The Right Way to Submit References During Your Job Search (Template Included)

person typing on laptop at table with papers on it

As you’re applying to jobs, you may be wondering about the best way to submit your references. Should you put them on your initial application materials? And how would you even list references on a resume?

The answer is, you don’t.

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Listing your references on a resume that should be one page (or maybe two pages ) is a waste of valuable space. A hiring manager or recruiter doesn’t have the ability to contact references for everyone who applies to an open position or even everyone they bring in for an interview. So save that resume room for detailing your skills, achievements, and qualifications.

What about writing, “ References available upon request, ” on your resume?

Avoid this too.

There’s “no need to state anything about references on your resume. It is assumed that you’ll share the info when requested,” Muse career coach Leto Papadopoulos says. Don’t waste a resume line to say something that’s taken for granted. (After all, you wouldn’t write, “Available for interviews upon request,” would you?)

Read on to learn the right way to list your references, download our template, and see an example.

When Do You Need References?

“Employers will typically check your references just before they’re ready to make an offer,” Papadopoulos says. That’s why you don’t need to provide them when you’re first applying for a job. But it’s a good idea to have them ready to go before you even land an interview.

If a company is ready to hire you pending a reference check, the last thing you want is to be held up by asking people to be a reference or collecting their contact information. Instead, you should “have your references ready and keep them updated during your search,” Papadopoulos says.

Who Should You Ask to Be a Reference?

Most companies will ask for two or three references from a candidate, so it’s always best to have at least three ready to go. Some prospective employers may request a certain mix of types of references, but generally you want to list former managers (or your current manager if they know about and are supportive of your job search) and former or current colleagues; if you’re earlier in your career and don’t have many former managers, you could list professors you worked closely with. If you’d be leading a team, you may be asked for a reference from a former direct report. For some client-facing roles, like account management, companies might want to hear from a former client or customer, so be sure to read up on the norms for your industry.

(Read more about who to list as a reference here or—if you have less work experience— here .)

The Right Way to Provide Your References to an Employer

Once you know who your references will be, you want to make it easy to submit them to employers when asked. So you should compile everything you need into a reference sheet, one handy—and well-formatted—document that can expedite the hiring process in the final stages.

When the time comes, you can attach your reference sheet to an email as a Word document or PDF file, or you can simply copy and paste the information into the body of the email.

What Information to Include on Your Reference Sheet

On your reference sheet, you should list each reference with the following information:

  • Current Job/Position
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Reference Description: Write one sentence explaining how you know or have worked with this person, where, when, and for how long. (Check out the example below to see what this looks like in action.)

There’s no need to include your reference’s home or work address—companies aren’t going to be mailing them anything. And if a reference expresses a strong preference for a certain method of contact, it’s OK to put “(preferred contact)” next to that line on your reference list.

To keep things easy for the hiring manager, it’s also a good idea to include your own name, phone number, and email at the top of the sheet (see the template and example below).

Reference Sheet Template and Example

You can use our template to make sure you have everything you need for all of your references.

does a resume need references

Download the template here.

Here’s one example of what your reference sheet might look like:

References for Monica Medina (999) 000-1111 [email protected]

Nicole Chiu Director of Engineering Sunshine Inc. (555) 123-4567 [email protected] Nicole was my direct manager from 2016 to 2018 when I worked as a software developer for Sunshine Inc.

Kwame Smith Front-End Software Engineer Zapp Co. (111) 222-3333 [email protected] Kwame is an engineer I collaborate with daily in my current position at Zapp Co.

Dr. Carol Moore Professor of Computer Science University of Pennsylvania (123) 987-6543 [email protected] Carol was my professor in four different classes and my faculty advisor for my computer science degree.

Keeping references off your resume is not only the standard now, it’s also more thoughtful toward the people you’ve asked to speak on your behalf. By only submitting their names and contact information when asked directly (usually at the end of the hiring process), you’ll know when a prospective new employer is actually going to contact them—and you can give them a heads up, pass on any important information about the job or company you’re applying for, and thank them for their help.

does a resume need references

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How to List References on Your Resume (With Examples)

7 min read · Updated on March 27, 2024

Marsha Hebert

To include references on your resume or not? That is the question

At some point in your job search, an employer, recruiter, or HR professional is likely to ask you for a list of resume references. Many people will include a list of references right on their resume, or at least allude to the fact that references are available. The big question is… should you do either of these things?

If you're at the point of your job search where you need to know how to list references on your resume (or whether you should include them at all), you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll cover the following topics:

Whether you're supposed to put references on a resume

Why you should (or shouldn't) include resume references 

Where your references belong – and how to write them up

Who qualifies as a good resume reference

Let's get started!

Are you supposed to put references on a resume?

No, you are not supposed to put references on a resume

Instead, focus on providing the details that will convince a recruiter or hiring manager to contact you for an interview. Remember, your cover letter and resume are designed to get you the interview. The details you highlight on the resume during the job search should support this goal.

While it varies from company to company, most employers won't ask for your resume references until they're ready to reach out to them. This typically doesn't happen until you've made it through the initial interview rounds and are among the final candidates for a job. If, for any reason, an employer wants your references earlier in the process, rest assured they'll give you a chance to provide them. There's no need to place references on your resume when they won't be used until you're one of the final candidates.

That said, you should brainstorm a list of potential resume references as soon as you start submitting job applications, so you're ready when a prospective employer has specifically requested your professional references.

Why not include references on a resume?

Including references on a resume is simply a waste of space

Resume real estate is valuable and, as you know, when it comes to writing your resume, you only get so many pages to work with. Don't waste that space by putting a resume references section or adding the phrase “References available upon request.” 

Many employers usually won't ask for this information until you're further along in the interview process - and they know you'll provide references if they request them. Additionally, adding references to your resume can cause your application to get hung up in the applicant tracking system, or ATS , the software the company uses to manage candidates.

ATS can be programmed to automatically email references when they're found in the scanning process. If your reference doesn't respond to the automated message sent out by the ATS, your application could get caught in a pending status.

Where do you put references, if not on a resume?

Rather than putting references on your resume, type them up on a separate document

On a separate reference page, include the person's first name and last name, current job title and company name, email address, and phone number. Be sure to check with each of your professional references ahead of time, to confirm that the person is willing to be your reference and to verify which phone number and email address they'd like you to share with employers.

It's also helpful to add a line that explains to the reader how you've come to know this reference. For example,

It could be as simple as mentioning that you “worked together in Company XYZ's marketing department from July 2015 to November 2017,” or 

That your professional reference was your “direct supervisor at ABC Institute between 2018 and 2019.” 

You don't have to write a paragraph explaining your relationship to a reference, but it's nice to provide the employer or hiring manager with a little context.

When you type up your best resume references, consider using the same header information and font style that was used for your resume, so that the documents appear to be part of one overall package - even if they're not attached to one another. 

Resume references example: how to write your references

For example, if we were writing up resume references to accompany Alexa Campbell's resume , they might look something like this: 

An example of how to list professional references on your resume. The example shows references from throughout a professional's career history. Each reference includes the person's name, current title, cell phone number, email, and a note on the relationship.

Who should you ask to be a reference?

When choosing your professional references, select three to five people who have insight into your hard and soft skills and who you trust to say good things about you and your job performance. 

A good rule of thumb is to have at least three professional references – five if you're applying for an executive position. 

EXPERT TIP: If you opt to have more than three to five professional references, then the extras can be personal references. 

As you approach each person you want to have as a reference, give them an idea of the position you're applying for and how your skills match the role. This will help them know what to say when they're contacted. 

For the professional references

Try to find professional references who know about your skills and can talk about your career achievements in a way that aligns with what the job wants. Most of the time, your professional references will be talking about your hard skills – the things you know how to do from education and experience. 

Professional resume references examples include:

Former supervisors or managers

A leader at a place you volunteer

For the personal references

It is okay to have personal references, but you should never provide personal references INSTEAD OF professional references. Always, always give professional references first and then personal ones. You'd list the same details about your personal references as you do the professional references – Name, Title (who they are to you), phone, and email. Adding a couple of personal references can help boost your candidacy, as these folks will probably talk a lot about your soft skills , which employers value. 

Personal resume references examples include (note that not a single personal reference in the following list is a relative – your mom and grandma should not appear on your reference list!):

Academic Advisors

Sports Coach

Members of your network

Maximize resume space to improve job search impact

Having a good set of resume references to lean on while you search for a job is great, as they can help you get from interview to job offer. However, because of the limited space on your resume, you should create a separate document that contains just your references.

Remember, the goal of your resume is to get an interview. Before you sit down to speak with the hiring manager or recruiter, your references aren't going to help you. As such, you should aim to include only those details on your resume that will win an interview. 

When it's time to give your references to a hiring manager, make sure that you have a carefully curated list of contacts that can confidently speak to your abilities and how your skills match up with what the company is hiring for. 

Is your resume not getting results? Request a free review to find out how your resume is falling short .

This article was originally written by Amanda Augustine and has been updated by Marsha Hebert. 

Recommended reading:

What to Remove From Your Resume Right Away

How to Keep a Bad Reference From Ruining Your Career

Everything You Need to Know About References for Your Job Search

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How to List References on a Resume in 2024 (with Examples & Tips)

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about including references on a resume, from how to format them to how to know when they should be included at all.

Ed Moss

Beautiful resume templates to land your dream job


Should I Put References on a Resume?

The answer to whether or not to put references on your resume can vary. 

The general rule of thumb when is actually to not include references on your resume .

This is because employers are unlikely to reach to references until the interview phase, making the inclusion of them on an initial resume typically unnecessary.

This does not mean that there are never scenarios in which you will need to know how to properly list references.

