30 Examples: How to Conclude a Presentation (Effective Closing Techniques)

By Editorial Team on March 4, 2024 — 9 minutes to read

Ending a presentation on a high note is a skill that can set you apart from the rest. It’s the final chance to leave an impact on your audience, ensuring they walk away with the key messages embedded in their minds. This moment is about driving your points home and making sure they resonate. Crafting a memorable closing isn’t just about summarizing key points, though that’s part of it, but also about providing value that sticks with your listeners long after they’ve left the room.

Crafting Your Core Message

To leave a lasting impression, your presentation’s conclusion should clearly reflect your core message. This is your chance to reinforce the takeaways and leave the audience thinking about your presentation long after it ends.

Identifying Key Points

Start by recognizing what you want your audience to remember. Think about the main ideas that shaped your talk. Make a list like this:

  • The problem your presentation addresses.
  • The evidence that supports your argument.
  • The solution you propose or the action you want the audience to take.

These key points become the pillars of your core message.

Contextualizing the Presentation

Provide context by briefly relating back to the content of the whole presentation. For example:

  • Reference a statistic you shared in the opening, and how it ties into the conclusion.
  • Mention a case study that underlines the importance of your message.

Connecting these elements gives your message cohesion and makes your conclusion resonate with the framework of your presentation.

30 Example Phrases: How to Conclude a Presentation

  • 1. “In summary, let’s revisit the key takeaways from today’s presentation.”
  • 2. “Thank you for your attention. Let’s move forward together.”
  • 3. “That brings us to the end. I’m open to any questions you may have.”
  • 4. “I’ll leave you with this final thought to ponder as we conclude.”
  • 5. “Let’s recap the main points before we wrap up.”
  • 6. “I appreciate your engagement. Now, let’s turn these ideas into action.”
  • 7. “We’ve covered a lot today. To conclude, remember these crucial points.”
  • 8. “As we reach the end, I’d like to emphasize our call to action.”
  • 9. “Before we close, let’s quickly review what we’ve learned.”
  • 10. “Thank you for joining me on this journey. I look forward to our next steps.”
  • 11. “In closing, I’d like to thank everyone for their participation.”
  • 12. “Let’s conclude with a reminder of the impact we can make together.”
  • 13. “To wrap up our session, here’s a brief summary of our discussion.”
  • 14. “I’m grateful for the opportunity to present to you. Any final thoughts?”
  • 15. “And that’s a wrap. I welcome any final questions or comments.”
  • 16. “As we conclude, let’s remember the objectives we’ve set today.”
  • 17. “Thank you for your time. Let’s apply these insights to achieve success.”
  • 18. “In conclusion, your feedback is valuable, and I’m here to listen.”
  • 19. “Before we part, let’s take a moment to reflect on our key messages.”
  • 20. “I’ll end with an invitation for all of us to take the next step.”
  • 21. “As we close, let’s commit to the goals we’ve outlined today.”
  • 22. “Thank you for your attention. Let’s keep the conversation going.”
  • 23. “In conclusion, let’s make a difference, starting now.”
  • 24. “I’ll leave you with these final words to consider as we end our time together.”
  • 25. “Before we conclude, remember that change starts with our actions today.”
  • 26. “Thank you for the lively discussion. Let’s continue to build on these ideas.”
  • 27. “As we wrap up, I encourage you to reach out with any further questions.”
  • 28. “In closing, I’d like to express my gratitude for your valuable input.”
  • 29. “Let’s conclude on a high note and take these learnings forward.”
  • 30. “Thank you for your time today. Let’s end with a commitment to progress.”

Summarizing the Main Points

When you reach the end of your presentation, summarizing the main points helps your audience retain the important information you’ve shared. Crafting a memorable summary enables your listeners to walk away with a clear understanding of your message.

Effective Methods of Summarization

To effectively summarize your presentation, you need to distill complex information into concise, digestible pieces. Start by revisiting the overarching theme of your talk and then narrow down to the core messages. Use plain language and imagery to make the enduring ideas stick. Here are some examples of how to do this:

  • Use analogies that relate to common experiences to recap complex concepts.
  • Incorporate visuals or gestures that reinforce your main arguments.

The Rule of Three

The Rule of Three is a classic writing and communication principle. It means presenting ideas in a trio, which is a pattern that’s easy for people to understand and remember. For instance, you might say, “Our plan will save time, cut costs, and improve quality.” This structure has a pleasing rhythm and makes the content more memorable. Some examples include:

  • “This software is fast, user-friendly, and secure.”
  • Pointing out a product’s “durability, affordability, and eco-friendliness.”

Reiterating the Main Points

Finally, you want to circle back to the key takeaways of your presentation. Rephrase your main points without introducing new information. This reinforcement supports your audience’s memory and understanding of the material. You might summarize key takeaways like this:

  • Mention the problem you addressed, the solution you propose, and the benefits of this solution.
  • Highlighting the outcomes of adopting your strategy: higher efficiency, greater satisfaction, and increased revenue.

Creating a Strong Conclusion

The final moments of your presentation are your chance to leave your audience with a powerful lasting impression. A strong conclusion is more than just summarizing—it’s your opportunity to invoke thought, inspire action, and make your message memorable.

Incorporating a Call to Action

A call to action is your parting request to your audience. You want to inspire them to take a specific action or think differently as a result of what they’ve heard. To do this effectively:

  • Be clear about what you’re asking.
  • Explain why their action is needed.
  • Make it as simple as possible for them to take the next steps.

Example Phrases:

  • “Start making a difference today by…”
  • “Join us in this effort by…”
  • “Take the leap and commit to…”

Leaving a Lasting Impression

End your presentation with something memorable. This can be a powerful quote, an inspirational statement, or a compelling story that underscores your main points. The goal here is to resonate with your audience on an emotional level so that your message sticks with them long after they leave.

  • “In the words of [Influential Person], ‘…'”
  • “Imagine a world where…”
  • “This is more than just [Topic]; it’s about…”

Enhancing Audience Engagement

To hold your audience’s attention and ensure they leave with a lasting impression of your presentation, fostering interaction is key.

Q&A Sessions

It’s important to integrate a Q&A session because it allows for direct communication between you and your audience. This interactive segment helps clarify any uncertainties and encourages active participation. Plan for this by designating a time slot towards the end of your presentation and invite questions that promote discussion.

  • “I’d love to hear your thoughts; what questions do you have?”
  • “Let’s dive into any questions you might have. Who would like to start?”
  • “Feel free to ask any questions, whether they’re clarifications or deeper inquiries about the topic.”

Encouraging Audience Participation

Getting your audience involved can transform a good presentation into a great one. Use open-ended questions that provoke thought and allow audience members to reflect on how your content relates to them. Additionally, inviting volunteers to participate in a demonstration or share their experiences keeps everyone engaged and adds a personal touch to your talk.

  • “Could someone give me an example of how you’ve encountered this in your work?”
  • “I’d appreciate a volunteer to help demonstrate this concept. Who’s interested?”
  • “How do you see this information impacting your daily tasks? Let’s discuss!”

Delivering a Persuasive Ending

At the end of your presentation, you have the power to leave a lasting impact on your audience. A persuasive ending can drive home your key message and encourage action.

Sales and Persuasion Tactics

When you’re concluding a presentation with the goal of selling a product or idea, employ carefully chosen sales and persuasion tactics. One method is to summarize the key benefits of your offering, reminding your audience why it’s important to act. For example, if you’ve just presented a new software tool, recap how it will save time and increase productivity. Another tactic is the ‘call to action’, which should be clear and direct, such as “Start your free trial today to experience the benefits first-hand!” Furthermore, using a touch of urgency, like “Offer expires soon!”, can nudge your audience to act promptly.

Final Impressions and Professionalism

Your closing statement is a chance to solidify your professional image and leave a positive impression. It’s important to display confidence and poise. Consider thanking your audience for their time and offering to answer any questions. Make sure to end on a high note by summarizing your message in a concise and memorable way. If your topic was on renewable energy, you might conclude by saying, “Let’s take a leap towards a greener future by adopting these solutions today.” This reinforces your main points and encourages your listeners to think or act differently when they leave.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some creative strategies for ending a presentation memorably.

To end your presentation in a memorable way, consider incorporating a call to action that engages your audience to take the next step. Another strategy is to finish with a thought-provoking question or a surprising fact that resonates with your listeners.

Can you suggest some powerful quotes suitable for concluding a presentation?

Yes, using a quote can be very effective. For example, Maya Angelou’s “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel,” can reinforce the emotional impact of your presentation.

What is an effective way to write a conclusion that summarizes a presentation?

An effective conclusion should recap the main points succinctly, highlighting what you want your audience to remember. A good way to conclude is by restating your thesis and then briefly summarizing the supporting points you made.

As a student, how can I leave a strong impression with my presentation’s closing remarks?

To leave a strong impression, consider sharing a personal anecdote related to your topic that demonstrates passion and conviction. This helps humanize your content and makes the message more relatable to your audience.

How can I appropriately thank my audience at the close of my presentation?

A simple and sincere expression of gratitude is always appropriate. You might say, “Thank you for your attention and engagement today,” to convey appreciation while also acknowledging their participation.

What are some examples of a compelling closing sentence in a presentation?

A compelling closing sentence could be something like, “Together, let’s take the leap towards a greener future,” if you’re presenting on sustainability. This sentence is impactful, calls for united action, and leaves your audience with a clear message.

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6 Ways to Close Your Presentation With Style (& Tools to Use)

6 Ways to Close Your Presentation With Style (& Tools to Use)

Written by: Ashish Arora

how to start a presentation wide header

Picture this: You've just delivered an amazing presentation that had your audience hooked from the start. The excitement in the room is glaring as you reach the final moments of your presentations.

Now, it's time to close with a bang and leave a lasting impression.

The way you conclude your presentation holds immense power. That’s the defining moment that cements your message in the minds of your audience.

So how do you wrap up your presentation in a memorable way and leave your audience feeling inspired? That’s why we created this article to teach you how to end a presentation.

In this article, we're going to explore six awesome ways to close your presentation with style. These techniques will help you leave a lasting impact and make your audience go "Wow!"

Get ready to level up your presentation skills and charm your audience with these proven closing techniques.

Table of Contents

6 ways to close your presentation with style, tools to help you create a presentation, key phrases to end a presentation.

  • How to Start a Presentation
  • Top Presentation Mistakes to Avoid
  • How you end your presentation can make all the difference in solidifying your message and leaving your audience with a sense of purpose.
  • Level up your presentation skills and charm your audience with these proven closing techniques: include a strong call-to-action (CTA), don't end with a question and answer slide; conclude with a memorable quote, tell a story, summarize your main points and thank the audience.
  • Here are some ways you can start your presentation on a strong note: make a bold claim, give them the unexpected, pique curiosity, ask questions and tell a story.
  • Avoid these top presentation mistakes: lack of adequate presentation, being robotic, avoiding eye contact, starting and ending weak.
  • Visme, Prezi, Slidebean and Google Slides are four stand-out tools you can use to create stunning and effective presentations.
  • Visme’s presentation software offers a wide range of templates and extensive features to help you create next-level presentations.

There’s no question that grabbing your audience’s attention at the very beginning of your presentation is important. But how you end it can make all the difference in your presentation’s overall impact.

Here are some ways to ensure you end powerfully:

  • Way #1: Include a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)
  • Way #2: Don't End With a Q&A
  • Way #3: End With a Memorable Quote
  • Way #4: Close With a Story
  • Way #5: Drive Your Main Points Home
  • Way #6: Thank and Acknowledge

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1. Include a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

If you’re a business owner, the primary purpose of your presentation is to inspire the audience to action. Don’t assume they will take it, move them to it.

Use powerful words that are definitive and instructional. Calls-to-action like “Begin the journey” or “Join the fight” are to-the-point and let the audience know what to do.

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2. Don’t End with a Q&A

You’ve just spent 20-30 minutes wowing your audience and now you’re going to let your presentation fizzle out with a Q&A? Beyond the fact that you are never in full control of what questions you will be asked, Q&As are just not memorable.

So how do you end a presentation with a bang? It is better to take questions throughout the presentation. This way the questions asked are relevant to the particular information being shared and you can ensure your audience is keeping up with you.

If you have been forced to structure your presentation so that questions are taken at the end, make sure to allow yourself a minute or two after the Q&A. Use this time to close the presentation with your final takeaways and messages of inspiration.

3. End with a Memorable Quote

Sometimes, if you can’t find the perfect words to end with, use someone else’s words.

“Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.”  –Charles Swindoll

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” –John Lennon

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” –Steve Jobs

These are pretty powerful words, no? Use quotes like these when you wrap up your presentation, or add them in your final slide to leave a strong impression.

4. Close with a Story

If opening with a compelling story works, there’s a very good chance that closing with one will as well. While a story at the beginning was an effective lead-in to your message, a story at the end can creatively sum up the information you have shared.

A word of caution: don’t end with a case study. Many business owners do this. Case studies are great for the middle of your presentation. But for the conclusion, you want a meaningful story that affects your audience emotionally and causes them to remember your message for a long, long time.

5. Drive Your Main Points Home

Your audience will appreciate some form of summation at the end that will act as a linear representation of what they’ve just heard.  There is a simple summary formula that many professional speakers use in the ending slide:

  • Tell them what you are going to tell them.
  • Then, tell them what you told them.

You can simply say something like, “Before I leave you with my final thoughts about XYZ, let me briefly restate my main takeaways…” Don’t just list your key points but show the audience how each links to the other points.

Giving a successful presentation takes a lot of work and commitment. By creating a powerful opening and closing, you will ensure that your message is not only fully received but impactful as well.

6.  Thank and Acknowledge

If you're finding it hard to signal to your audience that your presentation has ended and it's time to applaud, thanking them can be a great way to do so. Including an end slide or thank you slide can make things easier.

At the end of your presentation, you can also acknowledge any companies or people who helped you put together your presentation, such as a website you used as a data source.

Now that you know how to end a presentation effectively, let's find out how you can create one that speaks for itself.

A well-designed slide deck can not only help you better convey your message, but it can also make you feel more confident about your presentation.

Here are four tools you can use to create stunning and effective presentations.

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The master of non-linear presentations, Prezi, lets you create slide decks that are bound to stand out from others.

While the learning curve of Prezi can be steep for some people, it's worth it if you're looking to get creative with your presentations.

3. Slidebean

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If the most important thing to you when making a presentation is saving time, Slidebean might be a great fit.

The best thing about this tool is it uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help you create stunning layouts for your content.

Slidebean is ideal if you're not looking for extensive customizability, just ease of use and time-saving features like templates and content blocks.

4. Google Slides

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Sometimes, the most basic tools are enough for creating a great presentation, especially if the industry you're operating in requires simplicity and seriousness.

The best part about Google Slides is that you can use it from anywhere and from any device. For example, you can create your entire presentation on your phone using the mobile application.

Presentations made in Google Slides can also be opened with Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote, which makes it quite a versatile tool.

if you're wondering how to close your presentation, here are some key phrases you can use:

Appreciate your listeners

  • Thank you for your time and attention.
  • I appreciate your presence here today.
  • Thank you for being such an engaged audience.

Express gratitude for the opportunity

  • I'm grateful for the chance to share...
  • I want to express my gratitude to...
  • Thank you once again for the opportunity.

Summarize the main points

  • In summary...
  • To sum up...
  • In conclusion...

Use a call to action

  • I encourage each of you to...
  • Let's work together to...
  • Take the next step by...

Inspire or motivate your audience

  • Remember that...
  • As we move forward, let's keep in mind...
  • Let this be a reminder that..."

Leave your closing thoughts

  • In closing...
  • As a final thought...
  • To wrap things up...

Encourage your audience to ask questions or share their thoughts

  • I'm now open to any questions you may have.
  • I'd love to hear your thoughts on...
  • Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions.

Reiterate the main points

  • Just to recap...
  • To reiterate the key points...
  • In essence, we covered...

Use closing quotes

  • To quote [relevant figure]...
  • In the words of [author]...
  • As [famous person] once said...

Express optimism about the future

  • Looking ahead...
  • The future holds great opportunities for...
  • I'm excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

Remember, these fun ways to end a presentation aren't one-size-fits-all. You need to tailor these phrases to fit the specific context and tone of your presentation.

Bonus 1: How to Start a Presentation

Now you know how to conclude a presentation. We’ve also discussed ​​what to say at the end of a presentation.

Let’s discuss how to begin a presentation.

According to bestselling author, Malcolm Gladwell, in  Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking , "Snap judgments are ... enormously quick: they rely on the thinnest slices of experience."

In other words: first impressions are real, and they happen really quickly. Think about those presentations you have sat in the audience for.

How quickly did you sum a presenter up when they took the stage? Did you judge them on their posture? What they were wearing? How they addressed the audience? What their voice sounded like?

Most likely, you took all of these factors into account and quickly decided whether you were going to give them your full attention or think about what you should make for dinner.

As a presenter, you must understand that your audience members will make a snap decision about you within the first few moments after taking that stage. Your job at the very beginning of your presentation is to grab their attention.

Here are some ways you can start your presentation strong.

how to start a presentation visme infographic

1. Make a Bold Claim

Imagine being in the audience when a presenter opens his mouth and the first words out are, “When I’ve finished here today, you will have the knowledge to increase your revenue by 200% this year.” Um… would you sit forward in your chair and listen to every single word? You bet you would!

You have been asked to speak because you are an expert in your field and have valuable information to share. So why be shy about it? Start your presentation with a bold claim, and then overdeliver.

2. Give Them the Unexpected

Another powerful way to grab attention right up top is to contradict audience expectations. Some people refer to this as "applied unpredictability principle."

Giving people what they expect is not very exciting. Imagine a roller coaster that had no sudden drops or turns. It wouldn’t thrill you. Well the same can be said for presentations. The unexpected hooks the audience instantly.

Here’s an example. Pamela Meyer, author of Liespotting , starts off her presentation by scanning the audience and then saying, “Okay, I don’t want to alarm anybody in this room, but it’s just come to my attention that the person to your right is a liar! Also the person to your left is a liar.”

Well, the audience laughs, getting her intended joke, but you can tell that this unexpected statement has hooked them, and they are ready to give their full attention.

3. Pique Curiosity

Humans like to have their curiosity piqued. We love the feeling of being presented with information that makes us curious and wonder about something.  Research actually shows that curiosity prepares our brain to learn something new. How does it do this?

Well, when we are curious about something, we give that something our full attention. We look for clues and assess situations. This is how we operate and it’s how our ancestors stayed alive.

If you want to grab the audience’s attention right off the bat, ask a question or pose an idea that piques their curiosity. You’ll see many Ted Talk presenters do this by “confessing” they have to share a secret or an apology.

Speaker Dan Pink does this in his famous  T e d Talk  when he says:

“I need to make a confession, at the outset here. A little over 20 years ago, I did something that I regret. Something that I am not particularly proud of. Something that in many ways I wished no one would ever know, but that here I feel kind of obliged to reveal. In the late 1980s, in a moment of youthful indiscretion, I went to law school.”

The minute someone says they have something to confess, we HAVE to know what it is, and so we are forced to pay attention.

RELATED: 29 Killer Presentation Tips to Wow Your Audience

4. Ask Questions

This technique is an oldie but a goodie. By posing a thoughtful question to your audience, their brain is forced to THINK about the answer. You have engaged them from second one. The key is to make the question one that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no, but rather one that plants the seed of an idea.

“What scares you the most?”

“How do human beings constantly reach goals we all believe can never be reached?”

“When was the last time you allowed yourself to feel powerful?”

5. Tell a Story

“When I was nine, I met a homeless man who said he could see my entire future. He told me that when I turned 12, I would die. And I did.”

