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Graduate Research Topics

Discovery, biosynthesis, and chemical ecology of microbial natural products; bioactivity and mode of action of antibiotics; biocatalyst development

Joseph A. Krzycki Biochemistry and molecular biology of methanogenic Archaea emphasizing methane formation and their genetic encoding of the novel amino acid pyrrolysine.

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research topics in microbiology phd

177 Captivating Microbiology Research Topics For Your Paper

microbiology research topics

Selecting microbiology research topics is the first step in the process of completing academic studies. Microbiology is among the fields that experts are constantly actively researching. It deals with microorganisms’ study, from single-cell organisms to eukaryotic fungi. When pursuing a course in microbiology, educators ask learners to write academic papers on varied topics. It is not easy to write a research paper for a high grade. However, choosing the best microbiology topics is not that simple due to the vast scope of this study field. But the issue that a college or university student selects dictates the direction of their project. If struggling to choose the best microbiology topics for research paper, this list should inspire you. 

Top Microbiology Research Paper Topics

Perhaps, you want to write research papers on some of the topics that most people will be interested in reading. In that case, consider these microbiology topics for research paper projects.

  • Effects of microwave radiation on different organisms
  • Impacts of glucose on cut flowers’ longevity
  • Modern food preservation- Impacts of technology on food conservation and consumption
  • The effectiveness of recent vaccines
  • Possible solutions and disease control
  • Microbiology research future- Technological and theoretical developments
  • Antibacterial products- Recent discoveries in antibacterial products affecting the immune system
  • Latest cloning research developments
  • Controversies in gene therapy
  • Evidence of extraterrestrial life
  • Antibiotics residence as a medicine limitation
  • Bio-weapons and technological limitations

Any of these ideas is an excellent title for a research paper. However, extensive research is necessary to develop a quality paper.

Medical Microbiology Research Paper Topics

Perhaps, you’re interested in medical microbiology. In that case, consider these interesting topics in medical microbiology.

  • Probiotics study and preparation
  • How to prevent sickle cell anemia
  • Analyzing the growth of mold
  • The ability of cinnamon and curry to hinder bacterial growth
  • How manure, polythene, and fertilizers affect the rate of hypocotyl elongation
  • How oil spills affect ocean organisms
  • Toxicity testing in marine pollutants with daphnia
  • Reproduction of yeast in sugar substitutes
  • Tendrils thigmotropism
  • The effect of light on yeast
  • Mold growth in cheese
  • Dog drool and germs
  • In which ground beef is bacteria level low?
  • Isolating staphylococcus aurous from pasteurized and raw milk
  • How garlic affects bacteria
  • Effective ways to disinfect a toothbrush
  • Investigating the spread of infectious diseases like Ebola
  • Effects of vitamin C on fruits rotting rate

These are exciting topics in microbiology and human health. Nevertheless, take your time to research any of these ideas to develop a winning paper.

Microbiology Research Topics for Undergraduates

Maybe you’re pursuing an undergraduate course in microbiology. That means your educator will ask you to write a research paper at some point. Here are brilliant microbiology ideas to consider for your essays.

  • Rebuilding microbiota during AMR infection treatment
  • Risks of soil contaminants on above and below-ground ecosystems
  • Effects of smoking or vaping on COVID-19, SARS, and Cov-2 results
  • How metal nanoparticles affect multi-species biofilm consortia
  • The involvement of oral bacteria in chronic periodontitis
  • The eukaryotic activity elucidating topoisomerase in the recombination of homologous
  • Protective lung tissue memory’s induction mechanisms in influenza
  • The role of oral bacteria in cardiovascular disease
  • Dual warhead antimicrobials in nutrient-mediated delivery
  • Skin-facing antimicrobial devices in surgery during additive manufacture
  • The use of CryoEM in pathogen transport and resistance study
  • Isolation and characterization of microorganisms
  • Microbial examination in spoilt avocado- What does it reveal?
  • Polymerase chain reaction used in the diagnosis of infectious diseases
  • Phytochemical and antimicrobial screening of seed and coat of Citrus Sinensis
  • Effects of microbiology on mining
  • How bacteria colonize the human skin
  • Antibacterial activity of sweet orange on staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli from wound infection
  • Bacteria’s susceptibility to antibiotics
  • The oil project and bush pear analysis

Pick any of these ideas for your research paper if pursuing an undergraduate degree. Nevertheless, prepare to research the title you choose to develop a winning piece.

PhD Research Topics in Microbiology

A microbiology PhD should prepare the learner to select medical, dental, or health studies to venture into biotechnology or pharmaceutical fields. Here are exciting thesis topics for microbiology students.

  • Microbial biofilms- Fungal and bacteria pathogens in environmental substrates and biomaterials
  • Bacterial cell fate manipulation- Signal transduction and surface sensing role
  • Salmonella typhi susceptibilities to hot aqueous extract from Hibiscus sabdariffa and antibiotics
  • Toxins characterization and isolation using Cronobacter species
  • Bacillus Thuringiensis and Rhizobium etli biocontrol potential
  • Engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain construction to improve the production of whole-cell biocatalytic of melibiose
  • Cyclic utilization in biotransformation
  • Electro-activated solutions’ antibacterial activity
  • Understanding the Swine flu pandemic from a microbiology perspective
  • Investigating typhoid fever and risk factors in kids

Please choose a topic in this category and use it as the basis of your PhD. Nevertheless, prepare to invest time and resources in your research to develop a winning paper.

Microbiology Research Topics for College Students

Are you a college student looking for a microbiology paper topic? If yes, here are sample topics to consider for your paper.

  • Evaluating changes in Ebola
  • Understanding Pfiesteria piscicida subtle health effects on the worldwide population
  • Has the world lost the battle with malaria?
  • Horizontal genetic exchange role in the bacterial mutation
  • Understanding genetic engineering applications in the food supply chain
  • Analyzing genetic engineering applications in antibodies to work as enzymes
  • Investigating generic allegiances- Peanut allergies case study
  • Alternative targets development for vaccines
  • Prevalence and history of HIV in Africa
  • Biotechnology potential in smart tech
  • Endolithic bacteria study in low-temperature places- Making life existence case on mars
  • Understanding nitric oxide role in the immune system
  • Understanding the development of superantigens and their applications
  • Evaluating autoimmune disease patterns in the last decade
  • How different carbon sources affect antimicrobial-producing Bacillus Species
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility and prevalence of Gram-Negative Bacterial in urine
  • Possible control and prevention of intestinal Schistosomiasis
  • Damage and safety of water
  • The antibacterial activity of medicated soaps
  • Yogurt’s microbial contamination

Please select any of the ideas in this list and then develop it via extensive research to write a fantastic paper.

New Research Topics in Microbiology

Maybe you’re interested in the newest idea for research. If so, consider these latest research topics in microbiology.

  • Dengue fever vaccine development
  • Hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factors in cancer patients’ stem cell maintenance
  • The laboratory role of Leptospirosis reference
  • The mechanisms and consequences of Reovorus cell killing
  • Protein and peptide nanocluster vaccines
  • Formulation and delivery techniques for mRNA vaccines
  • Memory lymphocyte in genital immunity- T cells’ role in tissue-resident memory
  • Investigating the Lassa virus genetics
  • Physiological and pathological functions in innate immune systems of CARD 9 signaling
  • Signaling outcomes in RIP Kinase during neuro-invasive virus infection
  • Structures of type II secretion system in needle filaments
  • The manipulation of death pathways in hot cells by the Herpes Simplex virus
  • The modification of the cell wall by antifungal drugs
  • Sensing tissue damage by Myeloid c-type lectin receptors
  • Virus-like particle immunization for respiratory viruses and protozoan parasites
  • Campylobacter biofilm and quorum sensing in molecular mechanisms
  • Natural competence transfer and campylobacter horizontal gene
  • Investigating marine models for innate immune response and resistance colonization in campylobacter jejuni infections
  • The role of iBALT in respiratory immunity
  • Pyroptosis antiviral immunity

These are some of the latest topics to consider for microbiology research papers. However, each of these ideas requires extensive research to write an essay that will earn you the top grade.

Hot Research Paper Topics in Microbiology

Do you want to write a research paper on one of the hottest topics? If yes, consider these ideas for your project.

  • Risk assessment for environmental organisms and the essence of knowledge and control
  • Growth and survival of Salmonella during the processing of partially sprouted products and chia powders
  • Innoculation protocols for low moisture foods
  • Listeria survival and growth in newly cut vegetables
  • Investigating starch specificities, fermentation, and enzyme activities
  • Onions’ microorganisms study
  • Studying the correlation of Plasmodium species
  • How to diagnose human immunodeficiency virus
  • Investigating bacteria that can withstand antibiotics
  • Yogurts’ microbiological study during commercial preparation
  • Wetland bacterial properties and functionalities
  • Cyanophycin study- A bacterial polymer
  • Microbiology and its role in the prevention of life-threatening illnesses
  • Microbial analysis of Shea butter
  • Tapeworms’ research- What are their dangers?
  • The spread of influenza in the world- How it affected wars?
  • Restriction-modification in cellular microbiology
  • Microscope invention- How it improved microbiology knowledge
  • Applied microbiology- Generation of biofuels using microorganisms
  • Role of microbiology in pharmaceutical and food industries

Select and work with any of these great topics to impress the educator to award you the top grade in your class.

Environmental and Marine Microbiology Research Topics

Maybe you love researching and writing about ecological and marine microbiology. If so, consider these topic ideas for your research papers.

  • Wastewater and water treatment- What are the target microorganisms?
  • Marginal water reclamation and treatment
  • Greenhouse gases mitigation and biofiltration
  • Greenhouse gases sources
  • Biowaste nutrient recovery
  • Bio-remediation of water bodies and soils in arid environments
  • Bio-methane production using dry climates animal wastes
  • Desert rocks microbial inhabitants
  • The role of bacterial diversity in the maintenance of functional ecosystems in arid areas
  • How rain events affect microbial activity, abundance, and diversity
  • Cycling nitrogen in dry soils
  • Desert soil crust role in nutrient cycling
  • Interrelationships between soil bacteria and plants and their effects on biochemical cycling
  • Microorganisms in phyllosphere and rhizosphere in desert plants
  • Characterization of marine viruses
  • Marine biofouling microbial aspects

Students can work on these topics by researching them carefully before writing academic papers.

Food Microbiology Research Topics

If interested in food microbiology, this category has some of the best ideas for you to explore.

  • How temperature affects viruses’ survival in vegetables and food to help in virus contamination comprehension
  • Evaluating process water usage as the marker for determining freshly-cut greens’ contamination status
  • Investigating the initial contamination, time, temperature, sanitizing rinses, indigenous microflora, and package atmosphere on E.coli’s behavior in leafy greens
  • How temperature and time combine to stimulate the germination of spores in c. botulinum
  • How cleaning procedures and physical augmentation remove bacillus spores in food matrices
  • Norovirus and cross-contamination in the foodservice procures for preparing fresh produce
  • Examining virus and abiotic surfaces in the food processing and service sectors
  • How to improve sprout food safety
  • Growth and survival of Listeria in freshly-cut vegetables
  • Nonthermal and thermal resistance of Shiga-Toxin producing Coli and Salmonella Enterica in low-moisture foods
  • How water and temperature activity affect Salmonella during storage and drying of Botanical products
  • Norovirus surrogates mitigation in berries using minimal high hydrostatic pressure and freeze-drying treatment
  • Bacterial pathogen mechanisms of internalization into freshly-cut fruits
  • Low moisture foods inoculation protocols

Work on any of these topics if interested in a project that involves exploring food and microbiology ideas.

Immunology Microbiology Research Topics

Perhaps, you want to write a research paper on an immunology and microbiology topic. If so, consider these brilliant ideas for your essay.

  • Human diseases and bacteria
  • Cell biology and bacterial physiology
  • Human health and microbiology
  • Investigating parasite effects on human healthy
  • Human diseases and viruses
  • Genetics of microorganisms
  • Studying eukaryotic pathogens and diseases
  • Molecular microbiology and experimental approaches
  • Investigating different parasitism mechanisms
  • What is advanced immunology?

Select any topic in this category and perform extensive research to provide valid and relevant information that will impress the educator to award you the best grade.

Easy Microbiology Research Topics

Maybe you want a topic you’ll have an easy time working on and writing a quality paper. If so, consider these ideas for your research paper.

