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Mathematical sciences

phd mathematics unipd

Host Department Department of Mathematics

Webpage https://dottorato.math.unipd.it/

Research Topic B

Abstract of the proposed UNIPhD research project

The Deligne-Mumford compactified moduli space categorizes stable algebraic curves with marked points, crucial in algebraic geometry for intersection theory. Its cohomology ring, too intricate to explore entirely, leads us to focus on the more manageable tautological ring. This subring derives from natural geometric elements within the moduli space, generated by psi and kappa classes. The aim is to uncover all tautological relations among these generators.

Our project centers on conjectured tautological relations, potentially verifying the strong DR/DZ equivalence conjecture. This conjecture posits a deep connection between different integrable hierarchies within cohomological field theories (CohFTs). While verified for simpler CohFTs and specific Gromov-Witten theory cases, we seek to provide more evidence and potentially prove this equivalence. Furthermore, expanding the investigation to include generalizations, such as homotopy CohFTs, quantum and super hierarchies associated with a CohFT, opens up an exciting path for further development.

I was born in Malaysia and am currently a Ph.D. student in mathematics, specializing in arithmetic and complex algebraic geometry. Previously, I pursued my master’s degree in mathematical physics in France, working on cohomological field theory and Givental’s theory under the guidance of Prof Guido Carlet. My academic journey began with a bachelor’s degree in physics in Malaysia, where my focus was on the differential geometric structures of general relativity and cosmology. My interest has always revolved around the mathematical foundations that underpin modern theoretical physics. Currently, my research goal is to better comprehend the enigmatic relationship between enumerative geometry and integrable systems. It is an exciting topic to study as it offers powerful mathematical results as well as important implications for string theory and quantum gauge theory. Beyond intellectual interests, I enjoy group treks and playing sports, meeting people from diverse cultures, and attending retreats during my spare time.

Topic assigned to

phd mathematics unipd

Ishan Singh

Project documents.

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University of Padua PhD programme

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Doctoral Program in Mathematical Sciences

Corso di dottorato in scienze matematiche, recent theses (mathematics).

List of the PhD theses prepared within the Mathematics Curriculum in the last years. (The name of the supervisor is enclosed in brackets. Most of the theses can be downloaded from PaDUA@research , the Digital Archive of the University of Padova: just click on the thesis' title).


  • Davide Barco, A topological approach to the Fourier transform of an elementary D-module (Andrea D'Agnolo)
  • Federico Campanini,  Weak forms of the Krull-Schmidt theorem and Prüfer rings in distinguished construction s (Alberto Facchni)
  • Maria Teresa Chiri, Structural properties of solutions, approximation and control for conservation laws with discontinuous flux and bioinspired PDE models (Fabio Ancona)
  • Giacomo Graziani, Modular sheaves of de Rham classes on Hilbert formal modular schemes for unramified primes (Adrian Iovita)
  • Maria Giovanna Le Gros, Minimal approximations for cotorsion pairs generated by modules of projective dimension at most one over commutative rings (Silvana Bazzoni)
  • Federico Venturelli, The Alexander polynomial of certain classes of non-symmetric line arrangements (Remke N. Kloosterman)
  • Roberto Bramati, Geometric integral inequalities on homogeneous spaces (Paolo Ciatti)
  • Sebastiano Don, Functions of bounded variation in Carnot-Carathéodory spaces (Davide Vittone)
  • Simone Giovannini, On some examples in higher Auslander-Reiten theory (Silvana Bazzoni)
  • Yan Hu, Rationality of darmon points over genus fields of nonmaximal orders (Matteo Longo)
  • Paolo Luzzini, Regularizing properties of the double layer heat potential and shape analysis of a periodic proble m (Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
  • Roman Pukhtaievych, Periodic and hypercomplex potentials. Properties and applications (Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
  • Marco Tarantino, Recollements from exact model structures and heart constructions in triangulated categories (Silvana Bazzoni)
  • Anna Tovo, Mathematical Modelling and Statistics of Biodiversity (Marco Favretti)
  • Ferraresso Francesco, On the spectral stability of polyharmonic operators on singularly perturbed domains (Pier Domenico Lamberti)
  • Aigul Myrzagaliyeva, On pointwise multipliers in some function spaces   (Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
  • Leone Cesare Cimetta, Some properties of zeta functions associated to profinite groups (Andrea Lucchini)
  • Laura Cossu, Factorizations of invertible matrices into products of elementary matrices and of singular matrices into products of idempotent matrices (Paolo Zanardo)
  • Ismail Abdelsheed Gad Ameen, Fractional calculus: numerical methods and SIR models (Paolo Novati)


