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The outline of a well written Chapter One is supposed to include all or some of the following:



1.1 Background to the Study

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Objectives or Purpose of the Study

1.4 Research Questions and /or Hypotheses

1.5 Significance of the Study

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study

1.7 Basic Assumptions

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

As can be seen above, the project outline constitutes a huge part of the project proposal and the student researcher just needs to perfect the approved research proposal with the view of using it as the Chapter One. The fact remains that all the other parts that as had been written for the project proposal would still stand, with the inclusion of Operational Definition of Terms. At this stage, it is important to understand and know what is contained under each of the subheadings in the first chapter and these are described thoroughly in this article: –

1.1     Background to the Study

Just as the name means, this section outlines the history of the subject matter under investigation; the evolution of the research problem; how the researcher became fascinated with the problem. He goes on to describe the specific situation surrounding the research problem, using facts from the literature to support various arguments. In this section also, the student researcher tries to ascertain the suitability and feasibility of the study, concluding from the sufficient evidences drawn from the previous literature.

In a nutshell, this is where the student researcher initiates the subject of his investigation using all obtainable evidences and figures to establish its groundwork. Note that even if there is no standard number of pages that this should take, the lengthier and well focused the Background to the Study, the better for a good and solid groundwork for that research being conducted.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

The Problem Statement, as it is otherwise described, is the reasonable conclusion of the problems/issues raised in the Background to the Study. The idea is that while the Background to the Study offers a wider or global perspective/standpoint to the subject matter of the research, the Problem Statement makes assumptions from there and concludes on the specifics as they relate to the specific investigation being conducted.

That is the reason Problem Statement is expected to flow, rather logically, from the Background to the Study; and it is not a good Problem Statement, one that deviates from this; given that they are not expected to be two unconnected entities, as it were. It is nevertheless different from Background to the Study in that it must be stated reasonably briefly and very clearly. All the descriptive components of the Background to the Study would have assisted to allow one go straight for the specifics under the Problem Statement.

This is why experienced project supervisors would maintain that the Problem Statement should be in the range of one to three paragraphs only. The idea is that the shorter, the clearer; and the clearer the better for the whole process of investigation. In a nutshell, one cannot overstate the need to state the research problem very clearly and accurately, since the entire course of the investigation depends on it.

Therefore, there is no doubt that a satisfactory statement of the research problem is the most important component of a research process. The plain reason for this claim is that the whole process of investigation centers on it and it is typically related to some of the following issues:

  • A missing link
  • One-sidedness
  • An unanswered question.
  • An unsatisfactory state of arrangements

Consequently, the Problem Statement offers direction to the rest of the project; signifying and highlighting the major variables of concern to the researcher as well as the exact relationship that exist between them.



Best Research Writing eBook

Academic project or thesis or dissertation writing is not an easy academic endeavor. To reach your goal, you must invest time, effort, and a strong desire to succeed. Writing a thesis while also juggling other course work is challenging, but it doesn't have to be an unpleasant process. A dissertation or thesis is one of the most important requirements for any degree, and this book will show you how to create a good research write-up from a high level of abstraction, making your research writing journey much easier. It also includes examples of how and what the contents of each sub-headings should look like for easy research writing. This book will also constitute a step-by-step research writing guide to scholars in all research fields.

1.3     Objectives {Purpose} of the Study

Simply similar to every other component in a research project, the Objectives of the Study is strongly connected to the Research Problem. The former is derived directly from the latter. The Objectives of the Study, which is sometimes described as Purpose, stand for the aims of carrying out the investigation and could be categorized into general and specific.

The general objective describes the overall aim of a research project whereas the specific objective is concerned with the comprehensive list of intentions concerning what the research stands to accomplish at the end of the project. Typically, the specific objectives are stated in the form of declarative statements for example, the statement should start with “to examine”, “to analyze”, “to determine”, “to assess”, “to find out” etc. The Research Questions usually take the form of interrogative statement, the Objectives present the same thing, but in the statement form.

1.4. Research Questions and/or Hypotheses

Typically, these come immediately after the Research objectives because of their strong relationship. They do not just seek to convert the declarative statement of the objectives into interrogative form, but further break down the major problems compressed in the research objectives. As its name implies, Research Questions is presented just like interrogations seeking to create specific relations among the main variables of investigation.

As well, the Research Questions usually serve as the foundation from where the questionnaire items/questions would ultimately be derived. The difference between the two is that the items in the questionnaire offer a further breakdown of each of the research questions to a greater specification. This is to the level that a single research question can turn out the range of between three to five questionnaire items/questions. But the Research Questions are wide in nature, the questionnaire items are typically directed towards the details thereby getting down to more specifics.

In the case of Hypotheses, they are not the same as Research Questions even though they are sometimes used to substitute each other. In other words, it is not unusual to find projects which have both as well as others which have only one of them. Since they are not the same, they are not expected to replace each other. If they stand to do that, then one should be retained and the other disposed of. By this piece of information, one can easily know that it is not necessary that a project should have both; particularly at the elementary level, where in most of the times, the research questions would be okay.

By meaning, a Research Hypothesis is a clear, specific statement whose validity and workability can be tested by means of scientific method. Being a declarative statement of prediction, it tries to determine the relationship or difference that exists between one variable and the other; and to what degree. It is a form of clever guess or supposition regularly derived from the results of previous studies and/or theories originating from the literature. Hypotheses are formulated on the core of any of the areas and objectives listed below:

  • To merely describe a occurrence or a statement of fact
  • To compare two or more concepts, individuals and places
  • To reveal the relationship between variable
  • To reveal a cause/ effect situation between variables.

Usually, there are two kinds of hypotheses; basically referring to the way they are stated. They are the Null and the Alternative. While the former is frequently stated in the negative form of “No Significant Relationship” or “No Significant Difference” etc., the latter takes the positive form of statement; such as “There is a Significant Relationship”, “There is a Significant Difference” etc.

The Research Hypotheses specify the fundamental issues relating to the data to be gathered in the process of conducting the study. They serve as a theoretical conceptualization of what the researcher anticipated with respect to his research outcomes. These help him to test and verify his concepts on the basis of which he makes very tangible and reliable conclusions and generalizations. They also assist in sharpening researcher’s focus on the research problem with a view to determining the direction where to find the solution.

Therefore, some of the qualities of a good hypothesis must include that:

  • It should be sensible {i.e. clever guesses}.
  • It should be in line with known facts or theories.
  • It should be constructed in such a manner that it is testable and found to be probably true or false.
  • It should be in very simple, unambiguous terms.
  • It should be directly connected to the problem of research.
  • It should involve very few variables at a time.
  • It should be quantifiable {i.e. operationally formulated}.

1.5.    Significance of the Study

It is anticipated that every research project must have something new to contribute to knowledge in that research field, no matter how small. In point of fact, no research should take place if it will not contribute anything to knowledge; as this represents the major feature of all research endeavors.

Consequently, this section is expected to clarify the possible benefits of the research and to whom such anticipated benefits would be meant. All these should be clearly stated. In any way, there is no standard detail as to the number of benefits that a research project should have or its length. It can be arranged sequentially or itemized or paraphrased depending on the person’s method of writing.

1.6.    Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of the study basically refers to the level of coverage of the research subject being investigated and the good statement of the problem will act as a helpful guide to doing this. That means, if the problem had been properly stated at the beginning, it helps, certainly, in defining the scope of the research. That is why the scope of the study is partially dependent on the title of the research project. If well formulated, the phrase of the title only does define the scope of the study and possibly, needs a little rider to make it clearer. The limitation of the study represents the things and issues that constituted challenges in the process of investigations.

Consequently, if the scope was concerned with the level of the research’s coverage, then, limitation implies building a fence around the subject of research. This is with a view to creating a foundation for the non-inclusion of certain things in the study for understandable reasons.

1.7.    Basic Assumptions

Even though many student researchers tend to mistake Assumptions with Hypotheses, it is important to state very clearly that they are not the same. We have already discussed about hypotheses; its meaning and significance in a research project. However, Assumptions are only mere statements, which are frequently, not subjected to any testing. They are, more or less, ordinary statements that are taken for granted. They cannot replace the Hypotheses; yet, they tend to duplicate the Hypotheses, because they are fairly similar.

It is because of these reasons that a lot of research experts have suggested that if the study has hypotheses, then assumptions would no longer be needed. For a study with Research Questions only nevertheless, it is suitable to have assumptions, to act as a guide towards the achievement of the research objectives.

Assumptions are typically itemized while the number varies.

1.9     Operational Definition of Terms

This section of the Chapter one (introduction) is used to offer a kind of working definition to all the concepts, which would be operationally used in the course of the research. The notion is that there are some terminologies, which have been “adapted” and so utilized restrictively for the purpose of the research project.

This implies that such terminologies would mean something somewhat different from the one adapted under a different circumstances; therefore the name Operational Definition of Terms. In defining terms operationally, individual concepts/words to be so defined are recognized and then itemized. Thus, operational definitions are typically given in such a manner that will imply that they are not the usually accepted as standard definitions but those peculiar to the study in specifically. This section typically comes last in the introductory chapter.

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excellent write up, this should help me in writing my chapter one

Excellent write up. Great job, really helped me with my chapter one in my MBA project write up.

However I would like to know if I can add justification of study to my chapter one since you didn’t mention it in your post?

Great write up nevertheless!

Well thank you for the special guardian for my first chapter write up, however I wish if you break up background of the study into theoretical background, conceptual background and contextual background to make me have better analysis on how they are framed

Thanks a lot

This really helped me out to have an approach to good chapter one of my project. Thank you very much.

I realy apreciate your work here. This article helped me alot.

Do you have another one on chapter 2 (literature review)

Thanks. “how to write chapter two”, an article that will guide researcher on how to write the literature review will soon be published.

tanx,tanx,tanx this really help me when I wrotte my exam on research topic on my N.C.E program

Nice one, I haven’t started but I think this is really a nice guide for a start.

This is a great light to me. Thanks for the post

This is a well analysed research procedure….

Good work , well articulated, unambiguous, simply & logically stated.

Thanks for the write up… This should help me writing my project… Thanks once again.


I am so glad with your work,l have gone through.l think what I benefited from it, will definitely guide me in my project l am so grateful to you for making me to discover what I am looking for.

Thaaaaanks A good guide i’ll do a study on chapter one

Truth be told, I wish I had come across this write up before now. This is the clearest article I’ve read about contents of the chapters of a research project, especially chapter two. I’ve sent the link to my colleague PG Students.

Thanks so much.

it will great if you can add examples of what these when properly written will look like.

good guidance, keep doing so to help us learn better, together we stand

God bless you ?

Omo thanks a bunch

Good work done keep it up, i think your write up have helped me alot

Thank you,I do really appreciate and I learned more about.

Thanks very much, I have found this piece to he very educative and resourceful to any researcher.

This is the best foundation of Researchers

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Online Programming Lessons, Tutorials and Capstone Project guide

Chapter 1 Research Guidelines

  • What is a Research or Capstone Project?

Table of Contents

Why Research is important?

How to write the chapter 1  research or capstone, what are the parts of chapter 1.

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A research or capstone project is an intensive, in-depth study of a particular topic. It is usually completed by students in their final year of study, and involves a significant amount of research and writing. A research or capstone project typically requires students to critically examine a particular issue or problem, and to develop and defend a solution or recommendations.

A research or capstone project can be a valuable tool for students in their academic careers. It can help them develop skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and writing. It can also provide them with an understanding of the complex issues that are facing society today.

Research and capstone projects are an important part of information technology. They allow students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-world scenarios. Computer programming, database design, concepts of software engineering and systems analysis and design are some of the topics they need to integrate in their research project.  Research projects can help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, while capstone projects give students the opportunity to design and implement a new system or application.

We can better grasp our surroundings thanks to research. It enables us to learn new things and validate or reject previously held beliefs. Research is important for businesses as well because they need to stay current with changes in their field to remain competitive. Of course, research is essential for scientists and medical experts who need to understand how to study the natural world and treat patients. In other words, if it weren’t for study, we wouldn’t know a lot of crucial things about our daily life.

Research is crucial in information technology for a variety of reasons. First, it’s essential to ensure that emerging technologies are both efficient and secure. Second, research can aid in the creation of novel applications for current technologies that corporations and governments can use. Third, research can be used to find issues with current technological systems and create solutions. Finally, research can help to explain information technology concepts so that the general public can more easily understand them.

In order to ensure that the influence of information technology is beneficial and long-lasting, research is crucial. In order to employ the technology and advancements that are currently available, corporations, governments, and the general public must have access to the best research available.

The first chapter of a research paper is the most crucial. You should state your idea here as well as describe your topic and give some background information.

