Macalester College Supplemental Essays 2023-24

Students applying to Macalester College will be faced with an important decision: should I complete the Macalester College supplemental essays? Without a doubt, the answer is yes! The Macalester essays are a great way to enhance your application and show Macalester’s admissions team exactly why you want to attend.

Macalester College is a private liberal arts institution located in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and is widely considered one of the best colleges in the Midwest . Founded in 1874, the urban 53-acre campus is now home to more than 2,100 undergrads who can choose from 39 unique bachelor’s degrees in a wide variety of subjects.

In this guide to the Macalester College supplemental essays, we will walk you through everything you need to know about the Macalester essays and the Macalester requirements for admission. First, we’ll take a closer look at the Macalester College essay prompts. Then, we’ll give you writing tips so you feel confident crafting your responses. Later, we’ll discuss some important Macalester need-to-knows, including why your Macalester essays are so important.

So, ready to get started? Keep reading for tips and tricks on how to write the best Macalester essays and how to get into Macalester College!

Macalester College Admissions: Quick Facts

Macalester college admissions quick facts.

  • Macalester College Acceptance Rate: 28% – Macalester’s acceptance rate makes it a selective school .
  • 1 required (~650 word) personal essay via the Common App OR 2 required (~800 word/~500 word) personal/topical essays via the QuestBridge application 
  • 2 optional (~300 word) Macalester supplemental essays 
  • Macalester College Application: Students may submit their Macalester application through the Common Application or QuestBridge Application . In addition to your Macalester supplemental essays, you’ll need to submit your high school transcript and two letters of recommendation to complete your Macalester application. 
  • Early Decision I: November 1
  • Early Action: November 1
  • Early Decision II: January 1
  • Regular Decision: January 15
  • Macalester College Supplemental Essays Tip: Your Macalester College supplemental essays have to stand out if you want to gain acceptance. Although they are not included in the Macalester requirements, we highly recommend taking the time to write skillful and polished Macalester essays. That way, you can help the admissions team get a better understanding of who you are and what you can contribute to the campus community.

Does Macalester have supplemental essays?

Yes, the Macalester application allows prospective students to respond to two optional Macalester College essay prompts. Firstly, it’s important to note that each of the Macalester College essay prompts allow for a 300-word response. So, it is important to convey your response clearly and concisely. Here are the optional Macalester College essay prompts.

Macalester College Optional Essay Prompts

1. macalester is one of few highly selective liberal arts colleges located in the middle of a metropolitan area. students benefit from the strong sense of community on campus and opportunities to engage in academic, social, and civic engagement options in the twin cities of minneapolis and st. paul. have you thought about how macalester’s location might impact your experience if so, in what ways, 2. four values permeate macalester’s mission and purpose: academic distinction, internationalism, multiculturalism, and service to society. guided by this mission, macalester is a learning environment that affirms different identities and experiences and prepares graduates to work toward a more just and peaceful world. in what ways do your lived experiences, perspectives, or hopes for your college education connect with macalester’s mission/learning environment, why school essays.

Both of these Macalester College essay prompts are what we call why school essays . Why school essays are a common supplemental essay prompt required for college applications. The why Macalester College essay prompts require you to explain why you want to attend Macalester College. These Macalester essays should demonstrate what specific academic program, extracurricular opportunities, values, or qualities have drawn you to the school. On top of that, they should give Admissions a clear sense of how you might fit into the campus community. 

Nevertheless, make sure that in these Macalester essays, you are not just listing off what you like about the school or restating information that is readily available on their admissions website. Your Why Macalester essays should express exactly what has drawn you to Macalester College and why you are a good fit for their campus.  

Although these Macalester College supplemental essays are optional, they can play a pivotal role in your acceptance story. Therefore, you should invest adequate time and energy into writing a compelling response to both optional Macalester essays to give yourself the best chance of impressing Macalester Admissions. 

Furthermore, the application also gives students the opportunity, if necessary, to explain extenuating circumstances like disciplinary violations or contextualizing significant changes in grades. So, if there is something in your application that may work against you in the admissions process, you can address it. If applicable, be sure to take the time to craft an explanation (not an excuse) for the discrepancy and how you plan to move forward! 

How many essays does Macalester require?

The only required Macalester essay is the Common Application personal statement. Here, you’ll choose one of seven essay prompts provided by the Common App and respond in 650 words or less. The full set of essay prompts for 2023-2024 is as follows:

Common App Essay Prompts

1. some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. if this sounds like you, then please share your story., 2. the lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. how did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience, 3. reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. what prompted your thinking what was the outcome, 4. reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. how has this gratitude affected or motivated you, 5. discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others., 6. describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. why does it captivate you what or who do you turn to when you want to learn more, 7. share an essay on any topic of your choice. it can be one you’ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design..

Remember, your personal Macalester essay introduces you to admissions officers. Use this Macalester essay as an opportunity to tell a unique story about yourself. Explain to the admissions team where you have been, where you are, and where you are headed.

You will notice that each of these personal statement prompts requires you to be reflective. Consequently, it matters less what you write about and more what deeper meaning the topic at hand communicates. All of these prompts have the power to be great Macalester College essay prompts. The important thing is to choose topics that demonstrate your unique passion.

Looking for more inspiration on how to tackle this type of essay? Read these resources on how to start your personal statement and examples of exceptional Common App essays . 

As previously stated, although the Macalester College supplemental essays are not required, they can still boost your chances of admission. Ultimately, the purpose of your Why Macalester essay is for the admissions officers to learn more about you and what you hope to gain from attending their college. This involves being clear about your goals and how Macalester, in particular, will aid in getting you there. Up next, we’ll give you some tips for writing your Macalester essays.

How to answer Macalester supplemental essays

Writing your Macalester College supplemental essays can be a daunting task at first. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared! With our tips and tricks, you will be writing outstanding Macalester College supplemental essays that beat the highly selective acceptance rate in no time!

