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phd funding denmark

The Danish funding landscape is characterised by a few large public foundations, a handful of major private foundations with a broad funding strategy, and a myriad of small private foundations with more specific funding strategies. 

Early career researchers – talent grants and fellowships.

  • Innovation Fund Denmark - Industrial Postdoc.   An Industrial Postdoc project is a collaboration between an Industrial Postdoc, a company, and a research institution that aims to solve specific research tasks.
  • Independent Research Fund Denmark – Sapere Aude. A DFF Starting Grant provides excellent younger researchers with the opportunity to develop and strengthen their research ideas. It also aims to promote both national and international mobility between research environments and thereby to strengthen networks and careers. Starting Grants target top researchers who intend to bring together a team of researchers and/or research students to conduct a research project at a high, international level.
  • Villum Foundation - Young Investigators. The purpose of the VILLUM Young Investigator Programme is to fund especially talented up-and-coming researchers in science and technology with ambitions of creating their own, independent research identity. The grant amount is DKK 7-10 million, it can be awarded once only, and the timeframe is five years.
  • Novo Nordisk Foundation – PhD Scholarships . The Novo Nordisk Foundation awards PhD scholarships within nursing research and art history for PhDs enrolled at a Danish University.
  • Novo Nordisk Foundation – Postdoc Scholarships . The Novo Nordisk Foundation awards Postdoc scholarships within nursing research, art history and biotechnology-based synthesis and production research.
  • Novo Nordisk Foundation Hallas-Møller Emerging Investigator – Bioscience and Basic Biomedicine . The purpose of the Hallas-Møller Emerging Investigator grant is to support and strengthen the development of young and promising research leaders, and promote Danish fundamental research at a high international level, the Novo Nordisk Foundation seeks to support the starting group leaders with ambitious projects relevant to understanding the human organism and/or basal mechanisms underlying health and disease.
  • Lundbeck Foundation – Postdoctoral fellowships. The Lundbeck Foundation awards postdoctoral fellowships for free and independent biomedical and health science research of the highest standard at Danish research institutions. The foundation uses the term ‘biomedical and health science’ in its broadest sense, since it supports many adjacent fields of research that traditionally belong to other classical faculties (particularly to natural science and technical science) but that, to an increasing extent, help to steer the field of biomedicine towards new breakthroughs in knowledge and treatment.
  • Lundbeck Foundation - Lundbeck Fellows . The Lundbeck Fellowships are granted to outstanding and promising young researchers who are establishing or expanding their own research groups at Danish research institutions. The fellowships are intended for researchers who have received their PhD degree within the last four to eight years. The application should concern biomedicine or science with a clear biomedical perspective. Fellowships are awarded for five years and each fellowship amounts to DKK 10 million.

Funding options for the experienced researcher

  • Danish National Research Foundation – Centers of Excellence . A Center of Excellence (CoE) grant is large and flexible (existing grants range from DKK 50 to 111 million) and enables researchers to establish research centres that can exist for up to 10 years. Only top researchers with the most ambitious ideas will be awarded a CoE grant through a fiercely competitive two-stage application process. The objective of the CoE programme is to strengthen Danish research by providing the best possible working conditions and organisational set-up for selected top researchers. Centres may be established within or across all fields of research.
  • Independent Research Fund Denmark - Research Project . This grant of up to DKK 2 million (excluding overheads) is for research projects across all fields of research. A DFF-Research Project 1 requires a clear and well-defined research question and research activities are expected to be of a high, international standard. The DFF-Research Project 1 is typically funded for 3 years, but it is possible to apply for a 4-year project, if a PhD student is involved in the project.
  • Independent Research Fund Denmark - Research Project 2 . This grant of between DKK 2 and 4.3 million (excluding overheads) is for research projects across all fields of research conducted by multiple researchers (including post-doctoral scholars and PhD students). The grant duration is up to 4.5 years. A DFF–Research Project 2 typically requires a coordinated and mutually binding collaboration featuring a well-defined, joint research question. However, the research question may also be set by a single researcher and carried out in a research team provided the research objective cannot be obtained through a DFF–Research Project 1.
  • Innovation Fund Denmark – Grand Solutions.  Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) invests in the best research and innovation projects with the potential to create knowledge, growth and employment in Denmark. IFD focuses on results and solutions that create value for society. With Grand Solutions, IFD wishes to facilitate cross-investments in knowledge institutions and companies – private as well as public. The investments should address tangible challenges and innovation needs of both companies and society.
  • Novo Nordisk Foundation Young Investigator Awards . This award is given to outstanding younger scientists to come to Denmark and expand their groundbreaking research programmes. It provides funding to enable independent early- to mid-career researchers to conduct larger and more ambitious studies. The award supports exceptional scientists working within any area of biomedical and/or biotechnological sciences. The applicant must be a principal investigator with an independent research group that he/she has directed for  fewer than 7 years in total.  It awards up to DKK 25 million for a period of 7 years.
  • Novo Nordisk Hallas-Møller Ascending Investigator . The purpose of the grant is to stimulate the continued development of excellent research leaders and promote Danish fundamental research at a high international level. NFF seeks to support the consolidation of accomplished associate professors with ambitious projects relevant to understanding the human organism and/or basal mechanisms underlying health and disease. The applicant should have a PhD plus approximately 7-15 years of subsequent research experience. Up to DKK 10 million can be awarded
  • Novo Nordisk Foundation Distinguished Investigator – Bioscience and Basic Biomedicine .  This programme seeks to promote Danish fundamental research at the highest international level the Novo Nordisk Foundation by supporting outstanding professors with ambitious projects relevant to understanding the human organism and/or basal mechanisms underlying health and disease.  The Distinguished Investigator grant is for professors of all ages. Up to DKK 10 million can be awarded. 
  • Novo Nordisk Challenge programme  . With the Challenge Programme, the Novo Nordisk Foundation wishes to contribute to the development and strengthening of the Danish research environment within biomedicine and biotechnology. The Challenge Programme focuses on in-depth research on specific challenges within annually selected research themes. Grants of up to DKK 10 million per year can be awarded for 6 years (total budget of up to DKK 60 million).   
  • Novo Nordisk project grants . The Novo Nordisk Foundation awards project grants within endocrinology and metabolism, nursing, biotechnology-based synthesis and production, bioscience, and basic and clinical medical research. The grants of between DKK 300,000 and DKK 1,000,000 per budget year are awarded for 1-, 2- and 3-year projects.
  • NNF Laureate Research Grants .  The purpose of this grant is to support outstanding established scientists to come to Denmark to strengthen their groundbreaking research programmes. This grant provides funding for research leaders to conduct large and long-term projects with transformative potential. The NNF seeks to support exceptional scientists working within any area of biomedical and/or biotechnological sciences. Grants of up to DKK 50 million are awarded for a period of 7 years. After 5 years of research supported by the NNF Laureate Research Grant, the grant holder may apply for one extension period of up to 7 years. Extension period funding may be up to DKK 5 million per year, with a limit of DKK 35 million in total.
  • Velux Foundation – The core-group programme.   Every year, the core-group programme funds research in the humanities and allied social science disciplines. A core group is a closely collaborating research team that typically consists of 1–2 tenured senior investigators as project managers and 2-3 postdoctoral scholars and/or PhD students. A core group may consist of researchers from the same department or researchers across departments and universities. For establishing a core group, one may apply for up to DKK 6 million, which typically covers a four-year project period.
  • Villum Foundation - Villum Experiment.   This programme was created for the special research projects that challenge the norm and have the potential to fundamentally change the way we approach important topics. The applicant is anonymous to the reviewers. For Danish universities and research institutions, this is also a tool to attract talented researchers outside Denmark. The grant of between DKK 1-2 million is awarded for a research period of up to 2 years and covers all project-related expenses, such as salary, equipment, travel costs etc.
  • Villum Foundation - Villum Investigator .  This programme aims to fund experienced and internationally recognised researchers with the potential to make a significant contribution to research in the technical and natural sciences at a Danish research institution. The ideal applicant is an active researcher who has demonstrated international, groundbreaking research of the highest scientific quality for 10 years or longer. The grant is for six years, after which grant holders are permitted to reapply in competition with other applicants. The grant total is up to DKK 40 million.


Research support office.

The Research Support Office helps researchers find relevant sources of funding.

PhD School in the Humanities

  • How to obtain a PhD scholarship
  • Financing and types of...

Financing and types of PhD scholarships

There are various ways to finance your PhD education. Usually, you will need a scholarship.

