10 Inspirational Speeches and Emails by Leaders

10 Inspirational Speeches and Emails by Leaders

Table of Contents

  • 10 Best Leadership Emails and Speeches by Leaders 

Have you ever felt greatly moved and inspired after listening to a speech by your role model? Or read an email by your CEO that made your day? Nothing can compare to the power of the right words at the right time, especially when they come from someone we respect and appreciate. 

If you’re here, you’re probably looking for some motivation or preparing to inspire your team on a big day. In any case, we have got you covered with examples of the best leadership speech examples (and some leadership email examples too!)

simple speech on leaders

10 Best Leadership Emails and Speeches

Here is a curated list of some of the most inspiring speeches and emails from leaders across the world in different industries.

1. Email by Starbucks’ ex-CEO Howard Schultz, August 2015

Whether you like him or not, you have to admit that Schultz knows how to make a difference. In August 2015, signals of a Chinese economic slowdown sparked panic, causing more than $1 trillion worth of losses in the Asian markets. This brought the Dow down by 588 points and gave birth to the popular hashtag #GreatFallOfChina.

Howard Schultz, Starbucks’ CEO at the time, wanted to make sure that all 190,000 of the company’s employees were aware of the issue. As a result, he sent a persuasive message, asking them to pay special attention to customers. Excerpt:

“Our customers are likely to experience an increased level of anxiety and concern. Please recognize this and—as you always have—remember that our success is not an entitlement, but something we need to earn, every day. Let’s be very sensitive to the pressures our customers may be feeling, and do everything we can to individually and collectively exceed their expectations.

…The experience we deliver in our stores, the strength and equity of our brand, and the primary reason for our current and future success is because of all of YOU. I believe in you and have never been prouder to be your partner.”

It’s not only about using inspirational words. It’s not just reassuring employees that Starbucks, as a publicly-traded company, will continue to do well despite market volatility. 

It’s not even about Schultz’s admiration for his partners alone. It isn’t just one of them; it is all of them.

2. “A Tryst With Destiny” by Jawaharlal Nehru, August 1947

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru is one leader whose words and actions touched the populace. Nehru gave the “Tryst with Destiny” address on the eve of Independence Day. It shed light on India’s century-long fight against the British Empire.

It addressed issues that go beyond India’s history. It is regarded as one of the finest leadership speech examples of the 20th century. This pivotal address captures the triumphant finale of India’s largely nonviolent freedom movement against the British empire.


“Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance….” 

Tryst with Destiny is definitely one of the orations that not just Indians, but people across the world, will keep going back to.

3. “Learning From the West” by Narayana Murthy, 2001

One of Narayana Murthy’s most compelling speeches was given at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management. It focused on certain Western values that all Indians should imbibe, such as intellectual independence, professionalism, and accountability, among others. 

“As it is said in the Vedas: Man can live individually, but can survive only collectively. Hence, the challenge is to form a progressive community by balancing the interests of the individual and that of the society. To meet this, we need to develop a value system where people accept modest sacrifices for the common good.” 

4. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella’s email to employees, 2017

In 2016, Microsoft launched a Twitter bot called “Tay” to enhance artificial intelligence communication between humans. However, things went horribly wrong when hackers and others forced Tay to start making racist and vulgar comments, causing Microsoft to shut down Tay and apologize just a few hours later.

Without a doubt, the “Tay crew” was devastated by this failure. You may imagine their surprise when they received the following statements in an email from their CEO.

“Keep pushing, and know that I am with you … (The) key is to keep learning and improving.”

This is one of the top leadership email examples. Your team needs to know you’re looking out for them. We all make errors. The point is, how can you assist your employees in recovering from their mistakes?

5. Stanford commencement address by Steve Jobs, June 2005

Steve Jobs delivered a commencement address at Stanford University in 2005, and it will give you goosebumps. It’s an awe-inspiring speech, as well as a wonderful lesson in determination from one of history’s most prominent speakers. 

“You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever,” he said. “This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” 

You must watch the full speech. It will leave you inspired and motivate you to do better. 

6. “Go Kiss the World” by Subroto Bagchi at IIM Bangalore, 2006

Bagchi, the co-founder of Mindtree, spoke to the Class of 2006 at IIM Bangalore about how to define success. His blind mother’s final words to him were, “Go kiss the world.

This speech is an inspiration to India’s youth, encouraging them to recognize and develop their inner qualities, allowing them to fulfill their truest potential.

“… success is your ability to rise above your discomfort, whatever may be your current state. You can, if you want, raise your consciousness above your immediate surroundings. Success is not about building material comforts – the transistor that he never could buy or the house that he never owned.”

7. V.K. Krishna Menon’s speech at the United Nations, January 1957

V.K. Krishna Menon defended India’s position on Kashmir in a remarkable eight-hour address. The speech given on January 23, 1957, is still the longest-ever given at the United Nations Security Council.

“Why is it that we have never heard voices in connection with the freedom of people under the suppression and tyranny of Pakistani authorities on the other side of the cease-fire line? Why is it that we have not heard here that in ten years these people have not seen a ballot paper? With what voice can either the Security Council or anyone coming before it demand a plebiscite for the people on our side who exercise franchise, who have freedom of speech, who function under a hundred local bodies?”

8. Email by Jeff Bezos after Times criticism

The New York Times published a critical article in the summer of 2015, positioning Amazon as a cruel employer, that prioritizes company performance over employee well-being.

Amazon’s CEO, in an internal memo, asked his employees to read the Times article and to “escalate to HR” any incidents similar to those reported, even urging them to email him directly. 

simple speech on leaders

“I strongly believe that anyone working in a company that really is like the one described in the NYT would be crazy to stay. I know I would leave such a company.

But hopefully, you don’t recognize the company described. Hopefully, you’re having fun working with a bunch of brilliant teammates, helping invent the future, and laughing along the way.”

Criticism is never pleasant, but it sure helps us identify blind spots and opportunities for progress.

9. Kiran Bedi’s speech on visionary leadership, 2010

The talk by India’s first female IPS officer at TEDWomen on innovative leadership was truly amazing and inspiring. In her speech, Kiran Bedi shares her journey to become who she is and what visionary leadership entails.

“I joined the Indian Police Service as a tough woman, a woman with indefatigable stamina because I used to run for my tennis titles, etc. But I joined the Indian Police Service, and then it was a new pattern of policing. For me, policing stood for power to correct, power to prevent, and power to detect. This is something like a new definition ever given in policing in India—the power to prevent.”

10. Email by PepsiCo’s Indra Nooyi after Donald Trump’s presidential victory

Last but not least is an email from Indra Nooyi, CEO of PepsiCo. She wrote to non-American citizens to cast aside their fear of joblessness after Donald Trump’s victory in the election for the 45th President of the US. 

She knew that an America under Donald Trump could cause a slew of issues for her minority-race staff. She wrote to her employees an email, an excerpt of which is mentioned below.

“We serve more countries and territories than the United Nations, and our associates encompass virtually all of the world’s nationalities, cultures, faith and traditions. That diversity is a source of strength, an engine of creativity, dynamism, and prosperity. And it reflects the simple recognition that no matter what our differences, each of us is committed to doing our part for one another and this company that fills us with pride.”

An unforgettable leadership email example, this well-written piece of communication went a long way in reassuring the employees at PepsiCo.

simple speech on leaders

As humans, we need to inspire and be inspired from time to time. We hope this list of the best leadership speech examples, as well as emails, will help you get inspired. If you have come across any interesting leadership speech ideas , do let us know!

Here are some examples of excellent speeches that inspire.  – “Tryst with Destiny” by Jawaharlal Nehru  – Narayan Murthy’s speech on the role of Western values in Indian society – The Stanford commencement address by Steve Jobs  – “Go kiss the world” by Subroto Bagchi – Kiran Bedi’s speech on visionary leadership

There are many ways to start a speech. You can begin with a quote, personal anecdote, powerful statement/phrase, an interesting statistic, a “what if” scenario, and so on.

You can greet the audience with phrases, such as the following. “Hello, ladies and gentlemen.” “Good morning/good afternoon/good evening.” “Welcome, fellow colleagues.” “It is my pleasure to have you all here.” “Thank you for joining me today.” 

Speeches hold the power to motivate us, especially when they come from someone we respect and appreciate.

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Speech On Leadership [1,2,3 Minutes]

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the ways and shows the way”. This is one of my favourite quotes which describes the meaning of leadership in just a few words. Leadership is a process of influencing, inspiring and helping others to achieve goals along the way.

In this article, we shared some examples of speech on leadership. These speeches have a time duration of 1, 2 and 3 minutes. This article will explain to you what is leadership, who is a good leader and how to choose a good leader.

1 Minute Speech On Leadership

Hello and welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to present a speech on leadership.

What is leadership? If you find the definition in the dictionary, you will see it is the ability of a person to influence individuals and guide them in a way that maximizes their efforts and leads to optimum outcomes.

This is why It becomes important for any kind of organisation to have a great leader who has good visionary skills and risk-computing skills so that he can lead the organisation on the path of progress.

Many say that leadership can not be taught but I believe this is an assumption. Various leadership development programmes can help you develop leadership skills.

To sum it up, developing leadership skills is a slow process but anyone can definitely learn leadership. Thank you!

2-Minute Speech On Leadership

I warmly welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to deliver a speech on leadership. Before I start speaking my thoughts, I would like to wish you a good day. Also, I want to thank you for giving me this valuable opportunity.

Leadership is a skill that not everyone is blessed with. Yet, it is not something that can not be learned. It is a process of influencing, inspiring and helping others to become their best selves, building their skills and achieving goals along the way.

Leadership skills are always needed to accomplish a great goal of an organisation. A good leader has a good vision and risk-calculating abilities which reduce the risk of a decline in progress. Working for a goal without having a good leader is no less than shooting arrows in the darkness.

A leader can make or break all of your future dreams. So, it is very vital to choose a leader very wisely. But then a question arises in the mind; how to identify a good leader who can actually help us to lead ahead in life?

Well, there are some common personality traits of a good leader which can help in finding a good leader. First , good observation skill is one of the features of great leaders, they observe well before making a decision.

Second , they are action-takers, they do not waste their time on unnecessary activities. Third , they are good communicators. They have a great deal of sense of how to present views in a positive way. This quality enables them to influence and persuade each kind of person.

Fourth , Flexibility is another great quality of great leaders. They change strategies whenever they feel the need. So, pay close attention to who is leading you. Thank you!

2 minute Speech On Leadership

A Speech On Leadership | 3 Minutes

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the ways and shows the way”. This is one of my favourite quotes which describes the meaning of leadership in just a few words.

Good morning! All of you. Before heading ahead to my speech on leadership, I would like to wish you all the best wishes and also want to pay thanks for giving me this valuable opportunity.

Who is a leader? The answer is “someone who can lead you somewhere is called a leader” and this kind of capability is called  leadership . Also, a good leader is also a great mentor. Thus, It becomes necessary for any kind of organisation to have a splendid leader.

Leadership is not a new idea. If we examine history, we will find It has been ruling the world since human civilizations came into existence. A leader possesses good visionary skills and risk-computing skills so that he can lead the organisation on the path of progress.

Whether a person, a business or an organisation, all of this desire to lead to new heights. There is no choice but to have a great leader who can show them the right path and help them get there. This is why leadership holds great importance in every sphere of life.

But choosing a good leader is not easy yet not even very tough. Great leaders show some common qualities which can help us select a good leader who can actually help us to achieve goals and accomplish success. Let’s talk about these qualities.

This is the greatest quality that a great leader can have. This quality his see the broad picture of the scene to decide what are the next essential steps to take and where these steps will lead to.

2. Inspiration

Planning without action is worthless. Similarly, having a vision not going to work unless you have the ability to convey a clear picture of your vision to the people. Hence, inspiring people by showing them their vision is another quality of a good leader.

3. Continuous Improvement

A leader strives for continuous improvements as they know that there is always room for improvement. They’ll always be ready to help the members to discover ways to develop new skills or improve upon a weakness,

4. Flexibility

If one strategy does not work, try the other one. This activity is called flexibility. Being flexible enables a person to find out the best way to achieve goals in less time.

If a person possesses these qualities, he or she qualifies to be a good leader. This is all I wanted to say. I hope you liked my thoughts. Thank you!

3 Minutes Speech On Leadership

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12 of the best TED Talks on leadership 

The secret to becoming a better leader keep learning.

Effective leadership requires intense motivation. And motivation wanes for everyone. Burnout , losing sight of a project’s “Why?”, and energy-draining obstacles can push anyone to a low point. 

Luckily, hearing from fellow leaders who’ve been there might provide just the inspiration you need to keep pursuing your professional goals .

Entrepreneurs, changemakers, and dreamers: pop in your earbuds. Thanks to TED Talks — short-form educational speeches from subject-matter experts — you can find inspiration in 18 minutes or less. We’ll explore 12 of the best TED Talks on leadership.

As a leader, you might feel like you must have all the answers and sufficient belief in a mission to always stay positive . But you also need to learn to collaborate , have rewarding conversations, and fuel your motivators. 

TED Talks are an excellent resource for this personal growth. You can learn from fellow leaders who’ve been in your situation. And the captivating style of these talks has the power to shift your thinking (and maybe even your mood) in just a few minutes. 

The following 12 TED Talks present inspiring leadership lessons anyone can benefit from, especially someone feeling stuck in their role.

1. How Great Leaders Inspire Action, by Simon Sinek

With almost 63 million views on TED’s platform alone, this prolific leadership talk from author Simon Sinek has been a significant source of inspiration for many. Simon breaks down why certain figures go further than the rest, even if their motivations, circumstances, and resources are similar to others’. He describes this phenomenon as “ The Golden Circle ,” at the center of which is the “Why?” that drives successful leaders. 

Simon maintains that inspired leaders, from Martin Luther King to the team at Apple, encourage others to believe in their “Why?” before their “What?”, starting from the heart instead of rational facts. Any leader questioning their purpose will feel invigorated by this inspiring talk that’s spurred tens of millions to see the world differently.

2. Lead Like the Great Conductors, by Itay Talgam

Orchestra conductor Itay Talgam knows a thing or two about leading a group and keeping them in rhythm — transforming mere sounds into symphonies. In his famous TED Talk , Itay provides a unique perspective from the creative world for business-minded leaders and vision-driven entrepreneurs . 

Itay runs through different conducting styles and invites the audience to participate in the talk. The take-home message is that no two great leaders are the same, but all devise creative ways to bring out others’ talents. This lecture is an enjoyable piece that’ll inspire anyone, from a professor to a CEO, to think like a conductor.

3. 10 Ways to Have a Brilliant Conversation, by Celeste Headlee

Writer and radio host Celeste Headlee has a wealth of experience interviewing others, making her an expert conversationalist. In her TED Talk , Celeste tackles the notion of avoiding honest conversations for fear of an argument. 

As someone who’s spoken to people she disagrees with in her career , Celeste has 10 valuable pieces of advice to help leaders have a conversation with anyone, even if the discussion turns difficult. 

With points like admitting when you don’t know something, avoiding pontification, and practicing active listening , Celeste encourages leaders to be open-minded , brief, and engaged. This talk is a worthwhile listen for anyone who hopes to have better conversations and leaders who want tips for navigating tense moments.

4. Everyday Leadership, by Drew Dudley

Leadership speaker and author Drew Dudley shares his wisdom in this six-minute TED Talk that invites the audience to consider the lives they change daily. With a sharp sense of humor, Drew reminds listeners that you don’t always catch when you’re influencing others. He uses a charming anecdote about a woman whose life he changed without knowing it to prove the point that those that do little things to brighten a day, or even just to get a laugh, could spur a major shift for someone else. 

This light-hearted talk is a must-listen for leaders lost in the big picture. Drew brings home the grounding point that great leadership comprises small everyday acts.

5. How to Start a Movement, by Derek Sivers

This three-minute TED Talk has racked up over 10 million views on the organization’s site, capturing the audience right off the bat with a quirky video. Derek Sivers narrates a scene where one person in a crowd starts a silly dance and, before long, others follow suit. The take-home point? One person can start a movement, but as Derek says, they must have “the guts to stand out and be ridiculed” and perform an act others can easily copy. 

In the video, that leader may be one brave dancer, and the act, a bit of arm movement, but that gesture becomes a figurative movement, too. It’s replicable and enticing enough for others to join in. 

This talk is perfect for a leader who needs a three-minute pep-talk, laugh, and food for thought for the day ahead. 

6. Dare to Disagree, by Margaret Heffernan 

In this talk , writer and former five-time CEO Margaret Heffernan reminds the audience of the power of disagreeing. Conflict can help leaders grow by learning from others and defending an opinion. 

Using the example of an early researcher of cancer in women, Dr. Alice Stewart, and a research partner who countered the doctor’s ideas, Margaret makes the point that echo chambers have less to teach leaders than allowing others to challenge their ideas. At one point in the talk, Margaret even refers to constructive conflict as thinking. 

This discussion reminds leaders to trust their knowledge but allow others to talk — a balance that promotes diversity of opinions and growth. 

7. The Puzzle of Motivation, by Dan Pink 

Even the best leaders need the motivation to overcome low moments at work . But this TED Talk , with tens of millions of views from bestselling author and career analyst Dan Pink, reminds audiences of the importance of inspiring others as well. 

Dan argues that sometimes reward-based motivation does more harm than good. If-then tasks may encourage people to get the job done because the objective is finite. But creative work? He argues that autonomy and purpose motivate more than material rewards , and he brings several studies to the table to prove it. 

This talk is excellent for leaders who want to help others thrive. A rising tide lifts all boats, and organizations full of empowered, self-motivated people, are healthy to the core. 

8. So We Leaned In….Now What?, by Cheryl Sandberg 

In this interview-style TED Talk , former Meta COO Cheryl Sandberg discusses being nervous to speak openly about women leaders. She touches on feeling insecure, being a mother , and sensing she didn’t belong. 

Unlike many of TED’s polished talks, this conversation is raw and unscripted. It’s the ultimate reminder that even high-ranking leaders of big-name brands struggle with self-doubt , the pressures of family life, and emotional reactions (yes, even in the workplace). Any leader dealing with these trials will find themselves in good company.

