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Online Learning in 2023 - What Is It And How Does It Work?

Thanks to the rapid advancement of technology, online learning is a part of many institutions' course offerings around the world. Learn more about how it works in this article.

  • Online Learning

online course works

Types of Resources for Online Learning

How is Online Learning Assessed?

Recognition of online qualifications.

Support For Online Learning

  • Browse Popular Online Universities

Further reading:

  • Top 10 Popular Online Bachelor Degrees

Top 10 Popular Online MBAs

  • Top 10 Popular Online Master's in Public Health

Thanks to the rapid advancement of technology, online learning is a part of many institutions' course offerings around the world. From  certificates,  PhDs,   impactful online language learning and everything in between, learning online has never been so easy!

Offered by some of the world's top-ranked institutions, online learning offers you all the perks of attending your dream university, with the added convenience of a learning experience tailored to your schedule.  With courses available in almost every subject, and flexible timetables to suit almost every lifestyle, students are increasingly turning to online learning as a viable alternative to on-campus study. It could allow you to study abroad remotely, at a university not in your home country!

Advances in technology now allow students to study entirely online while still socializing with classmates, watching lectures and participating in subject-specific discussions.

While some consider online learning to require a greater degree of self-motivation, institutions recognize that educational support is just as important as tutor feedback, and take great care to ensure that their students receive the same levels of support that they would receive on campus.

Online learning is the future of education , discover how it works and why it could be the perfect study abroad option for you! 

The Facts and Figures About Online Learning

  • More than 6 million students are currently in online courses as part of their higher education program
  • Almost half of all students enrolled in online courses  are educated  exclusively  through distance education
  • 85% of students think that online learning is the same or better than the traditional classroom experience

Statistics taken from Purdue University & The National Center for Education Statistics .

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Male student looks at his laptop

Resources for Online Learning

In general, when taking an online degree program you might encounter resources like: 

  • Recorded lectures;
  • Discussion forums
  • Live Q&A sessions; and
  • Interviews.

The resources offered to you for learning online will depend on the institution where you take your online program. Some online learning programs may require you to order physical textbooks in advance by in the mail, but these are generally being phased out in favor of eBooks and online-only methods of delivery. 

For those institutions that have made the transition to using 100% online resources, students can expect to study using a combination of cutting-edge technological resources with no need to travel to attend lectures, exams or in-person discussion sessions!

Taking an online learning program, you'll be an officially registered student at your institution and have access to the same resources as an on-campus student, like your institution's digital library, learning management system (like Blackboard), student union membership and more! An online degree is similar to taking a degree program on campus, but you have the freedom to direct your own study schedule. 

Your school and your course instructor will determine the format for each individual course and will select delivery methods that are best suited to your course or program. What a Biology major needs to learn successfully online will differ from what an Art History major needs! 

Online learning may be a completely new experience for you. If you're coming from a more traditional learning background, read on to discover how to make the most of the resources you may encounter in your online learning journey!  

  • eBooks, textbooks & journals

These written materials are essential resources in almost every course you'll take when learning online.

Using the reading list for each course, or on the advice of your course instructor, you'll need to dedicate the amount of time you need to reading and understanding the topics in the literature. The main advantage of using this medium (particularly eBooks) is the fact that they are completely portable, allowing you to study on the go from your computer, phone or tablet. 

When you’re researching a course or program, remember to check whether your textbooks are included in your tuition fees! You may have to pay extra for your textbooks, or they may be available as eBooks from your institution's library. 

  • Recorded lectures

An essential way of absorbing a large amount of information in a relatively short amount of time, lectures are a staple of online and campus-based learning. With online learning, you can attend lectures from your bedroom! 

If you can, make notes throughout your lectures; this will make it easier to review for exams, and any assignments you'll need to complete throughout your course. 

  • Interactive sessions

The greatest challenge an online education provider faces is how to replicate the face-to-face interaction and in-person discussions that on-campus institutions can easily provide.

The solution? Online degree programs often use a combination of discussion forums and interactive question-and-answer sessions to give you the interaction with other students and instructors you need. 

Before beginning an online discussion forum or interactive session, make sure you read the rules and requirements; some institutions may require you to create posts that have a minimum word count.

"For institutions using 100% online resources, students can expect to study using a combination of cutting-edge technological resources with no need to travel to attend lectures, exams or in-person discussion sessions."

How Will Online Learning Be Delivered? 

Online students often think that their learning resources will be delivered via email, or even by snail mail!  M ost online institutions are moving away from this unreliable method of delivery.

The course or module’s learning resources will be delivered via the institution’s online learning environment or platform. The learning platform will vary depending on the software used, but it will usually consist of a central online platform that students can access from their personal PC, mobile or tablet.

One of the major benefits of utilizing resources that are hosted entirely online is unending flexibility!

As an online student, you can choose to access your course information and complete your assignments at any time. This allows you to fit study time in around your work, family and other commitments. This also means that students who wish to continue working while studying do not have to put their careers on hold. Get the best of both worlds! 

Two female students study online together

Students taking a degree program or an individual course online will still be tested at regular intervals throughout their study period to assess their understanding of the course materials.

For those new to online education, this process can be intimidating. But there's no need to worry! Online institutions are experienced professionals, they'll ensure that your assessments are fair, comfortable, and designed to help you make the most of your learning experience. 

Discover the assessment types you're likely to encounter when taking an online degree program or course: 

  • Individual Assignments

These are probably the method of assessment that students will have the most experience with. For each assignment, you’ll receive your topic, deadline and word count. You'll be required to produce a structured, reasoned argument within the boundaries set out by your course instructor. 

  • Discussion activities

Face-to-face discussions between friends and colleagues is something that we all do every day. However, an online academic discussion requires a different set of skills, and might not come as naturally when your first start your online learning journey. Not to worry, you'll get the hang of it!

These activities will differ depending on the institution, but your course instructor will generally start each discussion off with a question or topic for debate. Students then need to research the topic and post their responses to the task demonstrating their own knowledge and understanding. Often, you'll end up in a debate with the ideas and views posted by fellow students. 

  • Journal activities

Like discussion boards, journal activities tend to be specific to online courses. A journal entry is an ongoing update giving you the opportunity to reflect back on what you've learned during the period under review, and how you'll apply what you've learned in the future. Online learning doesn't take place in classrooms, and journal entries are straightforward ways for course instructors to get a grasp of how you're progressing through the course and if you're gaining knowledge in the right areas. 

Unlike other assignments, it is acceptable to use a subjective, personal style of writing in journal entries and refer to yourself in the first person. Think, "Over the last week, I've learned how to ..." Journal entries are often required, but ungraded - be genuine! 

Although they can be nerve-wracking, exams are a key way to test your learning.

Institutions may choose to allow students to complete their exams on their own personal computer, in a location of their choosing. Because tutors have no way to oversee a virtual exam or test, they are typically open-book and open-note. As a viable alternative, many institutions will offer the option of completing 'take-home' examinations in the form of an essay or final assignment. Some institutions may use exam software like virtual proctors, or tools to monitor if you visit new web pages. 

How Do Online Institutions Prevent Cheating?

Misinformation abounds that online students can simply cheat their way to success by purchasing assignments or using revision materials during virtual examinations. This couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Online learning doesn't mean easier learning!  Online institutions should adhere to the same standards of excellence as brick-and-mortar institutions. As online learning technology has developed, virtual institutions have perfected digital processes to prevent cheating and/or plagiarism. 

Course instructors and online institutions work hard to ensure that cheating is almost impossible in an online course. By making use of advanced plagiarism detection software, all submissions you make for your online course, from examinations to assignments are scrutinized electronically using anti-plagiarism software, and then will also be subject to additional checks by your instructor.

