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Compiler Design Tutorial

This compiler design tutorial includes all the basic to advanced topics like lexical analysis, code generation, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, and optimization techniques. Each section is crafted to provide clarity and depth, ensuring you grasp the complexities of transforming source code into executable programs.

A  compiler  is software that translates or converts a program written in a high-level language (Source Language) into a low-level language (Machine Language). Compiler design is the process of developing a program or software that converts human-written code into machine code. It involves many stages like lexical analysis, parsing, semantic analysis, code generation, optimization, etc. The Key objective of compiler design is to automate the translation process, the correctness of output, and reporting errors in source code. The compiler is used by programming languages such as C, C++, C#, Java, etc.


Why Do We Learn Compiler Design?

A computer is a logical assembly of software and hardware. The hardware understands a language that is hard for humans to understand. So, we write programs in a high-level language, that is less complex for humans to understand and maintain in thoughts. Now, a series of transformations have been applied to high-level language programs to convert them into machine language.

Prerequisite to Learn Compiler Design

  • Basic understanding of programming languages.
  • Basic knowledge of Data Structure
  • Basic Computer Science and Mathematics

Table of Content

Introduction :

Lexical analysis :, syntax analysis :, syntax directed translation :, code generation and optimization :, runtime environments :.

  • Introduction of Compiler design
  • Compiler construction tools
  • Phases of a Compiler
  • Symbol Table in Compiler
  • C++ Program to implement Symbol Table
  • Error detection and Recovery in Compiler
  • Error Handling in Compiler Design
  • Language Processors: Assembler, Compiler and Interpreter
  • Generation of Programming Languages
  • Lexical Analysis
  • C program to detect tokens in a C program
  • Flex (Fast Lexical Analyzer Generator )
Quiz on Lexical Analyses
  • Introduction to Syntax Analyses
  • Why FIRST and FOLLOW?
  • FIRST Set in Syntax Analyses
  • FOLLOW Set in Syntax Analyses
  • Program to calculate First and Follow sets of given grammar
  • Classification of Context Free Grammars(CFG)
  • Ambiguous Grammar
  • Parsing | Set 1 (Introduction, Ambiguity and Parsers)
  • Classification of top down parsers
  • Parsing | Set 2 (Bottom Up or Shift Reduce Parsers)
  • Shift Reduce Parser in Compiler
  • Parsing | Set 3 (SLR, CLR and LALR Parsers)
  • Theory of Computation | Operator grammar and precedence parser
  • Syntax Directed Translation
  • S – attributed and L – attributed SDTs in Syntax directed translation
Quiz on Parsing and Syntax Directed Translation
  • Code Optimization
  • Intermediate Code Generation
  • Issues in the design of a code generator
  • Three address code in Compiler
  • Compiler Design | Detection of a Loop in Three Address Code
  • Introduction of Object Code
  • Data flow analysis in Compiler
Quiz on Code Generation and Optimization
  • Static and Dynamic Scoping
  • Compiler Design | Runtime Environments
  • Compiler Design | Linker
  • Loader in C/C++
  • Developing a Linux based shell

Mastering compiler design is essential for anyone delving into programming languages and software development. Throughout this compiler design tutorial, we’ve covered crucial concepts such as lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, optimization techniques, and code generation. By understanding these foundations, you’re equipped to build efficient compilers that transform source code into executable programs seamlessly.

Compiler Design Tutorial – FAQs

Q.1 write types of compilers.

There are three types of compilers given below: Single-Pass Compilers Two-Pass Compilers Multi-pass Compilers

Q.2 Difference between compiler and assembler?

COMPILER ASSEMBLER Compiler converts the source code which is written by the programmer to machine level language. Assembler converts the assembly code into the machine code. Compiler converts the whole code into machine code. Assembler converts the code one by one. It takes less execution time in conversion compared to an assembler. It takes more time than a compiler. Input is the source code in a high-level language. Assembly level code as an input. Examples : C, C++, Java compilers, etc. Examples : GAS, GNU assemblers.

Q.3 Discuss the various phases of a compiler?

The various phases of the compiler are given below: Lexical Analyzer Syntax Analyzer Semantic Analyzer Intermediate code generator Code optimizer Code generator

Q.4 What are assembler?

Assembler is a program that interprets assembly language written software programs into machine language that is known to the computer.

Quick Links :

  • GATE | Previous Years Questions :   Set – 1 ,  Set – 2
  • Quiz on Compiler Design

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Compilers Design Chapter1 : Introduction, Structure of a Compiler

Published by Marjorie McCarthy Modified over 8 years ago

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Compiler design. computer science. rensselaer polytechnic. lecture 1. 66.648 lecture ... compiler is a program (written in a high-level language) that converts ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Computer Science
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic
  • Overview of Compilers
  • Introduction to Lexical Analysis
  • Course Administration
  • Compiler is a program (written in a high-level language) that converts / translates / compiles source program written in a high level language into an equivalent machine code.
  • Intermediate-Code Generator (produces Intermediate Code)
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  • Compiler project is a group effort. All group members get the same grade. Test has to be taken individually. No discussion is allowed.

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Compiler Design Notes | PDF, Syllabus, Book | B Tech 2021

  • Post last modified: 30 March 2021
  • Reading time: 25 mins read
  • Post category: B Tech Study Material

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Download Compiler Design Notes PDF, syllabus for B Tech, BCA, MCA 2021. We provide a complete compiler design pdf . Compiler Design lecture notes include compiler design notes , compiler design book , compiler design courses, compiler design syllabus , compiler design question paper , MCQ, case study, questions and answers and available in compiler design pdf form.

Compiler Design subject is included in B Tech CSE, BCA, MCA, M Tech. So, students can able to download compiler design notes pdf.

Compiler Design Notes

Table of Content

  • 1 Compiler Design Syllabus
  • 2 Compiler Design PDF
  • 3.1 What is Compiler Design?
  • 4 Compiler Design Interview Questions
  • 5 Compiler Design Question Paper
  • 6 Compiler Design Book

Compiler Design Notes can be downloaded in compiler design pdf from the below article

Compiler Design Syllabus

Detailed compiler design syllabus as prescribed by various Universities and colleges in India are as under. You can download the syllabus in compiler design pdf form.

Unit I Introduction to Compilers

Structure of a compiler – Lexical Analysis – Role of Lexical Analyzer – Input Buffering – Specification of Tokens – Recognition of Tokens – Lex – Finite Automata – Regular Expressions to Automata – Minimizing DFA.

Unit II Syntax Analysis

Role of Parser – Grammars – Error Handling – Context-free grammars – Writing a grammar, Top-Down Parsing – General Strategies Recursive Descent Parser – Predictive Parser-LL(1) Parser-Shift Reduce Parser-LR Parser-LR (0) Item Construction of SLR Parsing Table -Introduction to LALR Parser – Error Handling and Recovery in Syntax Analyzer-YACC.

Unit III Intermediate Code Generation

Syntax Directed Definitions, Evaluation Orders for Syntax Directed Definitions, Intermediate Languages: Syntax Tree, Three Address Code, Types and Declarations, Translation of Expressions, Type Checking.

