• Career Guide

Unsolicited application letter – example for fresh graduates

How to write a great cover letter for an unsolicited job application.

Are you among the newly graduated job seekers looking for possible job openings in various companies? Perhaps you have a few potential employers in mind, but none of them currently have a specific job opening or job opportunities in your field?

unsolicited application

A job search and finding one’s dream job can be a strenuous task. Even though there are plenty of job postings out there, only a few companies might offer jobs that are of interest to you as a job seeker or an applicant. Now, there is the possibility to apply to a company on your own accord even if the business offers no particular position at the moment.

You may simply create an unsolicited application and send it to the prospective employer! Finding out about relevant contact information of the HR department will be a good starting point. However, let’s not get too much into the entire application process straight away and start with a few basics on unsolicited applications!

What is the difference between a solicited and an unsolicited application?

In general, you have two options to get your dream job: You can look for suitable job postings and then apply via e-mail or using the company’s application tool on their website. Another approach: Self-selection. You can make it clear to an organization or several companies of your choice that they need you. The application documents you have to prepare are very similar in both cases – with one important exception: The cover letter.

ℹ️ The main difference between a solicited application and an unsolicited application is whether the company has advertised a job opening or not. In case it has a vacancy, the application is considered a solicited application. If the company is not offering open positions to new applicants at this time, the letter is regarded as an unsolicited application.

The goal of an unsolicited application is to request and obtain a job interview. After submitting an unsolicited application, applicants hope that the company can create a job for them – based on their skills and the added value they can bring to the company.

Solicited and unsolicited: A quick comparison of cover letters

Cover letters for both job opportunities must be convincing from A to Z. They should give recruiters at the targeted company as comprehensive a picture as possible of your expertise and personality and provide the business with valid arguments for hiring you. Both comprise a maximum of one page and are structured in the same way, but have different focal points:

  • In the cover letter for the solicited application, the applicant states exactly what they are applying for and where they found the relevant job posting.
  • In the unsolicited application, you make it clear that you are looking for a position outside of the regular selection procedure and not as part of the normal application process.
  • In both the conventional cover letter and the unsolicited application, you briefly explain in the first paragraph who you are, what you are looking for, and why you think you would be a good fit for the company.
  • The main body is where the two types of application differ the most: In the solicited application cover letter, you list your professional qualities with reference to the job posting and back them up with concrete examples – supplemented by two or three sentences about your motivation.
  • In the unsolicited application letter, your motivation plays the main role and takes up most of the space. Why do you want to work for the company and what contribution can you make? What skills do you have to offer, and how will your potential employer benefit from them?
  • To score points, you should do a thorough analysis of your personal strengths and the conditions at the target company beforehand (e.g. do some research on the industry and company culture).
  • The last paragraph of the conventional cover letter may end with a note that you are looking forward to an invitation for an interview.
  • In the unsolicited application, you can ask them to look into employment opportunities for you.

smiling woman in grey shirt

What is considered to be an unsolicited letter of application?

Since there is no specific job opening in which exact requirements for applicants are specified in writing, the applicant must design the cover letter in such a way that their core competencies are expressed briefly and succinctly. At the same time, there should also be a reference to the industry in question.

ℹ️ An unsolicited application therefore does not automatically mean a list of all the knowledge and skills that the particular person has ever acquired in their life, but should rather address and describe the know-how that is useful for this company in this industry.

Tip: Unsolicited applications naming a specific contact person are always welcome, so do your research on the business!

young man creates unsolicited application

Step-by-step guide to unsolicited job applications

Before you write your unsolicited application, please do your research! Being the initiator does not mean that you write spontaneously and without thinking. First, you should gather important information about possible positions and job specifications. Only this background research will enable you to argue convincingly in the cover letter or later in an in-person-interview for a position:

1. Preparation for an unsolicited application: The ultimate checklist for applicants

Find out about the companies you would like to apply to in person:

  • In which business areas does the company operate?
  • What is their corporate philosophy or mission statement?
  • Are there any reports or reviews about the employer?
  • What do former employees say about the company?
  • How many positions are currently posted internally or on job boards?
  • Is there currently a downsizing happening?
  • What markets is the company expanding into?
  • Are there any references to new products in the business press?
  • Could specialized professionals be sought for these?
  • What qualifications in the resume are generally being looked for?

Use a variety of sources for your research: In addition to the company’s homepage and social media profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter, you should also visit trade and career fairs. They sometimes offer the best opportunities to get in touch with the employer in person and make contacts on your own initiative.

The next step is to match the information you’ve researched with your qualifications and work history. The goal is to find a career gap in the company of your choice that you can fill. The greater the overlap, the more successful the unsolicited application will be.

2. Writing an unsolicited application: The structure applicants should submit

Write your application in an active style. Use active verbs and unusual phrasing. After all, you want to stand out! Write about your enthusiasm, show emotion and personality. Be bold! The cover letter of an unsolicited application is all about a flaming plea and your passion (for the job). You can put any other facts in your resume. Here we have a great example that lists the applicant’s most important and relevant skills for the organization:

✅ Example letter for unsolicited job applications

Dear Sir or Madam, 

My name is …, I am a young professional from … with experience in customer service operations and online marketing activities. I have been able to gain these competencies during my time at … in … and as a freelance artist. My Bachelor’s Degree in … has provided me with an extensive knowledge in business functions and cross-cultural communication. 

I see myself as a great fit for your organization because I am highly motivated, have a strong “can do” attitude and a structured, results-oriented way of working. During my studies, I was able to develop an understanding of the international marketing environment and learn about international product-, brand-, and communication management. Working as an artist has enabled me to connect theory with practice. I have already organized events in … and … . Promoting my projects on social media and in public has been challenging but fun and it has shown me that it is very important to be proactive and goal-oriented.

Apart from a keen interest in all …, I also have a strong customer focus. At …, I worked in the department managing the training of … . This enabled me to gain experience in international project management as well as the creation of content. Even though this project required the use of a new software, I was quickly able to get acquainted to it and present results. Moreover, I was involved in the planning and implementation of … events. Here, precise communication and team-oriented work played a major role. 

My positive attitude toward change and new environments as well as a distinct cultural sensitivity have enabled me to relate to people of various personalities and backgrounds. My stays in … and … have made me tolerant, curious and appreciative of different social structures and work patterns. I am aiming for an international career and I am ready for new challenges. 

I am confident that I would be a good choice for the position. Your company serves clients throughout the world. Therefore, it is mandatory to have employees with … expertise and excellent … skills. Moreover, I can contribute my conceptual, organizational and language abilities. This will make it possible to enhance the company performance and also benefit my personal development.

I would be delighted to receive an invitation for a personal interview.

blank paper on table

3. Writing an unsolicited application: The content applicants should create

In addition to the format of the cover letter, you should also pay attention to these points in the content of the unsolicited application:

✍️ Unsolicited application letter introduction

With a convincing introduction, you arouse interest and make people curious. The introductory sentence should therefore be original and unique. Sentences such as “I hereby send you an unsolicited application for a suitable position as…” are not suitable. A better choice is, for example:

“After gaining experience in project management with my current employer for five years, I am now drawn to the task of helping to expand market leadership for flux compensators. I know that I will meet an excellent team at your company – that motivates me even more.”

✍️ Main body of the unsolicited application

The main part is about your qualifications, strengths, soft skills and your motivation to work for the target company. Make it clear what added value you can create or why you are a perfect fit for the team. If you have already had contact with the company, mention that. Example: “As previously discussed with Ms. … .” Examples of past projects that prove you have the experience and can do the job are also convincing. For example:

“Sustainable customer relationships are very important to me. At my current employer, I independently initiated a project to optimize existing customer management. Customer satisfaction increased by 15 % after that.”

✍️ Unsolicited application closing paragraph

At the end of the unsolicited job application, you should once again offer a highlight. Reaffirm your interest in the company and that look forward to an interview. Why not already include the earliest possible start date? Sample wording:

“I would be happy to convince you personally of my motivation and suitability. I look forward to a proposed date for an interview.”

4. Completing an unsolicited application: The resume applicants should prepare

The CV of the unsolicited application does not differ from a conventional resume. Above all, it must be complete, comprehensive and clear. This means that it contains all the relevant qualifications for the fictitious position for which you are applying to – divided into “professional experience,” “special knowledge,” “further training,” and “interests.” All of this adds up to a convincing profile.

For an unsolicited job application, the CV should be no longer than one page. Shorten and condense passages that you consider less relevant, while others can be more detailed. A very important thing is that recruiters and decision makers can find all crucial information at a glance.

Many companies (also smaller companies and medium-sized companies) are familiar with the concept of an unsolicited application and happy to receive a job application on the job seeker’s own accord. Companies often even welcome this concept of “self-selection.” Why? It shows them that they are popular with applicants even if they do not advertise any jobs to the outside world.