For specific jobs and in certain situations, you may be asked or required to include a list of references within or alongside your resume. 

When you need strong references, it's important to structure them so that they stand out and impress the hiring manager, landing you the pivotal interview. 

In this guide, we will be covering the basics of how listing references on your resumes and when to know it’s time to use references.

Plus, we will discuss alternatives to sending references that can help you in situations where sending a reference may be a difficult task. 

How to List References on a Resume

When it comes to listing references on a resume, there are two main ways you can go about it:

1) Make a Dedicated Reference Section

Making a dedicated reference section involves making the space on your existing resume to include a short section with information on your references.

2) Create a Separate Reference Page (recommended)

More often than not, job applicants who have chosen to include references on their resume will do so on an entirely separate page to be included with the resume. 

The second option of listing your references on a separate page is actually the preferred and recommended method.

This is because references are not generally expected to be included on an initial resume and can take up unnecessary space that may be off-putting to hiring managers.

Comparatively, a separate page of references gives the hiring manager the opportunity to look more closely at the information in the resume without becoming visually disoriented by too many sections.

Hint: Not sure how to list other sections of your resume? Check out our Resume Guides to learn more about how to craft each section of your resume. 

When to Put References on a Resume

So, if it is typically not expected to have references included on an initial resume, when is the best time to include references on a resume?

Creating a reference section or page can be necessary depending on a number of situations, including:

  • If the employer has specifically requested for references to be included in the job description
  • If you have progressed further down the hiring process and have been asked to provide references before or after an interview
  • If you are applying to governmental or institutional position, such as a federal job, that will require strong references and a background check
Quick Tip: If you have impressive references, such as a company CEO or another recognizable figure, be sure to make these the most noticeable references and the first ones you list in your reference section. 

Overall, the golden rule is to wait to provide references until they are requested.  

Examples of References on Resumes

Let’s take a look at a few examples of references on resumes to learn more about common mistakes made when crafting a reference and how to correct them. 

It is highly important to include the necessary information to contact a reference – just a name and company is not enough. You should always include at least an official business number and an official business email in your references. 

John Doe CEO of Doe Corporation  123 Avenue Way, New York, NY
John Doe CEO of Doe Corporation 123 Avenue Way (123) 456-9890 [email protected] 

Always be specific when including the reference’s job position or title.

Don’t just list the name of the company without the exact job title to go along with it.

If you are unsure of a reference’s job title, ask them before submitting your references to an employer. 

Jane Smith Works for corporate at Best Buy 42 Wallaby Way (123) 456-7890 [email protected]
Jane Smith Head of Marketing and Sales Best Buy 42 Wallaby Way (123) 456-7890 [email protected]


‍ How to Format a References Section on a Resume

Formatting a reference section will ultimately depend on if it is being created within a larger resume or separately on a different page.

For on-resume reference sections, it is important to keep them as short as possible, potentially even excluding some of the basic information. 

If you are including references directly on a resume, you will likely only want to include one or two of your most relevant and impressive ones in order to not take up too much space. 

When making a separate page for references, you can simply stack them as you would jobs in a work experience section , placing emphasis on relevance in how the references are ordered. 

The Basic Reference Format:

  • First and Last name
  • Position or Title (i.e. CEO, professor of law, etc.)
  • Company or University of Employment
  • Company or University Address ( not personal addresses)
  • Company or University Phone number
  • Company or University Email Address

It is important when writing out your references that you do not include personal information about the reference, such as a personal cellphone number or email, without their explicit permission.

It is best to just air on the side of caution and only include official and public contact information. 

There is, of course, optional additional information you may want or choose to include within a reference.

This can include:

  • Your relationship to the reference
  • The length of time you worked with this reference
  • Examples of experiences or projects that you and a reference shared work on that they can provide greater detail about

As for formatting the rest of your resume, don’t forget to check out our other guides in this series including How to Write the Perfect Resume and How to Choose the Correct Resume Format !

What Not to Include in a Reference on a Resume

We have already covered the basics of what to include and how to format a basic reference – but what kind of information should be excluded from a reference on a resume. 

Here is a quick breakdown of what kinds of information should be excluded from a reference:

  • Any personal information
  • Lengthy descriptions of your relationship to the reference
  • Personal anecdotes or other non-essential information
  • Too many references from the same company or employer

You ultimately want to provide concise references that are easy to ready quickly and clearly show why that person has been included as a reference.

Take a look at these two examples on correcting reference errors:

When including additional information, keep it to one line or less of the most relevant information.

Additionally, keep additional specific and don’t use vague wording such as “several years.”

Incorrect :

Jack Frost CEO of Frost Inc. 21 East Avenue (123) 456-7890 [email protected] I worked closely with Jack for a number of years and learned a lot from him that contributed to my skills today. 
Jack Frost CEO of Frost Inc. 21 East Avenue (123) 456-7890 [email protected] I worked as Mr. Frost’s personal and administrative assistant for 8 years.

When making your list of references you plan of including, it is important to not include too many from the same company.

You should only really include two references from the same company if each reference witnessed different skills or accomplishments of yours that the other did not. 

You worked at a corporate company in the communications department as a copywriter, and you have worked with both junior and senior level copywriters who you have included as references.  
You include only the senior copywriter as a reference, as they can better attest to your skills and their position is more impressive and relevant to the job you are seeking. 

How Many References to Add to a Resume

Assuming you are using a separate, dedicated references page, the ideal number of references to aim for is between 3 to 4.

In some cases, you may include up to 5 to 6 references, though generally you should limit yourself to a lower number unless specifically requested to do otherwise. 

When selecting your 3 to 4 references, it is important to keep a few factors in mind:

  • Which references hold the highest prestige in their positions, making their inclusion on a references page notable?
  • Which references can provide the most relevant information about your work ethic and skills for the job you are currently applying for?
  • Which references do you have the strongest relationships with who will go above and beyond to recommend you to a hiring manager?


Who to Ask for References

As you are creating your list of potential references to contact, there are a number of different types of people you can consider including.

It is important to keep in consideration how a reference can relate back to the job you are applying for, and whether their testimony of your work ethic and skills will be relevant enough for the desired position. 

Here are some common examples of who to include as references:

  • Former employer or manager
  • Supervisor or low-level management
  • Coworker, colleague, or team member
  • College professor
  • Internship supervisor 
  • Community member (typically used when a job applicant has limited references but has connections within the community who can validate their experience and skills)
  • Business partners (this can be anyone you worked on a project with or shared a similar business experience with)

How to Ask for a Reference

Asking for professional references can be a bit nerve-wrecking, especially if your references are busy people.

The key to asking for references is to be polite and concise in your request. A direct phone call is preferred for asking for references, but a quick email can work in a pinch as well. 

When asking someone to serve as a reference for you, it is important to be considerate of their potentially busy schedule and give them a good time frame for when to expect a call or email.

This is another reason why it is important to wait to provide references until requested, as it will give you a narrower window of time to give to your references of when they will need to be on the lookout a hiring manager to contact them. 

Quick Tip: When you call or email to ask for a reference, this is a great time to confirm that the information you have is correct (such as their specific title and business phone number).

Can People You Have a Personal Relationship with Be a Reference?

It is generally advised against to include references that have a strong personal relationship with you outside of work (such as a significant other, parent, or sibling) as this can result in a biased recommendation from the reference. 

However, exceptions can be made in certain instances, such as if you worked within a family-owned business or if the reference worked directly with you for a long period of time.

In general, however, try to avoid including references that are too personally related to you. 

Alternative Methods for Sending References

If you are a new graduate or are returning to the workforce after some time away, you may not have many recent professional references to include in a resume.

For recent grads, including one or two professors can be acceptable, but you will likely still need other references.

Here are some examples of alternative references when you lack strong professional ones:

  • Volunteers you have worked with
  • Professors or teachers who have recently taught you
  • Community members such as church pastors or mentors who can attest to your character

Legal Assistant

Final Takeaways

Ultimately, the key to doing references right is to wait to provide them until they are requested by a hiring manager or potential employers.

Once references have been requested, remember the following five takeaways that are key for rocking your reference section:

  • Create a separate and dedicated references page to go along with your resume
  • Provide all the necessary official contact information
  • Avoid including personal information of the reference’s 
  • Avoid including references who share too personal of a connection to you
  • Include the most relevant or impressive references at the top of the page

To learn more about all the elements of creating a great resume, check out our beautiful resume template designs and resume examples for inspiration!

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Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

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References on a Resume: When and How to Include Them

does a resume need references

When it comes to crafting a winning resume, references can be a valuable tool. However, knowing when and how to include them can be a tricky process. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of references on a resume, why they are important, and provide useful tips for selecting the right references to make your job application stand out.

Definition and Purpose of References on a Resume

References are individuals who can vouch for your skills, achievements, and character. They serve as a kind of third-party review of your qualifications, offering a prospective employer the chance to get an outside perspective on your abilities.

On a resume, references are typically listed towards the end of the document, following your work history and education sections. Including references is not mandatory, but it is considered good practice when applying for jobs in fields such as government, academia or research.

Importance of Choosing the Right References

Choosing the right references can be a make-or-break factor in the application process. A good reference can boost your chances of landing the job, while a bad reference can significantly hinder your prospects.

When selecting your references, it’s important to choose individuals who are familiar with your work and can speak positively about your skills and character. It’s best to avoid selecting references who may have a personal bias against you or who do not have a strong understanding of your qualifications.

Overview of the Article

In this article, we’ll provide an in-depth guide to references on a resume. We’ll cover topics such as:

does a resume need references

  • The pros and cons of including references
  • Best practices for selecting and contacting references
  • How to format references on a resume
  • Legal considerations for providing references
  • Tips for handling bad or negative references

By the end of this article, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to include references on your resume and leverage them to enhance your job search process. So let’s dive in!

