food business plan ideas

Small Business Trends

85 amazing food business ideas you could start today.

The food service industry includes way more than simple restaurants.  A food business can include anything related to serving, selling, or processing food and beverages. This includes restaurants, grocery stores, mobile food stands, catering services, and businesses that support food sellers.

There are tons of unique niches and business models that can help entrepreneurs turn a profit. If you’re looking to break into this industry, here are some food business ideas to consider.

Table of Contents

Top Ideas for Food Businesses

If you’re looking for the best food business ideas to start, here’s an extensive list.

1. Food Truck Business

food business ideas

Food trucks sell various types of food out of mobile vehicles at festivals and special events. This type of small food business can sell anything from burgers to Mexican food.

2. Food Delivery Business

Offer delivery services for those looking for restaurant food or even groceries in your area.

3. Baby Food Business

Baby food purees, pouches, and safe snacks are always in demand by new parents.

4. Fast Food Restaurant Franchise

The fast food industry often uses a franchise business model. There are plenty of options you can buy into.

5. Coffee Shop Business

The coffee shop industry is full of unique businesses, from full-service locations to mobile carts.

6. Hot Sauce Business

food business ideas

The hot sauce industry is currently experiencing heightened demand. Come up with your own unique blends and sell them to markets or in an online store.

7. Ice Cream Shop

Ice cream shops can sell a variety of flavors. And these businesses are generally small, so they come with low overhead.

8. Catering Business

A catering business doesn’t require a physical location. You can work with clients who host special events and bring food and serving equipment to their venue.

9. Catering Equipment Rental

Alternatively, you may rent cooking and serving equipment to catering businesses or event hosts.

10. Bakery Business

If you love baking, start your own bakery with a storefront location. Alternatively, you could sell baked goods to other local shops.

11. Vending Machines Business

food business ideas

Purchase vending machines with snacks and beverages and partner with local office buildings and shopping centers to place them.

12. Retail Store

A retail model can also work in the food industry. Open a storefront that sells packaged foods or ingredients.

13. Grocery Store

Full grocery stores can also work well. Offer a local market with friendly service, or specialize in healthy food or organic options.

14. Food Kiosk

Food kiosks are small stands that offer a specific type of food at a special event or larger shopping center. For example, you may offer soft pretzels at a local mall or festival.

15. Organic Food Stand

If you grow produce or offer other organic food , open your own farm stand to sell directly to consumers.

16. Gourmet Popcorn Shop

food business ideas

Popcorn is a popular snack for gifting and special events. Offer unique flavors and sell tins that people can give as gifts.

17. Meal Prep Business

Offer prepared meals and/or ingredients that people can use to improve their diet.

18. Cooking Class Instructor

Teach cooking classes in person or online to help others learn how to make their favorite dishes.

19. Restaurant Supply Shop

Start a retail business that sells food service equipment and supplies to local restaurants.

20. Produce Delivery Service

Offer nutritious food like fruits and vegetables on an ongoing basis. Many produce businesses even offer discounts on produce that has small imperfections.

21. Gourmet Candy Shop

food business ideas

Use quality ingredients to create gourmet candies and sell them in a physical store or online.

22. Meal Kit Service

Provide all the ingredients people need to make specific recipes. Offer products in-store or by delivery.

23. Recipe Blogger

Share your recipes with followers online. Use affiliate income and online ads to earn revenue.

24. Restaurant Reviewer

You can also start your own website sharing restaurant reviews in your area or around the world.

25. Food Influencer

Focus on social media to grow your following. Then partner with brands to spread the word about their products or services.

26. Cookbook Author

food business ideas

Write your own cookbook and find a publisher or sell your self-published work online.

27. Snack Subscription Box

Put together a selection of snacks in a particular niche and send your subscription box to customers on an ongoing basis.

28. Restaurant Consulting Service

Share your business expertise with restaurant clients as a consultant.

29. Food Photographer

Use your photography skills to help bloggers, cookbook authors, and other food businesses market their offerings.

30. Juice Bar

Juice and smoothies are popular with health-conscious consumers right now.

31. Brewery

food business ideas

Open a brewery with your own fresh beverages and food options.

32. Charcuterie Board Service

Put together charcuterie boards full of meats, cheeses, and produce that people can buy for events.

33. Food Tasting Service

Offer your services to local food businesses that want to offer samples. Set up booths for them at various events to get people to try their products.

34. Gift Basket Service

Put together gift baskets full of chocolates, snacks, and other treats and deliver them to recipients.

35. Farmers Market

Farmer’s markets are popular in both urban and rural communities and generally earn money from vendor fees.

36. Kitchen Supply Shop

food business ideas

Offer products for home chefs, from pots and pans to personalized cutting boards.

37. Nutrition Coach

Work with clients individually who want to improve their nutrition.

38. Personal Chef

Prepare meals for clients in their homes or businesses on an ongoing basis.

39. Wine Club

Start a monthly wine subscription to let customers try different flavors.

40. Tea Shop

Offer various teas in either a retail or online setting.

41. Cake Decorator

food business ideas

Create aesthetically pleasing cakes for weddings and other events.

42. Food Stylist

Help food magazines and event planners put together unique food displays.

43. Spice Shop

Offer various spices to help chefs and home cooks add flavor to their meals.

44. Dairy Farming Business

A dairy farm can simply sell milk to food producers or create a variety of dairy products under its own brand.

45. Specialty Cheese Market

Cheese is a popular specialty for a small retail shops.

46. Delivery-Only Restaurant

food business ideas

Start a restaurant that doesn’t need a large location by sticking with delivery and/or carry out services.

47. Produce Farm

Grow fruits, vegetables, and other types of produce to sell to retail outlets.

48. Pet Food Business

Offer gourmet pet food to those wanting to improve their furry friends’ nutrition.

49. Canning Business

Can fruits, vegetables, and other products to preserve their lifespan and sell them to shops or consumers.

50. Food Packaging Business

Offer packaging services to food businesses that want to sell in stores or online.

51. Food Branding and Design Service

food business ideas

Or focus on designing food packaging and branding elements for these brands.

52. U-Pick Farm

Some farms opt for a u-pick model where people can visit and pay for the opportunity to pick their own blueberries, pumpkins, or other items.

53. Herb Farm

Those with small spaces may instead grow herbs like basil and cilantro.

54. Fish Farm

Fish farming provides reliable access to seafood for food producers.

55. Mobile Bartending Service

Offer your services as a bartender for special events and pop-ups.

56. Olive Oil Supplier

food business ideas

Olive oil can be a high-end niche for a food retail business.

57. Restaurant Pop-Up Location

Offer a space for restaurants or chefs to host special events.

Start a vineyard or wine-tasting room where you offer wine and cheese for visitors.

59. Distillery

Alternatively, focus on distilled drinks like whiskey. Many of these businesses also offer food or special events.

60. Jerky Seller

Sell processed meats like beef jerky. Since this product is preserved, it can be sold either in stores or online.

61. Food Service Rentals

food business ideas

Rent out food service kiosks and machines for restaurants or special events. Think popcorn makers, cotton candy machines, and similar items.

62. Energy Drink Seller

Energy drinks are quite common and come in a huge array of flavors and styles.

63. Homemade Pasta Maker

Freshly made pasta is always in demand by both consumers and restaurants.

64. Food Wholesaler

If you have a large amount of any food product, consider selling it wholesale to grocery stores, restaurants, or other food businesses.

65. Sauce Production Company

There are tons of sauces to sell, from basic condiments to flavorful marinades.

66. Food Tourism Guide

food business ideas

Offer food tours or guides to people who visit your area.

67. Doughnut Shop

Doughnuts are popular both for breakfast and dessert. Unique flavor combinations can really make these businesses stand out.

68. Bagel Shop

A bagel shop is a tried and true food business idea that can work in nearly any market.

Delis may offer packaged meats and cheeses or prepared foods like soup and sandwiches.

70. Farm-to-Table Restaurant

A farm-to-table restaurant stands out by offering fresh ingredients straight from growers. You may even have your own farm or garden to source items.

71. Honey Producer

food business ideas

Honey comes from bees. So experienced beekeepers can use this hobby to offer a unique food product.

72. Cooking YouTube Channel

Start your own YouTube channel sharing recipes or reviews and earn income from ad-sharing revenue.

73. Food Mobile App

Launch a mobile app that helps people find recipes, restaurants, or other food-related options.

74. Meat Processor

A meat processing company takes large cuts of meat and turns them into packaged items ready for sale.

75. Cold Storage Facility

Cold storage is useful for businesses that need extra refrigerated or freezer space for fresh foods and beverages.

76. Food Transport Service

food business ideas

Many food companies also need refrigerated transportation options to get their products where they need to go.

77. Fine Dining Restaurant

Fine dining is one restaurant niche that provides a truly upscale experience with fresh ingredients and hand-crafted menu items.

A diner is another popular niche that focuses on comfort foods like breakfast and sandwiches.

79. Vegan Restaurant

Vegan restaurants or those that use mainly plant-based ingredients are becoming increasingly popular in many markets.

80. Gluten-Free Food Shop

Gluten-free restaurants, bakeries, and retail stores may also be popular with those who have an intolerance to this ingredient.

81. Allergy-Friendly Foods

food business ideas

There are also plenty of options for alternatives to common allergens. For example, SunButter offers a popular option for replacing peanut butter.

82. Online Foodie Community

Create an online membership community that people can join to share recipes and tips with one another.

83. Pizza Shop

Pizza shops are always in demand and can offer everything from delivery to artisan-crafted pizzas.

84. Home-Based Kitchen

A home-based kitchen can prepare various foods to sell to other businesses like restaurants and bakeries. This cuts down the startup costs, but you’ll likely still need approvals and inspections from your local health department.

85. Kitchen Rental Business

If you have a commercial kitchen, rent it out to chefs, caterers, and food businesses for a flat fee.

Choosing the Best Food Business Ideas: Our Methodology

For food business ideas, it’s important to focus on criteria that blend culinary artistry with practical business aspects. Here’s a comprehensive evaluation of key factors, each rated on a scale of importance:

  • Importance: Essential (10/10) The quality and uniqueness of the food offered are paramount in setting the business apart in a competitive market.
  • Importance: High (9/10) Understanding the specific tastes and preferences of the target market is crucial for the success of the food business.
  • Importance: High (9/10) Balancing cost efficiency with competitive pricing is key to maintaining profitability while attracting customers.
  • Importance: Essential (10/10) Adherence to health and safety regulations is non-negotiable to ensure customer trust and legal compliance.
  • Importance: Moderate to High (8/10) The business idea should have potential for growth, either through franchising, catering, or product line expansion.
  • Importance: High (9/10) A reliable and ethical supply chain for quality ingredients is crucial for consistency and sustainability.
  • Importance: High (9/10) Developing a strong brand identity and effective marketing strategies is vital for attracting and retaining customers.
  • Importance: High (9/10) Providing an exceptional customer experience, both in service and ambiance, enhances customer loyalty.
  • Importance: Moderate to High (8/10) Being innovative and adaptable to market trends and dietary preferences can give a competitive edge.
  • Importance: Moderate (7/10) Incorporating sustainable practices can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers and reduce operational costs.

The Food Industry Today

The food industry has changed dramatically since the COVID-19 pandemic began. With many traditional restaurants struggling, consumers are increasingly interested in delivery, carryout, and specialty food services.

Key Strategies for Success in the Food Business Industry

Understanding the market.

Identify Your Niche : With the vast array of food business ideas available, it’s crucial to identify a niche that not only interests you but also has a demand in the market. Research current food trends and consider how they align with your interests and expertise.

Know Your Target Audience : Understanding who your customers are, what they want, and where to find them is key to the success of your food business. Tailor your offerings and marketing strategies to appeal to your specific audience.

Building a Strong Brand

Develop a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) : What makes your food business stand out from the competition? Whether it’s a unique product, exceptional service, or a compelling story, your USP will be crucial in attracting and retaining customers.

Effective Branding and Marketing : Invest in quality branding that resonates with your target audience. Utilize both online and offline marketing strategies to reach potential customers. Social media, food blogs, local events, and partnerships can be powerful tools to boost your visibility.

Operational Excellence

Focus on Quality : Consistently offering high-quality products is non-negotiable in the food industry. Quality ingredients, preparation, and presentation will help build a loyal customer base.

Efficient Operations : Streamlining operations, from sourcing ingredients to delivering the final product, can help reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction. Consider using technology to enhance efficiency, such as inventory management systems or online ordering platforms.

Financial Management

Understand Your Costs : A clear understanding of your costs, including raw materials, labor, and overheads, is essential. This will help you price your products appropriately and manage your finances effectively.

Plan for Profitability : Develop a business plan that includes financial projections. Consider different revenue streams, such as catering or online sales, to diversify your income.

Compliance and Food Safety

Adhere to Regulations : Ensure that your food business complies with all local health and safety regulations. Obtaining the necessary permits and licenses is critical to operate legally and build trust with your customers.

Prioritize Food Safety : Implement and maintain high standards of food safety and hygiene. Regular training for staff and periodic reviews of food safety practices are essential.

Cooking Up Success in the Food Business

Starting and running a successful food business requires more than just a love for cooking or baking. It involves a deep understanding of the market, effective branding and marketing, operational efficiency, sound financial management, and strict adherence to regulations and food safety standards.

By focusing on these key areas, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success in the competitive food industry.

Whether you’re whipping up gourmet treats from your home kitchen or serving up culinary delights in a bustling restaurant, remember that the foundation of a successful food business lies in the quality of your offerings and your connection with your customers.

With passion, dedication, and a solid business strategy, your food venture can flourish into a delectable success.

food business ideas you could start in 2023

How much does it cost to start a food business?

The costs involved in starting a food business vary widely depending on your niche. Some online food business ideas like recipe blogging or restaurant reviewing may only require $100 or less. However, full-service restaurants and food processing businesses can cost $1 million or more.

Which food business is most profitable?

Profitability in the food business can vary significantly, often influenced by the type of food business, operational expenses, local competition, and consumer demand. Here are a few food business ideas that are known to potentially be profitable, provided they’re managed well:

  • Coffee Shops: Coffee shops are ubiquitous and typically have high-profit margins. They have a wide range of potential customers as coffee is a popular beverage worldwide. Additionally, some coffee shops also offer bakery items, sandwiches, and other food items which can further increase revenue.
  • Pizza Restaurants: Pizza restaurants are another type of food business with the potential for high profitability. They usually have a lower food cost as compared to other restaurant types and can serve a large number of customers efficiently.
  • Fast-Food Restaurant Franchises: The fast-food industry, especially when franchised, can offer considerable profits due to its broad customer base, quick service, and relatively low production costs.
  • Food Trucks: Food trucks have lower overhead costs than traditional restaurants as they don’t require a fixed location or extensive staff. If located in high-traffic areas or at popular events, food trucks can turn quite a profit.
  • Bakeries: High-demand bakery items like bread, pastries, cakes, and cookies can generate good profit margins, especially when sold in volume. Bakeries can also diversify their offerings with gluten-free or vegan options to attract a wider customer base.
  • Meal Prep & Delivery Services: With the rise of health consciousness and busy lifestyles, there’s a growing market for healthy, home-cooked meals. This type of business typically has low overhead costs, particularly if run from a home kitchen, and can target a wide range of customers.
  • Catering Services: Catering for events, parties, or corporate functions can also be a lucrative venture. Although it might require a more significant initial investment in equipment and staffing, the high volume of food sold at events can lead to substantial profits.
  • Ice Cream Shops: Ice cream shops can also turn a profit, especially in warmer climates or seasons. Like coffee shops, they have a broad customer base and can diversify with different flavors and dessert options.
  • Specialty Food Stores: Stores that offer unique or high-quality products (like gourmet chocolates, imported cheeses, or organic foods) can charge a premium, leading to potentially higher profits.
  • Breweries and Wineries: Craft beer and wine have seen a surge in popularity, and starting a brewery or winery can be a profitable venture, particularly if it includes an on-site tasting room.
  • Food Delivery Apps: As the digital age progresses, there’s a growing demand for food delivery services. By taking a commission from restaurants for every order placed through the app, these businesses can earn substantial profits.

However, it’s essential to remember that these business ideas are not guaranteed to be successful and profitable. Success in the food business industry largely depends on various factors such as location, quality of food, customer service, and effective marketing strategies.

What is the easiest food to sell?

There are many food products that can easily be mass-produced and sold at a high profit. For example, breakfast foods like eggs and pancakes tend to be easy to sell in large quantities. Baked goods, barbecue, and fried foods are also popular and easy to make.

What kind of food sells the best?

The top-selling foods in America include burgers, french fries, pizza, ice cream, donuts, and chicken tenders.

What foods can you sell from home?

Selling food from home can be an excellent way to start a business without investing heavily in a physical storefront or commercial kitchen. However, it’s crucial to ensure you’re following all local health department and food safety regulations before starting. Below are some examples of food items you could potentially sell from a home-based food business:

  • Jams and Jellies: Homemade jams, jellies, and preserves using locally sourced fruits can be a hit. Unique flavors or organic options can also give you a competitive edge.
  • Salsa and Hot Sauce: If you have a knack for creating delicious and unique salsa or hot sauce, these items can be packaged in jars and sold online or to local specialty food stores.
  • Bread: Artisanal bread is highly sought after. Different types like sourdough, whole grain, gluten-free, or specialty flavored bread can be quite successful.
  • Cookies, Brownies, and Other Baked Goods: If you have a talent for baking, consider selling cookies, brownies, pastries, or other treats. You could also consider specialized baked goods like gluten-free or vegan options.
  • Homemade Pasta: Fresh, homemade pasta is a luxury that many people are willing to pay for, and it’s relatively easy to produce in large quantities from home.
  • Cakes and Cupcakes: Customized cakes and cupcakes for birthdays, weddings, or other special occasions can be a lucrative business run from home.
  • Candies and Chocolates: Homemade candies and chocolates, especially during holiday seasons, can attract a lot of customers.
  • Pickles and Fermented Foods: Pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, and other fermented foods can be made and jarred at home.
  • Spices and Dried Herbs: If you grow herbs or have access to high-quality spices, you can create your own mixes and blends to sell.
  • Tea Blends: Similarly, creating and selling unique tea blends could attract tea enthusiasts.
  • Granola and Energy Bars: Healthy, homemade granola or energy bars can appeal to health-conscious customers or fitness enthusiasts.
  • Nut Butters: Almond butter, cashew butter, or other nut butters can be made and packaged from home.
  • Homebrewed Kombucha: Kombucha has become incredibly popular in recent years. If you’re experienced in brewing it, selling homebrewed kombucha could be a great business opportunity.
  • Pet Treats: Don’t forget about our four-legged friends! Homemade pet treats can be a big hit with pet owners, especially organic or specialized treats that cater to specific dietary needs.

It’s worth mentioning that the success of a home-based food business largely depends on the quality of the product, effective branding and packaging, and clever marketing. Also, be sure to thoroughly research local laws and regulations regarding selling food made at home, as these vary widely by location.

Conclusion: A Feast of Food Business Ideas

The diversity and flavor of the food industry.

  • Vibrant Opportunities: The food industry offers a range of ventures, from food trucks to bakeries.
  • Consumer-Driven Evolution: Changing preferences and the pandemic’s impact shape new trends like delivery and specialty foods.

Embarking on a Culinary Adventure

  • Exciting Times for Foodpreneurs: An array of opportunities for those with a passion for food and business.
  • Variety of Concepts: From gourmet food trucks to artisanal sweets, there’s a concept for every aspiring entrepreneur.

Starting Small and Scaling Up

  • Low Investment Ventures: Home-based businesses like jam-making or baking require minimal capital.
  • Growth Opportunities: For larger investments, consider coffee shops or catering services known for profitability.

Key Ingredients for Success

  • Beyond Food Choices: Success hinges on quality, customer service, marketing, and compliance with regulations.
  • Building a Brand: Establishing a loyal customer base and strong brand identity is crucial for long-term success.

Choosing Your Culinary Path

  • Potential in Every Idea: Each business idea offers unique opportunities to satisfy customers and generate income.
  • Your Decision, Your Journey: Select a path that aligns with your passion and entrepreneurial spirit.

The Dynamic World of Food Business

  • Creativity and Dedication: These qualities are essential for thriving in the diverse food industry.
  • Endless Possibilities: From home-based setups to full-scale restaurants, the food business world is full of opportunities.
  • Success Recipe: A blend of innovation, service excellence, and adaptability is key to prospering in the food industry.

In summary, the food business landscape is a realm of endless potential where passion, innovation, and dedication can lead to successful ventures. Whether it’s a small home-based operation or a larger establishment, the food industry presents a world of opportunities for entrepreneurs ready to explore their culinary dreams.

With the right approach and a commitment to excellence, your food business can emerge as a thriving and flavorful success story in this dynamic and ever-evolving industry.

Image: Envato Elements

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How to Start a Food Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

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For many food-lovers, the ultimate dream is to open up their own food business. What many people don’t realize in the beginning is that starting a food business is no easy feat. There’s a lot of business operational skills that are necessary to get started.

But the steps below can help you understand what you'll need to start a food business, and what you should consider before you jump in.

food business plan ideas

How to start a food business in 9 steps

Step 1: assess your skills.

If you’re reading this article, we can assume that you have a food business idea in mind that you’re interested in starting. That’s great! While interest is the number one step in starting a business, you also need to take a good hard look and assess your skills and assets before jumping into starting a business.

Passion can get you a long way, but when it comes to how to start a food business you’re also going to need hard work and business smarts. While many first-time business owners don’t know everything off the bat, they know how to seek out resources for help when they bump into something they don’t know how to do or don’t understand. That’s a lesson you should learn quickly.

While much of how to start a small food business consists of concrete steps such as choosing your business structure and finding funding, there’s also the soul-searching question: Are you willing and capable to do this?

Before you start, take a moment to write down your strengths, consider your support network, and brainstorm your resources—better yet, research what resources are available to you.

Operating a food business means you’ll need to grapple with:

Hiring and firing employees

Buying from suppliers

Creating a menu

Real estate

Purchasing equipment

And so much more...

With that debate over with, it’s time to talk about the more nitty-gritty, concrete details of how to start a food business.

How much do you need?

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Step 2: Create a business plan

A business plan can have multi-fold benefits for your small food business. This is a great way to get your thoughts and plans on paper, which can be useful for you to refer back to you during the process of starting and operating your business. A business plan can also be beneficial if you’re looking for funding to start your food business.

SCORE offer great resources to help you write a business plan for your food business. It can seem intimidating to make one, but if you’re researching how to start a food business, it’s likely that you already have a lot of great thoughts to contribute to your plan. Below are a few of the steps you’ll need to take while creating a business plan.

1. Create a business budget

One of the most important parts of your business plan, especially if you’re seeking funding, is the business budget.

A business budget will include looking at all the costs you’ll need to cover to begin operation of your business, what funds you’ll need to operate the business once it’s up and running, and a more long-term look at how your business will make money and how much money you expect to make.

A few examples of the costs you’ll incur and what you need to consider while starting a food business include:

What type of food business you’re starting

Cost of employees and management team

Initial investment in food product

Design for a physical space

2. Study your competitors

As you’re putting together your business plan, you need to start looking at and assessing your competitors. The food industry is very competitive and many markets are saturated. Before you go any further in starting your small food business, you need to know who else is out there and what they’re doing.

As you’re finding your competitors, make sure to be assessing what they do well and where they’re lacking. That will tell you where there’s a hole that you can fill with your business.

This is also a great time to be looking at prices and assessing the cost of doing business and the reality of how much money you’ll be able to make.

3. Find a hole in the market

The ideal situation for starting a food business is to find a hole in the market. Where is there customer desire that no one else is filling? And just because no one is doing it, doesn’t mean there’s customer desire—to turn a profit, customers have to want it and be willing to buy it.

Finding a hole in the market will help you to decide what kind of food you want to sell and how you want to sell it. There are a variety of options to choose from when it comes to how to sell your food including:

Meal delivery

Baked goods sold to other food establishments

In-home food business

Wedding and special event catering

4. Choose a concept

When starting a food business, it’s important to decide what type of food business you want to have. The main options include: a brick-and-mortar restaurant, a food truck, and a home-based catering business.

Each of these options is a viable way to start and operate your business. You might choose to start with one type of operation in the hopes of moving to another one eventually. A food truck and home-based catering business both have complications, but tend to require less capital to get started than a full-fledged brick and mortar restaurant.

Step 3: Set up your business

Once you’ve studied your market, you know where there’s a hole that needs to be filled, and you’ve taken some time to create a business plan, you’re ready to take the first steps toward starting your food business.

1. Choose a business entity

The first step in setting up your food business is to choose a business entity. There are a few different choices and depending on your circumstances, one or the other will be right for your business.

The most common business entity for small food businesses are sole proprietorships, LLCs, and co-ops. Other business entity options includes partnerships, S-corporations, and C-corporations.

Sole proprietorship

One of the most straight-forward business structures available is the sole proprietorship. While a sole proprietorship is simple (and popular among food establishments), it’s also limited in protection. If someone gets sick eating your food and wished to do so, instead of suing your business, they’d have to sue you—and they could go after your personal assets as compensation.

An LLC is one step up from a sole proprietorship. An LLC or limited liability corporation is a legal business entity that separates the business from the owner. An LLC limits a business owner’s personal liability for the business. An LLC also provides businesses with tax efficiency and remains uncomplicated as to ownership structure, so it’s ideal for a food business owner who wants to be somewhat protected, but still have some flexibility when it comes to paying taxes.


