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Leadership Case Studies

Here is a sample of three case studies from the book, Leadership Case Studies, that are most instructive and impactful to developing leadership skills.

Leadership Case Studies

For the past 30 years, I have conducted seminars and workshops and taught college classes on leadership.

I used a variety of teaching aids including books, articles, case studies, role-plays, and videos.

I recently created a book, Leadership Case Studies that includes some of the case studies and role-plays that I found to be most instructive and impactful.

Here is a sample of three case studies.

Peter Weaver Case Study

Peter Weaver doesn’t like to follow the crowd. He thinks groupthink is a common problem in many organizations. This former director of marketing for a consumer products company believes differences of opinion should be heard and appreciated. As Weaver states, “I have always believed I should speak for what I believe to be true.”

He demonstrated his belief in being direct and candid throughout his career. On one occasion, he was assigned to market Paul’s spaghetti-sauce products. During the brand review, the company president said, “Our spaghetti sauce is losing out to price-cutting competitors. We need to cut our prices!”

Peter found the courage to say he disagreed with the president. He then explained the product line needed more variety and a larger advertising budget. Prices should not be cut. The president accepted Weaver’s reasoning. Later, his supervisor approached him and said, “I wanted to say that, but I just didn’t have the courage to challenge the president.”

On another occasion, the president sent Weaver and 16 other executives to a weeklong seminar on strategic planning. Weaver soon concluded the consultants were off base and going down the wrong path. Between sessions, most of the other executives indicated they didn’t think the consultants were on the right path. The consultants heard about the dissent and dramatically asked participants whether they were in or out. Those who said “Out” had to leave immediately.

As the consultants went around the room, every executive who privately grumbled about the session said “In.” Weaver was fourth from last. When it was his turn, he said “Out” and left the room.

All leaders spend time in reflection and self-examination to identify what they truly believe and value. Their beliefs are tested and fine-tuned over time. True leaders can tell you, without hesitation, what they believe and why. They don’t need a teleprompter to remind them of their core beliefs. And, they find the courage to speak up even when they know others will disagree.

  • What leadership traits did Weaver exhibit?
  • If you were in Weaver’s shoes, what would you have done?
  • Where does courage come from?
  • List your three most important values.

Dealing with a Crisis Case Study

Assume you are the VP of Sales and Marketing for a large insurance company. Once a year your company rewards and recognizes the top 100 sales agents by taking them to a luxury resort for a four-day conference. Business presentation meetings are held during the morning. Afternoons are free time. Agents and spouses can choose from an assortment of activities including golf, tennis, boating, fishing, shopping, swimming, etc.

On day 2 at 3:00 p.m., you are at the gym working out on the treadmill, when you see Sue your administrative assistant rushing towards you. She says, “I need to talk to you immediately.”

You get off the treadmill and say, “What’s up?” Sue states, “We’ve had a tragedy. Several agents went boating and swimming at the lake. Randy, our agent from California died while swimming.”

(Background information – Randy is 28 years old. His wife did not come on the trip. She is home in California with their three children).

  • Explain what you would communicate to the following people.
  • Your Human Resources Department
  • The local police
  • The attendees at the conference (Would you continue the conference?)
  • How will you notify Randy’s wife?
  • If Randy’s wife and a few family members want to visit the location of Randy’s death, what would you do?
  • What are some “guiding principles” that leaders need to follow in a crisis situation?

 Arsenic and Old Lace Case Study

Review the YouTube video, “ I’ll show them who is boss Arsenic and Old Lace.”   

Background Information

The Vernon Road Bleaching and Dyeing Company is a British lace dyeing business. It was purchased in bankruptcy by the father/son team of Henry and Richard Chaplin. Richard has been acting as “Managing Director” which is the same as a general manager or president of a company.

The company has had 50-to-150 employees with 35-to-100 being shop floor, production employees. The company produces and sells various dyed fabrics to the garment industry.

Gerry Robinson is a consultant who was asked to help transform methods of conducting business to save the company.

Jeff is the factory manager.

  • What are Richard’s strengths and weaknesses as a leader?
  • What could Richard have done to make the problems of quality and unhappy customers more visible to the workforce?
  • What do you think Richard’s top three priorities should be for the next 12 months?
  • What could Richard have done to motivate the workforce?
  • Evaluate Jeff’s approach and effectiveness as a leader.

The book contains 16 case studies, four role-plays, and six articles. I hope you find some of the content useful and helpful in your efforts to teach leadership.

Click for additional leadership case studies and resources .


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Outback Team Building & Training

16 Team Building Case Studies and Training Case Studies

From corporate groups to remote employees and everything in between, the key to a strong business is creating a close-knit team. in this comprehensive case study, we look at how real-world organizations benefited from team building, training, and coaching programs tailored to their exact needs.  .

Updated: December 21, 2021

We’re big believers in the benefits of  team building ,  training and development , and  coaching and consulting  programs. That’s why our passion for helping teams achieve their goals is at the core of everything we do.

At Outback Team Building & Training,  our brand promis e  is  to be  recommended , flexible,  and  fast.  Because we understand that when it comes to building a stronger and more close-knit team, there’s no one-size-fits-all formula. Each of our customers have a unique set of challenges, goals, and definitions of success. 

And they look to us to support them in three key ways:  making their lives easy by taking on the complexities of organizing a team building or training event; acting fast so that they can get their event planned and refocus on all the other tasks they have on their plates, and giving them the confidence that they’ll get an event their team will benefit from – and enjoy.

In this definitive team building case study , we’ll do a deep dive into real-world solutions we provided for our customers.

4 Unique Team Building Events & Training Programs Custom-Tailored for Customer Needs 

1. a custom charity event for the bill & melinda gates foundation  , 2. how principia built a stronger company culture even with its remote employees working hundreds of miles apart , 3. custom change management program for the royal canadian mint, 4. greenfield global uses express team building to boost morale and camaraderie during a challenging project, 5 virtual team building activities to help remote teams reconnect, 1. how myzone used virtual team building to boost employee morale during covid-19, 2. americorps equips 90 temporary staff members for success with midyear virtual group training sessions, 3. how microsoft’s azure team used virtual team building to lift spirits during the covid-19 pandemic, 4. helping the indiana cpa society host a virtual team building activity that even the most “zoom fatigued” guests would love, 5. stemcell brightens up the holiday season for its cross-departmental team with a virtually-hosted team building activity, 3 momentum-driving events for legacy customers, 1. how a satellite employee “garnered the reputation” as her team’s pro event planner, 2. why plentyoffish continues to choose ‘the amazing race’ for their company retreat, 3. how team building helped microsoft employees donate a truckload of food, 4 successful activities executed on extremely tight timelines, 1. finding a last-minute activity over a holiday, 2. from inquiry to custom call in under 30 minutes, 3. a perfect group activity organized in one business day, 4. delivering team building for charity in under one week.

two colleagues assembling bookshelves for kids with a bookworm builders team building activity

We know that every team has different needs and goals which is why we are adept at being flexible and have mastered the craft of creating custom events for any specifications.  

five colleagues doing a custom charity team building event together at a table

When the  Seattle, Washington -based head office of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – a world-renowned philanthropic organization – approached us in search of a unique charity event, we knew we needed to deliver something epic. Understanding that their team had effectively done it all when it comes to charity events, it was important for them to be able to get together as a team and give back  in new ways .

