The four seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn (fall) and winter

The four seasons have very different characteristics.

Seasons are periods of the year with distinct weather conditions and day lengths.

Autumn (Fall)

Seasons are not the same everywhere, what causes the seasons, additional resources, bibliography.

Seasons are periods of the year with distinct weather conditions and day lengths. 

The four seasons — winter, spring, summer, autumn — can vary significantly in characteristics and can prompt changes in the world around them. Here, we explore the seasons of the year in more detail. 

Attributes of the seasons may vary by location, but there are still broad definitions that cross most of the boundaries.

In the spring , seeds take root and vegetation begins to grow. The weather is warmer and often wetter. Animals wake or return from warmer climates, often with newborns. Melting snow from the previous season, along with increased rainfall, can cause flooding along waterways, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  

In the summer , temperatures may increase to the hottest of the year. If they spike too high, heat waves or droughts may cause trouble for people, animals, and plants. For example, in the summer of 2003, the high temperatures claimed more than 30,000 lives, according to Encyclopedia Britannica . Rainfall may increase in some areas, as well. Others may receive less water, and forest fires may become more frequent.

When does summer start?

In the Northern Hemisphere, summer starts on June 1 and runs to August 31

What is the hottest summer on record?

Historically, the heatwave during the Dust Bowl Summer of 1936 was considered the hottest summer on record, but in 2021 the average summer temperature of the contiguous U.S. was 74.0 degrees Fahrenheit (23.3 degrees Celsius), 2.6 degrees above average, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

In the autumn , or fall, temperatures cool again. Plants may begin to grow dormant. Animals might prepare themselves for the upcoming cold weather, storing food or traveling to warmer regions. 

Various cultures have celebrated bountiful harvests with annual festivals. Thanksgiving is a good example. "Thanksgiving in the United States is a historical commemoration but it has a spiritual dimension strongly associated with homecoming and giving praise for what has been bestowed upon us," Cristina De Rossi, an anthropologist at Barnet and Southgate College in London, told Live Science.  

Why is it called autumn instead of fall?

Both 'autumn' and 'fall' are words used in the English language to describe the season that starts on 1 September in the Northern Hemisphere, with fall being commonly used in American English. According to , the word autumn comes from the old French word 'autompne', which itself originated from the Latin 'autumnus'. The roots of the Latin name are obscure, but it was first recorded in the English language from the late 1300s.

Winter often brings a chill. Some areas may experience snow or ice, while others see only cold rain. Animals find ways to warm themselves and may have changed their appearance to adapt. "In a similar way to the Autumnal theme, Winter festivals celebrate the return of the light during a time of deepest physical darkness," said De Rossi. The Indian festival of Diwali, for example, which takes place between October and November, celebrates the triumph of righteousness, and light over darkness. 

Is winter the longest season?

Although it is easy to imagine the seasons neatly fitting into four equal lengths, according to NPR this isn't quite the case, they are all slightly different — and their duration changes depending on which hemisphere you are in. 

Due to the elliptical orbit of Earth around the sun, at certain points in the year the planet is moving faster and shortening the season. However, the distance from our star has less impact on Earth's seasons than the planet's tilt, which means that summers are warm in the Northern Hemisphere despite being further from the sun. As it is moving slower, the spring-summer season is also actually longer, by about seven days.

The timing and characteristics of the seasons depend upon the location on Earth . Regions near the equator experience fairly constant temperatures throughout the year, with balmy winters barely discernible from warm summers. This is because it gets fairly constant light from the sun, due to its position on the outer curve of the Earth, according to the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program.

For areas to the north and south, the seasons can change more significantly. People closer to the poles might experience icier, more frigid winters, while those closer to the equator might suffer hotter summers. 

According to Time and Date : 

– Spring: March 1 to May 31;

– Summer: June 1 to August 31;

– Autumn (Fall): September 1 to November 30

– Winter: December 1 to February 28 (February 29 in a leap year).

Other factors can also affect the weather and temperature over the seasons; some areas experience dry summers as temperatures spike, while others might call summer their "wet season." A wet season is when a majority of a country or region's annual precipitation occurs, according to the Met Office . Mountainous regions might experience more snowfall than plains within the same latitude, while oceanfront property could see an increase in violent tropical storms as the weather shifts.

The time of year a region experiences a season depends on whether it is in the northern or southern hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere experiences winter while its northern neighbors encounter summer; the north sees the slow blossom of spring while the south brings in the autumn harvest.

A diagram demonstrating how the seasons are caused by the Earth’s axial tilt

The cycle of seasons is caused by our planet's tilt toward the sun . The Earth spins around an (invisible) axis. At different times during the year, the northern or southern axis is closer to the sun. During these times, the hemisphere tipped toward the star experiences summer, while the hemisphere tilted away from the sun experiences winter, according to NOAA .

At other locations in Earth's annual journey, the axis is not tilted toward or away from the sun. During these times of the year, the hemispheres experience spring and autumn.

The astronomical definition of the seasons relates to specific points in Earth's trip around the sun. The summer and winter solstice, the longest and shortest day of the year, occurs when Earth's axis is either closest or farthest from the sun. The summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere occurs around June 21, the same day as the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, according to NOAA. The south's summer solstice occurs around December 21, the winter solstice for the north. In both hemispheres, the summer solstice marks the first day of astronomical summer, while the winter solstice is considered the first day of astronomical winter.

Equinoxes are another significant day during Earth's journey around the sun. On these days, the planet's axis is pointed parallel to the sun, rather than toward or away from it. Day and night during the equinoxes are supposed to be close to equal. The spring, or vernal, equinox for the northern hemisphere takes place around March 20, the same day as the south's autumnal equinox. The vernal equinox in the southern hemisphere occurs around September 20, when people in the north celebrate the autumnal equinox . The vernal equinox marks the first day of astronomical spring for a hemisphere, while the autumnal equinox ushers in the first day of fall.

 – Seasonal Affective Disorder: SAD symptoms and therapy

– 9 allergy season symptoms

– Cicadas: Facts about the loud, seasonal insects  

But changes in the weather often precede these significant points. The meteorological seasons focus on these changes, fitting the seasons to the three months that best usher them in. December to February marks meteorological winter in the Northern Hemisphere and meteorological summer in the southern. March, April, and May are lauded as spring or autumn, depending on the location, while June through August are the months of summer for the north and winter for the south. September, October, and November conclude the cycle, ushering in fall in northern regions and spring in southern, according to NOAA.

The seasons can bring a wide variety to the year for those locations that experience them in full. The weather in each one may allow people to engage in activities that they cannot perform in others — skiing in the winter, swimming in the summer. Each season brings with it its own potential dangers, but also its own particular brand of beauty.

Explore the seasons in more detail with this educational material from Lumen Learning . Earth is not the only planet with seasons, if you would like to learn more about seasons on other planets check out this article from NASA .  Discover what causes the seasons with this informative piece from the National Weather Service . 

  • De Paor, Declan G., et al. " Exploring the reasons for the seasons using Google Earth, 3D models, and plots. " International Journal of Digital Earth 10.6 (2017): 582-603. 
  • Khavrus, Vyacheslav, and Ihor Shelevytsky. " Geometry and the physics of seasons. " Physics Education 47.6 (2012): 680. 
  • Yolen, Jane. Ring of Earth: A Child's Book of Seasons . StarWalk Kids Media, 2014. 

