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United Nations Presentation

Transcript: United Nations -May 2010, more than 124.000 Military, Police, and Civilian Staff. -Strong indications about some groups will have high demand. The Present FINANCING (pg.12) Limited to maintaining ceasefires and stabilizing situations on the ground. Monitoring, reporting, and confidence building. UN operation Congo 1960. Nobel Peace Prize 1988. History Goals United Nations The top 10 providers of contributions to United Nations Peacekeeping operations in 2013: United Nations Every Member State is legally obligated to pay their respective share towards peacekeeping. This is in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of the Charter of the United Nations. Include Professional Staff 26 members at the beginning United Nations Peacekeeping helps countries torn by conflict create conditions for lasting peace. UN Peacekeeping is guided by three basic principles: •Consent of the parts. •Impartiality. •Non-use of force except in self-defence and defence of the mandate. At the end of each Operation they prepare and submit a report. 193 Members at the present time Peacekeeping 1.United States (28.38%) 2.Japan (10.83%) 3.France (7.22%) 4.Germany (7.14%) 5.United Kingdom (6.68%) 6.China (6.64%) 7.Italy (4.45%) 8.Russian Federation (3.15%) 9.Canada (2.98%) 10.Spain (2.97%) Strategic context change. Many non-member countries also make voluntary contributions. You can too! Each Operation has its own budget and account. - 1 January 1942 mentioned for the first time. -The forerunner of the United Nations was the League of Nations. - Charter signed on 26 June 1945. - The United Nations Officially came into existence on 24 October 1945. - Day is celebrated on 24 October each year. The Early Years Multidimensional Traditional Missions After Cold War

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Transcript: UN’s most powerful organ deals with threats to international peace and security has 15 members, 5 of which are permanent: the USA, China, Russia, Britain and France permanent members have veto power when the Council decides on important issues History of UN The League of Nations was the predecessor to the UN, it was founded in1919 and was responsible for ensuring peace and cooperation between world nations. An international organization designed to make the enforcement of international law, security, human rights, economic and social progress easier for countries around the world 193 member countries Headquarters in New York City Thank You For Your Attention References International Court of Justice Topic Name- United Nations (UN) Course Title- Development Studies. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international development goals that were established following the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000, following the adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration Presented By- What is the UN? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations http://www.un.org/en/ http://www.un-bd.org/ http://www.un.org/en/aboutun/index.shtml http://www.un.org/en/mainbodies/ http://www.un.org/Overview/uninbrief/institutions.shtml http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_specialized_agencies_of_the_United_Nations http://www.unfoundation.org/what-we-do/issues/united-nations/un-agencies-funds-and.html International Court of Justice The UN has four main purposes-  To maintain international peace and security;  To develop friendly relations among nations;  To cooperate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights; and  To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations. The Economic and Social Council The principal judicial organ of the UN Based in the Hague, Netherlands Consists of 15 judges elected by the General Assembly and Security Council Applies international law Not bound by precedents No appeals can be made by parties to its judgment. Bangladesh was admitted to the United Nations in 1974 and was elected to a Security Council term in 1978-1980 and again for a 2000-2002 term. In recent years, Bangladesh has played a significant role in international peacekeeping activities. 1) United Nations Development Program (UNDP) 2) Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 3) United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) 4) World Food Program (WFP) 5) United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP) 6) United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) 7) United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) 8) UN Women Purposes of United Nations Special Agencies of United Nations The UN was founded on October 24, 1945, when the Charter of the UN was drafted at the UN Conference on International Organization in San Francisco The conference was attended by 50 nations and several non governmental organizations Includes the Secretary General and the Secretariat staff Primarily has an administrative function The Secretary General holds office for five years per term The first ever Secretary General was Trygve Lie, the office is currently held by Ban Ki-moon The Secretariat Name-Md.Musa Ali ID- 111-10-655 Batch- 22nd 1) World Bank (WB) 2) International Monetary Fund (IMF) 3) World Health Organization (WHO) 4) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 5) International Labor Organization (ILO) 6) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 7) International Maritime Organization (IMO) 8) World Meteorological Organization (WMO) 9) World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) 10) International Civilian Aviation Organization (ICAO) 11) United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies (ICT) It was established in 1945 by the UN Charter To provide international supervision for 11 Trust Territories placed under the administration of 7 Member States, and Ensure that adequate steps were taken to prepare the Territories for self-government and independence. Content United Nations History of UN The Security Council The General Assembly Main principles: save future generations from war, reaffirm human rights, and establish equal rights for all nations United Nations day is celebrated on October 24 Main Organs of United Nations The United Nations has six main organs. 1. The General Assembly, 2. The Security Council, 3. The Economic and Social Council 4. The Trusteeship Council and 5. The Secretariat and 6. The International Court of Justice. Trusteeship Council 1. What is United Nations? 2. Brief History of UN 3. Purposes of UN. 4. Main organs of UN. 5. Special Agencies of United Nations 6. Special Bodies of United Nations 7. UN in Bangladesh. 8. UN and Development. 9. References United Nations and Development United Nations in Bangladesh History of UN The term ‘’United Nations’’ was coined in 1942 by Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt Special Bodies of United Nations the principal judicial organ of the UN based in the Hague,

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Transcript: The UN's objectives are to work with governments and businesses to keep peace, develop friendly relationships among countries, and to work together to improve the standard of living, end hunger, disease, unemployment and strengthen human freedoms and rights. United Nations Presentation 1) http://www.un.org/en/index.html 2) http://www.worldometers.info/united-nations/ 3) https://ccla.org/canada-and-the-un-past-and-present/ Pros What it is There are a total of 193 countries involved in the UN. This includes Mexico, Canada, and China. History The United Nations is a international organization that strives bring ethical thinking into business. The member countries work together to bring a better quality of life to the people and help other countries to follow their ethics too. By: Morayma, Mohammad, Miranda and Jessica The UN was founded on October 24, 1945. During WWII, countries decided to create a global organization to handle international problems. This was made official when U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill signed the Atlantic Charter in August 1941. On January 1, 1942, 26 countries signed the Declaration by United Nations and helped fight Germany. Canada joined November 9th 1945. Canada's involvement in the UN Objectives -drafting the UN Charter -Canadian law professor John Peters Humphrey, was Director of the United Nations Human Rights Division, and drafted the International Bill on Human Rights. The UN General Assembly adopted it in 1948. -resolving conflict Canadian Lester B Pearson was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 1957 for the establishment of the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) and for canadas role in resolving the Suez Crisis. -the new global challenges of contemporary world endanger their stability and efficiency. resulting in the spread of security threats, such as transnational terrorism and the illegal arms trade. -lack of democratic and accountability mechanisms affecting its structure. -lack of a mechanism to strengthen the judiciary's international judgment. When the ICJ was established, it was agreed that governments should accept a court order to judge their differences. Member Countries Cons -maintain peace and security -relationships between countries, which would increase trade -economy growth/monetary stability

