
BPO Company Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

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Are you about starting a BPO company? If YES, here is a complete sample BPO business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE .

Okay, so we have considered all the requirements for starting a BPO company. We also took it further by analyzing and drafting a sample BPO service marketing plan template backed up by actionable guerrilla marketing ideas for BPO companies. So let’s proceed to the business planning section .

One of the most lucrative businesses for an entrepreneur to start up today is a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). A new BPO company might not be so easy to start up especially as there are already established BPO companies making waves and dominating the scene, however, as a new start-up, one can effectively compete by providing services that would readily fill in the gap.

A BPO company usually handles certain aspects that relates to a business operation such as call centers, finance, human resources, cleaning services or accounting. BPO companies sprung up due to the fact that businesses needed to outsource their non-core functions in order to be able to concentrate on the core functions of their company, sustain themselves and expand.

Using the services of a BPO company is far cheaper for businesses which make BPO companies to be a highly lucrative business. Another important aspect that you would need to consider before starting your business, is a business plan. It is for this reason that a sample BPO business plan is made available for you below;

A Sample BPO Startup Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry has no dominant company with a large share of the market. The industry is valued at $136 billion and has grown at a 4% per annum between the periods of 2010 to 2015. There are more than 162,000 such businesses in the united states of America, employing more than 900,000 people.

The industry fared well from 2010 to 2015 and this is due to the fact that the US economy vastly improved due to the rising revenue especially in the finance and accounting sectors, human resources industries as well as credit card services and insurance sectors.

Also, employers in the above named sectors outsourced to BPOs in order to control rising costs due to wage increases and rising health insurance.

According to analysis, the industry will continue to experience a fair percent of growth till the year 2022, especially as companies in the affected sectors will be pressured to increase wages for their employees as well as healthcare insurance costs.

According to IBISWorld, the BPO industry is in its growth stage and will grow at a rate of 3.9% over the next 10 years to 2022. In comparison, the economy of the United States will not grow that high as it will grow at 2.5%. This therefore depicts that the industry is a growing one.

Globally, the market for BPOs will reach $220 billion by 2022, which will be due to the fact that companies will be pressured to increase customer satisfaction and improve operational efficiency whilst reducing costs to a reasonable level. Te industry’ growth is due to the fact that businesses have realized how important BPOs are and how they help reduce business risks and increase efficiency.

The United States leads the BPO market globally; however, the Asia-Pacific has the fastest growing market with a CAGR of 10%.

While the Philippines are seen as a strong competitor for BPOs globally, India remains the most lucrative destination for BPOs due to its financial attractiveness, availability of people and skills as well as an appropriate business environment.

Globally, the BPO market revenue declined by $15 billion in 2015 compared to the previous year. The revenue globally for the BPO industry therefore stood at $63.5 billion. Europe, Middle East and Africa generated the largest share of revenue for the BPO industry globally.

2. Executive Summary

Citotech BPO LLC is a standard company that will be located in Houston – Texas to serve all our clients here in the United States and abroad. We intend to provide traditional customer care operations and internal business functions to our various clients as a way to help them handle the non-core aspects of their business.

We are in business to generate revenue and make profit here in the United States of America and our vision is to offer high valued service to our clients and ensure that we not only met up with our clients’ expectations but exceed them as well. We also intend to be amongst the top three BPO companies here in the United States of America by 2023.

We are strategically located in Houston – Texas as it will be very easy for our clients to get to us, whilst easily accessible to our employees. Our location also allows us to have low overheads as well as running costs.

Procuring the best equipment with which to handle our business is a must for us so that we could provide our clients with best service. We also intend to build a business structure that will run smoothly and allow us to achieve our desired goals and objectives.

We will hire the right number of employees who are qualified and competent and who have aligned with our vision as a company and are committed to ensuring that we attain the height we intend for our business.

We will ensure that we provide a conducive and work friendly environment for our employees so that they will be able to focus on work. We will also ensure that they get the right training that will not only enhance their skills but boost productivity for us as well.

We will ensure that our employees are well paid and have the best welfare structure across similar start-ups such as ours in the industry. We know how this can boost their work output and so are willing to ensure that they remain motivated.

Finally, our owner Mr. Steve McMahon is a prominent business man and property developer, who has several businesses both here in Texas and all around the United States of America. He has several years of business experience and all his companies are successful in their own right. He has ensured that only the best are brought to work at Citotech BPO LLC.

3. Our Products and Services

Citotech BPO LLC intends to offer traditional customer care operations and internal business functions as its core functions here in Houston – Texas.

However, we also intend to boost our revenues as well by offering other services that are related to our core functions such as trainings and consultancy services. This is so as to make profit, re-invest part of the profits back into our company and boost our bottom line as well. Below are some of the services we intend to offer our various clients;

  • Provision of customer care services to our clients
  • Provision of other outsourcing services such as accounting and finance
  • Consultancy services

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to offer high valued service to our clients and ensure that we not only met up with our clients’ expectations but exceed them as well. We also intend to be amongst the top three BPO companies here in the United States of America by 2023.
  • In order to achieve our vision, we intend to ensure that we build a business structure that has committed; professional and highly dedicated employees to allow us attain our goals and objectives. We will also ensure that we get the right equipment that will allow us carry out our job to the highest standard

Our Business Structure

Building the best business structure is very important for us as a business that takes its affairs very seriously and due to this we are willing to go the extra mile to ensure that we hire the best hands that are not only highly qualified but also have the experience to ensure that we are able to attain our desired goals and objectives here at Citotech BPO LLC.

We will be sourcing for highly intelligent individuals who understand what it means to work with a start-up such as ours and ensure that we get to be the preferred BPO company or our clients here in Texas as well as around all the United States of America.

Due to this fact we are going to ensure that the employees we get understand and are aligned with our goals as a company and that our management staff will ensure that our business ethics and standard remains high at all times.

Because we would not be running a conventional BPO company due to the various services that we would be offering, we will be hiring more employees than the average BPO company, to handle all the various responsibilities and tasks so that all the different aspects of the company will run smoothly as one unit, with everyone knowing and understanding their responsibilities.

Below is the business structure we intend to build at Citotech BPO LLC;

Chief Executive Officer

Human Resources and Administrative Manager

Business Development Manager

Infrastructure Manager

Systems Administrator

Frontline Responders

Marketing Executives

Maintenance Department

Security Guard

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

  • Drafts and formulates the company’s core policies
  • Drafts the budget and sources for capital for the company
  • Reviews policies and removes or modify ineffective ones
  • Sources for and hires competent and qualified employees to work for the company
  • Ensures that all the administrative functions of the company are effectively coordinated
  • In charge of employee welfare package, orientation, induction, performance appraisals and dismissal
  • Carries out research on new businesses ideas in order to generate more source of revenue for the company
  • Reviews company’s services and looks for ways to upgrade the services
  • Works with the marketing executives to determine how corporate sales goals can be achieved
  • In charge of all the IT and security systems in the company
  • Helps to implement updated solutions across all the company’s infrastructure
  • Ensures that company’s data is secure and runs efficiently
  • Responsible for the implementation of a network security plan for the organization
  • Keep up-to-date with changing network technology and how it is likely to affect the company
  • Review software and hardware and recommend upgrades when necessary
  • In charge of preparing all the financial information, statement and budget on behalf of the company
  • Ensures that the company’s tax records are up-to-date and that it is submitted to the tax authorities on time
  • Ensures that the company’s budget is effectively implemented
  • In charge of attending to client’s customers’ inquiries, complaints and feedbacks on behalf of the organization
  • Keeps up-to-date with industry trends of clients and company policies so as to pass accurate information to the client’s customers
  • Ensures that clients are well attended to as well as keep an accurate database of logbooks on behalf of the organization
  • Drafts the right marketing strategies on behalf of the organization
  • Meets with high level clients and conducts direct marketing on behalf of the organization
  • Identify new markets for the company
  • Ensures that the equipment bought are genuine
  • Carries out light repairs on the equipment in the company
  • Installs new equipment and ensures that it works well
  • Patrols the premises at night to ensure that no intruder enters
  • Monitors the surveillance cameras to ensure that the building is secured at all times
  • Carries out any other duties as determined by the management
  • Keeps the premises and convenience clean at all times
  • Ensures that cleaning supplies are always in stock
  • Carries out any other duties as directed by the Human Resources Manager

6. SWOT Analysis

Our intention of starting our own BPO Company is so that we would run a standard business and in order to achieve this, we hired the services of a reputable business consultant here in Texas to look at our business concept and determine if starting this company was the best thing especially as regards the location we are in.

The business consultant was also to help determine if we were going to thrive and compete favorably against our competitors all around the United States of America.

In respect to our request, the business consultant took stock of our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and used this to determine if we were likely to survive in the BPO industry. Below is the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of Citotech BPO LLC;

We have a strong client relationship management which has allowed us to retain a high number of our clients who outsource several aspects of their business to us and allow us also boost revenue for our company. Part of our strength is the fact that we offer standardized services and deliver processes, resources and tools in an efficient and effective manner.

Our employees are highly competent and qualified and know what it takes to achieve organizational goals. We also have publicity strategies in place that will allow increase awareness for our BPO Company. The various services we offer has also given us an edge over our competitors.

Since we are relatively a new company, we have limited brand presence outside of Texas and this is due to the fact that we are running on a tight budget, which has not allowed us to promote our company as we would have liked. There is also a perceived complexity which has affected our vertical concentration.

  • Opportunities

There are several opportunities in this market and they include the fact that there are enough customer bases to be developed and cultivated. There is also an opportunity for us to gain more markets as we expand our business.

The threats that we are likely to face are; declining or slow revenue growth due to a slow economy or the arrival of a major competitor. Every business faces threats and ours is no different, but we have laid down strategies to overcome any challenges we might face.


  • Market Trends

The BPO industry is very vital to the growth of certain businesses and as such most have developed comfortable relationships that have gone on for decades with their clients. As this relationship grows, these BPO companies are offering their clients consultancy services due to the familiarity with the client’s core business and culture. This is leading to the evolvement of the industry.

A niche of BPOs has started evolving and is known as impact sourcing which is built on the foundation of social responsibility.

The aim of impact sourcing is to deliver quality service at low cost while employing those that were socioeconomically disadvantaged. This is gaining traction as corporations are looking to meet their diversity and social responsibility goals.

Another niche is the knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) where businesses have started to outsource core business services to third parties. This field dwells on tasks that require high research and analytic skills.

8. Our Target Market

There are a huge number of companies (clients) that demand the services of a BPO Company for various reasons. However, in order for us to truly determine our target market, we intend to conduct a thorough market research that will allow us map the necessary strategies in order to attract them to our company.

The aim of the market research we intend to conduct will allow us understand the characteristics of our target market and what to expect from them. In regards to this, we are going to offer our services to the following people;

  • Market operators
  • Consultancy firms
  • Training organizations
  • Telecom and IT companies
  • Cloud providers
  • National regulatory authorities
  • Government and public sector
  • Financial institutions
  • Small and medium enterprises

Our competitive advantage

Our BPO Company is a business that has been established with the intention of offering outsourcing services that are value-added to all our customers. We will offer our services in such a way as to allow us compete favorably against our competitors. We have therefore drafted strategies that would allow us have an edge over our competitors.

We are located in a strategic location that is not only conspicuous but also allow all our employees and clients to easily access us. Our location is one that is also quite cheap enabling us have low overheads that will have an impact on our rates.

We have a highly qualified management team that is not only highly experienced but is also aligned with our core values and objectives.

Our management team are highly committed and dedicated and have the capability of bringing our business to the level we intend for it nationally. All our core objectives are always being communicated and projected positively internally and externally.

We intend to source for and hire employees that are competent and qualified to handle all the responsibilities in our BPO Company. Our employees understand the industry that we are in and use the trends to ensure that we are able to achieve all our goals and objectives.

Finally, we will ensure that our employees are well paid and have the best welfare packages as compared to others in similar start-ups in the same industry.

We will ensure that our employees work in a safe and conducive environment. Our employees will also undergo continuous trainings that will further enhance their skills and also boost productivity for our company and boost the bottom line of our business and allow us grow.


  • Sources of Income

Citotech BPO LLC is established with the sole intention of generating revenue and maximizing profit here in the United States of America. We intend to offer all our clients various services that will bring in this revenue to ensure the sustainability of our business. We therefore intend to generate revenue for our BPO Company via offering the following services;

10. Sales Forecast

The BPO industry is one that is regarded as saturated but regardless of this fact the industry is still has several services that has kept the industry stable and can allow for the influx of more businesses.

We are located in a strategic location here in Houston – Texas which has made it quite possible for us to be optimistic about the revenue we will generate from our BPO Company. We are quite sure that the profits that we will generate from our business will sustain and allow us grow our business within a year of starting and running our operations.

We conducted a thorough evaluation of the BPO industry here in the United States of America that would allow us carry out an accurate sales projection.

The analysis of the sales projections we conducted were gotten from data and information from similar startups that were not only based here in Houston – Texas but all over the United States of America as well. Below is the sales projections that was conducted for Citotech BPO LLC;

  • First Fiscal Year-: $350,000
  • Second Fiscal Year-: $700,000
  • Third Fiscal Year-: $1,400,000

N.B : We conducted the above sales projections based on several assumptions and information that were gotten from start-ups here in Texas and the United States of America. Some of the assumptions we used were that the economy would be stable enough and that there would not be an arrival of a major competitor.

It should however be noted that should there be a change in any of the assumptions, it would have a negative or positive impact on the projected figures.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

Every business no matter its level requires marketing in order to thrive and this is why we have set aside a budget for marketing our company.

Marketing is vital for the growth of any business because not only does it generate revenue and boost a company’s growth, it also allows the companies generate interest and increase awareness amongst its target market. The marketing strategies we would draft for our BPO Company are ones that would allow us penetrate the target market and gain a huge share.

Before drafting our marketing strategies, we will conduct a thorough marketing survey using accurate data that will allow us understand our target market and create effective marketing strategies.

We will leverage on conventional and unconventional means of marketing our brand to all our existing and potential customers. These marketing strategies we will create will allow us have a marketing budget that we will channel to the right use.

We intend to hire the services of a reputable marketing consultancy firm here in Texas who has the experience that would be needed to move our BPO Company to the level that we want it to be and also allow us effectively compete with our competitors.

