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Marketing Cover Letter: 10 Examples & Writing Tips

cover letter marketing strategy

When applying for a marketing position, submitting a cover letter alongside your resume is essential to stand out to hiring managers. A marketing cover letter serves as an opportunity to explain your relevant experience, skills, and passion for the industry.

The purpose of a marketing cover letter is to highlight your unique selling proposition (USP) and showcase how your skills and experience align with the job requirements. It is also an opportunity to demonstrate your communication skills and attention to detail.

Importance of writing a customized Marketing Cover Letter

A customized marketing cover letter can increase your chances of landing an interview as it shows you have put in the effort to tailor your application to the specific role and company. This demonstrates your enthusiasm for the position and your ability to market yourself effectively.

Best practices for writing a marketing cover letter

When writing a marketing cover letter, it is important to keep it concise, highlighting only the most relevant experiences and skills. It should also be personalized, addressing the specific needs of the job and the company. Finally, it should showcase your creativity and writing abilities.

A well-written marketing cover letter serves as an important tool for job seekers to showcase their qualifications and demonstrate their fit for the role. In the following sections, we will explore 10 examples and writing tips to help you craft a compelling marketing cover letter.

Research the Company and Job Position

In today’s competitive job market, having a polished and effective cover letter can be the difference between landing an interview and getting passed over. One key element of this process is conducting thorough research on the company and job position.

cover letter marketing strategy

A. Importance of researching the company and job description

Before you start writing your cover letter, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of the company and its values, brand, and culture. Your goal is to show how your skills and experience align with the company’s goals and mission. Additionally, researching the job description will allow you to customize your application to the specific position you’re applying for, highlighting your relevant experience and qualifications.

B. Tips for conducting research on the company and job position

To begin your research, start with the company’s website, social media accounts, and any recent press coverage. Look for information about the company’s history, mission statement, values, and how they’re making a positive impact in their industry. Pay attention to any recent news related to the company, such as new product launches, partnerships, or any awards or recognitions.

Next, review the job description carefully and consider how your skills and experience match with the specific requirements and qualifications outlined. Do your best to speak to the specific skills and qualities that the company is looking for in a candidate.

Another way to gather insights on the company is to talk to current or former employees, industry professionals, or business contacts who have knowledge or experience in the company’s field.

C. The benefits of tailoring your cover letter to the job description and company culture

By customizing your cover letter to the company’s values and the job position, you’re showing the employer that you’re invested in their vision and eager to work for their organization. Hiring managers are always looking for candidates who are a good fit for the company culture, and tailoring your cover letter to match their values can set you apart from other candidates.

When writing your cover letter, be sure to use specific examples of your achievements, skills, and experience that relate to the job description and the company’s mission. By demonstrating your understanding of the company’s goals and showing how you can contribute to their success, you’re more likely to catch the employer’s attention and get an interview.

Conducting thorough research on the company and job position shows the employer that you’re serious and invested in the opportunity. By tailoring your cover letter to match the company’s culture and the job’s requirements, you can make a strong case for why you’re the right fit for the job.

Tips for Formatting your Cover Letter

A strong marketing cover letter can make a huge difference in your job application process. As you craft your cover letter, keep in mind that presentation and formatting are just as important as the content you include. Here are some tips for formatting your marketing cover letter:

A. Basic format of a marketing cover letter

A marketing cover letter should follow the standard format of a business letter. This means including your contact information at the top, followed by the date and the recipient’s contact information. Use a professional font and keep your letter to one page.

B. Essential elements to include in the cover letter

In addition to the basic format, there are certain elements that should be included in a marketing cover letter. First, make sure you address the hiring manager by name – this shows that you’ve done your research and are invested in the position. Next, introduce yourself and briefly explain why you’re interested in the job. Be sure to highlight your relevant experience and skills, and explain how they would make you a strong fit for the position. Finally, close your letter by expressing your enthusiasm for the job and thanking the hiring manager for their time.

C. Best practices for formatting your marketing cover letter

Here are a few additional best practices to keep in mind as you format your marketing cover letter:

  • Use bullet points to break up dense text and draw attention to important information.
  • Avoid using long paragraphs and blocks of text – keep it visually appealing and easy to read.
  • Bold or italicize keywords to make them stand out and emphasize your skills.
  • Use white space to your advantage – don’t cram too much content onto the page.
  • Use a professional tone and avoid using slang or overly casual language.

Formatting your marketing cover letter correctly can help ensure that your application stands out in a competitive job market. Remember to follow the basic format of a business letter, include all essential elements, and use best practices to make your content visually appealing and easy to read. With these tips in mind, your marketing cover letter can help you land your dream job in the field of marketing.

cover letter marketing strategy

Opening lines for Marketing Cover Letters

Crafting a compelling introduction is critical in marketing cover letters. It sets the tone for the entire document and leaves a lasting impression on the hiring manager. In this section, we will discuss some effective introductions to use, tips for crafting a strong introduction, and common mistakes to avoid.

A. Effective introductions to use in your marketing cover letters

The following are some examples of effective introductions for your marketing cover letter:

“As a seasoned marketer with over 5 years of experience in driving brand awareness and revenue growth, I am excited to apply for the Marketing Manager position at XYZ company.”

“Having honed my skills in digital marketing through working with top e-commerce businesses, I am confident that I can help ABC company achieve its marketing goals.”

“I have a passion for marketing and a proven track record of developing innovative marketing strategies. I would love the opportunity to apply my skills to the Marketing Coordinator position at LMN company.”

B. Tips for crafting a strong introduction that grabs attention

Follow these tips to craft a strong introduction that grabs the hiring manager’s attention:

Personalize the introduction by using the hiring manager’s name.

Start with an attention-grabbing statement that highlights your skills and experience.

Mention the company and position you are applying for in the introduction.

Tailor your introduction to the company and position you are applying for by researching the company’s values and mission.

End your introduction with a clear statement of your interest in the position and how you can help the company achieve its goals.

C. Common mistakes to avoid in the opening statement

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when crafting your opening statement:

Using cliches or generic phrases that do not differentiate you from other applicants.

Focusing too much on your experience without mentioning your interest in the company or position.

Writing a lengthy introduction that loses the reader’s attention.

Using informal language or slang.

Starting with a weak or irrelevant statement that does not grab the reader’s attention.

By following the above tips and avoiding these common mistakes, you can create a strong introduction that sets you apart from other applicants and impresses the hiring manager.

Showcase Your Skills and Experience

When it comes to crafting a winning marketing cover letter, it is crucial to showcase your skills and experience effectively. Here are some tips to help you highlight your marketing skills and craft a convincing narrative of your achievements:

A. Tips for Highlighting Your Marketing Skills

  • Focus on the skills that are most relevant to the position you are applying for. Take a close look at the job description and tailor your skills to match the requirements of the position.
  • Use specific examples to showcase your skills, such as successful campaigns you have worked on or specific marketing techniques you have used.
  • Highlight any awards or accolades you have received for your marketing work, as this can add credibility to your skills.

B. Crafting a Convincing and Relevant Narrative of Your Achievements

  • Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your achievements. This will help you tell a compelling story of how you contributed to the success of a marketing campaign or project.
  • Use quantitative data whenever possible to demonstrate the impact of your achievements. For example, instead of saying you increased website traffic, state exactly by how much.
  • Tie your achievements back to the requirements of the job you are applying for. This shows the recruiter that you have the skills and experience they are looking for.

C. Understanding What the Recruiter is Looking For

To make sure your cover letter stands out, it is crucial to understand what the recruiter is looking for. Here are some tips to help you do this:

  • Research the company and the position thoroughly. Look for information on the company’s values, goals, and marketing strategies, as well as the requirements of the position.
  • Use the job description as a guide. Look for keywords and phrases that match your skills and experience, and make sure to include them in your cover letter.
  • Show that you understand the challenges and opportunities the company is facing. This demonstrates your knowledge of the industry and your ability to contribute to the company’s success.

Showcasing your marketing skills and experience effectively in your cover letter can make all the difference in landing your dream job. By following these tips, you can craft a compelling narrative of your achievements and demonstrate your understanding of what the recruiter is looking for.

Give Specific Examples

One of the most effective ways to make your marketing cover letter stand out is by giving specific examples of your past achievements. Not only does this demonstrate your experience, but it also shows that you have a concrete understanding of the industry and a proven track record of success.

A. The Value of Giving Specific Examples

Recruiters and hiring managers want to see evidence that you can deliver results. Simply stating that you are a “results-driven marketer” will not be enough to catch their attention. By providing specific examples of how you have contributed to successful marketing campaigns in the past, you can clearly demonstrate your abilities and differentiate yourself from other candidates.

Moreover, specific examples can help you to paint a clearer picture of your skills and expertise. Rather than making broad, sweeping statements about your experience, which can be easily dismissed as generic buzzwords, specific examples add specificity and credibility to your claims.

B. Recent Accomplishments and How to Present Them

When selecting examples to include in your marketing cover letter, it is generally best to focus on recent accomplishments. This is because recent achievements are generally more relevant and indicative of your current abilities than those from several years ago.

When presenting your accomplishments, make sure to describe the results you achieved in a clear and concise manner. Use metrics and numbers whenever possible to quantitatively show your impact. For example, instead of saying “I managed a successful marketing campaign,” you might say, “I managed a marketing campaign that generated a 30% increase in website traffic and a 20% increase in sales.”

C. Tailoring Your Examples to the Recruiter’s Needs and the Company Culture

Finally, it is important to remember that every marketing role is different, and recruiters will be looking for specific skills and attributes based on the needs of their company. To make sure your examples resonate with recruiters, tailor them to the specific needs of the company and the role you are applying for.

Research the company’s culture and values, and try to identify examples that demonstrate how you align with their mission. Additionally, study the job description and identify the key skills and attributes the company is looking for. Then, select examples that showcase your abilities in those specific areas.

Giving specific examples in your marketing cover letter can be a powerful way to differentiate yourself from other candidates and demonstrate your expertise. By focusing on recent accomplishments, describing them clearly and concisely, and tailoring them to the needs of the company, you can increase your chances of landing your dream marketing job.

Benefits and Value Proposition

As a candidate for a marketing position, it’s crucial to showcase the value you can bring to the company. Your value proposition is a statement that explains what sets you apart from other applicants and how you can benefit the organization.

A. The importance of showcasing the value you bring to the company

Employers are always on the lookout for candidates with a unique skill set and experience that can add value to their company. By emphasizing your value proposition, you can demonstrate how you can contribute to the organization’s overall success. This can increase your chances of getting hired and getting the compensation you deserve.

B. How to emphasize the benefits of hiring you

To emphasize the benefits of hiring you, you should first understand the organization’s objectives and expectations. This can help you tailor your value proposition to align with their needs. You should also highlight your accomplishments and successes in previous jobs that are relevant to the position you’re applying for.

Another way to emphasize your value is to demonstrate your industry knowledge and expertise. Highlight your certifications, training, or relevant publications. You can also showcase your soft skills, such as critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork, which can help you stand out as a well-rounded candidate.

C. Best practices for positioning your value proposition

To effectively position your value proposition, you should keep the following best practices in mind:

Be specific: Avoid vague or general statements. Instead, provide concrete evidence and examples of how you have added value to previous companies.

Focus on the employer’s needs: Tailor your value proposition to address the employer’s needs, objectives, and expectations.

Be concise: Keep your value proposition succinct and to the point. Avoid rambling or going off-topic.

Use persuasive language: Use persuasive language to engage the employer and convince them of your value.

Highlight your unique selling proposition: Identify what makes you unique and valuable compared to other candidates. Also, don’t hesitate to mention your passion and enthusiasm for the position and the industry.

Showcasing your value proposition can significantly increase your chances of landing your dream marketing job. By being specific, focusing on the employer’s needs, and highlighting your unique selling proposition, you can position yourself as an invaluable and irreplaceable asset to the organization.

Professionalism and Tone

Professionalism and tone are essential elements of any effective marketing cover letter. A well-written and professional cover letter can not only make a good first impression but also set the tone for a successful job application process. Here are some essential guidelines for maintaining a professional tone in your marketing cover letter:

A. Essential Guidelines for Maintaining a Professional Tone

Use a formal tone: Your marketing cover letter should convey professionalism and expertise, so it’s essential that you use a formal tone throughout. Avoid using colloquial language, abbreviations, or slang terms.

Address the recipient appropriately: Address the recipient by their name, instead of using generic salutations like “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam.” This conveys attention to detail and shows that you have taken the time to research the recipient.

Keep it concise and to the point: Your cover letter should be concise and to the point, generally not exceeding one page. Use short, clear sentences without unnecessary elaboration or repetition.

Use active voice: Writing in the active voice imparts a sense of action and can make your cover letter more engaging. Avoid passive voice constructions that can make your writing appear lackluster.

B. Best Practices for Language and Tone

Apart from the essential guidelines outlined above, here are some best practices for language and tone in your marketing cover letter:

Show confidence: A confident tone shows that you believe in your abilities and are capable of delivering what the company needs. However, avoid overstatements or unrealistic claims.

Customize your language: Use language that resonates with the company or the job requirements. Use keywords, phrases, and terminology that the company or industry uses in their communications.

Use appropriate tone: The tone of your cover letter should match the company culture and values. If the company culture is informal, you may adopt a slightly informal tone. However, maintaining a professional tone is always recommended.

C. Avoiding Overused Phrases and Verbs

Using generic phrases and verbs can make your cover letter seem unimaginative and unoriginal. Here are some overused phrases and verbs to avoid:

“I’m a results-driven individual.”

“I’m a team player.”

“I have excellent communication skills.”

“I’m a problem solver.”

“I’m passionate about what I do.”

Instead, use specific examples that highlight your skills and experience. Use action verbs that convey power and describe a specific contribution you have made. For example, “Managed a successful campaign that increased sales by 20%,” or “Developed and executed a comprehensive social media strategy that increased engagement by 30%.” This approach not only makes your cover letter more compelling but also gives the employer a clear idea of your skills and accomplishments.

Call to Action and Follow-Up

One of the most important aspects of a marketing cover letter is the call to action (CTA) and follow-up. A well-crafted CTA can help differentiate you from other applicants and increase your chances of landing an interview. In this section, we will discuss the importance of CTAs, how to craft an effective one, and the best practices for following up with recruiters.

A. Importance of Call to Actions in Cover Letters

CTAs are crucial because they provide a clear and concise invitation for the recruiter to take action. Without a CTA, your cover letter may be considered incomplete or lack direction, leading the recruiter to move on to the next applicant. On the other hand, a well-placed CTA can guide the recruiter to take the desired action, whether that means scheduling an interview or reviewing your portfolio.

B. Crafting an Effective Call to Action

A good CTA should be brief, compelling, and aligned with your objective. The language used in the CTA should also be action-oriented, so the recruiter feels compelled to take the desired action. For example, a great CTA for a marketing cover letter might be:

“Let’s connect! I would love to discuss how my digital marketing expertise can help your company grow. Please feel free to reach me at [insert phone number or email] to schedule an interview.”

This CTA is both inviting and clear, indicating that the applicant is interested in the company’s growth and ready to discuss their qualifications during an interview.

