• PhD Study in India – A Guide for 2024

Written by Mark Bennett

The Indian higher education system has expanded at a simply phenomenal rate during the 21st Century - and it shows no sign of stopping. This rapid growth in the number of individual PhD universities is also producing a range of research opportunities , ranging from cutting-edge Science and Engineering projects to unique programmes exploring the country's own diverse history and culture.

This page provides a comprehensive introduction to PhD study in India, with information on universities, colleges, fees, funding opportunities, average duration and eligibility requirements.

On this page

Phd opportunities in india - what's on offer for 2024.

India's rich culture and stunning geography need little introduction and are a universal part of its appeal as a visitor destination. When it comes to international study, however, there's arguably never been a better time to consider a longer-term stay as a PhD student in India.

Here are just a few reasons to consider beginning your PhD at an Indian university in 2024:

  • Diversity and specialisation - Whether you want to research Business Management, Bombay Cinema or Buddhist Philosophy, the scope of options for PhD study in India means there's almost certainly an excellent programme available for you.
  • Affordability and accessibility - PhD fees in India vary a lot, but are often surprisingly low. Meanwhile, English is widely spoken and is adopted as the language of instruction at a wide range of universities.
  • Increasing global recognition - University rankings have taken some time to catch up with the speed of India's higher education expansion, but this is beginning to change. Several of India's leading universities and institutes now feature in international league tables for 2024.
  • Youth and dynamism - India's current population is one of the youngest in the world, demographically speaking. This fresh and dynamic outlook helps drive a culture of innovation and entrepreneurialism. You'll fit right in as a PhD researcher looking to develop new ideas and approaches.

India's universities can also claim some impressive alumni, including the current CEOs of Microsoft (Satya Nadella) and Google (Sundar Pichai). So, in a way, they may well have helped you find this page.

PhD Study in India - Key Details
The Universities of Calcutta, Madras and Mumbai (1857)
3-5 years
USD $2,000-5,000
July to May

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Indian universities

India's higher education system is one of the world's biggest, with well over 1000 different universities. It's also one of the most diverse, as these institutions fall into a range of different categories.

This has the potential to seem confusing, but, for prospective PhD students, the differences between individual universities (or groupings) won't generally be as important as the specific research projects and programmes they offer.

University types

There are five different varieties of university with the potential to offer PhD programmes in India. In most cases the distinction between these groups concerns the way in which they are established and administered.

The Indian higher education system is made up of the following:

  • 47 Central Universities - As their name suggests, these are centrally administered by the Indian Government through its Department of Higher Education. This group includes some of India's oldest research universities, as well as some newer and more specialised institutions.
  • 390 State Universities - These are set up and governed by individual Indian states and provinces. They include a wide range of institutions, many of which specialise in certain subjects.
  • 307 Private Universities - These are also set up within (and accredited by) individual states or provinces, but are established by independent organisations. They often tend to focus more on international recruitment than Central or State ('public') universities.
  • 124 Deemed to be Universities - This group includes a wide range of institutions that weren't set up as universities, but are currently recognised as having university-level expertise in certain subjects. As such they may carry out associated research and teaching.
  • 138 Institutes of National Importance - These are India's premier centres for teaching, scholarship and research. Each is established or recognised by a specific act of parliament and designated with particular specialisms and objectives. See below for more details.

PhD colleges in India

India is also home to over 39,000 colleges, but things aren't quite as vast (or complicated) as they seem. Indian higher education colleges tend to be affiliated with local state universities, helping deliver the teaching for the degree programmes those universities award.

In practice, this system is actually quite similar to the collegiate university model adopted within older UK universities such as Oxford and Cambridge : the student studies within a college towards a qualification granted by its associated university.

Some Indian colleges specialise in postgraduate (or 'post-graduate') programmes, effectively functioning like the graduate schools operated by universities in the USA or Canada.

Institutions of National Importance

India's Institutions of National Importance (INIs) are its most prestigious higher education institutions, tasked with strategic academic and professional objectives. Most are highly specialised and are organised into appropriate networks based on the subjects they pursue.

At present the list of INIs includes:

  • 23 Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) - these focus primarily on Engineering and related subjects. Together with the National Institutes of Technology (below) they award the majority of Indian PhDs in these disciplines.
  • 31 National Institutes of Technology (NITs) - these also focus on Engineering as well as related subjects such as Architecture and Management.
  • 20 Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) - these are India's premier centres for professional training and research in Business and Management. Most of the programmes they offer award postgraduate degrees, including the Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) - equivalent to a PhD.
  • 7 Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs) - these conduct research and training in a broad range of scientific fields.
  • 7 National Institutes of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPERs) - focussing on Pharmacy, Pharmacology and related Chemical Sciences.
  • 7 All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMs) - focussing on professional training and qualification in Medicine and related Health Sciences.
  • 3 Schools of Planning and Architecture (SPAs) - focussing on professional training and research in Architecture and related subjects.

Needless to say, the INIs include some of India's highest ranked and most internationally renowned universities, making them a strong choice for international PhD study in appropriate subjects.

Subject specialisms

It's quite common for Indian universities to focus on particular subjects or even to specialise in these subjects at a postgraduate level. This can make it easier to find appropriate universities for your PhD, but it does mean that not all provide comprehensive research opportunities.

Indian university cities

The sheer size of India's university system means that opportunities for PhD study exist right across the country. However, there are a number of key 'hubs' for study and research. These include major cities such as Mumbai , Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad , Kanpur and Pune .

Indian university rankings

Global rankings are beginning to reflect the growth of India's university system and its increasing expertise in key subject areas. The country's Institutes of Technology (IITs) are particularly well ranked, with several in the current Times Higher Education world top 500:

Top 10 Indian Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
Indian Institute of Science201-250225301-400
Anna University501-600427-
Jamia Milia Islamia501-600 -
Mahatma Gandhi University501-600--
Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences501-600771-780-
Alagappa University601-800--
Aligarh Muslim University601-800 801-900
Banaras Hindu University601-800 701-800
Bharathiar University601-800--
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati601-800=364-
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

Do rankings matter for PhD study?

University rankings can help you choose a PhD project or programme, provided you know what to look at. Our guide explains how to use rankings as a prospective postgraduate.


Universities in India are overseen by the University Grants Commission . This is an official body ensuring that higher education in India is properly supported and meets appropriate standards.

PhD structure

The Indian PhD is an advanced research qualification, designed for students who have already completed undergraduate and (usually) postgraduate training.

As a doctoral student, you'll set out to independently research an original topic with the support of at least one supervisor (an academic at your university with relevant expertise and experience). At the end of your degree you'll submit a thesis describing your research activities and results.

In this sense, PhD study in India is very similar to other countries. However, as you'd expect from a country with such a large - and diverse - higher education system, there are a few differences.

Most Indian universities award the standard PhD as an academic research doctorate. Some also provide other qualifications, including more specialised doctorates:

  • Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) - A PhD-level qualification usually offered by Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). An FPM may include professional training, comparable to that involved in a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree. Programmes usually last for up to five years.
  • Doctorate in Pharmacy (Pharm D) - A specialised professional qualification usually lasting for at least six years.
  • Master of Philosophy (MPhil) - A shorter academic research qualification (lasting one to two years), also offered in the UK and other countries. Some MPhil programmes allow progression to a full PhD.

PhD programmes

It's common for Indian universities to establish doctoral programmes within which their postgraduate students receive additional training and support as they carry out their research.

At State Universities, these are often organised by local affiliated colleges (effectively operating as the university's graduate school). More specialised Institutions of National Importance may run a single doctoral programme within which all of their students work on related topics.

PhD programmes often commence with a coursework phase . This provides any specialist subject knowledge and research skills a student needs in order to carry out their own independent research.

The coursework component of your PhD will usually be completed in your first year (this may be shorter if you already have relevant qualifications and training at Masters level). After this you will prepare a synopsis of your project and be assigned an appropriate supervisor to guide your research.

From this point on you will work more independently, carrying out research and collecting results upon which to construct your thesis.

Programme length

In most cases, the duration of a PhD in India is around three years . It's possible to study for longer, but some universities may set a maximum registration period for doctoral students - this is usually around five years, if so.

Academic year

The Indian academic year usually runs from May to July . As a PhD student you will normally complete coursework and other training within this teaching period. However, your research project will be ongoing.

Assessment and examination

The main criteria for the award of an Indian PhD is the quality of the doctoral thesis you produce at the end of your degree.

You will first submit your thesis internally. This can be a more significant stage in India than elsewhere. Multiple faculty members will often be involved and these may request corrections and resubmissions before allowing a student to proceed to their external examination.

Once your university is satisfied, your thesis will be orally examined by one or more external examiners. In India this is known as the 'Open Defence'. The title is appropriate as these examinations usually take place in a ceremonial setting and in front of an audience including your fellow students, faculty, family and friends.

Don't be put off by the prospect of being examined 'live' in this way: The Open Defence is a well-deserved opportunity to take pride in your work and the expertise it has produced.

Publication requirements

In addition to completing your thesis itself, you may be expected to have produced a peer-reviewed publication before your doctorate can be awarded. This may seem daunting to a new or prospective student, but you'll soon find that you're already producing work of a high standard as part of researching your doctoral thesis.

Your faculty will probably maintain a list of the journals it regards as being acceptable and your supervisor will be able to advise you on the preparation of your research for publication.

Fees and funding

India is a comparatively inexpensive destination for PhD study, though the actual cost of a PhD in India will vary between universities and regions.

There is no set fee for PhD study at Indian universities. Generally, State Universities will be cheaper than Private Universities, but neither are especially expensive by international standards.

International students won't necessarily pay more to study in India, though some universities may restrict the number of 'foreign students' they enrol.

Programmes are generally between USD $2,000-5,000 per year, though some universities will charge more. The best approach is to identify an institution with appropriate facilities and expertise for your PhD, then inquire as to its fees.

You'll also have some other costs to cover for an Indian PhD. These may include registration and application fees as well as fees for your eventual PhD examination. Most will be fairly minor expenses, but it's worth checking with your university in advance and confirming exactly what - and how much - you'll be required to pay.

PhD funding

The main source of government support for international students in India is the ICCR Scholarship Scheme , formerly known as the General Scholarship Scheme (GSS). This provides funding for students from specific countries to study at Bachelors, Masters or PhD level in India, with some restrictions on subjects and programmes.

International applicants with Indian heritage may also be eligible to apply to the Scholarship Programmes for Diaspora Children (SPDC) scheme. However, this support may be restricted to undergraduate programmes.

A list of other scholarships and fellowships for study in India is maintained on the University Grants Commission website .

Most Indian universities will also have their own scholarships and fee waivers available for their students, though not all of these will be available to international applicants. You can view a partial list of institutions offering international fee waivers on the Indian Government website . Note that these waivers may not necessarily be for PhD programmes or other postgraduate courses.

PhD funding guides

There's plenty of support out there for you to complete a doctorate in India (or elsewhere). Our PhD funding guides will help you make sense of your options.

Applying for a PhD in India

Some Indian universities use admissions portals to help manage their applications. Others will accept direct applications, or advertise specific opportunities .

Admission requirements

To be eligible to study a PhD in India, you have to have a Masters degree in a relevant subject, usually with an overall grade of at least 55% (or the equivalent).

Candidates will also be expected to have the necessary language skills for their course. English is one of India's official languages and is used for teaching at most of its universities/ However, some specialised universities will teach in Hindi , Urdu or other Indian languages.

There is no age limit for doing a PhD in India. Most PhDs take between three and five years to complete so it's worth considering what you want to do after completing your degree.

In July 2022, the UK and Indian governments signed a mutual agreement to formally recognise eachother's higher education qualifications. This means that if you studied your Masters degree in the UK, it will automatically be recognised as the equivalent of an Indian Masters (and vice-versa!) This should make the application process easier for UK students looking to do a PhD in India.

The Indian PhD application process

Indian PhD applications are usually competitive. Each university will have a specific number of places available on its PhD programmes each year and will use a system of entrance examinations, interviews and research proposal assessment to select the best candidates.

Individual institutions are free to manage this process themselves, but most will follow the same general steps.

PhD notifications

First, the university will establish how many places it has available for its PhD programmes. These places are then published as a 'notification' for that round of PhD admissions.

Notifications for the next academic year will usually be published in the previous Autumn. You can find them by searching university websites. You can also check the PhD opportunities listed here on FindAPhD.

The Research Eligibility Test (RET)

Once you have responded to its PhD notification, your prospective university will begin to assess your suitability for doctoral work.

PhD applicants in India are normally required to complete a Research Eligibility Test (RET): this is a written exam confirming that you have the necessary subject knowledge and expertise to carry out advanced research in your chosen discipline.

The content of the RET will be specific to your university and programme. In some cases universities will use relevant examination material from its own Masters degrees (as this is the level you should be working at as a PhD student).

You check the requirements and process for your RET before you begin your application. It may be the case that you are required to attend a physical exam in India (along with other students). Your university should be able to tell you if it makes any alternative arrangements for international students.

The next step (after a satisfactory RET performance) is to attend a PhD interview . Your university will normally publish details of candidates invited to interview as a formal part of its PhD admissions round.

The most important part of your interview day will be the interview itself, during which you will answer questions about your interests and experience and (hopefully) demonstrate that you are a suitable candidate for its programme.

The university will also use this opportunity to check and assess your application documents . You will normally be asked to bring certificates and transcripts related to your existing qualifications, as well as other materials related to your application. The exact requirements will be published along with your interview details.

Research proposals

Your previous qualifications, RET score and interview performance will confirm you are suitably qualified and prepared for a place on an Indian PhD programme. Some universities may also wish to check the details for the topic you plan to explore with your PhD. If so, they will ask you to submit a research proposal .

This may be a separate stage in your application, or it may be part of your interview process. Again, you should check your university's requirements.

Application portals

Some Indian universities partner with external services to help manage their admissions. This can make your application a lot easier, with additional support and guidance available on the exact requirements.

The most important application portal for international students in India is EdCIL . This is an official partner service, designated by the Indian Government to support applications from students seeking to study abroad in India.

Application fees

Some universities (and portals) will charge fees during their application process. These cover the costs of registering and processing applications as well as the administration of examinations and interviews.

Individually, these fees are likely to be quite small (often less than $10 at a time). However, it's a good idea to make a note of all the required fees at the beginning of your application and ensure you don't end up paying more than you expect.

Student visas

You'll need a visa to study in India as an international student. This is usually easy to obtain, provided you are a genuine student and have been accepted to study at an Indian university.

India issues various visas, but the one you'll require as a PhD student is, surprisingly enough, a student visa . This is normally valid for up to five years and allows multiple entries into India during your course.

Application requirements

The materials required for an Indian student visa application will usually include:

  • Proof of admission to your university (you'll need this before you start your application)
  • Personal documents (your passport and other details)
  • Financial evidence (confirming you have sufficient money to support yourself during your course)

The cost of your visa will depend on the country you apply from. Currently prices range from $14-$118 .

Application process

Before you begin your visa application you should check your requirements with an Indian Misson (embassy) in your home country. At this point you may also be asked to submit required documents and pay the appropriate visa fee (this will depend on your nationality and situation). You can then apply for your visa online using a service set up by the Indian Government.

PhD life in India

Want to know more about what it's like to live in India during a PhD? Our detailed guide covers everything from accommodation and living costs to culture and entertainment.

An Indian PhD will qualify you well for further work related to your research area, in India or elsewhere. The expansion of the Indian university sector is creating many opportunities for academic work in the country and your experience of Indian higher education will prepare you well for these kinds of roles.

As of July 2022, all undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications earned in India are automatically recognised in the UK (and vice versa). This means that you'll be able to use your Indian PhD to more easily access a wide range of job opportunities in the UK.

It is usually possible to extend a student visa if you find work in India, or to apply for a separate employment visa (provided you have evidence of a suitable job offer). Your university should be able to provide more information and guidance during your PhD.

Find a PhD in India

Ready to start browsing some current PhD opportunities in India ? Alternatively, you can look at our other guides to PhD study abroad .

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Top 10 best phd universities in india - world university rank.

Top 10 Universities in India

Studying in a world-famous institute is a dream of every student whether he/she wants to pursue BTech, MSc, PhD, or any of the degrees. The expansion of the Indian Education System has shown no sign of stopping during the 21st Century.

The students now don’t have to look up for foreign universities to get the exposure, facilities, and cutting-edge technologies for a bright career through PhD.

If you are planning to pursue PhD in India, then you must know the what is best PhD Universities in India. In this blog, we are providing the following details:

How to get into PhD Courses in India?

PhD Universities In India - Ranking Factors

List of Top 10 PhD Universities in India

How to get into phd courses in india.

PhD is very versatile. There are different courses through which you can acquire your PhD. To get into these courses, you can appear in different  PhD Entrance Exams .

here are two types of PhD - Regular or Integrated. If you are interested in a regular PhD after your post-graduation, you can appear in various exams like UGC NET JRF , GATE JRF, TIFR, CSIR NET JRF , etc. After clearing these exams, you can get admission to top PhD Universities in India.

If you are interested in applying for the Integrated PhD courses right after your graduation, then you can go for exams like IIT JAM Exam , GATE, etc. to get into the best PhD universities in India.

Note - If you are confused about what is a regular or integrated PhD course? You should check the Difference Between Regular and Integrated PhD to get your answer.

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Top PhD Universities in India - Ranking Factors

Deciding the best university for PhD in India is based on several factors. Here, we are presenting the list of universities with the ranking as per:

QS Top Universities World Ranking

 Ranking Among BRICS Nations 

Note -  BRICS is an association of Five Major Emerging National Economies which are – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. 

Know which PhD colleges in India are best as per the Ministry of Human Resources and Management. Check –  NIRF Ranking

The above rankings are acknowledged worldwide by the colleges and universities of almost of the nations. The following are the factors on which these rankings are given to the PhD universities in India.

Academic Reputation

   Employer Reputation

   Faculty/Student Ratio

   Number of Faculty with a PhD

   Research Papers Per Faculty

   Research Citations Per Faculty

   Number of International Faculty

   Number of International Students 

Getting the top-ranked PhD universities in India is always be a great choice for students who are living in the nation. However, there are several universities in foreign known for the best research and opportunities, but nothing beats these top PhD universities of India. 

Here are the top 10 best universities to do PhD in India. You can check them below.

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Best University for PhD in India - Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Scoring full marks in factors like Academic Reputation and Employer Reputation, the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay acquired the 1st position among all the best PhD universities in India. The Institute ranked 172 as per the QS World Ranking 2022. Apart from this, the institute was able to acquire 8th Rank among the BRICS nations.

IITB also got 34th place in Asian University Ranking.

IIT Bombay

Know more about the institute at – IIT Bombay - What Makes It The Best?

