How to share your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on a Mac, PC, or web browser

  • It's easy to share a PowerPoint presentation on your Mac or PC app.
  • You can also share a presentation if you use the online version of PowerPoint.
  • Sharing a presentation can help you collaborate with friends or coworkers.
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When creating Microsoft PowerPoint presentations for work or school, it's often necessary to collaborate with others on your projects.

Thankfully, it's easy to share a PowerPoint presentation no matter what version you use. The process looks fairly similar on both Mac and PC programs, as well as on the online version that can be accessed from any web browser. The online option is helpful if you don't have the Microsoft Office program downloaded to your desktop.

For all of these options, you can add a collaborator (which operates similarly to sharing Google Slides ) or opt to send your file as a presentation or PDF via email. There are also alternative methods, such as sending via social media.

Here's how to share a presentation.

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Sharing a presentation on the PC version of PowerPoint should look similar on most computer types. The following steps and accompanying photos detail the process on a Samsung Chromebook.

1. Open the PowerPoint presentation you wish to share on your PC.

2. Click the "Share" symbol in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This should give you the option to share either the full document or just the current slide.

  • If you prefer to add a collaborator instead (similar to Google Slides functions), you will need to click the orange button to save a copy of the file to your OneDrive. 

3. Choose how you'd like to share the document or slide as an attachment. You can choose to send an email via Outlook or as a message via Zoom, for example.

Additionally, when you first launch the program, you can also find a "Share" tab on the left hand side. This will provide you with the same options for sharing a file.

How to share a PowerPoint Presentation on a Mac

1. Open the PowerPoint presentation on your Mac desktop or laptop.

2. Click the "File" tab in the top left corner. 

3. Select "Share" from the dropdown menu. This will grant you the option to either send or copy a link to share, send the file as a presentation or PDF, or manage access to a shared file. Select whichever option you'd like and follow the directions to add contact information.

  • If you wish to manage access and add collaborators, you will have to make sure the file has been uploaded to your OneDrive before proceeding. (If it hasn't, PowerPoint should prompt you to do so at this time.)

4. Sending the file as an email is the most common choice. Selecting this option will automatically open a new draft with the file attached. (Be sure to select "Send PDF" if you'd prefer it to send as a PDF file instead of as a presentation.) Add an address, subject, and body text before sending.

You can also share a presentation by clicking the "Share" button in the upper right hand corner. (This is similar to how it appears on a PC.)

This option is extremely helpful as it provides all of your possible options in a single pop-up. Enter a name or email address (along with an optional message) to send the document. 

You can change the permissions settings at the top before clicking "Send," "Copy Link," or "Mail" to share your work. Click "More Apps" to browse additional options, such as sending via social media or text message. Lastly, you can select "Send a Copy" to send as a traditional attachment.

How to share a PowerPoint presentation on a web browser

You can access PowerPoint online on either a Mac or PC, as long as you have your login information for Microsoft Office. Regardless of what browser you prefer to use, the steps to share a presentation are exactly the same.

1. Log in to your Microsoft Office account on your preferred web browser and open the presentation you wish to share.

2. Click the "Share" button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

3. This will open a pop-up in the center of the page. Enter a name or email address (along with an optional message) to send the document. You can change the permissions settings at the top before sending the link by clicking the "Send" or "Copy Link" option. (Those who have followed these steps on a Mac will recognize that it looks similar.)

Additionally, when you open the main menu, you can click the "Share" tab on the left hand side. This will allow you to invite others to edit the presentation or embed the presentation for a blog or website. 

If you are looking to embed online, this will open a different pop-up that will generate a code for you. Select the dimensions desired and then paste the text as needed. Click the "Close" or "X" buttons to minimize the window.

share files presentation

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How to Share PowerPoint: A Comprehensive Guide

You’ve just finished crafting a brilliant PowerPoint presentation, and now it’s time to share it. But how exactly do you do that? Whether you’re collaborating with a team or presenting to an audience, sharing your work is essential. Let’s dive in and explore the different methods available to share your PowerPoint presentation.

Different Methods How to Share PowerPoint: A Step-by-Step Guide

Sharing a PowerPoint presentation can seem like a straightforward task. However, with multiple ways available, it’s essential to choose the method that best suits your needs. Here’s a detailed tutorial on different methods to share your presentation.

  • Step 1: Open the presentation file you’d like to share in Microsoft Office.
  • Step 2: Click on “File” located in the top-left corner of the ribbon.

file share send presentation

  • Step 4: Your default email client will open. Attach the file and enter the email address of the recipient.
  • Step 5: Before you click send, ensure your presentation file size doesn’t exceed the email provider’s limits. If it does, consider other ways to share your presentation.
  • Step 1: Open the presentation you’d like to share in PowerPoint.
  • Step 2: Launch Microsoft Teams. If you haven’t used it, you might want to check Microsoft support for a quick guide.
  • Step 3: In the top-right corner, click on the ‘Files’ tab.
  • Step 4: Upload your presentation and then invite others to view or edit the presentation.

open your microsoft one online powerpoint

  • Step 1: Open your presentation in PowerPoint.
  • Step 2: Click on “File” in the upper left corner of the ribbon.

save as powerpoint like pdf file

  • Step 4: Once you’ve made your choice, save your file. Now, it’s easy to share your presentation as a video or PDF file with others.
  • Step 1: Save a copy of your presentation in PowerPoint to your preferred cloud storage, such as OneDrive, Google Drive, or others.

use one drive to share ppt file

  • Step 3: Choose whether to ‘Send a copy’, ‘Send a link’, or ‘Share a link’.
  • Step 4: Attach your file or link to your comment or email and send. Windows users might see this in the corner of the window, while Mac and PC users might find it in the corner of the screen.
  • For those who’d like a visual guide, you can watch this video supported by Microsoft on how to share.
  • Collaborate with others for real-time feedback. In PowerPoint Online or PowerPoint for the Web, click on the ‘Share’ button in the upper right corner of the screen, and invite collaborators.

By following these steps, you’ll make your presentations easily accessible to your audience, fostering better collaboration and understanding.

Creating and sharing presentations has never been easier with tools like PowerPoint 2016. Whether you’re in work or school, you can create a presentation, store it on OneDrive, and seamlessly share a presentation with others. Choose to send a link, send a copy, or convert your presentation as a PDF file. With the ‘click share’ feature, sharing with specific name or email address is straightforward. This information aims to make your collaborative efforts smoother, ensuring your audience can view your presentation or even provide feedback with ease. So, whenever you want to share a presentation, just remember these simplified steps.

Yes! You can save your presentation as a PDF or share it as a view-only link using Office 365.

Yes, most email providers have a limit, usually around 25MB. Consider using cloud storage or a link for larger files.

You can set permissions to ‘view-only’ or save your presentation as a PDF.

Absolutely! Just hide the slides you don’t want to share, save it as a new file, and then share.

When shared via certain cloud platforms like OneDrive, you can view activity reports and see who accessed the file.

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Sharing a Presentation

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About this lesson

In this final lesson, we will learn how to share a copy or a link to a presentation with others and control if colleagues can edit or simply view it.

Exercise files

Download the ‘before’ and ‘after’ PowerPoint presentations from the video tutorial and try the lesson yourself.

Quick reference

The ability to collaborate on files in real-time is so important. To do this, we need to know how to share our presentation with others in our team or maybe even clients and customers. We can choose to share a link or a copy. If we share a link, the recipients will be working on the original server copy of the file. If we share a copy, they will be working on a copy and the original will remain unaffected. 