Our team decided the best way to do this was to create a brand-new event for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which had never been executed before. We created an entirely new charitable event – Bookworm Builders – for them and their team loved it! It allowed them to give back to their community, collaborate, get creative, and work together for a common goal. Bookworm Builders has since gone on to become a staple activity for tons of other Outback Team Building & Training customers! 

To learn more about how it all came together, read the case study:  A Custom Charity Event for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation .

nine colleagues sitting around a table doing an emotional intelligence group skills training program

Who said hosting an impactful training program means having your full team in the same place at the same time? Principia refused to let distance prevent them from having a great team, so they contacted us to help them find a solution. Their goals were to find better ways of working together and to create a closer-knit company culture among their 20 employees and contractors living in various parts of the country. 

We worked with Principia to host an  Emotional Intelligence  skill development training event customized to work perfectly for their remote team. The result was a massive positive impact for the company. They found they experienced improved employee alignment with a focus on company culture, as well as more emotionally aware and positive day-to-day interactions. In fact, the team made a 100% unanimous decision to bring back Outback for additional training sessions.

To learn more about this unique situation, read the full case study:  How Principia Built a Stronger Company Culture Even with its Remote Employees Working Hundreds of Miles Apart .

We know that employee training that is tailored to your organization can make the difference between an effective program and a waste of company time. That’s why our team jumped at the opportunity to facilitate a series of custom development sessions to help the Royal Canadian Mint discover the tools they needed to manage a large change within their organization. 

We hosted three custom sessions to help the organization recognize the changes that needed to be made, gain the necessary skills to effectively manage the change, and define a strategy to implement the change: 

  • Session One:  The first session was held in November and focused on preparing over 65 employees for change within the company. 
  • Session Two:  In December, the Mint’s leadership team participated in a program that provided the skills and mindset required to lead employees through change. 
  • Session Three:  The final session in February provided another group of 65 employees with guidance on how to implement the change. 

To learn more, read the full case study:  Custom Change Management Program for the Royal Canadian Mint .

Greenfield Global Uses Express Team Building to Boost Morale and Camaraderie During a Challenging Project

When Greenfield Global gathered a team of its A-Players to undertake a massive, challenging project, they knew it was important to build rapports among colleagues, encourage collaboration, and have some fun together.

So, we helped them host an Express Clue Murder Mystery event where their team used their unique individual strengths and problem-solving approaches in order to collaboratively solve challenges.

To learn more, read the full case study:  Greenfield Global Uses Express Team Building to Boost Morale and Camaraderie During a Challenging Project .

a group of colleagues participating in a virtual team building activity using zoom video conferencing

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, we were proud to be able to continue supporting our customers’ goals with virtual team building activities and group training sessions.

a group of 25 teammates doing a virtual team building activity together on zoom

With remote work being mandated as self-quarantine requirements are enforced on a global scale, companies began seeking ways to keep their newly-remote teams engaged and ensure morale remained as high as possible.

And MyZone was no exception. When the company found themselves feeling the effects of low employee morale and engagement, they noticed a decrease in productivity and motivation.

To make matters even more difficult, MyZone’s team works remotely with employees all over the world. This physical distancing makes it challenging for them to build a strong rapport, reinforce team dynamics, and boost morale and engagement.

The company was actively searching for an activity to help bring their employees closer together during this challenging time but kept running into a consistent issue: the majority of the team building activities they could find were meant to be done in person.

They reached out to Outback Team Building and Training and we were able to help them achieve their goals with a Virtual Clue Murder Mystery team building activity.

four colleagues taking part in a virtual group skills training program

AmeriCorps members are dedicated to relieving the suffering of those who have been impacted by natural disasters. And to do so, they rely on the support of a team of temporary staff members who work one-year terms with the organization. These staff focus on disseminating emergency preparedness information and even providing immediate assistance to victims of a disaster.

During its annual midyear training period, AmeriCorps gathers its entire team of temporary staff for a week of professional development seminars aimed at both helping them during their term with the company as well as equipping them with skills they can use when they leave AmeriCorps.

But when the COVID-19 pandemic got underway, AmeriCorps was forced to quickly re-evaluate the feasibility of its midyear training sessions.

That’s when they reached out to Outback. Rather than having to cancel their midyear training entirely, we were able to help them achieve their desired results with four virtual group training sessions: Clear Communication ,  Performance Management Fundamentals ,  Emotional Intelligence , and  Practical Time Management .

Find all the details in the full case study: AmeriCorps Equips 90 Temporary Staff Members for Success with Midyear Virtual Training Sessions.

How Microsofts Azure Team Used Virtual Team Building to Lift Spirits During the COVID 19 Pandemic

With the COVID-19 pandemic taking a significant toll on the morale of its employees, Microsoft’s Azure team knew they were overdue for an uplifting event.

It was critical for their team building event to help staff reconnect and reengage with one another. But since the team was working remotely, the activity needed to be hosted virtually and still be fun, engaging, and light-hearted.

When they reached out to Outback Team Building and Training, we discussed the team’s goals and quickly identified a Virtual Clue Murder Mystery as the perfect activity to help their team get together online and have some fun together.

For more information, check out the entire case study: How Microsoft’s Azure Team Used Virtual Team Building to Lift Spirits During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Helping the Indiana CPA Society Host a Virtual Team Building Activity That Even the Most Zoom Fatigued Guests Would Love

The Indiana CPA Society is the go-to resource for the state’s certified public accountants. The organization supports CPAs with everything from continuing education to networking events and even advocacy or potential legislation issues that could affect them.

But as the time approached for one of INCPAS’ annual Thanksgiving event, the Indiana CPA Society’s Social Committee needed to plan a modified, pandemic-friendly event for a group of people who were burnt out my online meetings and experiencing Zoom fatigue.

So, we helped the team with a Self-Hosted Virtual Code Break team building activity that INCPAS staff loved so much, the organization decided to host a second event for its Young Pros and volunteers.

