My Mom Is My Inspiration

There are many people that have had an impact on my life and influenced me in many different ways. My mother, however, has had the biggest impact on my life, and influenced me more than anyone else. She has had an impact on me since the day I was born, and she still does today.

My mother is the reason I am who I am today. She taught me how to be strong and independent, yet also how to be caring and compassionate. She has always been there for me, even when no one else was. When I was in high school and going through some tough times, she was always there for me. She would listen to me, give me advice, and just be there for me. I don’t know what I would have done without her during those times.

My mother has also had a big impact on my happiness. Whenever I am feeling down, she knows how to make me feel better. She is always there for a hug or a chat when I need it. Even when she is having a tough day, she always takes the time to make sure I am okay. I know that I can always count on her to make me feel better.

My mother is my biggest inspiration. She has taught me so much and has always been there for me. I am who I am today because of her. She is the most important person in my life and I love her with all my heart.

I’m certain she had an impact on me before I could even talk by the way she looked after me as an infant. My mother has always been a Christian. Throughout my life, this has had a significant influence on me. Even though my mother was unaware of it, she still had an impact on me throughout high school. My mother may have influenced me when I was younger than that. I was young, but I am confident in saying that she impacted me.

She would always talk to me and try to get me to say things back. I don’t think I ever said anything back, but it did not matter to her. She kept trying anyway. When I was in high school, my mother had an impact on me even though I did not want her too. I was a teenager, and I thought I knew everything. I was wrong of course, but that is how most teenagers feel. My mother would always try to talk to me about my day and what was going on in my life. I would usually just brush her off, but she never gave up on me. She would always be there for me when I needed her. Even though I did not always show it, I appreciated everything she did for me.

My mother is the one person who has always been there for me. She is the one person who I can always count on no matter what. She is my inspiration and my role model. I am who I am today because of her. I love my mother with all of my heart, and I know she loves me too.

She would come over once I started to cry and see what I needed. She would change my diaper if it was necessary, or she would feed me if that was what I desired. If there was anything else wrong with me, she would certainly discover it. She wouldn’t give up until I stopped crying. If my mother had left me screaming in my crib for hours, I would have recognized her indifference quickly.

But she never left me crying for very long. She would always come to see what I needed, and try to make me happy again.

My mother was also the one who taught me how to walk and talk. Whenever I took my first steps, or said my first words, she was always there to encourage me. She would clap and cheer for me, and tell me how proud she was of me. Even when I was having a tough time learning something new, she would never give up on me. She would always find a way to help me understand it better.

My mother has always been the happiest person I know. No matter what was going on in her life, she would always try to make the best of it. She would always find something to smile about. Even when she was going through some tough times, she would never let it get her down for long. She would always pick herself back up and keep going.

My mother is the reason why I am the person I am today. She has always been my biggest inspiration. I have always looked up to her and tried to be like her in everything I do. I hope that someday I can make her proud of me, just like she has always made me proud of her.

My mother made her way through the storm, undeterred by the growing darkness and violence in the sky. My mother was eager to go out again, barely anyone knew that she was going somewhere so far. She was heading to areas of the province distant from civilization to conduct business. Despite being in her 40s, my mother had to work hard every day to support our family and earn a living.

In my memory, my mother always went to bed late and woke up early. She was busy with her work all day long. In the morning, she prepared breakfast for us and then took us to school. After work, she often went to the market to buy food for our family. Sometimes she came home late at night, but she never complained. Seeing her hard work, I felt very ashamed and did not want to be lazy anymore.

My mother is a high school graduate. However, due to financial difficulties, she could not continue her studies after graduation. Even so, my mother has always been a very happy person. When I was young, every time I saw my friends going out with their mothers, I always felt very jealous. I wished I could have a mother like them who could spend more time with me and take me out to play.

Now that I am grown up, I understand why my mother was always so busy. She was working hard to provide for our family and give us a better life. Whenever I see her working so hard, I am filled with gratitude for everything she has done for me. I am also more determined than ever to make her proud of me.

My mother is my inspiration. She has taught me the importance of hard work and perseverance. No matter what challenges we face in life, I know that as long as we work hard and never give up, we will eventually achieve our goals.

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“My mother is my role model, she inspires and motivates me to grow without any barriers”

Children with disabilities, global youth ambassadors, diksha dinde, diksha dinde, a 23-year-old student and activist from india, tells how her mother is her role model and the reason she was able to get an education and fulfil her potential..