Now, we’ve discussed the Macalester College essay prompts and what kind of essays are required of you as an applicant. But, if you are struggling to find a topic for your Macalester College supplemental essays, there’s no need to panic. Instead, consider looking at the Macalester College supplemental essays as the ideal platform to write about your extracurricular activities . Essentially, consider exploring and sharing other aspects of yourself beyond your grades and academic achievements. 

Exploring your extracurriculars

Your Macalester College supplemental essays should demonstrate the importance of your involvement in extracurricular activities. When you think of extracurriculars, don’t limit yourself to school-sponsored activities. These can include sports teams, community activities, or job experiences. Here are some questions you can answer in your Macalester essays regarding your extracurricular activities, passions, and interests:

  • What distinct or complementary interests have you developed outside of the classroom? 
  • How have your extracurriculars impacted you and your path to higher education?
  • In what ways have your extracurricular activities developed your character, values, or passions? What examples can you give?

When crafting your Macalester essays, make sure to describe your personal connection to your activities. Discuss your specific relationship to it and what you have gained and learned from your involvement.

Show don’t tell

For most types of college admission essays, we recommend utilizing the “show don’t tell” writing style. And that includes your Macalester College supplemental essays. Stories are more effective at explaining your qualities and passions than statements. Use creative writing in your Macalester essay to give life to certain traits or beliefs you have. This is often much more captivating and effective than simply stating you have them. “Show” writing paints a vivid picture and engages the reader by telling a story with specific details. This creates more impactful and memorable Macalester College supplemental essays that will capture your reader’s attention while also providing evidence for your argument. 

Remember, your Macalester College supplemental essays should showcase any positive character traits you possess. These can include excellence in specific skills, values cultivated through involvement in your community, and strong passions or intellectual interests. These qualities are precisely what Macalester College admissions officers expect prospective students to contribute to the campus community.

Start with research

Another piece of advice for approaching the Why Macalester essay is to do your research on Macalester College. Your Macalester College supplemental essays should be full of school-specific details and demonstrate how the school’s campus culture will help you achieve your personal and career goals. You should attend a college that meets all of your needs. So, spend time learning more about their campus, offered majors, and student activities and organizations. 

Use your research to your advantage when writing the Macalester College supplemental essays. By doing so, you can show Admissions that you’ve invested time and energy into finding the best college for you. Submitting a well-informed and persuasive application can be pivotal in your admissions story. Compared to another applicant with strong grades and extracurriculars, compelling Macalester essays could be what puts you over the edge and solidifies the admission’s team decision to admit you.

As we mentioned above, research specific aspects of Macalester College that align with your educational and career goals. Then, use your research to craft a compelling Macalester essay that demonstrates what your goals are and how Macalester College, specifically, will help you reach them. 

Are these essays really optional?

Technically, yes – the optional Macalester College supplemental essays are not a technical requirement of the application. However, your Macalester essays are the best way to make your application stand out among the other highly competitive applications. The more Macalester essays you write, the more the Macalester admissions team gets to know about you. Use the Macalester College supplemental essays to showcase aspects of yourself that may not have had a chance to shine through in other portions of your application. 

Furthermore, taking the opportunity to write Macalester College supplemental essays demonstrates the extent of your interest in Macalester College. Your willingness to go above and beyond the requirements shows the admissions team how dedicated you are to continuing your education at Macalester.

Simply put, the Macalester College supplemental essays are not really optional if you want the best chance at getting into Macalester. Undoubtedly, the highly selective acceptance rate requires you to stand out in every way possible. That means taking advantage of the opportunity Admissions has given you to write Macalester College supplemental essays. 

Does Macalester care about essays?

The Macalester admissions team practices holistic admission review , meaning all components of the application are thoroughly reviewed by the committee. This includes academic performance, recommendation letters, essays, leadership experience and potential, and extracurriculars. By considering more than just grades and test scores, Macalester aims to enroll a diverse class of well-rounded and multifaceted students. 

So yes, the admissions team does care about your Macalester College supplemental essays. Your Macalester College supplemental essays are a vital part of your application. They grant you the opportunity to speak directly to the admissions team about yourself and control the narrative of your application. Use your Macalester College supplemental essays to persuade Admissions as to why you’re a good fit for the Macalester community. 

Additional information about Macalester College

Macalester College is a liberal arts school that prides itself on inspiring personal, social, and intellectual growth. The campus boasts a close-knit community with the benefits of being in the Minneapolis and Saint Paul metropolis area. Being in the Twin Cities affords Macalester students a variety of opportunities to expand their education through community-based learning in an urban setting. 

Clearly, it is important to consider a campus’ location when building your college list. Remember, the best college towns in America for you are determined by your unique passions, interests, and career goals. Things you should consider when visiting and applying to colleges are campus and class size, location, and campus culture.

Additionally, Macalester College offers 63 areas of study and 100+ clubs and organizations for students to explore. Without a doubt, you’ll find no shortage of student opportunities , like the Outing Club, Mac Bike, or their student-run radio station WMCN 91.7FM. The majority of students (90% of their 2019 graduates) also get involved with some type of civic engagement while at Macalester. And, students get to live on campus for part of their undergraduate experience.

If it seems like Macalester College could be the place for you, you can take a virtual 360 tour , schedule a campus visit , or connect with admissions officers . That way, you’ll be sure to have plenty to discuss in your Macalester supplemental essays. 

Macalester College Supplemental Essays: Final Takeaways

Now, let’s review what we have learned about the Macalester College supplemental essays and how to get into Macalester. Macalester is a highly selective school with a low acceptance rate. This means your Macalester supplemental essays have to be pristine if you want to gain acceptance. 

Your grades and test scores are essential elements of your application. Nevertheless, your Macalester College supplemental essays have the power to make you stand out in the competitive applicant pool. Use your Macalester supplemental essays to add depth and individuality to your application. Share something the admissions team won’t find in any other parts of your application.

