Essay meaning in Urdu

Essay sentence, essay synonyms, essay definitions.

1 of 2) Essay , Assay , Attempt , Seek , Try : کوشش کرنا : (verb) make an effort or attempt.

2 of 2) Essay , Examine , Prove , Test , Try , Try Out : امتحان لینا , آزمائش کرنا , جانچنا : (verb) put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to.

Useful Words

Endeavor : جدوجہد کرنا , Composition : تصنیف , Memoir : عالمانہ مضمون , Foreword : تمہید , Critical Review : تبصرہ , Michel Eyquem Montaigne : فرانسیسی مصنف , Bid : حاصل کرنے کی کوشش , Give It A Try : کوشش کرنا , Goad : اکسانے والی بات , Battle : جدوجہد , Goal : کھیل کا گول , Go For : کوئی چیز پانے کی کوشش کرنا , Nisus : کوشش , Blatant : کھلم کھلا , Redeployment : نئی پرابندی , Research : تحقیق کرنا , Cock : اکڑ کر چلنا , Aeneas Silvius : اٹلی کا پوپ , Cardiac Massage : دل کی مالش , Defibrillator : کوئی عامل یا ایجنٹ مثلاً برقی صدمہ جو قلبی ریشہ بندی ختم کرتا ہے اور نارمل ردم شروع کرتا ہے , Islamism : عقیدہ اسلام , Arduous : کٹھن , Pix : سکے دان , Hunt : تلاش کرنا , Look : تلاش کرنا , Consult : رجوع کرنا , Ask : پوچھنا , Court Favor : خوشامد کرنا , Effortlessly : بنا کسی دقت کے , Abu Sayyaf : ابو سیاف گروپ , Cadge : مفت میں لینا

Useful Words Definitions

Endeavor: attempt by employing effort.

Composition: an essay (especially one written as an assignment).

Memoir: an essay on a scientific or scholarly topic.

Foreword: a short introductory essay preceding the text of a book.

Critical Review: an essay or article that gives a critical evaluation (as of a book or play).

Michel Eyquem Montaigne: French writer regarded as the originator of the modern essay (1533-1592).

Bid: an attempt to get something.

Give It A Try: make an attempt at something.

Goad: a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something.

Battle: an energetic attempt to achieve something.

Goal: a successful attempt at scoring.

Go For: make an attempt at achieving something.

Nisus: an effortful attempt to attain a goal.

Blatant: without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious.

Redeployment: the withdrawal and redistribution of forces in an attempt to use them more effectively.

Research: attempt to find out in a systematically and scientific manner.

Cock: to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others.

Aeneas Silvius: Italian pope from 1458 to 1464 who is remembered for his unsuccessful attempt to lead a crusade against the Turks (1405-1464).

Cardiac Massage: an emergency procedure that employs rhythmic compression of the heart (either through the chest wall or, during surgery, directly to the heart) in an attempt to maintain circulation during cardiac arrest.

Defibrillator: an electronic device that administers an electric shock of preset voltage to the heart through the chest wall in an attempt to restore the normal rhythm of the heart during ventricular fibrillation.

Islamism: a fundamentalist Islamic revivalist movement generally characterized by moral conservatism and the literal interpretation of the Koran and the attempt to implement Islamic values in all aspects of life.

Arduous: characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort.

Pix: a chest in which coins from the mint are held to await assay.

Hunt: seek, search for.

Look: search or seek.

Consult: seek information from.

Ask: direct or put; seek an answer to.

Court Favor: seek favor by fawning or flattery.

Effortlessly: without effort or apparent effort.

Abu Sayyaf: a small gang of militants claiming to seek a separate Islamic state for the Muslim minority in the Philippines; uses bombing and assassination and extortion and kidnapping.

Cadge: obtain or seek to obtain by cadging or wheedling.

Related Words

Act : کام کرنا , Grope : کسی شے کو اندھے پن سے تلاش کرنا , Float : سامنے لانا , Adventure : فائدے کے لئے خطرہ مول لینا , Lay On The Line : خطرہ

Essay in Book Titles

Understanding the Essay. Encyclopedia of the Essay. The Historical Novel: An Essay.

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Essayer : one who tries.

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Espousal : the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception.

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Essays Meaning In Urdu

Essays Meaning in English to Urdu is مضامین, as written in Urdu and Mazameen, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Essays which include Article, Composition, Discussion, Disquisition, Dissertation, Explication, Exposition, Manuscript, Paper, Piece, Study, Theme, Thesis, Tract, Treatise, etc.

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[em-bley-zuh N]

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امرین: لال رنگ والی
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Essay Meaning In Urdu

سادہ مثالوں اور تعریفوں کے ساتھ essay کا حقیقی معنی جانیں۔, definitions of essay.

1 . کسی خاص موضوع پر مختصر مضمون۔

1 . a short piece of writing on a particular subject.

2 . ایک کوشش یا کوشش۔

2 . an attempt or effort.

Examples of Essay :

1 . یہ میرے ماڈل IELTS مضامین کے اسباق میں سے ایک ہے جہاں آپ کر سکتے ہیں۔

1 . This is one of my model IELTS essay s lessons where you can

2 . ہندی میں طالب علم کا مضمون اور نظم و ضبط۔

2 . student and discipline essay in hindi.

3 . اربنائزیشن: شہریکرن پر آپ کا مضمون یہ ہے۔

3 . Urbanization: Here is Your Essay on Urbanization

4 . آج، زیادہ تر مضامین وضاحتی نیوز جرنلزم کے طور پر لکھے جاتے ہیں، حالانکہ مرکزی دھارے میں اب بھی ایسے مضمون نگار موجود ہیں جو خود کو فنکار سمجھتے ہیں۔

4 . today most essay s are written as expository informative journalism although there are still essay ists in the great tradition who think of themselves as artists.

5 . ہندی میڈیا کا مضمون۔

5 . essay on media in hindi.

6 . ہندی میں اچھے اخلاق پر مضمون۔

6 . essay on good manners in hindi.

7 . بیڈمنٹن کھیلنے کے فوائد پر مضمون۔

7 . essay benefit of playing badminton.

8 . اس مضمون میں پیٹرارچن تھیمز کے ارتقاء کی کھوج کی گئی۔

8 . The essay explored the evolution of Petrarchan themes.

9 . اس بات کو یقینی بنائیں کہ وضاحتی مضمون کے مقالے کو موضوع کی ایک حد کے طور پر پیش کریں۔

9 . Be sure to treat the expository essay thesis as a limitation of the topic.

10 . میرا ان باکس پچھلے دن سے یاس نیکاتی کے ایک مضمون پر ناقابل یقین حد تک متنوع سامعین کے نوٹوں کے ساتھ گونج رہا ہے جس کا عنوان ہے "ٹوریز ووٹڈ جانور ای یو بل کے تحت درد محسوس نہیں کر سکتے ہیں، جو ہمارے اینٹی بریگزٹ سائنسدان کی شروعات کا نشان ہے" (مزید کے لیے دیکھیں، "بریگزٹ بل میں اراکین پارلیمنٹ ووٹ دیتے ہیں 'جانور درد یا جذبات محسوس نہیں کر سکتے'")۔

10 . my email inbox has been ringing for the past day with notes from an incredibly diverse audience about an essay by yas necati called"the tories have voted that animals can't feel pain as part of the eu bill, marking the beginning of our anti-science brexit"(for more in this please see"mps vote'that animals cannot feel pain or emotions' into the brexit bill").

11 . ایک متنازعہ تحریر

11 . a polemical essay

12 . ڈونلڈ نے مسکرانے کی کوشش کی۔

12 . Donald essay ed a smile

13 . مضامین جو میں لکھنا چاہتا ہوں۔

13 . essay s i want to write.

14 . آبشار کا مضمون ہندی میں

14 . essay on waterfall in hindi.

15 . مضمون نگاری کی خدمت کیا ہے؟

15 . what is essay writing service?

16 . نئے مضامین کی پیش کش۔

16 . the preface to the new essay s.

17 . ہندی میں موسمیاتی تبدیلی پر مضمون۔

17 . essay climate change in hindi.

