Written Samples

10 student council speech samples.

Running for a position on the Student Council is a commendable endeavor that requires courage, planning, and a clear vision. Student Council serves as the voice of the student body, advocating for changes, planning events, and representing student interests.

A strong, compelling speech can significantly impact your campaign, resonating with peers and motivating them to vote for you. This article provides 10 distinct student council speech samples tailored for various roles and personalities.

Student Council Speech Samples

Whether you’re running for president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, or a specific committee, these speeches are designed to inspire and guide you in crafting your unique message.

Speech 1: The Visionary Leader

“building a brighter future together”.

Fellow students, today marks a significant moment in our journey together. I stand before you, not as an individual, but as a representative of the collective dreams and aspirations we all share for our school. As a candidate for your Student Council President, I am committed to making those dreams a reality.

Our school is more than just a building; it’s a vibrant community where each of us has the opportunity to grow, learn, and succeed. However, like any community, we face our share of challenges. Whether it’s improving school lunches, increasing club funding, or ensuring that every student’s voice is heard, there is always work to be done.

My vision is to create a more inclusive, supportive, and dynamic school environment. This means establishing open forums where every student can voice their concerns, working closely with administration to implement sustainable changes, and building a culture of mutual respect and collaboration.

I bring to this position my experience as class representative, my passion for student involvement, and my unwavering commitment to our school’s welfare. Together, we can build a brighter future for all students. Let’s make it happen!

Speech 2: The Approachable Vice President

“uniting for a stronger community”.

Hello, fellow students! I am thrilled to stand before you as a candidate for Vice President of the Student Council. My goal is clear: to work alongside the president in creating a united, empowered student body ready to tackle the challenges and embrace the opportunities that come our way.

As Vice President, I will focus on enhancing communication between the council and you, the students. I plan to set up a suggestions box, hold regular meet-ups, and ensure your ideas and concerns don’t just stay heard but acted upon. I understand the importance of teamwork, and I promise to be an accessible, friendly face you can always turn to.

My dedication to our school community stems from my own experiences as an active member of several clubs and organizations. These experiences have taught me the value of listening, the importance of action, and the transformative power of community spirit. Let’s work together to make our school not just a place of learning, but a home of lasting memories and achievements!

Speech 3: The Meticulous Treasurer

“investing in our future”.

Good day, students! As a candidate for the position of Treasurer, I want to talk about an essential aspect of our student council: fiscal responsibility. The role of Treasurer is more than just handling funds; it’s about ensuring that every dollar you entrust to the council is spent wisely and benefits as many students as possible.

I come to you with a strong background in mathematics and a keen eye for detail, qualities that are crucial for managing our budget effectively. I plan to introduce transparent budget reports, seek your input on spending priorities, and negotiate for better deals on our events and supplies.

Investing in our future means more than just saving money; it means funding initiatives that build our skills, enhance our school spirit, and create lasting memories. With your trust, I promise to be a responsible steward of our resources, always seeking ways to improve our collective experience while maintaining fiscal prudence.

Speech 4: The Organized Secretary

“keeping us connected”.

Hello, everyone! As your prospective Student Council Secretary, I understand the significance of organization and clear communication in making our council effective. My mission is to keep us connected and informed, ensuring that every meeting, every event, and every decision is recorded and communicated to you promptly and clearly.

My approach involves not just meticulous note-taking and organizing but also harnessing technology to streamline our communication. This means regular updates through our school’s website and social media, creating a digital archive of minutes and decisions, and ensuring you’re always in the loop.

By keeping our council’s work transparent and accessible, I aim to build trust and encourage greater participation from all of you. Let’s work together to create a well-informed student body capable of making a difference!

Speech 5: The Dedicated Committee Member

“every voice matters”.

Hi, everyone! Running for a specific committee might seem like a small role, but it’s roles like these that make our student council function effectively. As a candidate for the [Insert Committee Name] committee, I am passionate about [Insert Committee Focus, e.g., environmental issues, school spirit, academic improvement].

My commitment is to bring fresh ideas, boundless energy, and a listening ear to this position. I want to ensure that every student who shares a passion for [Committee Focus] has a platform to express their ideas and see them come to life. Whether it’s organizing events, leading campaigns, or working on improvements, I am ready to dedicate my time and effort to make a real impact.

Your vote means not just support for me but an investment in the area we’re passionate about. Let’s join hands and make [Insert School Name] a beacon of [Committee Focus] excellence!

Speech 6: The Inspirational President

“leading with heart and vision”.

Dear students, as I stand before you, aspiring to be your next Student Council President, I am filled with a sense of purpose and determination. This school is not just an institution but a vibrant community where each of us has the potential to thrive and contribute. As your president, I aim to lead not just with decisions, but with vision, empathy, and unwavering dedication.

My vision for us is a school where every student feels valued and empowered. A place where we tackle challenges head-on, celebrate our diversity, and work collectively towards innovative solutions. I plan to initiate regular student-led forums, champion inclusive policies, and ensure that our activities and decisions reflect the rich tapestry of our student body.

My commitment to you is rooted in a deep belief in teamwork, respect, and perseverance. I have learned through various leadership roles that the key to effective leadership is listening, adapting, and inspiring. Together, we can elevate our school to new heights, create a nurturing environment, and build a legacy of positivity and progress.

Speech 7: The Dynamic Vice President

“collaboration and action”.

Greetings, fellow students! As candidates for Vice President of the Student Council, I am excited about the prospect of working closely with the president to amplify your voices and bring your ideas to fruition. I understand that this role is pivotal in facilitating smooth operations and fostering a spirit of unity and collaboration among us.

My focus will be on bridging the gap between students and the council, ensuring that we are not just a body making decisions but a dynamic team working in sync with the student community. I plan to introduce innovative collaboration tools and platforms where every suggestion is considered, and every voice is heard.

With my experience in organizing school events and managing teams, I bring a set of skills that are crucial for the effective execution of our shared goals. I promise to be proactive, resourceful, and most importantly, accessible to each one of you. Let’s work together to make our school a hub of vibrant student activity and shared success.

Speech 8: The Strategic Treasurer

“fiscal responsibility, our collective commitment”.

Hello to all! As your candidate for Treasurer, I am aware of the significant responsibility that comes with managing our student council’s finances. It’s not just about keeping books; it’s about strategic planning, transparency, and making every penny count towards improving our school life.

I bring to this position my experience with budgeting and finance, coupled with a deep commitment to serve each one of you. My plan includes introducing a participatory budgeting process where you get to have a say in our financial priorities, regular financial updates to keep everyone informed, and innovative fundraising ideas to boost our resources.

Investing in our collective future means making smart, ethical, and impactful financial decisions. With a keen eye on our goals and a strict adherence to transparency, I will ensure that our council’s financial health is robust and that our resources are aligned with our shared vision.

Speech 9: The Efficient Secretary

“the backbone of our council”.

Dear students, as a hopeful Secretary for our Student Council, I recognize the immense responsibility of being the link between you and the council’s activities. This role is more than just taking minutes; it’s about ensuring that every decision, every event, and every initiative is documented, communicated, and archived effectively.

My vision is to make our council’s workings as transparent and accessible as possible. This means not only meticulous record-keeping but also innovative communication strategies to keep everyone informed and engaged. I plan to utilize digital platforms to disseminate information, organize feedback sessions, and ensure that our council is always accountable to you.

With a commitment to organization and a passion for communication, I am ready to be the reliable backbone of our council, ensuring that as we move forward, every step is recorded, every voice is heard, and every achievement is shared.

Speech 10: The Passionate Committee Leader

“spearheading change, one initiative at a time”.

Greetings, peers! As a candidate for the [Insert Committee Name, e.g., Environmental Committee] leader, I am here not just to lead a committee but to ignite a movement. Whether it’s enhancing our school’s green initiatives, boosting academic resources, or strengthening our sports programs, each committee plays a crucial role in our student council’s mission.

I am passionate about [Committee Focus] and have spent my time at school actively involved in related projects and initiatives. As a leader, I plan to bring this passion to the forefront, driving innovative programs, rallying student support, and ensuring that our activities have a lasting impact.

Your support means empowering a dedicated leader focused on making tangible changes in our school. Together, we can champion causes close to our hearts, bring about meaningful change, and leave a legacy that future students will be proud of.

In crafting your speech, remember the importance of authenticity, clarity, and enthusiasm. Your fellow students are looking for leaders who not only promise but also inspire and enact real change. Use these samples as inspiration, but ensure your personal story and vision shine through. Good luck!

student government speech examples


Student Council Speech

Student council speech generator.

student government speech examples

So you feel that you have what it takes to be part of your student council in your school. You got the guts, responsibility, wit, and charm to grab the position you are vying for from other students who are as qualified as you. Even if you are sure of yourself, you need to convince every student in your school that will be an effective officer if you are elected. And one way to convince your fellow students to vote for you is through your speech .

What is Student Council Speech? A student council speech is a presentation given by a student who is running for a position on the student council, which is a group that represents the interests and ideas of the student body at a school. In this speech, the candidate shares their ideas, goals, and plans to improve the school and address student concerns. They aim to persuade their classmates to vote for them by highlighting their leadership qualities, past achievements, and specific proposals for making positive changes within the school community. This speech is an important opportunity for candidates to connect with their peers and show why they are the best choice for the position.

Student Council Speech Bundle

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When writing a student council speech, you must be able to persuade your schoolmates to trust in your abilities and your platforms. (If you need more tips on writing persuasive speeches , see this one). Remember, you are not running just for popularity votes or to earn yourself a good credential in your achievements. You are running for a certain position (whether you’ll be a president, treasurer, secretary, etc.) to serve the student body, to represent them when they want their needs to be attended to and to make better changes in your school. So first you need to make your speech sound persuasive, but not aggressive. Start writing your speech weeks ahead before you deliver your speech.

student government speech examples

Student Council Speech Format


Greet the Audience: Start with a friendly greeting to capture the audience’s attention. Introduce Yourself: Briefly introduce yourself, including your name, grade, and any relevant personal background that relates to the position you’re running for.

Statement of Intent

Declare Your Candidacy: Clearly state the position you are running for on the Student Council. Motivation: Share why you decided to run for the student council, focusing on what motivates you and why the role is important to you.


Experience and Skills: Highlight your relevant experiences, skills, and achievements that make you a suitable candidate. This could include previous leadership roles, involvement in school activities, or specific talents that contribute to your ability to serve effectively.

Vision and Goals

Key Issues: Identify key issues or areas for improvement within the school that you plan to address. Proposed Initiatives: Outline your main goals or initiatives that you aim to implement if elected. Be specific about what changes or improvements you want to make and how you plan to achieve them.

Plan of Action

Strategies: Briefly describe the strategies or steps you will take to achieve your goals. This shows that you have thought about how to turn your ideas into action. Collaboration: Emphasize the importance of working together with fellow council members, students, and school staff to accomplish shared objectives.
Reiterate Key Points: Summarize the main reasons why you are the best candidate for the position, focusing on your vision, qualifications, and what sets you apart from other candidates. Call to Action: Encourage your classmates to vote for you, emphasizing the importance of their vote in making a positive change within the school. Thank You: Conclude by thanking the audience for their time and consideration.

Example of Student Council Speech

“Good morning, students and teachers of Springfield High! My name is Jamie Lee, a sophomore, and I’m excited to run for the position of Secretary on our Student Council. Why am I standing here today? Because I believe in change, in improvement, and most importantly, in us—as a student body—to make Springfield High not just a school, but a community where every voice is heard and valued. My experience as class representative last year taught me the importance of organization, communication, and dedication—qualities essential for the role of Secretary. My main goal is to enhance our school’s spirit and involvement through better-organized events, clearer communication between the student council and the student body, and by creating more opportunities for everyone to contribute their ideas and talents. I plan to introduce a monthly feedback session where you can share your thoughts and suggestions directly with the council. But that’s not all. I want to work on making our school events, including dances, fundraisers, and spirit weeks, more memorable and inclusive. How? By working closely with clubs and sports teams to ensure our activities reflect the diverse interests and talents within our school. I’m asking for your vote not just for me, but for the vision of a school where every student feels connected, involved, and proud to be a Springfield Hawk. Let’s make this year one of unity, fun, and achievement. Together, we can make a difference. Thank you for considering me as your next Student Council Secretary. Let’s soar high, Hawks!” This example of a student council speech uses a structured approach to convey the candidate’s motivations, qualifications, goals, and plans in a clear and engaging manner, effectively persuading classmates to lend their support.

What is the Best Student Council Speech Example?

Title: Creating Unity, Inspiring Change Good morning, fellow students, teachers, and staff, I stand before you today not as a candidate, but as a passionate advocate for positive change in our school. My name is [Your Name], and I am committed to fostering a sense of unity and bringing about real, impactful change. Imagine a school where every student’s voice is heard, where diversity is celebrated, and where kindness and respect are the foundation of our interactions. This vision drives my candidacy. 1. Unity Through Diversity: I believe in celebrating our differences. Let’s embrace our diverse backgrounds, interests, and talents to create a rich tapestry that makes our school vibrant and unique. 2. Student-Led Initiatives: I propose student-led initiatives that reflect our passions. From cultural awareness events to environmental projects, let’s turn our ideas into actions that benefit our entire community. 3. Mental Health Support: Mental health is a priority. I will work to expand counseling services, create safe spaces for open discussions, and promote stress-relief activities, ensuring every student’s well-being. 4. Interactive Learning: Let’s enhance our learning experience through interactive methods. I will advocate for technology integration, peer-to-peer tutoring, and hands-on projects that make education engaging and enjoyable. 5. Community Engagement: Our school is not just a building; it’s a part of our community. I will initiate partnerships with local organizations, organizing volunteer opportunities and outreach programs to give back and make a difference. In closing, I am not just asking for your votes; I am asking for your trust. Together, let’s build a school where every student feels valued, heard, and supported. Join me in creating a future where unity inspires change. Thank you.

