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26 Planning a Discursive Essay

Discursive essay – description.

A discursive essay is a form of critical essay that attempts to provide the reader with a balanced argument on a topic, supported by evidence. It requires critical thinking, as well as sound and valid arguments (see Chapter 25) that acknowledge and analyse arguments both for and against any given topic, plus discursive essay writing appeals to reason, not emotions or opinions. While it may draw some tentative conclusions, based on evidence, the main aim of a discursive essay is to inform the reader of the key arguments and allow them to arrive at their own conclusion.

The writer needs to research the topic thoroughly to present more than one perspective and should check their own biases and assumptions through critical reflection (see Chapter 30).

Unlike persuasive writing, the writer does not need to have knowledge of the audience, though should write using academic tone and language (see Chapter 20).

Choose Your Topic Carefully

A basic guide to choosing an assignment topic is available in Chapter 23, however choosing a topic for a discursive essay means considering more than one perspective. Not only do you need to find information about the topic via academic sources, you need to be able to construct a worthwhile discussion, moving from idea to idea. Therefore, more forward planning is required. The following are decisions that need to be considered when choosing a discursive essay topic:

  • These will become the controlling ideas for your three body paragraphs (some essays may require more). Each controlling idea will need arguments both for and against.
  • For example, if my topic is “renewable energy” and my three main (controlling) ideas are “cost”, “storage”, “environmental impact”, then I will need to consider arguments both for and against each of these three concepts. I will also need to have good academic sources with examples or evidence to support my claim and counter claim for each controlling idea (More about this in Chapter 27).
  • Am I able to write a thesis statement about this topic based on the available research? In other words, do my own ideas align with the available research, or am I going to be struggling to support my own ideas due to a lack of academic sources or research? You need to be smart about your topic choice. Do not make it harder than it has to be. Writing a discursive essay is challenging enough without struggling to find appropriate sources.
  • For example, perhaps I find a great academic journal article about the uptake of solar panel installation in suburban Australia and how this household decision is cost-effective long-term, locally stored, and has minimal, even beneficial environmental impact due to the lowering of carbon emissions. Seems too good to be true, yet it is perfect for my assignment. I would have to then find arguments AGAINST everything in the article that supports transitioning suburbs to solar power. I would have to challenge the cost-effectiveness, the storage, and the environmental impact study. Now, all of a sudden my task just became much more challenging.
  • There may be vast numbers of journal articles written about your topic, but consider how relevant they may be to your tentative thesis statement. It takes a great deal of time to search for appropriate academic sources. Do you have a good internet connection at home or will you need to spend some quality time at the library? Setting time aside to complete your essay research is crucial for success.

It is only through complete forward planning about the shape and content of your essay that you may be able to choose the topic that best suits your interests, academic ability and time management. Consider how you will approach the overall project, not only the next step.

Research Your Topic

When completing a library search for online peer reviewed journal articles, do not forget to use Boolean Operators to refine or narrow your search field. Standard Boolean Operators are (capitalized) AND, OR and NOT. While using OR will expand your search, AND and NOT will reduce the scope of your search. For example, if I want information on ageism and care giving, but I only want it to relate to the elderly, I might use the following to search a database: ageism AND care NOT children. Remember to keep track of your search strings (like the one just used) and then you’ll know what worked and what didn’t as you come and go from your academic research.

The UQ Library provides an excellent step-by-step guide to searching databases:

Searching in databases – Library – University of Queensland (uq.edu.au)

Did you know that you can also link the UQ Library to Google Scholar? This link tells you how:

Google Scholar – Library – University of Queensland (uq.edu.au)

Write the Thesis Statement

The concept of a thesis statement was introduced in Chapter 21. The information below relates specifically to a discursive essay thesis statement.

As noted in the introduction to this chapter, the discursive essay should not take a stance and therefore the thesis statement must also impartially indicate more than one perspective. The goal is to present both sides of an argument equally and allow the reader to make an informed and well-reasoned choice after providing supporting evidence for each side of the argument.

Sample thesis statements: Solar energy is a cost -effective solution to burning fossil fuels for electricity , however lower income families cannot afford the installation costs .

Some studies indicate that teacher comments written in red may have no effect on students’ emotions , however other studies suggest that seeing red ink on papers could cause some students unnecessary stress. [1]

According to social justice principles, education should be available to all , yet historically, the intellectually and physically impaired may have been exempt from participation due to their supposed inability to learn. [2]

This is where your pros and cons list comes into play. For each pro, or positive statement you make, about your topic, create an equivalent con, or negative statement and this will enable you to arrive at two opposing assertions – the claim and counter claim.

While there may be multiple arguments or perspectives related to your essay topic, it is important that you match each claim with a counter-claim. This applies to the thesis statement and each supporting argument within the body paragraphs of the essay.

It is not just a matter of agreeing or disagreeing. A neutral tone is crucial. Do not include positive or negative leading statements, such as “It is undeniable that…” or “One should not accept the view that…”. You are NOT attempting to persuade the reader to choose one viewpoint over another.

Leading statements / language will be discussed further, in class, within term three of the Academic English course.

Thesis Structure:

  • Note the two sides (indicated in green and orange)
  • Note the use of tentative language: “Some studies”, “may have”, “could cause”, “some students”
  • As the thesis is yet to be discussed in-depth, and you are not an expert in the field, do not use definitive language
  • The statement is also one sentence, with a “pivot point” in the middle, with a comma and signposting to indicate a contradictory perspective (in black). Other examples include, nevertheless, though, although, regardless, yet, albeit. DO NOT use the word “but” as it lacks academic tone. Some signposts (e.g., although, though, while) may be placed at the start of the two clauses rather than in the middle – just remember the comma, for example, “While some studies suggest solar energy is cost-effective, other critical research questions its affordability.”
  • Also note that it is based on preliminary research and not opinion: “some studies”, “other studies”, “according to social justice principles”, “critical research”.

Claims and Counter Claims

NOTE: Please do not confuse the words ‘claim’ and ‘counter-claim’ with moral or value judgements about right/wrong, good/bad, successful/unsuccessful, or the like. The term ‘claim’ simply refers to the first position or argument you put forward (whether for or against), and ‘counter-claim’ is the alternate position or argument.

In a discursive essay the goal is to present both sides equally and then draw some tentative conclusions based on the evidence presented.

  • To formulate your claims and counter claims, write a list of pros and cons.
  • For each pro there should be a corresponding con.
  • Three sets of pros and cons will be required for your discursive essay. One set for each body paragraph. These become your claims and counter claims.
  • For a longer essay, you would need further claims and counter claims.
  • Some instructors prefer students to keep the pros and cons in the same order across the body paragraphs. Each paragraph would then have a pro followed by a con or else a con followed by a pro. The order should align with your thesis; if the thesis gives a pro view of the topic followed by a negative view (con) then the paragraphs should also start with the pro and follow with the con, or else vice versa. If not aligned and consistent, the reader may easily become confused as the argument proceeds. Ask your teacher if this is a requirement for your assessment.

discursive essay nedir

Use previous chapters to explore your chosen topic through concept mapping (Chapter 18) and essay outlining (Chapter 19), with one variance; you must include your proposed claims and counter claims in your proposed paragraph structures. What follows is a generic model for a discursive essay. The following Chapter 27 will examine this in further details.

Sample Discursive Essay Outline 

The paragraphs are continuous; the dot-points are only meant to indicate content.


  • Thesis statement
  • Essay outline (including 3 controlling ideas)

Body Paragraphs X 3 (Elaboration and evidence will be more than one sentence, though the topic, claim and counter claim should be succinct)

  • T opic sentence, including 1/3 controlling ideas (the topic remains the same throughout the entire essay; it is the controlling idea that changes)
  • A claim/assertion about the controlling idea
  • E laboration – more information about the claim
  • E vidence -academic research (Don’t forget to tell the reader how / why the evidence supports the claim. Be explicit in your E valuation rather than assuming the connection is obvious to the reader)
  • A counter claim (remember it must be COUNTER to the claim you made, not about something different)
  • E laboration – more information about the counter claim
  • E vidence – academic research (Don’t forget to tell the reader how / why the evidence supports the claim. Be explicit in your E valuation rather than assuming the connection is obvious to the reader)
  • Concluding sentence – L inks back to the topic and/or the next controlling idea in the following paragraph

Mirror the introduction. The essay outline should have stated the plan for the essay – “This essay will discuss…”, therefore the conclusion should identify that this has been fulfilled, “This essay has discussed…”, plus summarise the controlling ideas and key arguments. ONLY draw tentative conclusions BOTH for and against, allowing the reader to make up their own mind about the topic. Also remember to re-state the thesis in the conclusion. If it is part of the marking criteria, you should also include a recommendation or prediction about the future use or cost/benefit of the chosen topic/concept.

A word of warning, many students fall into the generic realm of stating that there should be further research on their topic or in the field of study. This is a gross statement of the obvious as all academia is ongoing. Try to be more practical with your recommendations and also think about who would instigate them and where the funding might come from.

This chapter gives an overview of what a discursive essay is and a few things to consider when choosing your topic. It also provides a generic outline for a discursive essay structure. The following chapter examines the structure in further detail.

  • Inez, S. M. (2018, September 10). What is a discursive essay, and how do you write a good one? Kibin. ↵
  • Hale, A., & Basides, H. (2013). The keys to academic English. Palgrave ↵

researched, reliable, written by academics and published by reputable publishers; often, but not always peer reviewed

assertion, maintain as fact

The term ‘claim’ simply refers to the first position or argument you put forward (whether for or against), and ‘counter-claim’ is the alternate position or argument.

Academic Writing Skills Copyright © 2021 by Patricia Williamson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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How to Write a Discursive Essay: Awesome Guide and Template

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Interesting fact: Did you know that the term "discursive" is derived from the Latin word "discursus," which means to run about or to traverse? This reflects the nature of a discursive essay, as it involves exploring various perspectives, moving through different points of view, and presenting a comprehensive discussion on a given topic.

In this article, you will find out about a discursive essay definition, learn the difference between a discourse and an argumentative essay, gain practical how-to tips, and check out a discursive essay example.  

What Is a Discursive Essay

A discursive essay definition is a type of formal writing that presents a balanced analysis of a particular topic. Unlike an argumentative essay, which takes a firm stance on a single perspective and seeks to persuade the reader to adopt that viewpoint, a discursive essay explores multiple sides of an issue. 

The goal of a discursive essay is to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject, presenting different arguments, counterarguments, and perspectives in a structured and organized manner.

This type of essay encourages critical thinking and reasoned discourse. It typically includes an introduction that outlines the topic and sets the stage for the discussion, followed by a series of body paragraphs that delve into various aspects of the issue. The essay may also address counterarguments and opposing viewpoints. 

Finally, a discursive essay concludes by summarizing the key points and often leaves room for the reader to form their own informed opinion on the matter. This form of writing is commonly assigned in academic settings, allowing students to demonstrate their ability to analyze complex topics and present a well-reasoned exploration of diverse viewpoints. In case you find this type of composition too difficult, just say, ‘ write my paper ,’ and professional writers will take care of it. 

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Difference Between a Discursive Essay and an Argumentative

The main difference between discursive essays and argumentative lies in their overall purpose and approach to presenting information.

  • Discursive: The primary purpose of a discursive essay is to explore and discuss various perspectives on a given topic. How to write a discursive essay is about providing a comprehensive overview of the subject matter by presenting different arguments, opinions, and viewpoints without necessarily advocating for a specific stance.
  • Argumentative: In contrast, an argumentative essay is designed to persuade the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint or take a specific action. It presents a clear and focused argument in favor of the writer's position, often addressing and refuting opposing views.

Tone and Language:

  • Discursive: The tone of a discursive essay is generally more balanced and objective. It allows for a more open exploration of ideas, and the language used is often neutral and formal.
  • Argumentative: An argumentative essay tends to have a more assertive tone. The language is focused on presenting a compelling case from the writer's perspective, and there may be a sense of conviction in the presentation of evidence and reasoning.
  • Discursive Essay: A discursive essay typically follows a more flexible structure. It may present multiple points of view in separate sections, allowing for a free-flowing exploration of the topic.
  • Argumentative Essay: When learning how to write an argumentative essay, students usually follow a more rigid structure, with a clear introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs that present evidence and arguments, and a conclusion that reinforces the writer's stance.


  • Discursive Essay: The conclusion of a discursive essay often summarizes the main points discussed and may leave room for the reader to form their own opinion on the matter.
  • Argumentative Essay: The conclusion of an argumentative essay reinforces the writer's position and may include a call to action or a clear statement of the desired outcome.

While both types of essays involve critical thinking and analysis, the key distinction lies in their ultimate goals and how they approach the presentation of information. 

Types of Discursive Essay

Before writing a discursive essay, keep in mind that they can be categorized into different types based on their specific purposes and structures. Here are some common types of discursive essays:

purpose of discursive essay

Opinion Essays:

  • Purpose: Expressing and supporting personal opinions on a given topic.
  • Structure: The essay presents the writer's viewpoint and provides supporting evidence, examples, and arguments. It may also address counterarguments to strengthen the overall discussion.

Problem-Solution Essays:

  • Purpose: Identifying a specific problem and proposing effective solutions.
  • Structure: The essay introduces the problem, discusses its causes and effects, and presents possible solutions. It often concludes with a recommendation or call to action.

Compare and Contrast Essays:

  • Purpose: Analyzing similarities and differences between two or more perspectives, ideas, or approaches.
  • Structure: The essay outlines the key points of each perspective, highlighting similarities and differences. A balanced analysis is provided to give the reader a comprehensive understanding.

Cause and Effect Essays:

  • Purpose: Exploring the causes and effects of a particular phenomenon or issue.
  • Structure: The essay identifies the primary causes and examines their effects or vice versa. It may delve into the chain of events and their implications.

Argumentative Essays:

  • Purpose: Presenting a strong argument in favor of a specific viewpoint.
  • Structure: The essay establishes a clear thesis statement, provides evidence and reasoning to support the argument, and addresses opposing views. It aims to persuade the reader to adopt the writer's perspective.

Pro-Con Essays:

  • Purpose: Evaluating the pros and cons of a given issue.
  • Structure: The essay presents the positive aspects (pros) and negative aspects (cons) of the topic. It aims to provide a balanced assessment and may conclude with a recommendation or a summary of the most compelling points.

Exploratory Essays:

  • Purpose: Investigating and discussing a topic without necessarily advocating for a specific position.
  • Structure: The essay explores various aspects of the topic, presenting different perspectives and allowing the reader to form their own conclusions. It often reflects a process of inquiry and discovery.

These types of discursive essays offer different approaches to presenting information, and the choice of type depends on the specific goals of the essay and the preferences of the writer.

How to Write a Discursive Essay

Unlike other forms of essay writing, a discursive essay demands a unique set of skills, inviting writers to navigate through diverse perspectives, present contrasting viewpoints, and weave a tapestry of balanced arguments. 

You can order custom essay right now to save time to get ready to delve into the art of crafting a compelling discursive essay, unraveling the intricacies of structure, language, and critical analysis. Whether you're a seasoned essayist or a novice in the realm of formal writing, this exploration promises to equip you with the tools needed to articulate your thoughts effectively and engage your audience in thoughtful discourse. 

discursive essay aspects

Discursive Essay Format

The format of a discursive essay plays a crucial role in ensuring a clear, well-organized, and persuasive presentation of multiple perspectives on a given topic. Here is a typical discursive essay structure:

1. Introduction:

  • Hook: Begin with a captivating hook or attention-grabbing statement to engage the reader's interest.
  • Contextualization: Provide a brief overview of the topic and its relevance, setting the stage for the discussion.
  • Thesis Statement: Clearly state the main argument or the purpose of the essay. In a discursive essay, the thesis often reflects the idea that the essay will explore multiple viewpoints without necessarily taking a firm stance.

2. Body Paragraphs:

  • Topic Sentences: Start each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main point or argument.
  • Presentation of Arguments: Devote individual paragraphs to different aspects of the topic, presenting various arguments, perspectives, or evidence. Ensure a logical flow between paragraphs.
  • Address Counterarguments: Acknowledge and address opposing viewpoints to strengthen the overall credibility of your essay.
  • Supporting Evidence: Provide examples, statistics, quotations, or other forms of evidence to bolster each argument.

3. Transitions:

  • Logical Transitions: Use transitional phrases and words to ensure a smooth and logical flow between paragraphs and ideas. This helps readers follow your line of reasoning.

4. Conclusion:

  • Restate Thesis: Summarize the main argument or purpose of the essay without introducing new information.
  • Brief Recap: Provide a concise recap of the key points discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Closing Thoughts: Offer some closing thoughts or reflections on the significance of the topic. You may also leave room for the reader to consider their own stance.

5. Language and Style:

  • Formal Tone: Maintain a formal and objective tone throughout the essay.
  • Clarity and Coherence: Ensure that your ideas are presented clearly and that there is coherence in your argumentation.
  • Varied Sentence Structure: Use a variety of sentence structures to enhance readability and engagement.

6. References (if applicable):

  • Citations: If you use external sources, cite them appropriately according to the citation style required (e.g., APA, MLA).

Remember, flexibility exists within this format, and the specifics may vary based on the assignment requirements or personal writing preferences. Tailor the structure to suit the demands of your discourse and the expectations of your audience.


A discursive essay introduction serves as the gateway to a thought-provoking exploration of diverse perspectives on a given topic. Here's how to structure an effective discursive essay introduction:

  • Begin with a compelling hook that captures the reader's attention. This could be a striking statistic, a thought-provoking quote, a relevant anecdote, or a rhetorical question. 
  • Offer a brief context or background information about the topic. This helps orient the reader and sets the stage for the discussion to follow. 
  • Clearly state the purpose of the essay. This often involves indicating that the essay will explore various perspectives on the topic without necessarily advocating for a specific stance. 
  • Provide a brief overview of the different aspects or arguments that will be explored in the essay. 
  • Conclude the introduction with a clear and concise thesis statement. 

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Writing a discursive essay involves crafting the body of your discursive essay. The number of paragraphs in the body should correspond to the arguments presented, with an additional paragraph dedicated to the opposing viewpoint if you choose to disclose both sides of the argument. If you opt for this approach, alternate the order of the body paragraphs—supporting arguments followed by counterarguments.

Each body paragraph in your discursive essay should focus on a distinct idea. Begin the paragraph with the main idea, provide a concise summary of the argument, and incorporate supporting evidence from reputable sources.

In the concluding paragraph of the body, present potential opposing arguments and counter them. Approach this section as if engaging in a debate, strategically dismantling opposing viewpoints.

While composing the body of a discursive essay, maintain a cohesive narrative. Although individual paragraphs address different arguments, refrain from titling each paragraph—aim for a seamless flow throughout the essay. Express your personal opinions exclusively in the conclusion.