Top PhD Universities in India - Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

IISc Bangalore is considered best university to do PhD in India. It is also known as the “Silicon Valley of India”, located in Bengaluru, Karnataka. This Institute claims the 185th place in the Best PhD universities in India by QS Global Rank.

Apart from this, the Institute acquired 10th Rank among the various universities in BRICS nations by scoring perfect scores in factors like Staff with PhD and Papers Per Faculty.

IISc Bangalore holds 51st rank in list of Asian University Ranking.

IISc Bangalore

Know more about the admission process and courses offered at –  IISc Bangalore Admission

Top Universities in India for PhD - Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi is ranked 3rd among the best PhD universities in India and a world rank of 193 among all the institutes of the world. The Institute scored the second-highest marks after IIT Bombay in Academic Reputation and Employer Reputation. IIT Delhi claims the 8th rank among the universities in BRICS nations.

43rd Rank has been acquired by IITD in Asian University Ranking.

IIT Delhi

To know more about the institute, visit – Why Should You Choose IIT Delhi? Check Placement, Internship & Events

PhD Best University in India - Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

With a joint rank of 275 as per QS Global Rank, IIT Madras is 4th among the Top 10 PhD universities in India. As per the ranking of the universities in BRICS nations, the institute acquired 17th Rank.

This university also got the 50th place in Asian University Ranking.

IIT Madras

Know the fees of MSc and Integrated PhD courses in IIT Madras at – MSc Fee Structure

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Top Universities Offering PhD in India - Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

IIT Kharagpur got Rank 5th and secure the place in top 10 PhD universities in India. It is located in West Bengal, India. The Institute scored the highest scores in International Faculty Factor to claim a joint rank of 314 in QS World University Rankings. Among the BRICS nation’s universities, the institute stands on 23rd rank for PhD courses.

This university also acquired the 56th place in Asian University Ranking.

IIT Kharagpur

Best University for PhD in India - Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

With a global rank of 350, the institute is ranked 6th among the Top 10 PhD universities in India. IIT Kanpur scored a perfect score in the Staff with a PhD factor. Apart from this, the institute holds 4th position in Paper Per Faculty factor and 5th in the Academic Reputation factor scores. As per the BRICS rank, the institute holds a rank of 25.

IITK also got the 65th place in Asian University Ranking.

IIT Kanpur

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Best University for PhD in India - University of Delhi

The University of Delhi is another non-IIT university which successfully marked 7th rank among the Top PhD universities in India. Apart from being the largest university of the country, the institute has a global rank of 501-510 and a BRICS rank of 42.

67th Rank has been acquired by University of Delhi in Asian University Ranking.

University Of Delhi

Top PhD Univerities in India - University of Hyderabad

Finally, a non-IIT university to mark its presence in the Best PhD universities in India. The University of Hyderabad holds a rank global rank between 651-700 and currently ranked among all the PhD universities in BRICS nations. Although it is ranked 8th among the universities in India, this institute has shown a great pace in acquiring this position at a younger age as compared to the IITs.

This university also got the 114th place in Asian University Ranking.

University of Hyderabad

Top Universities in India for PhD - Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee

IIT Roorkee is also known as the oldest technical institute in Asia. It holds the 9th rank among the best PhD universities in India. The institute scored the highest marks in the top 10 for the factor of International Students Indicator. IIT Roorkee holds a global rank of 383 and a BRICS rank of 47.

90th Rank has been acquired by IIT Roorkee in Asian University Ranking.

IIT Roorkee

Know which MSc and PhD scholarships are provided while studying in IITs at – MSc and PhD Scholarships in IITs

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UGC Approved PhD Universities in India - Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Although it holds 10th rank among the PhD universities in India, IIT Guwahati scored the perfect score as per the Staff with PhD factor. The Institute is worldwide famous for its campus and infrastructure. IIT Guwahati currently holds 470 rank as per the QS World University Ranking and 48th among the PhD universities in BRICS nations.

IIT Guwahati also got the 112th place in Asian University Ranking.

IIT Guwahati

This is it for the Top 10 UGC Approved PhD universities in India in which you can achieve heights you never imagined. If you are seeking more information on MSc and PhD, feel free to comment us in the below section.

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Ahmedabad University | BA (Honours) Admissions 2024

Ahmedabad University | BA (Honours) Admissions 2024

UGC recognized University | NAAC 'A' Grade | Merit & need-based scholarships available

Sharda University Admissions 2024

Sharda University Admissions 2024

North India's Largest Educational Group | NAAC A+ Grade | Highest Package 1 Cr | Scholarships upto 100% | Last date : 30th Apr'24

KIET B.Tech Admissions 2024

KIET B.Tech Admissions 2024

Affiliated to AKTU | Approved by AICTE | Accredited by NAAC A+ | Rs. 48.89 LPA Highest CTC | Microsoft, Samsung, Infosys, Adobe, Amazon | NIRF-2023 Engineering Rank Band (151-200)

Shiv Nadar University, Chennai Admissions 2024

Shiv Nadar University, Chennai Admissions 2024

Distinguished Faculty from Top-Ranked Universities and Research Institutions

Rishihood University B.Sc. Admissions 2024

Rishihood University B.Sc. Admissions 2024

Round 4 Deadline - 20th June 2024 | Top faculty from DRDO, IISc, IITs, Delhi University & more | Opportunity to get scholarships upto 15%

Galgotias University | Admissions 2024

Galgotias University | Admissions 2024

NAAC A+ Grade | 1.5 CR-Highest Package

Abhyuday University, Khargone

  • Fees : ₹ 2.40 Lakhs

AMET University Kanathur - Academy of Maritime Education and Training, Kanathur

  • Ph.D ( 10 Courses )
  • B.E /B.Tech ( 9 Courses )

AcSIR Chennai - Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research Chennai

  • Ph.D ( 1 Course )

Top Institutes Accepting Applications

Amity University | B.Sc Admissions 2024

Ranked amongst top 3% universities globally (QS Rankings)

Jindal School of Banking & Finance Admission 2024

B.Com(Hons.), B.A. (Hons.) & M.Sc. Finance @ JSBF | recognised as IOE | #1 Private University | Inter-discilinary | Merit-based scholarships

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Placements in Top MNCs

Manipal Centre for Humanities Admissions 2024

Accorded Institution of Eminence by Govt of India, NAAC A++ Accredited, Ranked #6 by NIRF

VSEP - Chennai | BSc Economics (Honours with Research)

NAAC Accredited | DSIR Recognized | Students Exchange Programme | Merit Based Scholarships

O.P. Jindal Global University Admissions 2024

Ranked #1 Private University | Institute of Eminence | NAAC Accredited | AACSB & AIU member | Apply Now

ANU Guntur - Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur

  • B.Sc. ( 21 Courses )

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Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Faizabad

  • Ph.D ( 23 Courses )
  • M.Sc. ( 21 Courses )

ANGRAU Guntur - Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur

  • M.Sc. ( 14 Courses )

Adamas University, Kolkata

  • Ph.D ( 3 Courses )
  • B.Sc.(Hons) ( 14 Courses )

Adesh University, Bathinda

  • Ph.D ( 2 Courses )
  • M.D. ( 14 Courses )

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  • Gandhinagar

Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajahmundry

  • B.Sc. ( 23 Courses )

Agriculture University, Kota

  • M.Sc. ( 6 Courses )

Ahmedabad University - Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad

  • B.E /B.Tech ( 4 Courses )

AIPH University, Bhubaneswar

  • Ph.D ( 8 Courses )
  • M.Sc. ( 4 Courses )

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Akal university, bathinda.

  • B.A.(Hons) ( 6 Courses )

AKS University, Satna

  • Ph.D ( 6 Courses )
  • B.E /B.Tech ( 17 Courses )

Alagappa University - Alagappa University, Karaikudi

  • M.Sc. ( 22 Courses )

Al Falah University, Faridabad

  • Ph.D ( 5 Courses )
  • M.E /M.Tech. ( 10 Courses )

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Aliah University, Kolkata

  • B.E /B.Tech ( 10 Courses )

AMU Aligarh - Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

  • Ph.D ( 20 Courses )
  • M.A. ( 43 Courses )

Alliance University, Bangalore

  • Fees : ₹ 3.50 Lakhs

AIIMS Delhi - All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi

  • Ph.D ( 4 Courses )
  • D.M. ( 26 Courses )

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Amity university gurgaon - amity university, gurugram.

  • Fees : ₹ 2.52 Lakhs
  • Ph.D ( 17 Courses )

Amity University, Gwalior

  • Fees : ₹ 1.92 Lakhs
  • M.E /M.Tech. ( 7 Courses )

Amity University, Jaipur

  • M.Sc. ( 12 Courses )

Amity University, Kolkata

  • Fees : ₹ 3.25 Lakhs
  • B.Sc.(Hons) ( 17 Courses )

Amity University, Mumbai

  • Fees : ₹ 1.89 Lakhs
  • Ph.D ( 14 Courses )
  • B.E /B.Tech ( 14 Courses )

Amity University, Noida

  • M.Sc. ( 37 Courses )

Amity University, Patna

Amity university, raipur.

  • B.E /B.Tech ( 8 Courses )

Amity University, Ranchi

  • Fees : ₹ 2.70 Lakhs

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore

  • M.D. ( 21 Courses )

Anand Agricultural University, Anand

  • Fees : ₹ 58.80 K

Anant National University, Ahmedabad

Andhra university, visakhapatnam.

  • M.Sc. ( 28 Courses )

Annamalai University - Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar

  • Ph.D ( 26 Courses )
  • M.Sc. ( 31 Courses )

Anurag University - Anurag University, Hyderabad

  • Fees : ₹ 2 Lakhs
  • B.E /B.Tech ( 13 Courses )

Apeejay Stya University, Sohna

  • P.G.D ( 5 Courses )

Apex Professional University, Pasighat

  • Fees : ₹ 4.73 Lakhs
  • B.Voc. ( 34 Courses )

Apex University, Jaipur

  • Diploma ( 20 Courses )

APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Thiruvananthapuram

  • M.E /M.Tech. ( 27 Courses )

ARKA Jain University, Seraikela

  • Fees : ₹ 3 Lakhs
  • B.E /B.Tech ( 6 Courses )

Arni University, Kathgarh

  • Fees : ₹ 4.01 Lakhs
  • B.Sc. ( 12 Courses )

Arunachal University of Studies, Namsai

  • Fees : ₹ 5.87 Lakhs
  • B.A.(Hons) ( 23 Courses )

Arunodaya University, Itanagar

Aku patna - aryabhatta knowledge university, patna.

  • Ph.D ( 12 Courses )
  • M.D. ( 32 Courses )

ASBM University, Bhubaneswar

  • MBA ( 5 Courses )

Ashoka University, Sonepat

  • B.Sc.(Hons) ( 6 Courses )

Asian International University, Manipur

  • State Level Eligibility Test

AAU Jorhat - Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat

  • Ph.D ( 16 Courses )

Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati

  • M.Sc. ( 9 Courses )

ADTU Guwahati - Assam Down Town University, Guwahati

  • M.Sc. ( 16 Courses )

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( appgcet ) ap post graduate common entrance tests.

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( cuet ug ) common university entrance test (ug).

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( GAT-B ) Graduate Aptitude Test-Biotechnology

( jam ) joint admission test for m.sc programmes.

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( ts eamcet ) telangana state engineering agriculture and medical common entrance test.

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phd from indian universities

Message from the Chairperson

The doctoral programme in management at iim ahmedabad (iima), one of the country's first doctoral programmes in management, remains the first choice for students interested in pursuing a career in management in india. iima aspires to be a leading school in management research. to that end, we seek researchers with the potential to become global knowledge creators and research leaders in methodology and practice. the emphasis is on knowledge creation and knowledge expansion. our doctoral students are expected to demonstrate independent research thinking by publishing in prestigious academic journals and giving scholarly presentations on their work. we encourage and support collaborative research with faculty from other universities. we encourage students to join academic, research, and professional networks as early in their careers as possible. the iima doctoral programme offers specializations in agriculture, economics, finance and accounting, human resource management, information systems, innovation and management in education, marketing, organizational behaviour, operations & decision sciences, public systems, and strategy. we strongly encourage multidisciplinary research. we have excellent research facilities, including a library with an impressive collection of management literature, journals, and databases. we provide high-performance computing capability, subject-specific research centres, fellowships, and financial assistance for research and conference attendance. if this excites you, we invite you to apply to the doctoral program and become a member of the iima community., sandip chakrabarti chairperson, ph.d. programme, why ph.d. at iima.

Thinking of doing your Ph.D.? If you have outstanding academic credentials, intellectual curiosity, discipline required for deep and meticulous research then the Ph.D. Programme at IIMA is where you should be. You will acquire a solid foundation within your discipline, exposure to new ideas, and mastery of the tools necessary to engage in research as you investigate in-depth today’s most challenging problems.

Vision of the Programme

The objective of the Ph.D. Programme in Management is to equip students with necessary skills to identify and carry out research on complex issues in a specialized field of management. The programme is strongly committed to preparing thought leaders, both for the academic and corporate world. Graduates of the Ph.D. Programme in Management are placed in world class organizations in teaching, research and consulting positions. A total of 422 doctoral students have graduated from IIMA so far.

The Ph.D. Programme in Management seeks candidates with outstanding academic credentials, intellectual curiosity and discipline needed to make scholarly contributions that advance the frontiers of knowledge. It provides a diverse set of opportunities for interdisciplinary learning and research. The student opts for one of eleven functional/sectoral areas and acquires super specialized theoretical knowledge and mastery of practical aspects of the area.

The small class size allows close interaction with faculty members, who provide the intellectual stimulus and help develop the student's research interests and professional goals. Students generally spend a little over four years to complete their Ph.D. which includes two years of rigorous course work.

Course work in the first year provides a general management overview and develops basic skills for analyzing managerial problems. In the second year, students take advanced Ph.D. level courses in their areas of high levels of specialization. After completing the course work, students have to pass an area comprehensive examination to demonstrate that they have reached a level of proficiency in the area of high levels of specialization.  The Ph.D. dissertation, for the next couple of years, provides them with an opportunity to make original contribution to an area of management or to one of its source disciplines. Students admitted to the Ph.D. Programme receive a comprehensive fellowship that covers all costs and in addition provides a modest living allowance.

The objective of the Ph.D. Programme in Management is to equip students with necessary skills to identify and carry out research on complex issues in a specialized field of management. The programme is strongly committed to preparing thought leaders, both for the academic and corporate world. Graduates of the Ph.D. Programme in Management are placed in world class organizations in teaching, research and consulting positions. A total of 422 doctoral students have graduated from IIMA so far. The Ph.D. Programme in Management seeks candidates with outstanding academic credentials, intellectual curiosity and discipline needed to make scholarly contributions that advance the frontiers of knowledge. It provides a diverse set of opportunities for interdisciplinary learning and research. The student opts for one of eleven functional/sectoral areas and acquires super specialized theoretical knowledge and mastery of practical aspects of the area. The small class size allows close interaction with faculty members, who provide the intellectual stimulus and help develop the student's research interests and professional goals. Students generally spend a little over four years to complete their Ph.D. which includes two years of rigorous course work. Course work in the first year provides a general management overview and develops basic skills for analyzing managerial problems. In the second year, students take advanced Ph.D. level courses in their areas of high levels of specialization. After completing the course work, students have to pass an area comprehensive examination to demonstrate that they have reached a level of proficiency in the area of high levels of specialization. The Ph.D. dissertation, for the next couple of years, provides them with an opportunity to make original contribution to an area of management or to one of its source disciplines. Students admitted to the Ph.D. Programme receive a comprehensive fellowship that covers all costs and in addition provides a modest living allowance.

Announcements, deadline extended to 29 january 2024, for doctoral programme admissions, ph.d. experiences, my two years journey at iim ahmedabad has been very rewarding. professors, here, are very knowledgeable and supportive. there are abundant research opportunities with hundreds of research seminars occurring every year. campus has excellent infrastructure including classes, sports facilities, hostels and the library is probably the best in india with plethora of resources. ph.d. office, library and administration staff is also very friendly and cooperative. apart from academics, there are plenty of avenues to explore cultural and sports interests..

Atul Karwasara Year of Joining: 2018, Area: Strategy

Ph.D. in innovation and management in education is offered only in IIM A across India, and this unique interdisciplinary course of management and education provides ample opportunity to research in the diverse field within the education sector. The option to choose multiple courses from different management sub-disciplines during coursework in the Ph.D. programme at IIM A has helped me broaden my understanding and knowledge about management education and research. Ph.D. programme at IIM A provides a unique platform in terms of the diverse cohort to hone research skills as the mix of qualitative and quantitative researchers help and support each other in mutual and shared learning.

Nirved Kumar Year of Joining: 2020, Area: RJMCEI

My experience with IIM A, till now, can be summarized in three words - rigour, learning, and development. The coursework is vast and intense. I would admit that the first year of coursework has helped me take a quantum leap into the world of academics. The faculty members are extremely supportive and patient. Additionally, there is ample scope, here, to pursue one’s extra-curricular interests. The community is very tightly knit and my batch profile is so diverse that the past one year was peppered with numerous instances of peer learning - academic as well as non-academic.

Lokesh Malviya Year of Joining: 2020, Area: OB


The Ph.D. Programme of the IIMA admits students who have a strong academic background, are highly motivated and who have the intellectual curiosity to undertake original research.

Ph.d. directory.

Ekta Johar

Ph.D, VII Human Resources Management

Rya Ray

Ph.D, V Organisational Behaviour

Muddasir Ahmad Akhoon

Muddasir Ahmad Akhoon

Ph.D, IV Centre for Management in Agriculture

Shikha Khurana

Shikha Khurana

Ph.D, IV Strategy

Areas of Specialisation

Centre for management in agriculture.

At the IIMA, scholarly investigation of agriculture-related management builds on experience that goes back nearly 60 years and touches all aspects.


Communication - concise, direct, clear, and compelling - is the heart of management.

Teaching and research that span the worlds of economic theory and practice.

Finance and Accounting

Teaching that is a credit to the institution, research that yields a wealth of knowledge.

Human Resources Management

Teaching and investigating all aspects of human resource development, human resource management, industrial psychology and labour relations.

Information Systems

Exploring the interface between ever-advancing information systems and organisaional operations.

Teaching the power of persuasion. Researching new theories or real-life problems.

Operations and Decision Sciences

Teaching and research about how to get the facts, understand them and make optimum use of them.

Organisational Behaviour

Teaching and researching ways to increase the value of the human capital in an organisation.

Public Systems Group

Teaching and researching concepts and skills for effective management of public systems and democratic policy making.

Ravi J. Matthai Centre For Educational Innovation

Innovating, inspiring and influencing the management of education systems in India through teaching and research.

Focusing on organizational strategy and the functions of the chief executive.

What is Ph.D. Programme in Management?