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Transcript: Location: Northern Europe Surrounded by the Baltic Sea,Gulf of Bothnia,Kattegat,Skagerrak,Finland,Norway. Total Area:450,295 sq km Comparison to the world: 56 out of 249 Comparison to the U.S.: Sweden is slightly larger than California United Nations Presentation Official Language: Swedish Other Languages: Small Sami and Finnish speaking minorities Nationality: Noun Swede(s) Adjective Swedish Largest Ethnic Groups: Swedes with Finnish and Sami minorities Religions: Lutheran 87%, other 13% (Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, Muslim, Buddhist) Geography Continued... The People Continued.... Interesting Facts about Sweden: The People: Population: 9,647,386 Comparison to the world: 91 out of 249 Urban Population: 85% of total population Life Expectancy: about 81 Years Male: about 79 Years Female: about 84 years School Life Expectancy: 16 years Male: 15 Female: 17 Climate: Temperate in southern areas with cold cloudy winters,partly cloudy summers. It is subarctic in the north. Terrain: Mostly flat or gently rolling lowlands, mountains are in the west Natural Resources: Iron, Ore, copper, lead, Zinc , gold, silver, tungsten Current Environmental issues: Acid rain damage to soils and lakes; pollution of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea Introduction Geography Sweden

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Transcript: United Nations UN main organs The main organs of the UN are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the UN Secretariat. And all of these were established in 1945 when the UN was founded. TITLE Title Title TITLE Title Title What Languages are spoken in UN? There are 6 languages that are spoken in the UN and this are: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Although not all the countries speak the same languages they use headphones with traductors that translate the other languages into there´´s What is UN? The United Nations is an global organization that counts with 193 members that their main functions it`` s to help all the world UN Logo and Flag The logo and flag of the UN have become its symbols as it carries out its work on the world stage. They identify the United Nations in areas of trouble and conflict to any and all parties concerned. They function also as aspirational symbols, because its meaning its peace and unity

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Transcript: History Sudan was colonized by the United Kingdom Sudan gained their independence on on January first,1956. Egypt used to have some power over Sudan. Rwanda Genocide Rwanda One Million Dollar Decision Current Events Major History We think that the one million dollars should go to Zimbabwe. How It Will Help In The Future Sierra Leone had the most brutal civil war in all of Africa. It lasted from 1991 to 2002. The rebel RUF (Revolutionary United Front) made children become soldiers to fight their own people and government. The Hut Tax War was a simple dispute in 1898 with a man who did not like taxes and a few hundred British soldiers. The British and United Kingdom had more resistance in this simple war than when they had colonized the country. Major Problems Zimbabwe Faces Today Sudan today is not necessarily on of the richest countries Sudan's population is 37.2 million people. Sudan has some land that is good for farming. Egypt, which borders Sudan, is one of Sudan's allies Zimbabwe selfish racist violent he was arrested Wars and Conflicts Sierra Leone My country is called Sierra Leone. They were colonized by the United Kingdom and earned their independence on April 27, 1961. Their capitol is called Freetown. Top five poorest countries in Africa Very literate Main income comes from farming Became independent in 1980 Rwanda Today 68% of people are living under the poverty line. The risk for infectious disease is very high. Their unemployment rate is 95% (2009) They are 521.9 million US dollars in debt. (2012) They have 196 airports but only 17 are paved. Life Today The Democratic Republic of the Congo was colonized in 1876 by the Belgium. There was a major problems with dictators while the DRC was colonized. The most well known was King Leopold the 3rd. He would cut off peoples` right hand if they disobeyed the law. The Democratic Republic of the Congo gained there independence on June 30, 1960 Cause: The death of the president Juvenal Habyarimana (Hutu) when his plane was shot down. The Genocide: The Hutu believed the Tutsi caused Juvenal's death, so they began to kill the Tutsi As many as one million people died They used machetes to kill, because the bullets were getting scarce and expensive. Major History famine unemployment disease racism economic chaos harsh living conditions debt poverty human trafficking Modern Problems How would Sudan and the world benefit from the money? Democratic Republic of the Congo Sudan borders: Egypt Libya Eritrea Ethiopia Kenya Uganda Chad Central African Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo How It Will Help Sudan has had two civil wars since independence The first civil war was from 1955-1972. It was northern Sudan against southern Sudan. Southern Sudan won and be came independent from Sudan Sudan's second civil war lasted from 1983-2005. This war was against Darfur. A Sierra Leonian's lives today are very difficult. They have a rapid population growth. They overharvest fish and timber. Only 43.3% of people are literate. 77% of urbanized areas have no sanitation. The risk for infectious disease is very high. They have a constitutional democracy. Their President is Ernest Bai Koroma. 48% of children suffer from child labor. Facts United Nations Presentation The major problem that the DRC faced was finding people to fill jobs. The people were not trained to work the important jobs. Some of the jobs that could not be filled were any jobs in the medical field, where law degrees were needed, or political jobs. The crime rate in the DRC has also greatly increased in the past few years. Where there is not lack in disease, there is a great amount of resources gone from the DRC`s rich soil. Sudan It can help by stabilizing the country itself and eventually other countries as well. The literacy rate is very high in Zimbabwe so they could use the money to start some sort of reading school to teach people from other countries to read They could use the money to enforce or make the military better and they could help protect other countries The airports add more jobs and make more money for the economy. History: Originally colonized by Germany Colonized by Belgium during World War 1 Gained independence in 1962 Was a very beautiful country, until the genocide Sudan is involved in many conflicts. One million dollars could stabilize the country. If the country became more stable, some of the conflicts that Sudan has could be resolved. Major Problems: Poverty Education Economy Disease/ Sickness Building the Country: Since the genocide, the economy of Rwanda is extremely weak Citizens can barely feed their families with the money they earn, yet the country is slowly recovering Based on Jim Harvey's speech structures Paul Kagame Robert Mugabe