Scholarships can be obtained through open calls in the departments of the faculty, or through specific calls for applications for scholarships with a predefined topic. You may also apply for an industrial PhD scholarship in collaboration with a private or public company, or an external funding body with a defined research aim such as art history, primary education, or other strategic research areas.

Open call for PhD scholarship applications by the faculty

(calls posted once a year)

At the Faculty of Humanities, the departments announce open calls for PhD scholarship applications once a year – usually in December. These are competitive open scholarships which means that PhD applicants are free to define their individual PhD research project within one of the departments' research areas.

We invite all qualified candidates to apply for the annual open PhD scholarships in the departments of the Faculty of the Humanities. Applicants should propose a PhD project that fits the relevant department’s research profile and write an individual project description that defines the objectives and research questions and describes the state of the art, data, theory, and methods for the PhD project.  

Applications will undergo an academic evaluation process. Usually, there are many applicants from both Denmark and abroad. Based on previous years' experience, the chances of obtaining a scholarship are between 5-10%.  

PhD scholarships in the Humanities with a predefined topic and research objective

(calls posted throughout the year)

Another option is to apply for PhD scholarships within a predefined research area and topic – usually as part of a larger, collective research project. Calls for PhD scholarships with a predefined topic will be posted throughout the year.

Unlike the open calls, the topic of the PhD project is already defined, but applicants still have to compose an individual project description to fit the call as a basis for evaluation of their merits.

PhD scholarships funded by external funding bodies and funding instruments

A few private and public foundations in Denmark have a funding instrument for PhD students. For example, the Independent Research Fund Denmark funds PhD students who are employed by public research institutions outside the university. The funding covers the enrolment at the PhD school in the Humanities.

The PhD Council for Educational Research funds PhD fellowships research in primary and lower secondary schools. In this case, the PhD fellowship is a collaboration between the university (the PhD school) and a university college as a partner institution.

The Novo Nordisk Foundation funds PhD scholars in art history.

In general, these funding bodies and instruments require that enrolment at the PhD School in the Humanities is pre-approved prior to applying. You can c ontact the PhD Administration for further guidelines and deadlines if you wish to apply for pre-approval of enrolment.

The Innovation Fund Denmark funds PhD scholarships in collaboration between a university and a private or public company. Read about the Industrial PhD programme .

Applying for enrolment with an international grant or as a self-financed international PhD student

You can apply for admission to the PhD School and bring your own funds to cover tuition fees and living expenses for the duration of the 3-year programme. To apply as a self-financed PhD student, you must provide a bank statement to demonstrate your ability to pay tuition fees (216,000 DDK - 2024) and living expenses (the required minimum monthly allowance is DDK 13,640 - 2024). The PhD programme is a full-time programme and does not allow you to hold another job at the same time.

More information

See current announcements of scholarships from the faculty and collaborating institutions.

See admission requirements and application procedures .

  • Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • Study programmes
  • PhD program

The PhD program

The PhD program at the Department of Mathematical Sciences usually lasts 3 years, for students enrolled with a Master's Degree, and 4-5 years for students enrolled in the integrated program with a bachelor's degree (or equivalent). The program consists first of all of an independent research project resulting in the end of a PhD thesis with publishable results.

It is also a part of the PhD program to follow some PhD courses, and our PhD students are expected to spend an extended period (up to 3-6 months) at a foreign research institution during the PhD program.

PhD students (except industrial PhDs) are required to teach, typically as teaching assistants. Our advanced courses are taught in English. Our PhD students must be able to teach in English and to follow courses taught in English.

A PhD in mathematics will make you qualified for a wide range of career possibilities including continuing an academic career or going into the private or the public sector.

PhD students who hold a stipend from the University of Copenhagen will receive funding as follows: Students enrolled in the 3-year program will receive a salary throughout the PhD period. Students enrolled in the integrated program will receive a number of state education grant portions until they acquire the master's degree 2 years before handing in their PhD thesis. For the remaining 2 years they will receive a salary.

Both stipends also include a travel allowance for participation in conferences and for research visits to foreign research institutions.

For more information about the PhD programme see https://science.ku.dk/phd/

The Department of Mathematical Sciences offers PhD degrees in pure and applied mathematics, statistics, insurance and financial mathematics within four research sections and two centres:

  • Algebra & Geometry
  • Analysis & Quantum
  • Insurance and Economics
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology (GeoTop)
  • Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory (QMATH)

The department has about 45 tenured faculty, 30 postdocs, and 60 PhD students.

Applying for a PhD

  • After accepting a PhD stipend  
  • Mini-guide on how to fill the online application form

For current PhD students

See MATHnet  (department intranet) for courses, economy, travel etc.

PhD students

phd funding denmark

Joan Ferrer Rodríguez, PhD student

phd funding denmark

Theodor Henningsen, PhD student

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Silvan Vollmer, PhD student

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PhD programmes

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PhD in Copenhagen?

Learn more about the opportunities at the University's six PhD schools.

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The PhD Process at UCPH

Answers about funding, admission, supervision, courses and completing a PhD programme.

Tips for studying abroad

What to think about when planning a study tour abroad in connection with a PhD.

Contact PhD Programmes

The University of Copenhagen has six PhD programmes - one for each Faculty.


Check the legislation and regulations that apply to PhD's at the University of Copenhagen.

Career opportunities

PhD graduates from UCPH find employment in a wide variety of public and private sector organisations.

Available PhD-positions

See available PhD-positions at the University of Copenhagen.

Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences

  • Funding your PhD

Funding opportunities

Below you can find a list of suggestions for how to finance your PhD.

Please be aware, that many of the funding possibilities have a deadline for when you must start the PhD enrolment and start using the grant/subsidy/funding.

  • Job portal Vacant PhD positions can be found in the university job portal .
  • Departments, research centres and graduate programmes Some of the faculty's departments and research centres may possess major research grants or similar. You should also check the websites of the Graduate Programmes. The PhD positions will usually be posted on their website or in the University job portal. 
  • Funds, foundations, etc. Sources of external funding for PhD scholarships can e.g. include the Capital Region of Denmark, the Danish National Research Foundation, the European Commission, Danida, private foundations, the Danish Research Councils and governmental research institutions. You can also find an overview of different funding opportunities at KUnet .
  • Industry / other employers Some companies, public administrations etc. may post PhD research positions, that are not Industrial PhD positions. Go to the company job websites and other relevant job sites to find open positions.
  • Private funding You may complete a PhD based upon private funding completely. If you have the necessary financial means to complete three years of study, incl. tuition fees, salary and project expenses, this is a possibility. 

Rules and regulations

For Danish applicants looking into employment possibilities in connection with a PhD project, the Graduate School recommends that you read the contract of employment carefully and that you contact your trade union Representative before signing the contract. 

For international applicants - before signing a contract of employment with a company -the Graduate School recommends that you look into the rules and regulations about working in Denmark . For information about employment rules, work and residence permits and working conditions at the University, please visit:  International staff mobility

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PhD programmes at the University of Southern Denmark

The PhD programmes at the University of Southern Denmark are research training programmes at the highest international level. This means that as a PhD student you will be at the forefront of international research.

With a PhD degree from the University of Southern Denmark, you will be well groomed for a future international research career. As a PhD graduate, you will also be able to find employment in the public sector or in private business where there is an increasing demand for employees with a research background.

Throughout your PhD project you will take part in active research environments both in Denmark and abroad, and in doing so will achieve research results that are eligible for publication in recognised international scientific journals. You will also acquire teaching and knowledge dissemination skills and establish a broad academic basis by attending specialised PhD courses.

As a PhD student at the University of Southern Denmark, you will get:

  • A PhD programme at the highest international level
  • Broad contact interface with national and international research environments
  • Opportunities for overseas study visits or courses at recognised universities
  • A good research environment with close links to experienced researchers
  • Flexible working conditions

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Follow PhD students at the University of Southern Denmark

Portal for PhD students enrolled at the University of Southern Denmark

PhD courses

PhD courses offered at the universities in Denmark

Work and salary

Work and salary conditions for PhD scholars

International Staff

International Staff Office (ISO) is able to help both newly employed and prospective PhD scholars by providing general information and guidance.

  • Vacant PhD research fellowships

Last Updated 06.12.2023

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Types of PhD fellowships and scholarships

Aarhus University invites highly qualified graduates from all over the world to apply for admission to one of the university’s PhD programmes. Below you will find a general description of PhD scholarships/fellowships at Aarhus University. On the individual graduate school websites, you can find detailed information about specific scholarships as well as calls for applications, procedures and deadlines.

