Air Pollution Essay For Kids from Class 3 to 6

This article is for kids from class 3 to 6 on air pollution essay and how they can control it from happening..

In this article, we will give one example of an  air pollution essay to give you an idea of how you should formulate the essay on the topic of air pollution. This essay is written keeping in mind the understanding level of kids from age 6 to 13. So, if you are looking for the best  air pollution essay for kids , then you can go ahead and take it as an example to help yourself in the process of writing an essay.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Air pollution essay for kids
  • 2 Introduction to Air Pollution Essay
  • 3 What is Air Pollution?
  • 4 Causes of Air Pollution
  • 5 Important Air Pollutants
  • 6 Harmful Effects of Air Pollution
  • 7 How to Prevent and Control Air Pollution?

Air pollution essay for kids


Introduction to Air Pollution Essay

Air is among the vital and important environmental components that all living organisms need for their survival. But it is good to take only fresh and healthy air. There should be a proper balance of all the constituents in the air as contaminated air can be very harmful to health.

Air pollution is one of the most severe problems that maximum parts of the world are dealing with. Day by day the graph of air pollution is increasing . The ever-increasing industrialization, advancement, vehicles, and population are some of the primary reasons behind this serious air pollution problem in the world.

Half of the cities of the world have bad air quality. Big cities with maximum industries and populations are more affected by air pollution.  According to a survey  conducted by WHO (World Health Organization), cities like Kanpur, Gaya, Delhi in India, Bamenda (Cameroon), Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), etc., are in the top list of most  air-polluted cities  in the world.

India has the maximum number of cities with bad air quality, and day by day, the number is increasing. The bad quality of air is dangerous to human health and for all other living beings. It is a serious matter of concern as it can be hazardous to this planet.

Firstly, let’s understand what exactly air pollution is, and further, we will move to the causes and effects.  Check this video  for learning about facts and figures.

What is Air Pollution?

When harmful chemicals, gases, and other substances are discharged into the air from various sources, they cause air pollution. When the level of pollutants increases in the air, it results in the poor quality of air.

Air pollution can be defined as the imbalance in the quality of air by the introduction of some harmful materials, toxic gases, particulates, molecules, and other pollutants from various sources .

Air pollution can be explained simply as the “contamination of air by some harmful substances.”

Causes of Air Pollution

Air pollution is caused when the number of harmful substances and particulates increases in the air. Air pollution can be caused by both natural reasons and due to human activities. Some of them are as follows-

  • Forest Fires-  The burning of the forest is sometimes a natural phenomenon and sometimes a human activity, but both reasons are enough to pollute the air.
  • Dust storms/Wind-  The second natural reason for air pollution is the big dust storms that carry various pollutants and cause huge destruction.
  • Volcanic eruption-  The toxic gases released from a volcanic eruption gets mixed with the air and have detrimental effects on the health of all living beings.
  • The burning of Fossil fuels-  Burning of fossil fuels like coal, petrol leads to the emission of very toxic carbon monoxide gas, which is very harmful to the environment.
  • Exhaust from automobiles and vehicles-  Vehicles are one of the major sources of air pollution in this world. The emission of harmful gases by the burning of fuels in the vehicle leads to the release of gases like carbon monoxide into the air.
  • Exhaust from Industries-  The waste from industries and factories in the form of poisonous gases have a great contribution in creating a high level of air pollution.
  • Deforestation-  Trees are a major source of fresh air as they help in the purification of air. Still, the cutting of trees and deforestation leads to the increment of harmful gases and other particulates in the air and causes air pollution.
  • Household and commercial appliances-  Cooling appliances like air conditioners and refrigerators are responsible for the emission of Chlorofloro Carbons (CFCs) into the atmosphere. CFCs are the main behind the depletion of the Ozone .
  • Construction activities –  The world is developing every day, and various construction projects are an integral part of this development. These constructional activities release multiple pollutants in the air that causes air pollution.
  • Smoking –  It may sound a little awkward, but yes smoking causes air pollution . Even though you are a non-smoker, but you may be at risk. According to the University of Minnesota, up to 90% of the population is exposed to second-hand smoke.

Apart from these, mining, chemical testing, agricultural waste, fertilizers, particulate pollutants, smog, decomposition of natural elements, etc., are other reasons behind air pollution.


Important Air Pollutants

Air pollutants can be divided into two types-

  • Primary air pollutants and
  • Secondary air pollutants

Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) , Sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) , Hydrocarbons (HC), Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) and particulates are known as primary pollutants.

Ultraviolet rays, Lead, and the pollutants formed by the reaction between the primary air pollutants or some component of air are known as secondary pollutants. These secondary air pollutants are a major reason behind acid rains and have an adverse effect on crops, animals, vegetation, soil , etc.

Harmful Effects of Air Pollution

Air pollution is very dangerous for human health and other living beings that exist on the earth. Apart from living beings, air pollution also has adverse effects on materials, infrastructure, crops, and other things.

Air pollution has both short-term and long-term effects . Some of the harmful effects of air pollution are-

  • Human Health-  Air pollution has various short-term and long-term effects on human health. The short-term effects include a headache, allergies, irritation in the eyes, nose, and throats, whereas long-term effects include chronic diseases like respiratory disorders, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, lung and bronchitis disorders, etc. Air pollution also reduces visibility resulting in weak eyesight.
  • Acid rain-  When the harmful particulates and gases come down in the form of rain, it is called acid rain. The increasing air pollution has also increased the rate of acid rain . It is a great threat to crops, soil, forests, water bodies like lakes, ponds, etc.
  • Depletion of the Ozone layer-  The ozone layer is a protective layer that protects the atmosphere from the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the sun. The ever-increasing air pollution leads to the depletion of the ozone.
  • Green House Effect- The excessive number of toxic gases like methane, CFC, and various oxides in the atmosphere leads to problems like greenhouse effects, global warming , and other environmental problems.
  • Climate change   –  It is the biggest problem that our earth is suffering these days. Air pollution is responsible for the change in the climate .
  • Global Warming –  Global warming refers to the increase in the temperature of the air and oceans around the world. It can be termed as a side-effect of the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse gases (especially carbon dioxide) traps heat in the atmosphere. When the amount of greenhouse gases increases in the air, it traps more heat which causes an increase in world temperature.
  • Smog effect –  When a kind of dark smog covers the entire city or open fields, it is nothing but the smog effect. It happens due to the heavy load of pollutants in the air. For example – Delhi city in India. This city has quite often been observed with smog effects when the pollutant (sulfurous smog or photochemical smog) increases in the air.
  • A big threat for animal species –  Air pollution has become a big threat to animal species . Due to climate change, many animal species have to face various problems. Their behavioral changes, loss of habitat, reproduction imbalance, etc., have become a challenge for the survival of many species. The species that are not able to manage the changes are at a big risk of extinction.

This shows that air pollution has an equal effect on man, animals, materials, and the environment.

How to Prevent and Control Air Pollution?

There are several ways to prevent air pollution-

  • Reduce Smoking- Smoking is one of the major reasons for indoor air pollution. Reduction in the rate of smoking can reduce air pollution. Smoking is injurious to the health of humans and also to the health of this planet.
  • Plant more trees- Planting more trees is one of the best ways to prevent and control air pollution. Support afforestation to restore earth’s health.
  • Reduce the use of vehicles and try to practice carpooling, public transports, car sharing, etc for transportation.
  • Less use of air conditioners as they contain CFCs.
  • Use Eco-friendly products at home like sprays, paints, glues, air fresheners, perfumes, etc.
  • Factories and Industries should take various measures such as changing the manufacturing process.
  • Focus more on recycling and reusing products. Instead of burning newspapers, clothes and other household waste recycle them.
  • Practice sustainable development.
  • Conserve energy as when a fuel is burnt to produce the energy it emits harmful substances that contaminate the air.
  • Follow all the rules to prevent and control air pollution. Save natural resources as much as you can.
  • Educate people and spread awareness.
  • Practice mulching or can compost leaves and yard waste to avoid landfill debris.
  • Avoid burning leaves or other trash.
  • Make sure you grow your own food and prefer to consume seasonal products.
  • Try to reduce your paper usage to minimize the cutting of trees.

If you want to add more information in the air pollution essay for kids then you can also read more about the earth day tips to save earth from dying. Read >>> Earth Day Tips To Save Earth .

A single step towards the prevention of air pollution by an individual is enough to bring a change. If we want to improve the quality of the air, we need to start at our houses.

This is an alarming situation and every human being needs to take action to stop and prevent this world from air pollution. Take the idea from the above essay on the topic of air pollution.

If you have your own points to add to the air pollution essay for kids then you can tell us in the comment below and our team will review them. Also, don’t forget to like our Facebook page where we share an update of the latest article and new earth reminding stuff.

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10 Lines, Short & Long Essay On Air Pollution For Children


Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on Air Pollution

10-line essay on air pollution in english, a paragraph on ‘air pollution’ in 100 words, long essay on air pollution, what your child will learn from the essay.

The Earth provides us with all the elements that are essential for us to survive. But, are we appreciative of them, and nurture and preserve these elements the way we are supposed to? Air, one of the most important elements in nature, has been taken for granted for years and polluted to the extent that it has become harmful for all of us. Air pollution is one of the most alarming problems the world is facing today. It is, therefore, important for children to learn about the implications of air pollution on our health and the environment. From an academic perspective, this is also a great topic that children can write about. An easy essay is a good place, to begin with. It can nudge children towards doing their internet research on the topic, and present facts and their viewpoints as well. In this article, we share some useful ways of writing an essay on ‘Air Pollution’ for Classes 1, 2, and 3.

When you are asked to write an essay on ‘Air Pollution’, it is important to keep all of these tips in mind:

  • Like all essays, this essay should also begin with an introductory paragraph about the topic. Air pollution can be introduced with the definition or a general idea about what it means and its origins.
  • Since most school essays are not technical, avoid the overuse of scientific jargon. Use simple phrases and focus on the flow of concepts.
  • Introduce ideas in the proper order, include cause-and-effects of the issue, and divide the essay into smaller, readable fragments.
  • If you are writing specifically about the causes of air pollution, write about them in-depth. Do not talk too much about the effects and remedies. A small mention can be made of the latter, but the essay should focus on causes.
  • Add plenty of factual data and personal opinions. The essay should be backed up by facts.
  • Always add a concluding paragraph and tips to reduce air pollution.

10-line essays are the easiest essays to write. Children can memorise important facts about air pollution and the science behind it for the essay. Here is an example for you:

  • Air is polluted by harmful substances called pollutants.
  • Pollutants come from different sources, such as volcanic eruptions, vehicle gasses, forest fires, and other human activity.
  • Deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels are two of the biggest sources of air pollution.
  • Air pollution is harmful to humans since it can cause respiratory and skin diseases.
  • Air pollution is also harmful to plants and animals.
  • Air pollution can also damage non-living things, such as ancient monuments constructed from marbles and limestone.
  • Air pollution adds to ozone layer depletion, global warming and climate change.
  • Since air is present everywhere, pollution can damage delicate ecosystems in forests.
  • We must take effective steps to reduce air pollution.
  • We can reduce air pollution by planting more trees and burning fewer fossil fuels.

An essay for classes 1 & 2 can include simple facts about air pollution, such as its origins and effects. The concluding sentences can talk about how it can be avoided. Here is a short essay in the form of a paragraph on the topic:

Air pollution occurs when harmful gasses and dust are released into the atmosphere. There are many sources of air pollution, such as forest fires, human activities, and volcanic eruptions. Automobiles and power plants are the highest contributors. Air pollution causes diseases in humans and animals. It affects the delicate ecosystem on land and in water, and causes global warming and climate change. It is essential to raise awareness about air pollution. To reduce pollution, we have to adopt green solutions, reduce energy consumption, rely on renewable sources of energy, and plant more trees.

An essay in 350 words or more on the topic will require students to learn different facts about air pollution. They can also add their viewpoints based on the facts they know. Here is an example of an essay for Class 3:

Air contamination by harmful or toxic gasses and unwanted dust particles causes air pollution. These substances degrade the quality of air and reduce its purity. Some common air pollutants include gasses, such as carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, and other greenhouse gasses like methane. These pollutants are released naturally by volcanic eruptions and forest fires. However, human activity since the industrial revolution has been the biggest source of pollutants.

