Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed? — Argumentative Essay

Animal testing: introduction, animal testing: debatable questions, animal testing: conclusion.

Animal testing denotes the use of animals in medical experiments to unveil the potency, safety, toxicity, and viability of developed drugs. Concurrently, the phenomenon also applies to other biological experiments, which utilize animals as specimens. The method incorporates the administration of pharmaceutical compounds into biological systems (test animals).

This usually occurs for scientific purposes and medical developments. The process is debatable and has been disputed by animal activists, religious groups, and ethical communities who believe that the trend is immoral and inappropriate since animals cannot be compared with human beings (Panza & Potthast, 2010).

Animal testing usually involve vertebrates like rodents, cats, dogs, birds, and Guinea pigs among others. Since this is a disputable phenomenon, where one can argue for or against the act, this paper supports the aspects of animal testing with bountiful reasons based on its viability in investigating pharmacological compounds. Without animal testing, numerous drugs, which currently help the humankind, could have missed.

Since human beings cannot commence crude pharmaceutical investigations as test specimens, using test animals is significant in this context. It is advisable to execute scientific investigations elsewhere before introducing them into human beings. It is crucial to agree that animal testing might be unethical phenomenon as argued by some groups; nonetheless, it should continue following its merits and contributions to the humankind in the realms of drug investigations and scientific discoveries.

With regard to animal testing, debatable questions emerge. In this paper, “Should animal testing be abandoned due to ethical claims surrounding it?” forms the debated question. This question tries to unveil whether it is viable for biologists and medical scientists to cease from using animals for experimental investigations.

Despite the conventional use of these animals in numerous scientific experiments, it is still debatable on their viability and potency. Arguably, the animal testing phenomenon should continue with regard to scientific investigations.

The need for efficacy, safety, novelty, and certainty in the realms of drug-use require thorough investigative experiments, which can only materialize when test animals are incorporated. Firstly, some animal have systems that resemble those of human beings; thus, the ability to use such animals give a broader chance of executing an elaborate experimental investigation.

Using animals as representative of humans is a critical phenomenon when scrutinized critically. There are numerous individuals who have disputed this claim as stated in the research question. The desire to continue with the animal testing phenomenon has infuriated numerous activists who are against it (Panza & Potthast, 2010).

Nonetheless, it is evident and appropriate that this phenomenon should continue for further discoveries to be realized. It is questionable how further medical research will occur and how this will materialize without the use of test animals. This is an impossible phenomenon, which demands those who are arguing against animal testing to reconsider their stands.

Another issue is that human beings cannot be used as experimental animals. The drugs administered into humans must be of some quality, minimized toxicity, viable to use, potent, safe, and effective. This means that they have been investigated and approved by the concerned bodies after scientific investigations. If animal testing will be abandoned, no effective experimentation will occur on biological vessels.

Evidently, invitro (using experimental tubes) experimentations are slow and incomprehensive. This means that scientific investigations will delay and sometimes results might not occur. It is vital to consider that animal testing has helped significantly since its inception several decades ago. It has remained a viable, trusted, and considerable experimental design for pharmaceutical products and other scientific investigations.

Harrison & Hester (2006), which identifies alternative of animal testing, agrees that attaining an alternative of this trend is daunting and minimally achievable. Scientific considerations support this trend since there are limited alternatives to replace the method comprehensively (Harrison & Hester, 2006).

Those who are against animal testing claim that animals are not human beings and equating the two is inconsiderable. Evidently, animal are not exact copies of humans. There are numerous differences noticeable amidst the two factions. Additionally, they argue that what works best in a guinea pig (an experimental animal), might not exactly perform in humans.

The two factions (humans and test animals) are different hence the assumption that they can emulate each other is misled. Notably, this argument is understandable; however, as the situation stands, it is still appropriate to conduct animal testing to help in research investigations. Humans can hardly be used for crude or undeveloped researches as the ones done with test animals. This means that animal testing is still the best option.

According to Schmidt (2001), which discusses the aspects of animal testing, recognizes that it is important to infer that what is inconsumable for test animals is similarly consumable for humans. It is possible to note the adverse effects of drugs with animals, make appropriate changes in the composition of the tested drug, and later emerge with effective, safe, and potent compound worth human utilization.

Watson (2009), which describes the ethical issues related to animal testing, argues that some ethical claims behind the animal testing are baseless when compared to human lives saved daily due to animal testing executed to investigate proper and effective drugs. A mere claim that it is immoral to inject or administer unworthy compounds into an innocent animal while doing research is superfluous. This simply means that those who are against animal testing hardly want researches to be done using animals.

This is good and considerable; however, these very people hardly provide viable alternatives that can work better compared to the conventional animal testing provisions. Besides, they are also among those who gain from the findings and results achieved from such investigations. Evidently, almost all drugs currently used in the world at one point passed through animal testing to unveil their viability, safety, efficacy, toxicity levels, and other viable provisions demanded in this context.

Concurrently, it is inappropriate to abandon animal testing as claimed by the activists. The current discoveries on genetics, reproduction, developmental biology, and study of behaviors among others could have not materialized minus animal testing.

Additionally, there are other viable provisions that characterize the phenomenon besides the known pharmaceutical investigations which usually occur using test animals as stipulated before. In these mentioned fields, there are still considerable knowledge gaps that will necessitate further application of animal testing in order to unveil additional information.

This phenomenon can hardly occur minus animal testing since there will be no specimens for further research. The ethical claims fronted by the mentioned activists should cease from hindering further investigations (Watson, 2009). It is evident that discoveries made from animal testing are numerous and helpful to the human race as indicated earlier. The need for more investigations and application of animal testing will continue to exist following its viability, applicability, and reliability in the aspects of research.

The viewpoint that animals equally have moral rights is evident; however, it is disputable in this context since it acts as a hindrance to lucrative investigations and discoveries that are helpful to the humankind. Hayhurst (2000), which debates on animal rights, denotes that individuals who perceive animal as having rights are equally accurate in their opinions; nonetheless, they should also consider the merits of animal testing to their lives and beyond.

This relates to the ethical arguments posted with regard to this topic. It forms the center of argument from various people. It is crucial to denote that animal testing has numerous provisions worth noting in varying contexts. This relates to its viability and potency in unveiling the less investigated claims with regard to life. According to various sources, some arguments regarding the aspects of animal testing are invalid and misleading (Hayhurst, 2000). They simply emerge from undue compassion for animals.

This contributes to why this paper agrees with the continuity of animal testing. Precisely, its merits surpass its baseless flaws numerous times. It is recommendable to scrutinize these arguments before they derail the realities that encompass a given matter. It is crucial to consider such provisions following their viability in this context.

Additionally, those who argue against animal testing claim that such animals lack the capacity to express themselves hence can hardly show their pain, dissatisfaction, and suffering.

This is a critical claim; however, it is not enough to support the ban against animal testing. Conversely, scientists, medics, and biologists who use such animals apply moral aspects to their undertakings; hence, will barely intend to harm such experimental animals. Since such ethical observations are carried out within the mentioned experimental testing, it is considerable to continue with the animal testing phenomenon. Adjusting the conditions of these tests might equally help in upholding the ethical demands.