PhD projects:

  • Individual projects: You can apply for admission to a graduate school based on your academic record and a project proposal prepared by you and possibly a supervisor at Aarhus University.
  • Predefined projects: You can apply for a number of specific PhD positions with predefined project descriptions. Predefined projects are announced on the individual graduate school websites.

Documented funding for the entire PhD programme is a prerequisite for admission. You can either apply as a self-financed student or you can apply for scholarships/fellowships in connection with your application. Aarhus University offers several types of PhD scholarships/fellowships.

3-year PhD fellowships

To be considered for a 3-year PhD fellowship, you must have passed a qualifying exam that corresponds to 300 ECTS credits (e.g., a Bachelor’s degree corresponding to 180 ECTS credits and a Master’s degree corresponding to 120 ECTS credits). The holder of the fellowship is then employed as a PhD research fellow for three years.

4-year PhD scholarships

To be considered for a 4-year PhD scholarship, you must have passed a qualifying exam that corresponds to 240 ECTS credits (e.g., a Bachelor’s degree corresponding to 180 ECTS credits as well as Master’s degree exams corresponding to 60 ECTS credits, or a Master’s degree corresponding to 240 ECTS credits).

A 4-year PhD scholarship consists of two parts: part A (the first two years) and part B (the final two years). The recipient receives a monthly stipend as a scholar during part A. When he or she transitions to part B, the recipient is employed as a PhD fellow and receives a monthly salary. On the transition from part A to part B, the recipient is awarded a Danish Master’s degree . The transition from part A to part B also requires satisfactory completion of part A.

5-year PhD scholarships

To be considered for a 5-year PhD scholarship, you must have completed the Bachelor’s programme (the so-called 3+5 or Bologna Danese track that corresponds to 180 ECTS credits). On completion of a Bachelor’s degree, talented students are admitted directly to a programme which combines a Master's degree programme with a PhD programme.

The Industrial PhD Programme

The Industrial PhD Programme is a joint study programme between a university and a company or institution in the public or private sector. The Industrial PhD Programme supports innovation in the private and public sectors and trains researchers in collaboration with organisations such s as small businesses, corporations, non-profit organisations, etc.

Read more about the Industrial PhD Programme

Overview of the 3-, 4- and 5-year programmes

phd funding denmark

Read about income and types of scholarships and fellowships offered by the graduate schools:

  • Graduate School - Faculty of Arts
  • Aarhus BSS Graduate School  
  • Graduate School of Health
  • Graduate School of Natural Sciences
  • Graduate School of Technical Sciences

PhD in Educational Research

The PhD Council offers PhD scholarships within educational research that focus on the Danish primary and lower secondary school system.  

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Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme

About the grants.

Fully funded PhD-programme

Denmark, International recruitment to Denmark

PhD students

Bioscience and Basic Biomedicine, Biotechnology-based Synthesis and Production, Clinical and Translational Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism

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The Copenhagen Bioscience PhD programme recruits up to 16 motivated international students annually to launch their careers in the vibrant scientific environment of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers in Copenhagen. For enrolment in September 2022, applications will be open from November 1, 2021. The application deadline is January 17 2022 at 14:00 AM CET.

Please read  ”Information and FAQ” carefully before initiating the application process, and refer to “ How to Apply ” throughout completion of the online application form. Additional and essential information is found in these documents.

Selection is based on academic achievements, research experience, academic references and interviews. The interview visit for up to 40 shortlisted applicants comprises panel interviews, one-on-one meetings with potential supervisors, and tours of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers. The Novo Nordisk Foundation arranges and pays for travel and accommodation for interviewing candidates. The interview visit will take place in Copenhagen in March 2022.

Programme outline

The four-year programme is divided into a pre-doctoral year followed by three years of PhD training at the University of Copenhagen or the Technical University of Denmark:

NNF Center for Protein Research

NNF Center for Biosustainability

NNF Center for Basic Metabolic Research

NNF Center for Stem Cell Medicine – ReNEW

The pre-doctoral year includes short rotation projects, choice of a lab for the long-term (PhD) project, and research-based courses. Approximately 15% of time during the pre-doctoral year is spent on courses, and the remaining 85% on lab-based research. All awardees must pass an assessment at the end of the pre-doctoral year to qualify for the following three years of PhD education.

All students in the Copenhagen Bioscience PhD programme complete three two-week rotation projects at the start of the pre-doctoral year. These rotation projects allow students to gain experience with the methods, important scientific questions and research environment in the labs they are interested in joining. During each rotation project, the student and supervisor are expected to discuss potential long-term project ideas. After completing the three rotation projects, the student makes an agreement with one of their rotation supervisors to join their lab for the long-term (PhD) project.

For more information about the pre-doctoral year and courses, see the  programme website.

Supervisors and research areas By submitting this application, applicants apply primarily to the Copenhagen Bioscience PhD programme, and also pre-select one of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers. Each Center conducts research in several research areas around a central theme within biotechnology or biomedicine. More information about research areas can be found on the programme website and the Center websites (see links above).

Applicants are required to explain their interest in particular supervisors and/or research topics in the application form. Potential supervisors and projects are listed on the programme website.



The CPH Bioscience PhD programme is designed for international talents to come to Denmark and start their research careers at one of the NNF Research Centers.

Applicants must fulfill the following:

  • Submit a fully completed application form before the deadline via the Novo Nordisk Foundation web-based application system.
  • Provide a minimum of two academic references.
  • Hold, or anticipate receiving before enrolment, a university degree that formally qualifies the applicant to enter a PhD programme (typically a Master’s degree).
  • Hold, or anticipate receiving before enrolment, a university degree from outside of Denmark.
  • The programme is also open for applicants with a Danish degree who can document at least 12 months of full-time research experience from outside Denmark, confirmed by at least one of their academic references.
  • Provide proof of English language skills (for example, TOEFL, IELTS, GRE scores).

Full salary and tuition fee will be covered by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Funding for the first year is awarded unconditionally to all successful applicants. Funding for the following three years is awarded conditionally, to be approved following a successful qualifying assessment at the end of the first (pre-doctoral) year. Up to sixteen positions will be funded for a programme start in September 2022. Applicants of all nationalities may be awarded funding, provided they fulfill all of the eligibility criteria.

For more information, see the  programme website.

Application process

Applications must be completed and submitted using the Novo Nordisk Foundation electronic application system.

Once signed up and logged in at the Novo Nordisk Foundation grant administration system, you can find the Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme call for applications under the ‘Copenhagen Bioscience’ tab.

All complete applications submitted are reviewed by a committee of Group Leaders from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers.

Applicants can expect a reply from the review committee in February 2022.

Questions about the application process or about the programme: Amelia Green Programme Coordinator, Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Center Cluster University of Copenhagen / Technical University of Denmark [email protected]

Questions about technical issues with the online application form: [email protected]

Grant listings

Managing a grant, novo nordisk fonden.

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PhD grants from the Danish Council for Independent Research

The purpose of the PhD grants is to strengthen the education of researchers at public institutions in Denmark outside of universities and to provide younger researchers the best possible conditions for starting a research career.

Grant and rejection letters will be forwarded to all applicants as soon as possible.

Please be advised that the Council cannot be held responsible for printing errors and reserves the right to make adjustments.

Project Title: The role of interactions between Nordic peacekeepers and local elites in implementing 'civil' peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1995 and 2004 Grant Recipient: Jakob Brink Rasmussen Place of Employment: Royal Danish Defense College Awarded Amount: DKK 2,313,624

Project Title: Weakness in Architecture; Changing Spatial Environments and Tectonics Grant Recipient: Karianne Halse Place of Employment: Aarhus School of Architecture Awarded Amount: DKK 2,394,037

Project Title: Securing investments in extractive spaces: the case of coal in Colombia Grant Recipient: Line Jespersgaard Jakobsen Place of Employment: DIIS, Danish Institute for International Studies Awarded Amount: DKK 2,575,130

Project Title: Long-term variability in the warm currents of the North Atlantic Ocean Grant Recipient: Line Skøtt Nicolaisen Place of Employment: GEUS, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Awarded Amount: DKK 2,481,120 / WITHDRAWN

Project Title: Preferences for universal health care coverage: the mechanisms of altruistic preferences in a welfare state Grant Recipient: Lise Desiree Andreasen Place of Employment: KORA, Danish Institute for Local and Regional Government Research Awarded Amount: DKK 2,845,842

Project Title: A Hybrid Identity: Personal Experience as a Professional Tool Grant Recipient: Malene Lue Kessing Place of Employment: SFI - The Danish National Centre for Social Research Awarded Amount: DKK 2,402,091

Project Title: Metabolic and Transcriptomic Profiling of Women with Postpartum Depression Grant Recipient: Marie-Louise Hee Rasmussen Place of Employment: Statens Serum Institut Awarded Amount: DKK 2,776,860

Project Title: Luftforurening i magasiner: Konsekvenser for resourceforbrug, luftkvalitet og bevaring af kulturarv Grant Recipient: Signe Hjerrild Smedemark Place of Employment: KADK, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation Awarded Amount: DKK 2,753,106

Project Title:  From preschool child to pupil - On opportunities and difficulties for children in the transition from kindergarten to leisure and schools  Grant Recipient: Kira Saabye Christensen Place of Employment: University College Capital  Awarded Amount: DKK 2,247,697

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Study in Denmark

How can I get a scholarship?

