) out of their classes.

a) It was like the bell had released a sea of students. Children (1) were running ( __ ) everywhere.

b) While we (2) were chatting ( __ ) two monkeys appeared and (3) were moving ( __ ) towards us.

c) When I (4) was working ( __ ) as an Executive Secretary to the Managing Director I (5) was living ( __ ) with my parents.

d) When the police (6) were arriving ( __ ) Mr. Jones was arrested.

e) One day, while Mr. Pippett (7) took ( __ ) Solom out for a walk, the pair (8) met ( __ ) Solom’s previous owner.

C. Exercise 3: Written practice (Latihan 3: Menulis)

Look at this picture. What is wrong?

Read the police statement from a cyclist who was in an accident. Complete it with verbs from the box in either the past simple or the past continuous tense.

call cycle fall go happen have

hit hurt lie say stop take turn

The accident happened at 5.55 p.m. on 15 August. I (1) _______ home from work along Abbey Road. A car, suddenly, (2) _______ past me and (3) _______ left. I (4) _______ not ________ time to stop, and I (5) ________ the side of the car. I (6) ________ off my bicycle, and I (7) ________ on the ground when the car (8) _________ and the driver got out. He asked if I was OK. I (9) ________ ‘No’, because my left leg (10) ________ a lot. He (11) _______ an ambulance and it (12) ________ me to hospital.

Demikianlah soal latihan bahasa Inggris tentang Past Continuous dan Simple Past Tense. Semoga latihan di atas dapat bermanfaat bagi teman – teman untuk memahami penggunaan kedua jenis tenses tersebut dengan lebih baik lagi. Terima kasih.

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    Subjek + Kata Kerja Bentuk Kedua (V2) Contoh kalimat: I worked yesterday. Your learned English since last night. We saw a horror movie two days ago. Kedua, simple past tense bentuk kalimat negative (-) dengan rumus sebagai berikut: S + did not + Kata Kerja Bentuk Pertama (V1) Contoh kalimat: I did not worked yesterday.

  5. Kumpulan Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Materi Past Continuous Tense

    Misalnya, "I was going to the mall yesterday at 7 p.m." Salah satu cara mengasah kemampuan pemahaman materi past continuous tense adalah dengan mengerjakan kumpulan soalnya.. Untuk itu, coba kita kerjakan bersama soal-soal di bawah ini, yuk! Baca Juga: Rumus dan Fungsi Past Continuous Tense dan Contoh Penggunaannya dalam Kalimat Kumpulan Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Materi Past Continuous Tense

  6. 75 Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Past Tense Beserta Jawaban

    Jawaban. Past Tense - Simple or Progressive: Fill in the correct form. 1. I saw Sue in town yesterday, but she didn't see me. She was looking the other way.. 2. I met Tom and Jane at the airport a few weeks ago. They were going to Berlin and I was going to Madrid. We had a chat while we were waiting for our flights.. 3. I was cycling home yesterday when suddenly a man stepped out into the ...

  7. Past Continuous Tense: Pengertian, Rumus, Contoh dan Soal

    Past continuous tense merupakan bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aksi sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu. Tense ini dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb "be" (was/were) dan present participle (-ing). Was untuk singular subject kecuali you, sedangkan were untuk plural subject dan you.

  8. 10 Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense dan Pembahasannya, Bisa ...

    Kalimat soal menggunakan the simple past tense, maka verb yang tepat untuk melengkapi soal nomor 6 adalah (B) helped. 7. A. make B. makes C. made D. are making E. were making. Pembahasan: Kalimat soal menggunakan the simple past tense, maka verb yang tepat untuk melengkapi soal nomor 7 adalah (C) made. 8. A. given B. give C. gave D. gives E ...

  9. Contoh Soal Essay Past Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya (Penjelasan)

    Contoh Soal Essay Past Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya (Penjelasan) 7 Juli 2022 oleh admin. Past Continous Tense adalah tenses yang mengindikasikan bahwa suatu tindakan dimasa lalu yang belum selesai dikerjakan oleh seseorang. Biasanya tindakan yang belum selesai itu adalah tindakan yang singkat di masa lalu. Ingat juga bahwa hal ini bisa jadi ...

