Construction Project Management 101

By Diana Ramos | November 14, 2015 (updated November 1, 2023)

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If you’re new to construction project management, this article will walk you through the must-know basics , commonly used business models for construction projects , and the role of a project manager in construction projects  so you can master the skills and expertise needed to manage dynamic, time-sensitive construction projects of all sizes.

You’ll also learn about the best universities to study construction project management  and hear from industry experts  to better understand best practice tips and tricks when it comes to construction project management.

What Is Construction Project Management (CPM)?

Construction project management refers to the processes needed to successfully complete a construction project. Construction project managers ensure that all elements of a construction project are supported and executed efficiently throughout the project lifecycle.

At its most fundamental level, construction project management handles the coordination, execution, and planning of a construction project , whether it’s agricultural, residential, commercial , institutional, industrial, heavy civil, or environmental.

Construction project management typically includes complicated tasks that can shift wildly, depending on the work at hand, and it requires strong skills in communication, deep knowledge of the building process, and the ability to problem-solve. Construction project management is a complex field, requiring knowledge in many different areas like finance, mediation, law, business, and more.

History of Construction Management

Construction managers have played an important role since the rise of complex building projects. In early construction projects, an architect oversaw operations, but over time the manager role has gradually become more specialized, and more complex.

Into the Renaissance, individual architects began to be known for their designs, like Sir Christopher Wren of England. Wren designed and built buildings in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, including the masterpiece St. Paul’s Cathedral, that help give London its rich countenance. Wren had a breadth of knowledge that would foreshadow the types of skills needed on a complicated construction project, with expertise in advanced mathematics and physics, as well as in design. He was on his building sites every day overseeing every phase of the works.

The rules of project management began to take shape across corporate America around the time of World War II, and by the 1950s, they were guiding civil construction projects. This meant that the phases and tenets of managing a construction engineering project were now being applied to a variety of corporate projects.

More and more details of managing a construction project can be done digitally (see software section below), and that trend is expected to grow. Mobile-friendly technology and software are set to play a major role in the field, as a younger workforce is more comfortable with the technology, and it will allow the work to be managed and tracked from anywhere.

Roles of Construction Manager and Contractor

Construction managers and contractors play key roles in project execution. Construction managers coordinate and oversee building work, and also ensure participants adhere to budgets and schedules. Contractors work closely with construction managers and are responsible for the hands-on construction work.

To learn more about this role, read our comprehensive guide to commercial construction management .

First up in any construction project is the design phase, and when that’s finished, the construction project manager opens the bidding process to interested contractors. To qualify for consideration, contractors must be able to show they can handle public safety; decision-making, engineering, drafting, human resources, and time, cost, and quality management. The contractors who meet these guidelines are then chosen through low-bid selection, best-value selection, or qualifications-based selection — all common measures.

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The Construction Project Bid Selection Process

In the project bid selection process, the project owner first shares information to a large group of contractors, and then solicits bids from them. Once the project owner selects a bid, both parties agree on a payment model.

Types of Construction Project Bids

A contractor can expect two kinds of bids:

  • Open Bid : Open bids apply to public projects and are usually advertised. With an open bid, any contractor can put in an offer.
  • Closed Bid : The process for a private project starts with a closed bid, wherein the owner invites a select group of contractors to send in their bids.

Methods of Construction Project Bid Selection

Whether the owner chooses an open or a closed bid process for the project, the bids will then come in, and the selection of a contractor can commence based on a number of criteria:

  • Low-Bid Selection : The bottom line — aka the price — is the main focus for the project owner. The winning contractor is the one who submits the lowest price for the project.
  • Qualifications-Based Selection : In this process, the project owner asks contractors to submit with their bid a request for qualifications (RFQ), which summarizes the contractor’s experience, plans for management, organizational flow, and success in staying on budget and on schedule. The project owner then chooses the contractor with the best qualifications.
  • Best-Value Selection : In this approach, the project owner considers both the bid price and the contractor’s qualifications to find the best combination of cost and skill set.  

Types of Construction Project Payment Models

The next and final step after an owner chooses a contractor is to negotiate a payment agreement. Both parties typically select from four payment models:

  • Lump Sum : A lump-sum contract is the most prevalent choice. The project owner and the contractor come together on the overall cost for the work, and the owner must pay that amount, regardless of the project’s success or if the final bill surpasses the initial quoted price.
  • Cost-Plus-Fee : As the name suggests, cost-plus-fee includes the total cost of the project as well as a fixed fee percentage of the overall cost to the contractor, all of which the owner must pay. This is the most contractor-friendly arrangement, since it covers all additional costs.
  • Guaranteed Maximum Price : With a guaranteed maximum price contract, the owner and contractor agree on a set price that the total cost and fee cannot exceed.
  • Unit Price : If the two parties can’t agree on the cost ahead of time, they opt for a unit-price model, in which the owner pays out a specific unit price throughout each phase of the project.

The Construction Management At-Risk Delivery Method

Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) is a delivery method wherein the construction manager completes a project for a guaranteed maximum price (GMP). The manager helps set the GMP during development and design, and is then liable for any additional costs.

In addition to acting in the owner's interest, the construction manager must control construction costs to stay within the GMP. Because the arrangement guarantees a maximum payment, low bids are typically not considered. Instead, the construction manager will work toward fulfilling the financial goal through other avenues.

The advantage of a CM at-risk arrangement is budget management. Before a project's design is completed (six to 18 months of coordination between designer and owner), the construction manager is involved with estimating the cost of constructing a project based on the goals of the designer and owner (design concept) and the project's scope, all while achieving optimal quality. The construction manager will have to be ready for potential changes to balance the costs, schedule, quality, and scope of the project while still meeting the financial goals.

For example, instead of a redesign, the construction manager may suggest modifications instead. Or if the owner decides to expand the project, the team will have to make adjustments before pricing. To keep a handle on the budget before design is complete and construction crews are called up, the construction manager conducts site visits and purchases major items ahead of demand.

Advantages : In this arrangement, the construction manager assumes the risk, so he or she has an incentive to act in the owner's interest and to efficiently manage costs, considering GMP overruns would be the responsibility of the manager’s company.

Drawbacks : A cost overrun could cost the construction manager a great deal of money. The CM is allowed some mistake-related contingency, so there is a possibility that they will compensate by reducing the scope of the work to fit the GMP. Also, since the GMP is decided before design begins, it is difficult for owners to know whether they received the best possible bid.

Bottom Line : An at-risk delivery method is best for large projects — both complete construction and renovation — that are not easy to define, have a possibility of changing in scope, or must meet strict schedule deadlines. It can also be an efficient method in projects containing technical complexity, multitrade coordination, or multiple phases.

Accelerated Construction Techniques : Starting with its Accelerated Bridge Program in the late 2000s, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation began employing accelerated construction techniques, in which it signs contracts with incentives for early completion and penalties for late completion, and uses intense construction during longer periods of complete closure to shorten the overall project duration and reduce cost. The federal and California Departments of Transportation also employed this technique after the Northridge earthquake in 1994 to speed up repair of freeways in the Los Angeles area.

Contract and Design Models for Construction Projects

The bidding process is usually consistent no matter the type of construction project, but you can expect two business models in the construction industry:

  • Design-Bid-Build Contracts : Both popular and prevalent, design-bid-build contracts allow the owner to choose a contractor after an architect or engineer completes the design phase.
  • Design-Build Contracts : The opposite of design-bid-build, in a design-build contract, the design and construction phases are handled by the same party (referred to as the design-builder or the design-build contractor). This approach speeds up the project’s completion since the design and construction phases can happen simultaneously.

As noted in the two above models, the bidding process begins with the design phase. The design stage itself can be broken down into different approaches.

  • Conceptual/Programming and Feasibility : This model uses the final vision of the building as the starting point to determine needs, goals, and objectives. Considerations include the building size, the number of rooms, how the space will be used, and even who will be using the space. This information is generally captured in a spreadsheet listing each room, the critical information about those spaces, and the approximate square footage of each area.
  • Schematic Design : Schematic designs are drawings or sketches used to identify spaces, shapes, and patterns. Not every part of a construction project can be sketched, of course, but those that can be are in this type of design. The drawings note materials, colors, and textures. These sketches can also capture floorplans, where structures like elevators will be placed, and so on.

The 5 Phases of Construction Project Management

The five phases of the construction management process reflect those in traditional PM: project initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and, once the team meets all completion goals, project closeout.

1. Initiation

Before the project starts, a project manager must develop and evaluate the business case to determine if the project is feasible and worth undertaking. Stakeholders may be asked to do their due diligence and to conduct feasibility testing, if needed. When all parties agree to proceed with the project, the project manager writes a project charter or project initiation document (PID), which includes both the business needs and the business case.

2. Planning

Next, the project team develops a road map for all involved. This includes the project management plan (PMP), a formal, approved document created by the project manager to guide execution and control, as well as set baselines for scope, cost, and schedule. You can also expect to see these documents in the planning phase:

  • Scope statement and scope documentation : This defines the project’s business need, benefits, objectives, deliverables, and key milestones.

Work breakdown structure:  The work breakdown structure  breaks down the scope of the project into visual, manageable chunks.

Communication plan : This outlines all aspects of communication, from goals and objectives to roles to tools and methods. The communication plan creates a common framework that everyone can work from to avoid misunderstandings or conflict.

Risk management plan : This helps project managers identify  risks beforehand, including time and cost estimates that may not be met, potential budget cuts, shifting requirements, and a shortage of committed resources.

3. Execution

Now the work begins. Typically, all parties hold a kickoff meeting, then the project team begins the crucial work of assigning resources, implementing project management plans, setting up tracking systems, completing tasks, updating the project schedule, and if necessary, modifying the project plan.

4. Performance and Monitoring

The monitoring phase often happens concurrently with the execution phase. This phase is necessary to measure progress and performance and to ensure that items are in line with the overall project management plan.

This final phase marks the project’s completion. To mark the conclusion, project managers may hold a post-mortem meeting to discuss what parts of the project did and didn’t meet objectives. The project team then creates a punch list of any lingering tasks, performs a final budget, and issues a project report.

Learn more about the phases of project management .

Expert Tips for New Construction Project Managers

Managing construction projects can feel daunting for new managers. From getting hands-on experience and encouraging communication to committing to ongoing education, we’ve gathered some of the best advice from experts in the field.

Here are some top tips from six construction management experts:

Barbara Jackson

"Passez du temps sur le chantier à observer le travail en cours et à poser beaucoup de questions. Sortez sur le terrain, salissez vos bottes et montrez du respect aux métiers qui font réellement le travail de construction des projets. Il est important que l'entrée- les CM de niveau comprennent les nombreux éléments de terrain, tels que la météo, les conditions du site, l'espace de stockage limité, la congestion du trafic, etc., qui peuvent avoir un impact sur les coûts, le calendrier, la qualité, la sécurité et les autres variables du projet que les CM sont responsables de la gestion.

— Barbara Jackson, auteure de Construction Management Jumpstart et directrice de la Franklin L. Burns School of Real Estate & Construction Management.

Dan Julien

« Gardez la communication fluide. Les mauvaises nouvelles sont tout aussi importantes que les bonnes nouvelles. S'assurer que toutes les parties prenantes du projet sont au courant de ce qui se passe au travail minimisera les appels téléphoniques, les e-mails et les conférences téléphoniques au milieu d'une tentative de résolution ou de récupération d'un problème sur site.

— Dan Julien, directeur de Julien Management, consultant en construction et en gestion de projet pour certaines des plus grandes marques et des personnalités de premier plan.

Alison Dykstra

"Engagez-vous dans une formation continue. L'industrie de la construction est en pleine mutation - les coûts, les systèmes de réalisation de projets, la technologie, la démographie et peut-être le plus important, les attentes en matière de durabilité ("verte"), ont tous un impact sur la manière dont les projets sont conçus, construits, gérés et financés. Les CM qui réussissent sont agiles et informés et comprennent les implications de ces nombreux changements. L'ancienne façon de faire les choses est en train de disparaître ; se tenir au courant de tout, des normes et codes aux pratiques de construction, en passant par la réalisation de projets collaboratifs, etc. sera requis."

— Alison Dykstra, AIA, fondatrice de Kirshner Books et auteure de Construction Project Management : A Complete Introduction et Green Construction : An Introduction to a Changing Industry.

Paul Netscher

"Dans la gestion de la construction, plus nous planifions, plus nous avons de la chance et plus notre projet réussit. La planification commence avant le début du projet, y compris la sélection des meilleures méthodologies de construction, la préparation du calendrier/programme de construction et l'organisation des ressources. et une planification hebdomadaire tout au long de la vie du projet pour s'assurer que toutes les tâches sont terminées."

"La construction est une question de travail d'équipe, et une bonne communication est essentielle pour chaque chef de projet. Vous devez communiquer avec votre équipe, vos sous-traitants, vos fournisseurs, votre client, les concepteurs, les autorités locales et parfois les voisins et le public."

— Paul Netscher, auteur de deux livres sur la gestion de projets de construction, dont Success Construction Project Management.

Vicente Barrera

"N'arrêtez jamais d'étudier ou d'analyser tout ce que vous voyez dans un projet. Ne tenez jamais rien pour acquis. La profession de gestion de la construction exige une attention totale, un grand engagement et d'excellentes compétences d'apprentissage et d'analyse. L'innatendu."

— Vicente Barrera, qui a deux décennies d'expérience professionnelle dans la construction industrielle et les infrastructures. Il est actuellement chef de projet pour SENER, un groupe privé d'ingénierie et de technologie.

“My biggest piece of advice: Never stop learning. That was actually one of the major reasons why we created Construction Junkie. The construction industry may still do some of the same things we've done for decades, but there's always room for improvement and things should always be improving. Just look at the advances being made in concrete right now. Concrete has been used for centuries, but now scientists are figuring out ways for it to heal its own cracks and others are engineering ways to make permeable concrete strong enough for heavy concrete. If we stop learning, progress stops with it.”  

— Shane Hedmond, editor in chief of

Top Construction Management Books for Beginners

We’ve collected the top construction management books to teach you how to manage contracts, avoid mistakes, and move a project through every stage of the process — whether you’re a beginner or simply looking to expand your knowledge in the field.

Construction Management Jumpstart Book

Construction Management JumpStart by Barbara J. Jackson

Written by an expert with over 20 years of experience as a licensed contractor, this bestselling guide provides a deep introduction into construction management basics, shares the latest techniques and tools of the trade, and includes today’s hot issues like sustainability and build information modeling (BIM). Readers will find out what it takes to be a construction manager with an aptitude quiz, learn the ins and outs of contract documentation, and build and maintain a project schedule. Learn more about Jackson's book.

Construction Project Management Book

Construction Project Management: A Complete Introduction by Alison Dykstra

Alison Dykstra, an architect and construction management teacher, offers an introduction to managing contracted construction projects in 25 chapters. The book walks through the early development stage through bidding, selecting a contractor, the construction itself, and closing out. She also covers frequently asked questions, like who the players are in construction and what each one does, and the link between the type of contract and how the contractor gets paid. Learn more about Dykstra's book.

Successful Construction Project Management Book

Successful Construction Project Management: The Practical Guide by Paul Netscher

Geared toward construction professionals and students, this book by a construction professional provides a step-by-step guide to successfully managing a project, including a list of things not to do to avoid costly mistakes. Readers will learn about planning the project, scheduling, people, materials, quality, safety, subcontractors, contracts, finance, and more. Learn more about Netscher's book.

