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Fear Essay | Essay on Fear for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Fear Essay:  Fear is a natural, powerful, and primitive emotion experienced by humans, usually triggered by an unpleasant perception of danger that is either real or imaginary—fear causes psychological and, ultimately, behavioral changes in people.

Human beings experience fear as a response to a specific stimulus that occurs either in the present or in expectation or anticipation of a future threat that might be a risk to themselves. Response to any kind of fear varies from person to person.

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Long and Short Essays on Fear for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with samples of a long essay of 500 words on the topic Fear and a short essay of 150 words on the topic Fear for reference.

Long Essay on Fear 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Fear is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Fear, the quintessential human emotion, is an utterly unavoidable human emotion. The extent and range of fear from different things vary from person to person, but the emotion is the same. Fear is capable of causing psychological changes and, ultimately, behavioral changes in a person.

Humans experience fear as a response to a specific stimulus to a situation occurring in the present or an anticipated future threat that is a risk to oneself. The response to fear arises from the recognition of danger, leading to the confrontation of the situation or escaping the fear or avoiding the situation – also known as fight or flight response.

We all humans are programmed in a manner to recognize fear to avoid or reduce being harmed. Learning from the past about what can protect one in dangerous situations makes people capable of doing many things that one wouldn’t typically be able to or willing to respond to the threat.

Fear is broadly classified into two types, innate fears, and identity fears. Innate fears are the fears that every individual has on some level, and humans are born with these fears, which also serve as a kind of survival instinct. Humans develop identity fears as they evolve.

Apart from this, many people also fear love and connection. These fears are a subset of identity fears. As humans grow in their lives, they tend to grow connections with people, and these bonds become of great value to the person. Losing these bonds is one of the biggest fears of many.

Sometimes fear originates from real threats, but it can also originate from imagined danger – which makes fear experienced by people either rational or irrational. Rational fear is the fear of something that is real – occurring from something entirely possible or will occur. Fear of mortality is an example of a rational fear as we humans are immortal. However, irrational fears are necessarily implausible, but the fear arises from a real place in the psyche.

In some people, fear is also a response to mental health conditions such as anxiety disorders, panic attacks, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Phobia is an irrational or extreme or aversion of something. An aspect of anxiety disorder can be the tendency to develop a fear of fear.

Many people confuse fear of phobias. Fears are typical responses to objects or events. Still, fear becomes a phobia when the fear interferes with functioning correctly and maintains a consistent quality of life. Fear in humans involves a biochemical response to the situation as well as a high individual emotional response.

Fear is an emotion experienced in the mind, but it triggers some strong physical reaction in one’s body. As soon as one’s body recognizes fear, the brain starts working, alerting the nervous system, which sets the body’s response to fear into motion. The human brain releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, increasing blood pressure, and adrenaline. One starts breathing faster, and blood flow in the body changes – blood flows away from the heart into the limbs.

Short Essay on Fear 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Fear is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Fear is one of the seven universal emotions experience by humans all over the world. Any fear arises with the threat of harm, physical, emotional, or psychological – from a real or imaginary situation.

Usually perceived as a negative emotion, fear can also be positive and healthy. Fear serves as a survival instinct helping humans in recognizing situations that can be harmful or dangerous.

Fear makes one foggy and makes it impossible to think clearly or make the correct decision. However, some people enjoy fear and gain pleasure due to the adrenaline rush experienced in some situations.

Fear will hold one back from achieving victories and significant accomplishments. Everything that one does in life will strike a little bit of fear in their hearts; however, overcoming the fear and giving one’s best is the most satisfying feeling. Don’t let your fears stop you from fulfilling your dreams.