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short essay on 4 seasons

Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: My Favourite Season

Everyone has a favorite season. Whether it’s the blossoming of spring, the warmth of summer, the colors of autumn, or the chill of winter, each season holds a unique charm and significance. Writing a short essay about your favorite season can be a delightful way to express your personal feelings and observations. Here’s how to articulate your fondness for a particular time of year in a structured and engaging way.

Table of Contents


Begin with an introduction that captures the essence of your favorite season. Use sensory details to create a vivid image in the reader’s mind. This could be a personal anecdote or a series of striking descriptions that convey why this season stands out to you.

Divide the body of your essay into a few paragraphs, each focusing on different aspects that make this season special to you. Here’s a way you might structure it:

  • Describe the changes in the environment during this season. For autumn, you might discuss the transformation of foliage, the migration of birds, or the first frost.
  • Use imagery to help the reader visualize the landscape and feel the atmosphere of the season.
  • Detail the activities that are particularly enjoyable during this season. This could be about seasonal festivals, holidays, or simple pleasures like walking through a park or baking with seasonal ingredients.
  • Explain how these activities make you feel and why they are more enjoyable during this season.
  • Share personal memories or traditions that you associate with this season. Reflect on moments that have deepened your appreciation for this time of year.
  • Discuss how this season influences your mood, behavior, or choices in your daily life.

Wrap up your essay by summarizing why this season holds a special place in your heart. Reflect on the broader implications of the season on your life and possibly on others.

My Favourite Season Essay Example #1

Seasons come and go, each with its unique characteristics that make it stand out. However, my favorite season is autumn. It is a time of change and beauty. The cool weather, the beautiful foliage, and the many outdoor activities make it a season to look forward to. In this essay, I will explain why autumn is my favorite season.

My favorite season is autumn because of the cool weather and beautiful foliage. After the hot and humid summer, the cool weather that autumn brings is a welcome relief. The temperature is just right, not too hot and not too cold. The air becomes crisp and refreshing, making it perfect for outdoor activities. The leaves on the trees change color and fall, creating a beautiful landscape. The red, yellow, and orange colors of the leaves are a sight to behold. The cool weather and the beautiful foliage are the main reasons why autumn is my favorite season.

During autumn, the air becomes crisp and refreshing, and I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and apple picking. The cool weather makes it perfect for outdoor activities that were not possible in the summer. Hiking is one of my favorite activities, and during autumn, the weather is perfect for it. The trails are not too crowded, and the scenery is beautiful. Apple picking is another activity that I enjoy during autumn. It is a fun activity that allows me to enjoy the cool weather and the beautiful foliage.

The changing colors of the leaves create a picturesque landscape that is a joy to behold. The red, yellow, and orange colors of the leaves make the landscape look like a painting. The changing colors of the leaves also symbolize change and remind us that nothing is permanent. The leaves fall, and the trees become bare, but they will grow new leaves in the spring. The changing colors of the leaves make autumn a season of reflection and appreciation.

In conclusion, autumn is my favorite season because of the cool weather, beautiful foliage, and the many outdoor activities. The cool weather makes it perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking and apple picking, and the changing colors of the leaves create a picturesque landscape that is a joy to behold. Autumn is a season of change and reflection, and it reminds us that nothing is permanent.

My Favourite Season Essay Example #2

Every season has its own unique charm and beauty, but there is always one that stands out as a personal favorite. For me, that season is autumn. From the stunning foliage to the comfortable temperatures, there are so many reasons why I love this time of year. In this essay, I will explain why autumn is my favourite season by exploring its beautiful scenery, outdoor activities, and cozy atmosphere.

The first reason why autumn is my favourite season is the breathtaking foliage that it brings. As the leaves begin to change colour, the entire landscape transforms into a stunning display of red, orange, and yellow. The trees appear to be on fire, and it is truly a sight to behold. I love taking long walks during this time of year, admiring the beauty of nature and feeling the crisp air on my face. There is something incredibly peaceful about being surrounded by such natural beauty.

Another reason why I love autumn is the perfect weather it brings. The heat of summer has subsided, and the chill of winter has not yet arrived. This makes it the ideal time for outdoor activities such as hiking and apple picking. The cool, dry air is refreshing and invigorating, and it makes physical activity much more enjoyable. I love spending my weekends exploring the outdoors during this time of year, soaking up the beauty of the season and staying active at the same time.

Finally, autumn is a special time of year because of the cozy atmosphere it creates. As the days get shorter and the weather gets cooler, people tend to spend more time indoors. This creates the perfect opportunity for indulging in seasonal treats such as pumpkin spice lattes and apple cider. The warm and comforting flavours of these drinks make them the perfect accompaniment to a cozy night in. Additionally, the soft lighting and warm blankets create a relaxing and inviting atmosphere that is perfect for spending time with loved ones.

In conclusion, autumn is my favourite season for many reasons. From the stunning foliage to the perfect weather and cozy atmosphere, there is so much to love about this time of year. Whether I am enjoying a brisk walk through the woods or cuddled up with a warm drink, I always feel a sense of peace and contentment during the autumn months. It is truly a special time of year, and I am grateful for the beauty and joy it brings to my life.

My Favourite Season Essay Example #3

Seasons are an essential aspect of nature that brings changes in the environment and our daily lives. Each season has its unique charm and beauty, which attracts people differently. In my opinion, my favourite season is autumn. Autumn is the transitional season between summer and winter, and it is marked by a cool, crisp air and beautiful fall foliage. During this season, there are many fun outdoor activities to enjoy, and the cozy atmosphere makes it the perfect time for enjoying warm drinks and spending time with family and friends. In this essay, I will elaborate on why autumn is my favourite season.

The first reason why autumn is my favourite season is the cool, crisp air and beautiful fall foliage. The temperature during autumn is perfect, and the air is fresh, making it a pleasant experience to be outside. The fall foliage is another factor that makes this season unique. The leaves on trees change colour from green to yellow, orange, and red, creating a beautiful sight. Walking through a park or forest and seeing the leaves falling gently to the ground is a magical experience. Furthermore, the sound of leaves crunching underfoot adds to the autumn season’s beauty.

The second reason why autumn is my favourite season is the fun outdoor activities to enjoy. During this season, there are many activities to do, such as apple picking, hiking, and camping. Apple picking is a fun activity to do with friends and family, and it is an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors while getting fresh fruit. Hiking is another activity that is enjoyable during autumn because the weather is perfect, and the fall foliage adds to the scenery’s beauty. Camping during autumn is a unique experience, and it is an opportunity to escape from the city’s hustle and bustle and relax in nature.

The third reason why autumn is my favourite season is the cozy atmosphere. The weather during autumn is perfect for enjoying warm drinks such as hot chocolate, coffee, and tea. The cool air creates a cozy atmosphere, making it the perfect time to spend time with family and friends. Autumn is also the season for holidays such as Halloween and Thanksgiving, making it an opportunity to enjoy time with loved ones. Furthermore, autumn is the season for comfort food such as pies, soups, and stews, making it the perfect time to indulge in delicious food.

In conclusion, autumn is my favourite season because of the cool, crisp air and beautiful fall foliage, fun outdoor activities to enjoy, and the cozy atmosphere. The season’s unique charm and beauty make it a memorable experience, and it is an opportunity to enjoy nature and spend time with loved ones. Autumn is a season that brings joy and happiness to people’s lives, and I look forward to it every year.

