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Converting Text to Speech in Java

Java Speech API: The Java Speech API allows Java applications to incorporate speech technology into their user interfaces. It defines a cross-platform API to support command and control recognizers, dictation systems and speech synthesizers.

Java Speech supports speech synthesis which means the process of generating spoken the language by machine on the basis of written input.

It is important to keep in mind that Java Speech is only a specification i.e. no implementation is included. Thus third-parties provide the implementations. The javax.speech package defines the common functionality of recognizers, synthesizers, and other speech engines. The package javax.speech.synthesis extends this basic functionality for synthesizers.

We will understand that what is required for java API to convert text to speech

  • Engine: The Engine interface is available inside the speech package.”Speech engine” is the generic term for a system designed to deal with either speech input or speech output. import javax.speech.Engine;
  • Central: Central provides the ability to locate, select and create speech recognizers and speech synthesizers. import javax.speech.Central;
  • SynthesizerModeDesc: SynthesizerModeDesc extends the EngineModeDesc with the properties that are specific to speech synthesizers. import javax.speech.synthesis.SynthesizerModeDesc;
  • Synthesizer: The Synthesizer interface provides primary access to speech synthesis capabilities.SynthesizerModeDesc adds two properties: List of voices provided by the synthesizer Voice to be loaded when the synthesizer is started. import javax.speech.synthesis.Synthesizer;

Below is an open-source implementation of Java Speech Synthesis called FreeTTS in the form of steps:

  • Download the FreeTTS in the form of zip folder from here
  • Extract the zip file and go to freetts-1.2.2-bin/freetts-1.2/lib/jsapi.exe
  • Open the jsapi.exe file and install it.
  • This will create a jar file by the name jsapi.jar . This is the JAR library that contains the FreeTTS library to be included in the project.
  • Create a new Java project in your IDE.
  • Include this jsapi.jar file into your project.
  • Now copy the below code into your project
  • Execute the project to get the below expected output.

Below is the code for the above project:



  • https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17802_01/products/products/java-media/speech/forDevelopers/jsapi-doc/javax/speech/package-summary.html
  • https://www.javatpoint.com/q/5931/java-code-for-converting-audio-to-text-and-video-to-audio
  • http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/jsapifaq-135248.html

Related article: Convert Text to Speech in Python

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Java Text to Speech Tutorial Using FreeTTS | Eclipse

Hello friends, Welcome to my new tutorial and in this tutorial, we will learn about how we can convert Java Text to Speech  using  the FreeTTS  Jar file.

So Let’s start our tutorial freetts speech to text example and convert Java text to Speech using the Eclipse IDE. To know how to download Eclipse IDE, you can click here .

Also Read –   How to Play Mp3 File in Java 

Table of Contents

Converting Java Text to Speech Using Eclipse IDE

What is freetts.

  • FreeTTS is entirely written in Java programming language, which is nothing but an open-source  Speech Synthesis system by which we can make our computer speak.
  • In simple words, we can say that it is an artificial production of human speech which converts normal language text into speech. So in this tutorial, We will learn about how to convert text to speech in Java using the Eclipse IDE.

Downloading FreeTTS Jar file

  • In the first step, we need to download the FreeTTS JAR file to include it in our program.
  • You can download the FreeTTS JAR file from the download link given below.
  • After downloading this ZIP file, extract the files and navigate to the lib folder.
  • After going to the lib folder for your convenience, copy   all the JAR files and store them in any new folder on your PC.
  • As we have finally downloaded and extracted our JAR files now, the next thing we have to do is create a Java project in Eclipse IDE.

So let’s get started with our tutorial about text to speech in Java.

Creating a Java Project in Eclipse

  • Open Eclipse IDE and click on the Java Project under the new section of File Menu ( File>>New>>Java Project ).

Java Text to Speech

  • Now give a name to your project ( TextToAudio  in this example) and click on “Finish”.

Java Text to Speech

  • Now right click on the project and create a new Java class ( New>>Class ).

Java Text to Speech

  • Now give a name to your class ( TextToSpeech   in this Example), tick mark on the public static void main(String[] args), and then click on the Finish button as shown in the figure below.

text to speech java program

class TextToSpeech { public static void main(String[] args) { }

Adding FreeTTS JAR Files to Eclipse

  • To convert Java text to speech in Eclipse IDE, you need to include FreeTTS Jar files to the Eclipse.
  • I have given the download link of the zip file in the above.
  • Extract the Zip Archive and navigate to the lib folder.
  • Right-click on the project, go to the properties section, select Java Build Path, and click on the Add External JARs button.

text to speech java program

  • After clicking on the button, a pop-up window will appear to select and open the Jar files.

text to speech java program

  • You can see the added Jar files as shown in the figure below. Now click on the  Apply and Close  button.

text to speech java program

Adding Voice to Text in Java

  • First of all, we need to create an object of the Voice class.
  • Now we have to get the voice of the person using the getVoice() method and it takes a String value in its parameter(in this example I am using   kevin ).
  • Next, we have to allocate the voice using the allocate() method.
  • Now to speak the voice, we will call the method speak() using the object of the Voice class and it takes the text value that we want to be spoken in its argument.
  • We can also set the rate, pitch and volume of the voice according to our requirements.
  • The programming example is given below.
com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice; com.sun.speech.freetts.VoiceManager; class TextToSpeech { public static void main(String[] args) { Voice voice;//Creating object of Voice class voice = VoiceManager.getInstance().getVoice("kevin");//Getting voice if (voice != null) { voice.allocate();//Allocating Voice } try { voice.setRate(190);//Setting the rate of the voice voice.setPitch(150);//Setting the Pitch of the voice voice.setVolume(3);//Setting the volume of the voice voice.speak("Hello this is Tutorials Field");//Calling speak() method } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
  • Now run your program.
  • As soon as you run your program, the written texts with the speak() method will be spoken. You can try it by yourself. It will act fine.
  • You can also download the source code of this project from the link given below.