Key guidelines for writing the body of a discursive essay:

  • Remain Unbiased: Prioritize objectivity. Evaluate all facets of the issue, leaving personal sentiments aside.
  • Build Your Argumentation: If you have multiple arguments supporting your viewpoint, present them in separate, well-structured paragraphs. Provide supporting evidence to enhance clarity and credibility.
  • Use an Alternate Writing Style: Present opposing viewpoints in an alternating manner. This means that if the first paragraph supports the main argument, the second should present an opposing perspective. This method enhances clarity and research depth and ensures neutrality.
  • Include Topic Sentences and Evidence: Commence each paragraph with a topic sentence summarizing the argument. This aids reader comprehension. Substantiate your claims with evidence, reinforcing the credibility of your discourse.

By adhering to these principles, you can construct a coherent and well-supported body for your discursive essay.


Writing an effective conclusion is crucial to leaving a lasting impression on your reader. Here are some tips to guide you in crafting a compelling and impactful conclusion:

  • Begin your conclusion by summarizing the key points discussed in the body of the essay. 
  • Remind the reader of your thesis statement, emphasizing the primary purpose of your discursive essay. 
  • Address the broader significance or implications of the topic. 
  • Explain why the issue is relevant and underscore the importance of considering multiple perspectives in understanding its complexity.
  • Reiterate the balanced nature of your essay. Emphasize that you have explored various viewpoints and arguments without necessarily taking a firm stance.
  • Reinforce the idea that your goal was to present a comprehensive analysis.
  • If applicable, suggest possible recommendations or solutions based on the insights gained from the essay.
  • Encourage the reader to reflect on the topic independently. 
  • Pose open-ended questions or invite them to consider the implications of the arguments presented. 
  • Resist the temptation to introduce new information or arguments in the conclusion.
  • Keep the tone of your conclusion professional and thoughtful. 
  • Conclude your essay with a strong, memorable closing statement.
  • Carefully review your conclusion to ensure clarity and coherence. Edit for grammar, punctuation, and overall writing quality to present a polished final product.

By incorporating these tips into your discursive essay conclusion, you can effectively summarize your arguments, leave a lasting impression, and prompt thoughtful reflection from your readers. Consider using our term paper writing service if you have to deal with a larger assignment that requires more time and effort.

Yays and Nays of Writing Discourse Essays

In learning how to write a discursive essay, certain do's and don'ts serve as guiding principles throughout the writing process. By adhering to these guidelines, writers can navigate the complexities of presenting arguments, counterarguments, and nuanced analyses, ensuring the essay resonates with clarity and persuasiveness.

  • Conduct thorough research on the topic to ensure a well-informed discussion.
  • Present multiple perspectives on the issue, exploring various arguments and viewpoints.
  • Maintain a balanced and neutral tone. Present arguments objectively without expressing personal bias.
  • Structure your essay logically with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Use paragraphs to organize your ideas effectively.
  • Topic Sentences:
  • Include clear topic sentences at the beginning of each paragraph to guide the reader through your arguments.
  • Support your arguments with credible evidence from reputable sources to enhance the credibility of your essay.
  • Use transitional words and phrases to ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs and ideas.
  • Engage in critical analysis. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different arguments and viewpoints.
  • Recap key points in the conclusion, summarizing the main arguments and perspectives discussed in the essay.
  • Carefully proofread your essay to correct any grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors.
  • Don't express personal opinions in the body of the essay. Save personal commentary for the conclusion.
  • Don't introduce new information or arguments in the conclusion. This section should summarize and reflect on existing content.
  • Don't use overly emotional or subjective language. Maintain a professional and objective tone throughout.
  • Don't rely on personal opinions without sufficient research. Ensure that your arguments are supported by credible evidence.
  • Don't have an ambiguous or unclear thesis statement. Clearly state the purpose of your essay in the introduction.
  • Don't ignore counterarguments. Acknowledge and address opposing viewpoints to strengthen your overall argument.
  • Don't use overly complex language if it doesn't add to the clarity of your arguments. Strive for clarity and simplicity in your writing.
  • Don't present ideas in a disorganized manner. Ensure that there is a logical flow between paragraphs and ideas.
  • Don't excessively repeat the same points. Present a variety of arguments and perspectives to keep the essay engaging.
  • Don't ignore the guidelines provided for the essay assignment. Follow any specific instructions or requirements given by your instructor or institution.

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Discursive Essay Examples

Discursive essay topics.

Writing a discursive essay on a compelling topic holds immense importance as it allows individuals to engage in a nuanced exploration of diverse perspectives. A well-chosen subject encourages critical thinking and deepens one's understanding of complex issues, fostering intellectual growth. 

The process of exploring a good topic enhances research skills as writers delve into varied viewpoints and gather evidence to support their arguments. Moreover, such essays contribute to the broader academic discourse, encouraging readers to contemplate different facets of a subject and form informed opinions.

  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment.
  • Should Social Media Platforms Regulate Content for Misinformation?
  • Exploring the Ethics of Cloning in Contemporary Science.
  • Universal Basic Income: A Solution for Economic Inequality?
  • The Role of Technology in Shaping Modern Education.
  • Nuclear Energy: Sustainable Solution or Environmental Risk?
  • The Effects of Video Games on Adolescent Behavior.
  • Cybersecurity Threats in the Digital Age: Balancing Privacy and Security.
  • Debunking Common Myths Surrounding Climate Change.
  • The Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).
  • Online Education vs. Traditional Classroom Learning.
  • The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Consumer Behavior.
  • The Ethics of Animal Testing in Medical Research.
  • Universal Healthcare: Addressing Gaps in Healthcare Systems.
  • The Role of Government in Regulating Cryptocurrencies.
  • The Influence of Advertising on Body Image and Self-Esteem.
  • Renewable Energy Sources: A Viable Alternative to Fossil Fuels?
  • The Implications of Space Exploration on Earth's Resources.
  • Is Censorship Justified in the Arts and Entertainment Industry?
  • Examining the Impact of Globalization on Cultural Identity.
  • The Morality of Capital Punishment in the 21st Century.
  • Should Genetic Engineering be Used for Human Enhancement?
  • Social Media and Its Influence on Political Discourse.
  • Balancing Environmental Conservation with Economic Development.
  • The Role of Gender in the Workplace: Achieving Equality.
  • Exploring the Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment.
  • The Benefits and Risks of Autonomous Vehicles.
  • The Influence of Media on Perceptions of Beauty.
  • Legalization of Marijuana: Addressing Medical and Social Implications.
  • The Impact of Antibiotic Resistance on Global Health.
  • The Pros and Cons of a Cashless Society.
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Technology and Mental Health.
  • The Role of Government Surveillance in Ensuring National Security.
  • Addressing the Digital Divide: Ensuring Access to Technology for All.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Political Activism.
  • The Ethics of Animal Rights and Welfare.
  • Nuclear Disarmament: Necessity or Utopian Ideal?
  • The Effects of Income Inequality on Societal Well-being.
  • The Role of Education in Combating Systemic Racism.
  • The Influence of Pop Culture on Society's Values and Norms.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Creative Industries.
  • The Pros and Cons of Mandatory Vaccination Policies.
  • The Role of Women in Leadership Positions: Breaking the Glass Ceiling.
  • Internet Privacy: Balancing Personal Security and Data Collection.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Youth Mental Health.
  • The Morality of Animal Agriculture and Factory Farming.
  • The Rise of Online Learning Platforms: Transforming Education.
  • Addressing the Digital Gender Gap in STEM Fields.
  • The Impact of Global Tourism on Local Cultures and Environments.
  • Exploring the Implications of 3D Printing Technology in Various Industries.

By the way, we have another great collection of narrative essay topics to get your creative juices flowing.

Wrapping Up

Throughout this guide, you have acquired valuable insights into the art of crafting compelling arguments and presenting diverse perspectives. By delving into the nuances of topic selection, structuring, and incorporating evidence, you could hone your critical thinking skills and sharpen your ability to engage in informed discourse. 

This guide serves as a roadmap, offering not just a set of rules but a toolkit to empower students in their academic journey. As you embark on future writing endeavors, armed with the knowledge gained here, you can confidently navigate the challenges of constructing well-reasoned, balanced discursive essays that contribute meaningfully to academic discourse and foster a deeper understanding of complex issues. If you want to continue your academic learning journey right now, we suggest that you read about the IEEE format next.

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Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

discursive essay nedir

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Table of contents

  • 1 What Is a Discursive Essay?
  • 2.1 Argumentative
  • 2.2 Descriptive
  • 2.3 Narrative
  • 4 Helpful Tips: How to Write a Good Discursive Essay?
  • 5.1 How to Start a Discursive Essay?
  • 5.2 How to Develop the Discursive Essay Body?
  • 5.3 How to End a Discursive Essay?
  • 6.1 What to Do When Writing a Discursive Essay?
  • 6.2 What Not to Do When Writing a Discursive Essay?

If you’re pursuing a university degree, writing various assignments is unavoidable. Like it or not, you’ll have to draft at least a few every semester. Among other paper types, teachers favor discursive essays to encourage students to express a neutral standpoint regarding a given issue.

Moreover, this academic piece tests whether you possess polished writing and critical thinking skills. Besides your opinion, you’d also have to provide reliable evidence as a backup for your claim. Hence, a decent discursive essay requires thorough research and preparation.

But what should you pay attention to when writing the first draft ? Is pure talent enough, or are there other elements that make a successful manuscript? Below, we unravel the path to an A+ paper!

What Is a Discursive Essay?

A discursive essay aims to elaborate on a given topic in a balanced way. The subject matter is often a dilemma or issue, so there are usually two or three possible solutions. Hence, the ideal piece must include all sides of the problem and present objective and all-encompassing evidence about the topic.

The writer must maintain an impersonal style to avoid polarizing things and being biased. Many students hire a custom essay writing service because they either take one side or impose their views on the matter. As a result, they end up with an argumentative paper, which is entirely different.

The primary purpose of a discursive essay is to unveil the truth by exploring various topic-related arguments. Therefore, proper research, pondering the issue, and thinking critically, are critical aspects of the writing process.

Discursive Essay vs. Other Types of Essay

Though you might easily confuse discursive writing with other articles, the differences are striking. Let’s see what sets them apart and define their bordering points.​​


Both kinds of papers come from the same family. They discuss a topic by revealing facts and supporting them with examples. The main difference is that in argumentative works, one standpoint prevails. Though they list and acknowledge all arguments, the emphasis revolves around one point.

Ideally, argumentative writing  aims to persuade the audience to adopt a position. The writer presents the claims in a way that convinces the reader to pick a side. Conversely, the discursive essay explains the facts objectively but never urges the reader to shift views.


The purpose of a descriptive essay is to convey a picture for the readers to imagine. To this end, the author uses versatile adjectives and adverbs that help deliver the initial message. Moreover, comparisons, contrasts, and sensory figures of speech are inevitable if you want to create an eye-catching piece.

In contrast, discursive essays provide hard facts free of metaphors, idioms, and similes. The underlying purpose is to inform the readers and not engage their senses with flowery words. When you need to describe information in more detail, the descriptions should be as short and accurate as possible but never overly decorative.

​​Storytelling requires you to conceptualize a narration . In this case, your account can be informal and include descriptive writing elements. Since you have to hook the interest of the audience, the introduction and conclusion must be attention-grabbing and thought-provoking.

These papers follow a structure that usually involves a twist or unexpected events. Besides telling a story, you can also use this style for writing a character analysis essay for college. The smoother your retelling technique, the more successful your work will be.

With discursive essays, the primary focus is on facts and evidence. Hence, avoid weaving a tale because you might easily stray from the central idea. As a result, you can lose your target and omit the critical data you’re trying to present.

Discursive Essay Format

As with any academic work, you must write in a specific outline . To some extent, this venture resembles thematic essay writing because you’re elaborating on a concrete topic and including a clearly-defined thesis statement.

The typical structure of a discursive essay doesn’t differ much from that of other academic papers. It is usually a five or six-paragraph work that includes an introduction, three or more body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Here’s what a standard structure should look like :

  • Introductory paragraph
  • Argument 1 with supporting evidence
  • Argument 2 with supporting evidence
  • Argument 3 with supporting evidence
  • Paragraph with opposing views or counterarguments

Helpful Tips: How to Write a Good Discursive Essay?

Though you might follow the layout presented above and get all your standpoints in order, there are a few minor aspects you mustn’t neglect. Pay attention to the following:

  • Start each passage with a topic sentence that describes the most significant point.
  • Spend a few days drafting and finalizing your work; doing articles overnight is a no-go.
  • Don’t give a loud voice to your standpoint.
  • Use formal language that is impersonal. In short, white in third person speech.
  • Avoid copying content but rephrase what you found with your own words. You can use a free online paraphrasing tool to help you write a plagiarism-free piece.
  • Allow yourself enough time to edit and proofread your work in the end.
  • Communicate only fair aspects, but don’t overgeneralize or use clichés.
  • Convey your points in an alternate manner if your mentor allows this format.
  • Try the SEA method. S stands for making a statement, E for giving examples or evidence to support your claim, and A for applying theory in real life.

Writing a discursive essay can be challenging, but with the help of PapersOwl and its cheap essay writers , you can create a well-structured, argumentative essay in no time. Our writers have the skills and experience to craft an essay that will help you make your point effectively.


How to Write a Discursive Essay?

Before you sit down and start brainstorming ideas, read a few samples online. This way, you’ll get the hang of the writing process and what each paragraph must include. Most importantly, stay unprejudiced and leave your feelings behind. Instead, concentrate on building and supporting your argumentation.

How to Start a Discursive Essay?

While the introduction is usually a fraction of the final work, it is critical. In it, you catch the reader’s attention and present your topic. Hence, ensure you make it as engaging and enlightening as possible. Moreover, the length of this part should be about 10% of the entire assignment.

The discursive essay introduction should contain a few sentences that compress the general idea. Hence, brevity and conciseness are your best shot at delivering the relevance of your subject matter to the public.

How to Develop the Discursive Essay Body?

Once finished, use the introduction to define the core of the body paragraphs. If you have difficulties, order a professional service to write your essay for money and pick your writer, depending on the topic’s complexity.

However, if you decide to proceed with the discursive essay yourself, put maximum effort into the opening paragraph. It’s advisable to give the strongest arguments first and then continue with the other standpoints. Also, don’t mix different points in a single paragraph but elaborate on one position at a given time.

Finally, take time to brainstorm and present your counterarguments. All statements must be objective and show your impartiality on the matter. When developing the body paragraphs, cite credible references like journals, statistics, and other supporting evidence.

How to End a Discursive Essay?

You must write a conclusion as the final paragraph of your manuscript. Similar to the introduction, this part aims to frame the central idea in simple words. So, if you wonder how to write a discursive essay conclusion, summarize all points stated and give an impartial opinion.

In addition, restate the mentioned arguments only and never introduce new information. Last, it would be ideal if your summary encourages future discussion among the audience. Your recommendations and predictions on the topic should also stimulate further research.

Do’s and Don’ts of a Discursive Essay

Here are some essay writing tips worth considering for a perfect outcome. The same ideas are relevant for writing a poetry essay with ease for university. Tick each hack when reviewing your final copy.

What to Do When Writing a Discursive Essay?

  • Different arguments go in separate paragraphs.
  • Write well-developed ideas supported by examples.
  • Give reasons for every position.
  • Use the sequencing method.
  • Maintain a balanced style.
  • Include linking words and phrases to enhance reading and flow of thought.
  • Identify the sources you use by following a proper citation style.

What Not to Do When Writing a Discursive Essay?

  • Avoid abbreviated forms and contractions, such as I’d, won’t, and you’re.
  • Never include informal and colloquial language like ain’t, gonna, or as good as gold.
  • Your topic will be specific so forget about generalizations because they lead away from accuracy and reliability. You might end up with arbitrary conclusions that will spoil the overall impression.
  • Emotional language is off-limits because it often signposts prejudice.
  • Steer away from personal examples because this means you’re taking a side.
  • Don’t insist on one standpoint at the cost of others.
  • Avoid stats you cannot prove or reference.
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How to Write a Good Discursive Essay?

05 June, 2020

7 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

What does a discursive essay mean? We have an answer to this and many other questions in our article. Welcome to the world of ideal essay writing. Ever wanted to build buzz for your text? We know you do. And we also know how you can do that with minimum effort and little diligence. So forget about your trivial academic essays - they are not as exciting as a discursive one. Ready to dive in?

discursive essay

What is Discursive Writing?

discursive essay

For all those who wanted to know the discursive essay meaning, here it is: a discursive essay is a writing piece, in which the focal element is devoted to an argument. That is, discursive writing presupposes developing a statement that ignites active discussions. After this essay, readers should be motivated to express their own opinions regarding the topic. Discursive essays have much in common with argumentative and persuasive papers, but these are not to be confused. Despite some similarities, discursive writing is a separate type of work that has its specific features and nuances. What we do want you to remember about discursive essays is that you need to concentrate on the power of thought rather than factology and pieces of evidence. In short, your mind is the only tool required to persuade and interest others on the topic you choose.

Discursive Essay Format

Now that we’ve figured out what is discursive writing, it’s time to focus more on the “skeleton” of discursive essay. Like any other piece of writing, discursive essays have clear requirements that help to glue their elements into a coherent paper. By the way, there are many writing services available which can help you present an excellent academic essay. So if you need professional assistance with your task, check them out. But if you want to do it yourself, you can simply take any discursive essay example from the web and use it as a starting point for your paper.

Discursive essay structure

As for the discursive structure itself, you need to start your essay with an introduction in the first place. Create a lead-in that’ll spark the reader’s interest and make them genuinely responsive to the topic. Also, make sure that your introduction is neither small nor extensive. Stick to the optimal amount of words that’ll be sufficient for readers to get the general idea of your essay.

Another essential aspect of an effective intro is your opinion. It’s worthy of note that some discursive essays might require no particular stance on the topic. In situations like this, wait until the end of an essay comes, and only then share your personal view on the matter. This way, readers will understand the neutral tone throughout the piece, shape their own thoughts about it, and later decide whether to agree with yours or not.

In the paragraphs that follow, you’ll need to accentuate on the argumentation. There’s no room for vague and unarticulate expressions at this point. Quite the contrary – you need to unfold your statements consecutively, in a couple of paragraphs, to depict the entire image of your stance for or against the topic. And don’t forget to link your discursive text to supporting evidence.

The last section is the conclusion. Your finishing remarks should clearly articulate your position toward this or that issue, with a close connection to the main ideas in the essay body.

Discursive Essay Thesis

To construct a good thesis for your discursive essay, you’ll need to describe the general stance your work will argue. Here, it’s important to back up the thesis statement with points. These are the opinions that support your thesis and allow to create an affirmative structure for the entire paper.

