
Essay on Financial Management

Students are often asked to write an essay on Financial Management in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Financial Management

What is financial management.

Financial management is taking care of money. It’s like being smart with your allowance. You plan how to spend and save. Companies do this too. They decide where to use their money to grow and make more.

Why It’s Important

Good financial management helps you not run out of money. It’s like making sure you have enough lunch money for the whole week. For businesses, it means they can pay workers and buy what they need.

Making a Budget

A budget is a plan for your money. You write down what you earn and what you spend. It’s like planning your snacks so you don’t eat them all at once.

Saving and Investing

Saving money means keeping it for later. Investing is using your money to try to make more money, like buying a lemonade stand to earn more.

Being Careful with Debt

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250 Words Essay on Financial Management

Financial management is about how to handle money in a way that is smart and helps achieve goals. It’s like planning a budget for a family or figuring out how to save up for a big purchase. In businesses, it’s about making sure they have enough money to run smoothly and grow.

Creating a Budget

One part of financial management is making a budget. A budget is a plan that shows how much money you expect to get and how you plan to spend it. It’s like when you decide to save part of your allowance for a new bike. Companies do the same by setting aside money for new projects or to pay workers.

Saving money is another key point. It means keeping some money aside for later rather than spending it all. Investing is a step further, where you use your savings to make more money, like buying shares in a company or saving in a bank account that earns interest.

Making Smart Choices

Financial management also involves making decisions about what to buy and when. It’s important to think about if something is really worth the money or if there might be a better way to use it. This can help avoid wasting money and make sure there’s enough for important things.

500 Words Essay on Financial Management

Financial management is like being the boss of your money. Imagine you have a piggy bank; taking care of it, deciding when to put money in, and when to take some out is a bit like financial management. But for grown-ups, it’s more complex because they deal with things like budgets, savings, investments, and loans. It’s all about making sure that money is used wisely and that there’s enough for the things we need, both now and in the future.

The Importance of Budgeting

A budget is like a shopping list for your money. It helps you keep track of how much money you have, what you need to spend it on, like food and rent, and how much you can save for fun things, like toys or vacations. By making a budget, you can make sure you don’t spend too much and end up with no money when you need it. It’s like planning your spending so that you can always buy what you need and sometimes what you want.

Saving money means putting it away for later, like in a savings account. It’s important because it can help you buy big things in the future, like a car or a house. Investing is a bit like planting a seed and watching it grow. You use your money to buy things that could make more money over time, like stocks or bonds. Both saving and investing are ways to make sure you have enough money for the future.

Financial management also means making smart choices with your money. This means thinking carefully before you buy something. Ask yourself, do you really need it? Can you afford it? Sometimes, it’s better to wait and save more money before buying something big or expensive. This helps you avoid debts, which is money you owe to others.

Understanding Loans and Debts

Loans are like borrowing money from a friend, but you have to pay it back with a little extra, called interest. Debts are the total amount of money you owe others. Managing loans and debts is important because if you borrow too much, it can be hard to pay back. It’s like taking too much food on your plate and not being able to eat it all. You need to be careful and borrow only what you can pay back.

Planning for Surprises

Sometimes, things happen that we don’t expect, like a bike breaking down or getting sick. That’s why part of financial management is putting some money aside for emergencies. This money can help pay for these surprises so that they don’t cause big problems with your finances.

Financial management is all about taking good care of your money. It helps you make smart choices, save for the future, and be ready for unexpected events. Just like you take care of your toys and belongings, taking care of your money is important too. It means you’ll always have enough for the things you need and some of the things you want. Remember, being the boss of your money is a big responsibility, but it can also be fun when you do it right!

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115 Financial Management Essay Topics

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StudyCorgi . "115 Financial Management Essay Topics." May 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/financial-management-essay-topics/.

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Essay on Financial Management

financial management essay writing

After reading this essay you will learn about:- 1. Introduction to Financial Management 2. Definition of Financial Management 3. Scope 4. Role in a Business 5. Financial Goals and Objectives 6. Functions.

Essay Contents:

  • Essay on the Functions of Financial Management

Essay # 1. Introduction to Financial Management:

A business organisation seek to achieve their objectives by obtaining funds from various sources and then investing them in different types of assets, such as plant, buildings, machin­ery, vehicles etc. Financial management is managing the finances through scientific decision­-making.