Who Should You Include as References?

When it comes to including references on your resume, it’s important to understand who you should include and why. A reference is someone who can vouch for your skills, work ethic, and character to a potential employer. They are typically contacted by the hiring manager or recruiter as part of the interview process.

There are different types of references that you can use, including professional references and personal references. Professional references are individuals you have worked with in a professional setting, such as former colleagues, supervisors, or clients. Personal references, on the other hand, are people who know you outside of work, such as friends, family members, or mentors.

When choosing the right references to include on your resume, it’s essential to consider the following factors:

Relevance: You want to select references who can speak to your qualifications for the job you are applying for. If the position requires specific skills or experience, choose references who can attest to your proficiency in those areas.

Reputation: Your references should be individuals who have a good reputation in their field and are well-respected. Their endorsement can carry weight with potential employers and help you stand out from other candidates.

Availability: Make sure that your references are willing and available to speak on your behalf. It’s a good idea to ask for their permission before including them on your resume.

Diversity: It’s best to have a mix of professional and personal references to provide a well-rounded picture of your character and work ethic.

Including references on your resume can be a valuable addition as long as they are chosen carefully. By selecting relevant, reputable, available, and diverse references, you can increase your chances of landing your dream job.

When to Include References on Your Resume

When it comes to including references on your resume, there are certain situations where it is required, and others where it is optional. However, there are also valid reasons to avoid including references altogether.

Situations where references are required

Some job postings specifically request that applicants provide a list of references with their application. This is especially common for positions that require a high level of trust or require working with vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, or individuals with disabilities. Additionally, government and security jobs may also require references for background checks.

Situations where references are optional

In many cases, references are not required but can still provide additional support for your candidacy. Including references can help demonstrate your professionalism, work ethic, and ability to cultivate positive relationships with previous colleagues or supervisors. If a job posting does not require references, it is generally acceptable to offer to provide them later in the hiring process, when they are specifically requested.

does a resume need references

Reasons to avoid including references on your resume

There are valid reasons for avoiding including references on your resume altogether. Firstly, including references can take up valuable space on your resume that can be better used to highlight your skills and achievements. Secondly, if you provide references upfront and the hiring manager contacts them without first offering you the job, it can put your references in an awkward position, as they may not be comfortable discussing your candidacy with potential employers. Finally, some job seekers may be concerned about potential discrimination or bias from their references, particularly if they are unwilling to provide a positive reference for personal reasons.

Deciding whether or not to include references on your resume will depend on the specific job posting and your personal preferences. It is important to carefully consider the potential benefits and drawbacks before making your decision. Regardless of your choice, always ensure that you have a list of potential references prepared and that they are willing to act as a reference for you when needed.

How to Format References on Your Resume

Jobseekers often wonder where to include references on their resume. Including references on your resume can either make or break your candidacy, depending on how it is presented.

Where to include references on your resume:

Traditionally, references are no longer a required part of a resume. Hence, it is optional to include them in your job application. However, if a job posting specifically asks for references, the best place to include them is on a separate page, after the main body of your resume. When doing so, make sure that the page is titled “References” or “Professional References.”

How to format reference information:

When formatting your reference section on your resume, it’s important to include certain pieces of information such as the name, job title, company, phone number, and email of your reference. Ensure each reference’s information is listed in the same order making your reference section easy to review. Make sure that the page number on which the reference is listed appears on each page.

Arrange your references in the way that suits you best, but make sure to maintain consistency throughout. One popular format for listing references is having three references — only those that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. Choose individuals who can attest to your work ethics, skills, and character. Also, only include references who can provide glowing feedback. If your references list is long, try to avoid including individuals who only have good things to say about your personal life but not your work-related skills.

Tips for making your reference section stand out:

Here are some tips that will make your reference section stand out:

Select influential advocates: At times, recruiters contact the individuals on the reference list to assess an applicant. In this case, choose your references carefully. Select individuals who can speak authoritatively about your skills and accomplishments.

Take advantage of references as an opportunity: By including professional references, you can also demonstrate why you’re a suitable candidate for the role. Ensure you choose individuals who are conversant with the job, company, and industry. By doing this, you may help tip the scales in your favor by establishing a connection between your reference and the company.

Focus on design: Just like any other part of your resume, your reference section should be easy to read, visually appealing, and aesthetically designed. You can experiment with different fonts and formatting so long as you keep it simple and easy to read. Consider using bullet points, bold letters and emboldened font for section titles.

Keep it concise: Don’t use the reference list as an opportunity to pad out your resume with people’s names. Keep the list to only three or four references so that the hiring manager can gauge quickly what you’ve listed as a reference.

How to Ask Someone to Be Your Reference

When it comes to job hunting, having strong references can make all the difference. Choosing the right people to vouch for your skills and work ethic is crucial; but inviting them to be your reference can be tricky. Here’s what you need to know about who to ask, how to ask, and how to stay connected with your references.

Who to Ask and How to Ask Them

First, determine who would be the most relevant and effective references for your job search. This could include former managers or supervisors, colleagues, clients, or even professors, depending on the nature of the job and your experience.

Once you have a list of potential references, consider each person’s relationship to you and their availability. It’s a good idea to reach out to them in person or via phone or email to ask if they would be willing to serve as a reference for you. Begin by thanking them for their time and explaining what type of position you are applying for. You may also want to give them a brief summary of your experience and qualifications as a reminder.

If they agree to be your reference, make sure to confirm their contact information and let them know when and how they might be contacted by a hiring manager. Keep in mind that it’s always best to ask for permission before sharing someone’s contact information.

Providing Useful Information to Your References

It’s important to give your references the tools they need to advocate for you effectively. This might include a copy of your updated resume, a list of important accomplishments or projects you worked on together, or even a brief script they can reference when speaking to a potential employer.

You should also make sure to give them any relevant job descriptions or requirements for the position you’re applying for. This will help them tailor their remarks to the specific needs of the employer and highlight your most relevant skills and experience.

Best Practices for Staying Connected with Your References

Once you’ve secured your references, it’s important to stay connected with them, even if you don’t land the job you were applying for. Keeping in touch can help you maintain these valuable professional relationships and ensure that they continue to speak well of you in the future.

Consider sending periodic updates on your career progress or any new accomplishments or skills you’ve added to your repertoire. You might also want to connect with them on professional networking sites like LinkedIn, and make sure to congratulate them on any achievements or milestones they share.

Finally, remember that gratitude goes a long way. Thank your references for their time and support, and offer to reciprocate the favor in the future by serving as a reference for them or helping them connect with potential employers or clients.

By taking these steps, you can secure strong references and keep those valuable connections active and engaged, no matter where your career takes you.

How to Prepare Your References

When it comes to job search, having strong references can be a game-changer. References are the people who can vouch for your skills, work ethic, and character, and oftentimes can make or break your application.

So, if you have identified potential references that can help you land your dream job, you need to make sure to prepare them properly. Here are some tips on how to do it.

What your references need to know before they receive a call/email

Before you put your references’ names and contact information on your resume, it’s essential to talk to them and inform them about your job search. This way, they won’t be caught off guard when a potential employer contacts them. Also, they will appreciate the heads-up and will have time to gather their thoughts and remember specific examples that show your skills and achievements.

When talking to your references, make sure to provide them with the following information:

  • The job(s) you are applying for
  • The skills, experiences, and accomplishments that are most relevant to the position(s)
  • The company, its mission, and its values (if possible)
  • The name and contact information of the person who may contact them (if available)
  • A brief reminder of how you know them and your working relationship

You may also want to ask your references if there are any particular points they want to highlight or any questions they anticipate from the potential employer. This way, you can prepare yourself better and avoid any surprises.

How to provide additional information for your references

As you prepare to apply for a job, you may want to provide additional information for your references to help them speak more confidently about your abilities. Here are some examples of the type of information that can be helpful:

  • Your updated resume, highlighting your most relevant experiences and achievements
  • A cover letter or personal statement, showcasing your motivation, passion, and professionalism
  • The job description, outlining the key skills and qualifications required for the position
  • Examples of your work or projects that demonstrate your skills and expertise
  • Feedback from previous employers, colleagues, or clients that is relevant to the position(s) you are applying for
  • Any awards, certification, or other recognition that you have received and that are related to the job(s)

Make sure to provide this information to your references in advance, either by email or in hard copy, and ask them if they need anything else to be prepared.

How to thank your references

Last but not least, don’t forget to thank your references for their help and support.

How to Use References in the Job Application Process

When it comes to including references in your job application process, it’s important to know when and how to provide them. In this section, we’ll cover the when and how, giving you the knowledge and confidence to ensure your references are used properly.

When to Provide Your References

When it comes to providing your references, the rule of thumb is to only do so when specifically asked by the employer. Most employers will ask for references during the latter stages of the recruitment process, which typically means after the initial interview. This gives the employer an opportunity to verify the information you’ve provided, and to gain additional insight into your professional character and work ethic.

If you’re asked for references, make sure to provide them in a timely manner. Delaying the submission of references can cause the employer to question your reliability, or worse, think that you have something to hide.

How to Ensure Your References Get Contacted

Now that you know when to provide your references, it’s important to understand how to ensure they get contacted. Here are a few tips and tricks to ensure your references are reached out to:

Ask for permission: When preparing your references for submission, ask each person for their permission to include them in your application. Make sure to get their current contact information, as well as their preferred method of communication (phone, email, etc.).

Prepare your references: Brief your references on the specific job role you’re applying for, and provide them with your resume and cover letter. This gives them an idea of the position you’re seeking, as well as your experience and qualifications.

