10 Customer Service Training Topics & Ideas

Zac Francis

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, customer expectations are higher than ever. Therefore, in order to meet and exceed these expectations, businesses must look to enhance their customer service.

And the best way to do just that? Optimizing your customer service training. By rolling out comprehensive training to your workforce, you empower your employees to deliver outstanding service and memorable experiences with every interaction.

Like what you hear? Then keep reading to discover 10 essential training topics and ideas to enhance your customer service.

Quick Navigation:

1. What is customer service? 2. Why is customer service important? 3. Customer service training topics

What is customer service?

Customer service is the all-encompassing service you offer to your customers. What this looks like varies from business to business, however, common customer service actions include product information and recommendation, problem-solving, and responding to general questions. Today’s consumers have the option to interact with companies across a multitude of touchpoints that include face-to-face, email and social media.

It’s important for businesses to know the difference between customer service and customer experience. Customer service is one part of the customer experience or, another way to put it, customer service is a single interaction between customer and business, whereas customer experience is the customer’s entire journey with your brand.

Why is customer service important?

Customer service is crucial because it directly impacts a plethora of business areas. Companies with outstanding service outperform those without. Let's take a closer look:

Increased customer retention

Returning customers spend 67% more on average than new ones, making it important to build loyalty. Additionally, 96% of customers say good service is important in their choice of loyalty to a brand, and 89% are more likely to make a repeat purchase after an excellent customer service experience.

Reviews and recommendations

Customer service directly impacts customers’ perceptions of your business. Great service results in great reviews, and negative interactions often lead to poor reviews. And in today’s online world, reviews are more important than ever .

Increased Revenue

The ability of CS to increase sales, foster loyalty, and generate positive recommendations results in increased revenue. In fact, businesses can grow revenue by 4%-8% when they prioritize the customer service experience.

10 customer service training topics

customer service retail gardening

Product-related training

Product knowledge.

The foundation of excellent CS. With an in-depth understanding of the products you sell, your workforce can provide accurate answers to product-related questions, offer practical recommendations, and provide expert insight to your customers about the products they’re interested in. 

Today’s consumers are more informed than ever, making it increasingly difficult for store associates to position themselves as experts. In fact, 83% of consumers believe they know more than store associates. But with thorough knowledge of your products and services, employees are empowered to help shoppers with every interaction.

Training tip: Utilize microlearning to increase knowledge retention. Learning the details of every single product can seem almost impossible, but breaking the knowledge down into bite-sized lessons presents the task as more manageable while accounting for our shortening attention spans.

Product demonstration

65% of humans are visual learners, meaning they need to see something happen in order to remember it. Product information is invaluable, but customers may struggle to keep up with the facts in real time. 

Employees can improve customer service by taking that extra step and demonstrating how to use the product. Once you’ve finished explaining how to set up the T.V., take the time to show them . Not only does this add to your image of expertise, but consumers will also appreciate you taking the extra time to help them.

🧠 Training tip: Use video to train your workforce on product demonstration. Just like consumers, your employees are visual learners too and will retain information by watching someone else handle the product. Did you know that new employees watching an onboarding video are more likely to retain information vs. 10% when the information is read?

Upselling skills

Upselling is the art of convincing a customer to purchase either an upgraded product or product-related add-ons. When optimized, upselling can increase revenue by up to 30% .

However, it’s important to remember that the customer also benefits. While hearing the word ‘sales’ often conjures up the image of a shady salesman who prioritizes self-interest above all else, upselling is actually a mutually beneficial experience . When done well, upselling presents all available options to the customer and helps them make an informed decision. The sales process then becomes a consultative experience instead of a transactional one. The customer leaves, satisfied with their experience, and the business profits from the sale. 

Training tip: Teach basic sales techniques . Product knowledge is important, but it’s useless if employees don’t know how to utilize it. Role-play is an effective way to account for the variety of customers your workforce will face, and enough simulations can help you build a script that acts as an upselling foundation for your team.

Store optimization training

Visual merchandising.

Customer service extends beyond face-to-face interaction, and the layout of your store plays a major role in defining the customer’s experience. 

We already know the majority of us prefer visual stimuli, and a further 93% of consumers list visual appearance as an important factor during the purchasing process. Optimizing your visual merchandising draws customers in, assists your workforce during interactions, and improves the overall service.

Training tip: Follow the rule of three. Grouping three items together appeals to our brains' psychological bias of positively responding to things in threes.

Store layout training

A good store layout (whether physical or virtual) can enhance the overall customer experience. Similar to visual merchandising, there’s a psychology that comes with optimizing the layout of your business, such as the customer’s inclination to turn right upon entering a store, or that consumers are easily overwhelmed by cluttered entrances. 

Reinforcing the importance of an optimized store layout to your managers and employees can make a huge difference.

Training tip: Provide employees with knowledge hubs so they can access relevant information when they need it.

Tech optimization

Technology is now a vital part of customer service . Chatbots, mobile POS systems , Augmented Reality—all are leveraged to enhance the overall experience. Technology is valued by both customers and employees,  ranking third on a list of factors that frontline workers say could help reduce workplace stress.

However, the wrong technological investment can act as a hindrance to your employees, with one-third of all frontline workers saying they do not have the right technological tools to do their jobs effectively. And without an optimized workforce, you can never have an optimized customer service.

Training Tip: We recommend utilizing short, snappy G uides to instruct your workers on how to use new technology. Present practical instructions in a fun and engaging way.

Customer-related training

Active listening.

Listening is a skill we often take for granted, after all, we do it every day. But active listening goes beyond simply hearing the words a customer is saying, instead one must seek to understand the intent behind the words and become an active participant. This often includes reading non-verbal cues, asking open-ended questions, and paraphrasing (among many others!).

When you employ a team of active listeners, it positively impacts customer service and can even increase sales by up to 8% .

Training tip: employ quizzes to test your employees on their active listening! Have them watch a customer interaction via video and ask them what they would have done differently.

Empathy training

Empathy is the capacity to understand the emotional response of the customer, even if the problem is out of your control.

An empathetic workforce is highly valued by consumers. In fact, 96% of consumers view empathy as a key element of customer service, and 61% stopped buying from a company because a competitor offered a more empathetic experience. 

Training tip: Role-play really is the best way to mimic real-life situations and improve employee-customer interactions. Variation is key and you should present your workforce with a variety of problems to prepare them for any real-life scenario .

Complaints handling

As most businesses have already discovered: it’s impossible to keep everyone happy. However, it’s how you respond to complaints that define the brand. 

This is a chance for your employees to put their empathy and active listening training to the test! Identify the problem, put forward an empathetic response, and resolve the issue. 

Training tip: Make training standardized . Many businesses today employ an omnichannel approach where customers can reach out over multiple channels. Consistent service is key to a thriving business, and those who roll out a strong omnichannel approach have increased customer retention and revenue.

Crisis management

Your website crashes. You're short-staffed. Your POS systems are down. Whatever it is, you’re in crisis mode. How do you respond? 

Crisis management is about predicting a future crisis and formulating a plan that minimizes disruption and maintains excellent levels of service. Covid was an excellent barometer for crisis strategies, and 30% of respondents agreed they did not have a core crisis management team in place when the pandemic struck.

Training Tip: Formulate a crisis plan. Train your workforce on what steps to take when a crisis occurs. You can’t avoid a crisis forever, so preparing for one is the next best thing.

eduMe is the platform of choice for businesses looking to optimize their workforce training and enhance their customer service. By leveraging the power of microlearning and seamlessly integrating into existing technology, we make it easy to roll out engaging training at scale. After partnering with eduMe, food delivery company Takeout Central experienced a 10% increase in quality of service.

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10 Customer Service Training Topics

January 31, 2022

Shera Bariuad

Customer Service Training Topics

Identifying the most important customer service training topics is a crucial step in developing your employees, and ensuring that they are fully equipped with relevant information and vital skills in representing the business to your customers. Check out these customer service training topics you shouldn’t miss out on. 

Customer Service Topic

The customer service topic in training highlights the important skills required to guarantee a fantastic client experience. Customer service is crucial for fostering brand loyalty and generating revenue. It includes giving clients the help they need to use your product or service smoothly both before and after they buy it, so they always feel appreciated and supported. It also requires responding to consumer concerns, which is essential for keeping current clients.

A company with stellar customer service enables clients to connect with the brand on a personal level. Because of this, it’s critical to always provide clients with a favorable experience. On the other hand, according to the Netomi Pulse Report: State of Customer Service in 2020, 78 percent of US customers discontinued conducting business as a result of bad customer service. This demonstrates the value of excellent customer service. 

1. Company’s core values

Building foundational knowledge of your company’s core values is an essential customer service training topic, whether for onboarding or even as refresher training. With customer service employees serving as representatives of your brand or service, teaching customer service skills is important alongside the company’s mission, vision, and values. This topic allows your employees to have a clear understanding of how the organization wants to present itself and embody its values in every conversation with customers. It also helps develop accountability for your representatives in contributing to consistent and good customer service no matter what the situation. 

Customer service training topics - Core values

To avoid overwhelming your employees with loads of information, you can deliver this training topic through microlearning. This strategy breaks down information into bite-sized modules that are only focused on key information, which helps improve knowledge retention. SC Training (formerly EdApp) is one of the best microlearning apps in the market that makes this easy and convenient for you. It provides an intuitive creator tool to help you build microlessons using interactive templates.

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*Up to 10 learners.

2. Product training 

Product training is another important customer service training topic that will provide your customer service representatives with core knowledge so they can properly assist customers with any kind of concern and avoid providing bad customer service. This topic can cover the features, principles, and insights about your product or service. Your representatives should also be aware of the important processes behind the scenes that can be relevant information for the customers as well. When equipped with thorough knowledge of your product or service, your representatives will be able to guide customers about your offerings. They will also be more clear and concise in providing answers or solutions to their questions or problems. 

Customer service training topic - Product training

You can reinforce this training topic among your customer service representatives through quizzes. It can serve as a refresher quiz after completing a course, or as an assessment test to check the level of their understanding of your product or service. This is made easy by using quiz software like SC Training (formerly EdApp) which provides quizzing features. It includes Rapid Refresh, an in-app quiz creator feature for standalone tests. Plus, a system-automated personalized quiz feature called Brain Boost, which can be made available by request only.

3. Active listening

Active listening is a skill that enables your customer service representatives to fully pay attention to a customer without interrupting before thoughtfully responding. This customer service training topic should tackle the importance of being an active listener and how to apply active listening in interactions with customers, especially when they are communicating a problem or frustration. By developing this essential skill, customer feedback will be clearly heard and understood. People who seek customer service assistance instead of self service should feel validated about their concerns, which can be easily achieved by actively listening. This helps improve customer satisfaction and customer engagement which can result in stronger customer retention and customer loyalty. 

Customer service training topic - Active listening

You can deploy the free course on Active Listening that’s available on SC Training (formerly EdApp) editable course library. This course highlights the main principles and barriers of active listening. It also provides other techniques on how to improve good communication and address customer complaints. 

Empathy is the ability to recognize and understand problems and pain points from the customer’s perspective. By including this customer-centric topic in your program, you’ll be able to develop interpersonal skills among your customer support and customer success teams in tuning in to verbal and non-verbal cues of customers, as well as validate their feelings, worries, and frustrations. This allows your representatives to be more compassionate and responsive in dealing with the problems of customers. As a result, they’re able to work on providing assistance and solutions that will satisfy the customers. It’s also a way to build better relationships with customers and make sure that word of mouth is positive.

Customer service training topic - Empathy

Contrary to common misconception, empathy is not a fixed skill but can be rather learned. Develop and strengthen this soft skill with courses like SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s The Power of Empathy course . This course highlights the importance of empathy and provides techniques for developing this skill.

It’s also beneficial to provide your customer service teams with mental health training programs . This will help them to better understand and empathize with the customers they’re serving, and will create a more positive and inclusive customer service culture.

5. Effective Communication

Effective communication entails written and verbal communication skill that enables your customer service representatives to deliver the right message to your customers in a clear way, and with proper tone and delivery. It entails being well-versed in communicating effectively through a simple and easy-to-understand manner to avoid misunderstandings with customers. By including this topic in your customer service training, your representatives can effectively address the needs of your clients and meet customer expectations, whether they’re guiding customers through a process, or delivering good or bad news. This topic will also train them on how to read body-language and how to keep interactions friendly, but still professional. 

Customer service training topic - Effective communication

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s course on Excellent Customer Service Through Communication is created to guide your employees in developing proper enunciation, active listening, and confidence in speaking. These lessons can be applied especially in phone call interactions with customers. Deploy this to hone communication skills among your representatives!

6. Customer-focused mindset

Having a customer-focused mindset gives your customer service representatives the ability to go above and beyond to provide the best customer service. With this training topic, you should be able to introduce the different types of customers your representatives will encounter, which will be especially crucial for the new hires. This sets the expectation for the possible concerns your representatives will encounter with customers and allows them to have a clearer understanding of the people they are interacting with. This topic is equally essential as a refresher training to reinforce techniques and ways to develop this mindset.

Customer service training topic - Customer-focused mindset

Another course available on SC Training (formerly EdApp) is the Building a Customer-Focused Culture course which will encourage your representatives to be customer advocates. It highlights the importance of customer focus. It also helps develop a customer-focused mindset and behavior so your representatives can better understand the customers’ buying habits. 

7. Telephone Skills

Enhancing telephone skills is a crucial part of honing your customer service teams. In this training topic, you can guide your representatives and reinforce phone call etiquette, policies, and techniques. This will help your employees leave a good impression, handle different situations, and communicate with confidence over a phone call. Customer service teams with exemplary telephone skills are able to apply their listening and communication skills to achieve more meaningful customer interactions. 

Customer service training topic - Telephone skills

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Call Center Customer Service course is designed to support your representatives in acing the call process in customer service. To help them develop essential customer service skills, this course covers call preparations, etiquette, how to properly hold and transfer calls, and more. It also tackles ways to deal with difficult customers.                                                                                                                 

8. Diversity and sensitivity training 

Diversity and sensitivity training is an essential topic, especially for industries like customer service that constantly interact with people from all walks of life. This topic will help you create a positive and inclusive customer service culture by breaking unconscious bias and preventing discrimination. Each customer that your customer service teams can encounter comes with different attitudes, viewpoints, and cultures. If your representatives lack knowledge of concepts of diversity and sensitivity, these factors can bring about misunderstandings and miscommunications with customers, which can result in poor customer service. Lessons from this topic will not only be applicable in customer interactions, but also in building diversity and equality in the workplace. 

Customer service training topic - Diversity and sensitivity

To get started, you can share SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Diversity & Inclusion course to boost understanding of the value of key concepts of diversity and inclusivity. It also provides ways to recognize and eliminate unconscious biases, as well as guidelines on cultivating an inclusive culture. 

9. Problem-solving 

Problem-solving skills are a topic that needs to be constantly reinforced in customer service. It supports improving the decision-making process by covering topics like understanding motivations and behaviors. It can also include lessons on developing strategic skills, as well as handling challenges and situations with a logical approach. By honing these skills among your customer service representatives, they can easily recognize the main problem, especially when the customer is unclear in communicating them. As a result, it can speed up the process of solving the problem, while still not compromising the quality of assistance and solutions provided to the customer. 

Customer service training topic - Problem-solving

SC Training (formerly EdApp) provides the Problem Solver course that contains customer service tips for solving problems with a systematic and logical approach. This course highlights creative problem solving and its importance. It also covers the different principles and types of creative problem solving, and types of decision-making for any situation. 

10. Crisis Management 

Crisis management is a highly important customer service training topic as your representatives are the frontline of customer interactions, especially when crises arise. It’s crucial to prepare your teams for potential customer concerns and how to respond accordingly in times of unexpected crises. By emphasizing crisis management before any problem arises, your representatives will have the confidence to handle stressful situations and have the skills to soothe worried customers. It also helps ensure that relationships with loyal customers are still maintained by reassuring them and assisting in solving their problems. If representatives do not anticipate any issue and are not well-prepared, they won’t be able to address concerns or customers properly, which can potentially result in losing customers to the churn. 

Customer service training topic - Crisis management

To prepare your customer service representatives for any situation, you can use scenario-based training to create an immersive and interactive learning experience. It uses high impact learning strategies like eLearning gamification, virtual reality, and the like to help employees use and practice skills that they’ll need in times of crisis, in a controlled and simulated environment. Among other templates in SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s template library, the Chat template is your best choice for creating scenario-based training with gamification. This template allows you to simulate common questions during a crisis using speech bubbles, and ask learners to pick the most appropriate response for a given situation.

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Shera is a workplace learning expert with a background in planning performance-driven solutions for various business industries. She’s dedicated to driving better learning and development outcomes by providing training strategies for training managers and curating lists of tools and courses for learners. Outside of work, she spends her time reading, illustrating, and designing.

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24 Customer Service Training Ideas in 2024 | Ultimate Guide

  • Published: January 18, 2022
  • Updated: April 12, 2024

Samantha Rohn

In an era where customer service is a defining factor for business success, many companies still treat it as an afterthought.

Limited call center availability or a basic FAQ page on a website are often deemed sufficient, with the primary focus being on customer acquisition.

However, neglecting customer support leads to a lack of care for the individuals who keep businesses afloat. If customers experience challenges or inconveniences when trying to connect with a brand or support teams lack the necessary resources to address their concerns, they may be inclined to seek out other options.

Modern customer service extends beyond issue resolution; it has become a critical component of attracting and retaining customers. Great customer service fosters brand trust, with 38% of customers stating that it significantly impacts their trust in a brand they regularly engage with.

To deliver outstanding customer service, companies must ensure their support teams are well-prepared to address a wide range of questions and issues. This begins with a robust customer service training plan that equips team members with the necessary skills and knowledge.

What are examples of effective customer service training ideas?

  • Conduct role-playing scenarios
  • Set up job shadowing
  • Create a buddy program for new hires
  • Build a knowledge base
  • Incentivize completing courses or certifications
  • Provide crisis training
  • Hold presentation sessions
  • Invest in “in the moment of need” training
  • Conduct a skills gap analysis
  • Mix up your training methods
  • Take advantage of microlearning
  • Improve process documentation and SOPs
  • Use Loom to create video tutorials
  • Use Whatfix to create interactive guided flows
  • Gamify your ongoing customer training
  • Conduct conflict-resolution exercises
  • Train on product knowledge
  • Learn soft skills
  • Hold demonstration sessions
  • Design a mentor program
  • Learn LAST (Listen, Acknowledge, Solve, Thank)
  • Build a positive company culture
  • Try a customer experience simulation
  • Collect feedback from your team

Why is Customer Service Training Important?

Even with the best product or service, mistakes or miscommunications happen. A new user is unsure how to use a new software tool, a customer receives a defective product, has a question about something they just bought, a shipment gets lost in the mail, or they’re charged for the wrong item. As customers ourselves, we’ve all been there.

Regardless of how big or small that issue is, it’s the customer service team’s job to resolve it. If done correctly and efficiently, they can smooth even the biggest problems—but the reverse is also true.

If the process is complicated, inconvenient, or frustrating for the customer, even the slightest problems can drive a once-loyal buyer away for good.

This is where customer service training becomes so important. When your support team is properly trained, they can: 

  • Provide a better customer experience
  • Shorten support resolution times
  • Retain more customers
  • Boost employee confidence and empowerment
  • Gain more customer referrals
  • Adapt to changing customer needs
  • Promote a positive company culture

1. Provide a better customer experience

Customer service training is paramount as it plays a vital role in enabling employees to deliver a better customer experience. Well-trained customer service agents possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and attributes to provide exemplary support, turning ordinary interactions into extraordinary moments for customers.

Effective training equips customer service agents with exceptional communication skills, empowering them to engage with customers empathetically and attentively. By actively listening to customer concerns and inquiries, agents can offer personalized solutions that resonate with each individual. This personalized approach not only addresses customers’ needs efficiently, but also creates a positive emotional connection, leaving a lasting impression.

2. Shorten support resolution times

Customer service training holds immense importance in streamlining support processes and shortening resolution times. When support agents lack adequate training, they may struggle to find immediate answers to customer queries, leading to delays and potential frustrations for customers. Without the necessary knowledge and skills, agents might have to transfer the customer to someone else on the team, causing unnecessary handoffs and extended wait times.

By investing in comprehensive training programs, organizations equip their support agents with the expertise to swiftly and efficiently address customer issues. Well-trained agents can confidently navigate a wide range of inquiries, access relevant information promptly, and provide accurate solutions in a timely manner. This enhances the overall customer experience and reinforces the organization’s reputation for responsiveness and customer-centricity.

3. Retain more customers

Retaining customers is essential for the long-term success of any business, and customer service training plays a pivotal role in achieving this objective. Poor customer experiences can result in significant revenue losses, with up to 9.5% of annual revenue at stake.

By providing comprehensive training, organizations equip their support staff to overcome customer experience challenges effectively, preventing customer defections to competitors due to a perceived lack of care and attention.