In general, your Macalester College supplemental essays should have your own, personal authentic voice. Furthermore, they should touch on your personal experiences, values, passions, and goals, and how these have impacted your personal growth. Strong essays will have a clear narrative structure, utilize storytelling techniques, and include school-specific details. In addition, be sure to tailor your response to the prompt and to answer the questions entirely. Some things you may want to avoid in your essays are generic or cliché responses and repetitive information. Remember, every word counts so use them wisely!

All in all, we know the writing process can feel daunting. So, be sure to keep these tips and tricks in mind when writing your Macalester College supplemental essays. 

Tips for writing your Macalester essays

  • Start early and make a plan.
  • Brainstorm, draft, revise, repeat. Never turn in a first draft of your Macalester supplemental essays.
  • Reflect and research. First, think about your motivations for applying and why you might be interested in applying to Macalester College in particular.
  • Show don’t tell. Sharing personal stories in your Macalester supplemental essays is more effective than making statements. Make sure to use pertinent evidence to back up your arguments.
  • Be clear and concise. Remember, clarity counts for more than creativity of vocabulary, especially with the limited word count of the Macalester supplemental essays.
  • Finally, proofread your Macalester supplemental essays and get feedback from others!

We hope this guide has helped you better understand the Macalester requirements, how to write better Macalester essays, and how to get into Macalester College. Moreover, feel free to refer back to this guide when you begin your Macalester College application and essays. Last but not least, remember our advisors are always here to help! For more individualized guidance, you can schedule an appointment with one of our advisors here . Happy writing!

This essay guide was written by Bailey Bennett. Looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how can support you in the college application process.

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How to Respond to the 2023/2024 Macalester College Essay Prompts 

Savannah Dawson

Prior to coming to Scholarships360 for her first internship in 2022, Savannah utilized her campus publications by joining various fashion publications that are offered at Ohio University. One of those publications is Thread Magazine, where Savannah has had the opportunity to work on articles related to world-wide related fashion news and events, as well as articles closer to home, such as a fashion piece on Athens hometown-hero Joe Burrow. This year, Savannah also had the opportunity to be a content writing intern for Aiken House, as well as a section editor for Southeast Ohio Magazine. In 2023, Savannah served as the Chapter President of her sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta. These collective experiences, as well as her experience currently working for Ohio University’s Undergraduate Admissions, has led her to Scholarships360 and aided in her passion for helping students better understand the college admissions process and financial aid. In her free time, Savannah enjoys horseback riding, watching Formula One races, traveling, and spending time with her friends and family. Savannah will graduate from Ohio University in May 2024 with a degree in Journalism News and Information and a certificate in Italian Studies.

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Cari Schultz is an Educational Review Board Advisor at Scholarships360, where she reviews content featured on the site. For over 20 years, Cari has worked in college admissions (Baldwin Wallace University, The Ohio State University, University of Kentucky) and as a college counselor (Columbus School for Girls).

Maria Geiger

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

Student thinks about writing her Macalester college supplemental essay

Macalester College is a private liberal arts college in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Macalester is known as one of the “Hidden Ivies” because it provides students with an education that compares to that of an Ivy League institution. Knowing exactly how to respond to college essay prompts might seem intimidating at first, but fear not! We have you covered with everything you need to know about how to write your Macalester College supplemental essays .

The Macalester College essay prompts

It is important to note that each of Macalester’s supplemental essays are optional, but writing one or more is a great way to showcase your writing skills, to demonstrate your interest, and let the college get to know you as a person beyond a list of accomplishments and grades. 

We will walk you through each prompt and break down the questions step by step. Let’s get started!

Macalester is one of few highly selective liberal arts colleges located in the middle of a metropolitan area. Students benefit from the strong sense of community on campus and opportunities to engage in academic, social, and civic engagement options in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Have you thought about how Macalester’s location might impact your experience? If so, in what ways? (500 words)

Right out the gate, Macalester wants to know how you will use your environment to help you in your studies and beyond. So what really are they asking of you? First of all, start off with why you picked this college to apply to. If location was a factor, write about why. If not, you might want to look into the other two prompts before starting on this one. This could be a great prompt for individuals who have a specific major that would benefit from living near a city like Minneapolis or Saint Paul. 

If you are thinking about majors such as:

  • Political Science, St. Paul is the state capital
  • Economics, with many corporate offices stationed in Minneapolis (Target being one!)
  • Art, with so many options for museums and galleries in the Twin Cities

Minneapolis is a great city for so many college majors, so show admissions that with examples relevant to you. Saint Paul would be another great urban setting for someone who wants to go into sociology or urban planning, or maybe even architecture.

Even if your major is not the reason Macalester’s location interests you, there are other elements of the prompt you can address here. Maybe you are drawn to Macalester for its small enrollment. If so, you could talk about how you are interested in a close knit community and that Macalester’s location allows you to experience that environment while also giving you access to a metropolitan area. Be sure to talk about how YOU would benefit from both the campus community and the opportunities in the Twin Cities.

Also see: How to write an essay about yourself

“Four values permeate Macalester’s mission and purpose: academic distinction, internationalism, multiculturalism, and service to society. Guided by this mission, Macalester is a learning environment that affirms different identities and experiences and prepares graduates to work toward a more just and peaceful world. In what ways do your lived experiences, perspectives, or hopes for your college education connect with Macalester’s mission/learning environment?”

In order to successfully answer this prompt, try to think about any experiences that have had a significant impact on your life and made your perspective unique. Ultimately, they want to see that future students have a diverse background that can contribute to their mission and purpose. So, try to brainstorm aspects of your background or identity that mean a lot to you and that you are hoping to bring to your new Macalester community. Remember, it’s important to show, not tell! Sharing an anecdote is the best way to bring a story to life! Most importantly, be sure that you do not use this space as an opportunity to discriminate against other communities and identities! You should not put others down in order to make your story heard! 

Questions to consider: 

  • How do you value academic distinction, internationalism, multiculturalism and service to society? What are some specific examples?
  • What can you teach others about a certain culture, identity, ethnicity or community service that may introduce them to new ideas? 
  • How do you hope to influence your Macalester community? 