Examples of Speeches for Student Council Representative?

Empowering student voices.

“Hello, everyone, I’m [Your Name], and I’m here to talk about empowering student voices. Our school is not just a place of learning; it’s a community, and in a community, everyone’s voice should be heard. As your student council representative, my mission is to bridge the gap between the student body and the administration. I will establish regular open forums where students can voice their concerns, ideas, and suggestions. These forums will be a platform for change, where we can work together to make our school an even better place. I’ll also implement an online suggestion box for those who may not be comfortable speaking up in person. Every idea counts, and every voice matters. Let’s make our school a place where students play an active role in shaping their own education. I promise to be your dedicated advocate, listening, acting, and ensuring that every student’s voice is heard. Vote for change. Vote for me. Thank you.”

Bridging the Gap

“Dear friends and fellow students, I’m [Your Name], and I’m running to bridge the gap between students and the administration. It’s time to foster a closer relationship that benefits us all. I propose regular meetings with teachers, administrators, and students to discuss school policies and improvements. Our education should be a collaborative effort, with students having a say in decisions that affect us directly. In addition, I’ll work to create an inclusive school culture. Let’s celebrate our diversity through cultural events, and ensure that every student feels welcome and valued. I believe in transparency and open communication. Together, we can make our school experience better for everyone. Vote for a bridge to a brighter future. Vote for me. Thank you.”

Building a Greener School

“Hello, fellow students, Our environment is a priority, and I’m committed to making our school more eco-friendly. As your representative, I’ll initiate ‘Green School’ initiatives. We’ll start with recycling programs and energy-saving projects. I’ll work to establish a school garden, promoting sustainable practices. Let’s reduce waste and show that we care about the future. Your voice matters. Tell me your eco-friendly ideas, and together, we can create a greener, healthier school. Vote for a greener future. Vote for me. Thank you.”

Student Council Speech Samples to Edit & Download

  • Student Council Speech for Secretary
  • Student Council Speech for 4th Grade
  • Student Council Speech for Elementary
  • Student Council Speech for 5th Grade
  • Student Council Speech for Class Representative
  • Student Council Speech for House Captain
  • Student Council Speech for 3rd Grade
  • Student Council Speech for Treasurer
  • Student Council Speech for Vice President
  • Student Council Speech for Election

Student Council Speech Examples & Templates

Student Council Speech

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Funny Student Council Speech

High school student council speech.

High School Student Council Speech

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Short Student Council Speech

Short Student Council Speech

Short Student Council Secretary Speech

Student Council Secretary Speech


Sample Student Council Speech Guidelines and Schedule

Student Council Speech Guidelines and Schedule

Speech Example for Student Council

Speech Example for Student Council


Student Council President Speech

Student Council President Speech

Junior Class President Speech

Junior Class President Speech

Student Council Campaign and Speech

Student Council Campaign and Speech


High School Student Council Speech

High School Student Council Speech

How to Write Student Council Speech

This is the most nerve-wracking part of your speech. So this part must be a good, no, great one. If for examples. you’re running for student council president don’t start just by merely introducing your name and telling them you are running for student council. You need to start your speech with a bang! Something that can catch the attention of your audience. Students are usually inattentive during these kinds of speeches so you need them to focus towards you. There are lots of creative ways to make a flashy opening. You can sing, rap, dance, act, do some comedy sketches, or anything that relates to the theme of your speech. However if you do not feel like performing live, you can still do some creative opening. You can use videos, power point presentation, music, or ask your friends to introduce you. You may also see introduction speech .

You can also open your speech by asking a question, whether if it is rhetorical or humorous. Here are some examples:

“So here is this person standing infront of you, asking you to for her. Why should you? You ask.” “If there’s anything you can do something for the school to make it loads better, what will it be?”

You can also add quotes from famous people that correlates with your speech. Make sure you cite your quotes properly. Here are some examples of quotes from well known people that you can cite:

“Leadership is not about the next election. It’s about the next generation.” Simon Sinek “I think leadership is service and there is power in that giving: to help people, to inspire, and motivate them to reach their fullest potential.” Denise Morrison “You need an attitude of service. You’re not just serving yourself. You’re helping others to grow up and grow with them.” David Green

After your awesome introduction, you then proceed to state all about yourself. Describe yourself, the position you are running for and the reason why you are running. Tell your name and your grade in your school. This is important if you go to a school with a big population. Don’t ever skip this part of speech as this will be what the audience should remember when it’s time to vote for you. You may also see thank you speech .

No need to elaborate in this part of speech. A brief 1-2 sentences are enough. Example:

“Hello. My name is John Cheese and I will be running for President! My vision is change for the betterment of our school. I fight for equality for all the students in this institution.”

Next is the part where you will sell yourself by mentioning your qualifications. This is one way to persuade your fellow students that you are responsible enough to be part of the student council. Mention any accomplishments that are related to the position your are running for.

If you’re running for president, don’t list your accomplishments in stamp collecting. The accomplishments that you should cite are your leadership skills, whether you are the team captain of your football team or you’re the major in your drum and lyre corp. You can also mention your honors and awards. You may also see speech templates .

“I am currently the team captain of our baseball team and I have also been a member of the Boy Scouts. Currently, I am the president of our drama club.  I have also been an honor roll student for the past five years. I have been exposed to a lot of leadership training skills and I believe I am most qualified to be an efficient president in the student council.”  

student government speech examples

Writing the main point of your speech

Now that you have organize your introduction, it’s time to get to your ideas and how you should present them in front of the student body. This is the part where you will enumerate your platforms on how to improve the system in your school. Make sure that when you have laid out your platforms to the students you made some research. Ask the students, teachers, personnel on what areas that you should be improved.

Listen to what the students are concerned about. What are the changes that the students may want to see? What areas in your school you want to change to keep it running efficiently? You can also research ways on how to deal with school problems. Read books and ask some experts to help you. And find out how you, a member of the student council can address these problems. Once you already knew this, you will know what will be your platforms. A nice opening statement is to state out the causes that are important to you and what are your plans to make it better. You may also see special occasion speech .

“Bullying and discrimination has been more prevalent in this institution for the past year. As a student, I am disappointed that some of my fellow schoolmates has been the forerunners of this ugly way of treating people. And because of this, I would work out to invite speakers to talk about sensitivity in school, open more clubs for students to join, and start a tutorial program to aid students who are having a hard time in their classes.”

Keep in mind that you need to present your ideas briefly but persuasive enough to move your audience. If you need an inspiration, refer to Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. His speech was short but full of key points that got his message across to his audience. You may also see self introduction speech .

student government speech examples

End it with a memorable conclusion

1. Once you’ve stated your ideas effectively, it’s time for your conclusion. When you get there, go back to mention your plans as a president or a treasurer and relate it to your main points that you’ve mentioned a while ago. You may also see speech examples for students .

“With my experience in leadership training and in my service to my team members, I know I can be a great leader to each of you. I promise to do my best to stop discrimination and bullying and to increase the interest of the students to be more open to each other’s diversities.” 

2. Don’t forget to highlight your qualifications one last time. They key to this is to sincerely state that it is your passion to serve your students. You may also see tribute speech .

“I am a passionate advocate against discrimination. And to change that attitude starts here in our school. I want everyone to be accepting of everyone’s differences. I vision an institution with good relations between students and faculty members. I care about each of you and your right to be treated fairly…”

3. Of course, don’t forget to ask the audience to vote for you. Here is the part where you will beg your students to vote for you. Their vote is important for you to win the election. Ask with genuine humility for the students to vote for you. You may also see informative speech .

“I ask nothing but your votes. I would be deeply honored if you’ll vote for me on the election day.” 

Now that you completed your speech, see to it if it’s good enough for you to use. Ask a friend, a family member, or a teacher to read your speech. Ask them what areas you need to improve. Ask for a constructive criticism, even if it hurts.

It’s important for you to learn to improve your speech and to be open-minded towards critical suggestions. Remember you are running for the student council. Make yourself a best example of a responsible student that your fellow students can look up to. Additionally, debates may come up in before the election day, so make yourself familiarize with debate speeches .

What is a good speech for student council?

A good speech for a student council should be engaging, relatable, and persuasive. It should include:

  • Introduction: Begin with a strong hook or personal anecdote to grab the audience’s attention.
  • Your Vision: Clearly outline your goals and vision for the student council. Explain how you intend to make positive changes.
  • Relevance: Address the specific needs and concerns of your fellow students. Show that you understand their issues and are committed to addressing them.
  • Qualifications: Highlight your relevant skills, experience, and qualities that make you a suitable candidate.
  • Ideas and Initiatives: Present concrete ideas and initiatives you plan to implement if elected. Be specific and practical in your proposals.
  • Inspiration: Motivate your audience with an inspiring message that encourages unity and active participation.
  • Closing: End with a strong call to action and a memorable closing statement.

Why do I want to run for student council?

  • Leadership: Desire to take on a leadership role and make a positive impact on your school community.
  • Advocacy: A commitment to representing and addressing the concerns and needs of fellow students.
  • Service: A genuine interest in serving others and contributing to the betterment of your school.
  • Initiative: Eagerness to implement positive changes, initiatives, and projects that benefit the student body.
  • Voice: A belief in the importance of having a voice in the decision-making processes at your school.
  • Personal Growth: Opportunity for personal growth, development of leadership skills, and networking.
  • Passion: Passion for specific causes, clubs, or activities at your school and a desire to support them.
  • Community Building: A goal to create a sense of community, unity, and school spirit among students.
  • Inspiration: Being inspired by previous student council members or leaders who made a positive impact.
  • Love for Your School: A deep affection for your school and a desire to contribute to its success and well-being.

What are the Good student council speech ideas?

  • Mental Health Awareness: Discuss initiatives to promote mental health and well-being, such as counseling services, stress-reduction activities, or peer support programs.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Address the importance of diversity and inclusion, proposing events, clubs, or awareness campaigns to celebrate differences and foster unity.
  • Student Engagement: Highlight the need for more student involvement in decision-making, suggesting forums, surveys, or open discussions for students to voice their concerns.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Propose eco-friendly practices, like recycling programs, tree planting, or energy conservation efforts, to make your school more sustainable.
  • Bullying Prevention: Talk about strategies to combat bullying and promote kindness and respect within the school community.
  • Academic Support: Suggest peer tutoring programs, study groups, or additional resources to help students excel academically.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Promote the creation of new clubs, sports, or arts programs to cater to a wider range of interests.
  • Community Outreach: Encourage volunteer opportunities, partnerships with local organizations, and community service projects.
  • School Safety: Address safety concerns and suggest measures to ensure a safe and welcoming school environment.
  • Technology Integration: Propose the use of technology for educational enhancement, including virtual resources and tools for remote learning.
  • Student Wellness: Advocate for initiatives like healthy eating options, exercise facilities, or mindfulness practices to support student well-being.
  • Peer Mentorship: Discuss the benefits of mentorship programs, where older students can guide and support younger ones.

What are the Topics Included for Student Council Speech?

Student council speeches can cover a wide range of topics, depending on the issues that matter most to your school and peers. Here are some common topics and themes to consider:

  • Leadership and Service: Discuss your commitment to serving and leading your fellow students.
  • Unity and Inclusivity: Emphasize the importance of fostering an inclusive and welcoming school community.
  • Student Voice: Highlight the need for students to have a say in school decisions and policies.
  • Academic Excellence: Talk about ways to improve academic support, resources, and educational opportunities.
  • Mental Health and Well-being: Address the importance of mental health support and stress reduction.
  • Diversity and Cultural Awareness: Celebrate diversity and promote cultural awareness and understanding.
  • Environmental Initiatives: Propose eco-friendly projects and sustainability efforts for the school.
  • Bullying Prevention: Discuss strategies to combat bullying and create a safer, kinder school environment.
  • Community Outreach: Advocate for volunteer opportunities and partnerships with local organizations.
  • Technology Integration: Propose using technology for educational enhancement and virtual resources.
  • School Safety: Address safety concerns and suggest measures to ensure a safe school environment.
  • Peer Mentorship: Talk about the benefits of mentorship programs to support academic and personal growth.
  • Student Well-being: Discuss initiatives like healthy eating options, exercise facilities, or mindfulness practices.

What are the Quotes to put in a student council speech?

  • Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.” – Simon Sinek
  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “In diversity, there is beauty and strength.” – Maya Angelou
  • “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis
  • “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
  • “Leadership is not a position or a title; it is action and example.” – Cory Booker
  • “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” – Sam Levenson
  • “We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated.” – Maya Angelou
  • “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker
  • “Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” – Mattie Stepanek
  • “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill
  • “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela
  • “Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs
  • “The best leaders are those most interested in surrounding themselves with assistants and associates smarter than they are.” – John C. Maxwell

How to start a student council speech?

Begin a student council speech with a compelling and attention-grabbing opening, like a quote, personal anecdote, or thought-provoking question, to engage and captivate your audience from the start.

What is the main idea of student council?

The main idea of a student council is to represent and serve the interests of the student body, fostering leadership, organizing events, and improving the school community.

How do I run a good student council?

To run a good student council, prioritize communication, listen to peers, set clear goals, organize effective events, and collaborate with the school administration to address students’ needs and concerns.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Write a Student Council Speech on improving school lunches.

Create a Student Council Speech about enhancing school spirit.

Student Council Speeches

How to give a speech they’ll be talking about for years.

So what did I do?  I told them a story about a guinea pig biting my hand in Kindergarten.  My startled response was to accidentally drop and step on the poor creature.  Obviously, I felt horrible. (Thankfully Nutmeg the guinea pig was unscathed and went on to lead a long and healthy existence thereafter.)

Wait, that’s it?  You just told them a funny guinea pig story?