When to use

Share files whenever you want to colloborate on a presentation with others. 


Share a link.

When we share a link, the recipient is invited to edit the original server copy of the presentation. To share a link to a presentation, the file must be saved in a shared location e.g. OneDrive. 

  • In the top right-hand corner, click Share . 
  • Or, from the File tab, click Share . 
  • The default is to share a link. 
  • Click the arrow next to Anyone with link can edit to see more options.  
  • To limit access to view only, remove the tick from the Allow Editing box. 
  • To set an Expiration Date  for the link, choose a date from the date picker. 
  • To restrict access, click Set a password . 
  • Click Apply . 
  • Type the recipients email address into the field provided.  
  • Type a message (optional). 
  • Click Send . 

Create a Shareable Link

Alternatively, we can create a shareable link and paste it into an email or an application like Teams. 

  • Click Copy Link . 
  • A shareable link will be created. 
  • Click Copy . 
  • Open another application and Paste the link. 

Send a Copy

Sending a copy is different to sending a link. When we send a copy, the recipients will be making changes on a copy of the file not the original file. This means that the original will remain unaffected by any subsequent changes to the copy. 

  • Click Send a copy . 
  • Choose PowerPoint presentation or PDF . 

Manage Access

Once we have shared a file with others, we can manage their access. 

  • Click the three dots  in the top right-hand corner. 
  • Select Manage access . 
  • Choose a recipient. 
  • Select Change to view only  to remove edit access.
  • Or, select Stop sharing  to remove access to the presentation completely. 

Hints & tips

  • When sending a link to many people, such as the entire organisation, its better to create a shareable link and paste it into an email. 
  • Ensure the file is saved to a shared location like a network drive or cloud storage. 
  • 00:04 It's time to celebrate.
  • 00:05 We have made it down to the final lesson in this course.
  • 00:10 And the final thing that we're going to do is we're going to see how we can share
  • 00:14 our beautiful presentation with other people.
  • 00:17 Now I would always advise that before you do share this presentation you give it one
  • 00:22 final check over.
  • 00:23 You want to make sure that you don't have any spelling errors.
  • 00:26 You might also want to review any comments that you've added into your presentation
  • 00:31 in case any of them need to be removed.
  • 00:33 Also run through your presentation as the recipient is going to view it.
  • 00:37 And just check to make sure that there is no lag, and all of the animations and
  • 00:42 transitions are working correctly and smoothly.
  • 00:46 And of course, if you don't want anybody to change this presentation,
  • 00:49 make sure that you've applied one of those protection options.
  • 00:53 If you've gone through all of that, and you're absolutely certain that you want
  • 00:56 to share this file, there are a couple of different ways that you can do this.
  • 01:00 But all paths lead to the same place.
  • 01:03 The first way that we can share a presentation is by using the share button
  • 01:07 in the top right-hand corner.
  • 01:09 The second way we can share our presentation is by clicking on the File
  • 01:13 tab and choosing the Share page.
  • 01:16 Now both of these options basically take you to this little send link window.
  • 01:21 Now there's a couple of things you need to know when it comes to sharing files.
  • 01:25 The first thing is that in order to share this,
  • 01:27 you need to make sure you've saved your presentation to a shareable location.
  • 01:32 So that needs to be something like a OneDrive cloud storage or
  • 01:36 maybe a Network Drive.
  • 01:38 If you just have this saved to your PC, then your only real option when
  • 01:43 it comes to sharing is to send it as an email attachment,
  • 01:46 which these days is a little bit old school.
  • 01:49 Now I have all of my files save to OneDrive cloud storage.
  • 01:53 So now I can choose if I want to send a link or send a copy of this file.
  • 01:59 Now you might be wondering to yourself, well,
  • 02:01 what is the difference between a link and a copy?
  • 02:04 When you send a link, you basically create an email that has
  • 02:08 a hyperlink essentially back to this original document.
  • 02:12 So anybody that you send this link to can click on that link, and
  • 02:16 any changes they make will be based on the original server copy of the presentation.
  • 02:22 Where as if you send a copy any changes the recipient makes won't affect
  • 02:27 the original copy.
  • 02:29 So it means that if they make changes that you need to see and maybe integrate into
  • 02:33 your PowerPoint presentation, they'll have to send the copy back to you.
  • 02:37 And then you'll need to merge those changes together.
  • 02:40 I'm going off on a bit of a tangent there.
  • 02:42 So I'm going to rein myself back in and just focus on sharing.
  • 02:46 So for this example, I'm going to send a link.
  • 02:50 And you can see that sending a link is basically the default option.
  • 02:53 Now currently, mine is set to anyone with the link can edit.
  • 02:57 Now if I want to change that I can click on this and
  • 03:00 remove the tick from this little allow editing checkbox.
  • 03:05 If I do that, it means that when I send the link, the recipient is only going to
  • 03:09 be able to view my PowerPoint presentation and not make any changes.
  • 03:14 Now I want them to be able to edit.
  • 03:15 So I'm going to put the tick back in that box.
  • 03:18 You can also do things in here like set an expiration date for this link.
  • 03:22 So maybe you need your colleagues' feedback by next Tuesday.
  • 03:27 So you might want to set this link to expire so that anytime after next
  • 03:31 Tuesday's date, they're basically going to lose access to this particular file.
  • 03:36 And then finally, if you want to add an extra layer of security, you could set
  • 03:41 a password so that they need to type that in before they can make any changes.
  • 03:46 Now, I'm not going to do that I'm just going to say, Apply.
  • 03:49 And now I can enter in the email addresses of the people that I want to share this
  • 03:53 link with.
  • 03:54 So I'm basically sharing this with three other team members.
  • 03:58 I can add a little message in here.
  • 04:00 And then all I need to do is click the Send button.
  • 04:03 Now when I click this button, it's basically going to create an email in my
  • 04:07 default email application, which for me is Outlook.
  • 04:11 It's going to put a link to this particular presentation in that email
  • 04:15 witch the recipients can then click on and start to make their changes.
  • 04:19 Now if I decide that I want to send a copy of this presentation as opposed to a link,
  • 04:24 I have a copy link button just here.
  • 04:27 And what this does is PowerPoint going to create what it calls a shareable link.
  • 04:31 If I click the Copy button that's basically going to do a Ctrl C of this
  • 04:36 particular link.
  • 04:37 And I can then open up an email in Outlook, or another mail application,
  • 04:42 or even paste this link into something like teams or slack, and
  • 04:46 share it with my colleagues that way.
  • 04:49 And an even quicker way of doing that is to click this Outlook button.
  • 04:53 And you can see here it's created a new Outlook email for
  • 04:56 me with that link contained within.
  • 04:59 I can then address this to whoever I want to send it to type in a message,
  • 05:03 click on Send, and away it goes.
  • 05:05 And then finally at the bottom here, I can choose if I want to send a copy of this
  • 05:10 PowerPoint presentation, or a PDF file.
  • 05:12 So I could at this stage, convert it to a PDF and then send that through instead.
  • 05:17 Now another thing that's worth noting here is that when you have shared your
  • 05:21 PowerPoint presentation,
  • 05:22 you can manage people's access by clicking on these three dots.
  • 05:26 Let's jump into manage access, and
  • 05:28 you'll be able to see exactly who you shared this particular presentation with.
  • 05:33 So you can see here, Adriana, Dasha, and Jen, and
  • 05:37 all three of these people can edit.
  • 05:40 Maybe if I want to change their access or even remove access entirely, if I click
  • 05:45 the drop down, I can change to view only access for this particular person.
  • 05:50 Or I can say I want to stop sharing this document with Adriana.
  • 05:54 It updates the permissions and she's now been removed.
  • 05:57 So if she has the link already, now that I've removed her access,
  • 06:01 when she clicks on that link she's going to get an error message.
  • 06:04 So that is pretty much all there is to sharing.
  • 06:07 That is the end of this lesson and the end of this course.
  • 06:11 All that's left for me to do now is tidy up a few loose ends and say my goodbyes.
  • 06:16 And I'll be doing exactly that in the final lesson.

