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How to write an impressive cover letter

Great cover letters are key to getting your job application to the top of the candidate pile. Here's how to make yours shine.

By Laura Zimmerman, PhD

Print version: page 32

How to write an impressive cover letter

Your curriculum vitae might showcase your incredible accomplishments, but it won't help you land your dream job if no one reads it. It takes an enticing cover letter to make you stand out as the best applicant.

"Cover letters tend to be the first thing people read. It may be the only thing they read carefully," says Elizabeth Morgan, PhD, assistant professor of psychology at Springfield College in Massachusetts. "Job ads don't always ask for a cover letter, but applicants should always send one, even if it is not required."

"The cover letter is a great opportunity to make a first impression," says R. Eric Landrum, PhD, professor of psychology at Boise State University. Landrum and Morgan co-authored the book, "You've Earned Your Doctorate in Psychology … Now What?" (2012) a guide for graduate students seeking jobs in academic and professional settings. They devote an entire chapter to creating the perfect cover letter.

While students are usually ready to leave graduate school with a professional and polished CV, they might be unclear about how to write a cover letter, says Landrum.

A few simple guidelines can help students get their applications to the top of the applicant pile instead of tossed in the trash:

Show you are a good fit.

"A good cover letter is one that clearly addresses the job ad and shows the applicant's qualifications," says Morgan. Another good quality of cover letters, she says, is conveying genuine interest and enthusiasm in the institution and the work.

"Don't just say ‘I'm interested in your position, attached is my CV,'" says Landrum. "That's a wasted opportunity." Instead, take the time to research the position and the university or organization and create a cover letter that makes it clear you are qualified for the requirements listed in the job ad.

"If a school is looking for a social psychologist experienced in cultural issues, but you are a cognitive psychologist who specializes in memory processes, you probably won't get far," says Morgan. "But, if you specialize in memory and also have experience with cultural research, put that in the cover letter."

Also, mention every job ad requirement that matches your experience, even if it is also mentioned in your CV, says Nabil El-Ghoroury, PhD, associate executive director of APAGS. "If you don't have a particular skill, don't mention it. But, don't wait for a 100 percent match to apply. Employers know that most people won't meet all the requirements."

Get past the gatekeepers.

Your cover letter may be read first by a human resources professional or a department staff member who is looking for key words from the job ad. "Literally, take the words right from the ad," says El-Ghoroury, and weave them into your cover letter. Without the key words, your application may not get passed along to the hiring decision-makers.

Because staff members without psychology backgrounds might be the first to look at your cover letter, it is important to write it for nonacademic audiences, says El-Ghoroury. "Have a friend who works outside the field of psychology read it, to see if it is understandable."

It's also important to tailor your cover letter to your specific audience. "One size does not fit all," says Landrum. Cover letters differ based on the type of job opening, so it's important to customize it to fit academic, clinical, government or other professional positions. "Have a professional in the field to which you are applying review the letter and tell you the conventions for that field," advises Morgan.

Professionals can also provide advice about acceptable cover letter page lengths for their particular field. "Cover letters can range from a quick introduction to four or five pages," says Morgan. "It's the one item with the most variability."

For instance, industry cover letters generally should not exceed one page, while academic cover letters can range from two to five pages; however, many websites advise not going over two pages.

Even when applying to universities, the focus of the cover letter depends on whether the university has a research or teaching focus, says Mitch Prinstein, PhD, distinguished professor and director of clinical psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

For research institutions, applicants should include a paragraph that explains their research programs.

"The research should have clear follow-up research questions that could last for decades," says Prinstein, who regularly gives talks and has written extensively about professional skills development for graduate students. "Universities don't want to hire an applicant for one or two years, but for decades. Research programs need to have legs."

Almost every job in academia also wants teaching experience, says Prinstein. "Saying you've taught courses isn't good enough." Instead, he says, "Describe what kind of teacher you will be, what your teaching philosophy is, how your teaching will benefit the students."

Mind the details.

Be sure to proofread your cover letter. Read it aloud and have an advisor review it. This can help prevent such errors as missing punctuation or naming the wrong school or organization when sending out multiple cover letters.

Some selection committee members may stop reading a cover letter if the applicant botches the name or location of the school, Landrum says. "If you can't get the place I work correct, how can I trust you with other details?"

"Also, double check other facts about the school," he adds. "For instance don't say you are looking forward to teaching in a university's undergraduate and graduate programs if they only have undergraduates."

Take care to use the correct title when addressing the letter's recipient. "Don't address the administrative assistant as doctor," says Morgan. "Look up the person online and find their title."

Don't get too personal.

While it is important to tell your story in your cover letter, be careful not to share too much information, says Morgan. For example, don't say, "My wife and I just divorced and I want to move as far away from her as possible." But some personal information can help you. If an applicant says, "We have family in Massachusetts, so we are excited to move there," this would explain why an applicant wants to move from Hawai'i to the Massachusetts area, and shows their interest in the location as well as the job, she says.

Overall, a key goal in cover letters is to show you can meet the employers' needs and bring something new and exciting to their university or organization, says Prinstein. "A good cover letter connects your past to your future and tells the story of how your past will influence your future."

Cover letters are your chance to "tell the story of your CV," says El-Ghoroury. "If your research has evolved over time, you can tell that story in your cover letter. Make it easy for employers to see that you are a good fit for the job."

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Cover Letter Tips, Resources & Feedback

The Office of Student Engagement & Career Development offers a cover letter writing guide to show you how to tailor your cover letter for the specific job you are applying for. They also have a template on that same page that you can adjust and personalize!

Are you looking for a knowledgeable career professional to give you feedback on your cover letter? The Office of Student Engagement & Career Development has got your back! Check out this Document Dropbox . You can upload your document and receive professional feedback within 48 hours!

More tips from the Office of Student Engagement & Career Development:

What is a Cover Letter?

Cover Letter examples

Advice from the American Psychological Association

How to write an impressive cover letter

Make your cover letter count in your job search

Never send a naked Resume; Tips for a Great Cover Letter

Career Coaching

Shanda Romans Flyer

Experiential Learning Coaching appointments are available to Psychology & Psychological Science majors as well as Psychology Minors and are appropriate for the following:

  • -All steps involved in obtaining hands-on experience 
  • -Career Exploration
  • -Resume Writing
  • -Cover Letter Writing
  • -Interview Prep
  • -Professionalism
  • -Internship Course Questions

Are you looking for one-on-one assistance with all things career readiness? Schedule a one-on-one appointment with Shanda Romans, Psychology's Experiential Learning Coordinator!

Appointments are available in person, or Zoom: Click here

Rachel Green Flyer 2

Are you looking for one-on-one assistance? All current University of Arizona College of Science students b ook an appointment with our College of Science Career Coaches through Handshake for 1-on-1 support with career exploration, resume & cover letter building support, interview practice & preparation, and more!

Appointments are available in person, virtually on Zoom, email, or phone.

