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Case Study on MIS: Information System in Restaurant

Case Summary:

A waiter takes an order at a table, and then enters it online via one of the six terminals located in the restaurant dining room. The order is routed to a printer in the appropriate preparation area: the cold item printer if it is a salad , the hot-item printer if it is a hot sandwich or the bar printer if it is a drink . A customer’s meal check-listing (bill) the items ordered and the respective prices are automatically generated. This ordering system eliminates the old three-carbon-copy guest check system as well as any problems caused by a waiter’s handwriting. When the kitchen runs out of a food item, the cooks send out an ‘out of stock’ message, which will be displayed on the dining room terminals when waiters try to order that item. This gives the waiters faster feedback, enabling them to give better service to the customers. Other system features aid management in the planning and control of their restaurant business. The system provides up-to-the-minute information on the food items ordered and breaks out percentages showing sales of each item versus total sales. This helps management plan menus according to customers’ tastes. The system also compares the weekly sales totals versus food costs, allowing planning for tighter cost controls. In addition, whenever an order is voided, the reasons for the void are keyed in. This may help later in management decisions, especially if the voids consistently related to food or service. Acceptance of the system by the users is exceptionally high since the waiters and waitresses were involved in the selection and design process. All potential users were asked to give their impressions and ideas about the various systems available before one was chosen.

Management Information System in Restaurant Case Study

  • In the light of the system, describe the decisions to be made in the area of strategic planning , managerial control and operational control? What information would you require to make such decisions?
  • What would make the system a more complete MIS rather than just doing transaction processing?
  • Explain the probable effects that making the system more formal would have on the customers and the management.

Solution of Management Information System in Restaurant Case Study:

1. A management information system (MIS) is an organized combination of people, hardware, communication networks and data sources that collects, transforms and distributes information in an organization. An MIS helps decision making by providing timely, relevant and accurate information to managers. The physical components of an MIS include hardware, software, database, personnel and procedures.

Management information is an important input for efficient performance of various managerial functions at different organization levels. The information system facilitates decision making. Management functions include planning, controlling and decision making. Decision making is the core of management and aims at selecting the best alternative to achieve an objective. The decisions may be strategic, tactical or technical. Strategic decisions are characterized by uncertainty. They are future oriented and relate directly to planning activity. Tactical decisions cover both planning and controlling. Technical decisions pertain to implementation of specific tasks through appropriate technology. Sales region analysis, cost analysis, annual budgeting, and relocation analysis are examples of decision-support systems and management information systems.

There are 3 areas in the organization. They are strategic, managerial and operational control.

Strategic decisions are characterized by uncertainty. The decisions to be made in the area of strategic planning are future oriented and relate directly to planning activity. Here basically planning for future that is budgets, target markets, policies, objectives etc. is done. This is basically a top level where up-to-the minute information on the food items ordered and breaks out percentages showing sales of each item versus total sales is provided. The top level where strategic planning is done compares the weekly sales totals versus food costs, allowing planning for tighter cost controls. Executive support systems function at the strategic level, support unstructured decision making, and use advanced graphics and communications. Examples of executive support systems include sales trend forecasting, operating plan development, budget forecasting , profit planning , and manpower planning .

The decisions to be made in the area of managerial control are largely dependent upon the information available to the decision makers. It is basically a middle level where planning of menus is done and whenever an order is voided, the reasons for the void are keyed in which later helps in management decisions, especially if the voids are related to food or service. The managerial control that is middle level also gets customer feedback and is responsible for customer satisfaction.

The decisions to be made in the area of operational control pertain to implementation of specific tasks through appropriate technology. This is basically a lower level where the waiter takes the order and enters it online via one of the six terminals located in the restaurant dining room and the order is routed to a printer in the appropriate preparation area. The item’s ordered list and the respective prices are automatically generated. The cooks send ‘out of stock’ message when the kitchen runs out of a food item, which is basically displayed on the dining room terminals when waiter tries to order that item. This basically gives the waiters faster feedback, enabling them to give better service to the customers. Transaction processing systems function at the operational level of the organization. Examples of transaction processing systems include order tracking, order processing, machine control, plant scheduling, compensation, and securities trading.

The information required to make such decision must be such that it highlights the trouble spots and shows the interconnections with the other functions. It must summarize all information relating to the span of control of the manager. The information required to make these decisions can be strategic, tactical or operational information.

Advantages of an online computer system:

  • Eliminates carbon copies
  • Waiters’ handwriting issues
  • Out-of-stock message
  • Faster feedback, helps waiters to service the customers

Advantages to management:

  • Sales figures and percentages item-wise
  • Helps in planning the menu
  • Cost accounting details

2. If the management provides sufficient incentive for efficiency and results to their customers, it would make the system a more complete MIS and so the MIS should support this culture by providing such information which will aid the promotion of efficiency in the management services and operational system. It is also necessary to study the keys to successful Executive Information System (EIS) development and operation. Decision support systems would also make the system a complete MIS as it constitutes a class of computer-based information systems including knowledge-based systems that support decision-making activities. DSSs serve the management level of the organization and help to take decisions, which may be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance.

Improving personal efficiency, expediting problem solving (speed up the progress of problems solving in an organization), facilitating interpersonal communication, promoting learning and training, increasing organizational control, generating new evidence in support of a decision, creating a competitive advantage over competition, encouraging exploration and discovery on the part of the decision maker, revealing new approaches to thinking about the problem space and helping automate the managerial processes would make the system a complete MIS rather than just doing transaction processing.

3. The management system should be an open system and MIS should be so designed that it highlights the critical business, operational, technological and environmental changes to the concerned level in the management, so that the action can be taken to correct the situation. To make the system a success, knowledge will have to be formalized so that machines worldwide have a shared and common understanding of the information provided. The systems developed will have to be able to handle enormous amounts of information very fast.

An organization operates in an ever-increasing competitive, global environment. Operating in a global environment requires an organization to focus on the efficient execution of its processes, customer service, and speed to market. To accomplish these goals, the organization must exchange valuable information across different functions, levels, and business units. By making the system more formal, the organization can more efficiently exchange information among its functional areas, business units, suppliers, and customers.

As the transactions are taking place every day, the system stores all the data which can be used later on when the hotel is in need of some financial help from financial institutes or banks. As the inventory is always entered into the system, any frauds can be easily taken care of and if anything goes missing then it can be detected through the system.

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5 thoughts on “ Case Study on MIS: Information System in Restaurant ”

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A small company has for some years being using a manual system for processing of billing, payment of creditors and payroll system. The company is considering purchasing a computer on which it will run these application and others that it will develop in the near future. You have been asked to prepare a report on the implication of this proposed course of action.

1. Identify and describe six major issues which would be considered in an investigation of the feasibility of the proposal. 2. Suggest the outline structure of the report.

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Latest commit, file metadata and controls, design a restaurant management system, let's design a restaurant management system.

We'll cover the following:

System Requirements

Use case diagram, class diagram, activity diagrams.

A Restaurant Management System is a software built to handle all restaurant activities in an easy and safe manner. This System will give the Restaurant management power and flexibility to manage the entire system from a single portal. The system allows the manager to keep track of available tables in the system as well as the reservation of tables and bill generation.

Restaurant Management System

We will focus on the following set of requirements while designing the Restaurant Management System:

  • The restaurant will have different branches.
  • Each restaurant branch will have a menu.
  • The menu will have different menu sections, containing different menu items.
  • The waiter should be able to create an order for a table and add meals for each seat.
  • Each meal can have multiple meal items. Each meal item corresponds to a menu item.
  • The system should be able to retrieve information about tables currently available to seat walk-in customers.
  • The system should support the reservation of tables.
  • The receptionist should be able to search for available tables by date/time and reserve a table.
  • The system should allow customers to cancel their reservation.
  • The system should be able to send notifications whenever the reservation time is approaching.
  • The customers should be able to pay their bills through credit card, check or cash.
  • Each restaurant branch can have multiple seating arrangements of tables.

Here are the main Actors in our system:

Receptionist: Mainly responsible for adding and modifying tables and their layout, and creating and canceling table reservations. Waiter: To take/modify orders. Manager: Mainly responsible for adding new workers and modifying the menu. Chef: To view and work on an order. Cashier: To generate checks and process payments. System: Mainly responsible for sending notifications about table reservations, cancellations, etc.

Here are the top use cases of the Restaurant Management System:

  • Add/Modify tables: To add, remove, or modify a table in the system.
  • Search tables: To search for available tables for reservation.
  • Place order: Add a new order in the system for a table.
  • Update order: Modify an already placed order, which can include adding/modifying meals or meal items.
  • Create a reservation: To create a table reservation for a certain date/time for an available table.
  • Cancel reservation: To cancel an existing reservation.
  • Check-in: To let the guest check in for their reservation.
  • Make payment: Pay the check for the food.

