Essay on Labour Day for Students and Children

500+ words essay on labour day.

Labour Day is set to celebrate the hard work and achievements of the labor group. This is one day that is entirely devoted to the labor class. Many countries celebrate this day on a different day. However, in maximum countries, this day occurs on the 1st of May that happens to be International Workers’ Day.

essay on labour day

Origin of Labour Day

The story of Labour Day began with the rise in industrialization . The industrialists exploited the labor class these days. They took a lot of work from them but paid them very less. Laborers were forced to work for 10-15 hours a day in very tough conditions. Those who worked in chemical factories, mines, and other similar places suffered very much.

Lastly, they took the bravery to stand united and raise their voice against this oppression. Nearby that time, founding trade unions and going on strike. It was also considered illegal in several countries. So, they formed trade union and laborers went on strike. They also held rallies and protests. Lastly, the government heard their request and reduced the working hour to 8 hours. Thus this special day to celebrate the efforts of this class was also set.

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What is the History of Labour Day?

In India Labour Day or May Day was started to celebrated first in Chennai on May 1, 1923. The Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan initiated this. The leader of the party, Comrade Singaravelar organized two meetings to celebrate this event.

One meeting held on the Triplicane Beach and the other took place at the beach opposite Madras High Court. In the meeting, Singaravelar approved a resolution which indicated that the government should announce a national holiday on the May Day or Labour Day in India. This was the first time a red flag was hoisted in India.

Significance of Labour Day

Labour Day is a very significant holiday in a different country in the world and in India also. Here are some reasons why it is so much significant to the population.

  • When they work in an organized, concerted way. Then workers become very powerful –Labour Day is a day that unites workers together and reminds them of their power when they act in unity.
  • Workers can often feel ignored, mainly when they do vigorous or otherwise emotionally and physically taxing jobs. Labour Day is a day when workers can feel respected for the work that they have done all over the year.
  • On Labour Day, workers and their needs and rights are in focus. This day can be a motivation for refining worker’s efforts. They learn about their rights and to campaign and make movements. In this way, they can make secure a better life for themselves and their families.
  • Economic data about growth, output, input, and productivity can often unclear. The men and women who essentially power the economy with their work. So On Labour Day, we are reminded that the economy is something that affects. Real men and women essential for that.
  • The awesome majority of countries celebrate Labour Day on the same day, May 1st. This means that this day does not just bring together workers in India. But it also gives a sense that workers all over the world. which unites them through their common struggle and their common experiences.
  • This day is important as it enables workers to take some much-needed rest from their work and to collect their thoughts, spend time with their loved ones, or just recover their energies.
  • This day motivates people to get into work and to work hard. This will help to retain the economy going. It also encourages men and women to follow their chosen careers, to do their best at them. In this way, they contribute to their society.

We know that the worker receives minimum pay by selling his own labor. That is the reason why International Labour Day is celebrated all over the world. So this day is to promote and encourage international labor associations. Thus, it is a special day to appreciate and recognize their contribution to society as they are certainly well-deserved.

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What Is Labor Day? A History of the Workers’ Holiday.

President Grover Cleveland made it a national holiday in 1894, during a crisis over federal efforts to end a strike by railroad workers.

labor day essay in english

By Karen Zraick

This article was first published in 2018.

In the late 1800s, many Americans toiled 12 hours a day, seven days a week, often in physically demanding, low-paying jobs. Children worked too, on farms and in factories and mines. Conditions were often harsh and unsafe.

It was in this context that American workers held the first Labor Day parade, marching from New York’s City Hall to a giant picnic at an uptown park on Sept. 5, 1882.

“Working Men on Parade,” read The New York Times’s headline . The article, which appeared on the last page, reported that 10,000 people marched “in an orderly and pleasant manner,” far fewer than the organizers had predicted would attend. The workers included cigarmakers, dressmakers, printers, shoemakers, bricklayers and other tradespeople.

Because it wasn’t yet an official holiday, many of the attendees risked their jobs by participating in the one-day strike. On their signs, they called for “Less Work and More Pay,” an eight-hour workday and a prohibition on the use of convict labor. They were met with cheers.

The American labor movement was among the strongest in the world at the time, and in the years that followed, municipalities and states adopted legislation to recognize Labor Day. New York did so in 1887, and The Times reported that that year’s parade was larger than ever, even amid political tension over the role of socialist groups. Parks, shops and bars in the city were full.

“The barrooms were never more resplendent,” The Times wrote . “Liquidly, the first legal celebration of Labor Day may go down to history as an unqualified success.”

But it took several more years for the federal government to make it a national holiday — when it served a greater political purpose. In the summer of 1894, the Pullman strike severely disrupted rail traffic in the Midwest, and the federal government used an injunction and federal troops to break the strike.

It had started when the Pullman Palace Car Company lowered wages without lowering rents in the company town, also called Pullman. (It’s now part of Chicago.)

When angry workers complained, the owner, George Pullman, had them fired. They decided to strike, and other workers for the American Railway Union, led by the firebrand activist Eugene V. Debs, joined the action. They refused to handle Pullman cars, bringing freight and passenger traffic to a halt around Chicago. Tens of thousands of workers walked off the job, wildcat strikes broke out, and angry crowds were met with live fire from the authorities.

During the crisis, President Grover Cleveland signed a bill into law on June 28, 1894, declaring Labor Day a national holiday. Some historians say he was afraid of losing the support of working-class voters.

“There were many political advantages at that moment to provide recognition for Labor Day,” said Joshua B. Freeman , a distinguished professor of history at Queens College and the City University of New York Graduate Center.

But it wasn’t the only workingman’s holiday on the table. Starting in 1884, the labor movement had called for strikes and protests on May 1 to push for an eight-hour workday. That would-be holiday was called May Day, and it’s now celebrated around the world , though it’s not officially recognized in the United States.

You might blame the Haymarket affair. On May 4, 1886, a bomb went off at a demonstration in Chicago’s Haymarket Square in support of an eight-hour workday and against police killings of protesters. The authorities opened fire in response, and seven officers and four protesters were killed.

The episode made headlines around the world, and the police response in Chicago was fierce. “The Anarchists Cowed,” read the headline on a front-page Times article on May 8, with a subtitle, “Forced to Seek Hiding Places — The Disorderly Element Thoroughly Frightened.” Eight anarchists were convicted, and four were hanged. Critics argued the trial was conducted poorly, and seven years later, Gov. John P. Altgeld pardoned the three who were still alive.

In the years that followed, May Day became an occasion for protesting the arrests of socialists, anarchists and unionists. As it became associated with the radical left — and as Labor Day was recognized by more and more states — the latter came to be the dominant holiday in the United States.

In recent decades, Labor Day has been dominated more by barbecues , sales and last-chance beach days than strident labor protests. The labor movement has weakened, and in New York, there are scheduling conflicts, such as out-of-town vacations and the large West Indian American Day Parade in Brooklyn, which generally includes a sizable labor contingent .

Because of an editing error, an earlier version of a picture caption with this article misstated the year that Labor Day was made a national holiday. It was 1894, not 1984.

How we handle corrections

Karen Zraick covers federal law enforcement, courts and criminal justice on the Metro desk. More about Karen Zraick

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Labor Day 2024

By: Editors

Updated: January 31, 2024 | Original: April 13, 2010

Labor Day

Labor Day 2024 will occur on Monday, September 2. Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers and is traditionally observed on the first Monday in September. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. Labor Day weekend also symbolizes the end of summer for many Americans and is celebrated with parties, street parades and athletic events.

When Is Labor Day?

Labor Day is always observed on the first Monday in September. Labor Day 2024 take place on Monday, September 2.

Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day?

Labor Day, an annual celebration of workers and their achievements, originated during one of American labor history’s most dismal chapters.

In the late 1800s, at the height of the Industrial Revolution in the United States, the average American worked 12-hour days and seven-day weeks in order to eke out a basic living. Despite restrictions in some states, children as young as 5 or 6 toiled in mills, factories and mines across the country, earning a fraction of their adult counterparts’ wages.

People of all ages, particularly the very poor and recent immigrants, often faced extremely unsafe working conditions, with insufficient access to fresh air, sanitary facilities and breaks.

As manufacturing increasingly supplanted agriculture as the wellspring of American employment, labor unions, which had first appeared in the late 18th century, grew more prominent and vocal. They began organizing strikes and rallies to protest poor conditions and compel employers to renegotiate hours and pay.

Many of these events turned violent during this period, including the infamous Haymarket Riot of 1886, in which several Chicago policemen and workers were killed. Others gave rise to longstanding traditions: On September 5, 1882, 10,000 workers took unpaid time off to march from City Hall to Union Square in New York City , holding the first Labor Day parade in U.S. history.