9. How to Manage for Collective Creativity, by Linda Hill

Business professor Linda Hill, who studies creativity, allows the audience to dream — collectively. Linda believes that creative ideas have great worth and drive some of the world’s most successful companies, especially when everyone can weigh in. She highlights the importance of innovation in a team, positing that one person’s ideas only expand when complemented by those of the group. 

Peers have genius to share, and Linda is all about tapping into it. Great leaders understand that employees have game-changing ideas and recognize them. This talk has hard-hitting points for leaders who need to refocus on the power of community and collaboration and its potential for innovation. 

10. What it Takes to be a Great Leader, by Roselinde Torres

Leadership expert Roselinde Torres suggests that most companies don’t give employees the skills to lead. Citing cases of talented leaders who failed and caused adverse consequences for a business, Roselinde shows the audience how she arrived at her driving questions: Why do some leadership training programs fail, and what are the ones that are doing it right? 

Roselinde believes that leaders who constantly learn from others and read about trends that affect them and their peers succeed. She also advocates for a diverse range of leaders within a workplace, as minds that think differently generate distinct routes toward the same goals. She takes the talk home with advice on being brave enough to let go of what’s not working. 

This TED talk is a must-stream for leaders who feel they’re stagnating and want to continue to grow. 

11. Authentic Leadership for the Future, by Irving Washington

Irving Washington III, the executive director of the Online News Association, relays an important message to leaders : their feelings count. Irving points out that the traits many usually associate with leaders aren’t actually core values . Instead, Irving argues, leaders should be vulnerable and bring their Whole Selves to work . 

Anyone can find themselves a fake-it-’til-you-make-it role and feel like a failure . For context, he shares a personal story of his experience as the executive director of a massive digital journalism organization — which was one of the worst times in his career due to stress and exhaustion. 

This is the ideal listen for any entrepreneur or manager who feels like an imposter despite their experience and credentials or who needs a reminder that leaders are human, too. 

12. As Work Gets More Complex, 6 Rules to Simplify, by Yves Morieux

Consultant Yves Morieux felt concerned by greatly reduced engagement levels in the global workplace. He set out to understand it, and in this TED Talk , he explains his findings. 

Yves’s theory is that companies tend to over-complicate. Any time a business takes on a new requirement, it adds a slew of new processes to support it. Businesses become ever-expanding matrices of roles and responsibilities , and with employees maintaining focus on their assignments, they forget to collaborate. 

Cooperation, Yves argues, saves time and resources, and he gives the audience tips on helping coworkers work together and understand one another’s roles. 

This talk is jam-packed with information, making it a valuable resource for leaders who want to spark engagement, encourage collaboration, and improve the human side of the workplace. 

In the 21st century, there are so many ways to learn. You can gain valuable lessons from podcasts , video content like the best TED Talks on leadership, and good old-fashioned impactful reads . Squeeze some extra learning into the day with these resources and continue growing. 

In just the 12 talks shared here, there’s enough advice to incite important changes. Learn to sharpen leadership qualities , stay positive and insightful even in a proverbial storm, and appreciate others’ contributions and differences. Then, continue to explore with TED’s library of talks on becoming a great leader .

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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Speech About Leadership and Responsibility

Ryan Lenett

Have you been called upon to give an inspirational speech on leadership and responsibility? But you are not sure, what to include in the speech, how to start or end the speech. Check the sample speech here and use it as your guide.

Motivational Address on Leadership & Responsibility

“Friends, respected guests, and fellow community members, I am here today to talk about something really important – being a leader and taking responsibility. In our fast-changing world, we really need good leaders who take their role seriously. Being a leader is not just about being in charge; it is about using honesty, kindness, and strong commitment to make our society better. Being a leader means inspiring and guiding people to work together towards a common goal. A true leader shows kindness, stays humble, and never gives up. They pave the way for society to grow and get better. We see many examples of great leaders in history who have made a big impact on so many lives through their dedication and taking their responsibilities seriously. Great leaders know that it’s not about showing off, but instead helping others to do the best they can. They present themselves as symbols of hope and positivity, motivating their group members to strive for the best. These leaders take complete responsibility for their actions, leading by example and creating an environment where everyone feels valued. Being a leader and having responsibility go hand in hand. A leader can’t ignore their duties and still expect people to stay loyal. Responsibility requires being open, honest, accepting mistakes, and learning from them. During difficult times, leaders stand out, providing comfort and guidance to their team through tough situations. They own up to their mistakes and give credit to their team for success, promoting a culture where everyone takes responsibility together. Leadership today also involves thinking globally . Leaders must tackle big issues like climate change, economic inequality, and social unfairness. Leaders need to look after not just people close to them but also people all over the world. To solve worldwide problems we need worldwide solutions, therefore leaders need to work together regardless of politics or geography. We live in a time where technology is advancing quickly, bringing both benefits and issues. Leaders in technology must tackle hard questions concerning privacy, artificial intelligence, and automation. Truly great leaders are those who make sure that technological progress is done ethically considering humanity’s interests. Education is another place where leadership and responsibility are strongly connected. Leaders in education help shape the future generations’ minds. They need to encourage students to think critically, show empathy towards others, and properly understand their responsibilities. But remember- leadership isn’t only for those in authority positions. Each one of us can showcase leadership within our own lives – in our families, workplaces or communities. Being a responsible leader means thinking about our actions’ effect on others, welcoming diversity and showing empathy towards others. To cap it off, leadership can’t exist without responsibility – if you have authority but no sense of duty, you’re not going to be able to make things better. As we move forward into an unknown future, it’s crucial we remember that real leaders carry the responsibility of guiding others towards a better tomorrow with inclusiveness always kept in mind. Let us all aim to become the leaders our world needs – caring, responsible leaders who intend to make difference for betterment of societies across globe. Thank you.”

Features of Leadership

  • Influence: Leadership is a trait that inspires others, altering their behavior and mindset to synergize towards common objectives.
  • Interpersonal Process: The relationship between a leader and their followers significantly determines the achievement of organizational goals.
  • Achieving Organizational Goals: Leaders unify efforts towards shared business objectives.
  • Continuous Process: Leadership is a perpetual journey, requiring constant guidance and direction to keep the team aligned.
  • Group Process: Leadership thrives in collective effort, fostering interaction and solution-driven dialogues.
  • Situation Dependent: Effective leadership is adaptable, molding itself as per the current circumstances.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Leader

A leader wears multiple hats, playing numerous roles that contribute to the overall success of the organization. These responsibilities vary but typically include the following:

Short Speech on Leadership Qualities

A great leader, above all, is known by their work ethics and the trust they instill in their team. This trust is earned through consistent actions, leading by example, and offering guidance even in challenging times. Renowned leaders like Nelson Mandela , Mahatma Gandhi, and Barack Obama showcased an unwavering commitment to their goals and a deep respect for every individual. The pathway to such leadership isn’t easy or swift but is marked by patience, understanding, and perseverance.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what is the importance of a leadership speech.

A leadership speech plays a crucial role in inspiring and motivating individuals to embrace their potential as leaders. It provides insights into the traits and qualities of effective leadership, emphasizing the significance of leading by example, making informed decisions, and fostering a productive environment. As John Maxwell aptly puts it, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

2. What is the role of leadership?

Leadership involves guiding, organizing, and managing a team toward a shared objective. Leaders are visionaries who motivate their teams and foster a conducive environment for growth. The roles of a leader can vary from training and mentoring to decision-making and conflict resolution. They may employ different leadership styles such as transactional, transformational, autocratic, or democratic based on the context and the team’s needs.

3. How do you introduce yourself in a leadership speech?

Introducing oneself in a leadership speech requires a careful balance of authority and humility. It’s essential to communicate your values, vision, and expectations clearly while also expressing your eagerness to learn and grow with the team. The way you deliver this speech can significantly impact the team’s perception of you, emphasizing the importance of preparing and practicing your speech. Strive to make your introduction an accurate reflection of your leadership style and ethos.

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Ryan is a car enthusiast and an accomplished team builder passionate about crafting captivating narratives. Known for his ability to transport readers to other worlds, his writing has garnered attention and a dedicated following. With a keen eye for detail and a gift for storytelling, Ryan continues to weave literary magic in every word he writes.

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10 Of The Greatest Leadership Speeches Of All Time

The world may be dominated by social media these days, but we should never underestimate the power of a great speech..

In fact, despite the prevalence of Facebook and Twitter, videos of some of the  greatest leadership speeches are still immensely popular. Here are 10 examples of fantastic, motivational speeches that will show you why.

1.    Martin Luther King: I have a dream

Any article featuring inspirational speeches must include this ground-breaking speech. 

On 28th August 1963, Martin Luther King addressed a crowd of over 250,000 . In it, he calls for an end to racism and equality for all. In 1999, this speech was ranked the top American speech of the 20th century in a 1999 poll of scholars of public address.

2.    Steve Jobs: How to live before you die

In 2005, Steve Jobs gave a Commencement Address to Stanford University that will leave you with goosebumps. It’s a brilliant speech, and also a great lesson from one of the most influential presenters in history.

3.    President Obama: Seeking a new beginning

In June 2009, President Obama gave a rousing speech at Cairo University . This speech shows Obama at his best, building a fantastic rapport with his audience.

4.    Randy Pausch: The last lecture

Carnegie Mellon Professor, Randy Pausch, gave his last lecture to a crowded auditorium. 

This presentation is about achieving your childhood dreams and it’s a great one to study for tips on building a connection with your audience and really getting them on your side.

5.    Rosalinde Torres: What it takes to be a great leader

In this incredibly inspirational speech, Torres describes 25 years of observing great leaders at work and then shares ways to learn how to lead .  

6.    Bill Clinton: 2008 Speech to the Democratic National Convention

If you’re looking for an example of fantastic communication skills, look no further than this former US President . This speech shows how great content, teamed with exceptional delivery, can really bring the house down.

7.    J.K. Rowling: Harvard Commencement

Commencement addresses are always very inspirational speeches and this is no exception. Rowling immediately gets her audience on side, inspiring and delighting as she goes.

8.    John Wooden: The difference between winning and succeeding

As the coach of UCLA basketball team, John Wooden led his team to record wins that remain unbeaten. In this speech, he redefines success with incredible simplicity.

9.    Richard St. John: 8 secrets of success

In this amazing TED Talk, Richard St. John delivers an incredibly motivational speech asking why people are successful. Is it because they’re clever, or lucky ?

10.    Nelson Mandela: Inauguration speech

When you’re thinking about leadership speeches, Nelson Mandela’s inauguration speech in 1994 must be on the list. Mandela was the first democratically elected president of South Africa. He led his country through the end of apartheid and into a united history they had never seen before. 

These 10 examples of leadership speeches show you just how powerful the spoken word can be. These speakers are all experts in their field and captivate their audiences to give incredible, motivational speeches, which lift and inspire . 

Want more inspiration? Get motivated by other brilliant famous team leaders here . 

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Leadership Exchange

Top 6 Speeches to Inspire Leaders

by Emily Waddell | Jun 14, 2018 | Explore , Quotes , Uncategorized |

Top 6 Speeches to Inspire Leaders

While Merriam-Webster defines a leader as “the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country”, we can all agree that in the past few decades , its become a lot more than that.  Leadership has become a mindset that is praised in most every field of work.  Even more recently, leadership has gained influence in the context of an individual’s personality.  We’ve compiled some great stories and influences that can easily be applied to your day to day routine or leadership development journey that enables you to create broader change.  Sit back, but don’t relax. Prepare to be inspired.

simple speech on leaders

Enjoy 13 minutes of suave feminist politics as Justin Trudeau addresses Davos at the World Economic Forum.  

The Canadian prime minister informs the public of the integral role women play in society.  The reason we like to include this at the top of the list is how Canadian politics and their cultural attitude towards women has been translated into the public.  First, Canadian universities have very progressive women’s activist groups and women’s communities are prioritized in most fields of education. It’s proof that Trudeau and the Canadian government mean business, and that government has impact on cultural shifts towards inclusion.  As a Leader and Prime Minister, Trudeau is using his platform for good, and the next generation of Canadian women have a voice because of it. Lastly, note his authority and compassion throughout; these can be tools you use as a leader in your community.

simple speech on leaders

Malala Addresses the UN Youth Takeover

Malala Yousafz ai is the selfless and young Pakistani girl who stands up for children’s rights.  I think that there is a few really powerful things we can learn from her in becoming leaders in our own right.  First, Yousafz inspires a sense of intention that makes us question our own; she has a passion for children’s rights that she knows is beyond her, but that doesn’t discourage her from trying.  

In addition, she exhibits the forgiveness and compassion that is a maturity most people don’t ever figure out.  In conclusion, Malala uses her platform that she acquired with the utmost act of bravery to speak for voices that cannot be heart, in the name of universal peace.  The speech caused me reflect and evaluate why I try to lead, is it for a cause bigger than me? Is it for status? I urge you to do the same in your leadership development.  

simple speech on leaders

3.David Logan on Tribal Leadership

David Logan addresses University of Southern California at a TEDx talk to preach about a very important component that isn’t always brought to mind when one thinks about in becoming a leader; others.  Then, he employs the natural “tribe” creating process that humans socially undergo to teach how individuals can be leaders by advancing the group, or tribe, or “nudging them forward”. In addition, Logan defines the potential influence of a group of people who share a similar passion and calls individuals to recognize, mindfully, how they communicate with their tribe in efforts to improve the human condition universally.  

4. Barack Obama’s Speech on Leadership and Power

Former president Obama’s focused on Leadership and Power in his speech, and highlights practical applications of what he’s learned.  A few of the main takeaways:

  • Failing publicly can be liberating.  
  • Empower others.
  • Power is isolating.
  • It’s not enough to be the squeaky wheel.  
  • Know how to shape public opinion in the internet age.  

A you can see, Obama inspires listeners to stand up for a cause and affect real change and provides insight on the tools to do it. He holds a place on Google’s list of Top Orators, so it’s worth the watch.

simple speech on leaders

J.K. Rowling 2008 Harvard Commencement Speech

When J.K. Rowling gave the Harvard commencement speech in 2008, she focused on the power of failure with a humble wisdom and authenticity.  In doing something worthwhile, failure is inevitable at some point. Next Rowling comforts us (or really, the Harvard graduates) in that inevitability and brings to light the role creativity plays in rebuilding one’s life after that failure.  It had very much the colloquial spirit of being at “rock bottom”; where Rowling had nothing left to lose. And at this place, she indulged her failure to emerge with creativity and build the Harry Potter series.  Failure is often recognized as in integral ingredient in leadership development, where one can improve.  Lastly, she bravely credits her accomplishments to failure, from that, we should learn how to turn our failure into accomplishment.

simple speech on leaders

  6.Learning from Leadership’s Missing Manual by Fields Wicker-Miurin

Social Entrepreneur Fields Wicker-Miurin connects leaders around globe the for her job; thusly, she delivers a breadth of wisdom to a TED talk audience.  She argues that we need new models of what it means to be a good leader. Wicker- Miurin meets with communities around the world, “ people who see the world differently, who are asking different questions, who have different answers, who understand the filters that they wear when they go out into the world.”  In other words, s he understands the value of seeking advice from other cultures to become a more holistically successful leader.  Watch the full talk to understand the impact of this work for the next generation and how you can achieve this cultural influence in your personal development

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What's Your Message?

The best leadership speech: Are you ready to lead?

Last week a client aggressively urged me to watch ‘the best leadership speech ever’. He’s a pretty good leader himself, with a world class creative team of over 100 people.

I watched it this weekend and it’s pretty good.

The video is long – 50 minutes – but here’s what you get: A unique piece of public speaking that is funny, heartbreaking, honest and motivational.

This leadership speech is by  General Mark Welsh , Commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe, speaking to 1,000 cadets at the US Air Force Academy.

It illuminates the life and death gravity of leadership in the armed forces, but it’s the opposite of what you might expect of a military speech. Rather than a tone of ‘You have to do this because it’s an order’, we are treated to an incredibly engaging and persuasive speech that awakens desire in the audience  to be a great leader.

What makes this leadership speech great?

His audience

Men and women 20-25 years old who have a 75% chance of graduating the Academy’s four-year program, which is intended to give cadets the skills and knowledge that they will need for success as officers.

Informal tone to connect

His opening word: “Yo”.

The start is a bit slow but appropriate in that environment.

Pretty soon you see the speaker’s ability to combine life and death issues with personal humour and light-hearted approachability. The subject is serious, but the speaker regularly has a laugh. He seems friendly and welcoming, yet clear about what matters.

He isn’t ‘heavy’ ALL the time. The contrast of light and heavy make the important areas stand out.

Flexible structure

The speech is structured around the profiles of dozens of people under the General’s command. Their pictures are shown and their stories told. His  messages are made concrete  by the fact they follow a real story. Tell a story – make a point. For example:

‘Everybody has a story. If you don’t know the story you can’t lead. Learn the story.’

Clear, personalized messages

This leadership speech is worth watching just to see how the speaker makes all his messages personal.  For example, instead of saying;

“Are you ready to lead”

“Are you ready to lead him ” after explaining a person’s story.

Instead of;

“You are expected to be a great leader”

‘ He expects you be be ready to lead his people. In fact he demands it.’ After telling a story about the head of a division.

Here are some more messages peppered throughout the talk.

  • You better be willing to make decisions. Sometimes without all the information you want. Get ready.
  • You better be good. ‘Your job is to lead them… are you ready?”
  • You will make a difference.
  • We are a team. All the people are important.
  • Attention to detail is it important. You better have it.
  • Leadership is a gift given by those who follow.
  • Are you ready to lead? If not, rededicate yourself to the effort.

Great Explanations

There’s is nothing dramatic about his delivery skills, but he’s comfortable enough to act out a character (‘my son walked over like John Wayne…’).

He doesn’t rush.

This is vital. When information is rushed, it doesn’t seem as important. His pace allows the ideas to come alive. He appears calm, thoughtful, genuine. Present in the moment.

Do you connect with your team this way? Can you stand calmly on stage in silence – allowing your ideas to absorb?

