What is the difference between a postgraduate taught master’s and a postgraduate research master’s?

Pgce, mres, ma, msc or phd if you’re considering postgraduate study, use this guide to learn the difference between the kinds of postgraduate degrees on offer.

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Richard Carruthers

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Postgraduate courses come in many formats, ranging from vocational diplomas and certificates through to master’s and doctoral qualifications.

The two most common categories of postgraduate study are postgraduate taught (PGT) courses and postgraduate research (PGR) courses.

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As you shop around potential postgraduate courses, you may also come across the PGCE, the LLM, the MRes, the MPhil and the PhD.

But what is the difference between all these acronyms?

Below is a guide explaining the differences between all the postgraduate degrees on offer, including how the application process varies between them.

Postgraduate taught (PGT) courses

Postgraduate taught courses are sometimes called level 7 qualifications and are one of the most common kinds of master’s degrees. When people refer to master’s courses, they usually mean a postgraduate taught course.

These courses are typically one year in duration if studied full-time, or two years if studying part-time.

The course will usually comprise several months of taught classes, much like undergraduate study, followed by an intensive independent research project for the final few months.

These courses have highly specialised content, making them great launchpads for careers where specialist knowledge is required. They are also often used as a stepping stone to more advanced research degrees.

What’s the difference between an MSc and an MA?

Postgraduate taught courses will usually lead to either an MSc or an MA qualification, depending on the subject you choose.

An MSc stands for a “master of science” and will focus on advancing a particular aspect of scientific research across the sciences, engineering, mathematics or a similar field that involves logic, scientific research or numbers.

An MA refers to a “master of arts”, and covers postgraduate taught degrees in the arts and humanities, such as literature, languages, history, cultural studies and some social sciences.

Applying for a postgraduate taught course

To apply for a postgraduate taught course, you will normally be asked to provide transcripts showing your academic performance on your undergraduate degree, a personal statement and a CV.

Your CV should focus on your educational achievements and interests and discuss any project work that shows you have the technical and academic skills needed to be a successful and independent postgraduate student.

Your personal statement can be tackled in a similar way to a cover letter, where you introduce yourself and convey your interest, enthusiasm and motivation to study the subject. It is also advisable to tailor your statement to each course you apply for and to explain your interest in some of the modules offered by that specific course.

It can also be beneficial to demonstrate some thought around where the course will lead you in the future, whether that’s into a new career or towards further study.

With postgraduate taught courses, you often won’t have to submit a research proposal for your research project as part of your application, as the taught elements of the course are meant to help inform your research proposal.

However, some postgraduate master’s courses may ask for you to submit a research proposal or at least have an idea of the topic you want to do your master’s dissertation on, even if this changes later.

Applying to master’s courses is generally done through a decentralised system, meaning you apply individually to each course and university. Each institution will set different entrance and application requirements. Check the exact requirements your course is looking for, and get in touch with the institution’s postgraduate admissions office with any questions.

What are MRes and MPhil degrees?

The MPhil stands for “master of philosophy”. The MRes course option, which is relatively new but has grown in popularity in recent years, stands for a “master of research”.

Much like postgraduate taught courses, both the MPhil and the MRes are technically classified as level 7 qualifications, and typically take one year to complete.

The main difference between an MRes or MPhil and a postgraduate taught course is that MRes and MPhil courses place much more focus on individual research, with as much as 60 per cent to 100 per cent of either degree consisting of a personal research project.

Given the heavy research focus, MRes and MPhil courses tend to contain fewer taught classes, but you will usually receive training in research techniques. As a result of the research focus, an MRes or an MPhil may help prepare a student for a doctoral programme (PGR) or a career that requires specific research skills and techniques.

Applying for an MRes or MPhil course is very similar to applying for a postgraduate taught course, but you may be asked to submit a research proposal as part of your application, so it’s important to have an idea of the kind of research project you would like to pursue.

Doctorate courses

Postgraduate research (PGR) courses are sometimes called level 8 qualifications and usually refer to doctorate courses.

These courses take about three to four years of full-time study to complete, but the exact duration of a doctorate course depends on whether you get involved in teaching, how long your research takes to complete and how long it takes you to write your doctorate thesis.

Successful PhD candidates are awarded doctoral qualifications such as doctor of philosophy (PhD) or doctor of engineering (EngD), depending on their field of research.

Research is the core component of a PhD programme, and you will be expected to produce original work on a specific subject topic, usually in the form of a thesis.

Doctorate qualifications are often a prerequisite for a career as a university academic, researcher or scientist in industry.

Applying for a doctorate (PhD) programme

To apply for a doctorate degree, you’ll need to submit a personal statement and a CV, both providing evidence of your academic experiences and passion for the subject.

Some PhD programmes will expect you to have already completed a postgraduate taught programme, but this isn’t always essential.

For a PhD, you may also be asked to submit a detailed research proposal outlining a specific research question you would like to address, the subject area you will work in, and the approach you would take to solving this.

Your proposal should demonstrate your current knowledge and discuss how your research idea could develop or challenge existing knowledge. You should also mention the potential significance of your research and why it would be a useful contribution to your chosen field.

Usually, you will be expected to apply individually to each PhD programme you’re interested in. Places will usually be dependent on your academic achievements, but also on the funding available in your chosen university department and whether the university can provide an appropriate supervisor.

If you’re considering applying for a PhD, it may be worth contacting academics individually to discuss whether they’d be interested in supervising you and asking about any funding opportunities.

Other postgraduate courses

Aside from the categories discussed above, there are many other classifications of master’s degrees, including postgraduate diplomas and certificates.

Often these lead to a vocational qualification that is used to gain entry to a specific profession.

Examples include the postgraduate certificate of education (PGCE), which leads to a career in teaching, the graduate diploma in law (GDL) or master of law (LLM), which opens the door to the legal professions, or the master of business administration (MBA), which is a common choice for business professionals looking to gain entry to C-suite positions.

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Which Master? Postgraduate Taught vs Research (Differences)

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💡 Taught Masters vs Research Masters:

There are many types of Master’s degrees, and most of these are Taught Masters . In the United Kingdom, such programmes are also called postgraduate taught or PGT for short. They typically require completing a set number of modules and a thesis (also called dissertation), plus sometimes work experience through a placement. The type of dissertation you will undertake will depend on the type of Master’s degree you are enrolled in, and might for example include your own small research project. Most postgraduate taught degrees have these elements of independent work and research to varying extents.

In contrast, a Research Master ’ s degree will focus on, you guessed it, research. In the UK, such programmes are also called postgraduate research or PGR (although this term may also refer to doctorate programmes). Rather than attending classes every semester and completing module assignments, you will need to focus on an independent research project – under supervision, of course. The course will still include a few taught modules, most often on research methodologies, but it will require you to work independently for most of the time.

Master’s degrees in the UK are usually one year full-time or two years part-time, but in other countries the duration may differ.

Remember: A final dissertation will be compulsory for all Master ’ s degrees. However, a dissertation for an MRes will typically be longer than that for an MA or MSc.

Typically, Research Masters will lead to an MRes degree. At some universities, however, you'll instead be awarded an MPhil (Master of Philosophy) or MLitt (Master of Letters). For more information, have a look at our detailed glossary.

🤔 Is a Research Master’s the same as a PhD?

No, a Research Master’s degree is not the same as a PhD. Although for both degrees you will need to complete a dissertation based on an independent research project, there are notable differences:

  • The first difference is the duration : A Master’s degree will typically last one to two years, while a PhD usually takes up about three to five years. The research project you’ll undertake during a doctorate degree will therefore be longer and broader than one you would pursue in a Master’s degree.
  • As a PhD student, you’re expected to publish research papers in journals before you are awarded your degree. MRes students might occasionally do that during or after their studies, but it’s rarely obligatory.
  • As a PhD student, you’ll most often be expected to take on other duties , such as teaching.

If you wish to pursue doctoral research and a career in academia, a research Master’s degree could be a great option for you as it will allow you to get to grips with and gather valuable experience and training on independent research early on in your studies.

👀 Overview: What’s the difference?

There are a few differences between Taught Masters and Research Masters , and not all of them are obvious.

The table below outlines some of the main elements to consider when choosing which of the two degrees to pursue after your Bachelor’s degree:

Differences Taught Master’s degree Research Master’s degree

Fixed and structured


Often ca. 2/3 taught courses, ca. 1/3 research project or dissertation Mostly independent research, but could have a couple of taught modules as well
Broader understanding of a particular discipline Deeper insight into a specific subject or issue
Typically Master of Science (MSc), Master of Arts (MA), Master of Laws (LLM), Master of Business Administration (MBA), etc. Typically Master of Research (MRes), Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Master of Letters (MLitt)
Students that want more advanced knowledge on a specific discipline before entering the job market or pursuing academic research. Students that prefer working on an in-depth research project and are interested in staying in academia.

