UCLA Online Teaching and Learning

UCLA Online Degree Programs

For students and visitors dropping by here to discover UCLA’s online degree programs, these links may be of use:

  • The Registrar’s Schedule of Classes provides a search that will return term and subject area listings
  • In 2007, the Samueli School of Engineering launched the UC’s first entirely online masters degree program , which now boasts eleven specialties.
  • The Graduate Division ‘s search tool will provide graduate programs if you search using the term “online.”
  • UCLA students are encouraged to review this information at the Registrar’s Office .
  • At this time, UCLA does not offer online undergraduate degree programs.

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Graduate Admission

The graduate programs at UCLA are some of the most esteemed in the world, consistently ranked in the top 25. Forty doctoral programs rank in the top 10.

Our campus offers more than 130 graduate and professional programs, ranging from an extensive selection of business and medical programs to degrees in 40 different languages. On average, UCLA admits 14,000 graduate students of the 55,000 who apply each year. At UCLA, you’ll be among the best and brightest in the world.

Our programs combine the learnings of one field with the components of another, to create a hybrid of deep specialized knowledge. The notion that knowledge is produced through multidisciplinary approaches is paramount at UCLA. We offer faculty and graduate students the opportunity to collaborate on research projects and study groups that transcend departments and programs.

These collaborations go beyond the campus. UCLA enjoys strong connections to other major universities as well as public and private institutes and firms thanks to its location within Los Angeles. Our graduate students engage with these communities both academically and culturally as a part of the UCLA graduate experience. The students who thrive in the environment are creative, determined and unrelenting in their search for new ways to answer questions.

If this sounds like you, check out our programs and learn more about what we have to offer.

Four graduate students work together on a bipedal robot.

Applying to a Graduate Program

Most graduate applications are processed through the Graduate Education Department. Explore 130+ graduate degree programs and choose the one that’s right for you.

Professional Schools

Four of UCLA’s professional programs offer their own specialized application processes. Follow the links below to learn more about admission steps and requirements at these four schools.

UCLA Graduate Education

Giving to UCLA Grad

Students meeting in an on-campus coffee shop

Application for UCLA Graduate Admissions

to continue an application. to start a new application.

UCLA Department of Psychology

Application & Instructions

The deadline to submit the application and all supporting materials (e.g. letters of recommendation, transcripts, etc.) for Fall 2025 admission for the Clinical area only is  November 1, 2024 . The deadline for all other areas (Behavioral Neuroscience, Cognitive, Developmental, Health, Quantitative, Social, and Social and Affective Neuroscience) is  December 1, 2024 . 

If you have specific questions about the online UCLA application for Graduate Admission , please email the UCLA Division of Graduate Education office at  [email protected] .

Please note there is no departmental application. The only application you need to complete is the online UCLA application for Graduate Admission . Applications are accepted once a year for the Fall quarter only. Late applications will not be accepted past the posted application deadlines.

Be sure to read  Information for Prospective Applicants  and  Preparation prior to submitting your application!   In addition, be sure to visit the link to the specific program to which you plan to apply for additional information. 

You may only apply to one of the eight areas in the Department of Psychology: Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical, Cognitive, Developmental, Health, Quantitative, Social and Social and Affective Neuroscience.

We do not offer rolling admissions or early acceptance into our program. We do not accept current graduate students transferring directly into our program. Applicants who are currently enrolled as graduate students elsewhere must apply and have their materials reviewed with the rest of the applicants that apply. 

Please note that a writing sample is not required but can be submitted through the application. Applicants to the Clinical and Quantitative program should view the fifth bullet point below.


Behavioral Neuroscience Area : Avishek Adhikari, Tad Blair, Aaron Blaisdell, Dean Buonomano, David Clewett, Alicia Izquierdo, Barbara Knowlton, Dario Ringach, Jesse Rissman, Ladan Shams, Kate Wassum, Andrew Wikenheiser

Clinical Area:  Julienne Bower, Thomas Bradbury, Michelle Craske, Tiffany Ho, Anna Lau

Cognitive Area : Alan Castel, David Clewett, Phil Kellman, Barbara Knowlton, Ian Krajbich, Falk Lieder, Zili Liu, Hongjing Lu, Martin M. Monti, Jesse Rissman, Ladan Shams

Developmental Area:  Bridget Callaghan, Andrew Fuligni, Catherine Sandhofer, Jennifer Silvers

Health Area:  Julienne Bower, Theodore Robles, Jennifer Sumner, Janet Tomiyama, Patrick Wilson

Quantitative  Area :  Han Du, Craig Enders, Yi Feng, Amanda Montoya

Social Area:  Kerri Johnson, Benjamin Karney, Jaimie Krems, Steve Stroessner

Social and Affective Neuroscience: Jaime Castrellon, Naomi Eisenberger, Matthew Lieberman, Carolyn Parkinson


Applicants that are invited to interview will be notified through email about two weeks prior to the interview appointment. Interviews will be conducted virtually. Applicants will receive individual emails with Recruitment Day information. Applicants that are not offered admission to our program for Fall 2025 will be notified by email no later than April 15, 2025.  BNS Area Interview Dates: TBA Clinical Area Interview Dates: TBA Cognitive Area Interview Dates: TBA Developmental Area Interview Dates: TBA Health Area Interview Dates: TBA Quantitative Area Interview Date: TBA Social Area Interview Dates: TBA

Department Recruitment Day: TBA


A) Statement of Purpose & Personal Statement:

The Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement must be submitted electronically through the application for Graduate Admission.