Another argument is that animal testing simplifies and speeds the experimental designs meant to make discoveries. This could have not been achievable minus such experimental trends. Testing developed research products on animals elicit the desired results with promptness. It is daunting and time consuming to develop therapeutic and diagnostic compounds from human beings. This relates to the aspects of delay claimed earlier.

Scientists will not be able to attain their demands in time. This might discourage them from continuing with investigations. Since the use of animal testing provides instant results, its application is widespread, applicable, and viable in numerous contexts. The aspects of safety indicated earlier in these claims equally contribute to the applicability of animal testing. It is improper to execute unsafe experiments or unverified drugs on humans.

The repercussions might be devastating than when it was applied on test animals (Schmidt, 2001). For example, developments and investigations on HIV drugs cannot occur on humans at their initial stages. It is advisable to develop them through animal testing before rendering them usable by humans. It is possible to adjust the composition of the given compound to unveil its viable concentrations. Emerging with instant results supports the application of animal testing and contributes massively in this context.

Animal testing is a helpful phenomenon in biological, medical, and other scientific investigations demanding its incorporation. The phenomenon is helpful, viable, and should be embraced despite the opposing opinions. Animal testing helps in developing effective, safe, viable, qualitative, and less toxic drugs. Following the merits of animal testing, its application and advancements should continue while observing ethical concerns.

Harrison, R. & Hester, R. (2006). Alternatives to Animal Testing . Ohio, OH: Cengage Learning.

Hayhurst, C. (2000). Animal testing: The animal rights debate . New York, NY: Rosen Pub. Group.

Panza, C. & Potthast, A. (2010). Ethics For Dummies . Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

Schmidt, A. (2001). Animal testing in infectiology . Basel: Karger.

Watson, S. (2009). Animal testing: Issues and ethics . New York, NY: Rosen Pub.

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IvyPanda. (2018, November 6). Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed? — Argumentative Essay.

"Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed? — Argumentative Essay." IvyPanda , 6 Nov. 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed? — Argumentative Essay'. 6 November.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed? — Argumentative Essay." November 6, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed? — Argumentative Essay." November 6, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed? — Argumentative Essay." November 6, 2018.

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Example discursive essay – Animal Testing

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Animal Testing Essay

Ielts animal testing essay.

Here you will find an example of an IELTS  animal testing essay .

In this essay, you are asked to discuss the arguments  for  and  against  animal testing, and then give  your own conclusions  on the issue.

Animal Testing Essay

This means you must look at both sides of the issue and you must also be sure you give your opinion too.

The essay is similar to an essay that says " Discuss both opinions and then give your opinion " but it is worded differently.

Take a look at the question and model answer below, and think about how the essay has been organised and how it achieves coherence and cohesion.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Examine the arguments in favour of and against animal experiments, and come to a conclusion on this issue.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Animals Testing Essay - Model Answer

Issues related to animal experimentation are frequently discussed these days, particularly in the media. It is often said that animals should not be used in testing because it is cruel and unnecessary. This essay will examine the arguments for and against animal testing. 

On the one hand, the people who support these experiments say that we must do tests on animals. For instance, many famous lifesaving drugs were invented in this way, and animal experiments may help us to find more cures in the future. Indeed, possibly even a cure for cancer and AIDS. Furthermore, the animals which are used are not usually wild but are bred especially for experiments. Therefore, they believe it is not true that animal experiments are responsible for reducing the number of wild animals on the planet. 

On the other hand, others feel that there are good arguments against this. First and foremost, animal experiments are unkind and cause animals a lot of pain. In addition, they feel that many tests are not really important, and in fact animals are not only used to test new medicines but also new cosmetics, which could be tested on humans instead. Another issue is that sometimes an experiment on animals gives us the wrong result because animals’ bodies are not exactly the same as our own. As a consequence, this testing may not be providing the safety that its proponents claim.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion, on balance, that the benefits do not outweigh the disadvantages, and testing on animals should not continue. Although it may improve the lives of humans, it is not fair that animals should suffer in order to achieve this.

(Words 278)

This animal testing essay would achieve a high score.

It fully answers all parts of the task - explaining the arguments ' for ' in the first paragraph and the arguments ' against ' in the next. Conclusions are then drawn with the writer giving their opinion in the conclusion.

It is thus very clearly organised, with each body paragraph having a central idea .

Ideas are also extended and supported by the use of reasons and some examples or further clarification. No ideas are left unclear or unexplained.

There is also some good topic related vocabulary in the animal testing essay such as 'life saving drugs ' and 'bred ' and a mix of complex sentences , such as adverbial clauses :

'Although it may improve the lives of humans, it is not fair that animals should suffer in order to achieve this'.

Noun clauses :

'...they feel that many tests are not really important'.

And relative clauses :

'...the animals which are used are not usually wild... '

Transitions are also used effectively to ensure there is good coherence and cohesion . For example, ' On the other hand.. ' indicates a change to discuss the contrasting ideas, and ' Therefore... " and ' As a consequence..' are used to give results.

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Animal Testing Essay Guide + Topics

Animal testing argumentative essay guide

Whether you are taking a position for or against animal testing in your essay, here are some helpful hacks, tips, and tricks you can use to ace your paper.

Animal testing is a controversial issue of global scope. However, with pandemics and outbreaks being a common phenomenon and the rise of the cosmetics industry, many animals are used in scientific research. Also known as in-vivo, animal experimentation, or animal research, animal testing entails using animals in different levels of experiments to investigate the reactions, performance, and potency of various medications, drugs, cosmetic products, and foods.

Use in both biological, medical, and now beauty studies, animal testing has gained comprehensive coverage. When writing persuasive or argumentative essays, you are likely to be given an animal testing research topic for your essay. The interest of commercial bodies and pharmaceutical companies and the ethics surrounding everything that occurs around us makes writing an animal testing argumentative or persuasive essay interesting.

When we asked 100 students who had ordered custom persuasive or argumentative animal testing essays from our website, they confessed that writing the essay only seems easy at its face value. However, it becomes complicated as they plan, conduct research, and write animal research papers. Do not fear, though because, you can either get an argumentative essay expert to write your essay or a model essay for you. Alternatively, use this guide to write a paper that will check all the boxes that your professor or instructor supposes you cannot.

What to include in your introduction?

When writing an animal testing introduction, avoid wasting too many words. Instead, write an introduction that attracts your readers, piques their interest, and keeps them glued to the end. This means that you should have: (a) hook , (b)background statement (where you explore the problem at hand), and (c) your animal-testing thesis statement.

Most of the top essay writers on our website revealed that they usually search for animal testing essay examples online for inspiration : it helps get a general atmosphere surrounding a controversial topic. With such a background, they can develop a thesis statement that defines their stance and the scope of their animal research essay.

