Speech Generator

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Introducing the AI Speech Generator by WriteCream: Instantly Transform Your Thoughts into Engaging Speeches

Whether you’re a student preparing for presentations, a professional aiming to deliver a persuasive pitch, or someone seeking to leave a lasting impression with an impactful speech, the Writecream Speech Generator is your ultimate companion. No more struggling to find the right words or spending hours pondering over the arrangement of ideas.

How It Works:

WriteCream’s Instant speech generator harnesses the power of advanced AI technology to generate well-structured and coherent speeches effortlessly. Whether you’re a student facing a tight deadline or a professional seeking to articulate your thoughts eloquently, this tool is your ultimate solution. The process is remarkably user-friendly:

1. Input Your Topic: Paste or type your text into the provided input box.

2. Click to Generate: Once you’ve entered your topic, s elect your preferred voice and adjust settings if desired – like speed, accent, language and so on. Click the “Generate Speech” button.

3. Review and Refine: You can edit and modify the output as per your needs by changing texts, voice, language or speed.

Key Features:

– Tone Selection: Users can choose from a variety of tones such as friendly, formal, casual, professional, persuasive, humorous, empathetic, authoritative, and more. Each selected tone will guide the AI in generating content that aligns with the chosen style.

– Style Customization: Users can further customize the selected tone by adjusting parameters like sentence structure, vocabulary richness, sentence length, and use of specific language elements (metaphors, idioms, etc.).

– Multilingual Support: WriteCream supports a wide range of languages, allowing users to generate content in languages other than English. Users can switch between languages seamlessly without losing the desired tone.

– Content Length Control: Users can specify the desired length of the content, whether it’s a short paragraph, a full article, or something in between. WriteCream will adjust the generated text accordingly.

– Cost Savings: Avoid expenses associated with hiring voice actors or recording studios, especially for projects with budget constraints.

With our speech generation tool, you can effortlessly transform your written text into captivating voiceovers. Simply generate and download the speech in a seamless process. Login now at https://app.writecream.com/voiceover for advanced features and experience a whole new level of content creation.

Experience the future of content consumption with the Writecream Speech Generator. With its simplicity, versatility, and accessibility, this tool is poised to redefine how we interact with written information. Your ideas deserve to be showcased in the best possible light – let WriteCream help you achieve that effortlessly.

Create content in minutes, not weeks.

© Copyright 2024 Writecream | All Rights Reserved

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Create compelling speeches with our AI speech writer — a tool to craft messages that resonate, from informative and persuasive to motivational and entertaining.

Speech Writer

Create compelling speeches with our AI speech writer — a tool to craft messages that resonate, from informative and persuasive to motivational and entertaining.


  • Type in what you need to write a speech about.
  • Press "Generate" and Typli will write a speech for you.

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The Art of Oratory: Exploring the Different Types of Speeches

Public speaking has the power to inform, persuade, entertain, and inspire audiences. It’s a critical tool for leaders, educators, advocates, and anyone looking to make an impact through their words. In the world of oratory, there are several different types of speeches, each serving a unique purpose and requiring a distinct approach. In this article, we’ll explore the primary categories of speeches to help you understand their objectives and master the nuances of delivering each one effectively.

Informative Speeches: Educating Your Audience

An informative speech does exactly what its name implies: it informs. The primary goal of an informative speech is to educate the audience about a particular topic. The subject matter can range immensely, from explaining a complex scientific theory to demonstrating how to bake a cake.

Characteristics of an Informative Speech

Clarity : Your speech must be clear and easy to follow. Use language that your audience understands.

Facts and Data : Cite accurate information and statistics to establish credibility and support your points.

Engagement : Despite being informative, you still need to engage your audience. Use anecdotes, visual aids, or rhetorical questions to keep them interested.

Examples of Informative Speeches

A lecture on the impacts of climate change.

A presentation about the history of the internet.

A seminar on improving personal finance skills.

Persuasive Speeches: Swinging Opinions and Driving Action

While informative speeches focus on providing information, persuasive speeches aim to convince the audience to accept a particular viewpoint or take specific action. Politicians trying to garner votes, salespeople persuading customers to purchase a product, or activists encouraging societal change are all examples of persuasive speaking.

Characteristics of a Persuasive Speech

Appeal to Emotions : Persuasive speeches often appeal to the audience’s emotions, making them feel something that aligns with your message.

Logical Argumentation : Use logical reasoning to build your case. This includes citing evidence and crafting well-thought-out arguments.

Credibility : Establish yourself as a trustworthy and knowledgeable source on the topic.

Examples of Persuasive Speeches

A campaign speech by a political candidate.

A charity fundraiser appeal for donations.

An environmentalist’s talk aimed at reducing plastic use.

Demonstrative Speeches: Showing How It’s Done

Demonstrative speeches are a subset of informative speeches but with a focus on instruction. The goal of a demonstrative speech is to teach the audience how to do something through a step-by-step process. It is critical that these types of speeches are well-organized and that each step is clearly illustrated.

Characteristics of a Demonstrative Speech

Practicality : The task should be feasible and practical for the audience to perform.

Visibility : If you’re demonstrating something physical, every member of the audience needs to see what you’re doing.

Simplicity : Break down complex tasks into simple steps to avoid confusing your audience.

Examples of Demonstrative Speeches

A cooking show host teaching a recipe.

A tech guru explaining how to set up a home network.

A fitness expert demonstrating a workout routine.

Motivational Speeches: Inspiring Change and Achievement

When you think of a motivational speech, you might picture a coach rousing a team before a big game or a business leader inspiring employees towards higher performance. The key to a motivational speech is to inspire and energize your audience to take action or overcome challenges.

Characteristics of a Motivational Speech

Inspirational Stories : Use narratives about overcoming adversity, achievements, or success stories.

Passion : Your enthusiasm and belief in the message should be evident in your delivery.

Actionable Advice : Provide clear steps or methods that the audience can use to achieve their goals.

Examples of Motivational Speeches

A graduation speech encouraging students to pursue their dreams.

A TED Talk sharing a personal story of success.

A corporate leader spurring a team to exceed goals.

Entertaining Speeches: The Fun Side of Speaking

Entertaining speeches are delivered to amuse, delight, and captivate an audience. Humor, storytelling, and charisma are the cornerstones of an entertaining speech. Although the primary intent is to entertain, these speeches can also convey a meaningful message or moral.

Characteristics of an Entertaining Speech

Humor : Utilize jokes, puns, and comedic timing to lighten the mood.

Engaging Delivery : Your delivery should be lively and dynamic to hold the audience’s attention.

Substance : Even funny speeches can have depth. Blend entertainment with substance for a more impactful speech.

Examples of Entertaining Speeches

A best man’s toast at a wedding.

A stand-up comedian’s set.

An after-dinner speech at a corporate event.

Special Occasion Speeches: Marking the Moments That Matter

Special occasion speeches are delivered during significant events, and their content is tailored to the event’s purpose, honorees, or theme. These speeches can be informative, persuasive, motivational, or entertaining, but they should always be relevant to the event and audience.

Characteristics of a Special Occasion Speech

Relevance : The speech must be appropriate for the occasion and audience.

Personalization : Tailor your message to the specific event or honorees.

Brevity : Many special occasion speeches are shorter, so convey your message concisely.

Examples of Special Occasion Speeches

A eulogy at a funeral.

A speech commemorating the anniversary of an organization.

An acceptance speech at an awards ceremony.

Becoming a skilled orator means understanding the different types of speeches and mastering the art of adapting your content and style to the occasion. Whether your aim is to inform, persuade, demonstrate, motivate, entertain, or honor a special occasion, remember that the most effective speeches connect with the audience on a personal level and leave a lasting impression. With practice and attention to these distinct speech purposes and characteristics, anyone can become an effective public speaker.

Step into effortless content creation with Typli and elevate your writing today. Experience AI content writing made simple.

Morning Dough

9 Best AI Speech Writers

Itay Paz

The art of speechwriting has evolved beyond the traditional pen and paper, embracing the innovative capabilities of artificial intelligence. AI speech writers are transforming the way we create speeches, offering a blend of efficiency, creativity, and personalization that was once unimaginable. This evolution is not just about convenience, it’s about enhancing the quality of communication in various spheres, from public speaking and education to professional presentations and personal occasions. The integration of AI in speechwriting is a testament to how technology can amplify human potential, making it an exciting time for anyone looking to craft compelling narratives.

The Need for AI Speech Writer

In today’s fast-paced world, the demand for clear, persuasive, and engaging speeches has never been higher. Whether it’s a CEO addressing their company, a student presenting a project, or an individual sharing a story at a social event, the impact of a well-crafted speech is undeniable. However, not everyone possesses the skill, time, or resources to create such speeches. This is where AI speech writers come into play. They democratize the art of speechwriting, making it accessible to a wider audience. By leveraging AI, individuals can generate speeches that resonate with their audience, convey their message effectively, and leave a lasting impression. The need for AI speech writers stems from a desire to bridge the gap between ideas and expression, ensuring that every voice can be heard loud and clear.

How does AI Speech Writer work?

At the heart of AI speech writing is a complex algorithm powered by machine learning and natural language processing technologies. These AI systems are trained on vast datasets of speeches, texts, and linguistic patterns, enabling them to understand and replicate human-like speech. When a user inputs a topic, outline, or key points, the AI analyzes this information, draws from its learned database, and crafts a speech that aligns with the given parameters. This process involves not just the generation of content but also the optimization of language to suit the intended tone, style, and audience. The result is a speech that feels personal and authentic, as if it were written by a human, but with the efficiency and scalability that only AI can provide.

AI Speech Writer

9 Best AI Speech Writer

  • HyperwriteAI
  • Easy Peasy AI
  • Studio Speech Writer
  • Youai AI Political Speech Writer
  • Wordwell AI

How to choose the Best AI Speech Writer?

Choosing the best AI speech writer involves considering several key factors that ensure the tool meets your specific needs. Firstly, evaluate the quality of the generated content. The best AI speech writers produce speeches that are coherent, engaging, and free from grammatical errors. They should be able to capture the essence of your message and convey it in a clear and impactful manner. Secondly, customization options are crucial. The ability to adjust tone, style, and complexity allows for speeches that truly reflect your personal or brand voice. Additionally, consider the ease of use and user interface of the tool. A user-friendly platform can significantly streamline the speechwriting process, making it accessible to users of all skill levels. Lastly, consider the tool’s ability to integrate sources, quotes, and specific data points, as this can enrich your speech and lend it credibility. By carefully assessing these aspects, you can select an AI speech writer that elevates your speechwriting to new heights, ensuring your messages are not just heard but remembered.

Best AI Speech Writer

1. hyperwriteai.


HyperwriteAI is a sophisticated AI speech writer designed to assist users in creating compelling speeches. It leverages the advanced capabilities of GPT-4 and ChatGPT, enabling the crafting of persuasive and engaging speeches tailored for various occasions. Whether you’re a public speaker, educator, or professional, HyperwriteAI simplifies the process of speech writing by generating content based on an outline, topic, and any sources or quotes provided. This tool is intuitive and user-friendly, offering a seamless experience from speech generation to delivery.

What does HyperwriteAI do?

HyperwriteAI serves as a versatile AI writing assistant, streamlining the speechwriting process for its users. It takes inputs such as an outline or description, the topic of the speech, and any relevant sources or quotes, and transforms them into a structured and impactful speech. The AI’s ability to understand context and incorporate user preferences makes it an asset for anyone looking to deliver a keynote address, present a persuasive argument, or educate an audience. With HyperwriteAI, users can generate a speech, review and edit the content to align with their message and style, and confidently deliver their speech, supported by AI-driven insights.

HyperwriteAI Key Features

Ease of Use : HyperwriteAI is designed with a straightforward interface, allowing users to input their speech requirements with ease. The tool then processes these inputs to generate a draft speech.

Integration with GPT-4 and ChatGPT : The tool harnesses the power of advanced AI models like GPT-4 and ChatGPT, ensuring the speeches are of high quality and contextually relevant.

Customization : Users can tailor the AI’s output to their writing style over time, especially when using the Chrome extension, which allows for a more personalized experience.

Versatility : HyperwriteAI is suitable for a wide range of users, from public speakers and educators to professionals, offering the flexibility to create various types of speeches.

Accessibility : The AI speech writer is accessible through a web interface, and with the Chrome extension, it can be used on nearly any website, enhancing its usability.

Original Content : The AI ensures that the generated speeches are original, providing a unique and plagiarism-free output based on the user’s inputs.

HyperwriteAI Pricing Plans

HyperwriteAI offers several pricing plans to accommodate different user needs.

Free Plan : Users can access the AI Speech Writer tool with limited functionality at no cost, providing a taste of the service’s capabilities.

Premium Plan : Priced at $19.99 per month, this plan offers unlimited access to the AI Speech Writer and more advanced features for a more comprehensive writing experience.

Ultra Plan : For $44.99 per month, users can enjoy all the benefits of the Premium Plan along with additional monthly credits and resources for extensive use.

HyperwriteAI accepts various payment methods, including debit and credit cards, and PayPal, ensuring convenience for its users.

