Please press the button below to sign in to the RSM thesis online platform with your ERNA credentials.

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  • A-Z databases - Law
  • Covid-19 resource page
  • Introductions to Sources
  • Algemeen Recht / General Law
  • Publiekrecht / Public Law
  • Privaatrecht / Private Law
  • International Law
  • European Union Law
  • Foreign Law
  • Fiscaal Recht / Tax Law
  • Privacyrecht / Privacy Law
  • Arbeids- en Sociaal Recht / Labour- and Social law
  • Gezondheidsrecht / Health Law
  • Arbitrage & Mediatie / Arbitration & Mediation
  • Introduction
  • Icon Legenda
  • Erasmus School of Law Publications
  • Erasmus repositories


Welcome to the Law Library Guide

This guide provides an overview of available and recommended sources of law for students, researchers and employees of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Sections on Dutch law are bilingual, while general/international sections are in English.

up buton

This guide is divided in several sections ;

  • A-Z Databases Law:  databases on law available to students and staff members from Erasmus University
  • Blog : news on services and updates on the library guide.
  • Legal News : for staying up to date on legal developments.
  • Tools:  library catalogues, writing and citing guides, dictionaries and encyclopedias, metrics
  • Introductions to Sources : an introduction to Dutch and international legal sources
  • Publiekrecht / Public Law : Dutch sources on Public Law (Constitutional, Administrative and Criminal Law)
  • Privaatrecht / Private Law : Dutch Sources on Private Law (Family, Legal Entities, Property, Inheritance, Company, Contract, Transport and international Private Law)
  • International and Foreign Law : Human Rights, International Criminal Law, 
  • European Union Law : Resources on the European Union Special Guides:
  • Tax Law / Fiscaal Recht
  • Privacy Law / Privacyrecht
  • Labour and Social Law / Arbeids- en Sociaal Recht
  • Health Law / Gezondheidsrecht
  • Arbitration / Arbitrage

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Contact the University Library  for information on borrowing, renewing or reserving a publication, or on studying in the library.

Contact the Sanders Law Library  for information on the collection located there and opening times.

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  • Last Updated: Jun 28, 2024 12:32 PM
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erasmus university thesis repository

All dissertations from Erasmus MC and EUR are included in Pure , our university’s institutional repository. Most dissertations can be viewed and downloaded in full-text. An embargo period may apply to some items.


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Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)

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Thesis repository

In a bid to ensure that all published theses become more findable, the LDE GMD Centre has launched the MA thesis portal. An added ambition of this portal is to showcase the high-quality theses that come out of the programme every year.

This thesis portal combines all GMD MA theses from all tracks into one single portal. 

Visitors of this portal will be redirected to the respective institution's repository to have access to the full-text version of the theses. This portal will continually be populated and updated.  

Erasmus University theses

Public Administration Theses

Sociology Theses

Leiden University theses

History Theses

International Institue of Social Studies (ISS) theses

Development Studies Theses

IHS thesis series

IHS Thesis Series 7 UMD9

IHS Thesis Series 5 UMD6 & UMD7

IHS Thesis Series 4 UMD5

IHS Thesis Series 3 UMD4

IHS Thesis Series 2 UMD3

IHS Thesis Series 1 UMD1 & UMD2

IHS Thesis Series 7

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erasmus university thesis repository

The Rector will authorise the printing of the PhD thesis once all the requirements have been satisfied and the Beadle has approved the title page. (Download the title page template, including the university’s logo below.)

Whether or not to have the thesis printed is up to the PhD candidate, but at the very least, an electronic copy of the thesis must be submitted for inclusion in the university library.

How to submit an electronic copy of the thesis for inclusion in the university library

One or two versions of electronic manuscript.

If any articles are under embargo at the time of submission, an  additional version  of the thesis must be uploaden in Hora Finita (tab Library) from which said articles have been removed.

The title of the thesis and the PhD student’s name must be stated clearly and uniformly, this has to be uploaded in Hora Finita (tab Library).

Consent form Pure

Complete and sign the form authorising the inclusion and dissemination of the PhD student’s thesis through Pure. Pure is the website on which EUR academics’ academic publications are presented in an Open Access format. (Download the form below). This form has to be uploaded in Hora Finita (tab Library)


The PhD student’s statements must be uploaded in a separate document (tab Library).

For technical questions, please send an e-mail to  [email protected] .