National and European programmes offer scholarships for international students, who wish to study in Denmark through an institutional agreement, as guest students or as a part of an international double degree or joint degree. Certain restrictions and prerequisites apply for the following programmes:

If you are enrolled at a Nordic or Baltic higher education institution, Nordplus may offer a possibility to study in another Nordic or Baltic country as part of your degree.

For further information, contact your home university or the national educational agency. To learn more about the Nordplus programme, please visit  www.nordplusonline.org .

The Erasmus programme offers students from the EU/EEA and Switzerland the possibility to study abroad as part of their higher education in their home countries. Exchange range from between 2 and 12 months.

For further information, please contact your home university or the national educational agency of your country.

To learn more about the Erasmus-programme and find out if you are eligible to apply, please visit the website of the European Commission .

Erasmus Mundus/Joint Master Degree

The Erasmus Mundus programme is open to both EU/EEA and non-EU/EAA students. Through the Erasmus Mundus scheme you can apply for a scholarship to study specific Master's degree programmes.

The courses are offered jointly by a Danish institution and another European university or college. Students and scholars must contact the individual Erasmus Mundus Master courses to learn more about scholarships and application procedures.

See a list of approved Erasmus Mundus Masters courses in Denmark

phd funding denmark

Fulbright Denmark

Fulbright Denmark fosters cultural understanding through its prestigious grant program for educational exchange.

If you are an American scholar or postgraduate student at master or Ph.D.-level, you can apply for a Fulbright grant for an entire academic year of study and/or research in Denmark.

For more information about selection criteria and the application process for a Fulbright grant, please visit the Fulbright Denmark website .

Danish government scholarships for highly qualified non-EU/EEA students

Danish universities receive a limited number of government scholarships each year to fund highly qualified full-degree students from non-EU/EEA countries and Switzerland.

In order to be eligible for a scholarship you must be...

  • a citizen of a country outside the EU, the European Economic Area or Switzerland
  • enrolled in a full degree higher education programme
  • granted a time-limited residence permit in Denmark due to education

You are not eligible for a Danish government scholarship if you...

  • are seeking admission to an Artistic Higher Education Institution
  • have a legal claim to the rights of Danish citizens
  • have been granted a residence permit at the time of admission by the Danish Aliens Consolidations Act §9c, subsection 1, as the child of a foreign citizen who has been granted a residence permit in accordance with the Danish Aliens Consolidations Act §9m, and who is a citizen of a country that is not acceded to the EU or covered by the EEA agreement
  • are student who is eligible for a grant in accordance with Danish Law regarding the State Education Fund

The scholarships are administered by the Danish universities, who each select the students, who are awarded with a scholarship.

For further information about the government scholarship, please consult the admission details of the higher education institution of your choice.

Please note: The government scholarship consists of two parts and can be given as full or partial tuition fee waivers and/or grants towards covering your living costs. However, since the scholarships are administered by the higher education institutions themselves, you should enquire at the institution of your choice for further details.

The Danish State Educational Support (SU)

The Danish State Educational Support (SU) is generally only awarded to Danish residents. As an international student you may, however, apply for equal status in so far as the state educational support is concerned. You may be granted equal status according to:

  • Danish rules

For details on how to apply, visit the website of the Danish Education Support Agency .

Other sources of information on scholarships

Several scholarship programmes for both EU and non-EU students are listed at the EU-database Ploteus . PhD students and researchers should visit the European Researchers' Mobility Portal .

phd funding denmark

Useful links

  • Erasmus (European Commission) https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/opportunities/individuals/students/studying-abroad_en
  • Erasmus Mundus (European Commission) https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/opportunities/individuals/students/erasmus-mundus-joint-masters-scholarships_en
  • List of approved Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses in Denmark https://ufm.dk/uddannelse/tilskud-til-udveksling-og-internationale-projekter/erasmusplus/videregaende-uddannelser/ovrige-ordninger/erasmus-mundus/danske-institutioners-deltagelse-i-erasmus-mundus-joint-master-degrees-2020 
  • Erasmus Mundus in Denmark https://www.eacea.ec.europa.eu/scholarships/erasmus-mundus-catalogue_en?f%5B0%5D=oe_project_locations_country%3ADK  
  • Nordplus http://www.nordplusonline.org/
  • Fulbright Denmark https://fulbrightcenter.dk
  • The Danish State Educational Support (SU), Danish Rules https://www.su.dk/foreign-citizen/gb-foreign-citizen/danish-rules  
  • The Danish State Educational Support (SU), EU law https://www.su.dk/foreign-citizen/gb-foreign-citizen/eu-rules
  • The European Researchers' Mobility Portal http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/

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PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Denmark

Phd scholarship in integrating ecological and genomic diversity for climate resilient marine spatial planning – dtu aqua, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

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24 fully funded phd programs at university of copenhagen, denmark.

Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Copenhagen, Denmark invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Particle Astrophysics

Summary of phd program:.

This project aims at solving one of the most urgent riddles in particle astrophysics: how neutrinos affect the physics of the death of massive stars as core-collapse supernova explosions and the merger of two neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole. Neutrinos are feebly interacting particles copiously produced in these dense sources. Neutrinos exist in three different kinds, or flavors, and have the fascinating property of changing their flavor while propagating (flavor conversion). Because of the high density of neutrinos in the core of supernovae or compact binary mergers, flavor conversion becomes a non-linear phenomenon, whose understanding is quite preliminary.

Application Deadline: 16 April 2023

2. fully funded phd position in social data science.

We are looking for a PhD fellow in the area of Social Data Science, broadly defined. The PhD fellow will be a part of the research initiative “Understanding Human Behaviour: From Prediction to Theory”, which evaluates the utility of a prediction-first approach to inform theory in the social sciences. The initiative aims to 1) To critically investigate the current state-of-the-art methods in machine learning and explainable AI in their ability to inform theories in the social sciences; 2) To draw from different disciplines to inspire new methodologies and ways in which machine learning can be used to inform, test, or challenge theories of human behaviour; 3) To assess the ethical concerns and privacy risks of combining and compiling sensitive datasets to be used together with powerful predictive algorithms as research tools into the human psyche.

Application Deadline: 16th April, 2023

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Life-time imaging

3D mapping of the extracellular and intracellular chemical microenvironment in biofilms remains a major challenge to our understanding of this most common microbial lifestyle. In collaboration with our team and collaborators, the PhD student will develop new experimental platforms for i) the application in biofilms of O2 sensing probes compatible with phosphorescent lifetime (PLIM) and fluorescence lifetime (FLIM) imaging setups, ii) the incorporation of such sensing probes within functionalized bioinks, and iii) realizing 3D mapping of O2 and biomass in natural and bioprinted biofilms containing phototrophic and heterotrophic microbes.

Application Deadline: 15 April 2023

4. fully funded phd position in political science.

The PhD student will contribute to SOVEREIGN by developing a sub-project exploring how digital and tech policies and legislation are negotiated in Brussels among the European Commission, the Council of Ministers, the European Parliament, tech lobbyists and civil society. The project requires both presence in Copenhagen and regular fieldwork and interview trips to Brussels. The project is placed in the Department of Political Science and is funded by the VELUX Foundation through a Core Group grant (2021-2016).

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5. 03 fully funded phd position in chemical biology.

In the Strømgaard lab, we combine tools from chemistry and biology, and apply these in studies of therapeutic peptides and proteins. Our aims are to develop modulators for protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and to provide molecular-level insight herein. We are interested in PPIs that are therapeutically relevant, in particular between integral membrane proteins and their intracellular protein partners, also known as receptor complexes.