Here is the use case diagram of our Restaurant Management System:

Here is the description of the different classes of our Restaurant Management System:

  • Restaurant: This class represents a restaurant. Each restaurant has registered employees. The employees are part of the restaurant because if the restaurant becomes inactive, all its employees will automatically be deactivated.
  • Branch: Any restaurants can have multiple branches. Each branch will have its own set of employees and menus.
  • Menu: All branches will have their own menu.
  • MenuSection and MenuItem: A menu has zero or more menu sections. Each menu section consists of zero or more menu items.
  • Table and TableSeat: The basic building block of the system. Every table will have a unique identifier, maximum sitting capacity, etc. Each table will have multiple seats.
  • Order: This class encapsulates the order placed by a customer.
  • Meal: Each order will consist of separate meals for each table seat.
  • Meal Item: Each Meal will consist of one or more meal items corresponding to a menu item.
  • Account: We’ll have different types of accounts in the system, one will be a receptionist to search and reserve tables and the other, the waiter will place orders in the system.
  • Notification: Will take care of sending notifications to customers.
  • Bill: Contains different bill-items for every meal item.

Restaurant Management System Class Diagram

Place order: Any waiter can perform this activity. Here are the steps to place an order:

Make a reservation: Any receptionist can perform this activity. Here are the steps to make a reservation:

Cancel a reservation: Any receptionist can perform this activity. Here are the steps to cancel a reservation:

Here is the high-level definition for the classes described above.

Enums, data types, and constants: Here are the required enums, data types, and constants:

Account, Person, Employee, Receptionist, Manager, and Chef: These classes represent the different people that interact with our system:

Restaurant, Branch, Kitchen, TableChart: These classes represent the top-level classes of the system

Table, TableSeat, and Reservation: Each table can have multiple seats and customers can make reservations for tables:

Menu, MenuSection, and MenuItem: Each restaurant branch will have its own menu, each menu will have multiple menu sections, which will contain menu items:

Order, Meal, and MealItem: Each order will have meals for table seats:

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With R365 Store Operations, your back office seamlessly connects to the front-of-house to drive margins with real-time inventory, automated purchasing, forecasting, recipes, data-driven scheduling, and seamless shift-to-shift communication.

case study on restaurant management system

Automate Inventory to Control Costs

Simplify inventory counting, easily transfer inventory, and break down menu item costs to spot and take action on problems or opportunities.

  • Automate item and recipe costing.
  • Track item transfers efficiently.
  • Spot patterns in food waste.
  • See real-time actual versus theoretical food costs.

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purchasing and receiving

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Save on Cost of Goods Sold and increase efficiency by automating your purchasing and receiving processes.

  • Use shopping lists for easy ordering.
  • Buy only what you need with purchase orders.
  • Reconcile vendor invoices.


Forecast with precision.

Confidently predict your labor and inventory needs, whether it’s Super Bowl Sunday or a quiet Monday.

  • Use data to forecast Prime Cost.
  • Build accurate budgets.
  • Align your team around a strategy.

case study on restaurant management system

Take Control of Your Commissary

Commissary ensures consistent food production and uniform use of ingredients across your restaurant locations.

  • Simplify catalog management.
  • Use pre-built order guides or create your own.
  • Manage your commissary kitchen with ease.
  • Add a new revenue stream by selling items to third parties.

Cook Up Winning Recipes

Gain control of your kitchen operations, sales, and bottom line with recipes that specify how much of each ingredient should be in each dish.

  • Build custom recipes based on your menu.
  • Track actual versus theoretical usage to spot waste and errors.
  • Identify your biggest winners and losers.

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Empower Managers To Win

Keep your teams in sync on daily activities, customer issues, maintenance problems, and more.

  • Easily search Logbook for what's important.
  • @Mention teammates for follow up.
  • Keep in touch on-the-go.
  • Automate task lists.
  • Report what matters after every shift.

Schedule Strategically

Create schedules faster and optimize labor costs across multiple locations by predicting needs based on historical sales.

  • Simplify scheduling and employee engagement.
  • Monitor overtime and control labor costs.
  • Make informed decisions with labor data and metrics.

case study on restaurant management system

Restaurant Management System  

Restaurant businesses juggle various tasks throughout each day. While many restaurant teams want to prioritize guests, the manual tasks involved in maintaining a restaurant are challenging and time-consuming. Restaurant owners have to manage invoices, store operations , customers, and a large team of employees to ensure everything runs smoothly . Because of this, there is a significant risk of manual errors that would inhibit the restaurant’s overall growth. Therefore, restaurant businesses will find considerable advantages when implementing a restaurant management system like Restaurant365 .  

If you have never heard of restaurant management systems, you are not alone. Many restaurant owners are unaware of the benefits of restaurant management system software. For this reason, it is essential to seek a restaurant management system introduction to gain valuable knowledge about navigating this type of software. Among the various objectives of restaurant management system software are:  

  • Integration with your POS, banks, vendors, and other suppliers  
  • Accurate accounting with detailed sales and labor data  
  • Automatic daily sales and accrual journal entries  
  • More time to prioritize customers and optimize performance  
  • Elimination of manual errors  
  • Up-to-date information about employee performance  
  • Tracking for inventory, labor, and scheduling purposes  
  • Streamlined administrative work

These are only some of the various restaurant management system features found on Restaurant365’s platform. Restaurant365 is a cloud-based platform and one of the most advanced restaurant management system example solutions available to restaurant owners. Restaurant365 is vital for accounting and operations solutions within a restaurant, and the software allows restaurant businesses to manage their back office productivity from a single system. A high-quality restaurant management system project database design such as Restaurant365 can help you streamline your work tasks through seamless integration with POS, payroll , banking, vendors, and more. Ultimately, Restaurant365’s cloud-based platform makes it easier for you to improve visibility and control to boost your bottom line. If you are concerned about the limitations of restaurant management system capabilities, then it is important to find high-quality platforms that do not have these limitations.  

Unlike some other systems you may come across in your search for restaurant management software, Restaurant365 offers an all-in-one accounting, store operations, and workforce solution for restaurants. Restaurant365 has features with accounting, store operations, workforce management, as well as reporting and business intelligence, among many other functions. The team of restaurant business experts at Restaurant365 will provide your business with the most valuable tools for your restaurant, boosting performance and customer satisfaction.  

Restaurant Table Management Software  

The most important part of any successful restaurant business is keeping the customers happy and the employees efficient and focused. Providing excellent customer service within a restaurant means that you will need a deep understanding of managing tables in your restaurant. Manually managing tables can be confusing and result in poor performance. Given this, your restaurant should take advantage of an open-source restaurant management system with restaurant table management software.  

A restaurant management system project like Restaurant365 is vital to fostering an efficient work environment at your restaurant. Restaurant365 offers tools for restaurant management system documentation, and these tools play a role in high-quality table management. When considering restaurant table management software, you should ensure that the software can help you streamline processes such as scheduling and turning tables. Additionally, your restaurant management software should provide key analytics and reports that offer valuable insights on how you can improve customer experiences and meet customer expectations.   

Along with table management software, restaurant businesses will want to implement a system that improves store operations as a whole. Restaurant365’s cloud-based platform provides easy access to restaurant management system documentation. Instead of manually managing documents that have key information regarding accounting and store operations, turning to a platform that collects accurate data like Restaurant365 is essential. With restaurant table management software specifically, your restaurant business will have the ability to view your floor plan and manage guests. Table management software helps you seat new guests and follow a comprehensive floor plan system to track tables, guests, and staff.  

Restaurant365’s table features help you and your team create positive restaurant experiences through an efficient management system that allows your staff to reach new heights in their performance and show their potential. Additionally, Restaurant365’s software improves visibility, simplifies day-to-day operations, and lowers your inventory and labor costs.  

Restaurant Management Software  

All restaurant businesses can benefit from restaurant management software. Restaurant365 provides restaurants with numerous tools that help businesses manage daily operations. Restaurant365 offers restaurants some of the best restaurant management software available. Because the team at Restaurant365 is highly experienced in the restaurant industry, the tools provided by Restaurant365’s platform are essential to have complete control over your business operations.   

Restaurant365 offers restaurant management software for numerous purposes, primarily accounting, store operations, and workforce management. Restaurant365’s restaurant management app makes it simple for you to manage your restaurant business from anywhere through the cloud-based platform. This is especially valuable for restaurant business owners managing various restaurants at a time from different locations. Through Restaurant365’s app, restaurant business leaders have constant and secure access to performance-boosting features and sales data to determine any weaknesses in their business.  

Restaurant365 is an essential option for restaurant management software. Open-source platforms are another way to ensure the best possible performance from you and your team, as they can be altered and perfected to fit the exact needs of your restaurant business. However, they lack the support and functionality of a comprehensive, enterprise-ready solution like Restaurant365. With Restaurant365’s all-in-one management software and cloud-based platform, you can simplify your restaurant’s daily operations and take control over back-office operations . Additionally, Restaurant365 is a valuable option for restaurant businesses seeking high-quality management software because it covers the essential aspects of running a restaurant business. Restaurant365 offers extensive resources for restaurant businesses and owners, providing you with key insights that can help you understand where you should focus your attention to shift your business strategies.  