The Management of Construction Book

The Management of Construction: A Project Lifecycle Approach by F. Lawrence Bennett

This 2003 book introduces all aspects of construction management to students and professionals. It covers each stage of the construction project from conception to completion, design-build, and build-own-operate-transfer, and it discusses environmental issues important in 21st-century practice.

Australian Construction Handbook

Rawlinsons Australian Construction Handbook

This massive and exhaustive reference book for the Australian construction industry is frequently updated. Now in its 35th edition, the handbook includes increased coverage of green design, sustainability, environmental management, and more.

Informative Articles on Construction Project Management

Even more valuable resources on construction project management can be found on the internet in the form of articles and reports. Here are two such documents that flesh out the role of the construction project manager in the building process.

The Risk in CM “At-Risk,” by Warner Strang

This PDF explains the pros and cons of the CM at-risk model from the owner’s and construction manager’s point of view, along with pointers on how to get the most out of the arrangement.

"What Is Construction Project Management?” by Gerardo Viera

This article breaks down the overlap between project management and construction management, outlining how knowledge of one can feed into the other.

The Stages of Construction Project Management

Construction management begins with the design stage, and then follows pre-construction and procurement. From there, the team completes construction and commissioning. Once the owner takes occupancy and ensures the building meets specifications, the project is closed out.

Construction Project Lifecycle

Here are the stages in a construction project:

This is the first stage of a construction project, and once it is completed, it signals the beginning of the bidding process. In design-bid-build contracts, the owner chooses a contractor based on completed designs.

In this stage, an architect or engineer first assesses the feasibility of the design based on regulations and codes of the building, as well as the number of rooms, the size of the building, and the amount of space. Then he or she creates schematic designs or sketches, researching the type of equipment and materials needed and their cost.

2. Pre-Construction

The bidding process is over and the owner has chosen a contractor. The contractor is then paired with the project team, including a contract administrator, project manager, field engineer, and superintendent. Then the team gets the site ready for construction. They conduct a site examination, test soil, and identify any possible unexpected situations, like environmental challenges.

3. Procurement

The project team purchases the required equipment, materials, and labor. In other words, the procurement stage is when the team buys everything it needs to complete the project. The complexity of this stage depends on the size of the project and the company. Large national construction companies usually have procurement departments that hire labor and purchase materials for hundreds of projects at once. On the other hand, for smaller projects, the superintendent may buy limited quantities of materials from local building supplies or hire a local laborer.

4. Construction

To kick off the construction phase, the superintendent will arrange a meeting with the subcontractors and material vendors to set the ground rules for working together. Then the team must get ready to start construction, completing activities like setting up temporary storage facilities, securing the site, developing a materials and handling plan, establishing safety programs, and more. After that, the team begins construction.

5. Commissioning

Once construction is completed, the commissioning stage begins. There are two parts to the commissioning process. First, the project team must test the systems and equipment to make sure everything is working correctly before turning over the building to the owner. Then the team must train the owner’s personnel in the operation and maintenance of the systems in the new building.

6. Owner Occupancy

When the owner moves into the new building, the warranty period starts. This ensures that all the materials, equipment, and building quality meet the expectations outlined in the contract. There are two types of warranties: express warranties (written and included in the contract) and implied warranties (established or required by law).

7. Project Closeout

This final phase ties up any loose ends. The team formally completes any remaining contractual obligations to finish the project. They may create a project punch list of any tasks that didn’t get accomplished and may conduct a post-project review, document lessons learned, archive project documents, or prepare a project completion report.

How to Budget For Construction Project Management

Project managers must always think about money. From estimating budgets before the project even starts to hiring and paying contractors, financial management is one of the most important parts of a successful project.

Here’s what you need to know about money matters in construction:

1. Construction Pricing and Contracting

There are a number of options when paying contractors and outlining price in contracts. In the competitive bidding process, contractors submit their bid to work on the project. These bids are either submitted on a lump-sum or unit-price basis, whichever the owner specifies. A lump-sum bid refers to the total price of work by the contractor. Unit-price bidding is used in projects where the amount of labor and materials are uncertain.

Instead of inviting competitive bidding, some private owners choose to award contracts to one or more selected contractors with negotiated contracts, which provides more flexibility in pricing. Negotiated contracts usually require reimbursement of direct project costs plus the contractor’s fee determined by one of these methods: cost plus fixed percentage, cost plus fixed fee, cost plus variable fee, target estimate, or guaranteed maximum price or cost.

2. Cost Estimation and Budgeting

A cost estimation is prepared in order to submit a bid for a construction project and is used to establish a budget for the project once it is won. The process includes determining the cost estimates from building, unit prices and lump-sum estimates, job sites and general overhead, bidding procedures, and labor costs. Cost estimates are sometimes prepared by a professional, such as a building estimator or a chief estimator. Even though the project manager may not be the sole person responsible for cost estimation, it is still necessary that he or she become familiar with the process to understand the scope of the project.

3. Cost-Control Monitoring

As the project begins, project managers need to quickly create a process to monitor project costs. The sooner the cost-control monitoring phase begins, the faster that project managers will be able to identify trouble spots. For example, if an item is significantly more expensive than the estimate, the project manager should identify the reason for the difference and see if that cost increase affects anything else in the budget.

4. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)

A Capital Improvement Plan (or Program) is a four- to 10-year plan that identifies capital projects and equipment purchases, provides schedule, and identifies options for financing the plan. The plan links a government entity, a strategic plan, and the entity’s annual budget. A CIP includes a list of all projects or equipment to be purchased, the projects ranked in order of preference, the plan for financing the projects, schedules for the construction phase of the project, justification of the project, and explanation of the expenses.

5. Project Accounting

The project manager and/or the agency’s accounting department will have to develop the project budget for the fiscal year, record and report expenditures, review and pay contractor invoices, and manage cash flow. From materials to labor, there are many costs in construction projects. Costs are either direct (labor, material, subcontracting, and land) or indirect (indirect labor, supervision, tools, equipment, supplies, insurance, and support costs).

The project team and the accounting department may need to work closely together to manage contractor invoices. The project team reviews invoices to make sure the work has been properly completed, then the accounting department ensures that the invoices are contractually eligible and the prices are consistent with the contract.

Organizing and Scheduling a Construction Project

It can be difficult to keep track of the necessary documents in a construction project, such as requests for proposals (RFPs), contracts, invoices, and blueprints. Because construction projects are so large and complex, efficient organization and scheduling are critical.

Organization Strategies for Construction Project Management

There are several information streams that need to be organized and managed in any construction project, from records and contract management to contract procurement planning and daily organization. 

We’ve outlined some common organization strategies below:

Records Management : Record management controls the distribution, storage, and retrieval of project records, both hard copies and electronic, in a safe, secure manner. Project managers must make sure that all incoming and outgoing documents are transmitted through the records management specialist, who uses software to track the records (this method will also create a central library of all project documents and information).

Contract Management : It is important to clearly define the roles and responsibilities for the project team members who are managing the project and the project staff responsible for managing contracts and documents. The contract management plan is designed to set expectations and procedures around this by addressing who has the authority to direct and approve the contractors to work, how the contractor’s work is monitored and reported, how they are paid and approved, how contracts are modified, which financial audits are necessary, etc.

Contract Procurement Planning : Project managers also have to ensure that procurement activities fit with the construction plan . Some of the tasks they have to manage include:

  • Setting expected contract price
  • Creating the scope of work (SOW) for each contract
  • Standardizing procurement documents and any other necessary documents
  • Adding completion dates to contracts that align with the project schedule

Commissioning Plan and List : The commissioning plan and list should be started early in the design phase and continually updated as the project progresses. The commissioning plan is designed to provide direction for the commissioning process during construction; to resolve issues related to scheduling, roles, and responsibilities; and to aid in the reporting, approvals, and coordination. It is a systematic process to ensure that buildings perform according to the design and to the owner’s operational requirements.

Project Control Process : The project control process tracks and manages the scope, cost, and schedule of a construction project. The goals of this process are to establish a baseline, track performance against the baseline, forecast performance at completion and compare to the baseline, and identify changes and monitor the effects to the baseline.

Project Requirement Definition : Also known as the statement of work, this document details the project deliverables. In the project requirement definition (PRD), the project manager explains the scope of work and what the project will accomplish. It helps stakeholders, team members, and external parties all understand the goal of the project and acts as a record of initial expectations.

As-Built Drawings : Also known as record drawings, these are edited drawings submitted by a contractor at the end of a project. They reflect all the changes made in the working drawings during the construction process and show the dimensions, geometry, and location of all elements included in the contract. As-built drawings provide a quick visual into the existing design and capture deviations from the original documents.

Daily Documentation : Keeping diaries, logs, and daily reports of project activities acts as a reference guide after the work is completed and can mitigate any damages. This kind of documentation can show how questions were answered, how problems were solved, and tracks any unusual conditions on a certain day. By keeping these daily logs, you are leaving a paper trail throughout the whole project in case anything goes awry later on.

And finally, the working drawings are created. These are the project’s final specifications and illustrations that builders use for construction and that contractors add to their bid.

Scheduling Strategies for Construction Project Management

Organize your documents in order to prioritize the information you need to build your project schedule. A well-defined schedule helps you to plan, identify potential risks, forecast cash flows, and assess resource requirements.

We’ve outlined some fundamental and advanced scheduling techniques below:

  • Gantt Charts : A Gantt chart is the easiest way to create a construction schedule. It lets you visualize your project timeline by transforming task names, dates, durations, and end dates into cascading horizontal bar charts. Learn more about creating and using Gantt charts in Smartsheet .
  • Critical Path Scheduling : The most widely used scheduling technique is the critical path method. This method calculates the minimum project completion time and the start and end dates for all project tasks. It identifies the critical tasks that, if delayed, will delay your entire project. The critical path method helps you reduce timelines, manage resources, and compare planned with actual. To learn more, read our Ultimate Guide to the Critical Path Method .
  • Line of Balance : This scheduling technique is best suited for repetitive work and is often employed in road construction. It is a management control process for collecting, measuring, and presenting facts relating to time, all measured against a specific plan. With a Line of Balance schedule, you must allocate resources for each step, so you can make sure the next step is not delayed.
  • Q Scheduling : This form of construction scheduling addresses the sequence of activities, relationships between tasks, and the total cost of finishing the project. It includes the overall construction site and prevents two competing activities from happening at the same time at the same location. While this technique is the closest to reality, it requires special software and can take more effort from the project manager to evaluate cost analyses for the different schedule alternatives generated.

What Are the Risks Involved in a Construction Project?

Construction projects are always evolving, and uncertainty can bring conflict into project teams. Construction project managers are responsible for resolving disputes, identifying and mitigating risks, and understanding legal ramifications.

Here’s what construction project managers should know:

How to Resolve Disputes

Conflicts will inevitably arise in any project. It’s the project manager’s job to resolve the disputes, so the team can stay productive and work well together. Possible conflicts in a project could include poor communication, lack of clarity, conflicts of interest, limited resources, or power struggles. While every conflict is different, there are several resolution strategies that you may employ:

  • Mediation : A third-party mediator will be hired to resolve the disputes between the two parties. This strategy is the cheapest and least time-consuming.
  • Mini-Trial : A mini-trial is held in an informal setting with an advisor or an attorney who must be paid. The agreement is nonbinding and can be broken. A mini-trial takes more time and more money than mediation.
  • Arbitration : Arbitration is the most expensive and time-consuming way to resolve a conflict. Each party is represented by an attorney while witnesses and evidence are presented. Then, the arbitrator makes a ruling and his final decision is a binding agreement.

How to Create a Risk Management Plan

By focusing on prevention, project managers can spend less time dealing with spontaneous problems and more time on reducing their impact. A risk management plan is used to manage all project risks, defines the roles of project staff in risk management, and identifies potential risks and categorizes them in terms of probability and impact.

Understand Legal Principles

When project managers have to negotiate contracts, deal with jurisdictions’ licensing requirements, purchase insurance, and manage job site safety, an understanding of legal principles can save time and money. There are several areas of liability in construction management. There could be a claim for failure to detect defective work if a bid exceeds estimates, if there is extended overhead, or if the project is delayed. Most professional liability policies don’t cover any aspect of faulty workmanship (like fabrication or installation) or economic risks, so project managers have to make sure they have the appropriate coverage and are doing everything they can to avoid liabilities and claims.

How to Prepare a Quality Control Plan

A quality control plan ensures that the building has reached a specific standard. Quality control is the last step a project goes through before it’s delivered to the owner, and it consists of a series of systems and procedures to make sure it meets the highest standards. Project managers will have to evaluate how to measure project quality , create a step-by-step process for auditing the project, and revise and review the plan to find new problem areas. They will also have to be knowledgeable in safety management and codes, building codes, and compliance codes, then include these aspects in the plan.

How to Anticipate and Address Environmental and Neighborhood Impacts of Construction

Construction project managers can plan for licensing, permits, and local regulations, but some unanticipated roadblocks are unavoidable. Below, we’ve outlined how to deal with issues like excessive mud, vegetation, endangered species, and cultural artifacts.

Dust and Mud : Excessively dusty conditions can result from construction vehicles simply driving on a site, much less moving earth from spot to spot. Because the increased particulate matter can disrupt nearby businesses and homes, construction project owners would do well to control the dust count. One easy way to do so is to drive a water truck through the site and spray down the area. However, this creates mud, which can spread out to surrounding areas via construction vehicles. To counter this development, the project owners should get a street sweeper to clean the roads.

Storm Water Pollution : Construction projects can introduce foreign elements to the land. Should a storm hit, the runoff can carry those potential pollutants to nearby streams, rivers, lakes, aquifers, wetlands, or coastal waters.

Endangered Species : If an endangered species is found on the construction site, the site must cease operations for as long as it takes for authorities to assess the situation. Once a decision comes down, the contractor implements the proper course of action to not disturb the species.

Vegetation : Animals aren’t the only protected entities; trees and vegetation on a construction site could be subject to environmental safeguards too. The construction project manager could be faced with designating a safe zone for the growth, perhaps with a fence or security tape.

Wetlands : Wetlands are some of the most heavily protected areas in the United States. Contractors and builders must be especially vigilant in preventing contaminants or unregulated material from entering these restricted zones.

Historical or Cultural Artifacts : This classification can cover arrowheads, pottery shards, early tools, bones, and more. If any artifacts are found on the construction site, all work must halt until the the pieces can be studied and removed.

Construction Project Management Software

There are many versatile web, cloud, and mobile apps to streamline communication, simplify document management, and improve efficiency in construction management.

Here are some top construction management tools:

Construction Project Plan Template

Smartsheet is a spreadsheet-inspired work management tool with robust collaboration and communication features. With pre-built construction templates, it’s easy to create a timeline, track progress, manage documents, and organize the details. Gantt charts are automatically created and auto-adjust every time a change is made, so you can share the most up-to-date timeline with team members or stakeholders. You can upload files from your computer, Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, Evernote, or add a web URL, creating a central repository for all project documentation and contracts. Team members can have discussions directly in the sheet and set reminders and alerts, so everyone is on the same page. And lastly, Smartsheet integrates with other apps like DocuSign (to streamline the contract process by collecting e-signatures), Harvest (to automatically create invoices), and Google Apps (to sync your calendar and add or edit information directly from Gmail). Get a free 30-day trial of Smartsheet.


Buildertrend Example

BuilderTREND is a cloud-based construction project management tool for home builders and remodelers. It helps builders communicate with subcontractors about tasks and allows clients to see real-time status about their home and the costs. BuilderTrend lets you create proposals, simplify the bidding process , send documents, create schedules, and manage customer relationships.