For making right decisions, financial management needs to understand financial envi­ronment within which these decisions operate. Financial management will then be able to analyse these financial information’s to predict likely future results and to plan more carefully their proposed course of action.


Financial management is concerned with the acquisition (investment), financing (arranging funds), and management of assets with some overall goal in mind. Invest­ment decisions begin with a determination of the total amount of assets required by the firm and to determine the money value of the same. Assets that cannot be economically justified, may be reduced, eliminated or replaced.

Financing decisions include decisions regarding mix of financing, type of financing em­ployed, dividend policy and method of acquiring funds i.e., getting a short term loan, or a long term lease arrangement, sale of bonds or stock.

Asset management decisions means managing the assets efficiently after their acquisition.

Success of a firm depends on the ability to raise funds, invest in assets and manage wisely.

Essay # 2. Definition of Financial Management:

Financial management is an internal part of overall management and not a staff function of the organization. It is not only restricted to fund raising process but also covers utilization of funds and monitoring its uses. The finance function is concerned with the process of acquiring an efficient utilization of funds of a business system, in order to maximize the value of the enterprise.

Financial management involves the application of principles of general management to the finance function. These functions influence the operations of other crucial functional areas of the enterprise or firm such as marketing production and personnel. Thus the overall survival of the firm is effected by it financial operations.

“The financial management deals with how the corporation obtains the funds and how it uses them.” —Hoagland

“The financial management refers to the application of skills in the manipulation, use and control of funds.” —Mock, Schultz and Schuckectat

Financial management can also be defined as that part of management, which is related mainly with raising or acquiring the funds for the enterprise or firm in the most economical way, utilizing those funds as profitably as possible, for a given risk level, planning the future investment of those funds and controlling the current performance plus future development by adopting budgeting, cost accounting and financial accounting.

Essay # 3. Scope and Functions of Financial Management :

The main objectives of financial management are to arrange the sufficient funds for meeting short term long term requirements of the enterprise. These finances are procured at minimum cost in order to maximize the profitability.

In view of these factors the financial management scope concentrates on the following areas of finance function.

(i) Estimating the Financial Requirements :

The first job of the finance manager of an enterprise is to estimate short term and long term financial requirements of his business. He will prepare a financial plan for present as well as future for this purpose.

The finance required for procuring fixed assets as well as the working capital needs will have to be ascertained. The estimations should be based on sound financial principles so that funds available with the firm are neither inadequate nor excess.

(ii) Determining the Capital Structure :

After estimating the financial requirements, the finance executives have to decide about the composition of capital. The capital structure refers to the type and proportion of different securities for raising funds. After deciding the quantum of funds needed it should be decided which type of securities should be raised.

The finance executives have to determine the relative proportions of owner’s risk capital and borrowed capital along with short term and long term debt equity ratio.

A decision regarding various sources of funds should be linked with the cost of raising funds. A decision about the kind of securities to be employed and the proportion in which these should be utilized is an important decision which affects the short term and long term financial planning of an enterprise.

(iii) Choice of Sources of Finance :

After preparing a capital structure an appropriate source of finance is chosen. Various sources from which finance may be raised include: shareholders’ debenture holders, banks and other financial institutions and public deposits etc. Finance executive has to evaluate each source or method of finance and select the best source keeping in view the various factors.

The need, purpose, objective, cost involved may be the factors affecting the selection of a suitable source of financing, for instance, if the finances are required for short periods then banks, public deposits and financial institutions may be appropriate, and for long term financial requirements, the share capital and debentures may be useful.

(iv) Investment Decisions :

When the funds have been poured then a decision regarding pattern of investment has to be taken. The funds raised are to be intelligently invested in various assets so as to optimize the returns on investment. The funds will have to be used first for the purchase of fixed assets and then an appropriate part will be retained as working capital.

The utilisation of long term funds requires a proper assessment of different alternatives through capital budgeting and opportunity cost analysis. While spending on various assets, management should be guided by three important principles of safety, liquidity and profitability. A balance should be struck even in these principles for the purpose of optimum returns on investment.