Final Tips for Effective Writing

  • Be Descriptive:  Engage all the senses when describing the season. Talk about the sights, sounds, smells, textures, and tastes that define this time of year for you.
  • Be Personal:  This essay is an opportunity to share your unique perspective and personal experiences. Let your personality shine through.
  • Stay Structured:  Even though the essay is personal and descriptive, maintaining a clear structure will help keep your writing coherent and engaging.
  • Proofread:  Always revise your work. Ensuring your essay is free from grammatical errors and typos will make your writing more professional and enjoyable to read.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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short essay on 4 seasons

English text describing the four seasons--spring, summer, fall and winter--and how they're experienced in the United States. Typical weather for each of the seasons can vary in the different states, but common activities for each season are described. Useful text for advanced beginners learning about how the four seasons are experienced in the United States. Comprehension questions follow the text.

The four seasons

The four seasons are spring, summer, fall, and winter, and although various areas of the United States experience drastically different weather during these times, all portions of the country recognize the seasons; winter in California may bring heat, and winter in New York may bring blizzards, but both periods are nevertheless winter.

Following winter, spring begins on 20 March and ends on either 20 June or 21 June, in the United States (this date may vary slightly from year to year and hemisphere to hemisphere). For most, spring is a time of "thawing," when the cold and snow of the winter are replaced by sunshine, reasonable temperatures, green grass, and more. It is also the season wherein previously dormant bees and butterflies reemerge, and when birds become more active.

Summer follows spring and spans from about 21 June to 22 September, in America. Summer is the warmest, the longest, and (arguably) the liveliest of the four seasons; students from kindergarten to college are given two or so summer months off from class, and to be sure, there are more young individuals out and about during this season than any other. It's not uncommon to see shorts, t-shirts, and sunglasses worn by those who're soaking up the summer's hot sun, and to stay cool, many individuals crank the air conditioning, take a dip in a swimming pool, and/or explore the ever-comforting ocean waves.

Autumn (or fall), more than being a simple precursor to winter, is one of the most beautiful and exciting seasons. Spanning from 22 September to 21 December (technically, that is; snow will begin to fall long before this latter date, in most parts of the country, leading many to classify the period as winter) in the US, autumn is characterized by falling leaves, Halloween (on 31 October), and Thanksgiving. During fall, traditional farmers harvest their produce, and the aforementioned falling leaves change to gorgeous orange, red, and yellow colors; these colors are generally associated with autumn itself, in turn.

In the US, winter spans from 21 December to 20 March, and is, as one would expect, the coldest of the four seasons. In the eastern, northern, and central portions of the country, winter snowfall can be considerable; in the western and southern portions of the country, winter snowfall is highly unlikely, but temperatures nevertheless drop from their usual. Winter is most widely known for its snow and the Christmas holiday, but it also boasts New Year's Eve (on December 31, in recognition of the start of a new year) and other special days. Ice skating, sledding, ice hockey, and snowball fights are commonly enjoyed winter activities.

short essay on 4 seasons

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Essay on Seasons

Essay on seasons

The world is very vast and every part of it has a different climate. However, the most prominent seasons are summer, winter and rainy seasons.

Different parts of the world experience different seasons at different times of the year.

Seasons change according to the earth’s revolution around the sun. During the year. as the earth revolves around the sun some parts of the earth face the sun and receive more heat energy from the sun. Hence, these parts of the earth experience summer. At the same time, the parts of the earth which are not facing the sun receive less heat energy, hence, experience winter. That is why at a given point in time, some part of world experience summer and some winter.

Some parts of the world do not get very cold, mostly because of the influence of the sea. As the winter starts fading away and the heat begins to intensify, people pack up their woolens. Out come the sun shades, umbrellas and cotton clothes. Sale of ice creams and soft drinks becomes a regular feature during scorching summers.

Between winter and summer seasons, there is a short period called ‘spring’. When springs set in, flowers burst into bloom and the earth seems to be smiling. During the rainy season, raincoats and umbrellas are constant companions. As the showers fade away, once again winter sets in. Thus, goes on the season’s cycle.

We enjoy each season with its fruits, festivals, and weather.

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Four seasons

In many places the weather changes during the year. These changes are called seasons. In the north and south there are four seasons in a year. Each season brings changes that are important for plants and animals that live in different parts of the world.

Spring starts when the day and night are the same length. The weather gets warmer and sunnier. Trees and plants start to grow. Many animals have their babies in spring.

Summer begins on the longest day of the year. In the north this is on 21 June. Summer is usually the warmest and sunniest time of the year. Fruit grows on trees and plants. Young animals grow bigger and stronger.

Autumn starts when the day and night are the same length again. During autumn, the leaves change colour and fall from the trees. Some animals collect food before winter comes.

Winter begins on the shortest day of the year. In the north this is on 21 December. The weather is colder and in some places there is lots of snow. Plants and trees stop growing. Some animals, like bats and bears, find places to hide and sleep. This is called hibernation.

  • When it is summer in the north it is winter in the south.
  • At the North and South Pole there are only two seasons.
  • In tropical places near the Earth's equator there are two seasons: a 'wet' season and a 'dry' season.  

What's your favourite season? Why? Tell us about it!

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English Compositions

Short Essay on Winter Season [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this session, you will learn to write short essays on the topic of ‘Winter Season’. I will write three sets of essays on the same topic covering different word limits with simple words that all kinds of students can easily understand.

Table of Contents

Short essay on winter season in 100 words, short essay on winter season in 200 words, short essay on winter season in 400 words.

Feature image of Short Essay on Winter Season

According to the cycle of seasons, winter arrives at the end of the year and continues till the first two months of the new year. This season is associated with a harsh climate, extreme cold weather conditions, snowfall, drizzle, and disasters like landslides. The mountains and hilly regions in different parts of the world experience immense cold.

Regular snowfall occurs in Northern India as well as several parts of Asia and Europe. During this season, Human beings try to stay indoors. Many fall ill due to this cold. However, winter is not just a passive state but also a time of festivals. Christmas and New year are the two biggest celebrations in winter. Cakes and sweets are distributed at different places. Winter is a time when we can enjoy the warmth of tea and family.

The cycle of seasons moves in a circular motion throughout the year. Almost at the end of the year, after the autumn, the earth’s revolution takes the Northern hemisphere away from the Sun. So the Northern hemisphere receives little sunrise and grows cold. During that time winter arrives on the earth. Simultaneously summer arrives in the Southern hemisphere of the earth. 

Winter is associated with harsh and tough weather conditions. It is terrific to easily get accustomed to the winter season. Excessive snowfall takes place in the mountains and hilly regions and the temperature falls below the freezing point. Even on plain lands like Kolkata, the winter is quite sickening. Continuous snowfall and drizzle cause landslides in hilly regions. Winters are often unfavourable for tourism in hilly regions. However coastal places can be beautiful.

The most important characteristic of winter is many animals hibernate. Birds from the end of autumn start migrating toward warmer places. Insects also gather food and hibernate during this time. Yet this is a festive season for Christmas and New year. The whole world rejoices during this time. Cakes, sweets, and gifts are shared with people. Even in the face of severe disturbances, people still get their own opportunities to celebrate the winter season.

Earth has its own ways of creating life forms and nonliving creatures. It flows in its own rhythm and is a cycle that controls the birth and death of even the smallest of all beings. The cycle of seasons falls into the natural flow where one season automatically accompanies the other. Summer, winter, spring, and autumn are the four major seasons on earth. They create a chain or system where the end of the death of a year happens through winter and rebirth takes place through spring.