Guidelines for the Statement of Purpose:  Your statement can be up to 1000 words in length. Please state your purpose in applying for graduate study. Describe your scholarly and research area(s) of interest, experiences that contributed to your preparation in the field, and your plans for your future occupation or profession. Briefly describe experiences that have prepared you for advanced study or research, and provide any additional information that may aid the selection committee in evaluating your preparation and aptitude for graduate study. You are encouraged to indicate specific research interests and potential faculty mentors.

Guidelines for the Personal Statement : Your statement can be up to 500 words in length (approximately 1 page, single spaced, using 1-inch margins and 12-point font). Describe how your background, accomplishments, and life experiences (those not already described in your Statement of Purpose) led to your decision to pursue the graduate degree for which you are applying. Include any educational, personal, cultural, economic, or social experiences, challenges or opportunities relevant to your academic journey. In addition, please describe any aspects of your personal background, accomplishments, or achievements that will allow the department to evaluate your contributions to the University’s diversity mission. Contributions to diversity and equal opportunity can take a variety of forms, such as efforts to advance equitable access to education, public service that addresses the need of a diverse population, or research that explores inequalities.

Additional Questions and Essays:  Applicants to the Clinical area must answer 5 additional questions. Applicants to the Quantitative area must provide a supplementary essay up to 1000 words describing their research interests in more detail. Supplementary essays are available in the ‘Psychology’ section of the application once you select ‘Psychology PHD’ under ‘Plans for Graduate Study’.

B) Three Letters of Recommendation:

It is your choice who you would like to choose as your recommenders. Your letters of recommendation can be submitted electronically by your recommenders either before or after you submit the application for Graduate Admission. It is also possible to send your letter of recommendation requests to your recommenders before you submit the application. Three (3) letters of recommendation must be submitted electronically through the application. Letter of recommendation services such as your school’s career center, Interfolio.com, etc. must also submit letters electronically through the application for the letters to be accepted. It is possible to submit more than three (3) letters of recommendation through the application. However, only three (3) letters of recommendation are required. The Letter of Recommendation Rating/Reference Form will only be sent to your recommenders when they submit your letters electronically through the application.

C) Transcripts:

All applicants must upload transcripts with the application. Unofficial copies of transcripts are acceptable for review purposes. If you are recommended for admission and decide to accept the offer, you must submit final, official copies of your transcript for final approval of your admission by the UCLA Division of Graduate Education office. Any discrepancies between the unofficial and official transcripts could lead to withdrawal of an offer of admission. International applicants must upload copies of original and translated international transcripts per country- or educational system-specific guidelines ( https://grad.ucla.edu/gasaa/admissions/ACADRECS.HTM ). UCLA does not accept international transcripts evaluated or verified by a service such as World Education Services (WES). 

D) Test Scores: Please note that starting Fall 2023, admission applicants are not required to take the GRE.

  • GRE General Test:  Applicants for admission to our graduate program are not required to submit a GRE score report as part of their application package. Applicants may voluntarily submit GRE test scores and they will be reviewed as one part of the holistic application consideration. The applications with GRE scores will not be given greater weight than those that do not include scores. During the 2020 and 2021 admission cycles combined, 25% of applicants to the UCLA Psychology graduate program submitted GRE General Test scores. The number of applicants that applied, submitted GRE scores, and the percentage of applicants that submitted GRE scores, organized by Area, can be found in the table below.

