
Essay on Camera

Students are often asked to write an essay on Camera in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Camera


A camera is a device that captures images. These images can be still photographs or moving images such as videos.

Types of Cameras

There are many types of cameras including digital, film, professional, and phone cameras. Each type has its unique features.

Uses of Cameras

Cameras are used in various fields such as journalism, filmmaking, science, and more. They also help us capture life’s precious moments.

In conclusion, cameras are an important tool in our lives. They allow us to document and share our experiences.

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250 Words Essay on Camera

The camera, a ubiquitous tool in today’s digital age, has revolutionized the way we perceive and capture the world around us. It has evolved from being a simple tool for documentation to a sophisticated device for artistic expression, communication, and data analysis.

The Evolution of the Camera

The camera’s journey began with the camera obscura, a simple optical device used in the Renaissance period. The invention of the daguerreotype in the 19th century marked the beginning of photography. The 20th century witnessed rapid advancements with the introduction of the Polaroid, enabling instant photography, and the digital camera, which eliminated the need for film.

The Camera in the Digital Age

Today, cameras are integrated into smartphones, drones, and even satellites, making photography accessible to all. They serve not just as tools for capturing memories, but also for communicating ideas and emotions. The rise of social media platforms has further amplified the role of the camera in our lives.

Cameras and Artificial Intelligence

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with cameras has opened up new avenues. AI-enabled cameras can recognize faces, detect objects, and even predict behavior, finding applications in fields like surveillance, healthcare, and autonomous vehicles.

The camera, from its humble beginnings to its current advanced state, has significantly impacted society. As technology continues to evolve, the camera’s role will continue to expand, making it a vital tool in our increasingly visual and interconnected world.

500 Words Essay on Camera

Introduction: the camera as a tool of expression and documentation.

The camera, a revolutionary invention in the world of technology, has drastically shaped the way we perceive, interpret, and document reality. It is a device that captures light in a physical medium, either on film or digitally, to produce an image. Invented in the early 19th century, the camera has evolved significantly over time, from large, cumbersome devices to compact, sophisticated gadgets that can fit into our pockets.

The camera’s journey began with the camera obscura, a device that projected an image onto a surface through a small hole. This concept was later refined and developed into the daguerreotype, the first publicly available photographic process. However, these early cameras were limited in their capabilities, requiring long exposure times and producing images that were not easily reproducible.

The introduction of the dry plate process in the 1870s, followed by the invention of roll film in the 1880s, marked a significant turning point in the camera’s evolution. These innovations made photography more accessible and portable, paving the way for the first mass-produced camera, the Kodak Brownie, in 1900.

Modern Cameras and Technological Advancements

The advent of the digital era in the late 20th century brought about another profound shift in camera technology. Digital cameras, which capture and store images electronically rather than on film, have become the standard in recent years. They offer numerous advantages over their analog predecessors, including instant image review, larger storage capacity, and the ability to manipulate images digitally.

Moreover, the integration of cameras into smartphones has democratized photography, allowing virtually anyone to capture and share images instantly. This ubiquity of cameras has had a profound impact on society, influencing everything from journalism and advertising to social media and personal communication.

The Impact of Cameras on Society

Cameras have not only revolutionized the way we capture and share images, but also how we interact with the world. They have become a tool of expression and a means of communication, enabling us to document our lives, explore our creativity, and share our perspectives with others.

In journalism, cameras have played a pivotal role in bringing distant events and issues to the forefront of public consciousness. They have also transformed advertising, with high-quality images becoming a key component of successful marketing campaigns.

On a personal level, cameras allow us to preserve memories and moments, documenting our lives in a way that was not possible before. They have also become a key tool in the rise of social media, enabling users to share their experiences and perspectives with a global audience.

Conclusion: The Camera’s Role in the Future

As technology continues to advance, cameras will undoubtedly continue to evolve, offering ever greater capabilities and possibilities. Virtual reality cameras, 360-degree cameras, and advanced drone cameras are just a few examples of the exciting developments on the horizon.