The idea of a “workingmen’s holiday,” celebrated on the first Monday in September, caught on in other industrial centers across the country, and many states passed legislation recognizing it. Congress would not legalize the holiday until 12 years later, when a watershed moment in American labor history brought workers’ rights squarely into the public’s view. On May 11, 1894, employees of the Pullman Palace Car Company in Chicago went on strike to protest wage cuts and the firing of union representatives.

On June 26, the American Railroad Union, led by Eugene V. Debs , called for a boycott of all Pullman railway cars, crippling railroad traffic nationwide. To break the Pullman strike, the federal government dispatched troops to Chicago, unleashing a wave of riots that resulted in the deaths of more than a dozen workers.

Who Created Labor Day?

In the wake of this massive unrest and in an attempt to repair ties with American workers, Congress passed an act making Labor Day a legal holiday in the District of Columbia and the territories. On June 28, 1894, President Grover Cleveland signed it into law. More than a century later, the true founder of Labor Day has yet to be identified.

Many credit Peter J. McGuire, cofounder of the American Federation of Labor, while others have suggested that Matthew Maguire, a secretary of the Central Labor Union, first proposed the holiday.

Labor Day Celebrations

Labor Day is still celebrated in cities and towns across the United States with parades, picnics, barbecues, fireworks displays and other public gatherings, especially over the long Labor Day weekend. For many Americans, particularly children and young adults, it represents the end of the summer and the start of the back-to-school season.

Holidays That Fall on Mondays

The Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1968 changed several holidays to ensure they would always be observed on Mondays so federal employees could have more three-day weekends. The Act, signed into law on June 28, 1968, moved Washington’s Birthday Memorial Day, and Columbus Day to fixed Mondays each year.

Labor Day is in good company; other holidays that always fall on Mondays include:

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day 
  • President’s Day
  • Memorial Day  
  • Columbus Day  

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Essay on Labour Day

Students are often asked to write an essay on Labour Day in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Labour Day


Labour Day is a public holiday celebrated globally. It honours the hard work and contributions of workers.

Labour Day originated in the 19th century during the Industrial Revolution. Workers protested for better conditions and 8-hour workdays.


Labour Day reminds us of workers’ rights and their importance in society. It encourages us to appreciate their efforts.


Labour Day is celebrated with parades, picnics and various events. It’s a day off work for many, symbolising respect for workers.

Labour Day is a significant day, promoting appreciation and respect for workers worldwide.

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250 Words Essay on Labour Day

Introduction to labour day.

Labour Day, celebrated annually on the first Monday of September in many countries, is a tribute to the working class that has shaped our societies. It is a day to honour the tireless efforts, resilience, and dedication of workers across the globe.

The Origin of Labour Day

The inception of Labour Day dates back to the late 19th century, during the height of the Industrial Revolution. Workers, faced with inhumane conditions and gruelling hours, began to organise strikes and protests. The Haymarket Affair in 1886, a pivotal event in labour history, led to the establishment of an eight-hour workday. These movements culminated in the creation of Labour Day, a testament to the workers’ struggle for their rights.

Significance and Celebration

Labour Day is more than just a day off. It is an opportunity to reflect on the accomplishments of workers. Celebrations often include parades, picnics, and speeches to honour the working class. In the academic realm, it is a day to delve into discussions about labour rights, unionisation, and the ongoing challenges faced by workers.

Labour Day in the Modern Context

In today’s globalised world, Labour Day takes on new significance. It is a reminder of the need for fair labour practices, equitable wages, and decent working conditions in all nations. It highlights the importance of collective action in addressing issues such as income inequality and workers’ rights in the face of technological advancements and a changing job market.

In conclusion, Labour Day is a crucial reminder of the power and importance of the working class. It encourages us to reflect on past struggles, celebrate achievements, and advocate for a fairer future for all workers.

500 Words Essay on Labour Day

Labour Day is a public holiday in many countries, dedicated to the social and economic achievements of workers. It is a day set aside to pay tribute to the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of their country. This essay will explore the origins, significance, and contemporary relevance of Labour Day.

The Origins of Labour Day

Labour Day has its roots in the labour union movement, which advocated for better working conditions and fair wages for workers. The first Labour Day was observed on September 5, 1882, in New York City, organized by the Central Labour Union. The idea of a ‘workingmen’s holiday’ spread with the growth of the labour movement, and by 1894, more than half the states were celebrating Labour Day.

The date of Labour Day varies from country to country. In the United States and Canada, it is celebrated on the first Monday in September. However, many other countries, including most European nations, celebrate it on May 1, also known as May Day, which has its roots in ancient spring festivals.

The Significance of Labour Day

Labour Day serves as a reminder of the struggles faced by workers in their fight for rights and fair treatment. It commemorates the victories of the labour movement, including the eight-hour work day, minimum wage laws, and improved safety standards. These achievements did not come easily; they were won through strikes, protests, and sometimes even bloodshed.

Labour Day is also significant because it underscores the importance of solidarity among workers. The labour movement was built on the principle of collective action, the idea that workers are stronger together than they are individually. This principle is as relevant today as it was in the 19th century.

In the modern era, Labour Day is often seen as a day of rest and leisure, a chance to enjoy the last days of summer before the onset of fall. However, its historical and social significance should not be overlooked. Today, as we face new challenges such as automation, globalization, and the gig economy, the principles of the labour movement are more important than ever.

The rise of precarious employment and the erosion of workers’ rights in many countries underscore the need for renewed activism and solidarity. Labour Day serves as a reminder that the rights and privileges we enjoy today were hard-won, and that we must continue to fight for fair treatment and equality in the workplace.

Labour Day is much more than just a holiday; it is a symbol of the struggles and victories of the labour movement. It is a day to reflect on the importance of workers’ rights and the need for solidarity among workers. As we face new challenges in the 21st century, Labour Day reminds us of the power of collective action and the importance of standing up for our rights.

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Listen&Learn: History of Labour Day

Pre-listening vocabulary.

  • effort: hard work to achieve a result
  • union: a group of workers that have come together to protect their own rights
  • strike: a type of protest where people refuse to work
  • negotiate: to try to come to an agreement about something
  • advocate: to show support for something
  • parade: a celebratory march

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Gapfill exercise

Comprehension questions.

See answers below

  • May Day is celebrated a. only in the United States b. in Canada and the United States c. around the world
  • Workers on strike during the Industrial Revolution were mostly advocating for a. more national holidays b. an eight-hour workday c. more job opportunities
  • The general strike that inspired May Day took place in a. Chicago b. Toronto c. London

Discussion/essay questions

  • Many of the unions that inspired May Day and Labour Day were organizing illegally. Today, unions are protected by law in many places. What do people think about unions where you live? Why might a country make unions illegal?

In many countries around the world, a celebration of workers’ rights takes place on May 1st. This is called May Day, and it recognizes the efforts of unions to improve the working conditions of the Industrial Revolution. During that time, many people worked ten or more hours every day, and their work environments involved high risks of disease and injury. Workers organized strikes to negotiate an eight-hour workday. The general strike that led to May Day actually took place in Chicago in 1886. However, the United States and Canada celebrate a different holiday , called Labour Day, on the first Monday of September. This day originates from a union of Toronto print workers, who held parades and protests to advocate for labour rights. It became a national holiday in both countries in 1894.

Answers to comprehension questions

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RSS Feed

IN our country,union is not illegal but you can hardly knowing about it.A union should protect everyone who works,but it is contradict with some capitalists,even the govement.I think Our country make the union to be a docile lamb,which contrled by vested interests,because lots of people works more than 12 hours a day,with no overtime pay,our Labour law seems like a joke.

Union in my country is quite scary, actually. They could act violently during the strike. A union could be illegal if in their actions they never give prior notice to the authorities.

Today labor Union still working on the right of workers.

Grate and useful lesson. Congratulations and thanks a lot.

Have a nice sunday.

In my country people know trades are very corruptes because they live from the government budgets. CNT is the only independent trade. All the countries don’t want independent trades and much less independent minds, that’s why they control or illegalize them.

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Labour Day Speech for Students and Children: 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

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We celebrate labour day each year on May 1, to recognise the hard work of millions of working men and women that make our life easier. May 1, also corresponds with international worker’s day celebrated across the globe. In India, it was first celebrated in 1923, in Chennai and its history dates back to 1886.

10-Line Speech On Labour Day

Short speech on labour day, long speech on labour day.

Labour Day Speech for Students and Children: 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

May Day or Labour Day is known by many names such as ‘Kamgar din’ or ‘Antarrashtriya Shramik Diwas’ in Hindi, ‘Uzhaopalar Naal’ in Tamil and ‘Kamgar Diwas’ in Marathi.

We commemorate this day every year to recognise accomplishments and to inspire employees.

On the international level, it is observed as a working-class holiday.

India's first Labor Day was observed in the province of Madras (now Chennai) in 1923.