Clear and personal ending

A good ending is important to deliver the key message and make the ideas feel complete (and therefore easier to remember).

“Thank you for being good enough to be here. Make sure you’re good enough to graduate. Take care of yourselves. I’ll see you out there.”

Do your speeches inspire people to follow you?

A great speech like this can strengthen a team or ogranization more powerfully than 10,000 hours of work. It can engender belief and dedication that lives on for years . How powerful are your leadership speeches? —– If you’d like to develop your leadership presentation, consider:

  • Presentation Skills Training
  • Presentation Skills public course
  • Message Development Sessions

Want to be a great speaker? Get the kindle ebook from amazon.com:  What’s Your Message?: Public Speaking with Twice the Impact, Using Half the Effort


Motivational Speech on Leadership – Tips and Examples

Editorial Team

Motivational Speech on Leadership

Giving a motivational speech on leadership is quite different from preparing to deliver any other regular talk. This is because motivational speeches are meant to inspire change and spur action. They are intended to cause your audience to do different and do better.

While giving a motivational speech on leadership will be rewarding for the audience, it will also be very impactful on the one giving the address to know that they are doing something to make the world a better place.

It would help if you prepared beforehand to ensure that you deliver the speech successfully. Let us look at some of the few tips that will ensure your delivery is on point and that your speech influences action.

Tips on delivering a motivational speech on leadership

Some of the critical things to put in mind while giving a motivational speech on leadership are capturing your audience’s attention, being relatable, grasping your topic well, inspiring emotion, and compelling action. Let’s take a more in-depth look at each tip and how they’ll help ensure your speech delivery is successful.

1.    Capture The Attention of Your Audience

To get your audience’s attention, you need to know what they expect to gain from the talk. You will need to engage your audience to be able to interact with them. You should also ensure that you have their attention before getting into the real content on leadership to ensure that they don’t miss a thing.

You can start the speech by asking a lingering question. It can be about the leadership skills that your audience has. You can also inquire where they see themselves in the future applying those leadership skills. This will get the audience in the right mindset and get them thinking about leadership. You can also present your audience with interesting facts about leadership to raise their curiosity and want to hear what more you have to say.

Humor can also be a great way to pick the interest of your audience. You can tell funny personal stories or those you have heard from other leaders. Jokes are always a great conversation starter, and you cannot go wrong with that. It will also help reduce the room’s tension and create a conducive atmosphere to have a serious conversation.

2.    Be Relatable

Getting the attention of your audience is one thing, but maintaining it is something else. You have to deliver your motivational speech on leadership in a simple way that interests your audience and also be relatable to create a rapport with them.  Make them talk about the challenges they might face on their leadership journey and how they will be impacted.

3.    Grasp Your Topic Well

You cannot speak and inspire a group of people on something that you have no idea of. When giving your speech, ensure to provide specific examples. You can prepare statistics in advance and provide details on the leadership skills that will enable your audience to succeed.

Research your topic and have an outline of the key things to talk about. This will ensure that you are well organized and you will be able to speak with confidence. You will also talk passionately since you will be well prepared, and the motivational speech will be memorable.

4.    Inspire Emotion

You should evoke emotions in your audience and make them as passionate as you are about leadership. Try and make your speech make them feel strongly about being different and starting change. People tend to remember more the things that happened while they were deep in their feelings.

You are likely to have more memories of experiences you have had while extremely happy or sad, frightened or disappointed. When speaking to your audience about leadership, creating vivid mental pictures of where they are and where they would like to be will help make them feel strongly about the issue.

It is the feeling that you invoke in your audience that will then compel them to take action.  They will want to see change, and the passion within will cause them to be the changemakers. To do better and be better.

5.    Compel Your Audience to Take Action

As mentioned before, inspiring emotion in your audience and making them passionate about leadership will compel them to take action. However, you should know your audience first to ensure you are on the same page.

Ensure that the audience is engaged before starting to enable them to grasp the contents of your speech. Once you have their attention, have them feel inspired, and then call them to action. You can do this by using a call-to-action, which is a statement or question after your motivational speech that will persuade and guide the audience to take action to get to where they want to be.

When making a call-to-action, make it very direct and straightforward. Ensure that the audience acts promptly. You can also help explain to your audience how they can overcome obstacles and reduce barriers that prevent the action. You should also explain why it is essential for the action to be taken and make it as specific as possible to help them know what they are working to attain.

It is crucial that you not only leave your audience thinking about making a difference but also motivate them actually to do something.  

Examples of Motivational Speeches on Leadership

Example 1: what differentiates a leader from a boss.

“It is my greatest pleasure to be addressing the world’s top CEOs today. I have never been in a room full of power like this, and I am truly humbled.

Have you ever wondered if your employees listen to you because they respect you and whatever you say makes sense, or because you are the boss? Do they consider you a leader? What do they say about you behind closed doors?

I can see you are all thinking about it now. I know you wish to know what your employees have to say about you. If you haven’t been the best of leaders, worry not because leadership is a learning journey. Today I want to talk to you about what differentiates a leader from a boss. Being a CEO does not automatically make you a leader.

You must be wondering, what difference does it make if your employers see you as a leader or boss? The truth is, it matters. It will even affect the output you get from your employees.

All a boss does is manage their employees. On the other hand, a leader motivates and inspires innovation. A leader helps employees to think creatively and innovatively. If, as a leader, you are chasing greatness, your employees will follow you and even have you as a role model or mentor. This translates to them pursuing greatness and giving their jobs the best. Eventually, the organization does well. A boss or manager just has people working for them.

While a business needs to have set goals for the employees to achieve, a leader sets more than goals. They offer the organization a vision. A boss will push employees to attain their goals, while a leader will ensure they share the same vision for the organization with the employees. The organization will, therefore, be working with a long-term existence in mind.

Being a manager means mimicking and adopting an already existing leadership skill. However, leadership calls upon the individual to be bold and proud to walk in their shoes. As leaders, you need to work extremely hard to build your brands to stand out. Authenticity and transparency are all part of the leadership journey.

Some of you in this room have taken huge risks for your organizations. If you have, then pat yourself on the back because you are a great leader! Leaders always take risks for their businesses. Bosses work to avoid risks.

To be a boss or manager, you will need to have proven your skills already. There is no pressure to grow and horn your skills once you are up there. Therefore, it is no shock when some of you think that this is the end of the journey for you; being a CEO. However, leadership is an endless journey of learning. To better and improve your skills. It is upon you to seek personal growth every day.

It is expected of a boss to direct and give employees instructions on how to get things done. Leaders coach their employees and offer guidance to make them be at their best. Leaders are optimistic about their employees and believe that they know what is expected of them. Therefore, they refrain from telling the employees what to do and barking orders.

As movers and shakers in your various fields, I must clarify nothing wrong with being a boss or manager. However, it is crucial that you also take charge and be a leader. Your organization needs both—an excellent manager who is a great leader. Therefore, I urge you to take charge today and see your organizations flourish with the excellent leadership that you offer”.

Example 2: What makes a Great Leader?

“It is my greatest honor today to be addressing the young leaders and changemakers of this great country. Having been in the leadership scene for a while now, I have seen many leaders rise to the top. I have also seen the unfortunate fall of some.

Have you ever wondered what makes a great leader? Leadership is a journey, and it takes time to horn your skills.

To be an excellent leader, you need to be thoughtful. You should be able to portray that you have a strategic vision in place. As a leader, you need to be conscious of what is happening around you to make wise decisions. Leadership is about having a voice. You should be bold and confident enough to communicate clearly to people under you.

Dear young changemakers, do not be fooled into believing that you are the only one with a say since leadership is about being the guiding voice. Many a time in this journey, leading will require you to listen and learn. This will also present you with an opportunity to groom other leaders. And when such an opportunity arises, do not be selfish. Share your skills. You do not dim your shine by lighting others.

You cannot walk this journey of leadership alone. You will need to have a mentor that will hold your hand and guide you. This will allow you to learn from both their mistakes and experiences. You will be lucky as you will have first-hand guidance on how to overcome some barriers and obstacles.

How will you be able to meet other movers and shakers if you live in your small bubble? Get out there and connect. In the current times,  the world is run through social media, and you must connect with people. Volunteer for seminars and workshops or even organize events. Take part in committees and remember to network with purpose in mind.

As a leader, think positively and proactively. Always aspire to be part of the solution and not the problem. Exchange ideas with fellow leaders or people under you. You can also seek guidance from your mentor on how to solve certain issues. Be enthusiastic and passionate about what you do. It is only by doing so that you can pass on the passion and convince others to do better.

I urge you, young leaders of today and tomorrow, to hold each other hands. This journey of leadership is not a short race but rather a marathon. That to eventually get there and see the change that we want, we must start now. No matter how small, just start”.

When preparing to deliver a motivational speech on leadership, take time to learn from your audience. Find out what motivates and drives them and where they see themselves in the future.  Assist them in envisioning their leadership journey and keeping the fire within them burning. At the end of your speech, your audience should be left knowing very well and leadership is a journey, and every day is a learning process.

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Charismatic speaker arouses a crowd

15 Great Speeches By Leaders

In the age of social media, great oratory still resonates with the masses. It’s still true, and was always true — that great, truly great leaders are charismatic speakers. Below are some of the best examples of great speeches that will stand the test of time.

Written by Murray Johannsen. I welcome connections via  LinkedIn  or directly from  this website .

Want Results More Quickly?

Pope urban ii: speech at the council of clermont, zelensi’s presentation to the heads of states of the european union, gavin newsom: governor of the state of california, michele obama — summer and fall of 2016, pope francis: speech to the us congress, september 24, 2015..

  • Bill Clinton — 2008 Speech at the Democratic National Convention

Elizabeth Warren — December 12, 2013

Steve jobs — i-phone introduction, martin luther king: i have a dream, admiral william h. mcraven, arnold schwarzenegger, simon sinek: how great leaders inspire action.

  • Steve Jobs — 2005 Graduation Speech as Stanford—Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
  • Randy Pausch — The Last Lecture

Teddy Kennedy, Jr.: A Eulogy for My Father

Map out your leadership journey, discover the theory and skills you need to lead, take action, related pages, learn how to make a great speech.

Great speeches go hand in hand with great leadership. There’s power in the words if you know how to make the perfect pitch — how to deliver a speech — that holds their attention.

A Great Speech That Changed History

Great presentations, great persuasive presentations have a strong motivational impact. They can be so powerful as to change history. 

There is no exact version of what was said, but we know the results — the Crusades. Actually, there were several crusades, some total disasters such as the Children’s crusade. Still, it must have been an incredible speech, one designed to persuade and motivate the nobility of Europe.

This link accesses six versions of what was said .


In November 1095, Pope Urban the second called the European nobility to the Council of Claremont. There gathered the power elite of the day (kind of reminds you of Davos, doesn’t it). While you might call them members of the nobility, they were anything but noble. There were cynical, real political types. We have no exact record of what he said, there were not transcripts, the exact words forever lost.

However, we know the results—the crusades. Nine of them, ten counting the Children’s Crusade, spread over 300 years of time.

Whether or not you believe this was a good thing, one cannot deny that this speech was the catalyst of a social movement that changed history.

By Jean Colombe (about 1492)

One recent example was the 10 minute presentation to the leaders of the European Union by the president of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Article was titled, “Historic sanctions on Russia had roots in Zelensky’s emotional appeal.” Source: Washington Post and Yahoo .

simple speech on leaders

Normally, a first lady is not known for her ability to inspire and motivate. However, Ms. Obama is clearly the exception. The first speech is one made that had an impact on the 2016 presidential election. It’s included in an article from the Washington Post titled, “ Michelle Obama’s Speech on Donald Trump was Remarkable .”

simple speech on leaders

The content is extremely well written and delivered. It plays well to a set of aspirational cultural values, in this case, values strongly held in the American culture. That said, he also reminded these political leaders of the moral and ethical basis for exercising power.

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simple speech on leaders

Bill Clinton  — 2008 Speech at the Democratic National Convention

American president’s while in the office tends to be rather boring (meaning statesman-like). However, they do liven up the rhetoric on the campaign trail. Although it is fairly ethnocentric, focused as it is on American politics, you get a feel for how to good delivery interacts with good content to generate audience enthusiasm .

simple speech on leaders

It is not that often that a single speech can capture the imagination of many, but that is what happened with this 2013 speech by Senator Warren. Essentially, this short ten-minute speech was a populist one that catapulted the Senator into the position of a national spokesperson for the Democratic Party in America.

simple speech on leaders


Most business presentations are pretty boring but Jobs has mastered the art of the presentation. You don’t have to watch the entire presentation, but one can see why the iPhone generated so much publicity.

simple speech on leaders


This seventeen-minute video captured the powerful words of a truly great speaker—one who polished his craft with hundreds of hours of practice. While it is hard to tell from the video, it appears Dr. King started his presentation by reading from a script, then stopped reading from his prepared notes and started speaking extemporaneously. You might say, that’s when the magic began.

simple speech on leaders

Commencement speeches are always a special event. For the speaker makes a special event to share the lessons of a life time with those who are about to start their work life.

simple speech on leaders

Schwarzenegger is truly a special person who succeeded in multiple roles. A famous body builder, a movie star and a governor of California. Not bad for an immigrant from Austria.

simple speech on leaders

This was the video that founded an extremely successful career as a speaker and author. Not only is it a great speech about leadership, but it contains some timeless wisdom on marketing as well.

simple speech on leaders

Steve Jobs  — 2005 Graduation Speech as Stanford—Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

simple speech on leaders

Randy Pausch —  The Last Lecture

University professors are generally not known for memorable lectures. However, this is the  exception to the rule. In the video, we hear words of wisdom from a professor who knew he was dying of cancer. This has been a viral classic for a while and it really has a timeless quality about it.

simple speech on leaders

A great speech does not have to belong, this one is only 12 minutes. But it captured the many elements that make for a great presentation — there was emotion, there was fluency, and there was humor. You’ll also hear several great teaching stories, especially one which I call, “The Hill.”

simple speech on leaders

Unleash Your Leadership Ability

Image - Difference between management and leadership

Work Skills For the 21st Century


Speech on Leadership Qualities

Leadership is like a big puzzle. You need the right pieces, or qualities, to complete the picture. Each leader has unique strengths that make them effective.

Do you wonder what makes a good leader? It’s a mix of traits like courage, honesty, and the ability to inspire others. Let’s explore these leadership qualities together.

1-minute Speech on Leadership Qualities

Good day, everyone!

Today, I want to talk to you about a very important topic: Leadership qualities. Leadership is like being a captain of a ship, guiding everyone towards the right direction.

Firstly, a good leader is like a good friend. They are always there to help, listen, and guide. They understand that everyone is unique, with different strengths and weaknesses. They encourage us to be the best we can be, just like a coach cheering for his team.

Secondly, a good leader is brave. They’re not afraid to make tough decisions. Just like a superhero, they face challenges head-on, even when it’s hard. They show us that it’s okay to take risks and make mistakes, as long as we learn from them.

Thirdly, a good leader is honest. They always tell the truth, even when it’s difficult. They teach us that honesty is the best policy. They are like the North Star, always guiding us in the right direction.

Lastly, a good leader is responsible. They take care of their team, just like a gardener takes care of his plants. They make sure everyone is doing well and that the team is working together smoothly. They show us that being a leader is not just about power, but also about caring for others.

In conclusion, leadership is about being a friend, being brave, being honest, and being responsible. It’s about guiding others towards success, just like a captain guides his ship. So, let’s all strive to be good leaders in our own ways. Because remember, everyone has the potential to be a leader.

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2-minute Speech on Leadership Qualities

Good morning everyone!

Today, I am going to talk about something very important, something that can help us all become better people. That something is ‘Leadership Qualities’. Now, you might be thinking, “I’m not a leader, why should I care?” But, you see, we all are leaders in our own ways. Whether it’s leading a team in a school project, or being a good friend, or even taking care of our younger siblings. And to do all these things well, we need good leadership qualities.

Firstly, a good leader is like a captain of a ship. Just like a captain needs to know where the ship is going, a leader also needs to have a clear goal. They should know what they want to achieve and how they plan to do it. This is called ‘Vision’. A leader with a vision can guide their team towards success, just like a captain guides his ship safely to the shore.

Secondly, a good leader is brave. They are not scared of challenges or problems. They face them head-on. You know how in cartoons, the hero always stands up to the villain? That’s exactly what a leader does. They stand up to problems and find ways to solve them. This quality is called ‘Courage’.

Thirdly, a good leader is like a good friend. They listen to their team members, understand their problems and help them. They don’t just order people around. They work together with their team, like a family. This quality is called ‘Empathy’. A leader with empathy makes everyone feel important and valued.

Fourthly, a good leader is honest. They always tell the truth, no matter how hard it may be. Just like how we trust our best friend because they don’t lie to us, people trust a leader who is honest. This trust helps the leader and their team to work better together.

Lastly, a good leader is hardworking. They don’t just sit back and watch others do the work. They lead by example. They are the first to start working and the last to stop. This quality is called ‘Dedication’. A dedicated leader inspires their team to work hard and achieve their goals.

In conclusion, leadership is not about bossing people around. It’s about guiding, helping, and working together as a team. It’s about having a vision, being brave, empathetic, honest, and dedicated. Remember, we all are leaders in our own ways. So, let’s try to be the best leaders we can be. Let’s be the captains of our own ships, the heroes of our own stories, and the best friends we can be to others. Let’s be leaders with qualities that inspire and make a difference.

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To be a great leader, you need to start by leading yourself

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simple speech on leaders

Most people go into top positions with good intentions, but those often crumble due to the demands — and perks — of the job. If you want to succeed, devote some time and energy to self-leadership, says consultant Lars Sudmann.

This post is part of TED’s “How to Be a Better Human” series, each of which contains a piece of helpful advice from someone in the TED community;  browse through  all the posts here.

Being a leader is a little like being a parent, says Lars Sudmann , a former corporate executive, in a TEDxUCLouvain Talk . Beforehand, we have all these rosy visions of how we’re going to do it, how incredible we’re going to be, and how we’ll sidestep the mistakes that we see other people make.

