Water Conservation Essay

500+ words essay on water conservation.

Water makes up 70% of the earth as well as the human body. There are millions of marine species present in today’s world that reside in water. Similarly, humankind also depends on water. All the major industries require water in some form or the other. However, this precious resource is depleting day by day. The majority of the reasons behind it are man-made only. Thus, the need for water conservation is more than ever now. Through this water conservation essay, you will realize how important it is to conserve water and how scarce it has become.

water conservation essay

Water Scarcity- A Dangerous Issue

Out of all the water available, only three per cent is freshwater. Therefore, it is essential to use this water wisely and carefully. However, we have been doing the opposite of this till now.

Every day, we keep exploiting water for a variety of purposes. In addition to that, we also keep polluting it day in and day out. The effluents from industries and sewage discharges are dispersed into our water bodies directly.

Moreover, there are little or no facilities left for storing rainwater. Thus, floods have become a common phenomenon. Similarly, there is careless use of fertile soil from riverbeds. It results in flooding as well.

Therefore, you see how humans play a big role in water scarcity. Living in concrete jungles have anyway diminished the green cover. On top of that, we keep on cutting down forests that are a great source of conserving water.

Nowadays, a lot of countries even lack access to clean water. Therefore, water scarcity is a real thing. We must deal with it right away to change the world for our future generations. Water conservation essay will teach you how.

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Water Conservation Essay – Conserving Water

Life without water is not possible. We need it for many things including cleaning, cooking, using the washroom, and more. Moreover, we need clean water to lead a healthy life.

We can take many steps to conserve water on a national level as well as an individual level. Firstly, our governments must implement efficient strategies to conserve water. The scientific community must work on advanced agricultural reforms to save water.

Similarly, proper planning of cities and promotion of water conservation through advertisements must be done. On an individual level, we can start by opting for buckets instead of showers or tubs.

Also, we must not use too much electricity. We must start planting more trees and plants. Rainwater harvesting must be made compulsory so we can benefit from the rain as well.

Further, we can also save water by turning off the tap when we brush our teeth or wash our utensils. Use a washing machine when it is fully loaded. Do not waste the water when you wash vegetables or fruit, instead, use it to water plants.

All in all, we must identify water scarcity as a real issue as it is very dangerous. Further, after identifying it, we must make sure to take steps to conserve it. There are many things that we can do on a national level as well as an individual level. So, we must come together now and conserve water.

FAQ of Water Conservation Essay

Question 1: Why has water become scarce?

Answer 1: Water has become scarce due to a lot of reasons most of which are human-made. We exploit water on a daily basis. Industries keep discharging their waste directly into water bodies. Further, sewage keeps polluting the water as well.

Question 2: How can we conserve water?

Answer 2: The government must plan cities properly so our water bodies stay clean. Similarly, water conservation must be promoted through advertisements. On an individual level, we can start by fixing all our leaky taps. Further, we must avoid showers and use buckets instead to save more water.

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Essay on Water Conservation and Management

Students are often asked to write an essay on Water Conservation and Management in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Water Conservation and Management


Water is a precious resource that sustains life on earth. However, water scarcity is a growing issue due to population increase and climate change. Therefore, water conservation and management is crucial.

What is Water Conservation?

Water management.

Water management includes strategies and activities to manage water resources. It involves planning, distributing, and optimizing the use of water resources to meet human and environmental needs.

Importance of Water Conservation and Management

Conserving and managing water ensures a sustainable future. It reduces water stress, protects the environment, and saves energy. It also promotes health and well-being by ensuring access to clean water.

250 Words Essay on Water Conservation and Management

Water is a fundamental resource for life, yet its availability is increasingly strained due to population growth, climate change, and pollution. This necessitates effective conservation and management strategies.

Understanding Water Conservation

Water conservation refers to the careful use and preservation of water resources. It involves both the strategies and activities to manage fresh water as a sustainable resource to protect the environment and meet current and future human needs. This includes practices like reducing water usage, recycling water, and improving water management systems.

The Need for Water Management

Water management is crucial to ensure the equitable distribution of water, maintain its quality, and balance its availability amidst seasonal variations. It includes the planning, developing, distributing and managing the optimum use of water resources. Effective water management can prevent conflicts over water scarcity and ensure that all sectors of society have access to this vital resource.

Strategies for Conservation and Management

Strategies for water conservation and management can range from individual actions to large-scale policy initiatives. On a personal level, individuals can conserve water by reducing consumption and recycling water. On a larger scale, governments and organizations can implement policies promoting water conservation, invest in infrastructure to reduce water loss, and engage in international cooperation to manage shared water resources.

In conclusion, water conservation and management are critical for sustaining life, maintaining ecological balance, and ensuring social equity. By understanding and implementing effective strategies, we can ensure the preservation of this vital resource for future generations.

500 Words Essay on Water Conservation and Management

Water conservation refers to the efficient use and preservation of water resources. It involves strategies and activities to manage freshwater supply, preventing water pollution, and reducing water consumption. Conservation is essential because only about 2.5% of the Earth’s water is fresh, and less than 1% is accessible.