Discursive Essay Linking Words

Transition words

The points you use while writing a discursive essay need to flow smoothly so that readers could see a logical organization of the work. For this, you can use transition words that’ll make your paper easily readable and crisp. For example, if you want to list some points, opt for such words as firstly, to begin with, secondly, lastly, finally, etc. If you wish to point at advantages or disadvantages, consider using these transitions: the main/greatest/ first advantage of… is …, another positive side is…, an additional drawback is, another negative aspect of…is…

How to Write an Introduction for a Discursive Essay?

The introductory part is the critical aspect of creating a good discursive essay. In this section, specific attention should centralize on what your topic is all about. Therefore, it needs to be presented with clarity, be informative, and attention-grabbing. How to make your intro sentence for discursive essay memorable? You can start with a spicy anecdote to add humor to discussion. Another powerful way for hooking readers is stating a quote or opinion of experts and famous influencers. This will add to the credibility of your statements, making readers more motivated to read your work.

How to Write a Discursive Essay Conclusion?

Your discursive essay ending is the climax of your argument, a final link that organically locks up a chain of previously described points. This part is devoted to the restatement of the main arguments that sum up your attitude to the topic. And just like with introduction, the conclusion should leave a trace in readers’ minds. To achieve this result, your closing paragraph should include a call to action, warning or any other food for thought that will encourage people to ponder on the issue and make relevant conclusions.

Discursive Essay Topics

The ideas for discursive papers are so versatile that it’s hard to compile all of them in one list. For such list will extend to kilometers. However, we’ve collected some of them for you to facilitate your work on this task. So here are some discursive essay examples you can use any time:

Topics for a Discursive Essay

As you understand now, discursive writing definition and discursive essay definition are not as scary as they seem from the first glance. Even though the art of this type of paper is hard to master, over time, you’ll notice significant progress. All you need for this is practice and a little bit of patience to understand the subtle nuances of this task and develop the skill of writing confidently. And if you ever wondered what is an essay, a team of professional academic essay writers can give a helping hand and provide you with a top-notch paper.

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How to Write a Discursive Essay

November 17, 2023

A discursive essay is a type of academic writing that presents both sides of an argument or issue. Unlike an argumentative essay where you take a clear stance and defend it, a discursive essay allows you to explore different perspectives and provide an objective analysis. It requires careful research, critical thinking, and the ability to present logical arguments in a structured manner.

In a discursive essay, you are expected to examine the topic thoroughly, present evidence and examples to support your points, and address counterarguments to demonstrate a balanced understanding of the issue. The purpose is not to persuade the reader to take a particular side, but rather to present a comprehensive view of the topic. By mastering the art of writing a discursive essay, you can effectively convey complex ideas and contribute to meaningful discussions on various subjects.

What’s different about writing a discursive essay

Writing a discursive essay differs from other types of essays in several ways. Here are some key differences to consider when approaching this particular form of academic writing:

  • Explores multiple perspectives: Unlike an argumentative essay, a discursive essay examines different viewpoints on a given topic. It requires you to gather information, analyze various arguments, and present a balanced view.
  • Structured presentation: A discursive essay follows a clear structure that helps organize your thoughts and arguments. It typically consists of an introduction, several body paragraphs discussing different arguments, and a conclusion.
  • Impartiality and objectivity: While other essays may require you to take a stance or defend a particular position, a discursive essay aims for objectivity. You should present arguments and evidence without bias and demonstrate a fair understanding of each viewpoint.
  • Importance of research: Good research is essential for a discursive essay. You should gather information from reliable sources, consider various perspectives, and present evidence to support your ideas.
  • Addressing counterarguments: In a discursive essay, it is crucial to acknowledge and address counterarguments. By doing so, you show a comprehensive understanding of the topic and strengthen your own argument.
  • Use of transitions: To maintain coherence and provide a smooth flow of ideas, appropriate transitions should be used to link paragraphs and signal shifts between arguments.

By recognizing these key differences and adapting your writing style accordingly, you can effectively write a discursive essay that engages the reader and presents a well-rounded discussion of the topic.

Step-by-Step Discursive Essay Writing Guide

Selecting a topic.

Selecting a topic for a discursive essay is a crucial first step in the writing process. Here are some considerations to help you choose an appropriate and engaging topic:

  • Relevance: Select a topic that is relevant and holds significance in the current context. It should be something that sparks interest and discussion among readers.
  • Controversy: Look for topics that have multiple perspectives and controversial viewpoints. This will allow you to explore different arguments and present a balanced analysis.
  • Research opportunities: Choose a topic that offers ample research opportunities. This ensures that you have access to reliable sources and enough material to support your arguments.
  • Personal interest: It is easier to write about a topic that you are genuinely interested in. Consider your own passion and areas of expertise when selecting a subject for your essay.
  • Scope and depth: Ensure that the chosen topic is neither too broad nor too narrow. It should provide enough scope for thorough analysis and discussion within the word limit of your essay.

Remember, the topic sets the foundation for your discursive essay. Take time to consider these factors and select a topic that aligns with your interests, research capabilities, and the potential to present a well-rounded discussion.

Possible Discursive Essay Topics:

  • The impact of social media on society.
  • Should euthanasia be legalized?
  • Pros and cons of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
  • The influence of technology on human interactions.
  • Is homeschooling more beneficial than traditional schooling?
  • The effects of climate change on the environment.
  • Should animal testing be banned?
  • The advantages and disadvantages of globalization.
  • The ethics of capital punishment.
  • The legalization of marijuana: pros and cons.

Write the Thesis Statement

The thesis statement in a discursive essay serves as the central argument or main claim that sets the tone for the entire essay. It typically appears in the introductory paragraph and guides the reader’s understanding of the essay’s purpose and direction. Here are some key points to consider when crafting an effective thesis statement for a discursive essay:

  • Clear stance: The thesis statement should clearly express your position or viewpoint on the topic. It should present a concise statement that reflects your overall argument or analysis.
  • Controversy: The thesis statement should highlight the controversy or debate surrounding the topic. It should indicate that there are multiple perspectives to be explored and that you will discuss them in a balanced manner.
  • Specificity: The thesis statement should not be too vague or general. It should address a specific aspect of the topic that you will focus on in your essay.
  • Clarity: The thesis statement should be clear and easy to understand. It should provide a clear sense of direction for the reader, indicating the main points that will be discussed in the essay.
  • Strong and compelling: The thesis statement should be strong and compelling, capturing the attention of the reader. It should be a statement that provokes thoughtful analysis and discussion.

By considering these factors, you can develop a thesis statement that effectively sets the tone for your discursive essay and captures the essence of your argument or analysis.

Conducting Research

Conducting thorough research is a critical step in writing a discursive essay. Here are some essential tips to help you effectively gather information and sources:

  • Define your research question: Clearly define the question or issue you want to explore in your essay. This will guide your research and help you stay focused.
  • Use a variety of sources: Gather information from a diverse range of sources, such as books, scholarly articles, reputable websites, and academic journals. This will ensure a well-rounded and comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  • Evaluate the credibility of sources: Assess the reliability and credibility of each source before including it in your essay. Consider factors such as author credentials, publication date, peer-reviewed status, and the reputation of the source.
  • Take organized notes: As you read and review your sources, take organized notes to keep track of key points, quotes, and references. This will make it easier to cite sources accurately later.
  • Analyze and synthesize information: Analyze the information you have gathered and synthesize it into coherent arguments. Identify common themes, patterns, and conflicting viewpoints that will form the basis of your essay.
  • Address counterarguments: Remember to consider and address counterarguments in your research. Engaging with opposing viewpoints will strengthen your arguments and demonstrate a well-rounded understanding of the topic.

By following these research strategies, you can gather reliable and varied sources to support your discursive essay, ensuring a balanced and well-informed discussion of the topic.

Writing the Introduction

The introduction sets the tone and direction for a discursive essay, providing context and background information on the topic. Here are some key elements to include when writing the introduction to a discursive essay:

  • Grab the reader’s attention: Use a hook or attention-grabbing statement to draw the reader in and generate interest in the topic.
  • Introduce the topic: Clearly state the topic and provide some background information to contextualize the issue.
  • Define key terms: Define any key terms related to the topic that may be unfamiliar to the reader.
  • Present the thesis statement: Clearly state your main argument or claim, which sets the tone for the rest of the essay.
  • Outline the structure: Briefly outline the main points or arguments that will be addressed in the essay.
  • Write in a discursive style: Use a discursive style of writing in the introduction that presents multiple viewpoints on the topic.

By including these elements, you can craft an effective introduction to your discursive essay that engages the reader, establishes the context for the topic, and clearly presents your thesis statement. Remember to present a balanced analysis of multiple viewpoints, maintaining the discursive style of the essay.

Presenting Arguments and Counterarguments

Presenting arguments and counterarguments is a crucial aspect of writing a discursive essay. Here are some strategies to effectively structure and present your arguments and counterarguments:

  • Identify key arguments: Begin by identifying the main arguments or perspectives related to the topic. These arguments will form the basis of your essay and provide a framework for your analysis.
  • Develop supporting evidence: Gather relevant evidence, examples, statistics, or expert opinions to support each argument. This evidence should be well-researched and credible to strengthen your claims.
  • Present arguments in a logical order: Organize your arguments in a logical and coherent manner. You can choose to present each argument separately, dedicating individual paragraphs to each one or use a point-counterpoint approach where you counter each argument with a counterargument.
  • Address counterarguments: Acknowledge and include counterarguments in your essay to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Refute counterarguments by presenting contrasting evidence or providing a persuasive rebuttal.
  • Provide balanced analysis: While presenting arguments and counterarguments, ensure a balanced analysis that gives due weight to each viewpoint. Avoid bias and strive for objectivity by presenting evidence from various perspectives.
  • Use transition words and phrases: Utilize appropriate transition words and phrases to guide the reader through the presentation of arguments and counterarguments. Examples include “on the one hand,” “however,” “in contrast,” “nevertheless,” etc.

By following these strategies, you can effectively present arguments and counterarguments in your discursive essay, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the topic and engaging the reader in a thoughtful analysis.

Writing the Body Paragraphs

When writing the body paragraphs of a discursive essay, it’s important to present a balanced and well-structured analysis of the topic. Here are some key strategies to consider:

  • Organize your paragraphs: Each body paragraph should focus on a single argument or idea. Start with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main point of the paragraph.
  • Provide evidence and examples: Support your arguments with evidence, facts, statistics, or examples from credible sources. This will enhance the validity and persuasiveness of your arguments.
  • Use logical reasoning: Present clear and coherent reasoning to connect your evidence with your main argument. Use logic and critical thinking to explain the relevance and significance of your evidence.
  • Consider opposing viewpoints: Acknowledge potential counterarguments and address them within your body paragraphs. Refute counterarguments using logical and evidence-based reasoning.
  • Use paragraphs for different viewpoints: If you’re discussing multiple perspectives or arguments within the same essay, dedicate separate paragraphs to each viewpoint. Clearly indicate transitions between paragraphs to maintain a coherent flow.
  • Include topic sentences and transitions: Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that clearly states the main idea. Use transitional words and phrases to guide the reader smoothly from one paragraph to the next.

Remember, in a discursive essay, the body paragraphs should explore various arguments and perspectives related to the topic, providing a balanced analysis and supporting evidence. By following these strategies, you can construct well-organized and compelling body paragraphs for your discursive essay.

Incorporating Evidence and Examples

Effectively incorporating evidence and examples is crucial in a discursive essay to support your arguments and strengthen your analysis. Here are some strategies to consider when integrating evidence:

  • Choose credible sources: Gather evidence from reputable and reliable sources such as scholarly articles, books, authoritative websites, or academic journals. This ensures the validity and credibility of the evidence.
  • Use a variety of evidence: Draw from a range of sources to provide a well-rounded perspective on the topic. This can include facts, statistics, expert opinions, case studies, or historical examples.
  • Provide context: When presenting evidence, provide context to help the reader understand its significance. Explain the relevance of the evidence to your argument and how it supports your main points.
  • Analyze and interpret evidence: Avoid simply regurgitating evidence. Instead, analyze and interpret it, explaining how it supports your argument and contributes to your overall analysis.
  • Quote and paraphrase effectively: When using direct quotes, ensure they are relevant and support your argument. Use accurate paraphrasing to summarize and restate ideas from your sources.
  • Cite your sources correctly: Properly cite your sources using a citation style appropriate for your academic field, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. This gives credit to the original authors and avoids plagiarism.

By incorporating evidence and examples effectively, you can provide a solid foundation for your arguments in a discursive essay, enhancing your credibility and persuasiveness.

Addressing Counterarguments

Addressing counterarguments is an essential component of a discursive essay as it demonstrates critical thinking and strengthens your overall argument. Here are some strategies to effectively address counterarguments:

  • Identify counterarguments: Identify the main counterarguments or opposing viewpoints related to your topic. This shows that you have considered different perspectives on the issue.
  • Understand the counterarguments: Thoroughly analyze and understand the counterarguments before addressing them. This will help you develop a strong response based on evidence and reasoning.
  • Refute the counterarguments: Present a persuasive rebuttal to counterarguments by providing evidence or logical reasoning that challenges or disproves them.
  • Anticipate objections: Address potential objections or criticisms that readers might have. Proactively refute these objections by providing additional evidence or presenting alternative perspectives.
  • Acknowledge validity: Recognize the validity of certain counterarguments or aspects of opposing viewpoints. This demonstrates fairness and strengthens your overall argument by showing that you have carefully considered all sides.
  • Use transitional phrases: Use transitional phrases such as “however,” “although,” or “on the other hand,” to seamlessly introduce counterarguments and your responses.

By effectively addressing counterarguments, you can strengthen your own argument and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Engaging with opposing viewpoints in a fair and persuasive manner enhances the overall credibility and impact of your discursive essay.

Concluding the Discursive Essay

Concluding your discursive essay is an opportunity to summarize your main points and leave a lasting impression on the reader. Here are some strategies to effectively conclude your essay:

  • Restate your thesis statement: Begin your conclusion by restating your thesis statement in a concise and clear manner. This reminds the reader of your main argument and reinforces its significance.
  • Summarize your main points: Provide a brief summary of the main points you discussed in the body paragraphs. This helps to reinforce the key arguments and evidence presented throughout the essay.
  • Emphasize the significance of your argument: Highlight the importance and relevance of your argument in relation to the broader context or real-world implications. This helps to leave a lasting impact on the reader.
  • Address counterarguments: Briefly acknowledge the counterarguments you addressed in the essay and reiterate why your main argument is stronger or more compelling.
  • Offer a final thought or call to action: Conclude your essay by offering a final thought, reflection, or call to action that encourages the reader to further consider the topic or take action.
  • Provide closure: End your conclusion by providing a sense of closure to the essay. This can be achieved by offering a conclusive statement or returning to an anecdote or example mentioned earlier in the essay.

By following these strategies, you can effectively conclude your discursive essay, leaving a strong and memorable impression on the reader while summarizing the key points and reinforcing the significance of your argument.

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How To Write Discursive Essays

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How To Write Discursive Essays

1. What is a Discursive Essay?

A discursive essay is an essay which involves a discussion. You’re encouraged to examine different perspectives on the issue so that the discussion you provide is a balanced one! You are on the right track if your essay sheds light on the issue by looking at it from different viewpoints.

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2. How do I Identify a Discursive Essay Topic?

Let’s take a look at some of the discursive essay topics from past year papers:

2021 O-Level: “Young people are changing the world for the better.” What is your opinion?

  • 2019 O-Level: “Most young people today are obsessed with fame and imitating celebrities.” What are your views?

In recent years, “What is your opinion?” and “What are your views?” are common signposts used to indicate a discursive essay topic. However, there are also instances where such questions are not used. Consider:

  • 2012 O-Level: People all over the world are living longer. What are the advantages and disadvantages of their increased life expectancy?
  • 2010 O-Level: What important lessons in life are learned away from school?

So note that the question can still indicate discursive writing even when it does not contain “What is your opinion?” or “What are your views?”

3. What is the Difference Between a Discursive Essay, an Argumentative Essay and an Expository Essay?

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Now that we’ve cleared that up, let’s look at the differences in requirements for a discursive and an argumentative essay.

Argumentative: you are required to take an explicit stand on the issue. Your essay is structured in a manner that argues towards this stand. When writing an argumentative essay, your goal is to persuade, to convince the reader to be in support of your stand.

Discursive: you are not required to take an explicit stand on the issue. In other words, you do not need to pick a side. You may choose to pick a side; that’s perfectly fine! Just note that the goal here is not to persuade or to convince; it is to provide the reader with a balanced discussion by examining the issue from various viewpoints.

Now that you’ve learnt how to identify a discursive question and gotten a better idea of what it requires, let’s look at how to plan a discursive essay.

4. How do I Approach or Structure a Discursive Essay?

vector image of thinking

Some essays require  a binary approach , meaning to say you tackle the issue by addressing the positive and the negative aspects of the question at hand. 

Here is how you can plan your body paragraphs for such topics:

Now, it’s your turn! Try planning an outline for the following topics:

  • 2017 O-Level: It is often said that people
  • are too concerned with getting things and spending money. What is your opinion? 

On the other hand, there are topics which are not suited for such a binary approach. Consider questions such as:

  • Give 3 x features (1 per body paragraph)
  • Give 3 x important lessons (1 per body paragraph)

vector image of balance

5. How do I Brainstorm Ideas for a Discursive Essay to Achieve a Balanced Discussion?

Give yourself 10 minutes to do a proper planning. It’s useful to approach the issue at hand by exploring its significance and relevance in different spheres and domains : Education, Ethics or Morals, Technology, Law etc.

Instead of giving 3 different points from an education perspective, why not broaden your scope and look at the issue from not just an educational perspective, but also a technological perspective and an ethical perspective?

This is what makes for a matured, holistic response. 

Let’s use the following topic as an example:

vector image of man working

If you run out of ideas, you can also examine two sides of a coin in a single domain. For example, you’ll see that in the example, that for the technological sphere, there are instances of youths making and  not changing the world for the better.  

Now that the brainstorming is done, let’s put pen to paper and start writing!

6. How do I Write an Introduction for a Discursive Essay?

  • Share an insight or observation regarding the issue. Why is this issue worth discussing? What are the implications of the issue? You can also use 5W1H questions to help you generate ideas.
  • Define your scope of discussion and if needed, define the keywords in the topic by setting out what is meant by, for instance, “young people” and “for the better”.

You can ask yourself these questions to help you with your intro:

  • Who are “young people”?
  • In which domains are youths making significant impact?
  • Why do some people believe that they are making the world a better place?
  • Why do other people not trust youth to positively impact the world?
  • What is my thesis?

Simply answer these questions + include your thesis. Voila, you have a solid introduction!

7. How do I Write the Body Paragraphs for a Discursive Essay?

Students, you must have heard of the PEEL method by now. We introduce the POINT in the first sentence, ELABORATE on the point, then substantiate with EVIDENCE or EXAMPLES , and finally, we round it all off by LINKING back to the point.

It sounds easy enough, doesn’t it?

vector image of good job

Each body paragraph should only discuss one main idea , and only one! Introduce the main idea in your topic sentence (the first sentence of your body paragraph), not after you’ve given your example or when you’re wrapping up the paragraph.