Air pollution affects everything on Earth. In human beings, it causes respiratory and skin diseases, especially in people who have allergies. Air pollution can reach unhealthy levels in the city and is dangerous even for normal people. Being exposed to polluted air for a long period can lead to several different diseases. Air pollution affects plants and animals, too, and can disrupt ecosystems in the forests. It also affects life forms under the ocean as many pollutant gasses can dissolve in water and form acids.

Air pollution also affects non-living things, such as manmade structures and limestone caves in the forests. When gasses like sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide mix with rainwater, they form corrosive acids. These acids destroy ancient monuments which are made out of delicate natural materials. Acids produced in this way also pollute soil and damage forests.

Air pollution has long-term effects in the form of climate change. Greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane produced by human activities store excess heat in the atmosphere. Increasing temperatures change the weather and affect farming, which depends on seasonal rains. Although steps are being taken to reduce the ill effects of air pollution, much of the damage has already been done. So, it is important to act immediately to further control the damage.

There are a number of solutions for reducing air pollution, and it can start with every individual. It can be controlled by reducing the use of personal automobiles and switching to healthier modes such as cycling, using public transport, or resorting to methods such as carpooling. Since a majority of our power still comes from fossil fuels, decreasing power consumption can also significantly reduce air pollution.

It is important to understand that every small thing we do can make a difference in the outcome. It only takes a minute to decide and follow the measure that can help us save energy and reduce air pollution, too.

Essay writing is important for children to learn how to think and write methodically. The skills developed at this stage play a fundamental role in how they are able to formulate arguments from their thoughts. Writing an essay on air pollution requires them to learn about the topic and present it as a coherent write-up. Children will learn about its importance, improve their knowledge, and learn to express their thoughts about the same.

The three essays presented in this article talk about air pollution in a factual format. The 10-line essay is easy to remember and write for children. Longer essays need more structure, such as introduction, body and conclusion. As the level increases, writing the essay will require your child to learn important facts about air pollution and then express it in their own way.

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  • Air Pollution Essay


Essay on Air Pollution

Environmental changes are caused by the natural or artificial content of harmful pollutants and can cause instability, disturbance, or adverse effects on the ecosystem. Earth and its environment pose a more serious threat due to the increasing pollution of air, water, and soil. Environmental damage is caused by improper resource management or careless human activities. Therefore, any activity that violates the original nature of the environment and leads to degradation is called pollution. We need to understand the origin of these pollutants and find ways to control pollution. This can also be done by raising awareness of the effects of pollutants.

Air pollution is any physical, chemical, or biological change in the air. A certain percentage of the gas is present in the atmosphere. Increasing or decreasing the composition of these gasses is detrimental to survival. This imbalance in gas composition causes an increase in global temperature which is called global warming.

Introduction to air pollution 

The Earth and its environment are facing a serious threat by the increasing pollution of the air, water, and soil—the vital life support systems of the Earth. The damage to the environment is caused by improper management of resources or by careless human activity. Hence any activity that violates the original character of nature and leads to its degradation is called pollution. We need to understand the sources of these pollutants and find ways to control pollution. This can be also done by making people aware of the effects of pollutants. 

Air with 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and 1% of all other gasses support life on Earth. Various processes take place to sustain the regular percentage of gasses and their composition in general. 

Atmospheric pollution can have natural sources, for example, volcanic eruptions. The gaseous by-products of man-made processes such as energy production, waste incineration, transport, deforestation and agriculture, are the major air pollutants.

Although air is made up of mostly Oxygen and Nitrogen, mankind, through pollution, has increased the levels of many trace gasses, and in some cases, released completely new gasses to the atmosphere. 

Air pollution can result in poor air quality, both in cities and in the countryside. Some air pollutants make people sick, causing breathing problems and increasing the likelihood of cancer. 

Some air pollutants are harmful to plants, animals, and the ecosystems in which they live. Statues, monuments, and buildings are being corroded by the air pollutants in the form of acid rain. It also damages crops and forests, and makes lakes and streams unsuitable for fish and other plant and animal life. 

Air pollution created by man-made resources is also changing the Earth’s atmosphere. It is causing the depletion of the ozone layer and letting in more harmful radiation from the Sun. The greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere prevents heat from escaping back into space and leads to a rise in global average temperatures. Global warming affects the average sea-level and increases the spread of tropical diseases.

Air pollution occurs when large amounts of gas and tiny particles are released into the air and the ecological balance is disturbed. Each year millions of tons of gasses and particulate matter are emitted into the air. 

Primary air pollutants are pollutants, which are directly released into the air. They are called SPM, i.e., Suspended Particulate Matter. For example, smoke, dust, ash, sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, and radioactive compounds, etc.

Secondary Pollutants are pollutants, which are formed due to chemical interactions between the atmospheric components and primary pollutants. For example, Smog (i.e. Smoke and fog), ozone, etc.

Major gaseous air pollutants include Carbon Dioxide, Hydrogen Sulfide, Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide, etc.

Natural sources are volcanic eruptions, forest fires, dust storms, etc. 

Man-made sources include gasses released from the automobiles, industries, burning of garbage and bricks kilns, etc.

Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health

Air pollution has adverse effects on human health. 

Breathing polluted air puts you at higher risk of asthma.

When exposed to ground ozone for 6 to 7 hours, people suffer from respiratory inflammation.

Damages the immune system, endocrine, and reproductive systems.

A high level of air pollution has been associated with higher incidents of heart problems.

The toxic chemicals released into the air are affecting the flora and fauna immensely.

Preventive Measures to Reduce Air Pollution

We can prevent pollution by utilizing raw materials, water energy, and other resources more efficiently. When less harmful substances are substituted for hazardous ones, and when toxic substances are eliminated from the production process, human health can be protected and economic wellbeing can be strengthened. 

There are several measures that can be adopted by people to reduce pollution and to save the environment.


Promotion of public transport.

No smoking zone.

Restricted use of fossil fuels.

Saving energy.

Encouraging organic farming.

The government has put restrictions on the amount of fossil fuels that can be used as well as restrictions on how much carbon dioxide and other pollutants can be emitted. Although the government is attempting to save our environment from these harmful gasses, it is not sufficient. We as a society need to keep the environment clean by controlling the pollution of air.


FAQs on Air Pollution Essay

1. State the Causes of Air Pollution ?

The following are the causes of air pollution.

Vehicular pollution consisting of Carbon Monoxide causes pollution.

Emission of Nitrogen oxide by a large number of supersonic transport airplanes causes deterioration of the Ozone layer and also causes serious damage to the flora and fauna.

The release of Chlorofluorocarbons into the Stratosphere causes depletion of Ozone, which is a serious concern to animals, microscopic, and aquatic organisms.

Burning garbage causes smoke, which pollutes the atmosphere. This smoke contains harmful gases such as Carbon dioxide and Nitrogen oxides.

In India, brick kilns are used for many purposes and coal is used to burn the bricks. They give out huge quantities of Carbon dioxide and particulate matter such as smoke, dust that are very harmful to people working there and the areas surrounding it. 

Many cleansing agents release poisonous gases such as Ammonia and Chlorine into the atmosphere. 

Radioactive elements emit harmful rays into the air.

Decomposed animals and plants emit Methane and Ammonia gas into the air.

2. What Does Global Warming Mean?

Global warming is the gradual rising average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere due to the concentration of methane in certain toxic gasses such as carbon dioxide. This has a major impact on the world climate. The world is warming. The land and the sea are now warmer than they were at the beginning and temperatures are still rising. This rise in temperature is, in short, global warming. This temperature rise is man-made. The burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere which capture solar heat and raise surface and air temperatures.

3. Name the Alternative Modes of Transport. In What Way Does it Help to Reduce Air Pollution?

Public transport could be an alternative mode of transport. Public transport like trains, buses and trams, can relieve traffic congestion and reduce air pollution from road transport. The use of public transport must be encouraged in order to develop a sustainable transport policy.

4. Mention other means of transportation! How can I help reduce air pollution?

Public transportation can be another mode of transportation. Public transport such as trains, buses and trams can reduce traffic congestion and reduce air pollution from road transport. The use of public transport and to develop sustainable transport policies should be encouraged. While one passenger vehicle has the convenience factor, other modes of transportation reduce travel costs, spend less time, reduce stress, improve health, and reduce energy consumption and parking. Other trips for work include walking/cycling, public transport, hybrid travel and transport.

5. What are the effects of pollution?

Excessive air pollution can increase the risk of heart attack, wheezing, coughing and difficulty breathing, as well as irritation of the eyes, nose and throat. Air pollution can also cause heart problems, asthma, and other lung problems. Due to the emission of greenhouse gases, the composition of the air in the air is disturbed. This causes an increase in global temperature. The damaging ozone layer due to air pollution does not prevent harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun, which cause skin and eye problems in individuals. Air pollution has caused a number of respiratory and heart diseases among people. The incidence of lung cancer has increased in recent decades. Children living in contaminated areas are more likely to develop pneumonia and asthma. Many people die every year due to the direct or indirect effects of air pollution. When burning fossil fuels, harmful gases such as nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides are released into the air. Water droplets combine with these pollutants and become acidic and fall as acid rain, which harms human, animal and plant life.

6. What is the solution to air pollution?

Production of renewable fuels and clean energy. The basic solution to air pollution is to get away from fossil fuels and replace them with other energies such as solar, wind and geothermal. The government limits the amount of fossil fuel that can be used and how much carbon dioxide and other pollutants it can emit. While the government is trying to save our environment from this harmful gas, it is not enough. We as a society need to keep the environment clean by controlling air pollution. To more in detail about air pollution and its causes. To learn more about air pollution and its impact on the environment, visit the Vedantu website.

Essay on Air Pollution for Students and Children

500+ words essay on air pollution.

Essay on Air Pollution – Earlier the air we breathe in use to be pure and fresh. But, due to increasing industrialization and concentration of poisonous gases in the environment the air is getting more and more toxic day by day. Also, these gases are the cause of many respiratory and other diseases . Moreover, the rapidly increasing human activities like the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation is the major cause of air pollution.

Essay on Air Pollution

How Air Gets Polluted?

The fossil fuel , firewood, and other things that we burn produce oxides of carbons which got released into the atmosphere. Earlier there happens to be a large number of trees which can easily filter the air we breathe in. But with the increase in demand for land, the people started cutting down of trees which caused deforestation. That ultimately reduced the filtering capacity of the tree.

Moreover, during the last few decades, the numbers of fossil fuel burning vehicle increased rapidly which increased the number of pollutants in the air .

Causes Of Air Pollution

Its causes include burning of fossil fuel and firewood, smoke released from factories , volcanic eruptions, forest fires, bombardment, asteroids, CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons), carbon oxides and many more.

Besides, there are some other air pollutants like industrial waste, agricultural waste, power plants, thermal nuclear plants, etc.

Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is also the cause of air pollution because air pollution produces the gases that greenhouse involves. Besides, it increases the temperature of earth surface so much that the polar caps are melting and most of the UV rays are easily penetrating the surface of the earth.

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Effects Of Air Pollution On Health

air pollution essay for class 3

Moreover, it increases the rate of aging of lungs, decreases lungs function, damage cells in the respiratory system.

Ways To Reduce Air Pollution

Although the level of air pollution has reached a critical point. But, there are still ways by which we can reduce the number of air pollutants from the air.

Reforestation- The quality of air can be improved by planting more and more trees as they clean and filter the air.

Policy for industries- Strict policy for industries related to the filter of gases should be introduced in the countries. So, we can minimize the toxins released from factories.

Use of eco-friendly fuel-  We have to adopt the usage of Eco-friendly fuels such as LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), CNG (Compressed Natural Gas), bio-gas, and other eco-friendly fuels. So, we can reduce the amount of harmful toxic gases.