For INCPAS’ Social Committee, the pressure to put on an event that everyone will enjoy is something that’s always on their mind when planning out activities. And their event lived up to their hopes.

For more information, check out the entire case study: Helping the Indiana CPA Society Host a Virtual Team Building Activity That Even the Most “Zoom Fatigued” Guests Would Love .

Stemcell Brightens Up the Holiday Season for its Cross Departmental Team with a Virtually Hosted Team Building Activity

When Stemcell was looking for a way to celebrate the holidays, lift its team members’ spirits, and help connect cross-departmental teams during the pandemic, they contacted us to help host the perfect team building activity.

They tasked us with finding an event that would help team members connect, get in the holiday spirit, and learn more about the business from one another during the midst of a stressful and challenging time.

So, we helped them host a festive, virtually-hosted Holiday Hijinks team building activity for employees from across the company.

For more information, check out the entire case study: Stemcell Brightens Up the Holiday Season for its Cross-Departmental Team with a Virtually-Hosted Team Building Activity .

a workgroup assembling a gift box to be sent to those in need with a philanthropic team building activity

We take pride in being recommended by more than 14,000 corporate groups because it means that we’ve earned their trust through delivering impactful results.

We’ve been in this business for a long time, and we know that not everybody who’s planning a corporate event is a professional event planner. But no matter if it’s their first time planning an event or their tenth, we  love  to help make our customers look good in front of their team. And when an employee at Satellite Healthcare was tasked with planning a team building event for 15 of her colleagues, she reached out to us – and we set out to do just that!

Our customer needed a collaborative activity that would help a diverse group of participants get to know each other, take her little to no time to plan, and would resonate with the entire group.

With that in mind, we helped her facilitate a  Military Support Mission . The event was a huge success and her colleagues loved it. In fact, she has now garnered a reputation as the team member who knows how to put together an awesome team building event.

To learn more, read the case study here:  How a Satellite Employee “Garnered the Reputation” as Her Team’s Pro Event Planner .

three colleagues grouped together outdoors doing an amazing race team building activity at their company retreat

In 2013, international dating service POF (formerly known as PlentyOfFish) reached out to us in search of an exciting outdoor team building activity that they could easily put to work at their annual retreat in  Whistler, B.C . An innovative and creative company, they were in search of an activity that could help their 60 staff get to know each other better. They also wanted the event to be hosted so that they could sit back and enjoy the fun.

The solution? We helped them host their first-ever  Amazing Race  team building event.

Our event was so successful that POF has now hosted The Amazing Race at their annual retreat for  five consecutive years .

To learn more, check out our full case study:  Why PlentyOfFish Continues to Choose ‘The Amazing Race’ for Their Company Retreat .

a large number of colleagues loading non perishable food items into a truck to be donated to charity as a result of their charitable team building activity

As one of our longest-standing and most frequent collaborators, we know that Microsoft is always in search of new and innovative ways to bring their teams closer together. With a well-known reputation for being avid advocates of corporate social responsibility, Microsoft challenged us with putting together a charitable team building activity that would help their team bond outside the office and would be equal parts fun, interactive, and philanthropic. 

We analyzed which of our six charitable team building activities would be the best fit for their needs, and we landed on the perfect one: End-Hunger Games. In this event, the Microsoft team broke out into small groups, tackled challenges like relay races and target practice, and earned points in the form of non-perishable food items. Then, they used their cans and boxes of food to try and build the most impressive structure possible in a final, collaborative contest. As a result, they were able to donate a truckload of goods to the local food bank.

For more details, check out the comprehensive case study:  How Team Building Helped Microsoft Employees Donate a Truckload of Food .

Time isn’t always a luxury that’s available to our customers when it comes to planning a great team activity which is why we make sure we are fast, agile, and can accommodate any timeline. 

Finding a Last Minute Team Building Activity Over a Holiday

Nothing dampens your enjoyment of a holiday more than having to worry about work – even if it’s something fun like a team building event. But for one T-Mobile employee, this was shaping up to be the case. That’s because, on the day before the holiday weekend, she found out that she needed to organize a last-minute activity for the day after July Fourth. 

So, she reached out to Outback Team Building & Training to see if there was anything we could do to help – in less than three business days. We were happy to be able to help offer her some peace of mind over her holiday weekend by recommending a quick and easy solution: a  Code Break  team building activity. It was ready to go in less than three days, the activity organized was stress-free during her Fourth of July weekend, and, most importantly, all employees had a great experience. 

For more details, check out the full story here:  Finding a Last-Minute Activity Over a Holiday .

From Inquiry to Custom Call in Under 30 Minutes

At Outback Team Building & Training, we know our customers don’t always have time on their side when it comes to planning and executing an event. Sometimes, they need answers right away so they can get to work on creating an unforgettable experience for their colleagues.

This was exactly the case when Black & McDonald approached us about a learning and development session that would meet the needs of their unique group, and not take too much time to plan. At 10:20 a.m., the organization reached out with an online inquiry. By 10:50 a.m., they had been connected with one of our training facilitators for a more in-depth conversation regarding their objectives.

Three weeks later, a group of 14  Toronto, Ontario -based Black & McDonald employees took part in a half-day tailor-made training program that was built around the objectives of the group, including topics such as emotional intelligence and influence, communication styles, and the value of vulnerability in a leader.

To learn more about how this event was able to come together so quickly, check out the full story:  From Inquiry to Custom Call in Under 30 Minutes .

A Perfect Group Activity Organized in One Business Day

When Conexus Credit Union contacted us on a Friday afternoon asking if we could facilitate a team building event for six employees the following Monday morning, we said, “Absolutely!” 

The team at Conexus Credit Union were looking for an activity that would get the group’s mind going and promote collaboration between colleagues. And we knew just what to recommend:  Code Break Express  – an activity filled with brainteasers, puzzles, and riddles designed to test the group’s mental strength. 

The Express version of Code Break was ideal for Conexus Credit Union’s shorter time frame because our Express activities have fewer challenges and can be completed in an hour or less. They’re self-hosted, so the company’s group organizer was able to easily and efficiently run the activity on their own.

To learn more about how we were able to come together and make this awesome event happen, take a look at our case study:  A Perfect Group Activity Organized in One Business Day .

Delivering Team Building for Charity in Under One Week

We’ve been lucky enough to work with Accenture – a company which has appeared on FORTUNE’s list of “World’s Most Admired Companies” for 14 years in a row – on a number of team building activities in the past. 

The organization approached us with a request to facilitate a philanthropic team building activity for 15 employees. The hitch? They needed the event to be planned, organized, and executed within one week. 