Follow up with the employer: Once you’ve submitted your application and references, follow up with the employer to confirm receipt. This not only shows that you’re proactive and interested in the position, but it also gives you an opportunity to confirm that your references were contacted.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your references are used properly and help to bolster your chances of landing your dream job. Just remember to only provide your references when asked, and to be proactive in ensuring they get contacted. Good luck!

Dos and Don’ts for References on Your Resume

When it comes to including references on your resume, there are some best practices you should follow to present yourself in the best possible light. However, there are also some pitfalls you should avoid that can undermine your credibility and hurt your chances of landing the job. Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind:

Best practices for including references on your resume

Do ask for permission:  Before including someone on your reference list, you should always ask for their permission. This not only shows respect for their time, but it also gives them the opportunity to decline if they don’t feel comfortable providing a reference for you.

Do choose your references wisely:  You should only include people on your reference list who can speak positively about your work and character. This includes former managers, colleagues, and mentors who have firsthand knowledge of your abilities.

Do provide context:  When you provide your reference list to a potential employer, be sure to include some context about how you know each person and what their relationship is to you. This will help the employer understand the relevance of each reference and how they can provide additional insight into your qualifications.

Do keep your references up-to-date:  As your career progresses, you may need to update your reference list to reflect your most recent accomplishments and contacts. Be sure to keep your references informed of any changes and update your list accordingly.

Pitfalls to avoid when using references

Don’t include references without permission:  Including someone on your reference list without their permission is not only disrespectful, it can also damage your reputation and relationships.

Don’t include references who can’t speak to your qualifications:  If a reference can’t provide insight into your skills and work ethic, they are not a valuable reference for an employer. Be sure to choose references who can provide relevant and positive feedback.

Don’t assume every employer wants references:  While many employers will ask for references as part of the hiring process, some may not. Be sure to read the job posting and follow the employer’s instructions for submitting your application materials.

Don’t neglect to prepare your references:  Even if your references have agreed to be on your list, you should still prepare them for potential calls from employers. Provide them with information about the job you’re applying for and what skills you want them to highlight.

By following these dos and don’ts, you can ensure that your references are an asset to your job search and help you stand out from the competition.

Common Questions about References on Resumes

As you prepare your resume, one important aspect to consider is who you will include as references. Here are answers to some common questions that job seekers have regarding references on a resume:

What if you don’t have any references?

It is not uncommon for recent graduates or individuals who have limited professional experience to have difficulty gathering references. In such cases, there are a few strategies you can use. One option is to include references from other forms of experience, such as volunteer work, internships, or academic projects. Another option is to ask individuals who can speak to your character or work ethic, such as former professors, mentors, or coaches. It is also acceptable to note on your resume that references are available upon request.

How many references should you provide?

While there is no set rule for how many references to include on a resume, it is generally recommended to provide 3-5 references. This ensures that the employer receives a well-rounded view of your qualifications and experience. It is important to choose references who can speak knowledgeably about your work-related skills and accomplishments. Make sure to obtain their permission before including them on your resume and provide their contact information in a professional format, such as name, title, company, phone number, and email address.

Can you use references from previous jobs?

Yes, it is acceptable to use references from previous jobs, especially if they can provide information about your work history and achievements in that role. When selecting references from previous jobs, consider reaching out to former supervisors or colleagues who can speak to your contributions in the workplace. It is important to keep in mind that you should only include references who are comfortable speaking positively about your work and who can provide a professional recommendation. Additionally, verify that their contact information is up to date before providing it on your resume.

By answering these common questions, you can confidently include references on your resume and provide employers with valuable insights into your qualifications and experience. Remember to secure permissions from your references before including them and respect the confidentiality of their contact information. Happy job hunting!

Examples of References on Resumes

As you craft your resume and consider whether to include references, it can be helpful to see examples of how to format your reference section. Below are some sample layouts for reference sections on resumes:

Sample Reference Section Layout #1

  • John Doe, Manager at ABC Company. Email:  [email protected] . Phone: 555-555-5555.
  • Jane Smith, Former supervisor at XYZ Corporation. Email:  [email protected] . Phone: 555-555-5555.
  • Susan Lee, Colleague at DEF Industries. Email:  [email protected] . Phone: 555-555-5555.

Sample Reference Section Layout #2

Professional References

Sample Reference Section Layout #3

References Available Upon Request

In addition to seeing examples of reference section layouts, it can also be helpful to see examples of reference formats. Here are three examples of how to format a reference on a resume:

Example Reference Format #1

John Doe  Manager at ABC Company  [email protected]  555-555-5555

Example Reference Format #2

Jane Smith  Former supervisor at XYZ Corporation  [email protected]  555-555-5555

Example Reference Format #3

Susan Lee  Colleague at DEF Industries  [email protected]  555-555-5555

When including references on your resume, it is important to consider when and how to include them. It is generally suggested to only include references when asked, and to always get permission from the reference before including their information. When formatting your reference section, be sure to make it clear and easy to read, and only include relevant information such as the reference’s name, title/position, email, and phone number.

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Should you include references on your resume?

Choosing the right references, what information do you need for a reference, tips and tricks for creating a reference sheet, a resume rolodex on the ready.

Job searching is nerve-wracking . We want our resume to leave a good first impression on hiring managers and don’t want to waste applying to positions we won’t hear back from. 

Some trial and error is inevitable when applying for jobs. There’s always a learning curve if you’re entering the workforce or switching industries. But one piece of advice will help ease the process: always tailor applications to the job posting. This includes references. 

Choosing whether to include a reference section on your resume depends on several factors, including your work experience and the job ad. We’ll discuss how to list references on a resume and when to include them.

We’ll also note how to write and format a reference list and include templates and tips to get you started.

In most cases, including references on your resume isn’t necessary — but that doesn’t mean it’s always a bad idea.

When hiring managers look at a resume, their main focus is auditing your skills and work experience to see if you qualify for the role. Based on that information, they’ll decide whether or not to invite you for an interview. Contacting references usually happens after you move past this first meeting. 

Resumes are most effective when they’re clean and concise. They get through applicant tracking systems more successfully and are easier for hiring managers to read.

When you submit a resume online, it often goes through an applicant tracking software which detects specifics the employer has outlined. If it notices these specifications, your resume moves to the next stage. According to Jobscan, 99% of Fortune 500 companies use applicant tracking systems , so it’s worth simplifying your resume by omitting references to successfully move through these. 

But that doesn't mean requiring references for a job is obsolete. You should always prepare to provide references to a potential employer by creating a resume reference list, should they ask for one.

A resume reference list is a separate document with all your references’ contact information. Recruiters, hiring managers, or direct managers may contact people on your resume reference list to verify your work history and job performance or ask behavioral questions to understand your character.

While in most cases you should only offer references when a hiring manager requests, if you’re a university student, recent grad, or a candidate applying to an entry-level position, providing references will help bolster your application.

Even if a recruiter doesn't call your references before the interview, including them is a great way to demonstrate that you’ve taken initiative to build professional relationships .

Some of the best career advice to take in earnest is to tailor your resume to each job posting. This is the best way to align your skills and experience with the company culture and job description.

Using similar language to the job description when advertising your hard and soft skills makes it easier for recruiters to immediately notice you qualify for the position. 

The same rings true when sending references. 

Imagine you’re a graphic designer applying for two positions. One is client-facing, while the other requires you to work exclusively with an internal project manager.

In the first scenario, you’ll want to include a former client that can attest to your work ethic and ability to meet deadlines and manage projects. In the latter, you’ll want to include former managers and direct supervisors to vouch for your ability to work in a more collaborative setting .


When narrowing down your choices, consider people that’ll give good character references . Choose contacts who will sing your praises and highlight your strongest qualities, skills, and qualifications.

These are the best people to include as references:

  • Current or former manager or direct supervisor
  • Current or former colleague
  • Current or former client
  • Academic advisor, professional mentor, or career coach

Make sure you’re comfortable with your references knowing you’re actively looking for a job, especially if they’re people you currently work with. Asking a present colleague or manager might create unnecessary tension at your job — especially if you aren’t committed to leaving.

It's also essential to ask people if they’re willing to be a reference for you before giving their information out. Confirm people’s preferred mode of contact before sending reference information.

Some companies require a lengthy phone call with your reference, while a brief email is enough for others. Be sure you respect your references' time and preferences by giving them time to prepare and a heads up if an interview goes well.

It’s also nice to send a thank you note to those who accept being your reference, especially if a potential employer contacts them, to express gratitude and strengthen your connection.

Writing a reference on a resume or reference sheet differs slightly. With a reference sheet, you have more room and should include the following: 

  • Reference name
  • Company name and current job title
  • Brief description of your relationship (former colleague, previous employer, ongoing or past client)
  • Number of years you worked together
  • Company address, including professional phone number and email address


The way you include references on your resume will be sparser, as you’ll have less space. Here’s how to format references on a resume:

  • Company name, job title, relationship
  • Preferred form of contact

If you’re really tight for space, just add “References available upon request” at the bottom so employers know you have some prepared if needed.

Include 2–3 references on a resume and 3–5 on a reference sheet. Never submit your reference sheet with your resume — save it for employers that ask. You can prepare one and bring it to an interview in case they request it in the moment. 

You should also have an easily editable file to send with a follow-up email to the hiring manager if you’re asked for references during a phone or video interview. 

A reference sheet is a valuable way to prepare for an interview. Here are three tips so your document persuades recruiters : 

1. No personal info

Only include your reference's professional contact information, like a company email, address, and phone number. Don’t give away a contact's personal information unless they’ve explicitly asked you to.

Giving away someone's private information without their consent will likely catch them by surprise and could affect how they talk about you. It also looks less professional to employers. 