Ph.D. Programme in Management at IIMA consists of 11 different areas of high levels of specialization of Management. It prepares students to pursue a career, which requires high scholastic aptitude and academic research. The programme is primarily designed to help students seek research careers in academia or elsewhere.

Where can I get more information about the Ph.D. Program in Management?

Ph.D. Programmes Office Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015 Tel +91-79-7152 4640/41

What is the average completing time for the Ph.D. Programme in Management?

The average completion time is between four to five years.

Is it possible to complete the Ph.D. programme on a part-time basis?

No. However, a student may seek employment at the end of four and a half years with the concurrence of his / her thesis advisory committee and Ph.D. Programme Chair.

Who should apply? What are the typical backgrounds of Ph.D. students?

Ph.D. programme looks for highly motivated students interested in pursuing research careers in high levels of specialization requiring high scholastic aptitude. Typical students have varied backgrounds. Please follow the link to know about backgrounds of current students.

What are the qualities which IIMA is looking for in applicants to the program?

The Programme looks for highly motivated and disciplined candidates with strong academic preparation who exhibit curiosity, desire to learn, and have an inclination towards high levels of specialized research.

How will I sustain myself for 4-5 years, if I have a family?

IIMA provides sufficient fellowship (including fees, boarding, lodging and stipend) for five years to doctoral students. Please refer later section for details.

Does it help to have an MBA degree before entering the Ph.D. program?

Not really. From the first year itself the student takes Ph.D. level courses alongwith some PGP courses as recommended by his/her Academic Adviser. Hence, a student coming from non-management background is equally placed with those having a management background. Please check the area pages in the Ph.D. Prgramme in Management Brochure for specific requirements. For example, P&QM area encourages students who have a quantitative training from various disciplines to apply for their programme. Similarly, students with a background in Psychology may find the work done in the Organizational Behaviour useful.

How do I apply? What is the process of admission to the programme? Where can I get the forms? Can I apply online?

Application form can be filled-in online. Application fee of Rs. 500/- can be paid through IIMA payment gateway. Candidates have to attach copies of academic certificates/testimonials and qualifying examination score card along with the application. The qualifying exams are: Scores on standardized tests ( CAT / GATE / UGC JRF / GMAT / GRE / ICAR-SRF)

What are the important deadlines?

Last Date for Ph.D. Programme Application: January 17, 2023 Interview dates (Tentative) - March/April, 2023, Joining dates – May/June 2023

What is the purpose of the interview? What is expected at the interview for IIMA? Does it help if I come prepared with a research proposal?

The purpose of the interview is to gauge the academic preparation of the candidate for her/his chosen high level of specialized area in the programme. It also gives the candidate an opportunity to find out if the programme meets the requirements of the student. The student is not expected to have prepared any research proposal. In addition to interview, some of the Areas may conduct written test.

Does the programme accept international students?

Yes, the programme accepts international students. The eligibility requirements are the same as for domestic students. Please write to us specifically for details on the admission process and fees.

How selective is IIMA? What are my chances of getting admitted? How many students are admitted each year?

The selection process is very rigorous and involves four levels of screening and interviews. The number of seats are not fixed for the programme and depend upon the calibre of the applicant who goes through a fair and rigorous selection process.

Do you have an option of doing high level of specialized inter-disciplinary research?

Yes. You could specify this at the time of application. However, you will be housed in one area of specialization. You could take courses on highly specialized areas of study from a variety of areas and choose your thesis topic that cuts across disciplines.

Is the courses work at IIMA very difficult?

The institute expects high levels of specialized academic rigour and integrity. It has stringent requirements at specified stages of the programme, and there are fair and open processes to check that each student passes these at every stage of the programme. The candidates who are unable to meet these requirements are asked to leave the programme without any prejudice. The process of natural justice is followed in each such case.

What are the important stages in the Ph.D. program?

The key stages are

1. First year coursework (Ph.D. Programme Compulsory courses, Area Ph.D. Courses and some recommended PGP course/s),

2. Second year coursework in area of high levels of specialization,

3. Area comprehensive examination,

4. Thesis Proposal defense,

5. Thesis seminar,

6. Thesis defense

How much flexibility exists in the Ph.D. program? Can I change my area of research during my stay at IIMA?

IIMA Ph.D. programme offers a mix of flexibility and rigidity to the students. Students are allowed to change their chosen area of specialized work during the first year at IIMA, if they fulfil specified criteria. Specific deadlines for doing so are provided in the Ph.D. Programme Manual. IIMA offers high degree of flexibility in choosing areas of research. However a student is required to complete his/her area comprehensive exam by beginning of third year and thesis proposal defense within 9 months of the completion of area comprehensive examination. Details are available in the Ph.D. Programme manual.

How do I choose my research topic?

A research topic requires interest and motivation of student and availability of a suitable guide interested in the area of high level of specialization. Each Ph.D. student forms a Thesis Advisory Committee with whom the student has to work towards her/his thesis.

Are Ph.D. students required to teach?

What support is available for presenting research papers in indian and international conferences.

IIMA offers full support for attending up to 4 domestic conferences during the course of the programme. Competitive Travel Grants are available for attending international conferences as per the prevailing policy.

How do I find a job, after completing my Ph.D. studies?

Jobs depend on a student's competence and high level of specialization achieved during the programme. There are recruiters coming to the campus, faculty advisors provide references, and also through other informal/formal channels.

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Top PhD Colleges in India 2024

India is home to some of the best Ph.D colleges which offer the degree in various disciplines such as management, science, arts and humanities, engineering, information technology etc. Ph.D is one of the most versatile courses and there are different streams that you can look at while planning to attain a Ph.D. degree . To get into one of the top Ph.D colleges in India, one has to appear in different Ph.D entrance exams which are course/ field specific. Given below is the detailed information about top PhD colleges in India, fee structure, eligibility and other important information.

The PhD colleges in India are approved either by AICTE, UGC or NAAC. The admission process may vary from college to college. Some of the popular Ph.D colleges in India are IITs, IIMs, Delhi University, and private universities like O.P. Jindal Global University, Amity University, Lovely Professional University and others. Apart from Ph.D courses, these colleges offer UG, PG, diploma and M . Phil courses as well. For PhD admissions in India, you can appear in entrance exams such as UGC NET, JRF, GATE, etc. The requirement for appearing in an entrance exam will depend upon the field or stream of PhD study and choice of the college. Most of the PhD colleges in India offer hostel facility for both male and female students as the completion of the entire research may take years. Apart from regular PhD courses, many universities in India also offer part-time PhD courses which can be pursued alongside taking up industry jobs.

The students can opt for them as per their convenience. There are many job profiles available for scholars after completing their PhD course or fellowship. From professors to research scientists, there are many career options available for PhD degree holders. The number of seats for each course and the selection criteria is also given in detail in the respective colleges listed below. The best PhD colleges in India assure great placement opportunities for the students. Go through the details to find out the facilities each campus offers.

Applied Filters :

  • Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)

Showing 1197 PhD Colleges in India

Iim ahmedabad.


10.0 - 27 Lacs Fees

EQUIS Accredition

33.4 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  2289+  students
  • Fees and Courses (6)
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20 K - 8.1 Lacs Fees

NAAC Accredition

1.25 Crore Avg Package

JEE Advanced Exams

  • Shortlisted by  2503+  students
  • Fees and Courses (123)

NIT Mangalore


15 K - 1.25 Lacs Fees

AICTE Accredition

13.1 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  684+  students
  • Fees and Courses (59)

IIM Bangalore


9.8 - 25.9 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  1396+  students
  • Fees and Courses (13)


15 K - 10 Lacs Fees

21.8 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  1500+  students
  • Fees and Courses (101)

JIPMER Puducherry


13 - 75 K Fees

Medical Co Accredition

CBSE 12th Exams

  • Shortlisted by  927+  students
  • Fees and Courses (89)


6000 - 8 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  1098+  students
  • Fees and Courses (94)

IIM Kozhikode


3.5 - 20.5 Lacs Fees

AMBA Accredition

23.1 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  132+  students
  • Fees and Courses (14)

United World Institute Of Design


5.0 - 22 Lacs Fees

UGC Accredition

12 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  12681+  students

IIT Roorkee


8980 - 2 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  1285+  students
  • Fees and Courses (112)
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NLSIU Bangalore


16 K - 6.65 Lacs Fees

BCI Accredition

  • Shortlisted by  1581+  students
  • Fees and Courses (16)

Loyola College


22.2 K - 3.24 Lacs Fees

5.25 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  6154+  students
  • Fees and Courses (86)

IIM Calcutta


2.6 - 31 Lacs Fees

30.9 Lacs Avg Package


  • Shortlisted by  629+  students
  • Fees and Courses (34)


20 K - 7.9 Lacs Fees

Bar Counci Accredition

7 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  378932+  students
  • Fees and Courses (396)

Amity University, Lucknow


27 K - 6.54 Lacs Fees

6 Lacs Avg Package

UP 12th Exams

  • Shortlisted by  167366+  students
  • Fees and Courses (145)

NIMHANS Bangalore

9480 - 1.56 Lacs Fees


  • Shortlisted by  39+  students
  • Fees and Courses (27)


25 K - 2.01 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  66+  students
  • Fees and Courses (7)

The IIS University


6000 - 3.47 Lacs Fees

MHRD Accredition

Rajasthan Pre PG Exams

  • Shortlisted by  25018+  students
  • Fees and Courses (244)

IIT Hyderabad


10 K - 8 Lacs Fees

20.1 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  466+  students
  • Fees and Courses (63)

PAU Ludhiana

38.4 K - 7.27 Lacs Fees

3.96 Lacs Avg Package

PAU Entrance Exam Exams

  • Shortlisted by  305+  students
  • Fees and Courses (54)

Sanskriti University Mathura


30 K - 1.7 Lacs Fees

4.5 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  79913+  students
  • Fees and Courses (104)

The ICFAI University, Dehradun


30 K - 2.58 Lacs Fees

6.33 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  54990+  students
  • Fees and Courses (46)


13.2 K - 6.25 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  2639+  students
  • Fees and Courses (55)


1.7 - 12.5 Lacs Fees

25.5 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  253+  students

NIMS University


20 K - 9 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  82312+  students
  • Fees and Courses (523)

NLU Hyderabad


30 K - 8 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  494+  students

SGPIMS Lucknow


27 K - 2.2 Lacs Fees

Other Accredition

16 Lacs Avg Package


  • Shortlisted by  153+  students
  • Fees and Courses (49)

NIPER Mohali


94.7 K - 1.54 Lacs Fees

PCI Accredition

  • Shortlisted by  235+  students
  • Fees and Courses (24)

VIT Vellore


3200 - 14.2 Lacs Fees

9.23 Lacs Avg Package

  • Shortlisted by  2923+  students
  • Fees and Courses (105)

NLU Kolkata


10 K - 3.66 Lacs Fees

  • Shortlisted by  103+  students
  • Fees and Courses (9)

Degree Specializations

  • PhD Law Colleges in India
  • PhD Physics Colleges in India
  • Ph.D Electrical Engineering Colleges in India
  • PhD Management Colleges in India
  • PhD Mechanical Engineering Colleges in India
  • PhD Computer Science Colleges in India
  • PhD Electronics and Communication Colleges in India
  • PhD Mathematics Colleges in India

PhD Colleges in States

  • Ph.D Colleges in Delhi
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  • PhD Colleges in Haryana

PhD Colleges in Cities

  • Ph.D Colleges in Hyderabad
  • Ph.D Colleges in Bangalore
  • Ph.D Colleges in Chennai
  • PhD Colleges in Mumbai

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Colleges by popular streams.

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  • Economics & Finance
  • Electrical & Electronics Engineering
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  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • General Sciences
  • On Campus: Pilani, Goa & Hyderabad
  • Work Integrated Learning Program
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  • Higher Degree (HD) Program

Doctoral Program (Ph.D.)

  • Programmes for Individuals
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  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Funded Projects
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Important links.

Click here Ph.D Advertisement

Click here Ph.D Admission Brochure

Click here Ph.D (Part Time)

Click here Ph.D (Aspirant)

Click here Ph.D (Aspirantapplication form)

Click here Self Declaration

Click here Fee structure 2023-24

Click here Ph.D. Positions in Interdisciplinary Areas

Click here PhD in Data Sciences for Global Health

BITS Pilani is a Deemed to be University, offering on-campus programs to more than 18,500 students across its campuses in Pilani, Goa, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Dubai.It has been recognized as an Institute of Eminence by the Ministry of Education, Government of India in 2020.

QS World University Subject Rankings 2024 has ranked BITS Pilani globally at

  • 101-150 in Pharmacy and Pharmacology
  • 301-350 in 4 subjects namely, EEE, Computer Science, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering
  • 451-500 in 3 subjects, namely, Mathematics, Business & management Studies and Physics & Astronomy
  • 501-550 in Chemistry

In ǪS Asia University Rankings 2024, BITS has been ranked 215th in Asia and at 22nd in India. Further, BITS Pilani has been ranked among the top 300 in ǪS World University Graduate Employability Rankings 2022 and within top 6 in India.

Having pioneered several curricular and pedagogic attributes, BITS Pilani has a vision to be amongst the top research-led Institutes in the country. The qualities of innovation, enterprise, commitment to excellence, adherence to merit, and transparency, have characterized the Institute during its inexorable march to eminence.

The Institute has secured over Rs 398 crores as external research funding in the last 5 years. State of the art facilities have been developed to support cutting edge research, led by students and about 930 faculty members, leading to a Scopus h-index of 156, with 221 patents filed so far, and 41 patents granted. Currently, there are 14 BITSian Unicorns and 1 Decacorn. There are over 7500 BITSian founders and co-founders of enterprises.

Doctoral Programme (Ph.D.)

List of Candidates shortlisted for Ph.D. Admission Test and/or Interview is now available

Admissions portal open 01st march 2024.

Please click here for more information.

List of Candidates shortlisted for Ph.D. Admission Test and/or Interview is now available.

  • CLICK HERE to know the Result.

Department preference with regard to the full-time and part-time Ph.D student admission is given in the table below.

Biological ScienceChemistryComputer Science & Information SystemsHumanities & Social SciencesManagementMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Department Preference for Ph.D. Admission(Second Sem. 2022-23)
Full TimePart TimeFull TimePart TimeFull TimePart Time
Chemical Engineering            
Civil Engineering            
Electrical & Electronics Engineering            
Economics & Finance            

Yes – A Department intends to admit students under the specified mode. No – A Department does not intend to admit students under the specified mode.

Minimum Eligibility Qualifications

ME / MTech / MPharm / MBA / MPhil (minimum of 60% aggregate)* MSc/BE/BPharm or an equivalent degree (minimum of 60% aggregate)* For admission into Humanities and Social Sciences, MA degree (minimum of 55% aggregate)* For part-time applicants, a minimum of one-year experience in the related field of study is required

[*In the Qualifying Degree examination]

In addition, Departments may set specific admission criteria for shortlisting. Meeting the minimum eligibility qualifications does not guarantee admission into the PhD program. Shortlisted candidates will have to appear for an admission test, which may comprise a written exam and/or interview. Information on specific Departments and related research activities is available on the Department homepage of respective campuses.

Full-time students

Preferably individuals who would like to pursue PhD in-house, residing on campus.

Part-time students

Preferably individuals who are working in organizations providing basic facilities and an environment for research.

Financial Assistance

Full-time PhD students admitted into the PhD program are eligible to be considered for an Institute fellowship of Rs. 34,000 or Rs. 37,000 per month in the first year based on their qualifications at the time of admission. Students admitted with M.E./M.Tech./M.Pharm./MBA/M.Phil. or an equivalent Degree are eligible to receive an Institute fellowship of Rs. 37,000/-. Students admitted with M.Sc./B.E./B.Pharm. or an equivalent degree are eligible to receive an Institute fellowship of Rs. 34,000/-. These students on successful completion of coursework will receive Rs. 37,000/- from the Semester following the one in which the course work was completed Higher fellowship may be made available in subsequent years. Consideration for Institute fellowship will be as per Institute norms. It will be obligatory on the part of every admitted full time student to undertake 8 hours (per week) of work as assigned to him/her by the institute.

Important Dates

Admission Portal Open01-March-2024
Declaration of shortlisted candidates for written test and interview06-May-2024
Announcement of admission offersTo be Announced
Reporting at the BITS Pilani campus25-July-2024
Course registration01-August-2024
Beginning of classwork02-August-2024

The Institute reserves the right to change the above deadlines. Candidates will be informed in advance should there be such a change.

Department Brochures

Pilani campus – biological sciences, pilani campus – chemistry, pilani campus – chemical engineering, pilani campus – civil engineering, pilani campus – electrical & electronics engineering, pilani campus – humanities and social sciences, pilani campus – physics, pilani campus – mechanical engineering, goa campus – biological sciences, goa campus – chemistry, goa campus – computer sciences, goa campus – electrical & electronics engineering, goa campus – humanities and social sciences, goa campus – mathematics, goa campus – mechanical engineering, hyderabad campus – biological sciences, hyderabad campus – chemical engineering, hyderabad campus – chemistry, hyderabad campus – civil engineering, hyderabad campus – computer sciences, hyderabad campus – electrical & electronics engineering, hyderabad campus – humanities and social sciences, hyderabad campus – mathematics, hyderabad campus – mechanical engineering, hyderabad campus – pharmacy, top resources.

Doctoral Program (Ph.D.)

For Further Information Contact

Admissions office.

Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Campus, Pilani, Rajasthan 333031 (INDIA).

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(Note : For any query you may contact through the above phone numbers on any working day from Office Hours : Monday to Friday 9AM - 1PM & 2PM - 5PM Saturday 9AM - 1PM)

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IISc Admissions

  • Announcements
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  • M.Tech. and M.Des.
  • M.Tech through CFTI Mode
  • Joint M. Tech in Semiconductor Technology
  • 1 Year M. Engg.
  • M.Tech/M.Des for Sponsored Candidates (Govt. & PSU)
  • M.Tech. (Online) for Sponsored Candidates
  • Integrated Ph.D.
  • M.Tech. (Research) and Ph.D. Programmes
  • External Registration Program (ERP) for Ph.D./M.Tech. (Research)
  • Programs for OCI and International Students
  • Message From Deans of Faculties
  • Entry Modes into IISc
  • Information at a Glance
  • List of CFTI
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  • Formats for Certificates
  • Cut off Report of previous years
  • Contact – Admissions Unit
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  • My Life@IISc: a student perspective
  • Relevant External Websites
  • Important Dates
  • International and OCI Students
  • Instructions for Online Admissions Portal
  • Online Admissions Portal

Integrated Ph. D. Programmes

You should apply through the Online Admissions Applications Portal . Instructions for the portal are provided here .