The marketing consultancy firm we have engaged will help us draft the right strategies that would be of great benefit to our business and allow us generate the revenue that would boost our business. We have also empowered our marketing executives to also draft the right strategies that should be in line with our corporate policies and goals.

They will modify or remove ineffective strategies so that we don’t waste money using the wrong channels to market our BPO Company. Therefore, the marketing strategies that we would adopt in generating revenue for Citotech BPO Company are;

  • Ensure that we place adverts in local and national newspapers, magazines as well as on radio and television stations
  • Empower our marketing executives to engage in direct marketing
  • Formally introduce our BPO Company to organizations and other stakeholders in the industry as well as in the United States of America
  • Throw an opening party that will generate interest and create awareness for our BPO Company
  • Ensure that our business is listed in online and offline directories
  • Use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus in order to market our BPO Company

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

Once a business has been set up, it is important that the business is promoted vigorously. Promoting a business is very important as this is the way that not only awareness is created for the business but also revenue is generated from the exposure as well.

The BPO industry which is already termed as a saturated market, will require intense publicity if it intends to stand out from others and generate revenue.

To ensure that we create the right strategies for our BPO Company, we intend to hire the services of a reputable brand consulting company who have had several years of experience in branding companies in this industry and who would know what strategies would be right for our business and promote us positively to our clients.

We will ensure that the crafted strategies will be one that will not only communicate our brand but will also allow our brand stand out. Below are some of the publicity and advertising strategies we intend to use in promoting Citotech BPO LLC;

  • Create a website that is professional and explains what we will be offering our clients
  • Use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus to our advantage by posting updates with special information weekly
  • Throw quarterly contests and special offers an use hash tags to make sure our brand trends
  • Attend trade shows and events in order to network, know about new technologies and participate I workshops and presentations that would bring new ideas
  • Join relevant associations in order to have valuable information on industry trends and allow others know about our progress
  • Install billboards in various strategic locations all around Texas

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Due to the fact that we would be offering a service, it might not be so easy to determine how to rightly charge our clients especially as we would be offering various other services in addition to our core service.

We however will deploy the following strategy that will allow us determine what factors we would use in determining the right rates for our clients. Some of the factors we would use are cost of leasing the facility, power costs, property taxes and what our nearby competitors are offering.

However, since we are relatively new to the market, we intend to start off with lowering our rates for at least two months in order to increase awareness about our business and also attract the needed clients to our business. Lowering our rates for the first two months will also allow us gain a sizeable share of our target market.

After a careful study of our proposed discounted rates, we have found that even though our revenue might be low during this period, we would not be running at a loss in any way.

  • Payment Options

Due to the various services that we will offer at Citotech BPO LLC, we will offer different payment services that will suit the different business preferences of our customers. Our payment options will be made to be convenient for our various clients. Therefore, the payment options that we will make available to our different clients are;

  • Payment via check
  • Payment via online payment portal
  • Payment by bank transfer

The above payment options which were carefully chosen by us will work without any sort of hitches for our clients and will also be very convenient for our business as well.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

In order to set-up and run a standard business process outsourcing company, one would require all the equipment that will used to be genuine and be of a high quality so as to be able to withstand the heavy workload that they would be required to carry out.

The bulk of the things that the generated capital would be used on asides from procuring equipment are, leasing and renovation of a facility, paying the salaries of employees and utility bills for at least six months, and ensuring that there is sufficient power.

Therefore the key areas where we intend to spend our start-up capital on are;

  • Total fee for registering Citotech BPO LLC in the United States of America – $750
  • Obtaining of licenses, local permits, legal services as well as accounting and browser-based call center software – $1,250
  • Insurance policy (general liability, equipment insurance, property insurance and workers’ compensation) – $3,000
  • Cost of hiring a business consultant – $2,000
  • Leasing and renovating a 20-seater facility for use for at least a year – $20,000
  • Operational cost for the first 6 months (salaries of employees and payment of utility bills) – $200,000
  • Other start-up expenses which includes (workstations, computers, telephone, office furniture, ventilation, lighting, secure internet) – $25,000
  • Cost of purchasing office supplies (staplers, folders, paperclips, pens, paper, ink and pencils) – $5,000
  • Marketing promotion expenses (general marketing expenses and promotion activities for grand opening ceremony) – $5,000
  • Cost of purchasing an official vehicle – $30,000
  • Cost of launching a website – $1,000
  • Cost of throwing a grand opening party – $5,000
  • Miscellaneous – $12,000

From the above analysis, we would need an estimate of $310,000 to be able to start and successfully set up a BPO company here in Houston – Texas.

It should be noted that the above capital stated will be used to pay the salaries of employees and utility bills such as electricity and water for at most 6 months. We will also use part of the capital to lease and renovate a 20-seater facility as well as procure the equipment that will be used.

Generating Funding / Startup Capital for Citotech BPO Business

Citotech BPO LLC, is a business outsourcing company that is owned by Steve McMahon, a prominent business man and property developer, who has several businesses both here in Texas and all around the United States of America. Steve will not be seeking for external investors for his business and so will likely limit his sourcing of income to just two avenues;

The two different areas where Steve McMahon intends to generate capital from are;

  • Generate 40% of capital from sale of some his stock
  • Approach the bank to loan 60% of the capital

N.B : Steve sold some of his personal stock for $124,000 in order to generate the first capital for his business. He approached the bank in request for the sum of $186,000 so as to be able to kick-start his business.

The loan will be repaid in 7 years at the rate of 3% per annum and has already been approved by the management of the bank. All necessary papers have been signed and the Citotech BPO LLC’s account will be credited by the end of the week.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

In order to ensure that we grow our business to an enviable level, we intend to focus on several strategies that would allow us not only thrive but also excel as well. Some of the factors that we intend to focus on are; building a strong business structure, retaining a high rate of our loyal customers and also reinvesting in our business in order to ensure that we remain for as long as we should.

Building a business structure is very vital because not only will it allow us to start and run our BPO company with as few hitches as possible, it also enable us to be able to focus on our core service and achieve our goals more quickly.

We will hire qualified and highly competent employees that do not only have the necessary experience but also are aligned to our core values and are committed to ensuring that we are able to grow from a start-up to becoming a national force that is able to compete favorably with our competitors.

We will ensure that our employees are well trained so that their skills will not only be enhanced but will also ensure that the productivity of our company are enhanced.

We will also ensure that our employees are well paid and have a great welfare package that is better than their counterparts in similar start-ups such as ours. We will also ensure that the environment we will use for our employees is conducive.

We will ensure that we retain a high level of our clients because we know how valuable our clients are to us. Our aim is to ensure that we not only meet with our clients’ expectations but also surpassing them as well. We will offer our customers high quality service that is commensurate with our core policies.

We will ensure that all our loyal customers are rewarded with incentives every once in a while. We also intend to offer contests and other attractive programs in a bid to attract new customers to patronizing our services.

For our business to grow to an enviable standard, we will re-invest 25% of our profits back into the business. This is to ensure that we have a solid bottom line and that our BPO Company is able to run itself without having to sources for funding externally all the time. We intend to focus on these three factors as we believe that we would be able to suitably sustain and grow our business.

Check List / Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check: Completed
  • Business Registration: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Securing Point of Sales (POS) Machines: Completed
  • Opening Mobile Money Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Conducting feasibility studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from family members: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from the bank: In Progress
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Packaging Marketing / Promotional Materials: In Progress
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and around the community: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License): Secured
  • Opening party / launching party planning: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with vendors – wholesale suppliers / merchants: In Progress
  • Purchase of trucks: Completed

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How to start a BPO business (step-by-step guide)

how to start a bpo

Want to know how to start a BPO company?

With tons of businesses looking to outsource their non-core activities, starting a BPO company has never been more lucrative!

In this article, we’ll show you how to start a BPO company and run it effectively.

Table of Contents

What is business process outsourcing (bpo), the six steps to start a bpo business.

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Business process outsourcing is an activity where a company contracts its non-core work to an external party. Traditionally, most companies outsource the work to dedicated BPO firms.

For example, many companies in the United States outsource their customer support to small BPO companies in India.

However, with the rise of the gig economy , companies now also hire freelancers to do the job for them.

Why do companies do this?

Outsourcing non-core business activities like data entry and customer service let companies focus solely on their core business operations. This way, they can only invest resources in tasks that matter the most.

What’s in it for you as a BPO vendor?

The BPO industry just keeps growing. As tons of companies are looking to outsource their non-core activities, there are plenty of business opportunities in the BPO industry for new BPO providers.

By setting up BPO firms like domestic call centers in countries like the Philippines and India, you’re also going to save tons of money.

You’ll incur:

  • Reduced setup costs.
  • Cheaper overheads.
  • Lower salaries.

Plus, there’s no shortage of services that businesses are willing to outsource!

This means that you can start a BPO business that specializes in pretty much anything, such as:

  • Inbound or outbound call center services.
  • Market research.
  • Data entry.
  • Human resource management.
  • Payments or claims processing.
  • Customer support and other back-office services.
  • Digital marketing and e-commerce.

Here’s how you can start and run a business process outsourcing company in six simple steps:

1. Determine the type of BPO you want

The first step in setting up a BPO company is identifying your business niche.

Zeroing in on a niche helps you determine:

  • Your BPO industry sector.
  • The activities your BPO firm undertakes.
  • The type of clients you engage with.

For example, you could provide call center services to small companies in the retail industry. Here, your BPO sector is retail, your activities are call center services and the type of clients you work with are small companies.

Remember, when starting out, select an outsourcing service you’re familiar with. For example, if you have no experience handling administrative work, don’t offer those services. Even though it may seem straightforward, you’re better suited to offering services you’re already trained in.

Once your company has gained enough traction, you could choose to expand your business in one of two ways:

1. Horizontal BPO

Refers to BPO activities that can be offered across multiple industries. For example, you could only provide technical support across various industries like IT, financial, retail and marketing. In this scenario, your service remains unchanged; however, the industry focus of your business varies.

2. Vertical BPO

Refers to BPO services that are industry-specific. For example, medical coding and billing are activities that are specific to the healthcare industry. Here, your industry focus remains the same while your offerings expand to include other activities within that industry.

Different types of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services

2. Develop a new business plan

The next step is developing a business plan for your company.

Ideally, your plan must be well-researched and comprehensive . You need to analyze the intricacies of your chosen niche and look at what your competitors are doing.

Your business plan should:

  • Determine your company’s long-term direction.
  • Set clear business budgets, objectives and milestones.
  • Identify your business structure.
  • Help lenders and investors understand your business idea.

While it’s important to develop a good plan, you need to review and update it regularly. This ensures that you’re always able to adapt to any new changes in the market.

bpo business plan

3. Do the paperwork

Once your business plan is ready, you’ll have to handle all the necessary paperwork involved in setting up a company.

As this varies on a country-by-country basis, you’ll need to find out how the process works in your country.

For example, if you’re looking to start your BPO business in Bangalore, Chennai or anywhere else in India, here’s how you can register your business:

  • In India, you need to register your business under the Companies Act 2013 . This law regulates the responsibilities and operations of firms in the country. You also need to register with the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) to be certified as a BPO provider in India.
  • If you are a call center or offer telemarketing and other IT services in India, your business must be listed as a Private Limited Company . You also need to obtain the Other Service Provider (OSP) license from the Department of Telecommunications (DOT) .
  • Once you’ve received the OSP license, you may also need to register your business under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) , depending on your BPO offerings.

Laws and tax regulations are always complicated and confusing, so why not consult a legal expert to help you out?

They can easily break down the complexities of your registration process and identify laws that may be beneficial for your business.

4. Invest in the necessary equipment and technology

Regardless of the kind of services you offer, you’ll need to invest in some essential equipment and technology.

For example, most BPO companies need resources such as:

  • Office space and furniture.
  • Computers and office supplies.
  • A high-speed internet connection.
  • Workforce management tools .

Some BPO firms such as call centres will also need specialized equipment such as headsets and recording systems.

Remember, the equipment you need will vary based on the type of business process outsourcing service you’re offering. So go over what you need and only invest in that software.

Most companies spend tons of money on tools they don’t need!

With that being said, here are a few key tools that every BPO firm should have:

A. Communication tools

You’ll need a set of good communication tools to keep your projects running smoothly. These tools will help your team collaborate over projects and share updates and relevant files.

Messaging tools

Messaging tools like Fleep and Slack help you quickly collaborate over projects and share relevant data with your staff. You can even create individual channels for team-specific conversations. For example, you can create a sales message channel for focused discussions with your sales team.

Video conferencing tools

Video calling tools like Skype and Zoom help you easily interact with your BPO staff. You can host team meetings and product reviews even if your BPO staff is spread across the globe! It’s an excellent way to build team chemistry and ensure that everyone in your BPO team feels connected.

B. Performance tracking tools

Performance tracking tools help you monitor the productivity of your employees.

Most companies use them to:

  • Determine how active their employees are while working.
  • Identify if someone’s passing idle-time as work hours.
  • Track how long projects take to complete. Create accurate records of time worked to bill clients.

With tools like Time Doctor , you get all this and more!

What’s Time Doctor?

Time Doctor is a powerful time tracking and productivity monitoring software.


It lets you:

  • Track time an employee spends on each task.
  • Monitor their web and app activity during work hours.
  • Identify poor-time usage to hold the employee accountable.
  • Ensure that your staff is actively working.
  • Access tons of accurate reports for client billing.

Here’s a closer look at how Time Doctor helps you monitor your BPO employees:

1. Simple time tracking

Most time tracking tools can be confusing to use.

This is an issue because when your staff is wasting time figuring out how to use a tool, they’ll have less time to work on their tasks!

Luckily, TimeDoctor is super easy to use.

The tool lets you track time in four simple steps:

  • Open Time Doctor.
  • Enter the task or project name.
  • Start the timer (the app then starts tracking time quietly in the background).
  • Stop the timer when you’re done with your task.

As you won’t have to train your employees to use Time Doctor, they can get started right away!

track employee time and activity

2. Powerful and accurate project records

Time Doctor’s Project Reports give you a detailed break down of the hours spent on each project. It shows you who worked on each task and for how long. For example, if you’re a call center, you’ll know which employee spent the most time answering customer calls.