(v) Management of Profits :

The utilisation of surpluses or earnings is also an important factor in financial management. A judicious utilisation of earnings is essential for expansion and diversification plans of the enterprise.

A certain amount out of the total profit may be kept as reserve voluntarily, a portion of surplus may be distributed among the ordinary and preference shareholders, yet another portion may be reinvested. The finance executive must take into consideration the merits and demerits of the alternative scheme of utilizing the funds generated from the enterprise’s own earnings.

(vi) Management of Cash Flow :

Cash flow management is also an important task of finance executive. He has to assess the various cash requirements at different times and then make arrangements for cash needed. Cash may be required to (i) make payments to creditors (ii) for purchase of materials (iii) to meet wage bill (iv) to meet everyday expenses.

The cash management should be such that neither there is shortage of it and nor it is idle. Any shortage of cash will damage the credit worthiness of the firm. The idle cash with the enterprise will mean that it is not properly utilized. In order to know the cash requirements during different periods, the management should arrange for the preparation of cash flow statement in advance.

(vii) Implementation of Financial Controls :

An efficient system of financial management needs the use of various control of devices. Financial control devices generally adopted are (i) Return on Investment (ii) Budgetrary Control (iii) Cost control (iv) Break Even analysis (v) Ratio analysis. The use of various control techniques by the Finance Manager will help him in evaluating the performance in different areas and take corrective action whenever needed.

Essay # 4. Role of Financial Management in a Business:

An effective financial management plays a dynamic role in a modern company’s develop­ment.

In earlier days, financial managers were primarily engaged in:

(a) Raising funds, and

(b) Managing the firms cash flow.

But now-a-days with the developments and increasing complexi­ties in the business, responsibility of the financial managers have increased and they are now concerned with the decision-making process involving finance, i.e., capital investment.

Today external factors, like competition, technological change, economic uncertainty, infla­tion problem etc., create financial managers problem more complicated. He must have flexibil­ity to adopt to the changing external environment for the survival of his firm.

Role of Financial Management in a Business

Thus in addition to the job of acquisition, financing and managing the assets, the financial manager is supposed to contribute to the fortunes of the firm and to the optimal growth of the economy as a whole.

He is required to take decisions on:

(i) Investing funds in assets, and

(ii) Obtaining best mix of financing and dividends.

In order to understand the environment in which a finance manager is required to take decision, a sketch indicating business system is given hereunder:

The Financial Management’s main role is therefore to create profit on the capital invested (fixed as well as working capital). Each and every decision related to finance/economy must be optimal. Every business enterprise is set up to earn profit, and no one is interested in taking risk unless he is assured of fair return on the investment. However government organisations have no profit motive but are created to serve the public.

The profit earned by a firm is used for:

(a) Future expansion.

(b) Distributing profit as rewards to owners/shareholders.

Profit earned also serves as an indicator of efficiency and performance of the firm. So as to enable to perform the role of financial management, financial managers must be given proper authority, autonomy, freedom of actions, supporting staff, system for providing necessary information. He should be accountable also for his role.

Essay # 5. Financial Goals and Objectives :

There may be various objectives of a firm, but the goal of a firm is to maximise the wealth of the firm’s owners. Thus we can say that, “the improvement of shareholders value is the one mission that continually guides all corporate decisions and actions” or “the goal of a firm is maximizing the shareholders’ value”. This maximisation of value should be achieved from long term point of view.

The financial goal can be expressed as:

(a) Required profit levels,

(b) Earnings per shares, and

(c) Required rate of return on investment.

For a large firm, where shareholders do not have direct say and the firm is managed by the management, an ordinary shareholder can judge the performance by the market price of the firm’s share. Market price serves as a gauge for business performance, it indicates how well management is doing on behalf of its shareholders.

Management is the agents of the owners or shareholders, and financial management acts for achieving the goal of profit maximization in the shareholders’ best interests.

Social Goals :

While profit maximisation is the primary goal for any business organisation, social respon­sibility is also important for them. In case of Government organisations and public sector organisations, social responsibility is the primary goal and profit is secondary.

Social responsi­bility includes service to the people, protecting the consumer, paying fare wages to the employ­ees, upliftment of the weaker sections, welfare facilities like medical education, environment improvement programmes etc.

Financial Objectives :

In making financial decisions, it is important to set out clear objectives.