Application Deadline: 1 April 2023

6. Fully Funded PhD Position in image analysis using deep learning 

We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to work on this joint project between the Eye Translational Research Unit at The University of Copenhagen and the Section for Visual Computing at DTU Compute. The project, called “Finding Ophthalmic Risk and Evaluating the Value of Eye exams and their Predictive Reliability – Optical Coherence Tomography” (FOREVER-OCT), is a subset of the ongoing FOREVER project (forever.ku.dk). The PhD project is focused on identifying risk factors for eye diseases based on fundus photographs and optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans of the participants in the FOREVER project.

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7. fully funded phd position in social data science.

This PhD position is part of the “Bias Explained: Pushing Algorithmic Fairness”, funded by the Villum Foundation. Every day our life is made easier by efficient algorithms that search and rank scientific information. Yet, these algorithms have an issue: they are trained on citation data that is ingrained with human biases. Therefore, the output is inherently biased too, creating inequalities and raising concerns of discrimination. This project aims to push new frontiers in (algorithmic) fairness. We will (1) run experiments to measure bias, (2) develop new models to understand inequality, (3) improve the fairness of algorithms through de-biased impact measures.

Application Deadline: 1st April 2023

8. 03 fully funded phd position in artificial intelligence.

We are looking for candidates with a curious mind-set and a strong interest in fundamental research questions described in the projects. Backgrounds can vary, depending on the project, for example, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, Computational Physics, Applied Mathematics, Cognitive Science, Psychology, Movement Sciences, Computer Games, Computer and Electrical Engineering, or any relevant backgrounds with training or experience in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Human-Computer Interaction.

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9. fully funded phd position in mathematics.

There will be PhD stipends available in: Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry, Applied algebra, Combinatorics, Geometric group theory, Geometry and Geometric Analysis, Number Theory, Representation Theory, and Topology as covered by the section Algebra & Geometry and Copenhagen Center for Geometry & Topology (GeoTop).

10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Statistics, and the mathematics of Insurance and Economics

The department has about 50 permanent scientific staff members; around 45 PhD students and 35 postdocs. It has strong research groups in many areas of mathematics, and active PhD, postdoc, and visitor’s programs. Our building is located in central Copenhagen next to the central park Fælledparken.

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11. fully funded phd position in law.

The position is part of the research project CIRCLE the aim of which is to examine how and to what extent populist ideas of law and justice are circulated across European languages and communities and disseminated across media, political, and legal text genres. CIRCLE rests on the normative assumption that it is a legitimate scholarly aim to contribute to the defense of the liberal democratic order based on the rule of law.

Application Deadline: 17 April 2023

12. fully funded phd position in food and resource economics.

The relevant research areas for the PhD scholarships are within the following thematic areas covered by the four larger research groups at IFRO: Environment and natural resources, which includes the economic regulation of environmental externalities and natural resource use, environmental valuation methods, energy economics, behavioural economics, environmental sociology and governance, conflict resolution, climate change policies, forest economics and management, fishery and aquaculture economics, biodiversity conservation, and environmental ethics.

Application Deadline: 20 April 2023

10 best plagiarism checkers software of 2022, 13. fully funded phd position in physics of life.

The project is focused on the viruses infecting bacteria (bacteiophages): they are the drivers of microbial ecology, gene transfer and microbial evolution, and also an ideal in-vivo model system to study the interplay between a virus and its host. We aim to explore the virus development upon infection as a dynamic and stochastic process exhibiting decisions. We are also actively studying the role of phages at the population scale and ecology scale and as pattern formation, to the macroscopic scale of epidemics as it spread in a 2 or 3-dimensional geometry. We have a strong connection between experimental and theoretical research: We develop mathematical and computational models to mimic, suggest and perform experiments on these fascinating systems.

Application Deadline: 30 April 2023

14. fully funded phd position in fate of nanofertilisers in soils.

The PhD project is part of a larger Novo Nordisk Fonden research project called BioComFert: Biocompatible nanofertilizers for targeted delivery and programmed release of essential mineral ions in crops, led by Professor Søren Husted at PLEN, UCPH and involving several research groups at UCPH and DTU (DK) and at McGill University (Canada). The overall aim of BioComFert is to develop novel nanomaterials for targeted delivery of nutrients via micro- and nanoporous leaf cuticles to the specific plant tissue and organelles where they are needed.

Application Deadline: 30th of April, 2023

15. fully funded phd position in cellular memory and intestinal regeneration.

We are seeking an ambitious, highly motivated, and technically skilled candidate preferably with experience in cell and molecular biology. The goal of the project is to decipher the cellular and molecular responses following tissue damage and during tissue regeneration in the intestinal epithelium using mouse models and patient samples. The intestinal epithelium has an amazing capacity to regenerate itself following damage via processes that involve pronounced changes in the cellular identity (see e.g. Larsen and Jensen, 2019, Curr Opin Genet Dev). We have demonstrated that this process depends on changes in the environment leading to integrin-based activation of mechanosensory pathway driven dedifferentiation processes vital for tissue regeneration (see Yui et al., 2018, Cell Stem Cell; Schweiger et al., 2022, Gastroenterology).

Application Deadline: March 31st, 2023

16. fully funded phd position in non-equilibrium quantum physics.

The project aims to study emergence of complex dynamics in quantum many-body systems from the microscopic laws of quantum physics and will directly tie into various ongoing research directions in non-equilibrium quantum physics including dissipative and light-induced many-body engineering, quantum many-body non-ergodic dynamics (e.g. quantum many-body scars) and quantum information processing. Connection with experiments will be sought when possible. The project is based on unconventional algebraic principles discovered by the PI which are already finding broad applications ranging from operator algebras, through novel passive quantum error correcting algorithms in realistic quantum computing platforms to computing complex dynamics in driven quantum matter experiments.

Application Deadline: March 31, 2023

10 best paraphrasing software of 2022, 17. fully funded phd position in experimental gut physiology .

The position is available in the Experimental Gut Physiology Group at the Department of Biomedical Sciences (BMI) headed by assistant professor/specialist registrar Simon Veedfald, who will be your supervisor in collaboration with professors Jens Juul Holst (Department of Biomedical Sciences) and Sten Madsbad (Department of Endocrinology, Hvidovre Hospital). The stated goal of the Department of Biomedical Sciences is to pursue basic biomedical research with an emphasis on clinical translation. We are working towards a better understanding of the physiology of the gut and towards identifying new drug candidates to improve the treatment of intestinal and extra intestinal disease.

Application Deadline: March 31 2023

18. fully funded phd position in cognitive psychology and neuroscience.

The PhD fellow will work on the project “Causal Modelling in Cognitive Motor Control” funded by The Carlsberg Foundation. In the project we will investigate the neural mechanism that links formation of hierarchical goals of simple motoric actions of the body and performance of these goal directed movements. The primary experimental methods that will be employed by the PhD fellow is transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in combination with behavioural measures of action and movements. These measures will be combined with mathematical modelling of goal formation and action performance using Active Inference Models. The PhD fellow will work in parallel with a Post doc that also will be employed in the CoInAct group.

Application Deadline: 27 March 2023

19. fully funded phd position in suspect- and non-target screening of stormwater.

The PhD revolves around the development and implementation of novel screening methods using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to detect, identify and quantify unknown environmental pollutants. You will become part of the EU-funded project D4RUNOFF which aims at providing chemical characterization of urban runoff and assessing the efficiency of nature-based solutions in degrading stormwater pollutants. Within this framework, your work will focus on the development of hyphenated methodologies that combine ICP-MS with chromatographic separation and parallel detection techniques such as ESI-MS that allow for simultaneous elemental and compound analysis.

Application Deadline: 26 March 2023

20. fully funded phd position in quantum photonics.

The goal of the project is to develop a platform for photonic quantum information processing based on nano-opto-electro-mechanical systems (NOEMS) [1]. NBI has developed state-of-the-art deterministic single-photon sources [2] using semiconductor quantum dots integrated in photonic nanostructures. To fully harness the potential of integrated photonic quantum technologies, it is necessary to scale it up, i.e. to perform operations on many photonic quantum bits (or ‘qubits’) simultaneously to generate and manipulate entangled photons.

Application Deadline: 26-03-2023

10 best presentation software 2022, 21. up to 8 fully funded marie s. curie phd positions at the biotech research and innovation centre (bric).