Well there was a little more to it.  I tried to attach a small moral lesson. I think I told them, life is full of bad days but its how you respond that really matters, or something like that.

That was it.  Nothing too profound. Yet years later people who had attended our graduation would come up to me saying that speech had stayed with them.  I was dumbfounded.

Some of the best speeches you’ll ever hear are filled with powerful or funny narratives that put the listener in the driver seat.  It’s an escape, really.  It allows the listener to take a break from noticing how hot the room is or how hard the seats are.  Stories are an invitation to break away from reality and be entertained or even moved emotionally.

So here are a few humble ideas for rock solid student council speeches.  They are based on my own experiences in student government and other public speaking opportunities, so take that as you will.  I have used them on many occasions and it has always yielded good results. So, here it goes:

FREE Student Council Speech Templates:      (click to download Word file)

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The 5 worst speeches ever (…and what we can learn from them), common speech stunts:, food for thought:.

RED HOT TIP : Avoid starting your speech with “Hello my name is ________ and I am running for __________.  Chances are somebody will already be introducing you!  Why waste the precious little time you have regurgitating was has just been said?  Why not dive head first into a joke, funny story or inspirational quote? You’ll have a much better chance grabbing people’s attention…IMHO.

1. Have an introduction that tells a story, makes people laugh or inspires them.

I used to find it so lame whenever someone would start their speech with “Hi my name is _________ and I’m running for _________________ .”

What’s weird is that somebody will probably be introducing you.  So why waste that time just regurgitating the same old tired introduction?

When people hear that intro, in their heads they think, “Um, yeah.  I’m going to tune out for a second and think about the gum that’s stuck beneath this bleacher. Whoa, wait is that a penny? And its head up, no less!  Cool!”

A better approach for you may be to start with a story about something that happened to you recently that really hit home.  It’s best if the story has something to do with your student council ideas.

Maybe you have a cool story about your childhood that fits with your campaign theme.  Maybe there’s a witty joke you can tell (make sure its truly funny though, lame humor can backfire.)  Or perhaps an inspirational quote from an historic leader that sets a majestic tone.

In any event any event, your introduction should grab people attention by 1.) Making in them laugh 2.) Make them think or 3.) Help them catch a feeling such as inspiration.

Stories, jokes, quotes and sometimes bizarre facts (“..did you know 65% of sophomores cannot spell ‘sophomore’?”) can help get them eating out of the palms of your sweaty hands.

2. Limit yourself to three REALLY good ideas

One common mistake we all make is trying to cram 20 ideas into a 3 minute speech.  Sorry but that ain’t gonna work, boss.

Instead do some research about what students want (see campaign section) or think of some of your own. Narrow it down to three or four solid ideas you will mention in your speech.

Why not more?  Well it’s simple.  After a short time people’s attention begins to….. SQUIRREL!   

Besides, your speech isn’t suppose to be a doctoral thesis on how you plan to improve your schools bond rating.  You don’t need to explain every detail.  Just keep it simple and positive.

The bottom line is, keep our ideas solid and straight forward.  They also need to be realistic. (Promising soda fountains in every classroom would be an example of a bad because it’s extremely unlikely you can follow through with it and its also bad for your teeth! Gulp. Gulp.)

3. Finish strong and give the BIG ASK!

My opinion is that finishing with a mini-version of your introduction coupled with a BIG ASK is a solid way to finish. The mini-introduction is a one-liner, a shorter story or an inspirational quote that hold people’s attention.

Your ending should be much shorter than your introduction but functions in much the same way.  You want to connect with your audience one last time at the “gut-level” or “heart-level” to leave a lasting impression.

Finally, the BIG ASK is simply asking people to “Vote for you!”

You want to do it in a way that is sincere and hits a high note after all the funny, powerful, thought provoking things you just told them!

“I would be honored by your support!”

Also be sure to say “Thank You” as your last statement. Even the President of the United States ends their speech in this manner, so don’t forget to thank people for their time and support!

How to give persuasive student council speeches

In order to give a persuasive student council speech, you must put yourself in the mindset of your audience. Chances are a large percentage of students listening to your speech will be experiencing the following:

  • Boredom: “This is boring.”
  • Apathy: “I don’t care.”

Students in these categories will often vote for candidates who cure the short-term feelings of boredom and apathy . This why many student elections and speeches turn into popularity contests or stand-up comedy routines. Students are either bored or don’t care and just want someone who will entertain them !

The good news is that what people actually want are leaders who are credible . Student don’t necessarily want to vote for the class clown or the cheerleading captain, but if no other credible candidates are out there offering compelling ideas, they will default and go with the candidates that ease the boredom of listening to student council speeches!

So you might be wondering what does it mean to be a “credible leader”? Credible leaders are those who act in private as they say in public . In other words they are genuine and truthful in their words and actions. People trust them for who they are not just who they claim to be. Credible leaders are honest, forward thinking, team-players who cast a hopeful vision for the future. This is the kind of leader you should strive to become!

Ideally, you would persuade people with the strength of your character and not have to resort to crazy stunts to get people to vote for you. The process of developing personal credibility takes time – but it is worthy goal to strive for. You will become a better person and a better leader if your words, match your actions.

Let’s fast forward for a moment and say that your personal credibility is fine, but you want to add a little extra flare to your speech to grab people’s attention. What should you do? Well, hang on to your flapjacks amigo and check out these powerful tactics of personal persuasion.

1. Use the bandwagon effect

Often times people will vote for a candidate based on how they believe other people will vote . This is called the “bandwagon effect”.

One way you can legitimately harness the power of the ‘bandwagon effect’ is to start a petition (sign up sheet) of the people who say they will vote for you and like your ideas. You can start off by asking your friends to sign up and then ask people you don’t know as well to join your cause.

Once you have a good number of names, you can reference your petition as ‘proof’ that your ideas are gaining traction. For example, you might say in your speech, “Over 200 people signed a petition to get the school board to update the lockerooms. I invite you to join us in making this dream become a reality!”

Whoa! Suddenly you have shifted the audience’s mindset. Now their vote actually carries some weight. You have told them that a big group of people are already supporting your ideas, so maybe they’ll think, “I should too!”.

2. Help others “visualize” the problem

There is a famous story about a manager of a glove-making (for yard work, gardening, etc.) factory who wanted to convince her co-workers that the assembly line was making too many mistakes. For months, she tried sending out emails or stopping people in the hallway to warn them that too many mistakes were being made and that it was costing the company a lot of money.

Her co-workers ignored her until one day they came to work to find an enormous pile of thousands of gloves on the factory floor. The pile was waist high and everybody stood around wondering what those gloves were doing there. Suddenly the manager came out and said, “Good morning! The pile in front of you represents the number of unusable gloves our factory makes every week! From now on, this kind of waste will be unacceptable!”

Needless to say that kind of in-your-face visual was impossible to ignore and her co-workers finally understood the magnitude of the problem. If your school will allow it, you can use the same kind of visual to grab people’s attention!

For example, let’s say you want to convince people that your school is wasting too much water and you happen to know how many gallons per month or year that is. You could create a visual representation of this by filling a jar full of marbles where each marble represents a gallon of water wasted! Maybe the number of jars would fill up an entire table! You could use the same effect for such things as number of days students miss school or the number dollars wasted doing a ridiculous project that nobody really likes.

People respond to visuals in a powerful way, so use this to your advantage. Make sure the numbers are accurate so you don’t mislead anyone, but try to think of a visual that will have a powerful symbolic meaning!

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  • Student Council speeches | Secretary

Student Council speech | Secretary

An example campaign speech for secretary

By:  Susan Dugdale  

So, you're running for the Student Council Secretary position and want to see a sample campaign speech to help you write one of your own.

There's an example below, as well as a list of the main tasks * of the Student Council Secretary. You'll want to be thoroughly familiar with all of them before you can begin on your speech!

  • Student Council Secretary main tasks list
  • Example Student Council Secretary speech
  • Student Council speech printable planner and outline
  • More Student Council speech resources

* (My list is general. Your school may have specific requirements that I've not noted. Double check to ensure you know what would be good to highlight in your speech prior to writing it.)

Image: row of raised multi-colored hands. Text: YES!

Student Council Secretary - main tasks

Are you organized? Are you good at communicating: making sure everyone knows what's going on?  How are your administrative skills?

To be worthy of a YES vote from your fellow students you need all three of them!

The role of Student Council Secretary is key to ensuring the council functions smoothly and communicates effectively with students, faculty, and administration.

The main tasks and responsibilities of the position are:

  • Record keeping : Maintaining accurate records of all council meetings which includes taking the minutes, preparing the agendas, and noting attendance. Ensuring that the minutes of meetings are distributed to Council members and, when necessary, to the student body.
  • Correspondence and communication : Handling communication between the council, students, teachers, and administration. Relaying important information, announcements, and decisions made by the council to the student body.
  • Meeting preparation : Assisting in the preparation of meeting agendas in collaboration with the Council President or the Student Advisor. Distributing agendas and other required relevant information to council members before meetings.
  • Attendance tracking : Keeping track of attendance at council meetings and reporting any issues to the Student Council President or to the Student Council advisor. For example: repeated unexplained absenteeism or lateness.
  • Archiving and documentation : Maintaining an organized archive of past meeting minutes, agendas, and other relevant documents for reference.
  • Elections and voting : Assisting in organizing and overseeing Student Council elections, including the nomination processes and voting procedures.
  • Committee support : Collaborating with other council members and committees to help them achieve their goals by providing administrative support.
  • Event calendar maintenance + event planning : Maintaining/updating the school's event calendar Assisting in planning and organizing school events, fundraisers, and community service initiatives sponsored by the Student Council.
  • Community outreach : Participating in or supporting outreach efforts to engage with the student body, gathering feedback, and promoting student council activities.
  • Advocacy and representation : Serving as a voice for the student body by representing their concerns, ideas, and suggestions during council meetings.
  • Collaboration and teamwork : Working closely with the Student Council President, Vice President, Treasurer, and other members to ensure the council operates effectively and achieves its goals.
  • Adherence to bylaws : Ensuring that the Student Council operates in accordance with its constitution or bylaws and helping update these documents when necessary.
  • Problem solving : Assisting in addressing and finding solutions to issues and challenges faced by the student body.
  • Promotion of school spirit : Encouraging school spirit and pride through involvement in pep rallies, spirit weeks, and other activities that foster a sense of unity and belonging.

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Example Secretary speech for Student Council

To get a good idea of how this speech works, read it through a couple of times and then try it out loud.

It's 474 words long which will take just over 3 minutes to say , depending on your  speech rate .

Image: a row of raised multi-colored hands. Text: Yes! Sam Smith for secretary Student Council

Don't you just love writing up notes, and scheduling activities? No? { said with a big smile ☺}

Fellow students, teachers, and staff of Cherry Landing College, fortunately I do!

That's why I'm here standing in front of you today. My name is Sam Smith, and I would sincerely appreciate the opportunity to serve you as your Student Council Secretary.

Excellent communication and organizational skills are essential for this role. As anybody who knows me knows, I have both of those, along with the determination to use them to benefit all of us.

The success of a Student Council is to a large extent determined by the efficiency and effectiveness of its communications.  As your Secretary, I will make it my primary mission to ensure that information flows smoothly between the student body, teachers, and administration.

We know what happens when it doesn't flow as it should. And we don't like it. People feel excluded. Assumptions are made. Things quickly become unnecessarily chaotic - something we want to avoid!

Now, excellence in communication is underpinned by excellence in organizational skills. The first is impossible without the latter.

Again,  I am known for my attention to detail and my ability to keep things well and thoroughly organized. From recording meeting minutes to maintaining a comprehensive calendar of events, you can rely on me to work diligently to keep our council running efficiently - a chaos free zone.

However, being Secretary isn't just about fulfilling administrative tasks well. It's about being a dedicated advocate for all of you. I promise to represent your interests and work to address any issues or challenges that may arise during the school year.

Whether it's improving the school facilities, advocating for more extracurricular activities, or addressing concerns about the cafeteria menu, I will be your voice. 

Whoever you are, I promise to actively listen to your concerns, suggestions, and ideas, and to ensure that they are brought to the attention of the council.

In addition, I am fully committed to fostering a culture of inclusivity and collaboration within our school. I will actively seek out opportunities to bring students from different backgrounds and interests together. By doing so, together we will create a stronger, more united student body  - a microcosm of the society we want to live in - one that supports us all.  

In conclusion, I am ready and eager to serve as your Secretary. I bring a passion for communication, organization, and advocacy to this role. But most importantly, I bring a resolve to represent each and every one of you to the best of my ability.

Together, we can make our school a place where every student's voice is heard, and where positive change is always possible.

I ask for your support and your vote. Sam Smith for Secretary! Together, we can make a difference. Thank you.

Get a blank Student Council speech planner

Click on the image below to open a downloadable printable student council speech planner and outline pdf. (Please note it will open in a new window.)

Image: a row of raised multi-colored hands. Text: Click to download a printable student council speech outline.

More resources for Student Council Speeches

If you've arrived on this page without seeing this one: Student Council Speeches , I highly recommend reading it before planning or writing your speech for Student Council Secretary.

You'll find:

  • a list of important points you'll want to consider carefully before you start,
  • another 2 example speeches - Student Council President and Student Council Vice President,
  • tips for rehearsal or practice, and more.

Go to Student Council Speeches .

And click this link if you'd like to read an example Student Council speech for Treasurer .

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Frantically Speaking

The Ultimate Go-To Guide to Prepare for Your Student Council Speech

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Topics

Empower voices, spark change! Together, let's shape our school's future. I'm committed to listening and acting for all. Thank you for your trust

Delivering a compelling student council speech is a crucial opportunity for students to make their voices heard and leave a lasting impact on their school community. The role of the student council is not only to represent the interests of fellow students but also to initiate positive change and contribute towards the overall development of the school.