  • How time and temperature stimulate toxin production by C. botulinum spores
  • Effects of temperature on virus survival in fruits and vegetables
  • Methodology and techniques for future virus studies
  • The role of Redox-active metabolites in microbial signaling
  • The emergence and essence of yeast in preservatives within the baking industry
  • Non-conventional uses of yeast in the wine-manufacturing sector
  • Microbiota- The role of bifidobacteria’s role in the human body
  • Microbes interactions- The study of human microbial ecosystems
  • The impact of viruses on the health of large animals
  • How bacterial interactions affect cell social behavior and interaction
  • How cleaning procedures impact Bacillus spores
  • Desiccated Salmonella’s survival in moist and dry food processing places
  • A comparative analysis of Listeria monacytogenes survival in the food manufacturing environments
  • What determines the transfer rate for Salmonella sp. From butter to foods?
  • Cross-contamination investigation of norovirus during service procedures within the food industry
  • How human fungal pathogen’s genetic variation cause phenotypic diversity that affects diseases
  • How microbiology research has helped humans in preventing life-threatening diseases

Any of these ideas can be a brilliant topic for a research paper. However, careful research and dedication are necessary to write a top-notch essay.

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Offered By: Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology

Onsite | Full-Time | 5 years

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  • Melissa Radey, PhD, MA, MSSW
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  • Nicole Stadnick, PhD, MPH
  • Paula Aristizabal, MD
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  • Karen Flórez, DrPH, MPH
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About the PhD in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology Program

Through a departmental core curriculum as well as research area-specific courses, laboratory rotations, qualifying examinations, mentored research, and professional development, all MMI PhD students are prepared to engage in cutting edge research and scholarship that advances knowledge. MMI PhD students hone their scholarship, research and professional skills. Course and laboratory work can address problems in microbial pathogenesis, immunology, disease transmission, and diseases related to malaria, mosquito and arboviral biology.

Students can choose to complete the traditional MMI PhD program or the MMI PhD program concentration in Rigorous, Reproducible, and Responsible Research Investigation in Immunology & Microbiology (R 3 IM). The concentration in Rigorous, Reproducible, and Responsible Research Investigation in Immunology & Microbiology (R 3 IM) conveys a broad background in immunology and infectious diseases research, with a special emphasis on critical thinking, logic, ethics, and written and oral skills to help graduates become communicators of complex scientific concepts and agents of change in their workplaces and communities.

What Can You Do With a Graduate Degree In Molecular Microbiology And Immunology?

Visit the  Graduate Employment Outcomes Dashboard to learn about Bloomberg School graduates' employment status, sector, and salaries.

Sample Careers

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Associate
  • Science Communicator or Writer
  • Scientist (academia, industry)
  • Specialist in Science Regulatory Affairs
  • Faculty, Professor
  • Science Advocate (nonprofit agencies)
  • Public Health Service (NIH, CDC, FDA)
  • Science Policy Fellow

Curriculum for the PhD in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology

Browse an overview of the requirements for this PhD program in the JHU  Academic Catalogue  and explore all course offerings in the Bloomberg School  Course Directory .

Current students can view the MMI student handbook on the MMI portal site.

Topic Areas

MMI faculty are recognized experts in a wide variety of infectious diseases research areas, allowing our PhD students to study the biology of disease based on their research interests and career goals. Our PhD students gain a comprehensive understanding of infectious diseases that provides a foundation to launch careers that directly tackle critical public health challenges.  

Topic Areas include: 

  • Bacterial pathogenesis
  • Cell biology 
  • Fungal pathogenesis 
  • Malaria 
  • Medical entomology/Disease ecology
  • Parasite pathogenesis 
  • Rigor, Reproducibility, and Responsibility in Scientific Practice
  • Tick-borne diseases
  • Vaccine development 
  • Vector biology
  • Viral pathogenesis

Admissions Requirements

For general admissions requirements, please visit the How to Apply page.

Standardized Test Scores

Standardized test scores (GRE) are  optional  for this program. The admissions committee will make no assumptions if a standardized test score is omitted from an application, but will require evidence of quantitative/analytical ability through other application components such as academic transcripts and/or supplemental questions.  Applications will be reviewed holistically based on all application components.

Vivien Thomas PhD Scholars

The  Vivien Thomas Scholars Initiative (VTSI)  is an endowed fellowship program at Johns Hopkins for PhD students in STEM fields. It provides full tuition, stipend, and benefits while also providing targeted mentoring, networking, community, and professional development opportunities. Students who have attended a historically Black college and university (HBCU) or other minority serving institution (MSI) for undergraduate study are eligible to apply. To be considered for the VTSI, you will need to submit a SOPHAS application, VTSI supplementary materials, and all supporting documents (letters, transcripts, and test scores) by December 1, 2023. VTSI applicants are eligible for an  application fee waiver , but the fee waiver must be requested by November 15, 2023 and prior to submission of the SOPHAS application.


Per the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with the JHU PhD Union, the minimum guaranteed 2025-2026 academic year stipend is $50,000 for all PhD students with a 4% increase the following year. Tuition, fees, and medical benefits are provided, including health insurance premiums for PhD student’s children and spouses of international students, depending on visa type. The minimum stipend and tuition coverage is guaranteed for at least the first four years of a BSPH PhD program; specific amounts and the number of years supported, as well as work expectations related to that stipend will vary across departments and funding source. Please refer to the  CBA to review specific benefits, compensation, and other terms

Need-Based Relocation Grants Students who  are admitted to PhD programs at JHU starting in Fall 2023 or beyond can apply to receive a need-based grant to offset the costs of relocating to be able to attend JHU.   These grants provide funding to a portion of incoming students who, without this money, may otherwise not be able to afford to relocate to JHU for their PhD program. This is not a merit-based grant. Applications will be evaluated solely based on financial need.  View more information about the need-based relocation grants for PhD students .

Questions about the program? We're happy to help. Ashley Choi  Senior Academic Coordinator Alex Kim  Senior Academic Program Coordinator  [email protected]

Georgetown University.

Georgetown University Medical Center

Georgetown University.

PhD in Microbiology & Immunology

Through the PhD in Microbiology and Immunology, students will learn the dynamics of the host/parasite relationship, including the host defense systems, and the relationship of microorganisms to diseases. Upon graduation, students will have a firm foundation in methods, tools, and techniques for a career in research as well as mentorship from Georgetown University faculty who are leading experts in the field.

Our PhD program is customized to the student’s interests. Upon entering the program, students will meet with their advisors to plan their coursework and select laboratories for research rotations.

PhD students can receive merit-based aid through fellowship and assistantship awards. The awards cover tuition, stipend, student health insurance, and mandatory fees. An average of 2 students are awarded each year. Visit the Biomedical Graduate Education website for more information on PhD Funding.

Learn about the application process and requirements.

Learn about the required exams, research rotations, courses, and PhD Dissertation here.

Check the list of required and elective courses.

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Six Key Topics in Microbiology: 2019

Read an essential collection of papers showcasing high-quality content from across the five FEMS Journals, which together provide an overview of current research trends in microbiology. Follow the topic area links below for access to articles:

  • Antimicrobial Resistance

Environmental Microbiology

Pathogenicity & virulence, biotechnology & synthetic biology, microbiomes, food microbiology, antimicrobial resistance.

Effects of sample preservation and DNA extraction on enumeration of antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater An-Dong Li, Jacob W Metch, Yulin Wang, Emily Garner, An Ni Zhang, Maria V Riquelme, Peter J Vikesland, Amy Pruden, Tong Zhang FEMS Microbilogy Ecology , DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fix189 First published online: 1 February 2018

Occurrence and abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in agricultural soil receiving dairy manure Chad W McKinney, Robert S Dungan, Amber Moore, April B Leytem FEMS Microbiology Ecology , DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiy010; First published online: 1 March 2018

Environmental factors influencing the development and spread of antibiotic resistance Johan Bengtsson-Palme, Erik Kristiansson, D G Joakim Larsson FEMS Microbiology Reviews , DOI: 10.1093/femsre/fux053 First published online: 01 January 2018

Comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses unveil novel features of azole resistnce and adaptation to the human host in Candida glabrata Sara Barbosa Salazar, Can Wang, Martin Münsterkötter, Michiyo Okamoto, Azusa Takahashi-Nakaguchi, Hiroji Chibana, Maria Manuel Lopes, Ulrich Güldener, Geraldine Butler, Nuno Pereira Mira FEMS Yeast Research , DOI: 10.1093/femsyr/fox079 First published online: 01 February 2018

How proteases from Enterococcus faecalis contribute to its resistance to short a-helical antimicrobial peptides Ondrej Nešuta, Miloš Budešínský, Romana Hadravová, Lenka Monincová, Jana Humpolicková, Václav Cerovský FEMS Pathogens and Disease , DOI: 10.1093/femspd/ftx091 First published online: 29 September 2017

Ice algal bloom development on the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet C J Williamson, A M Anesio, J Cook, A Tedstone, E Poniecka, A Holland, D Fagan, M Tranter, M L Yallop FEMS Microbiology Ecology DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiy025 First published online: 01 March 2018

Investigation of viable taxa in the deep terrestrial biosphere suggests high rates of nutrient recycling Margarita Lopez-Fernandez, Elias Broman, Stephanie Turner, Xiaofen Wu, Stefan Bertilsson, Mark Dopson FEMS Microbiology Ecology , DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiy121 First published online: 01 August 2018

Soil Protists: a fertile frontier in soil biology research Stefan Geisen, Edward A D Mitchell, Sina Adl, Michael Bonkowski, Micah Dunthorn, Flemming Ekelund, Leonardo D Fernández, Alexandre Jousset, Valentyna Krashevska, David Singer, Frederick W Spiegel, Julia Walochnik, Enrique Lara FEMS Microbiology Reviews , DOI: 10.1093/femsre/fuy006 First published online: 01 May 2018

Vector-borne diseases and climate change: a European perspective Jan C Semenza, Jonathan E Suk FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fnx244 First published online: 01 January 2018

Beyond nitrogen metabolism: nitric oxide, cyclic-di- GMP and bacterial biofilms Serena Rinaldo, Giorgio Giardina, Federico Mantoni, Alessio Paone, Francesca Cutruzzolàr FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fny029 First published online: 01 March 2018

Bacterial-fungal interactions: ecology, mechanisms and challenges Aurélie Deveau, Gregory Bonito, Jessie Uehling, Mathieu Paoletti, Matthias Becker, Saskia Bindschedler, Stéphane Hacquard, Vincent Hervé, Jessy Labbé, Olga A Lastovetsky, Sophie Mieszkin, Larry J Millet, Balázs Vajna, Pilar Junier, Paola Bonfante, Bastiaan P Krom, Stefan Olsson, Jan Dirk van Elsas, Lukas Y Wick FEMS Microbiology Reviews , DOI: 10.1093/femsre/fuy008 First published online: 01 May 2018

The human cytomegalovirus terminase complex as an antiviral target: a close-up view G Ligat, R Cazal, S Hantz, S Alain; FEMS Microbiology Reviews , DOI: 10.1093/femsre/fuy004 First published online: 01 March 2018

Molecular variability and genetic structure of white spot syndrome virus strains from northwest Mexico based on the analysis of genomes Delia Patricia Parrilla-Taylor, Norberto Vibanco-Pérez, Maria de Jesús Durán-Avelar, Bruno Gomez- Gil, Raúl Llera-Herrera, Ricardo Vázquez-Juárez FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fny216 First published online: 01 October 2018

The first known virus isolates from Antarctic sea ice have complex infection patterns Anne-Mari Luhtanen, Eeva Eronen-Rasimus, Hanna M Oksanen, Jean-Louis Tison, Bruno Delille, Gerhard S Dieckmann, Janne-Markus Rintala, Dennis H Bamford FEMS Microbiology Ecology , DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiy028 First published online: 1 April 2018

Host-pathogen redox dynamics modulate Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogenesis Hayden T Pacl, Vineel P Reddy, Vikram Saini, Krishna C Chinta, Adrie J C Steyn FEMS Pathogens and Disease , DOI: 10.1093/femspd/fty036 First published online: 01 July 2018

The CRISPR-Cas system in Enterobacteriaceae Liliana Medina-Aparicio, Sonia Dávila, Javier E Rebollar-Flores, Edmundo Calva, Ismael Hernández- Lucas FEMS Pathogens and Disease , DOI: 10.1093/femspd/fty002 First published online: 01 February 2018