With the right training, support staff can deliver exceptional customer experiences that foster loyalty and trust. Well-trained agents possess the skills to address customer needs proactively and resolve issues promptly, leaving customers satisfied and more likely to continue their relationship with the company.

Organizations can show their dedication to providing exceptional support by investing in customer service training. This not only helps to keep current customers, but also encourages them to spread the word about the business through positive recommendations and referrals.

4. Boost employee confidence and empowerment

Customer service training goes beyond imparting knowledge—it instills confidence in customer service reps, making them feel capable of handling various customer interactions.

Well-trained agents have the knowledge and skills to navigate complex customer queries, handle challenging situations with composure, and provide swift resolutions. This increased confidence leads to better customer interactions and fosters a sense of pride and ownership in their roles.

When customer service reps feel confident in their abilities, they’re more likely to take initiative, provide proactive assistance, and take ownership of customer issues. This proactive approach improves customer satisfaction and streamlines support operations, leading to greater efficiency and reduced escalations.

5. Gain more customer referrals

Customer service training plays a crucial role in driving customer referrals, which have become a powerful form of word-of-mouth marketing in today’s digital era. As online reviews, digital forums, and social media platforms continue to expand, referral networks extend beyond “friends and family,” making positive customer experiences even more impactful in influencing potential buyers.

Well-trained customer service agents deliver exceptional experiences, making customers satisfied and more inclined to share their positive interactions with others. Customers who receive attentive and personalized support are more likely to become brand advocates, enthusiastically recommending the business to their communities.

This word-of-mouth marketing not only boosts brand visibility but also builds trust and credibility, as potential customers are more likely to trust the recommendations of their peers over traditional advertising.

6. Adapt to changing customer needs

Customer service training is essential in helping reps stay informed about changing customer needs and preferences. Regular training updates empower employees to remain current with product updates, industry trends, and customer expectations. This adaptability ensures that your organization can respond effectively to evolving customer demands.

Adapting to changing customer needs is crucial for staying competitive and relevant in a dynamic market. Companies that prioritize customer service training can identify emerging trends and adjust their approaches accordingly. By being agile and responsive, companies can deliver personalized and customer-centric experiences that resonate with their audience.

7. Promote a positive company culture

Strong customer service training can contribute to a positive company culture centered on customer satisfaction. When employees feel supported and valued, they’re more likely to take pride in their work and in representing your organization.

A positive company culture promotes teamwork, collaboration, and a shared commitment to providing exceptional customer service.

A customer-focused company culture extends beyond the customer service department and resonates throughout the entire organization. When employees at all levels recognize the importance of customer satisfaction, they can align their efforts to support this common goal.

This alignment leads to improved cross-functional collaboration, enabling teams to work together seamlessly to address customer needs and deliver cohesive and consistent experiences.

When Should Customer Service Training Occur?

Customer service training isn’t a one-and-done task. It’s an ongoing process that requires individuals and the team as a whole to consistently revisit the tools, methods, and strategies they’re using to provide support to customers. This can only be done when a robust learning and development strategy is implemented.

Here are some of the most important times to provide customer service training.

  • New hire onboarding
  • Upskilling and reskilling to meet evolving customer needs
  • After internal process changes
  • Continuous skill development

1. New hire onboarding

No matter how much customer service experience a new hire has, proper training during the employee onboarding process is crucial for setting them up for success in their new role. New hires not only need practice in how to use the tools or systems your company utilizes, but they also need to know the ins and outs of your products and services. A proper onboarding plan can ensure they can provide excellent customer service from Day 1.

2. Upskilling and reskilling to meet evolving customer needs

Great customer service meets the customer where they are, meaning it needs to constantly evolve to match changing expectations. Customer support teams need to be continuously upskilled in the new technologies, methods of communication, and even language and tone customers expect today.

3. After internal process changes

Refining internal processes and procedures helps your team stay productive and efficient. With each change, you need to update your customer service training manual , train your team on the new way of doing things, and create proper process documentation to support their performance.

4. Continuous skill development

The truth is training is never-ending. Teams always have something to learn to improve their skills, and practice makes perfect. Continuous training programs can act as a refresher on past lessons or help them refine their work to do better at their job.

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Types of Customer Service Training

There are many different training methods for customer service training, and they each have unique benefits and drawbacks, meaning there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to training your customer service team. 

A comprehensive training program can use a mix of methods to ensure all their bases are covered. 

Here are four of the most common types of customer service training:

  • Instructor-led training
  • Online learning
  • Blended learning
  • On-demand performance support

1. Instructor-led training

Instructor-led training follows a traditional classroom-like approach to learning. A teacher (usually a third-party consultant or a leader within the organization) will lead the group through new processes or information in person or virtually.

Instructor-led training often requires the most time commitment from trainees, requiring their attention during a dedicated time period. This kind of training is best for new hires or after significant process changes.

2. Online learning

Online learning typically involves a list of modules or courses that the trainee can complete on their own time. Online learning is often pre-recorded or uses digital testing services to measure the trainee’s knowledge. Online learning is great for continuous testing or training employees on updates or minor changes. It can also be used for learning new skills, as long as the employee is self-motivated and able to pick up knowledge without one-on-one attention.

3. Blended learning

Blended learning uses both instructor-led training and online learning to deliver a more comprehensive learning experience. Trainees might sit in on a live training session and then continue their training with online modules. Blended learning provides the personalized attention of instructor-led training with the convenience of online learning, giving trainees the best of both worlds.

4. On-demand performance support

On-demand performance support provides teams with quick and easy access to training, resources, and knowledge during their day-to-day work activities. 

On-demand performance support can help employees get unstuck if they forget how to do something or run into a problem they haven’t experienced before.

5 Key Components of Effective Customer Service Training

Providing comprehensive and effective training to customer service teams is crucial for organizations looking to thrive in today’s competitive business landscape. Well-trained customer service reps not only address customer needs, but also create positive brand experiences that drive loyalty and satisfaction. 

Effective training goes beyond product knowledge and standard responses — it develops competencies and fosters a customer-centric mindset, leading to a workforce that consistently exceeds expectations and builds enduring relationships.

Here are the top five components of effective customer service training:

  • Communication skills for customer support agents
  • Empathy and emotional intelligence in customer interactions
  • Problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills
  • Product and service knowledge
  • Time management and multitasking abilities

1. Communication skills for customer support agents

Effective communication is the core of exceptional customer service. Customer support agents must be adept at verbal and written communication to interact with customers professionally and empathetically. Verbal communication skills include:

  • Active listening
  • Using clear and concise language
  • Employing appropriate tone and language for each customer interaction
  • Asking relevant questions
  • Providing accurate information or solutions

Strong written communication skills are also essential for customer support agents. They must be able to articulate ideas clearly through email, live chat, or social media platforms. Writing with proper grammar, tone, and formatting is crucial to ensure effective and professional communication. Agents should be trained in adapting their writing style to suit different customer preferences or situations, whether it’s a formal business inquiry or a friendly support conversation.

2. Empathy and emotional intelligence in customer interactions

Customer support reps need to develop a deep understanding of customers’ emotions, challenges, and frustrations. By putting themselves in the customers’ shoes, agents can create a supportive and empathetic environment that fosters trust and customer loyalty. Training in empathy helps reps acknowledge and validate customers’ feelings, respond with sensitivity, and provide personalized solutions that address their unique concerns.

Emotional intelligence goes hand in hand with empathy. It involves recognizing and managing one’s own emotions as well as understanding and empathizing with the emotions of others. Customer support reps with high emotional intelligence can navigate challenging situations calmly and defuse conflicts effectively. Training programs should focus on enhancing emotional intelligence by teaching agents self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, and relationship management skills.

3. Problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills

Customer support reps often deal with complex and unique customer issues that require quick thinking and problem-solving abilities. Training should empower agents with problem-solving frameworks, analytical skills, and critical thinking techniques to diagnose and address customer problems efficiently. Customer support reps should learn to identify root causes, brainstorm solutions, and implement effective problem-solving strategies.

Conflict resolution skills are equally important for customer support reps. They should be trained to de-escalate tense situations, manage customer complaints, and find mutually beneficial resolutions. Conflict resolution training teaches agents active listening, empathy, negotiation, and diplomacy. Agents should be able to navigate difficult conversations, diffuse customer frustration, and turn potentially negative experiences into positive ones.

4. Product and service knowledge

Customer support reps should have a deep understanding of the products or services they represent. Comprehensive product and service knowledge empowers agents to provide accurate information, answer customer inquiries, and troubleshoot effectively, so training programs should cover product features, functionalities, common issues, and troubleshooting techniques.

Customer support reps should also be trained to stay up-to-date with product updates, new releases, and industry trends. This ensures they can provide the most relevant and timely support to customers. Encouraging continuous learning and providing access to knowledge bases, FAQs, and product documentation equips reps with the necessary resources to resolve customer queries promptly.

5. Time management and multitasking abilities

Time management and multitasking abilities are crucial skills for customer service reps juggling multiple customer interactions and tasks simultaneously. Effective time management enables reps to prioritize their workload, meet deadlines, and provide prompt and efficient customer service.

One aspect of time management training involves teaching agents how to prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. Agents should learn techniques like creating to-do lists, using productivity tools, and setting realistic goals to manage their time effectively. By understanding the value of time and allocating it efficiently, agents can ensure that customer requests are handled promptly, minimizing wait times and enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

Multitasking is another essential skill that customer service agents need to master. They should be trained to handle concurrent customer inquiries or tasks without compromising the quality of their service. Multitasking training focuses on strategies for organizing work, managing interruptions, and switching between tasks seamlessly. Agents learn to maintain focus and attention on each customer interaction while managing their workflow efficiently.

Time management and multitasking training should emphasize the importance of balancing speed and quality. Customer service reps should be encouraged to work efficiently without sacrificing the thoroughness and accuracy of their support. By optimizing their time management and multitasking abilities, customer service reps can handle a higher volume of customer inquiries, minimize response times, and enhance the overall productivity and effectiveness of the support team.

24 Customer Service Training Ideas and Tips for 2024

Employees can be resistant to training because it’s often boring—but it doesn’t have to be. Getting creative with how you train your customer service team can help them stay engaged with the new information and retain more of what they’ve learned. 

Here are some ideas and tips for training your customer service team in 2024.

1. Conduct role-playing scenarios

Your customer service agents need experience handling a variety of customers, situations, and questions—but you don’t want to wait until those issues find them naturally to learn if they’re equipped to handle it. Instead, create role-playing scenarios where agents can learn how to handle difficult situations in a low-pressure environment.

2. Set up job shadowing

Watching someone else complete a task is a great way to learn. Pair new hires with experienced employees (or team members set for a promotion with someone currently in that role) so they can see how customer service situations play out in real-time—and give them the added benefit of a built-in mentor for the day.

3. Create a buddy program for new hires

A buddy program encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing, and can help new hires feel more comfortable in their new position. Establish pairs or groups of new hires and set a designated time for them to get together and talk about or practice what they’ve learned during the training process.

4. Build a knowledge base

A knowledge base gives your team something to refer back to when they have a question or hit a roadblock. A well-designed knowledge base or internal wiki can make it easy for customer service agents to find the solutions they need if they’re ever in a situation where they don’t know the correct answer.


5. Incentivize completing courses or certifications

Get employees engaged in continuous learning by offering incentives for completing courses or certifications. Recognize their hard work by offering something they want (such as a promotion or monetary bonus).

6. Provide crisis training

Although we hope to never experience a crisis, it’s crucial to ensure that teams are adequately prepared in case one does occur. Crisis training not only helps your team know what to say to customers when something goes seriously wrong, but can also help them handle the added stress or pressure that comes with working in a time of crisis.

7. Hold presentation sessions

Presentations can provide an in-depth look at a particular method, experience, or tool, and allow your team to ask questions or share ideas. Encouraging team members to present topics to their peers can also create a collaborative environment for more efficient learning.

8. Invest in “in the moment of need” training

“Moment of need” training provides specific support to employees based on their situation or circumstance, giving them exactly what they need when they need it. This kind of learning model works with an employee’s busy schedule and short attention span to make training delivery more effective.

With a digital adoption platform like Whatfix , customer support teams are empowered with in-app guidance, reinforcement training, and on-demand support – all in the moment of need. This empowers support agents to provide better levels of support and self-help support channels for customers that offer a better level of support and deflects tickets.

9. Conduct a skills gap analysis

A skills gap analysis can help you see what skills and weaknesses exist in your team or individual employees. When you know where you can improve, you can provide more targeted training to help bring everyone up to speed.


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10. Mix up your training methods

Monotonous training can get boring and cause your team to check out. Try and mix up your training methods to keep things interesting. If there is a particular method or approach you haven’t tried with your team, give it a try during your next training session.

11. Take advantage of microlearning

Breaking down lessons into small sessions can make it easier for your team to stay focused and engaged, increasing their chances of retaining the information. Microlearning breaks concepts down into bite-size chunks that your service team can complete between meetings.

12. Improve process documentation and SOPs

It’s not good enough to just have process documentation—the instructions need to be clear, up-to-date, and easy to follow. If your customer service team is struggling, it might be time to update your standard operating procedures (SOPs ).

13. Use Loom to create video tutorials

Having a team member or manager jump on a video call to walk an employee through a process is acceptable – in moderation. However, with larger teams that are distributed across the globe, it’s difficult to find the time to connect that works for both individuals.

Loom is a video tutorial creation tool that allows users to record their screen, as well as their camera and microphone, allowing them to create short walkthrough videos that document nuanced or complex digital processes.

14. Use Whatfix to create interactive guided flows

Larger organizations can use a digital adoption platform such as Whatfix to create in-app, interactive training content that is contextual to your different customer service and support agents.

With Whatfix, you can create the following in-app training content:

  • Interactive step-by-step walkthroughs
  • Product tours
  • Embedded knowledge bases with FAQs and links to supporting documents

15. Gamify your ongoing customer training

Make ongoing training fun by gamifying the experience. Can you create some healthy competition among team members? Adding some excitement can get the entire team more involved in the training process.

16. Conduct conflict-resolution exercises

Knowing how to answer questions correctly or walk a customer through how to complete a task or troubleshoot a problem is great, but customer service agents need to know how to handle frustrated, unhappy, and sometimes downright mean customers. Conduct conflict-resolution training, such as role-playing exercises, to educate employees on handling tense situations.

17. Train on product knowledge

Your customer service team needs to be experts in your product. Beyond training for the typical customer service skills, make sure they’re familiar with the product or services you provide—including any updates or changes. Be sure to include product knowledge training in all of your new onboarding training, as well as frequent refresher training sessions.

18. Learn soft skills

Customer service agents must be great listeners, empathetic, clear communicators, and know how to stay positive in stressful situations. While soft skills are harder to learn, have your team engage in exercises that allow them to practice their professionalism and patience.

19. Hold demonstration sessions

A demonstration session or walk-through is a great way for your team to see your product or the tools they’re using in action. You could host these live and allow your team to come with questions to answer in real-time, or pre-record demonstrations they can access on their own time.

20. Design a mentor program

One-on-one learning can be incredibly impactful for both new and existing employees. Setting up a mentor program for your customer service team gives each individual a go-to resource to ask questions, get feedback, and engage on a more personal level. 

21. Learn LAST (Listen, Acknowledge, Solve, Thank)

The LAST (Listen, Acknowledge, Solve, Thank) method is an easy-to-follow framework for resolving customer issues. This support method ensures all the bases are covered when a service agent is helping an unhappy customer.

22. Build a positive company culture

Company culture goes hand-in-hand with team success. If your team isn’t happy with their job, they’re not likely to care about the service they’re providing. Creating a strong company culture can improve employee satisfaction and encourage them to want to do better at their job.

23. Try a customer experience simulation

A customer experience simulation puts your support agent on the other end of the conversation, allowing them to see what the support experience is like from the customer’s perspective. Knowing what the customer is going through can help them empathize and provide an overall better experience.

24. Collect feedback from your team

Give your team a say in the way you train. Ask for their opinions on past courses or lessons and find out what they’d like to learn in future courses. Getting them involved in the training process can make them more invested and show them you care about their professional growth.

7 KPIs to Measure the Success of Customer Service Training

Understanding how well customer service training programs are performing empowers organizations to assess the level of skill development, employee engagement, and the overall impact on customer satisfaction. By tracking relevant KPIs, you can identify strengths and areas for improvement, and take proactive measures to enhance training effectiveness. 

In this section, we’ll explore the most important KPIs your company should track to measure the success of your customer service training programs.

  • Average response time
  • Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)
  • First call resolution (FCR) rate
  • Customer retention rate
  • Net promoter score (NPS)
  • Customer effort score (CES)
  • Customer churn rate

1. Average response time

Measuring the average response time is a way to determine how long it takes for a customer support agent to reply to a customer inquiry or request. This tracking method allows organizations to assess how well their agents are trained to assist customers promptly. It helps measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the training.

2. Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)

Customer satisfaction score (CSAT) quantifies customer satisfaction based on post-interaction surveys or feedback. It directly measures how well customer service reps are meeting customer expectations and addressing their needs. By tracking CSAT scores before and after training, your company can gauge the impact of training.

3. First call resolution (FCR) rate

First call resolution (FCR) rate is the percentage of customer issues that are resolved during the initial contact with a customer support agent. A high FCR rate indicates that the support agent’s training has provided them with the knowledge and skills required to effectively address customer needs, reducing the need for further interactions and increasing customer satisfaction.

4. Customer retention rate

Customer retention rate measures the percentage of customers who continue doing business with the organization over a period. By tracking customer retention, organizations can assess whether the training has positively influenced customer loyalty and the overall customer experience.

5. Net promoter score (NPS)

Net promoter score (NPS) measures the likelihood of customers to recommend your company’s products or services to others. By surveying customers and calculating your NPS, your organization can gauge the overall satisfaction and loyalty of your customer base. Tracking NPS before and after training provides insights into the impact of training on customer advocacy and brand loyalty.

6. Customer effort score (CES)

Customer effort score (CES) measures the ease of doing business with a company from the customer’s perspective. It assesses how much effort customers need to put into resolving issues or receiving support. Monitoring CES can help you understand the impact of training on reducing customer effort and enhancing the overall customer experience.

7. Customer churn rate

Customer churn rate measures the percentage of customers who discontinue their relationship with a company over a specific period. A decrease in churn rate indicates that the training has improved customer satisfaction and loyalty. By tracking churn rate, your company can evaluate whether the training has had a positive impact on customer retention and loyalty.

13 Must-Track Customer Experience KPIs & Metrics (2024)

Customer Service Training Software & Technology

The role of technology in customer service training has revolutionized traditional training methods, providing organizations with innovative tools and platforms to enhance the learning experience and drive better customer outcomes. Technology has transformed customer service training into a dynamic and interactive process that engages employees, accelerates learning, and equips them with the skills needed to deliver exceptional customer service.

The right customer support training software and technology can make customer service training easier and more effective. Here are the tools you’ll want to use when creating a training program:

  • Learning management system (LMS)
  • Online course providers
  • Knowledge base or internal wiki
  • Digital adoption platform (DAP)

1. Learning management system (LMS)

A learning management system is a software platform instructors use to create, manage, and monitor training programs. An LMS makes it easy to deliver content and materials, track who is completing them, and provide progress reports on training initiatives.

2. Online course providers

Online course providers offer third-party training, courses, or lessons on specific skills or topics. These platforms make it easy for team members to learn something new with minimal investment from the organization.

3. Knowledge base or internal wiki

A knowledge base or internal wiki is a set of company guides, documents, updates, and databases available to all employees. Employees can easily share, collaborate, and access information they need whenever needed.

4. Digital adoption platform (DAP)

A digital adoption platform integrates with another application to guide the user through how to use it. Add walk-throughs, videos, self-help menus, and more to provide (digital) hands-on support. A DAP enables end-users to find answers with in-app self-help. It also provides performance support to customer service reps to quickly find the best practices, processes, procedures, and more when dealing with customer service issues.

The role of technology in customer service training has become indispensable for organizations that want to provide an exceptional customer experience. With the help of online training platforms, interactive learning tools, real-time feedback, and access to extensive training resources, technology has transformed traditional training methods and empowered employees to excel in their customer service roles.

With the ever-evolving digital landscape, organizations need a comprehensive solution to leverage the benefits of technology-driven customer service training. That’s where Whatfix comes in. As a leading provider of digital adoption platforms (DAP) , Whatfix offers a powerful solution that revolutionizes how organizations train their customer service teams.

With Whatfix, customer service and support teams are empowered with in-app guidance like product tours, walkthroughs, and task lists on core customer service and help desk tools, helping them to adopt best practices and processes with their customer support tools.

With Self Help, customer support agents are provided with a self-help wiki that automatically crawls their knowledge repositories and helps them find the right documentation without asking for assistance.