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🏛️ Which should you choose?

The choice between a taught Master’s and a research Master’s depends on a few factors.

  • First of all, do you enjoy research more than coursework? Then an MRes may be more suitable – but remember that any Master’s degree, especially an MSc, will have a research component.
  • Then, it’s crucial to understand how you like to work and study. Do you particularly enjoy working independently? Perhaps then you can consider an MRes. In a taught Master’s, you’ll have a more solid structure, timetables and regular deadlines to keep you on track, but these may not be as readily available during an MRes, so consider which environment you are more likely to thrive in.  
  • Another important consideration is what you want to do after your Master’s degree. If you want to enter the labour market immediately, and you are not particularly interested in focusing on research training, then perhaps a taught Master’s degree is more suited.

💸 Is there a difference in fees between Taught and Research Masters?

No, normally, you won’t find a huge difference in tuition fees between taught and research Master’s degrees. Only in some instances, Postgraduate Research Masters tend to be cheaper.

📝 Can I do a PhD after taking a Taught Master’s Degree?

Yes, you can pursue a PhD after any type of Master’s course, provided that you have a degree in a relevant subject. All taught postgraduate degrees involve some independent work and research, especially for your dissertation, which will prepare you for further research should you choose to pursue a PhD.

Some taught Masters require more independent research work than others, particularly when it comes to the dissertation after completing the taught modules. Consult the curriculum or ask admissions staff to get a better idea of what to expect.

While a taught Master’s degree won’t prevent you from doing a PhD further down the line, it’s vital that you have a good idea of what requirements you will have to fulfil in order to be admitted to the PhD, and how you can best prepare.

If you already have a clear idea of what field you’d like to conduct your doctoral research in, you could take advantage of the joint Master’s – PhD programmes on offer at some universities.

These four-year programmes – also called “combined” or “integrated” degrees – offer the chance to complete a Master’s degree in the first year and to progress seamlessly to PhD research in the next three.

Looking for Masters in Europe? Have a look at these English-taught degrees 👀

Claudia Civinini

Author: Claudia Civinini

Claudia has many years of experience as a reporter and writer on international education and student mobility. Originally from Italy, she holds a BA in Communication and Media Studies from the University of Genova; a Graduate Diploma in Education, Secondary Education and Teaching from the Australian Catholic University; and a joint MSc in Educational Neuroscience from UCL and Birkbeck, University of London. Claudia has previously worked as Chief Reporter for the English Language Gazette, as Senior Reporter for the PIE News (Professionals in International Education), and as Reporter for Tes.

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Taught Masters vs Research Masters - Which is Right for Me?

Written by Ben Taylor

Masters degrees can be either postgraduate taught programmes (PGT) or postgraduate research programmes (PGR). Taught Masters are typically 12 months long full-time and are delivered through a series of modules comprised with regular coursework and assessments. Research Masters are also usually 12 months long however the course is predominantly comprised of independent research supported by a supervisor.

There’s a big contrast between these two kinds of Masters, and one type may be more suitable for your goals than the other. This page will explain the key differences between taught Masters and research Masters, and hopefully help you decide which kind of postgraduate programme is right for you.

On this page

Taught vs research masters – what’s the difference.

The difference between postgraduate taught degrees and postgraduate research degrees largely comes down to the level of independence you have during your studies.

Research Masters require students to undertake extensive research training, while postgraduate taught Masters involve a mixture of lectures, seminars and coursework.

  • Taught Masters (PGT) degrees are a lot like undergraduate programmes. You’ll complete a series of modules following a set timetable of seminars, lectures and other activities. You’ll be much more responsible for studying independently in your free time, but the academics in charge of your course will lead you through it.
  • Research Masters (PGR) degrees are more independent in nature. You won’t have as many timetabled units (in fact, you may not have any). Instead, you’ll focus on one or more extended projects. You’ll still receive support and guidance from an expert supervisor, but the focus of your programme will be on your own research work.

The majority of Masters-level programmes are taught courses. They include popular degrees like the Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Science (MSc) , as well as shorter Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) and Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) courses.

You can study these courses to acquire more advanced skills and training for a profession, or as a preparation for postgraduate research at PhD level.

Postgraduate research programmes are also available at Masters level. These include the Master of Research (MRes) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil) . Some Masters qualifications, such as the Master of Letters (MLitt) , can actually be taught or research degrees.

Masters by research vs Masters by coursework

A Masters by coursework is usually professional and vocational in nature, involving a series of set modules, while a Masters by research entails the completion of a significant, independent research project. This terminology is more common in Australia .

Writing a dissertation

Taught Masters do involve a substantial piece of research in its own right: the dissertation . This will be your chance to undertake an extended individual project, pursuing your own specific academic interests in a way that forms a significant part of your postgraduate course.

Should I study a taught or research Masters?

Your choice of PGT degree or PGR degree should depend on your career goals, academic interests and the way in which you prefer to study:

  • If you want to acquire more advanced subject knowledge and gain an additional qualification before entering the employment market, a taught postgraduate course such as an MA or MSc may be best for you. We've taken a look at how the MA, MSc and MRes compare over on our blog.
  • If you have a specific profession in mind, you could be better served by an accredited taught programme. This will usually be a Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma , but may also take the form of a full taught course, such as the Masters in Social Work or a Legal Practice Course .
  • If you are interested in academic research – or a profession in which research skills are valuable – you may wish to think about an MRes . This will allow you to focus on an independent project in order to gain associated research skills, or evaluate whether a longer research degree (such as a PhD ) is likely to appeal to you.
  • If you are considering an academic career , you might be able to register for an MPhil after your undergraduate degree and upgrade to a PhD upon making sufficient progress.

Can I do a PhD after taking a taught Masters?

Most PhD programmes ask that applicants have any kind of Masters in an appropriate subject. So, even if you study a taught Masters degree, you’ll be eligible to take a PhD if you satisfy the various entry requirements.

Of course, if you already know that you want to study at PhD level, then it’s worth considering a research Masters if there’s one available in your subject. An MRes would be ideal preparation for PhD study, allowing you to undertake more extensive research and receive specific training in appropriate methods. Another option would be to register for an MPhil and then upgrade to a PhD .

Is there a difference in fees for taught and research Masters?

In some cases, you can expect a research Masters to be cheaper than its taught equivalent. This is normally the case in the Humanities, where an MRes could cost less than an MA. Similarly, the yearly tuition fees for a PhD are often cheaper than a taught Masters.

Things are different in the Sciences, however: an MRes in a scientific subject usually has the same fees as an MSc degree. Both kinds of Masters typically involve extensive laboratory work.

The table below shows a summary of this data, reflecting the tendency for some research programmes to be cheaper than their taught counterparts.

Average UK Masters degree fees
Type E.g. UK International
Classroom (Arts / Social Sciences) £8,740 £17,109
Laboratory (Science / Engineering) £10,306 £20,167
Research / £4,000+ £10,000+

* Based on the 2021-22 Reddin Survey of UK postgraduate fees , published by the Complete University Guide , as well as additional research and calculation by FindAMasters. Figures given are broad averages only and will not necessarily reflect fees for specific courses.

Is funding the same for taught and research Masters?

Essentially, the funding situation for taught and research Masters is the same. Check out our guide to Masters funding for more information on financing your course.

It’s worth noting that the UK government’s postgraduate loans are available for all Masters (including the MPhil). Standalone MPhils are not eligible for the PhD loans , but these loans are available for MPhils that are intended to become a PhD.

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What is meant by ‘postgraduate researcher’ and ‘postgraduate taught’?

 Postgraduate researchers are those undertaking the following research degrees:

  • PhD with integrated study
  • Higher doctorates (DD, DEng, DLitt, DMus, DSc, LLD, DSocSc)
  • Professional doctorates (ClinPsyD, EdD, ThD, EdPsychD, SocSciD, Foren.Psy.D, HScD, HScD(Clin), DBA, DPT, App.Ed and Child Psy.D)

Postgraduate taught students are those undertaking the following postgraduate taught programmes:

  • Master Public Health
  • PG Affiliate
  • PG Certificate

Section 6 of the University Regulations sets out the requirements and minimum/maximum duration, for all categories of Programmes of Study offered by the University. Section 7 of the University Regulations sets out the Regulations for assessing Registered students; requirements for progression; Regulations on the granting and calculation of awards; and the conduct of Degree Congregations.

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Research degrees explained: what is a research degree?

A postgraduate research degree is a challenge that someone with a passion for their subject will relish.

You'll develop advanced knowledge and make an original contribution to your field of study.  The core of a postgraduate research degree is the successful completion of a research project that makes an original contribution to knowledge in a particular area of study.