Despite these technological advancements, the essence of the camera remains the same: it is a tool that allows us to capture, interpret, and share our view of the world. As such, it will continue to play a crucial role in our society, influencing how we communicate, express ourselves, and understand the world around us.

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The Importance of Camera Technology in the Modern World

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Free The Digital Camera Technology Essay Sample

A world without photography is unimaginable. This is because it is a world that lacks all the essential items such as the ID’s, or portraits, souvenirs, celebrity pictures, x-ray photographs, as well as advertising pictures. This shows that photographs are such essential items that are required by the social world in which we live today. Increased globalization, as well as the use of new technologies has resulted into increased need for people to use images and photographs to create meaning into their social lives. The world of photography has advanced from the analogue technology into the digital technology. In this case, the digital cameras have been developed and have brought about new concepts concerning photos; they have additionally increased the value of social lives that people live  today. It is important to note that almost all the social events that man is involved in, deal with the concept of photography that cannot be left out. This is regardless of the purpose and nature of the event. Photography is employed in parties, ceremonies, rallies, campaigns, media industry and other events. This paper considers looking at the new technology, ‘digital camera technology’ that was developed and has spread among people. This technology will be analyzed in terms of how the social forces have pushed its development, as well as how the technology has influenced the social patterns of people.

This technology is said to have advanced from the same technology that was responsible for creation of television images. This was after the year 1951 when the first video tape recorder was able to capture the images through converting the information they had into electric impulses (digital) and transferring these impulses onto a magnetic tape. This development was followed by the 1960’s NASA project that changed using the analogue technology to using the digital technology and gave the opportunity to send the images from the Moon back on the Earth.

Other research studies and inventions were carried out, and on the17 th of April, 1994, there was a breakthrough in the manufacture of digital camera’s destined for the consumer markets. The digital cameras that were released worked well with the home computer at the time. The first type of camera to be released for the consumer market was the ‘ Apple Quick Take 100 camera’ , which was released on 17 th Feb, 1994, and was followed by the ‘ Kodak DC40 camera’ which was released on 28 th Feb, 1995, then other companies also joined in by manufacturing other kinds of digital cameras for the market.

The Digital Camera Technology

This technology involves the development of camera that doesn’t use a film. Instead, the camera works as a computer accessory; however the basic principles of operation are the same as those of the analogue camera. The difference with this technology is that the camera doesn’t have the mechanical moving parts; instead the camera has been featured with an LCD screen which displays the photo or the scenery that the camera has focused on. This technology is more flexible than the analogue one since if the photographer doesn’t like the photo that is taken, then the photo is deleted. The camera has no film therefore doesn’t require the process of developing the photo.

The working of this camera is quite explicit. This is because when one takes a photograph the aperture opens and the light gets into the camera and goes through a series of lenses before falling onto the CCD. When it arrives at the CCD, a charge is generated proportionally to the amount of light that moves into the camera. This is converted into a signal which is converted from analogue to digital. The data which is in digital form is kept in an ‘on-board memory’, and then it’s changed by the computer chip to be of the JPEG format.

Contemporary Social Uses of Digital Camera in Today’s World

The social world we live in today has employed photography as a core aspect of its social life. It is against this fact that the digital camera technology has been embraced in almost all other areas of life. It is indeed true that the uses of ‘digital camera’ have kept increasing from one generation to another. This is because of the new social demands, as well as the changing social patterns of people’s lives that the digital camera has found new uses with time.

The first use of the digital camera of course is to capture digital images that can be converted into still images which can be stored to keep history. In this regard, the digital camera is used as a gadget by which the images of functions such as occasions, meetings, parties, weddings, and rallies among others may be captured and be stored to keep the history. In this regard, the introduction and commercialization of the sale of digital cameras have played a critical role in making the digital camera a strong avenue by which the users can capture images and practice photography.