Crafting an effective student council speech requires careful thought, preparation, and an understanding of what resonates with your audience. In this section, we will explore the importance of a student council speech and provide valuable insights on how to make a lasting impression that captures the attention and support of your peers.

Whether you are running for class president, vice president, treasurer, or any other position within the student council, your speech serves as an opportunity to showcase your leadership skills, articulate your vision for improvement, and inspire others to rally behind you. It is not just about winning votes but about demonstrating your dedication to serving the needs and aspirations of your fellow students.

Throughout this section, we will delve into strategies that can help you deliver a powerful student council speech that stands out from the rest. From crafting a strong opening statement to highlighting relevant experiences and outlining actionable plans for change, we will guide you through each step of the process.

Remember that every word you speak has the potential to influence opinions and shape perceptions. By mastering the art of delivering an impactful student council speech, you can become an agent of positive change within your school community. So let’s dive in and discover how you can make a lasting impact through your words!

  • 1. Understand the Role of the Student Council and Identify Your Goals
  • 2. Research the Audience and Tailor Your Message accordingly
  • 3. Craft a Compelling Opening that Grabs Attention and Sets the Tone
  • 4. Structure Your Speech Effectively with Clear Main Points and Supporting Details
  • 5. Develop Persuasive Arguments and Present them with Confidence
  • 6. Practice Makes Perfect: Rehearse Your Speech to Build Confidence

Step 1: Understand the Role of the Student Council and Identify Your Goals

In order to deliver an impactful student council speech, it is crucial to first understand the role of the student council and identify your goals. By doing so, you can effectively communicate your vision and aspirations to your fellow students.

The student council plays a vital role in representing the student body and advocating for their needs and interests. It is a platform where students can voice their concerns, propose ideas for improvement, and contribute to the overall development of the school community.

When preparing your speech, take some time to reflect on what you hope to achieve as a member of the student council. Identify specific goals that align with your values and address issues that are important to your peers. This could range from improving school facilities and promoting extracurricular activities- to fostering inclusivity and enhancing communication between students and faculty.

By clearly defining your goals, you will be able to convey a sense of purpose and passion in your speech. Your fellow students will be more likely to connect with your message if they see that you have a genuine desire to make positive changes within the school community.

Remember, being part of the student council is not just about holding a position or gaining recognition – it is about making a difference. So take this opportunity to inspire others with your ideas, motivate them with your enthusiasm, and demonstrate how you can contribute positively towards creating an inclusive and thriving school environment.

Step 2: Research the Audience and Tailor Your Message accordingly

When preparing a student council speech, it is crucial to understand your audience and tailor your message accordingly. By conducting thorough research on the interests, concerns, and aspirations of your fellow students, you can create a speech that resonates with them and effectively communicates your ideas and goals.

Understanding your audience allows you to speak directly to their needs and desires. Are they looking for more extracurricular activities? Do they want improvements in school facilities or policies? By delving into these questions, you can craft a message that addresses their specific concerns, making it more compelling and persuasive.

Additionally, tailoring your speech to the interests of your audience helps establish a connection with them. When students feel that you genuinely understand their challenges and aspirations, they are more likely to trust you as a candidate and support your ideas.

Researching the audience also enables you to anticipate any potential objections or counterarguments. By addressing these concerns proactively in your speech, you show that you have taken the time to consider different perspectives and are prepared to address them thoughtfully.

In conclusion, researching the audience is an essential step in crafting an impactful student council speech. By understanding their needs, tailoring your message accordingly, and addressing potential objections, you can deliver a compelling speech that resonates with your fellow students and increases your chances of success.

Step 3: Craft a Compelling Opening that Grabs Attention and Sets the Tone

The opening of your student council speech is your chance to capture your audience’s attention and set the tone for the rest of your presentation. A strong and compelling opening will make a lasting impression and encourage your listeners to pay attention to what you have to say.

Consider starting with a captivating anecdote or a thought-provoking question that relates to the issues you will address in your speech. This will immediately grab your audience’s attention and pique their curiosity. You can also use a powerful quote or statistic to emphasize the importance of your campaign and the changes you hope to bring about.

In addition to capturing attention, the opening of your speech should also establish a rapport with your audience. Share a personal story or experience that demonstrates your understanding of their concerns and shows them that you are genuinely invested in making a difference. This will help create a connection between you and your listeners, making them more receptive to your message.

Step 4: Structure Your Speech Effectively with Clear Main Points and Supporting Details

A well-structured speech is essential for conveying your ideas effectively and ensuring that your audience can follow your train of thought. To achieve this, it is crucial to organize your speech into clear main points and support them with relevant details and examples.

Start by outlining the main ideas or goals you want to communicate in your speech. These could be specific initiatives you plan to implement or broader themes you want to address. Once you have identified your main points, arrange them in a logical order that allows for a smooth flow of information.

For each main point, provide supporting details that substantiate your claims and add credibility to your speech. These could be statistics, personal anecdotes , or expert opinions that illustrate the importance and feasibility of your proposals. Remember to present this information in a clear and concise manner, using language that is accessible to your audience.

Additionally, consider using visual aids such as graphs, charts, or images to enhance your presentation. Visuals can help reinforce your main points and make complex information more digestible for your audience. However, use them sparingly and ensure they complement rather than distract from your speech.

Step 5: Develop Persuasive Arguments and Present them with Confidence

Persuasion is a key element of any successful student council speech. To persuade your audience effectively, you need to develop persuasive arguments and present them with confidence and conviction.

When developing your arguments, consider the needs and concerns of your audience. What solutions can you offer to address these issues? How will your ideas benefit the student body as a whole? By focusing on the needs of your audience and presenting practical and achievable solutions, you can make a compelling case for your candidacy.

To present your arguments with confidence, it is essential to practice your speech thoroughly. Rehearse in front of a mirror or with friends and family, paying attention to your body language, tone of voice, and overall delivery. This will help build your confidence and ensure that you come across as poised and prepared on the day of your speech.

Remember to maintain eye contact with your audience and speak clearly and audibly. Use gestures and facial expressions to emphasize key points and show enthusiasm for your ideas. By exuding confidence and passion, you will inspire trust and captivate your listeners, increasing your chances of winning their support.

Step 6: Practice Makes Perfect: Rehearse Your Speech to Build Confidence

No matter how well-prepared you are, delivering a student council speech can be nerve-wracking. However, practicing your speech can help alleviate anxiety and build the confidence you need to deliver a compelling and impactful presentation.

Start by memorizing the key points of your speech. This will allow you to maintain a natural flow of information and engage with your audience more effectively. However, avoid memorizing your speech word-for-word, as this can make you sound robotic and less authentic.

Instead, focus on understanding the overall structure and flow of your speech. Practice delivering it in a conversational manner, using your notes as a reference rather than a script. This will help you adapt to different situations and respond to audience reactions, making your speech more dynamic and engaging.

Additionally, consider recording yourself during practice sessions. This will allow you to evaluate your delivery, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments. Pay attention to your pacing, intonation, and body language, and make conscious efforts to improve these aspects.

Lastly, seek feedback from trusted individuals, such as teachers or mentors, who can provide constructive criticism and help you refine your speech. Incorporate their suggestions and continue to practice until you feel confident and well-prepared.

Sample Speech:

“Good morning everyone! I am absolutely thrilled to be standing before you today as a candidate for the student council. This is an incredible opportunity to make a difference in our school, and I am excited to share my vision with all of you. As a student, I have always been passionate about creating a positive and inclusive environment for everyone. I believe that the student council plays a crucial role in representing the voice of the student body and advocating for their needs and interests. Through my involvement in various extracurricular activities and my dedication to academic excellence, I have developed the skills necessary to be an effective leader in this role.

One of my main goals as a member of the student council is to promote student engagement and participation. I want to ensure that every student’s voice is heard and that they feel empowered to contribute their ideas and opinions. By organizing regular town hall meetings and creating platforms for open dialogue, we can foster a sense of unity and collaboration within our school community.

Together, we can work towards making our school an even better place for everyone.”

Another area that I am very passionate about is enhancing the overall student experience. I believe that education goes beyond the classroom, and it is important to provide students with opportunities for personal growth and development. Through organizing workshops, seminars, and events that focus on various aspects of personal development, such as leadership, communication skills, and mental health, we can empower our fellow students to reach their full potential.

In conclusion, I am truly excited about the possibility of representing you all on the student council. With your support, I am confident that we can create a more inclusive, engaging, and supportive environment for every student in our school. Let’s work together to make a positive impact and leave a lasting legacy for future generations. Thank you for your time and consideration.”

Preparing for your student council speech is a crucial step in your campaign journey. By understanding the importance of your speech, tailoring your message to your audience, crafting a compelling opening, structuring your speech effectively, developing persuasive arguments, and practicing your delivery, you can increase your chances of delivering a memorable and impactful presentation.

Remember, your student council speech is not only an opportunity to showcase your leadership qualities but also a chance to connect with your peers and inspire change. By following these steps and putting in the necessary effort, you can confidently deliver a speech that resonates with your audience and convinces them to vote for you. Check out our communication coaching for more tips!

Now, it’s time to put your preparation into action. Take a deep breath, step onto the stage, and deliver a speech that will make a lasting impression on your fellow students. Good luck!

Hrideep Barot

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How to Write a Winning SRC Speech for Student Council

Crafting a standout speech for the student council , like the SRC, can often feel akin to scaling an insurmountable peak. Trust me, Ryan Nelson here, and I’ve had my fair share of stumbles when it came to public speaking .

It was no overnight journey transforming that apprehension into something resembling confidence. In this blog post, I’m excited to walk you through the strategies and insights that helped me turn what felt like a personal roadblock into one of my strengths.

You’re about to dive into how to put together a speech that won’t just capture ears but also rally support and win hearts (and votes!). Shall we get started?

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Start your speech with something that grabs attention , like a surprising fact or bold statement. This hooks your audience right away.
  • Show your leadership skills by sharing personal stories of problem-solving and teamwork. Make sure these stories show you as a leader who can inspire others.
  • Engage the audience with eye contact and lively gestures. Use real examples related to their concerns to keep them interested.
  • Outline a clear plan of action in your speech. Explain how you will address student needs and make positive changes.
  • Practice makes perfect when delivering a speech. Rehearse often to speak confidently and use body language effectively to connect with your listeners.

The Importance of a Strong Student Council Speech

A strong student council speech is crucial for making a lasting impression and gaining support. It serves as an opportunity to showcase leadership skills, engage the audience, and outline a clear plan of action.

Grabbing Attention

I start my winning SRC speeches with a bang. A surprising fact , a bold statement , or an impactful quote about leadership always hooks my audience right from the start. This approach puts me in control of the room and sets the stage for everything I want to share.

Using this tactic, I make sure to introduce myself clearly and state why I’m running for student council. This keeps everyone focused on my message and eager to hear more about my campaign strategy and leadership skills .

My goal is to keep them engaged and thinking, “This is someone who can lead us.”.

Showcasing Leadership Skills

Transitioning from grabbing attention to showcasing leadership skills is crucial in a winning student council speech. Personifying leadership traits and actions can captivate an audience.

Diving into personal experiences that demonstrate qualities like problem-solving , teamwork , and initiative can make your speech more relatable and persuasive . Engaging with the audience through real-life examples and practical solutions will resonate well.

Craft your speech using powerful language to highlight instances where you’ve taken charge or made impactful decisions. Showcase how these experiences have shaped you into a capable leader, inspiring others to follow your lead.

Engaging the Audience

When delivering a student council speech, your goal is to connect with the audience from the start. To capture their attention, consider using an intriguing fact or a relatable story that relates to your campaign.

Engage the listeners by making eye contact and using expressive gestures as you speak. Remember that maintaining enthusiasm and energy throughout your speech will help keep the audience engaged and interested in what you have to say.

As for convincing students to vote for you, avoid generic promises by personalizing your message to address specific concerns or desires of your fellow students. Use persuasive language and techniques such as rhetorical questions or emotional appeals to make a compelling case for why they should support you.

Outlining a Clear Plan of Action

To create a winning student council speech, it’s essential to outline a clear plan of action . Begin by researching the role you’re running for and understanding your audience. Craft an attention-grabbing opening to captivate your listeners, followed by a persuasive body that clearly explains your plans and ideas.

Conclude with impact, thanking your audience for their time and consideration. Practice delivering your speech confidently and make use of persuasive language and techniques to convince students to vote for you.

Steps to Writing a Winning Speech

Craft a winning speech by researching the role, knowing your audience, and delivering a persuasive message. Find out more about these steps to boost your public speaking skills!

Researching the Role

To start crafting a winning student council speech, it’s essential to understand the role you’re aiming for. Research the responsibilities and expectations of the position you’re seeking.

Consider the current issues affecting students and how your role could make a positive impact . This will help tailor your speech to address specific concerns and showcase your understanding of the role .

Embarking on this research journey will provide valuable insights that can set your speech apart from others, helping you connect with your audience in a more meaningful way. Let’s delve into knowing your audience next – an important aspect of creating an impactful student council speech.

Knowing Your Audience

When writing your speech, it’s crucial to understand who you’re speaking to. Tailor your message toward the interests and concerns of your fellow students. Connect with them by using language that resonates with their experiences and challenges in school politics.

This will make a stronger impact on them, increasing the chances of winning their support.

Crafting a speech that connects with the audience is key in making an impression during student council elections. Let’s delve into how we can grab their attention right from the start!

Crafting an Attention-Grabbing Opening

Crafting an opening that grabs attention is crucial. A powerful quote about leadership can make a lasting impact. It’s essential to hook the audience right from the start and set the tone for your speech.

An intriguing fact or personal story can also captivate your listeners, making them eager to hear more.

Consider using a bold statement or ask a thought-provoking question relevant to your message. This will pique interest and draw in your audience right away, making them more receptive to what you have to say.