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Transcript: A total of 193 countries are members of the UN. Along with Canada, Greece, South Korea and China, other important countries include Germany, the US, the UK, France, Kenya, Switzerland, Russia and Australia. The UN was created to promote peace, justice, human rights and development. It also helps encourage the well being of all people. When was the UN founded? Where is the UN located? By David, Connor, Joachim and Thomas What a mouthful of a question, ikr World map in 2008. Blue indicates UN countries. South Sudan and Eritrea became independent as of 2012. The grey country on the west end of Africa is technically part of Morocco. Introduction How long has the UN been together? This is Ban Ki-moon We interrupt your learning for a brief Korean Pride moment. Has the UN been in the news lately? One of the UN’s most famous agencies, the United Nations Children’s Fund, or UNICEF, is usually in the news, because of the work it does in many developing or troubled countries like Syria and Maldives. Other Interesting Facts How often does the UN meet? Conclusion The UN has four main headquarters. In New York City, there is the Secretariat building. This is where the General Assembly meets. UN-HABITAT is located in Nairobi, Kenya. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization, which is focused on poverty reduction and clean energy creation is based in Vienna, Austria. Finally, the last UN headquarters is an old League of Nations building, located in Geneva, Switzerland. Also, UNESCO, or the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is located in Paris, France. This agency marks historic sites to preserve them. The United Nations Did you know that Ban Ki-moon can Gangnum Style? He is the humble apprentice of PSY himself! WARNING: This is a very disorientating presentation. You may feel symptoms like nausea and vomiting. If you must throw up, please do so in the lap directly to your left or right. Thank you, and have a great day! Ban Ki-Moon of South Korea is the current Secretary-General of the UN. The Secretary-General of the UN UNICEF Trick or treat box. Have you ever heard of the famous organization United Nations? It is the very successful organization that may be the reason the world is so peaceful today. It has done amazing deeds with its peacekeeping missions. It is always ready to help. so listen carefully! UNICEF has raised over two hundred million dollars on donations collected by trick-or-treaters alone. Somewhat ironically, Japan and Germany, the countries defeated in the WWII (the war after which the UN was created) are the second and third biggest funders of the organization. Although no one is completely sure, reports say only 2-5 countries in the world are not part of the UN. KOREAN PRIDE! What countries are in the UN? The UN was founded on June 26th, 1945, after World War II. It was founded to replace the League of Nations, an organization much like the UN. However, the League of Nations had no military power. Countries that sign the UN's Charter must agree to provide military power when needed. What is the purpose of this organization? The General Assembly meets every year from September to December. They also meet at times of conflict between members, or when the Security Council is unable to agree on a consensus about a situation. The Economic and Social Council meets in July for a four week session. The UN is one of the most important organizations in the world. It helps the people of the world a lot. Literally everybody in the world thinks that the United Nations is the key to enforcing peace in the world. the UN's main goal was to keep peace and they have achieved it. We should all thank the United Nations for the work they have done to keep peace in the world.

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Transcript: United Nations By Aurora & Naina What Is the United Nations? What is the United Nations Title Title Title TOPIC 2 Development of the UN Subtopic 1 TEXT PICTURES PICTURES TOPIC 3 TOPIC 3 TIMELINE TIMELINE 2018 MAP MAP Location 2 Location 3 Location 1 TOPIC 4 TOPIC 4

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Model un 101: how to give the perfect opening speech.

Whether you’re a Model UN newbie or a seasoned veteran, public speaking is a skill that we can always continuously hone and improve, and it’s one that we focus on here at the MUN Institute . It’s a key aspect of MUN that is at the heart of the activity – as a MUN delegate, you need to be able to communicate with your fellow committee members, and you need to know exactly how to effectively promote your country’s policy.

Many of us have sat through speeches, MUN-related or otherwise, that were all over the place. The speaker had no structure to their speech, and they just rambled on with no rhyme or reason. Having a well-structured speech is a great way to ensure that you’ll be able to not only catch, but also keep, your audience’s attention. Additionally, they’ll understand exactly what the point of your speech is, and what they should take away from it.

Watch the video below to learn more about how to structure the perfect Model UN opening speech from Best Delegate Co-Founder Ryan Villanueva!

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How to Format a Model UN Resolution

Why is formatting important.

You and your allies have solved every single problem addressed by the committee and it is time to debate the resolution that shows your brilliance. You know there is no way anyone can be against the resolution. All the ideas you have come up with are 100 % perfect. Suddenly, a delegate stands to speak against it. The delegate tears your resolution apart; not because of its ideas and solutions, but because the formatting is all wrong. Your perfect resolution now looks, and feels, like a disaster.

Let’s face it. Technicalities have the ability to hurt in the real world and a Model UN conference is no different. Resolutions are hard to create on the basis of content alone, let alone getting the formatting correct all the time, but it must be done. Imagine having a period at the end of clause three. Suddenly, that is the end of the resolution. Clauses four, five, and six are irrelevant to the resolution, even though they contain most of the problem solutions. Formatting matters.

The ultimate success of any committee session will be the resolutions it produces. Formatting errors can stop the progress of a resolution in its tracks. It can cause a delay in the ultimate vote of your resolution, or worse, allow another resolution to be ready first and get voted on in its place.

To avoid such situations, we are dedicating the article entirely on the formatting of resolutions for Model UN. For related articles, you can also read our articles on How to Write a Resolution and How to Write a Clause. Of course, learn to write great clauses, but learn to write them the correct way as well so they count

Formatting for General Assembly resolutions

Keep in mind that each conference you attend may have slightly different formatting rules. However, most Model UN conferences follow the same basics. You will be able to see a template example in section 4.

  • A Model United Nations resolution will start with a title of sorts, identifying it as a “Draft Resolution” and it will specify which revision it is.
  • The top section, under the “Draft Resolution” will contain the following, each on separate lines:
  • Committee – name the committee here.
  • Topic – the topic of the resolution here.
  • Sponsors – in alphabetical order, list the sponsors.
  • Signatories – in alphabetical order, list the signatories.
  • Keep in mind that sponsors should vote yes for the resolution unless there is a justification for them not to, such as a key clause getting removed during voting procedure. Signatories are not obligated to vote in favor and can simply want the topic discussed. Also, the number of sponsors is usually limited. Be careful not to identify a signatory as a sponsor, as they could ask to be removed from the document and that could derail the process when it happens.
  • The Committee Name in italics followed by a comma.
  • Preambulatory Clauses.
  • Remember, the preambulatory clauses are addressing the “why.”
  • The first word of each preambulatory clause must be   italicized .
  • Each preambulatory clause must end with a comma.
  • Each preambulatory clause should have a matching operative clause.
  • Operative Clauses.
  • Remember, each operative clause is an “answer” to the corresponding preambulatory clause. They must be specific and explain “how” action is being taken.
  • Each operative clause should be numbered.
  • Italicize   the first word of each operative clause.
  • Each operative clause should end in a semicolon.
  • If sub-clauses are used, they should be indented and labeled a, b, c, etc. To go into sub-clauses from the main clause, break it with a colon. Each sub-clause will end with a comma, except for the last on which will end with a semicolon.
  • The last operative clause should end with a period.

For a full list of the phrases for preambulatory and operative clauses   refer to our guide   to of preambulatory and operative clause phrases. You must begin each clause with one of these. Model UN clauses are meant to be legally binding and avoid vague language. For this reason, there is a selected list of words. Use those to begin your clauses and you will find your ideas coming out more clearly.