For copyright matters, please send an e-mail to  [email protected]

The PhD student is free to pick a printer of his/her own choosing. However, two research institutes, ERIM and the Tinbergen Institute, have a fixed format for printed theses. These institutes use their own regular printer.

Electronic copy of thesis

The electronic copy of a candidate’s thesis must be identical to a hard-copy thesis. In other words, it must be obvious to the reader that the document is a PhD thesis. All versions of the thesis must clearly and uniformly state the title of the thesis and the PhD student’s name. 

Submitting the thesis

The thesis must be submitted to the Beadle, as an electronic copy (for inclusion in the library) and in hard copy, at least 5 weeks before the scheduled date of the PhD defence, with all the required appendices (see overview above).

Erasmus MC PhD students:

  • Submit 7 copies to Beadle’s Office
  • Submit 1 copy to each member of the examining board
  • Bring 10 copies to the ceremony
  • Please ask the secretariat of the Erasmus MC supervisor's department how many copies they need.

Woudestein faculties PhD students:

  • Submit 7 copies to Beadle’s Office
  • Submit 1 copy to each member of the examining board 

And for the faculty where you are doing your PhD, please check with the faculty office how many copies you need to submit to them.:

The PhD candidate ensures that all Assessment Committee members receive a copy of the thesis.

Thesis allowance

PhD students are eligible for a reimbursement of their thesis production costs of up to €750, provided that they submit the required number of copies to EUR. PhD students who have already received a thesis allowance from another source are ineligible for a EUR thesis allowance, or may only be eligible for a smaller allowance.

You can only apply for a reimbursement if you have uploaded all digital documents in Hora Finita.

  • Pure publications from Erasmus University doc, 13.95 KB
  • Example Title Page doc, 93 KB
  • Consent form dissertation for submission to Pure doc, 29.17 KB

You can fill in these forms by using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and select the option 'fill & sign'.

Hora Finita

For promovendi at Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus MC

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  • Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM)
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  • Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam
  • Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM)
  • Erasmus School of Law
  • Public Administration (FSS)
  • Netherlands Institute for Government (NIG)
  • Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS)
  • Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC)
  • Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences(ESSB)
  • Erasmus School of Philosophy (ESPhil)
  • International Institute of Social Studies (ISS)
  • Submitting Publications
  • Department of Public Health /
  • Dissertation
  • Search: Search

E.C.T. Geijteman (Eric)

Decisions about medical treatment in the last phase of life : Withholding and withdrawing medication and other interventions


Beslissingen over medische behandelingen in de laatste fase van het leven : Niet-starten en stoppen van medicijnen en andere interventies

Continuation of potentially inappropriate interventions at the end of life seems common practice. The causes of this practice have rarely been studied and the perspectives of patients, their relatives and caregivers are not known. Eric Geijteman’s thesis aims to provide insight into the practice of withholding and withdrawing medical interventions in the last phase of life. The thesis includes data from repetitive nationwide studies on end-of-life decision making practices, retrospective chart review studies, questionnaire studies, an interview study, and a Delphi study. In addition, two case reports and a letter to the editor are included. The first part of the thesis focuses on current end-of-life practices. It shows that patients with a limited life expectancy are often exposed to potentially futile and even harmful medical interventions. In part two, we explore the perspectives of patients, their relatives and physicians regarding potentially inappropriate medications in the last phase of life. The results in this part underline that limited awareness among physicians seems to be an important factor to explain why many patients use one or more potentially inappropriate medications in the last months before their expected death. Low priority and uncertainty about the consequences are other important causes. In the third part, possible solutions for improvement of medical care at the end of life are described. It reveals that there is a great need of research into the consequences of deprescribing medication at the end of life. Such deprescribing studies require research methods in which participants in the control group are not aware of the trial intervention. Another solution to improve medical care is to increase physicians’ acknowledge that in the last phase of a patient’s life providing less or no interventions aimed at prolonging life is the best option.

Additional Metadata
Keywords End-of-life care, withholding treatment, withdrawing treatment, drug discontinuation, do-not-resuscitate decisions, diagnosis dying
Promotor , , ,
ISBN 978-94-6323-394-1
Persistent URL
. Retrieved from
  • View at Worldcat


Additional Files
Cover Image , 60kb
, 12kb

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  • Erasmus School of Economics
  • Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
  • Erasmus School of Law
  • Erasmus School of Philosophy
  • Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
  • Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

International Institute of Social Studies

  • Rotterdam School of Management
  • Tinbergen Institute
  • Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies
  • RSM Parttime Master Bedrijfskunde
  • Erasmus University Library
  • Thesis Repository.