  • Marta Zoppello, Controllability and optimization of deformable bodies in fluids: from biology to robotics (Franco Cardin)
  • Luigi Provenzano, On mass distribution and concentration phenomena for linear elliptic partial differential operators (Pier Domenico Lamberti)
  • Daria Ghilli, Some Results in Nonlinear PDEs: Large Deviations Problems, Nonlocal Operators, and Stability for Some Isoperimetric Problems (Martino Bardi)
  • Valentina Franceschi, Sharp and Quantitative Isoperimetric Inequalities in Carnot-Carath é odory spaces (Roberto Monti)


  • Zhanar Taspaganbetova, Boundedness and compactness of matrix operators in weighted spaces of sequences and their applications (Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
  • Guhanvenkat Harikumar, Darmon cycles and the Kohnen - Shintani lifting (Matteo Longo)
  • Nguyen Khanh Tung, Cyclically presented modules, automorphism-invariant modules and poor modules (Alberto Facchini)
  • Francesco Mattiello , New trends in tilting theory (Riccardo Colpi)
  • Genaro Hernandez Mada, Monodromy Criterion for the Good Reduction of Surfaces (Bruno Chiarellotto )
  • DavideBuoso, Shape sensitivity analysis of the eigenvalues of polyharmonic operators and elliptic systems (Pier Domenico Lamberti )
  • Joao Henrique Branco Meireles, Singular Perturbations and Ergodic Problems for degenerate parabolic Bellman PDEs in R^m with Unbounded Data (Martino Bardi)
  • Velibor Bojkovic, Finite morphism of p-adic curves (Francesco Baldassarri)
  • Federico Bambozzi, On a generalization of affinoid varieties (Francesco Baldassarri)
  • Marco Cirant, Nonlinear PDEs in ergodic control, Mean Field Games and prescribed curvature problems (Martino Bardi)
  • Ly Kim Ha, On two approaches for partial differential equations in several complex variables (Giuseppe Zampieri)
  • Nguyen Luong Van , On regular and singular points of the minimum time function (Giovanni Colombo)
  • Dau The Phiet, Pseudoconvex domains: Diederich - Fornaess index and the invariant metrics near the boundary points (Giuseppe Zampieri)
  • Martino Garonzi, Coverings of Groups by Subgroups (Andrea Lucchini)
  • Alice Pavarin, Equivalences of additive categories (Silvana Bazzoni)
  • Cecilia De Zan, Some new results on reaction-diffusion equations and geometric flows (Pierpaolo Soravia)
  • Daniele Fontanari, Quantum manifestations of the adiabatic chaos of perturbed superintegrable Hamiltonian systems (Francesco Fassò, Dmitri í Sadovski í )
  • Nicola Girardi, Regular biproduct decompositions of objects (Alberto Facchini)
  • Nurgul Kydyrmina, Operators in Sobolev Morrey spaces (Viktor Burenkov)
  • Paolo Musolino, Singular perturbation and homogenization problems in a periodically perforated domain. A functional analytic approach (Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
  • Simone Vazzoler, Semiclassical limit: coherent states, quasimodes and WKB approximation (Franco Cardin)