A good topic sentence is straightforward and clear .

Here is an example of a coherent and concise topic sentence:  

  • In the sphere of education, youth activists are making positive changes by advocating to make education available to girls in less developed societies.

After you have crafted your topic sentence, it’s time to elaborate on your main point. A well-developed body paragraph elaborates by delving deeper into the main point and substantiating with relevant examples or evidence.

For our point on “education”, consider asking and answering the following questions:

  • Education imparts knowledge and skills to girls, which then grants more employment opportunities. In turn, they break free from the poverty cycle.
  • Don’t stop here! Make sure to link back to the idea of “making the world a better place”.
  • This means lower poverty rates in the world and society also benefits from the contributions that the girls go on to make in the workforce.

Important Reminders:

vector image of warning sign

a. Your essay  must not be example-driven ! It must always be point-driven. 

b. Remember to make the link from your examples/ evidence back to your topic sentence. This illustrates the relevance and strength of your evidence and reinforces your main point. 

For our example, a coherent body paragraph could look like this: 

8. How to Write a Conclusion for a Discursive Essay?

vector image of man lifting a star

Many students just reiterate the points in conclusion. But that is… you guessed it, boring. Last impression lasts!   You want to provide an insight to this issue to demonstrate your maturity of thought. Apart from summarising your points, link your conclusion back to the introduction so that your essay comes a full circle. You can also use a quote or thought-provoking question for readers to make their own conclusion.

Students, this is how you tackle a discursive essay. Try applying these tips to one of the topics above!

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How to Write a Discursive Essay: Structure & Tips

Effective communication is a cornerstone of academic success, and mastering discursive essays is a crucial step in this journey. Essays for your English class, like discursive essays, are not just academic exercises but opportunities to enhance your analytical and persuasive skills.

In this guide, we’ll explore the intricacies of crafting compelling discursive essays, providing insights and practical tips to help you navigate how to write a discursive essay successfully. Let’s embark on the journey of honing your ability to present balanced viewpoints and articulate your thoughts with clarity and precision.

What is a Discursive Essay?

Discursive essays are versatile, allowing you to argue for or against a topic or present a balanced view. These essays, integral to English classes, foster critical thinking by exploring various perspectives. They come in different forms, such as opinion essays, for and against essays, or essays proposing solutions to problems. Understanding the nature and purpose of discursive essays is crucial for excelling in your English class.

Female student working on a discursive essay on laptop with books, pen and paper.

Discursive Essay Structure

The structure of a discursive essay is straightforward but essential. It has a snappy introduction, persuasive body paragraph and a cohesive conclusion.

In the introduction, set the stage by clearly stating your stance or indicating a balanced view. The body paragraphs are the core, where arguments are built, each paragraph dedicated to a specific aspect of the topic. Finally, the conclusion summarises key points and may include your final position. This structure ensures coherence and clarity.

How to Write an Introduction for a Discursive Essay

The introduction is your chance to captivate readers. Avoid cliches and generalisations; instead, consider opening with a thought-provoking question, a relevant quote, or a surprising statistic.

For example, if your essay is on the impact of technology on education, you might start with, “In an era dominated by screens, is traditional education becoming obsolete?”

Clearly state your stance or intention to present a balanced view.

For instance, “In this essay, we will explore both sides of the debate regarding the influence of technology on education, ultimately arriving at a nuanced perspective.”

How to Write the Body for a Discursive Essay

The body is where your arguments unfold. Divide it into paragraphs, each focused on a specific point. Provide evidence from reputable sources to support your claims. To maintain a smooth transition between paragraphs, use connectives like ‘equally,’ ‘similarly,’ or ‘on the contrary.’ If you’re discussing the positive impact of technology on education, a transition could be, “Similarly, the accessibility of online resources has revolutionised the learning experience.”

How to Write a Conclusion for a Discursive Essay

The conclusion is not a mere repetition but a synthesis of your main findings. Recap key points and, depending on the essay type, state your final position. Express your personal opinion logically, aligning it with the evidence presented in the body. For example, “While technology offers unprecedented opportunities, a balanced approach that preserves the essence of traditional education is vital.”

Discursive Essay Writing Tips

  • Utilise connectives: Use words like ‘however,’ ‘in contrast,’ or ‘conversely’ for smooth transitions between opposing viewpoints. For instance, “While some argue for the benefits of online learning, others vehemently oppose it. However, a nuanced perspective considers both sides.”
  • Formal language: Maintain a formal tone. Avoid colloquial expressions; instead, opt for academic language. For instance, replace “kids” with “children” and “a lot” with “numerous.”
  • Persuasive techniques: Experiment with persuasive writing techniques. For instance, if discussing environmental issues, use vivid imagery like “the lush greenery replaced by concrete jungles” to evoke a strong visual impact.

Need More Help With How to Write a Discursive Essay? A Team Tuition Can Help!

For personalised guidance and support in mastering discursive essays, consider reaching out to A Team Tuition. Our English academic personal trainers offer valuable insights and assistance tailored to your specific needs.

Whether forming study groups, seeking your teacher’s guidance, or opting for private tutoring and mentoring through A Team Tuition, these avenues can elevate your essay writing skills.

Remember, mastering discursive essays is not just about academic achievement; it’s a lifelong skill that enhances your ability to think critically and communicate effectively. Take the first step toward academic excellence – contact A Team Tuition to schedule your first session and unlock your full potential. Happy writing!

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How to Write a Discursive Essay: Tips, Examples, and Structure

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How to Write a Discursive Essay: Tips, Examples, and Structure

Mastering the Art of Writing a Discursive Essay

Table of contents.


Understanding Discursive Essays

Discursive essay writing tips, discursive essay structure, examples of discursive essays, picking the right discursive essay topics, discursive essay format, crafting a strong discursive essay outline, writing an effective discursive essay introduction, nailing the discursive essay conclusion.

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to write a discursive essay effectively. If you’re unfamiliar with this type of essay or want to improve your skills, you’ve come to the right place! This guide will cover How to Write a Discursive Essay , examples, and strategies to help you craft a compelling discursive essay.

Are you ready to master this art of writing ? This article will explain a discursive essay and explore various aspects such as writing tips, structure, examples, and format. So, let’s dive right in and unveil the key elements of an impressive discursive essay.

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Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of writing a discursive essay , let’s take a moment to understand its nature and purpose. A discursive essay presents a balanced argument on a particular topic by exploring different perspectives. It requires the writer to consider different viewpoints, present evidence, and critically analyze the subject matter.

Writing a discursive essay can be challenging, but you can excel in this art form with the right approach. Here are some valuable tips that will help you write a discursive essay effectively:

  • Choose an Engaging Topic: Select a topic that is interesting and relevant to your audience. This will make the essay more engaging and enjoyable to read.
  • Thorough Research: Gather extensive information from reliable sources to support your arguments and counterarguments.
  • Plan and Outline: Take the time to plan and create an outline before diving into the writing process. This will help you organize your thoughts and arguments effectively.
  • Clear Introduction: Start with a concise introduction that provides context and grabs the reader’s attention. Clearly state your thesis or main argument.
  • Well-structured Paragraphs: Divide your essay into paragraphs that focus on specific points. Each paragraph should present a new idea or support a previous one.
  • Logical Flow: Maintain a logical flow using transitional words and phrases that connect your ideas and paragraphs smoothly.
  • Balance Your Arguments: Ensure a balance in presenting the pros and cons of each perspective. This will demonstrate your fairness and critical thinking skills.
  • Support with Evidence: Provide evidence, facts, and examples to support your claims and make your arguments more persuasive.
  • Use Clear Language: Avoid jargon and overly complex language. Opt for clear, concise, and precise language that is easy for readers to comprehend.
  • Proofread and Edit: Always revise, proofread, and edit your essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and proper grammar usage.

Following these tips, you’ll be well-equipped to write an impressive discursive essay that effectively presents your arguments and engages your readers.

A well-structured discursive essay enhances readability and ensures that your arguments are coherent. Here’s a suggested structure that you can follow:

  • Hook the reader with an attention-grabbing statement or anecdote.
  • Introduce the topic and provide background information.
  • Present your thesis statement or main argument.
  • Start each paragraph with a topic sentence introducing a new argument or perspective.
  • Provide evidence, examples, and supporting details to justify your claims.
  • Address counterarguments and present rebuttals, showing your ability to consider different viewpoints.
  • Use transitional words to maintain a smooth flow between paragraphs.
  • Summarize the main points discussed in the essay.
  • Restate your thesis statement while considering the arguments presented.
  • End with a thought-provoking statement or call to action.

By adhering to this structure, your discursive essay will be well-organized and easy for readers to follow.

To gain a better understanding of how discursive essays are written, let’s explore a couple of examples:

Example 1: The Impact of Social Media

Introduction: The growing influence of social media in society.

Main Body: Discussing the positive and negative aspects of social media on communication, mental health, privacy, and relationships.

Conclusion: Weighing the overall impact of social media and proposing ways to harness its strengths and mitigate its drawbacks.

Example 2: The Pros and Cons of School Uniforms

Introduction: Introducing the debate on school uniforms.

Main Body: Exploring the arguments supporting school uniforms (such as fostering discipline and equality) and arguments against them (such as limiting self-expression).

Conclusion: Evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of school uniforms and suggesting potential compromises.

These examples illustrate how discursive essays analyze various perspectives on a topic while maintaining a balanced approach.

Choosing an engaging and relevant topic is crucial to capturing your readers’ attention. Here are some popular discursive essay topics to consider:

  • Is social media beneficial or detrimental to society?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished worldwide?
  • Are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) safe for consumption?
  • Should recreational marijuana use be legalized?
  • Are video games responsible for the rise in violence among youth?

When selecting a topic, ensure it is captivating, allows for multiple viewpoints, and is backed by sufficient research material.

While there is flexibility in formatting a discursive essay, adhering to a standard format enhances clarity and readability. Consider following this general format:

  • Font type and size: Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri with a 12-point font size.
  • Line spacing: Double-spaced throughout the essay.
  • Page margins: 1-inch margins on all sides.
  • Title page: Include the essay title, your name, course name, instructor’s name, and submission date (if applicable).
  • Header: Insert a header with your last name and page number (top-right corner).

A consistent format will make your essay more professional and easier to navigate.

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Before writing your discursive essay, creating an outline that organizes your thoughts and arguments effectively is essential. Here’s a sample outline to help you get started:

I. Introduction

B. Background information

C. Thesis statement

II. Main Body

A. Argument 1

1. Supporting evidence

2. Examples

B. Argument 2

C. Argument 3

1 . Supporting evidence

2 . Examples

III. Counterarguments and Rebuttals

A. Counterargument 1

1 . Rebuttal evidence

B. Counterargument 2

C . Counterargument 3

IV. Conclusion

A. Summary of main points

B . Restating the thesis statement

C. Call to action or thought-provoking statement

By structuring your ideas in an outline, you’ll have a clear roadmap for your essay, ensuring that your arguments flow logically.

The introduction of your discursive essay plays a vital role in capturing your reader’s attention and setting the tone for the essay. Here’s how you can make your introduction compelling:

Start With an Engaging Hook: Begin with a captivating opening sentence, such as a surprising statistic, an intriguing question, or a compelling anecdote related to your topic.

Provide Necessary Background Information: Briefly explain the topic and its relevance to the reader.

Present Your Thesis Statement: Clearly state your main argument or thesis, which will guide your essay’s direction and focus.

You’ll establish a strong foundation for your discursive essay by crafting an engaging and informative introduction.

The conclusion of your discursive essay should effectively summarize your main points and leave a lasting impression on your readers. Here’s how you can achieve this:

Summarize the Main Points: Briefly recap the key arguments and perspectives discussed in the essay.

Restate Your Thesis Statement: Reiterate your main argument while considering the various perspectives.

Call to Action or Thought-Provoking Statement: End your essay with a compelling statement or encourage readers to explore the topic further, sparking discussion and reflection.

By crafting a powerful conclusion, you’ll leave a lasting impact on your readers, ensuring they walk away with a clear understanding of your essay’s message.

Congratulations! You’ve now comprehensively understood how to write a discursive essay effectively. Remember to choose an engaging topic, conduct thorough research, create a clear structure, and present balanced arguments while considering different perspectives. Following these guidelines and incorporating our tips, you’ll be well-equipped to craft a compelling discursive essay.

So, start writing your discursive essay following our comprehensive guide. Unlock your writing potential and captivate your readers with an impressive discursive essay that showcases your analytical skills and ability to present compelling arguments. Happy writing!

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Frequently Asked Questions About “How to Write a Discursive Essay Effectively”

What is a discursive essay, and how does it differ from other types of essays.

A discursive essay explores a particular topic by presenting different perspectives and arguments. It differs from other essays, emphasizing balanced, unbiased discussion rather than a single, strong stance.

How should I choose a topic for my discursive essay?

Select a topic that allows for multiple viewpoints and has room for discussion. Controversial issues or topics with various opinions work well, providing ample material for exploration.

What is the typical structure of a discursive essay?

A discursive essay typically has an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction sets the stage, the body paragraphs present different viewpoints, and the conclusion summarizes the key points and your stance.

Is it necessary to choose a side in a discursive essay?

While you don’t have to take a definite side, you should present a balanced view. However, some essay prompts may ask you to argue for or against a particular position.

How do I start the introduction of a discursive essay?

Begin with a hook to capture the reader’s attention, provide background information, and clearly state the issue you will discuss. End the introduction with a thesis statement that outlines your approach.

Should I use formal language in a discursive essay?

Yes, maintain a formal and objective tone. Avoid using first-person pronouns and aim for clarity and precision in your language.

How many viewpoints should I include in the body paragraphs?

Include at least two or three well-developed viewpoints. Ensure that each paragraph focuses on a specific aspect or argument related to the topic.

How do I transition between paragraphs in a discursive essay?

Use transitional phrases to move smoothly from one idea to the next. This helps maintain a logical flow and coherence in your essay.

Can I include personal opinions in a discursive essay?

While you can present your opinions, remaining objective and supporting your views with evidence is crucial. The emphasis should be on presenting a well-rounded discussion rather than expressing personal bias.

How do I conclude a discursive essay effectively?

Summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs, restate your thesis nuancedly, and offer a closing thought or call to action. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion.

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How to Write a Discursive Essay: Tips to Succeed & Examples

So, you need to accomplish your discursive essay writing. The typical questions most students ask are: How do you write it? What is discursive essay?

A discursive essay is an academic paper that involves a discussion on a particular topic. It is usually assigned to college students. You may be required to write a paper wherein you have to do one of the following:

  • argue for the issue or against it;
  • present your points of view on both sides;
  • provide your unprejudiced opinion on that matter.

Don’t panic!

Check out the tips from  Custom-writing.org  experts below. They will assist you in discursive writing and encourage you to examine essay examples. Moreover, in this article, you’ll also learn about different types of discursive essay, and its introduction, main body, and conclusion structure.

  • ❓ What Is It?
  • 🏁 Main Types


  • Basic Don’Ts
  • ✏️ Frequent Questions

❓ What Is a Discursive Essay?

First of all, let’s figure out what the discursive essay is.

You may think it’s similar to the argumentative essay. Yes, but there’s a difference between them in the structure and purpose of these two types of assignments:

We will take a detailed look at how to structure a discursive essay later, and now let’s find out what are the types of this assignment.

Keep reading!

🏁 Discursive Essay: Main Types

You have to think more critically and more in-depth when reviewing all viewpoints and aspects of discursive writing. Check these three main types of essay writing:

  • Opinion Essay  requires the author’s opinion on an issue which is stated in the introductory paragraph. It should be clearly presented and followed by reasons and supporting examples. Also, this essay paper should contain an opposing argument that comes before the conclusion. The writer must explain to readers why the mentioned argument is considered to be unconvincing. The writer’s opinion should be restated/summarized in the conclusion.
  • For and Against Essay  provides readers with a thorough debate on the topic with the help of opposing points of view. Each point should be discussed objectively and described in details. The introductory paragraph puts the issue under consideration. The main body of this essay paper should present examples, reasons, and arguments supported by justifications. The author’s own opinion with balanced reflections on the topic should be stated only in conclusion.
  • Essay Suggesting Solution to a Problem  discusses problems and finds the main solutions. The introduction paragraph explicitly declares a problem and analyses its causes and consequences. The main body of the essay should offer some suggestions for a possible solution to the problem and potential state consequences or expected results. In conclusion, author’s opinion should be distinctly summarized.

📑 How to Write a Discursive Essay

Well, it’s time to talk about the structure of a discursive essay. Like most of the assignments, a discursive paper starts with an introduction and ends with a conclusion:

The first question you may ask is how to start a discursive essay introduction. Simple!

  • Give your readers a hook – something that would sound interesting to them.
  • Provide a short explanation of the problem. You may use quotations, as well as rhetorical questions.
  • Show your readers both sides of the arguments and sum up.

You may be wondering…

Is there something I should avoid in my discursive essay introduction?

Yes. No stereotypes and generalizations, please!

The next step under formal essay writing you should take is to compose the body.

Tips on how to write a discursive essay.

There are a few points you should remember:

  • First and foremost: stay unprejudiced . Assess all of the aspects of an issue. Leave your feelings behind or for another essay type.
  • Second: build your argumentation . If you have several arguments for your viewpoint—provide them in separate paragraphs. This will help you to keep your essay comprehensible and distinct. Don’t forget to submit supporting evidence.
  • Third: write the body of an essay in an alternate manner. What does it mean? If your first paragraph supports the paper’s argument, then in the second paragraph you should write something in the opposite of it. Such a combination of supporting and opposite paragraphs will make your essay look apparent, and well researched. Besides, it will help you to remain neutral.
  • Fourth: include topic sentences and evidence . Write a summary of the argument at the beginning of the paragraph. It will allow the reader to easier understand what the paragraph is about. Provide evidence to show that you’re not making the facts up.

Well, you’ve almost finished your writing. Now you should focus on the last section. Keep reading, and you will learn how to write a conclusion for a discursive essay.

  • In the last section, you should summarize your article including the main points, specified in the body paragraphs.
  • You may also logically express your opinion. Remember: it should resonate with your evidence stated in the body paragraphs.
  • Don’t repeat findings, just summarize them.

Keep it short. Your conclusion length should not exceed one paragraph.

