Wonder Lessons

10 Discussion Questions for Wonder

wonder book essay questions

Good discussion is the heart of any English class, and Wonder by R.J. Palacio provides so much rich material for students to reflect on and discuss.

The questions below can be used to initiate discussion in small groups, or as a whole class. Often it can be helpful to start with small groups, and then have them come together for a larger discussion.

You can also use them as writing prompts or paragraph questions.

Here are ten discussion questions for Wonder by R.J. Palacio.

Wonder Discussion Questions

  • How does August’s facial difference impact his relationships with others and his perception of himself?
  • Discuss the theme of kindness and empathy in the novel. How do the characters respond to August and how do their actions impact him?
  • How do August’s experiences at Beecher Prep School differ from his experiences at his previous school?
  • Discuss the role of family in the novel. How do August’s parents and siblings support and challenge him?
  • How do the characters’ perceptions of August change throughout the novel?
  • Discuss the theme of bullying in the novel. How do August and the other characters deal with bullying and its effects on them?
  • How does the novel address the themes of appearance and acceptance?
  • Discuss the role of imagination and creativity in the novel. How do August and the other characters use their imaginations to cope with challenges and obstacles?
  • How does the novel portray the importance of friendship and the challenges of making and maintaining friendships?
  • Discuss the ending of the novel. How does August’s journey end and what does this reveal about the themes of the novel?

Full Unit Plan

These discussion questions are a great place to start, but if you want everything you need to teach Wonder in one download, check out this amazing full unit plan .

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Themes and Analysis

By r. j. palacio.

R. J. Palacio explores themes of kindness, empathy, and the challenges of living with disabilities with the story of Auggie's early school days in Beecher Prep.

Ebuka Igbokwe

Article written by Ebuka Igbokwe

Bachelor's degree from Nnamdi Azikiwe University.

‘ Wonder ’ addresses a few social issues, including parenting, disability issues, and what it means to be a friend, and it does so in the story of August Pullman, a fifth-grader with a deformed face, facing up to being different in his new school. R. J. Palacio makes a poignant social commentary with this work.

Table of Contents

  • 2 Appearances
  • 4 Friendship
  • 5 Parenting
  • 6 Key Moments in Wonder
  • 7 Tone and Literary Style

The central message of ‘ Wonder ‘ is the importance of kindness. This is expressed quite early in the novel, as the English teacher introduces the class to learn a precept every month, and his choice for the first month is a quote by Dr. Dwayne W. Dyer, “When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kindness.”

Summer moves to become friends with August because she is moved to kindness on seeing other kids avoid him at lunch. She realizes that August is an exciting and fun person to be around. Jack also befriends August initially out of kindness, and he sees and then appreciates him for his humble, humorous, and intelligent personality. August is surrounded by kindness, which is expressed by his family, Miranda, his friends at school, and Principal Tushman, and this makes it easy for him to bear the isolation he faces at school.


August’s facial deformity is a focal point of the story. He begins by hoping that people will see him as ordinary, and he wears a helmet to cover his face for a while so that people may not see his face. He also looked forward to Halloween because everyone wore masks, and he was treated as every other person. This highlights how people are judged by their appearances, and in the case of August, they make judgments about him based on his appearance. However, he is more than his looks, and the more the people around him get to know him, the more they appreciate how thoughtful, intelligent, and funny he is.

On the other hand, Julian is an expert in making others believe he is a great guy, but underneath that facade, he is malicious and conniving, saying mean things to August and lying against Jack Will when they fall out. Also, Miranda and Via were good friends, but their relationship became strained when they resumed school because they misread what each friend felt about the other. In ‘ Wonder ’, looks can indeed be deceiving.