The first group to arrange May Day festivities in India was the Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan.

It started as a protest movement in Chicago in favour of an 8-hour workweek for employees.

We observe it as a holiday in more than 80 countries around the world, including India.

It also has roots in the 19th-century labour union movement in the United States of America. Industrialists at the time used to abuse the labour class by forcing them to work up to 15 hours every day.

It helps to spread knowledge among the labourers regarding their rights.

It also makes the citizens aware of the labour’s hard work so that they don’t abuse them by forcing them to work more than 8 hours.

Good morning everyone, my name is Riya and I am a student at Auxilium Convent. Today, I stand before you to pay tribute to a group of people who often go unnoticed, but who play a critical role in the functioning of our society - the workers.

Labour Day is a day to celebrate and acknowledge the contributions of the working class, and to remember the sacrifices made by those who fought for better working conditions and fair wages. It is a day to celebrate the backbone of our society, the unsung heroes who work hard every day to make our world a better place.

We often take for granted the services and products that are provided to us by workers. From the roads we drive on, to the food we eat, to the clothes we wear, all of these things are made possible by the hard work of workers. They are the ones who work long hours, face challenging conditions and put their health and safety on the line, all for the benefit of our communities.

But Labour Day is about more than just celebrating workers. It is about recognising their inherent dignity and worth, and ensuring that they are treated with respect and fairness. It is about ensuring that workers have safe working conditions, fair wages, and the right to form unions to protect their interests. Let us commit ourselves to making the world a better place for all workers.

Good morning everyone, and a warm welcome to our celebration of Labor Day at Auxilium Convent School. My name is Indrita, and it is my honor to stand before you today, as a proud student of this great institution, to deliver a speech on this important occasion.

Labour Day is a day to recognise and celebrate the contributions of all workers, regardless of their profession or industry. It is a day to reflect on the importance of work, and to pay tribute to the men and women who make our society and economy function, every day.

In today's society, it is all too common for individuals to overlook the crucial role that each and every worker plays in the very fabric of our communities. It is easy to take for granted the seemingly small, yet critical contributions of workers in every sector of our society. However, the reality is that every worker, regardless of their profession, is crucial to the successful operation of our society.

Farmers, for example, are the backbone of our food production system. They work tirelessly to grow the crops that feed our families and sustain our communities. These hardworking individuals often labour in gruelling conditions, facing weather extremes and working long hours to provide us with the sustenance we need to survive. Without them, we would not have the fresh, wholesome food that we so often take for granted.

Similarly, teachers are integral to the development and education of our children. They shape the minds of the next generation, imparting wisdom and knowledge that will stay with our children for a lifetime. They provide a safe and nurturing environment for our children to learn, grow and develop, both academically and emotionally. Teachers play a crucial role in ensuring the future of our society, by equipping our children with the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed in life.

But this is not just about acknowledging the importance of work. It is also about recognising the human dignity of all workers, and ensuring that they are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. Whether they work in an office or a factory, in the public sector or the private sector, every worker has the right to safe working conditions, fair pay, and equal opportunities.

Unfortunately, not all workers in our society enjoy these basic rights and protections. From exploitation and abuse, to long hours and low pay, to inadequate health and safety regulations, there are still many challenges that workers face, even in our modern world. And it is up to us, as responsible citizens and members of society, to fight for the rights and dignity of all workers, and to ensure that they are treated fairly and justly.

So, on this Labor Day, let us remember the importance of work, and the contributions of all workers to our society. Let us celebrate the human dignity of every worker, and recognize their essential role in our world. And let us redouble our efforts to fight for the rights and protections of all workers, and to create a more just and equal society for all.

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Essay on Labour Day

Labour Day is celebrated on the 1 st of May in many countries including India, Ghana, Libya, Nigeria, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Iran and Jordan to name a few. The day is dedicated to the labourers and workers.

Labourers around the world toil hard to make a living. A special day has been dedicated to celebrate their hard work and determination. In most countries 1 st of May has been marked as the Labour Day.

Long and Short Essay on Labour Day in English

Here are essays on Labour Day of varying lengths to help you with the topic in the exam. You can select any Labour Day essay as per your need:

Labour Day Essay 1 (200 words)

Labour Day is celebrated in various countries around the world. This is one day that is exclusively dedicated to the labour class. However, unlike various other days we celebrate, this one did not originate that easily.

It all began with the rise in industrialization. The industrialists exploited the labour class. They derived a lot of work from them but paid them meagrely. Labourers were made to work for 10-15 hours a day in tough conditions. Those who worked in chemical factories, mines and other similar places suffered all the more. Many of them fell ill and many others lost their lives working under such circumstances for long hours.

Finally, they took the courage to stand united and raise their voice against this tyranny. Around that time, forming trade unions and going on strike was also considered illegal in many countries. However, even as it meant risking their job, many labourers came forward to protest against the injustice they were going through. Trade unions were formed and labourers went on strike. They also carried out rallies and protests. Eventually, the government heard their plea and the working hours were reduced to 8 hours. A special day to celebrate the efforts of this class was also set. The date of Labour Day varies from country to country.

Labour Day Essay 2 (300 words)


Labour Day is set to celebrate the hard work and achievements of the labour class. It is celebrated on different days in different countries. However, in most of the countries the day occurs on the 1 st of May that happens to be International Workers’ Day.

The Origin of Labour Day

The condition of the labourers was very poor in the earlier times. They were required to toil hard and work for up to 15 hours a day. They suffered injuries and faced other horrible problems at their workplace. Despite the hard work put in by them, these people were paid meagre wages. The increasing number of health problems incurred by these people due to the long working hours and lack of good sources to get those problems cured led to the labour unions raising voice against this system.

Agitated labourers formed unions that fought for their rights for quite a while. Following this, the 8-hour work shift was set for the labourers and working class people. This is also referred to as the eight hour day movement. As per this, a person should work only for eight hours. He must get eight hours for recreation and eight hours for rest. Labour Day has its origin in this movement.

Though the history and origin of Labour Day differs in different countries however the main reason behind it remains the same and that is unfair treatment of the labour class. It was quite unfortunate that the class of people that contributed immensely towards the infrastructural development of the country was treated poorly. Various movements took place against this in different parts of the world and this day finally came into being.

The labour class is indeed the one that requires indulging in various laborious tasks. A special day to appreciate and recognize their contribution towards the society is certainly well-deserved.

Labour Day Essay 3 (400 words)

Labour Day, a special day dedicated to the labourers and working class people, is a public holiday in most of the countries. It is celebrated on the 1 st of May in more than 80 countries. Canada and United States observe it on the 1 st Monday of September. Many countries have their own dates to celebrate this date. However, the reason for the celebration remains the same and that is to celebrate the hard work of the labour class.

Labour Day in India – History and Origin

Labour Day in India was first celebrated on 1st May 1923. This celebration was held in the Indian state of Madras by the Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan. On this day, Comrade Singaravelar organised two meetings at different places in the state. One of these was organised at Triplicane Beach and the other one was arranged at the beach opposite Madras High Court. He passed a resolution stating government must announce a national holiday on this day.

Labour Day in Different Indian States

In India, Labour Day is known by the name Antarrashtriya Shramik Diwas or Kamgar Din. However, different states in the country call it by different names. In Tamil it is known as Uzhaipalar Dhinam, in Malayalam it is known as Thozhilaali Dinam and in Kannada it is referred to as Karmikara Dinacharane.

1 st May in the state of Maharashtra is also celebrated as Maharashtra Day and in Gujarat it is celebrated as Gujarat Day. This is because in the year 1960 on this very date, Maharashtra and Gujarat attained statehood.

Labour Day in India – Celebration

Just as in various other parts of the world, Labour Day is a day of celebration for the people belonging to the labour class in India too. On this day, protests are carried out against any unjust practice being followed against the labourers by any organization. Processions are also carried out to demonstrate that the labourers stand united and will not tolerate any unreasonable demand by the capitalists. Speeches are delivered by prominent leaders to promote unity amid the labourers. Labour unions also conduct picnics and other recreational activities.

The origin of Labour Day exemplifies how nothing is impossible if we stand united. Trade unions were formed and they stood strong against the unjust treatment of the labourers. Though, the exploitation of the labour class by the Capitalists was always evident no one took action against it. The joint efforts of the trade unions forced the government to make laws favouring the labourers.

Labour Day Essay 4 (500 words)

Labour Day, as the name suggests, is celebrated to honour the hard work done by the labourers as well as to honour those who went out of their way to fight for the rights of the labourers. The day is celebrated on the 1 st of May each year in most of the countries including India.

Labour Day Celebration –Then and Now

Labourers were given their due rights after a lot of struggle. Those who toiled hard recognized its importance much more. The day held a special significance for them. Thus, in most of the countries, Labour Day celebration initially included paying honour to the union leaders who took the lead as well as inspired others to fight for their rights. Speeches were made by prominent leaders and labourers spent time together, making merry.