Java Text to Speech Source Code Download

  • The link of the file is given below

So Friends, this was all from this tutorial. If you have any queries regarding this post then you can comment below and you can also check my previous post about how to create Login Form in Java Swing . Thank You

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5 thoughts on “Java Text to Speech Tutorial Using FreeTTS | Eclipse”

Thank you Vimalraj

Thank you sir for this easy to follow example.

You are welcome Doug and thank you for the appreciation

Thanks.Your tutorial is easy to understand .

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Java programming language enables conversion of text to human recognizable speech using the inbuilt interfaces of . It is used to enhance the user experience and comfortability. The API defines a cross-platform API to support command and control recognizers and speech synthesizers. (TTS) or is an assistive technology that enables the digital text to be audible to the users. Assistive technology is a technology for assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices built for the people with disabilities.

Nowadays days processing of speech is widely used in various application and kiosks. One such example is the text to speech accessibility option in the smartphones and various apps such as Domino's that reads out the options/menus for the users.

Let's understand Java Speech API in details and how we can convert the text into speech.

The Java Speech API allows the Java applications to enable the speech technology in the user interfaces. The command-and-control recognizers, dictation systems, and speech synthesizers are supported by the cross-platform API defined by Java Speech API. It is not contained in the Java Development Kit and therefore we need a third-party speech API to encourage the multiple implementations to be available. Java Speech is only a specification, it has no implementation of its own.

In this section, we will be using the open-source implementation from FreeTTS but there are other implementations also such as Cloudscape.

Consider the following classes associated with FreeTTS that can be used to convert text to speech.

It is a singleton class contained inside the "javax.speech" package. It is the main interface to access the speech engine facilities. It is the first access point for all speech and output proficiencies. The methods such as availableSynthesizers and createSynthesizer are a part of the class only. It provides the ability to detect, select, and create speech recognition and speech synthesizers.

The class holds all the required properties of the Synthesizer. The list of properties includes the engine name, mode name, locale and running synthesizer.

Engine name is used to refer to the name of the engine used in the program. The mode name property is engine-specific and restricts the synthesizer to those that can speak the text. The locale property is used to restrict the international synthesizers. Lastly, the running synthesizer property is used to limit the synthesizers returned to only those that are already loaded into memory.

It is defined inside the package and is considered as the parent interface for all the other speech engines. It includes and a . Therefore, the speech input and speech output are easily performed.

The methods used to create speech engines are createRecognizer( ) and createSynthesizer( ). Both of these methods accept only a single parameter EngineModeDesc that defines all those properties that are required for the creation of the engine. One of the subclasses such as RecognizerModeDesc or SynthesizerModeDesc are passed as the parameter.

The role of mode descriptor defines the set of all the required properties for an engine. For example, a SynthesizerModeDesc can describe a Synthesizer for Swiss German that has a male voice. Similarly, a RecognizerModeDesc can describe a Recognizer that supports dictation for Japanese.

It is also defined as an interface that provides speech synthesis capabilities a primary access. The synthesisers must be first allocated before they are used anywhere. SynthesizerModeDesc adds the following two properties, first one is the List of voices provided by the synthesizer and another one is the Voice to be loaded when the synthesizer is started.

The following third-party Speech APIs are provided by the Java programming language to convert text to speech.

Let's discuss above mentioned library in detail.

FreeTTS is an open-source compilation system that is fully written in Java programming language. It is a small, fast run-time open-source text to speech synthesis engine. The computer can actually speak when the FreeTTS API is used. In the la man language, it is simply an artificial production of human speech that converts a normal text to speech.

In order to implement the Speech Synthesis in Java follow the steps given below.

the FreeTTS in the form of zip folder from here

The packages popular for text to speech conversion in Java are as follows:

The "javax.speech" package defines all the classes and interfaces that define the basic functionality of an engine. Speech synthesizers and speech recognizers are both speech engine instances. The "javax.speech.synthesis" and "javax.speech.recognition" packages extend the basic functionality and specific capabilities of speech synthesizers and speech recognizers.

Let's have a look at the basic processes for using speech engine in an application:

Consider the following Java program that converts text - to - speech.

To get the output, execute the program and listen the text that we have specified in the above program.

The com.sun.speech package defines all the classes and interfaces that define the basic functionality of an engine. com.sun.speech.freetts contains the implementation of the FreeTTS synthesis engine. Most of the non-language and voice dependent code can be found here.

JSAPI also allows us to set rate, pitch, and volume of the voice by using the methods such as " setRate( ) ", " setPitch( ) ", and " setVolume( ) " methods, respectively. For example, consider the following Java program.

It is the central processing point for FreeTTS which takes as input a FreeTTSSpeakable and translates the text associated with it into speech and generates an audio corresponding to that speech. A voice will accept a FreeTTSSpeakable via the Voice.speak method.

It is the central repository of voices available to FreeTTS. It is used to get a voice.

Consider the following Java program that imports the package com.sun.speech and uses the above methods :

To get the output, execute the program and listen the text that we have specified in the above program.


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Text To Speech using Java-Swing and Java Speech API

text to speech java program

Hi, Today we are learning how to develop a text-to-speech application in Java. In this project, we are using Java-Swing and Java Speech API to develop this application.

Java-Swing is a lightweight and cross-platform toolkit that provides the graphical user interface(GUI) to java programs. Java Speech API is an application programming interface that provides features to develop cross-platform voice applications.

To develop this project we require to download FreeTTS(An open-source implementation of Java Speech API).

Download the Zip folder of FreeTTS from here. Extract file and open lib folder in it then run jsapi.exe if you are using windows or use jsapi.sh if you are using mac/Linux. After executing the jsapi file it will generate jsapi.jar.

Now we have to create a new java project in any IDE and name it TextToSpeech. Next, create a class file and name it TextToSpeech.

Now we have to add some jar files in this project from the freetts folder the path and list of the jar files are listed below.

File Name                                   Path

jsapi.jar                                     /freetts-1.2/lib/

cmudict04.jar                            /freetts-1.2/lib/

cmulex.jar                                   /freetts-1.2/lib/

cmu_time_awb.jar                     /freetts-1.2/lib/

cmutimelex.jar                            /freetts-1.2/lib/

cmu_us_kal.jar                           /freetts-1.2/lib/

en_us.jar                                     /freetts-1.2/lib/

freetts.jar                                     /freetts-1.2/lib/

freetts-jsapi10.jar                        /freetts-1.2/lib/

mbrola.jar                                     /freetts-1.2/mbrola/

After including all these jar file we have to program the TextToSpeech.java file just copy the given below code and paste it in that file.

