PhD Public Health Sciences

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The Department of Public Health Sciences has broadened its PhD program to include all areas of research expertise represented in our faculty including, but not limited to, epidemiology, biostatistics, qualitative, mixed- and community-based methods, the use of health and public-health services, program evaluation, clinical epidemiology, health equity, global health, indigenous health, and health economics.

Our programs place an emphasis on close faculty-student relations and a philosophy that puts the student first. Through coursework, thesis opportunities, and involvement in the academic life of our department, our students graduate with an in-depth understanding of public health research. Our graduates are able to function as independent investigators in academic, health-research institutes and health-research government agencies, or as emerging public-health leaders in government or the private sector.

In the coming year, our PhD program in the Department of Public Health Sciences at Queen’s University has a number of exciting opportunities for qualified applicants. The following members of our department have each expressed an interest in supervising a new PhD student:  

Dr. Susan Bartels is a Clinician-Scientist in the Department of Emergency Medicine with a cross appointment to Public Health Sciences. Her research focuses on the health and well-being of women and children affected by humanitarian crises around the globe. Dr. Bartels is interested in the social determinants of health and uses innovative research methods to provide evidence intended to inform policy and programming that will improve health outcomes and mitigate the risks of natural disasters, armed conflict and forced displacement.  

Dr. Susan Brogly is an epidemiologist with research interests in the area of perinatal epidemiology, surgical outcomes, and advanced epidemiologic methods. Dr. Brogly used both population-based administrative health care data (ICES, Medicaid) and primary data collection in her studies.  

Dr. Steven Brooks is a Clinician-Scientist and Emergency Physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine who conducts research in the areas of cardiac arrest and resuscitation. Dr. Brooks may have availability for a PhD student willing to work with the Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department Rapid Response Network. This is a developing registry funded by CIHR and the Ontario government, tracking patients with suspected and confirmed COVID-19 who attend one of 50 EDs in the country.

Dr. Bingshu Chen is a biostatistician with an interest in survival analysis and generalized linear models. He has developed biomarker threshold models to predict treatment benefit in cancer clinical trials. His other research interests include analysis of health economic data, statistics computing and missing data problems.  

Dr. Anne Duffy is a Clinician-Scientist. She has longitudinal data spanning two decades in high-risk offspring of bipolar parents and has up to two years of psychosocial, clinical and familial data from a representative cohort of undergraduate university students to understand mental health and academic outcomes. These databases provide several opportunities that would make for an interesting thesis including using joint modelling, multi-state and survival analysis. Further information on Dr. Duffy’s research can be found at: .

Dr. Jennifer Flemming is a Clinician-Scientist who studies the link between cirrhosis and biliary tract cancer and the burden of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis in Ontario. She uses large population-based databases housed at ICES. Her goal is to improve management strategies for Canadians with liver disease.

Dr. Ana Johnson is a health economist who conducts economic evaluations of health care programs, cost-effectiveness analyses, assessments of resource allocations and use of health technologies.

Dr. Will King is a molecular epidemiologist whose research program seeks to identify modifiable risk factors for cancer. Dr. King studies intermediate markers of cancer risk and genetic susceptibility to better understand environment-cancer relationships.

Dr. Diane Lougheed is a Clinician-Scientist with a research interest in asthma and the development of better information technologies to improve the care of patients with asthma. Dr. Lougheed conducts health services and outcomes research and guideline implementation research in asthma and often uses the ICES data holdings to conduct her work.

Dr. Zihang Lu is a Biostatistician. His research focuses on developing and applying statistical and machine learning methods to answer clinical and epidemiological research questions. His current research interests are in longitudinal data, survival data and high-dimensional data modeling. He is also interested in Bayesian statistics, causal inference and data fusion.

Dr. Maria Ospina is an associate professor with the Department of Public Health Sciences at Queen’s University, and a clinical epidemiologist, and population-health researcher in the areas of perinatal and early childhood health. Her research program (DMETRE) uses a life-course approach and a variety of epidemiological methods (observational studies, systematic reviews, GIS analysis, mixed-methods designs), to assess the developmental origins of health inequalities, and how critical periods of human development such as pregnancy and the first 1,000 days of life influence future health.

Dr. Paul Peng is a is a biostatistician with research interests in survival analysis with a focus on cure models, longitudinal and panel data modeling, statistical computation methods for big data, biostatistical methods for epidemiological and clinical trial research.

Dr. William Pickett is in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences at Brock University and is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences at Queen’s University, and an Adjunct Professor in the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. He is a trained epidemiologist whose research interests include: injury and violence prevention; injury and illness in rural and farm populations; and health and its social determinants in adolescent populations, with a primary focus on pediatric violence and injury. Using public health surveillance, analytical and experimental epidemiology, and mixed methods approaches, this work has provided critical insight for policy/health promotion initiatives in Canada, the US and Europe.

Dr. Amrita Roy is a family physician and MD-PhD clinician-scientist in the Departments of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences at Queen’s. A settler ally with a research focus in Indigenous health, Dr. Roy works in close collaboration with Indigenous peoples in community-engaged research centred on the principles of Ownership, Control, Access, and Possession (OCAP). Apart from Indigenous health, Dr. Roy’s other areas of research interest include immigrant and refugee health, women’s health, youth health, and global health. Methodologically, Dr. Roy has expertise in quantitative, qualitative, mixed- and multiple-methods approaches to health research, in addition to community-based and participatory research approaches.  Fall 2023 PhD opportunity with Dr. Roy:  Opportunity for a PhD student starting fall 2023 in a CIHR-funded Indigenous health research project on sleep and mental health, in partnership with Akwesasne Mohawk Nation .

Dr. Sahar Saeed is an epidemiologist and health-services researcher. Dr. Saeed primarily investigates retention and access to health care among populations including persons living with HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C and chronic liver disease. She uses primary data collection, population-based administrative health-care data and novel surveillance tools (GPS) to answer her research questions. For more information on her research interest, visit her website at Epidemiologist | Sahar Saeed .

Dr. Bradley Stoner is Professor and Head, Department of Public Health Sciences and Professor of Medicine at Queen’s University. An infectious disease physician and medical anthropologist, Dr. Stoner’s research focuses on the epidemiology, clinical care, control and prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STI) including HIV. 

Dr. Wei Tu  is a biostatistician with research interests in data science and its application in health care. His research focuses on translating different sources of high-dimensional data into informed clinical decision-making. The topics he is working on include personalized medicine, data privacy and causal inference.  

Dr. Maria Velez is a Clinician-Scientist with research interests in reproductive and perinatal epidemiology. Her current research program focuses on infertility and pregnancy outcomes, and the reproductive health of young women with cancer. She uses population-based cohort studies including databases housed at ICES.  

Dr. Paul Villeneuve is an environmental and occupational epidemiologist. His research program is focused on quantifying the health effects from exposure to outdoor air pollution, noise, low levels of radiation, as well as the benefits of urban greenness and walkability.  In addition to carrying out spatiotemporal exposure studies in Canada and Grenada (West Indies), he also uses large population-based databases housed in Statistics Canada’s Research Data Centers, and ICES.

If you have a demonstrable interest in the work of one or more of these professors we encourage you to reach out to them to discuss the possibility of supervision.

Our PhD students are guaranteed minimum funding of $21K per year for four years with further income possibilities coming from Teaching Assistantships, Research Assistantships, or Research Fellowships. Many of our students receive national or provincial scholarships.

For further information about our PhD Program, you can contact the Reserach Program Director, Dr. Ian Janssen at [email protected]    or the Graduate Assistant at [email protected] .  Note that all applicants must meet the entry requirements to the program:  

Student Stories

Paul Boonmak's Story

Program Contacts

Affiliated Research Groups

  • Canadian Cancer Trials Group
  • Centre for Health Services and Policy Research 
  • Emergency Medicine & Injury Research Group
  • Cancer Care & Epidemiology, Queen's Cancer Research Institute
  • Queen's - ICES Health Services Research 
  • Centre for Studies in Primary Care
  • Centre for Obesity and Research Education 
  • Practice and Research on Nursing (PRN) Group
  • KFL &A Public Health

phd health canada

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Population and Public Health (PhD)
  • Graduate School
  • Prospective Students
  • Graduate Degree Programs

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The School of Population and Public Health offers a research-oriented PhD program that enables students with a masters degree to advance their knowledge and skills in epidemiological and biostatistical methods. Students will further their research training by applying these methods to independent thesis research under the supervision of a faculty member. Students can pursue thesis research in a wide variety of topics related to the health of populations and the delivery of health services.

For specific program requirements, please refer to the departmental program website

UBC’s School of Population and Public health has a reputation for high-quality research. I believed that learning within this environment would further enable my ambitions to contribute high-quality research.

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Ihoghosa Iyamu

Quick Facts

Program Enquiries

Admission information & requirements, 1) check eligibility, minimum academic requirements.

The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies establishes the minimum admission requirements common to all applicants, usually a minimum overall average in the B+ range (76% at UBC). The graduate program that you are applying to may have additional requirements. Please review the specific requirements for applicants with credentials from institutions in:

  • Canada or the United States
  • International countries other than the United States

Each program may set higher academic minimum requirements. Please review the program website carefully to understand the program requirements. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission as it is a competitive process.