2. Texta AI

Texta AI

Texta AI is AI speech writer assistant tailored for media and communications, including speech writing. This AI speech writer platform is designed to cater to the needs of professionals seeking to streamline their content creation process, offering a suite of tools that leverage advanced algorithms and natural language processing technologies. Texta AI stands out for its ability to generate high-quality, plagiarism-free content swiftly, making it an invaluable asset for creating engaging speeches, blog posts, and more. Its user-friendly interface and SEO optimization tools further enhance its appeal, providing a seamless experience for both seasoned writers and newcomers to the field. With Texta AI, users can expect to overcome writer’s block effortlessly, producing compelling content that resonates with their audience.

What does Texta AI do?

Texta AI revolutionizes the way content is created by offering a comprehensive AI-powered writing assistant that excels in generating diverse types of content, including speeches, blog posts, and essays. Its core functionality lies in its ability to understand user inputs such as titles, briefs, and keywords, and transform them into well-structured, original content in a matter of minutes. This AI speech writer platform is particularly noted for its article generation feature, which produces long, SEO-optimized articles that are both engaging and informative. Beyond content generation, Texta AI provides tools for SEO and keyword research, helping users to enhance their content marketing strategies. Its plagiarism-free output, combined with a user-friendly dashboard, makes it an ideal choice for businesses, marketers, and writers looking to elevate their content creation process efficiently.

Texta AI Key Features

Article Generation : Texta AI’s standout feature is its ability to generate comprehensive articles based on user-provided titles, briefs, and keywords. This feature simplifies the content creation process, enabling users to produce high-quality, SEO-friendly articles quickly.

SEO Optimization Tools : The platform includes built-in SEO tools that assist users in optimizing their content for search engines. This ensures that the generated content not only reads well but also ranks higher in search engine results.

Plagiarism-Free Content : Texta AI guarantees the originality of its content, offering peace of mind to users by producing 100% plagiarism-free articles. This is crucial for maintaining the credibility and uniqueness of your digital presence.

User-Friendly Interface : Designed with simplicity in mind, Texta AI boasts an easy-to-navigate dashboard that makes content creation accessible to users of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced writers.

Fast Content Generation : Speed is of the essence in content creation, and Texta AI excels in this area by generating articles and other content forms rapidly, without compromising on quality.

Versatile Content Creation : Whether it’s blog posts, speeches, or social media content, Texta AI is equipped to handle a wide range of content types, making it a versatile tool for various writing needs.

Texta AI Pricing Plans

Texta AI offers three distinct pricing plans to accommodate the needs of different users.

Starter : Aimed at individuals or small teams just beginning with AI content creation, this plan includes access to 50+ templates, 27+ languages, and basic writing and editing tools. This plan is priced at $25 per month ($10 per month when billed annually at $120 per year).

Pro Max : This plan is designed for more advanced users, offering everything in the Starter plan plus additional features like advanced mode, autopilot for social media, and a free Grammarly checker. This plan is priced at $49 per month ($17 per month when billed annually at $199 per year).

Pro Max Plus : Catering to professionals and larger teams seeking comprehensive content creation tools, this plan includes all the features of the Pro Max plan along with priority support and SEO keyword suggestions. Like the other plans, pricing details are not explicitly mentioned, indicating it is the premium option. This plan is priced at $79 per month ($29 per month when billed annually at $350 per year).

Texta AI accepts debit and credit cards, and PayPal for payments.

3. Easy Peasy AI

Easy Peasy AI

Easy Peasy AI is a free AI speech writer designed to simplify the creation of speeches through its innovative AI speech writer. This AI tool stands out for its user-friendly interface and advanced algorithms, making it accessible to both professionals and individuals with no prior experience in speech writing. By leveraging the power of AI, Easy Peasy AI offers a seamless process for generating speeches tailored to various occasions, whether it be for corporate presentations, weddings, or public speaking events. Its ability to produce content that resonates with audiences, coupled with its efficiency and customization options, positions Easy Peasy AI as an asset for anyone looking to craft compelling speeches with ease.

What does Easy Peasy AI do?

Easy Peasy AI is designed to revolutionize the way speeches are written by harnessing the capabilities of artificial intelligence. This platform provides an intuitive solution for creating speeches that engage and captivate audiences. It caters to a wide range of needs, from professional settings to personal events, offering versatility in its applications. Users can input specific requirements and preferences, and the AI algorithm generates a speech that aligns with the desired tone, style, and content. This not only saves time but also ensures that the final product is polished and impactful. Easy Peasy AI’s commitment to delivering high-quality speeches, customized to individual needs, makes it an indispensable tool for anyone looking to make a lasting impression through their words.

Easy Peasy AI Key Features

Customization : Easy Peasy AI stands out for its highly customizable speech generation process. Users can tailor their speeches to fit the exact tone, length, and style required for their specific occasion, ensuring the final product is perfectly aligned with their vision.

User-Friendly Interface : The platform boasts a straightforward and intuitive interface, making it accessible for users of all skill levels. Even those with no prior experience in speech writing can navigate the tool with ease and create professional-quality speeches.

Diverse Templates : A wide array of templates is available, catering to various events and purposes. Whether it’s a wedding toast, a business presentation, or a graduation speech, Easy Peasy AI has a template to start from, simplifying the speech-writing process.

Speed and Efficiency : One of the key advantages of Easy Peasy AI is its ability to generate speeches quickly. This feature is particularly beneficial for users under tight deadlines who need to produce quality content in a short amount of time.

AI-Driven Suggestions : The platform utilizes advanced AI to offer suggestions on improving speeches, including vocabulary enhancements and structural adjustments. This ensures that the speech not only meets the user’s requirements but also holds the potential to engage and move the audience.

Accessibility : Easy Peasy AI is designed to be accessible to a wide audience, with features that cater to both beginners and experienced speechwriters. This inclusivity broadens its appeal and utility across different user demographics.

Easy Peasy AI Pricing Plans

Easy Peasy AI offers a free AI speech writer.

4. Chatartpro


Chatartpro is a distinctive AI speech writer designed to cater to a wide array of writing needs. This platform stands out for its ability to generate speeches that resonate with audiences across various contexts, from professional presentations to personal occasions. By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence, Chatartpro simplifies the speechwriting process, enabling users to produce compelling, well-structured speeches with ease. Its user-friendly interface and versatile functionality make it an invaluable tool for individuals seeking to enhance their public speaking engagements with speeches that captivate and engage.

What does Chatartpro do?

Chatartpro revolutionizes the way speeches are crafted by offering a seamless, intuitive platform where users can create speeches tailored to their specific requirements. Whether it’s setting the tone, choosing the language, or defining the speech’s structure, Chatartpro provides a comprehensive suite of tools that guide users through the creation process. This AI-driven speech writer is adept at generating content that aligns with the chosen theme, ensuring that each speech is not only relevant but also impactful. From motivational talks to informative presentations, Chatartpro equips users with the capability to articulate their ideas effectively, making it an essential asset for anyone looking to leave a lasting impression through their words.

Chatartpro Key Features

Personalized Speech Generation : Chatartpro stands out for its ability to tailor speeches to the user’s specific needs, taking into account factors such as the speech’s topic, desired tone, and overall structure. This ensures that each speech is unique and resonates with the intended audience.

User-Friendly Interface : The platform’s intuitive design simplifies the speechwriting process, making it accessible to users of all skill levels. This ease of use encourages creativity and allows for a more efficient creation process.

Multilingual Support : Catering to a global user base, Chatartpro offers speech generation in multiple languages, broadening its appeal and utility across different linguistic contexts.

AI Hook Generator : A standout feature, the AI hook generator helps users begin their speeches with engaging and attention-grabbing openings, setting the stage for impactful presentations.

Tone Customization : Understanding the importance of tone in speech delivery, Chatartpro allows users to specify the desired tone for their speech, whether it’s motivational, informative, or persuasive, ensuring the final product aligns with their vision.

Comprehensive Editing Tools : Beyond initial creation, the platform provides a suite of editing tools that enable users to refine and polish their speeches, enhancing clarity, coherence, and overall impact.

Chatartpro Pricing Plans

Chatartpro offers a variety of pricing plans to accommodate the diverse needs of its users.

Monthly Plan ($0.45 per day) : This plan is designed for users seeking flexibility, offering full access to Chatartpro’s features on a month-to-month basis. The price for this plan is tailored to provide short-term solutions without long-term commitments.

Yearly Plan ($0.14 per day) : For users committed to leveraging Chatartpro for their ongoing speechwriting needs, the yearly plan offers a cost-effective option, providing all the benefits of the monthly plan at a discounted annual rate.

Lifetime Plan ($0.01 per day) : The ultimate investment in speechwriting excellence, the lifetime plan grants users perpetual access to Chatartpro’s features, including all future updates and enhancements. This one-time payment option is ideal for those looking to maximize their value over time.

Chatartpro accepts a variety of payment methods, including debit and credit cards, and bank wire transfer, ensuring convenience and flexibility for its users.

5. Studio Speech Writer

Studio Speech Writer

Studio Speech Writer is an AI speech writer designed to assist individuals across various sectors in crafting compelling speeches. This AI speech writer is tailored to support users, whether they are gearing up for a keynote presentation, a graduation ceremony, or a pivotal business pitch. With its user-friendly interface, Studio Speech Writer simplifies the speech creation process, enabling users to generate drafts that can be personalized to resonate with their audience. This tool stands out for its ability to dissect text for fallacies, ensuring arguments are robust and persuasive, and its versatility in generating creative names and paraphrasing content. Studio Speech Writer is not just a tool but a partner in enhancing public speaking efforts, making it an invaluable asset for anyone looking to leave a lasting impact with their words.

What does Studio Speech Writer do?

Studio Speech Writer is an innovative AI tool that revolutionizes the way speeches are crafted. By leveraging advanced algorithms, it offers a seamless experience for users looking to create speeches that are not only impactful but also resonate with their intended audience. From the initial draft generation to the refinement process, Studio Speech Writer guides users through each step, ensuring the final product is polished and personalized. Whether it’s for a business pitch, a graduation speech, or any public speaking engagement, this tool provides a comprehensive solution that caters to a wide range of needs. Its capabilities extend beyond mere speech writing, offering features such as fallacy detection, creative name generation, and paraphrasing, making it a versatile tool for enhancing communication across various contexts.

Studio Speech Writer Key Features

User-Friendly Interface : The platform is designed with simplicity in mind, ensuring that users of all skill levels can navigate and utilize the tool effectively.

AI-Driven Draft Generation : By inputting specific details, users can leverage the AI to produce initial drafts, which serve as a solid foundation for their speeches.

Personalization Capabilities : Studio Speech Writer allows users to infuse their personal touch into AI-generated drafts, ensuring the speech reflects their unique voice and message.

Fallacy Detection : This feature aids users in strengthening their arguments by identifying and correcting common logical fallacies within their speech.

Creative Name Generation : Users can generate creative names for a variety of purposes, adding a unique flair to their speeches or presentations.

Paraphrasing Tool : The tool offers multiple stylistic and structural options for rewording sentences or paragraphs, enhancing the clarity and impact of the speech.

Studio Speech Writer Pricing Plans

Studio Speech Writer offers a free AI speech writer.

6. Lowtech AI

persuasive speech ai writer

Lowtech AI is an AI speech writer specifically tailored for crafting personalized speeches. This tool stands out by offering a seamless, user-friendly interface that simplifies the speechwriting process for users of all backgrounds. By integrating advanced AI technology, Lowtech AI enables users to generate speeches that are not only engaging and effective but also tailored to the specific audience and purpose they aim to address. This approach democratizes access to high-quality speechwriting, making it accessible to professionals, students, and anyone in need of articulate and persuasive speech content.

What does Lowtech AI do?

Lowtech AI revolutionizes the way individuals approach speechwriting by providing an intuitive platform that harnesses the power of AI to create customized speeches. Users are guided through a straightforward process where they input key details such as the theme, role, audience, and goal of their speech. Leveraging the capabilities of OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 Turbo, Lowtech AI processes these inputs to produce a draft that resonates with the intended audience while effectively conveying the user’s message. This tool not only saves time and effort but also enhances the quality of speeches, making them more engaging and impactful.

Lowtech AI Key Features

User-Friendly Interface : The platform is designed with simplicity in mind, ensuring that users can easily navigate and utilize the speechwriting tool without any technical hurdles.

Customization : Lowtech AI offers a high degree of customization, allowing users to tailor their speeches based on the theme, audience, and specific goals they wish to achieve.

AI-Powered Technology : Utilizing OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 Turbo, the tool generates content that is both coherent and contextually relevant, ensuring speeches are of high quality.

Accessibility : Aimed at a wide range of users, from professionals to students, the tool is accessible to anyone looking to create compelling speeches.

Efficiency : By streamlining the speechwriting process, Lowtech AI saves users time and effort, enabling them to focus on delivery and presentation.

Engagement : The speeches generated are designed to be engaging and effective, ensuring that the message is delivered in a manner that resonates with the audience.

Lowtech AI Pricing Plans

Lowtech AI offers a free AI speech writer.


Dessy offers a free AI speech writer designed to alleviate the stress of writing the perfect wedding speech. This innovative AI speech writer, known as StyleBot, offers a seamless experience for those tasked with crafting heartfelt orations for weddings. Whether you’re a best man, maid of honor, or a proud parent, Dessy’s StyleBot aims to transform your thoughts and memories into eloquent and memorable words that resonate with the couple and their guests.