The theme of courage appears in several instances in R. J. Palacio’s ‘ Wonder ‘. Sometimes it is subtle; other times, it is pronounced. It is hard to fully appreciate the bravery it took for August to start at Beecher Prep and continue attending school, withstanding all the bullying he goes through. He was ostracized at the lunch table, in class, and in the playground, and for a significant part of the story, his only companion at lunch was Summer. Summer’s courage is also remarkable. By being August’s friend when no one else wanted to be seen publicly with him and resisting the allure of joining the popular social group at school at the price of giving up August’s company, Summer showed her mettle as a steadfast and brave friend. At the camp, when a group of seventh graders bullies August, Jack Will, joined later by a few other Beecher Prep fifth graders, engages them in a fight to protect August.

The story of ‘ Wonder ‘ explores the dynamics and nature of friendship. Friends fight, misunderstand, offend, and betray. They also apologize, forgive, defend, and are gracious to each other. Jack Will jeopardizes his friendship with August by claiming to be his friend because Principal Tushman asks. This hurts August, and Jack Will is deeply sorry, makes amends, and apologizes to August. August forgives him and accepts him back. Summer’s friendship with August is beautiful and wholesome, depicting a rare ideal where friends respond to each other’s true humanity and look beyond what is externally “cool”. In Miranda and Via’s friendship, though at the start of the story they are estranged, in the end, Miranda gives up her spot as the lead in the school play because she understands how much it would mean to Via. These stand in contrast to Julian’s comradeship, bound together by prejudice against August, which unravels at the end of the story as their classmates warm up to August and recognize his charming nature.

Parenting is an essential factor in the development of children. The Pullmans are a model of good parenting, attentive to their children’s needs and creating a loving and harmonious environment to support them. Miranda, whose parents divorced, starved her of attention, and Justin, also a child of divorcees, was drawn to the Pullman family because of the warmth and love in their household, traits missing in their respective houses. However, even the model Pullman family is not without its issues. In taking care of August, a child with a deformity that needed special care and delicate attention, they sometimes neglected Via and her needs. Via is sometimes resigned to and sometimes resents this lack of attention. The novel addresses the difficulties parents face when raising children with health-challenging issues or needing special care.

We also see how the principles of parents rub off on their children. Jack Will’s mother exemplifies a parent who tries to raise her children conscientiously, as reflected in Jack Will’s actions. Even when he strays, he feels the better thing he should do and tries to improve. Julian’s villainous actions make more sense to the reader when they read the letters Julian’s mother writes: she is shallow, pompous, and generally corrupt.

Key Moments in Wonder

  • August Pullman finds out he will start schooling at a private middle school after being homeschooled all his life.
  • August receives a school tour led by Jack, Will, Julian, and Charlotte.
  • On his first day of school, all his classmates except Summer avoided sitting with him during lunch. Jack Will sits with him during class.
  • At Halloween, August overhears Jack Will’s saying they were not friends.
  • Savanna asks Summer to quit being friends with August and join the group of popular students.
  • Jack asks Summer why August is no longer friends with him, and she gives him a hint.
  • Jack hits Julian for making fun of August.
  • Jack writes August, asking for forgiveness, and August accepts his apology. They become friends once again.
  • August finds out Via is hiding her participation in a school play from the family, and he accuses her of trying to hide him from her new schoolmates.
  • Daisy, the family pet dog, dies.
  • Miranda steps down from the lead role in the school play, and Via steps in for her. After the play, they all go for a family dinner.
  • August goes on a school camping trip. He is attacked by a group from another school, but his classmates defend him.
  • August wins an award at school.

Tone and Literary Style

The story maintains a breezy and light tone even for the heavy emotional themes ‘ Wonder ’ explores. The story is told through the first-person POV and written in an informal speech style, making it relatable and cordial. The author narrates the story through several characters ‘ viewpoints and helps shed more light on the story’s events or gives other important background information. The sentence structure is simple and direct.

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Ebuka Igbokwe

About Ebuka Igbokwe

Ebuka Igbokwe is the founder and former leader of a book club, the Liber Book Club, in 2016 and managed it for four years. Ebuka has also authored several children's books. He shares philosophical insights on his newsletter, Carefree Sketches and has published several short stories on a few literary blogs online.


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NEW RESOURCE: Podcast Discussion Guides

Kate Bowler

Discussion Questions for Wonder by RJ Palacio

Join us for the Everything Happens Book Club. Learn more here .