The chapter 1 should be interesting and clearly state the objective of your work for the reader. Include a solid thesis statement that summarizes the essential aspects of your argument.

Our learners also read : List of Capstone Project Titles for Information Technology

This section of the article will enumerate, discuss and give example of the parts and components of chapter 1 in research or capstone project.

Introduction – The purpose of the Introduction is to introduce the topic of the research, give a short summary of what is known about it, and point out the gaps in that knowledge that the research will seek to address and answer.

Through educational tools that can be seen and heard, technology-assisted approaches in the classroom give teachers and students worthwhile experiences. Computers could be employed in educational institutions to offer lessons and solve problems. Students should employ information technology (IT) throughout the curriculum. Schools use computer-assisted educational applications like game programs, simulations, drill and practice programs, and tutorials. This educational program can be used to gain information, skills, and understanding in a certain field. The program must be simple to use, aid students in their learning, and be simple to comprehend and apply.

With the help of the aforementioned data, the researchers will carry out research on learning management systems that will assist the academic community of Integrated School in continuing to provide for their students’ needs and pursuing the learning process in an online environment in order to fulfill their institution’s vision and mission.

Objectives of the Study – The goals that the researcher wishes to achieve with his or her research are called the objectives of the study. Usually, they are crafted at the start (chapter 1) of the research process and give a clear, concise direction for the research. There are two broad types of objectives in Information Technology research and capstone project: research objectives and system based objectives.

  • Student information module
  • Faculty information module
  • Subjects module
  • Test and Exam module
  • Lecture materials banking module
  • The study aimed to evaluate the system in terms of functionality, reliability, usability, and efficiency based on McCall’s Software Quality Model.

Significance of the Study – Explaining how a research study will add to the body of knowledge in a certain field is the objective of the significance of a study. It should answer the question of why the study is being conducted as well as the question of what it will add to the previous research that has been done.

The proposed online learning platform would be a highly helpful tool for the school’s administration and teachers, as well as for the students and learners there, as it would create a central repository for educational resources. Everyone should recognize the value of internet learning. The solution under consideration also has the benefit of quick information delivery and a coordinated strategy. The relevant stakeholders would be reassured that education will continue despite the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic with the adoption of the suggested approach.

Because they offer a framework and structure for providing information and evaluations, eLearning systems are crucial. They also make it possible to monitor progress and guarantee that students have access to the things they require when they require it. The ability to build and manage courses as well as provide content to learners in a variety of ways is provided by eLearning systems. They also give students the chance to communicate with teachers and the course material. In general, eLearning platforms offer learners an effective and economical means to get content and evaluations.

Scope and Limitation – In research, determining the limits of the study in terms of what is included in the investigation and what is not is the objective of both the Scope and the Limitations area. This is essential since it assists in organizing the research and helps to ensure that the results are accurate and pertinent to the situation.

The features and content that users can access and utilize as part of an e-learning system are all included in its scope. An e-learning system has restrictions when it comes to some features or content that users cannot access or use. For instance, if a user is not authorized to access it or if the content is not part of the e-learning system, they may not be able to access it. Additionally, certain users may not be able to access some elements of e-learning systems. For instance, a student might not be able to access any of the content in an e-learning system until after completing the required training, whereas a teacher might be able to access all of the content in the system. Finally, due to the nature of the technology, e-learning systems may have certain fundamental restrictions. An e-learning system, for instance, might not be able to offer consumers a high-quality experience if it cannot display video or graphics in high resolution formats. The exact features and goals outlined by the system’s designer ultimately determine the scope and restrictions of an e-learning system.

Definition of Terms – In a research paper, the objective of providing the reader with a clear and concise explanation of the major concepts, theories, and variables that will be used throughout the paper is to fulfil the function of the definition of terms section. Accuracy is one of a good definition’s key characteristics. The researcher can be confident that their findings are precise and pertinent by making sure that the terms are properly specified. In addition, the terms are defined in two ways; conceptually and operationally.

Planner. Conceptually defined as a person who makes decisions about how something will be done in the future (

Operationally defined as a system that helps give idea to the agriculture students for decision-making.

Management . Conceptually, it is is the act of managing or the conducting or supervising of something (

Operationally, it is a way of processing something with an enough plans and a unique ideas to improve the process.

Crops . Conceptually defined as a plant or plant product that can be grown and harvested extensively for profit or subsistence (

Operationally defined as the available plant used by the Agriculture Department.

In this article, we have presented to you what is a research or capstone project, why research is important and provided an explanation on the components of the chapter 1. Example for each part of the chapter 1 was also provided to you in this article and we hope that you could use this material to craft the chapter 1 of your research and capstone project.

You may visit our  Facebook page for more information, inquiries, and comments. Please subscribe also to our YouTube Channel to receive  free capstone projects resources and computer programming tutorials.

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Write my chapter one – 4 super tips to writing chapter one of a research project

  • March 28, 2019
  • Posted by: IGBAJI UGABI
  • Category: Academic Writing Guide

Chapter one of the research project/thesis provides a framework through which other chapters are developed or built on. Students at the end of their education, be it undergraduate, masters or Ph. D, are often required to conduct an independent research study, on a given or approved topic. A typical research work provides vast information on a given topic, which is often presented in chapters.

Content Outline

We have outlined the sub-heading that make up the Research Project Chapter one here: HOW TO WRITE CHAPTER ONE OF A FINAL YEAR PROJECT

The content of the chapter of either undergraduate, masters or Ph.D. thesis is presented in a logical sequence which allows for the meaning derived from the previous segment of chapter one to be sustained and reinvented in the subsequent segment while paying attention to unnecessary repetition or words and ideas.

Learn How to Write Research Project Methodology (Chapter 3)

For researchers seeking knowledge on what and how to start and finish chapter one of their research projects, the following steps will be beneficial to you:

  • Search for both print and non-print materials on the related topic.
  • Collect all materials and subsequently sort out the most current ones among the list; this is important because it enables the researcher to become aware of the current knowledge milestone covered in his line of research. It also prevents the researcher from basing his research on information which may or may not find its applicability in modern times. For instance a researcher writing on methods of pregnancy prevention , if such a  researcher based  his judgment on journals or articles written from three decades ago, the resultant effect would be that the ideas presented in such research work  would  be obsolete, thus,  lacks touch with modern and current realities, this is so because; while withdrawal method, chemical contraceptives , and barrier method might be the highly celebrated method in this era, with advancement in technology many  hormonal control pills and injections are now readily available cum the availability of improved   family planning packages.
  • Read and analyze sorted materials and take notes,
  • Take action.

Steps in writing Chapter One of the research project

The format at which your chapter will follow differs depending on your discipline, however, most chapter one follows the following format;

Background to the study (Some Supervisors may adjust this to – Background to the Study)

At this stage, it is expected that the research extensively discusses the keywords in his/her research topic, showing its relationship with existing literature and the gaps in knowledge.

Statement of the problem (Some department use Problem Statement)

Here, the researcher is expected to discuss the central issues surrounding his/her research topic, providing detailed information on the effect of the status quo on the intended population to be studied.

Write my Abstract – Get the best Abstract written for your research paper

Objectives of the study

Here, the specific objectives which will guide the study are formulated. The specific objectives can be framed based on the research problem as well as the identified gap in knowledge. It is important that the research specific objectives are constructed in a manner which reflects and supports the general objective of the research study. Hence, accommodating the dependent and independent variables.

Example: Determine the role of parents in educating their wards on sex education.

Research Questions

The formulation of research questions allows the researcher to obtain data from respondents. Research questions can be formulated by turning the specific objectives into questions.

Example: What are the roles of parents in educating their wards on sex education?

Research hypothesis

The researcher formulates a hypothetical assumption which will be tested in the long run in the research. These assumptions in most cases are phrased from the research questions and specific objectives.

Justification/significance of the study

Here, the researcher is expected to discuss the importance of the intended study, and how his/her study would contribute to the development of his/her targeted population, the wider society and to the body of knowledge.

Scope of the study

The scope of the study provides readers with information on the content areas to be covered in the study, as well as the geographical areas to be covered or studied for the purpose of the research.

Limitation of the study

This segment provides details on the possible setback the study is likely to face. Limitations can come in the form of time constraint, unavailability of related literature, lack of finance, or the inadequacy of the instrument to be employed for data analysis among others. It all depends on where it is expected to be either Chapter one or Chapter Five.

Operational definition of terms

Here the keywords and other related words (as will be) used in the study are defined and explained in a manner that aid better understanding as some words could have several meanings.

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It is expected that the researcher provides a comprehensive list of all the literature he/she consulted while carrying out the study as well as detailed information on all the authors cited or quoted in the work. References may appear at the end of each chapter, which is called endnotes, or at the bottom end of every page, such as the case in footnotes.

Still not clear on how to go about writing Chapter one of your research project! Worry less, our team of experienced and professional writers is also available to help you solve the puzzle, at a very subsidized rate while maintaining quality. Try us today, and get that wow! Experience.

Recommended: Guidelines for Writing Literature Review

What does it cost to rewrite my chapter one.

Answer: The cost of writing your chapter one depends on the topic, academic level, duration, and any other requirement as may be specified by you, your school or department.


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How do I do chapter for if my research is based on secondary data?

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How to write Chapter 1 if your Research Study is based on Secondary data

Title Page: Start with a title page that includes the title of your research.

Introduction: Start with a general introduction to the research topic to provide background information. Discuss the importance of the topic and its relevance. State your research problem, which should be specific, clear, and concise.

Research Objectives or Questions: In clear terms, state your research objectives or questions. These should be the specific goals you aim to achieve or the questions you want to answer through your study.

Significance of the Study: Explain why your research is significant. Discuss the potential contributions to the field, the practical implications, and how it advances existing knowledge.

Scope and Limitations: Define the scope of your research. What is included and what is not included in your study? Address the limitations of your research, such as data constraints, potential bias, or methodological limitations.

Methodology Overview: Provide a brief overview of the methodology you used (or WILL USE) to collect and analyze secondary data. Mention the sources of data, data collection methods, and analytical techniques.

Structure of the Thesis/Dissertation: Give a brief outline of the structure of your entire thesis or dissertation. Mention how the subsequent chapters are organized and what each chapter will cover.

Citation and Referencing: If you’ve already identified key works related to your research, briefly mention some of them and cite them properly. This demonstrates your familiarity with the existing literature.

Conclusion of Chapter 1: Summarize the main points discussed in Chapter 1. Leave the reader with a clear understanding of the research problem and an anticipation of what the rest of the document will cover.

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How do I start my chapter 1 if my research base on industrial application of group vii element

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Low Latency Inference Chapter 1: Up to 1.9x Higher Llama 3.1 Performance with Medusa on NVIDIA HGX H200 with NVLink Switch

Image of an HGX H200

As large language models (LLMs) continue to grow in size and complexity, multi-GPU compute is a must-have to deliver the low latency and high throughput that real-time generative AI applications demand. 

Performance depends both on the ability for the combined GPUs to process requests as “one mighty GPU” with ultra-fast GPU-to-GPU communication and advanced software able to take full advantage of the multiple GPUs. By splitting the calculations of each model layer across the available GPUs using a technique called tensor parallelism in tandem with advanced algorithms like speculative decoding, token generation latency can be reduced, delivering an interactive user experience. 

For very low latency Llama 3.1 serving, cloud services can use a full NVIDIA HGX H200 server, each incorporating eight H200 Tensor Core GPUs and four all-to-all NVLink Switch chips. Each GPU within the server can communicate at the full 900 GB/s bandwidth to any other GPU via NVLink Switch. High GPU-to-GPU fabric bandwidth is required to keep multi-GPU communication from becoming the bottleneck in interactive use cases.

A photograph of an HGX H200 baseboard with the four NVSwitch

To efficiently implement optimization algorithms on NVIDIA H200 HGX systems, NVIDIA TensorRT-LLM is used. TensorRT-LLM is an open-source TensorRT library that delivers state-of-the-art inference performance on the latest LLMs using a variety of techniques, including tensor parallelism and speculative decoding.

Upcoming TensorRT-LLM optimizations, including the improvement of a speculative decoding algorithm called Medusa, provide outstanding low latency performance on Llama 3.1 70B and Llama 3.1 405B of 268 tokens/second/user and 108 tokens/second/user, respectively on HGX H200.

Medusa boosts token generation by up to 1.9x on NVIDIA HGX H200

Transformer-based LLMs are auto-regressive, meaning that tokens need to be generated sequentially, limiting throughput per generation step to just one token. Typically, during LLM inference, the rate at which a single token is generated depends on how quickly model weights are loaded into memory. This means that the workload can leave the substantial Tensor Core capabilities of H200 GPUs underutilized. 