Okay, I am FULLY listening.

Stories are powerful. The human brain seems to have been wired to listen to stories. No matter how old we get, when someone starts to tell us a story, we instantly become 5-years-old, wide-eyed, ready to go on an adventure.

The story you tell can be personal or professional, just make sure it ties into your overall message.

Bonus 2: Top Presentation Mistakes to Avoid

If we’re going to discuss a presentation success formula, we’ve got to first tackle some of the biggest public speaking mistakes that guarantee your presentation is unsuccessful. Are you guilty of any of these?

top common mistakes make in presentations infographic visme

1. Not Being Prepared

We’ve all seen those presenters who make it look so effortless. Steve Jobs was like that. He seemed to glide onto the stage, open his mouth and instantly captivate everyone.

But the truth is, even Steve Jobs had to prepare.

Thoughtful preparation is essential for any level of public speaking. Doing the work ahead of time will not only help you feel and sound more confident, it will ensure you deliver the right message to the right audience.

2. Being Robotic

Beyond being comfortable with your material, you must be comfortable in your own body. Have you seen presenters who just stand in one spot and barely move at all? While they’re not very good at exciting their audience, they do have a keen knack for lulling listeners to sleep.

Granted, there may be those rare situations where, because of a lack of robust technology, you have no choice but to stand behind a podium. But even then, be sure to use gestures to punctuate your message. Gestures communicate on a level that words don’t. Don’t be flamboyant but try and use natural gestures as much as you can – you’ll seem human instead of machine-like.

And, when technology does allow you free movement, by all means, move around that stage. Steve Jobs was great at using movement purposefully during his presentations.

If you have a presentation coming up and want to avoid sounding robotic, this video explains 8 ways to memorize your presentation.

how to close presentation speech

3. Avoiding Eye Contact

We can’t talk about body language and not mention one of the biggest mistakes that many speakers make, and that is avoiding eye contact. How many presentations have you seen where the speaker spent the entire time staring at her notes or PowerPoint presentation? How did you feel? Perhaps invisible?

Meeting a person’s gaze establishes a real connection and keeps listeners engaged. If your audience is small enough, try to make eye contact with everyone at least once. If the audience is too large, do your best to scan each section of the audience, landing on a few people. This will give everyone a general impression that you are doing your best to connect.

4. Starting and Ending Weak

If there is one no-no a presenter can make, this is it.

You should think of your presentation as a delicious meal you have painstakingly prepared for your guests. What do you remember most about a great meal? If you’re like most people, you remember the appetizers and the dessert – everything in between is kind of a good-tasting blur.

When you begin and end your presentation strong, you gain the audience’s attention quickly and leave a positive and lasting impression. These are two skills that cannot be emphasized enough.

Let’s look at some of the ways you can ensure you start your presentation strong:

Ready to Level-Up Your Presentation?

Whether it's a business presentation or a motivational speech, knowing how to give a closing statement and ending your talk on a high note is important.

The last thing you say in front of a crowd can help you leave a memorable impression, whether it's a recap of your presentation content or a rhetorical question.

If you're ready to take your presentations to the next level, use Visme's presentation software  to put together engaging and interactive slides.

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About the Author

Ashish Arora is the Co-Founder of , a leading provider of result-driven, professionally built presentation templates. Travelling the world to gather new creative ideas, he has been working in the digital marketing space since 2007 and has a passion for designing presentations. You can also find him on  Twitter or  LinkedIn .

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Frantically Speaking

50 Speech Closing Lines (& How to Create Your Own) | The Ultimate Guide

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Writing

speech closing lines

While speech openings are definitely one of the most important components of a speech, something that is equally as important is the way you conclude your speech.

There are few worse ways to end your speech than with a terse ‘thank you’–no elaboration or addition whatsoever.

Speech endings are just as crucial to the success of your speech as speech openings, and you must spend just as much time picking the perfect ending as you do to determine your best possible speech opening.

The words you speak at the beginning and end of your speech are words that your audience will pay the most attention to, and remember longer than any other part of your speech.

Speech endings can put even the most experienced speaker in flux, and increase their anxiousness manifold as they sit there attempting to figure out the perfect way to end your speech.

If you’re someone who’s in flux about your speech ending too, don’t worry. We’ve got some amazing ways to conclude your speech with a bang!

1. Circling Back To The Beginning

The idea behind circling back to the beginning of your speech is to reinforce the idea of your speech being a complete whole. By circling back to the beginning and connecting it to your ending, you let the audience understand that the idea of your speech is complete & standalone.

Circling back to the beginning of your speech also acts as an excellent way of reinforcing the central idea of your speech in the audience’s mind, and makes it more likely that they will remember it after the speech ends.

Need more inspiration for speech opening lines? Check out our article on 15 Powerful Speech Opening Lines & Tips To Create Your Own.

How To Circle Back To The Beginning

The easiest way to do this is to set up your beginning for the conclusion of your speech. That is, if you’re saying something like, say, a story or joke in the beginning, then you can leave your audience in a cliffhanger until the ending arrives.

Another great way to circle back to the beginning is by simply restating something you said at the start. The added knowledge from attending the rest of your speech will help the audience see this piece of information in a new–and better–light.

1. Will Stephen

Ending Line: “I’d like you to think about what you heard in the beginning, and I want you to think about what you hear now. Because it was nothing & it’s still nothing.”

2. Canwen Xu

Speech Ending: My name is Canwen, my favorite color is purple and I play the piano but not so much the violin…

Think of a memorable moment from your life, and chances are you’ll realize that it involved a feeling of happiness–something that we can associate with smiling or laughter. And what better way to generate laughter than by incorporating the age-old strategy of good humor.

The happy and lighthearted feeling you associate with good memories is the kind of emotional reaction you want to create in your audience too. That’s what will make your speech stick in their memory.

Done incorrectly, humor can be a disaster. Done right, however, it can entirely transform a speech.

Humor doesn’t only mean slapstick comedy (although there’s nothing wrong with slapstick, either). Humor can come in many forms, including puns, jokes, a funny story…the list is endless.

How To Incorporate Humor In Your Speech Ending

The simplest way to incorporate humor into your speech ending is by telling a plain old joke–something that’s relevant to your topic, of course.

You can also tell them a short, funny anecdote–may be an unexpected conclusion to a story you set up in the beginning.

Another way would be by employing the power of repetition. You can do this by associating something funny with a word, and then repeating the word throughout your speech. During the end, simply say the word or phrase one last time, and it’s likely you’ll leave off your audience with a good chuckle.

1. Woody Roseland

Ending Line: “Why are balloons so expensive? Inflation.”

2. Andras Arato

Ending Line: “There are three rules to becoming famous. Unfortunately, nobody knows what they are.”

3. Hasan Minhaj

Ending Line: “And you want to know the scariest part? Pretty soon every country on the earth is going to have its own TLC show.”

4. Sophie Scott

Speech Ending: In other words, when it comes to laughter, you and me baby, ain’t nothing but mammals.

5. Tim Urban

Speech Ending: We need to stay away from the Instant Gratification Monkey. That’s a job for all of us. And because there’s not that many boxes on there. It’s a job that should probably start today. Well, maybe not today, but, you know, sometime soon.

6. Hasan Minhaj

Speech Ending: Showing my legs on TV is probably the scariest thing I’ve ever done. And keep in mind last week I went after the Prince of Saudi Arabia.

3. Question

The idea behind posing a question at the end of your speech is to get the wheels in your audience’s minds turning and to get them thinking of your speech long after it has ended. A question, if posed correctly, will make your audience re-think about crucial aspects of your speech, and is a great way to prompt discussion after your speech has ended.

How To Add Questions To Your Speech Ending

The best type of questions to add to your speech ending is rhetorical questions. That’s because, unlike a literal question, a rhetorical question will get the audience thinking and make them delve deeper into the topic at hand.

Make sure your question is central to the idea of your speech, and not something frivolous or extra. After all, the point of a question is to reinforce the central idea of your topic.

1. Lexie Alford

Speech Ending: Ask yourself: How uncomfortable are you willing to become in order to reach your fullest potential?

2. Apollo Robbins

Speech Ending: If you could control somebody’s attention, what would you do with it?

Quotes are concise, catchy phrases or sentences that are generally easy to remember and repeat.

Quotes are an age-old way to start–and conclude–a speech. And for good reason.

Quotes can reinforce your own ideas by providing a second voice to back them up. They can also provoke an audience’s mind & get them thinking. So, if you add your quote to the end of your speech, the audience will most likely be thinking about it for long after you have finished speaking.

How To Use Quotes In Your Speech Ending

While adding quotes to your speech ending, make sure that it’s relevant to your topic. Preferably, you want to pick a quote that summarizes your entire idea in a concise & memorable manner.

Make sure that your quote isn’t too long or complicated. Your audience should be able to repeat it as well as feel its impact themselves. They shouldn’t be puzzling over the semantics of your quote, but its intended meaning.

1. Edouard Jacqmin

Speech Ending: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

2. Chris Crowe

Speech Ending: “It’s more certain than death and taxes.”

3. Olivia Remes

Speech Ending: I’d like to leave you with a quote by Martin Luther King: “You don’ have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.”

4. Tomislav Perko

Speech Ending: Like that famous quote says, “In twenty years from now on, you’ll be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did do.

5. Diana Nyad

Speech Ending: To paraphrase the poet, Mary Oliver, she says, “So, what is it? What is it you’re doing with this one wild and precious life of yours?”

5. Piece Of Advice

The point of giving a piece of advice at the end of your speech is not to pull your audience down or to make them feel bad/inferior about themselves. Rather, the advice is added to motivate your audience to take steps to do something–something related to the topic at hand.

The key point to remember is that your advice is included to help your audience, not to discourage them.

How To Add Piece Of Advice To Your Speech Ending

To truly make your audience follow the advice you’re sharing, you must make sure it resonates with them. To do so, you need to inject emotions into your advice, and to present it in such a manner that your audience’s emotions are aroused when they hear it.

Your advice shouldn’t be something extra-complicated or seemingly impossible to achieve. This will act as a counter-agent. Remember that you want your audience to follow your advice, not to chuck it away as something impossible.

Our article, 15 Powerful Speech Ending Lines And Tips To Create Your Own , is another great repository for some inspiration.

1. Ricardo Lieuw On

Speech Ending: “Learn something new, or a new way of approaching something old because there are a few skills are valuable as the art of learning.”

2. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

Speech Ending: “If we want to improve the competence level of our leaders, then we should first improve our own competence for judging and selecting leaders.”

3. Sharique Samsudheen

Speech Ending: “Some people love money, some people hate money, some people crave money, some people even kill for money. But what they miss is they just need to learn how to manage money well, and that will give them financial freedom.”

4. Kate Simonds

Speech Ending: Teens, you need to believe in your voices and adults, you need to listen.

5. Melissa Butler

Speech Ending: When you go home today, see yourself in the mirror, see all of you, look at all your greatness that you embody, accept it, love it and finally, when you leave the house tomorrow, try to extend that same love and acceptance to someone who doesn’t look like you.

6. Iskra Lawrence

Speech Ending: Speak to your body in a loving way. It’s the only one you got, it’s your home, and it deserves your respect. If you see anyone tearing themselves down, build them back up And watch your life positively grow when you give up the pursuit of perfection.

6. Contemplative Remark

As the name itself suggests, contemplative remarks are intended to make your audience contemplate or mull over something. The ‘something’ in question should be the idea central to your speech, or a key takeaway that you want them to return home with.

The idea is to get your audience thinking and to keep them thinking for a long, long time.

How To Add A Contemplative Remark To Your Speech Ending

To add a contemplative remark to your speech ending, you first need to figure out your key takeaway or main theme. Then, you want to arrange that as a question, and propose it to your audience at the end of your speech.

Remember that your question shouldn’t be something too wordy or complicated to understand. As with the quotes, you don’t want your audience stuck on the semantics. Rather, you want them to focus on the matter at hand.

1. Lisa Penney

Speech Ending: “So I invite you to pay more attention to your thoughts & consider the legacy you leave behind.”

2. Grant Sanderson

Speech Ending: “Some of the most useful math that you can find or teach has its origin in someone who was just looking for a good story.”

3. Greta Thunberg

Speech Ending: “We will not let you get away with this. Right here, right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking up & change is coming whether you like it or not.”

4. Bill Eckstrom

Speech Ending: Now, think about this: it’s not the complexity-triggering individuals or events you should fear the most, but it’s your own willingness to accept or seek discomfort that will dictate the growth of not just you, but our entire world.

5. Robert Hoge

Speech Ending: Choose to accept your face, choose to appreciate your face, don’t look away from the mirror so quickly; understand all the love, and the life, and the pain that is the part of your face, that is the art of your face. Tomorrow when you wake up, what will your choice be?

7. Personal Anecdote

Personal anecdotes, as the name suggests, are anecdotes that are personal to the speaker or instances from their life. Personal anecdotes are a great way to incorporate the magical powers of storytelling in your speech, as well as to make a personal connection with the audience. Using personal anecdotes, you can hit two birds with one stone!

How To Add Personal Anecdotes To Your Speech Ending

To add personal anecdotes to your speech ending, you need to filter through your life experiences to find out ones that directly relate to your topic at hand. You don’t want to include an anecdote, no matter how compelling it is, if it doesn’t relate to your topic.

Remember to not keep your anecdote too long. Your audience will most likely lose their attention if you do so.

1. Sheila Humphries

Speech Ending: “Why do you go work for these people?” My answer to them was, “If I could help one child make it in this world, it’ll be worth it all.”

8. Call To Action

A call-to-action is one of the absolute best ways to conclude a speech with a bang. A well-written speech should aim to alter the audience’s mind or belief system in some way and to make them take an action in that direction. One crucial way to assure your audience does this is by using a call to action.

How To Add A Call To Action To Your Speech Ending

A call to action comes right before the ending of your speech to provide your audience with a clear idea or set of instructions about what they’re supposed to do after your talk ends.

A call to action should provide a roadmap to the audience for their future steps, and to outline clearly what those future steps are going to be.

1. Armin Hamrah

Speech Ending: “So tonight, after you finish your Math homework & before you lay your head down on that fluffy pillow, bring a piece of paper and pen by your bedside…”

2. Graham Shaw

Speech Ending: “So I invite you to get your drawings out there & spread the word that when we draw, we remember more!”

3. Andy Puddicombe

Speech Ending: You don’t have to burn any incense, and you definitely don’t have to sit on the floor. All you need to do is to take out 10 minutes out a day to step back, familiarize yourself with the present moment so that you get to experience a greater sense of focus, calm, and clarity in your life.

4. Amy Cuddy

Speech Ending: Before you go into the next stressful evaluative situation, for two minutes, try doing this in the elevator…

5. Jia Jiang

Speech Ending: When you are facing the next obstacle or the next failure, consider the possibilities. Don’t run! If you just embrace them, they might become your gifts as well.

9. Motivational Remark

As the name clearly explains, a motivational remark motivates your audience to carry out a plan of action. It ruffles the audience’s mind and emotions and has a powerful impact on the steps that your audience will take after you’ve finished speaking.

How To Add A Motivational Remark To Your Speech Ending

The key to a good motivational remark is to inspire your audience. Your motivational remark should act as a ray of hope to your audience and positively inspire them to take a desired course of action.

Your motivational remark should not be negative in any way. You don’t want to guilt or coerce your audience into doing something or feeling a certain way. You want to leave them on a positive note to move forward with their life.

1. Khanh Vy Tran

Speech Ending: “No matter what you’re going through right now & no matter what the future holds for you, please don’t change yourself. Love yourself, accept yourself & then transform yourself.”

2. Mithila Palkar

Speech Ending: “Get a job, leave a job, dance, sing, fall in love. Carve your own niche. But most importantly: learn to love your own randomness.”

3. Andrew Tarvin

Speech Ending: “Anyone can learn to be funnier. And it all starts with a choice. A choice to try to find ways to use humor. A choice to be like my grandmother, to look at the world around you and say WTF–wow, that’s fun.”

4. Laura Vanderkam

Speech Ending: There is time. Even if we are busy, we have time for what matters. And when we focus on what matters, we can build the lives we want in the time we’ve got.

5. Julian Treasure

Speech Ending: Let’s get listening taught in schools, and transform the world in one generation into a conscious listening world, a world of connection, a world of understanding, and a world of peace.

6. Mariana Atencio

Speech Ending: Let’s celebrate those imperfections that make us special. I hope that it teaches you that nobody has a claim on the word ‘normal’. We are all different. We are all quirky and unique and that is what makes us wonderfully human.

10. Challenge

Much like a call to action, the aim of proposing a challenge at the end of your speech is to instigate your audience to take some desired course of action. A challenge should make an appeal to your audience’s emotion, and motivate them to meet it.

How To Add A Challenge To Your Speech Ending

To apply a challenge effectively to your speech ending, you need to make sure that it’s something relevant to your topic. Your challenge should drive the central topic of your speech forward, and make your audience engage in real-life steps to apply your idea in the real world.

While its always a good idea to set a high bar for your challenge, make sure its an achievable one too.

1. Jamak Golshani

Speech Ending: “I challenge you to open your heart to new possibilities, choose a career path that excites you & one that’s aligned to who you truly are.”

2. Ashley Clift-Jennings

Speech Ending: So, my challenge to you today is, “Do you know, would you even know how to recognize your soulmate?” If you are going out in the world right now, would you know what you are looking for?

11. Metaphor

Metaphors are commonly used as a short phrase that draws a comparison between two ideas in a non-literal sense. People use metaphors quite commonly in daily life to explain ideas that might be too difficult or confusing to understand otherwise. Metaphors are also great tools to be used in speech, as they can present your main idea in a simple and memorable way.

How To Add Metaphors To Your Speech Ending

To add a metaphor to your speech ending, you need to first decide on the main idea or takeaway of your speech. Your metaphor should then be organized in such a way that it simplifies your main idea and makes it easier for your audience to understand & remember it.

The key is to not make your metaphor overly complicated or difficult to retain and share. Remember that you’re trying to simplify your idea for the audience–not make them even more confused.

1. Ramona J. Smith

Speech Ending: “Stay in that ring. And even after you take a few hits, use what you learned from those previous fights, and at the end of the round, you’ll still remain standing.”

2. Shi Heng YI

Speech Ending: “If any of you chooses to climb that path to clarity, I will be very happy to meet you at the peak.”

3. Zifang “Sherrie” Su

Speech Ending: “Are you turning your back on your fear? Our life is like this stage, but what scares are now may bring you the most beautiful thing. Give it a chance.”

12. Storytelling

The idea behind using stories to end your speech is to leave your audience with a good memory to take away with them.

Stories are catchy, resonating & memorable ways to end any speech.

Human beings can easily relate to stories. This is because most people have grown up listening to stories of some kind or another, and thus a good story tends to evoke fond feelings in us.

How To Incorporate Stories In Your Speech Ending

A great way to incorporate stories in your speech ending is by setting up a story in the beginning and then concluding it during the end of your speech.

Another great way would be to tell a short & funny anecdote related to a personal experience or simply something related to the topic at hand.

However, remember that it’s the ending of your speech. Your audience is most likely at the end of their attention span. So, keep your story short & sweet.

1. Sameer Al Jaberi

Speech Ending: “I can still see that day when I came back from my honeymoon…”

2. Josephine Lee

Speech Ending: “At the end of dinner, Jenna turned to me and said…”

Facts are another excellent speech ending, and they are used quite often as openings as well. The point of adding a fact as your speech ending is to add shock value to your speech, and to get your audience thinking & discussing the fact even after your speech has ended.