, Selection Procedure, Online Application Instructions Please click here

Important deadlines, click here to view

Fee structure, click here to view .

  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemical Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Mathematical Sciences

Department/Centre/Unit: Biochemistry, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Molecular Reproduction, Development & Genetics, Molecular Biophysics, Microbiology & Cell Biology, and Centre for Neuroscience (BS).

BASIC QUALIFICATION FOR ELIGIBILITY: A minimum of first class or equivalent in Bachelor’s or an equivalent degree in Physical, Chemical, or Biological Sciences (including Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, Veterinary Sciences, and Agricultural Sciences) or A minimum of first class or equivalent in BE/B Tech degree.

Areas of Research: Biomembranes – Physical and Physiological Studies; Structure-Function of Nucleic Acids; Gene Structure and Function in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes; Microbial and Human Genetics; Recombinant DNA Technology; Molecular Virology and Mechanisms of Disease Processes; Enzymology, Protein Chemistry and Engineering; Cellular and Applied Immunology; Molecular Endocrinology and Reproductive Biology; Conformation of Biomolecules and Biopolymers; Protein and Virus Crystallography; Structural Biology; Mathematical Ecology; Human Ecology; Behaviour and Sociobiology; Conservation Ecology; Evolutionary Biology, Ecophysiology, Plant Molecular Biology and Development, Imprinting, Molecular Oncology, Cell Biology. Neurobiology of diseases, Nervous System Development; Learning and Memory and Synaptic Physiology; Cognitive Neuroscience and Computation in visual and motor systems.

Department/Centre/Unit: Organic Chemistry, Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Solid State & Structural Chemistry Unit and Materials Research Centre (CS).

BASIC QUALIFICATION FOR ELIGIBILITY: First Class in B Sc or an equivalent degree with Chemistry as one of the main subjects with Mathematics at the PUC or Plus 2 level.

Areas of Research: Ultrafast Chemical Dynamics; Theoretical Chemistry; Statistical Phenomena; Surface Chemistry and Catalysis; Chemical Kinetics; Solid State Materials Chemistry; Amorphous Materials; Nanomaterials; Ceramics; Super-Conductors; Biomaterials; Synthetic Organic, Physical Organic and Organometallic Chemistry; Chemistry of Transition & Non-Transition Metals; Bioorganic Chemistry; Chemical Biology;  Biomaterials and Biological Processes at Materials Interface; Supramolecular Chemistry and  Applications; Chemistry and Applications of Polymers; Electrochemistry: Principles, Electrochemical Energy Storage and Generation, Electrochemical Devices; Thin film devices;Molecular and Van der Walls Spectroscopy; Development of NMR Methodologies and Applications.

Department/Centre/Unit: Physics and Centre for High Energy Physics, Department of Instrumentation and Applied Physics (PS).

BASIC QUALIFICATION FOR ELIGIBILITY: A minimum of first class or equivalent in B.Sc. or an equivalent degree with Physics as one of the main subjects or BE/B Tech or equivalent in any discipline.

Areas of Research: (A) Experimental Studies: (I) Condensed Matter Physics (Ii) Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, and (Iii) X-Ray Crystallography of Bio-Molecular Structures. Specific Areas Include: Raman and Other Spectroscopies; Fast Ionic Conductivity; Manipulation of Matter By Light, Laser Cooling and Trapping of Atoms, Ion Trapping, Precision Laser Spectroscopy; Magnetism, Spintronics, Magnetic Thin Films, Magnetotransport; Quantum Transport in Low-Dimensional and Disordered Materials, The Metal-Insulator Transition; Magnetic Resonance Phenomena; NMR Spectroscopy; Nanoscience and Nanomaterials; Superconductivity in Bulk as well as Thin Films; Semiconductors; Ferroelectricity, Crystal Growth Studies, Nonlinear Optical Materials, Multiferroics; Phase Transition Studies, High Pressure and Low Temperature Studies, Study of Low Dimensional Materials, Amorphous Materials, Novel Glasses and Nanocomposites; Soft Condensed Matter: Colloids, Surfactants and Biological Material; Peptide and Protein Crystallography, Complexation Studies and Drug-Nucleic Acid Interactions, Molecular Modeling, Database Analysis; Polymer Physics, Surface X-Ray Scattering, Surface Phase Transitions. (B)Theoretical Studies On a Variety of Aspects of Condensed Matter Physics, in Particular: Strongly Correlated Systems, Quantum Many-Body Theory and Magnetism, Exotic Order and Quantum Criticality; Phase Transitions, Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics; Disordered and Amorphous Systems, The Glass Transition, Neural Networks; Spatiotemporal Chaos and Turbulence in Fluids, Plasmas and Cardiac Tissue; Soft Condensed Matter: Colloids, Surfactants, Membranes, Liquid Crystals, Vortex Lattices; Biological Physics: The Mechanics of Living Matter; Molecular Modeling of Soft and Bio-Materials. (C) High Energy Physics: Quantum Field Theory, The Standard Model of Particle Physics and Beyond, Physics of and At High Energy Particle Colliders, Field Theory in Non-Commutative Space Time, Quantum Computation, Applications of Quantum Field Theory To Condensed Matter Systems, String Theory. High Energy Physics; Experiment. CMS Experiment at CERN; Large Hadron Collider. (D) Astronomy & Astrophysics: Theoretical Cosmology, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Structure formation, Gravitational Lensing, Physics Around Black Holes, Nuclear Astrophysics, Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, Physics of Compact Objects, Plasma Astrophysics, Computational Astrophysics, Galaxy Clusters, Galactic Astronomy, Interstellar Matter, Astrophysical Turbulence

Department/Centre/Unit: Mathematics (MS)

BASIC QUALIFICATION FOR ELIGIBILITY: First Class in B Sc or equivalent degree with Mathematics as one of the subjects or BE/ B Tech or equivalent degree.

Areas of Research: Numerical Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Controllability, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Probability Theory, Random Matrix Theory and Random Analytic Functions, Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes, Stochastic Control, Stochastic Dynamic Games, Stochastic Geometry, Interacting Particle Systems,, Time Series Analysis with Applications to Neuroscience, Mathematical Finance, Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Several Complex Variables, Operator Theory, Algebraic Topology, Geometric Topology, Combinatorial Topology, Commutative Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Differential Geometry, Representation Theory, Non-commutative Geometry, Combinatorics, Mathematical Physics, Experimental Mathematics, Modular Forms, Analytic Number Theory.

Eligibility and Selection Procedure

  • Eligibility
  • Selection Procedure
DisciplinesEducational qualificationQualifying examination
Biological SciencesA minimum of first class or equivalent in Bachelor’s or an equivalent degree in Physical, Chemical or Biological Sciences (including Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, Veterinary Sciences and Agricultural Sciences) or A minimum of first class or equivalent in BE/B Tech degree. JAM in Biotechnology(BT) or Chemistry (CY) or Mathematics (MA) or Physics (PH)
Chemical SciencesA minimum of first class in B.Sc. or an equivalent degree with Chemistry as one of the main subjects with Mathematics at the PUC or Plus 2 level.JAM in Chemistry (CY) or Physics (PH)
Mathematical SciencesA minimum of first class or equivalent in B Sc or equivalent degree with Mathematics as one of the subjects or BE/B Tech or equivalent degree. JAM in Mathematics (MA) or Mathematical Statistics (MS)
Physical SciencesA minimum of first class or equivalent in B.Sc. or an equivalent degree with Physics as one of the main subjects or BE/B Tech or equivalent in any discipline. JAM in Physics (PH) or JEST

Additional notes

(a) Candidates with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology/Biotechnology/ Chemistry/ Physics/ Mathematics/ Pharmacy/ Veterinary Sciences/ Agriculture as applicable to individual discipline, under the 10+2+3/4 system, are eligible to apply to this program.

(b) The minimum requirement for admission to the Integrated Ph D programme is a FIRST CLASS or equivalent Grade in the Bachelor’s degree (as declared by the University) as indicated against each department.

(c) The minimum requirement of FIRST CLASS in the qualifying examination is relaxed to PASS CLASS for SC/ST candidates.

(d) Some departments have specific requirements of subjects at the Bachelor’s or 10+2 levels. Candidates have to ensure that they meet these requirements.

(e) Those in the final year of their qualifying examination and awaiting results are also eligible to apply. However, they should have completed all the requirements for the award of the qualifying degree, including all examinations, dissertation projects, viva-voce, etc., by the time of joining.

(f) While the regular PhD program allows an exemption from GATE scores for students with a 4-year degree from a CFTI and with a >= 8.0 CGPA out of 10.0, this is not applicable to Integrated PhD programme.

The short-listing of candidates for in-person(offline) interview is done based on the performance in JAM 2024. Short listing for Physical Sciences is also done based on JEST 2024. The selection of candidates for admission to research programmes is through an interview to be held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. To see Important Dates

Selection – For Biological, Physical and Mathematical Sciences selection will be based on the combined performance in the Test and in Interview. For Chemical Sciences, selection will be based only on the performance in the Interview.

Candidates written the following papers in JAM are eligible for the discipline(s) to which they seek admission.

Eligible Discipline(s)JAM paper answered
Physical SciencesPhysics (PH) (also those who clear JEST)
Chemical SciencesChemistry (CY) or Physics (PH)
Biological SciencesBiotechnology (BT) or Chemistry (CY) or Mathematics (MA) or Physics (PH)
Mathematical SciencesMathematics (MA) , Mathematical Statistics (MS)

(a) The interview letters for the short-listed candidates will be sent by email and the same is available on the Applicant’s interface after login to the Admission Portal. Such candidates shall make necessary arrangements for attending the interview. No separate communication will be sent by post. TA (second class sleeper class train fare) will be paid to all the SC/ST candidates who attend the in-person interview.

(b) Candidates called for an interview have to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation etc.

(c) Candidates called for an interview should bring with them attested copies of all the transcripts (marks cards from SSLC or equivalent onwards, degree certificates of the qualifying examination, etc.) and produce them before the interview committee, failing which, they will not be interviewed.

(d) Candidates belonging to the SC/ST category should bring the original caste/tribe certificates, issued by competent authorities for purposes of verification.

(e) If you belong to Economically Weaker Section (EWS) – you must produce the original Income and Asset Certificate issued on or after 01 April 2024 by the competent authority at the time of interview.

(f) If you belong to OBC-NCL catregory – you must produce the valid OBC-NCL issued on or after 01 April 2024 by the competent authority at the time of interview.

(g) Candidate belonging to PwD (person-with-disability), KM (Kashmiri-Migrant) categories should produce the originals of the appropriate certificates, issued as per Government of India rules, and Kashmiri Pandit/Kashmiri Hindu Family living in Kashmiri valley should produce Kashmiri valley domicle certificate.

(h) The offer letter for the selected candidates will be posted on Applicant’s interface on IISc Admission portal under Application Status. You can download the offer letter and make necessary arrangements including payment of fees etc. No separate communication will be sent by post.

(i) The candidates admitted to the Integrated Ph D programmes should report to the Institute for completing admission formalities.

(j) At the time of joining, candidates should have completed all the requirements for the award of the qualifying degree including all examinations, dissertation projects, viva-voce, etc.

(k) Only candidates who produce all the mark sheets and degree certificates (original or provisional) issued by the University Authority will be given regular admission.

(l) Candidates who are awaiting results but have completed all formalities for the award of a degree should produce at the time of joining, a Course-Completion Certificate, issued by the Head of the institution (The Principal/Registrar). Such candidates will be given only provisional admission, which will be regularized on their producing all the marks sheets and degree certificates (original, or provisional) etc., issued by the University Authority on or before 31 October 2024, failing which, the provisional admission stands cancelled.

(m) Candidates who are given provisional admission are eligible for a scholarship only on regularisation of admission (on production of the required documents). They will be paid a scholarship with retrospective effect, i.e., from the date of joining.

NOTE: The results for some of the recent National Entrance Tests, such as GATE/ JAM etc, may not be available at the time of submitting the IISc admissions application. You must enter the available details of these exams, such as your enrolment/ roll number, paper, etc., in the application, but you may leave the score/rank/results blank. You will have the option to update your national entrance results in the application from the main “Application Status” page. You must make this update within 3 days of the results being declared.

Programme Details for Admissions 2023-24


Public Health Foundation of India

  • Management Team
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  • Right to Information
  • Awards and Recognitions
  • Academic Programs
  • Our Supporters
  • Research Collaborations
  • IIPH Gandhinagar
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  • IIPH Shillong
  • The Ramalingaswami Centre on Equity and Social Determinants of Health
  • Centre for Chronic Conditions & Injuries (CCCI)
  • South Asia Centre for Disability Inclusive Development and Research (SACDIR), Hyderabad
  • Centre for Environmental Health (CEH)
  • Adjunct Faculty (National)
  • Adjunct Faculty (International)
  • Ways to give and partner
  • Focus your CSR on Preventive Healthcare

Last date to apply

The Indian Institute of Public Health, Delhi is pleased to announce ‘Call for applications for the PhD Program’, affiliated to Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR).

The doctoral degree program in various areas of public health will enable PhD scholars to be future thought leaders in public health. The aim of this doctoral program is to generate knowledge and evidence in public health using scientific & innovative research and develop expertise in specific areas under public health to provide advanced knowledge, mastery of skills in leadership, management, communication, and innovative thinking.

About the Program

The aim of PhD program in a multi-disciplinary area of public health is to provide training to enhance professional abilities of scholars in research, problem solving, and critical thinking to address public health issues and establish them as thought leaders in public health.

Degree Awarding and Registering body

Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI)- Indian Institute of Public Health, Delhi in collaboration with Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) brings you this unique opportunity of doing PhD in the areas of public health. The degree (PhD in Sciences) will be awarded by Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research. For more information, please visit https://acsir.res.in/ .

Categories of PhD Students

PhD students will be admitted under following categories:

Regular Applicants with mandatory funding support/ grant/ fellowship for whom minimum residency will be 3 years .

Sponsored A student in this category may either be sponsored by a recognized industrial R&D organization, academic institution (universities/colleges), government organization including PSUs and autonomous bodies, reputed industries (as may be recognized by this Institute) or self-sponsored for doing research at the Institute. The Institute will not provide any assistantship/fellowship to such a student. Prospective applicants applying under ‘Sponsored Category’ with NOC from their employer w.r.t fulfilling all the required conditions of coursework and minimum required residency may be considered irrespective of the funding arrangement between the candiate and their employer. Such candidates are expected to arrange their own funding for the research activities and sustenance. The minimum residency under this category will be 6 months.

Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification

  • Candidates with a consistently good academic record having Master’s degree in Public Health, any streams of Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics (STEAM), Social Sciences, Medical, Dentistry and allied fields, AYUSH (Alternative System of Medicine in India), Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Nursing and Veterinary science, Demography, Nutrition, Social Work, Law, Business Administration or any other relevant areas.

Other Essential Criteria

  • Candidates must have fellowship/scholarship or project funding support (assured for at least 3 yrs) while applying under regular category .
  • Minimum 2 years of relevant job experience is must while applying under sponsored category .

PhD Duration

Minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 6 years for both the categories – regular and sponsored.

Application Process

  • Applicants will have to apply online only.
  • Degree certificates and marks sheets of Under-Graduation, Post-Graduation and any other relevant qualifications
  • At least 2 years Work experience certificate if applying under ‘Sponsored Category”
  • Fellowship/Scholarship/Funding Support Letter if applying under “Regular Category”
  • Research Ideas (Your tentative research area/question that you want to work on in PhD, Public Health Relevance. Word limit – Max. 500 word)
  • Statement of Purpose (Max 1000 words)
  • No Objection Certificate from Employer
  • Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC/PH/EWS for General Category)
  • Latest Curriculum Vitae/ Resume

Selection Process

Selection will be based on an interview by the selection committee. During interview, shortlisted applications may present their previous past experience and research idea using slides (max 5 slides) in 5-7 mins, which will be followed by Q & A by selection committee.

Supervisor and Co-Supervisor(s) for the Doctoral Program

The primary-supervisor can be from either PHFI/IIPHs or AcSIR depending on the topic and mutual consensus. AcSIR Faculty List – https://acsir.res.in/fa-tab/ (check ‘Faculty at Academic Centres Tab’) IIPH Delhi Faculty List – https://phfi.org/iiph-delhi/faculty-and-staff/

Donate to a Healthier India : Collective effort is required to address the public health challenges we face today. Partner with PHFI and support initiatives to strengthen public health initiatives in India.

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  • Indian Universities /

Top 7 Post-Doctorate Universities in India

phd from indian universities

  • Updated on  
  • May 25, 2023

Post doctorate in Indian universities list

Post Doctorate in Indian universities is one of the major steps forward in building careers for students who have completed their Masters’s degree and PhD in the same field. There are many aspirants who wish to continue their higher education even after they have completed their master’s degree. For PhD holders, Post-Doctoral research is a very important step which helps them in gaining more knowledge and research experience in academics. There are many Indian universities that provide the opportunity of pursuing a post-doctoral degree to the PhD holders. Read this article to learn more about Post Doctorate in Indian Universities list.

Program NamePost-Doctoral
Names of UniversitiesIndian Institute of Science (IISc)
IIT Bombay
Indian Institute of Science Education & Research (IISER)
IIT Madras
Education LevelPost Doctorate
EligibilityCandidates must have completed their PhD in a related field

Post Doctorate in Indian Universities List

Here is the top 7 Post Doctorate in Indian Universities List. Keep reading to know more.

Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru

The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) is deemed one of the top public research institutes for higher education. Located in the Indian city of Bengaluru, the IISc was established in the early 20th century with support from Jamsetji Tata and is also known as Tata Institute.

  • The IISc has the highest citation per faculty among all the universities in the world.
  • It was granted the status of a university in 1958 and the status of the Institute of Eminence in 2018.
  • The IISc launched the CV Raman Post-Doc Program, which is a highly selective Post-Doctorate program with 50 positions.
  • The IISc also has a special vibrant Institution of Eminence Post-Doctorate program.
  • Individuals with a very strong academic record can apply for the position of Raman Post-Doctorate and IoE Post-Doctorate programs.
  • Persons of Indian Origin (PIO), foreign nationals and overseas citizens of India (OCI) are also eligible to apply for these programs.

Also read – Top Post Doctoral Fellowships You Should Know About

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai

The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay is one of the deemed public research institutes. The Parliament of India in 1961 decreed the IITs as Institutes of National Importance. It was in 1946 when a committee was formed by the then-Indian Government to develop technical education in India.

  • IIT Bombay is considered one of the leading engineering and science institutes in entire Asia.
  • This institution has a reputation for producing some of the best brains in India.
  • Only the top rank holders in Science and Engineering programs are given admission at IIT Bombay.
  • Admission is given through the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE), Joint Admission Test for Masters (JAM), and Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) .
  • Currently, IIT Bombay has 15 academic departments with 20 additional education centres and 4 interdisciplinary courses, which include management and industrial design courses.