18 . مشرق وسطی کی رپورٹ کے مضامین۔

18 . essay s from middle east report.

19 . ہندی میں صحت مند کھانے پر مضمون۔

19 . essay on healthy food in hindi.

20 . ہندی میں میرے وطن پر مضمون۔

20 . essay on my motherland in hindi.


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Essay Writing Tips in the Urdu Language

  • Post author: Mr-Teacher
  • Post last modified: February 21, 2023

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Are you learning Urdu and need to write your first essay in the Urdu language? It won’t be as easy as ABC because you must do much research to complete a high-quality paper. Urdu refers to rare languages and has distinctive features and peculiarities. More and more students decide to contact professional academic writers at essay writing services not to fail and submit a flawless essay in Urdu. Want to write an insightful essay that will be evaluated positively? You’ve come to the right place. Here is a collection of expert writing tips from SmartWritingService that will make the essay writing process easier and more effective. 

Choose the Topic You Know the Best

First, choose the topic you can reveal in the Urdu language. If you are a beginner, you shouldn’t pick complex topics. It will be hard to discuss them, and you won’t be able to give information on all the topic issues. Don’t choose too broad or too narrow topics. Brainstorm ideas on the topics you are interested in and feel passionate about discussing. Ensure you know all the necessary Urdu words and terms to discuss the chosen subject.

Conduct Research and Analysis

The second thing you need to do is to search for credible sources of information. You need to use only educational websites and electronic libraries with trusted sources. Don’t use any facts or data until you make sure all the information is true. You can use books, articles from newspapers, and web sources. The more sources you use, the better. Collect all the information on the topic you can find and analyze what pieces of information are valuable for your essay.

Write a Detailed Essay Outline

Now you have a topic and enough material to get started. Make an essay outline to have a clear picture of how to structure your essay paper. Using a good outline you won’t miss any important ideas on the subject. 

Divide Your Content into 3 Parts

Your essay should consist of 3 parts: an introduction, the main body, and the conclusion. You should start with an engaging opening paragraph. The main key to success is to include interesting facts or a story about your topic. You should structure your essay, so the content is easy to perceive and understand. There is a wealth of literature in Urdu. This is the literature of Indian Muslims that dates back to the 13th century. Until the beginning of the 19th century, it was represented mainly by lyric poetry on religious-philosophical themes and was strongly influenced by Persian poetry. It’s a good idea to include poetry in your essay. Find several lines that reflect on your essay topic and use them at the beginning of your essay paper.

Write a short introduction to attract the reader’s attention and proceed to the main part of the essay. Here, you need to discuss all the key issues, give arguments for each of the discussion points, and start any new idea from the new paragraph. Finally, conclude your Urdu essay with several sentences that will make it clear to the reader why he/she has spent time learning the topic. Write about the possibility of further research on the topic. The conclusion should be brief, clear, and concise. 

Pay a Special Attention to Grammar in Urdu

The grammar of Urdu is generally similar to that of Hindi; however, due to the cultural separation of Muslims from Hindus, Urdu has incorporated some elements characteristic of the grammar of Arabic and Persian. 

  • Nouns, pronouns, and verbs change in numbers (singular and plural) and cases (direct, indirect, vocative), verbs, some adjectives, and nouns also in gender (masculine and feminine). Some postpositions also vary in gender and number.
  • Urdu pronouns are classified into several groups of meanings. Urdu has no negative pronouns; instead, negative constructions with indefinite pronouns are used. By the nature of the changes and functions in the sentence, pronouns are divided into pronouns-nouns, pronouns-adjectives, and pronouns-numerals. There are several types of participles in Urdu. The participles combine verbal and nominal signs. Foreign language (Arabic, Persian) participles in Urdu are used as ordinary adjectives.
  • There are several types of verb tenses in Urdu. In terms of the present, there are two kinds, in terms of the past – three, and in terms of the future, the kind can both be expressed (in three forms) and remain unexpressed. Most tenses are formed by creating a nominal predicate from a participle and an auxiliary verb. The imperative mood has several forms, which differ in the degree of politeness. Also, in Urdu, there are “intensive verbs” – combinations of the stem of a verb with one of the 12 service verbs. As a result of this combination, the main verb receives a refined shade of its meaning. Intensive verbs are usually not recorded in dictionaries, they are not separate verbs, and in each particular case, they are formed directly in speech.

Proofread and edit the essay, if necessary. Make sure it doesn’t contain grammar errors, and that the whole essay sounds logical. If you lack essay writing skills or knowledge of the Urdu language, don’t hesitate to ask custom writers to check your paper and make it error-free. Experienced writers will provide a high-quality essay sample on the necessary topic to get inspired and learn how to express your thoughts in Urdu.

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Essays Meaning in Urdu

Essays meaning in Urdu is Mazameen (مضامین) . Similar words of Essays are also commonly used in daily talk like as Essay. Pronunciation of Essays in roman Urdu is "Mazameen" and Translation of Essays in Urdu writing script is مضامین .

  • (pl. ) of Essay

Essays Urdu Meaning with Definition

Essays is an English word that is used in many sentences in different contexts. Essays meaning in Urdu is a مضامین - Mazameen. Essays word is driven by the English language. Essays word meaning in English is well described here in English as well as in Urdu. You can use this amazing English to Urdu dictionary online to check the meaning of other words too as the word Essays meaning.

Finding the exact meaning of any word online is a little tricky. There is more than 1 meaning of each word. However the meaning of Essays stated above is reliable and authentic. It can be used in various sentences and Essays word synonyms are also given on this page. Dictionary is a helpful tool for everyone who wants to learn a new word or wants to find the meaning. This English to Urdu dictionary online is easy to use and carry in your pocket. Similar to the meaning of Essays, you can check other words' meanings as well by searching it online.


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ہماری اردو ڈکشنری ویب سائٹ میں خوش آمدید! یہاں آپ کو اردو زبان کی معنیاں، الفاظ اور جملوں کی تشریح ملے گی۔ ہماری ڈیٹا بیس میں وسیع تعداد میں الفاظ اور متعلقہ معلومات شامل ہیں جو آپ کی زبانی ضروریات پر پورا اتریں گی۔ آپ الفاظ کی تلاش کرسکتے ہیں، معانی پڑھ سکتے ہیں اور اردو زبان میں مہارت پیدا کرسکتے ہیں۔ ہمیں خوشی ہوگی آپ کی زبانی تجربے میں مدد کرنے کے لئے۔

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beholders, spectators

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a tuft of hair left on the top of the head

[ Badi begum to tum ne ye maulviyon ki surat kab se banayi hai tumhare sar par to kakulen thin ]

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Urdu Self-Introductions: “My Name is” in Urdu & More!

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An appropriate and friendly introduction in the Urdu language to the natives can allow you to rub elbows with them without much effort. People always take pleasure and pride in speaking their language. To hear the local language from a foreigner’s mouth is a real-time exotic experience which evokes the interest of the locals and serves as the key to rapport-building with them.

Introducing yourself in Urdu won’t be a problem anymore; this article will trigger your first flight to the journey of Urdu -learning by familiarizing you with things like “My name is” in Urdu. Whether you need to learn how to introduce yourself in interview in Urdu or just talking about yourself in Urdu, you’ve come to the right place.

If you’re asking, “How can I talk about myself in Urdu language?” learning a few basic Urdu introductory sentences or lines to introduce yourself in Urdu can prove to be a good beginning for you. However, before proceeding further into how to introduce yourself in Urdu language, you’ll greatly benefit from firsthand knowledge about Pakistani Urdu culture.

Table of Contents

  • Some Do’s and Don’ts in Pakistanti Urdu Culture
  • Seek Attention with Greetings
  • Inquiring After Someone’s Well-Being in Urdu
  • Identifying Yourself
  • Placing Yourself in Society
  • Express Gratitude at the End of the Discussion
  • Practice and Exercise: Write a Sample Essay to Introduce Yourself in Urdu
  • How Can Help You

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1. Some Do’s and Don’ts in Pakistani Urdu Culture

Before beginning, be sure to check out our “Urdu in Three Minutes: Introducing Yourself in Urdu” video above!