Now create a Java swing application and name it TextGui and copy the given code and paste it into that file.

Now run this project and build your own Text To Speech Application.

Note: If you are facing some errors while executing this project then follow the given below steps.

  • Create a new project Text2Speech(use JDK grater than or equal to JDK-11).
  • Next, Create a new Swing Application and name it text2speech.
  • Now download a zip folder from here unzip it.
  • Now open this folder and you will find TextToSpeech.jar file
  • Now include this jar file in the project.
  • Now copy the give below code and paste it inside that file.

Thank you for reading this blog.

One response to “Text To Speech using Java-Swing and Java Speech API”

Thanks for the tutorial! Can you create a tutorial on creating new voices?

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Using Google Cloud Text-to-Speech With Java

Google cloud recently released a new text-to-speech service. let's take it for a test run with a spring boot app to see how to work with it in java..

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Google Cloud Text-to-Speech is a text-to-speech conversion service that got launched a few days back by Google Cloud. This was one of the most important services missing from Google Cloud's AI portfolio, which is now available and completes the loop for text-to-speech and speech-to-text services by Google Cloud. In the next few weeks, you will learn about different usages of Google Cloud's text-to-speech service with other Google cloud services.

In this post, you will learn about some of the following:

  • Set up an Eclipse IDE-based development environment

Create a Maven or Spring Boot (Spring Starter) Project

Set up an eclipse ide-based development environment.

The following are some of the key aspects of setting up the development environment using Eclipse IDE:

  • Select or create a Google Cloud project
  • Enable billing for the project

Enable Google Cloud Text-to-Speech Service

  • Download the service account key; it gets downloaded as a JSON file.
  • Create a Spring Boot (Spring Starter) project or a Maven project from Eclipse IDE.
  • Right-click on the project. Click on Run As > Configurations and set the environment variable as shown in the next step.

Google Cloud Text to Speech - Setting Environment Variable

The following are two key steps that need to be taken to create a sample program/app for demonstrating Google Cloud text-to-speech services

  • Include Maven pom.xml artifacts for Text-to-Speech APIs
  • Create the demo app related to text-to-speech

Include Maven POM.xml Artifacts for Text-to-Speech APIs

The following are some of the artifacts that need to be included for working with Google Cloud Text-to-speech APIs

  • com.google.guava
  • org.threeten (threetenbp)
  • com.google.http-client (google-http-client)
  • com.google.cloud (google-cloud-texttospeech)

Create the Demo App Related to Text-to-Speech Conversion

Pay attention to some of the following aspects that needed to be done for achieving text-to-speech conversion:

  • Create an instance of TextToSpeechClient
  • Set the text input to be synthesized
  • Build the voice request. Set the voice type (male or female) and language code appropriately.
  • Process the text to speech conversion
  • Retrieve the audio output/content
  • Write the audio content to a file

The following is the code represents the steps above:

Further Reading/References

  • Google Cloud Text-to-Speech Service
  • Cloud Text-to-Speech API
  • Cloud Text-to-Speech API Playground
  • Introduction to Audio Encoding

In this post, you learned about how to get started with Google Cloud's Text-to-Speech Service using a Java/Sring Boot app.

Did you find this article useful? Do you have any questions or suggestions about this article? Leave a comment and ask your questions and I shall do my best to address your queries.

Published at DZone with permission of Ajitesh Kumar , DZone MVB . See the original article here.

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Text to Speech conversion program in Java

This is a sample java program that explains how to use text to speech conversion. You can use this program as follows c:\> javac Speech.java c:\> java Speech Hello Manikandan

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Comments (1)


Please i want to design a text to speech and speech to text plugin module for chrome on windows for my project. Please i really need you to help me. I will really appreciate it if you can send me both the IDE to use and the code. My email is: [email protected] .

Looking forward to hear from you... thanks!

(in Java )

(in Java)

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SAM Software Automatic Mouth

What is sam.

Sam is a very small Text-To-Speech (TTS) program written in Javascript, that runs on most popular platforms. It is an adaption to Javascript of the speech software SAM (Software Automatic Mouth) for the Commodore C64 published in the year 1982 by Don't Ask Software (now SoftVoice, Inc.). It includes a Text-To-Phoneme converter called reciter and a Phoneme-To-Speech routine for the final output.

Currently compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Safari + iOS. The conversion was done by hand from the C source code by Sebastian Macke , and the refactored versions by Vidar Hokstad and 8BitPimp


Easy Way to Learn Speech Recognition in Java With a Speech-To-Text API

Rev › Blog › Resources › Other Resources › Speech-to-Text APIs › Easy Way to Learn Speech Recognition in Java With a Speech-To-Text API

Here we explain show how to use a speech-to-text API with two Java examples.

We will be using the Rev AI API ( free for your first 5 hours ) that has two different speech-to-text API’s:

  • Asynchronous API – For pre-recorded audio or video
  • Streaming API – For live (streaming) audio or video

Asynchronous Rev AI API Java Code Example

We will use the Rev AI Java SDK located here .  We use this short audio , on the exciting topic of HR recruiting.

First, sign up for Rev AI for free and get an access token.

Create a Java project with whatever editor you normally use.  Then add this dependency to the Maven pom.xml manifest:

The code sample below is here . We explain it and show the output.

Submit the job from a URL:

Most of the Rev AI options are self-explanatory, for the most part.  You can use the callback to kick off downloading the transcription in another program that is on standby, listening on http, if you don’t want to use the polling method we use in this example.

Put the program in a loop and check the job status.  Download the transcription when it is done.

The SDK returns captions as well as text.

Here is the complete code:

It responds:

You can get the transcript with Java.

Or go get it later with curl, noting the job id from stdout above.