How To Add Facts To Your Speech Ending

The key to adding facts to your speech ending is to pick a fact that thrusts forward your main idea in the most concise form possible. Your fact should also be something that adds shock value to the speech, and it should ideally be something that the audience hasn’t heard before.

Make sure that your fact is relevant to the topic at hand. No matter how interesting, a fact that doesn’t relate to your topic is going to be redundant.

1. David JP Phillips

Speech Ending: 3500 years ago, we started transfering knowledge from generation to generation through text. 28 years ago, PowerPoint was born. Which one do you think our brain is mostly adapted to?

14. Rhethoric Remark

Rhetoric remarks are another excellent way to get the wheels of your audience’s minds turning. Rhetoric remarks make your audience think of an imagined scenario, and to delve deeper into your topic. Rhetoric remarks or questioned don’t necessarily need to have a ‘right’ or one-shot answer, which means you can be as creative with them as possible!

How To Add Rhethoric Remarks To Your Speech Ending

Since rhetorical questions don’t need to have a definite answer, you have much freedom in determining the type of question or statement you wish to make. However, as with all other speech endings, a rhetorical question shouldn’t be asked just for the sake of it.

A rhetorical question should make your audience think about your topic in a new or more creative manner. It should get them thinking about the topic and maybe see it from an angle that they hadn’t before.

Rhetorical questions shouldn’t be too confusing. Use simple language & make sure it’s something that the audience can easily comprehend.

1. Mona Patel

Speech Ending: Pick your problem, ask “What if?” Come up with ideas. Bring them down. Then execute on them. Maybe you’re thinking, “What if we can’t?” I say to you, “What if we don’t?”

2. Lizzie Velasquez

Speech Ending: I want you to leave here and ask yourself what defines you. But remember: Brave starts here.

Another great way to end your speech with a literal bang is by using music! After all, if there’s something that can impact the human mind with just as much force as a few well-placed words, it’s the correct music.

How To Add Music To Your Speech Ending

To add music to your speech ending, you must make sure that the music has something to do with your speech theme. Remember that you’re not playing music in your concert. The piece of music that you choose must be relevant to your topic & work to have a contribution in your overall speech.

1. Tom Thum

Speech Ending: *ends the TED Talk with beat boxing*

16. Reitirate The Title

The title of your speech is its most important component. That’s why you need to pay careful attention to how you pick it, as it is something that your viewers will most likely remember the longest about your speech.

Your title will also act as a guiding hand towards how your audience forms an initial idea about your speech and is what they will associate your entire speech with.

By repeating your title at the end of your speech, you increase the chances that your audience will remember it–and your speech–for a long time.

How To Retierate The Title In Your Speech Ending

Your title is something that your audience associates your entire speech with. However, you don’t want to simply add the title in your speech end for the sake of adding it. Instead, make it flow naturally into your speech ending. This will make it seem less forced, and will also increase the chances of your audience remembering your entire speech ending and not just the title of your speech.

1. Ruairi Robertson

Speech Ending: I feel we can all contribute to this fight worth fighting for our own health, but more importantly, our future generations’ health by restoring the relationship between microbe and man. There is SOME FOOD FOR THOUGHT!

Need more inspiration for speech closing lines? Check out our article on 10 Of The Best Things To Say In Closing Remarks.

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To sum up, speech endings are just as imperative to the success of your speech as speech openings, and you must spend just as much time picking the perfect ending as you do to determine your best possible speech opening. The words you speak at the beginning and end of your speech are words that your audience will pay the most attention to, and remember longer than any other part of your speech.

Still looking for inspiration? Check out this video we made on closing remarks:

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How to Close Your Presentation in English Powerfully [+ FREE Presentation Checklist]

May 9, 2018 | Business Professional English , Free Resource , Public Speaking & Presentations

What to Include in the Conclusion of Your Presentation in English

This lesson has been updated from its original posting in 2016.

You’re giving your presentation in English. You have just two minutes left. And it’s time for the conclusion …

Did you know most people only remember the first and last things you tell them? It’s true.

If you are giving a presentation in English, then you definitely want people to remember what you say at the end. And this means your closing must be powerful!

You’ve worked hard on your presentation. You searched for information online. You couldn’t sleep at night. You felt nervous about making mistakes. You spent hours preparing. You reviewed the grammar and vocabulary. You worried about someone asking a question. You practiced and practiced and practiced.

And now it’s the last two minutes. This is the last opportunity for your audience to hear your key points. It is the last chance you have to help your audience remember your comments.

A closing in a presentation should be short and clear. It should summarize your key points. And, most importantly, it should be powerful.

In today’s lesson, you’re going to learn about 3 ways to make your closing more powerful. Plus you’ll learn useful key expressions you can use in your presentation.

3 steps to a powerful closing in your presentation.

Lesson by Annemarie

3 Strategies to Close Your Presentation Powerfully

Use these 3 strategies in your conclusion to:

  • recapture your audience’s attention
  • get your audience to focus and remember your key points
  • help your audience connect with you and your topic
  • end your presentation powerfully

One: Include a Call to Action (CTA)

Is there something you want your audience to do or think after your presentation. Do you want them to take action? Tell your audience exactly what you want them to do with a Call to Action.

Here’s my example:

“ After you finish today’s lesson, please take 2 minutes to  leave a comment about your experience with presentations. You can share your thoughts or ask questions in the comments section at the bottom of this lesson – it’s the perfect place to join a discussion on this topic.”

A couple useful expressions to help you introduce your CTA is:

  • To close, I’d like to ask you to do this one thing…
  • And finally, before you leave the conference today, please take two minutes to…

Two: End with a Powerful/Inspirational Quote

Is there one thing you really want your audience to remember? Or is there a specific feeling you want your audience to have after your presentation?

Using a powerful quote can help you do that. You could introduce a great quote or interesting statistic with:

  • I’d like to finish with this powerful/interesting/wonderful/inspiring/ quote from …
  • And finally, let’s finish up today’s discussion with this surprising/useful/shocking/hopeful statistic …

Here are some example quotes that might help people be prepared to take action or to think differently. But remember! Always match the quote or statistic to your topic:

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”  – Martin Luther King, Jr. “Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open.”  – Alexander Graham Bell

Three: Add a Surprising Fact or Statistic

Is there something you’d love for your audience to think about after your presentation? Is there a statistic or fact that will help someone remember your key points?

A surprising fact can also help re-engage your audience, it will snap their attention back to you.

For example:

Did you know that the human brain’s capacity is limitless – that’s great new right? BUT … did you also know that a person is likely to remember only 25% of a presentation after 24 hours?

Uh oh. That is why it’s SO important to have a powerful ending! Remember: the key is to find a statistic or fact that connects directly to your topic.

Useful Language to Close Your Presentation

Summarize Your Key Points & Close Your Presentation

  • That brings us to the end of the presentation. I’d like to summarize by saying …
  • That concludes my presentation. However, I’d like to quickly summarize the main points or takeaways.
  • And on that final note, that concludes my presentation.
  • To quickly recap, I’d like you to remember these key points …
  • To summarize …
  • In conclusion …
  • I’d like to bring this presentation to a close with …
  • I’d like to close this talk with …
  • So, this concludes the focus of discussion today. To end, I’d like to highlight …
  • This concludes [name/title of the section] so let’s move on to the final comments.

Thank Your Audience

  • I sincerely appreciate your attention today/this evening/this morning.
  • And that brings us to the end. I’d like to thank you for your time and attention today.
  • Thank you so much for your interest and attention.
  • At this time, I’d like to have my colleague speak so I’ll finish up by saying thank you for your attention.
  • I can see that our time is just about up so to finish I’d like to say thank you.
  • I sincerely appreciate that I’ve had this opportunity to present to you.
  • If there is one thing I would like you to remember from today’s presentation it’s …

Take Questions

  • If anyone has any questions, I’d be happy to open up the discussion.
  • If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask now and I’ll do my best to answer.
  • Would anyone like to ask any questions?
  • I would now be interested to hear from you with your thoughts or questions.
  • Now let’s move on to some Q&A. (Q&A = Questions and Answers)

Provide Next Steps or Contact Information

  • If you would like more information, here is a list of useful resources/websites.
  • If anyone who like more information or has questions, please feel free to contact me at: [include contact info]
  • Here is a list for further reading on this topic. (Include the list of books or websites.)

Get the complete Presentations in English Series:

Part 1: How to Prepare for Your Presentation in English

Part 2:  How to Start with a Great Introduction in Your Presentation

Part 3:  How to Organize Your Presentation in English

Part 4: How to End Your Presentation Powerfully

After you’ve watched the video and reviewed the lesson, I’d love to hear from you!

Tell me about the best presentation you ever heard. Who gave the presentation? And why do you remember it? Share what you remember in the comments section below.

And for the bonus question!! Have you given a presentation in English? What tips or advice would you like to share with others? You can add your advice in the comments section.

Thank you so much for joining me!

~ Annemarie

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It’s the last question in your job interview in English and you hear: Do you have any questions for me? What should you say? Is it okay to ask a question in a job interview? Find out exactly what you should do plus 5 smart questions to ask.

How to Disagree in English Politely

How to Disagree in English Politely

Want to say “I disagree” without creating tension in the conversation? Master the art of disagreement in this lesson on, “How to Disagree in English Politely.”

#310: The Right Grammar for English Introductions

#310: The Right Grammar for English Introductions

Get your English introductions just right with this step-by-step video on Grammar for English Introductions when you’re meeting someone new.

#309: How to Go Off Topic in English | English Conversation Skills

#309: How to Go Off Topic in English | English Conversation Skills

Learn how to gracefully go off topic in English without losing your audience. Whether you’re in a meeting or chatting with friends, in this lesson we dive deep into the art of smoothly navigating tangents while enhancing your English conversation skills.

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Augustina N Antonius

This was very helpful


Thanks, Ma’am/Sir. This helped me a lot… 


Same here ma’am


This is so helpful. Thank you so much


This helped a lot. Thank you so much <3


I accidentally found your page while working on my English video presentation. It’s really helpful. Thanks soooo much 🙂

I’m very glad to know it was helpful!


Hi! I found your page very insightful. Thank you very much!

I’m glad to hear it!


great video series. thank you so much. you mentioned that you had a downloadable checklist in the final video. where could I find this thanks?

Hi Ellie, I’m glad the series was helpful.

When you visit the lesson, there should be an image that pops up with an opportunity to get the download. If you don’t see it, please let me know so I can fix it.


Helped a lot! Thank you very much <33


thank you so much


I love your method


Hello, I have a 5 minute oral presentation of a fictional book, w/the main focus on the leadership traits of the characters. I enjoyed the book, and suspect others might, so to that end, is it OK to NOT share the ending? Thank you


Thanks for your help 🙂


Great website. I found a typo in on the presentation closings page “Useful Langauge to Close Your Presentation”.

Good eyes! Thanks so much for the note. We’ve fixed the typo.

Saba Pervaiz

Dear Annemarie, thank you so much for sharing. 


Dear Annemarie, thank you so much for sharing. I learned so much from your 4 videos and I will work on improving my presentation skills. Love your spirit of excellence. For me as a presenter, its important i am passionate about the topic i share and audience will be able to apply some of the learnings in their life. Thank you Annemarie. I love your voice too. Stay blessed.

Pratibha Yadav

I watch continuously watched ur 4 videos and U r a great teacher.Thanks for making such purposeful videos.

Moise Magloire Waffo Diesse

I am so happy , I have more form you thank you very much

Jasmin muther

You are absolutely wonderful and your website is extremely useful and also quit impressive i habe my english A-levels in December i copied this text i sinisterly appreciate that i have had this opportunity to present to you and i also add something * it was a honor for me so thank you ☺️

Thanks, Jasmin! I’m so glad to know my lessons are helpful to you.


hey Annemarie could you help me in ending my presentation on mental health. it is a school presentation for MUN

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Anna Ruggeri

You are my favorite speaker. ☺

Hi Anna, that’s so kind of you. Thank you. 🙂


It’s so useful to us…… I’m so happy by this

I’m glad it was helpful to you, Kalpana.

Rawaha Khalid Baig

I was holistically stuck about how to give my first ever presentation, but this gave me an impetus and confidence. Thanks a lot for this exquisite info

Awesome. I’m glad this helped you to move forward.


Thank YOU for tour tips. They are really inspiring. I Will try to put them into practise.

Hi Nancy, Wonderful! I’m glad they’re helpful to you!


It’s so useful to us…… I’m so happy by this

Hammad Mshhour

do you have Presentation course

Hi Hammad, I don’t at this time but it’s definitely something I’m thinking about.

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Different Ways to End a Presentation or Speech

November 6, 2017 - Dom Barnard

The beginning and ending of your presentation are the most important. The  beginning  is where you grab the audience’s attention and ensure they listen to the rest of your speech. The conclusion gives you a chance to leave a lasting impression that listeners take away with them.

Studies show  that when people are tasked with recalling information, they “best performance at the beginning and end”. It’s therefore essential you leave an impact with your closing statement. A strong ending motivates, empowers and encourages people to take action.

The power of three

The rule of three is a simple yet powerful method of communication and we use it often in both written and verbal communication. Using information in patterns of three makes it  more memorable  for the audience.

Examples of the power of three being used:

  • This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning – Winston Churchill
  • Blood, sweat and tears – General Patton
  • I came, I saw, I conquered – Julius Caesar

A compelling story

Ending your presentation on a short story, especially if that story is personal or illustrates how the content presented affects others is the best way to conclude.

If you want to talk about a customer experience or successful case study, think about how you can turn it into a meaningful story which the audience will remember and even relate to. Creating empathy with your audience and tying the story back to points made throughout the presentation ensures your presentation will be well received by the audience.

A surprising fact

A surprising fact has the power to re-engage the audience’s attention, which is most likely to wane by the end of a presentation. Facts with  statistical numbers  in them work well – you can easily search online for facts related to your speech topic. Just make use you remember the source for the fact in case you are questioned about it.

A running clock

Marketing and advertising executive Dietmar Dahmen ends his Create Your Own Change talk with a running clock to accompany his last statement. “Users rule,” he says, “so stop waiting and start doing. And you have to do that now because time is running out.”

If you’re delivering a time-sensitive message, where you want to urge your listeners to move quickly, you can have a background slide with a  running timer  to add emphasis to your last statement.

Example of a running timer or clock for ending a presentation

Acknowledging people or companies

There are times when it’s appropriate to thank people publicly for helping you – such as

  • Presenting a research paper and want to thank people involved in the project
  • Presenting data or information obtained from a company or a person
  • When someone helped you build the presentation if it’s a particularly complex one

You can even use the  PowerPoint credits  feature for additional ‘wow’ factor.

A short, memorable sentence

A sound bite is an attention magnet. It cuts to the core of your central message and is one of the most memorable takeaways for today’s  Twitter-sized  attention spans. Consider Steve Jobs’ famous last line at his commencement address at Stanford University: “Stay hungry, stay foolish.”

Think about how you can distil your message down to a crisp, memorable statement. Does it represent your authentic voice? Does it accurately condense what your core message is about? Listeners, especially business audiences, have a radar that quickly spots an effort to impress rather than to genuinely communicate an important message.

An interesting quote

A relatively easy way to end your speech is by using a quote. For this to be effective, however, the quote needs to be one that has not been heard so often that it has become cliché.

To access fresh quotes, consider searching current personalities rather than historical figures. For example, a quote on failing from J.K. Rowling: “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.”

You need to figure out what resonates with your audience, and choose a quote that fits the presentation theme. If you’re up to it, you can round off the quote with your own thoughts as well.

A visual image

Make use of this power by ending your presentation with a riveting visual that ties to your take-home message. Leave this slide on when you finish your presentation to give the audience something to look at and think about for the next few minutes.

Use a summary slide instead of a ‘thank you’ slide

‘Thank You’ slides don’t really help the audience. You should be verbally saying ‘Thank you’, with a smile and with positive eye contact, putting it on a slide removes the sentiment.

Instead of a ‘Thank You’ slide, you can use a  summary slide  showing all the key points you have made along with your call to action. It can also show your name and contact details.

This slide is the only slide you use that can contain a lot of text, use bullet points to separate the text. Having all this information visible during the Q&A session will also help the audience think of questions to ask you. They may also choose to take photos of this slide with their phone to take home as a summary of your talk and to have your contact details.

Example summary slide for a presentaiton or speech

Repeat something from the opening

Closing a presentation with a look back at the opening message is a popular technique. It’s a great way to round off your message, whilst simultaneously summing up the entire speech and creating a feeling of familiarity for the audience. Comedians do this well when they tie an earlier joke to a later one.

Doing this will signal to the audience that you are coming to the end of your talk. It completes the circle – you end up back where you started.

There are a few ways to approach this technique:

  • Set up a question at the beginning of your speech and use your ending to answer it
  • Finish a story you started, using the anecdote to demonstrate your message
  • Close with the title of the presentation – this works best with a provocative, memorable title

Link the main points to the key message

At the beginning of your talk, it’s important to map out the main ideas you will talk about. An audience that doesn’t know the stages of the journey you are about to take them on will be less at ease than one that knows what lies ahead. At the end of your talk, take them back over what you’ve spoken about but don’t just list the different ideas you developed, show how they are related and how they support your main argument.

Finish with enthusiasm

It’s only natural that you’ll feel tired when you get to the end of your talk. The adrenaline that was racing through your body at the beginning has now worn off.

It’s crucial that the audience feels that you are enthusiastic and open for questions. If you’re not enthusiastic about the presentation, why should the audience be?

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Don’t end with audience questions

When the  Q&A session  is over, stand up, get their attention and close the presentation. In your closing give your main argument again, your call to action and deal with any doubts or criticisms that out in the Q&A.

A closing is more or less a condensed version of your conclusions and an improvised summary of the Q&A. It’s important that the audience goes home remembering the key points of the speech, not with a memory of a Q&A that may or may not have gone well or may have been dominated by someone other than you.

If possible, try and take questions throughout your presentation so they remain pertinent to the content.

Getting rid of the “questions?” slide

To start, let’s talk about what you shouldn’t do. You shouldn’t end a presentation with a slide that asks “Questions?” Everyone does and there is nothing memorable about this approach.

Ideally, you should take questions throughout the presentation so that the question asked and the answer given is relevant to the content presented. If you choose to take questions at the end of your presentation, end instead with a strong image that relates to your presentation’s content.

Worried about no audience questions?

If you’re afraid of not getting any questions, then you can arrange for a friend in the audience to ask one. The ‘plant’ is a good way to get questions started if you fear silence.

Chances are that people do want to ask questions, but no one wants to be the first to ask a question. If you don’t have a ‘plant’, you might need to get the ball rolling yourself. A good way to do this is for you to ask am open question to the audience. Ask the most confident looking person in the room for their opinion, or get the audience to discuss the question with the person sitting beside them.

A cartoon or animation

In his TED talk on  The Paradox of Choice  , Barry Schwartz ends his presentation with a cartoon of a fishbowl with the caption, “You can be anything you want to be – no limits.” He says, “If you shatter the fishbowl, so that everything is possible, you don’t have freedom, you have paralysis… Everybody needs a fishbowl”. This is a brilliant ending that combines visuals, humour and a metaphor. Consider ending your presentation with a relevant cartoon to make your message memorable.

Ask a rhetoric question

So, for example, if you’re finishing up a talk on the future of engineering, you might say, “I’d like to end by asking you the future of manufacturing, will it be completely taken over by robots in the next 30 years?”

The minute you  ask a question  , listeners are generally drawn into thinking about an answer. It’s even more engaging when the question is provocative, or when it touches potentially sensitive areas of our lives

Thank the audience

The simplest way to end a speech, after you’ve finished delivering the content, is to say, “thank you.” That has the benefit of being understood by everyone.

It’s the great way for anyone to signal to the audience that it’s time to applaud and then head home.

