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Conference Certificate | Template, Samples and How To Write Conference Certificate?

January 30, 2024 by Prasanna

Conference Certificate: What is a Conference Certificate? As the title suggests, a conference certificate is a formal document given to individuals who attended a conference. Often, conference certificates serve as proof of attendance or participation.

Students can find more about  certificates , explore the types used for academic purposes, professional purposes and more.

Why are Conference Certificates Given to Participants?

Certain cultures consider presenting a paper in an international conference to be an honour, and they usually display the conference certificate alongside other diplomas or certifications. In other words, this implies that conference certificates serve as a record of academic or personal achievement. Alternatively, conference certificates can also be used to claim expenses (such as the ones incurred to travel and present). Hence, it is a norm for the organisers to provide conference certificates for its attendees these days. However, not all academic conferences give their participants a conference certificate nor it is legally required to do so.

In this article, we shall explore the basic rules and guidelines to be followed when drafting a conference certificate. We shall also take a look at the commonly used templates and samples of the same.

Conference Certificate – Guidelines

Following are the general guidelines to be followed when drafting a conference certificate.

  • The certificate must be drafted using formal language and tone
  • The name of the conference’s organizer is also to be mentioned
  • The name of the attendee or the presenter must be clearly stated in the certificate
  • The title of the conference, as well as the date it was held, must be mentioned
  • The date of awarding the certificate must be mentioned
  • If required, logos of the organising institutes can be included in the certificate.
  • Lastly, the certificate must contain an authorized signatory.

Conference Certificate Template

Following is a Conference Certificate template that is based on the above-mentioned guidelines:



This certificate is presented to


for attending the (NAME OF THE CONFERENCE) conference in (DATE OF THE EVENT)





Conference Certificate Sample

Following is a sample for Conference Certificate based on the above template

Sample 1 – Attendance Conference Certificate

Following is a sample conference letter for an attendee



This certificate is presented to


for attending the NEW BREAKTHROUGHS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY conference on 20-02-2021 at the Global Foundries Inc, Bangalore.

Given this March of 2021

Milley Nelson

Chief Executive Officer

Sample 2 – International Conference Certificate

Following is a sample conference letter for a presenter at a conference


International Conference

on Advanced Artificial Intelligence  2021


This certificate is awarded to


Presenter of the paper


At the Artificial Intelligence Foundation, Delhi on  10-03-2021.

Given this April of 2021

Ben Rawley

Head of Programme Committee

International Conference Certificate

FAQ’s on Conference Certificate

Question 1. What is a Conference Certificate?

Answer: A conference certificate is a formal document awarded to individuals who attended or present at a conference.

Question 2. What are the contents of a Conference Certificate?

Answer: A conference certificate contains the name of the conference’s organizer, the name of the attendee or the presenter, the title of the conference as well as the date it was held. Other details present in the conference include the date at which the certificate was awarded and authorized signatories.

Question 3. Why are Conference Certificates Given to Participants?

Answer: Conference certificates are usually given as a token or a memento of the event. It can also be given as proof of attendance or participation. Alternatively, participants often seek out certificates as they serve as a record of their achievements. Other use cases include using the certificates to claim expenses incurred for presenting at the conference.

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certificate of presentation conference template

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Conference Presentation Certificate Template

certificate of presentation conference template

Conference template

Transcript: Created by: Katherine Chuang Edited by: Jeff Narell (Mr.Narell) Oktapodi Movie Special Thanks to: Mr.Narell Nicola Shanks Miranda Overson Alexis Gero How do we know your character? You know me as a funny, caring, fashionable, bubbly, person. Thursday 15, 2:00 Student Lead Conference Katherine Chuang Creative Problem Solver Thinks Critically: In English I decoded a cuneiform riddle and I had to think critically. What makes you balanced and whole? I think that what makes me a balanced whole is if i can do my best at everything and try my hardest. Thank You for Watching! Thinks Creatively: In Digital Wheel I had to think creatively when I did my Oktipodi movie, I had to make noises with my mouth. Goal #1: My goal is to focus on my homework more and manage my time more efficiently, to do that I should turn off or move away anything that might distract me when I am doing my homework. Goal #2: My personal goal is to practice piano more when I am at home and when I have more free time I can read more. Goals Presents Ideas using Multiple Mediums: In English I had to participate and act out an act at the beginning of the school for English and that caused me to be an effective communicator. Effective Communicator Best Self

certificate of presentation conference template

Lilly's conference template

Transcript: 3 Things I am good at... 3rd Quarter Conferences Handwriting Multiplication Finding common denominators Digestive system How to multiply & divide decimals Things I've learned this year... Typing We are reading a book called Secret Keepers. It is about a boy who found a watch that can turn him invisible for 15 minutes then he reappears. Turning invisible also makes him really hungry and tired. In social studies we are learning about the revolutionary war. We also planned and did a debate. Science & Social Studies Turn things in on time ELA N: plan a debate In DLI we are learning about where to put commas in sentences to still make sense. keep things organized Have a better attitude Reading Not blurt P: Not be late to class 3 Skills that will help me in middle school that I can improve on... Long Division In math we are learning how to multiply and divide fractions. We are also learning a new math curriculum which I think is boring, and I do not get the new math curriculum. Boston Tea Party -Student Led- Be more organized Things I need to work on... Math Turning things in on time Needs Improvement 3 Goals to Work Towards By Lilly Hollingsworth Not have a messy locker Estimating Fractions Exercises Self-Control *P Follows Directives & School and Classroom Rules *P Completes Quality Work *M Time Management *P Organizational Skills *N Shows Respect towards: Peers *P Adults *P Progressing Life Long Learning Skills Evaluation M: american revolution Subject Summary Meets Standard 0 + - = 9 8 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 c

certificate of presentation conference template

Conference Template

Transcript: My reading goal is to read chapter books and understand characters. My mom and can help me by reading the words I don't understand or if I don't know how to spell the word. If I was reading a book with a word that I didn't understand what it means then Mrs.Brennan can help me look in a dictionary to see what it means. Reading l you Math Help I Might Need My math goal is to understand lines,rays,and line segments. big I can add and subtract with other methods and I can write a personal narrative and fictional narratives. When I set goals I can be a better person and I can create a way to reach that goal Accomplishments I can accomplish this goal by hanging out with my friends and family and I can also be nice and give them things and not take things Welcome to My Conference Adam bik my relationship goal is to have more friends and have a amazing family. I can accomplish this goal by reading the book and understand how they feel and see if they feel good or mad. Goals: Setting goals are important to me because... I can accomplish this goal by looking at lines,rays,and line segments and making a picture in my head to remind me of what a ray,line,and line segment is. Relationships

certificate of presentation conference template

International certificate presentation

Transcript: Global Citizen Diversity Temple of Heaven •language I learned: Japanese, Cantonese •Trips to China; different compared to in Canada •Volunteering relating to international culture My Future My experience •Being aware of what is going on around the world •Broaden one's knowledge like economically, socially and politically •Ability to make a difference Future business student Interested in International business Abroad to work By: Wendy Li

certificate of presentation conference template

Bella's Conference Template

Transcript: 3 Things I am good at... 3rd Quarter Conferences cleaning my desk Multiplication Turning in my fished work How to add,subtract, and multiply decimals Things I've learned this year... getting all my stuff done more often - Similes - Metaphors - Understatement - Personification - Fact and Opinion - Key Qualities of the Organizational trait - Key Words -Organization of Nonfiction Texts -Decimals -How to add and subtract fractions -Different strategies addition and subtraction -How to divide better -How to estimate better -Trying different ways of reading problems -Matter -How animals interact with each other -A bit about gravity -The Engineering process -Native Americans and how they live -Slaves -The Revolutionary War -The colonies Science & Social Studies Being on time ELA N: How to whisper read better -Comparatives -Superlatives -Quotes -Letters How to write numbers -Where to put commas -Similes -Metaphors Managing my impulsivity Reading Typing the right way How to make an Imovie Thinking flexibly P: not causing drama 3 Skills that will help me in middle school that I can improve on... Participating How to manage my inpulsivity -Student Led- getting a higher reading level Things I need to work on... Math Reading out loud Needs Improvement 3 Goals to Work Towards By Isabella Coalter Getting more organized Striving for accuracy Exercises Self-Control *P Follows Directives & School and Classroom Rules *M Completes Quality Work p Time Management *m Organizational Skills *p Shows Respect towards: Peers *m Adults *m Progressing Life Long Learning Skills Evaluation M: How to convert fraction into percents Subject Summary Meets Standard 0 + - = 9 8 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 c

certificate of presentation conference template

Youthpass Certificate Presentation

Transcript: the social recognition of youth and youth work improving employability of young people and youth workers learning processes to Skills What?? YOUTHPASS that provide a framework and a guidance for participants in Competences ...a European recognition tool for non-formal and informal learning in youth work. ...is where the participants of projects can describe what they have done and show what they have learnt. ...is for projects funded by Erasmus+ Youth in Action and Youth in Action programmes. describe their learning outcomes… Why?? How are we going to do it? Attitudes Knowledge 8 areas - Youth Exchanges - European Voluntary Service - Mobility of Youth Workers