Delivering a Persuasive Body

After crafting an attention-grabbing opening, it’s time to deliver a persuasive body for your student council speech. Begin by outlining your plans clearly and confidently, using persuasive language and techniques from our previous discussion.

Utilize personal anecdotes or real-life examples to connect with the audience, explaining how you will address their needs and concerns as a leader in the student government. Practice delivering your body speech with confidence to ensure a polished delivery that captivates your audience.

Concluding with Impact

As you wrap up your SRC speech , remember to thank the audience and express gratitude for their time and consideration. Use a powerful quote about leadership to make an impact in your conclusion .

Keep it concise and persuasive , leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Tips for Effective Speech Delivery

Mastering effective speech delivery involves confidently and convincingly practicing and rehearsing your speech; remember, practice makes perfect! Read more for detailed insights.

Practicing and Rehearsing

To deliver a winning speech, practice and rehearse your speech multiple times. Use persuasive language and techniques to convince students to vote for you. Practice your speech to ensure a confident and polished delivery .

Using Body Language and Voice Inflection

When delivering your speech, I use hand gestures to emphasize key points. This helps in keeping the audience engaged and attentive. Keeping an open and confident posture also shows my readiness to take on the role.

Additionally, varying the tone of my voice helps convey passion and conviction in my words, making them more impactful for the listeners.

It’s important not only to rehearse but also record myself practicing so that I can assess my body language and voice inflection. Reviewing these recordings allows me to make adjustments and improvements for a more persuasive delivery.

Connecting with the Audience

When connecting with the audience, it’s crucial to use relatable language and stories that resonate. Engage them directly by making eye contact and using inclusive pronouns like “we” and “us.” Keep your message simple and clear while showing authenticity through your words and actions.

Use humor or personal anecdotes to establish a connection, creating a comfortable environment for an open dialogue. By understanding their concerns and aspirations, you can tailor your speech to address their needs and gain their trust.

Moving forward in crafting a winning SRC speech involves capturing attention from the start by showcasing strong leadership skills .

Conclusion: Empowering Student Voices Through Effective Speech Writing

Empowering student voices comes down to crafting speeches that truly resonate. I’ve been there, standing in front of peers, heart racing. But through practice and the right techniques, I found my confidence.

Let’s turn our focus to an expert in public speaking and writing—Dr. Emily Carter.

Dr. Carter holds a Ph.D. in Communications with over 15 years of experience as a speech coach for students running for positions in student councils nationwide. She has transformed countless nervous students into confident speakers ready to lead their schools.

According to Dr. Carter, the core of a winning SRC speech lies in its ability to capture attention immediately , showcase leadership effectively , engage every listener personally , and lay out a vision that others can rally behind.

This blend makes speeches unforgettable.

She stresses safety in expression while advocating for ethical standards and transparency in campaign promises. Misleading or ambiguous statements do not build trust among voters.

For daily application or specific contexts like school elections, Dr. Carter suggests focusing on clear messaging about personal values aligned with school needs and aspirations common among students.

Weighing pros against cons is crucial too; aspiring leaders should communicate realistic plans rather than unreachable ideals just to garner votes—honesty wins respect and credibility among peers more than grandiose but empty promises could ever achieve.

Dr. Emily Carter gives her nod towards using persuasive language smartly accompanied by genuine passion as this strategy invites more engagement from the student body compared to typical election pledges often heard during such campaigns.

student government speech examples

Ryan Nelson is the founder of Speak2Impress, a platform dedicated to helping individuals master the art of public speaking. Despite having a crippling fear of public speaking for many years, Ryan overcame his anxiety through diligent practice and active participation in Toastmasters. Now residing in New York City, he is passionate about sharing his journey and techniques to empower others to speak with confidence and clarity.

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My Education Compass

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Discover your future with the amazing bridges math curriculum, memory improvement games: supercharge your brain, incredible opportunities: the tide scholarship program explained, here are 10 creative ideas for a fail-proof student council speech.

Pia Vosloo

Student council speech – Learn more with My Education Compass! Hello, fellow aspiring leaders! 

Are you prepared to take the stage and deliver a student council speech that will create an unforgettable impression on your peers and propel you into the ranks of the student council?

 Look no further because I am here to walk you through ten fail-proof, creative ideas to attract your audience and ensure your win. 

Let’s go on an exciting adventure to create a student council speech that exudes confidence, charisma, and, most importantly, your steadfast commitment to leading with excellence!

Table of Contents

1. personal story sparkler.

student council speech, Here Are 10 Creative Ideas for a Fail-Proof Student Council Speech!

Consider the hushed anticipation in the crowd as you take the stage, followed by a genuine smile as you share a personal story near your heart. 

Perhaps it’s a story about overcoming an impossible task, or it could be a meaningful remembrance demonstrating your persistence and tenacity. 

Incorporating personal experiences into your student council speech provides insight into your character, making you more relevant and endearing to your audience. 

Remember that vulnerability is a strength; your genuine tale will reverberate long after the applause has died away.

2. The Visionary Journey

Imagine creating an enthralling mural of the future. A future where your school community thrives, joined by common aims and a revived feeling of energy. 

Create a mental image of a crowded school, fascinating workshops, and collaborative projects that bridge gaps and create camaraderie. 

By using vivid imagery to articulate your vision, you enable your peers to see the practical results of your leadership . 

Your steadfast faith in a better tomorrow will instill confidence and enthusiasm in your audience, inspiring them to join you on your path.

3. The Enthusiastic Problem-Solver

student council speech, Here Are 10 Creative Ideas for a Fail-Proof Student Council Speech!

Every student council leader should be able to recognize challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth. 

This is your chance to shine by emphasizing an essential topic to your classmates. With zeal, present your painstakingly studied answer, highlighting the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of your approach. 

You demonstrate your commitment to establishing a better school experience for everybody by showing dedication to addressing real concerns.

4. The Energy From Entertainment

According to the energizing entertainer, laughter is a global language that can heal gaps and make connections. 

Incorporate humorous, witty, and lighthearted anecdotes into your student council speech to show off your personality and make your audience laugh. 

It’s not just about being humorous; it’s about establishing an environment where your peers feel at ease and engaged. 

A well-timed joke or a lighthearted allusion can break the ice and build a favorable rapport with your audience, ensuring your message sticks with them.

5. The Innovator Who Is Open to Everyone

Diversity is a valuable asset to any community, and your speech is an excellent opportunity to show your commitment to inclusivity. 

Imagine a school where every voice is heard and cherished regardless of background, opinions, or hobbies. 

Discuss your goals for establishing open communication channels so students from all walks of life can offer their ideas and perspectives. 

You inspire trust and confidence in your capacity to lead cooperatively by demonstrating your commitment to unity.

6. The Collaborator in Creativity

student council speech, Here Are 10 Creative Ideas for a Fail-Proof Student Council Speech!

Consider transforming your school into a hive of activity, buzzing with collaborative projects and exciting events that unite kids. 

This is where you come in with creative ideas to break up the monotony and provide vitality to the educational environment. 

Propose themed spirit weeks, engaging workshops, or community service programs that bring your peers together for a similar cause. 

Your enthusiasm for building unity will energize the spirit of cooperation and generate support for your leadership.

7. The Insightful Trailblazer

Your time as a student council leader is about more than just the present; it’s about leaving a legacy that will be felt for years. 

Share your vision for long-term improvements that will define your school’s future. 

Whether you’re pushing for sustainable practices, raising mental health awareness, or cultivating a culture of compassion, your commitment to making a long-term difference will be felt deeply by your audience.

8. The Technological Pioneer

student council speech, Here Are 10 Creative Ideas for a Fail-Proof Student Council Speech!

In today’s digital world, technology provides many opportunities to improve the student experience. 

Utilize your technological knowledge by recommending novel methods to use technology for the benefit of the school. 

Consider creating a virtual area where students may discuss their ideas and concerns and propose forming online groups that cater to various interests. 

You exhibit your preparedness to embrace future tools by displaying your forward-thinking perspective.

9. Heart Felt

Empathy is a quality that brings people together and fosters a sense of belonging. 

Share heartfelt anecdotes of times you lent a helping hand to needy students, or describe how you engaged in community service that changed people’s lives. 

Demonstrating genuine concern for people fosters trust and assurance that you will lead with a loving heart.

10. The Interactive Motivator

As you finish your student council speech, urge your audience to engage in the moment. 

Pose a thought-provoking question to elicit introspection, or conduct a quick activity that involves everyone in the room. 

This last flourish reinforces your message and produces a memorable, interactive experience that will be remembered.

Increase Your Leadership Potential by Being Confident

student council speech, Here Are 10 Creative Ideas for a Fail-Proof Student Council Speech!

The role of a student council leader is a lively thread that weaves together ideas, aspirations, and deeds in the broad fabric of student life. 

As you embark on this exciting leadership journey, remember that each of the ten unique ideas we’ve discussed is a step toward your ultimate objective of inspiring good change and promoting unity within your school community.

1. The Confident Communicator

Effective communication is the foundation of effective leadership. Emphasize your commitment to maintaining an open channel of contact with your classmates . 

To ensure their perspectives are heard and genuinely respected, emphasize your desire to listen to their problems and suggestions actively.

2. The Mindful Mediator 

student council speech, Here Are 10 Creative Ideas for a Fail-Proof Student Council Speech!

Every leader must be capable of resolving conflicts. Discuss your method of resolving disputes and finding common ground. 

Demonstrate your ability to manage difficult circumstances with empathy and sensitivity, fostering an environment where differences are viewed as opportunities for progress.

3. Enjoy the Journey

Remember that sincerity is your most valuable asset as you perfect your fail-proof student council speech. Infuse your words with your distinct personality, values, and goals. 

Your peers are searching for more than just a leader; they want someone who cares, listens, and can lead with integrity.

Creative Ideas for a Fail-Proof Student Council Speech…

Remember that your student council speech is more than words as you stand before your peers; it declares your aspirations, values, and dedication to sound change. 

Combining these innovative concepts into your speech adds authenticity, charisma, and a genuine connection to your audience. 

Accept your individuality, let your passion shine through, and confidently embark on becoming an outstanding student council leader. 

Success is unavoidable with your steadfast dedication and these fail-safe tactics. So go forth, amaze the crowd, and carve your road to outstanding leadership!

May your speech serve as a source of encouragement for others, and may your journey as a student council leader be filled with triumphs and countless chances for development. You can do it! 

Pia Vosloo

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Student Council Speech [Topics and Tips]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

student council speech

  • A simple welcome to all interested/hesitating voters is the kick-off when you’re running for representative. This is good: Hello all, Good morning, or afternoon or evening!
  • Introduce yourself briefly. I’m … from class …  .Nothing more, nothing less for now. Blend more about you naturally in the flow of the oral presentation.
  • Then immediately focus their attention on the main goal you are standing for. Use an understatement everybody will recognize, a sticky situation suitable for improvement. Solutions will be initiated by you in special committees.Sidebar: The student council election speech or student council campaign speech is a short public address about 1 to 2 minutes long presented in front of voters. You can apply this pattern of arrangement also when you write a speech for student council president or secretary. <
  • And make a pay-off:  That’s why I’m running for … fill in the position you want to achieve. So, be clear, and take position: I want to become president / vice president / secretary / treasurer. How to work out these student council speech ideas? Well:If it is your first real-life election campaign, use an easy-to-remember oneline message to tell what your thoughts and views are on the position you want.
  • in one catchy phrase what your mission statement has been the past years and how you will continue your work;
  • The benifits of your plans.
  • Now tell your audience what you think are common needs at campus that ought to be fulfilled right away.
  • Present the solution, draw the contours of the positive outcomes of the strides you want to take for them. Keep in mind that this is a brief and triggering summary of your objectives, most wanted achievements, plans, views and solutions in relation to to the needs of the voters. Consider them as the most important student council speech ideas you can think of.
  • Educational qualifications.
  • Outstanding personal qualities.
  • Main accomplishments or special activities in high school, college or university.
  • And the specific qualifications you can think of related to the position you strive for. E.g. Proven leadership in community volunteering is the right ticket to become president of the representative administrative body.
  • Conclude with a remarkable personal invitation: invite all to communicate ideas the coming years. Just like you say: My door is always open. I will be in office to fight for your needs. I am always open to suggestions. Mail me or look me up on Facebook. I am looking forward to meeting you! Encourage the voters to visit your webpage – if you have one – and further inform theirselves as to why they should vote for you.
  • Refer to your introduction statement, conclude that you are suitable, just in one teasing slogan. Of course in such a way that they will remember your core student council speech idea.

And: before you jump to other student council speech idea sources, do not forget to sneakpeak in my broader convincing subdivision top left. Look and listen how your competitors are doing. Copy their success parts in your own words, improve them. That is on of my secret bonus hints!

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Speeches We Loved from 2022 Student Presidential Campaigns

Seven quotes we love from students who are putting in the work to be the change that they seek

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In these pandemic times, assemblies often take place in Zoom rooms instead of auditoriums. That’s why many schools have turned to social media to host their student government campaign speeches, allowing everyone to view them on their own time. 

As the summer begins, you may be thinking of running for student council next year. It all starts with a speech, which can be a daunting first step. But don’t fear — we watched hundreds of campaign speeches from schools across the nation (and even one from Canada) to find the best, brightest, and most inspiring messages candidates had to offer. 

Student government is a microcosm of our nation’s democracy, and most Americans’ first chance to participate in a democratic election. At their core, student government elections and proper elections seek the same end: To choose leadership democratically and enact institutional change that benefits everyone in a community. As former president Barack Obama once said, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

Here are seven quotes we love from students who are putting in the work to be the change that they seek. They hit on some important topics in elections — whether at school or even as voters at the local or national level in the future. Check out the YouTube links and timestamps to see the full speeches!

student government speech examples

We loved Quinlan’s speech: few speakers can crack a joke and make a point at the same time!. In this instance, Quinlan makes an important promise to give power back to the people to make change if they’re not satisfied:

“Now: How do you know I’m going to do any of these things? I may just be saying words out of my mouth. Maybe I just get in office in my big iron throne and have all the smoke machines for myself. Well that’s why halfway through my term, I’ll send out a poll and if you think I haven’t been doing my job well, I’ll step down on the spot—No questions asked. That’s how confident I am that I’m the right person for the job.”