To sum it up, we can say that the air we breathe is getting more and more polluted day by day. The biggest contribution to the increase in air pollution is of fossil fuels which produce nitric and sulphuric oxides. But, humans have taken this problem seriously and are devotedly working to eradicate the problem that they have created.

Above all, many initiatives like plant trees, use of eco-friendly fuel are promoted worldwide.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Mention five effect of air pollution on human health?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “The major risk factor related to human health are asthma, lung cancer, Alzheimer, psychological complications, and autism. Besides, there are other effects of air pollution on a person’s health.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What is the effect of air pollution in the environment?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Acid, rain, ozone depletion, greenhouse gases, smog are many other things are the cause of air pollution that affect the environment severely.”} }] }

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Essay on Air Pollution

air pollution essay for class 3

Table of Contents

Air Pollution Essay: Air pollution is a major environmental problem in many parts of the world. It is caused by the release of harmful pollutants into the atmosphere. These pollutants can come from a variety of sources, including factories, power plants, cars, and airplanes. They can also come from natural sources, such as volcanoes and forest fires.

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Target Exam ---

Air Pollution can have a variety of negative effects on human health, the environment, and the climate. It can cause respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer. It can also lead to acid rain and smog. Additionally, air pollution can contribute to global warming .

Long and Short Essay on Air Pollution in English

Day by day, the fresh air of the environment is getting polluted because of the mixing of particulates, biological molecules, and other harmful materials. Such polluted air is causing health problems, diseases, and death. Air pollution is one of the most important environmental issues which requires to be noticed and solved by the efforts of all of us.

In order to increase awareness among students about this issue, Air Pollution Essay has become an important topic for the essay writing competition. So, students, you are in the right place; just go ahead. Such an Essay on Air Pollution will help you win an essay writing competition because all are written in very simple English using easy words.

Air Pollution Essay 100 words

Air pollution is a most serious problem of the current time all over the world, especially in large cities, because of the huge level of industrialization. The release of such air pollutants in heavy concentrations such as smog, particulates, solid materials, etc., are getting settled over the city, causing air pollution and health hazards. Many dirty wastes are produced by people daily, especially in the big cities polluting the whole atmospheric air to a great extent.

The release of gaseous pollutants from burning fuel of motor vehicles, industrial processes, burning of garbage, etc., are contributing to the air pollution. Some natural pollutants like pollen, dust, soil particles, natural gases, etc., are also sources of air pollution.

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Air Pollution Essay 150 words

is the mixing of harmful substances into the atmosphere fresh air causing huge levels of damage, human health disorders, reducing the quality of life, etc. Air pollution is increasing daily because of the increasing number of industries. Such polluted air never remains in one place but spread to the whole environment and affects people’s lives all through the world. Death rates of human beings have increased because of an increased variety of diseases. The polluted air we breathe every moment causes lung disorders and even lung cancer, thus affecting the health of other body organs.

Air pollution continuously damages the whole ecological system and affects the lives of plants and animals. It has reached a critical stage and affected the whole atmosphere by allowing more harmful radiations from the sun to the earth. Again polluted air acts as a better insulator that prevents heat from escaping back into space.

Air Pollution Essay 200 words

Air pollution is one of the main environmental issues nowadays. There are many reasons behind regularly increasing this air pollution. Most air pollution is caused by automobiles, transport means, industrialization, growing cities, etc. The release of several harmful gases or dangerous elements from such sources is causing whole atmospheric air pollution. The ozone layer is also getting affected too much by air pollution, which causes serious disturbances to the environment. The increasing need of the ever-growing human population is the main cause of pollution. Daily human being activities causing dangerous chemicals to release, making the atmosphere dirtier than ever and forcing climate change negatively.

The industrialization process releases harmful gases, particles, paint, and batteries containing lead; cigarettes release carbon monoxide, and transport means release CO2 and other toxic substances into the atmosphere. All the pollutants are in contact with the atmosphere, destroying the ozone layer and calling harmful sun rays to the earth. In order to reduce the level of air pollution, we should bring some huge changes to our habits on a daily basis. We should not cut trees, use public transportation, avoid spray cans, and do so many activities to reduce the effects of air pollution.

Air Pollution Essay 250 words

Air pollution is the mixing of foreign substances into the whole atmospheric air. Harmful and toxic gases emitted by industries and motor vehicles cause huge damage to living organisms, whether plants, animals, or human beings. Some of the natural and various human resources are causing air pollution. However, most air pollution sources stem from human activities like burning fossil fuels, coal, and oil and releasing harmful gases and substances from factories and motor vehicles. Harmful chemical compounds like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, solid particles, etc., are getting mixed into the fresh air. The level of air pollution has increased greatly because of the 690% increase in damaging pollutants because of the expanded need for motor vehicles in the last century.

Another source of air pollution is the decomposition of garbage in landfills and the disposal of solid wastes emitting methane gas (dangerous to health). The rapid growth of population, industrialization, and increased use of automobiles, airplanes, etc., have made this issue a serious environmental problem. The air we breathe every moment is full of pollutants going to our lungs and whole body through blood, causing uncountable health problems. Therefore polluted air is causing damage to plants, animals, and human beings in many direct and indirect ways. If the environmental protection policies are not followed seriously and strictly, the increasing level of air pollution may increase to one million tons annually in recent decades.

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Air Pollution Essay 300 words

When the fresh air gets polluted by means of dust, toxic gases, smoke, motor vehicles, mills, factories, etc. called air pollution. As we all know that fresh air is the most important element of a healthy life, we need to think that what happens if the whole atmospheric air gets dirty. First, air pollution is a matter of great regret for the whole human fraternity. Some of the big reasons for air pollution are poisonous fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides in the agricultural sectors by innocent farmers to increase crop production. Released chemicals and hazardous gases (ammonia) from fertilizers are getting mixed into the fresh air and causing air pollution.

The burning of fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum and other factory combustibles are the major causes of air pollution. A variety of smoke emissions from the automobiles, such as cars, buses, motorcycles, trucks, jeeps, trains, airplanes, etc., are also causing air pollution. An increasing number of industries are causing the release of toxic industrial smokes and harmful gases (like carbon monoxide, organic compounds, hydrocarbons, chemicals, etc.) from the factories and mills to the environment. Some indoor activities of the people, like innocent use of cleaning products, washing powders, paints, etc., emit various toxic chemicals into the air.

The ever-increasing level of air pollution also enhances its harmful effects on the health of living beings. Air pollution is causing global warming to increase because of increasing atmospheric temperature due to the increasing level of greenhouse gases. Such greenhouse gases again cause greenhouse effect and force sea levels to increase, glaciers to melt, weather to change, climate to change, etc. Increasing air pollution is causing many lethal diseases (cancer, heart attack, asthma, bronchitis, kidney diseases, etc.) and death. Various important animal and plant species have been destroyed completely from this planet. The increasing level of harmful gases in the environment is causing the occurrence of acid rain and depleting the ozone layer.

Air Pollution Essay 400 words

The increasing concentration of harmful and toxic materials in the fresh air of the atmosphere is causing air pollution. Various foreign particles, toxic gases, and other pollutants released from various human activities are affecting the fresh air, which has an adverse effect on living beings like humans, animals, and plants. Air pollution levels depend on the type and amount of pollutants released from various sources. Topographical and meteorological conditions are increasing the spread and concentration of pollutants. Therefore variety of raw materials used in the manufacturing process in industries is increasing the type and quantum of emissions of harmful gases. Increasing population density is demanding the need for more industrialization, which ultimately causes air pollution.

Air Pollutants like harmful liquid droplets, solids particulates, and toxic gases (oxides of carbon, halogenated and non-halogenated hydrocarbons, nitrogen and sulfur gases, suspended inorganic particulate matters, inorganic and organic acids, bacteria, viruses, insecticides, etc.) which are generally not the constituents of fresh air are very hazardous to the plant and animal life. There are two types of air pollution sources which are natural sources and man-made sources. Some natural sources of air pollution are volcanic eruptions, volcanoes (ashes, carbon dioxide, smokes, dust, and other gases), deflation of sands, dust, salts spray from seas and ocean, soil particles, storms, forest fires, cosmic particles, rays, the bombardment of asteroid materials, comets, pollen grains, fungal spores, viruses, bacteria, etc.

However Man-made sources of air pollution are industries, agriculture, power plants, automobiles, domestic sources, etc. Some of the air pollutants from man-made sources are smoke, dust, fumes, particulate matter, gases from the kitchen, domestic heating, emissions from different vehicles, use of insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, and the heat created from power plants, smokes, fly ash, etc. Because of the increasing number of air pollutants, it has divided into two types: primary and secondary pollutants. Primary pollutants directly affect the fresh air and emitted from smoke, ash, dust, fumes, mist, spray, inorganic gases, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, nitric oxide, and radioactive compounds. Secondary pollutants indirectly affect the air by chemical interactions with the primary pollutants and other atmospheric constituents such as sulphur-trioxide, ozone, hydrocarbons, nitrogen dioxide, etc.

The get-together effort of human beings all over the world may help in controlling the level of air pollution. Establishment of industrial estates should away from residential areas, motivate use of tall chimneys instead of small, promote the use of high-temperature incinerators. However use of non-combustive sources of energy, promote the use of non-lead antiknock agents in the gasoline, promote re-plantation and so many positive efforts.

Air pollution essays given above useful to range of students studying in classes 1 to 10, etc. You can select any of them according to your need and requirement. Also you can use in an exam or essay writing competition at any event. Apart from an essay on air pollution, you can get other related essays and related information such as:

Air Pollution Essay FAQs

What is air pollution essay writing.

Air pollution essay writing is a way to express the problems and solutions related to the contamination of the air by harmful substances.

What is air pollution in a hundred words?

Air pollution is when the air we breathe becomes dirty with things like smoke, chemicals, and tiny particles, which can harm our health and the environment.

What is air pollution in 10 lines?

Air pollution is the presence of harmful pollutants in the air. It can come from cars, factories, and natural sources. Breathing polluted air can cause health problems. Air pollution also harms animals and plants. To reduce air pollution, we need cleaner fuels and better waste management. Planting trees can help clean the air. Laws and regulations are made to control air pollution. Education is essential to raise awareness about air pollution. Everyone can play a part in reducing air pollution by using energy wisely.

What is air pollution short paragraph?

Air pollution is when the air contains harmful substances like smoke and chemicals. This can make people sick and harm the environment.

What is air pollution for class 3 students?

Air pollution means the air becomes dirty with things that are not good for us. It can make us sick, so we need to keep the air clean.

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Pollution Essay for Class 3

Pollution is the fouling of the natural environment that exists around us and puts our lives in danger. All types of pollution in our natural surroundings and ecosystem causes health disasters and discomfort. It disorganizes the biological system and disturbs nature’s balance. Soil pollution, air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution are the main types of pollution.

We are providing two essay samples for students of class 3 on the topic “Pollution” for reference.

Short Essay on Pollution of 100 Words

Pollution is a condition of our environment that may have harmful effects on plants, animals, and human beings. The environment around us is a combination of land, water, air which is essential to sustain life on earth. In the past, our environment was clean. Now, because of man’s own greed, our environment has been polluted.

Human beings want rapid success. They set up industries and cut down forests for their benefit. This disturbed the ecological balance, which led to pollution. Pollution is a global problem. If we don’t protect our planet now, we will undoubtedly face issues in the future.

Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our  Essay for Class 3  and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Long Essay on Pollution of 150 Words

The addition of harmful substances into nature is all pollution. We human beings are satisfying our own needs by harming wildlife. Pollutants from factories, laboratories, hospitals, and vehicles are destroying the plant kingdom. Carbon dioxide in the air is the reason behind global warming. Acid rain is also a result of pollution.

Pollution has become a widespread yet severe issue today. It is everyone’s responsibility to take steps towards prevention. We should be alert and help reduce every kind of pollution. We should avoid loudspeakers and bursting crackers during festivals that cause noise pollution. Making use of public transport can help reduce air pollution.

Thousands of people are affected by diseases caused by pollution. We should learn to reuse, reduce, and recycle to control pollution. Planting more trees and reducing the use of plastic are ways in which we can reduce environmental pollution. Taking small steps like these will ensure a better future.