With Whatfix, organizations can unlock the full potential of their customer service training programs. With its user-friendly interface, robust features, and seamless integration, Whatfix is the ideal solution to enhance employee performance, boost customer satisfaction, and drive business success.

Take the next step toward transforming your customer service training with Whatfix. Request a demo or start your free trial today.

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customer service presentation topics

The key to customer satisfaction is a team of well-trained and dedicated customer service representatives. That’s why it’s essential to thoroughly and consistently train your customer service reps. One way you can effectively educate your team is with a customer service training manual . 

As we begin a new year, it’s the perfect time to review the manual and update it to reflect new changes and trends. Read on to learn about how you can refresh your customer service training manual for 2022 and see some helpful customer service training topics that it should include.

1. The importance of customer service

One topic that every customer service training manual should cover is the importance of customer service. The goal is to inform every customer service rep and show them how their role impacts the success of your business. This type of customer service policy is also a great tool to provide motivation as your team members want to feel fulfilled, important, and challenged.

2. Policy for customer service interactions

Your customer service training manual should also touch the standard process for interactions with customers. You’ll want to outline a process that includes the best customer service policies that are applicable to the most situations, in a way that’s easy to understand.

3. Different verticals and industries

If your company spans across multiple industries, it’s worthwhile to feature different sections in the customer service training manual for each one. While there are many questions, complaints, and requests that are applicable to all industries, there are some that only pertain to certain segments and could call for different types of customer service training manuals.

4. Definition of service

Every company defines customer service differently. It’s important that you include a definition of how your company defines customer service to keep your people on the same page. In fact, just about every training manual template includes a definition of service. The definition of service provides a clear direction for every representative to address the customers’ needs as much as possible.

5. How to take a customer-friendly approach

Your customer service training manual template should emphasize a customer-friendly approach for customer service procedures and processes. The two major elements of a customer-friendly approach include communication and relationships. Give applicable and relevant examples of how reps should demonstrate these ideals in your manual. 

6. A clear understanding of your customers

You should also have a section that provides your customer service reps with information about the types of customers they’ll commonly work with. This will give your team the information needed to help customers feel cared for and understood.

7. Soft skills for a top-notch customer service rep to have

Every customer service training manual should include a list of all the soft skills that a top-notch customer representative should embody. Some essential customer service skills include active listening, attentiveness, communication, confidence, decision-making, empathy, flexibility, positivity, problem-solving, and being a team player. By making these soft skills tangible, reps know what they should be aiming for. 

8. How to make a good first impression

There should also be a section about how your customer representatives can make good impressions with customers. For added context, consider showing reps what it looks like to create a positive impression versus a negative one. That way, your customer representatives will know which behaviors and actions to avoid.

9. Non-verbal communication

You should also include a section about non-verbal communication since a significant amount of communication is non-verbal. This section should touch upon how customer reps can take advantage of non-verbal communication to satisfy customers. Some examples of non-verbal communication include smiling, eye contact, and hand gestures, and posture.

10. Telephone etiquette

If you have customer service reps who provide support over the phone, you should definitely have a section about telephone etiquette. Provide your team with information about how to best answer the phone and how to troubleshoot effectively. 

Get started with our Free Customer Service Training Manual

Is it time to revisit your customer service training manual? Our free customer service training customer service training manual is a great tool to help your team deliver consistent customer service training and delight customers.


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Presentation Geeks

How A Customer Service Presentation Will Set Your Business Up For Success

Table of contents.

Customer service is one of the most important aspects of your business. You could have the greatest product or be the best price, but if your customer service isn’t up to par, growing your business will be a tough job.

Especially for client/customer-facing roles, strong customer service can not only improve your brand image, but also help retain current clients and gain referrals.

What were saying here is that it’s critical to properly train your employees to deliver consistent and stellar customer service . You might consider creating a training presentation that walks your employees through their customer service responsibilities. Let’s break down the importance of these presentations and how you can set your business up for success.

What Is A Customer Service Presentation?

One aspect of employee training involves walking through what good customer service looks like. Customer service itself is when employees assist and give sound advice to those who buy or use the products or services being offered.

Training your employees on this topic can often be done through a presentation that provides a thorough understanding of good service, how to handle problems and questions, and why customer service is so important.

The slides in the presentation should included relevant and quality information for your employees about customer service and how to deal with difficult inquiries or situations. This will enable them to provide good service when faced with those calls, emails, or interactions with customers.

Here’s an example we created for Sherwin Williams.

Sherwin Williams Customer Education Presentation

customer service presentation topics

What Benefits Will A Presentation on Customer Service Provide My Business?

A thorough understanding of customer service expectations and guidelines in a presentation can set your company up for success in a few key ways, including:

Well Trained Customer Service Representatives

Effective customer service for your customers, helps to build a good reputation.

customer service presentation topics

Customer service presentations are primarily created to inform and educate employees who will be providing service to customers or clients.

When your employees are properly trained in all things customer service, they will be able to deliver exceptional service to your customers. Not only will properly trained employees complete their duties to company standard, it’s peace of mind knowing you have your aces in the right places .

In your customer service training presentation, you should have slides that include overviews and discussions on the following objectives:

Product and Service Knowledge

Communication Styles

Conflict Management/Resolution

Common Consumer Problems

Reasons for Consumer Complaints

Ideas for Cultivating Strong Relationships

Measure of Success

Authority or Hierarchy Understanding

Depending on the tools provided to your employees by your company, you might also include a segment on IT and other customer service tools that the employees will need to work with.

With properly trained employees comes great interactions with your customers.

If a consumer has a problem and they need some to listen to and understand their complaints but your employees aren’t trained in customer service, it can lead to all sorts of problems. Whether it’s on the phone, email, or in person, your customers will expect quality services from your employees.

A customer’s experience can often dictate whether they will return as a customer or point their direction somewhere else. On a financial level, it is more cost effective to keep a current customer than bring in a new one.

Retaining customers and maintaining relationships with them can be done when your customers have a great experience and feel important.

As social media platforms continue to grow in popularity, they have also become platforms for people who want to share their good or bad experiences with a company. Whether it’s through Google reviews , Tweets, TikTok videos, or Facebook posts, words and experiences from customers who visit your store or website can have a huge impact on your business.

customer service presentation topics

Maintaining a good reputation with great service to your customers will go a long way. A good reputation can be built and maintained when you:

Serve customers by putting them first

Avoid increasing conflict

Learn from mistakes

Should My Presentation Be Editable?

As your create your presentation, you should consider the adaptability of the content. An editable presentation deck can benefit your business by adapting to changes in customer service best practices .

Especially if you use apt research when you organize your content, be sure to edit the ppt deck as research evolves and changes.

You Should Always Consider A Custom Presentation

Whether you need sixteen slides or sixty, you should consider having a custom presentation deck created .

With custom slides, you can tailor the content, theme, graphs, and topic to your business. The point is to train your employees on how to deliver service for your specific company and you may have different guidelines than other companies.

What Other Digital Tools Should I Use To Equip My Team?

When it comes to equipping your team and setting them up for success, there are a few other tools you might consider providing your employees. These include:

a personal work computer

ability to download slides from presentation

planners or planning software

e-learning courses on customer service

As a manager or employer, you should consider the ways in which you can work with the people on your team and set them up for success in the customer service department.

Our Final Thoughts On Having A Presentation on Customer Service

customer service presentation topics

A great customer service ppt deck comprises of relevant information, employee guidelines, product knowledge, and department specific slides. Creating slides that reach your employees and that enable them to succeed in their positions is vital for success.

Are You In Need Of A Custom(er) Service Presentation? The Geeks Are Here!

Need someone to create great customer service training slides for your business and employees? The geeks at Presentation Geeks are here to help. We can build your PowerPoint presentation that can help you succeed in your customer service department!

Contact us today to see how we can help!

Author:  Content Team

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customer service presentation topics


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Customer Service Training PowerPoint Template

Customer Service Training PowerPoint Template

Number of slides: 10

Customer service involves the interaction between a customer and a representative from the company. Whether it is before, during, or after the purchase, the goal is to meet the needs and desires of the customer. And this is not easy task. For that reason, customer service agents should be in constant training to develop their empathy, assertiveness and other important skills. This PowerPoint template will help you present your customer service training, address the skills of a good customer service rep, and detail the best approach to resolve conflicts.

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Customer Service PowerPoint Slides

Customer service overview slide.

Use this opening slide to list each module of your customer service training. Or establish the concepts your staff will learn. For example, you can name the skills your customer service reps will acquire during this training such as clear communication, conflict resolution, depersonalization, assertiveness, etc.

Conflict Resolution Roadmap

Customer service reps face conflicts every day. Sometimes it’s a product that doesn’t meet the expectations of a client, other times there are problems during the buying journey and customers need guidance. For that reason, conflict resolution techniques are a must in customer service training. The linear five step roadmap will help you in this part of the training.

Customer Service Skills

The best thing about this template is that it comes with creative slides, one different from the other, to make an engaging presentation. You’ll find icons, circle charts, boxes, bar charts, and more visual elements to address topics like empathy, listening skills, positive attitude, responsibility, and other useful skills for customer service reps.

The face of the business

In many cases, the first touchpoint between the company and its clients is the customer service area. For this reason, businesses need qualified professionals in these positions.

Customer personality types

The best customer service agents adjust to the personality of the client. So, make sure to teach how to identify personality traits in clients and how to work with them.

Customer service training template

This is a colorful, business-like template with the right balance of images and text to deliver an excellent presentation.


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Strata Research

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7 Impactful Customer Service Training Ideas & Activities

Team management 9 MIN READ Aug 31, 2021

7 Impactful Customer Service Training Ideas & Activities

It’s no secret that well-trained customer service teams purr-form better, enjoy less turnover, and contribute to the company’s bottom line more effectively than poorly-trained teams. However, a great team won’t just happen by accident. That’s why it’s essential to have dedicated training activities for your customer service team. 

Obviously, each team is unique, and it requires some creative thinking and patience to achieve exceptional results from your training program . With that in mind, here are seven customer service training ideas and activities that can really take your coaching initiative to the next level.

The best activities for customer service teams

  • Role Playing
  • Reflective Listening
  • Present the Product
  • Customer Service Improv
  • Lunch & Learn
  • Call a Competitor
  • “Imagine If”

1. Role Playing

Role Playing

World-class customer service is impossible without empathy — that is, the ability to put ourselves in another person’s situation and internalize their emotions and perspective. When your team members are empathetic, then helpfulness and understanding will flow from them naturally. They’ll do their very best to help the customer, even in difficult circumstances.

Role-playing games and simulations are an outstanding way to help your employees become more empathetic. For example, you can have one team member play the role of a customer in a frustrating situation, and another play the role of the support representative. Allow your team to explore the dynamics of the situation. What if the support rep is rude, or uncaring? What qualities should the rep display to help ease the customer’s frustration? After the situation has been resolved, have the two team members switch places.

Apart from developing empathy within your team members, role-playing is also an excellent opportunity for them to practice their communication, problem-solving, and troubleshooting skills — and do so with a “safety net” under them.

2. Reflective Listening

One of the most powerful skills that any customer service representative can have is reflective listening — in other words, the ability to repeat back to someone what they just said, but in the representative’s own words. Not only does this communication technique show clearly that a service rep has been listening to the customer, but it frequently clarifies a situation and prevents misunderstandings.

To help your team become more skillful at reflective listening, break them up into pairs, and ask them to take turns using this technique when responding to their conversation partner. Give them prompts to help them imagine a realistic situation, and then coach them on how to use reflective listening to resolve the issue.

3. “Present the Product”

Present the Product

Customer service reps that truly understand the ins and outs of their company’s product are in a much better position to assist customers. For that reason, it’s vital to encourage your team members to expand and deepen their knowledge base when it comes to key products.

One way to test a team member’s proficiency is to assign them a brief presentation on a product’s attributes and key features. Perhaps you or another support rep can play the role of the customer, and ask the rep to walk you through the different functionalities of the product. Maybe throw one or two unexpected questions into the mix, just to see how the rep responds. If you want to add a collaborative element into this technique, ask other team members for suggestions if the rep gets stuck. 

This exercise is a great way to ensure that your team members have the skills and knowledge needed to assist a customer with their product questions.

4. Customer Service Improv

Improvisation games can help your service team develop speedy skills when it comes to answering customers that pose potentially difficult questions.

For instance, one of the most effective skills that a customer support rep can have is the ability to turn negative language into positive — in other words, to use the phrase “ yes, and ,” instead of “no.” Whereas a direct “no” could be construed by a customer as stubborn, callous, or even rude, incorporating “yes, and” phrasing can defuse tense situations, and even lead to acceptable solutions that may have otherwise been overlooked.

Such improvisation games help support reps to focus on customers and on possible resolutions to their issues, rather than restrictions based on corporate policy.

For example, if a customer asks: “Can you give me a discount on the price of this subscription?” then the support rep could respond: “If you’re looking for ways to reduce costs, then I would be glad to help you explore our other offerings that will be a better fit for your budget.” By transforming a negative phrase into a positive one, the support rep will likely be able to guide the customer toward an acceptable solution.

5. “Lunch & Learn”

Having your employees take turns giving presentations during team lunches can be a great way to foster a spirit of teamwork and collaboration. The topic doesn’t have to be work-related; it could be about a recent vacation the employee took, an organization they volunteer with, or a hobby they have. The point is, such “lunch & learn” opportunities will not only keep your support reps in good practice when it comes to explaining subjects in detail, but they can also help your team members to understand one another on a deeper level. This, in turn, will result in a more cohesive, tightly-knit team.

6. Call a Competitor

Customer service training activities

Think of this as the customer service equivalent of being a secret agent. It’s important that your support reps understand who and what they’re up against when they field customer inquiries — and what better way to find out than to have them reach out to one of your direct competitors?

You could have your team member sign up for one of your competitor’s offerings, such as a free trial, or a base subscription plan.  Have your team member ask questions, and see how their counterpart on the other end responds – like a secret shopper. 

This exercise offers a number of benefits. For instance, if the competitor’s support rep was pleasant, skilled at communicating, and persuasive in their reasoning, then your team member can imitate those good qualities. On the other hand, if the support rep’s service was less than ideal, then your team member can gain deeper insight and empathy into a customer’s situation when confronted with a poor experience.

7. “Imagine If…”

This group exercise is a great way to help your team develop empathy for the occasional irate customer that calls in. Have one of your team members role-play an angry customer, and have another one take the role of the support rep. Then have the “customer” berate the support rep (within the bounds of good taste, of course). Pause the scenario. 

Next, ask your team how they feel about the irate customer. Once they’ve expressed themselves, ask them to “imagine if” the customer had just lost his/her job, or had just received bad news from the doctor. Go through a number of possible scenarios that would put a tremendous amount of stress on the customer. After each scenario, ask your team how they feel about the customer now.

The point of the exercise is to help your team members understand that, more often than not, angry customers are angry because of other factors in their life, none of which are related to your company, or a support rep’s performance. This realization can help your team members to display a deeper calm in the face of conflict, and even defuse some volatile situations.

8. Buddy Up

This is one of the best training activities for newer hires, to bring them up to speed with company voice and best practices. Many teams embed this process into their onboarding programs, but there is never a bad time for team members to brush on their knowledge by learning from each other. 

A buddy program stimulates peer learning and collective knowledge. It also promotes team connection, and a sense of belonging has a positive impact on your employee retention rate. 

Consider different ways to pair your team: junior with senior; pairing people with like-minded interests; pairing people from different teams to strengthen interdepartmental links. Each has their value, depending on what you want to achieve. This process can take the form of job shadowing – where each spends a day in the other’s shoes. Or it can be as simple as regular coffee sessions to discuss work, compare challenges, and share experiences. 

A large advantage of the buddy system is how flexible it is as a training activity: it works just as well for remote teams.

Leverage These Ideas & Activities to Enhance Your Customer Service Training

The 7 ideas and activities mentioned above are an excellent way to supplement your customer service training program. They can:

  • Foster a spirit of collaboration and teamwork among your employees
  • Teach important communication skills to support reps, both in normal and “crisis” situations
  • Generate a deeper level of empathy for customers that face frustrating challenges
  • Encourage your team members to broaden and deepen their knowledge base when it comes to your products and services


Of course, when it comes to customer service training these seven suggestions are just the tip of the iceberg. For example, one-on-one feedback sessions are an important aspect of managing your team’s purr-formance and should be taken seriously. If you’d like to learn more about how to make these sessions more effective, download our free 1-on-1 meeting template for customer service teams .

Read more ✨

Customer Service Podcasts to Follow

How These 5 Customer-Focused Companies Build Meaningful Relationships with Customers

How to Have Great 1-to-1s With Your Support Team

20 Best Customer Support Books of All Time

Stories of Excellent Customer Service Examples to Get You Inspired

The Illustrated History of Customer Service

Merily Leis

What to read next?

How Customer Service Can Take Your E-commerce Business to The Next Level

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Excellent Customer Service Skills Training for Employees [+Free Resources]

Customer service training header image

Customers know that excellent service is something they are entitled to.

So if you don’t take good care of them, someone else will.

This is why improving the skills of your employees should be an ongoing operation. There is never too much training for customer service and support.

But how to make the most of it? And how to transform customer support training into a fixed part of your company’s culture?

This article covers:

  • Essential service skills that you can develop through training
  • Best service training ideas that are easy to organize in-house
  • Role-playing scenarios for your own practice
  • Top customer service courses and programs
  • Selection of quality customer training manuals and other materials

If you are interested in more general topics related to customer service, you can also check out:

  • How to Handle Customer Complaints Like a Pro
  • 6 Steps to Measure Customer Satisfaction
  • Customer Success [Metrics, Stories, & More]
  • 7 Ways to Deliver Good Customer Service [With Examples]
  • 13 Top Customer Success Interview Questions & Answers

Your customer service team can also learn by practice. Here is a useful customer service training software that is completely free.

Learn how to use AI chatbots to boost your sales

What is customer service training all about?

Customer service training is about improving your employees’ core service skills. It refers to product knowledge, soft skills, and interpersonal competencies. Meeting customer expectations and increasing their satisfaction are the goals of such training.

The actual training comes in all shapes and sizes. Some of the most popular options are:

  • Online customer service courses
  • Webinars and QA sessions
  • In-person service training workshops
  • Customer service training manuals and ebooks

Customer training: soft skills vs hard skills

Soft skills may include personal work ethics or good time management. Soft skill training sessions for customer service are fun and easy to organize. However, agents should be equipped with hard skills too. Technical qualifications and in-depth knowledge are essential for some customer service jobs. Remember about product training as well.

Why is customer support training so important?

Some customer service training seminars are quite costly. The average cost for training an employee usually varies between $500 and $1,500 . Also, training sessions can last up to several weeks.

Why would an employer encourage an employee to complete a customer service training class?

First of all, reducing customer churn is one of the most important business priorities right now. And, according to a report by Oracle, 73% of customers remain loyal because of positive interactions with customer support . In other words, training your team has a direct impact on customer retention.

73% of customers remain loyal because of positive interactions with customer support infographic

Being on par in terms of price and quality only gets you into the game. Service wins the game Tony Alessandra CEO of Assessment Business Center

However, customer service is not a natural chat between individuals. It has some unique quirks and very specific dynamics. Even very communicative and empathic people can make mistakes. Without realizing it!

For example, not being judgmental is one of the most important rules of good service.

An agent shouldn’t say that something is good, bad, right, or wrong. Especially, if it goes against what the customer is saying. If a guest tells you that their Wi-Fi is slow, you should never ever say anything like “Well, actually it’s not that bad.”

The customer isn’t always right. But they should feel like they are and that you are doing everything to help them out. Otherwise, you will just waste time arguing over things that are beside the point. Winning an argument means losing a customer. You should always try to put the needs of customers above your own . It’s called customer orientation .

Is customer service training really necessary?

Some people may be natural born customer service agents But most customer service representatives will need to work hard to get there. Excellent customer service skills can be acquired through training and practice and customer service skills training is very much like a regular workout.

Essential areas of customer service training with easy exercises

What are the objectives of customer service training? The ultimate objective is to make customers more satisfied. But to do this, your employees need to learn the following customer service skills:

1. Bringing positive attitude

A simple smile can be the biggest asset of your customer service team members. It doesn’t mean that you need to be chirpy or grinning like a madman. But keeping a positive attitude is an essential part of the job.

You are serving a customer, not a life sentence. Learn how to enjoy your work. Laurie McIntosh Business Consultant and Customer Relations Expert

The attitude of your customer service reps speaks volumes about your brand. Your customer service training should cover aspects such as posture, language, and tone of voice. They all give small hints about the attitude of your agents. And the energy that your agents radiate is contagious! Make sure that it is not negative.

Customer service training exercise:

  • A customer wants to get a refund. However, he is not eligible for it. Try to explain it to him without forming negations like “don’t/won’t/not.” Try to end on a positive note.