Although guided and advised by an expert, a postgraduate researcher takes full responsibility for their work. They will be expected to successfully plan and manage their research project and to deliver on time (and to budget) a thesis of appropriate standard.  An important aspect of a postgraduate research degree is the opportunity for training, not only in specialist research techniques but also in skills relevant to employability and personal development.

The two types of research degrees are:

  • Research master's degrees: MPhil (Master of Philosophy) and MRes (Master of Research)
  • Doctoral degrees: PhD (Doctor in Philosophy) , MD (Doctor of Medicine) , and various Professional Doctorates

Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) can be thought of as a shorter version of the PhD. It requires the same research skills, training planning, and project management. It can be a way to assess whether you wish to undertake doctoral research - or it can be taken for its own sake.

Master of Research (MRes)

The Master of Research (MRes) degree is a one year full-time or two years part-time master’s degree. The MRes places more emphasis on research skills than a traditional taught master’s degree such as an MA or MSc. For students who wish to proceed to doctoral research, it can be an excellent preparation. It can also be a standalone degree for those who wish to learn research skills, or try themselves out in research.

Doctor in Philosophy (PhD)

The Doctor in Philosophy is the classic doctoral research degree. The word 'philosophy' is used in its original sense – in Greek φιλοσοφία (philosophia) translates as "love of wisdom". A doctoral degree is awarded to students that have demonstrated the ability to conceptualise, design, and implement a substantial research project that results in new knowledge, applications, or understanding in their field of study.

There are two main ways of progressing on to PhD study. If you can self-fund or bring your own funding (such as government funding, if you are an overseas applicant) you will generally expect to negotiate the project of your choice with a potential supervisor. Studentship opportunities funded by the University or an external funder such as a Research Council (or both) operate in a more formal way, resembling a job application.

Doctor of Medicine (MD)

The Doctor of Medicine (MD) is a doctoral degree open to medical practitioners (technically, anyone holding a medical qualification registrable with the General Medical Council). It is equivalent in requirements and format to the PhD.

Professional Doctorates

These programmes take several different forms, but have in common the integration of professional and academic knowledge in a qualification which, whilst equivalent in status and challenge to a PhD, is designed for those pursuing professional rather than academic careers.

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What Is A PhD Student? A Definition

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What is a PhD student

All PhD students are conducting some sort of research and many of them will be also teaching and assisting in their departments. Very few PhDs are completed on a  part-time  basis, so most PhD students are studying on a full-time basis. PhD students have often been getting ready to embark on their doctoral studies  for a very long time. While many of them may have taken up paid research positions, but this is not always the case so searching for funding is an on going activity for some PhD students. 

Here we take a look at many of the factors that make up what a PhD student actually is...

They're quite mature...

PhD students are all mature students , as they have already completed undergraduate and postgraduate degrees already. Most PhD students will have done a masters in preparation for starting a PhD , this is often an MPhil or a Masters by Research . All of this previous study means that PhD students have strong study skills and have spent time building academic qualifications in the lead up to their PhD. Many students go straight through an undergraduate and masters level to a PhD, but many other students have already started working, and their PhD is a way to grow an already established career. 

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PhD students are always researching

PhDs are all research degrees and most students who are embarking on a PhD have already completed some form of research. The research comes in many forms, such as scientific, sociological, archaeological, medical or historical and this research guided by their PhD supervisor . This is one of the most important relationships during a PhD as it is their guidance that shapes a PhD student's thesis . 

Many PhD students are teaching

Many PhD students will supplement their income by teaching or working as assistants in their department or work at the university. In some institutions it is expected that PhD students will do this and in other universities it is an optional extra that is not required. Teaching responsibilities may include assisting with lectures or tutorials and helping with undergraduate supervision. 

They are mostly full-time students 

This can be one of the big attractions for some undergraduates when they see PhD students still living a student lifestyle. However, most PhD students would not think that their lifestyles are something to aim for and the academic work they need to do does take up most of their time. The vast majority of PhD students are full-time and  part-time PhD students  find it difficult to maintain their studies over the six to eight years it may take to complete their research. They are, however, often very passionate about their studies. 

Some of them are getting paid to study

PhD students select their topic for research in one of two ways. They might decide on their research topic and then find a PhD supervisor or they may apply for one of the many advertised research positions. Searching for a supervisor can be a difficult route, especially if you change institutions between your masters and your PhD. Using the network of contacts you have built up during your previous studies or career is the key to finding a supervisor. The advantage of the second route is that the funding for the research is already in place and the student will receive a stipend as well. 

PhD students do worry about funding

Getting funding in place is a major worry for a large proportion of PhD students and it is often the case that many students start their PhDs without full funding in place. This is often why students might start on a part-time basis. PhD funding can come from a huge range of sources including the  government , grants and scholarships and most students  begin their search  with their university department.

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Postgraduate research

What is a research degree?

Research degrees are the highest level of degree usually awarded by UK universities. Successful completion of a PhD or professional doctorate allows the holder to title themselves 'doctor'.

PhD and MPhil degrees are different from taught degrees - such as Bachelors or Masters degrees - because the programme is an independent research project, rather than a programme of assessed coursework.

Professional doctorates

Professional doctorates are equivalent to a PhD but have a focus on a specific professional context.

Doctoral Training Partnerships

Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) or Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) are multi-institutional schemes designed to support the training of the next generation of world-class researchers.

Distance learning

Our distance learning programmes offer a flexible way to study for a research degree - allowing you to gain a University of Leicester research degree wherever you are in the world.

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What is the difference between taught and research courses.

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Scripting must be enabled to use this site., difference between postgraduate research and coursework, what is the difference between postgraduate coursework and postgraduate research programs.

There are a few key differences between postgraduate coursework and postgraduate research programs.

Postgraduate Coursework

Postgraduate coursework programs deliver content through a set unit program (similar to an undergraduate Bachelor degree), but at a more advanced level. Coursework will allow you to deepen your knowledge within a discipline, or to pursue a new or additional study area at an advanced level.

Postgraduate degrees which can be studied through coursework include Graduate Certificates , Graduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.

Postgraduate Research

Postgraduate research programs (also known as Higher Degree Research ) allow you to develop your knowledge and experience within your field by completing a major research project under the supervision of an academic .

Postgraduate research degrees which you can study include Masters by research or Doctorate ( PhD ) programs.

Additional Information

For a comprehensive list of courses available, please refer to the Prospective Student Catalogue , or for further information view our Postgraduate Study page.

For further information regarding postgraduate coursework programs, please contact the Future Students Team through the Contact Us tab, online Live Chat , phone to 1800 818 865, or via Facebook .

For further information regarding postgraduate research programs, please submit your enquiry to Higher Degree Research through the Contact Us tab, or phone (02) 6773 3715 for assistance.

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Undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate student — is that Bachelor/Master/PhD or Bachelor/Master+PhD/postdoc?

I received an invitation to nominate students for an award that could be for an undergraduate, a graduate or a post-graduate student . I've seen those terms used before, but never been sure what they mean. I know Bachelor student, Master student, PhD student and post-doc .

The timeline:

Being a Bachelor student → Getting the Bachelor degree → Being a Master student → Getting the Master degree → Being a PhD student → Getting the PhD degree → Being a post-doc → ...

Then what do undergraduate , graduate and post-graduate students refer to? Are undergraduate students exclusively students studying to get a Bachelor degree, or can it also refer to students studying to get a Master degree? After all, that's a graduation that they don't have yet. Literally speaking, it could also be "under" the PhD degree, but that's surely never used as such.

And a graduate student, is that then someone studying for the Master degree, er is it used only for people studying for the PhD degree?

But then what is a post-graduate student ? Is this a post-doc ? But post-doc s aren't students anymore, so then it could only refer to PhD students. Or are post-docs considered students, too?

  • terminology

gerrit's user avatar

  • 1 In many places, it takes a medical school student 6 or 7 years to be a medical doctor. Where do they fit? –  Nobody Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 13:12
  • Now that I have attained a bachelors in business administration and am in the job market it seems that I am not a "graduate" as many of the global corps describe graduates in the qualifications sections as holders of a masters degree. Looks like I'm going back for more. yippee –  user35089 Commented May 27, 2015 at 16:55

3 Answers 3

I am almost certain that post doc is not what is meant.

In English speaking systems outside of North America, and especially referring to Europe under the Bologna accords, an undergraduate refers to someone who is studying for, but has yet to receive, his first post-secondary education degree . Typically this degree is some equivalent of Bachelors, but in some cases students maybe enrolled in accelerated programs with a longer term of study that leads directly to (the equivalent of) a Masters degree.