The Importance of Water Management

Water management is a broad concept that encompasses the planning, development, distribution, and optimization of water resources. It involves a multitude of activities, including irrigation management, flood control, supply forecasting, and water quality assurance. Effective water management can help mitigate the impacts of water scarcity, ensuring equitable and sustainable use of this precious resource.

Water Conservation Strategies

There are numerous strategies for water conservation, from simple household measures to complex industrial processes. These include reducing water wastage, reusing greywater, implementing efficient irrigation systems, and promoting water-saving technologies. For example, drip irrigation can significantly reduce water use in agriculture by delivering water directly to plant roots.

Water Management Techniques

Role of policy and legislation.

Governments have a significant role in water conservation and management through policy-making and legislation. Policies should promote sustainable water use, protect water rights, and regulate water pollution. Legislation can enforce water-saving measures, penalize wasteful practices, and incentivize water-efficient technologies.

The Future of Water Conservation and Management

Water conservation and management is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention. As we face a future with potentially severe water shortages, it is essential to adopt effective strategies for conservation and implement robust water management techniques. By doing so, we can ensure a sustainable and equitable distribution of water resources for future generations.

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Water Conservation Essay in English for Students

Water is among the most crucial resources on Earth. However, humans are misusing it alarmingly. This article has some water conservation essays for raising awareness.

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October 19, 2023

Table of Contents

Water Conservation Essay: Water, essential for all life, is often overlooked as a finite resource. Water conservation is a shared responsibility to secure clean water for future generations. This blog covers the global water crisis, the importance of conservation, practical tips, successful projects, challenges, and the role individuals play.

Water Conservation Essay in English

Water represents one of life’s most fundamental elements, supporting the e500+ Words Essayxistence of all living organisms on Earth and serving as an indispensable resource for human survival. Despite the seeming abundance of water on our planet, the accessibility of clean, freshwater is a finite and restricted commodity. Thus, the preservation of water takes on paramount significance to guarantee that forthcoming generations can access this indispensable resource. In this article, we will explore the importance of water conservation and a variety of strategies to promote its prudent utilisation.

Water is an exhaustible resource, with Earth’s reserves of freshwater being limited. While approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface is enveloped in water, only a small portion of this constitutes freshwater, with a considerable fraction being locked away in glaciers and polar ice caps, rendering it inaccessible. The mounting global population and escalating water demands in agriculture, industry, and households have intensified concerns regarding the depletion of this valuable resource.

Among the most pressing concerns related to water conservation is the reckless and extravagant use of water in various parts of the world. Water wastage stems from issues like leaky faucets, continuously running toilets, and excessive irrigation practices. Addressing these issues necessitates the collaboration of individuals, communities, and governments to champion water conservation efforts.

Water conservation strategies are pivotal in securing the sustainability of our water supplies. The following are some effective approaches to conserve water:

  • Leak Rectification: Regularly inspect and rectify leaking faucets, pipes, and toilets to curtail water wastage.
  • Water-Efficient Appliances: Substituting outdated and inefficient appliances with water-efficient models like high-efficiency toilets, washing machines, and dishwashers, which consume significantly less water.
  • Rainwater Collection: Accumulating and storing rainwater for domestic and gardening use to alleviate the demand on local water reservoirs.
  • Xeriscaping: Opt for native and drought-resistant flora in landscaping to decrease the necessity for excessive watering.
  • Responsible Irrigation: Employ efficient irrigation techniques, such as drip irrigation, and schedule lawn and garden watering during cooler times to reduce water evaporation.
  • Curtail Shower and Bath Duration: Reducing shower and bath duration results in a considerable reduction in water consumption.
  • Faucet Management: Turn off taps when brushing teeth or washing dishes and employ basins for collecting water for rinsing vegetables or cleaning.
  • Educational Initiatives and Advocacy: Advocate for water conservation in your community and educate others about the importance of responsible water use.
  • Governmental Measures: Governments should enact and enforce water conservation regulations and provide incentives for individuals and businesses to save water.
  • Recycling and Reuse: Implement water recycling systems for industrial processes and utilise greywater for non-potable applications. Through the adoption of these practices, we can collectively wield a substantial influence on water conservation.

In summation, water conservation is not merely a choice; it is a necessity. The judicious and sustainable management of water is imperative to guarantee a continuous supply of clean and safe water for both the present and future generations. By implementing the aforementioned techniques for water conservation and fostering a culture of conscientious water use, we can collaborate to safeguard this invaluable resource and preserve the health of our planet.

Water Conservation Essay in 300 Words

Water conservation is a crucial endeavour in light of the finite nature of this life-sustaining resource. With the world’s population expanding and the demand for water rising across agriculture, industry, and households, responsible water use is imperative for future generations.