Here are some excellent ideas for your first sentence or the hook:

  • Statistics of animals killed annually for research
  • Facts on animals are mostly used
  • The position of the society
  • Catchy facts
  • Controversial statements on animal research
  • Shocking facts about animal testing, e.g., Surprisingly, as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal reports, almost 100 million animals are killed in just the laboratories in the U.S. for research such as biology lessons, experimentation, food, drug, and cosmetic testing. Imagine how the statistics will skew upwards if we considered the entire world's population of animals killed every hour.
  • Rhetorical questions : you use this to make the reader intrigued to read more about the topic. For example, Would you rather use a drug tested on a volunteer human or other animal-safe alternative research approaches, and one that is effective or use a drug tested on animals whose failure rate is slightly high? or Do you believe that morality should be enforced in medical research, especially when animal rights are infringed?

The background of your animal testing research paper introduction can include:

  • Definition of animal testing
  • The extent of animal testing.'
  • The historical context of animal testing
  • Breakthroughs of animal testing
  • Expert opinion over animal testing
  • Description of the problem
  • The debate surrounding animal testing

Animal Testing Essay Outline/Structure

Your outline will depend on whether you are writing pro-animal testing or against animal testing research paper. Here is a generalized example of the outline for an animal testing essay.

A well-structured animal testing essay will automatically earn you marks. In most cases, it follows the conventional five-paragraph essay format divided into the introduction, main body, and conclusion.

The introduction and conclusion are each 10% of the word count, while the main body is 80%. You have to format your paper in APA, MLA, or Harvard format as your professor requires. To understand the formatting requirements, read the prompt and rubric of the animal testing essay keenly.

Remember to maintain a single idea per every body paragraph. That idea must reflect in the topic sentence of the paragraph to enable your audience to distinguish your major arguments.

The contents of the body paragraphs must also support the thesis. If there is a counterargument, make it known in your second last paragraph that precedes the conclusion.


  • 10% of the word count
  • Begin with a stellar hook sentence
  • Provide background to your chosen topic
  • Have an outstanding thesis statement
  • Transition to the main body of your essay
  • Comprises 80% of the word count
  • It can be three paragraphs for short essays or more for a long-form research paper
  • Provide the history of animal testing, if necessary.
  • Look at the roles of regulation and legislation in preventing animal cruelty.
  • Explore the different bodies involved in preventing or lobbying against animal testing.
  • Explore the breakthroughs of animal testing
  • Explore the different alternatives to animal testing: why they can work or why they cannot
  • Each paragraph should have its idea
  • Transition to your conclusion
  • Provide a summary of the paper
  • Highlight your significant arguments and counterarguments
  • Offer recommendations, if necessary
  • Rephrase your thesis statement and show how evidence has supported it in your essay.

Alternative Methods to Animal Testing to include in your paper

Cruelty-Free International argues that non-animal testing methods are cheaper, reliable, and more effective. You can recommend some of these alternatives in your animal testing research paper or essay, considering they elongate the discussion on this seemingly controversial topic.

  • Computer modeling
  • Cell cultures
  • Human tissues
  • Volunteer studies
  • Use of egg embryo
  • Use of unicellular organisms
  • The LAL tests
  • In vitro methods

Now, when writing an argumentative essay about animal testing, especially if you take a stance against it, listing these alternatives can strengthen your arguments. Look at this model animal testing essay and craft yours along the same line.

Tips for Concluding your Animal Testing Essay

There is no different way to end an animal testing essay, as it is the same as ending any essay. Thus, when you read our cheat sheet for ending an argumentative essay , you will understand that the main thing is to have a definitive conclusion.

The conclusion is not the place to introduce new ideas. Instead, you will summarize the main points of the essay and restate the thesis in a revamped version. Show your writers the connection between your main arguments and the recommendations you are making. If there is a counterstatement, explain your rationale for it.

When writing the conclusion, make it clear, concise, and coherent. For example, an excellent animal-testing essay conclusion will have the introduction sentence, the summary of the main body, and the closing sentence.

Strive to leave your reader yearning for more : you get to tickle the best grades even from that stingy professor. Weave together the concluding paragraph with appropriate sentence transitions and do not overdo it. Keep everything simple, and you will win the main marks assigned to a reasonable conclusion.

Now that we have everything explained, we can look at some of the main topics you can use as titles for animal testing papers.

Examples of Controversial and Latest Animal Testing Essay Topics

Animal testing topics

We asked our top writers to suggest some topics they think fit well for an animal testing essay. We got a total of fifty entries that you can select and write something about. If you are stuck and want an essay sample urgently, we can write such an essay for you in a few hours, thanks to our website that helps students write essays ASAP . You can choose from these animal testing essay titles:

  • Animal testing should be banned
  • Animal testing is not ethical
  • Pros and cons of animal testing
  • Alternative methods to using animals in drugs development
  • Controversy in using animal testing in medical and cosmetic research
  • Neglected interests and inhuman practices during animal testing
  • The cruelty of animal testing
  • Horrors of animal testing
  • Accidents during animal testing
  • Ethics of transporting caged animals for animal research
  • The future of animal testing, given the advancement in biotechnology
  • Medical animal testing should be banned
  • Should guinea pigs be used for lab work research?
  • New, better, and innovative treatments for humanity
  • Using animals in medical research is ethical and essential
  • Science and the murder of one hundred million animals annually
  • Importance of animals in clinical trials
  • Importance of animal testing in vaccine development
  • Is animal testing necessary for human survival?
  • Animal testing as an experimentation industry
  • Effectiveness of animal testing
  • Exploring the role of Cruelty-Free International Organization
  • Role of religious bodies in advocating for animal-testing-free society
  • The Americans for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) organization
  • Ethical issues in animal experimentation
  • How animal cruelty affects the ecosystem
  • Animal models in vaccine development
  • Defining animal cruelty
  • Treatment versus rights of animals
  • Are animal model results safe for humans?
  • Migraine Treatment and Animal testing
  • Dinitrophenol drug for overweight and Animal testing
  • Anti-arthritis Treatment and Animal Testing
  • Animal use in unmanned war drones
  • Positive and negative outcomes of animal testing
  • Role of media in influencing animal testing
  • The politics of deception in animal testing
  • Problems associated with animal testing
  • Animal testing should be controlled and not stopped
  • Licenses that are required for one to conduct animal testing
  • Role of Big Pharma in advancing animal testing.
  • Can plants be used as an alternative to animal testing?
  • Impacts of animal testing on ecology
  • How does animal testing affect the economy?
  • Can animal testing result in bioweapons?
  • Use of technology to predict diseases and outcomes rather than animal testing.
  • Are the rights and feelings of animals considered in animal experimentation?
  • Are animals used in tests free?
  • Reasons rats, rabbits, and pigs are widely used in animal testing
  • Can volunteer human beings replace animals in medical research?
  • The best approach to take care of animals used in experimentation
  • Breakthroughs after animal testing
  • Animal testing and the cosmetics industry
  • History of animal testing
  • Role of CDC in animal testing research
  • Role of WHO on animal testing authorization

Where and how to get help with your Animal Testing Essays?

In our article, we have extensively referenced our custom essay writers who can help you ace your animal testing essays. If you feel that the guide cannot help you break down the essay or are short of time, you can pay someone on our website to write one for you. When you buy an argumentative essay from our website, we assign it to a pro writer who will research, draft, and write the paper from scratch.