"Course instructors and institutions work hard to ensure that cheating is almost impossible on an online course."

Female student shakes someone's hand

Many online institutions are fully accredited institutes of higher learning. Your institution will clearly state the type of qualification you'll gain from pursuing an online program with them - from bachelor to master degrees, graduate certificates, and everything in-between. Use online learning to gain the qualifications you need! 

Despite this, students researching online institutions are still encouraged to research their accreditation, the type of qualification you'll earn from an online learning program, and the nature of the online institution itself.

The rules for accreditation and the types of qualifications an online institution is permitted to give students can vary depending on a number of factors, including:

  • The country the online institution is based in; 
  • If the institution is public or private; 
  • The institution's official title - university, school, academy etc.; and
  • The type of program the institution is offering - degree, certificate, qualification. 

Students use online learning to studying entire degree programs, get particular certifications to take the next step in their careers, or to pursue a practical qualification available online.

No matter  why  you're looking to learn online, ensure that you have a full understanding of the type of institution you'll be studying at, and how the qualifications they offer will be recognized in your country or by future employers before signing up!

Many online institutions will partner with campus-based universities to create and deliver their online programs. This enables an online institution to benefit from the specialized knowledge and technology that an online provider can offer, while the online institution is then able to offer validated degree courses through the brick-and-mortar institution. 

"Students considering online study should not be deterred by old-fashioned ideas about ‘real’ degrees only being awarded by campus-based institutions."

Online Learning and Employment 

Once you have an in-depth understanding of how your qualifications earned online are recognized in your country, you'll be able to plan how you'll talk about your online learning experience to employers!

Many employers make no differentiation between online degrees and degrees earned on campus - as long as your qualifications are recognized in your field.  For some employers, gaining your qualifications online will provide you with a unique skill set to help you stand out from the crowd of other applicants.

Students considering online study should not be deterred by old-fashioned ideas about ‘real’ degrees only being awarded by campus-based institutions. In fact, many employers now recognize that studying online (and part-time) takes a large amount of dedication and commitment. The passion and drive needed to achieve your qualifications online are characteristics of many star employees across industries.

Think studying for an online degree is something uncommon? Think again; the latest statistics show that around  33% of college students are taking at least one course online and “eventually, one-third of college students expect to study online, one-third expect to study only on campus, and one-third will do both.” This increased participation will naturally lead to increased recognition of online learning. Furthermore, there is a 71% expected increase in online enrolments overall.

Two male students help each other study online with a laptop

Support for Online Learning

An important aspect that determines the quality of a study experience is the level of support that students receive. Many students worry that online institutions will not be able to provide the support that they need. This concern is increasingly being recognized by online learning providers, and many are working hard to ensure that students’ needs are met in all areas.

The main concern that potential students have regarding support is the lack of face-to-face help that an online course provides; however, by using technology like video calling and  the more traditional phone and email, virtual institutions are increasingly bridging the gap between online and on-campus student support.

Student Support Teams

A dedicated Student Support team often forms the core of online institutions' student support functions. The sole responsibility of this team is to provide pastoral care and support. Online (and part-time) students can experience problems and issues that are unique to this mode of study, and online learning institutions' Student Support teams will be experienced and sympathetic to the range of issues experienced by online learners.

Student Support teams are often trained in providing advice on issues from financial troubles to family commitments, and can range from minor technology troubleshooting to major life events like a bereavement. 

This isn’t the only support you receive on an online course; your fellow students are also a great source of help and advice. Using online discussion forums provided by the institution, WhatsApp and even Facebook groups, students can create an online community that supports each classmate as they overcome obstacles together as a group.

In-House & Freelance Instructors

The role that personal and pastoral support plays in an online student’s success cannot be overstated. However, academic support also plays a vital role in creating a supportive learning environment.

Online institutions vary, but many utilize a combination of in-house and freelance course instructors to create and deliver their courses. These instructors will be qualified subject experts and will be able to give academic guidance and feedback at any point in the course.

Academic feedback can sometimes be tough to receive, particularly if you’ve put a great deal of effort into a piece, but this can often be the first step towards improvement and greater confidence. Your instructors will always provide constructive commentary, giving tips and advice for the future, and this can then lead to improved confidence in decision-making and broader subject-specific understanding.

Depending on the institution, your instructor should also be available for individual sessions, and you should also be able to contact your instructor directly. Individual sessions with your instructor will enable you to ask questions about topics covered within the course, and request further feedback on your progress and areas of development.

During your course research, make sure you’ll receive the academic support you’ll need; check the office hours and availability of your instructors, the turnaround time for receiving your grades and the qualifications of the course leaders.

Popular Online Universities 


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Courses available in:  Business Administration (both BBA and MBA), Master in Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Master in Fashion and Luxury Business 


IUBH Online 

Courses available in:  Bachelor Data Science, Masters of Business Administration, Master Computer Science & IT Security, Master Artificial Intelligence, MBA Marketing


University of Bath Online 

Courses available in: Business Analytics MSc, Applied Economics (Banking and Financial Markets) MSc, Artificial Intelligence Online MSc


University of Essex Online 

Courses available in: BSc (Hons) Business Psychology, MSc International Healthcare Management, Master of Education (M.Ed), Graduate Certificate in Infection Control 

Want more online degree suggestions?

Use our free, online search engine to search 5,000+ online degree programs. Find your dream online degree program today! 

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The Keystone Team is comprised of experienced educators and advisors dedicated to providing valuable resources and advice to students all over the world.

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5 Basic Components of an Online College Course

Remote college courses rely on learning management systems and timely feedback from professors.

Basic Components of an Online Course

Young woman reading from the computer and taking notes at her notebook

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Online courses can be either synchronous or asynchronous, and students should find a program that best suits their needs.

Thanks to modern technology, students no longer have to be bound to a physical classroom to pursue a college education. Equipped with a device and an internet connection, students can earn an associate, bachelor's or master's degree from the comfort of their own home.

“It’s the way of education, and it’s the way that students will go to school,” says Justin Louder, assistant vice president for academic innovation at Anthology, an education technology company that produces the learning management system Blackboard Learn. “A vast majority of students will take at least one online class a semester.”

Online learning is not necessarily a novelty, but its popularity has grown in recent years and is expected to continue. Online degrees have also experienced a wave of innovation and wider acceptance in recent years, says Louder, who previously oversaw online degree programs as associate vice provost of e-learning at Texas Tech University .

How distance learning is delivered varies among colleges and even professors, but most online courses have similarities, experts say. Here are five basic components of online courses students should be familiar with before signing up for classes.

The Learning Management System

When a student enrolls in an online course, they'll be asked to log in to a learning management system, or LMS.

For fully online courses, the LMS is where everything for class exists. On this platform, students can access their syllabus, see their professor's contact information and access most course materials, including online readings, videos, audio files and other resources. This is also where students participate in discussion boards – written exchanges with fellow classmates – and submit assignments.

Although some schools design their own learning management systems, most colleges use Blackboard Learn , Moodle , Canvas or Brightspace , and experts say most of these systems are similar and fairly intuitive.

"What is important for students to understand is how the professor has designed their course – including the overall structure, schedule, organization, content and resources, activities, and assessments and assignments," Eric Fredericksen, associate vice president for online learning and a professor at the University of Rochester in New York, wrote in an email. "A good practice is for professors to spend time at the beginning of the course to orient the students to the course in the LMS and to provide clarity on their expectations for students in the course."

Course Materials

The materials students use in online courses vary depending on the professor's preferences. Some online instructors prefer that students read e-books, while others suggest ordering textbooks. In some cases, the instructor may provide options, which could include a hard copy or a digital version, Fredericksen says.

"In the course I teach, I use a textbook that is part of a service from our library and students can access it and read it online at no cost to them," he says. "There are lots of different kinds of educational resources that can be used."