  10. Simple Past / Past Continuous Tense: Penggunaan dan Soal

    10 Contoh Soal Simple Past vs. Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong sehingga membentuk kalimat dengan simple past atau past continuous tense dengan mengetik a, b, atau c.

  11. Soal Latihan Simple Past Tense vs Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense

    I always went to the mosque at night. Sedangkan bentuk Past Continuous atau yang sering juga disebut dengan Past Progressive menyatakan suatu aktifitas yang sedang terjadi pada masa lampau. Contoh kalimat, I was studying Grammar at 9:30 yesterday. The boys were playing footbal at 4:30 yesterday afternoon. Kedua bentuk tenses Simple Past dan ...

  12. 6 Soal (Essay) Past Continuous Tense Beserta Jawaban

    past continuous tense + when + simple past tense. 1. when I got home (ketika saya tiba di rumah) 2. when he opened the door (ketika dia membuka pintu) 3. when you called her (ketika kamu meneleponnya) Contoh Kalimat Past Continuous Tense. 1. The door was knocked while I was reading a book.

  13. 60 contoh soal pilihan ganda past continuous tense disertai

    Berikut adalah 60 soal pilihan ganda tentang Past Continuous Tense lengkap dengan jawabannya. While she _____ her homework, her sister _____ on the phone. a. does / talks b. was doing / was talking c. did / talked d. do / talk Jawaban: b; They _____ to the beach when it started raining. a. go b. were going c. goes d. went Jawaban: b

  14. 40 Soal Pilihan Ganda : Simple Past Tense & Jawaban (B Inggris)

    Contoh soal pilihan ganda tentang simple past tense dan jawaban pada mata pelajaran Bahasa inggris. Sebelumnya, kami telah membagikan contoh latihan soal Bahasa inggris tentang simple past tense yang selain sudah ada kunci jawaban, juga terdapat pembahasan, yaitu buka : Kumpulan Soal Simple Past Tense & Jawaban + Pembahasan Nah, untuk kali ini kami akan membagikan kembali soal mengenai simple ...

  15. Contoh Soal Essay Present Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya (Penjelasan)

    Put the following sentences into the present continuous tense ! I take two breads for my breakfast. they watch kahitnas's concert in Jakarta. dendi does his homework at home. laila plays computer game with her friends. bubu sings ariana grande's songs in her friend's birthday party. prisilia reads a letter from her mother.

  16. 50 Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense dan Kunci Jawaban Essay

    ASPIRASIKU - 50 contoh soal simple past tense berikut ini dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban essay.. Contoh soal essay simple past tense ini cocok dipelajari para pelajar SMP dan SMA yang sedang belajar bahasa Inggris. Berikut adalah 50 contoh soal tentang Simple Past Tense yang bisa membantu dalam belajar atau mengajar penggunaan waktu lampau dalam bahasa Inggris:

  17. Passive Past Continuous Tense: Rumus, Kalimat, Contoh Soal

    10 Contoh Soal Passive Voice - Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda. Direct object pada active voice menjadi subject pada passive voice dimana pada past continuous tense kata kerja be (was/were) + v-ing ( present participle ) diubah menjadi be (was/were) + being + verb-3 ( past participle ).

  18. Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Past Continuous dan Simple Past Tense

    Latihan Bahasa Inggris tentang Past Continuous dan Simple Past Tense. Contents show. A. Exercise 1: Choosing the best form (Latihan 1: Memilih bentuk yang tepat) Read what each speaker is thinking about. Tick the best sentence to use for the speaker (v). Example:

  19. 25 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Kunci Jawabannya

    Berikut adalah beberapa contoh: - I bring the bag (tidak ada -s dalam 'bring')- We carry the things (tidak ada -ies dalam 'carry') Rumus simple present tense untuk kalimat positif adalah: S + Verb 1 atau Be (is/am/are) Baca materi selengkapnya : Materi Simple Present Tense Lengkap.

  20. 11 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay Beserta Jawabannya

    Oleh sebab itu, perlu adanya contoh soal simple present tense essay beserta jawabannya. Simple present tense memiliki dua pola yaitu verbal simple present tense dan nominal simple present tense. Verbal simple present tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebuah aksi. Sedangkan nominal simple present tense menggunakan tambahan kata "to" atau ...