Secondly, the digital camera technology has played a major role in the development and sustenance of the social media, and thus the social experiences of people with each other. In this case, the digital camera technology has led to the evolving of the social media cultures within the constraints of globalization. The introduction of the digital camera has expanded the social media services. In this case, today an increased number of people who have subscribed to the social media sites such as you tube, and Flicker use the digital images they have collected from their digital cameras. They are able to send the images to the social media sites, as well as receive images from these sites. In this regard, the digital cameras play an important role in data collection, and transfer from one site to the other.

Third, the digital camera technology has played a big role in increasing the ‘interactivity of people’ with each other, objects and their world. This is because the technology allows people from different places and with different experiences to exchange materials and experiences and thus interact. This is because the camera can be linked to the computer where the images are stored and exchanged. Increased number of the digital camera users, as well as the high numbers of subscribers to social sites such as Flicker where images are exchanged shows that the world has become much more interactive. The ability of the camera to take store and exchange images through the computer has contributed significantly to the interactive culture among the new generational people today.

Finally, the digital camera has played a huge role in today’s social world through promoting sharing of experiences, events, and incidences. Today, most of the large international media stations such as CNN have employed the use of digital cameras in capturing live events of incidences across the world. The journalists of these stations have the latest technologies of digital camera which allows them to focus on the happenings and events. This has made people across the world to be able to exchange information, learn new events, and cultures of other people across the globe. The digital camera technology has played a significant role with regard to the facilitation and storage of the images which are exchanged.

Possible Future Development

The journey with regard to the development of the digital technology, and the digital camera in specific has been long. However, the success of the digital camera and the positive impact this technology has had with regard to redefining the social patterns of life of the people today is remarkable. However, it should be noted that technology goes with time, and thus there is room for future development of this technology.

The possible future development of the digital camera may be considered in two forms. First, it may be through the improvements in the quality of images that would be picked in the days to come. I foresee a case where the ‘pixel’ technology would be improved so that it is not based on the camera that one purchases, but a standard digital camera will be made with a flexible provision by which different portable ‘pixels’ can be used. If this comes true in the future development of the digital camera, then the histories of the social world we live today will be well captured and stored for future use. In addition, it would improve the social cultures such as the interactions that users of social media sites such as Flicker and ‘you tube’ have with each other. In other words, it would create a world that is socially bound by the exchanges that people in various parts will have with each other.

The second likely future development that may take place with regards to the digital camera technology may involve linking the digital images that are taken across the world to one central cable. This technology if successful may be useful in improving global security, as well as making the globe a smaller village with regard to the exchange of information, across the societies and individuals with digital camera.

Social Context, Social Forces and Social Actors That Have Influenced the Development of  Digital Camera

The development of the Digital camera has not come on its own; there have been social forces and actors that have played a pivotal role towards the success of the digital camera technology. As the world opens up, and there is increased social needs of people from various parts of the world to communicate, interact as well as share information; the demand for a media by which images would be captured and exchanged was necessary. In this case, there was need for the device that would allow the photographers to capture images and share them with people and this became a force that pushed for the development of the digital media.

The forces of globalization also played a critical role in the development of the digital camera technology. This is because the connection that various states had with each other developed the need for a much more interactive media by which the citizens of the countries could communicate. The success of the internet was a great invention; however people needed a technology that they could use to be able to exchange information and experiences through photography. These led to the development of the social media sites such as Flicker where people have the opportunity to share information through pictures. In this case, social media became an avenue that increased the use of photography.

The need for exchange of photos at household level was limited by the era of analogue camera where photography was much practiced by the professional cameras. The need for family members to have the opportunity to share information, as well as pictures and photos also was a great force that made many households to purchase the digital camera. The digital camera technology through the services such as ‘teleconferencing’ has enabled members of households living far from each other to share information, as well as visual images.

Increased socialization of people in the digital age also led to the increased need for data and information management. This could not be a success in the analogue setting. This made it necessary for the digital technology to be embraced for it can be easily programmed. Today, the digital camera images can be programmed and stored in specific formats, the images can be further edited with regard to the users' needs. Therefore, increased socialization of people from many communities led to the high demand for digital cameras and thus its success in the market.