Other possible resources include podcasts, PowerPoint presentations, webcasts of lectures and instructional videos, which can be embedded into the LMS and available to students to watch on their own schedule. Lecture videos can also typically be made accessible to include captions and a transcript for students who need accommodations. Students can also download the audio from a lecture and listen to it on their own time.

“You think about different learning styles. Some students are auditory learners. Some students are more visual learners,” Louder says. "Online courses can appeal to all different types of learners."

Course Structure

Online courses are either synchronous, meaning students and professors are logged in and engaging at the same time like in a traditional classroom setting, or asynchronous, where students can complete assignments and watch lectures on their own time.

Undergraduate degree online courses tend to have synchronous components, such as a live class discussion, office hours or proctored exams, says Melissa Loble, chief academic officer at Instructure, an education technology company and creator of Canvas. Tools like Zoom allow instructors to conduct live lectures and break students off into small groups for further discussion.

However, the majority of classes tend to be asynchronous, experts say.

"For non-degree programs like certificates, synchronous components are more rare as they cater to a wide range of timezones and the needs of working professionals," Loble wrote in an email. "For synchronous classes, they tend to be bite-sized lectures. This is true for even courses that may have recorded content. The days of long lectures have passed, especially after COVID."

No matter the structure, a successful online course includes "high levels of interaction with the professor and their students, as well as between the students and their classmates," Fredericksen says. "This can happen synchronously or asynchronously. I believe professors need to be flexible, humorous, thoughtful and kind with their students – both online and in the traditional classroom."

As students gravitate more toward online courses, Louder says they can feel confident in the education they'll receive regardless of whether the class is synchronous or asynchronous.

“In a well-done, quality online course , student outcomes and success should mirror that of a face-to-face class,” he says. “You shouldn’t see a difference based on the modality of the course work."

Assignments and Group Projects

Students in in-person classes can expect to submit some of their work digitally, such as discussion board responses or term papers, but tests and other assignments may still be completed on physical paper. In online courses, everything is done virtually, whether a test or a group project.

Students submit their work through the LMS, where instructors can also share grading criteria and due dates. In addition to papers and discussion boards, students may be asked to create blogs or videos demonstrating their subject knowledge.

And just because online programs require less face-to-face interaction doesn't mean instructors don't require group projects. Online students usually conduct group projects through Zoom, Google Meet or another video conferencing platform. Text messaging and FaceTime calls also make it easier to complete group projects.

Professors can use the LMS to manually or automatically assign students to groups and provide a central location to share materials, Loble says. "Groups can then submit a single project to a professor for grading, as well as engage in peer review to provide feedback on the contributions each member of the group makes."

Loble says one of the biggest struggles for students in online courses when it comes to assignments is time management .

"When you are a student in an online course you have to be accountable for your own work remotely," she says. "This is hard for some students even with built-in reminders for due dates."

Online instructors use the LMS to grade assignments and give feedback. Instructors can also build online quizzes and other computer-graded activities, which can decrease the wait time for students to receive a grade.

"I do believe prompt feedback is essential for student learning," Fredericksen says. "And it is also important for professors to provide an expectation of when feedback and grades will be provided back to their students."

Alexandria Aguilera, who earned a master's in education through an asynchronous online program at Western Governors University , says she had the most interaction with her professors via virtual feedback.

"They gave very timely and detailed feedback in submitted assignments," she wrote in an email. "I even met with one one-onone to discuss the assignment I submitted. I was able to take their comments and suggestions and redo my work."

Online professors strive to create a sense of community with their students, so frequent discussion is crucial to a successful online course. Whether that's asynchronous through discussion boards or synchronous with live class discussions over video, it's common for professors to factor that participation into their grading.

To deter cheating on exams, most online professors use proctored exams or locked-down browsers. Most LMS platforms also include some type of artificial intelligence or plagiarism-detection software to ensure students submit original work.

"We are seeing an increased volume of professors giving in-person exams that are proctored, either by people or by video, during fully online courses to help address issues of academic integrity," Loble says.

Trying to fund your online education? Get tips and more in the U.S. News  Paying for Online Education  center.

What Employers Think of Online Degrees

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How Do Online Classes Work? What to Know Before You Start

An adult learner discovering how online courses work, sitting at a desk with a laptop.

Whether you’re considering going back to school to start or to finish a degree, taking online courses is an option that allows you to maintain control of your schedule.

Before you decide what course format you want to pursue, you may be wondering exactly how online college classes work.

How are Online Classes Different Than Face-to-Face Classes?

You might be familiar with taking a college class in a face-to-face environment in a traditional college setting. The basic premise is still the same online; you’ll have a syllabus to introduce you to what the class — or course — is about and the learning outcomes you'll work toward.

The syllabus also shows you what materials are required for the course, the types of assignments to expect, grading information, the assignment schedule and academic policies.

Attending classes on campus may tie you to a traditional semester schedule, limiting opportunities to begin a degree program to once or twice per year. Online classes may differ, offering term start dates  year-round. At Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), for example, there are 8-week terms for undergraduate classes and 10-week terms for graduate, allowing ample opportunities for you to enroll throughout the calendar year.

What to Expect in an Online Class

An icon of a laptop.

A vast array of resource materials is available through a virtual library, and quite often with 24/7 chat assistance.

Every class also has an instructor you can reach out to with questions or if you need support. These instructors bring a wealth of experience relating to the course's subject matter, which means they can help you connect the dots between what you're learning and how it applies to the industry.

Are Online Classes On Your Own Time?

Online classes that follow an asynchronous learning  format do not meet at a defined time each week. Instead, you’ll have the flexibility to do coursework when it makes sense  for you within the framework of the course schedule. 

Robyn Roberts, a 2023 SNHU graduate with a bachelor’s in business administration

For instance, at SNHU, courses in online degree programs are broken out by week-long modules with due dates clearly defined each week. You may choose to complete all assignments for that week within a two-day period or chip away at work throughout the week. Depending on whether you're a night owl or an early bird, you can find the time of day that's most convenient and productive for you.

Robyn Roberts '23 , a semi-truck driving great-grandmother, said she completed a majority of her online bachelor's in business administration  degree while the road. "I pulled into rest areas and stopped and did discussion boards," she said.

What is the Online College Community Like?

And while the work will be done from wherever you are, you’re not alone if you choose a school that has supports in place to help you succeed. 

An icon of two speech bubbles, one on top, stemming from the right, and one on the bottom, stemming from the left.

Online students at SNHU work with an admission counselor to ensure the degree program they choose is the right fit . Upon enrollment, an academic advisor is assigned to them to provide support throughout each course and assist with scheduling, resource advice and lend a hand whenever needed. Adjunct instructors are available throughout each SNHU course to clarify information, answer questions and facilitate learning.

If you'd like to get involved with extracurriculars , some schools have an online portal where you can connect with other students, join clubs and participate in activities. Events including SNHU's annual LEADS conference  also allow you to connect with others in the community while also focusing on your personal and professional development.

There are many opportunities to engage in experiential learning , too, at SNHU, no matter your degree program. Experiential learning is a type of learning that allows you to develop and apply your skills in real-world projects. If you're earning a healthcare-related degree at SNHU, for instance, you could participate in the Higher Education and Real World Training (HEaRT) Challenge. During a HEaRT Challenge , you'll learn about a problem an employer is facing and team up with your classmates to propose a solution.

A blue graphic with an icon of two white outlined hands shaking

While these supports may not be in place at every school you consider, it’s important to focus on what is meaningful for you — and ensure you select a degree program at a university that has what you need to work toward your goals.

Find Your Program

How many classes do you take in college.