How to Make an Appointment:

  • To book an appointment with Rachel, use this link or watch this video as a guide.
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  • Cover Letter Templates Simple Professional Modern Creative View all
  • Cover Letter Examples Nursing Administrative Assistant Internship Graduate Teacher View all
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Paul Drury

Psychologist cover letter example

Psychologist cover letter example

Cover letter header

Cover letter greeting, cover letter introduction, cover letter middle part (body), how to close a psychologist cover letter (conclusion and sign-off).

Observing, assessing, and offering insights into a patient’s mental state is a fascinating branch of science. It is essential to treat a patient dispassionately – without letting personal influences cloud your judgment. Having said this, in the course of their work with others many psychologists develop deep levels of self-understanding. When they come to apply for a new role, the psychologist cover letter can open a window onto their inner world.

When your work is carried out inside someone’s brain, the nuance of the process is more important than the end result. The law of unintended consequences makes changing mindsets a fragile business. Psychologists can talk about their achievements in the resume, but the psychologist cover letter needs to touch on exactly how they go about their work.

Whether you are working in a corporate or healthcare setting, writing a cover letter is a matter of getting into the hiring manager’s head. You do that every day. Our many other cover letter examples and writing guides offer varying insights, but the advice for a psychologist is clear: share the tools and techniques that you will need to be successful in this specific role. In this psychologist cover letter guide, we cover:

  • Choosing the best cover letter format to imprint on your hiring manager
  • Composing the best introduction, header section and conclusion
  • Which psychology stories to tell in your cover letter
  • Mistakes to avoid in the psychologist cover letter

Best format for a psychologist cover letter

Psychologists are accomplished at helping others work out their stories, but when it comes to their own story it is sometimes hard to know how to structure their career narrative. As with every therapy session, a solid structure is the key to a satisfying conclusion. Show your future boss that you can structure your story in a compelling and relevant way – you won’t need to stray far from the normal cover letter format:

  • The cover letter header
  • The greeting / salutation
  • The cover letter intro
  • The middle paragraphs (body of the letter)
  • The ending paragraph of your cover letter (conclusion and call-to-action)

The psychologist cover letter acts as the first layer of the onion. Begin the stories that you wish to tell during an interview and make the hiring manager curious about peeling back more layers. The depths of a psychologist’s mind are impossible to lay bare in a one-page cover letter, so be content to hint at the detail. Your future boss will hopefully be adept at reading between the lines.

Make sure that you include your specific qualifications for the role alongside your stories. Think about what sets you apart in your field. Do you have any certifications, research papers or conference speeches that could shine a light on your expertise? The theory of psychology is an ever-evolving science. Demonstrate your continuing curiosity with learning.

Our comprehensive cover letter guide offers more mundane (but important) insights into font style, size and length as well as other practical considerations when it comes to writing a psychologist cover letter. Have a look at the adaptable cover letter example below:

Dear Dr. Prowse,

After completing my master’s in child psychology, I immediately sought to specialize in school psychology, looking to improve the outcomes of young people across the Washington area. When you teach a child to be aware of their thoughts and feelings, you are preparing them for a balanced and mindful future.

Over the past four years, I have been a part of the district clinical psychology team working with special needs and disadvantaged students, mostly on a one-to-one basis. I have been instrumental in creating a framework for addressing mental health in education, dealing with addiction issues, and managing a peer-to-peer relationship counseling concept that won state-wide acclaim. Our end of year survey found that 84 percent of the children felt a significant improvement in their immediate attitude and future prospects.

I am an active participant on the national child psychology council and am passionate about improving behavioral and therapeutic approaches to our children’s mental health. My parental engagement scores of 96 percent are the highest in the state and are a testament to my practical and flexible approach.

In terms of clinical excellence, I developed a system of record keeping and measurement that served as a validation of our work. Children believed in what we were doing because we could show that it had improved the outcomes for previous participants. Our record keeping was digital, and we used the latest mobile technology to keep in touch with our most at-risk students. In this way, they felt that someone was there for them.

I understand the challenge that lies ahead with your school district, but it is with your disadvantaged students that I feel my expertise can make a difference. I enclose 17 personal references and would love to discuss further during an interview.

Maria Halterley

The header of a psychologist cover letter should be like the office or treatment room – immaculately presented and unobtrusive. It should contain the essentials of an application – full name, email, and mobile number, without attracting any undue attention with garish colors or in-your-face formatting. 

Many psychologists will also opt to include their social media details – sharing knowledge online is increasingly popular and a great way of showcasing your professional brand.

You won’t need to include your full address or the address of your future employer (although you might choose to do so if you are being deliberately formal). 

Every psychologist should err on the side of formal in their interactions with patients and colleagues, so the standard “Dear Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms Surname” will be fine to begin the psychologist cover letter. Make sure that you have double checked the spelling. Attention to detail is essential for any psychologist, so a brief phone call to check would be welcomed.

There is no excuse for a cold “To Whom It May Concern” cover letter greeting. Psychologists work on an intimate level with their clients, so show that you care enough to find out to whom it should be addressed. Here is a greeting from our cover letter sample:

The introduction needs to address the nature of the activity that you will be undertaking in your role. What sort of patients will you be working with? Share some background about relevant previous experience, ideally with context and outcomes. Which parts of the job description will others find hard to satisfy? How can you stand out from the crowd?

If those first couple of lines are mundane and average, you will lose the attention of the hiring manager in an instant. They won’t trust you to explore the heads of their patients if you cannot demonstrate that your head is also worth exploration. Make the introduction of your cover letter about how you made your unique difference to patients.

This adaptable psychologist cover letter example introduction offers one solution:

Start your cover letter strong right away!

When you applied for this role, it is likely that a couple of previous patient cases floated to the front of your mind. While confidentiality is an essential consideration, telling these stories in a non-specific way is key to showing that you have the experience to do the same again. The body, or middle part of your cover letter is the place to do just that. Psychology is not about reinventing the wheel – our minds work in predictable ways.

The middle part of the psychologist cover letter should also share some of your personality. Every psychologist takes a slightly different approach to their patients, so give a sense of what it is like to sit opposite you. This will matter a great deal to your future employer.

How will you develop treatment programs, conduct experiments, control treatments and set goals with your patients? Psychology work is incredibly involved, so only pick those aspects of the role that you see as being especially challenging. Have a look at our cover letter sample:

While psychologists usually listen to the stories of their clients, it is critical to tell their story concisely in their cover letter. The STAR method will help. Outline the Situation and Task that you faced, share the Actions that you took and the Result that ensued. Be brief – you will be able to share more during an interview.

Every psychologist knows the importance of imprinting a strong message at the end of any conversation. The close of their cover letter is no different. End with one last powerful story and then close with a call-to-action that shows you are interested to find out more about the role. Saying that you are looking forward to a potential interview will display the passion that every psychologist needs for the mentally demanding work ahead.

Here is a psychologist cover letter sample conclusion:

Basic mistakes in a psychologist cover letter (and how to avoid them)

In psychology there is little that is black and white, but if you are not able to take the time to catch basic mistakes in your cover letter it is hard to imagine that you will have the attention to detail that is required when analyzing a complicated case. Take the time to double check amidst your excitement to send off the application.