Speculative decoding is a technique that increases token generation throughput per token generation step by using a “draft model” to try to predict multiple subsequent tokens beyond the next token. The target LLM then “batches” the prediction candidates and validates them in parallel with the next token, making more effective use of available parallel GPU compute resources. If any candidate sequence is accepted by the original LLM, multiple tokens are generated in the generation step and therefore accelerate token generation. 

Medusa, described in this paper , is a speculative decoding algorithm that uses the original model as the draft model, avoiding the system complexity and distribution discrepancy of using a separate draft model. This technique employs additional decoding “heads”, called Medusa heads, to predict candidate tokens beyond the next token. Each Medusa head generates a distribution of tokens beyond the previous. Then a tree-based attention mechanism samples some candidate sequences for the original model to validate. The number of parallel candidate sequences is called the draft length and the average number of tokens accepted per generation step is the acceptance rate. A greater acceptance rate increases overall token generation throughput. 

A bar chart showing HGX H200 Llama 3.1 70B performance on the left, 184 tokens/second/user without Medusa and 268 tokens/second/user with Medusa. On the right is Llama 3.1 405B performance showing 56 tokens/second/user without Medusa and 108 tokens/second/user with Medusa.

With Medusa, an HGX H200 is able to produce 268 tokens per second per user for Llama 3.1 70B and 108 for Llama 3.1 405B. This is over 1.5x faster on Llama 3.1 70B and over 1.9x faster on Llama 3.1 405B than without Medusa. Although there is variability in the Medusa acceptance rate between tasks depending on how the heads are fine-tuned, its overall performance is generalized across a wide range of tasks.

Medusa heads for both Llama 3.1 70B and Llama 3.1 405B were trained using the NVIDIA TensorRT Model Optimizer integration with NVIDIA NeMo framework. The Medusa head training used a frozen backbone, ensuring that use of Medusa yields identical accuracy to the base model.

NVIDIA full-stack innovation never stops

NVIDIA HGX H200 with NVLink Switch and TensorRT-LLM already delivers excellent real-time inference performance on popular and most demanding community models. To continue improving user experiences and reduce inference cost, we relentlessly innovate across every layer of the technology stack – chips, systems, software libraries, algorithms, and more. 

We look forward to sharing future updates on our low latency inference performance as both our platform and the LLM ecosystem advances. 

Related resources

  • GTC session: Accelerated LLM Model Alignment and Deployment in NeMo, TensorRT-LLM, and Triton Inference Server
  • GTC session: LLM Inference Sizing: Benchmarking End-to-End Inference Systems
  • GTC session: AI/ML Speech Recognition/Inferencing: NVIDIA Riva on Red Hat OpenShift with PowerFlex
  • NGC Containers: NVIDIA MLPerf Inference
  • NGC Containers: Llama-3-Swallow-70B-Instruct-v0.1

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Problem, purpose, hypotheses or research questions, definitions, the theoretical framework, and nursing significance are all covered in chapter one. The literature review is part of Chapter two.

The methodology is described in Chapter three, which includes sample selection, design, data analysis methods, and ethical considerations. Also, do you know what the research sections of Chapter 1 are? SIX MAIN CHAPTERS 1. INTRODUCTION The first section of Chapter 1 contains the following: background of the study, a statement of the problem, the significance of the study, as well as the study’s scope and delivery. 3. How do you write a chapter 1 research? Introductory Paragraph of WRITING CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION OF YOUR CAPSTONE PROJECT

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What does Chapter 1 of the Research talk about in this regard? The thesis is divided into seven sections. The first chapter begins with a brief introduction to the study’s background.

The specific research objectives, research questions, and significance of the study are then described. What are the main components of a research? An abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and references are the six components of a research report.

The Abstract. The abstract is usually two to four paragraphs long and provides an overview of the research study. Introduction Methodology.

Results. Discussion. References.

In terms of research, what are the main points of Chapter 3?

WRITING CHAPTER 3: The Research Design’s MetHODOLOGY Appropriateness In some institutions, this section is optional, but in others, it is required.

Design of a Research Project There are no variables in a qualitative study. Pilot Study.

Setting and participants Instrumentation. Procedure.

Data Processing and Analysis. Ethical Issues WRITING CHAPTER 3: The Research Design’s MetHODOLOGY Appropriateness In some institutions, this section is optional, but in others, it is required.

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Review of the Literature. Methods. Results.

Discussion/Conclusion References and bibliographies are available.

What is the thesis’s first chapter?

A funnel acts as a funnel in chapter one of a thesis. It begins with a broad topic related to the thesis title and then narrows down to the variables, questions, and problems that will be addressed in the research.

In general, you must explain what the reader will read about in the introduction.

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What are the five chapters of a thesis?

The introduction, review of related literature, design and methodology, findings, and conclusion are the five major chapters of a thesis (College of Education Masters Committee). “The introduction isn’t a story.

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Introduction, literature review, methodology, results and discussion, as well as conclusions and recommendations, should be included in your research project.

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The research, on the other hand, entails systematic investigation as well as the study of sources, material, or objects in order to establish or draw the facts. As a result, it’s all about finding the truth through scientific methods or experimentation.

Why is it so important to conduct research?

To figure out which treatments work best for patients, research is required. It is critical to the discovery of new treatments and the use of existing ones in the best possible way. Diagnose diseases and health issues are some of the common goals of conducting research studies.

In a research paper, what is the introduction?

The first paragraph of a written research paper, the first thing you say in an oral presentation, the first thing people see, hear, or experience about your project are all examples of an introduction. The reader learns the beginning of the thread by reading the introduction, which allows them to follow it.

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Quantitative research design refers to the creation of a research project that employs quantitative research methods. Quantitative research entails large sample sizes, focusing on the number of responses rather than the more focused or emotional insight that qualitative research seeks.

In a research, what is the study’s background?

Your research paper background will provide your readers with context for the information discussed throughout the paper. It can include both important and relevant studies.

The study’s background is used to demonstrate that a thesis question is pertinent, as well as to develop the thesis.

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  • Open access
  • Published: 30 August 2024

Astragali radix (Huangqi): a time-honored nourishing herbal medicine

  • Yuyu Zhang 1   na1 ,
  • Zhejie Chen 2   na1 ,
  • Liping Chen 3 ,
  • Qin Dong 1 ,
  • Dong-Hua Yang 4 ,
  • Qi Zhang 5 ,
  • Jing Zeng 1 ,
  • Yang Wang 1 ,
  • Xiao Liu 1 ,
  • Yuan Cui 1 ,
  • Minglong Li 1 ,
  • Xiao Luo 6 ,
  • Chongjian Zhou 7 ,
  • Mingzhu Ye 1 ,
  • Ling Li   ORCID: 1 , 8 &
  • Yuxin He 1  

Chinese Medicine volume  19 , Article number:  119 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

Metrics details

Astragali radix (AR, namded Huangqi in Chinese) is the dried root of Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge.) Hsiao or Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. As a widely used ethnomedicine, the biological activities of AR include immunomodulatory, anti-hyperglycemic, anti-oxidant, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-tumor, cardioprotective, and anti-diabetic effects, with minimum side effects. Currently, it is known that polysaccharides, saponins, and flavonoids are the indispensable components of AR. In this review, we will elaborate the research advancements of AR on ethnobotany, ethnopharmacological practices, phytochemicals, pharmacological activities, clinical uses, quality control, production developments, and toxicology. The information is expected to assist clinicians and scientists in developing useful therapeutic medicines with minimal systemic side effects.


The genus Astragalus is a group of Leguminosae, which has an indistinguishable species composition. To date, nearly 2000 species of Astragalus have a very wide distribution in northern temperate zones. In Europe, there are about 130 Astragalus species [ 1 ]. Worldwide, common names of astragalus plants include milkvetch (most species), goat's-thorn, and locoweed (some species in North America). In China, Astragalus is not only the common name of a well-known herb medicine, but also the name of the plant group from which it originates. Astragali radix is called "Huangqi” in China. Based on the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia issued by the Chinese government, both the dried root of the Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge.) Hsiao and Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. are utilized as “Huangqi” in the medical practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). AR was included for the first time as a high-quality tonic in the classic work named Shennong’s Classic of Materia Medica (神農本草經) [ 2 ], and has been applied in TCM over 2000 years. According to the theoretical system of TCM, this herbal medicine has a warm nature, sweet in flavor, and acts on the spleen and lung. Generally, after being cultivated for more than 3 years, AR is harvested in spring or autumn [ 3 ]. AR is mainly produced in Neimenggu, Shanxi, Gansu, and Heilongjiang provinces in China. Clinical practitioners of TCM believe that AR can lift yang and tonify Qi, reduce swelling, diffuse water, relieve sweat, fix the surface, generate muscle, and promote wound healing [ 4 ]. Therefore, AR is utilized as a time-honored tonic, which can be applied to clinical interventions of sub-health people, weak elderly, and the chronic disease patients with unsound immunity. Besides, AR is also a high-value raw material for the development of healthy foods in China, for the positive regulatory effects on regulate immunity, delay senescence, and resist fatigue [ 5 ]. At present, researchers have demonstrated that AR has clinical drug and nutraceutical applications potentials in immunomodulatory, anti-hyperglycemic, anti-oxidant, antiaging, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-tumor, cardioprotective, and anti-diabetic effects. Besides, it is also revealed that these biological activities are accompanied with minimum toxic and side effects.

Currently, over 200 small molecule chemical substances, containing saponins and flavonoids, have been isolated and identified from AR. Notably, an increasing number of research have proved that polysaccharides are also an indispensable active ingredient of AR [ 2 , 4 , 5 ]. About 40 kinds of triterpenoid saponins have been identified, including saponins, isoflavone saponins, acetyl saponins, and soybean saponins. Besides, there are more than 30 kinds of flavonoids, composed of flavonoids, formononetin, and its glycosides. In addition, AR polysaccharides are mainly composed of dextran and heteropolysaccharides [ 6 , 7 , 8 ]. Most of the heteropolysaccharides are water-soluble acidic heteropolysaccharides, primarily composed of glucose, galactose, rhamnose and arabinose [ 2 ]. In this review article, we will comprehensively introduce the active ingredients and mechanisms of action, clinical applications, quality control, and safety evaluation of AR. This study will provide rationales for development and utilization of AR in clinical drugs and nutraceuticals.

  • Ethnobotany

Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. is an herb with a height of 50–100 cm. The main roots are thick, woody, branched, and gray–white. Stems are erect, upper branched, finely angled, and have white villi. Pinnate compound leaves have 13–27 leaflets that are 5–10 cm long; petioles are 0.5–1 cm long; stipules are detachment, ovate-lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 4–10 cm long, with white pubescence or subglabrous underneath; Leaflets are ovate or oblong-ovate, 7–30 cm long and 3–12 cm wide, apex obtuse-rounded or slightly concave, with small pointed or obscure, base rounded, nearly glabrous, underlying by white villi. Racemes are slightly dense, with 10–20 flowers; pedicels are nearly equal or longer compare with leaves, and significantly elongated during fruit stage; bracts are linear lanceolate, 2–5 cm long, with white pubescence on the back; Corolla is yellow or yellowish, 12–20 mm long, apex concave, the base with short petiole, wing petal shorter than flag petal. The petal is oblong, base with short ears, and the petiole is longer than petal about 1.5 times, keel petal and wing petal are nearly equal length. The pod is thin, slightly inflated, semi-elliptic, 20–30 mm long, 8–12 mm wide, apex spiny, with white or black pubescent on both sides; seeds are 3–8 mm. The flowering season is open from June to August and the fruit period is from July to September (Fig.  1 ). Besides, Astragalus membranaceus Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge.) Hsiao is shorter than Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge, with smaller leaflets, 5–10 mm long, 3–5 mm wide, and glabrous pods.

figure 1

Plant overview ( a ), dry roots ( b ), racemes ( c ), and slices ( d ) of Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge.) Hsiao

Researchers used ArcGIS to investigate its appropriate cultivating environment in China. The appropriate production areas for this herb are usually in mountainous regions with relatively little precipitation, including Gansu, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia and Ningxia, covering an area of about 506,000 square kilometers [ 9 ]. Besides, Data from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility showed that the medicinal resources of AR on a global scale are mainly distributed in the northern regions of China, as well as neighboring regions of Russia and northern China (Fig.  2 ). The wild medicinal resources of AR have declined drastically because of massive and prolonged excavation. The Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. and Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge.) Hsiao or Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. are in danger of extinction. The wild medicinal resources of AR in China have been officially classified as third-class national protected plants by the government, and the AR currently used for clinical purposes is exclusively produced via artificial means.

figure 2

The global distribution of medicinal resources of AR. Data from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Ethnopharmacological practices

AR was used as a medicinal plant for more than 2000 years. Formulas using AR as the main ingredient in “Treatise on Miscellaneous Diseases of Typhoid Fever” written by Zhang Zhongjing (the “medical sage” in TCM) at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, including Fangji Huangqi Tang, Huangqi Jianzhong Tang, Wutou Tang, Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu Tang, and Huangqi Gui Zhi Shaoyao Tang. AR has been documented in other well-known TCM manuals, and these ancient texts describe the efficacy of AR and the herbs used in combination. In this paper, the prescriptions of AR on immunomodulation recorded in ancient formulas are summarized (Table  1 ). AR in other classical prescriptions related to immunomodulation have been documented in other medical works. Besides, AR has been traditionally used as analgesic, anticancer, antidiarrheal, anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, anti-fatigue, tonic, and hypoglycemic agents in in clinical practice of TCM [ 10 ].