👍 Do’s and Don’ts

Do you want more discursive essay writing tips? Fine! Just check them below:

Basic Do’s of a Discursive Essay

  • Write in formal, impersonal style.
  • Introduce each point in a separate paragraph
  • Use topic sentences for each paragraph
  • Write well-developed paragraphs
  • Give reasons and examples for each point
  • Use sequencing
  • Use linking words and phrases
  • Make references to other sources and make sure that you follow proper citation style
  • Identify used sources

Basic Don’Ts of a Discursive Essay

  • Don’t use short forms, like I’ll, don’t, they’ve
  • Don’t use informal/colloquial language, for example: old as the hills, ain’t, gonna, etc.
  • Don’t use very emotional language, since it might make your discursive article look prejudiced
  • Don’t use over-generalizations. Extending the features of some elements from a group more than it is reasonable will lead to generous and inaccurate conclusions.
  • Don’t express your personal opinion too insistently
  • Don’t refer to statistics without proper referencing (check our citation guides )
  • Don’t use personal examples, leave it for a personal experience essay

Well, now you know what discursive essay means, what are its main types, and how to structure it.

Tips on how to write a discursive essay.

Discursive Essay Topics

  • Discussion of risk factors that impact human health.
  • Discuss the necessity of understanding cultural heritage to provide efficient health care.
  • Analyze different opinions on withdrawing patients’ treatment.
  • Examine different views on the Civil War. 
  • Discuss what hostile emotional states are and how they impact human life.
  • Discuss the meaning of metaphors used by Virgil in Aeneid .
  • Describe different opinions on telehealth in nursing homes.
  • The ethicality of stem cell technology.
  • Explore the effectiveness of motivational interviewing .
  • Discuss how people present themselves online .
  • Discuss the reasons for Coca-Cola’s marketing success.
  • Analyze the food safety issues and the ways to improve the situation.
  • Examine the essential meaning of sleep for people’s physical and mental health.  
  • Explore various complications of working with groups. 
  • Discussion of the modern issues with virtue ethics .
  • Describe different views on the definition of love .
  • Give the for and against arguments considering food security technologies .
  • Discuss how the concept of the American dream is presented in the film The Great Gatsby.  
  • Analyze the influence of family problems on children and suggest ways to improve the situation.
  • Present the various points of view on the ethical concepts of Buddhism. 
  • Examine the attitudes towards the problem of homelessness and the suggested ways of its solution.
  • Explore different opinions on the American revolution and its consequences.  
  • Discuss various policies and views around the globe on abortion .
  • Discussion of the history of food foraging in different communities. 
  • Multiple thoughts on civility on the Internet .
  • Analyze arguments on the effectiveness of hand sanitizers. 
  • Discuss the importance of visual aids in learning.
  • Present and evaluate the theories of international development .
  • Discuss how to prevent the spread of the West Nile Virus (WNV).
  • Is embracing renewable energy sources beneficial for both environment and the global economy?
  • Examine the correctness of the statement that the ideology of pleasure is the foundation of social activism.  
  • Discussion of the ethical dilemma of population control. 
  • Discuss the ethics of experimental studies .
  • Analyze the topic of gun violence and gun control laws.  
  • Explore the reasons for opioid crises in the US.  
  • Give arguments for and against random drug testing. 
  • Discuss the problem of endangered species .
  • Express your opinion on the necessity of parents to be included in children’s education .
  • Present your attitude towards working in a bureaucratic organization. 
  • Discuss the issue of the nursing shortage and suggest a solution.
  • Give different viewpoints on the definition of beauty .
  • Analyze the problem of police misconduct .
  • Discuss the description of violence of African people in literature. 
  • Examine the views on Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory .
  • Describe the various opinions on mysticism and express your attitude towards it.  
  • Discuss the diverse standpoints on spirituality. 
  • Is nature protection an urgent problem?
  • Analyze different ideas on physical privacy at work. 
  • Discussion on the Jewish heritage in nursing.
  • Examine the views on the meaning of life .

Good luck with your discussions and discursive essays! Be sure to check out the articles on our blog for more academic wisdom. By the way, on the Custom-Writing website, you may find the best essay topics for your academic writing.

And don’t forget to share your opinion in the comments below.

You might also be interested in:

  • Friendship Essay: Writing Guide & Topic Ideas about Friendship
  • Teamwork Essay: Quick Guide on How to Write a Good Paper
  • Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Tips and Examples
  • Transportation Essay: Writing Tips and Brilliant Topics

✏️ Discursive Essay FAQ

There is no one definitely correct answer to this question. Like any other essay, the text should have a clear structure with an introduction, body, and conclusion. The most important thing is that the overall book needs to be cohesive, persuasive, and exciting to read.

An example of a step by step guide is:

1. Take a closer look at the topic, think about the points to cover.

2. Choose the most relevant points and compose the Body of the essay.

3. Add an appropriate Introduction and Conclusion.

To write a good conclusion, you need to have the rest of the essay finished. Does the body of your essay present well-structured points? Great, then see what you can conclude based on that. If possible, make a connection between the introduction and the conclusion.

To ensure that your essay has a perfect structure, start with creating an outline. Based on such a plan, you can present your points step by step. Your text should have a relevant introduction, several points in the main body (with examples), and a logical conclusion.

🔗 References

  • Writing an Opinion Essay: Grace Fleming, ThoughtCo
  • How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: Easy Step-by-Step Guide: Master Class
  • Ending the Essay: Conclusions: Harvard College Writing Center
  • Academic Writing Style: University of Southern California
  • Cite Your Sources: Library Guides at University of California, Santa Cruz
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Grad Coach

What (Exactly) Is Discourse Analysis? A Plain-Language Explanation & Definition (With Examples)

By: Jenna Crosley (PhD). Expert Reviewed By: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | June 2021

Discourse analysis is one of the most popular qualitative analysis techniques we encounter at Grad Coach. If you’ve landed on this post, you’re probably interested in discourse analysis, but you’re not sure whether it’s the right fit for your project, or you don’t know where to start. If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Overview: Discourse Analysis Basics

In this post, we’ll explain in plain, straightforward language :

  • What discourse analysis is
  • When to use discourse analysis
  • The main approaches to discourse analysis
  • How to conduct discourse analysis

What is discourse analysis?

Let’s start with the word “discourse”.

In its simplest form, discourse is verbal or written communication between people that goes beyond a single sentence . Importantly, discourse is more than just language. The term “language” can include all forms of linguistic and symbolic units (even things such as road signs), and language studies can focus on the individual meanings of words. Discourse goes beyond this and looks at the overall meanings conveyed by language in context .  “Context” here refers to the social, cultural, political, and historical background of the discourse, and it is important to take this into account to understand underlying meanings expressed through language.

A popular way of viewing discourse is as language used in specific social contexts, and as such language serves as a means of prompting some form of social change or meeting some form of goal.

Discourse analysis goals

Now that we’ve defined discourse, let’s look at discourse analysis .

Discourse analysis uses the language presented in a corpus or body of data to draw meaning . This body of data could include a set of interviews or focus group discussion transcripts. While some forms of discourse analysis center in on the specifics of language (such as sounds or grammar), other forms focus on how this language is used to achieve its aims. We’ll dig deeper into these two above-mentioned approaches later.

As Wodak and Krzyżanowski (2008) put it: “discourse analysis provides a general framework to problem-oriented social research”. Basically, discourse analysis is used to conduct research on the use of language in context in a wide variety of social problems (i.e., issues in society that affect individuals negatively).

For example, discourse analysis could be used to assess how language is used to express differing viewpoints on financial inequality and would look at how the topic should or shouldn’t be addressed or resolved, and whether this so-called inequality is perceived as such by participants.

What makes discourse analysis unique is that it posits that social reality is socially constructed , or that our experience of the world is understood from a subjective standpoint. Discourse analysis goes beyond the literal meaning of words and languages

For example, people in countries that make use of a lot of censorship will likely have their knowledge, and thus views, limited by this, and will thus have a different subjective reality to those within countries with more lax laws on censorship.

social construction

When should you use discourse analysis?

There are many ways to analyze qualitative data (such as content analysis , narrative analysis , and thematic analysis ), so why should you choose discourse analysis? Well, as with all analysis methods, the nature of your research aims, objectives and research questions (i.e. the purpose of your research) will heavily influence the right choice of analysis method.

The purpose of discourse analysis is to investigate the functions of language (i.e., what language is used for) and how meaning is constructed in different contexts, which, to recap, include the social, cultural, political, and historical backgrounds of the discourse.

For example, if you were to study a politician’s speeches, you would need to situate these speeches in their context, which would involve looking at the politician’s background and views, the reasons for presenting the speech, the history or context of the audience, and the country’s social and political history (just to name a few – there are always multiple contextual factors).

The purpose of discourse analysis

Discourse analysis can also tell you a lot about power and power imbalances , including how this is developed and maintained, how this plays out in real life (for example, inequalities because of this power), and how language can be used to maintain it. For example, you could look at the way that someone with more power (for example, a CEO) speaks to someone with less power (for example, a lower-level employee).

Therefore, you may consider discourse analysis if you are researching:

  • Some form of power or inequality (for example, how affluent individuals interact with those who are less wealthy
  • How people communicate in a specific context (such as in a social situation with colleagues versus a board meeting)
  • Ideology and how ideas (such as values and beliefs) are shared using language (like in political speeches)
  • How communication is used to achieve social goals (such as maintaining a friendship or navigating conflict)

As you can see, discourse analysis can be a powerful tool for assessing social issues , as well as power and power imbalances . So, if your research aims and objectives are oriented around these types of issues, discourse analysis could be a good fit for you.

discourse analysis is good for analysing power

Discourse Analysis: The main approaches

There are two main approaches to discourse analysis. These are the language-in-use (also referred to as socially situated text and talk ) approaches and the socio-political approaches (most commonly Critical Discourse Analysis ). Let’s take a look at each of these.

Approach #1: Language-in-use

Language-in-use approaches focus on the finer details of language used within discourse, such as sentence structures (grammar) and phonology (sounds). This approach is very descriptive and is seldom seen outside of studies focusing on literature and/or linguistics.

Because of its formalist roots, language-in-use pays attention to different rules of communication, such as grammaticality (i.e., when something “sounds okay” to a native speaker of a language). Analyzing discourse through a language-in-use framework involves identifying key technicalities of language used in discourse and investigating how the features are used within a particular social context.

For example, English makes use of affixes (for example, “un” in “unbelievable”) and suffixes (“able” in “unbelievable”) but doesn’t typically make use of infixes (units that can be placed within other words to alter their meaning). However, an English speaker may say something along the lines of, “that’s un-flipping-believable”. From a language-in-use perspective, the infix “flipping” could be investigated by assessing how rare the phenomenon is in English, and then answering questions such as, “What role does the infix play?” or “What is the goal of using such an infix?”

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Approach #2: Socio-political

Socio-political approaches to discourse analysis look beyond the technicalities of language and instead focus on the influence that language has in social context , and vice versa. One of the main socio-political approaches is Critical Discourse Analysis , which focuses on power structures (for example, the power dynamic between a teacher and a student) and how discourse is influenced by society and culture. Critical Discourse Analysis is born out of Michel Foucault’s early work on power, which focuses on power structures through the analysis of normalized power .

Normalized power is ingrained and relatively allusive. It’s what makes us exist within society (and within the underlying norms of society, as accepted in a specific social context) and do the things that we need to do. Contrasted to this, a more obvious form of power is repressive power , which is power that is actively asserted.

Sounds a bit fluffy? Let’s look at an example.

Consider a situation where a teacher threatens a student with detention if they don’t stop speaking in class. This would be an example of repressive power (i.e. it was actively asserted).

Normalized power, on the other hand, is what makes us not want to talk in class . It’s the subtle clues we’re given from our environment that tell us how to behave, and this form of power is so normal to us that we don’t even realize that our beliefs, desires, and decisions are being shaped by it.

In the view of Critical Discourse Analysis, language is power and, if we want to understand power dynamics and structures in society, we must look to language for answers. In other words, analyzing the use of language can help us understand the social context, especially the power dynamics.

words have power

While the above-mentioned approaches are the two most popular approaches to discourse analysis, other forms of analysis exist. For example, ethnography-based discourse analysis and multimodal analysis. Ethnography-based discourse analysis aims to gain an insider understanding of culture , customs, and habits through participant observation (i.e. directly observing participants, rather than focusing on pre-existing texts).

On the other hand, multimodal analysis focuses on a variety of texts that are both verbal and nonverbal (such as a combination of political speeches and written press releases). So, if you’re considering using discourse analysis, familiarize yourself with the various approaches available so that you can make a well-informed decision.

How to “do” discourse analysis

As every study is different, it’s challenging to outline exactly what steps need to be taken to complete your research. However, the following steps can be used as a guideline if you choose to adopt discourse analysis for your research.

Step 1: Decide on your discourse analysis approach

The first step of the process is to decide on which approach you will take in terms. For example, the language in use approach or a socio-political approach such as critical discourse analysis. To do this, you need to consider your research aims, objectives and research questions . Of course, this means that you need to have these components clearly defined. If you’re still a bit uncertain about these, check out our video post covering topic development here.

While discourse analysis can be exploratory (as in, used to find out about a topic that hasn’t really been touched on yet), it is still vital to have a set of clearly defined research questions to guide your analysis. Without these, you may find that you lack direction when you get to your analysis. Since discourse analysis places such a focus on context, it is also vital that your research questions are linked to studying language within context.

Based on your research aims, objectives and research questions, you need to assess which discourse analysis would best suit your needs. Importantly, you  need to adopt an approach that aligns with your study’s purpose . So, think carefully about what you are investigating and what you want to achieve, and then consider the various options available within discourse analysis.

It’s vital to determine your discourse analysis approach from the get-go , so that you don’t waste time randomly analyzing your data without any specific plan.

Action plan

Step 2: Design your collection method and gather your data

Once you’ve got determined your overarching approach, you can start looking at how to collect your data. Data in discourse analysis is drawn from different forms of “talk” and “text” , which means that it can consist of interviews , ethnographies, discussions, case studies, blog posts.  

The type of data you collect will largely depend on your research questions (and broader research aims and objectives). So, when you’re gathering your data, make sure that you keep in mind the “what”, “who” and “why” of your study, so that you don’t end up with a corpus full of irrelevant data. Discourse analysis can be very time-consuming, so you want to ensure that you’re not wasting time on information that doesn’t directly pertain to your research questions.

When considering potential collection methods, you should also consider the practicalities . What type of data can you access in reality? How many participants do you have access to and how much time do you have available to collect data and make sense of it? These are important factors, as you’ll run into problems if your chosen methods are impractical in light of your constraints.

Once you’ve determined your data collection method, you can get to work with the collection.

Collect your data

Step 3: Investigate the context

A key part of discourse analysis is context and understanding meaning in context. For this reason, it is vital that you thoroughly and systematically investigate the context of your discourse. Make sure that you can answer (at least the majority) of the following questions:

  • What is the discourse?
  • Why does the discourse exist? What is the purpose and what are the aims of the discourse?
  • When did the discourse take place?
  • Where did it happen?
  • Who participated in the discourse? Who created it and who consumed it?
  • What does the discourse say about society in general?
  • How is meaning being conveyed in the context of the discourse?

Make sure that you include all aspects of the discourse context in your analysis to eliminate any confounding factors. For example, are there any social, political, or historical reasons as to why the discourse would exist as it does? What other factors could contribute to the existence of the discourse? Discourse can be influenced by many factors, so it is vital that you take as many of them into account as possible.

Once you’ve investigated the context of your data, you’ll have a much better idea of what you’re working with, and you’ll be far more familiar with your content. It’s then time to begin your analysis.

Time to analyse

Step 4: Analyze your data

When performing a discourse analysis, you’ll need to look for themes and patterns .  To do this, you’ll start by looking at codes , which are specific topics within your data. You can find more information about the qualitative data coding process here.

Next, you’ll take these codes and identify themes. Themes are patterns of language (such as specific words or sentences) that pop up repeatedly in your data, and that can tell you something about the discourse. For example, if you’re wanting to know about women’s perspectives of living in a certain area, potential themes may be “safety” or “convenience”.

In discourse analysis, it is important to reach what is called data saturation . This refers to when you’ve investigated your topic and analyzed your data to the point where no new information can be found. To achieve this, you need to work your way through your data set multiple times, developing greater depth and insight each time. This can be quite time consuming and even a bit boring at times, but it’s essential.

Once you’ve reached the point of saturation, you should have an almost-complete analysis and you’re ready to move onto the next step – final review.

review your analysis

Step 5: Review your work

Hey, you’re nearly there. Good job! Now it’s time to review your work.

This final step requires you to return to your research questions and compile your answers to them, based on the analysis. Make sure that you can answer your research questions thoroughly, and also substantiate your responses with evidence from your data.

Usually, discourse analysis studies make use of appendices, which are referenced within your thesis or dissertation. This makes it easier for reviewers or markers to jump between your analysis (and findings) and your corpus (your evidence) so that it’s easier for them to assess your work.

When answering your research questions, make you should also revisit your research aims and objectives , and assess your answers against these. This process will help you zoom out a little and give you a bigger picture view. With your newfound insights from the analysis, you may find, for example, that it makes sense to expand the research question set a little to achieve a more comprehensive view of the topic.

Let’s recap…

In this article, we’ve covered quite a bit of ground. The key takeaways are:

  • Discourse analysis is a qualitative analysis method used to draw meaning from language in context.
  • You should consider using discourse analysis when you wish to analyze the functions and underlying meanings of language in context.
  • The two overarching approaches to discourse analysis are language-in-use and socio-political approaches .
  • The main steps involved in undertaking discourse analysis are deciding on your analysis approach (based on your research questions), choosing a data collection method, collecting your data, investigating the context of your data, analyzing your data, and reviewing your work.

If you have any questions about discourse analysis, feel free to leave a comment below. If you’d like 1-on-1 help with your analysis, book an initial consultation with a friendly Grad Coach to see how we can help.

discursive essay nedir

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This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...

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Blessings sinkala

This was really helpful to me

Nancy Hatuyuni

I would like to know the importance of discourse analysis analysis to academic writing

Nehal Ahmad

In academic writing coherence and cohesion are very important. DA will assist us to decide cohesiveness of the continuum of discourse that are used in it. We can judge it well.


Thank you so much for this piece, can you please direct how I can use Discourse Analysis to investigate politics of ethnicity in a particular society

Donald David

Fantastically helpful! Could you write on how discourse analysis can be done using computer aided technique? Many thanks


I would like to know if I can use discourse analysis to research on electoral integrity deviation and when election are considered free & fair

Robson sinzala Mweemba

I also to know the importance of discourse analysis and it’s purpose and characteristics

Tarien Human

Thanks, we are doing discourse analysis as a subject this year and this helped a lot!

ayoade olatokewa

Please can you help explain and answer this question? With illustrations,Hymes’ Acronym SPEAKING, as a feature of Discourse Analysis.

Devota Maria SABS

What are the three objectives of discourse analysis especially on the topic how people communicate between doctor and patient

David Marjot

Very useful Thank you for your work and information


thank you so much , I wanna know more about discourse analysis tools , such as , latent analysis , active powers analysis, proof paths analysis, image analysis, rhetorical analysis, propositions analysis, and so on, I wish I can get references about it , thanks in advance

Asma Javed

Its beyond my expectations. It made me clear everything which I was struggling since last 4 months. 👏 👏 👏 👏


Thank you so much … It is clear and helpful


Thanks for sharing this material. My question is related to the online newspaper articles on COVID -19 pandemic the way this new normal is constructed as a social reality. How discourse analysis is an appropriate approach to examine theese articles?