But when it’s our turn to assume the role, we find that reality doesn’t match our expectations or imaginations. Sudmann, for example, believed that he would ace his first leadership role. Then, he held his first major staff meeting, an employee asked a question about the company’s email signature, and the proceedings — and his command of them — completely fell apart.

After some months, Sudmann realized he was fighting against certain entrenched factors that keep all leaders from improving. Like many in the working world, leaders have too much to do and not enough time to do it; desperate to look effective, they race around like headless chickens and don’t clearly think through their priorities and strategies; and being in a position of power causes them to assume that the people beneath them will take care of a lot of problems.

Sudmann, now a management consultant in Belgium, found a potential solution to these “classic leadership problems” in Marcus Aurelius , the Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher. Rather than spending his time trying to learn to rally and guide others, Marcus Aurelius focused a surprising amount of his energy on mastering self-leadership. Sudmann also came across an instructive quote from Dee Hock , the founder of the Visa credit card: “If you look to lead, invest at least 40 percent of your time managing yourself.”

Sudmann has found this orientation tremendously helpful — first, as a leader and, more recently, as someone who helps other leaders succeed. Below, he breaks down three actions that go into self-leadership.

Be aware of your shortcomings

Leaders need to know all of their biases, predilections and weaknesses. It’s crucial information for a boss to have, but it’s not always easy for them to receive such feedback from their colleagues and underlings. Even when they’re told they won’t face retribution or punishment for their comments, many people still find it difficult to offer genuine criticism.

Instead, try what Sudmann calls the “character traits check.” Think of someone you’ve worked with who — in your opinion or the opinion of trusted colleagues — was a bad leader or boss. What were the things they did that caused those negative judgements of them? Next, ask yourself: Do you share any of those behaviors? Then, says Sudmann, give yourself a score for 1 to 5 (1 being you don’t really share the behavior to 5 being you share it to the nth degree).

Perhaps you had a leader who kept important information away from her employees, which made it difficult for everyone below her to do their jobs. Or, maybe you had had a micromanager? A yeller? Someone who played favorites — and let everyone know it? You probably also experienced leaders whose actions were less dramatic or egregious but still detrimental. Maybe they were a vague communicator? Or they always told you they’d get back to you “later” but “later” somehow never arrived?

Don’t be surprised if some of their behaviors hit home with you. “What we find bad in others very often resonates with ourselves,” says Sudmann. After you identify your potential areas of improvement, make a plan for how you’ll work on them. Try to do a character traits check every month.

Engage in daily reflection

Every day, take 5- 10 minutes to think about the challenges you’ve recently handled and the ones you’ll soon face. While Marcus Aurelius was fond of reflecting in the evening, Sudmann likes doing this over morning coffee. Questions to pose include: “How did my leadership go yesterday? How would the leader I’d like to be have faced the challenges I faced? What about my challenges today? What could I do differently?” Write down your thoughts so you can refer back to them and learn from them.

Regulate your feelings

No matter how much preparation and reflection you put in, there will be employees, colleagues, clients and associates who anger, frustrate or annoy you. Sudmann candidly admits there will be “all these moments you face as a leader when you think, “Argh! Stop doing this!”

That’s where the practice of “reframing” comes in. When those teeth-grinding times occur, suggests Sudmann, “stop and ask yourself … on a scale from 1 to 10, how important is this issue right now?”

You should engage with 9s and 10s right away, but you’ll find that many things which shatter your calm will be of lesser importance. With anything that’s a 6 or lower, either excuse yourself physically (“I need to take a quick break; be right back”) or figuratively (“Let me take a minute to go over what you’ve said”). Then, give yourself a moment to think: “How would the leader I aspire to be handle this situation?” The answer will come to you.

Watch his TEDxUCLouvain talk now:

About the author

Daryl Chen is the Ideas Editor at TED.

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  • how to be a better human
  • lars sudmann
  • successful leadership

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Leadership Speech

simple speech on leaders

Leadership is a character a lot of us wants yet only a few can master. Being a leader entails great responsibility. Speech writing could be a challenge for some but for a leader, it is more of a necessity. It requires both the mind and the spirit to come up with a powerful speech.

A leadership speech could be likened to a keynote speech because it stirs emotions among the audience. However, a leadership is more of an encouragement message. It should be filled with words of unity, camaraderie, and trust. Let us discuss in great detail what a leadership speech is.

Short Leadership Speech

Short Leadership Speech

Size: 66 KB

School Speech

School Speech1

Size: 55 KB

What Is  a Leadership Speech?

A leadership speech is a particular kind of speech that is used to deliver a strong message with the purpose of influencing others and providing inspiration when necessary. It is a composition designed with the objective to motivational speech others, lead them in the right direction, and drive them towards a common goal.

Although most speeches require to use proper language to deliver a message, a leadership speech takes more than that. The language to be used should be easily understood by the audience yet able to convey a strong and powerful effect.

Leadership Conference

Leadership Conference

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School Captain Speech

School Captain Speech

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How to Give a Leadership Speech

In order to give an inspiring leadership speech, you need to have the spirit and heart of a true leader. Here are some tips for you.

1. Be Confident.

Confidence is the first thing you need to practice before delivering a leadership speech in pdf . If you do not sound confident, your audience will see as weak and an inefficient leader.

2. Show Enthusiasm.

If you happen to read some welcome speech examples, you will know that they have a common denominator, i.e., it is filled with energy and emotion. You should be able to convey the right emotion to your audience.

3. Use Body Language.

You cannot just stand in front o everybody and read your lines. You have to use hand gestures and other parts of your body to send your message.

Leadership Elevator

Leadership Elevator

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High School Speech

High School Speech

Size: 94 KB

Leadership Motivational

Leadership Motivational

Tips for an Effective Leadership Speech

When you write your speech , make sure to use proper language and style. Here are a few tips for you.

1. Start with a Strong Opening.

This is always an essential key in any speech. You have to start strong. Remember that you have to catch your audience’s attention.

2. Create an Outline.

When presenting speech make sure to prioritize the important ones. In addition to that, organize your thoughts for a clearer message.

3. Develop a Connection.

Always bear in mind that in order for your message to be understood, you need to have a connection with the crowd. You may also see appreciation speech examples & samples.

High School Graduation Speech

High School Graduation Speech

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Effective Leadership Speech

Effective Leadership Speech

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International Women’s Day Leadership Speech

International Women’s Day Leadership Speech

Size: 70 KB

Leader’s Breakfast Speech

Leader’s Breakfast Speech

Size: 71 KB

Benefits of a Leadership Speech

Delivering speeches has always been proven an effective way to send out important message. It can change the course of history. Graduation speech examples have always united the spirit of students although the celebration means they are separating their ways.

A leadership speech word in the same way acts as an instrument to ignite emotions and encourage others. People who do not have a voice in the society consider it an opportunity to be heard and acknowledge specially if the leader understands their sentiments. It is through the leader’s speech that the rest of the members’ thoughts are brought out in the open.


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Speeches On Leadership - For A Life Less Ordinary

Speeches on leadership - affording you the opportunity of sending a positive universal message for a life less ordinary.


A speech on leadership encourages you to grow others through your example, it dares you to be the best that you can be and it encourages cohesive excellence .

Make your mark on the world, build ... don't break choose to see the stepping stones , rather than the obstacles.

Barack Obama is quoted as saying, "Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it's not. It takes patience, it takes commitment and it comes with plenty of failure along the way."

He continues to note that "The real test is not whether you avoid this failure...because you won't ... it's whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere."

Success and failure, trials and tribulations are inevitable encounters that we will all meet on our journey through life.

But, it is the choices that we make, that will ultimately define us!

So, choose to see each day as a gift and not as an undeniable right, one that is so often so easily taken for granted.

It is this paradigm shift that will start you on the first steps of an amazing experience - an experience of life!

If you aim to cherish each day - everyday - then slowly, but surely, the things that really matter will gently make their way through the noise and the chaos and the frenetic pace of life.

You will start seeing that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and that there really are things worth striving for ... things worth fighting for, despite setbacks and failure.

You'll choose to nurture companionable friendships, you'll choose to forgive transgressions and you'll choose to be more tolerant and accepting.

For it is when you strive to accept, that on most days, most people are doing the best they can - then it opens up the possibility to fall in love, to believe and to have faith in a being greater than yourself and to persevere in reaching for those dreams that may have seemed impossible.

Time marches on ... steadfast, determined and regardless - accept it - and then ... live each day like it were your last.

Embrace the success, persevere through the failures and strive for a life less ordinary - fight for it and insist upon it always.

Speeches on leadership ? Nelson Mandela epitomizes leadership, forgiveness, belief in the amazing potential of humanity and exemplifying a life less ordinary.


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  • Leadership Speech


Long and Short Speech on Leadership for Students

A leader is someone who has a powerful intellect and not mere intellect. Leadership is a skill that not everyone is blessed with, a skill that allows an individual to lead people for the greater good of society. Leadership can not be learned or taught but it is a skill that is developed through time. Leadership is all about guiding and leading the people in a group or organization which leads to the success of the group. Leadership is all about having a vision that will help in bringing a change in society.

We often see that many people claim they are leaders all based on the position they are in. They might be the managing directors or the CEO of the company. Does that mean having a good position is directly linked to being a good leader? And what are the qualities that make up a good leader?

Here we have provided long and short leadership speeches and along with that we have also given 10 line pointers about the leadership speech for students.

These speeches of great leaders will help the students to understand the qualities required to be a good leader.

Long Speech on Leadership Qualities

Good morning to everyone present here today. Today I am going to give a leadership speech and I hope it’s helpful. I would like to thank everyone for giving me this opportunity to speak about leadership.

So who is a leader? and what is leadership?. A leader is someone who can think and question and does not merely follow the herd. A true leader has a powerful intellect and they impact the people around them to work hard.

Throughout history, the world has produced great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Barack Obama, and the list goes on. So what is common between all these leaders that makes them truly grateful? What is the quality of all these leaders that made people believe in them?. Well, the answer is that they could guide huge populations of people for the greater good. A quality leader will always think about people and help them in solving problems and that’s what all the great leaders in the past have done.

Mahatma Gandhi after being in South Africa for twenty years came back to India after witnessing the discrimination that was done by the white people against fellow Indians. He taught people about Satyagraha and the nonviolent ways through which everyone could fight back the British. During all the nonviolent protests he was not just commanding people, he walked with everyone, he led the movement and that is the true quality of a leader.

Similarly, Barack Obama after becoming the 44th president of the united states of America, helped the country to fight the recession. American people were suffering during 2008 because of the recession as the country's economy was falling slowly. The middle class could not pay bills, There were no insurance policies for the poor and the country's growth was declining slowly.

Barack Obama was able to understand the difficulties that everyone was facing and he did what every great leader does, he guided the country out of recession. He made sure to lead from the front and fight the difficulties that his people were facing and that is the quality of a true leader.

So after getting to know about great leaders in the past, how can anyone figure out a leader? Well, there are a few qualities that define a good leader. A great leader motivates you to be successful. A leader is a great influencer who does not force anyone to follow him but due to his actions, people follow him on their own. A strong leader is also characterized by having a strong personality. An aura that makes people listen to him or her. A good leader is not about commanding people to do their work but it is always about helping people to get the work done.

For example, if a task is assigned to a group, a good leader will always make sure to distribute the task equally within the group and will also make sure to help anyone if they are facing difficulties. He or she also makes sure that there are no loopholes in the process and he makes sure that everyone finishes their work in time.

Leaders are not born, they are made throughout time and leadership is not an easy task. It cannot be done by people who allow their emotions to take control. Leadership is all about having a good aim and vision. A leader will always think about achieving the goal even if there are many hurdles in the way. 

Leadership is always about impacting people in such a way that it will help them to reach their goals. It is about having the ability to decide on the worst picture possible. It is about seeing the bigger picture for a better future. Leadership is linked to communicating with the team and finding the answer. It is about showing determination towards your goal, it is about listening to the team and helping each other to find a solution, and above all leadership is about earning respect from the team and accepting the challenge without fear.

The qualities found in a leader are not cultivated in a day or a week but it is done after seeing a lot of failures and learning from them.  Does that mean you can never be a leader? Anyone can be a leader and it can be done by learning through failures. Leaders who possess great leadership qualities have earned and learned them with time. Leadership is all about thinking for the benefit of everyone even if it means you are at loss in the beginning. It is about thinking of society and how your leader's goals could help in the betterment of the country.

To conclude this speech I want to say that great leaders were not born great, they made themselves great by observing their surroundings and doing their best to change them. The real essence of leadership is when a leader pays attention to the needs of the followers and works in the direction to fulfil all those needs.

As I said before, history is filled with examples of great leaders, and one thing that is common in all leaders in the act of selflessness. They never thought about their gain but they always strived for the betterment of everyone. To be a great leader you need to have led people for the greater good. To be a great leader you have to be a good human first, show kindness to every living organism. So start cultivating the habits that will make you a good leader and I can assure you that the world will benefit from it. Thank you very much for listening. Have a great evening.

Short Speech About Leadership

Good morning to everyone present here. I feel grateful that I was chosen to give a small leadership speech for students. I hope my speech inspires everyone to be a good leader.

A leader is someone who is characterized by many qualities. Teamwork, hard work, calm, selflessness, help.

A leader is someone who always thinks and questions a situation to bring a solution. A leader never follows the herd but he or she is the one who is followed by people because of his or her ability to create an impact on people.

Great leaders in the past such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and so on have always thought of the greater good of society. They have always led by example and have always directed people in the right direction.

The qualities found in leaders are not formed within a day or weak but they are cultivated through years of hard work, patience, and learning from failures.

To conclude I want to say that great leaders are not born great but they make themselves great by being selfless. They always think about the bigger picture and will always try to help people who are in trouble. To be a great leader you need to be a good human first who shows kindness to every living organism around him or her. You can also be a great leader by cultivating these habits. 

10 Lines About Speech on Leadership Qualities

A great leader will always lead the people for a better future.

Leadership is all about selflessness. It is about thinking about the goals of society before personal goals.

A good leader will always lead by example and will always be focused on his or her goals.

Leadership is about understanding the followers and understanding them completely.

Leadership is about actively listening and adapting to the changes.

A leader is not born but anyone can become a good leader by applying constant efforts.

Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandella, Barack Obama, and many more great leaders have always thought about the better good of society.

leadership is linked to selflessness, determination, loyalty, teamwork, and efficiency.

While writing speeches of great leaders remember to always include examples of leaders in the past who have helped society.

Some of the famous speeches by leaders that changed society are Martin King Luther’s speech, Mahatma Gandhi’s speech, Barack Obama’s speech before getting elected as the 44th president of the United States of America.

The following points also can be used as a reference for the students to include in their speeches and have a better understanding of the features and styles of leadership.

Features of Leadership

Leaders play an important role in the growth of any organization. A great leader can establish and maintain good interpersonal relationships with subordinates or followers and motivate them to achieve their desired organizational goals.

Here we are discussing some important features of leadership that every good leader possesses.

Influence the Behaviour of People - Leadership is the skill of an individual that influences the behaviour of other people or employees in any organization so they can work together to achieve a common business goal.

Interpersonal Process - This process occurs between the leader and his followers. The relationship of the employees with the leaders determines how efficiently and effectively the business goals would be met.

Achieving Similar Organizational Goals - The objective of leadership is to provide a direction to the employees to attain common business objectives. The leader combines the people and their efforts for the same.

Continuous Process - Leadership is a time-consuming and continuous process. At every point, employees need guidance from the leader to ensure that they are working in the right direction and their efforts will pay them back. Moreover, a good leader makes sure that his employees are not deviating from the path.

Group Process - Leadership is certainly a group process. Imagine if there are no followers then to whom will the leader guide? Therefore, leadership involves the interaction of two or more people that allows them to discuss their issues with their mentors and get relevant solutions.

Dependent on Situations - A leader is dependent on the situations that he has to tackle in the current scenario. His leadership style changes when the situation changes. The advice which he gives to solve a situation will also be effective to tackle other problems.

Leadership styles

Leadership style refers to the approaches or strategies adopted by a leader for motivating his followers while trying to achieve common targets. As discussed above, leadership style is dependent on situations. This means that the way of handling a problem can change depending upon the present scenario.

Leadership styles are classified into three types. These are-

Autocratic Leadership Style - In this style, the leader takes all the necessary decisions by himself without discussing them with his followers.

Democratic Leadership Style - Here, the leader consults his subordinates before taking the final decision.

Free-Rein Leadership Style - It is also known as the Laissez-faire style. In this, the leader gives complete freedom to his followers to take the decision.


FAQs on Leadership Speech

1. What is the exact meaning of leadership?

Leadership is the quality or skill of an individual which helps the individual to lead people in the right direction, inspire them and build confidence in them. The person who has this leadership quality is known as the leader. With this skill, the leader takes steps for the good of society. 

Not everyone in this world is blessed with this ability. Leadership is the ability that is developed with time and cannot be learned. The people possessing this quality effectively influence people to reach their goals. In other words, it is the ability that turns vision into reality.

2. What are the best leadership qualities?

Some of the best leadership traits are listed below:

Trustworthiness - A leader must be honest and should not hide anything from his people. This trait creates a strong relationship between the leader and the group members.

Responsibility - It is the leader who is responsible for his actions. Also, the leader has the responsibility of his members.

Vision - It is the leader who has the vision and knows the methods to reach their goals. The leaders turn their ideas into actions.

Good Communication Skills - A leader must have this skill so that he can openly talk to his group members.

Self-Confident - A leader needs to be self-confident. This skill enables them to believe in themselves and gives success in most situations.

3. What are the major differences between a boss and a leader?

Underneath are the differences between a boss and a leader:

A boss is in charge of people or a company.

He is the person who takes away all the credit. 

The boss uses people for his and his company's benefit. 

He blames others for the breakdown.

He commands people to do the task.

A leader inspires and influences others to complete the goals.

He is the person who gives credit to his members. 

The leader helps people in developing their skills.

With the help of the members, a leader fixes the breakdown.

He asks people to do the task.