Lesson notes are only available for subscribers.

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How to Share a PowerPoint Presentation

Cover for How to Share a PowerPoint Presentation

Sharing a PowerPoint file is easy, but depending on how you choose to share the file, you can also use third-party services for sharing presentations and PowerPoint templates .

Share a PowerPoint for Editing and Viewing via OneDrive

You can use the default sharing options, including OneDrive, to share a PowerPoint. The Share button in the top right corner enables instantly sharing your file online. To generate a link for a file not yet uploaded to OneDrive, go to Share -> Share . 

How to share a PowerPoint presentation

You will be asked to log in with your Microsoft account to share the file via OneDrive if you are not signed in.

Sharing a PPT file via OneDrive

How to Share PowerPoint So Everyone can Edit

When generating the direct link, you can choose to enable editing for the file for online collaboration. This will enable someone to collaborate and edit the file.

Share PPT presentation with editing access for any user

How to Share PowerPoint with View-Only Privileges

Select the option via the dropdown menu to limit the file to View Only . Files limited with this privilege cannot be edited online, but the recipient can still download them.

Share PowerPoint file with View-Only privileges

How to Share PowerPoint with Specific People Only

There is also an option to ensure you share the file only with specific users by entering their email addresses. Otherwise, you can generate a direct link for sharing with anyone based on either editing or view-only privileges.

Share PPT file with specific people

How to Copy PowerPoint Link for Sharing

Once you set the privileges for your file, you are instantly provided with a link based on the selected user privileges once you select Copy .

Copy link to PowerPoint presentation

You can also instantly copy a link via the Share button to generate a direct link for the PowerPoint presentation or the current slide.

Copy PPT presentation link via Send Link

This will create a link that you can share with anyone. The link has settings based on your selected user privileges.

Share options in PowerPoint for PPT presentations

How to Share PowerPoint via Email

To share PowerPoint via email, you can either attach the file as an attachment or share it directly via Attach a copy option available from the PowerPoint Share button.

Attach copy of PPT presentation via email

The service provider usually limits attachments to a certain size, such as 25 MB. In contrast, files larger than that are sometimes uploaded to a cloud-sharing service like OneDrive or Google Drive by email service. The default attachment option in PowerPoint opens the file as an attachment via a mail client like Outlook.

Email in Outlook with PPT presentation attachment

How to Share a PowerPoint as PDF

You can share PowerPoint files as PDFs by instantly converting them via the Share button in PowerPoint. This will create a PDF attachment for instant sharing via an email client.

Share PowerPoint presentation as PDF

You can also create a PDF file via File -> Save As , select PDF, and share it via email, instant messenger, or a cloud storage service.

Options for sharing PPT file as PDF or other formats

How to Share a PowerPoint via Microsoft Teams

You can share your PowerPoint presentation as an attachment, present it via teams during a meeting, or use the PowerPoint Live option. You can learn about sharing your presentations using Teams from our tutorial about How to Share a PowerPoint Presentation on Microsoft Teams .

Share a PowerPoint presentation via Microsoft Teams

Other Methods for Sharing a PowerPoint

You can also use various third-party services or methods to share PowerPoint files.

Share a PowerPoint via SlideShare

SlideShare is a popular service for sharing presentations online. PowerPoint presentations uploaded to SlideShare can also be shared via direct link or embedded on a website.

Share PPT file via SlideShare

Share a PowerPoint via Google Drive

Among the various third-party services, Google Drive is famous for supporting PowerPoint files. Making it easy to upload, edit, and share PowerPoint files online. What makes Google Drive a viable free alternative to PowerPoint and Microsoft services like OneDrive is its support for PowerPoint files.

Share PowerPoint presentation via Google Drive

Share a PowerPoint via USB or External Drive

Sometimes, transferring your PowerPoint file via a USB or external drive for instant sharing is best. This is commonly done when sharing files with colleagues or when you need to quickly provide the file to someone at an event to cue your presentation before your session.

Share PowerPoint file via Bluetooth

Share a PowerPoint via Bluetooth

You can quickly share your PowerPoint file with a Bluetooth-connected device, such as a nearby smartphone. This, among other methods, can be particularly useful when you are short of connectivity options for file sharing and are pressed for time.

Bluetooth File Transfer for PPT presentation

Final Words

There are various methods for sharing a PowerPoint file. Each method has its own merits. Files smaller than 25 MB are frequently shared via email. However, larger files are often shared via cloud storage services. The most commonly used cloud-based services for sharing PowerPoint files include OneDrive, Google Drive, Box, and Dropbox. Even at the enterprise level, different organizations have a preference for one or the other. For very heavy files, you can always use services like WeTransfer or opt for more conventional methods such as sharing the file via a USB, external drive, or Bluetooth.

share files presentation

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How-To Geek

How to share documents on google docs, sheets, and slides.

It’s easy to do, and you have control over everyone's editing permissions.

Quick Links

Set up sharing with specific people, set up sharing with a link, change permissions after sharing, stop sharing a document.

One of the best features of online applications like Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides is the ability to share documents. Whether you want to collaborate in real-time or simply let others view the document, it's easy enough.

However, there's more to sharing your document than just a button click. Depending on what you're sharing and with whom, you should take a moment to consider the sharing permissions. Should others have the ability to edit the document? Do you want them to be able to add comments? Or should the document be view-only ? Let's walk through how to share your documents and the permission options.

Google keeps things consistent when it comes to sharing in all three applications. So you can follow the same steps regardless of which application you're using. For this how-to, we'll use Google Docs as an example.

When you're ready, click "Share" on the top right. Alternatively, you can click File > Share from the menu.

Enter the name of your contact or email address of the person you'll share with. You can enter more than one person if you like. Just note that if you do share with more than one person and adjust the sharing permissions at this stage, you cannot set the permissions individually. However, you can change them per person after you share the document, which we'll also cover below.

Adjust the Sharing Permissions

To the right, use the drop-down box to choose the permission. You can choose Editor, Viewer, or Commenter.

  • Editor : They can make changes, accept or reject suggestions, and share the document with others.
  • Viewer : They can only view the document. They cannot make changes or share the document.
  • Commenter : They can only add comments and make suggestions. They cannot make changes or share the document.

The above are default permission settings, but you can make a couple of adjustments if you like. In the sharing window, click the gear icon on the top right.

Here you can disallow editors from changing permissions and sharing. And you can disable the ability for viewers and commenters to see the download, print, and copy actions. Uncheck the boxes to remove those permissions per your preference.

Share the Document

Once you add the person or people you want to share with and set the permissions, you can optionally check the box to Notify People and add a message. This will send an email to them letting them know you've shared a document with them. Click "Send."