2. Keep it short and professional

Keep relationship descriptions short and sweet and avoid personal anecdotes or oversharing.

Here’s a good resume reference example: 

Sheryl Dove, Head Project Manager

Sheryl was my direct supervisor at [company name] from 2019 to 2022. She oversaw my work on backend software development for more than 25 apps for 12 clients.

Why it works: The description gives all the appropriate, specific information (relationship, business, and years) with number-driven information that will tie into the skills and references on your resume.

Here’s an example of what not to write: 

Sheryl Dove, Manager, [company name]

I loved working with Sheryl. She is an amazing project manager and I got to enjoy three great years with her. We worked together on lots of projects for many clients. I loved working on apps with her, and she also has the cutest dog.

Why it doesn't work: The description is unnecessarily personal and sounds like a recommendation for Sheryl rather than you. It also forces the hiring manager to do too much work to understand when and where you worked together. 


3. Provide variety

The ideal set of references will show the breadth of your career. Try not to include too many individuals from one company or only your direct supervisor in each role. Instead, provide references that reflect the variety of experiences you’ve included on your resume.

Unless you’re new to the job market or industry, it’s best to keep references off your resume and instead include a reference sheet for requests. No matter the avenue you take, you should know how to list references on a resume or prepare a reference list for when you need one. 

Scour your professional contacts and reach out to people you’ve worked directly with and had great experiences with.

Feel free to request certain information from them, like asking a reference to mention how well a specific project went or how quickly you were promoted. Your application will stand out thanks to your initiative and preparedness.

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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How to List References on a Resume [w/ Examples]

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You’ve applied for an office position. You can’t wait to get an interview with the HR department.

Everything seems good to go, but now, the HR asked you for a list of your references.

So, how do you do this?

Are you supposed to attach it to your resume? Who do you include in your resume references? Is there a custom format style? 

Well, kick back and relax because we’re here to help answer all your uncertainties!

Read on to learn everything you need to know about listing references on a resume.

  • Whether you should or shouldn’t put a reference sheet on your resume.
  • How to properly list references on a resume (with pro-tips).
  • The best way to format a “References” section.
  • Helpful resume references examples.

Should You Include References on a Resume? 

The general common practice that the majority of resume experts agree on is that you should NOT add a list of references to your resume . 

Because, generally, the HR department doesn’t have time to go through every candidate’s list of references. They have a lot more important things to do than reach out to all the references every single candidate ever provided.

That’s why references aren’t requested until after your interview has gone well or right before you are hired.

But here’s the thing: 

That’s not an unshakable no.

If the job description explicitly states that you should include references on your resume, without question, include one! 

This is very straightforward on its own, you’ll know when you see it. 

Some consulting firms, for example, tend to ask for testimonials on your performance from previous employers before they hire you. 

In this case, it's best if you do include the contact information of the people providing you with their positive feedback, so the HR can check how legitimate they are.

Bottom line: 

Every word on your resume should be full of value and quality. References add unnecessary space. Insert them only when required or if you’re asked to submit testimonials.

references on resume

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How to List References on a Resume [+ Example]

Now, let’s say you’re requested to provide a list of references. 

What’s the best way to display it? 

  • Reference's First Name & Last Name - Tim Borden
  • Professional Position / Title - Marketing Coordinator
  • Name of the Reference's Company - Zen Corporation
  • Business Address - Blaine Ave
  • City, State, Zip of Company - Atlantic City, NJ, 07030
  • Phone Number of Reference - (600) 753 9216
  • Email Address of Reference - [email protected]

It’s best to stay ahead of the game. 

Keeping a list of possible references is something that should be done in advance, even when you’re not looking for a job. 

When you’re searching for a new position, you want to have a list of several names to contact. 

You wouldn’t want to struggle coming up with good fits on short notice, would you? 

Here are some more tips to keep in mind: 

You should always start your list with your biggest fan first : your most important and impressive reference. 

And no, this shouldn’t be your mom. Instead, you’d want your previous boss to vouch for you. 

Busy employers may not contact all of your references, but they will likely start at the top of the list. Glowing recommendations shouldn’t be left last!

What’s more, it’s important to clarify your relationship . 

It’s crucial to include what your working relationship to the reference is and how long you’ve known them for. 

But do not overshare . Don’t add more than the items we mentioned on the list unless required. 

And never include the personal mail addresses of your references for two reasons:

They will surely not be contacted via snail mail. 

And they might not want all of their personal information shared. 

Last, but not least:

Choose your references appropriately. 

Always choose the best references for the specific job under consideration. 

Let’s say you want to assert your marketing skills. In this situation, you could seek references from a former boss who can attest to that. Somebody like the Head of Marketing or Chief Marketing Officer . 

How to Format a Resume References Section 

Learning how to arrange a reference section is just as vital as other sections of your resume or cover letter. 

A messy, carelessly formatted reference page will lose your employer's interest. 

So how do you write one that’s eye-catching and professional?

First, put your references on a separate sheet . Add an exclusive reference page, as the last page of your resume. 

Keep the same format for your reference sheet as your resume and cover letter, meaning use the same font, margins, and color scheme. 

  • Start off at the very top with your name, address, and phone number. You should place this information on that side of the page that fits the look of your cover letter and resume. (left, right or in the middle).
  • Next, write the date. Then start with your employer's information in this specific order: name, job position, company name, and company address.
  • Finally, follow up with a preferred title/subtitle: name the section References or Professional References .

If you’ve included personal references as well, you could also add “Personal References” as a subtitle. 

Use the formatting we discussed in the previous section to list your references.

Ditch the common “References available upon request”. 

This is a frequent mistake. Employers formerly know this and it’s an overworked phrase. The general rule of thumb is to keep your resume as brief as possible. Why misuse the space? 

job search masterclass novoresume

How Many References Should You Include in Your Resume? 

Though there really isn’t a written rule anywhere about how many references you should include, the most fitting number would be three to five . 

Based on your career level though, there is a general division of two groups:

Regular and/or first-time job seekers , should usually provide 3 to 4. 

Whereas people applying for senior roles should include a longer list: about 5 to 7 references. 

In that case, it’s sufficient to list one reference for all the different points in your professional record. 

Who is a Good Reference For Your Resume? 

It’s important that all the references in your resume are all deliberately selected individuals . 

Everyone’s aunt thinks that they are special, but what does your previous manager think about your work ethic?

To figure out who’s a good reference for you, you should take personal experience into consideration: that means what stage in your career you’re currently in. 

Because you’d list different people at different points in your career. 

If you are a student or recent graduate with little to no work practice, you would want to get references from:

  • Guidance tutors or counselors
  • Course teachers and professors 

Any of these people can speak positively about your best skills, qualities, and experiences. 

When you have some professional background, however, even at an entry-level position , you have more variety in selecting a good reference. 

You could use former colleagues or managers as well as project , master , doctorate supervisors from your most current studies. 

If you are a professional candidate , this process becomes simpler as your preferred references will be more acquainted with giving and requesting references. 

  • If you don’t have a lot of professional references to count on, you can reach out to just about anyone that can provide you with a valuable character reference.
  • If a friend works in the company you are applying to, you could also use them as a reference.

Other important things you should consider:

  • Ask for permission and say thank you. Fill in your references before handing over their contact information to an eventual employer. It’s solely common courtesy. Send them a copy of your resume as well, so that both of you are in harmony for when the manager calls. Don’t forget to be grateful either. If you get the job, take them out on lunch to properly say thank you. Follow up, a little acknowledgment can go a long way! 
  • DO NOT use family members. This is unconventional and discouraged. The people you use as references should be unrelated to you, in a familial sense. Of course, our mothers have countless nice things to say about us, but their opinion isn’t relevant on a resume. It might also appear as though you don’t have enough people to vouch for you. 
  • Avoid people you’ve confronted. Be careful in not adding individuals you are or have once been in professional conflict with. You can never be too sure if they’re still holding a grudge against you. Play it safe. 
  • Make sure they are comfortable. Especially if they’re a person you are currently still working with, confirm they are okay with you searching for a new job. If you’re trying to keep it a secret from your employer though, it’s best not to ask a current coworker at all. You can never know for certain how ethical or pleased with your success one is. 

In the end, the basic point of a reference is for the employers to get a true reflection of your work ethics, background, character, and personality. 

Find people who can properly display all of the above for you.

3+ Good & Bad Resume Reference Sheet Examples

So many rules! 

But don’t worry - we have some great examples for you to help put them into practice: 


professional references on resume good example

MY BEST AND FAVORITE REFERENCE - inappropriate title 

Martha Payne - a family member as a reference 

2809 Candlelight Drive - including home address

870-294-1238 - wrong listing order, the reference phone number should be second to last

Nursing Assistant - unrelated to your industry or position

Newlife Hospital

4164 Fittro Street 

Lurton, AR, 72848

[email protected]

Martha is my auntie. She’s not only a well-respected member of the community but a remarkable nurse. She was the one who raised me and I consider her my mother. She knows me better than anybody else and I couldn’t have chosen a better person to speak of my character. - prolonged and unprofessional description 

References available upon request - overused unnecessary phrase

  • providing them only one reference 

Key Takeaways

Here’s a recap of what we learned in this post:

  • References ARE NOT supposed to be on your resume. So when in doubt, DON’T include a list to your resume. 
  • On rare occasions though, references may be added on a resume. If you decide to do so, put your list on a separate sheet. Don’t forget to match it to the style of your cover letter and resume.
  • Be intelligent with your reference choices. Your number of references should correspond to your career stage. Put your most glowing references on the top. Selected those who are closest to your line of work. Avoid people you’ve ever had professional conflicts with.
  • Be diplomatic. Always ask for permission before listing them as references. Email them a copy so that you’re both on the same page. Don’t forget to thank them afterward. 
  • Use the correct formatting. List your references precisely as we showed you in this guide. There’s a definite, proper way to arrange entries and the structure of the page itself - don’t contradict it. Use the examples we gave you as a guide.