A graduate student can, but not necessarily, refer to someone who is studying for a graduate diploma . In many countries having a Bachelors (or equivalent) is not sufficient in itself to qualify one for starting a postgraduate degree. One often requires a "good enough" Bachelors degree (such as one with honors). The graduate diploma is an intermediate step in which a student who has already received his first post-secondary degree studies further in order to qualify to enroll in a masters (or sometimes doctorate? I am not sure about this) degree program.

A postgraduate student refers to someone who has already obtained a first degree, and is now pursuing a second, third, or Nth degree beyond it. See, e.g. this Wikipedia entry .

A postdoctoral researcher is generally not considered as a student.

In English speaking North America, an undergraduate typically refers to someone studying for a bachelors, since almost all (if not all) degree programs go through that stage in North America. And a graduate student refers to any student studying for any degree beyond that of the bachelors (so that would be typically the masters or the doctorate).

Willie Wong's user avatar

  • @Pacerier: the one example I had in mind is the Cambridge Math Tripos , where some students can get, after one extra year of course work, both a BA and MMath degree at the same time now. (The offered degree(s) used to be slightly different some years ago, IIRC.) // These sorts of programs were more prevalent before Bologna. For example the pre-Bologna un-tiered Diplom degree in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland is largely the first degree held by the individuals and is currently recognized as largely equivalent to a modern Master's degree. –  Willie Wong Commented Feb 17, 2016 at 17:02
  • 1 Further comment, hopefully clarifying a bit more: according to educationusa.state.gov/your-5-steps-us-study/… , in the US you can pursue a master's or a PhD after a bachelor's. In Germany (and most other European countries), you have to obtain a bachelor's degree first, then a master's, then you can pursue a PhD. –  Gab Commented Nov 3, 2020 at 9:02

In many American Universities, the concept of a Master student is that which is enrolled purely in a Master course, and is expected to leave the school after graduation.

A Graduate student is usually enrolled with the objective of doing a PhD, many Graduate students, provided they have the coursework and thesis, might get a Masters degree in the middle of the program along with the PhD.

Usually for postgraduate students I also think is for post docs, but I'm not sure. In Mexico (and maybe France, because we share some characteristics of the language) a postgraduate student is one doing either a PhD or a Master, and a Graduate student is one doing his Bachelor degree.

Leon palafox's user avatar

  • 3 This view isn't really correct. A master's student may also be done as a prelude to a PhD, particularly when the admissions to the doctoral program is not automatic (even when made contingent upon passing a qualifying exam). –  aeismail Commented Jan 25, 2013 at 13:39

In the USA An undergraduate student is one who's working towards a bachelors degree; typically a graduate student is one who has a bachelors degree and is either working on a Masters are higher level degree; a postgraduate degree level refers to someone who has earned a masters degree and is in route to a higher level degree; a postdoctoral Student is when they have completed coursework for the doctor degree but still has other requirements to finish like a thesis or disertation.

Mike C PhD's user avatar

  • In the USA ... a postdoctoral Student is when they have completed coursework for the doctor degree but still has other requirements to finish like a thesis or disertation. [citation needed] –  Nobody Commented Nov 15, 2015 at 6:05

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postgraduate research student meaning

Taught vs research masters: What's the difference and which should I choose?

Taught vs research masters: What's the difference and which should I choose?

Table of Contents

1. taught masters meaning, 2. popular taught master courses, 1. research masters meaning, 2. popular research master courses, 1. curriculum and structure, 2. coursework, 3. duration, 3. specialisation, 4. supervision, 5. employability, taught vs research masters: which should you choose, 1. career aspirations, 2. interest in research, 3. program structure, 4. academic background, 5. time commitment, postgraduate taught vs research, can i do a phd after taking a taught masters, taught vs research masters: fee difference, frequently asked questions.

So you’ve decided you want to do a masters degree and you have a rough idea of which courses you like the sound of and where you might want to study. So all that’s left to do now is apply, right?

Not quite. There’s actually one more decision to make, that you might not even have known about in the first place: would you rather study a taught or research masters?

Both course types involve a high level of academic study and independent work . However, a taught course offers a more familiar structure and a wider variety of subjects. It also offers more assessment modules than a research-based course, which puts more focus on in-depth research and writing. Not sure which option to choose? We’ve got you covered. Without further ado, here are the difference between taught and research masters, so you can choose the course that’s best for you.

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What is a taught master's degree?

As the name suggests, the majority of a taught masters course revolves around a series of modules, each with seminars, lectures and assignments or exams.

Most taught masters degrees will also generally require you to complete a final dissertation or major research project. In other words, a masters taught degree is like a continuation of an undergraduate degree.

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  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Master of Science (MSc)
  • Master of Arts (MA)
  • Master of Engineering (MEng)
  • Master of Public Health (MPH)

What is a research masters degree?

A research masters is very different, both in terms of course content and structure. Rather than taking a variety of modules, each with a mixture of exams and coursework, the progression of a research masters is more fluid. You may start the course with an introductory module or set of classes focusing on developing your research and writing skills, but after that, you’ll likely have little to no timetabled hours. Instead, you will be spending your time working independently on one or more extended research projects.

  • Master of Research (MRes)
  • Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

Taught vs research masters

Taught masters and research masters are two distinct types of masters programs that offer different approaches to education and learning. Here are the main difference between taught and research masters:

Taught masters are structured programs with a predetermined curriculum. Students take a set of modules or courses covering specific subject areas relevant to their field of study. These programs are more structured and organised, with clear learning outcomes. Unlike taught masters, research masters offer more flexibility in terms of the curriculum. Students have more freedom to design their research project within the scope of their field of study.

The focus of taught masters is on coursework, where students attend lectures, seminars, and workshops. They are assessed through exams, assignments, projects, and sometimes a dissertation or thesis. The centrepiece of a research master's program is the research project or thesis. Students are required to conduct independent research under the guidance of a supervisor or mentor.

Taught masters typically last one to two years , depending on the country and the program's requirements. Research masters may take longer to complete than Taught Masters due to the in-depth research and analysis involved.

Students often choose a specialisation within the field, but their coursework is determined by the university or department. Research masters are more research-oriented, with a significant emphasis on original research and exploration of a particular subject area.

While students have access to academic staff for guidance and support, they generally have less individualised supervision than in research-focused programs. Research masters offer more individualised supervision and mentorship as students work closely with their research advisors throughout the process.

Taught masters are generally designed to enhance employability by providing students with practical skills and knowledge relevant to their chosen career path. Research masters are often considered a pathway to a Ph.D. or further research-based careers in academia or industry.

Here's a table summarising the key difference between taught and research masters:

AspectTaught MastersResearch Masters
CurriculumPredetermined coursework with set modulesResearch-oriented with thesis/research project
CourseworkFocus on attending lectures, seminars, and workshopsEmphasis on independent research and analysis
DurationTypically 1 to 2 yearsMay take longer due to research requirements
SpecialisationSpecialisation within the fieldMore freedom to design the research project
SupervisionLess individualised supervisionMore individualised supervision and mentorship
EmployabilityEnhances employability with practical skills and knowledgeA pathway to further research-based careers

When it comes to deciding between a taught or research masters, you should first ask yourself what motivates you to study and what you’ve enjoyed most about your undergraduate degree. If your favourite part of your degree was researching and writing a dissertation, and you want to further develop your academic skills and potentially go on to do a PhD then it’s worth looking into research masters courses. But if you have a specific career goal outside of academia, a taught masters will allow you to gain a broader range of skills and experience to enhance your CV.

One final consideration should be what are you best at?

For example, if you struggle with essays but tend to do well in exams and presentations, then a taught masters with a wider variety of assessment modes might be a better fit for you.

At the end of the day, regardless of which option you choose, studying for a master’s degree is an invaluable experience and either course is sure to open a lot of doors for you further down the line.

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Should I study a taught or research Masters?

Deciding between a taught or research master's program depends on your academic and career goals, as well as your personal preferences and strengths. Here are some factors to consider when making your decision:

Consider your career goals and the type of role you wish to pursue after completing your master's degree. If you aim to work in a profession that values specialised knowledge and practical skills, a taught master's program may be more suitable. On the other hand, if you are interested in a career in research, academia, or a field that requires advanced research capabilities, a research master's program may be a better fit.

Reflect on your interest in research. Are you passionate about conducting independent research and contributing to the knowledge in your field? If research excites you and you enjoy the process of inquiry, a research master's program could be an excellent choice.

Compare the structure and content of both types of programs. Taught master's programs typically involve a mix of lectures, seminars, and coursework, while research master's programs focus on a more significant research project. Assess which learning approach aligns better with your preferred style of study.

Consider your academic background and strengths. Research master's programs often require a strong academic record and a solid foundation in the chosen field of study, as the emphasis is on conducting original research. If your academic strengths lie in coursework and exams, a taught master's program may suit you better.