Don’t miss: How to write a 500 word essay

Closing thoughts on the Macalester College Essay Prompts

Once you have completed your Macalester College supplemental essays- congratulations! Be sure to read over your responses and have a trusted adult or friend read them over for you. Remember, you want to be submitting a flawless essay that puts your best foot forward! 

Make sure you do not repeat any information throughout your responses and that you are revealing new information throughout your application so admissions officers get a well-rounded idea of “you!” Ultimately, being authentic and unique is all Macalester is asking students to reveal in their supplemental essays. 

Best of luck in the rest of your college admissions journey! 

Don’t miss: How to answer this year’s Common App essay prompts

Additional resources

We have a plethora of additional resources that you can use throughout your college search and even after you have found your home for the next four years. Check out our guide on how many schools to apply to , and how to find a good assortment of safety, reach, and match schools . And don’t miss out on our guide to what looks good on a college application to maximize your admissions chances. Good luck on the rest of your collegiate journey, and don’t forget to apply to all the scholarships you qualify for! 

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, macalester supplemental essay advice.

Hi all! I'm applying to Macalester College, and I'm a bit stuck on their supplemental essay. Can any current or former applicants share any tips or things you focused on in your essay? I'd love to hear your experiences! Thanks!

Hey! Congrats on deciding to apply to Macalester! In the supplemental essay, it's essential to showcase how you'll contribute to the school community and connect with the college's values. Some points you might want to focus on are Macalester's strong commitment to internationalism, multiculturalism, and social responsibility.

For instance, you could write about an experience that ties in with global issues, like volunteering for a nonprofit that supports refugees or working on a school project that explored the impact of climate change. Another idea might be discussing a specific class or professor you're excited about and how their work aligns with your interests.

Make sure to add a personal touch and be reflective about your experiences so that you give the admissions team a clear idea of who you are and what you'll bring to the community. Good luck with your essay!

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Macalester College 2020-21 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

Regular Decision: 

Macalester College 2020-2021 Application Essay Question Explanations

The Requirements: 3 essays of 500 words

Supplemental Essay Type(s): Personal statement , Community

Application forms like this often require people to uncomfortably categorize their race, ethnicity, gender, or other identities by checking boxes. Is there anything about your (or your family’s) background that you would like us to know that is not addressed elsewhere in your application? If so, please elaborate.

This is a great opportunity to share the nuances of your background or family history with admissions. Has your family lived in the same town for multiple generations? Maybe you’re the first person in your family to go to college. Maybe you were raised by your mother and grandmother. Look back to how your upbringing shaped who you’ve become and what factors contributed to your unique perspective and position in life. Beyond your upbringing and family, the concept of your “identity” is up for interpretation. You can consider the different roles you play within your family, friend groups, or online community–mother-figure, coach, shoulder to cry on, etc–or you can reveal more of your inner-self, something people can’t see from a cursory glance at your application. This prompt is pretty wide open, so feel free to explore any area of your life that you haven’t gotten to talk about yet. Remember, though: this is a chance to advocate for yourself and show admissions why they’d be lucky to have you in their student body. 

Has there been a significant fluctuation in your grades at any point during grades 9-12 (up or down)? If so, please tell us the reason(s) for the changes.

Let us start by saying: This prompt is not for everyone. If your GPA has not dramatically increased or decreased during your high school career, move along. If, on the other hand, you’re thinking, “Yes! An opportunity for me to explain!” then read on.

Your transcripts are like Garfield Minus Garfield (if you don’t know what this is, you’re welcome). Sure, we can see that something’s changed from frame to frame, but we don’t know why. Grades need context. Admissions doesn’t know why or how things happened–good or bad. Take a look at your grades and note any anomalies or odd jumps/drops. Think back to that time in your life and tell your story. Maybe you’d moved schools or had a sports injury. Maybe you started meeting with a tutor after school and climbed from a fall semester C in geometry to a spring semester A. No matter your story, you are not alone in your journey of ups and downs–high school is a veritable war zone of distractions and possibilities. And, remember, everyone loves a comeback.

Macalester is one of few highly selective liberal arts colleges located in the middle of a metropolitan area. Students benefit from the strong sense of community on campus and opportunities to engage in academic, social, and civic engagement options in the Twin Cities. Have you thought about how Macalester’s location might impact your experience? If so, in what ways?

When you attend a college, you also become an integral part of the city in which you live. Whether you’re working part-time at a cafe or playing on a rec soccer league, you will be rubbing elbows with locals. What does Macalester have to offer you? Do some research on neighborhoods and public spaces (museums, parks, etc.). Imagine you’re there on your first weekend, what do you do? Maybe you’ve had the opportunity to visit the campus and surrounding city, if so, what did you notice? This is your chance to not only imagine your future, but also help admissions envision you as a thriving member of their community.

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List of All U.S. Colleges with a Gender Studies Major

Gender Studies, also known as Gender & Sexuality studies, spans a range of topics that looks at gender and sexuality through an interdisciplinary lens. The field critically examines the overarching structures that dominate society across factors such as gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic class. 

Gender Studies is a relatively new area of study, often adapted from Feminist Studies or Women’s Studies. Now, colleges across the country have begun offering it as a major, and have even founded entire Gender Studies departments with a range of available majors and minors. A degree in Gender Studies can open up a range of future career paths, whether you aspire to be an activist, consultant, or lawyer.

Wondering if Gender Studies is a good fit for your academic aspirations? Read on to learn which schools offer this major and what to look for in their programs.

Overview of the Gender Studies Major

Gender Studies encompasses so much more than cookie-cutter feminism. The undergraduate major generally requires courses in history, gender theory, and other humanities fields, such as political science and philosophy. Gender-specific courses center on topics such as the history of the field and the different waves of feminism. Classes explore structures of power, knowledge, and body. Electives might include: Gender Justice (Columbia University); Narrating Debt (Brown University); Gender, Science, and Theory (UCLA); Polish Women in Film (Loyola University Chicago).

