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Debating the Use of Digital Devices in the Classroom

While many parents allow children free reign of the internet at home, it’s a common debate in education circles on how —and if —digital devices should be allowed at school.

Supporters of technology in the classroom say that using laptops, tablets, and cellphones in the classroom can keep students engaged. Technology is what they know. Most students today don’t even remember a time without the internet.

But critics say it’s yet another distraction in the classroom. From social media to texting, allowing digital devices could hinder a student’s performance in the classroom.

Read on to discover the main arguments surrounding the global debate on digital devices and their place in our schools.

Supporters of technology in the classroom say that using laptops, tablets, and cellphones in the classroom can keep students engaged. Technology is what they know. Most students today don’t even remember a time without the internet.  But critics say it’s yet another distraction in the classroom. From social media to texting, allowing digital devices could hinder a student’s performance in the classroom.

Pros of digital devices in the classroom

  • Peace of mind:  Cellphones and smartphones can offer parents a little more peace of mind when their children are at school. Parents know that in an emergency the student can contact them, or vice versa. In addition, more and more cellphones and smartphones contain GPS devices that can be tracked if necessary.
  • Instant answers:  Access to the internet provides instant answers for the curious. This is the search-and-learn environment kids are involved in today. Now, when they want to know “Why do leaves change color,” they are only a search away from an answer. This also gives students the ability to get an answer to a question they may feel uncomfortable asking in class. If a teacher uses a term they don’t understand, they can find the answer discretely, and without interrupting the class.
  • Wider access to information:  With internet access, children can be exposed to a world of creative ideas outside of their bubble. They can learn other languages, teach themselves how to draw, knit, or play chess. They have access to an endless array of options available to help them learn, and gain skills they might not otherwise be exposed to. All of this can be accomplished through a  smartphone, which can be a valuable learning tool , if used correctly.
  • Access to video:  Electronic devices in the classroom can enhance the learning experience by providing instant video access. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech is not just something to read about. Man’s first step on the moon, early flight, presidential speeches, bridges being built—they all are made more real and easier to digest in the form of instant video availability.
  • Wide range of music available:  Sure, you might think of kids listening to their pop, hip-hop, and rap music on digital devices, but remember that all music is available. This gives students access to classical, jazz, big band, and early rock ‘n’ roll. Students could have the opportunity to compare and discuss the differences in these styles in a way that is familiar to them.
  • Social learning: Social media can have a negative connotation when you link it to kids. However, there can be an educational aspect. Social learning is a great way for students to share information, thoughts, and ideas on a subject. Properly focused, quieter, and shyer students may blossom in a social learning situation made possible by digital devices.
  • Teacher advancement:  Finding ways to effectively utilize digital devices in the classroom provides teachers with an opportunity to advance their skillset and grow with their students. Many teachers are taking their digital literacy to the next level by earning an  master’s degree in education technology .

Cons of digital devices in the classroom

  • Harmful effects of digital devices:  There are concerns from the EPA about long-term exposure to wireless devices and computer screens . While there is no direct evidence of harmful effects, the EPA discourages too much exposure for students who have video screens in front of their faces or computers in their laps. If students frequently use these devices at home, additional exposure at school could be viewed as harmful.
  • Inappropriate materials:  While schools can limit the availability of websites that can be viewed on their network, students may find links that slipped through the system. There will also be times that students will not be accessing the internet through a monitored network.
  • Distraction from schoolwork:  With the temptation of social media and texting in their hands, students may focus solely on their social life instead of the lesson plan.
  • Child predators:  Child predators are a problem everywhere. Using digital devices at school creates just that much more exposure and potential danger for students.
  • Cyberbulling : This is an increasing issue that’s grown exponentially in recent years. Permitting use of digital devices in the classroom could potentially lead to more of it.
  • Provide a disconnect:  While some believe digital devices make for greater connections for students, there are also those who believe too much time with digital devices disconnects students from face-to-face social activities, family communications, and nature. Digital devices in the classroom could lead to an even greater disconnect.
  • Could widen the gap : Technology spending varies greatly across the nation. Some schools have the means to address the digital divide so that all of their students have access to technology and can improve their technological skills. Meanwhile, other schools still struggle with their computer-to-student ratio and/or lack the means to provide economically disadvantaged students with loaner iPads and other devices so that they can have access to the same tools and resources that their classmates have at school and at home.