As the reports are accurate to the second, you can even use it to bill your clients on an hourly basis.

What’s more?

Time Doctor generates tons of other detailed reports, such as:

  • Timesheet report – shows the total hours worked by all your BPO staff over a given period.
  • Time use report – displays the time spent on tasks by each employee over a specific period.
  • Timeline report – displays each employee’s daily work activity in chronological order.
  • Attendance and late report – shows who was absent or late on each day and their reason for it.

You can click here for more information on Time Doctor’s reports.

3. Keep your team focused on their tasks

You can’t have your employees get distracted while they’re working, right?

Luckily, Time Doctor has a web and app activity tracker .

The tool automatically monitors your employee’s web and app usage during work hours. If someone accesses an unproductive website like Facebook or YouTube, Time Doctor displays a pop-up asking them if they’re still working. This nudge is enough to get them back to work.

For added flexibility, you can customize which websites and apps are categorized as unproductive.

Time Doctor also gives you a Web and App Usage Report that shows which websites and apps were used by each employee and for how long.

Web _ app usage details

4. Seamlessly integrate with your other workplace software

Time Doctor instantly integrates with tons of different workplace software to help you track the time spent on those tools. You can connect it to your project management, team communication and payment tools for added functionality.

Time Doctor integration

Click here for the complete list of Time Doctor’s integrations.

5. Staff your BPO firm

You’ll now have to staff your own business process outsourcing company.

A. Determine your requirements

Since you’re only starting out, it’s safer to hire around 15-20 experienced people on a full-time basis. As they’re experienced, they won’t require much training in the new job and can help you scale up quickly. Once you grow, you can start to expand and hire more people.

However, this isn’t a hard-and-fast rule.

The number of people you hire and your hiring criteria will vary based on your BPO specialty.

For example, when staffing an on-site call center , you may need to hire at least 50-100 people. However, if you’re opting for a remote-based call center, you’ll need a 25 seater BPO.

When hiring call center agents, your chief evaluation criteria must be communication skills. You’ll need to hire people who are fluent in your chosen language, can communicate effectively and empathize with customers.

B. Finding candidates

Finding the right candidates is never an easy task.

However, when you have a clear idea of the number of people you need and the type of people you’re looking for, this becomes easier.

Create a detailed job description that outlines:

  • The activities they’re expected to perform.
  • The qualifications needed.
  • The skills required for the job.
  • What your company is about.
  • How this job can help them.

Outlining all of that is essential as it’ll give the candidate a clear idea of what they can expect from the job. This will help narrow your selection pool to include only the most committed candidates who fulfill all your requirements.

Post this job description on sites such as LinkedIn or AngelList to get the applications rolling in! Alternatively, you can hire a part-time hiring manager to find candidates for you in case you need to staff up quickly.

Once you have a set of reliable employees, you can create a referral program where they recommend talent from their networks to join your BPO firm. This is another good staffing option as your employees understand your company culture and will only recommend candidates who are a good fit.

6. Marketing your business and getting clients

Now that your business is up and running, you need to market it to gain more clients.

A. Build a top-notch website for your company

Start by building a user-friendly website for your company. Hire professional copywriters and web designers to create your site.

The benefits?

  • A user-friendly website helps you build brand credibility and improve the search engine discoverability of your business.
  • Your website clearly describes who you are and what you do—helping you inform leads of your services.
  • It makes it easy for people to contact you if they need your services.

Important Tip

When getting a domain name for your business, avoid .net domains if you can. Always try and get a .com domain as that’s usually the go-to extension that people use when searching Google.

If you opt for a .net domain, someone might type your company’s name, follow it with .com and be directed to a competitor’s site!

B. Networking

Using your current network to find clients is your best bet when you’re starting out as a small business. As these people already know you, they’ll be more than willing to give your BPO firm a shot. You can even ask them to recommend you to their connections to build your name in the BPO industry.

C. Spreading awareness

Traditionally, BPOs relied completely on sales teams for leads, since they were targeting enterprise clients only. However, with the scope of BPO expanding to mid-size and small businesses too, you can also opt for several different marketing strategies such as:

  • Using social media to spread awareness and find clients.
  • Using SEO and content marketing to get found on search engines.
  • Using paid ads on LinkedIn and Google.

Starting your own BPO company isn’t rocket science.

You need to analyze the BPO industry in your niche, outline a strong business plan, complete the necessary paperwork and invest in the right tools to run your business. Once you’ve done that, you’ll have no trouble running your BPO firm and growing it in no time!

View a free demo of Time Doctor

help managers focus on what matters most

Andy is a technology & marketing leader who has delivered award-winning and world-first experiences.

What is an attendance point system? (free template included)

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How to Start a BPO Business: A Detailed Step-by-Step Guide

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Step into the dynamic and constantly progressing realm of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) – where endless opportunities await. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a well-established company seeking expansion, delving into the world of BPO can bring forth immense profitability. This all-inclusive guide has been crafted to guide you through the entire process of kickstarting your own BPO venture – from mastering the fundamentals of BPO to launching your own firm. By leveraging a tactical approach and utilizing effective resources like Time Champ for efficient employee oversight, your journey into the world of BPO promises to be a thriving and fulfilling experience.

What is Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)?

BPO, or Business Process Outsourcing, is a widely used practice whereby companies delegate their standard business functions to outside service providers.

This approach allows organizations to prioritize their main areas of expertise while entrusting non-essential tasks to specialized external teams.

BPO services encompass a diverse range of functions such as customer service, accounting,  human resources , and IT management. With its adaptable and scalable nature, BPO presents a compelling solution for businesses seeking to streamline operations and cut expenses.

Why do Companies Outsource?

The decision to outsource is prompted by multiple factors. Mainly, organizations turn to BPOs as a means to decrease operational expenses. By delegating tasks to specialized firms, companies can cut back on labour, infrastructure, and technology costs.

Not only that, but BPOs also offer a wealth of knowledge and effectiveness, ensuring that secondary functions are managed efficiently. This arrangement enables businesses to concentrate on their primary objectives and development plans.

Furthermore, outsourcing provides the opportunity to swiftly expand operations, adapting to market demands without requiring substantial financial investment.

What’s in it for You as a BPO Vendor?

As a BPO vendor, the possibilities are endless and diverse. With businesses becoming more globalized, the need for outsourcing services has surged tremendously.

This creates a highly profitable opening for BPO vendors to serve a wide range of clients worldwide and provide specialized services in different fields. From boosting revenue streams to establishing international business connections, the advantages of being a BPO vendor are considerable.

Moreover, with the continuous advancements in technology, BPOs have the chance to offer even more advanced solutions, utilizing cutting-edge tools such as AI and machine learning to deliver unparalleled results for their clients.

List of BPO Services

The range of services offered by BPO firms is extensive and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different industries. Common BPO services include:

  • Customer Support : Handling customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback.
  • Telemarketing :  Product promotion  and sales calls.
  • Data Entry and Management : Efficient handling of data for businesses.
  • Accounting and Financial Services : Managing financial records and transactions.
  • Human Resources : Recruitment, payroll processing, and employee management.
  • IT and Technical Support : Providing technical assistance and managing IT infrastructure.

These services underline the versatility of BPO businesses in catering to a wide range of client needs.

The Six Steps to Start a BPO Business

Follow these 6 steps below to start a BPO Business.

1. Determine the Type of BPO You Want

The first step in starting a BPO company is deciding what type of BPO business you want to start. Here is the difference between the two types of BPO (Horizontal and Vertical BPOs).

A. Horizontal BPO

A horizontal BPO offers a wide range of services that are widely utilized in various industries. These crucial services, including customer support, data entry, and IT services, are not confined to a particular industry. By adopting a horizontal BPO approach, you can attract a diverse clientele and expand into new markets. For entrepreneurs with specialized skills in areas such as customer relations or IT support, this model holds immense potential regardless of the industry.

B. Vertical BPO

On the other hand, a vertical BPO stands apart by offering industry-specific services. To illustrate, a vertical BPO may exclusively cater to the healthcare field through offerings such as medical transcription, billing, and patient record management. This type of approach demands a comprehensive understanding of the industry and its regulatory landscape. Choosing a  vertical BPO  can prove advantageous if you possess expertise in a particular sector, as it enables you to provide specialized services and foster stronger partnerships within the industry.

2. Develop a Business Plan

A well-thought-out business plan is the backbone of any successful venture, and this holds especially true for a BPO business. Your business plan should broadly cover:

  • Market Analysis: Understanding the demand for BPO services within a specific industry or across various industries is crucial. Additionally, identifying your target market and conducting a thorough analysis of your competitors will enable you to establish your niche and position your services strategically.
  • Service Offering: Clearly define what services you will offer. If you’re starting a horizontal BPO, list the general services you plan to provide. For a vertical BPO, detail the industry-specific services and how they cater to the unique needs of that sector.
  • Operational Plan: A comprehensive outline of your BPO’s operations is vital. This includes determining a suitable business location, as well as the technology and tools that will be utilized and your approach to staffing and training.
  • Boost Your Business with a Winning Marketing Strategy: Bring in clients by creating a strong online presence through a professional website, making valuable connections through networking, and utilizing the power of  social media and digital marketing .
  • Secure Your Success with Solid Financial Plans: Plan and project all necessary expenses, from start-up costs to ongoing operational expenses, as well as projected revenue. These financial projections hold major importance in attracting investors or obtaining loans. 

Remember, BPO your business plan is your guide to success so, don’t just view it as a document to present to others, but rather as a vital tool for mapping out your business’s future growth and success.

3. Do the Paperwork

When starting a BPO business, it is important to complete various legal and administrative tasks:

  •   Business Registration: Follow the laws of your country and register your business accordingly. This may involve choosing a business structure (such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation) and registering with the appropriate authorities. 
  • Licenses and Permits: Depending on your location and the services you offer, you may be required to obtain specific licenses or permits. It is crucial to research the requirements in your area and ensure that you comply with them. 
  • Tax Registration and Compliance: Be knowledgeable about and fulfil your tax responsibilities. This involves registering for taxes and understanding how your business model impacts your taxes.
  • Insurance: Protect your business and employees by obtaining the necessary insurance policies. This could include obtaining general liability insurance.
  • Employment Laws : Familiarize yourself with employment laws in your area. This is crucial if you plan to hire employees, ensuring you comply with wage laws, work hours, and employee rights.

4. Invest in Necessary Equipment and Technology for Your BPO Business

In the world of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), having the right technology and equipment is crucial for success. This involves investing in advanced communication tools and performance tracking tools to ensure your BPO company operates efficiently and meets client expectations.

A. Communication Tools

  • Messaging Tools :Messaging is a vital aspect of a successful BPO operation, and it’s essential to prioritize efficient communication in your business plan. A key step is investing in robust messaging tools that allow for seamless communication. Look for features such as group chats, file sharing, and integration with other business tools to enhance collaboration among team members. This will ensure a smooth flow of information, a crucial element in the functionality of a BPO.
  • Video Conferencing Tools : In the world of global business process outsourcing, video conferencing tools are a must-have. They allow you to maintain personal connections with clients and teams from different locations. When choosing a video conferencing tool, consider features like high-quality video and audio, reliable connectivity, screen sharing capabilities, and secure connections. This is critical in ensuring effective communication in the BPO industry.

B. Performance Tracking Tools

In the BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) sector,  performance-tracking tools  are essential for monitoring and enhancing workforce productivity. These tools are critical in ensuring that your team meets and exceeds the operational standards expected by clients. A standout example in this category is Time Champ.

Features of Time Champ:

Time Tracking : This feature allows you to monitor the amount of time employees spend on various tasks. It’s crucial for ensuring efficient time management and for billing purposes, especially in projects where clients are billed on an hourly basis.

Activity Monitoring : This function provides insights into the daily activities of your employees. By understanding how your team spends their workday, you can identify areas for improvement, such as reducing time spent on non-essential tasks.

Performance Analytics : Time Champ offers analytics that helps you analyze employee performance over time. These analytics can be used to make informed decisions about resource allocation, training needs, and process improvements.

Project Management: Often, Time Champ integrates with other project management tools , offering a comprehensive view of project progress and individual contributions. This integration is key in a BPO setup, where multiple projects may be handled simultaneously.

Productivity Management :  Time Champ’s productivity management feature helps you assess how efficiently your team members are using their time. It analyzes various metrics like active working hours, frequency of breaks, and the nature of tasks being performed.

In a BPO setting, where multiple projects and client engagements are ongoing, being able to gauge productivity levels helps in allocating resources better and ensuring that time-sensitive tasks are prioritized. It’s essential for maintaining the high productivity standards expected in the BPO industry.

Idle Alerts : Idle alerts notify managers when an employee has been inactive for a set period. This feature helps in understanding if there are any bottlenecks or issues that are causing delays in work.

In a BPO environment, prompt responses and continuous operations are key. Idle alerts can help in quickly identifying and addressing productivity lags, ensuring that client projects are not affected by unforeseen downtimes.

Customizable Alerts :  Time Champ allows you to set customizable alerts for various scenarios, such as deadlines approaching, unusual activity patterns, or deviations from scheduled work hours.

Customizable alerts keep the management team proactive rather than reactive. In the dynamic world of BPO, where client requirements and project scopes can change rapidly, these alerts ensure that the team remains on track and responsive to evolving needs.

Integration with Other Tools : Time Champ often integrates with other business tools like CRM systems, project management software , and communication platforms, providing a holistic view of operations.

Reporting and Analytics : Comprehensive reports and analytics offer deep insights into operational efficiency, employee performance, and areas for improvement.

User Activity Monitoring : This feature provides a detailed view of user activities, including which applications and websites are accessed, helping to ensure compliance and efficient use of company resources.

How These Features Help BPOs

In a BPO business, where delivering high-quality services efficiently is paramount, these features of  Time Champ play a critical role . They help in:

  • Enhancing Operational Efficiency : By providing real-time data and insights on how employees spend their time.
  • Ensuring Accountability and Transparency : Making it easier to track and report work, which is crucial when dealing with multiple clients.
  • Optimizing Resource Allocation : Understanding employee performance patterns helps in making informed decisions about staffing and resource allocation.
  • Improving Client Satisfaction : By maintaining high productivity and meeting deadlines, thereby enhancing the overall service quality offered to clients.