Mycobacterial biomaterials and resources for researchers Manzour Hernando Hazbón, Leen Rigouts, Marco Schito, Matthew Ezewudo, Takuji Kudo, Takashi Itoh, Moriya Ohkuma, Katalin Kiss, Linhuan Wu, Juncai Ma, Moriyuki Hamada, Michael Strong, Max Salfinger ,Charles L Daley, Jerry A Nick, Jung-Sook Lee, Nalin Rastogi, David Couvin, Raquel Hurtado-Ortiz, Chantal Bizet, Anita Suresh, Timothy Rodwell, Audrey Albertini, Karen A Lacourciere, Ana Deheer- Graham, Sarah Alexander, Julie E Russell, Rebecca Bradford, Marco A Riojas FEMS Pathogens and Disease , DOI: 10.1093/femspd/fty042 First published online: 01 June 2018

Yeast 2.0- connecting the dots in the construction of the world's first functional synthetic eukaryotic genome I S Pretorius, J D Boeke FEMS Yeast Research , DOI: 10.1093/femsyr/foy032 First published online: 01 June 2018

Laboratory evolution for forced glucose-xylose co-consumption enables identification of mutations that improve mixed-sugar fermentation by xylose-fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ioannis Papapetridis, Maarten D Verhoeven, Sanne J Wiersma, Maaike Goudriaan, Antonius J A van Maris, Jack T Pronk FEMS Yeast Research , DOI: 10.1093/femsyr/foy056 First published online:01 September 2018

State of the art in eukaryotic nitrogenase engineering Stefan Burén, Luis M Rubio FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fnx274 First published online: 01 January 2018

Whole-genome sequencing based characterization of antimicrobial resistance in Enterococcus Gregory H Tyson, Jonathan L Sabo, Crystal Rice-Trujillo, Jacqueline Hernandez, Patrick F McDermott FEMS Pathogens and Disease , DOI: 10.1093/femspd/fty018 First published online: 01 March 2018

Biofilm growth and control in cooling water industrial systems F Di Pippo, L Di Gregorio, R Congestri, V Tandoi, S Rossetti FEMS Microbiology Ecology , DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiy044 First published online: 01 May 2018

Novel sequencing technologies to support industrial biotechnology Adalberto Costessi, Bartholomeus van den Bogert, Ali May, Emiel Ver Loren van Themaat, Johannes A Roubos, Marc A B Kolkman, Derek Butler, Walter Pirovano FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fny103 First published online: 01 August 2018

Influenza A virus subtype H9N2 infection disrupts the composition of intestinal microbiota of chickens Alexander Yitbarek, J Scott Weese, Tamiru Negash Alkie, John Parkinson, Shayan Sharif FEMS Microbiology Ecology , DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fix165 First published online: 01 January 2018

Pathogens, microbiome and the host: emergence of the ecological Koch's postulates Pascale Vonaesch, Mark Anderson, Philippe J Sansonetti FEMS Microbiology Reviews , DOI: 10.1093/femsre/fuy003 First published online: 09 January 2018

Talk to your gut: the oral-gut microbiome axis and its immunomodulatory role in the etiology of rheumatoid arthritis Marines du Teil Espina, Giorgio Gabarrini, Hermie J M Harmsen, Johanna Westra, Arie Jan van Winkelhoff, Jan Maarten van Dijl FEMS Microbiology Reviews , DOI: 10.1093/femsre/fuy035 First published online: 01 January 2019

Shift of hindgut microbiota and microbial short chain fatty acids profiles in dairy calves from birth to pre-weaning Yang Song, Nilusha Malmuthuge, Michael A Steele, Le Luo Guan FEMS Microbiology Ecology , DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fix179 First published online: 01 March 2018

The Smallest Intestine (TSI)- a low volume in vitro model of the small intenstine with increased throughput T Cieplak, M Wiese, S Nielsen, T Van de Wiele, F van den Berg, D S Nielsen FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fny231 First published online: 01 November 2018

Saccharomyces cerevisiae variety diastaticus friend or foe? - spoilage potential and brewing ability of different Saccharomyces cerevisiae variety diastaticus yeast isolates by genetic, phenotypic and physiological characterization Tim Meier-Dörnberg, Oliver Ingo Kory, Fritz Jacob, Maximilian Michel, Mathias Hutzler FEMS Yeast Research , DOI: 10.1093/femsyr/foy023 First published online: 01 June 2018

Trans-regulation and localization of orthologous maltose transporters in the interspecies lager yeast hybrid Virve Vidgren, Brian Gibson FEMS Yeast Research , DOI: 10.1093/femsyr/foy065 First published online: 01 September 2018

Fermentation performances and aroma production of non-conventional wine yeasts are influenced by nitrogen preferences Stéphanie Rollero, Audrey Bloem, Anne Ortiz-Julien, Carole Camarasa, Benoit Divol FEMS Yeast Research , DOI: 10.1093/femsyr/foy055 First published online: 01 August 2018

Community-led comparative genomic and phenotypic analysis of the aquaculture pathogen Pseudomonas baetica a390T sequenced by Ion semiconductor and Nanopore technologies Ainsley Beaton, Cédric Lood, Edward Cunningham-Oakes, Alison MacFadyen, Alex J Mullins, Walid El Bestawy, João Botelho, Sylvie Chevalier, Shannon Coleman, Chloe Dalzell, Stephen K Dolan, Alberto Faccenda, Maarten G K Ghequire, Steven Higgins, Alexander Kutschera, Jordan Murray, Martha Redway, Talal Salih, Ana C da Silva, Brian A Smith, Nathan Smits, Ryan Thomson, Stuart Woodcock, Martin Welch, Pierre Cornelis, Rob Lavigne, Vera van Noort, Nicholas P Tucker FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fny069 First published online: 01 May 2018

Antibiotic resistance phenotypes and virulence-associated genes in Escherichia coli isolated from animals and animal food products in Tunisia Souhir Badi, Paola Cremonesi, Mohamed Salah Abbassi, Chourouk Ibrahim, Majdi Snoussi, Giulia Bignoli, Mario Luini, Bianca Castiglioni, Abdennaceur Hassen FEMS Microbiology Letters , DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fny088 First published online: 01 May 2018


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Everything you need to know about studying a PhD in Microbiology

Part of natural sciences & mathematics.

Microbiology is the science that deals with the study of microorganisms and the effects of diseases that microorganisms produce. Microbiology studies the shape, structure (morphology), genetic and metabolic processes in microscopic and sub-microscopic organisms.

The science of Microbiology is relatively young and it offers practical applications for different areas of human activity: medicine, agriculture, nutrition, biotechnology and more. Theoretical and practical accumulation of nuclear physics, cellular and molecular biology, and information techniques have led to the improvement of Microbiology logistics, resulting in the rapid development of microbiology as a multilateral science. Microbiology touches upon elements of other disciplines like Chemistry, Biomedicine, Public Health, environmental impact and human health.

Two main branches of Microbiology are Bacteriology and Virology (which deals with the study of viruses and diseases), while other sub-disciplines include: Immunology, Biotechnology, Industrial Microbiology, Public Health Microbiology, Environment Microbiology and Genetic Engineering.

Students will have the chance to study topics such as: genetics of microbiology, general virology, microbial pathogens, infectious diseases, general parasitology and microbial ecology. Apart from understanding scientific processes and methods, students will develop skills in using and interpreting statistics and will be able critically analyse information.

Microbiology graduates may benefit from various career opportunities, working as a biomedical scientist, microbiologist, scientific laboratory technician, forensic scientist, science advisor, administrator, researcher, or science writer.

View all PhDs in Microbiology . Keep in mind you can also study an online PhDs in Microbiology .

Interesting programmes for you

Best universities for microbiology on phdportal.

  • Ranking (2018)
Universities Location U.S. News & World Report Ranking (2018)
Cambridge, United States 1
Cambridge, United States 2
Seattle, United States 3
Oxford, United Kingdom 4
Durham, United States 5
New York City, United States 6
San Francisco, United States 7
Saint Louis, United States 8
Berkeley, United States 9
Madison, United States 10
Chapel Hill, United States 11
Philadelphia, United States 11
Cambridge, United Kingdom 13
Baltimore, United States 14
Stanford, United States 15
London, United Kingdom 16
Ithaca, United States 17
Atlanta, United States 17
San Diego, United States 19
Tokyo, Japan 20
Edinburgh, United Kingdom 21
New Haven, United States 22
New York City, United States 23
Hong Kong, Hong Kong (SAR) 24
Los Angeles, United States 25
Chicago, United States 26
Rotterdam, Netherlands 27
Saint Lucia, Australia 27
Glasgow, United Kingdom 29
Pickering, Canada 30
Melbourne, Australia 31
Montréal, Canada 32
Ann Arbor, United States 32
Zürich, Switzerland 34
London, United Kingdom 35
Singapore, Singapore 35
Ledeberg, Belgium 37
München, Germany 38
Copenhagen, Denmark 39
Montpellier, France 40
State College, United States 41
Wageningen, Netherlands 42
Amsterdam, Netherlands 43
Athens, United States 43
Baltimore, United States 43
Manhattan, United States 46
Heidelberg, Germany 47
Stockholm, Sweden 48
London, United Kingdom 48
São Paulo, Brazil 50
New York City, United States 51
Davis, United States 52
Anyang, South Korea 53
Brussels, Belgium 54
Marseille, France 55
Liverpool, United Kingdom 55
Pittsburgh, United States 57
Princeton, United States 58
Galveston, United States 58
Los Angeles, United States 60
Freiburg, Germany 61
Osaka-shi, Japan 62
Helsinki, Finland 63
Upper Arlington, United States 64
Cape Town, South Africa 65
Zürich, Switzerland 66
Birmingham, United States 67
Paris, France 68
Aberdeen, United Kingdom 68
Sydney, Australia 70
Leiden, Netherlands 71
Berlin Steglitz, Germany 72
Gainesville, United States 73
Nijmegen, Netherlands 74
Vancouver, Canada 74
Sam Phran, Thailand 76
Bonn, Germany 76
Evanston, United States 78
Minneapolis, United States 79
Sapporo, Japan 80
Sydney, Australia 80
Kyoto, Japan 82
Irvine, United States 83
East Lansing, United States 84
Clayton, Australia 85
Genève, Switzerland 85
Jerusalem, Israel 87
West Lafayette, United States 87
New Brunswick, United States 89
Utrecht, Netherlands 89
Knoxville, United States 91
Würzburg, Germany 91
Strasbourg, France 93
Cleveland, United States 94
Dallas, United States 94
Hannover, Germany 96
Lexington, United States 97
Nashville, United States 98
Worcester, United States 99
Vienna, Austria 99
Singapore, Singapore 101
University of Calgary Calgary, Canada 101
Fort Collins, United States 103
Coyoacán, Mexico 103
Basel, Switzerland 105
Houston, United States 106
Münster, Germany 106
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom 108
Berlin, Germany 109
Copenhagen, Denmark 110
The University of Arizona Tucson, United States 110
Shanghai, China 112
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 113
Tübingen, Germany 114
Groningen, Netherlands 114
Lausanne, Switzerland 114
Birmingham, United Kingdom 117
Roma, Italy 118
Berlin, Germany 119
New Orleans, United States 119
Belo Horizonte, Brazil 121
College Park, United States 121
Medford, United States 123
Iowa City, United States 123
Urbana, United States 125
Pretoria, South Africa 125
New York City, United States 127
University of Paris Sud Orsay, France 128
Uppsala, Sweden 129
Paris, France 130
Nottingham, United Kingdom 130
Köln, Germany 132
Obita, Japan 133
Hangzhou, China 133
Cardiff, United Kingdom 135
Barcelona, Spain 135
Coventry, United Kingdom 137
Beijing, China 138
Düsseldorf, Germany 139
College Station, United States 140
Aarhus, Denmark 141
Paris Diderot University Paris, France 142
Bloomington, United States 143
Porto, Portugal 143
Dunedin, New Zealand 145
Göteborg, Sweden 146
Lincoln, United States 147
Uppsala, Sweden 148
Manchester, United Kingdom 149
Salt Lake City, United States 149
Boston, United States 151
Beijing, China 152
Austin, United States 153
Villeurbanne, France 154
Marburg, Germany 154
Cork, Ireland 156
Corvallis, United States 157
Guelph, Canada 158
Hanover, United States 159
Portland, United States 159
Storrs, United States 159
Umeå, Sweden 162
Sesto San Giovanni, Italy 162
Québec, Canada 164
Hamilton, Canada 165
Montréal, Canada 166
Grenoble, France 167
Ames, United States 168
Taipei, Taiwan 168
Gießen, Germany 170
Prague, Czech Republic 171
Amsterdam, Netherlands 172
Tel Aviv Yaffo, Israel 173
Oslo, Norway 174
Lisbon, Portugal 175
Jena, Germany 176
Lisbon, Portugal 176
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 178
Blacksburg, United States 178
Moscow, Russia 180
Paris, France 181
Raleigh, United States 181
Charlottesville, United States 181
Guangzhou, China 184
Edmonton, Canada 185
Brussels, Belgium 186
Bristol, United Kingdom 187
Bozeman, United States 188
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium 188
Beijing, China 190
Shanghai, China 191
Bern, Switzerland 191
Göttingen, Germany 193
Ås, Norway 194
Manhattan, United States 195
Baton Rouge, United States 195
Lund, Sweden 197
Winnipeg, Canada 198
Cairo, Egypt 199
Barcelona, Spain 200

Specialisations within the field of Natural Sciences & Mathematics

  • Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Astronomy & Space Sciences
  • Biotechnology
  • Natural Sciences
  • Financial Mathematics
  • Microbiology
  • Molecular Sciences
  • Neuroscience
  • Bioinformatics & Biostatistics
  • Biochemistry
  • Pharmacology
  • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Operations Research
  • Oceanography

Go to your profile page to get personalised recommendations!