Formatting for Specialized Committees

There are no universal rules for how to format resolutions for specialized committees. Very often, at many Model UN conferences, specialized agencies will use regular Model UN GA formatting. This is common across European Union committees such as the European Commission, Council of the European Union, European Court of Justice, etc. the African Union, League of Arab States, ECOWAS and many others. Some specialized committees, such as NATO, may choose to use only operative clauses following the same instruction written above. Others might have different phrases or other formatting requirements which should be provided by the conference.

Some regional conferences pride themselves on having unique rules of procedure for their specialized committees. Good examples of specialized rules for specific committees can be found here on the London International Model United Nations (LIMUN) website.

Other conferences with specialized rules can be seen at EuroMUN in Maastricht or HaMMUN in Hamburg, Germany. These conferences usually have special formatting instructions for their European committees. When unsure, it is best to ask the conference secretariat. If they have no clear answer, it is safest to default to the classes Model UN General Assembly format.

Model UN Template Example

The following example has been taken from an actual General Assembly resolution from 2009. It has been changed slightly to fit with the Model UN format most used for conferences.

Draft Resolution 2-3

Committee: General Assembly Plenary

Subject: Democratic Breakdown in Honduras

Sponsors: France, Germany, United Kingdom

Signatories: Algeria, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, India, Italy, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain Sweden, Turkey, United States

The General Assembly,

Deeply concerned   by the coup d’état that took place in the Republic of Honduras on 28 June 2009,

Deeply concerned also   by the acts of violence against diplomatic personnel and accredited officials in the Republic of Honduras in violation of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,

Recalling   the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations, international law and conventions on international peace and security,

Gravely concerned   by the breakdown in the constitutional and democratic order that has led to the endangerment of security, democracy and the rule of law, which has jeopardized the security of Honduran and foreign citizens,

  • Condemns   the coup d’état in the Republic of Honduras that has interrupted the democratic and constitutional order and the legitimate exercise of power in Honduras, and resulted in the removal of the democratically elected President of that country, Mr. José Manuel Zelaya Rosales;
  • Demands   the immediate and unconditional restoration of the legitimate and Constitutional Government of the President of the Republic of Honduras, Mr. José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, and of the legally constituted authority in Honduras, so that he may fulfil the mandate for which he was democratically elected by the Honduran people;
  • Decides   to call firmly and unequivocally upon States to recognize no Government other than that of the Constitutional President, Mr. José Manuel Zelaya Rosales;
  • Expresses its firm support   for the regional efforts being undertaken pursuant to Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations to resolve the political crisis in Honduras.

Resolutions show the results of all of your hard work in committee so it is important to get them right. This means the content as well as the formatting. Resolutions go through many stages, from working papers to draft resolutions. Ultimately, you want them to become a well written resolution which can get a majority of votes and get and adopted by your committee. With practice, you can start using proper formatting during the working paper stage, which will save you time as the simulation gets more intense.

By following these formatting rules, you will be one step ahead of the game. You will ensure that delays are minimal and the committee delegates can focus on the content and not nitpick at any errors you made. Resolution writers who excel at formatting find themselves in a unique position of influence, as they will be the final ones to in a position to tweak the content just as the fix the punctuation. To be able to remain strongly relevant as you proceed to the endgame, become a pro at formatting. Not only will it save you time and make you move valuable to your block but it will also free you from worrying about technical mistakes so you can spend your valuable time focusing on the content

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Powerpoint Templates and Google slides for United Nations

Save your time and attract your audience with our fully editable ppt templates and slides..

United Arab Emirates Architectural Landmark Destination National Currency

Engage buyer personas and boost brand awareness by pitching yourself using this prefabricated set. This United Arab Emirates Architectural Landmark Destination National Currency is a great tool to connect with your audience as it contains high-quality content and graphics. This helps in conveying your thoughts in a well-structured manner. It also helps you attain a competitive advantage because of its unique design and aesthetics. In addition to this, you can use this PPT design to portray information and educate your audience on various topics. With twelve slides, this is a great design to use for your upcoming presentations. Not only is it cost-effective but also easily pliable depending on your needs and requirements. As such color, font, or any other design component can be altered. It is also available for immediate download in different formats such as PNG, JPG, etc. So, without any further ado, download it now.

United Nations Extraterrestrial In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our United Nations Extraterrestrial In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases three stages. It is useful to share insightful information on United Nations Extraterrestrial This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

United Nations Resident Coordinator In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting United Nations Resident Coordinator In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase five stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like United Nations Resident Coordinator. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

United Nations Security Council In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting United Nations Security Council In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like United Nations Security Council. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

United nations building architecture image headquarters

Presenting this set of slides with name - United Nations Building Architecture Image Headquarters. This is a six stage process. The stages in this process are United Nations, UN, Country.

United nations building headquarter manhattan city

Presenting this set of slides with name - United Nations Building Headquarter Manhattan City. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are United Nations, UN, Country.

United nations building with different countries flags

Presenting this set of slides with name - United Nations Building With Different Countries Flags. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are United Nations, UN, Country.

United nations covering flags countries image

Presenting this set of slides with name - United Nations Covering Flags Countries Image. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are United Nations, UN, Country.

United nations image showing building architecture

Presenting this set of slides with name - United Nations Image Showing Building Architecture. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are United Nations, UN, Country.

United Nations Country Profile Dashboard

Presenting our set of slides with name United Nations Country Profile Dashboard. This exhibits information on one stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on United Nations, Country Profile Dashboard.

United Nation Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Give your next presentation a sophisticated, yet modern look with this 100 percent editable United nation colored icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. Choose from a variety of customizable formats such as PPTx, png, eps. You can use these icons for your presentations, banners, templates, One-pagers that suit your business needs.

United Nation Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Make your presentation profoundly eye-catching leveraging our easily customizable United nation monotone icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. It is designed to draw the attention of your audience. Available in all editable formats, including PPTx, png, and eps, you can tweak it to deliver your message with ease.

United nations icon showing flag

Presenting this set of slides with name - United Nations Icon Showing Flag. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are United Nations, UN, Country.

United nations icon showing hexagon and world map

Presenting this set of slides with name - United Nations Icon Showing Hexagon And World Map. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are United Nations, UN, Country.

United nations icon with navigation pin

Presenting this set of slides with name - United Nations Icon With Navigation Pin. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are United Nations, UN, Country.

Map of united nations with various location indication powerpoint slides

Presenting map of united nations with various location indication powerpoint slides. This Power Point template slide has been crafted with graphic of map of United Nation and locations. This PPT diagram contains the concept of business location analysis. Use this PPT diagram for business and finance related presentations.