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes: If a psychologist cannot spell and punctuate a patient report, can they be trusted to do their work? Use an online grammar checker such as Grammarly to double check your work. Maybe also ask a professional colleague to check if you are hitting the right tone.
  • Talking about responsibilities: The responsibilities of a psychologist are clear – talk about your achievements and how you went about helping your patients. Your future hiring manager knows what the job is, so don’t parrot the job description.
  • Too conversational: You might be friendly and conversational with your patients to help them to lower their guard, but the psychologist cover letter should be suitably formal with its language.
  • Poor formatting: An unattractive and disorganized cover letter sends the wrong message before the hiring manager reads a word on the page. Make the right first impression with a professionally-designed cover letter template.

Is patient confidentiality an issue in a psychologist cover letter?

Patient confidentiality is sacred - you should never compromise your patients for sake of telling a good story. It is perfectly possible to anonymize psychologist career stories enough to make them fully confidential. Don't cross that ethical line.

Key takeaways

  • The cover letter should contain your most relevant psychology stories.
  • Talk about how you helped your patients as well as the outcomes.
  • Share your personality – paint a picture of what it is like to work with you.
  • Quantify your stories with context where possible – psychology is about results.

Here are some other medical cover letter examples:

  • Nurse cover letter example
  • Occupational therapy cover letter sample
  • Healthcare cover letter example
  • Medical assistant cover letter sample

Free professionally designed templates

  • Resume Builder
  • Resume Templates
  • Resume Formats
  • Resume Examples
  • Cover Letter Builder
  • Cover Letter Templates
  • Cover Letter Formats
  • Cover Letter Examples
  • Career Advice
  • Interview Questions
  • Resume Skills
  • Resume Objectives
  • Job Description
  • Job Responsibilities
  • FAQ’s

Psychology Cover Letter Examples

Writing a cover letter for a psychology position can be a challenging process due to the complexity of the subject matter. A psychology cover letter should be concise, well-organized and tailored to the individual position you are seeking. It should also showcase your knowledge and expertise in the field of psychology. The following guide provides advice and examples to help you create an effective cover letter for a psychology role.

Cover Letter Samples by Job-Title

  • Clinical Coordinator
  • Clinical Director
  • Clinical Therapist
  • Forensic Psychologist
  • Mft Trainee
  • Motivational Speaker
  • Organizational Development Consultant
  • Psychologist
  • Psychology Intern
  • Psychometrist
  • Psychotherapist

Why a Psychology profession needs a cover letter

Whether you’re applying for an internship, residency, or full- time position, a psychology cover letter is an essential part of your job application. Your cover letter serves as an introduction to your resume, highlighting the most important aspects of your qualifications. Additionally, your cover letter allows you to showcase your writing skills and demonstrate that you are a well- rounded candidate.

A psychology cover letter should include relevant information about your education, qualifications, and experience. You should also include a few sentences that explain why you are applying for the job and why you believe you would be the best candidate for the position. When writing your cover letter, make sure to address the hiring organization directly and explain how your qualifications and experience make you the perfect fit for the job.

Your psychology cover letter should also demonstrate your understanding of the psychology field. Use specific language to convey your knowledge of the psychology discipline, referencing terminology and theories that you have studied. This will demonstrate to the hiring organization that you are knowledgeable and passionate about the field.

In addition to displaying your knowledge of the psychology field, it’s also important to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the job. In your cover letter, explain why you are excited about the job and why you think you would be a great addition to the team.

Overall, a psychology cover letter is a great way to introduce yourself to potential employers and to demonstrate your qualifications and enthusiasm for the job. A well- crafted cover letter can make the difference between landing an interview and getting overlooked. As such, it’s important to take the time to write an effective cover letter for every job you apply for.

Writing the Perfect Psychology Cover Letter

The cover letter is an essential component of any job application, and one that should not be overlooked. When it comes to applying for a psychology- based role, it is especially important to write a strong, personalized letter that grabs the attention of the employer.

The most important aspect of writing the perfect psychology cover letter is to make sure it is tailored to the specific role you are applying for. Before you begin, take some time to research the company and job role so you can better understand what the employer is looking for in a successful applicant. This will help you to include relevant details in your letter that will show the employer you are the right person for the job.

Once you have gathered the necessary information, you can start to write your cover letter. Begin by introducing yourself and providing your contact details, followed by a brief overview of your qualifications and experience in psychology. Make sure to include any relevant certifications, awards, or research achievements that make you stand out from the crowd.

In the main body of your letter, discuss how your skills and experience can benefit the company and how you will fill the role successfully. Here, you should reference any specific requirements the employer is looking for and demonstrate how you meet them. Be sure to include facts, figures, and statistics to back up your claims.

Finally, end your psychology cover letter with a strong call to action, such as offering to arrange an interview or providing additional information. Before you send it off, make sure to proofread and check for any grammatical errors or typos.

Writing an effective psychology cover letter requires thought, research, and attention to detail. With these tips in mind, you can create an outstanding letter that will help you secure the job of your dreams.

What should be included in a Psychology cover letter

A psychology cover letter should include the candidate’s qualifications and experience that are applicable to the position they are applying for. It should also include information about any awards or recognition the candidate has received related to their field, such as publications in academic journals or honors received at conferences. The cover letter should contain a brief introduction that explains why the candidate is applying and what makes them the best fit for the position. The cover letter should also include a summary of the candidate’s most impressive and relevant experiences, such as their research, internships, teaching, or clinical work. Additionally, the cover letter should include a statement outlining the candidate’s enthusiasm for the position and why they are uniquely qualified for it. Finally, the cover letter should include the candidate’s contact information as well as a request for an interview.

How to format a Psychology cover letter

Examples of How to Format a Psychology Cover Letter

  • Begin your psychology cover letter with a professional salutation. Start with the recipient’s name and title, such as “Dear Dr. Smith.”
  • Use the opening paragraph to explain why you are writing and what position you are applying for.
  • In the second paragraph, highlight your relevant qualifications and experience. Explain why your skills and knowledge make you an ideal candidate for the position.
  • Use the third paragraph to describe why you are passionate about the field of psychology and why you believe you would be a great fit for the job and organization.
  • In the fourth paragraph, provide any additional information such as awards and certifications you may have.
  • Use the fifth and final paragraph to thank the recipient for their time and consideration and express your eagerness to meet with them for an interview.
  • Conclude your psychology cover letter with a professional closing such as “Sincerely,” followed by your name.