What does Dessy do?

Dessy’s StyleBot serves as a digital speechwriter, specializing in the creation of customized wedding speeches. It’s a tool that caters to individuals who may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of public speaking or who simply seek a touch of eloquence and structure in their message. Dessy takes the input provided by the user—memories, anecdotes, and the desired tone of the speech—and processes it through its AI to produce a draft that can be further personalized. This approach not only saves time but also provides a foundation for a speech that can be as humorous, sentimental, or profound as the occasion demands.

Dessy Key Features

Personalized Speech Creation : Dessy’s StyleBot offers a personalized speech creation process, where users can input their unique stories and select the tone they wish to convey, resulting in a speech that feels authentic and tailored to the speaker’s relationship with the couple.

Variety of Speech Styles : The platform provides a range of speech styles to choose from, ensuring that whether the speech is intended to be humorous, heartfelt, or a mix of both, the final product will align with the speaker’s intent and the wedding’s atmosphere.

Ease of Use : Dessy’s user-friendly interface simplifies the speechwriting process, making it accessible for users regardless of their writing experience or comfort level with public speaking.

Time-Saving Solution : For those pressed for time or struggling with writer’s block, Dessy offers a quick and efficient way to produce a quality speech without the hours typically spent on drafting and revising.

Emotional Impact : The AI is designed to weave emotional depth into the speech, ensuring that the final product resonates with the audience and adds to the special day’s emotional tapestry.

Accessibility : Dessy’s service is available online, making it easy for anyone with internet access to utilize the tool from anywhere, at any time, as they prepare for the upcoming wedding event.

Dessy Pricing Plans

Dessy offers a free AI speech writer.

8. Youai AI Political Speech Writer

Youai AI Political Speech Writer

Youai AI Political Speech Writer emerges as a sophisticated tool designed to craft compelling political speeches. This advanced AI speech writer platform is engineered to understand the nuances of political discourse, ensuring that each speech resonates with its intended audience. By leveraging natural language processing and machine learning, it assists speechwriters and political figures in articulating their vision with clarity and impact.

What does Youai AI Political Speech Writer do?

The Youai AI Political Speech Writer serves as a virtual aide to politicians and their teams, streamlining the speechwriting process. It analyzes vast amounts of data, including current affairs and historical speeches, to generate content that is both relevant and rhetorically powerful. This AI tool adapts to various political contexts and can be tailored to align with the speaker’s style and the campaign’s messaging goals, making it an invaluable asset for crafting speeches that are persuasive and authentic.

Youai AI Political Speech Writer Key Features

Customization : The AI offers a high degree of customization, allowing users to input specific themes, tones, and points of emphasis, ensuring that each speech aligns with the politician’s personal style and campaign objectives.

Data-Driven Content : It utilizes a vast repository of political data to produce content that is not only engaging but also informed by historical context and current events, providing speeches that are both timely and timeless.

Language Variety : Recognizing the global nature of politics, the AI supports multiple languages, enabling speechwriters to reach a diverse audience without losing the essence of their message.

Collaborative Editing : The platform facilitates collaboration, allowing teams to work together seamlessly on speech drafts, edit in real-time, and provide feedback, all within a unified interface.

Speech Analysis : Advanced analytics are embedded to evaluate the effectiveness of speeches, offering insights into readability, sentiment, and potential audience reception.

Security and Privacy : With the sensitive nature of political communication, the AI ensures that all data and speech content are protected with robust security measures, safeguarding the confidentiality of the political discourse.

Youai AI Political Speech Writer Pricing Plans

Youai AI Political Speech Writer offers 3 pricing plans:

Free Plan : This plan provides basic access to the AI speechwriting tool, suitable for those looking to explore its capabilities without financial commitment.

Pro Plan : For the most demanding users, the premium plan offers full access to all features, including comprehensive speech analysis and multilingual support, priced at $23 per month.

Business Plan : Aimed at businesses, this plan includes advanced features such as data-driven content generation and collaborative editing tools, priced at $99 per month.

Youai AI accepts debit and credit cards for payments.

9. Wordwell AI

Wordwell AI

Wordwell AI is a solution for those looking to craft memorable speeches with a personal touch. This innovative AI speech writer is designed to assist individuals, particularly brides, in creating speeches that are not only heartfelt but also deeply resonant with their audience. Leveraging advanced AI technology, Wordwell AI simplifies the speechwriting process, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical prowess or writing experience. It offers a unique blend of simplicity and sophistication, allowing users to input their stories and ideas, which are then transformed into beautifully articulated speeches. The service is backed by a satisfaction guarantee, underscoring its commitment to quality and user satisfaction. With Wordwell AI, the daunting task of speechwriting becomes a seamless and enjoyable journey towards creating lasting memories.

What does Wordwell AI do?

Wordwell AI stands as a beacon for those daunted by the prospect of speechwriting, offering a streamlined, AI-powered solution that transforms the complex process into a manageable and enjoyable task. At its core, Wordwell AI is designed to cater to individuals who wish to convey their emotions, stories, and gratitude through speeches that leave a lasting impact. By incorporating users’ unique stories, sentiments, and aspirations, the platform ensures that each speech is not only personalized but also meaningful. The AI analyzes writing style, tone, and provides details to enhance word flow and coherence, crafting speeches that mirror professional quality. Its user-friendly interface and step-by-step guidance make it an ideal choice for anyone looking to create a speech that is both impactful and authentic, regardless of their writing skill level. Wordwell AI democratizes the art of speechwriting, making it possible for anyone to deliver speeches that are memorable, heartfelt, and uniquely theirs.

Wordwell AI Key Features

Personalized Speech Creation : Wordwell AI excels in transforming personal stories and ideas into speeches that are both engaging and meaningful. The platform’s ability to tailor content to the individual’s role, tone, and unique aspirations ensures that every speech reflects the user’s personality and sentiments.

User-Friendly Interface : Designed with simplicity in mind, Wordwell AI offers an intuitive user experience, making it accessible to individuals with varying levels of technical expertise. This ease of use encourages more people to embrace the power of personalized speechwriting without feeling overwhelmed by the process.

AI-Powered Analysis and Enhancement : At the heart of Wordwell AI is its advanced AI technology, which analyzes users’ input for style, tone, and content. It then enhances the writing and word flow, ensuring the final speech is coherent, impactful, and retains the essence of the user’s original input.

Step-by-Step Guidance : The platform provides a structured, step-by-step process that guides users through the creation of their speech. This methodical approach helps demystify the speechwriting process, making it more approachable and less intimidating for users.

Instant Revisions and Editing : Wordwell AI offers the flexibility of instant AI-powered revisions and easy on-platform editing. This feature allows users to refine their speeches, ensuring the final product aligns perfectly with their expectations and requirements.

Satisfaction Guarantee : Demonstrating its commitment to quality and user satisfaction, Wordwell AI backs its service with a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee. This policy underscores the platform’s confidence in its ability to deliver speeches that meet or exceed users’ expectations.

Wordwell AI Pricing Plans

Wordwell AI offers two main pricing plans to accommodate the needs of different users.

Essentials : Priced at $14 per user, this plan is designed for individuals seeking basic speechwriting assistance. It includes access to the AI-powered speechwriting tool, step-by-step guidance, and basic editing features. The Essentials plan is priced affordably, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

Premium : For those requiring more advanced features and personalized support, the Premium plan, priced at $19 per user, offers enhanced capabilities, including advanced editing tools, priority customer support, and additional personalization options. This plan is tailored for users looking for a more comprehensive speechwriting solution.

Wordwell AI accepts various payment methods, including debit and credit cards, and PayPal, providing flexibility and convenience for users worldwide.

FAQs on AI Speech Writer

What is an ai speech writer.

An AI Speech Writer is a sophisticated tool that leverages artificial intelligence, including machine learning and natural language processing, to generate speeches. It’s designed to understand user inputs such as topics, outlines, and specific requirements, and then produce a speech that aligns with these inputs. This technology is particularly useful for individuals and professionals who need to create compelling speeches but may lack the time, skills, or resources to do so manually.

How accurate are AI Speech Writers?

AI Speech Writers are remarkably accurate in terms of grammar, structure, and adherence to the provided inputs. Their accuracy in capturing the intended tone and style improves with advancements in AI technology and the amount of data they are trained on. However, the level of accuracy can also depend on the clarity and specificity of the instructions given by the user.

Can AI Speech Writers create content for any occasion?

Yes, AI Speech Writers are versatile tools capable of generating speeches for a wide range of occasions. From formal events like conferences and award ceremonies to personal occasions such as weddings and anniversaries, these AI tools can tailor content to fit the specific context and audience of nearly any event.

Do AI Speech Writers produce original content?

AI Speech Writers are designed to produce original content by synthesizing information from a vast database of language patterns, speeches, and texts. While they generate unique speeches based on the inputs provided, it’s always a good practice to review and personalize the content further to ensure it meets your specific needs and preferences.

How do I personalize a speech generated by an AI Speech Writer?

To personalize a speech generated by an AI Speech Writer, you can adjust the provided inputs to reflect your desired tone, style, and key messages. After generating the initial draft, you can also manually edit the speech to add personal anecdotes, specific examples, or additional information that makes the speech more tailored to you or your audience.

Are there any limitations to using AI Speech Writers?

While AI Speech Writers are powerful tools, they do have limitations. They may not fully capture the nuances of human emotion or the subtleties of personal storytelling. Additionally, the quality of the output can vary based on the complexity of the request and the specificity of the inputs provided.

How can AI Speech Writers improve my public speaking skills?

AI Speech Writers can serve as a valuable resource for improving public speaking skills by providing well-structured, coherent, and engaging speech content. Practicing with these speeches can help speakers become more confident in their delivery and familiarize themselves with various rhetorical techniques and language styles.

Is it ethical to use an AI Speech Writer?

Using an AI Speech Writer is generally considered ethical as long as the user is transparent about the use of AI in the speechwriting process when necessary and ensures that the content is appropriate and respectful. It’s important to use these tools responsibly and in a way that enhances, rather than replaces, genuine human connection and communication.

Can AI Speech Writers be used for educational purposes?

Absolutely, AI Speech Writers can be a valuable educational tool, helping students learn about speech structure, persuasive techniques, and effective communication. They can also assist educators in creating instructional content and engaging presentations for their students.

How do I choose the best AI Speech Writer for my needs?

Choosing the best AI Speech Writer involves considering factors such as the quality of the generated content, customization options, ease of use, and the ability to integrate specific data or quotes. It’s also helpful to look for tools that offer a trial period or demo, allowing you to test the software and ensure it meets your requirements before making a commitment.

AI Speech Writers stand out as a groundbreaking innovation, offering individuals and professionals alike the ability to craft speeches that are not only compelling but also deeply personalized. The evolution of AI technology has made it possible to bridge the gap between the art of speechwriting and the efficiency of automated processes, ensuring that every speech not only conveys the intended message but does so with eloquence and impact. As we continue to explore the capabilities of AI Speech Writers, it’s clear that their role in enhancing our communication efforts is only set to grow, making them an indispensable tool for anyone looking to leave a lasting impression through their words.

The integration of AI into speechwriting is a testament to the ongoing digital transformation, highlighting the potential of technology to augment human creativity and expression. By choosing the right AI Speech Writer, individuals can harness the power of AI to elevate their speeches, making every word count in their quest to connect with and inspire their audience. As we move forward, the fusion of human insight and AI’s capabilities promises to redefine the boundaries of effective communication, making it an exciting time for anyone looking to explore the art of speechwriting in the digital age.

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Free Persuasive Speech Generator

  • ✅ 6 Benefits of the Tool

💬 What Is Persuasive Speech?

📍 how to write a persuasive speech, 💡 top 20 persuasive speech topics, 📝 4 world-famous persuasive speech examples, 🔗 references.

Do you have a pending persuasive speech assignment but need some push to help you do it perfectly? No worries; you can use our persuasive speech generator to create informative speeches quickly.

The free automatic AI generator is one of the best to boost your speech writing on any topic.

✅ 6 Benefits of This Persuasive Speech Generator

How can this instant generator benefit your speech-writing efforts?

Our tool has many benefits, but we focus on the 6 most important ones:

As the name suggests, a persuasive speech influences listeners’ behavior, attitudes, beliefs, and values.

In this speech, a speaker seeks a favorable response that aligns with their convictions or position on a matter.

An orator uses arguments to convince their audience to see a particular issue from their preferred perspective. Convincing arguments incorporate different elements to urge listeners to favor a speaker’s stand.

They follow a three-prong strategy incorporating:

A claim is a statement requiring support through evidence. Your speech should also include a thesis statement, your speech’s overarching idea from which other smaller ideas spring.

Informative vs. Persuasive Speech

An informative speech differs from a persuasive one in many ways.

So, how do you write a great persuasive speech that makes listeners adopt your preferred position on a matter?

Below are steps to drafting a great convincing speech.

Know Your Audience

Start by familiarizing yourself with your listeners before moving by knowing their needs, tastes, and ability to understand your desired topic.

This way, you will be better positioned to customize your speech to suit their needs and not parade your vast knowledge.

Familiarize Yourself with Your Topic

Get to know your topic to ensure it suits your audience’s needs. If you aren’t familiar with the topic, research it thoroughly to present your readers with facts.