Should schools permit digital devices?

Some school districts have seen great improvements by allowing digital devices in the classroom. One thing is clear: if digital devices are permitted, there should be guidelines and rules in place .

Students need to be taught online safety, the use of judgment in determining good quality sources of information, and restraint from personal use in the classroom. In other words, they need to learn all about digital literacy and  digital citizenship .

There are many resources for teaching these concepts, and a great place to start is the International Society for Technology in Education  (ISTE). Their   comprehensive standards  focus on  the skills and qualities students should have in order to be successful in the digital world. ISTE also teamed up with Google and developed an online digital citizenship game called  Interland . It educates kids about digital citizenship in interactive ways. Students learn how to be good digital citizens as well as how to combat hackers, phishers, oversharers, and bullies.

If a school is going to allow and/or encourage the use of digital devices in the classroom, then teachers also need proper support in terms of training, professional development, and curriculum. They can start with curriculum and PD resources such as those provided by   Common Sense Media , but in order to fully utilize them, teachers need time to plan and collaborate. Digital devices should only be used when there are specific goals in mind, focusing on student safety, digital citizenship, critical thinking, collaboration, advancement, and equity.

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Electronics Use and Impact on Children’s Health Essay

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Main discussion.

It’s argument research that discusses whether children should count on electronic devices such as iPads, mobile phones, and so on. My opinion is against this idea not in favor. In addition, the availability of electronic devices facilitates the effectiveness and ease of conducting numerous tasks without using a lot of manpower. On the other hand, negativity associated with the introduction of new gadgets in the market is prevailing in the current social and economic aspects (Couse & Chen, 2010). The health impacts generated by the use of electronic devices have affected the health of children greatly in recent decades.

Technology development continues to cause adverse effects on the social, political, and economic aspects of different people, institutions, and states. This essay analyses the different influences of technology on children, their teachers, and parents. Research indicates that the involvement of technology with different electronic devices facilitates various positive and negative aspects. In general, technological advancement is a positive contribution to growth due to the availability of numerous gadgets in the market. It’s argument research that discusses whether children should count on electronic devices such as iPads, mobile phones, and so on. My opinion is against this idea not in favor. Establish long term effects of electronic usage by children on their future learning and healthcare and the remedies to these problems.

According to the research conducted on the growth and development of children, the level of children’s learning and understanding is generally high. This shows that children should not be ignored when presented with electronic devices. The ability of a child to learn and understand about the operation and usage of an electronic device takes a short time. This should not only be taken as a good and positive sign in the growth and development of the child but as a future influence in the learning and development of the child. Research practitioners have conducted various research practices on different children who have access to electronic devices.

The results of the individual research conclude that the children indicates the understanding of the devices and forms a connection to these devices thus fails to comprehend and operate on other manual and physical duties (Clements, 2004). This tendency is viewed as being positive in the beginning but becomes a negative phenomenal in later days of growth. In general, technological advancement has a negative contribution to growth due to the availability of numerous gadgets in the market, which negatively affect children’s behavior and learning process.

The aim of this essay is to facilitate the cons associated with allowing the usage of electronic devices by children. There are certain levels that should be set by the parents, guardians, and teachers in the establishment of adequate education services for the children. The ministry of education fraternity should facilitate a clear basis in ensuring that there is controlled technological involvement during early childhood. This acts as the guidance in governance and future presentation of the right and required learning tools to the teaching fraternity and education.

Scholars have reviewed various reasons that establish control in electronic usage during childhood. Rapid growth and increased learning abilities in children during the early stages of growth facilitate increased levels of failure incomprehension of the manual features. The ability of a child to learn and understand about the operation and usage of an electronic device takes a short time. This should not only be taken as a good and positive sign in the growth and development of the child but as a future influence in the learning and development of the child. Research practitioners have conducted various research practices on different children who have access to electronic devices. The high rates of development of impaired learning, low attention levels, and availability of delays in recognition originate from a high rate of electronics usage.