Ultimately, Restaurant365 is integral to gaining control over all your business operations. Having the ability to constantly access essential documents and data related to your restaurant business is crucial to ensuring high-quality performance and customer satisfaction. Restaurant365’s management software is unique because it is the all-in-one stop for everything you need to successfully manage restaurants with an effective workforce solution.  

Restaurant Software Systems  

Successfully managing your restaurant business will require thorough research into a restaurant software system that offers features suited to your specific business. Though you might find different restaurant software systems on the market, not all are built the same. For instance, Restaurant365 is unique because its cloud-based platform offers unique, all-in-one solutions for accounting store operations and workforce management. As a restaurant management system website and mobile app, Restaurant365 is accessible anytime, no matter where you are. This is crucial for any issues your business faces when you are not present at the location.  

Restaurant365 is valued by many restaurant owners because it streamlines daily activities through a comprehensive restaurant management system. Open-source platforms like Restaurant365 are unique to your business, with custom reports aimed at driving improvement, growth, and expansion. Restaurant businesses struggling to effectively manage all of the day-to-day operations of a restaurant team should seek out professional software like Restaurant365 to improve their operations, thereby improving customer experience and overall revenue. Restaurant365 does not come with any additional charge for POS integration and instead provides direct integration in numerous point-of-sale systems. These integrations include POS systems and an open-source food ordering system, along with various other assets used in your restaurant business. Furthermore, Restaurant365’s partner ecosystem is a crucial aspect of its restaurant software system. Restaurant365 is bolstered by a robust partner ecosystem, and its software connects with over 400 vendor, technology, channel, and service partners. Restaurant365 is crucial to restaurant businesses looking to improve sales, control food costs, and optimize labor.  

Restaurant Management System App  

One of the primary advantages of using Restaurant365 to manage your restaurant business is the software’s restaurant management system app . Restaurant365’s software is crucial because it can be accessed from anywhere at any time. As one of the best free apps for restaurant managers, Restaurant365 holds a variety of purposes aimed at simplifying and streamlining your workflow. For instance, Restaurant365’s restaurant task management app allows you to regularly view sales and labor data. Restaurant365’s mobile app allows you to easily access your daily sales summary (DSS) when you are not present at a specific restaurant location.   

Restaurant365 is the best restaurant management software for many reasons. Another key benefit of Restaurant365’s app is the ability to view invoices at any time to continuously monitor accounts payable . Restaurant owners can approve or reject any accounts payable transactions with Restaurant365’s restaurant management app. Android and Apple devices both offer free downloads of the Restaurant365 mobile app. Furthermore, Restaurant365’s app makes it easy for you to manage your inventory wherever you are, making it possible to control your food and inventory costs and transfer food items between stores on the go. Restaurant365 is also accessible to restaurant businesses online without the app for owners that prefer using their desktop computers to manage in-restaurant tasks.  

If you are seeking the top 10 restaurant management software options available to you, then you will want to keep in mind the vital features your restaurant business requires. As you continue learning about this type of software, consider the plentiful tools provided by Restaurant365’s restaurant experts.

Accounting and Payroll Software | Accounts Payable Process | Best Inventory Management Software | Best Restaurant Management Software | Food Inventory Management | Inventory Management | Inventory Management Software | Inventory Tracking Software | Kitchen Operations | Kitchen Operations Checklist | Online Restaurant Management  System | Restaurant Management | Restaurant Management System | Restaurant Software Systems | Restaurant Staffing | Restaurant Staffing App | Restaurant Staffing Guide | Workforce Payroll  

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case study on restaurant management system

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case study on restaurant management system

Restaurant Time Savings Assessment

case study on restaurant management system

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  • Corpus ID: 145041328

Smart service systems in restaurant management: a case study analysis

  • A. Botti , Mara Grimaldi , +1 author Massimiliano Vesci
  • Published 2017
  • Business, Computer Science

Tables from this paper

table 1

3 Citations

Smart city as a service system: a framework to improve smart service management, social innovation in smart tourism ecosystems: how technology and institutions shape sustainable value co-creation, sustainable value co-creation and digital health: the case of trentino ehealth ecosystem, 43 references, electronic meal experience: a content analysis of online restaurant comments, how service innovation contributes to co-create value in service networks, a re-conceptualization of port supply chain management according to the service dominant logic perspective: a case study approach, the role of technology in restaurant revenue management, service-dominant logic as a foundation for service science: clarifications, value co-creation;, what makes a useful online review implication for travel product websites., enhancing place reputation of local service systems in the performing arts perspective. an analysis of regional cases, online service quality dimensions and their relationships with satisfaction: a content analysis of customer reviews of securities brokerage services, the re-conceptualization of the port supply chain as a smart port service system: the case of the port of salerno.

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A Case Study in the Design of a Restaurant Management System

A Case Study in the Design of a Restaurant Management System

Education | Engineering | FECS 2010 | Sift Skills | Software |

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11 Feb 2011
11 Feb 2011
Wesley Williams, Devon Simmonds

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Success Story

Developing a restaurant management system for an african fintech firm, about the client.

Intouch logo

InTouch is a Pan-Africa fintech firm specializing in payment solutions and digital service aggregation. They offer a single-account, multi-channel, and modular payment system that supports over 3,000 businesses and 60,000 TouchPoints in 16 countries. InTouch's comprehensive solution includes payment acceptance, loyalty programs, digital credit, real-time reporting, mass payment, invoicing, deferred payment options, and intercontinental settlement, ensuring secure and efficient transactions across Africa.

Services Used

POS system development

Business Situation

Having solidified their presence in the digital payment space, InTouch identified another opportunity for expansion within the African market. Despite the widespread adoption of digital solutions in various sectors, the hospitality industry, particularly restaurants, continued to struggle with manual processes for table reservations and food ordering. These traditional methods often resulted in long waiting times, and errors in booking management. Moreover, the absence of digital food ordering platforms limits customer convenience and hampers revenue generation potential for restaurants.

Recognizing this untapped market potential, InTouch sought to leverage its expertise and expand its services into the hospitality industry. The aim was to disrupt the status quo by introducing a comprehensive digital solution tailored specifically for restaurants. This solution, named “Restopay”, would empower restaurants to modernize their operations and better cater to the evolving needs of their customers.

In pursuit of this vision, the client sought a strategic technology partner with a keen understanding of the African market dynamics. After thorough consideration of various options, they selected Daffodil Software due to its proven track record, flexible approach, and expertise in key areas such as restaurant management systems, payment gateway integrations, and process automation.

Through collaborative brainstorming sessions, Daffodil Software and the client outlined a comprehensive set of requirements, which included:

Developing an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface for the Restopay, catering to both restaurant staff and customers.

Implementing a robust reservation management system that allows restaurants to efficiently manage table bookings, including real-time updates and customer preferences management.

Integrating a digital menu feature within the app that enables restaurants to showcase their offerings with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and pricing information.

Developing a streamlined order management system that facilitates order processing, tracking, and fulfillment.

Integrating Intouch payment gateway solution to enable seamless and secure transactions within the Restopay.

Implementing advanced analytics and reporting capabilities to provide restaurants with valuable insights into their operations and customer behavior.

Creating a centralized dashboard for restaurant owners and administrators to monitor and manage various aspects of their operations.

The Solution

The project began with our collaborative ‘Discover and Frame Workshop’ where the Daffodil’s business analyst team and Intouch SaS team engaged deeply to outline the product’s vision and specific needs. This workshop was vital in laying a solid foundation for the project, ensuring that the product blueprint was precisely tailored to the client’s objectives.

After this initial step, our product designers conducted in-depth user research to understand the behaviors, needs, and pain points of the target audience. After mapping out the entire user journey, they developed interactive prototypes to visualize the layout, flow, and functionality of the platform.

Following this, our software architects worked on outlining the optimal architecture of the platform. They focused on making sure it would provide scalability and security, taking into account all the technical aspects.

Keeping in view the client’s future expansion plans, business model, and service offerings, our team came up with the most efficient technology stack for the restaurant management solution – Angular for the frontend, Java for the backend, MySQL for the database management system and Firebase for efficient and real-time data retrieval at client and waiter app.

The solution we designed was focused on making restaurant management easier, allowing owners to streamline workflows and improve the dining experience. The key features included:

The solution offered a robust reservation management system that allowed customers to book tables in advance. The system provided a seamless interface for checking table availability, selecting preferred dining times, and making reservations. Restaurant staff could view and manage these reservations in real-time, ensuring optimal seating arrangements and reducing wait times. Additionally, the system generated unique reservation codes and offered filters for viewing reservations based on date, time, and status (e.g., active, canceled, completed).

Reservation management- Intouch

The food ordering feature allowed customers to browse the menu, customize their orders, and place them directly through the application. The system supports multiple menus, such as breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and allows for dynamic updates to the menu items. Customers could see detailed descriptions and images of dishes, select portion sizes, and add side dishes or drinks to their orders. The backend tracked order statuses, enabling staff to update customers on the progress of their orders in real-time. Additionally, the system supported various payment methods, including cash and online payments, with options for split and multiple payments.