So far, researchers have isolated and identified over 200 compounds from AR, and some of these components have shown biological activity in vivo or in vitro. Understanding these various compounds of AR is helpful for carrying out scientific research, clinical applications and understanding their biological activity mechanisms. Therefore, 117 compounds with biological activities have been reported in this paper (Tables  2 , 3 , and 4 ), including polysaccharides (1–25), Triterpenoid saponins (26–55), and flavonoids (56–117).


AR polysaccharides (APS) are important active ingredients extracted from AR. APS is composed mainly of hetero-polysaccharides and glucans. Hetero-polysaccharides are mainly water-soluble acidic polysaccharides. Glucans include water-soluble α -(1–4)(1–6) glucans and water-insoluble α -(1–4) glucans. A recent study has identified two new polysaccharides in AR. APS-A1 (1) was a 1,4- α -D-Glcp backbone, and APS-B1 (2) was a heteropolysaccharide. The main chain of APS-B1 was made up of 1,4- α -d-glcp, 1,4,6- α -d-glcp, and 1,5- α -l-Araf, and the side chain consisted of 1,6- α -d-galp and T- α / β -Glcp [ 11 ]. Moreover, it was found that the two polysaccharides possessed anti-inflammatory effects and confirmed that the molecular weight, glycosidic bond, monosaccharide composition, and glyoxylate content of the polysaccharides might affect their anti-inflammatory activities. Another study also identified two polysaccharides, named APS2-I (3) and APS3-I (4) [ 12 ]. The researchers not only studied their structures in detail, but also confirmed that the two polysaccharides have good antioxidant and cardioprotective properties. Notably, the water-soluble heteropolysaccharide (cAMPs-1A) (24) can be obtained from AR in cold water (4 °C) [ 13 ]. In this paper, we provide a compendium of the APS that have been isolated and purified from AR (Table  2 ).

Triterpenoid saponins

Triterpenoid saponins are characteristic bioactive compounds of AR, and are also the main medicinal ingredients of AR. There are about 40 types of triterpenoid saponins have been isolated and identified from AR (Table  3 ). Wherein, Astragalosides are important tetracyclic triterpenoid compounds, including Astragalosides I (29) , II (35) , III (27) , IV (26) , V (37) , VI (36) , VII (33) , and VIII (50) . They have a wide range of biological activities and significant pharmacological effects. Astragaloside is often used as a “labelled ingredient” in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, and Astragaloside is also recorded in the European Pharmacopoeia and the British Pharmacopoeia. Besides, Chemical Structures of triterpenoid saponins extracted from AR are documented in Fig.  3 .

figure 3

Chemical structures of triterpenoid saponins in AR

Flavonoids are the largest class of plant secondary metabolites, and compounds are based on a same C6-C3-C6 skeleton. According to the level of unsaturation and replace the pattern, it is possible to distinguish among flavonoids, flavanones, flavan-3-ols, anthocyanins, dihydroflavanols, and isoflavones [ 35 ]. Currently, isoflavones are widely studied by scholars. Calycosin-7-O- β -D-glucoside (68) , calycosin (67) , and formononetin (64) are the main isoflavone constituents of AR [ 36 ]. Owing to their complex structure, the bioavailability of flavonoids is very low, and a large number of flavonoids reach the gut in their prototypical form and interact with gut microbes to indirectly modulate various diseases [ 37 ]. Flavonoids extracted from AR are listed in Table  4 and their chemical structure are shown in Fig.  4 .

figure 4

Chemical structures of flavonoids in AR

In addition to the above types of chemical structure, AR is also rich in amino acid components, with high contents of aspartic acid, proline, arginine, aspartic acid, and alanine [ 52 ]. AR also contains phenylpropanoid compounds, organic acids, quinones, furans, inositols, and glycosides. In addition, AR contains overs 20 trace elements, including iron, manganese, cobalt, and copper [ 53 ].

Pharmacological activities

Modern pharmacological research demonstrated that AR has many pharmacological activities, including immunomodulatory activity, anti-tumor, anti-inflammation, anti-aging, and anti-heart failure. The rich biological activities of AR provided various possibilities for its clinical applications in TCM and pharmaceutical studies ensured its value (Fig. 5 ).

figure 5

AR active ingredients exhibit a variety of actions. a Mechanisms of anti-tumour use of CAG in combination with PD-1 antibodies. This figure has been adapted/reproduced from ref [ 153 ] with permission from BMJ. b Inhibitory effect of TFA on foam cell and RAW264.7 cells formation using Oil Red O staining. This figure has been adapted/reproduced from ref [ 78 ] with permission from Frontiers. c Immunofluorescence images of the dissected midguts of esgGFP in 3-day flies, and 40-day-old flies fed with or without 3 mg/mL APS. This figure has been adapted/reproduced from ref [ 83 ] with permission from Elsevier. d Fat index, hepatic steatosis score, and relative expression of pro-inflammatory factors (IL-1 β and IL-6) mRNAs in liver tissue (%) of mice fed on high-fat chow supplemented with 4% APS. This figure has been adapted/reproduced from ref. [ 154 ] with permission from Taylor & Francis. e Representative WGA staining of mouse myocardial tissue (left) and its quantification (right) in AAV-lnc9456 mice treated with HHQ16. This figure has been adapted/reproduced from ref. [ 155 ] with permission from Springer Nature

Immunomodulatory activity

The immunomodulatory activity of AR has been in the spotlight for a long time. Literatures have demonstrated that the immunomodulatory properties of AR are based on its bioactive components, including APS, Astragalus flavonoids (AF), and Astragaloside (AS). Particularly, APS is a systemic immunomodulator linked to innate immunity, mucosal immunity, immune organs, and acquired immunity. A previous study found that AR is promising in the field of farmed animals, where it can greatly improve the immune organ index. The study showed that feeding mice with AR (5, 25 and 50 g/kg) for 30 days increased the splenic index of mice [ 54 ]. In a recent study, APS (0 and 2 g/kg) fed to crucian carp for 56 days was found to improve the immunological parameters of the spleen, kidney and liver of crucian carp [ 55 ]. Notably, research confirmed that APS promotes the growth of immune organs at a young age. According to reports, basal diets added with 0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.6% APS and fed to 1-day-old broiler chicks for 7 days significantly increased liver, pancreas, spleen, and bursa indices [ 56 ]. However, APS had no significant effect on immune organ indices in 14-day-old broilers. This observation was confirmed by another study in which 3 ml of Astragalus extract (ARE, 0.2 mg/L) was fed continuously to 7-day-old chickens for 6 weeks [ 57 ]. Except for APS, feeding total flavonoids of Astragalus (TFA) (25, 50, and 100 mg/kg) to mice for 7 days, significantly increased thymus and spleen indices [ 58 ]. The above findings demonstrated that the various bioactive ingredients of AR are effective in regulating immune organs. However, their related mechanisms are still lacking, and are being explored. Some scholars put forward that the APS modulated immune activity by modulating the gut microbiota [ 59 ]. Studies have shown that feeding APS to rats can improve the species and change the composition of the gut flora, including 12 key bacteria associated with weight gain and immune organ index [ 59 ]. Furthermore, another study indicated [ 60 ] that APS actuated the bursa toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 pathway via MyD88-independent pathway, leading to increased levels of SIgA content and chTLR4 mRNA expression/protein.

The mucosal immune system is the primary locus of local nonspecific immune function and consists primarily of mucosa-bound lymphoid tissues. One study investigated the immunomodulatory activity of APS (139 mg/kg) of various molecular weights (157.7 × 10 3 , 69.9 × 10 3 , 22.4 × 10 3 , 13.2 × 10 3 , and 1.4 × 10 3  Da). Via intravenous injection for 14 days to model mice, it was showed that high-molecular weight APS markedly improved the phagocytic exponent, and phagocytosis ratio in small intestine and lung, and dramatically increased the secretion of SIgA [ 61 ]. Another study confirmed that APS obviously enhanced the multiplication of mouse intestinal mucosal γδ T cells, enhanced the viability and cytotoxicity of APS-treated mouse intestinal mucosal γδ T cells [ 62 ]. Recently, scholars [ 63 ] investigated the effects of intranasal injection of APS (50 mg/kg) on mucosal immune cells in mice. APS enhanced the amount of lineage-CD11c + dendritic cells (DC) in mesenteric lymph nodes (mLN), markedly up-regulated the intracel-lular generating levels of IFN- γ , granzyme B, and perforin in the mLN. Besides, the levels of IFN- γ production by CD4 + and CD8 + T cells in mLN and lungs were also significantly up-regulated. The involvement of APS in mucosal immunity is complex and still needs to be explored.

Besides, AR has favorable immunomodulatory capacity to regulate both innate and acquired immunity. The immunomodulatory capacity of AR has been confirmed after years of experimental research. As early as 2000, it was demonstrated that APS greatly enhanced the phagocytic capacity of macrophages [ 64 ]. Afterwards, a study found that a dose-dependent increase in NK cell activity in gastric cancer rats fed with APS (100, 200, and 300 mg/kg) for 5 weeks [ 8 ]. Then, another study proved that giving APS (5,10, and 20 mg/kg) to 4 weeks old Yorkshire pigs with foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) vaccine enhance the amount of CD3 + CD4 + CD8 + memory T helper cells and CD3 + CD4-CD8 + cytotoxic T cells [ 65 ]. Notably, it was demonstrated that various APS with different molecular weight (Mw) (300 Da, 10 kDa, and 2000 kDa) could differently stimulate the proliferation of macrophage-occupying neutrophilic red and NK cells, and the effect of APS with 10 kDa Mw was the most significant effect [ 66 ]. Once again, it proved that the molecular weight of polysaccharides can influence immune regulation. In recent years, researchers have reported the potential mechanisms. APS has been reported to induce macrophages to express inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) genes by activating the nuclear factor NF- κ B/Rel and decreasing the expression of the NF- κ B/Rel binding complex [ 67 ]. And APS was able to increase the expression of granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), NO, and TNF- α [ 68 ]. In addition, it was found that after AR treatment, the number of ILC3 was increased, the expression of IL-17F, IL-17A, IFN- γ , IL-22, and GM-CSF mRNA increased as well and activation of AR improved the expression of ROR γ t to promote ILC3 production [ 69 ]. The above studies on the immune activity of AR showed that the immunomodulatory effects of AR developed from the influence of immune organs and immune cells.