Winter is a symbol of the dead and old. The trees are bare without any leaves, the plants and flowers do not bloom, and animals and insects hibernate while birds leave their nests and migrate to warmer continents. The environment becomes white with snow and fog and human beings prefer to reside within their houses. Winter is essentially the death of life on earth. 

From a geographical point of view, winter can be best understood through the mountainous and hilly regions. The altitude of those places causes extreme cold temperatures which are unbearable. Snowfall, landslides, drizzles, and snowstorms are common weather conditions in these regions. Many human lives get at stake due to this harsh weather. Thus winter is not at all romantic to enjoy with hot tea. Even on plain lands like Kolkata winter below 10 degrees Celsius becomes quite unbearable. Only the southern part of India which is the coast enjoys pleasurable weather conditions. 

The winter season, however, is not entirely a dangerous situation. People honestly wait for this time so that the old year can end and the New year can arrive with new hopes and happiness. Winter in the seasonal cycle marks the end of all that is bad and unrequired. The two biggest celebrations of the winter season are Christmas and New year.

The entire world gets into the mood of vacation with the start of Christmas. Jesus, the saviour of the world was born during this harsh weather as if to give the world warmth of his virtue. People bake cakes, prepare sweets, and share goodwill and gifts with others.

While the year ends in rebirth, in Bengal the arrival of winter is celebrated through the worship of nature and its fruits. Poush Parbon is famous in different parts of Bengal where the women prepare several delicacies of sweets such as assorted pitha and payesh. Although the winter is a moment of cold and sickness the festivals make it full of life. It is one of the reasons why people await winter.

Hopefully, after going through this session, you have a holistic idea of the context. If you still have any doubts regarding this topic, kindly keep me posted through the comment section below. Keep browsing our website for more such writeups covering various other types of English comprehension. 

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I wrote the following in my writing journal in late winter:

“A bird sang outside my window this morning. It was startling, but quite welcome, considering that we have just come out of two weeks of double-digit sub-zero temperatures and more snow than normal. It’s an unmistakable sign that spring is not too far off.”

Hopefully you’ve noticed that, as spring approaches, there’s a different aroma in the air. And in a sixth sense sort of way, there’s anticipation in the air, as well. The landscape is changing from snowy white to soggy brown and in places yellow-green as the snow mountains that decorate parking lots and roads begin to melt. Such details are the stuff of good fiction. They can inspire theme, setting, characters or a possible story situation.

So regardless of what season you are in, it’s important for you as a writer to make note of the details and nuances of that time of year. Observe your responses to weather or weather-related incidents/activities, as well as the reactions and behavior of people around you.

Why is this necessary? Well, if you don’t do this and you’re, say, in Tahiti trying to write about winter in Vermont (and I would be so jealous if you were!) I guarantee you’ll have difficulty making your readers shiver with cold and feel snowflakes kissing their cheeks unless you have previously recorded impressions from winter — that or you have an eidetic memory. If I had not written about that late winter experience and the context of the incident, I might not remember the impact that bird’s song had on me. And I would have missed a great slice of life to use in a short story or a novel.

The key is to catalog the input that your five senses (and even your sixth sense) take in, WHILE YOU’RE IN THE MOMENT.

So when in Tahiti, while taking a break from writing about building a snowman, making snow angels and skiing in Vermont, be sure to record the sights and sounds unique to where you are:

  • the feel of tropical breezes caressing your skin
  • the smell of the sea
  • the pounding surf
  • the shushing of palm branches
  • the thud of coconuts falling
  • the water lapping at the stilts of your hut hotel
  • insects in your hut
  • the tastes of unusual cuisine
  • island traditions
  • exotic-looking men and women
  • unique entertainment
  • local legends

And so that you can write about winter wherever you are, regardless of the season, make note of activities like this and many more:

  • quintessential snow days where children are sledding and delighted to be out of school
  • a glorious day for skiing
  • digging out after a blizzard
  • navigating country roads (or freeways) in treacherous, drifting snow
  • the race to batten down the hatches when high winds are about to pummel your home
  • the sound of the wind: does it whistle or moan?
  • when you came inside, what did you smell? Hot chocolate to warm you? Chicken soup to soothe you? Do those smells take you back to another time and place?

Make similar lists for spring and summer, as well.

Be Prepared

I recommend having a notepad always handy for those moments when you’re away from your writing area, like when you come inside from shoveling snow and you feel your cheeks begin to thaw and your eyeglasses fog up.

Don’t neglect everyday situations unique to the season. (e.g. – chopping wood, loading up the wood stove, shoveling the sidewalk, thawing snow/ice for barn or field animals to drink, etc.) If something happens only at a particular time of year, or as a direct result of a weather-related occurrence, WRITE IT DOWN!

What Journal Will You Use?

Now let’s talk about an actual “journal” to use for documenting your observations, reactions and feelings. What you decide on should fit with your personality and personal preferences.

Some choices:

  • fancy leather journal
  • simple cloth-bound or paper-back journal
  • spiral notebook
  • computer spreadsheet program
  • word processing document file

The advantage to a digital journal is that it’s searchable and sortable. With a physical journal, however, you’ll need to set up your system of how to organize the information.

You might begin a naturalist’s journal, commenting on temperature, humidity, other weather phenomena, and your observations of flora and fauna.

For example

You might comment on the antics of a pair of squirrels chasing one another from tree to tree, across the telephone cable, up the side of a house, scrambling across the roof, etc. Perhaps you discovered crocuses poking their heads through the snow in your garden.

A multi-subject notebook with tabs would lend itself well to this naturalist’s journal. Create a label for each season or for certain months. Some of these notebooks have pockets in the divider pages where you could store photos from each season, pressed leaves, bird feathers, etc.

Of course you need not be limited to observations about weather. Here are some suggestions:

  • Capture the sights, sounds, smells, feel and tastes of any given day, so that you can recall what it was like.
  • Take photos as a way to jog your memory.
  • Record sounds if possible, such as the delighted squeals of children sledding, the crunch-crunch of people digging out their cars after snow and ice storms, the music of the calliope or merry-go-round at a carnival, the desperately pathetic cries of the mothers of calves who have been weaned and removed to another location.
  • Pay attention to your reaction to aromas — good or bad: e.g.- skunk, cotton candy, chlorine at the pool, wood smoke, a backyard barbecue, etc.

What can you do with this seasonal information?

Here are 14 story starter ideas, given in the form of questions relating to the four seasons. Take your characters through a weather transition, possibly even using the seasons as a metaphor or to support your underlying theme. (Savvy non-fiction writers can draw inspiration here, too.)

– If Spring is delayed, is there a sudden crime wave because people have “cabin fever,” or is there something else going on, some other influence? Why is Spring delayed? Is it a natural phenomenon? This could be science fiction, mystery, thriller or horror.

– Premature Spring gives everyone a bad case of Spring Fever, including the teachers. What madcap situations can you envision?

– Spring sports, including injuries, might be a topic to explore with your characters, at least as a sub-plot — particularly if you write for teens.

– Heat wave sends tempers flaring in the city and crime takes a sudden frightening trend upward.

– Drought plagues an area for the third year in a row, leading to famine. What desperate measures do people take to secure water and food?

– Examine summer vacation from a unique perspective — the family pets, the air conditioner unit, the house when it’s unoccupied with the family traveling, etc.