When visiting an Urdu-speaking society like Pakistan , you must keep some social, cultural , and religious factors in consideration. These factors will help you win the confidence of the natives and enjoy your stay there. Let’s have a cursory look at some of the salient factors in this regard.

  • Avoid having consistent eye-contact with the opposite gender. It’s not advisable in Pakistani society, and is almost an offense in some cases.
  • Avoid shaking hands with the opposite gender.
  • Keep a reasonable physical distance from the opposite gender while talking.

In short, the list above indicates that you should always be considerate enough to use different body language for different genders, as this is a significant aspect of Pakistani Urdu culture.

Now that we’ve discussed a few important do’s and don’ts, below are a few magical sentences and phrases to equip you with answers to the most common questions. Here’s how to introduce yourself in the Urdu language, from self-introduction in Urdu for interviews to talking about where you are from in Urdu!

2. Seek Attention with Greetings

How to introduce yourself to someone in Urdu (or any language) begins with hello.

  • السلام علیکم Assalam-o-Alaikum. “Hello.”

السلام علیکم ( Assalam-o-Alaikum ) is the most widely used greeting in Pakistan to seek attention and start a discussion with someone to introduce yourself in Urdu. It literally translates to: “Peace be upon you.” Although it doesn’t translate to the English greeting “ hello ” exactly, it’s the near equivalent to it. It’s the biggest icebreaker in the Urdu language. Once you can pronounce it properly, you’ve taken your first step toward mastering the best way to introduce yourself in Urdu.

Subsequently, to conclude a conversation with the phrase خدا حافظ ( Khuda Hafiz ) is the most appropriate ending. Literally, it means, “May God protect you.” It will always leave a good taste in the mouth of the person you’ve talked with. You may use these greetings for males and females both, without any gender discrimination.

Remember! During self-introduction in Urdu language, shaking hands with the same gender is desirable; however, always avoid shaking hands with the opposite gender.

Woman Waving Goodbye to Friends

3. Inquiring After Someone’s Well-being in Urdu

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How to inquire about someone’s general well-being or health in Urdu is another thing which may be on your mind after meeting a native Urdu speaker. Following are the key sentences you can use to ask about someone’s well-being (or talk about your own).

If inquiring about the health of a male, you’ll use:

  • آپ کیسے ہیں؟ Aap kaisay hain? “How are you?”

If inquiring about the health of a female, you’ll use:

  • آپ کیسی ہیں؟ Aap kaisi hain? “How are you?”

Here’s the most suitable answer to the question:

  • میں بالکل ٹھیک ہوں، شکریہ۔ Mein bilkul theek hun, shukriya. “I am perfectly alright. Thank you.”

تم کیسے ہو؟ ( Tum kaisay ho? ) when asking a male, and تم کیسی ہو؟ ( Tum kaisi ho? ) when asking a female, or “How are you?” is another sentence to ask about the well-being of someone while introducing yourself in Urdu. However, this sentence is an informal way of inquiring after people of your own age group or who are younger than you. If spoken to an elder or a senior , it’s taken as a sign of disrespect.

For new learners, the informal way of inquiring after someone isn’t recommended. Thus the tip of the day is to be as formal as you can at the beginning, for it will save you many embarrassing situations.

4. Identifying Yourself

The universal practice of naming is important to all human beings across the globe. Therefore, beginning to introduce yourself in Urdu by disclosing your name is the best possible strategy.

1- Talking About Your Name in Urdu

Man Holding Question Mark in Front of Face

How to say my name in Urdu may be the most pertinent question in your mind after the greeting session. Here are three widely used ways of stating your name in Urdu, along with the question you can use to ask someone else’s name.

Let’s start with the question.

  • آپ کا نام کیا ہے؟ Aap ka naam kya hai? “What is your name?”

There are three popular ways to state your name in Urdu.

1. میرا نام ۔۔۔۔۔ ہے۔ Mera naam …..hai. “My name is ……”

2. مجھے ۔۔۔۔۔ کہتے ہیں۔ Mujhe …… kehty hain. “I am known as ……”

3. میں ۔۔۔۔۔ ہوں۔ Mein ….. hun. “I am …..”

In all three cases, fill the blank space with your first name. If you’re wondering how to introduce yourself in an interview in Urdu, or about any other informal occasion of introducing yourself in Urdu, the above examples are a good way to go about this.

Man Holding Up “Hello My Name is” Sign

The first one is the most popular and recommended answer. Also, keep in mind to introduce yourself with your first name because it’s normative in Pakistan to call someone by their first name.

Now, let’s look at another advantageous sentence: the “Please introduce yourself,” meaning in Urdu. This is roughly equivalent to “Tell me about yourself,” in Urdu.

  • مہربانی فرما کر، آپ اپنا تعارف کروائیں۔ Maharbani farma kar, apna taaruf karwain. “Please, introduce yourself.”

2- Talking About Your Age in Urdu

Telling your age or asking another’s is another way of keeping the discussion going and engaging someone in your introduction in the Urdu language. An Urdu-speaking person may ask your age as follows:

  • آپ کی عمر کتنی ہے؟ Aap ki umer kitni hai? “How old are you?”

Here’s the most recommended way to reply:

1. میں ۔۔۔۔۔ سال کا ہوں۔ Mein …… ka hun “I am …… years old.” [Male]

2. میں ۔۔۔۔۔ سال کی ہوں۔ Main …… ki hun “I am …… years old.” [Female]

You can fill in the blank space with the exact digit or number in Urdu of your age. Please, keep in mind that the first sentence is for the masculine gender, and the second for the feminine gender. The Urdu words کا ( ka ) and کی ( ki ) show the masculine or feminine possession of something, respectively.

3- Nationality

essay mean in urdu

If you find it necessary to disclose your nationality in Urdu , you can always benefit from the following sentences.

  • آپ کون سے ملک سے ہیں؟ Aap kon say mulk say hain? “Which country are you from?”

1. میں جاپان سے ہوں۔ Mein Japan say hun. “I am from Japan.”

2. .میں جاپانی ہوں Mein Japani hun. “I am Japanese.”

Someone Holding Miniature Japanese Flag

Here, once again, we have two sentences to state our nationality; however, these sentences aren’t gender case sensitive. The basic difference between them is that if you want to use the name of your country in Urdu without any change, then you can opt for the first sentence.

However, if you want to state your nationality, go with the second sentence by mentioning your nationality in the blank space.

5. Placing Yourself in Society

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1- Occupation: Talking About Your Job in Urdu

To state your profession or occupation in Urdu helps you to open new vistas for discussion, while simultaneously accelerating the process of socialization. Below are some sentences you can use to state your profession in the Urdu language.

  • آپ کا پیشہ کیا ہے؟ Aap ka peisha kya hai? “ What is your profession ?”

1. میں پیشے سے ۔۔۔۔۔ ہوں۔ Mein peishy say ….. hun “By profession, I am a ……”

2. میں ایک ۔۔۔۔۔ ہوں۔ Mein aik ….. hun “I am a ……”

In both cases, you need to write down your exact profession, without any change (e.g. doctor, engineer, lawyer, etc.). This will clearly indicate your profession to the questioner.

2- Marital Status

Now, if you’ve become intimate enough with someone, it may be time to share your personal details with him/her. Telling about your marital status is one such personal share. Here are some phrases you can use to talk about your marital status in Urdu:

  • کیا آپ شادی شدہ ہیں؟ Kya aap shadi shuda hain? “ Are you married ?”

1. جی ہاں، میں شادی شدہ ہوں۔ Jee haan, mein shadi shuda hun “Yes, I am married.”

Man Putting Ring on Woman’s Finger

2. جی نہیں، میں شادی شدہ نہیں ہوں۔ Jee nahi, mein shadi shuda nahi hun. “No, I am not married.”

The first reply affirms that you’re married, while the second one negates.

3- Talking About Your Family in Urdu: Family Details

If you want to extend the conversation and share some more information about your family members in Urdu , this is the right moment. Ask about the other person’s children, or tell about your own, as follows.