CoConstruct Example

Co-construct is a web-based solution for custom builders and remodelers. It helps businesses coordinate their selections, schedules, and photos while improving relationships with interactive communication. Users can track change orders, create a project budget, update schedules, share files, and more.

Procore Example

Procore helps firms increase efficiency and accountability with streamlined communication and documentation. The cloud-based tool provides ways to collaborate on projects and view documents, with real-time editing capabilities. Other features include project dashboards, scheduling, reporting, document management, email training, bidding and more.

BuildTools Example

BuildTools is designed for residential construction firms and offers project management, scheduling, service management, document storage, budgeting, and customer management capabilities. You can manage all the communication for your crew and subcontractors, easily sharing emails, site photos, project schedules, budgets, and timesheets.

Aconex Example

Aconex offers one solution to manage information and processes across engineering and construction project to improve efficiency and reduce risk. Features include document management, workflow automation, bid management, issue management, and more. As a web-based solution, Aconex allows users to create and review documents from any location.

PlanGrid Example

PlanGrid is a construction productivity platform that enables collaboration via mobile device in the field or wherever your project team is working. It allows the latest versions of blueprints, RFPs, schedules, and more to be synced to every employee in real time.

Education Opportunities for Construction Project Management

To learn more about education programs in commercial construction management and career opportunities in the CM field, see "Everything You Need to Know About Commercial Construction Management and Managers."

How to Manage Sustainable Building Projects

Project managers who oversee sustainable building projects must understand how they affect the environment, ensure that they properly dispose of waste, and use sustainable materials and efficient building methods. They must also understand any area-specific environmental issues and compliance standards.

Green construction is focused on making structures more energy efficient and eco-friendly, and is a huge growth area in the construction industry. The term green building refers to the effort to ensure that both the actual structure and building process are environmentally responsible. Many green project managers are required to have a working knowledge of documentation requirements for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).

Terminology and Acronym List

A&E: architectural and engineering BOT: build operate transfer BOO: build own operate CA: contract administrator CIP: capital improvement plan CM: construction manager CPI: cost performance index CPM: critical path method CREM: corporate real estate management D/B: design/build D/B/B: design/bid/build DBOT: design build operate transfer EA: environmental assessment EIS: environmental impact statement EPC: engineering, procurement, and construction FBOT: finance build operate transfer FEIS: final environmental impact statement FONSI: finding of no significant impact GC: general contract GEC: general engineering consultant GM: general manager GMP: guaranteed maximum price JV: joint venture LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design MC: management contracting (mostly UK) MPC: multiple prime contracts MPO: metropolitan planning organization OFE: owner furnished equipment OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration O&M: operations and maintenance OR: owner representative PC: project control PD: project director PFI: private finance initiative PL: project leader PM: project manager PMC: project management consultant PMO: project management oversight PMP: project management plan PRD: project requirements definition ProgM: program management RE: resident engineer REM: real estate management RFC: request for change RFI: request for information RFP: request for proposal SOW: scope of work SPI: schedule performance index VE: value engineering WBS: work breakdown structure 

Improve Construction Project Management with Smartsheet

With many stakeholders, hundreds of details, and dozens of documents, construction projects can be complex and difficult to manage. However, the key to being successful is to never stop learning, to stay organized, and to communicate frequently and clearly.

Smartsheet is a work execution platform that enables enterprises and teams to get from idea to impact - fast. Many of the world’s leading construction companies rely on Smartsheet to stay productive, communicate among far-flung teams, and document every step of the project.

Use Smartsheet to improve work and project documentation, increase collaboration with proactive communication among project teams, vendors, and clients, and save time with accurate resource management. Reduce testing and inspection errors, accelerate close-out time, and improve job satisfaction by maintaining transparency between client and site crew.

Construction Project Plan Template

See how easy it can be to manage your construction project with Smartsheet.

You may also be interested in:

  • 5 Strategies of a Successful Construction Project Manager
  • The 4 Key Phases of Construction Budgeting
  • How to Pick the Right Construction Project Software

Discover how Smartsheet can help you maximize your construction efforts, today.

We are client-side project managers.

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More than just client-side project managers, we partner with developers, investors and high net worth individuals to lead the delivery of their projects.

Our success lies in our ability to listen to our clients, translate their needs into solutions and orchestrate project outcomes that exceed their expectations.

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Our reputation speaks for itself.

For nearly 20 years we’ve successfully delivered projects across Australia and have the experience to identify the right questions to ask and the critical risks to highlight on any project.

We bring long-term industry relationships, experience, and enthusiasm to the clients we partner with. Our approach to project management is driven by our guiding principles:

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We’re at our best when we feel part of a great working partnership. Our collaborative approach is driven by a win-win attitude built on trust, camaraderie, aligned synergies, and respect for all stakeholders.

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We have the experience, expertise, and passion it takes to lead and motivate project teams. And our belief that good management is about creating a supportive, trusting, and nurturing environment that helps make the process fun and enlightening for our team and clients alike.

Detail -focused & results -driven

We see the big picture and manage the detail. Representing the interests of our clients, our process delivers results through the thoughtful application of established procedures, experience and methodologies.

Trust, truth & authenticity

Our core values – trust, truth and authenticity – guide how we do business. We make decisions that are in the best interests of everyone involved. We care.

We’re at our best when we feel part of a great working partnership. Our collaborative approach is driven by a win-win attitude built on trust, camaraderie, aligned synergies and respect for all stakeholders.

We have the experience, expertise and passion it takes to lead and motivate project teams. And our belief that good management is about creating a supportive, trusting and nurturing environment helps make the process fun and enlightening for our team and clients alike.

Detail-focused & results-driven

We see the big picture but manage the detail. Representing the interests of our clients, our process delivers results through the thoughtful application of established procedures, experience and methodologies.

We help people build stuff.

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Our Approach

We orchestrate successful projects..

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Our contribution to project delivery is significant. Driven by a win-win approach, we bring strategic guidance, experience, and passion to the projects we work on.

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Partnering with our clients, we work as their trusted representative leading the full delivery of projects., from feasibility stage through to concept design, planning approval, construction and handover., world-leading expertise..

Our team includes experts across the fields of architecture, construction, engineering and design.

With diverse skills and extensive experience in the delivery of construction projects, we are unified by a passion for excellent service and “making good things happen.”

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Gravitas, Authenticity & Good Times.

9 november 2023, all about autism spectrum australia (aspect).

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The block does it again… this year with a rather charming flair..

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28 APRIL 2023

Adelaide… liv’n on a prayer.

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Our backstory …

Founded by Drenka Andjelic, Construction Assignments was born out of a desire to partner with reputable investors, developers, and high net worth individuals with the at-call provision of specialist project delivery and management services.

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Recent projects., the louise, barossa valley.

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Rydges, St Kilda

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Little National Hotel, Adelaide

Our team respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land upon which we live, work, and play. we pay our respect to their elders past, present, and emerging..

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Cultural Capital

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Drenka continues to inspire and connect as a Non-Executive Director at Cultural Capital.

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Construction Assignments’ business management system is compliant with the international standard ISO 9001:2015. Our management system is certified by sustainable certification, an independent JAS-ANZ accredited conformity assessment body. “We are ensuring that our system is based around procedures and strategy in every part of our business to provide a consistent and professional service.” – Andrew Murray, Associate Director.

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Construction Assignment Help

What is construction management assignment help.

Construction management involves planning, controlling, monitoring, and coordinating a construction project. The degree in construction management assignment help involves the students in the construction business, architects, construction risk managers, and even attorney specialized construction. The role of the construction manager is mainly applied in the areas where numerous construction activities take place. With an increasing rate of commercial and residential properties, construction management is becoming a popular course all over the world that also gives a promising job to the students.

Construction Management Assignment Help Online by

By providing Construction management assignment help , the Construction Management Experts fulfils their responsibilities by delivering all technical details with reliable data and facts to the students. Students all around the world typically enrol in common courses that are readily available, such as MBA, engineering, medical, architecture, and law, but they are unaware of the many other courses that are available and provide them with varied exposure and information.

This prospective career course takes students to a new level of learning, where they are given various assignments that are not readily available elsewhere due to the students' lack of understanding. As a result, enables students to complete their assignments with Construction Management Assignment Help Online by

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Why Choose For Taking Construction Assignment Writing Service?

The following are some of the most important reasons why is the ideal option for you:

Affordable Services-

At, we provide Construction Assignment Writing Service to our students because we do not want anyone to miss out on the opportunity to submit an efficient task owing to financial constraints. Our Construction Assignment Writing Services are available to anyone who wants to get the greatest grades for the best price.

Team of Experts-

Construction Assignment Writing Service at are provided by experts. We have a team of professional writers on staff. These resources offer pupils an appealing level of content in order to help them improve their grades. The entire credit belongs to the experienced team, who know exactly how to use the right format and language. We employ content fluency to make your work more understandable and appealing at all times.

On-Time Delivery -

Even when the deadline is approaching, our Online Construction Management Experts provides on-time services. As a result, our students will never suffer any difficulties as a result of late submissions. They would always be prepared, and their final document would be delivered on time. Furthermore, even if the deadline is tight, the quality will never be compromised.

100% Original Content Assignment-

Our Online Construction Management Experts provide new content on every project because plagiarism might hinder a student's GPA. As a result, our Construction Management Assignment Help Online ensures that original content is produced every time. They also include a complimentary report as evidence of the content's clarity.

Safe Transactions -

We accept PayPal payments from students via the internet. All of these are kept secure and encrypted, ensuring that students are never worried about being scammed.

Options for Multiple Subjects -

We don't just write Construction assignments; instead, you can choose from a variety of different subjects in the queue. Psychology, finance, law, accounting, agriculture, mathematics, social sciences, and many other areas are included in these services. There are also other services available, such as coursework writing, essay writing, Construction Assignment Writing, homework writing, and so on.


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Construction Management Assignment Help From Ph.D Expert

Construction Management is one of the disciplines that come under a Civil engineering degree. However, it is a subject that involves management skills too. Many students choose construction management where they are asked to write lots of assignments. The team of qualified assignment writers at Great Assignment Help can offer you complete construction management assignment help for all your assignment-related problems.

We have gathered a team of professional assignment experts from the best universities. These experts have all worked on really difficult assignment challenges for many years. We take great pride in all our subject-matter experts have been assisting students just like you in achieving high academic standing.

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What is Construction Management?

Construction management encompasses the comprehensive planning, coordination, and oversight of a project from inception to completion. A construction manager oversees the construction process and is responsible for overseeing the completion of a project successfully.

Construction management involves three primary parties. The owner is the one who orders the work and provides the funding; the architect or engineer is in charge of the project's design; and the general contractor is in charge of managing the subcontractors and supervising the project's daily operations.

Get Online Construction Management Assignment Help for All Related Concepts

We can offer you with all-encompassing construction management assignment help online for all its related concepts. Some of them include the following:

  • Project Management : The planning and arranging of a company's resources to advance a particular assignment, occasion, or responsibility toward fulfillment is known as project management.
  • Construction Planning : Planning the construction process is an essential step before scheduling. During this planning process, the tasks, technology, and building approach are usually defined simultaneously or over a number of revisions.
  • Scheduling Techniques : The project scope, the schedule, and your resources are all aligned with the help of scheduling techniques. A timetable needs to work within a given time range and make use of the appropriate resources and expertise.
  • Procurement Management : It includes handling the continuing supplier connections for the business as well as the assessment, selection, and drafting of formal contractual agreements.
  • Change Management : A methodical strategy to handling the shift or modification of an organization's objectives, procedures, and technological infrastructure is change management.

Our knowledgeable Construction Management Assignment Helpers will assist students in completing any type of Construction Management assignment by the due date. You can get help from them for all concepts and related areas.

Looking for Affordable service?

Come to us! We provide affordable assignment help service, written by experts.


5 Stages of Construction Management in Which You Can Take Assistance

We have highly professional construction management assignment helpers who can help you with all the stages of construction management and can give you a well-researched solution easily. Check these 5 stages:

  • Design Stage : This is the beginning of the project it consists of an idea, planning, contacts, budgets, industry codes, etc. The designing stage also consists of a feedback process and within the budget by meeting all the rules and regulations related to it.
  • Preconstruction Stage : Here the owner of the project permits to start the project process. The team examines the construction site and analyses the requirements that are needed to perform the construction project.
  • Procurement Stage : The role of the construction manager is well defined in these areas as they have to manage from purchasing to meet the contractors for electricians, plumbers, etc.
  • Build Stage : In this stage, the plan gets executed by planning the working hours of the labors, quality check, access to the site, and material storage. The problems are discussed that may occur during the process and the work is done by sticking to the budget.
  • Occupancy : After the work gets completed the clients are toured in their newly constructed building and the feedbacks are taken. Once the client approves the work the project budget gets closed and the warranty for materials and equipment gets started.

How Do We Write Your Construction Management Assignment?

Our best works done by our construction management assignment expert determines the quality and efficiency of our work where we stick towards our goal i.e., to give the maximum amount of knowledge to the students where they are lacking. We have certified expert writers who write with their experience and knowledge by meeting all the guidelines given by the college professors to the students. Construction management assignment help is done within hours after the student uploads the work and is checked multiple-times before we submit it to you.

We follow a simple writing process and our method of writing is unique and original that allows the students to understand better. Here is the technique of writing we use.

  • Brainstorming the Topic : As soon as we receive work, we start planning with the subject experts about the topic. The topic is discussed thoroughly and brainstorming is done if needed. It also includes research, planning, analyzing, etc.
  • Make an Outline : We keep all kinds of writing formats ready as per the requirements and start writing the construction management homework help. We keep all the relevant facts and data with pointers and everything is done by keeping three areas in mind i.e., introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Start Writing an Assignment : By eliminating all the useless facts we finally write a final draft keeping all the important things in mind.
  • Editing and Proofreading : After the construction Management Assignment Help is written it is sent to editors and publishers for editing and proofreading. Post that we check with plagiarism software to ensure our students.
  • Submit the Final Draft : The construction management assignment writing help is finally submitted within hours to the students. After submission, if the student finds any mistakes or problem, we are ready for a free revision.

Why Do Students Fail to Write Accurate Construction Management Assignments?

There are many reasons why students fail to write their Construction Management Assignments. A few of the more frequent ones are listed below:

  • Mathematical and Analytical Skills : Strong mathematics skills are necessary to perform accurate financial evaluations, budgeting, and cost estimations. Many students struggle with the mathematical part of the assignment and thus fail to write a correct assignment.
  • Technical Proficiency : It's challenging to understand how to include various technologies, including BIM and lean construction methods into assignments. Therefore, students look for construction management assignment helpers online to overcome this challenge.
  • Difficult Resources : Without a doubt, finding the right materials for assignments is a difficult task. Students often struggle to complete their assignment since they are unable to obtain crucial information for their assignments.
  • Interdisciplinary Knowledge : Understanding how construction management intersects with other fields such as civil engineering, architecture, and business management is tough for students. Thus, they get confused and write an inaccurate assignment.

Are you having trouble writing your construction management assignment and finding it difficult to finish it on time? Don't worry; the team at Great Assignment Help is available to provide you with helpful construction management assignment help service during this difficult moment. We have subject-matter experts who can help you with any task-related issues and ensure that you finish your assignment on time.

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Why not trust us? We are a professional assignment help service provider and deliver your project on time.