The other social actor that influenced the development of the ‘digital camera technology’ was the pressure from ‘entertainment and advertising industries’. As the world moved to new technologies, the entertainment, as well as the advertising industries developed the demand for digital technology in order to capture the best shots of sceneries for entertainment purposes, and to capture the best photographs that could be used for the purposes of advertising. Indeed, there was a great need for digital technology in the entertainment industry in the areas of photography of events, live recording of entertainment programs, as well as the use of digital technology in allowing people who were far from other social events to access the events. This required the use of digital cameras which could arrest the photos, transfer them into electric signals that are fed onto the computer as jpeg and later transmitted live via the digital television.

Indeed, the development of ‘digital camera’ affected social groups, this is because digitization of the camera began mass popularization of photography. This was characterized by more the cameras becoming affordable allowing more people to access it. This changed the way the society viewed photography. More people could access the digital camera and thus the socio-economic levels of people did not affect one’s ability to participate in photography. The society had to respond to this change by interacting more with the photographs that were made accessible to them through digital technology. Photography also became friendlier as more and more people entered into the field.

Digitization was the beginning of the mass popularization of the photography; as photographs and cameras became more affordable, so people were able to access them which led to their wider distribution.

The other effect that came to the society through the digital camera technology was the introduction of a participatory culture. This is because the new spread of digital technology brought people closer as they interacted with each other through the images that were posted on social media sites such as Flicker. The society became more participatory as more people found time and opportunity to share information and interact through this kind of technology.

There has also been an increase in the number of social groups after the commercialization of digital camera. In this case, the commercialization of digital camera led to more people finding the social media sites that used digital photography technology as fit to them. This is because the photographs made the social sites more appealing to people. This is because the combination of digital photography and global network resulted to be very beneficial to the users in terms of improving the connectivity of people with each other.

All in all, the paper has clearly demonstrated that the introduction of the digital technology has greatly influenced the social world. The appearance of the digital technology has changed the social world in various aspects. The effect of the digital technology on the social world includes its contribution to the development of social media, the TV-media, and other forms of communications. It is clear that the digital camera technology has influenced the quality of people's life in various ways, as well as it has affected the behaviors among the social groups in the 21 st century. 

digital camera essay

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Digital Cameras vs. Film Cameras in Photographing Essay


The imaging and photographing domains have been facing tremendous developments in the ensuing milieu characterised by cutting edge innovations in information technology and media. The old adage that necessity is the mother of all invention aptly applies to what has become of contemporary technology. The film camera has enjoyed its protracted years of limelight in the billion dollar filming and entertainment industries as well as in other motion pictures realms. Modern technology in IT and media fronts has seen the introduction and the growing popularity of the digital camera as a unit product and as a plug-in in various mobile technological units such as cell phones.

Film and digital cameras are expansively dissimilar media devises. Although the two are used for similar purposes, the two models’ functionalities are completely unrelatable to each other. One major aspect in which the two media devised can be differentiated is the matter of controls and output quality. For the digital Camera unlike in the film model, controls manipulated off default settings will yield superb tonal quality. This must however be complemented by an appropriate adherence to the particulate processing steps. Graphic professional Segura Francisco (2008) notes that using film camera will demand more work and well skilled and experienced photographers normally get better results on film in cases where the requisite photographing steps from shot to print are completed meticulously. “This is the reason why many photographing novices prefer using digital cameras to ensure getting better results weathering the challenges posed by using film camera for beginners” (Segura, Francisco 2008). Needless; to say unlike film cameras digital cameras have fewer aspects and variables to control.