If you don't want to notify those you're sharing with here, be sure to uncheck the Notify People box and click "Share." You may choose to do this if you want to notify them yourself with your own link to the document.

If you plan to share your document with many people , you have the option to grab a link to the document instead. And with this option, you can set permissions as well.

Related: How to Share a Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides File as a Web Page

Click "Share" and then click inside the Get Link area of the Sharing window. You then have two options in the drop-down box, Restricted and Anyone With the Link .

Use Restricted in conjunction with adding specific people in the area above. This restricts anyone other than the people you share with from accessing the document if they come across the link.

Use Anyone With the Link to allow anyone with it to access the document. Then to the right, choose Viewer, Commenter, or Editor. This permission will apply to everyone accessing the document using the link.

You can then copy the link to share with others. Then, click "Done."

Whether you share with specific people or simply share the link, you can change the permissions you initially set up. Click "Share" on the top right.

For specific people, use the top part of the share window. Select the drop-down box next to the person you want to change the permission for and choose the new setting. Click "Save."

For anyone with a link, use the bottom part of the share window. Select the new permission in the drop-down box on the right. Click "Done."

If necessary, you can stop sharing a document just as easily. Again, click "Share."

For specific people, open the drop-down box to the right of the person and select "Remove."

For anyone with the link, you can change the setting to Restricted. Then make sure to remove anyone from the sharing list in the above section whom you don't want to have access.

Google offers other ways to collaborate with colleagues too. You can use comments in Google Sheets to collaborate on spreadsheets and create documents and work together directly in Google Chat .

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39.   Camtasia


Wondering how to share a Google Slides presentation? Good news! It’s a pretty simple process. There are multiple ways of sharing a Google Slides deck. The right method for you will depend on how you’re going to deliver the slides, the required file type, and your audience. Do you want to share so that a colleague can proof-read and edit, or so that an online audience has the virtual equivalent of a handout?

As Google Slides exists completely online, sharing your presentation with others isn’t limited to an email attachment. This post will show you how to share Google Slides presentations in five ways, there’s definitely something here to meet your needs!

Share with people and groups

Publish to the web

Download as different file type

Email as attachment

Before we get to that, you need to know where to find the Share function in Google Slides.

  • Open Google Slides and click File , in the top bar
  • Click Share at the top of the drop-down menu

share files presentation

  • Or, click Share at the top right-hand side of your window.

share files presentation

1. How to share Google Slides presentations with people and groups

Using Share with people and groups , you can share your Google Slides presentation with multiple people at once. This is helpful if your teammates need to collaborate in the same deck or if you require feedback from a colleague or client. Share with people and groups allows you to change the editing permissions per contact. You can allow each contact to simply view the document, or add comments, or edit it themselves. The level of permission you choose can be different for each contact you share with, giving you a lot of flexibility.

  • Click Share to bring up the Share with people and groups pane.
  • Next to Add people and groups , start typing the name or email address of the contact you want to share the deck with. A list of recommendations will appear as you type. Once you’ve selected the right contact, their name will appear at the top of the pane. If the person you want to share with is not already in your contact list, you need to type in their full email address.
  • Click the small cross next to a contact name to deselect the contact.

When you share using Share with people and groups , Google will ask the user to log in to their Google account to access your shared file. If the user does not have a Google account, they will be unable to access your deck. Just head to the next section to find out how to grant access to non-Google users.

Now you’ve chosen your contact, you can alter their permissions to change how they are able to interact with the deck. There are three options – Viewer , Commenter , and Editor . Simply click on the option currently visible and a drop-down menu will appear allowing you to choose whether your contact can… well… view, comment on or edit the deck. Pretty self-explanatory, right?

But which permission should you give to who and when?

  • Viewer: This will prevent contacts from editing slides. If your deck is completely finished and approved, set the permissions to Viewer to stop contacts accidentally editing – or even deleting – slides from your finished presentation!
  • Commenter: The best option for gathering feedback. If your contact has limited knowledge of Google Slides, direct them towards our handy Ultimate Guide to Google Slides post so that they can brush up! In the meantime, share your deck using the Commenter function. This way, contacts can comment without being able to rearrange slides, or change text or animations.
  • Editor: Perfect for collaborative projects. Editor allows you to share an editable version of your deck. Everyone with this permission can work on the same slides at the same time. This means you don’t end up with multiple versions of the same deck.

For more tips on how to improve collaboration in Google Slides, check out these 6 ways to get the most out of online collaboration with Google Slides .

Once you’ve selected one of these permission options, you’re free to hit Send . If you tick Notify people , your contact will receive an email letting them know that they have permission to access or interact with your deck.

share files presentation

In the Share with people and groups pane, the owner of the Google Slides presentation appears at the top. Beneath that, you can see who has access to the deck and the status of their permissions. If you want to change someone’s permissions, press the yellow Share button at any time and edit permissions using the same drop-down menu.

To stop sharing with a specific person:

  • Click Share and scroll to the contact you want to remove
  • Click the drop-down arrow next to their name
  • Select Remove
  • Click Save .

Notice the Give temporary access and Make owner options. If you choose to Give temporary access , you can edit the number of days that your contact has access to your deck. All you have to do is click the number of days next to Access expires to change the expiration date. This can be a great option if you’re working with people outside of your organization, such as clients or agencies. For example, you can schedule the expiration date for the end of a project, once the feedback has been received and the work completed.

Make owner allows you to pass ownership of the deck to another user. After you’ve created a presentation you might need to hand it over, to the presenter for example. You can use this option to give someone else complete control. Use it with caution, however. Once you’ve handed over ownership, you cannot retrieve it – unless the new owner hands it back or chooses to grant you access permissions.

Top tip: If you’re the owner of the deck (if you have created it yourself or have been given ownership by the original creator), there are further sharing options. When you click Share , you’ll notice a cog appears in the top right-hand corner pop up. This allows you to choose whether your Editors can change permissions and share or if Viewers and commenters can see the option to download, print, and copy. All you have to do is tick or untick the box. Easy!

2. How to share a Google Slides presentation via a link

In this window you can also get a link.

  • Click the blue Copy link button.
  • Paste the link anywhere, from an email draft to a Microsoft Teams chat

This link will only work for people who have been given permission to view, edit or comment on the deck. To change this:

  • Click Share
  • In the Get link section, press Change .
  • Choose whether your deck is Restricted or if Anyone with the link can view. Note: when you change a link’s setting to Restricted , the only people who can still see the deck are those you have directly shared with in the Share with people and groups section.

share files presentation

Though the Anyone with link function can be useful, it’s not the most secure option. Remember: the users that you originally shared the link with can continue to share the link with their friends, colleagues, and contacts too, meaning your presentation can be shared endlessly and with anyone! If your deck contains confidential content, you should not use this method.

3. How to publish a Google Slides presentation to the web

If you don’t want your viewers to edit your deck, then Share with groups and people may not be the option for you. Instead, choose to Publish to the web . With this option, your deck becomes non-editable, it will simply play as if your deck was a video; auto-advancing through the slides. This means that the viewer won’t have control over which slides they view or the order they view them in. The content of your slides will be visible to anyone and everyone when publishing to the web, so be careful about choosing this option if your slides contain confidential information.

  • Click  File
  • Select Publish to the web
  • Choose Link or Embed. You can share the URL with your contacts, or you can embed the link on a website or blog
  • Choose how your slides playback using the drop-down menu beneath Auto-advance slides
  • Click Publish
  • Copy the URL or HTML and share your deck

share files presentation

4. How to download a Google Slides deck as different file type

Another method of sharing (or saving) your slides involves downloading the deck as a different type of file.