Also read – Difference Between IIT vs MIT: Which is Better?

Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research

Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research is situated in Mumbai. It’s an advanced public research and education institute, which carries out research and development programs from a multidisciplinary view.

  • At IGIDR, carious PhD courses in Development studies and M.Sc courses (Master of Science) courses are offered to eligible students.
  • IGIDR has Asia’s largest library in social sciences.
  • The Post-Doctoral program at IGIDR is part of its outreach programmes.
  • Its objective is to aid quality education and research for scholars with a doctoral degree and a meritorious academic record.
  • The Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) at IDIGR is for 3 fellows who will be paid INR 50,000 per month plus a contingency grant of around INR 50,000 annually to support their academic and research activities.

Indian Institute of Delhi (IIT Delhi)

The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, abbreviated as IIT Delhi is a top public research and technology institute located in South Delhi. The Institute was established in 1961 and is one of the 23 IITs in India. 

  • At IIT Delhi, various undergraduate, postgraduate and Post-Doctoral programs are offered to eligible students. 
  • The institute is popular for its Engineering, Technology and Science programs.
  • IIT Delhi has done some popular research and attracts students from all over the world.
  • The Institute is listed under the QS World University Rankings .
  • Post-Doctorals are eligible to conduct research after they’ve completed their PhD from a reputed university. The post-doctoral fellowship is offered for research and training purposes and are expected to contribute their skills in teaching activities in their related field.
  • There are various benefits of doing a Post-Doctoral fellowship from IIT Delhi like as on-campus accommodation, PDA (Professional Development Allowance) every financial year, and others.
  • IIT Delhi annually invites applications for qualified candidates for various Post-Doctoral Fellow in different academic disciplines.

Also read – IIT Delhi And Queensland University’s Joint PhD Program

Indian Institute of Astrophysics

The Indian Institute of Astrophysics, abbreviated as IIA, is one of the premier research and technology institutes for Astrophysics, Astronomy and related disciplines in India. This institute was established in 1786 in Madras as the Madras Observatory. It was in 1971, when the name was changed to the Indian Institute of Astrophysics and relocated to Bangalore, Karnataka.

  • The objective of IIA is to make developments and enhance knowledge of astrophysics and astronomical instrumentation.
  • Research activities at IIA cover a wide range of topics like Celestial Bodies, interstellar medium, Cosmology or the study and evolution of the universe, etc.
  • The Post-Doctoral duration at IIA is of 12 months.
  • Once selected as a Post-Doctoral researcher at IIA, you will work in collaboration with members of the institute’s research group and will have the opportunity to lead research missions.
  • The benefits of Post-Doctoral at IIA include a fellowship of more than INR 35,000 per annum, house rent allowance and medica l insurance for you and your family.
  • Post-Doctorals at IIA play an important role in advancing Astrophysics and related disciplines in India.

Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research

The Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs) are a leading group of public research institutes in India. These institutes are completely government-backed by the Ministry of Education, aiming to collegiate education in science and technology at various levels.

  • There are a total of 7 IISERs situated in different cities of India, namely Trivandrum, Tirupati, Berhampur, Pune, Kolkata, Bhopal, and Mohali.
  • The Parliament of India declared all these institutes as Institutes of National Importance in 2012.
  • Post-Doctoral at IISERs are open to candidates having an experience of 0 to 5 years after their PhD thesis.
  • Candidate must show evidence of conducting a high level of research in a specific field.
  • At IISERs, Post-Doctorals can work in collaboration and individually depending on the types of the research program and infrastructural aid or support needed for the activity.
  • IISERs make funded appointments for 24 months at a time which can extend up to a period of 36 months.
  • Short-listed candidates for Post-Doctoral fellowships are interviewed, which can be in person or online before the final selection is done.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras)

IIT Madras is a prominent research and technical institute, situated in Chennai. IIT Madras was founded in 1959 after IIT Bombay and IIT Kharagpur.

  • IIT Madras offers UG, PG & Doctoral programs in different disciplines of science, engineering, technology and humanities .
  • Some of the popular research centres under IIT Madras are the Centre for Industrial Consultancy & Sponsored Research, the National Centre for Combustion Research and Development, and the Centre for Non-Destructive Evaluation.
  • Post-Doctoral opportunities at IIT Madras are available for candidates who have completed their PhD and are interested in building a career in research and teaching.
  • Women PhD scholars are also welcomed for the Post-Doctoral fellowships, which will allow them to endeavour to reconnect with their skills and career.

A post-doctoral researcher or postdoc is a person who is professionally qualified to conduct research after completing their PhD graduation or doctoral studies completed.

Some of the best Indian universities for post-doctorate are – the Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru, IIT Bombay, IGIDR, IIT Delhi and IIT Madras. These are all leading public research institutes which are completely backed by the Government of India.

The oldest and first Indian Institute of Technology is the IIT Kharagpur, which was established in 1951. The Ministry of Education, Government of India, is the governing body of this public institute.

To become eligible for Post-Doctorate, you must have completed your PhD graduation from a recognised university. Some institutes also have an age limit and work experience. The age limit can go up from 45 to 50 years old.

For more such informative blogs do check out our Indian University page, and if you have any queries feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] and stay tuned to our social media handles of  Instagram ,  Facebook ,  Twitter , and  Linkedin .

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Shiva Tyagi

With an experience of over a year, I've developed a passion for writing blogs on wide range of topics. I am mostly inspired from topics related to social and environmental fields, where you come up with a positive outcome.

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Study PhD Abroad for Indian Students & Apply now for 2024 Intake

A phd abroad is worth every effort and time.

Undertaking research studies abroad is a dream academic plan for a number of international students. PhD or Doctor of Philosophy is the highest academic degree awarded to a student pursuing an advanced study in any particular field. While there are a number of Indian universities that offer a PhD program, pursuing PhD abroad has its fair share of advantages which entice international students. Completing a successful overseas PhD requires much more than just time and money. It takes an immense amount of patience and perseverance.

Why study PhD abroad?

Pursuing your research studies abroad benefit you in more ways than one. Here are the top perks of the same:

A global network: Doing your PhD outside your home country allows you to meet scholars from across the world and learn from their unique perspectives

Career advancement: It opens up opportunities for you to gain global skills and the land the most coveted jobs anywhere in the world

Globally recognised degree: A PhD from top universities abroad

adds weight to your CV and is highly respected by employers across the world

World-class faculty: Top ranking universities abroad have exceptionally skilled and experienced professors

Types of PhD programs

If you enjoy research, then applying for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship a year in advance would be a good move. If teaching interests you, then talking with the Adviser or Department Head is advisable and would help you to progress in academics. Venturing into industries is also a great option for research scientists as there are a number of opportunities available.

Eligibility criteria

While the specific requirements may vary from one university to another, here is what you will typically need:

Masters degree earned from a recognised university

Satisfactory GRE scores (you can speak with your IDP counsellor to know how much you will need to score to get into your preferred university)

Overall score of 6.5 or above on IELTS English proficiency test

You should also keep your letters of recommendation, transcripts, and Statement of Purpose ready for a timely application.

Read more : How to write an SOP | LOR – everything you need to know

Studying in a foreign country can seem expensive. To manage your finances efficiently, it is always a good idea to have a rough idea of how much money you will need.

Read more : Cost of studying abroad

Course duration

Depending upon the field of study, thesis completion and individual progress, PhD completion may take somewhere between 3 to 10 years. The coursework while pursuing international PhD will comprise of lectures, countless presentations, and extensive research.

Intake season

There are usually two intakes round the year that most foreign universities and colleges offer – one during the month of January which is the Spring intake and the other during the month of September which is the Fall intake. Some universities may also offer an intake in the month of April which is the Summer intake. Choose your intake based on factors like availability of your preferred program, your chosen institution, academic records, entrance test scores, job opportunities etc. You can always ask your IDP counsellor for guidance on the intake that is right for you.

Find out more about study abroad intakes

How to choose a university?

Choosing the right university is critical for any student aiming to study abroad. Before taking a decision, the key factors that should be considered are course structure, course fee, accommodation cost, university ranking, teaching standards, research activities, career prospects, and whether the degree is recognised or not.

Read more : How to choose where to study abroad

What scholarship options are available for Indian students?

Students can fund their PhD abroad by availing one of the several scholarships that are available:


Country Name

Scholarship names


The UK

Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship

Charles Wallace India Trust Scholarships


The US, the UK and Europe

Inlaks-Shivdasani Scholarship

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for international Students


The US

Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship



Australian Government Research and Training Program

Endeavour Leadership Program



Government of Ireland Scholarships

NUI Galway Hardiman Scholarships



Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

IDRC Research Awards

Trudeau Doctoral Scholarships


New Zealand

Commonwealth Scholarships for students studying in New Zealand

Career scope A PhD abroad opens a new world of career opportunities to you. While in academics, you could continue with your post-doctoral project as researchers or teachers, industrial jobs are an option for science and engineering doctorates. PhD students can also work as consultants, biochemists, medical scientists, etc.

Benefits of pursuing PhD abroad

Exposure to new research methods

Fluency in a new language

Enhances your resume

Boosts your professional growth

Enables personal grooming and development

Work visa after course completion

There are a number of visa options that may be of help to you in case you are planning to stay and work in your chosen country:






J1 Visa and H1B visa



Tier 4 Doctorate Extension Scheme



Post-Study Work Stream Visa



Temporary Resident Visa



Third Level Graduate Scheme


New Zealand

Post Study Work Visa

Earning a PhD abroad is quite an achievement in itself as it takes immense patience and determination. Completing your PhD research demands commitment so make sure you are certain about the subject area and topic you choose. If you feel stuck anywhere, just connect with our international education specialists and we will be happy to guide you.


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Ph. D. programme in Public Health

All online application systems are down for maintenance. please return by 30th september, 2016 12pm., phd admissions.

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  • For any application-related queries, contact: TISS CARE 022-25525252

Location: Mumbai

School: School of Health Systems Studies

1. Educational Qualifications: The minimum academic qualification for admission to the Ph.D programmes is a Second Class Master’s or equivalent degree in the relevant subject awarded by a recognised university in India or abroad, with at least an average of 55 per cent of aggregate marks, or a grade point average of 3.5 under the seven-point scale of the University Grants Commission (UGC). In the case of SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/differently-abled candidates, the minimum eligibility is an average of 45 per cent of aggregate marks, or a grade point average of 2.5 under the seven-point scale of the University Grants Commission (UGC).

2. Candidates who have an M.Phil or equivalent degree awarded by a recognized university in India or abroad are also eligible to apply for the Ph.D Programme.

3. Submission of a research proposal is a compulsory requirement for admission for the Ph.D. Programme. A research proposal consisting of approximately 1,000 words should accompany the proposal and indicate the Specification of the broad field of study, Statement of the research problem and scope and objectives of the study, rationale for and the significance of the study, methodology to be followed, references, and the candidate’s research/work experience in that area, if any

School of Health Systems Studies

The School of Health Systems Studies prepares students for a leadership role in public health and managerial roles in the fields of health and hospital administration. The School’s active social research programmes and national and international research collaborations in areas of health policy, health systems strengthening and public health contributes to the generation of new knowledge in this area and ensures that its educational programmes are updated to respond to current challenges and emergent trends. An important dimension of the Schools’ educational and research activity is the contribution it makes to developing the understanding of health and health care as a social science. The School is quite often called upon to respond to capacity building and knowledge management needs of the government health sector and this allows it to contribute to developing newer and innovative health care strategies, provide advocacy support for public health and build equity concerns into health policy and planning. The School has four Centres:

Centre for Health and Social Sciences

Centre for Health Policy, Planning & Management

Centre for Hospital Management

Centre for Public Health

Ph.D. Programme in Public Health

Thematic Areas

Public health from epidemiological perspective with focus on communicable and non-communicable diseases; Health systems management with focus on health care delivery, health financing, health inequity and comparative health systems

Sociology of medical practice/Medical anthropology; Social epidemiology approach to public health problems

Non-communicable disease social epidemiology; Health management information systems; Health programmes evaluation; Environmental health

Availability, access and utilisation of health services (in rural and urban areas), Health status of marginalised sections, Dalit and tribal health.



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Disclaimer: TISS does not endorse any information related to the admission process, entrance exams or results reported by sources other than the TISS website.

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Institution Name Department of Education, Center of Education
Course Name Doctor of Philosophy in education
Institution Name Department of Education, Center of Education
Course Name Doctor of Philosophy in Education

Being a university dedicated to generation of knowledge, IITE offers research programmes like Ph.D. and encourage research in the field of Education. The IITE has to comply with UGC Regulations 2018 and, in addition with IITE Ordinance for PhD 2019 of the university. The students has to appear for entrance test following with GDPA and presentation of their research proposals which is to be evaluate by subject experts and RDC members for concern research work.

Download Brochure

Mode of Admission :

Eligible candidates shall have to appear in i3T – Integrated Test for Teacher Trainee conducted by the Indian Institute of Teacher Education (IITE) as per schedule mentioned in the brochure. Admission will be given as per merit list prepared based on marks of i3T

Junior Research Fellowship

Indian Institute of Teacher Education, Gandhinagar (IITE) hereby invites proposal for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) leading to Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) under its Ph.D. Programmes being offered; the objective of this fellowship is to provide opportunity to NET-GSLET-GSET-JRF qualified candidates to undertake advance studies and research in the fields of Education leading to Ph.D.  Degree in Education

Fellowship : Rs. 31000/- per month.

The Fellowship assistance will be normally for a period of three years and extendable up to four years. It shall be Junior Research Fellowship for the first 18 months for Ph.D. Scholars and Senior Research Fellowship for the next 18 months for Ph.D. Scholars


The Fellowship shall be open for all Ph.D. Scholars of the University subject to the following eligibility criteria.The candidate must be admitted in full time (Regular) Ph.D. Programmes at the UniversityThe candidate should not be receiving any grant or research assistance by whatever name called from any other source including UGC.The candidate should not be engaged in any part-time or full time employment of any nature during the entire tenure of Fellowship.The candidate must be present full time at the University during the period of the fellowship.Candidates who are UGC-NET and/or GSLET/GSET qualified can apply for JRF/SRF.

Admission period June and January
Duration Full Time - 3 Years(Minimum 6 Terms) Part Time - 4 Years(Minimum 8 Terms)
Prerequisites Master degree or its equivalent in the subject of Education with at least 55% marks (or equivalent grade) of any University/Higher Learning Institution recognized by UGC and/or DEC, in the relevant discipline.
Schedule/Timing As instructed by the research supervisors.
Intake To be declared at the time of admission.
Co-Requisites Entrance Test of IITE or NET/JRF/GSET passed
Admission Closed


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PhD Programme

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  • PhD Scholars
  • Post Doctoral Fellows
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  • Students of MSc in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
  • Synthetic Biology
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  • The Voice of IBABians
  • Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw lecture series

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Faculty members at IBAB pursue their independent research programs in frontier areas of Bioinformatics and Biotechnology, offering valuable opportunity for ambitious students to pursue a career in science through our PhD programme.

The institute has state-of-the-art infrastructure, including high-end equipment and computing resources for the use by researchers. Doctoral students at IBAB get high quality research training which includes course work, conference presentations in India and possibly abroad, scientific writing and publishing. Candidates can register for a PhD with either Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) or The University of Trans-disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TDU).

We welcome applications for the PhD programme from candidates who wish to join our research teams in the fields of

  • Cancer Biology
  • Computational Biology
  • Epigenetics
  • Infectious Disease Biology
  • Mathematical Biology
  • Microbiology
  • Molecular Parasitology
  • Structural Bioinformatics
  • Structural Biology
  • Systems Biology

The research fellows have full access to high end research facilities, which include cell and molecular-biology equipment, culture facilities, fluorescence microscopes, FACS, HPLC/FPLC and 2D electrophoresis systems, DLS, DDPCRs, NGS sequencing facility comprising a HiSeq 2500 Sequencer, HiScan Beadchip Scanner and other accessories and equipment needed for high throughput sequencing. The institute has dedicated research laboratories, and an animal house needed for translational research. In addition our reserchers have access to other high-end instruments such as confocal microscope, mass spectrometer, LCMS, robotic liquid handling equipment and other specialized facilities available at BBC (Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre) next door, which is part of the Biotech Park.

The institute is also equipped with high-end servers and high-performance computing clusters essential for research in big data and computational biology.


An opportunity to work in a truly multi-disciplinary environment, comprising mathematical biology, systems biology and experimental biology.

  • Candidates must have at least 55% marks in their MSc or equivalent degree in science/engineering/medicine. Candidates with MBBS or BDS or any undergraduate degree which is of at least 5 years’ duration are also eligible to apply.
  • Provisional admission is possible for candidates awaiting their final result.

Admissions are announced once or twice a year depending on open positions. Look out for announcements on our website regularly. Short-listed candidates will have a telephone/skype interview during the preliminary screening. Selected candidates will be notified to attend an entrance exam and/or an in-person interview at IBAB.

The candidate will be examined for basic scientific knowledge, research aptitude and communication skills. Shortlisted candidates with profiles matching the research interest of faculty members will be directed to the appropriate faculty. Admission to the PhD program will be based on mutual interest in a research area.


Candidates with their own fellowships are encouraged to apply, IBAB provides partial financial support to a limited number of candidates every year.

Fees for the PhD course:

Each PhD scholar has to pay the following fees:

  • Research fee annually to IBAB, from the date of joining
  • Coursework fees to IBAB, at the time of taking examinations.
  • Fees specified by MAHE or TDU


All registered students need to undertake coursework worth 12 credits to continue their PhD registration.

Doctoral Advisory Committee:

A doctoral advisory committee (DAC) will be constituted for every candidate registered for a PhD. The DAC will evaluate the progress of the candidate every six months.


Home » Ph.D in Development Studies

  • Ph.D in Development Studies

The Ph.D. programme is designed to create academic researchers as well as professionals who are capable of conducting policy analysis, relating to national and global economic and development issues, from a quantitative and inter-disciplinary perspective. While an interdisciplinary approach is encouraged, the programme lays somewhat larger emphasis on economics to provide an integrated framework within which various development issues can be addressed. Ph.D. students are expected to submit their dissertations within four years of joining the Institute. Ph.D. programmes involve successful completion of course work as well as submission of dissertation. M.Sc., stream students who would like to register for a Ph.D. degree need to pass the oral comprehensive examination in the form of proposal cum evaluation seminar and fulfil prescribed course and minimum grade requirements.

Admission Eligibility

Minimum qualification for admission to the Ph.D. programme include one of the following degrees or their equivalents :

M.A./M.Sc. in Economics/M.Stat./M.Sc. (Physics or Mathematics or Environmental Science or Operations Research)/M.B.A./M.Tech./M.E./B.Tech./B.E. with at least 55% aggregate marks for Economics discipline and 60% aggregate marks for other disciplines. The applicant must have studied mathematics at the higher secondary or higher level.

