Apply for admission to study for Master's or Doctoral degrees

Step 1. complete the application for admission form..

Use your Unisa student number/application reference number and complete the information

Step 2. Submit your supporting documents.

Use your Unisa student number/application reference number and submit the necessary documents for admission
· Copy of original academic record
· ID(RSA citizens)/Passport(Foreigners)
· Letter from employer
· CV
· Syllabi
· Departmental questionnaire/form
· Proof of work experience
· Essay
· Proof of registration as social worker/registered Psychologist
· SAQA evaluation
· Marriage certificate
· Sponsorship letter
· Master's dissertation/thesis
· Portfolio
· English language requirement certificate (e.g. Toefl, IELTS, etc)
· Unisa Departmental confirmation letter
· Research outline
· Declaration: residential requirements
· Declaration: laboratory & research time available
· Honours research project/abstract
· N-Mat test results
· Employer recommendation letter
· Other



  • PhD programmes

Teaching | PhD programmes

Teaching phd programmes.

Deadline EXPIRED
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Protocollon. 352480 del 5 December 2022
Repertorion. 2392 / 2022
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Protocollon. 201833 del 27 June 2022
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PhD programmes

  • Postgraduate Degrees taught in english language
  • Double Degrees
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  • Italian Language Courses
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University of Salerno - Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - 84084 Fisciano (SA)

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Aviation Construction Management Defence Engineering Environmental Science Information Technology Mathematics Science

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You're viewing degree information for International students

You're considered an International student if you are:

  • NOT an Australian or New Zealand citizen
  • NOT an Australian Permanent Resident (including Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders)

Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Level Research

Degree info for International students

Campus Magill City West

Duration 4 year(s) full-time

Mode On-campus

Program Code MPHD

Fees AUD$ 38,300 per annum (per 1.0 EFTSL) for students enrolled in 2025

International Admission by Country See full entry requirements

CRICOS Code See research areas (PDF)

Program level Doctorate by research

Entry requirements

You must check the entry requirements for the type of research degree you wish to apply for and make sure you are eligible.

  • If you are an international applicant you also need to check that you meet the English language requirements.
  • Meeting the minimum entry requirements does not automatically guarantee entry into a research degree.

Degree overview

  • Develop the ability to independently design and execute original research that generates new knowledge, understandings or insights, including through creative practice-based methods.
  • Benefit from our extensive national and international research links and strong record in winning national competitive grants.
  • Undertake exciting and innovative research in our creative disciplines, which are recognised for their world-class research in contemporary arts, design, creative writing and journalism, creative industries, film, architecture and built environment, communication and culture 1 .
  • Work under the guidance of experienced and highly qualified research supervisors.
  • Learn from visiting scholars and artists and participate in our vibrant research culture.
  • Tailor your PhD studies to suit your research interests and/or work on industry-linked research projects.
  • Work in a dynamic and well-equipped research environment.
  • UniSA is an unstoppable university for unstoppable people. As one of the World’s Top Young Universities 2 , we’ll ensure you get the experience your future profession demands so it’ll feel like you’re studying one minute and in a career the next.

1 2018 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) 2 UNSTOPPABLE® is a Kellogg Company trade mark used under licence. Ranked #52, 2023 THE Young University Rankings.

What is a research degree?

A research degree is an advanced program of study allowing you to investigate a topic relevant to your field. Under the supervision of world-class researchers, research degree students learn and apply advanced research methodologies to produce new knowledge, understandings and insights, and provide solutions to the world’s challenges. Completing a research degree means becoming an expert in your field. It’s your opportunity to take a topic that interests you, explore it in depth, tackle intellectual, creative and practical challenges, and communicate your findings.

You can study a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Philosophy (by Portfolio of Publications) and Master of Research.

Research degrees offered at UniSA

Doctor of philosophy (phd).

Produces graduates with the capacity to conduct research independently at a high level of originality and quality. By the end of the degree, a PhD student will be capable of independently designing and executing original research that generates new knowledge, understandings and insights (three to four years full-time equivalent).

Doctor of Philosophy (by Portfolio of Publications)

Allows formal recognition of established researchers and/or scholars who do not already hold a PhD qualification, and who have produced research of international standing in their field with an ongoing record of academic publication (work).

Master of research

Students analyse their thesis topic at an advanced level, applying research methodology and techniques to contribute new knowledge, understandings and insights to their field, under appropriate supervision (two years full-time equivalent).

