3 Ways to Python Split a String in Half

python split a string in half

Hello Geeks, I hope all are doing great. So, while handling data inputs from python or some result, we sometimes need to part a string into two halves. However, it’s not a difficult job to do. But, sometimes, we get stuck in doing them. Today in this article, we will see how we can python split a string in half and then access each. So, without wasting our time, let’s get started.

What do you mean by Python Split a String in Half?

Splitting the strings into half means dividing the string into two halves from the center. However, both partitions can be equal or may not be identical. If the number of strings is even, then both halves are equal, while if the number of strings is odd, then the first half contains fewer characters than the other half.

So, strings in python can be halved into two parts in two ways. The first one uses string slicing, and the other uses the split method. Let’s see each of them.

Python Split a String in Half using String Slicing

String slicing in python refers to accessing the subparts of the strings. When we access half of the string, we can say we halved it into two parts. Let’s see how we can do it.


In the above example, we can see that we used string slicing to split the string. We have passed the values as the subscript for the string specifying the beginning and end of the slicing. Then we stored them in a later printed variable or can be used accordingly.

Splitting String using Slice method

This is another way of dividing the strings into two parts. It accepts two arguments for splitting in which the first argument specifies the starting point of the split and the second argument specifies the ending point of the string. Let’s understand this with an example.

In the above example, we created two variable which stores the slicing values using the slice() method. These variables contain the rule of the slicing or positions of slicing, and then we pass it as the subscript for the string we want to slice. This returns the value of the substring we want, then we can use it.

Python Split a String in Half using Split method

So, besides splitting the string into two halves, we can also split the string based on the character within the string. We can use the split method, which returns the list of sub-strings after splitting the string. Let’s see an example.

So, in the above example, we can see that we have split the string with the character ‘o’, and its occurrence is three times. Hence, the number of substrings created is four (3+1). We have passed the character as an argument of the split method, which returns a list of substrings.

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FAQs on Python Split a String in Half

If the length of the string is 0, then in both methods, it returns an empty value without raising the error. However, in the case of string length equals 1, the string is separated without any error, but either half is empty.

So, today in this article, we have seen how we can split a string into two halves. We have seen different ways to split the string into two halves. We have also seen some of the examples for better understanding. I hope this article has helped you. Thank You.

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Reverse Strings in Python: reversed(), Slicing, and More

Reverse Strings in Python: reversed(), Slicing, and More

Table of Contents

Reversing Strings Through Slicing

Reversing strings with .join() and reversed(), reversing strings in a loop, reversing strings with recursion, using reduce() to reverse strings, the reversed() built-in function, the slicing operator, [::-1], creating a custom reversible string, sorting python strings in reverse order.

Watch Now This tutorial has a related video course created by the Real Python team. Watch it together with the written tutorial to deepen your understanding: Reversing Strings in Python

When you’re using Python strings often in your code, you may face the need to work with them in reverse order . Python includes a few handy tools and techniques that can help you out in these situations. With them, you’ll be able to build reversed copies of existing strings quickly and efficiently.

Knowing about these tools and techniques for reversing strings in Python will help you improve your proficiency as a Python developer.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:

  • Quickly build reversed strings through slicing
  • Create reversed copies of existing strings using reversed() and .join()
  • Use iteration and recursion to reverse existing strings manually
  • Perform reverse iteration over your strings
  • Sort your strings in reverse order using sorted()

To make the most out of this tutorial, you should know the basics of strings , for and while loops, and recursion .

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Reversing Strings With Core Python Tools

Working with Python strings in reverse order can be a requirement in some particular situations. For example, say you have a string "ABCDEF" and you want a fast way to reverse it to get "FEDCBA" . What Python tools can you use to help?

Strings are immutable in Python, so reversing a given string in place isn’t possible. You’ll need to create reversed copies of your target strings to meet the requirement.

Python provides two straightforward ways to reverse strings. Since strings are sequences, they’re indexable , sliceable , and iterable . These features allow you to use slicing to directly generate a copy of a given string in reverse order. The second option is to use the built-in function reversed() to create an iterator that yields the characters of an input string in reverse order.