Unit IV Run-Time Environment and Code Generation

Storage Organization, Stack Allocation Space, Access to Non-local Data on the Stack, Heap Management – Issues in Code Generation – Design of a simple Code Generator.

Unit V Code Optimization

Principal Sources of Optimization – Peep-hole optimization – DAG- Optimization of Basic Blocks-Global Data Flow Analysis – Efficient Data Flow Algorithm.

Compiler Design PDF

Compiler Design Notes

What is compiler design.

Compiler design covers basic translation mechanism and error detection & recovery. It includes lexical, syntax, and semantic analysis as front end, and code generation and optimization as back-end.

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Compiler Design Interview Questions

Some of the compiler design interview questions are mentioned below. You can download the QnA in compiler design pdf form.

  • What Is A Compiler?
  • What Are The Two Parts Of A Compilation? Explain Briefly.
  • List The Sub Parts Or Phases Of Analysis Part?
  • What Is Code Motion?
  • What Are The Properties Of Optimizing Compiler?
  • What Are The Basic Goals Of Code Movement?
  • List The Different Storage Allocation Strategies?
  • Define the Symbol Table.
  • List The Various Phases Of A Compiler?

Compiler Design Question Paper

If you have already studied the compiler design notes , now it’s time to move ahead and go through previous year compiler design question paper .

It will help you to understand question paper pattern and type of compiler design questions and answers asked in B Tech, BCA, MCA, M Tech compiler design exam. You can download the syllabus in compiler design pdf form.

Compiler Design Book

Below is the list of compiler design book recommended by the top university in India.

  • A.V. Aho, Monica, R.Sethi, J.D.Ullman, “Compilers, Principles, Techniques and Tools”, Second Edition, Pearson Education/Addison Wesley, 2009.
  • Andrew W. Appel, “Modern Compiler Implementation in Java”, Second Edition, 2009.
  • J.P. Tremblay and P.G. Sorrenson, “The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing”, McGraw Hill, 1985.

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Download our Compiler Design PPT template to describe the structure and principles that guide a compiler's translation and optimization process. Programmers can use this entirely customizable deck to explain how compilers help implement high-level programming languages and make the end code efficient. You can also use this set to discuss the features and applications of compiler technology.

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Computation structures, 11 compilers.

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ContinueAnnotated Slides

11.1 Annotated Slides

  • 11.1.1 Annotated slides

11.2 Topic Videos

  • 11.2.1 Iterpretation and Compilation
  • 11.2.2 Compiling Expressions
  • 11.2.3 Compiling Statements
  • 11.2.4 Compiler Frontend
  • 11.2.5 Optimization and Code Generation
  • 11.2.6 Worked Examples

11.3 Worksheet

11.3.1 Compilation Worksheet

  • « Compilers
  • 11.1.1Annotated slides
  • » Topic Videos

L11: Compilers

  • Programming Languages
  • High-Level Languages
  • Interpretation
  • Compilation
  • Interpretation vs. Compilation
  • A Simple Compilation Strategy
  • compile_expr(expr) → Rx
  • Compiling Expressions
  • compile_statement
  • compile_statement: Conditional
  • compile_statement: Iteration
  • Putting It All Together: Factorial
  • Optimization: keep values in regs
  • Anatomy of a Modern Compiler
  • Frontend Stages: Lexical Analysis
  • Frontend Stages: Syntactic Analysis
  • Frontend Stages: Semantic Analysis
  • Intermediate Representation (IR)
  • Common IR: Control Flow Graph
  • Control Flow Graph for GCD
  • IR Optimization
  • Example IR Optimizations I
  • Example IR Optimizations II
  • Example IR Optimizations II (continued)
  • Example IR Optimizations III
  • Example IR Optimizations IV
  • Example IR Optimizations IV (continued)
  • Code Generation
  • Putting It All Together I
  • Putting It All Together II

Content of the following slides is described in the surrounding text.

Content of each slide on this webpage is described in the surrounding text.

Today we’re going to talk about how to translate high-level languages into code that computers can execute.

So far we’ve seen the Beta ISA, which includes instructions that control the datapath operations performed on 32-bit data stored in the registers. There are also instructions for accessing main memory and changing the program counter. The instructions are formatted as opcode, source, and destination fields that form 32-bit values in main memory.

To make our lives easier, we developed assembly language as a way of specifying sequences of instructions. Each assembly language statement corresponds to a single instruction. As assembly language programmers, we’re responsible for managing which values are in registers and which are in main memory, and we need to figure out how to break down complicated operations, e.g. , accessing an element of an array, into the right sequence of Beta operations.

We can go one step further and use high-level languages to describe the computations we want to perform. These languages use variables and other data structures to abstract away the details of storage allocation and the movement of data to and from main memory. We can just refer to a data object by name and let the language processor handle the details. Similarly, we’ll write expressions and other operators such as assignment (=) to efficiently describe what would require many statements in assembly language.

Today we’re going to dive into how to translate high-level language programs into code that will run on the Beta.

presentation topics on compiler design

Here we see Euclid’s algorithm for determining the greatest common divisor of two numbers, in this case the algorithm is written in the C programming language. We’ll be using a simple subset of C as our example high-level language. Please see the brief overview of C in the Handouts section if you’d like an introduction to C syntax and semantics. C was developed by Dennis Ritchie at AT&T Bell Labs in the late 60’s and early 70’s to use when implementing the Unix operating system. Since that time many new high-level languages have been introduced providing modern abstractions like object-oriented programming along with useful new data and control structures.

Using C allows us describe a computation without referring to any of the details of the Beta ISA like registers, specific Beta instructions, and so on. The absence of such details means there is less work required to create the program and makes it easier for others to read and understand the algorithm implemented by the program.

There are many advantages to using a high-level language. They enable programmers to be very productive since the programs are concise and readable. These attributes also make it easy to maintain the code. Often it is harder to make certain types of mistakes since the language allows us to check for silly errors like storing a string value into a numeric variable. And more complicated tasks like dynamically allocating and deallocating storage can be completely automated. The result is that it can take much less time to create a correct program in a high-level language than it would it when writing in assembly language.

Since the high-level language has abstracted away the details of a particular ISA, the programs are portable in the sense that we can expect to run the same code on different ISAs without having to rewrite the code.

What do we lose by using a high-level language? Should we worry that we’ll pay a price in terms of the efficiency and performance we might get by crafting each instruction by hand? The answer depends on how we choose to run high-level language programs. The two basic execution strategies are “interpretation” and “compilation”.

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To interpret a high-level language program, we’ll write a special program called an “interpreter” that runs on the actual computer, M1. The interpreter mimics the behavior of some abstract easy-to-program machine M2 and for each M2 operation executes sequences of M1 instructions to achieve the desired result. We can think of the interpreter along with M1 as an implementation of M2, i.e. , given a program written for M2, the interpreter will, step-by-step, emulate the effect of M2 instructions.

We often use several layers of interpretation when tackling computation tasks. For example, an engineer may use her laptop with an Intel CPU to run the Python interpreter. In Python, she loads the SciPy toolkit, which provides a calculator-like interface for numerical analysis for matrices of data. For each SciPy command, e.g. , “find the maximum value of a dataset”, the SciPy tool kit executes many Python statements, e.g. , to loop over each element of the array, remembering the largest value. For each Python statement, the Python interpreter executes many x86 instructions, e.g. , to increment the loop index and check for loop termination. Executing a single SciPy command may require executing of tens of Python statements, which in turn each may require executing hundreds of x86 instructions. The engineer is very happy she didn’t have to write each of those instructions herself!