The Unique Features of Our Construction Management Assignment Writing Help

Students who want to have the best construction management assignment to have a high score can trust our construction management assignment helpers. We have years of experience in delivering the best assignment work to the students. Here are key features of our academic writing services .

  • Certified Writers to Have Best Work : All of our construction management assignment helpers have advanced degrees, and they know how to create solutions that students can grasp on their own. Never start writing an assignment without conducting extensive research, according to our management specialists. As a result, you will always get well-researched answers.
  • 24 Hours Availability : We have certified writers who are available 24 x 7 nights to provide their esteemed writing services to the students. So, those students who are unable to make time for their assignment work can hire us for 100% unique assignments ad get the surety of a high score.
  • Boast With Advance Tools and Plagiarism Detectors : We are boasted with advanced plagiarism detector tools to verify the plagiarism in the content. Moreover, we make sure to provide a detailed report of the Turnitin plagiarism detector tool and Grammarly report to ensure that the content is free from plagiarism and grammar errors.
  • Affordable Services : We have established reasonable charges for the students and don't write construction management assignments for financial gain. For students who seek more information on the expert and other members of our team, we have an online support system so that students can easily connect with us and get professional assistance. We may be reached by phone, live chat, email, or SMS.
  • Safe and Secure Payment Gateway : We provide the safest method of payment so that students can easily make the payment and get the writing services from our construction management assignment helpers. The payment gateway is end-to-end encrypted, so students can make their assignment order payment without worrying.
  • Get Free Samples of Work : We provide free samples of the work to the students so that they can evaluate our work quality and expertise in a better way. Moreover, students can also read the testimonials to get an idea about our services.

What is the guarantee of 100% unique content?

We use advanced plagiarism detector tools such as Turnitin and provide plagiarism reports to the students. So, you can rest assured that the content delivered by our experts is free from errors and plagiarized content in the assignment.

What strategy do you follow to write the best construction management assignment work?

Our subject professionals follow the guidelines given by the universities. They also make the layout and research deeply to write the assignment. Moreover, expert writers make the rough draft first, and then after proofreading and editing, they make the final draft.

What if I hire the assignment helper for multiple tasks?

It doesn't matter whether you ask for multiple tasks or a single task; we have a subject professional experts’ team who can deliver the top assignment work to the students without compromising with deadline and quality.

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Other Management Services

  • Risk Management
  • Public Relations
  • Business Development
  • Customer Relationship
  • Entrepreneurship Assignment
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Reward Management
  • Business Assignment Help
  • Management Assignment Help
  • MBA Assignment Help
  • Operations Management Assignment Help

Select the Best Assignment Helpers in the Management Category

Hire Postgraduate Subject Matter Experts from Management Category

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Prof. Abdullah Al-Shammari

Ph.D in Business Management

PhD in Business Management, American University of Kuwait. He has extensive experience in strategic management and entrepreneurship.

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Prof. Khalid Al-Farsi

PhD in Engineering

PhD in Engineering, Bahrain Polytechnic. He specializes in civil engineering and sustainable construction.

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Prof. Robert Wilson

Strategic Management and Leadership

Robert Wilson, with a PhD in Management from Stanford University, addresses strategic management practices and effective leadership in organizations at Harvard Business School .

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Prof. Anna Johnson

Organizational Behavior

Anna Johnson, holding a PhD in Organizational Behavior from MIT Sloan School of Management, focuses on organizational behavior and the dynamics of workplace culture at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania .

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Construction Assignment Help

Construction is the process by which the meaning of an ambiguous provision of a statute, written document, or oral agreement is determined.

In general, there are three types of construction:

  • Building construction
  • Heavy / civil construction
  • Industrial construction

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Construction Assignment Help in the UK

Get our premier construction assignment help services in the UK. Our London-based construction assignment helpers are dedicated to providing unparalleled expertise in various areas of construction, ensuring your academic excellence. From structural engineering to project management, trust us for comprehensive support on your journey to success.

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Hire Our UK Based Construction Assignment Helpers for UK Students

Unlock top-tier construction assignment help services exclusively designed for UK students at Students Assignment Help UK . Our team of experts comprises the best construction assignment helpers who are dedicated to providing you with exceptional academic support. 

When you’re overwhelmed with assignments and wondering, “ Who can write my construction assignment for me? ” – look no further. We offer a professional “ write my construction assignment for me ” service to alleviate your academic burdens. Our skilled writers will craft high-quality, customised assignments tailored to your needs.

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With years of experience in the field, we understand the intricacies of construction studies and can assist you in achieving your academic goals. 

When you pay someone to write your construction assignment , rest assured that you’re investing in well-researched, original content that will earn you the grades you desire. Partner with us for excellence in construction education.

Our Expert Construction Assignment Writing Help On Different Topics  

Our professional construction assignment writers online are well-equipped to guide you through every aspect of construction studies.

Construction assignments in the UK cover a wide range of topics and aspects related to the construction industry. These assignments aim to help students achieve a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of construction. Commonly covered key topics in construction assignments in the UK include:

  • Building Design and Planning
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Online Free Samples

Construction Project Management Assignment Outlining The Methods To Overcome The Issues

Task: Your partner and you will have to decide on the way forward for this initiative: 1. Discuss how you would handle the conflict with:   a) your partner and   b) the builder Explain in detail your conflict management strategy for both the above stakeholders. 2. Select one leadership style and explain in detail how you would successfully manage this project to completion. 3. Explain how you would use the Seven Quality Control (7 QC) tools and techniques to help you manage this project. (You must demonstrate the application of these tools in relation to this project. You may also propose other tools and techniques that you have learned from this unit). 4. Prepare a risk management strategy for this project. You must identify all risk and explain your strategy to manage each of the risk

Introduction The new construction project examined in the present report on construction project management assignment is facing huge dilemma presently due to disagreement in choosing home design, delay in discussion with the builder and losing eligibility to apply for Keystart program. This dilemma would lead to conflicts and other issues in the business. The paper suggests methods to overcome various issues in the construction project such as conflict, leadership, quality issue and risks.

Conflict Management The term Conflict management used in the case scenario of construction project management assignment is one of the most important things to keep in mind while completing a project. This is because team work usually leads to some kind of conflict between team members due to differences in thinking and perception (Naismith et al., 2016). The situation is facing conflict between me and my partner and the builder. Conflict with the partner is due to differences in preferences that is coming up when choosing home design, layout and deciding on other home elements. Whereas conflict with builder is due to delay in discussion for final cost estimation. These two conflict situation needs to be managed effectively so that the project is planned and completed on a timely manner. Different strategies will be adopted to manage the conflict between me and two other people that is builder and partner. The context of construction project management assignment indicates that these two stakeholders are important for the construction project because without the help of builder and partner the project will not be planned successfully neither it will be implemented in an effective manner.

Conflict with Partner Conflict faced with the partner is disagreement in reaching to an accurate design for the new home and the layout to be made. To resolve this strategy of construction project management assignment, Thomas Kilmann conflict management strategies will be used so that an effective decision or conclusion is reached about home design. The five strategies stated by this model are competing, accommodating, avoiding, compromising and collaborating (Riasi & Asadzadeh, 2015).

Competing- this strategy will be used at certain position in which I will feel I hold more expertise in various areas and my decision is correct regarding house design. A competing nature will allow being assertive in making decision with proving facts.

Accommodating- this strategy mentioned in the construction project management assignment will be taken when the partner states their claim with appropriate facts to prove themselves correct. At that time being generous and considering their claim will be effective.

Avoiding- at some situation when no conclusion is being reached it will be better to just avoid the situation in an unassertive manner and postpone it for considering it later.

Compromising- in certain situation when both the parties will have strong opinion that is me and my partner then this strategy will be used where a decision will be taken on middle ground so that both have some part of their suggestion in home design.

Collaborating- this will be the most right way to resolve conflict where a mutual decision will be taken about home design and layout areas that suit everyone.

Conflict with Builder To resolve the conflict with the builder not all five strategies stated above will be effective. The present scenario of construction project management assignment signifies that in this situation only two strategies that is collaborating and compromising will be used. This is because competing, accommodating and avoiding is not effective in making decisions regarding costs or final project structure. Everything needs to be done in a collaborating manner (Einarsen et al., 2018).

Collaborating- builder will be collaborated continuously so that they are in touch with the progress of the decision between me and my partner. Further, in making cost decision collaboration is important as the builder is well aware of market rates better and informed about the products that need to be used in the projects.

Compromising- this will help in reducing conflict related to taking new offer of installing solar energy system. Some compromise has to be made regarding this offer if the initial decision is getting delayed so that the builder so that he is calm about the final date of discussion. Some compromise from both party is required to keep things going effectively in a construction project.

Which leadership style is most suitable for the project examined in the construction project management assignment? Discuss. In this project of construction project management assignment the suitable leadership style that would be chosen will be transformational leadership style. The situation here deals with the difficulties faced by the partners in completion of a construction project. Now a days in every company managers feel mainly on their legitimate power that is given by his or her authority or on their coercive power, to persuade people to do as they are told and not more than that. The research conducted for the construction project management assignment identifies that this type of management discourages the employees at times (Hoch et al., 2018). Moreover less involvement of managers in the given work makes the work process slow and doubtful.

Rather, leaders should adopt transformational leadership style. In this style it is explained that manager should engage with their employees. Transformational leadership states that work gets easier if the manager himself explains the employees how the work should be done, how the topic has to be dealt with and how the employees should find profitable ways on their own. Further this kind of leadership also tells that relationship between the supervisor and the employee is just not a mare worker and boss relationship and work in an inclusive manner. However it is a partnership between the employee and his supervisor which encourages them to work together. (Aga, Noorderhaven & Vallejo, 2016).

The project evolved in the present paper of construction project management assignment deals timely completion of a construction project that is facing little conflicts and dilemma. It is believed that it is now time for me to change their leadership style for completing this project successfully (Aga, Noorderhaven & Vallejo, 2016). Hence, the study of construction project management assignment suggests that the best way to avoid the partnership conflicts taking place is to follow transformational leadership. However manager just wants their work done and wants to finish the project. They just order their employees to do as directed and no one asks their opinions. However, in transformational leadership I would rather engage myself with others involved in the construction project that is the builder, project manager, designers and others and find a collaborative and much creative solution (Aga, Noorderhaven & Vallejo, 2016). Moreover I as a transformational leader would also ask for the opinions of my partner and others involved. Working together as a unit instead of just ordering for the work to be done will give better outcomes and more innovative ideas. This type of leadership will also help the employees to overcome the past conflicts and learn from them. This type of leadership encourages manager to show their employees new path and direction to work. Further it will help us to start fresh as a new beginning and forget the old or traditional methods of management. Interacting with everyone involved in the construction project team will help me as a leader to make a successful project. Further, when an experienced leader and employee shared with each other all about the past failures so that he does not make the same mistake again. Moreover in this way they get enough knowledge to figure the past mistakes and learn from it for the future (Hoch et al., 2018). Through this process I would guide the project team with every aspect and every query and in turn come out with a successful and completed housing project. Where the managers are just worried about their files and project they forget that leading their employees is the most important factor. Without efficient team a leader can never be successful. By transformational leadership this project will also achieve success if as a leader I guide the team properly then no delay would take place. Transformational leadership is highly recommended for successful completion this project.

Quality Control Tools Quality management discussed in this section of construction project management assignment forms an integral part of construction or housing projects because to make a project successful it is important to have a balance between cost, time and quality. Quality control measures ensure that the products and the facilities being offered by the project team is of good quality and comply with the established standards. An established quality control tool will help in reaching a final decision regarding home design with the chosen builder (Neyestani, 2017). The seven quality control tools will be used to measure the quality of the project and manage the project as a whole. According to the information provided in the construction project management assignment, this tool is effective to be applied across any industry and help solve critical quality issue.

Stratification- stratification will help in dividing the data into groups that can be easily studied later for quality check. In relation to the housing project that is being studied stratification will help in dividing data into small groups such as frequency of uncertain incidents that are taking place during the project such as fall of some part of the building, short or labor and others during the entire period of construction (Suryoputro, Sugarindra & Erfaisalsyah, 2017). The data will be divided based on all these sub-categories of uncertain events and on a monthly basis till the duration the project will be accomplished.











The below table provided within this study of construction project management assignment show an example of data stratification which will be conducted for this project as a measure to control quality and keep a check in it. This is a sample representation and will be used to keep a check on the quality of housing project being planned and designed. This is one of the tools that will help the owners to keep a track on the quality of the projects through the events taking place and frequency of the events.

Histogram- this tool of construction project management assignment will help to represent the data formed above on a graph to have a better picture of the frequency and the chances of poor quality of house and design. Histogram will not represent the frequency of the events as stated in above tool. It helps in prioritizing the factors and needs most attention. Based on the frequency gathered in stratification tool the construction project will map the quality of each factor on monthly basis as major quality issue or minor quality issue. For example fall of some parts of construction and labor absence will be analyzed based on their frequency for the month of January and state which factor needs more attention and quality check.

Check sheet- check sheet will help in measuring defects in the supplied items of construction project such as sand, cement, iron based on factors such as rusted items, dirty, broken, wrong item and others and marked in a check list on a monthly basis and a total of one year will be stated in the last item to check the defect that is maximum seen so that it is controlled in time (Cohen et al., 2019). The report on construction project management assignment shows some defects in the table below that can come up in supplied items of construction project and the way it is shown in a checklist.

Cause and effect diagram- this method will represent the cause and effect of a project. The cause or factors leading to quality issues will be identified for the construction project being planned. The utmost cause of some causality in the construction of this new housing project is people, methods, machines, materials and environment. The diagram provided below in the construction project management assignment demonstrates a sample of making cause and effect diagram that will help in controlling quality.

Pareto chart- this is yet another tool mentioned in this construction project management assignment that will help detect the 20 percent major factors that is responsible for 80 percent of the problem or failure in the project. This will be made with the help of the result from cause and effect diagram. For example the cause of fall in some part of the house that is already constructed will be shown such as rust, scratch, dent and others and the frequency of this count. This diagram provided in the construction project management assignment will be used to check the frequency of the causes to control it in time.

Scatter diagram- This section of construction project management assignment states that this tool will help in showing the relationship between two variables such as cause and effect of some quality issue. The correlation can be stronger or weak depending on the data. The stronger the correlation, the more true is the effect.

Control chart- this will help determine the stability of a process within a given environment. A control chart will help in judging the construction project by stating whether a process that they are using is effective or not. It will measure the type of process in construction or defects that can be controlled and the ones that cannot be controlled.

Risk Management Strategy followed in the context of construction project management assignment As identified in the study of construction project management assignment, the project involved various kinds of risks throughout the project duration from planning to completion. These risks need to be controlled to make the construction of the new house successful (Iqbal et al., 2015).

This is of high priority risk and will be reduced by going into a contract with the builder and giving them some down payment so that they do not cancel the project from their end due to delay in discussion.

Within coming one week

This may cause a huge risk to life of the people that will be living in the house. All material being used will go under a quality test process to ensure it is safe and of good quality.

Before starting the project

To borrow money from some known person and apply for the key start program so that making the home will be possible and easy.

Within one week

This risk identified in the construction project management assignment will be handled by the project manager by levying a per day cost to every labor that will get deducted will an absentee is made without any proper reason. Losing monetary benefit will work as an incentive to work.

Through the project duration

Making use of lean and sustainable construction methods and materials that cause low environmental damage. Implement a proper waste management system to avoid disposing waste in the environment.