  • آپ کے کتنے بچے ہیں؟ Aap kay kitnay bachay hain? “How many children do you have?”
  • میرے ۔۔۔۔۔ بچے ہیں۔ Mery ….. bachay hain. “I have ….. children.”

In the blank space, plug in the number of children you have.

Finding someone with a mutual hobby is a very good omen in a foreign land. Always go for a hunt by discussing hobbies in the following manner.

  • آپ کا مشغلہ کیا ہے؟ Aap ka mashghala kya hai? “What is your hobby?”
  • میرا مشغلہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ہے۔ Mera mashghala ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ hai. “…… is my hobby.”

Fill in the blank space with your hobby, and you’ve hit the bull’s eye!

6. Express Gratitude at the End of the Discussion

essay mean in urdu

Giving a proper ending to your introduction is quite significant; it determines the nature of the future relationship between you and the other speaker. Don’t make haste, and rather try to give proper closure to the discussion.

  • آپ کو یہاں آ کر کیسا لگا؟ Aap ko yahan aa kar kaisa laga? “How do you feel here?”
  • مجھے یہاں آ کر بہت خوشی ہوئی۔ Mujhe yahan aa kar bohat khushi hui. “I am very happy to be here.”

Don’t forget to respond to thanks with thanks. This is the best available conclusion in Urdu. Besides the following expression, remember to have a look at the common ways to say thank you on , as well.

!شکریہ Shukriya! “Thank you!”

Reciprocate the compliment with the same vigor and grace, as this is considered courteous.

Yes, you have concluded your conversation perfectly!

“Thank You” and Smiley Face Written in Sharpie

7. Practice and Exercise: Write a Sample Essay to Introduce Yourself in Urdu

No one can undermine the significance of a good introduction, because it’s your first impression on others. Here, you’ve been informed with a few tips, techniques, and sentences that may help you in leaving a good, sound, and memorable impression on native Urdu speakers.

To become fully confident in answering the question of how to introduce yourself to someone in Urdu, try to do different exercises with the help of our website: .

Now, how to go about introducing yourself in Urdu?

Initially, writing an essay titled “Myself in Urdu” is a workable suggestion to start with. Practice saying “My name is” in Urdu, and much more in your essay. Here’s a sample essay to provide you with a road map to writing your comprehensive introduction.

1- Sample Essay

میرا نام ہاروکی موراکامی ہے۔ میں ایک جاپانی لکھاری ہوں۔ میں کیوٹو، جاپان میں پیدا ہوا۔ میں ایک جاز بار اور کافی ہاؤس کا مالک ہوں۔ میری عمر ستر سال ہے۔ میں نے ٹوکیو میں واقع وسیڈا یونیورسٹی سے تعلیم حاصل کی۔ میراتھن ریس میرا مشغلہ ہے۔

Mera naam Haruki Murakami hai. Mein ek Japani likhari hun. Mein Kyoto, Japan mein paida hua. Mein ek jazz bar aur coffee house ka malik hun. Meri umer sattar saal hai. Mein nay Tokyo mein waqay weseda university say taleem hasil ki. Marathon race mera mashghala hai.

“My name is Haruki Murakami. I am a Japanese writer. I was born in Kyoto, Japan. I am the owner of a Jazz bar and coffee house in Tokyo. I am seventy years old. I studied drama at Waseda University located in Tokyo. The marathon race is my hobby.”

8. How Can Help You

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Everyone knows the famous proverbial rule that practice makes a man perfect. If you want to interact with an Urdu-speaking person or community frequently, and you want to get mastery over this art, join us at . We’ll give you the best experience of reading and learning something significant about how to introduce yourself in Urdu, and beyond.

Here, you’ll find a few key phrases and sentences to familiarize you with the art of introducing yourself in the Urdu language. In addition, has also introduced a series of comprehensive video lectures on Urdu language-learning strategies .

Until next time, let us know how you feel about these phrases and simple introduction etiquettes! Do you feel more confident now? What are the similarities and differences to those in your own country? We’d love to hear from you!

Very Happy Urdu Learning!

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How To Say ‘Thank you’ in Urdu

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How to Say Hello in Urdu: Make the Perfect First Impression

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How to Say I Love You in Urdu – Romantic Word List

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Pakistani National Anthem: Qaumi Taraanah

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Classroom Classics: A Companion to Unignorable Urdu Phrases

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A Set of Widely Used Unmistakable Urdu Restaurant Phrases

How to celebrate april fools’ day in urdu.

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200+ Basic Urdu Words And Phrases: An Easy Guide

Picture of Amnah Khan

  • , October 17, 2023

basic urdu words and phrases

Did you know that Urdu is one of the two official languages of Pakistan? It is widely spoken throughout the country! In addition, this beautiful language is also spoken in parts of India and by many people in the United Kingdom and the United States.

If you plan a long wished visit to Pakistan, learning some basic words and phrases in Urdu can greatly enhance your experience and help you communicate more effectively with locals. Additionally, while traveling around the country, you will notice that many street signs or menus may be in Urdu, so a basic understanding of words in the language can make navigating the country much easier.

It is also a great way to show respect for the culture and demonstrate a willingness to learn and engage with the local community. Don’t rely on English alone! Are you ready to learn Urdu as a new language experience? I bring you the most common words and phrases in Urdu that Ling believes you should learn before traveling to an Urdu-speaking location.

Let’s start!

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What Are The Most Basic Urdu Words And Phrases?

As in many languages, English words are used while speaking Urdu as well. Three common such words are  hello , okay,  and  bye.  To help you familiarize yourself with several other common Urdu terms, here is a simplified list to start with. 

1. Hello — ہیلو (Hello)

2. Yes — جی ہاں ( Ji Haan)

3. No — نہیں (Nahin)

4. Please — برائے مہربانی (Barae Meharbani)

5. Thanks — شکریہ (shukriya)

6. Goodbye — خدا حافظ (Khuda hafiz)

7. Good morning — صبح بخیر (Subha Ba Khair  or Assalam O Alaikum)

8. Good afternoon — دوپہربخیر (Do Pehar Ba Khair or Assalam O Alaikum)

9. Good evening — شام بخیر (Shaam Ba Khair or Assalam O Alaikum)

10. Good night! —   شب بخیر (Shab Bakhair!)

11. Congratulations — مبارک ہو (mubarak ho)

12. My name is ……. — میرا نام ہے ……. (Mera Naam Hai…..)

13. Nice to meet you — آپ سے مل کر خوشی ہوئی (Aap se Mil Ke Khushi Huwi)

Basic Urdu Words Daily Conversations

Other Urdu Vocabulary Used In Daily Conversations

In the Urdu language, respect is given to people by referring to them as aap .  This is often the norm. Sometimes, people may refer to their peer or someone younger by saying “ tum,”  but as Urdu is a very sweet-spoken and gentle language, most people always use aap   in daily conversations .

Don’t know where to start learning Urdu? First, try to contact local native speakers. It is best practice to also use the best means or tools for every day. Why not try Ling first? Download the Ling app from the App Store and Google Play .

Below are some examples that you can use to practice with your friend:

EnglishPronunciationUrdu Phrases
What are you doing?aap kya kar rahe haiآپ کيا کررہے ہو؟
What is your name?Aap Ka naam Kya Haiآپ کا نام کیا ہے؟
See you laterphir milain-gaiپھر مليں گے
How much does this cost?Is Ki Qeemat Kia Haiاس کی قیمت کیا ہے؟
Can you help me, please?Kya Aap Meri Madad Kar sakte hainکیا آپ میری مدد کر سکتے ہیں؟
I am trying to learn Urdu (Male)Main Urdu Seekh Raha Hoonمیں اردو سیکھنے کی کوشش کر رہا ہوں (مرد)
Excuse me (to get information)Maaf Kee ji yeمعاف کیجئے (معلومات حاصل کرنے کے لیے)
Take care of yourselfapna khayal rakhnaاپنا خيال رکھنا
Do you speak English?kya aap angrezi bolte hain?كيا آپ انگريزی بولتے ہیں؟
Where are you from? aap kahan sai hainآپ کہاں سے ہیں؟
How old are you?aap ki umr kya hai?آپ کی عمر کيا ہے؟
What are you doing?aap kya kar rahe haiآپ کيا کررہے ہو؟
What is your name?Aap Ka naam Kya Haiآپ کا نام کیا ہے؟
See you laterphir milain-gaiپھر مليں گے
Nice to meet youAap se Mil Ke Khushi Huiآپ سے مل کر خوشی ہوئی
Do you like it?Kya Yeh Aap Ko Pasand Aya?   کیا یہ آپ کو پَسند آیا؟
I really like it!Mujhe Yeh Bahut Pasand Aya!!یہ مجھےبہت پَسند آیا

How To Communicate In Urdu While Doing Shopping?