Gender Studies departments across colleges have different labels and many have been adapted from departments previously labeled as “Women’s Studies” or “Feminist Studies.” As the field has grown, scholars have pushed for more inclusive studies to account for gender and sexual orientation diversity – thus, these departments are now often referred to as “Gender Studies” or “Gender and Sexuality Studies” at universities. 

Most Gender Studies majors participate in seminar-style courses, in which the lecture is more of a discussion and involves a lot of student-teacher interaction. Gender Studies are also usually writing-heavy, with papers on the relevant course topics. These papers could even span personal topics, as you are often invited to center your own positionality in your written work.

In order to be successful in Gender Studies, you will need to above all, have an open mind. You should be ready to challenge your current beliefs and never make assumptions or take pre-existing systems at face value. You should also be very passionate about growing and learning; you should never feel like you have reached a “peak” and are immune to future knowledge. 

Gender Studies can lead to success in various fields, including law, teaching, communication, human resources, and counseling. Even careers that don’t directly involve gender dynamics can benefit greatly from a gender studies lens, as the major teaches the importance of equity and advocacy in all aspects of life. 

Gender Studies majors can go on to graduate school or law school, which will give you a deeper understanding of the subject and its applications. The intersectional nature of the field allows for a successful career in a variety of fields post-graduation. The knowledge and perspectives you gain serve to help you navigate the world in a more equitable manner.

What to Look for in a College as a Gender Studies Major

Living-learning community.

Gender Studies majors looking to enhance their college experience both inside and outside of the classroom should consider applying to schools with feminism- and activism-related Living Learning Communities. This allows for students to commit to advocacy outside of the classroom and engage with students who share similar viewpoints. 

For example, at the University of Cincinnati, the Audre Lorde Social Justice House members partake in a gender-inclusive environment, and learn strategies for incorporating self-care into their lives in order to sustain activism. They also have the opportunity to engage with professionals in fields relating to intersectionality and the political climate.  

Liberal Culture/Surroundings

Gender Studies majors should also ensure that the college and its surrounding environment emanate the ideals that you hold dear. As you learn more about gender-related activism, you’ll thrive in an environment that is conducive to this type of thought. You’ll be able to nurture your learning both inside and outside of the classroom. 

For example, cities like Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles hold events like Women’s Marches and other demonstrations periodically. Going to school in a politically active area can be beneficial in applying the epistemologies you learn in the classroom to current real-world issues. 

Similarly, schools like the University of Maryland offer internships at the local, state, and federal government level, and politically active nonprofits. Students have previously interned at organizations such as The Feminist Majority Foundation, My Sister’s Place, and Court Appointed Special Advocates.

Symposiums and Related Events

Often, Gender Studies departments at colleges host symposiums, large-scale conference events, where different people can come to speak on a selected annual theme. This entails lectures, seminars, and other opportunities for students to learn from thought leaders both directly and indirectly affiliated with the university. 

For instance, Lewis and Clark College has hosted almost 40 of these events, and its last symposium, themed “Tensions of Possibility” included workshops, presentations, film screenings, roundtable discussions, and more. In the past, their speaker list has included activists like Angela Davis and Leslie Feinberg. UT Austin also has an annual Gender Symposium, with speakers consisting of faculty members from various departments and visiting scholars. The school approaches the event as a flow of ideas, and engagement of various methodologies that have dominated and are new to the field.