Please note, a Master by Coursework (such as an MBA) involves enrolling in selected courses and participating in lectures and tutorials (online or on campus). It is different to a Master of Research.

Find out more about what you can study.

Why do a research degree?

UniSA research is inspired by the challenges and opportunities of today. In the 2018 Australian Research Council Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) evaluation of Australian universities, all of our assessed research was rated at world class or above. We are vibrant, outward-facing and responsive. We partner with industry, government and communities to seek answers to questions that arise in the real world. 

Learn more about our research .

The transformed PhD

UniSA intends to deliver industry and end-user informed research that supports employer-relevant curriculum. To achieve this, and to produce entrepreneurial and business-aware graduates, we have developed the transformed PhD.

We have added a structured component to research degrees including enhanced skill development, supervisory panels and a technology-enabled oral defence of the thesis. Through these activities you will develop a set of professional, transferable skills relevant to our knowledge-based enterprise economy.

The aim of the transformed PhD is to increase your employment prospects in any career path. You will possess the knowledge, expertise and confidence to meet the emerging needs of academia, industry, government and the community.

Four good reasons to do a research degree

  • Challenge yourself. You will need to work hard, be dedicated and think analytically at a high level. You will tackle completely new research and different research methods, or extend research already undertaken.
  • Increase your career opportunities. A research degree provides evidence of independent thought and the ability to manage a research project in a given timeframe. Your research could allow you to develop a new specialisation, academic field or career. A research degree at UniSA will also allow you to develop a skillset which sets you apart, putting you at the centre of your professional development.
  • Make your ideas public. Your research findings may be published, presented at conferences, provide a commercial return and have a positive impact on society.
  • Contribute to society. Discover new methods, understandings and techniques, and solve a real-world problem.

What can I research?

We offer doctoral candidates the opportunity to undertake exciting and innovative research in the following disciplines:

  • creative industries
  • contemporary art
  • architecture
  • digital arts 
  • media and communication
  • creative writing
  • performing arts
  • film studies

Find a research area

To find a research area, you'll need to match your qualifications and interests to the  research projects  offered at UniSA. These have been developed by teams of academics who will supervise you during your research degree.

Scholarships and projects

A scholarship allows you to focus on your research without needing to do paid work. At UniSA, you can explore high achiever scholarships, vacation research scholarships, as well as Vice Chancellor and President’s scholarships.

We also offer thematically-based scholarships. These scholarships will not only address local, national and international grand challenges, they will also ensure you work across the University, with industry, and with community partners.

Learn more about available scholarships .

Graduate outcomes

There are seven identified graduate qualities and outcomes that result from doing a research degree at UniSA. Importantly, these competencies are transferable to the workplace, whether academic or professional. In brief, a research degree graduate of the University of South Australia:

  • understands, can contribute to and critique current research-based knowledge in their field
  • is prepared for lifelong learning in pursuit of ongoing personal development and excellence
  • is an effective problem solver and researcher
  • can work both autonomously and collaboratively as a researcher
  • is committed to ethical action and social responsibility
  • communicates research knowledge effectively
  • demonstrates international perspectives in research

Read about our  research degree graduate qualities  in more detail.

Why Doctor of Philosophy

Why this Degree

UniSA provides a dynamic, multidisciplinary environment where you are encouraged to explore your own ideas under the supervision of some of Australia’s leading researchers.

We are widely recognised for our world-class research in contemporary art, design, creative arts and writing, language, communication and culture, architecture and the built environment 1 .

In addition, we will ensure you graduate with transferable career skills that complement your research experience and enhance your global capability when you complete the Engaged PhD program. As part of this degree, you will complete skill development workshops and masterclasses aligned to your interests.

1 2018 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)

Career outcomes

Your career.

A PhD will give you a competitive edge in the work place. You may choose to pursue a career in academia, or in research with a research institution or university. Alternatively, you may choose to work in your chosen specialisation. A research degree graduate of the University of South Australia:

  • understands current research based knowledge in their field and its methodologies for creating new knowledge, understandings and insights within a critical context
  • is prepared for lifelong learning in pursuit of ongoing personal development and excellence in research within and beyond a discipline or professional area
  • is an effective problem solver, capable of applying logical, critical and creative thinking to a range of research problems
  • can work both autonomously and collaboratively as a researcher within a particular discipline or professional area and within wider but related areas
  • is committed to ethical action and social responsibility as a researcher in a discipline or professional area and as a leading citizen
  • communicates effectively as a researcher in a discipline or professional area and as a leading member of the community
  • demonstrates international perspectives in research in a discipline or professional area and as a leading citizen

Before applying, you will need to do some investigation. Our step-by-step guide will take you through the process of preparing your application to maximise your chances of success.