To immerse yourself in the daily life and culture of the Urdu-speaking people , it is suggested to try to go shopping to experience the hustle and bustle of the whole ordeal! If you are not a local, the sellers may try to sell items at a very high price or may convince you to purchase items that are absolutely worthless to your needs. Here is a list of shopping vocabulary in Urdu that can help you to avoid such situations.

EnglishPronunciationUrdu Phrases
How Much is this?Ye Kitne ka Haiیہ کتنا ہے
It is ExpensiveMehanga Haiاس کی توسیع
Please reduce the price a bitKuch Kam Karainبرائے مہربانی قیمت کو تھوڑا کم کریں۔
I will give you 100 RupeesMain 100 rupees doongaمیں تمہیں 100 روپے دوں گا۔
PleaseBarae Meharbaniبرائے مہربانی
SorryMaaf Kee ji yeمعاف کیجئے

What Are The Urdu Words That Will Help You Survive In Restaurants

Though the eccentric cuisine of Urdu-speaking people can be a dream come true for many, others may have specific dietary needs and tastes. It is important to learn some essential phrases to order what you want. Do not hesitate to speak about your wishes at a restaurant! Simply follow the phrases below:

EnglishPronunciationUrdu Phrases
What is available to eat?Khane Main Kia Haiکھانے میں کیا ہے۔  
I’m hungry/ thirsty.Mujhe Bhuk/Piyas Lagrahi Haiمجھے بھوک/پیاس لَگ رہی ہے
What is less spicy?Kam Masale wala Kia Haiکم مسالہ دار کیا ہے۔
I am VegetarianMain Subzi khor honمیں سبزی خور ہوں۔
Please bring the billBill La Dainبراہ کرم بل لائیں۔
Food was greatKhana Bohat Achha Thaکھانا بہت اچھا تھا۔
I didn’t enjoy the foodKhane Main Maza Naheen Aayaمجھے کھانے سے لطف نہیں آیا۔
Is there anything else?Kuch Owr Haiکچھ اور ہے

What Are The Name Of The Days In Urdu?

Booking appointments, transportation, interviews, setting deadlines, and ensuring that laundry arrives on time will require you to learn the name of the days in Urdu .

essay mean in urdu

It may require a bit of diligence to master this list early on in your language-learning process. But it will be worth it for you not to miss an appointment or commitment, which is highly valued among Urdu-speaking people.

EnglishPronunciationUrdu Phrases
ThursdayJuma Raatجمعرات
AfternoonDo Peharدوپہر
What is the day today?Aaj Kia Din Haiآج کا دن کیا ہے۔
What day will you come?Tum kis Din Aao Geتم کس دن آؤ گے

Vocabulary About Family In Urdu

Pakistanis are renowned for being family-oriented individuals. Members of the family are deeply committed to each other. The Urdu language is influenced highly by the Muslim religion. Therefore, several terms related to the family also descend from there. Perfect examples are  Abbu  for father and  Ammi  for mother. Not all Urdu-speaking families are Muslims, but this is useful to know. So, as a beginner, here are a few basic Urdu words related to family that you must learn:

English WordsPronunciationUrdu
SiblingsBehan bhaiبہن بھائی
StepmotherSoteli maaسوتیلی ماں
StepfatherSotela baapسوتیلا باپ
StepsisterSoteli behanسوتیلی بہن
StepbrotherSotela bhaiسوتیلا بھائی
Step sonSotela betaسوتیلا بیٹا
Step daughterSoteli betiسوتیلی بیٹی
Brother in lawSala Jaith Dewar Behnoiسالہ (Wife’s brother) جیٹھ (Husband’s elder brother) دیور (Husband’s younger brother) بہنوئی (Sister’s husband)
Sister in lawSaali Nandسالی (Wife’s sister) نند (Husband’s sister)
Mother in lawSaasساس
Father in lawSasurسسر
Elder brotherBara bhaiبڑا بھائی
Younger brotherChauta bhaiچھوٹا بھائی

Basic Words In Urdu Related To Time

This list below will support your sentences related to the days of the week and times of the day . A tricky but perhaps easy one to remember would be “ kal” which means both yesterday and tomorrow! Here are some common and basic Urdu words that are associated with time.

English TranslationPronunciationUrdu
YesterdayKal (for past)کل
TomorrowKal (for future)کل

Master Yourself In The Urdu Language With Ling

I hope the content of this page was helpful to you and that you have learned some Urdu phrases, expressions, and words for your travel. Make sure to remember them so that you can use them in your daily conversations.

Learning a new language from Ling is like playing a game. It is simple and effective. With the support of language research, Ling can help you achieve fluency in record time. Here are the benefits of using the Ling app to learn Urdu or any other language:

  • Fun mini-games and quizzes can help you quickly master a new language.
  • Practice hundreds of conversations anytime, anywhere. Discuss everyday topics with our chatbot.
  • Master the language with a lot of instructions and grammatical hints.

Ling aims to make language learning as simple, fun, and easy to understand as possible. Please visit Ling ‘s FAQ page if you have any questions.

4 Responses

Mujhe urdu or 100 word or chahiye only one urdu and Hindi , English

Thank you for expressing interest in Urdu. We are proud to be one of the few providers of language learning for language learners wanting to learn a South Asian language, and we even offer you to learn any of our 60+ languages in your mother tongue. To learn more about our subscription plans, you can click here  and the languages that we support can be found here .

Please help me more in learning Urdu in details and most formal way.. shukriyaa

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100+ Core Urdu Words – Learn the Most Common Words in Urdu

Did you know that 100 Urdu words account for 50% of any communication in Urdu?

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Improving your Urdu vocabulary is one of the key aspects of learning Urdu . The more Urdu words you’ll know, the closer you’ll be to fluency. But keep in mind that not all words are equally important. In the beginning, you have to focus on basic, high-frequency words – words that make up the majority of everything we say on a daily basis.

Studies have shown that knowing as little as 100 words will help you understand 50% of any text in Urdu. Surprising as it may seem, it’s true. The most common 1,000 words in Urdu will give you a high coverage of 75% of any Urdu text. Isn’t that amazing?

The most common everyday Urdu words

The everyday words in Urdu are the ones you’ll probably use the most in your daily conversations. This is why we are going to focus on these high-frequency, high-value words first and then move to some of the most popular words in online searches.