Slicing is a useful technique that allows you to extract items from a given sequence using different combinations of integer indices known as offsets . When it comes to slicing strings, these offsets define the index of the first character in the slicing, the index of the character that stops the slicing, and a value that defines how many characters you want to jump through in each iteration.

To slice a string, you can use the following syntax:

Your offsets are start , stop , and step . This expression extracts all the characters from start to stop − 1 by step . You’re going to look more deeply at what all this means in just a moment.

All the offsets are optional, and they have the following default values:

Offset Default Value

Here, start represents the index of the first character in the slice, while stop holds the index that stops the slicing operation. The third offset, step , allows you to decide how many characters the slicing will jump through on each iteration.

Note: A slicing operation finishes when it reaches the index equal to or greater than stop . This means that it never includes the item at that index, if any, in the final slice.

The step offset allows you to fine-tune how you extract desired characters from a string while skipping others:

Here, you first slice letters without providing explicit offset values to get a full copy of the original string. To this end, you can also use a slicing that omits the second colon ( : ). With step equal to 2 , the slicing gets every other character from the target string. You can play around with different offsets to get a better sense of how slicing works.

Why are slicing and this third offset relevant to reversing strings in Python? The answer lies in how step works with negative values. If you provide a negative value to step , then the slicing runs backward, meaning from right to left.

For example, if you set step equal to -1 , then you can build a slice that retrieves all the characters in reverse order:

This slicing returns all the characters from the right end of the string, where the index is equal to len(letters) - 1 , back to the left end of the string, where the index is 0 . When you use this trick, you get a copy of the original string in reverse order without affecting the original content of letters .

Another technique to create a reversed copy of an existing string is to use slice() . The signature of this built-in function is the following:

This function takes three arguments, with the same meaning of the offsets in the slicing operator, and returns a slice object representing the set of indices that result from calling range(start, stop, step) .

You can use slice() to emulate the slicing [::-1] and reverse your strings quickly. Go ahead and run the following call to slice() inside square brackets:

Passing None to the first two arguments of slice() tells the function that you want to rely on its internal default behavior, which is the same as a standard slicing with no values for start and stop . In other words, passing None to start and stop means that you want a slice from the left end to the right end of the underlying sequence.

The second and arguably the most Pythonic approach to reversing strings is to use reversed() along with str.join() . If you pass a string to reversed() , you get an iterator that yields characters in reverse order:

When you call next() with greeting as an argument, you get each character from the right end of the original string.

An important point to note about reversed() is that the resulting iterator yields characters directly from the original string. In other words, it doesn’t create a new reversed string but reads characters backward from the existing one. This behavior is fairly efficient in terms of memory consumption and can be a fundamental win in some contexts and situations, such as iteration.

You can use the iterator that you get from calling reversed() directly as an argument to .join() :

In this single-line expression, you pass the result of calling reversed() directly as an argument to .join() . As a result, you get a reversed copy of the original input string. This combination of reversed() and .join() is an excellent option for reversing strings.

Generating Reversed Strings by Hand

So far, you’ve learned about core Python tools and techniques to reverse strings quickly. Most of the time, they’ll be your way to go. However, you might need to reverse a string by hand at some point in your coding adventure.

In this section, you’ll learn how to reverse strings using explicit loops and recursion . The final technique uses a functional programming approach with the help of Python’s reduce() function.

The first technique you’ll use to reverse a string involves a for loop and the concatenation operator ( + ). With two strings as operands, this operator returns a new string that results from joining the original ones. The whole operation is known as concatenation .

Note: Using .join() is the recommended approach to concatenate strings in Python. It’s clean, efficient, and Pythonic .

Here’s a function that takes a string and reverses it in a loop using concatenation:

In every iteration, the loop takes a subsequent character, char , from text and concatenates it with the current content of result . Note that result initially holds an empty string ( "" ). The new intermediate string is then reassigned to result . At the end of the loop, result holds a new string as a reversed copy of the original one.