Interpretation is an effective implementation strategy when performing a computation once, or when exploring which computational approach is most effective before making a more substantial investment in creating a more efficient implementation.

presentation topics on compiler design

We’ll use a compilation implementation strategy when we have computational tasks that we need to execute repeatedly and hence we are willing to invest more time up-front for more efficiency in the long-term.

In compilation, we also start with our actual computer M1. Then we’ll take our high-level language program P2 and translate it statement-by-statement into a program for M1. Note that we’re not actually running the P2 program. Instead we’re using it as a template to create an equivalent P1 program that can execute directly on M1. The translation process is called “compilation” and the program that does the translation is called a “compiler”.

We compile the P2 program once to get the translation P1, and then we’ll run P1 on M1 whenever we want to execute P2. Running P1 avoids the overhead of having to process the P2 source and the costs of executing any intervening layers of interpretation. Instead of dynamically figuring out the necessary machine instructions for each P2 statement as it’s encountered, in effect we’ve arranged to capture that stream of machine instructions and save them as a P1 program for later execution. If we’re willing to pay the up-front costs of compilation, we’ll get more efficient execution.

And, with different compilers, we can arrange to run P2 on many different machines — M2, M3, etc. — without having rewrite P2.

So we now have two ways to execute a high-level language program: interpretation and compilation. Both allow us to change the original source program. Both allow us to abstract away the details of the actual computer we’ll use to run the program. And both strategies are widely used in modern computer systems!

presentation topics on compiler design

Let’s summarize the differences between interpretation and compilation.

Suppose the statement “x+2” appears in the high-level program. When the interpreter processes this statement it immediately fetches the value of the variable x and adds 2 to it. On the other hand, the compiler would generate Beta instructions that would LD the variable x into a register and then ADD 2 to that value.

The interpreter is executing each statement as it’s processed and, in fact, may process and execute the same statement many times if, e.g. , it was in a loop. The compiler is just generating instructions to be executed at some later time.

Interpreters have the overhead of processing the high-level source code during execution and that overhead may be incurred many times in loops. Compilers incur the processing overhead once, making the eventual execution more efficient. But during development, the programmer may have to compile and run the program many times, often incurring the cost of compilation for only a single execution of the program. So the compile-run-debug loop can take more time.

The interpreter is making decisions about the data type of x and the type of operations necessary at run time, i.e. , while the program is running. The compiler is making those decisions during the compilation process.

Which is the better approach? In general, executing compiled code is much faster than running the code interpretively. But since the interpreter is making decisions at run time, it can change its behavior depending, say, on the type of the data in the variable X, offering considerable flexibility in handling different types of data with the same algorithm. Compilers take away that flexibility in exchange for fast execution.

presentation topics on compiler design

A compiler is a program that translates a high-level language program into a functionally equivalent sequence of machine instructions, i.e. , an assembly language program.

A compiler first checks that the high-level program is correct, i.e. , that the statements are well formed, the programmer isn’t asking for nonsensical computations — e.g. , adding a string value and an integer — or attempting to use the value of a variable before it has been properly initialized. The compiler may also provide warnings when operations may not produce the expected results, e.g. , when converting from a floating-point number to an integer, where the floating-point value may be too large to fit in the number of bits provided by the integer.

If the program passes scrutiny, the compiler then proceeds to generate efficient sequences of instructions, often finding ways to rearrange the computation so that the resulting sequences are shorter and faster. It’s hard to beat a modern optimizing compiler at producing assembly language, since the compiler will patiently explore alternatives and deduce properties of the program that may not be apparent to even diligent assembly language programmers.

In this section, we’ll look at a simple technique for compiling C programs into assembly. Then, in the next section, we’ll dive more deeply into how a modern compiler works.

presentation topics on compiler design

There are two main routines in our simple compiler: compile_statement and compile_expr. The job of compile_statement is to compile a single statement from the source program. Since the source program is a sequence of statements, we’ll be calling compile_statement repeatedly.

We’ll focus on the compilation technique for four types of statements. An unconditional statement is simply an expression that’s evaluated once. A compound statement is simply a sequence of statements to be executed in turn. Conditional statements, sometimes called “if statements”, compute the value of an test expression, e.g. , a comparison such as “A < B”. If the test is true then statement 1

The other main routine is compile_expr whose job it is to generate code to compute the value of an expression, leaving the result in some register. Expressions take many forms:

simple constant values,

values from scalar or array variables,

assignment expressions that compute a value and then store the result in some variable,

unary or binary operations that combine the values of their operands with the specified operator. Complex arithmetic expressions can be decomposed into sequences of unary and binary operations.

And, finally, procedure calls, where a named sequence of statements will be executed with the values of the supplied arguments assigned as the values for the formal parameters of the procedure. Compiling procedures and procedure calls is a topic that we’ll tackle next lecture since there are some complications to understand and deal with.

Happily, compiling the other types of expressions and statements is straightforward, so let’s get started.

presentation topics on compiler design

What code do we need to put the value of a constant into a register? If the constant will fit into the 16-bit constant field of an instruction, we can use CMOVE to load the sign-extended constant into a register. This approach works for constants between -32768 and +32767. If the constant is too large, it’s stored in a main memory location and we use a LD instruction to get the value into a register.

Loading the value of a variable is much the same as loading the value of a large constant: we use a LD instruction to access the memory location that holds the value of the variable.

Performing an array access is slightly more complicated: arrays are stored as consecutive locations in main memory, starting with index 0. Each array element occupies some fixed number of bytes. So we need code to convert the array index into the actual main memory address for the specified array element.

We first invoke compile_expr to generate code that evaluates the index expression and leaves the result in Rx. That will be a value between 0 and the size of the array minus 1. We’ll use a LD instruction to access the appropriate array entry, but that means we need to convert the index into a byte offset, which we do by multiplying the index by bsize, the number of bytes in one element. If b was an array of integers, bsize would be 4. Now that we have the byte offset in a register, we can use LD to add the offset to the base address of the array computing the address of the desired array element, then load the memory value at that address into a register.

Assignment expressions are easy: invoke compile_expr to generate code that loads the value of the expression into a register, then generate a ST instruction to store the value into the specified variable.

Arithmetic operations are pretty easy too: use compile_expr to generate code for each of the operand expressions, leaving the results in registers. Then generate the appropriate ALU instruction to combine the operands and leave the answer in a register.

presentation topics on compiler design

Let’s look at example to see how all this works. Here we have an assignment expression that requires a subtract, a multiply, and an addition to compute the required value.

Let’s follow the compilation process from start to finish as we invoke compile_expr to generate the necessary code.

Following the template for assignment expressions from the previous page, we recursively call compile_expr to compute value of the right-hand-side of the assignment.

That’s a multiply operation, so, following the Operations template, we need to compile the left-hand operand of the multiply.

That’s a subtract operation, so, we call compile_expr again to compile the left-hand operand of the subtract.

Aha, we know how to get the value of a variable into a register. So we generate a LD instruction to load the value of x into r1.