Minimising water wastage stands at the core of conservation efforts. Addressing issues like leaky faucets and pipes can result in significant savings. Moreover, the adoption of low-flow fixtures and appliances doesn’t compromise convenience while reducing consumption. Raising awareness and educational campaigns can promote these practices.

Efficient agricultural water management is pivotal. Techniques such as drip irrigation and precision farming minimise water wastage and enhance crop yields. Farmers can also embrace drought-resistant crops and rainwater harvesting for improved water efficiency.

Industries should prioritise water-saving technologies and recycling methods to reduce their water footprint. Government regulations and incentives can stimulate the adoption of sustainable water management practices.

Protecting natural water bodies like rivers, lakes, and wetlands is vital for ecosystem health. Pollution control and proper waste disposal are essential in safeguarding these sources. Preserving natural habitats plays a key role in maintaining water quality.

Community involvement is a potent driver of water conservation. Encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their water use and participate in local efforts can yield a significant impact on preservation.

In conclusion, water conservation is not a choice but a necessity. Responsible usage in homes, agriculture, and industry, combined with the safeguarding of natural water sources, ensures water’s availability for both current and future generations. This collective effort is indispensable for the survival of our planet.

Water Conservation Essay in 150 Words

Water stands as one of the most valuable resources on our planet, crucial for all life forms. Nevertheless, the availability of pure, freshwater is rapidly decreasing due to excessive use, contamination, and shifts in the climate. Hence, the preservation of water has emerged as a pressing global issue.

The act of conserving water is imperative to maintain ecosystems, support agriculture, and meet the rising needs of a continuously growing population. There exist several uncomplicated yet efficient methods to contribute to water conservation. Firstly, repairing leaks in pipelines and faucets can result in the preservation of numerous gallons of water annually. Secondly, employing low-flow fixtures and appliances aids in curtailing water consumption. Thirdly, cultivating mindfulness regarding water usage in daily routines, such as taking shorter showers and turning off the tap when not in use, can have a substantial impact.

In the realm of agriculture, implementing water-efficient techniques like drip irrigation can serve to conserve water. Industries have the potential to adopt recycling and wastewater treatment approaches to diminish water wastage.

Ultimately, it’s our collective responsibility to conserve water, as it ensures a sustainable future for ourselves and the generations to come. Water conservation is not just a choice; it’s a necessity.

Water Conservation and Management Essay

Water is Earth’s most precious resource, essential for all life, yet often overlooked. With a growing global population and escalating climate change, effective water conservation and management are critical. This essay discusses their importance, challenges, and strategies.

  • Scarce Resource: Freshwater is limited and under threat from pollution and overuse.
  • Ecosystems: Healthy aquatic systems maintain biodiversity and ecological balance.
  • Human Survival: Clean water is a fundamental human right.
  • Agriculture: Efficient water management in agriculture ensures food security.
  • Economic Stability: Water is integral to many industries.
  • Overuse and Wastage: Excessive consumption and wastage deplete resources.
  • Pollution: Chemicals, sewage, and industrial pollutants harm water sources.
  • Climate Change: Altered precipitation patterns make water management unpredictable.
  • Population Growth: Growing population strains resources.
  • Infrastructure: Many lack proper water infrastructure.
  • Education: Raise awareness about water conservation.
  • Technology: Develop water-saving solutions.
  • Infrastructure: Invest in water management infrastructure.
  • Legislation: Enforce water conservation and pollution control laws.
  • Ecosystems: Protect and restore natural habitats.
  • Recycling: Reuse treated wastewater.
  • Desalination: Sustainably harness desalination where needed.

In conclusion, water conservation and management are vital for our planet’s future, requiring education, technology, and responsible governance to address challenges and secure this invaluable resource. Act now to protect water for all.

Short Essay on Water Conservation

Water is an indispensable resource for life on Earth, but its supply is limited, necessitating urgent conservation. With global population growth, climate change, and increasing water demands in agriculture, industry, and households, preserving this resource is paramount.

Agriculture consumes about 70% of freshwater, making efficient irrigation methods and drought-resistant crops essential for conservation. Industries can reduce water usage through advanced recycling and treatment. At home, fixing leaks, using low-flow fixtures, and practising water-conscious habits make a big difference.

Government policies play a vital role through legislation, efficiency standards, and public awareness campaigns.

Water conservation is also tied to environmental preservation, as it prevents ecosystem disruption and reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

In conclusion, water conservation is a global imperative. It’s not just the responsibility of governments and industries but a shared duty of every individual. By acting now, we secure a sustainable future with abundant freshwater for generations to come.

Water Conservation Essay FAQs

Yes, many regions have regulations for water conservation, such as drought restrictions and efficient fixture requirements.

It ensures long-term water availability, essential for economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

Xeriscaping conserves water, lowers maintenance, and enhances aesthetics.

Yes, smart metres and data analytics enhance monitoring and efficiency in water conservation.