C. Following up with the Recruiter after Submitting Your Cover Letter

The follow-up process is just as crucial as crafting a winning CTA. After submitting your cover letter, it is essential to follow up with the recruiter to express your continued interest in the position. Keep in mind that most recruiters receive numerous applications, and a follow-up can help you stand out from the competition.

A few tips for following up with the recruiter include:

  • Wait a few days after submitting your application before following up.
  • Keep your message clear and concise, reminding the recruiter why you are interested in the position and highlighting your qualifications.
  • Be professional and polite in your approach, keeping the recruiter’s schedule and workload in mind.
  • Use a call-to-action in your follow-up, such as asking for a phone call or in-person interview.

By following these tips, you can build strong relationships with recruiters and increase your chances of landing an interview. Remember, crafting an effective call to action and following up are both key components of a successful marketing cover letter.

Review and Editing Tips

As with any important document, your marketing cover letter requires thorough proofreading and copyediting. Even a small mistake can significantly reduce your chances of being considered for the position. Here are some tips to ensure your cover letter is error-free:

A. Proofreading and copyediting your marketing cover letter

  • Start by taking a break after writing your cover letter, then come back later with fresh eyes to review it.
  • Read your cover letter out loud to catch any awkward phrasing or spelling mistakes.
  • Use grammar and spelling tools such as Grammarly or Hemingway to help you identify any issues.
  • Have a friend or colleague review your cover letter as a second set of eyes.

B. Common mistakes to avoid

There are some common mistakes that applicants make with their marketing cover letters. To avoid these mistakes, keep the following in mind:

  • Do not simply repeat your resume – your cover letter should expand on your experience and skills.
  • Keep the tone professional, avoiding overly casual or slang language.
  • Avoid cliches and generic statements – instead, use specific examples to showcase your achievements and skills.
  • Make sure to address the hiring manager or recruiter by their name (if available) instead of using a generic greeting such as “To whom it may concern.”

C. Tips for submitting your marketing cover letter

When submitting your marketing cover letter, make sure to follow these tips:

  • Proofread your cover letter one last time before submitting it.
  • Save your cover letter as a PDF before submitting to ensure formatting remains intact.
  • Customize your cover letter for each position by highlighting how your skills and experience align with the job description.
  • Follow any specific instructions provided by the employer regarding submission or formatting.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your marketing cover letter effectively showcases your skills and experience while avoiding common mistakes. Remember, a well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference in landing your dream job.

Sample Marketing Cover Letters

When it comes to searching for a job in the marketing industry, drafting an effective marketing cover letter is vital. The cover letter serves as a chance for you to showcase your skills, experiences, and qualities relevant to the position you’re applying for. In this section, we’ll discuss examples of effective marketing cover letters, tips for leveraging these cover letters, and analyzing the structure, style, and content of sample marketing cover letters.

A. Examples of Effective Marketing Cover Letters

There are countless ways you can write your marketing cover letter, but the key is to create a compelling and impressive one. Here are some examples of effective marketing cover letters that you can use as a guide.

The “Storytelling” Cover Letter – In this type of cover letter, the writer tells a compelling story about their past experiences and how it led them to apply for the position they’re seeking. This way, the hiring manager can get to know the candidate, their achievements, and what drives them to succeed.

The “Data-Driven” Cover Letter – This type of cover letter emphasizes the candidate’s analytical and data-driven background. The writer should highlight their expertise in research, analysis, and data interpretation, and how these skills can add value to the company.

The “Creative” Cover Letter – This type of cover letter is perfect for those in the creative marketing field. The writer can showcase their creativity by adding visuals such as graphs or charts, or by presenting their information in an unconventional way.

B. Tips for Leveraging These Marketing Cover Letters

While these cover letter examples can serve as excellent templates, it’s crucial to customize and personalize it to fit your particular situation. Here are some tips for leveraging these marketing cover letters:

Analyze the job description – It’s essential to understand the requirements and responsibilities of the position you’re applying for so you can tailor your cover letter to address them. Make sure you showcase how your skills and experiences align with the job requirements.

Highlight your unique value proposition – What makes you stand out from other candidates? Make sure to showcase your unique qualifications and how they can add value to the position you’re applying for.

Be concise and to the point – Keep your marketing cover letter brief and to the point. The hiring manager shouldn’t have to read more than one page.

C. Analyzing the Structure, Style, and Content of Sample Marketing Cover Letters

The structure, style, and content of your marketing cover letter can make or break your chances of getting hired. Here’s how you can analyze them:

Structure – Your marketing cover letter should start with a captivating introduction, followed by your qualifications, experiences, and how they align with the job requirements. Lastly, end your cover letter with a compelling call to action.

Style – Use a professional and conversational tone in your cover letter.

Tips for Writing a Successful Marketing Cover Letter

Crafting a marketing cover letter that stands out from the rest can be a challenging task. However, with the right approach and a bit of creativity, you can write a compelling cover letter that will grab the attention of potential employers. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Highlight your achievements and skills

The goal of your cover letter is to demonstrate to the employer how you can add value to their organization. Therefore, it’s important to highlight your achievements and skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. For example, if you’ve successfully executed a marketing campaign that resulted in increased sales or engagement, mention it in your cover letter.

2. Research the company

It’s essential to research the company you’re applying to before writing your cover letter. This will give you a better understanding of their values, mission, and products/services. Use this information to tailor your cover letter to show the employer how you can contribute to their organization.

3. Be concise

Keep your cover letter brief and to the point. Employers receive dozens of applications, so you want to make sure that your cover letter stands out without being too lengthy. Ideally, your cover letter should be no longer than one page.

4. Use a professional tone

Your cover letter should be written in a professional tone. Avoid using casual language or slang. Instead, use formal language and proper grammar.

5. Show your passion for marketing

Employers want to hire someone who is passionate about their work. Use your cover letter to demonstrate your enthusiasm for marketing and the industry as a whole.

6. Include a strong call-to-action

End your cover letter with a strong call-to-action. This shows the employer that you’re serious about the job and that you’re eager to hear back from them. For example, you could express your interest in scheduling an interview or ask to discuss your qualifications further.

Writing a successful marketing cover letter requires a combination of research, skill, and creativity. By highlighting your achievements, tailoring your letter to the company, being concise and professional, demonstrating your passion for marketing, and including a strong call-to-action, you’re sure to impress potential employers and increase your chances of landing an interview.

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Effective Marketing Cover Letters: Templates and Tips

Discover how to craft the perfect marketing cover letter with our examples, templates, and expert tips. Get noticed and land your dream job.

Pansy Thakuria

Pansy Thakuria

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As a marketing professional, there are many things you could showcase or market to your future employer. Doing so with an apt marketing cover letter says a lot about how good of a marketer you are.

In this blog, you'll find examples, templates, and valuable tips to help you craft an effective cover letter for your marketing endeavors. Let's make your application stand out.

Marketing Cover Letter Template for beginners with no experience

Marketing Cover Letter Template for beginners with no experience

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I am writing to express my enthusiasm for the advertised Marketing position at [Company Name]. Although I am a beginner without direct experience, my skills, passion, and commitment set me apart.

Here's why I believe I'd be a valuable addition to your dynamic team:

1. Creative Storytelling: A knack for crafting compelling narratives and messages that resonate with diverse audiences. 2. Social Media Savvy: Proficient in navigating various social media platforms, creating engaging content, and staying on top of trending topics. 3. Adaptable Learning: Quickly grasp new concepts and technologies, eager to stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape. 4. Analytical Thinking: Adept at analyzing data to identify patterns and insights, translating numbers into actionable strategies. 5. Team Collaboration: Strong team player with excellent communication skills, ready to contribute ideas and work collaboratively towards common goals . 6. Customer-Centric Approach: Understanding the importance of customer satisfaction and tailoring marketing efforts to meet their needs.

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my fresh perspective and passion for marketing to [Company Name]. I am confident that my creativity and eagerness to learn will make me a valuable asset to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing how I can contribute to the continued success of [Company Name].

Sincerely, [Your Full Name]

Marketing Cover Letter Sample for professionals with experience

Marketing cover letter template for experienced marketers

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the [Marketing Specialist/Marketing Coordinator/Marketing Manager] position at [Company Name]. With over seven years of marketing experience, I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to your innovative team.

In my previous roles as [Marketing Assistant/Marketing Specialist/Project Manager], I successfully:

1. Analyzed [number] social media metrics, measuring campaign success in engagement, awareness, sentiment, conversions, and customer support.

2. Achieved a [percentage]% increase in consumer engagement by applying UX design principles to revamp a website and e-commerce system.

3. Led a team of [number], ensuring task completion and meeting client expectations and deadlines.

I am drawn to [Company Name] 's commitment to [mention specific aspects of the company or mission]. As an admirer of your work, I am excited about contributing to your mission.

My communication, creativity, problem-solving, and marketing software proficiency align well with the role's requirements. I am confident that my experience can exceed your client's expectations and fulfill their marketing needs.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity for an interview to discuss how my skills can contribute to the continued success of [Company Name].

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Don't know how to format your cover letter? We've got you covered: Cover Letter Guide with format, examples, and tips.

Marketing Cover Letter Example for professionals with experience

Marketing Cover Letter Example for professionals with experience

Dear [Employer's Name],

I am writing to express my enthusiastic interest in the Marketing Director position at ABC Marketing Solutions. With a proven track record in driving strategic marketing initiatives, I am confident in my ability to contribute significantly to your team's success.

Professional Highlights:

1. XYZ Agency - Marketing Manager:

  • O rchestrated a dynamic campaign, resulting in a 40% increase in brand awareness within six months.
  • Secured the top position on Google search results, driving a 25% boost in online lead generation through targeted SEO strategies.

2. XYZ Agency - Team Leadership:

  • Implemented a customer-centric approach, leading to a 30% improvement in customer satisfaction scores.
  • Executed a comprehensive social media strategy, doubling engagement rates and contributing to a 20% growth in customer acquisition.

3. LMN Corporation - Web Redesign & Email Marketing:

  • Redesigned the company's website and e-commerce platform, resulting in a 50% increase in online sales within the first quarter.
  • Achieved a remarkable 15% conversion rate through personalized email marketing campaigns, significantly enhancing customer retention.

My dedication to achieving measurable results, coupled with my passion for innovative marketing solutions, aligns seamlessly with the vision and goals of ABC Marketing Solutions. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my strategic mindset and proven expertise to your esteemed team.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to discuss how my experience and achievements can contribute to the continued success of ABC Marketing Solutions.

Sincerely, Emma Chapman

Sample Digital Marketing Specialist Cover Letter

Digital marketing specialist cover letter example

I am excited to apply for the Digital Marketing Specialist position at [Company Name] as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With a strong background in digital marketing and a passion for driving online engagement, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team.

In my previous role at [Previous Company], I successfully managed and optimized numerous digital marketing campaigns, resulting in a 30% increase in online engagement and a 20% boost in conversion rates. My expertise in SEO, content marketing, and social media strategy allowed me to create compelling campaigns that resonated with target audiences and drove measurable results.

One of my notable achievements was leading a comprehensive SEO overhaul for [Previous Company's Website], which led to a 50% increase in organic traffic within six months. By conducting thorough keyword research, optimizing on-page elements, and developing high-quality content, I was able to enhance the website's visibility and attract a more engaged audience.

I am particularly drawn to this opportunity at [Company Name] because of your commitment to innovation and your impressive track record in the digital marketing industry. I am eager to bring my skills in data-driven marketing, creative content development, and performance analysis to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my experience and skills can contribute to the continued success of [Company Name]. Please find my resume attached for your review.

Tips for Writing a Digital Marketing Cover Letter:

  • Highlight Relevant Skills: Focus on your digital marketing skills, such as SEO, PPC, content marketing, and social media management.
  • Showcase Achievements: Provide specific examples of your successes in previous roles, including metrics and outcomes.
  • Tailor to the Job Description: Customize your cover letter to reflect the requirements and responsibilities mentioned in the job posting.
  • Emphasize Innovation: Highlight your ability to stay current with digital marketing trends and your enthusiasm for implementing innovative strategies.

Marketing Coordinator Cover Letter Example

Marketing coordinator cover letter example

I am writing to express my interest in the Marketing Coordinator position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With a strong background in marketing project management and a keen eye for detail, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your dynamic marketing team.

In my previous role at [Previous Company], I successfully coordinated a variety of marketing projects, including product launches, promotional campaigns, and social media initiatives. By managing timelines, coordinating with cross-functional teams, and ensuring consistent communication, I was able to deliver projects on time and within budget.

One of my key achievements was coordinating the launch of [Previous Company's Product], which involved organizing a multi-channel marketing campaign. My efforts led to a 20% increase in brand visibility and a 15% boost in sales during the first quarter post-launch. I was responsible for managing content creation, scheduling social media posts, and coordinating events, ensuring a seamless execution of the campaign.

I am particularly drawn to [Company Name] because of your commitment to innovation and your impressive track record in the marketing industry. I am eager to bring my organizational skills, creative thinking, and passion for marketing to your team.

Tips for Writing a Marketing Coordinator Cover Letter:

  • Highlight Organizational Skills: Emphasize your ability to manage projects, coordinate with teams, and handle multiple tasks efficiently.
  • Showcase Relevant Experience: Provide specific examples of your contributions to marketing campaigns, events, or projects.
  • Demonstrate Enthusiasm: Express your excitement for the role and the company, and show your willingness to contribute to the team's success.

Looking for more cover letter options? Explore our collection tailored for various roles and levels of experience.

Cover Letter for a Marketing Internship
Cover Letters for Marketing Managers
VC Cover Letter
Tour Guide Cover Letter
Pixar Cover Letter

How to Write a Marketing Cover Letter in 8 Steps

Your marketing cover letter is an opportunity to showcase your personality. It's your chance to convince the employer that you're the right fit for the role.

Moreover, a well-crafted cover letter not only introduces you; it highlights your key achievements & how you can bring value to the company.

Here are 8 steps to write a cover letter for a marketing professional:

1. Start with a Catchy Opening:

Begin your cover letter with a strong and engaging introduction. Consider mentioning a notable achievement, expressing your passion for marketing, or sharing a relevant anecdote.

2. Address the Hiring Manager:

Whenever possible, address the cover letter to the hiring manager by name. It adds a personal touch and shows that you've done your research.

3. Highlight Your Relevant Skills:

Clearly outline the marketing skills you possess. This could include proficiency in social media, content creation, data analysis, campaign management, and more.

4. Showcase Achievements:

Use specific examples to demonstrate your impact in previous roles. Mention measurable outcomes, such as percentage increases, successful campaigns, or improvements in key metrics.

5. Express Enthusiasm for the Company:

Demonstrate your knowledge of the company by expressing why you want to work there. Mention specific aspects of the company's values, mission, or recent projects that resonate with you.

6. Connect Your Experience to the Job Requirements:

Tailor your cover letter to the specific job requirements. Draw connections between your experience and the skills and qualities the employer is seeking.

7. Conclude with a Strong Closing:

End your cover letter with a confident closing statement. Express your eagerness for an interview and thank the employer for considering your application.

8. Proofread and Edit:

Before sending your cover letter, carefully proofread it for errors. Check for grammar, spelling, and formatting to ensure a polished and professional presentation.