The availability of high rates of electronic and technology usage limits the movement of the child hence reduction in growth and development. The occurrence of delayed development and growth in children causes a lack of understanding in classrooms. This limits the growth of children and the recognition of their abilities in learning. The academic achievements of children suffering from the effects of electronic usage experience academic hiccups and constraints. In addition, research indicates that the increased use of electronics by children causes the effects of epidemic obesity. In other adverse cases, the children suffering from obesity have increased chances of getting diabetes, stroke, and related heart diseases (Couse & Chen, 2010).

The performance levels of children using electronics are usually low due to high involvement rates with the devices. In most cases, children that lack supervision in fail to observe their sleeping trends. This results in lack of concentration in classes and in other activities resulting in poor performance and rise in ignorance (Clements, 2004). Children disorder, depression, autism and anxiety results from the rise in electronics usage. Research practitioners indicates that the children start experiencing low self-esteem and depression due to the failures realized in the usage of the electronic devices. The high rates of development of impaired learning, low attention levels and availability of delays in recognition originate from high rate of electronics usage. The depression and anxiety levels increases with time and can lead to adverse limits if not controlled in advance. The development of certain illness in early childhood can be controlled and regulated by the parents, guardians and teachers if cooperation is enacted in schools and in homes (Clements, 2004).

The availability of oppression and aggression in the social sites and from the media provides insignificant access of information to the children. The children are exposed to various incidences of sexual and physical oppressions in the different sites which cause undesirable impacts. The availability of oppression and aggression levels in the social sites leads to Public Health Risk (PHR). The availability of uncontrolled forms of oppression in social media should be eradicated and introduction of laws to govern the occurrence of these vices addressed (Plowman & Stephen, 2003). Attention discrepancy can be caused by the availability of high levels of contents from the social sites and from media. Lack of attention leads to lack of proper learning, hence implicating future disadvantages to the life of these children.

The emissions radiated by the electronic devices cause adverse effects on the lives of the users when used frequently. This indicates that the children can be affected by the radiations hence develop diseases in future resulting from the frequent usage of the electronic devices. The ministry of education fraternity should facilitate clear basis of controlled technological involvement during early childhood. The ability of a child to learn and understand about the operation and usage of an electronic device takes a short time (Gallacher & Gallagher, 2008). This should not only be taken as a good and positive sign in the growth and development of the child but as a future influence in the learning and development of the child.

In conclusion, it is clear that the technological advancement and usage brings profitability, efficiency and development but it causes adverse effects on the lives of children. These effects are usually severe in the cases where the children lack supervision.

Clements, R. (2004). An investigation of the status of outdoor play. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood , 5 (1), 68-80.

Couse, L. J., & Chen, D. W. (2010). A tablet computer for young children? Exploring its viability for early childhood education. Journal of Research on Technology in Education , 43 (1), 75-96.

Gallacher, L. A., & Gallagher, M. (2008). Methodological Immaturity in Childhood Research? Thinking through participatory methods’. Childhood , 15 (4), 499-516.

Plowman, L., & Stephen, C. (2003). A ‘benign addition’? Research on ICT and pre‐school children. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning , 19 (2), 149-164.

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IvyPanda. (2020, September 10). Electronics Use and Impact on Children's Health.

"Electronics Use and Impact on Children's Health." IvyPanda , 10 Sept. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Electronics Use and Impact on Children's Health'. 10 September.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Electronics Use and Impact on Children's Health." September 10, 2020.

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Positive and Negative Effects of Electronic Devices on People's Lives

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Use Of Technology In The Classroom Argumentative Essay Examples

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Technology , Skills , Learning , Students , Media , Teaching , Education , Internet