Trade unions conducted special lunches and dinners or organized picnics and outings for their team of labourers. Campaigns and parades were carried out to celebrate the worker’s rights. Fireworks were also done.

While campaigns and parades are still carried out on this day by trade unions in many organizations and group lunches and picnics are also organised, many people these days just see this day as an opportunity to relax and rejuvenate. They spend time completing their pending household tasks or go out with their friends and family.

In countries such as Canada and United States where Labour Day is celebrated on the 1 st Monday of September, people enjoy long weekend. They usually plan family outings or go out with friends. It offers them the much needed respite from the daily grind. People look forward to it as a holiday time. Speeches are also delivered to promote unity among workers.

In countries like Canada, Labour Day Classic matches are organized to rejoice this day. Many people go to watch these matches live while others simply laze around in their house watching its live telecast.

In United States, retailers put up sale during this time. The sale of products boosts a great deal around this time. It is said that people shop a lot during this time. Sales done at this time come next only to the sales done around the Christmas time. People particularly indulge in back-to-school shopping at this time.

Countries that Celebrate Labour Day

Many countries around the world celebrate Labour Day. Some of these include Australia, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Canada, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Trinidad and Tobago, Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Libya, Somalia, Nigeria, Tunisia, Uganda and Morocco.

The date of celebration in these countries varies. In Australia it varies within the country. While some parts of Australia celebrate it in October, others celebrate the day in March while yet others celebrate it in May. Bangladesh celebrates the day in April while Bahamas celebrates it in June. However, most of the countries celebrate Labour Day on the 1 st of May.

The history and origin of Labour Day varies from country to country. Labourers and trade unions in different countries underwent a lot of struggle. Protests were done and rallies were carried out. It took a long time for the government to make laws against the unjust treatment of the labour class by the industrialists. A special day to celebrate the efforts put in by the labourers was subsequently recognized.

Labour Day Essay 5 (600 words)

Labour Day is a special day dedicated to the labour class to recognize their hard work and efforts. It is celebrated across the globe in various countries. In most of the countries it is celebrated on the 1 st of May that happens to be the International Workers’ Day. The history and origin of Labour Day differs in different countries.

Labour Day – The Origin of the Idea

With the growth of industrialization in Canada towards the end of the 19 th century, the labour class became loaded with work. Their number of working hours and the amount of work increased drastically while their wages continued to be meagre. They were exploited to the core and this exploitation caused a lot of distress among them. Many of them fell ill due to the constant work load and many even lost their life owing to this reason. In order to raise their voice against this injustice, labourers from different parts of the country joined hands. They carried out various movements against the tyranny of the capitalist class.

Labour Day in Canada

In Canada, the Labour Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September. The labour class in the country was given its rightful rights after a lot of struggle. A number of movements were carried out in this direction by the labour unions.

It was the Toronto Printers Union that demanded lesser working hours in early 1870s. In March 1872, they went on strike to get their demands fulfilled. They also conducted demonstrations for the rights of the workers. The printing industry in the country suffered immense loss due to this strike. Trade unions were formed in other industries too and soon they all came together to raise their voice against the industrialists.

Around 24 leaders were arrested for instigating people to go on strike. Going on strike was an offence at that time. The law did not even allow the formation of trade unions. However, the protests continued and they were soon released. Few months later, similar parade was organised in Ottawa. This forced the government to revise the law against the trade unions. Canadian Labour Congress was eventually formed.

Labour Day in United States

During the late 19 th century, the trade unions in the United States suggested a special day to mark the contribution of the labour class towards the society.

The growing exploitation of the labour class in the United States led to the Central Labour Union and Knights of Labours joining hands. Together, they led the first parade that marked a significant movement against the industrialists who were exploiting the labourers by paying them meagre wages and forcing them to work for long hours. The first parade was held in New York City. Workers from various organizations participated in it to stand for the cause. Their demands were eventually heard.

In the year 1887, Labour Day was observed as a public holiday for the first time in Oregon. By 1894 as many as 30 states in United States began celebrating Labour Day. The day is celebrated to honour the American Labour Movement.

Alternatively, it is said that it was Peter J. McGuire from the American Federation of Labour who first suggested that a special day must be dedicated to the labourers. He came up with the proposal in May 1882 after having seen the annual labour festival in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Just as in Canada, Labour Day in the United States is also celebrated on the 1 st Monday of September each year.

Labour Day is a time to relax and rejuvenate. It is also the time to honour those who fought for the rights of the labourers and brought about reforms. It is only because of the few people who came forward and encouraged others to do so too that the labourers were given their lawful rights.

Related Information:

Speech on Labour Day

International Labour Day

Slogans on Labour Day

Paragraph on Child Labour

Article on Child Labour

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Essay on Labour Day for Children and Students

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Labour Day is celebrated on the 1 st of May in many countries including India, Ghana, Libya, Nigeria, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Iran and Jordan to name a few. The day is dedicated to the labourers and workers.

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Labourers around the world toil hard to make a living. A special day has been dedicated to celebrate their hard work and determination. In most countries 1 st of May has been marked as the Labour Day.

Long and Short Essay on Labour Day in English

Here are essays on Labour Day of varying lengths to help you with the topic in the exam. You can select any Labour Day essay as per your need:

Labour Day Essay 1 (200 words)

Labour Day is celebrated in various countries around the world. This is one day that is exclusively dedicated to the labour class . However, unlike various other days we celebrate, this one did not originate that easily.

It all began with the rise in industrialization. The industrialists exploited the labour class. They derived a lot of work from them but paid them meagrely. Labourers were made to work for 10-15 hours a day in tough conditions. Those who worked in chemical factories, mines and other similar places suffered all the more. Many of them fell ill and many others lost their lives working under such circumstances for long hours.

Finally, they took the courage to stand united and raise their voice against this tyranny. Around that time, forming trade unions and going on strike was also considered illegal in many countries. However, even as it meant risking their job, many labourers came forward to protest against the injustice they were going through. Trade unions were formed and labourers went on strike. They also carried out rallies and protests. Eventually, the government heard their plea and the working hours were reduced to 8 hours. A special day to celebrate the efforts of this class was also set. The date of Labour Day varies from country to country.

Also Read: GK Questions on Labour Day

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Labour Day Essay 2 (300 words)


Labour Day is set to celebrate the hard work and achievements of the labour class. It is celebrated on different days in different countries. However, in most of the countries the day occurs on the 1 st of May that happens to be International Workers’ Day.

The Origin of Labour Day

The condition of the labourers was very poor in the earlier times. They were required to toil hard and work for up to 15 hours a day. They suffered injuries and faced other horrible problems at their workplace. Despite the hard work put in by them, these people were paid meagre wages. The increasing number of health problems incurred by these people due to the long working hours and lack of good sources to get those problems cured led to the labour unions raising voice against this system.

Agitated labourers formed unions that fought for their rights for quite a while. Following this, the 8-hour work shift was set for the labourers and working class people. This is also referred to as the eight hour day movement. As per this, a person should work only for eight hours. He must get eight hours for recreation and eight hours for rest. Labour Day has its origin in this movement.

Though the history and origin of Labour Day differs in different countries however the main reason behind it remains the same and that is unfair treatment of the labour class. It was quite unfortunate that the class of people that contributed immensely towards the infrastructural development of the country was treated poorly. Various movements took place against this in different parts of the world and this day finally came into being.

The labour class is indeed the one that requires indulging in various laborious tasks. A special day to appreciate and recognize their contribution towards the society is certainly well-deserved.

Labour Day Essay 3 (400 words)

Labour Day, a special day dedicated to the labourers and working class people, is a public holiday in most of the countries. It is celebrated on the 1 st of May in more than 80 countries. Canada and United States observe it on the 1 st Monday of September. Many countries have their own dates to celebrate this date. However, the reason for the celebration remains the same and that is to celebrate the hard work of the labour class.

Labour Day in India – History and Origin

Labour Day in India was first celebrated on 1st May 1923. This celebration was held in the Indian state of Madras by the Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan. On this day, Comrade Singaravelar organised two meetings at different places in the state. One of these was organised at Triplicane Beach and the other one was arranged at the beach opposite Madras High Court. He passed a resolution stating government must announce a national holiday on this day.

Labour Day in Different Indian States

In India, Labour Day is known by the name Antarrashtriya Shramik Diwas or Kamgar Din. However, different states in the country call it by different names. In Tamil it is known as Uzhaipalar Dhinam, in Malayalam it is known as Thozhilaali Dinam and in Kannada it is referred to as Karmikara Dinacharane.