Common mistakes to avoid when creating a Psychology cover letter

  • Failing to Personalize Your Letter: A cover letter should be tailored to the specific position and employer you are applying to. Generic letters that are sent to multiple employers are a huge mistake. The letter should demonstrate that you understand the role and how your skills and experience match what the employer is looking for.
  • Not Explaining Your Qualifications: The cover letter should include details of your education, certifications, and experience. It is not enough to simply state that you are a qualified Psychology student or practitioner; you need to explain how and why you are qualified.
  • Not Showing Passion and Interest: Employers want to hire Psychology professionals who are excited about the job and eager to work. Your cover letter should include examples of times you have demonstrated interest in the field and why you are passionate about the work.
  • Not Researching the Employer: It is important to research the employer and the position before you apply. Not only will this help you to target your letter to the employer, but it will also demonstrate that you are interested in the job and willing to put in the effort to learn about the company.
  • Having Poor Grammar and Spelling: Always proofread your letter for errors before you send it out. This will help to ensure that you make a good impression and that the employer can focus on your qualifications rather than on your grammar and spelling mistakes.

Benefits of submitting a Psychology cover letter

A cover letter is a key component of a psychology job application, and for good reason. It is an opportunity for you to explain your qualifications and why you are the right person for the job. Submitting a psychology cover letter can provide many benefits to those who take the time to craft an effective and convincing document. Here are some of the benefits of submitting a psychology cover letter:

  • It Allows You to Demonstrate Your Knowledge: A cover letter gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the field and to highlight any specialty areas you possess. This can help to give employers an idea of your level of expertise and what kind of contributions you can make to the role.
  • It Gives You an Opportunity to Show Off Your Writing Ability: While a resume is important, a cover letter lets you showcase your writing ability and demonstrate how you can communicate clearly and effectively.
  • It Can Help You Stand Out from the Crowd: With stiff competition for psychology jobs, it’s important to make your job application stand out. A well- crafted cover letter can make a big difference in helping you stand out from the competition.
  • It Can Help You Make a Great First Impression: A psychology cover letter gives you a chance to make a great first impression on potential employers. Your cover letter should be written in a professional, concise, and effective manner to make a good impression.
  • It Can Provide a Personal Touch: A cover letter is a great way to add a personal touch to your job application. This can be especially beneficial for research- focused positions, where you can discuss your research experience and plans for the future.

By taking the time to craft a high- quality psychology cover letter, you can demonstrate your knowledge, writing ability, and personality. This can help ensure that you make the best possible impression on potential employers, giving you a better chance of securing a job.

Writing a psychology cover letter can be a daunting task, but it is an important step in the job search process. By following the tips and advice outlined in this guide, you can create a strong and effective psychology cover letter that will help you stand out from other applicants. Make sure to highlight relevant skills and experiences, explain why you are interested in the position, and emphasize your unique qualifications. By taking the time to carefully craft your letter, you can make a strong impression on potential employers and secure the position you are aiming for.

5 Professional Grad School Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your grad school cover letter must instantly captivate the admissions committee. It should highlight your academic achievements and research interests clearly. Bear in mind, your letter is a formal introduction to your intellectual passions. Craft it carefully to reflect both your dedication and potential for advanced study.

All cover letter examples in this guide

psychology graduate cover letter

SLP Grad School

psychology graduate cover letter

Nursing Grad School

psychology graduate cover letter

Biology Grad School

psychology graduate cover letter

Psychology Grad School

Cover letter guide.

Grad School Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Grad School Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Grad School cover letter

Writing a grad school cover letter can often feel like a puzzle where the pieces don't quite fit. You've started applying for jobs and suddenly realize you need more than a resume—you need a personal touch that tells your story. It's not just about listing achievements; it’s about showcasing your proudest professional moment in a compelling and formal way, without falling into the trap of overused phrases. And all within the confines of one concise page. Let's navigate this together and make your cover letter stand out.

  • Introduce your profile to catch recruiters' attention;
  • Use professional templates and examples to make sure your grad school cover letter follows the best industry standards;
  • Settle on your most story-worthy achievement to shine a light on what makes your application unique;
  • Write a grad school cover letter, even when you lack professional experience.

Ready to start with the basics: upload your resume to Enhancv's AI, below, to see the grad school cover letter it would write for you.

If the grad school isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Grad School resume guide and example
  • Tutor cover letter example
  • Math Teacher cover letter example
  • Kindergarten Teacher Assistant cover letter example
  • Technology Teacher cover letter example
  • Spanish Teacher cover letter example
  • New Teacher cover letter example
  • Pre K Teacher cover letter example
  • Student Ambassador cover letter example
  • Biology Teacher cover letter example
  • Preschool Director cover letter example

Grad School cover letter example

Isabelle Todd

San Francisco, CA


[email protected]

  • Emphasis on past achievements with quantifiable results — such as increasing productivity and customer engagement — proves the ability to add value and solve real-world problems.
  • Highlighting experience in relevant projects, like the A/B testing strategy, shows a track record of applying specific skills that are likely transferable to the new role.
  • Mentioning technical proficiency in data analytics, predictive models, and specific tools or methodologies (e.g., machine learning) matches the specialized needs of the role.
  • Demonstrating leadership by outlining experiences of leading teams aligns with roles that may require supervision or team collaboration.

The visual appeal of your grad school cover letter: format, font, and structure

When using our cover letter builder , make sure to include these vital sections:

  • Header (with your name, contact details, the role, and date);
  • Greeting (that's personalized to the recruiter);
  • Introductory paragraph (to capture attention);
  • Body paragraph (to tell a story of how you've obtained your job-crucial skills);
  • Closing paragraph (ending with a nod to the future ahead);
  • Signature (that is not a must).

Our cover letter templates are already set up for you with the best grad school cover letter design with single-spaced paragraphs and a one-inch margin.

As for the font of your grad school cover letter, use the same one as you did in your resume (where modern and simple fonts, like Rubik and Bitter, take precedence over Arial and Times New Roman).

Your grad school cover letter is created with the recruiters in mind - as no Applicant Tracker System looks over this part of your profile.

When sending over your grad school cover letter, download it in PDF. This format allows your information and design to stay intact and to keep the same visual quality.

The top sections on a grad school cover letter

  • Header: Includes your contact information, the date, and the recipient's details, providing a professional look to your cover letter and making it easy for the admissions committee to contact you.
  • Opening Greeting: A respectful salutation that addresses the specific individual or admissions committee, demonstrating that you’ve researched who will be reviewing your application.
  • Introduction: Briefly mentions your background and the program you are applying for, while expressing your enthusiasm and alignment with the school's values, which helps to hook the reader’s interest.
  • Body: Elaborates on your relevant academic and research experiences, specific interests in the program, and how your goals align with the faculty's expertise, showing the recruiter your potential fit and contribution to the program.
  • Closing Paragraph: Summarizes your qualifications, reiterates your interest in the program, and includes a courteous thank you, leaving a final positive impression and signaling the end of your cover letter.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

As there is no specified role provided in your request, I will list 6 key qualities, experiences, and traits for a general graduate school applicant. If you want a list tailored to a specific grad school program or job title, please provide the details. Here is the list for a general grad role:

Strong academic record: Evidence of intellectual horsepower and discipline to handle rigorous coursework.

Relevant research experience: Demonstrates the ability to conduct scholarly inquiry and contributes to the field of study.

Clear career goals: Shows purpose and intentionality, aligning with the program's strengths.

Excellence in communication: Ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and effectively in writing and speaking.