Developing food ordering system

For establishments offering room service, the solution integrated a dedicated module to handle room service orders efficiently. Guests could place orders from their rooms using the application, specifying their room number and desired delivery time. The system flagged these orders for the waitstaff, ensuring prompt delivery. The interface included options for guests to request additional services or amenities, enhancing the overall guest experience. Room service orders were seamlessly integrated with the hotel’s billing system, allowing for accurate and timely billing.

Delivery management- Intouch

The platform included a feature for planned order management, enabling customers to schedule orders in advance. This was particularly useful for events or special occasions where precise timing was crucial. Users could select their desired dishes, set the delivery or service time, and make any special requests or instructions. The system ensured that these orders were highlighted for the kitchen and waitstaff, guaranteeing timely preparation and delivery. This feature also included reminders and notifications for both staff and customers to ensure smooth execution.

Designing planned order management

The delivery management system was designed to handle both in-house and third-party deliveries efficiently. Customers could place delivery orders through the app, entering their address and contact information. The system generated a unique QR code for each delivery, which was used to track the order status and ensure accurate delivery. Restaurant staff could assign orders to delivery personnel, track their progress in real-time, and update customers on the delivery status.

Designing delivery management

The admin panel, built using JetAdmin, provided a comprehensive dashboard for managing all aspects of the restaurant operations. Administrators could view detailed analytics on orders, reservations, and customer feedback. The panel included tools for menu management, allowing admins to update menu items, prices, and availability easily. It also supported staff management, enabling the assignment of roles and responsibilities, monitoring performance, and handling payroll. The system was designed with robust security features to protect sensitive information and ensure compliance with industry standards.

designed robust admin panel

The chef portal was a crucial component of the solution, designed to streamline kitchen operations and improve communication between the kitchen staff and the front-of-house team. Chefs could view incoming orders in real-time, organized by priority and preparation time. The system allowed chefs to update the status of each dish, from preparation to completion, providing a clear view of the kitchen’s workflow. This ensured that the kitchen operated efficiently and that all dishes were prepared to the highest standards.

Chef portal - Intouch

The waiter portal was designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the restaurant staff in delivering top-notch service. Waiters could use the portal to view active tables, manage orders, and update the status of each table. The system provided tools for adding special requests, handling split bills, and managing tips. The portal also enabled waiters to communicate directly with the kitchen and management, ensuring that any issues or special requests were promptly addressed. By integrating these functionalities, the waiter portal helped improve service speed, accuracy, and overall customer satisfaction.

Waiter portal- Intouch

The implementation of the restaurant management solution brought tangible benefits to Intouch SaS’s operations. With over 45 restaurants seamlessly integrated into their ecosystem and more than 10k successful orders placed, the impact has been profound.

By automating reservation, ordering, and delivery processes, the platform liberated staff from mundane tasks, allowing them to focus on delivering exceptional service. Recognizing our dedication, Intouch SaS has extended the partnership, entrusting us with the addition of new features such as loyalty management, timed discounts, and promo codes, further cementing our collaborative success.

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, restaurant and foodservice research: a critical reflection behind and an optimistic look ahead.

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management

ISSN : 0959-6119

Article publication date: 10 April 2017

The purpose of this paper is to present a review of the foodservice and restaurant literature that has been published over the past 10 years in the top hospitality and tourism journals. This information will be used to identify the key trends and topics studied over the past decade, and help to identify the gaps that appear in the research to identify opportunities for advancing future research in the area of foodservice and restaurant management.


This paper takes the form of a critical review of the extant literature that has been done in the foodservice and restaurant industries. Literature from the past 10 years will be qualitatively assessed to determine trends and gaps in the research to help guide the direction for future research.

The findings show that the past 10 years have seen an increase in the number of and the quality of foodservice and restaurant management research articles. The topics have been diverse and the findings have explored the changing and evolving segments of the foodservice industry, restaurant operations, service quality in foodservice, restaurant finance, foodservice marketing, food safety and healthfulness and the increased role of technology in the industry.

Research limitations/implications

Given the number of research papers done over the past 10 years in the area of foodservice, it is possible that some research has been missed and that some specific topics within the breadth and depth of the foodservice industry could have lacked sufficient coverage in this one paper. The implications from this paper are that it can be used to inform academics and practitioners where there is room for more research, it could provide ideas for more in-depth discussion of a specific topic and it is a detailed start into assessing the research done of late.


This paper helps foodservice researchers in determining where past research has gone and gives future direction for meaningful research to be done in the foodservice area moving forward to inform academicians and practitioners in the industry.

  • Hospitality management
  • Restaurants
  • Food and beverage
  • Foodservice research

DiPietro, R. (2017), "Restaurant and foodservice research: A critical reflection behind and an optimistic look ahead", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management , Vol. 29 No. 4, pp. 1203-1234.

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2017, Emerald Publishing Limited

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Case Study: Empowering SaaS with SaaS Financial Model

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Case Study: Empowering SaaS with SaaS Financial Model

Table of Contents

Client Overview:

Our client is a SaaS company that developed an innovative Restaurant Management Application designed to streamline day-to-day operations. The client required our expertise to provide comprehensive market research and a detailed SaaS financial model to secure investment and ensure long-term success.


The primary goal was to support the client with robust market research and a comprehensive SaaS financial model. The purpose of these tools is to attract investors and offer a clear roadmap for financial planning and strategic growth for SaaS application.


The client’s SaaS application focus on the the restaurant. They are providing state of the art IT solutions for restautant services. In this project, they required a 5-year financial plan and conducting detailed market research to understand market dynamics from an investment perspective.

Problem Statement

The client faced significant challenges in financial planning domain. They had a lack of clarity on costs and investment requirements. Moreover, they were unsure about cash burn rate, and profitability projections. The optimal solution to their problem was a bulletproof financial plan and comprehensive market research that can guide their strategy and attract investment.

Solutions Provided

Saas financial model.

A SaaS (Software as a Service) financial model is an important tool for any SaaS business. It helps to analyze the financial health of the company. Moreover, it helps to forecast future performance and guides in making informed business decisions.

What is a SaaS Financial Model?

A SaaS financial model is a tool that combines financial statements and key performance metrics to provide details about the financial performance of a SaaS business. It includes financial statements like cash flow statements, income statements and balance sheets. Moreover, it includes detailed revenue forecasts, operating expenses, and customer metrics. Each SaaS financial model is tailored according to the SaaS business requirements. It is mostly made on Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. It shows the actual performance of SaaS business at a certain point and also provides insights on revenue over a certain period of time, typically three to five years.

To create a SaaS financial model for proper financial planning . Moreover, this financial model should be dynamic and customizable.

We developed a SaaS financial model that has the feature of incorporating dynamic inputs and comprehensive dashboards. Moreover, the end product included a detailed equity tables, investment criteria analysis, sensitivity analysis , break-even points , post and pre-money valuation, and NPV with IRR calculations.

Key Components of a SaaS Financial Model

Key Components of a SaaS Financial Model

The common components of SaaS financial model are as follow:

Revenue Model

SaaS business revenue stream can be subscription fees, setup fees and professional services. Revenue model identify what is the revenue stream for the business. If it has more than one revenue streams, each one is included in model and categorized in different classes. Revenue model also provide future projections of revenue based on historical data and market trends. Most common metrics for this tracking are average revenue per user (ARPU) and monthly recurring revenue (MRR) . We had an extensive study of our client’s business and we gathered all revenue streams for them.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

CAC records the cost to acquire a single customer. The cost includes advertising cost, salaries of sales team and other related expenses. This is an important metric as it helps to assess the performance of marketing funnel, i.e. marketing campaign and marketing strategy aimed on converting target audience to leads and leads to customers. Based on this metric, companies devise solutions to optimize their sales funnel. In case of our client, we took into consideration all customer acquisition channels and found CAC from those channels.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Another very important metric for SaaS business is Customer lifetime value . CLV shows for how long an average customer uses our services. A higher customer retention rate increases CLV, which is the required outcome. On the other hand, the churn rate shows the rate at which customers are abandoning the services. A high churn rate may show that the services are not up to the mark, or there can be other factors for customer dissatisfaction. SaaS companies focus on increasing CLV and decreasing churn rate. We analyzed the data provided by our client and calculated the CLV for them.

Operating Expenses

The SaaS financial model keeps track of all the costs involved in the process of service provision. Costs are divided into 2 categories: direct costs and overhead costs. Direct costs keep track of costs directly associated with delivering the service. It includes hosting costs and software development costs. Overhead costs include administrative expenses that include salaries, office rent and utilities etc. After an in-depth analysis of our client’s business, we listed down all these expenses to be included in SaaS financial model.

Financial Statements

Each SaaS financial model has three-statement model that includes income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements of the business. The income statement keeps track of revenue, gross profit and operating expenses. On the other hand, balance sheet shows company’s assets, liabilities and equity at that time. Moreover, cash flow statement monitors cash inflows and outflows of the business. Every business tries to be cash flow positive to work optimally. We provided all of these statements in our SaaS financial model to our client.