10 Lines on Pollution in English

  • Pollution is a dangerous threat to the whole world that arose because of human activities.
  • Harmful gases and chemicals from chimneys of factories pollute the air.
  • The heavy sound from machines and transportation systems cause noise pollution that can cause irritation.
  • Environmental pollution can cause serious health problems like allergy, infection, and even heart attack.
  • We are rapidly losing freshwater and other valuable resources, including aquatic life due to plastic and other water pollutants.
  • Environmental pollution has more severe consequences like global warming and acid rain that affects both the plant and animal kingdom.
  • Pollution causes severe diseases like cancer, skin disease, and chest pain that can lead to death.
  • Planting trees, conserving forests, and not using plastic are effective ways to reduce pollution.
  • The most dangerous of all, radioactive pollution is caused by wastes from nuclear power plants.
  • We can fight environmental pollution by using solar panels and wind energy.

Frequently Asked Questions on Pollution Essay

Question: What are some of the human causes of pollution?

Answer : Human activities are a major cause of air pollution. Humans pollute the air by building factories, power plants, cars, aeroplanes, chemicals, and by burning fossil fuel. The smog released from here causes severe and harmful diseases. Burning down forests increases the carbon dioxide levels in the air, leading to unbalance and global warming.

Question: What can we do to reduce pollution?

Answer : Using less energy like electricity can help reduce air pollution. We can help by turning off lights and fans when leaving our room and not leaving the television or computer switched on unnecessarily. Driving less or carpooling with friends instead saves money and gas.

Question: What are some effects on health because of pollution?

Answer : Air pollution can make people sick. It becomes difficult to breathe and causes disease such as lung cancer, lung infection and heart disease. Noise pollution can cause irritation that can lead to partial or complete deafness.

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Student Essays

Essay on Air Pollution for Students

Essay on Air Pollution For Students | Types, Causes & Impacts

Air Pollution is one of the deadliest issues for the world today. It has brought severe consequences for the living being on planet earth. Mankind is indeed responsible for creating the causes & bearing the impacts of air pollution.

Air Pollution Essays, Paragraphs & Speeches | Types, Causes & Impacts of Air Pollution | For Children & Students.

We have written for you, An easy-to-understand essays on air pollution, causes, impacts, solutions, prevention methods with outlines, quotes heading, diagrams for students of class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10th, high school and college-level students. These essays are in simple language with words limit of 50,100, 150, 250, 300, 500 and 1000 plus words

1. Essay on Air Pollution with Quotes & Examples for High School & College Level Students

Air is one of the most essential ingredients of life. Without air the life would have been simply impossible over this planet. All life forms on earth need air to survive. Fresh air another name of healthy life. Unfortunately the air that we need most to live is being polluted carelessly.

Causes of Air Pollution Essay

Air Pollution is caused due to the presence of various harmful substances called the pollutants in it. However, for the sake of easy understanding we may classify it into two broad categories; the primary and the secondary Pollutants.

The primary pollutants are the bye product of factories, industries that release harmful gases like sulphur, carbon dioxide and others. The secondary air pollutant, however, are bye product of primary pollutants. The smog for instance is the secondary pollutant.  The major polluting factors of air are as under;

  • Carbon monoxide
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Sulphur oxides
  • Nitrogen oxides
  • Particulate matter
  • Other Radioactive pollutants

Essay on Air Pollution for Students

One of the major causes of Pollution is the Industrialization. The burning of fossil fuels like petrol, diesel or coal to run cars, machines, trains and power plants are dangerous because they release harmful pollutants into atmosphere. They endanger human lives. The heedless burning of fossil fuels to fuel the path of Industrial progress has made the situation the worse even.

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The release of harmful gases, chemicals, smoke etc interferes with the natural ecosystem. Furthermore, the nuclear radiation is also source of increasing air pollution and thereby disturbing the environment. Apart from that, there are a few natural source of air pollution.

Among them a few include volcanic activity, dust carried by wind, gases released from body processes of living beings, forest fires and methane discharged from cattle. However, the amount of natural air pollution is far less than the pollution generated by various human activities.

Effects of Air Pollution

The air Pollution is a disaster on planet earth. It has given birth a host of problems for human life. Since the air is the primary element of our survival on planet earth, its pollution are bringing the disastrous impacts on human life.

The major health problems due the consumption of polluted air include; chronic lung diseases, respiratory diseases and other health issues like flue, lung cancer etc. A belt of natural gases known as ozone layer envelops our planet. The ozone layer shields us form dangerous ultraviolet rays of sun.

It protects us from harmful radiations that the sun emits. The air pollutants are seriously damaging the ozone layer. In last few decades many holes have appeared in the layer. Due to the depletion of ozone layer radiations of sun reaches the earth’s surface and cause skin cancer and eye damage. Acid rain is also a result of air pollutants. Acidic rain causes sever damage to plants, animals and soil. It kills fish and other wildlife.

Solutions; How to Prevent Air Pollution?

In first instance, we need to minimize our release of toxic gases into the atmosphere produced by our industries.  One effective way that can help us is that we should use the modern technology.

It would help us reduce the release of air pollution into the atmosphere. Since, fossil fuel burning is the major cause of air pollution; we should shift to the alternative clean energy like wind, solar and hydro energy.

The pollution problem is not the creation one man or of a community. It has taken decades to turn into this ugly shape. Therefore, the prevention of air pollution is a collective responsibility. We need to take the effective measures to get it solved.

For this, raising the support of civil society is essential. We need to spread the message of climate peace and pollution problem to every nook and corner of our country.

The use of social media and other means, is therefore, highly important. The more awareness we spread the more hands we would have to deal collectively with the issue of air pollution.

Conclusion of Air Pollution Essay

The fresh air is the first certificate of our survival on this planet earth.  The life would have been simply unbearable when the polluted air conquers our mother earth. The humanity need to stand for the collective cause of solving the pollution problem.

2. Air Pollution Essay for 9 & 10th class Students

Air is very precious component of life. Our air is losing its quality due to pollutants. The presence of many dangerous toxic substances and chemicals make the air polluted.

Therefore, the air pollution means all chemicals that lower the quality of air and cause detrimental changes to the quality of life.

All pollutants are emitted by various industrial processes, coal or oil burning power plants, residential heating systems and automobiles. Our activities such as construction, industrial works, mining and transportation pollute air.

The fires in forest also contribute in air pollution. The forest when burned down release many hazardous gases that degrade the quality of air. Aerosols particles contain air pollutants

Our atmosphere is our survival the presence of such toxic chemicals and wastes that pollute the natural components of atmosphere are mainly caused by our fast run to development and progress.

Man is striving hard to accelerate the speed of progress, in the search of success and progress we are mercilessly polluting our atmosphere. Man is blind to all types of pollution. Smoke of industries and factories contain various deadly gases that pollute air.

Inhaling polluted air is not a safe affair. It’s an axiomatic truth that life will be rare without fresh air. Air pollution has left large adverse effects on our health and lives of all living organisms.

Air pollution has raised the earth’s temperature and climate change is also caused by air pollution.

Many respiratory diseases such as asthma, coughing and lung cancer are caused by polluted air. Carbon monoxide gas prevents the uptake of oxygen by blood, it leads to heart diseases. An immediate threat global warming is caused by air pollution.

The presence of dangerous and harmful gases in the air leads to fatal diseases such as lung cancer. Even aquatic organisms are also affected with air pollution. All life forms of mother earth are badly suffering from disorders and diseases caused by air pollution.

It is high time to wage war against all odds of air. If we want to survive on this plant we have to protect all components of atmosphere that makes our life possible. We must stand together to stop deforestation because cutting down of trees leads to air pollution.

Trees are not only beauty to our environment but also purify the air present in atmosphere. We must use those things which do not pollute the air.

We should reduce the combustion of fossil fuels to reduce air pollution. The governments must take initiatives to curb air pollution. Environmentalists believe that breathing in and breathing out, air is that we can not live without. So let’s we all stand United in this endeavor to save air and make our lives healthy.

3. Air Pollution Essay for 6,7 & 8th class Students

Air is one of the most essential elements of life. All living organisms need air to live. Air is being abused by our wanton activities. Air pollution is mixture of solid particles and gases in the air.

In the long run of progress and development our air is loosing its quality. All the pollutants that pollute air are very dangerous. The pollutants of air are found in two forms. One is the gaseous form and second one is solid form.

Theses pollutants remains suspended into the air. They are called, in scientific terms as, the aerosols.  The emission of smoke from factories, industries, houses and vehicles pollute air to a great extent.

Air pollution has left many adverse effects on the lives of humans and animals. Inhaling air pollutants cause health problems. The major health impacts due to inhaling dirty air include various respiratory, heart and lung diseases.  Apart from that, It has damaged the ozone layer that protects us form harmful rays of sun. It has also affected the wildlife and many animals.

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If we want to live a healthy life we must save tress and plant new trees to breathe fresh air. For the stability and well being of our environment, it is mandatory that we adopt the climate friendly methods. We have to save our planet earth to save the life from total extinction.

4. Essay on Air Pollution For Class 3,4 & 5th Students

Air is very basic source of survival. All living organisms breathe air to stay alive. Air pollution is defined as the addition of toxic chemicals in the air that affects health of living organisms. The poor quality of air is caused by industrialization and smoke of vehicles.

Our air is loosing its quality slowly because of our carelessness. We humans are cutting trees to make roads. Trees are factories of fresh air, cutting trees is equal to cutting life shorter. There are many sources of air pollution.

Air pollution has caused imbalance in our ecosystem, this imbalance caused by air pollution is harmful for our survival. Many fatal diseases are born because of air pollution. Air pollution specially causes respiratory diseases. Lung cancer and several other deadly disease are spreading with the increase in air pollution.

It is rightly said that if you cut a tree, you endanger your life. We must stop fueling- start cycling for a healthy body and fresh air. Air should be treated well or else the earth will become hell.

5. Air Pollution Essay for KG Class 1 & 2 Students

Air is very important to live. We can not live without air. Air provides us oxygen. Nowadays our air is polluted. Our activities pollute air. There are many causes of air pollution. Air pollution is mainly caused by the smoke of industries, factories, motor cars, smoking and burning waste.

Cutting down of trees is also a big cause of air pollution. Air pollution affect our health, it causes coughing, asthma and other lung diseases. Air pollution is dangerous for humans and animals.

We should plant more trees and make air pollution free. We must stop smoking to breathe clean. It’s our duty to make our air pollution free to stay alive.

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6. Short Essay on Air Pollution for Ukg Kids 

Air is our life. All living beings breathe air to stay alive. People are polluting air by cutting trees. Trees give oxygen and take carbon dioxide. Trees make our air healthy. The smoke of care, buses and trucks also pollute our air. Healthy air gives us healthy life. Air pollution makes us ill and sick.

Air pollution makes our lives at the risk. All the living beings on  earth are badly impacted due to air pollution everywhere. There are many causes to it. The mankind is entirely responsible for creating the problem of air pollution. It spread diseases and kills animals. We can save air by planting new trees. Let’s work together to stop air pollution.

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Air Pollution Essay for Students in English: 100, 200 and 500 Words

Air pollution is becoming a serious issue that’s affecting human health, flora and fauna and overall well-being of Earth. As responsible citizens of the world, it’s our duty to take care of anything that’s harming the planet and leave it in better condition for future generations. Here are a few sample essays children can use to write about air pollution and learn about different ways to mitigate this crisis.

100 Words Essay on Air Pollution

200 words essay on air pollution, 500 words essay on air pollution.

Air Pollution Essay for Students in English: 100, 200 and 500 Words

Any physical, chemical, or biological alteration in the air is referred to as air pollution. The atmosphere contains a specific portion of the gas. It is harmful to survival to change the makeup of these gases. “Global warming” is the term used to describe the rise in global temperature caused by this imbalance in gas composition. Hazardous pollutants, whether present naturally or artificially, can modify the environment and have a negative impact on the ecosystem. Ineffective resource management and reckless human activity are harming the environment and therefore it is our responsibility as inhabitants of Earth to take care of it.