1 st May in the state of Maharashtra is also celebrated as Maharashtra Day and in Gujarat it is celebrated as Gujarat Day. This is because in the year 1960 on this very date, Maharashtra and Gujarat attained statehood.

Labour Day in India – Celebration

Just as in various other parts of the world, Labour Day is a day of celebration for the people belonging to the labour class in India too. On this day, protests are carried out against any unjust practice being followed against the labourers by any organization. Processions are also carried out to demonstrate that the labourers stand united and will not tolerate any unreasonable demand by the capitalists. Speeches are delivered by prominent leaders to promote unity amid the labourers. Labour unions also conduct picnics and other recreational activities.

The origin of Labour Day exemplifies how nothing is impossible if we stand united. Trade unions were formed and they stood strong against the unjust treatment of the labourers. Though, the exploitation of the labour class by the Capitalists was always evident no one took action against it. The joint efforts of the trade unions forced the government to make laws favouring the labourers.

Labour Day Essay 4 (500 words)

Labour Day, as the name suggests, is celebrated to honour the hard work done by the labourers as well as to honour those who went out of their way to fight for the rights of the labourers. The day is celebrated on the 1 st of May each year in most of the countries including India.

Labour Day Celebration –Then and Now

Labourers were given their due rights after a lot of struggle. Those who toiled hard recognized its importance much more. The day held a special significance for them. Thus, in most of the countries, Labour Day celebration initially included paying honour to the union leaders who took the lead as well as inspired others to fight for their rights. Speeches were made by prominent leaders and labourers spent time together, making merry.

Trade unions conducted special lunches and dinners or organized picnics and outings for their team of labourers. Campaigns and parades were carried out to celebrate the worker’s rights. Fireworks were also done.

While campaigns and parades are still carried out on this day by trade unions in many organizations and group lunches and picnics are also organised, many people these days just see this day as an opportunity to relax and rejuvenate. They spend time completing their pending household tasks or go out with their friends and family.

In countries such as Canada and United States where Labour Day is celebrated on the 1 st Monday of September, people enjoy long weekend. They usually plan family outings or go out with friends. It offers them the much needed respite from the daily grind. People look forward to it as a holiday time. Speeches are also delivered to promote unity among workers.

In countries like Canada, Labour Day Classic matches are organized to rejoice this day. Many people go to watch these matches live while others simply laze around in their house watching its live telecast.

In United States, retailers put up sale during this time. The sale of products boosts a great deal around this time. It is said that people shop a lot during this time. Sales done at this time come next only to the sales done around the Christmas time. People particularly indulge in back-to-school shopping at this time.

Countries that Celebrate Labour Day

Many countries around the world celebrate Labour Day. Some of these include Australia, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Canada, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Trinidad and Tobago, Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Ghana, Libya, Somalia, Nigeria, Tunisia, Uganda and Morocco.

The date of celebration in these countries varies. In Australia it varies within the country. While some parts of Australia celebrate it in October, others celebrate the day in March while yet others celebrate it in May. Bangladesh celebrates the day in April while Bahamas celebrates it in June. However, most of the countries celebrate Labour Day on the 1 st of May.

The history and origin of Labour Day varies from country to country. Labourers and trade unions in different countries underwent a lot of struggle. Protests were done and rallies were carried out. It took a long time for the government to make laws against the unjust treatment of the labour class by the industrialists. A special day to celebrate the efforts put in by the labourers was subsequently recognized.

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Labour Day Essay 5 (600 words)

Labour Day is a special day dedicated to the labour class to recognize their hard work and efforts. It is celebrated across the globe in various countries. In most of the countries it is celebrated on the 1 st of May that happens to be the International Workers’ Day. The history and origin of Labour Day differs in different countries.

Labour Day – The Origin of the Idea

With the growth of industrialization in Canada towards the end of the 19 th century, the labour class became loaded with work. Their number of working hours and the amount of work increased drastically while their wages continued to be meagre. They were exploited to the core and this exploitation caused a lot of distress among them. Many of them fell ill due to the constant work load and many even lost their life owing to this reason. In order to raise their voice against this injustice, labourers from different parts of the country joined hands. They carried out various movements against the tyranny of the capitalist class.

Labour Day in Canada

In Canada, the Labour Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September . The labour class in the country was given its rightful rights after a lot of struggle. A number of movements were carried out in this direction by the labour unions.

It was the Toronto Printers Union that demanded lesser working hours in early 1870s. In March 1872, they went on strike to get their demands fulfilled. They also conducted demonstrations for the rights of the workers. The printing industry in the country suffered immense loss due to this strike. Trade unions were formed in other industries too and soon they all came together to raise their voice against the industrialists.

Around 24 leaders were arrested for instigating people to go on strike. Going on strike was an offence at that time. The law did not even allow the formation of trade unions. However, the protests continued and they were soon released. Few months later, similar parade was organised in Ottawa. This forced the government to revise the law against the trade unions. Canadian Labour Congress was eventually formed.

Labour Day in United States

During the late 19 th century, the trade unions in the United States suggested a special day to mark the contribution of the labour class towards the society.

The growing exploitation of the labour class in the United States led to the Central Labour Union and Knights of Labours joining hands. Together, they led the first parade that marked a significant movement against the industrialists who were exploiting the labourers by paying them meagre wages and forcing them to work for long hours. The first parade was held in New York City. Workers from various organizations participated in it to stand for the cause. Their demands were eventually heard.

In the year 1887, Labour Day was observed as a public holiday for the first time in Oregon. By 1894 as many as 30 states in United States began celebrating Labour Day. The day is celebrated to honour the American Labour Movement.

Alternatively, it is said that it was Peter J. McGuire from the American Federation of Labour who first suggested that a special day must be dedicated to the labourers. He came up with the proposal in May 1882 after having seen the annual labour festival in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Just as in Canada, Labour Day in the United States is also celebrated on the 1 st Monday of September each year.

Labour Day is a time to relax and rejuvenate. It is also the time to honour those who fought for the rights of the labourers and brought about reforms. It is only because of the few people who came forward and encouraged others to do so too that the labourers were given their lawful rights.

Check Other Important Topics on Labour Day:

Speech on Labour Day

International Labour Day

Slogans on Labour Day

Paragraph on Child Labour

Article on Child Labour

Frequently Asked Questions on Labour Day

Is labour day a public holiday in usa.

Labour Day is indeed a public holiday in the USA. Celebrated on the first Monday of September, it honors the American labor movement and the contributions workers have made to the country's development and prosperity.

Why is May 1 Labor Day?

May 1, known as International Workers' Day or simply Labor Day, commemorates the 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago, which was a peaceful rally in support of workers striking for an eight-hour workday. The date is recognized globally to honor workers and their rights.

Is Labour Day a holiday in India?

Yes, Labour Day, often referred to as May Day in India, is a public holiday. Celebrated on May 1st, it honors the contributions of workers and acknowledges their rights.

What is May Day vs Labor Day?

May Day and Labor Day both celebrate workers and their contributions. While May Day (May 1st) is internationally recognized and is associated with historical labor movements, Labor Day in the USA is celebrated on the first Monday of September and is more of a national observance.

Why is it called Labour Day?

It's called Labour Day to honor and recognize the labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to society. The day celebrates the spirit of the working class and their rights.

Who invented Labour Day in India?

Labour Day or May Day in India is inspired by the international labor movement. It wasn't invented by a single individual in India but was adopted to honor workers and their contributions to the nation.

Who declared Labour Day?

Labour Day's origins trace back to the labor union movement in the USA. While multiple figures contributed to its inception, it was Oregon that first declared it an official public holiday in 1887. The idea spread, and now it's observed in many countries globally.

Who invented Labour Day?

Labour Day's inception is credited to the labor union movement, especially the eight-hour day movement, which advocated for eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest. Peter J. McGuire, a carpenter and labor union leader, is often credited with proposing a day to honor workers in the USA.

What is the famous Labor Day quotes?

While there are many famous quotes associated with Labor Day, one notable quote is: Without labor, nothing prospers. This quote by Sophocles underscores the importance and value of the working class in building and sustaining civilizations.

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International Labour Day Essay – Check out the 100 word, 200 word as well as long essays for Students here!

International Labour Day Essay: International Labour Day, also known as May Day or International Workers’ Day, is a global observance that celebrates the achievements of workers and their contribution to society. The day has its roots in the labor movement of the late 19th century, and it has since become an important day of commemoration and advocacy for workers’ rights. In this article, we will explore the significance of International Labour Day, its history, and its importance in today’s world. We will also examine the challenges facing workers and the future of work, and we will call on governments, employers, and society to respect workers’ rights and improve working conditions.