Professional or academic recommendations: Strong endorsements from credible sources who can vouch for the applicant's abilities and potential.

Personal qualities such as resilience, initiative, and creativity: Attributes that suggest the applicant can thrive in challenging environments and contribute to the academic community.

The grad school cover letter salutation: how to address hiring managers

After covering the format of your grad school cover letter, let's look at the salutation.

Back in the day, the cordial "To whom it may concern" or "Dear Sir/Madam", might have worked out fine.

But, nowadays, your cover letter should approach hiring managers on a more personal basis.

So, what to do about your cover letter salutation ?

If you've messaged the recruiters and are on a first name basis or a more formal one, use the hiring manager's name in the greeting (e.g. "Dear Sophie," "Dear Ms. Givens", or "Dear Mr. Everett,").

Always aim to make the effort to find out the name of the hiring manager, who'd be assessing your application. Search on LinkedIn, double-check the advert on the corporate website, or message the brand on social media to find out more about the role.

If you can't find the hiring manager's name (and still want to sound professional), use "Dear HR Team,", "Dear Hiring Manager,", or the likes.

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Admissions Committee,
  • Dear [Program Director's Name],
  • Dear [Department Name] Selection Committee,
  • Dear Professor [Last Name],
  • Dear Dr. [Last Name],
  • Dear Graduate Admissions,

The grad school cover letter intro: aligning your interest with the company culture

You only have one chance at making a memorable first impression on recruiters with your grad school cover letter.

Structure your introduction to be precise and to include no more than two sentences.

Here are some ideas on how to write a job-winning grad school cover letter introduction:

  • get creative - show off your personality from the get-go (if this aligns with the company culture);
  • focus on your motivation - be specific when you say what gets you excited about this opportunity.

What to write in the middle or body of your grad school cover letter

Here's where it gets tricky.

Your grad school cover letter body should present you in the best light possible and, at the same time, differ from your resume.

Don't be stuck in making up new things or copy-pasting from your resume. Instead, select just one achievement from your experience.

Use it to succinctly tell a story of the job-crucial skills and knowledge this taught you.

Your grad school cover letter is the magic card you need to further show how any organization or team would benefit from working with you.

Ending your grad school cover letter: a closing paragraph with a promise

If you're thinking of finishing your grad school cover letter with a "Sincerely yours" or "Thanks for the consideration," you need to read on.

End the final paragraph of your grad school cover letter with a twist:

  • a promise - of how you'd grow as a professional, part of the company, or improve organizational metrics;
  • a call to action - prompt interviewers with some follow-up actions if they are interested in your profile.

A personalized ending would surely help you to stand out by being a memorable candidate.

Addressing limited to no experience in the grad school cover letter

There's nothing to worry about if you lack professional experience .

Your grad school cover letter could bridge the gaps in your professional history by focusing on what matters most to recruiters, that's either:

  • skills - focusing on transferable ones you've gained, thanks to your life experience (e.g. volunteering, certificates, etc.);
  • achievements - select the most relevant and noteworthy one from your history (e.g. education, projects, etc.);
  • motivation - describe how you envision your professional growth in the next up to five years, thanks to this opportunity.

Key takeaways

Writing your grad school cover letter doesn't need to turn into an endless quest, but instead:

  • Create an individual grad school cover letter for each role you apply to, based on job criteria (use our builder to transform your resume into a cover letter, which you could edit to match the job);
  • Stick with the same font you've used in your resume (e.g. Raleway) and ensure your grad school cover letter is single-spaced and has a one-inch margin all around;
  • Introduce your enthusiasm for the role or the company at the beginning of your grad school cover letter to make a good first impression;
  • Align what matters most to the company by selecting just one achievement from your experience, that has taught you valuable skills and knowledge for the job;
  • End your grad school cover letter like any good story - with a promise for greatness or follow-up for an interview.

Grad School cover letter examples

Explore additional grad school cover letter samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

SLP Grad School Resume Example

Cover letter examples by industry

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Cover Letter Background

How To Answer "How Would Your Co-Workers Describe You" Interview Question

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  • Graduate School

Graduate School Cover Letter Examples

With writing tips and a step-by-step guide.

Graduate School Cover Letter Examples

Looking at graduate school cover letter examples is a good idea if you plan on applying to a graduate school program, as you may be required to include a cover letter with your  CV for graduate school  and other application components. Even though it is not a required document for all grad school programs, a well-written graduate school cover letter can help you stand out to the admissions committee and improve your chances of being accepted into your chosen program. This is especially true if you are applying to a highly selective institution or trying to  get into graduate school with a low GPA.

This blog will discuss everything you need to know about writing a cover letter for graduate school. You will learn why cover letters are important, learn tips to make your graduate school cover letter stand out, and you will get to review cover letter samples that will inspire you to write your own. 

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Article Contents 10 min read

What is a graduate school cover letter.

A graduate school cover letter is a brief letter that applicants attach to their graduate school application. Much like a work cover letter, such as a  research assistant cover letter , for example, graduate school cover letters are meant to introduce you and your application to the reader. They give you an opportunity to make an excellent first impression, tell the admission committee that you are interested in their graduate school program and why you believe it is a good fit for you. 

Graduate school cover letters have become less popular as graduate schools typically ask students to fill out their personal information and submit materials online. If you are sending specific application materials or your entire application by mail, then you will need to include a graduate school cover letter. Additionally, a few institutions, like the University of Illinois graduate college, for example, require students to submit a graduate school cover letter with their application, even when it is online. 

Furthermore, even when a graduate program does not explicitly ask for a cover letter, including a well-written and informative letter can help differentiate you from the other students by leaving a lasting impression on the admission committee, thus increasing your chances of admission. That said, before you start writing a cover letter for such a program, you should verify the school's admissions website to ensure that the school accepts additional documents. 

It should also be noted that many graduate students look for work and research opportunities at the school that they will be attending. If that is the case for you, then you will need a graduate school cover letter with your application for that school-related internship, job, or research opportunity. For example, if you’re interested in conducting research with a specific professor while you complete your master’s, then it would be a good idea to send them your application with a cover letter attached so that you can communicate your suitability for their research project.

Graduate school cover letters are academic letters, meaning that they need to be formatted in a way that is professional, clear, and concise. Your graduate school cover letter should be no longer than a page, written in a classic font that is easy to read, such as Times New Roman or Calibri, sized 11 or 12.

The text of your letter should be organized and separated into paragraphs. Keep in mind that your letter may go through several readers, and not all of them may be experts in the field you intend to study, so do not use overly technical language or industry-specific jargon. Keep your language succinct, clear, and consistent throughout the letter.

Lastly, your letter needs to provide a quick introduction to you as a candidate and pique the reader's interest so that they want to read the rest of your application. This means that you should not use your cover letter to list all of the experiences and skills that make you perfect for this graduate program. Simply express your interest in the program, select one or two experiences, skills, or values to focus on, and relate those to your suitability for the program you're applying for.

Wondering how to get into grad school with a lower GPA?