Call your audience to action and make it clear

It’s not enough to assume your message will inspire people to take action. You need to actually tell them to take action. Your call to action should be clear and specific. Your audience should be left with no doubt about what it is you’re asking.

Use the last few minutes of the presentation to reinforce the call to action you seek. Examples of strong calls to actions include:

  • Retain 25% more employees with our personal development solution
  • Save your business 150% by using this framework
  • Donate today to save millions around the world

Make it clear that you’ve finished

Nothing is more uncomfortable than the silence of an audience working out if you’ve finished or not.

Your closing words should make it very clear that it’s the end of the presentation. The audience should be able to read this immediately, and respond. As we mentioned previously, saying “thank you” is a good way to finish.

If the applause isn’t forthcoming, stand confidently and wait. Don’t fidget and certainly don’t eke out a half-hearted, ‘And that just about covers it. Thank you’.


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How to end a presentation in english: methods and examples.

  • By Matthew Jones

how to close presentation speech

Naturally, the way you end a presentation will depend on the setting and subject matter. Are you pitching an idea to your boss? Are you participating in a group presentation at school? Or are you presenting a business idea to potential investors? No matter the context, you’ll want to have a stellar ending that satisfies your audience and reinforces your goals.

So, do you want to learn how to end a presentation with style? Wondering how to end an informative speech? Or do you want to know how to conclude a Powerpoint presentation with impact? We’re here to help you learn how to end a presentation and make a great impression!

How to End a Presentation: 3 Effective Methods

Every presentation needs a great beginning, middle, and end. In this guide, we will focus on crafting the perfect conclusion. However, if you’d like to make sure that your presentation sounds good from start to finish, you should also check out our guide on starting a presentation in English .

Though there are many ways to end a presentation, the most effective strategies focus on making a lasting impression on your audience and reinforcing your goals. So, let’s take a look at three effective ways to end a presentation:

1. Summarize the Key Takeaways

Most presenters either make an argument (i.e. they want to convince their audience to adopt their view) or present new or interesting information (i.e. they want to educate their audience). In either case, the presentation will likely consist of important facts and figures. The conclusion gives you the opportunity to reiterate the most important information to your audience.

This doesn’t mean that you should simply restate everything from your presentation a second time. Instead, you should identify the most important parts of your presentation and briefly summarize them.

This is similar to what you might find in the last paragraph of an academic essay. For example, if you’re presenting a business proposal to potential investors, you might conclude with a summary of your business and the reasons why your audience should invest in your idea.

2. End with a CTA (Call-To-Action)

Ending with a Call-To-Action is one of the best ways to increase audience engagement (participation) with your presentation. A CTA is simply a request or invitation to perform a specific action. This technique is frequently used in sales or marketing presentations, though it can be used in many different situations.

For example, let’s say that you’re giving an informational presentation about the importance of hygiene in the workplace. Since your goal is to educate your audience, you may think that there’s no place for a CTA.

On the contrary, informational presentations are perfect for CTA’s. Rather than simply ending your presentation, you can direct your audience to seek out more information on the subject from authorities. In this case, you might encourage listeners to learn more from an authoritative medical organization, like the World Health Organization (WHO).

3. Use a Relevant Quote

It may sound cliche, but using quotes in your closing speech is both memorable and effective. However, not just any quote will do. You should always make sure that your quote is relevant to the topic. If you’re making an argument, you might want to include a quote that either directly or indirectly reinforces your main point.

Let’s say that you’re conducting a presentation about your company’s mission statement. You might present the information with a Powerpoint presentation, in which case your last slide could include an inspirational quote. The quote can either refer to the mission statement or somehow reinforce the ideas covered in the presentation.

Formatting Your Conclusion

While these 3 strategies should give you some inspiration, they won’t help you format your conclusion. You might know that you want to end your presentation with a Call-To-Action, but how should you “start” your conclusion? How long should you make your conclusion? Finally, what are some good phrases to use for ending a presentation?<br>

Examples of a Good Conclusion

In conclusion, I believe that we can increase our annual revenue this year. We can do this with a combination of increased efficiency in our production process and a more dynamic approach to lead generation. If we implement these changes, I estimate that annual revenue will increase by as much as 15%.

The example above shows a good conclusion for a business presentation. However, some people believe that the term in conclusion is overused. Here’s how to end a presentation using transition words similar to in conclusion .

Transition words help your audience know that your presentation is ending. Try starting your conclusion with one of these phrases:

  • To summarize

However, transition words aren’t always necessary. Here are a few good ways to end a presentation using a different approach.

  • Summarize Key Takeaways : There are two things that I’d like you to remember from today’s presentation. First, we are a company that consults startups for a fraction of the cost of other consultation services. And second, we have a perfect record of successfully growing startups in a wide variety of industries. If anything was unclear, I’d be happy to open the floor to questions.
  • Make a Call-To-Action : I am very passionate about climate change. The future of the planet rests on our shoulders and we are quickly running out of time to take action. That said, I do believe that we can effect real change for future generations. I challenge you to take up the fight for our children and our children’s children.
  • Use a Relevant Quote: I’d like to end my presentation with one of my favorite quotes: “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.”

As you can see, your conclusion does not need to be very long. In fact, a conclusion should be short and to the point. This way, you can effectively end your presentation without rambling or adding extraneous (irrelevant) information.

How to End a Presentation in English with Common Phrases

Finally, there are a few generic phrases that people frequently use to wrap up presentations. While we encourage you to think about how to end a presentation using a unique final statement, there’s nothing wrong with using these common closing phrases:

  • Thank you for your time.
  • I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you today.
  • I’ll now answer any questions you have about (topic).
  • If you need any further information, feel free to contact me at (contact information).

We hope this guide helps you better understand how to end a presentation ! If you’d like to find out more about how to end a presentation in English effectively, visit Magoosh Speaking today!

Matthew Jones

Matthew Jones


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How to End Your Presentation with a Bang

how to close presentation speech

So you’ve spent days (maybe weeks) putting together a killer presentation. Now, you stand up with confidence, present every bullet point with poise, and then you get all the way to the end… and the presentation just fizzles.

It’s like a marathon runner who trains for months (maybe years), then just a half mile before the finish line, starts to cramps and can’t finish the race.

The last thing that you tell your audience will most likely be what they remember. So, you want to end your presentation with a bang!

In this post, we will cover three things that you should absolutely avoid when you close your presentation. In addition, we will also cover 6 killer ways to end on a positive note.

By the way, for more details about how to organize a good speech, see the following. 7 Foolproof Ways to Start a Presentation . | How to Design a Presentation Quickly .

Eliminate these “Show Stoppers” from Your Presentation Conclusion

Avoid these Presentation Ending Showstoppers

Avoid Ending Your Presentation with a Question & Answer Period.

One of the things that drives me up the wall is ending a fantastic presentation with a Q & A session that has a high propensity to just flop.

It reminds me of some sage advice from my jr high school football coach. He was an old-school running game type of coach. He’d say,

“In football, when you pass the ball, only three things can happen and two of them are bad.”

I kind of feel the same way about Question & Answer periods. There are only three ways that Q & A sessions can end, and two of them are bad .

Yes, If your audience asks you great questions, you can end your presentation on a high note. However, if your audience asks you odd questions or uninteresting questions, you can end on a low note. Even worse than getting crappy questions, though is getting no questions. Now, the ending will just seem odd.

When I present, I encourage people to ask questions DURING my presentation . That way, I can use a more dynamic way to end my presentation with a bang.

Don’t End by Thanking the Audience for Their Time.

When you stand up to speak, you should have the attitude that your audience is there to hear from you because you have important information that they need. When you thank your audience for their time, you are conceding that their time is more important than your time.

Also Avoid an Abrupt Ending with No Conclusion.

This happened to me early in my career. The first time that I really bombed a speech, I made two really big mistakes. The first was that I sped through the information so quickly that I finished in less than half of the allotted time. Then, I just ran out of things to say, so I sat down. The people in the audience were confused. I had more time and the ending was so abrupt, that they weren’t sure if I was finished.

So, spend time preparing your conclusion. Practice it a few times, and you will end on a high note.

Bonus Tip: Warn Your Audience Ahead of Time that Your Speech is Coming to a Close.

Our brains are wired to look for structure in things. That’s why people get frustrated with cliffhangers in movies. Only in movies, there’s a sequel. In speeches and presentations, the end is the end.

Give a hint that you are nearing a close a couple of slides or paragraphs before you actually do. Saying something like, “So let’s review what we’ve discussed so far”, “As I wrap up this presentation” or “In conclusion”.

Signaling the close prepares your audience for the ending. Ironically, it also makes the ending more memorable.

Secrets to a Powerful Presentation Ending – 6 Ways to End Your Presentation with a Bang

Not that we have covered what NOT to do, let’s focus on a few, turnkey ways to end your presentation with a bang.

(1) End Your Presentation with a Brief Summary You Key Points.

End Your Presentation with a Brief Summary You Key Points

This technique works really well because it allows you to repeat your key points a few times. This repetition helps your audience remember the content better.

An Example of Using a Summary to End Your Presentation with a Bang!

A couple of months ago, I had a class member that used this technique really well. She worked for a local TV station that was trying to attract new viewers. Here is the presentation outline that she created:

We Can Increase the Number of Young Viewers by Focusing More on Our Social Media Platforms Teens get most news from social media. Increase coverage w/ teens increases interest in station. Making social media selective will make us stand out against competition.

[Introduction] “My topic today is about how we can increase the number of young viewers by focusing more on social media. The things that we are going to cover are, how teens get most of their news from social media, that if we increase our coverage with teens there will also be a corresponding increase in interest in our TV station, and how making our social media selective will allow us to stand out from the competition.”

After the introduction, the speaker would then cover the “meat” of the presentation by going through each point with specific examples and evidence about how each of those points is true.

At the conclusion, the speaker could just recap by saying, “So in conclusion, since teens get most of their news via social media, if we increase our coverage with teens, we will also increase interest in our station, and if we make our social media selective we will stand out from the crowd, I believe that we can increase the number of young viewers by focusing more on social media.”

The summary technique is a very easy way to conclude your speech, and it will also increase the retention of your audience.

For additional examples, see How to Write a Speech in Just a few Steps .

(2) End with an Example, Story, or Anecdote.

End with a Story or Anecdote

I spoke for another 45 minutes, and then I finished the presentation by describing the success story of one of my class members. He had implemented the very content that I had just delivered to that breakout session group. However, he was delivering a very data-intense presentation for the Center for Disease Control. (So his content was even more boring than the type of content the audience had to deliver.) The story showed the group how a speaker can take even boring, data-filled material and deliver it well.

Those contrasting stories — the one at the start of my presentation, and the one at the end, work really well together. They bookend the entire presentation.

An Easy Way to Find a Funny Anecdote to End Your Presentation.

Sometimes a good anecdote or funny story can be a good way to end on a positive as well. A good place to get funny anecdotes is from Reader’s Digest . (RD has a great book published that has just funny work-related stories. You can purchase it here: Laughter the Best Medicine @ Work: America’s Funniest Jokes, Quotes, and Cartoons )

This is kind of an embarrassing incident, but it shows that if you get a little creative, any type of story can be a great ending.

I was training an instructor years ago, and I had her just pick a random funny anecdote from Reader’s Digest. I told her that, no matter what the story was about, I’d find some way to insert the funny story into our class. Here is the story that she picked…

A woman went to her boss saying that she was going to go home early because she was feeling sick. The boss, having just gotten over a cold said that he hoped it wasn’t something that he had given to her. A coworker overhearing the conversation said, ‘I hope not. She has morning sickness.'”

(Obviously, this instructor-in-training also had a sense of humor, as well.) I thought about it a while, and I just ended the session with, “So, in summary, one of the most important parts of the presentation design process is knowing your audience. In fact, that reminds me of a story…” I then just added the anecdote word-for-word, and I got a big laugh.

I created a whole series of posts on storytelling starting with Storytelling in Public Speaking .

(3) Finish Your Speech by Telling the End of an Earlier Story.

Tell the End of an Earlier Story

Then, I finished the presentation by telling how, just a year later, after a little outside training, I had to stand in front of over 400 people to give an acceptance speech for an award. This time, I was calm, and I used my humor to win over the audience, and I killed it. By continuing the story and providing a positive result at the end, it makes for a pretty nice presentation ending.

So start with a story where you had a challenge and end with a success story about how you overcame that challenge.

(4) End Your Presentation with an Open-Ended Question.

Ask an Open Ended Question

That’s why people are drawn to thought-provoking questions. So a great way to end your speech is with a well-designed, thought-provoking question.

When I teach a class, I use this technique before almost every break. For instance, if I teach an hour-long session, it will be easy for the audience to forget a lot of the content if it isn’t reinforced right away. So, by asking a thought-provoking question about the content, it stimulates the content in the minds of the audience.

When you ask questions, though, avoid easy questions where the answer is an obvious “yes” or “no.” Instead, ask open-ended questions. The easiest way to do this is to ask for the audience members’ opinions.

For instance, if my title is “Starting with a 3-Point Outline Will Help You Save Time When You Design Presentations,” I could end the speech with a question like, “Based on what we’ve talked about today, how can you see starting with a three-point outline helping you save time?”

Any answers that the audience provides will help me prove my point. The more the better.

(5) Give the Audience a Call-to-Action at the End of Your Speech.

End Your Speech with a Call to Action

Just as an FYI, here, though, if you ask them to do a single thing, they are more likely to do it. If you ask them to do a second thing, they are more likely to do neither. Sp, to prevent that and to inspire your audience, challenge them to do one specific thing from your speech.

If your presentation is about why your company should invest in advertising, make your call to action very specific. “So, my suggestion is that we increase our advertising budget by 10% and use that budget for additional re-targeting ads.”

The thing to keep in mind here is that the more calls to action that you have, the less likely they will do anything. So, make your call to action just a single item. And make the item easy to implement.

(6) The Echo Close Is an Inspirational Way to End Your Speech with a Bang.

The Echo Close for a Presentation

A wise man once said, “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.” So, when you present, kindle the fire of knowledge. Kindle the fire of enthusiasm. Kindle the fire of humor. Kindle the fire of empathy. And you will kindle the fire of learning from your audience.

Another example might be.

So, in conclusion, brevity in public speaking is pretty important. In fact, George Orwell once said, “If it is possible to cut a word out of your speech, always cut it out.” So, when you create a presentation, cut the fluff. Cut the repetitive bullets. Cut the platitudes. And when you do, you will cut the confusion from your audience.

It is an easy technique if you prepare the ending and practice it a few times.

So that concludes the six ways that you can end your presentation with a bang. However… There is…

“One More Thing”

Steve Jobs was famous for concluding his keynotes with “One more thing…” then following it up with a surprising fact, feature, or innovation.

Why is this effective? Because it leaves people talking.

One More Thing

Regardless of how you choose to end your presentation, spend a little time on the ending. Make it flawless, and you will leave your audience wanting more! If you do, you will end your presentation with a bang!

Choose the Best Presentation Ending for Your Presentation Purpose

With all of the great choices, how do we know which presentation ending to use? Luckily, we have created a free handout to help you pick the best presentation ending. Although many of the tips above will work in many different types of speeches, the handout will help you identify which ending will accomplish specific purposes for your specific presentation.

For instance, if your goal is to help your audience retain the content, then summarizing your key points is a great choice. If your purpose is to inspire the audience, you might try the Call to Action or Echo technique instead. Just complete the form below for instant access!

Download the Free “How to End Your Presentation” Handout!

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10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

  • By Illiya Vjestica
  • - January 23, 2023

10 Powerful Examples of How to End a Presentation

Here are 10 powerful examples of how to end a presentation that does not end with a thank you slide.

How many presentations have you seen that end with “Thank you for listening” or “Any questions?” I bet it’s a lot…

“Thank you for listening.” is the most common example. Unfortunately, when it comes to closing out your slides ending with “thank you” is the norm. We can create a better presentation ending by following these simple examples.

The two most essential slides of your deck are the ending and intro. An excellent presentation ending is critical to helping the audience to the next step or following a specific call to action.

There are many ways you can increase your presentation retention rate . The most critical steps are having a solid call to action at the end of your presentation and a powerful hook that draws your audience in.

What Action do You Want Your Audience to Take?

Before designing your presentation, start with this question – what message or action will you leave your audience with?

Are you looking to persuade, inspire, entertain or inform your audience? You can choose one or multiple words to describe the intent of your presentation.

Think about the action words that best describe your presentation ending – what do you want them to do? Inspire, book, learn, understand, engage, donate, buy, book or schedule. These are a few examples.

If the goal of your presentation is to inspire, why not end with a powerful and inspiring quote ? Let words of wisdom be the spark that ignites an action within your audience.

Here are three ways to end your presentation:

  • Call to Action – getting the audience to take a specific action or next step, for example, booking a call, signing up for an event or donating to your cause.
  • Persuade – persuading your audience to think differently, try something new, undertake a challenge or join your movement or community.
  • Summarise – A summary of the key points and information you want the audience to remember. If you decide to summarise your talk at the end, keep it to no more than three main points.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

1. Asking your audience to take action or make a pledge.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Here were asking the audience to take action by using the wording “take action” in our copy. This call to action is a pledge to donate. A clear message like this can be helpful for charities and non-profits looking to raise funding for their campaign or cause.

2. Encourage your audience to take a specific action, e.g. joining your cause or community

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Here was are asking the audience to join our community and help solve a problem by becoming part of the solution. It’s a simple call to action. You can pass the touch to your audience and ask them to take the next lead.

3. Highlight the critical points for your audience to remember.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Rember, to summarise your presentation into no more than three key points. This is important because the human brain struggles to remember more than three pieces of information simultaneously. We call this the “Rule of Three”.

4. If you are trying to get more leads or sales end with a call to action to book a demo or schedule a call.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

Can you inspire your audience to sign up for a demo or trial of your product? Structure your talk to lead your prospect through a journey of the results you generate for other clients. At the end of your deck, finish with a specific call to action, such as “Want similar results to X?”

Make sure you design a button, or graphic your prospect can click on when you send them the PDF version of the slides.

5. Challenge your audience to think differently or take action, e.g. what impact could they make?

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

6. Give your audience actions to help share your message.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

7. Promote your upcoming events or workshops

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

8. Asking your audience to become a volunteer.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

9. Direct your audience to learn more about your website.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

10. If you are a book author, encourage your audience to engage with your book.

10 Examples of How to End a Presentation

6 Questions to Generate an Ending for Your Presentation

You’ve told an engaging story, but why end your presentation without leaving your audience a clear message or call to action?

Here are six great questions you can ask yourself to generate an ending for your presentation or keynote talk.

  • What impression would you want to leave your audience with?
  • What is the big idea you want to leave them with?
  • What action should they take next?
  • What key point should you remember 72 hours after your presentation?
  • What do you want them to feel?
  • What is the key takeaway for them to understand?

What to Say After Ending a Presentation?

When you get to the end of a book, you don’t see the author say, “thank you for reading my last chapter.” Of course, there is no harm in thanking the audience after your presentation ends, but don’t make that the last words you speak.

Think of the ending of the presentation as the final chapter of an epic novel. It’s your chance to leave a lasting impression on the audience. Close with an impactful ending and leave them feeling empowered, invigorated and engaged.

  • Leave a lasting impression.
  • Think of it as the last chapter of a book.
  • Conclude with a thought or question.
  • Leave the audience with a specific action or next step.

How to End a Presentation with Style?

There are many great ways you can end your presentation with style. Are you ready to drop the mic?

Ensure your closing slide is punchy, has a clear headline, or uses a thought-provoking image.

Think about colours. You want to capture the audience’s attention before closing the presentation. Make sure the fonts you choose are clear and easy to read.