Please check the  research degrees calendar for all key dates.


Check to see if you meet the entry requirements for the type of research degree you wish to apply for.

Life in Adelaide

Current international students talk about living in Adelaide and studying at UniSA.

Every year, over 2,500 UniSA students are supported in their studies through scholarships and grants worth millions of dollars. Check out the scholarships below. One of them may be perfect for you. Visit our scholarships page for more .

More scholarships

Research Training Program international (RTPi) and University Presidents Scholarship

These scholarships will cover your tuition fees and your overseas health cover, and provide and a stipend (living allowance).

Learn more arrow-small-right

Research Themes PhD Scholarships

These scholarships address local, national and international grand challenges, and encourage collaboration with industry and community partners.

Australia’s University of Enterprise

Study at South Australia’s No. 1 university for graduate careers* and unlock your full potential.

*ComparED (QILT) Graduate Outcomes Survey 2021-23– Full-time Employment Indicator (Domestic Undergraduate). SA public universities.

What others are saying

"My thesis emphasises the importance of preserving and recording family oral histories and photographs that will be left as a legacy for future generations and future researchers."

David Sweet

Doctor of Philosophy Adjunct Research Associate, University of South Australia

David Sweet

Your campus

We have six campuses in metropolitan and regional areas, each with modern facilities including lecture theatres, libraries and laboratories, as well as spaces that simulate real work environments.

Your study spaces

Opportunities exist to study at Magill and City West campuses, depending on your area of research.

Magill campus:

Magill campus is set on stunning grounds, with campus features including:

  • multimedia studios and editing suites 
  • theatre for stage productions
  • TV and radio studios
  • gym and outdoor sports field

City West campus:

City West is a state-of-the art campus, in Adelaide’s west end. Campus features include:

  • Australia’s only Architecture Museum
  • specialised computer suites
  • photography darkrooms and studios
  • Samstag Museum
  • MOD. – Australia’s leading future-focussed museum
  • award-winning contemporary art, architecture and design studios and workshops
  • state-of-the-art facilities for rapid prototyping and interactive media
  • South Australian School of Art Gallery  
  • Gym and swimming pool

Your study spaces

Student accommodation

We offer advice and assistance to help you find long or short-term accommodation in Adelaide.

Find out more

For information on applying to do postgraduate study by research, including Masters by Research, PhDs or Doctorates, please visit

You are eligible for a range of scholarships and grants as a current research student. For example, the prestigious Vice Chancellor and President’s Scholarship, Maurice de Rohan International Travel Scholarships or one of UniSA’s International Travel Grants. See Scholarships and Prizes for more information.

unisa phd programmes 2022

unisa phd programmes 2022

unisa phd programmes 2022

The world’s 5th most liveable city, Adelaide is welcoming and multicultural. It is an ideal home away from home.

International students

UniSA welcomes students from around the world. Discover what you can study, how to apply, and our support services.


We offer advice and assistance to help you find long- or short-term accommodation in Adelaide.

Australian students

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  • Human Sciences
  • Schools, departments, centres, institutes & units
  • School of Social Sciences
  • Department of Psychology

Postgraduate Programmes

  • Research focus areas in the Department of Psychology
  • About Masters & Doctoral Programmes
  • About Honours Programmes
  • Research Projects for Masters Students 2024
  • Research Projects for M&D Students 2022 - 2025
  • MA in Clinical Psychology
  • Inside-out Outside-in Research Projects for MA and PhD Students

Research Focus Areas in the Department of Psychology

(Please note that this information is subject to change) Academics in our department conduct and supervise a wide range of research projects, most of which relate to five broad themes. These themes are linked to UNISA’s niche areas and are described below.

        1.  UNISA Research Niche Areas

unisa phd programmes 2022

      2.  Departmental Research Focus Areas

Mental health


Social justice and inclusion

Open distance e-learning (ODeL)

 Social Psychology and Environmental Psychology

The department's research focus is conceptualised under these five themes. The research conducted in the department may fall under one or across all five themes.