10 Lines on Fear Essay in English

1. Researches have shown that humans can smell others’ fear and react to each other’s scents. 2. One can inherit fear from their parents or grandparents just like any other genetic trait. 3. We humans aren’t born with most of the fears; fear is often learned from knowledge and experience. 4. Fear is the opposite of love as the brain releases chemical oxytocin when in love, which helps overcome learned fears. 5. Sleep offers a unique state in which selected fears can be eliminated. 6. One big scary event in one’s life is not what causes fear; instead, it is a mixture of environment and genetics. 7. Fear can become extinct by associating non-fearful memories with the event. 8. Stress hormones released by humans helps in enhancing the extinction of fear. 9. Some people associate fears with pleasure – the thrill of the experience doesn’t end with the process’s end. 10. Fear can make one foggy making it difficult to make the right decision or think clearly.

FAQ’s on Fear Essay

Question 1.  Why do we experience fear?

Answer: Fear is an unavoidable feeling that is experienced by all. Fear is programmed into humans’ nervous system, and it works like a response to the perception of danger.

Question 2. Is it necessary to experience fear?

Answer: Fear helps in protecting us. Humans are equipped with survival and instinct, which is a response to the sense of danger or an unsafe feeling.

Question 3.  How can fear be avoided?

Answer: Talking about your fear, imagining the worst that could happen, distracting oneself with happy thoughts, and clearing out the mind by taking time in understanding what is causing the fear and anxiety.

Question 4. What are a few most common fears of humans?

Answer: Fear of height, fear of the dark, fear of closed spaces, fear of insects, fear of blood, fear of the violent weather, fear of dying are a few most common types of fear experienced by people.

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Fear: Definition, Effects, and Overcoming Essay

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Effects of fear

How to overcome fear.

Webster’s dictionary defines fear as “an unpleasant, sometimes strong emotion caused by an anticipation or awareness of danger” or “anxious concern” Fear is a feeling that causes agitation and anxiety mostly caused by presence or imminence of danger. It is a state or condition marked by feeling of agitation or anxiety. It can also be described as a feeling of disquiet. Fear is an abstract concept and may have different meanings. Holder (2007) adds that fear is more pervasive when there is lack of faith that we have greater significance in the universe than what we own or how others perceive us.

Fear is manifested in many ways in human beings. It may manifest as showing signs of withdrawing or by cowering. But the most profound manifestation of fear is anger and hatred. People acts out their insecurity as anger which shows that they are the most fearful people.

Effects of fear have been documented in many studies. Fear has been documented to case mind paralyses, heart attacks and closure of fallopian tube due to fear of pain during child birth (Jim Rohn, 2004), describes fear, indifference, indecision, doubt, worry and timidness as the five greatest enemies within us which can destroy our lives completely. Fear may manifest itself in physical short term effects or affect your whole life. It will affect both he physiology of the body and the brain. Fear generates stress which manifests itself physically in many signs physically and emotionally. It causes judgmental errors and affects our reasoning that most of time when we are in a fearful situation; we tend to take the wrong action.

According to Sidney B., (1988), fear is a great paralyzer. It will keep you from making positive changes in your life and thus retard your recovery from depression. He continues to argue that fear persuades you to set easier goals and do less than your capability. It will also cause internal defense system fooling you that you have good reasons not to change. Fear of failure reduces the available alternatives you can pursue because you cannot stand by the outcome of what you do. You always feel that you cannot succeed in anything you try. It will keep you away from seeking help because you don’t want others to see you as a failure. Fear has been identified by psychologist as what causes people to give up when they are one step short to their goal. It will keep you stuck or make you develop unhealthy habits and behavior problems. Most of all fear keeps many people from taking risks.

Rim Rohn, (2004), argues that we are not born with courage, neither are we born with fear. He argues that some of our fears are brought on by our own experiences by what someone has told us or what we read in papers and books. Sri Swami Sivananda, (2007), describes fear as an illusion that cannot live. He suggests that to overcome fear we should always feel the presence of a Supreme Being watching us, by meditating and developing positive thoughts all the time. We should devote ourselves to eradicating fear. Since we have seen that fear is developed within our minds, it can also be eradicated within our mind and hence it is just a matter of reconditioning our minds that will help us overcome fear. It is also suggesting that we should share with others our fears. In this way they will help us find solutions to the cause of fears. President Roosevelt said, “We have nothing to fear but the fear itself” hence fearing fear starts and ends with us.