Do you need to consider adding a link? If you add links to your social media accounts, use icons and buttons to make them easy to see. Add a link to each button or icon. By doing this, if you send the PDF slides to people, they can follow the links to your various accounts.

What Should you Remember?

💡 If you take one thing away from this post, it’s to lose the traditional ending slides. Let’s move on from the “Thank you for your attention.” or “Any questions.” slides.

These don’t help you or the audience. Respect them and think about what they should do next. You may be interested to learn 3 Tactics to Free Your Presentation Style to help you connect to your audience.

Picture of Illiya Vjestica

Illiya Vjestica

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  • EXPLORE Random Article

Best Ways to Conclude a Presentation

Last Updated: October 4, 2023 Fact Checked

Strategies for Wrapping up a Presentation

Other best practice presentation tips, public speaking advice, how should you end a presentation.

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz and by wikiHow staff writer, Ali Garbacz, B.A. . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 5,908 times.

You’ve just spent the last hour or so preparing a super thorough and detailed presentation. Now it’s time to add the finishing touches and come up with an attention-grabbing and memorable closer. What strategies can you use to make sure that people really remember what you've said? Keep reading to learn all the most effective methods you can use to conclude your presentation in a way that’ll really stick with your audience. We'll cover different strategies you can mix and match to end your presentation with a bang, then follow up with public speaking tips. Let's dive in!

Things You Should Know

  • Bring your presentation to a close by first giving a clear indication that you’ll be wrapping up, followed by a short summary of your main ideas.
  • Grab your audience’s attention with a strong call to action and an explanation of what good things will happen when they listen to your message.
  • Make your presentation memorable by embellishing it with a powerful quote, a story, or a surprising statistic or fact.
  • Get your audience involved by running a poll or survey at the end of your presentation.

Step 1 Give a clear indication that the presentation is coming to an end.

  • “In conclusion…”
  • “In summary…”
  • “As I conclude my presentation, let me ask you a question.”
  • “This brings me to the end of my presentation today.”
  • “In respect of time, allow me to wrap up my last comments.”

Step 2 Provide a quick and concise summary of the presentation’s key points.

  • “That brings me to the conclusion of my presentation. If you’re to take anything away from my presentation today, let it be the three Cs of credit that we talked about: character, capacity, and capital.”
  • "Above all else, remember the acronym RAM: redesign, application, and management."

Step 3 Grab your audience’s attention with a strong call to action.

  • “When you volunteer for this program, you will build your skills and gain valuable experiences.”
  • “You will participate in the increased profitability of our company by joining this new program.”
  • “Make this company a more inclusive and healthy place to work by taking just a few minutes out of your day to do these small actions.”

Step 4 End your presentation with a powerful statement or quote.

  • “As the Greek historian Plutarch once said, ‘The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.’ Let’s kindle the fire within our minds and make the changes we want to see.”
  • “I’ll leave you today with a quote from Theodore Roosevelt: ‘Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.’”
  • “Work hard to inspire not only those around you, but yourself as well.”

Step 5 Present one last surprising statistic to grab people’s attention.

  • Pair this statistic or fact with a memorable visual, such as an illustrated graph, a video, or a picture. The more visual your presentation is, the more memorable it will be to your audience.

Step 6 Conclude by telling a story that encompasses your main ideas.

  • Another way to go about telling a story is to start it in your presentation’s intro and end it during the conclusion. Your audience will be curious to know how the story ends.

Step 7 Ask a rhetorical question that’ll make your audience think.

  • “What do you think the word ‘success’ means?”
  • “How can we make an impact every day through the work we do?”
  • “Why do you think people are so afraid of change and questioning the way things have always been done?”
  • Asking a question at the beginning of your presentation and answering it during the conclusion is another strategy to consider. Just be sure that you don’t forget to answer this question and accidentally leave your audience hanging.

Step 1 Put your Q&A section in the middle of your presentation instead of at the end.

  • “What’s your usual mood during the workday?”
  • “Have you ever presented your supervisor with a new idea or suggestion?”
  • “Do you see yourself participating in this new program?”

Step 4 Conduct a final...

  • What they liked and disliked about the presentation
  • What improvements could be made
  • One memorable thing they took away from your presentation

Step 1 Make your presentation about your audience and not solely about you.

  • Before your presentation, go and talk with some of the audience members. This will give them a chance to warm up to you and can help you feel more relaxed once you get up and start presenting.

Step 2 Use hand gestures to create an inviting atmosphere.

  • Using hand gestures also shows the audience that you’re in control of the space around you, and makes you appear much more confident and at ease.

Step 3 Maintain your professional stage presence before and after the presentation.

Expert Q&A

  • Keep in mind that your presentation gives you the chance to be a messenger. Give your audience something meaningful to walk with at the end of your speech. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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9 Closing a Speech: End with Power and Let Them Know It is Time to Clap

Audience clapping

Open Your Speech With a Bang Close It With a Slam-Dunk Westside Toastmasters

“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending,” according to poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The first few words of your speech make the audience want to listen and the last few sentences help them decide what they feel about you and your topic. In this chapter, I will explain the function of a conclusion, the format of a conclusion, and I will give you numerous examples of ways to end your speech. Most of this chapter is dedicated to showing you good examples of different types of speech closings. Let’s get started by talking about the purpose of the closing.

A Strong Closing Does Many Things

  • Summarizes the points. By restating your points your audience is more likely to remember them.
  • Tells the audience when to clap. Let’s face it, it is so awkward when you are done with your speech, and no one claps. Being clear the end is near, relieves the audience of the pressure of wondering if they are clapping at the right time.
  • Provides resolution. Your speech should give the audience a sense of resolve or a sense of being challenged.

The Formula for Closing Most Speeches

  • Transition statement to ending.
  • Review the main points–repeat the thesis.
  • If it is a persuasive speech, tell the audience what you want them to do or think.
  • Provide a closing statement.

Restate the Thesis

Tell them what you are going to say, say it, tell them what you have said. This speech pattern is useful in most types of speeches because it helps the speaker to remember your key points. As you build your closing, make sure you restate the thesis. A good rule of thumb is to write it in such a way that if the audience were asked to restate the main points, their answer would match closely with your thesis.

EXAMPLE Watch as Stella Young gives her thesis and then restates her thesis at the end of the speech as she wraps up. The thesis of the talk in the introduction: We’ve been sold the lie that disability is a Bad Thing, capital B, capital T. It’s a bad thing, and to live with a disability makes you exceptional. It’s not a bad thing, and it doesn’t make you exceptional. Restates the thesis of the talk at the closing: Disability doesn’t make you exceptional but questioning what you think you know about it does.

Stella Young, I’m not your inspiration, thank you very much.

This next example is from a student’s speech. It is easy to pull out one sentence that clearly summarizes the main points of her speech. Following her summary, she winds the speech down into a thoughtful conclusion and ends with three powerful words.

Now is the time to separate the war on drugs from the war on addiction. T oday you’ve heard the problems, impacts, and solutions of criminalizing addictions. Bruce Callis is 50 years old now. And he is still struggling with his addiction. while you all are sitting out there listening to this, I’m living with it. Bruce Callis is my father and for my entire life, I have watched our misguided system destroy him. The irony here is that we live in a society where we are told to recycle. We recycle paper, aluminum, and electronics. But why don’t we ever consider recycling them most precision think on Earth– the human life. Student Tunnette Powell, Winner of the 2012 Interstate Oratorical Association Contest.

Closing Phrases

After you restate your thesis, you should carefully deliver your closing phrases.  Your closing should provide a resolution to your speech and/or it should challenge the audience. Frantically Speaking writer Hrideep Barot suggests  “a conclusion is like tying a bow or ribbon to a box of your key ideas that your audience will be taking along with them.”

A speech closing is not just about the words you say, but it is also the way you say it. Change the pace near the end of your speech. Let your tone alone should signal the end is near. It is about deliberate voice control, don’t let your voice weakly away.

In the next section, I will cover these ways to end your speech:

End with powerful words End with a quote End with a graphic End with parallel construction End on a positive note End with a challenge End with a question End with inspiration End with well-wishing End with humor End with a call to action End with a feeling of resolve End with a prop

The best way to teach you about advanced closings is to show not tell. For this section, I will briefly explain each type of closing and then provide a video. Each video is queued so you can play the video and watch the closing statement.  I included a transcript under each video if you want to follow along.  It will be most beneficial for you to watch the clip and not just read the text. By watching, you will have a chance to hear the subtle changes in the speaker’s voice as they deliver their closing statements.

End with Powerful Words

As you design your closing, look at the last three to five words and examine them to see if they are strong words. Oftentimes, you can rearrange a sentence to end with a powerful word. (I have the video cued to play just the closing)

Watch this clip for how BJ Miller ends with a powerful thought and a powerful word. 

Parts of me died early on, and that’s something we can all say one way or another. I got to redesign my life around this fact, and I tell you it has been a liberation to realize you can always find a shock of beauty or meaning in what life you have left, like that snowball lasting for a perfect moment, all the while melting away. If we love such moments ferociously, then maybe we can learn to live well — not in spite of death, but because of it. Let death be what takes us, not lack of imagination. BJ Miller, What Really Matters at the End of Life

End by Circling Back to the Opening

Another type of ending is to circle back to what you said in the beginning. You can revisit a quote, share the end to an illustration that was begun in the beginning, or you can put away a prop you got out in the beginning.

Watch this clip for how Zubing Zhang begins and ends with the same quote to circle back around to the main idea. 

She starts by telling a story of bungee jumping off the world’s highest platform and how she saw a sign with a quote that says, “Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.” After telling her own story about pushing her emotional limits, she circles back around at the end by saying, “As the words said high on the bungee platform, “Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.”

Yubing Zhang, Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone. 

End With Quote

If you end your speech with a quote, attend to the following.

  • Always say the author of the quote before the quote for example, “I want to leave you with a leadership quote ‘What you do has far greater impact than what you say,’ Steven Covey.” The problem with this ending is that “Stephen Covey” are the last two words of the speech and that is boring. Consider instead this ending. “I think Robin Sharma said it best ‘Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It’s about impact, influence, and inspiration.'” In this arrangement, the last three words are powerful–influence and inspiration.
  • Provided context for the quote before or after. Make sure the quote is meaningful and not just an easy way to end.

Watch this clip for how Sir Ken Robinson ends with a quote. Notice how he says the author and then the quote.

Also, notice how he then ties his speech to the quote with a final few sentences and ends with the powerful word–“revolution” and how he uses a strong vocal emphasis as he says his last word. (I have the video cued to play just the closing)

There’s a wonderful quote from Benjamin Franklin. “There are three sorts of people in the world: Those who are immovable, people who don’t get it, or don’t want to do anything about it; there are people who are movable, people who see the need for change and are prepared to listen to it; and there are people who move, people who make things happen.” And if we can encourage more people, that will be a movement. And if the movement is strong enough, that’s, in the best sense of the word, a revolution. And that’s what we need.

Sir Ken Robinson, How to Escape Education’s Death Valley. 

End with a Graphic

You might want to use a visual to make your final point. Bringing in a picture, graphic, or object, reengages the audience to pay attention to your final ideas.

Watch this clip for how Barry Schartz uses the magic words “so to conclude” and then he creatively uses a picture of a fishbowl to narrow in on his point. Notice how his final word is spoken with urgency as he says “disaster.” (I have the video cued to play just the closing)

 So, to conclude. (He shows a picture of fish in a fishbowl) He says, “You can be anything you want to be — no limits.” You’re supposed to read this cartoon and, being a sophisticated person, say, “Ah! What does this fish know? Nothing is possible in this fishbowl.” Impoverished imagination, a myopic view of the world –that’s the way I read it at first. The more I thought about it, however, the more I came to the view that this fish knows something. Because the truth of the matter is, if you shatter the fishbowl so that everything is possible, you don’t have freedom. You have paralysis. If you shatter this fishbowl so that everything is possible, you decrease satisfaction. You increase paralysis, and you decrease satisfaction. Everybody needs a fishbowl. This one is almost certainly too limited –perhaps even for the fish, certainly for us. But the absence of some metaphorical fishbowl is a recipe for misery and, I suspect, disaster. Barry Schwartz, The Paradox of Choice

End with Parallel Construction

Parallel construction is a series of repeated phrases. It can be a powerful tool to use in a persuasive speech as it creates a feeling of importance.

Watch this clip for how Malala Yousafzai ends with a series of parallel statements to build momentum. Notice how her pace perfectly matches her words and you feel her strength when she ends with “education first.” (I have the video cued to play just the closing)

Dear brothers and sisters, we must not forget that millions of people are suffering from poverty, injustice, and ignorance. We must not forget that millions of children are out of schools. We must not forget that our sisters and brothers are waiting for a bright peaceful future. So let us wage a global struggle against illiteracy, poverty, and terrorism, and let us pick up our books and pens. They are our most powerful weapons. One child, one teacher, one pen, and one book can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education First.

Malala Yousafzai,  United Nations Youth Assembly

End on a Positive Note

Audiences are constantly evaluating a speaker to determine their attitude and motivation. As you consider your speech closing, ask yourself what type of impression do you want to leave?  Do you want to leave them with depression or hope? Sadness or promise? Most of the time, audiences will receive messages that end positively better than speeches that end negatively.

In this speech sample, Hans Rosling showed the audience some hard statistics and he even pointed fingers at the audience as part of the problem. To help them hear his main point, he wisely ends on a positive note.

Watch this clip for how Hans Rosling ends this thought-provoking talk on a positive note. (I have the video cued to play just the closing)

Now, when thinking about where all this leaves us, I have just one little humble advice for you, besides everything else, look at the data. Look at the facts about the world and you will see where we are today and how we can move forwards with all these billions on our wonderful planet. The challenge of extreme poverty has been greatly reduced and it’s for the first time in history within our power to end it for good. The challenge of population growth is, in fact, already being solved, the number of children has stopped growing.  And for the challenge for climate change, we can still avoid the worst, but that requires the richest, as soon as possible, find a way to use their set their use of resources and energy at a level that, step by step, can be shared by 10 billion or 11 billion by the end of this century. I’ve never called myself an optimist, but I do say I’m a possibilist and I also say the world is much better than many of you think.

Hans Rosling, Facts about the Population.

End with a Challenge

Leave the audience with a doable personal challenge. Help them mentally make sense of all the information that you shared by helping them know how to file it away and how to use it.

Watch this clip for how Melissa Butler ends with a challenge. (I have the video cued to play just the closing)

So, I challenge each of you, when you go home today, look at yourself in the mirror, see all of you, look at all of your greatness that you embody, accept it, and love it. And finally, when you leave the house tomorrow, try to extend that same love and acceptance to someone who doesn’t look like you . Melissa Butler, Why You Think You’re Ugly. 

Watch this clip as Darren LaCroix literally falls face down to anchor the point that when we fall, we “fall forward.” (I have the video cued to play just the closing)

Darren LaCroix talks about taking risks and falling down and getting back up, he literally and purposefully falls down during his speech and ends this way: What’s your next step… take it. I didn’t want to look back at my life and say you know I never did try that comedy thing, but I died debt-free. All of us are headed toward that goal we are going to teach a point where we get stuck and our feet are like in cement and we can’t move but we’re so afraid of that ouch but we forget that if we lean forward and take a risk–(He falls face down) and we fall on our face. When we get up, notice, you still made progress. So please, with me, go ahead and fall. But fall forward. Darren LaCroiz, Winning Speech delivered at National Speech Association

End with a Question

Asking a question at the end is one way to reengage the audience. It helps them think about what your topic might mean for them.

Watch this clip for how David Eagleman reminds us about why his topic is important and then ends with a question. Notice how he pauses before his final question and how he changes the pace of his speech for the final sentence. (I have the video cued to play just the closing)

So I think there’s really no end to the possibilities on the horizon for human expansion. Just imagine an astronaut being able to feel the overall health of the International Space Station, or, for that matter, having you feel the invisible states of your own health, like your blood sugar and the state of your microbiome, or having 360-degree vision or seeing in infrared or ultraviolet. So the key is this: As we move into the future, we’re going to increasingly be able to choose our own peripheral devices. We no longer have to wait for Mother Nature’s sensory gifts on her timescales, but instead, like any good parent, she’s given us the tools that we need to go out and define our own trajectory. So the question now is, how do you want to go out and experience your universe?

David Eagleman, Can We Create New Senses for Humans? 

Watch this clip for how Lera Boroditsky ends with a personal note and a  powerful final question. (I have the video cued to play just the closing)

I want to leave you with this final thought. I’ve told you about how speakers of different languages think differently, but of course, that’s not about how people elsewhere think. It’s about how you think. It’s how the language that you speak shapes the way that you think. And that gives you the opportunity to ask, “Why do I think the way that I do?” “How could I think differently?” And also,  “What thoughts do I wish to create?” Lera Boroditsky, How Language Shapes the Way We Think

End with Inspiration

“Inspiring your audience is all about helping them see their own vision, not yours.”

You may want to end your speech with inspiring and encouraging words. Pick words that resonate with most of your audience and deliver them in such a way that your audience feels your lift in emotion.

Watch this clip for how Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie ends with an inspiring final note and a powerful last few words “regain a kind of paradise” (I have the video cued to play just the closing)

Stories matter. Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign, but stories can also be used to empower and humanize. Stories can break the dignity of a people, but stories can also repair that broken dignity.

I would like to end with this thought:   That when we reject the single-story,   when we realize that there is never a single story   about any place,   we regain a kind of paradise.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie,  The Danger of a Single Story  

Watch this clip for how Dan Pink ends with an inspiring final note. (I have the video cued to play just the closing) Let me wrap up. There is a mismatch between what science knows and what business does. Here is what science knows. One: Those 20th century rewards, those motivators we think are a natural part of business, do work, but only in a surprisingly narrow band of circumstances. Two: Those if-then rewards often destroy creativity. Three: The secret to high performance isn’t rewards and punishments, but that unseen intrinsic drive– the drive to do things for their own sake. The drive to do things cause they matter.
And here’s the best part. We already know this. The science confirms what we know in our hearts. So, if we repair this mismatch between what science  knows and what business does, if we bring our motivation, notions of motivation into the 21st century, if we get past this lazy, dangerous, ideology of carrots and sticks, we can strengthen our businesses, we can solve a lot of those candle problems, and maybe, maybe — we can change the world. I rest my case. Dan Pink, The Puzzle of Motivation

End with Well Wishing

There are several types of closings where the speaker wished the audience well.

The Benediction Close: M ay God bless and keep you…. The Presidential Close: God bless you and may God bless the USA The Congratulatory Close: I congratulate you on your accomplishment and wish you continued success. 

End with Humor

You can end on a fun lighthearted note. It is important to always run your humor by a variety of people to make sure you are funny, and your humor is appropriate.

Watch this clip for how Andrew Dunham uses humor throughout his speech and ends with a funny one-liner. (I have the video cued to play just the closing)

I wish you all the best as we begin this journey on our paths and I sincerely hope and pray that your time and success have proven to be as memorable and spiritually rewarding as mine. If not, there’s always summer school.

Andrew Dunham, Valedictorian Comes Out As Autistic During Speech

End with a Call to Action

If you are delivering a persuasive speech, let the audience know exactly what you want them to do.

End with a Feeling of Resolve

Paul Harvey made famous the line “And now you know…the rest of the story.” Your closing should allow us to know the rest of the story or to know how a situation was resolved.