How many classes you take depends mostly on you: whether you’ve already taken courses or not, how much time you can commit to school and which degree you hope to earn.

The number of credits it takes to graduate  from college depends on your program:

  • An associate degree  is generally 60 credits in length, or about 20 classes.
  • A bachelor’s degree  program typically requires 120 credit hours (or approximately 40 classes).
  • A master’s degree could be anywhere from 30-40 credits, and sometimes up to 60 credits (from 10-20 classes), depending on the program you choose. For example, an MBA  — or Master of Business Administration — may take as few as 30 credits to complete, while a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing  could take 48 credits.

If this isn't your first time attending college, you may be able to transfer credits to your new program, altering your timeline and cost to completion. At SNHU, you could have up to 75% of your program finished by the time you start classes. Here are a few quick steps to take:

  • Complete the free 5-minute  online application . There’s no obligation after filling it out.
  • Get your transcripts requested — for free. Chat with an admission counselor, and we'll request your transcripts on your behalf.
  • Receive your free evaluation. Soon after all your transcripts are in, you'll get your official evaluation. It will show you what was transferred in — and what classes you need to complete.

You may also be able to finish faster with prior learning credits  obtained through certain certifications, trainings and military education.

Part-time or Full-time Student: How Many Classes is Full Time?

An icon of a graduation cap.

This may vary at other schools, so it’s important to ask questions up front to understand what constitutes full and part-time — and how your financial aid award  might impact your options.

Is It Harder to Do Online School?

The best online classes have academic rigor and knowledgeable faculty with expertise in their fields. That winning combination, along with supportive resources and staff, creates a learning environment comparable to what you’d expect in a face-to-face class setting.

Some classes may feel easier than others for you based on your interest and comfort level with what’s required of you in a particular course. If writing is something you absolutely love and a class is writing-intensive, that course may be one you’ll feel really comfortable in. If a course seems like it may be challenging, it’s important to consider what resources are available to assist you in the areas you feel you need additional help.

For example, some schools offer 24/7 drop-in tutoring sessions as well as access to a writing center. Leveraging these resources can help you turn in your best work.

Knowing what supports are in place for you as a student can turn what might have been a difficult experience into a course you may thrive in.

If you're having trouble picturing yourself as an online student, you might wish to explore the advantages and challenges that come with a virtual setting and flexible schedule. That can help you determine whether online college courses are worth it  for you.

Success Tips for Online Classes

To do well, it’s important to assess the time you have available for coursework and plan accordingly, leaving yourself some flexibility to pivot as needed if challenges in other areas of your life come your way. Schoolwork may be something entirely new for you, and you could be uncertain about how to maximize your success in a course.

Here are two tips to help:

  • Managing your time is essential for your success — and there are time management strategies  that can help you tremendously, including prepping well for a project, prioritizing tasks and developing a schedule and sticking to it.
  • Practicing good study habits is another way to boost your learning. Think about how you learn; how you best engage with new information and what sticks and what doesn’t. Be sure to put yourself in an environment where you can best focus  and retain information. Ensuring you have ample time to complete your assignments is equally as important. You’ll have a hard time focusing if you’re short on time and feeling stressed  — and when you allow yourself the time you need, you’ll have an opportunity to reach out for help should you get stuck on any part of an assignment.

While your experiences or concerns may feel uniquely personal, rest assured that others have been where you are now and had the same desire to earn their degree.No matter where you’re planning to continue your education, the basic ingredients for college success are the same.

A degree can change your life. Find the SNHU online college degree  that can best help you meet your goals.

Pamme Boutselis ’15, ’17G is an award-winning writer and content producer, currently serving as a senior director of content and a communication adjunct at Southern New Hampshire University. She loves hearing and sharing stories. As a writer spanning a 25-year career, her work has been featured in print and online via news media, career and education-focused blogs, regional magazines, technology publications and more.

A bachelor’s and master’s in communication – earned as an adult learner – positively impacted her life and career, melding decades in diverse industries with professional and academic knowledge and experience. A serial volunteer, Boutselis has been a TEDx organizer since 2013 and a speaker coach. She’s been fortunate to work with dozens of nonprofits throughout the years. Learn more on LinkedIn .

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About southern new hampshire university.

Two students walking in front of Monadnock Hall

SNHU is a nonprofit, accredited university with a mission to make high-quality education more accessible and affordable for everyone.

Founded in 1932, and online since 1995, we’ve helped countless students reach their goals with flexible, career-focused programs . Our 300-acre campus in Manchester, NH is home to over 3,000 students, and we serve over 135,000 students online. Visit our about SNHU  page to learn more about our mission, accreditations, leadership team, national recognitions and awards.

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Learner Testimonials

On Data Privacy and Technology

"The course was informative on both current and future data privacy and technological innovation trends—the need for data privacy without inhibiting innovation. The team and instructors prompt critical thinking while broadening the understanding of data privacy beyond the frontiers. At the end of the course, I concluded that there was a need for a mass cultural shift towards ethical use of technology."

Joanita Nagaba Co-founder, ANJ Data Management Solutions Africa Ltd.

On Health Care Economics

“This is an amazing course. The professor did a fantastic job dissecting the complexities of healthcare into chewable chunks." 

Howard H. Dinh, MD, FACC Medical Director, Cardiac Services, Greater Sacramento The Permanente Medical Group and Chief, Cardiology Kaiser Permanente, South Sacramento

"I love the way the course is structured with real-world examples and the critical thinking sessions. It forces us to reflect upon what is happening around us. People who have an interest in cybersecurity, as well as those that would like to gain more general knowledge, would greatly benefit from this course."

Anand Narayan Account Executive, Lenovo Canada

On Data Science Principles

"This is a topic that people in any industry should have at least basic knowledge of in order to create more efficient and competitive businesses, tools, and resources."

Carlos E. Sapene Chief Executive Officer

On Data Science For Business

"This course had an amazing instructor, amazing examples, and an amazing user interface that made it easy for me to grasp the material and learn simultaneously with others around the world."

Shawn Carrington, Jr. Senior Executive Officer Perspecta, Inc.

online course works

How Does An Online Course Actually Work?

The world of online courses can seem complex at first, leaving many newcomers with a load of questions to figure out.

A common starting question I often hear is: how does an online course actually work?

As a student, you just need to find an online course you want to take, sign up and make a payment, and log in to access your content. For course creators the process is a bit more in-depth. You’ll need to come up with a profitable topic, decide on your learning outcomes, create your content, and deliver it.

In this article you’ll learn how to find and sign up for an online course as a student. As well as the steps that an instructor needs to go through to create an online course of their own.

Table of Contents

How Does An Online Course Work For A Student?

As a student, there are a few steps you need to take before you can get started with an online course.

Pick The Right Course For You

What do you want to learn, and who do you want to learn it from?

Do some research and find some recommended online courses that cover the subject matter you’re interested in.

These courses might be offered by universities and other educational institutions. Or if it’s a less academic topic you want to learn about, they might be taught on e-learning websites like Udemy or Coursera . These days you can also find high quality courses taught by experts or small business owners in their respective fields.

If I wanted to learn about photography for beginners, I’d first find the top 3 to 5 courses available on that topic.

I’d compare the different topics covered in each course, how reputable of a source I think it is, and the price.

Then I’d make a final determination on which course I wanted to take. If it’s a tough choice and multiple courses seem to have lots to offer, I might even consider taking two of them!

Register, Pay, and Activate Your Account

Once you’ve decided on the online course you want to take, you’ll need to sign up.

Most online courses make this a very easy process. You’ll be able to register, pay online, and activate your account all in one step. Usually you’ll get instant access to the course so you can start right away.

Log In and Work Through The Course

After you’re all signed up, you should receive your login details for the course in an email, as well as confirmation that you’ve paid.