Staying true to our brand promise of being fast to act on behalf of our customers, our team got to work planning Accenture’s event. We immediately put to work the experience of our Employee Engagement Consultants, the flexibility of our solutions, and the organization of our event coordinators. And six days later, Accenture’s group was hard at work on a  Charity Bike Buildathon , building bikes for kids in need.

To learn more about how we helped Accenture do some good in a short amount of time, read the full case study:  Delivering Team Building for Charity in Under One Week .

Learn More About Team Building, Training and Development, and Coaching and Consulting Solutions 

For more information about how Outback Team Building & Training can help you host unforgettable team activities to meet your specific goals and needs on virtually any time frame and budget, just reach out to our Employee Engagement Consultants.  

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 From corporate groups to remote employees and everything in between, the key to a strong business is creating a close-knit team. That’s why you need to do team-building sessions as much as you can.

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The PGA Tour and LIV Golf Merger: Competition vs. Cooperation

On June 9, 2022, the first LIV Golf event teed off outside of London. The new tour offered players larger prizes, more flexibility, and ambitions to attract new fans to the sport. Immediately following the official start of that tournament, the PGA Tour announced that all 17 PGA Tour players participating in the LIV Golf event were suspended and ineligible to compete in PGA Tour events. Tensions between the two golf entities continued to rise, as more players “defected” to LIV. Eventually LIV Golf filed an antitrust lawsuit accusing the PGA Tour of anticompetitive practices, and the Department of Justice launched an investigation. Then, in a dramatic turn of events, LIV Golf and the PGA Tour announced that they were merging. Harvard Business School assistant professor Alexander MacKay discusses the competitive, antitrust, and regulatory issues at stake and whether or not the PGA Tour took the right actions in response to LIV Golf’s entry in his case, “LIV Golf.”

case study team leader

  • 01 Aug 2023

As Leaders, Why Do We Continue to Reward A, While Hoping for B?

Companies often encourage the bad behavior that executives publicly rebuke—usually in pursuit of short-term performance. What keeps leaders from truly aligning incentives and goals? asks James Heskett. Open for comment; 0 Comments.

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  • 05 Jul 2023

What Kind of Leader Are You? How Three Action Orientations Can Help You Meet the Moment

Executives who confront new challenges with old formulas often fail. The best leaders tailor their approach, recalibrating their "action orientation" to address the problem at hand, says Ryan Raffaelli. He details three action orientations and how leaders can harness them.

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Case Studies of Exemplary Leaders

  • December 28, 2023

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Discover the inspiring stories of exemplary leaders who have significantly impacted through their visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to driving change. These remarkable individuals have left a lasting legacy in their respective fields, transcending borders and industries. Explore their extraordinary journeys and gain valuable insights into the effective leadership practices and timeless principles that have guided their success.

Barack Obama , the 44th President of the United States, is known for his distinct leadership style characterized by charisma, inclusivity, collaboration, strategic thinking, and a deep commitment to service. His pragmatic approach to problem-solving made him a notable figure in contemporary leadership, marked by his ability to inspire and connect with people through his influential and eloquent speeches. 

He successfully used his oratory skills to articulate a compelling vision, motivate the masses, and foster a sense of hope and unity. Furthermore, he emphasized inclusivity and diversity in his leadership approach, seeking to bring people from different backgrounds and perspectives together, promoting a sense of belonging and unity. His collaborative approach bridged political divides and opened dialogue, negotiation, and compromise to address complex challenges. 

Obama’s calm and composed demeanour under pressure contributed to his capacity to make thorough decisions. His focus on service to others and empathy showcased his compassion towards those facing hardship and his commitment to addressing social and economic inequalities. Obama recognized the power of technology and applied it to engage with the public, fostering transparency and accessibility through digital platforms— Obama’s high level of intelligence garners broad recognition for its sharpness, depth, and sheer brilliance.

Justin Trudeau, his leadership as the Prime Minister of Canada marks his commitment to progressive policies. He has been a staunch advocate for addressing the urgent issue of climate change, implementing a national carbon pricing policy and prioritizing a transition towards a greener economy. Additionally, Trudeau’s government has championed gender equality, promoting inclusivity in government and society by appointing a gender-balanced cabinet and taking steps to ensure diversity. His progressive stance on these issues has garnered attention both nationally and internationally.

In 2015, he made a compassionate pledge to welcome refugees into Canada regardless of ethnicity or faith. This approach showcased Canada’s commitment to humanitarian values and demonstrated leadership in fostering an inclusive society. Trudeau’s emphasis on reconciliation with Indigenous peoples has been a core component of his leadership. He has addressed historical injustices and invested in improving Indigenous education, healthcare, and infrastructure. 

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Trudeau demonstrated clear communication, transparent decision-making, unity, resilience, and trust. His strong leadership has primarily contributed to Canada’s economic growth and recovery.

Tonya Williams is an accomplished leader who has significantly contributed to the entertainment industry, particularly in Canada. Williams is the founder and executive director of the Reelworld Film Festival and Reelworld Foundation. Her dedication to promoting diversity and inclusion in the media has profoundly impacted Canadian film and television.

Williams’ leadership and vision transformed the Reelworld Film Festival into a highly regarded event that celebrates diversity, fosters dialogue, and inspires future generations of filmmakers. Williams has created opportunities for individuals to build a more inclusive and equitable entertainment industry in Canada. The foundation provides mentorship, training, and resources to help artists navigate the industry and overcome barriers to entry.

She exemplifies her relentless commitment to amplifying marginalized voices and advocating diversity in film and television. Her unwavering dedication to creating a more inclusive industry has left an indelible mark, inspiring others to challenge the status quo and work towards a more equitable future in the entertainment world.

Angela Merkel , the former Chancellor of Germany, is widely regarded as one of the world’s most influential and respected leaders. Pragmatism, strong analytical skills, and a commitment to democratic values characterize her leadership style. Merkel’s leadership during crises, such as the Eurozone debt and refugee crises, demonstrated her steady and pragmatic approach. She sought consensus, built coalitions, found practical solutions, and emphasized the importance of unity and stability. 

Her ability to navigate political landscapes and find common ground is a hallmark of her pragmatic leadership style. She balances competing interests, builds consensus, and compromises to achieve practical outcomes. Her resilience and stability provide a sense of continuity during turbulent times. Merkel’s leadership is deeply committed to democratic values, human rights, and international cooperation. She advocates for multilateralism, global collaboration, and the European Union, fostering dialogue among nations.