Implementing a tool like Time Champ in a BPO setup aligns with the strategic goal of maximizing efficiency while maintaining the quality of service, a cornerstone in the competitive landscape of business process outsourcing.

5. Staff Your BPO Firm

Staffing your BPO firm with the right talent is essential to provide top-notch services to your clients.

A. Determine Your Requirements

First, assess the type of services your BPO business will offer, whether it’s customer support, IT services, or data management. Based on these services, identify the necessary skill sets and the number of employees you will need.

For example, for a BPO specializing in customer support, hiring experienced customer service representatives is key. For IT services, skilled IT support staff are essential. This step is crucial in your  BPO business plan , ensuring you have the right team to handle the projects effectively.

B. Finding Candidates

The process of locating suitable candidates is fundamental when launching a BPO company. Utilize a diverse range of recruitment methods to ensure a diverse pool of  potential employees . Take advantage of job portals, staffing agencies, and social media platforms to reach a wide audience.

Additionally, consider hosting job fairs or taking part in industry events to attract top-notch individuals who are aligned with your BPO goals. This strategy not only helps with filling your firm with competent staff members but also aids in building a formidable employer reputation within the BPO sector.

6. Marketing Your Business and Getting Clients

1. build a top-notch website for your company.

Your website should be professional, informative, and reflective of your brand. It should clearly outline your services, showcase client testimonials, and provide easy ways to contact you.

2. Networking

Attend industry events, join professional groups, and connect with business leaders. Networking can provide valuable opportunities for partnerships and client referrals.

3. Spreading Awareness

Utilize digital marketing strategies like SEO, content marketing, and social media campaigns. Consider also  traditional marketing methods , such as print media advertisements and attending trade shows

In conclusion, starting and successfully running a BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) business requires a strategic approach, detailed planning, and the right tools. From understanding the basics of what BPO is and what a BPO does to implementing sophisticated software like Time Champ for employee productivity management , each step is crucial in the journey of how to start a BPO company.

As you begin your journey towards establishing a successful BPO business, keep in mind the critical role of a well-developed business plan. 

Additionally, it is essential to prioritize legal compliance and gain a deep understanding of how the BPO industry operates in your chosen market or sector.

Equipping your business with the right technology, will not only boost operational efficiency but also align with your goal of providing top-notch services.

Specifically, Time Champ offers invaluable features that will support you in monitoring and optimizing your team’s productivity , a crucial aspect for the success of any BPO venture.

Staffing your BPO firm with skilled professionals and continuously seeking ways to improve and grow, such as learning how to get BPO projects from clients and exploring outsourced business ideas, will keep you ahead in this dynamic industry.

Your journey in the BPO industry may be filled with challenges, but with determination, a clear understanding of your business model, and the right tools at your disposal, you can establish a successful BPO business that stands out in the competitive world of business process outsourcing.  Remember, in the BPO business, it’s not just about what you do; it’s about how effectively and efficiently you do it.

Book a demo with Time Champ today and take the first step towards transforming your BPO’s productivity and efficiency!

Frequently Asked Questions

BPO, or Business Process Outsourcing, is a widely used practice whereby companies delegate their standard business functions to outside service providers.This approach allows organizations to prioritize their main areas of expertise while entrusting non-essential tasks to specialized external teams.BPO services encompass a diverse range of functions such as customer service, accounting, human resources, and IT management. With its adaptable and scalable nature, BPO presents a compelling solution for businesses seeking to streamline operations and cut expenses.

To start a BPO business, first decide the type of BPO (horizontal or vertical) you want to establish, create a detailed business plan, complete necessary legal paperwork, invest in technology like Time Champ for employee monitoring, hire skilled staff, and develop a marketing strategy to attract clients.

  • Customer Support
  • Telemarketing
  • Data Entry and Management
  • Accounting and Financial Services
  • Human Resources
  • IT and Technical Support

Legal considerations include business registration, obtaining necessary licenses and permits, complying with tax obligations, getting appropriate insurance, and adhering to employment laws to ensure smooth and compliant business operations.

A BPO company manages non-core business activities for other companies. These activities can range from customer service to back-office functions, depending on the BPO’s specialization and the client’s needs.

A well-crafted business plan outlines your market analysis, service offerings, operational strategies, marketing tactics, and financial projections. It serves as a roadmap for your BPO business’s growth and guides decision-making processes.

To attract clients for your BPO business, build a professional website, network within the industry, utilize digital marketing techniques, and offer high-quality, competitive services that cater to the specific needs of potential clients.

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Call Center Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

call center business plan

Call Center Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their call centers. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning. We will then go through a call center business plan template step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here >

What is a Call Center Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your call center as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategy for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Call Center

If you’re looking to start a call center, or grow your existing call center, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your call center in order to improve your chances of success. Your business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Sources of Funding for Call Centers

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a call center are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans and angel investors. With regards to bank loans, banks will want to review your plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to confirm that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for call centers.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a business plan for a call center agency.

If you want to start a call center or expand your current one, you need a business plan. Below we detail what should be included in each section of your own plan:

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of call center you are operating and the status. For example, are you a startup, do you have a call center that you would like to grow, or are you operating call centers in multiple markets?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan. For example, give a brief overview of the telemarketing industry. Discuss the type of call center you are operating. Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers. Provide a snapshot of your marketing plan. Identify the key members of your team. And offer an overview of your financial plan.  

Company Overview

In your company overview, you will detail the type of call center you are operating.

For example, you might operate one of the following types of call centers:

  • Inbound Call Center : this type of call center focuses on answering inbound phone calls usually from new and existing consumers.
  • Outbound Call Center: this type of call center specializes in calling customers and consumers on a company’s behalf and are responsible for selling a product/service and expanding a company’s reach in their phone calls.
  • Automated Call Centers: this type of call center has a computer-based system that is interactive and allows the callers to handle some of the responsibilities of directing their call.

In addition to explaining the type of call center you will operate, the Company Overview section of your business plan needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to question such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of customers served, number of positive reviews, reaching X amount of clients served, etc.
  • Your legal structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry analysis, you need to provide an overview of the telemarketing industry.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your strategy, particularly if your research identifies market trends.

The third reason for market research is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting this market research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section:

  • How big is the industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential market for your call center? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: telemarketing companies, large organizations, charities, and help desks/customer support teams.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of call center you operate. Clearly, charities would respond to different marketing promotions than help desks, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, include a discussion of the ages, genders, locations and income levels of the customers you seek to serve.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can understand and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

Finish Your Call Center Business Plan in 1 Day!

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your business plan?

With Growthink’s Ultimate Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other call centers.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t direct competitors. This includes in-house customer support departments and online support websites. You need to mention such competition as well.

With regards to direct competition, you want to describe the other call centers with which you compete. Most likely, your direct competitors will be call centers located very close to your location.

call center services competition

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their businesses and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as:

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What type of call center are they?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide shorter call times and higher call volume?
  • Will you provide call center services that your competitors don’t offer?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.  

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a call center agency, your marketing plan should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type of call center company that you documented in your Company Analysis. Then, detail the specific products you will be offering. For example, in addition to a call center, will you provide call forwarding, market research, lead generation, and any other services?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your marketing plan, you are presenting the call center services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the location of your call center company. Document your location and mention how the location will impact your success. For example, is your call center located in a busy retail district, a business district, a standalone office, etc. Discuss how your location might be the ideal location for your customers.

Promotions : The final part of your call center marketing plan is the promotions section. Here you will document how you will drive customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertising in local papers and magazines
  • Reaching out to websites
  • Social media marketing
  • Local radio advertising

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your call center, including answering inbound calls, making outbound calls, finding solutions to customers’ issues, track statistics of your call length and volume, and expand the reach of your client.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to land your Xth client, or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to expand your call center to a new city.

Management Team

To demonstrate your call center’ ability to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing call centers. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act like mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in managing a call center or successfully running a sales or customer support team .  

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements.

sales growth

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you take on one new client at a time or multiple new clients ? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets : Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your call center, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a bank writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

business costs

In developing your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a call center:

  • Cost of computer software.
  • Cost of equipment and supplies
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Taxes and permits
  • Legal expenses

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your office location lease or invoices of client projects you are working on.  

Putting together a business plan for your call center is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will really understand the call center industry, your competition, and your customers. You will have developed a marketing plan and will really understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful call center.  

Call Center Agency Business Plan FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my call center business plan.

Growthink's Ultimate Business Plan Template allows you to quickly and easily complete your business plan.

How Do You Start a Call Center?

Starting a call center is easy with these 14 steps:

  • Choose the Name for Your Call Center Agency
  • Create Your Call Center Business Plan
  • Choose the Legal Structure for Your Call Center Agency
  • Secure Startup Funding for Your Call Center (If Needed)
  • Secure a Location for Your Business
  • Register Your Call Center Agency with the IRS
  • Open a Business Bank Account
  • Get a Business Credit Card
  • Get the Required Business Licenses and Permits
  • Get Business Insurance for Your Call Center
  • Buy or Lease the Right Call Center Equipment
  • Develop Your Call Center Agency Marketing Materials
  • Purchase and Setup the Software Needed to Run Your Call Center
  • Open for Business

Learn more about how to start your own call center agency .

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Other Helpful Business Plan Articles & Templates

Business Plan Template

How to Write a Call Centre Business Plan

bpo business plan pdf

We investigate what should be included in a call centre plan and highlight some of the key fundamentals.

What Is the Aim of a Call Centre Business Plan?

A call centre business plan is a high-level document that is the first stage of setting up a call centre. It describes the purpose of the call centre and outlines the objectives, benefits and costs together with an indication of some of the components.

If you are bidding to create a contact centre within your own organization – whether that’s for service, sales or both – your call center business model will be aimed at internal stakeholders.

However, if you’re looking to create a new outsourced contact centre, your business plan may instead be aimed at investors, who you will need to help fund your operation – through the early days at least!

“In the plan, you will set out a number of options – around things like location, recruiters and technology suppliers. You are looking for approval to dig deeper into these options,” adds Martin Jukes, Managing Director at Mpathy Plus.

A Business Plan Will Cover a Number of Areas, Including:

  • Customer Experience
  • People and Technology
  • Return on Investment (ROI)

Risk Assessment

It is important to keep in mind that your business plan will have three main audiences:

  • Those stakeholders or potential sponsors (as already discussed)
  • Those already tasked with building
  • Those tasked with justifying

Start Your Plan With a Purpose – Set Around Key Objectives

Start off your business proposal by highlighting the purpose and objectives of the call centre.

Highlight your key arguments, using simple language, which will capture the attention of your investors early. Bullet points that set out your thoughts in a logical manner may be all that you need here.

The key is to make straightforward statements like:

“We’re spending £2 million every year in serving customers, in a disparate manner, across the organization. If we spend £1 million setting this up and £1 million a year on resourcing the call centre, then we’re going to get a return on investment fairly quickly, while providing a better customer experience.”

You are setting up the rest of the business plan, which will highlight how you plan to deliver a call centre to meet your objectives.

You then expand upon these arguments later, as you are setting up the rest of the business plan, which will highlight how you plan to deliver a call centre to meet your objectives.

Some other simple objectives that you might want to build a business plan for a call centre around – for a service operation – could be:

Possible Objectives for a Call Centre Business Plan:

  • Furthering Revenue
  • Improving Customer Experience
  • Generating Campaigns
  • Increasing Technical Support for New Products
  • Enabling Growth

These are some quick examples, which could be expanded into solid objectives. However, these could be quite different from those used in a sales or outsourced contact centre.

What Else Needs to Be Included in a Contact Centre Business Plan?

While you may wish to add other elements into your business plan, here are some of the absolute must-haves, which need their own sections within your proposal.

How will a new contact centre benefit your organization? List all of the benefits in this section to underline the value of your new call centre.

In this section, start by reiterating your “headline” objectives, but also talk about some of the other benefits that call centre could bring – which may also help to swing your stakeholders.

Some of the benefits that are easy to overlook when creating a business plan include:

  • Call analysis and more data that will tell you more about your customers
  • Continuous improvement of customer service (with the right team)
  • Extended service hours
  • Improvement of your organization’s image
  • Saving time of others in the business, who currently take calls as part of their job

Before you get into agent recruitment, locations and technology considerations you need to specify who will oversee the implementation of the contact centre, provide advice and troubleshoot. Who will be in the project’s steering group?

Plans are often built in project mode – i.e. to get to a defined result in a defined time at a defined budget.

It’s the wrong mindset.

Once you’ve come up with your key objectives, you need to start with “who?”, according to Peter Massey, Managing Director at Budd.

The people you are building for need to be involved right along.

“You need to be clear how it will run, not how it will get built. So how do you get customers’ and operations’ needs to drive scope and acceptability of your plan? The people you are building for need to be involved right along,” says Peter.

“So many new call centre plans don’t survive their first owner – the person who comes in to run a business in it. That disconnect is a real risk.”

This is especially true in fast-growing businesses where the team is being recruited right the way through.

Customer Experience Considerations

An important consideration when planning for a new contact centre is: what will our service look like from a customer’s perspective?

If one of your objectives is to increase revenue through great service, this is particularly important, as you need to highlight the actions that you want to take which will enable you to achieve that.

The idea here is to create a vision of the customer experience that the call centre will deliver. This vision will help to stitch together your technology, location and recruitment options that you present to your stakeholders later in the business plan.

bpo business plan pdf

Create a vision of the customer experience that the call centre will deliver.

You may also want to consider: why do customers contact us? Do you plan to automate, simplify or even eliminate some of those contacts in the call centre? If so, how will that impact customer experience for the better?

In this section of your call centre business plan, another important consideration is: how will we measure success? 

If your key objective is to save money, revenue statistics may be all you need. However, if you’re looking to further revenue via improved service and sales, you might need to introduce and explain how you will use measures like:

  • Customer Effort
  • Customer Emotion
  • First Contact Resolution
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Net Promoter Score
  • Sales Volumes

The metrics that you track, and how you do so, should align with your vision for customer experience.

Location – Along With Branding and Furnishing

If you are looking to run a traditional brick-and-mortar call centre, you will likely present three or four different options for location and note that they will cost x, y and z.

The options that you put forward will depend on things like the availability of suitable resource. Do you want to go near competing organizations where you can potentially poach good staff? Or do you want to stay away from organizations that may want to poach members of your team?