ucla online phd education

  • GRE Psychology Subject Test:  Consistent with the policy of the UCLA Department of Psychology, applicants to the clinical psychology doctoral program at UCLA will not be required to take the GRE. The GRE Psychology Subject Test is not required and will not be used to make admissions decisions. However, applicants who score above the 70 th  percentile can use the GRE Subject Test to partially fulfill Discipline-Specific Knowledge requirements (e.g., cognitive, social) that are part of accreditation by the American Psychological Association. In this way, admitted students may be able to reduce the amount of, or more flexibly select, coursework needed to complete program requirements. Students may elect to take the GRE Subject Test after their admission into our program and all program requirements can be fulfilled without taking the test.
  • To ensure your official test scores are properly processed if you choose to submit them, please be sure the personal information provided in the UCLA application for Graduate Admission matches exactly the information provided to the testing service. Do not wait for your test results to complete the application. Educational Testing Service (ETS) sends scores electronically to UCLA. The institution code for UCLA is 4837. The department/major code is not necessary.  
  • Official GRE test scores  cannot be more than five years old . If the GRE tests are taken more than once, the most recent scores are considered.
  • Quantitative program applicants: Quantitative psychology is by definition very reliant on quantitative skill sets which can be demonstrated in a number of ways: performance in mathematics courses, performance on the quantitative section of the GRE, and/or letters of recommendation speaking to your quantitative expertise. When reading applications, we will look for demonstrated ability in quantitative skills, but this should not require a GRE score if other parts of your application speak to these skills. If you are unsure whether you should or should not include GRE scores in your application to UCLA, please feel free to contact the quantitative area faculty.
  • TOEFL or IELTS EXAM:  INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS whose first language is not English must submit an official TOEFL (Test of English As a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System) score. Applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher from a university located in the United States or in another country in which English is both the primary spoken language of daily life and the language of instruction (i.e., Australia, Barbados, Canada, Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand, United Kingdom) and the medium of instruction, or who have completed at least two years of full-time study at such an institution, are exempted from both the TOEFL/IELTS requirement and the English as a Second Language Placement Examination. The minimum TOEFL or IELTS scores are 560 on the paper and pencil test, 220 on the computer-based test, or 87 on the internet-based test (TOEFL/IBT), or overall band score of 7.0 (IELTS). TOEFL and IELTS test scores are valid for only two years. Educational Testing Service (ETS) sends scores electronically to UCLA. The institution code for UCLA is 4837. The department/major code is not necessary. Please contact the Educational Testing Service (ETS) for GRE and TOEFL test scheduling, registration, and information. Visit the Educational Testing Service web site at  www.ets.org  or call them at (510) 873-8100 (West Coast) or (609) 771-7100 (East Coast). IELTS is administered by local IELTS test centers throughout the world. Applicants should consult  www.ielts.org  for the nearest IELTS test center.

Become a Teacher in our Master’s & Credential Program

Center X’s two-year Teacher Education Program is designed for college graduates who aspire to become teachers. The program offers a university-based course of graduate study along with a full-year urban teaching residency.

Our graduate program offers specialized urban teacher preparation in the form of a two-year intensive Master of Education (M.Ed.) program in teaching for social justice in urban communities.  This work is guided by our mission to “provide high quality pre-service education and to radically improve urban schooling for California’s racially, culturally, and linguistically diverse children.”

Our program provides an opportunity for qualified students to obtain both a California teaching credential and an M.Ed. in a combined, full-time program that maintains strict academic and professional expectations and practice.

Two Year Reasons

We substantiate our vision of educational change through teaching and learning that provide students the skills, dispositions, and insights they need to recognize and subvert social injustice across their academic and life trajectories.  Thus, we advocate approaches to teaching and learning that recognize and value students’ assets, provide them multiple forms of participation, facilitate critical thinking, motivate them to learn, reveal high academic and personal expectations, and reflect culturally relevant pedagogies.  In sum, TEP “strives to prepare teachers to have the commitment, capacity, and resilience to promote social justice, caring, and instructional equity in low-income, urban schools and communities.”

First-year: Novices

We refer to our first-year students as novices and their charge is to complete coursework   and begin student teaching in the program’s partnership schools to meet California’s teacher credentialing requirements.  These partner districts often lack certified teachers and primarily serve low-income culturally and linguistically diverse students of color.  During the first year, novices engage in inquiry-based courses, collaborative projects, and dialogues regarding what it means to be a social justice educator in urban Los Angeles.

Novices participate in an Observation and Participation experience during which they draw on this experience to reflect on teaching and learning practices, curriculum development, and the social and political dimensions of teaching.  They also complete two student teaching assignments during their novice year in conjunction with courses that facilitate our graduate students’ understanding of social, cultural, and psychological theories of learning and the content area methods that best reflect such theoretical approaches. Towards the end of their novice year, our graduate students complete a final edTPA  to fulfill the credential requirements for the state of California.  The edTPA requires students to complete Teaching Events during which they document and analyze their own teaching practices.

Second-year: Residents

Second-year students, to whom we refer as residents, assume paid teaching positions in partner school districts and complete an inquiry-based research project in which they examine and reflect on their own classroom practices to complete their M.Ed. requirements.  They receive continued support from their Faculty Advisors during a weekly Resident Seminar and begin the inquiry process with the support of their peers and Advisors.  Students receive their M.Ed. after completing their research project in which they connect theoretical perspectives and methodologies that reflect their beliefs about teaching and learning in their own classrooms and the relationship between practice and student achievement.

To learn more about our Graduate Program, please contact us .

What will you gain?

…innovative strategies and strong subject matter knowledge. TEP students’ high expectations are tied to goals for student empowerment. That is how they enact their social justice beliefs.