  • Khai Tien Nguyen, The regularity of the minimum time function via nonsmooth analysis and geometric measure theory   (Giovanni Colombo)
  • Gabriele Fusacchia, Injective modules over semistar Noetherian domains (Luigi Salce)
  • Massimiliano Patassini, On the Dirichlet polynomial of the simple groups of Lie type (Andrea Lucchini)
  • Marco Perone, Direct sum decompositions and weak Krull-Schmidt Theorems (Alberto Facchini)
  • Valentina Settimi, On some additive problems with primes and powers of a fixed integer (Alessandro Languasco)
  • Heer Zhao, On 1-Motives with torsion and their l-ADIC realisations (Barbieri Viale)
  • Saltanat Rakhimova, The oscillation properties of half-linear second order and higher order differential equations (Ryskul Oinarov, Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
  • Lyailya Zhapsarbayeva, Regularity and approximation properties of the solutions of second order degenerate and nonlinear elliptic systems (Otelbayev Mukhtarbay, Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
  • Alice Ciccioni, On the Bloch-Ogus formalism for the rigid syntomic cohomology (Bruno Chiarellotto)
  • Valentina Colombo, Some Properties Of The Moebius Function In The Subgroup Lattice Of The Alternating And Symmetric Groups (Andrea Lucchini)
  • Raffaele Marigo, Separate analyticity and holomorphic sectors (Giuseppe Zampieri)
  • Ermal Feleqi, Spectral stability estimates for the eigenfunctions of second order elliptic operators (Burenkov)
  • Vu Khanh Tran, A general method of weights in the d-bar-Neumann problem (Giuseppe Zampieri)
  • Crestani Eleonora, Monotone 2-Groups (Federico Menegazzo)
  • Andrea Pavan, Computing Arithmetic Subgroups of Affine Algebraic Groups (Federico Menegazzo)
  • Marco Formentin, Two problems concerning interacting systems: 1. On the purity of the free boundary condition Potts measure on Galton-Watson trees 2. Uniform propagation of chaos in some spin-flip models (Paolo Dai Prà)
  • Matteo Dalla Riva, Potential theoretic methods for the analysis of singularly perturbed problems in linearized elasticity   (Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
  • Giovanni Cerulli Irelli, Structural theory of rank three cluster algebras of affine type (Alberto Tonolo)
  • Paola Zizzi, From Quantum Metalanguage to the Logic of Qubits (Giovanni Sambin, Pieralberto Marchetti)
  • Gabriele Terrone, Singular Perturbation and Homogenization Problems in Control Theory, Differential Games and fully nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (Martino Bardi)
  • Valentina Di Proietto, On p-adic differential equations on semistable varieties (Francesco Baldassarri)

Computational Mathematics, Learning, and Data Science 

Joint phd program unipv - usi - fbk.

2024 a dmission ( 40 ^o cycle) :  

call will be published on May 17 2024, see A dmission S ite

phd mathematics unipd

Computational Mathematics

phd mathematics unipd

Machine Learning, Deep Learning

phd mathematics unipd

Health Data Science and Statistical Learning

phd mathematics unipd

Computational Physics

Models, mathematics, statistics, data and algorithms are the foundations of our digital world. Computational methods and mathematical analysis are increasingly used for simulation, prediction, data evaluation, analysis, risk assessment, development and optimization, in virtually every field of Science.

The PhD in “ Computational Mathematics and Decision Sciences” aims at offering graduate students solid skills in Computational Mathematics, Computational Physics, Scientific Computing, Statistics, Optimization, Machine Learning, Data Sciences as well as an interdisciplinary view of Applied Mathematics, Physics and decision processes under uncertainty. The program gives a solid theoretical and computational grounding for high level research in universities, international research institutions and industry.

This international PhD program is organized jointly with the Euler Institute of the Universita` della Svizzera Italiana (USI) and the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK). It is also a multidisciplinary PhD program with Faculty from the Departments of Mathematics, Physics, Political Sciences, Brain and Behavioral Sciences of UniPV and the Fondazione Mondino IRCCS, the IMATI-CNR Institute and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN).

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Versione italiana

phd mathematics unipd

ATTENTION: during the week May 13 - 17, 2024, the PhD Office is closed to the public, due to moving from via Venezia 15 to via Martiri della Libertà 8, Padua.

The University of Padua coordinates 40 separate PhD Programmes; every year it welcomes between 500 and 600 new candidates, with approximately 1600 PhD candidates enrolled in a three/four-year degree programme. In order to apply for a PhD Course applicants must be in possession of a 2nd cycle degree (laurea magistrale or laurea magistrale a ciclo unico. They are also required to pass an entrance examination. An International PhD guide is now available: an handy tool to navigate your way around the University and live your experience to the fullest.