Graphic and photography scholars Ashihara, K. et al (2005) note that one major difference that exists between the two media and photographing technological components, film and digital cameras; is based on that film cameras will depend on the human eye judgment in the processing of the negatives which often leads to the generation of poor quality results. “As such many photographers prefer the consistency that comes with digital technology.” (Ashihara, K. et al 2005) The scholars underscore that this is despite the fact that film cameras offer great results when much expertise and acumen are applied right through the photographing up to the processing stages of a capturing exercise. They note that this is the reason why many photographers go the slide transparency filming route in the sense that the printer can detect the intended output impressions. (Ashihara, K. et al 2005)

The popularity of the film camera has survived the surge of the popularity of the digital Camera that gripped photographers and publishers particularly in the post 1999 milieu. The growing popularity of the digital model ha snot dislodged the use of the film camera in domains where it excels. This ahs been evidenced by the continued use of the film camera in various serious image capturing contexts. Photography Scholars Borwick, J. et al (1994) note that huge format film camera is still popularly used or serious landscape photography while the digital counterpart is common for fun shots also factoring in its convenience attribute. The film camera is recommended for its optimality in the manner in which it handles and renders the photographing highlights. According to Borwick, J. et al (1994) film camera overloads smoothly when highlights get too light or in case where there are wash outs. The analysts observe that the film model mimics the human eye far better than does the digital model. “The weak point of the digital models is that highlights abruptly clip and appear horrible as soon as there get to white colour impression.” (Borwick J. et al 1994) Unlike in film photographic processing digital camera does not offer any graceful overload to white impressions. Croll, M. (2001) notes that digital cameras’ characteristic curve shoots straight to 255 white and just collapses into the wall.

In comparing the two models; film and digital camera, it is worthy mention that for the film camera especially those of larger photography design; film cameras have a formidable resolution. This is essential since print size increase to wall proportions yet is it invisible in 5 x 7prints. (Opcit) Despite the notable characteristic of either of the two photographing models none of them can be said to be better that the other in absolute terms. The selection of any model would depend on the application scenario and attributes where a photographer intends to shoot. What some times nullifies the logic in debating on which of the two is better of the two basing on output is that; for instance the artist (in production processes) has the influence over output. As such arguing from the base on output to evaluate the two photography models can not be the best thing to do considering that in some cases optimality of output depends on the artist and not necessarily on the model of the medium.

Croll, M. (2001) presents that the debate normally culminates from the premise of levels of competence stating that those who are not adequately skilled to manipulate the film camera for obtaining optimum results often dash to the other end and argue for the digital. “Yet for one photographer who has mastered the arty of obtaining every last drop from the film’s camera model, which is in large format film; the film camera is technically better than digital in every way” (Croll, M. 2001) The scholar has underscored that many exponents of the film camera model argue against the film model largely due to the fact that they are not competent enough to manipulate it to obtain optimal filming and photographing results.

In summation it can be stated that both models have great results in cases where the devises attributes and controls as well as variables are skillfully manipulated during the photographing and image processing stages to get desired results. The digital has proved put to be more convenient for reasons entailing portability whilst the model also provides great quality much needed and tailored for photojournalism as well as fun portraits. On the other end optimum results can also be obtained through film model in jobs that require large prints. Film is particularly essential in reproduction process where textures in nature as well as landscapes are critically important.

Many photographing activities have made use of the two models considering the merits of each of the two models in different aspects of photography. Film and digital cameras devises thus can be said to accomplish different aspects better whilst from another perspective the two model functionalities and attributes can complement each other. Croll, M. (2001) cites that one model will diminish where the other excels. He states that the war like pitting of the two photographing and medium devises is just an editorialising gimmick to up magazine and news/reviews publications sales. This is well highlighted by the fact that film usage has already diminished in professional newspaper in the two years or so despite the fact that the model is still used in entities that for mainly financial reasons have not switched to the digital era.