Also, for many applicants that apply on an initiative basis rather than to direct job openings, money is not the main factor as to why they submit their application to specific employers. These kind of applicants prepare an application and get in contact because they are really interested in what the company does and want to support their mission.

By the way, as a job seeker who sent out a couple of unsolicited applications, do not hesitate to follow up on your request for an interview and get in touch with employers either via e-mail or phone. If you ask about the status of your application in person, it might give employers an extra incentive to check out your unsolicited job application (again)!

Frequently asked Questions about Unsolicited Application

If you’d like to work for a particular company and there are no current job openings or the target company you have in mind doesn’t offer any positions at the moment, you can prepare an unsolicited application letter.

– Arouse the reader’s interest in the introduction. – Explain why you would like to work at this company. – Present your profile and strengths as concretely and clearly as possible. – Go into detail about your soft skills. – Make it clear what other qualifications you have. – Find a meaningful closing sentence that makes you memorable.

Unsolicited applications are used to find out about potential job vacancies and to attract the attention of recruiters.

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Writing an Effective Unsolicited Cover Letter

An unsolicited cover letter is one the hiring manager didn’t explicitly ask for through a verbal or written request. While many people send cover letters in response to job postings or referrals, unsolicited cover letters can help you show initiative and land jobs that aren’t advertised. Learning to write one of these letters in a way that positions you as an attractive candidate is the key to success.

What are the benefits and drawbacks of an unsolicited cover letter?

If you’re the kind of candidate who has only ever responded to job postings, the idea of writing an unsolicited cover letter may be intimidating. Learning about the pros and cons of unsolicited cover letters can help you determine whether this bold approach is right for you.

Standing out from other applicants

Many people are hesitant to send unsolicited cover letters because they worry about coming across as overly eager or self-confident. What most cover letter articles won’t tell you, though, is that an unsolicited cover letter can help you stand out in a good way.

This move may get you noticed more easily because you won’t be competing with hundreds of other applicants. Your cover letter will arrive unexpectedly, giving the hiring manager time to focus on reviewing your qualifications.

It demonstrates initiative and motivation

Sending an unsolicited application cover letter shows that you’re a proactive candidate who knows how to take the initiative. Hiring managers will likely see you as a self-starter, a trait often associated with high-performing employees. 

Sending an unsolicited cover letter also showcases your excitement and motivation regarding the position and company. If the prospect of working at a particular business prompted you to send an unsolicited cover letter, it’s safe to assume you have an authentic desire to work there.

Sending an unsolicited application cover letter shows that you’re a proactive candidate who knows how to take the initiative. Hiring managers will likely see you as a self-starter.

Uncovering hidden jobs

It may surprise you to learn that many companies don’t advertise all of their vacant roles. Sometimes, it's because they want a narrower pool of candidates with specific experience or skills. Other times, the HR manager or business owner just doesn’t have the time to sift through hundreds of applications.

In these cases, an unsolicited cover letter can help open doors for you. If the company has an unadvertised open position, you may be first in line for consideration.

When competition for top talent is fierce, hiring personnel may not be accustomed to having great candidates come to them. The hiring manager may appreciate you making their talent acquisition journey easier. 

However, it takes a lot of effort and time

It’s important to note that sending a cold application never guarantees that you’ll land the job or even receive an interview. There may be times when the company doesn’t have any open positions, prefers to hire from within, or already has candidates in mind for the job. Consequently, unsolicited cover letters can be hit and miss.

Moreover, these letters take considerable time and effort to write. While you may be rewarded with a great position, be prepared to do a lot of work on the front end to get it.

How to write an effective unsolicited solicited cover letter

While unsolicited cover letters have some elements in common with general cover letters, there are some additional steps you’ll need to take. Here are a few key pointers and best practices to keep in mind.

Research the company and role when possible

It’s important to do your research when writing any cover letter, but it’s even more critical when your application is unsolicited.

The hiring manager will likely wonder what prompted you to send an application without seeing a vacant position. You need to preemptively explain to them what it is about the company or job that interested you.

Customize your letter

Just because you’re sending an unsolicited application doesn’t mean it should be generic. Hiring managers will appreciate a customized letter, as it makes your intentions for sending it clear.

A specially tailored cover letter is also more compelling, as it allows you to align your experience and skill set with the company’s needs and showcases the effort you’ve put in, which is key for a cold application.

Highlight relevant skills and experience

Anytime you send an unsolicited cover letter, you must make it a point to highlight how you could be of value as an employee of the company.

This is where your research will come in handy. Use what you know about the organization’s culture, values, mission, and goals, as well as the position you want, to introduce relevant skills and anecdotes that relate to these aspects.

Use appropriate language and tone

Because you won’t have any familiarity with the company or hiring manager, it’s even more important to maintain a professional tone throughout your letter.

Resist the urge to inject humor, as you never know how it might come across to the hiring manager. As many cover letter and resume articles advise, you should also avoid using slang or other types of informal language.

Use a cover letter template

Using cover letter templates can give you a better idea of what sections to include and help ensure that your letter is formatted correctly. Unsolicited cover letter examples will also help you nail the right tone, as you’ll get a chance to see how you can incorporate formal and professional language into your letter.

Expert Tip:

Keep your unsolicited cover letter to one page or less in length. Remember, you’re sending your letter without anyone having requested one. Writing a concise letter shows that you respect the hiring manager’s time and don’t want to waste it.

Key points when sending 

It’s especially important to adhere to best practices when sending an unsolicited cover letter. Keep the following key points in mind as you compose your letter.

Attach your resume

Make sure the hiring manager has everything they need to evaluate you as a candidate. Don’t forget to include your resume , as it’s a crucial document that summarizes your experience.

If you need help crafting a good resume, consider using resume templates . These helpful frameworks will show you exactly what to include and how to format it.

Address the hiring manager properly

Avoid using generic greetings like “To whom it may concern” or “Dear sir/madam” as your salutation. Instead, show the hiring manager you’ve researched the company and put effort into your application by addressing them by name.

If you don’t know their name, try looking them up on LinkedIn, or just call the company and ask directly. Once you have a name, stick to proper titles like “Mr.” or “Ms.” to maintain a sense of formality.

Acknowledge it’s an unsolicited letter and application

There’s no need to feel awkward about sending a blind cover letter, especially if you truly feel you can provide value to the company.

That said, you should acknowledge that your letter is unsolicited and explain why you’re sending it to avoid any misunderstanding. Doing so sets a tone of honesty and transparency and establishes trust between you and the hiring manager.

Thank the contact person or hiring manager

Make sure to express sincere gratitude to the person reading your application.

Since your letter is unsolicited, you can’t be sure it will arrive at a good time for the hiring manager. Thanking them for reading your materials acknowledges that they’re going out of their way to consider you as a candidate and will make them feel appreciated.

An unsolicited cover letter can be a bold move toward your dream job

Sending an unsolicited cover letter is a bold move that will make you stand out as an applicant. However, many hiring managers will appreciate you taking the initiative to contact them and articulate how your skills can be of value to their company.

When writing your letter, research the company thoroughly, address the hiring manager by name, and maintain the appropriate tone throughout. Acknowledging that your letter is unsolicited can also help you establish transparency and trust. 

If you want to craft the perfect application, use cover letter and resume examples to guide your content and formatting. These tools can go a long way toward helping you craft an application package that will get you noticed so you can land the perfect position.

Get ahead of the competition

Make your job applications stand-out from other candidates.

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How to Write an Unsolicited Cover Letter

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Also called a letter of inquiry, an unsolicited cover letter with attached resume may prove effective in your job search because the majority of jobs are never advertised in newspapers nor on Internet job boards or professional networking and social media Web sites. The more unsolicited cover letters and resumes you send, the better your chances are for possibly landing your ideal job that you would have never known existed.

Brief Introduction

Explain the purpose of your letter in the first paragraph. Tell the reader why you're writing and include a brief statement about your skills, background and interest in the company. Because this is an unsolicited cover letter, you needn't reference where you saw a job advertisement. However, it's wise to include a sentence or two about why you chose to write to that particular company.

I am writing to inquire about positions with your company aftering reading "Fortune" magazine's 100 Best Companies for Veterans. I was very impressed with your company's profile as a large defense contractor. As a retiring U.S. Air Force veteran with 20 years of service, I have extensive training in leadership and missile operations. I understand you routinely seek candidates with my skill set. I would like to be considered for employment in any of your U.S. locations, specifically in your business unit that handles missile testing.

Identify Skills

Write a second paragraph that provides more details about your credentials and skills, but doesn't pigeonhole you into a certain field, position or rank. Give the reader an opportunity to judge where your qualifications best fit. Use one to two sentences to highlight your professional expertise, giving a broad picture of your capabilities.