This returns the transcription in JSON format: 

Streaming Rev AI API Java Code Example

A stream is a websocket connection from your video or audio server to the Rev AI audio-to-text entire.

We can emulate this connection by streaming a .raw file from the local hard drive to Rev AI.

One Ubuntu run:

Download the audio then convert it to .raw format as shown below.  Converted it from wav to raw with the following ffmpeg command:

As you run that is gives key information about the audio file:

To explain, first we set a websocket connection and start streaming the file:

The important items to set here are the  sampling rate (not bit rate) and format.  We match this information from ffmpeg:    Audio: pcm_f32le, 48000 Hz , 

After the client connects, the onConnected event sends a message.  We can get the jobid from there.  This will let us download the transcription later if we don’t want to get it in real-time.

To get the transcription in real time, listen for the onHypothesis event:

Here is what the output looks like:

What is the Best Speech Recognition API for Java?

Accuracy is what you want in a speech-to-text API, and Rev AI is a one-of-a-kind speech-to-text API in that regard.

You might ask, “So what?  Siri and Alexa already do speech-to-text, and Google has a speech cloud API.”

That’s true.  But there’s one game-changing difference: 

The data that powers Rev AI is manually collected and carefully edited .  Rev pays 50,000 freelancers to transcribe audio & caption videos for its 99% accurate transcription & captioning services . Rev AI is trained with this human-sourced data, and this produces transcripts that are far more accurate than those compiled simply by collecting audio, as Siri and Alexa do.

text to speech java program

Rev AI’s accuracy is also snowballing, in a sense. Rev’s speech recognition system and API is constantly improving its accuracy rates as its dataset grows and the world-class engineers constantly improve the product.

text to speech java program

Labelled Data and Machine Learning

Why is human transcription important?

If you are familiar with machine learning then you know that converting audio to text is a classification problem.  

To train the computer to transcribe audio ML programmers feed feature-label data into their model.  This data is called a training set .

Features (sound) are input and labels (the corresponding letter) are output, calculated by the classification algorithm.

Alexa and Siri vacuum up this data all day long.  So you would think they would have the largest and therefore most accurate training data.  

But that’s only half of the equation.  It takes many hours of manual work to type in the labels that correspond to the audio.  In other words, a human must listen to the audio and type the corresponding letter and word.  

This is what Rev AI has done.

It’s a business model that has taken off, because it fills a very specific need.

For example, look at closed captioning on YouTube.  YouTube can automatically add captions to it’s audio.  But it’s not always clear.  You will notice that some of what it says is nonsense. It’s just like Google Translate: it works most of the time, but not all of the time.

The giant tech companies use statistical analysis, like the frequency distribution of words, to help their models.

But they are consistently outperformed by manually trained audio-to-voice training models.

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  • Cloud Text-to-Speech API

Text-to-Speech client libraries

This page shows how to get started with the Cloud Client Libraries for the Text-to-Speech API. Client libraries make it easier to access Google Cloud APIs from a supported language. Although you can use Google Cloud APIs directly by making raw requests to the server, client libraries provide simplifications that significantly reduce the amount of code you need to write.

Read more about the Cloud Client Libraries and the older Google API Client Libraries in Client libraries explained .

Install the client library

See Setting up a C++ development environment for details about this client library's requirements and install dependencies.

If you are using .NET Core command-line interface tools to install your dependencies, run the following command:

For more information, see Setting Up a C# Development Environment .

For more information, see Setting Up a Go Development Environment .

If you are using Maven , add the following to your pom.xml file. For more information about BOMs, see The Google Cloud Platform Libraries BOM .

If you are using Gradle , add the following to your dependencies:

If you are using sbt , add the following to your dependencies:

If you're using Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ, or Eclipse, you can add client libraries to your project using the following IDE plugins:

  • Cloud Code for VS Code
  • Cloud Code for IntelliJ
  • Cloud Tools for Eclipse

The plugins provide additional functionality, such as key management for service accounts. Refer to each plugin's documentation for details.

For more information, see Setting Up a Java Development Environment .

For more information, see Setting Up a Node.js Development Environment .

For more information, see Using PHP on Google Cloud .

For more information, see Setting Up a Python Development Environment .

For more information, see Setting Up a Ruby Development Environment .

Set up authentication

For production environments, the way you set up ADC depends on the service and context. For more information, see Set up Application Default Credentials .

For a local development environment, you can set up ADC with the credentials that are associated with your Google Account:

Install and initialize the gcloud CLI .

When you initialize the gcloud CLI, be sure to specify a Google Cloud project in which you have permission to access the resources your application needs.

Configure ADC:

A sign-in screen appears. After you sign in, your credentials are stored in the local credential file used by ADC .

Use the client library

The following example shows how to use the client library.

Additional resources

The following list contains links to more resources related to the client library for C++:

  • API reference
  • Client libraries best practices
  • Issue tracker
  • google-cloud-speech on Stack Overflow
  • Source code

The following list contains links to more resources related to the client library for C#:

The following list contains links to more resources related to the client library for Go:

The following list contains links to more resources related to the client library for Java:

The following list contains links to more resources related to the client library for Node.js:

The following list contains links to more resources related to the client library for PHP:

The following list contains links to more resources related to the client library for Python:

The following list contains links to more resources related to the client library for Ruby:

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License , and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License . For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies . Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2024-06-12 UTC.

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Writing a program which uses TTS (text-to-speech) where should I start? [duplicate]

Can anyone tell where to find instruction to add TTS to Java written program *(C is suitable to)*. I wold like to write program without any illustration and add some features that any existing program does not have. User just writes word and computer pronounce it loudly. It would be good if the voices output is good not like most TTS has. **Can anyone help me**.

I am new in Java and C so is there any instructions how to include tts to my program.

I know about Java: FreeTTS but I have not found any good tutorials how to include it to my program (use it in my program) or how to write a program what uses Java: FreeTTS

  • text-to-speech

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There are numerous libraries for both languages, for example:

Java: FreeTTS

C++: Festival

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text to speech java program

Converting Text to Speech in JavaScript

text to speech java program

JavaScript, as a versatile programming language primarily used for client-side web development, plays a crucial role in TTS conversion within web-based applications. With the advent of browser-based APIs such as the Web Speech API, JavaScript empowers developers to integrate TTS functionality directly into web pages without the need for external plugins or software dependencies.