Within one month project planning

To take prior permission from the local government bodies such as licenses or others so that there is no objection made in future.

Within 15 days

Conclusion After examining the above context of construction project management assignment it can be stated that the project will be accomplished effectively with these proper conflict management, leadership, quality control and risk management measures. This is because it will give a sense of system to the project and help remove all possible dilemmas and risks that obstruct the project. Conflict management and quality control will be managed effectively so that the project is started and accomplished within the given deadline.

Referencing Aga, D. A., Noorderhaven, N., & Vallejo, B. (2016). Construction project management assignment Transformational leadership and project success: The mediating role of team-building. International Journal of Project Management, 34(5), 806-818.

Cohen, M., Lamparello, A. J., Schimunek, L., El-Dehaibi, F., Namas, R. A., Xu, Y., ... & Vodovotz, Y. (2019). Quality Control Measures and Validation in Gene Association Studies: Lessons for Acute Illness. Shock (Augusta, Ga.).

Einarsen, S., Skogstad, A., Rørvik, E., Lande, Å. B., & Nielsen, M. B. (2018). Climate for conflict management, exposure to workplace bullying and work engagement: a moderated mediation analysis. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(3), 549-570.

Hoch, J. E., Bommer, W. H., Dulebohn, J. H., & Wu, D. (2018). Do ethical, authentic, and servant leadership explain variance above and beyond transformational leadership? A meta-analysis. Journal of Management, 44(2), 501-529.

Iqbal, S., Choudhry, R. M., Holschemacher, K., Ali, A., & Tamošaitien?, J. (2015). Risk management in construction projects. Construction project management assignment Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 21(1), 65-78.

Naismith, N., Sethi, R., GhaffarianHoseini, A., & Tookey, J. (2016). Managing Conflict in Engineering Projecs: New Zealand Experiences. International Journal of Construction Supply Chain Management, 6(1), 19-34.

Neyestani, B. (2017). Construction project management assignment Seven Basic Tools of Quality Control: An Appropriate Tools for Solving Quality Problems in the Organizations.

Riasi, A., & Asadzadeh, N. (2015). The relationship between principals’ reward power and their conflict management styles based on Thomas–Kilmann conflict mode instrument. Management Science Letters, 5(6), 611-618.

Suryoputro, M. R., Sugarindra, M., & Erfaisalsyah, H. (2017, June). Quality Control System using Simple Implementation of Seven Tools for Batik Textile Manufacturing. Construction project management assignment In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 215, No. 1, p. 012028). IOP Publishing.


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Construction Management Assignment Help

Construction management assignment help in the uk .

Construction management assignment is one of the most challenging papers under management studies that you will come across. So, if you are worried about the nitty-gritty related to the paper, come to British Dissertation Help for complete support from start till end. 

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Construction Management Assignment Help

Why is construction management assignment help necessary? 

To understand the primary goal of the  assignment help , you have to first understand the utility of construction management in the real world. The term represents the organized system of monitoring and regulating everything that a construction team is doing.

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Excelling at construction management assignment help

Assignment experts will come in handy if you are a student aspiring to become a construction attorney or construction risk manager, or architect. Management assignment focuses on management strategy and management techniques. Construction management homework help is necessary when it comes to handling the complexities of construction management assignments. The concepts of construction management might not always be quick to latch on to.

The complex topics in construction management can be pretty daunting, and this is where the management assignment expert writers come into the scene. Each year, we put in painstaking efforts to extend our support to students with our ace construction management Homework help services. No need to run around like a headless chicken for your case studies, homework help, coursework help, and so on. You have us by your side. Just contact our experts by following the easy steps to get your brand management assignment help . 

Essential aspects of construction management assignments help

It is needless to mention that the construction industry drives massive business each year. Construction managers take up the responsibility of monitoring the smooth functioning in and around the construction sites. You, as a construction manager, must have a set of crucial skills. So that you can deliver your duties seamlessly as a construction site manager. Now, you may ask: what are skill sets? Let us discuss in detail:

  • A manager’s role is to maintain the timelines and be ahead of time, always. Hence, time management skill is one of the vital attributes that will help you move forward in life. Managing the quality of work, making significant decisions, making drawings, managing human resources, looking after the safety of the resources, etc., are the critical skills you must learn and hone. Construction assignment help increasingly focus on these key attributes. Public safety is another vital factor that you must keep in mind. You can achieve the same by ensuring that the construction is absolutely safe and won’t cave in soon after completing the project. The assignments teach you about the real problems and how you will handle those to make sure things go smoothly. 
  • The construction assignments will teach you about how you can specify the project objectives comprehensively. Some of the crucial points related to a construction project are the budget of the project, the scope of the project, the schedule, understanding, and choosing the correct vendors & investors who will be able to add value to the construction project. It also includes defining the performance needs of each entity directly or indirectly related to the construction project. Yes, Assignment Help relevant to this attribute can be pretty tricky. So, we have developed the customer relation management assignment solutions that will aid your performance. 
  • Maximization of resources is yet another vital factor that construction management assignments will teach you. Imagine yourself as a construction project manager; your prime lookout will be to maximize efficiency through deploying efficient labour to complete the project. When you take up a construction management course, it is expected of you to work efficiently. Efficiency is well-understood when you become an asset to the construction company by bringing in success and identifying the right people fit for the job. You must also understand the correct types of equipment needed for the relevant task, the amount of raw material required, and more.
  • So, Construction management might seem attractive, but the harrowing amount of responsibility, depth of understanding about the coexisting problems and solutions, and more can be nerve-racking. Consider yourself as the Atlas bearing all the heaviness of the duties in and around the construction site. Hence, focusing on the nitty-gritty of the  assignment is of utmost importance. Yes, you have to pay special attention to the construction management coursework. It is mandatory because missing out on a single lecture can rock your foundation pretty heavily. Pay attention the what your  assignment help teacher has to say. It is they who will provide the best assignment support. You will be responsible for the cost management and overall functioning of the construction site. You must keep it in mind. 
  • Construction management trains you to coordinate, control, plan, design, estimate, and more. Through the construction management course, you will learn to strike construction deals and more. You will directly serve the role of a business developer as well. The job of a construction manager is to communicate correctly to resolve disputes.

So, now you know why construction management assignments are crucial and how they help you make a lasting impression in the professional world.

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Structuring a construction assignment can be pretty vexing considering all the complicated details associated. But, should you worry anymore? No, just hang on with us, for we have developed just the correct type of solutions for you.

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Let us tell you all about the segments that a construction management assignment should have: 

  • Table of content: This segment will have all the topics and subtopics you will discuss within the assignment paper. 
  • Acknowledgment: Here, you will have to acknowledge the support that your construction assignment teacher extended. You can also thank your classmates, your relatives or family members (if any), and all those who have helped you to complete the construction assignment help paper. 
  • Introduction: This part must be brief and crisp. Your readers must have a concise idea of what you are going to talk about next. For example: Through project management, an individual exercises their power of knowledge in managing various skills, techniques, and tools to increase productivity. The project manager plays a vital role in delivering quality projects (Duncan,1996). The different procedures that make project management are initiation, planning, executing, controlling, closing, and monitoring… and so on. In this excerpt, there is a short description of what project management is and the procedures included. Any reader will understand what the writer is going to talk about in the subsequent sections easily. So, your job is to make the introduction as clear as daylight that will guide the readers through. 
  • Subdivisions: Suppose your topic is “project management,” you have to talk about the “project management” tools and the areas governed by project management knowledge. 
  • Business objectives: This segment will deal with the business objectives of the construction business. This segment will include the “project initiation part,” the “budget summary of the project,” and the “project methodology.” This part is a little confusing. Hence, if you find it any easier, take support from assignment help online. 
  • Feasibility: The feasibility of a project is dependent on the risks associated with the project. Apart from the risk identification and mitigation strategies, feasibility studies also stress the business opportunities. The effect of globalization is also studied here as it can affect the outcome of the project. For proper feasibility study and understanding of the result of a project, you may wish to refer to a construction management assignment writing expert.
  • Management and administration of the project: The PRINCE project methodology makes the management and administration of any construction project comparatively easier. The project is broken down into components like documentation, technique, sequence, and overview. These components make the management process simple. PRINCE 2 methodology for management and administration of projects is applied in the UK and Europe. It is supposed to be one of the best in the construction business, where the project is divided into several modules. The modules are starting the project, directing the project, initiation, planning, controlling, monitoring, and finally closing the project in the stipulated period.  
  • The roadmap of the project and feasibility: You will talk about how things are managed, done, controlled, and optimized by the manager. 
  • Controlling the project and management: This section includes the administration part. 
  • The job role of a project manager and responsibilities: The section is self-explanatory. You know what to do in this section. You have to write about what a project manager does and all about their primary responsibilities.
  • The project plan: This will include the critical path through which it will be assessed whether the project will meet the deadline on time or not. It is perhaps one of the vital points because even a slight delay can cause a project to sustain incredible losses. 
  • Management of the project: This segment will comprise quality management, quality planning, quality assurance, ensuring the highest quality control keeping cost-effectiveness in mind to satisfy the client, management accountability, and the procedures to manage business proposals. 
  • The ability to systematically handle a project: Steps that will make this segment complete are project initiation, planning, monitoring, controlling, and project closing.
  • Identifying the risks and hazards related to the project: The management might have to endure fatalities. Hence, the project manager must identify all the possible perils, and try to keep the solutions ready to prevent disasters from occurring.
  • Determining the necessary tasks and pending jobs that need to be finished before the project comes to an end, the fine-tuning part: Walk through the entire project and identify spots that need attention. This segment is necessary for the company because this is how the company will ensure revenue generation.
  • Conclusion: Even the concluding part needs to be precise and crisp, stating the vital factors you have discussed in the entire construction management assignment. Also, your mentors will be exclusively interested in knowing how much you have understood. So, stating your perspective concisely, in conclusion, is a must. 
  • References/bibliography: This part will have all the references with proper citation of the source. Follow the university norms to complete this part.

Now that you have a sample structure in front of you, why don’t you try to frame your construction assignment based on your understanding? However, if you face any difficulty, why bother to get frightened? We are here to provide Civil Engineering Assignment Help Service, strategy analysis assignment help , Project Management Assignment Help, management assignment writing help, and much more. 

Why should you depend on British Dissertation Help for your Assignment Support?

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  • We have selected our management assignment expert writers from cream universities and colleges. So, you can get the added benefit of consulting our ace writers and start creating a unique construction management assignment from the ground up. 
  • We always stand for the fact that we believe in nothing but steadfastness. Hence, our  assignment help is on time or before time, never after the specified deadline. You will receive all your documents before the deadline because we want you to go through the whole paper. So that mistakes can be rectified, and a better understanding of the assignment can be grasped. Understand this, even though we help you to frame the entire paper, you still have to go through it because with no understanding of the topic, you might get exposed during the viva voce. 
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You can now reap the benefits of our construction management help online from the comfort of your home. We have brought forth easy solutions when it comes to Project Management Assignment Help. 

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We have made customizable construction assignment services available for you. Want to know the benefits?

  • Our experts are available for discussion. If you fail to generate ideas on the given construction assignment topic… worry not! Our assignment support will help you gather insights and complete your project within the specified deadline. 
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Yes, our proofreading and editing team has experienced editors who go through, in between the lines, to scrutinize the construction management assignment paper from top to bottom. They repeat this process at least two to three times to refrain from making mistakes. Once the quality checking is done, they finalize the content. However, they also send a draft of the construction management paper to you via email. Once you give a “go-ahead,” they send you the original assignment paper. Yes, it is a long-drawn process. But, it is necessary to be a hundred percent sure of the quality.

Yes, we understand construction management is a crucial segment of Civil Engineering. Hence, we have an option to cover topics such as: 

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Yes, we will put in our honest efforts to help you come out of the situation with flying colours. However, since our management assignment expert writers work day and night to complete your project, keeping their well-being in mind, we will ask you for some extra payment. But, if you take our expert opinion, do not wait for the eleventh hour. Start preparing from day one.

If you need our Online Construction Management Assignment Help, let us know beforehand. That way, the cost won’t bother you, and we will get ample time to complete your construction management assignment perfectly to deliver it within the specified deadline. You can even ask for corrections wherever necessary. We will do it for you free of cost.

We can handle your construction management essays that deal with Green technology. Saving energy is the utmost need of the hour. Hence, we have experts who understand the significance of Green Technology in construction management to the core, and they help frame your construction management assignment with their know-how.

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  • We have been working in the industry for more than a decade. Having written thousands of assignments we have access to reputed and credible resources. Our archive gallery of resources is huge and homes more than a million authentic resources.
  • All Assignment Services is a platform offering comprehensive academic services. We are the best in the field because of various reasons like:
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  • Our writers are skilled and trained to efficiently work on projects and assignments. They can compose well-written assignments within reasonable deadlines. Their expertise and knowledge help them think faster and write better.
  • We deliver high-quality assignment solutions along with explanations. The finished assignments include a detailed step by step solution to complex assignments and questions. We make sure that your assignments incorporate every instruction provided by you.
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Building and construction assignment help – a quick summarization..!!

Building and construction assignment help is offered by the genius writers of All Assignment services where they draft an A-grade work. Building and constructions involve planning, controlling and monitoring of the resources and strategies related to construction. The role of a construction manager is to look after all the needs. With a hike in the construction rate and demand for advanced designs, this industry is flourishing a lot. 

However, it is very challenging to stay updated with the assignments because they require a lot of time. So, students prefer opting for our online Building and construction assignment help . We begin by understanding the topic and research all the content from our database. Our approach is different because we aim at giving the best services at affordable prices. Each assignment is delivered right on time because we cannot afford to have a bad reputation in your eyes..!!

What is building and construction management?

The field of building and construction management is responsible for planning and executing the construction projects and is a part of civil engineering. It includes construction and maintenance of structures like prominent housing societies, hospitals, shopping complexes, factories and offices. The job of a building and construction manager is to look after everything, right from the designing of the blueprint to resources management and whatever required.

Skills required to be a construction manager

  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Business acumen
  • Leadership skills
  • Communication skills
  • Manipulative skills
  • Negotiation skills

Common mistakes committed by students while doing their building and construction assignments

  • Not comprehending the topic: A lot of students are not familiar with the concepts or forget them. This makes it difficult for them to write a good assignment. Contrary to this, our writers offer building and construction assignment help with best quality content.
  • Not citing the references: Students who do not pay attention to the bifurcation of the total marks are not aware that the reference column bears 2 to 10 marks, depending upon the total marks. So, missing the referencing section would make them lose marks. 
  • Poor formatting: Students are least bothered about the right structure of work. They just lay the information irrespective of its poor formatting. It is vital to understand that a poor format leads to unimpressive work.
  • Not proofreading: This again is a sign of working in a hustle. It is recommended to devote at least 15 to 45 minutes for this concluding step. Students should avoid making spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Skipping the introduction and conclusion: This could be the most blundered mistake that one can do. The intro is supposed to state the purpose of your work, and conclusion states its results.

Duties and tasks of building and construction professionals

  • Ensuring that everything is going as per the plan.
  • Ensuring that no legal codes are broken.
  • Establishing and planning adequate techniques for modern, secure and concrete constructions.
  • Liaise with technical professionals to discuss about concerning issues like designing and architecture.
  • Evaluating and keeping track of project progress so as to meet time and budget constraints. Managing these two parameters is a challenge.
  • Keeping track of raw material.
  • Keeping track of labour and equipment required for constructions.
  • Preparing tender documents, contract bidding, negotiations and sub-contractor selection.
  • Determining the project cost and time frame by reading the architectural drawings.
  • Responsible for quality checking.
  • Purchase material and organizing payments.
  • Supervising the construction sites and arranging daily wage labours.