Suggested readings:

  • How to Write a Resume & Land That Job? [21+ Examples]
  • What to Put On a Resume [7+ Job-Winning Sections]
  • CV vs. Resume - What are the Differences & Definitions [+ Examples]

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How to List References on a Resume (Templates Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

does a resume need references

By Mike Simpson

Let’s face facts; writing a resume isn’t always easy. You have to choose the best resume format , discuss the right skills , cover critical achievements, and so much more, all in just a couple of pages. Then, if you need to fit references on a resume, too, it can quickly become overwhelming.

Does that mean you need to panic? Of course not. We’ve got you.

Here’s a look at the right way to list references on a resume, as well as a look at what professional references are, mistakes you want to avoid, and a handy references “template” to get you started on the correct path.

What Are Professional References?

Alright, before we dig into how to list references on a resume, let’s talk about what professional references are in the first place. In the simplest sense, professional references are people who know you through the lens of your career. They’re professionals you have working relationships with, either currently or previously, so they can talk about what you’re like on the job.

Hiring managers value professional references. Why? Because they help them get a better idea of what working with you is like. It really is that simple.

However, it can also go further. Contacting professional references lets the hiring manager confirm some of the details on your resume. That’s right; it’s an honesty check, too.

So, why would you include references on a resume? Isn’t that a less common thing to do today?

It is true that adding references to your resume isn’t the norm, but that doesn’t mean you’ll never need to do it. While 80 percent of employers will call your references during that hiring process, 16 percent of those actually reach out to a candidate’s references before they invite them in for interviews.

What does that mean for you? Well, mainly, that knowing how to list references on a resume is a good idea. That way, if you find an excellent opportunity with a company that wants your professional references from the get-go, you’ll be ready.

Common Mistakes When Listing References on a Resume and How to Avoid Them

As with all parts of a resume, avoiding missteps is crucial. Even small errors can derail your chances of getting called in for an interview or landing the job, so you really do need to dedicate time and energy to making sure everything is right.

So, what’s one of the biggest mistakes you can make when putting references on a resume? Well, putting a fake one on the list is a doozy.

A fake professional reference? What on earth is that? Well, usually, it’s when a person lists a contact who they have no professional relationship with and then asks that person to lie to make them look good. At times, it means listing a contact that doesn’t actually exist, including a made-up name, company, phone number, email address, and more. Yes, for some reason, candidates sometimes try that.

Dishonesty is always a big no-no. Why? Because if you get caught – and the odds are pretty good that you will – it will probably cost you. Overall, about 65 percent of candidates who get busted in a lie either don’t get the job or get fired if they were selected and start in the role. Who wants to take that kind of risk?

Plus, if word gets out that you lied, that can haunt you. Remember, people talk, so there is always a chance that the hiring manager will let others know about your less-than-scrupulous behavior.

Is that the only misstep? No, it isn’t. Selecting the wrong references is another one.

When you pick people to ask to reference, you need to choose wisely. First, you want people where there is a professional connection. Past managers, colleagues, mentors, customers, and similar professionals are your best bets.

Generally, don’t list friends unless the company explicitly requests that kind of personal reference. Hiring managers won’t necessarily find much value in these references.

The same goes for family members unless you have a working relationship. For example, if you had a job in the family business, then including a family member may be okay. Otherwise, skip them.

Second, you want to choose people who have good things to say about you in a professional context. Listing a past manager or colleague who you didn’t get along with is a horrible idea. They might not have the kindest words to share, and that can keep you from getting the job.

Ideally, they can discuss an accomplishment that really highlights what you have to offer, as well as talk about workplace attitude in a glowing way. You want someone who can champion your awesomeness, ensuring the hiring manager gets the right idea about what you bring to the table.

Finally, whatever you do, don’t have any references listed on a resume that’s publicly accessible. If you do, you’re essentially broadcasting other people’s contact details, opening them up to unwanted calls, including scams. While it may not directly hurt your job search, it is a major faux pas, one that could harm your reputation with your references and make them less inclined to say nice things about you going forward.

How to List References on a Resume

Alright, now it’s time for what you’ve been waiting for: a close look at how to put references on a resume. If you want to make sure you get it right, here is a step-by-step approach that covers it all.

1. Ask Permission

Why is “ask permission” step one? Because you should never blindside someone by listing them without their knowledge, that’s why.

Being someone’s professional reference is a favor, as well as a big responsibility. Some people aren’t going to be comfortable with being put on the spot, particularly if they don’t know a hiring manager might come calling.

So, before you include anyone as a reference on your resume, pick up the phone, give them a call, and make sure they are cool with it. Then, accept their answer.

Typically, you’ll want to get permission from three contacts. Why three? Because that’s the most commonly requested number of professional references. By getting them all handled now, you’ll usually be able to provide everything the hiring manager needs in this department in one fell swoop.

2. Get Updated Contact Information

Once you have a person’s permission, ask them to provide updated contact information. Usually, you’ll need their current job title, employer’s name, employer’s address, a daytime phone number, and an email address.

3. Start a New Page

When you’re adding a reference list to your resume, you want to start it on a new page. Additionally, it shouldn’t be any longer than a single page, as anything more is a bit excessive at such an early step in the hiring process.

It’s also important to note that your reference list will typically be the last page of the resume document. However, make sure you check the instructions for applying as some hiring managers will want them submitted as a separate document, not unlike how you usually need to go with cover letters .

4. Add Your Contact Information

Since your professional references are on a separate page, you want to add your contact details at the top. That way, if the page gets separated from the rest, the hiring manager will know whose references they are.

4. Keep It Simple

A professional reference list isn’t embellished. All you need to do is to write a header explaining that these are your professional references and then include the contact details for each person in succession, with a clear division between each person’s info.

Along with adding a space between each one, consider bolding the contacts’ names. That helps each listing stand out, and it looks much better than numbering your reference list.

5. Choose the Right Order

When you need to decide which reference to list first, go with the person who is most likely to give you an exceptional recommendation. Hiring managers may not reach out to everyone. So, by leading with the best, you’re increasing the odds that that reference will get a call.

6. Add a Short Statement Outlining Your Relationship

Along with the person’s contact details, it isn’t a bad idea to add a quick note about your relationship with each reference. That lets the hiring manager know a little about why they should care about what this person has to say, so it doesn’t hurt to do it.

What should you write? Well, mention the kind of working relationship you had, where you were working at the time, and how long you knew them. For example, “My direct manager at ABC Company from 2018 to 2022” is enough to provide the hiring manager with some context.

References on a Resume Sample

Alright, if you really want to know how to list references on a resume, a resume references example is a good place to start. It’ll give you insights into the format, making it easier for you to follow along.

To give you even more information, we’re going to cover two. First, there’s a references on a resume sample that shows you exactly what each entry needs to look like. Second, there’s a handy template that you can use when you’re creating a resume.

Resume References Example

Here is what a single professional reference entry usually looks like on a resume:

123 Main Street

Anytown, State, 12345


[email protected]

My direct manager at XYZ, Inc. from 2018 to 2022

Resume References Template

Here’s a quick template for creating your reference page for a resume:

Your Address as Listed on Page One of Your Resume

Your Phone Number

Your Email Address

Section Heading, Usually “Professional References”

First Reference Name

City, State, Zip Code

Phone Number

Email Address

Relationship Description

Second Reference Name

Third Reference Name

Putting It All Together

At this point, you should have a solid idea of how to list references on a resume. Use all of the tips, the sample, and the template to your advantage. That way, if you ever need to include professional references as part of your resume, you’ll be good to go.

does a resume need references

Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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does a resume need references

Should I Include References on My Resume?

Should I Include References on My Resume? | Tips & FAQs |

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Should I include references on a resume?

Why do employers request references, how to request a reference, should references be listed on a separate page.

  • How do I format a resume references page?
  • When listing references, what information should I include?

What if I can’t decide whether or not to include references?

How many references should i include on a resume, who makes a good reference on a resume, what is the difference between a personal and professional reference, does the employer call every reference, do hiring managers call previous employers if they’re not listed as references.

Writing an impressive resume involves many decisions about what to include. Besides the core sections of a resume, you may wonder if it is necessary to include references when you’re limited on space. This article discusses frequently asked questions about including references on a resume.

In most cases, no. You should not waste space on your resume by including references. The exception is when the job listing specifically asks that you include references on your resume. Typically, job applications have form fields designated for listing references if the employer wants them. Instead of listing references on a resume, use that space for accomplishments, additional skills, or a creative introduction.

When employers request references, they typically do so because they want to confirm that candidates have included honest information in their applications and have answered interview questions truthfully. Reference checks also provide employers with the chance to learn more about a candidate’s skills and past job performance. If employers are checking your references, there’s a good chance that you’re one of the final candidates. This doesn’t mean that you’ve got the job. It just means that you’ve made a strong impression and may soon be hired. 

To ensure that your references are fully prepared to grant your request, here are few things to keep in mind.

1. First, let your references know that you’re applying for jobs

You should always make contact with the person you’d like to use as a reference before you list them as a reference. This helps them know what to expect when the employer calls them. Provide them with as much information as you can about the job and let them know about any key skills or achievements they might include when speaking with the hiring manager.

2. Second, ask permission to include their information on your resume

Don’t forget to ask for your references’ permission to include them on a resume after you’ve let them know about the jobs you’re applying for. Hearing that it’s okay to include them validates the submission.