Following are the basic financial objectives:

(a) Profit maximisation.

(b) Maximisation of shareholders’ owners’ wealth.

(c) Reduction in cost.

(d) Minimising risks.

(e) Sustained increase in the value of firm

(f) Wealth maximisation.

Essay # 6. Functions of Financial Management :

Financial manager is concerned with the following aspects:

1. Identifying the present strengths and weaknesses of the organisation, and the scope for improvement, by conducting the financial analysis.

2. Planning the financial strategies. This involves the consideration of methods and levels of funds raising, profitability and the financing of expansion plan of the organisation.

3. Arranging the funds when required, in the form needed in the most economical way.

4. Conducting financial appraisal of the possible courses of action. The appraisals are needed in respect of possible take overs and mergers, analysis of capital projects, or alternative methods of funding.

5. Advising about capital structure.

6. Consideration of an appropriate level for drawings by dividends to the owners/ share­holders.

7. Ensuring that assets are controlled and used in an efficient manner.

8. Cash management. Preparation of detailed cash budgets and/or forecast funds flow statement so that future problems can be foreseen and remedial measures taken in advance. These take care of both shortage and excess of cash. Finance managers must find ways of raising more funds needed, or investing excess funds for an appropriate length of time.

9. Finance managers are likely to draw attention on other disciplines also, like account­ing and budgeting.

In order to enable financial managers to perform above functions satisfactorily, he must have good knowledge of accounting, economics, mathematics, statistics, law especially taxa­tion, financial market etc.

The functions of finance thus involve three major decisions the firm must make:

(a) The investment decisions,

(b) The financing decisions, and

(c) The dividend decisions.

Each of these decisions are taken in relation to the objective of the firm, an optimal combi­nation of these three will maximise the value of the firm to its shareholders. Since the decisions are interrelated, their joint impact on the market price of the firm’s stock must be considered.

(a) Investment Decisions:

This is the most important decision. Capital investment, i.e., allocation of capital to investment proposals is the most important aspect, whose benefits are to be realised in future. As future benefits are not known with certainty, the investment proposals involve risk.

These should, therefore, be evaluated in relation to expected return and risk. Considerable attention is paid to determine the appropriate required rate of return on the investment.

In addition to taking capital investment decisions, finance managers are concerned with the management of current assets efficiently in order to maximise profitability relative to the amount of funds tied up in asset. Investment decisions also include the decisions about mergers and acquisition of another company.

(b) Financing Decisions:

Finance manager is required to determine the best financing mix or capital structure. An optimal financing mix is one in which market price per share could be maximised. Financing decision are taken in relation to the overall valuation of the firm.

Various methods of obtaining short, intermediate, and long term financing are also explored, examined, analysed and a decision is taken. While taking financing decisions, the influence of inflammation on financial markets and on the cost of funds to the firm is also considered.

(c) Dividend Decision:

The dividend decision includes the percentage of earnings paid to stockholders in cash dividends, stock dividends and splits, and the repurchase of stock.

To Meet Funds Requirement of a Firm :

Funds requirement is assessed for different purposes, namely for feasibility study of a project, detailed planning of a project, and for operation and expansion of the business.

For feasibility study, only broad estimates are sufficient and are generally obtained from the past experience of the similar works by interpolating the present trends and the condition of the proposed project in comparison to the one whose figures are being adopted. While during detailed plan­ning, estimated requirement is comparatively more realistic, and prepared after going into details more thoroughly.

Here we are discussing the funds requirement for a running business including its long term planning for expansion.

The main function of financial management is to ensure that the firm must have sufficient funds to meet financial obligations when they are needed and to take advantage of investment opportunities. To achieve this objective, a thorough study is conducted about ‘flow of funds’ i.e., statement of funds requirement indicating the amount of fund needed and at what time.

This ‘statement of funds’ is a summary of a firm’s changes in financial position from one period to another. This indicates that how the funds will be used and how it will be financed over specific period of time. This includes the cash as well as non-cash transactions.

Forecast, financial statements are prepared for selected future dates, generally for middle term and long term plans of the firm. Budgets are used for one year, and are prepared only to fulfill the firms’ objectives envisaged in the forecast for that particular year.