  • Under File select Download .
  • Select the format you need (Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx), PDF Document (.pdf), or JPEG Image (.jpeg)), and the download will begin.
  • Open your file

While there are many formats available, we don’t recommend all of them. For example, when downloading as an Image, whether PNG or JPEG, the quality of your slides can be lost, the presentation will be static, and you can only download one slide at a time. If you’re printing or emailing your deck, downloading as a PDF is the best option to get a static version of your slides.

Since PowerPoint is the closest option to Slides, this format retains the presentability of the deck. However, there’s a chance that your content will corrupt or break as not all features are transferable between file formats. Check for any changes and make tweaks – like removing animations – before sending your presentation to your contacts. To find out more about the differences between PowerPoint and Slides, check out 9 Google Slides features we wish PowerPoint had or if you want to try different platforms to PowerPoint, we recommend The ULTIMATE Guide to PowerPoint Alternatives .

5. How to email your Google Slides presentations as an attachment

  If all these sharing options still aren’t quite cutting it, there’s one more! To share your slides via email:

  • Select Email as attachment
  • Type the name or email address of your contact
  • Pick the file type your deck
  • Add a message, then hit Send

share files presentation

That’s the last of our five tips on how to share a Google Slides presentation. Now you know pretty much everything there is to know about sharing your slides and, if you want to make those slides even more awesome and effective, you have got to check out these 5 Google Slides video tutorials to level up your skills .

share files presentation

Emma Trantham

Principal consultant, related articles, how to present in google slides with present mode toolbar.

  • Google Slides / Presentation skills

It takes time to create engaging, visual slides, so why undermine all your effort at the crunch point? Delivering a presentation properly really isn’t that tricky! With Google Slides’ Present mode toolbar, it’s super easy to present in Google Slides navigating your presentation effortlessly.

share files presentation

How to use Presenter view in Google Slides

  • Comments: 5

For seasoned presenters and newbies alike, the move to online presenting comes with the joint complications of an online audience and unfamiliar tech. Talk about spinning plates! This blog post covers how to use Presenter view in Google Slides, so that you can be more professional and feel more confident.

The best free Google Slides templates

  • Google Slides
  • Comments: 1

Google Slides templates are a great starting point to improve the look and feel of your presentation. They’re fab as they’re accessible and low cost, but it’s important to remember that even well-designed presentations can be ineffective if the content is text heavy.

share files presentation

What is the name of piece that I attach to my chromebook that allows me to present Google slides

Hi Milton. I’m not sure what you mean – could you please clarify?

Hello, My PowerPoint contains an audio file. I uploaded it to Google Sites (new) and there’s no audio. So I uploaded my PowerPoint to Google Slides and inserted that into my Google portfolio Site hoping that would fix the problem. It didn’t. Can you tell me how to get the audio file to upload to my portfolio site, along with my slides? Thank you! Pam

Hi, I am looking for a way to have Google slides running on a laptop or tablet and instead of the presentation going to a screen, to go live i.e. as it would on a projecter in a URL that I can tell people about, so they can use it with their mobile phones, tablets etc. The sort of application would be for Carol singing, each slide would have no more than two lines to allow for large type and as it goes through the verses it shows on singers devices, one slide at a time. This of course would be outside, i.e. people would at best use mobile data, or if it would work for a larger number by wifi tethering (wifi provided by 1phone/tablet. Thank you, Sam

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Throughout all stages of this project we have had a world class experience. The team was uber-responsive and open to feedback and collaboration to ensure we were getting the best presentation possible. Marc Chaanine Jamaica Bearings

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Share Presentations Online

Instantly share your presentations online using links

or, drop the file here


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Free Presentation File Sharing

Share your presentation files with anyone without worrying about registration or software installation. Our online presentation sharing tool lets you share PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX), OpenDocument (ODP), and other presentation formats with ease on any modern web browser for free!

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Safely upload your presentation through an HTTPS connection. We use AES-256 military-grade encryption to keep your file safe and delete it from our servers after a day for added security.

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With our secure link or email sharing feature, you can share your presentation anywhere and with anyone. Your recipients can view the file online without signing up for a Jumpshare account or installing any app.

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Take team collaboration to the next level with our commenting feature. Receive feedback on your presentation and reply to individual comments for an effortless exchange of ideas.

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Worried about your presentation falling into the wrong hands? With our Plus plan, you can password protect your files, ensuring that only trusted recipients have access.

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Share your presentation with confidence using Jumpshare Plus. Our link expiry feature lets you set a time limit for the link, after which it automatically expires, preventing anyone from accessing your file.

Advanced Analytics

Take control of your business with Jumpshare Plus. Monitor who views or downloads your presentation as well as from where and when, make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

How to Share Presentation Online

Choose your presentation from the indicated area at the top of the page.

Wait a brief moment for the file to be uploaded to to our secure servers, then click the Share Your File button to open it in our online file viewer.

Click the Copy Link button at the top-right of the file viewer and paste the link wherever you wish to share the file.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does my presentation stay online?

We keep your presentation on our server for 24 hours before deleting it. However, if you sign up for an account , we will keep it online for as long as you have an active account or you delete the presentation yourself.

Are there any limitations to sharing?

You can share just one presentation at a time using this free tool, and each file must not exceed 100MB in size. Additionally there is a daily limit of 3 presentation shares. If you wish to share more files or ones larger than 100MB, you can sign up for a free account.

Is it safe to share my presentation online?

Absolutely! Your presentation is transferred to our server using an SSL connection, stored using military-grade AES-256 encryption, and shared using a secure shareable link.

I have other questions about sharing files online!

No problem! We have a 24/7 support team to assist you with sharing files online. Just shoot us a message at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Other Formats You Can Share Online

Jumpshare supports over 200 file formats that you can share online, 100% free! To share other supported file formats, head on over to our File Sharing page.

The Easiest Way To Communicate Visually

Jumpshare is much more than a file sharing tool. It is a powerful visual communication app that offers screen recording, screenshot capture, and more in one package.

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  • Record your screen.
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  • How to Login
  • Use Teams on the web
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  • Get started with immersive spaces
  • Use in-meeting controls
  • Spatial audio
  • Overview of Microsoft Teams Premium
  • Intelligent productivity
  • Advanced meeting protection
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  • Meeting themes
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  • Manage attendee audio and video
  • Reduce background noise
  • Voice isolation in Teams
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  • Produce a live event with Teams Encoder
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  • Recording and reports
  • Attend a live event in Teams
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Share content in Microsoft Teams meetings

Share screen button

Note:  If you're using Teams on the web, you'll be able to share your screen only if you're using Google Chrome or the latest version of Microsoft Edge. Screen sharing isn't available for Linux users.

When you're done sharing, go to your meeting controls and select Stop sharing . 

Make sure screensharing turns off if your screen locks by going to Teams Settings > Privacy and turning on the Turn off my camera and mic when my screen locks toggle. Restart Teams to activate this setting.

Tip:  If you're experiencing choppiness or lag when you share high-motion videos, try the following keyboard shortcut after selecting Teams: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T

Share content on a Mac

If you're using a Mac, you'll need to grant permission to Teams to record your computer's screen before you can share. 

You'll be prompted to grant permission the first time you try to share your screen. Select Open System Preferences from the prompt. If you miss the prompt, you can do this anytime by going to Apple Menu > System Settings > Privacy & Security .