Keep it concise, focused, and tailored to the specific job you're applying for.

Tips for Writing a Great Marketing Cover Letter

Crafting an awesome marketing cover letter isn't just about listing skills. It's about bringing your passion and dedication to the forefront, especially in the dynamic world of marketing.

  • Customize Each Letter: Make each cover letter unique, matching your skills with what the marketing gig demands.
  • Shout Out Your Cool Experiences: Talk up your marketing gigs, focusing on stuff directly linked to the job you're gunning for.
  • Show Some Excitement: Let your enthusiasm shine through! Highlight what's super cool about the company that gets you stoked.
  • Keep It Clear and Snappy: Write as you talk—clear, to the point, and not too formal. Use bullet points to make it pop.
  • Triple Check for Typos: Keep it pro by giving your cover letter a once-over for any sneaky errors.
  • Stick to the Script: Use a standard format with a chill intro, a solid middle part, and a cool closing. Don't forget to drop your digits and end it like a pro.

Pansy Thakuria

This article has been written by Pansy Thakuria . She works as a Content Marketing Specialist at Vantage Lens . Her areas of interest include marketing, mental well-being, travel, and digital tech. When she’s not writing, she’s usually planning trips to remote locations and stalking animals on social media.

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Marketing Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Marketing Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Frank Hackett

  • Cover Letter Examples
  • Cover Letter Text Examples

How To Write a Marketing Cover Letter

As a marketing professional, you understand the importance of tailoring your brand messaging towards target audiences. The same principles apply to writing a winning cover letter.

Paint a picture of how your marketing expertise can create value for potential employers. This guide provides examples and expert tips to help translate your industry expertise into a powerful marketing tool.

Customer Cover Letter Templates and Examples

  • Entry-Level
  • Senior-Level

Marketing Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

Marketing Text-Only Cover Letter Templates and Examples

Mina Sayed Marketing Assistant | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | Philadelphia, PA 12345 | LinkedIn

January 1, 2024

Hector Santos Hiring Manager Ajax Gaming Studio (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Mr. Santos:

I’m interested in applying for the marketing coordinator role with Ajax Gaming Studio that I found on LinkedIn. During my time with Rise Marketing Inc., I drove social media marketing initiatives and improved followership by over 400% across all social channels. I can achieve similar results for your organization.

Ajax Gaming Studio’s innovative art style and storytelling drew me to apply for this opportunity. Having managed social media marketing efforts for a technology start-up, I can offer a fresh perspective to help you grow your brand’s digital presence. Below is a list of my most notable career achievements:

  • Oversaw all aspects of social media marketing for a premiere technology start-up, managed Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts, and increased followership by over 400%
  • Coordinated with the marketing team to establish a brand identity centered on trust and integrity and ensure alignment with target audiences and core demographics
  • Supported marketing initiatives for the launch of a new software product, coordinated social media campaigns, and raised awareness of online launch events

I look forward to telling you more about how expertise in social media marketing can benefit your organization. You may contact me via phone or email for any additional questions you may have about my background. I appreciate your time and consideration.

Aliya Jackson Digital Marketing Specialist | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | New York, NY | LinkedIn

Meiling Li Hiring Manager Alliance Marketing Co. (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Ms. Li:

I’m interested in applying for the digital marketing manager position with Alliance Marketing Co. As you can see from my attached resume, I have a strong history of building successful brands and developing innovative strategies to drive community engagement. My expertise in digital marketing would be an asset to your organization.

Alliance Marketing Co. has a reputation for its cutting-edge marketing strategy and brand storytelling that strongly aligns with my professional background. Throughout my career, I’ve defined brand messaging for clients across a variety of industries, including technology, fitness, travel and hospitality, and health care. I can achieve similar results for your organization based on my career accomplishments:

  • Managed all online marketing for a portfolio of 12 client accounts valued at $100,000 to $300,000, defined digital marketing strategy, and aligned brand messaging with target audiences
  • Drove search engine optimization (SEO) marketing initiatives, performed research to enhance keyword optimization, conducted link-building campaigns, and increased web traffic by over 200%
  • Enhanced social media presence for clients across Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, leading to a 55% increase in followers and a 72% increase in community engagement on average

I would like to schedule an interview to further discuss how my background in digital marketing can benefit your team. Feel free to contact me via phone or email at your convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Aliya Jackson

Joseph Corbin Marketing Manager | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | Seattle, WA 12345 | LinkedIn

Tyrone Jackson Hiring Manager Alliance Marketing Co. (987) 654-3210 [email protected]

Dear Mr. Jackson:

I’m reaching out regarding the marketing director job with American Airlines. In my previous role, I developed and implemented large-scale campaigns to enhance brand awareness for a premiere airline valued at $700 million. My industry knowledge and leadership capabilities would benefit your organization.

American Airlines’ reputation as a customer-focused, forward-thinking company is what draws me to apply for this opportunity. Throughout my career, I’ve successfully identified opportunities to enhance digital marketing efforts and grow brand awareness for enterprise organizations. I can achieve similar results for your company based on my prior achievements:

  • Oversaw large-scale campaigns to grow brand awareness, developed marketing strategy, led the redesign of the landing page, and increased sales conversions by 42%
  • Managed and built a 20-person marketing team, oversaw an annual budget of $30 million, coordinated digital marketing initiatives, and achieved a 150% return on investment (ROI) on average for marketing campaigns
  • Analyzed key performance indicators (KPIs), market indicators, and industry trends to revamp brand messaging and identity with an emphasis on diversity, inclusion, and equity (DEI)

I hope to speak with you further about how my marketing expertise within the airline industry would be an asset to your organization. You may contact me via phone or email at your convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Joseph Corbin

To write a great marketing cover letter, you need to craft high-impact content that differentiates you from the competition. Think about how you’ve effectively marketed brands and products in the past. This is exactly how you should approach your cover letter, by selling yourself as a candidate through a creative value proposition. Below, we’ll walk you through each step of the cover letter writing process to help you land your next big marketing role:

1. Contact information and salutation

List all essential contact information at the top of your marketing cover letter, including your name, phone number, email, and LinkedIn URL. Be sure to address the hiring manager by name — Mr. or Ms. [Last Name]. If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, use a variation of “Dear Hiring Manager.” This is preferable to salutations such as “To Whom It May Concern,” as this language is more direct and personal.

2. Introduction

As a marketing professional, you understand the importance of making a strong first impression. The same is true for your marketing cover letter, which is why it’s essential to lead with a powerful introduction. Draw attention to key aspects of your marketing expertise that match the job description, such as digital, social media, or SEO. Feature one of your most notable wins, especially if it can be supported with an eye-catching number or metric.

3. Body paragraphs

Continue to highlight your professional achievements in the body paragraphs of your marketing cover letter. Start by mentioning something specific about the company’s reputation or products and how you can help them grow brand awareness and market share. Emphasize how your marketing campaigns and strategies have generated positive results for previous employers . Demonstrate you can work effectively in team-based environments, as marketing initiatives are often highly collaborative.

Ajax Gaming Studio’s innovative art style and storytelling drew me to apply for this opportunity. Having managed social media marketing efforts for a technology start-up, I can offer a fresh perspective to grow your brand’s digital presence. Below, you’ll find a list of my most notable career achievements:

4. Marketing skills and qualifications

Providing a list of professional skills on your marketing cover letter is redundant, as most of this information should already be featured on your resume. That said, consider reinforcing key qualifications that align with the job description. For instance, if a company is seeking a digital marketing specialist, carefully weave SEO-related skills into your paragraphs. Below, you’ll find a list of keywords you may encounter during the job search:

Key Skills and Qualifications
Brand awareness Brand marketing
Brand messaging Campaign development
Content marketing Content strategy
Copywriting Cross-functional collaboration
Digital advertising Digital marketing
Email marketing Google Analytics
KPIs Marketing strategy
Product marketing Project management
Public relations Search engine marketing (SEM)
SEO Social media marketing

5. Closing section

Close out your marketing cover letter with a call to action that encourages the hiring manager to schedule you for an interview. Emphasize how your background in marketing can benefit your target company. Be sure to thank the hiring manager for their time and consideration in the last sentence.

Marketing Cover Letter Tips

1. tailor your cover letter to the job description.

A generic cover letter won’t increase your odds of landing the interview. To make a lasting impression on the hiring manager, carefully tailor your cover letter to each job you apply for. Mention something specific about the organization and emphasize how your marketing expertise would have a positive impact on their team. This shows that you’ve researched the company beforehand, which is also a key aspect of being a successful marketing professional.

2. Feature your marketing skill sets

It’s important to let your marketing skills and expertise shine on your cover letter. Rather than simply listing them, provide insights into how you’ve leveraged these skill sets to achieve results throughout your career. For example, developing a digital marketing strategy for a start-up company requires a very different type of approach in comparison to an established brand.

3. Highlight key marketing achievements

As you build your content, keep your most prominent marketing achievements at the forefront of your cover letter. Establish an appropriate context for your campaigns and initiatives. Tactically integrate hard numbers and KPIs to establish a sense of scope for your contributions. For example, if you led marketing campaigns for a smaller company, a percentage might appear stronger than a monetary figure.

Marketing Cover Letter FAQs

Why should i include a marketing cover letter -.

In addition to your skills, campaigns, and achievements, paint a picture of who you are as a creative marketing professional for the reader. Demonstrate how you’ve developed innovative marketing strategies to capture target audiences and grow brand awareness. Convey why you’re the right fit for the cultural fit for the organization.

Are cover letters becoming obsolete? -

Although many believe that cover letters have become obsolete, many companies still require them during the application process. According to a LinkedIn poll conducted by Forbes , 70% of correspondents voted that cover letters are no longer needed. While cover letters aren’t always required, writing one demonstrates your enthusiasm and genuine interest in the role you’re applying for. This can sometimes make all the difference in generating interviews during the job search.

How do I make my cover letter stand out? -

Craft a new cover letter in minutes.

Get the attention of hiring managers with a cover letter tailored to every job application.

Frank Hackett

Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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Paul Drury

Marketing cover letter example

Marketing cover letter example

Primary purpose

Secondary purpose, the cover letter header, the cover letter greeting, the cover letter introduction, the cover letter middle section (body), the cover letter conclusion and signature, using pull marketing in your job search.

When your short-form writing expertise revolves around power-packed imagery and less-is-more language, a marketing cover letter might seem like the most lackluster medium for showing prospective new employers what you can do. 

Nonetheless, cover letters remain a widely accepted way for job applicants in virtually all fields to reach out to their next potential employer. How can you take advantage of this opportunity to get your creativity noticed? How can you capture your marketing genius in 200 to 400 words? is the right place to turn for expert advice and support. Our job-winning resources include a wide selection of occupation-specific writing guides and free cover letter examples. 

This writing guide, along with the corresponding example of a marketing cover letter, will show you how to:

  • Appreciate the importance of a cover letter
  • Structure your cover letter to include all the necessary components
  • Convey the value of your marketing skills to maximum effect in each cover letter section: header, greeting, introduction, body and conclusion
  • Showcase your marketing accomplishments and their relevance to the new position you are seeking
  • Understand and appeal to the psychology of what makes someone hire a marketing professional
  • Avoid the most common cover letter writing mistakes made by job seekers in all occupations

Why you need a marketing cover letter: what are the core considerations?

You might think that writing a cover letter — sometimes called an application letter — would be second nature to a marketing specialist. But the nature of modern marketing finds some job seekers in this occupation ill-equipped for the task or preferring to skip it altogether. 

With a portfolio of online work samples to your credit, it may be tempting to try more creative ways of grabbing a hiring manager’s attention.

Given the dazzling variety of modern marketing approaches and proliferation of social media, in addition to  more traditional methods, the clichéd requirement of creativity for a marketing professional has never been more important.

Unlike a lengthy Twitter thread, every word of your marketing cover letter could very well be read carefully — a possibility that many marketing experts may find incredibly exciting.

This is not the “splatter some paint on a canvas and call it art” kind of creativity. To make the most of their time and resources, marketing professionals need a laser focus on their customers and a paint-by-numbers approach to getting their message out there in varying ways. Each medium requires a different version and delivery of the desired message, and each audience has different preferences for consuming their information.

Conveying this “rational creativity” must be at the heart of any marketing resume and cover letter. It might be art with a surgical precision and a dispassionate analytical eye, but it is still art. Getting people to feel what you want them to feel is a key business challenge. You need to go beyond saying “I am creative.” After all, that is not very creative in itself.

Describe some of your successful marketing projects that have required a wildly creative approach. Talk about results that will make the reader wonder how you make them happen. Give readers a sense of magic and wonder when reading your cover letter. If your dream employer wonders, ”Wow, how did this marketing whiz do that?” the impact of your creativity will be implicit.

Create a portfolio website with some of your projects While your marketing cover letter definitely won’t allow enough space to elaborate on your creative exploits, this is the place to awaken the recruiter’s interest in discovering more. Make it easy and inviting to visit a website that provides more detail about your work.  You can link to social media campaigns, display  visuals and share some of your longer-form writing samples. This accompaniment to your resume and cover letter descriptions can really bring your expertise to light. As an online portfolio, this type of website need not be complicated —– just a one-pager with images and some links.

While creativity is essential and relatively easy to demonstrate in your marketing cover letter, it is not enough to set you apart from other job candidates. Organizational skills and effective communication lie at the core of every great marketing professional’s asset mix. The nature of marketing means that doing more is always possible, but it's easy to fall into the trap of being a busy fool. Taking on too much and not delivering on any of it will result in a hot communication mess that confuses rather than inspires.

Assuring future employers that your communication and organizational strengths will prevent this from happening is imperative. So sprinkle descriptors that center around communication and organization throughout your resume and cover letter. Although cover letter real estate is at a premium, a sentence affirming how much you value these attributes is well worth it. Saying so explicitly leaves no room for lingering doubts in the hiring manager’s mind before scheduling an interview with you.

Looking for additional inspiration for cover letter writing? Check out our other marketing-related cover letter examples and writing guides: 

  • Digital Marketing cover letter sample
  • Marketing Manager cover letter sample
  • Social Media Manager cover letter sample
  • Writer cover letter sample
  • Marketing Coordinator cover letter sample
  • Event Coordinator cover letter sample
  • Public Relations cover letter sample
  • Event Manager cover letter sample
  • Marketing Assistant cover letter sample
  • Brand Ambassador cover letter sample
  • Copywriter cover letter sample

Best format for a marketing cover letter: what it should look like

The structure of your message will help determine its impact, which is why appearance matters when you create a marketing cover letter.  While conveying as much creativity as possible, it should follow a conventional structure consistent with the recruitment process itself. It makes sense that hiring managers will have certain expectations of where to find certain information.

Let’s look at the best format for structuring your marketing cover letter to include these components:

  • The greeting
  • The introduction
  • The letter body
  • The conclusion
  • The signature.

Marketing Sample Cover Letter Example - Best format for a marketing cover letter

In addition to this marketing-specific guide, shares further advice in our comprehensive guide to writing cover letters - it is worth a read.

As previously suggested, certain aspects of your marketing cover letter should remain mundanely practical. Just as you would include contact details at the end of a blog, your cover letter header must contain all the required information should a reader want to connect with or find out more about you.