These forecast financial statements are based on the sales forecast and future strategies for expanding the business, and includes, forecast income statements, forecast assets, liabilities, shareholders, equity etc.

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    • The impact of financial statement analysis on investment decisions
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    • Analyzing the ethics of tax avoidance and tax evasion in the corporate world
    • The importance of financial education in modern society
    • A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of traditional and digital banking systems
    • The role of behavioral finance in shaping investment strategies
    • The impact of social media on the stock market
    • Analyzing the ethical dilemmas of investment banking
    • The role of financial institutions in promoting economic growth and development
    • A critical analysis of the effectiveness of microfinance in poverty alleviation

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    • The impact of corporate social responsibility on financial performance
    • The role of financial regulation in preventing another global financial crisis
    • The impact of inflation on the stock market
    • Analyzing the financial implications of climate change
    • The effectiveness of alternative financing methods for small businesses
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    • A comparative analysis of the financial performance of publicly traded and privately held companies

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    • The effectiveness of credit rating agencies in predicting corporate default risk
    • The impact of corporate governance on firm performance
    • An analysis of the impact of financial innovation on the banking sector
    • The relationship between dividend policy and firm value
    • The role of financial intermediaries in promoting entrepreneurship
    • The impact of insider trading on stock prices
    • The impact of political instability on financial markets
    • The role of microfinance in promoting financial inclusion
    • An analysis of the impact of corporate social responsibility on firm performance

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    • The causes of the 2008 financial crisis and its impact on the global economy
    • An analysis of the regulatory failures that led to the 2008 financial crisis
    • The role of the housing market in the 2008 financial crisis
    • The impact of the 1997 Asian financial crisis on emerging economies
    • The impact of the European sovereign debt crisis on the Eurozone economy
    • The role of financial institutions in the 2011 European debt crisis
    • The impact of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy
    • Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in stabilizing the US financial system 
    • The impact of the 1970s oil crisis on the global economy and financial markets
    • The lessons learned from past financial crises and their implications for future 

    Financial Management Essay Topics

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    • Analyzing the financial risks and rewards of different investment strategies
    • The impact of globalization on financial management practices
    • The importance of financial forecasting for business planning and decision-making
    • How financial management practices can be used to mitigate financial risks
    • The role of financial management in mergers and acquisitions
    • Best practices for managing cash flow in small businesses
    • The impact of interest rates on financial management decisions
    • The challenges and opportunities of managing finances in non-profit organizations
    • The use of financial ratios and other analytical tools in financial management

    Exciting Financial Essay Topics

    • How to create a successful personal finance plan for long-term financial security
    • Investigating the role of fintech in shaping the future of the financial industry
    • The ethical implications of corporate social responsibility in financial decision-making
    • Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on global financial markets and economies
    • Exploring the potential benefits and risks of investing in emerging markets
    • Investigating the use of big data and AI in financial decision-making
    • The future of digital currencies and their impact on traditional financial systems
    • The role of financial regulation in preventing financial crises and promoting stability
    • Analyzing the impact of interest rate fluctuations on personal and corporate finances
    • Investigating the use of blockchain technology in financial transactions

    Investment Essay Topics

    • Analyzing the impact of diversification on portfolio management
    • Evaluating the effectiveness of value investing strategies
    • Investigating the impact of market volatility on investment performance
    • Analyzing the role of financial advisors in investment decision-making
    • Assessing the effectiveness of socially responsible investing strategies
    • Examining the effects of behavioral biases on investment performance
    • Evaluating the impact of technological innovation on investment management
    • Analyzing the effectiveness of momentum investing strategies
    • Investigating the impact of interest rates on investment performance
    • Assessing the effectiveness of robo-advisors in portfolio management

    Tips for Choosing a Good Finance Essay Topic 

    When it comes to writing a finance essay, choosing a good topic is crucial to the success of your paper. 

    To help you select the best finance essay topic, here are some tips:

    • Consider your Interests: Start by thinking about your personal interests and passions. Choosing a topic that you're genuinely interested in can help you stay motivated. It will kep you engaged throughout the writing process.
    • Narrow your Focus: Finance is a broad field. It's important to narrow down your topic to a specific aspect or subtopic. This will help you focus your research and ensure that your essay has a clear and concise argument.
    • Research Current Events: Stay up to date with current financial news and trends. This can help you identify emerging issues and topics that are relevant and timely.
    • Look for Controversy: Controversial topics can make for compelling essays, but be careful to approach them with objectivity and balance. Avoid taking extreme positions or relying on biased sources.
    • Consider your Audience: Think about your intended audience and what topics may be of interest or relevance to them. This can help you tailor your essay to their needs and expectations.