  • The International PhD guide


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phd mathematics unipd

  • Additive, Abelian and Grothendieck Categories
  • Triangulated and Derived Categories
  • Asymptotic and Probabilistic Problems in Group Theory
  • Lattice problems in Group Theory
  • p-local analysis in finite simple groups
  • Module Theory
  • Commutative Rings
  • Noncommutative Rings
  • Algebraic Analysis
  • Microlocal Analysis
  • Several Complex Variables
  • Existence, regularity, and necessary conditions
  • Geometric inequalities in the Calculus of Variations
  • Variational convergences and extremum problems
  • Control of PDE
  • Differential inclusions and Nonsmooth analysis
  • Geometric and optimal control
  • Hamilton-Jacobi PDE and Viscosity solutions
  • Impulsive control
  • Quantum control
  • Subriemannian geodesics
  • Asymptotic Analysis of Elliptic and Parabolic PDE
  • Nonlinear Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory
  • Spectral Theory of Differential Operators
  • Analysis in Carnot groups
  • Geometric Measure Theory
  • Minimal surfaces
  • Prescribed curvature problems and conformal geometry
  • Dispersive equations
  • Hyperbolic conservation laws
  • Mean Field Games
  • Mean Field Control
  • Differential Games
  • Existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions, quasilinear equations
  • Fully nonlinear equations
  • Multiscale problems in PDE
  • Semilinear equations
  • Potential Theory
  • Theory of function spaces
  • Mathematical modelling, problem posing, and teacher training at all levels of schooling
  • Algebraic Groups
  • Algebraic Varieties
  • Cohomological Theories
  • Moduli Problems
  • Arithmetic Geometry
  • Differential Geometry
  • Algebraic Number Theory
  • Analytic Number Theory
  • Differential games and applications
  • Quantitative finance
  • Stochastic Methods for Finance
  • Categorical Logic
  • Constructive Mathematics and its Foundations
  • Type Theory
  • Celestial Mechanics
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  • Hamiltonian Systems
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  • Topological and Geometric Aspects of Mechanics and Dynamics
  • Kernel-based approximation and meshless methods
  • Multivariate polynomial approximation
  • Multivariate polynomial inequalities
  • Rational interpolation and approximation
  • Quadrature and cubature formulas
  • Medical imaging, pattern recognition and MPI
  • Ill-posedness regularization
  • Numerical methods for signals and systems
  • Parallel computing
  • Imaging for Earth Observation
  • Mathematical systems modelling from data
  • Near-optimal regression designs
  • Computational fluid-dynamics, mechanics and geomechanics
  • Coupled problems in science and engineering
  • Finite elements and volumes
  • Airport optimization and air traffic flow management
  • Computational biology
  • Industrial applications (scheduling, bin packing, optimal design)
  • Telecommunication network design
  • Vehicle routing and logistics
  • Graph theory and graph optimization algorithms
  • Matheuristics and meta-heuristics methods
  • Polyhedral combinatorics
  • Cutting plane methods
  • Decomposition methods for large scale (mixed) integer programs
  • Reformulations and extended formulations
  • Theory of (mixed) integer linear programming
  • Methods for constrained optimization
  • Methods for derivative-free optimization
  • Methods for mixed integer nonlinear programming
  • Methods for sparse optimization
  • Data-driven approaches to real-world problems
  • Optimization methods for machine learning
  • Interacting Particle Systems and Statistical Mechanics
  • Numerical Probability
  • Queueing Theory
  • Random Processes on Complex Networks
  • Schrödinger Problem and Stochastic Mass Transport
  • Stochastic Control and Filtering
  • Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications
  • Stochastic Homogenization
  • Stochastic Models for Ecology and Biology
  • Analysis of the Social Impact of New Technologies and Digital Revolution
  • Analysis of biological data and bioinformatics
  • Computer vision, multimedia and signal processing
  • Machine learning, natural language processing and knowledge representation
  • Process Analytics and Mining
  • Programming Languages
  • Cloud Platforms for parallel/distributed systems
  • Cybersecurity
  • Development and verification of embedded and cyber-physical systems
  • Mobile Computing and Networking
  • Software engineering, Operating Systems, Computer Languages
  • Web technologies, Social Networks and Semantic Web
  • Web-based and Information Systems
  • Formal Methods for Software Reliability
  • Algorithms and Complexity


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  • Mathematical Logic
  • Mathematical Physics and Dynamical Systems
  • Mathematics for Economics and Finance
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Operations Research
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When the PhD path leads to career struggles

A bird flew past a rainbow on the horizon, as viewed from Morrissey Boulevard in Dorchester.