– July 4th celebrations in the U.S.are a big deal in most communities. What might turn an ordinary event into a disaster? A miracle? A phenomenon?

– Follow the stages of fall as it progresses from crisp, bright days full of color, to soggy, cold nights, to leafless, bleak, almost-winter landscapes, using the evolution of the season to characterize your protagonist’s life.

– Fall is a time of more beginnings than the first of the year. School, college, a first job and fall sports are just a few. Create your own list and place your characters in that scenario.

– Unusually warm weather followed by extreme cold wreaks havoc on orchards and the commerce of a community. Who might be affected? What’s the long-term impact. Short term? Consider what characters have the most at stake in the situation. One should be a protagonist and another the antagonist.

– Limited snowfall for the past few years has nearly devastated the local ski industry. Now the snow is back. What changes take place at individual resorts? Did an owner recently sell out for a song to a competitor, only to regret his decision? Does he try to get back his business?

– An adopted child from a warm climate experiences snow for the first time. This might make a kid book story spark, or perhaps a scene in adult fiction.

– Holiday gatherings (are there ever too many family gathering stories with all their attendant interactions, conflicts and resolutions?

– What if you want to write about someone on the run in depths of Winter? What physical trials will s/he endure?

Whatever kind of journal you use, not only will it become a primary source of writing inspiration, but it should, with some time perspective, yield insight into your life. And that can only help your writing.

In addition to this technique for finding story ideas, I invite you to visit The Story Ideas Virtuoso blog, where you will find many different ways and places to find those often elusive story ideas at Lessons Hurricane Ike Taught Me

And I invite you to download, with my compliments, two excerpts from “Story Ideas – The Calendar of Our Lives” on using the seasons, weather, holidays and life events related to the calendar as story inspiration at: The Calendar of Our Lives Excerpts

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  • Essay on Seasons in India


Indian Weather Essay

All the seasons of India are divided among 12 months of the calendar. They are divided among the twelve months of the calendar of two months for each season. Every season has its beauty and specialty that make it noticeable. Sometimes due to some environmental issue, this period may differ.

The meteorological department of India divided the months of a year according to the seasons as follows:

Summer (March, April, and May)

Monsoon (June to September)

Post Monsoon (October to November)

Winter (December, January, and February)

By knowing the month's distribution, one can easily understand the beauty of the season in India.

Introduction to India

India is one of those countries which sees four types of seasons. Each season is different due to its nature. However, the reason behind this diversification of these seasons depends on various factors such as latitude, longitude, topography, etc. Below are the two sample essays on Seasons in India which students can refer to for further use. Apart from the name of Seasons In India essay, these can also be referred to as weather essay, paragraph on seasons, etc. So, whatever the questions would be in your question paper, you must not get confused.

Long ‘Seasons in India’ Essay

India is a vast country with various geographical features and conditions. Hence it is important for all the kids to be aware of what are the seasons in India. When it comes to seasons, India is extremely diverse in nature. There are mainly four seasons that can be witnessed across the country i.e. Summer, Monsoon, Post-monsoon, and Winter.

Duration: Three months

Time of the Year: April to June

Summer in India generally stays for three to four months, which starts from April (sometimes in March) and continues to June. This season excites the kids the most as they get a month-long vacation. Many schools or authorities organize summer camps for the kids in various places in India which are comparatively cold. Besides, everyone can enjoy eating ice-cream and various other fun foods. It is the longest season. During this season, nature gets brighter and temperatures soar high. Lots of flowers and fruits bloom at this time. Sometimes, the season's temperature gets very high due to geographical reasons. The temperature is highest in April and May. In that season, the temperature varies from 32 to 40 degrees Celsius. In summer, the days appear longer than night.

Duration: Three to four months

Time of the Year: June end to September

Monsoon means rain, which delights the farmers across the countries. The first monsoon in India hits the state of Kerala. The Indian Monsoons typically start between the second week of June and extend until September. In India,  most precipitation is caused by the southwest monsoons. The two origins of the Indian monsoon are the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian sea. The south-west part of India also witnesses heavy downpour every year. However, following the scorching heat of summer, this season brings relief to everyone’s life including the farmers. India's agriculture is highly based on the monsoon season. But it has its downside too. Many areas get flooded due to deluge which damages a lot of crops and creates difficulty in a farmer’s life.


Duration: Two Months

Time of the Year: October, November

Post-monsoon is the most pleasant time of the year, which is nothing but a transition phase between monsoon and winter. During this time, some of the regions in India witnessed rainfall. This time is referred to as Autumn also in some parts of India. The months of October and November cover the post-monsoon season. This season marks the mixture between a wet and dry season. The temperature slowly starts getting low during this transition. However, it is the shortest season of all. Lots of festivals take place during this season such as Durga Puja (Navratri), Diwali, Bhaidooj, Halloween, etc.

Duration: Two to three months

Time of the Year: December, January (sometimes in February)

As the time moves fast towards winter, days become shorter and nights become longer. Temperature can be as low as minus 5 degrees Celsius at some places (such as the extreme northern regions in India). People wear woolen clothes to keep themselves warm. Some travel to sea-shore areas to enjoy the pleasant weather. This season is the season of cheerful festivals like Christmas, the new year, and various foods. This season's picnic is perfect. Some also travel to high altitude areas to experience snow falls like Uttarakhand, Kashmir, etc. The overall temperature increases as January ends and moves towards February.

Short Essay on ‘Seasons in India’

India is well known for its diversified nature and climate. Every year the country witnesses mainly four major seasons i.e. summer, monsoon, post-monsoon, winter. Each season has its own charm and characteristics. The duration of each season ranges from three to four months. In a nutshell, India is a tropical region.

The summer season mainly starts in April and stays until the month of June. Due to the country’s tropical nature, the summer season gets extremely hot in some parts of India such as Rajasthan, Gujarat, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh experiences the scorching heat of the summer sun. The temperature ranges from 30 to 40 degrees Celsius during this season and the length of the day is generally longer than the length of the night. The highest temperature during the summer season could be 50 to 52 degrees Celsius.

Monsoon follows the summer season and brings relief to everyone’s life. Monsoon stays for three to four months. It begins at the end of June and stays until September. The origins of the Indian monsoon are basically the Arabian sea and the Bay of Bengal. The first monsoon rains in India are witnessed in the state of Kerala. Some other regions too experienced heavy downpours, especially the south-western part of India (Mumbai, Nashik, Nagpur, etc).

There comes the post-monsoon season which stays for two seasons approximately i.e. October and November. Some also refer to this season as Autumn in India. This is the transition phase between the monsoon and the winter season. This transition period brings very comfortable and pleasant weather which prepares everyone for the dry winter season. Some regions might witness a little bit of deluge at this time.

Thereafter, this season is followed by the most awaited season - winter. The temperature can go down to 10 to 15 degrees Celsius in this season. The extreme north and north-eastern region of India also witnesses heavy snowfall in this time of the year, i.e., Kashmir, Uttarakhand, etc, and other northern regions see an extreme fall in the temperature. The temperature might be around minus 5 to 5 degrees Celsius. The coldest months in the entire year are December and January. As opposed to summer, the season has the longest nights compared to the days.

Effect on Season Change

Due to heavy pollution, some disturbances have been created in India's generally smooth seasonal cycles. Various activities like urbanization, industrialization, deforestation,  etc., have affected the seasonal changes in India. Excessive deforestation for residential buildings and industries to cope with the growing demands.  People have led to the loss of valuable green forests in the country.  By this, a disturbance is caused in the rainfall pattern and has led to floods and drought in various countries.