Economics graph showing net national factor income for united states

Presenting this set of slides with name Economics Graph Showing Net National Factor Income For United States. The topics discussed in this slide is Economics Graph Showing Net National Factor Income For United States. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Theme slide with national bird of united states of america majestic bald eagle against a flag

Are you looking for inspirational design ideas or a fully equipped template for your next presentation Then this Theme Slide With National Bird Of United States Of America Majestic Bald Eagle Against A Flag is an ideal fit for your next delivery. Portray your principal ideas and make your presentation stand out with this design. Make your audience fully aware of the concept by presenting information in an accessible way. The streamlined layout of this design will help your audience understand and retain the complicated idea thereby making it an impactful delivery. It can be used in businesses and organizations such as corporal presentations case studies reports marketing or any other academic presentation to make your message clear and distinctive. This PPT is designed as per the emerging trends in the marketplace and therefore you will face no difficulty in adapting it to your setting. The high resolution graphics and images make it free from any form of pixelation thus making your presentation delivery an absolute success.

Template with national bird of united states of america majestic bald eagle against a flag

Bolster your presentation designs and make them impactful with our Template With National Bird Of United States Of America Majestic Bald Eagle Against A Flag. This cutting edge PPT will help you meet your audience expectations due to its interactive design. Useful content has been added to help you convey your ideas vision and principle aspects more proficiently. Throw light on what is important and take your presentation game a notch higher with this multipurpose design that comes with an assortment of features. No matter what is the purpose of your presentation conveying business ideas proposals analysis reports or any other you will find this creative design template perfect for all the scenarios. Also input any information and keep your audience hooked with this content ready template that is fully editable and customizable. Besides this you can represent large sets of complex data and information with this template design that can be adopted by any industry agency individual or group to deliver awe inspiring presentations.

Arabian oryx national animal of united arab emirates

Presenting our well structured Arabian Oryx National Animal Of United Arab Emirates. The topics discussed in this slide are Arabian Oryx National Animal Of United Arab Emirates. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

Dirham united arab emirates national currency note

Presenting our set of slides with Dirham United Arab Emirates National Currency Note. This exhibits information on one stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Dirham United Arab Emirates National Currency Note.

Four coloured united arab emirates national flag

Presenting our well structured Four Coloured United Arab Emirates National Flag. The topics discussed in this slide are Four Coloured United Arab Emirates National Flag. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

Peregrine falcon national bird of united arab emirates

Presenting our well structured Peregrine Falcon National Bird Of United Arab Emirates. The topics discussed in this slide are Peregrine Falcon National Bird Of United Arab Emirates. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

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  • Nature pledge

International Day for Biological Diversity - 22 May 2024

The Theme of Biodiversity Day 2024: "Be part of the Plan"

May 13, 2024

International Day for Biological Diversity 2024

Biodiversity Day 2024

When: 22 May 2024

Theme: Be part of the Plan

Official website: https://www.cbd.int/biodiversity-day

Lead: The Convention on Biological Diversity

“Be part of the Plan”, the theme of International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) 2024, is a call to action for all stakeholders to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity by supporting the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, also referred to as the Biodiversity Plan . 

The Biodiversity Plan offers opportunities for cooperation and partnerships among diverse actors. 

Governments, indigenous peoples and local communities, non-governmental organizations, lawmakers, businesses, and individuals are encouraged to highlight the ways in which they are supporting the implementation of the Biodiversity Plan. 

We are all #PartofThePlan.

IDB 2024 is expected to increase the visibility momentum in the lead-up to the sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 16) , to be held in Colombia from 21 October to 1 November 2024. 

un presentation format

What is Biodiversity?

Biodiversity describes the wide range of life forms on Earth, spanning from genes to entire ecosystems. It encompasses the processes that maintain life, including evolution, ecology, and cultural practices. Biodiversity encompasses not only rare, threatened, or endangered species but all living beings, from well-known organisms like humans to lesser-known ones such as microbes, fungi, and invertebrates. 

Why is Biodiversity Important?  

Biodiversity plays a vital role in multiple aspects of our lives. Its importance lies in the numerous benefits humans derive from it, including essential needs like food, fuel, shelter, and medicine. Additionally, ecosystems offer critical services like pollination, seed dispersal, climate regulation, water purification, nutrient cycling, and pest control. Moreover, biodiversity holds value beyond known benefits, potentially offering new medicines and other services yet to be discovered. 

Nature in Action

un presentation format

We Are All Part of the Plan

We cannot be without biodiversity. We are part of the complex web of life, and biodiversity is a part of us. Biodiversity describes the wide range of life ...

Coffee has also been central to life in Fogo Island since Portuguese traders introduced it from Africa. Photo: Projecto Vitó Association

Heart of fire

SGP Cabo Verde, and their partners on the ground are #PartofThePlan. This highlight seeks to raise awareness and understanding of work to strengthen the protectio...

Steppe Eagle. Photo: Vivek Joshi/Pexels

Along ancient routes

In the vast expanse of the Rift Valley/Red Sea flyway, where azure waters meet golden sands, over 1.5 million birds – representing 37 species, five of whom are gl...

Firefighters, in bright yellow gear, use a fire hose in a forest setting.

In the line of fire

Over the last two decades, fires have caused more than a quarter of all tree cover loss. If there is hope for the world's forested areas, it can be found in Costa...

A single use plastic bag floating underwater near the surface in Bali, Indonesia. Photo: Naja Bertolt Jensen/Unsplash

From Scourge to Sustainability

From discarded bags at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, to microscopic particles in human placentas, to debris in space, plastics are ubiquitous. This extremely ...

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un presentation format

Create a new presentation with Copilot in PowerPoint

Note:  This feature is available to customers with a Copilot for Microsoft 365 license or Copilot Pro license.

Create a new presentation in PowerPoint.

Screenshot of the Copilot in PowerPoint button in the ribbon menu

Select Send . Copilot will draft a presentation for you!

Edit the presentation to suit your needs, ask Copilot to add a slide , or start over with a new presentation and refine your prompt to include more specifics. For example, "Create a presentation about hybrid meeting best practices that includes examples for team building.”

Create a presentation with a template

Note:  This feature is only available to customers with a Copilot for Microsoft 365 (work) license. It is not currently available to customers with a Copilot Pro (home) license.

Copilot can use your existing themes and templates to create a presentation. Learn more about making your presentations look great with Copilot in PowerPoint .

Selecting a theme for a new presentation on Office.com.

Enter your prompt or select Create presentation from file to create a first draft of your presentation using your theme or template.

Screenshot of a warning in Copilot in PowerPoint about how creating a new presentation will replace existing slides

Edit the presentation to suit your needs, ask Copilot to add a slide , organize your presentation, or add images.

Create a presentation from a file with Copilot

Note:  This feature is only available to customers with a Copilot for Microsoft 365 (work) license. It is not currently available to customers with a Copilot Pro (home) license.