    All in all , finance is a vast and complex field with many opportunities for research and exploration. To create a well-written essay, it's important to select a topic that aligns with your interests. By following these steps, you can showcase your knowledge and understanding of finance.

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    Barbara P (Literature)

    Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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    financial management essay writing

    Essay on Financial Literacy for Students and Children

    Importance of financial literacy, an introduction to financial literacy.

    We go to schools, colleges, universities to complete our educated and start earning our livelihood. We take up jobs, practise professions or start our own businesses so that we can earn money to make our living. But which of these institutions make us capable of managing our own hard-earned money? Probably a very few of them. 

    Our ability to effectively manage our money by drawing systematic budgets, paying off our debts, making buying and selling decisions and ultimately becoming financially self-sustainable is known as financial literacy. 

    Financial literacy is knowing the basic financial management principles and applying them in our day-to-day life. 

    Financial Literacy – What does it Involve? 

    From simple practices like keeping a track of our expenses and understanding the need to spend money if we like a product to striking a balance between the value of time saved and money lost, paying our taxes and filing of tax returns, finalizing the property deals, etc – everything becomes a part of financial literacy. 

    Get the huge list of 500+ Essay Topics here

    As human beings, we are not expected to know the nitty-gritty of financial management. But managing our own money in a way that it does not affect us and our family in a negative way is important. We certainly do not want to end up having a day with no money at hand and hunger in our stomach. 

    essay on financial literacy

    Why is Financial Literacy so Important?

    Financial literacy can enable an individual to build up a budgetary guide to distinguish what he buys, what he spends, and what he owes. This subject additionally influences entrepreneurs, who incredibly add to financial development and strength of our economy. 

    Financial literacy helps people in becoming independent and self-sufficient. It empowers you with basic knowledge of investment options, financial markets, capital budgeting, etc.

    Understanding your money mitigates the danger of facing a fraud-like situation. A few strategies are anything but difficult to accept, particularly when they’re originating from somebody who is by all accounts learned and planned. Basic knowledge of financial literacy will help people with foreseeing the risks and argue/justify with anyone learned and well-informed.

    What should you read on / get informed about in Financial Literacy?

    • Budgeting and techniques of budgeting
    • Direct and indirect taxation system
    • Direct tax slabs
    • Income and expense tracking 
    • Loans and debt – EMI management 
    • Interest rate systems: fixed versus floating
    • Business and organisational transaction studies
    • Elementary Book-keeping and Accountancy
    • Cash in-flow and out-flow Statements
    • Investment & personal finance management
    • Asset management:
    • Business negotiation skills and techniques
    • Make or buy decision-making
    • Financial markets 
    • Capital structure – owner’s funds and borrowed funds
    • Fundamentals of Risk Management
    • Microeconomics and Macroeconomics fundamentals

    While there are various media to learn about financial literacy, we recommend that you join a short-term, weekend programme which helps you get financially literate.

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    Financial Literacy: The Importance in the Modern World Essay

    • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
    • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
    • As a template for you assignment

    In previous years, the issue of investing has become popular among beginning investors who follow the advice of bloggers and put their money in unsafe securities or individuals who hope for the burgeoning future of NFTs and cryptocurrency. However, instead of blindly following the advice of impostor financial advisors or buying securities without having knowledge about them, the public should focus on overall financial literacy. From a very young age, every person should learn how to use their money wisely and how it can help not only save but multiply the savings and have enough for a carefree retirement.

    The first reason why acquiring the skills of financial literacy is essential is its protection against inflation. At the given moment, the rate of inflation is 7.7%, which means that if money is simply in the deposit account, at the end of the year, its value will decrease by this number (U.S. Inflation Calculator). This is why if people desire to make a big purchase after having enough money for it, eventually, they will be trapped in a vicious circle of constant saving since the prices will be rising together with inflation.