English Language Test

Applicants from a university outside Canada in which English is not the primary language of instruction must provide results of an English language proficiency examination as part of their application. Tests must have been taken within the last 24 months at the time of submission of your application.

Minimum requirements for the two most common English language proficiency tests to apply to this program are listed below:

TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language - internet-based

Overall score requirement : 100

IELTS: International English Language Testing System

Overall score requirement : 7.0

Other Test Scores

Some programs require additional test scores such as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Graduate Management Test (GMAT). The requirements for this program are:

The GRE is required by some applicants. Please check the program website.

2) Meet Deadlines

3) prepare application, transcripts.

All applicants have to submit transcripts from all past post-secondary study. Document submission requirements depend on whether your institution of study is within Canada or outside of Canada.

Letters of Reference

A minimum of three references are required for application to graduate programs at UBC. References should be requested from individuals who are prepared to provide a report on your academic ability and qualifications.

Statement of Interest

Many programs require a statement of interest , sometimes called a "statement of intent", "description of research interests" or something similar.

  • Supervision

Students in research-based programs usually require a faculty member to function as their thesis supervisor. Please follow the instructions provided by each program whether applicants should contact faculty members.

Instructions regarding thesis supervisor contact for Doctor of Philosophy in Population and Public Health (PhD)

Citizenship verification.

Permanent Residents of Canada must provide a clear photocopy of both sides of the Permanent Resident card.

4) Apply Online

All applicants must complete an online application form and pay the application fee to be considered for admission to UBC.

Tuition & Financial Support

FeesCanadian Citizen / Permanent Resident / Refugee / DiplomatInternational
Tuition *
Installments per year33
Tuition $1,838.57$3,230.06
(plus annual increase, usually 2%-5%)
Int. Tuition Award (ITA) per year ( ) $3,200.00 (-)
Other Fees and Costs
(yearly)$1,116.60 (approx.)
Estimate your with our interactive tool in order to start developing a financial plan for your graduate studies.

Financial Support

Applicants to UBC have access to a variety of funding options, including merit-based (i.e. based on your academic performance) and need-based (i.e. based on your financial situation) opportunities.

Program Funding Packages

From September 2024 all full-time students in UBC-Vancouver PhD programs will be provided with a funding package of at least $24,000 for each of the first four years of their PhD. The funding package may consist of any combination of internal or external awards, teaching-related work, research assistantships, and graduate academic assistantships. Please note that many graduate programs provide funding packages that are substantially greater than $24,000 per year. Please check with your prospective graduate program for specific details of the funding provided to its PhD students.

Average Funding

  • 24 students received Teaching Assistantships. Average TA funding based on 24 students was $6,707.
  • 38 students received Research Assistantships. Average RA funding based on 38 students was $18,770.
  • 17 students received Academic Assistantships. Average AA funding based on 17 students was $5,352.
  • 57 students received internal awards. Average internal award funding based on 57 students was $10,782.
  • 22 students received external awards. Average external award funding based on 22 students was $28,705.

Scholarships & awards (merit-based funding)

All applicants are encouraged to review the awards listing to identify potential opportunities to fund their graduate education. The database lists merit-based scholarships and awards and allows for filtering by various criteria, such as domestic vs. international or degree level.

Graduate Research Assistantships (GRA)

Many professors are able to provide Research Assistantships (GRA) from their research grants to support full-time graduate students studying under their supervision. The duties constitute part of the student's graduate degree requirements. A Graduate Research Assistantship is considered a form of fellowship for a period of graduate study and is therefore not covered by a collective agreement. Stipends vary widely, and are dependent on the field of study and the type of research grant from which the assistantship is being funded.

Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTA)

Graduate programs may have Teaching Assistantships available for registered full-time graduate students. Full teaching assistantships involve 12 hours work per week in preparation, lecturing, or laboratory instruction although many graduate programs offer partial TA appointments at less than 12 hours per week. Teaching assistantship rates are set by collective bargaining between the University and the Teaching Assistants' Union .

Graduate Academic Assistantships (GAA)

Academic Assistantships are employment opportunities to perform work that is relevant to the university or to an individual faculty member, but not to support the student’s graduate research and thesis. Wages are considered regular earnings and when paid monthly, include vacation pay.

Financial aid (need-based funding)

Canadian and US applicants may qualify for governmental loans to finance their studies. Please review eligibility and types of loans .

All students may be able to access private sector or bank loans.

Foreign government scholarships

Many foreign governments provide support to their citizens in pursuing education abroad. International applicants should check the various governmental resources in their home country, such as the Department of Education, for available scholarships.

Working while studying

The possibility to pursue work to supplement income may depend on the demands the program has on students. It should be carefully weighed if work leads to prolonged program durations or whether work placements can be meaningfully embedded into a program.

International students enrolled as full-time students with a valid study permit can work on campus for unlimited hours and work off-campus for no more than 20 hours a week.

A good starting point to explore student jobs is the UBC Work Learn program or a Co-Op placement .

Tax credits and RRSP withdrawals

Students with taxable income in Canada may be able to claim federal or provincial tax credits.

Canadian residents with RRSP accounts may be able to use the Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) which allows students to withdraw amounts from their registered retirement savings plan (RRSPs) to finance full-time training or education for themselves or their partner.

Please review Filing taxes in Canada on the student services website for more information.

Cost Estimator

Applicants have access to the cost estimator to develop a financial plan that takes into account various income sources and expenses.

Career Outcomes

60 students graduated between 2005 and 2013: 1 is in a non-salaried situation; for 3 we have no data (based on research conducted between Feb-May 2016). For the remaining 56 graduates:

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Sample Employers in Higher Education

Sample employers outside higher education, sample job titles outside higher education, phd career outcome survey, alumni on success.

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Lianping Ti

Job Title Research Scientist

Employer BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS

Enrolment, Duration & Other Stats

These statistics show data for the Doctor of Philosophy in Population and Public Health (PhD). Data are separated for each degree program combination. You may view data for other degree options in the respective program profile.


New Registrations1213161611
Total Enrolment9191918476

Completion Rates & Times

Upcoming doctoral exams, friday, 13 september 2024 - 12:30pm - 202, school of population and public health, 2206 east mall, wednesday, 25 september 2024 - 9:00am - room 200.

  • Research Supervisors

Advice and insights from UBC Faculty on reaching out to supervisors

These videos contain some general advice from faculty across UBC on finding and reaching out to a supervisor. They are not program specific.

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This list shows faculty members with full supervisory privileges who are affiliated with this program. It is not a comprehensive list of all potential supervisors as faculty from other programs or faculty members without full supervisory privileges can request approvals to supervise graduate students in this program.

  • Amri, Michelle (Global Health Ethics; normative nature of health equity; Health Equity; Public Policy; Governance; Global Health; International health)
  • Anis, Aslam (cost effectiveness of AIDS treatments; drug assessments – pharmacoeconomics; health care economics; health regulations, Health economics, rhematoid arthritis, biologic therapies)
  • Bansback, Nick (inform policies and practices in health through the application of)
  • Bhatti, Parveen
  • Black, Charlyn (Public and population health)
  • Brauer, Michael (Environmental and occupational health and safety; Health sciences; Public and population health; air pollution; built environment; Community Health / Public Health; environmental health; environmental epidemiology; healthy cities; remote sensing)
  • Brussoni, Mariana (Developmental psychology; Psychosocial, sociocultural and behavioral determinants of health; Population health interventions; injury prevention; Children's outdoor play; Risky play; Parenting; health behaviour change; Implementation Science)
  • Bryan, Stirling (Economics of health care, policy, from UK)
  • Cox, Susan (Other medical sciences; Sociology and related studies; Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music), architecture and design)
  • Davies, Hugh William (Environmental and occupational health and safety; Health sciences; Public and population health; Antineoplastic drug hazards; Community Health / Public Health; environmental health; Exposure Assessment; Noise and Health; Occupational Health; Occupational Safety and Health)
  • Deering, Kathleen (Medical, health and life sciences)
  • Dummer, Trevor (health geography, cancer prevention, environmental exposures, health inequalities, geographic information science, obesity, risk factors, Environmental epidemiology and environment and health interactions, with specific emphasis on cancer etiology and cancer prevention)
  • Elango, Rajavel (Protein Nutrition, Maternal-Fetal Nutrition, Childhood Malnutrition, Amino Acid Metabolism, Human Nutrition )
  • Frank, Erica (Health sciences; Public and population health; Other education; Free education; Preventive Medicine; Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Holocaust studies; Exile Reintegration; Democratization; Intervention Research)
  • Gadermann, Anne (Social determinants of health; Housing and homelessness; Quality of)
  • Gilbert, Mark (Public and population health; Development, implementation, evaluation and scale-up of innovative sexual health programs; Gay men’s sexual health, including sexual health literacy; Synergistic and integrated dynamics of infectious diseases, mental illness and other conditions)
  • Greyson, Devon (Health-related information practices of youth, parents, and families; Intersection between information practices and health behavior,; Cannabis use decision making in pregnancy and lactation; Vaccine confidence and decision making about vaccination; Disinformation in social media support communities; Online communication among young parents)
  • Guhn, Martin (Developmental psychology; Psychosocial, sociocultural and behavioral determinants of health; social context and child development/well-being; Population health; social determinants of health)
  • Henderson, Sarah (Environmental and occupational health and safety; wildfire smoke; air pollution; Extreme weather events; environmental health; radon gas; Food safety; Water quality)
  • Janssen, Patricia (Health sciences; Public and population health; Gestation / Parturition; health of marginalized women; Lifestyle Determinants and Health; maternal child health; mobile health for pregnancy and parenting; Perinatal Period; social determinants of health)
  • Joseph, K.S. (Pregnancy complications, preterm birth, fetal growth, infant mortality, neonatal)
  • Kalua, Khumbo (Population health interventions; Infectious diseases; Global health; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Neglected Tropical Eye Diseases; Global Eye Health; Cluster Randomized Trials; Implementation Science; International Global Health; Community Based Research; Clinical trials)
  • Karim, Ehsan (Biostatistical methods; Survey methodology and analysis; Statistical learning; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Public and population health, n.e.c.; Causal inference; Biostatistics; Statistics; Machine Learning; data science; Survey data analysis; multiple sclerosis)
  • Kassam, Rosemin (Medical, health and life sciences; Child Health, Malnutrition, Adult Chronic Disease, Geriatrics)
  • Kazanjian, Arminee (Cancer Survivorship, Knowledge Exchange and, Translation, Psychosocial oncology, Palliative care in cross-cultural context, Vulnerable populations, including women)