This way, you will be better positioned to present your listeners with sufficient facts to persuade them.

Determine Your Speech’s Goal

A speech is not only about organizing facts in a logical manner; it is usually meant to persuade the audience and deliver a specific message across .

You, as a speaker, should focus on that message and find appropriate means to get it across.

Select the Best Persuasive Approach

Determine the best approach to persuade your listeners. You may lean on either ethos, logos, or pathos to achieve your desired goal. You can also use all of these approaches.

The final selection will depend on your audience.

Outline Your Key Ideas

You need to outline your best points before presenting them to your audience.

This way, you are better placed to know which argument to present first and last.

Start on a Strong Footing

You must begin your speech with a strong, attractive hook to capture your audience’s attention.

Your opening needs a catchy title that whets your audience’s appetite to listen to your speech.

Give Convincing Evidence

Your speech’s main body should include the points you want to use to convince listeners to side with your position.

Give your audience convincing examples and reasons to buy into your perspective.

Address Counter-arguments

Don’t forget to address opposing arguments because others have a right to hold contrary views and not accept your point right away.

While this may not be necessary, you can bolster your case by anticipating and discussing opposing views.

Finish with a Call to Action

Since you defined your speech’s goal, don’t forget to make a relevant call to action .

Remember, this part is like your landing pad.

Below are carefully selected persuasive speech topics to inspire you.

  • Martial arts benefit the mind.
  • Competitive sports have many mental benefits.
  • Games have many positive social benefits.
  • Make community service mandatory for college graduation.
  • Traits that make up real heroes.
  • Letter grades should be replaced with pass or fail .
  • The real secret to success.
  • Public libraries should filter internet pornography .
  • Video games promote violence.
  • Should abortions be illegal as a form of homicide ?
  • Dirty music promotes immorality.
  • Beauty pageants for children should be banned .
  • Parents should spend more time with their children.
  • Why junk food should cost more than healthy food .
  • Tablets are better than laptops.
  • Why should there be a four-day workweek ?
  • Ban school uniforms.
  • The internet should remain open source .
  • Security cameras violate privacy.
  • Vote by mail: should it be allowed ?

Below are the top four world-famous persuasive speeches to get inspiration from.

I Have a Dream by MLK

This speech embodies the black community’s search for equality. Martin Luther King voiced his opposition to the segregation against Africans when white supremacists sought to keep Africans in inferior positions using the backdoor. The leader envisioned a society where equality would replace racial discrimination.

Ain’t I A Woman by Sojourner Truth

This speech by an African woman embodied the quest for equal human rights during the season when oppression and slavery were at their peak. Truth was one of the leading advocates who fought for women’s rights in the 19th century. She delivered this speech at an 1851 Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio.

I Am Prepared to Die by Nelson Mandela

This Nelson Mandela speech echoes the struggle to end apartheid in South Africa. Mandela risked his life to fight state-sponsored discrimination against Africans. Mandela was prepared to die for this just cause.

The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama

This famous speech by the son of a Kenyan student who made it to become a US President shows the power of transformational hope. The speech is based on Obama’s focus on patriotic optimism and determination as change catalysts. This speech catapulted him into the limelight and led to his popular election as America’s first black and youngest president.

❓ Persuasive Speech Generator FAQ

Updated: Oct 25th, 2023

  • What Is Persuasive Speech? (Plus 10 Tips for Creating One)
  • Persuasive Speaking
  • 100 Persuasive Speech Topics for Students
  • How to Write a Persuasive Speech: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
  • Persuasive Speech Types & Features
  • Persuasive Speaking – Speak Out, Call In
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This free AI-powered persuasive speech generator will quickly create a sample speech for you. All you need to do is add the necessary details so that the result matches your requirements. Moreover, on this page, you’ll learn what a persuasive speech is and how to write one quickly.

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Meet Verble, your AI speechwriting assistant that helps you master the art of verbal persuasion and storytelling.

★★★★★ More than 7500 speeches made

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Meet verble, your free ai speechwriting assistant that helps you master the art of verbal persuasion and storytelling..


Everyone's got a story. 

Express yourself effectively and with confidence.

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Chat with us

Kickstart your preparation by having a quick chat with your AI assistant. You will get targeted questions that help you share your thoughts, audience, and your message. No stress about where to begin or what to say. Verble is here to guide you. 


Create a draft

After the chat, Verble works its magic, transforming your thoughts into a clear and organized draft. Say goodbye to blank pages and struggling with words. Verble gives you a steady starting point, reducing the hassle and saving you time.


Make it your own

Our speech coaches have spent years analyzing the best speakers in the world. We incorporated that expertise into the smart editing mode. You will be able to use the techniques that the Steve Jobs’ and Jacinda Ardern’s of this world are using to make their speeches stand out. 


"With Verble, it feels like you have your own personal speechwriter in your pocket. It makes it really easy to prepare talks quickly!"

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No matter the event

Verble's got you covered.

Unlike generic chat platforms, Verble has been designed with the diversity of public speaking in mind. It understands the nuances between different types of speeches and guides you to tailor your message accordingly. 

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Present new ideas to management

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Pitch your company to a group of investors

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Keynote at a business event

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Thank a colleague

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Giving a persuasive sales pitch

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Practise your speech

In this Practise Center, you can use your webcam to practice your speech, reading directly from the screen like a teleprompter, so you don't need to worry about what to say. Focus on maintaining a good pace, using varied intonation to emphasize key points, and just have fun with your story. You can practice as many times as needed; if a session isn't perfect, simply try again.

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Unlike traditional in-person coaching, Verble is available for you anytime, anywhere. There's no need to align schedules or travel for a meeting. Whether you're prepping for a last-minute presentation or working on a speech in the wee hours, Verble is just a few clicks away, ready to help you craft a compelling story.

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AI Speech Writer

Empowering your voice, amplified by ai., what type of speech do you need help with.

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Have you experienced problems in turning your concise ideas into engaging speeches? If yes then, I know it’s so boring, right? Like we’re humans, we don’t think so far like machines.

But guess what?

There's a solution for you! Meet the Toolbaz AI Speech Writer, a mind blowing invention of modern technology that helps you create your desired story into reality in a form of speech.

Now a question arises,

How could it be beneficial for you?

Let’s figure it out!

Turn Your Ideas To Persuasive Sentences:

In the modern world, knowing how to persuade others is super important. That's where the AI Speech Writer comes in handy. It helps you turn your ideas into strong arguments that convince people and make them want to act.

It doesn’t matter if you're a pro or just practicing, this tool makes it easy to create sentences that grab attention. With AI, you can tweak your message easily, making sure it connects with your audience.

It's like having a superpower for talking! But,

What's an AI Speech Writer?

It's a cool new tool that uses artificial intelligence to help you make persuasive speeches. It studies how language works and finds the important stuff in what you're saying.

That way, you can express yourself clearly and have a bigger impact. Whether you're getting ready for a big presentation at work, a speech in front of lots of people, or just talking in class, AI Speech Writer is there to help.

Well now many of you might be thinking about why we use the word “persuasive”

Let me explain to you!

Do You Need Specific Data For Speech Generation?

To generate speech, you need clear and concise ideas as well as relevant information on the topic you desire to craft speech.

Let me show you an example of such a scenario!

Thank you to my family, teachers.
Ladies and gentlemen, Today, I stand before you filled with immense gratitude and a sense of accomplishment. Graduation is not just a milestone in our lives, but a testament to the hard work and dedication we have put into our education. And on this special day, I would like to take a moment to express my sincere thanks to two groups of people who have played an instrumental role in shaping me into the person I am today - my family and my teachers. First and foremost, I want to express my deepest appreciation to my family. They have been my pillars of support throughout this incredible journey. Their unwavering belief in me, their constant encouragement, and their unconditional love have been the driving force behind my success. They have celebrated my achievements, picked me up during moments of failure, and reminded me that perseverance is key. To my parents, siblings, and extended family, I say thank you for always being there, for believing in me when I doubted myself, and for inspiring me to reach for the stars. Thank you.

Okay now lets do it practically?

Let’s Generate Speeches Practically Through This AI:

Here’s the simple process you need to follow:

1. Type your concise idea with relevant information and initial prompt in the input box.

Here's a longer prompt:

“Advocating for environmental conservation in urban areas, targeting a diverse audience of city residents, policymakers, and local community leaders.”

2. Before you continue, click on the "recaptcha" button to confirm you're not a robot.

3. Now click "WRITE" to execute your instructions. Await the results.

4. Also remember to adjust the creativity level (1-10) for better results..

The Role of Persuasion In Speech Generation:

Understanding how persuasion connects to making speeches helps us see how important it is to communicate effectively. Persuasion isn't just about convincing people; it's about creating messages that really hit home and make people want to act. When we talk about making speeches, persuasion is a big deal because it shapes how our words affect others.

AI Speech Writer technology makes this even more powerful by giving us tools to make our speeches more convincing. With artificial intelligence, speakers can make their messages better, customize how they talk, and really grab people's attention.

When persuasion and speech-making come together, it helps people express their ideas clearly and strongly, getting others involved and building connections. Hope you get the point!

Now it’s time to understand the art of speeches! Ready, let's go!

The Art of Oratory: Exploring Types of Speeches

Speeches are powerful tools of communication that can inspire, inform, entertain, or persuade audiences. Understanding the various types of speeches allows speakers to tailor their message effectively to achieve their desired outcomes. Here are some common types of speeches:

Informative Speeches:

These speeches aim to educate the audience about a specific topic or subject. They provide factual information, explanations, and insights to enhance understanding.

Persuasive Speeches:

Persuasive speeches are designed to convince the audience to adopt a particular viewpoint or take action. They use reasoning, evidence, and emotional appeal to sway opinions and inspire change.

Motivational Speeches:

Motivational speeches are intended to ignite enthusiasm and drive in the audience. They offer encouragement, guidance, and strategies to help individuals overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Emotional Speeches:

Emotional speeches evoke strong feelings and empathy in the audience. They often tell personal stories, share heartfelt experiences, or address sensitive topics to create a deep emotional connection.

By exploring the different types of speeches, speakers can effectively tailor their message to suit the occasion and achieve their communication goals.

Who Could Take Advantage From This AI?

AI speech crafting may be beneficial from the following people:

Public Figures and Leaders: Make speeches better to get people interested and motivated to do something.

Business Professionals: Improve presentations and pitches with convincing stories that connect with listeners.

Educators and Students: Use it to make interesting lectures, presentations, and get better at debating.

Event Organizers: Create exciting speeches that match the event and keep everyone interested and involved

Interesting Fact:

Did you know?

The fear of public speaking, known as glossophobia, affects about 75% of people! That's right, more people are afraid of speaking in front of a crowd than they are of spiders. But fear not!

With an AI Speech Writer by your side, you can craft speeches with confidence and finesse. They will leave your audience impressed and entertained.

So go ahead, conquer that fear and unleash your inner orator!

So now I remember that this AI can help create speeches but what about the power of imagination?

People Point of View:

Person: I think it might reduce my imagination capability, absolutely not!

This tool is designed not only to help to generate speeches fast as well as enhance your imagination ability to think out of the box.

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Content Writing AI In Speechwriting –  Can an AI Write a Speech Better Than a Human?

persuasive speech ai writer

  • 1.1) #1 Speech Topic Research and Data Gathering:
  • 1.2) #2 Generate Opening Hook:
  • 1.3) #3 Organize Your Speech:
  • 1.4) #4 Add Persuasive Elements:
  • 1.5) #5 Create Smooth Transitions:
  • 1.6) #6 Adjust Speech Tone and Style:
  • 1.7) #7 Engage Audience:
  • 1.8) #8 Incorporate Storytelling:
  • 1.9) #9 Speech Editing and Proofreading:
  • 1.10) #10 Finish Off with Impactful Closing
  • 2.1) Grab Audience’s Attention
  • 2.2) Be Consistent in Your Style and Tone
  • 2.3) Practice, Edit and Fine-Tune
  • 2.4) Keep it Ethical
  • 3) Generic Speech Writing Template [Reusable – AI Generated]
  • 4.1) 1. Informative Speech:
  • 4.2) 2. Persuasive Speech:
  • 4.3) 3. Motivational Speech:
  • 4.4) 4. Entertaining Speech:
  • 4.5) 5. Special Occasion Speech:
  • 4.6) 6. Demonstrative Speech:
  • 4.7) 7. Debate or Argumentative Speech:
  • 4.8) 8. Expository Speech:
  • 4.9) 9. Commencement or Graduation Speech:
  • 4.10) 10. Tribute Speech:
  • 5) Final Verdict – Should You Use AI in Speechwriting?

So, can a computer actually outshine a human when it comes to crafting a killer speech? Well, using AI in speechwriting debate a bit of a mixed bag.

AI can be a real brainiac. It can crunch data and churn out facts and figures like a pro. For instance, AI can quickly dig up stats like this: “In a recent survey, 78% of people said they prefer speeches that are well-researched.”

But here’s where it gets tricky. Speeches aren’t just about facts and figures; they’re about touching hearts and stirring souls. That’s where us humans shine. We know how to weave a narrative that tugs at emotions. 

Take Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech as an example. It’s not just a collection of data points; it’s a masterpiece that still moves people today.