Read more: 7 Tips for Maintaining A Positive Attitude in Customer Service  

2. Listening to customers

Most people think of themselves as good listeners. But customer service requires a special kind of skill called active listening. It isn’t just about being quiet and allowing someone to talk. Active listening uses conversation techniques that keep both parties engaged. 

Trained customer service agents know how to reply, paraphrase, and ask follow-up questions. Sometimes they need to clarify or summarise things that have already been said. While this ability is natural to some, being a good active listener requires training.

  • Collect a list of typical complaints of your customers and then try to paraphrase them in your own words. Use the formula: “So, you have [describe the problem]. Is that correct?” Asking for confirmation shows that you pay attention.

Read more: 10 Ways to Get Better at Listening to Customers

3. Cultivating empathy

Your customer service agents should be able to read every customer like an open book. They need to understand the customer’s position and feel their emotions. If your employees struggle with tapping into customers’ emotions, you don’t need to panic. Empathy can be learned.

When you show deep empathy toward others, their defensive energy goes down, and positive energy replaces it. That’s when you can get more creative in solving problems. Stephen Covey Co-founder of FranklinCovey

Being empathic is one of the most important customer service skills. The problems of your clients should be the problem of your customer support agents. When an agent and a customer are able to feel the same thing, they can work together to achieve their shared goal.

  • Role-play a situation in which agent A pretends to be a customer and agent B tries to be the worst agent ever. But don’t tell agent A about the goal of agent B. Afterward, ask agent A what was wrong and how it should be done correctly. This exercise helps them understand the position of an upset customer.

Read more: 7 Ways to Easily Boost Customer Service Empathy

4. Improving communication

Customer service agents must be able to explain complicated matters in simple words. Good communication skills and the ability to share knowledge are critical. What they say should be confident, well-organized, and structured in a way that is easy to follow.

Be careful! Sometimes clear communication may seem too blunt. After all, the goal is to focus on facts. But some customers may find it disrespectful or too direct. You should find a way to deliver information in a manner and at a pace that your customers can process.

  • Come up with a customer issue that requires a longer explanation. Divide your team into two groups. Let one group write a single email with instructions on solving the problem. The second group should write 3-8 live chat messages with instructions instead. Compare the results and discuss their effectiveness with regard to clarity.

Read more: 15 Tips for Better Customer Service Communication

5. Learning de-escalation strategies

Customer service representative training is not complete without learning basic conflict resolution skills. For example, instead of saying “yes, but” always try to say “yes, and.” Being defensive always escalates the problem. Similarly, a customer service agent never tries to prove that they are right. Don’t prepare rebuttals! Focus on being helpful.

Other de-escalation techniques involve presenting different outcomes and negotiating possible solutions. You can learn more about dealing with different types of customers here.

  • Search for funny customer service videos for training on YouTube. There are many great examples from cinema and real life. Discuss the materials and try to analyse what went wrong and how the conflict could have been avoided or resolved.

Read more: 7 Conflict De-Escalation Techniques and How to Use Them

6. Expanding knowledge

There are many important customer service soft skills. But your customers won’t be satisfied if your customer support team is not able to solve their issues. Emotional intelligence won’t help you if you don’t know your beans. And interacting with a clueless customer service rep is not a great customer service experience.

About 82% of customers expect to solve complicated issues by talking to one agent. It means that you should focus on having a handful of well-trained agents with great knowledge. Quality beats quantity any day of the week, as nobody wants to be handled by multiple agents.

Product training for you ecommerce customer service is as important as empathy training activities. By knowing the ins and outs of your company and products employees can build better customer relationships.

  • Prepare a quiz with random questions related to your products. Divide your employees into teams and turn it into a competition.

Read more: Why Is Product Knowledge Training So Important for Modern Businesses?

7. Boosting efficiency

It is better to have a few agents who know how to solve problems efficiently than lots of mediocre ones. Knowledge and efficiency are similar in this regard. Being able to solve problems fast is both empowering for agents and, in the long run, profitable for their company. Effective customer service is important for huge call centers and small businesses alike.

You can boost efficiency by using the right customer routing and customer service tools. It saves everyone’s time and helps to track the performance of your team. CRM software, live chat, or even a work schedule maker are just some of the solutions that you may want to try out. They also can be turned into a cool customer service training platform.

  • Add a live chat button to your website and use chat analytics to check the performance of your agents. After several months, ask your top-performing agent to prepare time-management workshops for the rest of the team.

Read more: 6 Tips for More Efficient Customer Service

7 excellent in-house customer service training ideas

No one is going to tell you what you should include in customer service training. Every company faces different challenges. There are, however, some good customer training games and exercises. You can try out the ones you like and adjust them to your needs. Use situations that are typical to your industry and common customer interactions.

What would be the best training technique for customer service skills? Take your pick.

1. The game of “no”

This customer service training game makes “no” a forbidden word. Pretend to be a customer that asks all sorts of questions. The other customer service agents should reply without using it. Sometimes coming up with an answer will require lots of creativity!

The purpose of this customer service training activity is to avoid negative language. Every time customers hear the words “no” and “don’t” they feel like you are denying something. You can make it sound more neutral or even positive by rephrasing things. It should be second nature to an agent.

2. Peer reviews

You should try peer-reviewing real customer interactions with your support team. Some companies have made it a part of their regular activities. And they perform 50% better than companies that didn’t introduce peer-to-peer feedback sessions. There are even dedicated tools for it, for example, Klaus .

Snapshot of peer to peer review result in Klaus

Collect some transcripts of conversations with your customers. Share them with your team. Ask them to identify what went right, wrong, and what should be done in a given situation. You can create your internal customer service knowledge base for employees based on the results.

Be careful!

Some people hate being evaluated or judged. They may think that reviewing their conversations during a workshop would be humiliating. Try to prepare them mentally and don’t do this exercise if your team does not want it.

3. Role-playing

Role-playing and scenario-based activities are the primary type of workshops you can do with your employees. It is also one of the most powerful ones. Customer service role-playing training can bring your team’s problem-solving skills to the next level.

Consider training scenarios based on dealing with difficult or unusual customers. 

Example customer service scenarios for training:

  • Customer who swears
  • Customer who tries to flirt with you
  • Customer who wants to trick you into giving a discount
  • Scammer or joker who only pretends to be a customer
  • Product user who keeps asking about obvious things

This type of training works great with online tools. Sometimes it is difficult to keep a straight face if coworkers need to role-play in front of others. But with live chat, you can experiment with role-playing scenarios anonymously. It is also easier to analyze chat conversation scripts and give feedback afterward.

View of a conversation transcript and below bullet points of what when right and wrong

4. Crisis management

Divide your employees into two or more teams. Each team should receive the same description of a crisis situation. It should be a major problem with no straightforward solution. And it doesn’t even have to be customer service related.

Make them discuss the possible solutions and prepare a plan. Then compare their ideas and make them justify their choices. 

This exercise will give you many insights into the relations between your employees. Observe who takes the initiative and is a natural leader.

5. Personality tests

The CliftonStrengths assessment and other personality tests are fun and good for teambuilding. It is a great opportunity to learn more about your team members and their talents.

Before sharing the results try to play a little guessing game. Once everyone gets their results, let team members try to predict what are the dominant personality traits or talents of others.

16 Personalities, the blue types overview

You can also use free personality tests:

  • 16 Personalities: Free Myers–Briggs Type Indicator

6. Joke complains

Make your customer service reps imagine the most ridiculous customer complaints. The complaints should be related to your industry and very specific. Most businesses get ridiculous customer requests from time to time. Try to prepare a list of these complaints and rank them. 

  • Why is this ice cream so cold? Can you do something about it?
  • I’ve been wearing these shoes for two weeks only. Why can’t I return them?
  • I’ve watched the whole movie. But it was terrible. Can I get a refund for my ticket?

After the list is complete, try to estimate how probable the situations may be. Use these “absurd” customer requests for role-playing. Focus on practicing the nightmare scenarios that could potentially happen. This customer service game is good preparation for the worst things that could happen. And some of them probably will!

7. Cross-team collaboration

It is a good idea to organize a customer service workshop that involves other departments. For example, you can invite people from your marketing or UX team to join in. 

Switching positions can give your employees a new perspective. You’d be surprised how many insights and ideas this type of collaboration generates. Different teams within a company are frequently unaware of issues that other departments are facing on a day-to-day basis.

Spending a day as a customer service agent can be an eye-opening experience for your designers or marketers. It will help them perform their jobs with customers in mind.

Read more:  Encourage your customer service team to take a  typing speed test  and see how fast they can reply to customer queries.

Best customer service training programs (with certificates)

Every company wants to provide great customer service. But organizing a training session can be complicated. If you just want to make sure that you or your team covered the basic topics, there are many online courses available.

Here is a selection of great customer service training programs. You can access them online but some offer in-person training too. Visit the websites for more details.

Courses vs practical experience

Completing a course or customer training program doesn’t automatically make you a good employee. A deep understanding of the products that you offer and your experience with customers is much more important.

Disney’s Approach to Quality Service (Disney Institute)

customer service presentation topics

Disney’s approach to customer service is legendary. The company is famous for going the extra mile to keep its customers satisfied. If you want to learn from the absolute best, sign up for a customer service training program prepared by Disney Institute.

The training covers:

  • Identifying the current state of customer service quality within a company
  • Designing a customer service strategy to improve customer experiences
  • Recovering for failures and customer service mishaps

It is an on-demand course. The basic version costs approximately $1,500-1,750 and lasts one day. It is not one of the cheapest customer service programs available but it’s worth it.

Customer Service Mastery: Delight Every Customer (Udemy)

customer service presentation topics

This course by Chris Croft is one of the most comprehensive and actionable customer service training online courses. Udemy has many other courses on customer service but this one is the all-time favorite.

Watch it to learn:

  • How to create “customer care delights”
  • How to motivate customer service representatives
  • What are the most common missed opportunities for improving customer service
  • How to increase customer loyalty and maximize your profits

It is 150 minutes long and the amount of knowledge crammed into the course is astounding. It costs $99,99 but if you are a new user you can get a discount and buy it for $17,99.

Free Online Customer Service Training Course (Alison)

customer service presentation topics

If you don’t want to spend too much money, here is a good alternative for you. This course by Alison was prepared with beginners in mind. You can cover the material in approximately 2 hours.

It consists of the following customer service training modules:

  • How to understand customers
  • Focusing on customer needs
  • Phone customer service
  • Handling customer complaints
  • Stress management for customer service employees

The course and customer service training materials are free. However, to get a service training certificate you need to pay for the assessment and downloadable/physical version of the certification documents.

Culture of Services: New Perspective on Customer Relations (edX & Kyoto University)

This course may seem to be slightly more academic than typical customer service training seminars. But don’t be deceived—it is very actionable and uses many real examples… straight from Japan. Yes. As it happens, it was prepared by Kyoto University.

“Culture of Services” takes a broader look at customer service in the context of sociology and philosophy. If you want to learn why there are no menus in the best sushi restaurants, this is a course for you.

It has almost 5 hours of the main workshop video materials. There are also additional customer service exercises and resources. The course is free but if you want to receive a certificate you need to pay $49.

Need help with managing your team’s progress?

If you want to keep track of new skills and training completed by your team, there is software for that. Learning management systems (LMS platforms) are becoming quite popular. Google Classroom is the best free LMS solution.

Customer service training manuals and other resources

Transcripts of actual conversations with your customers are your best training materials. You should add a live chat to your website and start collecting them immediately.

  • Learn customer service first hand with Tidio

However, if you need something more general, here is a selection of customer service training manuals and other useful resources.

The core ideas from the Disney customer service training manual

  • Never Let Backstage Come Onstage
  • What time is the 3:00 Parade? It is not a stupid question.
  • Little Wows Add Up
  • Have Fun with the Job No Matter How Miserable You Feel
  • Don’t be a Customer Service Robot
  • Pay Attention to the Details—Everything Speaks
  • Never Ever Say, “That’s Not My Job”
  • Everyone Has a Customer
  • Figure Out What Ticks Off Your Customers—and Do Something About It
  • Take Responsibility for Your Own Career

Source: Lessons From the Mouse: A Guide for Applying Disney World’s Secrets of Success to Your Organization, Your Career, and Your Life by Dennis Snow

More customer service training resources:

  • Best Support Phrases and Quotes for All Types of Customer Service
  • Dale Carnegie Quick Tips for Outstanding Customer Service
  • Chick-fil-A Customer Service Training Manual and Standards
  • 15 Examples of Tricky Customer Service Conversations
  • Customer Service Training Manual Template from HubSpot
  • Free Customer Service Training Manual from Lessonly

Key Takeaway

Some customer service employees go about learning the necessary skills through pure practice. As they get more experience they will know how to approach all types of customers.

But some customer service reps may need extra help. An in-house product training or an online course is always a good idea. Still, you don’t have to enroll in the most expensive training program to become a great customer service agent. There are many free customer service courses available, like the ones mentioned above.

The biggest benefits of all types of customer support training are:

  • Better business results through increased customer satisfaction
  • Improved understanding of products offered by your business
  • Delivering high-quality customer experiences
  • Being able to help customers solve their problems with more efficiency
  • Learning more about yourself, your colleagues, or employees

We highly recommend using Tidio for learning chat-based customer service. Regardless of whether you choose to go with a short training organized within your organization or a certified program. The app allows you to get the first-hand experience of dealing with customers in real-time.

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Kazimierz Rajnerowicz

Kazimierz was one of the original authors of Tidio Blog. His primary objective was to deliver high-quality content that was actionable and fun to read. His interests revolved around AI technology and chatbot development.

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50 Must-See Customer Engagement Presentations

The Team at CallMiner

September 26, 2018

Microphone on abstract blurred of speech in seminar room

Customer engagement has evolved from the origins of customer satisfaction and customer delight. Today, customer engagement is defined as the profound relationship that the customer has with your brand.

In today’s digital age, irrespective of which industry you are in, customers expect an immediate or near-instant response as well as a picture-perfect anticipation of their wants. To meet this requirement, businesses are getting competitive and aiming to provide hyper-personalized experiences to keep their customers enrolled and engaged with their brand, products, and services.

Designing a well-crafted customer engagement strategy is an excellent way to boost sales and drive profitability. More companies are incorporating customer engagement tools such as  speech analytics  and chatbots to better gain deeper insight into customer engagement and respond readily to consumers across digital channels by leveraging technologies such as  artificial intelligence .

With many tools, technologies, and tactics that play a role in customer engagement, developing a strategy can seem daunting. To get you started, we’ve compiled a list of 50 different customer engagement resources, including both videos and slide presentations, by highly regarded individuals in the industry. For more expert insights on customer engagement, visit  CallMiner’s Learning Center  to access dozens of white papers, videos, articles, and other resources to help you develop and execute a top-notch customer engagement strategy.

The 50 must-see presentations below are listed in no particular order, but are separated by category including:

Video Presentations

Slide presentations, engage business media.

Twitter :  @EngageCustomer

1: Important Considerations for your Customer Management

This video is presented by Mike Havard, Director at Ember Services, at the Telecos/Utilities Director Forum 2014. The video covers customer engagement opportunities and challenges and covers topics such as regulation in a social context, the value of complaints, personal data implications, and what transformation and growth means in customer engagement.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding customer engagement and why organizations make it so hard
  • Securing board commitment for funding solutions
  • Discusses nine important themes around customer engagement

2: Employee and Customer Engagement

This video, from the fifth Directors Forum of 2014, takes a look at the important connection between employees and customer engagement. One of the key highlights includes understanding the shift between wanting to be customer-centric and enforcing an actionable strategy to actually make it happen. The video covers a panel of different speakers who discuss the relationship between employees and customer engagement.

  • Understanding the bridge between staff engagement and customer engagement
  • Incorporating employee engagement in putting the customer first
  • Using staff engagement to delight the customer

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Twitter:   @awscloud

3: Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users

Gaining users is the key to the cloud. This presentation is one that is regularly at the AWS conference “re:Invent”. However, in this particular version, Joel Williams changes the game a bit to help you scale to your first  11  million users. If you have a great product for sale, but can’t handle a large amount of traffic at once — this presentation will help you plan to scale AWS resources quickly.

  • Techniques for scaling an application on AWS
  • Why “auto-scaling” is not where you should start
  • Reasoning for starting with SQL databases for your scalabilty
  • Direct gameplans and examples from 1 million to 11 million users

4: Engaging Your Customers with SNS Mobile Push and Amazon Analytics

Push notifications are a crucial part of creating a game play experience that retains and reengages users. If an app that keeps running in the cloud, messages can be delivered to your players. The right communication at the right time can improve your engagement and build long-term relationships with your users.

  • 65% of mobile apps are abandoned within 90 days
  • Effectively sending mass messages versus using 1 to 1 communication based on analytics and player actions
  • Real time examples of notifications as well as a look at analytics and how to process data

5: How I discovered the black art of cult branding

Rob Howard, founder of Cult Collective, delivers this compelling talk at a TEDx event at St. Lawrence College. Howard boasts a marketing career spanning 20+ years, and in addition to founding Cult Collective, he founded a think tank, a global summit (The Gathering), and authored a book,  Fix: Break the Addiction That’s Killing Brands . Howard discusses how consumers tend to “evangelize” to others in the spur of the moment and how brands can capitalize on this enthusiasm and win the allegiance of die-hard fans through customer engagement.

  • What makes customers loyal to the world’s most coveted brands
  • How successful brands are like modern-day cults in disguise (in a good way)
  • What successful brands did to survive in times of economic diversity while spending less on traditional forms of marketing

Doug Stephens

Twitter :  @TheLavinAgency

6: Customer Engagement is the Key to Success

This video is presented by Doug Stephens at the Lavin Agency Speakers Bureau. He holds the opinion that every retailer understands that customer experience is crucial, but very few really know how to implement it. Being one of the world’s foremost retail speakers and consumer futurists, he drives the idea that, “We have to allow customers to feel like they’re not just walking into a different store, but walking into a different world.”

  • Retail stores have to be a “story”
  • Making stores less static
  • Engaging customers by creating a sensory experience

Mathew Sweezey

Twitter:   @msweezey

7: The New Rules for Customer Engagement

This video is a talk by Mathew Sweezey, “marketing evangelist” for Salesforce.com. He is also the author of “Marketing Automation for Dummies.” He provides an overview of modern customer engagement and explains how to execute a marketing strategy that drives lasting results.

  • How to value buy-in for your efforts
  • Social media tactics and strategies that get results
  • How the modern customer makes buying decisions
  • Lead nurturing best practices to increase lead flow

Twitter:  @Microsoft

8: New Customer Engagement Models

This video discusses how customers and Microsoft Retail Stores are successfully executing new customer engagement models. Microsoft Solutions Specialist and Retail Industry Solutions Director Pinar Salk covers how Microsoft Retail Stores are implementing an end-to-end customer engagement experience from mobile browsing to in-store purchases and more.

  • Implementing a frictionless shopping experience using a mobile app
  • Driving higher conversion and customer retention in the engagement process to impact the bottom line
  • Empowering sales associates to recommend curated products catered to the customer based on individual personal insights and data

Twitter:   @salesforce

9: The Future of Customer Engagement

This video from Salesforce brings together a panel of experts who impart expert tips and insights about the latest customer engagement strategies that are ready to be implemented and put into action. Discussions are centered around a properly designed customer engagement strategy that inspires, creates loyalty, and drives profit.

  • Defining customer engagement and discussing example case studies
  • Meeting customer expectations and personalizing the engagement process
  • Handling and understanding customer data and acting on it
  • Customer engagement best practices and strategies

Jon Suarez-Davis

Twitter:   @jsuarezdavis

10:  Customer Engagement in the Age of Intelligent Marketing

This video features keynote speaker Jon Suarez-Davis (“JSD”), who is Salesforce’s chief cloud marketing officer. He has experience working with some of the world’s biggest brands. In his talk, he draws upon real life examples to explain how customer engagement can be enhanced in the age of intelligent marketing.

  • New level of engagement
  • Brand marketing and performance marketing
  • Salesforce’s vision for the future of marketing
  • Predictions for digital advertising in 2020
  • Core competencies: Know, Engage, and Personalize


Twitter:   @pega

11:  AI in Customer Engagement

In this video by PegaWorld, Dr. Rob Walker, VP of Decision Management and Analytics at Pegasystems, discusses both the advantages and potential risks of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the customer engagement process.

  • Balancing the risks and rewards of Artificial Intelligence
  • Discussing how AI can be a threat to human existence and how we can control and trust it
  • Difference between Opaque and Transparent AI
  • Where to allow Opaque AI and where to insist on transparency
  • Predicting outcomes based on AI

12: Automation, AI and Customer Engagement

In this video, 25-year veteran employee and Senior Vice President of Products at Pegasystems, Kerim Akgonul, discusses how technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), DevOps, and robotic automation are building agility and transforming customer engagement in organizations.