Evaluate the time commitment required for each type of program. Research master's degrees tend to be longer and more intense, as they involve substantial research and writing. Taught master's programs are usually shorter and may be more suitable if you wish to enter the job market sooner.

Take the time to research different programs, talk to current students and faculty members, and seek advice from academic advisors to make an informed choice that aligns with your aspirations.

Postgraduate education in the United Kingdom offers two main pathways

  • Postgraduate research programs
  • Postgraduate taught programs

Postgraduate research programs focus on independent and original research, where students delve deep into a specific research question or topic within their chosen field. They work closely with a research supervisor and complete a research thesis or dissertation to contribute new knowledge to their discipline. These programs are suitable for individuals pursuing careers in academia or research.

On the other hand, postgraduate taught programs emphasise structured classroom-based learning. Students follow a set curriculum, attending lectures, seminars, and practical sessions to gain specialised knowledge and practical skills. Assessment in these programs involves coursework, exams, and sometimes a dissertation or research project.

The choice between postgraduate research vs taught depends on individual interests and career aspirations. If you have a passion for conducting independent research and want to contribute to your field, a postgraduate research program might be the right fit. However, if you seek specialised skills and industry-focused expertise, a postgraduate taught program may be more suitable.

Many students wonder if they can pursue a Ph.D. after completing a taught master's degree. The answer is yes, it is indeed possible. Universities and research institutions often welcome students who have successfully completed a taught master's program and wish to continue their academic journey by undertaking a Ph.D. program.

Completing a taught master's degree can serve as a stepping stone toward a research-based Ph.D. program. While some additional effort may be required to strengthen your research profile, many students successfully make the transition and go on to make significant contributions in their chosen fields of study.

In general, Taught Masters programs tend to be more structured and may involve a higher number of taught modules or courses, which can lead to higher tuition fees. These programs often focus on providing practical skills and knowledge that are directly applicable to the job market, and the additional resources required for delivering coursework can contribute to higher fees.

On the other hand, while the fees for Research Masters can still be substantial, they might be slightly lower than Taught Masters in some cases. This is because Research Masters programs often have fewer taught modules, and students spend a significant portion of their time conducting research, which may require fewer resources compared to a more structured coursework-based program.

Which degree is right for me in the UK?

If you prefer a structured and specialised curriculum with classroom-based learning, a taught Masters may be suitable. On the other hand, if you have a strong interest in conducting independent research and contributing to your field, a research Masters could be a better fit.

Taught vs Research, which is better?

The choice between taught vs research Masters depends on your academic and career objectives. A taught Masters offers a structured curriculum with specific subject knowledge, while a research Masters focuses on independent research and academic inquiry.

What is the difference between taught and research masters?

The main difference between taught and research masters lies in their core focus. A taught Masters emphasises classroom-based learning, lectures, and assessments, providing specialised subject knowledge and skills. In contrast, a research Masters centres around conducting independent research, contributing to the existing knowledge in a field, and developing strong research skills.

Are Masters by research better?

A Masters by research offers an opportunity to engage in independent and in-depth research, making it ideal for students pursuing a career in academia or research-oriented professions. However, a taught Masters may suit those seeking specialised skills and industry-focused expertise. The decision should align with your aspirations and preferred learning style.

Why are research Masters cheaper?

Research Masters programs are often cheaper than taught Masters because they require less institutional resources.

Is a Masters by research a full Masters?

Yes, a Masters by research is considered a full Masters degree. It is a postgraduate qualification that requires the completion of a research project, dissertation, or thesis. Know someone considering postgraduate studies? Share the insights in our 'Taught vs Research Masters' article with them.

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Difference Between Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate

Jennifer Finetti Aug 12, 2022

Difference Between Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate

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As a high school student , you’ve probably started thinking about college. Maybe you even started to do research and narrow down your options. You may have come across the following terms: undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate degrees.

So, what is the difference between undergraduate and graduate and postgraduate?

Read on to learn more! 

What is an undergraduate degree?

After students finish high school, they get an undergraduate degree. An undergraduate degree refers to either a bachelor’s degree or an associate’s degree. When people talk about going to college or university , they are talking about getting an undergraduate degree.

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How many years is an undergraduate degree?

There are two levels of undergraduate degrees: associate degrees and bachelor’s degrees. An associate degree requires 2 years to complete, and typically is earned at a community college . A bachelor’s degree requires completion of four years of study.

Students interested in earning a bachelor’s degree can either complete their entire degree at a four-year college or university OR they can attend a community college for their first two years, and then transfer to a university for their final two years.

What is a graduate degree?

After a student gets their undergraduate degree, they have two options. They may either get a job or continue with their studies. If they choose to continue with their studies, they pursue a graduate degree.

A graduate degree is any degree that is above a bachelor’s degree. This includes a master’s degree or doctoral degree . Master’s degrees take around 2-3 years to complete. Doctoral degrees take around 5-6 years.

Graduate degrees are typically more narrowly-focused than an undergraduate degree. This enables students to dive more deeply into their specific career interest, gaining the knowledge and expertise needed in their chosen field. Oftentimes, a student must have a graduate degree to get a job. Somebody seeking a career as a clinical social worker, must have their Master’s of Social Work.

You don’t have to get a graduate degree right after you finish your undergraduate degree. Many students take a break after their undergraduate degree and decide to work or travel instead. It’s common to see mature students in their late 20s and 30s (and even older) who decide to go back to school to get a graduate degree later in life.

To get accepted into graduate school, you must have a bachelor’s degree. This means that you must graduate from a 4-year undergraduate college or university. A student can only pursue a graduate degree if they already have a bachelor’s degree.

What is a postgraduate degree?

Students get confused with the term “postgraduate degree.” There actually isn’t a real difference between the two. Postgraduate is used interchangeably with graduate. Like a graduate degree, postgraduate refers to the range of higher degrees past the undergraduate degree. This includes both master’s degrees and Phds .

Difference Between Undergraduate and Graduate and Postgraduate

Difference between undergraduate and graduate and postgraduate

Undergraduate degree programs and graduate degree programs are very different from one another. Undergraduate programs help students gain basic knowledge in a major , or even in a few majors. Students must take a variety of courses, and not only courses relating to their major. They usually spend the first few years fulfilling general course requirements.  

Graduate programs are very different. You go to graduate school to learn something very specific. So, all the courses you take relate to your field of study.

Another big difference between the two is switching majors. In undergraduate programs, students aren’t always sure what they want to major in . Even if they choose a specific major, they may end up changing it. Undergraduate programs allow students to switch majors. It is also fairly easy to transfer to another school for any given reason.

Because graduate programs are so specific, it’s not easy to switch your field of study. You would have to fulfill new requirements and go through the application process all over again.

Another big difference is class size. Undergraduate classes tend to be much larger than graduate classes. In graduate programs, class sizes are much smaller.

Because of the difference in class size, teacher-student interaction also differs. In undergraduate programs, there isn’t much room to interact with your professors. There are also fewer opportunities to participate in class.

Graduate programs are more intimate and thus, more dynamic. Students have more opportunities to participate in class discussions. They also have more opportunities to work with their professors.

To get accepted into an undergraduate program, students must take the SAT or ACT . Other requirements include a minimum GPA , letters of recommendation  and personal statements . Colleges and universities all have their own requirements.

Difference Between Undergraduate and Graduate and Postgraduate

Many graduate programs require students to take an entrance exam such as the GRE, or specialized entrance exams for law school or medical school. Not all graduate programs require an entrance exam, so be sure to check the requirements for the program you are applying for.

Graduate programs also typically require that certain undergraduate classes be completed prior to applying, so you’ll want to check to be sure that you have completed any required courses. Sometimes graduate programs will allow you to complete missing prerequisites while enrolled in your graduate degree program.  

Final thoughts

Whether you have already started your bachelor’s degree or you’re still in high school, it’s nice to get an idea of what your options are. This can help you plan the classes you want to take in college or university and make the most of your degree.

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Jennifer Finetti

Jennifer Finetti

As a parent who recently helped her own kids embark on their college journeys, Jennifer approaches the transition from high school to college from a unique perspective. She truly enjoys engaging with students – helping them to build the confidence, knowledge, and insight needed to pursue their educational and career goals, while also empowering them with the strategies and skills needed to access scholarships and financial aid that can help limit college costs. She understands the importance of ensuring access to the edtech tools and resources that can make this process easier and more equitable - this drive to support underserved populations is what drew her to ScholarshipOwl. Jennifer has coached students from around the world, as well as in-person with local students in her own community. Her areas of focus include career exploration, major selection, college search and selection, college application assistance, financial aid and scholarship consultation, essay review and feedback, and more. She works with students who are at the top of their class, as well as those who are struggling. She firmly believes that all students, regardless of their circumstances, can succeed if they stay focused and work hard in school. Jennifer earned her MA in Counseling Psychology from National University, and her BA in Psychology from University of California, Santa Cruz.