  • easy —  آسان (aasan)
  • hard —  مشکل (mushkil)
  • good —  اچھا (acha)
  • bad —  برا (bura)
  • near —  نزدیک (nazdeek)
  • yes —  ہاں (haan)
  • no —  نہیں (nae)
  • (to) have —  رکھنا (rakhta)
  • (I) use —  میں استعمال کرتا ہوں (Mein istemal karta hoon)
  • (to) go —  جانا (jana)
  • (to) come —  آنا (aana)
  • (to) laugh —  ہنسنا (hansna)
  • (to) make —  بنانا (banana)
  • (I) like —  میں پسند کرتا ہوں (Mein pasand karta hoon)
  • (to) want —  چاہنا (chahna)
  • (to) take —  لینا (laina)
  • (to) see —  دیکھنا (daikhna)
  • far —  دور (door)
  • small —  چھوٹا (chota)
  • big —  بڑا (barha)
  • beautiful —  خوبصورت (khoobsoorat)
  • ugly —  بدصورت (badsoorat)
  • delicious —  مزیدار (mazaydar)
  • week —  ہفتہ (hafta)
  • year —  سال (saal)
  • today —  آج (aaj)
  • tomorrow —  کل (kal)
  • yesterday —  کل (kal)
  • hour —  گھنٹہ (ghanta)
  • minute —  منٹ (minet)
  • time —  وقت (waqt)
  • Monday —  پير (peer)
  • Tuesday —  منگل (mungal)
  • Wednesday —  بدھ (budh)
  • Thursday —  جمعرات (jumarat)
  • Friday —  جمعہ (jumma)
  • Saturday —  ہفتہ (hafta)
  • Sunday —  اتوار (itwar)
  • zero —  صفر (sifar)
  • one —  ایک (aik)
  • two —  دو (do)
  • three —  تین (teen)
  • four —  چار (chaar)
  • five —  پانچ (paanch)
  • six —  چھ (chhey)
  • seven —  سات (saat)
  • eight —  آٹھ (aath)
  • nine —  نو (no)
  • ten —  دس (das)
  • I —  میں (mein)
  • you —  تم (tum)
  • he —  وہ (wo)
  • she —  وہ (wo)
  • we —  ہم (hum)
  • they —  وہ (wo)
  • what —  کیا (kya)
  • where —  کہاں (kahan)
  • who —  کون (kon)
  • stop —  رکو (ruko)

The most popular Urdu words searches

While we’re at it, why not also learn some of the most popular words for which people want an Urdu translation? If they are so popular in searches, I’m sure they can also be useful to you on your way to speaking Urdu.

If you study them carefully, you’ll understand the reason why people want to know what these words mean in Urdu. They are very powerful words. Superlatives that can spice up any conversation. Isn’t it?

  • weird —  عجیب (ajeeb)
  • curious —  متجسس (mutajassas)
  • nostalgic —  ماضی میں کھویا ہوا (mazi mein khoya hua)
  • gorgeous —  خوبصورت (khoobsurat)
  • humble —  عاجز (aajiz)
  • rude —  بدتمیز (badtameez)
  • obvious —  واضح (wazeh)
  • fabulous —  شاندار (shandaar)
  • incredibile —  ناقابل یقین (naqaabile yaqeen)
  • amazing —  حیرت انگیز (hairat angaiz)
  • charming —  دلکش (dilkash)
  • cheap —  سستا (sasta)
  • crazy —  دیوانہ (deewana)
  • unique —  منفرد (munfarid)
  • hope —  امید (umeed)

Urdu words related to food and drink

Did you know that the Urdu language was one of the premier languages of poetry in South Asia for centuries? And rightly so. Just listen to the music of its words and you’ll understand.

words in urdu by Sumeet B©

Meanwhile, let’s add some flavor to your Urdu vocabulary. What are the best words to learn if not the words related to food and drink?

  • water —  پانی (pani)
  • tea —  چائے (chaey)
  • coffee —  کافی (kafi)
  • juice —  رس (rus)
  • wine —  واین (wine)
  • beer —  بیئر (beer)
  • alcohol —  الکوحل (alcohol)
  • chicken —  مرغی (murghi)
  • fish —  مچھلی (machli)
  • soup —  سوپ (soup)
  • salad —  سلاد (salad)
  • sandwich —  سینڈویچ (sandwich)
  • pie —  پائی (pie)
  • bread —  روٹی (roti)
  • dessert —  میٹھا (meetha)
  • cake —  کیک (cake)
  • breakfast —  ناشتہ (nashta)
  • lunch —  ظہرانہ (zohrana)
  • dinner —  عشائیہ (ishayia)
  • salt  — نمک (namak)
  • sugar —  شکر (shakar)
  • pepper —  مرچ (mirch)

Urdu words related to body and health

The names of the body parts in Urdu are some of the most basic and useful words you can learn. Whether you are in a clothing store, or at the doctor’s office, various parts of the body can come up in conversation more often than you think.

  • head —  سر (sar)
  • hair —  بال (baal)
  • neck —  گردن (gardan)
  • chest — سینا  (seena)
  • arm —  بازو (bazu)
  • finger —  انگلی (ungli)
  • foot —  پاؤں (paon)
  • face —  چہرہ (chehra)
  • eye —  آنکھ (aankh)
  • hand —  ہاتھ (hath)
  • nose —  ناک (naak)
  • mouth —  منہ (munh)
  • leg —  ٹانگ (taang)
  • knee —  گھٹنا (ghutna)
  • disease —  بیماری (beemari)
  • allergy —  الرجي (allergy)
  • fever —  بخار (bukhar)
  • pain —  درد (dard)
  • medicine —  دوا (dawa)
  • pharmacy —  دواخانہ (dawakhana)

Urdu words related to transportation and places

While this crash course in Urdu words will get you from zero to beginner in as little as 15 minutes, these words will get you to the other hemisphere if you need it so.

  • aeroplane —  ہوائی جہاز (hawai jahaz)
  • train —  ریل گاڑی (rail garhi)
  • subway —  ریل گاڑی (rail garhi)
  • taxi —  ٹیکسی (teksi)
  • car —  گاڑی (garhi)
  • bus —  بس (bus)
  • ticket —  ٹکٹ (tiket)
  • restaurant —  ریستوران (resturan)
  • hotel —  ہوٹل (hotel)
  • airport —  ہوائی اڈہ (hawai adda)
  • train station —  ریلوے اسٹیشن (railway station)
  • market —  بازار (bazar)

Now that you’ve mastered some of the most basic Urdu vocabulary words, you can dive into the practical phrases that’ll help you ease into real-world conversations.

The most common Urdu phrases

The following phrases in Urdu are a great place to start learning. Simple phrases like ‘good morning’, ‘how are you’ or ‘you’re welcome’ are the most effective way to get from 0 to conversational fast. Learn these phrases today and make Urdu-speaking friends tomorrow!

  • Hello —  سلام (Salam)
  • Good morning —  صبح بخیر (Subh bakhair)
  • Good afternoon —  سہ پہر بخیر (Seh pehar bakhair)
  • Good evening —  شام بخیر (Sham bakhair)
  • Good night —  رات بخیر (Raat bakhair)
  • Goodbye —  الوداع (Alwida)
  • How are you? —  تم کیسے ہو؟ (Tum kaisay ho?)
  • Very well —  بہت بہتر (Bohat behtar)
  • Please —  براہ مہربانی (Barae mehrbani)
  • Thank you —  تمہارا شکریہ (Tumhara shukriya)
  • What is your name? —  تمہارا نام کیا ہے؟ (Tumhara naam kya hai?)
  • My name is_____  —  میرا نام _____ ہے (Maira naam _____ hai)
  • Nice to meet you —  تم سے مل کر اچھا لگا (Tum say mil kar acha laga)
  • Great —  زبردست (Zabardast)
  • I’m sorry —  مجھے افسوس ہے (Mujhe afsos hai)
  • You’re welcome —  تمہیں خوش آمدید (Tumhein khush aamdeed)
  • Excuse me —  مجھے معاف کرو (Mujhe muaf kao)
  • What time is it? —  یہ کون سا وقت ہے؟ (Yeh kon sa waqt hai?)
  • Can you help me? —  کیا آپ میری مدد کر سکتے ہیں؟ (Kya aap mairi madad kar saktay hain?)
  • How much does it cost? —  اس پر کتنی لاگت آتی ہے؟ (Is par kitni lagat aati hai?)

Don’t forget that practice makes perfect. If you feel like you need a refresher, you can always come back.

Learn Urdu in just 10 minutes a day

Do you want to see the Urdu words in action? Get Mondly, the award-winning language learning app that will help you speak Urdu from day 1.

It can be really tricky to master Urdu pronunciation if you don’t actively live in a country where it is spoken. But with Mondly you’ll have access to a fast and highly efficient learning method that allows you to learn Urdu naturally with:

  • practical topics;
  • hands-on, interactive language lessons;
  • real-life conversations and so much more.

Start using Mondly for free on your computer or download the app and learn Urdu anytime, anywhere.