A doctoral degree is a major commitment. Think carefully.

I appreciated reading Kara Miller’s The Big Idea column “PhD: Pretty heavily disappointed” (Business, May 22), about people with doctoral degrees struggling to build careers in academia. It made me think back to a conversation I had when I was about to graduate from high school.

I happened to run into a former track coach of mine, and as we were reminiscing he asked me what I planned as a major in college. “History,” I responded. He said, “Why don’t you take some computer classes also? It never hurts to be able to do something useful.”

I did not reflect on his motivation at the time, but my track coach was a young guy, and he was probably giving me advice straight from his own life, as a parent trying to raise his own young children. I did take computer classes in college and ultimately received a PhD in chemical engineering. I always remember that conversation as being a kind of turning point.

Earning a doctoral degree is a life commitment of great proportion. It can take, as Miller notes, between four and seven years. If we think of working life as roughly between the ages of 22 and 65, then a PhD requires more than 10 percent of a person’s working life. People need to think carefully about that investment.


Two powerful arguments in favor of the path of science, technology, engineering, and math are that there tend to be more STEM jobs for PhDs, and many universities’ STEM departments are generous in covering their PhD students’ tuition and cost of studies, including a stipend toward food, rent, and other expenses.

Stuart Gallant

Not much has changed in 30 years

As I prepared to graduate in 1995 with a doctor of education degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, my mother memorably said to me, “Of my four children, you are the one with the most education and the smallest salary.” Apparently not much has changed in 30 years.

I must congratulate these students, however, on following their passion rather than following the money. I can’t help but think that their lives, though stressful, may contain greater happiness.

Peggy Clark

Lawyers & electricians & philosophers, oh my!

Kara Miller’s column on the career challenges for people with doctoral degrees generated more than 260 comments on Boston.Globe.com. The following is an edited sample of readers’ reactions:

Lots of law school grads are underemployed as well. (PL)

So true, PL. The market in Massachusetts is flooded with talented lawyers seeking work. (Roforma)

Supply and demand, the market at work. (guk)

Investing in education and research in all fields is the hallmark of a society with staying power. Disinvesting from these endeavors signals decline and decay. (Massachusetts citizen)

Electricians, plumbers, mechanics, and other skilled technical professions have no problems getting $100k jobs with great benefits. (ramsen)

Not enough turnover from tenured professors, leaving little space for new faculty. Although the tenured, well-established professors are needed, it’s the junior faculty who are hungry and with new ideas that help build new programs. The whole graduate program model is a bad model. I worked two jobs, had my tuition and some type of minimal student health insurance and could barely cover the rent with my stipend, and the second job paid for everything else. Though I was working on many faculty projects, it was the faculty who said this would be good for me. Never did they say it was also good for them. (TravelerofNJ2)

I just retired from a tenured faculty position in science. I’m in my early 70s. I have colleagues who are still doing what they do well into their 70s, a couple approaching 80. There is no active incentive from the university to move the older faculty on, to make way for a new generation. (Lola-lola)

The next step is for adjuncts to go on strike across the nation and hold colleges and universities accountable. The current system is completely absurd. (Wordsmith2358)

Universities should be required to release disclosure data about the fate of their PhD graduates. (davidman820)

I knew an attorney who managed a Cheesecake Factory. She had worked in food services through school. As an attorney, she really did not make that much money and was not doing the field of law of her choice. How many real estate closings can you do without dying of boredom? She went into management in the food industry and makes the same salary. (Antietem)