Other factors in your decision may include grant availability, cost of accommodation, office space and, of course, availability.

Factors in your decision may include grant availability, cost of accommodation, office space and, of course, availability.

There is also the matter of the location fitting your brand, and branding in itself is a key thought to have, according to Martin.

“Your contact centre is a representation of your brand, and for many customers it is what they see and experience more than anything else. So you need your call centre to demonstrate what you are about as an organization,” says Martin.

With this in mind, when you are looking at possible locations, you will need to look for costs to furnish, brand and maintain the place, so it not only reflects your company, but also becomes a nice place to work.

A Quick Point on Remote Working

If you are wanting to put together a remote contact centre, furnishing, branding etc. will be less of a consideration – but there will be other costs that you need to consider, such as:

  • Liability /employee
  • IT and internet
  • Workstations

On top of that, with remote working you will have to think more about setting the right working practices and maintaining kit, as well as any safety and security matters that need to be addressed.

These considerations will also apply to hybrid contact centre models, which most contact centres are set to turn into in the post-COVID world.

A pie chart showing how contact centres will operate post-COVID-19

This poll is made up of data sourced in the Call Centre Helper Webinar: Contact Centre of the Future

The decision on whether you plan for an office-based, hybrid or fully remote contact centre can be a tricky one, but it’s good to think about who you plan to recruit – remembering that:

Office-based working tends to suit:

  • Young, sociable workers
  • People new to the company and in need of training
  • High-paced telesales contact centres
  • Environments where team work is important

Home-based working tends to suit:

  • Older workers with home responsibilities
  • Disabled workers
  • Contact centres looking for specialist talent (because of wider talent pool)
  • Areas in which contact volumes fluctuate

People and Technology Resources

In terms of resources, there are lots of things to consider. Firstly, forecast your demand and how that will change over time. This will enable you to calculate how many agents you need .

Then, you need to think about the internal structure of your call centre. This will include asking yourself questions such as:

  • How many team leaders do we need per x number of agents?
  • Who will be in charge of Quality Assurance and coaching?
  • Who will be in charge of Resource Planning?
  • Who will be in charge of HR for the new team?

Only by asking yourself questions like these and quantifying the duties in each role will you be able to come up with a staffing requirement.

From this, you will put forward suggestions for staff salaries and be able to calculate your potential people costs.

Then focus on your technology . You can opt for cloud-based solutions or on-premise technology.

The plus with cloud is that there are pay-as-you go types of models, which make it much easier to set up a new call centre, while technology integration is also much easier.

Once you have made this decision, it’s time to consider which vendor you’d like to work with. To do this, it’s good to consider which technologies you would like to invest in.

Consider how you might want to simplify, automate or eliminate some of your most common contact reasons…

While there may be some must-haves – like a CRM and an IVR/Call Routing – go back to your top contact reasons and consider how you might want to simplify, automate or eliminate some of your most common contact reasons and consider what technology will help you do that.

A good tool for helping do this is the Value-Irritant Grid. You can find out more about this in our article: A Simple Technique to Improve Your Contact Centre Strategy

For those contact reasons to which none of those options apply, look at the technologies that can support agents in answering those queries effectively – i.e. knowledge bases, visual scripting, etc.

Approach technology vendors with your proposal for technologies and then present options to your stakeholders in your business plan.

For more on putting together a technology plan for your contact centre, read our article: How to Set Up a Call Centre From Scratch – The Checklist

Quick Tip – Make Sure You Put Psychology Before Technology

It’s easy to start totting up the cost of systems and technology required in a contact centre. But not every project team looks at the cost of constantly optimizing the experience of staff and customers in and beyond the contact centre.

If your website and apps drive contacts, it’s not enough to optimize your contact centre. If your marketing and sales propositions drive expectations, it’s not enough to do well in handling contacts, as Peter Massey tells us.

You need a model which fits your company’s values and your customers’ expectations.

“You need to look at the psychology of a contact centre, not just the technology. You need a model which fits your company’s values and your customers’ expectations. That takes thinking time, collaboration from other functions, deep user design and continual optimization,” adds Peter.

Return on Investment

When you put together a set of options for things like location, technology and people, you become much more aware of the costs of your potential operation.

So, this section should include a summary of where the costs lie, in comparison to projections for how much money you are going to save and/or how providing better service will generate further income.

With all of the profit and cost figures, you should be able to calculate when your stakeholders or investors will start to see a return on investment (ROI).

A headshot of Martin Jukes

Martin Jukes

When embarking on a project as ambitious as setting up a new call centre, there are a lot of risks that you need to mitigate for.

“Understanding scale is critical and one risk that I would expect to be included in a call centre business plan is sizing, whether that’s over- or under-sizing – which may be due to the volatility of forecasts,” adds Martin..

Another risk may include your technology not working – or that it does not deliver what you were hoping it would deliver – either from a timescale or functionality perspective.

A further example of a risk that you may need to provide some contingency measures for is recruitment problems, in case you fail to hire the required calibre of people in the area in which you are targeting. These are the sorts of risks to plan for, and there may well be others.

Mistakes to Avoid With Your Plan

There are many potential pitfalls that you can slip into when creating a call centre business plan. The two most common – as identified by Martin Jukes – are as follows.

1. Failing to Structure the Business Plan Around the Customer

By positioning your call centre as your organization’s “hub for customer experience”, not only are you highlighting its strategic value, but you can also ensure that it is not going to be viewed – from now and in the future – as a “cost centre”.

When your call centre is viewed as a cost centre, you will find it very difficult to put together a business case in the future for new technologies, staff and other customer innovations.

If you also create your business plan around a vision for how you will serve your customers, you will naturally align your choices – in terms of location, recruitment, technology etc.

2. Putting Technology Ahead of Customer Experience and Psychology

Technology is your enabler, once you’ve decided what it is that you’re trying to do.

For example, if you are looking to set up an outbound sales call centre, you would use technology differently from if you were planning for an inbound support centre.

You need to understand what you need from your technology, before setting up your system.

A lot of people buy a contact centre platform and then work out how to do it. But that approach is wrong. You need to understand what you need from your technology, before setting up your system.

As Peter says: “What goes into a call centre business plan is as much psychology as technology.”

Other Mistakes…

While these two are common mistakes, there are lots more in terms of the implementation of the call centre, in terms of:

  • Getting the right people
  • Putting training together and getting the right support material in place
  • Branding and aligning people behind a company culture

Getting this right depends on lots of market research and, of course, having a vision for how you plan to service customers. This will help you to secure the necessary funds.

8 Key Questions You Need to Answer in Your Business Plan

While we’ve covered the fundamental components of a call centre business plan, there are many questions that you’ll need to answer as you put together your proposal.

Here are some important examples that Peter Massey put forward:

A thumbnail image of Peter Massey

Peter Massey

  • What shall I focus the budget into to make the biggest impact / best operation?
  • What does it cost to build a contact centre?
  • How much should we justify investing for best impact?
  • What should the project team look like?
  • How do we make sure the operational team get handed over what they need?
  • How do we get the right subject-matter experts involved?
  • How do we avoid scope creep or scope reduction whilst hitting a deadline?
  • If we’re building afresh, how do we make sure we don’t just build a shinier version of what we did before?

Get Some External Advice

While this is no doubt a long and thorough guide to creating a call centre business plan, it is a big task and one that most organizations do once in a blue moon.

With this in mind, it is good to get in contact with experts like Martin and Peter, who have worked alongside many organizations in putting together a call centre business plan.

They know all the potential pitfalls and issues that you are likely to come across, as well as other key trends regarding what’s going on in the industry – so engaging with a third party is a key final tip.

If you would like to reach out to Martin or Peter, you can check out their websites here:

  • Martin Jukes:
  • Peter Massey:

For more advice on setting up a contact centre, read our articles:

  • How to Set up a Call Centre
  • What Is a Call Centre? – 10 Things to Know
  • 23 Considerations to Make Before Implementing a New Digital Channel

Published On: 4th Jan 2021 - Last modified: 9th Nov 2023 Read more about - Customer Service Strategy , Martin Jukes , Peter Massey , Setup

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Call Center Business Plan Template

Published Apr.13, 2018

Updated Apr.22, 2024

By: Jakub Babkins

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Call Center Business Plan

Table of Content

Do you want to start call center business?

Are you thinking of opening a call center ? There is no doubt this is a great business venture with immense potential. In the recent years, the telemarketing industry has been experiencing a steady growth of between 6.5% and 8% per annum. The quest for organizations to improve their customer service in order to outshine their competitors has compelled many firms to outsource their telemarketing to experts. This is a cost effective approach compared to investing in an in-house call center. To succeed, a number of issues have to be taken care of but you can be assured to recover your capital within the first three years.

Executive Summary

2.1 the business.

The call center will be registered under the name ListeningU, and will be situated in downtown Brentwood, Los Angeles- California. The call center will be owned and managed by Adam Bruno who is an expert customer service professional.

2.2 Management Team

Adam Bruno is a Customer Service professional who has worked in the customer care industry for more than a decade. Before planning how to create a call center , Adam worked for many top business companies across the United States and is an accomplished customer service expert.

2.3 Customer Focus

ListeningU intends to offer clients a one stop, modern and fully equipped call center with the latest telemarketing technologies to serve the Los Angeles business community.

2.4 Business Target

ListeningU intends to offer both inbound and outbound call center business strategy services to a wide range of clientele keen on outsourcing their call center services.

Call Center Business Plan - 3 Years Profit Forecast

Company Summary

3.1 company owner.

Adam Bruno is a customer care professional who has worked with renowned U.S brands that include JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and Citigroup. In the course of his career, he ascended to the position of a Customer Service Manager and took the lead role in structuring call center operations and overseeing all management related aspects.

3.2 Aim of Starting the Business

After having been in the career for long, Adams noticed that companies were spending a lot of time and resources to manage in-house call centers. In order to help businesses focus on their core operations, Bruno found it necessary to start a call center business to handle telemarketing services on behalf of clients.

3.3 How the Business will be Started

As a customer service expert, Adams understands what he needs to start the call center. To set his idea into motion, he has worked closely with business set-up experts to develop a financial roadmap for the call center. The following is financial data for ListeningU Call Center.

Call Center Business Plan - Startup cost

Services for Customers

ListeningU Call Center is focused on offering professional telemarketing services to different types of clients. When planning how to open a call center , the business is focused on offering the following services.

  • Offer customer service that includes handling inquiries on behalf of clients
  • Carry out Market research and surveys for clients
  • Provide first-level help desk support
  • Assist in business development by helping clients with lead generation, database management, debt collection and message services.

Marketing Analysis for Call Center Business

For ListeningU Call Center to meet its market obligations, a detailed market analysis was carried out to help the business establish itself in the industry and adequately serve the needs of clients.

This call center business plan explains the strategy the business will rely on to attain its goals. Given the rising demand for corporate call center services, there is a great opportunity for ListeningU to meet its market objectives.

5.1 Market Segmentation

Given the increasing popularity of the call center industry, ListeningU understands the value of coming up with sustainable marketing strategies to acquire a larger market share. Being the second largest city in the United States, Los Angeles is a business hub with many corporates looking for quality call center services to support their business operations. Based on market findings, the call center intends to target the following potential customers.

Call Center Business Plan - Market Segmentation

5.1.1 Corporate Organizations

Business plan for investors.

Corporate organizations rely on an infrastructure that allows seamless communication to achieve various business objectives. For this reason, every corporate entity needs a robust and flexible call center service that has the capability to accommodate business needs. With high costs associated with setting up, running and maintaining call centers, businesses now prefer to outsource their needs to professional call center companies.

The corporate sphere is large and ListeningU Call Center intends to target companies in various sectors such as banking, manufacturing, telecommunication and information technology among others. Organizations have to keep communicating with their clients, suppliers, business partners and other industry stakeholders. The call center business model will focus on reaching out directly to various corporate entities.

5.1.2 Advertising and Marketing Agencies

One of the main services offered by ListeningU is marketing and lead generation. Call centers play a major role in advertising and brand awareness which attracts marketing agencies intending to roll out advertising campaigns for various products and services. Thanks to investing in sophisticated and cutting edge technologies, the call center has invested in the appropriate infrastructure to support large scale advertising.

5.1.3 Political Parties

Political parties have been identified as a potential customer group to reach out to in this call center business plan sample . Political parties often conduct fundraising and campaigns which need a professional call center facility to handle all communication aspects on behalf of a client. Political parties always run elaborate campaigns in order to create awareness and outshine their competitors. For this reason, ListeningU Call Center stands a great chance to benefit from political parties.

5.1.4 Religious Organizations

With many religious organizations operating in Los Angeles, the demand for call centers is high as religious establishments are always in need to call centers to support various organization functions. Just like political parties, religious organizations engage in numerous fundraising and campaigns.

5.2 Business Target

ListeningU Call Center is getting into a highly competitive environment considering there are numerous call centers in Los Angeles. However, this call center business plan template outlines the plan the business intends to use to acquire clients and propel business growth. It is costly to set up a fully functioning call center, but adequate strategies have been formulated to help the business fully recover its initial capital. After finalizing how to build a call center business and rolling out operations, the call center expects to recoup its initial investment in three years based on a projected 15-20% annual sales growth.

5.3 Product Pricing

While strategizing on how to start a call center business , Adam Bruno together with the assistance of experts has come up with a competitive pricing structure tailored for different services. At the beginning, the call center intends to offer various incentives to attract clients.

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excellent work, competent advice. Alex is very friendly, great communication. 100% I recommend CGS capital. Thank you so much for your hard work!

When planning how to start a call center , you need to come up with a great business development strategy . Adam Bruno has engaged experts to formulate a call center strategy that will be instrumental to steer business growth. The following is ListeningU Call Center sales strategy.

6.1 Competitive Analysis

ListeningU has deployed the latest telemarketing technologies to boost efficiency and seamlessly handle multiple clients without compromising quality. After completing the procedures of how to build a call center , the business anticipates high competition considering there are numerous similar establishments in Brentwood.

6.2 Sales Strategy

For ListeningU to achieve its intended targets and create a call center which is popular with clients, the following sales strategy will be implemented.