    Another point that representatives of younger generations must understand is that financial literacy enables skills of wise saving for retirement. According to The New York Times, schools do not have obligatory courses on 401(k)s and Individual Retirement Accounts, despite the fact that the majority of employees are now responsible for their own retirement plans (Lieber and John). As a result, many children, adolescents, and adults are unaware of the fact that if they start investing $5,000 annually at the age of twenty-two, by the age of 67, they will accumulate approximately $1 million dollars (Lieber and John). However, if they start at thirty-two and invest the same amount of money, they will only manage to generate $500,000 (Lieber and John). Thus, this is the compound interest effect that many people with a lack of financial literacy fail to understand.

    Moreover, it is vital to see the benefits of saving in order to have a safety cushion. According to Forbes, two out of three Americans are spending their savings because they are concerned about inflation (Campisi). As a result, these individuals who refuse to save will not have an emergency fund, and if there is a crisis situation, they will have to seek loans. In comparison, those who have basic financial literacy skills know that panicking is the worst enemy, and they are prepared for such scenarios, which is why financial literacy is crucial.

    Still, it is important to review other valid opinions regarding investing and saving. While it can be a helpful skill, sometimes financial literacy, along with consistent investing, can be disrupted by certain risks. For instance, the financial crisis of 2008 led to a loss of $2 trillion dollars (Merle). However, it is noteworthy that the results of such outcomes were external factors rather than personal actions.

    Hence, it is necessary to learn the fundamentals of financial literacy from a young age in order to have a carefree retirement, emergency funds, and protection against inflation. I believe that it is unfortunate that children do not acquire this knowledge at school and, therefore, it should be either personal or parental responsibility to either learn or teach such skills. With such an approach, both children and adults will be more careful with money and be prepared for any hardship or crisis, being able to grow into financially independent people.

    Works Cited

    Campisi, Natalie. 2 Out Of 3 Americans Say They’re Blowing Through Savings to Cope With Inflation—Do This Instead . Forbes, 2022. Web.

    Lieber, Ron and Todd S. John. How to Win at Retirement Savings . The New York Times, n.d. Web.

    Merle, Renae. A Guide to the Financial Crisis — 10 Years Later . The Washington Post. Web.

    U.S. Inflation Calculator. Current US Inflation Rates: 2000-2022 . U.S. Inflation Calculator, n.d. Web.

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    IvyPanda. (2023, December 27). Financial Literacy: The Importance in the Modern World. https://ivypanda.com/essays/financial-literacy-the-importance-in-the-modern-world/

    "Financial Literacy: The Importance in the Modern World." IvyPanda , 27 Dec. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/financial-literacy-the-importance-in-the-modern-world/.

    IvyPanda . (2023) 'Financial Literacy: The Importance in the Modern World'. 27 December.

    IvyPanda . 2023. "Financial Literacy: The Importance in the Modern World." December 27, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/financial-literacy-the-importance-in-the-modern-world/.

    1. IvyPanda . "Financial Literacy: The Importance in the Modern World." December 27, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/financial-literacy-the-importance-in-the-modern-world/.


    IvyPanda . "Financial Literacy: The Importance in the Modern World." December 27, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/financial-literacy-the-importance-in-the-modern-world/.

    Home — Essay Samples — Economics — Money — Importance of Money Management and Financial Literacy for Students


    Importance of Money Management and Financial Literacy for Students

    • Categories: Literacy Money Personal Finance

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    Words: 1537 |

    Published: Aug 14, 2023

    Words: 1537 | Pages: 3 | 8 min read

    Table of contents

    Importance of financial literacy and financial education, how other countries apply financial literacy, what can be done within our current school systems, my own financial literacy level.