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

With Copilot in PowerPoint, you can create a presentation from an existing Word document. Point Copilot in PowerPoint to your Word document, and it will generate slides, apply layouts, create speaker notes, and choose a theme for you.

Screenshot of the Copilot in PowerPoint prompt menu with Create a presentation from file option highlighted

Select the Word document you want from the picker that appears. If you don't see the document you want, start typing any part of the filename to search for it.

Note:  If the file picker doesn't appear type a front slash (/) to cause it to pop up.

Best practices when creating a presentation from a Word document

Leverage word styles to help copilot understand the structure of your document.

By using Styles in Word to organize your document, Copilot will better understand your document structure and how to break it up into slides of a presentation. Structure your content under Titles and Headers when appropriate and Copilot will do its best to generate a presentation for you.

Include images that are relevant to your presentation

When creating a presentation, Copilot will try to incorporate the images in your Word document. If you have images that you would like to be brought over to your presentation, be sure to include them in your Word document.

Start with your organization’s template

If your organization uses a standard template, start with this file before creating a presentation with Copilot. Starting with a template will let Copilot know that you would like to retain the presentation’s theme and design. Copilot will use existing layouts to build a presentation for you. Learn more about Making your presentations look great with Copilot in PowerPoint .

Tip:  Copilot works best with Word documents that are less than 24 MB.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Copilot in PowerPoint

Where can I get Microsoft Copilot?

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Modèles Microsoft Word gratuits de proposition de projet, du plus simple au plus avancé

By Kate Eby | 6 juillet 2023

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Les modèles de proposition de projet aident les équipes à organiser et à détailler leurs présentations de projets. Nous avons rassemblé les modèles de proposition de projet les plus utiles au format Microsoft Word, des plus basiques aux plus avancés, afin de vous aider à obtenir l’approbation dont vous avez besoin pour votre projet.

Sur cette page, vous trouverez un modèle avancé de proposition de projet , un modèle de proposition de projet simplifié et facile à utiliser , un modèle précis de proposition de projet sur une page , et bien plus encore. Vous découvrirez également les principaux éléments qui constituent un modèle de proposition de projet .

Modèle de proposition de projet au format Microsoft Word

Modèle de proposition de projet

Télécharger le modèle de proposition de projet au format Microsoft Word

Utilisez ce modèle avancé pour décrire et présenter votre proposition de projet avec les détails essentiels qui vous permettront d’obtenir l’adhésion et l’approbation des parties prenantes. Ce modèle de proposition de projet comprend un tableau chronologique complet avec une vue d’ensemble, ainsi qu’un tableau pour préciser les jalons du projet, leurs dates de début et de fin. Il contient également une zone pour indiquer la structure des coûts de votre projet dans la section Présentation.

Modèle simplifié de proposition de projet au format Microsoft Word

 Modèle de proposition de projet simple

Télécharger le modèle simplifié de proposition de projet au format Microsoft Word

Utilisez ce modèle pour organiser et détailler votre proposition de projet dans un format simplifié que les parties prenantes pourront facilement parcourir. Ce fichier répertorie le nom du projet, la localisation, les dates de début et de fin estimées, ainsi que les coordonnées du chef de projet. Il comprend également des sections pour rédiger une synthèse et indiquer des informations contextuelles, les ressources du projet et les détails du budget, pour vous permettre de fournir une proposition simple mais complète.

Présentez votre projet informatique et sa valeur pour votre organisation à l’aide de l’un de ces modèles gratuits de proposition de projet informatique. Pour les projets de construction, consultez cette sélection de modèles gratuits de proposition de projets spécifiques. Inspirez-vous de cette sélection d’exemples de proposition de projet pour rédiger une proposition de projet efficace.

Modèle de proposition de projet sur une page au format Microsoft Word

 Modèle d'exemple de proposition de projet d'une page

Télécharger l’exemple de proposition de projet sur une page au format Microsoft Word Télécharger le modèle vierge de proposition de projet sur une page au format Microsoft Word

Utilisez ce modèle concentré sur une page pour organiser et partager votre proposition de projet. La mise en page concise vous aide à résumer le contexte, les objectifs, les ressources, le budget et d’autres informations pertinentes sur le projet. Ce modèle comprend également une section qui décompose le calendrier de votre projet en phases, tâches et jalons, avec les dates de début et de fin. Téléchargez le modèle prérempli avec des exemples de texte pour savoir comment remplir chaque section, ou téléchargez la version vierge pour créer votre proposition de projet à partir de zéro.

Consultez cette sélection de modèles gratuits de proposition de projet adaptés à différents types de projets et sous divers formats.

Que comprend un modèle de proposition de projet ?

Une proposition de projet décrit ce qu’un nouveau projet peut vous permettre d’accomplir et comment. Elle a pour objectif d’obtenir l’adhésion et l’approbation des parties prenantes, des clients, des sponsors et des décideurs concernant votre projet. Même si les types de projets sont variés, toutes les propositions de projets suivent une structure similaire.

Un modèle de proposition de projet comprend généralement les sections suivantes :

  • Synthèse : fournissez un aperçu de votre projet qui vise à persuader les parties prenantes et les sponsors d’approuver le projet. Présentez les points clés que vous aborderez ensuite plus en détail. Idéalement, une synthèse doit être concise mais suffisamment efficace pour qu’un sponsor puisse approuver la proposition en se fondant uniquement sur cette section. 
  • Contexte : dans cette section, décrivez l’historique de votre organisation ainsi que la valeur et les opportunités spécifiques que votre projet apporte. Cette section fournit le contexte nécessaire à votre projet. 
  • Objectifs : identifiez et répertoriez les objectifs mesurables de votre projet, et expliquez comment ils soutiendront la vision de votre organisation.  
  • Méthodologie : cette section doit définir clairement votre approche, vos tâches et vos livrables, grâce auxquels vous pourrez atteindre les objectifs du projet. Envisagez d’inclure un calendrier détaillant les jalons du projet et les échéances des tâches.
  • Ressources : dans cette section, spécifiez le personnel, le matériel, les logiciels et le temps consacré aux tâches pour pouvoir mener à bien le projet. 
  • Budget : fournissez une distribution détaillée des coûts estimés du projet. Si nécessaire, ajoutez de brèves explications pour justifier certains coûts. 
  • Mesures et rapports : définissez comment vous allez communiquer l’avancement du projet et mesurer sa réussite. Créez un planning fiable pour les mises à jour du statut du projet. 
  • Risques : répertoriez les risques potentiels liés à votre projet. Documentez la probabilité, l’impact et les stratégies d’atténuation des risques s’ils se produisent.

Pourquoi utiliser un modèle de proposition de projet ?