Holder P. (2007): FEAR… YOUR WORST ENEMY . Web.

Rohn, J., (2004). Build courage to face the enemies within. Web.

Sidney S., (1998). Getting Unstuck: Breaking through Your Barriers to Change . Web.

Sri Sivanand, S. (2007). The Divine Life Society: How to overcome fear. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 3). Fear: Definition, Effects, and Overcoming. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fear-definition-effects-and-overcoming/

"Fear: Definition, Effects, and Overcoming." IvyPanda , 3 Sept. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/fear-definition-effects-and-overcoming/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Fear: Definition, Effects, and Overcoming'. 3 September.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Fear: Definition, Effects, and Overcoming." September 3, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fear-definition-effects-and-overcoming/.

1. IvyPanda . "Fear: Definition, Effects, and Overcoming." September 3, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fear-definition-effects-and-overcoming/.


IvyPanda . "Fear: Definition, Effects, and Overcoming." September 3, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/fear-definition-effects-and-overcoming/.

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The Psychology of Fear

Frederick Bass / Getty Images

What is fear?

Psychologists define fear as a protective, primal emotion that evokes a biochemical and emotional response. Fear alerts us to the presence of danger or the threat of harm, whether that danger is physical or psychological. Whereas the biochemical changes that fear produces are universal, emotional responses are highly individual.

Fear produces biochemical and emotional reactions to a perceived threat, whether that danger is actual or imagined. It's a natural, necessary, protective response, but when the reaction is out of proportion to the actual threat, it can be problematic.

Fear can also be a symptom of some mental health conditions, including panic disorder , social anxiety disorder, phobias , and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Biochemical Reaction

Fear is both a natural emotion and a survival mechanism. When confronted with a perceived threat, the body responds in specific ways. Physical reactions include sweating, increased heart rate, and high adrenaline levels that cause extreme alertness.

This physical response is also known as the fight or flight response , with which your body prepares to confront the danger or run away. This biochemical reaction is likely an evolutionary development—an automatic response that is crucial to survival.

Emotional Response

The emotional response to fear, on the other hand, is highly personalized. Because fear involves some of the same chemical reactions in our brains that positive emotions such as happiness and excitement do, feeling fear under certain circumstances can be perceived as fun—for example, when you watch scary movies .

Some people are adrenaline seekers , thriving on extreme sports and other fear-inducing, thrilling situations. Others have negative reactions to the feeling of fear, avoiding fear-inducing situations at all costs.

Although the physical reaction is the same, the experience of fear can be positive or negative, depending on the person.

Symptoms of Fear

Fear often involves both physical and emotional symptoms. Each person experiences fear differently, but some of the common signs and symptoms include:

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Upset stomach

In addition to the physical symptoms of fear, people sometimes experience psychological symptoms of being overwhelmed, upset, feeling out of control, or a sense of impending death.

Diagnosing Fear

Talk to your healthcare provider if you are experiencing persistent, excessive feelings of fear. Your doctor may conduct a physical exam and perform lab tests to ensure that your fear and anxiety are not linked to an underlying medical condition.

Your healthcare provider will also ask questions about your symptoms including their duration, intensity, and triggers. Depending on your symptoms, your diagnosis may be related to an anxiety disorder, such as a phobia.

One aspect of anxiety disorders can be a fear of fear. Whereas most people experience fear only during a situation that is perceived as scary or threatening, those who live with anxiety disorders may become afraid that they will experience a fear response. They perceive their fear responses as negative and go out of their way to avoid those responses.

A phobia is a twisting of the normal fear response. The fear is directed toward an object or situation that does not present a real danger. Though you recognize that the fear is unreasonable, you can't help the reaction. Over time, the fear worsens as the fear of fear response takes hold.