”Equally; note that there has been no digital camera that has come close to dislodging the popularity of “8X10” huge format film model for large exhibition print outputs which require hellacious detailing” (Croll, M. 2001)

  • Ashihara, K. et al, Detection threshold for distortions due to jitter on digital audio, Oak Press, NYK, 2005
  • Borwick, J. et al,The Loudspeaker and Headphone Handbook, Floyd Toole, Focal Press, 1994.
  • Croll, M, “Pulse Code Modulation for High Quality Sound Distribution: Quantizing Distortion at Very Low Signal Levels”, Research Department Report No, Millennium Press, US, 2001
  • Segura, Francisco, ” The Difference Between Digital Camera And Film Camera “. 2008. EzineArticles.com .
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IvyPanda. (2021, October 14). Digital Cameras vs. Film Cameras in Photographing. https://ivypanda.com/essays/digital-cameras-vs-film-cameras-in-photographing/

"Digital Cameras vs. Film Cameras in Photographing." IvyPanda , 14 Oct. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/digital-cameras-vs-film-cameras-in-photographing/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Digital Cameras vs. Film Cameras in Photographing'. 14 October.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Digital Cameras vs. Film Cameras in Photographing." October 14, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/digital-cameras-vs-film-cameras-in-photographing/.

1. IvyPanda . "Digital Cameras vs. Film Cameras in Photographing." October 14, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/digital-cameras-vs-film-cameras-in-photographing/.


IvyPanda . "Digital Cameras vs. Film Cameras in Photographing." October 14, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/digital-cameras-vs-film-cameras-in-photographing/.

How to Make a Photo Essay: 5 Tips for Impactful Results

A Post By: Christina N Dickson

how to make a photo essay

Want to tell meaningful stories with your photos? That’s what a photo essay is all about: conveying concepts and narratives through a series of carefully chosen images.

While telling a story with photos can be a daunting task, there are several easy tips and techniques you can use in your photo essays to create striking, stunning, eye-opening results.

And that’s what I’m going to share in this article: five photo essay tips that you can immediately apply to your photography. You’ll leave as a better photo essayist than when you arrived!

Let’s get started.

What is a photo essay?

A photo essay is a collection of images placed in a specific order to convey certain emotions , specific concepts, or a progression of events.

In other words:

The photo essay tells stories just like a normal piece of writing , except with images instead of words. (Here, I’m using the term “story” loosely; as mentioned above, photo essays can encapsulate emotions or concepts in addition to traditional, time-based narratives.)

fire in the street photo essay

Plenty of world-class photojournalists use photo essays, including Lauren Greenfield, James Nachtwey, and Joachim Ladefoged. But the photo essay format isn’t exclusive to professionals, and photo essays don’t need to cover dramatic events such as wars, natural disasters, and social issues. Whether you are a complete beginner, a hobbyist, or a professional, the photo essay is a great way to bring your images to life, tell relevant stories about your own surroundings, and touch your family, friends, and coworkers.

So without further ado, let’s look at five easy tips to take your photo essays to the next level, starting with:

1. Find a topic you care about

Every good photo essay should start with an idea .

Otherwise, you’ll be shooting without a purpose – and while such an approach may eventually lead to an interesting series of photos, it’s far, far easier to begin with a topic and only then take out your camera.

As I emphasized above, a photo essay can be about anything. You don’t need to fixate on “classic” photo essay themes, such as war and poverty. Instead, you might focus on local issues that matter to you (think of problems plaguing your community). You can also think about interesting stories worth telling, even if they don’t have an activism angle.

For instance, is there an area undergoing major development? Try documenting the work from start to finish. Is there a particular park or nature area you love? Create a series of images that communicate its beauty.

a nice park

One key item to remember:

Photo essays are most powerful when you, as the photographer, care about the subject. Whether you choose to document something major and public, like an environmental crisis, or whether you choose to document something small and intimate, like the first month of a newborn in the family, make sure you focus on a topic that matters to you .

Otherwise, you’ll struggle to finish the essay – and even if you do successfully complete it, viewers will likely notice your lack of passion.

2. Do your research

The best photo essays involve some real work. Don’t just walk around and shoot with abandon; instead, try to understand your subject.

That way, you can capture a more authentic series of photos.