DISCOVER offers young researchers a unique opportunity to join an international and interdisciplinary PhD program within biomedicine. DISCOVER offers research training in an international and modern research environment at the university (main research supervision) and formalized collaboration with one of the neighbouring hospitals (clinical co-supervision). The training programme seek to empower all students to fully exploit the potential of their talent. The aim is to nurture scientific creativity and translational abilities, and to provide the groundwork for a career track in academia, the hospital sector or industry. The programme further seeks to empower a new generation of responsible researchers with focus on reducing the environmental footprints of research.

Application Deadline: March 25th 2023

22. fully funded phd position in computer science.

The PhD project will focus on modelling stochastic evolution of shapes along phylogenetic trees. This includes identifying stochastic shape processes that extend the classical Brownian motion model of character evolution to infinite dimensional shape spaces; modelling of biologically realistic transitions between shapes; and construction of numerical schemes, for example using modern neural network techniques (score approximation for diffusion processes). The project will thereby span differential geometry, stochastic analysis, machine learning, numerical computations, and statistics: We will create tools that give new biological insight, but in order to reach this we will use an extremely exiting mix of advanced mathematics, statistics, and machine learning at the very forefront of the state-or-the-art.

Application Deadline: 22-03-2023

23. fully funded phd position in cellular composition of the skin.

Research at the Department of Immunology and Microbiology ranges from basic to applied research with immunology being one of the main areas. As part of the Department of Immunology and Microbiology, LEO Foundation Skin Immunology Research Centre (SIC) focuses on skin immunology and dermatological research projects, combining translational and clinical research. The T Cell Biology and Skin Inflammation Research Group is led by Professor Carsten Geisler and Professor Charlotte Menne Bonefeld.

Application Deadline: 20-03-2023

24. fully funded phd position in sleep dynamics.

Sleep is essential for cognitive performance, and it is well established that impaired sleep reduces cognition. Sleep is not a homogeneous brain state but composed of several micro-structures regulated by many regions within the brain. In recent years, short arousals have been recognized as an integral part of normal sleep adding to the complexity of sleep. We are interested in determining the impact of these frequent sleep-arousal transitions on shaping restorative sleep processes related to both memory consolidation and waste clearance. Aging is characterized by sleep disturbances, which could contribute to age-related cognitive decline.

Application Deadline: March 20th, 2023

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Study Destination

PhD in Denmark Guide: PhD in Denmark Universities, Eligibility, Requirements, Costs, Scholarships & Scope


Denmark is not just known for its Danish Hygge, Lego, Bicycles, and cookies, but also for its outstanding education, a Danish PhD is as distinctive! PhD programs in Denmark are famous for being highly industry-driven, and insightful in terms of external training and exposures. More so, a PhD in Denmark is free of cost for EEA, EU and students from Switzerland, and quotes quite an affordable rate for other international students. Want to know more? Keep reading as we will tell you all about PhD in Denmark for international students, and all things related!

Why Study PhD in Denmark?

Let us now present you with some wholesome reasons to study PhD programs in Denmark:

  • Affordable education: PhD programs in Denmark are known for being highly inexpensive. Students from EU, EAA, and Switzerland even get a full tuition waiver at all universities and colleges. For international students the tuition fee lies in the range of 10,000 DKK to 25,000 DKK per annum.
  • Outstanding education and living standard: Denmark as a study abroad destination is famous for providing not just exemplary quality education, but also an equally good standard of living.
  • Excellent infrastructure: Universities in Denmark for PhD will offer you an outstanding infrastructure and research environment, along with industrial exposures worth every penny!
  • Outstanding employment opportunities: Denmark extends full support for international students in terms of post graduation employment opportunities, Denmark, as a study abroad destination will definitely make it easy for you to stay back after you complete your PhD!

A Complete Overview of PhD in Denmark

In order to study PhD in Denmark, you should know that its curriculum includes specific taught courses along with independent research. You will be allotted a supervisor, and you'll also have to complete a research project and submit a thesis to complete the program.

To make you understand how PhD programs in Denmark looks like, let us tabulate some key aspects for you below:


3 years

Number of Universities




Average Tuition Fee for International Students

300,000 DKK to 400,000 DKK (Total)

Top Universities & Colleges

Popular Programs Offered

Suggested: SOP for Denmark Universities

Best Universities to Pursue PhD in Denmark

Let us now move forward to know about some prominent universities in Denmark for PhD:

3-5 years

14,800 DKK/ year

3 years

50,000 DKK/ year

3 years

Not available


Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

3 years

Fully funded 

3 years

Fully funded

Suggested: Find 10 best public universities in Denmark!

Eligibility and Admission Requirements to Study MBA in Denmark

Let us now check out the requirements and eligibility criteria to study the PhD in Denmark for international students:

  • Bachelor's degree
  • Language proficiency test scores
  • Research proposal and written samples

Given below are the PhD Denmark requirements:

1. A bachelor’s degree

A bachelor’s degree is one of the basic requirements to start the application procedure to PhD in Denmark for international students. You will also be required to submit your high school and bachelor’s degree academic transcripts.

2. Language proficiency test scores

It is essential for you, as international students, to have an English proficiency proof in terms of IELTS , PTE , TOEFL or other tests. The minimum IELTS requirement to study at some of the best universities in Denmark for PhD is a score of 6.5 or above, depending on the university/ program you choose. A majority of universities in Denmark offer courses in Danish, and therefore you may also be required to submit Danish proficiency tests.

3. Research Proposal and Written Samples

Submitting a research proposal is one of the most prominent PhD Denmark requirements. Your research proposal will help you get hold of an acceptance letter to your chosen PhD degree program. Also, some universities may also ask for your written samples, and publications (if available), in addition to the research proposal.

Some universities in Denmark for PhD may also ask you for work experiences, LORs, Resume/ CV and interviews as additional requirements. Make sure you check the university’s official website for all the requirements.

Application Process to Study PhD in Denmark

The application process for applying to a PhD in Denmark for Indian students has been discussed briefly below:

  • Choose your course, department and a university to study PhD in Denmark.
  • Choose a supervisor in your particular department, come up with a research proposal in discussion with your supervisor.
  • Submit the application form along with the application fee, and the research proposal.
  • Submit all the required documents including transcripts, along with additional requirements like SOP , Resume, LORs, and proof of work experience, as asked by the particular university.
  • You may also be asked for an interview process.
  • Apply for a scholarship or financial aid, if available at the university.
  • Wait for the admission decision.

Cost of Studying PhD in Denmark

While most Danish universities offer a fully funded PhD, i.e. a PhD with full scholarship, there are also universities which ask for tuition fees from international students. Typically, a PhD in Denmark costs around 50,000 DKK per annum.

Students should also budget for the living expenses in Denmark of about 5,000 DKK to 8,000 DKK per month in addition to the Denmark MBA fees. This estimate is based on a single person's basic needs, which include lodging, groceries, clothing, public transit, and other miscellaneous expenses, wherein the major chunk sticks with 4,000 DKK being the monthly rent for accommodation.

Scholarships to Study PhD in Denmark

Numerous scholarships are available to pursue the PhD in Denmark for Indian students, including a lot of university-specific, privately funded and government funded scholarships. Most universities also offer a fully funded PhD to students.

Given below are some scholarships to aid the PhD in Denmark for international students: 

PhD Scholarships funded by Aarhus BSS Graduate School

Students applying for a full time PhD at Aarhus University

Full tuition fees along with overhead costs

Danish government scholarships for highly qualified non EU/ EEA students

Students showing exemplary academic performance

Full or partial fees

PhD Scholarships in Economics, Copenhagen Business School

Students applying to PhD in Economics

Full tuition fees with other costs

Suggested: Best scholarships to study in Denmark!

If you are willing to study for a PhD in Denmark, you can easily get an admission at top PhD universities, provided you submit a powerful research proposal. Also, most universities in Denmark can lead you to an entirely funded PhD, meaning you can start your PhD studies without worrying about the cost of studying in Denmark .

Frequently Asked Questions about MBA in Denmark

Which are the best universities in Denmark for PhD?

The best universities to pursue PhD in Denmark are:  1. Copenhagen School of Business 2. Aarhus University 3. Denmark Technical University

What are the Denmark PhD fees for international students?

The Denmark PhD fees for international students stands at 50,000 DKK per annum, meaning 150,000 DKK for your complete PhD program.

State a PhD scholarship in Denmark.

A PhD scholarship in Denmark includes a PhD in Economics scholarship, at Copenhagen Business School.

What are some of the most popular PhD programs in Denmark?