Under Screen & System Audio Recording , make sure the toggle next to  Microsoft Teams is turned on.

Go back to your meeting and try sharing your screen again.

Note:  If you're using Teams on the web, make sure you've also granted screen recording permission to your browser.

Include computer sound

Sharing computer sound lets you stream audio from your computer to meeting participants through Teams. You can use it to play a video or audio clip as part of a presentation.

For more info, check out Share sound from your computer in a Teams meeting or live event .

Give and take control of shared content

Give control.

If you want another meeting participant to change a file, help you present, or demonstrate something, you can give control to that person. You will both be in control of the sharing, and you can take back control anytime.

Note:  When you’re sharing an app, only give control to people you trust. People you give control to may send commands that could affect your system or other apps. We've taken steps to prevent this but haven't tested every possible system customization.

On the sharing toolbar, select Give control .

Note:  As soon as you Share , the tool bar to Give control will pop up.

Select the name of the person you want to give control to.

Teams sends a notification to that person to let them know you’re sharing control. While you’re sharing control, they can make selections, edits, and other modifications to the shared screen.

To take control back, select Take back control .

Take control 

To take control while another person is sharing, select Request control . The person sharing can then approve or deny your request.

While you have control, you can make selections, edits, and other modifications to the shared screen.

When you’re done, select Release control to stop sharing control.

Zoom in to shared content

To get a better look at shared content, click and drag it to see different areas. To zoom into or out of content someone's sharing during a meeting or call, use the buttons at the lower left of your meeting window: [+] to zoom in and [-] to zoom out. You can also try the following:

Pinch in or out on your trackpad.

Use Teams keyboard shortcuts .

Hold the Ctrl  key and scroll with your mouse.

Note:  Mac trackpads don't support zoom in meetings. If you're on a Mac, use one of the other options. If you're using Linux, giving and taking control of shared content isn't available at this time.

Open shared content in new window

Expand your view by opening shared content in a separate window during your Teams meetings.

To open shared content:

Join your meeting from Teams for desktop .

Help Pop out button

To minimize content, select X  to close the window.

To share content from your mobile device:

More options button

Tap Stop presenting  or Stop sharing when you're done. 

Tip:  To go forward and back in a PowerPoint presentation, swipe in the direction you'd like to go, or tap the forward and back buttons on the bottom of your screen.

Note:  If your role changes from presenter to attendee during a meeting and you're presenting, screensharing will stop.

Zoom in to shared content 

Want to get a better look at shared content?

Pinch in or out to zoom, and tap and drag to see different areas.

Note:  Zoom isn't currently supported when you're sharing photos and videos.

Minimize shared content

You may want to minimize the content someone is sharing in order to better see the people in the meeting on your mobile device. Here's how:

More actions button next to participant's name

Tap  Minimize content from the menu

This will give you a better look at more of the people in the meeting. You'll still see the shared content on the lower portion of your screen.

Mobile meeting screen with content minimized

Use your phone as a companion device in a meeting

Join a meeting on more than one device for more collaboration and content-sharing options.

If you're already in a meeting on your laptop, for example, you can add your phone as a companion device to present files, share live video, and much more. Any device with the Teams mobile app can be added as a companion device—just make sure the devices you're using are signed in to the same Teams account.

There's a lot you can do when you add a companion device to your meeting experience:

Use mobile video to show things that are out of view for remote participants.

Take a photo to share with everyone or pick one from your camera roll.

Use your phone to control a presentation.

Share your mobile screen.

If you can see it on your phone, you can share it in the meeting!

Tip:  For more details, see Join a Teams meeting on a second device .

Add a companion device to a meeting

Open Teams on your mobile phone when you're already in a meeting on another device.

You'll see a message near the top of your screen informing you that you're currently in a meeting on another device, and asking if you want to join it on this one, too. Tap  Join .

A banner in Teams saying that Weekly Design Sync - Tuesday is nearby with the option to join from your mobile device.

You'll then see two options: Add this device , and Transfer to this device . Tap  Add this device .

add this device to meeting

If you join this way, we'll mute your companion device's mic and speaker to avoid causing an echo effect.

When you're ready to share something from the companion device, tap Start presenting at the bottom of the screen. On your other device, you'll be able to see what you're sharing, just like everyone else in the meeting.

When you're finished, tap  Stop presenting , or simply hang up. Your other device will still be connected to the meeting.


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Intro to file collaboration in Microsoft 365, powered by SharePoint

  • 20 contributors

Are you getting the most out of file collaboration in Microsoft 365, or are your users still storing files locally or on network file shares and sending them around in email? Maybe you're paying for another cloud storage service and not taking advantage of the space you get with your Microsoft 365 subscription. This article describes the benefits and key features of file collaboration in Microsoft 365. It also covers the steps to plan for and adopt Microsoft 365 file collaboration in your organization.

The file collaboration capabilities in Microsoft 365 are available to you whatever the size of your organization. If you have a small organization, each user can store their files in their individual library in OneDrive and you might want only a single team in Microsoft Teams for everyone in the organization.

Why use Microsoft 365 cloud file storage?

By taking full advantage of SharePoint-powered file storage in Microsoft 365, you can avoid purchasing cloud storage from other providers and enjoy:

File icon with availability indicator

Anywhere access

When users keep files on their local device or on a network share, they're out of luck when they don't have the device with them or don't have a connection to your network. If something happens to a user's device, the data might not be recoverable. If a user's device is upgraded, local data must be migrated. By storing files in the cloud, users can access them from all their devices, such as their phone and their home computer (depending on what you allow). They can even access files in a browser from other devices they trust. For example, if two colleagues travel to a customer site and one of their two laptops runs out of battery, they can both access all their files by signing in to on the other laptop. Get the SharePoint mobile app .

If you're concerned about users signing in from kiosks or other shared, unmanaged devices, you might want to enable idle session sign-out .

Enterprise-grade security

Files stored in SharePoint and OneDrive in Microsoft 365 are encrypted in transit and in rest . (You can encrypt files by using your own key if you want.) Files are also scanned for viruses . As an admin, you can use tools in Microsoft 365 to further secure and monitor files:

Microsoft Purview Data loss prevention policies . Warn or prevent users from sharing files that have specific labels outside the organization. See Learn about data loss prevention

Retention labels . Classify files to be retained, permanently deleted, or marked as a record. See Overview of retention labels

Sensitivity labels . Classify and protect highly confidential files with encryption and permissions. See Learn about sensitivity labels

Reports . Monitor activity and usage in SharePoint and OneDrive. See Which activity reports are available in the admin center

Microsoft 365 Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) . Protect against malicious files .

Files Restore . If a location is affected by malicious software, or someone deletes important files, you can restore a document library to an earlier point in time.

Plan for these features

Secure sharing outside the organization

SharePoint powers secure file sharing in Microsoft 365. You can specify if you want people outside the organization to be able to access files without authenticating (signing in or providing a verification code). You can even block external sharing altogether. We recommend using the most permissive sharing option that you can for each set of content. If you heavily restrict sharing and it blocks user productivity, users will typically find other ways to collaborate that provide you less oversight and control. For more info, see Control sharing .

Real-time collaboration and version management

When users store Office files in Microsoft 365, they can avoid the hassle of managing changes in different copies of files. Instead, they can collaborate on a single version by using either the desktop apps or the web versions of Office. People don't even need to have the Office desktop apps installed to edit Office files. Learn more about document collaboration and coauthoring . When multiple users edit an Office file at the same time, a notification will show them that other people are working in the file and they can see where in the file others are working.