Step 1: Brainstorm & plan 

The first thing you want to do before you start working on your cover letter, or any graduate school admission essay, is make a plan. Think about what you want to say in your cover letter and write it down. Remember that you only have a few paragraphs to work with, and you do not want to repeat information from your personal statement or other application components. 

Once you know what you want your cover letter to say, organize it so that it flows nicely, and it is easy to follow. Your graduate school cover letter should follow the structure of a typical letter. It should have an introductory paragraph, the main body, and a closing paragraph. 

Step 2: Address your letter 

As mentioned earlier, your graduate school cover letter is, in fact, a letter! Therefore, you should begin by addressing it the way you would in a formal letter. Write your full name and mailing address at the very top. We also recommend including your email address and phone number, but this is optional. On the following line, write out the date, and then write the recipient's name (typically, this is the name of the head of the department or just the name of the school you are applying to) and their address. You should verify the school's admissions webpage for this information. If it is unclear and you are unsure whom to address in the letter, contact the school and ask for this information to ensure that your documents get to the right person. 

This first section of your letter should follow this template:

1234 Imaginary Lane

NameofCity, TN 34421

December 12, 20XX

Dr. John Smith

Department of Psychology

BeMo Academic University

66 University Circle

NameofCity, TN 34457

Once again, because this is a formal letter, you want to open your letter with the appropriate greeting or a personal salutation. If you have the name of a specific recipient, you can use the most common salutation for graduate school cover letters, which is "Dear [recipient's name]." Do not forget to include the recipient's title if you have it. If you do not have the name of a specific recipient, then you can simply address the letter "To Whom It May Concern". 

Step 4: Introduce yourself and express your interest in the graduate program

The reader will already have your name at the top of the page, but your introductory paragraph should tell them why you're writing this graduate school cover letter. You should use it to state your interest in your chosen graduate program and briefly mention your academic background and accomplishments thus far. 

Take a look at this example for context: 

I am pleased to submit my application for the Master of Applied Psychology program at X university. As a recent psychology graduate of YZ university, this graduate program is the perfect next step toward achieving my goal of becoming a clinical psychologist. 

Step 5: Talk about your suitability for this program

This is the main body of your graduate school cover letter. You should try to limit this to one paragraph, but you can use up to two of them if necessary. You should briefly touch on why you chose this particular school and program, what skills you have that have prepared you for this program, and what makes you an ideal applicant. 

You can talk about what you intend to do after this degree or specific professors and faculty members you wish to work with. The information you share here will be personal, so there is no golden template. Just ensure that it is written in an organized fashion that is easy to read and understand. 

Step 6: Conclude and close your letter 

In your last paragraph, make sure you thank the recipient for their time and consideration. You should also encourage them to reach out to you if they need additional information, or if they have any questions. Then finally, You can close your cover letter with a warm, professional closing salutation. "Sincerely" or "Warm Regards" followed by your name are some acceptable closing salutations you can use.

Step 7: List enclosed documents

This section of your graduate school cover letter will look different depending on the school you are applying to, and the application format used. If you are applying by mail, you should list the enclosed documents in the same envelope as your cover letter. If you are applying online or by email, verify that all of the documents listed on your cover letter are attached and ready to send. 

This section should be at the very bottom of the page. It should list the documents in a bullet point format, in the order in which they are enclosed. The list should look something like this: 


Jane Doe 

  • Program application form 
  • Statement of purpose
  • Academic transcripts

Letters of recommendation

Graduate school cover letter examples 

Graduate school cover letter example #1.

Candice Williams

1234 Dream St. 

Winnipeg, MB R3J 8T6

[email protected]


August 12, 20xx

Dr. Trevor Thorne

Department of English, Theatre, Film & Media

Toronto, ON M4C 2Y9

Dear Dr. Thorne,

I am excited to submit my application for consideration for the English literature master's program at BeMo Academic University. I have spent the past four years learning the basics of literature analysis through my bachelor's degree in the field, and I am eager to take this next step in my educational journey in order to further my training.

My undergraduate studies allowed me to explore and learn about different forms of literature from around the world. Still, I often found myself drawn to the impressive works of Shakespeare, Milton, Bronte, and many other great English writers. I had the opportunity to study in London for a year, where I attended a seminar on the impact of Charlotte Bronte's work on modern feminism led by none other than Prof. Jane Smith. She is one of the many brilliant professors in the English, Theatre, Film & Media department at BeMo that I hope to learn from. 

You will find enclosed the required application documents, including my academic CV, which provides more information on the research I have been able to do and publish so far in my short academic career. I am especially interested in the role that authors such as William Shakespeare played in the development of modern English, and I wish to explore that further through research. I feel that the rigorous curriculum this program offers will inform my future writing and research efforts, and allow me to achieve my goals. 

Thank you for your time, attention, and consideration. It is truly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any additional information. 

Program application form

Statement of purpose 

Graduate CV

Official undergraduate transcripts

Angela Wong

102-9876 Mainland Rd.

New Haven, CT 44567

[email protected]  

April 8, 20XX

University of BeMo

175 Academy lane

New York, NY 34567

To whom it may concern,

It is my pleasure to submit my application for the Master's degree in Early Childhood Development in the Psychology department at The University of BeMo. I am currently completing my bachelor's degree in psychology and plan to graduate in the fall. Since my goal is to pursue a career as an educational psychologist, this particular program is the perfect next step toward achieving my goal. 

My undergraduate degree includes coursework in childhood psychology, special needs education, school and family crisis intervention, and many other courses that have given me the basics required to keep up with the thorough coursework that awaits me in your rigorous program. 

I have also gained valuable knowledge in the field through shadowing and internships in different schools in my community. Observing other child educators at work confirmed that this is the right career path for me, and it motivated me anew to learn how I can best help children develop a love of learning from the early stages of their educational careers. I know that there is only so much I can learn from observing, and the fact that this program provides six months of hands-on training is one of the many reasons why I am hoping to be a student at BeMo next year. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any additional information or documents. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Research Interest Statement

Cover letters are supposed to be a brief introduction to your application, so unless otherwise specified by the school, they should not be longer than one page. We recommend sticking to three to four paragraphs, as this is long enough to share substantial information without losing your audience. Keep in mind that your reader will also be reviewing your other application components, so you do not need to address everything in this one letter. The information in your other application components, such as your  statement of purpose , will complement your cover letter. So, treat your cover letter like a summary of your candidacy; keep it short but impactful.

Be genuine & professional

The individual or committee that will review your application will probably be people that help run the program you're applying to. It is, therefore, best that they get a sense of who you genuinely are. Communicate honestly and let your personality shine through. This will help make your cover letter more memorable. That said, keep in mind that this is a professional document and that genuine does not mean informal or unprofessional. Your tone should still be courteous and consistent throughout the letter.

Proofread & edit carefully

We cannot stress how important this is. Remember that your graduate school cover letter will be one of, if not the first, document that the admissions committee will see from your application. You do not want their first impression of you to be negative. Your letter should be easy to read and follow, and it should be error-free.