certificate of presentation conference template

Certificate Presentation

Transcript: Leadership skills and role models The Living Learning Community 4. Collaborate & Create Cybersecurity, personalized medicine, A.I. 3. Beyond the Classroom Certificate The GLI Student Group Poverty, human trafficking, access to education Growth in Leadership Migration, cultural identity, political gridlock Networking opportunities with leaders from various fields Studying how to generate and implement geothermal energy at the University of Iceland A seminar on different approaches to leadership GLI benefits for your future A small, interdisciplinary seminar A multidisciplinary perspective on global issues Community Giving back together Understanding global challenges at the local level, researching the human impact on the lands and waterways of Montana What will your experience be? Food security, clean water, energy use Where the community connects online Providing social events for and meaningful dialogue about the GLI 1. Explore Global Challenges The GLI Facebook Group The Capstone Experience Shared spaces and shared experiences GLI Service Days Chronic disease, mental health, children's health The challenges that you will confront at graduation are increasingly global and multifaceted in nature. The Global Century A service-learning project to feed children in Chacraseca, Nicaragua through sustainable agricultural practices GLI benefits as a college student... Opportunities to determine and practice your personal leadership style Exploring Global Challenges You will be the leaders and entrepreneurs who will shape the innovation and progress of the future. To do so, you will need: Global Leadership Thank you for coming! GLI Global Themes A full-day retreat with your peers Providing HIV/AIDS prevention education to communities in Cape Town through the Treatment Action Campaign A 12-credit Certificate in Global Leadership All statistics from the American Association of Universities and Colleges Beyond the Classroom 2. Growth in Leadership The Certificate in Global Leadership gives you the chance to work across disciplines to address global challenges and provides opportunities for out-of-classroom learning. Facilitated discussions on global challenges A foundational course on GLI's global themes Franke GLI will be hosting office hours tomorrow from 10am-3pm in Gilkey 007 and 008. Connect with the GLI Personal advising on your individual path Leah Payne A small discussion-based class as a freshman Technology and Society A faculty mentor assigned to each team 2. Funding toward an out-of-classroom experience The chance to address a real-world problem 3. The ability to collaborate across disciplines Significant leadership experiences Natural Resources and Sustainability Varied perspectives on global challenges Rachael Schmocker A tangible project on your resume 84% of employers expect students to complete a significant project The ability to collaborate across disciplines 90% of employers expect their employees to coordinate across departments Cody Dems A network of globally engaged peers and faculty members Raphael Hagen Hands-on experience Social Inequality and Human Rights An incredible resume-building opportunity 4. Hands-on, real-world experiences 81% of employers expect students to complete an internship or community-based field project to connect classroom learning with real-world experiences Studying how geothermal energy is harnessed and utilized in Iceland Raphael Hagen Options include: -An Internship -Service Learning -Education Abroad -Undergraduate Research The chance to learn from leaders in various fields Culture and Politics The experience will be tied to your chosen Global Challenge All GLI Fellows who meet the defined criteria will receive funding for this experience Small, interdisciplinary teams 1. A mentor guided opportunity to collaborate with peers Public and Global Health At least 3 upper-division credits of experiential learning

certificate of presentation conference template

Phil's Conference Template

Transcript: 3 Things I am good at... 3rd Quarter Conferences learn how to multiply Finding common denominators Adding big numbers By: American Revolution How to add fractions big numbers Things I've learned this year... manage impulses In reading we have been reading a lot on the American Revolution. We have been having vocabulary quizzes because of the words. The words are very important. We are going to use those words a lot. In math we are doing a lot with Social Studies: WE are focusing on the American revolution. I really like this topic Science: In science we got finished with the transfer of energy unit and right now are focusing on space. Science & Social Studies learn self control use time more resourcefully ELA N: National Parks In ELA we have been doing DLI. in DLI we do grammar and types of language Philip learned about blood adding decimals Right now were on adding and subtracting fractions. We also got finished with finding common denominators. Reading P: Don't get frustrated quickly 3 Skills that will help me in middle school that I can improve on... Adding fractions The American Revelution -Student Led- organize better Explorers Things I need to work on... Math Needs Improvement 3 Goals to Work Towards get to work quicker fractions getting distracted Exercises Self-Control p Follows Directives & School and Classroom Rules * p completes quality work m Time Management * m Organizational Skills * p Shows Respect towards: Peers * p Adults * m Progressing Life Long Learning Skills Evaluation How to multiply big numbers M: Subject Summary Meets Standard 0 + - = 9 8 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 c

Explore our templates for more presentation inspiration

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25+ Best PowerPoint Certificate Templates (Free PPT + Premium for 2024)

Sarah Joy

Do you need a certificate template for PowerPoint? Maybe you want to reward someone in your business who has done a good job. Or maybe you want to acknowledge that someone has completed a course or program?

Certificate PowerPoint Template

Giving a certificate can show a coworker or employee how much you appreciate them. A teacher who's seen a big improvement in a student can recognize the student’s improvement.

In this article, I'll share some of the best premium and free certificate templates for PowerPoint and other software. Your best option is to use a premium certificate template for PPT , such as those found on Envato Elements and GraphicRiver. 

But if your budget is tight, you can also download certificate templates for PowerPoint for free. Plus, I'll share some great print template options  from Envato Elements and GraphicRiver.

Best Premium Certificates on Envato Elements for 2024 (With Unlimited Use)

Whether you're looking for editable certificate templates for PowerPoint or standard print certificate templates , Envato Elements is your best option. Envato Elements is an all-you-can-download resource for creatives. 

Envato Elements Business Templates

Premium certificate templates for PowerPoint from Envato Elements are the place to start your PowerPoint presentation certificate project. Free templates are often not as robust as professional templates like those from Envato Elements.

Envato Elements

Using a template helps you save time. All you need to do is add the information you want to convey, and the certificate is ready to print. All the templates in this article are editable certificate templates for PowerPoint .  If your boss wants you to make a certificate quickly, then using a template is a way to produce a certificate fast.

You may already know that you can create print certificates from a template . But many of those require a word processor or other graphic design tool. Did you know that there are also certificate templates in PowerPoint (PPT) that you can use?

Using a certificate template for PowerPoint also helps you produce an impressive certificate. The following premium templates were created by professional designers. So, the hardest design decisions have been made for you.

5 Great Premium Business PowerPoint Templates and Certificate Templates for 2024

Here are some of the best PowerPoint templates and print  certificate templates available on Envato Elements:

1. Certificate & Diploma PowerPoint Templates

Certificate  Diploma PowerPoint Templates

This certificate and diploma bundle contains 20 unique templates. All 20 editable certificate templates for PowerPoint slides can be easily customized. This premium  PowerPoint award template comes in two formats: 4:3 and 16:9 HD.

2. Colorfull Gift Certificate

Colorful Gift Certificate

Use the Colorfull Gift Certificate as a coupon to promote your business. Or use it as a printed award certificate to present to someone for working hard. Here are some highlights of this premium template:

  • six color schemes
  • fully customizable
  • size 9.25 x 4 Inches
  • can be used in Adobe Photoshop

3. Eluska: Fresh Corporate Credentials PowerPoint

Eluska Fresh Corporate Credentials PowerPoint

Eluska has 100 slides in total and 50 unique editable slide layouts. With this template, you get two color scheme options. Eluska is a business multipurpose template. Easily add an image of your choice by dragging the image the image placeholder. This premium PowerPoint template comes with text that can be changed and icon variations.

4.  Abstract Certification Template

Abstract Certification Template

Use this Abstract Certification Template to show a coworker or student that you appreciate their hard work. Here are some key features:

  • CMYK Color Mode
  • all text is editable
  • print-ready
  • A4 and A5 size

This template has an attractive and professional design.

5.  Certificate Template in PowerPoint


This bold and modern premium certificate template set features two certificate template styles. It's based on a free font for your convenience. Customize it in Adobe InDesign to reflect your organization's brand. 

Do you want more options? Here are some more PowerPoint templates and certificate designs:

certificate of presentation conference template

More Great Premium Business PowerPoint Templates & Certificate Templates for 2024

You can also find many professionally designed certificate templates for PPT and print certificates on GraphicRiver.

GraphicRiver PowerPoint Templates

GraphicRiver lets you download and pay for templates individually as you use them, without the commitment of a subscription. It's a great option if your budget is tight or you only need one certificate template in PowerPoint for a one-off project.

GraphicRiver Certificate Templates

Here's a curated list of some premium PPT certificate templates and print certificate templates found on GraphicRiver:

1. Web Design

Web Design

This premium PowerPoint template theme is based on a web page. It comes with 120 slides in  total. Web Design PowerPoint template gives you three color schemes to choose from. Everything in this template can be edited, from the objects to the text. This template comes in two sizes: standard format and widescreen format.

2. PowerPoint Certificate Template


The certificate template for PPT has a traditional certificate design, making it versatile for a wide range of industries. Here are some key features of this template:

  • comes in both landscape and portrait orientation
  • image placeholder
  • text, shapes, color, and objects are easily editable

This template is a great option if you're looking for a classic certificate template.

3. i9 Template System

i9 Template System

I9 is a premium business PowerPoint template with a total of over 13000 slides and 22 unique slides. This template comes with diagrams, charts, maps, and infographics. I9 comes with eleven color scheme options to choose from so you can quickly customize your presentation.

4. Modern Multipurpose Certificate Template

Modern Multipurpose Certificate

Use Modern Multipurpose Certificate template in Adobe Illustrator. This template comes with three different color schemes you can choose from. The Modern Multipurpose Certificate template comes in A4 paper size and in landscape format.

5. Verzus Minimal PowerPoint Template

Verzus Minimal PowerPoint Template

Verzus is a business template that includes over 200 unique slides. Its key features include:

  • comes in sizes 16:9 and 4:3
  • drag and drop images
  • comes with charts, infographics, maps

This business PowerPoint template is a multipurpose template. It'll work for many professional needs.

20 Free Business Presentation Templates and Certificate Templates

Before looking for a free certificate template for PowerPoint (PPT) on the web, check out Envato's free offerings first. Try various premium template files (not always PowerPoint certificate templates) at no cost to you.

Here's the deal:

Every month Envato Elements offers 12 different hand-selected premium files, (fonts, presentations, videos, and more). These are available to download for free by anyone with an Elements account. Create your free account to download this month's free premium files now.