Word Online shows you where other authors are working in the document

Version history is also on by default, so users can view earlier changes and roll back as necessary. Learn more about working with version history .

Version History dialog with 3 versions.

Intelligence that helps users discover files

When users in the organization regularly store files in Microsoft 365, they can quickly find recent files and other files that might be of interest. For example, they can discover files that coworkers or frequent collaborators are working on .

Key features

Most of the file collaboration features in Microsoft 365 are available to you regardless of your subscription type or the size of your organization.

Migration tools

Modern attachments

Access to all files in OneDrive

Syncing for offline access

Integration with Microsoft Office

Private and shared channels in Teams

Auditing and reporting

A hub for teamwork: Microsoft Teams

In the past, users would have to frequently switch between tools to collaborate. For example, users would write a document in Word. Then they would switch to Outlook to share the document as an attachment. Or they would open a browser to upload the document to a SharePoint site. In Microsoft 365, users can use Teams to chat, make calls, and have online meetings. They don't have to leave Teams to view or even edit the files they share. Learn more about file collaboration in Teams .

The files library lets you collaborate on files with your team

When a user attaches a file to a chat, it's automatically uploaded to the user's OneDrive. When a user attaches a file to a Teams channel, it's automatically uploaded to the SharePoint library for that team. Files shared with Viva Engage groups are also saved in SharePoint.

When your users use OneDrive, they can access their SharePoint or Microsoft Teams files on the web or in the mobile app without leaving OneDrive.

Because individual libraries in OneDrive are powered by SharePoint, users can easily move files between locations. For example, if a user drafts a file in their individual library in OneDrive, and later wants a team to own the file, the user can simply move the file to the team's library.

Sync for offline access

With the OneDrive sync app , users can sync files between their computer and Microsoft 365. When users add, change, or delete a file or folder locally, the file or folder is added, changed, or deleted in Microsoft 365 and vice versa. Users can work with synced files directly in File Explorer and the apps they use. Whenever the user is online, any changes that they or other users make will sync automatically. With Files On-Demand, users can easily browse and organize files in OneDrive and SharePoint by using File Explorer or Finder, but the files don't take up space on the local computer. Learn more about Files On-Demand .

Modern attachments in Outlook

If your users are used to sharing files as attachments in Outlook, they can use the same steps they're familiar with to share a link to a file instead of emailing a copy. Within Outlook, users can even change the permission they give to the recipient. Learn more about attaching files .

Change Permission options include Recipients can edit and Recipients can view

Integrate with Microsoft Office

In the Office apps, users can easily open files saved in Microsoft 365 and save documents to OneDrive . Learn more about working together on Office documents . When users comment on an Office document and use the @ sign with someone's name, the person mentioned receives mail with a link to the comment. Clicking the link brings them into the document and into the conversation.

A contact mentioned in a comment

Teams has workspaces for chat and file collaboration called channels. While standard channels include everyone in the team, private channels allow you to collaborate with a subset of team members and shared channels allow you to collaborate with people outside the team. All channel types allow you to collaborate with people outside your organization. Each private and shared channel has its own SharePoint site for file storage and collaboration.

You can choose one or more of the following options, depending on the number and location of files that you want to migrate.

Migration Manager . Copy file shares or content from other cloud providers to Microsoft 365. Learn more about migrating content to Microsoft 365 .

SharePoint Migration Tool . To migrate SharePoint Server sites and content, you can use the SharePoint Migration Tool. For info, see Overview of the SharePoint Migration Tool .

Known Folder Move . If your users save most of their files to their Desktop, Documents, and Pictures folders, you can seamlessly move them to OneDrive using Known Folder Move so users can continue working in the locations they're used to.

FastTrack migration benefit . FastTrack provides you with a set of best practices, tools, resources, and experts. Guidance includes migrating content from file shares, Box, or Google Drive source environments, and introducing capabilities at the pace that works for you. The FastTrack data migration benefit will also perform specific data migration activities on your behalf if you have 500 or more licenses. See more details in the FastTrack Center Benefit Overview . To get started, go to FastTrack.Microsoft.Com , review resources, and submit a request for assistance.

If you're a multinational organization with data residency requirements, you can use Multi-Geo in Microsoft 365 to specify where files are stored. For info, see Multi-Geo Capabilities in OneDrive and SharePoint in Microsoft 365 .

Unified search

Microsoft Search helps users find files within modern SharePoint sites and from the SharePoint start page,, Bing, and more. Learn more about the modern search experience in SharePoint .

Management options

As a Global Administrator or SharePoint Administrator for your organization, you have a couple of options for managing SharePoint sites and settings:

SharePoint admin center . In the SharePoint admin center, you can create and delete sites, manage site settings, and manage organization-level settings for SharePoint and OneDrive. The Active sites page of the SharePoint admin center lets you view the SharePoint sites in your organization, including communication sites, Teams private and shared channel sites, and sites that belong to Microsoft 365 Groups. It also lets you sort and filter sites, search for a site, and create new sites.

The Active Sites page in the SharePoint admin center

Microsoft PowerShell . The SharePoint Online Management Shell is a PowerShell module that lets you run command-line operations. It makes performing batch operations more efficient, and is the only way to perform some management tasks in SharePoint and OneDrive. Get started with the SharePoint Online Management Shell .

Configure settings

To prepare for file collaboration in Microsoft 365, configure the following settings.

Create sites

When a Microsoft 365 group is created from anywhere within Microsoft 365, a SharePoint site is automatically created. You can let all users create groups, only some users, or you can block group creation and manage it centrally in your IT department. For info, see Manage who can create Office groups . You can also use a naming policy for groups and set an expiration period so that groups that are no longer being used will be deleted. For more info, see Plan for governance in Microsoft 365 Groups . If you allow users to create groups, you can also allow them to create team sites from the SharePoint start page and from OneDrive and manage default site settings. For info, see Manage site creation .

Site creation settings in the SharePoint admin center

To set up external sharing in your organization, you need to make sure that settings across multiple admin centers are set the way you want. Sharing with people outside your organization is enabled by default in SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams. See Collaborate with guests in a team and Collaborate with external participants in a channel for information about configuring sharing settings.

External sharing permission levels for SharePoint and OneDrive

By default, file storage for team sites is managed automatically. If you prefer to control storage manually, see Manage site storage limits . For info about setting the default storage space for individual libraries in OneDrive, see Set the default storage space for OneDrive users . For information about the amount of storage that comes with your plan, see SharePoint limits .

Specify team site libraries to sync automatically

To let users easily access team site files from File Explorer (as they might have previously accessed network file shares), you can specify particular team site libraries to sync on your users' computers automatically. To do this, use the OneDrive Group Policy object " Configure team site libraries to sync automatically ."