1. August Pullman is not an ordinary ten-year-old kid, but in the opening chapter of R.J. Palacio’s novel, Wonder , he admits he’d like to be. Can you relate to this desire to be normal? If so, what’s one thing about your life you wish weren’t so extraordinary to others?

2. “Everyone born of God overcometh the world.” These were the surprising words whispered into August’s mother’s ears when her son was born with a condition called mandibulofacial dysostosis— more commonly known as Treacher Collins Syndrome. What do you think the nurse was trying to convey to Isabel? What do you think Isabel is trying to convey to Auggie when she recounts the story?

3. Throughout the book, there’s a difference between the responses children have—think Julian asking “What’s the deal with your face?”—and adults have—think Mrs. Garcia putting on her “shiny smile”—when they see Auggie. Which response, if either, does Auggie think is better? Which do you think is better? Tell a story to illustrate your point.

4. Auggie has a lot to acclimate to in middle school, but lunch is particularly tough, seeing as how he eats like a self-avowed “prehistoric swamp thing.” So, when Summer comes to sit with him, it’s a welcome grace. Who has created space for you to feel seen rather than shunned? What did it mean to you?

5. “I wish everyday could be Halloween. We could all wear masks all the time. Then we could walk around and get to know each other before we got to see what we looked like under the masks,” Auggie says. Wearing a mask is often seen as a metaphor for concealing who you really are, but Auggie thinks they can be liberating. Can you think of other examples of how masks, costumes, or uniforms act as equalizers in your community? How might this idea shift your practice of hospitality?

6. Via likens Auggie to the sun and the rest of her family (save for Daisy the dog) as planets that orbit him. What does this metaphor tell you about Via? Is there a better metaphor for being a sibling, family member, or friend to someone with special needs? What is gained or grieved in this kind of relationship?

7. One of the things Auggie’s new friends love most about him is his self-deprecating humor—even if he does have to remind them to laugh sometimes. How has humor led to disarming friendship in your story? Why do you think humor is so important in healing divides?

8. Justin, Olivia’s new boyfriend, reflects on Miranda’s statement that “the universe was not kind to Auggie Pullman.” And yet he sees it differently. He says the universe “takes care of its most fragile creations in ways we can’t see.” Do you agree? If so, give an example from your corner of the world.

9. After Jack, Amos, Henry, and Miles defend Auggie at the Fifth-Grade Nature Retreat, it’s like he became one of them. Why do you think this encounter was so formative for the other boys? And formative for the entire novel? How has protecting someone who might be more vulnerable changed you?

10. At the end-of-the-year awards ceremony, Mr. Tushman proposes a new precept—or rule of life for his students—that comes from author J.M. Barrie: “always try and be a little kinder than necessary.” What’s one way you can be a little kinder to someone in your life? Commit to it and see how it impacts your life. Or write a precept of your own and commit to that.

Bonus: After reading Wonder , what part of the book resonated with you most? What insight will you carry with you?

Discussion Questions written by author, editor, and facilitator Erin S. Lane . Subscribe to Everything Happens wherever you listen to podcasts .

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wonder book essay questions

R. J. Palacio

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The Difficulty of Kindness Theme Icon

The Difficulty of Kindness

Wonder tells the story of ten-year-old August Pullman 's first year going to school. Because he was born with a rare craniofacial condition that necessitated multiple major surgeries, his parents felt it was best to homeschool him for much of his childhood—both to help him keep up with his studies, and to protect him from the bullying and stares he attracts that would likely intensify in a school setting. As August embarks on his journey…

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  • Discussion Questions

wonder book essay questions

Wonder by R. J. Palacio

  • Publication Date: September 26, 2017
  • Genres: Fiction
  • Movie: 352 pages
  • Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
  • ISBN-10: 1524720194
  • ISBN-13: 9781524720193
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Wonder Quiz

Wonder by R. J. Palacio

Take our free Wonder quiz below, with 25 multiple choice questions that help you test your knowledge. Determine which chapters, themes and styles you already know and what you need to study for your upcoming essay, midterm, or final exam. Take the free quiz now!