The process we’re following is called “recursive descent”. We’ve used recursive calls to compile_expr to process each level of the expression tree. At each recursive call the expressions get simpler, until we reach a variable or constant, where we can generate the appropriate instruction without descending further. At this point we’ve reached a leaf of the expression tree and we’re done with this branch of the recursion.

We now need to get the value of the right-hand operand of the subtract into a register. In case it’s a small constant, so we generate a CMOVE instruction.

Now that both operand values are in registers, we return to the subtract template and generate a SUB instruction to do the subtraction. We now have the value for the left-hand operand of the multiply in r1.

We follow the same process for the right-hand operand of the multiply, recursively calling compile_expr to process each level of the expression until we reach a variable or constant. Then we return up the expression tree, generating the appropriate instructions as we go, following the dictates of the appropriate template from the previous slide.

The generated code is shown on the left of the slide. The recursive-descent technique makes short work of generating code for even the most complicated of expressions.

There’s even opportunity to find some simple optimizations by looking at adjacent instructions. For example, a CMOVE followed by an arithmetic operation can often be shortened to a single arithmetic instruction with the constant as its second operand. These local transformations are called “peephole optimizations” since we’re only considering just one or two instructions at a time.

presentation topics on compiler design

Now let’s turn our attention to compile_statement.

The first two statement types are pretty easy to handle. Unconditional statements are usually assignment expressions or procedure calls. We’ll simply ask compile_expr to generate the appropriate code.

Compound statements are equally easy. We’ll recursively call compile_statement to generate code for each statement in turn. The code for statement_2 will immediately follow the code generated for statement_1. Execution will proceed sequentially through the code for each statement.

presentation topics on compiler design

Here we see the simplest form of the conditional statement, where we need to generate code to evaluate the test expression and then, if the value in the register is FALSE, skip over the code that executes the statement in the THEN clause. The simple assembly-language template uses recursive calls to compile_expr and compile_statement to generate code for the various parts of the IF statement.

The full-blown conditional statement includes an ELSE clause, which should be executed if the value of the test expression is FALSE. The template uses some branches and labels to ensure the course of execution is as intended.

You can see that the compilation process is really just the application of many small templates that break the code generation task down step-by-step into smaller and smaller tasks, generating the necessary code to glue all the pieces together in the appropriate fashion.

presentation topics on compiler design

And here’s the template for the WHILE statement, which looks a lot like the template for the IF statement with a branch at the end that causes the generated code to be re-executed until the value of the test expression is FALSE.

With a bit of thought, we can improve on this template slightly. We’ve reorganized the code so that only a single branch instruction (BT) is executed each iteration, instead of the two branches (BF, BR) per iteration in the original template. Not a big deal, but little optimizations to code inside a loop can add up to big savings in a long-running program.

Just a quick comment about another common iteration statement, the FOR loop. The FOR loop is a shorthand way of expressing iterations where the loop index (“i” in the example shown) is run through a sequence of values and the body of the FOR loop is executed once for each value of the loop index.

The FOR loop can be transformed into the WHILE statement shown here, which can then be compiled using the templates shown above.

presentation topics on compiler design

In this example, we’ve applied our templates to generate code for the iterative implementation of the factorial function that we’ve seen before. Look through the generated code and you’ll be able to match code fragments with the templates from last couple of slides. It’s not the most efficient code, but not bad given the simplicity of the recursive-descent approach for compiling high-level programs.

presentation topics on compiler design

It’s a simple matter to modify the recursive-descent process to accommodate variable values that are stored in dedicated registers rather than in main memory. Optimizing compilers are quite good at identifying opportunities to keep values in registers and hence avoid the LD and ST operations needed to access values in main memory. Using this simple optimization, the number of instructions in the loop has gone from 10 down to 4. Now the generated code is looking pretty good!

But rather than keep tweaking the recursive-descent approach, let’s stop here. In the next segment, we’ll see how modern compilers take a more general approach to generating code. Still though, the first time I learned about recursive descent, I ran home to write a simple implementation and marveled at having authored my own compiler in an afternoon!

presentation topics on compiler design

A modern compiler starts by analyzing the source program text to produce an equivalent sequence of operations expressed in a language — and machine-independent intermediate representation (IR). The analysis, or frontend, phase checks that the program is well-formed, i.e. , that the syntax of each high-level language statement is correct. It understands the meaning (semantics) of each statement. Many high-level languages include declarations of the type — e.g. , integer, floating point, string, etc. — of each variable, and the frontend verifies that all operations are correctly applied, ensuring that numeric operations have numeric-type operands, string operations have string-type operands, and so on. Basically the analysis phase converts the text of the source program into an internal data structure that specifies the sequence and type of operations to be performed.

Often there are families of frontend programs that translate a variety of high-level languages (e.g, C, C++, Java) into a common IR.

The synthesis, or backend, phase then optimizes the IR to reduce the number of operations that will be executed when the final code is run. For example, it might find operations inside of a loop that are independent of the loop index and can moved outside the loop, where they are performed once instead of repeatedly inside the loop. Once the IR is in its final optimized form, the backend generates code sequences for the target ISA and looks for further optimizations that take advantage of particular features of the ISA. For example, for the Beta ISA we saw how a CMOVE followed by an arithmetic operation can be shorted to a single operation with a constant operand.

presentation topics on compiler design

The analysis phase starts by scanning the source text and generating a sequence of token objects that identify the type of each piece of the source text. While spaces, tabs, newlines, and so on were needed to separate tokens in the source text, they’ve all been removed during the scanning process. To enable useful error reporting, token objects also include information about where in the source text each token was found, e.g. , the file name, line number, and column number. The scanning phase reports illegal tokens, e.g. , the token “3x” would cause an error since in C it would not be a legal number or a legal variable name.

presentation topics on compiler design

The parsing phase processes the sequence of tokens to build the syntax tree, which captures the structure of the original program in a convenient data structure. The operands have been organized for each unary and binary operation. The components of each statement have been found and labeled. The role of each source token has been determined and the information captured in the syntax tree.

Compare the labels of the nodes in the tree to the templates we discussed in the previous segment. We can see that it would be easy to write a program that did a depth-first tree walk, using the label of each tree node to select the appropriate code generation template. We won’t do that quite yet since there’s still some work to be done analyzing and transforming the tree.

presentation topics on compiler design

The syntax tree makes it easy to verify that the program is semantically correct, e.g. , to check that the types of the operands are compatible with the requested operation.

For example, consider the statement x = “bananas”. The syntax of the assignment operation is correct: there’s a variable on the left-hand side and an expression on the right-hand side. But the semantics is not correct, at least in the C language! By looking in its symbol table to check the declared type for the variable x (int) and comparing it to the type of the expression (string), the semantic checker for the “op =” tree node will detect that the types are not compatible, i.e. , that we can’t store a string value into an integer variable.