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Essay on Water Conservation: Samples in 150, 200, 250 Words


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  • May 8, 2024

Essay on Water Conservation

What makes you curious to write an essay on water conservation? This life-saving resource is essential for all forms of life on Earth. Water is the essential natural resource present on Earth. Out of the total water present on Earth, 97.5% is salt water and 2.5% is fresh water. 70% of the human body is made of water. But, with the growing population , and climatic crisis , we are facing the urgent need to conserve water.

water conservation essay pdf

Water conservation is a hot topic, if you need a sample essay on water conservation then, you are at the right place. In this blog post, we have covered essays on water conservation in 100, 200, and 250 words. Further we are also providing a sample piece of writing on essay on water conservation. So, stay tuned and read further to get some ideas about water conservation!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Water Conservation in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Water Conservation in 200 Words
  • 3.1 Water Scarcity
  • 3.2 Ways to Conserve Water
  • 4 Short Essay on Water Conservation

Also Read: World Water Day

Essay on Water Conservation in 100 Words

Water is crucial for all components of life which makes it a necessary resource for day-to-day activities. We use water for domestic activities like cooking, bathing, drinking, washing, etc. So, ultimately the consumption of water is very high. This makes it necessary to conserve water. Just as air, water is also important for life. Besides, water consumption, water pollution, and water scarcity are also some of the major water-related issues that need attention so that we can conserve water.

Every year we celebrate World Water Day on 22 March. This day is celebrated to spread awareness about the importance of water and run campaigns to conserve water on Earth. There are several ways to conserve water such as switching to showers, turning off taps when not in use, don’t pollute water bodies, storing rainwater, etc.

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Essay on Water Conservation in 200 Words

Water is one of the Earth’s most precious resources. But the world is facing water scarcity. As per the SDA report 2022, around 2 billion people worldwide are lacking safe drinking water. This means they are more vulnerable to diseases and unhealthy life. 

Apart from the increasing population, climatic change is also hampering the quality of water. Floods and Droughts are more frequent due to the vulnerability of climate, thereby increasing the need to conserve water.

Water conservation is vital to meet the growing global demand for fresh water. Water consumption is very high for agriculture, industry, and households. By conserving water, we can ensure that there is a surplus amount of water to use and avoid conflicts over this limited resource.

Water conservation helps to maintain a balance in the ecosystem because every living thing on this planet is directly associated with the use of water. Reducing water consumption reduces the energy footprint associated with water supply.

The best ways of water conservation are rainwater harvesting , installing water plants, reusing water for gardening purposes, turning off taps when not in use, proper irrigation, installing automatic tap shut-off devices, not polluting water sources, and many more.

If we don’t want to witness the world die due to water scarcity then, it’s high time to conserve water and save the planet and future generations.

Also Read: Essay on Save Water

Water Conservation Essay 250 Words

Water conservation is a crucial step in protecting the environment. It is an important compound that supports life on Earth. The world has been facing water-related disasters due to scarcity of freshwater. 70% of the earth as well as the human body is composed of water, but there is a limited amount of freshwater to use. Owing to the ever-increasing population, climatic changes, global warming, and pollution, the need for the conservation of water is increasing. To do so, it is our fundamental duty to conserve water by planting more trees, managing water plants, storing rainwater, and making smart use of water. 

Water Scarcity

Water scarcity is a critical global issue that needs strict attention when the demand for freshwater exceeds the available supply of water. It can manifest in various ways, including a lack of access to clean drinking water, inadequate water for agriculture and industrial processes, and stressed or depleted natural water sources. 

Here are some factors that contribute to water scarcity:

  • Climate change
  • Growing population
  • Global warming
  • Inefficient water management
  • Water pollution
  • Increasing demand
  • Poor irrigation techniques
  • Wastage of water, and much more.

Ways to Conserve Water

Conserving water is crucial to help address water scarcity and ensure a sustainable water supply for both present and future generations. You can contribute individually by taking small measures to conserve water like turning off the tap. Likewise, here are some ways to conserve water:

  • Drip irrigation technique
  • Soil management
  • Plantation of drought-tolerant crops
  • Apply Mulching
  • Recycle and reuse water
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Desalination
  • Spread awareness to conserve water
  • Donate to the water cleaning campaign
  • Implement proper water management techniques.

Also Read: Types of Water Pollution

Short Essay on Water Conservation

Find the sample of short essay on water conservation below:

Also Read: Essay on Save Environment: Samples in 100, 200, 300 Words

Water conservation is the individual or collective practice of efficient use of water. This helps in protecting the earth from the situation of water scarcity. We can individually contribute to water conservation by not wasting water, reducing the over-consumption of water, rainwater harvesting, etc. Water conservation is an important call because there is a limited amount of fresh water available on earth.

Here are 10 ways to save water. 1. Rainwater harvesting 2 Install water plants 3. Reuse water 4. Maintain proper water management plans 5. Fix the irrigation system 6. Use a bucket 7. Turn off the tap when not in use 8. Keep a regular check on pipe leakage 9. Do not pollute water bodies 10. Participate in water cleaning campaigns

Here are 5 points on the importance of water conservation: It helps the ecosystem; Water conservation is necessary for drought-prone areas; It helps reduce costs; Water conservation improves the quality of water; and Maintains the health of the aquatic ecosystem.