What are the building and construction assignment help?

It isn't easy to be punctual with so many assignments; therefore students take our Building and construction assignment help Australia where we provide them with customized assignments that are prepared by the best writers of the world. We start with the work as soon as it is submitted on our website.  We have the best team for editing and proofreading so that you do not lose a single mark because of our negligence. We ensure that there are no grammatical or typographical mistakes, and all the work is structured appropriately.

Our work for Building and construction assignment help orders is 100% unique, and we never resell an already delivered work. This is entirely against our policy. To ensure our quality standards, we penalize the writers, if their work is found copied or not up to the mark..!! We never compromise with quality.    

Requirements for drafting building and construction assignments

If you are failing at impressing your teachers, then here we are telling you the basic requirements that are fulfilled by our Building and construction assignment help experts. We offer all the services at affordable rates so that no one faces an issue.

  • A thorough knowledge of the principals methods that are required for both small and large scaled construction projects.
  • Understanding of essential elements that are used for creating admirable interiors.
  • A knowledge about integration of elements and system that are necessary for building and construction assignment.

How we approach your work?

We make sure that the work is assigned to the concerned writer right after the order is placed. Our writers approach them in a stepwise manner where they mention:

  • Description about the steps involved in the project.
  • Description of the structure that is getting built
  • Sharing about the team members who are a part of the project.
  • Goals and visions of the project. This includes aspects like politics, economy, technology and social.
  • Maximum strength of the project work.
  • A description about budget and time constraints.
  • Breaking the entire project into smaller section of responsibility.

TELOS is a five point model that is a major part of any building and construction assignment.

Technical: To ensure that right technology is utilized in the construction of the project.

Economic: To look at the cost and benefits drawn.

Legal: To ensure that no legal barriers are broken. This can lead you to greater trouble.

Operational: To maintain the system.

Schedule: to look at chronology for a project.

What are the features of our Building and Construction assignment help?

  • Extensive database : Our writers are assisted by a database that has all the required information in it. We have a team that updates and adds more data so that we can provide the top-notched quality of online building and construction Assignment Help .
  • Finely edited : Once the first draft is laid, our expert and trained writers go through atleast three rounds of thorough revision so that they do not miss out on any mistake. After that, the draft is run on premium proofread software to ensure the finest quality building and construction assignment help Australia .
  • Free samples: Before placing the orders, you can demand a free sample before placing an order for building and construction assignment Help from our customer care executives. This will give a hang of our working procedures.
  • Unique content: Each time, we ensure to write new and fresh content. We are strictly against plagiarism.
  • Fast delivery: You can expect speedy delivery of work. It can be delivered as soon as 3 hours on an urgent basis.
  • All universities and subjects: We are familiar with the guidelines of all the Australian universities.

Building and Construction Assignment Help

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The 6 phases of construction project management (CPM)

Julia Martins contributor headshot

It’s hard to think of an industry with more moving pieces and active stakeholders than the construction industry. From materials to suppliers, keeping your construction project in order, on time, and on budget is a task unto itself. 

Luckily, that’s where construction project management (CPM) comes in. With effective CPM, you can track your work, your team members, and your deliverables in one easy place. While CPM won’t help your project build itself, it will help you bring cross-team clarity so you can work more efficiently and effectively as a team.

What is construction project management (CPM)?

Construction project management (CPM) is the process of managing, regulating, and supervising construction processes. CPM can vary from a single project to managing an entire construction management company. Either way, CPM can help your team plan your project work during the pre-construction phase, track deliverables during the construction phase, evaluate project delivery, and close out at the end of the initiative. 

Unique challenges of construction management

In CPM, it’s particularly important to pay attention to project constraints and safety details. A construction project has many similarities and a few key differences to a more traditional project you might have worked on. 

For one thing, construction projects often have a wide variety of stakeholders who need to work together closely but cross-functionally. This includes:

The project owner

The project supervisor

Construction project managers

General contractors


City planners

Civil engineers

Public workers

Construction-specific project needs

As you can imagine, construction projects have specific needs that are unique to this type of workflow. As you begin thinking about CPM, make sure you have a way to manage:

Vendor management

Budget tracking

Cost estimation

Change orders

Project schedules

Daily, weekly, and monthly inspection logs

Bidding processes and contract negotiations

Quality control

Safety management

Job site monitoring

General project management needs

At its core, every construction project is just that—a project. While you shouldn’t neglect any of the construction elements of CPM, make sure you’re also following project management best practices. 

You can do this by:

Running a feasibility study before beginning the project.

Adhering to all of the steps in the project initiation phase to make sure your team is set up for success.

Setting up a proactive risk management process , like a risk register .

Creating a work breakdown structure (WBS) to capture all of your project deliverables and sub-deliverables.

Using the critical path method to identify the best timeline for the project.

Following cost management best practices both before and during the project.

Effectively communicating with your project team and stakeholders.

Following resource management best practices .

Defining clear workflows in a centralized source of information.

The 6 phases of CPM

In general, there are six phases to any construction project. Some of these phases are longer than others, but follow this six-step process to set your project up for success.

1. Initiation

The first part of any project, including a construction project, is the initiation phase . This is also sometimes referred to as the conception phase. During this phase, your team will work with the client to identify their needs and how your team will meet them. 

Depending on the scope of the project , you may also want to run a feasibility study or do a full business case to analyze whether or not this project is doable. Even without a formalized business case, make sure you incorporate design sketches into your project plan to ensure you and your client are on the same page. 

2. Pre-construction

Once you’ve finalized the details with your client and signed your contract, it’s time to dive into pre-construction. This is when you start assembling your team—including general contractors—and field testing your construction plans if necessary. 

The pre-construction phase is critical to a successful construction project—if you dive straight into the execution phase, you could miss important details that could lead to project failure. Instead, take some time to clarify:

When you should check in with your clients: Which project milestones do they want to be involved in? 

What your communication plan is: Where and how will you share project status updates with your client? 

Where your project information will live: What is your team’s central source of truth for all of your project information? How will you ensure all of your project team members are using the correct information, especially across project phases ? 

What your risk management plan is: What project risks have you identified, and what’s your plan for proactively mitigating them? 

What your project roadmap will look like: What dependencies does your team need to look out for, and how can they visualize those dependencies? 

What your project budget is: How will you track your project budget ? Which cost control best practices will you put into place to ensure you don’t go over budget? 

What you’re working towards: What is your end goal? Where can your team find your work breakdown structure listing all of your project deliverables and sub deliverables? 

Make sure you’re keeping track of all of this information in a tool everyone can access. Project management tools make it easy to share information with team members and stakeholders and to visually track project progress. Use a Gantt chart to bring your roadmap to life, see progress in real-time, get notified if any project plans shift, and stay up-to-date on any project milestones. 

3. Project execution

Now that you’ve planned your project to perfection, it’s time to put it into practice. The project execution phase is exactly what it sounds like—this is when your project team and general contractors are building your project! 

One of the most important things to carry through into the project execution phase is communication. Poor communication is one of the most common reasons for project failure , especially in the construction industry. Think about all of the stakeholders involved in a construction project. Without a clear way to keep everyone in the loop, especially as people roll onto and off of the project, you’ll never be able to finish the project on time and on budget. 

Good communication starts with a clear communication plan, but it doesn’t stop there. Make sure you have a way for team members to access important project information—including the lessons you learned during previous phases. Documenting your client conversations, your team updates, and your project progress reports in one place makes it easy to avoid making the same mistakes you’ve already made. That way, you’re more likely to hit your deliverables on time and on budget. 

4. Commissioning

Once the final product is built, you move on to the commissioning phase. There are three steps to the commissioning phase: 

1. Do a final walkthrough

Before you present the finished product to your client, you want to make sure you didn’t miss anything. Take some time to walk through and test your finished product to ensure there are no errors. Document anything you find in a construction punch list . 

What is a punch list?

Eine Mängelliste ist ein Tool im Bauprojektmanagement, mit dem Sie all die kleinen Aufgaben dokumentieren, die noch zu erledigen sind, bevor das gesamte Projekt als abgeschlossen betrachtet werden kann. Für Projektverantwortliche sind die Begehung und die Mängelliste auch eine hervorragende Möglichkeit der Qualitätskontrolle. Gibt es im Gebäude irgendetwas, das nicht den Vertragsspezifikationen entspricht? Wurde irgendetwas nicht korrekt installiert? In solchen Fällen kann der Projektmanager die Mängelliste aktualisieren, damit die entsprechenden Fehler behoben werden. 

2. Present the finished building to your client

Once you’ve finished your internal walkthrough, it’s time to present the finished deliverables to the client and walk them through everything you’ve created. The client will want to inspect the construction site and test systems and equipment. Hopefully you’ve caught all of the errors ahead of time, but if they find any new errors during their walkthrough, it’s your responsibility to fix them as quickly as possible.

3. Train the client on any systems before you leave

Even without errors, make sure the client and building manager know how to operate any relevant systems so they can maintain the building once you’re no longer on the premises. This can include things like electricity, plumbing, software, and more.

5. Occupancy and warranty

During the occupancy and warranty period, the client actually moves into the building. You will no longer be on site, but you may still be responsible for the construction project depending on your contract and your local or federal warranty policies. 

There are two types of warranties depending on your situation: contractual warranty and implied warranty. Work with your internal legal department to figure out which warranty you have and how long the warranty period lasts. 

6. Project closure

Once the warranty period is over, the project is closed. You’ve fulfilled your obligation to the client, but you’re not quite done yet. In order to ensure your team got the most out of the project, hold a project post mortem meeting to review what went right and what could be improved. Catalog lessons learned in a shared tool. That way, the next time you have a similar project, you already have a head start on the planning process.

Tools you need to run a successful construction project

Now that you understand the six phases of construction project management, you need to execute on those phases. That’s where construction project management software comes in. 

What is construction project management software? 

Construction project management tools are tools to help construction professionals execute their work and hit their deadlines. There are two types of tools you can use:

Traditional tools , which offer features specific to construction teams but can be difficult to learn and require a project manager to manage the tool.

Modern project management tools , which are flexible for any team and can be run by anyone.  

What are modern project management tools?

Modern project management tools make it easy for you to coordinate work, stay in sync, and hit your deadlines. Unlike traditional project management tools, modern project management software is easy for anyone to use. These tools have everything you need to succeed and mold a project exactly to your requirements. 

Key features to look for in your construction project management software

Regardless of what type of tool you use, make sure you select a tool that lets you do the following:

Set clear deadlines

In CPM, deadlines are of utmost importance. Missing a deadline has a cascading effect and can delay the entire project completion schedule. If your team doesn’t know who’s doing what by when, and who’s responsible for the work being done, deadlines are much more likely to fall through the cracks. In fact, according to our research, 26% of deadlines are missed each week.

The key to setting good deadlines is clarity. Make sure your team knows exactly who’s responsible for the work being done, what project dependencies they need to be aware of, and any stakeholders they need to loop in. If you haven’t already, draw out the critical path of your most important work. The earlier you can clarify this information, the more time your team has to make sure they’re prioritizing the right work at the right time. 

What is a critical path?

A critical path in project management is the longest sequence of activities that must be finished on time in order for the entire project to be complete. Any delays in critical tasks will delay the rest of the project.

Especially when it comes to large construction projects, you may need to schedule tasks out weeks or even months in advance—especially when it comes to large pieces of equipment or specialty items. In the moment, a short delay doesn’t seem like a big deal, but if these delays impact your critical path, they may lead to larger issues down the road. 

Visualize the project timeline and dependencies

There are a lot of moving pieces within CPM. With Gantt charts , you can visualize all of this work in one place. Gantt charts are bar chart-like tools that represent each task as a horizontal line. You can see how long each task is expected to take, connect dependencies between tasks for added clarity, and even add project milestones on key dates. 

[Product ui] Gantt chart project, organized timeline view in Asana with dependencies and due dates (Timeline)

The power of dependencies

Even with the clearest deadlines, sometimes, things get delayed. Maybe your shipment didn’t arrive on time because of a storm, or a team member was out sick unexpectedly. When these delays happen, it’s critical that you and your team can clearly understand the impact of the delay. 

If something gets delayed, ask yourself the following questions: 

What other tasks and dependencies will need to be pushed back as a result? 

Will this delay impact our overall project deliverables?

Is there work we can do in tandem to make up for the delay? 

Having this level of clarity immediately when a deadline is missed makes it easy for your team to adjust and hopefully, make up for lost time. Alternatively, if someone completes a deliverable early, the person waiting on that deliverable to start their work can get notified about it and start right away. 

Coordinate across multiple projects

If you work at a bigger construction company, you may have many projects in the air at once. When team members are working across projects, one of the most important things for you to keep track of is what each team member has on their plate, and when. 

No one can keep all of this information in their head—and with effective construction management tools, you don’t have to. Instead, capture all of your team’s work in one place and view team member workload across multiple projects. That way, you can avoid overbooking team members and ensure that they have the bandwidth to complete work for your project on time. 

Centralize communication

Clear communication is critical—but in CPM, it’s even harder to coordinate than in traditional project management. Not only do you have a variety of stakeholders and a job that takes you away from the computer, but you also have team members rolling on and off the project. Without clear communication, it’s easy for things to fall through the cracks. 

To prevent this from happening, make sure your entire project team is communicating in the same place—your construction project management tool. By maintaining a single source of truth, there will never be any questions about who’s working on what or the latest status on a piece of work. 

In particular, you need software that updates in real-time so your entire team is updated on the status of work—whether they’re at the office or on the job site. With modern construction project management software, you can also add stakeholders to the project so they get real-time project status reports without having to attend a meeting. 

Track project costs

A huge element of whether or not your construction project succeeds is whether or not it ends under budget. This is especially important in CPM because you may be paying for large, upfront material costs that you need in order to build your final deliverable—whether that’s a house, a building, or something even bigger. But keeping track of budget is really hard to do. 

Like communication, it comes back to viewing information in real-time. When you can visualize project costs in real-time, you can not only see the budget you’ve spent, but quickly course correct if it seems like you’re veering off track. 

Standardize processes

The construction industry is vast—but most construction projects your team works on are probably pretty similar. In addition to following the six steps of CPM, you’ll have your own sub-steps in place to help manage the work and keep your team on track. 

The difference between a successful and unsuccessful construction project often comes down to how well you can execute on those small sub-steps. With a million moving pieces, a diversity of contractors and team members, and potential project risks that could jeopardize your final deliverable, it’s critical that your team stays on top of all of the little details, every time. 

If you’re working on a project similar to a past initiative, there’s no reason for you to reinvent the wheel. Instead, look for a way to templatize your processes. That way, you can plug and play when you have a new construction project—without worrying that you’re going to miss a step. By streamlining the project process, you’re also giving your team more time to execute, rather than plan.

Real-time updates on the go

A lot of the time, you need access to information when you aren’t at your desk. Walking through the construction site and notice something amiss? You need a way to log that information into your project management software so you can solve the issue as quickly as possible. 

Look for a tool with a really good mobile app that allows you to update your work in real-time. That way, everyone—in the office and on the job site—are on the same page.

Better project management with Asana

Construction management is a high-intensity field, and you need a way to keep up with all of the changing plans and unexpected changes. There are construction project management tools out there, but that’s not what we focus on. Asana is a work management platform —which means we think about processes, not just projects. 