A cooperative, which is more commonly known as a co-op, is a business structure that is formed and owned by multiple people. Each member or owner of the business owns a portion of the business. Co-ops are one of the most collaborative business types available and are very common among food operations, especially food production facilities, grocery stores, and farmers markets.

Choosing the right business structure for your future food business can be confusing and initially seem complicated. But, if you start your business and decide you’ve chosen the wrong structure, you can certainly change it. If that sounds like a headache, though, you can consult with a business attorney to help you decide which structure is right for your business.

2. Register your business

If your business is going to employ others, it’s recommended that you register for an EIN, or a federal employee identification number, from the IRS. If you apply online, you can get one in a matter of minutes. An EIN helps you get business loans, manage your taxes, open a business bank account, and more, so this step is highly recommended.

You’ll also probably need to register your business with the state you’re operating in. Rules for how to do this exactly vary by state, and even county, but generally this information can be found on your state’s Secretary of State website. You should do a business name search before registering your business to make sure your desired name isn’t already taken by another business in your area.

3. Register for all required licenses

One of the most important steps in starting a food business is to make sure that you’re legally licensed to prepare and sell food. There are many different certifications and licenses that are necessary for food businesses.

It’s also important to note that what licenses you need will depend upon what type of food establishment your opening, whether or not you’ll be selling alcohol, and where you’re located. Different local jurisdictions can have slightly different requirements for food establishments.

Here are some types of licenses and certifications you might need for your food business:

A food handling permit

A Certificate of Occupancy or CO for your restaurant

A liquor license or beer and wine license to sell alcohol

A food license to make and sell food out of your home

A resale license to be able to buy ingredients at wholesale

No matter what type of food business you’re starting, you’re going to need some permits and licenses. Your local government office should be able to help you figure out exactly which licenses you need for your type of business.

4. Get insurance

As a business that employs workers and has a physical location which hosts customers, you need certain types of insurance to make sure your business is covered in any situation. You might consider:

General liability insurance

Auto insurance for business vehicles

Workers’ compensation

Commercial property insurance

Mobile food vendor insurance

5. Separate your finances

No matter what type of business entity you’ve chosen for your business, it’s important to separate your personal finances from the business finances. This makes figuring out your taxes and expenses much easier.

When you start your small food business, simply start a second bank account for your business. This can be done with the institution you use for your personal banking, but if you want to switch things up, there are some newer banks allow you to open a business checking account online.

And, if you choose to, you can also get a separate credit card that’s used only for business purposes. If you use a business credit card , you’ll be able to build up your business credit (assuming you use it responsible and pay off your bills on time), which can ultimately help you secure a business loan down the line.

Step 4: Look for funding options

When you’re thinking about how to start a food business, one of the major concerns can be the funds you need to get started. The initial investment in a business can be costly and it can take months, even years, before a business is profitable.

To get started, many new food businesses ask for funding from investors, seek out loans, or ask for help from friends and family. Bank loans are one option for funding, though banks typically are hesitant to lend to first-time business owners. There are also alternate lenders you can look into.

1. Equipment loans

An equipment loan is a great option if you need to be expensive equipment for your restaurant or are looking at buying a food truck. An equipment loan is simple: You receive a loan to buy the equipment and the equipment serves as collateral. Meaning if you don’t pay back the loan, the equipment can be repossessed as payment.

This type of loan is easier to get than other types of loans.

2. Friends and family loans

If you’re starting up a food business, who better to get involved and help you out then your friends and family? If you’re saving up to get your business up and running, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Just make sure to write down a loan agreement with your lender and then to stick to it.

3. Line of credit

A line of credit is a fantastic option for someone starting a food business. A line of credit gives you access to a pool of funds. You can borrow from that fund and up to the limit of that fund anytime you need. This is a great option for a business that’s a little cash-strapped for short periods of time.

4. SBA microloan

For food businesses looking to start up a food truck business or for a restaurant that just needs a little extra cash to get going, there’s the SBA microloan. An SBA microloan is a loan of up to $50,000 that the Small Business Administration guarantees. A loan from the SBA is considered the best loan on the market due to its low interest rates and flexible repayment terms.

Step 5: Invest in product and tools

When it comes to how to start a food business, you need more than just cash and business entity to make your dream a reality: You need equipment, food supplies, and something to sell it all on.

1. Research suppliers

One of the most important relationships you form as a food business owner is with your suppliers. Your suppliers are the businesses who make sure you get the food and products you need to keep your business going.

If there’s a restaurant in your area that has closed recently, you might be able to buy their equipment or furnishings for cheap, or take on extra stock they had saved up. Your food can often be sourced locally and trade publications or professional organizations, like the National Restaurant Association, can be helpful.

Find trustworthy, reliable suppliers to make sure you’re always getting your supplies on time and for the best price. Where you source your food from can also be a selling point for your food business, since sustainable companies have become more attractive to customers recently.

2. Point of sale system

A point of sale system, or POS, is the modern version of a cash register. The POS is how your waitstaff takes down orders, charges customers, and receives payment from customers.

There are many restaurant POS systems available on the market that offer enhanced usability for your staff, including:

Square for Restaurants

TouchBistro POS

Lightspeed Restaurant POS

Loyverse POS

Some, like Square, can be great for mobile companies since you only need a card reader to do business if you have a compatible phone or tablet you can use. Others, like TouchBistro, are better for full-service restaurants that might benefit from a POS that also offers tools for customer and floor planning management. The best POS system for you will depend on your food business’s needs.

» MORE: Best POS systems for food trucks

3. Buy or rent necessary supplies

Before your restaurant can open the doors to customers, there are a lot of supplies you need to make sure the restaurant is outfitted to be inviting to customers, serving up good food, and making money for you.

Aside from your POS system, here are some examples of supplies you might need:

Kitchen appliances

Cold storage

Flatware and utensils

Furnishing for the restaurant

Cleaning supplies

Some of these you can buy in bulk, but depending on the mobility of your food business, you might want to consider renting equipment—which might work out cheaper for you. As an example, if you run a catering business, you might not need to own tons of flatware and utensils just yet. Renting on a case-by-case trial will save you money and help you understand what a practical order might be when you’re actually ready to buy.

Step 6: Hire staff

Depending on what type of food business you’re starting, you may or may not need help. But, even the smallest establishment usually hires an extra set of hands to increase production. Who you hire and how many people you hire will all depend upon your needs. For example, a food truck probably can’t fit many employees, but a large-scale restaurant will require more employees to keep the floor running smoothly.

Some examples of staff you might need include: delivery drivers, hosts, waiters, dishwashers, bartenders, and busboys. Make sure you factor hiring staff into your business plan, since you may be required to take on added costs, like purchasing workers compensation, for them.

Step 7: Set your pricing

One of the most important steps in how to start a food business is setting your pricing. Without the right price on your food products, it will be impossible to make money.

1. Do market research

One of the first steps in figuring out what you should charge for certain foods is to do market research. Go to your competitors to see what they’re serving, what their portion sizes are, and how much they’re charging.

This gives you a starting place to assess the right price for food, but it’s only a starting point. While it gives you an idea, it doesn’t give you insight into whether that business is making money or not.

You should also be mindful of emerging food trends and what that says about consumer priorities. For example, the wellness trends in food indicate that your business might do well if there’s a health-conscious market you’re able to tap into and you’re able to sell them on the health benefits of your food products.

2. Price out the cost of your product

While it’s not easy, it is possible to calculate the total cost of a dish. You’ll have to be mindful of all the tiny ingredients that go into a dish, including oil, seasonings, and garnishes. This can seem like a lot, but there are actually a number of formulas and measurements professional kitchens use to determine these figures, so be sure to study up.

Then, with a little magic and math, you’ll be able to price your product accordingly, so that you make a small profit from it, even when including the cost of labor to make, serve, and clean up the dish.

Step 8: Create an online presence

While you might think that a food business is all about food—and it is—you also need to get customers in the door and eating your food. The food industry is notoriously difficult to break into. For example, 85% of consumer packaged goods products fail within the first two years. One important step to avoiding that fate is establishing your online presence and nurturing your consumer base.

1. Social media

While food is all about the taste, many diners shop with their eyes. If you want to establish an online presence for your food business, one of the fastest ways to do that is through social media.

Instagram is a food business’s best friend. Post delicious-looking pictures of your food and customers will want to try it. Make sure you interact with consumers and encourage them to see you as a company that will be responsive to their needs.

While not every food business has a website, this can be a way to establish your credibility as a business. A website can be a place to post information for customers including menus, restaurant hours, and specials. There are a number of ways to build your small food business website, so it’s easier than ever to either sell products online or add helpful features like reservation widgets to your site.

3. Online review sites

While many a food business owner loathes review sites, it’s a necessary evil for those who have restaurants, catering businesses, and food trucks. According to a TripAdvisor survey, 94% of U.S. diners will consult online reviews before trying a restaurant. That’s the vast majority of diners. As a food business owner, you can hate the sites as much as you want, but you need to have a presence. Try offering a free perk to incentivize customers to leave reviews.

Step 9: Serve up delicious foods

When you’re thinking about how to start a small food business, the big draw is, obviously, the food. What you’ll cook, how it will taste to the diners, and what seasonal changes you’ll make to the menu. Owning a food business is only partly about the food, though—there’s also a ton of time spent on operating and managing the business. Study up to ensure success.

But, make sure you’re just as dedicated to serving up delicious foods!


Start Your Dream Business

Final thoughts

There are a wide array of food businesses you can start and competition will be tough. To help you get a leg up, make sure you consult these nine steps for starting a food business. If you pay attention to foundational steps, like creating a solid business plan and registering for all licenses you might need, you’ll put yourself in a good place for your food business to grow. So, refine that menu and get ready to feed the masses. With a little elbow grease and planning, there’s nothing you can’t do.

This article originally appeared on JustBusiness, a subsidiary of NerdWallet.

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One blue credit card on a flat surface with coins on both sides.


14 tasteful food business ideas to satisfy your entrepreneurial appetite

  • Nirit Braun
  • Dec 10, 2023
  • 13 min read

food business ideas

Starting a food business can be a rewarding venture, but it's important to carefully research and plan your idea to ensure its success and profitability. There are many types of food businesses to consider starting and the one you decide on will depend largely on your experience, expertise as well as available resources and amount of startup capital.

In order to help you choose the right one, we’ve put together 45 varied food business ideas to inspire all potential business owners when it comes to starting a business .

14 food business ideas to start today

If you're a food enthusiast with dreams of running your own culinary venture, we've got you covered with these 14 delectable food business ideas. Whether it's a food truck, restaurant, or a food blog, these tasty options will help you turn your passion into a successful business.

1. Food truck

2. Restaurant

3. Coffee shop

4. Food delivery service

5. Event catering

6. Food stall or kiosk

8. Food subscription box service

9. Food blog

10. Frozen food service

11. cooking classes, 12. food pop-up experience, 13. specialty food store, 14. food prep service, 01. food truck.

Starting a food truck business is a popular food business idea as demand for unique (and 'Instagrammable') eating experiences has grown in recent years. They can be a good food business idea to consider as they typically have lower startup and operational costs compared to traditional brick-and-mortar restaurants. You don’t have to invest in a permanent location or commit to expensive lease agreements or extensive renovations.

Learn more: Mobile business ideas

Running a food truck means the flexibility to explore various cuisines and quickly adapt to market shifts, from changing tastes to seasonal ingredients. Yet, it comes with challenges like maintenance, mobility constraints, weather impacts and sometimes fierce competition. To succeed, thorough research, a unique concept and compliance with local regulations are key for aspiring food truck entrepreneurs.

Tip: How to create a food truck business plan

Food truck examples for you to explore:

Bethany Food Trucks

The Pop-Up Truck Knox

02. Restaurant

Opening a restaurant can be a fulfilling food business idea, offering a canvas for your culinary creativity and skills. However, success demands more than just a love for cooking. To thrive and make money as a chef, you'll need to diversify revenue streams with dine-in, takeout, catering and events while prioritizing excellent food and service to cultivate loyal patrons.

Tip: Learn how to create a restaurant business plan

Running a restaurant is a rewarding but demanding venture. It can involve high startup costs, fierce competition, long hours, staffing challenges, fluctuating expenses and changing customer preferences. To succeed, you'll need careful planning, market research, culinary skills, excellent customer service and an understanding of local regulations.

Be inspired: Restaurant names

Restaurant examples to help get you started:

Market on Front

Yang’s Place

Learn more about starting and running a restaurant business with Wix .

03. Coffee shop

Another popular business idea is starting a coffee shop . This is due to a rise in demand for coffee shops as they’ve become integral to our daily routines and places for people to meet, socialize and work. T

Coffee shops offer a diverse menu, including espresso-based drinks, brewed coffee and specialty beverages, accommodating a wide range of customer preferences. Many coffee shops also supplement their offerings with pastries and food items, boosting revenue and attracting more patrons.

Notably, coffee businesses tend to have favorable profit margins, especially in comparison to other food and beverage ventures. By effectively managing pricing and costs, you can establish a year-round, profitable enterprise.

Tip: Learn how to create a coffee shop business plan

Starting a coffee shop holds promise as a food business idea, but it comes with challenges like competition, location, regulations and operational efficiency. A coffee shop's success hinges on factors such as coffee quality, customer service, ambiance and branding.

Coffee business examples:

Pelicano Coffee

Yiayia’s Coffee House

Cool Wave Coffee

04. Food delivery service

Starting a food delivery service is a potentially profitable business idea, driven by the increasing demand for convenient dining options, especially through online ordering and food delivery apps. By combining great food with this trend, you can create a successful venture.

A food delivery business caters to a diverse customer base, including busy professionals, families, students and home diners. You can tailor your menu to suit local tastes or offer something new. Notably, this business often comes with lower startup and operational costs compared to traditional restaurants and you can even start from a home kitchen.

Learn more: Service business ideas , How to make money as a server

Moreover, you can explore additional revenue streams like subscription models, meal kits and catering services. However, it's crucial to be aware of challenges, such as fierce competition, efficient delivery logistics, maintaining food quality during transit and ensuring customer satisfaction. Compliance with local regulations and health codes is also essential for food delivery businesses.

Famous food delivery service examples include DoorDash, Uber Eats and Postmates.

Get your food business up and running with a business website .

05. Event catering

Event catering can be a rewarding food business idea if planned and operated well. Event catering can cover a wide range of events including weddings, corporate meetings, conferences, parties, holiday celebrations and more.

If you provide excellent service and high-quality food, satisfied customers are likely to hire you for future events or recommend your services to others. This can lead to repeat business and a thriving business.

Event catering as a business idea allows for a high degree of customization. You can tailor menus, service styles and themes to meet the specific needs and preferences of each client.

It also allows for flexibility in terms of when you work, as events can occur throughout the year. This can help mitigate some of the seasonal impacts seen in other food businesses.

Tip: Learn how to start a catering business and create a catering business plan

Event catering, while promising, comes with challenges like staff training, logistics and equipment requirements, all amidst managing customer expectations and ensuring food safety during transit. Success relies on a well-structured business plan, ongoing marketing efforts and effective customer relationship management.

Event catering business examples to explore:

Riversong Gourmet

Billy D’s BBQ and Catering

06. Food stall or kiosk

Starting a food stall or kiosk can be a smart food business idea due to its lower upfront costs and quicker setup than traditional restaurants. You can strategically position these in high-traffic locations, like busy streets or events, targeting specific customer groups.

Operating expenses, including rent and staffing, are typically lower, as many owners handle initial work themselves. If your stall thrives, you can expand or transition to a food truck or restaurant.

However, success depends on factors like location, menu, pricing, food quality and marketing. Research your target market, analyze the competition and create a solid business plan to boost your chances of success.

Starting a bakery business can be a fulfilling food business idea to get off the ground for several reasons. If you have a genuine love for baking, starting a bakery business allows you to turn your passion into a creative career. You can choose to bake and sell a wide range of products including bread, pastries, cakes and cookies. Or specialize only on one, like unique decorated cookies or cupcakes.

Bakeries often provide custom cakes and pastries for diverse celebrations, making it accessible to a wide customer base. You can begin a bakery at home and gradually expand, keeping startup costs minimal.

However, it's essential to acknowledge the challenges, including competition, fluctuating ingredient prices, demanding hours and the necessity of effective marketing and branding to grow your bakery.

Tip: Learn how to create a bakery business plan

Real-life bakery business examples to check out:

Diller Delights

Get Whisked

08. Food subscription box service

A subscription box business involves sending curated or customized products to subscribers on a regular basis, typically monthly. Subscribers pay a recurring fee to receive these boxes, which often contain food items related to a specific theme, niche or interest. The goal is to offer convenience and a unique experience for customers by providing them with a selection of products they might not have found otherwise. For example, you might offer homemade jams or subscription boxes containing baking ingredients and recipes to follow. One of the most well-known examples of a food subscription business is HelloFresh .

Starting a food subscription business can be a profitable venture as generally, subscriptions provide a predictable and stable source of income. This in turn can help business owners plot a more accurate timeline to profitability for a business. At the same time, once you've acquired a subscriber, the cost of retaining them is often lower compared to the cost of acquiring new customers for each sale.

Clever Chefs caterers started selling food boxes during the Covid-19 pandemic via their online store. But they've proven so popular they planned to keep them going.

"Initially we opened an online store to keep business coming in, since weddings and events were canceled, but it's been a great way to get our name out there and provide for our clients," says Nick Collins, Clever Chefs founder.

A food subscription business is a type of eCommerce business that can be started and promoted online through an eCommerce site . This can make it much easier to manage orders, coordinate payments and track deliveries.

Some of the challenges most usually associated with this type of food business idea include maintaining high-quality food products, managing customer expectations and providing excellent customer service. Subscription box businesses operate in a competitive space and business owners need to be aware of this when planning their business.

09. Food blog

Another food business idea to consider is starting a food blog . Through a food blog, food bloggers share their culinary experiences, recipes, food-related stories, restaurant reviews, cooking tips and other food-related content. The idea is to create and publish written content, photographs and videos to engage with a food-interested audience.

Learn more: Businesses to start with little money

Food blogs can generate income through various avenues, including ads, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, selling digital products (cookbooks, meal plans) and partnerships with brands or restaurants.

Tip: Learn how to start a blog with the Wix blog maker

Starting a blog also allows you to connect with other food enthusiasts, chefs and industry professionals, which can lead to collaborations, sponsorships and new business and cooking opportunities. It’s also one of the most flexible food business ideas on our list, allowing you to run a business from anywhere with an internet connection.

Learn more: Online business ideas

Then your food blog grows in popularity, you can expand how you make money from your blogging by developing related ventures such as cooking classes, food photography, or consulting services.

Building a successful food blog requires time, effort and commitment. Competition in the food blogging niche is fierce and it can take time to establish your online presence and gain a substantial following. Effective content creation, an SEO strategy and a strong social media presence are crucial for promoting your blog.

Some great food blog examples include:

Recipe Discover

LA Foodie Panda

Journal of a Functional Foodie

Be inspired: Food blog name ideas

Starting a frozen food business involves the production, distribution or retail of frozen food products. Different foods are typically prepared, packaged and frozen for extended shelf life and convenience. Examples include frozen fruits and vegetables, frozen meals and frozen desserts. You can also then choose to specialize in a specific niche within the frozen food industry - such as organic frozen foods, gourmet frozen meals or specialty frozen desserts - or taking a different route by starting a food prep business .

In general, starting a frozen food business can be a profitable one as there is a consistent demand for frozen food products as they offer convenience and a longer shelf life. This also means you can keep inventory for longer periods of time, without worrying about food waste or loss of profits.

There are also growth opportunities to scale a frozen food business by expanding into supplying frozen food products to restaurants, caterers and schools where the order sizes are much larger and regular.

It’s important to be aware of the challenges associated with starting and running a frozen food business. These include competition, product quality and safety, supply chain logistics, regulatory compliance and marketing to establish your brand and attract customers.

Cooking classes, either run online or in-person are a fun and interesting food business idea to start. In-person classes can also be run from your home, to keep start-up costs low and easy to manage.

Learn more: Low-cost business ideas

Cooking classes can be designed to cater to a wide target market, from beginners looking to learn the basics of cooking to advanced enthusiasts seeking to master specific cuisines or techniques. You can plan classes depending on your own cooking skills and experience.

Classes can also be tailored to various niches, to cover diverse global cuisines, dietary preferences such as vegan or gluten-free and specific culinary skills from baking to grilling,

This is also a food business that can be scaled once it proves profitable. From running different types of classes to publishing your own recipe books and designing your own cooking and kitchen equipment to private cooking events, there are many ways to grow cooking classes into a bigger venture.

A food pop-up experience is a temporary and often unconventional dining event or establishment where chefs, cooks, or food entrepreneurs serve their dishes or products for a limited time in a unique or non-traditional location. These events can take various forms, such as food trucks, stalls at farmers' markets, short-term restaurant takeovers or one-time culinary events. They can be good small food business ideas for several reasons.

Operating a pop-up typically requires fewer overhead costs compared to a traditional restaurant or food establishment. Since they are temporary, you don’t need to commit to long-term leases or invest in a permanent space. You also have the flexibility to choose when and where you want to set up your pop-up, allowing you to cater to different demographics or events based on your goals.

Pop-ups also provide an opportunity to test your food concept, men and target audience without making a long-term commitment. You can experiment with different offerings and gather valuable feedback perhaps with the aim of starting a restaurant or bigger food business one day.

Learn more: Pop-up shop ideas

They also allow for creativity and innovation in your culinary endeavors. You can create unique themes, limited-time menus and one-of-a-kind dining experiences that can generate buzz and excitement. This kind of food business idea can also help you build a loyal customer base and generate a following for your brand. Satisfied customers may become repeat patrons and help spread the word about your food.

Keep in mind that while food pop-ups offer numerous advantages, they also come with challenges, such as securing suitable locations, complying with regulations and managing the logistics of setting up and breaking down.

A specialty food store is a retail establishment that focuses on offering a selection of high-quality, unique and often hard-to-find food products. These stores cater to consumers looking for distinctive, gourmet or niche food items that may not be readily available in conventional supermarkets. Specialty food stores can take many forms, including cheese shops, wine boutiques, spice shops, chocolate shops, olive oil stores and more.

Why are they a good food business idea? Well, offering specialty and hard-to-find food items sets your store apart from mainstream supermarkets. At the same time specialty food stores often have strong, distinct branding that resonates with customers who appreciate a particular type of cuisine, ingredient or food culture. Customers seek out these stores for the novelty and quality of the products and often become loyal customers too.

Specialty food stores can become integral parts of their communities, hosting events, tastings and classes that foster a sense of community and customer engagement. You can collaborate with local food producers, artisans and other businesses to offer exclusive products or host joint events, creating mutually beneficial partnerships.

Many specialty food stores can complement their physical business with online sales, expanding their customer base beyond their local area.

Learn more about Wix Online Stores

A food prep business , also known as a meal prep business or meal preparation service, is an enterprise that provides pre-made or partially prepared meals to customers. These businesses typically focus on convenience and saving customers time and effort in their meal planning and cooking.

This can be a profitable food business idea to start because it can be relatively easy to start from home and scale by offering more meal options, expanding delivery areas or partnering with gyms, offices, or other businesses for bulk orders. For this reason, many food prep businesses use a subscription model, which can provide a steady stream of revenue and build customer loyalty.

Compared to traditional restaurants, food prep businesses often have lower overhead costs as they don't require dine-in facilities, extensive kitchen staff, or the infrastructure needed for full-service dining.

However competition can be fierce in this industry, so differentiating your offerings and providing exceptional customer service will be key to success. Additionally, consider the logistics of sourcing ingredients, packaging, delivery and pricing to ensure your business model is sustainable and profitable.

Food prep business examples to explore:

Fresh Preps Concepts

Meals by Carrie

Meal Prep by Cort

food business ideas - one of top ten most popular small business ideas in us

Other business ideas to consider starting:

Small town business ideas

Dropshipping business ideas

Tea dropshipping

Coffee dropshipping

Craft business ideas

How to start a food business in 5 steps

Starting a food business can be a rewarding endeavor but it also involves careful planning. Here are five essential steps to help you get started:

01. Research and planning

Identify your target audience and understand their preferences and needs. Analyze the local and broader market to determine the demand for your food product or service.

Create a unique and appealing concept for your food business. Consider what type of cuisine or food you want to offer, the pricing strategy and any special features that will set you apart from competitors.

Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your business goals, financial projections, marketing strategy and operational plan. A well-crafted business plan is essential for securing funding and guiding your business's growth.

02. Legal requirements

Choose the legal structure for your business, such as sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC or corporation. Each has its own tax and liability implications.

Learn more: How to register a business

Before launching your food business, secure essential permits, licenses and comply with food safety regulations, including proper training and certification. Don't forget to invest in suitable insurance coverage for your business, such as liability and property insurance.

03. Location and equipment

Select a suitable location for your food business, if necessary, considering factors such as foot traffic, accessibility and proximity to suppliers. This decision is crucial, especially for brick-and-mortar establishments. Then plan and source the necessary equipment and supplies for your business, such as kitchen appliances, utensils, furniture and packaging materials.

04. Branding and marketing

Create a memorable and appealing brand identity for your food business, including a name, logo and consistent visual and verbal branding elements.

"When I ask my clients why they chose us over our competitors, they usually say it's because of our website," Nick Collins of CleverChefs says. "I think they can really feel our passion through the way we connect with them and stand out as a creative catering company."

Learn more: How to build a website , How to make an eCommerce website

Craft a marketing plan encompassing online strategies, social media, local ads and word-of-mouth referrals. Tailor your menu to attract your target audience and establish a pricing strategy that aligns with your costs, competition and market needs.