Take the time to review your letter multiple times and edit for flow, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and typos. Better yet, reach out to a  grad school essay tutor  for assistance. They can review your cover letter and help you edit it to make sure it is up to par.

Grad school essay tutors can also help you with other tricky written application components, such as  grad school career goals statements . So, do not hesitate to contact one if you need  grad school application help. ","label":"Bonus tip","title":"Bonus tip"}]" code="tab1" template="BlogArticle">

It is a brief letter that you attach to your graduate school application. This letter should state your interest in the program, and briefly explain why you chose it, as well as why you are a good fit for it.

Many programs do not request graduate school cover letters, but they are more common than most people think. Additionally, several programs accept grad school cover letters even when not required, so you can still submit a cover letter to help your application stand out.

That depends on the program that you are applying to. Some schools may request a cover letter for online applications, and others may not require one, but they allow students to submit them as an optional component.

Graduate school cover letters are not replacements for admission essays like a personal statement or  statement of intent . So if your school requires a graduate school cover letter, do not assume that this means you will not have to write any grad school admission essays.

Unless you are given the name of a specific member of the admission committee, you should address your graduate school cover letter to the "Admissions team," "[subject] Head of Department," or "To Whom It May Concern."

You can make your graduate school cover letter stand out by making sure your personality shines through in your writing, telling a short anecdote or interesting fact about you in the body of the letter, and detailing your relevant skills and experience.

Graduate school can be pretty competitive, but the level of competition depends on the specific program you will be applying to. Some programs have acceptance rates as high as 60%, while others admit less than 10% of applicants.

Graduate school advisors are admission experts who help students plan and prepare for graduate school applications.

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psychology graduate cover letter

Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Psychology Intern Cover Letter Sample & Guide

Psychology Intern Cover Letter Page Image

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on writing a psychology intern cover letter. In this guide, we will provide you with a sample cover letter and valuable tips to help you create a compelling introduction for your psychology internship application.

A well-crafted cover letter is an essential tool in capturing the attention of potential employers and showcasing your qualifications for the internship position. Whether you are a student pursuing a Master’s degree in Psychology or a recent graduate looking to gain practical experience, this page will equip you with the necessary insights to make a strong impression.

Read on to discover how to effectively introduce yourself in a cover letter, highlight your academic background and practical experience, emphasize your enthusiasm and motivation, and customize your letter to the organization and position you are applying for.

Psychology Internship Cover Letter Sample

Marie Dew (000) 300-8799 marie@emailcom

January 12, 2024

Ms. Julie Andrew Internship Coordinator [Company/Organization Name] 6521 Some New Street Orem, UT 62331

Dear Ms. Andrew:

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Psychology Internship position at [Company/Organization Name]. As a recent graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, I am eager to apply my knowledge and skills in a practical setting.

Throughout my academic journey, I have gained a solid foundation in various areas of psychology, including cognitive psychology, social psychology, and abnormal psychology. I have also developed strong research and analytical skills, which I believe will be beneficial in conducting assessments, interpreting data, and developing treatment plans.

In addition to my academic achievements, I have gained practical experience working with diverse populations through my volunteer work at a local counseling center. This experience has strengthened my ability to provide empathetic and compassionate care to individuals facing mental health challenges. I am confident that my strong interpersonal skills and ability to establish rapport with clients will make me a valuable asset to your organization.

Furthermore, I am highly motivated and committed to professional growth. I am constantly seeking opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills within the field of psychology. I believe that an internship at [Company/Organization Name] would provide an ideal platform for me to further enhance my abilities and contribute to the well-being of clients under your organization’s guidance.

Thank you for considering my application. I would welcome the opportunity to further discuss how my qualifications align with the Psychology Internship position at [Company/Organization Name]. I have attached my resume for your review, which provides additional details about my education, experience, and relevant coursework. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your organization and making a positive impact on the lives of individuals.

Marie Dew (000) 300-8799

Attachment. Resume

How to Write a Great Cover Letter for a Psychology Internship Position?

Writing a great cover letter for a psychology internship position is essential to make a strong impression on potential employers. Here are some tips to help you craft an outstanding cover letter:

1. Start with a strong opening : Begin your cover letter with a professional greeting and a concise introduction that expresses your interest in the psychology internship position. Mention how you came across the internship opportunity and why you are excited about it.

2. Highlight your relevant academic background : Emphasize your educational qualifications, such as your degree in psychology or any related courses you have taken. Briefly mention the key areas of psychology that you have studied, as well as any honors, awards, or research projects you have been involved in.

3. Showcase your practical experience : Describe any practical experience you have gained in the field of psychology. This can include internships, volunteer work, or part-time positions. Highlight the skills you have developed during these experiences, such as counseling, conducting assessments, or working with diverse populations.

4. Discuss your theoretical knowledge : Share your understanding of relevant psychological theories, research methods, and therapeutic interventions. Mention any specializations or areas of interest you have within the field of psychology.

5. Demonstrate your interpersonal skills : Highlight your communication skills, active listening abilities, and empathy. Provide examples of how you have established rapport with clients or effectively collaborated with professionals in educational settings.

6. Express enthusiasm and motivation : Convey your passion for psychology and your eagerness to contribute to the organization you are applying to. Show that you are committed to learning and growing in the field by mentioning your willingness to receive mentorship from experienced professionals.

7. Customize your letter : Tailor your cover letter to the specific organization and internship position you are applying for. Research the organization’s mission, values, and services, and explain why you believe you would be a good fit and how your skills align with their needs.

8. Close with a strong conclusion : Wrap up your cover letter by expressing appreciation for the opportunity to apply and your interest in discussing your qualifications further. Provide your contact information and indicate your availability for an interview.

9. Proofread and edit : Before submitting your cover letter, carefully proofread it for any errors or typos. Ensure that your letter is well-organized, concise, and professional in tone.

Remember, a well-written cover letter is your chance to showcase your passion for psychology, relevant qualifications, and fit for the internship position. Take the time to craft a personalized and impactful letter that highlights your strengths and sets you apart from other candidates.

  • 2 Psychology Intern Resume Samples [+6 Writing Tips]
  • 10 Psychology Internship Resume Objective Examples
  • Psychology Research Assistant Cover Letter Sample
  • Top 13 Psychology Undergraduate Resume Objective Examples

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Cover letters

Every CV should be accompanied by a cover letter. This is a formal introduction to the CV and can be used to emphasise or highlight important information that features in your CV or application.

The following sections need to be covered in a cover letter:

  • Paragraph one – Introduce yourself, what you are applying for, and where you saw the vacancy advertised.
  • Paragraph two – Why are you interested in joining the company or university? Employers and academics want to ensure that you really know about their organisation, so make sure that you personalise the letter to prove you really know who they are.
  • Paragraphs three and four – What skills and experiences do you bring? This is where you can highlight the most relevant traits and experiences that you have.
  • Paragraph five – A positive ending.

Links to external websites

  • Find further advice on writing cover letters at Prospects

The University cannot accept responsibility for external websites.