  • Hire professional marketing agencies to help advertise the call center and teach out to corporate clients
  • Organize an official opening party and welcome top industry stakeholders to create awareness about the business
  • Do cold calling and email various potential customers to advertise call center services
  • Advertise on digital media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • Use local media channels such as Television and newspapers to advertise the business

6.3 Sales Forecast

ListeningU Call Center has put in place various sales strategies in order to meet its targets. The following is a forecast of sales for the business.

Call Center Business Plan - Unit Sales

Personnel Plan

ListeningU provides diverse services in order to boost the company’s income. When starting a call center business , it is vital to focus on having a good personnel team to handle business operations.

7.1 Personnel Plan

The call center is owned by Adam Bruno who will be the overall center manager for the business. The call center intends to hire the following staff to enable the business carry out its operations.

  • Call Center Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Two Marketing Executives
  • Five Customer Service Representatives
  • Successful candidates will undergo intensive training to understand procedures and expectations.

7.2 Average Staff Salaries

ListeningU Call Center plans to pay its staff the following salaries in the first three years of operations.

Financial Plan

ListeningU Call Center has formulated a financial plan that will steer the path to business success. To start call center business , Adam will use his personal savings and funds from two investors. A loan will be sought to help raise startup capital for the business. Crucial financial information for the call center has been shown below.

8.1 Important Assumptions

Financial forecast for ListeningU Call Center will be based on the following assumptions.

8.2 Brake-even Analysis

ListeningU Brake-even Analysis is indicated in the graph below.

Call Center Business Plan - Brake-even Analysis

8.3 Projected Profit and Loss

Profit and Loss information for ListeningU calculated on a monthly and annual basis is shown below.

8.3.1 Monthly Profit

Call Center Business Plan - PROFIT MONTHLY

8.3.2 Yearly Profit

Call Center Business Plan - PROFIT YEARLY

8.3.3 Monthly Gross Margin

Call Center Business Plan - GROSS MARGIN MONTHLY

8.3.4 Yearly Gross Margin

Below is the profit and Loss Analysis for ListeningU Call Center.

Call Center Business Plan - GROSS MARGIN YEARLY

8.4 Projected Cash Flow

Call Center Business Plan - Projected Cash Flow

The diagram below is a summary of subtotal cash spent, subtotal cash from operations, subtotal cash spent on operations, subtotal cash received and pro forma cash flow.

8.5 Projected Balance Sheet

The following is a Projected Balance Sheet for ListeningU Call Center that shows capital, assets, long term assets, liabilities and current liabilities.

8.6 Business Ratios

ListeningU Call Center Business Ratios, Ratio Analysis and Business Net Worth are shown below.

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8 Business Plan Templates You Can Get for Free

Author: Kody Wirth

8 min. read

Updated April 10, 2024

A business plan template can be an excellent tool to simplify the creation of your business plan. 

The pre-set structure helps you organize ideas, covers all critical business information, and saves you time and effort on formatting.

The only issue? There are SO many free business plan templates out there. 

So, which ones are actually worth using? 

To help remove the guesswork, I’ve rounded up some of the best business plan templates you can access right now. 

These are listed in no particular order, and each has its benefits and drawbacks.

What to look for in a business plan template

Not all business plan templates are created equal. As you weigh your options and decide which template(s) you’ll use, be sure to review them with the following criteria in mind:

  • Easy to edit: A template should save you time. That won’t be the case if you have to fuss around figuring out how to edit the document, or even worse, it doesn’t allow you to edit at all.
  • Contains the right sections: A good template should cover all essential sections of a business plan , including the executive summary, product/service description, market/competitive analysis, marketing and sales plan, operations, milestones, and financial projections. 
  • Provides guidance: You should be able to trust that the information in a template is accurate. That means the organization or person who created the template is highly credible, known for producing useful resources, and ideally has some entrepreneurial experience.
  • Software compatibility: Lastly, you want any template to be compatible with the software platforms you use. More than likely, this means it’s available in Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or PDF format at a minimum. 

1. Bplans — A plan with expert guidance

Preview of Bplans' free business plan template download asset.

Since you’re already on Bplans, I have to first mention the templates that we have available. 

Our traditional and one-page templates were created by entrepreneurs and business owners with over 80 years of collective planning experience. We revisit and update them annually to ensure they are approachable, thorough, and aligned with our team’s evolving best practices.  

The templates, available in Word, PDF, or Google Doc formats, include in-depth guidance on what to include in each section, expert tips, and links to additional resources. 

Plus, we have over 550 real-world sample business plans you can use for guidance when filling out your template.

Download: Traditional lender-ready business plan template or a simple one-page plan template .

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2. SBA — Introduction to business plans

bpo business plan pdf

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) offers two different business plan templates along with a short planning guide. 

While not incredibly in-depth, it’s enough to help you understand how traditional and lean plans are structured and what information needs to be covered. The templates themselves are more like examples, providing you with a finished product to reference as you write your plan.

The key benefit of using these templates is that they were created by the SBA. While they may provide less guidance, you can be assured that the information and structure meet their expectations.

Explore: The SBA’s planning guide and free templates

3. SCORE — Planning workbook

bpo business plan pdf

SCORE’s template is more like a workbook. It includes exercises after each section to help you get your ideas down and turn them into a structured plan.

The market research worksheets are especially useful. They provide a clear framework for identifying your target market and analyzing competitors from multiple angles. Plus, they give you an easy way to document all the information you’re collecting.

You will likely have to remove the exercises in this template to make it investor-ready. But it can be worth it if you’re struggling to get past a blank page and want a more interactive planning method.

Download: SCORE’s business plan template

4. PandaDoc — A template with fillable forms

bpo business plan pdf

PandaDoc’s library offers a variety of industry-specific business plan templates that feature a modern design flair and concise instructions. 

These templates are designed for sharing. They include fillable fields and sections for non-disclosure agreements, which may be necessary when sending a plan to investors.  

But the real benefit is their compatibility with PandaDoc’s platform. Yes, they are free, but if you’re a PandaDoc subscriber, you’ll have far more customization options. 

Out of all their templates, the standard business plan template is the most in-depth. The rest, while still useful, go a bit lighter on guidance in favor of tailoring the plan to a specific industry.

Explore: PandaDoc’s business plan template library  

5. Canva — Pitch with your plan

A sample of the 696 free business plan templates available from Canva. The templates represented here are for a restaurant and two options designed around a minimalist beige aesthetic.

Canva is a great option for building a visually stunning business plan that can be used as a pitch tool. It offers a diverse array of templates built by their in-house team and the larger creative community, meaning the number of options constantly grows.

You will need to verify that the information in the template you choose matches the standard structure of a traditional business plan. 

You should do this with any template, but it’s especially important with any tool that accepts community submissions. While they are likely reviewed and approved, there may still be errors.

Remember, you can only edit these templates within Canva. Luckily, you only need a free subscription, and you may just miss out on some of the visual assets being used. 

To get the most value, it may be best to create a more traditional planning document and transfer that information into Canva. 

Explore: Canva’s business plan gallery

6. ClickUp — The collaborative template

Preview of ClickUp's business plan template within the project management platform. It includes a number of fillable cells to help guide the creation process.

Out of all the project management tools that offer free business plan templates, ClickUp’s is the most approachable.

Rather than throwing you into all the features and expecting you to figure it out—ClickUp provides a thorough startup guide with resource links, images, and videos explaining how to write a plan using the tool. 

There’s also a completed sample plan (structured like an expanded one-page plan) for you to reference and see how the more traditional document can connect to the product management features. You can set goals, target dates, leave comments, and even assign tasks to someone else on your team. 

These features are limited to the ClickUp platform and will not be useful for everyone. They will likely get in the way of writing a plan you can easily share with lenders or investors. 

But this is a great option if you’re looking for a template that makes internal collaboration more fluid and keeps all your information in one place.

Sign Up: Get a free trial of ClickUp and explore their template library

7. Smartsheet — A wide variety of templates

A preview of the Smartsheet business plan template. It provides a preview of the cover page, directory, and small views of the remaining template pages.

I’m including Smartsheet’s library of templates on this list because of the sheer number of options they provide. 

They have a simple business plan template, a one-page plan, a fill-in-the-blank template, a plan outline, a plan grading rubric, and even an Excel-built project plan. All are perfectly usable and vary in visual style, depth of instructions, and the available format.

Honestly, the only drawback (which is also the core benefit) is that the amount of templates can be overwhelming. If you’re already uncertain which plan option is right for you, the lengthy list they provide may not provide much clarity.

At the same time, it can be a great resource if you want a one-stop shop to view multiple plan types.

Explore: Smartsheet’s business plan template library  

8. ReferralRock affiliate marketing business plan

Preview of the ReferralRock affiliate marketing business plan template. It just represents the cover page of the full template.

I’m adding ReferralRock’s template to this list due to its specificity. 

It’s not your standard business plan template. The plan is tailored with specific sections and guidance around launching an affiliate marketing business. 

Most of the template is dedicated to defining how to choose affiliates, set commissions, create legal agreements, and track performance.

So, if you plan on starting an affiliate marketing business or program, this template will provide more specific guidance. Just know that you will likely need to reference additional resources when writing the non-industry sections of your plan.

Download: ReferralRock affiliate marketing business plan template

Does it matter what business plan template you use?

The short answer is no. As long as the structure is correct, it saves you time, and it helps you write your business plan , then any template will work. 

What it ultimately comes down to, is what sort of value you hope to get from the template. 

  • Do you need more guidance? 
  • A simple way to structure your plan? 
  • An option that works with a specific tool?
  • A way to make your plan more visually interesting?

Hopefully, this list has helped you hone in on an option that meets one (or several) of these needs. Still, it may be worth downloading a few of these templates to determine the right fit. 

And really, what matters most is that you spend time writing a business plan . It will help you avoid early mistakes, determine if you have a viable business, and fully consider what it will take to get up and running. 

If you need additional guidance, check out our library of planning resources . We cover everything from plan formats , to how to write a business plan, and even how to use it as a management tool . 

If you don’t want to waste time researching other templates, you can download our one-page or traditional business plan template and jump right into the planning process.

Content Author: Kody Wirth

Kody Wirth is a content writer and SEO specialist for Palo Alto Software—the creator's of Bplans and LivePlan. He has 3+ years experience covering small business topics and runs a part-time content writing service in his spare time.

Check out LivePlan

Table of Contents

  • Qualities of a good template
  • ReferralRock
  • Does the template matter?

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10 steps to starting your own bpo business.

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Define Your Business Goals and Objectives

Market research and analysis, develop your business plan, build a robust infrastructure, identifying your target market, hiring process, training and development, employee retention, collaborative environment, effective communication, 1. identify your business requirements, 2. determine your budget, 3. prioritize security, 4. select the right tools and software, 5. training and support, 1. identify your target audience, 2. define your unique selling proposition, 3. develop a content marketing plan, 4. use social media to your advantage, 5. network with other businesses, understanding the basics of bpos.


Business Process Outsourcing or BPO has long been a part of the business industry. It is a practice of outsourcing non-core business functions to third-party service providers. BPOs are a common way to reduce overhead costs and increase productivity. It is a cost-effective way to get specialized business functions done by experts.

BPOs can be categorized into three types. First is the back-office outsourcing or the BPO services that pertain to internal business functions such as finance, human resources, and accounting. The second type, the front-end outsourcing, focuses on customer service and support. Third is the hybrid model outsourcing which is a combination of both back-end and front-end outsourcing.

Setting up a BPO can be a daunting task, but with proper planning and research, it can be done smoothly. Here are some considerations to take into account:

Business Goals

Determining your business goals and objectives is the foundation of setting up a BPO. You need to identify what kind of BPO service you offer and what niche you want to focus on. You also need to evaluate your target market and plan for your strategy to reach your clients successfully.

You need to have a clear mission and vision, which should align with your business objectives. Deciding on a name for your company and creating a memorable logo is also crucial in establishing your brand identity.

Market Research

Conducting market research and analysis is necessary to determine the demand for BPO services in your target market. You need to evaluate the level of competition and identify potential clients. It would be best to research your competitors and determine their strengths and weaknesses. Through this, you will be able to identify opportunities and threats to your business.

Market research also includes identifying the right location for your business. You should consider the cost of living, infrastructure, and the availability of a skilled workforce in the area. Make sure that the location of your BPO is near the necessary amenities such as banks, hospitals, and transport facilities.

Market analysis also involves knowing the legal requirements and regulations for running a BPO. You need to comply with government regulations and requirements to avoid legal issues.

Business Plan

A business plan is necessary for setting up your BPO. It should include your business goals, market analysis, marketing strategies, financial projections, and operational plan. Your business plan should be flexible to change and should have defined milestones and objectives.

Your business plan should include your marketing strategy, which should define how you will promote your business to your target market. You need to have a strong online presence and a website that showcases your business services, testimonials from satisfied clients, and your contact information.

The financial projections of your business plan should detail your company’s revenue, expenses, and break-even analysis. It should include your startup costs, operational costs, and projected profits and losses.


Building a robust infrastructure is necessary for the smooth operation of your BPO. You need to invest in hardware and software equipment such as computers, servers, and networking devices. You also need to have a reliable internet connection that can handle the volume of data transferred between your clients and employees.

Your infrastructure must be secured against cybersecurity threats such as hacking and data breaches. You need to invest in cybersecurity measures such as firewalls, data encryption, and antivirus software.

You also need to have a robust backup system to ensure business continuity in case of any system failure or data loss.

In conclusion, setting up a BPO takes time, effort, and investment. But with proper planning, research, and execution, it can be a lucrative business venture.

Identifying Your Target Market

Starting a BPO involves many critical steps, and one of the most crucial is identifying your target market. The success of your BPO depends on your ability to find clients who need your services and are willing to pay for them. This process can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can also be rewarding.

The first step in identifying your target market is to conduct market research. This involves gathering information about the industry you are interested in and the potential clients within that industry. You can start by analyzing the existing competition and identifying any gaps or unmet needs in the market.

Another useful strategy is to conduct surveys or interviews with potential clients to understand their pain points and needs. This can help you tailor your services to meet their specific needs and stand out from your competitors.

It’s essential to understand that different industries have different needs and requirements when it comes to outsourcing. For example, the healthcare industry may need BPO services related to medical billing and coding, while the retail industry may require services related to customer support and inventory management.