Directions: Click on the correct answer.

Questions 1-5 of 25:

What does August think is in the case that Justin carries?

What moment is bittersweet for miranda at the end of the play, what is jack's mother's name, on their first day at the nature reserve, how long of a hike do they take, what does olivia want to be when she grows up.

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Reading Check

1. Where did Auggie go to school up until the book starts?

2. Who sits with Auggie on his first day of school?

3. What does Auggie do when he gets home from school that upsets Via?

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Multiple Choice

1. Which is Mr. Browne’s first precept?

A) “Be remembered for what you do, not what you say.”

B) “A little bit of effort goes a long way.”

C) “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.”

D) “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

2. Julian asks Auggie if he likes which character from Star Wars ?

A) Boba Fett

B) Jango Fett

C) Darth Maul

D) Darth Sidious

3. Auggie’s Mom says, “Okay, so is he the kind of kid who acts one way in front of grown-ups and another way in front of kids?” (Chapter 12: “Home”) about which student?

A) Miles

B) Julian

C) Jack

D) Henry

4. Which actions at school illustrate the theme of bullying?

A) Charlotte doesn’t sit with Summer and Auggie at their table.

B) Jack Will and Auggie laugh about suing Auggie’s plastic surgeon.

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Wonder: book review (B1)

wonder book essay questions

Wonder is a book about an ordinary boy called Auggie who looks very different from most boys his age. 


Do the preparation exercise first and then read the article. If you find it too easy, try the next level. If it's too difficult, try the lower level. After reading, do the exercises to check your understanding.


What’s wonder about.

Wonder tells the story of August, a ten-year old boy who lives with his parents and sister in New York. August, or Auggie as his family call him, is an ordinary boy in many ways. He rides a bike and likes playing with his Xbox. But Auggie was born with deformities of the face and looks very different from other kids. At the start of the book, he tells us 'My name is August. I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse.' Auggie’s appearance shocks people. People look at him for a long time or sometimes they look away as soon as they see him.

Auggie’s had 27 operations on his face and has spent a lot of time in hospital. His mother has taught him at home, but now that he’s ten, she thinks he should go to school. At first, Auggie hates the idea of school and doesn’t want to go. He worries that other kids will look at him strangely or call him horrible names, but his parents persuade him to visit a school and meet the headteacher. After the visit, Auggie decides that, yes, he will go to school.

Like many kids, Auggie is really anxious on the first day. Because of his face, nobody wants to sit next to him and he notices other kids looking and talking about him behind their hands. Fortunately, he makes friends with Jack, a boy in his class, and Summer, a girl he chats with at lunch. But after surviving the first day, Auggie soon learns that his classmates are saying they will catch 'the plague' if they touch him. Wonder tells the story of Auggie’s first year at school and how other kids treat him. It’s a difficult year with good and bad times. But towards the end, a frightening and dramatic event at a school camp changes things completely.

Is it a good book?

Wonder is an excellent book that tells a moving and inspiring story. It’s fast-moving and gripping too. I found myself reading it on the bus even if I only had time to read a couple of pages. It appeals to all age groups and is very popular with teenagers and adults. Auggie is a very likeable central character. He’s got a good sense of humour, so the book is both funny and sad at times. It’s a fascinating story about a regular kid who’s living in a world that’s not used to people who look different.

One great thing about the book is that it’s told from the point of view of different characters. We begin with Auggie, but then the story is told by his sister, Via, and his schoolmates till we come back to Auggie at the end. This works really well as we find out what it’s like for Via to have a younger brother who takes a lot of her parents’ attention. We also learn how Jack is left out of the 'popular group' at school, just because he is Auggie’s friend.

A bestseller

Wonder is RJ Palacio’s first novel. On her website, she explains that the idea for the book came to her after seeing a girl with facial deformities on the street one day. Wonder has been a bestseller in the United States and has won several awards. Many schools are using it to start discussions about bullying, friendship and being different. A film version is being made, and many, including me, are looking forward to seeing what RJ Palacio writes next.