For the past five years, I've been in charge of missile testing and am accountable for 15 employees in my unit. My responsibilities include managing workforce issues, such as performance evaluations, providing employee guidance and day-to-day staff assignments.

Summarize Accomplishments

Construct your third paragraph as a synopsis of your achievements. Stick to accomplishments above and beyond your typical job duties. For instance, if your missile testing unit had 100 percent pass rate with zero failures post-release, state that in your third paragraph. Toot your horn in the third paragraph as you close the sale on your work skills and convince the reader that you're suitable for a job that's not even posted. End your third paragraph with a sentence restating your reason for writing.

My skills and qualifications would make me an asset to your company. I would very much like to join your team now or in the near future.

Encourage Contact

Close your letter with your contact information. If you're available at any time for an interview or if you're traveling to the city where the company is located, indicate that in your final paragraph. If you have the contact information for the person to whom you're writing, note your plans to call soon.

I will be following on my interest with a telephone call within the next three days.

Use a respectful closing such as "Respectfully yours," or "Kind regards."

Other Considerations

You will acheive better results if you address your letter to the person who has the authority to hire you. If you don't know the name and title of that person, call the HR department and explain the information you are seeking.

Hello, my name is John Smith. I'm very interested in working for ABC Company and would like to send a personal letter to your hiring manager in the business unit that produces missiles. Would you please give the name and title of the person responsible for hiring staff in that department?

Don't be reluctant to call HR for that information; some job seekers lose out just because they fear HR won't release information.

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Ruth Mayhew has been writing since the mid-1980s, and she has been an HR subject matter expert since 1995. Her work appears in "The Multi-Generational Workforce in the Health Care Industry," and she has been cited in numerous publications, including journals and textbooks that focus on human resources management practices. She holds a Master of Arts in sociology from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Ruth resides in the nation's capital, Washington, D.C.

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Unsolicited Application: Why You Should Send It and How To Prepare

Concept papers, lectures, and press releases all depend on both the specific content and a well-written conclusion to ensure that the content is remembered. However, how do you craft the ideal conclusion? We’ve compiled the most crucial editing steps for you.

When looking for a new job, initiative is always appreciated, but it also requires courage and tenacity. As a result, if you’re interested in working for the company of your dreams but there isn’t a position listed that matches your qualifications, write to HR or the relevant department and introduce yourself – on your own initiative and in your own special way. But what is the best way to go about it?.

An unsolicited application is successful more often than you’d think. You’ll be shocked to learn how many positions can be filled in a company without a formal job posting. Don’t give up because you can assume that an unsolicited application is more likely to be read than a “normal” application, which may be one of hundreds. You are exceptional and can clearly demonstrate your abilities and qualifications for a position with your spontaneous or unsolicited application. Naturally, there is always a chance that it won’t produce the desired outcome, but you haven’t tried anything yet.

How to prepare an unsolicited job application

The following steps will assist you in creating an unsolicited job application:

1. Research companies

It can be helpful to research various companies you’re interested in to learn about the various job positions they have and their primary responsibilities before creating your unsolicited application. You can learn what each company does by reading through its websites, career pages, and social media accounts, and how you might benefit from those services. It can also assist you in determining the company’s culture and whether you might fit well with the group or community.

On the career websites of many companies, there will frequently be a notification or message next to their open positions that indicates whether the company is currently accepting unsolicited applications. Additionally, it might indicate whether they are considering unsolicited applications for particular company departments. You can use this data to determine which businesses to apply to first and which ones are more likely to respond to your letters or emails.

2. Aim for smaller businesses

Sending unsolicited resumes to small- and medium-sized businesses can increase your likelihood of receiving a response and securing a new position. The majority of the time, larger businesses and corporations will have a sizeable human resources team at their disposal to help fill their open positions. However, smaller businesses frequently have one or two HR representatives to assist in locating potential job candidates. As a result, sending unsolicited applications to small or medium-sized businesses may enable them to find the ideal candidates for their open positions while also saving time, money, and resources.

3. Network with company officials

Additionally, it can be beneficial to get in touch with employees of a company via phone, email, or social media to network with them and learn more about the corporate culture and their role in the company. Reaching out with a considerate phone call or message that clearly states the relationship’s intention can be helpful when attempting to forge a professional connection. This can give the expert everything they need to respond appropriately because they will have all the information they require.

An effective opening line, for instance, could be: “Hello Karim, my name is Rowena Neale, and I’m getting ready to send Love Pets Company my resume and information for a potential sales position. I saw that you represent the company’s marketing department, and I was wondering if you would mind taking a moment to tell me more about the company. “.

4. Write an unsolicited application letter

In an unsolicited application letter, candidates can specify their main areas of expertise, the reason they are contacting the company, and how they can contribute to its success. It’s crucial to end the letter with a request for action, such as requesting an interview or further conversation with a company representative. Keep your job interest broad if your skill set can be applied to multiple positions rather than concentrating on a department that might not need any more hires.

Why should you send an unsolicited job application?

When looking for a new job, sending an unsolicited application can be helpful, but there aren’t many open positions or job postings. Businesses occasionally choose not to list their open positions on career websites in the hopes of filling them with internal candidates. You can start conversations with potential employers, expand your professional network, and possibly find a new position or role that wasn’t previously known by using unsolicited applications.

Unsolicited application letter template

You can use the following model to write an unsolicited application letter:

[Greeting: This should include the person’s name, their title, or the name of the business ],.

[In the first section, you should introduce yourself, briefly discuss your background and your motivation for applying to the company. ].

[In the second paragraph, elaborate on your qualifications and experience. You can do this by composing succinct summaries of your professional experiences, accomplishments, and how you have benefited your current employers. You can also make a succinct bulleted list to briefly describe any abilities that could help their business. When possible, consider using numbers to quantify your achievements. ].

[In the third paragraph, you should go into more detail about why you’re contacting the business. Describe your favorite aspects of the company or business in a few sentences, along with how your abilities can benefit those aspects. ].

[The closing paragraph of the letter should express gratitude to the business or person for their time. In order to further discuss your potential role in the company, it should also include a call to action, requesting an interview or conversation with a company representative. ].

[ Closing statement ] , [ Signature ]

Unsolicited application letter example

You can use the following sample as inspiration when writing your own uninvited application letter:

Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to enquire about potential job openings or opportunities at Love Pets Company. My name is Rowena Neale. I’m confident that with my five years of sales experience, I can offer you professional, high-quality work that will help you boost business revenue. Even though I’m aware that there aren’t any open positions in your company’s sales department right now, I still wanted to get in touch to say hello and see if there were any other ways I could help.

During my five years of experience working with various companies, I was able to use my skills of communication and problem-solving abilities to help my previous employers increase their customer outreach by 12% and boost business revenue by 10% every year I’ve also acquired additional methods and competencies that will help me in my work as a sales associate, such as:

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed following the growth and development of the Love Pets Company, and I especially value your commitment to assisting clients in forming strong bonds with their pets that can aid in behavior modification and training. Knowing your company’s mission and goals will help me effectively pitch your high-quality products to customers and explain how your services can improve their relationship with their pets.

Thank you for your time and consideration. If given the chance, I would love to discuss how I can work most effectively for your business as a salesperson.

Sincerely, Rowena Neale

How To Write an Unsolicited Cover Letter? | Example

What is unsolicited resume?

The terms “unsolicited resume” and “unsolicited application letter” are interchangeable. It’s a resume you send to a company that doesn’t currently have any open positions or hasn’t posted any jobs online.

Is it OK to send unsolicited resume?

Don’t send unsolicited resumes to recruiters. Sending your resume to an unknown recruiter is a waste of time unless the position is posted or you are certain the company is looking for someone just like you. Recruiters find people for jobs, not jobs for people.

What is solicited and unsolicited application letter?

solicitation a solicitation a solicitation a solicitation a solicitation a solicitation a solicitation a solicitation a solicitation a solicitation a However, the letter is regarded as unsolicited if the company had not requested applications.

What are the benefits of unsolicited applicants?

  • You participated in the creation of your future position and selected the competencies you want to use.
  • You are not in direct competition with other applicants.
  • You come across as a proactive and someone who can take initiative.
  • You can quickly contact a number of organizations.

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  • Cover Letters

How to Write a Cover Letter for an Unadvertised Job

Cover Letter Sample and Writing Tips for a Job That's Not Advertised

how to write a unsolicited application letter

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What to Include in Your Cover Letter

  • Cover Letter Example and Template

Proofread Your Documents

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Not all companies advertise job openings. Some companies get plenty of applicants without advertising. Other companies may not be in hiring mode but will consider applications from qualified candidates if they anticipate an opening in the near future.