  • Quinlan Stewart, Student Body Presidential Candidate, Montgomery Bell Academy, TN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GueQFSQ4-Ak (5:20)
  • Actions Not Words

We see it all the time on the national stage: Politicians make big promises before getting elected, and then don’t follow through on them in office. A true leader listens to what their constituents want and need and responds with action. Brianna Romero from Nutley High School in New Jersey wants to listen, act, and ultimately help her classmates build cherished memories :

“I truly believe in the word of the people. Anyone could stand in front of the camera and say they want to make a difference, they want to make a change. But it’s not about saying—It’s about doing and taking action. Making a difference as your president, I’m here to listen.

…Life is about creating memories that we will hold onto for a lifetime. We’re growing as one individual does, and with that comes more responsibilities. With the challenges I acquire, I promise to ensure the guidance and strength to help everyone.”

  • Brianna Romero, Student Body Presidential Candidate, Nutley High School, NJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_5vB8Xj2Ig (4:00) 
  • Restoring Normalcy

The pandemic threw a wrench in the high school experience. But the civic arena is the perfect place to bring people together in common cause, and a number of students pledged to make the most of the time students have left together as a class and school:

“Continuing to find ways to regroup after the pandemic and have more transitions back to a normal high school experience and rebuild the sense of community. The future depends on our ability to work together. Togetherness and teamwork will get us far.”

  • Ali Bonaldi, Sophomore Class Presidential Candidate, Medfield High School, MA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzGqLRwMsqA&t=306s (2:20)
  • Listening to Students

Students who had already been elected,  like Kayla Robinson from Merrillville High School in Indiana, reiterated their promises that the student body will truly be heard when they ask for something:

“A big problem that we have is that even though we speak, not many people listen, and I want to be the person that listens and makes changes.”

  • Kayla Robinson, Student Government Vice President, Merrillville High School, IN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cIgTxF9Yyc (0:25) 
  • Protecting What We Love

You know what they say: If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. Part of being a leader is also knowing what the community really loves and wants to hold onto:

“While my running mate may promise lofty change, I will work to protect the things that we love about GHS: Things like Lil Nas X blaring from the student center speaker on a Friday morning, old teachers always happy to help in designated learning centers, and our ever-popular sporting events with the cardinal crazies.”

  • Jamie Smith, Senior Class Presidential Candidate, Greenwich High School, CT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdxycaGsYDU&t (2:10) 
  • Creating Community Online

While teens’ relationship to social media gets a bad rap a lot of the time these days, candidate Jasmine Kovalevich, a candidate for Student Council Presidential at McDowell High School in Pennsylvania, thinks social media can help connect government with the people:

“I would push to expand the communication of students by getting student council more engaged in social media, because I believe it would be immensely helpful to McDowell High School students to stay connected with us. By creating a community online and in-person, I think that it would be helpful for every individual in the student body to get involved.”

  • Jasmine Kovalevich, Student Council Presidential Candidate, McDowell High School, PA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4DW4ZoYrgI (0:40)
  • Spreading Kindness

And finally, candidate Shiraz Meisels all the way from Toronto, Canada hits on the power of kindness in building community, encouraging us all to take responsibility for our actions:

“I’m here to share my vision with you: Good thoughts, good words, and good deeds in four simple steps. First, it starts with the students. We need spirit, motivation, initiative, and compassion. It starts with you.”

  • Shiraz Meisels, Student Council Presidential Candidate, TanenbaumCHAT, Toronto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o85OG-oRtOM (23:28)

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Evie Kennedy

Evie Kennedy is a Copywriter and 2017 graduate of Kenyon College. She is originally from Nashville, TN and now lives in San Luis, Argentina. She loves to write poetry, play mediocre guitar, and dance. (She/her)

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  • Sample Student Council Speech

Choice - Example student election speech

This sample student council speech was sent in by Dylan from the US, who is running for Student Council President. He shared it in order to help provide inspiration for others working on a similar speech.

I hope you find it useful.

Beginning of Sample Student Council Speech

My name is Dylan. I am running for student council president, and I am going to change the school as much as I positively can.

Most of you know me or have at least seen me around the school. I have been at Menlo for a long time, four years, and have seen the various principals, administrators, and teachers. I have seen what this glorious school needs and to how change things to fit those needs.

Menlo is not the only school I have been to. I have been to four other schools as well. One of those schools was in Africa. I have a lot of experience in schools and how to make a school thrive. I can bring these various ideas from around the globe right to the center stage of Menlo. I will fix any problem in the school, even if it is a deadly rat infestation!

There is one thing that many other schools have, that is not so present in Menlo. Does anyone ever ask you what YOU want to do to the school? Does anyone ever ask you how YOU want to help your fellow students? I will take this role with all seriousness and I will take it head on. I will promise to listen to everyone of your problems, comments, or suggestions in connection with the school.

Because of my heavy immersion in many different schools and environments, I feel as though I can bring a lot of good to Menlo, and only help it positively.

Choose someone who will fully help Menlo and not treat it like a joke. Choose what your gut is choosing. Vote Dylan for student council president, and LET THE CHANGE BEGIN!

Sample Student Council Speech

End of Sample Student Council Speech

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Sage advice to win election: Student Council Speeches with Twelve Vital Tips and a Sample Speech from Charlie

This sample student council speech was written by a visitor to this site, for her campaign to become council president. Use it to help you create your own speech. Succeed in your student council campaign speech and win a place in your high school or college governing body.

Student Council Speech Example

This sample student council speech was written by a visitor to this site, for her campaign to become council president. Use it to help you create your own speech. Succeed in your student council campaign speech and win a place in your high school or college governing body.

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How to Make a Great Student Council Campaign

Last Updated: May 20, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Katie Styzek . Katie Styzek is a Professional School Counselor for Chicago Public Schools. Katie earned a BS in Elementary Education with a Concentration in Mathematics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She served as a middle school mathematics, science, and social studies teacher for three years prior to becoming a counselor. She holds a Master of Education (M.Ed.) in School Counseling from DePaul University and an MA in Educational Leadership from Northeastern Illinois University. Katie holds an Illinois School Counselor Endorsement License (Type 73 Service Personnel), an Illinois Principal License (formerly Type 75), and an Illinois Elementary Education Teaching License (Type 03, K – 9). She is also Nationally Board Certified in School Counseling from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 920,766 times.

If you feel that it's hard distinguishing yourself from the crowd, you may find yourself running a lackluster campaign. But by being consistent, catchy, having an exciting edge, and finding that "wow" factor, you'll leave your competition in the dust. This guide will help you find exciting ways to stand out beyond the uninspiring poster and the dull speech and give your campaign a much-needed boost.

Being Consistent and Relevant

Step 1 Be consistent about who you are throughout the campaign.

  • Be kind to all students instead of being good to only the popular ones.
  • Show responsibility in class and answer questions. It will make other students look up to you.

Step 2 Find out what people actually want.

Keeping Your Slogans Catchy

Step 1 Think up a few catchy campaign slogans.

Making the Posters Exciting

Step 1 Produce eye-catching posters with compelling graphics.

  • Vary the size of your posters. Big ones go in the cafeteria, gymnasium, and other school hot spots. Smaller (letter size) posters can be posted on bulletin boards and distributed by hand.

Step 2 Have a clear, catchy headline.

  • Unless you’ve come up with a clever series of clearly interrelated slogans in the same theme, stick with just one. Repetition is key for being memorable, and being memorable is key for winning.

Step 3 Make your name very visible.

  • Put your posters up as soon as possible. Getting a head start is important because it will separate you from everyone else. It also gives you a chance to claim creative ideas or important issues for your campaign before anyone else does.

Finding the Wow Factor for Speeches

Step 1 Keep your speeches...

  • Read samples of other speeches to get a general knowledge of what should be in them. Humor is a good tactic, of course, but don’t overlook the important issues in your campaign.
  • Pay attention to the words you use. Be persuasive, be clever, set the agenda, don't be arrogant, and don't brag. For example, instead of saying, "I'm a creative person," say, "I value creativity." A good closing sentence is also important. The last thing you say is what most people will remember. And don't forget to end your speech with a "Thank you."
  • Improve your public speaking skills by joining an after-school club or a debate or oral communications class. [10] X Research source

Step 2 Memorize your speech; the confidence this will add to your recitation will go a long way in making people listen.

  • Things you might be asked include: Why are you running? What makes you different than the other candidates? How can you deliver on what you’re promising? Remember to have answers sorted out in your mind already.

Campaign Help

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Sample Poster

student government speech examples

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  • Be open to suggestions from your classmates. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0
  • Relate to people, they will remember you a lot longer. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0
  • Remember that if one person tells you that they are not going to vote you or tell you that you're not going to win, just tell them straight and make sure that you put up posters and give out flyers make good friends ask them to vote you and trust you as whatever your running for. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 1

student government speech examples

  • Don't be a puppet for your friends. Listen to their advice, but act in a reasonable manner. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't try to harass the reputations of your fellow candidates. People will just see you as desperate and inadequate. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't make unrealistic promises. For example, don't promise to reduce homework or eliminate school on Friday. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 1

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  • ↑ https://www.careeraddict.com/create-a-great-student-council-campaign
  • ↑ https://blog.prepscholar.com/how-to-get-elected-class-president
  • ↑ https://sloganshub.org/campaign-slogans-for-student-council/
  • ↑ https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-campaign-for-student-council/
  • ↑ https://professional.dce.harvard.edu/blog/10-tips-for-improving-your-public-speaking-skills/
  • ↑ https://www.phc.edu/learnphc/succeeding-in-student-elections

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, sample speeches for student government elections.

I'll be giving a speech soon for my school's student government elections and I'm not sure how to start or what to include. Can anyone share some examples or ideas for speeches that they've given or heard in the past? I want to make a great impression!

It's exciting that you'll be giving a speech for your school's student government elections! To help you craft an engaging, persuasive, and memorable speech, here are some tips and ideas to consider.

1. Start strong: Begin with a captivating opening that quickly grabs the audience's attention. This could be a brief anecdote, a relatable joke, or even a surprising fact about your school or community. Make sure it's relevant to your campaign and not too controversial.

2. Introduce yourself: After your opening, introduce yourself to your audience and briefly explain your background, qualifications, and any relevant experience that relates to student government. Keep it brief, but make sure to mention any past leadership roles or initiatives you've been a part of to showcase your capabilities.

3. State your platform/ideas: Clearly outline the main issues, goals, or ideas driving your campaign. Aim for around three key points, as this will help your audience remember your ideas. For each point, briefly explain the current situation, what you'd like to see changed, and how you plan to make it happen.

For example, you might discuss how you want to:

- Improve communication between student government and the student body by implementing regular video updates and interactive communication platforms.

- Advocate for improved mental health resources and support through workshops, events, or increasing the availability of counselors.

- Launch initiatives on diversity and inclusion such as educational activities, student panels, or collaboration with clubs and organizations.

4. Make it personal: Share personal stories or experiences that support your platform and demonstrate your passion for making a positive change. This allows your audience to connect with you on a deeper level and understand your motivations behind running for student government.

5. Call to action: Encourage your audience to get involved and vote for you. Emphasize that you're willing to work hard and collaborate to enact beneficial changes within your school community.

6. End with a memorable statement: Conclude your speech with a powerful and compelling closing statement. This could be an inspiring quote, a catchy slogan, or even a call-back to your opening anecdote. Be sure to thank your audience for listening and reiterate your excitement about the opportunity to serve the student body.

Remember to practice your speech several times to get comfortable with the flow and timing, and to work on your delivery and body language. Speak with confidence and enthusiasm, maintain eye contact, and project your voice, as these are all essential factors in delivering an impactful speech. Good luck!

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Sample Student Council Speeches

Student council, a representative of the government, is a tool to familiarize the younger generation to democracy, leadership, and decision-making in the affairs of a school, college or university. A student-candidate makes persuasive speeches to gain the YES vote while introducing his ideas and plans to the voters. Buzzle has collated some tactful student council sample speeches that you can utilize to write effective speeches.

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Sample Student Council Speeches

Things to Do Before You Start

☛ Think about its purpose. ☛ Decide the role-play. ☛ Effectiveness of the speech. ☛ Sensitive to the voter. Answers to these questions will give you clarity to write a brilliant speech!

Organizing and operating a student council is a massive responsibility for students. According to the Irish Education Act, in 1998, A Student Council is a representative structure through which students in a post-primary school can become involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management and staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students.

Students campaign for several positions―president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, etc. Campaigning is the most tried and tested way to gain votes till date. The best part of the campaign is the final speech comprising the agenda of the party for the students, which the student-leader promises to fulfill if elected.

This article lends a helping hand in preparing a variety of speeches for the different positions you think you are best suited for.

Points to Consider

Speech Guidelines

✎ Start your speech with a hook. A hook can either be a statement or a question that will grab your audience’s attention. However, introducing yourself again may not be a great option to start your speech with. Chances are someone may have already done that.

✎ After the hook, mention the post you are running for, and the qualification that makes you eligible for it, which adds to your credibility.

✎ The hook should cover the main points in your agenda without divulging the details in the introduction. For example, an anecdote that prompted your attention to one of the main points. An interesting or inspirational quote is also apt.

✎ Draw the attention of the audience to the gist of the main points you desire to take immediate action on. It works as a preview that prepares the audience to focus on.

✎ An elaborate yet concise description of the main points follows the introduction.