4. Give an example of any person who has the quality of leadership.

Barack Obama is the best example of transformational leadership. He was the first African - American president of the United States for 8 years. He saw possibilities and opportunities in every situation while others saw obstacles in those situations. He made a friendly atmosphere for his staff members so that they can share things with him. He was honest and transparent towards his people. 

He also organized a campaign named "Yes We Can". This rally inspired and convinced many people that there is a better future if they get united with him and trust the government. He was the best leader who thought and did well for the country.


Speech on Leadership[1, 2, 3, 5 Minutes]

1, 2, 3 minutes speech on leadership.

Dear teachers and students!

Greetings to all. and thank you to all of you to give me chance to give a speech.

A crucial component of every community or organisation is leadership. It entails having the capacity to motivate and lead others toward a common objective or vision. Character, competence, and vision are all qualities that effective leaders have in common, and they use these qualities to inspire and direct their people.

The capacity to excite and inspire people is one of a leader’s essential traits. A leader who has a clear vision and is passionate about their cause will be able to communicate their ideas in a way that connects with others, which will encourage their followers to feel motivated and committed to their cause.

The capacity to make difficult choices is a key quality of a leader. Leaders must be able to make judgements that are in the best interests of their company or community since they are frequently put in challenging situations. This calls for a mix of expertise, experience, and a thorough comprehension of the current circumstance.

Leaders need to have a solid foundation of basic beliefs and ideals in addition to character and competence. The leader’s decisions and actions are guided by these values and principles, which also provide the framework for cultivating respect and trust among their followers.

Leadership also involves continuing to learn and develop. A good leader is constantly searching for ways to better both their organisation and themselves. They are risk-takers who are open to new ideas. They promote a culture of learning and development inside their business by encouraging others to follow suit.

The capacity for good communication is a key component of leadership. A leader should be able to express their thoughts, objectives, and expectations vocally and in writing with clarity and effectiveness. In order to effectively communicate, one must also actively listen to and comprehend the opinions of others.

Finally, leadership is about motivating, inspiring, and directing others toward a single objective or vision. Along with a solid foundation of fundamental beliefs and guiding principles, it calls for a trifecta of character, competence, and vision. A good leader is someone who is always learning and developing, who can communicate clearly and make tough judgements.

5 Minutes Speech on Leadership

Any organisation or group needs strong leadership, which may take many different forms. Effective leaders are able to motivate and direct others toward a common objective or vision. They have a variety of abilities and traits, including the capacity for clear communication, wise judgement, and the ability to engender confidence in others.

There are three primary types of leadership: authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire. Authoritarian leaders make their own decisions and demand blind obedience from their supporters. Democratic leaders cherish their supporters’ opinions and include them in decision-making. Laissez-faire leaders take a hands-off stance and give their followers the freedom to choose for themselves.

A strong leader is also aware that success in leadership is a process rather than a goal, and they should constantly be eager to learn, develop, and meet new difficulties.

The capacity to encourage others, create and manage teams, and effectively communicate are just a few of the crucial abilities that leaders should have. I want to share with you some of the leadership qualities that are linked to good leaders. These consist of: Integrity is the capacity to be trustworthy and to uphold high moral standards. Empathy is the capacity to recognise and empathise with another person’s feelings. Creativity is the capacity to think creatively and develop original ideas Self-confidence means having faith in one’s own judgement and talents. Being sincere and open-minded is being honest.

Being a leader involves more than just holding a position of authority; it also involves inspiring and earning the respect of others. A leader should be able to encourage others to put up their best effort and strive toward a shared objective.

The ability to create and manage teams is a key component of leadership. This entails developing a setting where individuals can collaborate successfully and productively while also feeling appreciated and respected. A leader must also be able to communicate well, both when providing orders and direction as well as when listening to others and considering their opinions.

Leadership is not a one-size-fits-all concept; leadership techniques and styles must be flexible to accommodate a variety of scenarios, team members, and circumstances.

In conclusion, leadership is a broad concept with numerous facets that may be expressed in various ways. Effective leaders have a variety of abilities and traits, including the capacity to motivate and direct others toward a common objective or vision, sound judgement, empathy, creativity, and effective communication. And should constantly be willing to learn, develop, and adjust to new difficulties.

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Speech on Leadership in simple and easy words

simple speech on leaders

Table of Contents

Speech on Leadership: What are leadership qualities? Who is actually a leader in the true sense of the term? What is the role of a great leader? If you want to know the answer to all these questions, then browse through our pages and read our speeches on leadership. There are long speech on leadership as well as short speech on leadership to cater to different purposes, such as to give you a deep insight into the topic and help you draw reference from them for your, let’s say school assignment, in case you are a student, or to help you prepare a speech for a public event, etc. These speeches will serve all your purpose and give you a fair understanding of the topic so much so that you can stand up and confidently address this subject on your own.

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Long and Short Speech on Leadership

Leadership speech – 1.

Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman – I hope this day finds you in the best of spirits!

I warmly welcome you all here in today’s speech ceremony on the subject called Leadership. I, Vaishali Rawat, your host for today, will address this topic. Leadership is quite a word in itself and I can very much relate with it because I am myself holding a position of senior manager in my present company. If given a chance, everyone would want to lead and be followed. But has anyone ever realized how difficult this task is and what roles and responsibilities come with it?

First of all, please understand that leadership doesn’t involve domination or subjugation of the weaker sex. The world is already full with such people who have an ardent desire to rule and take charge of other peoples’ lives. But this is not the trait of a good leader.

The true leader is someone who earns respect through his rightful actions and mass following without any dictatorship. He inspires others to follow his footsteps and become the guiding light for the humanity. The great leader is someone who carries the torch of wisdom and enlightens the society thereby leading people to the path of progress and growth. Besides, the true meaning of leadership is having the requisite ability to enable people want to follow you while being under no compulsion as such to do so. Leaders are those people who set certain benchmarks and try to achieve those benchmarks by allowing people to judge them according to their actions and endeavors. The goals are set and all might is put towards achieving those goals, but without compromising with the ethics and morals – this is the true mark of a great leader.

Leaders who possess great leadership qualities effectively channelize their energy and devote themselves for the growth and progress of humanity. The restrictions or obligations that he/she imposes on himself/herself enable him/her to rise against all odds and never bow down to the circumstances. Always remember that the love of supreme excellence is found in a great leader. Thus, a true leader is someone who is able to establish a connection with the almighty and realizes by faith that he/she is a mere instrument in the hands of Him and dedicates his entire life to become an inspirer and guide of the higher sentiments and ambitions of the people.

He/she who is a leader in the true sense of the term has to pay the price for his forbearance and moral restraints. He/she does good to the society selflessly, i.e. without expecting anything in return. This leads to further enhancement or cleansing of his/her soul and keeping a check on his/her personal desires, which in turn allows him/her to become an extraordinary being.

There is an old-saying which is, “To be first in place, one must be first in merit as well.” Thus, an individual actually becomes a leader when he/she has the ability to lead mankind on the path of progress without any selfish reason.

Leadership Speech – 2

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Students – Warm Greetings to all of you!

I heartily welcome everyone to our school auditorium. Before we begin with our annual celebration, I – Sakshi Juneja from Class-XII (A), would like to deliver a short speech on Leadership. You all must be wondering why I have chosen this topic and not any other topic related to patriotism or present scenario. As everyone knows that it is due to the sacrifice of our great freedom fighters that India won back its independence. But does anyone of us realize that besides being incredible freedom fighters they were also great leaders who had the power to lead the world through the power of their words.

Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Shaheed Bhagat Singh and many others led the nation through their influential words and soul stirring speeches. This leadership quality was much needed without which they wouldn’t have gathered mass support and won back India’s freedom. So what qualities are needed to become a great leader? What leadership actually entails? These are the questions that you must be wrestling with in order to know the answers.

So let me tell you that leaders are those who are great orators having the aptitude to share their vision with the people around and having the convincing ability. Leaders should be driven by a cause and dedicate their lives for the good of their motherland as well as their countrymen. They should be passionate about what they do and dedicated to accomplishing their aim in life, i.e. to lead the world for a good cause. A great leader is also a great teacher, who works towards empowering others, can take risks and is able to develop the requisite set of skills.

If I talk from the standpoint of a student, I would say that our role model and leader are our teachers who unfailingly impart good thoughts to us and motivate us to become a responsible individual. They patiently deal with all the students and foster positive attitude in us so that we grow up as conscientious and compassionate being.

There is an age-old myth that leadership quality is associated with militancy or dictatorship. But a leader is that individual who can lead the way and become a torch bearer for the masses to follow the direction shown by him or her. Leaders have an inherent charisma which is magnetic for other people to behold; this is the reason why people come under their sway. Great leadership qualities are very much required in the present times by various multi-national organizations. The position of leaders varies from middle managers to senior-level executives.

There are different facets to a great leader for he/she not only leads himself/herself, but people around, chief groups and chief organizations. Following are the qualities associated with a great leader, i.e. he/should be a great leader, quick witted, intelligent, self-confident and compassionate. Our country thus needs more and more such leaders who can build a stronger nation and empower it with the ennobling thoughts.

Leadership Speech – 3

Good Morning to one and all! Warm Welcome to the commemoration ceremony of our great Indian Leader, i.e. Mahatma Gandhi who took the world by storm through his morals and principles. As he held a high regard among the people of his country, he therefore earned the sobriquet of Bapu and is called so even today. His non-violent principles brought a great revolutionary change in our country and he with the support of his countrymen and other freedom fighters won back his country’s freedom.

Therefore considering his great leadership qualities, I want to deliver a speech on the subject called leadership and wish that many more such people continue to take birth in our country so that it can grow by leaps and bounds not only in terms of wealth, but morally and spiritually as well. What sets great leaders apart from the common men is the quality that they are born with a vision and can foresee the future. They are clear in their mind as towards which direction they have to head and what they want from life. They are expert at preparing strategies and changing those strategies from time to time according to what the time requires.

Having a vision for future is what separates the leaders from a common man and categorizes them as special type of people. Such people thus become transformational leaders. Well, managers also come into the category of leaders who not only manage their desk work, but lead their teams as well. However, still there is a difference between a manager and a leader, which is, managers are just concerned about getting their work done whereas leaders take into account the emotions of their people and act accordingly.

Following are the qualities required to become a great leader:

One of the really significant qualities of a good leader is of course courage. Being courageous means he/she has the guts to take risks in life without having assurance of positive outcome. Because life itself is precarious, every action that we perform or every commitment we make definitely cannot be without a risk factor. Therefore, courage is the most identifiable trait in a leader because not everyone has the courage to follow his/her dreams.

Those who are true leaders always have their penetrating gaze on the possible outcome and are able to anticipate the situation. It is, therefore, the much needed attribute in a great leader because if he/she isn’t focused, any foundation governed by him/her can come crashing down in no time. Thus, they have to focus on their goals as well as the organizational goals, if they work in that kind of a space.

  • Strategic Planning

Great leaders are also great masterminds. They can do strategic planning and look ahead to fathom the upcoming trends beforehand and make an adjustment of his organization according to the changing industry tastes and preferences. They are born with the ability to foresee future events much earlier than their competitors.

This is all I can say in this brief time period, but the qualities of a leader go far beyond that, which make him/her standout from the crowd and become a source of inspiration for the people.

Leadership Speech – 4

Good Morning Friends – Hope you are doing well!

Welcome to this yet another session of the grooming classes. As you all know that the reason why your company is putting you through these grooming classes is to help you enhance your skills set and develop leadership qualities which will help you in the long run.

But you must be pondering over the fact that why you need to develop leadership qualities. Well, its answer is very simple! You do not work in isolation, do you? If not, then you would gradually go up in the ladder of this industrial sector. So as you will go higher, you will be responsible not only for your work, but also for the people working under you. Being responsible for your work is one thing, but being responsible for the work of a group of people is something else and trust me it’s not an easy job.

A great leader is someone who can inspire and lead others. He/she doesn’t have to necessarily force anyone, but his/her influence on people should be so profound that they start following him/her willingly. For this to happen, he/she should have great oratory skills and should be able to move people through the power of his/her words. He/she doesn’t have to rule over anyone but his/her personality should be so strong that people easily get swayed by his/her aura. It is true that these qualities are god gifted to a certain extent in a select few people, but after a point one has to constantly work over it.

Let’s know, what are those leadership qualities which help a person stand out from rest of the crowd and make a mark in this world:

Great leaders are not only strong-headed and decisive, but also modest. Being modest doesn’t mean that he/she is uncertain of himself or herself or has a weak character, but it means that he/she has enough self-confidence that he/she can easily realize the value of others and give them the importance they deserve. This is one of the rare characteristics in a person or a great leader because it certainly requires suppression of one’s ego.

The crux of integrity is honesty. Integrity expects you to remain truthful towards your people under every circumstance. It is the founding quality which is required in any leader and for any working sphere.

  • Cooperation

It’s a great leadership quality to make everyone work in harmony under one roof. If you are able to pull people together for a cause or project, then success is bound to touch your feet. This quality is of paramount importance in a leader because being a leader itself entails making people to follow you readily and for a substantial cause.

You should have penetrating eyes to actually understand who all are the people worth taking along and can effectively contribute towards the cause or smooth functioning of your organization.

Therefore, you all are made a part of these grooming classes so that you can also make the most of this opportunity and hone your skills for a higher level. This is all I have to say.

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Essay on Leadership

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Leadership Speech - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

  • Speech on Leadership -

Leadership is a skill and ability of an individual, group, or organisation to lead. A good leader can motivate others to do something new and better. And the leader is a person who convinces people to follow. A person who has strong leadership skills in the business world can become CEO, COO, CFO, etc. Good leadership provides direction to workers and employees.

10 Lines Speech on Leadership

Short speech on leadership, long speech on leadership.

Leadership Speech - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Leadership is about guiding and inspiring others to achieve a common goal.

A good leader has the ability to motivate and empower their team.

Leadership involves creating a vision and setting a direction for the group.

A leader must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

A good leader must be able to make tough decisions and take responsibility for their actions.

Leadership requires the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and find solutions to challenges.

A leader must have integrity and ethical values to earn the trust and respect of their team.

Leadership requires continuous learning and self-improvement.

A leader must have empathy and understanding towards their team members.

The ultimate measure of a leader's success is the success of their team and the impact they have on society.

Good morning everyone, I am here today to talk about the importance of leadership and what it takes to be a successful leader. Leadership is the art of guiding individuals, groups or organisations to achieve their goals and fulfil their obligations. A great leader is someone who not only gives direction, but also inspires and motivates their team to reach their fullest potential.

A good leader always maintains an open line of communication with their team, encouraging both personal and professional growth. They understand that their role is to teach and mentor, not just give orders. Effective leadership is a continuous process that requires patience, dedication and an unwavering commitment to the growth and success of their team.

Leadership also plays a crucial role in building strong relationships and providing psychological support to team members. When the team feels supported and valued, they are more likely to work willingly and wholeheartedly, contributing to the overall growth and success of the organisation.

In conclusion, a great leader possesses not only technical skills and knowledge, but also the ability to inspire and motivate their team to reach their goals. Good leadership is the key to creating a harmonious and productive work environment, and is an essential quality for any manager to possess.

Good morning everyone, I am Riya, a student of Aditya Academy, and I am here today to talk about the topic of leadership. Leadership is a crucial aspect of our lives, whether it is in our personal relationships, community, or in the workplace. As students, we have the opportunity to develop and refine our leadership skills, which will serve us well in the future.

Leadership can be defined as the ability to inspire, motivate and guide others towards a common goal. A great leader not only has vision, but also the ability to bring others along on the journey towards that vision. A leader must possess several key qualities, including integrity, empathy, the ability to communicate effectively, and the courage to make difficult decisions.

Examples of Great Leader

In today's world, there are countless examples of great leaders who have changed the course of history and inspired millions with their vision, commitment, and unwavering spirit. Two such leaders who stand out are Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.

Mahatma Gandhi was a man who embodied the very essence of leadership. He was a man who inspired millions with his unwavering commitment to non-violent resistance and his vision of a free and equal India. Despite facing immense opposition and making personal sacrifices, Gandhi never lost sight of his goal. He rallied his followers around his cause and through his leadership, he brought about a change in the world that will be remembered for generations to come.

Nelson Mandela is another example of a great leader who has made a lasting impact on the world. He spent 27 years in prison in his fight against apartheid in South Africa and was subjected to the worst forms of oppression. Yet, he never lost his faith in the power of leadership to bring about change. His unwavering spirit and refusal to compromise on his principles inspired millions around the world and eventually led to the fall of apartheid and his election as the first black president of South Africa.

Both Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela serve as a reminder that true leadership is not about power, fame or wealth, but about the ability to inspire others, to stand up for what is right, and to never lose sight of your goals, no matter the cost. Through their leadership, they have left a lasting legacy that will continue to inspire future generations.

In our own lives, we have the opportunity to be leaders in our communities and families. Whether it is taking on a leadership role in a school club, volunteering at a local charity, or simply being a positive influence on those around us, we can all make a difference.

In conclusion, leadership is a vital quality that every person should strive to develop. It is not just about having a position of authority, but about inspiring and guiding others towards a common goal. Through our actions and leadership, we can leave a positive impact on the world and make it a better place for future generations. Thank you.

Explore Career Options (By Industry)

  • Construction
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Data Administrator

Database professionals use software to store and organise data such as financial information, and customer shipping records. Individuals who opt for a career as data administrators ensure that data is available for users and secured from unauthorised sales. DB administrators may work in various types of industries. It may involve computer systems design, service firms, insurance companies, banks and hospitals.

Bio Medical Engineer

The field of biomedical engineering opens up a universe of expert chances. An Individual in the biomedical engineering career path work in the field of engineering as well as medicine, in order to find out solutions to common problems of the two fields. The biomedical engineering job opportunities are to collaborate with doctors and researchers to develop medical systems, equipment, or devices that can solve clinical problems. Here we will be discussing jobs after biomedical engineering, how to get a job in biomedical engineering, biomedical engineering scope, and salary. 