10 Research Topics for Microbiology

Nov 13, 2022

Image credit: Unsplash.

Tasneem Gandhi

Here is the list of 10 research topics for doing PhD, research or writing a research paper in microbiology.

It focuses on the study of microorganisms that contaminate and spoil different types of food.

Food Microbiology

Study of microbial resistance against the particular drug. It helps understand the effectiveness and activity of a particular drug against a microbe.

Antimicrobial Resistance

Study of interaction of microbes with different types of environment and their effect on human health and the environment.

Environmental Microbiology

The study of microbes lives symbiotically in the human body without creating any problems. Some microbes are harmful also.

The study of contamination of various microorganisms, their toxins or by-products in under-cooked or uncooked food leads to various diseases.

Food contamination

The molecular study of the virus while attaching, entering, multiplying into the host and damaging the host immune system.

The study of different types of microorganisms in the marine environment and also understanding factors like biodiversity, ecology, and biochemistry.

Marine Microbiology

The analysis of genes, proteins and genomes of an environmental sample with precision and less time in comparison to classical microbiology.


The study of the relationship between microbes with one and their environment.

Microbial ecosystem

It studies the response of the immune system to an invasion of various microbes and their effects on the body.

Medical Microbiology

Next story: 10 research topics for biotechnology - thephdhub, i hope you like this story. please share it and visit our blog for more content..

#1 Microbiology Resource Hub

Lessons and Courses on Microbiology

research topics in microbiology phd


Below are some PROJECT TOPICS for your undergraduate and postgraduate (M.Sc. & Ph.D.) research studies. These project topics are only “suggestive in nature. This implies that they can be used as they are, or they can be modified and used as you so deem fit.

@ www.MicrobiologyClass.net we are interested in the academic- and self-development of our users, and that is why we have taken it upon ourselves to update on these topics from time to time, so that our users will always have free access to the project topics of their choice.

In case you have any project topic that you will like us to include to the list, please feel free to submit your suggested project topic through our email below. Our editorial team members will look at it, and add them to the list. You can also submit such “suggested project topic” through: [email protected]

  • Physiology and ecology of the neonatal gut microbiota
  • Biodegradable Polymer Degradation in Compost Environments
  • The Influence of Invasive Species on Host-Associated Microbiomes 
  • Impacts of bacterial associated ectomycorrhizal fungi on forest fungal and tree growth 
  • Emerging pollutant transformation and reactive oxygen species formation by oxygenase enzymes in different microbiomes
  • Survival and resuscitation mechanisms of desert soil bacteria
  • The effect of seasonal oxygen fluctuations on aquatic microbiomes
  • Microbiome-Enhanced Silicate Weathering
  • Comparative Analysis of Gut Microbiomes in Chinchillas and mice for pathogen research
  • Characterization of Probiotic Properties of Limosilactobacillus fermentum
  • Whole-Genome Analysis of  Lactobacillus johnsonii
  • Effect of flouroquinolones and aminoglycosides mixtures on soil bacterial activity
  • Evolution and spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria on antimicrobial surfaces in hospitals
  • Determination of the single and combined effects of antibiotics on soil bacterial and fungal communities
  • Characterization of PVL-positive MRSA isolates.
  • Effect of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum strains on the intestinal microbiome.
  • Prevalence of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in children and adults.
  • Isolation and characterization of entomopathogenic fungi from soil.
  • Genomic analysis of hydrocarbon oxidizing sulphur bacteria.
  • Investigation of the biodegrading potentials of Fervidobacteriumpennivorans .
  • Effect of calcium on the genetic makeup of Gemmatimonas phototrophica .
  • Modulation of Mycorrhizal colonization for improved food production.
  • Isolation and characterization of novel antimicrobial compounds from endophytes.
  • Isolation and characterization of novel antimicrobial compounds from lichens.
  • Monitoring of wastewaters for the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 to mitigate COVID-19 spread.
  • Metagenomics to unravel novel antimicrobial resistance genes in hospital environment.
  • Determination of quorum sensing and biofilm-forming capability in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from door handles, sinks, beddings and floor of hospitals 
  • Occurrence and serotyping of Salmonella species from blood samples of in- and out-patients
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Acinetobacter baumannii
  • Prevalence and Plasmid Profile of Fluoroquinolone – Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (FQRSA) isolated from clinical samples
  • Bacteriological and Physicochemical Parameters of Selected Borehole Water Sources
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Aeromonas hydrophila
  • Preliminary Studies on the Antibacterial Activities of Leaf Extracts of Azadirachta indica and Psidium guajava on Methicillin and Vancomycin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus .
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Salmonella and Shigella spcecies
  • Molecular Detection of Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL) Toxins in Clinical Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Candida auris
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and Plasmid Profile of Fluoroquinolone – Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (FQRSA) isolated from poultry and abattoir samples
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Candida albicans
  • Evaluation of the antibacterial activity of Parkia biglobosa, Hymenocardia acida and Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides extracts on pathogenic Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Vibrio cholerae
  • Detection and antibiogram of constitutive- and inducible-clindamycin-resistance in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Enterococcus faecalis
  • Antibacterial Activity of Adenia Cissampeloides Plant Extracts on some selected Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria
  • Evaluation of the Efficacy, Quality and Safety of Hepatitis B Vaccines stored in cold-chain systems
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Listeria monocytogenes
  • Phytochemical and Antimicrobial analysis of hulls and nuts of Tetracarpidium conophorum (Ukpa) on selected Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Mycobacterium species
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Escherichia coli
  • In Vitro Susceptibility Test of Different Clinical bacterial Isolates against first generation cephalosporins
  • Determination and isolation  of the metabolites of endophytic Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolated from leaves of Carica papaya
  • Isolation and characterization of bacteria and fungi associated with the biodegradation of municipal solid waste matter
  • In Vitro Susceptibility Test of Different Clinical bacterial Isolates against second generation cephalosporins
  • Isolation, antibiogram and characterization of vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from clinical bacterial isolates
  • In Vitro Susceptibility Test of Different Clinical bacterial Isolates against third generation cephalosporins
  • Determination of Bioethanol Production from Corncob Hydrolysed by Cellulase of Aspergillus niger Using Zymomonas mobilis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • In Vitro Susceptibility Test of Different Clinical bacterial Isolates against fourth generation cephalosporins
  • In Vitro Susceptibility Test of Different Clinical bacterial Isolates against fifth generation cephalosporins
  • Evaluation of the Efficacy, Quality and Safety of Hepatitis B Vaccines sold in the open market
  • In Vitro Susceptibility Test of Different Clinical fungal Isolates against ketoconazole and nystatin
  • Phenotypic detection of extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of metallo beta lactamase (MBL)-producing Escherichia coli isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of AmpC enzyme producing Escherichia coli isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of ESBL producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of metallo beta lactamase (MBL)-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of AmpC enzyme producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of ESBL producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of metallo beta lactamase (MBL)-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of AmpC enzyme producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from hospital samples
  • Isolation of Bacillus species with antibiotic-producing ability from soil samples
  • Detection of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)isolates from clinical samples
  • Phenotypic detection of vancomycin resistant Enterococcus species from clinical samples
  • Detection of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates from pig dung’s
  • Detection of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates from cow dung’s
  • Prevalence of Schistosoma haematobium infection in a primary school
  • Prevalence of Schistosoma bovis infection in abattoir houses
  • Prevalence of Schistosoma bovis infection in intestinal tract of slaughtered animals
  • Evolution of biocide resistance in clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • PCR detection of virulence-associated genes in multidrug resistant clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli
  • Molecular characterization of antibiotic resistant genes in methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates of clinical origin
  • PCR determination of panton valentine leukocidin genes in methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates
  • Comparison of Cefoxitin and Oxacillin Disk Diffusion Methods for Detection of mecA-Mediated Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus
  • PCR detection of mecA gene in methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of methicillin resistant coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS) strains of hospital origin
  • Antibiogram of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli isolates recovered from ready to eat food samples
  • Susceptibility profile of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli isolates recovered from Zobo drink samples
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli isolates recovered from Soya milk drink samples
  • Prevalence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli isolates in marketed sachet and bottled waters
  • Phenotypic Detection of Methicillin Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus by Disk Diffusion Testing and Etest
  • Prevalence of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates in pig farms
  • Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates from cattle farms
  • Detection and prevalence of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates from goat farms
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns and occurrence of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates in poultry farms
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli isolates recovered from faecal samples of poultry birds
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of bacterial pathogens recovered from free-range birds or fowls
  • Isolation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from fresh and soured palm wine marketed in local and urban markets
  • Determination of the ethanolic and methanolic extracts of the root, leaves and stem of Azadirachta indica on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli clinical isolates 
  • Determination of the ethanolic and methanolic extracts of the root, leaves and stem of Garcinia kola on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli clinical isolates 
  • Determination of the ethanolic and methanolic extracts of the root, leaves and stem of Carica papaya on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli clinical isolates 
  • Determination of the ethanolic and methanolic extracts of the root, leaves and stem of Zingiber officinale on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli clinical isolates 
  • Investigation of Schistosoma species in Pond Water Snails
  • Detection of Plasmid Borne Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase Enzymes from Blood and Urine Isolates of Gram – Negative Bacteria
  • Detection of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates Producing CTX-M-15 Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases
  • Detection of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli isolates from suspected community acquired urinary tract infections
  • Doripenem and ertapenem resistance amongst ESBL positive and AmpC positive Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates.
  • Detection of extended-Spectrum Βeta-Lactamase – Producing Escherichia Coli Strains of Poultry Origin
  • Detection of extended-Spectrum Βeta-Lactamase – Producing Escherichia Coli Strains of abattoir Origin
  • Microbiological investigation of Escherichia coli isolates from cloacal and feacal swabs of broiler chickens for AmpC enzymes and metallo beta lactamase enzymes
  • Frequency and antibiogram of uropathogens isolated from Urine Samples of HIV Infected Patients
  • Inhibitory effects of neem and Bitter kola leaves on selected pathogenic bacteria and fungi
  • Detection of Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase Enzymes from Otitis Media Bacteria Pathogens.
  • Cloacal faecal carriage and occurrence of antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in chicken grown with and without antibiotic supplemented feed
  • Evaluation of antibacterial activities of some Nigerian medicinal plants against some Gram negative resistant bacteria pathogens
  • Detection of ESBL-producing Gram negative bacteria using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry.
  • Prevalence and antibiogram of Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from water samples
  • Determination of the Quality of Commercial Antibacterial Discs Available in Nigerian market
  • Determination of the Medicinal Efficacy of Acetone, Aqueous, Methanol and Ethanol Crude Extracts of Mangifera indica Leaf
  • Phytochemical analysis and Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanolic and Methanolic Stem and Root Extracts of Cnestis ferruginea on Multidrug Resistant Bacteria of clinical origin
  • Prevalence and antibiogram of Salmonella species, Shigella species and Staphylococcus aureus in retail meats
  • Determination of the Microbial Contamination and prevalence of multidrug resistant bacteria of Ready-to-Eat Fried Chicken Meat
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of Staphylococcus aureus from Healthy School Pupils
  • Antibiogram of Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolated from the Nasopharyngeal Mucosa of primary school children
  • Antifungal and antibacterial activities of Ocimum gratissimum and Gongronema latifolium leaves on Colletotrichum species
  • Phytochemical analysis and Antibacterial activity of Crude Extracts from Leaves of Wonderful Kola on some selected Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria
  • Antibiotic sensitivity profiles of biofilm-producing bacterial isolates from clinical and water samples
  • Metagenomics to unravel novel AMR in food chain.

