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my favourite writer biography abai kunanbaev

About Abai Kunanbaiuly

Abai Kunanbaiuly (1845-1904) was born at the bottom of the Chingiz Mountain in the today’s Abai district located in Eastern Kazakhstan region.

The founder of written Kazakh literature

He was a well-known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh literature, and its first classic.

The heritage he left his nation is rich in songs and poems, translations and prose. His translations of the poetry written by Russian writers and poets such as Pushkin, Lermontov, and Krylov became the national patrimony of Kazakhstan. He also translated the works of Schiller, Goethe, and Byron into the Kazakh language.

Book of Words

Book of Words  created by the great thinker is a philosophic treatise and collection of poems where he encourages his fellow Kazakhs to embrace education, literacy, and good moral character in order to escape poverty, enslavement and corruption. This creation of his is an exploration of Kazakh national life in the second half of the 19th century. He influenced social affairs in the country where he lived.

He also participated in the governing of the country and played a certain role in trying to solve complicated problems justly.

Kazakh folk culture

Abai’s main contribution to Kazakh culture and folklore lies in his poetry, which expresses great nationalism and grew out of Kazakh folk culture. Before him, most Kazakh poetry was oral, echoing the nomadic habits of the people of the Kazakh steppes.

During Abai’s lifetime, however, a number of important socio-political and socio-economic changes occurred. Russian influence continued to grow in Kazakhstan, resulting in greater educational possibilities as well as exposure to a number of different philosophies, whether Russian, Western or Asian. Statues of him have been erected in many cities of Kazakhstan, as well as in Moscow, Tashkent, Cairo and Budapest.

Abai Kunanbaiuly

The name of Abai is known worldwide

The name of Abai is known worldwide just as Shakespeare, Goethe, and Pushkin are well-known in many countries, because his great words became a spiritual patrimony of not only one nation, but of the entire humankind.

Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan Tours

Abai Kunanbauyly

Abai kunanbayuly (1845-1904).

Abai Kunanbay uulu was a well-known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh literature, and its first classic. The legacy he left his nation is rich in songs and poems, translations, and prose. His translations of the poetry written by Russian writers and poets such as Pushkin, Lermontov, and Krylov became the national inheritance of Kazakhstan. He translated the works of Schiller, Goethe, and Byron into the Kazakh language.  He also participated in the governing of the country and played a certain role in attempting to solve complicated problems justly. The name of Abai is known worldwide just as Shakespeare, Goethe, and Pushkin are well-known in many countries, because his great words became a spiritual patrimony of not only one nation, but of the entire humankind.

Ibrahim Abai Qunanbaaev was a Kazakh poet, composer and philosopher.  Abai was born in Karauyl village in Chingiz volost of Semipalatinsk uyezd of the Russian Empire, today it is Abai district in East Kazakhstan. He was the son of a rich and powerful Kazakh provincial prince, gave himself the pen-name Abai the Righteous.  He was sent to a Russian secondary school in Semipalatinsk. There he read the writings of Mikhail Lermontov ad Alexander Pushkin, which were influential to his own development as a writer. Further, he was fond of reading eastern poetry, including Shahname and 1000 and 1 night.

He was married against his will and had to bow to all his father’s whims. Henceforth, he vowed to dedicate all his work to the effort to liberate his nomadic people from ignorance. He took topics from his immediate environment, transformed them into poetry and put them into literary shape.

By translating them into Kazakh, Abai made important works from Russian and European literature accessible to his compatriots. He concentrated on Kazakhs’ national self-consciousness. As the best prerequisites for this he recommended education and moral integrity. His literary and philosophical masterpiece, the Book of Words, is dedicated to this theme. His work provided a powerful impulse to the development of Kazakh writing; today, Abai is honoured as the founder of Kazakh literature.