Key Metrics and KPIs

SaaS financial model keeps track of many key performance indicators as per the needs of SaaS business. Most common metrics are Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) which measures the predictable monthly revenue. Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) represents yearly recurring revenue. Additionally, customer count metric track the number of active users or customers. Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) calculates how much revenue is generated from a single user. It shows revenue per customer. We included all of the necessary metrics in our financial model for the client, to analyze the performance of the business at a certain point in time.

Building a SaaS Financial Model

Primary steps to build a SaaS financial model are as follows:

Define the Business Model

We started by asking questions about our client’s business model for a better understanding. Some questions that we asked were; define what is your business model. How will you generate revenue? What are customer acquisition channels and value proposition.

Input Assumptions

Secondly, we required input assumptions for our client model. We estimated the number of employees required and their salaries. We also included headcount assumptions, estimated growth rate, customer acquisition and expenses. Additionally, we also defined expected customer churn and retention rates.

Revenue Forecast

A revenue forecast based on historical data, logical assumptions and historical data was included in the SaaS financial model. The revenue forecast also includes ARPU and other revenue drivers.

Cost Projections

Cost projections include all costs involved in business operations. It includes direct and overhead costs. Direct costs include costs like software development and hosting etc. While overhead costs include costs like salaries, rents etc. We deeply studied the client’s cost projections and added them in financial model.

Financial Projections

Mostly, financial projections are for a specific time period, mostly three to five years. We provided financial projections for 5 years. It is the financial forecast based on historical data, market trends and logical assumptions. Moreover, it includes income statement, cash flow statement and balance sheet.

Scenario Analysis

We conducted a thorough scenario analysis i n the SaaS financial model for our client. It shows how changes in a variable have an impact on other variables. For example, business owner can study the impact of economic downturns on the business. Usually, three kinds of scenario analysis are done, realistic, Optimistic scenario and Worst-case scenario. It helps to evaluate the impact of different growth rates, churn rates and other variables on financial performance.

Financial Metrics

We included financial metrics such as profit margins, operating margin, and return on investment (ROI) in your SaaS financial model. These metrics helps to assess the overall financial health and future growth potential.

Dynamic Model

We made sure the SaaS financial model is dynamic and can be easily updated with new data. This feature allows for real-time analysis and informed decisions.

Features of Delivered SaaS Financial Model

features of saas financial model

  • Dynamic Inputs : Allowing real-time updates and scenario planning.
  • Comprehensive Dashboards: Providing visual insights into financial performance.
  • Equity Tables: Detailed breakdowns of ownership and investment scenarios.
  • Investment Criteria Analysis: Assessing potential investment opportunities.
  • Sensitivity Analysis: Evaluating the impact of different variables on financial outcomes.
  • Break-even Analysis: Identifying the point of profitability.
  • Post and Pre-money Valuation: Calculating company value before and after investment.
  • NPV and IRR Calculations: Projecting future profitability and investment returns.

The provided SaaS financial model reduced the client’s workload by 40%. Along with that, it enhanced financial decision-making, and significantly improved investor presentations that resulted in a 30% increase in investor interest.

Below are some ways, how the client can utilize SaaS financial model devised by Oak Business Consultant for their business growth.

Investor Presentations

Our well crafted SaaS financial model is helping our client to achieve their investment goals. SaaS financial model can be used to create effective presentations for potential investors.  This financial model will help our client  present key metrics , financial forecasts and business strategy.

Business Planning

Additionally, the SaaS financial model will be used in the business plans. It provides a clear roadmap for growth and profitability. Our provided financial model can effectively be used in setting financial goals and tracking progress.

Informed Decisions

SaaS financial model helps in making data-driven decisions. Our client can observe their customer churn rate and CLV and based on these value analyze their marketing funnel performance. Based on the findings from the financial model, they can decide which area of the business requires more attention. Additionally, they can make smart decisions about budgeting , resource allocation, and strategic planning.

Performance Monitoring

Our dispatched SaaS financial model is a valuable tool that allows business owners to monitor the real-time performance of their business. Additionally, it helps in revenue forecasting. For performance monitoring, the important thing is to keep the financial model up to date. Regularly update the model to monitor current performance. This practice helps in maintaining financial discipline and make the business ready for the long-term growth. 

Market Research

Comprehensive market research is needed to better understand market dynamics from the investor perspective. It should also elaborate on customer needs and the competitive landscape. This market research will further be used for strategic planning and to attract investors.

Our market research included market size analysis , customer segmentation, competitive analysis , and trend forecasting.

market research features for saas application

  • Market Size and Growth Analysis : Assessing the market potential and growth trends.
  • Customer Segmentation : Identifying key customer groups and their needs.
  • Competitive Landscape Analysis: Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of competitors.
  • Industry Trends and Forecasts: Understanding future market directions.
  • SWOT Analysis: helps to identify internal and external opportunities and threats.
  • Market Entry Strategies: Developing actionable strategies for market penetration.
  • Risk Assessment: Evaluating potential risks and mitigation strategies.

The market research provided valuable insights into market dynamics that will enable the client to make informed strategic decisions and attract potential investors.


The project lasted over six months and had the following key milestones: initial consultation, data collection, financial modeling , market research , review, and final presentation.

  • 30% Increase in Investor Interest: Enhanced presentations and data-driven insights attracted more investors.
  • 25% Operational Efficiency Improvement: Streamlined operations with better financial planning.
  • 40% Reduction in Workload: Automated and accurate financial processes reduced manual efforts.
  • 30% increase in investor interest
  • 25% operational efficiency improvement
  • 40% reduction in workload
  • Projected profitability within 3 years (based on NPV and IRR calculations)

Client Testimonials

They adapted to our needs and schedules with commendable professionalism. Reza Baradaran Gazorisangi- CEO 

Clutch Review 

financial consultancy for saas business

A well crafted SaaS model is requirement for every SaaS business. It is like a shinning lamp that illuminates the financial state of a company and also provide insights to make smart decisions.

Summary of the project: The project was a success. It provided the client with a robust SaaS financial model and comprehensive market research. These 2 set of information enhanced their strategic planning and investment prospects.

Lessons Learned:

  • Importance of Detailed Financial Planning: Critical for attracting investors.
  • Value of Comprehensive Market Research: Essential for understanding market dynamics.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Necessary for keeping financial models up-to-date.

Future Recommendations:

  • Regularly Update Financial Models: To reflect changing market conditions.
  • Continue Market Research: To stay ahead of industry trends.
  • Focus on Investor Relations: To maintain transparency and communication.

With our industry expertise and innovative approaches in financial modeling and market research , we are confident in our ability to help you maximize ROI and achieve long-term success. To learn more about our services and how we can assist in your business’s growth and profitability, please contact us today.

Empower your SaaS growth – Expert financial modeling for strategic success in the SaaS industry.

Boost your SaaS business with us expert financial modeling. Our tailored solutions provide comprehensive insights, strategic planning, and accurate forecasting to drive your company's growth and profitability. Learn how our expertise empowers SaaS companies to achieve financial stability and scale efficiently. Partner with us for success!

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Sadaf Abbas

Sadaf Abbas, with over 16 years in the financial consulting realm, has showcased her expertise across diverse industries like Blockchain, Gaming, and SaaS. As a CFO for leading companies, she's transformed complex financial scenarios into actionable strategies. Now, as the CEO of Oak Business Consultant, her leadership has driven the firm to unparalleled heights, marking it as a benchmark for excellence and innovation. Beyond her corporate achievements, Sadaf is also a revered educator, blending theoretical and practical insights to shape the future of financial analysts and consultants. With credentials like a Master's Degree in Finance and Economics and a title of CSP, she's a force in financial analysis, business planning, and more. Dive into Sadaf's world and discover a blend of knowledge, expertise, and transformative leadership.

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⭐️ NEW! eBook: The Ultimate Guide To Reducing Cost In Multi-Branch & Enterprise Restaurants

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The Role of Leadership in Restaurant Management

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  • July 19, 2024

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Imagine you’re dining at Danny Meyer’s renowned Union Square Cafe, where the ambiance is as impeccable as the cuisine. What’s the secret ingredient to its decades-long success?

Exceptional leadership in restaurant management. Danny Meyer’s philosophy of ‘ enlightened hospitality ‘ proves that strong leadership can elevate a good restaurant to a great one, impacting everything from customer satisfaction to employee morale.

Here’s what you’ll discover in this article:

  • What is Restaurant Management?
  • The Importance of Leadership in Restaurant Management
  • Five Essential Skills of a Restaurant Leader
  • Six Steps to Develop and Nurture Effective Leadership in Restaurants
  • Best Leadership Practices for Managing Restaurant Operations

Dive into the world of strategic leadership that not only promises to enhance your operation’s efficiency but also guarantees a memorable guest experience .