Causes of Fear

Fear is incredibly complex, with no single, primary cause. Some fears result from experiences or trauma, whereas others may represent a fear of something else entirely, such as a loss of control. Still, other fears may occur because they cause physical symptoms, such as being afraid of heights because they make you feel dizzy and sick to your stomach.

Some common fear triggers include:

  • Certain specific objects or situations (spiders, snakes, heights, flying, etc)
  • Future events
  • Imagined events
  • Real environmental dangers
  • The unknown

Certain fears tend to be innate and may be evolutionarily influenced because they aid in survival. Others are learned and are connected to associations or traumatic experiences. 

Types of Fear

Some of the anxiety disorders that are characterized by fear include:

  • Agoraphobia
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Separation anxiety disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Specific phobia

Treatment for Fear

Repeated exposure to similar situations leads to familiarity, which can reduce the fear response dramatically This approach forms the basis of some phobia treatments that depend on slowly minimizing the fear response by making it feel familiar.

Phobia treatments that are based on the psychology of fear focus on techniques such as systematic desensitization and flooding. Both techniques work with the body’s physiological and psychological responses to reduce fear.

Systematic Desensitization

Systematic desensitization involves being led gradually through a series of exposure situations. For example, someone who fears snakes might spend the first session with a therapist talking about snakes.

In subsequent sessions, a therapist might present snake photos, toy snakes, and eventually even a live snake. This is usually accompanied by learning and applying new coping techniques to manage the fear response.

This exposure technique involves flooding, which is based on the premise that a phobia is a learned behavior that can be unlearned.

With flooding, the person is exposed to a vast quantity of the feared object or to a feared situation for a prolonged period in a safe, controlled environment until the fear diminishes. For instance, someone who is afraid of planes might be encouraged to go up anyway.

The point is to get them past the overwhelming anxiety and potential panic to a place where they have to confront their fear and eventually realize that they're OK. This can help reinforce a positive reaction (they're not in danger) with a feared event (being in the sky on a plane), ultimately getting them past the fear.

Although these treatments can be effective, such confrontational approaches should be undertaken only with the guidance of a trained mental health professional.

Coping With Fear

Coping strategies focus on managing fear's physical, emotional, and behavioral effects. Here are a few to consider.

  • Get social support. Supportive people in your life can help you manage your feelings of fear.
  • Practice mindfulness. You cannot always prevent emotions. Being mindful can help you replace negative thoughts with more helpful ones.
  • Use stress management techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation , and visualization.
  • Take care of your health. Eat well, get regular exercise, and get adequate sleep each night.

Press Play for Advice on Facing Your Fears

Hosted by therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares a strategy to help you find courage when you need it the most. Click below to listen now.

Follow Now : Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts

The Takeaway

Fear is an important human emotion that can help protect you and prepare you for action, but it also can lead to longer-lasting feelings of anxiety. Finding ways to control your fear can help prevent anxiety from taking hold.

If you or a loved one are experiencing fears, phobias, or anxiety, contact the  Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline  at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.

For more mental health resources, see our  National Helpline Database .

Kozlowska K, Walker P, McLean L, Carrive P. Fear and the defense cascade: Clinical implications and management . Harv Rev Psychiatry . 2015;23(4):263-287. doi:10.1097/HRP.0000000000000065

Javanbakht A, Saab L. What Happens in the Brain When We Feel Fear . Smithsonian.

National Alliance on Mental Illness. Anxiety Disorders .

Adolphs R. The biology of fear . Curr Biol. 2013;23(2):R79-93. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.11.055

Craske MG, Treanor M, Conway CC, Zbozinek T, Vervliet B. Maximizing exposure therapy: An inhibitory learning approach .  Behav Res Ther . 2014;58:10–23. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2014.04.006

Samra CK, Abdijadid S. Specific Phobia . StatPearls Publishing.

By Lisa Fritscher Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics.