With Asana , you can plan and execute any project. From centralized decision making to streamlined information sharing, Asana is an all-in-one tool to help your team get their best work done and hit their goals. 

Related resources

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What is construction management, why students ask for construction management assignment help, importance of construction management assignment help, hire our construction management help experts & improve your knowledge, get construction management homework help at affordable prices, topics covered in our construction management assignment help.

Construction Management is a way of managing things from beginning to end including planning, design, and construction. Students who deal with the study of Construction Management often require online Construction Management assignment help. Are you looking for the best place where you can get the best quality help regarding your Construction Management assignment?

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Construction management includes transport, site development, hydraulics, layout, and geotechnical engineering to planning and execution. It includes writing and evaluating contracts and determining the logistical process. Management of construction or construction management is the subject that comes under Civil Engineering; however, it is also a course that requires management skills. Completing a construction management project is always a difficult task for the students. The struggle starts from the university, where they are assigned the task of Construction Management Assignment by their professors.

  • Proper understanding of the critical construction methods on a small/large scale.
  • An adequate understanding of significant materials used in development and interiors.
  • Inadequate understanding of integrating elements and structures used in design & building.
  • Proper knowledge of the fundamentals of quantity survey methods and simple cost estimation.
  • The building-based and construction-based questions take as much time as effort is required. Failure to write the assignments has forced the students to try experts who offer 100% high-quality writing services for construction management assignments.
  • For civil engineering students, the study of construction management is essential. Construction management integrates project planning and design, expense and time control for the specific project, project quality control, and project management and safety principles. Online Construction management assignments help students conduct the project by applying multiple measures to it. The practical knowledge of construction management allows the students to subdivide the construction process into a limited time frame to fulfil the project's particular objective.
  • Construction Management Assignment helps enhance student concepts regarding building management policies and aids them in applying management concepts in the future. Construction management training helps the students solve civil engineering problems. Training in construction management effectively improves the experience of planning and designing a specific project. Through it, civil engineering students learn time management skills or the estimation of the budget for the project. This also explains the idea of the safety management policy in the construction site.

Our professional construction management experts have established their reputation in this industry by providing premium quality assignment help. Our highly experienced construction management experts are best at delivering solutions related to any construction management topic. Our construction management assignment help is a one-stop solution to get last-minute help in your assignment deadlines and get it done before the due date.

We offer quality solutions for your construction management assignment so that students can learn more about it quickly with a detailed approach. Construction management tasks are not easy for newcomers to complete who don’t practice it daily. Therefore, the construction management assignment is focused on enhancing students' subject knowledge. We help students with every problem associated with construction management topics by providing essential solutions to each.

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100% Accurate Solutions

We have a large team of qualified experts around the globe who are well experienced in their subject matter. Therefore, they always provide error-free and easy-to-understand solutions. Before delivery of a solution, our quality team checks the solution's quality.

Yes, construction management assignments assistance is affordable and available 24*7 for students facing problems and thinking too much about the price issues. Our construction management expert gives 100% to your construction management assignment by not considering the money as the priority.

We as a company are meant to deliver construction management homework help to the students as we understand students' problems. Students have to go through so many assignments, exams, projects, and other activities where they cannot finish their assignments on time. Due to these, students have to work day and night, leave their other important things, and start copying material from other sources. This gets reflected in their marks. We provide an easy solution to the students at affordable prices. As we know, what students have to go through every day during college days with lots of expenses such as college fees, mess, hostel, traveling cost, tuitions, etc. To make it easy, our construction management homework help is available: cheap, authentic, easily accessible, and 100% score achiever.

Here are some of the topics covered in our construction management construction management Assignment help

  • Construction project planning includes the five stages of construction management planning: design, pre-construction, bidding, procurement stage, building stage, and giving the project to the client. The construction manager works with different other people like engineers, contractors, architects, etc.
  • Construction quality and construction management – construction quality is the procedures, processes, and policies by managing all the areas to provide quality-oriented work to its customers, clients, contractors, sub-contractors, owners, etc.; construction quality manager assures the quality test before delivering the project.
  • Human Resource management – the human resource in construction manages the organization's people to complete the project. A human resource department looks after a set of skills among the colleagues and helps choose the people for the project. The help with construction management assignments can guide you in detail in this area where you can get to know different structures and roles of HR.
  • Construction financial management uses the company's financial resources, including assets, cash, equipment, etc. It involves allocating the company's resources to bid for a project and whether the company meets the demands. If it meets the demands, then the financial resources are set, and if not, the construction financial management finds ways to deal with the problems.
  • Construction estimation, risk, materials, etc. – this involves estimating everything to be involved in the construction project. If the client and the owner feel that the risk is involved in the project, they spend time researching the solution and alternate ways.

Get Unique Features With Our Construction Management Assignment Help

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Our quality assurance team always makes sure that each solution must be accurate, well-structured, and fulfill the order requirement. So that they can mitigate the chances of possible errors.

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Our Experts deliver plagiarism-free solutions with a Turnitin report attached for customer satisfaction. We understand irrelevancy and duplicacy are two motor factors of low grades. Therefore, our experts always take care of all these kinds of factors.

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Construction Management Assignment Help

Get online assistance from the Construction Management assignment experts with significant industry experience like you always wanted. Construction managers and builders who write Construction Management assignments for you are well-versed with calc

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Students pursuing MBA courses with specialization in Construction Project Management often find that the course is more than what they signed up for. It requires several on-site visits to get exposure to how the industry works. The assignments they need to do may be related to managing construction projects, understanding the economics and operations of the real estate and urban infrastructure projects, keeping construction costs under control, and gaining operational, strategic, and managerial expertise in Facilities Management. Our Construction Management assignment writing experts can help you with all these assignments and more.

Are you looking for the Most Popular Construction Management Assignment Help in Australia?

Simply share your Construction Management assignments with MyAssignmentsHelper using our Order Form or through WhatsApp. Our experts will study them and send you the best deal for our services. Pay us to confirm your order for our assignment writing or assignment editing and review service, and our experts will do the needful to get your solution ready in time. 

Get Construction Management Assignment Help in Every Topic.

Some of the topics in which we receive Construction Project Management assignment help requests are:

  • Interpreting Architectural Drawings and Specifications
  • Negotiating with Property Developers and Subcontractors
  • Procurement of Delivery of Equipment and Materials
  • Preparing Contract Bids and Tenders
  • Making Plans Conforming to Guidelines of Local Authorities
  • Arranging Building Inspections

We offer online assistance in all these Building and Construction Management assignment topics and more. We also specialize in assignments on the use of new-age skills in the construction sector, including Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Building Information Modelling, Big Data Analytics, Augmented Reality, Internet Of Things and other digital technologies.

Why Do Students Need Construction Assignment Writing Service?

It’s one thing to see Burj Khalifa or the Golden Gate Bridge and wonder how engineers and construction managers did it and a completely different thing to try and learn how to do it. Students pursuing a degree or a diploma in Construction Management often find themselves stuck with an assignment that seems too difficult to do in the given time. But solving the Construction assignments is a lot easier than the on-site responsibilities they will have to bear later. Our Construction Management assignment helpers not only hold a Master or PhD degree in the field but also have years of experience working in the industry.

They know how to manage the budget, keep tight control over project expenses, and manage construction workers. They have been collaborating with specialists like architects and civil engineers for years and hence, know the technical aspects of the construction sector too. They are excellent project managers who have hired supervisors, dealt with clients, kept a track of the project’s progress, and have troubleshot issues like project delays and safety concerns. You can use the rare opportunity to learn from these experts and get insightful assignment solutions you may find useful even after graduation.

Our Best Construction Management Experts

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Grace Kurian

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Benefits of using building and construction assignment help from myassignmentshelper.

WedoAssignmentHelp assists thebuilding and construction management programstudents by offering them the best assignment helpers. As mentioned above, they have expertise in their field. We also train them in academic writing skills and make sure that they are excellent in the use of Australian English.

To make sure that the Construction assignment they write for you does not have any errors and is 100% original, we run it through a rigorous quality checking process. The QC team has subject experts to check the technical details and facts included in your assignment, professional editors and proofreaders to check the formatting and language-related errors in the assignment, and an advanced plagiarism checker software.

We pride ourselves on offering you the best customer care service in the industry as well as extremely affordable rates.

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Get Instant Help From 5000+ Experts For

101 ideal construction dissertation topics.

  • Dissertation

101 Ideal Construction Dissertation Topics

Construction management assignments demand much dedication and care. The importance of the construction assignment increases if it is a construction dissertation . You cannot blindly rely on any dissertation writing services for such projects. Construction topics demand specialized experts in the field of civil engineering, construction methods, building regulations, environmental considerations, and many others. boasts a huge array of construction management experts who have produced many A+ graded construction dissertation assignments . Their experience and depth in the matter make us the number #1 construction assignment help service in the world. 

From topic selection to the execution of the entire dissertation our c onstruction assignment experts will guide you through every step of your construction assignment project . In the meantime you can browse through some of the construction dissertation topics listed below: 

101 Best Construction Dissertation Topics

  • Sustainable Construction Practices: Innovations and Implementation
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM) and its Impact on Construction Project Management
  • Green Building Certifications: Evaluating Environmental Performance
  • Construction Safety Management: Strategies for Preventing Accidents
  • Offsite Construction Methods and their Advantages in Project Delivery
  • Infrastructure Development in Developing Countries: Challenges and Solutions
  • Construction Project Risk Management: Identifying and Mitigating Risks
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Construction: Drones, Robotics, AI, etc.
  • Urban Development and Infrastructure Planning: Sustainable Cities
  • Lean Construction Principles and their Application in Project Management
  • Sustainable Materials in Construction: Evaluation and Utilization
  • Construction Procurement Strategies: Comparing Traditional vs. Modern Approaches
  • Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) in Construction Projects
  • Smart Buildings: IoT Integration and Automation in Construction
  • Construction Contract Management: Best Practices and Dispute Resolution
  • Cost Estimation and Control in Construction Projects
  • Building Resilience: Disaster-Resistant Construction Techniques
  • Affordable Housing Solutions: Innovative Approaches in Construction
  • Construction Waste Management and Recycling
  • Innovative Materials in Structural Engineering: Durability and Performance
  • Prefabrication and Modular Construction: Efficiency and Quality Improvement
  • Adaptive Reuse of Buildings: Sustainability in Retrofitting Projects
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Construction Practices
  • Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure Development
  • Health and Well-being in Construction: Improving Worksite Environments
  • Renovation and Restoration of Heritage Buildings: Preservation Techniques
  • Digital Twins in Construction: Applications and Benefits
  • Ethics and Sustainability in Construction Industry Practices
  • Building Resilient Infrastructure for Extreme Weather Events
  • Construction Technology Adoption: Barriers and Facilitators
  • Mass Timber Construction: Advantages and Challenges
  • Energy-Efficient Construction: Passive House Design and Implementation
  • Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) in Construction: Evaluating Environmental Impacts
  • Construction Project Management in Developing Countries
  • Building Envelope Design and Performance in Sustainable Construction
  • Resilient Infrastructure Planning for Climate Change Adaptation
  • The Role of Building Regulations in Ensuring Construction Quality and Safety
  • Net-Zero Energy Buildings: Design and Performance Analysis
  • Green Roof Systems: Benefits and Implementation in Urban Areas
  • Advanced Construction Materials for High-Rise Buildings
  • Integrated Sustainable Design and Planning in Construction Projects
  • Infrastructure Finance and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
  • Building Retrofit Strategies for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
  • Circular Economy Principles in Construction: Waste Reduction and Reuse
  • Sustainable Water Management in Construction Projects
  • Innovative Foundation Design and Construction Techniques
  • Smart Cities and Intelligent Infrastructure Development
  • Resilient Bridge Design and Infrastructure for Natural Disasters
  • Risk Assessment and Management in Large-Scale Construction Projects
  • The Use of Renewable Energy in Construction Projects
  • Industrialized Construction Methods: Advancements and Applications
  • Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Construction
  • Green Infrastructure Planning and Implementation in Urban Areas
  • Construction Site Management: Technology Integration for Efficiency
  • Sustainable Transportation Systems and Infrastructure
  • Safety Culture in Construction: Promoting Health and Safety Practices
  • Post-Disaster Reconstruction and Resilience Building
  • Energy-Efficient HVAC Systems in Building Construction
  • Sustainable Design Criteria for Residential Buildings
  • Innovative Techniques in Bridge Construction and Maintenance
  • Climate-Responsive Architecture and Building Design
  • Construction Innovation and Adoption: Case Studies and Success Factors
  • Green Concrete Technology: Sustainable Building Material
  • Building Information Management (BIM) for Facility Management
  • Innovative Approaches to Retrofitting Existing Infrastructure
  • Urban Renewal and Regeneration Projects: Case Studies
  • Collaborative Contracting Models in Construction Projects
  • Construction Project Governance and Stakeholder Management
  • Resilient Infrastructure Planning for Sea Level Rise
  • Timber Construction: Advancements and Challenges
  • Technology Integration in Construction Equipment and Machinery
  • Resilient Coastal Infrastructure Development
  • Sustainable Roadway Design and Construction
  • Affordable and Sustainable Housing Solutions for Developing Nations
  • Advanced Techniques in Structural Health Monitoring
  • Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management
  • Accessibility and Universal Design in Construction
  • Building Resilient Infrastructure for Earthquake-Prone Regions
  • Sustainable Construction and Waste Reduction Strategies
  • Advancements in Seismic Retrofitting Techniques
  • Construction Health and Safety Training Programs
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems in Infrastructure Development
  • Sustainable Materials and Methods for Pavement Construction
  • Construction Project Delivery Systems: Pros and Cons
  • Urban Redevelopment: Revitalizing Aging Infrastructure
  • Sustainable Practices in Tall Building Construction
  • The Role of Public Perception in Sustainable Construction Adoption
  • Innovations in Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure Projects
  • Environmental Impact Assessment in Construction Projects
  • Safety Culture and Behavior-Based Safety in Construction
  • Sustainable Construction Policies and Government Initiatives
  • Technology Integration for Disaster-Resilient Infrastructure
  • Design for Deconstruction and Reuse in Construction
  • Sustainable Practices in Construction Supply Chain Management
  • Infrastructure Development for Smart and Connected Communities
  • Construction Waste Reduction Strategies and Best Practices
  • Disaster-Resilient Housing Design and Construction
  • Urban Transportation Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility
  • Renewable Energy Integration in Infrastructure Development
  • Construction Industry Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Innovations in Construction Project Financing and Investment

These are a few of the topics we have catered to in the recent past. At we have an extremely talented pool of construction dissertation writers and they can suggest you well-organized thesis topics and help you with your dissertation. 

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Our construction management helpers are here to save your day

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Construction management helps to organize and to oversee construction teams. A large number of students pursue degree courses in this subject as it offers promising career opportunities. You can aspire to be an architect, construction risk manager or even an attorney specialized in construction. There are various accreditation programs offering a wide range of options to students. If you want to excel in construction management, you will have to develop a diversified approach. It is important to emphasize on business strategy and management techniques. But, all relevant concepts of construction management assignments may not be easy to grasp. Thus, every year, we develop easy construction management assignment answers through our management assignment help . If you are also struggling to find solutions for your case studies, homework, coursework etc, connect to our experts.