Doctoral Citations

Year Citation
2024 Dr. Gill examined how different types of childhood poverty experience affect children's development, health, and school success from kindergarten to high school graduation in British Columbia, and how these relationships differ by the child's immigration background. This work can inform intervention and policy to reduce harms related to poverty.
2024 Should patients with coronary artery disease consider stenting if they must wait for bypass surgery? Dr. Hardiman compared treatment results of delayed surgery and readily available stenting, finding that patients who underwent surgery fared better. His study will inform future treatment decisions and policy in cardiac care.
2024 Dr. Cassidy-Matthews explored how Indigenous People who use drugs in BC experienced the COVID-19 pandemic and examined influences on vaccine uptake and acceptability. She found that a few relational principles underpinned most health decisions and experiences. These included emotional and spiritual connection, environmental stability, and equity.
2024 Dr. Yuchi studied air pollution, green space and dementia risk in Canada. Her work underscores the importance of further improvements to the built environment and air quality to reduce the burden of dementia in settings where air pollution levels are relatively low. Urban planning to incorporate greenery and parks may help to reduce dementia risk
2024 Dr. Nikiforuk studied how the coronavirus which causes COVID-19 infects cells in the upper human respiratory tract to find that people's risk of infection varies. This finding will be useful in controlling coronavirus transmission and designing new treatment strategies.
2024 Dr. Randall explored long-term patient satisfaction with total knee replacement. She found that 12% of participants were dissatisfied, particularly those with ongoing symptoms and unmet expectations. The main concern for patients was how well their new knee supported their daily lives. These findings have both clinical and research implications.
2024 Dr. Musoke evaluated the impact of two interventions to improve access to medicines in Uganda. He found that the benefits of such interventions were maintained over a long duration when implemented nationally. This knowledge will aid in the design of future interventions to improve access to medicines in Uganda and other countries.
2023 Dr. Desai revealed that despite better CF prognosis in recent years, people with CF still face substantial burden from lung impairment and other complications. Rising healthcare costs due to expensive medications pose additional challenges. These findings will help improve their service planning and resource allocation in the future.
2023 Dr. Nisingizwe investigated access to Hepatitis C testing and treatment in Rwanda and internationally. Her dissertation described HCV cascade of care, and patients' barriers to HCV care in Rwanda. Globally, she highlighted countries and regions with high and low access to HCV medicines and the effect of COVID-19 on HCV drug utilization.
2023 Dr. Chen unravelled relationships between diabetes medications and breast, colorectal, and pancreatic cancer risk, suggesting potential risk variations with common diabetes medications. Her study underscores the significance of understanding the long-term health impacts of prescription medications, advocating more research.

Sample Thesis Submissions

  • Developmental profiles of children assessed for autism spectrum disorder at kindergarten and grade 4
  • Promoting equitable access to digital sexually transmitted and blood borne infection testing interventions in British Columbia, Canada
  • Evaluating access to medicines interventions in public and private not for profit health facilities in Uganda
  • Investigating access to hepatitis C testing and treatment in Rwanda and beyond
  • Improving referrals to rheumatologists for patients with inflammatory arthritis
  • The social and economic impacts of cervical cancer on women and children in Uganda
  • Exploring long-term patient satisfaction with total knee arthroplasty : a mixed methods study
  • The Cedar Project : an exploration of Indigenous survivance, connection, and vaccine uptake amid concurrent public health emergencies experienced by urban Indigenous People who use drugs in British Columbia
  • Examining childhood poverty and future developmental and academic outcomes of children in British Columbia : differences by poverty type and immigration background
  • Assessing access to medicines in Canada and beyond before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Air pollution, green space and dementia risk in Canada
  • Involvement of nasopharyngeal angiotensin converting enzyme 2 in severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 infection and transmission
  • Coronary revascularization and timing of treatment : comparative effectiveness of PCI and CABG in British Columbia
  • Muddy molecules for pandemic protection : investigating the use of wetland sediment as a tool for the surveillance of avian influenza virus in wild waterfowl birds
  • Methamphetamine use among people who use opioids : longitudinal patterns and the role of opioid agonist therapy

Related Programs

Same specialization.

  • Master of Global Health (MGH)
  • Master of Public Health (MPH)
  • Master of Public Health and Master of Science in Nursing (MPH/MSN)
  • Master of Science in Population and Public Health (MSc)

Same Academic Unit

  • Master of Health Administration (MHA)
  • Master of Health Science (MHSc)
  • Master of Science in Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (MSc)

Further Information


The School of Population and Public Health (SPPH) offers both research-oriented and professional/course-based graduate programs.

Professional programs

  • The Master of Public Health focuses on illness prevention and health promotion and integrates learning in epidemiology; biostatistics; the social, biological and environmental determinants of health; population health; global health; disease prevention and health systems management with skill-based learning in a practicum setting.
  • The Master of Health Administration is a professional program for clinicians, administrators, researchers and managers who are seeking solutions to today’s complex health delivery issues. Take courses with a multi-disciplinary perspective in health systems, policies and management along with foundational business skills
  • The Master of Science in Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (MSc OEH) program provides the skills and knowledge to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and control chemical, physical and biological hazards in workplace and community environments.

Research-based Programs

  • Master of Health Science (MHSc) applicants must have an MD or equivalent, including dentistry or veterinary medicine, and will learn skills that can be applied to their academic and clinical interests, bolstering their research abilities and opportunities.
  • The Master of Science in Population and Public Health program teaches core knowledge and skills in epidemiological and biostatistical methods and allows students to gain research experience by applying methods to a thesis under the supervision of a faculty member. Students can pursue thesis research in a wide variety of topics related to the health of populations and the delivery of health services.
  • The PhD program at SPPH is intended for students who wish to obtain advanced research training that will enable them to conduct independent investigative research.

UBC Calendar

Program website, faculty overview, academic unit, program identifier, classification, social media channels, supervisor search.

Departments/Programs may update graduate degree program details through the Faculty & Staff portal. To update contact details for application inquiries, please use this form .

Woman wearing black shirt with earrings

Jorden Hendry

My experience with the Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Health solidified my decision to choose UBC for my graduate studies, as it offers a unique environment that values Indigenous perspectives and fosters meaningful research and leadership opportunities.

Women wearing black blazer and shirt with red dots

Hebah Hussaina

I completed both my Bachelor's and Master's degrees at UBC, and throughout those experiences, I became embedded within the community here. It was an easy choice to continue studying at UBC because of the love that I have for my community. Through my research, I want to give back to this community...

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Zeina Waheed

UBC’s School of Population and Public Health provides excellent training in health economics, healthcare systems analysis, data analysis, statistics, epidemiology, and qualitative methods. Studying at UBC also provides me with the opportunity to work with my supervisor, Dr. Stirling Bryan, who is...

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Katherine Hastings

Vancouver is home to one of the leading IYS networks internationally. When I sought out to learn more about IYS and their potential (something that did not exist in the States at the time), it felt like a perfect fit for my interests in youth mental health and health services research. The more...

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Considering UBC for your graduate studies?

Here, you can choose from more than 300 graduate degree program options and 2000+ research supervisors. You can even design your own program.

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Strategic Priorities

  • Strategic Plan 2019-2024
  • Improving Student Funding
  • Promoting Excellence in Graduate Programs
  • Enhancing Graduate Supervision
  • Advancing Indigenous Inclusion
  • Supporting Student Development and Success
  • Reimagining Graduate Education
  • Enriching the Student Experience


  • Public Scholars Initiative
  • 3 Minute Thesis (3MT)
  • PhD Career Outcomes

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  • Faculty and Staff Resources

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Faculty of Health Sciences

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  • Awards and funding
  • Master of Public Health (MPH)
  • Master of Science (MSc)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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  • Spring 2021 Convocation

Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy

Our PhD program immerses students in advanced research in health sciences, and equips them with the skills, expertise, and critical-thinking to succeed in academia and beyond. Our interdisciplinary approach to research encourages cross-functional collaboration on pressing issues, like global health, environmental health and toxicology, maternal and child health, epidemiology and disease prevention, chronic and infectious diseases, population and public health, mental health & addiction, social inequities and health outcomes, adolescent and child development, reproductive health, and health policy.