Some of the most popular PhD programs in Denmark are: 1. PhD in Economics 2. PhD in Biomedical Sciences 3. PhD in Innovation and Strategy

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44+ PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for international students in Denmark

Full list of PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for International students in Denmark- eligibility criteria, deadlines, application form, selection process & more!

[Updated 3 days ago] PhD Scholarships for International students in Denmark are below:

  • Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 |
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 |
  • Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024 |
  • Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 |
  • John Monash Scholarships 2024 |
  • Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 |
  • Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024 |
  • Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024 |
  • CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025 |
  • AP Ambedkar Overseas Vidya Nidhi Scholarships for SC students 2024 |
  • more scholarships below
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John Monash foundation Scholarship programs

John Monash Scholarships 2024

Marc Sanders Foundation Scholarship programs

Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024

Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy Scholarship programs

Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024

Wenner-Gren Foundation Scholarship programs

Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) Scholarship programs

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024

FinancialCAD Corporation Scholarship programs

Women in Finance Scholarship 2024

Momeni Foundation Scholarship programs

Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024

Social Welfare Department (AP) Scholarship programs

AP Ambedkar Overseas Vidya Nidhi Scholarships for SC students 2024

The Center for Cyber Safety and Education Scholarship programs

Center for Cyber Safety and Education Certification Scholarship 2024

Croucher Foundation Scholarship programs

Croucher Scholarships for Doctoral Study 2024

Facebook Scholarship programs

Facebook Emerging Scholar Program 2023

Dr. Eduard Gubelin Association for Research & Identification of Precious Stones Scholarship programs

Dr. Eduard Gubelin Research Scholarship 2024

Australian government Scholarship programs

Roberta Sykes Scholarships 2024

The Leakey Foundation Scholarship programs

Leakey Foundation Research Grants 2024

Zonta International Scholarship programs

Amelia Earhart Fellowship for Women at Zonta International 2024

TATA trusts Scholarship programs

JN Tata Endowment Loan Scholarship 2024

University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) Scholarship programs

UACES Scholarships 2024

Our scholarship team will help you with any questions.

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Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Momeni Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to applicants of Iranian descent

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in All subjects offered by the university . 30 Jun is the deadline to send applications for Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024. Any institution across the world. You may apply on Momeni Iranian Financial Assistance Scholarships, 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Momeni Foundation

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to Germany nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Biomedicine. Deadline varies is the deadline to send applications for Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024. Renowned research laboratories all over the World except their home institution and city.. You may apply on Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD Fellowships 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF)

Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the UniCredit Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to nationals of all countries where UniCredit is present

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Economics, Banking or Finance. 15 Nov is the deadline to send applications for Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024. Anywhere across the globe . You may apply on Crivelli Europe Scholarships by UniCredit Foundation 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by UniCredit Foundation

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Biomedical research. 01 Oct is the deadline to send applications for Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024. Any Internationally leading laboratory. You may apply on Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) PhD Fellowships 2024 application form .

John Monash Scholarships 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the John Monash foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to Australian nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in All subjects offered by the universities. 01 Jul is the deadline to send applications for John Monash Scholarships 2024. Universities around the world. You may apply on John Monash Scholarships 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by John Monash foundation

Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Anthropology. 01 Nov is the deadline to send applications for Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024. Any research institution around the World. You may apply on Dissertation Fieldwork Grants 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Wenner-Gren Foundation

Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Marc Sanders Foundation for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationalities

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in History of Early Modern Philosophy. 01 Oct is the deadline to send applications for Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024. Any institutions across the world. You may apply on Sanders Prize in the History of Early Modern Philosophy 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Marc Sanders Foundation

Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationals

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Social Policy. 01 Dec is the deadline to send applications for Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024. Institutions/Universities across the World. You may apply on Horowitz Foundation Grants 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy

CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025 is a Partial Funding international scholarship offered by the The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to all nationalities

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in Physics and Mathematics. Deadline varies is the deadline to send applications for CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025. Any overseas or interstate institution, such as a university or research establishment of international standing... You may apply on CSIRO Alumni Scholarship In Physics 2025 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)

AP Ambedkar Overseas Vidya Nidhi Scholarships for SC students 2024 is a Full Funding international scholarship offered by the Social Welfare Department (AP) for international students. Students eligible for this scholarship are: Open to students from Andhra Pradesh

This scholarship can be taken for pursuing in All courses offered by the universities. Deadline varies is the deadline to send applications for AP Ambedkar Overseas Vidya Nidhi Scholarships for SC students 2024. Universities in the USA, Canada, UK, Singapore, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Denmark, Russia, China, Philippines and Kazakhstan. You may apply on AP Ambedkar Overseas Vidya Nidhi Scholarships for SC students 2024 application form .

Check out other international Fellowships and Grants and Scholarships offered by Social Welfare Department (AP)

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Country Based Scholarships

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Interest Based Scholarships

  • Sports scholarships for PhD students
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Natinality Based Scholarships

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  • Malaysian scholarships for PhD students
  • Vietnamese scholarships for PhD students
  • Iranian scholarships for PhD students

Degree Based Scholarships

  • High/Secondary School Scholarships in Denmark
  • Bachelors Scholarships in Denmark
  • Masters Scholarships in Denmark
  • PhD Scholarships in Denmark
  • Post Doc Scholarships in Denmark
  • Diploma Scholarships in Denmark
  • Training & Short courses Scholarships in Denmark
  • Conferences & Travel Grants Scholarships in Denmark
  • Research Fellow/ Scientist Scholarships in Denmark
  • MBA Scholarships in Denmark
  • Other Scholarships in Denmark
  • Medicine (MBBS/ MD) Scholarships in Denmark
  • Sports degree Scholarships in Denmark
  • Nursing degree Scholarships in Denmark
  • Civil Engineering degree Scholarships in Denmark
  • Mechanical Engineering degree Scholarships in Denmark
  • Film degree Scholarships in Denmark
  • Pharmacy degree Scholarships in Denmark
  • Medicine degree Scholarships in Denmark
  • Law degree Scholarships in Denmark
  • History degree Scholarships in Denmark
  • Computer science degree Scholarships in Denmark

Nationality Based Scholarships

  • Scholarships for indian students in Denmark
  • Scholarships for american students in Denmark
  • Scholarships for canadian students in Denmark
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  • Scholarships for british students in Denmark
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Funding for research-based graduate programs

A student works at a microscope and makes notes

What is a research-based program?

Research-based programs include PhD programs and master’s programs that have the study option of a thesis or a master’s research paper. You can find this information listed on each program page .

In these programs, both domestic and international students are eligible for minimum funding.

Minimum funding is the guaranteed minimum level of funding you will receive for your studies from the University, provided you are within your program time limits and in good academic standing.  

Jump to: Minimum funding | Scholarships and awards | International students

Research-based master’s students

Full-time research-based master’s students (both domestic and international) often receive minimum funding of $12,000 for one year. This applies to students in good academic standing in the first year of a non-co-op or coursework MA, MFA, MES, MASc, MMATH, or MSc program. 

PhD students

Full-time doctoral students (both domestic and international) receive minimum funding of $27,130 per year (effective May 1, 2024, to April 30. 2025) for up to four years.  

We review our minimum funding amounts for PhD students annually, and increases apply to both new (incoming) and current eligible doctoral students. 

Did you know?

Many of our departments and schools offer minimum funding that exceeds the University’s minimum funding amounts. Check in with your Faculty/department/school for more information. 

Minimum funding

What makes up minimum funding.

Minimum funding can come from multiple sources including scholarships and awards, and graduate student employment like Teaching and Research Assistantships (TAs and RAs). Depending on the source(s) of your funding, it can be paid to you in different ways.   

Awards and scholarships from Waterloo are applied directly to your Quest account on a termly basis. This money is then applied directly to your tuition and fees, and then any credit remaining is released to you as a refund.

Funding provided through Graduate Teaching Assistantships (TA) and Graduate Research Assistantships (RA) is considered employment income, which means that you’ll be paid that funding monthly by direct deposit to your bank account. Learn more about TAs and RAs.

Scholarships and awards

Most internal awards from the University of Waterloo don’t require an application and you’ll automatically be considered based on specific award and selection criteria. Learn more about awards from Waterloo .

Other awards and scholarships are provided by institutions external to the University of Waterloo, like the federal and provincial governments and research councils. Learn more external awards and how to apply .

Outstanding graduate students who hold certain major federally and provincially funded competition-based scholarships are also provided with the President's Graduate Scholarship (PGS) , valued at up to $10,000.

Browse the awards database for a listing of all the scholarships and awards available.

International students

International students in full-time research-based master’s programs may be awarded an International Master’s Award of Excellence (IMAE) by their Faculty on top of any minimum funding received.