  • Automating AI for customer engagement
  • Providing real-life case studies on how AI is being used today to enhance customer engagement
  • Bridging the gap between customer engagement, operational efficiency, and business agility

IBM Analytics

Twitter:   @IBMAnalytics

13.  Data-driven Customer Engagement

This video gives a walkthrough of how to spot customers who are at risk of churn and use preemptive measures before they are defected. It talks about using predictive analytics capabilities to drive customer retention by accurately targeting campaigns, which allows you to retain valuable customers while boosting your revenue.

  • Deliver customer insights to front-line decision-makers and systems
  • Boost customer lifetime value through personalized efforts
  • Predict which customers are at risk of leaving
  • Identify choice prospects for highly targeted marketing programs
  • Enhance sales forecasting, accelerating sales cycles

Insurance Nexus

Twitter:   @InsuranceNexus

14.  Raising Customer Engagement in the Insurance Industry

This video covers a webinar conducted by Insurance Nexus with a panel of three leading speakers and discusses how to raise customer engagement in the insurance industry. Key topics covered include analyzing the customer journey and identifying where the pain points are, how to improve customer engagement, and measuring interactions with customers.

  • How insurance carriers can improve their customer engagement
  • Practical advice, case study examples and best practices for the insurance industry
  • Innovating and using technology to interact with customers

Twitter:   @SAP

15: Beyond CRM: Digital Transformation Starts with Customer Engagement

This video, delivered by enterprise resource planning (ERP) giant SAP, talks about how digital transformation is impacting how to deal with customers and why organizations need to think beyond the CRM. Leading speakers from SAP discuss actionable strategies for customer engagement and reveal how SAP offerings, such as the “SAP Hybris portfolio and SAP Jam Communities,” can help you reach digital transformation objectives.

  • How to exceed customer expectations and delight with digital solutions
  • Delivering richer, faster, and better digital experiences personalized to the customer
  • Understanding digital businesses and why customers are their most important assets
  • Assisted and unassisted customer support before, during, and after the purchase

CustomerEdge TV

Google+:   CustomerEdge TV

16: How Social Media Has Impacted Customer Engagement – Customer Edge

This video talks about the role that social media has played on the way businesses sell, market, and serve their customers. Irrespective of industry, whether it is telecom or heavy machinery, the competition is ever increasing which makes it necessary to provide a personalized experience to each customer.

  • How to engage with personalized social media in B2B and B2C situations
  • How to involve influencers and advocates, and foster their growth
  • Learning from best practices and avoiding pitfalls

Twitter:   @couchbase

17:  Revolutionizing customer engagement – Connect Silicon Valley 2017

Couchbase CMO Peter Finter discusses the attributes and values of an engagement database and how Couchbase clients are transforming their organizations with improved customer engagement, personalized experiences, lower costs, and time-sensitive innovation.

  • Changes impacting businesses today that requires them to rethink customer experience
  • Challenges of customer engagement and how to overcome them
  • How businesses can revolutionize customer engagement and reap the rewards
  • Employing technology to give customers a unique experience

Google G Suite

Twitter:  @gsuite

18: Connecting your sales associates to drive customer engagement and satisfaction

There are a many “real world” problems in the retail and ecommerce space — especially when it comes to customer engagement. Google has provided a short tutorial about how Chrome can help alleviate many of these scenarios. The focus of the webinar is to help connect sales associates in a way that improves customer engagement through the production of “regular, lively content”.

  • Discovering the top two operational challenges of the retail world
  • How Chrome can help modernize and rethink workflows
  • Enhancing and improving communication across a distributed workforce

Twitter:  @Dreamforce

19:  Workshop: Transform Customer Service to a Customer Engagement Center

In this video, Service Cloud experts from Salesforce discuss the importance of adapting your service organization to engage a whole new breed of technology savvy customers who expect immediate answers and support at every step of their customer experience journey. They uncover strategies for connecting with customers and building meaningful relationships, and the role of a customer engagement center to transform customer experience.

  • How mobile and social media are transforming customer service today
  • Delivering outstanding customer service at every point of customer interaction
  • Deploying and running a customer engagement center successfully
  • Achieving measurable results through increased agent productivity

Pitney Bowes

Twitter:  @pb_digital

20: Digital Transformation with Mobile First Customer Engagement

This demo by Pitney Bowes covers how organizations need to be relevant and interact with customers on every marketing channel today. It shows ways to optimize and simplify communication for mobile devices and discusses the importance of AV interactions to create engaging and personal customer experiences.

  • Identifying current trends in customer engagement
  • Providing digitized customer engagement management solutions
  • Discussing the future of customer driven “predictive” engagement
  • Scalable, compliant and secure mobile-first customer engagement

TiE Silicon Valley

Twitter:   @tiesv

21:  Inhi Cho Suh – GM Watson Customer Engagement, IBM – MarTech Track TiE Inflect 2018

Inhi Cho Suh, GM Watson Customer Engagement at IBM, discusses the human and business impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how AI combined with other disruptive technologies such as IOT and Blockchain are drastically transforming different industries including HealthTech, FinTech, MarTech, and more.

  • How AI and machine learning is transforming customer engagement
  • Creating real-time personalized experiences using AI
  • Identifying the challenges of AI and offering solutions
  • Employing an AI powered platform to holistically analyze customer data and deliver the best possible customer experience

Twitter:   @TheNextWeb

22:  Danielle Levitas (App Annie) on How to Grow Customer Engagement through Mobile | TNW Conference 2017

Danielle Levitas, Senior Vice President and Research and Analysis team lead at App Annie, talks about how to grow customer engagement through mobile. With most customers mobile today and a good part of them spending 2+ hours a day on mobile apps, she emphasizes the importance of mobile-first marketing. This video also covers the importance of using customer data to understand what consumers want and expect and how to use mobile apps to create an intimate level of engagement with a customer.

  • Why and how to reach out to customers on mobile devices
  • Growing customer engagement through mobile app interactions
  • Increasing ROI and building a better business through apps

Twitter:  @Comm100

23:  [Webinar] Social Media Best Practices for Effortless Customer Engagement

Research from Gartner predicts that in the next two years almost 90% of all companies will be providing customer support on social media. This webinar video shows how to build meaningful customer relationships by providing stellar customer service through a variety of social media channels.

  • Social media best practices for effortless customer engagement
  • Dealing with rising expectations and providing instant/near-instant responses
  • How to handle social media customer service queries
  • Social media excellence checklist

Twitter:   @adtech

24:  Game On: How Gamification Drives Sales & Customer Engagement

In this video, CRO Samantha Skey from RecycleBank and leading executives from NativeX, Electronic Arts, and SponsorPay discuss relevant case studies of how brands and businesses can use gamification to push sales and increase customer engagement. Going beyond just reward points and tokens, they discuss strategies that can be borrowed from gaming to attract new leads and gaining customer loyalty.

Download our guide on  how to use gamification to improve call center performance !

  • Importance of gamification to drive sales and enhance customer experience
  • Offering rewards to customers for user-directed opt-ins
  • ‘Mobile to in-store’ and ‘in-store to mobile’ customer engagement

Karan Verma

25: Artificial Intelligence in Customer Engagement

Karan Verma, product manager for Dry Ice at HCL Technologies, discusses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning and the millions of variables involved in delivering the data to be used to drive customer engagement.

  • When to employ machine learning vs. human interaction
  • How large-scale enterprises can use AI to enhance customer engagement
  • Discussing current and future trends in AI
  • Building the gap between different marketing platforms to engage a customer in their customer journey

Twitter:  @CityGro

26:  Innovative Ideas That Increase Your Customer Engagement

A live podcast video by CityGro, a company that builds marketing and client retention tools, discusses how to build customer loyalty and keep people coming back, and how businesses can improve customer retention and develop marketing strategies to better engage customers.

  • Exploring innovative ways to get people to engage with your business, brand, and loyalty programs
  • Getting direct feedback from customers to help businesses improve their customer experience
  • Discusses the tools CityGro offers to increase customer engagement through gamification, scratch cards, and more

Twitter:   @PitneyBowes

27: Predictive Analytics + Customer Engagement = Bad Debt Prevention

Bad debt costs millions per year for utilities. Predictive analytics and properly tuned in customer engagement can alleviate and prevent many of these losses. This pre-recorded webinar has some of the foremost experts in the areas of analytics, utility companies and customer success.

  • See how predictive analytics as well as a customer service strategy can prevent bad debt
  • Using data to determine where your collection efforts are best spent by likeliness to pay
  • Keep more debt from becoming delinquent based on indicators before payments are missed

Tom Tsongas, PMP, CSM

28: Customer engagement

This slide presentation gives an overview and discusses key aspects of customer engagement. It explains how customer engagement is the process of fostering and optimizing the relationship with the consumer, as well as the necessary steps that need to be taken to produce the most viable deliverable. It emphasizes the need for improving customer satisfaction scores and giving the customer a lasting impression of your brand.

  • Difference between internal and external customers
  • Challenges in engaging internal customers
  • Internal customer engagement lifecycle
  • Key methodologies to achieve customer engagement

David Williams


29: Customer engagement 5 vectors

This slide presentation is shared by David Williams, Director of iPoint Solutions Ltd., in which he discusses the five vectors of customer engagement. The slides discuss the need to shift from efficiency to effectiveness and the importance of having direct engagement with the customer.

  • 5 vectors of customer engagement
  • Expanding opportunity with smart everything
  • Offshoring and re-shoring
  • Keeping up with the competition

Raghvendra Saboo

Twitter:  @jumoora

30: In-Store Customer Engagement & Analytics

This slide presentation primarily discusses the importance of in-store customer engagement and ways to improve it. It also shares analytics of customer behavior and how to grab engagement analytics of the ever connected and the ever-browsing customer. It also shares market evolution details and case studies of a couple of leading organizations.

  • Enhancing experience related to shopping at physical stores
  • The behavior change brought by E-commerce
  • Leveraging proximity techniques and cloud NFC smart tags
  • Value proposition of brands

Emilia D’Anzica, MBA, PMP

Twitter:  @emiliadanzica

31: Driving Product Advocacy: Customer Engagement

This slide presentation discusses the importance of having an engagement program and key strategies to jumpstart customer engagement in your organization. It also shares recent customer analysis and platforms that can be used for customer relationship management and offers guidance on creating an action plan for your engagement program.

  • Analysis of customer journey
  • Gamification of customer experience
  • Strategies for mobilizing your network
  • Action plan for continuous engagement

Twitter:  @plumb_five

32: Autonomous Customer Engagement

The slide presentation focuses on implementing AI that is capable of autonomous human-like customer engagement. It advocates the use of Plumb5 which is a unified data platform that is built using the concepts of a real-time decision process. It renders seamless engagement between touch-points like web, mobile, email, SMS, and other channels of communication.

  • Introduction to Plumb5 platform
  • Data preparation for individual customers
  • Connecting all data sources
  • Unification technique
  • Machine learning workflow
  • Segmentation and dynamic personalization

Twitter:  @Ogilvy

33: Equipping Engagement with Wearable Tech

This slide presentation talks about wearable tech that can function as a multi-disciplinary analysis. It discusses smart body apparel and various factors such as personal, environmental, and physical that come into play when designing and implementing with wearable tech.

  • How to stay consumer-centric
  • Utilizing mobile devices and connected watches
  • Today’s wearable tech eco-system

Richard Sedley

Twitter:  @richardsedley

34: 4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Survey

This series of slides are from the 4th annual online customer engagement survey report of 2010. The presentation comments on the report, provides an executive summary and goes into an in-depth discussion regarding customer management. It discusses the importance of repeated interactions that strengthen the emotional, psychological, or physical investment of the customer in the brand, product, or company.

  • Behaviors and dimensions to consider for customer engagement campaigns
  • Importance of message relevance and medium selection for customer engagement
  • Improving online customer engagement
  • Increasing value delivered and long-term customer engagement

35: Creating Customer Engagement Strategies

This presentation created by Richard Sedley, CEO at EY-Saren, is a series of slides discussing various factors, mediums, and analysis that can be used for creating effective customer engagement strategies.

  • Permission based marketing
  • Touch strategies
  • Proposition development
  • Psycho-graphic profiling
  • Behavioral targeting
  • Contextual targeting

OgilvyOne Worldwide

36: eCommerce: The Crucible of Customer Engagement

This is a series of slides that talk about the core-essentials or ingredients of customer engagement. It discusses how mobile users and millennials are going to drive the future. It focuses on developing customer engagement and enhancing customer experience by a combination of either physical or digital stores, along with the application of continuous commerce.

  • Using M-commerce to drive E-commerce
  • Location marketing
  • Instant Gratification Marketplaces

Twitter:  @davidleeking

37: Freak Out, Geek Out, or Seek Out: Dealing with Tech Change and Customer Engagement

The series of slides in this presentation talk about the rapid technology changes that need to be made to boost customer engagement. It talks about the changing web, which is a decentralized, two-way channel for public communication in real-time and also how to deal with the ever-changing competition landscape.

  • Dealing with pocket web
  • Enhancing visitor experience
  • Improve touch-points
  • Dealing with change

SAP Customer Experience

Twitter:  @SAP_CX

38: 44 Facts Defining the Future of Customer Engagement

This slide presentation offers a series of facts that gives an idea of where customer engagement is headed in the future. It shares statistics related to customer engagement in different fields such as electronics, banking, hotels, and the retail market.

  • Necessity of engaging customers on social media
  • Statistics relating customer spending with customer experience
  • Effectiveness of customer usage algorithm
  • Importance of being customer-centric

Braze (formerly Appboy)

Twitter:  @Braze

39: What is Customer Engagement

This series of slides gives an in-depth understanding of customer engagement. It talks about the process of actively building, nurturing, and managing relationships with customers. The customer journey is no longer linear, which makes creating a customer engagement strategy more complex. Therefore, it is easier to sell to an existing customer than acquire a new one.

  • Customer acquisition and metrics marketing
  • Leveraging CRM data to better understand customers
  • Segmentation to increase the relevancy and effectiveness of campaigns
  • Using multiple channels for maximum impact

Twitter:  @marketo

40: 5 Marketing Strategies for Customer Engagement

This series of informative slides discusses the upcoming “engagement economy” as the foreseen new era. It presents the 2017 marketing benchmark report and shares success stories that have worked for leading organizations.

  • Need for an engagement platform
  • Quality of engagements
  • Personalized engagement
  • Custom scoring models
  • Multi-touch reporting

Twitter:  @Alterian

41: The Future of Customer Engagement

This series of slides aims at predicting the future of customer engagement. It talks about how the definition of customer engagement has changed with evolving customers, social change, and customer demands that drive marketing. It discusses how to identify the challenges in delivering customer engagement and how these challenges can be addressed.

  • Strategies in customer engagement
  • Identification and addressing challenges
  • Customer engagement maturity model

Twitter:  @MarTechConf

42: The Four R’s of Customer Engagement for Marketing Success

This presentation discusses digital transformation and the key difference between customer experience and customer engagement. It talks about the science of marketing, and how marketing has evolved with machine learning and omni-channel architecture.

  • Right message
  • Right channel

David Leonarde

43: Top 7 winning customer engagement strategies for your business

This series of slides discusses some of the key strategies that are vital for increasing customer engagement. It talks about the importance of humans being multi-dimensional and how they can be engaged on other levels that are not directly related to the company’s product. It discusses the sharing of stories and how providing customers with real time benefits are keys to continuous customer engagement.

  • Engage and enroll customers by sharing your story
  • Use customer data effectively to generate relevant content
  • Share customer reviews on social media
  • Attempt to engage customers on an emotional level

Demand Metric

Twitter:  @DemandMetric

44: Customer Engagement Playbook

This series of slides shows a step-by-step guide to improve the engagement level of customers and make your organization customer-centric. It talks at length about initiatives that need to be taken to improve customer engagement, and understanding the strength and weakness of the organization to design the most effective customer engagement plan.

  • Customer journey mapping
  • Initiative preparation and technology selection
  • Strategy selection for customer engagement and advocacy

Amazon Web Services

Twitter:  @awscloud

45: Customer Engagement in the Age of Digital Transformation

The digital customer leaves behind an explosion of data that is collected across all touchpoints. This series of slides gives a walkthrough of the research and industry analysis conducted in the field of customer engagement. It also educates about how Amazon Web Services (AWS) and FICO can help in building better customer engagement for your organization.

  • Data driven, highly scientific approach to optimize omni-channel customer experience
  • Using existing customer data to predict future behavior
  • Model outbound and real-time customer interactions to create effective campaigns
  • Core benefits of using AWS

Techedge Group

Twitter:  @techedgegroup

46: Design for Customer Engagement: Digital Marketing Strategy

This series of slides focuses on identifying all of the relevant technological components that seamlessly integrate with one another. It further discusses that end-to-end digital marketing strategies are key to developing a strong customer base for any organization.

  • Search engine marketing and related online campaigns
  • Accurate application of the digital marketing funnel
  • Developing a successful digital marketing strategy

Twitter:  @servicenow

47: How to Develop Winning Customer Engagement Strategies

This series of slides teach how to develop customer engagement strategies that increase customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. The presentation talks about the advent of the digital customer and how to use omni-channel methods to build trust and engage the customer. It also covers concerns of the company regarding the cost of the campaigns and how to optimize budget limits.

  • Customer engagement in the digital era
  • Personal value chain of customers
  • Multichannel customer engagement
  • Analysis of Dialog Axiata Group case study

MIT Sloan Management Review

Twitter:   @MITSloan

48:  Turning Data into Customer Engagement

Here is a very data-based slide presentation reviewing “key findings” from the 2018 Data & Analytics Global Executive Study and Research Report. If you’re not using any form of analytics at the moment, the results found may convince you to start.

  • Using analytics is a competitive advantage that continues to improve
  • The data provided by analytics is improving customer engagement for those employing it
  • Experienced analytics users are using more data points to improve engagement
  • The power of sharing data

The Digital Insurer

Twitter:   @DigitalInsurer

49:  Customer Engagement in a Connected World

A great set of useful slides from a series of presentations at a conference specifically from insurers. There are four distinct presentations all dealing with the topic of improving both customer engagement and customer experience. While it is intended for insurers, the strategies are broad and can benefit nearly any industry.

  • How insurers can specifically drive customer engagement by embracing the “age of the customer”
  • How AI and Machine Learning can improve customer experience
  • Insights into the customer via online engagement
  • “Uplifting” the experience of an insurer’s customer


Twitter:   @Kissmetrics

50:  Data-Driven Storytelling: How To Use Qualitative and Quantitative Insights To Create Content That Fuels Your Business

A long title that says exactly what to expect within the slides. Kissmetrics is known for quality content as well as creating tools that give incredibly useful data. This presentation deals with both creating good content and using it to the fullest for data-backed engagement.

  • A clean-cut definition of good content, how to “cut through the noise” and telling good stories
  • Detailed, itemized list of the ways storytelling content can fuel your business objectives
  • Further resources to continue your data and storytelling journey

What customer engagement strategies are most crucial to your organization in the digital world? Tweet at us  @CallMiner  and let us know! 

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Top 10 Courses on Customer Service with Training Material Included [Free PDF Attached]

Top 10 Courses on Customer Service with Training Material Included [Free PDF Attached]

Madhusheel Arora


Download Content-Ready Customer Service Training PowerPoint Deck

In their workplace life, most people live with the notion that no feedback is good feedback. Does this quaint belief hold any meaning in the business world of today?

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

If a business chooses to be happy with the rudimentary knowledge that its products work OK, technology is all fine, and customers don’t complain, then it is in line for a rude shake-up (or disruption). The attitude that such businesses signal to the world is that for them, customer service is a ‘Cost Centre’ and is, thus, not to be touched.

What we advocate, with conviction, is that research shows (and intuition validates) that the highest level of customer satisfaction is achieved not when there is no complaint. The zenith of satisfaction happens when there is a complaint, and is resolved way beyond the customer’s expectation (leave alone satisfaction).

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

If you can do this well, the customer experiences delight and becomes your brand evangelist. This phenomenon called ‘Service Recovery Paradox’ is illustrated in the image below.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

The key learning for businesses is that customer service is not just a cost centre you can wish away but a revenue centre. For evolved businesses, customer service is an inseparable arm of marketing, which should be invested in for business growth.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

From candy makers to airlines, every business needs to pay complete attention to customer service, especially when he/she complains or finds faults. An angry or difficult customer is businesses’ best bet to zero in on growth avenues.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

To this end, our Top 10 Course on Customer Service is designed to sensitize your workforce to embrace customer service as a credo. The trainer can download this comprehensive presentation deck to get the most well-researched content, fortified with impactful designs to deliver a powerful training experience.

As a Top 10 Course on Customer Service for every global organization, we offer detailed presentations on topics that have a direct and deep bearing on how you view the issue. The comprehensive course — with the latest and certified training material included — is also the most credible and relevant resource available online for the query on how to conduct customer service training.