– Sheila Lane, Former TEP Faculty

I was challenged to deeply examine societal norms and systemic inequities, as well as my own prejudices and conditioned beliefs in an effort to eliminate the replication of those systems in my own classroom while promoting a community of caring, fairness and equality.

– Meteka Bullard, TEP Grad

The TEP curriculum emphasizes

  • the structural dimensions of inequity
  • the need for social and political activism
  • the centrality of multiculturalism
  • the vital importance of understanding competing notions of race, culture, and identity.

Want to apply to the program?

The application filing period is open from mid-September until December 2, 2024.

Upcoming Events

Teacher education program online info session.

All TEP Events

ucla online phd education

When I was looking for a Teacher Education Program, I was looking for a program whose values aligned with mine.

I don’t see teaching as a job. I see teaching as part of who I am and as a way to enact change in this world.”

UCLA Department of Anthropology

Ph.D. Degree

Students enter the Ph.D Program, based upon a vote of the faculty, at the time the M.A. degree is conferred or, if entering with a master’s degree, when all requirements demonstrating basic knowledge in the field of anthropology are completed.

The Ph.D Program

The Ph.D degree requires further study in a more specialized branch of anthropology, requiring at least one further year of academic study.  Students are expected to demonstrate knowledge of the discipline by successful completion of: (1) the Written Qualifying Examination administered by a three-member Departmental Doctoral Committee, (2) the Oral Qualifying Examination administered by a four-member Ph.D Doctoral Committee and, (3) the writing of an original dissertation based on original research.  The dissertation is expected to be a significant contribution to anthropological literature and knowledge.

Beyond basic requirements, each student’s program of study is unique. Accordingly, academic advising for graduate students in the department is primarily conducted on an individual basis by a student’s faculty adviser. The department’s graduate adviser is primarily responsible for counseling students in regard to program requirements, policies, and university regulations. Upon admission, students will be assigned both a primary and a secondary first-year adviser.

Student progress is periodically reviewed at faculty meetings. Students entering the program with a master’s degree are expected to be evaluated no later than their sixth quarter (spring quarter of their second year). At the Student Review Meeting, which occurs once per academic quarter, the full faculty evaluates the student’s progress in the program: formation of three-member departmental advisory committee; completion of the Proseminar and core courses; and evaluation of the Master’s research paper or thesis. Possible outcomes of the Student Review for students entering with a Master’s degree are: a) continuation to the Ph.D. program requirements; b) one-quarter extension to complete remaining requirements; and c) recommendation for academic disqualification from the Ph.D. program. All students are notified in writing about the outcome of the faculty discussion concerning their continuation to the doctoral program or degree progress. Students continue to be reviewed periodically throughout their time in the PhD program. The purpose of these reviews is to assess academic progress and help to ensure timely completion of the PhD.

Students entering the program with a Master’s degree

Students who are entering the graduate program with a Master’s degree, whether or not in anthropology, are required to demonstrate basic knowledge of the discipline before being permitted to begin the requirements for the doctorate. It is expected that students accomplish this during the first year of academic residence through the following:

  • Nominating a three-member departmental advisory committee.
  • Completing the Proseminar (Anthropology 200).
  • Taking the core course or methods course with a passing grade of B or better.
  • Petitioning that course work completed elsewhere, or at UCLA as an undergraduate, constitutes the equivalent of such courses.
  • Passing the subfield’s core course examination given in the Spring Quarter.
  • Submitting to the student’s departmental advisory committee, for evaluation, a master’s paper or a research paper that was written while in graduate status in their former Master’s program.

Additional Course Requirement for Students in the Sociocultural and Psychocultural-Medical Program: All students in the Sociocultural and Psychocultural-Medical program are required to take Anthropology 283 – Proposal Writing, typically offered in the Spring. Students must consult with their three-member departmental advisory committee chair before enrolling. Students are expected to complete the course in their second year but may complete it no later than the quarter they hold their qualifying examination. Students who entered the graduate program with a Master’s degree must complete this course by their ninth quarter (third year) in the program.

A grade of B or better is required in any core course taken at UCLA. If students received a grade of B-, C+, or C, they may not repeat the core course, but must take the core course examination and pass or be subject to being recommended for academic disqualification. If a grade of C- or below is received, students may repeat the course, but must receive a grade of B or better the second time the course is taken, or be subject to being recommended for academic disqualification.

Only when these requisites have been met are students permitted to begin the requirements for the Ph.D. degree. Completion of 40 units is not required.

Students who completed the M.A in Anthropology at UCLA

Students who are entering the graduate program without a Master’s degree must complete all of the M.A. degree requirements en route to the Ph.D. Following completion of the M.A. degree requirements and permission by the faculty to begin the Ph.D. requirements, students are expected to enroll in three seminars, each with a different faculty member, between receipt of the M.A. degree from the department and taking the doctoral qualifying examinations.