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Soil and Water Conservation: Importance, Techniques, and Challenges

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Words: 813 |

Published: Sep 5, 2023

Words: 813 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

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Introduction, techniques for soil and water conservation, challenges to soil and water conservation.

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  • Save Water Save Life Essay


Essay on Save Water Save Life

Water is the most important and valuable natural resource on Earth. It sustains all life. There is no life without water. Water is not only important for human beings but for the entire ecosystem. Without enough water, the existence of humans, as well as animals, is next to impossible. After fresh air, water is the second most important natural resource for the survival of any living being. 

Water is necessary for the survival of each living creature on this planet, be it a small worm, plant, or full-grown tree.  Animals and plants  cannot survive without water. About 71% of Earth’s surface is covered with water. Unfortunately, only 3% of the water available  is freshwater. About two-thirds of the freshwater lies in the form of frozen glaciers and ice caps. The rest of the small portion is available in the form of groundwater and surface water. 

We totally depend on water for multiple purposes. Water is used in agriculture for the irrigation of crops. We use water for drinking, cooking, cleaning, bathing, and other domestic purposes. Water is used for recreational activities. In industries, water is used as a coolant, solvent and also used in other manufacturing purposes. Hydroelectricity is generated with the help of water. Water is also used for navigation and transportation of goods. This tells us how water is the most essential component of life and every drop of water is vital for sustenance. Therefore, water conservation is important to save life on this planet.

Importance of Water:

The basic use of water is drinking, bathing, agriculture, irrigation, hospitality, factories, etc.

Water helps in blood circulation and improves metabolism in the human body

The entire aquatic ecosystem is located in water. It is a home for all the aquatic animals

Water is a major source of transportation after land and air.

Water aids in saliva secretion and oxygen delivery to our bodily cells.

 Some countries have abundant water resources for their residents and serve        the people, whereas others lack natural resources even for survival.

Depletion of fresh water has become a threat to our existence. According to some scientists, the quantity and the quality of water are degrading day by day. Although Earth is covered with almost 71% of water, the quality is that we cannot use it in day-to-day life for domestic purposes. Water quality is so poor that people in some places are prone to several water-borne diseases such as Eluru, caused by contaminated water. 

These instances are eye-opening examples and should be taken seriously for better living conditions for us and our future generation.

Below are the Reasons for Shortage of Fresh Water:

Growth of population leads to excessive consumption of water. 

Daily excessive wastage of water.

The rapid growth of industries has increased the problem of proper disposal of waste material from them. The waste products from these industries contain extremely poisonous elements that are polluting the rivers and other water bodies. 

Pesticides and chemical fertilisers that are used to treat crops also pollute the fresh water. 

Sewage waste that is dumped into the rivers is making the water unsuitable for drinking and washing causing several water-borne diseases like cholera, jaundice and typhoid.  

Use of plastics and disposing them carelessly in the water bodies are affecting aquatic life and further disturbing the entire ecosystem.

Global warming is another major reason for the scarcity of water on earth. According to several types of research, because of global warming, the world will face more stress for water scarcity till the year 2050.

 We now need to be aware of the depletion of fresh water and take adequate    measures to stop this. 

Saving Water: Need of the Hour

Many places face extreme water scarcity due to extremely bad weather conditions, leading to less rainfall and groundwater depletion. In other parts of the world, groundwater is either unusable or overused. As the world's population is growing, so increase in industries and globalisation, causing groundwater to be overused and resulting in water scarcity.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) data shows that many people on this planet don't have access to clean and fresh drinking water. These situations are becoming worse day by day, and we need an immediate plan to control this situation. Various collective measures have to be taken by every individual on this planet and the government of every country to control water scarcity.

Government should impose some strict rules for the conservation of water. The government and the citizens have to take the initiative to create awareness and promote the “conservation of water.” One such initiative taken by the Modi government in India was “JANSHAKTI FOR JALSHAKTI.” This programme began as a means of working toward a brighter future.

Initiatives taken by Some State Governments:

The Punjab government contributed to saving water resources by avoiding waterlogging and fixing the drain  leakage.

The Rajasthan government has taken the initiative to construct small ponds, which  helped the local people of Rajasthan in many ways.

Villages of Telangana have constructed water tanks to conserve rainwater for future use.

These states are an inspiration, and others should also take a step forward to conserve and clean the water, water bodies, and groundwater.

Water saving should be and is the universal responsibility of every human being, living on this Earth.

There are many ways in which we can save water and reduce their pollution:

Be responsible to save water daily. Use only the required amount of water and avoid wastage. We should use water wisely.

We should use a washing machine to full capacity for washing clothes. 

We should not let the tap run while washing hands and face. 

We should water plants in the evening or early morning to minimise evaporation.

We should make provisions to store rainwater on rooftops and reuse the water for household purposes.