Pollution is any activity that tampers with the environment's fundamental characteristics and causes damage. The air we breathe is no longer clean and fresh, it has been contaminated by pollutants. The threat to Earth and its ecosystem is getting worse as a result of the contamination of the air, water, and soil. These pollutants are causing a number of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases—our immune system is getting affected negatively, and children are at a high risk of developing asthma and other breathing problems. There are numerous factors that frequently increase this air pollution. Automobiles, transportation methods, industrialization, expanding cities, etc. are the main causes of air pollution. The contamination of the entire atmosphere is brought on by the release of various toxic gases or dangerous components from such sources.

Air pollution, which has a negative impact on the environment, also has a significant impact on the ozone layer. The primary contributor to pollution is the ever-increasing demands of the human population. Daily human activities pump harmful chemicals into the atmosphere, making it more polluted than ever and accelerating climate change. The flora and fauna are also being severely impacted by the airborne harmful chemical releases. The rising contamination of the Earth's air, water, and soil—the essential life support systems of the planet—poses a major threat to the planet and its environment.

One of today's top environmental concerns is air pollution. There are numerous factors that frequently increase this air pollution. Toxic gases, particulates, paint, and batteries containing lead are released throughout the industrialization process. The ozone layer is also being destroyed and the world is being exposed to dangerous solar rays as a result of all the contaminants in touch with the atmosphere.

Ozone is a contaminant that exists at the ground level and can be harmful to human health. But the same ozone creates a layer of defence in the stratosphere. The "good" ozone, however, is being destroyed by ozone-depleting substances—such as hydrochlorofluorocarbons, and chlorofluorocarbons. These chemicals were once used in coolants, foaming agents, insecticides, solvents, and fire extinguishers and occasionally still are.

Primary and secondary pollutants are the two categories that have emerged as a result of the growing number of air pollutants. Primary pollutants, which include smoke, ash, dust, fumes, mist, spray, inorganic gases, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and radioactive substances, have a direct negative impact on fresh air. Secondary pollutants are those that interact chemically with primary pollutants, as well as other elements in the atmosphere, such as sulphate trioxide, ozone, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen dioxide.

Causes of Air Pollution

The disposal of solid wastes that release methane gas and the breakdown of trash landfills are major sources of air pollution. This problem has become a severe environmental and health issue as a result of the population's rapid development, industrialisation, and greater use of cars, planes, and other transportation.

Common Effects of Air Pollution

Pollutants in the air we breathe every minute enter our bloodstream and travel to our lungs and entire body, producing a plethora of health issues. Animals can have health issues similar to people if they are exposed to air toxics in high enough quantities over an extended period of time. Air toxics also play a role in animal sickness, infertility, and birth abnormalities. Therefore, both directly and indirectly, pollution of the environment harms both plants, animals, and people.

What Can We Do

Using public transportation is a surefire short method to reduce air pollution because it uses less gas and electricity, even carpools help with the situation. A permanent, non-polluting, and extremely secure source of energy is the sun or solar power. Solar panels, which are special in design and simple to install, are also a technical benefit to society and the planet. They take in solar energy and store it to power various equipment and electronics. Another step you can take on this path is to plant more trees and live a simplistic life. Minimalist living is not only a trendy millennial lifestyle, but it also has significant societal and environmental benefits.

Air pollution may reach one million tonnes annually in the next decades if environmental protection measures are not taken seriously and effectively enforced. We need to drastically alter our everyday routines if we want to lower the level of air pollution. By making better use of raw materials, water energy, and other resources, we can reduce pollution. Human health can be safeguarded and economic wellbeing can be increased when less harmful compounds are exchanged for hazardous ones.

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What Causes Air Pollution?

air pollution essay for class 3

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Air pollution happens when solid and liquid particles—called aerosols —and certain gases end up in our air. These particles and gases can be bad for the planet and for our health, so keeping track of them is important.

Where do aerosols come from?

Any particle that gets picked up into the air or is formed from chemical reactions in the air can be an aerosol. Many aerosols enter the atmosphere when we burn fossil fuels—such as coal and petroleum—and wood. These particles can come from many sources, including car exhaust, factories and even wildfires. Some of the particles and gases come directly from these sources, but others form through chemical reactions in the air.

Aerosols can come from other places, too, such as ash from an erupting volcano. Dust, pollen from plants and mold spores are also examples of aerosols.

This animation uses NASA data to show how ash from a volcano in Chile travels around the world in our atmosphere. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

What else causes air pollution?

Certain gases in the atmosphere can cause air pollution. For example, in cities, a gas called ozone is a major cause of air pollution. Ozone is also a greenhouse gas that can be both good and bad for our environment. It all depends where it is in Earth’s atmosphere .

air pollution essay for class 3

Ozone high up in our atmosphere is a good thing. It helps block harmful energy from the Sun, called radiation . But, when ozone is closer to the ground, it can be really bad for our health. Ground level ozone is created when sunlight reacts with certain chemicals that come from sources of burning fossil fuels, such as factories or car exhaust.

When particles in the air combine with ozone, they create smog. Smog is a type of air pollution that looks like smoky fog and makes it difficult to see.

air pollution essay for class 3

Smog is a type of air pollution in cities that makes it difficult to see outside. Here are images of Beijing on a clear day after a rain (left) and on a smoggy day (right). Credit: Bobak via Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 2.5

How does air pollution affect Earth’s climate?

Aerosols can impact how the Sun’s light hits Earth. For example, some aerosols reflect sunlight while others absorb sunlight. It depends on the color of the particle.

air pollution essay for class 3

Dark surfaces—whether it’s a black t-shirt or a dark particle in the atmosphere—absorb the Sun's heat. Lighter-colored surfaces reflect heat from the Sun.

A white t-shirt reflects the Sun on a hot day, making you feel cooler. In the same way, light-colored particles that reflect the Sun’s light and heat away from Earth can make the global temperature cooler. Dark-colored particles that absorb the Sun’s light can make the global temperature warmer.

How does air pollution affect our health?

Breathing in polluted air can be very bad for our health. Long-term exposure to air pollution has been associated with diseases of the heart and lungs, cancers and other health problems. That’s why it’s important for us to monitor air pollution.

How is NASA monitoring air pollution?

NASA uses satellites orbiting Earth to keep an eye on air pollution. In fact, air quality forecasters use information about aerosols from NASA’s Aqua , Terra and Suomi-NPP satellites.

NASA also is developing a new instrument called the Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols, or MAIA , to fly aboard a future spacecraft mission. MAIA will help scientists understand the size, makeup and quantity of aerosols in our air. Eventually, scientists will be able to compare this information with health records. This can help us better understand the relationship between aerosol pollution and human health.

Related NASA Missions

air pollution essay for class 3

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Air Pollution Paragraph in English For Class 3-10

Air pollution paragraph for class 3.

Air pollution happens when harmful things like smoke and gases mix with the air we breathe. It can come from many places like cars, factories, and even fires. Breathing in this polluted air can make people sick, especially if they live in places where there’s a lot of pollution. It’s a big problem all around the world, and many people are working hard to make the air cleaner and safer for everyone. We can help by using less energy and not polluting the air with things like smoke from burning trash. It’s important to take care of our air so that we can all stay healthy and happy.

Air Pollution Paragraph For Class 4

Air pollution is when harmful substances get into the air we breathe, making it dirty and unhealthy. These substances come from many different places, like cars, factories, and even burning things like wood or trash. When we breathe in this polluted air, it can make us sick and cause problems with our lungs and hearts. It’s important to keep our air clean by using cleaner ways to power our cars and factories, and by not burning things that can make the air dirty. Everyone can help keep the air clean by being careful about what we do and how we use things that can pollute the air.

Air Pollution Paragraph For Class 5

Air pollution is a serious problem that affects the air we breathe. It happens when harmful substances like chemicals, smoke, and gases get into the air. These pollutants come from many places like cars, factories, and even fires. Breathing in this polluted air can make people sick. It can cause problems like coughing, trouble breathing, and even diseases. Air pollution is a big concern all around the world. We need to work together to find ways to reduce it and keep our air clean and safe for everyone to breathe.

Air Pollution Paragraph For Class 6

Air pollution is a serious problem that affects the air we breathe. It happens when harmful substances, like smoke and gases, get into the air around us. Many things can cause air pollution, such as cars, factories, and even fires. These pollutants can make people sick and cause diseases. It’s important to keep the air clean to stay healthy. Air pollution is a big concern all over the world, and we all need to work together to find ways to reduce it.

Air Pollution Paragraph For Class 7

Air pollution is a serious concern affecting the air we breathe. It occurs when harmful substances like chemicals, smoke, and dust contaminate the atmosphere. These pollutants come from various sources such as vehicles, factories, and even natural events like forest fires. Breathing in polluted air can lead to health problems like respiratory diseases and allergies. Sadly, many people around the world are exposed to high levels of air pollution, especially in low- and middle-income countries. It’s important for us to understand the causes of air pollution and take steps to reduce it. By using cleaner energy sources, controlling emissions from vehicles and industries, and planting trees, we can help improve air quality and protect our health and the environment.

Air Pollution Paragraph For Class 8

Air pollution, a widespread environmental issue, refers to the contamination of the air by various harmful substances. Sources of air pollution include household activities like burning wood or cooking, vehicle emissions, industrial processes, and natural events like forest fires. The pollutants released, such as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, can lead to respiratory problems and other health issues. Unfortunately, nearly all people around the world are exposed to air pollution above recommended levels. This not only affects human health but also has impacts on the environment and climate. To tackle this problem, it’s crucial for governments and individuals to take actions such as reducing vehicle emissions, controlling industrial pollution, and promoting cleaner energy sources. By working together, we can improve air quality and create a healthier environment for everyone.

Air Pollution Paragraph For Class 9

Air pollution, a pressing global concern, refers to the contamination of the air we breathe by various harmful substances. Sources of air pollution include household appliances, vehicles, industries, and natural events like forest fires. The pollutants, such as particulate matter and gases like carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, have detrimental effects on human health, causing respiratory diseases and other health issues. Sadly, a large portion of the world’s population, especially in low- and middle-income countries, is exposed to air pollution levels exceeding safe limits recommended by the World Health Organization. Moreover, the connection between air pollution and climate change cannot be overlooked, as many of the same activities that contribute to air pollution also release greenhouse gases. Thus, addressing air pollution not only improves public health but also helps mitigate climate change, making it a crucial issue that demands immediate attention and action.

Air Pollution Paragraph For Class 10

Air pollution is a serious issue affecting our environment. It occurs when harmful substances, such as chemicals and particles, contaminate the air we breathe. Common sources of air pollution include vehicles, factories, and even natural events like forest fires. These pollutants can have detrimental effects on our health, causing respiratory problems and other illnesses. Unfortunately, air pollution is a widespread problem, with nearly all of the global population exposed to high levels of pollutants. It’s important for us to take action to reduce air pollution by implementing policies that promote cleaner energy sources and better transportation practices. By addressing air pollution, we can protect our health and the health of our planet for future generations.

Air Pollution Paragraph 100 Words

Air pollution, a concerning issue globally, occurs when harmful substances alter the natural composition of the air we breathe. Sources like vehicles, industries, and even household activities contribute to this problem. Pollutants such as particulate matter and carbon monoxide pose significant health risks, leading to respiratory diseases. Shockingly, nearly all global populations are exposed to unsafe levels of air pollution. Moreover, this issue is interconnected with climate change, as many air pollutants also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Implementing effective policies to reduce air pollution not only safeguards public health but also aids in mitigating climate change, ensuring a healthier and sustainable future for all.

Air Pollution Paragraph 100 Words PDF

Air Pollution Paragraph 100 Words

Air Pollution Paragraph 150 Words

Air pollution, a prevalent environmental issue, occurs when harmful substances contaminate the air we breathe. Sources of air pollution include household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial activities, and natural events like forest fires. The pollutants of major concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. These pollutants can lead to respiratory diseases and other health problems, contributing to morbidity and mortality globally. Shockingly, almost all of the world’s population breathes air that exceeds safe limits for pollutants, with low- and middle-income countries facing the highest exposure levels. Additionally, the combustion of fossil fuels, a significant driver of air pollution, also releases greenhouse gases, exacerbating climate change. Implementing policies to reduce air pollution not only improves public health but also helps mitigate climate change, offering a win-win solution for both environmental and human well-being.