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my favourite writer biography abai kunanbaev


For those who collect information on the biography of my father, will be needed data about his character, lifestyle, about how he looked like: an expression of his face, clothes, gait, speech, was he pleased or indignant. Among the contemporaries of my father there were a few people who know how to write. So I had to involuntarily take up the pen. Although, to my notions, writing about the nature and habits of the father is not quite decent. Before, I never wrote these things and also have never seen or read a book of memories. I want to take the father’s character as a whole and, gradually, pondering, open it as far as I can. Azamat, who will need my words, will find from the heap of bales and choose the right material and cut out what he wants. &#82&#101&#97&#100&#32&#109&#111&#114&#101 »

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Abai Kunanbayev’s Poetry – A Wise Source, Flooding the Soul of the People

By Lu Nasi in Opinions on 9 June 2020

My acquaintance with Abai Kunanbayev and his rich heritage is connected with my keen reading of numerous works of Kazakh literature. I am well aware that the poetry of Abai Kunanbayev occupies an important place in the spiritual life of the Kazakh people. In the course of discussions with my colleagues from Kazakhstan – researchers of the work of Abai, I got even deeper acquainted with the works of this truly great poet.

my favourite writer biography abai kunanbaev

Many scientists in the world studying Kazakhstan, admiring Abai’s deep poetry respectfully compare his image with “an eagle flying over the Kazakh meadows”, “a horse galloping across the Kazakh meadows”, for them he is “The North Star in Kazakh literature”, the keeper of Kazakh culture and carrier of the civilization of the Kazakh steppe. And I completely agree with them.

After reading many of Abai’s texts, I cannot but deeply admire his work, which has a special poetic charm. Therefore, I studied the life story of this legendary thinker in order to understand how his character was formed, and how his strongest creative foundation developed.

Abai Kunanbayev (1845 – 1904) originally had the name Ibrahim. The name “Abai” was given by his grandmother, which in Kazakh means “cautious and vigilant.” Having grown up in an outstanding family of the East Kazakhstan steppe and having received a good education, he had to follow the path of his father and become the head of the clan, but, in the end, he became the founder of modern Kazakh literature, known as the “soul of the Kazakh people.”

Abai began to write poetry at the age of 12, and his early poems are mostly spontaneous. At the age of eight, Abai was sent by his father to study in Semipalatinsk. With many interests, he was not content with just reading the scriptures, and began to study the literature of his people and the vast Eastern classics.

Under the influence of his grandmother Zere, who knows Kazakh folklore well, Abai’s poetic hobbies are formed, and he creates several poetic works. Studying Arabic, Farsi, Chagatai and other Eastern languages, he is also interested in Russian culture, even violating school rules, studying Russian in a Russian parish school, which causes dissatisfaction with his father.

At the age of 13, by the decision of his father, he drops out of school and returns home to manage family affairs. At the age of 28, he runs away from home to continue his studies in Semipalatinsk (now the city of Semey, East Kazakhstan). At that time, the city was in fact a military fortress where soldiers and educated exiles from Russia lived.

In this city, Abai gets acquainted with the works of Alexander Pushkin and Nikolay Chernyshevsky and other Russian writers and thinkers, forming a democratic worldview and his own view on the development of Kazakh literature.

At the age of 35, he begins to write his own poems and translate the works of M. Lermontov into Kazakh and fragments of the poem by Alexander Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. These famous translations will greatly enrich Kazakh literature.

In my opinion, the poetry of Abai Kunanbayev reflects the continuity in the centuries-old Kazakh poetry and at the same time forms a new philosophical trend. My attention as a scientist is attracted to the “Octave”, a poetic masterpiece that Abai wrote in 1889. I am impressed by this creation, which has 28 verses and is the longest of all his works.

As a foreign researcher, I am very interested in how Abai transforms the traditional rules of Kazakh folk poetry in it, he enriches it with new ideological and artistic turns.

As is known, traditional Kazakh poetry is, as a rule, quatrains, where each verse consists of 11 syllables, rhyme – “AABA”. That is, the first, second and fourth lines rhyme, and the third does not; or for long poems there are 7 syllables (stop), but the number of verses remains uncertain.

Being an innovator in creativity, in his “Octave”, Abai for the first time uses the law of versification, new to Kazakh poetry. In particular, the first and second verses – 5 syllables, the third – 8 syllables, the fourth to the sixth – the repetition of the first three verses, the final two verses – 8 syllables. In this case, the first and second, fourth and fifth, seventh and eighth verses rhyme, and the third and sixth verses also form an independent rhyme.