Or try Envato Market for free. They offer seven handpicked monthly freebies. Log in with your Envato Market account to get this month's handpicked premium freebies . 

Remember, you'll get your best value from professionally designed premium certificate templates. But sometimes you don't have the budget. In that case, a free download of a certificate template for PowerPoint can be just what you need.

Here's a curated list of free certificate templates in PowerPoint:

1. Business PowerPoint Template

Business PowerPoint Template

This business PowerPoint template comes with a master slide and layout slides. It's got a total of four unique slides. The business PowerPoint template comes in two sizes: standard and widescreen.

2. Sage Green PowerPoint Certificate / Diploma Template

The Sage Green free download certificate template for PowerPoint is easy to customize. It has a nice design that'll make the recipient happy.

3. Modern Business Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Modern Business Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Modern Business Template is completely editable from the text to the objects. This template comes in two different formats standard and widescreen. Modern Business Template comes with three unique slides that you can use in your presentation. 

4. Certificate of Scholarship (Formal Green Border)

Download the PowerPoint award certificate template for free. Use it to recognize students for their hard work. The professional-looking green border makes the certificate appropriate for all ages.

5. Businessman and Projection Screen for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Use the Businessman and Projection Screen as a template for either PowerPoint or Google Slides. This template features an infographic of a businessman. It'll make your presentation more appealing to look at.

6. Certificate, Employee of the Month (Gray Chain Design)

Certificate Employee of the month gray chain design

Download this certificate of appreciation template for free for PowerPoint (PPT). Use it to show a coworker or employee that you appreciate their hard work. This template is black and white, so you don't need a color printer. This certificate has a classic design. 

7. Target Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides

The target template includes three target themed designed slides. This template comes in standard format and widescreen format. It would go well with a business presentation where you talk about target goals.

8. High School Achievement Certificate

Give this well-designed certificate to a student who excelled in their class. Or give it to a student who made all A's. The high school achievement certificate has a blue and orange color scheme.

9. Gorge Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Gorge Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides

Gorge Template has a photo background design. This template is great to use if you want to use an image-based background design.

10. Gift Certificates (Three Per Page)

Use this gift certificate template with Microsoft Word. The page layout contains three certificates per page. This template is great for anyone who needs to give out gift certificates many times a year to several people. This certificate is a money gift certificate.

11.  Animated Certificate PowerPoint Template

The animated certificate comes in standard format and widescreen format. It comes with seven different certificate designs for PPT to choose from. The template includes editable colors and layouts. Edit the Animated Certificate PowerPoint to suit your needs. You can even add your own logo.

12. Certificate PowerPoint Template

Certificate PowerPoint Template

Edit this PowerPoint award certificate template for free to suit your needs. The certificate has a metallic frame. Use this certificate for any purpose.

13. 3D Business Plan Diagram Idea for PowerPoint

Use this business template to map out business ideas. This template comes with six unique slides to choose from. Use this template in Microsoft PowerPoint.

14. Free Simple Sports Certificate Template

This sports template has bold letters. This PowerPoint award template is great to give to a star player on your team. This template could also be given to a player who has greatly improved.

15. Corporate Business PowerPoint Template

This business PowerPoint template is in a widescreen format. The design of this business template is simple and professional. It won't distract your audience. This template comes with two slide designs.

16.  Certificate of Appreciation for Training Template

Certificate of Appreciation

Give this PowerPoint certificate of completion to an employee who has completed professional certification or courses for work. Besides PowerPoint, use this template with Microsoft Word, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and InDesign.

17. Business Conference PowerPoint Template Purple

Use this business template in Microsoft PowerPoint. It's features a silhouette image of people in a meeting on a purple background.

18. Simple Certificate of Excellence Template

This free download of a certificate template for PowerPoint (PPT) can also be used in Microsoft Word, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, or Adobe InDesign. This template has a classic and professional design. It comes in both portrait and landscape formats.

19. Free Global Business PowerPoint Template

Free Global Business PowerPoint Template

This template comes with two different slide designs. This template is great to use of your expanding your business to many countries or if your business is in more than one country. The simple background won't distract from the information in the presentation.

20.  Diploma Template for PowerPoint

Use this PowerPoint certificate of achievement template for business purposes or educational purposes. This template has a clean, simple design. You can easily edit this certificate template.

How to Customize a Premium Certificate Template in 5 Easy Steps

One of the best things about premium certificate templates for PPT is how easily you can customize them. I'll show you how to take a premium certificate template and quickly make it your own with the premium Certificate & Diploma PowerPoint Template from Envato Elements.

Certificate  Diploma PowerPoint Template

This set of templates has a modern design with 20 premade designs so you can easily use one as a starting point. To customize your certificate PPT template, simply follow the steps below:

1. Choose Your Design

The first step to customizing your certificate PPT template is to choose the design you want to use. The easiest way to do this is to go to View and change it to Slide Sorter . Then, hold the SHIFT key and click on all the side designs you don’t want. Then, right-click and press Delete Slide .

Deleting slides in the PPT template

2. Enter Your Information

The next step is to enter your information. Click on any text and highlight it. Then start typing your own text. Include what kind of certificate it is as well as who it’s for. Add a brief description of the certificate.

Entering custom information

3. Customize Fonts

As you’re editing the text, customize the fonts with your company’s brand fonts. Select the text you’re working with and then choose your preferred font from the drop-down menu on the Home tab.

Customizing fonts in this PPT template

4. Customize Colors

To customize the colors used in your certificate PPT template, right-click on the colored shape and select Format Shape . In this example, customize the gradient by choosing one of the premade gradients or by entering your own color combination.

Customizing colors in this certificate template bundle

5. Add Your Own Signature

The final step is to add your own signature image. Double-click on the signature image and select Change Picture > From File . Then, insert your own signature file.

Adding a signature photo

5 Trends in PowerPoint Certificate Design

If you’re looking for a PowerPoint certificate template, it’s tempting to stick to traditional designs. You know, the ones with flourishes and sepia colors. There's nothing wrong with that. But a traditional-looking certificate may not be suitable if your branding is modern, innovative, or trendy.

Check out these trends in certificate design below. You can break away from traditional certificate designs as long as the design is aligned with your brand. Also,  see how certain certificate templates in PowerPoint incorporate these trends:

1. Geometric Shapes

certificate template

A bold and edgy brand needs a bold and edgy certificate. This trend helps you achieve both. Look for a certificate template that uses geometric shapes, either as a border, an accent, or a background. Combined with the next trend, your certificate can truly stand out.

2. Photographs

Yes, you can use a photograph on your certificate! Other images other than your logo can be incorporated as well. Consider icons or graphic borders, for example. Just follow this rule of thumb: Whatever image you use must be relevant.

If you want to use a photograph as the background for your certificate, you might find this tutorial helpful:

certificate of presentation conference template

Forget the muted, monochromatic tones of traditional certificates. The trend in 2024 is to create the most impact with bold, bright colors. There’s even a growing trend for certificates with a solid background color. This is a good opportunity for you to showcase your brand colors—and make the certificate pop from any wall.

4. Off-Centered Text

Many certificates today no longer have centered the text. Instead, they use left-aligned text. This results in a more pleasant design that balances a photograph, shape, or other elements on the certificate.

5. Vertical/Portrait Orientation

vertical certificate template

Who says certificates can only be horizontal or have a landscape orientation? Another trend in certificate design is to use a vertical or portrait orientation. This may inspire you to create a more poster-like design for your certificate. 

5 Tips to Make Great Certificate PowerPoint Designs for 2024

If you're struggling to figure out what type of certificate design to use, these tips can help:

1. Determine the Purpose

Certificate of completion

The first thing you want to do before you start looking for a certificate is to determine the purpose. There are many reasons for presenting a certificate to someone. Some examples include:

  • a gift certificate
  • an achievement certificate
  • a training completion certificate

Determining the purpose of the certificate will help you to know what to look for in a template.

2. Add a Signature

On all certificates, there's a place for the person who is giving the certificate to sign. This gives the certificate a personal touch. Having the signature also lets the recipient know who gave them the certificate.

3. Customize

Certificate of completion

All templates are easily customizable. Customize the certificate template by using your business's or school's color scheme. You can also customize the certificate by changing the fonts and text.

Another way to customize the certificate is to add your company logo, team logo, or school mascot. Customizing the certificate template gives the certificate a personal touch.

4. Pick the Correct Font

When customizing your template, you may want to choose a super fancy font. That's okay, but make sure that the font is readable. You want the person receiving the certificate or award to be able to read the award. Choosing a legible font also looks more professional than a font that's not easy to read.

5. Don't Clutter

Certificate of Achievement

When customizing your template, you may want to add a lot of text or extra objects. It's okay to add these things, but make sure they don't get overwhelming. If your customizations become too cluttered, they can distract from the purpose of the certificate. 

Too much text can also be distracting for the recipient of the award. By keeping a simple design, you won't overwhelm the recipient of the certificate.

5 Benefits of Using the Best PowerPoint Certificate Templates With Pro Designs (In 2024)

Are you still wondering what’s the benefit of using a premium certificate PPT template to create a certificate? Here are five reasons why you should use a great premium certificate PPT template in 2024:

  • Premium templates save you time. When you use one of the best PowerPoint certificate templates, you’ll already have the basic layout and filler content in place. All you have to do is replace the placeholder content with your own. 
  • The professional design gives you the best possible certificate. You’ll be able to export your certificate and present it while being sure that it looks polished and professional. 
  • You don’t have to wonder about what to include on your certificate. Simply use the placeholders to guide you on what information you need to add.
  • You don't give up customization. Just because the certificate template already has a design in place doesn’t mean you can’t customize it to match your brand and style. 
  • The certificate will stand out. Most companies will use the built-in certificate templates for their software. This can make your certificate look generic. These premium-based templates are sure to stand out because it's unlikely that your peers will use custom PPT designs.