Bigger Communities and farmers should adapt to the practice of Rainwater harvesting. 

The industrial waste should be treated properly instead of dumping it into rivers.

We should stop using plastics and dispose of them in an adequate way.

We can make people aware about water problems by means of social campaigns and other ways.

 We should educate our children about water saving from an early age. 

Reusing the water is an important way to save and prevent the scarcity of water. Bathing water can be recycled and used for planting or cleaning.

Rainwater harvesting is the method of collecting rainwater and conserving them for future use.

Conservation of groundwater is another important method in the preservation of groundwater and using it in the future.

 Prevention of waterlogging.

We cannot imagine our lives without water. It is unfortunate that mankind has neglected this precious gift from God. Conservation of water is a necessity to save life. All living organisms on this planet need water to survive. If we do not give importance to saving or conservation of water then our future generations will face water scarcity.


FAQs on Save Water Save Life Essay

1. How to minimise wasting water?

We can minimise wasting water by using only the required amount of water.    We should not let the tap run while washing hands and face. Furthermore, checking for leaks in pipelines and getting them resolved in time and taking shorter baths and reducing the use of showers can also help.

2. When is World Water Day celebrated and why?

World Water Day is celebrated on 22nd March every year. It is celebrated to remind us of the importance of water and how we should minimise wastage of water.

3. Why is it important to save water?

It is important to save water because only 3% of available water is freshwater. Water is vital for the sustenance of living beings on this planet. If we don’t use water properly then our future generations will face the scarcity of water.

4. What methods should farmers adopt for irrigation?

The farmers should stop using pesticides and chemical fertilisers to minimise    pollution in water and adapt to the method of Rainwater harvesting.

5. How to save water daily?

We should close the tap tightly after use, use the required amount of water, check the water level in the tanks, and stop them from overflowing, making rainwater harvesting tunnels to save and reuse rainwater after its purification. These are some basic steps to save water at an individual level.

6. Where can I find more information on water and how to save water?

You can find more information, along with answers to your commonly asked questions, on the Vedantu website and mobile app. So, browse through them to get all your questions answered easily.

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Essay on Water Conservation for Students and Children | PDF Download

Essay on Water Conservation for Students and Children | PDF Download

Water is an essential natural resource on the earth. Water covers the 3/4th part of the world. The water on the earth is not for completely drinking, based on the previous points, the essay on saving water is discussed below, with a lot of unique information. And to know some tips and ways continue reading this essay on saving water. Quotes on Save Water are also attached further below of the article.

Short essay on Water Conservation

As 70% of the earth is filled with water, but it is not completely useful for humans. In present days, there was a large scarcity of water for human life and other creatures on earth. Water is an essential part of every living thing on earth. Rivers, lakes, ponds, wells are the source of freshwater for human beings. As the population of the world increases day by day the water requirement is increasing. Every human being needs 3-4 liters of water on average every day. The availability of water on the earth is decreasing day by day because of the pollution, need for land, etc.

As the water demand is increasing day by day, we need to save and conserve water for daily life. Rains and groundwater are the most purified water on the land. As human needs are increasing, these needs are polluting the water on earth. . In present days the Saving water and utilizing water perfectly is a challenge for the people. Saving water is needed at present days will helpful for future generations. In the olden days, people get Freshwater for free as days are passed people are getting water for money . Pollution leads to global warming which results in less rainfall on earth and results in drought. If the utilization of water wasn’t in saving directions then wars arise for water between the people. Save Water Save life is a famous slogan for the conservation of water . People should open their eyes even now and start saving water for future generations.

Long essay on Water Conservation

Water is an important part of the living beings on earth. No living being and main humans can survive their life without water . This was known by every human around the world but will not save the water or conserve the water for needs . The daily routine of human life cannot complete with water. However, water is an essential natural resource on earth. Here the question arises that Earth was filled with 70% of water then why save water again?. As the earth is filled with 70% of water but only 3-4% of the water on earth is useful for the needs of human beings.

The saved water arises due to an improper ratio of demand for water and the presence of fresh or useful water . Every day a human being needs to consume 3-4 liters of water for good and proper health. Coming to fulfill the needs and drinking a person needs nearly 50 to 100 liters of water per day said to WHO . By this, we can imagine how many liters of water is needed for the whole people of the world per day, per month, per year. The water cycle is one of the ways that helps human beings to provide useful water in form of rain.

As the population of the world increased rapidly, humans started occupying the water bodies like rivers, ponds, lakes, etc for the need for land. By this area of land use to store the water is decreasing and the demand for water increases . There are only a few sources like rivers, lakes, ponds, groundwater, rains are providing the water for the people needs. As the area of storage is decreasing the use of groundwater is increasing and the level of groundwater is falling rapidly. As the industries, electric generation, manufacturing & food processing industries, agriculture are completely dependent on the water and leads to the water demand  is moving at high speed.