Our bespoke essay service ensures that every paper is done as though you would have done it. This means that the writer cites every animal testing journal article, credible website, or relevant scholarly resources as you would have done. They do this when they summarize, paraphrase, or quote from the sources.

Therefore, you are guaranteed 100% original and plagiarism-free animal testing essays. Furthermore, whether you are for or against animal testing, we have a writer who can write your argumentative essay outline, annotated bibliography, research paper, and essay.

They can take an ethical stance or argue based on what society or professionals/experts think about the issue.

Trust us with your paper because we have done this time and again : written untraceable papers for students. Our writers are fast, accurate, respectable, and experienced. They know how to score the top grade on the rubric. All the papers we have done have been used as best argumentative essay samples on should animal testing be banned? yours could be the next one.

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Animal Testing - Free Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Animal testing, the use of non-human animals in experiments to assess the safety and efficacy of substances, evokes strong ethical debates. Essays on animal testing could explore the scientific, ethical, and legal aspects surrounding this practice. Discussions might delve into the necessity, alternatives, and the rights of animals versus the benefits to humanity. Moreover, analyzing the historical evolution of animal testing, the regulations governing it, and the public opinion and activism surrounding animal testing can provide a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted issues involved in this contentious practice. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Animal Testing you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

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Animal Testing in Medical and Cosmetic Research

Every year there is less and less animal testing done in both medical and cosmetic research. There are plenty of reasons as to why animal testing has been proven to be effective in research experiments. While the beginnings of animal testing were not entirely reassuring of its tactics in the process of testing . However with the time animal testing has been around, it has greatly improved with the advancement of regulations and technology put towards animal testing. Therefore, animal […]

The Controversy of Animal Testing

Imagine a cute white little bunny. You couldn't even fathom harming this creature, could you? However, every day bunnies, like the one you imagined, are used in trials where they are harmed. I'm sure you've heard of companies claiming that they are cruelty free or don't support animal testing , but are you aware of what animal testing really is and what the animals endure during their trials? Companies every day torture animals in tests that don't always prove to […]

The Definition of Animal Cruelty

The definition of animal cruelty is the infliction by omission or by commission by humans of suffering or harm upon any non-human. A car like any other is driving down the street, rain pounding on the windshield. The girl in the passenger seat sees a dark blur on the side of the road. She focuses on it, and sees a soaked dog, whose fur is severely matted, and covered in mud. Its tail had no wag, and it was so […]

Medical Animal Testing should be Banned

Medical animal testing should be banned for there being other humane testing methods that exist. Because there are other alternatives that would replace or relieve animal testing, the use of animals would decrease dramatically. An example of a company who believes in an alternative to animal testing is Procter & Gamble Co. or P&G. Every year they spend $4.5 million on research that advances alternatives to animal testing. Though these alternatives may not replace all animal testing; but, it would […]

Problems with Animal Testing: Inhumane Practices and Neglected Interests

Abstract The Animal Welfare Act (AWA), enacted in August 1966, regulates the treatment and care of animals in research (Murnaghan 4). However, researchers annually exploit approximately 26 million animals for scientific and commercial testing in the United States (The Flaws and Human Harms ). These exploitations occur while developing medical treatments, determining toxicity levels in medicine, and ensuring the safety of cosmetic products prior to human utilization. While conducting a study on animal welfare, the United States Department of Agriculture […]

The Ethics of Animal Experimentation

1. Background Information 2.1 What is animal testing? An animal test is any scientific experiment or test in which a animal is forced to undergo something that is likely to cause them pain, suffering, distress or lasting damage. In animal experiments, animals would be injected or feed with probably harmful substances, exposed to radiation and forced to inhale toxic gases. Also, the lab resistant may surgically removing animals' organs or tissues to deliberately cause damage and subjecting animals to frightening […]

The Animal Testing and Experimentation Industry

Companies test their products on animals for the benefits of their own profit. Animals are treated harshly during this process. Most product consumers are unaware of the actions these companies are making. People continue to buy these products, probably unaware of the conditions the animals are under. With the revision and production of new items, animals continue to be used for the benefit of these companies. Animals are often tested for cosmetics, medications, and other daily uses. The animals are […]

The Cruelty in Animal Testing

Every year in the United States, it is estimated that tens of millions of animals are used for research and testing purposes (Animal Experimentation 50). These animals are usually mice, rats, rabbits, fish, guinea pigs, non-human primates, and other farm animals. Test animals undergo testing for cosmetics and household products, trials for new medicines, and scientific experiments. These tests and experiments are uncomfortable and often painful for the animals. The United States has laws to protect animals, but there are […]

Opposing Views Animal Testing

The United Nations guarantees a Universal Declaration of Human Rights that asserts that everyone has got a right to liberty, life and also security. Despite that, the declaration protects human beings from cruel treatment, slavery and eventually torture. These rights are considered to be inherent according to the law of land. There has been always a debate on whether animals have got moral rights that should be recognized as well as protected by the human society. In the actual sense, […]

Animal Testing and its Importance

From over-the-counter medicine to the shampoo we use, it's easy to forget how relatively easy our lives have become with the many commodities available to us today. What we do not often consider is how these privileges came to be. What we do not think about is the prevalence of animal testing behind many necessary medicines and products. While controversial, the age-old practice of using animals for scientific and commercial testing has no doubt made many invaluable contributions to our […]

New and Safe Treatments for Humanity

Animal testing has long been a means to discover new and safe treatments for humanity. Modern medicines and innovations are constantly being created and updated, creating an ongoing need for ways to test them. There have been many different methods of testing throughout history. By the Roman era, dissection and vivisection (the dissection of live animals) were established scientific practices (Fellenz 72). That was a more official part of animal testing history. Although not technically experimenting, people learned how animal […]

Effectiveness of Animal Testing

For Centuries animals have been tested on for research all across the globe. These animals can range from elephants to mice and can have an age range from new-borne to oldest surviving. The oldest form of animal testing has been dated back to around 199-217 AD. That's before the time of some of the earths early great scientists and researchers like Aristotle and Erasistratus. It is still as important today because of how much information we can actually gain from […]

Cruelty to Animals and Animal Testing

Animal cruelty can be defined in many ways: Being violent to animals in any way, failure to provide for animals, being neglectful to animals. Also causing animals psychological harm in the form of distress, torment or terror may also constitute animal cruelty (RSPCA). For example when picking out eyeliner or other makeup products, do people stop to see at the stores what kind of makeup they are buying and using? People could be supporting animal testing and cruelty and not […]

Support of Animal Testing

The arguments of those who support animal testing are understandable in certain situations, and, in these situation the views are valid and their views ought to be respected. And although there are downsides to animal testing and experimenting there's upsides as well. At the cost of an animal's life or comfortably humans lives will be saved or given an increased quality of life. In the nineteenth century, physicians could do very little to treat heart disease, because there was no […]

Alternatives to Animal Testing: a Glimpse into the Innovative and Compassionate Future of Scientific Research

Let's chat about something. You’ve probably heard whispers of testing stuff on animals. Whether you're in camp "necessary evil" or team "save the bunnies," there's some pretty snazzy news. We've got alternative methods bubbling up, blowing our minds. Scientists have found a way to grow miniature human organs in labs. Imagine a teensy liver or a bite-sized brain being used to check if that new face cream is safe. It’s all about getting results without making Fido or Thumper shed […]

Using Animals for Medical Testing is both Ethical and Essential?