For instance, if you document a newborn’s first month , spend time with the family. Discover who the parents are, what culture they are from, and their parenting philosophy.

a newborn child

If you cover the process of a school’s drama production, talk with the teachers, actors, and stagehands; investigate the general interest of the student body; find out how the school is financing the production and keeping costs down.

If you photograph a birthday party, check out the theme, the decorations they plan on using, what the birthday kid hopes to get for their gifts.

If you’re passionate about your topic, the research should come easy. You should enjoy learning the backstory.

And then, when it comes time to actually shoot, you’ll have a much clearer understanding of the topic. You’ll know the key players in the story, the key ideas, and the key locations. You’ll be able to hone in on what matters and block out the flashy distractions.

Make sense?

3. Find the right angle

Once you’ve done your research, you’ll know your topic inside and out.

At which point you’ll need to ask yourself:

What is the real, authentic story I want to tell?

Every story has a hundred different angles and perspectives. And trying to share the story from every perspective is a recipe for failure.

Instead, pick a single angle and focus on it. If you’re documenting a local issue, do you want to focus on how it affects children? The physical area? The economy? If you’re documenting a newborn’s first month, do you want to focus on the interaction between the newborn and the parents? The growth of the newborn? The newborn’s emotions?

a parent and their child photo essay

As you’ll find out during your research, even stories that seem to be completely one-sided have plenty of hidden perspectives to draw on.

So think about your story carefully. In general, I recommend you approach it from the angle you’re most passionate about (consider the previous tip!), but you’re always free to explore different perspectives.

4. Convey emotion

Not all photo essays must convey emotion. But the most powerful ones do.

After all, think of the stories that you know and love. Your favorite books, movies, and TV shows. Do they touch you on an emotional level?

Don’t get me wrong: Every photo essay shouldn’t cover a sappy, heartstring-tugging tale. You can always focus on conveying other emotions: anger, joy, fear, hurt, excitement.

(Of course, if your story is sappy and heartstring-tugging, that’s fine, too – just don’t force it!)

How do you convey emotions, though? There’s no one set way, but you can include photos of meaningful scenes – human interactions generally work well here! – or you can simply show emotion on the faces of your photographic subjects . Really, the best way to communicate emotions through your photos is to feel the emotions yourself; they’ll bleed over into your work for a unique result.

a protester with lots of emotion

5. Plan your shots

Once you’ve done the research and determined the angle and emotions you’d like to convey, I recommend you sit down, take out a pen and paper, and plan your photo essay .

Should you extensively visualize each photo? Should you walk through the venue, imagining possible compositions ?

Honestly, that’s up to you, and it’ll depend on how you like to work. I do recommend that beginners start out by creating a “shot list” for the essay. Here, you should describe the main subject, the narrative purpose of the image, plus any lighting or composition notes. Once you become more experienced, you can be looser in your planning, though I still recommend you at least think about the different shots you want to capture.

You can start by planning 10 shots. Each one should emphasize a different concept or emotion, but make sure to keep a consistent thread running through every composition; after all, the end goal is to create a powerful series of images that tell a story.

One final tip:

While you should stick to your plan pretty closely, at least at first, don’t ignore the potential for spontaneity. If you see a possible shot, take it! You can later evaluate whether it’s a worthwhile addition to your essay.

a toxic container on a beach

Photo essay tips: final words

Now that you’ve finished this article, you know all about what photo essays are, and – hopefully! – how to create a beautiful essay of your own.

a community gardening event photo essay

Just remember: storytelling takes practice, but you don’t have to be an incredible writer to pull off a powerful photo essay. All you need is a bit of photographic technique, some creativity, and a lot of heart.

Once you start to tell stories with your photos, your portfolio will never be the same!

Now over to you:

Do you have any tips for doing photo essays? Do you have any essays you’re proud of? Share them in the comments below!

How to Make a Photo Essay: 5 Tips for Impactful Results

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Christina N Dickson

is a visionary artist and philanthropist in Portland Oregon. Her work includes wedding photography www.BrideInspired.com and leadership with www.RevMediaBlog.com .