Once you’ve narrowed down your target industry, the next step is to refine your target market even further. This involves identifying the specific companies or individuals within your industry who are most likely to benefit from your services.

For example, if you’re targeting the healthcare industry, you may want to focus on small medical practices that may not have the resources to handle their billing and coding in-house. On the other hand, if you’re targeting the retail industry, you may want to focus on e-commerce businesses that sell products online and require customer support and order tracking services.

It’s also essential to consider the location of your target market. Depending on the services you offer, you may find that your target market is more concentrated in specific regions or countries.

For example, if your BPO specializes in language services such as translation and interpretation, you may want to target companies that do business with foreign clients or have a large number of non-native English-speaking employees. In this case, your target market may be concentrated in areas with high cultural diversity and large immigrant populations.

Another effective strategy for identifying your target market is to use data analytics and predictive modeling. This involves analyzing large sets of data to identify patterns and make predictions about future market trends.

For example, you can use data analytics to identify which companies in your target industry are growing the fastest and are most likely to need BPO services in the near future. This can help you focus your marketing efforts on these high-potential clients.

In conclusion, identifying your target market is a critical step in starting a successful BPO. By conducting thorough market research, refining your target industry, and using advanced analytics, you can find clients who need your services and are willing to pay for them.

Building a Competent Team

Building a Competent Team

Starting a BPO requires a competent team to ensure success. A competent team means having employees that have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their jobs. Here are some tips on how to build a competent team:

Hiring Process

The hiring process is critical in building a competent team. Make sure to have a clear job description and requirements. Post job ads on different platforms and use pre-employment assessments to screen candidates. This way, you can ensure that you only hire employees that fit the job and have the necessary skills. In addition, conduct a thorough background check and verify references. This is to avoid hiring employees with a questionable history and verify their work history.

Training and Development

Training and development are necessary to build a competent team. Prioritize training and continuing education for the team. Provide regular training sessions to keep the team abreast of the latest trends and technologies in the industry. Providing continuous learning opportunities will equip the employees with the skills to perform their jobs and keep up with industry advancements. Encouraging employee development through on-the-job training, coaching, and mentoring programs can also help enhance their expertise.

Employee Retention

Building a competent team also relies on retaining employees. Employee retention is more economical than constantly hiring and training new employees. You can retain employees by providing a fair salary and benefits package, and by recognizing their hard work and dedication. Consistently supporting your employees and promoting a work-life balance can also help reduce employee turnover.

Collaborative Environment

Building a competent team requires a collaborative environment. Foster teamwork by setting clear goals, roles, and responsibilities. Be sure to promote an open communication system so that employees can freely speak their minds and share ideas. Encourage collaboration by promoting group projects, brainstorming sessions, and cross-department collaborations. This can help build trust among employees and ensure that they work towards the same goals.

Effective Communication

Effective communication is essential to building a competent team. Encourage transparency by providing feedback and constructive criticism. Use communication tools and regularly hold meetings to discuss individual and team progress. Providing regular feedback and recognition allows employees to improve their work performance and identify areas for development. Boost morale by recognizing employees’ hard work and acknowledging their successes.

Building a competent team takes time and effort. Be sure to prioritize employee retention, training, and development. Promote a collaborative and communicative environment that emphasizes teamwork. By prioritizing a competent team, your BPO can become more productive, efficient, and successful.

Choosing Reliable Technologies and Tools

Choosing Reliable Technologies and Tools

Starting a BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) requires many prerequisites, and one of them is choosing the right technologies and tools for your business. These technologies and tools will help make your business more efficient and organized. In this article, we’ll help you understand the factors you need to consider when choosing reliable technologies and tools for your BPO.

Identify Your Business Requirements

Before identifying the tools and technologies, you need to have a complete understanding of your business requirements. You might have to research what specific processes are involved in BPO, which tools and technologies work the best, and how using these tools will increase efficiency. Once you have analyzed all your requirements and processes, it will be easier to identify the tools and technologies needed to get the job done right.

Determine Your Budget

You need to determine the budget allocated for the technologies and tools needed for your business. Some tools and technologies might require a considerable investment, while others may be available at a lower cost. It is essential to compare prices so that you can choose technologies and tools that align with your business goals, budget, and requirements.

Prioritize Security

Since BPO deals with sensitive customer information, stringent security protocols must be in place. Ensure the tools and technologies you select prioritize security measures such as secure file sharing, data encryption, and regular backups. Make sure the service provider has ISO, SOC 2 certification, and other regulatory compliance certifications to reassure the clients that their information is handled in a safe and secure environment.

Select the Right Tools and Software

There is a wide range of tools and software that you can choose from to help your BPO run smoothly. These tools and software will depend on the customer’s requirements and needs. Some popular software and tools used in BPO are:

d. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

CRM software is used to manage customer interactions and customer data. This software helps you to analyze customer data and provides you with key insights into your customers’ behavior and buying preferences.

e. Document Management Tools

Document Management Tools

Document management tools help manage documents easily. Some of these tools include Docusign, Adobe Sign, which help in a seamless signing and sharing of documents, and FileCloud, which helps in secure data storage and easy sharing.

f. Collaboration Tools

Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools like Trello and Slack are essential, especially if the BPO’s employees are working remotely. Trello helps in project management and provides transparency into the work assignments, while Slack helps in communication, reducing email trails.

Training and Support

The tools and technologies selected for the BPO must be user friendly and easy to learn. The service provider should also provide training and support periodically for the employees to handle the software and tools efficiently. Neglecting this aspect could lead to a loss of productivity and could negatively impact the BPO’s success.

In conclusion, the above factors should be considered before choosing reliable technologies and tools for your BPO. The right tools and software will increase your business’s efficiency and productivity, while the wrong tools will lead to frustration for your employees and clients. Choose wisely and forge ahead with confidence.

Developing a Strong Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy

Marketing is an essential part of any business, and it is equally important to have a strong marketing strategy when starting a BPO. A marketing strategy helps to attract potential clients, build brand awareness and increase revenue. Here are some steps to develop a strong marketing strategy for your BPO:

Target Audience

The first step in developing a strong marketing strategy is to understand your target audience. This includes determining their needs and preferences, where they are located, and what type of services they require. By understanding your target audience, you can market your BPO more effectively and increase your chances of success.

Unique Selling Proposition

Defining your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) helps to differentiate your BPO from your competitors. Your USP highlights the benefits of working with your BPO, such as your technology, experience, or customer service. This is an essential part of your marketing strategy as it helps clients understand why they should choose your BPO over others.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is the process of creating and distributing valuable content to attract potential clients. Developing a content marketing plan involves identifying the types of content that are most effective for your target audience, such as articles, infographics, or videos. By creating valuable content, you can establish your BPO as an authority in your industry and attract potential clients.

Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for marketing your BPO. It allows you to connect with potential clients, share valuable content, and promote your services. To use social media to your advantage, you need to identify the social media platforms that your target audience uses the most and develop a social media marketing strategy that aligns with your business goals.


Networking with other businesses is an effective way to promote your BPO and get more clients. Attend industry events, join business associations, and reach out to other businesses in your niche. By building relationships with other businesses, you can increase your visibility, gain referrals, and showcase your expertise.

Developing a strong marketing strategy is essential for the success of your BPO. By following these steps, you can create a plan that helps you attract potential clients, build brand awareness and increase revenue. Remember, marketing is an ongoing process, so be open to testing and refining your strategy to ensure it aligns with your business goals.

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Free PDF Business Plan Templates and Samples

By Joe Weller | September 9, 2020

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We’ve gathered the most useful collection of business plan PDF templates and samples, including options for organizations of any size and type.

On this page, you’ll find free PDF templates for a simple business plan , small business plan , startup business plan , and more.

Simple Business Plan PDF Templates

These simple business plan PDF templates are ready to use and customizable to fit the needs of any organization.

Simple Business Plan Template PDF

Simple Business Plan Template

This template contains a traditional business plan layout to help you map out each aspect, from a company overview to sales projections and a marketing strategy. This template includes a table of contents, as well as space for financing details that startups looking for funding may need to provide. 

Download Simple Business Plan Template - PDF

Lean Business Plan Template PDF

Lean Business Plan Template

This scannable business plan template allows you to easily identify the most important elements of your plan. Use this template to outline key details pertaining to your business and industry, product or service offerings, target customer segments (and channels to reach them), and to identify sources of revenue. There is also space to include key performance metrics and a timeline of activities. 

Download Lean Business Plan Template - PDF

Simple 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template PDF

Simple 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template

This template is designed to help you develop and implement a 90-day business plan by breaking it down into manageable chunks of time. Use the space provided to detail your main goals and deliverables for each timeframe, and then add the steps necessary to achieve your objectives. Assign task ownership and enter deadlines to ensure your plan stays on track every step of the way.

Download Simple 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template

PDF | Smartsheet

One-Page Business Plan PDF Templates

The following single page business plan templates are designed to help you download your key ideas on paper, and can be used to create a pitch document to gain buy-in from partners, investors, and stakeholders.

One-Page Business Plan Template PDF

bpo business plan pdf

Use this one-page template to summarize each aspect of your business concept in a clear and concise manner. Define the who, what, why, and how of your idea, and use the space at the bottom to create a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) for your business. 

Download One-Page Business Plan Template

If you’re looking for a specific type of analysis, check out our collection of SWOT templates .

One-Page Lean Business Plan PDF

One Page Lean Business Plan Template

This one-page business plan template employs the Lean management concept, and encourages you to focus on the key assumptions of your business idea. A Lean plan is not stagnant, so update it as goals and objectives change — the visual timeline at the bottom is ideal for detailing milestones. 

Download One-Page Lean Business Plan Template - PDF

One-Page 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template

One Page 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template

Use this business plan template to identify main goals and outline the necessary activities to achieve those goals in 30, 60, and 90-day increments. Easily customize this template to fit your needs while you track the status of each task and goal to keep your business plan on target. 

Download One-Page 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template

For additional single page plans, including an example of a one-page business plan , visit " One-Page Business Plan Templates with a Quick How-To Guide ."

Small Business Plan PDF Templates

These business plan templates are useful for small businesses that want to map out a way to meet organizational objectives, including how to structure, operate, and expand their business.

Simple Small Business Plan Template PDF

Simple Small Business Plan Template

A small business can use this template to outline each critical component of a business plan. There is space to provide details about product or service offerings, target audience, customer reach strategy, competitive advantage, and more. Plus, there is space at the bottom of the document to include a SWOT analysis. Once complete, you can use the template as a basis to build out a more elaborate plan. 

Download Simple Small Business Plan Template

Fill-In-the-Blank Small Business Plan Template PDF

Simple Fill In The Blank Business Plan Template

This fill-in-the-blank template walks you through each section of a business plan. Build upon the fill-in-the-blank content provided in each section to add information about your company, business idea, market analysis, implementation plan, timeline of milestones, and much more.

Download Fill-In-the-Blank Small Business Plan Template - PDF

One-Page Small Business Plan Template PDF

One Page Business Plan For Small Business Template

Use this one-page template to create a scannable business plan that highlights the most essential parts of your organization’s strategy. Provide your business overview and management team details at the top, and then outline the target market, market size, competitive offerings, key objectives and success metrics, financial plan, and more.

Download One-Page Business Plan for Small Business - PDF

Startup Business Plan PDF Templates

Startups can use these business plan templates to check the feasibility of their idea, and articulate their vision to potential investors.

Startup Business Plan Template

Startup Business Plan Template

Use this business plan template to organize and prepare each essential component of your startup plan. Outline key details relevant to your concept and organization, including your mission and vision statement, product or services offered, pricing structure, marketing strategy, financial plan, and more.

‌Download Startup Business Plan Template

Sample 30-60-90 Day Business Plan for Startup

Sample 30-60-90 Day Business Plan for Startup

Startups can use this sample 30-60-90 day plan to establish main goals and deliverables spanning a 90-day period. Customize the sample goals, deliverables, and activities provided on this template according to the needs of your business. Then, assign task owners and set due dates to help ensure your 90-day plan stays on track.

‌Download Sample 30-60-90 Day Business Plan for Startup Template 

For additional resources to create your plan, visit “ Free Startup Business Plan Templates and Examples .”

Nonprofit Business Plan PDF Templates

Use these business plan PDF templates to outline your organization’s mission, your plan to make a positive impact in your community, and the steps you will take to achieve your nonprofit’s goals.

Nonprofit Business Plan Template PDF

Fill-in-the-Blank Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Use this customizable PDF template to develop a plan that details your organization’s purpose, objectives, and strategy. This template features a table of contents, with room to include your nonprofit’s mission and vision, key team and board members, program offerings, a market and industry analysis, promotional plan, financial plan, and more. This template also contains a visual timeline to display historic and future milestones.

Download Nonprofit Business Plan Template - PDF

One-Page Business Plan for Nonprofit Organization PDF 

One Page Business Plan for Nonprofit Organizations Template

This one-page plan serves as a good starting point for established and startup nonprofit organizations to jot down their fundamental goals and objectives. This template contains all the essential aspects of a business plan in a concise and scannable format, including the organizational overview, purpose, promotional plan, key objectives and success metrics, fundraising goals, and more.

Download One-Page Business Plan for Nonprofit Organization Template - PDF

Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan PDF Templates

Use these fill-in-the-blank templates as a foundation for creating a comprehensive roadmap that aligns your business strategy with your marketing, sales, and financial goals.

Simple Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan PDF

The fill-in-the-blank template contains all the vital parts of a business plan, with sample content that you can customize to fit your needs. There is room to include an executive summary, business description, market analysis, marketing plan, operations plan, financial statements, and more. 

Download Simple Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan Template - PDF

Lean Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan PDF

Fill-in-the-Blank Lean  Business Plan Template

This business plan is designed with a Lean approach that encourages you to clarify and communicate your business idea in a clear and concise manner. This single page fill-in-the-blank template includes space to provide details about your management team, the problem you're solving, the solution, target customers, cost structure, and revenue streams. Use the timeline at the bottom to produce a visual illustration of key milestones. 

Download Fill-In-the-Blank Lean Business Plan Template - PDF

For additional resources, take a look at " Free Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan Templates ."

Sample Business Plan PDF Templates

These sample business plan PDF templates can help you to develop an organized, thorough, and professional business plan.