3. Third, thank them for letting you include their information

Before you end the call or email, thank them for allowing you to include them on your resume. Offer to do the same for them in the future when they decide to pursue new job opportunities.

Yes, references should be listed on a separate page. Create a resume references page and add it as the last page of your resume, which allows you to include important contact information about your references. It is better to follow this format than to write references available upon request at the end of your resume since employers assume you’ll provide references if asked.

How to format a resume references page

Here are some guidelines to follow when setting up your resume references page.

1. First, list your name, address, phone and email at the very top

It doesn’t matter if this information appears on the right, left, or center of the document. Just make sure that it follows the same style as your cover letter and resume. 

2. Second, follow with the date, recruiter’s name, and company address

Left align the current date and the recruiter’s name if you know it. Then list the company’s full name and address.

3. Finally, list your references

Title this section Professional References before listing your three to five references. Leave a space between each reference for easier readability. Remember to include the reference’s full name, title, company information, phone, and email address.

What information should be included for a reference?

Here are some guidelines to consider when listing references on your resume.

Full details for a reference

If an employer asks for a list of references, they will usually expect a list of details that include contact information and how you know the individual.

Example of full details to include:

  • Your reference’s first and last name
  • Their current job title
  • Name of their current company
  • Company address
  • Your reference’s preferred phone number
  • Your reference’s email address
  • Brief statement to clarify how this reference knows you

Basic details for a reference

In the event that you’re short on space or to simplify the details, you can just include the basic contact information of your reference.

Example of basic details:

If you can’t decide, then understand that it is not required to include references with your resume. Most resumes don’t have them, and employers don’t typically need them. Save some space and wait for the employer to request your references later in the interview process.

When including references on a resume, you should have at least three but no more than five. Remember that you only want to include these references if the job listing or hiring manager specifically requests them. Otherwise, it is not necessary to include references on a resume. 

Here are some contacts you may consider using as a reference:

  • Previous employer(s)
  • Former managers
  • Supervisors
  • Mentors (professors or teachers)
  • Academic advisors
  • Business partners
  • Work friends

Whether you’ve had a long work history or a short one, there are specific individuals who make better references than others. Include people who are working professionals in your industry, if possible. When considering your choices, think about who would provide the best information about you. Only include people who know you well and who can speak highly of you.

Personal references include people like your friends and family members. Professional references are working professionals you’ve met in a formal setting, like at school or work. Generally, you’ll want to choose professional references over personal references on a resume for two reasons. First, professional references give you credibility because they have seen how you perform at work or school. Second, they are less likely to be biased. Only include personal references if you have no work experience and have no other options. Even then, you should choose your references wisely.

It depends on the employer and how much time they have. If they were able to get enough information about you from the first two or three references to make a hiring decision, they likely won’t call the rest. List your references by order of preference, meaning that if you want them to call a specific individual first, you should put them at the top of the list. Of course, that doesn’t guarantee employers will start calling at the top and go down the list. 

They may, but it’s not likely. Typically, employers only call the references you have listed because they don’t wish to disrespect your job search and because they are limited on time. If you choose to list a previous employer, only include people from the company whom you trust to speak highly of you.

If you need help writing a resume, use our data-backed resume builder .

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Getting Great References…And How To Make Them Shine

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Career Center Career Services Interviewing Job Search

Imagine you’re planning to go to the movies, try a new restaurant, or pick a book to read — but you’re unsure about which film, menu item, or novel to choose. What would you do? You might contact a friend for their opinion or check other people’s online reviews. This helps you to quickly get information about the movie, food, or book you’re considering.

When you fill out a job,  internship , or even scholarship application, it’s not uncommon for it to ask you to provide three references. A reference is someone who can vouch for your ability to perform a task or confirm your qualifications. Think of them like personal recommendations.

Good references help you to land a job/internship or win a scholarship, so picking the right ones can make a huge difference. And because you never know when an opportunity might present itself, it’s a great idea to  start compiling a list of at least three to four references now  —  before  you need them!

Wondering how to choose great references? Here are a few quick tips:

Who Makes a Good Reference?

Almost anyone who has ever supervised you or observed your work and character makes an ideal reference. This includes:

  • Previous supervisors, bosses, and managers
  • Club leaders and sponsors
  • Teachers and professors
  • Religious leaders, clergy, pastors, and Sunday school teachers
  • Sports coaches
  • Volunteer and internship supervisors

Because references are used to confirm your previous work experience and ethics, it’s best to submit professional references. To avoid perceived bias, you should avoid personal references like friends, family, acquaintances, or anyone currently living in your home. (Otherwise the interviewer will think, “Well,  of course  their mom/brother/friend is going to say nice things about them! This isn’t helpful at all.”)

Can I Really Not Use Personal References at All? What If My Friend Is a CEO at a Major Company?

In general, choosing professional references are preferred, but if you have a friend who works in a leadership position or in a similar industry/role to the one you’re applying for, you may use them as a reference. Remember: They need to be able to vouch for your professional abilities and ethics. Have you worked with them on a project, for example?

That said, don’t use family members or anybody living in your house as a reference under any circumstances.

Do I Include References on My Resume?

Nope! Although this used to be a common practice, references no longer go on resumes. You don’t even need to put “references available upon request” at the bottom of your resume.

Instead, you should list them in their own document and upload them to the job application separately (or print and deliver them by hand during your interview).

How Do I Format a Reference Page? What Do I Include?

There’s no strict format (like you might encounter for an APA or MLA research paper) when it comes to creating a reference page. However, there  is  information that every reference page should include:

  • Reference’s name
  • Their relation to you (boss, mentor, teacher, etc.)
  • Their current job title and employer
  • Their phone number and email (you don’t need to include a mailing address unless the potential employer asks for it)
  • Optional: The best days/hours to contact them; include the time zone!

Here’s an example:

Janae Smith (Previous Supervisor at Acme, Inc.) Acme, Inc., Project Coordinator, Marketing Department [phone number] | [email address] Available: Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-10 AM EST

Make sure that your reference’s contact information is current and accurate — and  always  ask your references which method(s) of contact they’d like you to use in the listing. Some references may not answer the phone but will quickly respond to emails, for example.

I Already Know My Reference’s Contact Information. Can I Just List Them on My Application Without Asking?

Just because you happen to know where someone lives, is it polite to simply stop by their house for dinner without notice? Probably not. The same goes for your references.

When someone gives you permission to use them as a reference, they’re doing you a favor — giving you their time, energy, and resources to help you get a job offer. Asking for permission before including people in your reference list shows respect and helps you to acknowledge that you don’t take their help for granted.

Furthermore, not every reference will agree to your request (though most probably will). There may be legal, ethical, or convenience-related reasons why someone can’t give a testimonial about you, so always be sure to ask first!

I Got Permission To Use Someone as a Reference. Can I Use Them on as Many Job Applications as I Want?

If someone were to get a random call from an employer two years after you first asked them for a reference, they may not know whether the call is legitimate or what to say.

For this reason, let your chosen references know in advance every single time you plan to submit their names with a job application. This ensures that they’re fully prepared for a call from each specific employer, and it shows respect for their time.

How Can I Make Sure My Reference Is the Best Reference Ever?

Give your references everything they need to talk about you in the best possible way: your resume, a copy of the job description for the position you’ve applied for, and any other details that will assist them. Explaining to your references what kind of job it is — and even some details about the employer’s company culture — can help your reference talk about specific skills and experiences that make you an ideal fit for the company.

What Kinds of Questions Will the Employer Ask My References?

This varies from employer to employer, but in general your chosen references can expect questions like:

  • How would you rate their work?
  • Would you hire them again?
  • Could you trust them to show up and get work done on time?
  • How well did they take direction?
  • Did they have good relationships with their coworkers?
  • When and why did they leave your position?
  • What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • Do you think they can perform our job well?
  • How well do they handle stress?

Should I Bring a Copy of My References To the Interview?

In addition to uploading your list of references to the online job application (usually under a designated field or an additional documents option), it’s a good idea to print out a few copies of your reference list for your interview. This way, you can hand your list of references directly to the employer and show that you’re fully prepared to help them through the next steps.

Doing this proactively will always cast you in a good light!

Ready To Put Your Reference List Together?

Career Services is here to assist! Contact your closest campus’ Career Services Center to  schedule a meeting with a Career Center Coordinator  or  check out our upcoming events . We assist with resumes, interview preparation, cover letters — and, of course, choosing, compiling, and formatting your reference page.

We look forward to helping you succeed this semester and beyond!

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How to Make the Most Out of Personal References

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How to Make the Most Out of Personal References was originally published on HospitalRecruiting .

making the most of personal reference

When advancing in your healthcare career, personal references can have a significant impact on potential opportunities. They offer an unbiased assessment of your skills, character, and accomplishments. Optimizing how you select and use references could be a game-changer in securing your next role, and it is vital that you understand how to get the most out of your personal references.

Who to Choose (And Not to Choose) as References

Who to choose.

The most foundational part of using references correctly is choosing the right people to be your references. The right reference will be someone who can provide specific, positive, and relevant examples of your work, skills, and professionalism. The best references will be inherently trustworthy and be delighted to be your reference.

Ideal candidates are often former supervisors, colleagues, or academic mentors who have directly observed your contributions and can speak to your abilities and work ethic. They will also be people with whom you are currently in contact. A professor, for example, is a great reference if you’ve just graduated but not as good if you’ve been out of school and out of contact with them for a decade.

Who Not to Choose

Choosing the right references is important; however, avoiding suboptimal references is equally important. Choosing references with whom you’ve had minimal professional interaction, personal friends, or family members, is not typically ideal, as their testimonials are not likely to hold the same weight or relevance in a professional context.