Benefits of Envato Elements (The Power of Unlimited Use)

Envato Elements is a unique service. You’ll get unlimited downloads of thousands of amazing PowerPoint templates for a flat-rate price.

Envato Elements

Sign up for Envato Elements . You'll get access to thousands of unlimited use graphics and templates, from web themes to presentation templates, and more—all for one low price.

More Great PowerPoint Templates

Want to see even more great PowerPoint template examples? Check out these roundups below. They feature PowerPoint templates with professional and modern designs for all kinds of presentations as well as trending styles highlighted in our Ultimate PowerPoint Template Guide :

certificate of presentation conference template

Common PowerPoint Certificate Questions Answered (FAQ)

You may have a few questions if you’re planning to create a certificate in PowerPoint. Below are some of the most common questions (with answers) that people ask about creating a certificate. I've included some questions that are specific to PowerPoint:

1. How Do I Create a Certificate in PowerPoint?

The easiest way to create a certificate in PowerPoint is by using a template. This article lists some of the best certificate templates in PowerPoint, both premium and free.

A PowerPoint template should be customizable. So, you can easily add your own content, logo, and colors, and produce an impressive certificate without having to hire a designer.

2. How Do I Get a Professional-Looking Certificate?

You need a professional-looking certificate to support your brand’s image and credibility. If you’re not a graphic designer, choose a  template like the premium PowerPoint certificate templates in this article. They’re designed by a professional who knows the design rules.

If you create a certificate from scratch, you run the risk of making something that looks amateurish that could hurt your brand. Learn more about branding and PowerPoint customization below:

certificate of presentation conference template

3. How Do I Edit a Certificate Template in PowerPoint?

The key to making a certificate that supports your brand’s visual identity is by learning how to edit a certificate template. PowerPoint offers many powerful features, and at the same time it’s fully customizable. Change everything from the fonts to the color scheme.

And so, even if you’re starting with a certificate template in PowerPoint, you've got the ability to make it look truly your own. These articles can help:

certificate of presentation conference template

4. Is a Premium Certificate Template Better Than a Free Template?

As you can see in this article, you've got a range of choices of premium and free certificate templates in PowerPoint. But for the best results, I recommend you go with a premium template.

Premium templates have many advantages. For one, they’re designed by graphic designers, so you can count on them to have a professional look and be easy to use. Creators of premium templates also offer after-sales service. This means you can contact them for help with using the template, if you ever encounter any trouble.

Finally, if you’re using the certificate for business, you’ll need a template with a commercial license. Most free templates come only with a personal license. But premium PowerPoint templates like those from Envato Elements and GraphicRiver come with commercial licenses.

5. Is PowerPoint Better Than Keynote and Google Slides?

PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides are all feature-rich presentation software. Use any of them to create a certificate. Each one has its strengths and weaknesses.

Your final choice depends on:

  • what you already have in your computer
  • the availability of certificate templates for that application
  • how important it is for you to be able to collaborate with others when creating the certificate

These articles have more details about the various software packages if you still need help deciding.

certificate of presentation conference template

Learn More About Using PowerPoint

PowerPoint lets you create all kinds of marketing and communication assets—not just slide decks. There are also thousands of PowerPoint templates available. So even non-designers can produce impressive slides and other materials.

The key is to maximize the features of PowerPoint without getting bogged down by complicated workflows. The best place to begin is with our ultimate guide to using PowerPoint . These tutorials can help you make a certificate in PowerPoint:

certificate of presentation conference template

Download a Premium Certificate Template for PowerPoint  for Template Today!

Are you ready to create a certificate template in PowerPoint (PPT) or using other software?

By downloading a premium template, you save time from having to try to create a certificate template for PPT from scratch. Premium templates are also more professional than free downloads of certificate templates for PowerPoint that you may find online.

Why not get started on your next certificate project today? Download an editable certificate template for PowerPoint from Envato Elements or GraphicRiver.

Editorial Note : This post has been updated with contributions Brenda Barron and Alexis (Lexi) Rodrigo . Brenda and Alexis are freelance instructors for Envato Tuts+.

Sarah Joy

Home PowerPoint Templates Certificate

39+ Certificate Templates for PowerPoint & Certificate Presentation Slides

Download a 100% editable certificate to reward your students for participating in your course. Use any of our easy-to-edit, visually appealing, and professionally designed templates that acknowledge the participation of individuals.

Using these Certificate PowerPoint templates that are creatively designed with a touch of professionalism will assist you in rewarding your students. With visually appealing and informative templates, you can easily communicate your personal or organizational reward system based on your student’s level of productivity.

Featured Templates

Stylish Certificate PowerPoint Templates

Stylish Certificate PowerPoint Templates

Formal Certificate PowerPoint Templates

Formal Certificate PowerPoint Templates

Modern Certificate PowerPoint Template

Modern Certificate PowerPoint Template

Blue Yellow Gradient Certificate PowerPoint Template

Blue Yellow Gradient Certificate PowerPoint Template

Latest templates.

Scholarship Certificate Template for PowerPoint

Scholarship Certificate PowerPoint Template

PPT Template for High School Diploma Certification

High School Diploma Template for PowerPoint

Editable Gift Certificate PPT Template

Gift Certificate Template for PowerPoint

Editable Certificate of Achievement PPT Template - White Background Slide

Certificate of Achievement PowerPoint Template

PowerPoint Editable Slide Design with Award Labels

Awards PowerPoint Templates

Template Slide for Awar Certificate

Award Certificate Template for PowerPoint

Cover Slide Template for Graduation Ceremony Presentation

Graduation Ceremony PowerPoint Template

PowerPoint Template Employee of the Month

Employee of the Month PowerPoint Template

PowerPoint Design for Employee of the Month

Employee of the Month Infographic Design for PowerPoint

Virtual Meeting Graduation Session PPT

Virtual Graduation Template for PowerPoint

Virtual Graduation PowerPoint Cover Slide

Virtual Graduation PowerPoint Template

Presentation for Certificate of Completion

Certificate of Completion Presentation Template

Certification is the act or process of providing someone or something with an official document attesting to an individual, team’s status or level of achievement, etc. Our Certificate Templates PPT is an ideal slide layout for confirmation of performance by an individual, team, department, or company. For example, if you present employee of the month, outstanding performance, bestseller, skill acquisition, etc.

Our Certificate Templates are PowerPoint (Mac and Windows), Keynotes, Office365, and Google Slides enabled and supported. The Modern Certificate PowerPoint Template provides a layout to assert expertise, skills, and knowledge. Users can make several changes to these elements, such as colors, size, effects, and animations. We also have an array of high-quality vector graphics certificate templates you can use in virtual events.

These diploma & certificate templates are designed with PowerPoint shapes, icons, colors, diagrams, images, charts, graphs, and other essentials.

These certificate PPT templates come in different colors, styles, fonts, and font sizes, making them unique. You add the content to these templates to suit your preference. Print it out for physical use and save it online. A pre-designed template helps save time, energy, and resources.

Our graphic professionals creatively design these templates, carefully considering colors, icons, shapes, vector images, and other elements. Our Certificate PowerPoint templates are easy to edit and download, making them the best reward and achievement templates. You can use it to reward the participation of your students, employees, colleagues, etc. Browse through our array of Certificate Powerpoint Templates to select the one that suits your organization.

What Is A Professional Certificate PowerPoint Template?

A Professional Certificate PowerPoint Template is a pre-designed slide that you can use to create a visually appealing award or honor certificate. These certificates have a standard design. For example, the wording “Certificate” is displayed at the top of the certificate. That is, it will contain some primary content like the title of the certificate; the name of the organization and the recipient; date; signature, et cetera.

However, if you want to come up with this design from scratch, you will spend a considerable amount of your valuable time. You can download our ready-made, easy-to-use template and edit it to suit your preference.

Where Can We Use The Professional Certificate Template PPT?

You can use the professional certificate template whenever a need arises to design a certificate. Anytime you need to reward your individual for their achievements, the best go-to is to download one of our creatively designed and visually appealing certificates that you can easily edit to suit you.

How Do I Create A Certificate In PowerPoint?

Creating a certificate template on PowerPoint requires some expertise. The designs are always simple. Below are the step-by-step procedures to follow.

  • Launch the PowerPoint on your device.
  • Left-click on ‘More Themes’ to see more options.
  • Search for ‘Certificate’ in the search column to get certificate templates. Several certificate templates then pop up after the search.
  • Click on the Create option. Input the name of the receiver of the certificate.
  • Save the design with the preferred name and format (PDF, PNG, JPEG, etc.)
  • After these, it means your certificate is ready. You can use it virtually or print it out.

What Makes A Good Certificate Template?

A good certificate template must include essential elements like; fonts, colors, shapes, and icons. Below are the other contents you must include.

  • Name of the organization presenting the certificate.
  • Title of the certificate.
  • Recipient’s name.
  • Name and signature of the person presenting the certificate.
  • Purpose of the certificate

Why Do You Need To Use Professional Certificate Presentation Templates?

You shouldn’t waste your energy designing a certificate; you must use a Professional Certificate Presentation Template and edit the content based on your needs. Regardless of the certificate design you want, the certificate templates are there to help you since they are editable.

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Our annual unlimited plan let you download unlimited content from slidemodel. save hours of manual work and use awesome slide designs in your next presentation..

certificate of presentation conference template

How to Issue Conference Certificates in Minutes

How to Issue Conference Certificates in Minutes



What are conference certificates?

Types of conference certificates.