Resist the urge to be overly creative in the header; stay away from fancy fonts or other means of attracting more attention than necessary. 

But do keep in mind the header's useful dual purpose — giving readers a few seconds of mental headspace to collect their thoughts and get ready to digest the cover letter's main messages.

Goal of the cover letter header: A practical formality for identifying you and making it easy for the recruiter to learn more and follow up.

In the same way that effective marketing messages reflect your understanding of the target audience, a successful marketing cover letter demonstrates your best effort to address the recipient as directly and personally as possible.

The traditionally formal “Dear Mr. / Ms. Surname” is still the greeting of choice. But if you are unable to find out the name of the hiring manager or HR contact, writing “Dear Company Name Hiring Manager” or “Dear Marketing Position Hiring Team” is preferable to the colder “To Whom It May Concern.” Marketing is a people-first occupation, so injecting personalized warmth into the greeting is a good way to start off your letter.

Do your research and consider the corporate culture of your future employer. How would you imagine their clients being addressed in formal communications? That is the tone that you should be seeking to strike.

Goal of the cover letter greeting: Make the right choice of targeted personal connection  to set the tone of your letter.

Dear Ms Berger,

Marketing professionals know that first impressions count. The people reading your cover letter introduction anticipate you will be bringing out the big guns in these first couple of lines, so make sure not to disappoint.

If you fail to write anything impressive, or at least engaging, in your cover letter introduction or resume summary, then the reader’s interest will likely wane rapidly. Grab the attention of hiring decision-makers and come up with something that puts you in a favorable class of your own.

Provide a snapshot of an award-winning marketing campaign or the messaging that you helped a famous brand to reinvent. Pleasantly surprise potential employers with an accomplishment that they might not have thought was possible, so their imagination runs wild. Make them wonder what else you might be capable of achieving.

Pick the one career story that you want to talk about most in your interview and then package it in an irresistible cover letter introduction.

Goal of the cover letter introduction: Make it impossible for the recipient to stop reading or stop thinking about your potential value to the employer.

Having surveyed over 8,000 pet owners in a previous role, I understand that it doesn’t matter whether you own a tarantula or a turtle: what animals need and what their owners think that they need can differ wildly. How pets make people feel is one of my obsessions and something that I explore with the 52,000 subscribers on my weekly blog. Understanding customers - both animal and human - is central to my marketing success.

The body of a marketing cover letter must send a couple of clear messages about the writer’s ability to communicate powerfully and effectively. Neither style nor substance can be compromised in this showcase for your marketing talent in action.

If the reader doesn’t come away thinking, “Yes, those are the reasons why I will hire that person,” then your cover letter has fallen short in the middle section.

With so much to say about your career, the discipline it takes to do so sparingly but effectively in your cover letter is a tall order. Stick to your two most relevant and impactful stories that will make your future employer sit up and pay attention. Tell them with emotion and leave recruiters wanting to hear more in an interview.

Do hint at your soft and hard skills within each story you tell. Sell your achievements and experience where possible, but don’t let the detail detract from the message. Be clear about what you want to say and why you want to say it.

Goal of the cover letter body: Convey your understanding as a marketing professional that how you write something is almost as important as the content itself.

In the Marketing Manager role at Chewy, you will need someone who has experience delivering monthly new ranges with engaging communications and viral marketing, someone who can write articles to rank at the very top of the Google listings and who can help pet parents to realize their dreams of making their little darling’s life that little bit more pleasant. My five years at Petco were rewarding; but I am now moving to Dania Beach and hope that this speculative letter and resume might spark some interest. Judge me on my results:

  • Increased toys and grooming traffic by 320% and conversion rate from 9% to 16%.
  • Wrote over 80 articles and moved our average Google ranking from #7 to #2.
  • Compiled product marketing strategies and tactical roadmaps for all categories.
  • My award-winning “pet parenting” blog drives significant traffic for my employer.  

Analytical decision-making and meticulous research are key to signposting success in an industry where emotions can cloud judgement. While I have worked my whole career in pet care, I do not own a pet myself as I believe that dispassionate thought is at the heart of making great marketing decisions. Having said that, I have a soft spot for bunnies.

As with any marketing message, it is important to anticipate the impact on your audience. The final lines of your marketing cover letter will last longer than any other part in the reader's memory, so it is vital to judge the tone of your call to action correctly. 

It should sound self-assured enough to convey your belief in what you are saying, but it cannot verge on arrogance. Show this employer that you understand what the job entails and leave them with one final reason to give your resume a closer look.

Let the hiring manager know that you are available for an interview at any time. Maybe leave a link to your creative portfolio or just express that you are keen to work with this employer. Positivity goes a long way in starting off a relationship.

Finally, sign off with “Sincerely,” or “Best regards,” or "Best," above your name.

Goal of the cover letter conclusion and signature: End with a confident and powerful call to action that backs up your core messages.

If you are interested in finding out more, I would welcome an interview to discuss how I will inspire your customers and delight their pets. Best regards, Monica Walton

Writing psychology – marketing cover letter tools and strategies

When a hiring manager is reading your cover letter, certain psychological buttons must be pressed for you to be considered an impressive candidate. 

The following five aspects of your marketing experience should ideally come across:

  • Customer focus: Understanding the needs and wants of your target customer is key to marketing. Your cover letter should show that you can apply the same analytical techniques in understanding the demands of the role in question.
  • Creativity: Critical and creative thinking set the very best marketeers apart, as they always find the most optimal ways to get their messages out into the world. Find ways to highlight your innovative thinking in your cover letter writing.
  • Data analysis: Data-driven marketing leads to the best outcomes. You gather and interpret the data, measure the metrics, come up with relevant insights and present the findings in a visually powerful way. Critical keywords in this regard belong in your marketing cover letter.
  • Soft skills: Polished communication skills and a carefully honed emotional intelligence allow marketing professionals to get things done and influence others. Show that you can solve problems and that you are adaptable in finding solutions.
  • Campaign management: Project management and delegation skills are key to making things happen. Your cover letter should convey how well you manage others to achieve your objectives.

Marketing Sample Cover Letter Example - Certain psychological buttons be pressed

The concept of “pull marketing” is common in a world dominated by social media. You build a strong brand and communicate your value proposition by attracting customers with compelling content. This generates demand, boosting sales and the number of loyal customers. In many ways, your cover letter and resume are your personal marketing collateral.

Your marketing cover letter may be read by a wide range of people you hope to influence to take action. You want them to call you and invite you for an interview. You want your marketing messages to steer interviewers in the right direction and prompt them to ask the questions you want to answer. 

Pull marketing should elicit a reaction. In a job search context, it is the only part of the process that applicants truly control. You decide how your resume and cover letter look and you decide how they are written. The rest is a reaction to those communication media. That is why it is so important to get every aspect right.

To understand how to influence all potential employers, you must demonstrate solid market research skills. Make sure that you fit their plan rather than them fitting yours. You are in control of showing that you meet their requirements. Entice your next employer with every marketing trick in the book.

Mistakes to avoid with your marketing cover letter

While much of the advice in this guide is marketing-related, we should point out some of the basic mistakes that commonly appear in cover letters across all occupations. Of course, marketing professionals should avoid these at all costs.

  • Overpromising is dangerous. Less-than-truthful descriptions of your marketing successes can lead to embarrassment at the interview stage, when you might be held accountable. Keep it real.
  • Personalize without getting too personal. Rarely will you know the hiring manager personally, so don’t be too familiar in the cover letter. Be vivacious and eager, but err on the side of a formal tone and maintain a professional distance at this introductory stage.
  • Don’t go mad with adjectives. Effective communication is perfectly possible without an overwhelming stream of adjectives to dilute the impact of your stories. Concise communication is critical in marketing. If you don’t need to embellish with adjectives, don’t.
  • Pay attention to formatting details. The smallest mistake in marketing copy or delivery can last much longer in a reader's memory than the message. Make sure that there are no spelling, grammatical or formatting errors, as they will reflect badly on you.

Key takeaways for a marketing cover letter

  • Show off your short-form communication skills with powerful messaging.
  • Create a targeted “paint by numbers” career story for your cover letter.
  • Don’t let practical essentials, such as contact information and other details, be sacrificed by your creativity.
  • Ensure that you are pressing all the right marketing behavioral buttons.
  • Make sure that your application letter is designed to “pull in" the right employers.

Marketing Sample Cover Letter Example - Key takeaways for a marketing cover letter

As an essential accompaniment to your marketing resume, an effective cover letter brings your dream marketing job one step closer. can make the writing part easier with its cover letter builder and collection of ready-made and carefully market-researched templates in four design categories: Simple, Professional, Modern and Creative. Simply click on one you like and start writing. 

Free professionally designed templates

How to Write a Marketing Cover Letter: The Unconventional Guide

If you're applying for a marketing job, you can't send an ordinary, boring cover letter. You need a marketing cover letter: One that "sells" you to the recruiter so effectively that they cannot resist reading your resume and inviting you for an interview. We show you how in this post.

Marketing cover letter: The unconventional guide

Getting that coveted marketing job begins with writing a powerhouse cover letter. It gives the hiring manager an excellent first impression of you, convinces them to read your marketing resume, and persuades them to invite you for an interview.

marketing cover letter

Leverage digital marketing apprenticeships to make your marketing cover letter more impressive.

“How do I write a cover letter for a marketing position?”

Now, you can find plenty of cover letter guides, templates, and examples online. But if you’re applying for a marketing job, then your cover letter must do even heavier lifting. It can’t be ordinary or boring. It needs to be engaging and creative.

If you’re applying for a marketing position, then you need a marketing cover letter.

It’s your first marketing test: Can you sell yourself on your cover letter? If not, then what does that say about your marketing skills?

This is why in our job search program, Acadium Plus , we teach our students how to write not just any cover letter but marketing cover letters—making it almost impossible for the hiring manager to resist interviewing them.

How do you sell yourself in a cover letter? Not by following conventional cover letter advice and templates. And that’s what this post is all about.

Keep reading to learn how you can create a cover letter that is, in fact, a marketing piece.

What do you put in a marketing cover letter?

cover letter marketing strategy

Everything in a marketing cover letter should perfectly align with the requirements of the job you’re applying for. (Photo by  Andrea Piacquadio )

One of the biggest decisions you have to make is what to include in your cover letter. Think of it as a “trailer” for your marketing resume : it’s a teaser of what’s to come (in your resume) but doesn’t tell the whole story. They’ll have to read your resume and interview you for that!

How do you write a cover letter that does all that?

We recommend including the following elements in your marketing cover letter:

1. Introductory sentence

What is the best way to start a cover letter? Forget those boring first sentence examples where you simply state what role you’re interested in and where you saw the job posting.

Instead, begin with an introductory sentence stating specific skills you have, which are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

For example:

As a well-rounded marketer specializing in paid search and data analysis, I believe I have the background and experience to succeed in the Paid Advertising Manager role.

2. Three key points

Highlight three areas of experience, skills, or competence that tell why you’re the best fit for the role. These should perfectly align with the job requirements. There should be a one-to-one correspondence between the top three things they’re looking for and the three key points you highlight.

Read and analyze the job description to identify the employer’s top three requirements for the role. And then for each requirement, identify a specific example of how you meet it. Those are the three key elements you will include in your cover letter.

Here’s an example of how you might write about one key point:

The job description says you’re looking for someone with a data-driven marketing mindset. As an expert in Excel, I focus on data, as well as my instincts, to drive my marketing channel optimization decisions and strategies. For example, in my current role as data analytics apprentice for Acme Corporation, I managed the paid ads dashboard. By analyzing the data, I identified a way to optimize the company’s Facebook ads, which resulted in a 50% increase in conversion rates and a 30% decrease in cost per acquisition.

Do the same for the remaining key points you’ve identified.

If you’re just getting started in marketing, you may be wondering, “How do I write a cover letter for marketing with no experience ?”

If you don’t have a directly relevant qualification to point out, you must get creative. You have two options:

  • Find something relevant . Dig deep into your past to find a relevant experience you may be overlooking. Don’t forget volunteer work, pro bono work, school projects, personal hobbies, internships, and apprenticeships .
  • Make an experience you do have, relevant . The other option is to identify a transferable skill or experience, and explain how it can apply to the role. Skills like problem solving, creativity, and resourcefulness, for example, are transferable and valuable in any job.

Thin Marketing Experience?

3. end with a cliffhanger.

A common question we hear is, “How do you end a cover letter?” Great question!

We recommend ending your cover letter with a cliffhanger—a curiosity-arousing nugget—that gives the recruiter a compelling reason to interview you.

What works particularly well is citing hard numbers and then inviting the hiring manager to a conversation.

Something like this:

I look forward to discussing how I was able to decrease CPC by 11.7% and achieve a CTR of 32% in a recent Google ads campaign.

Another variation is to quote a former supervisor or client giving you positive feedback. For example:

Would you like to know why my manager calls me the “Facebook ads whisperer?” Let’s talk!

7 more tips for writing a marketing cover letter

how to write a marketing cover letter

Think of your cover letter as your first marketing test: How well can you sell yourself to the Hiring Manager? (Photo by  Armin Rimoldi )

Now you know the three main parts of a marketing cover letter. Here are a few more tips to keep in mind:

1. Make the cover letter easy on the (recruiter’s) eyes

A cover letter should only be one page long. It also needs to be easy to read. Remember, recruiters have to go through hundreds of applications, on average. They’ll be quickly skimming and scanning over cover letters.

Make it easier for them to do so:

  • Avoid long sentences
  • Cut down or split up long paragraphs
  • Break up text with sub-headings
  • Use bullet points
  • Use bold and italics for emphasis (but don’t overdo it!)
  • Steer clear of busy page designs and layouts

2. Match the tone of the job description

Not sure whether to use a formal or a casual tone? Take your cue from the culture of the company you’re applying to. In general, if it’s to a Fortune 500 company, your cover letter should probably be more formal than casual. Even then, you should still avoid sounding stiff and stuffy.

Should you use humor when applying to a casual workplace? If you’re naturally funny, try it. Otherwise, it might be best to avoid.

3. Use numbers, numbers, numbers

Always cite concrete results. Use numbers whenever possible, and be ready to back them up with documentary evidence. Screenshots and reports from Google Analytics and other platforms you use are great sources of marketing metrics you can leverage on your cover letter and resume.

4. Don’t stress out over addressing a specific person

Conventional advice tells you to do the research to find the name of the specific person who’ll be evaluating the job applications. If you can do so, then go ahead. Let’s say you know someone in the company who can easily get you that information, then great.

But if the research will take you more than a few minutes, then you’re probably better off addressing the cover letter to “Hiring Manager.” From experience, this step isn’t not necessary. Sure, it’ll catch the recruiter’s attention if you’re able to address them by name. But by no means does this make or break your chances of getting hired. You’re better off using the time and energy on polishing your marketing cover letter and resume.

5. Make sure your marketing cover letter is ATS-compliant

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a software some companies use to screen all the cover letters and resumes they receive. This saves them time from having to sift through applications manually.

If your cover letter and resume are not ATS-compliant, they could be rejected by the ATS. This means your application may never be seen by human eyes.