So, Where Does AI Shine in Speechwriting?

Here are some ways AI can amplify your speech writing efforts :

#1 Speech Topic Research and Data Gathering:

“Research and compile relevant statistics and facts on [your topic] for my speech.”


AI in speechwriting prompt

Try another one:

“Find recent news articles or studies related to [your topic] to include in my speech.”

#2 Generate Opening Hook:

“Create a compelling and attention-grabbing opening statement for a speech about [your topic].”

AI in speechwriting prompt

“Craft an engaging story or anecdote to kickstart my speech on [your topic].”

AI in speechwriting prompt

#3 Organize Your Speech:

“Outline the main points and subpoints for my speech on [your topic].”

AI in speechwriting prompt

“Suggest a logical structure for my speech, including the introduction, body, and conclusion.”

#4 Add Persuasive Elements:

“Incorporate persuasive techniques and rhetorical devices for my speech on [your topic].”

AI in speechwriting prompt

“Provide examples and anecdotes that support the argument in my speech.”

#5 Create Smooth Transitions:

“Write smooth transitions between the sections of my speech.”

AI in speechwriting prompt

“Ensure the flow of ideas between different segments of my speech is coherent. [insert your speech here]”

#6 Adjust Speech Tone and Style:

“Capture my unique voice and style [insert voice and style] in the speech while discussing [your topic].”

AI in speechwriting prompt

“Adjust the tone of my speech to be more formal/informal/professional, depending on the audience.”

#7 Engage Audience:

“Incorporate humor or anecdotes to keep the audience interested in my speech on [your topic].”

AI in speechwriting prompt

“Suggest ways to engage the audience during my speech, such as questions or interactive elements.”

#8 Incorporate Storytelling:

“Craft a compelling narrative or story that relates to [your topic] for my speech.”

persuasive speech ai writer

“Use storytelling techniques to illustrate key points in my speech.”

#9 Speech Editing and Proofreading:

“Check my speech for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors [insert speech].”

persuasive speech ai writer

“Edit my speech to ensure it adheres to time constraints and stays within [time limit] minutes.”

#10 Finish Off with Impactful Closing

“Create a memorable closing statement or call to action for my speech on [your topic].”

persuasive speech ai writer

“Summarize the key takeaways and leave a lasting impression with my speech’s conclusion [insert your speech].”:

Pro Tips for Using AI in Speechwriting

Here are some more tips on how to effectively us AI in speechwriting:

Grab Audience’s Attention

Another thing is audience understanding. We humans have an intuitive sense of what our listeners want and need. For instance, imagine you’re giving a speech at a tech conference. You’d probably want to pepper in some techy jargon and examples, right? AI might not always get that.

Be Consistent in Your Style and Tone

And speaking of jargon, your unique style and voice matter too. AI might struggle to capture your personality and charm in your speech. Your audience isn’t just there for information; they want your unique perspective.

Practice, Edit and Fine-Tune 

AI can do drafts and edits, but it’s not the best at taking feedback and running with it. Humans can refine and adapt their speeches based on what the audience needs. That’s a skill that’s hard for a computer to replicate.

Keep it Ethical

Last but not least, ethical choices matter. Sometimes speeches involve tough calls. Humans can weigh the pros and cons, while AI might not fully grasp the ethical implications.

Generic Speech Writing Template [Reusable – AI Generated]

AI in speechwriting template

Different Types of Speech Writing with Examples

1. informative speech:.

Purpose: To provide information, facts, or explanations about a topic.

Example: A speech explaining the principles of climate change, a lecture on the history of the Internet, or a presentation on the benefits of a healthy diet.

2. Persuasive Speech:

Purpose: To convince or persuade the audience to adopt a specific viewpoint or take a particular action.

Example: A speech advocating for stricter environmental regulations, a persuasive talk on the importance of voting, or a sales pitch for a new product.

3. Motivational Speech:

Purpose: To inspire and motivate the audience to achieve a goal or overcome obstacles.

Example: A commencement address encouraging graduates to pursue their dreams, a motivational speech to boost employee morale, or a talk on personal development and self-improvement.

4. Entertaining Speech:

Purpose: To amuse, entertain, or captivate the audience through humor, storytelling, or creative expression.

Example: A stand-up comedy routine, a humorous toast at a wedding, or a storytelling performance at a literary event.

5. Special Occasion Speech:

Purpose: To mark and celebrate a specific event or occasion.

Examples: Wedding toasts, eulogies at funerals, acceptance speeches at award ceremonies, or a speech at a retirement party.

6. Demonstrative Speech:

Purpose: To show or teach the audience how to do something or how a process works.

Example: A cooking demonstration, a speech on DIY home improvement, or a tutorial on using a new software program.

7. Debate or Argumentative Speech:

Purpose: To present a reasoned argument, often in a structured debate format.

Example: A debate speech on the pros and cons of a controversial social issue, a courtroom argument by an attorney, or a political debate.

8. Expository Speech:

Purpose: To explain or analyze a complex topic in a clear and organized manner.

Example: A speech on the causes and effects of economic recessions, a lecture on the life and works of a famous author, or a scientific presentation on a groundbreaking discovery.

9. Commencement or Graduation Speech:

Purpose: To address and inspire graduates at a commencement ceremony.

Example: The commencement address at a university graduation, where a distinguished speaker offers advice and encouragement to the graduating class.

10. Tribute Speech:

Purpose: To honor and pay tribute to a person, group, or historical event.

Example: A speech commemorating a national hero, a tribute to a retiring teacher, or a eulogy for a beloved family member.

Final Verdict – Should You Use AI in Speechwriting?

Yes, but remember it is a team effort. AI is a reliable research and drafting assistant. But when it comes to pouring heart and soul into a speech, that’s where You will rule the stage. The key to making speeches great again is human-AI Collaboration . 

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Top 11 AI Speech Writers To Write Speeches Like a Pro, Even if You're Not

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AI speech writer

Ever dream of delivering a captivating speech that leaves your audience speechless (in a good way)? But let's face it, crafting words that inspire, inform, and entertain can feel like scaling Mount Everest in flip-flops. Fear not, speech-challenged friends! The secret weapon of modern-day orators has arrived: AI speech writers.

Get ready to ditch the writer's block, boost your confidence, and deliver presentations that land applause, not awkward silence.

11 Best AI letter writers

Hyperwrite ai speech writer.

HyperWrite AI Speech Writer

Overview: HyperWrite AI Speech Writer is a tool designed to help you create compelling speeches. It uses advanced AI, specifically GPT-4 and ChatGPT, to generate speeches from outlines, descriptions, topics, and sources or quotes. This tool is ideal for public speakers, educators, professionals, and anyone needing a well-crafted speech for various occasions.

Best Features

Powered by GPT-4 and ChatGPT: Utilizes the latest AI technology for high-quality speech generation.

Customizable Inputs: Allows entering an outline, description, topic, and sources or quotes for personalized speeches.

Versatile Use Cases: Suitable for keynotes, persuasive arguments, educational purposes, award acceptances, and special occasions.

User-Friendly Interface: Easy input and generation process to craft speeches effortlessly.

Learning and Personalization: Adapts to your writing style over time for more personalized outputs.

Free Limited Use: Offers some functionality for free, with premium plans for extensive use.


Subscription for Full Access: Unlimited access requires a subscription, which might be a barrier for some users.

Learning Curve: Users may need to spend time learning how to best input their requirements for optimal results.

Dependence on Quality of Inputs: The effectiveness of the generated speech heavily relies on the quality and detail of the user's inputs.


Starter: Free

Premium : $19.99 per monthly

Ultra : $44.00 per monthly

Writecream Speech Generator

Writecream Speech Generator

Overview: Writecream Speech Generator is a powerful AI tool designed to transform your thoughts into engaging speeches instantly. It's perfect for students, professionals, and anyone looking to make a memorable impact with their words. This tool leverages advanced AI to produce well-structured and coherent speeches effortlessly, saving you time and effort in speech writing.

User-Friendly Process: Easy steps to generate a speech - input your topic, generate the speech, and refine as needed.

Tone Selection: Offers a variety of tones (friendly, formal, casual, etc.) to match the style of your speech to your audience.

Style Customization: Allows for detailed customization of tone, including sentence structure and vocabulary richness.

Multilingual Support : Supports multiple languages, enabling content generation in languages other than English.

Content Length Control: Users can specify the desired length of their speech, from short paragraphs to full articles.

Cost Savings : Reduces the need for voice actors or recording studios, ideal for budget-conscious projects.

Dependence on User Input: The quality of the generated speech heavily relies on the clarity and detail of the user's input.

Learning Curve: New users may need time to familiarize themselves with the tool's features and settings for optimal use.

Internet Requirement : Being an online tool, it requires a stable internet connection for access and use.

CookUp.ai's Speech Writer

CookUp.ai's Speech Writer

Overview: CookUp.ai's Speech Writer is designed to assist users in crafting personalized speeches quickly and efficiently. Utilizing advanced natural language processing and machine learning technologies, this tool aims to generate high-quality speeches that are tailored to the user's specific context, event, theme, tone, and style. It's a solution for anyone looking to create powerful and impactful speeches with ease.

Personalized Content Generation: Tailors speeches to the specific needs of the user, considering the context, event, theme, tone, and style.

Quick and Efficient: Helps users save time by generating speeches quickly, making it ideal for tight deadlines.

Ease of Use: Designed to be user-friendly, allowing for a straightforward speech creation process without the need for extensive writing experience.

Advanced Technology: Employs natural language processing and machine learning to ensure the speeches are of high quality and relevance.

Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of occasions, from formal events to casual gatherings, thanks to its customizable settings.


Dependence on User Inputs: The quality of the generated speech heavily relies on the user's ability to provide detailed and accurate inputs.

Generic Outputs: There's a potential for the speeches to lack a unique personal touch or fail to capture the user's voice perfectly.

Learning Curve: New users may need to experiment with different inputs and settings to achieve the desired output.

Accessibility and Cost: Information on accessibility and cost is not provided, but these could be potential limitations if the tool is not free or has a complicated pricing structure.

Typli.ai Speech Writer

Typli.ai Speech Writer

Overview : Typli.ai Speech Writer is an AI-powered tool designed to help users craft messages that resonate across various contexts, from informative and persuasive to motivational and entertaining speeches. It simplifies the speech-writing process, allowing users to generate speeches by simply inputting their topics and preferences.

Ease of Use: Users can start creating speeches by typing in their topic and clicking "Generate," making it accessible to everyone.

Versatile Speech Types: Supports a range of speech types, including informative, persuasive, motivational, and entertaining, catering to diverse needs.

Character Limit Flexibility: Offers a generous character limit for inputs, allowing for detailed speech prompts.

Word Usage Tracking: Keeps track of words used, helping users manage their content within specific limits.

Diverse Applications: Ideal for leaders, educators, advocates, and anyone looking to impact through words, covering a wide audience and purpose spectrum.

Word Purchase Requirement: Users may need to buy more words to continue using the service, which could be a limitation for those requiring extensive use.

Dependence on User Inputs: The quality of the generated speech heavily relies on the user's ability to provide clear and concise prompts.

Learning Curve: New users might need some time to familiarize themselves with the tool's features and best practices for optimal results.

Hobbyist: $29 per month

Freelancer: $49 per month

Professional: $299 per month


Overview: Verble is an AI speech-writing assistant designed to help users craft speeches for various occasions, including business pitches, keynote addresses, and wedding speeches. It aims to empower users to express themselves effectively and with confidence. Verble stands out by offering a platform that combines the expertise of professional speechwriters and public speaking coaches, making it easier for anyone to create compelling and impactful speeches.

Best Features 

Expert Design: Created by industry experts, Verble acts as both a professional speechwriter and a public speaking coach.

Personalized Assistance: Offers a step-by-step guide, starting from a quick chat to understand your thoughts, audience, and message, leading to a draft creation and finally, refining the speech with smart editing tools.

Diverse Speech Types Support: Tailored to handle various types of speeches, understanding the nuances between them to help users craft their message accordingly.

Accessibility : Available anytime, anywhere, making it convenient for users to work on their speeches without the need to align schedules or travel for a meeting.

User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be easy to use, allowing users to quickly prepare talks and presentations.

Internet Dependency: Requires an internet connection to access the platform and its features.

Learning Curve : New users may need some time to familiarize themselves with the platform's features and how to best utilize them for their specific needs.

Personalization Limits: While it offers personalized assistance, the final output's effectiveness can vary depending on the user's input and engagement with the tool.

Custom pricing


Overview: Vondy.com offers an AI speech generator designed to create high-quality, engaging speeches and presentations effortlessly. This tool is ideal for anyone needing a speech for various occasions, such as business presentations or wedding toasts. It simplifies the speech-writing process by using powerful AI algorithms to generate content that matches your needs in terms of length, tone, and style.

Saves Time and Effort: It eliminates the need for extensive research and writing, freeing you up to focus on other aspects of your presentation.

High-Quality Content: Advanced AI algorithms ensure the speeches are coherent, engaging, and meet your specific requirements.

Versatility and Customization: You have full control over the speech's length, tone, and style, making it easy to create content that resonates with your audience.

User-Friendly Interface: The tool is designed for ease of use, regardless of technical expertise.