JavaScript’s role in TTS conversion encompasses various aspects, including text processing, API integration, and user interaction. Developers can manipulate text elements within the document object model (DOM), extract content dynamically from web pages, and pass it to the browser’s speech synthesis engine for audio output. JavaScript facilitates the configuration of speech parameters such as voice selection, rate, pitch, and volume, allowing for customizable TTS experiences tailored to user preferences.

text to speech java program

Table of Contents

Step 1: selecting the target text, step 2: utilizing browser speech synthesis api, step 3: configuring speech parameters, step 4: implementing error handling, accessibility enhancement, seamless integration with web applications, platform independence, real-time feedback and interaction, educational applications for children, accessibility features in websites and web apps, language learning platforms, interactive storytelling applications, personal productivity tools, assistive technology for the elderly, audio-guided tours and navigation apps, accessibility enhancements in gaming applications, steps to convert text to speech with javascript.

text to speech java program

Text to speech functionality in JavaScript primarily relies on the Web Speech API, a standardized interface that enables web developers to integrate speech synthesis capabilities into their applications. The Web Speech API provides a set of interfaces and methods for generating natural-sounding speech directly within the browser environment.

The central component of the Web Speech API is the Speech Synthesis interface, which serves as the entry point for initiating and controlling the speech synthesis process. Through this interface, developers can create instances of the Speech Synthesis Utterance object, configure speech parameters, select voices, and trigger the synthesis of spoken output. 

To begin the text to speech conversion process, developers must identify the specific text content they wish to render audibly. This can include static text content within HTML elements or dynamically generated text retrieved from data sources or user interactions.

Once the target text is identified, developers can initiate the speech synthesis process using the Speech Synthesis interface. This involves creating an instance of the Speech SynthesisUtterance object, which encapsulates the text to be spoken and provides additional configuration options.

The SpeechSynthesisUtterance object allows developers to customize various aspects of the synthesized speech, including voice, language, rate, pitch, and volume. By invoking methods and setting properties on the SpeechSynthesisUtterance object, developers can fine-tune the characteristics of the spoken output to suit user preferences and application requirements.

Error handling is an essential aspect of robust text to speech implementation. Developers should anticipate and handle potential errors that may arise during the speech synthesis process, such as network connectivity issues, unsupported speech synthesis features, or voice selection errors.

By incorporating error-handling mechanisms, developers can gracefully handle unexpected scenarios and provide users with informative feedback when issues occur.

Benefits of Using JavaScript for TTS Conversion

JavaScript offers numerous advantages for implementing TTS conversion, making it a preferred choice for developers seeking to enhance accessibility and user experience within web applications. Let’s explore some of the key benefits of using JavaScript for TTS conversion:

One of the primary benefits of using JavaScript for TTS conversion is the significant enhancement of accessibility within web applications. By integrating TTS functionality, developers empower users with visual impairments or reading difficulties to access and interact with content more effectively.

JavaScript’s versatility and compatibility with web technologies make it well-suited for seamless integration of TTS functionality into web applications. Developers can leverage JavaScript frameworks and libraries to streamline the implementation process and enhance the overall user experience.

JavaScript-based TTS solutions offer platform independence, allowing users to access speech synthesis functionality across different devices and operating systems without the need for additional software or plugins. This ensures a consistent user experience and broadens the reach of TTS-enabled applications.

JavaScript-powered TTS functionality enables real-time feedback and interaction within web applications, enhancing user engagement and interactivity. By providing audio feedback in response to user actions or input, developers can create immersive and responsive user experiences.

Top Use Cases of JavaScript Text to Speech

TTS functionality in JavaScript opens up several possibilities for enhancing user experiences and accessibility across various applications. Here are the top eight use cases of text to speech in JavaScript:

JavaScript-based TTS proves invaluable in educational apps tailored for children, offering an interactive audio platform for learning letters, numbers, and basic vocabulary. Through engaging audio feedback, children not only absorb information but also develop language skills in a fun and immersive manner, fostering a deeper understanding of educational concepts.

The integration of TTS into websites and web applications serves as a lifeline for users with visual impairments or reading difficulties. By offering audio alternatives to on-screen text content, websites become more inclusive and accessible, ensuring that all users can effortlessly navigate and engage with digital content.

TTS functionality serves as a cornerstone in language learning platforms, aiding learners in mastering pronunciation , vocabulary, and listening comprehension. By accurately pronouncing words, phrases, and sentences in different languages, TTS technology provides invaluable support for language learners at all levels.

JavaScript-powered TTS browser supports interactive storytelling experiences, enriching narratives with vibrant characters, dialogues, and narrations. By giving voice to characters as the browser speaks, HTML elements and storytelling applications captivate users and immerse them in compelling narratives, fostering engagement and imagination.

TTS integration in personal productivity tools revolutionizes task management and note-taking, offering users a hands-free solution to manage schedules, reminders, and notes within the operating system. With TTS-enabled productivity tools, users can effortlessly stay organized and productive, enhancing efficiency and accessibility in daily tasks with browser support in the HTML file.

TTS features in assistive technology applications offer a lifeline to the elderly by reading messages, alerts, and notifications. By improving communication, speech recognition , and accessibility, TTS-enabled assistive technology enhances the quality of life for older users, empowering them to stay connected and engaged in the digital world.

JavaScript-based text input guides users through audio-guided tours and navigation apps, providing contextual information about landmarks, points of interest, and directions. With SpeechSynthesis API, TTS-enabled navigation apps enhance the user experience, making travel and tourism more accessible and enjoyable.

TTS technology enhances accessibility in gaming applications by providing audio cues, text input instructions, and narrations. By offering auditory feedback, TTS-enabled gaming applications cater to users with disabilities, ensuring an inclusive and immersive gaming experience for all players with a Javascript file and SpeechSynthesis API.