Obviously, the law of versification of Abai, applied in the poem “Octave”, seems more flexible than the traditional form of Kazakh poetry. I believe that, possessing stronger expressiveness and attractiveness, such a creative technique opens up a new path for the development of modern Kazakh poetry.

The graceful and free poetry of Abai Kunanbayev is a wise source that floods the souls of the people. In the poem “Poetry – the ruler of the language,” the great poet writes:

Poetry is the master of language,

Genius carves a miracle from stone.

The heart warms if the speech is light,

And the ear is caressed by the beauty of the language. In Kazakh poetic culture, there is a syncretism of poetry and songs, all poems can be performed to music.

And if the singer’s speech is clogged

With words that are alien to the native spirit, –

The world does not need such a song.

The ignoramus’s voice is liked by a deaf ear.

A homeless wastes for a handout

His own warmth, doling out flattery.

On the side of a stranger, at the cost of praise,

He sought low honour.

“I want to give people all my talent, and I hope that people will remember these sincere verses,” said Abai. “Poetry has a rhythmic and refined language, the construction of words and phrases should be harmonious and natural; while the idea is new, the mood is touching, who can’t say that this is a wonderful poem? He once wrote “Using poetry is like baptising a newborn.”

“Ceremonies also use poetry to outline the rules that our predecessors set for us.” “Poetry opens the door to life for babies and accompanies the dead on their way to heaven.” “Life without poetry loses joy, this is enough to appreciate its significance.” He openly declares that the poet’s calling is a thorough creation, and he should not count on the reward of others; to meet noble people to show respect, not to be greedy and sell poetry.

The mission of each poet is to inspire the hearts of people, to stimulate through creativity, energy and inspiration. In the poem “Poetry is your eternal companion,” Abai writes: “Perhaps you are tired of everything worldly, but poetry remains your eternal companion; just sing a few new songs, heartache will dissipate with the song.” He notes: “May my poems kindle a flame in my heart like a spark.”

With a noble urge, the poet exclaims: “May the scars turn into flame, may the flame ignite Heaven; may my life dry up from tears, may it turn into countless precious verses.” He is ready to selflessly donate his poems to people: “Whoever thinks that there is something that can be taken, they can arbitrarily take and borrow”, “If someone really understands my poetry, even if it is only one person, then I’m calm.”

In the poem “Smart Eagle” Abai writes: “The smart eagle spreads its bright wings, giving rise to beautiful dreams of people.” One must strive for joy in life, “without joy there is no joy in poetry”, poetry is an integral part of life, the more joyful it is, the easier it is to express it, “a beautiful song is like the fragrance of fresh honey, it can open people’s closed hearts; raises the spirit and intoxicates, sweet and refreshing, like a child’s laugh.”

He constantly asks: “Who writes such touching songs and poems, and who can understand its meaning and ideas?” The poet’s mission is to create beautiful verses, “so that the fire burns in the hearts of people even brighter, I want to create more songs and poems”, “life will be like a pure, clear spring water, only then will singing and life become eternal friends”. And I am convinced that Abai is honourably fulfilling his poetic mission.

Today in China, scientists with great respect study the rich heritage of the great Kazakh poet, because his work reflects the soul of the Kazakh people, who for many centuries have historically lived in peace and friendship with neighbouring China. I think that the role and significance of Abai in the culture of Kazakhstan is comparable to the place of famous thinkers Li Bai and Du Fu in the history and culture of China. The philosophy and wise views of Abai attract considerable attention in modern Chinese society.

On September 7, 2013, at the Nazarbayev University in the capital of Kazakhstan, President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China in his world-famous speech “To develop friendship between peoples, jointly create a bright future” puts forward a major international initiative for the joint construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt.

In this historic speech, Chinese leader Xi Jinping uses the famous lines from the work of Abai Kunanbayev: “The world is an ocean. Time, like the wind, drives waves of generations replacing each other.” Xi Jinping’s use of the lines from Abai’s work well reflects the high respect enjoyed by the great Kazakh poet and his wise heritage in Chinese society. And the work of the Kazakh poet has become a kind of symbol of the reconstruction of the Great Silk Road in Eurasia.