  • Participation certificates: These certificates confirm your participation in the conference and attendance. They generally include your name, the name and date of the conference, and the organizer's or speaker's signature.
  • Paper presentation certificates: These certificates recognize your presentation of a paper at a conference. In most cases, they contain your name, the title and abstract of your paper, the name and date of the conference, and the organizer's or chairperson's signature.
  • Speaker certificates: These certificates appreciate your role as a speaker at a conference. They usually include your name, the title and summary of your speech, the name and date of the conference, and the organizer's or host's signature.
  • Delegate certificates: These certificates identify your status as a delegate of an organization at a conference. They usually include your name, the name and logo of your organization, the name and date of the conference, and the signature of the organizer or leader.
  • Volunteer certificates: These are certificates that commend your service as a volunteer at a conference. They usually include your name, the name and date of the conference, the role and tasks you performed, and the organizer's or supervisor's signature.

Why are Conference Certificates Important?

Award distribution ceremony at conference

  • They validate learning: Conference certificates show that you have learned something new or updated your knowledge on a topic. They can also demonstrate your skills or competencies in a specific domain.
  • They acknowledge participation: Conference certificates recognize that the person attended or presented at a conference. They can also highlight participant’s contribution or involvement in a specific field or topic.
  • They promote your event: Conference certificates can increase the visibility and reputation of your event by showcasing its quality and relevance. They can also attract more attendees or speakers for future editions.
  • They build your community: Conference certificates can foster a sense of belonging and engagement among your participants. They can also create opportunities for feedback or evaluation of your event.

Challenges of issuing conference certificate

  • Managing large number of participants: Conferences can have hundreds or thousands of participants, each with different names, affiliations, and roles. Creating and assigning certificates for each participant can be tedious and error-prone. For example, a spelling mistake or a wrong designation can ruin the certificate and cause dissatisfaction among the participants.
  • Customizing certificates according to the conference theme and design: Conferences often have a specific theme or design that reflects their purpose and identity. Certificates should also match the theme and design of the conference to create a consistent and professional look. However, customizing certificates can be time-consuming and complex, especially if different types of certificates are required for different categories of participants.
  • Tracking and verifying the certificates: Conference organizers and coordinators must keep track of the certificates they issue and verify their authenticity. This can be not easy if the certificates are not stored in a centralized and secure database.
  • Ensuring the quality and consistency of the certificates: Conference certificates should have a high-quality and consistent design and layout that reflects the standards and values of the conference. However, creating such certificates can be challenging, mainly if different templates or formats are used for different certificates.
  • Complying with the legal and ethical requirements of the certificates: Conference certificates should comply with the legal and ethical requirements of the country or region where the conference is held or where the participants are from.

Drawbacks of traditional certificates

  • Cost of editing: Editing a PDF or physical certificate requires special software or tools that are not free or easily accessible. For example, one would need to use Adobe Acrobat or other costly PDF editing software to edit a PDF file. This can increase the expenses and time required for creating and modifying certificates.
  • Lack of security: PDF or physical certificates are not secure and can be easily forged, copied, or tampered with. For example, someone can alter the name or signature on a PDF or physical certificate using a simple image editing tool. Physical certificates can also be lost, damaged, or stolen, which can affect the credibility and validity of the certificate.
  • Inconvenience of storage and distribution: Storing and distributing PDF or physical certificates can be a hassle for the organizers and the participants. To distribute physical certificates, one would need to mail them or hand them over personally, which can incur additional costs and delays. The participants must also download, print, or email PDF certificates, which can be inconvenient and time-consuming.
  • Limited interactivity: PDF or physical certificates are static and passive documents that do not offer much interactivity or engagement for the participants. They do not have any features such as hyperlinks, animations, or feedback mechanisms that can enhance the user experience and learning outcomes. They also do not allow participants to showcase their certificates on social media or other platforms easily.
  • Low accessibility: PDF or physical certificates are not very accessible for the participants, especially if they have different devices or internet connections. Some PDF files might not open properly or display correctly on some devices. Some physical certificates might not be readable due to poor quality. Some participants might also face difficulties accessing their certificates if they lose them.

What’s best way to issue conference certificates?


  • Tamper Resistant Certificates: Certopus-generated certificates are tamper-resistant, and even minor tampering is easily detected, so you don't have to worry about certificate forgery.
  • Certificate Designing : Our rapid and easy Certificate editor allows you to create beautiful certificate designs. You can use our rich certificate library or your custom templates.
  • Bulk Generation: You can generate high-quality certificates in PDF format in bulk on Certopus. You can upload an Excel spreadsheet with the recipient data and generate certificates in minimal time.
  • Mass Mailing: Certopus makes distributing certificates effortless. You get a mail editor to include your personalized email content and the ability to schedule when your certificates should be delivered.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The announced purpose of the conference is educational or instructional.
  • More than half of the time is scheduled for a planned, organized exchange of information between presenters and audience which meets the definition of training in section 4101 of title 5, United States Code.

Need more information?

The Ultimate Guide to Different Types of Certificates and What They Mean

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Drafting a Certificate of Conference

Try our Legal AI - it's free while in beta 🚀

certificate of presentation conference template

Genie's Legal AI can draft , risk-review and negotiate 1000s of legal documents

Note: Want to skip the guide and go straight to the free templates? No problem - scroll to the bottom. Also note: This is not legal advice.


A Certificate of Conference is an important legal document used to prove that an event took place, protect the rights of participants, and demonstrate the professionalism of the event coordinator. Drafting this document correctly and accurately is essential in order to avoid any legal ramifications or financial losses. This is why enlisting the help of Genie AI’s community template library – offering millions of datapoints teaching what a market-standard certificate looks like – is invaluable when drafting or customizing high quality legal documents without paying a lawyer.

The Genie AI team provide step-by-step guidance on how to create valid and enforceable certificates of conference as required by law, including advice on how to use legal notices, consent forms, and how to ensure all participants are present. This will enable events to run smoothly and any potential disputes can be resolved efficiently and effectively.

Having access to Genie AI’s free template library does not require you having an account with us; we simply want to help those who need it most. Our goal is for everyone to benefit from accurate and comprehensive guidance when drafting or customizing their own certificates of conference - so read on below for more information on how you can access our template library today!

Definitions (feel free to skip)

Certificate of Conference: A document that recognizes the attendance and completion of a conference, workshop, or other event. Recipient: The person who is receiving the certificate. Formatting: The process of arranging a document or text in a certain way. Layout: The arrangement of elements on a page or screen. Introductory statement: The opening statement of a document, typically introducing the purpose or topic. Body text: The main content of a document. Concluding statement: The final sentence or paragraph of a document, typically summarizing the main point. Signature line: An area on a document where a person can sign to indicate agreement or acceptance. Printing: Producing a copy of a document or text on paper.

Introduction to the Certificate of Conference

Identifying the purpose of the certificate, gathering information needed for the certificate, identifying recipient information, identifying the event, identifying the organization or presenting the certificate, formatting the certificate, choosing the size, choosing the format, creating a design for the certificate, choosing a layout, adding images, adding a border, writing the certificate content, identifying key information to include, writing the introductory statement, writing the body of the certificate, writing the concluding statement, printing and signing the certificate, gathering necessary supplies, printing the certificate, signing the certificate, storing the certificate, choosing an appropriate storage solution, storing the certificate securely, distributing the certificate, identifying the recipient, sending or delivering the certificate, reviewing the certificate, ensuring accuracy, sending a thank-you to the recipient, following up with the recipient to ensure they received the certificate, get started.

  • Understand why a Certificate of Conference is important
  • Learn how to create a Certificate of Conference to best meet your needs
  • Research what information should be included in a Certificate of Conference
  • Familiarize yourself with the different formats of a Certificate of Conference
  • Determine what type of Certificate of Conference you are drafting

When you can check this off your list:

  • When you have a thorough understanding of what a Certificate of Conference is, why it is important, and what information should be included in the Certificate.
  • Understand the purpose of the Certificate and the context of the conference
  • Determine what information it should include and what format it should take
  • Decide how the Certificate should be presented to participants
  • Checklist item: Understand the purpose of the Certificate and what it should include
  • Gather the date and location of the conference
  • Collect the name of the organization or institution hosting the event
  • Identify the purpose of the certificate
  • Determine the type of certificate to be issued (e.g. participation, completion, etc.)
  • Obtain any logo artwork or other graphics to be included in the certificate
  • When all the necessary information has been gathered, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Gather the name of the recipient
  • Gather the address of the recipient
  • Gather the email address of the recipient
  • Check that all the recipient information is accurate
  • Once all the recipient information is accurate, you can move onto the next step.
  • Gather the name of the event and its date
  • Include a brief description of the event
  • If the event was a competition, include the names of the winners
  • Make sure all the information is accurate
  • Once you have all the details and have verified their accuracy, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Research the organization that is presenting the certificate.
  • Check if the organization has any official logo or name that needs to be included in the certificate.
  • Make sure to include the full name of the organization and its logo in the certificate.
  • When you have all the necessary information regarding the organization, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Choose a color scheme that fits the tone of the event or organization
  • Select a font and font size that will be easy to read
  • Decide on a border style or background design
  • Add any logos or images that you feel are appropriate
  • Create a template with the information that you feel is necessary
  • Once you are satisfied with the template, you can print a copy to use as reference
  • You will know you have completed this step when you have a template of the Certificate ready to be filled in with the necessary information
  • Decide on the size of the certificate.
  • The standard size for a certificate of conference is 8.5 x 11 inches.
  • It is also possible to use larger sizes such as 11 x 14 inches.
  • For a more professional look, opt for a heavier weight paper such as cardstock.
  • When the size and paper weight is decided, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.
  • First consider if the certificate of conference should be a printed piece or an electronic document
  • If the certificate is a printed document, choose paper size and layout
  • If the certificate is an electronic document, decide if it will be a Word document, a PDF, or a JPEG
  • Once the format is chosen, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Brainstorm ideas for the design of the certificate
  • Decide on a design that will be used and create a rough sketch
  • Use a graphic design program to create the design, or hire a designer to create one
  • Make sure the design includes all the necessary information, such as the title, date, and recipient
  • Once the design is finalized, you can move on to the next step of choosing a layout.
  • Review the available options for certificate designs
  • Consider factors such as colour scheme, font type, and size of the certificate
  • Make sure to keep the design simple and professional
  • Once you have chosen a layout, you can move on to the next step of adding images
  • Find an appropriate image to use in the certificate. It should be a high-quality, professional-looking image.
  • Insert the image into the certificate using a graphics editing program.
  • Resize and adjust the image as necessary to make it fit within the certificate layout.
  • Save the certificate and image together as a single file.
  • When you are satisfied with how the image looks in the certificate, you can mark this step as complete and move on to the next one.
  • Choose a border style that is appropriate for the conference.
  • Decide on a size for the border and then adjust the document size as needed.
  • Use a design program, such as Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Publisher, to create the border.
  • Insert the border into the document and adjust its size as needed.
  • Save the document and make sure the border looks as desired.