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Ph.D. Admissions 2024

Students at the Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology (MCB) have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge research on a diverse set of topics such as molecular cell biology, immunology, microbiology, plant biology, and developmental biology. Given the diverse set of research expertise at the department, we welcome students with backgrounds in various fields of biological sciences to apply to our Ph.D. program. The department offers world-class facilities and equipment together with a vibrant environment for research that consists of journal clubs, seminars, and workshops.

This year the interviews for admission to the Ph.D. program at MCB will be conducted between the 13th and 17th of May 2024 .

The following faculties are taking PhD students this year ( click here ).

Interview process: 

Each year we receive a large number of applications that are first screened based on the performance of candidates in various qualification exams. Shortlisted candidates are screened in a two-round interview process. Only the candidates shortlisted after the first round of interviews appear for the second round of interviews. 

A list of shortlisted candidates after each round of interviews is displayed on the department notice board and will also be published on this page.

Shortlisted candidates for the second interview scheduled on Thursday 16th May at 9:00 am. (candidates interviewed on 13th May)

1240101316SNEHA DAS
3240104334ANIKET KUMAR
5240101323DEBMITRA SEN
6240102185SIMA MAHATO
9240102618AMBARISH C R
11240102095ARIJIT MONDAL

Shortlisted candidates for the second interview scheduled on Thursday 16th May at 9:00 am. (candidates interviewed on 14th May)

3240102382VAISAKH M K

Shortlisted candidates for the second interview scheduled on Thursday 16th May at 2:00 pm. (candidates interviewed on 14th May)

2240105648ALKA YADAV
3240100245ABHISHEK B
5240101818SHIVANI SONI
7240100019ANUJ KUMAR
11240100620SANTU PAUL
12240104437SHAHEER P K
13240100507APOORVA BIRUA

Shortlisted candidates for the second interview scheduled on Friday 17th May at 9:00 am. (candidates interviewed on 15th May)

4240100766SAKSHAM JAIN
5240100635TANUSHRI DAS
7240100438KOUSHIKI DAS
9240102495ANUSREE A
10240107314MILKY MITTAL

Candidates are encouraged to meet the faculties in their respective laboratories after the interviews are over on the 16th and 17th of May.

Prof. K. Somasundaram

(Chair, Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology)

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Collection  06 March 2024

Microbiology Top 100 of 2023

This collection highlights the most downloaded* microbiology research papers published by Scientific Reports in 2023. Featuring authors from around the world, these papers highlight valuable research from an international community.

You can also view the journal's overall Top 100 or the Top 100 within various subject areas . *Data obtained from SN Insights, which is based on Digital Science’s Dimensions.

closeup of microbes

Genetic correlations between Alzheimer’s disease and gut microbiome genera

  • Davis Cammann
  • Jingchun Chen

research topics in microbiology phd

Novavax NVX-COV2373 triggers neutralization of Omicron sub-lineages

  • Jinal N. Bhiman
  • Simone I. Richardson
  • Penny L. Moore

research topics in microbiology phd

Metagenomic profiling pipelines improve taxonomic classification for 16S amplicon sequencing data

  • Aubrey R. Odom
  • Tyler Faits
  • W. Evan Johnson

research topics in microbiology phd

Hybrid and herd immunity 6 months after SARS-CoV-2 exposure among individuals from a community treatment program

  • Parawee Chevaisrakul
  • Putthapoom Lumjiaktase
  • Nittaya Phanuphak

research topics in microbiology phd

Impact of prophylactic hydroxychloroquine on ultrastructural impairment and cellular SARS-CoV-2 infection in different cells of bronchoalveolar lavage fluids of COVID-19 patients

  • Shikha Chaudhary
  • Subhash Chandra Yadav

research topics in microbiology phd

Detection of humoral and cellular immune response to anti-SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 vaccine in breastfeeding women and naïve and previously infected individuals

  • Milena Cavic
  • Andrijana Nesic
  • Marija Gavrovic-Jankulovic

research topics in microbiology phd

Enhancing a SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antigen test sensitivity with cost efficient strategy through a cotton intermembrane insertion

  • Diego Rinaldi Pavesi Nicollete
  • Rafael Benedetti
  • Marcus Vinícius Mazega Figueredo

research topics in microbiology phd

Antifungal activity of potential probiotic Limosilactobacillus fermentum strains and their role against toxigenic aflatoxin-producing aspergilli

  • Yalda Mahjoory
  • Reza Mohammadi
  • Yousef Nami

research topics in microbiology phd

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces endothelial inflammation via ACE2 independently of viral replication

  • Augusto C. Montezano
  • Livia L. Camargo
  • Rhian M. Touyz

research topics in microbiology phd

Real-world data on the incidence and risk of Guillain–Barré syndrome following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: a prospective surveillance study

  • Suyeon Park
  • Kunhee Park

research topics in microbiology phd

Botanical inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 viral entry: a phylogenetic perspective

  • Caitlin J. Risener
  • Cassandra L. Quave

research topics in microbiology phd

Symptom profiles of community cases infected by influenza, RSV, rhinovirus, seasonal coronavirus, and SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern

  • Cyril Geismar
  • Vincent Nguyen
  • Andrew C. Hayward

research topics in microbiology phd

M gene targeted qRT-PCR approach for SARS-CoV-2 virus detection

  • Md. Murshed Hasan Sarkar
  • Showti Raheel Naser
  • Md. Sharfuddin Ahmed

research topics in microbiology phd

Determining the most accurate 16S rRNA hypervariable region for taxonomic identification from respiratory samples

  • Ruben López-Aladid
  • Laia Fernández-Barat
  • Antoni Torres

research topics in microbiology phd

Monitoring and immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination of laboratory rhesus monkeys ( Macaca mulatta )

  • Dan Qi Priscilla Oh
  • Iris Grothe
  • Detlef Wegener

research topics in microbiology phd

Effect of in vitro cultivation on human gut microbiota composition using 16S rDNA amplicon sequencing and metabolomics approach

  • Paulina Średnicka
  • Marek Łukasz Roszko
  • Edyta Juszczuk-Kubiak

research topics in microbiology phd

Breast cancer patients from the Midwest region of the United States have reduced levels of short-chain fatty acid-producing gut bacteria

  • Rachel L. Shrode
  • Jessica E. Knobbe
  • Ashutosh K. Mangalam

research topics in microbiology phd

Mendelian randomization analyses reveal causal relationships between the human microbiome and longevity

  • Xiaomin Liu

research topics in microbiology phd

Compact and automated eDNA sampler for in situ monitoring of marine environments

  • Andre Hendricks
  • Connor M. Mackie
  • Vincent Sieben

research topics in microbiology phd

Real time monitoring of COVID-19 intervention effectiveness through contact tracing data

  • Graham C. Gibson
  • Spencer Woody
  • Darlene Bhavnani

research topics in microbiology phd

Bald eagle mortality and nest failure due to clade highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza a virus

  • Nicole M. Nemeth
  • Mark G. Ruder
  • David E. Stallknecht

research topics in microbiology phd

Large-scale genomic analyses with machine learning uncover predictive patterns associated with fungal phytopathogenic lifestyles and traits

  • R. C. Hamelin

research topics in microbiology phd

Malaria, climate variability, and interventions: modelling transmission dynamics

  • Anton Beloconi
  • Bryan O. Nyawanda
  • Penelope Vounatsou

research topics in microbiology phd

A comparison of the infant gut microbiome before versus after the start of the covid-19 pandemic

  • Francesca R. Querdasi
  • Sarah C. Vogel
  • Natalie H. Brito

research topics in microbiology phd

Virulence analysis and antibiotic resistance of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from hospitalised patients in Poland

  • Barbara Kot
  • Małgorzata Piechota
  • Małgorzata Witeska

research topics in microbiology phd

Inoculation with black soldier fly larvae alters the microbiome and volatile organic compound profile of decomposing food waste

  • Rena Michishita
  • Masami Shimoda
  • Takuya Uehara

research topics in microbiology phd

Aerobic exercise training and gut microbiome-associated metabolic shifts in women with overweight: a multi-omic study

  • Jukka E. Hintikka
  • Juha P. Ahtiainen
  • Satu Pekkala

research topics in microbiology phd

Monitoring phage-induced lysis of gram-negatives in real time using a fluorescent DNA dye

  • Julia E. Egido
  • Catherine Toner-Bartelds
  • Pieter-Jan Haas

research topics in microbiology phd

Altered gut microbiota in individuals with episodic and chronic migraine

  • Dongeun Yong
  • Min Kyung Chu

research topics in microbiology phd

Alcobiosis, an algal-fungal association on the threshold of lichenisation

  • Jan Vondrák
  • Stanislav Svoboda
  • Jiří Kubásek

research topics in microbiology phd

A strategy for evaluating potential antiviral resistance to small molecule drugs and application to SARS-CoV-2

  • Karen Sargsyan
  • Karine Mazmanian

research topics in microbiology phd

Exploring the antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer, biocompatibility, and larvicidal activities of selenium nanoparticles fabricated by endophytic fungal strain Penicillium verhagenii

  • Abdel-Rahman A. Nassar
  • Ahmed M. Eid

research topics in microbiology phd

A multiplexed, paired-pooled droplet digital PCR assay for detection of SARS-CoV-2 in saliva

  • Kaitlyn Wagner
  • Mark D. Zabel

research topics in microbiology phd

Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages from soil against food spoilage and foodborne pathogenic bacteria

  • Putri Christy Artawinata
  • Sesilia Lorraine
  • Diana Elizabeth Waturangi

research topics in microbiology phd

A mathematical model for COVID-19 considering waning immunity, vaccination and control measures

  • Subhas Kumar Ghosh
  • Sachchit Ghosh

research topics in microbiology phd

Anti-inflammatory effects of CBD in human microglial cell line infected with HIV-1

  • Adriana Yndart Arias
  • Nagesh Kolishetti
  • Madhavan Nair

research topics in microbiology phd

Microbiomes associated with Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora in four different floristic domains of Brazil

  • Tomás Gomes Reis Veloso
  • Marliane de Cássia Soares da Silva
  • Lucas Louzada Pereira

research topics in microbiology phd

Rapid TCR:Epitope Ranker (RAPTER): a primary human T cell reactivity screening assay pairing epitope and TCR at single cell resolution

  • Raquel P. Deering
  • Lili Blumenberg
  • Gavin Thurston

research topics in microbiology phd

Nanopore Sequencing Discloses Compositional Quality of Commercial Probiotic Feed Supplements

  • Worarat Kruasuwan
  • Piroon Jenjaroenpun
  • Thidathip Wongsurawat

research topics in microbiology phd

Inhibition of inflammatory microglia by dietary fiber and short-chain fatty acids

  • Maria Elisa Caetano-Silva
  • Laurie Rund
  • Rodney W. Johnson

research topics in microbiology phd

Using nanopore sequencing to identify fungi from clinical samples with high phylogenetic resolution

  • Atsufumi Ohta
  • Kenichiro Nishi
  • Yoshiyuki Matsuo

research topics in microbiology phd

Rectal swabs as a viable alternative to faecal sampling for the analysis of gut microbiota functionality and composition

  • Shiva T. Radhakrishnan
  • Kate I. Gallagher
  • Horace R. T. Williams

research topics in microbiology phd

Comparison of DNA extraction methods for 16S rRNA gene sequencing in the analysis of the human gut microbiome

  • Céline Elie
  • Magali Perret
  • Adrien Saliou

research topics in microbiology phd

Malaria hotspots and climate change trends in the hyper-endemic malaria settings of Mizoram along the India–Bangladesh borders

  • Pachuau Lalmalsawma
  • K. Balasubramani
  • Praveen Balabaskaran Nina

research topics in microbiology phd

Fecal microbiota composition affects in vitro fermentation of rye, oat, and wheat bread

  • Laura Pirkola
  • Johan Dicksved
  • Roger Andersson

research topics in microbiology phd

Characterization of the microbiome and volatile compounds in anal gland secretions from domestic cats ( Felis catus ) using metagenomics and metabolomics

  • Connie A. Rojas
  • Stanley L. Marks
  • Jonathan A. Eisen

research topics in microbiology phd

Long-term taxonomic and functional stability of the gut microbiome from human fecal samples