Cost-Effective: Provides a professional-grade speech-writing solution without the need to hire a speechwriter.

Dependence on Input Quality : The effectiveness of the generated speech heavily relies on the quality and specificity of the input provided by the user.

Lack of Human Touch: While AI can produce high-quality content, it may not fully replicate the nuances and emotional depth a human writer can offer.

Potential for Generic Outputs: There's a risk of generating speeches that might not be entirely unique or tailored to highly specific or niche topics.

Business: $99 per month

Plus: $19 per month

Pro: $49 per month


Overview: Texta.ai provides an AI writing assistant tailored for speech writers, offering a powerful tool to streamline the speech-writing process. This platform is designed to help users quickly and easily get their ideas onto paper, creating polished, professional-level speeches without the hassle of manual drafting. It's trusted by millions of professionals and has received over 1,000+ 5-star ratings, indicating its effectiveness and popularity.

Time Efficiency: Reduces document writing time by up to 75%, allowing users to focus on more critical tasks.

Automation of Tedious Tasks: Automates the writing and editing of documents, eliminating hours of work.

Boost in Productivity: Enables users to concentrate on essential tasks by taking care of the paperwork.

Versatility in Document Types: Optimized for speech writing and presentations, including speech outlines, drafts, rehearsal scripts, presentation slides, speech evaluations, and post-speech analysis.

User-Friendly Interface : Easy to navigate and use, making it accessible for users with varying levels of technical expertise.

High-Quality Output: Generates professional-level documents instantly, ensuring high-quality content for any speech-related task.

Generic Outputs : While it offers customization, there's a potential for outputs that may not fully capture the unique voice or specific nuances intended by the user.

Over-Reliance on AI: Users might become overly reliant on AI, potentially limiting their own skills development in speech writing.

Privacy Concerns: As with any AI tool that processes personal or sensitive information, there may be concerns about data privacy and security.

Integration with Existing Workflows: While Texta.ai is designed to integrate seamlessly into existing systems, there might be challenges in adapting it to specific workflows or platforms.

Starter: $10 per monthly

Pro max: $17 per monthly

Pro max plus: $29 per monthly



Overview: Speechwriter.ai is an innovative platform designed to simplify the process of speech writing by leveraging artificial intelligence. It offers a quick and personalized way to write speeches for various occasions, including weddings, graduations, and more. By answering a few questions, users can have AI draft a speech tailored to their needs and preferences, making it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to create a memorable speech without spending hours on the task.

Personalization: Speechwriter.ai crafts speeches that reflect the user's voice and style, ensuring a personal touch.

Speed: Utilizes trained AI models to generate speeches quickly, drawing from a vast database of some of the best speeches in history.

Privacy: Delivers the speech directly to the user via email or Google Doc, ensuring the content remains private and secure.

Versatility: Capable of generating speeches for a wide range of occasions, including best man speeches, maid of honor speeches, graduation speeches, and more.

Ease of Use: The platform is straightforward, requiring users to simply fill out a questionnaire for the AI to generate a speech.

Customization Depth: While Speechwriter.ai offers personalization, the depth of customization may be limited compared to a speech written entirely from scratch by a human.

Unique Content Guarantee: There's a possibility that speeches generated may share similarities with others due to the use of common templates or phrases.

Emotional Nuance: AI may not fully capture the emotional depth or subtleties that a human writer could convey, potentially making the speech feel less authentic.

Dependence on User Input: The quality of the final speech heavily relies on the user's input. Limited or vague responses may result in a speech that doesn't fully meet expectations.



Overview: Speechgen.humainism.ai is an innovative platform designed to assist in generating diplomatic speeches on various topics related to cyberspace governance and international security. It leverages AI and expert-written statements to produce speeches that align with the user's chosen positions on specific issues. This tool is particularly useful for professionals and stakeholders involved in international relations, policy-making, and governance.

AI-Assisted Speech Generation : Utilizes AI to craft speeches based on expert insights and the user's selected stances, ensuring relevance and accuracy.

Customization: Offers the ability to tailor speeches to reflect specific viewpoints and objectives, enhancing the personalization of the content.

Resource Database: Provides access to a comprehensive database of transcripts, statements, and reports from significant meetings, serving as a valuable research tool.

Visual Exploration of Countries' Positions: Features graph visualizations to explore and understand various countries' stances on key topics, aiding in informed decision-making.

User-Friendly Interface : Designed to be accessible and easy to navigate, facilitating a smooth experience for users of all technical backgrounds.

Scope of Topics: The focus is primarily on diplomatic and international relations topics, which may limit its applicability for users needing speeches on unrelated subjects.

Depth of Customization: While it offers customization based on selected positions, the depth and nuance of personalization may not match that of a speech written entirely by a human expert.

Reliance on Predefined Stances: The quality and relevance of the generated speech heavily depend on the predefined stances and expert statements available in the database, which may not cover all perspectives or the latest developments.

Potential for Generic Outputs: There's a risk that speeches might not fully capture the unique voice or specific nuances intended by the user, especially in highly specialized or nuanced topics.



Overview: The AI speech writer tool on Easy-Peasy.AI is designed to help users generate compelling speeches for any occasion. This tool is user-friendly and supports over 40 languages, making it accessible to a wide audience. It leverages advanced AI technology, including GPT-4, to ensure high-quality outputs that can be tailored to specific needs such as the occasion, audience, speech length, and tone of voice. Users can start for free without the need for a credit card, making it an attractive option for anyone looking to create speeches quickly and efficiently.

Powered by Advanced AI: Utilizes cutting-edge AI technology, including GPT-4, for superior performance and accurate results.

Supports Over 40 Languages: Makes it accessible to a global audience, allowing users to generate speeches in their native language.

No Credit Card Required for Start: Users can begin creating speeches immediately without any financial commitment.

Customizable Speech Options: Offers customization options such as occasion, audience, speech length, and tone of voice to meet specific needs.

High User Satisfaction: Boasts 5-star ratings from users, indicating high satisfaction with the quality of speeches generated.

Requires Internet Connection: As an online tool, it needs a stable internet connection to function.

Limited Free Features: Some advanced features might require upgrading, which could be a limitation for users seeking free tools.

Dependent on AI Interpretation: The quality of the output can vary depending on how well the AI interprets the user's inputs.



Overview: The AI speech writer tool on Word.Studio is designed to simplify the process of creating speeches for various occasions, such as keynote presentations, graduation ceremonies, and business pitches. This tool uses AI to help users draft speeches that are engaging and appropriate for their specific event and audience. It offers a straightforward interface that guides users through selecting the type of speech, defining the speech topic, identifying the target audience, choosing the tone of voice, and specifying the speech length.

Versatile Speech Types: Users can select from various occasions, ensuring the speech content and tone are suitable for the event.

Customizable Content: The tool allows for detailed input about the speech topic and audience, enabling the AI to tailor the content more effectively.

Tone of Voice Options: Offers flexibility in setting the desired tone, from engaging and funny to serious, to match the speaker's style and event's atmosphere.

Speech Length Specification: Users can specify the duration of their speech, helping to structure the content to fit within the allotted time.

User-Friendly Interface: The tool's design is intuitive, making it easy for anyone to navigate and use effectively.

AI-Generated Drafts May Require Personalization: While the tool provides a solid starting point, users may need to add personal anecdotes or industry insights to make the speech truly unique.

Feedback for Refinement Needed: To ensure the speech resonates well with the audience, obtaining feedback from others can be crucial, which might not always be convenient.

Practice Required: Users must practice the speech to ensure the pacing and delivery match the intended impact, which can be time-consuming.

Starter: $3 per month

Pro: $12 per month

Sample prompts to write speech using AI

Creating a speech can be a daunting task, whether you're preparing for a public speaking event, a wedding toast, or a business presentation. Fortunately, AI speech writers and speech generators have made this process easier and more efficient. Below are sample prompts that can help you leverage these tools to craft speeches that are engaging, memorable, and impactful.

1. Introduction to a Keynote Speech

Prompt: "I am giving a keynote on the future of technology in education. The audience will be educators and tech innovators. I want the tone to be inspiring and forward-looking."

Keywords: AI speech writer, keynote speech, future of technology, education, inspiring tone.

2. Graduation Ceremony Speech

Prompt: "Write a graduation speech for a high school class. The theme is 'Overcoming Challenges with Resilience.' Focus on the achievements of the class and the future possibilities."

Keywords: Speech generator, graduation ceremony, high school, overcoming challenges, resilience.

3. Business Pitch Presentation

Prompt: "Create a business pitch for a startup focused on sustainable energy solutions. The audience consists of potential investors. The speech should highlight innovation, sustainability, and market potential."

Keywords : AI speech generator, business pitch, sustainable energy, innovation, potential investors.

4. Wedding Toast

Prompt: "I need to write a wedding toast for my best friend. The tone should be heartfelt and humorous, reflecting on our friendship and wishing the couple a happy future together."

Keywords : AI speech writer, wedding toast, heartfelt, humorous, best friend.

5. Award Acceptance Speech

Prompt: "Draft an award acceptance speech for a lifetime achievement award in literature. Emphasize the journey, the inspiration drawn from life, and gratitude towards mentors and supporters."

Keywords: Speech generator, award acceptance, lifetime achievement, literature, gratitude.

6. Motivational Speech for Team

Prompt: "Generate a motivational speech for a team facing a challenging project deadline. The speech should boost morale, emphasize teamwork, and inspire confidence in success."

Keywords: AI speech writer, motivational speech, challenging project, teamwork, morale boost.

7. Farewell Speech for a Colleague

Prompt: "Compose a farewell speech for a retiring colleague. Highlight their contributions, the impact on the team, and well wishes for their retirement."

Keywords: Speech generator, farewell speech, retiring colleague, contributions, well wishes.

Pro tips for using AI speech writer

Pro tips for using AI speech writer

Leveraging AI speech writers and speech generators can transform the daunting task of speechwriting into a streamlined, efficient process. These tools are designed to help you craft speeches that not only convey your message effectively but also resonate with your audience. Here are some pro tips to get the most out of AI speech writing tools:

1. Define Your Objectives Clearly

Before using an AI speech writer, have a clear understanding of the purpose of your speech. Whether it's to inform, persuade, motivate, or entertain, your objective will guide the AI in generating content that aligns with your goals.

2. Know Your Audience

Tailoring your speech to the audience is crucial for its success. Provide the AI with details about your audience's demographics, interests, and level of knowledge on the topic. This ensures the content is relevant and engaging for them.

3. Choose the Right Tone

The tone of your speech can significantly impact how your message is received. Decide whether you want your speech to be formal, inspirational, humorous, or solemn. Inputting this into the AI speech generator helps in creating content that matches your desired tone.

4. Use Specific Keywords and Phrases

Incorporate specific keywords and phrases related to your topic when interacting with the AI tool. This helps in generating content that is not only relevant but also enriched with the right terminology and phrases that resonate with your audience.

5. Customize the Output

AI-generated speeches are a great starting point, but they might lack personal touches. Customize the output by adding personal anecdotes, relevant stories, or specific examples that make your speech more relatable and memorable.

6. Review and Revise

Always review and revise the AI-generated draft. Check for any inaccuracies, awkward phrasing, or areas that could be improved with a more personal touch. This step is crucial to ensure the speech sounds authentic and aligns with your voice.

7. Practice Delivery

After finalizing your speech, practice delivering it out loud. This helps you get comfortable with the flow and pacing, and you might find areas where the speech can be further refined for better delivery.

8. Seek Feedback

If possible, seek feedback from someone who represents your target audience. This can provide valuable insights into how your speech might be received and highlight areas for improvement.

9. Stay Updated

AI technology is continually evolving. Stay updated on the latest features and improvements in AI speech writing tools to leverage advanced capabilities for future speeches.

10. Experiment

Don't be afraid to experiment with different settings and inputs in the AI tool. Trying out various tones, styles, and structures can help you discover the most effective ways to communicate your message.

What is an AI speech writer, and how do they work?

An AI speech writer is a tool powered by artificial intelligence. It helps create speeches. This tool uses technology to understand language and produce text. It's like having a digital assistant that can write speeches for you.

When you use an AI speech writer, you start by giving it some information. This could be the topic of your speech, the tone you want, and any specific points you wish to include. The AI uses this information to create a speech. It does this by looking at a lot of examples of speeches and learning from them. This process is called machine learning.

The AI speech writer is smart. It can figure out what words to use to make your speech sound natural. It also knows how to organize your speech so it flows well. This is because it has learned from many examples.

These tools are not just simple text generators. They understand the nuances of language. This means they can create speeches that are not only informative but also engaging and appropriate for your audience. Using an AI speech writer saves time. Instead of spending hours writing a speech, you can get a draft quickly. Then, you can tweak it to make it exactly how you want.

How to select the best AI speech writer?

Choosing the best AI speech writer involves considering several factors. This ensures you find a tool that meets your needs. Here are steps and tips to help you make the right choice.

Understand Your Needs

First, think about what you need from an AI speech writer. Consider the type of speeches you want to create. Are they formal, informal, persuasive, or informative? Knowing your needs helps you find a speech generator that fits.

Look for Customization Options

A good AI speech writer offers customization. This means you can adjust the tone, style, and complexity of your speech. Look for a tool that lets you specify your audience, purpose, and preferences. Customization ensures the speech reflects your voice and message.