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Essay on Fear in 600 Words: Steps to Overcome Fear

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  • Mar 22, 2024

Essay on Fear

Essay on fear: Fear is a feeling of apprehension, anxiety, or dread in response to a perceived threat or danger. We all fear something. Fear can be caused by any situation, stimuli, individual, or past memory. Fear activates our fight-or-flight response, a surge of hormones like adrenaline that prepares us to face danger head-on or escape a risky situation. 

essay about fear

Overcoming fear requires courage, determination, and willpower. A person who has hydrophobia can overcome his/her fear through exposure therapy under an expert, cognitive behavioral therapy, and efforts. Fearing something for a long time can lead to persistent anxiety and stress, causing symptoms like racing thoughts, difficulty sleeping, muscle tension, and fatigue.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why Do We Fear?
  • 2 What Are Some Popular Fears/ Phobias?
  • 3 Steps to Overcome Fear
  • 4 10 Motivational Quotes to Overcome Fear

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Why Do We Fear?

There are several causes of fear. Humans and animals fear a specific stimulus associated with their unpleasant memories. Our response to fear varies. 

Survival instinct can lead to fear. Individuals who are more cautious and alert to potential dangers are more likely to survive and pass on their genes. Fear drives us to react quickly to threats. This reaction is mostly of fighting or fleeing, increasing our chances of survival. 

Personal experiences or learned behavior can be a cause of fear. A person with a negative experience with a particular situation or object may develop fear or phobia associated with it. This learned fear helps us avoid potential harm in the future.

Our lives are greatly influenced by our cultural and social values. Societal norms, religious beliefs, and cultural traditions often influence what we perceive as threatening or dangerous. 

What Are Some Popular Fears/ Phobias?

The list of fears or phobias is endless. Some of the popular fears/ phobias are:

  • Fear or Darkness – Achluophobia
  • Fear of Heights – Acrophobia
  • Fear of Flying – Aerophobia
  • Fear of Failure – Atychiphobia
  • Fear of Being Alone – Autophobia
  • Fear of Bacteria – Bacteriophobia
  • Fear of Gravity – Barophobia
  • Fear of Books – Bibliophobia
  • Fear of Snow – Chionophobia
  • Fear of Dogs – Cynophobia

Steps to Overcome Fear

Identifying your fears, their causes, and their consequences is very important as it can help you overcome them and become successful in life. A person who fears something finds it difficult to deal with everyday situations. Imagine you have Acrophobia or fear of heights and your office is located on the 40th floor of a building. Will you be able to concentrate on your work? Don’t need to panic, as we will provide you with some easy steps to overcome fear.

  • Identify Your Fear

Start by identifying your fear, its causes, and what triggers it. What is your fear? Heights? Water? Insects? Whatever it is, talk to yourself about it and understand how you react when you face your fear.

  • Challenge Your Thoughts

Our thoughts play an important role in fueling fear. Often, our fearful thoughts are exaggerated or irrational. Challenge these thoughts by asking yourself: How realistic is this fear? What’s the evidence to support this thought? 

  • Relaxation Techniques

Fight or flight is the immediate response when we face our fear. This is a natural response. Simple techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation can help calm your body and mind, making it easier to think clearly and rationally.

  • Graduation Exposure

Pushing yourself in a controlled and safe way can be a great way to overcome your fear. A person who fears heights can overcome his fear by watching videos of high places. Then progress to visiting a low balcony, and eventually working your way up to higher heights.

  • Positive Visualization

How great will you feel when you realize you have successfully overcome your fear? Visualizing can help you take steps that can lead to positive outcomes. This can help build confidence and reduce anxiety.

  • Reach Out for Support

Talking to a close friend, family member, or therapist about your fear can be a great way. Talking it out can provide valuable support and encouragement.

  • Reward Yourself

As we make progress in overcoming our fears, it is very important to reward ourselves by staying positive and moving forward.

10 Motivational Quotes to Overcome Fear

Here are 10 motivational quotes that can help you overcome your fears.