  • Jae Hyun Kim
  • Ji-Young Jeon
  • Min-Gul Kim

research topics in microbiology phd

Uncover a microbiota signature of upper respiratory tract in patients with SARS-CoV-2 + 

  • Massimo Bellato
  • Marco Cappellato
  • Barbara Di Camillo

research topics in microbiology phd

Clonal population expansion of Staphylococcus aureus occurs due to escape from a finite number of intraphagocyte niches

  • Grace R. Pidwill
  • Josie F. Pyrah
  • Simon J. Foster

research topics in microbiology phd

Binding and inactivation of human coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, onto purified clinoptilolite-tuff

research topics in microbiology phd

Anticancer properties of curcumin-treated Lactobacillus plantarum against the HT-29 colorectal adenocarcinoma cells

  • Faranak Gholipour
  • Mohammad Amini
  • Morteza Eskandani

research topics in microbiology phd

The non-classical major histocompatibility complex II protein SLA-DM is crucial for African swine fever virus replication

  • Katrin Pannhorst
  • Jolene Carlson
  • Thomas C. Mettenleiter

research topics in microbiology phd

Gut microbiota of Parkinson’s disease in an appendectomy cohort: a preliminary study

  • Keiichi Nakahara
  • Shunya Nakane

research topics in microbiology phd

Music-based interventions in the feeding environment on the gut microbiota of mice

  • Jiewei Zhao

research topics in microbiology phd

Geography shapes the genomics and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis isolated from humans

  • Shaohua Zhao

research topics in microbiology phd

Natto consumption suppresses atherosclerotic plaque progression in LDL receptor-deficient mice transplanted with iRFP-expressing hematopoietic cells

  • Takeshi Kawamata
  • Arata Wakimoto
  • Yuji Hiramatsu

Rapid stool antigenic test for typhoid fever among suspected cases, Northeast, Ethiopia

  • Alene Geteneh
  • Selamyhun Tadesse
  • Paulos Fissiha

research topics in microbiology phd

Bacillus subtilis isolates from camel milk as probiotic candidates

  • Roya Daneshazari
  • Mohammad Rabbani Khorasgani
  • June-Hyung Kim

research topics in microbiology phd

Worldwide transmission and infection risk of mosquito vectors of West Nile, St. Louis encephalitis, Usutu and Japanese encephalitis viruses: a systematic review

  • María José Tolsá-García
  • Magdalena Laura Wehmeyer

research topics in microbiology phd

Virulence and antibiotic-resistance genes in Enterococcus faecalis associated with streptococcosis disease in fish

  • Tasmina Akter
  • Md. Najmul Haque
  • Md. Mahbubur Rahman

research topics in microbiology phd

A laboratory ice machine as a cold oligotrophic artificial microbial niche for biodiscovery

  • Leila Satari
  • Daniel Torrent
  • Alba Iglesias

Expanded profiling of Remdesivir as a broad-spectrum antiviral and low potential for interaction with other medications in vitro

  • Sheli R. Radoshitzky
  • Patrick Iversen
  • Joy Y. Feng

research topics in microbiology phd

Combination of genetically diverse Pseudomonas phages enhances the cocktail efficiency against bacteria

  • Ampapan Naknaen
  • Thanadon Samernate
  • Vorrapon Chaikeeratisak

research topics in microbiology phd

SARS-CoV-2 viral variants can rapidly be identified for clinical decision making and population surveillance using a high-throughput digital droplet PCR assay

  • Olivier Pernet
  • Maia Weisenhaus
  • the U. S. C. Variant Study Group

research topics in microbiology phd

Biosynthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles from Punica granatum (pomegranate) peel waste and its application to inhibit foodborne pathogens

  • Salma M. Farouk
  • Samah H. Abu-Hussien
  • Ahmed Galal

research topics in microbiology phd

Probiotic disruption of quorum sensing reduces virulence and increases cefoxitin sensitivity in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

  • Monica Angela Cella
  • Thomas Coulson
  • Mansel William Griffiths

research topics in microbiology phd

A 10-year microbiological study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains revealed the circulation of populations resistant to both carbapenems and quaternary ammonium compounds

  • Marine Pottier
  • François Gravey
  • Simon Le Hello

research topics in microbiology phd

Large-scale genomic analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis reveals extent of target and compensatory mutations linked to multi-drug resistant tuberculosis

  • Gary Napier
  • Susana Campino
  • Taane G. Clark

research topics in microbiology phd

Shallow shotgun sequencing reduces technical variation in microbiome analysis

  • Alex J. La Reau
  • Noah B. Strom
  • Dan Knights

research topics in microbiology phd

Identification of the novel potential pathogen Trueperella pecoris with interspecies significance by LAMP diagnostics

  • Antonia Kreitlow
  • Siti Gusti Ningrum
  • Amir Abdulmawjood

research topics in microbiology phd

Safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of an mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine, GLB-COV2-043, in preclinical animal models

  • Felipe Lelis
  • Laura A. Byk
  • Antu K. Dey

research topics in microbiology phd

Modulation of the gut microbiome with nisin

  • Catherine O’Reilly
  • Ghjuvan M. Grimaud
  • R. Paul Ross

research topics in microbiology phd

Genome mining reveals novel biosynthetic gene clusters in entomopathogenic bacteria

  • Wipanee Meesil
  • Paramaporn Muangpat
  • Aunchalee Thanwisai

research topics in microbiology phd

A tool to automatically design multiplex PCR primer pairs for specific targets using diverse templates

research topics in microbiology phd

Genome-wide study of globally distributed respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) strains implicates diversification utilizing phylodynamics and mutational analysis

  • Tushar Ahmed Shishir
  • Mohammad Ruhul Amin

research topics in microbiology phd

Immunogenicity of poxvirus-based vaccines against Nipah virus

  • Emily S. Medina-Magües
  • Jaime Lopera-Madrid
  • Jorge E. Osorio

research topics in microbiology phd

Antiviral activities of plant-derived indole and β-carboline alkaloids against human and avian influenza viruses

  • Akram Hegazy
  • Sara H. Mahmoud
  • Ahmed Mostafa

research topics in microbiology phd

Low energy nebulization preserves integrity of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines for respiratory delivery

  • Cees J. M. van Rijn
  • Killian E. Vlaming
  • Teunis B. H. Geijtenbeek

research topics in microbiology phd

Ebselen derivatives inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication by inhibition of its essential proteins: PL pro and M pro proteases, and nsp14 guanine N7-methyltransferase

  • Mikolaj Zmudzinski
  • Wioletta Rut
  • Marcin Drag

research topics in microbiology phd

Detection of antimicrobial impact on gram-negative bacterial cell envelope based on single-cell imaging by scanning electron microscopy

  • Akiko Hisada
  • Erino Matsumoto
  • Yusuke Ominami

research topics in microbiology phd

Complete genomes and comparative analyses of Streptomyces phages that influence secondary metabolism and sporulation

  • Sarah Kronheim
  • Ethan Solomon
  • Karen L. Maxwell

research topics in microbiology phd

Study of 32 new phage tail-like bacteriocins (pyocins) from a clinical collection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and of their potential use as typing markers and antimicrobial agents

  • Lucía Blasco
  • Manuel González de Aledo
  • María Tomás

research topics in microbiology phd

A computational approach to design a polyvalent vaccine against human respiratory syncytial virus

  • Abu Tayab Moin
  • Md. Asad Ullah
  • Saiful Islam

research topics in microbiology phd

Comparison of genome replication fidelity between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A virus in cell culture

  • Yoshiko Kawasaki
  • Jiro Yasuda

research topics in microbiology phd

Epidemiology and molecular characterization of avian influenza A viruses H5N1 and H3N8 subtypes in poultry farms and live bird markets in Bangladesh

  • Ariful Islam
  • Shariful Islam
  • Mohamed E. El Zowalaty

research topics in microbiology phd

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HCV, HIV AND HBV rapid test diagnosis in non-clinical outreach settings can be as accurate as conventional laboratory tests

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Process development for an effective COVID-19 vaccine candidate harboring recombinant SARS-CoV-2 delta plus receptor binding domain produced by Pichia pastoris

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research topics in microbiology phd


Top 50 Research Topics of Microbiology

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The microbiology sector has seen huge development over the years to what it is now. You might be well aware that our earth’s surface consists of a huge microbial diversity and these wide microbial communities are present in all nooks of the earth. They offer several services to our environment. Without microbial communities, the whole earth will be a different place to live in. This is the reason microbiological research is so vital.

Microbiology is one of the very actively researched grounds, that deal with the study of microorganisms starting from the eukaryotic fungi to single celled and various cell cluster organisms. Various courses like B.Sc., M. Sc., M. Phil and Ph.D in subjects like Microbiology , Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, students are doing projects for their thesis. Excluding these, students from other courses including B. Tech, M. Tech courses in  Biotechnology , paramedical courses like  Pharmacy  (B. Pharm. and M. Pharm.) and even Medical are searching projects or thesis topics for microbiology. If you are thinking of starting a research or project work in microbiology, then you must be searching for a good topic. So we planned to make it somewhat simple and easy for you.

We also provide Labmonk notes on some subjects on our platform. Click here to check out . If you are interested to share your notes on this platform please contact us.

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Microbiology - research topics.

The following Research Topics are led by experts in their field and contribute to the scientific understanding of microbiology. These Research topics are published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Microbiology , as open access articles .

Sea Life Underwater Rocks Sunlight, Underwater Life, wildlife

Exploring the Depths: Marine-Derived Antimicrobials as New Frontiers in Combating Antimicrobial Resistance

Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) presents a critical challenge, surpassing deaths from HIV and malaria, with a forecast of 10 million annual deaths by 2050.

3d rendered illustration of bacteria

Artificial Intelligence in Pathogenic Microorganism Research

Background: Infections caused by pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other eukaryotic microbes, seriously threaten human health.

Corn crops suffer as drought continues. Corn field with very dry soil. Dry Corn field in the Turkey. Extreme droogte in Adana. Agriculture

Climate is Changing: Harnessing Plant-Microbe Interactions For Sustainable Agriculture in Arid Areas

This Research Topic aims to compile the latest information and innovations in the field of plant-microbe interaction research.

Transfer RNA (abbreviated tRNA and formerly referred to as sRNA, for soluble RNA with RNA strand in the cell 3d rendering

Roles of RNA in Host-Microbiome Interactions and Impact on Human Diseases

Background: The range of microorganisms (bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses) that can comprise the microbiota in different living beings and ecosystems are being reported to affect the host’s physiology and health.

Reforestation through replanting in mixed forest

Microbial Phytoremediation of Soil and Sediment Pollution: Mechanism, Application and Prospect

Background: Soil and sediment pollution caused by various contaminants, including heavy metals, organic pollutants, and other toxic substances, poses significant threats to environmental quality and human health.

3d illustration - Lactobacillus Bulgaricus Bacteria

Omics Technologies and Bioinformatic Tools in Probiotic Research

Background: Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) that can exert beneficial health effects in the gut and extra-intestinal sites when consumed in sufficient quantity.

Aerial view of treatment facilities. Water purification before and after purification, different degree of wastewater pollution

Microbial Biotechnologies for Efficient Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery

Background: Microorganisms play a pivotal role in both natural and engineered ecosystems. The Conventional Activated Sludge (CAS) process, an engineered ecosystem, has been an important component of modern sanitation systems used to treat domestic...

Taking care of the Crop. Aerial view of a Tractor fertilizing a cultivated agricultural field.

Microbial-Mediated Induced Resistance: Interactive Effects for Improving Crop Health

Background: The current population of the Earth, which is approximately 7.88 billion, is projected to reach 9.8 billion by the year 2050. In order to accommodate this growth, it is crucial that we prepare for the increased demand for food.

3d rendering of DNA structure, Medical science background.

Reviews in Molecular Evolution of Infectious Agents and Diseases

The current research topic aims to publish high-quality scholarly review papers on key topics in molecular epidemiology and evolution of infectious pathogens.

Bacteriophage viruses infecting bacterial cells  , Bacterial viruses

Bacteriophages, Prophages, and Their Products: Regulating Bacterial Populations

Background: Bacteriophages represent the most abundant biological entities in the biosphere and play a crucial role in controlling the number and biodiversity of bacterial populations.

A man standing in front of a massive blue glacier at Solheimajokull and Vatnajokull and Svinasfellsjokull glacier in South Iceland on a sunny winter day while the blue ice is covered by white snow.

Extremophiles: Environmental Adaptation Mechanisms, Modification to Synthetic Biology, and Industrial Application

Background: Extremophiles are unique microorganisms adapted to survive in ecological niches characterized by high or low temperatures, extreme pH, high salt concentrations, and high pressure.