In this Argumentative essay I have chosen to talk about Animal testing and why I think it is needed in today's work of medicines and cures. I will be given you four main facts on why I believe it is still very helpful to us humans and even helpful to the animals themselves. Honestly speaking people have become so sensitive in today's environments about many things like animal feelings, or they think like us humans. They truly forgotten that these […]

The Importance of Animal Models in Vaccines

If you have ever taken any type of medicine or had a vaccine, you have benefited from animal testing: Research with animals led to vaccinations against smallpox, measles, mumps, and tetanus. The world's first vaccine was tested on a cow in 1796 during the observation of milkmaids who caught cowpox , which is now called smallpox, from infected cow utters. This disease was eradicated in 1980 with the help of lab animals. Looking at the more frequent viruses in our […]

Animal Rights and Society

2. Background information 2.1 What is animal testing Animal testing is different experiments, researches that carried out on the animals. Different animals are used in different test, e.g. mice, rabbits, pigs. Those animals are used to check the safety and assess the effectiveness of the products that for human use, e.g. medicine, food, cosmetics. It's also used to understand how well the product works on human body. However, all of those tests may harm to animals and cause them physical […]

The Americans for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ASPCA

Introduction Service learning and community partnership incorporates academic learning into service projects that becomes more common and popular in today's community. What it does is teaches us about the history and needs of the agency being helped as well as seeing positive changes that their involvement makes. Just by incorporating different aspects of learning into community service, we can become invested in their work and more likely to stay committed to the cause. The cause of the agency is to […]

Animal Research for Human Benefit is Unnecessary

Most people believe animal testing is essential to drug and vaccine research. Which is true, in a sense, because scientist have come up with a lot of vaccines for certain viruses. However, during the process, animals are treated poorly and their cages are in awful conditions. Most of the chemicals being administered into these patients are not safe for them, which sometimes results in death. Not only that, animals cannot comprehend what humans can. They cannot speak for themselves. These […]

The Study on Animal Experimentation

Animal testing has been a severe problem that still has not been resolved. Animal testing should be stopped for the safety of animals and human, but since it cannot be, how can it be improved? Many scientists rely on animal testing to collect data on safety and efficacy from experiments. They use animals to test products like food, drugs, cosmetics, medicines, and chemicals. They use animals because animals serve to protect consumers, workers and the environment from the harmful effects […]

Vaccine Development

The conversation of animal testing has never been anything less than controversial. Although animal testing is not new, the topic still faces severe criticism by several animal activists' groups. Humans have used animals as a means to learn about various subjects for a while now. It dates back to uses from Greek-physician scientists ""such as Aristotle, 384 “ 322 BC and Erasistratus, 304 “ 258 BC (Hajar 1). During these experiments' scientists would use live animals as their test subjects. […]

What is Animal Cruelty?

Animal cruelty is the act of humans inflicting harm and suffering onto an animal. This can include neglect, animal fighting, and overt abuse. In the United States, an animal is abused every ten seconds. Animal protection organizations are working to stop animal cruelty everywhere. Many of these organizations believe in animal rights and animal welfare. Animal rights activists usually go to the extremes, and will even break laws to make a statement to the public. One point of contention for […]

Ethical Issues in Animal Experimentation

There is of course the huge ethical consequence that comes from testing on animals. It is also super expensive to actually test on animals and some of the information from the tests don't give accurate results for us. Animals are different from humans everyone knows that. That's money, manpower and time going to waste. It's also very expensive compared to other options that are out or already developed. The cost of animal testing is enormous and doesn't always yield results. […]

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How To Write an Essay About Animal Testing

Introduction to the topic of animal testing.

When embarking on an essay about animal testing, it is essential to begin by defining what animal testing encompasses and the contexts in which it is used. This includes its application in medical research, cosmetics testing, and other scientific endeavors. In your introduction, outline the scope of the debate, which often centers around ethical considerations, scientific necessity, and the pursuit of medical advancements. Acknowledge the complexity of the topic, which involves balancing the welfare of animals with potential human benefits. This introductory section should set the stage for a thoughtful exploration of the multifaceted issues surrounding animal testing.

Delving into Ethical and Scientific Perspectives

The body of your essay should delve into the various ethical and scientific perspectives surrounding animal testing. One key aspect to explore is the ethical debate, which includes arguments about animal rights, suffering, and the moral implications of using animals for human benefit. On the scientific side, discuss the role of animal testing in medical breakthroughs and the question of its necessity and effectiveness. It's important to consider both sides of the argument, providing a balanced view that includes the advancements made possible by animal testing, as well as the ethical dilemmas it raises. Use evidence such as scientific data, ethical theories, and regulatory policies to support your points.

Analyzing Alternatives and Societal Impacts

In this section, focus on the alternatives to animal testing and the potential impacts of these methods on society and scientific research. Discuss advancements in technology, such as computer modeling and cell-based assays, and how they offer potential replacements or reductions in animal use. Analyze how these alternatives could change the landscape of research and testing, considering both the benefits and limitations. Also, consider the societal implications of animal testing, including public opinion, regulatory changes, and the role of advocacy groups. This part of your essay should highlight the evolving nature of the debate and the future possibilities for both scientific research and animal welfare.

Concluding the Discussion

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main arguments and reflecting on the ongoing debate surrounding animal testing. This is an opportunity to reiterate the complexity of the issue and the importance of continuing to balance ethical considerations with scientific progress. Consider the future of animal testing and the role of evolving ethical standards and scientific advancements in shaping this area. A strong conclusion will not only wrap up your essay but also encourage further thought and discussion about the ethical and scientific dimensions of animal testing.

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How to Write an Animal Testing Essay: Tips for Argumentative & Persuasive Papers

  • 🦮 Things to Know About Animal Rights Essay

📜 Animal Testing Argumentative Essay

🗣️ animal testing persuasive essay.

  • ⚖️ Animal Testing For & Against Arguments
  • 🦥 Animal testing Essay Sample
  • 🐾 15 Awesome Titles for Animal Testing Essay

🦮 Animal Rights Essay Writing Guide

Here’s an introduction to animal testing essay writing. This topic is full of controversies and nuances that you need to know.

1. Animal Testing Essay Challenges

It might seem complicated to stay professional while writing about a sensitive topic. What should you consider before you start to write an animal testing essay?

Be ready to:

  • Provide trustworthy facts and numbers. As this topic is debatable, you need to choose scientific data sources. All the evidence that supports your thesis should be credible and accurate.
  • Keep your writing ethical. Avoid using biased information, overly emotional language, and stereotypes. Instead, use inclusive language without ambiguous interpretations.
  • Regard an opposite opinion. It is essential to understand the issue from different perspectives. Include an opposing point of view to show your competence and the depth of your research.
  • Overcome a moral dilemma. There is a lot to debate about animal testing, and you might not find a perfect solution. Therefore, be prepared to find the middle ground.
  • Keep up with the scientific progress. As so much research constantly updates, you need to be aware of the last changes. It will help you to include only relevant data in your paper.