Sending a resume and cover letter to an employer, even though you aren't sure if there are available jobs, is a way to get your candidacy noticed. It may also get you advance consideration for positions that have just opened up. If you have skills the company is in need of, it may even get you considered for a brand-new position.

When you know an employer has an opening, don't hesitate to apply.

If you have a company you'd love to work for , consider taking the time to reach out and connect regardless of whether the organization is currently hiring.

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter for an Unadvertised Job

What's the best way to apply for unadvertised job openings? It depends on whether you know there is a position available, but the company hasn't listed it, or if there's a company you want to work for and you don't know if there are open jobs.

Kelly Miller / The Balance

When You Know There is a Job Opening

If you know the company is hiring but hasn't advertised the position, write a traditional   cover letter  expressing your interest in the open position at the company. Be sure to specifically relate your qualifications for the job.

When You Don't Know if the Company is Hiring

Writing a cover letter for an unadvertised opening (also known as a   cold contact cover letter  or  letter of interest ) is a little different than writing a cover letter for a job that you know is available.

With this type of letter, you will need to make a strong pitch for yourself and how you can help the company. Below are some tips on how to write a cover letter for an unadvertised opening.

  • Mention your contacts.  If you know someone at the organization, mention this at the beginning of the cover letter. Having a contact at the company is a great way to get your foot in the door, even if the company isn’t actively hiring.
  • Use paper or email.  You can send your letter via paper or  email . Sending an old-fashioned paper letter works well  for this type of letter , because it may have a better chance of being read than an email, which could be deleted without even being opened.
  • Include a resume.  Whether you send your cover letter via paper or email, be sure to include a copy of your resume. Make sure you  tailor your resume  to the company and the type of job you are looking for.

Below is detailed information on what to include in your cover letter, along with links to example cover letters.

Your Contact Information Name Address City, State Zip Code Phone Number Email Address

  • Cover Letter Contact Section Examples

Greeting If you can find a contact person at the company, direct your letter or email message to them. Here's how to find  contacts at companies .

If you can't locate a contact person, address your letter to "Dear Hiring Manager" or leave out this section and start with the first  paragraph  of your letter.

  • Cover Letter Greeting Examples

Body of Cover Letter The goal of your letter is to get noticed as a prospective employee even if the company isn't hiring immediately. Your letter should explain the reason for your interest in the organization, and identify your most relevant skills or experiences and explain why you would be an asset to the company.

First Paragraph: The first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you are writing. If you know someone at the company, mention it now. Be specific as to why you are interested in this particular company.

Middle Paragraph(s): The next section of your cover letter should describe what you have to offer the employer. Again, be specific as to how you can help the organization.

Final Paragraph:  Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for employment.

  • What to Include in the Body Section of a Cover Letter

Closing Best Regards,  (or choose another closing from the examples below)

  • Cover Letter Closing Examples

Signature Handwritten Signature  (for a mailed letter)

Typed Signature When you are   sending an email letter,  be sure to include all your contact information in your signature.

  • Signature Examples

Cover Letter Example for a Job That's Not Advertised

You can use this sample as a model to write a cover letter. Download the template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or read the text version below.

Cover Letter for a Job That's Not Advertised (Text Version)

Your Name Your Address City, State Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email Address

Contact Name Title Company Address City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr./Ms. LastName,

As an Information Technology professional with high-level management experience in the IT industry, I learned that the best way to achieve success was to motivate the resources I had with well-defined objectives and empowerment.

A management belief based on integrity, quality, and service, along with a positive attitude, an aptitude for strategic thought and planning, and the ability to adapt quickly to new ideas and situations allows me to achieve consistent and significant successes in multiple industries.

My personality profile says:

  • A confident, driven individual who reacts quickly to change.
  • A self-starter with a strong sense of urgency who responds positively to challenge and pressure.
  • A fast learner who is a practical and ingenious problem solver.
  • A fluent and articulate communicator, flexible and responsive. A self-directed, goal-oriented doer.

My former managers' say:

"…The Information Technology Analysis will serve as a guideline for making positive contributions …your management style provided a footprint for younger members of our organization… a very positive impression of the contributions you made to our business and its growth." Gregory Hines, President and CEO, Information Data Technology.

"…the most important source of growth in our data technology business …able to focus the team and manage the product to a successful introduction …due in large part to his own personal commitment ...excellent IT project management and operational management skills." Pauline Hallenback, CTO at Information Systems.

"…your strengths as a manager are many and varied …all issues are confronted in a timely manner …management by objectives comes as a second nature to you…" Jackson Brownell, Director of Operations, Denver Technologies.

ABC Company is a company that would provide me with the opportunity to put my personality, skills, and successes to work. At a personal meeting, I would like to discuss with you how I will contribute to the continued growth of your company.

Best regards,

Carefully proofread both your resume and cover letter before you send them. Here are proofreading tips for job seekers.

When sending your letter via email, write your letter in the email message and attach your resume to the message. In the subject line, put your name and the reason for writing (Your Name - Introduction).

  • Email Subject Lines

How to Send Your Resume With Your Cover Letter

Here's how to send your resume with your cover letter:

  • How to Email Your Resume
  • How to Send Your Resume as an Attachment
  • How to Mail a Resume and Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

TAKE INITIATIVE: Not all companies immediately advertise opening positions. Taking the initiative to send a cover letter of introduction “on spec” may garner you an interview for either an existing or a newly developed job role.

APPLY TO YOUR DREAM COMPANY: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If there is a company you’ve always wanted to work for, reach out to their hiring department with a strategic letter that presents your qualifications and interest in their organization.

BUILD UPON YOUR CONTACTS: A good way to get your foot into the door at a company is to begin your letter of introduction by mentioning the contacts you know who work there. Take this to the next level by proactively asking these contacts – before you send your cover letter – if they would be willing to put in a good word on your behalf with their employer. 

Speculative Job Applications by Email

What Is a Speculative Email?

Who should i send my speculative email to, how to write a speculative email, composing your speculative email, speculative job application email example, following up, speculative job applications by email.

Updated March 6, 2023

Edward Melett

All products and services featured are independently selected by WikiJob. When you register or purchase through links on this page, we may earn a commission.

Many job vacancies are never advertised publicly. That means that taking the initiative to approach a potential employer with a carefully thought-out email can be the ideal way to get your foot in the door.

This article will outline the planning and method behind sending a speculative application, including who to send your email to, what to include and leave out, and how to follow up.

Speculative Job Applications by Email

A speculative email is an unsolicited job application sent to an organisation to introduce yourself as a potential candidate for any relevant job openings they may have.

This approach is perfect for when you find a company with brand values you agree with, a solid portfolio and a skilled team you’d love to work with – but with no advertised job vacancies.

You could wait for a position to be advertised but, as many companies are generally open to recruiting on an ongoing basis, using a speculative application means that you can get a head start on the competition.

If successful, your email can:

  • Build relationships with hiring managers
  • Get you the opportunity to intern or shadow staff
  • Gain paid employment

If your speculative email is not fruitful, there is every chance that your contact will keep you in mind for when a vacancy does open up – especially if you make a strong impression.

This is an important step in the process, so getting it right is crucial. You can spend time crafting the perfect email but if it lands in the wrong inbox, chances are the recipient will disregard it entirely. It also gives the impression that you haven’t done your homework.

You need to be sure that your intended recipient has hiring authority. There is no point in sending your email to a junior staff member or someone in the wrong team.

So, who exactly do you send it to, and how do you find them?

You need to make sure that you send your application to a named contact . Sending to a ‘hello@’ or ‘enquiries@’ email address increases the chance of your email going unanswered, so take the time to do your research.

  • Scour the company website for details of employees. The ‘Meet the Team’ page or the ‘About’ page are usually the best places to start.
  • Try LinkedIn . Search for the name of the company and follow the links to find ‘Staff Who Work Here’. This can be a good way to familiarise yourself with the range of departments and the hierarchy of staff. Staff will often be listed that wouldn’t necessarily be featured on the official company website.
  • Telephone the company directly and ask for a named contact of someone who deals with recruitment.

In a smaller company, it may be appropriate to contact the managing director with your speculative application. In a larger organisation, the head of the relevant department is more likely to be the hiring authority.

During the research phase, maintain a polite and friendly manner at every interaction. You may be speaking with someone who doesn’t have the power to hire you, but word spreads fast. Making a good impression at every stage will help you build a professional reputation.

As well as researching the individual responsible for hiring, you can also use this phase to find out all you can about the company itself . Having a good knowledge of its work and a genuine interest in company achievements will help you stand out.

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You must use formal and correct structure and format for your speculative email. Remember that this is a professional letter and a chance to make a good impression.