It was always a question and puzzling to me why people study philosophy. (Blazer27)

phd mathematics unipd

Globe Opinion


  1. Luisa FIOROT

    phd mathematics unipd

  2. Corentin LÉNA

    phd mathematics unipd

  3. About Program

    phd mathematics unipd

  4. PhD in Mathematics

    phd mathematics unipd

  5. Ph.D. In Mathematics: Course, Eligibility Criteria, Admission, Syllabus

    phd mathematics unipd

  6. PhD Mathematics: Admission, Top Colleges, Entrance Exams, Syllabus

    phd mathematics unipd


  1. 3-Minute Thesis Competition 2023

  2. PhD Admission 2024 PhD Entrance Exam Updates Shivaji University Kolhapur

  3. PhD Day 2024

  4. Rich 🤑Life 4 MATHS Students 💯

  5. UTRGV PhD Mathematics and Statistics with Interdisciplinary Applications

  6. BHU Phd Admission 2024 |IIT BHU Admission|Banaras Hindu University|By Vaishali Maam


  1. The PhD Program in Mathematical Sciences

    Admissions to the PhD Courses for the academic year 2024/2025 Information and requests at: [email protected] The PhD Program in Mathematical Sciences, a program of the PhD School of the University of Padova, is based at the Department of Mathematics Tullio Levi-Civita and offers two doctoral degrees, one in Mathematics and one in Computational Mathematics.

  2. Mathematical Sciences

    The PhD in Mathematical Sciences aims to provide its students with a high-level education that is addressed towards a professional or academic career in the area of mathematics and its applications. It aims to provide PhD fellows all necessary skills to perform a highly qualified research activity, also of an interdisciplinary nature, both at ...

  3. Admissions for the academic year 2024-2025

    The PhD Program in Mathematical Sciences offers 8 new PhD positions and scholarships. Applicants: please read carefully all the information in the Call including Annex 2 (some accommodation places), Annex 3 (some benefits at the Galilean School of Higher Studies), and Technical Guides for the submission of the application. Some information that ...

  4. Department of Mathematics

    The Department, jointly with other Italian and foreign universities, also hosts PhD programmes in pure and applied mathematics and computer science. Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita" (DM) Via Trieste, 63 - 35121 Padova tel. +39 0498271200 - fax +39 0498271499 [email protected].

  5. Activities of the PhD Program

    It is highly recommended, in particular, that Graduate Students attend all the "Colloquia Patavina" of the Department of Mathematics, and all Seminars, Conferences and Schools held at the Department on subjects close to their research interest. Calendar of the Activities; Courses 2024-2025; Courses 2023-2024; Graduate Seminar; Colloquia ...

  6. Mathematical Sciences

    Unipd App; Unipd.it; Menu. Menu Apri menu; Studying in Padua Teaching and Research Business and networking About us Going global Exchange students After graduation Visiting the University Home Indietro Menu; SHARE. PhD Course Mathematical Sciences. Thematic area Hard Sciences Duration 3 years Language English. PhD Programme ...

  7. Information for prospective students

    The PhD program in Mathematical Sciences at the University of Padova offers two curricula of studies prospective students must choose from: Mathematics and Computational Mathematics. The disciplines covered in the two curricula include Algebra, Geometry, Mathematical Analysis, Mathematical Logic, Mathematical Physics, for the former, and ...

  8. PhD Programmes Calls and Admissions

    PhD Programmes Calls and Admissions. Versione italiana. The University of Padua offers a wide range of PhD Programmes covering the areas of hard sciences, humanities, interdisciplinary programmes, life sciences, medical and biomedical sciences. Several calls are available throughout the year. In order to apply for a PhD Course applicants must ...


    motivations, and expectations in a possible PhD program in Mathematics in Padova (max 1 page). Preselection: First meeting of the Evaluating Commission . 30 MAY 2024 09:00 . Publication of the results of the ... https://dottorato.math.unipd.it/ the timetable of the remote interviews and the

  10. PDF PhD Program in Mathematical Sciences Opening day 2020/21

    Website: https://dottorato.math.unipd.it Padova, October 6, 2021 I 15.00 Presentation of the program I 16:00 Seminario Dottorato: talk by Luca Mastella I 17:00: welcome toast at the ground floor. ... Mathematics and Computational Mathematics. PhD students have the opportunity tocommunicatetheir research to an audience of educated ...