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Diana Lăpușneanu - Linguist at Mondly Blog

Diana is a Linguist at Mondly by Pearson. Learning English as a second language early on fueled her lifelong passion for language learning, leading her to pursue a diverse array of languages as a hobby alongside her academic endeavors. With a Master’s Degree in advertising and a fascination for historical linguistics, she brings a unique perspective to her role, making language learning fun for readers worldwide.

36 comments on “ 100+ Core Urdu Words – Learn the Most Common Words in Urdu ”

Very helpful worlds thank u

Very useful words thank u

Very nice Urdu language.I would like to learn more! Thank you!

hello thank you and i want to learn more

This is good, I’m learning urdu, and thanks for this.

Hello please help with me improve my English

ماشاءالله، انه مفيد حقاً

Outstanding Helpful

Thank you . I appreciate your efforts. May be with constant use of the words my communication skill would improve. Alvida

Really too much helpful

You are a good learner and good trainer of Urdu . Can you please train me Urdu? Haseen ullah

I need a good Urdu or arbi word for the name of my newly open mughlai restaurant

good createtion

Very goodlist

It was looking supercalifragilisticexpialidocious but i already knew those kind of words even then thanks .

Tumhara shukriya, Yeh bohat acha hai, barak allah fik. jazakallah khair!!

Hallo Excause me Mein English to Urdu translation speaking karma chatha ho

Yeh bohat acha hai, barak allah fik. jazakallah khair!!

Very good effort. As I am an urdu speaking but I want to learn more words of urdu which are used in poetry. I love poetry but due to difficult words I feel irritated and its makes me frustrated.

I am 60 years old woman. Learning Urdu now. It is my childhood dream. Your words and phrases helping me a lot.

Really useful word for daily routine, Thanks 4 sharing….

Hello bro How r u where are u from

SO nice words

Those words were so helpful for me Inshallah I will learn English vey soon

I wanna talk in Urdu . Please help me to talk and teach me .

I am looking at this page randomly. I am Indian Gujarati . I am shocked that our languages are so smiliar hence i can understand so much of the Urdu language. But my friend is Keralan and cant relate to Gujarati or Urdu full stop. Great page by the way.

Excellent effort. I am from Lucknow and I love Urdu

Hello everyone I am Urdu speeking but I learn English plz help me

How can I help you?

best experrience nice way to teach children

Subject: Thank You for the Exceptional Urdu Learning Website!

Dear Diana Lăpușneanu,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible resource you’ve created for learning Urdu. Your website has been an invaluable tool in my journey to master this beautiful language, and I wanted to share my feedback and appreciation.

User-Friendly Interface: Your website’s user-friendly design makes navigation a breeze. The layout is intuitive, and I appreciate how easy it is to find the resources I need, whether it’s grammar lessons, vocabulary exercises, or interactive quizzes.

Comprehensive Content: Your website offers a comprehensive range of learning materials, catering to learners of all levels. From beginner lessons to advanced topics, I have found everything I need to progress in my Urdu language journey. The variety of content, including audio and visual aids, has been immensely helpful.

Engaging and Interactive Lessons: The interactive lessons and exercises have made learning Urdu not only informative but also enjoyable. The quizzes and exercises are well-structured and have significantly improved my language skills.

Cultural Insights: I appreciate the cultural insights and context you provide alongside language lessons. Learning about Urdu culture and traditions alongside the language itself adds depth and richness to the learning experience.

Responsive Customer Support: I’ve had a few questions along the way, and your responsive customer support team has always been prompt and helpful in addressing my queries. It’s clear that you value your users’ experience and are committed to their success.

Regular Updates: I’ve noticed that your website frequently updates its content and features. This commitment to improvement ensures that learners like me continue to have access to the most up-to-date resources.

Community Engagement: The community forums and discussion boards on your website have been a great way for me to connect with fellow learners. It’s wonderful to be part of a community of individuals passionate about learning Urdu.

Overall, I want to express my deep appreciation for the effort and dedication you’ve put into creating such a fantastic resource for Urdu learners. Thanks to your website, I’ve made significant progress in my language skills, and I look forward to continuing my learning journey with your support.

Once again, thank you for your outstanding work. You’re making a positive impact on the lives of Urdu learners worldwide, and I’m truly grateful for that.

Warm regards,

This application is hairat angaiz

Yep – it’s an Americanism I think. Not really widely understood in lots of other English-speaking territories. (I think it stems from American sports like American Football, Baseball, Basketball etc.?)

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Is the Urdu language the same as Hindi?

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Urdu language

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What language family does the Urdu language belong to?

The Urdu language is a member of the Indo-Aryan group within the Indo-European family of languages.

The Urdu language is closely related to Hindi. They share the same Indo-Aryan base, are similar in phonology and grammar, and are mutually intelligible. However, they are from different sources: Urdu is from Arabic and Persian, and Hindi is from Sanskrit. The most distinct difference is in terms of writing systems: Urdu uses the Nastaliq ( nastaʿlīq ) script, while Hindi uses Devanagari.

What writing system does the Urdu language use?

The Urdu language uses a modified form of Perso-Arabic script known as Nastaliq ( nastaʿlīq ).

Where is the Urdu language spoken?

The Urdu language is spoken predominantly in Pakistan and India. It is the official state language of Pakistan and is also officially recognized in the constitution of India. Significant Urdu communities exist in the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

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Urdu language , member of the Indo-Aryan group within the Indo-European family of languages. Urdu is spoken as a first language by nearly 70 million people and as a second language by more than 100 million people, predominantly in Pakistan and India . It is the official state language of Pakistan and is also officially recognized, or “scheduled,” in the constitution of India. Significant speech communities exist in the United Arab Emirates , the United Kingdom , and the United States as well. Notably, Urdu and Hindi are mutually intelligible.

Urdu developed in the 12th century ce from the regional Apabhramsha of northwestern India, serving as a linguistic modus vivendi after the Muslim conquest. Its first major poet was Amir Khosrow (1253–1325), who composed dohas (couplets), folk songs, and riddles in the newly formed speech, then called Hindvi. This mixed speech was variously called Hindvi, Zaban-e-Hind, Hindi, Zaban-e-Delhi, Rekhta, Gujari, Dakkhani, Zaban-e-Urdu-e-Mualla, Zaban-e-Urdu, or just Urdu, literally ‘the language of the camp.’ Major Urdu writers continued to refer to it as Hindi or Hindvi until the beginning of the 19th century, although there is evidence that it was called Hindustani in the late 17th century. ( Hindustani now refers to a simplified speech form that is the Indian subcontinent’s largest lingua franca .)

Buddhist engravings on wall in Thailand. Hands on wall. Hompepage blog 2009, history and society, science and technology, geography and travel, explore discovery

Urdu is closely related to Hindi, a language that originated and developed in the Indian subcontinent. They share the same Indo-Aryan base and are so similar in phonology and grammar that they appear to be one language. In terms of lexicon , however, they have borrowed extensively from different sources—Urdu from Arabic and Persian , Hindi from Sanskrit —so they are usually treated as independent languages. Their distinction is most marked in terms of writing systems: Urdu uses a modified form of Perso-Arabic script known as Nastaliq ( nastaʿlīq ), while Hindi uses Devanagari .

Phonologically, the Urdu sounds are the same as those of Hindi except for slight variations in short vowel allophones . Urdu also retains a complete set of aspirated stops (sounds pronounced with a sudden release with an audible breath), a characteristic of Indo-Aryan, as well as retroflex stops. Urdu does not retain the complete range of Perso-Arabic consonants , despite its heavy borrowing from that tradition. The largest number of sounds retained is among the spirants, a group of sounds uttered with a friction of breath against some part of the oral passage, in this case /f/, /z/, /zh/, /x/, and /g/. One sound in the stops category, the glottal /q/, has also been retained from Perso-Arabic.

From the grammatical point of view, there is not much difference between Hindi and Urdu. One distinction is that Urdu uses more Perso-Arabic prefixes and suffixes than Hindi; examples include the prefixes dar- ‘in,’ ba-/baa- ‘with,’ be-/bila-/la- ‘without,’ and bad- ‘ill, miss’ and the suffixes -dar ‘holder,’ -saz ‘maker’ (as in zinsaz ‘harness maker’), -khor ‘eater’ (as in muftkhor ‘free eater’), and -posh ‘cover’ (as in mez posh ‘table cover’).