Courses usually have an introduction that will give you an overview of the course and how you’re meant to work through it. Follow along, and it should all be quite intuitive.

Some courses give you full access to every module at once. While others release parts of the course on specific days, or a set amount of time after you’ve completed the previous module.

Each section of the course will likely have a video you need to watch or text you need to read, along with potentially an assignment or test that needs to be completed afterward.

The great part is that you can work through your online course when it’s convenient for you, and don’t need to show up to class at a specific time each day. Although pay attention to any deadlines or due dates, especially for more academic online courses.

Engage In Discussion

Most online courses have some way to communicate with other members. Whether it’s a comment section, a forum, or a private Facebook group.

This is a great way to get any potential questions you have answered by your instructor or by other students, and to join and become part of the community of students on your course.

How Does Making An Online Course Work For A Creator?

If you’re thinking more about creating an online course yourself, there’s a lot more work to do besides just signing up!

Having an online course is a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your field and create a (semi) passive income for yourself. So it’s very much worth the effort.

In essence, the way it works is that you create a set of videos on a specific topic, host these on an online course website and then sell the course to students who want to learn what you are teaching.

After you’ve made the course once, you can sell it over and over again – so aside from marketing your course and supporting your students with follow questions, it can become a semi-passive income stream.

There’s no limit to how many people can take your course, so if it works well you could have thousands of students learning from you without you needing to actually deliver lessons over and over again yourself.

Here’s a very short overview of the main steps you need to take as well as some links to more in-depth articles for further advice.

Pick Your Topic

Make sure you’re creating a course about something you enjoy and have a strong interest in.

You’re going to be spending many hours creating your online course, as well as potentially adding to it and expanding it later on.

It might be super profitable to make an online course teaching yoga to grannies. But if it’s something you hate, there’s almost no point in doing it.

If you aren’t passionate about your course, it will show in the training you create. It will be uninspired and boring to your students.

Do some market research. Before you start making your course, see if it’s something people might actually be interested in paying to learn. If there are other online courses that already exist on your topic, that can be a great indication that it’s a profitable one.

Click here for more info and guidance about how to choose your online course topic.

Decide On Your Learning Outcomes

You need to set the learning outcomes for your course.

People won’t want to hand over money if they don’t know what they’re going to get in return.

If you make a course about “fly fishing” and don’t offer much other detail, people don’t know what to expect. Some people might be looking to learn the proper technique for casting a fly fishing rod. While others are looking for a course to teach them how to tie their own flies at home.

If you aren’t clear about your course’s learning outcomes, you risk ending up with unhappy and frustrated customers when the course didn’t meet their expectations. Don’t leave any grey areas. Explain exactly what your course is all about and what they’ll learn!

Clearly explain what they’ll be able to do, feel, and know when they’ve completed the course. That way you’ll have higher customer satisfaction and end up with less requests for refunds.

Becoming really clear on the outcome of the course will also help you in targeting the right audience of potential students and with how you market your online course too.

Create Your Course Outline

Next you should brainstorm which content and ideas will be in the course. Think through all the steps someone needs to go through or understand to get to the final outcome of the course.

The it’s time to create your course outline by grouping it together into different lessons and modules. Try to put together information with similar ideas and themes.

Lay out modules in a logical way so that they flow together and progressively build upon one another.

Try to make your content into bite-sized chunks that people can sit down and complete in just 5 – 10 minutes at a time. An hour long video can be overwhelming and lowers the chances of people actually completing it.

For larger courses, you might even want to break one giant course down into several mini-courses included in one package.

Decide On The Best Way To Deliver Your Lessons

There are many options when it comes to how you deliver your content to students.

You can create written lessons, or you could make audio-only content.

However, I highly recommend making video lessons as they have a higher value and massively increase engagement.

After a student has finished a module, you might also want to include a downloadable PDF that summarizes what they learned and the key points they should take away from the lesson.

Be mindful that different people learn in different ways, so it’s good to use a mix of different mediums. Offering video lessons, alongside downloadable pdfs, spreadsheets and audio files can create a rich learning experience.

Produce Your Online Course

This is a part that some course creators might find really fun, while others might really dread it.

Most likely your course content will be made up of a series of video lessons with perhaps some additional downloadable resources. So, you’ll need to plan and record your videos, edit them and create any supporting spreadsheets or pdfs to accompany.

You should have your course outline of lessons and modules all laid out. Now it’s time to present them in an informative and engaging way.

Depending on the type of course you’re creating, you might just make “talking head” videos where you’re presenting a lecture to your students in video format. Or you may have an over-the-shoulder or screen capture video when you need to demonstrate specific software or techniques on the computer for your students to see.

You might opt instead to do a powerpoint or series of animations to get your message across.

Set Up Your Course Online

Now your course is all finished. It’s time to get it online and available for purchase!

There are a few different routes you can go. Check out my guide on online course platforms for more info, but in essence it boils down to the following options:

  • On your own website: you can host your online course on your own WordPress website. You’ll need to choose a WordPress LMS plugin to do this, configure and install it, which is an entirely different lesson in itself!
  • Online course platforms: these websites allow you to upload your full course and provide the tech setup to market, sell and deliver your course. You usually pay a monthly fee and in return you have an easy to use system with all the administration including billing students, web hosting, and more taken care of.
  • Online course marketplaces:  the other option is to host your course on a online course marketplace like Udemy. These marketplaces already have lots of students and take care of the marketing, but they also usually impose strict guideline on how much you charge for your course and how you interact with students.

Related Questions

How do i launch my online course.

The best way to launch your course is to build an audience of people who are interested in what the course teaches and offer them a discount and collect feedback from the first batch of students.

Why Make An Online Course?

An online course is a great way to make some passive income whether you’re a small business owner, a Youtuber, or a blogger. You can set up an online course once and then it will continue to sell many times over.

About the Author Jacob M.

Jacob has a background in finance and engineering. Outside of his day job, he is a lifelong learner, who enjoys reading, taking online courses, and writing about what he's learned.

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The Best GMAT Prep Courses To Ace Your Exams

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If you’re getting ready to take the Graduate Management Admission Test, or GMAT, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re fully prepared before jumping in. Prep courses are available both online and in-person, and courses can be customized to help meet your personal learning needs. Our recommendations for the best GMAT prep courses, like our top pick from Magoosh , are full of comprehensive resources and realistic practice tests, and altogether enhance your chances of getting the best score possible.

Studying for the GMAT? You need one of the best GMAT prep courses to help improve your score.

But Magoosh isn’t the only offering available for your study needs. If you want to study in-person and ask questions in real time, The Princeton Review offers a classroom option, so you can work alongside other testers. And of course, there are also budget-friendly options like the official GMAT Focus Prep Course and Prepscholar . No matter what you choose, here are the best GMAT prep courses to help you ace those tests.

  • Best GMAT Prep Course Overall: Magoosh
  • Best Customizable GMAT Prep Course: GMAT Focus Official Prep Course
  • Best Budget GMAT Prep Course: Prepscholar
  • Best Online GMAT Prep Course: Manhattan Prep
  • Best In-Person GMAT Prep Course: The Princeton Review GMAT Prep Course
  • (PAID PLACEMENT) You May Also Like: Target Test Prep GMAT Focus Course

Best GMAT Prep Course Overall

A prep course that works for most people.

Best for: Prepping across all GMAT sections at a reasonable cost.

  • Free trial available
  • Affordable yearlong subscription
  • Training can be paused if needed
  • Essays aren’t graded
  • Limited full practice tests available

Magoosh offers the best overall package for those looking to get prepared for the GMAT. Not only does it have a relatively affordable annual subscription at $249, but it also offers an extensive library of study material, practice questions and more. The company is so confident in its study courses that it promises up to a 70-point score improvement guarantee—or it refunds you.