Table of Contents

100 Words Essay on International Labour Day in English

International Labour Day, also known as May Day, is celebrated on the 1st of May every year. It is a day dedicated to honoring and appreciating the hard work and contributions of workers to society. This day has its origins in the labor movement of the 19th century, which aimed to improve the working conditions of workers and promote their rights. Today, Labour Day serves as a reminder of the struggles of workers in the past and present, and the importance of labor laws and workers’ rights. It is a day to advocate for better working conditions, fair pay, and equal opportunities for all workers around the world.

200 Words Essay on International Labour Day in English

International Labour Day, also known as May Day, is celebrated on 1st May every year across the world. This day is dedicated to honoring the contributions and achievements of workers and laborers who have played a significant role in building our society. The day has its roots in the labor movement of the late 19th century when workers came together to fight for their rights and better working conditions.


Labour Day serves as a reminder of the struggles of workers in the past and present, and the importance of labor laws and workers’ rights. It is a day to advocate for fair pay, better working conditions, and equal opportunities for all workers around the world.

Trade unions and workers’ organizations organize various events and marches on this day to raise awareness about the issues faced by workers and to demand their rights. The day is also marked by speeches, parades, and cultural events to celebrate the contribution of workers to society.

In today’s globalized world, workers’ rights are increasingly under threat. The rise of the gig economy and the prevalence of precarious work have led to the erosion of job security and labor protections. International Labour Day is a reminder that we must continue to fight for workers’ rights and ensure that all workers are treated fairly and with dignity.

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Essay on International Labour Day for Kids

International Labour Day, also known as May Day, is a day we celebrate every year on 1st May. We celebrate this day to thank all the workers and laborers who work hard to make our lives better. This day is all about recognizing their contributions and thanking them for their hard work.

The idea of Labour Day started a long time ago, when workers came together to fight for their rights and better working conditions. Now, we celebrate Labour Day all over the world to appreciate the workers and their achievements.

On this day, there are many parades, speeches, and other events to celebrate workers. Children can participate too by making posters and banners to show their support for workers.

Labour Day is also a day to think about the difficulties faced by workers. Some workers may not have good jobs, fair wages, or safe working conditions. Everyone deserves to be treated fairly and with respect.

In short, Labour Day is a special day to appreciate and thank workers for their hard work. We honor their contributions to society and support their rights. Let’s remember the importance of workers and their role in making our world a better place.

Long Essay on International Labour Day in English

International Labour Day, also known as May Day, is an important global observance that is celebrated on the 1st of May every year. It is a day that is dedicated to honoring the achievements of workers and their contribution to society. The day has its roots in the labor movement of the late 19th century, which aimed to improve the working conditions of workers and promote their rights.

Labour Day serves as a reminder of the struggles of workers in the past and present, and the importance of labor laws and workers’ rights. It is a day to advocate for better working conditions, fair pay, and equal opportunities for all workers around the world. The day is celebrated in different ways around the world, with parades, speeches, and cultural events.

The history of Labour Day can be traced back to the late 1800s, when workers in the United States and Canada began to demand better working conditions and higher wages. In 1886, a group of workers in Chicago organized a strike to demand an eight-hour workday. The strike was met with violence, and several workers were killed. The incident became known as the Haymarket Massacre and led to the establishment of International Workers’ Day.

Today, Labour Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, and it is recognized as a public holiday in many countries, including India, Brazil, and Russia. The day is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of workers’ rights and the challenges facing workers in the modern world.

One of the biggest challenges facing workers today is the rise of the gig economy and precarious work. Many workers are now employed in jobs that offer little job security, no benefits, and low wages. This has led to growing inequality and a widening gap between the rich and poor.

International Labour Day is a reminder that we must continue to fight for workers’ rights and ensure that all workers are treated fairly and with dignity. It is a call to action for governments, employers, and society to respect workers’ rights and improve working conditions. We must work towards a world where all workers are guaranteed fair pay, safe working conditions, and the opportunity to succeed.

In conclusion, International Labour Day is an important observance that celebrates the contributions of workers and laborers to society. It is a day to reflect on the challenges facing workers and to call for greater respect for their rights. We must work towards a world where all workers are treated fairly and with dignity, and where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

FAQs on International Labour Day Essay

Labour Day is celebrated to honor the contributions of workers and laborers to society. It is also a day to advocate for better working conditions, fair pay, and equal opportunities for all workers around the world.

The history of Labour Day can be traced back to the late 19th century when workers in the United States and Canada began to demand better working conditions and higher wages. The establishment of International Workers’ Day was a result of the Haymarket Massacre in 1886, where workers were killed during a strike.

We can support workers by advocating for better working conditions, fair pay, and equal opportunities for all. This includes supporting labor laws and workers’ rights, as well as supporting unions and other organizations that work to protect workers. We can also support businesses that prioritize the well-being and rights of their employees.

One of the biggest challenges facing workers today is the rise of the gig economy and precarious work. Many workers are now employed in jobs that offer little job security, no benefits, and low wages. This has led to growing inequality and a widening gap between the rich and the poor.

International Labour Day serves as a reminder of the struggles of workers in the past and present and the importance of labor laws and workers’ rights. It is an opportunity to advocate for better working conditions, fair pay, and equal opportunities for all workers around the world.

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By Gauri Malik

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Short Essay on Labour Day

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A UK election has been called for July 4. Here’s what to know

UK Prime Minister Sunak announces general election for July 4

FILE - This combo image shows Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in London, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, left, and Leader of the opposition Labour party and Keir Starmer, right, in London, Monday, Oct. 31, 2022. (AP Photo)

FILE - This combo image shows Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in London, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, left, and Leader of the opposition Labour party and Keir Starmer, right, in London, Monday, Oct. 31, 2022. (AP Photo)

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Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaks to the media, as heavy rain falls, outside 10 Downing Street in London Wednesday, May 22, 2024, as he announces that he is to call a General Election for July 4. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)

Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak walks from 10 Downing Street to speak to the media in London Wednesday, May 22, 2024, as he announces that he is to call a General Election for July 4. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)

FILE - Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, right, and Labour Party leader Keir Starmer pass through the Peer’s Lobby to attend the State Opening of Parliament at the Palace of Westminster in London, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, Pool, File)

FILE - Keir Starmer, Leader of Britain’s opposition Labour Party delivers a speech at a business conference in London, Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, File)

LONDON (AP) — The United Kingdom’s first election in five years is shaping up as a battle for the country’s soul, with some saying it poses an existential threat to the governing Conservative Party, which has been in power since 2010.

The center-right Conservatives took power during the depths of the global financial crisis and have won two more elections since then. But those 14 years have been filled with challenges and controversies, making the Tories, as they are commonly known, easy targets for critics on the left and right.

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Labour, which leans to the left, faces its own challenges in shaking off a reputation for irresponsible spending and proving that it has a plan to govern.

Both parties are being ripped apart by the conflict in the Middle East, with the Tories facing charges of Islamophobia and Labour struggling to distance itself from antisemitism that festered under former leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Here is a look at the upcoming election and the biggest issues at stake.

When is the election in the United Kingdom?

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak set July 4th as the date for the election, months ahead of when it was expected. He had until December to call an election that could have happened as late as Jan. 28, 2025.

FILE - Britain's Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer speaks on stage during the Labour Party Conference at the Brighton Centre in Brighton, England, Monday, Sept. 23, 2019. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, File)

The timing of the election is determined by the prime minister’s calculation of the date most advantageous to the ruling Conservatives. It had been expected in the autumn, when a number of economic factors were expected to have improved their chances, the Institute for Government, a London-based think tank, had said.

But favorable economic news on Wednesday , with inflation down to 2.3 percent, changed the narrative.

How does voting work?

People throughout the United Kingdom will choose all 650 members of the House of Commons for a term of up to five years. The party that commands a majority in the Commons, either alone or in coalition, will form the next government and its leader will be prime minister.

That means the results will determine the political direction of the government, which has been led by the center-right Conservatives for the past 14 years. The center-left Labour Party is widely seen to be in the strongest position.

Who is running?

FILE - Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, right, and Labour Party leader Keir Starmer pass through the Peer's Lobby to attend the State Opening of Parliament at the Palace of Westminster in London, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant, Pool, File)

Sunak, a former Treasury chief who has been prime minister since October of 2022, is expected to lead his party into the election. His primary opponent will be Keir Starmer , a former director of public prosecutions in England and leader of the Labour Party since April 2020.

But other parties, some of which have strong regional support, could be crucial to forming a coalition government if no one wins an overall majority.

The Scottish National Party , which campaigns for Scottish independence, the Liberal Democrats, and the Democratic Unionist Party, which seeks to maintain ties between Britain and Northern Ireland, are currently the three largest parties in Parliament after the Conservatives and Labour. Many observers suggest the new Reform Party, formed by Tory rebels, may siphon votes from the Conservatives.

What are the big issues at stake?

Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak walks from 10 Downing Street to speak to the media in London Wednesday, May 22, 2024, as he announces that he is to call a General Election for July 4. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)

The economy: Britain has struggled with high inflation and slow economic growth, which have combined to make most people feel poorer. The Conservatives succeeded in meeting their goal of halving inflation, which peaked at 11.1% in October 2022, but the economy slipped into a technical recession in the last six months of 2023 , raising questions about the government’s economic policies.

Immigration: Thousands of asylum seekers and economic migrants have crossed the English Channel in flimsy inflatable boats in recent years , raising concerns the government has lost control of Britain’s borders. The Conservatives’ signature policy for stopping the boats is a plan t o deport some of these migrants to Rwanda. Critics say the plan violates international law, is inhumane, and will do nothing to stop people fleeing war, unrest and famine.

Healthcare: Britain’s National Health Service , which provides free health care to everyone, is plagued with long waiting lists for everything from dental care to cancer treatment. Newspapers are filled with stories about seriously ill patients forced to wait hours for an ambulance, then longer still for a hospital bed.

The environment: Sunak has backtracked on a series of environmental commitments , pushing back the deadline for ending the sale of gasoline- and diesel-powered passenger vehicles and authorizing new oil drilling in the North Sea. Critics say these are the wrong policies at a time the world is trying to combat climate change.

labor day essay in english

A UK election has been called for July 4. Here’s what to know

Britain's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaks to the media, as heavy rain falls, outside 10 Downing Street in London Wednesday, May 22, 2024, as he announces that he is to call a General Election for July 4. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)

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The United Kingdom’s first election in five years is shaping up as a battle for the country’s soul, with some saying it poses an existential threat to the governing Conservative Party, which has been in power since 2010.

The center-right Conservatives took power during the depths of the global financial crisis and have won two more elections since then. But those 14 years have been filled with challenges and controversies, making the Tories, as they are commonly known, easy targets for critics on the left and right.

Labour, which leans to the left, faces its own challenges in shaking off a reputation for irresponsible spending and proving that it has a plan to govern.

Both parties are being ripped apart by the conflict in the Middle East, with the Tories facing charges of Islamophobia and Labour struggling to distance itself from antisemitism that festered under former leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Here is a look at the upcoming election and the biggest issues at stake.

When is the election in the United Kingdom? Prime Minister Rishi Sunak set July 4th as the date for the election, months ahead of when it was expected. He had until December to call an election that could have happened as late as Jan. 28, 2025.

The timing of the election is determined by the prime minister’s calculation of the date most advantageous to the ruling Conservatives. It had been expected in the autumn, when a number of economic factors were expected to have improved their chances, the Institute for Government, a London-based think tank, had said.

But favorable economic news on Wednesday , with inflation down to 2.3 percent, changed the narrative.

How does voting work? People throughout the United Kingdom will choose all 650 members of the House of Commons for a term of up to five years. The party that commands a majority in the Commons, either alone or in coalition, will form the next government and its leader will be prime minister.

That means the results will determine the political direction of the government, which has been led by the center-right Conservatives for the past 14 years. The center-left Labour Party is widely seen to be in the strongest position.

Who is running? Sunak, a former Treasury chief who has been prime minister since October of 2022, is expected to lead his party into the election. His primary opponent will be Keir Starmer , a former director of public prosecutions in England and leader of the Labour Party since April 2020.

But other parties, some of which have strong regional support, could be crucial to forming a coalition government if no one wins an overall majority.

The Scottish National Party , which campaigns for Scottish independence, the Liberal Democrats, and the Democratic Unionist Party, which seeks to maintain ties between Britain and Northern Ireland, are currently the three largest parties in Parliament after the Conservatives and Labour. Many observers suggest the new Reform Party, formed by Tory rebels, may siphon votes from the Conservatives.

What are the big issues at stake? The economy: Britain has struggled with high inflation and slow economic growth, which have combined to make most people feel poorer. The Conservatives succeeded in meeting their goal of halving inflation, which peaked at 11.1% in October 2022, but the economy slipped into a technical recession in the last six months of 2023 , raising questions about the government’s economic policies.

Immigration: Thousands of asylum seekers and economic migrants have crossed the English Channel in flimsy inflatable boats in recent years , raising concerns the government has lost control of Britain’s borders. The Conservatives’ signature policy for stopping the boats is a plan t o deport some of these migrants to Rwanda. Critics say the plan violates international law, is inhumane, and will do nothing to stop people fleeing war, unrest and famine.

Healthcare: Britain’s National Health Service , which provides free health care to everyone, is plagued with long waiting lists for everything from dental care to cancer treatment. Newspapers are filled with stories about seriously ill patients forced to wait hours for an ambulance, then longer still for a hospital bed.

The environment: Sunak has backtracked on a series of environmental commitments , pushing back the deadline for ending the sale of gasoline- and diesel-powered passenger vehicles and authorizing new oil drilling in the North Sea. Critics say these are the wrong policies at a time the world is trying to combat climate change.

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Today’s News in English: Check out the School Assembly News Headlines for 23 May 2024

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  • Updated on  
  • May 22, 2024

23 May School Assembly News Headlines

School Assembly News Headlines for 23 May 2024: School Assembly News Headlines provide students with a comprehensive learning experience of news in English for 23 May 2024.  

School Assembly News Headlines provide students with a comprehensive learning experience in English news. We cover National News headlines and share International News updates , along with Sports News. Additionally, we offer a Thought for the Day to encourage students to think, explore the Word of the Day and its meaning, and remind them of World Important Day events worldwide. 

This way, students learn and enhance their critical thinking and understanding, all in a cosy environment at the school assembly.

Table of Contents

  • 1 National News Headlines in English for 23 May 2024
  • 2 International News in English for 23 May 2024
  • 3 Sports News in English for 23 May 2024
  • 4 Today’s Entertainment News in English 
  • 5 Thought for the Day for Students
  • 6 Word of the Day 
  • 7 World Important Day on 23 May 2024 

National News Headlines in English for 23 May 2024

Stay updated with national news headlines in English. Learn about various sectors’ happenings in our country:

1. RBI Reports Rural Spending Boosts India’s Economy: The RBI highlights how increased rural spending is driving India’s economic growth, signaling positive momentum in aggregate demand.

2. India Surges to 39th in Global Tourism Rankings:   India’s impressive climb to the 39th position in global tourism rankings reflects its growing competitiveness and appeal as a tourist destination.

3. Paytm Stocks Plummet Amid Regulatory Woes: Paytm’s stocks plummet amidst regulatory challenges and anticipated financial losses, following a directive from the RBI to halt banking operations.

4. Supreme Court Rebukes Ex-Jharkhand CM; Bail Plea Withdrawn: The Supreme Court reproaches former Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren for concealing facts related to his bail plea, leading to its withdrawal.

5. Election Commission Directs Parties to Curb Divisive Campaigning: The Election Commission instructs political parties to refrain from divisive campaigning tactics, emphasizing the importance of maintaining societal harmony.

Also Read: Today’s News in English: Check out the School Assembly News Headlines for 22 May 2024

International News in English for 23 May 2024

Explore global stories through international news in English. Discover updates from different countries:

1. Israel Recalls Ambassadors Amid Palestinian Recognition Talks: Israel recalls its ambassadors from Norway and Ireland as both countries consider recognizing a Palestinian state, escalating diplomatic tensions.

2. Vietnam Appoints To Lam as President Amid Political Turmoil: Vietnam appoints To Lam as president amidst political upheaval and anti-corruption efforts, signalling a period of transition and change.

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Sports News in English for 23 May 2024

Get the latest sports news in English and follow your favourite sports events:

1. Indian Badminton Duo Regains Top Ranking After Thailand Triumph: Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty reclaim their top ranking in men’s badminton following a successful performance at the Thailand Open.

2. Djokovic Seeks Redemption at Geneva Open Before Roland Garros: Novak Djokovic seeks to regain form at the Geneva Open ahead of Roland Garros, aiming for a successful title defense.

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Today’s Entertainment News in English 

Today’s entertainment news offers students a colourful mix of movies, music, and celebrity happenings:

1. Mattel Honors Sporting Icons with Barbie Dolls Project:   Mattel introduces a project honoring sporting icons with Barbie dolls, celebrating diversity and female empowerment in sports.

2. Daniel Radcliffe Teases Harry Potter Series Cameo:   Actor Daniel Radcliffe teases fans about a potential cameo in the upcoming Harry Potter series, adding to the anticipation surrounding the beloved franchise’s expansion. 

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Thought for the Day for Students

Start your day with an inspirational thought for the day for students. Believe in yourself and prepare to face challenges:

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Word of the Day 

Let us learn a new word of the day to improve your vocabulary and language skills:

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World Important Day on 23 May 2024 

Understand the significance of World Important Day and learn how to make a difference:

1. Joan of Arc Executed (1431)

On May 23, 1431, Joan of Arc, the French heroine, was executed by burning at the stake by the English in Rouen, France.