Study:  Full time

Length:  Minimum of three years

Workload:  Full time

Coursework:  Minimum of 6 units

Cost:  $2107/term x 9 terms = $18,966 minimum total tuition, plus $395/term in ancillary fees. See this breakdown of the  typical costs per term  for graduate domestic and international students, and try the  cost of living calculator . Graduate tuition and mandatory fees are subject to change. 

All PhD students in the Faculty of Health Sciences receive financial support either from scholarships, teaching appointments, or professors' research grants. The minimum PhD stipend is  $28,000 per year for four years.  More information is available in the full policy .

There are a variety of awards for incoming students, and deadlines are usually prior to program entry.  Learn more

All PhD candidates complete a minimum of 6 units of graduate coursework.

Typical PhD course plan

Comprehensive exam

The comprehensive paper can include a critical review of the literature relevant to your research question, discussion of theoretical frameworks, or an in-depth analysis of the specific content area. You will choose your question or topic in collaboration with your supervisory committee.

Thesis proposal

You will prepare a written research proposal that integrates theory, current research and methods in fields related to your research problem. Normally, the proposal reviews the relevant research literature, reflects original work and describes methodology appropriate to the principal research question(s).

A written thesis is the final requirement of the PhD program. Typically, it will include an introduction to your research, research materials and methods, result and analyses, and discussion. You must pass the formal thesis defence to earn your degree.

Ask a student

Do you have questions about becoming a graduate student in the Faculty of Health Sciences?  Email one of our current students  if you'd like more information about student life in our programs.

phd health canada

We acknowledge that the UBC Vancouver campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam).

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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Strengthen your independent research skills with a PhD in Population and Public Health

The spph phd in population and public health is an advanced research degree that prepares graduates to become independent researchers and contribute to the development of health research in canada and around the world. phd students conduct research in a wide variety of topic areas related to population and public health, ranging from epidemiology to global health..

The Doctor of Philosophy program provides students with a strong foundation in population and public health research methods, including the core competencies for independent research. Students develop further knowledge and skills in their research area by completing a dissertation with the guidance of a faculty supervisor. SPPH Faculty are leaders in their fields who can connect students with world-class research and career development opportunities. Graduates of the SPPH PhD program continue their independent research work in a variety of positions, including as professors, government health officials, and leaders of private health organizations.

+ Admission Requirements

+ program details, + tuition and funding, + careers and alumni.

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PhD: HSR Program Details

IHPME’s HSR PhD is designed for researchers interested in extensive training in health services research theory and methodologies. Graduates will feel prepared to take on senior leadership roles in academia, research, policy, and planning in both the public and private sectors.

Entry Term: Fall

Accepting Applications: September 23, 2024

HSR Application Deadline: November 15, 2024

Study Options: Full time, flex-time

Time Commitment: 4-6 years

Supervisor: Although it does not guarantee admission, communicating with potential supervisors is helpful in structuring the letter of intent required for your application . Review Faculty Profiles and Research and Initiatives to find potential supervisors that align with your research interests.

Fees and Funding: Accepted full-time PhD students are eligible to receive a funding package .

Studying with an Emphasis

HSR PhD researchers should select an emphasis that aligns with their professional background and interests. Students must select an emphasis in:

Health Economics

Faculty lead: Boriana Miloucheva & Alex Hoagland

Students will gain an in-depth understanding of fundamental economic principles as they relate to the healthcare sector. This emphasis builds capacity in mathematical and statistical techniques while providing students with practical knowledge on how to effectively communicate research motivations, study designs, findings, and implications to various audiences including academics and decision-makers. Students will feel equipped to critically analyze health policy issues and have a deeper understanding of resource allocation, health services supply, and how healthcare markets work.

Areas of study include: 

  • Health economic theory
  • Health economic evaluation
  • Health econometrics and machine learning

Health Informatics Research

Faculty lead: Nelson Shen & Nur Camellia Zakaria

Students will design, evaluate, and use health informatics capabilities to better manage information and improve healthcare delivery. This highly interdisciplinary emphasis tackles major issues around the design, development, and evaluation of electronic solutions in consumer, community, and acute care settings. Students will be prepared with the necessary research tools, including the use of conceptual frameworks and research methods, to investigate specific areas of interest. 

  • Development and evaluation of digital health innovations
  • Implementation of digital health innovations
  • Health informatics theory

Health Policy

Faculty lead: Fiona Miller

Students will investigate the political, social, and economic conditions that produce and distribute health and illness across populations and jurisdictions, and examine the systems devoted to sustaining public health and to financing, governing, and delivering healthcare and related social services.

  • Comparative health policy and systems
  • Public health policy
  • Healthcare policy
  • Health technology policy

Health Services Organization and Management Studies

Faculty lead: Lianne Jeffs

Students will explore organizational behaviour, organizational theory, strategic management, implementation science, sociology, and industrial-organizational psychology to understand the organization of health services and the impact of management and organizational practices on performance. This highly interdisciplinary field will explore diverse topic areas including how healthcare organizations are managed, leadership, healthcare practitioners, patient safety and quality of care, team functioning, organizational change, inter-organizational relationships and networks, governance, and evidence-based management.

  • Health practitioner outcomes (e.g. burnout, turnover)
  • Motivation and leadership in HSR organizations
  • Strategic decision making
  • Change implementation

Health Services Outcomes and Evaluation

Faculty lead: Kelly Smith & Patricia Trbovich

The Health Services Outcomes and Evaluation emphasis draws upon several academic disciplines including epidemiology, program evaluation, and economics to systematically examine the impacts of health services on the health status of various populations. Students should have demonstrated knowledge of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods, primary data collection and secondary data sources, and the strengths, weaknesses and appropriate application of different research designs and data analysis strategies.

  • Program evaluation
  • Comparative effectiveness, safety, economic and other outcomes of health systems, services & programs 
  • Methods for health services research 

Health Technology Assessment

Faculty lead: David Naimark

Health Technology Assessment (HTA) is an interdisciplinary field that advances and applies theories, concepts and methods in order to inform decision-makers on the introduction, use, and dissemination of health technology. The HTA emphasis encompasses quantitative and qualitative methods to equip students with skills within the main pillars of HTA to be able to critically analyze health policy issues related to health technology. 

  • Evidence synthesis
  • Economic evaluation
  • Social, legal and ethical consequences of emerging technologies

Knowledge Translation

The Knowledge Translation (KT) area of study explores the broad domain of KT and implementation science in healthcare. Students will learn about theories and frameworks that help to inform KT, research approaches, methods and methodological challenges, and current and future KT and implementation science research relevant to the healthcare sector. Students interested in this area of study can add it to any of the HSR emphases (for both MSc and PhD), or the course-based MSc, by taking two of the KT courses.

See the KT courses within the HSR Course Descriptions .

Program Outcomes 

The PhD in HSR provides in-depth and comprehensive training that equips professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills necessary for senior roles in academic or within public and private sectors. HSR has cultivated collaborative research opportunities with prominent industry, government agencies, and non-government agencies. This extensive network provides students with unique research opportunities to publish in leading academic journals.

Finance Your Degree

At IHPME, we offer a variety of financial supports to help you succeed in our graduate programs.

Learn More About this Program

Hsr program co-director.

Emily Seto Email Address: emily.seto@​

Katie N. Dainty Email Address: katie.dainty@​

Co-leads the management of the HSR Program.

Graduate Administrator

Zoe Downie-Ross Phone Number: (416) 946-3486 Email Address: ihpme.grad.admin@​

Coordinates student records, graduate funding, and student-related awards.

Graduate Admissions

Christina Lopez Email Address: ihpme.admissions@​

Manages admissions and responds to all related inquiries.

Graduate Assistant

Nadia Ismail Phone Number: (416) 946-4100 Email Address: ihpme.grad.assist@​

Coordinates various graduate initiatives including defences, student events, and graduation.

HSR Program Assistant

Anita Morehouse Phone Number: 416-946-3922 Email Address:​

Manages the HSR courses including enrolment, grades, and access to Quercus.

Doctor of Philosophy in Health Quality

Click here to learn how to apply!

The PhD in Health Quality (PhDHQ) will prepare experts who will improve the delivery of healthcare through teaching, developing new methodologies and theoretical frameworks, as well as testing innovation in the field of health quality. The PhDHQ program offers a collaborative approach to comprehend and address the complexities within the healthcare system. Graduates of the program will be prepared to take senior leadership roles in health quality portfolios in practice and policy settings across Canada and will also be educated to assume tenure track positions in university programs. While the degree is research intensive, it will also be grounded in pragmatism and will help prepare independent researchers for quality improvement research and developing leadership capabilities in health settings.