Causes of Effect on Indian Climate

The cause of climate change is happening  as follows:

Burning of fossil fuels



Emission of greenhouse gasses


Due to the change in rainfall and temperature patterns, people face extreme climatic conditions. Indian monsoons lead to floods in parts of the northeast and northwest while the southern parts experience drought to the extreme levels. These changes have been confusing scientists and meteorological experts for a long time. It is difficult to identify exact reasons for these adversities. These changes can be permanent if we will not take a severe step as soon as possible.

In a nutshell, India is one of those beautiful countries which witness the diversity of nature. Each region is popular for its various conditions of nature. Each season is beautiful in its way and Indians are lucky to experience such wide ranges of nature at its best.


FAQs on Essay on Seasons in India

1. What are the Seasons in India?

There are mainly four seasons in India i.e. Summer, Monsoon, Post-monsoon, Winter.

2. Which Months are the Coldest in India?

December and January are the coldest months in India.

3. Which Months is the Post-Monsoon Season?

Generally, the post-monsoon season comes between monsoon and winter. Hence, October and November are the two months that experience the transition.

4. Why is the season change essential in India?

The season change is essential in India because everything depends upon it. According to the season change, the various crops also grow at different times. AS north to south, there are various geographical issues for that season change is essential. There is uniqueness and beauty in every season. So every season has its reason of importance.

5. How does the season affect human life?

For the variety of every season, people have to change their regular habits. They can not continue with the same in every season. For example, One may have to wear lite cloth, eat incredible food or drinks, and feel irritated in scorching heat in Summer. On the other hand, one must wear woolen clothes, eat hot food, drink, and feel happy in sunlight in the winter season. In the monsoon season, people have to survive with colds and coughs. There are also various effects that may occur due to season change.

6. What is the reason behind season change?

As India is situated in the tropical part of the earth, it faces maximum season changes. Besides that, we all know that the world moves around the sun and has a tilted rotation axis. The different parts of the planet get different light and heat from the sun, which is the main reason behind season change.

7. How to write an essay on season change?

Season change is one of the favorite topics for children. So one can follow some simple steps to write a good and attractive essay about season change. First, one must write an overview of the seasons of India. After that, they may include detailed information about seasons. In the next step, one may include the case and effect on season change. At last, the student must include the conclusion. One may also add some exciting content to their essay as they want.

8. How can a student get help on writing essays easily?

Nowadays, everything can be found on the internet. Especially about the study of different topics, there are thousands of online learning websites where one can get help in any subject or topic. But choosing the best is the priority. Vedantu is one of the best learning platforms where students can get help on any topic. Not only that, but Vedantu also provides courses, study material, online classes, and thousands of blogs and videos for study. All the students of ICSE, CBSE as well as State Boards can get maximum help from Vedantu.

Essay on Seasons in India for Students and Children

500 words essay on seasons in india.

India is one of the few countries which have a lot of variations in terms of seasons. It basically has four types of seasons. Moreover, the intensity of each season varies depending on the region and other factors like topography, latitude, longitude and more. The four seasons usually occur during a specific time. Due to environmental and anthropological factors, the timing of the seasons sometimes varies. Various activities of traveling and school holidays depend upon the different seasons and climate experienced by the area.

Essay on Seasons in India

Different Seasons in India

As stated earlier, India experiences four major seasons. They are summer, winter , monsoon, and post-monsoon. Each season occurs at different times covering the whole year. The average time of each season varies from two to three months.

The summer season starts in April and ends around the month of June. As India is a tropical country, the summer is a bit harsh in some of its regions. Moreover, the highest temperatures recorded in India till date during summer is 51 Celsius in the state of Rajasthan. The temperature usually remains around 32 to 40 Celsius during summers. Furthermore, the days are usually longer than nights during this season.

Then comes the season of monsoon which begins in June or July and stretches till September. The majority of the precipitation that takes place is due to the south-west monsoons. These monsoons originate in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Monsoons in India witness a heavy downpour which often results in floods in many regions.

Next up, we have the post-monsoon season. It falls in the months of October and November. This season basically marks the transition from a wet season to a dry season. This transition witness drops in temperatures and prepares the people for winters.

Finally, we have winters in India that fall between October to January. The temperature during this season ranges from 10 to 15 degree Celsius. In the northern regions of the country, snowfall also happens along with rain. The coldest months in India are December and January. The nights are longer than the days during winters in India.

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The Specialty of Each Season

Each season in India carries a specialty with them. Everyone has one or the other things they enjoy doing in each season. While some enjoy summers due to the sun and enjoyment, some like winters because of the chilly weather. Nonetheless, each season carries a special essence with them.

During summers, kids are the most excited lot. They like summers because they get to have ice cream and cold drinks. They get a month-long vacation break which means more time to play and visit new places. Summer camps are held in various schools to encourage kids and enhance their skills.

Winters are enjoyed by people because of the cool and chilly weather. In the hilly areas, they also have snowfall which allows them to enjoy various sports like snowboarding, ice skating and more. People also enjoy the cozy feels of their blanket by the fireside, sipping on hot coffee and soups.

Furthermore, monsoon is a season which many look forward to. The farmers enjoy monsoon for their crops gets an adequate supply of water. Children love playing in the rain and making paper boats. The adults enjoy their hot tea and deep-fried fritters with sauce when it rains, making it even more enjoyable.

In short, each season is special in its own way. Indians are lucky to experience so many seasons as not all countries get the opportunity to enjoy such varied seasons.

FAQs on Seasons in India

Q.1 What are the seasons experienced by India?

A.1 India is a country that is very diverse geographically and climatically. It has four major seasons which are summer, winter, monsoon, and post-monsoon.

Q.2 What is the specialty of each season?

A.2 Each season of India has its own specialty. In summers, children enjoy eating ice cream and drinking cold drink. In winters, we enjoy a hot cup of coffee and soup more. During monsoon, people like having roasted corn and fritters. Post monsoon is all about relaxing and enjoying the cool weather.

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Essay on Summer Season: 100, 250, and 450 Words for School Students

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  • Updated on  
  • Feb 27, 2024

Essay on Summer Season

Summer Season is a time of joy, long vacations, and excitement. This most-awaited warm season brings with it physical and emotional comfort for everyone. Tropical and sub-tropical countries like India, Mexico, Thailand, etc. experience warm weather with long days and clear skies. 

During the summer season, students are asked to write an essay on summer season. Such topics require you to highlight your personal experiences of how you spent your summer season. You can talk about the places you visited, skills or hobbies you learned, the food you ate, etc. You must know that an essay on summer season is academic writing, where your teacher will evaluate your writing skills based on your ability to express your thoughts, ideas and experiences creatively. On this page, we will be providing you with some samples of essay on summer season in 100, 200, and 300 words.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Summer Season in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Summer Season in 250 Words
  • 3.1 Trips in Summer Season
  • 3.2 New Hobbies to Learn
  • 3.3 Benefits of Summer Season

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Essay on Summer Season in 100 Words

‘This summer season, I visited my maternal grandmother’s house. In Hindi, me and my sister call her ‘nani’ —every summer season we pay our visit to her and enjoy the natural beauty of the village. Everything about my grandmother’s home and village excites me. From the morning echoes to the evening breeze, days are filled with excitement and cherished memories. 