Ethical Hacker

A career as ethical hacker involves various challenges and provides lucrative opportunities in the digital era where every giant business and startup owns its cyberspace on the world wide web. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path try to find the vulnerabilities in the cyber system to get its authority. If he or she succeeds in it then he or she gets its illegal authority. Individuals in the ethical hacker career path then steal information or delete the file that could affect the business, functioning, or services of the organization.

GIS officer work on various GIS software to conduct a study and gather spatial and non-spatial information. GIS experts update the GIS data and maintain it. The databases include aerial or satellite imagery, latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates, and manually digitized images of maps. In a career as GIS expert, one is responsible for creating online and mobile maps.

Data Analyst

The invention of the database has given fresh breath to the people involved in the data analytics career path. Analysis refers to splitting up a whole into its individual components for individual analysis. Data analysis is a method through which raw data are processed and transformed into information that would be beneficial for user strategic thinking.

Data are collected and examined to respond to questions, evaluate hypotheses or contradict theories. It is a tool for analyzing, transforming, modeling, and arranging data with useful knowledge, to assist in decision-making and methods, encompassing various strategies, and is used in different fields of business, research, and social science.

Geothermal Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as geothermal engineers are the professionals involved in the processing of geothermal energy. The responsibilities of geothermal engineers may vary depending on the workplace location. Those who work in fields design facilities to process and distribute geothermal energy. They oversee the functioning of machinery used in the field.

Database Architect

If you are intrigued by the programming world and are interested in developing communications networks then a career as database architect may be a good option for you. Data architect roles and responsibilities include building design models for data communication networks. Wide Area Networks (WANs), local area networks (LANs), and intranets are included in the database networks. It is expected that database architects will have in-depth knowledge of a company's business to develop a network to fulfil the requirements of the organisation. Stay tuned as we look at the larger picture and give you more information on what is db architecture, why you should pursue database architecture, what to expect from such a degree and what your job opportunities will be after graduation. Here, we will be discussing how to become a data architect. Students can visit NIT Trichy , IIT Kharagpur , JMI New Delhi . 

Remote Sensing Technician

Individuals who opt for a career as a remote sensing technician possess unique personalities. Remote sensing analysts seem to be rational human beings, they are strong, independent, persistent, sincere, realistic and resourceful. Some of them are analytical as well, which means they are intelligent, introspective and inquisitive. 

Remote sensing scientists use remote sensing technology to support scientists in fields such as community planning, flight planning or the management of natural resources. Analysing data collected from aircraft, satellites or ground-based platforms using statistical analysis software, image analysis software or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a significant part of their work. Do you want to learn how to become remote sensing technician? There's no need to be concerned; we've devised a simple remote sensing technician career path for you. Scroll through the pages and read.

Budget Analyst

Budget analysis, in a nutshell, entails thoroughly analyzing the details of a financial budget. The budget analysis aims to better understand and manage revenue. Budget analysts assist in the achievement of financial targets, the preservation of profitability, and the pursuit of long-term growth for a business. Budget analysts generally have a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, economics, or a closely related field. Knowledge of Financial Management is of prime importance in this career.


An underwriter is a person who assesses and evaluates the risk of insurance in his or her field like mortgage, loan, health policy, investment, and so on and so forth. The underwriter career path does involve risks as analysing the risks means finding out if there is a way for the insurance underwriter jobs to recover the money from its clients. If the risk turns out to be too much for the company then in the future it is an underwriter who will be held accountable for it. Therefore, one must carry out his or her job with a lot of attention and diligence.

Finance Executive

Product manager.

A Product Manager is a professional responsible for product planning and marketing. He or she manages the product throughout the Product Life Cycle, gathering and prioritising the product. A product manager job description includes defining the product vision and working closely with team members of other departments to deliver winning products.  

Operations Manager

Individuals in the operations manager jobs are responsible for ensuring the efficiency of each department to acquire its optimal goal. They plan the use of resources and distribution of materials. The operations manager's job description includes managing budgets, negotiating contracts, and performing administrative tasks.

Stock Analyst

Individuals who opt for a career as a stock analyst examine the company's investments makes decisions and keep track of financial securities. The nature of such investments will differ from one business to the next. Individuals in the stock analyst career use data mining to forecast a company's profits and revenues, advise clients on whether to buy or sell, participate in seminars, and discussing financial matters with executives and evaluate annual reports.

A Researcher is a professional who is responsible for collecting data and information by reviewing the literature and conducting experiments and surveys. He or she uses various methodological processes to provide accurate data and information that is utilised by academicians and other industry professionals. Here, we will discuss what is a researcher, the researcher's salary, types of researchers.

Welding Engineer

Welding Engineer Job Description: A Welding Engineer work involves managing welding projects and supervising welding teams. He or she is responsible for reviewing welding procedures, processes and documentation. A career as Welding Engineer involves conducting failure analyses and causes on welding issues. 

Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

Environmental Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as an environmental engineer are construction professionals who utilise the skills and knowledge of biology, soil science, chemistry and the concept of engineering to design and develop projects that serve as solutions to various environmental problems. 

Safety Manager

A Safety Manager is a professional responsible for employee’s safety at work. He or she plans, implements and oversees the company’s employee safety. A Safety Manager ensures compliance and adherence to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines.

Conservation Architect

A Conservation Architect is a professional responsible for conserving and restoring buildings or monuments having a historic value. He or she applies techniques to document and stabilise the object’s state without any further damage. A Conservation Architect restores the monuments and heritage buildings to bring them back to their original state.

Structural Engineer

A Structural Engineer designs buildings, bridges, and other related structures. He or she analyzes the structures and makes sure the structures are strong enough to be used by the people. A career as a Structural Engineer requires working in the construction process. It comes under the civil engineering discipline. A Structure Engineer creates structural models with the help of computer-aided design software. 

Highway Engineer

Highway Engineer Job Description:  A Highway Engineer is a civil engineer who specialises in planning and building thousands of miles of roads that support connectivity and allow transportation across the country. He or she ensures that traffic management schemes are effectively planned concerning economic sustainability and successful implementation.

Field Surveyor

Are you searching for a Field Surveyor Job Description? A Field Surveyor is a professional responsible for conducting field surveys for various places or geographical conditions. He or she collects the required data and information as per the instructions given by senior officials. 

Orthotist and Prosthetist

Orthotists and Prosthetists are professionals who provide aid to patients with disabilities. They fix them to artificial limbs (prosthetics) and help them to regain stability. There are times when people lose their limbs in an accident. In some other occasions, they are born without a limb or orthopaedic impairment. Orthotists and prosthetists play a crucial role in their lives with fixing them to assistive devices and provide mobility.


A career in pathology in India is filled with several responsibilities as it is a medical branch and affects human lives. The demand for pathologists has been increasing over the past few years as people are getting more aware of different diseases. Not only that, but an increase in population and lifestyle changes have also contributed to the increase in a pathologist’s demand. The pathology careers provide an extremely huge number of opportunities and if you want to be a part of the medical field you can consider being a pathologist. If you want to know more about a career in pathology in India then continue reading this article.

Veterinary Doctor

Speech therapist, gynaecologist.

Gynaecology can be defined as the study of the female body. The job outlook for gynaecology is excellent since there is evergreen demand for one because of their responsibility of dealing with not only women’s health but also fertility and pregnancy issues. Although most women prefer to have a women obstetrician gynaecologist as their doctor, men also explore a career as a gynaecologist and there are ample amounts of male doctors in the field who are gynaecologists and aid women during delivery and childbirth. 


The audiologist career involves audiology professionals who are responsible to treat hearing loss and proactively preventing the relevant damage. Individuals who opt for a career as an audiologist use various testing strategies with the aim to determine if someone has a normal sensitivity to sounds or not. After the identification of hearing loss, a hearing doctor is required to determine which sections of the hearing are affected, to what extent they are affected, and where the wound causing the hearing loss is found. As soon as the hearing loss is identified, the patients are provided with recommendations for interventions and rehabilitation such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, and appropriate medical referrals. While audiology is a branch of science that studies and researches hearing, balance, and related disorders.

An oncologist is a specialised doctor responsible for providing medical care to patients diagnosed with cancer. He or she uses several therapies to control the cancer and its effect on the human body such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy and biopsy. An oncologist designs a treatment plan based on a pathology report after diagnosing the type of cancer and where it is spreading inside the body.

Are you searching for an ‘Anatomist job description’? An Anatomist is a research professional who applies the laws of biological science to determine the ability of bodies of various living organisms including animals and humans to regenerate the damaged or destroyed organs. If you want to know what does an anatomist do, then read the entire article, where we will answer all your questions.

For an individual who opts for a career as an actor, the primary responsibility is to completely speak to the character he or she is playing and to persuade the crowd that the character is genuine by connecting with them and bringing them into the story. This applies to significant roles and littler parts, as all roles join to make an effective creation. Here in this article, we will discuss how to become an actor in India, actor exams, actor salary in India, and actor jobs. 

Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats create and direct original routines for themselves, in addition to developing interpretations of existing routines. The work of circus acrobats can be seen in a variety of performance settings, including circus, reality shows, sports events like the Olympics, movies and commercials. Individuals who opt for a career as acrobats must be prepared to face rejections and intermittent periods of work. The creativity of acrobats may extend to other aspects of the performance. For example, acrobats in the circus may work with gym trainers, celebrities or collaborate with other professionals to enhance such performance elements as costume and or maybe at the teaching end of the career.

Video Game Designer

Career as a video game designer is filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. A video game designer is someone who is involved in the process of creating a game from day one. He or she is responsible for fulfilling duties like designing the character of the game, the several levels involved, plot, art and similar other elements. Individuals who opt for a career as a video game designer may also write the codes for the game using different programming languages.

Depending on the video game designer job description and experience they may also have to lead a team and do the early testing of the game in order to suggest changes and find loopholes.

Radio Jockey

Radio Jockey is an exciting, promising career and a great challenge for music lovers. If you are really interested in a career as radio jockey, then it is very important for an RJ to have an automatic, fun, and friendly personality. If you want to get a job done in this field, a strong command of the language and a good voice are always good things. Apart from this, in order to be a good radio jockey, you will also listen to good radio jockeys so that you can understand their style and later make your own by practicing.

A career as radio jockey has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. If you want to know more about a career as radio jockey, and how to become a radio jockey then continue reading the article.


The word “choreography" actually comes from Greek words that mean “dance writing." Individuals who opt for a career as a choreographer create and direct original dances, in addition to developing interpretations of existing dances. A Choreographer dances and utilises his or her creativity in other aspects of dance performance. For example, he or she may work with the music director to select music or collaborate with other famous choreographers to enhance such performance elements as lighting, costume and set design.

Social Media Manager

A career as social media manager involves implementing the company’s or brand’s marketing plan across all social media channels. Social media managers help in building or improving a brand’s or a company’s website traffic, build brand awareness, create and implement marketing and brand strategy. Social media managers are key to important social communication as well.


Photography is considered both a science and an art, an artistic means of expression in which the camera replaces the pen. In a career as a photographer, an individual is hired to capture the moments of public and private events, such as press conferences or weddings, or may also work inside a studio, where people go to get their picture clicked. Photography is divided into many streams each generating numerous career opportunities in photography. With the boom in advertising, media, and the fashion industry, photography has emerged as a lucrative and thrilling career option for many Indian youths.

An individual who is pursuing a career as a producer is responsible for managing the business aspects of production. They are involved in each aspect of production from its inception to deception. Famous movie producers review the script, recommend changes and visualise the story. 

They are responsible for overseeing the finance involved in the project and distributing the film for broadcasting on various platforms. A career as a producer is quite fulfilling as well as exhaustive in terms of playing different roles in order for a production to be successful. Famous movie producers are responsible for hiring creative and technical personnel on contract basis.

Copy Writer

In a career as a copywriter, one has to consult with the client and understand the brief well. A career as a copywriter has a lot to offer to deserving candidates. Several new mediums of advertising are opening therefore making it a lucrative career choice. Students can pursue various copywriter courses such as Journalism , Advertising , Marketing Management . Here, we have discussed how to become a freelance copywriter, copywriter career path, how to become a copywriter in India, and copywriting career outlook. 

In a career as a vlogger, one generally works for himself or herself. However, once an individual has gained viewership there are several brands and companies that approach them for paid collaboration. It is one of those fields where an individual can earn well while following his or her passion. 

Ever since internet costs got reduced the viewership for these types of content has increased on a large scale. Therefore, a career as a vlogger has a lot to offer. If you want to know more about the Vlogger eligibility, roles and responsibilities then continue reading the article. 

For publishing books, newspapers, magazines and digital material, editorial and commercial strategies are set by publishers. Individuals in publishing career paths make choices about the markets their businesses will reach and the type of content that their audience will be served. Individuals in book publisher careers collaborate with editorial staff, designers, authors, and freelance contributors who develop and manage the creation of content.

Careers in journalism are filled with excitement as well as responsibilities. One cannot afford to miss out on the details. As it is the small details that provide insights into a story. Depending on those insights a journalist goes about writing a news article. A journalism career can be stressful at times but if you are someone who is passionate about it then it is the right choice for you. If you want to know more about the media field and journalist career then continue reading this article.

Individuals in the editor career path is an unsung hero of the news industry who polishes the language of the news stories provided by stringers, reporters, copywriters and content writers and also news agencies. Individuals who opt for a career as an editor make it more persuasive, concise and clear for readers. In this article, we will discuss the details of the editor's career path such as how to become an editor in India, editor salary in India and editor skills and qualities.

Individuals who opt for a career as a reporter may often be at work on national holidays and festivities. He or she pitches various story ideas and covers news stories in risky situations. Students can pursue a BMC (Bachelor of Mass Communication) , B.M.M. (Bachelor of Mass Media) , or  MAJMC (MA in Journalism and Mass Communication) to become a reporter. While we sit at home reporters travel to locations to collect information that carries a news value.  

Corporate Executive

Are you searching for a Corporate Executive job description? A Corporate Executive role comes with administrative duties. He or she provides support to the leadership of the organisation. A Corporate Executive fulfils the business purpose and ensures its financial stability. In this article, we are going to discuss how to become corporate executive.

Multimedia Specialist

A multimedia specialist is a media professional who creates, audio, videos, graphic image files, computer animations for multimedia applications. He or she is responsible for planning, producing, and maintaining websites and applications. 

Quality Controller

A quality controller plays a crucial role in an organisation. He or she is responsible for performing quality checks on manufactured products. He or she identifies the defects in a product and rejects the product. 

A quality controller records detailed information about products with defects and sends it to the supervisor or plant manager to take necessary actions to improve the production process.

Production Manager

A QA Lead is in charge of the QA Team. The role of QA Lead comes with the responsibility of assessing services and products in order to determine that he or she meets the quality standards. He or she develops, implements and manages test plans. 

Process Development Engineer

The Process Development Engineers design, implement, manufacture, mine, and other production systems using technical knowledge and expertise in the industry. They use computer modeling software to test technologies and machinery. An individual who is opting career as Process Development Engineer is responsible for developing cost-effective and efficient processes. They also monitor the production process and ensure it functions smoothly and efficiently.

AWS Solution Architect

An AWS Solution Architect is someone who specializes in developing and implementing cloud computing systems. He or she has a good understanding of the various aspects of cloud computing and can confidently deploy and manage their systems. He or she troubleshoots the issues and evaluates the risk from the third party. 

Azure Administrator

An Azure Administrator is a professional responsible for implementing, monitoring, and maintaining Azure Solutions. He or she manages cloud infrastructure service instances and various cloud servers as well as sets up public and private cloud systems. 

Computer Programmer

Careers in computer programming primarily refer to the systematic act of writing code and moreover include wider computer science areas. The word 'programmer' or 'coder' has entered into practice with the growing number of newly self-taught tech enthusiasts. Computer programming careers involve the use of designs created by software developers and engineers and transforming them into commands that can be implemented by computers. These commands result in regular usage of social media sites, word-processing applications and browsers.

Information Security Manager

Individuals in the information security manager career path involves in overseeing and controlling all aspects of computer security. The IT security manager job description includes planning and carrying out security measures to protect the business data and information from corruption, theft, unauthorised access, and deliberate attack 

ITSM Manager

Automation test engineer.

An Automation Test Engineer job involves executing automated test scripts. He or she identifies the project’s problems and troubleshoots them. The role involves documenting the defect using management tools. He or she works with the application team in order to resolve any issues arising during the testing process. 

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Economic Times

Columbia Leaders Grilled at Antisemitism Hearing Over Faculty Comments

The university’s president, Nemat Shafik, agreed that some professors had crossed the line as she testified before House lawmakers on questions of student safety and free speech.

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Nemat Shafik sitting at a table in a blue suit.

Nicholas Fandos ,  Stephanie Saul and Sharon Otterman

Nicholas Fandos and Stephanie Saul reported from New York. Sharon Otterman reported from the Capitol hearing room.

The president of Columbia spent the day on defense.

The president of Columbia said the university had suspended 15 students. She promised that one visiting professor “will never work at Columbia again.”

And when she was grilled over whether she would remove another professor from his leadership position, she appeared to make a decision right there on Capitol Hill: “I think I would, yes.”

The president, Nemat Shafik, disclosed the disciplinary details, which are usually confidential, as part of an all-out effort on Wednesday to persuade a House committee investigating Columbia that she was taking serious action to combat a wave of antisemitism following the Israel-Hamas war.

In nearly four hours of testimony before the Republican-led Committee on Education and the Workforce, Dr. Shafik conceded that Columbia had initially been overwhelmed by an outbreak of campus protests. But she said its leaders now agreed that some had used antisemitic language and that certain contested phrases — like “from the river to the sea” — might warrant discipline.

“I promise you, from the messages I’m hearing from students, they are getting the message that violations of our policies will have consequences,” Dr. Shafik said.

Testifying alongside her, Claire Shipman, the co-chair of Columbia’s board of trustees, made the point bluntly. “We have a moral crisis on our campus,” she said.

Republicans seemed skeptical. But Dr. Shafik’s conciliatory tone offered the latest measure of just how much universities have changed their approach toward campus protests over the last few months.

Many schools were initially hesitant to take strong steps limiting freedom of expression cherished on their campuses. But with many Jewish students, faculty and alumni raising alarms, and with the federal government investigating dozens of schools, some administrators have tried to take more assertive steps to control their campuses.