Check the Quality of Output

Quality is key. Test different AI speech writers to see which produces the most natural and engaging speeches. The best speech generator creates content that sounds like it was written by a human. It should be coherent, logically structured, and free from errors.

Evaluate Ease of Use

The tool should be easy to use. A user-friendly interface makes the process smooth. You shouldn't need technical skills to create a speech. The best AI speech writers are intuitive. They guide you through the process, making it straightforward.

Consider the Learning Capability

The ability of an AI speech writer to learn and adapt is important. Some tools learn from feedback and improve over time. They get better at understanding your preferences. This leads to better speeches the more you use the tool.

Look for Support and Resources

Good support and resources are valuable. This includes tutorials, customer service, and FAQs. They help you get the most out of the AI speech writer. Support ensures you have help if you encounter any issues.

Check Reviews and Recommendations

Finally, look at what others are saying. Reviews and recommendations can guide you. They provide insights into the experiences of other users. This can help you identify the best AI speech writer for your needs.

Bonus AI Tools to Check Out

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Embrace AI Speech Solutions

The advent of AI speech writers and speech generators has revolutionized the way we approach speechwriting. These tools offer a blend of innovation and convenience, making it easier for individuals to craft speeches that are not only compelling but also tailored to their specific audience and occasion. As we've explored various platforms offering these services, it's clear that each comes with its unique set of features and limitations.

AI speech writing tools, with their ability to generate content across a wide range of topics and tones, have become indispensable for professionals, students, and anyone looking to make an impact through their words. The best features of these tools, including customization options, diverse language support, and ease of use, highlight the advancements in AI technology.

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9 months ago

Need a laugh? Get five funny anecdotes or jokes about any topic! They're perfect for a light-hearted speech or just to brighten your day.

Your Personal Speech Writer

5 months ago

Create a compelling speech with this tool. Just fill in the theme and your role, identify the audience, and state your goal. Get a draft of a speech that's engaging, audience-appropriate, and effective.

Wedding Speech Outline & Joke Ideas

Start planning your wedding speech! Enter your relationship to the person and get an outline for a wedding speech, along with some joke ideas to add some humor to the occasion. Make sure to personalize the speech to make it unique and heartfelt.

Political Speech to Social Media Post Transformer

Created by @ iec

4 months ago

Transform long political speeches into bite-sized social media content with this tool. It maintains the essence of the content, highlights key events, and adds relevant hashtags. Useful for summarizing and sharing important points.

Your Personal Speechwriter for Engaging Talks

7 months ago

Ace your next speech with this prompt! Just provide the theme, describe the audience, and we'll help you write a compelling 15-minute speech with an intro, main points, conclusion, and a call-to-action. Plus, we'll add humor, personal stories, and references suitable for your audience.

Craft Your Personalized Comedic Monologue

8 months ago

Let's bring on the laughs! With this prompt, you can generate a 5-minute comedic monologue based on the topics of your choice. Perfect for budding comedians looking to add a personal touch to their routine.

Motivating High School Basketball Team

Created by @ rhiaan-jhaveri

Motivate your high school basketball team for their most important match with this persuasive speech. Encourage them to give their best performance!

Your Speechwriting and Delivery Assistant

Ace your speech with this tool! It takes your occasion, audience, and theme and crafts an engaging, inspiring speech with humor, anecdotes, and more. Plus, it provides delivery techniques to leave a lasting impact.

Your Funniest Wedding Speech Yet

Craft a memorable wedding speech with a comedic twist! This tool helps you create a humorous speech for your friends' wedding, incorporating their professions, and their unique meeting story. The speech will be light-hearted, funny, and appropriate for all.

Generate a Magnetic Speech Tailored to Your Audience

Craft a captivating speech with ease! This tool generates a speech for a specific audience on any topic, focused on achieving your purpose. Just input the intended audience, your topic, and purpose, and receive a tailored speech with an engaging introduction, informative body, and impactful conclusion.

Be a Motivational Speaker for a Day

12 days ago

Step into the shoes of a motivational speaker with this tool. You provide the theme, audience, and goal of your speech, and the tool will write a detailed, inspiring, and empowering speech draft for you. It includes engaging anecdotes, practical advice, and a powerful conclusion.

Your Climate Campaign Content Generator

Created by @ lowtech-ai-professionals

Create a powerful climate campaign with this tool. Just input your topic and get a compelling speech, engaging social media posts, and interactive event ideas to inspire the public to take action. It's your one-stop shop for content creation.

Ace Your Speech with The Perfect Draft

Ace your speech with the perfect draft! Enter your theme, audience, and duration to generate a compelling, structured, and engaging speech. It also suggests rhetorical devices to amplify the impact.

Craft Your Climate Change Speech

Craft a compelling climate change speech with this tool. Simply input your event's title and theme, and get a speech that grabs attention, presents facts, suggests actions, and inspires hope. Ideal for climate activists.

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Speech Writer AI

It’s free and easy to use. A simple upload of your content and your Speeches are autogenerated.

All assets that Unifire can create out of a single content input

Create Speeches by repurposing audio or video content

The AI works fully automated

No prompt engineering required

Experience the power of AI without needing prompts

Train your AI to exactly sound like you

You can train your AI on a piece of content of yours

Autogenerate Speeches

Create Speeches based on the best templates from top-marketers. You will get your insights in the best format possible.

Repurpose Content with AI into 23 different formats

Extracted from your existing content

Work with your team, edit and download Speeches

It shows a blog post generated by Unifire, that sounds like the author and not like it was generated with AI

Speeches that sound like you

You can train your Speech Writer AI to sound like you, so you Speeches are always in your own tone and style—the opposite of generating generic-sounding content out of thin air.

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What are Speeches?

If you’re looking to make an impact, a well-crafted speech can be your best tool. Whether you’re addressing a small group or a large audience, the power of your words can inspire, motivate, and persuade. But crafting the perfect speech isn’t always easy. You need to understand your audience, choose the right words, and deliver them with confidence. With practice and preparation, you can master the art of public speaking and leave a lasting impression on your listeners.

How to use the Speech Writer AI

It couldn’t be easier: Upload a piece of content, audio or video. Let the tool transcribe it and produce your Speeches.

You can upload audio & video files, directly or via a link. After 2-4 mins you will receive your transcript. Autogenerated.

Auto transcription

We have the best transcription running in the background. 97% accuracy on even the most technical topics speaks for itself.

Edit your transcription

No AI is 100% perfect. So, we let you edit your transcript before hitting the generate content button.


Speech Writer AI automatically generates your Speeches, based on the best templates we could find. So your content is in the best shape when you get it.

Edit & Collaborate

Speech Writer AI is entirely collaborative and comes with unlimited team seats, workspaces and a full collaborative suite.

Once you’re ready to distribute, simply copy & paste your content into your favourite tools.

Questions about the Speech Writer AI

It’s free for your first upload. You get 900 credits every month for free to use.

This is dependent on the length of your upload. If you upload 5 hours it will create much more content than if you upload only 5 mins.

Yes, you can train the AI to adopt your own tone & style. This includes sentence structures, vocabulary and more.

Some of the best Speech Writer AI include Jasper, Reword, Anyword, and others.

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How to use AI to generate a speech outline

How to use AI to generate a speech outline

Tired of staring at a blank page, trying to come up with a coherent speech outline? Say goodbye to writer's block because artificial intelligence's here to help! 

AI can revolutionize how we create speeches with its ability to analyze data and generate intelligent insights. Smart algorithms could sift through tons of sources, identify key points, and frame them in a compelling way. Our article will explore how AI can make it easy to craft compelling speech outlines for your work, public-speaking project, and more. Let’s dive in!

The importance of a well-structured speech outline

Delivering a compelling and organized presentation starts with a well-structured speech outline. This gives the speaker a roadmap, making sure they cover all the essential points. An outline keeps speakers focused, engages the audience, and conveys their ideas clearly. No matter if you're a professional speaker or preparing for a big presentation, creating a speech outline is essential.

How AI technology can revolutionize speechwriting

It's no secret that AI has revolutionized various industries, including speechwriting. Gone are the days of spending extensive time brainstorming and structuring a speech outline manually. 

AI-powered speechwriting tools now offer a game-changing solution to assist speakers in generating a well-crafted outline efficiently. They analyze input materials, extract key points, and suggest an optimized speech outline using sophisticated algorithms and natural language processing. 

AI can save speakers a ton of time and effort as they prepare their speeches, so they can focus more on connecting with their audience and refining their delivery.

What is a speech outline?

A speech outline serves as a blueprint for organizing your thoughts, arguments, and supporting evidence coherently. You can use it to make sure your main points are clear and communicated well. 

Moreover, an outline keeps speakers on track, so they don't get confused or disorganized. AI-generated speech outlines help speakers understand the topic, identify gaps in their arguments, and make sure their message gets across.

Key components of an effective outline

An effective speech outline consists of several key components that collectively contribute to its success. These components typically include an attention-grabbing introduction, a concise thesis statement, clear main points, supporting evidence or examples, and a powerful conclusion. The three main parts consist of the introduction, body, and conclusion. Each section serves a specific purpose and helps guide both the speaker and the audience through the entire speech. 

Additionally, incorporating transitions between each section adds coherence and ensures a seamless flow of ideas. By understanding and implementing these key components, speakers can create a compelling speech outline that engages and persuades their audience effectively.

Using AI speech writer tools for generating a speech outline

AI speechwriting tools have transformed the speechwriting process, making it more efficient and effective. These advanced tools utilize artificial intelligence algorithms to generate speech outlines that can serve as a strong foundation for any speech. Let's explore the capabilities and benefits of these AI-driven tools in detail.

An AI writing assistant leverages cutting-edge technology to provide users with accurate and comprehensive speech outlines. These tools analyze vast amounts of data, including speeches from renowned speakers and experts, to generate outlines that are well-structured and impactful. By utilizing AI algorithms, these tools can extract key themes, identify main points, and suggest potential supporting arguments.

Benefits of AI speechwriting tools

One major advantage of using AI speechwriting tools is the significant amount of time and effort saved. These tools can generate a speech outline within minutes, eliminating the need for hours of brainstorming and organizing ideas. Additionally, they can offer valuable insights and suggestions that may have been overlooked by the speaker, helping to create a more well-rounded and compelling speech.

Another benefit of these AI-driven tools is their ability to adapt to different speech styles and contexts. Whether you are giving a formal business presentation or a motivational speech, the AI algorithms can generate an outline that aligns with the tone and purpose of the speech. This versatility allows users to create outlines that cater specifically to their audience and goals.

Leveraging AI-generated suggestions for maximum efficiency

When using AI speechwriting tools for generating a speech outline, it's crucial to make the most of the suggestions and insights provided. These tools often offer alternative phrasing, examples, and even statistical data to support your main points. By incorporating these suggestions, speakers can enhance the quality and impact of their speech outline, ensuring a more engaging and persuasive delivery.

By utilizing AI speechwriting tools, speakers can streamline their speech preparation process and create outlines that captivate and inspire their audience. With their advanced capabilities, these tools offer a valuable resource to individuals seeking to optimize their speechwriting practice. 

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Using AI for generating a speech outline

One of the most significant advantages of utilizing AI speechwriting tools is their ability to generate a speech outline quickly and efficiently. These tools leverage the power of artificial intelligence to analyze vast amounts of data and generate a well-structured and coherent outline in a matter of minutes. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can leverage AI technology to streamline your speechwriting process and enhance the overall quality of your presentations.

Step 1: choosing the right AI speechwriting tool

To begin generating a speech outline using AI, it is essential to select the right speechwriting tool that suits your needs. There are various AI-driven tools available in the market that excel in creating speech outlines. Some of these tools use natural language processing algorithms to analyze your input, identify key themes and arguments, and generate an outline based on this analysis. It is crucial to consider factors such as the tool's accuracy, user-friendliness, and compatibility with your preferred writing style before making a selection.

Step 2: inputting key points and key messages

Once you have chosen your preferred AI speechwriting tool, it's time to input the key points and key messages you want to include in your speech. These can be the main ideas, arguments, or themes that you want to convey to your audience. The AI tool will then process this input and use its algorithms to generate a preliminary outline based on the information provided. This step sets the foundation for the AI-generated outline and ensures that it aligns with your speech objectives and desired message delivery.

Step 3: leveraging AI-generated suggestions and insights

After the initial outline is generated, AI speechwriting tools often provide additional suggestions and insights to enhance the outline further. These suggestions can include additional supporting points, relevant anecdotes, or compelling statistics that strengthen your speech's argumentation. By leveraging these AI-generated suggestions, you can take advantage of the tool's advanced capabilities and maximize efficiency in developing an engaging and impactful speech outline.

Step 4: iterating and refining your outline

Once you receive the AI-generated outline and suggestions, it's time to iterate and refine your speech outline to reflect your personal style and context. This step is crucial to ensure that the outline aligns with your speaking style, maintains a coherent flow, and effectively captures your unique insights. By adding your own personal touch to the AI-generated outline, you can create a speech that feels authentic and resonates with your audience on a deeper level.

Incorporating AI into the speechwriting process can save precious time and effort, while also enriching the quality and impact of your presentations. By following these steps and making the most of AI-generated suggestions, you can create a well-structured and compelling speech outline that optimizes your communication goals and captivates your audience.