As technology continues to evolve, there is a growing need for further exploration and implementation of TTS solutions in various domains. Developers are encouraged to explore innovative ways to integrate TTS functionality into their applications, pushing the boundaries of accessibility, usability, and user experience.

The ongoing advancements in TTS technology, coupled with the versatility of JavaScript, present exciting opportunities for future development in converting text to speech. From enhancing e-learning platforms and gaming experiences to improving customer service interactions and facilitating language learning, the possibilities for TTS integration are endless in modern browsers.

text to speech java program

How to use text to speech in JavaScript?

To convert text to speech in JavaScript, you can utilize the Web Speech API. First, you create a SpeechSynthesisUtterance object, set the text you want to speak, configure speech parameters like voice and rate, and then use the SpeechSynthesis.speak() method to trigger the speech synthesis.

How to add voice to text in JavaScript?

Adding voice to text in JavaScript involves using the Web Speech API. You create a SpeechRecognition object, configure it, and then listen for speech input using events like 'result’. Once the speech is recognized, you can extract the text and convert text to speech accordingly in your javascript code.

Is JavaScript TTS compatible with all browsers?

The Web Speech API for JavaScript TTS is supported in most modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. However, it’s essential to check browser compatibility for speech recognition and consider fallback options for older browsers or non-standard environments.

How can I integrate JavaScript TTS into my website?

To integrate JavaScript TTS into your website, follow these steps: Firstly, check browser compatibility for Web Speech API support. Next, implement TTS functionality using SpeechSynthesisUtterance and SpeechSynthesis.speak() methods. Customize speech parameters like voice, rate, and pitch to enhance user experience. Trigger TTS output based on user interactions or application logic. Finally, thoroughly test TTS functionality across different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility and usability. You can thus incorporate JavaScript TTS into your website and provide users with accessible and interactive auditory content.

How to convert text into voice in JavaScript?

In JavaScript text to speech, you can use the SpeechSynthesisUtterance interface provided by the Web Speech API. First, create a SpeechSynthesisUtterance object, set the text content you want to convert into speech, configure speech parameters if needed, and then use the SpeechSynthesis.speak() method to initiate the speech synthesis process.

You should also read:

text to speech java program

Twitch Text to Speech: Steps to Set up Twitch TTS with Ease 

text to speech java program

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text to speech java program

An in-depth Guide on How to Use Text to Speech on Discord

U.S. Department of the Treasury

Treasury secretary janet l. yellen to announce new housing efforts as part of biden administration push to lower housing costs.

In a speech in Minneapolis, Secretary Yellen is announcing new funding sources for housing production, urges further action by Congress, states, and localities   

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen is delivering remarks on housing policy and announcing new efforts by the Treasury Department using its existing authorities to increase the supply of housing, as part of the Biden Administration’s push to lower costs. In announcing these new initiatives, Secretary Yellen will note that “[G]iven the scale of the challenge, we must and will continue to do more.”

The efforts Secretary Yellen is announcing include: 

  • A new Treasury program administered by the CDFI Fund that will provide an additional $100 million over the next three years to support the financing of affordable housing;  
  • An effort to provide greater interest rate predictability to state and local housing finance agencies borrowing from the Federal Financing Bank to support new housing development;  
  • A call to action for the Federal Home Loan Banks to increase their spending on housing programs;  
  • A new “How-To Guide” to support state and local governments in using recovery funds provided by Treasury to construct housing; and   
  • An update to the Capital Magnet Fund to provide greater flexibility to CDFIs and non-profits that finance affordable housing.

These initiatives build on a set of housing announcements that Deputy Secretary Wally Adeyemo made in March of this year in a blog post . Treasury also released a blog post today underscoring that increasing the nation’s housing supply is essential to addressing the long-term trend of rising housing costs.

Secretary Yellen is speaking at the recently completed Family Housing Expansion Project (FHEP), the largest new-unit project that the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority (MPHA) has developed in more than 20 years. The Project—which will contain 84 units serving households earning at or below 30% of the Area Median Income—was financed in part by $4 million in State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) provided by Treasury and made possible by Minneapolis’ changes in zoning law. Secretary Yellen is also participating in a roundtable conversation with Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) and housing stakeholders.

Today’s announcements build on the Treasury’s Department’s efforts during the pandemic, which kept Americans in their homes and led to the most equitable recovery on record. Through Treasury’s Emergency Rental Assistance program and Homeowner Assistance Fund, state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments have distributed over $40 billion in assistance to homeowners and renters, including more than 12.3 million rental assistance payments to families in need. Over 58,000 households in Minnesota alone have received assistance. These programs resulted in historically low foreclosure and eviction rates even at the height of the pandemic, creating a stable foundation for robust economic growth and a historically low unemployment rate. 

Treasury has further supported the construction of new housing through tax incentives, fiscal recovery programs, and support for housing lending by community lenders and state and local housing finance agencies. The efforts to be announced today will further strengthen several of these policies and programs. In her speech, Secretary Yellen will urge Congress to pass bipartisan legislation to expand the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, one of several of the Biden-Harris Administration’s legislative proposals that would collectively build and preserve over 2 million homes, and will urge additional state and local action to remove excessive legal barriers to housing development.

New CDFI Fund Housing Program

Through the Emergency Capital Investment Program (ECIP), Treasury invested more than $8.57 billion to community lenders during the pandemic to support lending to small businesses, consumers and affordable housing projects. Through the end of 2023, ECIP participants invested $1.2 billion in 433 affordable housing projects across the country.

Today, the Treasury Department is announcing that it will devote $100 million over three years in payments resulting from these investments to a new program at the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund primarily focused on increasing the supply of affordable housing. This will allow the CDFI Fund to make its funds go further to support the production of housing that is affordable to low- and moderate-income households. The CDFI Fund projects that this new funding could support the financing of thousands of affordable housing units. 

FFB Financing Support for HUD’s Affordable Housing Initiative

Earlier this year, Treasury and the Department of Housing and Urban Development announced an indefinite extension of the Federal Financing Bank’s (FFB) financing support for a risk-sharing initiative between HUD and state and local housing finance agencies. This program dramatically reduces costs for housing finance agencies by allowing them to borrow funds at just above the rate at which the U.S. government borrows. This extension is expected to create or preserve approximately 38,000 additional rental homes over the next ten years alone.