Although both Urdu and Hindi typically mark the plural by changing the singular suffix -aa to -ee , Urdu uses -aat in some cases, such as kaagazaat ‘papers,’ jawaharaat ‘jewels,’ and makaanaat ‘houses.’ In addition, where Hindi and Urdu both use the suffix -ka ‘of’ in many constructions, Urdu marks the genitive ‘of’ with -e(e) , as in subhe-azadi ‘the morning of freedom’ and khoon-e-jigar ‘the blood of heart.’

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Essay on Islam in Urdu

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اسلام پر مضمون

اسلام ایک مذہب کا نام ہے جس کے پانچ ارکان ہیں۔ 1 توحید : یعنی اللہ کو واحد معبود ماننا۔ 2 نماز: ایمان لانے کے بعد اللہ کے لیے نماز پڑھنا یعنی عبادت کرنا۔ 3 روزہ: ماہ رمضان میں اللہ پاک کی رضا کے لیے روزہ رکھنا۔ 4 زکوٰۃ: اللہ پاک کے دیے ہوئے مال میں سے غریبوں کی مدد کرنا۔ 5 حج: باعث استطاعت شخص کو زندگی میں کم سے کم ایک بار خانہ کعبہ کی زیارت و طوافِ کرنا۔ اسلام کی بنیاد ان پانچ ارکان پر مشتمل ہے۔ اسلام کا کلمہ یہ ہے “لا الہ الا اللہ محمد الرسول اللہ ﷺ” ۔ جس کا مطلب ہے ” اللہ صرف ایک ہے اس (اللہ) کے سوا کوئی معبود نہیں اور محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم اللہ کے پیغمبر ہیں” ۔ جس نے زندگی میں ایک بار سچے دل سے اس کلمے کو پڑھ اور سمجھ لیا وہ اسلام مذہب میں داخل ہو جائے گا۔

اسلام مذہب کی شروعات عرب ملک سے ہوئی اور پھر حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے اللہ کے حکم سے پوری دنیا میں اسلام مذہب کو پھیلایا۔ آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم اسلام کے آخری نبی ہیں۔ آپ کے بعد نہ کوئی نبی آیا اور نہ اب کوئی قیامت تک آئے گا۔

اسلام کے آنے سے پہلے عرب میں قبیلہ ثقافت کا جاہلانہ دور تھا۔ ہر قبیلے کا اپنا ایک الگ مذہب تھا اور قبیلے کے لوگ الگ الگ بت کو پوجتے تھے۔ کوئی آگ کو پوجتا تھا تو کوئی مورتیوں کو پوجا کرتا تھا۔

یہودیوں اور عیسائیوں کے بھی قبیلے تھے اور وہ بھی مذہب کے بگاڑ کا شکار تھے۔ اللہ کی عبادت کو چھوڑ کر ہر انسان زمین کی چیزوں کو پوجنے میں لگا ہوا تھا۔ پورے عرب میں اس وقت تشدد اور ظلم و جبریت کا بول بالا تھا۔ نہ بچے محفوظ تھے اور نہ ہی عورتیں محفوظ تھیں۔ یہاں تک کہ کسی کی جان و مال بھی کب چلی جائے کسی کو کچھ خبر نہ تھی۔

ہر جگہ ہر طرف بدانتظامی تھی۔ ہر طرف ظلمت کا ماحول تھا۔ ہر طاقتور انسان اپنی طاقت کے زور سے مظلوموں پر ظلم کرتا تھا۔ اچھائی اور برائی میں کوئی فرق نہیں تھا۔ چاروں طرف کفر وشرک کی کالی گھٹائیں چھائی ہوئی تھیں۔ اس اندھیرے کو دور کرنے کے لئے اور لوگوں کو کفر و شرک سے بچانے کے لئے اللہ تبارک و تعالی نے ہمارے نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کو اس دنیا میں پیغمبر بنا کر بھیجا۔

ہمارے نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی پیدائش ربیع الاول کی 12 تاریخ کو ہوئی۔ ساری دنیا ہمارے نبی کی پیدائش کا جشن بہت ہی خوبصورت انداز میں مناتی ہے۔ جضور کے دنیا میں تشریف لانے سے پورے مکہ شہر میں جیسے اجالا چھا گیا۔ حضور اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم مکہ میں پیدا ہوئے۔ مکہ شہر سعودی عرب میں واقع ہے۔

ہمارے نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم بچپن سے ہی اللہ کی عبادت میں مشغول رہتے تھے۔ آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کو اللہ تعالی کی طرف سے پیغام آیا۔ اللہ تبارک و تعالی نے آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم سے فرمایا کہ پوری دنیا چاند، ستارے، آسمان، سورج سب میں نے پیدا کیے ہیں اور میں ہی اس دنیا کا مالک ہوں اور میں نے ہی ہر چیز کو زندگی بخشی ہے۔ میں صرف ایک ہوں اور میرا کوئی ساتھی نہیں ہے۔ لوگوں سے کہو کہ میری عبادت کریں اور اسلام کو آگے بڑھاؤ۔

حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کو یہ ساری باتیں سمجھ آگئیں اور انہوں نے اللہ تبارک و تعالی سے وعدہ کیا کہ وہ اسلام کو دنیا کے ہر کونے تک پہنچائیں گے اور کفر و شرک کو دنیا سے مٹا دیں گے۔ تب حضور اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کو نبوت حاصل ہوئی۔ حضرت محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم پر اللہ کی پاک کتاب قرآن مجید اتاری گئی۔ اللہ نے فرشتوں کے سردار جبریل علیہ السلام کے ذریعہ اس کتاب کو حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم تک پہنچایا۔ اس کتاب میں اسلام مذہب پر چلنے والوں کے لئے صحیح اور غلط کی پہچان بتائی گئی ہے۔ زندگی صحیح طریقے سے گزارنے کے لیے ہر چیز بتائی گئی ہے۔

حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کو نبوت ملنے کے بعد انہوں نے عرب کے لوگوں کو اسلام کی دعوت دی۔ مردوں میں سب سے پہلے ایمان لانے والے صحابی حضرت ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ تھے اور بچوں میں سب سے پہلے ایمان لانے والے حضرت علی رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ تھے۔ اور عورتوں میں حضرت خدیجہ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہا سب سے پہلے ایمان لائیں۔

حضور صلی اللہ وسلم کے آنے سے دنیا میں اسلام پوری طرح سے پھیل چکا تھا اور آج بھی لوگ حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے بتائے ہوئے طریقوں سے زندگی گزارتے ہیں۔اسلام مذہب کے آنے سے لڑکیوں کو پیدا ہوتے ہی زندہ دفنا دینے والا رواج ختم ہوا اور اسلام مذہب میں عورتوں کو اونچا مقام دیا گیا۔ اسلام ہی ایسا مذہب ہے جس میں غلاموں کو آزاد کیا گیا اور ہر شخص کو عزت ملی اور چاروں طرف سے ظلمت مٹ گئی۔

اسلام پر ایک تقریر پڑھنے کے لئے یہاں کلک کریں

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Translation of argument – English–Urdu dictionary

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argument noun [C or U] ( DISAGREEMENT )

  • Don't drag me into your argument! It's nothing to do with me.
  • We were having a friendly argument about Green politics .
  • It was a really nice day , spoilt only by a little argument in the car on the way home .
  • We had a dreadful argument in the restaurant , but he phoned me the next day to apologize .
  • We had an argument with our neighbours , and now they won't even talk to us.

argument noun [C or U] ( REASON )

  • The essence of his argument was that education should continue throughout life .
  • Could you go over the main points of your argument again, Professor?
  • He is impervious to criticism and rational argument.
  • Students need the ability to construct a logical argument.
  • I'll just summarize the main points of the argument in a few words if I may.

(Translation of argument from the Cambridge English–Urdu Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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    Learn the meaning of argument in English and Urdu, with examples of usage and pronunciation. Find out how to say argument in different contexts, such as disagreement, reason, or function.