One of the best things I liked about the hot summer season was eating large watermelons with the entire family. Our grandfather used to buy us watermelons, which my mother served to all of us. I plan to visit my grandmother’s house every summer season.’

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Essay on Summer Season in 250 Words

The summer season is the time of the year when we get time off work, study, school, and our daily routine. It is a time to enjoy, learn new hobbies, build interest, and focus on goals. This summer season I visited a hill station called Dharamshala in the state of Himachal Pradesh. This city is known for two things; the home of the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama and its scenic beauty. 

Summer seasons are a break from our daily school and work routine. It allows us to cast aside the regular work schedule and spend some quality time with our loved ones. This break from routine is crucial for mental and emotional well-being, providing a chance to recharge and return with renewed energy.

The summer season is a great opportunity to explore new places and learn about new cultures. From scenic road trips to cold breezes on the beach, the summer season offers the ideal backdrop for exploration. 

We can indulge in recreational activities and hobbies that we are not able to focus on due to daily life hustle. The summer season can also encourage us to indulge in outdoor activities, as the warm weather and longer days are good for our physical and mental health. 

Summer season can be considered a season of joy, exploration, and rejuvenation. It offers a respite from the demands of daily life, allowing us to reconnect with ourselves, our families, and the world around us.

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Essay on Summer Season in 450 Words

The summer season holds an important place in our lives as it allows us to reconnect with ourselves and the people around us. In tropical and subtropical countries like India, the summer season lasts for around 2 months, from May to June. This is the hottest time of the year as the sun is vertically overhead on the Tropic of Cancer, the imaginary line 23.5 degrees north. 

Summer vacation provides relief from daily school and work life and an opportunity to spend quality time with our friends and family. During these hot summer months, a lot of people visit hill stations, beaches, their relatives, and other popular tourist places.’

Trips in Summer Season

Everybody loves traveling. What else can be the best time than the summer season to visit the ice-capped Himalayas or the backwaters of Kerala, there are plenty of places to visit. The summer season is important for both children and adults. Children wait all year long for the summer season, as they want to enjoy life, play outdoors, and eat ice creams and fruits. 

During the summer season, schools also organize trips, where students travel to cold places and enjoy fun activities like mountain climbing, hiking, trekking, etc. Some of the popular summer trip destinations are:

  • Mahabaleshwar

New Hobbies to Learn

‘Learning new hobbies and indulging in creative activities is a great way to spend your summer season. A lot of parents encourage their children to learn new hobbies, like joining music lessons, art classes, football and cricket coaching, etc. Practicing new hobbies during the summer season can greatly improve our skills and we can stand out from the crowd. Here are some fun-loving hobbies to learn during the summer season.’

  • Yoga and meditation
  • Outdoor activities
  • Photography 
  • Music Lessons
  • Dance classes
  • Art Classes
  • Piano lessons

Benefits of Summer Season

‘Summer season is not just about long trips and new hobbies. There are many benefits of the summer season. Summer season provides a break from the routine and allows individuals to relax, unwind, and recharge. We can explore new places with our friends and family, allowing us to spend quality time with our loved ones. Traveling during the summer season can expose us to different perspectives and broaden our horizons.

We can enhance our knowledge and creativity by visiting educational trips, workshops, or cultural experiences. The combination of relaxation, new experiences, and increased social interactions can positively impact mental health. The long summer season can result in increased productivity and prevent burnout.

Summer season is an important time of year for all the reasons mentioned above; relief from our daily schedule, quality time with family and friends, focus on our goals, learning new hobbies, etc.’

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Ans: The summer season is the time of the year when we get time off work, study, school, and our daily routine. It is a time to enjoy, learn new hobbies, build interest, and focus on goals. This summer season I visited a hill station called Dharamshala in the state of Himachal Pradesh. This city is known for two things; the home of the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama and its scenic beauty.

Ans: Writing an essay on summer season is a great way to express your thoughts, ideas, and experiences in creative and imaginative ways. It can also serve as a way to communicate your thoughts with the audience.

Ans: Understanding the topic and setting your tone accordingly is the first step when writing an essay. Your audience will better understand and connect with your essay if the tone in your writing is understandable to them. To support your arguments, provide appropriate evidence and reasons. Checking for grammatical errors is also important. Once the final draft is complete, go through the entire essay and read it aloud.

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With an experience of over a year, I've developed a passion for writing blogs on wide range of topics. I am mostly inspired from topics related to social and environmental fields, where you come up with a positive outcome.

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Short Essay on Winter Season

Short Essay on Winter Season

  • The Revolution of Earth causes a change in seasons.
  • There are four seasons like summer, winter, spring and autumn.
  • As the earth revolves around the sun, the part which receives more heat and light has summer and the part with little heat and light has winter.
  • In winter, the weather is very cold.
  • People wear warm clothes to keep them comfortable.
  • Woolen clothes like sweaters, scarfs, blankets, socks, mufflers come into use daily.
  • People feel chill especially in the months of  December and January.
  • It is better to wear dark colored clothes because it absorbs heat from sunlight and makes us feel warm.
  • During this season, the days are short and nights are long.
  • People like to eat hot snacks, drink hot tea, and soups during this season.
  • Everyone likes to sit under the sun or use heaters frequently to keep themselves warm.

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As we have previously mentioned, we value our writers' time and hard work and therefore require our clients to put some funds on their account balance. The money will be there until you confirm that you are fully satisfied with our work and are ready to pay your paper writer. If you aren't satisfied, we'll make revisions or give you a full refund.

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Some students worry about whether an appropriate author will provide essay writing services to them. With our company, you do not have to worry about this. All of our authors are professionals. You will receive a no less-than-great paper by turning to us. Our writers and editors must go through a sophisticated hiring process to become a part of our team. All the candidates pass the following stages of the hiring process before they become our team members:

  • Diploma verification. Each essay writer must show his/her Bachelor's, Master's, or Ph.D. diploma.
  • Grammar test. Then all candidates complete an advanced grammar test to prove their language proficiency.
  • Writing task. Finally, we ask them to write a small essay on a required topic. They only have 30 minutes to complete the task, and the topic is not revealed in advance.
  • Interview. The final stage is a face-to-face interview, where our managers test writers' soft skills and find out more about their personalities.

So we hire skilled writers and native English speakers to be sure that your project's content and language will be perfect. Also, our experts know the requirements of various academic styles, so they will format your paper appropriately.

short essay on 4 seasons

Earl M. Kinkade

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Yes, all our writers of essays and other college and university research papers are real human writers. Everyone holds at least a Bachelor’s degree across a requested subject and boats proven essay writing experience. To prove that our writers are real, feel free to contact a writer we’ll assign to work on your order from your Customer area.

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You can have a cheap essay writing service by either of the two methods. First, claim your first-order discount – 15%. And second, order more essays to become a part of the Loyalty Discount Club and save 5% off each order to spend the bonus funds on each next essay bought from us.

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Contact your currently assigned essay writer from your Customer area. If you already have a favorite writer, request their ID on the order page, and we’ll assign the expert to work on your order in case they are available at the moment. Requesting a favorite writer is a free service.

Is my essay writer skilled enough for my draft?

offers three types of essay writers: the best available writer aka. standard, a top-level writer, and a premium essay expert. Every class, or type, of an essay writer has its own pros and cons. Depending on the difficulty of your assignment and the deadline, you can choose the desired type of writer to fit in your schedule and budget. We guarantee that every writer will be a subject-matter expert with proper writing skills and background knowledge across all high school, college, and university subjects. Also, we don’t work with undergraduates or dropouts, focusing more on Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral level writers (yes, we offer writers with Ph.D. degrees!)