In China, we believe that the literary works of Abai have long passed from national treasure to the treasury of all humankind. That is why 1995 was defined by UNESCO as the Year of Abai. Every year, scientific seminars on the work of the Kazakh poet are held in different countries of the world. Currently, in a number of world capitals – in Moscow, Berlin and Istanbul – streets are named after him and sculptures with his image are installed in his honour.

In 2015, the year of the 170th anniversary of the birth of Abai, a bronze statue of the great poet was unveiled in the Chinese capital, Beijing. It is now proudly visited by all Kazakh official delegations during their stay in China.

Today, on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of Abai’s birth, in China we “look at the stars and think about the eagle,” proudly roaring over the Kazakh steppes, and his poems resemble “a sweet spring that penetrates the soul and floods the hearts of people.” And we joyfully note that even after a century and a half, the poetry – glorifying life and giving birth to a sense of beauty – of Abai, the great son of the Kazakh people, continues to inspire people to strive for a happy future.

The author is Research Fellow at Humanitarian Institute, Northwestern University of Agriculture and Forestry, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, People’s Republic of China. 

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Abai Kunanbaev: poems, quotes, biography

The great thinker, great poet, and consummate fighter for the prosperity of the Kazakh people, Abai Kunanbaev, became the founder of Kazakhstan's classic literature. The creative heritage of the writer became the spiritual heritage of the nation and enriched the culture of the Kazakh people.

Abai Kunanbaev: poems, quotes

Abay Kunanbaev: literary heritage

Abai's poems were written over a century and a half ago, but remain relevant in today's world. The works of the great classical have been recognized in different parts of the world and have been translated into many languages. Learn about the literary activity of the first classic of Kazakhstan, read the aphorisms and statements of the outstanding Kazakh. Photo: Abay Kunanbayev: Literary Legacy The Kazakh classical began his literary activities as a teenager. His first poems were written when he was 12, but few of his early works have reached his contemporaries. From the age of 28, the poet thoroughly studied the poetic creativity of Eastern nations and Russian classical literature.

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He was the first to translate into Kazakh the works of the genius poets and writers Krylov, Schiller, Pushkin, Byron, Mickevich, Geine, Lermontov, and Goethe. Thanks to the works of an outstanding person, Kazakh people got acquainted with the world's classical literature for the first time. During his creative activity, Abai Kunanbayev left a vast literary legacy to the world community. It included poems, conversations with readers, poems in which the author praised the beauty of native nature, wisdom, and diligence of the Kazakhs.

Abay Kunanbaev, whose poems are imbued with love for the homeland, realistically described the way of life of the nomadic Auls, condemned the imperial usurpers and village governors, convinced the people of the need for enlightenment, and called for a fight against social evils. Abai presented the most typical portraits of his contemporaries in his works "Kulembaya," "Kozheqbay," and many others.

Ideologically and thematically, the literary heritage of the prominent Kazakh is diverse. For example, in the poems, The Tale of Azim, Masgoode, the author reveals to the reader his own ideals, the central idea of which is to celebrate labor, social and moral justice, humanity, reason, and service to the people.

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Abai Kunanbaev: poems, quotes

In his poem "Iskander," the poet expresses his attitude toward the historical figure Alexander the Great. In the work the author condemns the conqueror's greed, setting him against the eminent philosopher Aristotle. In "Gacclia," the poet acts as a demanding mentor and thoughtful thinker. In wise aphorisms, the author presents to the reader issues of culture, morality, history, pedagogy, labor, and the community of nations.

Abai's writings were widely known even before they were published. His poems and poems were delivered word of mouth. Kunanbayev's aesthetic innovations had a huge impact on contemporary Kazakh literature. The way of life and creativity were covered by such artists as:

  • writer Mukhtar Auezov (novel trilogy "Abay");
  • director Georgy Roshal (film "Songs of Abay");
  • and director Kurmanbek Jandarbekov (opera "Abai").

Abay's innovative literary achievements had a huge influence on the works of national Akyn's and figures of Kazakh literature.