Tea plantation on the north coast of Sao Miguel Island in the Azores. Rural landscape with tea growing farm. Beautiful hydrangeas in the foreground. Growing green tea and black tea.

Microorganisms in Tea and Tea Beverages

Background: Tea is one of the most popular and widely consumed beverages in the world, and microorganisms are closely related to the tea industry.

Happy beagle dog with flying ears running outdoors with stick in mouth. Active dog pet enjoying summer walk

Omics Research in Canine and Feline Microbiome: Implications for Veterinary Medicine and Companion Animal Health

The goal of this special research topic is to boost companion animal microbiome research and enhance our understanding of the diversity and complexity of canine and feline microbiomes at the omics and systems biology level.

Microbiome intestine factories and microbiota. Gut health 3d render. Microvilli with factories in intestine

Multi-Omics Research in Disease Microbiology

The goal of this Research Topic is to delve deep into the role of multi-omics research in advancing more specific understanding of the molecular basis of disease microbiology.

Research Scholar

[100+] Microbiology Research Topics For College Students With Free [Thesis Pdf] 2023

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Now Check 50+ Microbiology Research Topics List

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Research Topic For Microbiology 2023


Microbiology Research Topics For Dissertation

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Microbiology Research Topics For Fisheries

Research topics for microbiology, microbiology research topics examples.

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A man at the cow farm.

Moo-ve Aside Mice: Exploring Cow Models in Research

Humans have more in common with cows than mice when it boils down to bone marrow stem cells..

Laura Tran, PhD

Laura is an assistant editor for The Scientist. She earned her PhD in biomedical sciences from Rush University by studying how circadian rhythms and alcohol affect the gut.

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ABOVE: Nikola Danev, a graduate student in Van de Walle’s group and study coauthor, studies how the mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) in cows could be a viable model for translational studies. Nikola Danev

F or decades, mice have been a staple animal model for researchers, but nontraditional animal models are now getting their heyday. Gerlinde Van de Walle , a veterinarian virologist at Cornell University, studies the mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) of large animals such as horses and cows, which are currently used to treat orthopedic injuries and have been shown to have regenerative properties. 1  

“As a veterinarian, I've always very much been interested in studying naturally occurring diseases in our veterinary species and using that as a translational jump into human research,” remarked Van de Walle.

Headshot of Gerlinde Van de Walle.

She and her team set out to characterize bovine MSC to ascertain the extent of similarities between cows and humans. Their findings , published in iScience , showed that human MSC share an extensive genetic overlap with their bovine counterparts, more so than with mice. 2  Understanding bovine MSC could improve therapeutic approaches and position cows as valuable models in regenerative medicine.

Few studies have examined the comparative characteristics of bovine MSC, emphasizing the need for robust identification and classification to advance MSC research. To bridge this gap, Van de Walle and her team collected samples from three sources within a single dairy cow: peripheral blood (PB), bone marrow (BM), and adipose tissue (AT). 

Microscopy revealed that the cells differentiated into adipocytes, chondrocytes, and osteocytes—these data were consistent with findings in humans. Then, the team used immunofluorescent imaging with three positive MSC cluster of differentiation (CD) markers: CD73, CD44, and CD29. Cells from all three tissue sources expressed these three markers.

Van de Walle’s team delved deeper into the heterogeneity of MSC, which is linked to variable treatment outcomes, and assessed shared and tissue-specific patterns. They used single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and verified the results with quantitative polymerase chain reaction.

Fluorescence microscopy photograph of human skin depicting stained fibroblasts, key cells involved in wound healing.

Both MSC marker gene and protein expression patterns were largely similar between PB-, BM-, and AT-MSC. However, they noted heterogeneity in MSC with upregulated tissue-specific genes and distinct intercellular signaling pathways between the three sources. With these characteristics in mind, Van de Walle compared bovine MSC against human and murine MSC. 

The researchers drew from an online database of human and murine BM-MSC scRNA-seq datasets for comparison. When Van de Walle examined the transcriptomic profiles, she noted that BM-MSC shared 1,127 functionally relevant stem cell gene expression profiles with human BM-MSC, while murine and human BM-MSC shared 24 gene transcripts.

“[The results] were really exciting because that plays in our favor of promoting the value of nontraditional animal models and human research,” said Van de Walle.

Image of bovine mesenchymal stromal cells differentiating into a chondrocyte (blue).

“One advantage of veterinary species is that cows are outbred like humans, whereas mice are very inbred,” added Van de Walle. “By having this more diverse background, our nontraditional model organisms are more representative of the heterogeneity that exists in the human population.”

Javiera Bahamonde-Azcuy , a biomedical and veterinary scientist at the Austral University of Chile who was not involved in this study, noted her excitement in the robustness of the study’s large collection of information at the single cell level.

However, both Van de Walle and Bahamonde-Azcuy acknowledged the study’s major caveat: using a single donor animal. “The use of transcriptomics is very novel, but before drawing conclusions about differences between species, I would like to see repeated studies comparing more individuals from the same species,” emphasized Bahamonde-Azcuy.

Van de Walle and her team hope this preliminary wealth of transcriptomic data will inform future comparative analysis as they continue to study other bovine stem cells and their potential for treatment.

research topics in microbiology phd

Army graduate program names award after Nursing's Jim Reed

James reed_khp_5912-card%281%29.jpg.

research topics in microbiology phd

The U.S. Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing at Baylor University has named an award in honor of James “Jim” R. Reed, DNP, CRNA , an associate clinical professor in the University of Arizona College of Nursing ’s DNP-Nurse Anesthesia Program .

“In keeping with the tradition of operational readiness and clinical excellence, the ‘Jim Reed Award for Clinical and Operational Excellence’ is awarded to the student that best exemplifies the critical thinking and adaptability needed for the battlefield nurse anesthetist,” the award announcement said. “This individual represents the core mission of preparing our future anesthesia providers for the battlefields of today and tomorrow.”

Reed, who joined the faculty three years ago and earned his Bachelor of Nursing from the university in 1992, said, “I was completely surprised by the naming of this award, and it is a tremendous honor to have my name attached to it in perpetuity. It is tough to describe how much this honor means to me.

“Given that this is the clinical and operational readiness award, it is even more of an honor to me, as that is where the rubber meets the road for our patients both in hospitals and in deployed settings. It is an honor to be an alumnus of the USAGPAN program and to continue that proud legacy of excellence here in our program at UArizona.”

The USAGPAN started in 1981 and has been training most active-duty Army CRNAs in the specialty of field anesthesia, ensuring that graduates are qualified to carry out their duties. They are often the sole anesthesia provider in combat and field operations.

“Lt. Col. Jim Reed is an Army nurse anesthetist who has exemplified the true meaning of battlefield anesthesia,” Col. Peter J. Attilio, PhD, CRNA, director of the USAGPAN, wrote in a letter announcing the new award. “Reed has been an emphatic proponent of operational readiness, engaging in the education of numerous nurse anesthetists in both military and civilian environments. His personal and professional achievements in both the practice and education of independent battlefield nursing anesthesia are emblematic of the goals of the USAGPAN.”

Reed retired from the Army as a lieutenant colonel in 2011 after serving 27 years, 20 of which were on jump status as a paratrooper. He enlisted in the Army after high school and was part of an active-duty special forces unit in Massachusetts. He then served in a National Guard special forces unit while he was an undergraduate at the university. During his career in the Army, Reed completed 14 combat deployments, serving on a special mission unit surgical team that supported elite special operations troops.

“Jim Reed is the perfect person to name this award for,” said Brian Ahn, PhD , dean of the College of Nursing. “His dedication to country, service, the college and his students exemplifies not only the award but also the mission of educating students. We are extremely proud of him and his work.”

“It has been very special to come home to do this important work at the College of Nursing,” said Reed, a native of Tucson. “I have a fantastic leadership team in Kristie Hoch, DNP, CRNA , and Chris Herring, DNP, CRNA , who have mentored and allowed me to flourish as a faculty member in the program. As they are both veterans, they understand the regimented style I have and the importance of academic rigor. Dr. Hoch is a tireless advocate for our program, our faculty and our profession.”

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School of Medicine’s 2024 graduates celebrate their accomplishments

Speakers at the ceremony that awarded PhD, MD and master’s degrees encourage students to adopt optimism, listen to their muse and dance to their own beat.

June 18, 2024 - By Emily Moskal


Newly minted physicians line up to receive their diplomas and be hooded. Steve Fisch

To access the innovation necessary for great progress, you must embrace optimism, carve out quiet moments and follow your muse, speakers told graduates at the Stanford School of Medicine’s commencement ceremony on June 15.

“Wherever you go next, arrive as unshakeable optimists,” said Lloyd Minor , MD, dean of the School of Medicine and vice president for medical affairs at Stanford University, during his opening remarks. “See the world not for what it is today but for what it can become. Create the best out of any situation and be the light that leads others. The history of biomedicine is written by those who step forward, optimistic.”

The ceremony, which took place in Maples Pavilion on the Stanford University campus, honored 322 graduates who earned medical, doctorate and master’s degrees.

Lloyd Minor graduation

“Wherever you go next, arrive as unshakeable optimists,” Lloyd Minor said. Steve Fisch

Minor posited that believing in what most think to be impossible moves us forward in times of immense uncertainty. He quoted Nelson Mandela, Helen Keller, Immanuel Kant and Chelsea Clinton — leaders who have argued that we have a moral duty to society to remain optimistic.

“The kind of optimism that I’m talking about is fundamentally a precursor to action,” Minor said. “It’s a belief that demands accountability from all of us.”

Trust in the muse

Keynote speaker Abraham Verghese , MD, professor of medicine, encouraged the graduates to slow down enough to hear their muse.

“Get unbusy long enough to honor yourself each day,” said Verghese, the Linda R. Meier and Joan F. Lane Provostial Professor. Verghese is the author of the bestselling The Covenant of Water and a champion of hands-on care combined with an approachable bedside manner.

“Our world conspires against us, seducing our attention to everything outside of us, not within,” Verghese said. “So many of us begin our day instinctively reaching for our phones, an act as damaging as reaching for a cigarette. I speak to you as a fellow sinner. A few seconds after waking, our consciousness is grabbed by texts, emails, by the voices of the external universe, and we are blind to our inner universe, deaf to our own voices.”

Abraham Verghese graduation

“Get unbusy long enough to honor yourself each day,” Abraham Verghese said. Steve Fisch

We need quiet to become “a better clinician, a better scientist, a better physician assistant, a better human being,” Verghese said. That’s when true inspiration — whether for better patient care or a research discovery — visits.

The weight of the coat

Rachel Ryan, PA-C, recalled during her speech that she was told, three years earlier during her white coat ceremony, that the garment, a symbol of the profession, would grow heavier over time, “with increasing weight of responsibility to our patients.”

“Like the B side of a record, people rarely talk about the B side of practicing medicine and the toll it takes: the sacrifices, the emotional turmoil, the questioning…each their own layer of heaviness, weighing the shoulders down and contributing to fatigue,” said the newly minted physician assistant.

Shalmali Bane, PhD, who researched low-risk cesarean births for her degree in epidemiology and population health, drew parallels between pregnancy and pursuing a PhD: Each involves periods of exponential growth that lead to transformative experiences that typically involve a lot of crying but are rarely traversed alone.

As the graduates crossed the stage to receive their hoods and diplomas, one did a shuffle dance — a fitting display after the speakers’ exhortations that the newly minted graduates should groove to their own internal beat.

Gabriela Ruiz Colón

Gabriela Ruiz Colón is headed to a residency in neurosurgery. Steve Fisch

Afterward, the group affirmed, together and aloud, that they were committed to the ethics of science and medicine as they read the Stanford Bioscience Affirmation and the Stanford Medicine Affirmation. They also vowed to weather failures with grace: “I will treat myself and my colleagues with kindness and compassion as we deal with temporary setbacks on the path to progress.”

Gabriela Ruiz Colón, MD, said she felt the immense privilege of being able to answer her calling — and the immense responsibility.

“As I was hooded, I felt the responsibility that comes with being a physician physically bestowed upon me,” said Ruiz Colón, who is headed for a residency in neurosurgery at Massachusetts General Hospital, after the ceremony. “While there are many years ahead of training, I know that Stanford Medicine has prepared me to take on all that is ahead.”

Read Lloyd Minor's speech .