Once you have finished adding the border, you can move on to the next step of writing the certificate content.

  • Begin by writing a short title for the certificate such as ““Certificate of Conference Attendance””
  • Identify the event and the individual to whom the certificate is given
  • Include the date of the event and the location
  • Write a formal message of congratulations to the recipient
  • Sign the certificate and include the name, title, and organization of the signatory
  • Check the spelling and grammar of the certificate before printing
  • When everything is correct and finalized, you can move on to the next step of identifying key information to include.
  • Identify the name of the event or conference
  • List the names of the people or organization receiving the certificate
  • Gather the names of the people or organizations involved in the event or conference
  • Find out the date and location of the event or conference
  • Identify any sponsors or partners associated with the event or conference
  • When you have identified all of the necessary information for the certificate, you can proceed to the next step.
  • Begin the certificate with a brief statement acknowledging the conference that has taken place.
  • This should be a general statement of congratulations to the participants or organizers that reflect the purpose of the event.
  • For example: ““This certificate is presented to recognize the successful completion of the [name of conference] conference.””
  • When you have drafted the introductory statement, you can move on to writing the body of the certificate.
  • Include the date, location, and topic of the conference
  • List the speakers, honorees, and special guests who attended
  • Identify the sponsors and supporters of the conference
  • Describe any awards or recognitions that were given
  • Include any special remarks or acknowledgments
  • Include any other details, such as the number of attendees, that you want to include

When you’ve included all the relevant information, proofread the certificate for any errors. Once the certificate is free of errors, you can move on to the next step of writing the concluding statement.

  • Summarize the certificate in one sentence
  • Include date, place, and an additional statement if necessary
  • End with any appropriate closing remarks
  • Proofread the statement to ensure it reads correctly
  • You can check this off your list when you are happy with the conclusion and are ready to move on to the next step.
  • Download the certificate of conference template and print it onto cardstock.
  • Use a high quality printer and make sure the resolution is set to its highest setting.
  • Have the certificate signed by all necessary parties.
  • Check that all signatures are in the correct places and that there are no typos.
  • When all signatures are in place and the document is approved, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Collect a certificate template, either from a template website or from a design program
  • Gather any colors of ink and pens needed for signing the certificate
  • Gather any other materials needed for printing the certificate, such as cardstock or photo paper
  • Collect and organize any necessary information for the certificate, such as name and date
  • When you have all the necessary supplies, you can move on to the next step - printing the certificate.
  • Gather the papers you will use to print the certificate.
  • Place the paper in your printer and adjust the settings to match the size of the certificate.
  • Print the certificate.
  • Check the printed certificate to make sure the information is correct and that it is properly formatted.
  • Once the certificate is printed correctly, you can move on to signing the certificate.
  • Find both the organizer and the speaker of the conference and have them sign the certificate
  • Make sure the signatures are legible
  • Once both have signed the certificate, check it off your list and move on to the next step of storing the certificate
  • Make sure the certificate is printed on high-quality paper
  • Once printed, store the certificate in a safe and secure place
  • Consider using a filing cabinet or a fire-resistant safe for additional security
  • Make sure the certificate is properly labeled and easy to find
  • Once you have placed the certificate in its storage location, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.
  • Use the cloud storage available in your organization or an independent cloud storage provider like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, or Dropbox
  • Research the safety and security protocols of the storage solutions available to ensure the security of the Certificate
  • Ensure the storage solution is adequately backed up so the Certificate is never lost
  • Check off the task when you have chosen the appropriate storage solution and are ready to store the Certificate securely.
  • Choose a storage solution that is secure and shareable, such as a password-protected cloud storage service.
  • Store the Certificate in the chosen storage solution.
  • Make sure the Certificate is visible and available to the necessary people.
  • Once the Certificate is stored securely, you can check this step off your list and move on to distributing the Certificate.
  • Send the certificate to the recipient via their preferred method of communication
  • If the recipient is a member of your organization, ensure that the certificate is sent through an internal communication channel
  • If the certificate needs to be sent to an external recipient, use a secure file-sharing platform
  • Make sure that the recipient has received the certificate and has confirmed its receipt to you
  • Once the certificate has been delivered and the recipient has confirmed its receipt, you can move on to the next step in the process
  • Decide who should receive the certificate and determine their name and contact information
  • Make note of the recipient’s name, contact information, and any other details you need
  • Confirm that you have the correct name and contact information for the recipient
  • Check off this step when you are certain that you have identified the correct recipient of the certificate
  • Decide on the best approach for sending or delivering the certificate: electronically via email or snail mail
  • If sending electronically, attach the certificate as a PDF or similar file format to the email
  • If sending a physical copy, print the certificate on quality paper and include it in an envelope
  • Address the envelope with the recipient’s name and mailing address
  • Affix the required postage to the envelope
  • Drop the envelope in the mail
  • Once you have sent or delivered the certificate, the step is complete.
  • Review the Certificate of Conference for accuracy and completeness
  • Make any necessary changes
  • Sign the Certificate of Conference
  • Make a copy of the Certificate of Conference for your records
  • Check off the completion of this step from your list and move on to the next step: Sending or delivering the Certificate.
  • Read the certificate carefully to understand the content
  • Check that the content is accurate and up-to-date
  • Ensure that any relevant information is included
  • Verify that all fields are correctly completed
  • Review any signatures to ensure authenticity
  • Double check to make sure all information is correct

When you can check this off your list: When the certificate is accurate and up-to-date and all fields are correctly completed and verified.

  • Check for accuracy of the conference details such as dates, times, locations, and other pertinent information
  • Ensure that the certificate is formatted correctly and that all text appears legible
  • Confirm that all sections of the certificate have been filled out, including names, dates, and any other necessary information
  • Double check for typos, spelling errors, and grammar mistakes
  • Once you are confident the certificate is accurate and properly formatted, you can move on to the follow-up step.

• Contact the recipient of the certificate either in person or via email to confirm that the certificate was received. • Ask the recipient if they have any questions or feedback. • Make any edits or changes that may be necessary based on the recipient’s feedback. • You will know that you can check this step off your list once the recipient confirms that they have received the certificate and that they are satisfied with it.

  • Compose a thank-you note addressed to the recipient.
  • Include a brief message of appreciation for the recipient’s attendance at the conference.
  • Sign the letter with your name and title.
  • Send the thank-you note either through email or regular mail.
  • You can check this off your list once the thank-you note has been sent.
  • Contact the recipient via email to confirm if they received the Certificate
  • Ask if they have any feedback or questions about the Certificate
  • If not, thank them for their time and confirm with them that the Certificate was received
  • Once you have confirmation, you can check this step off your list and move on to the next step.

Q: What is a Certificate of Conference?

Asked by Liam on 04/06/2022. A: A Certificate of Conference is a document issued by a court or other legal authority, which outlines the details of a court hearing or conference. It is used to record the proceedings of the conference, including the names of all parties involved, the date, the time and place at which it was held, and any decisions made. It is also used to provide evidence of a decision made at the conference.

Q: Is a Certificate of Conference legally binding?

Asked by Ava on 08/08/2022. A: In most cases, yes. Depending on the jurisdiction in which it is issued, a Certificate of Conference may be legally binding. For example, in the UK, if an agreement is reached at a court hearing or conference and is recorded in a Certificate of Conference, then it becomes legally binding on all parties involved. In the US, however, this may vary depending on the state laws. It is important to check with local authorities or legal professionals to ensure that any agreements recorded in a Certificate of Conference are legally binding in your jurisdiction.

Q: What details should be included in a Certificate of Conference?

Asked by Noah on 05/09/2022. A: Generally speaking, a Certificate of Conference should include the names of all parties involved in the conference (including solicitors and barristers), the date, time and place at which it was held, and any decisions made. It should also include details of any agreements reached or orders made during the conference.

Q: Do I need to file my Certificate of Conference with a court?

Asked by Emma on 12/10/2022. A: In most cases, no. A Certificate of Conference does not need to be filed with a court unless required by law in your jurisdiction. However, it is important to keep your Certificate of Conference as it may be needed as evidence in any future proceedings.

Q: How do I know if my Certificate of Conference is valid?

Asked by Elijah on 24/11/2022. A: Generally speaking, a Certificate of Conference is valid if it has been issued by an authorised court or other legal authority and includes all relevant information as outlined above (names of all parties involved, date and time etc). If you are in any doubt as to whether your certificate is valid, then it is best to seek advice from an experienced legal professional who can advise you further.

Q: Can I make changes to my Certificate of Conference after it has been issued?

Asked by Abigail on 03/01/2022. A: Generally speaking, no – once a Certificate of Conference has been issued it cannot be changed or amended without approval from all parties involved or permission from an authorised court or other legal authority. If changes do need to be made then they should be discussed with all parties involved before submitting any amendments for approval.