Course Structure and Duration

Ph.D. students are required to take fourteen courses (four compulsory and ten optional), which they are expected to complete in two years, students are required to take the course on Research Methodology and the course on Seminar Series.

The compulsory courses for Ph.D. students are Microeconomics-I, Macroeconomics-I,Econometrics-I, Energy and Environment-I.Ph.D. students have to choose their optional courses such that they include (i) any two courses from Microeconomics – II, Macroeconomics – II, Econometrics – II and Energy and Environment – II, (ii) one Major Field of Specialisation consisting of four optional courses in a related field, (iii) one Minor Field of Specialisation consisting of two optional courses in a related field, and (iv) two other optional courses that may be from un-related fields. The optional courses /fields of specialisation offered by the Institute are similar to those listed under the M.Sc. programme.

For continuation in the Ph.D. programme, the student has to pass an Oral Comprehensive Examination in the form of a Proposal cum Evaluation Seminar and is expected to write a Ph.D. dissertation within the stipulated time frame and fulfil prescribed course and minimum grade requirements.

Ph.D. students need to pay a tuition fee of Rs.16,000/- per semester and a hostel fee, which is 8% of their fellowship amount per month, plus water and electricity charges as per actual. The tuition fee may be revised from time to time.

Financial Assistance

Ph.D. students will receive a monthly stipend of Rs.31,000/- in the first two years. Those students, who fulfill the terms and conditions for Ph.D. registration, will receive a monthly stipend of Rs.43,750/- after Ph. D. registration in the third year. Students are required to provide part time research or teaching assistantship from their second year onwards.

In the past, Ph.D students from IGIDR have been placed in the corporate sector – a selected list of companies is provided in the section on past recruiters. Some of our students pursue their doctorates, either at IGIDR or abroad. In the last five years, our students have got admission with financial support from renowned universities abroad like Iowa State University, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and University of California, Irvine.

Related Links:

  • M.Sc. in Economics
  • Admission-2024

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PhD in the USA for Indian Students | Specialisations & More

  • Universities in USA

Updated on 15 April, 2024

upGrad Abroad Team

upGrad Abroad Team

Upgrad abroad editorial team.

upGrad Abroad Team

A PhD program from the United States of America is recognized worldwide as a prestigious doctoral degree that speaks of the applicant’s research and academic excellence. PhD in the USA for Indian students, especially from the top-ranked universities, enables research of high-quality and consequently brighter career prospects.

 However, admission to PhD programs in the USA can be quite competitive. Indian students must meet all the eligibility requirements as set by the university’s admission panel. As far as PhD in the USA for Indian students’ cost is concerned, tuition waivers are granted to most of them, and a stipend is disbursed during the entire duration of the course.

Study and Settle in the USA – Fix a Free Appointment Now

But what are the other benefits of pursuing a doctoral degree from the USA? Let us learn:

Table of Contents

Why study phd in the usa, popular phd specializations in the usa:, listed below are some of the reputed universities that offer fully-funded phd programs –, career opportunities after phd in the usa:, eligibility for phd in the usa for indian students.

 Here are the main reasons why a PhD in the USA for Indian students is beneficial:

●       Flexible structure: The PhD curriculum in the USA is flexibly designed so that the students get ample time to understand the fundamentals of the subject before commencing the research work.

●       Scholarship and financial aids: PhD students in the USA can apply for financial grants with guaranteed fee waivers. Not only this but the meritorious PhD students can also qualify to receive a fixed stipend during the course.

●       World-class universities: A PhD program from a globally ranked university in the USA has its perks. The prestigious universities in the USA are known for innovation, research, academic excellence, and a plethora of post-study opportunities. The globally recognized universities like Stanford University, Harvard University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology offer fully-funded PhD programs.

●       Research and innovation: In terms of research and innovation, the USA is the world leader. A PhD fellow can research with a trained professional to gain work experience and opportunities. It helps in broadening the depth of their knowledge and skills. The USA’s PhD curriculum and research facilities produce some of the most known research professionals every year.

●       Student life: The country has an open, multicultural environment that benefits international students. In the USA, the education system is very flexible. The universities allow students to participate in various extracurricular activities actively.

●       Career opportunities: Upon finishing the research degree, one can explore varied career opportunities such as positions in academia, adviser to policymakers, business consultant, entrepreneurs, or anything they may want.

· PhD in Statistics

· PhD in Accounting and Finance

· PhD in Aerospace Engineering

· PhD in Management

· PhD in Public Health

· PhD in Mathematical Modelling

· PhD in Applied Linguistics

· PhD in Psychology

· PhD in STEM Education

· PhD in History

· PhD in Microbiology

· PhD in Computer Science

· PhD in Astronomy

Cost of PhD in the USA for Indian students

The cost of studying for a PhD in the USA for an Indian student can range between $28,000 to $40,000 (INR 20,97,999 – INR 29,97,142) per year. However, a big portion of the tuition fee may be waived off for deserving students.

The fee structure for private and public sector universities varies, with the latter being almost free. PhDs can be funded either by national research councils or by universities themselves.

On the other hand, private universities can be more expensive unless applicants qualify for a scholarship or funding opportunity.

Public institution fees: Public universities grant up to 100% funding options to deserving students. Some of the top public universities like Stanford University and Harvard University offer complete funding to PhD students. The funding is done for the first five years of the PhD program, after which the students need to search for external funding sources if they haven’t been able to complete the course. 

Private institution fees: The average fees charged by private institutions ranges between $28,000 – $40,000 (INR 20,97,999 – INR 29,97,142) per year for a PhD program in the USA. The private universities do have funding options, but only for meritorious students. Private universities do not offer 100% funding for PhD programs.

● California Institute of Technology

● Harvard University

● Stanford University

● Yale University

● University of California

● University of Michigan

● Massachusetts Institute of Technology

● Rice University

A PhD degree holder can opt for the below-mentioned career opportunities as per their field of study-:

● College professor

● Management consultancy, finance, or aeronautics

● Scientists

● Medical research centres

● Data analytics

● Analyst in chemical research centres and laboratories

● Head of the service in geological centres

● Head of the department

● Assistant professor

● Clinical care

● Psychologist

● Senior web developer

● Patent lawyer

● Chemical engineering, patents, or food technology

● Publishing

● Event management and digital marketing

● Pharmaceuticals, genomics, or clinical care

● Medical scientist

● Accountancy, data science, or consultancy

● Public sector

● Science communication

● Construction manager

● Mineral surveying

● Law official

● Administrative officer

● Hospital administrator

● Advisory positions in government sectors

● Civil service

● Content production

● Senior editor

● Investment banking

● Public engagement and officer

● Social worker

● Public health officer

● Epidemiologist

● Technical writing

 A good academic record: The minimum academic qualification for PhD programs in the USA is a full-time master’s degree. Applicants need to have exceptional academic grades in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The requirement of marks will vary from one university to another, depending upon the rank and specialization.

Work experience: Academic projects, internships, and training records are important for PhD aspirants. Applicants with industry exposure and work experience are usually given preference. You will need to show your work experience certificates during admission. 

Documents: As per the USA government, every student applying for PhD in the country needs to present original documents. The list includes transcripts, application form, fee payment slip, letter of recommendation, visa, passport, internship documents, statement of purpose, and a detailed curriculum vitae.

English language proficiency test: To get admission into PhD courses, the American education system and immigration services need a valid English language proficiency test score. The non-native English-speaking students need to take an IELTS or TOEFL examination to prove their English language skills.

Statement of Purpose: A Statement of purpose (SOP) is an important document required by the admissions committee to filter applicants. It reflects the purpose and goals of a PhD student in a unique manner. There are chances that many students may have the same degrees and scores, but the SOP will be unique for all.

Letter of Recommendation: Letter of recommendation (LOR) is an independent assessment of the applicant’s potential. Universities require a minimum of two letters of recommendation.

Standardized test scores: Apart from the English language proficiency test, applicants need to take other standardized entrance examinations for PhD programs. GRE or GMAT scores are important to pursue PhD programs in the USA.

Interested to Study In USA? Apply for Free Counselling

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phd from indian universities

  • Department Intranet

PhD in Indian Philosophy

Program details, eligibility.

1. PhD students admitted to the Department of South Asian Studies and the Department of Philosophy are eligible to apply to the program in the spring of their G2 year .

2. Applications, which must be submitted to the Department of South Asian Studies or the Department of Philosophy, will be based on (i) coursework, which must include at least 3 upper level courses in Philosophy ,  with grades of A- or better, and evidence of proficiency in either Sanskrit or Tibetan, ordinarily 2 courses at the intermediate or advanced level; (ii) the support of at least one, and preferably two, faculty members in the Department of Philosophy and the Department of South Asian Studies; (iii) a writing sample—which may be developed into a “second year paper” in the Department of Philosophy; and (iv) a course of study and a rationale for it.  *See the “Application Checklist” below.


1. course work  (9 courses), distribution requirements.

M&E (3)

M&P (2)

History (3)

*Note: With the approval of the director of graduate studies, students in Indian Philosophy may be permitted to count one course in advanced Sanskrit or Tibetan toward the distribution requirement in metaphysics or epistemology and one towards the requirement in history of philosophy .

Advanced Sanskrit/Tibetan

Sanskrit/Tibetan (4)

Additional Courses

Consult the home department’s graduate student guidelines for general course requirements.

2. 2 nd year Paper/Exams/Prospectus

Consult the relevant Department’s graduate student guidelines.

3. Language Requirements

Candidates who plan to write a dissertation in Indian Philosophy are expected to have learned at least one of the relevant classical languages (Sanskrit or Tibetan) before they are admitted to the program. Depending upon the level of fluency they have reached before entering the program, they may be asked to take additional language or reading courses. In addition, candidates will be expected to have satisfied their home Department’s language or language and tools requirement.

Thesis committee, which must be approved by both Departments,  must have at least 2 members approved by the Department of Philosophy (for students in South Asian Studies) or the  Department of South Asian Studies (for students in Philosophy). For further details, consult the relevant Department’s description of their graduate program.

Application Checklist

1. Transcript

a. List of courses taken in the Department of Philosophy, 3 of which must be at the intermediate level with a grade of A- or better.

b. Evidence of proficiency in Sanskrit and/or Tibetan, ordinarily two courses at the Intermediate or Advanced Level.  List relevant courses and the grades earned.

2. One, and preferably two letters of support from relevant member(s) of the faculty.

3. Writing Sample/Seminar Paper

4. Sample Plan of Study and Rationale

*Applications should be submitted to the relevant Department by April 1.

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Science and research in Germany are characterised by a distinguished infrastructure, a wide variety of disciplines, well-equipped research facilities and competent staff. Germany offers various career opportunities for international PhD students and researchers.

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PhD Abroad: with Scholarship for Indian Students, Colleges, Work Visa, Eligibility

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PhD Abroad are 2 to 6-year degree courses available at most of the top public universities across the globe. PhD from abroad will light up more opportunities for the candidates in terms of career and scholarship.

Top abroad universities offer a full scholarship for PhD programmes.  IELTS ,  TOEFL ,  GRE ,  GMAT , and  SAT  are some of the most popular entrance exams required for studying PhD Abroad.

See more :  List of PhD Courses

Table of Contents

  • PhD Abroad: Eligibility
  • Why study PhD from Abroad

PhD Abroad Scholarships

Phd abroad: top colleges.

4.1 Colleges in USA

4.2 Colleges in UK

4.3 Colleges in Canada

4.4 Colleges in Germany

4.5 Colleges in France

4.6 Colleges in Australia

  • Work Visa for PhD Abroad

PhD Abroad: Top Careers

Phd abroad: faqs, phd abroad: eligibility criteria.

  • Grades from academia (a high GPA)
  • Previous Studies for Science
  • Undertaken Ventures
  • Scores of Studies (GRE, TOEFL in case of USA )
  • Papers Posted, if any,
  • If submitted, dissertations
  • Healthy engagement in co-curricular events related to the research subject you have selected.
  • Excellent Letters for Recommendation
  • A clear Intent Argument

Why Study PhD from Abroad?

  • Better Opportunities: In terms of both services and future managers, adding internationality will give you more alternatives. Also, researching in another country may encourage your access if your research needs access to such museums, locations, libraries, archives, or facilities.
  • Better Funding: Doing your Ph.D. abroad could be considerably cheaper. Tuition fees, notably at the doctorate level, vary greatly around the globe. In addition, you may apply for some scholarships that are exclusively for students studying abroad from your home country or your destination country.
  • Broad Network: By creating ties in a new county, extend your network. You will get to know individuals on a personal basis and make friends from all over the world. Doing a Ph.D. abroad will also benefit you if, after receiving your degree, you intend to work beyond your home country.
  • New Culture: Studying globally would help you to develop a global perspective. You're going to be introduced to new concepts, ways of instruction, and academic communities. You might also get the chance to learn a foreign language.

Why Study PhD from Abroad

Students who are aiming for a Ph.D. program often opt for foreign countries in different fields like healthcare, automobile, manufacturing, computer Science, Social Science, etc. The average cost can vary and it can be very heavy on pockets. Scholarships help reduce that burden. Some of the top Scholarships are tabulated below for your reference, 

Scholarship Name Country Eligibility Value
AAUW International Fellowships For Women US All women candidates, not US Citizens or residents are eligible. USD 20,000
Women with research subjects related to the advancement of women.
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Canada Candidate must be pursuing a Ph.D. or a joint undergraduate research program $50,000 per year
Candidates under joint undergraduate or graduate research studies must not have completed more than 32 months of study
Gates Cambridge Scholarships UK Candidates must be citizens of any country except the UK Covers the cost of studying at Cambridge including tuition fees, visa cost, travel costs and other expenses.
Candidates must be pursuing a full-time residential program at the University of Cambridge.
Australian Government Research Training Programme (AGRTP) International Scholarships at Flinders University Australia Candidate sare required to meet the academic requirements for the Masters by Research or Doctorate. AUD 28,092 with an establishment allowance of AUD 1485
Candidates shall fulfill the English Proficiency Requirements.
Candidates with Australian and New Zealand citizenship are not eligible
Vice Chancellor’s International Scholarship for Research Excellence University of Nottingham, UK Candidates must possess a valid offer for a full-time PhD or M.Phil in any discipline other than engineering Scholarship covers the entire tuition fees with a monthly stipend of GBP 1015
PhD Scholarships for International Candidates, Swansea - International Candidates other than UK/EU. GBP 8650
IELTS score of above 6.5
Interested in obtaining a PhD at the Department of Physics at Swansea University
President's PhD Scholarships Imperial College, London Distinction in Master’s Full Funding of Tuition Fees GBP 21,400 (Living Costs) and GBP 2000 (Consumable funds for first 3 years)
Fulbright- Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships USA Should have conducted research on the relevant topics, particularly resources of India. Variable
Enrolled in PhD Programme in India applying in US
DAAD Scholarship Germany Applicant for Doctorate Studies 1200 Euros per month and a flat rate travel allowance to reduce transportation costs
Pasteur-Roux-Cantarini International Postdoctoral Fellowship France Research Fellowships that are minimum of 2 year duration Funding amount is paid as a salary covering health insurance.
Candidates need to pursue research in one of the institutes under Institut Pasteur in Paris

PhD or Doctor of Philosophy is an academic qualification that allows the degree holder to teach the subject they have chosen at the university level. There are many top universities around the globe that offer PhD courses in various specializations. They also offer scholarships as well for students who worry about their finances

PhD abroad is a 3-6 year course that brings more opportunities for the candidates. IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT, SAT, and GRE are some of the major entrance exams to gain admission to these universities. Many countries like the USA, UK, Germany, Australia, Japan, Canada, Singapore, France house top universities that offer PhD courses.

PhD Colleges in USA

Some of the top PhD colleges in USA are tabulated below:

Ranking (QS) College Name Courses
1 Behavioral & Policy Sciences, Economics, Finance & Accounting, Management Science, Engineering
3 Education, Business, Medicine, Economics, Computer Science, Humanities, Social Sciences
5 Humanities, Social Sciences, Computer Science, Engineering
6 Engineering, Computer Science, Life Science
13 BioEngineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Computer and Information Science, Mechanical Engineering
14 Engineering, Management, Law, Architecture, Arts.
19 Anthropology, Architecture, Management, Biological Sciences, Chemical Physics
20 East Asian Studies, Philosophy, mUsic Composition, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and many more.

PhD Colleges in UK

Tabulated below are some of the top colleges for PhD and the courses offered by them are provided below for your reference, 

Ranking (QS) College Name Courses
2 Ancient philosophy, Archaeology, Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary and Many more
3 Clinical Neurosciences, Medical Science, Archaeology, History or Arts, Sociology, Law
7 Aeronautics, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Computing, Design Engineering, Earth Science and Engineering
8 Behavioral Science and Health, Cancer Institute, Clinical Psychology, Child Health Research
16 Cardiovascular Science, Clinical Education, Clinical Psychology, Clinical Education
27 Aerospace Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Applied Theater, Arab World Studies, Architecture, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Biological Physics
35 Addiction Research, Age related Diseases, Applied Mathematics Research, Bioinformatics, Biostatistics
49 Economic Geography, Environmental Economics, Environmental policy and Development, Regional and Urban Planning studies

PhD Colleges in Canada

Tabulated below are some of the top colleges for PhD and the courses offered by them are provided below for your reference,:

Ranking (QS) College Name Courses
26 Accounting, Business Economics, Finance, Operations Management, Strategic Management
27 Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts, Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences, Education, Engineering
46 Applied Animal biology, Adult Learning and Education, Education, Ancient Culture Religion and ethnicity, Anthropology, Aquaculture,
111 Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Neurological Sciences
126 Epidemiology, Health Promotion and Socio-Behavioral Sciences, Public Health
149 Actuarial Science, Anthropology, MA public issues, Applied Mathematics, Quantum Information, Biology
170 Anatomy, Applied Health Sciences, Astronomy, biomedical Engineering, Business Administration.