Business Plan Sample 

Basic Business Plan Sample

This business plan example demonstrates a plan for a fictional food truck company. The sample includes all of the elements in a traditional business plan, which makes it a useful starting point for developing a plan specific to your business needs.

Download Basic Business Plan Sample - PDF

Sample Business Plan Outline Template

Simple Business Plan Outline Template

Use this sample outline as a starting point for your business plan. Shorten or expand the outline depending on your organization’s needs, and use it to develop a table of contents for your finalized plan.

Download Sample Business Plan Outline Template - PDF

Sample Business Financial Plan Template

Business Financial Plan Template

Use this sample template to develop the financial portion of your business plan. The template provides space to include a financial overview, key assumptions, financial indicators, and business ratios. Complete the break-even analysis and add your financial statements to help prove the viability of your organization’s business plan.

Download Business Financial Plan Template

PDF  | Smartsheet

For more free, downloadable templates for all aspects of your business, check out “ Free Business Templates for Organizations of All Sizes .”

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Call Center Mavericks Logo Design

How To Create a Call Center Business Proposal + Template

When starting a call center business , one of the most important aspects is creating a call center proposal. This document will outline the services your call center offers and how it can help solve the needs of another business. 

Ensure your call center proposal is well-written and convincing to stand out from the competition and win over potential clients. Read on to discover how to create a call center business proposal and why.

Purpose of a Call Center Proposal

A business proposal is a crucial extension of your call center business plan , helping you establish a new business relationship with a first-time client. It should provide an overview of your call center business, your services, how you plan to solve the client’s problem, and pricing information, all of which should be grounded in the strategic objectives outlined in your call center business plan. The proposal should be tailored to the specific client and their needs.

Elements of a Winning Call Center Business Proposal

To create a winning call center proposal, certain elements must be included.

Problem Statement

To show that you understand the client’s needs, you must first identify the problem they are facing. This shows them that you understand what they need. For example, if the client is a small business struggling to keep up with customer demand, you would identify this as a problem.

Proposed Solution

After you have identified the problem, you must then propose a solution. This is where you outline the services your call center can provide to help solve the client’s problem. Be specific and include details on what services you will offer and how they will benefit the client.

For example, if the client is struggling to keep up with customer demand, you would propose your call center services as a solution. You would explain how your call center would be able to take on some of the customer call volume and help relieve the burden on the client’s staff.

Pricing Information

After you have proposed a solution, include pricing information. You need to show the client how much it will cost them to use your call center services. It is critical to be transparent and upfront with pricing information so that the client knows what to expect.

For example, if the client is looking for a call center to take on customer call volume, you would include pricing information for your call center services. You would explain how much it would cost per call, hour, or month.

Putting It Together

Once you have all of the above elements, it’s time to put your proposal together. Make sure it is well-written and free of errors. For example, you may want to use a call center proposal template to help you get started. A template is a great way to follow guidelines, especially the first time. Once you write several proposals, the process becomes easier.

A template helps you streamline the process. If you don’t have time to create a proposal from scratch, consider using a call center proposal template.

A call center business proposal is essential to winning over new clients. By including the key elements outlined above, you can create a proposal that will convince potential clients to use your call center business.

BPO Business Plan Sample PDF Example | Free Download Presented by BizMove

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Watch This Video Before Starting Your BPO Business Plan PDF!

Checklist for Starting a BPO Business: Essential Ingredients for Success

If you are thinking about going into business, it is imperative that you watch this video first! it will take you by the hand and walk you through each and every phase of starting a business. It features all the essential aspects you must consider BEFORE you start a BPO business. This will allow you to predict problems before they happeen and keep you from losing your shirt on dog business ideas. Ignore it at your own peril!

For more insightful videos visit our Small Business and Management Skills YouTube Chanel .

Here’s Your Free BPO Business Plan DOC

Free book for you: how to start a business from scratch (pdf).

Copy the following link to your browser and save the file to your PC:

Types of Venture Capital Firms

Traditional Partnerships are often established by wealthy families to aggressively manage a portion of their funds by investing in small companies.

Professionally Managed Pools are made up of institutional money and which operate like the traditional partnerships.

Investment Banking Firms usually trade in more established securities, but occasionally form investor syndicates for venture proposals.

Insurance Companies often have required a portion of equity as a condition of their loans to smaller companies as protection against inflation.

Manufacturing Companies have sometimes looked upon investing in smaller companies as a means of supplementing their research and development programs.

In addition to these venture capital firms, there are individual private investors and finders.  Finders, which can be firms or individuals, often know the capital industry and may be able to help the small company seeking capital to locate it, though they are generally not sources of capital themselves.  Care should be exercised so that a small business owner deals with reputable, professional finders whose fees are in line with industry practice.  Further, it should be noted that venture capitalists generally prefer working directly with principals in making investments, though finders may provide useful introductions.

The Importance of Formal Financial Planning

In case there is any doubt about the implications of the previous sections, it should be noted that it is extremely difficult for any small firm  especially the starting or struggling company - to get venture capital.

There is one thing, however, that owner/managers of small businesses can do to improve the chances of their venture proposals at least escaping the 90% which are almost immediately rejected.  In a word - plan.

Having financial plans demonstrates to venture capital firms that you are a competent manager, that you may have that special managerial edge over other small business owners looking for equity money.  You may gain a decided advantage through well-prepared plans and projections that include: cash budgets, pro forma statements, and capital investment analysis and capital source studies.

Cash budgets should be projected for one year and prepared monthly.

They should combine expected sales revenues, cash receipts, material, labor and overhead expenses, and cash disbursements on a monthly basis.  This permits anticipation of fluctuations in the level of cash and planning for short term borrowing and investment.

Pro forma statements should be prepared for planning up to three years ahead.  They should include both income statements and balance sheets.

Again, these should be prepared quarterly to combine expected sales revenues; production, marketing and administrative expenses; profits; product, market or process investments; and supplier, bank or investment company borrowings. Pro forma statements permit you to anticipate the financial results of your operations and to plan intermediate term borrowings and investments.

Capital investment analyses and capital source studies should be prepared for planning up to five years ahead.  The investment analyses should compare rate of return for product, market, or process investment, while the source alternatives should compare the cost and availability of debt and equity and the expected level of retained earnings, which together will support the selected investments.  These analyses and source studies should be prepared quarterly so you may anticipate the financial consequences of changes in your company's strategy.  They will allow you to plan long term borrowings, equity placements, and major investments.

There is a bonus in making such projections.  They force you to consider the results of your actions.  Your estimates must be explicit; you have to examine and evaluate your managerial records; disagreements must be resolved - or at least discussed and understood.  Financial planning may be burdensome but it is one of the keys to business success.

Now, making these financial plans will not guarantee that you'll be able to get venture capital.  Not making them will virtually assure that you won't receive favorable consideration from venture capitalists.

As Soon as You have decided what Kind of business you want to Begin and The investment requirements, you are ready to select a location. The number of competitive companies already in the region should influence your choice of location. Many areas are bombarded with support stations or particular forms of restaurants. Check on the number of your type of business in Census figures, the yellow pages, or by checking out the place. Factors Aside from the Possible market, availability of Workers And number of competitive companies must be considered in selecting a location. For example, how adequate are utilities - sewer, water, electricity, gas? Parking facilities? Fire and fire protection? What about home and environmental things like schools, cultural and community actions for workers? What's the average cost of the place in rents and taxes? Check on zoning regulations. Assess the business of the neighborhood business-people, the aggressiveness of civic associations. In short, what is the city soul? Such aspects should provide you an idea into the city or town's future. Chambers of Commerce and nearby universities Normally Have created or Are familiar with local polls which may provide answers to those questions and the a number of other questions which will occur to you. Next you must decide in what area of town to find. If the city is Very small and you're establishing retail or service business, there will most likely be little option. Only one shopping place exists. Cities have outlying shopping facilities along with the central dining area, and shops spring up along principal thoroughfares and local streets. Think about the shopping center. It's different from other locations. The shopping center building is pre-planned as a merchandising unit. The site was deliberately selected by a programmer. On-site parking is a common feature. Clients may drive in, park and do their buying in relative speed and safety. Some facilities offer weather protection. Such amenities make the shopping center a valuable location. Additionally, there are some limitations you ought to know about. As a renter, You become part of a merchant team and has to pay your pro rata share of the budget. You must keep shop hourslight your windows, and place your signals according to established rules. Many communities have restrictions on evidence and the middle management may have further limitations. What's more, if you are considering a shopping centre for your first shop you may have an additional issue. Developers and owners of shopping facilities look for successful retailers. The type and Wide Range of merchandise you carry helps determine the Kind of purchasing place you choose. For example, clothing shops, jewelry stores and department stores are more likely to be prosperous in shopping districts. On the flip side, grocery stores, drug stores, filling stations, and bakeries do better on principal thoroughfares and local streets outside the shopping districts. Some sorts of stores customarily pay a very low rent per square foot, while others pay a high rent. In the"low" category are furniture, grocery stores and hardware stores. In the"high" are cigar, drug, women's furnishings, and department stores. There is not any hard and fast rule, but it is helpful to see in which type of area a shop like yours most often seems to flourish. After deciding an area ideal for your type of business, Obtain as many facts as you can about it. Check the competition. How many similar companies are located nearby? What exactly does their sales volume seem to be? If you're establishing a store or support transaction, how far do people come to exchange in the area? Are the traffic patterns favorable? If most of your clients will be local inhabitants, research the population trends of the area. Is population climbing, static or decreasing? Are the people native-born, blended or chiefly foreign? Are fresh cultural groups coming in? Are they mostly laborers, clerks, executives or retired persons? Are they all ages or principally retired, middle aged, or young? Judge purchasing power by assessing average house rental, average property taxes, number of telephones, number of cars and, even if the amount can be obtained, per capita income. Larger shopping centers have this sort of information available, and will make it available to serious prospective tenants. Zoning ordinances, parking availability, transportation facilities And natural barriers - such as bridges and hills - are important considerations in locating any sorts of business. Potential sources for this information are Chambers of Commerce, trade associations, real estate businesses, local papers, banks, city officials, local merchants and personal monitoring. In the event the Bureau of the Census has developed census tract data for the particular area in which you're interested you'll find this especially valuable. A census tract is a small, permanently established, geographical place within a big city and its environs. The Census Bureau provides population and housing characteristics for every tumor. This information could be valuable in measuring your marketplace or service potential. Deciding upon the actual site in a area may well be accepting what you May get. Not too many buildings or plants will be appropriate and in the exact same time, available. Should you have a choice, make sure you weigh the chances carefully. For a production plant, think about the condition and suitability Of the building, transport, parking facilities, and the type of lease. For A shop or service establishment, assess out the closest competition, traffic Flow, parking amenities, road location, physical aspects of the construction, Type of lease and price, and the speed, price and quality of transport. Also Investigate the history of the site. Find answers to such questions as: Has the Building remained empty for any amount of time? Why? Have various types of Stores occupied it for short periods? It might have proved unprofitable for them. Sites where many enterprises have failed should be avoided. Vacant buildings Don't bring traffic and are generally considered bad neighbors, therefore check on nearby unoccupied buildings.

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    Collect and analyze call data to determine staff schedules, hours of operation and staffing levels. 2. Secure appropriate resources to hire each staff member and provide them with a computer, phone, desk setup and wireless telephone headset. 3. Secure physical space for the call center.

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    2.1 The Business. The call center will be registered under the name ListeningU, and will be situated in downtown Brentwood, Los Angeles- California. The call center will be owned and managed by Adam Bruno who is an expert customer service professional. Start your Business Plan Now. Start My Business Plan.

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    3.8 Making your Call Center Future Ready 13 4 Call Center Operations Management 14 4.1 Human Resources Management 14 4.1.1 Minimizing Staff Costs 17 4.1.2 Staff Rostering and Scheduling 17 4.2 Business Continuity Planning 17 5 Call Center Performance Metrics 19 5.1 Agent Performance Measurement 19 5.2 Other Performance Indicators 20

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    developing to include a wide range of business processes (Business Process Outsourcing - BPO) such as HR, Finance, Procurement, Customer Service, and the wider back office function. IT Outsourcing From small beginnings in the 1980s IT Outsourcing has evolved into a sophisticated global market and most companies, no matter how traditional their

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    It is essential to compare prices so that you can choose technologies and tools that align with your business goals, budget, and requirements. 3. Prioritize Security. Since BPO deals with sensitive customer information, stringent security protocols must be in place.

  16. PDF Company Profile and Business Proposal

    About the BPO Industry Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a subset of outsourcing that involves the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of a specific business process to a third-party service provider. Originally, this was associated with manufacturing firms, such as Coca-Cola that outsourced large segments of its supply chain.

  17. Bpo Business Plan

    Bpo Business Plan - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The document proposes a business plan to establish a BPO call center that will provide various customer support services including inbound and outbound calls. The plan outlines objectives to achieve break-even within 2-3 years, establish contracts with 4-5 ...

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    Lean Business Plan Template PDF. This scannable business plan template allows you to easily identify the most important elements of your plan. Use this template to outline key details pertaining to your business and industry, product or service offerings, target customer segments (and channels to reach them), and to identify sources of revenue.

  19. How To Create A Call Center Business Proposal + Template

    This is where you outline the services your call center can provide to help solve the client's problem. Be specific and include details on what services you will offer and how they will benefit the client. For example, if the client is struggling to keep up with customer demand, you would propose your call center services as a solution.

  20. Free BPO Business Plan PDF Template

    A Step by Step Guide to Starting a Small Business. This is a practical manual in a PDF format, that will walk you step by step through all the essential phases of starting your BPO business. The book is packed with guides, worksheets and checklists. These strategies are absolutely crucial to your business' success yet are simple and easy to Apply.

  21. PDF Broadridge BPO Business Continuity Plan Document for Clients

    1. FIRM POLICY. Protecting our client's books and records, and allowing the customers to transact required business. Ensure critical functions can be recovered within required guidelines. Broadridge Managed Services plan anticipates on a broad level two kinds of SBD's - internal and external.


    BPO : Business Process Outsourcing is a Complete outsourcing of a full process with all elements and focus on the core elements. IT : Application of information technology to specific tasks of business to make it automatic semiautomatic, thereby saving on manpower and hence cost and improvise quality of service, performance.