List of All U.S. Colleges With a Gender Studies Major

Arizona State University | ASU Tempe Arizona
University of Arizona Tucson Arizona
Northern Arizona University | NAU Flagstaff Arizona
California State University, Fresno | CSU Fresno Fresno California
California State University, Fullerton | CSU Fullerton Fullerton California
California State University, Long Beach | Long Beach State Long Beach California
California State University, Northridge | CSUN Northridge California
University of California, Berkeley | UC Berkeley Berkeley California
University of California, Davis | UC Davis Davis California
University of California, Irvine | UC Irvine Irvine California
University of California, Los Angeles | UCLA Los Angeles California
University of California, Riverside | UC Riverside Riverside California
University of California, Santa Barbara | UCSB Santa Barbara California
University of California, Santa Cruz | UCSC Santa Cruz California
Chapman University Orange California
Loyola Marymount University | LMU Los Angeles California
Pitzer College Claremont California
Pomona College Claremont California
University of Redlands Redlands California
San Diego State University | SDSU San Diego California
San Francisco State University | SF State San Francisco California
Santa Clara University Santa Clara California
Scripps College Claremont California
Saint Mary’s College of California | St. Mary’s Moraga California
Sonoma State University | SSU Rohnert Park California
University of Colorado Boulder | CU Boulder Boulder Colorado
Colorado College Colorado Springs Colorado
Colorado State University | CSU Fort Collins Colorado
Connecticut College New London Connecticut
University of Connecticut | UConn Storrs Connecticut
University of Hartford West Hartford Connecticut
Trinity College Hartford Connecticut
Yale University New Haven Connecticut
University of Delaware Newark Delaware
American University Washington DC Washington DC
George Washington University | GW Washington DC Washington DC
Georgetown University Washington DC Washington DC
Eckerd College Saint Petersburg Florida
Florida International University | FIU Miami Florida
University of Florida Gainesville Florida
University of Miami Coral Gables Florida
University of South Florida | USF Tampa Florida
Agnes Scott College Decatur Georgia
Emory University Atlanta Georgia
Georgia Southern University Statesboro Georgia
Georgia State University Atlanta Georgia
University of Georgia Athens Georgia
Mercer University Macon Georgia
Spelman College Atlanta Georgia
University of Hawaii at Manoa | UH Manoa Honolulu Hawaii
Augustana College Rock Island Illinois
DePaul University Chicago Illinois
Illinois Wesleyan University Bloomington Illinois
Knox College Galesburg Illinois
Loyola University Chicago Chicago Illinois
Northwestern University Evanston Illinois
Roosevelt University Chicago Illinois
Ball State University | BSU Muncie Indiana
Butler University Indianapolis Indiana
DePauw University Greencastle Indiana
Earlham College Richmond Indiana
University of Notre Dame Notre Dame Indiana
Saint Mary’s College (Indiana) Notre Dame Indiana
Coe College Cedar Rapids Iowa
Cornell College Mount Vernon Iowa
Iowa State University Ames Iowa
University of Iowa Iowa City Iowa
Luther College Decorah Iowa
University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas
Kansas State University | KSU Manhattan Kansas
Wichita State University | WSU Wichita Kansas
Berea College Berea Kentucky
University of Louisville Louisville Kentucky
Bates College Lewiston Maine
Colby College Waterville Maine
University of Maine Orono Maine
Goucher College Baltimore Maryland
University of Maryland, Baltimore County | UMBC Baltimore Maryland
University of Maryland, College Park | Maryland College Park Maryland
Towson University Towson Maryland
Amherst College Amherst Massachusetts
Assumption College Worcester Massachusetts
Brandeis University Waltham Massachusetts
Clark University Worcester Massachusetts
Harvard University Cambridge Massachusetts
College of the Holy Cross | Holy Cross Worcester Massachusetts
University of Massachusetts Amherst | UMass Amherst Amherst Massachusetts
University of Massachusetts Boston | UMass Boston Boston Massachusetts
Merrimack College North Andover Massachusetts
Simmons College Boston Massachusetts
Smith College Northampton Massachusetts
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth | UMass Dartmouth North Dartmouth Massachusetts
Tufts University Medford Massachusetts
Wellesley College Wellesley Massachusetts
Wheaton College (Massachusetts) Norton Massachusetts
Williams College Williamstown Massachusetts
Central Michigan University | CMU Mount Pleasant Michigan
Eastern Michigan University | EMU Ypsilanti Michigan
Grand Valley State University | GVSU Allendale Michigan
Hope College Holland Michigan
University of Michigan Ann Arbor Michigan
Michigan State University East Lansing Michigan
Oakland University Rochester Hills Michigan
Western Michigan University | WMU Kalamazoo Michigan
Carleton College Northfield Minnesota
Gustavus Adolphus College Saint Peter Minnesota
Macalester College Saint Paul Minnesota
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities | Minnesota Minneapolis Minnesota
University of Minnesota Duluth | UMD Duluth Minnesota
College of St. Benedict | CSB Saint Joseph Minnesota
St. Olaf College Northfield Minnesota
University of St. Thomas (Minnesota) Saint Paul Minnesota
Saint Louis University | SLU Saint Louis Missouri
Washington University in St. Louis | WashU Saint Louis Missouri
Webster University Saint Louis Missouri
University of Montana Missoula Montana
University of Nebraska‚ Lincoln | UNL Lincoln Nebraska
University of Nevada, Las Vegas | UNLV Las Vegas Nevada
University of Nevada, Reno Reno Nevada
Dartmouth College Hanover New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire | UNH Durham New Hampshire
Drew University Madison New Jersey
Montclair State University | MSU Montclair New Jersey
Rutgers University‚ New Brunswick | Rutgers New Brunswick New Jersey
Rutgers University‚ Newark Newark New Jersey
The College of New Jersey | TCNJ Ewing New Jersey
University of New Mexico | UNM Albuquerque New Mexico
New Mexico State University | NMSU Las Cruces New Mexico
Barnard College New York New York
Colgate University Hamilton New York
Brooklyn College Brooklyn New York
Hunter College | CUNY Hunter New York New York
Fordham University Bronx New York
Hamilton College Clinton New York
Hobart and William Smith Colleges | HWS Geneva New York
Hofstra University Hempstead New York
Pace University New York New York
University of Rochester Rochester New York
The State University of New York at Albany | SUNY Albany Albany New York
The State University of New York at Stony Brook | SUNY Stony Brook Stony Brook New York
The State University of New York at Geneseo | SUNY Geneseo Geneseo New York
State University of New York at Purchase | SUNY Purchase Purchase New York
Syracuse University Syracuse New York
Vassar College Poughkeepsie New York
Appalachian State University Boone North Carolina
Duke University Durham North Carolina
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | UNC Chapel Hill North Carolina
University of North Carolina at Greensboro | UNC Greensboro Greensboro North Carolina
North Carolina State University | NC State Raleigh North Carolina
Wake Forest University Winston-Salem North Carolina
North Dakota State University | NDSU Fargo North Dakota
Bowling Green State University | BGSU Bowling Green Ohio
Case Western Reserve University Cleveland Ohio
University of Cincinnati Cincinnati Ohio
Cleveland State University | CSU Cleveland Ohio
University of Dayton Dayton Ohio
Denison University Granville Ohio
John Carroll University | JCU University Heights Ohio
Kenyon College Gambier Ohio
Miami University Oxford Ohio
Oberlin College Oberlin Ohio
Ohio State University | OSU Columbus Ohio
Ohio University Athens Ohio
Ohio Wesleyan University Delaware Ohio
Otterbein University Westerville Ohio
University of Toledo Toledo Ohio
College of Wooster Wooster Ohio
University of Oklahoma Norman Oklahoma
University of Tulsa Tulsa Oklahoma
Oregon State University | OSU Corvallis Oregon
University of Oregon Eugene Oregon
Portland State University | PSU Portland Oregon
Willamette University Salem Oregon
Allegheny College Meadville Pennsylvania
Bucknell University Lewisburg Pennsylvania
Dickinson College Carlisle Pennsylvania
Duquesne University Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
Gettysburg College Gettysburg Pennsylvania
Haverford College Haverford Pennsylvania
Lafayette College Easton Pennsylvania
Lehigh University Bethlehem Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania State University | PSU University Park Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania | UPenn Philadelphia Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh | Pitt Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
University of Scranton Scranton Pennsylvania
Swarthmore College Swarthmore Pennsylvania
Temple University Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Ursinus College Collegeville Pennsylvania
Villanova University Villanova Pennsylvania
West Chester University | WCUPA West Chester Pennsylvania
Widener University Chester Pennsylvania
Brown University Providence Rhode Island
Providence College Providence Rhode Island
Rhode Island College | RIC Providence Rhode Island
University of Rhode Island | URI Kingston Rhode Island
College of Charleston Charleston South Carolina
Clemson University Clemson South Carolina
University of South Carolina | USC Columbia South Carolina
East Tennessee State University | ETSU Johnson City Tennessee
Sewanee: The University of the South | Sewanee Sewanee Tennessee
Vanderbilt University Nashville Tennessee
Rice University Houston Texas
Southwestern University Georgetown Texas
Texas A&M University College Station Texas
University of Texas at Austin | UT Austin Austin Texas
University of Texas at El Paso | UTEP El Paso Texas
University of Texas at San Antonio | UTSA San Antonio Texas
University of Utah Salt Lake City Utah
Bennington College Bennington Vermont
Middlebury College Middlebury Vermont
University of Vermont | UVM Burlington Vermont
Hollins University Roanoke Virginia
Old Dominion University | ODU Norfolk Virginia
University of Richmond Richmond Virginia
Virginia Commonwealth University | VCU Richmond Virginia
Eastern Washington University | EWU Cheney Washington
Seattle University Seattle Washington
Washington State University | WSU Pullman Washington
University of Washington Seattle Washington
Beloit College Beloit Wisconsin
Marquette University Milwaukee Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin-Madison | Wisconsin Madison Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin‚ Milwaukee | UWM Milwaukee Wisconsin
University of Wyoming Laramie Wyoming
Purdue University West Lafayette Indiana