PhD Colleges in Germany

Some of the top PhD colleges in Germany and Courses are tabulated below for your reference,:

Ranking (QS) College Name Courses
50 Quantum Information, Applied Biology, Applied Mathematics, Health care, Law.
63 Humanities, Social Science and Law, Life Sciences, natural Sciences
64 Cultures of Vigilance, Buddhist studies, environment and society, medieval and renaissance studies.
127 Integrative oncology, mind and brain, biodiversity, evolution and ecology, computational Neurosciences.
128 BGSS International Doctoral Program, economics and management, socio-economic and statistical studies.
136 Natural Sciences, Functional materials, optics and Photonics
159 Economics, Management, Berlin Industrial Engineering and Management
165 Engineering Sciences, Natural Sciences, Applied Geography, Applied Geophysics, Automobile Engineering

PhD Colleges in France

Some of the top PhD colleges in France and Courses are tabulated below for your reference,::

Ranking (QS) College Name Courses
44 Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL Research University Paris Anthropology, Astrophysics, Archaeology, Sociology, Life SCiences,Medicine, Earth Sciences, Geography.
49 Physics, Biology,Information Technology, Biology, Data, Artificial Science, Artificial Intelligence
72 Astronomy, Brain Cognitive Behavior, Life Sciences Complexity, Modern and Contemporary History, Ancient and Medieval Worlds.
86 Paris-Saclay University Law, Economics and Management, Mathematics and Physics, Biosphera
245 École des Ponts ParisTech Physics, mechanics, chemistry, geosciences, environment sciences, and life sciences.
261 University of Paris Astrophysics, Environmental Sciences, Legal, Economics and management, Geosciences

PhD Colleges in Australia

Some of the top PhD colleges in Australia are tabulated below:

Ranking (QS) College Name Courses
27 Engineering & Computer Sciences, Business & Commerce, Arts, Culture & Society
37 Biomedical Engineering, Child and Adolescent Health, Comprehensive Cancer, Infection And Immunity
38 Arts and social Sciences, Philosophy, Engineering
47 Philosophy, Biotechnology, Veterinary Clinical Science
58 Art, Design , architecture, Education, Business and Economics
93 Philosophy, Advanced social Work, Architecture, Creative Writing, Music
108 Philosophy, Law, Business Management, Applied Psychology, Applied Geography, Child Development

PhD Abroad: Work Visa

After Completion of the PhD program, there are a number of visas available that will help candidates to stay in that country for future job prospects. Some of the visa and their eligibility is mentioned below for your reference, 

Visa Name Country Eligibility
The Graduate Route UK Students Completing their undergraduate or master’s degree to remain in work in the UK for up to 2 years
J1 Visa and H1B Visa US Completed a Bachelor's or higher degree in the related specialty occupation from a US educational Institution
Post Study Work Stream Visa Australia Must be a Degree holder from a recognized institute of higher education be it a diploma, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degree.
Third Level Graduate Scheme Ireland Candidates must have received NFQ level 9 or above to be eligible for This visa to stay in Ireland for up to 12 months.
Public Sector and Science Medical Research Centres
College Professor Analysts
Government Sectors Geological Sectors
Science Writing Scientific Advisor
Patent Lawyer Medical Research and Development Centres

Ques. What is the qualification required to pursue a Ph.D.?

Ans. You must have a previous master's degree in a relevant subject. You will also need a thesis proposal, Language proficiency scores, well-written SOP, and letters of recommendation to apply for a Ph.D.

Ques. Which country offers pocket-friendly Ph.D.?

Ans . Countries such as Germany, Finland, Sweden, and Norway offer low-cost Ph.D. programs?

Ques. What is the period required to complete a Ph.D.?

Ans. A Ph.D. program usually takes anywhere between 2 to 6 years.

Ques. Which country offers a better stipend to Ph.D. students?

Ans. For Ph.D. candidates, the highest salaries are in Switzerland and Canada, with Ph.D. candidates in Switzerland earning on average twice as much as those in Germany.

Ques. Which exams you need to clear to pursue a Ph.D. abroad?

Ans. You will need to secure excellent IELTS/TOEFL scores

Ques. What is the cost of studying Ph.D. abroad?

Ans . In the USA, the average cost of studying for a Ph.D. is nearly US$20,000–40,000 per year. In the UK, the average total cost of studying Ph.D. and living is nearly £10,032 per year. In Australia, The average total cost of doing a Ph.D. in science is nearly AUS$60,562. In Germany, you are expected to pay a semester contribution of around €250.

Ph.D. : 43 answered questions

Ques. are master's degrees from ignou acceptable for admission into ph.d courses in top universities.

● Top Answer By Anumita Mukharjee on 28 Apr 22

Ques. Is a Phd from IGNOU worth it/valuable?

● Top Answer By Srabani Guha on 24 Jul 23

Ques. How is the Direct PhD program of IIT Madras?

● Top Answer By Arati Sinha on 29 Mar 23

Ques. What is the value of a Ph.D. degree from IIT Bombay?

● Top Answer By Karuna Nair on 13 Mar 23

Ques. Why do some students in IIT Bombay leave high-paying jobs and join grad schools for PhD?

● Top Answer By Advait Joshi on 23 Mar 23

Ques. What is the placement scenario after PhD in IIT Bombay?

● Top Answer By Advait Joshi on 17 Mar 23

Ques. Is a PhD from IGNOU valid?

● Top Answer By Pankaj Kumar on 18 Oct 22

Ques. What is the placement record of MSc applied statistics students of IIT Bombay?

● Top Answer By Poornima Sahoo on 18 Mar 23

Ques. How difficult is it to get a PhD from IISc Bangalore?

● Top Answer By Bidita Ghose on 14 Jul 23

Ques. Which would be better, IIT Delhi or an average US university for a PhD?

● Top Answer By Aditi Banerjee on 03 Apr 23

Ph.D. (Chemistry)

Ph.d. (physics), ph.d. (mathematics), ph.d. (biotechnology), ph.d. (zoology), ph.d. (psychology), ph.d. (business management), ph.d. (management studies), master of science [ms], ph.d. (computer science), ph.d. colleges in india.

IIMV - Indian Institute of Management

IIMV - Indian Institute of Management

Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research - [PGIMER]

Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research - [PGIMER]

IIM Jammu Indian Institute of Management

IIM Jammu Indian Institute of Management

PSG Institute of Management - [PSGIM]

PSG Institute of Management - [PSGIM]

Krea University

Krea University

Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management - [IISWBM]

Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management - [IISWBM]

Bharathidasan Institute of Management - [BIM]

Bharathidasan Institute of Management - [BIM]

School of Planning and Architecture - [SPA]

School of Planning and Architecture - [SPA]

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phd from indian universities

Students and graduates

Life as a microsoft intern, get inside the microsoft intern experience.

Every year, thousands of university students from every corner of the world join Microsoft. You bring your aspirations, talent, potential—and excitement for the journey ahead. Our internship experience brings interns from around the world together to connect, collaborate and co-create virtually to make a difference and impact the world.

A hybrid approach to internships

Starting a new career journey is a momentous occasion. As you plan to take an initial step on your new path, Microsoft internships provide a hybrid approach to enable a high-quality experience both virtually and in person. Hybrid by design is weaved into each of our locations, keeping the health and safety of our employees, interns, and their families as our highest priority.    

Whether joining us virtually or in person, all our interns are empowered to co-create their experience, build community, and explore their passions while working on projects that matter. 

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Global student programs and internships

Photo of 3 students looking at tablet

University internships

At Microsoft, our interns work on projects that matter – and your team will rely on your skills and insights to help deliver those projects to market. This is your chance to bring your solutions and ideas to life while working on cutting-edge technology. We offer internships in all job families and solution areas, and it’s open to current students in Bachelor’s, Master’s, MBA, PhD programs.

Photo of student working on laptop

PhD internships

If you're pursuing a PhD and want to explore what it's like to work at Microsoft, look no further. We host PhD interns in both our product teams and in Microsoft Research (MSR). Our PhD interns are active, contributing members to our product and research community regardless if you are conducting cutting-edge research or engineering a new product. No matter what route you take—come work on meaningful, innovative projects that add to our company's success.

Photo of students outside talking on sports field

Microsoft Aspire Experience

We believe that Microsoft is a place for exploration, creativity, innovation, and professional growth. Microsoft Aspire Experience is an onboarding experience, designed to equip, develop, and empower those who join Microsoft after graduating from undergraduate school and MBA programs.

Global programs

  • Imagine Cup
  • Student ambassadors program
  • HR rotational program
  • Finance rotation program
  • Cloud Supply Chain rotation

Register for the Imagine Cup. Make an impact through coding, collaboration, and competition. Innovate with passion to tackle global issues and bring your tech solutions to live in the Imagine Cup.

We are looking for student leaders with a passion for making a difference and sharing technology with their peers.

Our HR rotation program is a 3- year program that fosters learning and growth in the HR profession, and help you jumpstart your career.

Our Microsoft Finance Rotation Program (FRP) is a two-year program comprised of four, 6-month rotations, split across core finance functions. Kick starts your career in finance with a rotation in corporate functions, production/engineering finance, sales finance and more.

SCORE is a three-year career experience designed to provide emerging talent with an unparalleled journey through end-to-end cloud supply chain operations. Over three one-year rotations, participants will partner with and learn from our teams while building skills and supply chain acumen to accelerate their career growth.

Photo of group of students walking in building

U.S. regional internships and programs

Photo of woman working with laptop

Discovery program internship

The Discovery Program is a unique opportunity for students who are passionate about technology and want to make a positive impact on the world and society. This four-week internship is open to rising first-year students college students, based in Redmond, Washington or Atlanta, Georgia. Participants will work on a real project, learn from Microsoft employees and mentors, and explore different career paths in tech. Applications will be open in March 2024.

photo of students sitting and talking

Explore Microsoft internship

Created for first- and second-year college students, Explore Microsoft is a 12-week summer internship that lets you try out different software engineering roles.

India regional internships and programs

  • Academic partnership grant
  • Cybersecurity
  • MBA B-school PM Engage
  • MBA B-school MCAPS

Microsoft Academic Partnership Grant is intended at fostering academia and industry collaborations and result in breakthrough innovations in search, cloud computing, and data-driven content creation.

More info to come when submissions for next year open.

A program to nurture cybersecurity enthusiasts via a specially curated learning journey.

Through this initiative, MBA students across B-schools in India interested in program management get a chance to be mentored by Microsoft and be a part of AMA sessions, webinars, and leader talks delivered by Microsoft employees.

Microsoft invites students enrolled in 2-year MBA program and currently in their 1st year MBA to apply for internship opportunities. During the 8-10 weeks internship, you'll work on projects that matter – and your team will rely on your skills and insights to help deliver those projects to the market. You’ll get the opportunity to work on real projects and have fun along the way. This is your chance to show off your skills and work on cutting edge technology.

More info to come when applications for next year open.

Photo of students working on laptops in computer lab

Resources to help you on your journey to Microsoft

Learn tech skills through top universities.

Explore modules and learning paths from universities like Carnegie Mellon University, University of Oxford, and UC Berkeley to prepare you for a career in cloud.

Diverse perspectives fuel innovation

Join a community that encourages everyone to bring their full and best selves to work each day.

Microsoft culture in action

Our culture leads us to find ways to help people do ordinary and sometimes extraordinary things.

Perks and benefits

Empowering our employees to be through more than the work they do each day. At Microsoft, we work to ensure essential benefits are available globally.  

Stories worth telling

Photo of Microsoft employee Diego

From Monterrey to Microsoft

Diego Garza wrapped up his second internship last summer.  See why he says he feels empowered and can’t wait to come back. 

Photo of Microsoft employee Lauren

A rising tech star

A college student attends an event that leads to her dream job. 

Photo of Microsoft employee Bayo

What the Explore Microsoft program is all about

Hear from alums of the Explore Microsoft program, and how it helped shape their careers. 

Photo of Microsoft employee Nikhil

It all started with a Windows internship

A year after graduating, Nikhil Gaekwad went from former intern to Program Manager at Microsoft. 

Data Science Courses (Online and Hybrid)

Kickstart your career with our data science courses, designed for fresh graduates and working professionals like you. Learn in-demand skills from courses taught by global experts. Earn dual certificates from globally recognized universities and become industry-ready today!

  • Learn online at your own pace with flexible learning options
  • Stand out from the crowd with successful career transitions
  • Empower your data science learning journey with a comprehensive curriculum

BW Education

E-Learning/Online Tutoring company of the Year- 2023


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Explore Data Science Courses

Build a strong foundation with the best data science courses to boost your career. You will get a top-notch learning experience with these Popular Data Science Certificate Programs. These programs are in collaboration with world-class universities.

Popular Data Science Certificate Programs

University of Texas - McCombs

PGP in Data Science and Business Analytics

Great Lakes Executive Learning

PGP in Data Science and Engineering (Bootcamp)

Pgp in data science and engineering (data science specialization).

Deakin University

Master of Data Science (Global) Program

Masters (ms) in data science in usa & germany (study abroad).

Clark University

MS in Computer Science

Ms in data analytics.

University of Arizona

Masters in Analytics

Walsh College

MS Data Analytics

FOM University

Online Masters in Data Science


MIT Data Science and Machine Learning Program

Northwestern University

MS in Data Science Programme

Master of Data Science (Global) by Deakin University

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Career Transitions in Data Science Courses

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Kamini Sahu

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Data Science

Business Development Executive

Dynamo Consulting Services Limited

Associate Business Analyst


Sneha Jaiswal

Teacher Partner

Data Processing Analyst


Abdul Rauf Mohammad

Product Owner

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Vice President

Wells Fargo

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Rajat Dekate



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Dhivya Karthic

Education Program Manager

IIT Madras | IIM Bangalore

Deloitte Consulting

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Rishi Tiwari

Assistant Manager

Zerodha Broking Limited

Data Analyst

Reliance Retail

Reliance Retail

Siddharth Shinde

Process Associate

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Ajit Muthunarayanan S

Digital content associate

Business Analyst


Ajay Devdas Pananchikal


Larsen And Toubro Infotech

Product Analyst

Big Basket

Ann Maria John

Drug Safety Associate

IQVIA RDS (India) Private Limited

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Akansha Pruthi

Research Analyst

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Aditya Sabbisetti

Walt Disney

Walt Disney

Senior System Engineer

Associate Consultant

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Amulya Manne

SPS Associate - SME


Product specialist

Business Reporting Analyst

Abhishek Pal

Manager - Analytics and Market Research

Silvermine Group

Senior Analytics Advisor

Get to Know Our Data Science Courses

Introduction to data science courses, top rated data science courses, universities offering data science courses, data science course eligibility, data science course subjects, what is the best data science course for freshers and early career professionals in 2024, ut austin's data science courses offered in partnership with great learning, mit data science courses offered in partnership with great learning, data science course career support.

Data Science uses computer techniques and mathematical methods to make sense of large amounts of data. Data Science courses teach to collect, process, analyze, and interpret data to make better decisions. Data Science skills are in high demand across industries and can help you make a real impact.

With these courses, learners will develop technical skills and soft skills, like problem-solving and critical thinking, essential in any business role. With the insights gained from these courses, businesses can make more informed decisions, leading to improved efficiency and profitability.

The data science courses cover the basics of Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning along with advanced Data Visualization, Data Analytics, and Data Mining. Data science courses are offered by Great Learning in collaboration with the world's leading universities and institutions.

Best Data Science Courses Online for 2024

PGP - Data Science and Business Analytics

PGP - Data Science and Engineering (PGP-DSE)

Data Science and Machine Learning: Making Data-Driven Decisions

Applied Data Science Program - (International Program)

Data Analytics Essentials - (International Program)

Master of Data Science (Global)

Master of Data Science (Global)- 12 months

Master of Science in Business Analytics

M. Sc. in Big Data and Business Analytics

MS in Data Analytics - Clark

MS in Computer Science - Clark

The University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business &
Great Learning


Great Lakes Executive Learning


MIT IDSS & Great Learning



Northwestern School of Professional Studies


MIT Professional Education


The University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business


- 12+12

Deakin University


Deakin University


PES University

Weekend Classroom

The University of Arizona, Eller College of Management

Online + On-Campus in USA

Walsh College

Online + On-Campus in USA

FOM International University

Online + On Campus in Germany

If you’re looking to learn Data Science from the world’s top-ranked universities, you’ve come to the right place. The courses are offered by:  

Massachusetts Institute of Technology  - Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (MIT IDSS)

The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) McCombs School of Business

Northwestern University School of Professional Studies

Deakin University

Great Lakes Executive Learning

National University of Singapore Business School

PES University

Walsh College

Eller College of Management

FOM University

With multiple options available, you’re sure to find a course that meets your requirements.

Below are the  eligibility requirements  for a range of data science courses:  

The program is best suited for:

This program is for:

: If your transcript evaluation states that your degree is equivalent to a 4 year U.S. bachelor degree then you can apply for this programme.

 If you have a 4 year bachelor’s degree then you can apply.

 - (International Program)

This program is for


- (International Program)

The program is for

 (Eller College of Management)

The program is for:

 (Walsh College)


Candidates should score a minimum of 2.75 GPA in the 1st year to be eligible for 2nd year on campus at Walsh College.

 (FOM International University)


 Please speak with your learning consultant for more details. Great Learning provides English proficiency test preparation service at no additional cost.

*Please visit the respective program page for detailed information on the eligibility criteria.

Before enrolling, it is usually advised to thoroughly understand the course syllabus, enabling you to determine whether the course equips you with the required skills. The subjects involved in Data Science are as follows:  


Subject Description


It will provide a brief description of the Data Science course and the significance of Data Science in the industry. 

Programming Languages

You will learn programming languages such as Python, R, and SQL for Data Analysis, Data Wrangling, Data Visualization, and Machine Learning.


You will understand how to analyze data sets to draw insights and make predictions.

Data Mining

It introduces you to Data Mining, including a brief overview of the different techniques and approaches, such as Clustering, Decision Trees, and Neural Networks.

Machine Learning

You will learn about the different types of Machine Learning algorithms and how to train, test, and deploy them in real-world applications.

Time Series Forecasting

You will learn how to identify and model time series patterns and use these models to make forecasts in decision-making.

Big Data

You will also learn about the tools and techniques that Data Science professionals use to make sense of Big Data.

Data Analytics

It will cover the different types of Data Analytics techniques, including Exploratory Data Analysis, Predictive Modeling, and Prescriptive Analytics, which can benefit businesses.

Business Analytics

You will understand the process of analyzing data to gain insights that help businesses make better decisions.

Data Visualization

You will learn how to create and interpret data visualizations and use them to communicate data effectively.

For a fresher in 2024, there are several top-notch data science courses offered by Great Learning. They are listed below:  

Data Analytics Course for Beginners  - The University of Texas, Austin (For Non- Indian learners)

PGP in Data Science (Online)  - Great Lakes Executive Learning (For Indian Learners Only)

PGP in Data Science (Bootcamp)  - Great Lakes Executive Learning (For Indian Learners Only)

UT Austin's Data Science Courses Offered in Partnership with Great Learning.

In collaboration with Great Learning, the University of Texas at Austin offers a range of comprehensive online data science certificate courses. These programs are designed for professionals and are tailored to accelerate your professional growth. Depending on the program format, these programs provide a data science certificate online and offline. 

Program Name

Learning Mode

Focus Area


Data Science & Business Analytics


Data Analytics

These programs are designed to be flexible and accessible, offering mentored online learning experiences that cater to mid-career professionals. They provide a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, preparing you for the evolving demands of the tech industry.