‘The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.’ – Nelson Mandela

‘You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.’ – Eleanor Roosevelt

‘Do the thing you fear and keep on doing it… Fear is a bully. A bully thrives on your silence. The more you cower, the more it swells. But when you stand up to it, when you seize it by the throat and say, ‘That’s enough,’ it wilts. It shrinks.’ – Rosie Greer

‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.’ – Franklin D. Roosevelt

‘Fear is a natural reaction to a perceived threat. Courage is the movement forward despite that fear.’ – Pauline Rohn

‘Fall seven times and stand up eight.’ – Japanese Proverb

‘I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.’ – Michael Jordan

‘There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the life you are capable of living.’ – Nelson Mandela

‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frighten us.’ – Marianne Williamson

‘Do not let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.’ – Babe Ruth

Ans: Fear is a feeling of apprehension, anxiety, or dread in response to a perceived threat or danger. Identifying your fears, their causes, and their consequences is very important as it can help you overcome them and become successful in life. A person who fears something finds it difficult to deal with everyday situations. Imagine you have Acrophobia or fear of heights and your office is located on the 40th floor of a building. Will you be able to concentrate on your work?

Ans: Survival instinct can lead to fear. Individuals who are more cautious and alert to potential dangers are more likely to survive and pass on their genes. Fear drives us to react quickly to threats. This reaction is mostly of fighting or fleeing, increasing our chances of survival.  Personal experiences or learned behavior can be a cause of fear. A person with a negative experience with a particular situation or object may develop fear or phobia associated with it. This learned fear helps us avoid potential harm in the future.

Ans: ‘The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.’ ‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.’ ‘Fear is a natural reaction to a perceived threat. Courage is the movement forward despite that fear.’ ‘Fall seven times and stand up eight.’

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By Phil Barker

July 2003  

What Is Fear?

Fear is "an unpleasant and often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger."[1] Fear is completely natural and helps people to recognize and respond to dangerous situations and threats. However, healthy fear -- or fear which has a protective function -- can evolve into unhealthy or pathological fear, which can lead to exaggerated and violent behavior.

"The common thread that weaves violent political movements together is fear. It is not the only motivating factor behind political violence, nor necessarily the most obvious, but it is virtually always there. Whenever we ask why people hate, or why they are willing to kill or die for a cause, the answer is invariably fear." --

Dr. Ivan Kos lays out several different stages of fear. The first is real fear, or fear based on a real situation. If someone or something hurts you, you have a reason to fear it in the future. Second is realistic, or possible fear. This is fear based in reality that causes a person to avoid a threat in the first place (i.e. waiting to cross a busy road for safety reasons). Next, exaggerated or emotional fear deals with an individual "recalling past fears or occurrences and injecting them into a current situation."[2] This type of fear is particularly relevant to conflict. Emotional fear affects the way people handle conflictual situations.

Causes of Fear

Conflict is often driven by unfulfilled needs and the fears related to these needs. The most common fear in intractable conflict is the fear of losing one's identity and/or security . Individuals and groups identify themselves in certain ways (based on culture, language, race, religion, etc.) and threats to those identities arouse very real fears -- fears of extinction, fears of the future, fears of oppression, etc.

For many people, the world is changing rapidly and their lives are being altered as a result. For some religious people, this change leads to the fear that young people will abandon the Church or Mosque, that the media will become more important and influential in the lives of their children, and that they are losing control of their own future. These threats to identity result in fear.[3]

Similarly, in many ethnic conflicts, a history of " humiliation , oppression, victimhood , feelings of inferiority, persecution of one's group, and other kinds of discrimination" lead to a fear of similar wrongdoing in the future.[4] These historical memories shape how groups and people see each other. As a result, historical violence between Israelis and Palestinians, Hutus and Tutsis, and Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland affects how these groups look at one another and often leads to fear of one another. Group fears often translate into individual fears, as group extinction is often associated with individual extinction.

These examples illustrate the important role that history plays in the development of fear. Memories of past injustices lead individuals to anticipate future oppression or violence with a sense of anxiety and dread.