1. What is Restaurant Management?

case study on restaurant management system

Restaurant management involves overseeing the administrative and operational aspects of a dining establishment. It’s a complex role that combines day-to-day staff management, customer service, inventory control, and financial oversight to ensure a seamless dining experience. Effective restaurant managers also focus on strategic planning and marketing to drive business success.

For multi-branch restaurant chains, management becomes even more complex. It requires a robust system for coordinating operations across various locations, ensuring consistent quality and service standards. Core components include centralized purchasing , standardized training procedures , real-time data analytics for decision-making, and strong communication channels to maintain the brand’s integrity across all branches.

2. The Importance of Leadership in Restaurant Management

case study on restaurant management system

Effective leadership in restaurant management is crucial for setting the tone and culture of the establishment. A strong leader influences every aspect of the restaurant’s operations, from kitchen efficiency to the front of the house hospitality. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Consistency Across the Board : Leaders ensure that every service, meal, and customer interaction meets the restaurant’s high standards, crucial for maintaining reputation and customer satisfaction.
  • Increased Employee Satisfaction : Good leadership can inspire and motivate staff, leading to lower turnover rates and a more committed workforce.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience : Leaders who actively engage with both staff and customers help create a welcoming atmosphere that encourages repeat business.
  • Improved Financial Performance : Effective leadership can drive better decision-making regarding menu pricing, cost control, and marketing strategies, directly impacting the restaurant’s bottom line.
  • Adaptability to Change : In a dynamic industry like hospitality, strong leaders are essential for navigating through challenges such as economic shifts or changes in consumer preferences.

3. Five Essential Skills of a Restaurant Leader

case study on restaurant management system

Leading a restaurant to success requires a unique blend of skills that extend beyond basic management. A restaurant leader must wear many hats, dealing with the immediacy of service issues while also planning for the long-term growth of the business.

Here are five essential skills that every restaurant leader should master to effectively steer their team and ensure the establishment’s success:

  • Communication : Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful restaurant. It’s about more than just giving orders; it involves actively listening to staff and customers, clearly conveying expectations, and fostering an environment where feedback is welcomed and acted upon.
  • Financial Acumen : A deep understanding of the financial aspects of restaurant management is crucial. This skill involves not just tracking daily sales and expenditures but also interpreting financial reports, optimizing costs, and making informed decisions that will impact the restaurant’s profitability and sustainability.
  • Customer Service Orientation : Exceptional customer service is what distinguishes a good restaurant from a great one. Leaders must not only model excellent service standards but also inspire their team to consistently deliver a memorable dining experience that exceeds guests’ expectations.
  • Adaptability : The restaurant industry is dynamic and ever-changing. A skilled leader must be flexible and resilient, able to pivot strategies in response to industry trends, economic shifts, and customer feedback, ensuring the restaurant remains relevant and competitive.

Team Management : Effective team management goes beyond scheduling shifts and delegating tasks. It’s about cultivating a strong team spirit, offering professional development, recognizing and rewarding performance, and addressing issues that can affect morale. A leader’s ability to nurture a positive, inclusive, and high-performing team culture is essential for retaining top talent and maintaining high operational standards.

4. Six Steps to Develop and Nurture Effective Leadership in Restaurants

case study on restaurant management system

To elevate leadership within the restaurant industry, it is essential to implement a structured approach that emphasizes development, motivation, and operational excellence. Below are six curated steps designed to cultivate effective restaurant leaders:

Step 1: Comprehensive Leadership Development Programs

To improve the leadership skills within your restaurant, implement comprehensive development programs tailored specifically for the hospitality industry. These programs should include a mix of interactive case studies, role-playing scenarios, and real-time simulations that address daily challenges and crisis management. Cover key areas such as strategic decision-making, customer experience innovation, and effective team leadership.

Consider partnering with hospitality schools or leveraging online platforms like Coursera which offer specialized courses in hospitality management and leadership. Additionally, integrating tools such as Harvard Business Publishing simulations can provide leaders with practical insights and hands-on experience in a controlled, risk-free environment. Engaging industry experts for guest lectures or workshops can also bring fresh perspectives and valuable insights, enriching the learning experience for aspiring leaders.

Step 2: Establish Quantitative and Qualitative Goals

Setting precise, measurable goals is essential for effective restaurant leadership. Quantitative goals could include increasing average daily covers by 10% or reducing operational costs by 5%. Qualitatively, goals might focus on enhancing customer service scores or improving employee job satisfaction ratings.

Utilize tools like balanced scorecards to track these metrics, offering a comprehensive view of performance across key business areas. These can be invaluable, allowing for real-time data visualization and progress tracking. This approach ensures that leadership decisions are informed and strategically aligned with both short-term actions and long-term objectives.

Step 3: Implement a 360-Degree Feedback System

To cultivate a culture of continuous improvement, integrating a 360-degree feedback system is vital. This system ensures that restaurant leaders receive comprehensive feedback from all stakeholders, including supervisors, peers, and direct reports. This feedback highlights different perspectives on leadership effectiveness and areas for enhancement.

Complement this with regular self-assessment exercises to encourage personal growth and accountability. Tools like SurveyMonkey or WorkLeap can facilitate anonymous and structured feedback collection, making it easier to gather and analyze data. Follow-up actions based on this feedback should be clearly defined and monitored to ensure meaningful progress. This structured approach not only promotes transparency but also drives leaders to refine their skills and strategies continuously.

Step 4: Model and Mentor for Leadership

Senior leaders play a crucial role in shaping the future of restaurant management by actively mentoring emerging managers. By involving them in high-level decision-making and problem-solving sessions, senior leaders provide invaluable hands-on learning experiences. This not only equips new managers with the practical skills needed for their roles but also instills a deep understanding of the strategic challenges the restaurant faces.

It’s essential for experienced leaders to openly share their insights and past challenges. This transparency helps create a culture of continuous learning and adaptation throughout the organization. Mentoring should be an ongoing process, with structured opportunities for feedback and growth, helping to build a resilient leadership pipeline that can sustain the restaurant’s success over the long term.

Step 5: Promote Collaborative Leadership Initiatives

Encouraging restaurant leaders to engage in cross-functional projects is key to fostering a collaborative environment. This involves leaders working on initiatives with teams from different parts of the restaurant, such as the kitchen, front of house, and administrative departments.

These projects can range from redesigning the dining space to enhance customer experience to implementing new tech solutions for inventory management. The goal is to deepen leaders’ understanding of all facets of the business and promote teamwork across different units, which can lead to more innovative and effective solutions.

Step 6: Incentivize Leadership Success

To drive leadership excellence and ensure that your restaurant managers and best employees thrive, it’s crucial to establish incentive programs that reward more than just financial achievements. Effective incentive programs should also recognize innovative ideas, team development efforts, and impactful leadership actions. Consider implementing long-term incentives like profit sharing or stock options, which align leaders’ goals with the restaurant’s broader objectives.

These incentives should be intricately linked to specific benchmarks in innovation and team performance, ensuring that leaders are motivated to excel in all aspects of management. By setting these benchmarks, you ensure that your leaders strive not just for personal success but for the collective success of the entire team. Such rewards not only boost motivation but also help retain top talent and foster a culture of continuous improvement where your best employees and managers can truly thrive.

case study on restaurant management system

5. Best Leadership Practices for Managing Restaurant Operations

case study on restaurant management system

Effective leadership in restaurant management demands a clear understanding of both the front and back of house operations. Below, we explore best practices for managing these critical areas efficiently, ensuring that every restaurant manager and their entire team are equipped to handle the challenges of the industry.

Front of the House

The front of the house is the face of your restaurant—it’s where guests interact with your brand and receive service. To ensure excellence in this area:

  • Personalized Guest Experience : Train staff, including the bar manager, to recognize and remember repeat guests, catering to their preferences to enhance personalized service. This practice gives you a competitive advantage by creating memorable experiences that encourage repeat business.
  • Effective Queue Management : Implement systems like digital waitlists or reservation apps to manage guest flow smoothly during peak hours, preventing stressful situations and improving the overall efficiency of your team.
  • Dynamic Staff Scheduling : Use advanced scheduling software to ensure you have the right number of employees during different times, optimizing labor costs and service quality. This helps in managing the demands of the restaurant efficiently.
  • Real-Time Feedback Collection : Equip staff with tools to collect guest feedback instantly, allowing for immediate resolution of any issues and taking proactive steps to improve service.

Back of the House

The back of the house is the operational core where meals are prepared, and logistics are managed. Streamlining these operations is key:

  • Inventory Management Technology : Adopt advanced inventory management systems that provide real-time data on stock levels, reducing waste and ensuring the availability of ingredients. This technology is crucial for meeting the demands of the kitchen and maintaining cost efficiency.
  • Regular Skill Upgrades : Organize ongoing training sessions for kitchen staff, focusing on new culinary techniques, safety protocols, and efficiency practices. Continual improvement in these areas empowers your entire team to meet the high standards expected in a well-run restaurant.
  • Energy Efficiency Practices : Implement energy-efficient appliances and practices to reduce operational costs and promote sustainability. This strategic advantage not only saves money but also appeals to eco-conscious consumers.
  • Health and Safety Standards : Maintain rigorous health and safety standards, conducting regular audits and training sessions to ensure compliance and safety. This practice is essential for protecting both employees and guests, and for maintaining the restaurant’s reputation.