To make sure ATS can read your cover letter, follow these tips:

  • Use a single-column layout
  • Don’t use tables
  • Use standard fonts
  • Repeat keywords from the job description
  • Keep from using special characters, images, and diagrams
  • Run your cover letter through a free ATS checker to see if it’s “robot approved.”

6. Show enthusiasm

Don’t be afraid to express how enthusiastic and passionate you are about the job. This gives your cover letter personality. Hiring managers also find that positive energy attractive.

7. Always send a marketing cover letter

Some job postings may not require you to submit a cover letter, instructing applicants to simply send a resume. Others may say a cover letter is optional. Even then, it’s a good idea to send a cover letter anyway.

In a survey of 200 hiring decision-makers, 83% of respondents said cover letters “are important” in their hiring decisions. An equal percentage (83%) also said a well-written cover letter can get you an interview—even if your resume doesn’t measure up.

That’s how powerful a good cover letter is!

Download this marketing cover letter template

Before you go, we’ve put together this marketing cover letter template to remind you of the key takeaways from this post.

Marketing Cover Letter Template

Try this marketing cover letter template on your next job application. It just might increase your chances of getting to the next step: the interview .

Lexi Rodrigo is the former Content Manager at Acadium. As a marketing and communications professional and course creator, she helps remarkable brands get seen, heard, and known. She has been a digital marketer and copywriter since 2008. She's also the co-author of "Blog Post Ideas: 21 Proven Ways to Create Compelling Content and Kiss Writer's Block Goodbye." When she's not reading or writing, Lexi bakes bread, grows food, and takes long walks. Connect with Lexi on LinkedIn.

cover letter marketing strategy

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Digital marketing is a dynamic field that offers diverse career opportunities. From search engine optimization to social media marketing, there are many specializations to explore. Whether you're just starting out or looking to switch careers, this guide will help you find your ideal digital marketing niche.


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StandOut CV

Marketing cover letter examples

Andrew Fennell photo

You’re creative, organised and adaptable; you’re perfectly suited to the challenges of the marketing industry.

Now you just need to prove it to the recruiter with an engaging cover letter that highlights your achievements and most impressive statistics.

Below, we’ll share some marketing cover letter examples, along with a whole host of top tips to help you make your case.

CV templates 

Marketing cover letter example 1

Marketing cover letter 1

Build your CV now 

Marketing cover letter example 2

Marketing cover letter 2

Marketing cover letter example 3

Marketing cover letter 3

These 3 Marketing cover letter example s should provide you with a good steer on how to write your own cover letter, and the general structure to follow.

Our simple step-by-step guide below provides some more detailed advice on how you can craft a winning cover letter for yourself, that will ensure your CV gets opened.

How to write a Marketing cover letter

Here’s how you can write your own eye-catching cover letter, broken down into simple steps.

How to write a cover letter

Write your cover letter in the body of an email/message

When writing your Marketing cover letter, it’s best to type the content into the body of your email (or the job site messaging system) and not to attach the cover letter as a separate document.

This ensures that your cover letter gets seen as soon as a recruiter or employer opens your message.

If you attach the cover letter as a document, you’re making the reader go through an unnecessary step of opening the document before reading it.

If it’s in the body of the message itself, it will be seen instantly, which hugely increases the chances of it being read.

Write cover letter in body of email

Start with a friendly greeting

Cover letter address

Start you cover letter with a greeting that is professional but friendly.

This will build rapport with the recruiter whilst showing your professionalism.

  • Hi, hope you’re well
  • Hi [insert recruiter name]
  • Hi [insert department/team name]

Avoid overly formal greetings like “Dear sir/madam ” unless applying to very traditional companies.

How to find the contact’s name?

Addressing the recruitment contact by name is an excellent way to start building a strong relationship. If it is not listed in the job advert, try these methods to find it.

  • Check out the company website and look at their  About page. If you see a hiring manager, HR person or internal recruiter, use their name. You could also try to figure out who would be your manager in the role and use their name.
  • Head to LinkedIn , search for the company and scan through the list of employees. Most professionals are on LinkedIn these days, so this is a good bet.

Identify the role you are applying for

After you have greeted the recruiter, it’s important to state the job you are applying to.

Recruiters are often managing multiple vacancies, so they need to know exactly which job you are referring to.

Be as specific as possible and use a reference number if you can find one.

Here are some examples you can use;

  • I am interested in applying for the role of admin assistant with your organisation.
  • I would like to apply for the role of Sales assistant (Ref: 4057393)
  • I would like to express my interest in the customer service vacancy within your retail department
  • I saw your advertisement for a trainee project manager on Reed and would like to apply for the role.

See also: CV examples – how to write a CV – CV profiles

Highlight your suitability

The sole objective of your cover letter is to motivate recruiters into to opening your CV. And you achieve this by quickly explaining your suitability to the roles you are applying for.

Take a look at the job descriptions you are applying to, and make note of the most important skills and qualifications being asked for.

Then, when crafting your cover letter, make your suitability the central focus.

Explain why you are the best qualified candidate, and why you are so well suited to carry out the job.

This will give recruiters all the encouragement they need to open your CV and consider you for the job.

Cover letter tips

Keep it short and sharp

When sending a job application to a recruiter or hiring manager, it is important to remember that they will normally be very busy and pushed for time.

Therefore, you need to get you message across to them quickly (in a matter of seconds ideally). So, keep your cover letter short and to-the-point. A long waffling cover letter will overwhelm recruiters when they are running through hundreds of emails in there inbox, but a concise one will get their attention.

So, keep your cover letter to just a few sentences long, and save the extensive detail for your CV.

Sign off professionally

To round of your CV, you should sign off with a professional signature.

This will give your cover letter a slick appearance and also give the recruiter all of the necessary contact information they need to get in touch with you.

The information to add should include:

  • A friendly sign off – e.g. “Kindest regards”
  • Your full name
  • Phone number (one you can answer quickly)
  • Email address
  • Profession title
  • Professional social network –  e.g. LinkedIn

Here is an example signature;

Warm regards,

Jill North IT Project Manager 078837437373 [email protected] LinkedIn

Quick tip: To save yourself from having to write your signature every time you send a job application, you can save it within your email drafts, or on a separate documents that you could copy in.

Email signatures

What to include in your Marketing cover letter

Your Marketing cover letter will be unique to your situation, but there are certain content guidelines you should stick to for best results.

To attract and entice recruiters, stick with the following key subjects in your cover letter – adapting them to fit your profession and target jobs.

  • Your professional experience – Employers will be keen to know if your experience is suitable for the job you are applying to, so provide a good summary of it in your cover letter.
  • Your qualifications and education – Highlight your most relevant and high-level of qualification, especially if they are essential to the job.
  • The positive impact you have made – Employers love to hear about the benefits you can bring to them, so shout about anything impressive you have done, such as saving money or improving processes.
  • Your reasons for leaving – Use a few words of your cover letter to explain why you are leaving your current job and ensure you avoid any negative reasons.
  • Your availability – Let recruiters know when you can start a new job . Are you immediately available, or do you have a month notice period?

Marketing cover letter templates

Copy and paste these Marketing cover letter templates to get a head start on your own.

I am thrilled to apply for the Marketing Assistant role at Style Clothing as it presents a compelling opportunity to leverage my creative mindset and data-driven approach to assist in crafting captivating marketing campaigns that resonate with your diverse customer base.

During my undergraduate degree in Marketing, I gained proficiency in market research tools such a UpMarket and Google Analytics which would allow me to support the marketing team in creating targeted campaigns and identifying emerging trends. With a keen eye for design and a deep understanding of consumer behaviour, I successfully managed social media accounts for the University of Manchester Student’s Union, increasing their engagement rates by 40% through strategic content planning and interactive campaigns. Additionally, I have experience providing exceptional customer service, acting as the first point of contact for clients at Seasons Furniture during a 3-month summer internship.

I am eager to contribute my skills and passion for marketing to elevate your brand’s presence in the market and would be available for an interview at your earliest convenience.

Kind regards,

Michelle Stainton

Hi Courtney,

I am excited to apply for the Marketing Associate position at Clean Cosmetics. With my innovative 15+ year career in delivering successful multi-channel marketing strategies for sustainable brands in the cosmetics and fashion industries, I am confident that my versatile marketing expertise aligns perfectly with the role.

In my current position as a Marketing Associate at Float Clothing, I have been instrumental in driving go-to-market strategies for new products, contributing to an impressive annual growth rate of 8.5%. By conducting comprehensive market research, I identified emerging trends and consumer preferences, leading to successful social media and email marketing campaigns that achieved a 20% growth in online sales within six months. Additionally, I actively monitor campaign performance metrics, optimising engagement rates and customer acquisition costs to maximise return on investment. I take pride in my ability to create compelling content and foster positive brand sentiment within the online community, which resulted in a 50% increase in website traffic during the launch of a sustainable capsule collection.

I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience to discuss how my skills and achievements can contribute to your company’s marketing success.

Farzaneh Abdul

I hope this email finds you well.

I am writing to submit my application for the position of Marketing Manager at Sussex University. As an experienced marketing professional with 20 years’ experience in the education sector, I am confident in my ability to drive the university’s brand awareness.

In my current role as Marketing Manager at Homerton College, I spearheaded a comprehensive rebranding campaign, resulting in a 25% increase in inquiries from prospective students. Through data-driven market research and competitor analysis, I identified new target demographics and successfully launched targeted campaigns, leading to a 30% growth in enrolment for niche programs.

As a marketing leader, I thrive in collaborating with cross-functional teams, and my project management skills have ensured the successful execution of large-scale events, such as open days, attracting over 1,000 attendees.

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my strategic vision and data-driven approach to the team at Sussex University and I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience.

Writing an impressive cover letter is a crucial step in landing a job in Marketing, so taking the time to perfect it is well worth while.

By following the tips and examples above you will be able to create an eye-catching cover letter that will wow recruiters and ensure your CV gets read – leading to more job interviews for you.

Good luck with your job search!

cover letter marketing strategy

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5 Marketing Manager Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

Stephen Greet

  • Marketing Manager Cover Letter
  • Marketing Manager Cover Letters by Role
  • Marketing Manager Cover Letters by Experience
  • Write Your Marketing Manager Cover Letter

You’re an expert at generating demand and interest in a company’s products or services. New markets are identified, profitability analysis is completed, and successful strategies are created when you’re leading the marketing team. 

Now it’s time to craft an expert-level cover letter to accompany your marketing manager resume and present your promotional skills to hiring teams. 

With every company being concerned about ad spend and brand image, they’ll want to ensure they bring highly skilled marketing managers on board. You can optimize for success with our marketing manager cover letter examples that are proven to be effective in 2024.

cover letter marketing strategy

Marketing Manager Cover Letter Example


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Block Format

Marketing manager
cover letter example

Copy this text for your marketing manager cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Columbus, OH 43004 (123) 456-7890

September 10, 2023

William Moore Abercrombie & Fitch 123 Fictional Lane Columbus, OH 43004

Dear Ms. Moore,

As a dedicated marketer, I desire to contribute in-depth digital expertise and data-driven insights to a quality-driven, fashionable and trendsetting brand such as Abercrombie & Fitch. Your brand’s popularity among the style-conscious youth and commitment to trendy, collegiate-inspired designs have resonated with my personal and professional sensibilities. As your marketing manager, I can craft compelling digital strategies and collaborate with the team to improve customer engagement and brand visibility.

At Alliance Data, I developed and executed digital marketing campaigns, blending SEO, targeted social media advertising, and data-driven analysis to elevate online sales for local Columbus businesses by 32%. At Safelite AutoGlass I developed custom reporting tools and tracking ROI metrics, I identified trends that facilitated a 23% reduction in cost-per-click and increased lead conversions by 18%.

Attached is a comprehensive marketing portfolio showcasing my prowess in digital marketing strategy, graphic design, social media management, and analytics. I am eager to apply this diverse skill set to drive innovative marketing solutions that foster the continued growth and success of Abercrombie & Fitch.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to discussing how my experience and passion align with your marketing needs.

Sofia Kostov

Enclosures: Resume Application Marketing Portfolio

Why this cover letter works

  • Contextualize your relevant experiences backed up by quantified wins. Keywords like digital marketing campaigns, analysis, reporting, social media management, and ROI rank high when tailoring your marketing manager cover letter to the employer’s needs.

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Digital Marketing Manager Cover Letter Example

Digital marketing manager cover letter example

Copy this text for your digital marketing manager cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Detroit, MI 48204 (123) 456-7890

Noah Hill General Motors (GM) 123 Fictional Lane Detroit, MI 48204

Dear Mr. Hill:

In line with GM’s convincing mantra, “Everybody In,” I am thrilled to bring my digital marketing expertise to your remarkable team as the next digital marketing manager. It is an engaging prospect to align with fellow digital marketing professionals within your organization. I believe that when diverse digital perspectives coalesce, it paves the path for pioneering and result-oriented marketing solutions.

I had fun leading the digital marketing department at Rock Connections. Through strategic collaborations, we achieved notable milestones, such as increasing organic website traffic by 89%, improving Google Ads’ click-through rate by 33%, and boosting social media engagements by a staggering 109%. Noteworthy tools deployed include SEMrush for SEO audits and Hootsuite for social media planning.

In a similar role at Detroit Labs, I drove a 52% increase in conversion rates and a significant reduction of 29% in customer acquisition costs. These accomplishments were achieved using tools like Moz Pro for SEO, Google Ads for Pay-Per-Click Campaigns, and Sprout Social for effective social media strategies.

Moving beyond metrics, my involvement extends to the heart of the local business community. I have volunteered for mentoring sessions at Detroit tech meetups and have actively engaged in fundraising campaigns for disadvantaged local businesses. A solid digital presence isn’t just about profit but also encompasses shaping relationships with businesses, clients, and communities. It underpins the idea that everybody truly is in.

GM’s commitment to electrification, with nearly half of its product portfolio projected to be electric by 2025, mirrors the transformative power of digital marketing. Joining forces with GM offers an intriguing opportunity to leverage my digital marketing acumen in forming new connections, spreading the electrification message, and sustaining meaningful relationships. Thank you for your time, and I anticipate our upcoming dialogue.

Santiago Silva

  • Establish credibility by highlighting relevant quantifiable achievements (cue organic traffic, CTR, conversion rate, etc.), and don’t leave out any tools deployed (Think Hootsuite, Moz Pro, and SEMrush).

Product Marketing Manager Cover Letter Example

Product marketing manager cover letter example

Copy this text for your product marketing manager cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Memphis, TN 38088 (123) 456-7890

Emma Anderson Kruger Products 123 Fictional Lane Memphis, TN 38088

Dear Ms. Anderson:

The entrepreneurial spirit engraved into Kruger Products has inspired me to bring my product marketing expertise to contribute towards the growth and diversification of your operations. More than just a profession, I seek opportunities to devise innovative solutions for market challenges, echoing how Kruger Products provides cost-effective, high-quality solutions to multiple sectors across North America.

In the past, I’ve held key positions with eminent Memphis-based companies, such as Cintas and International Paper. My market analysis strategies at Cintas led to a 13% increase in product accessibility to new customer markets over two years at Cintas. This experience and the specialized know-how I gained at International Paper equipped me with an extensive knowledge base in the tissue and paper consumables industry.