2. Animal Testing Essay Tips

Here are some tips to make your writing experience easier:

  • Use academic research databases to look for evidence.
  • Study the background and the development of the issue.
  • Don’t hesitate to verify your data using other publications.
  • Be objective when providing your arguments and evidence.
  • Create an outline before writing your first draft.
  • Create several versions of your essay to select the best one.
  • Read papers that cover the same topic.
  • Study the opposite point of view.
  • Spend some extra time on proofreading and editing.

The picture provides the statistics about the number of animals being killed in the U.S.

3. Animal Testing Essay Strategies: Argumentative Vs. Persuasive

Argumentative and persuasive essays on animal testing might seem somewhat similar. Here, we will describe the differences between these two types.

Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay’s primary purpose is to convince the audience that your position is valid and worth attention.

  • It requires profound research. You need to study the terminology and updates while exploring the issue.
  • Its main bases are logic and evidence. Avoid emotional appeals even if they make your arguments sound stronger.
  • It implies research of both sides. You will need to include an opposing argument and show its relevance.

Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay convinces its audience using both facts and emotional response of the readers to prove one’s opinion.

  • It is less formal. The tone is more relaxed. Choose facts that instantly appeal to your audience.
  • Its primary basis is opinion. You will rely on the choice of words and strong arguments rather than on evidence.
  • It focuses on one perspective. You have to convince readers that your way of thinking is the only option. Reviewing other positions is optional.

Now that you know the differences, we will look at each type. Here, we will explain how to prepare for writing and create an animal-testing argumentative essay outline.

What Is Animal Testing Argumentative Essay About?

An animal testing argumentative essay discusses the pros and cons of animal testing giving preference to one of the sides. You should state whether animal testing is necessary in your thesis and provide at least two arguments to support your claim. Then you will need to include at least one counterargument to show another perspective.

Animal Testing Argumentative Essay Outline

There are several types of organization for an argumentative essay: classical, Rogerian, and Toulmin. Rogerian is the most suitable one for this topic. This type of organization requires drawing attention to different opinions while promoting your arguments.

3 Tips for Animal Testing Argumentative Essay

Follow these tips to make your essay better:

  • Choose an arguable topic. Something that is not obvious. It should puzzle your readers and make them interested in what you say.
  • Stick to your thesis. It is the basis of your paper. You need to support every word of your thesis in body paragraphs.
  • Think about your audience. Knowing who your readers are will help you choose the writing tone. It also determines the need for more or fewer explanations and background information.

Here is another pattern for developing your animal rights essay . Read the paragraph below to figure out how to write an excellent animal testing persuasive essay.

What Is Animal Testing Persuasive Essay About?

An animal testing persuasive essay is focused on one side of the issue. Here, you choose if you are for or against animal testing and prove your opinion. Appealing to conscience, sense of intelligence, or your readers’ emotions is your best instrument. You need to sound convincing to make your audience accept your perspective.

Animal Testing Persuasive Essay Outline

In this case, you need to focus on solid arguments supporting your viewpoint. It will determine the way your audience reacts to your writing.

3 Tips for Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

What do you need to do to write a better persuasive essay?

  • Show your empathy. It will affect your readers’ experiences and create an emotional bond between you.
  • Repeat yourself. Work with paraphrasing and figures of speech. Strategic repetition is an effective tool to remind your readers about the message you are trying to convey.
  • Use rhetorical questions. Puzzle your audience by asking them something controversial. At the same time, your argumentation should promote your position as an answer.

The picture provides information about the number of rats used in Great Britain for different purposes.

⚖️ Animal Testing Essay: For & Against

Here, you will find the pros and cons of animal testing . You can use these arguments in argumentative and persuasive essays.

I. Arguments FOR Animal Testing

Here is why animal testing should be allowed:

  • Many life-saving medicines rely on animal testing . According to the California Biomedical Association, animal research helped almost every medical breakthrough in the last century . Millions of human lives depend on animal testing. It helps treat breast cancer, tuberculosis, leukemia, and many others.
  • There is no alternative to testing vaccines . Scientists needed animal testing to ensure that a vaccine doesn’t make a virus more dangerous. During the global pandemic of 2020, researchers used genetically modified mice to develop vaccines. There was no other way to ensure people’s safety.
  • Animal testing prevents risking lives of human volunteers . If we test medicine or cosmetical products on toxicity, we can’t use people. Human trials also possess risks of side effects, but it could be worse without animal testing.
  • It ensures the safety of the products we use . China does not even allow to put cosmetical products on the market before animal testing. We use more and more cosmetical products every day. There are more and more of them on the market. That is why we need to ensure that every product we use is safe for us.
  • We need animal testing to make drugs for animals as well . Scientists use animal testing to develop medicines, vaccines, and medical devices.

II. Arguments AGAINST Animal Testing

The reasons why animal testing should be stopped:

  • Not all of the testing results apply to people . Many anatomic, cellular, and metabolic differences make animals poor models for us. So some drugs that pass animal testing can eventually fail on people.
  • There are alternative testing methods . Skin-producing technologies such as tissue bioprinting and human skin cells growth can replace animal testing. Of course, it is not possible for all the products, but these technologies can significantly reduce the use of animals.
  • It does not guarantee 100% safety . Human bodies might react differently to the same ingredients. When drugs do not show any side effects or harmful consequences on animals, they still might be dangerous for humans.
  • The demand for cruelty-free products increases . People know about the inhumanity of animal testing and choose to buy cruelty-free products. Politicians are also concerned and take measures against animal testing. European Union, Australia, and South Korea banned cosmetics tested on animals. That is why cosmetical brands give up animal testing and switch to other options.
  • Inhumane treatment and bad conditions . Animals suffer from food and water deprivation, inflicted burns and other wounds, and CO2 asphyxiation. Also, many of them have their eyes open for hours to test cosmetic products. Animals deserve ethical treatment as they cannot protect themselves from humans.

🦥 Animal Testing Essay Sample

Read an animal testing argumentative essay example below. You can use it as a reference to your writing.

Should Animal Testing Be Banned Essay

As technological progress moves on, we need to move on too. Some practices that were considered normal should be reviewed in the 21st century. We need to choose animal welfare and moral standards over inhumanity. Animal testing should be banned because it is cruel, expensive, and inefficient.

Animals suffer when scientists use them as test models. Some live in small cages and do not have enough space for motion. Others are forced to eat or drink something unnatural for them. It is common for animals to experience pain because of skin and eye burns, itching, or other side effects in the worst cases. For example, during the Draize test, researchers put chemicals into rabbits' eyes to see the reaction.

Keeping and breeding animals need money. It implies costs for space, food, and other maintenance expenses. As animal tests are not always reliable and need several attempts, the price for developing a successful drug can exceed one billion dollars. Every time you buy a pill or a cosmetic product tested on animals, you pay for animal testing.