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The main work of the writer was an epic philosophical work, The Words of Edification , which includes philosophical treatises and short proverbs. The prose poem raises questions of Kazakh worldview, morality, law, and national education. Abay Kunanbayev, whose biography is full of persecution, never lost faith in the strength of the Kazakh people.

Abai Kunanbaev: poems, quotes

Abai masterfully implemented the fresh ideas in his works in innovative literary forms. The author actively used the richness of national oral poetry and the Kazakh language. He introduced innovative poetic genres into literature, employed previously unknown techniques and forms.

In addition to his literary work, Abai Kunanbayev wrote music. More than 20 tunes were widely used by Soviet composers (Ahmet Zhubanov, Latif Khamidi, and Evgeny Brusilovsky) in creating the Abay opera and many symphonic poems. Tatiana's letter to Onegin accompanied by his tune has been adorning the song repertoire of the people of Kazakhstan for more than 100 years.

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Abai Kunanbaev: statements and aphorisms

In his works, the author touched upon various aspects of human life. In short and concise statements, there is the great wisdom of an unsurpassed thinker. Here's what the writer said about a person's inner condition and their life priorities, goals, aspirations, and relationships:

He who shouts in anger is harmless. Fear the one who is silent in anger.
Modesty, which derives from weakness, is not dignity.
The man who memorizes the words of the wise becomes wise himself.
Human dignity is determined by the path that one takes to the end, not by whether one achieves it.
Empty youth is a disaster.
Until you have achieved happiness, your dreams are shared by all. But fate lifted you up, and your well-wisher is you .
A bad friend is like a shadow: on a sunny day, run and fail, on an overcast day, seek and fail.

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Abai Kunanbaev: poems, quotes

The worst person out there is one with no aspiration.
The only reason, science, will, conscience elevate man. Only a fool would think otherwise.
The lazy are always hypocritical.
Labour is a joy, laziness a cruel scourge.
Educate the Will: it is the armour that preserves the mind.
Be reasonable, fortify your spirit in the struggle, only the untalented submit to fate.
The worthy settle for a little, although he desired more.
The insignificant are dissatisfied, even when he receives too much.
Human dignity is defined by its approach, not its completion.
Who labors only for himself is like a cattle that fill his belly. Decent works for mankind.
Pray not that you are the son of your father; pride yourself on being the son of a man.
Knowing another's language and culture makes a person equal to those people.

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If I were in power, I would cut off the tongue of anyone who claims that a person is irredeemable.
The most beautiful thoughts dim after passing through the people's mouths.
The man who challenged a hundred people and misled them is infinitely inferior to the man who guided one person to the way of truth.

Abai Kunanbaev: poems, quotes

Laugh enthusiastically, genuinely glad when you see a person who has found a good, has done good, worthy of emulation. A good example teaches restraint, will stop in time, will not allow intoxication.
If your knowledge cannot convince you, don't think that someone else will appreciate it. If you don't value your knowledge, how can you expect others to recognize you?
By the love of God, the nations are created, and you love them like yourself. Love people as brothers, like freedom, then truth and life are for you.

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At the first meeting he shakes hands, flatters, and swans but turns away.
Exuberance reveals a vice in everything.
Laughter with frustration is not joy, but sorrow.
In that, we find the joy we will find bitterness.
It is not just adversity that fills the world, but entertainment.
A person can become good by comparing himself only to good ones.
Share secrets with those who have no friends, befriend those who have many friends. Avoid someone who is careless, be with someone who is sad.
The glory is a high rock. The snake gets to it with a creep, but the falcon reaches it with a single wingspan.
Do good to the wise, and do good to the foolish.
If you want to be rich and learn the trade. Wealth drains away with time, but skills do not.

Over the years Abay Kunanbaev's melodies, prose, and poems have not lost their beauty and relevance. His belief that only understanding and peace among peoples, cutting-edge ideas of culture, science, and education can lead the world to universal prosperity remains vitally important for all the world's peoples and each individual.

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Abai Kunanbaev Kazakh writer, poet, lyricist, social philosopher. Born in Kazakhstan in Semey province, Abai Kunanbaev was educated at home and then sent.