Air Pollution Paragraph 200 Words

Air pollution is a pressing environmental issue affecting people worldwide. It occurs when harmful substances contaminate the air we breathe, altering its natural composition. Sources of air pollution include household activities like burning fuels for cooking, motor vehicles emitting exhaust fumes, industrial processes, and natural events like forest fires. These activities release pollutants such as particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. The consequences of air pollution are significant, leading to respiratory illnesses and other health problems. Alarmingly, data from the World Health Organization (WHO) reveal that almost all of the global population is exposed to air pollution levels exceeding safe guidelines, with low- and middle-income countries bearing the highest burden. Moreover, air pollution is intricately linked to climate change, as many of the pollutants emitted are also greenhouse gases. Therefore, addressing air pollution not only improves public health but also contributes to mitigating climate change. It is imperative that governments, industries, and individuals take concerted actions to reduce air pollution, safeguarding both human health and the environment for future generations.

Air Pollution Paragraph 250 Words

Air pollution, a pressing environmental concern, poses significant threats to both human health and the planet’s ecosystems. It occurs when harmful substances contaminate the air we breathe, altering its natural composition. Common sources of air pollution include household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial facilities, and natural events like forest fires. These sources release pollutants such as particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. The adverse effects of air pollution are far-reaching, leading to respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems, and even premature death. Shockingly, nearly all people worldwide breathe air that exceeds recommended pollution levels, with low- and middle-income countries bearing the brunt of this burden. Moreover, air pollution is closely intertwined with climate change, as many of its drivers, like the combustion of fossil fuels, also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, tackling air pollution not only improves public health but also aids in mitigating climate change impacts. Implementing policies to reduce air pollution presents a win-win strategy, addressing both immediate health concerns and long-term environmental sustainability. By raising awareness and taking concerted action, we can mitigate the adverse effects of air pollution and safeguard the well-being of present and future generations.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Air Pollution — Air Pollution: Causes and Effects


Air Pollution: Causes and Effects

  • Categories: Air Pollution Environmental Issues Pollution

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Words: 723 |

Updated: 30 November, 2023

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Air Pollution Essay: Hook Examples

  • The Silent Killer: Delve into the invisible threat that surrounds us every day, affecting our health, environment, and future generations – air pollution.
  • Gasping for Breath: Paint a vivid picture of individuals struggling to breathe in polluted cities, highlighting the urgency of addressing this pressing issue.
  • Nature’s S.O.S: Explore how wildlife and ecosystems send distress signals through the impact of air pollution, underscoring the interconnectedness of all living beings.
  • The Economic Toll: Uncover the hidden costs of air pollution on healthcare, productivity, and quality of life, revealing the far-reaching consequences of our actions.
  • Clean Air, Clear Future: Imagine a world where we embrace cleaner technologies and sustainable practices, offering a vision of hope and change in the fight against air pollution.

Works Cited

  • Agarwal, A., & Agarwal, S. (2020). Air Pollution: Sources, Effects, and Control. CRC Press.
  • Cohen, A. J., Brauer, M., Burnett, R., Anderson, H. R., Frostad, J., Estep, K., … & Balakrishnan, K. (2017). Estimates and 25-year trends of the global burden of disease attributable to ambient air pollution: an analysis of data from the Global Burden of Diseases Study 2015. The Lancet, 389(10082), 1907-1918.
  • Guttikunda, S. K., & Gurjar, B. R. (2012). Role of meteorology in seasonality of air pollution in megacity Delhi, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184(5), 3199-3211.
  • He, G., Ying, Q., Ma, Y., Cheng, L., Wang, Y., & Liu, Y. (2016). Health risks of air pollution in China: a special focus on particulate matter. Environmental Pollution, 211, 17-30.
  • Heyder, J., Gebhart, J., Rudolf, G., & Schiller, C. (1986). St deposition in the human respiratory tract as determined by cyclone techniques. Environmental Health Perspectives, 66, 149-159.
  • Khan, M. N., Islam, M. M., Siddiqui, M. N., & Islam, M. S. (2019). Sources and Impact of Air Pollution on Human Health. In Sustainable Environment and Transportation (pp. 307-334). Springer.
  • Kumar, P., Kumar, A., & Goyal, P. (2020). Air Pollution: Measurement, Modelling and Mitigation. CRC Press.
  • Lelieveld, J., Evans, J. S., Fnais, M., Giannadaki, D., & Pozzer, A. (2015). The contribution of outdoor air pollution sources to premature mortality on a global scale. Nature, 525(7569), 367-371.

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Essay on Air Pollution for Students: Check Samples of 100 Words to 250 Words

air pollution essay for class 3

  • Updated on  
  • Mar 30, 2024

Essay on Air Pollution for Students

Essay on Air Pollution : Invisible but insidious, air pollution silently infiltrates our lives, impacting health, the environment, and future generations. Through this blog, let’s explore its roots, repercussions, and remedies, which are essential in our quest for cleaner, healthier skies. Essay writing here becomes more crucial, to raise awareness about air pollution’s dire consequences and drive action for cleaner air.

Table of Contents

  • 1 10-Line Essay on Air Pollution
  • 2 What are the Causes of Air Pollution?
  • 3 What are the effects of Air Pollution?
  • 4 Essay on Air Pollution: How to Tackle Air Pollution?
  • 5 Essay on Air Pollution Sample (100 Words)
  • 6 Essay on Air Pollution Sample (250 Words)

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10-Line Essay on Air Pollution

Below mentioned is a 10-lined essay on air pollution:

  • Air pollution is caused by harmful substances known as pollutants.
  • The pollutant come from various sources, like vehicle gasses, forest fires, and other human activities.
  • The two of the biggest sources of air pollution are burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.
  • Air pollution is harmful to humans because it can cause skin and respiratory diseases.
  • Air pollution is equally harmful to plants and animals.
  • Air pollution can also damage non-living things, such as ancient monuments constructed from marbles and limestone.
  • Air pollution leads to ozone layer depletion, climate change and global warming.
  • Air pollution can damage ecosystems in forests.
  • We must take effective steps to reduce air pollution.
  • We can reduce air pollution by planting more trees and burning less fossil fuels.

What are the Causes of Air Pollution?

Air pollution is caused by various factors, including:

  • Industrial Emissions: Factories and manufacturing processes release pollutants like chemicals and particulate matter into the air.
  • Vehicle Emissions: Combustion engines in cars, trucks, and aeroplanes emit exhaust gases, including carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.
  • Burning Fossil Fuels: The use of coal, oil, and natural gas for energy generation and heating releases pollutants and greenhouse gases.
  • Agricultural Activities: Pesticides and fertilizers release chemicals, while livestock emit methane.
  • Deforestation: Cutting down trees reduces the planet’s capacity to absorb pollutants.
  • Waste Disposal: Improper disposal of waste leads to the release of harmful substances into the air.
  • Natural Sources: Volcanic eruptions, dust storms, and wildfires can also contribute to air pollution.

What are the effects of Air Pollution?

Air pollution poses severe health and environmental risks. Short-term exposure can lead to respiratory issues, eye irritation, and exacerbation of pre-existing conditions. Long-term exposure is linked to chronic diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory disorders. 

Additionally, air pollution harms ecosystems, causing acid rain, damaging vegetation, and polluting water bodies. It also contributes to climate change by increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. Addressing air pollution is crucial to safeguard human health and protecting the planet’s ecosystems and climate.

Essay on Air Pollution: How to Tackle Air Pollution?

Addressing air pollution is paramount for a healthier planet. By curbing emissions, adopting clean technologies, and fostering sustainable practices, we can safeguard our environment and public health. Here are some key points on how to tackle air pollution:

  • Reduce Vehicle Emissions:
  • Improve Industrial Practices
  • Increase Green Spaces
  • Monitor and Regulate
  • Reduce Indoor Air Pollution
  • Promote Renewable Energy
  • Encourage Sustainable Practices
  • Raise Public Awareness:
  • Reduce Open Burning:
  • International Cooperation:

Tackling air pollution requires a multi-faceted approach involving government policies, community engagement, and individual responsibility.

Must Read: Essay On Global Warming

Essay on Air Pollution Sample (100 Words)

Air pollution is a pressing environmental issue with far-reaching consequences. It occurs when harmful substances, such as particulate matter and toxic gases, contaminate the atmosphere. These pollutants result from various sources, including industrial emissions, vehicular exhaust, and agricultural activities.

The consequences of air pollution are severe, impacting both human health and the environment. Prolonged exposure to polluted air can lead to respiratory diseases, cardiovascular issues, and even premature death. Additionally, air pollution harms ecosystems, leading to reduced crop yields and biodiversity loss.

Mitigating air pollution requires collective efforts, including stricter emission regulations, cleaner energy sources, and promoting public awareness. By addressing this issue, we can safeguard our health and preserve the environment for future generations.

Essay on Air Pollution Sample (250 Words)

Air pollution is a pressing global issue that affects the health and well-being of people and the environment. It occurs when harmful substances, such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds, are released into the atmosphere. This pollution can have dire consequences for both humans and the planet.

First and foremost, air pollution poses a significant threat to human health. Particulate matter and toxic gases can enter the respiratory system, leading to various respiratory diseases like asthma and bronchitis. Long-term exposure to polluted air has also been linked to cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, and premature death. Vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions are at higher risk.

Additionally, air pollution has adverse effects on the environment. It contributes to climate change by increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to rising global temperatures and more frequent extreme weather events. Moreover, pollutants can harm ecosystems, contaminate water bodies, and damage crops, impacting food security.

The sources of air pollution are diverse, including industrial processes, transportation, agriculture, and energy production. To combat this problem, governments, industries, and individuals must take collective action. Implementing stricter emission standards for vehicles and industrial facilities, transitioning to cleaner energy sources, and promoting public transportation are essential steps in reducing air pollution.

In conclusion, air pollution is a critical issue that affects human health and the environment. Its detrimental effects on respiratory health and its contributions to climate change necessitate urgent action. By adopting sustainable practices and reducing emissions, we can mitigate the impact of air pollution and create a healthier and more sustainable future for all.

Related Reads:-     

Air pollution is the contamination of air due to the presence of substances in the atmosphere that are harmful to the health of humans and other living beings, or cause damage to the climate or to materials.

To prevent air pollution, reduce vehicle emissions by using public transport, carpooling, or opting for electric vehicles. Promote clean energy sources like wind and solar power. Implement strict industrial emissions standards. Encourage reforestation and green spaces. Educate the public about responsible waste disposal and advocate for clean energy policies.

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Pollution Essay in English for Students | Short Essay on Pollution

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Pollution 500 Words in English

Below we have provided an Essay on Pollution in English, written in easy and simple words for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students. This essay is helpful for the aspirants preparing for the competitive exam too!

Pollution Essay: Pollution is one of the most commonly discussed topics in recent times. It is not only a threat to nature but also to all its creations. Pollution refers to the introduction of hazardous substances to our life-sustaining environment. It has adverse effects on the natural resources of our planet. These foreign particles which contaminate our environment are called pollutants. Pollution drastically affects our ecosystem. The balance in our ecological cycle gets disrupted. Moreover, flora and fauna suffer its consequences.

Animals lose their habitats and humans are prone to life-threatening illnesses. Today we have natural calamities like tsunamis, hurricanes, and floods. The air quality is critical, and on top, we are dealing with global warming. Humans play an active role in this event. Man made activities are major contributors to the ongoing pollution. Thus we need to tackle this problem without any further delay. To do so, we must have in-depth knowledge of this area. Let us get to know what the different types of pollution are and how they are caused.

Types of Pollution

There are four basic kinds of pollution. Let us go through them one by one.