Masai Ujiri plays a crucial leadership role in the basketball community in Canada. Ujiri’s tenure as the President of the Toronto Raptors, a professional basketball team in the NBA, has been particularly noteworthy. Before his time with the Raptors, Ujiri gained recognition as the General Manager of the Denver Nuggets, where he showcased his talent evaluation skills and helped elevate the team’s standing in the Western Conference.

Under his leadership, the team experienced unprecedented success, culminating in the historic 2019 NBA Championship, the first-ever for a Canadian franchise. Ujiri’s strategic decision-making and ability to assemble a championship-calibre roster were pivotal in the team’s achievements. His leadership illustrated a dogged pursuit of excellence and has garnered immense respect in the basketball community. Ujiri’s influence extends beyond the court. 

He is known for his commitment to social justice and community development through his foundation, Giants of Africa, making him an influential figure in Canada and globally.


These case studies and examples of good leadership highlight each leader’s unique characteristics and approaches that have positively impacted their organizations and communities. Through their leadership, these individuals have inspired others, driven innovation and growth, fostered inclusive and supportive cultures, and navigated through challenges with resilience and empathy. 

Jennifer Williams | Editor-in-Chief

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Government Grants You Should Know About

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, growing managers: moving from team member to team leader.

Publication date: 20 January 2017

Teaching notes

This case describes a newly promoted middle manager in a global, multi-cultural organization who is challenged by a number of factors in the workplace which are impacting her and her team's ability to perform to the expectations of her regional manager. While it would be easy to blame the new manager, deeper analysis in fact reveals that many forces are at work here in addition to her inexperience including communication of strategy and performance objectives, mismanaged team members, cultural inconsistencies, and a lack of leadership direction and/or skill from the very top to her supervising manager.

After reading and analyzing the case, students should be able to 1) analyze and diagnose unmet expectations for performance at work, 2) apply motivation theories and constructs to common behavioral and attitudinal challenges in a team setting, and 3) learn to avoid the fundamental attribution error described in the social psychological literature on judgment in decision-making.

  • Decision Making
  • General Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Management Development
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Organizational Effectiveness

Ellington Booth, B. and Cates, K.L. (2017), "Growing Managers: Moving from Team Member to Team Leader", . https://doi.org/10.1108/case.kellogg.2016.000143

Kellogg School of Management

Copyright © 2012, The Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University

You do not currently have access to these teaching notes. Teaching notes are available for teaching faculty at subscribing institutions. Teaching notes accompany case studies with suggested learning objectives, classroom methods and potential assignment questions. They support dynamic classroom discussion to help develop student's analytical skills.

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Case Study: When Two Leaders on the Senior Team Hate Each Other

  • Boris Groysberg
  • Katherine Connolly Baden

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How should a CEO address friction between his CFO and the sales chief?

In this fictional case, the CEO of a sports apparel manufacturer is faced with an ongoing conflict between two of his top executives. Specifically, the head of sales and the CFO are at each other’s throats and the tension is having a ripple effect on their teams and the rest of the organization. The CEO, who tends to avoid conflict himself, is struggling with how to respond. His options include changing the company compensation scheme to encourage better collaboration, firing the two leaders, getting them each a coach, and doing more team building activities.

The feedback in the 360-degree reviews was supposed to be anonymous. But it was crystal clear who’d made the negative comments in the assessment of one executive.

  • BG Boris Groysberg is the Richard P. Chapman Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, Faculty Affiliate at the HBS Gender Initiative , and the coauthor, with Michael Slind, of  Talk, Inc.  (Harvard Business Review Press, 2012). Twitter: @bgroysberg .
  • KB Katherine Connolly Baden is a research associate at Harvard Business School.

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Scenario Based Team Leader Interview Questions and Answers

Small team is a basic structural unit of most corporations. Each team needs a leader , someone who sets the directions, motivates people to work hard, monitors their performance in job, and solves problems and conflicts as they arise on a daily basis. Can it be you?

We will look at some questions the interviewers use to test your ability to lead a team. Bear in mind that personal and behavioral questions will be the same in each team leader interview. Regardless of whether you lead a group of construction workers, flight attendants, waitresses, call center operators, or assembly line workers, you’ll have the same duties as a leader. Logically the scenario-based questions are always similar. What will differ from one interview to another, however, are the technical questions. Leaders of modern teams often participate in the daily work . A lead receptionist still attends the front desk, and a leader on a building site has to know something about construction work…

In this article, however, we will focus on the non-technical questions–questions that test your team leading skills . To see technical questions for various positions, please navigate to interview questions by job title section. Okay, let’s look at the questions!

Business meeting, five people nicely dressed in a godo mood meet in a corporate office

Table of Contents

How would you motivate a team member who seems discouraged to work hard?

You should suggest having a chat with them , understanding what bothers them, and whether they do not experience health issues or some personal problems (that lead to loss of motivation). Show the interviewers that you are a good listener, and try to understand the root of the problem before trying to address it.

Then you can talk about various ways of motivating people, such as simply encouraging them by a good word (or by a bad one), helping them to see the connection of the goals of the team and their personal goals , getting personally involved in work to be a good role model for them, etc.

Two members of the team are arguing about the way the work should be carried out. What would you do?

You are the leader, and you should take the responsibility . At the same time, however, it is important to allow the workers to keep their dignity, and to feel that they have been heard out.

Say that you would listen to both of them, thank them for their suggestions, and just then tell them how the work should be done. You would also instruct them that next time when they are not sure they should consult you, and not argue with one another.

In real life, these conflicts situations are hard to address, and your suggestion may not work. But your goal in an interview is to show the right attitude to conflict situation . Whether your resolution would work in practice is not so important…

Some of your team members complain that the workload is too heavy, and they will not meet the deadline with the project. What will you do?

If more people complain, it is difficult to make them change their mind. But deadlines are important in every corporation, and as a team leader you should try your best to ensure you’ll meet them. A creative answer ( one that will surprise many interviewers) is saying that you will go by an example , join the team, and stay in work late. People will see that you try hard, and will be motivated to try harder. This attitude works wonders in many real situations.

Another way is simply encouraging the people, or again explaining them how meeting the deadline is important not only for the company, but also for them, for their personal goals. If nothing from the above mentioned worked, you can suggest requesting a temporary relocation of a person from another team, to help your team meet the important deadline.

* May also interest you : Teamwork interview questions and answers .

Job applicant and HR manager talk in a team leader interview.

How would you monitor the performance of your team members?

Big corporations typically have systems of performance appraisals in place, and you will simply use them in your job. But smaller companies depend on your creativity–you should design these systems .

You should say that you will try to set weekly, monthly and yearly goals for each employee in a team, or that you suggest using a software that monitors their activity while they work on a computer, and later you can check what they were doing in work.