Published by Brent Banks Modified over 8 years ago

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  2. Abai Kunanbayev: A Legacy That Connects People ...

    By Leyli Vaisova in Nation on 4 July 2020. The poet, philosopher and national enlightener Abai Kunanbayev became famous for his approach to "saving the Kazakh people" in the era of the "farewell ball of nomadic civilization.". Abai Kunanbayev. This year, the world community celebrates the 175th anniversary of the poet, composer ...

  3. Abai: A Poet for All Seasons

    Life. Abai Kunanbaev, the great thinker, enlightener, poet, and composer of the Kazakh people, was born on August 10, 1845 in the Genghis mountains of the Semipalatinsk region 1. His father, Kunanbai Uskenbaev, was a highly influential elder of the Tobykty Clan, part of the Middle Juz. Abai was educated at home by a mullah, later in the ...

  4. Abai Qunanbaiuly

    Abai Qunanbaiuly. Ibrahim (Abai) Qunanbaiūly ( Kazakh: Ибраһим (Абай) Құнанбайұлы, Kazakh pronunciation: [ɑbɑj qo̙nɑnbɑjo̙ɫɯ] ⓘ; Russian: Абай Кунанбаев; 10 August [ O.S. 29 July] 1845 - 6 July [ O.S. 23 June] 1904) was a Kazakh poet, composer and Hanafi Maturidi theologian philosopher. [2] He was ...

  5. Kunanbaev Abay

    Abay Kunanbaev (1845-1904). Abay was born in 1845 at the bottom of the Chingiz Mountain in the today's Abai district (former Karkaraly) located in Eastern Kazakhstan region (formerly, the Semipalatinsk region). He was a well-known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh literature, and its first classic.

  6. Biography of Abai

    Since the 1890s, when Abai was engaged in teaching and mentoring, he wrote few poems, but wrote a lot of "Words of edification.". Abai was the founder of the new realistic written poetry, literature of the Kazakh people. Abai wrote 170 verses and 57 translations, poems, «Book of Words». On June 23, 1904, Abai died in his native land.

  7. Abai Qunanbayuli

    Death day. 1904. Abay (Ibrahim) Qunanbayuli (August 10, 1845-July 6, 1904) was a great Kazakh poet, composer and philosopher. He was also a cultural reformer toward European and Russian cultures on the basis of Islam. Abay was born in what is today the selo of Karauyl, in Abay District, East Kazakhstan Province; the son of Qunanbay and Uljan ...

  8. Kunanbaev Abai

    Abai Kunanbaev (1845-1904). Abay was born in 1845 at the bottom of the Chingiz Mountain in the today's Abai district (former Karkaraly) located in Eastern Kazakhstan region (formerly, the Semipalatinsk region). He was a well-known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh literature, and its first ...


    Abai (Ibrahim) Kunanbayev(July 29 (August 10, 1845 - June 23 (July 6, 1904)) - Kazakh poet, the founder of the written literature of the Kazakhs, a classic of world literature, translator, composer, thinker, public figure, enlightener. Biography. On July 29 (on new style - August 10), 1845, the tribe leader, elder sultan of Karkaraly county and major bai Kunanbay Oskenbayev's son ...

  10. Abai

    Abai Kunanbaiuly (1845-1904) was born at the bottom of the Chingiz Mountain in the today's Abai district located in Eastern Kazakhstan region. 1845. 1845. The founder of written Kazakh literature. He was a well-known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh literature, and its first classic.

  11. The Power of Context: Abai Kunanbayev's Translations Made European

    This year is marked by the celebration of the 175th anniversary of Kazakh poet and writer Abai Kunanbayev. Kunanbayev went on to become the first Kazakh classic writer famous not only for his works, philosophical treatises and music, but also as a translator, who popularized the masterpieces of world literature for a general audience.