You can customize this Top 10 Course content and may pick-and-choose Training Modules to download according to your unique choice, need, or curriculum requirement. Each of the Training Modules is independent, self-contained, and comprehensive by itself. These are:

Serial No. Name
Training Module I Introduction to Customer Service
Training Module II Importance of Customer Service
Training Module III Different Customer Service Channels
Training Module IV Customer Service Team: Soft Skills
Training Module V Dealing with Difficult Customers
Training Module VI How to Delight Customers
Training Module VII Beyond Customer Service: Customer Engagement and Experience
Training Module VIII Strategic aspects of delivering great service
Training Module IX Measuring Customer Satisfaction; NPS and Quality Assurance
Training Module X Digital Customer Service

All training modules end with three key indicators to assess trainees’ involvement. These are:

  • Key Takeaways
  • Let’s Discuss
  • Let’s Test What We Have Learnt

Customer Service: Serve, Delight, Repeat

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

Customers are the reason businesses exist, or we would still be grazing goats. As part of the only course businesses will ever need, our Training Module I , titled ‘Introduction to Customer Service’ starts by defining the term. It answers the critical question of WHY is customer service needed.

The module helps the trainer prove to the trainees that every customer complaint is a gift in five ways.

In Training Module II titled, ‘Importance of Customer Service’, we dig deep into the Five Levels of Customer Service.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

We also learn that 78% of customers will do business again with a company if customer service is excellent. Training Module II also highlights the Service Recovery Paradox, which helps the trainer showcase that there is always a second chance.

This Training Module also lists key statistics on popular customer service channels.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

In Training Module III titled ‘Different Customer Service Channels’, we present a ready-reckoner and detailed discussion on the four major channels of Chat, Written, Voice and Face-to-Face.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

In Training Module IV, titled ‘Customer Service Team Soft Skills’, our deck provides excellent hands-on exercises, tips and resources to internalize the must-have eight key soft skills.

Our Training Module V titled ‘Dealing with Difficult Customers’, we get to know five kinds of difficult customers.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

We simulate seven role-play scenarios to get an actual feel of customer service in action.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

The activity-based Training Module VI titled ‘How to Delight Customers’ starts with writing a letter and ends with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure Customer Delight.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

In Training Module VII, titled ‘Beyond Customer Service: Customer Engagement and Experience’, we include a table of comparison between engagement and experience.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

Turning the discussion towards key numbers, we also offer KPIs to measure customer engagement.

In Training Module VIII , titled ‘Strategic Aspects of Delivering Great Customer Experience’, we offer a four-step process for the bottom and mid-level management to design great customer service into their business’ routine.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

We discuss a way to measure customer satisfaction and also introduce the concept of Net Promoter Score (NPS) in Training Module IX.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

In Training Module X, we ensure that business managers know their technology and its applications in the customer service universe.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

The trainer has the chance to make sure his trainees learn about Customer Service 2.0. Trainees are also able to map a digital customer journey.

With your appetite whetted, let us dig into a detailed preview of each module.


Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

Inevitably, the majority of businesses are a bit slow to set up or even include a paragraph on customer service in their business plan. The rationale is that customer service costs money. Evidence, however, shows that poor customer service translates into lost revenue. Customer service, by definition, is how well-trained service professionals interact with existing and prospective customers and satisfy their requirements. It is a tool to find new customers as well, something that businesses need to pay more attention to.

In this module, we make it sink in that customer complaints are a gift, and an opportunity.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

The five pillars of customer service are studied. These are:

  • Channel variety
  • Proactive support team
  • Focus on customer satisfaction
  • Knowledge base
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools


Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

This module highlights the importance of customer service through half-a-dozen figures. The one worth remembering is that 69% of customers who have witnessed a positive customer experience recommend the company.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

Thus, a well-designed customer experience is considered a marketing strategy in any business. A four-step process to actually make this work is highlighted.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

This training module remains exercise-based. We also put on record that 33% of customers rate a friendly and knowledgeable customer agent as the most important aspect of customer service.

We end Training Module II with seven factors that impact customer service excellence. The most important of these are taking ownership and following up with the customer.

Training Module III: Reaching out with impact; customer service channels

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

You may be aware of the conventional wisdom that people may or may not actually want businesses to compensate them for any perceived loss, what they do want is to be heard. In this module, we give the trainer a practical demonstration on four categories of channels.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

Chat is the most popular medium, with 79% of customers choosing online support. Around 45% of online shoppers also prefer that a live person answer their questions during an online purchase. For basic, standardized questions, chatbots are preferred. The emerging (not on a mass scale) channels are live video chat and in-store appointments. In fact, live video chat has a satisfaction rate of 73% versus 61% for email and 44% for phone.

We take situational learning to a new level of sophistication with eight challenges included to illustrate real-life examples. For crisis management and handling complaints, it is recommended that you use Disney’s five-step framework HEARD for customer recovery framework.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

The acronym translates to:


Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

How keen is your team to remember customer names or the specific grouse each of the lists? This is the foundation on which an effective customer care team erects a tall foundation of satisfied customers, some of whom may also decide to root for you.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

We list eight must-have skills to make this skyscraper happen. Conflict resolution, product feature and application knowledge and assertiveness remain the top three qualities.

Our exercises go beyond the mere academic, and one of them asks customer service reps to recall a bad experience that they went through.

The goal-post, at this stage of customer service, changes to converting retained customers to ‘pleased customers’, and finally active promoters. This will require taking ownership.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

“I just explained this to you,” try reading this out in a slightly irritated tone and imagine how a customer feels when told this during a call.

This is just one of the proverbial ‘seven sins’ a customer care executive can commit. We list these all.

Business owners, managers, and corporate trainers can take to heart the one key mantra that will work in all situations.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

Here it goes:

The customer is not always right, but he/she needs to be treated with respect at all times.

Training Module V: The climb up the mountain: Dealing with difficult customers

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

There is nothing more heart-warming than a polite, firm, and knowledgeable customer rep winning over a difficult customer through logic, persuasion, and an attitude of service. This is akin to Williams’ sister in full flow on a tennis court or a Tiger Woods teeing off.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

Our Training Module V starts with a 20-minute exercise to let trainees step into the shoes of a difficult customer. Difficult customers are also divided into five kinds. These are:

  • Aggressive customer
  • Indecisive customer
  • Impatient customer
  • Know-it-all customer

It goes without saying that each of these distinct individuals needs tactful handling, with variations. For instance, the know-it-all on the line will need some massaging of ego.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

A general mind-map that the trainer is encouraged to internalize in his trainees is the Empathy, Control, Advocacy (ECA) approach.

In the seven impressive role-play activity that follows next, we discuss threadbare the scenarios that inevitably arise in customer service.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

The USP of the module is giving excellent sample answers to each of these scenarios. You may customize these according to the business you are in.

Training Module VI: Drawing a smile: How to delight customers

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

In this module, we start with an activity where each individual from the trainees’ group shares his/her success story in dealing with customer issues.

The idea is to transform the customer journey from attraction and engagement to delight. In effect, you turn a stranger into a customer, who, over time, turns into a loyal unpaid promoter of your product or service.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

The trainer can go into the specifics of strategies that help ensure customer delight. The categories are:

  • Personalization
  • Quick support
  • Anticipating Customer Needs
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Educating Customers
  • Empowering Employees
  • Embracing Data

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

Then, we study the churn rate, the retention rate, and the customer lifetime value as the three KPIs that help you judge whether customer delight is happening for you.

Training Module VII: Beyond Customer Service: Customer Engagement and Experience

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

This is where things get a little tough, and top management interest will speed things up. The significance of customer engagement lies in building an emotional connection and working on customer retention.

The objective of customer engagement is to ensure regular interactions with customers.

The concept of service and engagement is delicious, as service attempts to solve a problem, while engagement proactively works to ensure there is no issue to resolve in the first place.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

Once you have an engaged customer, it is important to give him an experience of a lifetime. Designing this positive experience is crucial as it helps reinforce the preference for your brand, reduces customer churn, inspires customer advocacy, and boosts revenue.

Training Module VIII: Strategic Aspects of Delivering Great Service

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

A bonus session for the top management to help them make far-reaching decisions on customer service, this module lists four steps to provide great customer service.

To make the CEO’s job easier, we give him questions that he should ask on identifying all customer touchpoints.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

The module goes into significant detail on customer satisfaction, customer retention, and lifetime value. The top management wants to see all of these concepts translated into figures, deadlines, and action. As an instance, the final goal accepted and conveyed to all will be:

Reduce the Average Handling Time (AHT) for resolving customer issues from {9 minutes} to {8 minutes} by January 1 and so on.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

This leads to the nine KPIs that we need to monitor in customer service. Of these, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is one that has drawn popular interest.

Training Module IX: Measuring Customer Satisfaction; NPS and Quality Assurance

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

By this stage, the trainees and trainer are sure that they are on to building something good. Now, we convert all of this theoretical knowledge into empirical applications.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

The first is the NPS method, where customers giving you a rating of 9 or 10 on a 0-10 scale are to be treasured, as they are your net promoters.

We also learn that in the hyper-connected world of today, 90% of customers trust online reviews before a purchase.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

The top boss also has to ensure that the organization gets its methods of collecting customer feedback correct.

The thing to remember, however, is that to fully do justice to the customer, you must ACT upon feedback immediately after receiving it. Then, it is mission-critical to put it in a format where you gain insights into customer behavior.

Our training module includes two templates for this. Customer Effort Score and Customer Satisfaction Surveys.

Training Module X: Digital Customer Service

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

In this final module, the lens shifts to another business universe, the digital playground. The channels, per se, have to go digital, and customer service gets an upgrade to Customer Service 2.0.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

DCS allows businesses to share power with the customer, as this is a multi-channel service and shares data across departments. Critically, businesses aim for immediate, real-time resolution of customer woes.

In numbers that back up the use of DCS, 76% of customers have made a purchase using a mobile device over the past six months.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

What is even more significant is that 56% of CEOs say digital improvements have led to revenue growth.

In real convincing figures for businesses, studies show that even though only over half of the customer service journey has gone digital, the customer satisfaction score of digital ONLY is 76%.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

Another option for business managers is to slice customer behavior into three spreads exploration, autonomy, and assistance.

Comprehensive Customer Service Training Curriculum Edu PPT

Over time, companies will like to be able to ‘mass-customize’ this grid, offered in our Top-10 Course.

The module also includes a complete dossier of additional slides that help in every domain of your presentation. We include a template to recognize people, client testimonials, and a training certificate, among other such material. A training evaluation form is also included.

Download the free Customer Service PDF .

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6 Topics You’re Not Covering in Customer Service Training (That You Should Be)

Sam Schneider

Samantha is an expert in organizational efficiency and effectiveness, drives our customer-obsessed culture, and is a champion for inclusivity at Bloomfire. Her leadership has inspired our team to create products that our customers love, which has been rewarded with great loyalty. Sam focuses on operational excellence, particularly in customer success organizations.

contact center supervisor provides hands-on customer service training to new hire

Providing a great customer service experience is critical to the success of your business. One in three consumers say they will walk away from a brand they love after just one bad experience.

How can you ensure your customers are delighted every time?

It starts with training. Equipping your customer service representatives or call center agents with the right knowledge and skills can pave the way for an exceptional customer experience. But your current training program may not be enough. Beyond standard topics, such as how to use your software systems and guidelines for technical troubleshooting, there are several important topics your training program may be missing. 

Below, explore six critical subjects that you may not cover in your current training program—but should consider adding immediately.

1. How to Listen With Empathy

When it comes to a customer service representative’s soft skills, empathy is non-negotiable. Empathy is the ability to see a problem from the customer’s point of view and understand how he or she feels. And today, empathy is more important than ever; research shows that consumers expect customer service representatives to be more empathetic and more responsive in the wake of the coronavirus crisis.

To train your agents to be empathetic to customers, start by teaching them the skill of active listening. Active listening can involve restating and summarizing the customer’s issue, asking for more information to thoroughly understand the problem, validating the customer’s feelings and frustration, and working to find a solution with those emotions in mind. By displaying empathy, call center agents can help customers feel seen and understood—which can lead to a better overall customer experience.

2. How to Work Well Under Pressure

High call volumes are unavoidable in a call center environment. Even with a well-staffed, technically trained department, there will inevitably come a point when calls spike, resulting in long call queues and frazzled agents. Even during times of normal call volume, there will always be the occasional frustrated customer or caller with multiple urgent issues.  

To succeed in this environment, call center agents must be able to work well under pressure. This skill doesn’t come naturally to everyone, so it’s beneficial to provide them with tips to communicate calmly and confidently, even when they don’t feel that way. This training could also incorporate techniques like meditation, which employees can use before and after shifts to relax and regain focus, even when the demands of the job are high.

3. How to Be a Customer Advocate

Customer service agents should be equipped to solve issues and answer questions, but to provide a truly exceptional customer experience—one that results in enhanced customer retention and loyalty—they should be trained to be customer advocates. Customer advocacy is the strategy of putting a customer’s needs first; in return, the customer becomes a champion for the company.

For call center agents, that often requires a mindset shift. Agents must constantly ask themselves how they can go above and beyond for their customers. They shouldn’t ever wonder if they can address an issue, but how they will solve it—even if it means seeking help or input from a co-worker or another department.

4. How to Stay Organized

While customer service training typically covers how to use necessary programs, like your customer relationship management (CRM) software, it doesn’t usually explain how to develop a system to stay organized—because that could look different for each individual representative.

To maximize your reps’ efficiency, consider providing training on organizational methods, such as how to take accurate notes, notate follow-up tasks, and communicate any necessary information to other relevant stakeholders or departments. While each agent will eventually find their own rhythm and organizational system, this can provide a jumping-off point to get them started on the right foot.

5. What to Do When You Are Stumped by a Customer Question

No matter how extensive your training, when your call center agents begin taking calls on their own, they will inevitably encounter a question they don’t know the answer to—and your training should cover how to handle those situations.

If your company has a knowledge management platform , your agents should be familiar with how to use it to find the answers they need. This could include teaching them how to most effectively use the search function, how to access materials including product information and FAQs, and how to use the platform to crowdsource answers to tough customer questions. When reps feel confident using this type of tool, they will be able to nimbly and confidently navigate any customer question. 

6. How to Work (and Thrive) Remotely

The coronavirus pandemic permanently changed how—and where—people work. According to J.D. Power research , about 86% of the customer service organizations surveyed reported that even after the pandemic, they plan to implement models to allow employees to continue to work from home.  

While most call centers understand how to equip and train representatives to work remotely from a technology standpoint, there are other factors to consider—like how to encourage teamwork, even when your workers can’t engage face to face. Remote employees may require training on effective communication, time management, and how to access necessary resources.

Adding these topics to your current training program can ensure your call center agents are thoroughly prepared to address any customer issue that comes their way. Equipped with technical know-how, confidence, and empathy, your agents will be able to delight customers every time. 

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Customer Service Presentation Template

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Customer Service Presentation

Transcript: Because we have delivered more than our customers expected... ...our customers now expect more than we have delivered! It's time to look at things.... OUR STAFF HAVE SO MUCH KNOWLEDGE TO SHARE! THE CUSTOMER SERVICE SECTION OF THE INTRANET SHOULD BE A STEP AHEAD... .....THE POSSIBILITY OF STAFF HAVING HOME ACCESS OPENS GREAT ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES! LOOK AT THE POSSIBILITY OF USING NEW TECNOLOGY, SUCH AS We have become a victim of our own success. CHANGES IN CUSTOMER SERVICE Smartcards will continue to evolve. Due to our great successes, passenger expectations rise. Customer service experience becomes more important than ever. The company aims for Investors In People Gold Award. ENGAGE, SINCE 2004 HOW DOES CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING ADAPT TO THESE CHANGES? INSPIRE Thank you for your time. UPDATE AND ADAPT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING SO THAT OUR STAFF FIND IT RELEVANT AND USEFUL. THE BEST TEACHERS INSPIRE THIER STUDENTS TO LEARN Changes in Technology. INSPIRE! FROM A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE! Scotrail starts to use new technology and social media to engage with our customers. CO-OPERATE WITH ALL DEPARTMENTS, TO FIND AND SOLVE PROBLEMS REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW S.O.M. Any questions? SMARTBOARDS ARE EASY TO USE AND CAN BE USED TO PRESENT MULTI MEDIA TRAINING COURSES, WHILE PROJECTING A PROFESSIONAL IMAGE TO STAFF AND VISITORS. Introduction of new S.O.M. makes customer service part of competence assessments. Blackberrys introduced to on train staff. Scotrail promises to deliver the best service for Scotland every day. LOOKING TO THE FUTURE..... CUSTOMER SERVICE COMES NATURALLY TO SOME, BUT NOT TO ALL. EDUCATE LISTEN TO THE EXPERIENCE OF OUR STAFF. EDUCATE, TRAIN OUR MANAGERS TO HELP THEM ASSESS CUSTOMER SERVICE COMPETENCE STANDARDS. BE CREATIVE IN HOW WE TEACH CUSTOMER SERVICE, LET OUR TRAINEES EXPERIENCE GOOD AND BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE. Safety, Integrity, Quality, Accessible and Professional. Customer Service plays an integral part in our Visions and Values. The commonwealth games come to Glasgow giving us the chance to showcase our customer service. USE THE INTRANET AND POSSIBLY KINDLE TO ENGAGE OUR STAFF. OUR STAFF ARE OUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET Looking towards, and beyond the end of the current franchise. INNOVATIONS SO FAR..................... ENGAGE EDUCATE OURSELVES, BY LOOKING AT WHAT OTHER SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES DO. UTILIZE OUR CURRENT TECHNOLOGY , SUCH AS SMARTBOARDS, TO EXPLORE NEW TEACHING TECHNIQUES. WHEN WORKING FOR GADGETSHOP, I WOULD SEND NEW STAFF TO ASK QUESTIONS AT THE APPLE STORE, AND REPORT ON THE SERVICE THEY RECEIVED. THIS WAS INVALUABLE IN SHOWING THE STANDARD I EXPECTED FROM MY STAFF. How we have performed in the current franchise. TVMs and Smartcard ticketing are introduced. Scotrail starts to deliver on all fronts. Punctuality and reliability improve. Modernised facilities and ticketing systems are introduced. Scotrail introduces great value products. First transforms the Scotrail brand. Vision and Values put customer service at the core of the company.