  • Publications
  • Collections
  • Agrarian and Environmental Studies (AES)
  • Agrarian, Food and Environmental Studies (AFES)
  • Agricultural and Rural Development (ARD)
  • Children and Youth Studies (CYS)
  • Comparative Development Strategies (CDS)
  • Conflict, Reconstruction and Human Security (CRS)
  • Development Research (DRES)
  • Economics of Development (ECD)
  • Economics of Development (ECD-DD-UEH)
  • Economics of Development (ECD-DD-UI)
  • Economics, Policy and Planning (EPP)
  • Employment and Labour Studies (ELS)
  • Environment and Sustainable Development (ESD)
  • Governance and Democracy (G&D)
  • Governance and Development Policy (GDP)
  • Governance, Migration and Diversity
  • Governance, Migration and Diversity (GMD)
  • Governance, Policy and Political Economy (GPPE)
  • Human Resources and Employment (HRE)
  • Human Rights, Development and Social Justice (HDS)
  • Individual Study Programme (ISP)
  • International Political Economy and Development (IPED)
  • Labour and Development (L&D)
  • Local Development Strategies (LDS)
  • Local and Regional Development (LRD)
  • Master of Social Sciences
  • Master of Social Sciences (MSS)
  • Politics of Alternative Development (PAD)
  • Population Poverty and Social Development (PPSD)
  • Population and Development (P&D)
  • Poverty Studies and Policy Analysis (POV)
  • Public Policy and Administration (PPA)
  • Public Policy and Management (PPM)
  • Regional Development Planning (RDP)
  • Rural Livelihoods and Global Change (RLGC)
  • Social Justice Perspectives (SJP)
  • Social Policy for Development (SPD)
  • Women and Development (W&D)
  • Women, Gender, Development (WGD)
  • Work, Employment and Globalisation (WEG)

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  1. - Erasmus University Thesis Repository

    erasmus university thesis repository

  2. Erasmus University Thesis Repository

    erasmus university thesis repository

  3. Final Version , 465kb

    erasmus university thesis repository

  4. Introduction

    erasmus university thesis repository

  5. Erasmus University Thesis Repository: Connected in Distance

    erasmus university thesis repository

  6. finalVersion

    erasmus university thesis repository


  1. Erasmus turns 30

  2. How to Search Thesis & Synopsis from Shodhganga & Shodhgangotri Repository

  3. Borcelle University Thesis Defense Presentation by Estelle Darcy


  1. Erasmus University Thesis Repository

    Erasmus University Thesis Repository Publications by Year. Faculties. Erasmus School of Economics; Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication; Erasmus School of Law; Erasmus School of Philosophy; Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences; Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management; International Institute of Social Studies

  2. Thesis repository

    Here you will find the details of online theses up to 2013 inclusive and of printed theses up to 2014 inclusive. Like books, printed theses may be borrowed. The Erasmus University Thesis Repository contains over 40,000 theses from 2009 until the present. Most of these are master theses.

  3. Erasmus University Thesis Repository

    About. Welcome to the EUR Thesis Repository, the website where the Erasmus University presents theses written by its students. The responsibility for the Thesis Repository is divided as follows: Faculties of the Erasmus University will deposit theses according to their own regulations; the University Library provides the infrastructure, the ...

  4. RePub, Erasmus University Repository

    RePub Publications from Erasmus University, Rotterdam. RePub. Erasmus University Rotterdam's institutional repository, RePub, provides access to the academic output of the university and makes it available to everyone, free of charge. Search. Add Filter.

  5. Erasmus University Thesis Repository: Erasmus University Thesis ...

    Erasmus University Thesis Repository Publications by Year. Faculties. Erasmus School of Economics; Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication; Erasmus School of Law; Erasmus School of Philosophy; Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences; Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management; International Institute of Social Studies

  6. TOP

    Please press the button below to sign in to the RSM thesis online platform with your ERNA credentials.

  7. RePub, Erasmus University Repository

    Shaping ideal futures: Writing a letter to the future researchPaper. ERIM report series research in management Erasmus Research Institute of Management. Schippers, M.C. (Michaéla) and de Jong, E.M. (Elisabeth) and Rus, D.C. (Diana) and Rommers, H. (Huib) February 2023. Prev.