If the people use the water at the same time if conserve the water the saved water will notarise. As there are several techniques to save water, but people will not follow any of the conservation ways . Rainwater harvesting is one of the water conservation techniques to store water for temporary needs. Digging the holes, increasing the depth of lakes and ponds, and some other techniques to increase the level of underground water and also over the earth. Some of the techniques of harvesting water are economically high but some can be done without economical efforts.

Why people are conserving water? . Most of the people who are not involved in the conservation process are due to a lack of awareness and some with the economically unfit. The government of the countries should bring up the rules like every house should allow the space for rainwater conservation and an easy way to move water into the underground to increase underground levels . Only governments cannot save water for the people, everyone should involve in saving water by digging pits in public places. There is already a scarcity of water for the agricultural needs, if the water was not enough provided to it then it leads to a decrease in cultivation and increase hunger.

The saving of Water cannot be fulfilled if the group or the individual was involved in the process. Every person on earth should feel responsible for saving water to the present also for future generations. As many of the health will arise and cures by the water. So people and governments should come together and work on all the techniques on conserving and proper utilization and all the possible ways. All NGOs and governments should educate the people by conducting the save water campaigns , Save water competitions for children, Save water posters and advertisements , and many more. The government should bill the people according to the utilization of water to bring out a part of the result in Save water .

Quotes on Water Conservation

  • How many drops make up an ocean? Conserve water; every drop counts.
  • You never know the worth of water until the well runs dry.
  • Save water, and it will save you.
  • A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man.
  • You can’t wash the waste from your hands When it’s all gone.
  • Save water today or tomorrow you’ll pay.
  • The power of a tap is that it can trap. Because water will run until it’s all gone
  • Not too late to save water’s fate
  • A river seems a magic thing. Magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself
  • Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.

Water Conservation : Images

Water Conversation Image

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Profile image of International Research Journal Commerce arts science

2020, isara solutions

Water is one of the important renewable natural resource, no one can survive without it either humans or animals. India has 18% of the world’s population and only 4% of the world’s water resources, which are depleting rapidly. The aim of the study is to highlight the strategies and solutions of water conservation in India. The demand for water is expected to grow from 42 billion cubic meters (bcm) currently to around 220 bcm in 2025. Water is one of the most important inputs essential for crops. Both its shortage and excess affects the growth and development of the plants, yields and quality of produce. There are numerous methods to reduce such losses and to improve soil moisture. These are mulching, cropping, planting of trees, utilization of fog or dew by net-surfacing traps or polythene sheets, contour farming, transfer of water from surplus areas to deficit areas by inter-linking water systems through canals, desalination technologies such as distillation, electro-dialysis and reverse osmosis, use of efficient watering systems such as drip irrigation and sprinklers will reduce the water consumption by plants. The secondary data are the base of this study. The most important step in the direction of finding solutions to issues of water and environmental conservation is to change people's attitudes and habits; this includes each one of us.

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India has 16% of the world's population and only 4% of the world's water resources, which are depleting rapidly. The demand for water is expected to grow from 40 billion cubic metres (bcm) currently to around 220 bcm in 2025. Water is one of the most important inputs essential for crops. Both it's shortage and excess affects the growth and development of the plants, yields and quality of produce. There are numerous methods to reduce such losses and to improve soil moisture. These are mulching, cropping, planting of trees, utilization of fog or dew by net-surfacing traps or polythene sheets, contour farming, transfer of water from surplus areas to deficit areas by inter-linking water systems through canals, desalination technologies such as distillation, electro-dialysis and reverse osmosis, use of efficient watering systems such as drip irrigation and sprinklers will reduce the water consumption by plants. The most important step in the direction of finding solutions to issues of water and environmental conservation is to change people's attitudes and habits; this includes each one of us. ____________________________________________________________________________