The PhDHQ program is a four-year, interdisciplinary program using a combination of synchronous and asynchronous study as well as interactive online videoconferencing. The PhDHQ program consists of five (5) courses in year one, including an internship over the summer months. The internship will be tailored to the learners’ interests and to broadening their perspectives on health quality. In the fall term of year two, students complete the comprehensive exam. In the winter and summer terms of year two (2) students will focus on the development of their thesis proposal and complete HQRS 905 Current Topics in Health Quality. After a successful oral examination of the thesis proposal, students submit their project for ethics review and then proceed to data collection, analysis, and writing. The thesis requires independent, original research and makes up at least two-thirds of the time normally required for the program. Upper year students are expected to visit campus at least once per year; students are required to attend the final thesis examination in person. Nurtured by close mentoring relationships with faculty supervisors, the Queen’s model is to ensure graduate students present and publish their research, and normally complete their program in 4 years.







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Health Services and Policy Research Doctoral Training Programs in Canada

Table 1 is an inventory of university-based health services and policy research (and related) doctoral training programs in Canada. A HSPR doctoral training program is defined as a program that is authorized to award a degree, concentration or specialization in HSPR or a related field, such as health economics, health technology assessment, health services organization and management, health services outcomes and evaluation, etc.). *Related assets are doctoral training programs in related fields, like public policy, epidemiology, and biostatistics that do not indicate a specialization or concentration in HSPR. Table 1 was compiled based on a 2014 analysis of Canada’s assets and resources in HSPR (full report is available upon request), a 2016 search of university websites in all provinces and territories across the country, and validation with key informant experts. It is possible that some programs were missed and that the list is comprehensive but not exhaustive.

School Faculty/Division Program(s)

University of British Columbia

Faculty of Medicine, School of Population and Public Health

concentrations in:

Simon Fraser University

Faculty of Health Sciences

interdisciplinary research areas in:

University of Northern British Columbia

School of Health Sciences

Interdisciplinary (with PhD courses in financing health care, epidemiology)

University of Victoria*

School of Health Information Science*

in Health Informatics*
(Related asset)

University of Alberta

School of Public Health

University of Calgary

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences


University of Regina*

Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy (Joint School between U of S and U of R)*

(Related asset – no areas of HSPR-related specialization noted on website)

University of Saskatchewan*

University of Saskatchewan

College of Medicine, Department of Community Health and Epidemiology

(Related asset – no areas of HSPR-related specialization noted on website)

School of Public Health

(Related asset – no areas of HSPR-related specialization noted on website)

University of Manitoba

Faculty of Health Sciences, Community Health Sciences

with the

University of Toronto

Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation

, with primary concentrations in:

Dalla Lana School of Public Health


McMaster University

Collaboration between: Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, DeGroote School of Business, Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Science.

, with specialization in:

Department of Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics

, with fields of specialization:

Queen’s University

Department of Public Health Sciences

University of Ottawa

Faculty of Medicine, School of Epidemiology, Public Health and Preventive Medicine

, with three broad areas:

Telfer School of Management

PhD in Management, with specialization in:

University of Western

Schulich Medicine & Dentistry

University of Waterloo

School of Public Health and Health Systems

York University

Faculty of Health, School of Health Policy & Management

McGill University

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health

: specialization in:

Université de Montréal

École de santé publique,
Département de gestion, d'évaluation et de politique de santé

, specialization in:


Related asset:
(only in French)
(only in French)



PhD Public Administration*
(Related asset - no areas of HSPR-related specialization noted)*

University of New Brunswick*


(Related asset:


Faculty of Medicine, Department of Community Health & Epidemiology

Faculty of Health Professions

, three main areas of concentration:

Memorial University

Faculty of Medicine, Division of Community Health & Humanities

, specialization in:

*Related asset

University of PEI*

Faculty of Science*

(Related asset:

Work and Health (PhD)

close-up of worker using metal grinder

We are not accepting applications to the Work and Health PhD program at this time.

Investigating workplace health

Every 15 seconds, a worker dies from a work-related accident or disease.* The Faculty of Health offers the first interdisciplinary PhD program in Canada with a focus on Work and Health.

Concerns about workplace health are occurring in the context of rapid change in both the composition of the workforce and the nature of work. All of these developments point toward the need for academics and professionals who are better equipped to face the challenges of work related health in the 21st Century.

*International Labour Organization

Program overview and highlights

  • The Work and Health PhD spans the three units within the Faculty of Health, utilizing an interdisciplinary platform upon which to develop a broad understanding of issues as they relate to safe, healthy work environments and achieving a work-life balance.
  • Provides opportunities for cross departmental collaborations, access to courses and resources including dissertation committee members who can add different perspectives to tackle emerging research problems.
  • Program is offered through the Department of Kinesiology and Health Sciences , Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies and the School of Public Health Sciences

Areas of study | Researchers

Epidemiology of workplace injuries, illness, and disease

Philip Bigelow

Mark Oremus

 Illness prevention

Philip Bigelow

Jack Callaghan

Ellen MacEachen

Monica Maly

Risk management and disease prevention in occupational health

School of Graduate Studies

Health policy, management and evaluation, program overview.

The Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME) is training Canada’s future health leaders and researchers through its outstanding  degree programs:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation concen​trations:

  • Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research
  • Health Professions Education Research
  • Health Services Research
  • Quality Improvement and Patient Safety​
  • System Leadership and Innovation

​Multidisciplinary  collaborative specializations with other University of Toronto graduate departments allow further specialization.

See a complete description of all IHPME programs . Please note the application deadlines.​

Quick Facts

Domestic International
Application deadline MSc, PhD:

Fall 2024 entry




MSc, PhD:

Fall 2024 entry




Minimum admission average MSc:

B+ in final year of bachelor’s


B+ average in Master’s


B+ in final year of bachelor’s


B+ average in Master’s

Direct entry option from bachelor's to PhD? PhD:

Yes (minimum A-minus average in courses in the relevant discipline)

No direct entry option for HPER PhD


Yes (minimum A-minus average in courses in the relevant discipline)

No direct entry option for HPER PhD

Is a supervisor identified before or after admission? MSc, PhD:

MSc (Clin Epi)-After
PhD(Clin Epi)-After
MSc (health serv)-Either
PhD (health serv)-Either

PhD (HPER) – Either

MSc, PhD:

MSc (Clin Epi)-After
PhD(Clin Epi)-After
MSc (health serv)-Either
PhD (health serv)-Either

PhD (HPER) – Either

If a supervisor is identified after admission (as per question above), is admission conditional upon securing a supervisor? MSc, PhD:

MSc (Clin Epi)-No
PhD(Clin Epi)-No
MSc (health serv)-n/a
PhD (health serv)-n/a

PhD (HPER) – yes

MSc, PhD:

MSc (Clin Epi)-No
PhD(Clin Epi)-No
MSc (health serv)-n/a
PhD (health serv)-n/a

PhD (HPER) – yes

Is a supervisor assigned by the graduate unit or secured by the applicant? MSc, PhD:


PhD (HPER) – by applicant

MSc, PhD:


PhD (HPER) – by applicant

Are any standardized tests required/recommended? MSc, PhD:


MSc, PhD:


Majed Karam

“U of T’s reputation extends around the world, which opens doors to its students. ”

Dalla Lana School of Public Health

  • PhD: Social and Behavioural Health Sciences
  • Our Programs
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Degree Overview

The PhD course of study includes a set of common requirements with flexibility to enable the student to pursue a unique learning experience tailored to his/her learning needs and research problem focus.  The program permits students to pursue their area of interest from different levels of understanding and theoretical perspectives.

The program enables students to take advantage of what the university/program faculty has to offer, and assists them in tailoring their studies according to their own experiences, scholarly interests, career direction and aspirations.  This program also participates and encourages participation in a variety of interdisciplinary graduate University of Toronto Collaborative Specializations .

Features of the program:

  • Emphasizes the application of concepts, theories, models and methods concerned with the structures and processes that underlie health and health promotion, illness, premature mortality, injury and disability;
  • Emphasizes research methodology (philosophy and design) and research methods (techniques);
  • Seeks to develop substantive knowledge and critical analytic ability at multiple levels of analysis, from the “micro” individual level to the “macro” societal level;
  • Fosters a reflexive and critical perspective on theory and methodology; and
  • Adopts a model of independent student scholarship.

The requirements of the   PhD Program in Social & Behavioural Health Sciences (SBHS) include:

  • Qualifying exam
  • Thesis proposal defense
  • Thesis defense: A) Departmental defense B) Final oral examination

Admission Requirements

The application deadline for the September 2024 start was on November 24th at 11:59pm EST .   See Application Process  for information about the admission process.  Click  here  to view minimum application requirements for a PhD Program. Click here for information on our  funding package  and for information on the university’s  funding policies . To identify potential supervisors, please visit our  faculty database  which is searchable by research interest. While you are not required to have a confirmed match with a supervisor at the time of your application, it is strongly recommended that you list one or more potential supervisors in your letter of intent to help demonstrate fit with our program. Prospective students are encouraged to contact potential supervisors in advance to determine their capacity to take on new doctoral students.

Additional Admission Requirements for the PhD

  • A match between the student’s research area and potential supervisor’s expertise
  • Background (course, experience) in social sciences and/or health sciences
  • Graduate level quantitative or qualitative methods courses/background

Course Requirements

Coursework (reflects minimum requirements)

Course Requirements (3.0 FCE)

Required Courses:

  • CHL5101H : Social and Behavioural Theory and Health
  • CHL5102H : Social and Political Forces in Health Care
  • To be selected according to the student’s interests and educational needs, in consultation with the supervisor.
  • By the end of their degree, students should aim to have working knowledge of both qualitative and quantitative methods, and to achieve proficiency in one of these approaches.
  • 2 electives

Please note that students can satisfy coursework requirements with courses from across the DLSPH and University of Toronto. We encourage students to seek out such courses.