Hepatoprotective activity

Cholestasis is a clinical syndrome characterized by disrupted bile acid flow with no effective treatment. Chronic cholestasis can lead to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis [ 70 ]. Huangqi Decoction (HQD) consists of AR and Glycyrrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma, did good job in alleviating cholestatic liver fibrosis (CLF). A previous research reported that the addition of HQD (2 and 4 g/kg) could alleviate intestinal flora imbalance, improve gut barrier dysfunction, inhibit liver inflammation, and have a protective effect on cholestatic liver injury in cholestatic mice [ 71 ]. Another research proved its protective action on chronic cholestatic liver injury and biliary fibrosis in mice, and proposed that the mechanism may be related to the induction of Nrf2 pathway, inhibition of NF- κ B pathway, and improvement of bile acid (BA) stimulation of inflammation [ 72 ]. An in-depth study of the material basis and mechanism of action of HQT was reported. This study investigated the pharmacokinetics of multiple components of HQD in human plasma using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS), which identified 24 prototype components and 17 metabolites [ 73 ]. In addition, they found that astragaloside IV (26) , liquiritigenin, glycyrrhetinic acid, glycyrrhizic acid, cycloastragenol, and isoliquiritigenin could down-regulate the expression of α -SMA mRNA in vitro. Cycloastragenol, calycosin-7-O- β -D-glucoside (68) , liquiritin, formononetin (64) , glycyrrhetinic acid, and isoliquiritin down-regulated the expression of Col I mRNA. Calycosin (67) , liquiritigenin, isoliquiritigenin, cycloastragenol, and glycyrrhetinic acid accelerate the apoptosis of LX-2 cells. Furthermore, the antifibrotic activity of total astragaloside (AST) against liver fibrosis has been reported in some articles. Feeding cholestatic hepatic fibrosis rats with AS (14, 28 and 56 mg/kg) showed that astragaloside and cycloastragaloside alcohol significantly increased the expression of CK19 and α -SMA mRNAs and proteins in liver tissues [ 74 ]. There are some studies reported that mechanism of action of AS in the treatment of liver fibrosis. They proposed that AS could exert anti-hepatic fibrosis effects by inhibiting hematopoietic stem cell activation and modulating the TGF- β 1/Smad signaling pathway [ 75 , 76 ]. In addition, scholars confirmed the anti-fibrosis effect of cycloastragalus alcohol and cycloastragenol had a better antifibrotic effect at a dose of 200 mg/kg in a CCl 4 -induced hepatic fibrosis model in mice [ 77 ]. Furthermore, AR also has good effect for other liver diseases. It was discovered that feeding ApoE deficient mice with TFA (20 mg/kg), resulted in a significant reduction in total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and it was useful for liver lipification [ 78 ]. Next, research has confirmed that AS-IV could reverse the excessive autophagy and apoptosis of hepatocytes induced by iron dextranhydride, and had a ctherapeutic effect on hepatocyte injury [ 79 ]. Additionally, APS has great potential in slowing the progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFL) to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). SIRT1/PPAR α /FGF21, PI3K/AKT/IRS-1, AMPK/ACC, mTOR/4EBP-1/S6K1, GRP78/IRE-1/JNK, AMPK/PGC-1/NRF1, TLR4/MyD88/NF- κ B, and TGF- β /Smad are the most common mechanisms of APS [ 80 ]. These mechanisms are used to alleviate non-alcoholic NAFL by regulating lipid metabolism, endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS), oxidative stress (OS), insulin resistance (IR), autophagy, fibrosis, inflammation, and apoptosis, respectively [ 80 ]. TCM, including AR, are characterized by multi-components and multi-targets, and a comprehensive and systematic elucidation of their mechanisms of action requires continuous exploration.

Anti-oxidant and anti-aging activities

Aging can affect cortical neurotransmission and synaptic function, neurogenesis, vasculature, gross morphology, and cognition, and is a risk factor that cannot be ignored in our lives. While the key factor causing aging is oxidative stress, ROS, RNS balance, and redox regulation are integral to the maintenance of normal brain homeostasis [ 81 ]. AR is getting more attention due to its antioxidant activity as well as good anti-aging effects. APS was widely reported to play a beneficial effect in the modulation of aging-related diseases. Previously, APS has been proven to significantly reduce malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and increase superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in response to d-galactose-induced senescence [ 82 ]. Furthermore, research has shown that APS attenuates hepatocyte senescence in vitro and in vivo in an H 2 O 2 -induced hepatocyte senescence model, the main mechanism of which is the reduction of reactive oxygen species levels via the AMPK/mTOR pathway, and it is noteworthy that APS is most effective at a dose of 100 μM [ 83 ]. Two other studies proved that APS prolonged the lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans . It was reported that APS reduced reactive oxygen species levels and attenuated hepatocyte senescence in vitro and in vivo via the AMPK/mTOR pathway in a model of hepatocyte senescence induced by H 2 O 2 , and APS was most effective at a dosage of 100 μM [ 84 ]. Besides, RNAi knockdown of ATF-6 prolonged the lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans , demonstrating that miR-124-regulated ATF-6 contributes to lifespan extension [ 85 ]. APS might be able to modulate the miR-124 signaling pathway of ATF-6 to extend the lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans .

In addition, AS and AF have been reported to exhibit antioxidant and anti-aging activities. Astragaloside and ASI (29) delay hydrocortisone-induced aging in rats via antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects [ 86 ]. Some scholars have investigated the mechanism of action. It was found that AS and AS-IV (26) can increase the antioxidant capacity of the body and eliminate senescent cells to retard the aging process by restoring the MnSOD activity and GSH/GSSG ratio and inhibite the MAPK and NF- κ B pathways and modulating the TGF- β /Smad pathway [ 5 ]. AS and AS-IV (26) also protected human skin fibroblasts from ultraviolet A (UVA)-induced photoaging by mechanisms related to inhibition of the MAPK and NF- κ B pathways, modulation of the TGF- β /Smad pathway, enhancement of skin cell viability under UVA irradiation, inhibition of MMP1 expression, and blocking of type I procollagen degradation [ 87 , 88 , 89 ]. Notably, it was confirmed that AF scavenges superoxide radicals and hydroxyl radicals, and this effect was enhanced with increasing AF concentration [ 90 ]. Isoflavones was able to prevent the decline of antioxidant enzyme activity, reduce membrane fluidity stability, chelate iron and copper ions involved in the production of free radicals, and scavenge ROS to achieve its antioxidant effect [ 91 , 92 , 93 ]. As the anti-aging and antioxidant activities of AR have been studied in greater depth, the development of antioxidant and anti-aging functional foods as well as cosmetic products with AR as the main ingredient has a large potential.

Anti-inflammatory activity

Generally, AR is considered to have good anti-inflammatory activity. Over the years, scholars have proved its anti-inflammatory effect from various inflammatory models and explored its mechanism of action. For example, in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated BMECs, APS and AS-IV (26) inhibited gene expression of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α and achieved anti-inflammatory effects by activating the Wnt signaling pathway [ 94 ]. Another study found that APS-A1 (1) and APS-B1 (2) reduced the levels of TNF- α , IL-6, and MCP-1 in RAW264.7 macrophages and were able to regulate NF-κB and MAPK pathways [ 95 ]. Another study found that APS inhibited the TLR4/MyD88/NF- κ B signaling pathway to exert anti-inflammatory effects [ 96 ]. Another study also verified this discovery. APS (200 mg/kg) can obviously decreased the level of CVB3-induced markers of cardiac inflammation (IL-1 β , IL-6, TNF- α , INF- γ , and MCP-1), and the expression of cardiac TLR-4 and phosphorylated NF- κ B p65 [ 97 ]. Besides, APS increased the number of bacteria producing SCFAs, thus inhibiting the NF- κ B signaling pathway [ 98 ], and AR alleviated colitis symptoms in mice by regulating intestinal flora diversity [ 99 ]. Moreover, other active ingredients of AR also play a better anti-inflammatory effect. It was reported that saponins of AR inhibited excessive inflammation by interacting with a variety of inflammatory pathways, including NF- κ B, MAPKs, and TLR4, which was beneficial in suppressing intestinal inflammation [ 100 ]. It is worth noting that saponins of AR and APS may exert their anti-inflammatory effects via the same mechanism of action. Besides, research confirmed that AS-IV ( 26 , 50 mg/kg) treatment markedly reduced in vitro IL-1 β -induced inflammatory cytokine production in orbital fibroblasts [ 101 ]. In the latest study, researchers increased the bioavailability and BBB permeability of AS-IV by microbial and hepatic biotransformation. Through designing cell and animal experiments to observe its efficacy in a cerebral hemorrhage disease model. It was demonstrated that derivatives of AS-IV were able to significantly reduce inflammatory expression in the brain [ 102 ]. This provided new ideas for the utilization of low OB herbal components. In addition, in a mouse model of ApoE-deficient mice, TFA inhibited inflammation by decreasing miR-33 expression and suppressing NF- κ B activity, thereby inhibiting ABCA1/G1 activity [ 78 ]. The above evidence indicated that AR and its active components exerted anti-inflammatory effects mainly through the regulation of NF- κ B signaling pathway, and Wnt, MAPK, TLR4, and JNK signaling pathways [ 103 ]. JAK-STAT have also been shown to regulate inflammatory response in the body.

Anti-viral activity

A number of studies have comprehensively demonstrated the important property of AR for antiviral activity. Enterovirus 71 (EV71) is one of the major pathogens causing severe hand-foot-and-mouth disease in children. However, there is a lack of clinically approved specific antiviral drugs for the control of EV71 infections. Study confirmed that AST can reverse nuclear atrophy and inhibit apoptosis and heat apoptosis of GES-1 cells [ 104 ]. AST deserves in-depth explore as a potential antiviral medicine for the therapy of EV71 infections. The outbreak of 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19), has seriously challenged the health of human beings, with a high death rate in the elderly and men [ 105 ]. As an indispensable strategy of preventing viral infections, TCM takes an essential part in epidemic defense in China. APS was proved to be an effective adjuvant for influenza and COVID-19 vaccines, mitigating the deadly attack of the influenza A virus [ 106 ]. In addition, LNPs binding AS-VII (33) and AS-VII (50) were shown to serve as effective adjuvants for in vitro inactivated H3N2 vaccines and generate cytokine responses via the Th1/Th17 pathway [ 107 ].

The efficacy of AR and its active ingredients on viral myocarditis (VM) induced by Coxsackie virus B3 (CVB3) have also been reported in many articles. For example, APS was found to have good effect in preventing myocardial injury and inflammation, which may be partially attributed to the regulation of the TLR-4/NF- κ B p65 signaling pathway [ 108 ]. Besides, another study found that calycosin 7-O- β -D-glucopyranoside ( 68 , 24 mg/kg), and 14 consecutive days of in vitro treatment demonstrated its ability to significantly reduce cardiac viral titers and cardiac index [ 109 ]. Calycosin 7-O- β -D-glucopyranoside showed antiviral activity against CVB3-induced myocarditis both in vivo and in vitro. AS-IV ( 26 , 100mg/kg) had a protective effect on cvb3-induced myocardial injury and fibrosis in mice with viral myocarditis, which may act by inhibiting the activation of the FAS/FASL signaling pathway. [ 110 ]. Furthermore, the antiviral components of AR that have been reported include anti-dengue virus activity, including astragaloside II (35) , astragaloside III (27) and astragaloside IV (26) [ 111 ]. Besides, APS was able to effectively prevent Muscovy duck reovirus (MDRV) infection in ducks [ 112 ], and antiviral activity against duck circovirus (DuCV) [ 113 ]. Overall, AR has antiviral activity, but its mechanism of action warrants further study.

Anti-tumor activity

Cancer is a major reason of death and the worldwide death rate is projected to be 28.4 million cases in 2040, a 47% rise from 2020 [ 114 ]. In this paper, the mechanism of action of AR active ingredients on cancer was sorted out. Polysaccharides exhibit potent antitumor activity by inhibiting tumor metastasis and promoting immune response in a variety of cancers [ 115 ]. Studies have demonstrated that APS can inhibit lung cancer development by interfering with the S1PR1-STAT3 signaling pathway [ 116 ], as well as that APS improved the expression of CD80 and CD86, enhanced the maturation of DCs, and activated cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) [ 117 ].

The antitumor activity of AS-IV (26) has been extensively reported. One study demonstrated that the bidirectional cross-talk between Nrf2/HO-1 and pSmad3C/3 L is critical in exerting the anti-hepatocellular carcinoma effect of AS-IV (26) [ 118 ]. Another study confirmed that AS-IV (26) exerts its anti-hepatocellular carcinoma effect via the same signaling pathways in C57BL/6J mouse hepatocellular carcinoma model [ 119 ]. In addition, it was observed that AS-IV (26) inhibited HepG2 cells through the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway and has a radiosensitizing effect on hepatocellular carcinoma cells [ 120 ]. Besides, AS-IV (26) can inhibited tumor growth in vivo by immune-enhancing activity by inducing CTL activity and suppressing Tregs expression [ 121 ].

The study found that TFA can decrease the expressions of IL-6 and STAT3 via the IL-6/STAT3 pathway in Lewis ruffed tumor mice, thus suppressing tumor growth. Besides, TFA had potentiating and detoxifying effects on cisplatin [ 122 ]. Calycosin (67) can induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis to affect pancreatic cancer development and the signal transforming growth factor- β is the key to its action [ 123 ], and Calycosin through ERK/JNK pathway decreased the incidence of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm [ 124 ]. Notably, AR protein caused programmed necrosis in HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma cells by affecting the p53 signaling pathway [ 125 ]. This research not only provided a rationale for AR proteins against hepatocellular carcinoma, but also offered a reference for future anti-tumor studies of protein analogues. Lately, exploration of the efficacy and mechanism of AR in colorectal cancer seems to be a hot research topic. An article confirmed the inhibitory effect of AR extract on colon cancer cells MC38 and found that the inhibitory effect showed a correlation with the concentration of AR extract [ 126 ]. Another article found that AR and Curcuma aromatica Salisb inhibit colon cancer growth and liver metastasis by regulating Epithelial-mesenchymal transition via the CXCL8/CXCR2 axis and PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway [ 127 ]. Furthermore, another article investigated its mechanism of action and found that AR inhibited colon cancer development by inhibiting Wnt5/β-catenin signaling [ 128 ]. In addition to the types of cancer mentioned above, the active constituents of AR have been shown to be effective in ovarian cancer [ 129 ], laryngeal cancer [ 130 ], and Melanoma Tumor [ 131 ].