Additional Course Requirement for Students in the Sociocultural and Psychocultural-Medical Program: All students in the Sociocultural and Psychocultural-Medical program are required to take Anthropology 283 – Proposal Writing, typically offered in the Spring. Students must consult with their three-member departmental advisory committee chair before enrolling. Students are expected to complete the course in their second year but may complete it no later than the quarter they hold their qualifying examination. Students who completed the M.A. degree requirements must complete this course by their 12th quarter (fourth year) in the program.

Foreign Language Requirement

Fulfilling the foreign language requirement  is not a requirement to be eligible to apply to the graduate program.

The department requires proficiency in a second language for all students in the Ph.D. program in anthropology. It is the responsibility of the student’s three-member departmental doctoral committee to determine what language(s) are required for their particular program of study.

If the requirement for second language proficiency is to be waived, students must prepare a request for a Ph.D. language requirement waiver, which consists of a letter justifying the request, addressed to the committee and filed with the graduate adviser. The committee must then draft a letter of approval, to be placed in the student’s file. If alternate research skills that are deemed necessary for the program of study for the student’s dissertation have been identified and satisfied, these are noted by the committee. However, no specific other courses or skills are obligatory.

If foreign language proficiency is required, proficiency will be determined by the three-member departmental doctoral committee and may include but is not limited to:

  • Completion of an appropriate level of language instruction; or
  • Demonstration of previously acquired language skills through documentation or an examination; or
  • Submission of an annotated bibliography, in English, of selected publications (in the selected language) that are related to the student’s dissertation topic.

The bibliography may be supplemented by a related analytical examination question or further translation examination.

For students required to demonstrate foreign language proficiency, all monitoring of the requirement takes place within the department. The committee chair is responsible for consulting with other committee members about the language requirement and plans for proficiency testing, and notifying them of the results of those tests, or otherwise providing them with copies of the documentation of proficiency.

Written and Oral Qualifying Examinations

The qualifying examinations for the Ph.D. degree consist of a written and an oral examination. The timing of these examinations is set in consultation with the members of the doctoral committee. Students must be registered and enrolled to take the qualifying examinations. The committee for each examination determines the conditions for reexamination should students not pass either portion of the qualifying examinations.

Departmental members of the doctoral committee administer the written portion of the qualifying examination. The fields and format of the examination are to be determined by the student’s departmental doctoral committee. There must be a minimum of two weeks between completion of the written examination and the scheduled date for the oral portion of the qualifying examination.

The University Oral Qualifying Examination is primarily a defense of the dissertation proposal. This examination is administered by the four-member doctoral committee.

Doctoral Dissertation

Doctoral candidates must complete an approved dissertation that demonstrates the student’s ability to perform original, independent research, and constitutes a distinct contribution to knowledge in the principal field of study.

Final Oral Examination

The department does not require a final oral defense of the dissertation. However, individual doctoral committees can institute this requirement if they deem it important to do so; this decision is made by the doctoral committee.

Time to Degree

Full-time students admitted without deficiencies normally progress as follows:

Entering without a Master’s degree

  • Completion of M.A. degree  and approval to begin the Ph.D. requirements: End of sixth quarter
  • Selection of three internal members of the doctoral committee: During ninth quarter
  • Four-person doctoral committee nomination: End of 11th quarter
  • Completion of foreign language requirement, unless exempted: During 12th quarter
  • Completion of written and oral qualifying examinations: Expected by end of 12th quarter
  • Advancement to candidacy: Expected by end of 12th quarter
  • Final oral examination (dissertation defense), if applicable: Expected by end of 24th quarter
  • Normative time-to-degree: 24 quarters (8 years)

Entering with a Master’s degree

  • Selection of three internal members of the doctoral committee: During sixth quarter
  • Approval to begin the Ph.D requirements: End of sixth quarter
  • Four-person doctoral committee nomination: End of eighth quarter
  • Completion of foreign language requirement, unless exempted: During ninth quarter
  • Completion of written and oral qualifying examinations: Expected by end of ninth quarter
  • Advancement to candidacy: Expected by end of ninth quarter
  • Final oral examination (dissertation defense), if applicable: Expected by end of 21st quarter
  • Expected time-to-degree: 21st quarter (7 years)

If feasible, students may complete the program before the expected or normative time-to-degree.

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Campus Resources

  • Maps, Directions, Parking
  • Academic Calendar
  • University of California
  • Terms of Use

Social Sciences Division Departments

  • Aerospace Studies
  • African American Studies
  • American Indian Studies
  • Anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Asian American Studies
  • César E. Chávez Department of Chicana & Chicano Studies
  • Communication
  • Conservation
  • Gender Studies
  • Military Science
  • Naval Science
  • Political Science


  • EDUCATIONAL INITIATIVES / L&S Undergraduate Education / UCLA

Position overview

Application window.

Open date: September 12, 2024

Next review date: Friday, Oct 11, 2024 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) Apply by this date to ensure full consideration by the committee.