Robin Newton

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by R.J. Palacio

Wonder quiz 1.

  • 1 When was Wonder published? 1995 2012 2000 2015
  • 2 Who wrote Wonder? A.J. Presario George R. R. Martin Christopher Paul Curtis R.J. Palacio
  • 3 In what city does the novel take place? Los Angeles Boston New York City Chicago
  • 4 "Auggie" is short for what? Augustus Augent Augustine August
  • 5 How old is Auggie at the novel's beginning? eighteen six ten fourteen
  • 6 Auggie's former best friend is named Christopher. Summer. Julian. Jamie.
  • 7 What is the name of Auggie's new school? Brayden Prep Beecher Prep Brighton Prep Belmont Prep
  • 8 What grade is Auggie entering when the novel opens? 5th 9th 8th 3rd
  • 9 Which three kids take Auggie on a tour of his new school? Charlotte, Jack, Julian Maya, Amos, Miles Charlotte, Henry, Julian Summer, Ximena, Jack
  • 10 Who is Auggie's favorite Star Wars character? Luke Skywalker Chewbacca Jango Fett Darth Sidious
  • 11 What subject does Mr. Browne teach? English Science Math Social Studies
  • 12 Who regularly sits with Auggie at lunch? Jack Summer Maya Julian
  • 13 What is Dad's nickname for Auggie? Auggie the Brave August Rush Auggie Doggie Major Tom
  • 14 Auggie tells everyone that he is being what for Halloween? The Terminator a pirate Boba Fett Indiana Jones
  • 15 What costume does Auggie ultimately wear for Halloween? a clown Darth Vader Bleeding Scream Harry Potter
  • 16 Whom does Auggie overhear saying he would kill himself if he had Auggie's face? Amos Miles Jack Julian
  • 17 What grade in school is Via beginning? 6th 12th 9th 4th
  • 18 Where did Grans live before she died? Hoboken Montauk New Haven Westchester
  • 19 Where is Mrs. Pullman's side of the family from? Pakistan China Spain Brazil
  • 20 Who were Via's best friends before high school? Emily and Megan Miranda and Ella Emma and Malia Lola and Madison
  • 21 What is Via's real name? Olivia Genevia Eva Violet
  • 22 What color has Miranda dyed her hair? red green pink blue
  • 23 At which university did the Pullman parents meet? Harvard Yale Brown Columbia
  • 24 Auggie tells Via that which character called and asked about him? Miranda Ella Tata Poppa
  • 25 What is Summer's last name? Dawson Davis Davidson Dawes

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Wonder Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Wonder is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Why does Justin greet the different members of the family in four different ways? from wonder

This is one of the shorter sections, but Justin's segments are extremely important because they give us our first substantial look at Auggie's family from the outside. Summer and Jack only briefly interacted with the rest of Auggie's family, but...

Why is August homeschooled?

August suffers from facial anomalies or disfiguration. His mother has been homeschooling him because of the negative attention he receives from people who stare at his deformed face. His parents wanted to be sure he could emotionally handle...

Effect: Jack feels like he’s the kid in Home Alone with his mouth open and his hands on the side of his face. Cause???

Jack feels caught without support. When he was with Auggie, science class was much easier. Auggie let Jack copy his perfect notes. Now Jack feels alone without Auggie and unable to cope with Ms. Rubin's constant stream of work and notes.

Study Guide for Wonder

Wonder study guide contains a biography of R.J. Palacio, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About Wonder
  • Wonder Summary
  • Wonder Video
  • Character List

Lesson Plan for Wonder

  • About the Author
  • Study Objectives
  • Common Core Standards
  • Introduction to Wonder
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
  • Related Links
  • Wonder Bibliography

Wikipedia Entries for Wonder

  • Introduction
  • Film adaptations
  • Spinoff/prequel

wonder book essay questions

Wonder cover

Auggie overhears which character saying if he looked like Auggie he’d kill himself?

What is the name of the private school auggie attends.