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Postgraduate research degrees

Our research is driven by the big picture. The University of Sydney is home to leading researchers who are finding solutions to the world's most pressing issues by changing the way they look at them. 

We are home to 90 world‑renowned multidisciplinary research and teaching centres that tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges, such as health, climate change and food security. These centres include the Charles Perkins Centre, the Brain and Mind Centre ,  The University of Sydney Nano Institute , the Sydney Policy Lab , the Sydney Environment Institute , and the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre .

Our interdisciplinary approach means that students are part of a community of scholars that unites experts in fields as diverse as medicine, arts, social sciences, engineering, information technologies and science. 

As a researcher at Sydney, you'll work alongside some of the world's brightest and most accomplished academics. You can access high-calibre facilities and unique international partnerships with top-ranked institutions, including Stanford, UCLA, the University of Edinburgh, Utrecht University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and the University of Hong Kong.

Types of research degrees

Master's degree by research.

A master's degree by research at Sydney:

  • is the second-highest qualification on the Australian Qualifications Framework
  • can be a gateway to study at a PhD level
  • is usually one to two years full-time or two to four years part-time*
  • is awarded based on a supervised thesis, which makes a substantial contribution to the knowledge of the subject concerned.

*Part-time is not available to international student visa holders.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

A PhD at Sydney:

  • is our premier research award and the highest qualification on the Australian Qualifications Framework
  • comprises of independent research and writing on an approved topic toward a thesis for examination
  • may be undertaken in all faculties and divisions, or across disciplines
  • is usually 3.5 years of full-time or seven years of part-time* study.

If you’re interested in a Joint PhD program, you need to follow the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) application steps 1-3. In addition, your proposed supervisor will need to complete a proposal to negotiate a student agreement form. If accepted, you will also be required to sign an individual student agreement. After your student agreement is finalised, you will then be sent an application form for the Joint PhD program.

Please refer to the University's Dual and Joint Degree Policy for full policy details.

Download our  Joint PhD programs factsheet (pdf, 116KB)  to learn more.

Professional doctorate

A professional doctorate at Sydney:

  • allows candidates to pursue rigorous scholarship alongside advancing their practice in many fields
  • is usually three to four years of full-time or six to eight years of part-time* study.

Internship opportunities

Grow professionally and academically through a paid 3-6 month internship with an industry partner as you complete your degree.

The University of Sydney has partnered with  Australian Postgraduate Research Intern (APR.Intern)  to provide domestic and international HDR students with internship opportunities  in a range of sectors and disciplines.

A paid internship will allow you to:

  • Develop competencies that will contribute to your research
  • Gain industry experience, develop skills and build networks
  • Enhance your employability
  • Earn additional income

HDR coursework 

HDR coursework is mandatory for some of our research degrees. HDR coursework adds to your researcher toolkit so you can graduate with a robust set of skills, for a career in academia or industry.

Your faculty may elect to define certain units of study as mandatory for a given degree, or define any other studies as required by the progress evaluation panel of the research project. Refer to the relevant course in the  handbook .  

Frequently asked questions

Getting started, do i need prior research experience.

Yes, all HDR courses require prior research experience. This is because HDR courses are largely self-driven, requiring pre-requisite research, time and project management skills.

If I have no prior research experience how can I get started?

If you do not have any previous research experience, there are ways to gain what you need. Both the one-year honours and masters by coursework degrees containing substantial research components are great pathways into research. These courses will allow you to gain the research skills necessary to apply for the PhD.

What is the difference between a Master of Philosophy/Research and a PhD?

The PhD is our premier research award and the highest qualification on the Australian Qualifications Framework. The PhD is usually three years full-time or six years part-time.

The Master of Philosophy/Research is usually one to two years full-time or four years part-time (part-time is available to domestic students only). A PhD thesis is generally around 80,000 words while a master’s thesis is 50,000 words.

How do I find a supervisor?

To browse through the profiles of our researchers and learn about their current and past research, please refer to Find a Researcher . Here, you will also be able to access the publications lists and contact details of our researchers. 

My research idea crosses two disciplines – is this a problem?

No. Interdisciplinary research is highly regarded in the world of academia and working across disciplines can be very beneficial in developing and demonstrating different analytical skills. Working on research from two perspectives can also offer insight that you would not be able to achieve from one discipline perspective.

What are the English language requirements for a PhD?

Please check your  course page  for the requirements of each course. Generally, the English requirements are between 6.0 to 7.0 IELTS overall or equivalent in other accepted English proficiency tests.

How much do HDR courses cost?

There are no course fees for domestic students – fees are covered by the government Research Training Program (RTP) fee offset. However, fees apply to international students. Please refer to the  course page  for fee details.

What scholarships are available?

We have one of the largest research schemes in Australia. Opportunities include the Australian government-funded Research Training Program (RTP) stipend scholarships, and the University of Sydney and faculty-specific awards. Explore your options .

Degree progression

Do i have to undertake hdr coursework.

It depends on your degree. Your faculty may define certain units of study as mandatory for a given degree. Where this is not the case, you may still have the opportunity to complete units of study that you find useful to support your learning and research. 

Can I transfer from the Master of Philosophy into a PhD?

It is possible for students to move to the PhD after the first year of study, if you have made satisfactory progress and if the transfer is approved by your Faculty. It is important to inform your supervisor of your plans early so that you can work on a timeline together to achieve this goal.

Support during your studies

Am i able to work while studying my hdr course full-time.

Yes, you can work during your PhD. How many hours you take on is at your own discretion, and you must ensure that you still allow time for the completion of your research. International HDR students can generally work more hours than coursework students. Please check your individual visa for specific restrictions.

Will the university employ me during my PhD?

There are sometimes opportunities for PhD candidates to engage in paid employment at the University, but this is not guaranteed and is dependent on the Faculty/Department. If opportunities do arise, they may be in the form of teaching, marking, acting as a research assistant, or other roles.

What support services are available to research students?

There is extensive support for research students at Sydney, including 100+ multidisciplinary research and teaching centres.

Other services:

  • Library workshops for research skills
  • Academic Liasion Librarians
  • Research Support Officers
  • Careers Centre
  • Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association (SUPRA)
  • Learning Hub

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Opening hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

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Facts & figures

Research at Sydney

  • Top 20 Ranked one of the world's top universities*
  • 100% of our research is ranked at world standard and above by the Australian Research Council
  • 100+ multidisciplinary research and teaching centres
  • * QS World University Rankings 2024

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Postgraduate research

A postgraduate research course provides you with a unique opportunity to follow your interest in an area of research.

As a research student, you will benefit from the knowledge and expertise of our world-class staff, with networking opportunities that can lead to career possibilities around the world.

Together, our high-calibre researchers and students are solving some of today’s most critical and challenging problems. Browse our research degrees below to find one that best suits you.

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Postgraduate research options

Postgraduate research courses have an intensive research component. Through the research process you will extend your understanding of a subject area and develop advanced analytical and project management skills as well as the ability to work independently.

Successful completion of a research degree indicates to a prospective employer that you have excellent project and personal management skills, and that you can think independently and critically, solve problems and communicate effectively.

Research doctorates (including PhD)

These consist of a research project mutually agreed upon by a student, supervisor, head of school and the Board of the Graduate Research School. The programs require the development and implementation of a rigorous research plan, based on a comprehensive understanding of the relevant literature and the need for answers to questions posed in that literature or as the result of a new theory.

A thesis at this level will demonstrate, in the context of a substantial and original contribution, mastery of the subject as well as a furthering of understanding in that field of knowledge, through the discovery of knowledge, the formulation of theories or the innovative re-interpretation of known data and established ideas.

The thesis arising from the research should show a student's ability to document and interpret results, to formulate theories, and to discuss the results in the light of the current literature to a level of competence required in published materials.

Some research doctorates also include a structured coursework component and are designed to provide high-level research training to professionals in particular fields. These courses include the Doctor of Education, the Doctor of Juridical Science and the Doctor of Podiatry.

Master's by research

A master's by research is a supervised degree for which a thesis represents 100 per cent of the degree requirements. Some master’s by research courses include creative work (creative writing, fine arts or music). For these degrees, assessment is based on creative work only. A master's thesis must be a substantial work, generally based on independent research that shows:

  • sound knowledge of the research subject
  • evidence of independent thought
  • an ability to use clear and concise language

Master's by thesis and coursework

A master's by thesis and coursework recognises your thorough understanding of a research field or area of professional practice. A master’s by thesis and coursework includes a dissertation component that represents 66.6 per cent or more of the degree requirements.