What Are Your Chances of Acceptance?

Regardless of what major you’re considering, the primary step you should take is ensuring your academically on par with the school’s previously accepted applicants. This is because most schools utilize the Academic Index , a tool that filters out applicants based on specific statistics.

You should also make sure that your qualitative application components mesh with the school’s culture. This means that your essays and extracurriculars need to back your prospective major or the school’s overall vibe. For Gender Studies majors, the personal statement and any supplemental essays are especially important because they are opportunities to show admissions committees your writing skill. Some extracurriculars that might overlap with your prospective gender studies major are writing activism, volunteering in a political or civic service office, writing in your school’s newspaper, and participating in empowerment clubs.

To learn more about your chances of acceptance to universities for gender studies, check out CollegeVine’s free chancing engine . Unlike other calculators, this resource will take into account a large portion of your personal profile, including academic statistics and qualitative factors like extracurriculars.

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As a Fulbright Scholar, a published author, a graduate of Emory University and Yale University (and recipient of the Dean's Prize for Outstanding Thesis), and as a current MPhil candidate enrolled at the University Cambridge, I have myself written countless application essays for university admissions and submitted dozens of applications for prestigious fellowships and scholarships.

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I have a strong track record of writing and editing work. I most recently served as a Graduate Writing Tutor at Yale's prestigious Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning, and presently work for a highly sought after college admissions consulting firm that has a proven history of maximizing applicants' chances of gaining admission to their top-choice schools.

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Attentive and thorough career development tutor! Working with Ryan on my personal statement for medical school was game-changing. His genius, aptitude, and talent made all the difference for the most central document for my application. After only one brainstorming session he was able to help transform my story into an absolute masterpiece. He was attentive, diligent, and thorough to the most fundamental elements of my narrative. He took notes, asked questions, and probed me to excavate my most important storylines. Additionally, he completed his own research to provide the statement with contextual information to better connect the hook to my academic interests. Overall, I am more than pleased with Ryan’s attention to detail and care. I would highly recommend him to family, friends, and classmates. Zoe, 5 lessons with Ryan
College Essay Editing Ryan was incredible and made really good edits to my daughter's Common App Essay. We had tried several people, but his were by far the most useful and well crafted edits. Definitely worth the price, no comparison to anyone else! Kerri, 4 lessons with Ryan
Knowledgeable and Professional Tutor I always love my sessions with Ryan. Thus far, he has helped me with my research studies to scholarship essays. He is always thorough and reliable to help me meet my goals! Chanel, 6 lessons with Ryan
Exceptional! Ryan did an amazing job editing my essays. I recommend him with no reservations. Ryan is thorough, easy to work with, and accommodating to schedules. His editing is both substantive and stylistic, and he is able to show one's self-awareness without sounding either self-deprecating or arrogant—perfectly balanced, sensitive without pandering. The work I did with Ryan helped me take my essays to the next level, but more than that, I believe that working with him will also pay off in my ability to respond effectively in upcoming admissions interviews. He is highly professional and has a lot of knowledge about the college admissions process. I recommend him. J, 3 lessons with Ryan
Knowledgeable and enthusiastic We've only connected once so far, but I really enjoyed my time with Ryan. He is attentive, understanding but isn't afraid to highlight ways to improve an existing personal statement. I'm thankful for his expertise. Natalie, 3 lessons with Ryan
Great Teacher Mr. Ryan was extremely helpful and explained all the different ways I could improve my personal statement very clearly. I am very satisfied with this session. Trinh, 5 lessons with Ryan
Extremely knowledgeable and helpful Great tutor. In an hour he set me up perfectly for writing my personal statement. It was clear he knew exactly what he was talking about. Highly recommend hiring him for any help you need. Thomas, 2 lessons with Ryan
Really helpful! I was having difficulty coming up with ideas for my PA School supplemental essay and Ryan helped me a lot. After writing the essay, Ryan went over it with me and helped me clean up any grammatical errors and polish the wording as well. Overall really helpful and highly recommended if you are having trouble with applications because he definitely knows what he’s talking about. Lauren, 2 lessons with Ryan