Note: Since Python strings are immutable data types, you should keep in mind that the examples in this section use a wasteful technique. They rely on creating successive intermediate strings only to throw them away in the next iteration.

If you prefer using a while loop , then here’s what you can do to build a reversed copy of a given string:

Here, you first compute the index of the last character in the input string by using len() . The loop iterates from index down to and including 0 . In every iteration, you use the augmented assignment operator ( += ) to create an intermediate string that concatenates the content of result with the corresponding character from text . Again, the final result is a new string that results from reversing the input string.

You can also use recursion to reverse strings. Recursion is when a function calls itself in its own body. To prevent infinite recursion, you should provide a base case that produces a result without calling the function again. The second component is the recursive case , which starts the recursive loop and performs most of the computation.

Here’s how you can define a recursive function that returns a reversed copy of a given string:

In this example, you first check for the base case. If the input string has exactly one character, you return the string back to the caller.

The last statement, which is the recursive case, calls reversed_string() itself. The call uses the slice text[1:] of the input string as an argument. This slice contains all the characters in text , except for the first one. The next step is to add the result of the recursive call together with the single-character string text[:1] , which contains the first character of text .

A significant issue to note in the example above is that if you pass in a long string as an argument to reversed_string() , then you’ll get a RecursionError :

Hitting Python’s default recursion limit is an important issue that you should consider in your code. However, if you really need to use recursion, then you still have the option to set the recursion limit manually.

You can check the recursion limit of your current Python interpreter by calling getrecursionlimit() from sys . By default, this value is usually 1000 . You can tweak this limit using setrecursionlimit() from the same module, sys . With these functions, you can configure the Python environment so that your recursive solution can work. Go ahead and give it a try!

If you prefer using a functional programming approach, you can use reduce() from functools to reverse strings. Python’s reduce() takes a folding or reduction function and an iterable as arguments. Then it applies the provided function to the items in the input iterable and returns a single cumulative value.

Here’s how you can take advantage of reduce() to reverse strings:

In this example, the lambda function takes two strings and concatenates them in reverse order. The call to reduce() applies the lambda to text in a loop and builds a reversed copy of the original string.

Iterating Through Strings in Reverse

Sometimes you might want to iterate through existing strings in reverse order, a technique typically known as reverse iteration . Depending on your specific needs, you can do reverse iteration on strings by using one of the following options:

  • The reversed() built-in function
  • The slicing operator, [::-1]

Reverse iteration is arguably the most common use case of these tools, so in the following few sections, you’ll learn about how to use them in an iteration context.

The most readable and Pythonic approach to iterate over a string in reverse order is to use reversed() . You already learned about this function a few moments ago when you used it along with .join() to create reversed strings.

However, the main intent and use case of reversed() is to support reverse iteration on Python iterables. With a string as an argument, reversed() returns an iterator that yields characters from the input string in reverse order.

Here’s how you can iterate over a string in reverse order with reversed() :

The for loop in this example is very readable. The name of reversed() clearly expresses its intent and communicates that the function doesn’t produce any side effects on the input data. Since reversed() returns an iterator, the loop is also efficient regarding memory usage.

The second approach to perform reverse iteration over strings is to use the extended slicing syntax you saw before in the a_string[::-1] example. Even though this approach won’t favor memory efficiency and readability, it still provides a quick way to iterate over a reversed copy of an existing string:

In this example, you apply the slicing operator on greeting to create a reversed copy of it. Then you use that new reversed string to feed the loop. In this case, you’re iterating over a new reversed string, so this solution is less memory-efficient than using reversed() .

If you’ve ever tried to reverse a Python list , then you know that lists have a handy method called .reverse() that reverses the underlying list in place . Since strings are immutable in Python, they don’t provide a similar method.

However, you can still create a custom string subclass with a .reverse() method that mimics list.reverse() . Here’s how you can do that:

ReversibleString inherits from UserString , which is a class from the collections module. UserString is a wrapper around the str built-in data type. It was specially designed for creating subclasses of str . UserString is handy when you need to create custom string-like classes with additional functionalities.