Graduates possess a range of academic and vocational attributes such as:

  • advanced knowledge of a specialist body of topics
  • high-order skills in analysis, critical evaluation and/or professional application through the planning and execution of project work or a piece of scholarship or research
  • creativity and flexibility in the application of knowledge and skills to new situations
  • an ability to solve complex problems and think rigorously and independently

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Please find below a full list of postgraduate courses with their classification (PGR or PGT) and its definition:

According to the Office for Students (OfS), the definition of Postgraduate Research and Postgraduate Taught courses are as follows:

Postgraduate Research (PGR)

Postgraduate research courses are those in which the qualification aim is a research-based higher degree. This is a postgraduate programme comprising a research component (including a requirement to produce original work) which is larger in terms of student effort than any accompanying taught component. The arrangements for assuring and maintaining the academic standards and enhancing the quality of these programmes should be fully compliant with Chapter B11 of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education’s ‘UK quality code for higher education’ on postgraduate research programmes.

Postgraduate Taught (PGT) 

Postgraduate taught courses are those that do not meet the requirements to be a research course. Postgraduates include those on graduate conversion courses and all on postgraduate initial teacher training courses such as Postgraduate or Professional Graduate Certificates in Education (PGCEs). 

Degree Course name PG Research or
PG Taught
  Doctor of Business (BusD) PGR
  Doctor of Education (EdD) PGR
  Doctor of Engineering (EngD) PGR
  Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (VetMD) PGR
  Doctore of Medicine (MD) PGR
  Ph.D (all disciplines) PGR
Integrated Doctorate
  MSc+PhD in Agri-Food Robotics PGR
  MRes+PhD in Application of Artificial Intelligence to the Study of Environmental Risks PGR
  MPhil+PhD in Computational Methods for Materials Science PGR
  MPhil+PhD in Epidemiology (Cardiovascular research) PGR
  MRes+PhD in Biological Science (Stem cell biology) PGR
  MRes+PhD in Cancer Biology PGR
  MRes+PhD in Cancer Biology for Clinician Scientists PGR
  MRes+PhD in Connected Electronic and Photonic Systems PGR
  MRes+PhD in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment PGR
  MRes+PhD in Future Propulsion and Power PGR
  MRes+PhD in Graphene Technology PGR
  MRes+PhD in Management Studies PGR
  MRes+PhD in Mathematical Genomics and Medicine PGR
  MRes+PhD in Medical Science (Cardiovascular research) PGR
  MRes+PhD in Medical Science (CIMR programme) PGR
  MRes+PhD in Medical Science (Infection, immunity and inflammation) PGR
  MRes+PhD in Medical Science (Metabolic and cardiovascular disease) PGR
  MRes+PhD in Medical Science (Obesity and related metabolic disease) PGR
  MRes+PhD in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology PGR
  MRes+PhD in Sensor Technologies and Applications PGR
  MRes+PhD in Ultra Precision Engineering PGR
  Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) PGT
  Executive Master of Accounting (MAcc) PGT
  MASt in Applied Mathematics PGT
  MASt in Astrophysics PGT
  MASt in Earth Sciences PGT
  MASt in Materials Science PGT
  MASt in Mathematical Statistics PGT
  MASt in Physics PGT
  MASt in Pure Mathematics PGT
  MASt in Theoretical Physics PGT
  Master of Architecture (MArch) PGT
  Master of Business Administration (MBA) PGT
  Master of Corporate Law (MCL) PGT
  Master of Education (MEd) PGT
  Master of Finance (MFin) PGT
  Master of Law (LLM) PGT
  Master of Music (MMus) PGT
  Master of Surgery (MChir) PGR
  Master in Conservation of Easel Paintings (MCEP) PGT
  MPhil in Advanced Chemical Engineering PGT
  MPhil in Advanced Computer Science PGT
  MPhil in African Studies PGT
  MPhil in American History PGT
  MPhil in American Literature PGT
  MPhil in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic PGT
  MPhil in Anthropocene Studies PGT
  MPhil in Applied Biological Anthropology PGT
  MPhil in Archaeological Research PGT
  MPhil in Archaeological Science PGT
  MPhil in Archaeology PGT
  MPhil in Architecture PGR
  MPhil in Architecture and Urban Design PGT
  MPhil in Architecture and Urban Studies PGT
  MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies PGT
  MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Research PGR
  MPhil in Assyriology PGT
  MPhil in Astronomy PGR
  MPhil in Basic and Translational Neuroscience PGT
  MPhil in Biological Anthropological Science PGR
  MPhil in Biological Science PGR
  MPhil in Biological Science (Stem cell biology) PGR
  MPhil in Biological Sciences PGT
  MPhil in Bioscience Enterprise PGT
  MPhil in Biotechnology PGT
  MPhil in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology PGR
  MPhil in Chemistry PGR
  MPhil in Classics PGT
  MPhil in Computational Biology PGT
  MPhil in Conservation Leadership PGT
  MPhil in Criminological Research PGT
  MPhil in Criminology PGT
  MPhil in Data Intensive Science PGT
  MPhil in Development Studies PGT
  MPhil in Developmental Biology PGT
  Mphil in Digital Humanities PGT
  MPhil in Early Modern History PGT
  MPhil in Earth Sciences PGR
  MPhil in Economic and Social History PGT
  MPhil in Economic Research PGT
  MPhil in Economics PGT
  MPhil in Education PGT
  MPhil in Egyptology PGT
  MPhil in Energy Technologies PGT
  MPhil in Engineering PGR
  MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development PGT
  MPhil in English Studies PGT
  MPhil in Environmental Policy PGT
  MPhil in Ethics of AI, Data and Algorithms PGT
  MPhil in European, Latin American, and Comparative Literatures and Cultures PGT
  MPhil in European, Latin American, and Comparative Literatures and Cultures (by thesis) PGR
  MPhil in Film and Sceen Studies PGT
  MPhil in Film and Sceen Studies (by thesis) PGR
  MPhil in Finance PGT
  MPhil in Finance and Economics PGT
  MPhil in Genomic Medicine PGT
  MPhil in Geographical Research PGT
  MPhil in Geography (Arts) PGR
  MPhil in Geography (Science) PGR
  MPhil in Health, Medicine and Society PGT
  MPhil in Heritage PGT
  MPhil in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine PGT
  MPhil in History of Art and Architecture PGT
  MPhil in Holocene Climates PGT
  MPhil in Human Evolutionary Studies PGT
  MPhil in Industrial Systems, Manufacture and Management PGT
  MPhil in Innovation, Strategy and Organisation PGT
  MPhil in Land Economy PGR
  MPhil in Land Economy Research PGT
  MPhil in Latin American Studies PGT
  MPhil in Latin American Studies (by thesis) PGR
  MPhil in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence PGT
  MPhil in Management PGT
  MPhil in Materials Science and Metallurgy PGR
  MPhil in Mathematics PGT
  MPhil in Medical Science PGR
  MPhil in Medieval and Renaissance Literature PGT
  MPhil in Medieval History PGT
  MPhil in Micro- and Nanotechnology Enterprise PGT
  MPhil in Modern British History PGT
  MPhil in Modern European History PGT
  MPhil in Modern South Asian Studies PGT
  MPhil in Multi-Disciplinary Gender Studies PGT
  MPhil in Music PGT
  MPhil in Nuclear Energy PGT
  MPhil in Philosophy PGT
  MPhil in Physics PGR
  MPhil in Planning, Growth and Regeneration PGT
  MPhil in Polar Studies PGT
  MPhil in Political Thought and Intellectual History PGT
  MPhil in Politics and International Studies PGT
  Mphil in Population Health Sciences PGT
  MPhil in Public Policy PGT
  MPhil in Real Estate Finance PGT
  MPhil in Scientific Computing PGT
  MPhil in Social Anthropological Research PGT
  MPhil in Social Anthropology PGT
  MPhil in Sociology PGT
  MPhil in Strategy, Marketing, and Operations PGT
  MPhil in Technology Policy PGT
  MPhil in Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion PGT
  MPhil in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics PGT
  MPhil in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (by thesis) PGR
  MPhil in Therapeutic Sciences PGT
  MPhil in Translational Biomedical Research PGT
  MPhil in Veterinary Science PGR
  MPhil in World History PGT
  MRes in Connected Electronic and Photonic Systems PGR
  MRes in Social Anthropology PGR
  MSt in Advanced Subject Teaching PGT
  MSt in AI Ethics and Society PGT
  MSt in Applied Criminology and Police Management PGT
  MSt in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management PGT
  MSt in Architecture: Degree Apprenticeship PGT
  MSt in Building History PGT
  MSt in Clinical Medicine PGT
  MSt in Coaching PGT
  MSt in Construction Engineering PGT
  MSt in Creative Writing PGT
  MSt in Crime and Thriller Writing PGT
  MSt in English Language Assessment PGT
  MSt in Entrepreneurship PGT
  MSt in Genomic Medicine PGT
  MSt in Healthcare Data: Informatics, Innovation and Commercialization PGT
  MSt in History PGT
  MSt in History of Art and Visual Culture PGT
  MSt in Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment PGT
  MSt in International Relations PGT
  MSt in Medical Education PGT
  MSt in Population Health Sciences PGT
  MSt in Real Estate PGT
  MSt in Social Innovation PGT
  MSt in Sustainability Leadership PGT
  MSt in Writing for Performance PGT
Master's Apprenticeship    
  MSt Apprenticeship in Applied Criminology and Police Management: Senior Leaders’ Master’s Degree Apprenticeship PGT
Diploma's and
Advanced Diploma's
  Advanced Diploma in Economics PGT
  Advanced Diploma in Hebrew Studies PGT
  Advanced Diploma in Research Theory and Practice in English (Business Management) PGT
  Advanced Diploma in Research Theory and Practice in English (Engineering) PGT
  Advanced Diploma in Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion PGT
  PGDip in Conservation of Easel Paintings PGT
  PGDip in International Law PGR
  PGDip in Legal Studies PGR
  Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) PGT
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Meaning of postgraduate in English