water conservation essay pdf

International Journal of Recent Research Aspects ISSN 2349-7688

In India it has been observed that due to spatial and temporal variations of precipitation it has been that boundless is varying from (1100mm to 90 mm). The annual per average per capita of water availability has been reduced from 5000 cubic meter in year (1950 to 1545 cubic meter) in year 2011 and it has been estimated to reduced further around (1341 to 1140 cubic meter) In year 2025 and 2050 , respectively. Agriculture sector provides the 56.4% of total employment to increasing population in INDIA alone it consumes more than 90% of total groundwater draft in irrigation. Over the years the groundwater supply has become important source of irrigation because of its independent access and timely availability of water .This outrageous dependency of groundwater has led to depletion of groundwater table in 64% of districts of country between 2002 to 2016. Due to collective effort of government at various levels by utilizing irrigating potential includes both surface and groundwater have been increased to 87mha while the ultimate irrigation potential has been increased at 140mha. In context of rapid depletion of water resources we can make sure that we can use water efficiently by using drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation which are the subtype of sub-surface irrigation and the preservation of sub soil water act 2009 which prohibits the early plantation of rice for unproductive water evaporation and therefore its irrigation demand and in 2015 the government of India has launched the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojna (pmksy) scheme which includes the micro irrigation schemes as an integral component which are beneficial for farmers and as well as beneficial for water conservation for future uses. The government of India now days they are promoting water conservation technologies to farmers so that farmers can get inspired to learn such kind of technologies through various institutional supports systems which helps farmer to learn the conservation of water for future uses and by overusing and misusing of groundwater supply and totally depending on groundwater supply for irrigation has caused around (10-25 mm) per year between 2002 to 2016 so to recharge the groundwater table we can start doing the rain water harvesting for irrigation by constructing rainwater reservoir, check dams, subsurface dams ,recharged wells , farms ponds, multilayer farming ,ditches, mulches in which water will start water will start seepin through the voids present in the soil in which water will seep like the capillary mechanism in soil and proper construction of canals for irrigation would be required otherwise it could lead to the overflown of water in canals which is supplied from dams and overflown of water in canals cause damage to the cops and it will also lead to the mismanagement of water or wastage of water and with help of latest technology we can now days monitor the water requirement for crops by using water flow meter which helps to indicate that how much water required for irrigation, soil sensors with help of these sensors we can determine how much moisture is present in water and can also see the current state and situation of soil and with the help of these technology we educate farmers to use it in the proper and efficient manner and with the help of combination of ancient and modern water conservation techniques we can learn the proper management of water which is been used to for irrigation purposes as well as domestic purposes.

Indian Journal of Economics and Development

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Water the critical resource of agriculture, has not been well managed in India, despite the country being an agricultural powerhouse. It has some 195 MH of land under cultivation of which some 62 per cent is rain-fed and 37 per cent, irrigated. Agriculture uses 85 per cent of the water resources with low efficiency. The rain-fed area is the critical area of cultivation with the largest concentration of rural poverty spanning several agro ecological regions. Water management is related to three important challenges in the agricultural front today namely raising productivity per unit of land, reducing poverty, and responding to food security needs. In the light of the new call to achieve " more crop per drop " , this paper discusses pertinent issues related to irrigation in India and the strategies and arrangements to address water scarcity for irrigation. The study finds that problems are largely institutional, structural, and administrative. Overcoming them is crucial for agricultural development in general and water management in particular.

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Water is the source of life and development of earth. It is a regional resource and is essential for human life, development and environment, but it is a finite and vulnerable resource which has quantitative limitations and qualitative vulnerability. However shortage of water is becoming a global issue due to the increasing population, economic growth and climate change. Rapid urbanization and new found passion for consumerism along with the population influx has bought about an uncertainty with regards to India's food and water supplies and it is not a surprise that some Indian river basins are already experiencing physical water scarcity. Worldwide, agriculture accounts for 70% of all water consumption. It also face the enormous challenge of producing atmost 50% more food by 2030 and doubling production by 2030. However this has to be achieved with less water, mainly because of growing pressures from urbanization, industrialization and climatic change.

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Everybody knows about the importance of water. Water is the only source which distinguish our planet compare to all the others. The demand of water increasing day by day due to population growth and economic development. While the global supply of available of fresh water is more than adequate to meet all the current and fore see able water demands, its spatial and temporal distribution are not. The severity of water have direct impact in future. All of us must find ways to remove these constraints. Both central and state governments has various programmes for water conservation and management. Water conservation programs increase irrigation potential and try to improve the water and food security situation in country. In India due to rapidly growing population increase the drinking water consumption and decrease rain fall. Due to poor management, ignorance, lacking of technologies and in the absence of responsibilities by the people the water problem arise in India. Here is the major focus on factors responsible for water pollution and waste water treatment, so that focusing the remedy for major water pollution and waste water treatment will help to conserve water and will be helpful for effective management of our precious water. There are numerous methods to reduce water losses and improve water conservation and management like harvesting rain water, fog and dew, mulching, contour farming, and some technologies like nitration, ion-exchange and chlorination method. I. INTRODUCTION Water needs no introduction, the importance of water is known to one and all. Water plays an important role in the human progress. Every drop of water is precious, but we continue to waste it. India has 17.7 % of total world population and only 4% of water resources, which are depleting rapidly. 97% of water on this planet is salty and which is not fit for human consumption. Out of 3% of fresh water 1% of water is locked up in the form of ice, so only 2% of water is available for domestic and industrial use. Water could be a limiting factor in day to day human activities, so we should learn to live within the limits of available resources. Therefore its sustainable management is essential to protect the water. This include human personal household needs, community activities, agriculture and animal life sustenance. Although total earth water (71%) is constant, it goes through continuous hydrological cycle such as transpiring by vegetation, evaporation, precipitation, run of infiltration and other natural process. In recent years water table is facing serious threat due to rapid growth of population, climate change, global warming and some other natural calamities. Water withdrawal across all sectors including public use, domestic use, irrigation, thermos electric power increased dramatically. The rain fall has been changed during current years and the catchment of the rain water is decreasing. These days with increasing demands of water requirement, preservation of water resources has been increased. So human need to take care of water resources uses patterns and sustainable management and conservation at great importance.

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