Qualifying Examination

The purpose of the qualifying exam (QE) is to assess the student’s capacity to understand, apply, and compare theoretical perspectives that are taught in the Social and Behavioural Health Sciences (SBHS) core theory courses (CHL5101H and CHL5102H). Specifically, the QE process will assess the student’s ability to theorize a topic using two different theoretical approaches and to propose theoretically sophisticated research questions that would advance the student’s topic area of interest and may be used for the dissertation. The qualifying examination is written during the months of May and June of the student’s first year.


Thesis Proposal Defense

The thesis proposal defense is a requirement for candidacy and for full-time students, should be completed by April of the second year, or earlier if possible.

The purpose of the proposal defense is to:

  • Ensure that the proposed research will result in a successful PhD dissertation.
  • Strengthen the thesis question, theoretical framework, design, and methods through critical feedback.
  • Assess the student’s ability to conduct independent and original research.
  • Assess the student’s knowledge base relevant to their thesis topic.
  • Provide a formal approval to proceed with the dissertation research.

DETAILED proposal defense GUIDELINES


Successful applicants will have research interests congruent with those of one or more members of faculty. Thus, applicants are strongly encouraged to seek out potential supervisors, and discuss with them the possibility of studying under their supervision, prior to applying to the degree program. Applicants should note that identifying a potential supervisor does not guarantee admission. PhD students must be supervised by a faculty member who has an appointment in the Division of Social and Behavioral Health Sciences (SBHS) and Full Membership in the School of Graduate Studies (SGS).  A co-supervisor generally will be a faculty member with Associate Membership in the SGS. Other faculty in Public Health Sciences outside of SBHS  may be eligible to supervise with the approval of the Program Director.  The Program Director must approve the final selection of the primary supervisor and co-supervisor. The faculty supervisor may be confirmed prior to beginning the program, and should be in place by the end of the first term.  Students are encouraged to explore broadly and have wide-ranging discussions with potential supervisors.

Upon admission to the PhD Program, students and supervisors should review and complete the Graduate Department of Public Health Sciences PhD Student-Supervisor Conversation Checklist .

Students have the right to appropriate assistance and guidance from their supervisors. Supervisors and students are required to meet on a regular basis throughout the program to discuss academic, financial and personal matters related to the student’s progress. Students should assume responsibility for contacting the supervisor, arranging meetings, and setting agenda for committee meetings.

In rare circumstances, it may be necessary for students to change their area of research and/or their supervisor. In these cases, the first step would be for students to discuss the potential change with their supervisor and/or PhD Program Director.

Supervisor Role and Responsibilities

The supervisor is responsible for providing mentorship to the student through all phases of the PhD program. Thus; to the extent possible, the supervisor will guide the selection of courses, dissertation topic, supervisory committee membership, and supervisory committee meetings; will assist with applications for funding; will provide funding to the student directly when it is possible for them to do so; and will provide references for the student on a timely basis. The supervisor also will provide feedback on the student’s selection of theories and reading lists for the qualifying examination. The supervisor will guide the development of the student’s research proposal, and the implementation and conduct of all aspects of the research; advise on writing the dissertation; correct drafts and approve the final dissertation; and attend the defense.

For more information about student and supervisor roles and responsibilities, please see the School of Graduate Studies Graduate Supervision Guidelines .

Supervisory Committee

With the assistance of the supervisor, and with the approval of the Program Director, the student will assemble a Supervisory Committee no later than the end of their second term in the program (i.e., by May of their first year).

Composition of the Supervisory Committee

The Supervisory Committee generally will comprise the supervisor and at least two members who hold either Full or Associate Membership in the SGS and may or may not hold a primary appointment in SBHS. Between these individuals and the supervisor, there should be expertise in all substantive, theoretical and methodological areas relevant to the Student’s research focus and dissertation proposal.

Supervisory Committee meetings will be held at least every six (6) months throughout the student’s PhD program. More regular meetings should be held with the supervisor. Under certain circumstances (e.g., during times of very rapid progress), the student and the Supervisory Committee may decide there is a need for more frequent meetings.

At the end of every meeting of the Supervisory Committee, the student and the Committee will complete the Supervisory Committee Meeting Report . All present must sign the report; in case the meeting is held virtually, the supervisor and committee members can e-sign the report. A scanned or paper copy of the report should be e-mailed/delivered to the SBHS Admin Assistant at .

The Graduate Department of Public Health Sciences will keep a copy of the report in the student’s progress file.

Progress Through the PhD

The phases of the PhD program are identified by a set of accomplishments which the student generally will attain in order, and within a satisfactory time. These phases, which will be monitored by the Program Director of the PhD program, are the identification of the Supervisor and the Supervisory Committee, completion of required and elective course work, completion of the qualifying examination, defense of the research proposal, and defense of the dissertation (both Departmental and SGS). Full-time students are expected to complete the PhD within four years. Flex-time students may take longer, but not more than eight years; they must submit a revised list of milestones, for approval by the Supervisor and the Program Director.

 view the SBHS PhD Timeline


The PhD dissertation must demonstrate an original contribution to scholarship. The nature of the dissertation is agreed upon by the supervisor and the student, in consultation with a Thesis Committee.  The Student should aim to defend the dissertation within four years of entry into the PhD program. The defense of the dissertation will take place in two stages: first, a Departmental defense, second, a formal defense (the Final Oral Examination) before a University committee according to procedures established by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS). The two defenses generally are separated by at least eight weeks.

a)  Departmental Defense:

The Departmental defense will be held after the completed dissertation has been approved by all members of the student’s Supervisory Committee, and the completion of the final Supervisory Committee meeting report. The purpose of this defense is to rehearse the oral presentation for the SGS defense and to determine whether the student is ready for the SGS defense.

CLICK HERE FOR DETAILED departmental defense procedureS

b)  School of Graduate Studies Final Oral Examination (FOE)

Arrangements for the PhD Final Oral Defense and for the preparation of the final thesis are given at length in the SGS calendar. The dissertation and the necessary documents must be submitted at least eight weeks prior to the oral exam. See the Graduate Department of Public Health Science  academic policies for forms and information for thesis preparation, including guidelines on multiple paper dissertations, and arranging the defense.

  • Click here for Guidelines on Multiple Paper Dissertations
  • Click here  for Producing Your Thesis guidelines on SGS website
  • Click here  for Final Oral Exam Guidelines on SGS website

Student Profiles & Contact

Name Supervisor Research Interests/Dissertation



Islamophobia; mental health; health service utilization

2SLGBTQ+ mental health and wellbeing, Latin American Feminisms, critical qualitative research, mixed-methods, globalization, gender

“Project DaRE – Deciding, Resisting and Existing: Autonomy and mental wellbeing of adult LGBTQ+ women in Mexico.”



Rural migration and health, multi-level governance, health systems, and political economy of health

“Adapting to Diversity: An Exploratory Case Study of Health and Social Service Responses to Immigrant Needs in Rural North Okanagan and Shuswap Regions, British Columbia”

Human trafficking; Child sexual exploitation; Health systems research; Mixed methods; Intersectionality; Human rights

“Improving child sex trafficking identification, intervention, and referral practices in Ontario pediatric Emergency Departments: An intersectional mixed methods study”

Black Women’s Mental Health and Service Access



Immigrant and Racialized workers; Work and Health; Precarious Employment; Work Injury and Illnesses; Workers’ Compensation; Health Equality; Systemic Discrimination; Social Justice; Labour and Welfare Policies; Linguistic Minorities.

“An intersectional political economy study examining how social and economic policies influence employment and health inequalities among marginalized workers in Canada”


End of life/palliative care, healthcare financing and policy, health inequity, resource allocation ethics and institutional ethnography

“Die, die must live?: An Institutional Ethnography of Palliative Care in Singapore”

Gender-based violence, public health policy, global health, intersectionality, mental illness and substance use, stigma and discrimination

“Gender-based violence policy implementation in the Co-operative Republic of Guyana”


Drug policy; global health systems; pharmaceutical violence; sociomaterial methods

“Accountability in the Aftermath of Purdue: A Network Analysis of Global Health Systems”



Settler colonialism, surveillance, carcerality, parenthood, health equity, critical qualitative research

End-of-life care; volunteerism; ethnography

“Things Living and Left Behind: An Ethnographic Study of Legacy Activities in End-of-Life Care”



Critical posthumanism, critical disability studies, death, grief & mourning, arts-based method/ologies

“Feeling Climate Change: Experiences of Ecological Emotions on Urban Farms”

Drug policy / the regulation of psychoactive substances (e.g. alcohol, cannabis, opioids)

“What Is a Public Health Approach to Substance Use? An Investigation in Three Parts”



Addressing cervical cancer screening inequities in Ontario, with a particular focus on South Asian women.

“Using concept mapping to understand how the lives and experiences of South Asian women living in Ontario shape their decisions around getting screened for cervical cancer.”