By adopting these practices, leaders can ensure smooth operations across all aspects of the restaurant, ultimately enhancing overall efficiency and guest satisfaction. Utilizing a restaurant checklist app can also help maintain consistency in daily operations, ensure compliance with health and safety standards, and manage tasks effectively, supporting your goal to deliver a top-notch dining experience every time.

6. Conclusion

case study on restaurant management system

Effective leadership in restaurant management transcends routine oversight; it’s about fostering a culture of excellence that impacts every interaction within the establishment. By implementing the outlined strategies, restaurant managers can significantly enhance operational efficiency and guest satisfaction. This commitment to continuous improvement and proactive leadership ensures that your restaurant remains competitive and successful in the dynamic hospitality industry.

7. About Supy

As restaurant managers strive to enhance leadership and streamline operations, it’s clear that having the right tools can make a significant difference. This is where Supy comes into play. Designed especially for multi-branch restaurants and bars, Supy provides essential data-driven insights and inventory management features that help simplify daily tasks and support effective leadership, ensuring every decision is informed and every operation runs smoothly. Schedule a demo today to see how Supy can transform your business.

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What is a restaurant CRM and why is it important for restaurants?

Saif Alnasur

In the restaurant industry, maintaining good guest relationships is just as important as having a functioning kitchen.

But between running a restaurant and managing its finances, restaurant management tends to forget to allocate the time to better understand their customers.

This is where Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and guest data can be of use.

CRMs helps restaurants collect data about their guests through different sources like online and phone reservations. This information can be as basic as name and contact information or go in-depth with details like number of visits, food and seating preferences, allergies, birthdays, and anniversaries.

With it, restaurant operators can gain insight into their guests and create a custom-tailored experience for each of their visitors.

Even if you currently don’t have a CRM system, this process is likely still happening at your restaurant. Your front-of-the-house staff knows who your regulars are from the top of their head and give them a personalized experience. However, this is limited to your staff’s personal, individual knowledge, and with the high number of tables and employee turnover, these important guest details get lost in communication.

A CRM system provides a centralized place to store all this crucial information easily and efficiently, allowing you to analyze the data and make strategic decisions to improve restaurant performance and guest experience.

The guest database generated by a good CRM system is incredibly valuable, and with the right actions, it can help drive sales and increase diner retention.

Read on to learn more.

Restaurant CRM

What is a restaurant CRM?

A CRM system for restaurants is a specialized tool designed to organize and utilize your entire customer database, with a particular emphasis on enhancing the overall experience of restaurant guests.

Restaurant CRMs are customized specifically for the nuances of the dining industry, offering capabilities in managing client information over standard CRM systems. These platforms focus on creating lasting connections with customers by leveraging their data to offer individualized service and tailor marketing strategies .

The demands of the restaurant sector require a dedicated restaurant CRM technology that can properly handle unique guest data and interactions. Such tailored restaurant CRMs empower every team member with detailed information about their guests, which is essential in delivering personalized attention and encouraging repeat visits in such a competitive market.

Restaurant CRM software in particular extends beyond basic functionalities provided by common CRM systems one might use at conventional businesses. It enhances how restaurants engage with guests by personalizing those encounters according to known preferences.

With these powerful tools at hand, venues can:

Streamline, automate, and synchronize all forms of customer communication

Increase levels of satisfaction among diners

Centralize guest information even across multiple venues

Integrate seamlessly with existing POS software

Why is a restaurant CRM important?

Having a good CRM system in your restaurant is useful for several reasons, we’ve highlighted the most important below.

Understanding your customers

In the long run, a good CRM system will slowly accumulate your clientele’s information to produce an incredibly valuable database with contact details, number of visits, food allergies, birthdays, anniversaries, and even average spend per visit. This information is the basis of understanding your customers and building more effective, targeted marketing campaigns.

Unlock more data

Most CRM systems can be integrated with other tech at your restaurant. For instance, when integrated with a POS system , it can unlock a treasure trove of data that would be difficult to find and analyze manually, like guest average spend, lifetime spend, and total number of visits, which helps you better understand the consumer spending behavior at your restaurant.

Optimizing marketing

Utilizing your CRM software effectively can help segment groups to target with customized marketing campaigns.

Knowing more about your customer base is an essential step in the process of creating more personalized messaging approaches, whether they be through SMS, email, or push notifications.

Understanding your customers means they will only receive messages that are relevant to them. This prevents someone with a shellfish allergy from receiving promotions from a seafood restaurant, and someone under 21 from receiving content from bars.

Loyalty programs and rewards

Loyalty programs and customer rewards are the most useful tools a good CRM system is capable of generating.

By tracking how many visits a guest makes, how much they spend per visit, and what they typically order, you can enroll them in a customized loyalty program.

This is not limited to just customer behavior, but can also be used to send special offers for birthdays, anniversaries, or special holidays.

Loyalty programs and rewards are not just beneficial for the guests, they also keep guests coming back, thus increasing retention.

Every guest is a regular

If you are operating a restaurant chain or have a number of different restaurants under your belt, you can still treat first-time guests as though they were regulars.

By plugging in a single CRM system across all your locations, it doesn’t matter if a guest has been there before as long as they’ve visited just one in the chain.

This gives you the ability to greet them by name at the door, know what allergies they have, when their birthdays are, as well as typical spending habits and customer behavior. Imagine the look on their face when you recommend one of their favorite dishes without them having to tell you.

This also means that new employees also don’t have to spend weeks familiarizing themselves with the regulars.

This curated guest experience is not limited to standalone restaurants, but also includes restaurants in the hotel industry . Through property management system (PMS) integrations , you unlock a host of data points that previously wouldn't have been accessible to your restaurant staff. This allows your customers to have a streamlined stay from the moment they check in to the moment they check out.

By plugging your restaurant management system right into your hotel's PMS, you'll be able to track guest stay metrics right from your host stand. These include room number, length of stay and guest tags. 

Understanding and analyzing restaurant performance 

The information derived through CRM systems can help managers better analyze their restaurant performance by providing operational insights through various data points like busiest day of the week, best-selling dish on the menu, peak and non-peak hours, number of repeat customers, and more.

These insights can determine your operations’ high and low points and help make strategic data-backed decisions to improve restaurant performance, like hiring more staff for busy days and marketing your best-selling products.

What should you look for in a restaurant CRM?

When assessing a CRM system for your restaurant, you should consider several significant factors.

Integration capabilities: The CRM system you choose should seamlessly connect with your existing POS, reservation, and online ordering systems.

Ease of use: The system should be user-friendly and easy to navigate for both staff and customers.

Scalability: The system should be able to grow with your business and accommodate increasing customer data and interactions - as well as the addition of new venues if your business grows.

Adoption by staff: The system should be easily adopted by your staff, with minimal training required.

By considering these factors, you can choose the best CRM system that meets your restaurant’s unique needs and drives business success.

Which leads us to our next point.

What are the best CRM systems for restaurants?

There are plenty of restaurant CRM software options available on the market, but the conventional systems like Hubspot, Zoho, or Salesforce are designed for more generic uses cases and don't really cater to the specific nuances of restaurants. What could work for a marketing agency or retail brand, will most likely not work for a restaurant.

We've actually put together a roundup of the best restaurant CRM systems available right now , which you can read to get an in depth comparison of each and make an informed decision.

In the restaurant industry, employing a Restaurant CRM system can greatly enhance your establishment’s performance in numerous ways. Such systems elevate customer retention and refine marketing strategies while simplifying operational tasks.

By centralizing guest data within a CRM, you are able to harness in-depth insights about your customers that enable you to craft tailored dining experiences which nurture both loyalty and repeat visits.

Evidence of these benefits is seen across the spectrum from quaint cafes to expansive hospitality chains – all testament to the influence Restaurant CRMs have on business outcomes.

When selecting a CRM for your eatery, it’s crucial to assess features like integration options, user-friendliness, and growth adaptability. Choosing an appropriate restaurant CRM tailored specifically for your needs will be instrumental in tackling market competitiveness and nurturing sustainable growth for your business venture.

Restaurant CRM FAQs

What is a restaurant crm.

Restaurant CRM software is a game-changer for eateries, helping them manage customer information efficiently and enhance the dining experience. By using this data smartly, restaurants can build lasting relationships with their guests.

This system transforms restaurant management by organizing important customer data, making it a key tool in creating successful connections with customers.

How does a CRM system improve customer retention?

By using guest data collected through a CRM system, restaurants can provide personalized service and marketing efforts that really resonate with their customers. This helps strengthen customer retention by making interactions more tailored and creating meaningful loyalty programs.

When restaurants leverage this information to offer targeted recommendations and exclusive promotions, it fosters deeper customer loyalty and enhances overall satisfaction.

What is the best restaurant CRM?

