• DOI: 10.1016/J.BUSHOR.2006.08.003
  • Corpus ID: 12701178

International marketing research: A global project management perspective

  • R. B. Young , R. Javalgi
  • Published 1 March 2007
  • Business Horizons

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International Marketing Research: A Global Project Management Perspective ^ BH225

International Marketing Research: A Global Project Management Perspective

international marketing research a global project management perspective

International Marketing Research: A Global Project Management Perspective ^ BH225

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Publication Date: March 15, 2007

Source: Business Horizons

As organizations continue to pursue more global strategies, the need to be able to understand consumers in far away places is increasing. Marketing research is the primary mechanism through which companies understand their current, as well as potential, customers. As companies contemplate the global marketplace, they must consider how domestic market research differs when conducted in international markets. In an effort to help internal client side marketing, research managers design and implement improved international research studies. Briefly discusses the context for international market research and provides a framework for conducting international market research projects. Additionally, presents several factors that should be considered by marketers who engage in global market research studies. These factors represent the variety of challenges that must be addressed in order to conduct research across national borders. Particular attention is paid to the nuances related to primary data collection and questionnaire construction.

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International marketing research: A global project management perspective

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  • Young, Robert B.
  • Javalgi, Rajshekhar G.

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international marketing research a global project management perspective

Robert B. Young

  • Business Division, Lorain County Community College, 1005 North Abbe Road, Elyria, OH 44035, USA

Rajshekhar G. Javalgi

  • Nance College of Business Administration, Cleveland State University, 2121 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-2214, USA

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Project Management in International Marketing Research

Access to new resource related to marketing and project management added to PMWL

international marketing research a global project management perspective

25 August 2020 – Nagpur, India – Access to a new resource has been added to the PM World Library (PMWL) related to marketing and project management. The new resource is titled “ International marketing research: A global project management perspective ”, a paper by Robert B. Young & Rajshekhar G. Javalgi published by the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University (2006).

Through this article, the authors have tried to depict the vital function of market research through a project manager’s lens. The article provides a stepwise framework for conducting market research, highlighting the subtle differences between domestic and global marketing research design.

Various aspects of market research have been touched upon including; the international market research framework, designing research methodology, and cchallenges of conducting international marketing research. This expertise can be effectively translated into a competitive advantage for organizations

To access this new resource, go to the Applications and Hot Topics section of the library at https://pmworldlibrary.net/applications-and-topics/ click on “Marketing and Project Management”, scroll down to resource. Must be a registered trial, student or full member and logged-in to access.

This new resource provided through the PMWL university research internship program; to learn more, click here

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, 2007, vol. 50, issue 2, 113-122



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    is titled "International marketing research: A global project management perspective", a paper by Robert B. Young & Rajshekhar G. Javalgi published by the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University (2006). Through this article, the authors have tried to depict the vital function of market research through a project manager's lens.

  13. International marketing research: A global project management perspective

    As organizations continue to pursue more global strategies, the need to be able to understand consumers in far away places is increasing. Marketing research is the primary mechanism through which companies understand their current, as well as potential, customers. As companies contemplate the global marketplace, they must consider how domestic market research differs when conducted in ...

  14. Project Management in International Marketing Research

    The new resource is titled " International marketing research: A global project management perspective ", a paper by Robert B. Young & Rajshekhar G. Javalgi published by the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University (2006). Through this article, the authors have tried to depict the vital function of market research through a project ...

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