05. Financial management

Secure funding through personal savings, loans, investors or grants. Establish an efficient accounting system to manage finances and inventory. Remember that requirements for starting a food business can vary by location and type, so consult legal authorities and seek guidance from industry mentors or advisors to ensure compliance with laws and best practices.

Learn more: How to raise money for a business

Other business ideas to be inspired by

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How to Write a Food and Beverage Business Plan + Sample Business Plan PDF

Author: Elon Glucklich

Elon Glucklich

7 min. read

Updated May 10, 2024

Free Download: Sample Food and Beverage Business Plan Templates

The food and beverage sector is booming. Restaurant openings rose 10% in 2023 compared to 2022 — even higher than in pre-pandemic years.

From fine dining to food trucks, farmers to brewers, and wholesalers to coffee makers, there are opportunities across the food and beverage industry. 

But starting a business without covering the basics — your operations plan, marketing tactics, financial strategy, and more — carries huge risks. 

That’s why we recommend you write a business plan.

  • Why write a food and beverage business plan?

Writing a business plan is an easy first step that you can start for free. Plus, businesses that take time to plan are significantly more successful than those that don’t.

Many food and beverage establishments fail because of one of the following:

  • Poor inventory management
  • Underestimated expenses
  • High employee turnover
  • Misjudged the size of their market

Writing a business plan can help you:

  • Develop processes for managing inventory and logistics
  • Understand your cash flows and create a realistic expense budget
  • Budget for competitive employee pay that increases worker retention
  • Analyze your competition and determine how big your market is  

If you’re looking for funding from investors for your business, you’ll definitely need a business plan.

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  • How to write a food and beverage business plan

Many business plans follow a standard format and you can use it as a starting point when writing your own plan. Here’s what that includes:

Executive summary

  • Company summary and funding needs
  • Products and services
  • Marketing plan
  • Management team

Financial plan

For food and beverage companies, you must give extra attention to your market analysis, operations plan, and financial forecasts.

If you’re ready to start, download a free business plan template and fill it out as you read this article.

A sample business plan outline for a food and beverage business.

Every business plan should include an executive summary . It’s a brief outline summarizing the plan, no more than one or two pages.

We recommend that you write the executive summary last after fleshing out the details of your plan. 

Just summarize the vision for your business, describe your offerings and target market , and touch on your management team and financials. Don’t go into tons of detail — just provide a high-level sense of what you want your business to accomplish.

Opportunity: problem and solution

This section of your food and beverage business plan describes the opportunity you hope to capture.

Maybe you’re a farmer looking to diversify your revenue streams by distributing to grocery stores. Or a bar owner with high-end liquor that competitors in the market aren’t serving. 

Whatever your business is, describe the gap in the market and how you aim to fill it.

If you’re operating a more common type of business, like a restaurant , you can probably keep this section short. But it’s useful to document what makes your business unique and it will help focus your sales and marketing efforts later on.

Market analysis

In a field as crowded with competitors as the food and beverage space, a detailed market analysis is essential. 

Your focus should be on identifying the specific customer segments you aim to serve. 

Maybe you’re a butcher with connections to fresh livestock. Will you be more successful selling directly to consumers, or should you focus on selling to grocery stores and markets in your area?

Or, you’re opening  a diner. Should your menu focus on healthy meals or easy-to-make child-friendly options?

These are the types of questions that market research helps you answer. This section should detail the defining characteristics of your target market, including the demographics and preferences of your ideal customer and the size of the market you’re targeting. Market research questions specific to a food and beverage business could include:

  • Business location and characteristics
  • Area income
  • Local food and beverage preferences
  • Existing food and beverage options 

Elaborate on how your food and beverage offerings align with that target market ’s needs. Remember, you can’t please everyone, so focus on a specific group of people or type of person and build out from there.

Marketing and sales

For food and beverage businesses promotions are how you stand out and seize a share of your market.

The marketing and advertising chapter of your business plan is where you’ll detail your strategies for capturing the attention — and loyalty — of the customers you identified as your target market in the previous section.

With so many options for consumers in the food and beverage space, you’ll likely have to rely on multiple marketing channels , including::

  • Advertising on websites, television, and in relevant publications.
  • Content marketing — developing an engaging website and writing blog content that’s search engine optimized to drive traffic to your site.
  • Engaging with your customers on social media.
  • Offering discounts and customer loyalty programs.
  • Appearing at food and beverage industry trade shows and community events.

It doesn’t matter how delicious your recipes are, how fresh your crops are, or how innovative your cocktails are — if you don’t operate efficiently, your business probably won’t last long.

The operations strategy may be the most detailed section of your business plan, especially if you’re writing it for a bank loan or investment. This section describes how you will run your business day to day.

When writing the operations section, describe the following:

Physical space

Whether it’s a restaurant, a farm, or a food transportation business, describe the space you’re operating in, and all of the physical assets and equipment you’ll need to be successful. 

If it’s a sit-down restaurant, consider including a floorplan mockup in your appendix.

Supply chain 

List the suppliers and partners that get your product to customers. Think about the businesses you purchase ingredients from, the warehouses that goods are stored in, and the trucking companies that deliver your products to grocery stores. 

These are your supply chain partners. It’s crucial that you maintain good relationships with them.

Production processes

How long it takes to make your product, and what materials and equipment are required. Documenting how you produce your goods or services demonstrates that you understand the costs of making them. 

You may also uncover ways to produce them more quickly, or at a lesser cost.

Detail how you’ll handle matters of efficiency like order fulfillment, storage, shipping, and returns, as well as customer satisfaction. If you provide delivery services, document how you will handle the process of getting your product to customers’ homes or businesses.

List your staffing needs, training, and experience requirements for key staff. Also, document the management structure of your business. 

This helps ensure that important tasks you don’t have time to monitor are being done and that workers are being supervised.

Describe investments in payment processing systems, inventory management software, and other tools that support sales or operations in your business. Cataloging your technology systems will help you determine where it might make sense to invest in upgrades for efficiency.

Take some time to write a financial plan . Create detailed financial projections, including sales , expenses , and profitability .

If that sounds intimidating, take a deep breath, and remember that financial forecasts are really just best guesses. If you’re running an existing business, you can start with your previous year’s numbers. If you’re starting, make an educated guess about where you hope to be financially a year from now.

Investors will want to see a: 

  • Sales forecast
  • Income statement (also called a profit and loss statement )
  • Cash flow statement
  • Balance sheet 

If you use a tool like LivePlan , you’ll be able to build out your financial forecasts relatively quickly, even if you don’t have experience with business numbers.

Even if you aren’t seeking investment, the financial plan is crucial for understanding the viability of your business. It allows you to adjust your business model based on projected performance, and make informed decisions about where to spend your money.

  • Food and beverage business plan templates and examples

If you want to see how other food and beverage businesses have created their plans, check out our free library of food and beverage business plans . 

You can download all of them in Word format and jump-start your own business plan.

Content Author: Elon Glucklich

Elon is a marketing specialist at Palo Alto Software, working with consultants, accountants, business instructors and others who use LivePlan at scale. He has a bachelor's degree in journalism and an MBA from the University of Oregon.

Check out LivePlan

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  • Culinary Arts

How to start your food business: An 8-step guide to success

How to start a food business

February 22, 2024 •

8 min reading

Got a great idea for a food business but not sure how to get started? Find out what to consider, and how to make it happen with our practical 8-step guide to sucessfully launching a food business.

Are you a passionate entrepreneur with an innovative idea for a restaurant, a skilled baker ready to take your talents to the next level, or someone with dreams of hitting the road with a food truck , offering your vibrant street food creations to people anywhere? Starting a new food business can be an exhilarating adventure, but it can also be a daunting journey filled with unexpected challenges and bureaucratic hurdles that require a combination of business expertise and determination to overcome.

Is now a good time to launch a food business?

Well, it turns out that now might be a great time to take the plunge. Research shows that the food service industry is projected to grow from $2,646.99 billion in 2023 to $5,423.59 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 10.79% during the forecast period.

But the idea of starting up your own F&B business may seem daunting, especially when the outlook for start-ups is bleak. Research shows that as many as 90% of new restaurants fail. What's more, restauranteurs and other hospitality business owners have voiced their concerns lately about the affect of the rising cost of labor, energy and inflation on produce on the market. These rising overheads are making for a very challenging market, even for seasoned professionals to navigate.

In the world of business, there is never a perfect time to start. Even in ideal conditions, a business may not survive. However, some of the most successful businesses have emerged from challenging circumstances and economic hardship. It's logical, really. If a business can thrive during tough times, it demonstrates resilience and the ability to overcome future difficulties. So, don't wait for the perfect moment. Take the leap and give your business every chance at success.

So to help you get started, we’ve pulled together an 8-step beginner’s guide, with insider tips to give you a head start.

1. Make a solid Business Plan

The first thing you’ll want to do before making any investment is do your research, diligently. Spend a few weeks (or even months) getting a deeper understanding of the broader food service landscape, your customer target, latest trends, and competitors, and start writing a business plan for your investors. Think of it as exploring your 4C’s: customer, consumer, channel, and context.

For this, you’ll want to:

  • Define your target market : Who is your new business targeting – baby boomers, Gen X, Gen Z, empty nesters, seniors? Once you’ve defined your target segment, make sure you understand what they buy, why they buy, where they buy from, and what makes them tick. This will help you create a relevant, targeted offering.
  • Define your USP : Find what sets you apart from the rest of the herd. Have a look at what your direct (and indirect) competitors are doing, and establish your point of competitive difference. Now here, it doesn’t have to be radical, but it does have to be relevant. For example, if you’re targeting young families, creating a child-friendly establishment with nutritious children’s meals could be enough to give you a leg up on the competition.
  • Define your restaurant style : Are you thinking of opening a bakery, coffee shop, quick-service, fast-casual, or full-service dining restaurant? Each one of these channels requires its unique approach, operating hours, and investment, so make sure to pick one that suits you as an individual and the work schedule that you’ll want to have.
  • Select your food type/menu offering: Think carefully about your menu and the type of food you’ll want to offer – and do so early on in the process. Find out what the latest menu trends are (especially for your target market) and tailor your offering to them. Some of the hottest trends right now include vegetarian/vegan diets, allergy-friendly & gluten-free menu options , and sourcing your produce locally.
  • Define your brand : Your branding – from your logo and the imagery you use, to the design of your menu, the music you play, and even and uniforms of your staff – define what your business is all about, and what you stand for. It sets the tone for your restaurant and lets your customers know what they can expect. Think carefully about how you want to position yourself and what you want your identity to be.

Once you have your business plan in place, go out into the world – and test it. Find some of your target customers and ask them for their thoughts and impressions. This could be as simple as polling a handful of people off the street to a full-blown market research study.

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2. Secure your financing

Now it’s time to sort your finances. However not everyone who wants to start a restaurant has the personal funding to do so. In fact, most don’t.

Thankfully, there are lots of other ways that you can find funding for your new venture:

  • Get a business loan
  • Turn to family/friends
  • Find outside investors or bring in a partner
  • Venture Capitalists and angels
  • Use crowdfunding
  • Get government aid

Just remember that it’s likely to take years before you turn your first profit, and money will be tight at first. So think about starting small (with a strategy to scale up) and choose your business partners wisely, because they’ll be around for a good while.

3. Choose your location

You know what they say: “location, location, location”. Well, as it turns out, that’s not always the case. The location you choose for your establishment will depend on several factors, and unless you’re relying heavily on foot traffic, you don’t necessarily need to be in the hottest new retail location.

Here are a few factors you’ll want to consider :

  • Cost : based on your sales and profit projections, what can you afford to spend on rent?
  • Accessibility to potential customers : how are your customers getting to your restaurant, by foot, by car, or by public transport?
  • Restrictive ordinances : some neighborhoods have strict noise regulations or restrictions on the times when your suppliers can deliver your produce
  • Proximity to other businesses : competitors and other businesses can influence your traffic, so map out what’s happening around you, and how it could affect your business
  • Plans for the future : consider what the neighborhood will look like in 2, 5, or 10 years, and if there are any major development projects underway that could change the local landscape

4. Design the layout of your space

Once you have a venue, it’s time to start working on the layout and design your space.

Of course, this will depend on the type of establishment you’re running, but typically restaurants dedicate about 45-60% of their space to the dining area, about 35% to the kitchen area and the remainder to storage and office space.

Think carefully about the layout of your kitchen and dining areas, and make sure there’s a smooth flow between the two. Prep space is also critical, so make sure your chefs have enough room to plate, garnish, and decorate their dishes.

This might also be the right time to think about what technology will be required in your food business , be it the POS system, kiosks, tablets, or audiovidual elements that contribute to the atmosphere as well as promoting specific products, technology must integrate within the design of your space.

And most importantly: don’t cut corners in your dining area. This is the stage of the show – literally where all of the magic happens – so finding the right ambiance and decor to make your customers feel welcome is critical to success.

5. Choose your suppliers

As a restaurateur, you’ll be working with several different suppliers – from furnishings to POS systems, bar equipment, kitchen appliances, and of course, food. Make your wish list, scope out your short and long-term budget, and go on the hunt for your partners. But remember that while you don’t want to cut corners when it comes to quality, over-priced suppliers can minimize your margins and run your business into the ground. So make sure to negotiate, hard.

But where do you start looking? Try going to wholesale retailers, local farmer’s markets, F&B conventions, ask for recommendations from fellow restaurateurs, or just do a simple Google search.

You’ll be looking for a trustworthy supplier, who has a good track record of providing quality products and a roster of successful partnerships. For food suppliers, be sure to about their delivery schedules and food safety management practices. And go local – they usually offer fresher ingredients whilst also being better for the planet.

6. Get your licenses and permits

When it comes to regulations, every country, county, and city is different. But make sure that you check in with your local regulatory office, and consider getting legal counsel to make sure you adhere to all of your local health & safety codes and food regulations. Another important license is an alcohol license if you plan on serving alcoholic drinks at your eatery.

Just be aware that some licenses can take months to acquire, so make sure to get started on this process well before opening day.

7. Start hiring your employees

First, think about what staff you need to hire for your restaurant type. Based on the scale of your restaurant, this may include HR managers, purchasing experts, accountants, marketing & sales managers, chefs and sommeliers, waiters, hosts, bartenders, and cleaning and dish-washing staff. Make sure to hire enough staff for each job, and anticipate shift planning and back-ups in case of illnesses and vacations.

Look for candidates with sufficient experience and a successful track record, who are quick on their feet, can multi-task, and are efficient. All of your employees should work well under pressure, and customer-facing staff should have exceptional social skills.

And when it comes to hiring staff, you can never be too careful – so do your due diligence. Make sure to do background checks, conduct several face-to-face interviews, and call their references.

8. Advertise your business

Before opening your restaurant, you’ll want to do a fair amount of advertising to alert your local community that there’s a new eatery on the block.

And while word of mouth is still the best form of publicity, here are a few other ways you might like to consider announcing your new venture:

  • Build a great website: make sure that it’s easy to navigate and includes all of the key information, including your opening times, menu, booking engine, and if/how you cater to special requests
  • Use social media : create accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Instagram, and share relevant news and high-quality photos of your restaurant and the behind-the-scenes process as you’re getting ready for opening day
  • Run some paid media ads: use ad buying platforms to get your restaurant ads seen and heard by thousands of food-loving people who match your target customer on social media sites, search engines, website ads, streaming services, radio and podcasts. A word of caution though, it's best to leave this to the professionals unless you're confident in you own ability to manage digital ads - using a specialist agency of freelancer will ensure you don't accidentally overspend on your ads.
  • Host a soft opening : this is not only a great practice-run before opening day, but will also help create some buzz about your restaurant within your local community. Make the guest list small, and consider having a soft opening for family & friends, followed by one for local businesses and partners.
  • Offer promotions to new guests : offer a free drink or dessert for the first 10, 50, or 100 customers – you’ll be remembered for your hospitality and generosity. After all, who doesn’t love free stuff?

And with that, we leave you with one last tip for success: work hard, don’t give up, and be prepared to break the mould. The measure of success is ultimately found in the bottom line, however it's important to measure, track and review performance across a range of metrics to continuarlly reassess and tweak your business model as you go.

Starting any new venture will be a challenge and most likely an uphill battle, but in the end, nothing tastes sweeter than victory.

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How to Write a Restaurant Business Plan in 2024 (Step by Step Guide with Templates)

Saif Alnasur

A restaurant business plan is a framework that guides you to plan and forecast every element of restaurant management and operations.

This includes anything from your restaurant's menu design , location, financials, employee training , and a lot more.

  • Creating a solid business plan is important, as it helps:
  • Transform your restaurant ideas into reality.
  • Boosts entrepreneurial success by 16% ( Harvard Business Study ).
  • It equips you to navigate challenges before they arise.
  • Attracts potential investors.

Planning is key to restaurant success. Without a plan, you're more likely to join the 26% of restaurants that fail within a year.

Create a business plan to set yourself up for success.

Here's how to get started. 

food business plan ideas

What is a restaurant business plan? 

Before writing a business plan, it is important to understand its fundamentals.

It serves as a roadmap for starting and running your restaurant , making it easy for outside parties, such as investors, to understand your objectives, vision, and plan of action for your restaurant.

The length and level of detail of business plans vary, ranging from brief synopses to large papers. Investors can benefit from clear insights and additional information provided by beginning with a concise plan and working their way up to a detailed one.

In short, a thorough description of the resources allocated to the success of your restaurant should be included in your business plan.

Steps to include in your business plan 

Your restaurant and mission statement needs to reflect your brand and goals, but you don't have to start from scratch.

The Eat App Restaurant Business Plan template , created by industry professionals and packed with insider information, is your go-to manual for creating a profitable business plan.

Your finalized business plan should have 11 essential elements, no matter how you write it. Continue reading below. 

1. Executive summary

A restaurant business plan should always begin with an executive summary. Why?

  • 80% of venture capitalists say they read the executive summary first.
  • 62% of investors say they would not continue reading a business plan if the executive summary did not capture their interest.
  • A strong executive summary can increase the likelihood of securing funding by up to 40%.

An executive summary not only acts as the introduction to your restaurant business plan samples but also as a summary of the entire idea.

The main aim of an executive summary is to draw the reader (oftentimes an investor) into the rest of your business plan.

The executive summary also helps you envision the identity of your restaurant which essentially shapes the customer experience and sets you apart from competitors.

To establish a distinct identity, you need to focus on common elements of an executive summary, including:

  • A mission statement 
  • Proposed concept development
  • Cuisine selection
  • The overall execution
  • The potential costs
  • Expected return on investments (ROI)

Let's take a more in-depth look at the concept development, cuisine selection, and mission statement.

1.1 Concept Development

Selecting the type of restaurant, service style, and atmosphere is the first step towards creating a unique dining experience. Whether you envision a sample menu for a:

  • cozy, intimate bistro
  • bustling quick-service deli
  • fast-casual restaurant
  • fine dining establishment

Your concept should reflect your passion and expertise in the industry.

1.2 Cuisine Selection

The cuisine you select for your restaurant can significantly influence its success.

Choosing the appropriate cuisine is vital for distinguishing your establishment from competitors and attracting your target market.

To make an informed decision, consider factors such as:

  • Market demand
  • Expertise and passion
  • Ingredient availability
  • Competition
  • Profitability
  • Cultural fit
  • Seasonality
  • Dietary restrictions and trends

In the highly competitive restaurant industry, keeping track of current and emerging cuisine trends can be a significant advantage.

1.3 Creating a mission statement

A well-constructed mission statement communicates the purpose, values, and goals of your restaurant to potential investors and customers alike.

A mission statement serves as a guiding light for decision-makers and employees, fueling their efforts to achieve your restaurant’s objectives.

To create an impactful mission statement, consider the following steps:

  • Identify the purpose of the restaurant.
  • Contemplate the brand’s image.
  • Account for the target audience.
  • Incorporate company values.
  • Ensure brevity and comprehensiveness.

Related content: How to Write a Restaurant Mission Statement 

Remember, your mission statement should not only differentiate your restaurant from competitors but also resonate with your target market.

2. Company description

This is where you carefully introduce the company in the restaurant business plan.

Include the name of the restaurant you are launching in this field along with its address, phone number, and other important information.

Then, also include the owner's information as well as a synopsis or explanation of their background. The restaurant's legal position and its short- and long-term objectives should be outlined in the second section of the company description.

To demonstrate your understanding of the changes in the local food business and the reasons why the most independent restaurant investors will be successful in this market, please submit a brief market research.

Here's an example of the page layout:

Company Description

Restaurant Name: [Restaurant Name]

Location: [Restaurant Address]

Contact: [Restaurant Phone Number] | [Restaurant Email Address]

Owner: [Owner Name]

Experience: [Owner Name] has over [Number] years of experience in the restaurant industry. They have worked in various roles, including [List of Roles]. They are passionate about food and creating a memorable dining experience for their guests.

Legal Standing: [Restaurant Name] is a [Type of Legal Entity] registered in [State/Province].

3. Market analysis

The market analysis portion of the restaurant business plan is typically divided into three parts.

3.1 Industry analysis

What is your target market ? What demographics will your restaurant cater to?

This section aims to explain your target market to investors and why you believe guests will choose your restaurant over others.

Comprehending your target market is key to customizing your restaurant offerings to their preferences and needs.

By diving into demographics, preferences, dining habits, and trends, you can fine-tune your concept and marketing strategy to reach and appeal to your target audience effectively.

An example of analyzing your target market

 Comprehending your target market is key to customizing your restaurant offerings to their preferences and needs.

Demographics and preferences

Identifying your primary target market involves considering factors such as:

For example, a neighborhood with a high concentration of families might prefer a family-friendly restaurant with a diverse menu catering to various age groups and dietary preferences.

Conversely, a trendy urban area with a predominantly young and affluent population may gravitate towards upscale dining experiences and innovative cuisine.

Cultural and ethnic backgrounds also have a significant impact on restaurant preferences, with people from different backgrounds having distinctive tastes and customs that influence their dining choices.

By thoroughly understanding the demographics and preferences of your target market, you’ll be better equipped to create a restaurant concept that resonates with them and ultimately drives success.

Dining habits and trends

As the restaurant industry continues to evolve, staying informed about dining habits and trends is crucial for adapting your offerings and attracting customers.

For example, the rise of online ordering and delivery services has significantly influenced dining habits, with many consumers seeking the convenience of having their meals delivered to their doorstep.

Health trends have also had an impact on dining habits, with an increasing number of individuals seeking healthier options when dining out.

3.2 Competition analysis

It's easy to assume that everyone will visit your new restaurant first, so it is important to research your competition to make this a reality.

What restaurants have already established a customer base in the area?

Take note of everything from their prices, hours, and service style to menu design to the restaurant interior.

Then explain to your investors how your restaurant will be different.

3.3 Marketing analysis

Your investors are going to want to know how you plan to market your restaurant. How will your marketing campaigns differ from what is already being done by others in the restaurant industry?

How do you plan on securing your target market? What kind of offers will you provide your guests? Make sure to list everything.

The menu is the most important part of a restaurant's debut. Your restaurant wouldn't be able to operate without it.

You most likely don't have a final draft at this time, but you should aim to create a mock-up menu for your restaurant business plan. You can choose a design that you can envision yourself using and add your logo to the mock-up.

There are several resources available online if you need assistance with menu design or don't want to hire a designer.

But the price should be the most important component of your sample menu. The cost research you've completed for investors ought to be reflected in your prices. They will have a clearer idea of your restaurant's intended price range as a result. 

You'll quickly see how important menu engineering can be, even early on.

5. Employees

The company description section of the restaurant business plan briefly introduces the owners of the restaurant with some information about each. This section should fully flesh out the restaurant's business plan and management team.

The investors don’t expect you to have your entire team selected at this point, but you should at least have a couple of people on board. Use the talent you have chosen thus far to highlight the combined work experience everyone is bringing to the table.

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6. Restaurant design

The design portion of your restaurant business plan is where you can really show off your thoughts and ideas to the investors. If you don’t have professional mock-ups of your restaurant rendered, that’s fine.

Instead, put together a mood board to get your vision across. Find pictures of a similar aesthetic to what you are looking for in your restaurant.

The restaurant design extends beyond aesthetics alone and should include everything from restaurant software to kitchen equipment. 

7. Location

The location you settle on for your restaurant should be well aligned with your target market (making it easier to cater to your ideal customer) and with your business plans.

At this stage in the process, it's not uncommon to not have a specific location in mind - but you should at the very least have a few options to narrow down.

Pro Tip: When you approach your investors about potential locations, make sure to include as much information as possible about each venue and why it would be ideal for your brand. 

Example for choosing an ideal location

Choosing the ideal location for your restaurant is a pivotal decision that can greatly influence your success. 

To make the best choice, consider factors such as foot traffic, accessibility, and neighborhood demographics.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you’ll be better equipped to maximize visibility and attract your target market.

7.1 Foot traffic and accessibility

Foot traffic and accessibility are important factors in selecting a location that will attract customers and ensure convenience.

A high-traffic area with ample parking and public transportation options can greatly increase the likelihood of drawing in potential customers.

Additionally, making your restaurant accessible to individuals with disabilities can further broaden your customer base and promote inclusivity.

7.2 Neighborhood demographics

Analyzing neighborhood demographics can help you determine if your restaurant’s concept and cuisine will appeal to the local population.

Factors such as income levels, family structures, and cultural diversity can all influence dining preferences and habits.

By understanding the unique characteristics of the neighborhood, you can tailor your offerings and marketing efforts to resonate with the local community.

Conducting a market analysis can be a valuable step in this process.

To gather demographic data for a particular neighborhood, you can utilize resources such as the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey and reference maps.