International students in a full-time PhD program will be awarded an International Doctoral Student Award (IDSA) , which is approximately the difference between full-time domestic PhD tuition and full-time international PhD tuition.  

Explore additional funding opportunities for international students .

As an international student, you may be eligible for funding through one of the University of Waterloo’s international agreements and sponsorships, which are formal agreements that are preset with governments and institutions abroad. If you are applying for graduate studies under one of these formal agreements, please review Waterloo’s sponsorship requirements which are an important part of your application process. Please note that international agreements and sponsorships may replace the minimum funding and IDSA.

Self-funded full-time doctoral studies

Pursuing self-funded, full-time doctoral studies is available only on an exceptional basis, and must be approved by the academic unit and faculty of intended doctoral studies.

The following conditions will apply:

  • Evidence of sufficient external sponsorship and/or personal funds to cover all  study and living costs  for the duration of your program. Note: This could include providing official documentation such as a sponsorship letter from an institution or a person providing you with funding, or personal bank statements from the past six months.
  • Signed declaration stating that you will be responsible for all  study and living costs  for the duration of your program, and acknowledgement that you will not be eligible to receive funding from your department or Faculty. 

Waterloo may re-evaluate your offer of admission and/or continuation in your doctoral program, should there be any change in your self-funding situation.

If you have any questions, please contact our   Associate Director, Graduate Admissions .


  1. Applying for PhD funding in Denmark

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  2. 31 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

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  3. PhD and Research Opportunties in Denmark Part-3, Study in Denmark

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  4. DDE Academy International PhD Scholarships in Denmark

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  5. University of Copenhagen PhD Scholarships 2023 Denmark

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  6. Fully-Funded PhD Positions at University of Copenhagen Denmark

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  1. PhD programmes

    In Denmark you must apply for PhD programmes in writing via advertised projects and scholarships. Usually, you either apply for an opportunity with a pre-defined research topic, or you propose your own research ideas. You also have to include a transcript of your grades for your bachelor's and master's degrees with documentation of your ...

  2. Funding your PhD

    Funding your PhD. To apply for enrolment as a PhD you must have funding to cover your project-related expenses such as the tuition fee, courses, salary, equipment, conferences, books, travel expenses etc. ... PhD courses at other Danish universities and to some extent courses from other providers in Denmark or abroad; Expenses regarding stays ...

  3. Funding opportunities

    The Novo Nordisk Foundation awards PhD scholarships within nursing research and art history for PhDs enrolled at a Danish University. Novo Nordisk Foundation ... This award is given to outstanding younger scientists to come to Denmark and expand their groundbreaking research programmes. It provides funding to enable independent early- to mid ...

  4. Financing and types of PhD scholarships

    PhD scholarships funded by external funding bodies and funding instruments. A few private and public foundations in Denmark have a funding instrument for PhD students. For example, the Independent Research Fund Denmark funds PhD students who are employed by public research institutions outside the university. The funding covers the enrolment at ...

  5. PhD program

    A PhD in mathematics will make you qualified for a wide range of career possibilities including continuing an academic career or going into the private or the public sector. PhD students who hold a stipend from the University of Copenhagen will receive funding as follows: Students enrolled in the 3-year program will receive a salary throughout ...

  6. PhD Study in Denmark

    Historic universities, low fees and a culture of innovation and exploration make Denmark an exciting choice for PhD study. Our guide explains the Danish university system and provides information on applications, visas, funding and everything else you'll need to know as an international student.

  7. PhD Programmes

    Information about the opportunities for PhD education at the University of Copenhagen and contact the University's six PhD schools. ... Answers about funding, admission, supervision, courses and completing a PhD programme. Tips for studying abroad.

  8. Funding opportunities

    Sources of external funding for PhD scholarships can e.g. include the Capital Region of Denmark, the Danish National Research Foundation, the European Commission, Danida, private foundations, the Danish Research Councils and governmental research institutions. You can also find an overview of different funding opportunities at KUnet.

  9. 22 PhD programmes in Denmark

    3 years. Aarhus University Aarhus, Denmark. Ranked top 1%. View Programme Information. Add to compare. Previous. 1 of 2. Find the best PhD programmes from top universities in Denmark. Check all 22 programmes.

  10. PhD programmes at the University of Southern Denmark

    You will also acquire teaching and knowledge dissemination skills and establish a broad academic basis by attending specialised PhD courses. As a PhD student at the University of Southern Denmark, you will get: A PhD programme at the highest international level. Broad contact interface with national and international research environments.

  11. Types of PhD fellowships and scholarships

    A 4-year PhD scholarship consists of two parts: part A (the first two years) and part B (the final two years). The recipient receives a monthly stipend as a scholar during part A. When he or she transitions to part B, the recipient is employed as a PhD fellow and receives a monthly salary. On the transition from part A to part B, the recipient ...

  12. Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme

    The Copenhagen Bioscience PhD programme recruits up to 16 motivated international students annually to launch their careers in the vibrant scientific environment of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Research Centers in Copenhagen. For enrolment in September 2022, applications will be open from November 1, 2021. The application deadline is January 17 2022 at 14:00 AM CET. […]

  13. PhD grants from the Danish Council for Independent Research

    Phone: 7231 7800. Email: [email protected]. Declaration of Accessibility (Danish) Whistleblowerordning (Danish) Personal data. Cookies. Regeringen.dk. The Danish Council for Independent Research awards 8 PhD grants for a total sum of DKK 20.5 million to young research talents affiliated with other institutions than the universities.

  14. Scholarships

    The Erasmus Mundus programme is open to both EU/EEA and non-EU/EAA students. Through the Erasmus Mundus scheme you can apply for a scholarship to study specific Master's degree programmes. The courses are offered jointly by a Danish institution and another European university or college. Students and scholars must contact the individual Erasmus ...

  15. PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Denmark

    FindAPhD. Search Funded PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Denmark. Search for PhD funding, scholarships & studentships in the UK, Europe and around the world.

  16. PhD Programme

    The PhD programme is part of the Copenhagen Graduate School in Social Sciences. The PhD programme consists of a course-work part and a research part, a research project on a specific topic. During the first part of the programme, the student attends advanced courses. The study is completed by the thesis, which is an independent piece of work ...

  17. Get a PhD education at DTU

    PhD education at DTU. At DTU you can get a research education equal to the world's very best in fields such as mathematics, physics, informatics, chemistry, biotechnology, chemical and biochemical engineering, electrical engineering, communications technology, space science, mechanical engineering, nanotechnology, energy, civil engineering, transport, environmental engineering, food science ...

  18. 24 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    University of Copenhagen, Denmark invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas. Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs ...

  19. 6 Phd Scholarships in Denmark

    The Danish Government Scholarships for non-EU students is a master's degree scholarship in specific programs at certain Danish higher education institutions. The annually-offered scholarships could comprise partial or full tuition fee waivers and/or living costs grants. Another available scholarship in Denmark is the IT University of ...

  20. Guide for applicants 2024

    Guide for applicants 2024. Funds have been allocated in the Danish Finance Act for 2024 for a number of three-year PhD fellowships with commencement on 1 January 2025. The PhD Council calls for proposals for PhD fellowships within educational research with a focus on the Danish primary and lower secondary school (folkeskolen).

  21. PhD in Denmark Guide: PhD in Denmark Universities, Eligibility ...

    Scholarships to Study PhD in Denmark. Numerous scholarships are available to pursue the PhD in Denmark for Indian students, including a lot of university-specific, privately funded and government funded scholarships. Most universities also offer a fully funded PhD to students. Given below are some scholarships to aid the PhD in Denmark for ...

  22. List of BS MS PhD Scholarships in Denmark for 2024-25 (Check It)

    1) Denmark Government Scholarships. The Denmark Government Scholarship is offered by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science. 8 universities offer Danish Govt scholarships to international students pursuing full-time degree programs. Those 8 Universities are: Roskilde University (RUC) Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

  23. 44+ PhD Scholarships in Denmark 2024-25 [Updated]

    44+ PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for international students in Denmark. Full list of PhD Scholarships, Fellowships and grants for International students in Denmark- eligibility criteria, deadlines, application form, selection process & more!

  24. Funding for research-based graduate programs

    International students in full-time research-based master's programs may be awarded an International Master's Award of Excellence (IMAE) by their Faculty on top of any minimum funding received.. International students in a full-time PhD program will be awarded an International Doctoral Student Award (IDSA) , which is approximately the difference between full-time domestic PhD tuition and ...