Cardioprotective activity

A a number of cardioprotective mechanisms of the active ingredients in AR have been reported. Literatures showed that AR and its active components had significant effects on myocardial injury induced by ischemia–reperfusion and other stimuli (ischemia alone, isoproterenol, H 2 O 2 , GdCl 3 , adriamycin, and LPS). For instance, one study stabilized the hearts of isolated rats via buffer perfusion for 30 min, then via whole-brain ischemia without blood flow for 30 min, and finally via K-H buffer containing APS2-1 ( 3 , 72 mg/L) and APS3-I ( 4 , 62 mg/L) for 50 min and recorded heart rate, left ventricular developmental pressure (LVDP), and ventricular systolic force (± dP/dt) [ 12 ]. The results confirmed that APS significantly improved myocardial systolic and diastolic function, while reducing hypoxia/ischemia-induced release of LDH, AST, and CK. Besides, feeding AR (100–600 mg/kg) to rats with myocardial ischemia found that it reduced myocardial infarct area and lowered serum lactate dehydrogenase, creatine kinase isoform MB (CK-MB), and cardiac troponin levels [ 132 ]. A more in-depth study confirmed that feeding AS-IV ( 26 , 80 mg/kg) to MI/R rats continuously for 7 days, demonstrating that AS-IV attenuates myocardial I/R injury via inhibition of CaSR/ERK1/2 and related apoptotic signaling pathways [ 133 ]. The above evidences demonstrate the role of AR mainly via the regulation of intracellular Ca 2+ homeostasis and antioxidant activity. Myocardial fibrosis is a common pathophysiologic concomitant of many different myocardial diseases, and the mechanism of action of AS-IV for this disease has drawn the interest of researchers. It was reported that [ 134 ] found that feeding AS-IV ( 26 , 10 mg/kg) for 8 days in an ISO-induced cardiac fibrosis rat model inhibited cardiac fibrosis via miR-135a-TRPM7-TGF- β /Smads pathway. Another study indicated that AS-IV ( 26 , 40 mg/kg) decreased MI-induced myocardial fibrosis and promoted cardiac remodeling by inhibiting the ROS/Caspase-1/GSDMD signaling pathway in a mouse model of cardiac infarction [ 135 ]. Atherosclerosis is an underlying cause of coronary heart disease. In another study, feeding CVB3-induced AS-IV ( 26 , 300 mg/L) to BALB/c mice for 6 months was found to reduce fibrosis in cardiac tissues, possibly due to downregulation of TGF- β 1-Smad signaling [ 136 ]. In summary, the mechanism of AS-IV on myocardial fibrosis is through regulating TGF- β 1-Smad, and miR-135a-TRPM7-TGF- β /Smads pathway. ROS/Caspase-1/GSDMD pathway were also found to be involved.

Pathological hypertrophy is recognized by systolic and diastolic hypoplasia and is a multifactorial disease. Research found that ISO-induced cardiac hypertrophy rats was fed with HQTP (80mg/kg) for 6 weeks, and showed that it could reduce ventricular wall thickness, weaken ventricular narrowing, and reduce heart weight ratio, and suggested that APS regulated TNF- α /PGC-1 α signaling mediated energy biosynthesis [ 137 ]. Furthermore, research has indicated that feeding AS-IV ( 26 , 20, 40, and 80 mg/kg/d) for 2 weeks could reduce the heart weight and left ventricular ratio of hypertrophic rats, dose-dependently inhibiting myocardial hypertrophy. The cardioprotective effect was associated with inhibition of TLR4/NF- к B signaling pathway and regulation of inflammatory factors [ 138 ]. In addition, for this pathway, APS nanoparticles alleviated sepsis-induced myocardial injury by inhibiting the TLR4/NF- κ B pathway [ 139 ]. The active ingredients in AR, especially AS-IV (26) , have shown the heart protective effects. However, due to the complexity of the mechanism of AR related active substances in treating heart disease, further pharmacological research is still needed.

Anti-diabetic activity

Diabetes is a global metabolic disease characterized by elevated blood glucose, leading to impaired insulin secretion and damage to various tissues and organs (eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, and blood vessels) [ 140 ]. Active substances in AR have been widely used in basic research of anti-diabetes. It has been shown that AS-IV (26) acts as an active anti-diabetic compound via modulation of the AMPK/SIRT1 and PI3K/AKT signaling pathways in a type 2 diabetes mouse model [ 141 ]. APS showed great potential in the therapy of diabetes and its complications. Research on its therapeutic mechanisms, it was found that APS effectively reduced fasting blood glucose levels, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine levels, and renal pathological damage in a rat model of diabetic nephropathy. Furthermore, APS significantly ameliorated renal injury by decreasing the expression of inflammatory factors IL-1 β , IL-6, and MCP-1 and inhibiting the activity of TLR4/NF- κ B pathway in rats [ 142 ]. Recently, research indicated that APS exerts hypoglycemic effects via the intestine. They found that APS-1 significantly reduced insulin levels in type 1 diabetic (T1D) mice and improved the intestinal barrier function by regulating the expression of ZO-1, Occludin, and Claudin-1. Additionally, APS rebuilt the intestinal flora by increasing the relative abundance of Muribaculum, Lactobacillus and Faecalibaculum and inhibited the expression of pro-inflammatory factors IL-6 and TNF- α . They speculated that the alleviation of T1D by APS-1 may be related to the production of bacteria from short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which bind to GPRs and HDACs proteins and modulate the inflammatory response [ 143 ]. In a rat model of diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM), APS attenuated cardiac hypertrophy and prevented DCM by inhibiting activation of the BMP10 pathway [ 144 ]. Besides, it was shown that APS was able to ameliorate vascular endothelial dysfunction in diabetes by stimulating macrophage polarization to M2 through enhancing the Nrf2/HO-1 pathway [ 145 ]. In addition to APS, formononontin (64) was found to partially attenuate mitochondrial damage and renal tubular injury in diabetic nephropathy (DN) by modulating the Sirt1/PGC-1 α pathway in an in vivo experiment in diabetic rats [ 146 ]. Moreover, giving TFA (5, 25, and 50 mg/kg) to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) model mice for 16 weeks was able to significantly improve brain damage through modulating the gut-microbiome-brain axis. In vitro studies confirmed that TFA increased the viability of HT22 cells and preserved intestinal barrier integrity in CaCO 2 single cell layer, and PGC1α/AMPK pathway was involved in this process [ 147 ]. Overall, APS is a potential drug candidate for the treatment of diabetes and its complications, but it still needs to be investigated in-depth studies on its mechanisms and molecular targets.

Other activities

AR is an herb and a dietary supplement with great potential. Researchers fed APS-added diets to spotted seatrout and found that the addition of APS was effective in improving the growth and lipid metabolism of spotted seatrout, and the greatest efficacy were obtained at a concentration of APS of 0.6881 g/kg [ 148 ]. In addition, the active ingredients in AR have been reported to have antibacterial [ 149 ], hematopoietic [ 150 ], retinal protection [ 151 ], treatment of hyperlipidemia [ 152 ], and hepatoprotective effects [ 80 ].

Clinical use

AR is one of the most commonly used medicines and is favored by doctors and patients. It has a long history of application and outstanding therapeutic effects, was named “the longest of tonic medicines” by Li Shizhen, and is widely used. This chapter describes the clinical application and efficacy of prescription or proprietary Chinese medicines containing AR.

Immunomodulatory effect

The immunomodulatory activity of AR has been broadly investigated and the immunomodulatory effects of APS, AF, and AS in AR have been discussed in the previous review studies [ 156 ]. Clinical evidences have demonstrated the immunomodulatory effects of AR injection. To assess the effect of AR injections used with conventional therapy on chronic aplastic anemia (CAA) in a randomized controlled pilot study (n = 60). Clinical studies have found that AR injection improves T-lymphocyte subpopulations, reduces the release of negative regulatory factors such as TNF- α and IL-2, and promotes the immune mechanisms of hematopoiesis [ 157 ]. In addition, one clinical trial treated 100 patients with gastric cancer after major gastrectomy with AR injections in combination with conventional therapy [ 158 ]. The results showed a significant increase in CD4 + T-cell levels, CD4 + /CD8 + T-cell ratio, IL-2 and IL-6, and a marked improvement in postoperative immunosuppression. Recently it has been reported that AR injections improved the levels of T lymphocyte subsets CD3 + , CD4 + and CD4 + /CD8 + , and reduced symptoms in children with lupus nephritis [ 159 ], as well as the incidence of nausea and vomiting, hyperhidrosis, hemorrhage, and infections in leukemia patients following chemotherapy [ 160 ]. In addition, it was found that AR injection increased IgA, IgG, and IgM levels, improved immune function and promoted recovery in children with hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) [ 161 ]. AR compounds have shown potential in modulating immune function. One study was conducted on 80 patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma surgery, who were given Huangqi Sijunzi Soup for 10 weeks, and the levels of IgG, IgM and IgA in the treatment group were significantly higher, and had better clinical efficacy [ 162 ]. Another study investigated and studied 80 patients with COPD lung and kidney qi deficiency with blood stasis, and treated them with Huangqi Danshen Yin for 8 weeks. It was found that the CD4 + and CD4 + /CD8 + of the treatment group were higher, and the overall effective rate was higher than the control group [ 163 ]. However, the mechanism of synergism between single herbs in AR compound formula remains unclear. Currently, some scholars have investigated the synergistic mechanism of the two herbs, AR and Ginseng. It was found that AR and ginseng cooperatively regulate glycerophospholipid metabolism for immunomodulation, with pyrimidine metabolism and sphingolipid metabolism considered to be specific pathways for AR, and energy metabolism and glycerolipid metabolism specific pathways for ginseng [ 164 ]. Research on the collaborative mechanism of single drugs offered a new direction of drug development (immune enhancers) for the clinical use of Chinese medicines. However, the multi-component and multi-target characteristics of Chinese medicine compounding make the mechanism of its action on diseases very complex, so the study of its synergistic mechanism is very challenging.

Clinical studies of AR in the heart

Clinical studies have confirmed the positive clinical efficacy of AR in many types of heart disease. Viral myocarditis (VM) is an inflammatory disease caused by a virus that damages the muscle tissue of the heart. Clinically the disease leads to acute heart failure (AHF) and sudden death with substantial complications and mortality [ 165 ]. Various active components of AR have been demonstrated to have anti-myocardial effects, including AS-IV, APS, Calycosin-7-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside, and AF. In a study, 28 randomized clinical controlled studies (2,522 participants) were evaluated clinically and preclinically in a systematic manner to assess the efficacy, safety, and possible mechanisms of AR for the treatment of viral myocarditis (VM). The data demonstrated that AR significantly reduced serum cardiac myosin and cardiac troponin I levels and improved clinical efficacy in patients with viral myocarditis [ 166 ]. Then, in a randomized, controlled, pilot study (n = 54), researchers evaluated the effects of AR injections in patients with fulminant myocarditis. The study found that surviving patients treated with AR injections had significant reductions in cardiac injury marker levels, renal function, and left ventricular ejection fraction. It was found that AR injection may be an option in situations where clinical evidence is insufficient and ambiguity remains regarding the addition of immunosuppressive agents. Meanwhile, AR injection was found effective in the treatment of viral myocarditis in a study of 120 patients with viral myocarditis who underwent AR injection for 28 consecutive days [ 167 ]. Mechanistically, AR injection inhibited miR-146b and miR-155, thus promoting immune responses, promoting the secretion of IL-10 and TNF- β by Treg cells and inhibiting the secretion of IL-17 and IL-21 by Th17 cells, which attenuated myocardial injury by regulating the balance of cytokine and T-cell immunity, further confirmed the immunological activity of AR injection. However, the long-term efficacy of AR injection alone is poor. It has been demonstrated that the overall efficacy of AR injection in combination with conventional therapy is significantly higher than that of conventional therapy alone. In a randomized controlled trial study (n = 70), the effect of trimetazidine combined with AR injection in treating acute viral myocarditis was evaluated [ 168 ]. Clinical studies have shown that trimetazidine, a novel cardiometabolic analog, combined with AR injection can effectively exert anti-inflammatory and anti-OFR effects in the treatment of AVMC patients. However, the mechanism of interaction between the two needs further investigation. In addition, clinical studies have shown that the clinical efficacy of edaravone, a new type of potent oxygen radical scavenger, combined with AR injection in the treatment of patients with viral myocarditis has been improved [ 169 ].