Air Pollution

This is the type of pollution where the air gets contaminated by air pollutants. These toxic substances mainly include vehicular exhausts, smoke, industrial gases, chlorofluorocarbons, plastics, radioactive elements, etc. Volcanic eruptions also add to air pollution—gases like carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, ammonia decrease the oxygen content in the earth’s atmosphere. We need oxygen to breathe, and lack of it can have dangerous effects. Air pollution leads to various respiratory diseases and other severe ailments. Burning of fossil fuels and wildfires in the forests also contribute to air pollution. Numerous wildlife species suffer in this process. They lose their home, and some of them lead towards extinction.

Water Pollution

The addition of toxic products to water degrades its quality and makes it unfit for consumption. This is known as water pollution. Water is one of the most valuable resources of our planet. Our survival depends on it. However, chemical discharges from industries, sewage waste, domestic waste, and oil spills deteriorate the water quality and make it toxic. This hugely affects the biotic and non-biotic ecosystems. Consumption of this polluted water causes cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and many other diseases. Marine animals also become endangered due to its effect.

Soil Pollution

Contamination of soil is referred to as land pollution. Agricultural practices use pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers which contaminates the land. Moreover, the dumping of industrial waste and e-waste also makes it hazardous. Biomedical waste and the handling of radioactive elements are also potential threats. Deforestation, construction and mining activities also harm the soil. When the agricultural lands get contaminated, harvested crops absorb the toxins which are then consumed by humans. This can cause a lot of health hazards.

Noise Pollution

Loud noises above a certain decibel are harmful to our environment and cause noise pollution. Honking of vehicles, loudspeakers, bursting of crackers, household chores, poor urban planning, and construction machines all are considered bad for our health. They cause stress and anxiety not only in people but also in animals. It can cause communication troubles, sleep disorders like insomnia, hearing loss, etc.

Essay on Pollution

Effects of Pollution

Pollution can affect your entire life in a way you can never imagine. They thrive in our atmosphere, but we cannot see them. Air pollution has been responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer. Another disastrous effect of it is global warming . It causes ailments like heart and lung diseases apart from asthma, allergies, and respiratory problems, etc. Water pollution is more hazardous. Humans are prone to diseases like jaundice, diarrhoea, and giardia. Various aquatic species lose their habitats in oil spills and cease to exist. Soil Pollution is capable of turning a piece of land completely unsuitable for farming.

It also leads to the reduction of the underground water table. Last but not least; noise pollution affects the health of an individual on a psychological level. Excessive sound can turn you deaf and can also make you suffer from chronic heart diseases. Apart from that, it always irritates and can also result in fluctuating blood pressure. These risks can be minimized if proper planning is done, and actions are taken. Therefore, we should take measures to reduce all kinds of pollution.

Measures to curb Pollution

Though it is beneficial to learn what causes pollution and what its effects are, we must take steps to prevent it. Authorities have started implementing steps to curb this problem. Heavy penalties are being imposed on industries that violate the statutory limit of effluent discharge. The government has been encouraging people to switch to alternative forms of energy. We can start using solar panels, hydro-power turbines, wind energy, etc. Rainwater harvesting is also a renewable source for storing rainwater. It is our responsibility to help each other in this implementation process to minimize the consequences.

Air pollution can be significantly reduced by reducing the number of automobiles. We can utilize public transportation mediums for commuting. Also, biofuels like CNG help a lot in curbing emissions. The use of crackers during festivals must be cut down. We should adopt healthy habits like recycling of inorganic materials and compost of plant-based products. Planting more and more trees will ensure we have enough oxygen in our environment. Instead of pesticides, natural manures can be used for the same purpose. Water pollution can be prevented if we increase awareness amongst the masses. Campaigns can be organized for these purposes.

  • Biology Article

Air Pollution Control

Air pollution & its control, air pollution definition.

“Air Pollution is the release of pollutants such as gases, particles, biological molecules, etc. into the air that is harmful to human health and the environment.”

Air Pollution Diagram

Air pollution

Table of Contents

What is Air Pollution?

Types of air pollutants, primary pollutants, secondary pollutants, causes of air pollution.

Air pollution refers to any physical, chemical or biological change in the air. It is the contamination of air by harmful gases, dust and smoke which affects plants, animals and humans drastically.

There is a certain percentage of gases present in the atmosphere. An increase or decrease in the composition of these gases is harmful to survival. This imbalance in the gaseous composition has resulted in an increase in earth’s temperature, which is known as global warming.

There are two types of air pollutants:

The pollutants that directly cause air pollution are known as primary pollutants. Sulphur-dioxide emitted from factories is a primary pollutant.

The pollutants formed by the intermingling and reaction of primary pollutants are known as secondary pollutants. Smog, formed by the intermingling of smoke and fog, is a secondary pollutant.

Also Read:  Water Pollution

Following are the important causes of air pollution:

Burning of Fossil Fuels

The combustion of fossil fuels emits a large amount of sulphur dioxide. Carbon monoxide released by incomplete combustion of fossil fuels also results in air pollution.


The gases emitted from vehicles such as jeeps, trucks, cars, buses, etc. pollute the environment. These are the major sources of greenhouse gases and also result in diseases among individuals.

Agricultural Activities

Ammonia is one of the most hazardous gases emitted during agricultural activities. The insecticides, pesticides and fertilisers emit harmful chemicals in the atmosphere and contaminate it.

Factories and Industries

Factories and industries are the main source of carbon monoxide, organic compounds, hydrocarbons and chemicals. These are released into the air, degrading its quality.

Mining Activities

In the mining process, the minerals below the earth are extracted using large pieces of equipment. The dust and chemicals released during the process not only pollute the air, but also deteriorate the health of the workers and people living in the nearby areas.

Domestic Sources

The household cleaning products and paints contain toxic chemicals that are released in the air. The smell from the newly painted walls is the smell of the chemicals present in the paints. It not only pollutes the air but also affects breathing.

Effects of Air Pollution

The hazardous effects of air pollution on the environment include:

Air pollution has resulted in several respiratory disorders and heart diseases among humans. The cases of lung cancer have increased in the last few decades. Children living near polluted areas are more prone to pneumonia and asthma. Many people die every year due to the direct or indirect effects of air pollution.

Global Warming

Due to the emission of greenhouse gases, there is an imbalance in the gaseous composition of the air. This has led to an increase in the temperature of the earth. This increase in earth’s temperature is known as global warming . This has resulted in the melting of glaciers and an increase in sea levels. Many areas are submerged underwater.

The burning of fossil fuels releases harmful gases such as nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides in the air. The water droplets combine with these pollutants, become acidic and fall as acid rain which damages human, animal and plant life.

Ozone Layer Depletion

The release of chlorofluorocarbons, halons, and hydrochlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere is the major cause of depletion of the ozone layer. The depleting ozone layer does not prevent the harmful ultraviolet rays coming from the sun and causes skin diseases and eye problems among individuals. Also Read:  Ozone Layer Depletion

Effect on Animals

The air pollutants suspend in the water bodies and affect aquatic life. Pollution also compels the animals to leave their habitat and shift to a new place. This renders them stray and has also led to the extinction of a large number of animal species.

Following are the measures one should adopt, to control air pollution:

Avoid Using Vehicles

People should avoid using vehicles for shorter distances. Rather, they should prefer public modes of transport to travel from one place to another. This not only prevents pollution, but also conserves energy.

Energy Conservation

A large number of fossil fuels are burnt to generate electricity. Therefore, do not forget to switch off the electrical appliances when not in use. Thus, you can save the environment at the individual level. Use of energy-efficient devices such as CFLs also controls pollution to a greater level.

Use of Clean Energy Resources

The use of solar, wind and geothermal energies reduce air pollution at a larger level. Various countries, including India, have implemented the use of these resources as a step towards a cleaner environment.

Other air pollution control measures include:

  • By minimising and reducing the use of fire and fire products.
  • Since industrial emissions are one of the major causes of air pollution, the pollutants can be controlled or treated at the source itself to reduce its effects. For example, if the reactions of a certain raw material yield a pollutant, then the raw materials can be substituted with other less polluting materials.
  • Fuel substitution is another way of controlling air pollution. In many parts of India, petrol and diesel are being replaced by CNG – Compressed Natural Gas fueled vehicles. These are mostly adopted by vehicles that aren’t fully operating with ideal emission engines.
  • Although there are many practices in India, which focus on repairing the quality of air, most of them are either forgotten or not being enforced properly. There are still a lot of vehicles on roads which haven’t been tested for vehicle emissions.
  • Another way of controlling air pollution caused by industries is to modify and maintain existing pieces of equipment so that the emission of pollutants is minimised.
  • Sometimes controlling pollutants at the source is not possible. In that case, we can have process control equipment to control the pollution.
  • A very effective way of controlling air pollution is by diluting the air pollutants.
  • The last and the best way of reducing the ill effects of air pollution is tree plantation. Plants and trees reduce a large number of pollutants in the air. Ideally, planting trees in areas of high pollution levels will be extremely effective.

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What is the major cause of air pollution, how air pollution causes global warming, what is acid rain name the gases responsible for acid rain., deforestation is a major reason for air pollution. explain..

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air pollution essay for class 3

very well explained. I could not find so amazing information on air pollution for school hw. Epic stuff!!!


😢😢😢Yes, everyone has not aware about pollution and but we do effort for reduce pollution & make our earth future bright💐💐

Right✔👉 bro😎

Thank you Byjus for such an easy lesson !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Relevant answers and easy to learn and understand Byjus helps me alot Thanks

At the time of lockdown the environment has improved but when the lockdown will end the pollution rate would increase😖😖😖😫😫😫🙁🙁🙁🙍🙍🙍

Otherwise nicely explained👍👍👍keep it up

Yaa right bro Thanks to Byjus for this


a very informative page

There is nothing more than living in a world full of Polluted gas and we leave bad environment for our future generation. 😕 Lets keep the word a beautiful place to live for everyone.

Very useful 👌 used it for my daughter’s oral

It is very useful I understood everything

Nice presentation and explanation 👌👌👌and it’s very useful for better understanding

Thank you so much, this content was really very informative, helpful and too useful for me. Thanks to Byjus 🙏😇

Thank you soo much for this info . It was really helpful for my project

Thank you BYJUS

Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much this helped me in my project


It helped me a lot with my project, thank you so much Byjus!

It’s very good for students

Well explained!

Thank you so much.

Byjus is best

Thank you for this this was very helpful for me

Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much this helped me in my project

Well explained

Thank you so much

This is very good. And this makes my project easy

Thank you so much 🙏🙏 Easily understandable language. Lots of love and respect from the “Heaven of eath”. KASHMIR 🥰🥰

Really good by byjus 👏👍👍 It really help in my projects work And I got 1 prize because of bonus

Thanks From Prabal

Thank you so much it is easy way to understan so thank you😍😍😍

air pollution essay for class 3

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10 Lines on Air Pollution

Pollution is a global phenomenon, so every nation should be serious about it. It would be a mistake to underestimate its consequences and not work together on it. Pollution anywhere can be a risk of life everywhere, so, we should deal it with stern resolve and together. The study of Air Pollution is as important as is of Air. Let’s have it through the sets of 10 lines below.

Ten Lines on Air Pollution in English

Some sets of 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Air Pollution are given below for the Students of Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Language is kept very simple for easiness of everyone, let’s start reading:

1) The introduction of harmful gases, toxic elements, allergens etc. in the air is responsible for Air Pollution.

2) Air pollution highly affects the quality of air, making it dangerous for human survival.

3) Industrial, vehicular emissions and volcanic eruptions are a few causes of air pollution.

4) The highly polluted air can also affect the plant and vegetation of the region.

5) More than 6 million people died worldwide due to air pollution in 2012.

6) The major causes of air pollution are man-made activities.

7) Smog is a type of air pollutant that can irritate eyes and throat, damage lungs and even lead to asthma attacks.

8) Greenhouse gases from industries and vehicles gave rise to air pollution.

9) Reduction of burning fossil fuels, use of electronic vehicles, reforestation etc can reduce air pollution to a major extent.

10) Harnessing renewable sources of energy helps to keep the environment clean and healthy.

10 Lines and Sentences on Air Pollution

1) The anthropogenic causes leading to a reduction in the quality of air are Air Pollution.

2) The increasing transportation system and the industrial revolution is the prime cause of air pollution.