Personalizing your AI-generated speech outline

To truly make your speech outline your own, it's important to personalize and customize the AI-generated suggestions. While AI tools provide valuable insights and suggestions, adding your own personal touch and unique insights can make your speech more authentic and engaging. Here are some tips to help you fine-tune your AI-generated speech outline:

Tailoring the outline to your speech style and context

Every speaker has their own unique style and tone, and it's important to ensure that your AI-generated outline aligns with your individuality. Take the time to review the outline and make adjustments based on your preferred speaking style. Consider incorporating language that reflects your personality, humor, or any other elements that resonate with your audience. Additionally, consider the context in which you'll be delivering your speech. Adapt the outline to suit the specific occasion, audience, and setting.

Adding personal stories and examples

To captivate your audience and make your speech memorable, try incorporating personal stories and examples into your AI-generated outline. While the AI tool can provide a solid framework, sharing your own experiences will make your speech more relatable and authentic. These personal anecdotes can help connect with your audience on an emotional level, making your message more impactful and memorable.

Incorporating relevant quotes or statistics

Quotations and statistics can add credibility and depth to your speech outline. As you review the AI-generated suggestions, consider if there are any relevant quotes or interesting statistics that resonate with your speech topic. Research and include these elements to support your key points and strengthen your arguments. By incorporating well-sourced and compelling information, you can enhance the overall impact of your speech.

Structuring the outline for maximum coherence

While the AI-generated outline may already be well-structured, you can further optimize it for maximum coherence and clarity. Review the flow of your outline and ensure that the ideas progress logically from one point to another. Consider using transitional phrases or subheadings to guide the audience through your speech. By organizing your ideas clearly and cohesively, you'll make it easier for your audience to follow along and understand your message.

By personalizing and customizing your AI-generated speech outline, you can infuse your own unique style and insights into the framework provided by the AI tool. This combination of AI-generated suggestions and your personal touch will help you create a speech that engages, informs, and inspires your audience.

Putting your AI-generated outline into action

Transforming the outline into a compelling speech.

Once you have your AI-generated speech outline in hand, it's time to transform it into a captivating and coherent speech. This process involves taking the structure provided by the outline and infusing it with your personal touch and unique insights.

To begin, examine each section of your outline and consider how you can expand upon the key points and add supporting details. Use your own knowledge and expertise to craft compelling arguments and compelling storytelling techniques. By combining the structure from the AI-generated outline with your own words and ideas, you'll create a speech that resonates with your audience.

Leveraging AI tools for speechwriting assistance

While the outline is an essential foundation, AI tools can continue to be of assistance throughout the speechwriting process. Utilize AI speechwriting tools that can help you fine-tune your content, refine your language, and ensure your speech flows seamlessly.

For example, AI tools can suggest alternative vocabulary choices, provide insights on sentence structure, and offer real-time grammar and spelling checks. By leveraging these features, you can enhance the overall quality and readability of your speech, eliminating any potential errors or awkward phrasing.

Drafting and rehearsing with AI support

As you progress from drafting your speech to rehearsing it for delivery, AI technology can provide invaluable support. Interact with AI-driven tools that offer feedback on your delivery, providing insights on pacing, tone, and emphasis.

Using these tools can help you identify areas where you may need to adjust your delivery style, ensuring your speech is engaging and impactful. By practicing with AI assistance, you can fine-tune your public speaking skills and deliver a polished performance when the time comes.

Harnessing the power of AI for business success

Incorporating AI technology into the speechwriting process can revolutionize the way you craft and deliver speeches. From generating a well-structured outline to refining the language and delivery, AI tools can save you time and effort while contributing to a more compelling and impactful speech.

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Use this Online Speech Generator to Help You Quickly Create a Good Speech

How to use this tool.

  • Select what you would like. To generate free speech topics or free speech content.
  • Select the type of speech e.g. "Explanatory", "Motivational".
  • Enter your speech topic.
  • Enter the additional instructions for better results.
  • Click "Generate Speech" and wait 1 minute to get the speech.
  • You can generate again when you are not satisfied with the speech or the topics.

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How Does Our Speech Creator Work?

You can use our tool to find a good topic and generate a good speech. To find a good speech topic, you need to enter the keyword, and the tool will generate the necessary topics related to your keywords.

To generate speech essays, enter your prompt, and the tool will generate a speech essay. After the tool has generated the speech, you don't have to download the speech; you copy and paste it into the documents and make the necessary edits to suit what you were looking for.

You can also hire our speech homework helpers to help you craft a great speech that will move your audience.

Benefits of Using Our Speech Maker

Our online speech generator has several advantages. They include:

  • Quick document turnaround. Unlike handwritten speech, which takes much time to complete, our speech generator provides you with a speech within a short period.
  • Guarantee speech quality . Our speech maker guarantees accuracy and quality in the generated text content. Our tool examines many human speeches to understand the meaning of words and human communication to determine the correct response.
  • Increased Scalability and Flexibility . Our speech generator is versatile and caters for multiple uses. Whether you want a business presentation or a graduation speech, you can get a customized speech from our speech creator.
  • Eradicate workflow inefficiencies . Speech-making is labor-intensive and time-consuming. You can use our speech maker to simplify and streamline your workflow, including brainstorming ideas for your research project.
  • It is 100% free . You don't have to register or subscribe to any plan to use our speech generator.

What Makes a Good Speech

The following are the major components of a good speech:

  • It should be concise . You should not take much time with lengthy introductions and irrelevant details.
  • It should be clear . Your speech should be easy for the audience to comprehend and understand. So, avoid complex terms and pick the right delivery style.
  • Avoid bias. Your speech should be objective. Avoid being over-emotional, base your opinions on facts, and avoid biased opinions.
  • It should be relevant. Your speech topic should be perfectly relevant and interesting to your audience. Avoid much information that does not relate to the main topic.

Good Speech Examples

  • Organ Donation Persuasive Speech
  • Informative Speech about Stress Management
  • Informative Speech about Stress Management among Students
  • Speech on the Importance of Reading

How to Choose a Good Speech Topic

  • Specify Your Goals. Establish the occasion and the message you want to convey to your audience.
  • Assess Your Audience. Research your audience's knowledge, interests, needs, and background.
  • Think of What You Can Offer Your Audience . Avoid shortlisted topics which you are not passionate about. And then ensure you have enough resources and knowledge on the topic you have chosen.

Random Speech Topics

Informative speech topics.

  • Evolution of the human species
  • Are male victims of domestic violence as well?
  • Should gay couples be allowed to adopt?
  • A guide for creating a strong profile on LinkedIn
  • The drawbacks of vegan diets

Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Foreign labor slows down the economy
  • Voting rights should not be universal
  • Google is the death of libraries
  • Government should regulate internet usage
  • Fashion is an important part of society

Informative vs Persuasive Speeches

An informative speech is a speech where the speaker is a professional and intends to transfer their knowledge or inform the audience about a specific topic. In a persuasive speech, the speaker aims to persuade the listeners to change their point of view.,

  • An informative speech aims to deliver new information, while a persuasive speech aims to convince the audience to believe or do something specific.
  • The informative speech presents facts and information to the audience, while the persuasive speech is based on logic and emotions.
  • Informative speech does not rely on emotions to motivate the audience, but emotions are highly applicable in persuasive speeches.
  • In an informative speech, the speaker acts as a teacher, while in persuasive speeches, the speaker is the leader.

No matter the type of speech you are writing, you must identify the purpose and maintain the focus. For informative speeches, you should remain objective and unbiased and present facts only. In a persuasive speech , you aim to persuade the audience to agree with your opinion. Use our speech generator to craft speech in any category.

Our words to time tool will help you estimate the time it will take to deliver your speech.

Other Popular Tools

  • Free Essay Generator (Powered by AI)
  • Free Plagiarism Checker
  • Free Thesis Generator Tool
  • Free Paraphrasing Tool
  • Free Essay Title Generator
  • Free Speech Generator
  • Free Summarizer Tool
  • Words To Page
  • Words To Time
  • Random Debate Topic Generator

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Essay and Speech Composer

Ai-powered tool for generating polished essays and speeches.

  • Create a persuasive speech: Develop a compelling speech for a debate, presentation, or public speaking event.
  • Write an academic essay: Generate a well-structured essay for a class assignment or academic journal.
  • Develop a business presentation: Craft a persuasive and engaging speech for a business meeting or conference.
  • Create a keynote address: Write an inspiring and memorable speech for a conference or event.
  • Write a graduation speech: Develop a heartfelt and inspiring speech for a graduation ceremony.

New & Trending Tools

Seasonal date planner, notes to blog post, poem generator.


AI chatbots beat humans at persuading their opponents in debates

When people were challenged to debate contentious topics with a human or GPT-4, they were more likely to be won over by the artificial intelligence

By Chris Stokel-Walker

1 April 2024

persuasive speech ai writer

AIs may be able to persuade us to change our views

imaginima/Getty Images

AI chatbots are much better than humans at convincing us to agree with one side of a debate – even when people realise they are conversing with a machine.

Manoel Horta Ribeiro at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and his colleagues asked 820 volunteers to fill out a brief questionnaire including personal information about themselves. The participants were split into four groups: two that debated with a human and two that debated with a chatbot powered by…

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Turns out AI chatbots are way more persuasive than humans

Next time you get in a facebook argument, just let chatgpt handle it.

If you're scratching your head wondering what's the use of all these chatbots, here's an idea: It turns out they're better at persuading people with arguments. 

So much better, in fact, that with a limited bit of demographic data GPT-4 is reportedly able to convince human debate opponents to agree with its position 81.7 percent more often than a human opponent, according to research from a group of Swiss and Italian academics. 

The team came up with several debate topics – like whether pennies should still be in circulation, whether it was appropriate to perform laboratory tests on animals, or if race should be a factor in college admissions. Human participants were randomly assigned a topic, a position, and a human or AI debate opponent, and asked to argue it out. 

Participants were also asked to provide some demographic information, filling out info on their gender, age, ethnicity, level of education, employment status and political affiliation. In some cases that info was provided to debate opponents (both human and AI) for the purpose of tailoring arguments to the individual, while in other cases it was withheld. 

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When GPT-4 (the LLM used in the experiment) was provided with demographic information it outperformed humans by a mile. Without that information the AI "still outperforms humans" – albeit to a lesser degree and one that wasn't statistically significant. Funnily enough, when humans were given demographic information the results actually got worse, the team observed. 

"In other words, not only are LLMs able to effectively exploit personal information to tailor their arguments, but they succeed in doing so far more effectively than humans," the team concluded. 

This research isn't the first to look into the persuasive power of LLMs, the team conceded, but addresses how persuasive AI could be in real-time scenarios – something of which they say there is "still limited knowledge."  

The team admitted their research isn't perfect – humans were randomly assigned a position on the debate topic, and so weren't necessarily invested in their position, for example. But argued there's still plenty of reason to see the findings as a source of major concern. 

"Experts have widely expressed concerns about the risk of LLMs being used to manipulate online conversations and pollute the information ecosystem by spreading misinformation," the paper states. 

There are plenty of examples of those sorts of findings from other research projects – and some have even found that LLMs are better than humans at creating convincing fake info. Even OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has admitted the persuasive capabilities of AI are worth keeping an eye on for the future.

Add to that the potential of modern AI models to interface with Meta, Google or other data collectors' knowledge of particular people, and the problem only gets worse If GPT-4 is this much more convincing with just a limited bit of personal info on its debate partners, what could it do with everything Google knows? 

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"Our study suggests that concerns around personalization and AI persuasion are meaningful," the team declared. "Malicious actors interested in deploying chatbots for large-scale disinformation campaigns could obtain even stronger effects by exploiting fine-grained digital traces and behavioral data, leveraging prompt engineering or fine-tuning language models for their specific scopes." 

The boffins hope online platforms and social media sites will seriously consider the threats posed by AI persuasiveness and move to counter potential impacts.

"The ways platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok must adapt to AI will be very specific to the context. Are we talking about scammers? Or are foreign agents trying to sway elections? Solutions will likely differ," Manoel Ribeiro, one the paper's authors, told The Register . "However, in general, one ingredient that would greatly help across interventions would be developing better ways to detect AI use. It is particularly hard to intervene when it is hard to tell which content is AI-generated."

Ribeiro told us that the team is planning additional research that will have human subjects debating based on more closely-held positions in a bid to see how that changes the outcome. Continued research is essential, Ribeiro asserted, because of how drastically AI will change the way humans interact online. 

"Even if our study had no limitations I'd argue that we must continue to study human-AI interaction because it is a moving target. As large language models become more popular and more capable, it is likely that the way people interact with online content will change drastically," Ribeiro predicted. 

Ribeiro and his team haven't spoken with OpenAI or other key developers about their results, but said he would welcome the opportunity. "Assessing the risks of AI on society is an enterprise well-suited for collaborations between industry and academia," Ribeiro told us. ®

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    There are plenty of examples of those sorts of findings from other research projects - and some have even found that LLMs are better than humans at creating convincing fake info. Even OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has admitted the persuasive capabilities of AI are worth keeping an eye on for the future.. Add to that the potential of modern AI models to interface with Meta, Google or other data ...