Final date: Monday, Oct 14, 2024 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time) Applications will continue to be accepted until this date, but those received after the review date will only be considered if the position has not yet been filled.

Position description


The UCLA Undergraduate Education Initiatives unit seeks a lecturer for Spring Quarter (AY 2024-25) to teach a seminar as part of the General Education UCLA Cluster Program. This position includes developing and teaching a seminar course (Cluster 20CW) for freshman students with varied backgrounds focusing on a topic related to interracial dynamics in American culture and society. Specifically, this course should explore American Buddhism’s relationship to race, sexuality, citizenship, and mass incarceration, from early 20th century to present.

UCLA has a diverse student population in one of the more diverse cities in the nation; we particularly seek candidates who have taught similarly diverse students in a major research university.

Required Qualifications: • An earned doctorate from an accredited university • College-level teaching experience, especially to a General Education population • Knowledge and training in sociology, history, or related fields • Experience in teaching writing and composition

Preferred Qualifications: • At least three years of college-level teaching experience • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • Must be capable of delivering high-quality instruction to a diverse student body

Requirements: • Cover letter • Curriculum vitae • Statement of teaching • Proposed syllabus • Names and contact information of two references

Contact: Vilma Ortiz Professor, Sociology Cluster 20 Coordinator [email protected]

This position is represented by the University Council- American Federation of Teachers: https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/labor/bargaining-units/ix/contract.html . Internal applicants will be considered for reappointment prior to the consideration of external applicants.


• An earned doctorate from an accredited university • College-level teaching experience, especially to a General Education population • Knowledge and training in sociology, history, or related fields • Experience in teaching writing and composition

• At least three years of college-level teaching experience • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • Must be capable of delivering high-quality instruction to a diverse student body

Application Requirements

Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.

Cover Letter

Statement of Teaching

Statement on Contributions to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion - An EDI Statement describes a faculty candidate’s past, present, and future (planned) contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion. To learn more about how UCLA thinks about contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion, please review our EDI Statement FAQ  document, and Sample EDI Statements .

Reference check authorization release form - Complete and upload the reference check authorization release form

Proposed syllabus

  • 2 required (contact information only)

Contact information only

Help contact: [email protected]

As a University employee, you will be required to comply with all applicable University policies and/or collective bargaining agreements, as may be amended from time to time. Federal, state, or local government directives may impose additional requirements.

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status.

For the University of California’s Affirmative Action Policy, please visit https://www.ucop.edu/academic-personnel-programs/_files/apm/apm-035.pdf .

For the University of California’s Anti-Discrimination Policy, please visit https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/1001004/Anti-Discrimination .

Job location

Event Details

2024 CA Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education

Join the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health at the CA Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education on Saturday, October 19, from 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm PT.

The California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education brings together high achieving underrepresented undergraduate and master's students enrolled at colleges and universities within California. Students will explore graduate opportunities and resources by participating in numerous workshops and interacting with admissions representatives from graduate school programs in a wide array of disciplines. 

Related Tags

  • Information Sessions

People sitting at a conference table with one person standing up

Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership - Education Policy and Leadership Specialization, Ph.D.

Full-time, Part-time

December 3, 2024

June 30, 2025

  • In-State - $12,540
  • Out-of-State - $26,490

The Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership - Education Policy and Leadership Specialization, Ph.D. program is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to become a leader in educational policy and practice. The curriculum capitalizes on diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives drawn from the social sciences and humanities, integrates formal coursework and enrichment experiences, and provides opportunities for you to carry out research that contributes to the development of more equitable and effective educational institutions. You are encouraged to include relevant courses in other specializations and in other programs outside the department. By situating education within a broader social context and employing diverse research methodologies, you are better able to gain a comprehensive understanding of education issues, policies, and practices.

Key Features

  • Interdisciplinary Approach : The program integrates diverse perspectives and research methodologies from the social sciences and humanities, offering a comprehensive examination of education issues, policies and practices.
  • Rare Combination : This doctoral program uniquely combines policy studies with teaching and learning, equipping students with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate complex educational landscapes.
  • Customized Program of Study : You have the flexibility to tailor your coursework and research to your specific interests and career goals.
  • Practical Experience : Participate in enrichment experiences that provide hands-on learning and real-world application of theoretical knowledge.
  • Conduct rigorous research on educational policies and practices using a variety of disciplinary perspectives and methodologies.
  • Critically analyze and evaluate educational issues, policies, and practices.
  • Develop and advocate for policies that promote equity and effectiveness in educational institutions.
  • Apply theoretical knowledge to address real-world educational problems and contribute to the development of more equitable educational systems.
  • Collaborate with a diverse community of scholars and practitioners to influence educational policy and practice.

Information on admissions and application to this program can be found on the University Graduate Admissions website and the program handbook.