Communicable disease and climate change prevention, adaptation, and preparation; trust in science/public health; health equity; community-engaged participatory research; feminist socio-critical theory; environmental and social determinants of health; art and nature as research practice.

(he/him and they/them)


2SLGBTQIA+ health; BIPOC health; South Asian health; sexual health; mental health; Critical Race Theory; Intersectionality; Minority Stress; Community-Based Participatory Research; Mixed-Methods Research

“How do systems of oppression impact access to sexually transmitted and blood-borne infection prevention services for queer South Asian men? An intersectional mixed-methods study.”


Commercial Determinants of Health; Interpretive Policy Analysis; Political Sociology; Discourse and Framing Analysis; Tobacco/Nicotine; Pharmaceuticals; Prescription Opioids

“Discourse Coalitions and Problem Definitions of the Canadian Prescription Opioid Policies”


My academic and research interests include access to healthcare systems, sexual health and reproductive justice, and mental health and wellbeing. I am particularly interested in exploring the effects of public health policy on health outcomes, with a focus on Black and minority populations. I focus on collaborative community-focused research that is participatory in nature as well as work that is action-oriented and focused on systems change.

“Exploring Restraint Use in Psychiatric Hospital Settings from the Perspective of Black Mental Healthcare Workers”


2SLGBQTAI+ reproductive and sexual health equity at the intersection of midwifery and perinatal services; critical qualitative methodologies.

“A critical narrative inquiry into the experiences of queer, trans and nonbinary midwifery service-users in Ontario”



Sexuality, youth, disability, qualitative research, Intersectionality, arts-based methodologies

“The sexual subjectivity of youth with physical disabilities: An arts-based study in Ontario, Canada”


Women’s experiences of healthcare; diagnostic delay; critical qualitative health research; gender equity; 2SLGBTQ+ equity; patient oriented care; structural determinants of health

“Examining the Structural Determinants of Diagnostic Delays Through the Experiences of Ontario Women: A critical phenomenology and intersectional study”



Global Health, work and health, critical qualitative research, Latin American Social Medicine theory

“Solidarity Economies amid COVID-19: Learning from Collective Decision-Making in Costa Rican Cooperatives”



Black Populations, Critical Race Theory, Critical Disability Studies, Community-Based Research

“Exploring the systemic, cultural, and social barriers to disability support service seeking for Black disabled Canadians: A constructivist grounded theory study”


Race, ethnocultural identity, Black and immigrant populations, structural racism, public health policies, intersectionality, diabetes, mixed methods, nurse migration and professional recertification, and global health

“How do socio-structural determinants of health shape the experiences of Black Canadians with type 2 diabetes?”



Homelessness, peer-support, primary care, medicalization, ethnography, implementation science

“The integration of peer-support workers in a community based primary care clinic offering services to people experiencing homelessness in Montreal”

Migration and health, health inequity, human rights, temporary labour migration, health ethics, social justice, qualitative health research

“Is the right to health for all? Health inequity among temporary migrant farmworkers in Canada’s Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program”.


Women’s health, reproductive health, gender-based analysis, intersectionality, health equity, gendered pathologies, medicalization

“Diving into the Archives of the Cysterhood: A Qualitative Study to Examine the Gendered Medicalization of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome”


Workplace health promotion, mental health, sex and gender


Mental health system consumer and survivor research, self-management, harm reduction, law and health, illicit drug use, online health communities, qualitative research, grounded theory

“What it means to use psychedelics to self-treat depression and anxiety, how people do it successfully, and why more people are doing it: A grounded theory study”



Critical post-humanism (e.g., Deleuze-Guattari), critical autism studies, the neurodiversity movement, post-qualitative inquiry

“Unmasking Neurodiversity in Neoliberal Canada: Autistic Narratives at Work”

Dementia care; aging; childhood; arts-based research methods

“Exploring relationships between people living with dementia in long-term care homes and children: a narrative ethnographic study”




Reproductive Justice, abolition, prison health, criminalization and health intersection, racial equity, BIPOC women’s health, contraception and abortion provision



LGBTQ+ health, LGBTQ+ aging, HIV prevention, PrEP care continuum, social network, behaviour change theory



Experiences of aging and precarity; critical gerontology; cultural gerontology; critical qualitative research; loneliness and social isolation; health and social inequity

Indigenous methodologies, community-based participatory research, qualitative research, Indigenous knowledge mobilization

“nikan oti wapahtamowin: Advancing the Future of Public Health for Indigenous Peoples of Canada”

Health research, HIV prevention, Black populations, race & racism, gender, scientific racism, Black studies, critical race theory, critical narrative analysis.

“Examining Black women’s experiences of accessing HIV services: a critical narrative explorations of race and racism”



Autism studies, Autistic Communication, Posthumanism, Critical Disability Studies



Housing, Homelessness, Gender, Harm Reduction, Substance Use, Critical Qualitative Research, Community-Based Research

“Safe Supply, housing, and social services as Gendered Phenomenon: Implications on the ontological security of women who use drugs”


Cancer, coordination of care, digital health, implementation science, community-based research, program evaluation

Health and wellness, mental health, conflict resolution, family mediation, qualitative research

“Experiences and Expectations of Parents and Mediators in Family Mediation Services.”


Program evaluation & design, qualitative research, knowledge translation, health promotion, youth engagement, communication networks, reflexivity, substance use & regulation

“A Utilisation Focused Implementation Process Evaluation of School-Based Peer Education Intervention in Central Alberta Elementary and Secondary Schools”



Public health policy; illness narrative; ethnography; pandemic response.


Ecological public health, decolonial health promotion, Indigenous research, political ontology, narrative research, ethnography, intersectoral action, homelessness prevention

“How do we foster pluriversal forms of ecological public health education? From the limits of modernity to the contributions of people in El Salto and Juacatlán, Mexico”


Substance use, gender, harm reduction, mixed methods

“Pregnancy, Parenting and Opioids in Ontario: A mixed methods life course study”



Sexual minority young men; Asian-Canadian; mental health; stigma; online dating apps; intersectionality; minority stress theory; qualitative methods.

“Examining the Experiences of Intracommunity Stigma Among Asian-Canadian Sexual Minority Young Men Using Mobile Dating Apps”


Social theory, qualitative methods, critical health psychology, bioethics, stigma, grief and bereavement, medical assistance in dying (MAiD).

“Life after MAiD: A narrative analysis of passive loved ones’ bereavement”


Queer health; sexual and gender minority health; mental health; online dating apps; virtual socio-sexual spaces; human-technology interactions.

“A Reparative Analysis of Dating App Use and Wellbeing Among Queer Adults in Canada: A Mixed Methods Study”



2SLGBTQ+ health; psychosocial oncology; online health communities; intersectionality; mixed methods research; health equity

“Exploring online support group (OSG) use among sexual and gender diverse (SGD) people diagnosed with breast/chest cancer in Canada: A mixed-methods study”

Jewish Health, Indigenous Cultural Safety, Community Wellbeing, Health Equity

“The Health of the Kehillah (Community): Jewish Community Wellbeing & Relationships with Indigenous Nations in Southern Ontario”

Traditional and Indigenous food systems and nutrition; diffusion of innovation; culinary studies; food perceptions and spiritual meaning; mixed methods; art-based food education; maternal and child nutrition; food media

“Using Mixed Methods to Understand how Infant Formula Marketing, Communication Channels, and Traditional Health Beliefs Affect Exclusive Breastfeeding among Women in Palawan, Philippines”

Chronic episodic disability; disclosure of private information in the workplace, the co-workers’ role in workplace communication and support processes, impression management, communication privacy management.

“Understanding the role of co-workers in the support, communication and disability disclosure process of people working with chronic episodic disabilities”



2SLGBTQ+ mental health, critical psychiatry, critical theory, queer theory, trans studies, biopolitics, critical political economy, cultural studies, new materialism(s)


Migration, wellbeing improvement, health practices, mutual care, community-based approaches, critical ethnography

“Keeping well: an ethnographic community-based exploration of Chinese seniors’ wellbeing-related practices in Toronto, Canada”

phd health canada

student in lab coat in lab using test tube and microscope

PhD programs

Take a deep dive into the topic you love with a phd, at the university of ottawa, you can:.

  • Join a select community of researchers and work in state-of-the-art labs – uOttawa is ranked among the top 10 research universities in Canada.
  • Study in the heart of the nation’s capital, a bilingual and multicultural setting where networks of senior stakeholders take action on major issues and influence decisions.
  • Receive considerable financial support.

Joseph Kim, doctoral student

“One of the reasons I chose the University of Ottawa is for its multidisciplinary or multi-university thesis committees available to students in their first year of doctoral studies.”

Valérie Costanzo, LL.B., LL.M., lawyer, PhD candidate

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“Supervising doctoral students is a privilege: it allows for the discovery of new research challenges and for the development of sustainable relationships.”

Emmanuelle Bernheim, LL.D., PhD, Full professor, Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section

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Mental Health (PhD)

Program description.

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mental Health offered by the Department of Psychiatry in the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences is a research-intensive program that emphasizes evolving and in-depth learning opportunities. The program's objective is to equip students with skills in literature synthesis, program development, and scientific communication to pursue professional opportunities in academia or industry.