Armed with this information, you can make informed decisions about your restaurant’s concept, menu, and pricing, ensuring that your establishment is well-positioned for success within the community.

Conducting market research will further strengthen your understanding of the local demographic.

8. Market overview

The market overview section is heavily related to the market research and analysis portion of the restaurant business plan. In this section, go into detail about both the micro and macro conditions in the area you want to set up your restaurant.

Discuss the current economic conditions that could make opening a restaurant difficult, and how you aim to counteract that. Mention all the other restaurants that could prove to be competition and what your strategy is to set yourself apart.

9. Marketing

With restaurants opening left and ride nowadays, investors are going to want to know how you will get word of your restaurant to the world.

The next marketing strategy and publicity section should go into detail on how you plan to market your restaurant before and after opening. As well as any plans you may have to bring a PR company on board to help spread the word.

Read more : How to write a restaurant marketing plan from scratch

10. External help

To make your restaurant a reality, you are going to need a lot of help. List any external companies or software you plan on hiring to get your restaurant up and running.

This includes everything from accountants and designers to suppliers that help your restaurant perform better, like POS systems and restaurant reservation systems.

Explain to your other potential investors about the importance of each and what they will be doing for your restaurant.

11. Financial analysis

The most important part of your restaurant business plan is the financial section. We would recommend hiring professional help for this given its importance.

Hiring a trained accountant will not only help you get your own financial projections and estimates in order but also give you a realistic insight into owning a restaurant.

You should have some information prepared to make this step easier for the accountant.

He/she will want to know how many seats your restaurant has, what the check average per table will be, and how many guests you plan on seating per day.

In addition to this, doing rough food cost calculations for various menu items can help estimate your profit margin per dish. This can be achieved easily with a free food cost calculator. 

A well-crafted restaurant business plan serves as a roadmap to success, guiding every aspect of the venture from menu design to employee training.

By carefully considering each component of the plan, aspiring restaurateurs can increase their chances of securing funding, attracting customers, and achieving their long-term goals.

Remember, a restaurant business plan is not just a document to satisfy investors; it is a living tool that should be revisited and updated regularly as the business grows and evolves.

By staying committed to the plan and adapting it as needed, restaurateurs can ensure that their culinary dreams have a solid foundation for success.

Restaurant Business Plan template

Growth Marketing Manager at Eat App

Saif Alnasur used to work in his family restaurant, but now he is a food influencer and writes about the restaurant industry for Eat App.


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Nezar Kadhem

Co-founder and CEO of Eat App

He is a regular speaker and panelist at industry events, contributing on topics such as digital transformation in the hospitality industry, revenue channel optimization and dine-in experience.

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20 Creative Food Business Ideas To Inspire You This Year

food business plan ideas

By Damjan Jugovic Spajic

June 19, 2023

Food, glorious food. It’s a source of energy and great joy in our daily lives, but could it also be the source of your future earnings as an entrepreneur? This guide to the best food business ideas will provide all the insight needed to start your own food business in 2022.

Whether looking for profitable food business ideas or inspiration to finalize your small food business model, get ready for the sweet taste of success.

Are Small Food Business Ideas a Recipe for Profits?

Before looking at easy catering ideas, it’s important to confirm that you have chosen the right industry to get into. The fact that everyone needs to eat instantly inspires a sense of optimism when entering this area, and the following statistics provide further confirmation:

  • In 2021, the global food market generated $8.27 trillion .
  • American households spend an average of $3,008 per year dining out. 
  • The average profit margin of a restaurant ranges from 3% to 5%.
  • Food truck businesses can cost $50,000 to start before making $500,000 per year.
  • The fast-food industry currently shows a CAGR of just over 5% .

The food industry is one of the most versatile sectors of all. There are many ways to manage a business in this field, and there will be endless opportunities regardless of whether you have a hands-on approach to food prep or not. If you have a passion for food and improving lives, the food industry can make those dreams come true.

20 Best Food Business Ideas for 2022 and Beyond

More than 600,000 new businesses are launched in the US each year, including thousands of food businesses. As you’ll see from our list of 20 different food ideas, the umbrella term of “food businesses” can cover a wide range of concepts. Hence, it’s important to explore various options to find the most suitable solution for your business. 

Open a franchise

Franchises are a popular choice in several business settings but are particularly effective in the food industry. If you’re starting a food business for the first time, a franchise gives you a chance to leverage success from the existing reputation of the brand. Likewise, the blueprint will guide many aspects, from marketing to menu choices.

McDonald’s, Subway, Dunkin’ Donuts, et al. are all great options. However, you can also find affordable franchises that can be started for under $10,000 . Find a franchise that you naturally advocate while also conducting your research into the local market to unlock the best results.

Baby food business

The baby food sector had a market value of $12.9 billion in 2018 and is expected to hit $17.2 billion by 2026 . 

Aside from the fact that it’s a growing industry, it’s one in which you can make a real difference. Food plays a key role in an infant’s physical and mental development, and families are more conscious about their food choices than ever before. That’s why developing a baby food brand focused on organic and natural ingredients can be a very lucrative business model. Besides, the knowledge that you’re supporting new generations is hugely rewarding, not least if you’re a parent.

Pet food business

Children aren’t the only family members who deserve great-tasting foods. Pets do, too. If you’re an animal lover yourself, this can be one of the most productive home-based food business ideas. Over 90 million families in the US have pets, and many are frustrated by the lack of quality foods on offer. You can change that with your food company.

In addition to formulating standard pet foods with new tastes and quality ingredients, you can look to introduce treats. Dog-friendly ice lollies are great for summer treats, while pet-friendly cakes and themed food baskets help them stay included in various festivities. The markup potential can be huge.

Fields or farms

Cooking food for diners is one way to gain revenue from the food industry. However, you can also sell your customers an experience of visiting your venue to find produce for themselves. Strawberry fields, pumpkin farms, and organic farms are just some examples. 

Only 5.7% of all US food sales are organic despite the growing demand. This is just one of several ways to tap into this market. Combining tours and ingredient picking with merchandise or selling treats that you’ve made using your produce can become one of the most innovative ideas for a food business. You can charge for the entrance and experience, as well as the products themselves.

Food truck business

Food truck business ideas have become very popular in recent times, and the sector continues to grow at a rapid pace. It’s not hard to see why, either, as the mobile elements add versatility while the costs are often lower than having a commercial building in a suitable location. You can also reach multiple locations each day.

There are many factors to consider when launching a food truck business, such as the vehicle requirements, health permits, and logistical factors. Our guide to creative food truck ideas and launching your firm will point you in the right direction. Perhaps the most important factor, however, is to develop a delicious menu. Great food will keep people coming back for more.

Food delivery business 

If traveling in a food truck to create delicious foods isn’t your bag, you could also consider delivering foods on behalf of companies. The digital revolution has changed the takeout food and grocery food delivery landscape forever. Food delivery apps are set to hit $329 billion by 2029 , and you don’t have to challenge the big guns to join the party.

You can serve as the bridge between consumers and restaurants or work on behalf of several local food businesses that don’t have in-house delivery teams. Either way, your company will pick up foods from eateries or grocery stores before safely and efficiently delivering the packages to their destination.

Events catering business

Food plays a significant role in many special events. Weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, graduation parties, bar mitzvahs, christenings, funeral wakes, and business events are just some of the occasions where food will be required.

One of the great things about the catering industry is that there is not one company with a share of 5% or more. This means that even startups and small businesses can compete. Whether it’s themed dishes or not, producing quality foods should lead to referrals from clients and guests.

Cooking classes

When looking for food business ideas with small capital, you might consider cooking classes as a great way to monetize your passion and culinary skills. When offering private tuition, you can operate from home or visit the student directly. If you want to run group classes, you simply need to hire a suitable space, which could even include a school’s kitchen.

Many people are turning to cooking classes as a productive way to socialize and develop new skills. A global CAGR of 18.9% shows that the industry is blessed with stunning opportunities. Teaching families how to cook healthier foods from scratch or enjoy the rewards of hosting a dinner party is simply amazing.

Food kiosks

Food kiosks are an essential feature of the contemporary food industry. Whether you’ll go for food cart business ideas, pop-up kiosks, or permanent structures in a mall is up to you. Either way, you’ll get the possibility to serve baked goods like cookies, savory treats, or specialty meals. 

This sector is worth over $10 billion annually despite the impacts of the pandemic. It is also one of the areas where you can easily find a short-term rental agreement, which can reduce the risks when starting your business. Portable kiosks will allow you to work in multiple venues until you find the best.

Meal prep business

Most people who have the facilities to source ingredients and cook their own meals take it for granted. However, a lack of cooking equipment and/or mobility issues cause daily struggles for millions of people. Meal prep companies can provide “meals on wheels” or deliver meals in Tupperware so that consumers have access to nutritious foods.

Often thought of as a service to support elderly or disabled consumers, meal prep businesses can actually support people from many demographics. Meal kits have become very popular with families who are bereft of time or want to cut down on their food waste. Your food prep and delivery service can yield big ROIs.

Fitness food prep business

Away from standard meal preps, fitness food prep ventures are great examples of food business ideas from home. In fact, 17% of consumers (and 25% in cities) have tried meal kits at some stage. While they aren’t all fitness-related, this is a growing sector within the industry as many fitness enthusiasts adopt eating plans that include calorie counting.

A fitness food prep venture can work in several ways. It can be one of the best online food business ideas for creating a health brand that sells directly to consumers. Alternatively, it can focus on teaming up with local personal trainers or fitness clubs. Or you can use a combination of the two to boost your revenue. 

Microbrewery business

When thinking about foods, it’s important to remember drinks too. Brewing (and testing) beer for a living or side hustle sounds like heaven for a lot of people. It’s also one that you’ve probably talked about with friends in the past and have a few food business name ideas up your sleeve for. 

Like many industries, the craft beer industry faced its toughest time during the pandemic but has now come out the other side. Small business owners can now make profitable ventures that sell alcohol to consumers or as part of the supply chain for bars. As well as beers, you could consider making wines.

Cake business

The importance of food on special occasions has already been mentioned. However, many events also require the pièce de résistance. Starting a cake business can be the perfect way to be involved in their big days. From weddings to birthdays, unique cakes sell for big money but offer excellent value for customers.

Apart from single large cakes, you can also bake themed cupcakes for Valentine’s, Easter, and other occasions. This is a great option if you’re looking for food to sell from home. 

Dietary food business

Studies show that 18 million Americans are gluten sensitive , and that figure continues to rise. Many people struggle with ingredients, recipes, and special meals. This is especially true when they are recently diagnosed. It has subsequently created myriad opportunities for entrepreneurs to help.

The ability to deliver great-tasting foods that don’t cause stomach sensitivity is a wonderful thing. The industry is growing, but there is still only a small level of competition considering the potential audience size. As well as gluten, you can look at dairy-free, vegetarian, or vegan meals.

Mobile bartending

Heading back to the beverages arena, mobile bartending is another popular option. You can additionally serve the most profitable bar food solutions to deliver a comprehensive package. Even if you don’t do this, serving cocktails and other alcoholic drinks can brighten up many parties and special occasions.

You may get hired for garden parties and other gatherings. More commonly, though, you can work weddings and other celebrations where the venue doesn’t have a license. Get your liquor license , and you can work directly with the clients and party organizers or with the venues.

Water-selling business

We all love great-tasting foods, but those foods are nowhere near as important to our health as water. There are thousands of water brands out there, and anyone who has tried more than a few will know that the contrasts in taste can be huge. Even if you don’t have access to a natural source of mineral water, there are options.

You can add a touch of flavor to water or carbonate them. If selling mineral water was cool enough for rapper 50 Cent to earn a fortune, you shouldn’t overlook the arena. The fact that everyone needs to drink gallons of water every week also makes it an incredibly stable environment for brands that make it.

Sauce business

Condiments have a huge impact on the overall taste of a meal. Sauces are one area where families simply don’t have the time to cook from scratch. Therefore, premade sauces can be a crucial addition to the pantry that turns a two-hour recipe into a 20-minute one. The industry is, unsurprisingly, performing better than ever.

Sauces can range from pasta sauces to curry sauces or condiments for the side of a dish. Sauce-makers can find that they have easy food to sell to make money in large quantities. Many brands will bring out a range of various products, building a large and loyal following in no time.

Gourmet candy business

Gourmet candy can be a great pick-me-up for consumers. Likewise, it can be the perfect gift to say congratulations on a new job or share a message of love. Mass-produced sweets are OK for every day, but the special treats are something millions of people are prepared to pay for. 

Both chocolate (5.9%) and nonchocolate (6.9%) variants have seen healthy growth during the pandemic. There has arguably never been a better time to embrace it as online food business ideas are generally performing well thanks to the growth of eCommerce. You can make treats from home or in a small commercial setting.

Cooking content creator

If you love cooking but don’t want to cook for others, content creation is one of the best food business from home ideas available. It’s affordable, puts you in full control, and allows you to work around another job until the time is right to go full-time. As far as food business ideas with low investment go, it is ideal.

Better still, you can afford to make mistakes when making prerecorded content. It could be a video series teaching people to cook, a podcast, a blog, or any other form of content. There are many ways to monetize online content in 2022 . So, as long as you’re consistent with publishing new content, it can be a smooth path ahead.

Restaurant business

It may be the most obvious food business idea of all. However, there is no question that restaurants can be hugely successful. People are eager to enjoy life after the endemic, and restaurant meals are a tried-and-true choice.

A successful restaurant will rely on several key factors. You’ll need great chefs, a convenient location, and a winning menu. When you combine these things with a strong marketing strategy, you can achieve great things. Going forward, you could turn it into a franchise for even greater opportunities.

Some Quick Tips for Running Your Food Business

Whichever route you take, it’s imperative that your food business ideas are supported by a winning model. Writing a business plan and funding the venture will be crucial – as is the case with any company. 

Additionally, here are six quick tips to help you find your way to success:

  • Embrace modern tech. For example, self-order kiosks are now used by 25% of the market . Your business may need them, along with POS terminals .
  • Appreciate the importance of delivery software as consumers demand their food in good time and won’t come back if you disappoint.
  • Think carefully about food business name ideas as this will set the foundation for building a great brand. 
  • Always hire the right people for your food business ideas because there is only so much you can do with one pair of hands.
  • Adapt. For example, 30% of fast-food restaurants now offer healthy options for kids. You can’t be stuck in the past.
  • Know your market and competitors. Opening the wrong type of business due to a lack of demand or space within the arena is one of the most common reasons small businesses fail.

The Final Word on Food Business Ideas

By now, you should have a good grasp of the available online food business ideas, food business from home ideas, and profitable small food business concepts. Likewise, you should know the answers to questions like “Are food trucks profitable?” and “What foods can I sell from home?”

You have the ingredients for success. Now is the time to turn them into a dish that secures your future.

Which food business is most profitable?

Many food business ideas generate big profits. Food trucks can expect to see 7% profit while franchises can often generate millions per year, although they do require hefty investments too.

How do I start a simple food business?

A simple food business like making cupcakes can start from home. Check out the food licensing laws in your area, create a delicious product, and devise a solid marketing strategy, and you can start to earn sales within days of starting the idea.

How can I sell food from home online?

Once you’ve researched the laws in your state and found your niche, you can sell homemade foods online via an online store or social media. At this stage, branding and customer care are the keys to success. Over time, you may gain third-party links, too.

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  • Bilal Nasir
  • Restaurant Marketing

12 Innovative Food Ideas To Jumpstart Your 2023 Venture

  • April 7, 2023

10 Innovative Food Business Ideas

The food and beverage industry is one that continues to grow by leaps and bounds. And one way as a business to ensure profitability and survival is creating an innovative food business.

As times and trends change, so do the demands and expectations of the consumer. Therefore, it is imperative to evolve and create an innovative food business that meets these changing demands.

You need to establish a clear understanding of the market and the consumer that you are targeting when creating or running your food business so you can stand apart and have a fighting chance of survival in this competitive industry. 

In this blog, we will highlight why innovation is important in the food and beverage industry as well as look at some innovative food businesses ideas that are managing to make a mark and stand apart from their competition.

The Importance of Innovation in the Food and Beverage Industry

The Importance of Innovation in the Food and Beverage Industry

In order to ensure that you are up and running with the market, you need to change what you offer the market. This innovation makes a great difference to a food or beverage business.

It is a general understanding that a nation’s economic growth is generated by new ideas and innovation and this is no different for the food and beverage industry.

Innovation is a strategic means to help a business get where it wants to go.

We would even go a step further and say embracing change with innovation is arguably the most feasible solution for the rapidly growing challenges in the food and beverage industry, while the growing competition and profit margins are one of the most important growing issues.

It is important for the food and beverage industry to integrate with the latest technologies, trends and digitization with the ever evolving consumer demands.

The change and uniqueness that innovation provides allows businesses to continuously meet consumer needs and thus the business is able to grow.

Types of Food Trends to Base your Innovative Food Business on

When coming up with the idea for an innovative food business you want to consider what is in trend and what consumers are looking for.

Research has shown that there are certain elements or aspects that consumers are focusing on.

Establishing an innovative food business that meets the needs of these trends could give you a successful food business idea.

Here are some popular trends to consider.

1.     Sustainable Food Options

Innovative Food Business Ideas | Sustainable Food Options

There is an increased awareness among consumers about how the food they eat has been obtained. This involves preferring options that offer products and services that are environmentally sustainable.

  • 81% of the world’s population is concerned about the sustainability of the products they buy.
  • 87% of consumers have expectations from companies to invest in sustainability.
  • Approximately 51% of baby boomers, 72% of Generation Z, and 75% of millennials are willing to pay extra for sustainable origin products.

2.     Locally Sourced Food Options

Innovative Food Business Ideas | Sustainable Food Options

Another focus for many consumers is whether a restaurant or food establishment is supporting local businesses. Consumers now want brands to promote local products and producers.

  • For 53% of Europeans, the most important factor when buying food is where the food comes from.
  • 75% of Spanish consumers are more interested in the origins of a product and if it is produced locally rather than it being organic.

3.     Food on the go

Innovative Food Business Ideas | Healthy Eating on the Go

Nobody has time anymore, with busy schedules and commitments to meet. Food consumption is looked at more as a need than a luxury. Consumers are looking to satisfy this need on the go, at anytime and anywhere. Food innovations that adapt to this flexible and mobile pace of life are thriving.

  • According to the European Vending Association, there are approximately 4 million dispensing machines in Europe with around 80% of these being located in workplaces.
  • Studies have predicted that the food delivery market will double globally between 2017 and 2022. In Spain alone food delivery has grown by 34%.

4.     Technology Forward

Innovative Food Business Ideas | Technology Forward

Efficient, simple, and accessible solutions are what many individuals seek. People want things to be quick and easy to meet demands fast. This means that food businesses need to be technology-forward including things such as online ordering for ease of access.

  • 18% of purchasers worldwide have made online purchases of groceries and food over the last four weeks.
  • The global e-commerce market is worth around USD 3trn and is expected to grow by 15-20% annually over the next 10 years.

5.     Personalized Diet Options

With health crazes and new diets constantly popping up, consumers are after food that helps them manage a healthy lifestyle and incorporate their diets that can adapt to individual needs. Personalized diet options is a phrase that has really caught on with most people who are diligent about their dietary habits. Futuristic visions of people consuming a personalized diet option that is tailored to the needs to deliver optimum wellness and health is on the radar of most nutrition conscious individuals.

To date, efforts around personalization have often focused on format adaptions and on delivery. Further work is required before the sector can move to the next level of truly personalized dietary options.

The biggest challenge is the current food system operates. Mass production models deliver food that is safe and cheap at scale.

  • The health and wellness industry is valued at around USD769bn, which is approximately 30% of the global packaged food market.

6.     Making Food an Experience

Innovative Food Business Ideas | Making Food an Experience

While some individuals are after quick solutions to their food demands, others are in search of creating memorable experiences. This includes businesses that provide novelty items, or entertainment.

  • 72% of millennials prefer to spend money on experiences rather than purchase material things.

7.     Trust

More and more people are becoming conscious of who they give their business to. There is an increase in expectations from consumers for brands to be honest and open about their practices and be transparent about their processes.

  • 56% of consumers indicate that the story of a brand influences their purchase decision.

8.     Tailor-made Products and Personalization

Consumers also like for the food they buy to be offer tailor-made products and services. They are after their identity as people being translated into their consumption habits.

Innovative Food Business Ideas

10 of the Innovative Food Business Ideas

The concept or innovation that will propel you to success depends on what you are willing to offer, how unique you can be, as well as the market and customer base you are targeting.

That is why we cannot give you a full-proof guide of what works and what doesn’t.

However, here are some examples of people who have implemented their innovative food business ideas and are doing well and getting noticed as a brand.

By looking at these examples of innovative food businesses you may find that your creativity is sparked and you too have a unique and innovative food business idea that will help establish your brand in the market and set yourself apart from your other competitors.

1.     RePizza

La Repizza - Photos | Facebook

RePizza is a brand that caters to consumers who are after sustainable options and avoiding food waste.

RePizza combines leftover food to make pizza. They gathered competing restaurants and joined together in an attempt to reduce food waste.

Restaurants that have partnered with RePizza sell their unused ingredients allowing the business to provide customers with over 200 flavors for customers to choose from. Options range per night.

2.     Tony’s Chocolonely

Tony's Chocolonely reveals 'Sweet Solution' chocolate, calling for greater  action against child labour | Confectionery Production

For people who are conscious of how food is being produced and collected what better business than one whose slogan reads “crazy about chocolate, serious about people.”

Tony’s Chocolonely not only offers deliciously rich, unforgettable chocolate bars, but they also produce and sell chocolate using fair trade practices.

The company buys cocoa beans straight from farmers through partnerships with trading companies in Ivory Coast and Ghana while taking an active stand against child labor, slavery, and exploitation.

3.     Feedr

How to be More Productive in the Afternoon | | Feedr

Feedr promotes local business. Feedr is a London-based platform that connects local food vendors with corporate businesses who are looking for catered functions and lunches.

Not only does the business promote local food vendors but it also promotes healthy eating. Due to an increased awareness of the need for good and healthy eating, Feedr allows companies to provide their employees with healthy food that is either wholly or partially subsidized.

The platform can offer healthy catered meals for as little as £5 a day.

4.     Ekim

Ekim Burgers Menu, Menu for Ekim Burgers, Te Aro, Wellington City

Ekim is a French startup that is all about technology.

This company builds 24-hour automated fresh pizza kiosks. How? With pizza preparing robot chefs.

The pizza robot is aptly called PAZZI and takes simply 30 seconds to create a single fresh pizza.

The company is also hoping to be able to serve salads, drinks, and desserts.

The application of Ekim’s business is wide and can provide great service to locations where people need to eat on the go such as transit stations.

5.     EDWINS

Homepage | Edwins Leadership & Restaurant

EDWINS is a restaurant in Cleveland that sets itself apart by employing formerly incarcerated adults in its kitchen.

This restaurant chain gives back to the community by offering those in need a chance to get back on their feet and be offered a chance to make a career.

EDWINS offers its staff hospitality and culinary training to be able to perform the job and thus serve classic, high-quality French dishes.

6.     Drinkfinity

New DRINKFINITY® Encourages People to "Peel, Pop and Shake" to Create  Personalized Beverages for Every Lifestyle at Any Time of Day

If you are like many other consumers and personalization is what you are after then Drinkfinity may be for you.

PepsiCo wanted to offer its consumers flexibility and choice and thus created Drinkfinity.

Drinkfinity is a program that allows customers to create and customize their own drinks. Customers can add and mix different flavored pods to water to create a drink just for themselves.

The pods contain different ingredients both dry and liquid and even offer a range of different benefits such as electrolytes for hydration.

7.     Algama

Algama Foods seeks partner for re-launch of spirulina drink

Algama is working to establish ways in which microalgae can be turned into sustainable, yet tasty and protein-rich food sources for daily consumption.

Algama is a Paris-based food technology company.

This company has already released a product called SPRINGWAVE which is a drink that is naturally blue, spirulina-based drink. The drink is loaded with vitamins.

8.     Feed.

Feed. is a French startup that provides complete meals but in a bottle.

The company targets health-conscious millennials and provides drinks and bars that are lactose-free, gluten-free, vegan, and non-GMO.

The drinks and bars with their healthy ingredients are meant to be sustaining and are packed with protein, fiber, and fats. Thus, each serving is able to deliver the required nutrients that you would otherwise get in a complete meal.

9.     CERELAB

CERELAB | LinkedIn

CERELAB is aiming its food innovation idea towards the elderly.

CERELAB is a research and development center that is doing work with wheat-flour bread and has specialized and developed a brioche bun that is energy and protein-enriched.

Targeting older individuals who may be malnourished the bread has been found the help improve health and is argued to be more effective than the simple and typical supplement and breakfast regime in most nursing homes.

10.  Tree by Naked

TREE by NAKED yoyogi park | Daytime course “Day style” | NAKED, INC. | NAKED  Corporation

Tree by Naked is located in Tokyo and is a virtual reality restaurant. If you are looking for your meal to be an experience this is the place you should be.

The premise of the restaurant is to take diners through a meal that illustrates chapters in the journey of life.

Diners are led through the meal and the experience with the help of a narrator, soundtrack, light show, and wind machine.

So far, we have elaborated different food innovation ideas concerning anecdotal achievements of different companies. They’re good for inspiration, but how about sharing food innovation ideas that are unique, or something that you can improvise and build on?

Here’s what you need to know to get started on innovative food ideas of your own .

11. Innovative Food Products for Students

food innovation ideas

Here are a bunch of creative food innovation ideas for students, regardless of their study level.