When the semantic analysis is complete, we know that the syntax tree represents a syntactically correct program with valid semantics, and we’ve finished converting the source program into an equivalent, language-independent sequence of operations.

presentation topics on compiler design

The syntax tree is a useful intermediate representation (IR) that is independent of both the source language and the target ISA. It contains information about the sequencing and grouping of operations that isn’t apparent in individual machine language instructions. And it allows frontends for different source languages to share a common backend targeting a specific ISA. As we’ll see, the backend processing can be split into two sub-phases. The first performs machine-independent optimizations on the IR. The optimized IR is then translated by the code generation phase into sequences of instructions for the target ISA.

presentation topics on compiler design

A common IR is to reorganize the syntax tree into what’s called a control flow graph (CFG). Each node in the graph is a sequence of assignment and expression evaluations that ends with a branch. The nodes are called “basic blocks” and represent sequences of operations that are executed as a unit: once the first operation in a basic block is performed, the remaining operations will also be performed without any other intervening operations. This knowledge lets us consider many optimizations, e.g. , temporarily storing variable values in registers, that would be complicated if there was the possibility that other operations outside the block might also need to access the variable values while we were in the middle of this block.

The edges of the graph indicate the branches that take us to another basic block.

presentation topics on compiler design

For example, here’s the CFG for GCD.

If a basic block ends with a conditional branch, there are two edges, labeled “T” and “F” leaving the block that indicate the next block to execute depending on the outcome of the test. Other blocks have only a single departing arrow, indicating that the block always transfers control to the block indicated by the arrow.

Note that if we can arrive at a block from only a single predecessor block, then any knowledge we have about operations and variables from the predecessor block can be carried over to the destination block. For example, if the “if (x > y)” block has generated code to load the values of x and y into registers, both destination blocks can use that information and use the appropriate registers without having to generate their own LDs.

But if a block has multiple predecessors, such optimizations are more constrained: we can only use knowledge that is common to *all* the predecessor blocks.

The CFG looks a lot like the state transition diagram for a high-level FSM!

presentation topics on compiler design

We’ll optimize the IR by performing multiple passes over the CFG. Each pass performs a specific, simple optimization. We’ll repeatedly apply the simple optimizations in multiple passes, until the we can’t find any further optimizations to perform. Collectively, the simple optimizations can combine to achieve very complex optimizations.

Here are some example optimizations:

We can eliminate assignments to variables that are never used and basic blocks that are never reached. This is called “dead code elimination”.

In constant propagation, we identify variables that have a constant value and substitute that constant in place of references to the variable.

We can compute the value of expressions that have constant operands. This is called “constant folding”.

presentation topics on compiler design

To illustrate how these optimizations work, consider this slightly silly source program and its CFG. Note that we’ve broken down complicated expressions into simple binary operations, using temporary variable names (e.g, “_t1”) to name the intermediate results.

presentation topics on compiler design

Let’s get started!

The dead code elimination pass can remove the assignment to Z in the first basic block since Z is reassigned in subsequent blocks and the intervening code makes no reference to Z.

Next we look for variables with constant values. Here we find that X is assigned the value of 3 and is never re-assigned, so we can replace all references to X with the constant 3.

Now perform constant folding, evaluating any constant expressions.

presentation topics on compiler design

Here’s the updated CFG, ready for another round of optimizations.

First dead code elimination.

Then constant propagation.

And, finally, constant folding.

presentation topics on compiler design

So after two rounds of these simple operations, we’ve thinned out a number of assignments. On to round three!

Dead code elimination. And here we can determine the outcome of a conditional branch, eliminating entire basic blocks from the IR, either because they’re now empty or because they can no longer be reached.

presentation topics on compiler design

Wow, the IR is now considerably smaller.

Next is another application of constant propagation.

And then constant folding.

Followed by more dead code elimination.

presentation topics on compiler design

The passes continue until we discover there are no further optimizations to perform, so we’re done!

Repeated applications of these simple transformations have transformed the original program into an equivalent program that computes the same final value for Z.

We can do more optimizations by adding passes: eliminating redundant computation of common subexpressions, moving loop-independent calculations out of loops, unrolling short loops to perform the effect of, say, two iterations in a single loop execution, saving some of the cost of increment and test instructions. Optimizing compilers have a sophisticated set of optimizations they employ to make smaller and more efficient code.

presentation topics on compiler design

Okay, we’re done with optimizations. Now it’s time to generate instructions for the target ISA.

First the code generator assigns each variable a dedicated register. If we have more variables than registers, some variables are stored in memory and we’ll use LD and ST to access them as needed. But frequently-used variables will almost certainly live as much as possible in registers.

Use our templates from before to translate each assignment and operation into one or more instructions.

Then emit the code for each block, adding the appropriate labels and branches.

Reorder the basic block code to eliminate unconditional branches wherever possible.

And finally perform any target-specific peephole optimizations.

presentation topics on compiler design

Here’s the original CFG for the GCD code, along with the slightly optimized CFG. GCD isn’t as trivial as the previous example, so we’ve only been able to do a bit of constant propagation and constant folding.

Note that we can’t propagate knowledge about variable values from the top basic block to the following “if” block since the “if” block has multiple predecessors.

presentation topics on compiler design

Here’s how the code generator will process the optimized CFG.

First, it dedicates registers to hold the values for x and y.

Then, it emits the code for each of the basic blocks.

Next, reorganize the order of the basic blocks to eliminate unconditional branches wherever possible.

The resulting code is pretty good. There are no obvious changes that a human programmer might make to make the code faster or smaller. Good job, compiler!

presentation topics on compiler design

Here are all the compilation steps shown in order, along with their input and output data structures. Collectively they transform the original source code into high-quality assembly code. The patient application of optimization passes often produces code that’s more efficient than writing assembly language by hand.

Nowadays, programmers are able to focus on getting the source code to achieve the desired functionality and leave the details of translation to instructions in the hands of the compiler.

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  • 11.2.1Iterpretation and Compilation
  • 11.2.2Compiling Expressions
  • 11.2.3Compiling Statements
  • 11.2.4Compiler Frontend
  • 11.2.5Optimization and Code Generation
  • 11.2.6Worked Examples
  • » Compiling Expressions

Intepretation and Compilation (9:36)

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  • 11.3.1Compilation Worksheet
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Grab our Compiler Design presentation template for MS PowerPoint and Google Slides and effectively showcase information on the structure and guidelines that facilitate a compiler's translation, analysis, and optimization process. Deliver a memorable presentation in a hassle-free manner using our fully customizable deck!

This visual aid is ideal for programmers to showcase their ideas and information related to this topic. Use the intriguing PPT to demonstrate the major phases of compiler design and explain the significance and objective of each phase. You can also highlight this process's challenges and architectural design in a visually appealing manner. Moreover, you can illustrate the bottom-up and top-down parsing process in compiler design that analyzes the structure of a program's code and determines if it conforms to the syntax rules of the programming language.