2. First Solo Transatlantic Flight (1927)

On May 23, 1927, Charles Lindbergh completed the first solo non-stop transatlantic flight, flying from New York to Paris in his plane, the Spirit of St. Louis.

3. Creation of the European Union (1957)

On May 23, 1957, the Treaty of Rome was signed, establishing the European Economic Community (EEC), which later evolved into the European Union (EU), promoting economic cooperation among member states.

4. The Declaration of the Baha’i Faith (1844)

On May 23, 1844, the Báb, the founder of the Baha’i Faith, declared his mission as the herald of a new era of religious unity and social justice in Shiraz, Persia (modern-day Iran).

5. Launch of the Mars Pathfinder (1996)

On May 23, 1996, NASA’s Mars Pathfinder spacecraft was launched, carrying the Sojourner rover, which successfully landed on Mars on July 4, 1997, and conducted scientific experiments on the planet’s surface.

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with expertise in creating educational and informative content. She has a year of experience writing content for speeches, essays, NCERT, study abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and ananlysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particulary in education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs with related to her field to further expand her expertise. In personal life, she loves creative writing and aspire to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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    10 shares. Essay on Labour Day: Labour Day is annually celebrated on 1st May. Labour Day is celebrated to recognize the contributions and labour movements globally. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has released the Labour Day 2024 theme: 'Social Justice and Decent Work for All'. Labour Day was first organised in India on 1 May 1923.

  6. Labour Day Essay: Honoring the Global Workforces Journey

    Labour Day, also known as International Workers' Day, holds profound historical significance, tracing its roots to the Industrial Revolution's labor movements. Commemorated globally on May 1st, this day honors the contributions and struggles of the working class. Emerging from pivotal events like the Haymarket affair in 1886, Labour Day ...

  7. What is Labor Day and why do we celebrate it?

    Over time, the radical politics around Labor Day became tempered. Around the world, most countries honor workers with a holiday called May Day, celebrated on May 1, which also has its origins in ...

  8. Labor Day

    In the United States, Peter J. McGuire, a union leader who had founded the United Brotherhood of Carpenters in 1881, is generally given credit for the idea of Labor Day. In 1882 he suggested to the Central Labor Union of New York that there be a celebration honouring American workers. On September 5 some 10,000 workers, under the sponsorship of the Knights of Labor, held a parade in New York City.

  9. 100 Words Essay on Labour Day

    The first Labour Day was observed on September 5, 1882, in New York City, organized by the Central Labour Union. The idea of a 'workingmen's holiday' spread with the growth of the labour movement, and by 1894, more than half the states were celebrating Labour Day. The date of Labour Day varies from country to country.

  10. Listen&Learn: History of Labour Day

    Discussion/essay questions. Many of the unions that inspired May Day and Labour Day were organizing illegally. Today, unions are protected by law in many places. ... lamb,which contrled by vested interests,because lots of people works more than 12 hours a day,with no overtime pay,our Labour law seems like a joke. English Club Indonesia says: ...

  11. Labour Day

    Labour Day is an annual day of celebration of the achievements of workers.It has its origins in the labour union movement, specifically the eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest.. For most countries, Labour Day is synonymous with, or linked with, International Workers' Day, which occurs on 1 May.

  12. International Workers' Day

    International Workers' Day, also known as Labour Day in some countries and often referred to as May Day, is a celebration of labourers and the working classes that is promoted by the international labour movement and occurs every year on 1 May, or the first Monday in May.. Traditionally, 1 May is the date of the European spring festival of May Day.The Marxist International Socialist Congress ...

  13. Labour Day 2023: Speech And Essay On May Day For Students

    Updated: Saturday, April 29, 2023, 20:43 [IST] International Labour Day, also known as International Workers' Day, is observed on May 1 all around the world. The day is dedicated to employees and labourers who contribute to all types of businesses and sectors. The goal of the day is to educate workers about their rights while also honouring ...

  14. Labour Day Speech

    Answer: Labour Day, the main Monday in September, is for the celebration of the work development and is therefore devoted to the social and monetary accomplishments of American laborers. It comprises a yearly national tribute to the commitments laborers have made to the quality, flourishing, and prosperity of our nation. Question 2.

  15. Labour Day Speech for Students and Children: 10 Lines, Short ...

    Short Speech On Labour Day. Good morning everyone, my name is Riya and I am a student at Auxilium Convent. Today, I stand before you to pay tribute to a group of people who often go unnoticed, but who play a critical role in the functioning of our society - the workers. Labour Day is a day to celebrate and acknowledge the contributions of the ...

  16. Essay on Labour Day for Children and Students

    Long and Short Essay on Labour Day in English. Here are essays on Labour Day of varying lengths to help you with the topic in the exam. You can select any Labour Day essay as per your need: Labour Day Essay 1 (200 words) Labour Day is celebrated in various countries around the world. This is one day that is exclusively dedicated to the labour ...

  17. Essay on Labour Day for Children and Students in English

    Labour Day Essay 3 (400 words) Introduction. Labour Day, a special day dedicated to the labourers and working class people, is a public holiday in most of the countries. It is celebrated on the 1 st of May in more than 80 countries. Canada and United States observe it on the 1 st Monday of September.

  18. International Labour Day essay- Find 100, 200 words essay here!

    100 Words Essay on International Labour Day in English. International Labour Day, also known as May Day, is celebrated on the 1st of May every year. It is a day dedicated to honoring and appreciating the hard work and contributions of workers to society. This day has its origins in the labor movement of the 19th century, which aimed to improve ...

  19. Labour Day Speech in English: Long and Short

    Long Labour Day Speech in English. A very warm welcome to everyone. Today we all are gathered here to celebrate the special day of Labours, called Labour Day. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, who was a firm believer in ¨Free Labour, Free Soil, Free Men, labour is before, and independent of, capital.

  20. Labor Day Essay In English

    Labor Day Essay In English - 1900 in words. Labor Day is celebrated on May 1 in many countries like India, Ghana, Libya, Nigeria, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Iran and Jordan. This day is dedicated to laborers and workers. Workers around the world work hard to survive. A special day has been dedicated to celebrate his hard work and determination.

  21. Paragraph on International Labour Day 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words

    Paragraph on International Labour Day - 150 Words for Classes 4, 5, Children. India observes Labour's Day on 1st May every year. The day is also declared as a national holiday in the country. Another name for Labour's day is May Day or International Worker's day. The first Labour's Day in India was celebrated in 1923.

  22. Labour Day Essay in English || 10 Lines on Labour Day

    Learn to Write an Essay on Labour Day in English🔴 RECOMMENDED VIDEOS🎥🎥🎥

  23. Essay on Playground for Children in English for School Students

    Essay on Labour Day: History and Importance in English: Importance of Family: Essay On My First Journey By Train in 500 Words for School Students in English: Child Labour in 1000 Words: Digital India for Students: Peer Pressure in 100, 200 and 450 Words: Sun for Students: National Science Day

  24. Short Essay on Labour Day

    Labour Day is also known as International Workers' Day in some countries. Such co (...)[/dk_lang] [dk_lang lang="mr"]Labour Day (called Labor Day in US) is actually celebrated for the achievements of the labourers or workers. Labour Day is also known as International Workers' Day in some countries.

  25. Essay on Policeman for Children in English

    Essay on Labour Day: History and Importance in English: Importance of Family: Essay On My First Journey By Train in 500 Words for School Students in English: Child Labour in 1000 Words: Digital India for Students: Peer Pressure in 100, 200 and 450 Words: Sun for Students: National Science Day

  26. A UK election has been called for July 4. Here's what to know

    British Prime Minister Sunak sets July 4 election date as his Conservatives face likely defeat. A UK lawmaker returns to work as 'the bionic MP' after losing his hands and feet to sepsis. A man charged with helping the Hong Kong intelligence service in the UK has been found dead. The timing of the election is determined by the prime ...

  27. An election in the UK has been called for July 4. Here's what to know

    When is the election in the United Kingdom? Prime Minister Rishi Sunak set July 4th as the date for the election, months ahead of when it was expected. He had until December to call an election ...

  28. Essay on Save Tiger in English for Students

    Essay on Labour Day: History and Importance in English: Importance of Family: Essay On My First Journey By Train in 500 Words for School Students in English: Child Labour in 1000 Words: Digital India for Students: Peer Pressure in 100, 200 and 450 Words: Sun for Students: National Science Day

  29. Today's News in English: Check out the School Assembly News Headlines

    1 National News Headlines in English for 23 May 2024. 2 International News in English for 23 May 2024. 3 Sports News in English for 23 May 2024. 4 Today's Entertainment News in English. 5 Thought for the Day for Students. 6 Word of the Day. 7 World Important Day on 23 May 2024.