The Treasury Department and HUD are now actively exploring a major improvement to the HUD/FFB Multifamily Risk Sharing Program that would provide greater interest rate predictability to participating state and local housing finance agencies. Treasury has received stakeholder input suggesting this would substantially increase the number of new projects financed through the program. If implemented, Treasury estimates this would lead to thousands of additional housing units in the coming years. 

Federal Home Loan Banks

In her speech, Secretary Yellen is calling on the 11 Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLBs)—government-sponsored enterprises that play an important role in the housing finance system—to increase their support for housing programs. The Federal Home Loan Banks are required by law to devote at least 10 percent of their net income to housing programs, and the Biden-Harris Administration’s FY2025 budget proposed increasing this requirement to 20 percent. The FHLBs have voluntarily increased their commitment to 15 percent, and Secretary Yellen is urging the FHLBs to increase this commitment to at least 20 percent, with a particular focus on prioritizing new construction. 

If this level of commitment had been in place over the past five years, the FHLBs would have contributed nearly $2 billion more to housing programs than was required by law.

SLFRF Affordable Housing How-To Guide

Treasury is releasing today an updated “Affordable Housing How-To Guide” that provides recipients of State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) additional guidance about how to use recovery funds to increase the supply of housing. SLFRF recipients have already budgeted $7.4 billion to support construction, preservation, and stabilization of more than 25,000 units, including the project visited by Secretary Yellen today. This is part of $19 billion budgeted by SLFRF recipients for housing-related projects overall. 

In March 2024, Treasury released new guidance to make it easier for states and localities with funds remaining to use those funds to boost the supply of housing, including by funding projects that support the needs of teachers, firefighters, nurses, and other workers increasingly priced out of certain markets. The updated “How-To Guide” gives recipients concrete information about how they can layer SLFRF funds with other resources to support new construction.

Capital Magnet Fund Rule

Finally, Secretary Yellen is announcing that the CDFI Fund is updating a rule for the Capital Magnet Fund (CMF), the CDFI Fund’s existing affordable housing investment program, to reduce administrative burden and allow recipients to focus their resources on the production and preservation of housing. 

In FY 2023, the Capital Magnet Fund made over $320 million in awards projected to leverage more than $11.1 billion in resources to support affordable housing. Awardees planned to develop more than 32,700 affordable housing units, with half of awardees planning to invest a portion of their award to support housing in rural areas. 


This is a very simple Microsoft Windows script to convert text to speech. If uses the windows scripting host and the Microsoft Text to Speech Engine. The Text to Speech Engine is installed with Windows XP and later versions.

For Linux or CYGWIN installations, there is a script file (ptts.sh) which provides everything here but supports many speech engines and languages. Run ptts.sh --help to get information on it. Note that under Linux the Microsoft speech engine will not work, another speech engine must be installed.

The text can be keyed in or read from a text file. The sound can be output to the computer sound system or sent to a wave file. Text is read from standard input or can be read from a file using a redirect, for example, to read aloud a text file: cscript "C:\Program Files\Jampal\ptts.vbs" < war-and-peace.txt

To create a wav file from the text file (e.g create an audio book ;) ): cscript "C:\Program Files\Jampal\ptts.vbs" -w war-and-peace.wav < war-and-peace.txt

Adjust the speech and voice defaults using the speech control panel option.

If you are running 64-bit windows you may only see 64-bit voices. If you have 32-bit voices you can access them by running c:\windows\syswow64\cscript "C:\Program Files\Jampal\ptts.vbs"

Typing the command cscript "C:\Program Files\Jampal\ptts.vbs" -h will list out the available options.

Usage: cscript "C:\Program Files\Jampal\ptts.vbs" [options]

Option Explanation
-w filename Create a wave file instead of outputting sound. Wave file will be CD quality, 44100 samples per second, 16 bit, stereo unless changed by a -s or -c option.
-m filename Create multiple wave files, a new wave file after each empty input line. This appends nnnnn.wav to the filename.
-r rate Speech rate -10 to +10, default is 0.
-v volume Volume as a percentage, default is 100.
-s samples Samples per sec for wav file, default is 44100. Options are 8000, 16000, 22050, 44100, 48000.
-c channels Channels (1 or 2) for wav file, default is 2.
-u filename Read text from file instead from stdin. This can be either Unicode file, ANSI or default encoding. Specify encoding using the -e option.
-e encoding File encoding for the -u option. Options are ASCII, UTF-16LE. Default is the windows encoding for your system.
-voice xxxx Voice to be used.
-vl List voices.


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  1. Converting Text to Speech in Java

    Include this jsapi.jar file into your project. Now copy the below code into your project. Execute the project to get the below expected output. Below is the code for the above project: // Java code to convert text to speech. import java.util.Locale; import javax.speech.Central;

  2. Convert Text-to-Speech in Java

    It is a small, fast run-time open source text to speech synthesis engine. By using the FreeTTS API, we can make our computer speak. In other words, we can say that it is an artificial production of human speech that converts a normal text to speech. In order to create a Java program, first, we need to download and install FreeTTS API. Follow ...

  3. converting text to speech java code

    sorry man it was all about quotes well thx a lot but steal have another problem ... java.lang.NullPointerException missing speech.properties in C:\Users\USER - john carter Commented Dec 2, 2012 at 16:24

  4. Java Text to Speech Conversion using FreeTTS with source code

    Open Eclipse IDE and click on the Java Project under the new section of File Menu (File>>New>>Java Project). Java Text to Speech - fig - 1. Now give a name to your project ( TextToAudio in this example) and click on "Finish". Java Text to Speech - fig - 2. Now right click on the project and create a new Java class ( New>>Class ).

  5. Processing Speech in Java

    Consider the following Java program that converts text - to - speech. TextToSpeechExample2.java To get the output, execute the program and listen the text that we have specified in the above program. 2. Package com.sun.speech package. The com.sun.speech package defines all the classes and interfaces that define the basic functionality of an ...