UserString provides the same functionality as a regular string. It also adds a public attribute called .data that holds and gives you access to the wrapped string object.

Inside ReversibleString , you create .reverse() . This method reverses the wrapped string in .data and reassigns the result back to .data . From the outside, calling .reverse() works like reversing the string in place. However, what it actually does is create a new string containing the original data in reverse order.

Here’s how ReversibleString works in practice:

When you call .reverse() on text , the method acts as if you’re doing an in-place mutation of the underlying string. However, you’re actually creating a new string and assigning it back to the wrapped string. Note that text now holds the original string in reverse order.

Since UserString provides the same functionality as its superclass str , you can use reversed() out of the box to perform reverse iteration:

Here, you call reversed() with text as an argument to feed a for loop. This call works as expected and returns the corresponding iterator because UserString inherits the required behavior from str . Note that calling reversed() doesn’t affect the original string.

The last topic you’ll learn about is how to sort the characters of a string in reverse order. This can be handy when you’re working with strings in no particular order and you need to sort them in reverse alphabetical order.

To approach this problem, you can use sorted() . This built-in function returns a list containing all the items of the input iterable in order. Besides the input iterable, sorted() also accepts a reverse keyword argument. You can set this argument to True if you want the input iterable to be sorted in descending order:

When you call sorted() with a string as an argument and reverse set to True , you get a list containing the characters of the input string in reverse or descending order. Since sorted() returns a list object, you need a way to turn that list back into a string. Again, you can use .join() just like you did in earlier sections:

In this code snippet, you call .join() on an empty string, which plays the role of a separator. The argument to .join() is the result of calling sorted() with vowels as an argument and reverse set to True .

You can also take advantage of sorted() to iterate through a string in sorted and reversed order:

The reverse argument to sorted() allows you to sort iterables, including strings, in descending order. So, if you ever need a string’s characters sorted in reverse alphabetical order, then sorted() is for you.

Reversing and working with strings in reverse order can be a common task in programming. Python provides a set of tools and techniques that can help you perform string reversal quickly and efficiently. In this tutorial, you learned about those tools and techniques and how to take advantage of them in your string processing challenges.

In this tutorial, you learned how to:

  • Use iteration and recursion to create reversed strings by hand
  • Loop over your strings in reverse order
  • Sort your strings in descending order using sorted()

Even though this topic might not have many exciting use cases by itself, understanding how to reverse strings can be useful in coding interviews for entry-level positions. You’ll also find that mastering the different ways to reverse a string can help you really conceptualize the immutability of strings in Python, which is a notable feature of the language.

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Leodanis Pozo Ramos

Leodanis is an industrial engineer who loves Python and software development. He's a self-taught Python developer with 6+ years of experience. He's an avid technical writer with a growing number of articles published on Real Python and other sites.

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Given a number n, the task is to write a Python program to print a half-diamond pattern of numbers with a star border.

  • Two for loops will be run in this program in order to print the numbers as well as stars.
  • First print * and then run for loop from 1 to (n+1) to print up to the rows in ascending order.
  • In this particular for loop * will be printed up to i and then one more for loop will run from 1 to i+1 in order to print the numbers in ascending order.
  • Now one more loop will run from i-1 to 0 in order to print the number in the reverse order.
  • Now one star will be printed and this for loop will end.
  • Now second for loop will run from n-1 to 0 to print the pattern as in the middle in which the numbers are in a reverse manner.
  • In this for loop also the same work will be done as in first for loop.
  • The required pattern will be displayed.

Below is the implementation of the above pattern:


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Last Half of List in Python

Problem statement:.

In the Last Half of List in Python, we need to take a number as input and then a list of numbers. Then, we need to print a list containing half the numbers from the last part of the original list. Now, two cases arise, because the list can be even or odd. If the list is even, it’s simple to access half elements from the last, if the list is odd, make it even by minus 1 from it and proceed further.