Un modèle de proposition de projet présente votre idée de manière structurée et professionnelle. Avec son format prêt à l’emploi, il rationalise le processus de rédaction des propositions, ce qui vous fait gagner du temps et vous permet de vous concentrer sur les détails plus subtils. 

Réutilisables pour plusieurs projets, les modèles de proposition de projet permettent non seulement d’assurer une communication cohérente avec votre équipe et les parties prenantes, mais aussi de persuader efficacement les décideurs et les clients potentiels de la valeur d’un nouveau projet.

Comment rédiger une proposition de projet ?

Lors de la rédaction d’une proposition de projet, la première étape consiste à identifier le problème auquel votre projet répond. Documentez ensuite le contexte du projet et présentez votre solution. Répertoriez les livrables et les ressources nécessaires à leur réalisation.  Suivez ces étapes pour rédiger une proposition de projet convaincante :

  • Identifier le problème : définissez le problème que votre projet résoudra.
  • Présenter le contexte du projet : présentez des données pour montrer la valeur apportée par le fait de résoudre le problème. Expliquez comment cela affecte votre organisation.
  • Proposer la solution : expliquez pourquoi votre projet est la meilleure option pour résoudre le problème. Détaillez la façon dont il règle le problème et s’aligne sur les objectifs de votre organisation.
  • Répertorier les livrables du projet : définissez ce que votre projet produira et quand.
  • Identifier les ressources du projet : répertoriez le personnel, la technologie et le matériel dont votre équipe a besoin pour mener à bien le projet. 
  • Remplir un modèle de proposition de projet : remplissez un modèle de proposition de projet bien structuré pour articuler et organiser clairement tous les aspects essentiels de votre projet.

Conseils pour bien utiliser un modèle de proposition de projet

Un modèle de proposition de projet vous aide à définir la valeur de votre projet et démontrer son utilité. Utilisez un modèle pour présenter votre proposition et inciter les parties prenantes à y adhérer et les décideurs à l’approuver.

Ces conseils vous aideront à bien utiliser un modèle de proposition de projet Microsoft Word :

  • Effectuez des recherches détaillées : recueillez des données pour soutenir les objectifs et la valeur de votre projet. Analysez les projets précédents pour appliquer ce que vous avez appris.
  • Définissez le problème que votre projet résout : détaillez les raisons pour lesquelles votre projet est nécessaire en décrivant le problème qu’il traite. Votre proposition doit montrer une solution sous forme de livrables mesurables.
  • Rédigez une synthèse de haut niveau : la synthèse est la première chose que les clients et les décideurs liront. Parfois, c’est même la seule chose qu’ils lisent, il est donc important de la rédiger de manière claire et concise pour les persuader.

Les avantages à utiliser Smartsheet pour une proposition de projet

Smartsheet facilite encore plus la rédaction d’une proposition de projet qui impressionnera vos parties prenantes. Avec Smartsheet, vous pouvez mettre en page efficacement les informations de la proposition, inclure des liens vers des recherches complémentaires et charger la documentation du projet directement sur la feuille.

  • Mise en page personnalisable : utilisez Smartsheet pour présenter votre proposition de projet selon la mise en page qui vous convient le mieux, puis créez un modèle personnalisé à réutiliser. 
  • Documentation jointe : si besoin, joignez des documents externes à n’importe quelle ligne de votre feuille pour fournir plus d’informations sur votre proposition ou pour créer des liens vers d’autres sites Web et documents.
  • Intégration de données : configurez facilement les cellules pour afficher des données supplémentaires provenant de documents ou de rapports dans Smartsheet afin de contextualiser votre proposition et d’ajouter des informations plus détaillées sans provoquer de gêne visuelle.
  • Mises à jour en temps réel : toute mise à jour apportée à votre proposition peut être consultée en temps réel, par toute personne y ayant accès et quel que soit l’endroit où elle se trouve. Toutes les parties prenantes disposent ainsi toujours des informations les plus récentes.

De la simple gestion de tâches et de projets à la gestion complexe de ressources et de portefeuilles, Smartsheet vous aide à améliorer la collaboration et à accélérer le travail. Vous avez ainsi les moyens d'accomplir plus de travail. La plateforme Smartsheet facilite la planification, la capture, la gestion et la création de rapports sur le travail depuis n'importe où, ce qui permet à votre équipe d'être plus efficace et d'accomplir plus. Créez des rapports de synthèse sur les métriques clés et obtenez de la visibilité en temps réel quant au travail grâce aux rapports de synthèse, aux tableaux de bord et aux flux de travail automatisés conçus afin d'aider votre équipe à rester connectée et informée. Quand les équipes bénéficient de clarté quant au travail en cours, elles peuvent accomplir bien plus dans le même temps. Essayez Smartsheet gratuitement, dès aujourd'hui.

Découvrez une meilleure manière de rationaliser les flux de travail, et éliminez les silos pour de bon.

Powerpoint presentation in pdf

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Biostatistics Master’s Degree Infographics

It seems that you like this template, free google slides theme and powerpoint template.

Download the Biostatistics Master’s Degree Infographics template for PowerPoint or Google Slides and discover the power of infographics. An infographic resource gives you the ability to showcase your content in a more visual way, which will make it easier for your audience to understand your topic. Slidesgo infographics like this set here are very simple to use. Just download the template, select your favorite infographics and edit them and they're ready to paste into your presentation (or use them independently if you wish). Move towards clarity thanks to these infographics.

"### Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • Different infographics to boost your presentations
  • Includes Flaticon’s extension for further customization
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Includes information about how to edit and customize your infographics
  • Supplemental infographics for the template Biostatistics Master’s Degree "

How can I use the infographics?

Am I free to use the templates?

How to attribute the infographics?

Combines with:

This template can be combined with this other one to create the perfect presentation:

Biostatistics Master’s Degree

Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

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Biostatistics Master’s Degree presentation template

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  5. 60+ Best Presentation Templates for 2020 [Edit and Download]

    un presentation format

  6. Réaliser des présentations impactantes avec des graphiques

    un presentation format




  3. #UNGA78

  4. UN presentation III

  5. Guilty as Charged

  6. TB: Kinder (UN Presentation)


  1. United Nations Editorial Manual Online

    Editorial Manual. The United Nations Editorial Manual Online is intended to serve as an authoritative statement of the style to be followed in drafting, editing and reproducing United Nations ...

  2. PPTX Welcome to the United Nations

    Learn about the ethical principles and challenges of UN leadership in this PowerPoint presentation for the 2021 dialogue.

  3. UN's Sustainable Development Goals

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. The Sustainable Development Goals are a series of goals that the UN set up in order to look for a better future for everyone in the world. This template will win the hearts of your audience thanks to its design and pictures. Talk about this matter and what we can do ...