customer service presentation topics

Transcript: Practice, Practice Practice...Role-Playing! Who is Responsible for Customer Service? Interests and hobbies Occupation Education Cultural diversity Technology skills Location or community Access point: online, in-house, Affiliates, outreach To provide a basic introduction and understanding of the concepts of customer service. To give examples of good customer service, and how to achieve it. To explore the different aspects of good customer service (staff, facilities, collections and programs). To enpower staff to make the best customer service decision for each individual and each circumstance. To provide coping techniques for staff encountering the confused, dissatisfied and angry customer. To learn from and help each other. How to deal, cope and have each other's back! Angry Customers = Angry Staff? Questions? Handling Stress Navigating the Customer Service Experience SAY "what I can do is," INSTEAD OF "I can't." SAY "Yes, and," INSTEAD OF "Yes, but." SAY "Let's see if I can find out," INSTEAD OF "I don't know." SAY "Here's a list of organizations that may be able to help you," INSTEAD OF "We can't do that." SAY "You may want to look at the information I have," INSTEAD OF "You are wrong." SAY "I don't have the expertise to give you advice on that subject, but I can find you information," INSTEAD OF "I can't give advice." Create... Escape clauses in rules and policies. This is the Captain Jack Sparrow principle: "They're more like guidelines, really." You Are Here Pick up the phone ASAP, but don't pick it up just to stop the ringing, and continue your conversation with someone else. Say your name and identify your library. Remember to smile when you're speaking. Callers can "hear" the smile in your voice. Speak clearly and not too fast. If you have to put the customer on hold, ask if they can wait or would they rather call back. If you have to take the customer's name and number, write it down legibly (that's my biggest issue!) and repeat it back to the customer for correctness. Customer Service and the Mentally Unstable Frontline Customer Service Who Are Our Customers? Anger is contagious. Remember, it probably has nothing to do with you! Anger is a secondary emotion. The annoyed, frustrated, grouchy and mad. They...have the wrong library; are in a hurry; just need to check their email or print one form; "but they told me I could!" Anger is in the body. The body reacts to "fight or flight." Blood leaves the brain, and thinking stops. Hopefully, by not allowing customers to draw you into their anger, they will see that you are trying to resolve the issue and will calm down. But...This doesn't always work and the customer leaves angry. The customer is NOT always right...but they do have the right to express their opinion. Just do the best you can and move on. Customer Service: Facilities, Collections and Programming Effective Communication GOALS! Discretion allows for assessing each situation as unique. Are there any circumstances where you might: Waive fines? Check-out materials without the library card? Extend computer time limits? Allow customer use of staff equipment? Enpowerment doesn't mean disregarding the policies of the Library or PINES. It does mean weighing the customer service benefit of "exceptions" to the policy, versus strictly following it. Knowledge Customer Service and Enpowered Staff The Angry Customer Stay calm and don't take it personally. Speak in a lower voice. Don't argue. Apologize for the situation: "I'm sorry if you feel that way;" "I'm sorry if you were given the wrong information." Focus on what can be done, instead of what can't be done. Use S.E.T. Support, Empathy, Truth Support: Use statements that begin with "I". "I want to help you" or "How can I help you?" Empathy: NOT pity, but awareness and validation of their feelings. "I see that you're angry and I understand that this is frustrating" or "I understand how you must feel." Truth: A realistic and honest assessment of the situation, NOT the person's subjective experience. "This is what I can do for you" or "Here are some of your options." Try to remember to use "Support" and "Empathy" before "Truth", or the customer may become even more angry. Performance. Do customers always get correct information from the library? Availability. Can we put the latest bestseller in a customer's hands? Ease of use. Is it easier to search the library's catalog or Amazon.com for a book? Reliability. Can we perform the promised service dependably and accurately? Responsiveness. Are we willing to provide prompt and courteous service, with a smile? Empathy. Do we care about their needs and are willing to provided individualized service? The Angry Customer Children Young adults Homeschoolers Adults, including Seniors Businesses Ethnic populations Disadvantaged populations College students (26,000 at GSU alone!) Everyone! It happens in every part of library operations. In every service provided by the library. With external customers (library

customer service presentation topics

Transcript: How can YOU help? TOP 5 POSITIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE TIPS The way YOU behave can add value for our customers! Know your customers Who are our customer? Who are the customers? How can you help? Attitude checklist. Top 5 Positive Customer Service Tips Dealing with difficult behavior. Methods of communication. Scenarios Encourage residents to live on campus. Leave a positive impression and SMILE. Say "goodbye" and "have a nice day". If you tell someone you will follow up, make sure you do. WHO ARE THE CUSTOMERS? dfdgdf Service Tips

customer service presentation topics

Transcript: It is important to understand our customers’ individual needs and wants Personalization of service is key to a happy and content customer Strike up a conversation by asking questions about their trip and destination Vacationer? Point out some landmarks on the way Local? Information about local traffic could help redirect path for a speedy and safe drive This helps build trust between driver and customer, and in turn a relationship is started Anyone and everyone in an organization can make a difference for the organization Smile Make eye contact Be Polite Say Please and end with a Thank You Very easy and simple, and can make a world of difference for a customer to be treated this way Service Model: RIDE Use your imagination to rejuvenate your work efforts continually This helps keep you happy and in turn our customers happy Everyday is a clean slate and you choose your theme for the day Remember we are in the business of helping people Study the maps to know side streets Keep yourself informed about all new road construction and traffic Knowing more than one route to a destination helps keep each drive different and your work from being redundant Problem solving is the key to creating and establishing value for our customers What is the quickest and safest path to our customer’s destination? Sometimes the quickest path is not the most conventional path Inform the customer the route you intend to take and the reason why This builds credibility and value for our customers because it shows that you are knowledgeable and prepared to help the customer get to their destination Establishing value brings back customers Principle: Create and Establish Value Sanborn, M. (2008, February 8). How to Provide Extraordinary Customer Service: The Fred Factor. YouTube. Retrieved from Sanborn, M. (2013, March 25). Be A Fred. Retrieved from The Fred Factor: http://www.fredfactor.com/befred/principles.aspx by: Josellyn Osuna MKTG210 06/05/2013 Providing the Best Customer Service Look to the service model based on the four principles to help you remember how to create the best customer service experience: References R- relationships I - imagination D - difference E - establish value Principle: Build Relationships Principle: Anyone Can Make A Difference Principle: Invent and Reinvent Yourself Regularly

customer service presentation topics

Service Presentation - Template

Transcript: There is a difference between fast and efficient service. Do not continue to do things the same old way because that is “how they are done”. You were hired to use your experience and skills to better the organization – take that challenge seriously. It may not always be possible to say “yes” but the customer must know that you have done everything possible to help them accomplish their goal. Make eye contact, smile, and speak (when appropriate) to every customer you encounter. No exceptions. Customers of government agencies do not choose to do business with us, they have to. The only way to overcome this challenge is to provide exceptional service. The implementation of process improvement requires a global perspective. Know what the agency does. When you do, you will know that your work has purpose and that “That’s not my job” shouldn’t be part of your vocabulary. Ask and offer. Your professionalism is judged based on your appearance, your attitude, your manners, your knowledge, and your abilities. It is a package, fail on just one count and you risk making a bad impression. Use your knowledge, skills, and resources to respect your customers’ time, but never rush – it is disrespectful and it dramatically impacts both the relationship and the outcome. Keep your eyes open. If you see something that doesn’t work the way it should, take steps to make it right or at the very least, call someone’s attention to it. Customers care how many people they have to talk with to get the answers they need. If you need to transfer or hand off a customer, make sure it is to the right person, and be sure you’ve prepared that person to ensure a seamless transition. Your career and your livelihood exist because of the customer in front of you. Be grateful and appreciative. To provide accurate information, you must know your job and have a thorough understanding of agency processes. Engage with your co-workers, ask questions, keep up with your industry. There is always more to learn – attend training when it is offered. Respect your customer’s concerns about dealing with government. Resolving an issue or completing a request may take longer, but acknowledgement of the request should happen the day it is received. Know your business. Do not overpromise or under-deliver. Manage expectations by setting reasonable goals. Give careful thought to timelines and make your word your bond. Moreno Valley Service that Soars Never assume you know what your customer needs. Good questions evoke good answers, but only if you’re listening. Resolve not to interrupt. Exercise patience, be polite, and pay attention. Venture outside your world. There is no better way to gauge your success than to ask for feedback. There is no better way to demonstrate your commitment to the customer than to provide a card and offer your continuing assistance. A customer is not a football. Connect. Keep a bad mood to yourself. Respond within the same day. Say “Thank you”. Remember, first impressions matter. Treat customers like they have a choice. Put a human face on the customer’s dealings with what is often considered a complex bureaucracy. Customers enjoy doing business with people they like and trust. Yes, it is your job to make customers like and trust you. Keep your word. Remember who you work for. Ask, then be quiet and listen. Question the status quo. A customer should NEVER have to deal with your difficult day. Everything is your job.

customer service presentation topics

Transcript: Customer Service Presentation Skills Skills Every employee needs to display these very important skills in the workplace so that customers will be happy and the restaurant will be successful. Responsibility Responsibility Being responsible is extremely important. You have to be responsible to make sure you job gets done and it gets done on time. If you want to be promoted and given more responsibility, you have to show that you can be responsible for you duties that you already have. Time Management Time Management In order to be a good employee, you have to manage your time well. It is important to know what you have to do and how much time you have to do it. When you manage time well, you can finish tasks quicker. Attitude Attitude Your attitude towards other employees and customers affects how they will behave towards you. If you want to have a good relationship with your coworkers and/or get good tips from customers, you have to have a positive and happy attitude. Communication Communication Communication involves giving ideas and opinions, but also listening to others. With good, and positive communication, jobs will get done and everyone will have a chance to be heard. Respect Respect Respect is important for employees to show to other employees and customers. Respect is treating everyone fairly. Servers and hosts/hostesses must treat all customers kindly and efficiently. Employees need to be respectful of the jobs their coworkers are doing. Listening Skills Listening Skills Sharing ideas is important, but you have to be able to hear other peoples suggestions and ideas. Additionally, you need to listen well to your managers you will give you jobs to do. If you aren't good at listening, their will be problems with communication. Accepting Criticism Accepting Criticism Sometimes your managers or coworkers will offer constructive criticism regarding your work. You should be respectful of their opinion and if possible try their suggestions, they only want to help. Leading Leading Being a leader means you take charge in difficult situations. You show your coworkers what to do and exhibit a great amount of responsibility. Leaders also have to be respectful of others and understand that they don't have all the answers and rely on their team to do their jobs too. Energy Management Energy Management In order to come to work awake and ready to work you need to make sure you: -eat a balanced diet -exercise -get plenty of sleep This way you won't be tired while working your shift. Handling Customers Handling Customers Sometimes customers will have bad days, or simply just be upset. Be extra careful when serving these customers. Be polite and respectful and do what you can to make their experience here enjoyable. If needed alert a manager to a extreme customer and they will handle that customer.

customer service presentation topics

Transcript: Good customer service is all about bringing customers back and sending them away happy. Happy customers pass positive feedback to others who may then be tempted to try your product/service. Continued Learn to identify and analyse customer needs and problems. Recognise common reasons for customer complaints: Importance of Customer Service Why Do We Need Customer Service? Life Blood of Any Business Accept feedback - positive or negative Know what customers want: Increase Client/Customer Base Discover techniques to cultivate and maintain customer relationships Assess/adapt communication style when dealing with different people. Promotions and offers to attract new customers are all very well and good but unless they come back the business won't be profitable for long. Rules for Customer Service Never underestimate the power of "word of mouth" Excuses How to Provide Good Customer Service Not enough time Don't get paid to be nice Every customer is just bonkers today Can't deal with people who show me no respect I'm having a bad day Customers/public are all basically stupid Customers don't know what they're talking about Cant be bothered Job/ product knowledge - Lack of communication - Poor service - Product disappointment Answer the phone Don't make promises unless you can keep them Listen to your customers Deal with complaints Take the extra step - Greet me - Listen to me - Help me - Value me - Respect me

customer service presentation topics

customer service presentation

Transcript: P1 Communication Presentation Teamwork Introduction Presentation Topics. P1: Communication presentation and teamwork. M1: Different communications types. Communication one way: example using public address. Two way: Verbal, example face-to-face,telephone.

Explore our templates for more presentation inspiration

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Grant Proposal Presentation for NonProfit & Education | Prezi

Description: For grant requests, program proposals, or any other kind of nonprofit or education presentation, this graphite drawing-inspired creative Prezi template is the way to generate interest. Like all Prezi education templates and Prezi nonprofit templates, it’s easy to customize.

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Best Executive Presentation Template to Customize | Prezi

Description: Show the big picture, zoom in on details, and explain clearly how it all relates with this Prezi executive brief or Prezi nonprofit template. The lively image and bold colors make it easy to create compelling, engaging executive brief or nonprofit presentations.

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Description: Rise way above the stacks and stacks of two-dimensional paper resumes on the hiring manager’s desk with a Prezi resume template. Simply personalize this Prezi presentation template to create your very own “Prezume” and impress them with your dynamism, originality, and cool.

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Report - EDU

Description: If you work in education, make your next report visually interesting and easy to navigate. The line-drawn illustrations in this edu report presentation template encourage curiosity and discovery.

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120 Presentation Topic Ideas Help You Hook Your Audience

Jenny Romanchuk

Updated: January 15, 2024

Published: August 09, 2023

Cooking is easy. The puzzle is figuring out what to eat. As soon as you know that, you can get started. The same holds for presentations. The sooner you can whip up a good, informative, and catchy topic, the easier the rest of the process becomes.

 man presents presentation topics to a group

Pick a good topic that resonates with you and your audience to set a strong foundation. But select the wrong topic, and it becomes difficult to connect with your audience, find mutual interests, or hold their attention.

So, let’s learn how to develop thought-provoking and relevant topics for your presentations. You’ll also find some best practices to make your presentation memorable.

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Table of Contents

How to Choose a Great Presentation Topic in 5 Steps

120 presentation topic ideas, 5 presentation tips.

How to Choose a Great Presentation Topic. Be novel. Begin with the end in mind.

4. Choose an appropriate presentation style.

There are many ways to present a topic. Your personality, the topic at hand, and your audience’s personas will help you determine which style would best fit you and your audience.

Select a presentation style that will communicate the main idea clearly and have a lasting impact on your audience.

For instance, explore a freeform style presenter by Sir Ken Robinson.

5. Engage with your audience.

Work on your presentation skills to make a strong connection with your audience, get through to them and leave a mark.

Think of the presenter as the link between the topic and the audience. A strong or a weak presenter can make a difference between a presentation being a thriving success or a boring failure.

Hone your skills by engaging and interacting with your audience. Make them feel like a part of the presentation and not just spectators. 70% of marketers have found presentations with interactive content to be more effective than those without.

Here are a few ways you can make your presentation interactive:

  • Start your speech with uncommon questions to your audience. Involve them from the get-go, like ask to raise their hands if X.
  • Make eye contact to build credibility and show confidence. Don’t stare at your slides or notes. Smile occasionally and talk to the audience directly.
  • Have an active and confident body language. Don’t stand in the same place the entire time. Move around the stage.
  • Don’t be monotonous. Speak as you would to a colleague — with enthusiasm.
  • Ask close-ended questions in between to keep the audience engaged without losing time. Address them using their names to keep things interesting.
  • Share personal experiences and stories that your audience will find fascinating and relatable.
  • Practice thoroughly before you present so you’re fluent with the material and delivery.
  • Energy and excitement can be quite contagious. Make sure you exude enough to spread some to your audience.

Feeling Inspired Yet?

Now you have all the right ingredients for choosing amazing topics and a hundred ideas to drive inspiration from. So, go ahead and start cooking presentations that will blow your audience away.

Don’t forget to choose a super-relevant topic and add meaty information. Do it with excitement to make it enjoyable for you and your audience. Best of luck!

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5 Customer Service Trends You Need to Watch

Male office worker, sitting at a desk, exploring the latest customer service trends on his laptop

Our latest research reveals the top customer service trends as leaders shift their focus from cost-cutting to revenue generation.

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Rekha Srivatsan

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As technology advances, the state of customer service changes along with it. Customers expect companies to adapt to their needs, and technologies like generative AI are playing a major role in meeting those evolving expectations. Here are five customer service trends to keep on your radar as you prepare for the future of customer service , based on new data from the “State of Service” report .

Table of contents

  • Service organizations are now revenue generators — not cost centers
  • Self-service is a clear competitive advantage
  • Connected data enables a better customer experience
  • Conversational AI is taking proactive, personalized service to the next level
  • AI is improving productivity and safety in the field

Staying one step ahead of customer service trends

Dig into our latest customer service research.

High-performing service organizations are using data and AI to generate revenue while cutting costs — without sacrificing the customer experience. Find out how in the 6th edition of the State of Service report.

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1. Service organizations are now revenue generators — not cost centers

Companies are looking for new ways to drive growth and protect their margins, and many see service as a prime opportunity. In fact, 85% of decision makers say service is expected to contribute a larger share of revenue this year. 

So how can you take action? Our research shows that leading organizations are actively tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) that are linked to tangible business outcomes. In fact, the share of service organizations tracking revenue generation has nearly doubled since 2018, from 51% to an astonishing 91%. The share tracking customer retention rose by 29 percentage points over the same period. If those customer service analytics aren’t already on your radar, it’s time to make some changes — otherwise you risk getting left behind. ( back to top )

2. Self-service is a clear competitive advantage

Self-service helps customers resolve simple issues, freeing agents to spend more time on high-complexity, high-value interactions. 

Our latest research shows that high-performing organizations are much more likely than underperformers to provide self-service tools like knowledge-powered help centers , customer self-service portals , and chatbots powered by AI . When customers can interact with a chatbot to answer a question or use a guided journey to start a return, live agents have the time they need to manage more complicated requests. That’s critically important for the 69% of agents who report difficulty balancing speed and quality. ( back to top )

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3. connected data enables a better customer experience.

Many organizations keep data in different silos or applications, so it’s difficult to get a complete view of the customer across all channels. 

Bringing customer data together is all about creating an end-to-end view of the entire customer journey. This way, you’ll have a continuous feedback loop between sales, service, and marketing, keeping everyone on the same page. Maybe that’s why 82% of high-performing organizations use the same customer relationship management (CRM) platform across all departments — up from 62% just two years ago.

The stakes are high: 92% of analytics and IT leaders say the need for trustworthy data is greater than ever. That’s why privacy, security, and trust have already become a major competitive advantage in the evolving AI landscape . 

As companies try to stay one step ahead of these and other customer service trends, leading organizations are adopting programs that prevent large-language models (LLMs) from retaining sensitive customer data. More organizations are training their own domain-specific models to access a secure AI cloud while storing data on their own infrastructure. These efforts are essential to preserving customers’ loyalty and trust in the years to come. ( back to top )

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4. Conversational AI is taking proactive, personalized service to the next level

When it comes to meeting customers’ sky-high expectations, proactive service is more important than ever. “It’s essential to proactively resolve issues before they have any significant business impact,” says Jules O’Donnell, Salesforce administration manager at Quickbase . “This means keeping up with technology solutions to scale service and meet customers where they are.” 

Our latest research backs that up: 95% of decision makers at organizations with AI report cost and time savings, and 92% say generative AI helps them deliver better customer service . It should come as no surprise, then, that 83% of decision makers plan to increase their AI investment over the next year, while only 6% say they have no plans for the technology whatsoever. 

The introduction of conversational AI assistants is one of the innovations that’s making these benefits possible. From the contact center to the field, AI assistants surface the right information at the right time to enable proactive service, improve Net Promoter Scores , and increase loyalty. 

Here’s what that looks like in practice:  

  • Responding to customers with personalized, relevant answers grounded in trusted company knowledge across any preferred channel — including email, SMS, live chat, and social media 
  • Resolving customer issues faster using generative answers seamlessly integrated into agents’ and technicians’ flow of work
  • Autonomously completing tasks like auto-summarizing intricate support cases and field work orders ( back to top )

5. AI is improving productivity and safety in the field

Our research shows that mobile workers say innovative field service technologies make them feel safer and more effective at their jobs, empowering them to be better brand ambassadors. These technologies include intelligent scheduling, route optimization , AI-generated reports, and augmented reality (which can create detailed 3D rendering of large areas in seconds). 

One of the emerging benefits of these and other technologies is the ability to generate insights and predict job duration. For example, workers can use AI to easily view asset condition as well as maintenance and repair history, then schedule proactive service to minimize downtime.  

Customers are benefiting, too. They can book and reschedule their own appointments using intelligent appointment assistance. And many customers have the ability to check when a technician is on the way, reducing no-shows and call volume for a better customer experience all around. ( back to top )

A great strategy starts with the right questions. How can you pursue innovation while maintaining the integrity of your data? How do you build customers’ loyalty and trust? And what’s the secret to delivering faster, more effective customer service without breaking the bank?  

The right technologies can help you prepare for the future while keeping up with the latest customer service trends. That’s why your organization must combine people, technology, and processes to deliver faster, more effective service at scale — with AI assisting you every step of the way. ( back to top )

Enable stellar service in the age of AI

You can scale your customer service with the power of generative AI on a unified foundation of trusted data. See how this technology improves efficiency and generates revenue from the contact center to the field.

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Rekha is the VP of Product Marketing for Salesforce Service Cloud, leading product marketing for all Service Cloud solutions and driving Salesforce’s overall success in transforming the customer support industry. Rekha has spent her career building and growing products that help companies connect ... Read More with their customers — from small businesses to enterprise organizations.

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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

The next-generation cloud designed to run any application, faster and more securely, for less.

Stay at the forefront of the AI revolution. Get certified on OCI Generative AI for free until July 31.

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Developers can now incorporate semantic and generative AI search within their applications, as well as in their observability and security analytics dashboards.

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Address AI sovereignty needs with Oracle’s distributed cloud. Deploy Oracle’s full AI stack in the public cloud or in your data center for increased control of data and AI infrastructure.

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Oracle and NVIDIA to Deliver Sovereign AI Worldwide

Oracle and NVIDIA are collaborating to put accelerated computing and generative AI services wherever countries must meet digital sovereignty requirements.

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Clay Magouyrk, executive vice president of OCI development, shares how Oracle is bringing the cloud and AI to industries worldwide during his keynote at Oracle CloudWorld.

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The expanded Oracle-Microsoft partnership, announced by Larry Ellison and Satya Nadella, delivers Oracle database services on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure in Microsoft Azure.

Learn how to get the most of AI for your business at an Oracle Data and AI Forum.

A distributed cloud that can be wherever you need it

The only cloud that delivers complete cloud services around the world, across clouds, or in your data center.

1. Multicloud

Make multiple clouds work as one. Oracle offers direct database integration with Microsoft Azure as well as high performance interconnection.

2. Public cloud

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Distributed cloud

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OCI Dedicated Region and Oracle Alloy are the only products that provide more than 100 cloud services at public cloud pricing entirely within your data centers.

Complete cloud infrastructure and platform services for every workload

OCI offers a common set of 100+ services in each cloud region. Get all the services you need—from containers and VMware to AI—to migrate, modernize, build, and scale your IT. Automate all your workloads, including both existing and new applications and data platforms.

Developer Services

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Build and run

  • API Gateway
  • API Management
  • Blockchain Platform
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  • Resource Manager
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Integration Services

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure integration services connect any application and data source to automate end-to-end processes and centralize management. The broad array of integrations, with prebuilt adapters and low-code customization, simplify migration to the cloud while streamlining hybrid and multicloud operations.