  12. Abai Kunanbaev

    Abai Kunanbauyly ABAI KUNANBAYuly (1845-1904) Abai Kunanbay uulu was a well-known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh literature, and its first classic. The legacy he left his nation is rich in songs and poems, translations, and prose. His translations of the poetry written by Russian writers and poets such as … Abai Kunanbaev Read More »

  13. Memoirs of contemporaries about Abai

    LIFE OF ABAI (IBRAGIM) KUNANBAEV. 10-April, 2012 | 29163 views. June 23rd 1904 was the time when famous Kazakh akyn[1] and Chingiztau foothills inhabitants' representative named Abay Kunanbayuli (or Abay Qunanbayuli) passed away. His real name is Ibrahim. However, according to Kazakh custom name «Abay» given by his mother is used for ...

  14. Abai Kunanbayev's Poetry

    In my opinion, the poetry of Abai Kunanbayev reflects the continuity in the centuries-old Kazakh poetry and at the same time forms a new philosophical trend. My attention as a scientist is attracted to the "Octave", a poetic masterpiece that Abai wrote in 1889. I am impressed by this creation, which has 28 verses and is the longest of all ...

  15. Akylbai Abaiuly Kunanbaev (1861

    Akylbai Abaiuly Kunanbaev - Kazakh poet, musician, composer, public figure. He was born in the foothills of Shyngystau (now the Abai district of the East Kazakhstan region). Akylbai was the firstborn of the great Abai and was born when his father was sixteen years old. ... Silchenko M.S. Creative biography of Abai.- Publishing of Kazakh SSR ...

  16. Abai Kunanbaev -- BOOK OF WORDS

    THE BOOK OF WORDS. (Extract, the first words) WORD ONE Whether for good or ill, I have lived my life, travelling a long road fraught with struggles and quarrels, disputes and arguments, suffering and anxiety, and reached these advanced years to find myself at the end of my tether, tired of everything. I have realized the vanity and futility of ...

  17. Abai Kunanbayev: Selected Poems by Abay Qunanbayuli

    3 books13 followers. Abay (Ibrahim) Qunanbayuli (1845-1904). Abay was born in 1845 at the bottom of the Chingiz Mountain in the today's Abay district (former Karkaraly) located in Eastern Kazakhstan region (formerly, the Semipalatinsk region). He was a well-known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh ...

  18. Abai Kunanbayev: Selected poems

    Серіктестер. Abai Kunanbayev: Selected poems. To Mark the 125th Anniversary of His Birth.

  19. Kunanbaev Ibragim Abai

    A poet, philosopher, and composer from Kazakhstan, Abai was afforded the privilege of a European post education in Russia, due to the wealth of his father, a feudal lord. While attending school in Russia, Abai came into contact with the writings of Aleksandr Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov. Abai helped to legitimize Kazakh as a written language.

  20. Abai Kunanbaev: poems, quotes, biography

    Abay Kunanbaev, whose poems are imbued with love for the homeland, realistically described the way of life of the nomadic Auls, condemned the imperial usurpers and village governors, convinced the people of the need for enlightenment, and called for a fight against social evils. Abai presented the most typical portraits of his contemporaries in ...

  21. Abai Kunanbaev Kazakh writer, poet, lyricist, social philosopher. Born

    2 Writings Abai devoted many of his works to the violence of Kazakh labour rights e.g."Oh my Kazakh! My poor people!". Number of works were devoted to youth: "Our children", "Only youth - happy flower of life". And a real treasure is his poems expressing his feelings and love to the nature of his land: "Autumn", "Winter", "Fall" and etc.

  22. Abai Kunanbaev Biography Kazakh writer poet lyricist social

    Statues of him have been erected in many cities of Kazakhstan, as well as in Moscow. A film on the life of Abay was made by Kazakhfilm in 1995, titled Abai. He is also the subject of two novels and an opera by Mukhtar Auezov, another Kazakhstani writer. Another film describing his father's life was made in December 2015, titled "Qunanbai".

  23. My favourite Uzbek writers

    My favourite writer . ... Said Ahmad (1920-2007) Abai Kunanbaev . My favorite writer . My favourite film . My favourite book . My favourite Uzbek writers. 1. My favourite Uzbek writers Engineer communications 2nd year student Axmetullaeva Mexriban 2. WORLD LITERARY HERITAGE OF THE EAST 3. Plan • 1. Biography of Ali-Shir Nava'I • 2. Books ...