You should also avoid choosing references that you’re not sure will present you in a good light. If there is a chance that they will be unexcited about you or mix in negative information, you should typically avoid using them as a reference. 

How to Approach Potential References

When approaching someone to ask if they can be a reference, be respectful of their time and considerate of their willingness to help. A personal meeting or a phone call can make the request more meaningful. While each approach should be tailored to the individual, steps for approaching a potential reference include:

  • Initiating contact with a polite and professional greeting.
  • Explain why you value their endorsement specifically.
  • Clearly state what you are applying for and why.
  • Being upfront about any potential time commitment involved.
  • Offering to provide them with your resume or any other relevant documents.

By approaching potential references correctly, you will improve the chances they will be willing to help.

Preparing Your References

Once someone agrees to be your reference, it’s essential to prepare them to speak effectively on your behalf. Start by providing them with an updated copy of your resume and a summary of your key achievements, particularly those relevant to both the position you are aiming for and your interactions with them. This helps them recall specific instances of your work and tailor their recommendation to suit your current job application.

Specific information you should consider providing your references with include:

  • Your resume and a brief on the job role.
  • Key points they might emphasize based on their experience with you.
  • Any relevant projects or accomplishments.
  • Updates on your professional growth since they last worked with you.

When choosing what information to share, keep in mind that your reference may not know everything about you that makes you an ideal job candidate, even if they’ve worked with you for years. After sharing information, discuss with them the attributes that are crucial for the job and any points they feel comfortable emphasizing.

Utilizing References Effectively

Incorporating references into your job application process should be strategic. Include references who can provide diverse insights into your abilities and complement each other. For instance, a supervisor might discuss your leadership and project management skills, while a peer could highlight your teamwork and daily work ethic. 

It is also important to consider the timing of when to present your references in your job search. It can sometimes be more advantageous to provide them after an initial interview, allowing you to tailor the discussion your references might have based on the interview’s direction and feedback.

Continue Building Potential References

The best strategy for getting good references is to have an established relationship already in place when you need the reference. As your career progresses, continue to cultivate potential new references through professional interactions and opportunities. 

You might benefit from volunteering for projects that allow you to showcase your skills to a broader audience or in new capacities. Attending professional development seminars and networking events could also give you chances to meet industry leaders and peers who might be valuable references in the future.

Effectively leveraging personal references is an art that can influence your professional advancement. By carefully selecting, preparing, and maintaining relationships with your references, you ensure a network of support that can propel you to new heights in your healthcare career. Remember, the most persuasive references come from those who genuinely appreciate and can attest to your professional capabilities and achievements. 


  1. Q&A: Should You Include References on a Resume?

    Because references are not always a part of the interview process, you're taking up limited resume space to provide what may end up being irrelevant to employers in this phase. Even including the phrase " references upon request " on your resume can be unimportant. If their interview process includes references, employers will ask you to ...

  2. How to List References on a Resume (Dos and Don'ts)

    On your reference sheet, you should list each reference with the following information: Name. Current Job/Position. Company. Phone Number. Email Address. Reference Description: Write one sentence explaining how you know or have worked with this person, where, when, and for how long.

  3. How to List References on Your Resume (With Examples)

    Rather than putting references on your resume, type them up on a separate document. On a separate reference page, include the person's first name and last name, current job title and company name, email address, and phone number. Be sure to check with each of your professional references ahead of time, to confirm that the person is willing to ...

  4. How to List References on a Resume (Examples + Template)

    To expand upon Eva's advice, here are three straightforward tips for listing your references correctly: 1. Create a dedicated list of references separate from your resume. If you haven't done this yet, gather your references onto a page and label it " Professional References .". Having a dedicated references page that's separate from ...

  5. How To List References on a Resume (With Examples)

    As you begin putting together a list of references for employers to call on during the hiring process, consider the following steps to guide your document. 1. Determine how many references to include. The number of references you list depends on your career level. For example, if you're entering the job market for the first time, you may only ...

  6. When and How to List References on a Resume [+Examples]

    Here's how to list references on a resume: 1. Put your name and "References" on top of a separate page. 2. Format all references the same way: list full names, job titles, companies, and contact info. 3. Add at least 3 professional references. 4.

  7. How to List References on a Resume in 2024 (with Examples & Tips)

    123 Avenue Way. (123) 456-9890. [email protected]. Always be specific when including the reference's job position or title. Don't just list the name of the company without the exact job title to go along with it. If you are unsure of a reference's job title, ask them before submitting your references to an employer.

  8. How and When to Include References on a Resume ·

    If an employer is seeking references, be sure that the employer wants the references to be listed "on your resume.". It might be a better idea to include references in a separate attachment that is not actually part of your resume. Every resume needs to have five components: Header: Your contact info. Summary/profile: Your "elevator pitch".

  9. References: Types, What To Include and How To Get Them

    If a reference has an official title, be sure to include it next to their name. You also need to describe your relationship with the reference in a brief sentence. For each entry on your reference list, you should include the following: Reference name. Reference position or title. Reference company or organization.

  10. References on a Resume: When and How to Include Them

    Hence, it is optional to include them in your job application. However, if a job posting specifically asks for references, the best place to include them is on a separate page, after the main body of your resume. When doing so, make sure that the page is titled "References" or "Professional References.".

  11. How to List References on a Resume in 2024 (with Templates)

    After that, add a heading. " Professional References " is your best choice. Now's the time to list your 3-5 entries. Here's how to list each of your references on your resume reference sheet: What to Include on Your References List. Reference's First & Last Name. Their Professional Title. Name of Their Company.

  12. How to List References on a Resume and When to Do So

    Preferred form of contact. If you're really tight for space, just add "References available upon request" at the bottom so employers know you have some prepared if needed. Include 2-3 references on a resume and 3-5 on a reference sheet. Never submit your reference sheet with your resume — save it for employers that ask.

  13. How to List References on a Resume [w/ Examples]

    First, put your references on a separate sheet. Add an exclusive reference page, as the last page of your resume. Keep the same format for your reference sheet as your resume and cover letter, meaning use the same font, margins, and color scheme. Start off at the very top with your name, address, and phone number.

  14. How to List References on a Resume (+ Examples)

    Here's a diagrammed how to list your resume reference example: Name: List your reference's full name. Also, it's optional to include their professional title, like "General Manager" or "Professor.". Address: Add their full professional mailing address so that they may be contacted or verified.

  15. References on a resume: a complete guide with examples

    There's no need to put "references available on request." If the hiring manager needs them, he or she will ask for them. Potential professional references include current or past co-workers, former managers or supervisors, clients you've worked with directly, and professors or instructors (if you're a fresh grad).

  16. How to List References on a Resume in 2024 [+Examples]

    Choose three to five references. These should mainly be professional references and one personal reference. Choose your references carefully only ask people who will have positive things to say about your performance and personality. Ask permission from your references before sharing their contact information.

  17. How to List References on a Resume (Templates Included)

    Once you have a person's permission, ask them to provide updated contact information. Usually, you'll need their current job title, employer's name, employer's address, a daytime phone number, and an email address. 3. Start a New Page. When you're adding a reference list to your resume, you want to start it on a new page.

  18. Should You List References on a Resume?

    The short answer is: never. References on your resume take up valuable space. Whether your resume is one or two pages, it's important to use that space to promote your qualifications. Learn more about important resume sections to include. Considering that each job attracts more than 100 applicants and only two percent of applicants will be ...

  19. References on a Resume: To List or Not to List?

    No, you shouldn't include references on a resume. The phrase "references available upon request" isn't needed and it's a thing of the past. The only time you should submit a resume with references is if it's requested in the job description. Create a separate document with your list of references.

  20. Should I Include References on My Resume?

    Second, ask permission to include their information on your resume. Don't forget to ask for your references' permission to include them on a resume after you've let them know about the jobs you're applying for. Hearing that it's okay to include them validates the submission. 3. Third, thank them for letting you include their information.

  21. When Should You Include References on Your Resume?

    Include the name of the reference's company and a link to their website if applicable. State the address of the company. State the city, province, and postal code of the company. Include the phone number and e-mail of the reference and their company. Related: 4 Steps to Highlight Your Achievements on Your Resume.

  22. Should You Put References on a Resume? (And Other FAQs)

    Additionally, it's acceptable to include references if the job description not only requires you to include references but explicitly states that you should include them directly on your resume. If not, create a separate document, called a resume reference list, to share your reference information. If the employers don't ask for references on ...

  23. How to list references on your resumé like a pro + examples

    The rule of thumb is to have at least 2 to 3 references on a resumé and 3 to 5 on a separate reference sheet. Make sure that these are individuals who can speak to your skills and character and have been well-informed of what you're asking from them. For each reference, be sure to provide the following: Name.

  24. Resumé references: Everything you need to know

    Resumé references are people you trust to vouch for you. They're contacts potential employers can call to verify your performance, get insights into your character and follow up on other skills or knowledge that could be relevant to a position you're applying for. A hiring manager will generally contact your references during the final ...

  25. How to Choose References for Job Applications

    That said, don't use family members or anybody living in your house as a reference under any circumstances. Do I Include References on My Resume? Nope! Although this used to be a common practice, references no longer go on resumes. You don't even need to put "references available upon request" at the bottom of your resume.

  26. How to Make the Most Out of Personal References

    Continue Building Potential References. The best strategy for getting good references is to have an established relationship already in place when you need the reference. As your career progresses, continue to cultivate potential new references through professional interactions and opportunities.

  27. What does references available upon request mean?

    The phrase 'reference available on request' is a common one you may see on resumés. This lets the person reading your resumé know that you do have work references and you're ready to supply them when asked. While giving references is an essential part of the job application process, it doesn't mean you need to give their contact information upfront.