✎ Address one point at a time. You can start by telling the audience about the first goal that you would accomplish on winning the election, which is nothing but the pressing issues that need immediate sorting out. For example, you can state, If elected, I will urge the administration to allot more time for the lunch-break .

✎ An explanation of the reduced lunch time being insufficient and an appropriate solution to have it extended would be great.

✎ Make sure that the rest of the points are covered in the allotted time for the speech.

✎ Last but not the least, wrap the speech up by reiterating the role, agenda, the reason why you are the best candidate for the given role, and the three main points of the agenda that you would resolve once elected.

✎ A dramatic, touching vote appeal to the audience and a thank you note at the end of your speech is sure to draw votes in your kitty.

That’s a speech which is sure to win votes!!

Effective Speech Tips

▶ Surprise the audience with a speech blended with humor, personal experiences, entertaining stories and even jokes. Take care that none of these should be offensive as they may harm your prospects of winning votes. Reaching out to the audience in a loving yet serious manner will definitely gain you a fan following and an eventual win.

▶ Start off with an inspirational story or a quote that will set up the mood of the speech revealing your seriousness about the election.

▶ A short and crisp speech will hold the attention of the audience.

▶ Use phrases like “we” and “our” instead of “I” and “mine” which are relationship builders with the audience.

▶ Emphasizing on the slogan is a vital part in the speech.

▶ A conversational tone than an overly friendly one is appropriate.

▶ A Thank You at the end of your speech is just as important.

Inspiring Student Council Speech Samples

Funny Student Council Speech Sample

A sprinkling of anecdotes, quotes, stories, inspirational messages along with an effective introduction, impressive points, strong conclusion, and big appeal in the elements of a speech will make you the most eligible candidate for the presidential seat in the student council!

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How to Write a Student Election Speech

Brandi laren, 25 jun 2018.

How to Write a Student Election Speech

If you are a leader and aspire to inspire others, running for student government is an ideal choice. Even the process of entering an election will give you a first-hand lesson in leadership, voting, elections and politics. It doesn't matter if you are running for president, vice president or secretary of the student council, you will have to prepare a speech and present it to your classmates. This speech, along with other campaigning tactics, like putting up posters, can make a big difference.

Explore this article

  • Introduction
  • Main Points

1 Introduction

Start your speech by welcoming your classmates and thanking them for attending. Then, introduce yourself, describe what office you're running for and quickly state why you're the best candidate. For example, "Good morning, everyone. My name is John Smith and I'm running for president of the student council. As students, we are ready for change in our school. I am the person who can help. As president of student council, I would fight for better school lunches, more after-school activities and more field trips." Talk briefly about some of your other leadership positions at school and why they have prepared you for the position. Use your personality to draw in your classmates and ignite their interest in learning more about you.

2 Main Points

Focus on the student body's interests. What are some things that students have been requesting at your school? What have they been complaining about? If you could improve five things about your school, what would they be? Use these elements in your speech. Let them know that you've been paying attention. For example, "We are tired of bad school lunches. As president of the student council, I will fight to get us better meals." Try not to make false promises. Talk about school supplies and events and other things that you are more likely to have control over. State these things briefly in your speech. If you have a catchy slogan you've been using on your posters around the school, don't forget to use that, throughout your speech.

Conclude by letting your classmates know that if you are elected, you'll be working for them. Tell them that you'll always be open to their ideas on how the school can be improved and be more fun and enjoyable. Your campaign speech should only be about one to two minutes long, so make sure you keep your points short and meaningful. Think of a creative ending that will serve as a punctuation mark and leave your classmates wanting more.

  • 1 Benedictine University: How to Write a Meaningful Manifesto
  • 2 Forbes: 10 Keys to Writing a Speech

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Funny Student Council Speech Ideas to Help Everyone Relate to You

Give them a speech they'll never forget. These ideas can help you get started with a funny, creative speech perfect for the student council role you want.

Michele is a writer who has been published both locally and internationally.

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Megan's contributed both writing and research to a myriad of associations including academic publications, cultural institutions, non-fiction works, and experimental collaborative projects.

When you've got hundreds of kids staring you down, bright lights in your face, and the worst case of jitters the school stage's felt in weeks, take a breath. You can always rely on the funny student council speech you've worked so hard on crafting to perfection to get you through.

So many people can be naturally funny without trying too hard, so if you just relax and let your natural humor shine through in your student council speech, you'll do great. But if you've glued your pinky to the backspace trying to write yours, let us help you with these tips and ideas. 

Funny Student Council Speech Intros for Specific Roles 

When you're running for a student council position, all you've got is your words. So, you need to write a speech that students will remember long after you've graduated. After you've pitched around some  speech ideas for your student council role , it's time to put pen to paper (or fingers to the keys). And what's the best way to get an audience on your side? With laughter, of course. 

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Funny President Speech Intro Example 

The other candidates are going to come up here and tell you all the reasons why you should vote for them. I'm going to give you only one reason why you should vote for me. I've got the face of an angel.

Think about it, every time I ask for your concerns, give a speech, or land an interview in the school paper, you're going to have to look at my face. If you want to make this year and school politics Instagram-worthy, consider just whose face you want to stare at every day, mine or theirs.

Hilarious Vice President Speech Opener

My competitors have come up here and given you a laundry list of reasons why they should be elected VP, so I'll keep things short. I'm the brains behind this operation, and I'll marionette puppet our president better than Ratatouille and his little rat hands ever could. Whatever you want, I'll work those strings to make it happen. 

Silly Secretary Speech Intro

Your student council secretary really needs to love words. I love words so much that I'll only eat Alpha-Bits for breakfast. And what's more, I'll only eat the cereal letters I can use to make a word. So, say there's a "T," "Q," and "R" left in the bowl; I can't bring myself to swallow them.

I love pencils so much that I fail every automatically graded exam because I can't bring myself to damage the pencil by using it. I love writing so much that I've got a physical therapist on speed dial for my carpal tunnel. 

Comical Treasurer Speech Opener

If time is money, we're all going to be very rich after this speech. I'm not sure who's responsible for the exchange rate, but I hope it's a good one. As treasurer, I take money lingo just as seriously as I do sticking to our budget, and unlike Al Capone, I won't bust our operation with faulty books and tax fraud. 

  • How to Make Life After High School Worth All the Hard Work

Funny Student Council Speech Intros That'll Win Everyone Over 

One of the biggest tips for writing a speech is to connect with your audience on their level. Your classmates will probably respond well to fun and humor, so give your speech a dose of comedy and break the ice with a funny intro.

  • Mr. Smith, our beloved math teacher, told us all that we'd use trigonometry one day. I think he's an awesome teacher and I really want him to be right. So, my entire speech will cover things that are opposite and adjacent to the issues of our school, and that will lead me on a tangent.
  • When you hear the words "Student Council," you probably envision a bunch of old, bald, white guys sitting around wearing suits with ties and talking about all the problems students cause in the world. Today, to help me get through my stage fright, I'm asking you to imagine me as one of those guys. Preferably, I hope you picture Will Farrel as Mattel's CEO. 
  • Today, I'm here to taco 'bout something serious and I've been trying to figure out how to get your vote. You might think school rules and student privileges are nacho business, but you'd be wrong. I won't try to get jalapeño business or get saucy, and I certainly won't burrito around the bush. If you want this year to feel like a fiesta, vote for me for President. In queso you still haven't figured it out, I'm the best woman for the job.
  • Everyone, let's take a moment of silence. [Pause]. Thank you for joining me in that moment of silence for the competition that I'm going to slaughter at the ballot box this week. 
  • (Pointing phone at the crowd) [High School Name] STUDENT BODY! Let's make some noise for my lovely competition — they've worked so hard — and give yourselves a round of applause for appointing someone as awesome as me to your student council. (Puts phone away.) So I'd like to thank my mother who, without her, I wouldn't be here today, and my father of course, because there's part of him in here too...(dramatic pause). OH, oh sorry everybody, those were my acceptance speech cards. Let me just pull out the right ones here.

Creative Ways to Sprinkle Some Humor into Your Speech 

Speech starters aren't the only places you can toss in a little funny line or two. There are a ton of ways you can incorporate humor into your student council speech to break the ice, grab everyone's attention, or stand out from the crowd. These are just a few of them: 

Poke a Little Good-Natured Fun at a Staff Member

There's nothing teens find funnier than cleverly making fun of their teachers and principals. Just be sure to only poke fun at the ones you know will take the joke well, and keep it good-natured and lighthearted. 

End an Info-Heavy Section With a Witty One-Liner

As a teen, you know kids have short attention spans (curse you TikTok), so you'll start to lose them after a while. Keep their attention by ending any information-heavy section with a funny one-liner. It's hard to stay snoozing when you're laughing. 

It's totally ok to use jokes in a student council speech, but remember the goal of using jokes and humor is to connect with your peers, so make sure they're things that everyone will actually find funny and not anything that could be hurtful or upsetting.

Don't Rush the Delivery

If you've got a line you just know is going to make everyone laugh, don't pull the wind from its sails by speeding through it. People tend to talk faster the longer they're presenting, so make sure your joke lands by pulling back and easing into the delivery. 

Add Something Funny or Unexpected to a Serious Sentence

If you're listing some of the genuine things you bring to the table for your desired student council position, grab everyone's attention by throwing a funny one on at the end. 

Tell a True Funny Story From Your Childhood

Talking about something funny that really happened to you, especially if it's related to the student council role you want in some way, can be a creative and memorable way to stand out. For example, the lemonade stand disaster you had as a kid might just make you a shoo-in for treasurer. After all, you learned from your mistakes. 

End the Speech With a Joke or Funny Slogan 

You can also use a joke or a funny slogan at the end of your student council speech to help make it memorable. A funny, relatable slogan that helps people remember you could have a positive impact when it comes time to vote. 

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Hook 'Em With Humor for a Winning Speech 

The secret for how to win a high school election isn't stuffing the ballot box or teen comedy movie-ing your way to making the competition drop out. Instead, it's about being memorable and connecting with your peers. A funny opening line or hilarious closing one will not only capture their attention, but it'll have them thinking about you when they step up to that ballot box. 

August 08, 2019 Middle School

Government speech under the first amendment, this lesson teaches students, through a simulation related to government-sponsored confederate monuments, about the government-speech doctrine under the first amendment. in particular, this lesson aims to (1) introduce students to the issue of government speech; (2) teach the doctrine; (3) apply the doctrine in a contemporary context; and (4) critically analyze the doctrine., time needed:  60-90 minutes materials needed:.

  • Chalkboard, white board, or flip chart, with writing utensils
  • Copies of handouts for each student, for Parts 1-3, as needed:

Part 1—Small Group Handouts Part 2, Option 1—Interest Group Handouts Part 2, Option 2—Debate Handouts


Under Supreme Court First Amendment precedent, government speech is a relatively simple doctrine. In short, government can say whatever it wants. (In other words, the Free Speech Clause does not restrict government speech.) But the doctrine’s simplicity can be deceiving, especially in the context of some of today’s hot button issues. For example: Can government forbid government grantees and employees from talking about abortion in government family planning programs? Can government compel teachers to teach “intelligent design” or other alternatives to Darwinian evolution? Can government set qualitative standards for grantees of government arts grants? Can government fund news media (as in PBS’s NewsHour or Frontline, or National Public Radio), or entertainment (as in Sesame Street)? Or, as in this lesson, can government erect, or take down, certain monuments that pay tribute to certain figures, movements, or periods in our history that are deeply controversial? As to each of these: If the government  can  do these things,  must  it also present a contrary or opposing view? These issues are not easy, even if the First Amendment doctrine is.

The following cases offer more background: Pleasant Grove City, Utah v. Summum ,  555 U.S. 460 (2009) Johanns v. Livestock Marketing Association,  544 U.S. 550 (2005) Rust v. Sullivan,  500 U.S. 173 (1991) National Endowment for Arts v. Finley,  524 U.S. 569 (1998) In addition to setting out the law—that government can say what it wants, without restraint under the Free Speech Clause—these cases also review the arguments around government speech in different contexts. Here’s a quote from  Pleasant Grove  that sums up the doctrine:

If [the government] were engaging in [its] own expressive conduct, then the Free Speech Clause has no application. The Free Speech Clause restricts government regulation of private speech; it does not regulate government speech. A government entity has the right to “speak for itself.”

Indeed, it is not easy to imagine how government could function if it lacked this freedom. “If every citizen were to have a right to insist that no one paid by public funds express a view with which he disagreed, debate over issues of great concern to the public would be limited to those in the private sector, and the process of government as we know it radically transformed.”

But even though the Free Speech Clause does not restrict government speech, there may be  other  constitutional restraints on government speech. For example, government speech cannot violate the Establishment Clause. So while the government can say whatever it wants under the  Free Speech Clause , it may be restrained in what it can say under the  Establishment Clause  (or some other constitutional provision).

This lesson aims to introduce middle and high school students to some of these tough questions through the stages of Bloom’s Taxonomy. (If you’re not familiar with Bloom’s Taxonomy, you can readily find excellent summaries and resources online. Vanderbilt University’s Center for Teaching has a  useful and accessible summary .) In short, this means that the lesson aims to guide students through  remembering ,  understanding ,  applying ,  analyzing ,  evaluating , and  creating  around the government speech doctrine.  

The activities and times listed in this lesson are a suggestive guide, and not a rigid agenda. You should adapt the lesson plan to your own classroom, your own students, your classroom resources, your time constraints, and, most importantly, your own style.

The core topic of this lesson is government-sponsored Confederate monuments. This topic has been all over the news, and many students will have strong views, one way or the other. Views may differ significantly by region, area, classroom, and even within an individual classroom. Please be sensitive to the students’ various views in your classroom so as to engage your entire class (and not alienate any portion of it). (If you’d like to catch up on the Confederate-monuments debate, google “Confederate monuments,” “Jefferson Davis monuments,” “Civil War statutes,” and the like. This is a fast-moving issue.