With 5,000 Jewish students and an active protest movement for the Palestinian cause, Columbia has been among the most scrutinized. Jewish students have described being verbally and even physically harassed, while demonstrators have clashed with administrators over limits to where and when they can assemble.

In bending toward House Republicans in Washington, Dr. Shafik may have further divided her New York City campus, where students had pitched tents and set up a “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” early on Wednesday in open violation of university demonstration policies. Activists have rejected charges of antisemitism, and say they are speaking out for Palestinians, tens of thousands of whom have been killed by Israel’s invasion of Gaza.

Sheldon Pollock, a retired Columbia professor who helps lead Columbia’s chapter of the American Association of University Professors, said Dr. Shafik had been “bulldozed and bullied” into saying things she would regret.

“What happened to the idea of academic freedom?” Dr. Pollock asked. “I don’t think that phrase was used even once.”

Dr. Shafik, who took her post in July 2023 after a career in education and international agencies, did repeatedly defend the university’s commitment to free speech. But she said administrators “cannot and should not tolerate abuse of this privilege” when it puts others at risk.

Her comments stood in contrast to testimony last December by the presidents of the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard. Appearing before the same House committee, they offered terse, lawyerly answers and struggled to answer whether students should be punished if they called for the genocide of Jews. The firestorm that followed helped hasten their ousters.

Dr. Shafik missed that earlier hearing because of a preplanned international trip. She made clear on Wednesday she was not about to make similar mistakes.

Asked the same question, about whether calls for genocide violate Columbia’s code of conduct, Dr. Shafik answered in the affirmative — “Yes, it does” — along with the other Columbia leaders at the hearing.

Dr. Shafik explained that the university had suspended two student groups, Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, because they repeatedly violated its policies on demonstrations.

She also seemed more willing than the leaders of Harvard or Penn to condemn and potentially discipline students and faculty who use language like “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Some people believe the phrase calls for the elimination of the state of Israel, while its proponents say it is an aspirational call for Palestinian freedom.

“We have some disciplinary cases ongoing around that language,” she said. “We have specified that those kinds of chants should be restricted in terms of where they happen.”

Much of the hearing, though, focused on faculty members, not students.

Under persistent questioning from Republicans, Dr. Shafik went into surprising detail about disciplinary procedures against university professors. She noted that Columbia has about 4,700 faculty members and vowed that there would be “consequences” for employees who “make remarks that cross the line in terms of antisemitism.”

So far, Dr. Shafik said, five faculty members had been removed from the classroom or dismissed in recent months for comments stemming from the war. Dr. Shafik said that Mohamed Abdou, a visiting professor who drew ire for showing support for Hamas on social media, “is grading his students’ papers and will never teach at Columbia again.” Dr. Abdou did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The president also disclosed that the university was investigating Joseph Massad, a professor of Middle Eastern studies, who used the word “ awesome ” to describe the Oct. 7 attack led by Hamas that Israel says killed 1,200 people.

Dr. Shafik and other leaders denounced his work in striking terms. But Dr. Shafik struggled to state clearly, when questioned, whether Dr. Massad would be removed from his position leading a university panel.

“Will you make the commitment to remove him as chair?” Representative Elise Stefanik, Republican of New York, asked her during one fast-paced exchange.

Dr. Shafik replied cautiously, “I think that would be — I think, I would, yes.”

In an email on Wednesday, Dr. Massad said he had not watched the hearing but had seen some clips. He accused Republicans on the committee of distorting his writing and said it was “unfortunate” that Columbia officials had not defended him.

Dr. Massad said it was also “news to me” that he was the subject of a Columbia inquiry. He noted that he was already scheduled to cycle out of his leadership role at the end of the spring semester.

Dr. Shafik’s words deeply worried some supporters of academic freedom.

“We are witnessing a new era of McCarthyism where a House Committee is using college presidents and professors for political theater,” said Irene Mulvey, the president of the American Association of University Professors. “They are pushing an agenda that will ultimately damage higher education and the robust exchanges of ideas it is founded upon.”

Democrats on the House committee uniformly denounced antisemitism, but repeatedly accused Republicans of trying to weaponize a fraught moment for elite universities like Columbia, seeking to undermine them over longstanding political differences.

When Representative Bobby Scott of Virginia, the committee’s top ranking Democrat, tried to enlist Ms. Shipman to agree that the committee should be investigating a wide range of bias around race, sex and gender, she resisted.

“We have a specific problem on our campus, so I can speak from what I know, and that is rampant antisemitism,” she said.

Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, one of only two Muslim women in Congress, pushed back on Dr. Shafik from the left, questioning what the university was doing to help students who were doxxed over their activism for the Palestinian cause or faced anti-Arab sentiment.

Dr. Shafik said the university had assembled resources to help targeted students.

By the end of the hearing, Republicans began to fact-check her claims, drawing from thousands of pages of documents the university handed over as part of the committee’s investigation.

Representative Virginia Foxx , Republican of North Carolina and the committee’s chairwoman, said that several of the student suspensions Dr. Shafik described had already been lifted and argued that students were still not taking the university’s policies seriously.

In a statement after the hearing, Ms. Stefanik said she likewise found Dr. Shafik’s assurances unpersuasive.

“If it takes a member of Congress to force a university president to fire a pro-terrorist, antisemitic faculty chair,” she said, “then Columbia University leadership is failing Jewish students and its academic mission.

Anemona Hartocollis contributed reporting.

Alan Blinder

Alan Blinder

Here are our takeaways from Wednesday’s antisemitism hearing.

Follow live updates on Pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia University.

Four Columbia University officials, including the university’s president and the leaders of its board, went before Congress on Wednesday to try to extinguish criticism that the campus in New York has become a hub of antisemitic behavior and thought.

Over more than three hours, the Columbia leaders appeared to avoid the kind of caustic, viral exchange that laid the groundwork for the recent departures of the presidents of Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania , whose own appearances before the same House committee ultimately turned into public relations disasters.

Here are the takeaways from the hearing on Capitol Hill.

With three words, Columbia leaders neutralized the question that tripped up officials from other campuses.

In December, questions about whether calling for the genocide of Jewish people violated university disciplinary policies led the presidents of Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Pennsylvania to offer caveat-laden, careful answers that ignited fierce criticism .

The topic surfaced early in Wednesday’s hearing about Columbia, and the Columbia witnesses did not hesitate when they answered.

“Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate Columbia’s code of conduct?” asked Representative Suzanne Bonamici, Democrat of Oregon.

“Yes, it does,” replied David Greenwald, the co-chair of Columbia’s board of trustees.

“Yes, it does,” Claire Shipman, the board’s other co-chair, said next.

“Yes, it does,” Nemat Shafik, Columbia’s president, followed.

“Yes, it does,” said David Schizer, a longtime Columbia faculty member who is helping to lead a university task force on antisemitism.

To some lawmakers, Columbia’s effort in recent months remains lacking.

Even before the hearing started, Columbia officials have said that its procedures were not up to the task of managing the tumult that has unfolded in the months after the Hamas-led attack on Oct. 7.

In a written submission to the committee, Dr. Shafik, who became Columbia’s president last year, said she was “personally frustrated to find that Columbia’s policies and structures were sometimes unable to meet the moment.”

She added the university’s disciplinary system was far more accustomed to dealing with infractions around matters like alcohol use and academic misconduct. But Columbia officials have lately toughened rules around protests and scrutinized students and faculty members alike.

Some Republican lawmakers pressed the university to take more aggressive action.

Representative Tim Walberg, Republican of Michigan, focused on Joseph Massad, a Columbia professor he accused of glorifying the Oct. 7 attack. Mr. Walberg demanded to know whether Ms. Shipman and Mr. Greenwald would approve tenure for Dr. Massad today.

Both said they would not, prompting Mr. Walberg to retort, “Then why is he still in the classroom?"

In an email on Wednesday, Professor Massad said he had not watched the hearing but had seen some clips. He accused Mr. Walberg of distorting his writing and said it was “unfortunate” that Columbia officials had not defended him.

Professor Massad said it was also “news to me” that he was the subject of a Columbia inquiry, as Dr. Shafik said he was.

Dr. Shafik, who noted that Columbia has about 4,700 faculty members, vowed in the hearing that there would be “consequences” for employees who “make remarks that cross the line in terms of antisemitism.”

So far, Dr. Shafik said, five people have been removed from the classroom or ousted from Columbia in recent months. Dr. Shafik said that Mohamed Abdou, a visiting professor who drew the ire of Representative Elise Stefanik, Republican of New York, “is grading his students’ papers and will never teach at Columbia again.” Dr. Abdou did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Columbia’s strategy before Congress: Signal collaboration, and even give some ground.

Congressional witnesses can use an array of approaches to get through a hearing, from defiance to genuflection. Columbia leaders’ approach on Wednesday tilted toward the latter as they faced a proceeding titled, “Columbia in Crisis: Columbia University’s Response to Antisemitism.”

Ms. Shipman told lawmakers that she was “grateful” for “the spotlight that you are putting on this ancient hatred,” and Mr. Greenwald said the university appreciated “the opportunity to assist the committee in its important effort to examine antisemitism on college campuses.”

But there were moments when university leaders offered more than Washington-ready rhetoric.

When Ms. Stefanik pressed Dr. Shafik to commit to removing Professor Massad from a leadership post, the president inhaled, her hands folded before her on the witness table.

“I think that would be — I think, I would, yes. Let me come back with yes,” Dr. Shafik responded after a few seconds. (After the hearing, a university spokesman said Professor Massad’s term as chair of an academic review panel was already set to end after this semester.)

Representative Kevin Kiley, Republican of California, effectively asked Dr. Shafik to draw a red line for the faculty.

“Would you be willing to make just a statement right now to any members of the faculty at your university that if they engage in antisemitic words or conduct that they should find another place to work?” Mr. Kiley asked.

“I would be happy to make a statement that anyone, any faculty member, at Columbia who behaves in an antisemitic way or in any way a discriminatory way should find somewhere else to go,” Dr. Shafik replied.

Even though the conciliatory tactics regularly mollified lawmakers, they could deepen discontent on campus.

Republicans are already planning another hearing.

The hearing that contributed to the exits of the Harvard and Penn presidents emboldened the Republicans who control the House committee that convened on Wednesday.

Even before the proceeding with Columbia leaders, they had already scheduled a hearing for next month with top officials from the school systems in New York City, Montgomery County, Md., and Berkeley, Calif.

Stephanie Saul and Anemona Hartocollis contributed reporting.


Anusha Bayya

Anusha Bayya

Riley Chodak, 22, is graduating in a month and said she feels like her senior-year college experience has been snatched away from her because of the atmosphere on campus. “The fact that our campus is blocked off — it feels a little bit like a war zone here,” the Ohio native said. She said she believes the university is “cracking down on anyone who's trying to show anyone solidarity.”

Sharon Otterman

Sharon Otterman

And we are adjourned! No single standout moment. This hearing was perhaps most remarkable for how much the Columbia representatives agreed with the committee that antisemitism was a serious problem on its campus.

It remains to be seen how Columbia’s faculty will respond to their president's pledges to crack down on Joseph Massad and other tenured faculty that the committee targeted as antisemitic and demanded disciplinary action be taken against.

In her closing statement, Representative Virginia Foxx is using some of the thousands of documents she got from Columbia to fact check some of their remarks. She says it was misleading for Columbia to say 15 students have been suspended after Oct. 7. She said only three students were, for antisemitic conduct, and those were lifted. She also says the only two students who remain suspended are the two Jewish students who were accused of attacking a protest with a foul-smelling substance.

Mimi Gupta, 45, a Columbia grad student, was in the Multicultural Center on campus where President Shafik’s testimony is being broadcast on the big screen. “The president of Columbia is just getting eviscerated," she said.

“Senators, they just are asking really leading questions, talking over her and the students are just gasping and are shocked,” she said. Some in the audience occasionally piped up, shouting towards the screen when they felt that those grilling Shafik were being particularly hostile.

Stephanie Saul

Stephanie Saul

Who are the Columbia professors mentioned in the hearing?

Several Columbia faculty members — Joseph Andoni Massad, Katherine Franke and Mohamed Abdou — were in the spotlight at Wednesday’s hearing before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.

All three had taken pro-Palestinian stances, and lawmakers grilled university officials over how they responded to what Columbia’s President Nemat Shafik agreed were “unacceptable” comments by the faculty members.

At the hearing, Dr. Shafik divulged that two of the professors — Dr. Massad and Ms. Franke — were under investigation for making “discriminatory remarks,” and said that Dr. Abdou “will never work at Columbia again.” Such responses drew a sharp rebuke from some professors and the American Association of University Professors, which said she capitulated to political grandstanding and, in the process, violated established tenets of academic freedom.

“We are witnessing a new era of McCarthyism where a House committee is using college presidents and professors for political theater,” said Irene Mulvey, national president of the AAUP. She added, “President Shafik’s public naming of professors under investigation to placate a hostile committee sets a dangerous precedent for academic freedom and has echoes of the cowardice often displayed during the McCarthy era.”

Dr. Massad, who is of Palestinian Christian descent, was the focus of Representative Tim Walberg’s questioning. He teaches modern Arab politics and intellectual history at Columbia, where he also received his Ph.D. in political science.

Long known for his anti-Israel positions, he published a controversial article in The Electronic Intifada last October, in the wake of the Hamas attack, describing it as a “resistance offensive” staged in retaliation to Israel’s settler-colonies near the Gaza border.

The piece drew a visceral response and demands for his dismissal in a petition by a Columbia student that was signed by tens of thousands of people. The petition specifically criticized Dr. Massad’s use of the word “awesome” to describe the scene of the attack.

Dr. Massad’s posture has drawn controversy for years. When he was awarded tenure in 2009, 14 Columbia professors expressed their concern in a letter to the provost. Generally, professors with tenure face a much higher bar for termination than those without the status.

More recently, however, professors nationally have rallied to support him, emphasizing his academic right to voice his opinion.

In a statement after the hearing, Dr. Massad said that the House committee members had mischaracterized his article. Mr. Walberg said that Dr. Massad had said Hamas’s murder of Jews was “awesome, astonishing, astounding and incredible.”

“I certainly said nothing of the sort,” Dr. Massad said.

In testimony responding to questions from Mr. Walberg, a Michigan Republican, Dr. Shafik said that Dr. Massad had been removed from a leadership role at the university, where he headed an academic review panel.

But Dr. Massad said in an email that he had not been notified by Columbia that he was under investigation, adding that he had been previously scheduled to end his chairmanship of the academic review committee at the end of the semester, a statement that a spokesman for Columbia verified after the hearing.

Dr. Massad said it was “unfortunate” that Dr. Shafik and other university leaders “would condemn fabricated statements that I never made when all three of them should have corrected the record to show that I never said or wrote such reprehensible statements.”

Katherine Franke, a law professor at Columbia, was also mentioned in the hearing for her activist role and a comment that “all Israeli students who served in the I.D.F. are dangerous and shouldn’t be on campus,” referring to the Israel Defense Forces.

Ms. Franke recently wrote a piece in The Nation raising questions about academic freedom at Columbia, where she has taught since 1999.

In response to the hearing, Ms. Franke said she had made a comment in a radio program that some students who served in the I.D.F. had harassed others on campus, a reference to an incident in which pro-Palestinian protesters said they were sprayed with a noxious chemical.

“I do not believe, nor did I say, that ‘all Israeli students who served in the I.D.F. are dangerous and should not be on campus,’” she said.

Mohamed Abdou was also named in the hearing. Dr. Abdou was hired as a visiting scholar for the Spring 2024 term, and was teaching a course called “ Decolonial-Queerness and Abolition. ”

A biography on Columbia’s website describes Dr. Abdou as “a North African-Egyptian Muslim anarchist interdisciplinary activist-scholar of Indigenous, Black, critical race and Islamic studies, as well as gender, sexuality, abolition and decolonization.”

Representative Elise Stefanik asked why he was hired even after his social media post on Oct. 11 that read, “I’m with Hamas & Hezbollah & Islamic Jihad.” Dr. Shafik said, “He will never work at Columbia again. Dr. Abdou did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Sheldon Pollock, a retired Columbia professor who serves on the executive committee of Columbia’s American Association of University Professors chapter, called such comments about specific professors “deeply worrying,” adding that he thought Dr. Shafik was “bullied by these people into saying things I’m sure she regrets.”

He continued: “What happened to the idea of academic freedom” in today’s testimony? “I don’t think that phrase was used even once.”

A spokesman for Columbia declined to comment on the criticism of Dr. Shafik.

Elise Stefanik is up again. She is trying to get Shafik to condemn “from the River to the Sea” as antisemitic and discipline students for saying it. Shafik says “we are looking at it.”

Annie Karni

Annie Karni

Stefanik asked the same question of Claudine Gay, the former president of Harvard University. Gay’s response was that, while she personally thought the language was “abhorrent,” the university embraced “a commitment to free expression even of views that are objectionable, offensive, hateful.”

Several Republicans have now praised the Columbia representatives for giving clear answers to their questions.

Stefanik seems to have pushed Shafik into committing to remove a professor, Joseph Massad, who has become a focus of the hearing because of his statements celebrating the Hamas attacks, as chair of the academic review committee. Shafik appeared flustered by the line of questioning, and confused about his current status. But she answered “yes” when asked if she would commit to removing him as chair.

“He was spoken to by his head of department and his dean.” “And what was he told?” “I was not in those conversations, I think —” “But you’re not what he was told —” “That language was unacceptable.” “What was he told? What was he told?” “That that language was unacceptable.” “And were there any other enforcement actions taken? Any other disciplinary actions taken?” “In his case? He has not repeated anything like that ever since.” “Does he need to repeat stating that the massacre of Israeli civilians was awesome? Does he need to repeat his participation in an unauthorized pro-Hamas demonstration on April 4? Has he been terminated as chair?” “Congresswoman, I want to confirm the facts before getting back to you.” “I know you confirmed that he was under investigation.” “Yes, I can confirm that.” “Did you confirm he was still the chair?” “I need to confirm that with you. I’m —” “Well, let me ask you this: Will you make the commitment to remove him as chair?” “I think that would be — I think, I would, yes. Let me come back with yes.”