Why Fear Matters

Additional insights into are offered by Beyond Intractability project participants.

Fear is a very important factor in intractable conflict. Emotions like fear can often cause extreme and seemingly irrational behavior in people, which can result in escalating conflict. According to James F. Mattil, the Managing Editor of Flashpoints: Guide to World Conflict, "The common thread that weaves violent political movements together is fear. It is not the only motivating factor behind political violence, nor necessarily the most obvious, but it is virtually always there. Whenever we ask why people hate, or why they are willing to kill or die for a cause, the answer is invariably fear."[5]

People are social in nature, with shared values, religion, tradition, language, etc. Whenever the basic characteristics that tie a group together are threatened, the group will fear for its survival. As a result, the group will also attempt to get rid of the threat, sometimes through distorted or violent means.

History plays an important role in this process. Historical experiences shape how groups view threats. If a group has been hurt or wounded in the past, it affects their outlook today. For example, historical tensions and wrongdoing affect the way Israelis and Palestinians see each other today. Oftentimes, history is exaggerated -- meaning one group is portrayed as extremely heroic and another group portrayed as barbarian or inhuman. This in turn leads to more mistreatment, as it is easier to abuse or hurt a group that has been dehumanized . A cycle develops--someone is hurt, resulting in fear and the demonization of the person or group that hurt them. This, in turn, makes it easier for future wrongdoing to occur.

It is also important to note the impact that elites , or leaders, have on fear and conflict. Oftentimes, leaders use fear to their political advantage. Leaders need support from those they lead, and one way to gain this support is by playing on the fears of the people. Leaders in Northern Ireland can use the fear of either the Protestants or the Catholics to their own political advantage. Many have asserted that George Bush used the fear of another 9-11 to support the second U.S. war in Iraq. Leaders can even intentionally deepen these fears for their own purposes. Doing so can aggravate the already existing fears and lead to future difficulties.[6]

Dealing with Fear

Individuals: There are many ways of approaching fear in the context of conflict. However, since fear is such a personal issue, most approaches focus on the individual. There are various ways to deal with your own fear, including

  • becoming aware of it,
  • identifying the ways you express fear
  • recognizing the situations which trigger fear, and
  • using behavioral techniques to reduce fear and stress.[7]

In order to overcome fears, individuals and groups must first come to terms with their own fears and understand just how destructive they can be. However, it is equally important to be aware of others' fears. Being aware of other people's fear allows you to deal with it appropriately. One of the most effective ways of handling the fear of others is through empathy, or seeing things from the other person's perspective. Once one does that, one can recognize actions of one's own that might be unnecessarily causing fear on the other side. By toning down one's language, or clarifying one's interests and needs, it is possible to dispel unwarranted fears, thereby helping the other side feel more secure. Empathy is also important in any attempt at reconciliation or mediation because it helps to foster a positive interaction between people.[8] It is also important to share your own fears so that others can empathize with you in return, and alter their behavior in ways that will lessen that fear as well.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself." --

Officials: Public support is essential for political leaders. One way leaders can gain this support is by addressing, playing off of, or even causing the fears of his or her people. As a result, leaders can play an important role in the creation and/or calming of fears, particularly in ethnic or inter-group conflicts. It is important that leaders are aware of the consequences of using fear as a motivational tool. Because fear is such a powerful emotion, leaders must be extremely cautious about playing on the fears of people. The former Yugoslavia is a perfect example of how the fears of the people can be used by leaders for power. Serb leaders often played on Serb fears in order to strengthen their power and to push people to do things they might otherwise have refused to do.[9] Contrast this with the very famous quote of Franklin Roosevelt: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." This is an overstatement...fear can be real and justified, but it is far too dangerous to exploit for other aims.