Super humans. We read about them, watch them and admire them in the virtual world – but I live with a superhuman. She is my mother.

I am Diksha Dinde, a 23-year-old student and activist from India. I am 84% differently abled, trying to break the stereotypes related to disabled people. 

Be it teaching underprivileged children from the slums near where I live or raising awareness to break taboos around menstruation, I have been doing my part to make this world a better place to live.

My mother, Mrs Chitrarekha Dinde, is my role model. She inspires and motivates me to grow without any barriers. It seems to me that this woman looks at life as a challenge and wholeheartedly intends to seize the day every day.     My mother looked after me and supported me in every part of my life. Right from childhood she has been with me like my shadow. It had been riddled with hurdles and difficulties, but she has managed to cross them all to because of the amazing and independent person she is.

Being physically challenged I am not able to move by myself and because of this I have not been able to do daily routine activities since childhood. At the beginning this was a hardship for my mother, but she was determined to make it work. 

She not only helped me whenever I needed but she also taught me to help myself. She taught me to keep myself clean and neat, how to eat and how to know how much to eat.  She says, “a child does not learn from what parents say but from what parents do”.  

I have had three operations and various therapies on my spine but none have been successful. I was rejected from schools because of their lack of infrastructure and facilities. I was finally admitted to one school. 

My mother had to be there with me the whole day, but at the same time she also had to handle our home life. So she started tailoring and working during school hours. That is how she was able to satisfy financial needs in the home. 

Now I’ve graduated in Business Administration and I’m pursuing a Masters.

Whenever I look at my mother I see an ordinary person but when I think about what she does and how she does it she becomes divine and the reason of my smile! 

The experience of my life so far has truly brought things into perspective. My mother has taught me that hard times can be overcome and that losing battles can be won. She has taught me more than I could have learnt from any book. 

She sets an inspirational example to me teaching me how to live life and make wise choices, even in the most uncertain situations.

I respect her a lot. She is my inspiration, my role model.

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College Essay: How My Mother Inspires Me

Marco Beltran Galan

I remember my childhood fondly: looking out the window at a beautiful lake, watching the latest Nickelodeon cartoons on a big flat screen TV, driving an ATV through a muddy forest, and eating snacks from a huge  stainless steel  fridge.  

That’s all true – but none of those things were mine. All of them belonged to kids of rich white people whose homes my mother had to clean.  

My mother came to the United States from Mexico in her early twenties, looking for a superior way of life than what she had living on the outskirts of Morelos, Mexico. In the U.S., she took the only jobs she could get – cleaning other people’s houses. She did that day after day, week after week, year after year, to support me and my three younger siblings.  

The lake view was from a house that my mom had to clean to pay our rent. The flat screen TV belonged to the child of the woman whose windows my mom had to clean to pay our electric bill. The ATV I loved to drive in the woods and the fridge where I got snacks belonged to a kid I met when I helped my mom clean his mother’s house every Saturday to buy a week’s groceries.  

When I started to feel sorry for myself because I didn’t own these amenities, I would think of my beautiful mother. As I saw her do backbreaking work, day in day out, sacrificing herself for me and my siblings – giving up any life of her own – I would think, “My mom doesn’t deserve to suffer like this. I need to do more. I need to sacrifice too.”    

So  I gradually gave up sports and friends to help around the house and care for my younger brothers and sister. And our frequent moves to cheaper housing meant adapting to new  schools  multiple times, saying goodbye to old friends and trying to make new ones.  

It wasn’t always easy, but whenever I thought, “Why me? Why does my life have to be difficult?” I thought about my mom. Even with my learning disability (ADD) and  d epression, I pushed forward, just like I saw my mother do with her suffering.   

I pushed forward dealing with frustration, asking for extra help from my teachers and holding in my thoughts and feelings. I knew the only way I could do more and be successful was by working harder on my academics. I remember my body enduring long nights of trying to complete and understand my school material.  

Through all of these difficulties, my mom has been my greatest inspiration. She’s been my biggest fan and supporter. She’s taught me by her example that I need to sacrifice for others and for myself to persevere in the face of adversity. The things I learned from her example will make me a more determined student in college and a contributor to my college community. My goals for the future are to get a college degree, establish a career and to become a greater contributor to society by giving back to my community, the Mexican-American community.  

With my determination to succeed in college, the pinnacle of my success will be when I will walk upon the stage, smiling cheek to cheek, receiving my degree that I worked hard for, and then gazing out into the crowd to find my mother applauding with tears running down her face.  

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