The reason for sharing these food innovation ideas is two-fold. 

First, students are mostly strapped for cash, so hooking up with unique food product ideas during their formidable years, helps them to save something on the side. 

Secondly, the slightest hint of incorporating innovative food ideas at an early age builds up confidence and teaches human interaction skills in the long run.

Create and sell ‘student survival kits’. 

These kits could include a variety of healthy innovative food products for students. At the same time, they should be simple and affordable.  

Snacks such as nuts, trail mix, granola bars, fruit snacks, etc., are all put together in an easily transportable and reusable container that the students can purchase, making up for innovative food products for students. 

This would give customers something convenient that they can take to school with them or even on trips to tide them over when they don’t have access to meal options.

Introduce student-run smoothie stands 

As far as unique food product ideas go, the stands are supposed to be placed outside of campus buildings during peak times of the day (e.g. before classes start). 

Students who need a smoothie laced with innovative food products for students only can look forward to fresh ingredients like fruits, vegetables, yogurt, and other whole food items. The smoothies could also be sold at a discounted rate for those using student discount cards/IDs which could further encourage their usage amongst fellow students. 

Idea 3: Hold monthly food product-tasting events

Tasting events go hand in hand with unique food product ideas. 

That’s where new or existing products can be introduced to the student body in innovative ways such as interactive demonstrations or workshops led by experts in nutrition or food science. 

This event will help promote awareness about healthy eating habits among peers while simultaneously showcasing different products that are available for purchase by the university community.

12. Branded Meal Deliveries

Up next with our innovative food ideas and recommendations, we’ve got meal delivery services.

If you have a properly registered business, you can call it branded meal delivery.

Here’s how you can get started on such innovative unique food products ideas.

Create a meal delivery service that offers pre-cooked healthful meals for busy professionals and families. 

While you are at it, don’t forget to incorporate unique food product ideas based on healthy ingredients, such as seasonal produce to create a rotating menu of delicious options. 

 Similar to what is offered at HelloFresh, consider providing a diverse range of meal choices.

Utilize local resources where possible, such as sourcing from farmers’ markets or partnering with suppliers. Set up an easy ordering system online , then package and deliver meals to customers’ homes or offices.

In Conclusion

In summary, having a business that is willing to be innovative and different than what all other companies are offering is essential to make your place in the food and beverage industry.

Whether you use the trends we mentioned above or take inspiration from the businesses we highlighted, we hope this blog helped to conjure up an innovative food business idea that you can get to work on.

No matter what business you create the right marketing and outreach is essential to gain customers and create a loyal customer base.

Blink can help you do this. Blink provides a Software-as-a-Service and provides an online ordering solution for both web interface and mobile applications.

With the Blink platform, you have access to a secure, scalable backend that is connected to a pre-designed but branded template of a mobile application and website. These act as your online store fronts and offer your customers easy online ordering without you having to go through the hassle of creating these platforms.

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100+ Profitable Food Business Ideas with Revenue Numbers

This is where we publish our full list of food business ideas. These ideas come from interviews with real food and beverage startups, big and small. So far, we’ve interviewed over 100 food business owners across almost every food category imaginable.

Whenever possible, we reveal detailed revenue and sales figures when guests are willing to share their numbers with you. Whether you’re only beginning the search for a business opportunity or just want to understand the food business better, we hope this helps.

Keep tabs on this resource because we’ll be adding new case studies regularly so you never run out of startup ideas! Enjoy the brainstorm!

Packaged Food Business Ideas

These food ideas can be packaged to be sold in retail stores or online.

Cookie Business: According to reports the packaged cookie industry reached $11 billion in annual value in 2019. This isn’t surprising. Who doesn’t love a good cookie? But with opportunity comes stiff competition for shelf space in stores so you’ll need to come up with a creative spin on your recipe to stand out as revealed in the case studies below.

  • Case Study #1: How I Started a $75k/Month Vegan Cookie Business with My Mom
  • Case Study #2: How Startup Weekend Helped Me Launch a Healthy Cookie Business

food business plan ideas

The cookie business can be big business.

Spice and Seasoning Business: This is a attractive industry to be in for a number of reasons. First, there’s incredible demand for spices from home cooks even during the toughest of economic times. Second, you don’t need to worry as much about spoilage of the product. Shipping to retailers or distribution centers is also more affordable since salts, peppers, and seasonings are smaller and more lightweight than other food products.

Case Study: How We Started a $10 Million Dollar Spice and Seasoning Empire

Nut Butter Company: Have a passion for making artisan peanut butter? Got an almond butter idea that everyone seems to love? Consumers are moving beyond recognized brands like Jiffy and exploring alternative and small batch butters made with creative ingredients like cashews or hazelnut.  The nut butter industry is expected to grow to $4 billion in total value by 2024 according to a reputable market research firm.

Case Study: How we started a handcrafted nut butter company. 

Baking Mixes: Baking mixes allow consumers to enjoy fresh baked goods at home without all the work of finding each ingredient on their own. After all, most folks don’t have the time to make everything from scratch. Pre-packaged baking mixes can help at-home cooks make cupcakes, cake, pancakes, brownies, cookies, and more. Case Study: How a Full-Time Registered Nurse Started Snacktivist Foods

Tahini Paste Company: Sometimes all you need to do is take a product popular in another part of the world and bring it to the United States. That’s what the founders of Soom Foods did in the case study featured below. After living abroad in Israel and falling in love with tahini as an ingredient, the cofounder wondered why it wasn’t widely available in the United States. With a lot of work, the lightbulb moment turned into a profitable business.

Case Study: How I started a $150/month tahini paste company. 

food business plan ideas

Bread Company: You might think the bread isle of your local grocery store is an impenetrable space for startups. But the founder of Orange Dot Baking Company proves white space remains for new entrants. By baking really good tasting gluten-free breads and muffins, you can attract a hungry group of customers that otherwise couldn’t enjoy this food item.

Case Study: How I started a $150K gluten-free bread company

Protein Bars: The total value of the protein bar market is expected to reach over $7 billion by 2027 according to market research firms. This is the ideal product to market to individuals who want health or performance benefits from their food. The founder of Atlas Bar shares tips about the recipe development process in our case study:

Taste is king. It seems obvious, but I think there are many who make the mistake of prioritizing other things above that (functional benefits, plant-based, etc.) When starting out, I was one of them. You could make the most nutritionally-sound, functionally-beneficial product in the world, but if it tastes like compost no one is going to eat it, much less pay you for it.

Case Study: How I sold over 1 million protein bars

Core Ingredient:  You can build a business around a key ingredient. Take our example, Soulful. This company has been able to build a $3+ million dollar business around the concept of using the ancient grain millet. They’ve created breakfast cereals and drinks around this basic concept. You could do the same with a flexible ingredient you’re passionate about like soy, chickpeas, or popcorn.

Case Study: Soulful: transforming millet into a contemporary Indian consumer brand

Hummus Company: The hummus market is expected to be valued at $911 million dollars by 2024. Hummus is a flexible product that can used as a dip for snacks or meals. The product is also ideal for adding a variety of innovative flavors like garlic or chocolate.

Case Study: How to start a plant-based chocolate hummus company

Liquor infused food: You can add alcohol to all sorts of food products to make them distinct. Popular items include ice cream, candy, and even baked goods as demonstrated in the case study below. Your customers will need to be 21 years of age or older to enjoy these products in the United States.

Case Study: How I started an $1,800 month booze infused baking business

food business plan ideas

Bakery interior.

Candy bar company: Kit Kat, Snickers, and Hershey’s Chocolate are all examples of candy bars you’ve enjoyed since childhood and available for sale in the checkout lane of gas stations, grocery stores, and department stores like Target. You too can create your own unique chocolate or candy bar brand as demonstrated in our case study below.

Case Study: How I started a vegan chocolate bar company with a powerful mission

Mustard company: Regular contributor to this website, Michael Adams started a gourmet mustard company that he grew through farmer’s markets and more than 60 retail locations. Big players in the mustard market include familiar names like Heinz and McCormick Foods. Case Study: 25-Step plan to making your food company a reality

Baby food company: The U.S. baby food market value is expected to reach over 70 billion in 2021. The organic baby food market is also growing and expected to reach $11,592 million by 2023 according to Allied Market Research . As you can see, baby food is an incredible business opportunity that can be simpler to operate than other food businesses from an ingredient sourcing standpoint. Many baby foods contain only a few simple ingredients like fruits and vegetables.

Case Study: None yet.

Burrito company: The burrito is a flexible food item. It an be consumed on the go. It can be served for breakfast, lunch or dinner with minimal ingredient tweaks. Due to the low-cost of ingredients, simplicity to make, and demand from customers, it makes a terrific food product from a business perspective too. Is there anything the burrito can’t do?

Case Study: How to start a low-overhead burrito food truck like Anita Burrito

food business plan ideas

Salsa company:  Pre-made salsa can be created with many unique recipes making it a product that’s easy to put a creative spin on. Most salsa companies use a tomato base, but corn and tomatillo are options too. Believe it or not, salsa is a more popular condiment than ketchup in the United States meaning this is an enormous opportunity.

Case Study: How to get salsa and other food products into Costco

Mobile Business Ideas

Food Truck: We had to include starting a food truck on the ultimate list of business ideas. Advantages to starting a food truck include much lower startup costs than restaurants and the ability to easily change locations. On the flip side, always finding new vending locations can be a challenge to operating this business.

We’ve got an abundance of case studies and interviews available to help you start this type of business.

  • Case Study #1: The ultimate food truck case study 
  • Case Study #2: How I won season 10 of “The Great Food Truck Race” tv show
  • Case Study #3: How Dave Krolak started the Cas’ Pierogi & Kielbasa food truck
  • Case Study #4: How White Whale Ice Cream Truck Books Weddings

Sweeto Burrito

Burritos come in many forms.

Hot Dog Cart: We love the hotdog business because it’s a low-cost way to make money serving a product people around the country eat regularly. If you’re a bit scrappy and able to find used equipment, you can get started for an investment below $5,000. This means you won’t take long to recoup your investment if you work hard finding vending opportunities. We’ve published an entire course around this business opportunity because we love it so much.

  • Case Study #1: Ultimate Guide to Starting a Hot Dog Business
  • Case Study #2: Total Cost Breakdown for Hot Dog Business Startups (Spreadsheet)

Coffee Cart or Truck: The coffee truck can be an extremely lucrative. Not only is coffee a high-margin product, but coffee carts can generate a nice profit selling ready-made items like muffins, donuts, and granola bars too.

Case Study: How to start a sustainable coffee truck

Cake Company: You could bake specialty cakes for weddings or other events like graduation or retirement. This can be a lucrative business if you’re able to develop a name in the local wedding industry where you could charge over $1,000 for a cake with a bride and groom on top. Case Study: How we started a one-of-a-kind cheesecake business 

Catering Company: Professional catering services will always be in demand. Caterers deliver or serve large meals at events like corporate functions, weddings, or family gatherings. The nice aspect from a startup perspective is that you begin running a catering business from your home kitchen with minimal startup costs thanks to cottage food business laws.

Case Study: How I started a legit catering business out of my house

Meal Kit Company: Who has time to cook their own healthy meals? Cooking is a time consuming process that an be hard to do with a full-time job or kids. By creating a meal kit company, you help customers enjoy healthy, great-tasting meals at home while saving them time.

  • Case Study #1: How I started an 11 employee healthy meal delivery company
  • Case Study #2: How I grew a self-funded meal kit company to over 25,000 deliveries

food business plan ideas

A Pad Thai Meal Kit.

Food Delivery Business: Another interesting opportunity is building a local company that delivers meals from take out restaurants to homes. This can be a low-overhead business to start if you already own a car and are willing to deliver meals on your own. This business can be scaled to a really big companies as demonstrated by UberEats.

Case Study: How I scaled a food delivery company to over 20 million total deliveries across 100 cities

Teach Online Cooking Class: If you love teaching and food, why not combine the two and start an online class? Thanks to free video sharing tools available on Facebook and YouTube, you can get started with nothing more than internet access and an iPhone. Some ideas for classes include teaching how to make a specific type of ethnic food, barbecue, or baking. Learn more about this opportunity in the case study below.

Case Study: How to teach a cake decorating or baking class at home or online

Food Business Consulting: If you’ve got a skillset food businesses could benefit from, become a consultant. This options works best if you have specific industry experience or a track record running profitable restaurants. Ideas for consulting services include improve efficiency and speed of sales in a restaurant, cutting cost with recipes, recipe development, operations and marketing training.

Case Study: How we help food businesses transition to animal-free meat

Food Distributor: You don’t need to make food. You can work to help other food brands gain wider distribution. This type of service will always be valuable to startup businesses that need help getting into online or brick and mortar retailers to increase sales. Case Study: How Pod Foods helps artisan food producers get retail distribution

Tradeshow company: You could start a conference or trade show around a certain category of food. There are many annual conferences in the food industry, notably the National Restaurant Association Show that attracts over 2,000 exhibitors and thousands of attendees each year. You could create a similar trade show around other growing segments of the food market like food technology, franchises, or plant-based meats.

  • Case Study #1: How I started a vegetarian food festival
  • Case Study #2: How Mark Baratelli launched the nation’s first food truck tour

food business plan ideas

Food Tourism Guide: If you like meeting new people and introducing them to the best food and drink your town has to offer this is your opportunity. Destinations like Seattle or New York City have a tourists that want to explore locations with a local expert. With this low-capital startup, you have the opportunity to meet people, eat amazing food, and get paid for it!

Case Study: No examples yet.

Publish a Cookbook:  Love developing recipes, writing, and taking brilliant photography of meals you make? Then making a cookbook could be a smart choice. While published book sales have declined for years, cookbooks have enjoyed a resurgence in recent years. If you have a unique perspective on cooking and the fortitude to work for months writing and editing a book this is a viable option.

  • Case Study #1: Writing a cookbook while running a restaurant with Eric Silverstein of The Peached Tortilla
  • Case Study #2: Interview with Food Truck Road Trip Author Philip Shen

Food Booth and Concessions: When it comes to profitability, the concession stand or food booth operators know what they’re doing. Food items like corn dogs, popcorn, cotton candy, soda, hot dogs, and churros all have well over 50% profit margin, which can’t be said for most food businesses. The next time you’re at a fair or sporting event, pay attention to the food being sold there. This is where you’ll find the highest profit food items on the planet!

Case Study: Food booth vendor with 20+ years experience shares concession sales secrets

Vending machine business: The vending machine industry is an interesting part of the food business to be in. When we think of vending, the first thing that comes to mind is soda and snack machines. But there’s also a new breed of machines designed to serve healthy alternatives like apples or bananas. If you like working alone, restocking machines, and fixing broken equipment this is a proven business to be in.

  • Case Study #1: How to grow and scale a vending machine business
  • Case Study #2: How to write a vending machine business plan 
  • Case Study #3: How to start a candy machine business 

Competition BBQ team: Love the thrill of cooking competitions? Starting a competition BBQ team could be a viable option. You can generate revenue by winning contests, but also by selling your own blend of spices or attracting brand sponsors. Your ultimate goal is to build a brand around your team to market and sell other BBQ related products.

Case Study: How to attract sponsors for your BBQ team like Wolf’s Revenge BBQ

bbq competition

Chiles Cridlin and Wolf’s Revenge BBQ being honored as 2016 Region 5 Grand Champion.

Kettle corn business: This is an idea we love. Kettle corn has a low-ingredient cost, low startup cost for equipment, and the operations are simple once you get going. If you’re someone that wants to start a simple business where you can generate a few hundred dollars worth of profit each day on the weekend this is a fantastic option.

Case Study: How to start a profitable part-time kettle corn business 

Shaved Ice: Ice and syrup. That’s your product in a nutshell with the business that’s created successful franchise businesses and independent operators alike. This industry is able to maintain high-profitability thanks to ingredient costs that run at 20% or less. Many successful businesses in this space generate sales through fundraising efforts with schools, sport teams, and non-profits.

  • Case Study #1: Introduction to the shaved ice business with Snowie
  • Case Study #2: How to start a $1 million dollar shaved ice business like Snowy Joey

Beverage Business Ideas

Kombucha Company: Kombucha is a fermented tea that’s been enjoyed for thousands of years, but is starting to regain in the 1990s. You can packages kombucha in bottles or cans. Kombucha is sold in retail in grocery stores or online.

Case Study: Skinny Pig Kombucha shares how they grew a six-figure business selling and got their product into 200+ retail locations.

kombucha outside

Mojito Mambo Kombucha with a view.

Aloe Vera Beverages: Combining drinks with surprising ingredients is a proven way to differentiate yourself in the industry. Aloe vera beverages mixed with fruit flavors is a creative way to accomplish this. While these beverages are only beginning to gain traction in the United States, across Asia the drinks are already popular.

Case Study: Learn how ALO Drink became the best selling aloe vera beverage in the United State, moving 2.5 million cases annually. 

Switchel Company:  Sometimes looking back in history at the specific food or drink that was popular can serve as inspiration. Our next entrepreneur took a ginger and apple cider vinegar beverage called Switchel and gave it an update. This elixir was frequently enjoyed in the 17th century, but almost no one has heard of the beverage today. What forgotten beverage could you bring back to life?

Case Study: How I sold over 130,000 bottles of switchel

Hangover Recovery Drink: A lot of people like to party, but we’ve never met anyone who enjoys the after effects the next morning. Hangover recovery drinks are a popular product in many Asian countries and gaining steam in the United States as well.

Case Study: How I launched a $10 million ARR hangover recovery drink 

morning recovery

Morning recovery.

Shake company: Shakes can be enjoyed as a healthy breakfast or a meal replacement. The appeal of the shake is that ingredients like fruit, nuts, milk and vitamins can all be enjoyed in a single beverage. This is the perfect food to delivery to target the health conscious consumer. The shake industry was valued at over $8 billion in 2018 with annual growth projected through 2025.

Case Study: Why I launched a complete meal company after facing hunger twice. 

Water company:  The bottled water industry is a massive opportunity expected to reach $334 billion in value by 2023. Although environmentalists have raised awareness about plastic waste from this industry, sales continue to grow globally. This market is extremely competitive with many entrenched players, but if you can find a unique idea with market fit you can build a really big business.

Case Study: How I started an innovative water company

Smoothie / juice bar: Smoothies are an appealing beverage for health and flavor focused consumers alike. Smoothies are ideal as breakfast, snack, or nutritional replacement for almost any meal. If you have a passion for making organic juices this could be the right opportunity. Case Study: Pros & Cons: Should you start a juice / smoothie bar? 

Craft brewery:  It seems like every major city across the United States now has a craft brewery scene. This wasn’t the case ten years ago. If you’ve got a passion for developing new styles of IPA or other ales this a viable business even if you won’t be a first mover in this segment. Our podcast case study reveals how one founder started his business on the cheap.

Case Study: How I started a craft brewery for $50,000 and how you can do the same. 

Restaurant and Retail Food Business Ideas

Restaurant: Starting a restaurant is a broad idea. You could start a quick-serve restaurant, taco shop, or fine dining establishment and they would all fit under this category. We’ve published a lot of in-depth guides and interviews on this topic and included some of our best pieces below.

  • Case Study #1: 8 specific ways I saved money opening my restaurant
  • Case Study #2: How I converted a house into a full-service restaurant
  • Case Study #3: How I opened a restaurant with no money and a 540 credit score
  • Case Study #4: How we started a $50k/month Singapore fusion restaurant

food business plan ideas

Stress as a restaurant owner.

Fast Food Business: Gourmet hamburgers. French fries. There’s nothing more American than the fast food restaurant. These can be profitable food businesses to run and offer customers tremendous value. It’s not uncommon for fast food chains to generate more than half their total revenue through the drive-thru lane. This is a concept that can work well anywhere in the United States and a proven food business option.

Franchise Restaurant: You don’t need to come up with your own menu and operations plan to start a successful restaurant. Instead you can join a proven concept as a franchisee and increase the success rate of the restaurant compared to a new concept. Franchises can help you get started faster with a built-in marketing plan, suppliers, and menu. All you need to do is run the business well. Some of the highest revenue restaurants in the world like McDonald’s offer franchise opportunities.

  • Case Study #1: Le Macaron French Pastries Franchise Review 
  • Case Study #2: Straw Hat Pizza Franchise Review
  • Case Study #3: Growler USA Franchise Review

Pastry Shop or Bakery:  Love making cakes, cookies, and other baked goods? Opening a small pastry shop or bakery could be the right choice for you. One key tip we’ve gotten from successful bakery owners is that you should find a specialty that you really love making to specialize in. You can’t be great at baking everything under the sun. Find a niche you love, stick to it, and perfect it. The customers will come!

  • Case Study: How a culinary grad built a $26k/month pastry shop
  • Case Study: 6-step marketing growth plan for a home-based bakery

canned food

Labels are an essential part of your packaging and design.

Here are answers to common questions we get about starting a food business.

How do I start a food business?

Here are the five basic steps to starting a food business:

  • Define your menu or what food items you want to sell.
  • Determine food costs and how much you will need to charge customers to be profitable.
  • Write business plan that includes marketing plan, where you’ll source ingredients, equipment startup cost, and inventory startup costs for the business.
  • Figure out what licenses and insurance you’ll need to legally operate the business. Starting a cottage food business will be the lowest cost and simplest option for food startups who can produce the product in a home kitchen.
  • Get out there and collect feedback about your food. Start small vending at a farmer’s market or craft fair. You need to find out if people are willing to pay for your product as soon as possible. Try selling small batches of your product to test for a market fit before investing tens of thousands of dollars into equipment or a retail space. Find out if people will like your food before investing your life savings!

What food business is the most profitable?

One of the most profitable food items to sell is shaved ice . Why? Ice and flavored syrups are extremely cheap to buy. This means you can often net 80% or in profit from each sale. That’s pretty amazing in the food industry.

If you’re looking for highest profit items to sell, look to the concession industry for inspiration. Food sold at fairs or sporting events is usually the most profitable. Popular concession items include shaved iced, fried bread, cotton candy, turkey legs, hot dogs, corn dogs, popcorn, ribbon fries, deep fried pickles, and fresh lemonade can all be sold 3x – 6x what the cost to make the product.

Related Reading: 25-Step Plan to Making Your Food Company a Reality

Figuring out how much each item on your menu costs is essential for any successful food business. You can download our food cost template for free here to determine how much each food item will cost to make.

What’s the cheapest food business to start?

The lowest cost food businesses are ones with low-cost equipment and initial food cost. Some of our best ideas in this category include starting a kettle corn business or a hot dog stand .

Both of the suggestions above can be started for well under $10,000 even after buying the equipment, initial inventory of product, and getting a business license. While these little businesses probably won’t make you a millionaire, founders can quickly recoup their initial investment within a few months or even weeks of work.

What’s the best food business to start?

The best type of food business to start is one you love to operate, has consumer demand and margin so you can turn a profit. That’s all there is to it!

After you find a food idea that meets the criteria listed above, find ways to make the food item unique to your area too. You can make a product unique through creative toppings, quality of ingredients, or a special cooking method.

There are probably a couple spots in town that serve burritos. Burritos have been done. But there may not be anyone serving organic rotisserie roasted chicken with handmade burritos in your town. Putting a creative spin on a well known food is a proven approach to starting a successful food business.

If you want even more ideas, don’t forget to join our free food business community . Join the group and you’ll get exclusive interviews with food entrepreneurs and our food business model canvas template to help you build a winning business strategy fast.

Want to start your own food business?

Hey! 👋I’m Brett Lindenberg, the founder of Food Truck Empire.

We interview successful founders and share the stories behind their food trucks, restaurants, food and beverage brands. By sharing these stories, I want to help others get started.

If you liked this story, sign up for our newsletter that includes our food business startup kit and most popular interviews sent straight to your inbox.

Know someone interesting that should be interviewed on the website? Tell us about them here. 

About the Author: Brett Lindenberg

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14 Best Small Business Ideas for 2024: Including Food Truck Ideas

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14 best small business ideas for 2024: including food truck ideas.

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14 Best Small Business Ideas for 2024: Including Food Truck Ideas

Do you know the two factors you should consider when starting a food business? It’s market saturation and demand.

From a baby food business to a coffee store, the food business has a lot of profit margin and will never die. Let's face it, everyone in the world needs food. And not just healthy food but junk as well. This might be why you're considering stepping into the food industry.

In this article, you will discover unique small food business ideas and how to start and grow your own food business. So let’s look at some profitable food business ideas that are best for small business owners.

  • 14 Best Food Business Ideas
  • Coffee shop
  • Ice cream parlor
  • Cooking classes
  • Food delivery business
  • Jams & Jellies
  • Personal chef
  • On-the-go meals
  • Cloud kitchen
  • Food blogger
  • How To Start A Small Food Business?
  • Finding the right product
  • Business plan
  • Building brand
  • Build an online store
  • Wrapping Up

I. 14 Best Food Business Ideas

01. coffee shop.

Coffee is the Kickstarter of the day for millions around the globe. With the market being expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.2% (Source: Statista) annually, it’s high time to hop into this industry.

Selling coffee online can be rewarding as it's less risky and quickly scalable.

People are getting more specific about their coffee needs, which has given rise to the success of various eCommerce stores.

You can take inspiration from the likes of KoffeKult - a premium coffee beans selling store, and start a region-specific store of your own.

Coffee shop

  • You can start small
  • You can reach out to people via social media platforms
  • Must maintain a robust supply chain to meet the demand when scaling your business

02. Ice Cream Parlor

Everyone loves ice cream. The global ice cream market is projected to reach a valuation of $122 bn by 2031 (source: alliedmarketresearch) , making it one of the favorite desserts in the world.