Emily Moskal

About Stanford Medicine

Stanford Medicine is an integrated academic health system comprising the Stanford School of Medicine and adult and pediatric health care delivery systems. Together, they harness the full potential of biomedicine through collaborative research, education and clinical care for patients. For more information, please visit med.stanford.edu .

Hope amid crisis

Psychiatry’s new frontiers

Stanford Medicine magazine: Mental health

Center for Structural Biology

Csb research faculty profile: elwood mullins.

Posted by daviskd2 on Friday, June 21, 2024 in News .

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Elwood Mullins , PhD, is a research assistant professor in the Biological Sciences department and currently works in the Eichman lab . While he understands the key to a cohesive lab environment, his work-life balance might be a little off.

Meet Elwood …

What project are you currently working on? I’m currently studying eukaryotic DNA replication, specifically how the DNA polymerase α–primase complex generates chimeric RNA-DNA primers to initiate DNA synthesis. These chimeric primers are produced through coordinated RNA and DNA synthesis activities within the complex, providing primers of defined length and composition, necessary for replication fidelity and genome stability. How these activities are coordinated and regulated has long remained unclear.

What are the primary tools and techniques you use to answer these questions? My background is in X-ray crystallography. However, when I started working on DNA polymerase α–primase, which is relatively large and extremely flexible, I transitioned to cryo-EM. I also use a variety of in vitro biochemical and biophysical techniques to measure enzymatic activity, substrate binding, and protein-protein interaction.

What was your path to this position? What is your favorite part of being research faculty within a lab? I’ve always been interested in structure-function relationships, which I’ve approached from the perspective of a chemist. During my career, I’ve studied these relationships in increasingly elaborate systems, beginning with the catalytic interaction of small molecules and culminating in the synthesis and modification of nucleic acids by multiprotein complexes.

My favorite part of being a research professor is still being able to work at the bench, while also being able to design research projects and mentor students and postdocs.

What do you think is the key to a cohesive lab environment? I think the key to a cohesive lab environment is communication. We try to have a group lunch every week. I would argue these “Margarita Mondays”, which are never on Monday but always involve margaritas, are critical to this end.

What are some fun activities you like to do outside of lab? People do fun activities outside of lab?

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We have 27 environmental microbiology PhD Research Projects PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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environmental microbiology PhD Research Projects PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Deciphering the mechanistic drivers of plant-microbe feedback, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

PhD Project on Defining Links Between Climate Change, Marine Disease and Food Security

Investigating environmental redox chemistry of uranium and other key radionuclides using novel electrochemical techniques, funded phd project (uk students only).

This research project has funding attached. It is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

Roles of the genetic ‘dark matter’ in environmental and antimicrobial resistance of bacteria

Funded phd project (european/uk students only).

This project has funding attached for UK and EU students, though the amount may depend on your nationality. Non-EU students may still be able to apply for the project provided they can find separate funding. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Novel approaches for cleaning up radionuclide nanoparticle pollutants in the environment

Biotechnological synthesis of nanocatalysts from industrial wastewaters, fully funded phd scholarship in soil molecular microbial ecology, engineered nanomaterials for safe sustainable water purification, self-funded phd students only.

This project does not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

Microalgal Carbon Sequestration Towards a Carbon Negative Economy

Sensing wastewater for real-time public health phd, bbsrc nld doctoral training partnership: maturation of microbial metalloenzymes – determinants of correct metalation, competition funded phd project (uk students only).

This research project is one of a number of projects at this institution. It is in competition for funding with one or more of these projects. Usually the project which receives the best applicant will be awarded the funding. The funding is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

Ecological and evolutionary dynamics of sponge-associated microbial communities

Bio-guard: innovative biofouling solutions for buoyancy materials, bioaugmentation in water/wastewater treatment to enhance the removal of micropollutants, competition funded phd project (students worldwide).

This project is in competition for funding with other projects. Usually the project which receives the best applicant will be successful. Unsuccessful projects may still go ahead as self-funded opportunities. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but potential funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Designing next-generation urinary catheter materials for clean intermittent self-catheterisation through control of the urinary microbiome

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  1. Microbiology PhD Projects

    We have 199 Microbiology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships. A PhD in Microbiology would give you the opportunity to conduct an extended piece of research into microscopic organisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Most Microbiology projects are laboratory-based and cover a wide range of areas from developing novel therapeutics or ...

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    Graduate Research Topics. Bacteriophage Ecology, History, and Behavior. Detection of other microbial species and the host environment by Salmonella. Biochemistry of central carbon metabolism. Molecular mechanisms of transcription elongation,elongation control of virulence genes in proteobacteria. Patrick Bradley. Human microbiome, bioinformatics.

  3. Six Key Topics in Microbiology: 2024

    Six Key Topics in Microbiology: 2024. in Virtual Special Issues. This collection from the FEMS journals presents the latest high-quality research in six key topic areas of microbiology that have an impact across the world. All of the FEMS journals aim to serve the microbiology community with timely and authoritative research and reviews, and by ...

  4. 177 Top Microbiology Research Topics for Academic Papers

    PhD Research Topics in Microbiology. A microbiology PhD should prepare the learner to select medical, dental, or health studies to venture into biotechnology or pharmaceutical fields. Here are exciting thesis topics for microbiology students. Microbial biofilms- Fungal and bacteria pathogens in environmental substrates and biomaterials

  5. PhD in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology

    Senior Academic Program Coordinator. [email protected]. The 5-year PhD program allows students to focus on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that drive infectious and immune diseases, the opportunity to take courses focused on a specific research area, and to benefit from lab rotations, mentored research, and professional development.

  6. Microbiology PhD Research Projects PhD Projects, Programmes ...

    Fully Funded PhD Scholarship in Soil Molecular Microbial Ecology. University of Galway College of Science and Engineering. Application (s) are invited from suitably qualified candidates for full-time fully funded PhD scholarship starting in September 2024 affiliated to the College of Science and Engineering, School of Biological and Chemical ...

  7. Frontiers in Microbiology

    The most cited microbiology journal which advances our understanding of the role microbes play in addressing global challenges such as healthcare, food security, and climate change. ... 1,747 Research Topics Guest edit your own article collection Suggest a topic. Submission. null. Submission

  8. 176 PhD programmes in Microbiology

    This Molecular and Cell Biology PhD program from University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) provides participants with the conceptual and technical background to investigate basic or applied problems at the molecular and cellular levels, in the life, biomedical, and bioengineering sciences. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus.

  9. PhD in Microbiology & Immunology

    Through the PhD in Microbiology and Immunology, students will learn the dynamics of the host/parasite relationship, including the host defense systems, and the relationship of microorganisms to diseases. Upon graduation, students will have a firm foundation in methods, tools, and techniques for a career in research as well as mentorship from ...

  10. Six Key Topics in Microbiology: 2019

    Six Key Topics in Microbiology: 2019. Read an essential collection of papers showcasing high-quality content from across the five FEMS Journals, which together provide an overview of current research trends in microbiology. Follow the topic area links below for access to articles: Antimicrobial Resistance. Environmental Microbiology.

  11. Your complete guide to a PhD in Microbiology

    part of Natural Sciences & Mathematics. Microbiology is the science that deals with the study of microorganisms and the effects of diseases that microorganisms produce. Microbiology studies the shape, structure (morphology), genetic and metabolic processes in microscopic and sub-microscopic organisms. The science of Microbiology is relatively ...

  12. 10 Research Topics for Microbiology

    Here is the list of 10 research topics for doing PhD, research or writing a research paper in microbiology. Image credit: Unsplash. It focuses on the study of microorganisms that contaminate and spoil different types of food.


    Below are some PROJECT TOPICS for your undergraduate and postgraduate (M.Sc. & Ph.D.) research studies. These project topics are only "suggestive in nature. This implies that they can be used as they are, or they can be modified and used as you so deem fit. @ www.MicrobiologyClass.net we are interested in the academic- and self-development of ...

  14. clinical microbiology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    Research Group: Centre for Skin Sciences. Replacement hip and knee arthroplasties are common surgeries, with 31,000 hip and 90,000 knee replacements performed in England in 2020-21. Read more. Supervisors: Dr A Scimone, Dr T Swift. Year round applications PhD Research Project Self-Funded PhD Students Only. More Details.

  15. P-H-D

    Ph.D. Admissions 2024. Students at the Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology (MCB) have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge research on a diverse set of topics such as molecular cell biology, immunology, microbiology, plant biology, and developmental biology. Given the diverse set of research expertise at the department, we welcome ...

  16. Microbiology Top 100 of 2023

    Microbiology Top 100 of 2023. This collection highlights the most downloaded* microbiology research papers published by Scientific Reports in 2023. Featuring authors from around the world, these ...

  17. Top 50 Research Topics of Microbiology

    Microbiology is one of the very actively researched grounds, that deal with the study of microorganisms starting from the eukaryotic fungi to single celled and various cell cluster organisms. Various courses like B.Sc., M. Sc., M. Phil and Ph.D in subjects like Microbiology, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, students are doing projects for ...

  18. Microbiology

    Omics Research in Canine and Feline Microbiome: Implications for Veterinary Medicine and Companion Animal Health. The goal of this special research topic is to boost companion animal microbiome research and enhance our understanding of the diversity and complexity of canine and feline microbiomes at the omics and systems biology level.

  19. Microbiology (medical microbiology) PhD Research Projects PhD Projects

    You haven't completed your profile yet. To get the most out of FindAPhD, finish your profile and receive these benefits: Monthly chance to win one of ten £10 Amazon vouchers; winners will be notified every month.*; The latest PhD projects delivered straight to your inbox; Access to our £6,000 scholarship competition; Weekly newsletter with funding opportunities, research proposal tips and ...

  20. [100+] Microbiology Research Topics For College ...

    Are You Searching Research Topics For Microbiology, Topics For Microbiology Research Paper, Microbiology Research Topics For Students, Research Topics Ideas For Microbiology, Microbiology Research Topics For Phd, Microbiology Phd Topics. So You are at right place. At this website you can get lots of Microbiology Research Topics for College Students, Phd, Mphil, Dissertations, Thesis, Project ...

  21. Moo-ve Aside Mice: Exploring Cow Models in Research

    ABOVE: Nikola Danev, a graduate student in Van de Walle's group and study coauthor, studies how the mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) in cows could be a viable model for translational studies. Nikola Danev . F or decades, mice have been a staple animal model for researchers, but nontraditional animal models are now getting their heyday. Gerlinde Van de Walle, a veterinarian virologist at ...

  22. Army graduate program names award after Nursing's Jim Reed

    The U.S. Army Graduate Program in Anesthesia Nursing at Baylor University has named an award in honor of James "Jim" R. Reed, DNP, CRNA, an associate clinical professor in the University of Arizona College of Nursing's DNP-Nurse Anesthesia Program. "In keeping with the tradition of operational readiness and clinical excellence, the 'Jim Reed Award for Clinical and Operational ...

  23. Microbiology (research proposal form) PhD Projects ...

    The MSc by Research programme at the University of Aberdeen is for students interested in a research-intensive master's degree. It is designed specifically to enhance your skills for a PhD or research career. Read more. Supervisors: Dr D Childers, Dr D MacCallum. 30 June 2024 PhD Research Project Self-Funded PhD Students Only.

  24. School of Medicine's 2024 graduates celebrate their accomplishments

    Shalmali Bane, PhD, who researched low-risk cesarean births for her degree in epidemiology and population health, drew parallels between pregnancy and pursuing a PhD: Each involves periods of exponential growth that lead to transformative experiences that typically involve a lot of crying but are rarely traversed alone.

  25. CSB Research Faculty Profile: Elwood Mullins

    CSB Research Faculty Profile: Elwood Mullins. Posted by daviskd2 on Friday, June 21, 2024 in News.. Elwood Mullins, PhD Research Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences. Elwood Mullins, PhD, is a research assistant professor in the Biological Sciences department and currently works in the Eichman lab.While he understands the key to a cohesive lab environment, his work-life balance might be a ...

  26. environmental microbiology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    Fully Funded PhD Scholarship in Soil Molecular Microbial Ecology. University of Galway College of Science and Engineering. Application (s) are invited from suitably qualified candidates for full-time fully funded PhD scholarship starting in September 2024 affiliated to the College of Science and Engineering, School of Biological and Chemical ...

  27. environmental microbiology PhD Research Projects PhD ...

    Fully Funded PhD Scholarship in Soil Molecular Microbial Ecology. Application (s) are invited from suitably qualified candidates for full-time fully funded PhD scholarship starting in September 2024 affiliated to the College of Science and Engineering, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Ryan Institute at the University of Galway.