At International Paper, I designed and implemented a GTM strategy that reduced market entry time for new products by an average of 17 days, a 29% improvement. I successfully delivered multiple product launches, including a new hand care product line, which exceeded sales expectations by 27% in its first year. This demonstrated track record illuminates my capabilities to perform excellently as a product marketing manager.

Aligned with Kruger Products’ value of embracing an entrepreneurial spirit and fostering new ideas, I’ve utilized various cutting-edge product marketing tools like Canva for creative design, Google Analytics for data analysis, and Salesforce for CRM management, among others, which have amplified my effectiveness as a product marketing specialist.

Kruger’s dedication to its employees—with respect to a stimulating, healthy, safe workplace—and its unwavering commitment to the environment and community resonates strongly with me. Having witnessed the beneficial impact such values have had on the corporate culture and employee productivity at my previous workplaces, I am confident I will be a perfect fit for your work philosophy and environment. Thank you for considering my application. I can’t wait to discuss in detail how my competencies and experiences align with your company’s growth objectives.

  • Use snappy anecdotes to show your proficiency in generating a positive impact. In this case, recruiters hope to see instances where you developed GTM strategy, elevated product accessibility, oversaw a product launch team, etc.

Senior Marketing Manager Cover Letter Example

Senior marketing manager cover letter example

Copy this text for your senior marketing manager cover letter!

123 Fictional Avenue Louisville, KY 40202 (123) 456-7890

February 19, 2024

Abigail Clark Papa John’s International 123 Fictional Avenue Louisville, KY 40202

Dear Ms. Clark:

Excited about the opportunity to contribute to Papa John’s International as a senior marketing manager, I’m eager to dive into the dynamic world of pizza marketing with such an innovative company. With over a decade of marketing leadership experience under my belt, I’m well-prepared to leverage my skills to drive Papa John’s continued success.

In my recent role as a marketing strategist at Impellizzeri’s Pizza, I refined my SEO and SEM expertise, significantly boosting online visibility. Through advanced keyword strategies and data-driven insights, I achieved an impressive 32% increase in organic website traffic within six months. Additionally, by optimizing paid search campaigns, I successfully lowered the cost per click by 11%, effectively maximizing the efficiency of our marketing budget.

At Current360, I spearheaded the development and implementation of a mobile app strategy, which led to a remarkable 37% increase in app downloads and an impressive $6,528 boost in mobile orders within the first quarter alone. This demonstrated my adeptness at harnessing mobile technology to drive customer engagement and increase revenue.

My tenure at Jack Fry’s underscored the importance of data visualization in shaping effective marketing strategies. Leveraging Tableau, I transformed complex marketing data into actionable insights, resulting in a notable 29% improvement in campaign performance metrics. These visually appealing representations not only facilitated better decision-making but also facilitated clear communication of key findings to stakeholders across departments.

The opportunity to contribute to Papa John’s International and its innovative marketing initiatives is truly exhilarating. I’m excited to discuss how my diverse skill set aligns perfectly with the brand’s strategic objectives. Thank you for considering my application.

Amir Khalid

  • Key among the applicable strategies are SEO, SEM, and data visualization. Take a leaf from how Amir talks about increasing organic web traffic by 32% and decreasing by 11% at Impellizzer’s Pizza and dissecting marketing data with Tableau for actionable insights at Jack Fry’s.

Marketing Communications Manager Cover Letter Example

Marketing communications manager cover letter example

Copy this text for your marketing communications manager cover letter!

February 11, 2024

Harper White Intel Corporation 123 Fictional Lane Sacramento, CA,

Dear Ms.White:

My fascination for the fusion of technology and communication was the spark that ignited my journey into the field of marketing communication. This passion has not only steered my academic venture into obtaining a bachelor’s degree in this discipline but has also fueled my desire to explore and employ innovative solutions. With this spirit of innovation and dedication, I excitedly position myself as a prospective marketing communications manager at Intel Corporation.

In my previous role with OnPoint Internet Marketing, I led the social media strategy, utilizing Facebook, X, and LinkedIn to increase brand visibility and engagement. Through targeted campaigns and content creation, I facilitated a 32% increase in social media followers, driving significant website traffic and leads. The culmination was a revenue increase of $11,378.

Additionally, I am proficient in graphic design software, including Adobe Creative Suite, which I utilized at Destined Design to create visually compelling content tailored to specific marketing initiatives. By incorporating data-driven insights from Web Analytics platforms such as Google Analytics, I continuously optimized our digital assets for maximum impact, leading to a 27% increase in website traffic and roughly 639 organic conversions within four months.

My proficiency in video editing has allowed me to create impactful visual storytelling content that resonates with audiences. At Champion Video Production, I led projects from concept to completion, utilizing Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro to produce high-quality videos for promotional campaigns. These videos garnered 1.2 million views on social media platforms and significantly contributed to brand awareness and engagement metrics.

Intel’s unwavering commitment to innovation and sustainability resonates strongly with me. The opportunity to be a part of and contribute meaningfully to your esteemed team fills me with anticipation. I’m eager to facilitate Intel’s continued success and growth while refining my skills as a passionate marketing communications manager.

  • Go the extra mile to draw attention to the tools instrumental in these wins. After all, who wouldn’t wish to have a tech-savvy employee steering their company’s operations? You could discuss social media platforms, video editing tools like Adobe Premiere Pro, and web analytics platforms like SEMrush.

Related cover letter examples

  • Social media manager
  • Account manager
  • Product manager

How to Present Your Skills Successfully in Your Marketing Manager Cover Letter

Salesperson pops out of computer screen to depict outselling the competition with sales cover letter

If you were designing a promotional plan to enter a new market you hadn’t targeted before, you’d want to do thorough research to understand those consumers’ needs. Creating your cover letter for each job requires a similar approach. 

Use the same skill set you’d apply during market research to review the job description . Then, find ways to relate your top skills , like positioning strategies and social media advertising, to show how you can help each company achieve its mission.

cover letter marketing strategy

Write an intro to your marketing manager cover letter that speaks to the company’s needs 

If you were writing copy for a company sales page, you’d want to immediately relate to some key customer pain points to grab their attention. You should do the same with your marketing management cover letter. 

For instance, if you were applying to be the marketing manager for a brand that produces healthier breakfast-related foods, you could explain how you’ll use your web content advertising strategies to help the company fulfill its objective of creating a healthier breakfast experience for customers worldwide. 

It’s also best practice to do some research to find the name of a specific hiring manager you can list in the greeting. It’s the same as greeting customers by name to boost retention and satisfaction scores. 

The opener below is a good start, but it falls short since it doesn’t greet anyone by name or include any specifics about their marketing management skills or the company’s mission.

Lacking specificity here! 

I’m very interested in the marketing management position you have available. With my well-rounded education and experience in promotional efforts, I believe I’ll be a great fit for your company’s needs.

Try to write an opener like the following that relates directly to how the candidate’s product marketing expertise will impact Kruger Products’ goals of company growth and diversification. 

A highly specific opener for the win! 

Dear Ms. Anderson,

cover letter marketing strategy

Promote your marketing management skills in the cover letter body

Just like every promotional claim isn’t complete without data to back it up, neither are the skills you include in your cover letter. 

Every company’s marketing efforts are based on data, so including as many metrics as possible, like conversion rates and promotional reach, will help back up your skills with previous achievements. 

Including details about how you’ll lead teams is also a great idea. Any examples like how you boosted employee satisfaction scores or trained new hires successfully will make you stand out as a marketing manager. 

A great body paragraph with marketing metrics and software!

cover letter marketing strategy

Round out your skills with a great closing to your marketing manager cover letter

You know that every promotion needs to come to a well-rounded conclusion relating back to key points and using a call to action. You should do the same with your marketing management cover letter. 

Relate back to the company’s mission one last time and how your essential skills fit in. For instance, you could explain how you’ll use your strategic positioning experience to help a company offering an LMS system stand out amongst other learning-based software in the industry. 

Then, end by thanking the hiring manager for their time and using a light call to action like “I look forward to hearing from you soon.” It’s similar to the strategies you’d use to boost customer retention after someone makes a purchase. 

The closer below is a decent start, but it doesn’t quite hit the mark since it doesn’t relate back to any specifics of the marketing management role.

Lacking a connection to the company’s mission! 

I believe my well-versed skill set will make me an asset as a marketing manager with your company. Thank you for reviewing my application, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 


Bailey Johnson

Try to write a closer like the one below that relates directly to the applicant’s passion for GM’s commitment to electrification and how their digital marketing skills fit in. 

A closer that connects key skills to company goals! 

Cover letter tips for a marketing manager.

  • While drawing up promotional strategies, you do tons of research to ensure your message connects with your audience. Do the same with your cover letter, learning about the company’s mission, the hiring manager’s name to address them properly, and the top skills they’re seeking, like managing Salesforce programs or influencer marketing campaigns.
  • There’s no shortage of software organizations use to track KPIs and consumer reports. For example, one company may use Salesforce, whereas another uses HubSpot as their CRM solution of choice. Tailoring the programs you write about based on what each company uses will ensure your skills stand out.
  • Marketing is highly results-based. Before a company puts you in charge of ad spending and promotional strategy, they want to ensure you can get ROI. Therefore, including metrics like leads generated, sales revenue, or customer retention is essential to back up your abilities.
  • As a manager, you’ll be in charge of overseeing campaigns and managing staff members. Show how you’ve successfully led teams in the past, providing examples like how you led a nine-person team on a rebranding campaign that boosted consumer engagement by 67%.
  • The marketing industry is continually evolving, with new strategies, software, and platforms rising to the top. When you showcase growth throughout your career, such as refining your copywriting skills or delivering successful campaigns on a new social media platform that gained popularity, it’ll reassure hiring managers that you can take on whatever the industry throws at you next.

Aim to keep your marketing management cover letter to one page in length. It should concisely represent your top skills like web content management and market research and how they relate to achieving each company’s goals, like expanding its reach to more digital platforms. 

This is similar to obstacles you may encounter when designing personalized email campaigns using customer names. Just like you may not have every customer’s information available, some companies may not list a specific hiring manager. In that case, simply leading with “Dear [name of company] hiring team” will work well too. 

Try to match the company’s tone in the job description while writing your cover letter to show how you fit in with the company culture. It’s the same as how you would design your social media copy in the tone of your target audience to show how your product fits in with their lifestyle. 

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22 Marketing Manager Cover Letter Examples

Marketing Managers excel at creating compelling campaigns that capture audience attention and drive business growth, blending creativity with strategic thinking. Similarly, your cover letter is your personal marketing campaign, designed to capture the recruiter's attention and demonstrate your strategic value. In this guide, we'll delve into the best cover letter examples for Marketing Managers, showcasing how to present your skills, experience, and creativity in a way that sets you apart.

cover letter marketing strategy

Cover Letter Examples

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The best way to start a Marketing Manager cover letter is by grabbing the reader's attention right from the beginning. This can be done by demonstrating your knowledge about the company and its industry, showing enthusiasm for the role, and briefly highlighting your most relevant skills or achievements. For instance, you could start with something like: "Having led a team that increased sales by 40% in my current role as a Senior Marketing Associate at XYZ Company, I am excited about the opportunity to bring my creative problem-solving and data-driven marketing strategies to the Marketing Manager position at your esteemed organization." This opening statement not only shows that you have a proven track record in marketing, but it also shows that you are enthusiastic about the role and have taken the time to understand the company's needs. It's important to tailor your cover letter to each specific job application, as this shows the hiring manager that you are genuinely interested in their particular role, rather than just any marketing manager position.

Marketing Managers should end a cover letter by summarizing their interest in the role, reiterating their relevant skills and experiences, and expressing enthusiasm for the potential opportunity to contribute to the company. It's also important to include a call to action, such as a request for an interview or a meeting. For example, you could say something like: "I am excited about the possibility of bringing my unique blend of creativity, analytical skills, and marketing experience to your team. I am confident that I can contribute significantly to your company's marketing efforts and help drive growth. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further. Thank you for considering my application." This ending is effective because it re-emphasizes your suitability for the role, shows your enthusiasm for the job, and demonstrates your proactive approach, which are all qualities that are highly valued in a Marketing Manager. Remember to end with a professional closing such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name.

A Marketing Manager's cover letter should ideally be about one page long. This length is sufficient to succinctly present your qualifications, experience, and interest in the role without overwhelming the reader with too much information. Remember, the cover letter is not meant to reiterate everything on your resume, but rather to highlight the most relevant aspects of your background in relation to the position. As a Marketing Manager, you should focus on demonstrating your strategic thinking, creativity, and ability to drive results, all while keeping the letter concise and engaging.

Writing a cover letter with no experience as a Marketing Manager can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Here are some steps to guide you: 1. Start with a strong introduction: Begin your cover letter by introducing yourself and stating the position you're applying for. Make sure to grab the reader's attention with a compelling opening line. 2. Highlight relevant skills: Even if you don't have direct experience as a Marketing Manager, you can still highlight skills that are relevant to the role. These might include project management, strategic planning, team leadership, or digital marketing skills. Use specific examples from your past work or academic experiences to demonstrate these skills. 3. Show your knowledge of the company: Research the company and mention something specific that impresses you or aligns with your own values. This shows that you've done your homework and are genuinely interested in the company. 4. Discuss your ability to learn and adapt: Without direct experience, it's important to show that you're willing and able to learn quickly. Give examples of times when you've had to adapt to new situations or learn new skills on the job. 5. Show enthusiasm for the role: Employers want to hire people who are passionate about their work. Make sure to express your enthusiasm for the role and the field of marketing. 6. Close with a strong conclusion: In your closing paragraph, reiterate your interest in the role and your confidence in your ability to perform well despite your lack of direct experience. Thank the reader for their time and express your hope for further discussion. Remember, the goal of a cover letter is to convince the employer that you're the best candidate for the job. Even without direct experience, you can still make a strong case for yourself by highlighting your relevant skills, showing your knowledge of the company, and expressing your enthusiasm for the role.

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Assistant Marketing Manager Cover Letter

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Associate Marketing Manager Cover Letter

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Marketing Communications Cover Letter Examples & Writing Tips

Use these Marketing Communications cover letter examples and writing tips to help you write a powerful cover letter that will separate you from the competition.

cover letter marketing strategy

Table Of Contents

  • Marketing Communications Example 1
  • Marketing Communications Example 2
  • Marketing Communications Example 3
  • Cover Letter Writing Tips

Marketing communications professionals develop and execute marketing plans and campaigns. They work with a variety of media, including print, online, and broadcast, to reach potential customers.

In order to get hired as a marketing communications professional, you need to write a cover letter that showcases your skills and experience.

Check out the examples and tips below to learn how to write a marketing communications cover letter that stands out.

Marketing Communications Cover Letter Example 1

I am excited to be applying for the Marketing Communications position at ABC Corp. I have more than five years of experience in the field of marketing and communications, and I am confident that I have the skills and drive to be a valuable member of your team.

I have a proven track record in developing creative and effective marketing campaigns that have generated real results for my previous employers. In my previous role at DEF Corp, I was responsible for developing and executing a social media strategy that increased the company’s Facebook likes by 25%. I also successfully launched a new website that saw a 50% increase in traffic within the first three months.