Watch this clip for how Lucy Hone ends this tough but inspiring talk with a feeling of resolve (I have the video cued to play just the closing) If you ever find yourself in a situation where you think there’s no way I’m coming back from this, I urge you to lean into these strategies and think again. I won’t pretend that thinking this way is easy and it doesn’t remove all the pain. But if I’ve learned anything over the last five years, it is that thinking this way really does help. More than anything it has shown me that  it is possible  to live and grieve at the same time. And for that I will be always grateful. Lucy Hone, The Three Secrets of Resilient People

End with a Prop

Nancy Duarte says you should give your audience, SOMETHING THEY  will ALWAYS REMEMBER–S.T.A.R. One way to do that is with an action or statement that will have the audience talking about it for a long time. President Obama did it with a mic drop.

Memorize Your Conclusion

End on time.

Do not diminish the effect of a great speech with a bloated, aimless conclusion. Dan Rothwell.

“Times about up.”

Don’t end with any references to time. It is like a giant stop sign saying, “stop listening.”  Don’t highlight that you ran over time or that it is almost time for lunch. You want them to think about your speech, not the clock.

“Any Questions?”

You want them to feel a sense of closure for your speech.  End with something powerful and let them applaud.  After the applause, you can offer to answer questions. Similarly, projecting your last slide with the words, “Any Questions” is a weak ending.

“Let Me Add This Point I Missed”

If you forget something in the body of your speech, it is usually best to leave it out.  Most of the time you are the only one who will miss it.

“Thank You to the Team”

There is a time to thank the organizers and those who helped you but it is not at the end of your speech. Your focus should be on your audience and what they need and what they need to hear is your idea.  Send a thank you letter to the team if you want them to feel your appreciation.

“I’m Sorry”

“Sorry again for the technology issue,” “I apologize for going over time, ” “I regret I have no answer to this.” These are all negative phrases.  Keep to your topic that is what they need to hear and stay focused.

“I’ll Close with this Video”

No, you should close with talking about the big idea.

If you don’t have a plan at the end, you will ramble. “Steer clear of meandering endings they kill a story,” according to the Moth Storytelling website. “Your last line should be clear in your head before you start. Yes, bring the audience along with you as you contemplate what transpires in your story, but remember, you are driving the story, and must know the final destination. Keep your hands on the wheel!”

To Thank or Not to Thank, That is the Question

There is a debate amongst speech professionals, speech teachers, and speech coaches about whether or not you should thank the audience. Here are their main arguments.

Why You Should Not Say Thank You

  • You want to end with powerful words. “Thank you” are not strong words.
  • The recency effect suggests they will remember the last words you spoke. You want them to remember more than just “thank you.”
  • It is not a very creative way to end.
  • It can be a sign of a lazy speaker, “I have no idea how to end this, I’ve run out of good things to say so I’ll say ‘Thank you’ so you will clap now.”

Why You Should Say Thank You

  • It has come to be the expected ending in many settings. Violating their expectations can cause them to have a negative reaction.
  • It clearly signals you are finished so the audience knows when to clap. The relieves the pressure from both you and the audience.
  • It expresses gratitude.

I will leave it up to you to decide what works for you. As for me, I plan on trying to find more creative ways to end other than just saying “thank you.”

Maximizing the Primacy Recency Effect

If I were to read you a list of thirty things on my grocery list and then asked you to list all that you can remember, chances are you would remember the first times on the list and the last items on the list ( and any ones you found interesting from the middle). When people engage in listening, they tend to remember the first and last things they hear, it is called the primacy-recency effect. T his is just one more reason that your introduction and conclusion should be so well planned out. It is those first words and last words that the audience is going to remember. 

The primacy recency effect influences, not only what people pay attention to in a speech, but also which speech we pay the most attention to in a series of speeches. For example, if there is a lineup of six speakers, the first and last speakers tend to get the most attention.

As a speaker, you can use this information to your advantage by volunteering to go first or last. If you are giving a long presentation, you can break it up by allowing the audience to move around or talk to a neighbor. When you come back from break, you have re-engaged that primacy effect and moved them back to a high state of attention.

Do You Have Everything You Need for a Strong Closing?

  • Have I signaled my speech is coming to an end with my words or my voice?
  • Have I restated my main points?
  • If I am persuading my audience, do they know what I want them to do or think?
  • Have I written the last three to five words in such a way that I end with powerful words?
  • Have I memorized my closing?

Getting Off the Platform is Part of Your Closing

Plan on making a strong exit. Whether you are stepping off a stage or simply going to your seat, you should consider that the audience is watching you.

I have had students who finished their speech and then walked over to the trashcan and in a large, exaggerated movement, they threw their notecards in the trash. In our minds, we threw their message away with those cards. I’ve seen speakers, sit in their chairs and then announce, “I can’t believe my hands were shaking so much.” I’ve sat there and thought, “I didn’t notice.” I then realized that the comments they made influenced my perception of them and my perception of their topic.

You said your last word and the audience is applauding, now what? Look at your audience and smile and nod in appreciation before walking off the stage. If you will be answering questions, wait until after the applause stops to begin your question and answering period.

When practicing your speech, it is a good idea to start from your chair, walk up to a spot and then give your speech, and then walk back to your chair and sit down. Your “speech” impression begins and ends from your chair.

Key Takeaways

Remember This!

  • A speech closing should include a review of the main points and a purposeful closing sentence.
  • Persuasive speech endings should tell the audience specifically what they should do or think about.
  • The recency effect suggests that people remember the most recent things they have heard which is one reason the closing is so important.
  • Chance the pace of your speech and the tone of your voice to signal the end of the speech.

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Adichie, C.N. (2009). The danger of a single story. [Video]. YouTube Standard YouTube License.

Anderson, C. (2016). TED talks: The official TED guide to public speaking. Mariner Books.

Barot, H.  Fifteen powerful speech ending lines (and tips to create your own). Frantically Speaking.

Boroditsky, L. (2017). How language shapes the way we think.  Standard Youtube License. 

Butler, M. (2018). Why you think you’re ugly. [Video]. YouTube  Standard YouTube License. 

Dunham. A. (2019). Valedictorian comes out as autistic during speech. [Video]. YouTube  Standard Youtube License. 

Eagleman, D. (2015). Can we create new senses for humans?[Video]. YouTube  Standard YouTube License. 

Hone, L. (2019).  The three secrets of resilient people. [Video]. YouTube  Standard YouTube License. 

Jeff, P. (2009). Ten ways to end your speech with a bang.

Jobs, S. (2005). You’ve got to find what you love.

Khanna, P. (2016). Let the head of TED show you how to end your speech with power.

Karia, A. (2013). How to open and close a TED talk (or any other speech or presentation).

LaCroix, D. (2001). World champion of public speaking. [Video]. YouTube  Standard YouTube License. 

Mandela, N. (2011). Speech from the dock in the Rivonia trial.[Video]. YouTube  Standard YouTube License. 

Mandela, N. (1994). Presidential Inaugural Speech. [Video]. YouTube  Standard YouTube License. 

Miller, B.J. (2015). What really matters at the end of life. [Video]. YouTube  Standard YouTube License. 

Moth. (2021). Storytelling tips and tricks: How to tell a successful story. 

Obama, B. (2016). White House correspondents dinner. [Video]. YouTube  Standard YouTube License. 

Pink, D. (2009). The puzzle of motivation. [Video]. YouTube  Standard YouTube License. 

Rothwell, D. (2014). Practically Speaking. Oxford University Press.Robinson, K. (2013). How to escape education’s death valley. [Video]. YouTube  Standard YouTube License. 

Rosling, H. (2014). Don’t Panic-Hans Rosling showing the facts about population.[Video]. YouTube  Standard YouTube License. 

Schwartz, B. (2005). The paradox of choice. [Video]. YouTube  Standard YouTube License. 

Toastmasters International. (2016). Concluding your Speech.

Young, S. (2014). I’m not your inspiration, thank you very much. [Video]. YouTube  Standard YouTube License. 

Yousafzai, M. (2013). Malala Yousafzai addresses United Nations Youth Assembly. [Video]. YouTube  Standard YouTube License. 

Zhang, Y. (2015). Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. [Video]. YouTube  Standard YouTube License. 

Media Attributions

  • Audience clapping © Alex Motoc is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license
  • jose-aragones-81QkOoPGahY-unsplash © Jose Aragones is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license

Advanced Public Speaking Copyright © 2021 by Lynn Meade is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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  • How to End a Speech: What You Need for a Bang

A good talk or public speech is like a good play, movie, or song.

It opens by arresting the listener’s attention, develops point by point, and then ends strongly, ensuring that the audience’s attention is maintained throughout.

The truth is, if you don’t know how to end a speech, the overall message won’t be persuasive and your key points may get lost.

The words you say at the beginning, and especially at the end of your talk, are usually the most persuasive parts of the speech and will be remembered longer than almost any other part of your speech. It’s crucial to leave a lasting impression with a powerful conclusion.

Some of the great speeches in history and some of the most memorable Ted talks have ended with powerful, stirring words that live on in memory.

How do you end a speech and get the standing ovation that you deserve?

Keep reading to discover how…

Here are 9 tips and examples for concluding a speech.

To ensure that your conclusion is as powerful as it can be, you must plan it word for word, including a strong closing statement.

Ask yourself,  “What is the purpose of this talk?”

Your answer should involve the actions that you want your listeners to take after hearing you speak on this subject.

When you are clear about the end result you desire, it becomes much easier to design a conclusion that asks your listeners to take that action. It is also crucial to restate a key idea to reinforce your message and leave a lasting impression.

The best strategy for ending with a BANG is to plan your close before you plan the rest of your speech.

You then go back and design your opening so that it sets the stage for your conclusion.

The body of your talk is where you present your ideas and make your case for what you want the audience to think, remember, and do after hearing you speak.

2) Always End A Speech With A Call To Action

It is especially important to tell the audience what you want it to do as a result of hearing you speak.

A call to action is the best way to wrap up your talk with strength and power. Reinforce your key points by summarizing the main message, ensuring it leaves a lasting impression. Closing the speech effectively can evoke emotions and make a significant impact on the audience.

Here’s a Speech Call To Action Example

“We have great challenges and great opportunities, and with your help, we will meet them and make this next year the best year in our history!”

Consider ending with a thought-provoking question to challenge the audience to think differently and inspire them to take action.

Whatever you say, imagine an exclamation point at the end. As you approach the conclusion, pick up your energy and tempo.  This is even more important if  the presentation you are giving is virtual .

Speak with strength and emphasis.

Drive the final point home.

Regardless of whether the audience participants agree with you or are willing to do what you ask, it should be perfectly clear to them what you are requesting.

3) End a Speech With a Summary

There is a simple formula for any talk:

  • Tell them what you are going to tell them.
  • Then, tell them what you told them.

As you approach the end of your talk, say something like,

“Let me briefly restate these main points…”

You then list your key points, one by one, and repeat them to the audience, showing how each of them links to the other points.

Audiences appreciate a linear repetition of what they have just heard. This repetition helps make your message memorable and ensures that your key points leave a lasting impression.

This makes it clear that you are coming to the end of your talk.

4) Close with a Story

As you reach the end of your talk, you can say,

“Let me tell you a story that illustrates what I have been talking about…”

You then tell a brief story with a moral and then tell the audience what the moral is. Using effective body language, such as maintaining eye contact, smiling, and using open gestures, can make your story more impactful and leave a lasting impression.

Don’t leave it to them to figure out for themselves.

Often you can close with a story that illustrates your key points and then clearly links to the key message that you are making with your speech.

To learn more about storytelling in speaking, you can read my previous blog post  “8 Public Speaking Tips to Wow Your Audience.”

5) Make Them Laugh

You can close with humor.

You can tell a joke that loops back into your subject and repeats the lesson or main point you are making with a story that makes everyone laugh.

During my talks on planning and persistence, I discuss the biggest enemy that we have, which is the tendency to follow the path of least resistance. I then tell this story.

Ole and Sven are out hunting in Minnesota and they shoot a deer. They begin dragging the deer back to the truck by the tail, but they keep slipping and losing both their grip and their balance.

A farmer comes along and asks them, “What are you boys doing?”

They reply, “We’re dragging the deer back to the truck.”

The farmer tells them, “You are not supposed to drag a deer by the tail. You’re supposed to drag the deer by the handles. They’re called antlers. You’re supposed to drag a deer by the antlers.”

Ole and Sven say, “Thank you very much for the idea.”

They begin pulling the deer by the antlers. After about five minutes, they are making rapid progress. Ole says to Sven, “Sven, the farmer was right. It goes a lot easier by the antlers.”

Sven replies, “Yeah, but we’re getting farther and farther from the truck.”

After the laughter dies down, I say…

“The majority of people in life are pulling the easy way, but they are getting further and further from the ‘truck’ or their real goals and objectives.”

A memorable statement like this can make the humor more effective by condensing the core message into a crisp and authentic sound bite.

That’s just one example of closing using humor.

6) Make It Rhyme

You can close with a poem.

There are many fine poems that contain messages that summarize the key points you want to make. Here are some practical tips for selecting and delivering a poem: choose a poem that resonates with your message, practice your delivery to ensure it flows naturally, and use appropriate pauses to emphasize key lines.

You can select a poem that is moving, dramatic, or emotional.

For years I ended seminars with the poem,  “Don’t Quit,”  or  “Carry On!”  by Robert W. Service. It was always well received by the audience.

7) Close With Inspiration for A Lasting Impression

You can end a speech with something inspirational as well.

If you have given an uplifting talk, remember that hope is, and has always been, the main religion of mankind.

People love to be motivated and inspired to be or do something different and better in the future.

Here are a few of  my favorite inspirational quotes  that can be tied into most speeches.  You can also  read this collection of leadership quotes  for further inspiration.

Remember, everyone in your audience is dealing with problems, difficulties, challenges, disappointments, setbacks, and temporary failures.

For this reason, everyone appreciates a poem, quote, or story of encouragement that gives them strength and courage.

Here are 7 Tips to Tell an Inspiring Poem or Story to End Your Speech

  • You have to slow down and add emotion and drama to your words.
  • Raise your voice on a key line of the poem, and then drop it when you’re saying something that is intimate and emotional.
  • Pick up the tempo occasionally as you go through the story or poem, but then slow down on the most memorable parts.
  • Especially, double the number of pauses you normally use in a conversation.
  • Use dramatic pauses at the end of a line to allow the audience to digest the words and catch up with you.
  • Smile if the line is funny, and be serious if the line is more thought-provoking or emotional.
  • When you come to the end of your talk, be sure to bring your voice up on the last line, rather than letting it drop. Remember the  “exclamation point”  at the end to reinforce your main message and leave a lasting impression.

Try practicing on this poem that I referenced above…

Read through  “Carry On!” by Robert Service

Identify the key lines, intimate parts, and memorable parts, and recite it.

8) Make it Clear That You’re Done

When you say your final words, it should be clear to everyone that you have ended. A strong closing statement is crucial in signaling the end of your speech, leaving a lasting impression, and ensuring that the audience remembers the key points. There should be no ambiguity or confusion in the mind of your audience. The audience members should know that this is the end.

Many speakers just allow their talks to wind down.

They say  something with filler words  like,  “Well, that just about covers it. Thank you.”

This isn’t a good idea…

It’s not powerful…

It’s not an authoritative ending and thus detracts from your credibility and influence.

When you have concluded, discipline yourself to stand perfectly still. Select a friendly face in the audience and look straight at that person.

If it is appropriate, smile warmly at that person to signal that your speech has come to an end.

Resist the temptation to:

  • Shuffle papers.
  • Fidget with your clothes or microphone.
  • Move forward, backward, or sideways.
  • Do anything else except stand solidly, like a tree.

9) Let Them Applaud

When you have finished your talk, the audience members will want to applaud. Using effective body language, such as maintaining eye contact, smiling, and using open gestures, can signal to the audience that it is time to begin clapping.

What they need from you is a clear signal that now is the time to begin clapping.

How do you signal this?

Some people will recognize sooner than others that you have concluded your remarks.

In many cases, when you make your concluding comments and stop talking, the audience members will be completely silent.

They may be unsure whether you are finished.

They may be processing your final remarks and thinking them over. They may not know what to do until someone else does something.

In a few seconds, which will often feel like several minutes, people will applaud.

Then another…

Then the entire audience will begin clapping.

When someone begins to applaud, look directly at that person, smile, and mouth the words  thank you.

As more and more people applaud, sweep slowly from person to person, nodding, smiling and saying, “Thank You.”

Eventually, the whole room will be clapping.

There’s no better reward for overcoming your  fear of public speaking  than enjoying a round of applause.

BONUS TIP: How to Handle a Standing Ovation

If you’ve given a moving talk and really connected with your audience, someone will stand up and applaud. To encourage a standing ovation, make your message memorable by using repetition of your keyword or phrase and incorporating relevant visuals or metaphors to leave a lasting impression on the audience. When this happens, encourage others by looking directly at the clapper and saying,  “Thank you.”

This will often prompt other members of the audience to stand.

As people see others standing, they will stand as well, applauding the whole time.

It is not uncommon for a speaker to conclude his or her remarks, stand silently, and have the entire audience sit silently in response.

Stand Comfortably And Shake Hands

But as the speaker stands there comfortably, waiting for the audience to realize the talk is over, one by one people will begin to applaud and often stand up one by one. Using positive body language, such as maintaining eye contact, smiling, and using open gestures, can leave a lasting impression on the audience.

If the first row of audience members is close in front of you, step or lean forward and shake that person’s hand when one of them stands up to applaud.

When you shake hands with one person in the audience, many other people in the audience feel that you are shaking their hands and congratulating them as well.

They will then stand up and applaud.

Soon the whole room will be standing and applauding.

Whether you receive a standing ovation or not, if your introducer comes back on to thank you on behalf of the audience, smile and shake their hand warmly.

If it’s appropriate, give the introducer a hug of thanks, wave in a friendly way to the audience, and then move aside and give the introducer the stage.

Follow these tips to get that standing ovation every time.

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About Brian Tracy — Brian is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today. He has authored more than 60 books and has produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. You can follow him on Twitter , Facebook , Pinterest , Linkedin and Youtube .

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How To Close A Speech (Public Speaking Essentials)

Musicians write songs that build to rousing crescendos. Attorneys deliver emotionally moving closing arguments to impressionable jurors. Pastry chefs leave diners on a high note by ending their meals with beautifully plated desserts.

Throughout our culture, we recognize how important a big finish is. We want that blockbuster action film to end with a dazzling car chase, our favorite basketball team to win a nail-biter by sinking a decisive shot at the last second, and the annual fireworks display to conclude with an awesome sequence of rapid-fire bursts.


And yet…when it comes to public speaking, many presenters finish not on a high note but a mumble. It’s as if they saw the end in sight and took the first possible opportunity to flee the stage. Instead of offering one final thought that would linger in the minds of audience members long after they walked away, they limped to the finish line with an abrupt phrase such as:

  • So feel free to email or call me with any questions.”
  • “That’s all I have today.”
  • “Thank you for your time.”
  • “Do you have any questions?”
  • “Ummm…thanks.”

A presentation’s close is one of its most important parts. It’s your last chance to make an impression, your final opportunity to inspire your audience, persuade them, move them to action, or change their way of thinking. If your open got them into the tent, your close should have them exiting it while humming your tune (in this case, your ABSO ).

There are many unforgettable ways to close a speech; the next blog post will offer 15 possibilities. But first, it’s worth offering a clarification. For many talks—particularly those in which you’ll take audience questions—there’s not one close. There are two .

The first close serves to wrap up the main portion of your presentation, after which you will open the floor to questions.

The second close occurs after you answer the final question, allowing you to take back the floor one last time to deliver a closing thought.