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Free Essay On Learn How To Use A Digital Camera

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Photography , Light , Camera , Lens , Speed , Sensor , People , Faster

Published: 02/13/2020



The use of digital cameras has become a part of people’s everyday lives. It is now an instrument by which people express themselves and communicate with each other, especially with the photos taken being easily made available on the Internet (Dong-Hoo 266). Although quality is not a major concern for the pictures that people take on their digital cameras and post on the Web, learning to handle the digital camera will help one take advantage of its features and create stunning photographs. In this regard, this paper provides a discussion on the important parts of a digital camera, particularly a digital SLR (Single-lens reflex) camera, and how they can be used to take better photographs. The first part is the lens. There are two types of lenses (Fox). One is the prime lens, which has a single focal length and has a 50-millimeter lens. Another is the zoom lens, which is a 17 to 55-millimeter lens. While the zoom lens covers what the prime lens can cover, some people prefer using a prime lens as it is easier to use, makes fewer compromises, and tends to be sharper and faster. On the other hand, a zoom lens is more versatile, although lens speed is compromised by the range of the lens. In this case, a telephoto or a long lens and bright sunlight are needed for taking shots of moving objects, such as sports events or flying birds. However, some lenses and cameras already come with built-in optical stabilization, which reduces the disadvantages of a slow lens. It can also keep unsteady hands from making the photographs blurry. Aside from determining the type of lens needed for taking certain photographs, three adjustments must be made on the camera in order to improve the quality of the photographs taken. In particular, these adjustments must be made on the shutter speed, the aperture, and the ISO, all of which are responsible for controlling the light or the effect of the light that reaches the digital camera’s sensor. The shutter speed pertains to the length of time that the digital camera’s sensor is exposed to light. For example, a shutter speed of 100 means that the shutter is open for a hundredth of a second while a shutter speed of 50 means that the shutter is open for a fiftieth of a second. In this regard, a lower shutter speed means slower. In turn, a slower shutter speed means that the shutter is open longer and that more light is able to reach the sensor. As such, slower shutter speeds produce brighter shots. However, the disadvantage is that a slower shutter speed tends to produce blurry photographs while a faster shutter speed tends to produce dark photographs. In this regard, the right shutter speed is usually 1/ (focal length of the lens). For example, a 300-millimeter lens should have a shutter speed of 1/300th of a second while a 50-millimeter lens should have a shutter speed of 1/50th of a second. On the other hand, the aperture is responsible for controlling the volume of light that reaches the digital camera’s sensor. In particular, it reduces the area where light flows. This volume of light is controlled through f-stops where a higher f-stop means that less light reaches the sensor. Conversely, a camera with a lower lowest f-stop means that it is faster. In addition, it should be kept in mind that a higher f-stop is better when focusing on a larger area of the shot while a lower f-stop is better for obtaining a shallower depth of field. Finally, the ISO is an electronic parameter that when increased brightens the photograph and amplifies the noise from the camera’s sensor. However, the noise can fade into the background when it is not necessary to amplify. In addition, a higher ISO provides a narrower aperture and a faster shutter speed.

With the digital camera being an essential part of many people’s daily activities, whether professionally or for leisure, it is important for one to know the parts of the digital camera and how to maximize their use in order to get better photographs. The lens and the amount of light that reaches the sensor are largely responsible for the quality of the photos that are taken. In this regard, determining the right lens to use and the right amount of light needed greatly contribute to the quality of the photographs that are produced.

Works Cited

Dong-Hoo, Lee. "Digital Cameras, Personal Photography And The Reconfiguration Of Spatial Experiences." Information Society 26.4 (2010): 266-275. Academic Search Complete. Web. 31 Aug. 2013. Fox, Geoff. "Don't Shoot In Auto! How To Take Better Pictures." PC Magazine 28.6 (2009): 1. Academic Search Complete. Web. 31 Aug. 2013.


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