Application integration

  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Data integration

  • Data Integration
  • Autonomous Database Data Studio
  • Data Integrator

Process automation

  • Process Automation

API full lifecycle management

Event-driven, analytics and bi.

Gain comprehensive business intelligence with augmented analytics to help your organization grow through unique insights.

  • Oracle Analytics Platform
  • Oracle Fusion CX Analytics
  • Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics
  • Oracle Fusion HCM Analytics
  • Oracle Analytics mobile app

AI and Machine Learning

Easily add intelligence to your applications and workloads with prebuilt perception and decision models and out-of-the-box chatbots, or build and train your own models with our data science services.

AI Services

  • Document Understanding

ML Services

  • Data Science
  • In-Database Machine Learning
  • HeatWave AutoML

Media Services

  • Media Streams

Big Data and Data Lake

Gain new insights across all of your data with our comprehensive platform of managed Spark, Hadoop, Elasticsearch, and Kafka-compatible services, combined with best-in-class data warehouse and data management services.

  • Big Data Service
  • Data Catalog

Secure and elastic compute capacity in the cloud that ranges from flexible virtual machines (Flex VMs) and high-performance bare metal servers to HPC and GPUs.

  • Arm-based Compute
  • Bare Metal Servers
  • GPU-Accelerated Compute
  • HPC Compute
  • Virtual Machines

Address key use cases with on-demand local, object, file, block, and archive storage.

  • Archive Storage
  • Block Volumes
  • Data Transfer Service
  • File Storage
  • Object Storage
  • Storage Gateway

Containers and Functions

Deploy microservices applications on high-performance, managed, open source Docker, Kubernetes, and Fn Functions services.

  • Container Instances
  • Kubernetes Engine
  • Service Mesh

Connect securely to a customizable, isolated virtual cloud network (VCN) as the heart of your cloud deployment. Move data at 25% of the cost of other cloud providers.

  • Customer-Premises Equipment
  • DNS Management
  • FastConnect
  • Load Balancers
  • Networking Gateways
  • Private Endpoint
  • Site-to-Site VPN
  • Virtual Cloud Networks

Oracle Databases

Run cost-optimized, high-performance, and autonomous versions of Oracle Database, the world's leading converged, multimodel database management system in the cloud.

  • Autonomous Database
  • Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer
  • Database Management
  • Database Migration
  • Oracle Database@Azure
  • Database Service for Azure
  • Enterprise Database Service
  • Exadata Cloud@Customer
  • Exadata Database Service
  • Globally Distributed Autonomous Database
  • Ops Insights
  • Standard Database Service
  • Zero Data Loss Autonomous Recovery Service

Open Source Databases

MySQL HeatWave is a fully managed database service, powered by the integrated HeatWave in-memory query accelerator. It’s the only cloud database service that combines transactions, analytics, and machine learning services in one MySQL Database, delivering real-time, secure analytics without the complexity, latency, and cost of ETL duplication.

  • Database with PostgreSQL
  • MySQL HeatWave
  • Search with OpenSearch

Security, Observability and Management, Compliance, and Cost Management and Governance

Protect your most valuable data in the cloud with Oracle’s security-first approach and comprehensive compliance programs. Oracle provides visibility and machine-learning–driven insights to ease management across all layers of the stack deployed on any technology, anywhere.

Cloud Infrastructure Security

  • Access Governance
  • Autonomous Linux
  • Certificates
  • Cloud Guard
  • Hardware Root of Trust
  • Identity and Access Management
  • Isolated Network Virtualization
  • Key Management
  • Network Firewall
  • Security Zones
  • Threat Intelligence
  • Vulnerability Scanning

Cloud Database Security

  • Autonomous Database Security (PDF)

Cloud Application Security

  • Web Application Firewall

Observability and Management

  • Application Performance Monitoring
  • Connector Hub
  • Full Stack Disaster Recovery
  • Java Management
  • Logging Analytics
  • OS Management Hub
  • OS Management Service

Cost Management and Governance

  • Cloud Advisor
  • Cost Analysis
  • License Manager
  • Organization Management
  • Support Rewards
  • Oracle Cloud Compliance
  • Oracle Corporate Security

Global Cloud Data Center Infrastructure

Global, secure, high-performance environments to move, build, and run all your workloads. Hybrid and edge offerings provide specialized deployment, disconnected and intermittently connected operation, low latency and high performance, as well as data locality and security.

  • Multicloud solutions
  • Database Service for Microsoft Azure
  • Interconnect for Microsoft Azure

Public cloud

  • Global cloud regions
  • Oracle EU Sovereign Cloud
  • UK government regions
  • US Department of Defense regions
  • US FedRAMP regions

Hybrid Cloud

  • Hybrid cloud solutions
  • Roving Edge Infrastructure

Dedicated cloud

  • Dedicated Regions

Run IT for a lot less with ease

Save money without inflexible up-front commitments. In contrast to others, OCI has the same low price in all cloud regions, including government and dedicated regions. We offer innovative features, such as flexible compute, auto-tuning storage, up to 10X lower data egress fees, and free tools and reports to help eliminate needless overpayment and billing surprises. Committed use discounts, software license portability, and loyalty rewards are also available.

The cost for outbound bandwidth 1,2

Better price-performance 2,3

Base IOPS for half the price 4,5

Pricing comparison as of April 9, 2023 1. OCI Network Pricing 2. AWS Compute and Network Pricing 3. OCI Compute Pricing 4. AWS Storage Pricing 5. OCI Storage Pricing

Cloud infrastructure and applications everywhere

Oracle Cloud spans 48 interconnected geographic commercial and government cloud regions. Unlike other providers, each region offers a consistent set of more than 100 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services, with consistent low pricing worldwide. For more complete support of customer cloud strategies, Oracle Cloud also offers a full suite of Oracle Cloud Applications and direct interconnection with Microsoft Azure.

Oracle Cloud data center global distribution map, details below

Oracle data centers are distributed around the world.

Oracle data centers by Region
Region Current Regions Regions Coming soon Azure Interconnect
North America 13 0 4
South America 5 0 1
Europe 15 0 3
Middle East & Africa 5 3 1
Asia Pacific 10 0 3

Technology and industry solutions

Resolve your organization’s unique challenges, make data-driven decisions, and increase efficiency with OCI’s purpose-built solutions.

  • Telecommunications

Financial services institutions benefit from OCI’s secure, reliable, and highly scalable multicloud platform, which offers robust services and an accelerated AI infrastructure with the broadest set of deployment options to meet your data residency requirements.

Meet all your business and technology objectives for an on-premises database cloud deployment with Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer.

Benefit from a single unified platform to run every healthcare workload—from legacy applications to AI/ML-enabled services—to enhance the patient experience, decrease the cost of care, and enable precision medicine.

Realize the value of data—use all the available data sources to help improve patient outcomes and provide a seamless healthcare experience.

Many defense, intelligence community, and federal civilian agencies across the globe rely on Oracle Cloud for Government to modernize and innovate faster for better mission outcomes. Oracle Cloud provides world-class security and compliance, consistent high performance, and simple and predictable pricing.

Dedicated to serving governments and safeguarding global defense missions at hyperscale, this innovative cloud solution includes a fully integrated infrastructure with IaaS/PaaS/SaaS and industry-leading price-performance.

Oracle Cloud for telcos is a comprehensive set of cloud solutions built on OCI to help telcos become more agile, reduce capital investments and operating costs, and establish a flexible foundation for innovation.

Use Oracle’s database clustering and massive I/O to maintain near zero-downtime environments while improving performance by 50% or more compared with on-premises or other clouds.

Get started with OCI

  • Free OCI services
  • Hands-on labs
  • Reference architectures
  • Events and webinars

Contact sales

Try 20+ always free cloud services, with a 30-day trial for even more.

Oracle offers a Free Tier with no time limits on more than 20 services such as Autonomous Database, Arm Compute, and Storage, as well as US$300 in free credits to try additional cloud services. Get the details and sign up for your free account today.

What’s included with Oracle Cloud Free Tier?

  • 2 Autonomous Databases, 20 GB each
  • AMD and Arm Compute VMs
  • 200 GB total block storage
  • 10 GB object storage
  • 10 TB outbound data transfer per month
  • 10+ more Always Free services
  • US$300 in free credits for 30 days for even more

Learn with step-by-step guidance

Experience a wide range of OCI services through tutorials and hands-on labs. Whether you're a developer, admin, or analyst, we can help you see how OCI works. Many labs run on the Oracle Cloud Free Tier or an Oracle-provided free lab environment.

Get started with OCI core services

The labs in this workshop cover an introduction to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) core services including virtual cloud networks (VCN) and compute and storage services.

Autonomous Database quick start

In this workshop, you’ll go through the steps to get started using Oracle Autonomous Database.

Build an app from a spreadsheet

This lab walks you through uploading a spreadsheet into an Oracle Database table, and then creating an application based on this new table.

Deploy an HA application on OCI

In this lab you’ll deploy web servers on two compute instances in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), configured in High Availability mode by using a Load Balancer.

Explore over 150 best practice designs

See how our architects and other customers deploy a wide range of workloads, from enterprise apps to HPC, from microservices to data lakes. Understand the best practices, hear from other customer architects in our Built & Deployed series, and even deploy many workloads with our "click to deploy" capability or do it yourself from our GitHub repo.

Popular architectures

  • Apache Tomcat with MySQL Database Service
  • Oracle Weblogic on Kubernetes with Jenkins
  • Machine-learning (ML) and AI environments
  • Tomcat on Arm with Oracle Autonomous Database
  • Log analysis with ELK Stack
  • HPC with OpenFOAM

Explore our informative events series featuring the latest announcements, customer conversations, product-specific insights, technical sessions, and hands-on labs.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure events

Get more out of OCI with a wide range of live and on-demand events.

Oracle CloudWorld

Join us at Oracle’s new global customer and partner conference for cloud infrastructure and applications.

Interested in learning more about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure? Let one of our experts help.

They can answer questions like:

  • What workloads run best on OCI?
  • How do I get the most out of my overall Oracle investments?
  • How does OCI compare to other cloud computing providers?
  • How can OCI support your IaaS and PaaS goals?

Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World

Read our research on:

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Regions & Countries


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Read Our Research On:

Internet & Technology

6 facts about americans and tiktok.

62% of U.S. adults under 30 say they use TikTok, compared with 39% of those ages 30 to 49, 24% of those 50 to 64, and 10% of those 65 and older.

Many Americans think generative AI programs should credit the sources they rely on

Americans’ use of chatgpt is ticking up, but few trust its election information, whatsapp and facebook dominate the social media landscape in middle-income nations, sign up for our internet, science, and tech newsletter.

New findings, delivered monthly

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in the U.S.

64% of Americans live within 2 miles of a public electric vehicle charging station, and those who live closest to chargers view EVs more positively.

When Online Content Disappears

A quarter of all webpages that existed at one point between 2013 and 2023 are no longer accessible.

A quarter of U.S. teachers say AI tools do more harm than good in K-12 education

High school teachers are more likely than elementary and middle school teachers to hold negative views about AI tools in education.

Teens and Video Games Today

85% of U.S. teens say they play video games. They see both positive and negative sides, from making friends to harassment and sleep loss.

Americans’ Views of Technology Companies

Most Americans are wary of social media’s role in politics and its overall impact on the country, and these concerns are ticking up among Democrats. Still, Republicans stand out on several measures, with a majority believing major technology companies are biased toward liberals.

22% of Americans say they interact with artificial intelligence almost constantly or several times a day. 27% say they do this about once a day or several times a week.

About one-in-five U.S. adults have used ChatGPT to learn something new (17%) or for entertainment (17%).

Across eight countries surveyed in Latin America, Africa and South Asia, a median of 73% of adults say they use WhatsApp and 62% say they use Facebook.

5 facts about Americans and sports

About half of Americans (48%) say they took part in organized, competitive sports in high school or college.


Research teams, signature reports.

customer service presentation topics

The State of Online Harassment

Roughly four-in-ten Americans have experienced online harassment, with half of this group citing politics as the reason they think they were targeted. Growing shares face more severe online abuse such as sexual harassment or stalking

Parenting Children in the Age of Screens

Two-thirds of parents in the U.S. say parenting is harder today than it was 20 years ago, with many citing technologies – like social media or smartphones – as a reason.

Dating and Relationships in the Digital Age

From distractions to jealousy, how Americans navigate cellphones and social media in their romantic relationships.

Americans and Privacy: Concerned, Confused and Feeling Lack of Control Over Their Personal Information

Majorities of U.S. adults believe their personal data is less secure now, that data collection poses more risks than benefits, and that it is not possible to go through daily life without being tracked.

Americans and ‘Cancel Culture’: Where Some See Calls for Accountability, Others See Censorship, Punishment

Social media fact sheet, digital knowledge quiz, video: how do americans define online harassment.

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ABOUT PEW RESEARCH CENTER  Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of  The Pew Charitable Trusts .

© 2024 Pew Research Center


  1. PPT

    customer service presentation topics

  2. Customer service concept for presentation slide template. Operators

    customer service presentation topics

  3. [Updated 2023] 30 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates For

    customer service presentation topics

  4. Customer Service Training PowerPoint Template

    customer service presentation topics

  5. [Updated 2023] 30 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates For

    customer service presentation topics

  6. Pillars of Customer Service PowerPoint Presentation Slides

    customer service presentation topics


  1. Customer Service

  2. Customer Service Presentation

  3. The Key to Excellent Customer Service


  5. Customer Service Definition

  6. Essential Soft Skills for Customer Support Team to Ace Customer Interactions (+Training Module)


  1. 40+ Amazing Customer Service Training Ideas, Exercises & Topics

    Customer Service Training Presentations. One of the most traditional ways to train customer service teams is through a presentation. With this method, management or team leads gather employees for a meeting and then discuss a service topic in-depth. This lets the speaker touch on specific training material while giving the rest of the team a ...

  2. 10 Customer Service Training Topics & Ideas

    In fact, 96% of consumers view empathy as a key element of customer service, and 61% stopped buying from a company because a competitor offered a more empathetic experience. Training tip: Role-play really is the best way to mimic real-life situations and improve employee-customer interactions.

  3. [Updated 2023] 30 Best Customer Service PowerPoint Templates For

    Template 3: Customer Service Toolkit PPT Template. Download this customer service toolkit presentation. If you want to equip your customer service team with a service toolkit to improve customer satisfaction levels, reduce customer churn, and build long-term customer loyalty, this PPT Template is an ideal pick.

  4. 13 Customer Service Training Ideas & Topics

    Here are some customer service training ideas you can use to make sure that your team learns what they need to. 7. Use a Variety of Training & Development Methods. Everyone learns differently, and most people prefer certain training and development methods over others.

  5. Customer Service Training Topics for Successful Employees

    Customer Service Training Topics for Successful Employee Training Programs. Chat with the Wisetail team today. BY KAYLY LANGE. Kayly is a freelance writer who has spent years studying the intersection of company culture, technology, and the customer experience. She uses her expertise to help leaders shape the companies they envision.

  6. 10 Customer Service Training Topics

    It also covers the different principles and types of creative problem solving, and types of decision-making for any situation. 10. Crisis Management. Crisis management is a highly important customer service training topic as your representatives are the frontline of customer interactions, especially when crises arise.

  7. The Ultimate Guide to Training for Customer Service & Support

    The Innovative Customer Service Techniques course is created and presented by customer service expert Jeff Toister and consists of a short 45-minute video. Your employees can access the course through a seven-day free trial or join LinkedIn Learning's paid membership. 6. Bonus: Business Courses by Treehouse.

  8. 9 Customer Service Training Ideas to Inspire Your Team

    When you help your customer feel better, you improve the overall customer experience. 5. Tell a complete story. When a customer contacts your company, do everything you can to resolve the issue in one interaction. Don't leave the customer with a cliffhanger. 4. Encourage cross-team and intra-team collaboration.

  9. How to Make Engaging Presentations as a Customer Service ...

    1. Know your audience. 2. Structure your presentation. Be the first to add your personal experience. 3. Use visual aids. Be the first to add your personal experience. 4.

  10. 24 Customer Service Training Ideas in 2024

    Organizations can show their dedication to providing exceptional support by investing in customer service training. This not only helps to keep current customers, but also encourages them to spread the word about the business through positive recommendations and referrals. 4. Boost employee confidence and empowerment.

  11. 10 topics to include in every customer service training manual

    Some essential customer service skills include active listening, attentiveness, communication, confidence, decision-making, empathy, flexibility, positivity, problem-solving, and being a team player. By making these soft skills tangible, reps know what they should be aiming for. 8. How to make a good first impression.

  12. 20 Training Ideas for Effective Customer Service

    Here are some customer service training ideas and activities. 1. Culture training. During culture training, employees learn the values of the company and what that means for their customer interactions. Having the right culture in the workplace means that customers can have positive and consistent experiences. 2.

  13. How A Customer Service Presentation Lead To Success In 2023

    Our Final Thoughts On Having A Presentation on Customer Service. A great customer service ppt deck comprises of relevant information, employee guidelines, product knowledge, and department specific slides. Creating slides that reach your employees and that enable them to succeed in their positions is vital for success.

  14. Customer Service Training PowerPoint Template

    For that reason, customer service agents should be in constant training to develop their empathy, assertiveness and other important skills. This PowerPoint template will help you present your customer service training, address the skills of a good customer service rep, and detail the best approach to resolve conflicts. About this template.

  15. 7 Impactful Customer Service Training Ideas & Activities

    Give them prompts to help them imagine a realistic situation, and then coach them on how to use reflective listening to resolve the issue. 3. "Present the Product". Customer service reps that truly understand the ins and outs of their company's product are in a much better position to assist customers.

  16. Customer Service Training for Employees: Activities & Examples

    Customer service training is about improving your employees' core service skills. It refers to product knowledge, soft skills, and interpersonal competencies. Meeting customer expectations and increasing their satisfaction are the goals of such training. The actual training comes in all shapes and sizes.

  17. 6 Topics Every Customer Service Online Training Program Should Cover

    Customer Service Online Training: 6 Topics To Cover. Customer care starts with skill-building and real-world experience. Am HR Manager must recruit the team, train them, and prepare them to deal with customers. The problem is that many times, the customer care team receives insufficient training. They are tossed in at the deep end, handling ...

  18. 50 Must-See Customer Engagement Presentations

    18: Connecting your sales associates to drive customer engagement and satisfaction. There are a many "real world" problems in the retail and ecommerce space — especially when it comes to customer engagement. Google has provided a short tutorial about how Chrome can help alleviate many of these scenarios.

  19. Top 10 Courses on Customer Service with Training Material ...

    As a Top 10 Course on Customer Service for every global organization, we offer detailed presentations on topics that have a direct and deep bearing on how you view the issue. The comprehensive course — with the latest and certified training material included — is also the most credible and relevant resource available online for the query on ...

  20. 6 Topics You're Not Covering in Customer Service Training

    Below, explore six critical subjects that you may not cover in your current training program—but should consider adding immediately. 1. How to Listen With Empathy. When it comes to a customer service representative's soft skills, empathy is non-negotiable. Empathy is the ability to see a problem from the customer's point of view and ...

  21. Best customer service presentation template

    Prezis Customer Service Presentation Template is easy to edit. Choose from a great selection of business presentations and create irresistible visual stories around your idea. ... Transcript: P1 Communication Presentation Teamwork Introduction Presentation Topics. P1: Communication presentation and teamwork. M1: Different communications types ...

  22. 120 Presentation Topic Ideas Help You Hook Your Audience

    Step 3: Be novel. Make sure you either select a new topic or bring an entirely new and unique perspective to an already covered issue. For instance, don't make a presentation on the "best lead generation strategies.". Your audience has probably heard those dozens of times already. Corny.

  23. What Are the Top 5 Customer Service Trends?

    3. Connected data enables a better customer experience. Many organizations keep data in different silos or applications, so it's difficult to get a complete view of the customer across all channels.. Bringing customer data together is all about creating an end-to-end view of the entire customer journey. This way, you'll have a continuous feedback loop between sales, service, and marketing ...

  24. Microsoft Teams help & learning

    Get help with your questions about Microsoft Teams from our how-to articles, tutorials, and support content.

  25. Cloud Infrastructure

    Complete cloud infrastructure and platform services for every workload. OCI offers a common set of 100+ services in each cloud region. Get all the services you need—from containers and VMware to AI—to migrate, modernize, build, and scale your IT. Automate all your workloads, including both existing and new applications and data platforms.

  26. Internet & Technology

    Americans' Views of Technology Companies. Most Americans are wary of social media's role in politics and its overall impact on the country, and these concerns are ticking up among Democrats. Still, Republicans stand out on several measures, with a majority believing major technology companies are biased toward liberals. short readsApr 3, 2024.

  27. Adobe Photoshop Learn & Support

    Community. Join the conversation. Visit Adobe Help Center. Was this page helpful? Get started with Adobe Photoshop. Find tutorials, the user guide, answers to common questions, and help from the community forum.