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  • homeschooler
  • house officer
  • school-leaver
  • schoolchild
  • associate's degree
  • baccalaureate
  • bachelor's degree
  • Doctor of Medicine
  • doctorate in something
  • double major
  • Master of Arts
  • Master of Science
  • Master's degree
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education
  • second degree
  • summa cum laude

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  • postgraduate

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  1. Postgraduate Research

    postgraduate research student meaning

  2. Postgraduate Meaning and Undergraduate Meaning: US Terms Explained

    postgraduate research student meaning

  3. Postgraduate Research Students

    postgraduate research student meaning

  4. Postgraduate Research Students Welcome and Induction

    postgraduate research student meaning

  5. What is the Difference Between Postgraduate and Undergraduate

    postgraduate research student meaning

  6. Postgraduate

    postgraduate research student meaning


  1. Performances of Spoken English Student. Meaning of Verbs. Join Satyam Spoken English and Abacus

  2. postgraduate meaning in hindi || postgraduate ka matlab kya hota hai || #shorts

  3. Meaning Tips #1

  4. A Research-Student Week at E-JUST (EGYPT)

  5. University of Sussex, PhD in Informatics

  6. Postgraduate Research Degrees in Arts and Cultural Management


  1. Postgraduate research

    Postgraduate research represents a formal area of study that is recognized by a university or institute of higher learning. The notion of "postgraduate" refers to studies following a undergraduate degree.Postgraduate research either occurs within a postgraduate degree that also includes taught elements, such as the thesis completed after the all but dissertation stage of an American-style ...

  2. What is the difference between a postgraduate taught master's and a

    With postgraduate taught courses, you often won't have to submit a research proposal for your research project as part of your application, as the taught elements of the course are meant to help inform your research proposal. However, some postgraduate master's courses may ask for you to submit a research proposal or at least have an idea ...

  3. Which Master? Postgraduate Taught vs Research (Differences)

    In contrast, a Research Master's degree will focus on, you guessed it, research. In the UK, such programmes are also called postgraduate research or PGR (although this term may also refer to doctorate programmes). Rather than attending classes every semester and completing module assignments, you will need to focus on an independent research ...

  4. What is a research student?

    1. A research student is one who is learning how to research by doing research under the supervision of a more senior academic. Of course, if you're not simultaneously a bachelor, Master, or PhD student, then you're not going to get any formal qualification out of it. - Moriarty. Jun 27, 2014 at 8:34.

  5. What is a Postgraduate Degree? A Definition & Guide

    A Definition and Guide. A postgraduate degree is a qualification that is undertaken after a bachelors or undergraduate degree. It is recognised as a Level 7 qualification in the UK, Wales and Northern Ireland, and a Level 11 qualification in Scotland. Postgraduate degrees encompass a range of qualifications, including masters degrees ...

  6. Taught Masters vs Research Masters Degrees

    Research Masters require students to undertake extensive research training, while postgraduate taught Masters involve a mixture of lectures, seminars and coursework. Taught Masters (PGT) degrees are a lot like undergraduate programmes. You'll complete a series of modules following a set timetable of seminars, lectures and other activities.

  7. What is meant by 'postgraduate researcher' and 'postgraduate taught'?

    Postgraduate researchers are those undertaking the following research degrees: Postgraduate taught students are those undertaking the following postgraduate taught programmes: Section 6 of the University Regulations sets out the requirements and minimum/maximum duration, for all categories of Programmes of Study offered by the University.

  8. What Is A Postgraduate Student? A Definition

    Some postgraduate students find this way of working isolating and difficult compared to a campus-based full-time course. Getting the balance right. Postgraduate students are all experienced in the academic work and research necessary for their subject and spend a great deal of time completing independent study projects. This means that the ...

  9. What is a research degree?

    The Master of Research (MRes) degree is a one year full-time or two years part-time master's degree. The MRes places more emphasis on research skills than a traditional taught master's degree such as an MA or MSc. For students who wish to proceed to doctoral research, it can be an excellent preparation. It can also be a standalone degree ...

  10. What Is A PhD Student? A Definition

    PhD students are all mature students, as they have already completed undergraduate and postgraduate degrees already. Most PhD students will have done a masters in preparation for starting a PhD , this is often an MPhil or a Masters by Research. All of this previous study means that PhD students have strong study skills and have spent time ...

  11. What is a research degree?

    Distance learning. Our distance learning programmes offer a flexible way to study for a research degree - allowing you to gain a University of Leicester research degree wherever you are in the world. Research degrees are the highest level of degree usually awarded by UK universities. Find out about the different types of research degrees ...

  12. What is the difference between taught and research courses?

    Postgraduate taught courses are usually one year in length (and a minimum of two years if taken part-time). Comprising a number of modules, they are assessed by a combination of coursework, examination and dissertation and lead to the award of a Masters qualification. Postgraduate research courses involve the completion of original academic ...

  13. How to decide between postgraduate research and coursework

    4 mins. It can be a little tricky figuring out which postgraduate degree is for you. That's why we've done the work for you to clarify the differences between a coursework degree and a research degree, and where each could take your career. Tl;dr: The main difference between these two styles is coursework has classes and research has a thesis.

  14. Difference Between Postgraduate Research and Coursework

    There are a few key differences between postgraduate coursework and postgraduate research programs. Postgraduate Coursework. Postgraduate coursework programs deliver content through a set unit program (similar to an undergraduate Bachelor degree), but at a more advanced level. Coursework will allow you to deepen your knowledge within a discipline, or to pursue a new or additional study area at ...

  15. terminology

    In the USA An undergraduate student is one who's working towards a bachelors degree; typically a graduate student is one who has a bachelors degree and is either working on a Masters are higher level degree; a postgraduate degree level refers to someone who has earned a masters degree and is in route to a higher level degree; a postdoctoral ...

  16. Postgraduate education

    Postgraduate education can involve studying for qualifications such as postgraduate certificates and postgraduate diplomas. They are sometimes used as steps on the route to a degree, as part of the training for a specific career, or as a qualification in an area of study too narrow to warrant a full degree course.

  17. Taught vs research masters: What's the difference and which ...

    Research masters meaning. A research masters is very different, both in terms of course content and structure. ... Postgraduate research programs focus on independent and original research, where students delve deep into a specific research question or topic within their chosen field. They work closely with a research supervisor and complete a ...

  18. Difference Between Undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate

    In graduate programs, class sizes are much smaller. Because of the difference in class size, teacher-student interaction also differs. In undergraduate programs, there isn't much room to interact with your professors. There are also fewer opportunities to participate in class. Graduate programs are more intimate and thus, more dynamic.

  19. Postgraduate research degrees

    Grow professionally and academically through a paid 3-6 month internship with an industry partner as you complete your degree. The University of Sydney has partnered with Australian Postgraduate Research Intern (APR.Intern) to provide domestic and international HDR students with internship opportunities in a range of sectors and disciplines.

  20. Postgraduate research : The University of Western Australia

    A postgraduate research course provides you with a unique opportunity to follow your interest in an area of research. As a research student, you will benefit from the knowledge and expertise of our world-class staff, with networking opportunities that can lead to career possibilities around the world. Together, our high-calibre researchers and ...

  21. What is the classification of the postgraduate courses, Research or

    Postgraduate research courses are those in which the qualification aim is a research-based higher degree. This is a postgraduate programme comprising a research component (including a requirement to produce original work) which is larger in terms of student effort than any accompanying taught component.


    POSTGRADUATE definition: 1. a student who has already received one degree and is studying at a university for a more…. Learn more.