Sizing Charts

Size XS S S M M L
EU 32 34 36 38 40 42
UK 4 6 8 10 12 14
US 0 2 4 6 8 10
Bust 79.5cm / 31" 82cm / 32" 84.5cm / 33" 89.5cm / 35" 94.5cm / 37" 99.5cm / 39"
Waist 61.5cm / 24" 64cm / 25" 66.5cm / 26" 71.5cm / 28" 76.5cm / 30" 81.5cm / 32"
Hip 86.5cm / 34" 89cm / 35" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38" 101.5cm / 40" 106.5cm / 42"
UK/US 34 36 38 40 42 44
Neck 37cm / 14.5" 38cm /15" 39.5cm / 15.5" 41cm / 16" 42cm / 16.5" 43cm / 17"
Chest 86.5cm / 34" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38" 101.5cm / 40" 106.5cm / 42" 111.5cm / 44"
Waist 71.5cm / 28" 76.5cm / 30" 81.5cm / 32" 86.5cm / 34" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38"
Seat 90cm / 35.4" 95cm / 37.4" 100cm / 39.4" 105cm / 41.3" 110cm / 43.3" 115cm / 45.3"
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Conference website
Submission link
Abstract registration deadlineSeptember 1, 2024
Submission deadlineSeptember 1, 2024

The First edition of Innovations In Compiler Technology (IICT) Workshop will be held at  Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, India ( compilertech.org ). The two-day workshop will be in-person.

Submission Guidelines

The IICT (Innovations In Compiler Technology) workshop aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts in the field of compiler technologies.   This year's theme focuses on the cutting-edge advancements in compiler design, implementation, and optimization, and their impact on emerging software and hardware platforms. We invite presentation proposals for our upcoming workshop.

List of Topics

We invite speakers from academia and industry to present their work in one of the following tracks.

  • Code Generation and optimization techniques
  • Performance of runtime libraries (like standard libraries, high performance libraries)
  • Any tools or products developed using compiler technologies
  • Software performance tracing
  • Compiler flags, annotations and remarks to understand and improve performance
  • Program synthesis
  • SuperOptimizers
  • Compilers for AI/ML
  • Codegen and optimizations in AI Frameworks (Tensorflow, Pytorch etc.)
  • Optimizing compilers for Machine Learning workloads
  • Improving the security of generated code
  • Validating compiler optimizations (translation validation)
  • Programming language advancements to address Web3 challenges
  • Verification of smart contracts using abstract interpretation (e.g., symbolic evaluation) techniques
  • Fuzz testing, fault injection etc using compiler technique

We are looking for:

  • keynote speakers (30-60minutes),
  • technical presentations: 20 minutes plus questions and discussion,
  • Tutorials (30-60minutes),
  • Poster presentations

Proposals should provide sufficient information for the review committee to be able to judge the quality of the submission. Proposals can be submitted under the form of an extended abstract, full paper, or slides. Accepted presentations must be presented in-person. The presentations and recordings may be publicly available in future.

In case of any queries please reach out to the workshop organizers:

What types of people attend?

  • Active developers of compilers
  • Students and Researchers in the field of compilers
  • Those interested in using compiler and toolchain technology in novel and interesting ways.

Program Committee

  • PC Chair: Prof. Uday Khedker, IIT Bombay
  • Dibyendu Das, Sr. Principal Engineer, Intel
  • Prof. Govindarajan Ramaswamy, IISc Bangalore
  • Prof. Krishna Nandivada, IIT Madras
  • Prof. Komondoor V. Raghavan, IISc Bangalore
  • Prof. Manas Thakur, IIT Bombay
  • Prof. Ramakrishna Upadrasta, IIT Hyderabad
  • Dr. Saurabh Joshi, Supra Research
  • Prof. Subodh Sharma, IIT Delhi

Organizing committee

  • Chair: Aditya Kumar, Distinguished Speaker at ACM
  • Co-chair: Ashutosh Pandey, AMD
  • Co-chair: Pradeep Kumar, Nvidia
  • Prerona Chaudhuri, Nvidia
  • Vinayaka Bandishti, Google

Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, India

In case of any queries please reach out to the workshop organizers: [email protected], Aditya Kumar ([email protected])

CS343 - Advanced Topics in Compilers

Spring 2010, class abstract.

Compiler research for a long time was moribund, stuck on narrow topics such as register allocation and instruction scheduling. In contrast, the last decade has seen an explosion of interesting work using compilers to accomplish something cool. This class will cover a selection of such research papers, ranging across static and dynamic bug finding, binary analysis, reverse engineering, programming via sketching, and other topics that seem worth knowing. The class is discussion oriented. You will read (typically) one paper before each class thoroughly, which will be dissected during the class period. By the end of the course you will be able to read a technical paper and extract its essence as well as noticing when the authors have sinned by omission in their experiments or wording. Papers will be somewhat bimodal. We will often start with an older one to set the stage (since they are simpler), and then a later one so you can see what the current thinking is. In addition, students will form groups of 1-3 and do a final project of their design which they will present.

Staff | Logistics | Schedule


Dawson Engler


Gates 314

Office hours


Suhabe Bugrara


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Tues, Thurs 2:15 to 3:30 in 380-380C


cs243 or permission from instructor

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May 11th

Project Presentations

June 9th

Final exam

June 1st

Tentative Schedule

Topic Lecture notes
Mar 30 (Tue)
April 1 (Thu)
April 6 (Tue)

April 8 (Thu) Guest Lecture: Overflow Checking in Firefox, Brian Hackett, Mozilla
April 13 (Tue)
April 15 (Thu)
April 20 (Tue)
April 22 (Thu)
April 27 (Tue) Guest Lecture: Failure Oblivious Computing, Martin Rinard, MIT
April 29 (Thu)

May 4 (Tue)
May 6 (Thu) Guest Lecture: , Russ Cox, Google
May 11 (Tue) Midterm
May 13 (Thu) Guest Lecture: , Kayvon Fatahalian, Stanford
May 18 (Tue)
May 20 (Thu) Guest Lecture:
, Alex Aiken, Stanford
May 25 (Tue)
May 27 (Thu)
June 1 (Tue)

Physical Handouts

Hardcopies of the course material and graded assignments will be distributed during class. Extras and assignments that are not picked up will be placed in the handout bin on the 3rd floor of Gates. Turn left as you come off the elevator and head across the hall to the nook between the two wings. There is a file cabinet with a drawer for CS243.

SCPD students: Please download the lecture notes before the lecture; the material will be available by the morning of the lecture. Your assignments will be returned via the SCPD courier. Since all the material for the assignments will be available on the web, you have to give your assignemnts to the SPCD courier (or hand it in electronically) on the same day as everybody else.

Assignment Policy

Group Work: Homework will consist of both written and programming assignments. You are encouraged to work on the programming assignments in groups of two, but you must do the written assignments by yourself.

Late Policy: In general, no late assignments are accepted. However, you have two grace days for the entire quarter. That means you can be late by one day for two assignments, or use the two days up for one assignment.