So, if you love to play with crazy flavors and can serve delicious ice cream, you have a million-dollar business idea in your hands.

With limitless styles like gelato, frozen custard, and snow cream, there is always room for innovative menus.

Unique brands like Jeni’s have changed the game by serving delicious and healthy ice creams worldwide.

Ice cream parlor

  • The ice cream market sector has an ever-increasing demand
  • Can add a lot of SKUs to your menu when scaling your business
  • Can turn out to be a seasonal business

03. Food Truck Idea

If you’re a food lover with an entrepreneurial bug, food trucks are a great way to begin your journey.

With benefits like mobility and relatively lower investment, the food truck business has become increasingly popular in recent times and continues to grow at a CAGR of 6.8% from 2021 to 2028 .

In addition to that, food trucks are a popular destination among millennials as they provide creative foods with a fun social experience.

Pro Tip: When setting up a food truck, try selling vegan/organic food. The Gen Z are more inclined to eating healthy food rather than junk food to avoid health issues.

  • Ability to reach customers wherever they are
  • Chefs have the creative freedom to prepare the dishes
  • You will need multiple parking permits from the government

Food truck ideas from Pinterest

The core idea behind food trucks is to offer a mobile culinary experience that combines convenience with creativity. Unlike traditional restaurants, food trucks have the unique advantage of mobility, allowing them to reach a wider range of customers in various locations. This mobility also enables food truck owners to experiment with diverse and often niche culinary concepts, from fusion cuisines to specialized diets like vegan or gluten-free options. The essence of a successful food truck lies in its ability to offer something distinctive and appealing, whether it's through innovative recipes, themed decorations, or a specific type of cuisine that isn't readily available in the area.

The benefits of running a food truck are manifold. Firstly, compared to a traditional brick-and-mortar restaurant, the initial investment and ongoing operational costs are generally lower, making it a more accessible venture for many budding entrepreneurs. Additionally, the flexibility in location allows food truck owners to tap into different markets and customer bases, attending events, parks, and urban streets where their specific offerings are most in demand. This mobility also provides a platform for testing new food concepts with minimal risk. Furthermore, food trucks often cultivate a unique brand identity and community presence, creating a loyal customer base through personal interactions and a distinctive dining experience that can't be replicated in a conventional restaurant setting.

Source Images: Pinterest

food business plan ideas

04. Cooking Classes

If you’re a culinary wizard who wants to pass on the baton, then teaching how to cook can be a lucrative profession to explore.

Cooking has been on the rise since Covid-19. Especially when millennials are looking to hone their cooking skills.

Did you know that the global cooking class market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18.9% from 2021-2029? That's huge!

You can hold virtual classes at home like Sur La Table and have a worldwide target audience.

Cooking classes

  • An opportunity to pass on the learning and inspire people who are excited to improve their cooking skills
  • Need very few resources to begin; making the business risk-free
  • The online calls can be tough sometimes to explain what you're exactly trying to say/show

05. Food Delivery Business

When it comes to eating habits, the world’s constantly evolving.

Social distancing norms and lockdown have given an enormous boost to the food delivery ecosystem, making them a preferred choice over restaurants.

Further, the food delivery business has become a booming market worth more than $150 billion (source: mckinsey).

Moving forward, you can also pick a niche food segment and start delivering like Papa Johns - a world-famous pizza joint.

Food delivery business

  • Don't need to set up a restaurant; you can just open a cloud-kitchen and get on with selling food online
  • Need extraordinary management skills to handle deliveries with excellent efficiency

Do you want your whisking adventures to satiate the hunger of people around? If yes, this is the right time to begin as a baking enthusiast and reach out to the world.

It has various options, including cookies, fresh bread, and low-fat pastry.

Food Tech startups like Milk Bar have satiated people's sweet tooth cravings, showing how you can run a successful bakery business.


  • There is a high demand for baked products with dietary restrictions, and if you can cash on that, you can build a brand over time
  • Inventory management is a widely known issue in this business
  • Managing multiple orders at a time can be challenging

07. Jams & Jellies

Jams and jellies are among the most beloved condiments eaten worldwide for breakfast. And if you can make raving jams in unique flavors, there is a huge market open for you.

It’s an evergreen market predicted to reach around $9 billion by 2027 (source: globenewswire). You can also make jams with added health benefits to build your unique brand image and attract new customers.

Mr. Miller’s Homemade Jam is a store that makes finger-licking Jam and earns a fortune.

Jam & Jellies

  • Low investment business as you can start from your house
  • You can also start this as side hustle
  • Supply chain management is no joke in this business

A great evening is incomplete without crunchy and tasty snacks.

Snack items go with everything, from coffee to beer; you need a side with everything. Unsurprisingly, the snack industry was valued at $1450bn in 2021 (source: grandviewresearch).

Nowadays, there's a growing demand for tasty and healthy snacks, and if you can provide both, you can make a lot of money.

Snack markets have been saturated for a long time, but brands like Thrive Market have dominated the market with some unique and amazing snack delivery across the globe.


  • Start small by making homemade fresh snack items and try selling them to local retailers
  • There is a lack of innovation in this market; if you can capitalize on that, the game is yours.
  • Comparatively low margin from other food businesses

09. Catering

Catering is a service of providing food at a venue like hotels, ships, wedding functions, and more.

The food is delivered at the site or cooked at the live counter. There are various types of catering businesses like corporate caterers, wedding catering services, and independent caterers.

You have the flexibility to choose among these and then expand as you climb up the ladder. Yummy Corp is an Indonesia-based catering business delivering exceptional catering services.


  • You don't need to be a Michelin star restaurants chef to open a catering business (you can hire a team)

Read more - Shopify For Restaurants: Success Secrets Revealed (+5 Design Practices)

  • It can be overwhelming at times as there will be so much to manage apart from cooking

10. Personal Chef

If you organize a small house party but don’t want the hassles of cooking, you can go onto Google searching personal chefs near me.

Sites like TakeAChef lets you hire a pro to cook you meals anytime you want.

Personal chef

Many small-scale event organizers prefer personal chefs as they are less expensive than large catering companies and provide more personalized experiences in cooking.

  • Can be a highly profitable business when you cook for like a pro
  • Gives you control over time; thus, you can decide when and where to work
  • Need to constantly learn and evolve as customer needs new and innovative things regularly

11. Cookies

People continuously crave a variety of delicious and crispy cookies, making it one of the most cost-effective businesses to start.

If you can satisfy people’s sugary obsession with your little baked secrets, you can create a very lucrative business in no time.

To begin with, you can choose a niche cookie segment like chocolate chip cookies, cookies with dietary restrictions, or coffee specials and specialize in any one of them.

Once you have started, you can easily promote your product on social media and gain potential customers. Maxine’s Heavenly is one cookie business to take inspiration from.


  • Cookies are an evergreen market meaning there will be ample demand any time of the year
  • Pretty good margins
  • In a cookie business, packaging should be top-notch

12. On-The-Go Meals

Home-cooked tiffin services have been in great demand since the pandemic began. Students living alone in a city or small offices which do not have a big budget to hire a catering service might opt for homemade meals regularly.

They are constantly searching for nutritious meals at a reasonable price, and if you can deliver it at their doorsteps, you are on the verge of building something that can be profitable.

With minimum resources and no need for retail shops, it’s a perfect match for budding food-preneurs.

Startups like Order On the Go have disrupted this market by providing healthy and tasty food to your home.

On-the-go meals

  • No fancy cooking is required; you can start with basic culinary skills
  • Managing orders and delivery can be stressful at times

13. Cloud kitchen

With the pandemic outbreak, people began to prefer doorstep delivered food rather than having fine dining in a social setting.

A cloud kitchen is the only delivery store with no dine-in facility. Food can be ordered through apps and websites and gets delivered to your home.

  • Low operating costs
  • No need to rent space


  • Due to its complete online visibility, brand building can be a challenging task

14. Food Blogger

If you can take on an enlightening gastronomic tour with your cooking skills, you should try food blogging.

With the advent of new free blogging platforms, you can design your blog for free and start creating content for your audience today.

Blogging can be a full-time job, or you can work as a freelancer with complete control of your time. So, whether you want to share your eating experiences or you have discovered a new food outlet, starting a food blog can set you apart.

Pro chefs like Brandon Matzek run a food blog which earns them a fortune.

Food blogger

  • Blogs are a passive source of income that you can start almost free
  • The power to reach a wide audience will give you popularity and respect
  • It takes a lot of patience to be a successful food blogger
  • 20 World Best Business Opportunities To Try In 2024

II. How To Start A Small Food Business

Starting a new business can be a daunting task for many. It requires incredible effort and planning combined with:

  • Preparing a robust business plan
  • Finding the product-market fit
  • Exploring ways of marketing
  • Developing brands and many more

So, to help you get started, here's a step-by-step guide you can follow:

Step 1: Finding the Right Product

Deciding your first product can be a little intimidating. There are many interesting food options out there people crave, but you can't do everything.

Firstly, you must choose what to sell. Ask yourself these questions to know what product to sell:

  • Do I love what I’m about to offer?
  • Who’s my target market?
  • Do I have a proven record in what I sell?

Once you are ready with the idea, evaluation follows.

Step 2: Evaluation

Since you're going to invest a lot of time and energy into your venture, it's important to check the idea's potential.

And the best way to do that is feedback. But don’t make the mistake of running to everybody to get their suggestions.

Feedback from the right source is important. You can meet with potential customers and try taste testing. It can help to improve your product and understand the market better.

Step 3: Business Plan

Moving forward, it’s time to craft a detailed business plan.

A business plan is a written document that describes your objectives, finance channels, hiring, logistics, and other essential details.

It’s helpful to have your goals written somewhere. It provides clarity in thinking and strength in action.

Step 4: Building brand

Building a brand creates customer loyalty. It’s the story you tell about yourself to your customers. It involves an array of factors, but one of the first things that reaches your customers will be the brand’s name .

The more authentic you sound, the more you attract customers.

It's important to note that consumers are more attracted to brands sharing their beliefs. It's like the cover of your book, and it must depict something of value.

Step 5: Build An Online Store

Once you have built your brand, it’s time to open an eCommerce store.

You can create a Shopify account and list your products there. It’s easy and you can also take advantage of a 14-day free trial.

Add your products, shoppable videos , social feed design your virtual shop with beautiful colors resonating with your brand, and boom, you are all set to sail.

Build an online store for your food business

Step 6: Let's Sell

Once you have set up your shop, it’s time to bring in customers.

There are two ways to do that:

  • Organically: It can use blog posts, Facebook updates, or Instagram posts to engage your audience
  • Ads: Run PPC campaigns with a set target audience

Pro Tip: Apart from these two conventional methods, you can also bet on social media influencers to bring you, customers, by promoting your brand.

III. Wrapping Up

It’s always good to earn money while doing what you love to do. For enthusiastic food-preneurs and chefs, there is a lot to be explored.

The myths of brick and mortar have been shattered and replaced by customized eCommerce stores.

Now is the time to turn your dreams into vegan sandwiches, ice creams, or a fast food restaurant online. The world is wide open for you to try and test new things.

You can begin today no matter wherever you are with whatever you have and build your unique identity with what you serve on the plate.

Victor Bui

Hi. I'm Victor, a CRO Expert at PageFly. I've been with this fantastic team since 2016, and I absolutely love helping Shopify merchants like you thrive in the world of eCommerce. My expertise in marketing and optimizing operations ensures that our clients get the best possible results. I'm thrilled to be part of the PageFly family, where we're dedicated to supporting the incredible Shopify community . When I'm not working hard to improve your conversion rates, you can find me pursuing my passions outside the office. I love traveling to new places, staying fit at the gym, and spending time with my family. My ultimate goal is to see our merchants succeed. I'm committed to delivering top-notch service and sharing my knowledge so that we can grow together. I believe that by working as a team, we can overcome any obstacles and achieve amazing results. So let's join forces and make your eCommerce dreams a reality! Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn .

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100+ Sample Food Business Plans and Templates

Food generally is an essential consumable item. A lot of entrepreneurs these days are seriously on the lookout for profitable and trending food business ideas to start a new business. Choosing the right niche is the first and most important step for any business initiative.

Increasing population and desire to have easy access to food are the factors that create more opportunities in the food industry. Starting up a business is the best way to get out of the rat race and into being your own boss. But when it comes to the food industry, there are many things that can go wrong.

Even before the pandemic, restaurant owners were finding it difficult to fill chef spaces.  But since COVID became a worldwide problem, this situation has become worse. The shutting down of social places meant that long-time workers in the food business have swapped to new job roles.

Don’t let this doom and gloom put you off, though, as we have some amazing ideas to help you get past these struggles and create a successful food business in 2023! If you keep your business small before you try reaching for the stars, you will be more likely to push through those barriers.

Sample Business Plans for Food Industry

1. charcuterie business plan.

Charcuterie is a display of prepared meats paired with cheeses and plain vegetables on a traditional board. Charcuterie is the culinary art of preparing meat products such as bacon, salami, ham, sausage, terrines, galantines, ballotines, pâtés, and confit professionally. Till today, this has remained a popular way to feed guests on a budget for small parties or wine tastings, and a person that prepares charcuterie is called a Charcutier.

2. Food Truck Business Plan

We said we would talk about food trucks, and here we are! A food truck is the best way to get your meals and hot snacks to festival-goers, but you can also use them like a classic restaurant. Some people set up shop in a location, clamp their truck to the floor and buy benches for their customers to sit on.

You still have that fun alfresco feeling without having to pay for top restaurant prices. We suggest using a food truck if your concepts aren’t time-consuming. If you have a dish that takes a long time to create, then your customers will be less likely to stick around for their meal.

This is because trucks are considered a fast food option. Instead of a normal fast food restaurant, though, many customers expect a more exciting menu from a truck in comparison.

The burgers are more than just a burger; they have 5 extra ingredients that make your mouth water from just smelling it. You can afford to be more creative in a food truck, as you won’t have to pay the same licenses or permits. This means you can use more ingredients and charge the same price as a normal burger.

3. Nano Brewery Business Plan

In simple terms, a nano brewery is a brewery (plant) that produces a small amount of beer per time; it is a small-scale brewery that can’t be compared to conventional brewery plants or microbrewery plants and it is usually owned independently. Any entrepreneur that has some cash and brewing technique can comfortably start his or her own nano brewery business.

4. Religious Coffee Shop Business Plan

According to reports, 7 in 10 Americans drink coffee every week; 62% drink coffee every day, making it second only to water. There are over 24,000 coffee shops in the United States, with an average sell rate of 230 cups per day.

Truth be told, coffee has become a crucial part of a cultural revolution, and owing to some amazing trends, it seems that growth will continue. Churches, ministries, and entrepreneurs in the United States are beginning to leverage coffee’s popularity and are gradually turning it into an opportunity for outreach and faith development.

5. Cocktail Bar Business Plan

A cocktail bar is a bar or small restaurant where cocktails are the main drinks available; a characteristic feature of many standard cocktail bars is a wide selection of assorted cocktail drinks available by the glass. A cocktail is a mixed drink typically made with a distilled beverage (such as gin, brandy, vodka, whiskey, tequila, cachaça, or rum) that is mixed with other ingredients. If beer is one of the ingredients, the drink is called a beer cocktail.

6. Fruit Juice Shop Business Plan

A fruit juice bar, or fruit juice shop is a small, informal restaurant where juice and in most cases, smoothies are made and served to customers. Fruit juice is ideally 100 percent pure juice made from the flesh of fresh fruit or from whole fruit, depending on the type used.

7. Cold Storage Business Plan

A cold storage business is a commercial facility for storing perishable products such as fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, furs, etc. under controlled conditions for longer periods. Based on the storage conditions, cold storage may be classified into three categories – short-term or temporary storage, long-term storage, and frozen storage.

Available data shows that the U.S. cold storage market size was estimated at USD 15.84 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach USD 16.43 billion in 2020.

8. Funnel Cake Business Plan

A funnel cake shop is a business that bakes and sells funnel cakes. Please note that the name “funnel cake” was derived from the method of squeezing batter through a funnel in a circular pattern into hot oil to achieve a dizzying pattern of crispy-fried dough.

The funnel cake business is a niche idea in the cake and bakery industry and available statistics have it that the global bakery product market size was estimated at USD 203.8 billion in 2018.

9. Fig and Coconut Jam Business Plan

A fig and coconut jam production company is a niche jam, jelly, and preserves business that produces and sells fig and coconut jam. Fig and coconut jam can be used like other jams as a fruit spread for toast, scones, cakes, and other baked goods, and it can also be used as a condiment for savory foods.

10. Cotton Candy Business Plan

A cotton candy business is a business that makes and sells cotton candies most especially at children’s parties, parks, stadiums et al. Cotton candy, which is also known as fairy floss and candy floss, is a spun-sugar confection that resembles cotton. The U.S. candy market is expected to reach a value of USD 19.6 billion by 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc.

11. Hot Dog Vendor Business Plan

A hot dog vendor business is a business that sells different types of hot dogs and drinks from a shop, cart, or food truck. Hot dogs are prepared commercially by mixing the ingredients (meats, spices, binders, and fillers) in vats where rapidly moving blades grind and mix them all together. This mixture is forced through tubes for cooking.

The market size of the Hot Dog and Sausage Production industry is $19.2bn in 2023 and the industry is expected to increase by 3.6 percent going forward.

12. Crepe Restaurant Business Plan

A crepe restaurant is a niche restaurant that serves crepes (pancakes) as its main menu. A crepe is a French pancake that is made with a thin batter containing flour, eggs, melted butter, salt, milk, and water. Crepes can be filled with a variety of sweet or savory mixtures. Savory buckwheat crepes are always served for lunch and dinner in a crepe restaurant while sweet crepes are for dessert or snack.

13. Food Hub Business Plan

A food hub business as defined by the USDA is “a centrally located facility with a business management structure facilitating the aggregation, storage, processing, distribution, and/or marketing of locally/regionally produced food products.

Food hubs also fill gaps in food system infrastructures, such as transportation, product storage, and product processing. Available data shows that there are about 212 food hubs in the United States and industry data indicates that local food sales totaled at least $12 billion in 2014 and estimates that the market value could hit $20 billion.

Before Starting a Food Business, Test your idea

First off, you should be testing your ideas before putting a deposit on a business loan. Finding the problems early on will stop you from diving into a money pit. Use our advice like a checklist to guide you through this testing phase, and be ready to receive criticism. Remember, you cannot improve or create a strong foundation if you ignore everyone’s advice.

a. Feedback From 3rd Parties

The main reason why people think about creating a food business is because their friends or family say they should. They drool over your stews, make heart-eyes over your steaks, and lovingly long for another bite. Well, in reality, your friends and family are probably boosting your ego or sugar-coating their reaction.

We aren’t saying they are lying necessarily, but they might ignore some of your poorer meals because they know you are trying your best. Your customers won’t be so forgiving. To make sure your friends aren’t saying you are better than you are, you need a true third party to judge your food tasting sessions.

You could ask your co-workers to take the plate and make an anonymous comment. If they are mostly positive, that’s great; you can then adjust your recipes, packaging, service standards in accordance with all the positive and negative feedback.

You could also talk to local companies in the same area of business as you. Ask them if your packaging is appropriate, if they have advice for a new business owner, and anything else that you are worried about. Doing this beginner networking is a great way to start a community too. Local businesses are normally more friendly than chains and will be happy to help you on your journey.

b. Perfect “One Food” Business idea At A Time

You might feel as though you need a whole menu of amazing food, but in reality, you have to remember that you are starting at the bottom. Having one fantastic idea and putting a lot of effort into it would be a more successful business venture than spreading your ideas too thin.

When it comes to testing, your test group may become overwhelmed if they are given too many options. It wouldn’t be uncommon for the group to start comparing dishes to each other rather than their normal experiences.

In the testing group, you want these “customers” to tell you if your ideas will make it, if they are good enough to be sold and if there is a problem that can be fixed. If they have a lot to look at, they will simply tell you which one is the best. Once you find the best variation of that one food product, you can then start to work on another.

c. Look After The “Other” 20% Of Your Online Food Order Customers

There are normally 3 types of customers in the food industry; the ones who enjoy your food enough to try it again another time or simply not dismiss it; ones who will absolutely love your food and will keep coming back; and those who like to try new foods on a whim.

If the first type of person doesn’t like your food, they will simply not return. If the second type of person has a bad experience, they will try again. If this second visit redeems the food, they will remain loyal, but if it doesn’t save their experience, they will either drop into the first type or not come back.

Depending on how good your business is, you might have either a large percentage of lovers and a low percentage of “it’s fine” ers, or it can be the other way around. However, around 20% of your customers will likely be the third type.

Going to restaurants and vendors or trying new sweets on a whim is a growing hobby for many people. The third type wants to be the first ones to experience this unique and potentially viral adventure. These people will likely make a review on whatever social media network they use, and this can either boom or bury your business.

These people will not hesitate to share their lengthy and detailed opinions about your business. Of course, you should always take these opinions with a pinch of salt, as a negative review on a blog often gets more traction than a positive one; however, you should take note of what they are saying. Pleasing these reviewers will make your business look good online, and it can help you create a big fan base.

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Top 74 Food Business Ideas with Low Investments

According to Guidant Financial, retail and food are the most popular industries, bringing in 11% and growing by 14% in 2018 , there are a variety of routes you can take when choosing which food business idea to pursue.

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In case you are passionate about cooking or baking, you might want to open a restaurant or bakery. Maybe you want to sell food products. You might want to start a food truck or make a line of jams, sauces, or spices and sell them.

You have the power to disrupt the food industry with some effective social media marketing and careful financing!

74 Best Food Business Ideas

1. Food Truck

There are more and more food trucks on the road because they offer a less risky way to enter the food business. Good food that only requires basic preparation is the perfect place to start.

It’s easier to move your food truck business to different locations than traditional restaurants, so you can cater to more audiences and earn more revenue.

Entrepreneurs can easily appeal to customers when they need food with a food truck business. With the ability to hop from one place to another, entrepreneurs can quickly attract customers who need their food.

Suggested Resources

  • 25 Food truck business ideas
  • How to start a food truck business
  • Food truck business plan template

2. Coffee Service

You can start a coffee business from home if you live in a metropolis. There are small offices in each city that do not have coffee-making facilities. You can offer your services to those employers. The hot coffee must be served at the scheduled hour.

One of the best small food business ideas you can start with little money is a coffee service.

Helpful Content Related to Coffee Shop:

  • Coffee Shop Business Plan
  • Coffee Shop Business Plan Template

3. Grocery Stores

A grocery store is a retail business that sells food, household items, and other necessities, usually located in residential areas.

It’s a great food business idea to operate a grocery store that sells food, home goods, cleaning products, and more.

Opening a grocery store is a great way to get into the food service industry. Grocery stores are retail points of sale where shoppers can purchase everything from meats, produce, dairy products, and snacks to cleaning supplies and health supplements.

Suggested Resources for Grocery Store

  • How to start a grocery store business
  • Convenience store business Plan Template

4. Juice and Smoothie Bar

A juice bar, a mall kiosk, or a counter in a yoga studio or gym could be the perfect location for your next business venture. Consider expanding your juice bar into a casual restaurant by offering salads and vegan dishes in addition to juices and smoothies.

Pro Tip: A successful juice bar business need a business plan, you can write a juice bar business plan by using this free juice bar business plan template.

5. Ice Cream Making

Home-based ice cream makers are profitable businesses. You don’t have to pay for a location. It’s also possible to sell ice cream on online marketplaces.

If you want immediate orders, setting up a local distribution network is always the best option. Furthermore, it maintains your business’s cash flow.

Pro Tip: Having a business plan is essential for a successful ice cream shop, download this free  ice cream shop business plan template for creating a winning  plan.

6. Pick the Pickles

There are many street food business ideas out there. Now is the time to turn your admiration into a real pickling business. You may not have considered pickles as a street food business idea. But here’s the science behind it.

You don’t need a brick-and-mortar store to sell your pickle jars. You can sell them on a streetside kiosk, stall, roadside display, or hyperlocal grocery store.

7. Online Organic Retail Store

There is a very fast increase in the demand for organically grown items. You can start an organic retail store if you can obtain organic food items, but fresh vegetables and fruits are highly perishable, so you’ll have to exercise great caution.

If you can properly source organic food items, then this is the ideal home business to start.

8. Hot Sauce

In 2020 , Hot Ones had  8.7 million subscribers, which makes it one of YouTube’s most popular shows.

Some of the hot sauces they use are unique brands using unusual peppers and herbs. Making hot sauces and selling them or showing the process on video can be another small business idea you can start at home.

9. Grain Processing Unit

You can also set up grain processing units such as rice mills and flour mills if you have the capital and know-how.

A grain processing unit is a high-investment business and you’ll need to either have technical skills or you’ll have to hire people for the job. Both ways, be ready for the long haul.

10. Baby Food

In today’s world, parents are selective about what they feed their children. They want nutritious, non-GMO baby food that improves their emotional and physical well-being.

If you want to capitalize on this growing trend, make your baby purees out of your homegrown fruits and vegetables (apples and sweet potatoes are favorites).

11. Organic Farming

It is possible to develop an organic farm on an idle piece of land that does not use harmful chemicals or fertilizers. Organic food has become more and more popular in recent years.

12. Tea Retail

You can find coffee shops almost anywhere, and many places also serve tea. However, if you specialize in tea from around the world, you will have a strong business model.

To ensure the long-term viability of your business, you will need to find the right location and have a strong online presence.

13. Food Delivery Service

This business model requires you to group together with some good restaurants in the city and develop your own app.