Keywords: mental health, psychiatry, social and transcultural psychiatry, behavioural genetics, neuroimaging, neuroscience, public policy, molecular psychiatry, mental health services.

Unique Program Features

  • The program is designed to provide advanced research training in the basic, applied, and social sciences relevant to issues in psychiatry. Specifically focusing on the development of mental health services and policy, social and cultural psychiatry, and clinical and transnational psychiatry.
  • Potential learning activities include weekly research seminars, global mental health rounds, Indigenous mental health workshops, the Summer Program in Cultural Psychiatry, and the conferences and workshops organized by the Advanced Study Institute in Cultural Psychiatry;
  • Graduates receive stipends from the thesis supervisor, from external fellowships and from awards provided by the Department;
  • Applicants are admitted from a wide range of backgrounds, including M.Sc. or M.A. degrees in relevant areas (e.g., psychology, neuroscience, sociology, medical anthropology, nursing, and medicine);
  • The Department has been at the cutting edge of advances in neuroscience, psychotherapy, diagnostic methods and therapeutic interventions.

University-Level Admission Requirements

  • An eligible Bachelor's degree with a minimum 3.0 GPA out of a possible 4.0 GPA
  • English-language proficiency

Each program has specific admission requirements including required application documents. Please visit the program website for more details.

Visit our Educational credentials and grade equivalencies and English language proficiency webpages for additional information.

Program Website

PhD in Mental Health website

Department Contact

Graduate Program graduate.psychiatry [at] (subject: PhD%20in%20Mental%20Health) (email)

Available Intakes

Application deadlines.

Intake Applications Open Application Deadline - International Application Deadline - Domestic (Canadian, Permanent Resident of Canada)
FALL September 15 January 15 March 15
WINTER February 15 August 1 September 1

Note : Application deadlines are subject to change without notice. Please check the application portal for the most up-to-date information.

Application Resources

  • Application Steps webpage
  • Submit Your Application webpage
  • Connecting with a supervisor webpage
  • Graduate Funding webpage

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Consult our full list of our virtual application-focused workshops on the Events webpage.

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  1. How To Apply for PhD in Canada in 2024? Know About Requirements for PhD

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  2. PhD In Canada

    phd health canada

  3. PhD in Public Health Programs in Canada 2024+

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  4. PhD consultancy Service in Canada (Trusted #1 PhD Services)

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  5. PhD in Canada: A Complete Guide for 2023!

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  6. PhD In Canada

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  1. Study Masters and PhD in Canada, Get Post Study Work Permit upto three years. Easy Pathway for PR

  2. Facts Health Psychology


  4. Master of Public Health Program

  5. PhD in Canada


  1. PhD Public Health Sciences

    PhD students in the School of Public Health Sciences can pursue a designated field to exemplify an area of expertise within their broader program. Fields include epidemiology and biostatistics, health evaluation, health informatics, health and environment, global health, aging and health and work and health . The University of Waterloo's unique ...

  2. PhD Public Health Sciences

    Dr. Amrita Roy is a family physician and MD-PhD clinician-scientist in the Departments of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences at Queen's. A settler ally with a research focus in Indigenous health, Dr. Roy works in close collaboration with Indigenous peoples in community-engaged research centred on the principles of Ownership, Control ...

  3. Doctor of Public Health

    Theodore Witek. The Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH) at the University of Toronto is pleased to announce the implementation of a Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) program - the first ever offered by a Canadian university. The program is aligned with the School's Academic Plan 2019-2024 and will serve to bolster and strengthen public ...

  4. PhD in Health

    Preparing the next generation of leaders in health. Dalhousie University is home to the largest collection of educational programs related to health and social well-being in Canada. Graduates of the PhD in Health are on the right track to successful careers as researchers, academics and leaders in health. Learn more about program objectives ...

  5. Doctor of Philosophy in Population and Public Health (PhD)

    The School of Population and Public Health offers a research-oriented PhD program that enables students with a masters degree to advance their knowledge and skills in epidemiological and biostatistical methods. Students will further their research training by applying these methods to independent thesis research under the supervision of a faculty member. Students can pursue thesis research in ...

  6. PhD in Health Sciences Education

    The PhD in Health Sciences Education is a unique, interdisciplinary and interprofessional program offered by McGill University's Institute of Health Sciences Education (IHSE), within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. This program uses a theoretical approach to guide aspiring researchers in health professions and health sciences education (HSE) to develop the skills to make ...

  7. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    Graduate tuition and mandatory fees are subject to change. All PhD students in the Faculty of Health Sciences receive financial support either from scholarships, teaching appointments, or professors' research grants. The minimum PhD stipend is $28,000 per year for four years. More information is available in the full policy.

  8. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    The SPPH PhD in Population and Public Health is an advanced research degree that prepares graduates to become independent researchers and contribute to the development of health research in Canada and around the world. PhD students conduct research in a wide variety of topic areas related to population and public health, ranging from ...

  9. PhD Programs

    PhD Specializations. Choose from four specializations to increase your ability to generate new knowledge in the field of public health: PhD in Epidemiology. PhD in Health Promotion and Socio-behavioural Sciences. PhD in Health Services and Policy Research. PhD in Public Health.

  10. Mary Heersink Program in Global Health

    Our admissions officers can be reached via email at [email protected] or 905 525 9140 extension 22861. Applications are accepted from November 15, 2023 to February 14, 2024. This program seeks candidates who show high scholarly promise, and who have a strong graduate background in global health or a related interdisciplinary field.

  11. PhD Public Health

    PhD Public Health. Doctoral level education is designed to provide advanced knowledge and skills to conduct independent research in public health, particularly for individuals interested in pursuing careers in academic settings, government, industry, consulting and community health agencies. The PhD specialization in public health provides the ...

  12. PhD: HSR Program Details

    Overview. IHPME's HSR PhD is designed for researchers interested in extensive training in health services research theory and methodologies. Graduates will feel prepared to take on senior leadership roles in academia, research, policy, and planning in both the public and private sectors. Entry Term: Fall. Accepting Applications: September 23 ...

  13. Doctor of Philosophy in Health Quality

    The PhD in Health Quality (PhDHQ) will prepare experts who will improve the delivery of healthcare through teaching, developing new methodologies and theoretical frameworks, as well as testing innovation in the field of health quality. The PhDHQ program offers a collaborative approach to comprehend and address the complexities within the ...

  14. Health Services and Policy Research Doctoral Training Programs in Canada

    Overview. Table 1 is an inventory of university-based health services and policy research (and related) doctoral training programs in Canada. A HSPR doctoral training program is defined as a program that is authorized to award a degree, concentration or specialization in HSPR or a related field, such as health economics, health technology ...

  15. Work and Health (PhD)

    The Faculty of Health offers the first interdisciplinary PhD program in Canada with a focus on Work and Health. Concerns about workplace health are occurring in the context of rapid change in both the composition of the workforce and the nature of work. All of these developments point toward the need for academics and professionals who are ...

  16. 15 PhD programmes in Public Health in Canada

    Why do we ask this? By confirming your nationality, we can personalise the content on our site for you. (i.e. we can show you the scholarship, visa and tuition information that is most relevant to you).

  17. Health Policy, Management and Evaluation

    The Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME) is training Canada's future health leaders and researchers through its outstanding degree programs: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation concen trations: Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research. Health Professions Education Research.

  18. PhD Health Services and Policy Research

    Doctoral-level education is designed to provide advanced knowledge and skills to conduct independent research in public health, particularly for individuals interested in pursuing careers in academic settings, government, industry, consulting and community health agencies. Doctoral-level training in health services and policy research will ...

  19. PhD: Social and Behavioural Health Sciences

    PhD students must be supervised by a faculty member who has an appointment in the Division of Social and Behavioral Health Sciences (SBHS) and Full Membership in the School of Graduate Studies (SGS). A co-supervisor generally will be a faculty member with Associate Membership in the SGS. Other faculty in Public Health Sciences outside of SBHS ...

  20. PhD programs

    Ph.D. at uOttawa: research community. "Supervising doctoral students is a privilege: it allows for the discovery of new research challenges and for the development of sustainable relationships.". Emmanuelle Bernheim, LL.D., PhD, Full professor, Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section.

  21. Mental Health (PhD)

    Program Description. The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mental Health offered by the Department of Psychiatry in the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences is a research-intensive program that emphasizes evolving and in-depth learning opportunities. The program's objective is to equip students with skills in literature synthesis, program development, and scientific communication to pursue ...

  22. Public Health in Canada: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Why Study Public Health in Canada. Studying Public Health in Canada is a great choice, as there are 12 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 323,000 international students choose Canada for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world.

  23. Explore Programs

    Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 recognizes and affirms Aboriginal and Treaty rights in Canada. View the full land acknowledgement statement We recognize that African Nova Scotians are a distinct people whose histories, legacies and contributions have enriched that part of Mi'kma'ki known as Nova Scotia for over 400 years.

  24. Graduate Nurse Practitioner 2024-2025 Job Details

    All Locations Graduate Nurse Practitioner 2024-2025 - NS. ... Nova Scotia Health is the largest provider of health services in Nova Scotia, with some specialized services also offered to clients throughout Atlantic Canada. We're on a mission to achieve excellence in health, healing, and learning through working together, which is reflected in ...