Admission Requirements           Guide to Applying

Sharon Fries-Britt

Sharon Fries-Britt, Professor

The doctoral curriculum typically requires at least three years of graduate study beyond the master’s degree. Most students admitted to the doctoral program already have a master’s degree. If you do not have a master’s degree, you will need to complete a few additional courses. An advisor can help you develop an individualized plan that aligns master’s level and doctoral level coursework.

You are also expected to integrate into the campus scholarly community and to be available on a full-time basis.

Edpl Program handbook

For more information, please contact:

[email protected] .

For academic advising on the Ph.D. with a specialization in Education Policy Studies, please contact:

Dr. David Blazar [email protected]

Sep 17 Graduate Fair Expo Sep 17, 2024 4:00 – 6:00 pm

Sep 25 COE Open House Sep 25, 2024 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Benjamin Building Courtyard


  1. Doctoral Studies

    ucla online phd education

  2. UCLA Online Degree Programs

    ucla online phd education

  3. UCLA awards 770 doctoral degrees

    ucla online phd education

  4. UCLA awards 770 doctoral degrees

    ucla online phd education

  5. UCLA Online Teaching and Learning

    ucla online phd education

  6. How to Get Into UCLA Guide

    ucla online phd education


  1. General Linguistics

  2. online phd counseling psychology apa accredited

  3. Get your PhD while doing a Job!

  4. May 2024

  5. UCLA Doctoral Hooding 2021 Held May 11 2022

  6. Beyond the Classroom: Pursuing an Online Doctorate in Education


  1. Education

    Education Graduate Program at UCLA 1009 Moore Hall Box 951521 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521. FACULTY. Visit the Education's faculty roster. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS. Visit the registrar's site for the Education's course descriptions. Admission Requirements; Program Statistics; PHONE (310) 825-8326. EMAIL.

  2. Doctoral Studies

    THE DOCTORAL EXPERIENCE. We offer six types of doctoral degrees in over eighty fields of study. Most of our doctoral degrees are PhDs; we also offer a Doctor of Education, Doctor of Environmental Science and Engineering, Doctor of Public Health, Doctor of Musical Arts, and Doctor of Nursing Practice. A Doctoral degree at UCLA averages 5 years ...

  3. Ph.D. in Information Studies

    Ph.D. in Information Studies. The Ph.D. program is rigorous and rewarding, with a strong research focus. It is structured so that students can gain maximum benefit from a cohort experience; a purpose-designed program of coursework coupled with research apprenticeships, and strong faculty mentoring. Our students are strongly encouraged to ...

  4. Educational Leadership Program

    ADDRESS. Educational Leadership Program Graduate Program at UCLA. 1029 Moore Hall. Box 951521. Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521.

  5. UCLA Online Degree Programs

    UCLA Online Degree Programs. For students and visitors dropping by here to discover UCLA's online degree programs, these links may be of use: In 2007, the Samueli School of Engineering launched the UC's first entirely online masters degree program, which now boasts eleven specialties. The Graduate Division 's search tool will provide ...

  6. UCLA Graduate Programs

    Support Graduate Education. Programs A-Z; Programs Sorted by Schools; Program Statistics; UCLA Graduate Programs: A-Z. Quickly browse graduate programs at the University of California Los Angeles. Meet UCLA faculty, learn graduate school admissions requirements, acceptance rates, and deadlines, and which programs offer doctoral and master's ...

  7. Department of Education

    UCLA is the only global public research university that began as a teacher's college, a degree in Education was the first awarded at UCLA. Ed&IS is the longest running school on campus. With over a century of experience in championing bold new viewpoints in education, the Department is a renowned leader in the study and practice of urban ...

  8. Human Development & Psychology Division

    The program is designed for students interested in human learning and development to improve educational practices. The HDP Division offers two Ph.D. programs — the Ph.D. in Education and the Ph.D. in Special Education — and one M.A. in Education program. The Joint Doctoral Program in Special Education is offered with the California State ...

  9. Graduate & Professional Education

    Graduate & Professional Education. Explore UCLA's master's and doctoral degree programs offered in 130+ academic and professional fields of study. UCLA's graduate programs have a reputation for producing professionals, researchers and leaders who have a major impact on the world. With more than 40 programs ranked among the best in the ...

  10. Admission: Application for Graduate Admission

    The new application will be available after September 16, 2024. Applicants are expected to be aware of all requirements and to submit all required information. The Graduate Education website and websites for individual programs contain all the information and instructions needed for completion of the UCLA Application for Graduate Admission.

  11. Graduate Admissions at the University of California Los Angeles

    In addition to your department's financial support, we have dedicated staff at UCLA devoted to helping all our incoming and continuing graduate students to find funding for your research projects and your education. UCLA offers the most affordable graduate tuition across US News & World Report's top 25 ranked National Universities of 2022 ...