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St. Basil’s

macalester college supplemental essays

St. Basil’s Cathedral

The onion domes and spires of St. Basil’s Cathedral rise above Moscow’s Red Square, and captivate our collective imagination of Russia, in a manner quite undefinable, perhaps a “colorful toy resting in the palm of this cobblestone field” or a majestic icon of grandeur and power. St. Basil’s, known more officially as the Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat, is certainly a spectacle of wonder and as such invites a vast array of symbolic interpretations rooted in equally ambiguous, folkloric tales of origin. The Cathedral is recognizable by its “nine multi-hued onion domes” of various sizes and distances from one another, and by the “gold-plated garlic dome that crowns the lofty central spire.”  Despite the uneven positioning of the domes from a horizontal perspective, the Cathedral is actually perfectly symmetrical from above. The Cathedral is also actually nine separate chapels of different styles and names, one of which contains the tomb of St. Vasily (Basil) the Blessed, a “yurodivy” or fool in Christ, from whom the popular name of the structure originates. In accordance with the strictly hierarchical nature of the time in which it was constructed, the inside spaces of the Cathedral are small and could accomodate only the most elite. It is unclear where the inspiration for the odd onion domes originated, since the Cathedral predates the similar domes of the Mughal empire. St. Basil’s was built by order of Tsar Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) to commemorate the capture of the Tatar stronghold Kazan in 1552.  Barma and Postnik Yakovlev may have been the architects of the Cathedral, but the reality of their identities is disputed by scholars- it may have been a single architect, or another individual whose name is a combination of the two. Legend holds that the architects were blinded by Ivan the Terrible after they completed the Cathedral so that they could not replicate such a beautiful structure.

The cultural association and connotation of St. Basil’s Cathedral within Russian culture is a general concept of power, solidarity and continuity- but to whom exactly these concepts apply or who they include are questions with no straightforward answers or uncomplicated interpretations. The record of the battle of Kazan, the event which supposedly precipitated the Cathedral’s construction, is obscured by its folkloric quality in which Ivan the Terrible, the soldiers and even the Tatars are dramaticized and exaggerated. According to Andrei Yurganov, the “seizure of Kazan came to symbolize the growing power of Moscow, the vanquishing of the ‘infidels’ and the confirmation of Ivan IV’s righteousness.” As indicated by the ‘Intercession’ in the Cathedral’s original title, Ivan would have sought confirmation from the higher powers for the legitimacy of his rule, appropriating the ‘divine right’ concept of the monarchy to defend and protect his position. The Cathedral appeared as a public announcement of these symbolic intentions and would have instilled national pride in Russians as a representation of victory and power. As Yurganov notes however, the Cathedral appears more in popular association to be a commemoration of the ‘holy fool’ St. Basil than the epic, fairy-tale like battle of Kazan. St. Basil was known for many saintly predictions and acts, but was notably a respected critic of Ivan IV’s cruel practices. It is possible then that Russians find it more fitting to revere the Cathedral as the mausoleum of a popular, saintly critic than as the victory monument of a cruel monarch. Interestingly, hundreds of years after it was built, the Cathedral was saved from destruction by the self-sacrifice of Konstantin Baranovsky, the architect who had been ordered to prepare the Cathedral for demolition and who, according to some tales, defended the structure from Stalin by “barricading himself in the church with a machine gun.” Stalin was attempting to purge the Soviet Union of the remants of imperialism. Again, the heroization of Baranovsky indicates that the Cathedral is not associated with the power and continuity of government or political system, but the determination of the Russian people to find solidarity in cultural representations that outlast such fickle, sometimes oppressive institutions.

Regardless of popular interpretation, the urge to monumentalize the symbolic achievements of governmental entities did not dissappear when Russia became the secular Soviet Union. When divine authority could not be called upon to deify the achievements and personage of the ruler, such deification was sought through the majesty and authority of moderninity, technological and architectural achievement. The Palace of Soviets was to be such a monument in the tradition of structures like St. Basil’s Cathedral, symbolic of achievement and power. Time magazine declared in March 1934 that the structure was “Russia’s latest and greatest monument” which would be “the world’s largest and tallest building.”  The Palace was a replacement for the monuments of antiquity, built on the ground once occupied by another monumental cathedral, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which was blown up to make room for the new structure. As William McDonaugh explains, “A cathedral is a representation of both our longings and intentions.”  Especially as a manifestation of the human desire to worship and the need or purpose in appropriating God-like authority, cathedrals and cathedral-like structures fulfill this dual role. Truly, whether a cathedral or monument be that of a holy fool and a tsar or communist administration, it is intended to invite public worship of the persons, events and achievements it symbolizes.

The portrait of Ivan the Terrible in front of St. Basil’s Cathedral indicates the representations he would have intended for the structure, with himself as the primary focus of deification. The portrait, Tsar Ioann Vasilevich Groznyi , by Aleksandr Vasilevich Viskovatov was created in the 1800s, long after Tsar Ivan IV actually ruled, but commemorates the elevated status his monument, and subsequent personal monumentalization, conferred on him. He is pictured in his coronation garb, the splendor and majesty of the monarchy, as a large, dominant patriarch- occupying the entire foreground of the portrait. Behind him, bathed in heavenly rays, is Moscow with the towering onion domed spires of St. Basil’s, the site of his coronation and the permanent memorial to his achievements and righteousness.

– Carolyn McBride, November 2009

Ford, Peter. “St. Basil’s Cathedral.” Christian Science Monitor 91.169 (1999): 12.

McDonough, William. “Essay: A Centennial Sermon: Design, Ecology, Ethics, and the Making of Things.” Perspecta 29 (1998): 78-85.

Yurganov, Andrei. “St. Basil’s the Stuff of Legend.” Russian Life 44.6 (2001): 34.

“Art: Soviet Palace.” Time 19 March 1934: n. pag. Web. 6 Nov 2009. <,9171,747172,00.html>.

“Tsar Ioann Vasilevich Groznyi.” NYPL Digital Gallery . Web. 6 Nov 2009. <>.


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