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short essay on 4 seasons


  1. PART 2

    short essay on 4 seasons

  2. Reading For Comprehension Seasons Worksheet

    short essay on 4 seasons

  3. ESL Seasons Writing

    short essay on 4 seasons

  4. Seasons in 2020

    short essay on 4 seasons

  5. Essay on The season I like most || Essay on Spring Season || Essay writing

    short essay on 4 seasons

  6. Short Essay, Rainy Season, Hindi, Student, Seasons, Seasons Of The Year

    short essay on 4 seasons


  1. Spring Season

  2. Write 10 lines essay on How I Spent My Winter Vacation//Winter Vacation//english essay

  3. Seasons

  4. 10 lines about Summer Season

  5. Essay on My Favourite Season in English ( Spring Season ) || Study Pride Corner

  6. Kids vocabulary


  1. The four seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn (fall) and winter

    Seasons are periods of the year with distinct weather conditions and day lengths. Earth's four seasons are spring, summer, autumn (fall) and winter.

  2. Short Essay: My Favourite Season

    My Favourite Season Essay Example #1. Seasons come and go, each with its unique characteristics that make it stand out. However, my favorite season is autumn. It is a time of change and beauty. The cool weather, the beautiful foliage, and the many outdoor activities make it a season to look forward to.

  3. The Four Seasons in English

    The four seasons. The four seasons are spring, summer, fall, and winter, and although various areas of the United States experience drastically different weather during these times, all portions of the country recognize the seasons; winter in California may bring heat, and winter in New York may bring blizzards, but both periods are nevertheless winter.

  4. Essay On My Favourite Season: Sample in 100, 200 & 300 words

    Sample Essay On My Favourite Season in 300 Words. Spring Season brings a world of wonder and joy. Winter birds bid farewell and spring arrives with a burst of colours and peaceful nature. The air carries warmth and gentleness which transforms the world into a magical place.

  5. An Essay on Seasons

    Out come the sun shades, umbrellas and cotton clothes. Sale of ice creams and soft drinks becomes a regular feature during scorching summers. Between winter and summer seasons, there is a short period called 'spring'. When springs set in, flowers burst into bloom and the earth seems to be smiling. During the rainy season, raincoats and ...

  6. Seasons

    In many places the weather changes during the year. These changes are called seasons. In the north and south there are four seasons in a year. Each season brings changes that are important for plants and animals that live in different parts of the world. Spring. Spring starts when the day and night are the same length. The weather gets warmer ...

  7. Short Essay on My Favourite Season [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    Short Essay on My Favorite Season in 400 Words. Out of the four predominant seasons, my favourite is the monsoon or the rainy season. It starts to rain heavily all over the country by July. As it rains, the water washes away all the dust from plants and trees, making them look green and beautiful again. As the rain hits the dried-up ground, the ...

  8. Seasons of the Year Lesson for Kids: Definition & Facts

    The four seasons are called spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Seasons change throughout the year because of the way the earth moves. The earth orbits, or travels around, the sun. As it orbits ...

  9. Winter Season Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Winter Season. Winter is one of the most important seasons in India. It is a part of the four seasons that occur in India. Winters are the coolest season that starts from December and last till March. The peak time when winter is experienced the most in December and January. In India, winters hold great importance.

  10. Essay on Spring Season in 500 Words

    What is a short essay on the spring season? Spring season is one of the four major seasons; Summer, Winter and Autumn. In India, March, April and May are the months of spring, where the average surface temperature varies between 29 to 32 degrees Celsius. Out of the four seasons, springtime is one of the most enjoyable times of the year due to ...

  11. Essay on Winter Season: 100 Words, 200 Words, 300 words and 500 words

    Some people take trips to hill stations such as Kashmir, or Manali to enjoy the snowfall there. The mountains get covered with sheets of white snow making them look beautiful. The winter season is truly a magical season. Essay on Winter Season for Class 4. The winter season is the coldest time of the year.

  12. Essay on My Favourite Season for Students

    Conclusion. All in all, summer is my favourite season as everything is bright and lovely. Even the fruits and vegetables we get are so colourful that it makes a good sight for sore eyes. School going children love summers even more as summer break allows us to play more and relax. Summers are warm, sunny, and delightful.

  13. Spring Season Essay

    The Winter season is a time when many people consume comforting foods. For many people, this leads to increased weight gain. The spring season is a good time to eat healthy foods. A variety of fresh local foods will be available while the spring season lasts. The Spring season is also a time when many vitamin-rich vegetables reach peak ripeness.

  14. Short Essay on Winter Season [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    Short Essay on Winter Season in 200 words. The cycle of seasons moves in a circular motion throughout the year. Almost at the end of the year, after the autumn, the earth's revolution takes the Northern hemisphere away from the Sun. So the Northern hemisphere receives little sunrise and grows cold. During that time winter arrives on the earth.

  15. Story Ideas From the 4 Seasons

    Here are 14 story starter ideas, given in the form of questions relating to the four seasons. Take your characters through a weather transition, possibly even using the seasons as a metaphor or to support your underlying theme. (Savvy non-fiction writers can draw inspiration here, too.) Spring.

  16. Essay on Seasons in India for Students in English

    Short Essay on 'Seasons in India' India is well known for its diversified nature and climate. Every year the country witnesses mainly four major seasons i.e. summer, monsoon, post-monsoon, winter. Each season has its own charm and characteristics. The duration of each season ranges from three to four months.

  17. Essay on Seasons in India for Students and Children

    500 Words Essay on Seasons in India. India is one of the few countries which have a lot of variations in terms of seasons. It basically has four types of seasons. Moreover, the intensity of each season varies depending on the region and other factors like topography, latitude, longitude and more. The four seasons usually occur during a specific ...

  18. Essay on Summer Season: 100, 250, and 450 Words for School Students

    Essay on Summer Season in 250 Words. The summer season is the time of the year when we get time off work, study, school, and our daily routine. It is a time to enjoy, learn new hobbies, build interest, and focus on goals. This summer season I visited a hill station called Dharamshala in the state of Himachal Pradesh.

  19. Seasons in India Essay

    Short Essay on Seasons in India in English 200 words. The brief essay on seasons in India is in English for kids up to Class 6. Furthermore, this essay can be very helpful for students who are preparing for their unit tests and other examinations. India enjoys four main seasons. These four seasons are summer, monsoon, post-monsoon, and winter.

  20. Short Essay on Winter Season for Children Grade 3,4,5

    Short Essay on Winter Season. The Revolution of Earth causes a change in seasons. There are four seasons like summer, winter, spring and autumn. As the earth revolves around the sun, the part which receives more heat and light has summer and the part with little heat and light has winter. In winter, the weather is very cold.

  21. Short Essay On Four Seasons

    Amount to be Paid. 249.00 USD. 4.7/5. 4629 Orders prepared. 347. Customer Reviews. Short Essay On Four Seasons -.

  22. Short Essay About 4 Seasons

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    Short Essay About 4 Seasons - ID 116648480. Finished paper. Research papers can be complex, so best to give our essay writing service a bit more time on this one. Luckily, a longer paper means you get a bigger discount! Hire a Writer. 266 . Customer Reviews. Order now Login. 4.8/5. Bathrooms ...