  12. Academics

    Academics. UCLA academically supports current master's and doctoral students throughout a student's graduate career. Depending on which degree you're aiming to complete, a good place to start is our overview of either our UCLA Master's Studies or UCLA Doctoral Studies. If you are a current graduate student, you may want to jump directly to.

  13. Explore Professional and Graduate School Programs

    Forty doctoral programs rank in the top 10. Our campus offers more than 130 graduate and professional programs, ranging from an extensive selection of business and medical programs to degrees in 40 different languages. On average, UCLA admits 14,000 graduate students of the 55,000 who apply each year. At UCLA, you'll be among the best and ...

  14. Research

    A Postdoctoral Scholar (Postdoc) is an individual who holds a doctoral degree, is engaged in advanced training and education, and conducts research under the guidance of a faculty member at UCLA. A postdoctoral scholar position prepares you for a career in academia, industry, government or the non-profit sector.

  15. Application for UCLA Graduate Admissions

    Search UCLA Graduate School for: Search. Show or hide navigation menu Show or hide search box. Giving to UCLA Grad. Graduate Division Home / Diversity / UCLA Summer Programs for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) / How to Apply / Update Application. Application for UCLA Graduate Admissions

  16. Homepage

    The UCLA Department of Information Studies is a powerhouse in an increasingly vital field and a leading architect of the agenda for how information is disseminated and deployed in the 21st century. Learn More. Ed&IS researchers share expertise with 21CSLA, a statewide collaboration to support principals, districts, and educational leaders in ...

  17. Program Statistics

    Program Statistics. Statistics on graduate education at UCLA for prospective applicants. Data reported includes admissions, enrollment, diversity, and number and type of degrees awarded. (Program Statistics is also known as Program Profile Report). Each report presents five years worth of data. To see a program's statistics, type a program ...

  18. Environmental and Molecular Toxicology

    With questions not answered here or on the program's site (above), please contact the program directly. ADDRESS. Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Graduate Program at UCLA 56-070 CHS Box 951772 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1772. FACULTY

  19. Apply Now for PhD Program

    Apply Now. Apply Now. PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) The Fall 2025 Ph.D. application will become available after Labor Day and will have a December 1, 2024 deadline. To access the application, please go to www.grad.ucla.edu.

  20. Application & Instructions • UCLA Department of Psychology

    If you have specific questions about the online UCLA application for Graduate Admission, please email the UCLA Division of Graduate Education office at [email protected]. Please note there is no departmental application. The only application you need to complete is the online UCLA application for Graduate Admission. Applications are ...

  21. Graduate Program

    Become a Teacher in our Master's & Credential Program. Center X's two-year program is open to college graduates, for aspiring teachers interested in a university-based course of graduate study and a full-year urban teaching residency.. Our graduate program offers specialized urban teacher preparation in the form of a two-year intensive Master of Education (M.Ed.) program in teaching for ...

  22. Ph.D. Degree

    Students who are entering the graduate program without a Master's degree must complete all of the M.A. degree requirements en route to the Ph.D. Following completion of the M.A. degree requirements and permission by the faculty to begin the Ph.D. requirements, students are expected to enroll in three seminars, each with a different faculty member, between receipt of the M.A. degree from the ...

  23. PhD in Community Health Sciences

    The PhD in Community Health Sciences is an academic degree that prepares students for a career in which research predominates. The curriculum integrates basic and applied approaches to address public health problems in the community, using the key tools of assessment, planning, and evaluation. Training for the PhD is highly specialized, emphasizing the in-depth expertise necessary for a ...


    The UCLA Undergraduate Education Initiatives unit seeks a lecturer for Spring Quarter (AY 2024-25) to teach a seminar as part of the General Education UCLA Cluster Program. This position includes developing and teaching a seminar course (Cluster 20CW) for freshman students with varied backgrounds focusing on a topic related to interracial ...

  25. Autistic young adults harness 'superpowers' toward ...

    "When you look at the unemployment rates, they go as high as 80%," said Elizabeth Laugeson, PsyD, director of the UCLA PEERS (Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills) Clinic. "That's not acceptable. ... PhD, director of the UCLA Child and Adult Neurodevelopmental Clinic at the Semel Institute.

  26. 2024 CA Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education

    Join the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health at the CA Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education on Saturday, October 19, from 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm PT. The California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education brings together high achieving underrepresented undergraduate and master's students enrolled at colleges and universities within California.

  27. School Psychology, Ph.D.

    The highly ranked School Psychology Ph.D. program prepares individuals to tackle the numerous mental health, academic, and social challenges faced by students. Our faculty bring diverse expertise in areas such as emotions in education, bullying prevention and cultural resilience. They mentor students in rigorous research methodologies and evidence-based practices, preparing them to excel in ...

  28. Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership

    The Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership - Education Policy and Leadership Specialization, Ph.D. program is designed for people aspiring to lead and influence educational policy and practice. It addresses critical issues in education by integrating diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives from the social sciences and humanities. Students engage in rigorous