Introduction (3 to 5 minutes)

  • Say briefly why you are teaching today: to share some information about free speech under the First Amendment, and, in particular, government speech.
  • Raise your hand if you know a lawyer. Who? How did you meet her or him? What does she or he do?
  • Who can tell me a fact about the Constitution? Who can tell me something that is in the Constitution? Who can tell me where they’ve seen the Constitution referenced in the news?
  • State briefly that the lesson today will examine the government speech doctrine under the First Amendment—that is, whether, when, and how the Free Speech Clause restricts what the government can say.

Part 1: Introduction to Basic Free Speech Principles (10 to 15 minutes):

This exercise is designed to warm-up your students and introduce them to basic free speech ideas, with an eye toward government speech. This exercise goes to  remembering  and  understanding  in  Bloom’s Taxonomy .

  • to discuss and advocate politics and public policy
  • to discover the truth (through the give-and-take of a “marketplace of ideas”)
  • to learn, explore, and develop as individuals and as a society
  • to express our individuality and define ourselves
  • to promote tolerance for unpopular views by protecting the expression of those views.

This introductory discussion could also be conducted as a full class, with the class considering the five purposes of speech.

  • Ask each group, or the class, to think of three or four examples of speech that correspond to each purpose. Ask each group to share these examples with the rest of the class, and collect responses on the board.
  • Ask students to rank these broad purposes of free speech. You might ask students simply to vote and raise hands for each option; or you might ask them to get up and physically move to different designated parts of the room to indicate their choices. Tally the results, and rewrite the purposes in rank order. Remember: The Supreme Court has said that political speech is the most important—and thus most protected—kind of speech in our democracy.
  • Does government speech have the same purposes as other speech?
  • What are the purposes of government speech?
  • Should government have more freedom in speaking, or less freedom, than other speakers?
  • Should the government have any restraints on its speech?

Part 2: Confederate Monuments (40 to 50 minutes)

This exercise challenges students to apply government-speech doctrine to a contemporary and controversial problem, Confederate monuments. This exercise has two options. Both options go to applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating in  Bloom’s Taxonomy .

Option 1: Interest-Group Advocacy

  • City Council
  • Supporters of Confederate Heritage (an interest group)
  • Opponents of Racial Oppression (an interest group)
  • Advocates for Free Speech for All (an interest group)
  • Instruct each interest group to develop arguments consistent with their instructions, with an eye toward the purposes of free speech in a democracy. (Allow students ten minutes to complete their arguments.) Ask each group to elect a spokesperson. (Rotate among the groups to engage, answer any questions, and keep students on track.)
  • Instruct the City Council to anticipate the likely arguments of each group and to prepare critical questions for each group.
  • Instruct each interest group spokesperson to present the group’s arguments to the City Council. (Allow each group five minutes to present its arguments.) Members of the City Council may ask questions during each presentation.
  • Instruct the City Council to deliberate publicly and arrive at a final decision.

Option 2: Debate

  • Divide the class into an even number of small groups of 4-5 students each. Assign each group to represent monument  supporters  or monument  opponents.  Distribute the corresponding  Debate Handouts  to each group.
  • Instruct each group to develop arguments supporting its position, with an eye to the purposes of free speech in a democracy. (Allow ten minutes for this.) Instruct each group to elect a spokesperson. (Rotate among the groups to engage, answer any questions, and keep students on track.)
  • Instruct each group to present their arguments to the entire class. (Allow five minutes for each group to present.) Other students may ask questions.
  • Take a vote of the entire class: Which side presented the better arguments? How would students vote?

Part 3: Closing (5 to 10 minutes)

Based on Exercise 2, ask students to think, and then write, whether the government-speech doctrine (that government can say whatever it wants) is a good idea. Do we want a government that can say whatever it wants? Should there be  any  restraints on government speech? If so, what are they? Ask for volunteers to share their answers.

If there’s time, ask students to write down one idea, argument, or principle that they took away from this lesson. If time permits, ask for volunteers to share their responses. Share your own thoughts on what you took away from the lesson.

Steven Schwinn is professor of law at The John Marshall Law School in Chicago. He may be reached at  [email protected] .

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Student Government Speech

cowman809 3 / 5   Mar 18, 2009   #1 I'd like to apologize about the weather, I promise you elect me I'll try to do something about that. Or Hello Students and Teachers of Culver City, I'd like to welcome you all today, a day of momentous importance, to give a final address to the Student Body as candidate for the office of President. This is not a position to be taken lightly and definitely one not to be wasted or abused. I came to this school only knowing one person. I'll admit, I didn't have many friends my first few months here. I had come from a tiny private school and had to adjust to this grand institution. However, that fourteen year old boy from St. Augustine is not the same man who stands before you today, asking for your vote. Today, I an aspiring leader of the Associated Student Body. Many of you are just regular students. You never get involved in school spirit events or any activities of the like. It'd be interesting to know that until this campaign started, I was the same as you, never joining any class council or a related group. I wholeheartedly understand every reason you have not to care and with that understanding I know exactly how to get all of you involved in our school. It does seem intimidating to go up to ASB or the Administration to propose an idea or make known a complaint or grievance, I will not argue that. However, I will make it my main goal to end this perception of ASB. Under me, the lines between ASB and the general population will be blurred; therefore I will create a more personal community and government within our school. Any student will be able to contribute as they please. CCHS sits in the center of Los Angeles, but we have no direct ties to any schools in the area, let alone the city. We must be vigilant and work towards building these ties, which we will work to construct with my Documents of Los Angeles Unity No longer will the ideas of creative students be ignored No longer will the complaints and grievances of students be brushed aside No longer will we remain an isolated community, but become a leader to the schools around us. No longer will ASB be a separate clique from the students and it WILL become the Vox Populi, the voice of the people. Culver Rises! Culver Prevails! Culver Renews!

OP cowman809 3 / 5   Mar 18, 2009   #2 Well I am running for President of the Associated Student Body at my school. I'm sorta the underdog, but I do have A LOT of support behind me. Here is my speech I'm going to give on April 2nd. I'm planning on either running with this or writing a different one, but I'm not sure yet. Also, I apologize for speech misspell :P

jurgita /   Mar 18, 2009   #3 I will have the English language exam, i am very afraid :(

student government speech examples

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student government speech examples


  1. FREE 8+ Student Council Speech Samples in PDF

    student government speech examples

  2. 8+ Student Council Speech Samples

    student government speech examples

  3. FREE 8+ Student Council Speech Samples in PDF

    student government speech examples

  4. How to Write a Student Council Speech: 10 Steps (with Pictures

    student government speech examples

  5. Student Council Speech

    student government speech examples

  6. Student Council Speech

    student government speech examples


  1. Student Government Speech 2025

  2. Student Council Campaign

  3. Best Valedictorian Graduation Speech Ever (Very Funny)

  4. Elementary Student Council Speeches 2021

  5. DEMONSTRATION SPEECHES! *Sameka teaches us how to make Cereal*

  6. Another Sample Informative Speech


  1. Student Council Speech Example

    Continue reading Twelve Vital Tips for Student Council Speeches and see another Sample Speech. Or, check out the student council speech in the video below for more ideas on how to present the best address ever. ... (2015, August 11). Viewpoint: 4 reasons to run for student government. Retrieved December 2, 2018, from https://www.usatoday.com ...

  2. How to Write a Student Council Speech: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

    3. Keep your ideas short but very strongly worded. Your body should be about two paragraphs of 5 to 6 sentences each. This might sound brief, considering how much information you'll have to get across, but you have limited time and must keep people's attention.

  3. 10 Student Council Speech Samples

    10 Student Council Speech Samples. Randy Rothgarn December 25, 2023 Speeches. Running for a position on the Student Council is a commendable endeavor that requires courage, planning, and a clear vision. Student Council serves as the voice of the student body, advocating for changes, planning events, and representing student interests.

  4. Student Council Speech

    Let's soar high, Hawks!". This example of a student council speech uses a structured approach to convey the candidate's motivations, qualifications, goals, and plans in a clear and engaging manner, effectively persuading classmates to lend their support. Free Download in Word Free Download in PDF.

  5. Student Council Speeches: How to Write a Winning Speech

    Student Council President speech example Here's a sample student council speech. I've written it from the perspective of someone running for President. As you read it, imagine it said aloud. That will help you get the rhythm and flow of language. The speech is between 3 - 4 minutes long, depending on how quickly you speak.

  6. Student Council Speech Ideas & Tips to Help You Win

    Example Speech for Any Student Council Role. Many of you probably know me best for tripping over my feet and falling face-first off the stage during prom. Once I got over that embarrassment, I decided I could face you here today. From the first day I arrived at Sample High School, I knew I wanted to become more involved. From serving on the ...

  7. Student Council Speeches

    How to give persuasive student council speeches. In order to give a persuasive student council speech, you must put yourself in the mindset of your audience. Chances are a large percentage of students listening to your speech will be experiencing the following: Boredom: "This is boring.". Apathy: "I don't care.".

  8. Student Council speech example

    By doing so, together we will create a stronger, more united student body - a microcosm of the society we want to live in - one that supports us all. In conclusion, I am ready and eager to serve as your Secretary. I bring a passion for communication, organization, and advocacy to this role.

  9. The Ultimate Go-To Guide to Prepare for Your Student Council Speech

    1. Understand the Role of the Student Council and Identify Your Goals. 2. Research the Audience and Tailor Your Message accordingly. 3. Craft a Compelling Opening that Grabs Attention and Sets the Tone. 4. Structure Your Speech Effectively with Clear Main Points and Supporting Details. 5.

  10. How to Write a Winning SRC Speech for Student Council

    Outlining a Clear Plan of Action. To create a winning student council speech, it's essential to outline a clear plan of action. Begin by researching the role you're running for and understanding your audience. Craft an attention-grabbing opening to captivate your listeners, followed by a persuasive body that clearly explains your plans and ...

  11. Here Are 10 Creative Ideas for a Fail-Proof Student Council Speech!

    The Confident Communicator. 2. The Mindful Mediator. 3. Enjoy the Journey. Creative Ideas for a Fail-Proof Student Council Speech…. 1. Personal Story Sparkler. Consider the hushed anticipation in the crowd as you take the stage, followed by a genuine smile as you share a personal story near your heart.

  12. Student Council Speech [Topics and Tips]

    Consider them as the most important student council speech ideas you can think of. Offer evidence why you are the best choice for the position. Avoid exageration of course. All have to be true. Do list your: Educational qualifications. Outstanding personal qualities. Main accomplishments or special activities in high school, college or ...

  13. Speeches We Loved from 2022 Student Presidential Campaigns

    But don't fear — we watched hundreds of campaign speeches from schools across the nation (and even one from Canada) to find the best, brightest, and most inspiring messages candidates had to offer. Student government is a microcosm of our nation's democracy, and most Americans' first chance to participate in a democratic election.

  14. Sample Student Council Speech

    Beginning of Sample Student Council Speech. My name is Dylan. I am running for student council president, and I am going to change the school as much as I positively can. Most of you know me or have at least seen me around the school. I have been at Menlo for a long time, four years, and have seen the various principals, administrators, and ...

  15. How to Make a Great Student Council Campaign: 14 Steps

    1. Keep your speeches interesting. When you give your speech (es), focus on the issues and let your funny running mate provide the crack-ups. You might even want to do a joint speech where each time you cover a talking point, your friend chimes in with a joke.

  16. Sample speeches for student government elections?

    It's exciting that you'll be giving a speech for your school's student government elections! To help you craft an engaging, persuasive, and memorable speech, here are some tips and ideas to consider. 1. Start strong: Begin with a captivating opening that quickly grabs the audience's attention. This could be a brief anecdote, a relatable joke, or even a surprising fact about your school or ...

  17. Writing a School Election Speech

    If you are writing a school election speech, chances are that you are running for a student government position. You want to build a great speech with strong, persuasive arguments that influence others - and influence their vote, too.

  18. Sample Student Council Speeches

    Student council, a representative of the government, is a tool to familiarize the younger generation to democracy, leadership, and decision-making in the affairs of a school, college or university. A student-candidate makes persuasive speeches to gain the YES vote while introducing his ideas and plans to the voters. Buzzle has collated some tactful student council sample speeches that you can ...

  19. How to Write a Student Election Speech

    An election speech is an important part of a campaign for student government. Often delivered in a formal setting, you may also give an election speech in a classroom setting or cafeteria. ... describe what office you're running for and quickly state why you're the best candidate. For example, "Good morning, everyone. My name is John Smith and ...

  20. Funny Student Council Speech Ideas to Help Everyone Relate to You

    Silly Secretary Speech Intro. Your student council secretary really needs to love words. I love words so much that I'll only eat Alpha-Bits for breakfast. And what's more, I'll only eat the cereal letters I can use to make a word. So, say there's a "T," "Q," and "R" left in the bowl; I can't bring myself to swallow them.

  21. Government Speech Under the First Amendment

    Introduction. Under Supreme Court First Amendment precedent, government speech is a relatively simple doctrine. In short, government can say whatever it wants. (In other words, the Free Speech Clause does not restrict government speech.) But the doctrine's simplicity can be deceiving, especially in the context of some of today's hot button ...

  22. Class or School President Speech Examples: Run For Student Council

    Campaign Speech - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document contains a sample speech for a student running for student council president. The speech focuses on introducing the candidate, their credentials and experience, and their goals and plans if elected. The candidate promises to listen to students' concerns, work hard ...

  23. Student Government Speech

    Student Government Speech. I'd like to apologize about the weather, I promise you elect me I'll try to do something about that. I'd like to welcome you all today, a day of momentous importance, to give a final address to the Student Body as candidate for the office of President. This is not a position to be taken lightly and definitely one not ...