I have a deep understanding of the principles of effective marketing, and I am skilled in using a variety of channels to reach target audiences. I am also experienced in managing and coordinating a team of marketing professionals.

I am confident that I have the skills and experience to be a valuable member of your team. I look forward to hearing from you soon with more information about the Marketing Communications position at ABC Corp. I am eager to discuss how I can contribute to your organization’s success.

Marketing Communications Cover Letter Example 2

I am writing in regards to the open Marketing Communications position at your company. I am confident that I have the skills and experience necessary to be successful in this role.

I have over three years of experience in the marketing communications industry. In this time, I have successfully planned and executed a variety of marketing campaigns, both online and offline. I have also managed and coordinated multiple conferences and events. My skills include copywriting, graphic design, and social media marketing.

I am a strategic thinker who can think outside the box to come up with creative solutions to problems. I am also a detail-oriented individual who takes great pride in my work. I am confident that I can exceed your expectations and deliver results.

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this position with you in further detail. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Marketing Communications Cover Letter Example 3

I am writing to express my interest in the Marketing Communications position that you have posted. I believe that my experience and skills make me a strong candidate for this position.

I have been working in the marketing field for the past five years, and have gained valuable experience in both traditional and digital marketing. My background includes work in advertising, public relations, event planning, social media management and copywriting. I have worked on projects ranging from small local events to large national campaigns.

My most recent position was as an Account Executive at XYZ Advertising. In this role, I managed all aspects of the account including developing strategies, managing budgets, creating presentations and proposals, and overseeing the day-to-day operations of the account. I also served as a liaison between the client and other departments within the company.

I am confident that my experience will allow me to hit the ground running in your department. I am a self-motivated individual who is able to work independently or as part of a team. I am also skilled in using Microsoft Office programs such as Excel, PowerPoint and Word.

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my skills can benefit your organization. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Marketing Communications Cover Letter Writing Tips

1. showcase your writing skills.

When applying for a job in marketing communications, it’s important to showcase your writing skills. This can be done by providing specific examples of your work, such as writing a blog post, creating an email campaign, or drafting a social media post. You can also highlight your writing skills by talking about how you’ve successfully communicated with clients and customers in the past. For example, you could mention how you successfully implemented a new CRM system or how you created a marketing campaign that increased revenues by 52%.

2. Customize your cover letter

Just like with any other job application, it’s important to customize your cover letter for the position you’re applying for. When writing a marketing communications cover letter, be sure to focus on how your skills and experience will benefit the company. For example, if the company is looking for someone who can write effective blog posts, mention a few examples of your previous work.

3. Highlight your creativity

In the marketing communications field, it’s important to be creative and think outside the box. To show hiring managers that you have the creativity they’re looking for, highlight your creative side in your cover letter. For example, you could talk about how you came up with a new idea for a marketing campaign or how you redesigned a company’s website. You could also mention any awards or recognition you’ve received for your creativity.

4. Proofread your cover letter

Just like with any other job application, it’s important to proofread your cover letter before submitting it. This will help you catch any errors in spelling or grammar, and it will also show hiring managers that you’re detail-oriented.

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Strategy & Marketing Cover Letter

15 strategy & marketing cover letter templates.

Strategy & Marketing Cover Letter Sample

How to Write the Strategy & Marketing Cover Letter

I submit this application to express my sincere interest in the strategy & marketing position.

Previously, I was responsible for strategic digital marketing and technology guidance for cross-functional teams to help meet or exceed revenue goals.

I reviewed the requirements of the job opening and I believe my candidacy is an excellent fit for this position. Some of the key requirements that I have extensive experience with include:

  • Excellent organizational skills, effective project management skills and commitment to meeting deadlines and work well under pressure
  • Self motivated, detail oriented, takes the initiative and is able to work independently without close supervision and with all levels of management
  • Education in marketing or international business
  • Proven experience in setting up and executing a internal communication plan (preferable in marketing environment but open for other experiences)
  • Retrieving information from the business
  • Effectively report insights back into the organization
  • Affinity with Digital, Technology, Big Data and Information sharing platforms
  • Consumer service marketing

Thank you for considering me to become a member of your team.

Phoenix Beier

  • Microsoft Word (.docx) .DOCX
  • PDF Document (.pdf) .PDF
  • Image File (.png) .PNG

Responsibilities for Strategy & Marketing Cover Letter

Strategy & marketing responsible for guidance to and professionally develop the firm's marketing coordinator, while developing relationships and leveraging other firm resources.

Strategy & Marketing Examples

Example of strategy & marketing cover letter.

I am excited to be applying for the position of strategy & marketing. Please accept this letter and the attached resume as my interest in this position.

Previously, I was responsible for feedback and help plan brilliant tactical marketing programs to meet goals with product marketing, global programs, external influencers, and field marketing peers.

Please consider my experience and qualifications for this position:

  • Sets clear direction
  • Strategic thinker who is intellectually curious and challenges the status quo
  • BS/BA in business, economics, finance or related field
  • Hands-on experience with direct marketing, segmentation, pricing, creative strategy development, market research
  • Experience with modeling tools (R, Matlab, Octave, SPSS, SAS) and mainstream programming language (Python, Java, C, Scala, C++)
  • Experience in insurance, financial services or related industries
  • Marketing, strategy, or related experience
  • Working knowledge of HTML, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, SEO optimization techniques, social media analytics

Thank you for taking your time to review my application.

Dylan Smitham

In response to your job posting for strategy & marketing, I am including this letter and my resume for your review.

In the previous role, I was responsible for industry landscape intelligence for internal teams and biz dev to anticipate new revenue opportunities and partnerships.

  • Solid understanding of response data modeling
  • Proficient in MS Office Suite (Excel, Access, Word and PowerPoint)
  • Able to work in a fast-paced, growth-oriented organization
  • Experience managing both web developers and digital marketing teams
  • Demonstrated experience working with the C-suite or top Federal agency leadership
  • Experience with managing people and processes
  • Experience with client or account management
  • Strong expertise with collaboration tools, social media, and new media

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Max Goldner

In the previous role, I was responsible for thought leadership on digital landscape, changing technologies and new focus areas through formal and informal knowledge share.

My experience is an excellent fit for the list of requirements in this job:

  • Exceptional analytical abilities leveraging Excel, Sql, and Database tools
  • Experience in functional areas beyond Marketing, including Operations and/or Finance
  • Experience implementing content strategy frameworks
  • Prefer BA or BS in Business, Marketing, Communications, Finance or equivalent experience
  • Multi-tasker with strong organizational skills
  • Builds collaborative relationships—direct and matrix
  • Makes quality and decisive decisions
  • Comfortable with senior management interactions

Thank you in advance for reviewing my candidacy for this position.

Drew MacGyver

Please consider me for the strategy & marketing opportunity. I am including my resume that lists my qualifications and experience.

Previously, I was responsible for strategic content for the client Annual Business Review meetings by including content which review the risk adjustment goals, strategy, and outcomes, and recommending opportunities for improvement to meet or exceed goals.

Please consider my qualifications and experience:

  • Strong, collaborative team player who works well with others and is open to feedback
  • Experience in marketing to IT or technology buyers in the enterprise
  • Possess an understanding of the tenants of inbound marketing especially SEO, social media and PR – and significant knowledge as to how content marketing, SEO and social media marketing connect both practically and strategically
  • Strong Financial Acumen and Business Acumen
  • Comfortable working with people in a variety of different roles
  • Interest in working in a non-traditional environment where everyone has a voice and ideas can come from anywhere
  • Understanding of best practices regarding analytics and marketing measurement
  • Demonstrated knowledge of life insurance products, distribution channels, and the overall life insurance and retirement planning industries is preferred

Onyx Parker

In my previous role, I was responsible for evaluation on M&A Deals, leveraging existing capabilities and adding new capacities/technologies, determine feasibility and business potential.

  • Strong written and verbal interpersonal and marketing communications skills
  • Experience with 1st, 2nd and 3rd party data resources
  • Understand how customer data impacts the digital media buying landscape
  • History of crafting both short and long terms Planning decks
  • Very client facing, the sidekick to our client
  • Previous experience with direct response and digital marketing
  • Execute upsell offer strategy, including mass offers and test & learn streams
  • Analyze existing performance and identify opportunities for improvement and optimization

Quinn Hyatt

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Save time writing your next cover letter.

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Published: 02/25/22

Nowadays, companies have a computerized system that puts resumes through an online scanner which will automatically reject some applicants and push other applicants through depending on their qualifications.

So, What does this mean for you as a job seeker? Well, the cover letter attached to your application is more important than ever.

→ Click here to access 5 free cover letter templates [Free Download]

We've crafted this ultimate guide to cover letters. You'll find out how to write one that gets read, what to include, and browse tons of templates to gain inspiration.

You can dive straight in, or jump to the section you'd like to read.

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be?

How to Format a Cover Letter

Are Cover Letters Necessary?

Tips for Writing Great Cover Letters

Cover Letter Examples

What is a cover letter.

A cover letter is a one-page document designed to persuade a hiring manager to interview you. It serves as a supplement to your resume and helps further explain why you’re a great fit for the job.

How long should a cover letter be?

OK, so you're all fired up and ready to craft the cover letter of the hiring manager's dream. But how do you manage the fine balance between in-depth and overwhelming?

A good cover letter is long enough to communicate why the recruiter should pick you but not long enough to bore them.

One page is usually enough to cover everything you'll need to include, without losing the recruiter's attention. Let's go into those items in more detail:

Your Name and Address

Kick-off your cover letter by adding your name and address to the document.

This step is pretty self-explanatory, but it allows the recruiter to easily connect your cover letter to your resume (especially if they're being printed).

Your name and address also make it easier for the recruiter to get in touch with a job offer. And that's the aim of our letter, right?

Their Name and Address

Similarly, you should add the name and address of the company or person you're writing to.

This shows you've done your research and allows the hiring manager to receive your letter if it's sent to a generic company email address.

The Date of Writing

Make it easier for the hiring manager to file your application by including the date on your cover letter.

Even if you're not successful this time around, the company might store your letter and refer back to it when they're hiring for another position.

Why You're Writing the Letter

We know that the aim of a cover letter is to persuade the hiring manager you're the best fit for their job.

Before you get to the good stuff, be sure to highlight the role you're applying for, as that can get lost.

Something like this will usually do the trick:

"I'm writing to discuss the content strategist role at HubSpot."

Why You're a Perfect Fit for the Job

The next section of a cover letter structure is the fun part. It's where you'll convince the hiring manager they should hire you.

In this section, answer these questions:

  • Why should this company hire you?
  • What skills do you have that will help complete the job better than anyone else?
  • What makes you a good employee?
  • What qualifications do you have that are relevant to the role?

Once you've answered these, the recruiter will have a solid understanding of who you are, and (hopefully) be convinced to bring you on for an interview.

What You Can Offer the Company

Have you ever heard the advice to "always sell yourself in a job application"? That concept can be applied to cover letters as well.

Businesses measure success in terms of results. The company looking for a new employee will want to know what they bring to the table and how you fit into their business goals. New candidates are rarely brought on board solely for the soft skills listed in their resume .

That's why this part of your cover letter structure is arguably the most important.

In two paragraphs or less, show the business what you can do — and provide examples of how you've done it before.

Not only does this give you the opportunity to show off your skills, but the company can picture the success you'll bring to their business by hiring you.

Your Availability

In the marketing world, we're always told the importance a call-to-action can make.

Great cover letters end with a brief section on the candidate's earliest start date.

How to Address a Cover Letter

Earlier, we mentioned the importance of addressing the hiring manager by their name and address. This proves you've done your research and ensures the cover letter lands in the right place.

Personalized letters will always outperform generic ones, so including the first name of the recruiter can go a long way.

But in a world where privacy is held close to our chest, you might need to do a bit of digging before finding the hiring manager's name.

Luckily, you can use the power of the internet to do this.

How to Find a Hiring Manager's Name

Head over to LinkedIn and find the company's profile page.

You can do this by entering their name into the search bar or searching for a link to their LinkedIn page on their company website.

Then, click the number of employees to see all employees who are on LinkedIn:

how to look up employer details to format cover letter

How to Open a Cover Letter

After you've addressed the cover letter to the most relevant person, you'll want to:

  • Introduce yourself.
  • List the role you're interested in.
  • Explain your interest.

Here's an example:

" Dear Hiring Manager,

As an avid reader of the HubSpot Blog for the past five years, I am thrilled to submit my application for the content strategist role. I believe that my five years of experience working for B2B SaaS companies have equipped me with the skills needed to thrive in this role."

In the next two paragraphs, highlight your relevant experience and include key details from each role.

How to Close a Cover Letter

Once you've covered

Here are some great options:

  • Looking forward to hearing from you
  • Best Regards

Then, sign the cover letter with your full name.

Should you include salary requirements?

The cover letter should focus on why you are a good fit for the role. Discussing salary requirements doesn’t fit at this stage of your application.

Instead, it’s best to wait until you speak to a recruiter or someone from HR to discuss your expectations.

Are cover letters necessary?

Today, in many industries, cover letters are listed as optional. The question is, should you include one if it's optional?

The answer isn’t exactly clear-cut.

Some research would suggest that cover letters may not hold the same weight as they once did. However, a cover letter can help you stand out among the competition.

Are cover letters necessary job seekers believe getting a job will be harder than in previous years

4. Include data-backed examples.

When referencing experience from your resume, use your cover letter as an opportunity to explain in detail — with examples.

Examples allow the company to picture the success you could bring if they hired you, rather than the person next in their resume pile. But, data-backed examples give an extra edge.

Let's use an example. Which of these options is more impressive?

  • I increased leads for the company.
  • I increased leads by 35% in one month through a single blog post, which became the company's highest lead driver.

It's option B, right? That's because it's descriptive and shows results.

5. Tell a story.

Following on from the previous step, you could elaborate on your data-backed examples by telling a story.

Storytelling helps with relatability and gives a hint of your personality in a cover letter. It also makes the recruiter remember your cover letter amongst a sea of other one-page documents in their review pile.

However, this cover letter tip comes with a warning: Don't overdo it and make sure it's relevant.

6. Get a second pair of eyes on it.

Even the best writers make mistakes, but they can leave a negative first impression.

That's why our sixth cover letter tip is to get a second pair of eyes on it.

Email it to a friend or ask a family member to glance over it before you hit "send." Ask them to highlight any spelling mistakes or suggestions to improve how you're communicating with the person reading it.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Seeing as though a cover letter is one of the first documents a recruiter sees, try to make it perfect.

7. Be unique.

Finally, make your cover letter unique.

If you're applying for a creative role, experiment with colors, subheadings, and layouts.

If you're applying for more of a traditional role, be wary. Not everyone is a fan of bright, bold cover letters, but you can scope your limits by getting a feel of their company culture.

Are they strict and professional, or does the company like to have fun? (You can usually get a feel of this from their website or social media profiles.)

Testing the level of uniqueness can be a case of trial and error. If you're not getting great reactions from your cover letter, revise and try again.

We understand that inspiration can go a long way. That's why we've created a one-stop-shop for cover letter examples , which are available to view here.