AR compounds are also effective in the treatment of heart diseases. As early as 2000, it was reported the clinical cases of HQD for the treatment of coronary artery diseases. The patients in the treatment group took HQD for 3 months, showing good efficacy [ 170 ]. Afterwards, the effects of Huangqi Baoxin Tang on cardiac function and neuroendocrine factors were further studied in clinics. After a 3-month clinical trial, it was found that its clinical efficacy may be related to the inhibition of overactivation of the RASS system, protection of endothelial cell function, and inhibition of ventricular remodeling [ 171 ]. In addition, researchers found that combining Huangqi Baoxin Tang with metoprolol could effectively improve cardiac function of patients, inhibit myocardial remodeling, and decrease the incidence of adverse drug reactions [ 172 ]. The combination of Chinese and Western medicines can not only improve the clinical efficacy, but also complement each other's advantages, which is of great research value.

Treatment of diabetes and its complications

AR has proven to be very effective in diabetes and its complications, especially for compound formulas made from AR as the raw material. One study reported the clinical efficacy of AR injection combined with lipoic acid injection in the treatment of patients with diabetic foot by AR injection 30 mL plus saline injection to 250 ml for 28 days, the results showed an obvious reduction in the glycated hemoglobin value in the treatment group [ 173 ]. Another study reported the clinical efficacy of AR on diabetic nephropathy, with AR injection 20 mL, added to saline 250 mL intravenous infusion, once a day for 3 weeks. The total effective rate of the patients in the treatment group was 87.18%, the efficacy was obvious [ 174 ].

For the clinical efficacy of AR compounds in the treatment of diabetes and its complications, Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu Tang is very promising. Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu Tang is derived from Zhang Zhongjing's “The Essentials of the Golden Chamber”, and is a representative formula for treating “blood paralysis”. It consists of five herbs: AR, Cinnamomi Ramulus, Paeoniae Radix Rubra, Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens, and Jujubae Fructus. Currently, Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu Tang is mainly used for the treatment of hand-foot syndrome, hemiplegia in stroke, and diabetic peripheral neuropathy. The core compounds in Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu Tang include quercetin, kaempferol, catechins, and acetylcholinesterase. Through regulating blood glucose, Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu Tang can reduce insulin resistance, anti-oxidative stress, anti-inflammation, promote the release of vascular endothelial growth factor, and improve growth-induced neovascularization in vivo, which improves microcirculation, body immune regulation, regulation of lipid metabolism disorders and alleviates nerve cell ischemia and hypoxia thereby treating diabetes mellitus and its complications [ 175 ]. In a randomized, controlled, and pilot study (n = 60), the effect of Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wuwu Tang on peripheral neuropathy in type 2 diabetes was evaluated [ 176 ]. The trial proved that TCM combined with electrical stimulation was more effective than electrical stimulation alone in restoring the motor function of patients, which was favorable to the recovery of elderly patients with diabetes mellitus combined with hemiplegia of stroke. Another study also confirmed the clinical efficacy of the compound in stroke patients [ 177 ]. Furthermore, Hunagqi Gui Zhi Wuwu Tang has good clinical efficacy on diabetic foot [ 178 ] and age-related diabetic lower limb vasculopathy [ 179 ]. Overall, there is encouraging evidence that AR and Gui Zhi Wuwu Tang has better clinical efficacy in diabetes mellitus and its complications. However, the mechanism of interaction between different drugs in its prescription needs to be further explored.

Other clinical effects

AR can also be clinically effective in the treatment of other diseases. AR injection has also been shown to be clinically effective in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [ 180 ], child with cerebral palsy [ 181 ], chronic fatigue syndrome [ 182 ], cure of neurotoxicity induced by oxaliplatin chemotherapy [ 183 ], and severe infection in the elderly [ 184 ].

The AR compound has also shown promising clinical efficacy in a wide range of diseases, such as digestive disease, liver disease [ 185 , 186 ], knee synovitis [ 187 ], and arteriosclerosis [ 188 ]. Intestinal diseases are common and prevalent clinical conditions. As early as 1999, scholars reported the 54 clinical cases of elephant skin and Huangqi Tang for the treatment of peptic ulcer [ 189 ]. After that, some scholars [ 190 , 191 ] studied the clinical efficacy of Huangqi Tang on geriatric chronic functional constipation (FC) and found that HQD has good therapeutic efficacy on FC and low recurrence rate. Besides, it was found favorable efficacy and safety of Huangqi Jianzhong Tang herbal formula granules in the clinical treatment of chronic non-atrophic nonpneumonia [ 192 ]. It is believed that after further research on the mechanism of action of AR, there will be greater development for the clinical application of AR. The formulation of AR and the conditions treated are summarized (Table  5 ; Fig. 6 ).

figure 6

AR is used in combination with herbs to produce more diverse clinical efficacies

Quality control

Presently, cultivated variants and alterations of AR are flooding in the market, resulting in the poor quality of AR, and posing a challenge to the quality assurance of AR. This paper summarized the currently accepted quality evaluation standards, including the 2020 Edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia, Twelfth Edition of Korean Pharmacopoeia, 18th edition of Japanese Pharmacopoeia Bureau, European Pharmacopoeia, Book X of "Hong Kong Standards", and Fourth Edition of Taiwan Chinese Pharmacopoeia, and gives a detailed introduction to AR from morphology, chemical information, and safety evaluation.

The 2020 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia [ 202 ] specifies that genuine AR is derived from the dried root of the legume Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge.) Hsiao or Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. Bge. The current market circulation of AR common adulteration includes red AR, East Russia Luo AR, pogostemon AR, and Sichuan AR.

The quality evaluation of AR starts with its traits and its microscopic identification. The Chinese Pharmacopoeia, "Hong Kong Standard", "Taiwan Standard", and "European Pharmacopoeia" are similar. Specify that AR is cylindrical in shape, measuring 30–90 cm in length and 1–3.5 cm in diameter. Its surface is light brownish yellow or light brownish in color, with irregular longitudinal wrinkles or grooves, and it is difficult to break. The fracture surface has strong fiber texture and shows powdery appearance. The bark is yellowish white, and the wood is light yellow with radial stripes and cracks. In the microscopic identification, the transverse section of AR shows multiple rows of cork cells and the phloem layer is composed of 3–5 rows of thick-walled cells. The rays on the outer side of the vascular bundle are often curved and fibers are arranged in bundles, with thick walls, woodiness or micro-woodiness, and interspersed with sieve tubes. The cambium is a ring. The xylem vessels are scattered individually or in groups of 2–3 and there are wood fibers between the vessels. Parenchyma cells contain starch grains. In addition, the Korean Pharmacopoeia and the Japanese Pharmacopoeia specifically require the absence of calcium oxalate square crystals around the fiber bundles.

The relevant regulations on the quality inspection of AR regarding moisture, total ash, heavy metals and harmful elements, and pesticide residues are shown in Table  6 . The Korean Pharmacopoeia and the Japanese Pharmaceutical Bureau do not require leachate, and the fourth edition of the Taiwan Chinese Pharmacopoeia does not have the relevant regulations on moisture inspection.

Indicator components in AR that are used as quality standards are also nuanced in the currently recognized quality evaluation criteria. The 2020 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia revised the content standard of AS-IV (26) should not be less than 0.080% by HPLC, and the content of AR isoflavone glucoside (C 22 H 22 O 10 ) should not be less than 0.020% by HPLC. The Hong Kong Standard and Taiwan Pharmacopoeia only stipulate that the content of AS-IV (26) should not be less than 0.040%, and the eighteenth edition of Japanese Pharmacopoeia and the twelfth edition of Korean Pharmacopoeia do not have detailed provisions for the quantification of AR. Except for the pharmacopoeia-specified detection method of HPLC for AS-IV (26) and trichostatin isoflavone glucoside, a variety of assays coupled with HPLC have been proposed in the relevant literature, including UHPLC-MS [ 203 ], HPLC–UV [ 204 ], HPLC–DAD-MS n [ 205 ], LC–ESI–MS/MS [ 206 ], HPLC-ESI/TOF–MS [ 207 ] and other liquid chromatographic methods, which are simple and exclusive. Metabolomics techniques have been widely used in the quality identification of medicinal herbs. Based on MS and NMR, metabolomics techniques can analyze metabolite types and contents [ 208 ]. Recently, researchers established a new method of reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography-integrated pulsed amperometric detection (RP-HPLC-IPAD) for the quantitative analysis of six constituents (mauritigenin, stinging aristolochicin, and AS-IV (26) ) in AR, which is selective, sensitive, and reproducible, and can be used directly without pre-treatment [ 209 ]. Study showed that the use of HPLC–UV-CAD was able to separate eight flavonoids and five astragalosides, which are the main chemical constituents in AR extracts [ 210 ]. This method is an easy, low-cost, and dependable chromatographic method. It was proposed that the contents of astragaloside III (27) and astragaloside IV (26) could be used as indicators for the identification of AR in Northeast, Inner Mongolia, and Shanxi. Another study also reported that the levels of chemical components in AR from different origins varied greatly, and found that AS II (35) , IV (26) , and methanone (64) could be used as quality indicators for quality control of AR by chromatographic fingerprinting and multicomponent quantitative analysis [ 206 ]. Furthermore, it was indicated that the content of flavonoids and saponins within AR could be determined simultaneously using HPLC–UV-ELSD method [ 211 ]. Comparison revealed that the total flavonoid content in wild AR was higher than that in cultivated AR. The evidence confirms the active ingredient AR exist difference of different regions, and with the continuous study and progress of detection methods, it provides the possibility for the more comprehensive and higher accuracy of the quality control of AR.

AR as a medicinal herb, its safety is naturally not to be ignored. In China, according to the 2020 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, the daily dosage of AR is suggested 9–30 g. To fully explore the safety of Astragalus, many scholars have done detailed studies on the safety of AR. Since 1932, the toxic components (alkaloids, selenium, glycosides and saponins toxic components) in AR were first identified and isolated [ 212 ], and in 1965 and 1967, acute toxicity studies of AR in a chicken model were reported, revealing symptoms of paralysis and heart failure, depression, accelerated cardiac activity, and cardiac insufficiency [ 213 , 214 ]. Until 1975 scholars had characterized the toxic properties of 366 species of AR, and of the 366 species, 71 were determined to be toxic. Researchers classified the toxicity of different species of AR in a study with sheep and 1-week-old chicks and found that “Class I” species (A. pterocarpus, A. convallarius, and A. diversifolius) were highly toxic to sheep at oral doses below 100 mg/kg, while “Class II” species (A. canadensis and A. cibarius) were highly toxic to sheep only at oral doses above 100 mg/kg [ 215 ]. To date, the ingredient bitartein (an indolpyridine alkaloid) contained in AR has been reported several times with acute or chronic toxicity events. In 2019, the first outbreak of AR poisoning on a farm in Argentina resulted in the death of 63 out of 70 cattle, attributed to the ingredient bitter marjoram at a concentration of about 0.096% on a dry weight basis, with symptoms of ataxia, loss of balance, and progressive wasting [ 216 ]. At the same time, studies have shown that the concentration of picloram in South American species of Astragalus spp. is greater than 0.001%, whereas the concentration of picloram in North American and Chinese samples of Astragalus spp. and Echinocereus spp. is less than 0.001%, suggesting that the production of picloram may be related to a certain type of fungus in the plant [ 217 ]. Therefore, the safety of AR should still be evaluated like any other exogenous drug before any therapeutic application.

In addition to this, this chapter compiles a survey of scholars on the safety of AR and its active ingredients based on animal models is shown in Table  7 . The literature surveyed indicates that the studied AR is relatively safe at all tested levels.