People can place orders through the app, and you pick up the products and deliver them to their homes.

You charge a commission or a service fee for this service.

14. Chocolate Making

Make chocolate bars, candy, and sweet treats for a business. Chocolate making requires skill and equipment. Watching chocolate being made is fascinating, and your business can attract customers.

15. Bread Making

It is a product that is used worldwide. It has a long shelf life and is easy to store. They can be used in sandwiches, toast, or plain with other spreads. If you enjoy baking, then this could be a good business for you.

If you start a bakery or shop online, you could sell fresh bread in various varieties, including wheat, gluten-free, multigrain, and white bread.

16. Office Meal Delivery

A low-cost food business that you can start tomorrow is office meal delivery. 

People always prefer home-cooked meals at work. And if you can provide healthy and tasty meals, people will definitely respond positively.

You will have to move food packets from your home to different offices, so be careful of the packaging.

17. Cupcakery

There is no better place to invest than a cupcakery, no matter how bad the economy is doing. Cupcake businesses will continue to grow due to the smaller price denominations they bring.

It is true that post-purchase guilt exists with cheat foods, but it is impossible to feel bad about cupcakes!

The idea of making crafty cupcakes is a fail-proof and profitable food business idea since customers wouldn’t go broke if they bought some.

18. Food Kiosks

A food kiosk is a great idea for aspiring entrepreneurs, offering the chance to earn a living on your own terms while serving others. A fast, easy-to-use way to serve your favorite foods sounds like a perfect day at work to me.

It may be a great idea for you to own a food kiosk business in a high-traffic area if this sounds like your dream job. On game days, these vending machines can attract large crowds of people at local venues, such as parks and school campuses, as well as the lobbies of office buildings.

19. Catering

A mobile catering company offers food services for events such as business conferences, weddings, and parties instead of being confined to one location.

Pro Tip:  You need a business plan for a successful catering business, you can create a winning plan by using this this free  catering business plan template .

20. Spice business

The sale of powdered spice mixes is a fast-moving business. Many cuisines use different spices in a variety of combinations. Store-bought spices lack the aroma and flavor of freshly ground spices.

This could well be your go-to option if you have an eye for spices and flavors. Besides household use, ready-to-mix spices are widely used in processed foods and commercial food service businesses like restaurants.

Bonus Tip: Here is a step by step guide on how to start a spice business .

21. Cheese Business

If you are a cheese lover, turn it into a homemade food business idea! After all, your passion will only translate into profits if you apply some careful analysis!

You can outsource your material handling to a dairy products supplier after you have planned everything out. But remember that even the most basic ingredients can be mixed and matched to create so many different cheeses.

22. Herb Farm

There has been an increase in the demand for herbs in recent years, with herbs now being used as alternative medicines and food supplements. Industry experts predict more growth in the herbal sector in the future.

23. Novelty Food For Pets

The owners of pets want to include them in their special occasions or celebrate their special occasions because they are another member of the family.

Since 70% of households own at least one pet in the United States alone, it can be a great business idea to have a business that provides special treats or food items for these family members for special occasions.

If you want to make your business stand out, you can create items like pet-friendly cupcakes, advent calendars with treats within them, and other such products.

24. Gourmet Candies

People have a sweet tooth, so candy manufacturing is a multibillion-dollar industry. However, connoisseurs of sweets are looking for something more than mass-produced items.

This is a business you can start at home with low startup costs, and grow. You can sell your gourmet candies online, at high-end restaurants and bakeries, and at food fairs.

25. Cashew Processing

As part of this business, kernels are dried, peeled, graded, and packaged. You can start this business either on a small-scale or large-scale.

It must be located within the cashew production area. You can start this food processing business if you are satisfied with these aspects.

26. Health Food Store

In my neighborhood, there is a health food store that sells organic produce, vitamins, and healthy snacks. There is also a food counter in which sandwiches, soup, baked goods, and coffee are sold.

Over the past few years, the chip market has shown remarkable growth with the rising number of young people driving the growth.

It is easy to make your own line of chips by experimenting with flavors, textures, and ingredients. You can make healthy chips, balanced chips, or tasty junky chips. Niche it down and start selling.

28. Fruit Pulp

Several industries use fruit pulp as an ingredient in their product production processes. It is available in liquid or powder form.

It can serve as a flavoring agent. The fruit pulp is used in baked goods, beverages, desserts, etc. It is separated into brine, syrup, or water during preservation.

In order to start this business, you should do extensive research and learn about the manufacturing processes and regulations.

29. Jerky Making

Despite its long history, jerky meat continues to gain popularity among health-conscious consumers.

The process of making jerky is relatively easy, but it takes time. If you have the right tools and ingredients, you can produce jerky and make a good living.

30. Dessert Shop

In the early days, dessert shops were very popular and profitable. The business approach is simple and straightforward. All you need is a store location.

Keep cake, pastry, cookies, ice cream, pies, and other items that match the food habits of the area.

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31. Condensed Milk Production

Full cream milk is the only raw material in this business. It is one of the most profitable businesses in the world. Sweetened milk is highly demanded both domestically and internationally.

32. Inventor of Kitchen Gadgets

There have been millions of dollars made with innovative kitchen products.

Sam Farber  founded  OXO  after creating a peeler for his wife Betsey who had arthritis in her hands. His innovative ergonomic design and non-slip grip launched his successful company.

33. Asian Food Shop

Throughout the world, Asian people have become a major part of the population. Many Asian people are food connoisseurs.

Starting an Asian food store could be a potentially profitable business, particularly in the United States.

34. Nut Butter Retail

Make peanut, almond, cashew, macadamia, pistachio, and other nut butters yourself without preservatives and added sugars.

A downside is allergies – you must be careful. Another downside is cost – some nuts are expensive. If you find the right supplier and are careful, it’s a great business.

35. Nutritionist

A healthy and balanced diet is sought by everyone who is health conscious. The role of a nutritionist is to suggest a diet that is tailored to suit the needs of each individual, based on their age, health, and other factors.

Nutritionists are in high demand in metropolitan areas. You must take special training to become a nutritionist.

36. Cooking classes

For those with the ability to teach, cooking classes can be a lucrative business. 

You can bring in new customers by offering cooking classes in your home or rented space to people who want to know how to make tasty, healthy, and good food at home if you’re the kitchen type.

You may find running a cooking class to be an excellent business idea if you are passionate about teaching others how to cook.

According to statistics, food bloggers earn about US  $70,000  a year, or  $5,088  a month.

Bonus Tip:  Here is a step by step guide on  how to start a culinary school .

37. Personal chef

Personal chefs are popular with busy professionals who don’t have time to cook their own meals. You can create meals on a weekly basis for your clients to heat up at their convenience.

38. Pizza Delivery

A pizza delivery business’ main focus is choosing a good delivery boy and selecting a menu. Many people, due to their extremely hectic work schedules, will likely have their meals delivered to their homes.

Pizza has become one of the world’s most popular dishes. It is a lucrative and enjoyable way to earn money if you start a pizza delivery business.

39. Biscuit making

Making biscuits is a highly profitable business with high-profit margins. Many people prefer to buy biscuits from their local bakery shop. It is possible to set up an automated biscuit plant or bake biscuits by hand.

40. Breweries and Bars

The combination of food and wine makes for really good value. Most of us will agree that a full belly is one of life’s greatest pleasures, plus drinking wine while eating is an added bonus.

With millennials, hanging out with friends and drinking a few beers has become a weekend tradition.

If you can create a relaxing atmosphere, where people can hang out and have a few drinks, or if you are interested in breweries, then this is a food-related business you can get into.

Pro Tip:  Starting a bar brewery? check out  how to get a liquor license  and what types of bar licenses you need

41. Jam and Jelly Making

It might be your big business idea if you are a jam lover and love to preserve delicious berries and crisp apples. You can operate seasonally or all year round, depending on how much time you have available.

Jam/jelly making also requires very little infrastructure, and soft spread startups face fewer safety hurdles than other food businesses. Sound good?

42. Seafood Selling

Starting a specialty seafood business from home is an excellent and profitable business. You will need to source the products as wholesale purchases and store them in frozen condition.

With a delivery vehicle, you can deliver the products to the customer’s doorstep. In order to succeed in this business, you must develop a product promotion plan.

Bonus Tip:  Here is a step by step guide on  how to start a seafood business .

43. Coconut Oil Manufacturing

There are many uses for coconut oil, from cooking to detergents to hair oils, as well as for making toilet soap. A food manufacturing business idea requires a lot of capital investment.

A factory must be located in an area where raw materials are easily accessible. If this is acceptable to you, you may want to consider it.

44. Snack vending machines

Make your vending machine stand out by offering healthy, organic, low-calorie, or diabetic-friendly snacks. People get hungry everywhere.

Start your own snack vending machine business. You can install vending machines in hospitals, schools, offices, and malls.

Pro Tip:  You need a business plan to start a successful vending machine business, download this free  vending machine business plan template  to create a winning business plan.

45. Pizza Shop

If you want to start a pizza shop, you can open a franchise store or start your own pizza line. Pizza shops have good margins and require moderate investments.

Decide on a menu and get going. You can also offer meal kits with bases, sauces, and other ingredients to give customers a taste of home-cooked pizza.

46. Bagel Shop

As a result of its popularity in the city of New York, the bagel has become one of the world’s most popular breakfast and lunch foods for both breakfast and lunch.

Bagel shops also offer beverages and side dishes to customers in addition to the bagel itself.

47. Honey processing

You can either establish a manual or automatic honey processing unit to remove wax and other unwanted material from honey.

Honey is considered one of the emerging food processing businesses since many customers prefer it as part of their daily diet.

48. Meal Kits

A meal kit is a food subscription service that provides pre-portioned ingredients and recipe instructions for making homemade, chef-crafted meals.

There is still plenty of room for new brands and niches that remain untapped in the market, despite the fact that they’ve become increasingly popular in the last few years.

You can get inspiration from companies that have a unique focus in the meal kit delivery space, like Thai Direct.

49. Tea Bag Making

The tea bag-making business requires only two major raw material components – tea and paper bags. Tea bags are small, porous sealed bags containing tea leaves, and hot water is used to prepare the beverage called tea.

A moderate investment is necessary to start a tea bag-making business for an aspiring entrepreneur with adequate knowledge of tea leaves.

50. Energy Drink Business

There are billions of dollars being spent on energy drinks, but they leave much to be desired when it comes to health. You can have a slice of this  $32 billion  market if you create your own natural energy drink.

In the beginning, it may be expensive, yet in the end, it could lead to the biggest payoff.

51. Nutrition Coach

A growing awareness of health creates a demand for nutritionists. As a nutritionist, you will be working as a diet coach to help people live long healthy lives. You require almost no capital to start this business.

52. Aquaponics Farm

Hydroponics is an advanced form of agriculture farming. It is a mechanized way to raise fish and vegetables. The business would be ideal for those who have a backyard and are passionate about farming.

You can find many types of water for sale today. The bad news is that you can’t find them all in the same place.

Since people continue to choose high-quality water, running a business solely dedicated to water and water paraphernalia is not that absurd. The industry is expected to be worth  $217.2 billion  in  2026 .

54. Olive Oil Selling

The global production of olive oil has grown from  2.5 million  metric tons in  2012/2013  to  3.36 million  metric tons in  2019/2020 , according to Statista.

You can make good money selling olive oil since the profit margin is quite high. Therefore, the consumption of olive oil is on the rise.

55. Meal Kits

The majority of people are busy and lack the time to cook a complete meal. They would prefer a home-cooked meal over fast food. This can make a subscription-based business model profitable.

Get started with an online meal kit shop to take orders and deliver the food. You could offer regular packages with different menus for recurring orders.

56. Protein Bars

 A five-year CAGR of  5.9 percent  is forecast for the protein bars market between  2022  and  2028 , from  USD 4.64 billion  to  USD 7.02 billion . However, not all protein bars are created equal.

Take your time and experiment in your home until you find the right recipe and go for it. Taste is the biggest challenge, and if you can overcome it, you’ll succeed in a growing industry.

57. Wedding Cake Selling

There is a lot of creativity involved in this food business. Wedding cakes are very special items. They require a lot of care and dedication to prepare.

Nevertheless, the business provides a lucrative profit margin for the owners. You can learn how to make wedding cakes from books and online tutorials even if you don’t have the skill.

58. Chocolatey Crunch

When it comes to food products and business ideas, chocolate is the go-to. But in order to succeed in this field, you must be a crafty candy maker and choco-lover!

In your quest to explore all your food products business ideas, you came up with the idea of a chocolate business. Good! But first, you need a raw material provider. 

That goes for all businesses, but that is especially true for chocolate businesses.

59. Marinades

Marinades can enhance your recipes just like sauces. Options for marinades include beef, chicken, fish, lamb, and vegetables.

It is possible to create marinades that keep buyers coming back if you know what you are doing in the kitchen and are creative.

60. Hookah Bar Lounge

You can launch a hookah bar lounge in your locality if you have a good funding capacity and a detailed business plan. Hookah bars are cash-intensive but highly profitable.

The most important thing, however, is to do market research in the area you wish to open a hookah bar and find out if there is a demand for such bars.

ProTip:  A perfect business plan is essential to start a hookah bar business. You can write your own business plan by following our proven business plan examples pdf .

61. Straight out of the farms

Health-conscious dietitians recommend farmers’ markets. Take advantage of this opportunity. Research the trends before developing a unique name for your food business.

Be a liaison between farm owners and health-conscious eaters. Then, come up with a unique name for the food business. This combination will be welcomed by the health-conscious public. You can count on that!

This unique name for the food business brings together remote sellers and convenience shoppers under one roof. Growers can set up their stalls and gain the visibility they always wanted.

62. Dining Guide Map and App

If you live in your local area or want to visit a tourist destination, create a dining guide – map or app – and publish it.

By distributing your map for free and selling advertisements to featured restaurants, you may be able to make money or you can sell your guide to consumers with discount coupons.

63. Vinegar Making

There are many types of vinegar. There is white vinegar, chili vinegar, rice vinegar, apple cider vinegar, coconut vinegar, etc.

Making vinegar is a simple, low-cost, profitable idea. Fresh homemade vinegar tastes better than store-bought bottled ones.

Fermentation of vinegar takes two steps. You could taste the vinegar and bottle it in batches. You could sell it to restaurants for regular delivery.

64. Shush the Sushi Lovers

There is no doubt that Americans love sushi. Here is your chance to serve the sushi that blows minds and silences critics. Yes, you can do it!

Sushi is such a popular food dish that you can likely break even in just a few days. 

Quit asking yourself, “How to start a small food business at home?”! There is no rocket science involved in starting a home food business.

65. Food Blog

It is a good money-making business if you are a food lover and enjoys exploring new recipes. There are several successful food bloggers who make a good income out of their blogs.

66. Ginger Garlic Paste Making

As the name implies, ginger garlic paste is a ready-to-cook item. The product belongs to the FMCG sector. When stored in the refrigerator, it has a longer shelf life.

Ginger and garlic are both important spices in cooking many foods, including non-vegetarian ones. There is a huge market for the product nowadays.

67. Roasting Coffee Beans

The best food business to start is roasting coffee beans. You came here looking for answers and here they are. Using coffee beans as the basis of your business is a good idea.

By offering freshly roasted coffee beans, you can charge a higher-than-average price without alienating your consumers. Use this advantage to your advantage.

68. Tasty Tortillas

This food business idea stems from satisfying the craving for tasty tortillas of US Latinos. The idea arises from satisfying those cravings. Get started now!

Increasing numbers of tortilla lovers, and foodies in general, assure that your small food business idea will quickly quadruple. With increasing non-Latinos eating tortillas every day, you know your small food business idea is sure to thrive!

69. Subscription Box Snacks

Creating a subscription snack box catering to specific dietary needs is a great way to utilize the opportunity. For example, for diabetic, low calorie, low fat, or vegan diets, you can create a subscription snack box tailored to specific dietary needs like those.

70. Brewpub

This business is essentially a combination of restaurants and microbreweries, so it requires adequate knowledge and experience in microbreweries.

In addition to offering craft beer with various customized tastes and flavors, it also offers its clients on-premises craft beer. A trend of today’s phenomenon is drinking beer with different customized tastes.

71. Bartender Service

You can make money by mixing cocktails as a side hustle if you know how to do it. Or, if you know how to mix cocktails as a profession, you can start a bartender agency in which you can hire bartenders to cater to firms for large events where you earn tips.

72. Vegetables and Fruits

The organic vegetable business has become quite popular due to the growing awareness of healthy eating. 

It may be a good business idea if you own a farm or are able to source fresh farm produce. In order to connect with clients of all ages, mainly the younger generation, technology may be necessary.

73. Snack Store

Explore different flavors of slated snacks from multiple cultures. The salty snack market has seen unprecedented growth in recent years.

A savory snack business would include producing roasted chickpeas, parmesan crisps, sardines, salted peanuts, and so on. These snacks are in high demand, and they’re not going anywhere soon.

74. Flour milling

The bakery industry relies heavily on flour for many items, including bread, croissants, crackers, cookies, cakes, etc.

Additionally, many people are switching to healthier flour options for wheat. Start your own flour milling business and cater to specific flour needs.

Especially today, when the food market is incredibly diverse, you don’t need to invest as much as you did decades ago

ProTip:  A business plan will help you get funding to start a food business. For assistance in writing your own business plan, you may download our business plan pdf .

Checkout our free business plan examples now!

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Some food business ideas with low investments include starting a food truck, opening a small café or bakery, offering a niche food delivery service, selling homemade condiments or snacks online, or operating a specialized food stall in a local market.

Yes, there are food business ideas that can be started from home, such as running a catering service, baking and selling homemade goods, making and selling specialty jams or sauces, or offering personalized meal prep services.

Yes, starting a food business typically requires obtaining permits and licenses such as a food handler’s permit, business license, and possibly health department inspections. It is essential to research and comply with local regulations and food safety guidelines.

Yes, you can start a food business without extensive culinary experience. You can hire experienced chefs or cooks, take cooking classes to enhance your skills, or focus on food business ideas that don’t require complex culinary techniques, such as specialized food retail or food delivery services.

Marketing strategies for food businesses include creating a strong online presence through social media, building an appealing website, collaborating with local influencers or food bloggers, offering samples or discounts to attract customers, participating in food events or festivals, and leveraging online food delivery platforms.

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46 Great Home-Based Food Business Ideas for 2020

I may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.

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This is the very first article on my new website, and it’s a great place to start your search for a home-based business that focuses on your love of food and cooking.

I’ve been self-employed my entire life, and my wife and I have supported our family with home-based food businesses for the past 15 years. Now we’re sharing our real-life experiences, to make your path to where we are now a lot easier than the one we took.

If you want to learn more about our journey, be sure to check out the About Stacey page on our website.

Below we’ve made a list of 43 ways that you could make a living from the comfort of your own home with a food-related business. We have first-hand experience with many of these food business ideas, and for those that we don’t, we’ve done very similar things.

But first, let me tell you a little more about this list.

food business plan ideas

Who is The List of Home-Based Food Business Ideas For?

Honestly, we made this list of ideas for people who are pretty much like me and my wife.

Seventeen years ago my wife and I were sweethearts who were just beginning to plan our lives together. We were busy dreaming about how many kids we’d have, if we’d home-school or not, and if we’d both work or just one of us.

Even though we didn’t have all of the answers to what our future would look like, we knew that our ‘normal’ jobs were going to stand in the way of our dreams.

At the time, we both had regular jobs plus some side-hustles for extra income. Sometimes we traveled for work and we nearly always worked more hours than would make sense to us when we had children.

So we started dreaming of a better way to support our family while we raised our own babies.

With that dream, we started our first food-based businesses: Magic Meals Personal Chefs and Magic Meals Produce (a small market garden). Honestly, there was a lot of trial and error in those first few years. But by the end of the second year, we both left our ‘normal’ jobs.

And that was just the beginning.

Since then we’ve made a decent living gardening, cooking, and raising our family from the comfort of our own home. And nowadays that living has gotten even more comfortable.

So are you like us?

Do you love food? Do you dream of working from home? Are you willing to work hard and learn a lot of new skills?

If so, then you are like us and this list is for you.

46 Home Based Food Business Ideas

The List of Home-Based Food Business Ideas

  • Meal Prep Delivery Business
  • Food & Recipe Blogger
  • Health Blogger
  • Private Chef
  • Personal Chef
  • Personal Fitness Chef
  • Food Critic
  • Recipe Developer
  • Cook Book Author
  • Health & Nutrition Coach
  • Personal Grocery Shopper
  • Secret Supper Club
  • Food Photographer
  • Food YouTuber
  • Personalized Meal Prep Planner
  • Meal Prep Club
  • Personal Assistant to Bloggers
  • Teach Cooking Classes
  • Sell Spice Mixes & Seasonings
  • Sell BBQ Sauce
  • Market Farmer
  • Grow & Sell Herbs
  • Grow & Sell Flowers
  • Garden Blogger
  • Food Party Planner
  • AirBNB Food Experience Host
  • AirBNB Rental With A Foodie Focus
  • Mushroom Farm
  • Mobile Bartender
  • Cake Decorating Classes
  • Sell Hot Sauce
  • Pet Food Bakery
  • Popup Restaurant
  • Catering Equipment Rental
  • Commercial Kitchen Rental
  • Local Restaurant & Caterer Online Guide
  • Romantic Catering Experts
  • Honey & Honey Product Producers
  • Cooking Contest Organizer
  • Food Event Organizer
  • Restaurant Mystery Shopper
  • Meal Bowl Delivery Business
  • Vending Machine Owner

Over the coming months, I’m going to detail each of these ideas with the real-life experience garnered over the last 15 years of making a living in the home-based food business.

My goal here is to help you get from knowing nothing to having the knowledge you need to start your own foodie business with as little trial and error as possible.

If Angela and I had a guide when we started, we’d have saved ourselves lots of self-induced pain. I want to be that guide for you.

For each of these business models, and probably some more that we’ve overlooked, we are going to help you figure out how to get from knowing nothing to running your own business.

We want to answer the questions that you don’t even know you need to ask!

Some of the questions we plan to answer for each business model include:

  • An overview of what that business would look like in your life.
  • How to know if that business would work for you.
  • Will it work in your community?
  • Will it work in your home?
  • Helping you figure out the costs to start & the potential profit.
  • Walking you through what you need to do to get licensed to run that particular business.
  • A step-by-step guide to setting your business up.
  • A step-by-step guide to building a business website that works.
  • Details on pricing your products and services.
  • A step-by-step guide to marketing your business.
  • And more…

Does that sound like something that would help you achieve your dreams? If so, I want to invite you to be part of our foodie tribe.

But first, I need a little help so I can focus on the content that is most in-demand. Will you do these three things for me right now?

  • Go to the comments below and tell me which business ideas you’d like me to detail out first. In the comments, list of all of the business models that you are interested in learning more about.
  • Share this article on Social Media. The more people who are asking for help, the more passion I’ll have to find the time to make this happen.
  • Make sure you’re signed up to hear more from me via email. You can signup below.

Subscribe to hear how we can help you start and grow your home based food business.

Once you’re signed up to hear more from me via email, I’ll keep you updated as our community grows and evolves.

Your Foodie Friend,

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With over 15 years of experience starting, running, and growing home-based food businesses, Stacey is the #1 home-based food business coach in America. Stacey is the author of the Advantage Meals: By The Numbers Book.