  11. Courses 2024-2025

    Courses of the Doctoral Program: Proff. Luca Baracco, Olga Bernardi, The Minimal Action Principle and applications. Prof. Marco Di Summa, Convex polyhedra and Their Diameter. Prof. Giambattista Giacomin, Products of random matrices: theory and applications. Prof. Giulio G. Giusteri, Special Functions and Applications.

  12. Welcome :: Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita"

    Welcome. The Department of Mathematics of the University of Padua is named after Tullio Levi-Civita, formerly a student and later a professor at the University of Padua. The department hosts around 120 faculties, 50 PhD students and over 30 post docs, both in Mathematics and in Computer Science, and benefits from the constant presence of ...

  13. University of Padua PhD programme

    https://dottorato.math.unipd.it/ Research Topic B. ... The Doctoral Programme UNIPhD is managed jointly by the University of Padua International Research Office and PhD Office. Via Martiri della Libertà, 8 35137 Padova (Italy) [email protected] +39 049 8271824 +39 049 8271819.

  14. Recent theses (Mathematics)

    Recent theses (Mathematics) List of the PhD theses prepared within the Mathematics Curriculum in the last years. (The name of the supervisor is enclosed in brackets. Most of the theses can be downloaded from PaDUA@research, the Digital Archive of the University of Padova: just click on the thesis' title). XXXII Cycle.

  15. EN Home :: Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita"

    Welcome to the Department of Mathematics "Tullio Levi-Civita". Università degli Studi di Padova.

  16. Call for admission to the PhD Courses 2023/24

    Doctoral Degrees - PhD Office. via Martiri della Libertà, 8 - 35137 Ground mail: via 8 febbraio 2 - 35122 Padova tel. +39 049 827 8978 e-mail: [email protected] Telegram channel. Public opening hours: Monday: 10-13, Tuesday 10-13 and 15-16.30, Wednesday: 10-13, Thursday: 10-15, Friday: 10-13

  17. Computational Mathematics, Learning, and Data Science

    Models, mathematics, statistics, data and algorithms are the foundations of our digital world. Computational methods and mathematical analysis are increasingly used for simulation, prediction, data evaluation, analysis, risk assessment, development and optimization, in virtually every field of Science. The PhD in "Computational Mathematics ...

  18. Research :: Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita"

    CONTACTS. Via Trieste, 63 - 35121 Padova; Phone: +39 049 827 1200; Fax: +39 049 827 1499; email: [email protected] Certified email: [email protected] ...

  19. Doctoral Degrees

    Doctoral Degrees - PhD Programmes. ATTENTION: during the week May 13 - 17, 2024, the PhD Office is closed to the public, due to moving from via Venezia 15 to via Martiri della Libertà 8, Padua. The University of Padua coordinates 40 separate PhD Programmes; every year it welcomes between 500 and 600 new candidates, with approximately 1600 PhD ...

  20. Andrea LUCCHINI

    Andrea LUCCHINI, Full professor | Cited by 1,472 | of University of Padova, Padova (UNIPD) | Read 219 publications | Contact Andrea LUCCHINI

  21. Mauro Conti, PhD

    Positions/Grants (please drop an email to [email protected] if interested). News. For Students I am always enthusiastic to supervise strongly motivated MSc and PhD students that are willing to work with me in my research area (in brief: security and privacy).If you are interested, please drop me an email (with CV). I am ERASMUS Academic Coordinator for students exchange with: TU Darmstadt ...

  22. Research Areas :: Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita"

    Analysis and PDE. Didactics of Mathematics. Geometry and Number Theory. Mathematical Logic. Mathematical Physics and Dynamical Systems. Mathematics for Economics and Finance. Numerical Analysis. Operations Research. Probability.

  23. Mattia FOGAGNOLO

    Mattia FOGAGNOLO, Researcher | Cited by 275 | of University of Padova, Padova (UNIPD) | Read 29 publications | Contact Mattia FOGAGNOLO

  24. When the PhD path leads to career struggles

    When the PhD path leads to career struggles. Updated May 28, 2024, 2:30 a.m. A bird flew past a rainbow on the horizon, as viewed from Morrissey Boulevard in Dorchester. Pat Greenhouse/Globe Staff ...