If you have the name of your contact, start your email with ‘ Dear [name] ’. If your attempts to find the right person were unsuccessful, it is acceptable to start with ‘ Dear Sir or Madam ’ (be sure that you can’t identify a named person before resorting to this general greeting).

When addressing your recipient, be careful to maintain professional boundaries and not to be overfamiliar. This person is not a friend, so ‘Hi’ is not appropriate in this instance.

Your speculative job application email subject line is another crucial factor in whether your email gets opened at all. If your subject line is uninspiring or vague, there is every chance it will be overlooked as just another generic email in your contact’s inbox.

A desktop screen will show around 60 characters of a subject line, whereas a smartphone will show only 30, so being concise is key.

The subject line is your first chance to clearly articulate your intentions . It needs to be short and snappy, while containing all the relevant information at a glance.

It is advisable to include both your full name and your professional qualification or title. For example, ‘ John Doe, Freelance Graphic Designer for hire’, or ‘Nicola Fox, Chemical Engineer, M.Eng ’.

Filler words or pleasantries are not necessary for a subject line, so there is no need to start with ‘Hello’ or ‘Please look at…’.

It is acceptable (and advisable) to name a mutual acquaintance in the subject line if you have been referred by them.

Speculative Job Applications by Email

As you move on to compose the main body of your email, be mindful that your contact is likely to be busy and needs to see the relevant information at a glance.

Format your email into short paragraphs – and make sure sentences are readable, not too long and wordy.

  • Paragraph One – Start strongly with your opening sentence. Outline your knowledge of the company and how you came to be aware of it. Did you see it at a convention? Did you read about it in the local press? Explain your interest.
  • Paragraph Two – Go on to summarise who you are and why you’re emailing.
  • Paragraph Three – Explain what you can offer, and how and why you are a valuable addition to their team. If you have relevant experience, be sure to explain how your transferable skills can be of use. If you have any standout achievements or qualifications, don’t be shy in listing them and pointing out how they can be of benefit.
  • Paragraph Four – Summarise why you’re interested in working with the company and draw attention to your attached CV. Consider briefly listing some of the main skills you have.
  • Closing Sentence – Think about a call to action; detail here what you’d like to happen next.

You have one short opportunity to capture the attention of your contact enough for them to move you on to the next stage. Ensure that all-important and relevant information is included.

If you’re wondering whether to attach your CV , doing so means it is there if your contact wants to find out more about you. It provides that extra information to make it easier for them to make a quick assessment of your potential.

Make sure your CV is up to date and is tailored specifically for the company and role.

Here is an example of how your speculative application email should look, following the guidelines above:

Subject Line: Claire Roberts, MA. Fashion Designer available for work Dear Ms Taylor, I had the pleasure of attending your show at London Fashion Week and I found it inspiring to see how your new collection works to empower women with luxury statement workwear. I’m very excited to read about your plans to launch at Paris Fashion Week with a view to moving into the European market. I hold an MA in Fashion Design, awarded by Central Saint Martins, and have been working for a well-known high street clothing designer for three years. I am looking for a move into the luxury fashion field and feel that I have skills that would support your business as you grow. An internship at a luxury French fashion house as part of my master’s degree gave me valuable insight into the French market and helped me gain fluency in the French language. Having covered fashion illustration, design, sewing and garment construction as part of my studies, I understand the clothing manufacture process from design to completion. In my current role, I am a leading part of the design team, researching upcoming trends to create new lines. My designs are regularly featured in the ‘Top 10 Must Buy’ lists. As a move away from fast fashion, I would love to bring my creative flair to your company as part of your design team, helping create high-end looks for your clients. I have attached my CV, which outlines my qualifications and experience in more detail. If you are interested in meeting to discuss further, I could come to your office next week. Yours sincerely, Claire Roberts

If you don’t receive a reply to your email, don’t take it as an automatic rejection. Your recipient may have put it aside to come back to later, or may have genuine reasons why they haven’t been able to reply.

There are different ways you can follow up on your speculative application, depending on what you feel comfortable with.

If you don’t hear from your contact after a week or two, you can resend the same email , giving a gentle nudge for your contact to read and reply.

Alternatively, and often with quicker results, it’s acceptable to make a phone call to check they received your email. This gives you the chance to open a conversation and brings a more personal element to your speculative application.

If you are unsuccessful in your application, react graciously and politely ask if they can keep your records on file for any future opportunities that may be suitable.

  • Do your research – Know the company and the correct contact before reaching out.
  • Focus on a killer subject line – Keep it concise and to the point.
  • Mention a mutual acquaintance if you’ve been referred by someone – This may just be what prompts your contact to open your email.
  • Act professionally – From the first point of contact to conclusion, even if your attempt is unsuccessful, your contact will remember the way you conducted yourself and this will influence whether they keep you in mind for the future.
  • Do not use fluff in your writing – Your recipient is likely to be busy. Help them quickly find the information that they need to assess whether you are a potential candidate.
  • Check, check and check again – Make sure you have used correct grammar and that your email has no spelling mistakes. This is your one chance to make a good first impression.

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How to Write a Cover Letter? (Examples & Cover Letter Tips)

Or explore the Application Advice / Job Applications sections.

How to Write an Unsolicited Cover Letter

Job hunting is hard work, for both you and employers. If you are a job seeker trying to find the perfect position to enhance your career, you are probably finding that you are in a sea of competition who are all racing towards the top, and that is exhausting. But what if I told you that you could go about your job search in an entirely different way that not only undercuts your competition but may give you prime exposure to hiring companies that are not even advertising in the first place? OK, you got me right there. This is no news. You already knew this. The question now then is why are you not doing this? To streamline this process for you, I have a list of thousands of companies that you could target in your job search process.

Click here to explore if you are in Germany and here if you are in the Netherlands.

Now that I have won you over, lets explore how you can tailor your cover letter to hopefully get you what you want.

Unsolicited Cover Letters

Did you know that just about 80% of jobs operating in private sectors are never advertised? Because of this very reason, it is exceptionally beneficial in sending unsolicited cover letter applications. Yes, they may feel time-consuming to conduct with no real indication if there is a role open or not, but it can also be your ticket in landing your dream job, and that potential outcome is worth the effort. 

Not to mention that if there is a vacant position getting ready to be advertised, you will be effectively bypassing the entire job queue beforehand. So, how do you write such a cover letter that can grab attention? Below is a sample for someone in the engineering field.

Engineering Cover Letter Sample

Subject: Engineering Position Inquiry – Dan Solomon  Dear Sir / Madam (only use this form of salutation if you can’t find the name of the recruiter or hiring manager), I am writing to inquire about potential current or future engineering positions with your company. After reading about your recent successes, I was very impressed with your company’s brand and profile and would love the opportunity to become an integral part of your engineering team. I hold a Masters in Mechanical Engineering, and I have cultivated extensive training in leadership and engineering missile operations during my two-year internship at ABC Company. While there, I was also able to implement new testing procedures that reduced our beta testing phase by 15%. This meant that our clients were able to see their finished prototype weeks before leading competitors. Attached you will find my CV to review. I believe that my skills and qualifications would make me an innovative asset to your company, and I would love the ability to join your team now or in the near future. Thank you very much for your time and please do not hesitate in contacting me in case of any questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours Sincerely, Dan Solomon

I know it may sound strange to take the time to write an unsolicited cover letter to express your interest in working with a potential employer who may or may not have a position open. But the mere fact that so many companies have roles open that are not listed makes this such a powerful leg up in the competitive market. In summary, do your research on the company, make it personable, show your heightened interest, and you just might be surprised that they have a perfect position open for you to fulfill.

Use the list of companies here if you are in Germany and here if you are in the Netherlands to get started.

If you are interested in American companies in Germany, click here to download the list.

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The Number 1 Letter Writing Website in the world

Unsolicited Application Letter

Last Updated On June 27, 2018 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

Any application letter should be written politely as a request is made through the letter. There are several types of application letters ranging from school application to job application. Each has a different purpose.

Use the following sample and tips to write an unsolicited application letter for fresh graduate, business administration, teaching position, etc.

Unsolicited Application Letter Writing Tips:

  • All application letters come under formal letters and hence should be taken while drafting them.
  • The language should be easy to understand and simple.
  • The letter should be short and straightforward. But at the same time, it should include all necessary information.
  • Make sure it is polite.

Unsolicited Application Letter Template

__________ (employee’s name) __________ (employee’s address) __________ __________

Date __________ (date of writing letter)

______________ (Your name) ______________ (Your address) __________________

Subject: __________________

Dear Mr. /Ms_________ (name of the concerned person),

I am __________(name ) working in ____________( name of company) as a ……………….(designation). I am looking for better opportunities to work in my field and your company is one of the best work places in the industry.

I have work experience in the ……………..field and know the methods adapted in this field.