In more simple jobs you can refer to your excellent observations skills , and simply always being present, and monitor the performance of each worker “on the go”. If you have experience with any particular performance appraisal systems from your previous jobs, explain them to the interviewers.

Special Tip : Download the full list of interview questions in a one page long PDF , and practice your answers anytime later:

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Describe a time when you struggled to communicate something to someone. How did you manage to get your message over?

Not every member in your team will be as intelligent as you , and some people may even pretend to not understand you–when they do not like your message, or want to avoid following your instructions.

Show the interviewers that you count with this aspect of the job, and are ready to step out of your comfort zone and adjust your language and presentations to the intelligence and mood of the message recipient. Using demonstration, pictures and charts to help them understand things is also a great way to get your message over.

* Do not forget to read also : Leadership interview questions – Learn how to convince the interviewers of your leadership skills.

In your opinion, is feedback important, and how often do you plan to give feedback to your team members?

Feedback isn’t only important–it is essential for every good organization. You should say that you plan to give feedback to your subordinates daily. You won’t only criticize them though. On the contrary, if someone deserves a compliment, you will always give it to them. Emphasize the importance of recognizing quality work of your colleagues.

What is more, feedback from your employees is equally important. Say that you are receptive to feedback, and will even encourage your subordinates to give feedback on your work . Best team leaders know what their workers think about them, and how they feel in their job. This helps them to work effectively with each team member.

An employee stole some things in work, and you have to fire them (following the policy of the company). How would you do it?

Show empathy in your answer. Surely, if someone stole something we have to lay them off, but it doesn’t mean that we have to be harsh with them.

Say that you will clearly explain why you are firing them . You may even say that you’d thank them for the work they did for the business. You should explain the next steps, and calmly do the necessary paperwork with the employee, or refer them to the HR Generalist who will handle the paperwork…

Other tricky team leader interview questions

  • What role do you play in a team?
  • Are you a leader, or a follower?
  • How would you describe your management style?
  • How would you describe your communication skills?
  • What is the most competitive situation you’ve experienced in a team environment?
  • Describe the situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone.
  • Tell us about a conflict you had with someone in the team.
  • Tell us about a time you showed initiative.

* Special tip : Not sure how to answer the behavioral questions , “tell us about a time when…”, “describe a situation…”, etc? Have a look at our Interview Success Package , where you’ll find up to 10 brilliant answers to more than 100 interview questions , including 30+ behavioral questions –basically everything a hiring manager can throw at you in an interview for a Team Leader job. Thank you for checking it out!

Final thoughts

You will face mostly two types of questions in your team leader interview . The behavioral (situational) questions that refer to your ability to lead the team , and to address various situations and problems that occur in the workplace, or directly in within the team.

Second group will consist in technical questions, questions that relate to a particular job field (construction, aviation, automotive, marketing, sales, etc). In any case, team leader is a fancy job title , and you will almost always compete with many other people for the job. Try to prepare for the questions you may face, and do not forget to do a good research about your future employer. I hope you will succeed, and wish you best of luck!

May also interest you :

  • Teamwork interview questions – While leading a team you still work in a team. Learn how to answer question that relate to your ability to work within a team of people.
  • Are you a leader, or a manager?
  • Behavioral interview questions and answers .
  • Recent Posts

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Team Leader Case Studies Samples For Students

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Over the course of studying in college, you will inevitably need to write a lot of Case Studies on Team Leader. Lucky you if linking words together and organizing them into meaningful text comes naturally to you; if it's not the case, you can save the day by finding a previously written Team Leader Case Study example and using it as a template to follow.

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Example Of Case Study On Job Evaluation At Whole Foods

Following the american psychological assosciation’s guidelines.

Avirupa Basu Job Evaluation at Whole Foods Case Study 2 Brief Introduction The case study has listed job profiles from Job A to Job I after analysis and listed the qualifications needed for the same. This case study is meant to evaluate the job structures for each profile as well as assign titles and job letter for each. The process followed, the techniques employed and the factors considered for creating the job structures are discussed. The feedback for the job descriptions provided is also provided in this case study evaluation.

Evaluation of Jobs and Job Structure

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As part of QUT’s plan of establishing a $230-million Science and Engineering Centre at the center of the CBD Gardens Point Campus, a Process Innovation Centre will also be established. This will be in alignment with the faculty’s vision, which is to influence the future environments of BUI through the innovation provided to businesses and communities and through advancements in the fields of science and engineering.

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Better Healthcare, Realized.

Much of IPRO’s work revolves around these programs. We work with state departments of health and the federal government to measure, monitor, and help improve the quality of care provided to Medicaid and Medicare enrollees across the various settings in which they access care.


Case studies.

We work with federal and state government agencies, health insurance providers, and non-profits.


Doctors, nurse and women on clipboard in meeting, collaboration or teamwork for hospital planning, medical or life insurance. Talking, leadership and healthcare workers on paper in diversity research

Our expertise is as varied as our workforce, which includes more than 300 professionals who bring their own skills and experience to healthcare quality improvement. We bring clinical, administrative, data analytics, and advanced technology perspectives to your project.

OUR Expertise

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IPRO Authors / Scholarly Articles, Newsletters, and Press Releases

By creatively leveraging clinical expertise, emerging technology, and data solutions…

WE FOCUS ON IMPROVING QUALITY to make the healthcare system work better for all.



Leadership Team

IPRO’s staff of more than 350 professionals includes physicians, registered nurses, epidemiologists, biostatisticians, data analysts, medical record reviewers, health policy experts, programmers, systems analysts, web technology experts, and marketing/communications specialists. IPRO also retains a network of more than 300 board-certified physician consultants.

Theodore O. Will, MPA, FACHE

Theodore O. Will serves as the Chief Executive Officer of IPRO, one of the largest healthcare evaluation organizations in the country. Mr. Will has been involved in the management of healthcare evaluation operations and establishing quality improvement initiatives for more than 30 years.

Ted_for libn

Clare B. Bradley, MD, MPH

As Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of IPRO, Clare Bradley, MD, MPH, supervises the organization’s quality improvement, managed care, and end-stage renal disease departments. She is also responsible for managing and coordinating the medical operations and policies of the organization.


Edison A. Machado, Jr., MD, MBA

Dr. Edison Machado is a doctor of internal medicine with more than a decade of experience as a healthcare performance measurement and improvement executive. He serves as Senior Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer for IPRO. In this capacity, Dr. Machado leads IPRO’s Solutions Group which includes corporate strategy, business development, proposal solutions, corporate quality management, and communications solutions.