  4. Step-by-Step Outline for Organizing a MUN

    CHAPTER 4 STEP-BY-STEP OUTLINE FOR ORGANIZING A Model UN CONFERENCE . Outline . MUN Guide General Assembly. Introduction. Overview of this Guide; How Decisions are Made at the UN

  5. Sustainable Development Goals Powerpoint Template

    17 Sustainable Development Goals PowerPoint Presentation. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a United Nations initiative for building a better and more sustainable future for all. The SDGs aim to solve global issues such as world hunger, poverty, climate change or poor-quality education through 17 big goals and encourage all nations to ...

  6. II. Drafting and editing

    The full title of "the Charter of the United Nations" should be used the first time it occurs in the preamble and the first time in the operative part. Thereafter, "the Charter" may be ...

  7. PowerPoint Presentation

    High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. UN Conferences and High-Level Events related to sustainable development. Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs. Second Committee of the UN General Assembly ⭧. SAMOA Pathway. ECOSOC Partnership Forum ⭧. HLPF. SIDS. 4th International Conference on ...

  8. PDF Editing of resolutions at the United Nations

    1 Editing of resolutions at the United Nations Presentation for the information of delegations Introduction The English Translation and Editorial Service edits all United Nations documents ...

  9. Drafting Resolutions

    Resolutions have a particular format. ... If the resolution starts with a general reference to the "purposes and principles in the Charter of the United Nations," there should be another ...

  10. Free UN PowerPoint Template

    The free UN PowerPoint Template has a blue background with an image of the United Nations logo. This simple background makes the template look fabulous. Therefore, the template is suitable for presentations about UN history, UN agencies' projects, decision making, and other related topics. This template can be used by UN staff around the ...

  11. United Nations Day Minitheme

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. October 24th is a day to celebrate peace, humanity and collaborative work. On this date, people from all countries unite to celebrate the United Nations Day! Take this day as an opportunity to download this template and prepare a presentation on the goals and ...

  12. How to Write a Model UN Position Paper

    How to Write a MUN Position Paper. A MUN Position Paper, also known as Policy Paper, is a strategic document that gives an overview of a delegates country position. A good MUN Position Paper has three parts: 1) Country's Position on the Topic. 2) Country's Relation to the Topic. 3) Proposals of Policies to Pass in a Resolution.

  13. United nations presentation template

    United Nations Presentation. Transcript: UN's most powerful organ deals with threats to international peace and security has 15 members, 5 of which are permanent: the USA, China, Russia, Britain and France permanent members have veto power when the Council decides on important issues History of UN The League of Nations was the predecessor to the UN, it was founded in1919 and was responsible ...

  14. Presentation Slides

    Presentation Slides: Covid-19 responses from the Business Operations Strategy. Subscribe to Presentation Slides.

  15. UNESCO Day

    Premium Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization or known as UNESCO was born after the two great world wars with a very clear objective: to fight for a stable peace in the world. And, of course, it has its day of recognition, November 4.

  16. 58 Best United Nations-Themed Templates

    Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 58 best united nations templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text. The united nations-related image or video you'll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for ...

  17. Presentations

    United Nations Economist Network. Search the United Nations. Submit Search. A-Z Site Index. Toggle navigation. Home ... Presentations ; Report ; Events ; Press Release. Launch of the UNEN Report ...

  18. Model UN 101: How to Give the Perfect Opening Speech

    Whether you're a Model UN newbie or a seasoned veteran, public speaking is a skill that we can always continuously hone and improve, and it's one that we focus on here at the MUN Institute.It's a key aspect of MUN that is at the heart of the activity - as a MUN delegate, you need to be able to communicate with your fellow committee members, and you need to know exactly how to ...

  19. How to Format a Model UN Resolution

    A Model United Nations resolution will start with a title of sorts, identifying it as a "Draft Resolution" and it will specify which revision it is. The top section, under the "Draft Resolution" will contain the following, each on separate lines: Committee - name the committee here. Topic - the topic of the resolution here.

  20. Happy United Nations Day!

    Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. Celebrate and recognize United Nations Day with this Google Slides and PowerPoint template. The yellow design is filled with illustrations of diverse people, stimulating unity, and the spirit of togetherness. This resource offers fully editable visuals and graphs that can be tailored to your ...

  21. Intro to Model United Nations

    Intro to Model United Nations. May 4, 2011 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 56 likes • 60,983 views. YEF. An introductory presentation on Model UN debating. Education. 1 of 26. Download now. Intro to Model United Nations - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  22. United Nations PowerPoint Presentation and Slides

    This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like United Nations Resident Coordinator. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG.

  23. 22 May 2024

    What is Biodiversity? Biodiversity describes the wide range of life forms on Earth, spanning from genes to entire ecosystems. It encompasses the processes that maintain life, including evolution, ecology, and cultural practices.

  24. Report Writing Format with Templates and Sample Report

    This report format follows a formal writing style and dives into a topic related to the student's academic studies. Create your own Presentation Report with this easy-to-edit template! Edit and Download. For more report examples you can learn from, check out our guide on Report Examples With Sample Templates.

  25. Create a new presentation with Copilot in PowerPoint

    Select the Copilot button in the Home tab of the ribbon. Enter your prompt or select Create presentation from file to create a first draft of your presentation using your theme or template. Copilot will replace your current presentation with a new one. If needed, save a copy first and rerun the steps above. If you already have a copy, confirm ...

  26. Modèles gratuits de proposition de projets Microsoft Word

    Télécharger le modèle vierge de proposition de projet sur une page au format Microsoft Word. Utilisez ce modèle concentré sur une page pour organiser et partager votre proposition de projet. La mise en page concise vous aide à résumer le contexte, les objectifs, les ressources, le budget et d'autres informations pertinentes sur le projet.

  27. Powerpoint presentation in pdf

    High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. UN Conferences and High-Level Events related to sustainable development. Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs. Second Committee of the UN General Assembly ⭧. SAMOA Pathway. ECOSOC Partnership Forum ⭧. HLPF. SIDS. 4th International Conference on ...

  28. Biostatistics Master's Degree Infographics Presentation

    100% editable and easy to modify. Different infographics to boost your presentations. Includes Flaticon's extension for further customization. Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint. Includes information about how to edit and customize your infographics. Supplemental infographics for the template Biostatistics Master ...

  29. 12 Best Company Profile Template to Present Your Business

    This template fits the bill. The template blends shades of blue, creating a calm and professional aesthetic. It also integrates striking stock photos and icons to enhance visual appeal and reinforce key messages. Utilize its sections to emphasize your company overview, values, mission, team members, services and more.

  30. SWOT Analysis: 31 Editable Templates & Examples

    Template #1: Personal SWOT Analysis. Customize this presentation template and make it your own! Edit and Download. The first template we're going to explore is for a personal SWOT analysis. You can use this editable SWOT analysis template when it's time to review the state of your career, health or relationships.