You're also free to browse our collection of cover letter samples for extra inspiration on formatting your cover letter and learning from those who've helped to land dream jobs.

Now you're fully equipped to write a cover letter that will help you get your foot in the door.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in September 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Professional Cover Letter Templates

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How to Write a Cover Letter [Tips with Examples]

As a writer, I did my fair share of job hunting. Despite my experience and expertise, I often struggled with impressing interviewers due to my lackluster cover letters. Limited resources and time constraints left my cover letters far from impressive. However, things changed when I mastered the art of writing compelling cover letters. Soon, I started receiving interview calls and eventually landed my dream job. In this article, I will share these cover letter writing techniques with you, so you too know how to write a cover letter and can effortlessly land the job of your dreams.

What is a Cover Letter and What does it Contain?

A cover letter is a one-page business letter that you submit along with your resume when applying for a job. Its primary purpose is to persuade the employer that you are an excellent candidate for the role. It complements your resume by clearly linking your experience and interests to the position you're applying for. Essentially, the cover letter is your chance to convince the employer to invite you for an interview.

A typical cover letter contains several key elements, each serving a specific purpose in showcasing your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position. Here’s a breakdown of what a cover letter typically includes:

Your Contact Information: Name, address, phone number, and email address.

Date: The date you are writing the letter.

Employer’s Contact Information: Name, title, company, and address of the person you are addressing the letter to.

2. Salutation

Address the letter to a specific person if possible (e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith,” or “Dear Hiring Manager,”).

3. Introduction

Opening Statement: A brief introduction mentioning the job you are applying for and how you found out about the position.

Hook: A compelling reason why you are interested in the job and the company.

First Paragraph: Explain why you are a good fit for the role. Highlight key qualifications and experiences that align with the job requirements.

Second Paragraph: Provide specific examples of your accomplishments and how they relate to the job. Use quantifiable achievements to demonstrate your impact.

Third Paragraph: Discuss your knowledge of the company and why you are excited about this particular opportunity. Show that you have researched the organization and explain how your goals align with its mission and values.

5. Conclusion

Closing Statement: Reiterate your enthusiasm for the position and the company. Summarize why you are a strong candidate.

Call to Action: Mention your desire for an interview and provide your contact information again. Indicate that you will follow up within a certain timeframe.

Thank You: Express gratitude for the reader’s time and consideration.

6. Signature

Closing Phrase: Use a professional closing, such as “Sincerely”, or “Best regards”.

Signature: Leave space for your handwritten signature (if submitting a hard copy) and then type your name below it.

How to Write a Cover Letter For a Job in 5 Steps!

Firstly, it’s crucial to streamline the process of crafting a cover letter, but that doesn’t mean using the same cover letter for every job position or even the same position at different companies. Customization is key to standing out.

Step 1. Research the Company- AIPal

Open the job listing you want to apply for, typically found on platforms like LinkedIn or Indeed. These platforms usually provide a detailed job description outlining the requirements and responsibilities.

To begin, I will write a cover letter for the Sales & Marketing Manager position at Pride Mile, which is a remote job listing I found on LinkedIn.

To proceed effectively, I will copy the job description and input it into AIPal to extract key keywords. These keywords are crucial as they highlight the skills and attributes the employer is seeking for the role.

Prompt: Extract keywords from this job description that I can in my cover letter.

To refine your keyword research, you can ask AIPal to extract keywords and categorize them into tiers.

Prompt: Extract keywords from this job description that I can in my cover letter. Assign them in three tiers ranging from the most important to least important.

This way, you'll identify the most critical keywords, which should be emphasized more in your cover letter, and less important keywords, which can be mentioned once or twice.

This approach will give me a comprehensive understanding of what the job entails and what qualities I should emphasize in my cover letter.

Step 2. Choose a template- WPS Office

Choosing a cover letter template is important because it gives you a clear structure to follow, saving you time and ensuring your letter looks polished. It guides you on what information to include, from your skills to your qualifications, making it easier to customize each letter for different job applications. Templates also help keep your letter organized and visually appealing, which is key to making a positive impression on employers.

WPS Office has been a godsend in this regard, offering plenty of cover letter templates. I followed these steps to find the desired cover letter for the Marketing Manager position:

Open WPS Office and click on "New" on the left side pane.

Next, simply click on the “All” tab in the left side pane. This will display numerous templates available on WPS Office for documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

To save time browsing through all the options, simply search for "cover letter". This filters out irrelevant templates and helps find the right cover letter template for the job post in context.

Upon finding the suitable template for the job post, click on it to preview.

To start customizing the selected template, click the "Download" button at the top right corner, which will launch it in the WPS Writer interface for editing.

Header and Salutation

Headers and salutations are essential in a cover letter for their role in setting a professional tone. The header provides your contact details and the date, ensuring easy communication and formal presentation.

Salutations, like "Dear Hiring Manager," personalize your letter and demonstrate attention to detail, addressing the recipient directly and showcasing professionalism from the start.

One of the standout features of WPS templates is its ready-made header, which enhances the visual appeal of your cover letter. It includes sections for your contact information, the date, and the recipient's details.

Addressing the recipient by name whenever possible adds a personal touch; if that information isn't available, a generic greeting such as "Dear Hiring Manager" remains professional and appropriate. Ensuring the document is error-free further underscores your professionalism and attention to detail.

Step 3. Introduction- Your Opening Sentences

Starting your cover letter with a compelling introduction is crucial. It’s your chance to grab the hiring manager's attention and make a strong first impression. A well-crafted opening should highlight your enthusiasm, showcase your qualifications, and give a hint of your personality.

Here are a few key things to keep in mind to create an engaging and effective cover letter introduction:

Expressing genuine passion for the role or the company can make a strong impact. For example, in a sales manager position:

Dear Mr. Brown, my name is Anna and I’m excited about the opportunity to help your company exceed its sales targets. My five years of experience as a Sales Representative at XYZ Inc. have equipped me with the skills needed to drive results. Last year, we surpassed our KPIs by 50%, and I’m eager to bring this success to your team.

Referrals can add credibility to your application. For instance, in an architectural position:

I was thrilled to learn about this job opportunity from John Doe, who has been with your firm for five years. John and I collaborated on an architectural project for over a year, and he recommended I apply for this role, believing I’d be a great fit.

Demonstrating your knowledge about the company shows dedication. For example, in a social worker position:

I have always admired the work your organization does with vulnerable communities. Your commitment to social justice resonates with my professional values, and I believe my previous experience as a social worker aligns perfectly with your mission.

Starting with a significant accomplishment can immediately capture interest. For example, in a public relations position:

As a Public Relations Representative at Company XYZ, I enhanced the company’s reputation and public image, resulting in a 40% increase in customer satisfaction. I am eager to bring my proven track record of success to your organization as the Head of Communications.

Step 4. Body- the Most Important Part

The body of your resume is where you showcase your qualifications, experience, skills, and achievements to demonstrate why you're the ideal candidate for the job. Structuring this section effectively is crucial to capturing the attention of hiring managers and persuading them to consider you for the position.

Here’s how to craft a compelling resume body:

Start with a Strong Summary or Objective Statement:

Begin your resume with a concise summary or objective that highlights your career goals and what you bring to the table. This helps recruiters quickly understand your professional background and aspirations. For example:

Results-driven marketing professional with 8+ years of experience in digital marketing strategies and campaign management. Proven track record of increasing brand awareness and revenue growth through innovative marketing initiatives. Seeking to leverage my skills and expertise to contribute to the continued success of ABC Company.

Highlight Key Skills:

List relevant skills that align with the job requirements. Use bullet points to make them easy to scan. Focus on both technical skills (e.g., software proficiency, languages) and soft skills (e.g., communication, leadership). For example:

Digital Marketing Strategy

SEO/SEM Optimization

Content Management Systems (CMS)

Social Media Marketing

Analytical Skills

Team Leadership

Add Keywords:

In the body of the cover letter, it's crucial to incorporate keywords extracted from the job description. These keywords highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and attributes that align with what the employer is seeking. For example, if the job description emphasizes "digital marketing strategy," "customer acquisition," and "social media management," your cover letter should showcase your expertise in these areas.

My experience in developing and implementing robust digital marketing strategies, coupled with a proven track record in customer acquisition and social media management, aligns perfectly with the goals outlined for the Sales & Marketing Manager position at Pride Mile.

Detail Your Work Experience:

Include your work history in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. For each job, provide the following details:

Job Title and Company: Clearly state your position and the organization you worked for.

Dates of Employment: Specify the period you worked there.

Key Responsibilities: Outline your main duties and responsibilities in concise bullet points. Focus on achievements and quantify results where possible. For example:

Managed a team of 5 digital marketers to execute SEO and PPC campaigns, resulting in a 30% increase in website traffic and a 25% growth in lead generation.

Achievements: Highlight specific accomplishments that demonstrate your impact. Use metrics to quantify your achievements whenever feasible. For example:

Led a successful rebranding campaign that increased brand recognition by 40% and led to a 15% increase in customer engagement.

Education and Certifications: List your educational background, including degrees, diplomas, and relevant certifications. Mention any honors or awards received. Include the name of the institution, degree/certification earned, and dates attended.

Skills and Expertise: Elaborate on any additional skills or expertise that are relevant to the job. This could include technical skills, industry-specific knowledge, or proficiency in certain tools or methodologies.

Professional Development: Include any professional development activities, workshops, or seminars you have attended that are relevant to your career.

Step 5. Closing & Salutation

A strong conclusion to your cover letter is essential to leave a positive and lasting impression on a prospective employer. It serves as your final opportunity to express enthusiasm, reinforce your qualifications, and prompt the hiring manager to take action. Here’s how to effectively end your cover letter.

Show self-assurance in your skills and how they align with the job requirements. This demonstrates to the employer that you are a competent and enthusiastic candidate. For example:

I am confident that my project management experience and problem-solving abilities make me a perfect fit for your team. I thrive in dynamic environments and am eager to contribute to your company's success.

Let your passion for the role and the industry shine through. Mentioning your enthusiasm can make you a more memorable candidate. For instance:

My lifelong passion for animal welfare drives my dedication to providing top-notch veterinary care. I am excited to bring this passion to your clinic and contribute to the well-being of your patients.

Highlight how your skills and experiences align with the job responsibilities. This helps the employer see the direct benefits of hiring you. For example:

With seven years of experience managing senior accounts, I am skilled at anticipating client needs and handling situations with discretion. I am eager to bring this expertise to your team and help grow your client base.

Share your career aspirations and how they align with the company’s growth. This shows your long-term interest in the organization. For example:

I look forward to leveraging my sales experience to identify new markets and build strong customer relationships. My goal is to grow within your company and eventually lead the account management team.

Align your personal values with the company’s mission to show you’re a cultural fit. For example:

I admire ArcherTech's commitment to supporting local businesses and have innovative marketing ideas to increase profitability in this sector. I am excited to discuss these ideas further.

Emphasize relevant technical skills, especially those mentioned in the job description. This highlights your readiness to contribute effectively. For example:

I bring extensive experience with CAD software and can create integrated 360-degree renderings for client presentations. My past successes in this area can help boost your sales by 150% over the next two quarters.

Encourage the employer to take the next step, such as scheduling an interview. Express gratitude and indicate your eagerness to discuss your application further. For example:

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing how my skills can contribute to your team. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

End your letter with a formal and courteous closing. Suitable options include "Best", "Sincerely", "Respectfully", and "Thank you".

Here's a template for Closing & Salutation:

This is the best approach I can suggest for writing a great cover letter, but I highly recommend using WPS Office templates for this. The AI features in AIPal and WPS Office can help extract keywords and assist with writing, while the templates provide pre-written content tailored to the position you're applying for. This approach minimizes effort and frustration, especially when a job requires a cover letter, ensuring your application meets all necessary requirements effectively.

Use Word, Excel, and PPT for FREE, No Ads.

Edit PDF files with the powerful PDF toolkit.

Microsoft-like interface. Easy to learn. 100% Compatibility.

Boost your productivity with WPS's abundant free Word, Excel, PPT, and CV templates.

How to Proofread your Cover Letter- WPS Office

WPS Office is an all-around solution for various tasks, including writing a cover letter and securing your dream job. Beyond helping you create a polished cover letter, WPS Office also excels in proofreading it. With its AI-powered Proofreader, WPS Office ensures your cover letter is error-free and impactful.

WPS AI: To assist you in polishing your content:

WPS AI Proofreader is an essential tool for perfecting your cover letter with ease and confidence. As you craft your application, WPS AI Proofreader ensures your writing is polished to perfection. It goes beyond simple spell checks, offering real-time error detection for grammar, punctuation, and clarity. This means you can focus on expressing your skills and achievements effectively, without worrying about typos or awkward phrasing. With customizable settings and intuitive correction options, WPS AI Proofreader tailors its suggestions to fit your writing style, ensuring your cover letter maintains professionalism and clarity.

AIPal Chatbot: For ideas and consultation

AIPal is a great web-assistant throughout the process of refining and perfecting your cover letter through its robust proofreading and consultation capabilities. This AI-powered tool not only identifies grammatical errors and punctuation issues but also provides insightful suggestions to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your ideas. AIPal ensures that your cover letter maintains a cohesive flow and communicates your qualifications effectively to potential employers.

1. How long should a Cover Letter be?

A cover letter should ideally be between half a page and a full page in length, with a word count ranging from 250 to 400 words. It is typically divided into three to six paragraphs. It's important to keep it brief and focused on relevant details.

2. What tone should I use in my Cover Letter?

To effectively convey the right tone in your cover letter, aim for a balance that is both professional and friendly.

Avoid overly formal language while maintaining a polished demeanor.

Tailor your communication style to fit the company's culture, showing genuine enthusiasm for the position without coming across as boastful or overly eager.

Use confident and positive language to articulate your qualifications clearly, avoiding jargon, informal expressions, or humor that could be misinterpreted.

This approach will ensure your cover letter reflects professionalism and authentic interest in the position.

3. Should I include references in my cover letter?

Typically, you do not need to include references in your cover letter unless the employer specifically requires them. Concentrate on highlighting your relevant qualifications and explaining why you are a strong match for the position.

Create An Impactful Cover Letter With WPS Office

Creating a compelling cover letter can often be the decisive factor in securing your dream job. It needs to showcase your expertise clearly and coherently, leaving no doubt about your suitability for the role. WPS Office provides a reliable solution where you can gather all the necessary information for when you are figuring out how to write a cover letter and ensure your cover letter resonates at the right level.

From templates perfectly tailored to the job position to extracting crucial keywords and summarizing job descriptions, WPS Office equips you with everything essential for writing a successful cover letter. Download AIPal today to streamline your job hunting journey and alleviate some of the frustrations along the way.

  • 1. Best Free Cover Letter Template for 2024
  • 2. Top 10 Best Free Cover Letter Templates in Google Docs for 2024
  • 3. How to Write a Cover Letter for Teaching Positions [Tips with Examples]
  • 4. How to Use Chat GPT for Cover Letter - Prompt Example & Templates
  • 5. The Best Cover Letter Sample for Job Application in Word Format
  • 6. How to Write A Formal Letter - Steps with Examples

cover letter marketing strategy

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.


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