Q: Are there any differences between UK and US certificates of conference?

Asked by Logan on 13/02/2022. A: Yes – there are some key differences between certificates issued in UK and US jurisdictions that should be taken into consideration when drafting one. For example, in the UK there are certain formalities that must be observed when issuing a certificate (such as having an independent witness present), whereas this is not necessary in US jurisdictions where oral agreements are more commonly accepted as valid. Additionally, US courts may require additional details to be included in certificates than those required for UK courts – so it is important to check with local authorities or legal professionals before drafting your certificate to ensure all relevant details are included for your jurisdiction.

Q: What other documents might I need alongside my Certificate of Conference?

Asked by Emma on 17/03/2022. A: Depending on your jurisdiction and other relevant factors (such as whether there were any witnesses present), you may need one or more additional documents alongside your Certificate of Conference such as witness statements or affidavits from each party involved in the conference confirming their agreement with its contents; copies of relevant documents; notes taken during proceedings; or other evidence such as emails or letters exchanged between parties prior to or after the conference took place. It is important to seek advice from an experienced legal professional before filing any documents so that you can ensure that you have all relevant paperwork ready for submission if required later down the line.

Q: Is there anything else I need to consider when drafting my certificate?

Asked by Mason on 21/04/2022. A: Yes – there are several key factors that should be taken into account when drafting your certificate such as ensuring that all relevant details are included (names of parties; date; time; place etc.), making sure that all agreements reached are accurately recorded (including any orders made), and ensuring that no contradictory statements are made throughout the document which could invalidate its contents later down the line (e.g., stating that two different orders were agreed upon at different times). It is also important to double-check your certificate before submitting it for approval – even small mistakes can invalidate its contents so make sure you take extra care when preparing your document!

Q: Can I use an automated template to draft my Certificate of Conference?

Asked by Abigail on 02/06/2022. A: Yes – automated templates can be used as an effective way to quickly create a legally binding document without having to draft one from scratch each time you need one. However, it is important to note that these templates must still comply with local laws and regulations in order for them to be valid – so make sure you research what requirements these documents must satisfy before using them! Additionally, automated templates should not replace proper legal advice – if you have any questions regarding what should be included in your document then make sure you speak with an experienced lawyer who can help guide you through this process step-by-step!

Example dispute

Suing a company for breach of contract:.

  • The plaintiff must provide evidence that they had a valid and enforceable contract with the company.
  • The plaintiff must provide proof that the company did not fulfill its contractual obligations.
  • The plaintiff must provide evidence of any damages they incurred as a result of the breach of contract.
  • The plaintiff may reference a certificate of conference to support the validity of the contract.
  • The certificate of conference should include all the terms of the contract between the parties, as well as confirmations of acceptance of the terms and agreement to abide by them.
  • If the plaintiff is able to show that the company breached the contract and that the plaintiff suffered damages as a result, then the plaintiff may be able to win the case and be awarded compensatory damages.

Templates available (free to use)

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This simple but professional looking black and white Conference Participation Certificate Template is a perfect template to recognize participation for any conference. Open and edit this fully customizable template with your favorite app or program that supports MS Word and Photoshop file formats. Go ahead and click that download button to get instant access to this very useful template.

Product Details

  • Fully Customizable Layouts and Graphic files
  • High-Quality Photos and artworks included
  • Download All file formats anywhere anytime. Microsoft Word 13, 16, 365 Adobe PhotoShop CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC
  • Eye-Catching Titles and subheadings suggested
  • Standard fonts included
  • Orientation style Landscape
  • Well layered
  • RGB Color Space
  • 300 DPI Resolution
  • Standard License
  • Print Ready, perfectly suitable for personal as well as commercial printing.

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Certificate PowerPoint Presentation

Certificate PowerPoint Presentation

How to Make a Certificate in PowerPoint

How to Make a Certificate in PowerPoint

Designing Modern Certificates in PowerPoint

Designing Modern Certificates in PowerPoint

We're here to help you, what are certificate presentation templates.

It is something that you can use to create a presentation to appreciate the achievements. You can print these templates to distribute to the winners.

Where can we use these Certificate Slides?

We can use these slides in schools, colleges, sports, and offices to appreciate the champions. You can even use these slides in businesses for ISO certification purposes.

How can I make Certificate Slides in a presentation?

You can make these slides in a presentation using templates and themes available on the internet. You can download images and clipart of trophies, borders, and themes and use them in your slides to make them unique. If you need more clarification about designing them, visit our YouTube videos or tips and tricks pages to get the steps.

Who can use Certificate Templates?

Any individual, professional institute, sports academy, or organization can create a professional-looking certificate using these editable templates.

Why do we need Certificate PowerPoint Slides?

These slides can help you make creative presentations to visually appreciate the winners, like an individual, company, team, or department.

Where can I find Certificate Presentation Slides for free?

Slide Egg is one of the incredible PowerPoint template providers, where you can find 50+ pre-designed, editable, printable templates. Try Slide Egg!

Certificate design templates

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Free Conference Certificate Templates

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Certificate Presentation templates

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IEEE Help Center home page

Presentation/ Attendance /Participation Certificate

How do I get my conference presentation certificate?

How do I get my conference attendance certificate?

How do I get my conference participation certificate?

If you're looking to obtain certificates of participation (for presentation and attendance), you can reach out to the Conference organizers directly. To do so, simply visit the event page on the IEEE.org Conference Search , click on the event title, and then select the "Email Organizers" option.

*Helpful tips for searching on the IEEE.org Conference Search:

  • To search for events that have already taken place, please type an asterisk ( * ) into the search box & click the magnifying glass
  • Select “Refine Search” & choose “Custom Date Range” under the heading “Conference Dates”
  • Enter the approximate dates that the event took place into the Calendar pop-ups
  • Navigate to the event 
  • Click on the event
  • Select “Email Organizers”

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Conference Certificate | Template, Samples and How To Write Conference Certificate?

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Conference Certificate: What is a Conference Certificate? As the title suggests, a conference certificate is a formal document given to individuals who attended a conference. Often, conference certificates serve as proof of attendance or participation.

Students can find more about  certificates , explore the types used for academic purposes, professional purposes and more.

Why are Conference Certificates Given to Participants?

Certain cultures consider presenting a paper in an international conference to be an honour, and they usually display the conference certificate alongside other diplomas or certifications. In other words, this implies that conference certificates serve as a record of academic or personal achievement. Alternatively, conference certificates can also be used to claim expenses (such as the ones incurred to travel and present). Hence, it is a norm for the organisers to provide conference certificates for its attendees these days. However, not all academic conferences give their participants a conference certificate nor it is legally required to do so.

In this article, we shall explore the basic rules and guidelines to be followed when drafting a conference certificate. We shall also take a look at the commonly used templates and samples of the same.

Conference Certificate – Guidelines

Following are the general guidelines to be followed when drafting a conference certificate.

  • The certificate must be drafted using formal language and tone
  • The name of the conference’s organizer is also to be mentioned
  • The name of the attendee or the presenter must be clearly stated in the certificate
  • The title of the conference, as well as the date it was held, must be mentioned
  • The date of awarding the certificate must be mentioned
  • If required, logos of the organising institutes can be included in the certificate.
  • Lastly, the certificate must contain an authorized signatory.

Conference Certificate Template

Following is a Conference Certificate template that is based on the above-mentioned guidelines:



This certificate is presented to


for attending the (NAME OF THE CONFERENCE) conference in (DATE OF THE EVENT)





Conference Certificate Sample

Following is a sample for Conference Certificate based on the above template

Sample 1 – Attendance Conference Certificate

Following is a sample conference letter for an attendee



This certificate is presented to


for attending the NEW BREAKTHROUGHS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY conference on 20-02-2021 at the Global Foundries Inc, Bangalore.

Given this March of 2021

Milley Nelson

Chief Executive Officer

Sample 2 – International Conference Certificate

Following is a sample conference letter for a presenter at a conference


International Conference

on Advanced Artificial Intelligence  2021


This certificate is awarded to


Presenter of the paper


At the Artificial Intelligence Foundation, Delhi on  10-03-2021.

Given this April of 2021

Ben Rawley

Head of Programme Committee

certificate of presentation conference template

FAQ’s on Conference Certificate

Question 1. What is a Conference Certificate?

Answer: A conference certificate is a formal document awarded to individuals who attended or present at a conference.

Question 2. What are the contents of a Conference Certificate?

Answer: A conference certificate contains the name of the conference’s organizer, the name of the attendee or the presenter, the title of the conference as well as the date it was held. Other details present in the conference include the date at which the certificate was awarded and authorized signatories.

Question 3. Why are Conference Certificates Given to Participants?

Answer: Conference certificates are usually given as a token or a memento of the event. It can also be given as proof of attendance or participation. Alternatively, participants often seek out certificates as they serve as a record of their achievements. Other use cases include using the certificates to claim expenses incurred for presenting at the conference.

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certificate of presentation conference template

Sample Certificate of Participation in Seminar: 12 Certificates Free To Use

  • Tyler @ Demplates

Seminars are events of extremely high value and retrospect, in work as well as educational institutions. People gain a great deal of knowledge and experience in an unbelievably limited time, from varied sources of accomplished people. Such degrees of tuition are of high worth, which is why there must be a concrete, manifested proof that a person has attended the seminar.

Certificate of participation for seminar template

Attending seminars which present reputed and renowned lecturers have a worth of their own, and significantly uplift the resume score or any such discernible value of their knowledge. This highly necessitates the need for a certificate of participation in seminars and lectures, which confirms the presence of the person in a seminar, and has a value of unbelievable recognition.