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image of a boba tea business

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image of a beef jerky business

alkaline water

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image of a alkaline water business

candy making

Ever dreamed about turning your sweet tooth into a sweet source of income? Welcome to the world of candy making business, where your love for confections can transform into a profitable venture, and we're here to guide you every step of the way!

image of a candy making business

bottled water

Imagine turning a simple, everyday necessity like water into a thriving, profitable business. This article will guide you through the exciting journey of starting your own bottled water business, transforming a humble idea into a wellspring of success.

image of a bottled water business

Imagine turning your passion for healthy living into a thriving, profitable business that brings a burst of freshness to your community. Let's dive into the invigorating world of juice bars, and unravel how you can squeeze success from this fruitful venture!

image of a juice bar business

hot dog cart

Ever dreamed of being your own boss, grilling up delicious hot dogs while cashing in on the profits? Well, buckle up, because we're about to take you on a sizzling journey on how to start your very own profitable hot dog cart business.

image of a hot dog cart business

doughnut shop

Ever dreamt of turning your love for doughnuts into a money-making venture? Well, buckle up, doughnut enthusiast, because we're about to take a sweet journey into the world of running a profitable doughnut shop business!

image of a doughnut shop business

coffee shop

Ever dreamt of turning your love for coffee into a thriving business that fuels not only your caffeine cravings, but your wallet too? Let's embark on this aromatic journey together, learning the ins and outs of starting a profitable coffee shop business that will make both you and your customers rise and grind!

image of a coffee shop business

Ever dreamt of turning your passion for food into a thriving business? Dive into this article and discover how you can transform your culinary skills into a profitable catering business, serving up success one event at a time.

image of a catering business

ice cream truck

Imagine spending your days surrounded by the sweet, creamy goodness of ice cream, all while making a tidy profit. Welcome to the world of the ice cream truck business, where we'll show you how to turn your frosty fantasies into a successful, money-making reality.

image of a ice cream truck business

Ever dreamt of turning your passion for brewing craft beers into a profitable business? Let's embark on an intoxicating journey to learn how you can transform that frothy fantasy into a money-making reality, one pint at a time.

image of a brewery business

sandwich shop

Ever dreamt of turning your passion for crafting delicious sandwiches into a profitable business? Let's embark on this exciting journey together, as we uncover the secrets to launching a successful sandwich shop that not only satisfies taste buds, but also your bank account.

image of a sandwich shop business

Ever thought about turning your passion for healthy, delicious smoothies into a thriving business? Well, strap in, because we're about to embark on a juicy journey on how to start a profitable smoothie business that'll quench your entrepreneurial thirst!

image of a smoothie business

Have you ever dreamt of turning your passion for baking into a profitable venture? Get ready to embark on a delicious journey as we guide you through the steps to start your own successful bakery business, transforming your dough-kneading skills into dough-making magic!

image of a bakery business

Have you ever dreamt of turning your love for bagels into a profitable venture? Dive into this guide and discover the exciting journey of starting your own bagel shop business, where passion meets profit and every day is a fresh bake!

image of a bagel shop business

Ever dreamt of turning your love for exotic flavors into a profitable venture? Let's embark on an exciting journey together, as we unravel the secrets of starting a successful spice business that not only satisfies your entrepreneurial spirit but also fills your pockets!

image of a spice business

frozen yogurt stand

Imagine turning your love for the sweet, creamy delight of frozen yogurt into a thriving business that fills both your pockets and people's hearts with joy. This article will guide you step-by-step on how to start your own profitable frozen yogurt stand business, making your entrepreneurial dreams as cool and satisfying as a swirl of froyo on a hot day!

image of a frozen yogurt stand business

Ever dreamed of turning your love for bubble tea into a booming business? Dive in as we spill the tea on how to brew up a profitable bubble tea venture that's just as irresistible as your favorite tapioca-filled treat!

image of a bubble tea business

Ever dreamed of turning your sweet tooth into a sweet source of income? Dive in as we unwrap the secrets to starting your own profitable candy business, turning those sugar-coated dreams into a delicious reality!

image of a candy business

Ever dreamt of turning your passion for baking into a profitable venture? Dive into this guide and learn how to transform your love for cupcakes into a thriving business, one delicious bite at a time.

image of a cupcake business

butcher shop

Ever dreamt of running your own butcher shop, being the go-to place for quality cuts and gourmet meats? In this article, we'll carve up the steps to not only start your own butcher shop business, but to make it a profitable venture that’s a cut above the rest!

image of a butcher shop business

ice cream shop

Dreaming of turning your love for ice cream into a sweet money-making venture? Dive into this article, and let's embark on a delicious journey of starting your very own profitable ice cream shop business, one scoop at a time!

image of a ice cream shop business

Ever dreamt of transforming your love for tea into a profitable venture? Let's embark on a thrilling journey together, unraveling the secrets of starting a successful tea business that not only satisfies your passion but also fills your pockets.

image of a tea business

Ever dreamt of turning your love for wine into a profitable venture? Let's uncork the secrets to starting your very own winery business, transforming those lush grapes into liquid gold and your passion into profit.

winery business image

Imagine turning your passion for wine into a profitable venture, where every swirl, sniff, and sip can lead to financial success. In this article, we'll uncork the secrets of starting a wine business that not only satisfies your palate but also fattens your wallet.

wine business image

Ever dreamed of turning your passion for cooking into a profitable venture? Dive into this comprehensive guide and discover how you can transform your kitchen prowess into a thriving meal prep business, serving up success one dish at a time.

meal prep business image

Ever thought about turning your passion for fresh, healthy juices into a thriving business? Buckle up, as we're about to take a juicy journey on how to squeeze success out of a profitable juice business.

juice business image

Ever dreamt of turning your passion for ice cream into a cool cash churning business? Dive into this sweet guide, as we take you on a flavorful journey on how to start your own profitable ice cream business, one scoop at a time!

ice cream business image

Ever dreamt of turning your love for baking cookies into a full-blown, money-making venture? You're in the right place, as we're about to reveal the delicious secrets behind starting a profitable cookie business that will not only feed your passion but also your bank account!

cookie business image

Are you dreaming of a business that's as refreshing as a cool summer breeze? Dive into this guide and learn how to turn a simple love for water ice into a profitable business venture that can make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality!

water ice business image

Ever dreamt of turning your love for tequila into a profitable venture? Well, buckle up, amigo, because we're about to embark on a thrilling journey revealing the secrets to launching a successful tequila business.

tequila business image

Imagine turning your passion for the soothing, aromatic world of tea into a thriving business that brings joy to others and profit to your pocket. Welcome to the journey of starting your own tea room business, a venture that is as exciting and rewarding as it is steeped in tradition and taste.

tea room business image

Ever dreamt of turning your love for tacos into a money-making venture? Well, get ready to spice up your entrepreneurial journey as we unwrap the secrets to launching a profitable taco business that will have customers lining up around the block!

taco business image

soup and salad

Ever dreamt of turning your passion for hearty soups and crisp salads into a lucrative business? Buckle up, as we take you on a flavorful journey of starting your own profitable soup and salad venture, dishing out the secrets to success.

soup and salad business image

Ever dreamt of creating a fizzy sensation that will tickle taste buds across the globe? Well, buckle up, because we're about to dive into the effervescent world of starting your very own profitable soft drink business.

soft drink business image

Ever dreamed of running your own business, one where you can cool down the summer heat and sweeten up the smiles of your customers? Dive into this guide and discover how you can turn a simple snow cone stand into a profitable and refreshing entrepreneurial journey.

snow cone business image

snack delivery

Ever dreamt of turning your love for snacks into a money-making venture? Dive into this comprehensive guide and discover how you can start your own profitable snack delivery business, and transform those crunchy, savory dreams into a delicious reality.

snack delivery business image

smoothie delivery

Ever dreamt of turning your passion for healthy, delicious smoothies into a thriving business? Let's dive into the exciting journey of starting your own profitable smoothie delivery business, blending your love for wellness with a thirst for entrepreneurial success.

smoothie delivery business image

Ever thought about turning your secret spice blend into a goldmine? Let's dive into the flavorful world of starting your very own profitable seasoning business, and spice up your life with entrepreneurial zest!

seasoning business image

Imagine turning your love for sweet, refreshing popsicles into a thriving, profitable business that brings joy to others. This article will guide you through the exciting journey of starting your own popsicle business, from the initial idea to your first sale, making it both a fun and educational adventure.

popsicle business image

Ever dreamt of turning your love for popcorn into a profitable venture? Dive into this article as we unravel the secrets behind starting a successful popcorn business that's as irresistible as the aroma of freshly popped corn!

popcorn business image

Dreaming of turning your passion for pickles into a profitable venture? Dive into our guide, where we'll unravel the secrets of starting a successful pickle business, making your crunchy, tangy dreams a delicious reality.

pickle business image

Ever dreamt of turning your passion for fluffy, golden pancakes into a profitable venture? Let's embark on a delicious journey together, as we flip through the essential steps of starting your very own profitable pancake business.

pancake business image

jam and jelly

Ever dreamt of turning your grandma's secret jam recipe into a money-making machine? Welcome aboard, as we journey through the sweet and sticky world of starting your own profitable jam and jelly business.

jam and jelly business image

italian ice

Ever dreamt of running your own business, one that combines your love for sweet treats and passion for entrepreneurship? Dive into this comprehensive guide and discover how you can turn scoops of refreshing Italian ice into a profitable venture!

italian ice business image

Ever dreamed of turning your secret hot sauce recipe into a money-making venture? Buckle up, spice lovers, as we guide you through the exhilarating journey of starting your very own profitable hot sauce business!

hot sauce business image

home food delivery

Imagine turning your culinary passion into a thriving business right from the comfort of your own kitchen. Get ready to whip up some profits as we guide you through the exciting journey of starting your very own home food delivery business!

home food delivery business image

frozen pizza

Ready to turn your love for pizza into a cool, cash-generating venture? Let's dive into the delicious world of starting your own profitable frozen pizza business, where dough, cheese, and entrepreneurial spirit come together for a slice of success!

frozen pizza business business image

Ever dreamt of turning your secret lemonade recipe into a money-making venture? Let's dive into the exciting world of the profitable drink business, where your passion for beverages could be your ticket to entrepreneurial success!

drink business image

Ever dreamed of turning your love for crepes into a profitable venture? Dive into this guide and discover the exciting journey of starting your very own crepe business, turning that morning aroma of fresh crepes into a sweet stream of income.

crepe business image

Ever thought about turning your love for crustaceans into a profitable venture? Dive into this article and discover the ins and outs of starting your very own thriving crab business, and let's turn that dream into a reality.

crab business image

coffee subscription

Ever dreamt of turning your love for coffee into a lucrative business? Let's dive into the thrilling journey of starting a profitable coffee subscription business, perfect for those with entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for the perfect brew.

coffee subscription business image

coffee roasting

Ever dreamt of waking up to the irresistible aroma of freshly roasted coffee, knowing it's not just a passion but your thriving business? Let's dive into the exhilarating journey of turning your love for coffee into a lucrative coffee roasting venture.

coffee roasting business image

cigar lounge

Dreaming of owning a classy joint where aficionados can relax, socialize and appreciate a good cigar? Let's embark on this exciting journey of turning that dream into a profitable reality by starting your very own cigar lounge business.

cigar lounge business image

chocolate covered strawberry

Ever dreamt of turning your love for chocolate-covered strawberries into a profitable venture? Let's embark on a sweet journey, where we'll unwrap the secrets of launching a successful business that combines the art of taste and profit, one delicious berry at a time.

chocolate covered strawberry business image

Ever dreamt of turning your passion for chocolate into a profitable venture? Buckle up, my fellow chocoholic, as we embark on a sweet journey to learn how to start your very own successful chocolate business.

chocolate business image

Ever dreamt of turning your love for cheese into a money-making venture? Let's embark on a delicious journey together, exploring how you can create a profitable cheese business that will leave your customers craving more!

cheese business image

cereal delivery

Ever dreamt of turning your love for Froot Loops and Frosted Flakes into a profitable venture? Well, buckle up cereal lovers, as we dive into the crunchy world of starting your very own cereal delivery business, and transform your breakfast passion into a money-making machine!

cereal delivery business image

Ever dreamt of turning your passion for baking delightful cake pops into a thriving business? Let's embark on a sweet journey together, as we unravel the secrets to launching a profitable cake pop venture that could turn your kitchen into a money-making powerhouse.

cake pop business image

bread delivery

Have you ever dreamt of turning your love for fresh, warm loaves into a thriving business? Welcome aboard, as we embark on an exciting journey to explore how you can start your own profitable bread delivery business, right from your kitchen!

bread delivery business image

boiled peanut

Ever thought about turning your love for boiled peanuts into a money-making venture? Get ready to dive into the exciting, and potentially lucrative, world of starting your own profitable boiled peanut business.

boiled peanut business image

Imagine turning your favorite thirst-quenching recipe into a profitable business venture that has everyone clamoring for a taste. This isn't just a pipe dream, but a tangible reality we're about to explore, as we guide you step by step on how to start a profitable beverage business.

beverage business image

beer delivery

Ever dreamt of combining your passion for beer with a profitable business venture? Welcome to the exciting world of beer delivery, where you can turn your love for a cold brew into a thriving, money-making enterprise.

beer delivery business image

Which food business is most profitable?

The most profitable food business can vary depending on a number of factors such as location, market demand, and the specific products or services being offered. Some food businesses that may be more profitable than others include:

  • Specialty food stores: Stores that specialize in a particular type of food, such as gourmet, organic, or ethnic foods, may be more profitable than more general food stores because they can charge higher prices for their products.
  • Food delivery services: Food delivery services that offer a wide range of menu options and are able to attract a high volume of orders may be more profitable than those with more limited offerings.
  • Food trucks: Food trucks that are able to attract a large customer base and offer high-quality, unique menu items may be more profitable than those that are less successful in differentiating themselves from competitors.
  • Catering businesses: Catering businesses that are able to secure a steady stream of event bookings and offer high-quality food and service may be more profitable than those that are unable to do so.

There are many other types of food businesses as well, and the most profitable one for you will depend on your interests, skills, and resources.

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I'm Nick, co-founder of, dedicated to helping aspiring entrepreneurs succeed. As a small business owner with over five years of experience, I have garnered valuable knowledge and insights across a diverse range of industries. My passion for entrepreneurship drives me to share my expertise with aspiring entrepreneurs, empowering them to turn their business dreams into reality.

Through meticulous research and firsthand experience, I uncover the essential steps, software, tools, and costs associated with launching and maintaining a successful business. By demystifying the complexities of entrepreneurship, I provide the guidance and support needed for others to embark on their journey with confidence.

From assessing market viability and formulating business plans to selecting the right technology and navigating the financial landscape, I am dedicated to helping fellow entrepreneurs overcome challenges and unlock their full potential. As a steadfast advocate for small business success, my mission is to pave the way for a new generation of innovative and driven entrepreneurs who are ready to make their mark on the world.

food business plan ideas

McDonald's plans $5 US meal deal next month to counter customer frustration over high prices

McDonald’s is planning to introduce a $5 meal deal in the U.S. next month to counter slowing sales and customers’ frustration with high prices

McDonald’s plans to introduce a $5 meal deal in the U.S. next month to counter slowing sales and customers’ frustration with high prices .

The deal would let customers get a four-piece McNugget, small fries, a small drink and either a McDouble burger or a McChicken sandwich for $5 in most areas, according to a person familiar with the deal who wasn’t authorized to discuss its details.

The month-long deal is scheduled to begin June 25 and will be advertised nationally. Some stores with higher costs, like those in California or Hawaii, may charge more, the person said.

McDonald’s didn’t confirm the upcoming deal when asked about it Thursday by The Associated Press. But the Chicago-based burger giant said last month that it was planning to step up deals to combat slowing customer traffic in some markets.

“We know how much it means to our customers when McDonald’s offers meaningful value and communicates it through national advertising,” McDonald’s said in a statement Wednesday.


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The meal deal would be a substantial discount from the list prices for the items that will be included in the limited-time deal. One McDonald’s location in Michigan charged $9.66 for the four items sold individually on Thursday.

Fast food prices have risen dramatically in the last few years due to a variety of factors, including elevated costs for labor, food and paper products. Between the first quarter of 2022 and the first quarter of 2024, the amount spent per person per visit at a U.S. fast food restaurant rose 25%, from $12 to $15, according to Technomic, a restaurant data firm.

McDonald’s said earlier this year that it was seeing fewer U.S. visits and lower spending from customers earning less than $45,000 per year.

As grocery inflation has slowed, more people are choosing to eat at home, McDonald’s President and CEO Chris Kempczinski said. In the first quarter, the company said fast food traffic was flat or down in many key markets, including the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom.

“The consumer is certainly being very discriminating in how they spend their dollar,” Kempczinski said during a conference call with investors. “It may be more pronounced with lower-income consumers, but its important to recognize that all income cohorts are seeking value.”

During the same call, Kempczinski said McDonald’s needed a nationwide deal emphasizing its value if it wanted to keep up with rivals.

Other chains have also reported slowing sales. Starbucks said last month that it was seeing a sharper and faster decline in U.S. consumer confidence than it had anticipated in the January-March period. Starbucks said it plans to open up its Rewards app to non-members in July so they can take advantage of the deals it offers.

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McDonald’s plans $5 US meal deal next month to counter customer frustration over high prices

FILE - The McDonald's restaurant logo and golden arch is lit up, April 20, 2006, in Chicago. McDonald’s plans to introduce a $5 meal deal in the U.S. in June 2024 to counter slowing sales and customers’ frustration with high prices. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson, File)

FILE - The McDonald’s restaurant logo and golden arch is lit up, April 20, 2006, in Chicago. McDonald’s plans to introduce a $5 meal deal in the U.S. in June 2024 to counter slowing sales and customers’ frustration with high prices. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson, File)

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McDonald’s plans to introduce a $5 meal deal in the U.S. next month to counter slowing sales and customers’ frustration with high prices .

The deal would let customers get a four-piece McNugget, small fries, a small drink and either a McDouble burger or a McChicken sandwich for $5 in most areas, according to a person familiar with the deal who wasn’t authorized to discuss its details.

The month-long deal is scheduled to begin June 25 and will be advertised nationally. Some stores with higher costs, like those in California or Hawaii, may charge more, the person said.

McDonald’s didn’t confirm the upcoming deal when asked about it Thursday by The Associated Press. But the Chicago-based burger giant said last month that it was planning to step up deals to combat slowing customer traffic in some markets.

“We know how much it means to our customers when McDonald’s offers meaningful value and communicates it through national advertising,” McDonald’s said in a statement Wednesday.

The meal deal would be a substantial discount from the list prices for the items that will be included in the limited-time deal. One McDonald’s location in Michigan charged $9.66 for the four items sold individually on Thursday.

FILE - A shopper heads into a Target store Jan. 11, 2024, in Lakewood, Colo. Target plans on cutting prices on thousands of consumer basics this summer, goods ranging from diapers to milk, with more Americans paying closer attention to their spending as inflation cuts into household budgets. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File)

Fast food prices have risen dramatically in the last few years due to a variety of factors, including elevated costs for labor, food and paper products. Between the first quarter of 2022 and the first quarter of 2024, the amount spent per person per visit at a U.S. fast food restaurant rose 25%, from $12 to $15, according to Technomic, a restaurant data firm.

McDonald’s said earlier this year that it was seeing fewer U.S. visits and lower spending from customers earning less than $45,000 per year.

As grocery inflation has slowed, more people are choosing to eat at home, McDonald’s President and CEO Chris Kempczinski said. In the first quarter, the company said fast food traffic was flat or down in many key markets, including the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom.

“The consumer is certainly being very discriminating in how they spend their dollar,” Kempczinski said during a conference call with investors. “It may be more pronounced with lower-income consumers, but its important to recognize that all income cohorts are seeking value.”

During the same call, Kempczinski said McDonald’s needed a nationwide deal emphasizing its value if it wanted to keep up with rivals.

Other chains have also reported slowing sales. Starbucks said last month that it was seeing a sharper and faster decline in U.S. consumer confidence than it had anticipated in the January-March period. Starbucks said it plans to open up its Rewards app to non-members in July so they can take advantage of the deals it offers.

food business plan ideas

The $5 McDonald's meal is making a grand comeback in June — but only for a month

  • McDonald's plans to launch a limited-time $5 meal.
  • In first-quarter earnings, the company's leadership highlighted how inflation has affected customers.
  • Other fast food chains are also worried about affordability.

Insider Today

McDonald's is looking to launch a $5 meal in the US in a move to bring back price-sensitive customers .

The meal includes four items, people familiar with the matter told Bloomberg and Restaurant Business . Customers would choose between two of the chain's signature burgers — a McChicken or a McDouble — and get four-piece McNuggets, fries , and a drink. The $5 promotion would last for a month, Bloomberg reported.

The deal will start on June 25, The Wall Street Journal and other outlets reported.

The discussions about the new deal come three weeks after the fast food giant's first-quarter earnings call, where leadership highlighted how customers are increasingly price-sensitive.

"I think affordability is clearly an area where consumer expectations are heightened," McDonald's chief financial officer Ian Borden said on the call. "Obviously, they're getting hit ," by inflation, he added.

The company previewed a value meal on the earnings call without any specifics. CEO Chris Kempczinski said McDonald's has local value meals around the US, but no standard national offering like competitors do.

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A $5 meal would be a stark drop from current prices, especially in higher-cost cities, according to a Business Insider analysis.

A meal consisting of the same four items — a McChicken, fries, a drink, and four-piece chicken nuggets — costs $18.26 in downtown New York City. In downtown San Francisco, the McChicken version costs $16.15, and the burger variant costs $17.75.

The new bundle would be priced lower than a Happy Meal, which starts at $6.39 in downtown Manhattan.

The company's stock has fallen about 7% year-to-date as investors worry about rising costs and intensifying fast-food competition.

Fast-food chains across the US are grappling with fewer orders from customers who no longer find their meals affordable. Wendy's, Shake Shack , Starbucks and Burger King parent Restaurant Brands International have all said in their latest earnings call that they will exercise caution on prices.

"We're going to stay careful on pricing," Gunther Plosch, Wendy's CFO, said in its earnings call earlier this month. "I don't think we're going to get too greedy."

Fast-food giants have also been hit by California's new minimum $20 hourly wage for limited-service restaurants. Franchisees that have raised prices are worried they may lose customers to sit-in dining chains like Chili's and Applebee's , which are not subject to the wage hike.

McDonald's did not respond to an immediate request for comment sent outside standard business hours.

Watch: US vs India McDonald's | Food Wars

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    Step 3: Crafting a Robust Business Plan. Your food business's roadmap to success is a comprehensive business plan. This strategic document details every aspect of your venture, from concept and target market to operational strategies, financial projections, and growth plans.

  13. 20 Creative Food Business Ideas To Inspire You This Year

    The average profit margin of a restaurant ranges from 3% to 5%. Food truck businesses can cost $50,000 to start before making $500,000 per year. The fast-food industry currently shows a CAGR of just over 5%. The food industry is one of the most versatile sectors of all. There are many ways to manage a business in this field, and there will be ...

  14. 24 Food Business Ideas for 2024

    He provides free training for people who want to become vending machine business owners. #2. Food truck • Average Annual Revenue: $41K+ • Average Profit Margins: 6.4% • Startup Cost: $1K-$100K • Time to Revenue: 3+ months • Annual Market Growth Rate: 1.2% • Best For: Foodies, chefs, cooks, bakers, and other food service veterans You can start a food truck business based on your own ...

  15. 12 Innovative Food Ideas To Jumpstart Your 2023 Venture

    Idea 3: Hold monthly food product-tasting events. Tasting events go hand in hand with unique food product ideas. That's where new or existing products can be introduced to the student body in innovative ways such as interactive demonstrations or workshops led by experts in nutrition or food science.

  16. 100+ Profitable Food Business Ideas with Revenue Numbers

    Case Study #1: The ultimate food truck case study. Case Study #2: How I won season 10 of "The Great Food Truck Race" tv show. Case Study #3: How Dave Krolak started the Cas' Pierogi & Kielbasa food truck. Case Study #4: How White Whale Ice Cream Truck Books Weddings. Burritos come in many forms.

  17. 15 Awesome Food Business Ideas for Aspiring Entrepreneurs in 2024

    Jams and jellies. Fruits and vegetables. Many food processing businesses operate only as an online store to reduce in-store costs and focus on inventory management, packaging, marketing, and supply chain management for the product line. You can market your services online to find leads to expand your product reach. 6.

  18. 14 Best Small Business Ideas for 2024: Including Food Truck Ideas

    Challenges. Must maintain a robust supply chain to meet the demand when scaling your business. 02. Ice Cream Parlor. Everyone loves ice cream. The global ice cream market is projected to reach a valuation of $122 bn by 2031 (source: alliedmarketresearch), making it one of the favorite desserts in the world.

  19. 100+ Sample Food Business Plan Templates for 2023

    Sample Business Plans for Food Industry 1. Charcuterie Business Plan. Charcuterie is a display of prepared meats paired with cheeses and plain vegetables on a traditional board. Charcuterie is the culinary art of preparing meat products such as bacon, salami, ham, sausage, terrines, galantines, ballotines, pâtés, and confit professionally.

  20. Top 74 Profitable Food Business Ideas to Start May 2024

    Consider expanding your juice bar into a casual restaurant by offering salads and vegan dishes in addition to juices and smoothies. Pro Tip: A successful juice bar business need a business plan, you can write a juice bar business plan by using this free juice bar business plan template. 5. Ice Cream Making.

  21. 46 Great Home-Based Food Business Ideas for 2020

    Cooking Contest Organizer. Food Event Organizer. Restaurant Mystery Shopper. Meal Bowl Delivery Business. Vending Machine Owner. Over the coming months, I'm going to detail each of these ideas with the real-life experience garnered over the last 15 years of making a living in the home-based food business.

  22. Best Food Business Ideas & Examples in 2023

    Learn about some of the top Food business ideas, associated business plans, and the steps you need to take to build a successful Food business. Start. ... Get the step-by-step guide to creating a profitable food blog business plan. This comprehensive template & guidebook has everything you need to get up and running, including helpful tips and ...

  23. McDonald's plans $5 US meal deal next month to counter customer

    FILE - The McDonald's restaurant logo and golden arch is lit up, April 20, 2006, in Chicago. McDonald's plans to introduce a $5 meal deal in the U.S. in June 2024 to counter slowing sales and ...

  24. McDonald's plans $5 US meal deal next month to counter customer

    McDonald's plans to introduce a $5 meal deal in the U.S. next month to counter slowing sales and customers' frustration with high prices. The deal would let customers get a four-piece McNugget, small fries, a small drink and either a McDouble burger or a McChicken sandwich for $5 in most areas, according to a person familiar with the deal who wasn't authorized to discuss its details.

  25. McDonald's Plans $5 Meal Promotion for June As ...

    May 13, 2024, 12:56 AM PDT. McDonald's double cheeseburger with fries and drink. Aleksandr Zubkov/Getty Images. McDonald's plans to launch a limited-time $5 meal. In first-quarter earnings, the ...

  26. McDonald's $5 value meal starts June 25, last about a month

    Key Points. McDonald's $5 value meal will run for roughly a month, beginning on June 25. The offering will include four items — a McChicken or McDouble, four piece chicken nuggets, fries and a ...

  27. Uber to Buy Delivery Hero's Taiwan Business for $950 Million

    3:03. Uber Technologies Inc. is buying Delivery Hero SE 's Foodpanda business in Taiwan for $950 million, shoring up its control of a key Asian market as it seeks to expand in the region. Uber ...

  28. Kimmel Center switches food partner, plans new restaurant to replace

    The international hospitality partner is the caterer for more than 80 venues across New York and London, including storied London concert venue Royal Albert Hall.