This very helpful and interesting information

Mr Abi

This was incredible! And massively helpful.

I’m seeking further assistance if you don’t mind.

Just Me

Found it worth consuming!


What are the four types of discourse analysis?


very helpful. And I’d like to know more about Ethnography-based discourse analysis as I’m studying arts and humanities, I’d like to know how can I use it in my study.

Rudy Galleher

Amazing info. Very happy to read this helpful piece of documentation. Thank you.


is discourse analysis can take data from medias like TV, Radio…?

Mhmd ankaba

I need to know what is general discourse analysis


Direct to the point, simple and deep explanation. this is helpful indeed.


Thank you so much was really helpful

Suman Ghimire

really impressive


Thank you very much, for the clear explanations and examples.


It is really awesome. Anybody within just in 5 minutes understand this critical topic so easily. Thank you so much.

Clara Chinyere Meierdierks

Thank you for enriching my knowledge on Discourse Analysis . Very helpful thanks again

Thuto Nnena

This was extremely helpful. I feel less anxious now. Thank you so much.

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Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır [5 Essay Örnekleri ile Detaylı Anlatım]

Argumentative essay, nasıl yazılır sorusu öğrenciler için büyük önem taşımaktadır. Argumentative essay’in nasıl yapılandırılacağını ve yazılacağını anlamak, argumentative essay’i yazmaya başlamak için faydalı bir beceridir. Güçlü argumentative essay’ler, bir tartışmayı destekleyen ve okuyucuyu belirli bir görüşe ikna eden ilgili kanıtlar sunar. Bu tür bir essay, okuyucuya bir konunun tüm yönlerini kapsayan detaylı bir genel bakış sağlar, aynı zamanda okuyucuyu yazarın bakış açısına katılmaya ikna etmeye çalışır.

Argumentative essay nasıl yazılır sorusuna cevap olarak bu makale, konuyu bölümlere ayırıp adım adım argumentative bir essay’in nasıl yazılacağı argumentative essay örnekleri ile anlatacaktır. Bu makaleyi sabır ile okuyanlar, bu makalenin sonunda argumentative essay nasıl yazılır sorusunun cevabını alacaklardır. Bu konuda danışmanlık almak isterseniz bize sağ aşağıda bulunan mesaj butonundan, iletişim bölümünden ya da [email protected] adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz. Hadi başlayalım : )


  • 1 Argumentative Essay Nedir?
  • 2.1 Essay’in introduction paragrafı ve bu paragrafın sonunda yer alan bir thesis statement yazılmalıdır.
  • 2.2 Giriş, gövde ve sonuç paragrafları arasında açık ve mantıklı geçişler olmalıdır.
  • 2.3 Ortaya sürülen argümanı destekleyen kanıtlar olmalıdır.
  • 2.4 Argümanlar kanıtlarla desteklenmelidir.
  • 2.5 Thesis statement’i tekrar ifade eden ve konuyu toparlayan bir conclusion paragrafı.
  • 2.6 İyi Bir Argumentative Essay’de Neler Bulunur?
  • 3 Argumentative Essay Kalıpları
  • 4.1 Rogerian Arguments Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır ve Örnekleri Nelerdir?
  • 4.2 Toulmin Arguments Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır ve Örnekleri Nelerdir?
  • 5.1.1 Argumentative essay yazarken konuyu seçin ve bir thesis statement yazın.
  • 5.1.2 Argumentative essay yazarken destekleyeceğiniz fikri araştırın ve bulduğunuz argümanları organize edin.
  • 5.2.1 Argumentative essay introduction paragrafı
  • 5.2.2 Argumentative essay body paragrafları
  • 5.2.3 1. Kısım: Claim (İddia)
  • 5.2.4 2. Kısım: Kanıt ve Açıklama
  • 5.2.5 3. Kısım: Thesis statement’e tekrar bağlamak
  • 5.2.6 Argumentative essay counter-argument paragrafı nasıl yazılır?
  • 5.2.7 Argumentative essay refutation paragrafı nasıl yazılır?
  • 5.2.8 Argumentative Essay conclusion paragrafı
  • 6.1.1 Introduction paragrafı
  • 6.1.2 Counter-argument paragrafı
  • 6.1.3 Refutation/Response paragrafı
  • 6.1.4 3. Body paragrafı
  • 6.2 2. Argumentative Essay Örnekleri
  • 7 Argumentative Essay Examples
  • 8 Argumentative Essay Konuları

Argumentative Essay Nedir?

Argumentative essay’in amacı, nedenler ve destekleyici kanıtlar sunarak bir konu hakkında bir duruş veya pozisyon oluşturmaktır. İyi yazılmış bir tartışmacı makale:

  • İlgi çekici bir konuyu tanıtıp ve okuyucunun ilgisi çekilmeye çalışılmalıdır;
  • Konu tüm yönleriyle adil bir şekilde açıklanmalı ve değerlendirilmelidir;
  • Olası karşı savlar ele alınmalıdır;
  • Okuyucu yeni bir bakış açısını benimsemeye veya düşünmeye ikna edilmelidir.

Argumentative essay ile expository essay bazen birbirine karıştırılabiliyor. Bu iki tür benzerdir, ancak argumentative essay, essay’in yazılmasından önceki hazırlık aşamasında ve araştırmanın efsafı açısından expository essay’den farklıdır.

Argumentative essay, genellikle belirli bir essay yazma tecrübesi olan öğrenciler veya ileri essay derslerinde bir bitirme projesi olarak yazılır ve  ayrıntılı araştırmaları içerir. Expository essay ise daha az araştırma içerir ve daha kısadır.

Argumentative Essay Structure – Formatı

Argumentative essay ödevleri genellikle kapsamlı literatür araştırmasını veya dergilerde yayınlanmış essay’de kanıt olarak kullanılacak materyali gerektirir. Argumentative essay’ler, öğrencinin görüşmeler, anketler, gözlemler veya deneyler yoluyla veri topladığı deneysel araştırmayı da gerektirebilir.

Ayrıntılı araştırma, öğrencinin konu hakkında bilgi edinmesine ve konuyla ilgili farklı bakış açılarını anlamasına olanak tanır; ve öğrenci böylece bir savunacağı pozisyonu seçebilir ve araştırma sırasında toplanan kanıtlarla bu pozisyonu destekleyebilir.İlgili araştırmanın miktarı veya türü ne olursa olsun, argumentative essay destekleyeceği net bir tez oluşturmalı ve bu tezi sağlam kanıtlarla desteklemelidir.

Argümentative essay’in yapısı şu şekildedir:

  • Introduction
  • Fikrimizi savunduğumuz body paragrafı

Counter-argument paragrafı

  • Refutation paragrafı

Conclusion paragrafı

Bu yapıyı biraz açacak olursak;

Essay’in introduction paragrafı ve bu paragrafın sonunda yer alan bir thesis statement yazılmalıdır.

Argumentative essay’in ilk paragrafında öğrenciler konuyu genel bir şekilde anlatarak okuyucuya bağlam hakkında fikir vermelidirler. Daha sonra öğrenci, yazacağı ve savunacağı konunun neden önemli olduğunu veya okuyucuların konuyu neden önemsemesi gerektiğini açıklamalıdır. Son olarak, öğrenci introduction paragrafının sonunda bir thesis statement yazmalıdır.

Bu thesis statement, ne çok geniş ne de çok dar olmalıdır; spesifik olmalıdır ve yanlışlanabilmelidir. Thesis statement nasıl yazılır öğrenmek istiyorsanız tıklayıp öğrenebilirsiniz. Öğrenci, makalenin bu bölümünde ustalaşmazsa, etkili veya ikna edici bir makale yazmak oldukça zor olacaktır.

Giriş, gövde ve sonuç paragrafları arasında açık ve mantıklı geçişler olmalıdır.

Geçişler, essay’in temelini bir arada tutan harçtır. Düşüncenin mantıksal ilerlemesi olmadan, okuyucu essay’in argümanını takip edemez ve yapı şöker. Geçişler, önceki bölümde anlatılan fikri tamamlamalı ve bir sonraki bölümde takip edecek olan fikri tanıtmalıdır.

Ortaya sürülen argümanı destekleyen kanıtlar olmalıdır.

Her paragraf bir genel fikrin tartışılmasıyla sınırlı olmalıdır. Bu, essay boyunca netlik ve yön sağlayacaktır. Ek olarak, her paragrafta bir argümanın tartışılması, essay’in okuyucusu için okunabiliği kolaylaştırır. Essay’in gövdesindeki (body paragrafı) her paragrafın, ilk paragrafındaki topic sentence’ın, thesis statement ile bir bağlantısı olması gerekir.

Bazı paragraflar, araştırma sırasında toplanan kanıtlarla thesis statement’i doğrudan destekleyecektir. Kanıtların thesis statement’i nasıl ve neden desteklediğini açıklamak da önemlidir.

Bununla birlikte, argumentative essay, konuyla ilgili farklı bakış açılarını da dikkate almalı ve açıklamalıdır. Ödevin uzunluğuna bağlı olarak, öğrenciler argumentative bir essay’in bir veya iki paragrafını konuyla ilgili çelişkili görüşleri tartışmaya ayırmalılar.

Öğrenciler, bu farklı görüşlerin nasıl yanlış olduğunu açıkça açıklamak yerine, tezleriyle uyuşmayan görüşlerin nasıl tam olarak doğru olmayabileceğine veya nasıl güncelliğini yitirmiş olabileceğine dikkat çekmelidir.

Argümanlar kanıtlarla desteklenmelidir.

Argumentative essay, thesis statement’i desteklemek ve diğer bakış açılarına dikkate çekmek için iyi araştırılmış, doğru, ayrıntılı ve güncel bilgiler gerektirir. Bazı olgusal, mantıksal, istatistiksel veya anekdotsal kanıtlar sunulan argümanları desteklemelidir. Ancak, öğrenciler argümanlarını savunmak için kanıt toplarken birden fazla bakış açısını dikkate almalıdır.

Yukarıdaki paragrafta belirtildiği gibi, başarılı ve çok yönlü bir argumentative essay, ana argüman ile uyuşmayan görüşleri de tartışacaktır. Ana argümanı desteklemeyebilecek kanıtları tartışmamak ve onlardan bahsetmemek argumentative essay’in kalitesiz olmasına ve düşük puan almasına neden olur.

Thesis statement’i tekrar ifade eden ve konuyu toparlayan bir conclusion paragrafı.

Öğrenciler bu noktada biraz zorlanabilirler. Conclusion paragrafı, essay’in makaleyi toparlayan ve okuyucunun zihninde son olarak yer eden kısımdır. Bu nedenle de, etkili ve mantıklı olmalıdır. Conclusion paragrafına yeni bir bilgi eklemeyin; bunun yerine, essay’in body paragraflarında sunulan bilgileri sentezleyin. Konunun neden önemli olduğunu yeniden belirtin, ana noktaları tekrar anlatın ve thesis statement’inizi paraphrase ederek tekrar yazın.

İyi Bir Argumentative Essay’de Neler Bulunur?

  • Intoduction’da yer alan hook cümleleri
  • Introduction’da yer alan ve konuyu hakkında bilgiler veren background bilgileri
  • Introduction’da yer alan ve konuyu güzel bir şekilde özetleyen iyi bir thesis statement
  • Thesis statement’i açıklayan body paragrafları
  • Thesis statement’i destekleyen araştırmalar ve mantıksal bütünlük
  • Thesis statement’i ve main idea’ları ve yan fikirleri destekleyen örnekler ve kanıtlar
  • Tezimizi refute ettiğimiz refutation paragrafı

Argumentative Essay Kalıpları

Mesela toplum tarafından kabul görmüş ama çürüteceğimiz fikre giriş yaparken:

– “Despite of the fact that … supposed true for some, the fact is quite opposite instead” şeklinde bir giriş yapabiliriz. Despite of the fact that, in spite of the fact that bizim çok işimize yarayacak iki kalıp olacak.

Bunun yanı sıra:

  • in addition,
  • moreover gibi bağlaçlar,
  • whereas the …. considered to be true gibi açılış cümleleri
  • although – though – after all – at the same time – on the other hand gibi sözcükler bir fikirden diğerine atlarken bize yardımcı olacaktır.
  • even if the OPPOSITION IDEA would be true, it needed to considered that
  • although OPPOSITION IDEA might have a good point
  • bearing in mind the OUR IDEA would be beneficial for the reasons that…

Argumentative Essay Türleri

Argumentative essay nesnel olmalıdır; argümanlarınız, abartıya kaçmamalı veya duygulara hitap etmemelidir, mantığa ve kanıtlara dayanmalıdır.

Argumentative essay’lere yönelik birçok olası yaklaşım vardır, ancak argümanlarınızı özetlemeye başlamanıza yardımcı olabilecek iki yaygın model vardır: Toulmin modeli ve Rogerian modeli.

Rogerian Arguments Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır ve Örnekleri Nelerdir?

Rogerian arguments modeli essay’iniz boyunca tekrarlayabileceğiniz dört adımdan oluşur:

  • Muhalif pozisyonun neyi doğru yaptığını ve insanların bu pozisyonu neden tutabileceğini tartışın
  • Bu pozisyonla ilgili sorunları vurgulayın
  • Bu sorunları nasıl çözdüğünü göstererek kendi konumunuzu sunun
  • Muhtemel bir uzlaşma önerin – karşıt görüşün savunucuları, konumunuzun hangi unsurlarını benimsemekten fayda sağlar?

Bu model, bir tartışmanın her iki tarafının da net bir resmini oluşturur ve bir uzlaşma arar. İnsanların tartışılan konu üzerinde güçlü bir şekilde aynı fikirde olmama eğiliminde olduklarında Rogerian arguments essay özellikle yararlıdır ve karşıt argümanlara iyi niyetle yaklaşmanıza izin verir.

Civic ve responsible kapitalizmi savunacak bir essay yazacağımız düşünelim. Bu durumda aşağıdaki senaryo yazılabilir:

  • Kapitalizmin verimliliği ve üretkenliği arttırdığını ortaya koyun
  • Ama bunun yanı sıra kapitalizimin zenginlerin servetlerini arttırmalarına fakirlerin servetlerini arttırmalarından daha çok yardım ettiğini belirtin.
  • Bu sorunun responsible ve civic bir kapitalizm ile çözülebileceğini ortaya koyun.
  • Responsible ve civic bir kapitalizmin toplumun geneline yayılan bir refahı tetikleyeceği için tüketimi arttıracağını ve bunun da kapitalistlere yarayacağını ortaya koyun.

Toulmin Arguments Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır ve Örnekleri Nelerdir?

Toulmin arguments modeli, argümanı savunmak için gerektiği kadar tekrar edilebilen dört adımdan oluşur:

  • İddianızı ortaya atın
  • İddianız için gerekçe (grounds) sağlayın
  • Kanıtlarınızı (warrants) ve iddiayı nasıl desteklediğini açıklayın
  • İddianın olası çürütücülerini (rebuttals) tartışın, argümanın sınırlarını belirleyin ve alternatif bakış açılarını düşündüğünüzü gösterin.

Toulmin arguments modeli, akademik makalelerde yaygın bir yaklaşımdır. Bu özel terimleri (grounds, warrants, rebuttals) kullanmak zorunda değilsiniz, ancak iddialarınız ile onları destekleyen kanıtlar arasında açık bir bağlantı kurmak, argumentative bir essay’de çok önemlidir.

Google’da cinsiyet ve ırk ayrımcılığını ortadan kaldırmak için Google tarafından finanse edilen ayrımcılık programının etkinliği hakkında bir argumentative essay yazdığınızı varsayalım. Bu durumda aşağıdaki senaryo kullanılabilir:

  • Google’daki bu programın istenilen sonuçları vermediğini iddia edelim ve bu kaynağın daha iyi olarak hangi yollarla cinsiyet ve ırk ayrımcılığını ortadan kaldırmak için kullanılabileceğini ortaya koyalım.
  • İddianızı desteklemek için verilerden ve başka araştırmalardan alıntı yapın
  • Verilerin Google’ın yönteminin nasıl etkisiz olduğunu nasıl gösterdiğini açıklayın
  • Ortaya koyduğunuz çözümlere karşı üretilebilecek olası fikirlere karşı argümanlar üretin

Bu modellerden birini seçmek zorunda değilsiniz – hatta her ikisinin öğelerini essay’lerinizin farklı bölümlerinde kullanabilirsiniz.

Hangi yaklaşımı seçerseniz seçin, essauy’iniz için her zaman bir introduction, body kısımları ve bir conclusion kullanılmalıdır.

Argumentative Essay Nasıl Yazılır?

Hazırlık aşaması, argumentative essay yazarken konuyu seçin ve bir thesis statement yazın..

Bir thesis statement, essay’inizin ana mesajının veya ana fikrinin bir veya iki cümlelik özetidir. Güçlü bir thesis statement, okuyucuya makalenin ne hakkında olduğunu söylediği için hayati önem taşır, böylece okuyucu okumak isteyip istemediğine karar verebilirler.

Güçlü bir thesis statement genellikle bir iddiayı, iddia konusundaki duruşunuzu ve seçtiğiniz konu içerisindeki duruşunuzu destekleyecek ana noktaları belirtir. Ayrıca, makalenin ana noktalarını yazarken sizin için bir kılavuz görevi görecektir.

Argumentative bir essay için konunuzu seçme özgürlüğü verildiyse, ilgi alanlarınızı takip etmek en iyisidir. Ancak çoğu insanın günlük görüşleri sağlam kanıtlarla desteklenmediği için dikkatli olunmalı ve düşünceleri destekleyecek kanıtlar bulunmalıdır. Ama çoğu durumda argumentative bir essay yazılacağı zaman, dersin öğretmeni belirli bir konu üzerine bu essay’in yazılmasını ister.

Bu durumda verilen argumentative essay sorusunu iyice okuyarak savunmak istediğiniz tarafı seçmeniz gerekir. Sonra bu düşünceyi destekeleyecek kanıtlar bulabilirsiniz. Ayrıca, önceden plan yaparsanız ve yazma sürecinde bu makaledeki ipuçlarını takip ederseniz, yazınızın geliştiğini göreceksiniz.

Argumentative essay yazarken destekleyeceğiniz fikri araştırın ve bulduğunuz argümanları organize edin.

Essay’i yazarken ekrana bakıp duruyorsanız bunun iki nedeni vardır. İlki, ne yazacağınız hakkında bi fikriniz yoksa büyük ihtimalle yeteri kadar araştırma yapmamışsınızdır; ikincisi de büyük ihtimalle thesis statement’inizden ve bunları destekleyen fikirlerden emin değilsinizdir.