Published: 02/19/2020


<Student Name> <Name and Section # of course> <Instructor Name>

We see that technology has been completely integrated in our lives. From smart phones, to voice commands in the home, till using electronic gadgets as a learning medium, we benefit from it all around. This is why is now even more important to be acquainted with the latest technology and learn the latest skills. Te job sector is also more reliant on technology and skills. Thus the students of all faculties and ages need to incorporate the use of technology and the learning of skills and tools. The boom in use of technology in schools colleges and universities is very welcoming. It is important to integrate the use of technology from an early age in children. There are various advantages to the use of technology in classrooms. With the use of communication platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr, a teacher can plan lessons and updates the students. Grading students work through mobile apps also ensures that the teacher is empowered. With the use of technology in classrooms, it is seen that students better engage in the subject being taught. Majority if the students are acquainted with the way the internet works. Using this same technology to learn will be fun and interactive. This type of educational experience helps students learn better and makes them implement what they learned in real life situations. With the use of technology in classrooms, students are not limited to the information in their textbooks. The internet is an ocean of information from where the students can expand their horizons. Special customized educational software makes the experience less intimidating for the students. They enjoy while learning. Personalized customization enables the program to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of individual students and change the course detail according to the individual. The use of technology is welcomed not only be students but by teachers alike. Stacy is a school teacher in Potomac. She uses technology to prepare lectures for her students. She has reversed the traditional teaching method and now her students learn from her podcasts at home, while they enjoy practicing problems together in class. This way the students come to school engrossed in lively discussions and thoughts. 65% of teachers and educators believe that with the introduction of technology in the classroom, students have become more stress free and productive . Students have been seen to access and work individually and in groups order to learn from all the information they have gathered from the internet. The question is not whether the use of technology in classrooms is beneficial or not. The question is how the governments and concerned authorities will ensure that all students get equal opportunities and whether it is essential for each student to get an individual device . The need is to emphasize on the proper training of teachers and on the development of teaching material. The students are of the digital age and so there is a need for the teaching methodologies and teachers to be digitalized as well. The vast options of resources and materials in technology make the learning experience diverse. The internet gives students hands on experience of what to expect in the real world. It uses mediums like sounds, images and text combined to make a mark on the student’s brain. The latest modeling and simulation technologies in classrooms and laboratories help children experiment and test their assumptions. They better understand the changes and reactions in the experiment through visual aid.

While using technology, there should be 4 basic principles that should be kept in mind:

- Alignment It is important to consider what technology will best suit your subject area and how you should align the course/lesson with the technology. Overuse of technology may result in becoming a distraction and not as an aid in learning. - Accessibility Make sure that the medium you are using is easily accessible to all your students. Students living on campus and off campus may have different technology devices. - Assessment It is important to assess you students on the use of the technology. Lay down the objectives and you can even assign assignments to be done on a similar technological medium. - Reinforcement The need of technology use should be to ensure that the lesson is understood properly but it should not be a word-by-word reiteration of the text book lesson. If any technological medium is used, it should be used to the full potential. If used in a productive way, technology is a very powerful tool that can be used to educate our students in ways that are traditionally impossible. Our students need to engage in the bounties of 21st century in order to learn the skills that are essential in this time. It helps them become permanent learners. Technology also enhances a teacher’s role. A teacher’s role is now grown into being an advisor, coach and content advisor. This all is possible with the use of technology in the classroom.

Works Cited

EDUTOPIA STAFF. Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?: The Reasons Are Many. 16 March 2008. 4 November 2013 <>. Gagne, Joel. New Technology Helps Schools to Communicate With Their Community. 13 September 2013. 2 November 2013 <>. LYTLE, RYAN. STUDY: Emerging Technology Has Positive Impact in Classroom. 14 July 2011. 4 November 2013 <>.


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Sample of a Short Essay on Electronic Gadgets

Using electronic devices in the classroom is often underestimated. They can bring a lot of benefits if students and professors use them only for studying purposes. Otherwise, if students use their smartphones and laptops only for entertainment, this misuse significantly distracts them from the learning process and makes their devices uselessm, unless they look for “ write my essay for me cheap ” help.

short essay on electronic gadgets

WritingCheap cheap essay writing service proposes students to read our sample short essay on electronic gadgets. After getting acquainted with this subject, you can understand the methods of using electronic devices in the classroom and how to write a perfect essay by yourself. Impress your teacher with your knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of electronic gadgets in class.