I have a ………………..degree in………………..(subjects) and a diploma in………………. as well. I am also a trained ………………….(mention any other qualification if applicable). I am sending all my certificates for your perusal.

It is a dream of mine to work for a big company like yours. Please inform me if I am short listed for an interview through email or telephone. I shall put in all my efforts to excel in the job.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Yours Sincerely, __________ (Your name)

Download Template (Doc and PDF)

Word File

Unsolicited Application Letter Sample, Email and Example/Format

Naveen Kumar, Abhinav Industries, Noida

1st October 2013

Mr. Harish Sharma Human Resources Department, Reliance Industries, Noida

Subject: Application letter

Dear Mr. Sharma,

I am Naveen Kumar working in Abhinav Industries for the past two years as an accountant. I have a graduate degree in commerce. Along with academics, I have acquired skills in sports and extracurricular activities as well.

I am looking for a better opportunity to work, and your company is one of the best places to work. It has a good reputation in the industry as one of the most employee-friendly offices. It is my dream to work for your company.

I am sending all my certificates including my work experience certificate for your perusal. Please verify and let me know if I am suitable for a position in your company.

You can contact me by email or telephone number which is mentioned in the resume. If I am selected, I shall put in all my efforts to excel and bring laurels to the organization.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely, Naveen Kumar

Email Format

Application letters are the formal type of letter thus it has to be written in polite and professional manner. Name, address and contact details of the receiver should be written at the top of the letter and subject line should be very clear. The reason for making an application must be accurate and genuine because the person will then decide to accept this application letter or not.

to: email of the receiver from email of sender

Dear, Mr. Johnson

I am Mr. Robert M. Bower working with J and K Chartered Accounts Pvt. Ltd from the period of one year. I am working here as an intern, and now I completed my internship.

I am looking forward to working with the best company in accounting, and your company has remarkable and highly known company in this field. I complete my three years certification course in Chartered Accountancy and the last year of my course I was taking an internship in J, and K Chartered Accounts Pvt. Ltd.

I am familiar with income tax, Vat, and accounting procedure up to finalization single-handedly. I have all my documents, certificates for work experience as well as qualification and copies for the same is attached to this letter along with my brief resume.

It would be a pleasure for me if a got a chance to work with your company. I will be waiting for the needful response from your side.

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely,

Mr. Robert M. Bower 4034 Buck Drive South Burlington, VT 05403

Unsolicited Application Letter Generator


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Unsolicited applications

Get started with your unsolicited job search. Find advice and tips on how to find and approach companies and how to write a good unsolicited application.

Be specific

Search broadly, choose your strategy.

  • Unsolicited job application

Perhaps as many as 50% of jobs in Denmark are filled without the position ever being posted somewhere. Instead, jobs are filled either through people’s network or unsolicited applications. Unsolicited applications can be especially useful if you are interested in working in Denmark.

A lot of our members find jobs by sending an unsolicited application, or because they know someone who know someone. Applying unsolicited has the benefit of showing a potential employer that you are interested enough in their firm to take the initiative to contact them. For firms, hiring someone who applies unsolicited can save them the hassle and expense of posting a job, reviewing applications and conducting interviews.

Applying unsolicited has a number of other advantages for you:

  • You can choose which competencies you want to highlight, and define what job it is you would like to do for the company.
  • You are the only person in the applicant field.
  • You display your motivation and your ability to take initiative.
  • You can contact several companies in a short span of time.

Applying unsolicited can have some challenges that are good to be aware of, however:

  • You’re contacting an employer at a time when they aren’t actively looking for someone new; in that situation, your application needs to be strong enough to attract and hold their attention.
  • You have to tell the company what you can do, without really knowing what it is they need.
  • You have to apply at a time when the company is ready to hire someone with the skills you possess.
  • It’s easy to get discouraged if you don’t have a plan.

Some people find that the most difficult part of the job search is to contact an employer unsolicited. For others, the challenge is identifying employers they can contact. Either way, applying unsolicited doesn’t have to be difficult if you follow our advice.

A good unsolicited application looks a lot like an ordinary application, and the advice is the same: be specific and show the firm how it will benefit from your competencies.

While sending an unsolicited application isn’t being pushy, you are asking a potential employer to spend time on you. Before you do that, you’d be wise to do a little research into the firm: what is its profile? What challenges is it facing? Look at what’s been written about the firm in the press and on social media. Doing so will allow you to display your interest in the firm while also giving you the chance to get an impression of what working there is like and what job you might be able to create for yourself there.

The first step is research

The first step when applying for jobs unsolicited is to research the market. In order to come up with a list of potential employers, you need to map out firms and organisations that are a match for your competencies and your wishes.

Useful information to gather includes things like the company’s industry, its customers, competitors, strategy, finances, mission, culture, values and the challenges it faces. Use old job postings to get an idea of the kinds of positions it previously has sought to fill. At the same time, you can see what competencies and type of experience it has prioritised. Other sources of information include the company website, its LinkedIn profile, Google and your network. You can also contact the company directly to find out more about it.

The type of information you’ll need to gather depends on the type of position you are applying for. If you want to work in communication, for example, it’s a good idea to look at company websites and social-media activity you find interesting. What and how these companies communicate could be useful in your job search.

It is also important that you describe the specific competencies and experiences you can offer, as well as the types of tasks you performed in past jobs, and how you can create value for the company.

Finding the firm you want to work for

If you are interested in working in Denmark, there are several ways to search for companies that are attractive workplaces.

Start by checking to see if any of your LinkedIn connections – or connections’ connections – work for the firm you are interested in. Reach out to them to find out about the organisation and what the firm’s needs are right now.

Or try doing a search using keywords that relate to the field or fields you want to work with – “business intelligence”, for example – so you can come up with a list of companies doing business in areas that interest you.

Du kan også søge på ord, der beskriver det eller de områder, du vil arbejde med og derved sortere i relevante virksomheder. Det kan eksempelvis være business intelligence. På den måde finder du frem til virksomheder, der beskæftiger sig med et område, der er interessant for dig.

Have a look at firms that you’ve had dealings with (suppliers, clients, consultants) in previous jobs.

If you’ve applied for a job opening, you probably did a lot of legwork to learn as much as you could about the firm and its industry. Why not reuse that information and apply for a job at the firm’s competitors? If one company has a specific need, it’s likely others in the same industry have the same need.

If the company has previously had an opening for a position similar to the type of job you are looking for, use the posting for it as inspiration for your unsolicited application. Have a look at the job description, the types of responsibilities and the employer’s expectations described in the posting and use that information when deciding which of your own experiences and competencies you should highlight. It is very likely that the company will still have the same needs.

Another way to find out what competencies firms are looking for at the moment is to go through old job postings on jobunivers.dk or jobindex.dk

Don’t limit yourself to a single firm. The research you do for your application for one firm also likely applies to other firms in the industry. Make your work go further by putting what you’ve learned about the industry to use in applications to similar firms.

You can use BIQ, Google or LinkedIn to find related firms. On Novo Nordisk’s LinkedIn profile, for example, a list of similar firms appears to the first right.

It’s a good idea to call a firm you are interested in sending an unsolicited application if you have questions that you can’t get answered anyplace else. Calling a firm out of the blue can be daunting. There are various approaches you can take.

In this approach,  you call the firm and ask for the person responsible for hiring people with your competencies. When you get through to that person, before you start your pitch, ask whether it’s a good time. If not, try to set up a time when you can call them back. 

If it is a good time to talk, try something like: Hello, my name is … . I just completed my degree in … and am looking for my first job. I’ve heard a number of good things about your firm from … and I was hoping to speak with you about possibly working for you. Do you have a moment to speak with me?

Have some questions prepared. Good things to ask about are:

  • the firm’s / department’s needs right now
  • what kind of profiles new employees typically have

Conclude by asking whether it would be okay if you sent an unsolicited application.

If the person says no, ask if there is another department that might be interested.

Doing it this way gives you much more information about the firm, which you can use when you write your cover letter or to adjust your CV. It also puts you in direct contact with the individual who would be responsible for hiring you and allows you to display your interest. Both are good ways to make sure your application gets read.

Find out if you have someone in your network who knows the company. You can do this on LinkedIn, for example, by searching for the firm you’re interested in. LinkedIn shows you how you and the firm are connected. Knowing someone who is or has been employed there could be a way for you to find out more about it and the person you would like to get in touch with.

With the network-based strategy, you can get information about the person you want to talk to. If you’re lucky, someone in your network will be able to put in a good word for you before you yourself contact your potential future boss.

Whichever model you choose, drop any pretences and surrender control. When you call, you are contacting someone at your own initiative. You can’t force or persuade them to talk to you or to give you a job. If your initial pitch is sharp enough and the company sees a value in continuing the conversation, then it continues. If the company experiences the opposite and doesn’t feel there is a match, you can still end the conversation with your dignity intact.