This package includes all four of the GMAT sections, which not all of them do for a single price. It has at least two practice tests (and you can take more for an additional fee), more than 1,300 practice questions and over 340 video lessons to help you understand the materials the best you can. There’s a built-in score predictor, which helps you gauge where you are and track your progress to make sure you stay on target for the score you want. If you don’t need access to all four sections, Magoosh also has some courses that are a bit more specialized, so be sure to check them all out and see which one best meets your needs.

Best Customizable GMAT Prep Course

A limited option that gets you started, gmat focus official prep course.

Best for: Customizing your needs, whether you’re looking to study a certain subject or just take a few practice tests.

  • Pay for courses as you need them
  • Easily accessible from anywhere using the mobile app
  • Only the first two exams are free
  • Can get expensive with the pay-as-you-go approach

It’s hard to beat a free option, and in this case, the official GMAT Focus Prep Course makes our list because the first two exams are free to access. While this won’t be sufficient enough to prepare you for the whole exam, it’s a great way to test the platform and see how its courses and teaching style work for you. Once you’ve taken those tests, you can customize your study prep to your needs. If you only need one study test, you can take that, or you can take two or buy the entire package. This customizability is great for a tester who may excel in one subject but wants to improve their stats in another area.

For those who have a longer timeline before the test, this is a great way to buy what you need and spread out the cost. You can also buy a verbal review prep, extra practice questions and more on their own. Besides the low, customizable cost, another standout feature is the mobile app. You can use it to access your study materials from anywhere, so you can prep while you’re on your subway commute home, as an example.

Best Budget GMAT Prep Course

Get prepared without spending a fortune.



Best for: Getting an all-in-one package without breaking the bank.

  • Comes with a 5-day free trial
  • Online experience isn’t as polished as others
  • Course access time frame is not as long on cheaper plans

Preparing for the GMAT exam can be expensive, as some of these courses cost over $1,000. If you’re on a budget or just need to be a bit smarter with your money, Prepscholar is a great option. With packages starting at under $100, you can get 750 real practice questions, multiple GMAT strategy lessons and more—as long as you’re able to deal with a couple of quirks along the way (for one thing, the user interface isn’t quite as sophisticated to use as other options on this list).

There are different packages that you can pick from, and pricing goes up to $779 for the completely customized online GMAT prep course with eight hours of personalized tutoring included. A more affordable $260 package also includes four months of access to the prep materials and includes 100 hours of content, over 1,000 practice questions and a test exam. Prepscholar stands behind its product and offers a 60 point improvement guarantee.

Best Online GMAT Prep Course

A great option for those with busy lives, manhattan prep.

Best for: Digital nomads who want live test prep and online learning from anywhere.

  • Six practice exams
  • Online options for self-paced or live instruction
  • Expensive compared to other options
  • No score improvement guarantee

Live online learning isn’t for everyone, but if you’re able to stay motivated and dedicate the time, it can be great. The flexibility that it provides allows you to learn at your own pace, which is ideal for people who have schedules that pull them in lots of directions. Manhattan Prep is the best online-based GMAT prep for a few key reasons.

In addition to being able to learn at your own pace, you can attend live online classes to strategize, ask questions and more. You can mix and match the sessions throughout your learning time, so there’s no need to pick one option or the other, too. It offers six practice exams to help you monitor your progress along the course, though it’s important to note that the company doesn’t guarantee any score improvement.

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A comprehensive offering for the gmat focus.

Target Test Prep

Target Test Prep GMAT Focus Course

If you’re looking for a course designed specifically for the GMAT Focus, this self-study option features over 1,400 instructor-led videos, 4,000 practice questions and 700 flashcards. The study plans are created by experts who have either taught the material for over 10,000 hours or scored in the 99th percentile on the exam themselves. For more customized instruction, you can opt for a LiveTeach course, which includes 40 hours of virtual classes, personalized homework to help you address your weaknesses and a Slack channel for instant feedback from instructors and classmates. Plus, the brand offers a score improvement guarantee of up to 130 points (depending on your prior GMAT Focus score) for both the self-study and LiveTeach options. Get 15% off all Target Test Prep GMAT Focus courses with code FORBES15 .

Best In-Person GMAT Prep Course

For those who want hands-on learning.

Princeton Review

The Princeton Review GMAT Prep Course

Best for: Studying in a classroom with other test-takers.

  • Optional 700+ score guarantee available
  • 10 practice tests and 60+ online drills
  • Can get quite expensive, depending on your selection

Prefer to learn in person instead of online? The Princeton Review offers multiple in-person learning options, from classroom-style sessions to private tutoring. While significantly more expensive than others on this list, The Princeton Review offers some key features that make it worth paying the extra.

For those who start with a score of 620 or more, Princeton Review will guarantee that you will score a 700 or higher on the exam after going through its course. With more than 10 practice tests and 60 online drills, there’s a ton of great content available that you can also access online from anywhere when you aren’t at class. This exam prep course includes 47 hours of material, and also includes 27 hours of classroom instruction, 10 hours focused on GMAT questions and 10 hours of verbal and math explanation sessions.

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The best memorial day furniture sales to browse this week, why trust forbes vetted.

Forbes Vetted is made up of experts in a variety of topic areas, including productivity and testing software. The team has collectively spent decades researching and covering the latest and greatest consumer products on the market, from tech to outdoor gear to mattresses. For topics where we don’t have direct experience utilizing a product, we spend countless hours doing research on the subject, talking to experts and combing through reviews.

  • The author of this story, Jared DiPane , has been covering tech for over a decade. In addition to Forbes, his bylines include Digital Trends, CNET and more. He’s contributed insight and recommendations to Forbes Vetted on categories as diverse as Nintendo Switch accessories , Smart thermostats and the best outdoor TVs .
  • Rebecca Isaacs is the section editor and an expert in smart home tech as well as gaming and other gadgets. Her bylines can also be found PCMag, Decider, ZDNET and other outlets. She recently reviewed the best noise-canceling headphones for Forbes Vetted.

How We Chose The Best GMAT Prep Courses

To find the best GMAT prep courses we spent hours researching the top-rated courses, reading reviews, comparing features and seeing which ones those who’ve taken the courses preferred the most.

  • Learning styles can vary, and so we looked for options that included both online and in-person options.
  • We reviewed a variety of different factors, including pricing, ease of use and whether it was an online or in-person training.
  • We also checked to see whether our picks provided extra services for those who were looking for more features for studying, including mobile apps.

What To Look For In The Best GMAT Prep Course

Pricing structure.

Each course handles its pricing a bit differently. Some of them require a monthly subscription fee for unlimited access, while others you pay for sections of it as you go along. Consider your goals and how quickly you plan to move through the materials . From there, you can figure out which of those options work best for you.

Online Vs. In-Person

Some courses are available as online-only while other courses you can attend in person. Online courses allow you the flexibility to move at your own pace and have access to the information from anywhere at any time, but not everyone learns and retains information the best in an online setting. In-person courses may be a bit more limiting, but they also allow for real-time questions and interaction with others who are on the same journey as you.

The courses will all move at different paces, so you need to ensure you pick one that matches your timeline of when you expect to take the actual test. If you have a tight deadline, an online option may be best, as you can move through the information quicker than you could doing an in-person class which has limited hours of teaching.

What Is The Best GMAT Prep Course?

Based on our research, the best GMAT prep course available is offered by Magoosh . It provides a superior overall experience for most people and includes a guarantee that your score will increase by 70 points from the last time you took the test. In comparison to most of the competition, it’s relatively affordable and gives you access to all the learning materials for a full year. There are two practice exams, over 300 video lessons, 1,000 practice questions and more.