Effects of Electronic Devices on Education Electronic devices include integrated circuits controlled by the electric current; they are mainly used for processing, transfer, and control systems. Education, on the other hand, involves the process of gaining knowledge through an interactive process. Electronic devices affect education positively and negatively; the positive influence concerns enhancing education, and the negative influences affect the entire learning process. Positive Effects Electronic devices enhance education by making the learning resources easily assessable. By using a computer, students can access education information through the Internet. Additionally, there are technology-related projects that help the student be creative, innovative, and inventive (Eggers, 16). It also improves the teacher-student communication; these devices make a classroom a network system where there is a transfer of information from teacher to student and among students. Moreover, they directly help teachers in educating by bringing out the real picture in the process of giving information. For example, documentaries show the practical experience of events in history. Negative Effects The negative effects include making students spend the most time on devices, time that could otherwise be used for studying. Additionally, the information given tends to diminish the necessity of education. Some devices, such as mobile phones, also affect the learning process through interruptions from calls and text messages. Moreover, there is too much information available on electronic devices, and some of it is wrong. Hence, they tend to misguide students (Chen & Yun 6). Finally, these devices also create an opportunity for cheating among students. Conclusion In conclusion, electronic devices positively affect the communication process by making it easier for both the student and the teacher. However, if they are not contained, they change the process negatively. Therefore, there is a need to establish the best approach to ensure that devices have a positive effect, for example, through creating rules about the use of these devices in a classroom. Works Cited Chen, Shengjian, and Yun Lu. “The Negative Effects and Control of Blended Learning in the University.” 2013 the International Conference on Education Technology and Information System (ICETIS 2013) . Atlantis Press, 2013. Eggers, William D. Government 2.0: Using Technology to Improve Education, Cut Red Tape, Reduce Gridlock, and Enhance Democracy. Rowman & Littlefield, 2017.

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Why students should be allowed to bring electronic gadgets in school? Argumentative Essay

Why students should be allowed to bring electronic gadgets in school? Argumentative Essay

Our house, agrees on the motion that students should be allowed to bring electronic gadgets on school. Electronic gadgets had been very influential matter to all of us. These gadgets though have been affecting many people not only how to communicate but also the way how to react to things. One of its advantages is that it’s convenient to carry and we could have information right away.

According to Electronic gadgets are based on transistors and integrated circuits. Unlike the mechanical gadgets one needs a source of electric power to use it. The most common electronic gadgets include transistor radio, television, laptops, cell phones and the quartz watch.

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Why should we allow students to bring electronic gadgets? First of all, a simple quartz watch could mean a lot to a students. We really see no problem about a students having a watch in their wrist trying not being late in their next class. Another, students today is more likely to have cellular phones with them because of communication purposes. Banning electronic gadgets mean does not allowing students to have mobile phones while traveling to and from the school. The time when we leave our campus, we are not anymore under the school’s control and responsibility. With this it is the parents’ right to make sure their daughter is safe so it is better to have contact with their child. Since the main purpose of phones is to communicate, why not use this as an advantage? The fact that it is handy and could give information right away there are so many educational sites and applications available for students use, they should properly oriented on how to use the phone appropriately and for purpose.

Cell phones are just gadgets which can be used for educational purposes; let’s not just look at them as communication tools because today they can do more than making calls. Today we have smart phones which can perform task done by a computer. We can use cell phones to have access to internet. From there we could have a library content, download and read e-books so we can engage in classroom so much more because of the information we have in hand. There are also students, who can focus more if they are working with music; electronic gadgets such as mp3s or even cell phones can have their phones downloaded with music. This can be a help for a student to focus more with the activity given thus resulting to better grades. These modern gadgets are helping us in ways people would never have imagined. Like for instance, we need a calculator, we can just get our phone out and we already have a calculator.

If we need a calendar to set and organize dates we can just bring out our phone and you have a calendar. These are just some of the advantages brought by electronic gadgets to students. If the problem of phones is that it causes distraction, Cell phones are can be put on silence or vibrate if they are on. Students can make it so that their phones will not cause any disruptions during class and they still have access to them if they need it later on during the day. Schools could also make rules to facilitate students with phones to have an educational environment. Taking them away won’t really do anything, in fact it would increase students rebelling and having to hide them from the teacher, because students still bring electronic gadgets in class even when they are not allowed. Control and discipline of students are things that matters with allowing students to bring electronic gadgets on school. Disadvantages would be using them in a wrong way instead of benefiting from them. With this we agree that students should be allowed to bring electronic gadgets on school.

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