Submission: Homework should be submitted in class only. If you do not come to class it should be handed to Darlene Hadding in Gates 408 who will write the date and time of the submission. Late homeworks should also be directed to Darlene. We do not check the file cabinet for homework! SCPD students may submit their homework by e-mail via [email protected] .

principles of compiler design

Principles of Compiler Design

Apr 29, 2012

170 likes | 665 Views

Principles of Compiler Design. Sanjeev K Aggarwal Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur [email protected]. Motivation for doing this course. Language processing is an important component of programming

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  • application programs
  • high level expressions
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Presentation Transcript

Principles of Compiler Design Sanjeev K Aggarwal Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur [email protected]

Motivation for doing this course • Language processing is an important component of programming • A large number of systems software and application programs require structured input • Operating Systems (command line processing) • Databases (Query language processing) • Type setting systems like Latex, Nroff, Troff, Equation editors, M4 • VLSI design and testing, • Software quality assurance and software testing

XML, html based systems, Awk, Sed, Emacs, vi …. • Form processing, extracting information automatically from forms • Compilers, assemblers and linkers • High level language to language translators • Natural language processing • Where ever input has a structure one can think of language processing • Why study compilers? Compilers use the whole spectrum of language processing technology

Many common applications require structured input during development phase (design of banner programme of Unix) 9x 9x 9x 3b 3x 3b 3x 3b 3x 3b 3x 3b 3x 3b 3x 9x 9x 9x xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 3 9x 6 3b 3x 3 9x

What will we learn in the course? • How high level languages are implemented to generate machine code. Complete structure of compilers and how various parts are composed together to get a compiler • Course has theoretical and practical components. Both are needed in implementing programming languages. The focus will be on practical application of the theory. • Emphasis will be on algorithms and data structures rather than proofs of correctness of algorithms. • Theory of lexical analysis, parsing, type checking, runtime system, code generation, optimization (without going too deep into the proofs etc.) • Techniques for developing lexical analyzers, parsers, type checkers, run time systems, code generator, optimization. Use of tools and specifications for developing various parts of compilers

What do we expect to achieve by the end of the course? • Students are confident that they can use language processing technology for various software developments • Students are confident that they can design, develop, understand, modify/enhance, and maintain compilers for (even complex!) programming languages

Organization of the course • Approximately 40 lectures of one hour each • One large programming project to be done in group of four students. The project will have 4-5 parts and will be evaluated every 2-3 weeks during the semester. It is important to start early. (25% credit) • Copying old code is cheating. Do not Cheat. • Late submissions will be increasingly penalized. • Submissions must happen by noon on the due day • Some small programming assignments and home work (10% credit) • Do not copy. However, you are free to discuss • Late submissions will be increasingly penalized. • Submissions must happen by noon on the due day • Two mid semester examinations (15% + 15% credit) • One end semester examination (30% credit) • Participation in the discussions in the class + class notes (5% credit)

Class Notes • Groups of three students to be formed by the instructor in round robin fashion • Each group will be responsible for preparing notes (both writing and editing) for two consecutive lectures • Notes should be related to slides or a group of slides • Notes should be added to the power point slides of the lectures • Slides and notes will be made available to the students • Deadline for notes: Seven days from the second lecture

Required Background and self reading • This is a 5 unit course and, therefore, will have about 25% more load than other professional courses. You should be prepared for more work and long hours of programming • Courses in data structures, computer organization, operating systems • Proficiency in C/C++/Java programming languages • Knowledge of at least one assembly language, assembler, linker & loader, symbolic debugger • You are expected to read the complete book (except the chapter on code optimization) on Compiler Design by Aho, Sethi and Ullman. All the material will not be covered in the lectures

Things to do immediately • Form groups of 4 students • Inform the instructor • Send an email with subject line “CS335 group” • Give roll number, name and email ids of all the group members in the message • Deadline Dec 31, 2004 • Give feed back through out the semester; either personally or through email or anonymous. PLEASE HELP ME IMPROVING THE SLIDES (both presentation style and the material), AND THE NOTES!! • First assignment: Write a simulator for the stack machine described in the text book by Aho, Sethi and Ullman in section 2.8. Submission date: Jan 10, 2005

Bit of History • How are programming languages implemented? Two major strategies: • Interpreters (old and much less studied) • Compilers (very well understood with mathematical foundations) • Some environments provide both interpreter and compiler. Lisp, scheme etc. provide • Interpreter for development • Compiler for deployment • Java • Java compiler: Java to interpretable bytecode • Java JIT: bytecode to executable image

Some early machines and implementations • IBM developed 704 in 1954. All programming was done in assembly language. Cost of software development far exceeded cost of hardware. Low productivity. • Speedcoding interpreter: programs ran about 10 times slower than hand written assembly code • John Backus (in 1954): Proposed a program that translated high level expressions into native machine code. Skeptism all around. Most people thought it was impossible • Fortran I project (1954-1957): The first compiler was released

Fortran I • The first compiler had a huge impact on the programming languages and computer science. The whole new field of compiler design was started • More than half the programmers were using Fortran by 1958 • The development time was cut down to half • Led to enormous amount of theoretical work (lexical analysis, parsing, optimization, structured programming, code generation, error recovery etc.) • Modern compilers preserve the basic structure of the Fortran I compiler !!!

References • Compilers: Principles, Tools and Techniques by Aho, Sethi and Ullman soon to be replaced by “21st Century Compilers” by Aho, Sethi, Ullman, and Lam • Crafting a Compiler in C by Fischer and LeBlanc soon to be replaced by “Crafting a Compiler” by Fischer • Compiler Design in C by Holub • Programming Language Pragmatics by Scott • Engineering a Compiler by Cooper and Torczon • Modern Compiler Implementation (in C and in Java) by Appel • Writing Compilers and Interpreters by Mak

Compiler Design by Wilhelm and Maurer • A Retargetable Compiler: Design and Implementation by Fraser and Hanson • Compiler Construction by Wirth • The Theory of Parsing, Translation and Compiling (vol 1 & 2) by Aho and Ullman (old classic) • Introduction to Compiler Construction with Unix by Schreiner and Friedman • Compiler Design and Construction: Tools and Techniques by Pyster • Engineering a Compiler by Anklam and Cutler • Object Oriented Compiler Construction by Holmes • The Compiler Design Handbook edited by Srikant and Shankar

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Compiler Design

Compiler Design

Compiler Design. Preliminaries Required. Basic knowledge of programming languages. Basic knowledge of FSA and CFG. Knowledge of a high programming language for the programming assignments. Textbook: Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D. Ullman,

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Compiler Design

Compiler Design. Hongwei Xi Comp. Sci. Dept. Boston University. Welcome!. Compiler Design Introduction to some basics in the compiler design and implementation The theory behind various components of a compiler The programming techniques involved to put the theory into practice

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Compiler Design

Compiler Design. Lexical Analysis Syntactical Analysis Semantic Analysis Optimization Code Generation. Compilation Process. Start with source code Perform analysis Generate object code Execute code from start to finish on hardware or software interpreter

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Compiler Design

Compiler Design. PROJECT PRESENTATION : COMPILER FOR OBJECTIVE C Harshal Waghmare Jeet Kumar Nandan Kumar Vishal A grawal. Objective C: An Introduction.

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Compiler Design

Compiler Design. PROJECT PRESENTATION : COMPILER FOR OBJECTIVE C Harshal Waghmare Jeet Kumar Nandan Kumar Vishal Agrawal. Objective C: An Introduction.

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Principles of Compiler Design

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Compiler Design

Compiler Design. INTRODUCTION TO CODE OPTIMIZATION. Code Optimization. Code produced by compilation algorithms can often be improved (ideally optimized) in terms of run-time speed and the amount of memory they consume

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___________________________________________ COMPILER DESIGN

___________________________________________ COMPILER DESIGN

BANHA UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF COMPUTERS AND INFORMATIC. Fourth Year (First Semester). ___________________________________________ COMPILER DESIGN ___________________________________________. Lecture 1. Dr. Hamdy M. Mousa. 1. INTRODUCTION to COMPILER DESIGN.