Animal testing does not guarantee identical results for humans in most cases. The failure rate for animal testing is higher than 95%. There are also many controversies because the reactions of animals and people to certain ingredients can be opposite. For example, penicillin can kill guinea pigs but helps people. Aspirin is dangerous for pets but relieves human headaches.

To put it all together, animal testing is immoral in the 21st century. It is inhuman, not accurate, and pricey to the companies. It would be better if they invested the money in new technologies to replace animal experimentation. All in all, we pay for these products as customers. We have a right to choose whether or not we want them to be tested on animals.

🐾 Titles for Animal Testing Essay

Last but not least. Below we’ve collected some of our best animal testing essay examples. Use them for inspiration, or try our free research title generator .

  • Is Animal Testing Really Needed?
  • Animals in Research, Education, and Teaching.
  • Animal Experiments: Benefits, Ethics, and Defenders.
  • Animal Experimentation: Justification Arguments.
  • Animal Testing Ban: Counterargument and Rebuttal.
  • Genetically Modified Animals and Implications.
  • Animal Research, Its Ineffectiveness, and Amorality.
  • Equal Consideration of Interests to Animals.
  • The Ethics of Animal Use in Scientific Research.
  • Debates of Using Animals in Scientific Analysis.
  • Animal Testing in Scientific Experiments.
  • Cosmetic and Medical Animal Testing.
  • Pavlov’s Dog Experiment.
  • Animal Testing for Medical Purposes .
  • Duties to Non-Human Animals .
  • Animal Testing in Biomedical Research .
  • Animal-Based Therapy Overview and Analysis .
  • Qualities That Humans and Animals Share .
  • Effects of Animal Companions in Psychotherapy .
  • Red Fluorescent Protein Transgenic Dogs Experiment .
  • The Use of Animals for Research .
  • Human and Animal Experiments in Psychology Studies: Implications for Society .
  • Animal Studies: The Role in Behaviorism Development .

🔗 References

  • Suggestions for Developing Argumentative Essays
  • 8 Persuasive Writing Tips and Techniques
  • Animal Testing – Pros & Cons –
  • The Debate on Animal Experimentation – Sather Health
  • Importance of Animals in Human Lives | Sciencing
  • Are There Any Benefits to Animal Testing? Get the Facts | PETA

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How to Write a Persuasive Essay about Animal Testing

how to write a persuasive essay

Using Animal Testing Facts in Your Essay

So, you have to write a persuasive essay dedicated to animal testing. First of all, you should decide on your argument (if you are not given a point of view to support beforehand) – are you against or for animal testing? Or probably somewhere in between? Maybe you support it, but only in some cases or to a certain extent? Anyway, you should have a very clear understanding of what exactly you are going to be proving in your essay – after all, you are supposed not to give an objective evaluation of the topic, but to prove your point – and to that end you should use all the means available. Find animal testing facts that support your opinion; if you find facts that oppose it, you may either omit them altogether or address them separately by enumerating some arguments that make them look less important or trustworthy. If you are supposed to defend your point of view in a discussion after writing an essay , make sure to prepare counterarguments dealing with all the debatable issues. Be ready!

Tips on Writing an Essay on Animal Testing

As you probably understand, animal testing is an extremely sensitive topic – some animal rights groups demand its outright ban, others consider it to be more acceptable to limit it in some way, while a lot of people believe that science and progress should be considered above the well-being of animals. Whichever point of view you support, it is better to tread lightly and be as tactful and careful in your wording as possible. When you write an essay on animal testing (and any other persuasive essay, for that matter), it is advisable to show respect for all points of view. If you show that you are not afraid of admitting that other opinions have their positive sides, your own take on the issue will look much more solid. In most other aspects writing about animal testing is similar to writing about any other topic – you have to gather facts and arguments in favor of your point of view and present them in logical order. Try to look at your essay from the position of your possible opponent: which points seem to be weak, where your argumentation leaves much to be desired, what else you should add or delete. Pay attention to details, and your essay is sure to be well-received.

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Discursive Essay Differentiated Template on Animal Testing

animal testing discursive essay

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This is a set of two essay plans, the first of which is aimed at low ability, and the second for mid-high ability. It examines animal testing, by use of a discursive essay format, with prompts/key points for each paragraph. It works well, when linked with a homework task to research animal testing.

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Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Animal Testing — Discussion Whether Animals Testing Is Necessary


Discussion Whether Animals Testing is Necessary

  • Categories: Animal Cruelty Animal Testing

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Words: 1634 |

Published: Mar 18, 2021

Words: 1634 | Pages: 4 | 9 min read

  • Regan, T, & Singer, P. (1976). Animal rights and human obligations. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice-Hall.
  • Singer, P. (1990). Animal liberation (New rev. ed.). New York, N.Y..Avon Books.
  • Orlans, F. (1993). In the name of science : Issues in responsible animal experimentation(Oup e-books). New York: Oxford University Press. (1993).
  • Abraham, M., Hassanisadi, M., Jalali-Heravi, M., Ghafourian, T, Cain, W., & Cometto-Muñiz, J. (2003). Draize rabbit eye test compatibility with eye irritation thresholds in humans: A quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis. Toxicological Sciences, 76(2), 384-391.
  • Kehinde, E. (2013). They see a rat, we seek a cure for diseases: The current status of animal experimentation in medical practice. Medical Principles and Practice : an International Journal of the Kuwait University, Health Science Centre,22, 52-61. doi:10.1159/000355504
  • Hester, R. & Harrison, R. (2006). Alternatives to animal testing (Issues in environmental science and technology, 23). Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry. doi:10.1039/9781847552457
  • Alternatives in animal testing. (1996). Environmental Health Perspectives, 104(3), 250-252.
  • Goh, J., Weaver, R., Dixon, L., Platt, N., & RobertsNow at ApconiX, B. (2015). Development and use of in vitro alternatives to animal testing by the pharmaceutical industry 1980–2013. Toxicology Research, 4(5), 1297-1307. doi:10.1039/c5tx00123d

Should follow an “upside down” triangle format, meaning, the writer should start off broad and introduce the text and author or topic being discussed, and then get more specific to the thesis statement.

Cornerstone of the essay, presenting the central argument that will be elaborated upon and supported with evidence and analysis throughout the rest of the paper.

The topic sentence serves as the main point or focus of a paragraph in an essay, summarizing the key idea that will be discussed in that paragraph.

The body of each paragraph builds an argument in support of the topic sentence, citing information from sources as evidence.

After each piece of evidence is provided, the author should explain HOW and WHY the evidence supports the claim.