Bir essay’i planlamak, özellikle argumentative bir essay için çok önemlidir çünkü sağlam kanıtlarla savunmanız gereken bir argüman sunuyorsunuz. Araştırmanız, güvenilir kaynaklar ve endüstri uzmanları tarafından hazırlanan her türlü referans kaynağı ve materyali (kitaplar, dergiler, makaleler, bloglar, belgeseller) içermelidir. Araştırma yaparken şunları aklınızda bulundurun:

  • Meydana gelen veya meydana gelmekte olan ana tartışmalar, argümanlar ve karşı argümanlar ve alandaki ana uzmanlar dahil olmak üzere konuya ilişkin iyi bir genel bakışa sahip olduğunuzdan emin olmak için kapsamlı bir şekilde argumentative essay topics okuyun.
  • Açık fikirli olun ve konulara farklı bireyler ve paydaşların bakış açısından bakmaya çalışın. Bu görüşleri kabul etmek ve essay’inizde bunlara değinmek, dengeli bir essay’e sahip olmanızı sağlayacaktır.
  • Henüz tam olarak keşfedilmemiş olabilecek benzersiz açılara dikkat edin.

Google’dan ve üniversitenizin database’lerinden argumentative essay’inize fikrinizi desteklemek için kaynak bulabileceğinizi unutmayın. Yeterli materyale sahip olduğunuzu hissettiğinizde bir sonraki adıma geçmenizi öneririz; daha sonra ihtiyacınız olursa her zaman daha fazla araştırma yapabilirsiniz.

Argumentative Essay Yazmaya Başlama Aşaması

Argumentative essay örnekleri verirken, bu bölümde, ilk olarak introduction paragrafını inceleyeceğiz. Siz de burada verdiğimiz örnek gibi argumentative essay yazmak isterseniz, Essay Sepeti’nin uzman hocalarının sizler için hazırladığı argumentative essay outline kullanarak siz de kolayca argumentative essay yazabilirsiniz.

Argumentative essay introduction paragrafı

Bu paragrafta ilk yapacağımız şey konu hakkında background information vermektir. Opening statement’iniz, dikkati çekmeye, yani hook atmaya, veya okuyucuyu bağlamaya çalıştığınız yerdir. Bu opening statement ve argumentative essay hook kısmı, daha sonra konuyla ilgili tarafınızı belirlediğiniz background’unuza ve thesis statement’iniza sorunsuz bir geçiş görevi görür.

Hook kısmına, yaygın olarak bilinmeyen ve şaşırtıcı bir istatistikle başlayabilirsiniz. Burada yaratıcı olabilirsiniz, ancak yine de bilimsel veya akademik yazı normlarına uyduğunuzdan emin olun. Bu, kişisel anekdotlar veya ilham verici alıntılar vb. anlamına gelmez.

Ardından, okuyucuları essay’inizin geri kalanına hazırlamak için konunuz hakkında background information olarak görev görecek ve konunuzun hakkında okuyuculara bilgi sağlayacak bölümü yazabilirsiniz. Aşağıdaki soruları yanıtlayarak bu bölümde okuyucunun ilgisini çekebilirsiniz:

  • Bu konu neden önemli?
  • Bu sorunun temel nedenleri nelerdir?
  • Kim veya ne etkilenir?
  • Herhangi bir çözüm var mı?
  • Bu konuda ne yapılabilir veya yapılmalıdır?

Örneğin, konu işyerindeki cinsiyet eşitsizliği ise, aynı görevi yapan ortalama bir erkek ve kadının gelir farkını örnekleyen araştırmalardan elde edilen istatistikleri paylaşabilirsiniz. Bu introduction paragrafından sonra artık body paragraflarına geçebiliriz.

Argumentative essay body paragrafları

Öncelikle argümanımızı savunduğumuz paragrafı görelim.

Argümanınız için sahip olduğunuz her destekleyici noktaya bir paragraf ayırmak en iyisidir. Tüm bağımsız değişkenler veya body paragrafları her zaman aşağıdaki üç bölümü içermelidir:

1. Kısım: Claim (İddia)

Bir claim, iddianızı desteklemek için yaptığınız bir açıklamadır. Claim, temel olarak thesis statement’ınızın neden doğru olduğunu kanıtlayan bir iddiadır.

Applying sin tax to products based on the amount of sugar will directly reduce the excessive consumption of heavily sugary products amongst consumers.

2. Kısım: Kanıt ve Açıklama

Yapılan her claim, ilgili kanıtlarla ve bu kanıtların claim’inizi nasıl desteklediğinin açıklamasıyla desteklenmelidir. Burası, araştırmanızın bulgularını güvenilir kaynaklardan desteklediğiniz yerdir.

Case study of where sin tax resulted in lower consumption.

The Measure D soda tax was approved by 76% of Berkeley voters on 4 November 2014 and took effect on 1 January 2015 as the first such tax in the United States. The measure imposes a tax of one cent per ounce on the distributors of specified sugar-sweetened beverages such as soda, sports drinks, energy drinks, and sweetened iced teas. In August 2016, a UC Berkeley study showed a 21% drop in the drinking of soda and sugary beverages in low-income Berkeley neighbourhoods after a few months showing that the sin tax was lowering consumption of sugary drinks.

3. Kısım: Thesis statement’e tekrar bağlamak

Bu kısım bir sin tax’ın şekerli içeceklere (sugary drinks) bir vergi (tax) uygulamanın şeker bazlı içeceklerin tüketimini düşürmede yardımcı olacağını gösteren kısımdır.

Argumentative essay counter-argument paragrafı nasıl yazılır?

Bu paragrafta, paragraf yapısını ilk body paragrafında olduğu gibi koruyoruz. Ama bu paragrafta fikrimizin tam karşıtı olan fikri savunuyoruz. Bizim argümanımız “şeker tüketimine vergi koyarsak şeker tüketiminin düşeceği” idi. Bu paragrafta ise bunun tam tersini savunuyoruz. Bunu savunurken de iddiamızı yapıyoruz, bunu kanıtlarla ve örneklerle destekliyoruz ve tekrar thesis statement’e bağlayıp paragrafı bitiriyoruz.

Argumentative essay refutation paragrafı nasıl yazılır?

Refutation, bir makalenin karşıt argümanları çürüten kısmıdır. Argumentative bir essay’de temel argümanımızı reddeden argümanları (counter-argument) çürütmek gerekir. Refutation paragrafını formüle etmenin yöntemi, counter-argument’lara gelebilecek itirazlarının ne olabileceğini hayal ederek kendinizi okuyucularınızın yerine koymaktır.

Argumentative Essay conclusion paragrafı

Bu paragrafta introduction’ın thesis statement’inde ortaya koyduğumuz fikri tekrarlayıp body paragfralarında değindiğimiz konulardan özet alıp bitiriyoruz.


Argumentative essay nasıl yazılır?

Argumentative Essay Örnekleri

Bu bölümde sizlere argumentative essay örnekleri vereceğiz. Siz de yukarıda anlattığımız bilgileri bu argumentative essay örnekleri üzerinde görebilir ve onları inceleyebilirsiniz.

1. Argumentative Essay Örneği

Introduction paragrafı.

  • Background information
  • Thesis statement :  Employers should give their workers the option to work from home to  reduce office costs and enhance employee well-being.
  • Distractions at home > could make it hard to focus
  • Dishonest/lazy individuals might work less since no one is watching

Refutation/Response paragrafı

  • Study: Productivity increased by 14%
  • Akademik kaynaklardan kanıtlar

3. Body paragrafı

  • Topic sentence: In addition, individuals who work from home have improved well-being.

4. Body paragrafı

  • Topic sentence: Furthermore, firms can decrease their expenses by allowing employees to work at home.
  • Ana argümanların özeti
  • Thesis statement’in tekrar edilmesi

2. Argumentative Essay Örnekleri

Konunun pekiştirilmesi adına size bir argumentative essay örneği daha veriyoruz.


Argumentative essay örnekleri – Essay Sepeti


Argumentative essay örneği


Argumentative essay örnekleri

Argumentative Essay Examples

Yukarıda bahsettiğimiz argumentative essay örneği argumentative essay examples konusu içinde değerlendirilebilir. Argumentative essay türü tarışmalı konuları açığa cıkarmak ve bir fikri öne sunmak için yazılır. Bu essay türünde bir PRO bir CON bir de refutation paragrafı olur.

Bazı hocalar refutation ve CON paragraflarını aynı paragraf içinde ister. Refutation ise PRO paragrafında savunduğumuz görüşün tam olarak zıddını savunmaktır. Mesela PRO paragrafında bayraklar kırmızıdır demişsek refutation paragrafında bayraklar kırmızı değildir demeliyiz, yani tam tersini savunmalıyız. CON paragfında ise sarı bayraklar da var diyebiliriz ama refutation kısmında tam tersini söylemeliyiz.

Argumentative Essay Konuları

Argumentative essay türü tartışmalı konuları açığa çıkarmak ve bir fikri öne sunmak için yazılır. Yani;

  • çocuklara ölüm cezası verilip verilmemesi,
  • televizyonun iyi ve kötü etkileri,
  • küreselleşmenin sonuçları,
  • ekonominin insanlar üzerindeki etkileri,
  • oyunlar ve etkileri,
  • ırklar arası evlilik,
  • dinler arası evlilik,
  • modanın güzel giyinmek mi yoksa tüketim kültürü mü olduğu,
  • medyanın insanlar üzerindeki etkisi,
  • kadınların abortion hakları

gibi konularda yazılabilir.

Buraya kadar okuduysanız size bir kıyağımız var 🙂 Anlamadığınız kısımları bu yazının altına sorabilirsiniz. Bekliyoruz.

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Expository Essays

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What is an expository essay?

The expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. This can be accomplished through comparison and contrast, definition, example, the analysis of cause and effect, etc.

Please note : This genre is commonly assigned as a tool for classroom evaluation and is often found in various exam formats.

The structure of the expository essay is held together by the following.

  • A clear, concise, and defined thesis statement that occurs in the first paragraph of the essay.

It is essential that this thesis statement be appropriately narrowed to follow the guidelines set forth in the assignment. If the student does not master this portion of the essay, it will be quite difficult to compose an effective or persuasive essay.

  • Clear and logical transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Transitions are the mortar that holds the foundation of the essay together. Without logical progression of thought, the reader is unable to follow the essay’s argument, and the structure will collapse.

  • Body paragraphs that include evidential support.

Each paragraph should be limited to the exposition of one general idea. This will allow for clarity and direction throughout the essay. What is more, such conciseness creates an ease of readability for one’s audience. It is important to note that each paragraph in the body of the essay must have some logical connection to the thesis statement in the opening paragraph.

  • Evidential support (whether factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal).

Often times, students are required to write expository essays with little or no preparation; therefore, such essays do not typically allow for a great deal of statistical or factual evidence.

  • A bit of creativity!

Though creativity and artfulness are not always associated with essay writing, it is an art form nonetheless. Try not to get stuck on the formulaic nature of expository writing at the expense of writing something interesting. Remember, though you may not be crafting the next great novel, you are attempting to leave a lasting impression on the people evaluating your essay.

  • A conclusion that does not simply restate the thesis, but readdresses it in light of the evidence provided.

It is at this point of the essay that students will inevitably begin to struggle. This is the portion of the essay that will leave the most immediate impression on the mind of the reader. Therefore, it must be effective and logical. Do not introduce any new information into the conclusion; rather, synthesize and come to a conclusion concerning the information presented in the body of the essay.

A complete argument

Perhaps it is helpful to think of an essay in terms of a conversation or debate with a classmate. If I were to discuss the cause of the Great Depression and its current effect on those who lived through the tumultuous time, there would be a beginning, middle, and end to the conversation. In fact, if I were to end the exposition in the middle of my second point, questions would arise concerning the current effects on those who lived through the Depression. Therefore, the expository essay must be complete, and logically so, leaving no doubt as to its intent or argument.

The five-paragraph Essay

A common method for writing an expository essay is the five-paragraph approach. This is, however, by no means the only formula for writing such essays. If it sounds straightforward, that is because it is; in fact, the method consists of:

  • an introductory paragraph
  • three evidentiary body paragraphs
  • a conclusion


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How to Write an Outstanding Discursive Essay: Structure and Format

How to Write an Outstanding Discursive Essay: Structure and Format

A discursive essay or discussing essay is similar to other essays in that it shares information and gives an opinion, but differs because it doesn’t provide any new knowledge or insight.

Instead, the goal of this type of essay is to convince the reader by arguing for your position and providing evidence. This blog post will teach you how to write a discursive essay so you are ready for your next assignment!

Discursive Essay Meaning

What is discursive essay? A discursive essay is a type of argumentative essay that should take the reader through your thought process and reasoning. This type of writing takes on a certain position or argument. It is usually written in order to convince the reader of a particular point of view.

For example, if you are writing about how college should be free for all students, then your stance would be pro-free college education and your goal would be convincing the readers that this idea should become reality.

Discursive writing is one of the most basic forms of writing. It can be used to write about anything from a personal experience, to an opinion on a current event.

Four (4) Steps to follow in Discursive Writing

  • Choose a topic.

There are many different types of topics that you can pick from, but before picking one it’s important to make sure the reader will be interested enough in what you have to say about it.

  • Formulate introduction:

Secondly, after choosing your subject matter for discussion and research, come up with an introduction based on some introductory questions into why this issue deserves attention or needs solving.

This way readers understand where your argument stems from and how they should take it further by reading more than just what was written here.

  • Conclusion part

A strong conclusion is key when coming to any type of discourse because it ties everything together nicely so there isn’t anything left hanging that could confuse anyone who happened upon your writing.

  • Examples, data and references

Finally, you can always think of an example or case study to illustrate the issue at hand and provide a real-life scenario for your readers so they understand it better.

Discursive essay Structure, Format and Outline


The introduction for a discussing essay is often short, with the writer providing one or two paragraphs to introduce the topic.

This section should also include an explanation of what it means to be “discursively” writing so that readers understand how this text will organize and present information differently than other types of essays.

The majority of your discursive essay paper should consist of reading/writing about your topic in depth with evidence from research included throughout each paragraph.

In addition, you can provide additional content by including quotes from sources who have studied more deeply into the subject at hand; questions that need answering when considering certain aspects of your issue; descriptions about different perspectives on your topic; etcetera. You do not need to follow a strict outline or linear structure in your writing.

The conclusion

Your discursive essay should end with a summary of the key points you have made throughout your paper, and how these pieces of information connect to one another. This is also where you can make an argument for why this issue matters.

This is how discursive essays are typically structured in order to best engage with their audiences and get them thinking about what they’ve just read which leads into understanding on their own about this topic as well as opening up new avenues that could lead towards solving whatever problem may be at hand.

In a nutshell, discourse writing is engaging because its written in such away where arguments come together around one focused subject matter which brings forth introspection from anyone who reads it.

Discourse essay structures help keep everything organized while still being engaging by discussing events related to the argument’s topic.

Discursive Essay Writing

Tips for Discursive Essay Writing

  • Write all aspects of the topic at once
  • Research the topic beforehand to make sure you have enough information for your essay and are able to cover all bases
  • Write a draft of an outline before moving on to writing the body paragraphs as this will help with structuring, order, and content flow
  • Create headings that match each section in your outline so it’s easier when going back over things later or if someone else has to look at it (e.g., Introduction)
  • Format with double spaces between sentences unless otherwise specified by assignment instructions
  • Use good grammar throughout: Comma after listing items; Quotation marks where needed; Avoid contractions like “I’m” or stay consistent within same sentence
  • Include a title, author’s name and date in the header
  • Proofread before submitting for review

30+ Original Discursive Essay Topics

  • The role of the media in a democratic society.
  • The effects of consumerism on the environment.
  • Should there be a ban on handgun ownership?
  • What is your personal experience with cyberbullying?
  • How has technology changed how we communicate and socialize as a society?
  • Does religion belong in schools or should it have its own place outside education systems to avoid bias from students who don’t share the same beliefs?
  • Is capitalism bad for individuals, corporations, governments and entire societies around the world today?
  • How mental illness is perceived and treated in America
  • The role of the police officer.
  • What the consequences are for people who consume alcohol or drugs
  • Why do some people take medication?
  • The benefits of living in a multicultural society
  • Write an essay on Violence in schools and how it impacts students.
  • How to improve public speaking skills
  • Discursive Essay on Mental health: what is the difference between physical illness and mental illness?
  • What makes someone successful versus unsuccessful.
  • Is technology ruining our social lives?
  • In what ways can we promote diversity on college campuses without hurting people’s feelings or making them feel like they’re not wanted.
  • How does “unlearning” racism work?
  • What are some steps that can be taken to un-learn racist behaviour, thoughts, beliefs, etc.?
  • Do you think white supremacy groups should have freedom of speech at university protests?”
  • The meaning behind tattoos – why do so many people get tattooed now days when historically this was a sign of slavery?
  • The potential causes of obesity.
  • Discursive Essay on who should be in charge: the government or self-rule?
  • Is it worthwhile to save endangered species from extinction?
  • What are your thoughts on euthanasia and its legality around the world?
  • To what extent do you think gender stereotypes affect individual lives? – Should we work towards lessening these effects, or just let them happen naturally?
  • Should all restaurant workers be paid fair wages for their service (especially those who wait tables)? Why/why not? What would this mean for customers’ dining experience at restaurants if they had to pay more than usual per meal/dessert order?”
  • How much does social media really impact our teenage generations today and how will that affect society as a whole in the future?
  • Applying for college to an institution: What are your chances?
  • The importance of education and becoming educated about the world around us.
  • Gun Control essay : Why it should be allowed or not permitted.
  • Should children have homework on weekends?

Discursive Essay Example

“ The Misunderstanding between Feminists and Transgender Activists over Gender Identity Politics

In our current society, it seems as though feminists are not unified on their stance towards transgender activism based solely off of gender identity politics…Or so says what many people believe without taking into account that there are two different schools of feminism which reflect differing opinions about trans* rights and inclusion within the feminist movement. Some feminists are in favor of including transgender people, while other feminists believe that trans* activism is actually a threat to the feminist movement.

The debate between these two schools of feminism has become so intense and complicated that it can be difficult for someone who is not well-versed in feminist theory to understand what they are fighting about. However, with both sides having strong arguments rooted in past experiences as women, there’s no easy way out .”

Sample 2: Discursive essay on recreational drugs

“So  why should we use recreational drugs?

Most people argue against drugs for many different reasons: moral arguments, health concerns, legal consequences, and so on. This Discursive Essay will examine all of these arguments as well as the idea that drugs are good for society in general

An argument against using recreational drugs is moral concerns because people argue they’re morally wrong; this could be challenged by saying what about alcohol? If we say some things like driving while intoxicated or drinking from a baby bottle when you’re over 18 then there’s no difference with doing illegal substances.