    • Anderloni, L. and Vandone, D. (2010), “Risk of overindebtedness and behavioral factors”, Working Paper No 25, Social Science Research Network, Santa Monica, CA.
    • ASIC (2011), “National financial literacy strategy: Australian securities & investment commission Report No. 229”, available at: www.financialliteracy.gov.au/media/218312/national-financialliteracy-strategy.pdf (accessed 23 October 2016).
    • Atkinson, A. and Messy, F. (2012), “Measuring financial literacy: results of the OECD/International Network on Financial Education (INFE) Pilot study”, Working Paper No. 15, OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions, OECD Publishing, Paris.
    • Filipiak, U. and Walle, Y.M. (2015), “The financial literacy gender gap: a question of nature or nurture?”, Discussion Papers No. 176, Courant Research Centre: Poverty, Equity and Growth.
    • Huston, S.J. (2010), “Measuring financial literacy”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 44 No. 2, pp. 296-316.
    • National Strategy for Financial Literacy (2012), “Commission for financial literacy and retirement income”, available at: www.cflri.org.nz/sites/default/files/docs/FL-NS-National%20Strategy2012-Aug.pdf (accessed 24 October 2016).
    • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2012), OECD/INFE High-Level Principles on National Strategies for Financial Education, OECD Publishing, Paris.
    • Vitt, L.A. (2004), “Consumers financial decisions and the psychology of values”, Journal of Financial Service Professionals, Vol. 58 No. 6, pp. 68-78.

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    My Personal Financial Goals in Life: Financial Freedom

    Table of contents, building a strong financial foundation, investing in long-term growth, embracing financial education and literacy, promoting generational wealth and giving back, conclusion: the roadmap to financial fulfillment.

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    • Bengen, W. P. (1994). Determining withdrawal rates using historical data. Journal of Financial Planning , 7(4), 171-180.
    • Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2014). The economic importance of financial literacy: Theory and evidence. Journal of Economic Literature , 52(1), 5-44.

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    Financial management: reflection on the course.

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    Each course is a particular challenge, a new summit to conquer. For me, taking the course of financial management was another valuable contribution to personal development and a chance to cope with inner uncertainty in addressing challenging tasks. The best thing about this course is that it helped realize that any situation could be dealt with regardless of the initial fear and the belief that it would be too complicated to handle. Because the course was both fun and challenging, I do believe that the time and effort spent for taking it were not vain because they were a gigantic investment into the future career and personal life development. What I loved the most is the ability to develop in both individual and team-related aspects.

    As a result, I not only obtained new knowledge but also acquired new skills that would undoubtedly be beneficial in my future life. Still, regardless of the value of new skills, knowledge is the main motivation for taking courses and making effort to complete them successfully. The financial management course helped become familiar with a lot of important and helpful concepts and topics. For me, the most challenging and interesting ones were the topics related to financial planning and estimating risks related to making investment decisions. I found them most interesting because they were the areas of the most significant knowledge attainment.

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    In particular, I have learned that, except for the interest and exchange rate risks that I was aware of, other types of risks should as well be considered. They are market, liquidity, inflationary, and reinvestment risks as well as those deriving from the changes of political, social, and legal environment (Pandey, 2015). Also, I have found out that financial planning goes beyond the mere assessment of an individual’s current financial condition (Billingsley, Gitman, & Joehnk, 2017). Instead, the evaluation of the future financial status and forecasting future income is as well taking into consideration when creating and controlling the financial planning process.

    The two topics mentioned above – financial planning and investment-related risks – are those that were of interest to me. Nevertheless, other concepts were as well covered by the course. In particular, significant attention was paid to financial performance assessment, developing cost-effective working capital strategy and understanding capital expenditure, and evaluating securities. Still, regardless of the value of the knowledge related to these themes, I had some background in them, so they were less challenging. Summing up the experience obtained during the course, I realize that I would like to apply the knowledge connected to planning and assessing investment-related risks in my personal life.

    They could be valuable for understanding how to achieve one of my life goals – financial independence. In particular, I am interested in the opportunity to depend on investment-generated income instead of having to hope for the increase of wages. For this reason, adequate knowledge of the investment process and risks would be critical for choosing the right asset to invest in as well as create the most effective investment portfolio (Billingsley et al., 2017). More than that, applying financial planning knowledge would be of use for adequately assessing my financial status and allocating enough sources in the investment activities as well as considering those actions that would contribute to becoming financially independent.

    Regardless of the interest in these two topics, all concepts learned during the course would be helpful for developing career in any sphere of business activities because financial management is the core of success. Still, I would like to acquire more knowledge on the two topics of interest as well as the assessment of financial performance. The latter would be a perfect supplementation for understanding whether my financial decisions are correct and helpful for a more effective and comprehensive financial planning process.

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