MIT Data Science Courses Offered in Partnership with Great Learning.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in partnership with Great Learning, offers a variety of in-depth online postgraduate certificate programs specifically designed for professionals seeking to enhance their careers. These programs emphasize key areas in data science and technology, ensuring participants are well-equipped for the dynamic demands of the industry. 

Program Name

Learning Mode

Focus Area


Data Science & Machine Learning


Applied Data Science

These MIT programs, facilitated through Great Learning, are structured to offer flexibility and convenience, making them ideal for mid-career professionals. The courses blend theoretical insights with practical applications, preparing participants for the rapidly evolving landscape of the data science and technology sectors.

Great Learning offers data science courses with placement opportunities* and career support. You can get access to career fairs, job boards, 1:1 mock interviews with industry experts, career prep sessions, networking sessions, hackathons & live projects that help you land your dream job.

*Limited to selected Programs only

Data Science Course Placements

Participate in the GL Excelerate program and placement drives. Here, you get access to job opportunities with over 3000+ leading global companies seeking top talent.

tech mahindra

Things You Want To Know About Data Science Courses

Data science course fees, data science course syllabus, data science course with placement, data science certificate course, data science course reviews, data analytics courses, masters in data science courses, data science course faculty.

Learn from the vast knowledge of top faculty in the field of Data Science.

Dr. Abhinanda Sarkar

Dr. Abhinanda Sarkar

Ph.D. from Stanford University, Ex-Faculty - MIT

Faculty Director, Great Learning

Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Clemens  Jäger

Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Clemens Jäger

Department of Business Administration I

phd from indian universities

Dr. Sutharshan Rajasegarar

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science Course Director Master of Data Science

phd from indian universities

Dr. Jones Mathew

Former VP Sales & Marketing


Munther Dahleh

Program Faculty Director, MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS)

Dr. Kumar Muthuraman

Dr. Kumar Muthuraman

PHD (Stanford University)

Faculty Director, Centre for Research and Analytics

McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin

Dr. P K Viswanathan

MBA (FMS, Delhi)

Professor, Analytics & Operations

Great Lakes Institute of Management

Dr. Bahareh Nakisa

Senior Lecturer, Applied Artificial Intelligence

phd from indian universities

John N. Tsitsiklis

Clarence J. Lebel Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS) at MIT

Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Eric Frere

Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Eric Frere

Department of Business Administration II

Dr. Abhinanda Sarkar

Ph.D. from Stanford University


Prof. Dr. Mandy Nuszbaum

Business Psychology

Dr. Asef Nazari

Dr. Asef Nazari

Senior Lecturer in Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence

phd from indian universities

Ankur Moitra

Rockwell International Career Development Associate Professor, Mathematics and IDSS, MIT

Prof. Prashant Koparkar

Prof. Prashant Koparkar

Corporate Trainer and Consultant - Machine Learning

Caroline Uhler

Caroline Uhler

Henry L. & Grace Doherty Associate Professor, EECS and IDSS, MIT

Gang Li

Professor,School of Info Technology

phd from indian universities

Dr. D Narayana

PHD (Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris)

Professor, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Great Learning

PhD (Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris)

Dr. Srabashi Basu

Professor, PhD Statistics

Penn State University

Prof. Dan Mitchell

Phd (University of Maryland)

Clinical Assistant Professor

 The University of Texas at Austin

Prof. Dr. Olaf Müller-Michaels

Business and Tax Law

Mr. R Vivekanand

Mr. R Vivekanand

MBA (Monash University)

Operations Director

Wilson Consulting Private Limited

Prof. Raghavshyam Ramamurthy

MBA (Whitman School of Management)

Industry Expert in Visualization


Mr. Gurumoorthy Pattabiraman

MSc (Madras School of Economics)

Faculty, Data Science & ML, Great Learning


Prof. Snehamoy Mukherjee

Masters (IIT Kanpur)

Adjunct Faculty

David Gamarnik

David Gamarnik

Nanyang Technological University Professor of Operations Research, Sloan School of Management and IDSS, MIT

Dr. Marek Gagolewski

Dr. Marek Gagolewski

phd from indian universities

Prof. Dr. Oliver Koch

Business Informatics

phd from indian universities

Prof. Mukesh Rao


Director- Data Science

Great Learning

Mr. Pushkar Shah

Consulting | Training.

Dr. T.K. Senthil Kumar

Dr. T.K. Senthil Kumar

Ph.D (Anna University)

The university of Anna

Mr. Mallikarjuna Doddamane

B.Tech (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University)

The university of Jawaharlal Nehru

Senior Lecturer, Computer Science

phd from indian universities

Dr. Bappaditya Mukhopadhyay

Ph.D (Indian Statistical Institute)

Co-Director, Gurgaon, Professor - Analytics & Statistics, Great Lakes Institute of Management

phd from indian universities

Dr. C P Gupta

Devavrat Shah

Devavrat Shah

Professor, EECS and IDSS, MIT

Mr. Mukul Kumar Singh Chauhan

Mr. Mukul Kumar Singh Chauhan

Six Sigma Certification (ISI Mumbai)

The university ISI

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Jerrentrup


phd from indian universities

Dr. Tom Miller

Faculty Director

Northwestern University

Prof. Dr. David Matusiewicz

Health and Social

phd from indian universities

Prof. Dipayan Sarkar

Master in Economics (Karnatka University)

Consultant, Author, Visiting Faculty

great lakes logo

Guy Bresler

Associate Professor, EECS and IDSS, MIT

Prof. Saurabh Aggarwal

Prof. Saurabh Aggarwal

B Tech (IIT, Delhi)

Professor, HBTI Kanpur

great lakes logo

Mr. Rakesh Ambudkar

Consultant - Data Science & Engineering

Prof. Dr. Bianca Krol

Prof. Dr. Bianca Krol

Key Skills and Methods

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Jonathan Kelner

Professor, Mathematics, MIT

Kalyan Veeramachaneni

Kalyan Veeramachaneni

Principal Research Scientist at the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, MIT.

Ms. Lipsa Biswas

Ms. Lipsa Biswas

Consultant, Data Science & Engineering

Philippe Rigollet

Philippe Rigollet

Professor, Mathematics and IDSS, MIT

Dr. Amit Sethi

Dr. Amit Sethi

PHD (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Faculty, IIT Bombay

B.Tech (IIT Delhi), M.S and PH.D (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Vidya Selvaraj

Centre Head, Operations

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Pushkar Shah

Great Learning

Stefanie Jegelka

X-Consortium Career Development Associate Professor, EECS and IDSS, MIT

Mukul Kr Singh  Chauhan

Mukul Kr Singh Chauhan

General Manager

Great Learning

Dr. Rohit Kapoor

PHD (IIM Ahmedabad)

Associate Professor

Tamara Broderick

Tamara Broderick

Associate Professor, EECS and IDSS, MIT.

Deepali Gatade

Deepali Gatade

Sr. Data Scientist

Great Learning

Victor Chernozhukov

Professor, Economics and IDSS, MIT

Mr. Krishna Mohan

Mr. Krishna Mohan

MBA(Universtity of Cincinatti, Ohio)

Sr. Manager Technology

Mr. Vinit Thakur

Mr. Vinit Thakur

M.S (University of Mumbai)

Visiting Faculty

Maia Angelova Turkedjieva

Maia Angelova Turkedjieva

Professor, Real-World Analytics

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Data Science Course - Industry Mentors

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Dr. Satish Raghavendran

Dr. Satish Raghavendran


Mr. Sreevasan P S


Mr. Manish Gupta


Mr. Bradford Tuckfield


Mr. V Shekhar Avasthy


Vaibhav Verdhan


Dr. Karuna Batra


Ms. Mayan Murray


Mr. Balaji Sundararaman


Mr. Udayakumar Devaraj


Mr. Vibhor Kaushik


Mr. Amit Agarwal


Mr. Kemal Yilmaz

Walmart Connect

Mr. Deepak Gupta


Ms. Xiaojun Su


Mr. Rohit Kumar


Mr. Juan Castillo


Mr. Andrew Marlatt


Mr. Rohit Dixit

Siemens Healthineers

Mr. Srikanth Pyaraka


Mr. Angel Das

IQVIA Asia Pacific

Mr. Shirish Gupta


Mr. Vanessa Afolabi

Loblaw Companies Limited

Mr. Thinesh Pathmanathan


Mr. Grivine Ochieng


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Program : Post Graduate Program in Data Science and Business Analytics

Program : Post Graduate Program in Data Science and Engineering

Data Science Course Frequently Asked Questions

What is a data science course.

The Data Science course is a fine blend of mathematics, statistical foundations and tools, and business acumen, all of which assist in extracting from raw data the hidden patterns or insights that can significantly aid in formulating important business decisions. Proving prevalent in academics, Business analytics courses are now an amalgamate of Data Science.

The major components of the course also include scientific computing, data structures and algorithms, data visualization and data analysis, and machine learning tools and techniques to escalate business performance.  The course could be around six to twelve months, designed to give candidates a solid foundation in the discipline. In addition to educational materials, our Data Science certificate courses contain virtual laboratories, interactive quizzes and assignments, case studies, industrial projects, and capstone projects, which will accelerate your learning path.

What are the prerequisites to start a career in Data Science?

Considering this soaring demand in Data Science and Data Analytics, if you want to learn Data Science online, some Data Science prerequisites are as follows:

Mathematical Skills: One must be good at mathematical concepts, such as linear algebra, matrices, calculus, gradients, etc. is considered as one of the major prerequisites for taking up Data Analytics courses.

Programming Skills: Having a concise knowledge of programming, such as Python, C, C++, SQL, Java, etc., would help you gain complete knowledge and understanding throughout the Data Science online course. 

Data Processing: As Data Science is all about dealing with data, an individual must be familiar with data mining, data modeling, data processing, etc., which makes it easy for you to pursue Data Science online training.

Statistical Analysis: Being good with statistical analysis would be a great asset to learn Data Science. Data Science aims to extract valuable insights from a vast collection of data. Experience working with analytical tools such as Hadoop, R, SAS, and many more, will serve you in efficiently performing the statistical analytics of the given data.

Data Visualization Skills: Knowing the data visualization tools such as Matplottlib, Tableau, and many more would benefit you in comprehending the complex outcomes and letting the audience understand the metrics.

Is doing Data Science Course worth it?

Yes, it is entirely worth it to learn Data Science and choose it as your career. Check out the following factors: 

High Demand: Data Science has seen significant growth in various industries. The demand for Data Science jobs is expected to rise steadily in the coming years. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 11.5 million Data Science jobs might be created by 2026.

Lack of Data Scientists: As Data Science is high in demand, there is a lack of Data Scientists. Several companies are vastly searching for Data Scientists and Analysts. 

Sky-high Pay Scale: A Data Scientist’s average pay scale ranges from USD 15,000 to USD 125,000 (approx.) worldwide.

Adds Value to Business: Data Science has seen significant growth in various industries, such as IT services, healthcare and e-commerce industries, banking sectors, consultancy services, etc

Are there any Data Science courses for working professionals?

Yes, there are Data Science courses designed for working professionals, like senior managers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, etc. They include:

MIT Data Science and Machine Learning - Making Data-Driven Decisions using Data Science and Machine Learning

MS in Data Science - Northwestern University

Data Science and Business Analytics Course - UT Austin

Data Science and Business Analytics Classroom Course - Great Lakes

PG in Data Science Online - Great Lakes

PGP in Data Science - Great Lakes (Bootcamp)

Applied Data Science - MIT (International Program)

Data Analytics Essentials - UT Austin (International Program)

Master of Data Science (Global) - Deakin University

M.Tech in Data Science and Machine Learning - PES University

What is a data scientist's job?

A data scientist's job is to collect, clean, and analyze data to find trends and insights. They use their skills in statistics, programming, and machine learning to build models and algorithms to optimize decision-making. Data scientists also communicate their findings to others through reports and presentations. Data scientists work in multiple industries, including healthcare, finance, technology, and retail. They utilize their skills to solve business problems and help organizations make more informed decisions.

Data scientists typically have a background in computer science, statistics, and mathematics. A data scientist's job is to make sense of data. They use their skills in statistics, computer science, and mathematics to clean, organize, and analyze data. Data scientists also develop algorithms to help make decisions based on data.

What are the career options in data science?

Choosing a job opportunity in data science gives you a lot of career options:

Data Scientist: Responsible for analyzing and interpreting complex data to help inform business decisions.

Data Analyst: Focuses on processing and performing statistical analyses on large datasets.

Machine Learning Engineer: Specializes in designing and implementing machine learning techniques, models and systems.

Data Engineer: Focuses on the preparation of 'big data' for analytical or operational uses.

Business Intelligence (BI) Analyst: Uses data to help organizations make better business decisions.

Data Science Manager/Lead: Ensures meeting organizational goals with various data science teams and projects.

Research Scientist: Engages in data-driven research, often in academic, government, or corporate settings.

Statistician: Applies statistical methods to collect, analyze, and interpret data to solve real-world problems in business, engineering, healthcare, or other fields

Which certificate is best for data science?

There are a variety of data science certificate courses available, each with its own benefits. The best certification for data science depends on your individual goals and needs. If you are looking to strengthen your career or change jobs, a certification from a reputable institution can give you the edge you need. 

The data science certificate course from the University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business is an excellent choice for aspirants. World-renowned professionals from UT Austin and Great Learning have designed the curriculum. This certificate program equips you with the relevant knowledge and skills to pursue data science or managerial careers with the best analytics firms or move the analytics roles within your existing organization.

What is the syllabus of data science?

When it comes to learning data science, the common question that usually comes to mind is: what is the syllabus of data science? While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, there are certainly some core topics and skills that all data scientists should know.

In general, the syllabus of data science covers three key areas: statistics, machine learning, and data mining. Each of these areas is essential for any data scientist, as they provide the foundation for understanding and manipulating data. 

A standard syllabus for data science includes:

Statistics and Mathematics

Programming using Python or R

Database Management using SQL

Exploratory Data Analysis

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Time Series Forecasting

Data Mining

Business Analytics

Data Visualization using Tableau or Power BI

No matter your experience in data science, if you want to be a data scientist, it is critical to have a strong foundation in these core areas. With this foundation, you will be able to tackle any data science challenge that comes your way.

What is the salary of a data scientist fresher across the world?

With the increase in the demand for data scientists across the globe, salaries are also skyrocketing. Data scientists are making generous pay from top-notch companies. Since there is a lack of data science professionals in the field, even freshers are earning excellent salaries.

The following are a few salaries of a data scientist fresher from different countries:

Data scientist salary in the United States : USD 101K per annum

Data scientist salary in the United Kingdom : £55K per annum

Data scientist salary in India : ₹10.5 Lakh per annum

Data scientist salary in Germany : €55K per annum

Data scientist salary in Australia : AU$121K per annum

Is data science a good career option?

Data science is an excellent career choice for those with strong analytical and problem-solving skills. The field is projected to proliferate in the coming years, and data scientists are in high demand. 

Data science is a versatile field, and data scientists can work in a variety of industries, including healthcare, finance, government, and tech. Salaries for data scientists are also very competitive and among the highest salaries offered in any profession. 

The demand for data scientists is increasing as businesses become more reliant on data to make data-driven business decisions. Data science is a relatively new subject, and there is a lot of opportunity for growth and advancement.

Which is the best institute for Data Science training?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best institute for Data Science training will vary depending on your specific needs and goals. Nevertheless, some factors to consider when choosing a Data Science training institute include the institute's reputation, curriculum, and instructors. It is also vital to ensure that the institute you choose offers an accredited Data Science program that will help you become a certified data scientist.

Here is a list of a few top-notch institutes for Data Science training:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (MIT IDSS)

Shiv Nadar University, Delhi NCR

How do I get certified in Data Science?

After you successfully pass all the assignments, exams, or projects, your course will be completed. Then, you will receive a Data Science professional or degree certificate from respective institutes or universities. 

Should I go for a data science certification or degree?

Deciding between a data science certification course and a data science degree course depends on your qualifications, career goals, and the time and resources you can commit. A degree in data science typically offers an in-depth skill set, and it's well-suited for those who are early in their career. The ones who are looking to gain a strong foundation in data science can also consider a data science online degree.

On the other hand, data science professional certificates are more focused and flexible. It allows learners to specialize in specific areas of data science. They are ideal for professionals seeking to update their skills or pivot to a data science career without committing to a full-time degree program.

What is the demand for data science jobs in 2024?

The demand for data science jobs is extremely high, and data is considered the new oil in today's digital economy. Companies across industries are seeking professionals who can interpret and analyze this data to provide business insights. Therefore, the demand for data science skills, including machine learning, predictive analytics, and data visualization, is rising significantly.

What are the benefits of a data science boot camp?

A data science boot camp offers several benefits, such as:

Providing a fast-paced, intensive learning environment that helps you gain data science skills in a relatively short period

Focusing on practical, hands-on learning with real-world projects

Providing mentorship from industry experts and career support, helping you transition into a data science role more smoothly

What is the future scope for data scientists?

The future scope for data scientists is promising. With the advent of AI and machine learning, companies in various sectors, such as healthcare, finance, retail, and e-commerce, are increasingly leveraging data to make informed business decisions, resulting in a growing demand for data scientists. 

As per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the future for data scientists is highly promising, with a 35% growth in employment from 2022 to 2032, which is higher than all the other occupations.

Find your program to upskill

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Enhance your understanding of data science through our informative blogs. These blogs will help you understand the domain and help you become a successful Data Science professional.

What is Data Science? - The Complete Guide

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Top Data Scientist Skills You Must Have In 2024

100+ Data Science Interview Questions in 2024

Top 9 Job Roles in the World of Data Science for 2024

Top 25 Data Science Books in 2024- Learn Data Science Like an Expert

Data Science vs Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: The Difference Explained (2024)

Prime Numbers Program In Python- ( Updated 2024)

How Data Science Solves Real Business Problems

How to Make the Career Transition From Data Analyst to Data Scientist?

Top Data Scientist Skills You Must Have

Free Data Science Courses

Learn the most in-demand tools, technologies, and skills for free with Great Learning Academy. We provide this platform for you to start learning data science from scratch for free and give a push to your career goals.

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Classification using Tree Based Models

Applications of Analytics

course level

Data Science in FMCG

Analytics in Medical Malpractices

Chi-Square Test

k-fold Cross Validation

Marketing and Retail Analytics

Free Dataset in Analytics

Linear Programming for Data Science

Data Mining Projects

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  29. Data Science Courses (Online and Hybrid)

    Here is a list of a few top-notch institutes for Data Science training: Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (MIT IDSS) The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) McCombs School of Business. Northwestern University School of Professional Studies. Deakin University.