Thinking “who can do my construction management assignment for me”? Connect to us. Our construction management helpers are here to save your day. They have the expertise and experience to solve your assignment-related issues. You can rely on them because:

  • All our construction management assignment experts are highly qualified, they understand how to develop self-explanatory solutions for students. 
  • Our management experts never commence assignment writing before carrying out intense research. Thus, you will always receive well-researched solutions. 
  • Having years of experience in academic writing, they are proficient in working as per all referencing styles. You can get your work done as per your university criteria. is known for its distinctive, unmatchable and high-quality assignment writing help with construction management assignment. Our talented and qualified management writers make us one of the best assignment helpers. They will take no time in delivering quality work in your inbox. Because of their good work, students who have tried our construction management assignment help even once are all praises for us.

Having a tough time with pending assignments? If yes, then you should try taking our construction management homework help. The process of availing expert assistance from is just a matter of a few clicks. Have a look:

  • Share your assignment prerequisites : First of all, you will need to share your assignment requirements. We request to send complete information so that we don’t miss anything.
  • Get the final price quote : After assessing your information carefully, our customer support executive will get back to you with the final price quote.
  • Make payment for assignment help : Once you receive the quote from our end, you can pay for assignment online using any suitable gateway. Thereafter, our assignment writer will begin with your assignment.
  • Wait until our expert finishes your work : You will have to wait for a while. Our construction management expert will complete the work, proofread, edit and deliver it to you before your deadline

When you pay for construction management assignment, we ensure that you don’t have to stress your nerves anymore. All you need to do is to ask to write my assignment to us, and we will work as per your expectations. By trusting our team with your assignments, essays, coursework etc. you can easily get desired results without any hassle.

The construction industry has always been a prime business area. As a construction manager, you may have to play a vital role in construction site management. There are multiple skills required to be a construction manager which can be learnt by handling construction management assignments. 

  • You will learn the essential skills: You will practice time management skills, quality management, decision making, working drawing, human resources and public safety, etc. They need to ensure that the construction site doesn't collapse and should last longer.
  • You will learn to specify project objectives: The first function of a construction management assignment is specifying project objectives and plans to include budgeting, delineation of the scope, scheduling, selecting project participants and setting performance requirements. 
  • You will learn resource maximization: Construction management aims at maximizing the resource efficiency through the procurement of labour, materials and equipment. This contributes to the overall performance and cost-benefit of the site. 
  • You will learn to facilitate mechanisms: Another aspect of construction management is implementing various operations through proper coordination and control of planning, design, estimating, contracting and construction in the entire process. It is the role of the construction manager to facilitate effective communications and mechanisms for resolving conflicts.

There are so many complex topics in construction management. If you fail to understand them even after trying hard, you should never take risks with your academic grades. It would be a wise decision to ask for help in the areas you that you find tough. Take instant assignment help with management discipline from us. Here are the top priorities of our team that makes our construction management help stand out others:

  • You will receive your construction management assignment solutions within your deadline. We have a record of completing academic tasks on-time.
  • Our college assignment help with construction management comes at a very nominal price. Because we prefer to offer cheap construction management help.
  • We are here to help students 24*7. You can call us and say “write my construction management assignment” at any point in time.

At you will get the best construction management help online as we have the unmatched writers who work in accordance with the specifications provided. We promise you to uplift your grades.

Need construction management essays, paper or dissertation? We can do it all

There is a wide range of academic tasks that you may get to complete while pursuing a construction management course. Who can write my construction management essay? How to finish my thesis on construction management? If such questions keep coming to you, relax. can be a solution to all your tasks.

  • We have amazing essayists in our team having specialization in management. 
  • Our construction management experts can solve your case studies with ease.
  • Developing a research paper is tough. Thinking who can write my paper? Visit us we will do it.
  • You will get the best dissertation writing service for management disciplines from us.

With all these services, we stand tall as one of the best online assignment helpers for management. We have the potential to help you with all types of assignments. And, you can certainly gain valuable insights with our help.

Searching best construction management assignment help?

Pay construction management assignment experts at, frequently asked questions.

At we understand that meeting deadline is crucial. Thus, we begin with the work immediately once the order is confirmed. You can follow up on the status of your order for construction management help and stay rest assured. We will complete your assignment before your deadline.

Yes, we can efficiently write construction management essay on Green technology application. We have one of the best construction management essay experts on-board. You can rely on them for any topic and any type of assignment.

Knowing all the adverse effects of plagiarism in academic papers, we never put your grades at stake. When you say to make my construction assignment to our experts, they complete the work and check it on globally accepted plagiarism detectors for plagiarism.

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All our employees are acquainted with international standards and practices and undergo extensive training sessions to stay updated with the latest technologies and software to handle any challenges. The required CAD software updates are regularly applied to our workstations and we have a backup power supply to provide ad-hoc power during emergencies.

Communication and Software

Working across different time zones is not at all an issue with us. We keep our employees and systems updated with modern technological software and technical inventions. Our employees are capable of working in software like AutoCAD, Revit Software, Sketchup, and others.

Data Security

We know the importance and value of data security and hence take up every means to sure the information provided by our customers. We are equipped with advanced control systems that keep track of unauthorized accesses.

Client Support

Once any project is accomplished and delivered, our technical team remains available to the customers, through different communication channels like email, teleconferencing, FTP for file transfers, and others.

Core Values

At Logiseek Inc. our three corporate core values of Excellence, Commitment, and Transparency guide our business conduct and underpin all of our activities.

At Logiseek, excellence translates into all aspects in our workplace. We are agile in addressing new challenges and drive for best results. Our team encourages creativity, innovation, diversity of thoughts to foster open communication with our customers and build effecient collaborative teamwork.

As an organization, we create value. At Logiseek, commitment comes to life as we help shape the next generation of engineering services, by solving complex business problems intensely as we are intensely focused on serving our customers and help them achieve their business goals


At Logiseek, we are honest, transparent, and consistent in all that we do. At all times and situations, we pride our sense of professionalism that encourages an open line of communication with customers, partners, employees, regulators and other market participants.


Logiseek combines state-of-art infrastructure and a professional team of engineers and draftsmen. Most of our draftsman have 18+ Years Experience in providing innovative BIM services to Engineers, Architects, GC, Sub-Contractors & other Construction Industry Professionals. Our employees have successfully accomplished projects across industries including Hospitals, High Rise Towers, Airports, Industrial Plants, Stadiums, Universities, Infrastructures, Shopping Malls, Bridges and Dams, Restaurants, and more.

Logiseek technology and skill

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Our autocad designs.

Logiseek provides different types of CAD works like digitalization, raster to vector conversions, 2D and 3D drafting with exceptional quality to enable seamless collaboration among architects, engineers, contractors, and sub-contractors to facilitate quick decision making, accurate construction documentation and improved construction and facility management.

CAD drafting

House Models

CAD drafting

House Sketch

CAD drafting

Landscape Architectural Design

CAD drafting

Rapid Architectural Prototyping Models

CAD drafting

Structural Design

Our latest projects.

Being a leading AutoCAD provider, we have both skills and experience to handle offshore customers from different countries like the US, Europe, UK, Middle East and others. Here is a partial list of our current ongoing AutoCAD projects.

CAD drafting

latest Project

CAD drafting

Welcome to the Logiseek Blog, a resource for our website visitors to read informative articles, insights, tips, and industry best practice for pre-construction, virtual planning, 2D/3D CAD, IPD, and BIM. Read more about the benefits of these solutions to stakeholders operating in the AEC industry.

Cad drafting services

3 reasons why AutoCAD still is the first choice for Architects?

Till date AutoCAD is the obvious choice for all the architects. They are using this technology to get superior technical drawings ...

Cad outsourcing services

Few Tips for Cad outsourcing

Are you looking for cad outsourcing services? If your answer is yes then I’ll suggest you to read this blog before selecting any...

CAD drafting solutions

Is Solid Modeling Creating Buzz Amongst CAD Drafting Users?

The solid modeling represents the solid portions of object that are the models of any solid objects which are suitable for process...

cad drafting services

How AutoCAD Drafting brings huge changes in the mode of drafting?

AutoCAD was the most popular choice of drafting professionals who wanted to create 2D or 3D drafts or designs within short span of...


Logiseek strives to help its clients push the limits of excellence by consistently exceeding expectations, continuously improving processes and raising service standards.

I would like to thank you for all the hard work you have provided to us over the last years. Your company has delivered a service that is always fast and accurate, not to mention your company is easy to do business with every time.

Logiseek testimonials

Bill Johnson Jr

We have been using Logiseek for several years. We typically need to convert hand-drawn pdfs or tiffs to AutoCAD drawings and our clients are continually impressed with the quick response, accuracy, quality of work and cost that is provided by Logiseek.

Your draftsman seemed to catch on great. Thanks Logiseek, we couldn’t be more happy with everything you’ve done for us, and wouldn’t hesitate to use your services again in the future. Yes, I am very satisfied. Thanks for your great effort. I really appreciate your professionalis

Please help us help you and enable us to provide an appropriate and accurate response to your inquiry by submitting the Inquiry Form. Our support executives will respond within the next 24 hours…


Abandonment of Homestead - Declaration ​Acknowledgment Page

Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment

​Affidavit - Death of Join Tenant

Affidavit-Death of Transferor Under Revocable Transfer on Death Deed Affidavit - Death of Trustee - Succession of Successor Trustee Affidavit - Death of Trustee

​Affidavit of Death - Terminating Life Estate Interest Affidavit by Surviving Spouse - Section 13540 Probate Affidavit of Mailing All-Inclusive Deed of Trust and Assignment of Rents

​All Inclusive Deed of Trust and Assignment of Rents (Long Form) All-Inclusive Note Secured By Deed of Trust to Chicago Title Company as Trustee

Assignment of Deed of Trust Assignment of Mortgage Assignment of Note California All Purpose Acknowledgement Certification of Trust

Change of Ownership Statement by County

Change of Ownership upon Death by County Claim of Lien

​Claim for Reassessment Exclusion for Transfer Between Parent and Child (Locate Your County)

Claim for Reassessment Exclusion for Transfer Between GrandParent and GrandChild (Locate Your County)

​Corrective Affidavit for Minor Re-Recording Correction

​ Declaration of Homestead Declaration of Abandonment of Homestead Declaration of Non-Military Service Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure Deed of Trust with Assignment of Rents as Additional Security ​Deed of Trust with Assignment of Rents 

Deed of Trust with Assignment of Rents (Short Form)

​ Deed of Trust - Modification and Supplement Estoppel Affidavit

Full Reconveyance

Grant Deed - Interspousal

Grant Deed - Interspousal Transfer Grant Deed ​

Grant Deed - Interspousal Specific R&T63​ Grant Deed - Right of Survivorship​

​Grant Deed - Interspousal Community Property w/Right of Survivorship Grant Deed

​Grant Deed - Trust Transfer

Homeowners' Exemption by County

Homestead Declaration Interspousal Grant Deed Form 1 Interspousal Grant Deed Form 2 Interspousal Grant Deed ​ Interspousal Transfer Grant Deed

​Interspousal Grant Deed Specific R&T63

Interspousal Grant Deed Community Property w/Right of Survivorship Long Form Security Installment Land Contract with Power of Sale and Request for Notice of Default Prior Loan Paymen​t Memorandum of Option

​Military Discharge Recording Sheet

​Military Non-Service Declaration Modification and Supplement Deed of Trust Mortgage


Non-Military Service Declaration

​Note Secured by Deed of Trust (Interest Included)

​Note Secured by Deed of Trust (Interest Extra)

Note Secured by Deed of Trust (Straight Note)

Note Secured by Deed of Trust (Straight Note - Interest Only)

Notice of Cessation Notice of Completion Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under Deed of Trust Important Notice

​Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under Deed of Trust Cover Language Notice of Non-Responsibility   Notice of Rescission Notice of Termination of Right of First Refusal   Notice of Trustee's Sale

​Notice of Trustee's Sale Cover Language 

​ Option to Purchase (FKA Memorandum of Option) Partial Reconveyance Power of Attorney   Preliminary Change of Ownership (By County)

ProLink Acknowledgement  Publication of Authorization Quitclaim Deed Recorders Cover Page Release of Claim of Mechanic_x27_s Lien Request for Full Reconveyance Request for Notice  Request for Partial Reconveyance

Recording Exemption Cover Page for Building Homes & Jobs Act (SB2)

​Rescission of Reconveyance

​Rescission of Partial Reconveyance Rescission of Trustee's Deed

​Satisfaction of Judgment Satisfaction of Mortgage Specific Release of LIen as to Specific Property Statement of Information Spanish Statement of Information Subordination Agreement Substitution of Trustee and Deed of Full Reconveyance Substitution of Trustee

​Transfer on Death (TOD) Deed (Revocable) 

​Transfer on Death Deed (Revocation of Revocable)  Trust Certification Trust Transfer Grant Deed Form Trustee's Deed Upon Sale Uninsured Affidavit​

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construction assignment help


  • Borrowers Have Standing to Challenge Void Assignments of Their Loans

A California Court of Appeal reversed a trial court’s decision and held that a borrower may sue a bank for wrongful foreclosure when an attempted transfer of loan to a securitized trust occurred after the trust’s closing date.  ( Glaski v. Bank of America (— Cal.Rptr.3d —-, Cal.App. 5 Dist., July 31, 2013).

Bank of America acquired title to a California residence at a nonjudicial foreclosure sale pursuant to a successful credit bid under a promissory note and deed of trust.  The homeowner sued Bank of America.  The homeowner sought, among other things, to quiet title to his residence contending that the nonjudicial foreclosure sale was void due to an alleged defect in the chain of title of ownership of the promissory note and deed of trust under which the foreclosure sale was conducted.

The homeowner's loan originally was with Washington Mutual Bank.  After a number of assignments, the homeowner's promissory note and deed of trust were purportedly assigned to a securitized trust created under New York law that purportedly held title to the homeowner's promissory note and deed of trust in a pool of similar residential mortgages.  At the time of the foreclosure sale, Bank of America was the successor trustee of the securitized trust.  Bank of America directed the trustee under the deed of trust to foreclosure on the homeowner's home. 

The homeowner alleged that the transfer of his promissory note and deed of trust to the securitized trust occurred after the securitized trust closed and after the securitized trust could no longer accept assignments.  The homeowner alleged that the securitized trust did not own the promissory note and deed of trust due to this defect and, therefore, Bank of America could not foreclose on his home.  In a demurrer, Bank of America principally asserted that the homeowner lacked standing to challenge the validity of the assignment of the promissory note and deed of trust because he was not a party to the assignment agreement nor was he a third party beneficiary.

The Fifth District Court of Appeal reversed the trial court's decision sustaining Bank of America's demurrer and dismissing the homeowner's complaint.  It held that transfers that violate the terms of the trust instrument are void under New York trust law and borrowers have standing to challenge void assignments of their loans even though they are not parties to, or third party beneficiaries of, the assignment agreements.

If you have any questions concerning the content of this Legal Alert, please contact the following from our office, or the attorney with whom you normally consult.

Bruce A. Scheidt or Bruce A. Emard | 916.321.4500

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Legal Alerts do not represent the legal opinion of the firm or any member of the firm on the issues described, and the information contained in Legal Alerts should not be construed as legal advice. Should further analysis or explanation of the subject matter be required, please contact the attorney with whom you normally consult.

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    A California Court of Appeal reversed a trial court's decision and held that a borrower may sue a bank for wrongful foreclosure when an attempted transfer of loan to a securitized trust occurred after the trust's closing date. (Glaski v. Bank of America (— Cal.Rptr.3d —-, Cal.App. 5 Dist., July 31, 2013). Facts Bank of […]