Code for Last Half of List in Python:

Last Half of List in Python

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Python Program for Printing Half Diamond Star Pattern

June 5, 2020

Print Half Diamond Star Pattern

In this Python Program, we will be discussing about how to write a program to print Half Diamond Star Pattern. In this pattern, there are n rows with i numbers of time of iterations through all the rows and i+1 numbers of column are present for printing upper stars. Run another loop with i numbers of time of iterations through all the rows and num-1 numbers of column are present for printing lower stars. So, User have to enter a single value, that will be determine as a number of rows of the pattern. With the help of “Two Different Different Nested For Loop” , we will print the Half Diamond Star Pattern.

Python Program for Printing Half Diamond Star Pattern

Step 1. Start

Step 2. Take number of rows as input from the user and stored it into num.

Step 3. Run a loop ‘i’ number of times to iterate through all the rows which is Starting from i=0 to num.

Step 4. Run a nested loop inside the main loop for printing stars which is starting from j=0 to i+1.

Step 5. Move to the next line by printing a new line using print() function.

Step 6. Run another outer loop ‘i’ number of times to iterate through all the rows which is Starting from i=1 to num.

Step 7. Run a nested loop inside the main loop for printing stars which is starting from j=0 to num-1.

Step 8. Move to the next line by printing a new line using print() function.

Stop 9. Stop

Python Program:

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8 comments on “Python Program for Printing Half Diamond Star Pattern”

' src=

TRY THIS BRO, IT’S WAY EASIER: n = int(input(‘enter no.of rows: ‘))

for i in range(1, n+1): if i<=(n+1)/2: print('*'*i) else: print('*'*(n+1-i))

half string in python assignment expert

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half string in python assignment expert

rows = int(input(“Enter the number of rows: “)) for i in range(rows-1): for j in range(i+1): print(“*”, end=” “) print() for i in range(rows): for j in range(i,rows): print(“*”, end=” “) print()

half string in python assignment expert

Chennaiah#half diamand star pattern num = int(input(“enter number star pattern”)) for i in range(1,num+1): print(“* ” * i ) for j in range(1, num): print(“* ” * (num – i))

' src=

for i in range(n,0,-1): why the range is taken as mentioned above? please explain

' src=

n=int(input(“Enter the number: “)) for i in range(n): for j in range(i): print(“*”,end=” “) print()

for i in range(n): for k in range(n-i,0,-1): print(“*”,end=” “) print()

# Half Diamond Star Pattern n=int(input(“Enter the number: “)) for i in range(n): for j in range(i): print(“*”,end=” “) print()

' src=

#half diamond star pattern num=int(input(“enter the no of rows:”)) for i in range(1,num): print(“*”*i) for i in range(num,0,-1): print(“*”*i)

half string in python assignment expert

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Answer to Question #225350 in Python for kaavya

Last half of List:

You are given an integer N as input. Write a program to read N inputs and print a list containing the elements in the last half of the list.

The first line of input is an integer N. The second line contains N space-separated integers.


Sample Output 1

In the example, we are given

6 numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 as input.

The last half of elements of the list are 4, 5, 6. So, the output should be [4, 5, 6].

Sample Output 2

5 numbers 1, 11, 13, 21, 19 as input. The last half of elements of the list are 21, 19. So, the output should be [21, 19].

Sample Input 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

Sample Input 2

1 11 13 21 19

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Rotate a word in Python with a key

Write a function called rotate_word() that takes a string and an integer as parameters, and returns a new string that contains the letters from the original string rotated by the given amount. Rotate_word('cheer',7) == 'jolly' , Rotate_word('melon', -10) = 'cubed' ,**

My Python code is:

It gives output like:

Which is correct.

This is wrong the correct answer is cubed

What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it?

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4 Answers 4

The problem is that you need to "wrap around" when going below 'a' or above 'z' .

However instead of using chr and ord you can simply using str.translate with str.maketrans :

It would need a bit of additional work to make it also handle uppercase letters. But it produces the correct output for 'melon' and -10 and 'cheer' and 7 .

Assuming you only need lowercase characters, you need to wrap it around if it "overflows", which means if it goes beyond z or before a :

and then do something like this:

There are shorter and more elegant solutions, but this is the most straight forward fix

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