This approach is an extension of the thorough approach, and it is approached in the same way. If you’ve established a good rapport with the person you get through to, ask even more questions such as:

  • Are you busy? With what?
  • Do you have work you need to turn away? Why?
  • What challenges does your company expect to face in the next few months?
  • Where is your company going to be in a year? What are you doing to make sure this happens?
  • What sort of positions are you hiring for?
  • Do you expect to be looking to hire someone with my profile in the near future?
  • Which professional and personal competencies do you prioritise?
  • Do you have any good advice for someone who would like to get their start in your industry?

Employing this strategy will give you information that you can use to tailor your application to the firm and to other firms in the industry.

Instead of starting by calling the firm, you can send your CV first. Send your CV in an e-mail to a relevant recipient. In the e-mail itself, write a message that explains exactly why you are contacting the recipient. Include things like:

  • Your background, your experiences and your degree
  • Your reason for contacting this firm specifically
  • The role (or roles) you see yourself playing for the company

Don’t let the message get too long; keep it short and to the point. You are contacting them out of the blue, and your goal should be to attract the recipient’s interest right off the bat. Finish your e-mail by telling the recipient that your CV is attached and that you will call within a certain number of days.

When you call, say something along the lines of:

“Hi, my name is xx. I sent you an e-mail on Monday with my CV. Have you had the opportunity to read it?”

If the answer is “yes”, then ask:

“Do you have anything available for someone with my profile?”

If the person hasn’t had the opportunity to read your e-mail, ask:

“Okay, when can I call you again?”

There may be several good reasons why the person isn’t interested in talking to you. If this is the case, ask if they know someone else it would be worthwhile for you to speak with.

In this approach, your CV serves as the initial reference point for the conversation. If the person has read your e-mail, they will be prepared for you to call and may have already considered what might be relevant to discuss with you. In this approach, the biggest challenge may be finding an e-mail address for someone who can discuss job opportunities.

If you choose to do it this way, be prepared to answer questions. The person you speak with may ask you why you are interested, what your background is, what your strong suits are, what you can contribute in the job etc.

Pulling together an unsolicited job application

When you apply for a job unsolicited, you need to give a potential employer a clear picture of how hiring you would benefit the company. Do this by finding out information about the company that you can use in your application: information about the industry in general, its clients and competitors, strategy, financial situation, mission, culture, values and any challenges the company may be facing at the moment. Use old job postings to get an idea of the types of jobs the company has hired for in the past, as well as the types of competencies the company prioritises. The company website can be a good source of information, as can its LinkedIn profile. Search Google, ask people in your network or contact the company directly if you have any questions.

The things you will need to find out more about will depend on the type of job you are applying for. If you work in communications, you would probably be interested in learning more about the company’s branding and communications strategies. Have a look at its website and its social-media activity. Find out what has been written about the company in the press.

Doing your homework about the company makes it possible for you to put together an application that speaks to its needs. Your cover letter should explain how your competencies and your experience can benefit the company. You should explain what it is you can do and how you can use your skills to create value for the company.

Example of an unsolicited application:

To catch the interest of the recipient, state very clearly why you are applying. Some of the ways you can do this are by writing:

  • Why you are a good hire: why are you sending your application to this person and what is it you can contribute with?
  • What your competencies are: what can you do and how is it relevant to the company?
  • A conclusion that suggests meeting over coffee or that lets the recipient know that you will follow up by e-mail or telephone.
  • And include a CV that specifically addresses the company’s needs.

The sample cover letter below from a recent graduate provides an example of how this can be done.

Dear [Name]

I am contacting you because your company has an interesting product line that I would like to market. Personally, sustainability is important for me, and your focus on the climate and climate-change mitigation appeals to me.

I hold a master’s in economics and business administration. During my studies, I specialised in business strategy and marketing analysis. I could see myself working for you in a corporate-development role or something similar.

Through my work experience and my coursework at university, I have practical and theoretical experience with:

  • business intelligence / data analysis
  • market, product and client analysis
  • -various BI tools, including X, Y and Z
  • project work
  • strategy and communication
  • recent research into strategy and business

The types of functions I can perform include: optimisation and structuring of business processes, project work and preparation, analysis and application of business intelligence.

One relevant assignment I would like to highlight is a project I participated in that involved designing and building a BI solution that provided visualisation in the form of dashboards.

I rely on my analytical and data-oriented approach to business, strategy and customer service to create results. In my work, I typically find myself in detail-oriented roles in which I am responsible for driving projects forward. I like to see my assignments through to completion. Milestones, intermediate goals and deadlines help me to accomplish this.

My CV is attached so you can learn more about me, my background and my experience. I am aware that you must comply with the GDPR, and I give you my consent in advance to process my personal information in connection with my request / application.

I will follow up on my inquiry within a week in the event I don’t hear from you before.

Yours sincerely

We recommend e-mailing unsolicited applications directly to someone you’ve spoken with ahead of time. If you weren’t able to get the name and e-mail address of a specific person, you can send it to the company’s HR department. Remember that the GDPR requires companies to obtain your permission before they can process your data. You can give your permission in advance when you send your application.

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How to write an unsolicited application email ?

how to write a unsolicited application letter

When looking for a job, you can apply to an existing job offer or send unsolicited applications to organizations that interest you. In both cases, you will need a cover letter and resume to apply. To send an unsolicited application, the application email is a good way to introduce your approach! How to send one? How should it be constructed? How long should it be? What to say? We'll tell you all about it here.

Why make an unsolicited application?

#1 To get into the human resources databases of the organizations that interest you. Maybe your application process will not lead to anything this time, but the recruiters will have your contact information and may think of you for a future opportunity!

#2 To highlight your unusual profile. If you have many strings to your bow and are having trouble finding a job or a job offer to your liking, an unsolicited application can give you more freedom and open up the field of possibilities.

#3 To apply to an organization you love! If the organization doesn't have any job openings, why not try an unsolicited application? On a misunderstanding... it can work ;)

How can you send your unsolicited application?

If you have the e-mail address of a member of the organization you wish to apply to, that's great! Otherwise, you can use the contact address on the organization's website. Some organizations don't have one, but you can write to them via a contact form. Some also have several addresses and even a dedicated email to contact their human resources department. Others have a page dedicated to the recruitment service on their website and indicate for example "we invite you to apply here" by redirecting to a job offer website or an application form.

4 elements to include in your spontaneous application email

The reasons for your spontaneous application..

For example, "I would like to learn about the circular economy through waste recovery and I am interested in your process of recovering biowaste from collective catering. I am sending you a spontaneous application.

The type of employment contract sought

An internship contract, apprenticeship, professionalization contract, permanent contract, fixed-term contract, part-time...

Information about your motivation

To make the recruiter want to continue reading your application letter and your resume, give them a little about you.


In your unsolicited application email, you can already send your CV and cover letter. You can also attach a letter of recommendation

⚠️When you use a contact form, it is not always possible to send attachments to your application email.

Attachments of your unsolicited application email

Resume for spontaneous application.

To submit spontaneous applications, the CV (curriculum vitae) is essential! It will allow the person in charge of recruitment to know more about your professional and educational background and your skills.

A CV generally has 4 or 5 sections:

My educational background

My professional experience

My interests

You can specify again in the title or in the "About" section that you are applying as a spontaneous application.

Here is an example: "student in the last year of a CSR master's degree and looking for a position as an end-of-studies intern in project management, I am sending you a spontaneous application to join your CSR department."

👉To know how to write your resume well here is an article to help you to write your student resume from A to Z.

Cover letter for an unsolicited application

For an unsolicited application, here are 3 key points to remember, which differ from an application for a job vacancy.

Talk about your interest in the organization's mission

For an unsolicited application, instead of focusing on the links between yourself and the missions or skills required by the job offer, you will instead focus on the bridges to be created between yourself and the organization. In your spontaneous application letter, you can also use the key words that the organization uses in its communication materials and that speak to you, to highlight your similarities.

In the impact sector, organizations are moreover attached to the interest in the mission, and to soft skills, sometimes even more than technical skills.

👉 We talk about it in this article What skills are SSE recruiters looking for ?

Highlight your strengths

What might the company need? How is your profile relevant to this organization? What types of missions can you help them with thanks to your skills? Focus on the strengths that you can bring to the organization you are applying for !

Anticipate the organization's needs

What profiles might the company need? What are their future projects and the skills that could be useful to them? You can also contact the organization directly to find out about their recruitment needs, by calling the company's reception desk or by writing to an HR person on LinkedIn for example. Explain your spontaneous application to them. The information gathered will be useful for you to adjust your application.

👉 Do you want to have more details to write your cover letter? Here is an article presenting 10 steps to build it !