The First Close

Your first close begins once you conclude the main body of your presentation. When moving from the body to the close, signal to the audience that the end is approaching (such a signal breaks the pattern , which helps regain the attention of audience members whose focus has drifted). There are two primary ways to transition to your close: through the use of spoken transitions and changes to your vocal and physical delivery. You can use phrases such as “In conclusion” or “I’d like to summarize what I said this morning,” but it’s better to craft a more seamless transition, such as:

  • “We’ve spoken today about the very real challenges we face and a few potential solutions. Where does that leave us?”
  • “You might be wondering what comes next?”
  • “I’ve spent the past hour talking about today’s trends in our industry. I’d like to finish by looking ahead five years to what we’ll be talking about then.”
  • “After hearing more about these refugees’ stories today, I hope you’re as motivated as I am to support them. I’ll leave you with three specific things you can do to begin helping them before the sun sets this evening.”

You can also use a vocal or physical change to indicate that you’ve reached the close, such as: taking a several-second pause; increasing your volume or pace if you’ve been speaking softly or slowly, or vice versa; moving to the opposite side of the stage; or turning off the PowerPoint projector.

Once you’ve finished your first close (which can be any of the 15 session wrappers in the next blog post), open the floor to questions using a line such as, “I’d like to make a few concluding comments, but before I do, I’d love to hear your thoughts or answer any questions you might have.” Doing so indicates to the audience that you intend to take the floor back, albeit briefly, at the end of the question period.

The Second Close

Imagine you’re speaking at a conference with strict time limits. A conference planner in the back of the room holds up two fingers to signal that you should finish within two minutes.

With just enough time to take one final question, you call on a man who proceeds to tell you why he disagrees with a key point you made in your presentation. Just as he concludes his question, the planner flashes you the “wrap it up!” sign. You quickly answer the question, thank the audience, and close the session. Suddenly, the freshest thought in the minds of each audience member as they leave isn’t yours — it’s the question posed by their fellow audience member.

Here’s an alternative scenario: when you see the planner’s two fingers go up, you say (with a warm smile), “I’d like to take one final question. Sir, please go ahead, but I’m going to ask you to please ask it in 15 seconds or less.”

He ends up taking one minutes instead of 15 seconds — which is okay, because it still gives you 30 seconds to answer his question and 30 more to leave the audience with your final thought as opposed to his.

Hopefully, your Q&A period won’t end in such dramatic fashion. In either case, the second close can be short — just long enough to reinforce your ABSO one final time. You can use any of the 15 speech closes in the next lesson; even speech openers can offer useful ideas. Among the choices, you can project an unexpected quote onto the screen and infuse it with relevant context, pose a final rhetorical question, or deliver a final appeal that encourages the audience’s involvement.

Finally, your delivery of the second close should make clear to the audience that you’ve finished speaking. You might slow your pace on your final line or use inflection to indicate that you’re finished (“And THAT is why I’m confident that we’re going to become THE industry leader within three years”). An optional “thank you” after the second close puts the final bow on your talk.

In the next post, you’ll find 15 great ways to close a speech. Don’t miss it!

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6 Stylish ways to close your presentation

Emily Bartlett Feb 1, 2022 1:56:54 PM

All good things must come to an end, including your presentation. The way you close will affect how your audience responds and remembers.

A weak ending will leave them unenthused and uninspired, within a few hours they may even have forgotten your message.

But a strong ending will fire them up. A strong ending motivates and empowers. A strong ending encourages people to take action. 

So how do you end on a high? Here are 6 tips to ensure you go out with a bang.

1. Call your audience to action

It's not enough to assume your message will inspire people to take action. You need to actually tell them to take action.

I asked Dee Clayton, motivational speaker, public speaking trainer and author of Taming Your Public Speaking Monkeys to share her insight and experience. The call-to-action is Dee's preferred method of closing a speech.

"Summing up the action you want your audience to take is a great way to finish up. To do this, it's best to use a two-pronged approach:

  • Start with a negative motivation – help them see how bad things will be if they don't do what you are suggesting.
  • Finish with a positive motivation – paint a picture of how good things will be when they do what you recommend."

Dee stresses the importance of following this pattern.

Always give the negative first, followed by the positive. You'll end on a motivating high and will maximize your chances of inspiring the audience into action.

2. Refer back to the opening message

Closing a presentation with a look back at the opening message is a popular technique. It's a neat way to round off your message, whilst simultaneously summing up the entire speech.

There are a few ways to approach this technique:

  • Set up a question at the beginning of your speech and use your ending to answer it.
  • Finish a story you started, using the anecdote to demonstrate your message.
  • Close with the title of the presentation – this works best with a provocative, memorable title.

Do you know who's really good at this technique? Stand up comedians. They often make jokes early in the set that they unexpectedly refer back to (in a different context) at the end.

This is known as callback comedy and it often generates the biggest laugh of the night. It's a powerful move because it creates a feeling of familiarity and camaraderie with the audience, making them feel like they're in on the joke.

3. Practice the rule of three

The rule of three is a simple yet powerful and effective method of communication. We use it in written and spoken communications all the time (did you notice I used it just then?).

The rule of three is the understanding that ideas, concepts and beliefs are more memorable and interesting when presented in threes. It's a very persuasive number, three.

Here are three excellent real-world examples of the rule of three.

First, Winston Churchill: "This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

Now, Julius Caesar: "Veni, vidi, vici"

And Benjamin Disraeli: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."

4. Close with a summary

"If you've already explained your content well and in an engaging way, there is no need to summarize the content again at the end," Dee Clayton says.

She's right. There are far more powerful ways to end your presentation.  However, it might be necessary if your message is particularly complicated or your speech is a long one.

Summarizing content can be a little dry – both for you and your audience. Make your summary more palatable with humor, a fascinating anecdote or interesting linguistic devices (like repetition, rhyming, and the rule of three).

5. Don't end with questions

If Dee has one absolute speechwriting no-no, it's this:

"Never end with the questions. Too many people make this mistake. If you get a negative question, you've dulled the whole presentation and the audience leave on a negative note. Always do the questions before the wrap up."

Too many people end with questions and it often goes off track. This is memorable for no one. By the time you've answered a handful of semi-relevant questions, the audience have forgotten most of what you've told them.

Take questions throughout your presentation so they remain pertinent to the content.

6) Make it clear that you've finished

Nothing is more uncomfortable than the deafening silence of an audience working out if you've finished.

Your closing words should make it very clear that it's the end of the presentation. The audience should be able to read this immediately, and respond (hopefully with applause).

If the applause isn't forthcoming, stand confidently and wait. Don't fidget and certainly don't eke out a half-hearted, 'And that just about covers it. Thank you'.

Dee used her two-prong approach to explain the importance of making your ending clear:

"If you don't spend some time considering how to end your presentation, you may find yourself floundering at the end. You may wonder why few people actually action what you suggest and why there's no reassuring applause! But when you do put a bit of thought, planning and practice into your ending, you will look confident, inspire the audience into action and be able to leave the stage with your head held high."

And isn't that all we really want from our presentations?

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How do you close a presentation.

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How should you close a speech? I recently had a query from a fellow coach who specializes in working with engineers and tech firms, and her complaint was that far too many speeches in her experience ended with a slide reading “Any Questions?” She was asking for alternative ways to end a presentation.

It would be hard to imagine a duller (and less engaging) way to finish, aside from simply walking off the stage in silence.

First of all, there’s the slide issue itself. Slide-ware like PowerPoint doesn’t help; it distracts, because it requires us to multitask. And all the research on multitasking shows that we can’t do it. We first pay attention to one thing, and then another. Moreover, the research on how our brains process visual information indicates that we don’t actually see what’s in front of us, but rather an approximation of it that our brain matches to reality based on its memory banks.

So what really happens when we’re confronted in a meeting or a presentation with a speaker and a set of slides is that we look at the speaker—because we’re inherently more interested in people than pictures—and when our attentions start to wander, then we look at the slides. Now, reading slides and looking at people occupy two different parts of our brain, and there’s a lot of inefficiency in switching back and forth. So when we’re looking at the speaker, we’re getting one set of cues. When we look at the slides, we get another set. When we switch, we lose a bit of either information stream.

So the result is two incomplete sets of information. That’s tiring and indeed annoying for us, so we get cranky and tune out.

That’s what slide-ware does. With some exceptions, it adds to our information load, overwhelming it even faster, and causing us to tune out.

Don’t do it.

Any questions?

OK, so how should you end a speech? Following are five suggestions, in order to avoid the dreaded “Any Questions” slide.

1. The simplest way to end a speech, after you’ve finished the content part, is to say, “thank you.” That has the virtue of being individually understood, unexceptional, and unambiguous.

That remains my go-to recommendation for anyone who wants a way to signal to the audience that it’s time to applaud and then head for the bar. Neat, simple, gets the job done.

2. But let’s say you want something more original and exciting. A personal favorite of mine is to end with a question suggested by the talk, something related that broadens the discussion and gets people thinking. So, for example, if you’re wrapping up a talk on the future of software, you might say, “We’ve had a great discussion today about what software will look like in near future; I’d like to close by asking you what you think software might look like 100 years from now. Are we actually heading for the Great Singularity?”

Or even, “I’d like to close by asking you whether or not you think there should be government controls on either the violence in or the length of time spent on gaming software?”

That should give them something to talk about into next week, or at least over the coffee and donuts.

3. Of course, as I’ve recommended many times, the best way to end a speech is to turn the audience loose on an action. After all, you’ve been asking the audience to sit passively for 20 or 30 or 50 minutes. Give them a chance to move, to do something. It should be related to what you’ve been talking about, it should be specific, and it should be relatively simple. Get them to turn to a neighbor and pledge to start the good health regimen you’ve been talking about with one specific food change, for example.

4. If you’re afraid of not getting any questions, then you can arrange for a friend in the audience to ask one. The “plant” is a good way to get questions started if you fear silence. But if you’ve turned the chore of asking for questions over to a slide, then that suggests either you don’t really want to engage in questions, or you’re afraid of them. If it’s the former, then get over yourself. You’ve had the floor for 45 minutes; now it’s someone else’s turn. If the latter, then you might think about sharing your fears in an authentic way: “Now, I’m a little afraid of the questions you might ask, since there are some people here in the audience who know more about the subject than I do, but if we agree to turn the answering over to anyone who is best positioned to answer the question, I’m happy with that.”

5. Finally, you might borrow an idea from the theatre and have a “talk back.” In the theatre, some groups invite the audience to give their thoughts back to the actors, the director, the stage crew, or anyone else who’s available. It’s a critique, a Q and A opportunity, a focus group, and a therapy session all rolled up into one. It’s risky, because you’re at the mercy of jerks in the audience who just want to ventilate or bloviate, but then Q and A can bring out those trolls too. If you choose this option, then it’s a big help to have someone else MC the discussion.

No excuses; there are plenty of interesting ways to end a presentation. Throw away that “Any Questions” slide and get to work.

With thanks to Susan de la Vergne for the question.

Nick Morgan

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Closing Remarks for Speech

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Closing remarks are the concluding part of a Speech where the speaker wraps up their presentation. This section typically summarizes the key points discussed, reinforces the main message, and leaves the audience with a final thought or call to action. Closing remarks are important as they provide a sense of closure and can have a lasting impact on the audience.

What is Closing Remarks for Speech?

Closing remarks are the final statements in a speech, where the speaker brings everything to a conclusion. This part of the speech is designed to recap the main points, emphasize the central message, and offer a final takeaway for the audience. It ensures that the speech ends on a strong note, leaving a lasting impression on the listeners.

Closing Remarks for Speech Examples Bundle

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Closing Remarks for Speech Format

1. summarize key points.

Briefly recap the main ideas or arguments presented in your speech. Example : “Today, we discussed the importance of time management, practical strategies to implement it, and the benefits it brings.”

2. Reinforce the Main Message

Emphasize the core message or takeaway you want the audience to remember. Example: “Remember, effective time management is crucial for reducing stress, increasing productivity, and achieving your goals.”

3. Call to Action

Encourage the audience to take specific actions or steps based on your speech. Example: “I encourage each of you to start using a planner, set specific goals, and tackle your most important tasks first.”

4. Thank the Audience

Express gratitude for their time and attention. Example: “Thank you all for your attention and engagement today.”

5. End with a Memorable Closing

Finish with a powerful quote, a thought-provoking statement, or an inspiring note. Example: “As the saying goes, ‘The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.’ Make the most of your time and steer your life towards success.”

Closing Remarks for Speech Example

Today, we’ve explored the importance of effective time management, discussed practical strategies to implement it, and highlighted the numerous benefits it brings. Remember, managing your time well is crucial for reducing stress, increasing productivity, and achieving your goals.   I encourage each of you to start using a planner, set specific goals, and tackle your most important tasks first. By doing so, you will take control of your time and pave the way for a more balanced and successful life.   Thank you all for your attention and engagement today. As the saying goes, “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” Make the most of your time and steer your life towards success. Thank you!

Short Closing Remarks for Speech Example

Today, we explored the importance of effective time management and practical strategies to achieve it. Remember, managing your time well reduces stress, increases productivity, and helps you reach your goals.   I encourage you to start using a planner, set specific goals, and tackle your most important tasks first.   Thank you for your attention. As the saying goes, “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” Make the most of your time and steer your life towards success. Thank you!  

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Closing Remarks for Speech for Graduation

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More Closing Remarks for Speech Topics

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  • Closing Remarks Speech for Farewell
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Workshop
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Business Meeting
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Retirement
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Fundraiser
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Community Event
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Gala
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Annual General Meeting
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Orientation
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Leadership Summit
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Charity Event
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Memorial Service
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Family Reunion
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Corporate Event
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Product Launch
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Training Session
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Cultural Festival
  • Closing Remarks Speech for Political Rally

How to Write Closing Remarks for Speech

Briefly recap the main ideas or arguments presented.

Example: “Today, we discussed the importance of time management, practical strategies to implement it, and the benefits it brings.”

Emphasize the core message or takeaway you want the audience to remember.

Example: “Remember, effective time management is crucial for reducing stress and achieving your goals.”

Encourage the audience to take specific actions based on your speech.

Example: “I encourage you to start using a planner and prioritize your tasks.”

Express gratitude for their time and attention.

Example: “Thank you all for your attention.”

Finish with a powerful quote, a thought-provoking statement, or an inspiring note.

Example: “As the saying goes, ‘The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.’ Make the most of your time.”

Tips to Deliver Closing Remarks for Speech

1. Summarize Key Points : Briefly recap the main ideas discussed in your speech.

2. Reinforce the Main Message : Emphasize the core message you want the audience to remember.

3. Call to Action : Encourage the audience to take specific steps or actions based on your speech.

4. Express Gratitude : Thank the audience for their time and attention.

5. End with a Memorable Closing : Finish with a powerful quote, thought-provoking statement, or inspiring note.

Why are closing remarks important?

They reinforce the message, ensure audience retention, and provide a clear, memorable conclusion.

How should I structure closing remarks?

Summarize key points, thank the audience, and end with a powerful, memorable statement or call to action.

Can I include a quote in my closing remarks?

Yes, a relevant and impactful quote can effectively reinforce your message and leave a lasting impression.

What should I avoid in closing remarks?

Avoid introducing new information, being too lengthy, or ending abruptly without a clear conclusion.

How do I make my closing remarks engaging?

Use a strong, positive tone, include a personal touch or story, and connect emotionally with the audience.

Can humor be part of closing remarks?

Yes, appropriate humor can leave a positive impression and end your speech on a high note.

How long should closing remarks be?

Closing remarks should be concise, typically lasting no more than a few minutes.

What is a call to action in closing remarks?

A call to action urges the audience to take specific steps or actions related to your speech’s message.

Should I thank the audience in my closing remarks?

Yes, thanking the audience shows appreciation and fosters a positive connection.

Can I use a rhetorical question in my closing remarks?

Yes, a rhetorical question can provoke thought and leave the audience reflecting on your message.


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2023 ASHA Presentations by Faculty & Students

There will be 8 faculty and students presenting at the American Speech-Language Hearing Association National Convention this week in Boston!

Igniting Innovation ASHA Logo for 2023 Conference

We are glad that our SLHS department will be well represented at the 2023 ASHA Conference.

Addressing the Emotional Needs of Children and Adolescents with Communication Disorders Ryan Pollard, CCC-SLP, PhD, University of Colorado Boulder 

Bilingual Preschoolers' Response Speed and Speaking Rate: Implication for Clinical Assesment Pui Fong Kan,  CCC-SLP, MA, PhD, University of Colorado Boulder Adrienne Propst

Conversation as the Foundation to the Autobiographical Self: Supporting Parent-Child Reminiscing Conversations During Preschool Years Jack Damico,  CCC-SLP, MS, PhD, University of Colorado Boulder  Charlotte Clark Laura Arrington Ryan Nelson Holly Damico 

Exploring Semantic Development in Cantonese-English Bilingual Children: Implication for Clinical Practice Morgan Jones  Pui Fong Kan,  CCC-SLP, MA, PhD, University of Colorado Boulder

Online Self-Assessment of Hearing Ability and Hearing Aid Intervention Anu Sharma,  CCC-SLP, MA, Ph.D, University of Colorado Boulder Carly Schimmel,  AuD, University of Colorado Boulder  Kayla Cormier,  AuD, University of Colorado Boulder  Vinaya Manchaiah

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids in the Mild to Moderate Hearing Loss  Anu Sharma,  CCC-SLP, MA, Ph.D, University of Colorado Boulder Kayla Cormier,  AuD, University of Colorado Boulder Carly Schimmel,  AuD, University of Colorado Boulder  Vinaya Manchaiah De Wet Swanepoel

The Rewiring Brain: Harnessing Nuerocognitive Plasticity for Improving Speech and Language Outcomes in Hearing Loss  Jeanane Ferre Anu Sharma,  CCC-SLP, MA, Ph.D, University of Colorado Boulder

For more information regarding the ASHA Convention or how to register visit the American Speech-Language Hearing Association National Convention

SNYDE | Pat Sajak gives heartfelt farewell speech on…

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SNYDE | Pat Sajak replaces ‘Wheel of Fortune’ round with heartfelt farewell speech

Pat Sajak Signs Off at 'Wheel Of Fortune' After Amazing 41-Season Run

During the episode, Sajak replaced one of the game’s usual rounds with a farewell speech , and awarded each contestant $5,000 to compensate for lost cash.

“Well, the time has come to say goodbye,” Sajak’s message began. “It’s been an incredible privilege to be invited into millions of homes night after night, year after year, decade after decade.”

He went on to emphasize the show’s role as a “safe place for family fun,” but said over the years, it had become so much more than that — “a place where kids learned their letters, where people from other countries honed their English skills, where families came together along with friends and neighbors and entire generations.”

Sajak added it was was an honor “to play even a small part in all of that,” and took time to offer his thanks to the show’s staff and crew, as well as wife Lesly and their two children.

His daughter, Maggie Sajak, joined “Wheel of Fortune” as a social correspondent in 2021 and has been a part of the show ever since.

Sajak also made special mention of his longtime co-host Vanna White, who got emotional in a tearful tribute earlier this week . Though he said he’ll greatly miss working alongside White, he takes “solace” in the fact that the two will remain as close of friends as they have been for the past four decades.

White will continue in her role as hostess next season, when Ryan Seacrest steps in to fill Sajak’s shoes .

Following Friday’s episode, the “American Idol” host wrote a touching tribute on Instagram .

“Your dedication, charm, and wit have made the show a beloved part of American television for decades,” Seacrest said of Sajak. “Your partnership with Vanna has been nothing short of iconic, and together, you’ve created countless wonderful memories for viewers. You’ve set the standard for hosts everywhere.”

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ryan Seacrest (@ryanseacrest)

Over the course of his career, Sajak racked up more than 8,000 episodes over his 41 seasons as the host of “Wheel.” His final episode featured a nostalgic look back at his 1981 debut, and one puzzle answer even paid homage to his hometown of Chicago.