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Compiler design

Compiler design

Compiler design. Overview. Compiler Front-End What is a compiler? Lexical Analysis Syntax Analysis Parsing. Compiler Back-End Code Generation Register Allocation Optimization. Specific Examples lex yacc lcc. What is a Compiler?. Example of tasks of compiler.

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Compiler Design

Compiler Design. Introduction. Course Outline. Introduction to Compiling Lexical Analysis Syntax Analysis Context Free Grammars Top-Down Parsing Bottom-Up Parsing Semantic Analysis Intermediate Code Generation. Machine Language. The only language that is “understood” by a computer

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Compiler design

Compiler design. Lecture 2: lexical analysis Lecturer :Batool Almasri. Lexical Analysis. -It’s the first phase of compiler is also known as Scanner -Lexical breaks the input in to smallest meaningful sequences called TOKENS which Parser uses for syntax analyzer .

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Compiler design

Compiler design. Generating an Abstract Syntax Tree using Syntax-Directed Translation. Abstract Syntax Tree: Definition. An abstract syntax tree (AST) is a tree representation of the abstract syntactic structure of source code.

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Compiler design

Compiler design. Bottom-up parsing: Canonical LR and LALR Error recovery in LR parsing Parsing: concluding comments. S  if E then S | if E then S else S. State 3 : S  id  FOLLOW(S) = {$} V[ id ] E  id  FOLLOW(E) = {$,+,=}. Z  S S  E = E S  id E  E + id

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Compiler design

Compiler design. Code generation. x dw 0. Variable declarations and access. Integer variable declaration: where x is the addresses of x, which is a label generated during the parse and stored in the symbol table. To load or change the content of an integer variable:

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Compiler design

Compiler design. Code generation. x dw 0. Variable declarations and access. Integer variable declaration: where x is the address of x, which is a (unique) label generated during the parse and stored in the symbol table. To load or change the content of an integer variable:

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Compiler design

Compiler design. Lexical analysis. Lexical analysis. Lexical analysis is the process of converting a sequence of characters into a sequence of tokens . A program or function which performs lexical analysis is called a lexical analyzer , lexer or scanner .

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Compiler  design

Compiler design. Table-driven syntax-directed translation. Top-down table-driven syntax-directed translation. Top-down table-driven syntax-directed translation. Augment the parser algorithm to implement attribute migration.

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    presentation topics on compiler design

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    presentation topics on compiler design

  3. Compiler Design PowerPoint Template

    presentation topics on compiler design

  4. PPT

    presentation topics on compiler design

  5. Compiler Design PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

    presentation topics on compiler design

  6. PPT

    presentation topics on compiler design


  1. Compiler Design Tutorial

    This compiler design tutorial includes all the basic to advanced topics like lexical analysis, code generation, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, and optimization techniques. Each section is crafted to provide clarity and depth, ensuring you grasp the complexities of transforming source code into executable programs.

  2. PPT

    Compiler Design and Programming Language Design (1) • An interesting aspect is how programming language design and compiler design influence one another. • Programming languages that are easy to compile have many advantages. Compiler Design and Programming Language Design (2) • Languages such as Snobol and APL are usually considered ...

  3. PDF Compiler Design

    The number of architecture register available to the compiler can vary from processor to processors. The rst phase of code generation usually assumes an unlimited numbers of registers (virtual registers).

  4. Compilers Design Chapter1 : Introduction, Structure of a Compiler

    3 Objectives * To introduce principles, techniques, and tools for compiler construction * To obtaining the knowledge what a compiler does and how to build one. 4 Course Outline 1.

  5. compiler design

    Description: compiler design. Computer Science. Rensselaer Polytechnic. Lecture 1. 66.648 Lecture ... Compiler is a program (written in a high-level language) that converts ... - PowerPoint PPT presentation. Number of Views: 1434. Avg rating:3.0/5.0.

  6. PPT

    A Good Compiler Infrastructure Needed - A modern View Front end Interprocedural Analysis and Optimization Good IR Loop Nest Optimization and Parallelization Global (Scalar) Optimization Middle-End Backend Code Generation \course\cpeg421-08s\Topic-1a.ppt

  7. PDF Compiler Techniques

    Compiler Design This course is an introduction to the full pipeline of modern compilers it covers all aspects of the compiler pipeline for modern languages (C, Java, Python, etc.); touches on advanced topics related to optimization will present how realworld compilers are built

  8. PPT

    Compiler Design. Hongwei Xi Comp. Sci. Dept. Boston University. Welcome!. Compiler Design Introduction to some basics in the compiler design and implementation The theory behind various components of a compiler The programming techniques involved to put the theory into practice Download Presentation final letter grade calculation instruction selection office hours precolored nodes solely own ...

  9. Compiler Design Animated PowerPoint Slides

    Download our Compiler Design PPT template to discuss the features and applications of compilers. The deck is feature-rich. - https://www.sketchbubble.com/en/...

  10. Compiler Design Notes

    Download Compiler Design Notes, PDF [2021] syllabus, books for B Tech, M Tech, BCA. Get complete Lecture Notes, course, interview questions paper, ppt, tutorials.

  11. Compiler Design PowerPoint Template

    Download our Compiler Design PPT template to describe the structure and principles that guide a compiler's translation and optimization process. Programmers can use this entirely customizable deck to explain how compilers help implement high-level programming languages and make the end code efficient. You can also use this set to discuss the features and applications of compiler technology.

  12. 11 Compilers

    Compilers take away that flexibility in exchange for fast execution. A compiler is a program that translates a high-level language program into a functionally equivalent sequence of machine instructions, i.e., an assembly language program.

  13. PPT

    Compiler design. Text Book: Compilers: principles, theory, and techniques by Aho, Sethi, and Ullman. Topics: Compiler phases Lexical analysis Syntax analysis Code generation Home work: there will be two major programming assignments. They must be done independently.

  14. Compiler Design PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

    Download the premade presentation template for MS PowerPoint and Google Slides and showcase the phases, architecture, and parsing techniques of the Compiler Design.

  15. CFP

    This year's theme focuses on the cutting-edge advancements in compiler design, implementation, and optimization, and their impact on emerging software and hardware platforms. We invite presentation proposals for our upcoming workshop. List of Topics. We invite speakers from academia and industry to present their work in one of the following tracks.

  16. PPT

    Compiler Design - 10CS43. REFERENCE TEXTS. Programming Languages - Concepts and Constructs . By Ravi Sethi, 2nd Edition. Pearson Education Asia. Modern Compiler Implementation in C. By Andrew Appel. Cambridge University Press. Compilers - Principles, Techniques and Tools

  17. CS343

    Class Abstract Compiler research for a long time was moribund, stuck on narrow topics such as register allocation and instruction scheduling. In contrast, the last decade has seen an explosion of interesting work using compilers to accomplish something cool. This class will cover a selection of such research papers, ranging across static and dynamic bug finding, binary analysis, reverse ...

  18. PPT

    Principles of Compiler Design. Sanjeev K Aggarwal Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur [email protected]. Motivation for doing this course. Language processing is an important component of programming Download Presentation text book k aggarwal department application programs fortran high level expressions complete book veta ...