An example of a motivation email

Hello Mr.Mrs. XXX,

Seeing the interest of your job offer platform to promote the home help professions, I am sending you an unsolicited application to join your structure. I'm in my last year of a Master's degree in digital communication and I'm looking for a 6-month internship at the end of my studies.

For your platform, we could imagine making videos on Tik Tok to reach a younger target on the home help jobs. We could also create a video based on testimonies of professionals to highlight the daily life of these jobs. Thanks to my skills in video editing and social networks animation, these are for example projects that I could realize with you.

If these ideas speak to you and you wish to learn more about my profile and my career, I invite you to read my resume and my cover letter attached.

First name, Last name

To go further

👉 What job to do when you don't like anything ?

👉 10 tips for finding your way through impact

👉 10 steps to prepare for a job interview

👉 The candidate's guide

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Unsolicited Cover Letter Example (2024)

Do you need to write an unsolicited cover letter? Check out my cold cover letter example for a perfect job application down below!

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Cover Letter Example

[Liam Houston] [Number, Street Name] [City, ZIP, State] [Phone number] [Email address]

[Date, Year] (Aug 21, 2022)

[Benjamin Brown] [Department Manager] [Company X] [Number, Street Name] [City, ZIP Code]

Dear Mr. Brown,

I am writing this letter to express my interest for a marketing related position at [ Company X ]. I had the pleasure of speaking with [ Name Surname ], the marketing department manager at your company, and he suggested that I need to contact you about possible job openings. Therefore, I want you to consider this application for a marketing position in your department.

To shortly introduce myself, my name is [ Liam Houston ] and I work as a digital marketer at [ Company Y ]. I have been actively following [ Company X ]’s marketing campaigns. The meaningful, catchy and bold advertisements certainly have a positive effect on me. I would welcome the opportunity to continue this creative strategy to increase customer engagement. My experience in developing customer personas to increase ROI could provide valuable insights. As a motivated marketer, I am thrilled to deliver creativity and maintain [ Company X ]’s core values on customer experience, boldness and trustworthiness.

In my current role as a Digital Marketer at [ Company Y ], I deliver actionable solutions on topics that concern user experience (UX), marketing reports and overall campaign effectiveness. In 2021, I managed to increase customer engagement by 75% and grew overall sales by $63,000. These results were achieved by measuring the marketing campaign performance against benchmarks and KPIs. These experiences taught me the importance of teamwork and a shared project vision. At this moment, I am seeking to obtain a new, challenging and growth oriented position within an industry of my preference.

I look forward to discussing my ideas and strategies on developing customer personas to increase ROI. In the attachment, you can find my resume and references for more information about my educational background, skills and experience. If you need any additional information, don’t hesitate to contact me at [ Phone number ] or [ Email address ]. Thank you for your time in reviewing my cover letter.

Best regards,

Liam Houston

how to write a unsolicited application letter

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Home » Solicited Application Letter: 07 Samples & Examples ideas

Solicited Application Letter: 07 Samples & Examples ideas

solicited application letter templates & Examples

Are you looking for information on how to write a solicited application letter? Are you thinking of applying for a job that’s not been advertised? Or, have you seen an open position that you’re perfect for but don’t know how to go about getting your resume in front of the hiring manager? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we will provide you with seven samples and examples of what a solicited application letter should look like. We will also provide some tips on how to make your letter stand out from the rest.

Here is where the art of the solicited application letter comes in. A solicited application letter is one that you send to a company in response to a specific job opening, even if the job isn’t advertised. It’s a great way to get your resume directly into the hands of the person who makes hiring decisions. Wondering how to write perfect Cover letter? We’ve got 07 samples & examples for you right here!

For More: Unsolicited Application Letter: 07 Examples & Ideas

solicited application letter sample for fresh graduate

Table of Contents

Solicited Cover letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you in the hope of obtaining a position of employment with your company. Also I have recently passed my professional examinations and obtained my qualifications as a <insert level> Certified Financial Planners (CFP). The combination of both theoretical knowledge and practical experience has enabled me to develop an extensive knowledge base that is well rounded, all-encompassing and marketable.

I am confident that I can make a significant contribution to your company’s future success through my dedication, determination and commitment. My skills include <insert skills> which will help me to quickly become an effective member of the team.

I look forward to discussing how I can assist you in meeting your goals and objectives.

Kindest regards,

Solicited Application letter sample

My name is (insert name here). I am an (insert age) year old (insert job), who works at (insert company) as (insert current position). Would like to apply for the position of Project Manager.

I have over ten years experience in my industry, with five years gained at my present employer. Also have a great understanding of the industry and I am well versed in all aspects taking on responsibility for (insert number) projects.

I understand what is expected from a Project Manager and I work to tight deadlines with diligence. My greatest strength is my ability to manage staff despite their inexperience, as such I have built up an extensive network over the years.

I am available for interview at your earliest convenience and can be contacted on (insert phone number). I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your time,

Yours sincerely,

Example of Solicited Application letter

My name is (insert name here). I am a recent graduate of Computer Science and I am interested in applying for the position of (insert position name here) at Company X.

I was particularly impresses by your impressive client list, and believe that my skills and expertise would suit Company X well. Also I possess a strong academic record with a degree from University Y in Computer Science, and have gained much experience over the past three years as a (insert position name here) at Company A, and as an intern at Company B.

I am confident that my communication skills, ingenuity and enthusiasm would prove beneficial to your company if I were to be offers the opportunity of employment. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and CV, and I hope that we may have the chance to discuss my suitability for this position in more detail.

For more information on me and my experience, please have a look at the attached resume. Thank you again for your time, and I hope that we may be able to meet soon.

Yours faithfully,

Solicited Cover Letter Example

I am writing this cover letter to complement my resume, which I am enclosing here with. Please go through both documents and help me in getting a job in your company.

As you can see from my resume, I have done some course on photography, mostly related to wedding work. So here are some of the photographs that I have taken, along with the comments of the clients.

Now, I am studying in final year of graduation. During these three years, I have done my best to be well prepare for the future challenges. Here are the copies of some of my certificates. Please note that I can start with an initial basic salary, but after a few months you will realize what an asset I can be for the company.

I believe this shows my level of commitment towards photography and I hope you can consider me for any openings in your company related to photography. Therefore Looking forward to doing my best for your company if given a chance. I will be waiting for your reply.

Thanking You,

Solicited Cover Letter Sample

I am aware that your company is currently looking to fill a position for a Marketing Assistant. Since I came across your advertisement in the local newspaper, I feel like my skills and qualifications would be an asset to this business. Most importantly, I believe it’s time we met and talked about this opportunity – personally – face-to-face.

I enclose my resume for you to take a look at. I hope we can arrange a meeting soon so that we could discuss this further. I’m looking forward to your response.

When you receive this letter, I would appreciate it if you could set up a time to meet with me about my interest in this position. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me at 555-555-5555 or via email at [email protected]. Whether you reach me by phone or email, I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you soon and seeing if we’re a good fit for each other.

Solicited Application Letter Sample for Fresh Graduate

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am applying for the  position of  you have advertised recently in (insert online job-hunting website name). I believe my expertise and skills are well suits for this  job. I’m writing to apply for the  position that  (insert name of company here) advertise on (insert date that ad was released).

At (insert last job you worked at) I (Insert quantifiable results here; things like “reduced prices by 12%”, “increased market share by 15%”, etc. If you have no quantifiable results, use the bullet style below)

(Insert a list of your skills and attributes – be specific with words like “hardworking”, “dedicated” or work-related terms. So If you have no traits, use the bullet style below)

I would appreciate the opportunity to interview for this position at your earliest convenience. Can be reach at 555-555-5555 or via email at  (insert your email address). Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

For More: Best Application Letter for Job Vacancy: 09 Examples & Sample

Solicited Application Letter

Respected Sir,

I am writing to apply for a post of a computer science teacher in your great institution. I have my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and my job is to teach in the local high school. My research papers on software engineering have been publish in international journals and my innovation is going to hit the market soon.

I have been teaching for the past few years and I am looking for a challenging post. Your institution is well-known all over the world and also I believe that if selected, I will be able to serve your great organization in a better way.

Please find attached my Resume for your consideration, I would appreciate so if you could keep me updated on any potential vacancies you might have available. Kindly accept my application as soon as possible. You can contact me at 9876543210 or write to me at ‘[email protected]’. I hope to get an interview call soon.

Regardless of what type of position you are applying for, the key to getting notice is in your application letter. That’s why we compiled a list of samples and examples so that you can find one that works best for you! Whether it be an internship or full-time job, these sample letters will help show off your skills while also giving the hiring manager insight into who you are as a person. Therefore Check out our list to get start on crafting your perfect application letter. What do you think? Let us know in the comment section!

example of solicited application letter

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