Should follow a right side up triangle format, meaning, specifics should be mentioned first such as restating the thesis, and then get more broad about the topic at hand. Lastly, leave the reader with something to think about and ponder once they are done reading.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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animal testing discursive essay


  1. Example discursive essay

    animal testing discursive essay

  2. The Speech On Animal Testing Philosophy Free Essay Example

    animal testing discursive essay

  3. ⇉Why Animals are Necessary: An argument in Support of Animal Testing

    animal testing discursive essay

  4. Animal Testing Essay

    animal testing discursive essay

  5. Animal Testing and Experimentation Free Essay Example

    animal testing discursive essay

  6. Argumentative Essay Analysis: Animal Testing by Educate-Captivate-Inspire

    animal testing discursive essay


  1. Discursive Essay

  2. Syllabus 3247 Paper I Discursive Essay

  3. Discursive Essay Thoughts

  4. Discursive Essay Writing Sample

  5. The Discursive Essay Making Arguments Using Peel

  6. 6 types of English paper 3 essays(Discursive essay)


  1. 105 Animal Testing Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Here are the examples of animal testing essay topics you can choose from: The question of animal intelligence from the perspective of animal testing. Animal testing should (not) be banned. How animal testing affects endangered species. The history and consequences of animal testing.

  2. Animal Testing Essays

    Introduction Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, is the use of non-human animals for scientific research purposes. It involves subjecting animals to various procedures, such as surgical operations, injections, and exposure to toxic substances, to study their physiological and behavioral responses.

  3. Discursive Essay

    Discursive Essay - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document discusses the debate around using animals for scientific and cosmetic testing. While animal testing has contributed to medical advances like vaccines and helped researchers understand diseases, it subjects over 100 million animals to testing annually.

  4. 20 Animal Testing Articles to Support Your Persuasive Essay

    1. Animal Testing and Medicine. Written by a cardiologist, this article provides a brief overview of the history of animal testing but ultimately argues that animal testing is necessary and beneficial. (If you're writing an argument of your own, check out How to Write a Winning Argument Essay .) MLA 8 Citation.

  5. Animal Testing: Should Animal Testing Be Allowed?

    Animal Testing: Conclusion. Animal testing is a helpful phenomenon in biological, medical, and other scientific investigations demanding its incorporation. The phenomenon is helpful, viable, and should be embraced despite the opposing opinions. Animal testing helps in developing effective, safe, viable, qualitative, and less toxic drugs.

  6. Persuasive Speech On Animal Testing: [Essay Example], 691 words

    Animal testing is a common practice in the medical and cosmetic industries. Proponents argue that it is necessary for the development of new drugs and treatments, as well as for ensuring the safety of consumer products. According to the Foundation for Biomedical Research, animal testing has played a crucial role in the development of vaccines ...

  7. Example discursive essay

    Example discursive essay - Animal Testing. advertisement. Animal Testing. The use of animals in scientific and medical research is a subject about which. people hold strongly contrasting views. It is a debate which elicits very strong. emotions: animal rights activists have resorted to trespass, violence, death.

  8. IELTS Animal Testing Essay

    Animal Testing Essay. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Examine the arguments in favour of and against animal experiments, and come to a conclusion on this issue. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Write at least 250 words.

  9. Animal Testing Essay : A Definitive Writing Guide + Topics

    A well-structured animal testing essay will automatically earn you marks. In most cases, it follows the conventional five-paragraph essay format divided into the introduction, main body, and conclusion. The introduction and conclusion are each 10% of the word count, while the main body is 80%. You have to format your paper in APA, MLA, or ...

  10. Animal Testing

    32 essay samples found. Animal testing, the use of non-human animals in experiments to assess the safety and efficacy of substances, evokes strong ethical debates. Essays on animal testing could explore the scientific, ethical, and legal aspects surrounding this practice. Discussions might delve into the necessity, alternatives, and the rights ...

  11. How to Write an Animal Testing Essay: Tips for Argumentative

    Animal testing does not guarantee identical results for humans in most cases. The failure rate for animal testing is higher than 95%. There are also many controversies because the reactions of animals and people to certain ingredients can be opposite. For example, penicillin can kill guinea pigs but helps people.

  12. Argumentative Essay The Ethics of Animal Testing

    The debate over the ethics of animal testing is complex and multifaceted, with passionate arguments on both sides. In this essay, I will explore the ethical implications of animal testing and argue that it is not justifiable in most cases. By examining the historical context of animal testing, the current state of the debate, and the ethical ...

  13. How to Write a Persuasive Essay about Animal Testing

    In most other aspects writing about animal testing is similar to writing about any other topic - you have to gather facts and arguments in favor of your point of view and present them in logical order. Try to look at your essay from the position of your possible opponent: which points seem to be weak, where your argumentation leaves much to ...

  14. Persuasive Essay on Animal Testing: Pros and Cons

    Persuasive essay writing is an effective practice for future journalists, politicians, top managers. It is a tool for participating in debates or negotiations. After mastering the techniques of a discursive speech, heavy conversational battles won't let you down anymore. Life Hacks For Animal Testing Essay Writing

  15. Animal Testing

    Animal testing has for a long time been a much debated moral issue. For many, this kind of testing has been the only kind of hope for developing new medicines and treatments for illness. For others, it is an unacceptable and unnecessary cruel way of exploiting animals for our own purposes. Treatments for illnesses such as tuberculosis, diabetes ...

  16. outline animal testing

    Discursive Essay Outline Student's name: Bashenova Assel Essay question: Should animals be used in tests and experiments? I. Introduction Thesis statement: There are opinions that animals shouldn't be used in testing, because it's cruel and unnecessary. However there are those who believe that animal testing will discover new ways to help people and other animals in the future.

  17. Discursive Essay Differentiated Template on Animal Testing

    This is a set of two essay plans, the first of which is aimed at low ability, and the second for mid-high ability. It examines animal testing, by use of a discursive essay format, with prompts/key points for each paragraph. It works well, when linked with a homework task to research animal testing.

  18. Animal Testing

    Animal testing has for a long time been a much debated moral issue. For many, this kind of testing has been the only kind of hope for developing new medicines and treatments for illness. For others, it is an unacceptable and unnecessary cruel way of exploiting animals for our own purposes. Treatments for illnesses such as tuberculosis, diabetes ...

  19. Is Animal Testing Ethical? Free Essay Example

    The Ethical Dilemma of Animal Testing: A Comprehensive Examination Pages: 2 (554 words) Animal Testing Pros and Cons Pages: 8 (2104 words) Animal testing for products is not only inhumane but also unreliable with Pages: 7 (2031 words) Is Animal Testing Really Necessary Pages: 6 (1767 words) Animal testing should not be banned Pages: 9 (2647 words)

  20. Discursive Writing

    IGCSE-Revision - Discursive Writing - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. English

  21. Discussion Whether Animals Testing is Necessary

    Conclusion paragraph: To conclude the essay, animal testing is a cruel and outdated method of testing various products before putting them on the market. Nowadays, there are better alternatives as compared to the past. I believe, animal testing should be abolished because the cruelty and pain suffered by animals is inhumane, and the results are obsolete.

  22. Persuasive Essay Against Animal Testing

    The testing of animals in scientific and commercial research has been debated for many years. Some people view animals as companions or part of the family, but others think of them as a way to advance medicine by providing researchers with a means to develop better medical techniques, discovering vaccines, and helping to find a cure for a disease.

  23. Free Essays on Discursive Animal Testing

    animal testing. Discursive essay An issue which arouses strong emotions on both sides is the use of animals in medical research. I believe that, though this may have been necessary in the past, other procedures can be developed to test drugs and in the future animals should not be used. One... Save Paper; 5 Page; 1026 Words