3) Volcanic eruptions and wildfires are the natural causes of air pollution.

4) Major pollutants of air are micro particles, pollen, toxic elements and gases, lead, smog etc.

5) Many Radioactive rocks around the world release a toxic gas ‘radon’ which causes lung cancer.

6) Air Quality Index (AQI) is the system used to measure the air pollution of a particular region.

7) AQI of 0-50 refers excellent whereas AQI > 300 is severely polluted.

8) Detergents, aerosol sprays, paints etc. can cause indoor air pollution in our homes.

9) Tree plantation and developing of micro forests within the city can help fighting air pollution.

10) Use of bicycles, e-cars, using solar energy in our homes can help reduce air pollution.

10 Lines on Air Pollution

5 Lines on Air Pollution

1) Mixing contaminated substances with air leads to air pollution.

2) Air pollution causes many harmful diseases.

3) Air pollution reduces the life span of living beings.

4) Cutting down trees and forests is causing an increase in air pollution.

5) Controlling air pollution is very necessary.

20 Lines on Air Pollution

1) Air pollution has become one of the serious issues of modern times.

2) It has become important to take drastic steps to fight and prevent air pollution.

3) The most important step to fight air pollution is to lower down the emission of fumes and carbon emission into the air.

4) Reducing the use of vehicles and the burning of fossil fuels helps to reduce pollution in the air.

5) Switching to eco-friendly alternatives like electronic vehicles and solar cooker will help fighting air pollution.

6) The government should limits the smokes and fumes coming out of the chimneys of industries.

7) Strict action against the people driving below the pollution control level is very necessary.

8) It is also advisable to wear masks before going into areas with heavy pollution or dust.

9) Planting more trees is one of the best ways to reduce the effect of air pollution.

10) Air is the basis of life, so it becomes important to make it clean and pure by our activities.

11) Air pollution is one of the leading killers responsible for 1 out of 8 deaths globally.

12) Inhaling polluted air daily cuts down 1-2 years of human life.

13) In 1952, the Great Smog of London killed around 6000 and affected 1,00,000 people.

14) Air pollution is responsible for around 65% of deaths in Asia and 25% in India.

15) Researches show that 9 out of 10 persons in the world reside at places which exceed air pollution limits.

16) PM 2.5 in the tiny particles in polluted air can penetrate the lungs causing serious diseases.

17) Also natural reasons, like volcanic eruptions, radioactive decay, forest fires etc. cause air pollution.

18) Increased air pollution may also affect climate change leading to heavy losses to the agriculture sector.

19) As per WHO, the air in Delhi is two times more toxic as compared to Beijing.

20) Air pollution also accelerates the ageing of the skin leading to wrinkles and causing various skin diseases.

Air pollution is not only affecting our health, but it has also given rise to a much bigger problem of Global warming, which is just an epicentre of threats. The change in the weather conditions, sea-level rise and ocean acidification are just a few indirect effects of air pollution. It is our prime responsibility to reduce air pollution, because if we can create it, then we have to reduce it also.

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Paragraph on Air Pollution

Air pollution is caused by harmful smoke and fumes as also particulate matter from various sources such as exhausts of vehicular traffic, factories, burning of fossil fuels, burning of garbage and farm refuse, and construction sites. Air pollution is a big health hazard causing several diseases in humans. It affects the respiratory and cardiac systems of the human body, and also affects the eyes and other organs of the body. Millions of people die each year due to air pollution. We need to take stringent measures urgently to curb air pollution and improve the quality of the air we breathe.

You will find here below a number of short paragraphs on the topic Air Pollution of varying word lengths. We hope these short and long paragraphs on Air Pollution will help students in completing their school assignments. These will also help children write and read out paragraphs in simple words and with small sentences. Students can select any paragraph on Air Pollution according to their particular requirement.

Long and Short Paragraphs on Air Pollution

Paragraph on air pollution 1.

Humans are today exposed to air pollution of all kinds, and affected by the harmful effects of the pollutants in the air they breathe. There are many causes of air pollution. One of the causes is vehicular traffic. Smoke generated by factories is also let out into the air. The burning of fossil fuels like coal also leads to harmful smoke.

The high levels of air pollution cause respiratory and cardiac problems, and affect other parts of the human body. It also causes other diseases like cancer. Millions of people around the world die each year due to air pollution.

Paragraph on Air Pollution 2

All terrestrial life forms need air to breathe. We breathe in oxygen from the air and breathe out carbon dioxide. Air pollution is the phenomenon of harmful compounds in the form of gases and fine particles being let into the air thus polluting it.

Humans suffer from various respiratory and cardiac conditions due to air pollution. Air pollution also causes various diseases, including cancer, affecting other organs of the body.

Vehicular traffic is one of the causes of air pollution. The combustion of the automobile fuel, whether it is diesel or petrol, that powers a vehicle, leads to the release of poisonous gases released through the exhaust of the vehicle. In factories too when production processes are carried out, smoke is generated that is then released into the air leading to pollution. Smoke is also caused due to the burning of fuels like coal. Construction activity also causes air pollution.

Paragraph on Air Pollution 3

Humans are today exposed to air pollution of all kinds. They are thus affected by the harmful effects of pollutants in the air they breathe. There are many causes of air pollution. One of the major causes of air pollution is vehicular traffic. Cars, buses, trucks, motorbikes, scooters and rickshaws are run on fuel. Automobile fuel combustion leads to the exhaust of poisonous compounds that include noxious gases as also particulate matter. The harmful gases that are part of exhaust fumes include hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide.

Factories also contribute to air pollution. The poisonous smoke and fumes generated by factories are released into the air thus polluting the air.

Similarly, the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, as also the burning of wood for cooking, and of farm wastes lead to harmful smoke polluting the air. The burning of garbage also creates harmful smoke.

Pollution of the air affects the air that humans and all other life forms breathe.  People around the world are suffering from respiratory and cardiac problems, and diseases such as cancer affecting other organs of the body too. Millions of people die each year around the world due to air pollution.

Paragraph on Air Pollution 4

Air pollution refers to the phenomenon of harmful compounds in the form of gases and fine particles being released into the air thus polluting it. If the air is polluted we cannot breathe fresh and clean air. This affects the lives of humans and all other life forms adversely. Humans suffer from various respiratory and cardiac conditions due to air pollution. Air pollution also causes diseases affecting other organs of the body. It also causes cancer. Millions of people around the world die to air pollution-related diseases each year.

Air pollution is caused by a number of factors. Vehicular traffic is one of the causes of air pollution. When vehicles ply on the roads, the combustion of the automobile fuel, whether it is diesel or petrol, leads to the creation of poisonous gases that are released through the exhausts of the vehicles. These gases, in the form of smoke and fumes, pollute the air severely. Various alternative fuels such as compressed natural gas as automobile fuel are being used now-a-days. Battery operated vehicles are also being run.

Factories also contribute to air pollution in a big way. When various production processes are carried out in factories, they release smoke and fumes. These are then released into the air. We see black smoke emanating from chimneys or exhaust towers of factories.

Smoke is also caused due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal. The burning of farm wastes and other garbage, as also construction activity also lead to air pollution.

Paragraph on Air Pollution 5

Humans are today exposed to air pollution of all kinds. They are thus affected by the harmful effects of pollutants in the air they breathe. There are many causes of air pollution.

Vehicular exhausts cause air pollution

One of the major causes of air pollution is vehicular traffic. Vehicles of all kinds have multiplied across the country. Today traffic congestion on roads is very common. During peak and rush hours the traffic snarls are difficult to cope with for motorists and pedestrians. Commuting has therefore become difficult. Vehicles whether they are cars, buses, trucks, motorbikes, scooters or rickshaws are run on fuel. There is a process of fuel combustion that leads to the exhaust of poisonous compounds. It includes noxious gases and particulate matter. The harmful gases include hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide.

There are many causes of air pollution

Factories also contribute to air pollution. The smoke generated by factories is let out into the air thus polluting the air that we breathe. Similarly, the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, as also the burning of wood for cooking, and of farm wastes lead to harmful smoke. Production of electricity is also mostly through the process of burning non-renewable fossil fuels that leave dangerous smoke in the air. The burning of garbage also creates harmful smoke. Construction activity also creates particulate matter that pollutes air.

Air pollution affects us adversely

Today we are witnessing high levels of air pollution that affect the health of man and other creatures. People around the world are suffering from respiratory and cardiac problems, and various other diseases affecting other organs of the body. Air pollution also causes cancer. Millions of people around the world die each year due to air pollution.

The gases that cause air pollution are also greenhouse gases, and have caused global warming and climate change that affect the Earth and its ecology.

Paragraph on Air Pollution 6

All terrestrial life forms need air to breathe. If we do not have air to breathe we will die. We breathe in oxygen from the air and breathe out carbon dioxide. Air pollution refers to the phenomenon of harmful compounds in the form of gases and fine particles being let into the air thus polluting it.

Impact of air pollution

If the air is polluted we cannot breathe fresh and clean air. This affects the lives of humans and all other life forms adversely. Humans suffer from various respiratory and cardiac conditions due to air pollution. Air pollution also causes diseases affecting other organs of our body. Air pollution also causes cancer. Air pollution is one of the major concerns of in the world today. Millions of people around the world die due to air pollution-related diseases each year.

Causes of air pollution

Air pollution is caused by a number of factors. Vehicular traffic is one of the causes of air pollution. When vehicles ply on the roads, the combustion of the automobile fuel, whether it is diesel or petrol, leads to the creation of poisonous gases that are released through the exhausts of the vehicles. These gases, in the form of smoke and fumes, pollute the air severely. This is a common phenomenon we witness today. When we travel on roads, whether as pedestrians or motorists, we experience difficulty in breathing and our eyes begin to water. Various alternative fuels are being used such as compressed natural gas as automobile fuel, but they too are not free from the quality of polluting the air and affecting human health. Cleaner and greener options such as battery operated vehicles are also being designed and operated now-a-days.

Factories also contribute to air pollution in a big way. When various production processes are carried out in factories, they release smoke and fumes. These are then released into the air. We often see black smoke emanating from tall chimneys and exhaust towers of factories.

Smoke and fumes that are caused due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, and the burning of farm wastes and other garbage also lead to air pollution.

Paragraph on Air Pollution 7

Air pollution due to vehicular traffic

One of the major causes of air pollution is vehicular traffic. Vehicles of all kinds have multiplied across the country. Today traffic congestion on roads is very common. During peak and rush hours the traffic snarls are difficult to cope with for motorists and pedestrians. Commuting has therefore become difficult.

Vehicles, whether they are cars, buses, trucks, motorbikes, scooters or rickshaws, are run on fuel and, therefore, there is a process of combustion of the fuel that powers the vehicle to move. Automobile fuel combustion leads to the exhaust of poisonous compounds. Exhaust fumes from vehicles include noxious gases as also particulate matter. The harmful gases include hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. The particulate matter refers to fine particles of soot and metals.

Smoke is released from factories and fossil fuel combustion

Factories also contribute to air pollution. The production processes in factories are often based on heating or combustion of some sort, and this leads to the release of poisonous and dangerous smoke and fumes. Fumes and smoke are also the outcome of certain chemical reactions. The smoke generated by factories is directly released into the air thus polluting the air severely.

Similarly, the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, as also the burning of wood for cooking, and of wastes such as farm wastes lead to harmful smoke. Production of electricity is also mostly through the process of burning non-renewable fossil fuels that leave dangerous levels of smoke in the air. The burning of garbage also creates smoke. Construction activity creates particulate matter that pollutes the air.

Air pollution affects human health adversely

Pollution of the air affects the air that humans and all terrestrial life forms breathe. Today we are witnessing dangerously high levels of air pollution that is affecting the health of man and other creatures. People around the world are suffering from respiratory and cardiac problems, and diseases of other organs of the body due to increased air pollution. Air pollution also causes cancer. Millions of people die each year due to air pollution.

The gases that cause air pollution are greenhouse gases and so they also cause a rise in the temperature of the atmosphere. This has lead to global warming and climate change that causes many ecological problems affecting life on Earth

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