Moreover, to further confirm the safety of AR, clinical data on AR were collected and analyzed in this section. According to the survey, it was found that after 114 volunteers took TA-65 on a daily dose of 5–10 mg/d (some subjects increased the dose to 25–50 mg/d after a few months), for one year, the volunteers were found to be well tolerated and had no adverse effects from the intake of TA-65 [ 218 ]. Researchers recruited 98 volunteers (38 males and 60 females) by administering Myelophil (a mixture of AR and Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix Et Rhizoma extracts) orally (2 g per day) for 12 weeks [ 219 ]. The safety of the drug was assessed by hematological analyses. Adverse events, such as anemia, were found to occur during the experimental period, but disappeared within a short period of time and were not considered to be related to the drug treatment. There were no significant changes in biomarkers of oxidative stress and cytokines before and after treatment. A study was conducted on 80 volunteers who were given 1000 mg tablets per day containing 48% Rubus coreanus Miquel and AR extract [ 220 ]. No clinically significant changes in vital signs, blood and urine assays were found during the 12-week period. Notably, with the development of modern TCM, AR is used in clinical and daily healthcare applications in various preparation forms, including capsules, inhalers, drops, and injections. And the adverse reactions caused by AR injections are gradually attracting public attention. For the collected adverse events of traditional Chinese medicine injections in Hubei Province from 2014 to 2019, it was found that the total number of adverse events produced by AR injection was 502, with 53 serious adverse reactions [ 221 ]. It was positively correlated with age, the older the age, the higher the probability of serious adverse reactions. Overall, the safety of AR should be carefully evaluated after long-term clinical trials before it is used as a drug or product in clinical and daily health care.

Product development

On November 17, 2023, AR was officially listed on the Chinese list of substances that are both food and TCM. AR is an affordable tonic. It is valuable to carry out the development of AR-related clinical drugs, foods, health care products, and cosmetics to meet health and daily necessities and other aspects of demand.

AR is regarded as one of the most important qi tonic medicines and is widely used in clinical practice. At present, the number of patents of AR has reached 38398 worldwide of which China has the largest number of patents, accounting for more than 3/4 of the total. The details of the patents AR are shown in Fig. 7 . In the 2020 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, the efficacy of AR-containing formulas mainly focuses on tonifying qi, followed by invigorating blood, as well as tonifying yang and the kidney. In the 2020 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, AR-based TCM formulas are Huangqi Jianwei Gao, Huangqi Shengmai Keli, and Huangqi Keli. Besides, in the 2020 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, a total of 222 AR-containing formulas were included, involving 178 prescriptions; the main dosage forms were granules (22.25%), capsules (21.62%), tablets (19.37%), and pills (17.12%). In addition, China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) ( has announced 57 AR-related drugs, including compound Huangqi oral solution, Huangqi injection, Huangqi Jianzhong Pill, Huangqi Stomach Cream, Huangqi Essence, Huangqi Shengmai Granules, Xiyangshen Huangqi capsule and others. We summarized the products and effects of AR as the main component in Table 8 . It is worth noting that in most EU member states, Chinese medicine granules are regarded as food supplements. Due to different policies in each country, the EU market has a huge potential waiting to be explored by the Chinese pharmaceutical industry [ 228 ]. Further studies on the mechanism of action of AR and the mechanism of pairing with other Chinese medicines will further promote the development of AR application in clinical drugs.

figure 7

Analysis of 38,398 patents browsed on LENS.ORG ( ) using search terms “Astragalus”. a Patent applications per year; b CPC classification code; c Effectiveness of patents. d Jurisdictions (CN, China; US, United States; WO, World Intellectual property organization; EP, European Patent Office; KR, South Korea; RU, Russia; JP, Japan)

With AR being officially listed on the Chinese List of Medicinal and Food Substances, it is believed that there will be more AR health products in the future. AR is safe and effective in treating diseases, and has an abundant and inexpensive source of medicine that no drug can replace. According to current research on AR, the development of AR in health care functions can be developed in terms of immune enhancement, heart health care, prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, treatment and maintenance of diabetes mellitus, and anti-aging effects. With the aging of the global population, the health management for the elderly has drawn attention [ 229 ], since older people face a higher risk of disease flare-ups or drug-related side effects. The better approach to treating aging-related diseases is primary prevention [ 230 ], and health products have been developed to meet this need. Currently, there are multiple AR-based health care products, including Ba Ji Tian Huang Qi Capsules, Huang Qi Hong Jing Tian Chromium Yeast Soft Capsules, Dang Gui Ge Gen Huang Qi Capsules, Dang Gui Huang Qi Iron Tablets, and Huang Qi Dang Gui Gelatin. Its health care functions are different. Baji Tian Huangqi capsule can enhance immunity; Huangqi Hongjingtian chromium yeast soft capsule can assist in lowering blood sugar; Danggui Gegen Huangqi capsule for middle-aged and old people nourishing maintenance can enhance immunity and has a protective function against liver damage by chemicals; Danggui Huangqi iron tablets and Huangqi Danggui Agaricus are able to improve the iron-deficiency anemia. However, the dosage forms of the currently developed health products are mostly capsules, and the application of AR in health products deserves further research and development.

AR is very promising in medicinal diets. In ancient times, there are records of using AR as a medicinal diet. It is common to use AR porridge to nourish the weak body after diseases. AR is convenient to consume and can be used to stewed and boiled with meat, brewed with tea, steamed with rice and boiled with vegetables. AR is commonly used for simmering jujube, Huangqi stewed hen, and Huangqi boiled black beans are delicious, and taking these supplements regularly can make the body healthy. Yue Meizhong created "Fufang Huangqi Zhou": Coicis Semen 30 g, Vignae Semen 15 g, Galli Gigerii Endothelium Corneum 9 g, and glutinous rice 30 g. Firstly, boil 30 g Astragali Radix with 600 mL water, then add the rest of the abovementioned flavors simmering, and then take the juice into the glutinous rice boiled. After each meal porridge, chew 1 golden orange cake. Taken twice a day, it is effective in treating chronic nephritis. In addition, AR can also be cooked to function as Huangqi Danggui Wuji Tang and Huangqi Fuling Jiyu Tang. Besides, AR has been processed into a dazzling variety of products, such as Huangqi eye mask, Huangqi antibacterial liquid, Huangqi coca tea, Huangqi coffee, “precious Huangqi” drink, Huangqi wine, Huangqi moisturizing mask, Huangqi toothpaste, which have also received good feedback in the market. However, there is still a huge barrier between basic research and the industrialization of AR. With further study on the activity and mechanisms of AR and its clinical applications, it is hoped that the product development of AR can follow the step of research, and that clinical drugs and healthcare products with good efficacy and high safety can be developed, and food and various daily necessities.

AR has a history of thousands of years of use in TCM. Its traditional effects are raising Yang and lifting depression, invigorating spleen and lung qi, benefiting and protecting body surface [ 156 ], blood-enriching, detoxification [ 241 , 242 ] and muscle-generating [ 83 ], diuresis and detumescence, and blood-activating [ 150 ]. Known as a promising nourishing herb medicine, its major use is in the daily health care of sub-healthy persons, the elderly, and others with weak immune systems. Pharmacological studies have proven that biological activities of AR include immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic effects, anti-viral, anti-tumor, cardioprotection, anti-hyperglycemia, anti-oxidant and anti-aging, with minor side effects. With more comprehensive research on AR and advances in production technology, AR is gradually being widely used as a clinical drug and healthcare product. Besides, the Chinese patented drugs that have been approved are reliable and clinically effective. Furthermore, development of clinical drugs and healthcare product with AR being the major ingredient, have attracted great interest from Europe, Japan, Korea, and the United States [ 2 ]. Its excellent immunomodulatory, antidiabetic and antiviral effects have been widely acknowledged. At present, there are still some problems with the relevant products, including low quality of original technology and simple processes. Therefore, with the help of health food preparation technology and modern TCM, the development of AR-related products on the basis of original preparations needs in-depth explore.

This review focused on collating the ethnomedicine uses, phytochemical and pharmacological related to immunomodulation of AR. Furthermore, the pharmacological and clinical manifestations about AR in anti-inflammation, antivirus, cardiac protection, and anti-diabetes were summarized. Besides, we summarized all the information about the compound with AR for treating diseases. Via the comparative study of related studies, we found that immunomodulatory effects are the current research trend in AR, and that this research has evolved from the initial impact on immune organs to intensive research on immune cells. It was confirmed that the components of APS, AF and AS in AR are closely associated to its immunomodulatory activity. Especially, as an important active ingredient in AR, APS has been developed as a variety of immunomodulators.

With the growth of ethnomedicine in healthcare, AR has great potential in the field of clinical drug and nutritional supplement development. But, the process of industrializing basic research is fraught with enormous challenges. Immune regulation involves massive and complex system of the whole body, but most of these previous studies are just cursory investigations of the potential mechanisms. The research of AR still needs systematic and comprehensive material basic research. Although number of identified compounds of AR have been demonstrated potent immunomodulatory effects, only polysaccharides have undergone studies on their pharmacokinetic characteristics and therapeutic mechanisms among all isolated compounds. Further in-depth investigations are required to elucidate the correlation between isolated compounds and their immunomodulatory activity, as well as to systematically explore the immunomodulatory biological effects. Significantly, the current market lacks products with AR as the main ingredient. Beyond clinical drugs, there are many possibilities for AR to be developed into products, including AR health products, AR tea, AR cosmetics. Besides, AR combined with a variety of herbs, will exhibit an enhanced therapeutic effect, including Poria, Cinnamomi Ramulus, and Stephaniae Tetrandrae Radix. Moreover, the interaction and mechanisms of action of these herbal pairs need to be further studied. In conclusion, AR is a promising tonic and can be developed into clinical drugs and nutraceuticals.

Availability of data and materials

Not applicable.


Astragali Radix

Acute fulminant myocarditis

Astragalus polysaccharide

Astragalus flavonoids


Astragaloside IV

Total astragaloside

Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Cholestatic liver fibrosis

Cytotoxic T lymphocyte

Calcium-sensitive receptor

Coronavirus disease

Cerebral infarction

Coxsackie virus B3

Chronic aplastic anemia

China Food and Drug Administration

Charged aerosol detector

Creatine kinase isoform MB

Dampness stagnancy due to spleen deficiency

Dendritic cells

Dilated cardiomyopathy

Diabetic kidney disease

Diabetic cardiomyopathy

Diabetic nephropathy

3, 5-Diethoxycarbonyl-1, 4-dihydrocollidine

Enterovirus 71

Extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2

Endoplasmic reticulum stress

Functional constipation

Foot-and-mouth disease virus

Granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor

High-performance liquid chromatography

Hepatic stellate cells

Hand-foot-mouth disease

Insulin resistance


Inducible nitric oxide synthase


Left ventricular developmental pressure

Mesenteric lymph nodes


Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

Superoxide dismutase

Sodium dodecyl sulfate

Astragalus total flavonoids

Total Astragalus saponins

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Toll-like receptor

Thin-layer chromatography

Type 1 diabetic

Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Flavonoids from Astragalus membranaceus

Ultraviolet A

Urinary creatinine ratio

Viral myocarditis

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This work was financially supported by the Open Research Fund of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine State Key Laboratory of Southwestern Chinese Medicine Resources (SKLTCM2022013), Central Nervous System Drug Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province (230016-01SZ), Key Research and Development Project of Liangshan Prefecture (23ZDYF0177), Higher Education Talent Training Quality and Teaching Reform Project of Sichuan Province (xjjg2021096), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2023M732316), National Key R&D Program of China (2023YFC3504100), Xihua University Science and Technology Innovation Competition Project for Postgraduate Students (YK20240253).

Author information

Yuyu Zhang and Zhejie Chen have contributed equally to this work.

Authors and Affiliations

School of Food and Bioengineering, Xihua University, Chengdu, 610039, China

Yuyu Zhang, Qin Dong, Jing Zeng, Yang Wang, Xiao Liu, Yuan Cui, Minglong Li, Mingzhu Ye, Ling Li & Yuxin He

Institute of Molecular Medicine (IMM), Shanghai Key Laboratory for Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Nanomedicine, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200127, China

Zhejie Chen

School of Comprehensive Health Management, Xihua University, Chengdu, 610039, China

Liping Chen

New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mineola, NY, 11501, USA

Dong-Hua Yang

Pengzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pengzhou, 611930, China

Chengdu Institute for Drug Control, NMPA Key Laboratory for Quality Monitoring and Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu, 610045, China

HuBei Guizhenyuan Chinese Herbal Medicine Co.Ltd., Hong’an, 438400, China

Chongjian Zhou

Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu, 611137, Sichuan, China

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Y.Z. and Z.C. conceptualized and drafted the manuscript. L.C., Q.D., Q.Z. conducted a literature search. J.Z., Y.W., X.L., Y.C., M.L., M.Y. revised the manuscript. X.L., C.Z. generated the illustrations. D.Y. improved the language. L.L., Y.H. reviewed and refined the manuscript. All the authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Ling Li or Yuxin He .

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Zhang, Y., Chen, Z., Chen, L. et al. Astragali radix (Huangqi): a time-honored nourishing herbal medicine. Chin Med 19 , 119 (2024).

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Received : 21 March 2024

Accepted : 31 July 2024

Published : 30 August 2024


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  • Astragalus membranaceus
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