Theme one: Mental Health

  • Student wellness in the context of current South African and global realities
  • Employee wellness in the context of current South African and global realities
  • Community wellness and resilience in the context of current South African and global realities
  • Therapeutic contexts and lived experiences
  • Health, wellbeing and developmental psychology
  • Integration of mind, body and spirit
  • Forensic psychology
  • Emergency services

Theme 2: Decoloniality

  • African psychologies
  • Indigenous epistemologies
  • Decolonisation using indigenous language
  • Coloniality in naming practices
  • Gender through a decolonial lens
  • Decolonial feminism

Theme 3: Social justice and inclusion

  • Prevalence and psychosocial impact of hate crimes
  • Feminist voices
  • The psychology of sexuality and gender in Africa
  • Advancement of LGBTI+ health and well-being
  • Affirmative of LGBTI+ psychological practices
  • Corrections and incarceration
  • Crime and violence prevention/ trauma intervention
  • Diversity and social transformation

Theme 4: Open distance e-learning (ODeL)

  • Teaching and learning
  • Teaching and learning of psychological research
  • Higher education
  • Distance education
  • Open distance e-learning
  • Students as knowledge producers

Theme 5: Social Psychology and Environmental Psychology

  • Social, racial and gender issues
  • Relationships between individuals and social groups
  • Personal and social identities
  • Cognitive representations of social categories
  • Intergroup attitudes, emotions and behaviour in social change situations
  • Interpersonal and intergroup communication
  • Human-induced climate change

      3.   M & D supervision

For more information on postgraduate supervision see the 2022 prospective M and D student psychology brochure.

Revised by the departmental research team on 01/09/2021

Last modified: Mon Aug 07 18:03:37 SAST 2023


  1. Master's & doctoral degrees

    All master's and doctoral applications and enquiries must be submitted online. For any master's or doctoral enquiries, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. GSBL students must direct their enquiries to the relevant e-mail address: [email protected] / [email protected] or [email protected]. Start the process. Last modified: 2024/07/26.

  2. All qualifications

    Doctor of Philosophy Science Education (90040 - SCE) Doctor of Philosophy Science, Engineering and Technology (90040 - SET) Doctor of Philosophy Statistics Education (90040 - STA) Doctor of Philosophy Technology Education (90040 - TEC) Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting Sciences Auditing (90026 - AUE)

  3. Teaching

    2022; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 2015; 2014; share. PhD Courses - XL Cycle ... of which 19 with scholarships, for the following PhD Courses accredited for the XXXVIII cycle. Struttura: ATENEO: Deadline: 29 February 2024 at 15:00 EXPIRED: Numero Posti: 21: DOT1328382 ECONOMICS AND POLICY ANALYSIS OF MARKETS AND FIRMS ... [email protected] ...

  4. Applications for admission to master's & doctoral qualifications for

    Applications for admission to master's & doctoral qualifications for the 2022 academic year are open from 8 September to 12 November 2021 (some exceptions apply) Students in their final year of study for an honours degree or postgraduate diploma, and those who are in the examination process for completion of their master's degrees, should apply.

  5. Master's & doctoral degrees

    For any enquiries, please contact the Master's & Doctoral Administration Support Section for assistance: [email protected]. For any enquiries regarding the examination of the M&D research component (dissertation/thesis), please send an e-mail to [email protected]. Doctor of Philosophy (90040) - SET, MAT, TEC, CHE, COM, LIF, AST, STA, SCE ...

  6. Masters and Doctoral applications and registrations

    Masters and doctoral information. Embarking on masters and doctoral studies is a life changing experience, both for your career and personal growth. Approached correctly it will be extremely rewarding. By registering for a masters or doctoral degree through Unisa, you will enjoy the support of experienced academic and administrative staff.

  7. List of UNISA Doctoral Courses Offered 2021

    List of UNISA Doctoral Courses Offered. Below is a List of Doctoral Degrees Offered by the University of South Africa 2021 - 2022. Doctor Philosophy in Sociology (90068) Doctor of Business Leadership (90071) Doctor of Education (Adult Education) (90038 - ADE) Doctor of Education (Comparative Education) (90038 - CED)

  8. Apply for admission to study for Master's or Doctoral degrees

    Apply for admission to study for Master's or Doctoral degrees ...

  9. About Masters & Doctoral Programmes

    3. Application. Apply via the Unisa website. Applications usually open toward the end of October for the following year. Emailing us is not the same as applying - you have to apply via the Unisa website. The qualification you have to apply for is " Master of Arts in Psychology General (98402 - GEN) " or " 98555 Doctor of Philosophy in ...