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Apple WWDC recap: Tim Cook reveals 'Apple Intelligence' AI system, iOS 18, OpenAI partnership, and the all-new Siri

  • Apple's WWDC 2024 keynote outlined the new iOS 18, macOS Sequoia, iPadOS, watchOS, and Vision Pro software.
  • But the big news was Tim Cook unveiling a new generative AI system, Apple Intelligence, and a new Siri.
  • The Apple-OpenAI partnership was also made official, with ChatGPT integrated into Apple's software.

Insider Today

Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference keynote was a busy one.

It's Apple's state of the union for the software that underpins its various device families, such as iPhone, Mac, iPad, and the recently launched Vision Pro.

But Tim Cook also made room for a very big announcement, the news that was on everyone's mind : Apple's generative AI strategy, which is officially called "Apple Intelligence."

The generative AI system will be deeply integrated into iOS 18, the upcoming iPhone software, along with the latest Mac and iPad operating systems.

Apple's 13-year-old virtual assistant, Siri, is also getting a much-needed AI makeover. Executives showed various examples of how the new Siri powered by Apple Intelligence can help you complete daily tasks by accessing more granular actions within apps.

Apple also made its partnership with OpenAI official, bringing an optional ChatGPT integration to its software. This will allow users to tap into OpenAI's popular chatbot via Siri, or when completing tasks within apps, such as writing a story. Sam Altman was in attendance, though he didn't take the stage.

You can expect to see Apple Intelligence and ChatGPT integration arrive in the fall when the next iPhone launches.

But that was far from it — Apple announced a host of other features and software updates.

Luckily, we live-blogged the full WWDC keynote, so if you missed it, don't worry: Just scroll to the bottom of the page for the full recap.

Tim Cook closes things out.

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Apple Intelligence, the flagship feature revealed today, is coming to iPhone 15 Pro and iPads and Macs with M1 chips or later.

Tim Cook returns to wrap up the keynote, giving a brief overview of the announcements.

That's it for this year's WWDC — see you next year!

Apple details OpenAI partnership, which brings ChatGPT to Siri and other features.

how to close presentation speech

This is the result of Apple's deal with OpenAI, which Apple called a "pioneer" just now.

Apple says it's integrated ChatGPT into Mac and iOS, allowing Siri to tap into ChatGPT.

Apple says "You're in control" if you want to send anything to ChatGPT. But as a result of the partnership:

  • Siri will work with ChatGPT to provide better answers to questions
  • A Compose feature will use ChatGPT to create stories and text with a prompt
  • You can access this without a ChatGPT account and paying users will have more paid features
  • Siri will ask for permission before sharing your question with ChatGPT

Sam Altman reacted to the news on X, saying he was "very happy to be partnering with apple to integrate chatgpt into their devices later this year!"

Apple's clean-up tool uses AI to remove unwanted background details from photos.

Think of it like AI meets Photoshop. Apple says the clean-up tool uses Apple Intelligence to clean up the background of an image, removing an undesired detail.

Apple's 'Image Playground' is its spin on AI images.

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Image Playground will let you create images using already available characteristics — no need to write your own prompts but you can write them if you want, Apple says.

You'll get suggestions in Messages for original images generated based on your conversations. Image Playground will also be available in Apple's apps like Keynote, Pages, and Freeform.

But there will be a dedicated Image Playground app.

Generate your own emoji with 'Genmoji'

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Don't love the default emojis? Just use Apple Intelligence to generate your own "Genmoji" (see what they did there?)

Apple says Genmoji will help you "match any moment perfectly."

You can type a prompt in and get a custom emoji created instantly.

Bring on the Apple Intelligence demos!

how to close presentation speech

Apple is detailing a host of examples of how Apple Intelligence will help you "save time in so many ways."

Writing Tools:

  • Rewrite will suggest different versions of what you've written (improve tone to be friendlier, more professional, or more concise)
  • Summarize will help you add TL;DRs to your written messages
  • Smart Reply is coming to Mail: it can identify any questions you were asked over email
  • In the Mail app, you can see summaries of emails instead of short previews

Notifications are getting prioritized and summarized (the example shown off is when the group chat is blowing up, it'll sum up the conversation so you're all caught up).

We're seeing some demos of what the new Siri is capable of.

how to close presentation speech

Apple says this is the "start of a new era for Siri," and shows off some more examples of the new virtual assistant powered by Apple Intelligence.

  • Personal context: Siri can find the things you don't remember (like finding a photo of your license, extracting your ID number, and adding it to the digital form you're filling out)
  • Siri can track flights at your request and keep track of the casual plans you made over text. No need to add it to your calendar
  • We also saw an example of figuring out how long it would take to arrive somewhere, based on some plans made in a text message. Siri answers the question and brings up a map without you having to tab between multiple apps.

We're getting our first look at the new Siri.

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Siri, which was first introduced 13 years ago, is long overdue for an overhaul, and Apple is finally showing it off — powered with Apple Intelligence.

Apple says Siri is getting more natural, relevant, and personal. It's now more than a glowing circle, it'll be a glowing light bordering the screen instead. It'll be more conversational and understand context — no need to speak succinctly.

It can also have onscreen awareness. For example: Updating a friend's contact card with their address. Siri can act on your behalf in apps like finding a specific photo in your library or making changes in the Notes App.

You can also type to Siri for requests and switch between text and voice.

The new Siri can offer Apple support if you need help with a feature on your iPad, iPhone or Mac.

With App Intents, third-party developers will be able to define what they want to allow Siri and Apple Intelligence to access — basically, this will help Siri and Apple Intelligence plug into apps and carry out more tasks.

Apple says 'on-device' AI processing helps keep things more private.

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Apple Intelligence will take action when prompted like "pull these files" "play the podcast my wife sent me." So how does it do it?

Apple is really emphasizing that Apple Intelligence can run on-device, meaning it's not outsourced to cloud servers. It's more private that way, Apple says.

But there are some tasks that will require a more complex AI model than what's possible to run on the chips within your device, in which case Apple will use some cloud processing. To do this the Apple way, Apple announces "Private Cloud Compute," which can draw on larger server-based AI models while also protecting your privacy. The cloud servers use Apple Silicon.

When you ask Apple Intelligence to do a task, the software will determine if the request can be processed on-device or if it will work with Apple's "Private Cloud Compute" servers.

If so, it will send only relevant data. Apple says this system is a "brand new standard" in AI privacy.

Craig is back to detail the new AI features.

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We're seeing some examples of how Apple Intelligence will be woven into Apple's apps.

Some examples of where you'll see the new AI features:

  • It can understand and create language and images
  • Language: Apple Intelligence will make day-to-day tasks easier, such as in your Mail app when emailing.
  • Apple Intelligence has writing tools that can rewrite and summarize text across Mail, Notes, and more apps
  • Images: Create "totally original images." Apple says. Create custom animated images of  people in your Photos (three styles sketch illustration, and animations)

Tim Cook returns and announces 'Apple Intelligence,' its generative AI system.

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Apple has been using "artificial intelligence and machine learning for years," Cook says. Apple's AI has to be powerful, intuitive, integrated, personal, and private, he adds.

It should be "Personal intelligence" instead of "artificial intelligence," Cook says, before a video plays to reveal the branding for Apple's AI: "Apple Intelligence."

Some new games are coming to Mac.

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Apple talks about gaming updates for Mac.

Apple isn't traditionally known for gaming, so it's always looking to remind people that yes, you can play modern games on Macs.

For example, "Assassin's Creed: Mirage" and "Assassin's Creed: Shadows" are coming to Mac.

The Game Porting Toolkit 2 will allow developers to create more games that are compatible with Mac.

Apple announces new 'Passwords' app and Safari updates.

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The new Passwords app lets you store and easily access your various passwords. It'll be available on iOS, Mac, iPad, and Vision Pro.

Apple didn't say as much, but this will compete directly against other password-storage apps, like LastPass and 1Password.

For Apple's internet browser, Safari, new updates include:

  • Backgrounds are coming to FaceTime for when you want to hide your environment
  • Safari Highlights feature makes it easier to check out new music, shows, and find important info on websites without having to search for it

Say hello to macOS Sequoia.

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Sequoia is the name of Apple's new software for your MacBook and Mac. A big theme is "iPhone Mirroring," which Apple says lets you control your iPhone by "barely lifting a finger" with a virtual version of your iPhone displayed on your Mac screen.

You can use your mouse to swipe on apps and your keyboard to type in text on your iPhone. Your iPhone notifications will be sent to your Mac too.

While using "iPhone Mirroring," your real-life iPhone remains locked.

Craig is back to talk about new iPad software.

how to close presentation speech

A lot of what we're seeing here echoes what we see in iOS 18. There's a more customizable home screen and Control Center.

But there are some specific iPadOS changes.

  • Floating tab bar (that can morph into a sidebar) that will make it easier to navigate within apps.
  • Shareplay: Screen sharing will now let you tap and draw on your screen. You'll be able to control someone else's device over shareplay (with permission).
  • There's (finally) an iPad Calculator app that isn't just the scaled-up iPhone version.
  • With Math Notes within the Calculator app or the Notes app, you can use the Apple Pencil to write out math problems for the calculator to help you solve, and easily add together sums and solve more complex equations with variables. Writing the equal sign will trigger the Calculator to give a solution to a math problem.
  • Smart Script is meant to supercharge your handwritten notes: the feature will use on-device machine learning to recognize your handwriting and clean it up. You can copy/paste and spellcheck notes in your own handwriting.

Next up, Apple Watch's new software features!

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There's a big emphasis on fitness/health here with the latest version of Apple's Watch's software, watchOS 11.

In watchOS 11, there's a new Training Load calculation.

You can rate your workouts and adjust your effort rating. This will then be used to help calculate your Training Load. The goal is to give you more insights to make adjustments to your training.

You can also adjust your goals on the day to day to make it easier or more challenging to close your rings — or take a day off without losing your streak.

The Vitals app is also here to track your vitals and "gain better context when it comes to your health."

The Health app will help users stay on top of their pregnancy with a period tracker and more info about how your body changes with pregnancy.

The Smart Stack is getting smarter. Translate languages quickly and use the "Check In" feature to let friends know you're safe, such as when you're out on a late-night workout with only your watch.

WatchOS 11 will also use machine learning to curate the best photos for your watch face.

tvOS is also getting some new features.

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With InSight, you can see the actors and song names while watching content on Apple TV+ — Prime Video users may recognize this.

Smart subtitles on Apple TV will also be available when you rewind back.

AirPods are getting some new gesture controls.

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AirPods will be able to respond to nonverbal gestures like nodding or shaking your head, so if you're in an elevator or somewhere you'd rather not respond to Siri verbally, you can shake your head or nod to respond without talking.

Voice Isolation is coming to AirPods Pro, removing the background noise around you to deliver "the best call quality," Apple says.

We see a quick demo of a conversation where an AirPods Pro wearer has a quiet phone call even while at a construction site.

iOS 18 brings 'biggest redesign ever to the Photos app'

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Finally! In iOS 18, there's a new Photos app designed to have a more effective way to organize your photos.

  • You can now filter your library to help find specific types of photos
  • Scroll up in Photo Library to see collections like "Recent days"
  • The new version includes groups of people when you search the "People and Pets" folder
  • A new carousel to easily find favorites and featured photos by swiping

'Tap to Cash' and new features to Mail and Maps.

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There are new ways to organize the Mail email app with categories like "transactions" and "sales and promotions."

You can also get all your flight information in one place with categorization.

Hiking trails are alos coming to Maps with custom hike capabilities.

Apple also announces "Tap to Cash," allowing iPhone users to exchange money phone-to-phone by tapping, like the Airdrop feature.

Messages is getting 'Tapbacks' and scheduling.

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Say hello to Tapbacks, which let you quickly react to a text message with more emojis than the old default "love, like, laugh, thumbs" reactions.

"People love" tapbacks, Apple says.

Messages are also getting text formatting and the ability to schedule texts.

There are also some new effects: In iOS 18, you can add effects like "shake or "bloom" to specific words in a text.

Messages sent via satellite for when you're in a remote area without service for iPhone 14 and later.

You can now "hide" the apps you don't want others to know you've downloaded.

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If you hide an app, you can lock it behind FaceID or passcode and have it not show up on the iPhone home screen — it'll be accessible in a hidden apps folder that's locked instead.

Next, it's time to hear about iOS 18.

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Craig is back to announce iOS 18, calling it a "big release."

There's new iPhone home screen customization that offers "exciting new ways to personalize your iPhone further," Craig says.

There are new ways to arrange apps so you can see your home screen and wallpaper background better.

App icons in dark mode are also getting a new look.

By holding down on the home screen you can now tint your app icons thanks to a new customization menu. iOS 18 will suggest a tint color but you can also dial things to your preference.

Control Center is also getting an overhaul — it's more powerful to let you add more controls and scroll to find them and lay them out how you'd like. You can now swap your camera or flashlight controls on the lockscreen for new ones, like the Notes app.

First up: Software updates to Apple's Vision Pro.

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The software that powers Apple's $3500 Vision Pro, visionOS, is getting a follow-up.

VisionOS 2 has some "big updates," Apple says.

In the Photos app, you can now turn old photos into spatial photos thanks to machine learning.

iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max owners will also be able to capture spatial videos for Vision Pro. And Canon will make a lens for the same use. There are also some new gesture controls for quickly accessing the menu. Amtrak riders, good news: Train support is coming to travel mode.

When connecting to your Mac, higher display resolution and overall size of the Mac display in the headset — think an ultrawide display wrapped around you — are on the way.

Tim Cook joins us from the top of the solar panel on Apple HQ.

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Cook welcomes everyone and talks about providing new tools for developers.

He mentions "profound new intelligence capabilities" that he hopes everyone will enjoy.

That sure sounds a lot like AI. But before we get there, Cook highlights Apple TV+ and some upcoming seasons, such as season 2 of "Severance," and a new movie "Wolfs," starring Brad Pitt and George Clooney. "We have so much to talk about today," Cook says. "We'll start with our OS announcements, and then we'll dive deeper into intelligence."

Here we go! The keynote is starting.

We're seeing a video playing with Apple exec Craig Federighi leading a team of employees skydiving into the event.

"It's showtime," he says, before dropping out of the plane.

You can watch the livestream right here too.

We're 10 minutes away from kickoff, and Apple will also be livestreaming the event if you want to tune in that way.

For those of you who can't listen or watch while at work, we'll also be liveblogging the entire event right here.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is here ... will he take the stage?

Sam Altman est bien présent sur place ! OpenAI devrait être au coeur d’iOS 18 :-) Le live sur Mac4Ever: Bravo à notre cher @clementsauvage pour le selfie :) Poke @samax @OpenAI — Mac4Ever (@Mac4ever) June 10, 2024

The OpenAI CEO was photographed by X user @Mac4Ever . He was also spotted by another X user at a table with Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak.

Apple has reportedly made a deal with OpenAI to bring some of its AI features to iPhones.

Now, the big question is whether Altman will take the stage himself at WWDC to talk about it, or if he's just there to watch with the rest of us.

Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak is in the house!

Steve "Woz" Wozniak was just spotted rocking some sunglasses at Apple HQ by software developer Marco Eidinger.

Woz is early for #WWDC24 — Marco Eidinger @WWDC24🧑🏻‍💻 (@MarcoEidinger) June 10, 2024

Woz has attended a bunch of Apple events in the past, including WWDC. Back in 2013, he was photographed at WWDC on a segway.

Tim Cook teased this WWDC will be a 'big one.'

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The Apple CEO met with student developers who won its Swift Student Challenge over the weekend and said as much.

Referencing WWDC, Cook reportedly said "it's a big one."

With less than 2 hours to go until he's expected to take the stage and kick things off in full, consider us hyped up, Mr. Cook.

Tim Cook is up early and ready to roll

The CEO started the big day by sharing a photo of the sunrise with an optimistic message attached.

"Can't wait for you to join us at #WWDC24 this morning," Cook wrote on X.

Can’t wait for you to join us at #WWDC24 this morning! — Tim Cook (@tim_cook) June 10, 2024

'Pent-up demand'

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No matter what Apple does actually announce at WWDC, it will be up to consumers to decide whether AI-based services are something they really want or need on their iPhones.

There's also a risk of annoying some iPhone owners who won't be able to use the new features because their devices aren't powerful enough.

However, getting people to buy a new iPhone is of course part of Apple's game plan. Wedbush analysts think " pent-up demand around an upgrade cycle could exceed 270 million iPhones heading into iPhone 16."

Words and pictures

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One rumor we're really hoping is on the money is automatic transcription for voice notes courtesy of AI. That's a feature available on the Google Pixel phone and other apps for some time now.

Apple is also going to let users create emojis on the fly using AI, according to Bloomberg.

'Which battles to fight'

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Apple's partnerships, like the rumored deal with OpenAI, are a way to pass on some of the costs and risks related to AI models, according to David Wagner of Apple shareholder Aptus Capital Advisors.

"Apple is passing off the liabilities of AI to a partner like OpenAI," he told The Wall Street Journal. "Apple knows which battles to fight and which ones not to fight. This isn't one they're fighting."

‘Apple Intelligence’

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The new AI operating system that will power iPhones, iPads and Macs is expected to be called "Apple Intelligence," Bloomberg reported .

The new features will also be optional for users, per the outlet.

'Out of the ditch'

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Apple is hoping to stimulate iPhone sales by adding AI features to its key product.

Trip Miller, managing partner at Apple investor Gullane Capital Partners, told The Wall Street Journal : " AI is the thing that can get Apple out of the ditch. They're this big behemoth. It takes a new story to get them moving in a new direction. AI is that opportunity for them."

Tim Cook’s keynote

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Tim Cook's keynote address at WWDC starts at 1 p.m. ET and will be between 90 minutes and two hours long. You can also watch it on the Apple TV app.

Apple shares are a touch higher in premarket trading and have added 6% this year.

However, that's a less impressive performance than Microsoft, which is up more than 14% and overtook Apple as the most valuable company back in January.

AI summarization tools on the cards

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Matthew Bloxham, a Bloomberg Intelligence analyst, is expecting AI summarization tools to be announced by Tim Cook.

He told Bloomberg TV: "Safari, which is their web browser, will do more intelligent summarization of things you've searched for. There might even be a AI-prompted reply for emails and messages, so lots of different features in all of their familiar apps just kind of enhancing them and elevating it to the next level."

Vision Pro headset was last year’s WWDC reveal

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CEO Tim Cook unveiled Apple's first mixed-reality headset, the Vision Pro, at last year's WWDC . It was the first major product announcement since the Apple Watch in 2014.

'AI-driven accelerated growth cycle'

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Wedbush Securities analysts including Dan Ives said in a note that the AI-infused products and services "will be the narrative of the Apple story for the coming years."

They predict a formal announcement of Apple's rumored partnership with OpenAI, which they think is a chatbot based on Apple LLMs and that an AI App Store will be unveiled.

They also think an AI-powered iPhone 16 launch could be on the cards this year too.

WWDC is Apple’s biggest conference

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The Worldwide Developers Conference is held by Apple every year. It starts with a keynote speech from CEO Tim Cook that's available to watch on .

WWDC is being held at Apple Park , its headquarters in Cupertino, California. It's colloquially called "the ring" or "the spaceship" because its giant circular design resembles a flying saucer.

Developers will attend various sessions at the conference, which runs until Friday.

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    There are two. The first close serves to wrap up the main portion of your presentation, after which you will open the floor to questions. The second close occurs after you answer the final question, allowing you to take back the floor one last time to deliver a closing thought. The First Close. Your first close begins once you conclude the main ...

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