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    Thanks for watching, if you liked this video, purchase my full Java course with this link: https://www.udemy.com/course/become-a-java-programmer-in-2022/?ref...

  7. text-to-speech · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    A Text to Speech Reader Front-end that Reads from the Clipboard and with Exceptionable Features. ... yp2211 / gTTS4j Star 16. Code Issues Pull requests gTTS4j (Google Text to Speech): Java version of an interface to Google's Text to Speech API. java text-to-speech speech tts gtts speech-api Updated Sep 12, 2017; Java; Load more… Improve this ...

  8. Comprehensive Guide to Speech Libraries in Java: Boost Your ...

    3. MaryTTS: MaryTTS, also known as Mary Text-to-Speech, is a powerful open-source multilingual text-to-speech synthesis system written in Java. It provides a wide range of voice options and ...

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    Create a new project Text2Speech (use JDK grater than or equal to JDK-11). Next, Create a new Swing Application and name it text2speech. Now download a zip folder from here unzip it. Now open this folder and you will find TextToSpeech.jar file. Now include this jar file in the project.

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    Shows how to load the FreeTTS java libraries into a java program so the program can use the voice synthesizer to speak text. Goes on to show how to set up M...

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    Enable billing for the project. Enable Google Cloud's Text-to-Speech Service; follow this page, Cloud Text-to-Speech API to enable the service. Do not forget to select the project you created in ...

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    By: Sulfikkar in Java Tutorials on 2010-07-31. This is a sample java program that explains how to use text to speech conversion. You can use this program as follows. c:\> javac Speech.java. c:\> java Speech Hello Manikandan. package com.scima;

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    Link the project to the JLayer library for mp3 playback with java (Using the library jl1.0.1.jar ). Create an instance of the class: GoogleTextToSpeech gtts = new GoogleTextToSpeech(). Use the method: gtts.say ("Hello everybody", "en"). The first argument is the phrase to pronounce, the second is the language. I added my comments to the program ...

  14. SAM: Software Automatic Mouth

    Sam is a very small Text-To-Speech (TTS) program written in Javascript, that runs on most popular platforms. It is an adaption to Javascript of the speech software SAM (Software Automatic Mouth) for the Commodore C64 published in the year 1982 by Don't Ask Software (now SoftVoice, Inc.). It includes a Text-To-Phoneme converter called reciter ...

  15. Java prog#145. How to convert text to speech using Java

    -----Online Courses to learn-----Java - https://bit.ly/2H6wqXkC++ - https://bit.ly/2q8VWl1AngularJS - https://bit.ly/2qeb...

  16. GitHub

    iSpeech Text to Speech (TTS) and Speech Recognition (ASR) SDK for Java lets you Speech-enable any Java App quickly and easily with iSpeech Cloud. The SDK has a small footprint and supports 27 TTS and ASR languages and 15 for free-form dictation voice recognition. - iSpeech/iSpeech-Java-SDK

  17. text-to-speech · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    Amphion (/æmˈfaɪən/) is a toolkit for Audio, Music, and Speech Generation. Its purpose is to support reproducible research and help junior researchers and engineers get started in the field of audio, music, and speech generation research and development. text-to-speech audit speech-synthesis audio-synthesis music-generation voice-conversion ...

  18. How to Learn Speech Recognition in Java With Our API

    Here we explain show how to use a speech-to-text API with two Java examples. We will be using the Rev AI API ( free for your first 5 hours) that has two different speech-to-text API's: Asynchronous API - For pre-recorded audio or video. Streaming API - For live (streaming) audio or video. Find the Full Java SDK for the Rev AI API Here.

  19. Text-to-Speech client libraries

    This page shows how to get started with the Cloud Client Libraries for the Text-to-Speech API. Client libraries make it easier to access Google Cloud APIs from a supported language. Although you can use Google Cloud APIs directly by making raw requests to the server, client libraries provide simplifications that significantly reduce the amount ...

  20. java

    Closed 11 years ago. Can anyone tell where to find instruction to add TTS to Java written program * (C is suitable to)*. I wold like to write program without any illustration and add some features that any existing program does not have. User just writes word and computer pronounce it loudly. It would be good if the voices output is good not ...

  21. Convert Text to Speech with JavaScript

    Steps to Convert Text to Speech with JavaScript. Text to speech functionality in JavaScript primarily relies on the Web Speech API, a standardized interface that enables web developers to integrate speech synthesis capabilities into their applications. The Web Speech API provides a set of interfaces and methods for generating natural-sounding speech directly within the browser environment.

  22. speech-to-text · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    The J.A.R.V.I.S. Speech API is designed to be simple and efficient, using the speech engines created by Google to provide functionality for parts of the API. Essentially, it is an API written in Java, including a recognizer, synthesizer, and a microphone capture utility. The project uses Google services for the synthesizer and recognizer.

  23. Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen to Announce New Housing Efforts as

    In a speech in Minneapolis, Secretary Yellen is announcing new funding sources for housing production, urges further action by Congress, states, and localities WASHINGTON - Today, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen is delivering remarks on housing policy and announcing new efforts by the Treasury Department using its existing authorities to increase the supply of housing, as part ...

  24. Jampal Text to Speech

    The text can be keyed in or read from a text file. The sound can be output to the computer sound system or sent to a wave file. Text is read from standard input or can be read from a file using a redirect, for example, to read aloud a text file: cscript "C:\Program Files\Jampal\ptts.vbs" < war-and-peace.txt To create a wav file from the text ...

  25. WellSaid Wins 2024 Artificial Intelligence Breakthrough Award

    WellSaid provides proprietary AI voiceover technology, and the company's long-form Text-to-Speech (TTS) system offers predictive controls throughout the voice creation process - including pace ...

  26. Java-Text-To-Speech-Tutorial/Mary TTS Program/src/application ...

    Java+MaryTTS=Java Text To Speech . Contribute to goxr3plus/Java-Text-To-Speech-Tutorial development by creating an account on GitHub.

  27. Biden offers muddled response on abortion, pivots to immigration

    Former president Donald Trump sought to take credit for overturning Roe v. Wade, while President Biden offered a muddled response on access to abortion.