A health concern to consider would be physical ailments such as lung cancer which can happen after smoking weed but it also comes down to how long you smoked for and if you have any family history related problems. The second point about health is mental illnesses such as addiction which depends on individual circumstance.

Legal concerns can range from being caught with drugs in your car to possession charges, and result in fines or jail time. The third point about legal concerns is how the drug affects you which can happen even if it’s not doing anything wrong because people react differently.

Societal implications exist due to culture: some societies may be more accepting of certain substances while others have a stricter view. This may depend on who they are talking to as well and what their position was so this could create an atmosphere where someone might feel pressured into using any substance at all times just for acceptance purposes.

Moral objectives would only really matter for those within that moral objective but if there were two parties then one will think its morally right while another doesn’t see it as being wrong. Morals can be seen as subjective and so this leads to the two parties having different views on a certain action.

Facts, such as when someone is hurting themselves or others due to substance use, are objective facts that don’t rely on feelings but rather sense. When something has an effect then it will have consequences because of how its affecting them physically or mentally which means that if they continue with their actions until these consequences happen then it becomes objectively morally wrong for one’s own sake.

Situations that may affect an individual’s understanding are: personal perspectives, societal views and cultural values. These all play a role in how people understand as well because it can impact their mental state which could have different effects on what they believe to be right from wrong for them personally.

If there is no medication then this will result in negative consequences but not always – if someone takes enough of the drug then they’ll experience withdrawal symptoms like weight loss, nausea and insomnia depending on the type of substance consumed so this would need to be taken into account when writing about drugs. ”

Topic: “ Is technology good or bad ” discursive essay

Technological advances have become so widespread in society that most people will not be able to live without them. Many of these same technological advancements are also linked with the progression of information technology, which has been a major factor in shaping and defining our culture today. With this being said, it is important to ask ourselves whether or not these technologies are good for us? Or should we reconsider how we use certain aspects of technology?

This discursive Essay will discuss five possible pros and cons related specifically to the advancement of technology including social media usage, cyber bullying, reliance on cell phones as well as computer-related activities at work/at home. It will then further explore if there are any other alternatives aside from just relying on devices like laptops or mobile phones.

The pros of technology have been argued to be the convenience it brings. For example, social media has made connecting with people easier than ever before and allows us to get information without having to go out in person or look for a local newspaper article. It also provides entertainment as well as other features that make life simpler. This includes apps like weather forecasting, calculators and even online shopping.

On the flip side, there are negative aspects related to how we use some technologies today such as cyber bullying which is defined as “the new form of face-to-face abuse”. In regards to the reliance on devices like laptops or mobile phones at work/at home; this can cause laziness due to the lack of physical movement.

There are many positives that can come from the internet such as access to information, communication with people who live in different geographical locations and a vast amount of content (both useful and useless). However, we must take caution when it comes to how much time is spent online and what types of things they look at on social media sites like Facebook , Instagram , Twitter , Pinterest , LinkedIn , Reddit and Youtube .

Technology has both positive aspects but also negative ones depending on which side you’re looking at it from. The awesome thing about this topic though is there’s not one answer because everyone carries their own opinion on whether it be good or bad so anyone reading these words should form an opinion themselves by critiquing my thoughts instead of just taking them as the truth .”

Discursive Essay Writing Help At Cheap Prices

This article provides practical tips on how to write a discursive essay, the structure, format, outline for this kind of academic paper as well as some topics you may want to consider when working on your own composition.

We also provide an example at the end in case you need more help with understanding what it takes to craft these types of homework essays properly.

If none of these ideas appeal or if you are still unsure about where to start with your work, we invite you to contact Essay-writing.com today; our professional writers will be happy to offer their “ write my essay ” expertise and make sure all aspects are taken care for so that nothing stands between you and success!

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  • Unique Discursive Essay Topics To Try In 2024

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Finding interesting discursive essay topics might be a difficult task, especially for students who aren’t fond of writing or dislike their subject. Fortunately, this problem has a quick and simple solution, but before we get to it, let’s shed light on the most common question first.

What is a discursive essay? This type of essay is a piece of academic writing that describes a topic, details its background, and explores all the main perspectives on it. When writing such an essay, it is essential to look into various points of view, analyzing and comparing them. Virginia Woolf once said, "It is the nature of the artist to mind excessively what is said about him. Literature is strewn with the wreckage of those who have minded beyond reason the opinions of others."   This quote underscores the importance of maintaining objectivity and embracing various perspectives without bias, which is a basic principle of writing balanced discussion essays.

These essays are a very common college writing assignment, so learners of all levels must know how best to write them. That’s why we are here! Today, we’ll discuss everything about discursive essay writing as well as outline some creative paper topics. If your professor assigned this type of task to you and now you’re searching for a good topic, consider it found! Our guide will not only explain how to write such essays but also answer questions and offer you a list of original topics you may like.

Five Tips on Choosing Good Topics for a Discursive Essay

Locating a great topic is important because students’ entire research depends on it. Here are five top ways to do it:

  • Consider your personal interests . High-quality custom essay writing always gets the highest praise from professors. To increase the uniqueness and value of your paper, dedicate it to a theme you genuinely like. Maybe there is something you constantly argue over on X; perhaps your favourite movie character has a hobby you’d like to explore scientifically. Choose a topic you feel connected to, and you’ll love writing your essay.
  • Choose something extra relevant . What worries the world most? The discursive essay topics example is great when it’s current and widely known. Staying up-to-date with the news and trends never fails to deliver great results.
  • Go for the most controversial areas . Exploring a subject that multiple people have the most passionate and heated debates over might be interesting. 
  • Pick the most researched topic . There is nothing wrong with going the easiest route and choosing a topic that has been researched to death. You’ll find many sources and opinions, so you’ll immediately have what to choose from.
  • Select the least researched topic . If you like challenges, working with a rare and under-researched subject might feel thrilling.

Key Features of a Strong Discursive Paper

So, what should premium quality discursive writing look like? Be sure your essay includes these four aspects:

  • Objectivity. Don’t try to make some arguments look weaker than they are just because you dislike them — and vice versa. 
  • Formal writing. Maintain a strict academic tone. Avoid contractions, phrasal verbs, and other informalities. 
  • Extensive research. Include plenty of credible sources in your essay. 
  • Equality. Present all the points equally. It’s not okay to dedicate 10 sentences to one argument and just 2 sentences to another one.

Top Ten Discursive Essay Topics for 2024/25 Academic Year

Are you interested in exploring the latest trends and news that concern students worldwide? Then check out these discursive topics:

  • What is the global opinion on Israel’s bombing of Gaza? 
  • Will the cost of college education in Britain continue to rise?
  • Can energy drinks truly increase one’s workability? 
  • How to make Africa’s economy flourish
  • Should violent movies be avoided by teens? 
  • Is racism still on the rise?  
  • Are more people becoming obese? 
  • Is hiring essay writers illegal in the UK?
  • Does anyone still watch TV?
  •  How efficient is marketing, and how it affects buying behaviour

Higher English Discursive Essay Topics

UK students who study higher English should know everything about it, from language to literature to its history. Does that sound intriguing? Then, on to the higher discursive essay topics!

  • What do such terms as “pro-ship” and “anti-ship” mean?
  • Is literacy important to an average person?
  • Explain what higher education means globally
  • Are scholarships becoming harder to obtain?
  • Have e-books replaced printed books?
  • AI versus human writers: who is better?
  • Is fanfiction a form of literature?
  • Are romance novels better now, or were they more compelling a century ago?
  • Does learning languages help understand diverse cultures?
  •  How many languages can a person realistically speak?

Good Discursive Essay Topics for High School

High-school students can get away with researching simpler concepts. Here are some examples of topics for discourse essays of this level:

  • Do bitcoins still have a future?
  • Is wearing a school uniform necessary?
  • Does love cause more pleasure or pain?
  • What was the best time for women historically?
  • How can students fight climate change?
  • Can killing ever be justified?
  • Is history, as modern people know it, trustworthy?
  • What harms health more, tea or coffee?
  • Have cell phones become better in the last 5 years?
  •  Is it better to be an extrovert or an introvert?

Discursive Essay Topics for College Students

College requires more complicated research. Look at these good discursive essay topics:

  • Should people participate in medical trials?
  • Ideal global drinking age
  • Should educational establishments use corporal punishment?
  • Has online education made students’ lives better?
  • Is social media dangerous?
  • Optimal number of work days per week
  • How many hours of sleep do people need?
  • Why is TikTok so popular among teens?
  • Are private schools necessary, or should public schools cater to everyone?
  •  Is a college education worth it in terms of effort and money?

Controversial Discursive Essay Topics

Controversy generates passion, making our blood run hotter. It intimidates some students, pushing them to contact us, asking, “Please write my essay for me” sometimes. That said, if you want to write your paper yourself, try these best discursive essay topics:

  • Should getting a COVID-19 vaccine be mandatory?
  • Is Elon Musk a visionary or a fraud?
  • Should the government have secrets from people?
  • Should reproduction be selective?
  • Are there more smart or stupid individuals in the world currently?
  • Should Ukraine agree to negotiate with Russia?
  • Is reading books overrated?
  • Who killed JonBenet Ramsey?
  • What is the explanation for the Bermuda Triangle?
  •  Is genetic engineering in humans ethical?

Mental Health Topics For a Discursive Essay

Life can be pressing, and mental health issues are becoming ever more relevant. That’s why writing discursive essays on them is always interesting. Here are just a few mental health-related essay topics you can explore:

  • Do rich people have more or fewer mental health problems?
  • Why are depression rates rising despite the increased awareness and more help avenues?
  • Is it possible to spot a person who plans on committing suicide?
  • Why do many psychologists have mental and emotional problems?
  • Is social media harmful to mental health?
  • Does the UK need more mental health awareness campaigns?
  • What is the most dangerous mental problem?
  • Is autism a form of mental illness?
  • Is there a link between sexuality and mental health?
  •  Are children brought up by same-sex parents happier than those raised in traditional families?

Funny Topics For a Discursive Essay

Enough of tragedies and depression. Have some amusing discursive writing topics instead:

  • Zombie apocalypse survival
  • What do pets do when their owners leave home?
  • Is napping at work beneficial?
  • Extraterrestrial neighbours. Why are aliens avoiding us?
  • Should adults have mandatory comfort toys?
  • Dangers of binge-watching TW shows
  • How to be an adult? Basic skills.
  • Daily challenges of left-handed people
  • Laziness as a survival skill
  •  Pets as political leaders

Interesting Topics For a Discursive Essay

Here’s a list of diverse topics that our experts find personally stimulating. Who knows, you might share some of their preferences.  

  • Why do people think about Eurovision 2024?
  • Is doomsday coming?
  • Does religion cause more harm than good?
  • Who is most children’s favourite parent by gender?
  • Are dogs smarter than cats?
  • What are the world’s biggest misconceptions?
  • What do all religions have in common?
  • Should we allow voting at 16?
  • What is the role of urban gardening in a big city?
  •  The world's most popular song and the key to its popularity

Looking to Relax Instead of Writing Essays?


Why Is It Difficult to Write Papers Even on the Greatest Discursive Essay Ideas?

Multiple UK students love their subjects. They pick a topic they’re interested in, but sometimes they choose to buy an essay anyway. Why is that? In truth, writing a powerful discursive paper might be frustrating. Look at these frequent problems and check our experts’ solutions:

FAQ About Finding the Right Topics for Discursive Essay

  • What is discursive writing in comparison to argumentative papers?

In argumentative papers, writers pick their points of view and argue in their favour. They might mention the opposition's views but focus on their personal beliefs. Discursive essays are more objective. You need to dedicate equal attention to all the points and limit your own thoughts to a minimum.

  • What 2 types of discursive papers do I need to know about?

Roughly, discursive writing is divided into persuasive and argumentative papers. They have their differences that students should learn before they attempt to write anything.

  • What is a discursive statement?

In most cases, this phrase refers to a thesis statement in a discursive paper. It has to reflect your topic in one single line. 

  • Is it bad if my topic is overly extensive?

It’s better to break broad topics into something more specific. Watch out for the word count: it’ll help you calculate how many points you can explore.

  • What formatting should I stick to when writing my discursive essay?

APA and MLA are both common formats. Unless your professors suggest differently, follow the academic rules you follow in other projects. Your title should be medium-sized; the discursive essay introduction and conclusion shouldn’t exceed 10% of your word count, and no informal words should be present.

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‘Tits Up’ Aims to Show Breasts a Respect Long Overdue

The sociologist Sarah Thornton visits strip clubs, milk banks and cosmetic surgeons with the goal of shoring up appreciation for women’s breasts.

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This illustration features four hands belonging to four different women, each holding up one half of a piece of fruit — a peach, an orange, an apple and a fig — against a blue background broken up by what appear to be long green blades of grass.

By Lucinda Rosenfeld

Lucinda Rosenfeld, a novelist and essayist, is the author of five books, including “Class.”

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TITS UP: What Sex Workers, Milk Bankers, Plastic Surgeons, Bra Designers, and Witches Tell Us About Breasts, by Sarah Thornton

It’s a testament to the sociologist Sarah Thornton’s central thesis — women’s breasts are unjustly sexualized, trivialized and condescended to — that I expected her new book, “Tits Up,” to be a light read. In fact, her impassioned polemic makes a convincing case that the derogatory way Western culture views tits (Thornton contrasts her chosen slang with the relatively “silly” and “foolish” boobs ) helps perpetuate the patriarchy.

Breasts have been seen as “visible obstacles to equality, associated with nature and nurture rather than reason and power,” Thornton announces upfront. Over five, sometimes fascinating, sometimes frustrating chapters, each examining mammaries in a different context, “Tits Up” asks readers to reimagine the bosom, no matter its size and shape, as a site of empowerment and even divinity.

The author of a similarly discursive survey of the early 2000s art world , Thornton arrived at her new topic not entirely by choice. In 2018, after one too many stressful biopsies, she underwent a double mastectomy. But neither a fraught origin story nor Thornton’s argument that women are unfairly restrained by their mammalian status prevents “Tits Up” from being funny, too. Keen to make peace with her larger than expected implants — Thornton had requested more modest “lesbian yoga boobs” — she names her new pair Ernie and Bert.

The three of them soon hit the research road.

First stop: the Condor, a historic strip club in San Francisco, where Thornton interviews a racially and size-diverse group of strippers, who paint a relatively sunny portrait of a notoriously sleazy industry. Additional interviews with feminist sex activists and performance artists such as Annie Sprinkle — if you’re in need of a good laugh, Google “ Bosom Ballet ” — lead Thornton to conclude that, even when breasts are targets of overt objectification (after all, most patrons of topless bars are male), they might be thought of less as “sex toys” than as “salaried assistants.”

Feminists have been fighting about what’s now known as “sex work” for as long as feminism has been around. Thornton comes down squarely on the side of the workers. But she goes further than that. “I think the most fundamental issue inhibiting women’s autonomy — our right to choose what we do with our bodies — is the state’s policing of sex work,” she writes. “If some women can’t sell their bodies, then none of us actually own our bodies.” Reading these lines, I admit my first thought was, Huh? Should women’s ability to prostitute themselves really be the measure of our liberation?

But the chapter that follows, a cri de coeur on behalf of breastfeeding and the legacy of communal “allomothers” — women who nurse children who are not their own — seems to make a counterargument in favor of configuring breasts outside both capitalism and sexuality. After interviewing the women who run, provide and reap the benefits of a San Jose-based nonprofit milk “reservoir” (Thornton prefers the term to “bank”), she writes, “In a capitalist society where women’s breasts are commodified like no other body part, here their jugs are the key players in an economy that is not about money.”

It’s to Thornton’s credit that, her polemical tone notwithstanding, she is open-minded enough to entertain paradoxes. (And entertain she does.) While she despairs at the discouraging lingo that surrounds nursing — “milk letdown” comes in for particular condemnation — she admits to having felt conflicted while breastfeeding her own, now grown, children, insofar as the practice evoked for her the enervating specter of the selfless mother.

Semantics are at the heart of “Tits Up,” as Thornton rightly notes that the words we use inform the ideologies we subscribe to. But, again, the contradictions mount. Even as Thornton employs trans-activist-approved jargon such as “AMAB,” for assigned male at birth, and insists that both men and women have breasts, she draws the line at the term “chest feeding,” pointing out that “the expression obfuscates the highly gendered history of this maternal labor.”

Is it highly gendered or highly sexed? Either women’s lives are too much hampered by the fetishization and fear of their anatomy, or — paging Judith Butler — sexual difference is socially constructed and therefore, at least in theory, susceptible to change. I don’t quite see how these arguments can coexist.

Another research trip lands Thornton in the studio of a mass-market bra designer, where she decides that, although the brassiere is an impressive feat of engineering designed to make women feel safe, it’s past time we stopped hiding our nipples. In the operating room of a high-end plastic surgeon who performs augmentations, lifts and reductions, she concludes that breast alterations are not simply capitulations to normative beauty standards. Instead, such procedures might be understood in terms of female agency — as gestures that exist outside the logic of resistance or submission. Finally, she attends a neo-pagan retreat for women in the California redwoods, where she reflects on how alternative spiritual practices provide more space for aging female bodies — the kind of woman once referred to as a “crone” — and fantasizes half in jest about a world where saggy breasts are regarded as “sagacious.”

Drawing on her art history background, Thornton also leads us on an enlightening tour of female deities and their bosoms, including the Greek goddess of the hunt, Artemis (frequently depicted with multiple breasts); a Buddhist goddess of compassion, Guanyin (always portrayed as pancake flat); and the Virgin Mary, who, in portraits of her nursing baby Jesus, often appears to have only one boob. (Go figure.)

What does it all add up to? “Women have no federal right to breastfeed or to obtain an abortion, but we have the right to fake tits,” Thornton writes, noting that since 1998 health insurance companies have been required to pay for breast implants following medically necessary mastectomies. But what would a “federal right to breastfeed” look like, anyway? This declaration is among countless thought-provoking ones in this deceptively trenchant if inconsistently argued treatise. In any event, I eagerly await the sequel: “Asses Down”?

TITS UP : What Sex Workers, Milk Bankers, Plastic Surgeons, Bra Designers, and Witches Tell Us About Breasts | By Sarah Thornton | Norton | 307 pp. | $28.99

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  1. How to Write a Discursive Essay: Tips, Dos & Don'ts

    3. For and against essay. Write it as a debate with opposing opinions. Describe each viewpoint objectively, presenting facts. Set the stage for the problem in your discursive essay intro. Explore reasons, examples, and facts in the main body. Conclude with your opinion on the matter.

  2. What Is a Discursive Essay, and How Do You Write a Good One?

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  3. Planning a Discursive Essay

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    1. Introduction: Hook: Begin with a captivating hook or attention-grabbing statement to engage the reader's interest. Contextualization: Provide a brief overview of the topic and its relevance, setting the stage for the discussion. Thesis Statement: Clearly state the main argument or the purpose of the essay.

  5. How to Write a Discursive Essay: Effective Guide

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