Third Parties: Mediators and third parties can play an important part in helping people to overcome their fears. By understanding the ways in which fear can create and escalate conflict, third parties can address these issues in a constructive manner. One way this can be accomplished is by assuring that people on both sides of a conflict feel that their individual needs and fears are being addressed. Oftentimes this is done through no-fault discussions, wherein people are not allowed to discuss who is wrong in a situation, but only ways in which they may move toward a peaceful resolution. Neither side should have to sacrifice in areas that they consider to be an important need or fear. Solutions must always "satisfy fundamental needs and allay deepest fears."[10]

It is also important to remember that an issue such as identity and the fears associated with it are not zero-sum . In other words, the calming of one group's fear does not necessarily mean that another group has more reason to fear. Usually quite the opposite is true. The more secure one group feels, the less they feel a need to attack other groups. Thus security can actually be a win-win or positive sum game: the more one side has, the more the other side has too. This is true from the bully on the playground...who is usually an insecure child, to the bully in the international system.

Through empathy and understanding, groups in conflict can learn about the fears and needs of others and, in the process, overcome their own fears as well.

[1] Merriam-Webster Online [book on-line] (accessed 7 March 2003); available from http://www.webster.com ; Internet.

[2] Paul Wahrhaftig, Belgrade Combating Fear Project [article on-line] (accessed 11 March 2003); available from http://www.conflictres.org/vol181/belgrade.html ; Internet.

[3] James F. Mattil, What in the Name of God?: Fundamentalism, Fear & Terrorism [article on-line] (accessed 7 March 2003); available from http://www.flashpoints.info/issue-briefings/Analysis%20&%20Commentary/Analysis-Religion-main.htm  ; Internet.

[4] Steve Utterwulghe, Rwanda's Protracted Social Conflict: Considering the Subjective Perspective in Conflict Resolution Strategies [article on-line] (accessed 7 March 2003); available from http://www.trinstitute.org/ojpcr/2-3utter.htm ; Internet.

[5] James F. Mattil, What in the Name of God?: Fundamentalism, Fear & Terrorism [article on-line] (accessed 7 March 2003); available from http://www.flashpoints.info/issue-briefings/Analysis%20&%20Commentary/Analysis-Religion-main.htm  ; Internet.

[6] Herbert Kelman, "Social-Psychological Dimensions of International Conflict," in Peacemaking in International Conflict: Methods and Techniques, eds. I. William Zartman and J. Lewis Rasmussen (Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1997), 197.

[7] **Endnote missing (will add later).

[8] Herbert Kelman, "Social-Psychological Dimensions of International Conflict," in Peacemaking in International Conflict: Methods and Techniques, eds. I. William Zartman and J. Lewis Rasmussen (Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1997), 199.

[9] Anthony Oberschall, The manipulation of ethnicity: from ethnic cooperation to violence and war in Yugoslavia [article on-line] (accessed 13 March 2003); available from http://www.unc.edu/courses/2002fall/soci/326/039/manipulation-of-ethnicity.pdf ; Internet.

[10] Herbert Kelman, "Social-Psychological Dimensions of International Conflict," in Peacemaking in International Conflict: Methods and Techniques, eds. I. William Zartman and J. Lewis Rasmussen (Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1997), 197.

Use the following to cite this article: Barker, Phil. "Fear." Beyond Intractability . Eds. Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess. Conflict Information Consortium, University of Colorado, Boulder. Posted: July 2003 < http://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/fear >.

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Essays on Fear

People’s life is accompanied by an endless variety of feelings, moods, and experiences – you can explore one of them in your fear essay. Most essays on fear describe fear as an emotion that arises in situations of the threat to the biological or social existence of an individual and is aimed at a source of real or imagined danger. Fear essays note that fear varies in a fairly wide range: concern, dread, fear, horror, phobia, etc. If the source of the danger is uncertain or unconscious, people tend to feel anxious – fear essay samples and anxiety essays often study this topic. However, fear can also be very helpful to human survival – it drives us to be cautious and alert. We should learn to contain our fear and not succumb to it. Essay samples below will cover many topics on the rear – give them a read!

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