  8. RePub, Erasmus University Repository

    Dissertations. As of the 1st of June 2016 the complete doctoral dissertation in electronic format should always be delivered to the Beadle's Office together with the completed and signed declaration of provision (a link to the declaration of provision is provided on the righthand side of this webpage) of the digital dissertation for the EUR institutional repository (RePub).

  9. Home

    Erasmus University Thesis Repository The EUR Thesis Repository is where the Erasmus University presents theses written by its students. The responsibility for the Thesis Repository is divided as follows: Faculties of the Erasmus University will deposit theses according to their own regulations; the University Library provides the infrastructure, the hosting and the design of the workflows.

  10. What is the master thesis repository? : Master Services

    What is the master thesis repository? Print. Modified on: Mon, 19 Feb, 2024 at 9:29 AM. After graduation your master thesis will be stored in the Erasmus University Thesis Repository and is publicly accessible via The user can view the title, name of the author and keywords. ERNA login credentials are required for the ...

  11. Erasmus University Thesis Repository: Erasmus University Thesis Repository

    An analysis of the "In Larger Freedom" report and the proposal of G4 Master Thesis. Ahmet Ferda Karadeniz. August 2022. Trust repair strategies in public-private partnerships and their potential for success A qualitative research project informed by a case study of the Kromhoutkazerne in Utrecht Master Thesis. Melanie Mackay.

  12. PhD-theses

    PhD-theses. All dissertations from Erasmus MC and EUR are included in Pure, our university's institutional repository. Most dissertations can be viewed and downloaded in full-text. An embargo period may apply to some items.

  13. Thesis : Master Services

    What is the master thesis repository? After graduation your master thesis will be stored in the Erasmus University Thesis Repository and is publicly accessible via The us... Mon, 19 Feb, 2024 at 9:29 AM « Previous; 1; 2;

  14. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) research repository

    figshare. credit for all your research.share. credit for all your research.

  15. RSM thesis submission

    RSM makes use of an online platform to support the thesis process, called Thesis Online Platform (TOP). Students will submit their final proposal and final thesis in the system. Coaches and co-readers will approve or disapprove the documents in TOP. At the end, after the defense, the final assessment and grading is recorded in TOP.

  16. Thesis repository

    Thesis repository. In a bid to ensure that all published theses become more findable, the LDE GMD Centre has launched the MA thesis portal. An added ambition of this portal is to showcase the high-quality theses that come out of the programme every year. This thesis portal combines all GMD MA theses from all tracks into one single portal.

  17. Erasmus University Thesis Repository: Erasmus School of Economics

    Erasmus University Thesis Repository Publications by Year. Faculties. Erasmus School of Economics; Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication; Erasmus School of Law; Erasmus School of Philosophy; Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences; Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management; International Institute of Social Studies

  18. IHS thesis series

    Are you passionate about urban development and looking to find out more? You may like to read the IHS thesis series.

  19. RePub, Erasmus University Repository: Working Longer in Good Health

    STREAM was financed by the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. The main conclusions of the thesis are as follows: • Highly engaged workers have greater improvement in physical and especially mental health during one-year follow-up than less engaged workers. • Employees with an active, non-avoidant, coping style have a better ...

  20. Erasmus University Thesis Repository: Clustering Exchangeable

    Erasmus University Library; about. Thesis Repository. sign in Erasmus School of Economics / Econometrie / Bachelor Thesis; Search: Search Goorden, V.A.D. 2023-09-13. Clustering Exchangeable Relational Arrays Publication Publication. ... Erasmus University Rotterdam

  21. Thesis

    Submitting the thesis. The thesis must be submitted to the Beadle, as an electronic copy (for inclusion in the library) and in hard copy, at least 5 weeks before the scheduled date of the PhD defence, with all the required appendices (see overview above). The PhD candidate ensures that all Assessment Committee members receive a copy of the thesis.

  22. RePub, Erasmus University Repository: Decisions about medical treatment

    Eric Geijteman's thesis aims to provide insight into the practice of withholding and withdrawing medical interventions in the last phase of life. The thesis includes data from repetitive nationwide studies on end-of-life decision making practices, retrospective chart review studies, questionnaire studies, an interview study, and a Delphi ...

  23. Erasmus University Thesis Repository: International Institute of Social

    Erasmus University Thesis Repository Publications by Year. Faculties. Erasmus School of Economics; Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication; Erasmus School of Law; Erasmus School of Philosophy; Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences; Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management; International Institute of Social Studies