Edison A. Machado, Jr., MD, MBA

Herman Jenich, MPPP, CPHQ

An accomplished professional with a track record of enabling data-driven decision making, Mr. Jenich is focused on increasing the sophistication and efficiency of the analytic services that IPRO provides to its customers, and with turning analytic insights into sound advice.


Alan Woghin, MS, CPA

Alan Woghin, IPRO’s Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, has dedicated the last 25 years serving the healthcare/not-for-profit community. For the eight years prior to joining IPRO, he served as the Chief Financial Officer of The Institute for Family Health, a Federal Qualified Health Center with an operating budget of approximately $130 million.


Richard A. Alfieri, MS

As IPRO’s Chief Information Officer/Security Officer, Mr. Alfieri is responsible for the overall management, operation, and enhancement of IPRO’s technology infrastructure required to meet Federal, State and corporate contractual obligations.

Richard A. Alfieri, MS

Susan Caponi, BSN, RN, MBA, CPHQ

Susan Caponi, CEO of IPRO’s End-Stage Renal Disease Network Program, is a registered nurse and healthcare program executive with more than 35 years’ experience. She has dedicated the last fourteen years of her career to ensuring that people with end stage renal disease receive appropriate, timely, and equitable care.

Susan Caponi, BSN, RN, MBA, CPHQ

Patricia Gagliano, MD

Dr. Patricia Gagliano is an Internal Medicine physician and a member of IPRO’s leadership team. In her role as Vice President of IPRO’s Healthcare Quality Improvement Department, she is responsible for leading efforts to drive greater connectivity and coordination across all settings to transform healthcare delivery for healthcare consumers.


Virginia Hill, RN, MPA

Ms. Hill oversees all managed care measurement and performance improvement activities at IPRO, including clinical studies, case review, audit and validation services, and satisfaction surveys. As Vice President, Managed Care, she currently manages IPRO’s external quality review contracts in Pennsylvania, New York, Kentucky, Rhode Island, and Nebraska, and Medicare managed care projects.

Virginia Hill, RN, MPA

Matthew W. Roberts, MPH, DrPH

Dr. Matthew Roberts is the Vice President - Chief Technology Officer at IPRO. In this role, he oversees new and emerging technology solutions, product launches, and health informatics.

Matthew Roberts, DrPH, MPH

Jennifer Edwards, MHS, DrPH

Dr. Jennifer Edwards is Associate Vice President of IPRO’s Managed Care Department where she leads a multidisciplinary team in support of state health care quality measurement, improvement, and reporting. She is also Director of the Center for Program Evaluation.

Jennifer Edwards, MHS, DrPH

Tierre Jeanné-Porter

Tierre Jeanné-Porter, a seasoned administrator with more than 30 years of operational experience in both the government and non-profit sectors, began working with IPRO in 2000. Prior to that, she worked for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as the Region 2 Deputy Regional Administrator and for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in various managerial roles.

Tierre A. Jeanne-Porter

Sara Butterfield, RN, BSN, CPHQ, CCM

Sara Butterfield serves as the Assistant Vice President of the Health Care Quality Improvement Program. Under the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) contract she serves as the Program Director for New York and New Jersey.


Wendy P. Ferguson, RN, BA, DipEd

Wendy Ferguson, Vice President, Federal and State Healthcare Assessment, has been with IPRO since 1999. In her current role, she provides oversight for New York State Medicaid healthcare provider compliance monitoring and quality improvement activities.

Wendy P. Ferguson, RN, BA, DipEd

Nikolas Matthes, MD, PhD, MPH, MSc

Nikolas Matthes, Assistant Vice President, Data & Analytics, has more than 20 years of experience in health care performance measurement. He led multi-disciplinary teams to develop clinical measurement, benchmarking, and analytics solutions and clinical quality measures across a multitude of care settings in state, federal, and private sectors, both in the United States and internationally.

Nikolas Matthes, MD, PhD, MPH, MSc

Dana Green Bennett, MPH

Dana Green Bennett, MPH, is an Associate Vice President in IPRO's Managed Care Department. She is a quality improvement specialist with proficiency in Medicaid healthcare data analysis and reporting and in EQR management. Ms. Bennett oversees several IPRO EQR contracts and is a subject matter expert in provider network adequacy and EQR technical report production.


Across nearly 100 state and federal programs in 32 states, IPRO makes creative use of clinical expertise, emerging technology, and data solutions to make the healthcare system work better.

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NEC - India (B): Making it Happen

Headquartered in Japan, NEC Corporation is a leader in IT and network technologies with more than 125 years of history. This three-part case study focuses on one of its country affiliates, NEC-India, which had been operating for over 70 years and had a unique role in NEC’s business. NEC-India started out as an OEM of products, mostly from NEC-Japan and NEC-Singapore, supplied to master system integrators (MSI) in India. In Case A (2017 - 2020), NEC-India responds to HQ’s mandate to focus more on creating value for Indian customers by aligning its technology and assets with local needs by becoming an MSI. Students are asked to assess its performance relative to the level of growth in India’s GDP and national IT spending. In Case B (2020 - 2023), the new CEO Aalok Kumar takes the reins, diagnoses the situation at NEC-India, and undertakes actions to renew and transform the organization. It illustrates the “Phoenix Encounter”, a strategic framework designed to help leaders and organizations navigate disruptive environments and thrive. Case C describes the vision of the NEC-India leadership team for 2024-27.

NEC-India case series uses the Phoenix Encounter, a strategic framework to help leaders and organization navigate and thrive in disruptive environments. Beyond the Phoenix Encounter methodology it can be used in courses on organizational renewal and transformation, leading and managing change, creating a high-performance organization, building organizational culture, strategic change, the first 100 days of a CEO, global strategy and the relationship between HQ and subsidiaries, building a brand in the B2B market, and empowering talent.

  • Digital Transformation
  • Phoenix Encounter Method
  • Strategic Change
  • Organizational Transformation
  • First 100 days
  • Global Strategy
  • Turnarounds
  • Leading Change
  • Organization Culture
  • SDG9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • SDG11 Sustainable Cities and Communities


NEC - India (A): The Opportunity in the Indian Growth Story

By   V. (Paddy) Padmanabhan ,  Guoli Chen ,  Jean Wee

NEC - India (C): The Next Lap

NEC India – The Opportunity in the Indian Growth Story (Abridged Version)


V. (Paddy) Padmanabhan


Guoli Chen


Jean Wee

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By   Stanislav Shekshnia

Birkenstock: Exit the Family. Enter a Professional CEO

By   Morten Bennedsen ,  Mark Stabile ,  Brian Henry

Rasurel: Reviving an Ageing Brand

By   Amitava Chattopadhyay ,  Séverine de Wulf


  1. Case Study: When Two Leaders on the Senior Team Hate Each Other

    Summary. In this fictional case, the CEO of a sports apparel manufacturer is faced with an ongoing conflict between two of his top executives. Specifically, the head of sales and the CFO are at ...