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Representative Elise Stefanik is challenging President Shafik after she had said in earlier testimony there had not been anti-Jewish protests on campus. Now, under questioning, she acknowledges anti-Jewish things were said at protests.

Overall, Republicans on this committee are pushing Columbia to take a tough stance on defining what antisemitism is, and include anti-Zionist speech, something it has tried not to do. It doesn’t have an official definition of the term.

Representative Aaron Bean, a Republican of Florida, congratulates the Columbia witnesses, saying they did better than the presidents of Harvard and Penn at their hearing in December. They were able to say they were against antisemitism, but he says that there is still fear on campus among Jewish students. “You are saying the right things.”

While there have been some tense moments in the hearing, there has not yet been the kind of viral moment related to the university’s inadequate response to antisemitism that House Republicans were able to create in the infamous hearing with the presidents of Harvard, University of Pennsylvania and M.I.T. But that exchange, which ultimately lead to the ouster of two Ivy League presidents, came at the tail end of a session that lasted four and a half hours.

Here are some of the recent antisemitism allegations against Columbia.

The House committee investigating Columbia University for antisemitism has claimed that “an environment of pervasive antisemitism has been documented at Columbia for more than two decades” and that the administration has not done enough in response.

Here are some of the recent allegations :

On Oct. 11, 2023, a Columbia student who is Israeli was beaten with a stick by a former undergraduate who had been ripping down pictures of Israeli hostages, according to the New York Police Department.

Multiple students say they have been cursed at for being Jewish. One student held up a sign in October that read “Columbia doesn’t care about the safety and well-being of Jewish students.”

Following allegations that two Israeli students released a foul-smelling chemical at a pro-Palestinian demonstration in January, a poster appeared around campus with the image of a blue and white skunk with a Star of David on its back.

Several professors have made antisemitic remarks or expressed support for the Oct. 7 attack, including Joseph Massad, a professor of modern Arab politics, who published an article on Oct. 8 describing the attack with terms such as “awesome” and “astounding.”

Representative Ilhan Omar, Democrat of Minnesota, spoke on behalf of pro-Palestinian students who were suspended or hurt. Shafik said she suspended students after a Resistance 101 event, where people spoke in support of Hamas, because they did not cooperate with the investigation. Omar also asks about an alleged chemical attack on pro-Palestinian protesters. Shafik says she reached out to those students, but that the investigation is still with the police.

Omar, one of just two Muslim women serving in Congress, is grilling Shafik from the left, using her time to ask why pro-Palestinian students on campus were evicted, suspended, harassed and intimidated for their participation in a pro-Palestinian event. Shafik said it was a very serious situation and the students refused to cooperate with the investigation.

Two professors, Joseph Massad and Katherine Franke, are “under investigation for discriminatory remarks,” Shafik says, apparently breaking some news here.

Representative Jamaal Bowman, a Democrat of New York, is trying to make the case for pro-Palestinian students who feel they have a right to express their views, saying that those views aren’t necessarily hateful, even if they make people feel uncomfortable. He’s entering for the record a letter from 600 faculty and students supporting open inquiry on campus.

The hearing is back after a brief recess. The length of the proceedings could prove important, since Claudine Gay, Harvard’s former president, has partly blamed the protracted nature of an exchange during December’s hearing for answers she gave that drew widespread criticism.

Representative Lisa McClain, Republican of Michigan, is drilling down on whether there is a definition on campus for antisemitism. David Schizer, who is a co-chair of the university's task force on antisemitism, calls a New York Times article about how the task force has no definition false. However, the committee has no official definition for antisemitism. He offers his own personal definition to the committee, as does Shafik. “For me personally, any discrimination against people of the Jewish faith is antisemitism,” she said.

Earlier in the hearing, Claire Shipman, co-chair of Columbia's board of trustees, detailed steps Columbia has taken to try to get the tensions under control, including suspending two student groups, Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace.

Columbia has been host to charged protests over Gaza in recent months.

Columbia University has toughened how it handles campus protests since the Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7. Here are some of the key moments:

Oct. 12, 2023: Hundreds of protesters gathered at Columbia University for tense pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian demonstrations that caused school administrators to take the then-extraordinary step of closing the campus to the public. The school now closes the campus routinely when protests are scheduled.

Nov. 9, 2023: Columbia suspended two main pro-Palestinian student groups, Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, after they held an unauthorized student walkout. Administrators said the event had “proceeded despite warnings and contained threatening rhetoric and intimidation” after one person shouted anti-Jewish epithets. Protest organizers said they had tried to silence the person.

Jan. 19, 2024: Pro-Palestinian protesters said that someone sprayed them with a foul-smelling substance at a rally, causing at least eight students to seek medical treatment. Columbia labeled the incident a possible hate crime, barred the alleged perpetrators from campus and opened an investigation. Protest attendees, citing video evidence , say they believe the perpetrators were two students who had been verbally harassing them, but Columbia has given no details about their identities.

Feb. 19, 2024: Columbia announced a new protest policy . Protests are now only permitted in designated “demonstration areas” on weekday afternoons, and require two days’ notice to administrators. First-time violators receive warnings. Repeat violators are brought before a judicial board.

April 5, 2024: The university’s president announces the immediate suspension of multiple students accused of playing a role in organizing a March 24 event, “ Resistance 101 ,” at which the presenters spoke openly in support of Hamas and other U.S.-designated terrorist organizations. The students were told they would be evicted from student housing.

Representative Burgess Owens, Republican of Utah, is drilling down on an apparent double standard at Columbia. He suggests that it would not be tolerated for a moment if people called an attack on Black people “awesome” and “stunning” but that it has been acceptable for faculty to say about Jewish students for decades.

Representative Jim Banks, Republican of Indiana, is asking about a glossary given out at the School of Social Work that lists a term that appears to classify Jews as white, and therefore privileged. Shafik says it is not an official document. He also asks why the word "folks" is spelled "folx" in the document, a progressive quirk. "They can't spell?" Shafik says, getting an audience chuckle.

Anemona Hartocollis

Anemona Hartocollis

Representative Gregorio Sablan, a Democrat from the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Island, seized on the fact that Shafik and other Columbia officials had been cut off, and offered them a chance to complete their answers. Shafik said that many of the questionable appointments “were made in the past in a different era, and that era is done.”

Columbia University has been on strict lockdown all week, and today is no exception. Barricades have been erected, numerous police officers are stationed at both main entrances to the campus and no one is being allowed to enter without a Columbia University ID. Protesters have assembled today on Broadway wearing shirts with the words “Revolution Nothing Less!” on the front.

Nicholas Fandos

Nicholas Fandos

Elise Stefanik has taken aim at college presidents on elite campuses.

She may not be a committee chair, but perhaps no single Republican lawmaker has done more to exert pressure on elite universities since the Israel-Gaza war began than Representative Elise Stefanik of New York.

Ms. Stefanik was already a rising star within her party, the top-ranking woman in Republican House leadership and considered a potential presidential running mate when the House Education and Workforce Committee began investigating antisemitism on college campuses. But her grilling of the presidents of Harvard, University of Pennsylvania and M.I.T. at a December hearing became a defining moment .

Ms. Stefanik pressed the leaders to say whether students would violate their universities’ codes of conduct if they called for the genocide of Jews. Their dispassionate, lawyerly answers about context and free speech set off a firestorm that ultimately helped cost two of them, Claudine Gay of Harvard and Elizabeth Magill of the Penn, their jobs.

The exchange also helped win Ms. Stefanik widespread attention and rare plaudits from grudging liberals, who typically revile her for embracing former President Donald J. Trump and his lies about the 2020 election. On Wednesday, she was named one of Time’s 100 most influential people of 2024.

Ms. Stefanik is a graduate of Harvard herself. When she first won her seat in 2014, she was the youngest woman ever elected to the House of Representatives. She beat a centrist Democrat, and in the early days of her career, she took on more moderate stances.

These days, she describes herself as “ultra MAGA” and “proud of it .”

Ms. Stefanik, 39, has said she was “stunned” by the responses of the presidents during the last hearing. She plans to reprise that role on Wednesday, grilling the president of Columbia University, Nemat Shafik, and members of its board of trustees.

In an opinion piece in The New York Post before the hearing, Ms. Stefanik said antisemitism at Columbia had become “egregious and commonplace.” She charged Dr. Shafik with failing “to ensure Jewish students are able to attend school in a safe environment.”

Shafik emphasizes that Columbia has ramped up disciplinary proceedings.

In her opening remarks, Nemat Shafik, president of Columbia University, gave an idea of how pervasive complaints of antisemitism have become since Oct. 7, adding that Columbia had been aggressive in pursuing disciplinary action.

Dr. Shafik said that the disciplinary process at Columbia, which has about 5,000 Jewish students, typically handles 1,000 student-conduct cases a year. Most of those are related to typical campus infractions, such as academic dishonesty, the use of alcohol and illegal substances, and one-on-one student complaints.

“Today, student-misconduct cases are far outpacing last year,” said Dr. Shafik, who goes by Minouche.

She did not provide an exact number of complaints this year, and did not address what portion of the increase had to do with protests related to the Israel-Hamas war. But she implied that it was significant.

The university’s current policies were “not designed to address the types of events and protests that followed the Oct. 7 attack,” Dr. Shafik said.

The task of combating antisemitism provided a vehicle for underscoring why colleges and universities matter, she said. Antisemitism had been a scourge for some 2,000 years, she said. “One would hope that by the 21st century, antisemitism would have been related to the dustbin of history, but it has not.”

To deal with it, Dr. Shafik said, she would look toward periods “where antisemitism has been in abeyance.”

“Those periods were characterized by enlightened leadership, inclusive cultures and clarity about rights and obligations,” she said, adding that she was committed to fostering those values at Columbia.

Who are Claire Shipman and David Greenwald?

Testifying alongside Nemat Shafik, the Columbia University president, are the two co-chairs of Columbia’s board of trustees, Claire Shipman and David Greenwald . Like Dr. Shafik, they are relatively new to their roles.

Ms. Shipman is a journalist and author who spent three decades working in television news for ABC, NBC and CNN, and who now writes books about women’s leadership and confidence. A graduate of Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs and Columbia College, she joined the board of trustees in 2013. She became co-chair in September.

Mr. Greenwald is a corporate lawyer who was chairman of the law firm Fried Frank before stepping down earlier this year. He has also worked as a deputy general counsel for Goldman Sachs. A graduate of Columbia Law School, he also serves on other nonprofit boards, including for NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. He was elected to the 21-member board in 2018, and become co-chair in September.

Both were on the presidential search committee, which oversaw the process of selecting Dr. Shafik.

David Schizer, a former dean of Columbia Law School and a co-chair of the school’s antisemitism task force , is also testifying. He was announced as an additional witness Monday.

The New York Times

The New York Times

Read Nemat Shafik’s prepared opening remarks.

In her prepared opening statement, Nemat Shafik, the president of Columbia University, laid out ways the university has been responding to antisemitism on campus.

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Here’s the statement.

Nemat shafik is new to columbia, but not to high-profile settings..

Columbia’s president, Nemat Shafik, is no stranger to handling crises.

As a young economist at the World Bank, she advised governments in Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall. As a deputy managing director at the International Monetary Fund, she worked to stabilize national economies during the European debt crisis, and oversaw loans to Middle East countries during the uprisings of the Arab Spring.

Now, as the first female president of Columbia University, Dr. Shafik, who goes by Minouche, finds herself at the center of American political tensions over the war in Gaza and intense criticism over Columbia’s efforts to counter antisemitism.

Dr. Shafik’s supporters hope that her experience — and also what they describe as her cut-to-the-chase decision-making style — will help her navigate the kind of questioning that tripped up her peers from Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania in December.

Born in Alexandria, Egypt, Dr. Shafik’s family relocated to the United States in the 1960s after their home and property in Egypt were nationalized, she has said in interviews.

She lived in Savannah, Ga., as a child, and in Egypt as a teenager, returning to the United States to get her bachelor’s degree at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She received her Ph.D. in economics from St. Antony’s College, at Oxford University.

After leaving the I.M.F. in 2014, she was a deputy governor of the Bank of England before returning to academia as president of the London School of Economics and Political Science in 2017. She started at Columbia in July . Her response to campus tensions sparked by the Israel-Hamas war has been her first big test.

Read Representative Foxx’s opening remarks.

Virginia Foxx, who chairs the House Education and the Workforce Committee, listed the reasons for calling Wednesday’s hearing on campus antisemitism in her prepared opening remarks.

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    In addition, Logan defines the potential influence of a group of people who share a similar passion and calls individuals to recognize, mindfully, how they communicate with their tribe in efforts to improve the human condition universally. 4. Barack Obama's Speech on Leadership and Power. Former president Obama's focused on Leadership and ...

  12. PDF A Short Speech on Leadership

    A Short Speech on Leadership. Thank you for inviting me here today to talk about leadership - an issue that is absolutely central to our ability to thrive in a world of increasing complexity and accelerating change. Let me start with the big picture. Since humans first banded together on the east African plain eons ago, evolutionary selection ...

  13. 22 Tips to Write the Best Leadership Speeches

    6. Introduce good humor at the beginning of the speech if it is appropriate. 7. Make a sincere compliment to the audience. 8. Show that the audience's interests are related to the topic of the leader's speech. The audience will listen to you only if they're convinced that what has been said is useful.

  14. The best leadership speech: Are you ready to lead?

    He says; "Are you ready to lead him " after explaining a person's story. Instead of; "You are expected to be a great leader". We hear; ' He expects you be be ready to lead his people. In fact he demands it.'. After telling a story about the head of a division. Here are some more messages peppered throughout the talk.

  15. Motivational Speech on Leadership

    You have to deliver your motivational speech on leadership in a simple way that interests your audience and also be relatable to create a rapport with them. Make them talk about the challenges they might face on their leadership journey and how they will be impacted. 3. Grasp Your Topic Well.

  16. Great Speeches By Leaders

    Gavin Newsom: Governor of the State of California. Michele Obama — Summer and Fall of 2016. Pope Francis: Speech to the US Congress, September 24, 2015. Bill Clinton — 2008 Speech at the Democratic National Convention. Elizabeth Warren — December 12, 2013.

  17. Speech on Leadership Qualities

    Leadership is like being a captain of a ship, guiding everyone towards the right direction. Firstly, a good leader is like a good friend. They are always there to help, listen, and guide. They understand that everyone is unique, with different strengths and weaknesses. They encourage us to be the best we can be, just like a coach cheering for ...

  18. To be a great leader, you need to start by leading yourself

    Sudmann also came across an instructive quote from Dee Hock, the founder of the Visa credit card: "If you look to lead, invest at least 40 percent of your time managing yourself.". Sudmann has found this orientation tremendously helpful — first, as a leader and, more recently, as someone who helps other leaders succeed.

  19. Leadership Speech

    How to Give a Leadership Speech. In order to give an inspiring leadership speech, you need to have the spirit and heart of a true leader. Here are some tips for you. 1. Be Confident. Confidence is the first thing you need to practice before delivering a leadership speech in pdf. If you do not sound confident, your audience will see as weak and ...

  20. How to Give Impactful Speeches as a Leader

    4 Practice and refine your delivery. No matter how good your content is, if your delivery is poor, you will lose your audience's interest and trust. Therefore, you need to practice and refine your ...

  21. World Leader Speeches

    "Embark on a global journey of leadership through this curated playlist of impactful speeches by world leaders. Explore diverse perspectives on diplomacy, pr...

  22. Speeches On Leadership And Free Sample Motivational Words for Every

    A speech on leadership encourages you to grow others through your example, it dares you to be the best that you can be and it encourages cohesive excellence. Make your mark on the world, build ... don't break choose to see the stepping stones, rather than the obstacles. SPEECHES ON LEADERSHIP. Barack Obama is quoted as saying, "Making your mark ...

  23. Leadership Speech in English for Students

    Long and Short Speech on Leadership for Students. A leader is someone who has a powerful intellect and not mere intellect. Leadership is a skill that not everyone is blessed with, a skill that allows an individual to lead people for the greater good of society. Leadership can not be learned or taught but it is a skill that is developed through ...

  24. Speech on Leadership[1, 2, 3, 5 Minutes]

    1, 2, 3 Minutes Speech on Leadership. Dear teachers and students! Greetings to all. and thank you to all of you to give me chance to give a speech. A crucial component of every community or organisation is leadership. It entails having the capacity to motivate and lead others toward a common objective or vision.

  25. Speech on Leadership in simple and easy words

    Leadership Speech - 1. Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman - I hope this day finds you in the best of spirits! I warmly welcome you all here in today's speech ceremony on the subject called Leadership. I, Vaishali Rawat, your host for today, will address this topic.

  26. 85 Speeches on Leadership

    These leadership presentations offer an extensive and varied discussion on the topic. Hearing from professionals, leaders and experts, nearly every aspect of leadership is examined and explored. Everything from the different types of leaders, the difference between leaders and managers as well as modern interpretations is featured here.

  27. The Supreme Court Takes Up Homelessness

    This transcript was created using speech recognition software. While it has been reviewed by human transcribers, it may contain errors. Please review the episode audio before quoting from this ...

  28. Leadership Speech

    Speech on Leadership - Leadership is a skill and ability of an individual, group, or organisation to lead. A good leader can motivate others to do something new and better. ... There's no need to be concerned; we've devised a simple remote sensing technician career path for you. Scroll through the pages and read. 3 Jobs Available. Budget Analyst.

  29. Columbia Leaders Grilled at Antisemitism Hearing Over Faculty Comments

    She plans to reprise that role on Wednesday, grilling the president of Columbia University, Nemat Shafik, and members of its board of trustees. In an opinion piece in The New York Post before the ...

  30. Senate Democratic Leader Pam Jochum's End-of-Session Speech for the

    Senate Democratic Leader Pam Jochum's End-of-Session Speech for the 2024 Legislative Session. ... They're ready for leaders who will represent their values. They're ready for a better deal. Senate Democrats are offering a better deal, and we look forward to sharing it with Iowans in every corner of our state.