Jared DiPane

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Zohar Class from Moscow 2024

Behar (in russian).

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Yitzhak Sinwani

Published: May 22, 2024 Originally recorded: May 21, 2024

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Written 2,000 years ago by Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, the Zohar explains all of the secrets of the Bible, the Universe and every aspect of life. The Zohar class is a weekly journey to understand the energy and challenges that will confront us during the week and how we can elevate our consciousness to prevent chaos from occurring in our lives.

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Course playlist, behar (in russian) yitzhak sinwani may 22, 2024 membership.

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Acharei Mot (in Russian) Daniel Dubovis May 22, 2024 Membership

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Excel REGEX Functions

Excel REGEX Functions

Parsing text in Excel with functions like FIND , MID , and SUBSTITUTE can be cumbersome and inefficient, especially for complex tasks. These limitations make advanced text manipulation time-consuming and error-prone, not to mention frustrating.

The new Excel REGEX functions* revolutionize text manipulation. In this blog post, we'll delve into these new functions, providing practical examples to showcase their power and versatility.

*Currently available in the Microsoft 365 Beta channel.

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Understanding Regular Expressions and How to Write Them

How regex works, writing regular expressions.

  • REGEX Functions
  • REGEXTEST Function

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Regular expressions, commonly known as regex, are powerful tools used for pattern matching within strings.

They allow you to search, extract, and manipulate text based on specific patterns, making them incredibly useful for data validation, text parsing, and string manipulation.

Regex uses a sequence of characters to define a search pattern. This pattern can match simple text sequences or more complex string structures. Here's a breakdown of how regex works:

Literal Characters

These are the simplest forms of patterns, matching exact sequences of characters.

The pattern cat will match the string "cat" in the text "The cat sat on the mat".


These are special characters with specific meanings that allow for more complex patterns.

The dot . metacharacter matches any single character except a newline.

The pattern c.t will match "cat", "cut", "cot", etc.

Character Classes

Defined using square brackets [ ] they match any one character within the brackets.

The pattern [aeiou] will match any vowel.

The pattern c[aeiou]t will match "cat", "cot", "cut", etc.


These specify how many times a character or group of characters should be matched.

The asterisk * matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding element.

The pattern ca*t will match "ct", "cat", "caaat", etc.

These are used to match positions within a string rather than actual characters.

The caret ^ matches the start of a string, and the dollar sign $ matches the end of a string.

The pattern ^cat will match "cat" only if it is at the beginning of the string.

Groups and Alternation

Parentheses ( ) create groups, and the pipe | acts as an OR operator.

The pattern (cat|dog) will match either "cat" or "dog".

The pattern (c|d)og will match "cog" or "dog".

Regex Tokens

Symbols used to write regex patterns are called tokens. These tokens match a variety of characters. Here are some useful tokens to get you started:

Useful Tokens

Source : Check them out for more tokens and support.

Writing effective regular expressions involves understanding the specific patterns you need to match. Here's a step-by-step guide to writing your own regex:

  • Identify the Text Pattern: Determine the specific text or structure you need to find. For example, an email address or a date.

Example: To match a basic email address, start with the pattern for a sequence of word characters [\w]+

Example: An email address pattern can be [\w.-]+@[\w.-]+\.\w+

This pattern matches an email address format, consisting of one or more word characters, dots, or hyphens, followed by an @ symbol, then one or more word characters, dots, or hyphens, a dot, and finally one or more word characters.

  • Test and Refine: Use regex testing tools like regex101 to test your patterns against various strings and refine them as needed.

Now that you're familiar with how regex works, let's try out the new Excel REGEX functions with some practical examples.

Excel REGEXTEST Function

The REGEXTEST function allows you to determine if a text string matches a specified pattern. This function returns TRUE if the pattern is found in the text, and FALSE otherwise.

text : The input string to test.

pattern : The regular expression pattern to match.

[ignore_case] : Optional. If TRUE (default), the match is case-insensitive.

Example 1 : Test if a text string is present:

This will return TRUE because the function ignores case by default.

Example 2 : Validate whether a string is a correctly formatted email address with the pattern ^[\w.-]+@[\w.-]+\.\w+$

Explanation : The pattern is designed to match a valid email address format with the following structure:

  • Start of the string ^ : Ensures the pattern matches from the beginning of the string.
  • Username part [\w.-]+ : Matches one or more characters that are either word characters (letters, digits, underscores), dots, or hyphens.
  • @ character: Matches the literal "@" symbol separating the username and domain parts.
  • Domain name part [\w.-]+ : Matches one or more characters that are either word characters, dots, or hyphens.
  • Dot character \. : Matches the literal dot before the top-level domain.
  • Top-level domain \w+ : Matches one or more word characters, representing the domain suffix.
  • End of the string $ : Ensures the pattern matches up to the end of the string.

Returns : TRUE


The REGEXEXTRACT function extracts substrings that match a specified pattern from the input text.

text : The input string.

pattern : The regular expression pattern to extract.

[return_mode] : Optional. Determines the return format:

   0 : First match (default)

   1 : Multiple matches as an array

   2 : Groupings for the first match as an array

Example 1: Extract an email address with the pattern [\w.-]+@[\w.-]+\.\w+

Explanation : The pattern matches an email address format, where:

  • It starts with one or more word characters, dots, or hyphens.
  • Followed by the @ symbol.
  • Then has one or more word characters, dots, or hyphens.
  • Followed by a dot.
  • Finally ending with one or more word characters.

This will return "[email protected]".

Example 2 : Extract the domain name from a URL with the pattern (?

Explanation :

  • (? : This is a positive lookbehind assertion. It ensures that the match is preceded by // without including // in the result.
  • (?:www\.)? : Non-capturing group to optionally match "www.".
  • ([^/]+) : Capturing group to match the domain name. It matches one or more characters that are not a slash.



The REGEXREPLACE function replaces substrings matching a pattern with a replacement string.

replacement : The replacement text.

[occurrence] : Optional. Determines which occurrences are replaced:

   0 : All occurrences (default)

   n : nth occurrence from the start

   -n : nth occurrence from the end

Example 1: Redact the first 6 digits of a phone number using the pattern \d{3}-\d{3}

Explanation : The pattern matches a string of exactly three digits followed by a hyphen and then exactly three digits.

  • \d : Matches any digit (0-9). It is a shorthand character class for numeric digits.
  • {3} : This quantifier specifies that the preceding element (a digit, in this case) must occur exactly three times. So, \d{3} matches exactly three digits in a row.
  • - : Matches a literal hyphen (dash) character. It is not a special character in this context but is used to match the hyphen itself in the string.
  • \d : Again, matches any digit (0-9).
  • {3} : This quantifier specifies that the preceding element (a digit) must occur exactly three times. So, \d{3} matches exactly three digits in a row.

This will return "My phone number is XXX-XXX-7890".

Example 2: Replace the first 5 digits of a Social Security Number (SSN) with asterisks using the pattern \d{3}-\d{2}

Explanation : The pattern \d{3}-\d{2} matches a string of exactly three digits followed by a hyphen and then exactly two digits.

Returns: "My SSN is *--6789"

As you can see, understanding and mastering regex can significantly enhance your ability to manipulate and analyse text in Excel. With Excel's new REGEX functions, you can seamlessly integrate these powerful patterns into your workflows, making text processing tasks more efficient and effective.

However, if all this makes your head hurt, then you can do similar text manipulation and much more with Power Query, which is a lot more point and click. Get started with Power Query here .

Mynda Treacy

CIMA qualified Accountant with over 25 years experience in roles such as Global IT Financial Controller for investment banking firms Barclays Capital and NatWest Markets.

Mynda has been awarded Microsoft MVP status every year since 2014 for her expertise and contributions to educating people about Microsoft Excel.