  2. Leadership Case Studies

    October 12, 2021. For the past 30 years, I have conducted seminars and workshops and taught college classes on leadership. I used a variety of teaching aids including books, articles, case studies, role-plays, and videos. I recently created a book, Leadership Case Studies that includes some of the case studies and role-plays that I found to be ...

  3. 16 Team Building Case Studies and Training Case Studies

    Check out our team building case study round-up of 16 corporate teams we helped to improve morale, collaboration, and relationships. Phone 1-800-565-8735. Request a Quote. ... In December, the Mint's leadership team participated in a program that provided the skills and mindset required to lead employees through change. Session Three: ...

  4. Groups & Teams: Articles, Research, & Case Studies on Groups & Teams

    This paper focuses on the critical role of work teams, arguing that managers must leverage the knowledge generated by teams to support innovation and strategic change. It matches types of team learning to innovation activities. 28 Feb 2018. Sharpening Your Skills.

  5. Leadership Articles, Research, & Case Studies

    Executives who confront new challenges with old formulas often fail. The best leaders tailor their approach, recalibrating their "action orientation" to address the problem at hand, says Ryan Raffaelli. He details three action orientations and how leaders can harness them. New research on business leadership from Harvard Business School faculty ...

  6. When Leadership Powers Team Learning: A Meta-Analysis

    Empowering team leadership means actively developing the self-leadership skills of the team (Burke et al., 2006). Empowering team leadership is also referred to as team coaching (e.g., to encourage teams and being available for consultation; Edmondson, 1999) or participative leadership (i.e., sharing influence; Somech, 2006).

  7. Case Study for Leadership Development and Team Collaboration

    A case study from our leadership program proves the importance of stepping from one development phase to the next. ... While Steve is no longer on the leadership team, he is an active supporter of ...

  8. Case Studies of Exemplary Leaders

    Under his leadership, the team experienced unprecedented success, culminating in the historic 2019 NBA Championship, the first-ever for a Canadian franchise. ... These case studies and examples of good leadership highlight each leader's unique characteristics and approaches that have positively impacted their organizations and communities ...

  9. Leadership and managing people

    The Strongest U.S. Healthcare Organizations Invest in Social Capital. Leadership and managing people Research. Thomas H. Lee. Nell Buhlman. The value created when teams work well together is a ...

  10. PDF Case study Unlocking Leadership Potential

    Recognize the value of having challenging conversations. nior leaders, delivering tough f. edback)Tailor messagin. heses themselves in thei. shoes externalCreate more eff. ctive 4. Develop mindset of. collaboration across business colleagues to practice around strategic objectives units challenging conversations. 7-month leadership development ...

  11. Team Leadership: How to Be an Effective Team Leader

    Team leaders set the guiding principles and goals of their work environments, using emotional intelligence and communication skills to inspire team members. Learn how effective team leaders can align a group of people toward a common purpose.


    Engage Leadership Case Studies Team Development in the NHS The programme was designed to pinpoint and address root issues, working on four key areas: a Myer Briggs Type Indicator personality type profile, confident conversations, a behavioural framework workshop involving a representative group from the team and a consolidation workshop.

  13. Growing Managers: Moving from Team Member to Team Leader

    You do not currently have access to these teaching notes. Teaching notes are available for teaching faculty at subscribing institutions. Teaching notes accompany case studies with suggested learning objectives, classroom methods and potential assignment questions. They support dynamic classroom discussion to help develop student's analytical ...

  14. PDF Case study Unlocking Leadership Potential

    Digital lessons. Communicating for Impact. Mastering Challenging Conversations. Feedback, Coaching, and Team dynamics. Strategic Thinking. Unlocking a Through the Diversity of Eyes of the CEO Talent. Tailor a. Analyze patterns of ineffective behaviors from a recent challenging conversation and identify. Plan and practice a coaching session for a.

  15. PDF Leadership Theories and Case Studies

    anization in which the leader works. It is an extension of the military model of leadership and is reinforced typically at the beginning of a leader's time at the helm of an organization as a clear message to everyone. that "a new sheriff is in town." This type of leader is determined to be the boss and everyone must.

  16. Getting the Group to Work as a Team: A Mini Case Study

    very good case study. What Martha did in that case is also a part of leadership. This will motivate others in future. It depends on project time period also . If it is a short time project, it is not necessary to waste time in team building unless there are serious issues. It is possible that project manager can assign someone else the ...

  17. Case Study: When Two Leaders on the Senior Team Hate Each Other

    Summary. In this fictional case, the CEO of a sports apparel manufacturer is faced with an ongoing conflict between two of his top executives. Specifically, the head of sales and the CFO are at ...

  18. 5 scenario-based team leader interview questions and answers

    5 scenario-based interview questions for team leaders Scenario-based questions are usually hypothetical, case study and problem-solving questions that interviewers ask to uncover your key leadership qualities and learn about your expertise. Here are five scenario-based questions you could be asked in a team leader interview: 1.

  19. Scenario Based Team Leader Interview Questions and Answers

    In any case, team leader is a fancy job title, and you will almost always compete with many other people for the job. Try to prepare for the questions you may face, and do not forget to do a good research about your future employer. I hope you will succeed, and wish you best of luck! Matthew . May also interest you:

  20. Team Leader Case Study Examples That Really Inspire

    Free Case Study About Dunn Revisited. In this paper, the role of Joseph Dunn's leadership at Ski Emporium and The Deli will be discussed. A good leader is the one who holds a prevailing and a dominating position. A good leader is capable of creating a stimulating visualization of the future and is able to encourage and motivate people to ...

  21. Leadership Team

    Leadership Team IPRO's staff of more than 350 professionals includes physicians, registered nurses, epidemiologists, biostatisticians, data analysts, medical record reviewers, health policy experts, programmers, systems analysts, web technology experts, and marketing/communications specialists. IPRO also retains a network of more than 300 board-certified physician consultants. Theodore O ...

  22. NEC

    Headquartered in Japan, NEC Corporation is a leader in IT and network technologies with more than 125 years of history. This three-part case study focuses on one of its country affiliates, NEC-India, which had been operating for over 70 years and had a unique role in NEC's business. NEC-India started out as an OEM of products, mostly from NEC-Japan and NEC-Singapore, supplied to master ...