Other University of Southampton sites

  • Advice on writing cover letters from the Careers and Employability Service

Clinical psychology

Psychotherapy, personality, cover letter for a psychology internship (4 samples).

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Examples of psychology internship cover letters 

When writing a cover letter as an intern here are some of the things to include in the letter:


[email protected]

Paramus, NJ, United States

I am excited to submit my resume and cover letter for the Summer Psychology Intern job within Smith Counseling, Inc. in Paramus, NJ. With developed field knowledge and multiple important skills and qualities, I am confident I would be an excellent fit for the role. What’s more, I believe it would be a great opportunity for me to further improve my expertise and grow both professionally and personally.

Next, I worked as a Psychology Intern for three months at Arista Counseling & Psychotherapy, Inc. last summer. Besides completing professional psychological assessments, educating clients on various mental disorders, and monitoring and evaluating clients’ progress, I also proactively participated in the development of new treatment plans and maintained confidential documents and records. During my time there, I had a great chance to not only collaborate with field professionals from around the world but I also acquired crucial critical thinking and analytical abilities. I am a patient-oriented individual offering a deep passion for Psychology, exceptional observation skills, and a strong determination to perform great work. It would be a pleasure for me to join your team and I would welcome the opportunity to provide further insight into my qualifications.

“Student Address

Dear Dr. Rivera:

It is with great pleasure that I submit this formal letter of interest for the Marriage and Family Therapist Intern position offered at your clinic. In speaking with Julia Gulia, Clinical Training Coordinator at Pepperdine University, about my interests in the field of psychology, she highly recommended that I further my experience at Pepperdine Community Counseling Clinic. As you will see from my attached resume, I am a graduate of the MFT program at Pepperdine University’s Graduate School of Education and Psychology.

My experience working at New Directions for Youth afforded me the opportunity to develop new therapeutic skills and expand on personal attributes vital to the therapeutic process. I have a strong work ethic and am self-motivated, intuitive, and organized. I have a positive attitude, and most importantly, great interpersonal and communication skills. My position with New Directions for Youth enabled me to interact with and assist at-risk youth through individual, family, and group counseling on issues ranging from depression and anger management to interpersonal relationship difficulties and substance abuse. By facilitating gang prevention and

parenting groups, I developed skills in being a supportive, empathic, and efficient leader. Furthermore, my experiences volunteering for a variety of mentorship and tutoring agencies have instilled in me the desire to give back to the community. Specifically, I have become more adept at interacting with clients from a variety of backgrounds and have developed a passion for helping clientele that might not otherwise have access to therapeutic services except through a community agency. 

John P. Collette”

“May 11, 2022

Internship Coordinator

Mosaic Community Services

Orem, UT 62331

Please accept this letter as an application for a Psychology Internship at Mosaic Community Services. I am a senior at the University of Utah, currently pursuing my Master’s degree in Psychology. My skills and educational track record make me a strong contender for your internship program.

As can be seen in the attached resume, my classroom assignments, coupled with project experiences, have equipped me to perform counseling, crisis intervention, and psychological assessments. Additionally, I have a great ability to work with people who are facing psychological problems, including children, adolescents, pre-marriage/married couples, and older adults.

Furthermore, I have substantial knowledge of screening clients while following mental health laws and HIPAA privacy practices. These capabilities would enable me to contribute to the success of Mosaic Community Services.

In addition to my coursework and work experiences, I possess the patience, honesty, an exceptional work ethic, and excellent communication skills. I have attached my resume and recommendation letters from professors and service supervisors in order to support my application.

(000) 300-8799

Attachment. Resume”

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do you need a cover letter when applying for internships.

No. However, a cover letter is one of the best ways to convey why you are the best candidate for the internship, allowing you to expand on and showcase key skills and experiences.

How do you begin a cover letter?

The Most Effective Strategies to Start a Cover Letter

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Psychology Internship Cover Letter Sample

Land your dream job & learn creative tricks to use in your cover letter with our free, easily editable Psychology Internship cover letter sample. Use this cover letter example at no cost or alter it with ease in our online cover letter maker.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

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Psychology Internship Cover Letter Sample (Full Text Version)

Dominika Zobor

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the Summer Psychology Intern position at Smith Counseling, Inc. in Paramus, NJ. With a strong academic background, relevant skills, and a passion for psychology, I believe I would be a valuable addition to your team. I am eager to further enhance my expertise and contribute to the success of your organization.

I am a third-year Psychology student at the University of Bergen in Norway, consistently ranking in the top 10% of my class with a GPA of 3.98. In addition to my academic achievements, I have been actively involved in extracurricular activities such as the Dance Club, Psychology Society, and Volleyball Club. As a Project Manager at the Psychology Society, I honed my leadership and organizational skills through planning and coordinating various events.

During a previous internship at Arista Counseling & Psychotherapy, Inc., I gained valuable experience in conducting psychological assessments, educating clients on mental health disorders, and assisting in the development of treatment plans. This experience allowed me to collaborate with professionals in the field and further develop my critical thinking and analytical abilities.

I am a dedicated and patient individual with a genuine passion for psychology. I am confident that my skills and experiences make me a strong candidate for the Summer Psychology Intern position. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasm for psychology align with the needs of your organization.

Thank you for considering my application.

Milan Šaržík — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Milan Šaržík, CPRW

Milan’s work-life has been centered around job search for the past three years. He is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) as well as an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Careers Coaches (PARWCC™). Milan holds a record for creating the most career document samples for our help center – until today, he has written more than 500 resumes and cover letters for positions across various industries. On top of that, Milan has completed studies at multiple well-known institutions, including Harvard University, University of Glasgow, and Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

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Don’t struggle with your cover letter. Artificial intelligence can write it for you.

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Psychology Graduate Cover Letter

This free sample cover letter for a psychology graduate has an accompanying psychology graduate sample resume to help you put together a winning job application.

Anita Stallwell 32/78 Springfield St Yellowtown SA 5023 P: 08 2222 2222 M: 0404 404 404 E: [email protected]

Michael Horton Recruitment Coordinator SA Health 4 Sample Street Adelaide SA 3000

Dear Mr Horton

Re: PSY296, P sychologist roles

I am writing to apply for graduate psychologist positions with SA Health, as advertised in Saturday’s edition of The South Australian . Please find my resume attached.

I recently graduated from the University of South Australia with a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours Class 1) at and I’m interested in working at SA Health as it’s a great opportunity to be part of a department which helps so many people in the community.

My psychology work experience has included assisting with research at the University’s Psychology Clinic and the Student Centre. My duties have included brainstorming research topics, writing and distributing surveys, and compiling and analysing data. The strong research, analysis, communication and computing skills I have developed during these tasks were put to good use and further developed in my independent research on my Honours thesis topic.

I believe that my hard-working and highly motivated attitude, combined with my professional skills and ambition to work as a psychologist, make me a strong candidate for graduate positions at SA Health.

If you require any more information please do not hesitate to contact me on the phone numbers above. I am available for interviews and hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely

[sign here]

Anita Stallwell

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