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  • [1] Once your paid subscription begins, cancelation policies vary based on your status as a new customer, product, and domain selections on Microsoft.  Learn more.  Cancel your Microsoft 365 subscription any time by going to the Microsoft 365 admin center. When a subscription is canceled, all associated data will be deleted.  Learn more about data retention, deletion, and destruction in Microsoft 365 . Microsoft PowerPoint with a Microsoft 365 subscription is the latest version of PowerPoint. Previous versions include PowerPoint 2016,  PowerPoint 2013 ,  PowerPoint 2010 ,  PowerPoint 2007 , and PowerPoint 2003. iTunes, iPhone, and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
  • [*] Copilot Pro benefits are currently available on web, Windows, and macOS and iPadOS. A Microsoft 365 Personal or Family subscription is required to access Copilot in select apps, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook. Excel features are currently in preview in English only. Microsoft 365 Personal or Family and Copilot Pro are not available in the same transaction and must be purchased in two separate transactions.
  • [**] Copilot for Microsoft 365 may not be available for all markets and languages. To purchase, enterprise customers must have a license for Microsoft 365 E3 or E5 or Office 365 E3 or E5, and business customers must have a license for Microsoft 365 Business Standard or Business Premium.

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  4. 5 Great Open Source File Sharing Software Packages

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  5. 5 Of The Best File Sharing & Collaborative Cloud Services

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  2. How to Create Power Point Files||Presentation files with Passwords

  3. Shufflrr Overview Presentation Management

  4. Presentation: Work faster than ever with structured content

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  6. How To Send PPT From Computer TO WhatsApp (Full 2024 Guide)


  1. Share your PowerPoint presentation with others

    Share your PowerPoint presentation with others. Windows macOS. Select Share. If your presentation isn't already stored on OneDrive, select where to save your presentation to the cloud. Choose a permission level, like Anyone with a link, or maybe just people in your company. You can also control if people can edit or just view the doc.

  2. Share a presentation in PowerPoint

    Try it! Share your PowerPoint presentation by saving it to the cloud and sending it to others. Select Share. Select where to save your presentation to the cloud. Choose a permission level. Select Apply. Enter names and a message. Select Send.

  3. How to Share Your PowerPoint Presentation

    First, open the PowerPoint presentation that you'd like to share. At the top-right corner of the window, you'll see a "Share" button. Go ahead and select it. Once selected, the "Share" window will appear. You have a few different options here. In the "Attach a copy instead" group, you can choose to send your presentation as a ...

  4. How to Share a PowerPoint Presentation on Any Computer

    1. Open the PowerPoint presentation on your Mac desktop or laptop. 2. Click the "File" tab in the top left corner. 3. Select "Share" from the dropdown menu. This will grant you the option to ...

  5. How to Collaborate on a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

    To do so, open the presentation you want to share, and then click "Share" in the top-right corner. Related: How to Share Things from OneDrive. A banner will appear in front of your presentation. The first thing to note is the "Share" section. Here, you'll see the two methods for sharing the presentation, and anyone with whom you've already ...

  6. How to Share PowerPoint Presentation: Full Guide

    Step 4: Upload your presentation and then invite others to view or edit the presentation. Share Using a Link with Microsoft 365. Step 1: Make sure your presentation is saved to the cloud, preferably on OneDrive or SharePoint. Step 2: In PowerPoint, click on "File" and select 'Share'. Step 3: Choose 'Share with people'.

  7. Share a presentation

    Remove a link to a presentation you own. Find the file or folder in Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, or Google Slides. Open or select the file or folder. Click Share or Share Copy link . Under "General access", click the Down arrow . Select Restricted.

  8. Sharing a Presentation

    Share files whenever you want to colloborate on a presentation with others. Instructions Share a Link. When we share a link, the recipient is invited to edit the original server copy of the presentation. To share a link to a presentation, the file must be saved in a shared location e.g. OneDrive. In the top right-hand corner, click Share.

  9. How to Share a PowerPoint Presentation

    SlideShare is a popular service for sharing presentations online. PowerPoint presentations uploaded to SlideShare can also be shared via direct link or embedded on a website. Share a PowerPoint via Google Drive. Among the various third-party services, Google Drive is famous for supporting PowerPoint files.

  10. Share slides in Microsoft Teams meetings with PowerPoint Live

    Present your slides. If you're already in a Teams meeting, select Share and then under the PowerPoint Live section, choose the PowerPoint file you're wanting to present. If you don't see the file in the list, select Browse OneDrive or Browse my computer. If your presentation is already open in PowerPoint for Windows or Mac, go to the file ...

  11. How to Share Documents on Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides

    Click "Share" on the top right. For specific people, use the top part of the share window. Select the drop-down box next to the person you want to change the permission for and choose the new setting. Click "Save." For anyone with a link, use the bottom part of the share window.

  12. 40 Ways to Share PowerPoint Presentations Online

    How it works: Upload presentation file to Google Drive ️ Open file in Google Slides ️ Choose what kind of access you want to grant people ️ Share your presentation by clicking the Share button. Interesting features: Google Slides offers its users ready-to-use templates, master slides, and easy-to-design slides.

  13. How to share your Google Slides presentation

    Email as attachment. Before we get to that, you need to know where to find the Share function in Google Slides. Open Google Slides and click File, in the top bar. Click Share at the top of the drop-down menu. Or, click Share at the top right-hand side of your window. 1.

  14. Tips to share content in a video meeting

    In Google Drive, open the Google Docs, Google Sheets, or Google Slides file you want to share or present. (Optional) To edit a document, spreadsheet, or presentation simultaneously with your guests: In the upper-right corner, click Share.; Add a title to your document and click Save.; Add your meeting guests and give everyone Editor access.; Click Send.

  15. Present during a video meeting

    In a different Chrome window, open Google Meet and join a video meeting. At the bottom of the meeting screen, click Present now A Tab . You can either present from the Google Meet tab, or present directly from the Slides tab. Select the tab with the Slides presentation, then click Share. In Google Meet, at the bottom right of the screen, click ...

  16. Share files

    Choose to share as PowerPoint or PDF. Slidebank will send your presentation either as a PowerPoint file, or will convert to PDF prior to sending if you prefer. If sending as PowerPoint, Slidebank will export any slides that have been locked as JPEG or Read-Only with the appropriate settings. 4. Email as attachment or secure link.

  17. Share Presentations Online for Free

    1. Choose your presentation from the indicated area at the top of the page. 2. Wait a brief moment for the file to be uploaded to to our secure servers, then click the Share Your File button to open it in our online file viewer. 3. Click the Copy Link button at the top-right of the file viewer and paste the link wherever you wish to share the file.

  18. Share content in Microsoft Teams meetings

    Sharing computer sound lets you stream audio from your computer to meeting participants through Teams. You can use it to play a video or audio clip as part of a presentation. To share sound, select Share content in your meeting controls and then Include computer sound (it's the switch on the top right of your sharing options). All sound from ...

  19. Intro to file collaboration in Microsoft 365, powered by SharePoint

    SharePoint powers secure file sharing in Microsoft 365. You can specify if you want people outside the organization to be able to access files without authenticating (signing in or providing a verification code). You can even block external sharing altogether. We recommend using the most permissive sharing option that you can for each set of ...

  20. Free Online Slide Presentation: PowerPoint

    One person. Sharing and real-time collaboration. PowerPoint for the web and PowerPoint desktop app for offline use. Premium templates, fonts, icons, and stickers with thousands of options to choose from. Dictation, voice commands, and transcription. Advanced spelling and grammar, in-app learning tips, use in 20+ languages, and more.

  21. Share files from Google Drive

    On a computer, go to Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, or Slides. Click the file you want to share. Click Share . Share multiple files. On a computer, go to On your keyboard, hold Shift and select two or more files. At the top right, click Share . Learn how to add files to a folder and share the entire folder.

  22. WeTransfer

    WeTransfer is the simplest way to send your files around the world. Share large files and photos. Transfer up to 2GB free. File sharing made easy!