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certificate of participation for seminars

Why is it used

The certificate, which is issued at the end of a seminar, has the value and reputation of the institution which has organized the seminar. Different institutions offer seminar participation certificates with different formats and designs. Given below are a few examples of sample seminar participation certificates from a few companies.

Institute of Canada

The templates of seminar participation certificate given by this company consist of a standard format of general participation certificates. The name of the institution will be displayed on the top. The statement that confirms the person’s participation in the seminar will then be displayed with the name of the person. The concept of the seminar and the name of the lecturer and his designation, along with the reputation will then be displayed. The date on which the seminar has taken place and the sign of the organizing head of the seminar will be displayed at the bottom.

certificate of participation in seminar sample

Under academy College

The name of the institution, as usual, is displayed at the top of the certificate. The title of the certificate, and the name of the person to, whom the certificate is being given to, is displayed along with a blank field to be filled. The statement for acknowledgment of the person’s presence in the seminar, along with the date and concept of the seminar is given below. The sign of the principal of the institution is displayed at the bottom corner of the certificate.

certificate of participation in seminar sample template

Universiti Teknologi Mara

This company provides participation certificates for groups that present and attend the seminar with projects developed by them. The format of the templates for seminar participation certificates follows the usual style. The title and the people to whom the certificates are being given to are displayed at the top. The title of the project they have present at the seminar is then displayed along with the venue and event of presentation. The date is displayed at the end, along with the sign of the organizing head of the seminar.

certificate of participation in seminar template

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

This institution is primarily reputed for offering online seminars on various courses. The name of the institution and the department which has organized the seminar is displayed at the top. The name of the person who has completed the seminar and the duration is given in the middle. The starting and ending dates of the course are then given. The sign and name of the officer organizing the seminar, along with the designation is displayed below.

certificate of participation in seminars

All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals  

The templates of seminar participation certificate of this company follow a different order. The year of the seminar being conducted by the company is displayed at the top. The topic of the seminar is then displayed in one or two lines below. The company attending the seminar is then filled below. The date and venue of the conference or seminar are given below with the organizing officers’ names and designation is to be filled below.

certificate of participation seminar template

Things that you should cover

There are a few mandatory fields and compulsory terms that should be present in a seminar participation certificate.

  • Name of the Institution – The name of the institution organizing the seminar must be definitely displayed at the top of the certificate.
  • Name – The name of the person attending the seminar must be clearly displayed in large letters in the middle of the certificate.
  • Concept – The concept and topic of the seminar must be displayed below the name of the person attending it.
  • Date and Venue – The date and place on/at which the seminar has taken place should be displayed below concept and occasion of the seminar.
  • Authorized Sign – The sign of the head or any member of the organizing committee should be given below at the end.

Example of certificate of participation in seminar

Terms used in the templates

They are a few terms that are consistently used in all seminar participation certificate templates. These terms are essential to enforce the fact that the person has participated in the seminar and has been awarded a certain excellence in knowledge. Most of the certificates are duplicated easily, which is why there are a few wordings or terms that are always present in such certificates.

Over the years, the companies have limited the wordings or such needless terms in certificates to avoid the duplication process. Acknowledged, issued, certified, awarded are a few terms that are explicitly being used in such seminar participation certificate templates in many companies all over the world.

The names of the companies, recipients and organizing heads and the dates, venues, and concepts of the seminars form essential parts of all certificate templates that holds a value for the certificate.

sample of certificate of participation in seminar

Final Words

Seminar Participation Certificates are basically used to acknowledge the fact that an individual has attended the seminar or conference that was held by an institution. It’s a way to merely recognize the efforts of an individual on completing the course of the seminar. These certificates are awarded to people, to boost their self-esteem, and excessively adds to their resume value and score.

Participation certificates are given after seminars to ensure that the individual stays throughout the entirety of the seminar. When issued by a reputed company, it holds limitless value to the recipients and can help them get acknowledged in their lines of work in the long run.


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  5. International Conference Certificate Templates

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  1. 15 Certificate of Participation Templates to Download

    As the training, course, event, or conference comes to an end, searching for the right certificate of participation template begins. Pick a certificate design that makes a professional impression on your participants. Note: All these participation certificate templates can be easily exported in Figma, Certifier, Word, or Google Slides format.

  2. 42 Free Powerpoint Certificate Templates

    Download this free certificate template ppt →. This free certificate template for courses and schools is available in PowerPoint format. You don't have to change more - it's already perfect. Add your student's details, signatures, certificate ID, and issue date. And it's done!

  3. Conference Certificate

    The certificate must be drafted using formal language and tone. The name of the conference's organizer is also to be mentioned. The name of the attendee or the presenter must be clearly stated in the certificate. The title of the conference, as well as the date it was held, must be mentioned. The date of awarding the certificate must be ...

  4. Free conference presentation certificate template

    Description: For grant requests, funding pitches, program proposals, or any other kind of education or nonprofit presentation, this Prezi template is the way to generate interest and momentum. Like all Prezi education templates and Prezi nonprofit templates, it's easily customizable.

  5. 25+ Best PowerPoint Certificate Templates (Free PPT

    Simple Certificate of Excellence Template. This free download of a certificate template for PowerPoint (PPT) can also be used in Microsoft Word, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, or Adobe InDesign. This template has a classic and professional design. It comes in both portrait and landscape formats. 19.

  6. Free Certificate Templates

    Choose from 1,000+ free certificate templates designed to meet your every need. Whether you're looking to create certificates for academic achievements, employee recognitions, training completions, or special events, our wide range of templates has you covered. Our certificate templates are available in various formats including Certifier ...

  7. 39+ Certificate Templates for PowerPoint & Certificate Presentation Slides

    Our Certificate Templates are PowerPoint (Mac and Windows), Keynotes, Office365, and Google Slides enabled and supported. The Modern Certificate PowerPoint Template provides a layout to assert expertise, skills, and knowledge. Users can make several changes to these elements, such as colors, size, effects, and animations.

  8. How to Issue Conference Certificates in Minutes

    Paper presentation certificates: These certificates recognize your presentation of a paper at a conference. In most cases, they contain your name, the title and abstract of your paper, the name and date of the conference, and the organizer's or chairperson's signature. Speaker certificates: These certificates appreciate your role as a speaker ...

  9. Drafting a Certificate of Conference

    Writing the Certificate Content. Begin by writing a short title for the certificate such as ""Certificate of Conference Attendance"". Identify the event and the individual to whom the certificate is given. Include the date of the event and the location. Write a formal message of congratulations to the recipient.

  10. Conference Attendance Certificate Template

    Instantly Download Conference Attendance Certificate Template, Sample & Example in Microsoft Word (DOC), Adobe Photoshop (PSD), Adobe InDesign (INDD & IDML), Apple Pages, Adobe Illustrator (AI), Microsoft Publisher, Google Docs Format. Available in (US) 8.5x11 inches + Bleed. Quickly Customize. Easily Editable & Printable.

  11. Conference Participation Certificate Design Template in PSD, Word

    This simple but professional looking black and white Conference Participation Certificate Template is a perfect template to recognize participation for any conference. Open and edit this fully customizable template with your favorite app or program that supports MS Word and Photoshop file formats. Go ahead and click that download button to get ...

  12. Free Certificate PowerPoint Templates And Google Slides

    Our free certificate PowerPoint templates and Google Slides gallery will help you discover a stunning collection of professional certificate designs for your presentations to recognize outstanding achievements. Here, you can find perfectly crafted, fully editable slides to elevate your appreciation gestures and make your presentations shine.

  13. Free certificate templates

    Find free certificate templates for any occasion that can be customized in Word or PowerPoint. Each certificate can be quickly and easily personalized to reflect gifts or awards. You can even narrow each template down by style—discover modern certificates, vintage certificates, or whimsical certificates. These eye-catching certificates are ...

  14. Free Conference Certificate Templates

    View the Conference Certificate templates and pick the best one you think to customize for your real needs. 18 templates. Create a blank Certificate. Loyalty Certificate Template. Recognition Certificate Template. Recognition Certificate Template. Attendance Certificate Template. Green Loyalty Certificate Template.

  15. Free Certificate templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint

    Download the Academia Aesthetic Graduation Certificate Template presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The education sector constantly demands dynamic and effective ways to present information. This template is created with that very purpose in mind. Offering the best resources, it allows educators or students to efficiently manage their ...

  16. Free Certificate of Participation Templates

    Blank Template. This row should only exist if a blank template is needed at the beginning of the templates. default-create-link-text. { {placeholder-format}} Choose from dozens of online certificate of participation template ideas from Adobe Express to help you easily create your own free certificate of participation.

  17. Presentation/ Attendance /Participation Certificate

    If you're looking to obtain certificates of participation (for presentation and attendance), you can reach out to the Conference organizers directly. To do so, simply visit the event page on the IEEE.org Conference Search, click on the event title, and then select the "Email Organizers" option.

  18. Conference Certificate

    The certificate must be drafted using formal language and tone. The name of the conference's organizer is also to be mentioned. The name of the attendee or the presenter must be clearly stated in the certificate. The title of the conference, as well as the date it was held, must be mentioned. The date of awarding the certificate must be ...

  19. Sample Certificate of Participation in Seminar: 12 ...

    The templates of seminar participation certificate of this company follow a different order. The year of the seminar being conducted by the company is displayed at the top. The topic of the seminar is then displayed in one or two lines below. The company attending the seminar is then filled below. The date and venue of the conference or seminar ...


    CERTIFICATE of PAPER PRESENTATION This is to certify that presented an academic paper at the 7th International Conference on Eurasian Politics & Society virtually-organised by CESRAN International, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, and OBSERVARE on 23-25 SEPTEMBER 2020 in Lisbon, Portugal. Andrew K P Leung Luis Tomé, PhD Conference Co-Chair