  10. Postgraduate studies

    Masters and Doctoral applications and registrations. Postgraduate Diplomas & honours applications and Registrations. Last modified: Mon Aug 07 18:01:22 SAST 2023. Student enquiries. 0800 00 1870. Contact details for student assistance and service. Ethics Hotline. 0800 075 278. [email protected].

  11. Honours degrees & postgraduate diplomas

    All honours degree/postgraduate diploma applications and enquiries must be submitted online. For any enquiries, please use the e-mail address of the college under which your qualification resides (eg if you choose the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences, you should use the [email protected] e-mail address).

  12. Master's & doctoral degrees

    For any enquiries, please contact the Master's & Doctoral Administration Support Section for assistance: [email protected]. For any enquiries regarding the examination of the M&D research component (dissertation/thesis), please send an e-mail to [email protected]. Doctor of Philosophy (90040) - SET, MAT, TEC, CHE, COM, LIF, AST, STA, SCE ...

  13. PDF Procedures for Master'S and Doctoral Degrees

    (registered) into a master's or doctoral programme at Unisa CGS refers to the College of Graduate Studies CGS PGAD refers to the Postgraduate Administration ... 2.4 Starting with students admitted in 2022 and completing no earlier than 2024, doctoral candidates must deliver an oral defence (viva voce) of their theses as ...

  14. 2022 Masters and Doctoral Admissions

    2022 Masters and Doctoral Admissions. Research projects for 2022 mid-year intake are now available for Masters and Doctoral candidates. Interested candidates are to email their comprehensive CVs, transcripts, and project of choice (only one from the provided list) to Mr. Halahala Mbongo at [email protected], by 08 July 2022.

  15. Prescribed student fees per year: doctoral degrees

    All fees must be paid into the Unisa official bank account with the correct reference number or else the university will not be able to process your registration before the relevant closing date. In the case where a letter from an employer / sponsor confirming that they assume responsibility for payment is supplied, the university can provide ...

  16. Master's & doctoral degrees

    Find a qualification based on a college. All master's and doctoral degrees. Accounting Sciences. Agriculture & Environmental Sciences. Economic & Management Sciences. Education. Human Sciences. Law. Science, Engineering & Technology.

  17. All qualifications

    Doctor of Education (Philosophy of Education) (90038 - PED) Doctor of Education (Socio-Education) (90038 - SED) Doctor of Education (Technology Education) (90038 - TED) Doctor of Laws Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure (98602 - CRI) Doctor of Laws Jurisprudence (98602 - JUR) Doctor of Laws Mercantile Law (98602 - MCL)

  18. Teaching

    PhD programmes. Anno 2022. Copia Link. Public competition, by evaluation and interview, for the assignment of 21 scholarships, of which 19 financed with funds from National Recovery and Resilience Plan resources and with funds from "Dottorati Comunali" resources, for the following PhD Courses accredited for the XXXVIII cycle. Struttura. ATENEO.

  19. Doctor of Philosophy

    Research degrees offered at UniSA Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Produces graduates with the capacity to conduct research independently at a high level of originality and quality. ... (such as an MBA) involves enrolling in selected courses and participating in lectures and tutorials (online or on campus). It is different to a Master of Research ...

  20. Research Focus Areas in the Department of Psychology

    1. UNISA Research Niche Areas. 2. Departmental Research Focus Areas. The department's research focus is conceptualised under these five themes. The research conducted in the department may fall under one or across all five themes. Theme one: Mental Health. Theme 2: Decoloniality. Theme 3: Social justice and inclusion.

  21. Doctor of Business Leadership

    Application fee. Pay the online application fee of R140,00 once you have received your Unisa student number. Please note: The application fee is non-refundable even if you decide not to study through Unisa or do not qualify for admission to Unisa. Use the student number you receive from Unisa AND the application fee reference number (eg ...

  22. Ethiopia Regional Learning Centre

    Ethiopia Regional Learning Centre. The University of South Africa's vision demonstrates its pride in its African roots and identity as it responds to Africa's needs and aspirations nationally, on the continent and on the global scene. This is the milieu that holds the anchor, ethos and vision of the UNISA-Ethiopia Centre which was ...

  23. Master's and Doctoral bursary

    The 2024 Unisa master's and doctoral bursary application period has been extended to 25 January 2024. N.B: Only online applications submitted via myUnisa link will be considered. No hard copy or e-mail applications will be considered. ... Students registered for special study programmes, including certificates (e.g., PGCE) and non-degree ...