  • A Beecher Prep
  • B Betler Prep
  • C Bailey Prep
  • D Brently Prep

What makes Auggie so different from others?

  • A He was born with a facial deformity
  • B He was born with extreme intelligence
  • C He’s a slow learner
  • D He has a skin condition that’s contagious

Which of the following is NOT a student Mr. Tushman introduces Auggie to on his first day of school?

  • A Summer Dawson
  • B Charlotte Cody
  • C Julian Albans
  • D Jack Will

What is the rumor that’s started about touching Auggie?

  • A His skin will bruise easily
  • B He’ll give you the measles
  • C He’ll give you the plague
  • D You’ll become infected

During Halloween, what is the costume Auggie was originally going to wear?

  • B Jango Fett
  • C Boba Fett

What kind of notes do Auggie and Jack leave in Julian’s locker?

  • A Frightening drawings
  • B Threatening
  • C Contentious

Jack punches Julian about insulting Auggie. How many day/s is Jack suspended?

In what school play is justin cast as the male lead.

  • A Guys and Dolls
  • B The Fantasticks
  • C A Doll’s House

The Pullmans' family dog is named which of the following?

During the retreat at a nature reserve, what item do older kids steal from auggie.

  • B Hearing aids
  • C Lucky penny
  • D Tennis shoes

What award does Auggie win at the end of the school year?

  • A Harold C Beecher medal
  • B Henry Wilfred Betler medal
  • C Harvey C Bailey medal
  • D Henry Ward Beecher medal

Auggie decides “everyone in the world should ________ at least once in their lives.”

  • A Be a friend
  • B Uplift another
  • C Earn a medal
  • D Get a standing ovation

Auggie understands _________ are superficial, but they impact our lives so significantly they don’t feel superficial.

  • A Personalities
  • C Appearances

Who calls Auggie a wonder?

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  4. Wonder Book Trailer

  5. the wonder book part 24

  6. The Wonder Book part 26


  1. Wonder Essay Questions

    Wonder Essay Questions. 1. In what way does this book embody the common message "Don't judge a book by its cover"? Throughout the novel, Auggie constantly fights to be known for something other than the way he looks. His face may appear strange and frightening, but on the inside he is no different from any other kid.

  2. Wonder Essay Questions

    Wonder. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement. questions about this title!

  3. Wonder Questions and Answers

    Start an essay Ask a question ... Wonder Questions and Answers. What is the main conflict in Wonder? ... What are some idioms in the book Wonder by R.J Palacio?

  4. PDF R.j. Palacio'S Wonder

    1. Wonder by R. J. Palacio. Reading Questions. Complete the following questions after your reading. The first section of questions (Understanding Questions) is to show that you have read and understood the text. The second section (Making Connections Questions) helps you make a connection between your reading and yourself/your world.

  5. 10 Discussion Questions for Wonder

    Good discussion is the heart of any English class, and Wonder by R.J. Palacio provides so much rich material for students to reflect on and discuss. The questions below can be used to initiate discussion in small groups, or as a whole class. Often it can be helpful to start with small groups, and then have them come together for a larger ...

  6. Wonder Themes and Analysis

    The central message of ' Wonder ' is the importance of kindness. This is expressed quite early in the novel, as the English teacher introduces the class to learn a precept every month, and his choice for the first month is a quote by Dr. Dwayne W. Dyer, "When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kindness.".

  7. Wonder Summary

    Wonder Summary. August or "Auggie" Pullman, a ten-year-old boy living in New York City, was born with a facial deformity that has made it difficult for him to make friends. He lives with his parents, his older sister Via, and his dog Daisy. He has been homeschooled up until the fifth grade, but his parents have decided that it is time for him ...

  8. Wonder Study Guide

    Wonder Study Guide. Wonder, a story about a ten-year-old boy who lives in Manhattan and who has a rare physical deformity, was published in February of 2012 and was author R.J. Palacio 's first novel. Palacio was inspired to write Wonder after taking her son to buy ice cream one day and witnessing him cry when a girl with facial birth defects ...