Mynda teaches several courses here at MOTH including Excel Expert , Excel Dashboards , Power BI , Power Query and Power Pivot .

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Ukraine war latest: Armed ship destroyed in Crimea, Kyiv says; controversial US television host launches show in Russia

Ukraine says it hit and destroyed the Russian missile ship Tsiklon in Crimea over the weekend. Meanwhile, analysts say Moscow is seeking to draw out Kyiv's forces - as Putin makes another significant change to his cabinet.

Thursday 23 May 2024 08:15, UK

Ukrainian servicemen patrol an area heavily damaged by Russian military strikes, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, in the town of Orikhiv in Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine May 20, 2024. REUTERS/Stringer

  • Kyiv claims it has destroyed last Russian warship armed with cruise missiles in Crimea
  • Tucker Carlson launches new show in Russia
  • Putin sacks minister in new sign of shift in war strategy
  • European country now pushing to let Ukraine strike deep into Russia with Western weapons
  • Russia using 'understaffed and incohesive forces' in bid to draw out Ukrainian troops
  • Big picture: What you need to know as war enters new week

Our live coverage will remain paused today, but let's catch you up on where things stand and on any updates overnight.

  • Russia said 35 rockets and three drones were fired into Belgorod and overnight, claiming to have destroyed all of them;
  • Blasts were heard in Kherson as Russia shelled the city, said its regional governor Roman Mrochko;
  • The leader of Russia's Chechnya region, Ramzan Kadyrov, met  Vladimir Putin and offered to send more fighters to the frontline;
  • Volodymyr Zelenskyy issued a fresh plea for upgraded defence systems to protect Ukraine's cities against guided bombs, which he described as the "the main instrument" now used by Moscow';
  • A Russian airstrike on Ukraine's northeastern city of Kharkiv yesterday destroyed a cafe, damaged a nearby residential building and set a petrol station ablaze, with local officials saying ten people were wounded.

As we've not been providing rolling coverage of the war in Ukraine today, here is a quick update on what's been happening since this morning. 

One of the most significant new stories is the UK accusing China of providing or preparing to provide lethal aid to Russia for use in the war against Ukraine. 

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps told a news conference this morning that US and British defence intelligence had evidence "lethal aid is now, or will be, flowing from China to Russia and into Ukraine".

He called this a "significant development".

We also heard from the Kremlin this morning, which said "in-depth dialogue" was needed to reduce rising tensions between Russia and the West - particularly with regards to nuclear issues. 

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov accused the "collective West" of refusing to engage with Russia despite the potential dangers. 

Here are more of the top stories: 

  • Russian forces have taken over the village of Klishchiivka in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk region, close to the city of Bakhmut, according to Russian news agencies 
  • At least nine people have been injured in a Russian air attack on the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv
  • Russia accused Ukraine of using a drone to attack a non-nuclear facility at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, causing no critical damage
  • Moscow said it is bolstering its efforts to protect its energy infrastructure from drone attacks
  • Six children were handed over to Ukraine by Russia and reunited with their families, after a deal was brokered by Qatar. 

We're pausing our coverage of the Ukraine war for the moment.

Scroll through the blog below to catch up on today's developments.

Vladimir Putin has praised the late president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, and said he was a "reliable partner".

Raisi was killed in a helicopter crash near the Azerbaijan border over the weekend along with his foreign minister and seven others.

Speaking on the leader, Mr Putin said he was "a man of his word" who carried out any agreements the pair made.

"He was truly a reliable partner, a man sure of himself, who acted in the national interest," Russian news agencies quoted Mr Putin as telling Vyacheslav Volodin, chairman of Russia's lower house of parliament.

"He was, of course, a man of his word and it was always good to work with him. What I mean is if we came to an agreement on something, you could be sure the agreement was carried out."

The Kremlin leader asked Mr Volodin, who will be attending memorial events in Iran, to pass on "words of our sincere condolences in connection with this tragedy".

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Russia has strengthened political, trade and military ties with Iran in a deepening relationship that the US and Israel view with concern.

Heavy fighting in the Pokrovsk area in eastern Ukraine has forced Ukrainian troops to engage in "manoeuvres," the Ukrainian military's general staff have said.

Their report said Pokrovsk, northwest of the Russian-held city of Donetsk, remains the front's "hottest" sector.

"In some areas, the situation requires our troops to engage in manoeuvres," the general staff report reads.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has referred to the region and adjacent areas as "extraordinarily difficult" in his nightly video address.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said allies are taking too long when it comes to decisions on military support for Ukraine.

In an interview with Reuters, the Ukrainian leader said every decision which everyone came to was "late by around one year".

"But it is what it is: one big step forward, but before that two steps back. So we need to change the paradigm a little bit," he said.

"When we're quick, they fall behind. And then there's a gap - six, eight months of unpassed (aid) packages, and then two-three months of supplies - and a year goes by. We would like not to lose the advantage."

Mr Zelenskyy also said Ukraine had never used Western weapons on Russian territory.

A senior Russian diplomat has said that the EU plan to channel profits from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine would have "unpredictable" consequences, according to the TASS news agency.

According to TASS, Kirill Logvinov, Russia's acting permanent representative to the EU in Brussels, told Russia journalists: "The only predictable thing is that those in the EU will be obliged sooner or later to return to our country what has been stolen."

For context : In March the European Commission proposed transferring to Ukraine profits generated by Russian central bank assets frozen in Europe.

The plan would see 90% channeled through the European Peace Facility fund to buy weapons for Ukraine. 

The rest would be used for recovery and reconstruction.

Russia's defence ministry has said it has begun a round of drills involving tactical nuclear weapons. 

The exercises were announced by Russian authorities this month in response to remarks by senior Western officials about the possibility of deeper involvement in the war in Ukraine.

It was the first time Russia has publicly announced drills involving tactical nuclear weapons, although its strategic nuclear forces regularly hold exercises.

According to the ministry's statement, the first stage of the new drills include nuclear-capable Kinzhal and Iskander missiles.

The maneuvers are taking place in the southern military district, which consists of Russian regions in the south.

A Moscow court has ordered a Russian journalist who covered the trials of the late Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny and other dissidents must  remain in custody pending an investigation and trial on charges of extremism.

Antonina Favorskaya was arrested in March. 

She is accused of collecting material, producing and editing videos and publications for Navalny's Foundation for Fighting Corruption, which had been outlawed as extremist by Russian authorities, according to court officials.

Today, Moscow's Basmanny district court ordered that she remain in custody until at least 3 August.

Kira Yarmysh, Navalny's spokeswoman, said earlier that Ms Favorskaya did not publish anything on the foundation's platforms and suggested that Russian authorities have targeted her because she was doing her job as a journalist.

Former Fox News presenter Tucker Carlson has launched his own show in Russia.

The controversial US media personality, who this year became the first Western journalist to interview Vladimir Putin since Russia invaded Ukraine, will host his show on the state-owned Russia 24 (Rossiya 24).

In the first episode, Carlson will discuss the dangers of ticks and Lyme disease.

Who is Carlson?

Carlson, who has been a vocal supporter of Mr Putin in the past, was sacked from Fox News in April last year.

He took up the prime-time weekday evenings spot on Fox News in 2016 with his show Tucker Carlson Tonight, and quickly established himself as a key player in the network and an influential voice in Republican politics.

The presenter often embraced conspiracy theories and far-right issues. He repeatedly questioned the efficacy of COVID vaccines and compared mandates to "Nazi experiments".

While he found success with viewers, his inflammatory comments caused some advertisers to distance themselves from the programme.

After his departure from Fox News he rebooted his show on X last year, calling Elon Musk's site the last big remaining platform to allow free speech.

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