  9. Wonder Study Guide

    Wonder makes a number of references to other works of literature throughout, both in the story itself and in some of the paratextual elements. August mentions Jeff Kinney's Diary of a Wimpy Kid on several occasions, while Via spends the fall reading Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace.Novels such as Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time are on the fifth-grade English syllabus, and Jack's narration ...

  10. Wonder Summary and Study Guide

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "Wonder" by R. J. Palacio. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

  11. Discussion Questions for Wonder by RJ Palacio

    Every week I usually forget most of the basics: a) you are loved. b) life is absurd. c) it's hard to be a human. If you want some smart, kind, and funny encouragement to get you through your week, sign up for my newsletter. I'd love to be your reminder. I'm also interested in church/ministry resources sent monthly.

  12. Wonder Discussion Questions

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "Wonder" by R. J. Palacio. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

  13. Wonder Themes

    Wonder tells the story of ten-year-old August Pullman 's first year going to school. Because he was born with a rare craniofacial condition that necessitated multiple major surgeries, his parents felt it was best to homeschool him for much of his childhood—both to help him keep up with his studies, and to protect him from the bullying and stares he attracts that would likely intensify in a ...

  14. Wonder by R. J. Palacio

    Wonder. 1. Discuss Auggie's relationship with each of his family members. 2. How does Via react to Auggie's deformity? 3. How is Via's life affected by Auggie's deformity? 4. Via says, "I'm always going to be the sister of a kid with a birth defect; that's not the issue.

  15. Wonder Essay Topics & Writing Assignments

    Essay Topic 5. Summer turns down an opportunity to become a part of the popular group. What are Summer's reasons for not wanting to be a part of the popular... (read more Essay Topics) This section contains 469 words. More summaries and resources for teaching or studying Wonder. View all Lesson Plans available from BookRags.

  16. Wonder Quiz

    Take our free Wonder quiz below, with 25 multiple choice questions that help you test your knowledge. Determine which chapters, themes and styles you already know and what you need to study for your upcoming essay, midterm, or final exam. Take the free quiz now! Directions: Click on the correct answer. Questions 1-5 of 25:

  17. Wonder Questions and Answers

    why did jack punch julian? how did it change his life. Answers: 2. Asked by vaanya c #1283202. Last updated by Parth S #1333973 4 months ago 1/20/2024 11:20 PM. Wonder. From chapter " Understudy" to " After the show", this section of the book (p.228-248) is about forgiveness, reconciliation and growth. Do you agree?

  18. Wonder: book review (A2)

    Wonder is the story of a ten-year-old boy who lives with his parents and sister in New York. August, or Auggie, is an ordinary boy in many ways. He rides a bike and likes playing with his Xbox. But Auggie has deformities of the face and looks very different from other children. At the start of the book, he tells us 'My name is August.

  19. Wonder Quiz

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "Wonder" by R. J. Palacio. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

  20. PDF Comprehension Questions for Wonder

    They are to answer each question in a complete sentence and use details from the novel to support their answer. Comprehension Questions for Wonder. As you read the novel, please stop after each bolded section and answer the qu estions. Your response should restate the question and be answered in full sentences. Part One- August Pages 3 to 23 1.

  21. Wonder: book review (B1)

    Wonder is an excellent book that tells a moving and inspiring story. It's fast-moving and gripping too. I found myself reading it on the bus even if I only had time to read a couple of pages. It appeals to all age groups and is very popular with teenagers and adults. Auggie is a very likeable central character.

  22. Wonder Quizzes

    Wonder study guide contains a biography of R.J. Palacio, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. More books than SparkNotes.

  23. Wonder Book Quiz

    🎉 Kids Book Club Sale: 50% off your first box today! 🎉 ... Wonder Take Quiz. 15 Questions. Share. Question 1 of 15. Auggie overhears which character saying if he looked like Auggie he'd kill himself? A. Miles. B. Henry. C. Julian. D. Jack. Question 2 of 15. What is the name of the private school Auggie attends? A. Betler Prep. B ...