There are numerous excellent CRMs available, but the ideal CRM system for restaurants is one specifically designed for the restaurant industry, such as Eat App.

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Growth Marketing Manager at Eat App

Saif Alnasur used to work in his family restaurant, but now he is a food influencer and writes about the restaurant industry for Eat App.


Reviewed by

Nezar Kadhem

Co-founder and CEO of Eat App

He is a regular speaker and panelist at industry events, contributing on topics such as digital transformation in the hospitality industry, revenue channel optimization and dine-in experience.

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Pimr students unveil case study on momo company's success.

Students of the Prestige Institute of Management and Research (PIMR), Indore, have presented a groundbreaking case study on Wow! Momo, showcasing its rapid growth in the Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) sector.

Conducted by Srajan Sodhiya, Sahil Bakshi, and Prince Rawal under the guidance of Prof. (Dr.) Nitin Girdharwal, this study offers a fresh perspective on branding and strategic innovation in the competitive QSR market.

The research highlights the crucial role of effective branding in the success of startups in the QSR sector.

Momo serves as a prime example of how a strong brand identity can foster customer loyalty and drive market growth. The study delves into the innovative strategies and solutions adopted by Wow! Momo, providing a blueprint for other QSR businesses to emulate.

Professor Girdharwal highlighted that the study has helped PIMR students enhance their analytical skills and gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics, consumer behavior, and competitive strategies in the QSR industry.

This experience will provide students with practical insights and methodologies relevant to real-world business challenges. Dr. Davish Jain, Chairman of the Prestige Education Foundation, commended the students for their thorough analysis, stating that the study offers valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs in the QSR industry. Dr. S.S. Bhakar, Group Director, and Col. (Dr.) Subramanian Raman Iyer, Director of PIMR, also praised the students and Professor Girdharwal for their dedication and innovative approach.

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case study on restaurant management system

A Customized Workforce Management Solution for a Global Mining Company

Case Study and White Papers , HR on Cloud , Leave & Attendance

Industry Mining

Location India, Indonesia and Africa

Employees 10,000+

Key Outcomes

  • » Improved resource utilization and ensured smooth operations
  • » Provided real-time visibility and tracking of employees
  • » Increased operational efficiency and overall productivity
  • » Resulted in significant cost reduction and improved profitability

Products Used

HRIS , Attendance & Shift Scheduling , Leave , Time Tracking , Workforce Planning

“Empxtrack has streamlined our process, saving us time and enhancing our productivity.  The E-Attendance and Leave system has revolutionized our approach. I am thoroughly impressed with Empxtrack’s user-friendly interface and ease to use. The real-time attendance tracking ensures accuracy and has significantly reduced our manual effort and errors. The detailed reporting and integration with our existing systems was smooth. The customer service is very supportive. “

Amit Kumar Mishra | Assistant Manager – HR & IR | Thriveni Group  

Thriveni Earthmovers specializes in mining natural resource commodities. They were looking for a customized workforce management solution to streamline their operations and maximize resource utilization, including drivers, operators and vehicles. 

Due to the substantial size of the workforce, they faced challenges in managing employees’ attendance, leave, and shift schedules. Hence, Thriveni decided to implement one of the most customizable workforce management systems for mining operations, tailored to their specific needs.


The client has a large workforce operating in continuous 24/7 setting with employees working in 8-hour shifts. They faced significant challenges in optimizing resource utilization. 

  • Optimizing Seat Utilization : Ensuring that all vehicles were occupied throughout operational hours to avoid unnecessary costs associated with idle resources.
  • Complex Shift Management : Manually managing multiple shift patterns (general shifts, rotational shifts, and ABC shifts) for thousands of employees was a challenge.
  • Shift Patterns and Rostering : Preparing shift rosters for a large workforce manually, was a time-consuming task. The client faced difficulties in implementing a rotating shift pattern like CBA within their organization. This pattern aimed to provide employees ample rest time between shifts. The challenge involved creating shift schedules that met operational demands while supporting employee well-being, thereby ensuring sustained productivity and morale.
  • Efficient Attendance Tracking : Ensuring employees adhere to their assigned shifts to maintain operational continuity and regulatory compliance. Identifying the number of workers assigned to a specific shift compared to those who actually reported on time was essential, yet challenging.
  • Streamlining Leave Management: Implementation of an automated leave tracking software was necessary that could seamlessly integrate with shift scheduling and attendance tracking. Managing employee leave requests such that operations don’t get hampered and employees get enough time off, was another concern. Maintaining employee satisfaction was essential for ensuring a satisfied, balanced and productive workforce.
  • Workforce Flexibility : The client provides drivers and operators the flexibility to change their shift and vehicle, and the option to assign their shift to a colleague. Automating this process was crucial to provide workforce flexibility.
  • Monitoring and Analysis : Implementing robust monitoring systems to track seat occupancy in real-time, analyze utilization patterns, and generate insights to continuously improve operational efficiency was essential.


Thriveni Earthmovers had already established a strong partnership and trust with Empxtrack, relying on our solutions for managing various HR processes. Empxtrack had also developed a custom spot attendance check solution for the client, further strengthening their confidence in our product and team’s capabilities. 

Our team clearly understood their challenges and designed a customized workforce management solution for them. Empxtrack workforce management solution streamlined shift scheduling, optimized resource utilization , and improved attendance tracking accuracy. Its successful implementation enhanced operational efficiency and supported workforce management effectively.

Amit Kumar Mishra | Thriveni Group

Key features of the solution include:

  • Automated Shift Rostering : HR and managers were now able to create and manage shift patterns effectively. Automated schedulers generated shift rosters based on predefined rules and patterns, ensuring fairness and efficiency in shift allocation.
  • Flexibility to Employees : With Empxtrack’s automated staff scheduling, employees got the option to choose their shifts and seats based on their preferences or availability. They could also assign shifts to their colleagues whenever required. This increased employee satisfaction and morale. 
  • Proper Seat Allocation : The client used vehicles like JCBs and trucks, and the WFM system ensured that each vehicle was assigned a driver without overlapping shifts. This prevented operational downtime and optimized resource utilization .
  • Attendance Accuracy : Empxtrack time and attendance tracker enabled employees to clock in and out electronically. As a result, supervisors were able to record employees’ attendance before each shift to ensure sufficient staff for running the operations smoothly. Furthermore, the system enabled automatic tracking of overtime, ensuring accurate payment for employees.
  • Leave Management : With Empxtrack absence management system , employees could easily request and manage their leaves requests. This was seamlessly integrated with the shift roster ensuring adequate coverage and minimal disruptions. The leave management solution provided real-time visibility into employee absences for better planning.
  • Analytics and Reporting : Multiple reports were customized to meet client requirements. These reports helped HR, supervisors and the leadership to gain insights and address attendance issues proactively.

The implementation of the workforce management solution resulted in several significant benefits:

  • Improved resource utilization during operational hours
  • Minimized idle time of resources and optimized costs
  • Enhanced employee satisfaction by offering flexibility 
  • Boosted morale and reduced absenteeism
  • Streamlined shift scheduling and management
  • Saved time and effort in managing complex shift schedules
  • Provided real-time attendance data to supervisors
  • Reduced administrative overheads 
  • Ensured smooth operations without disruptions
  • Increased operational efficiency
  • Improved overall profitability in the company
  • Multiple customized reports to gain insights into employee data

Suraj Kumar Biswal, Thriveni Group

Disclaimer : Maintaining the security of our client data is our prime responsibility. The images shown in this case study regarding the workforce management, contain dummy data. 

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TAGS: Attendance , Case Study , Cloud HR , HCM , HR , HR Software , HR Technology , HRMS , Time Tracking

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Restaurant industry has been experiencing technology innovation to uphold its service quality for decades. Studies have suggested that the technology adoption would lead to beneficial consequences on operation performance. The current study was conducted to design and implement computerized restaurant menu system, to analyze the requirement for the proposed system, to design and develop computerized restaurant menu system and to test and implement the system. This study also analyze effect of the information provided by the computerized restaurant menu system, the service of a waiting staff, and technology innovation on menu displaying device on restaurant customer’s satisfaction. Data were collected from a full-service restaurant in Bauchi. Sixty-nine customers (N=69) were invited to make responses to the questionnaire. From the data collected, the analysis indicated that the information on the menu, services from waiting staff and the innovative technology in restaurant have positive impact on customer satisfaction.

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Housing Rental Information Management and Prediction System Based on CatBoost Algorithm - a Case Study of Halifax Region

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case study on restaurant management system

  • Shuangrun Shao 13 ,
  • Bingxi Zhao 14 ,
  • Xiangen Cui 13 ,
  • Yihong Dai 13 &
  • Beining Bao 13  

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ((LNAI,volume 14840))

Included in the following conference series:

  • International Joint Conference on Rough Sets

Considering the growing demands for efficient information retrieval from house rental markets by non-professional users, we develop a comprehensive framework for house information management, visualization, and prediction based on the CatBoost algorithm. We aim to promote the digital transformation of house rental market management and drive innovation in management methods. The conception and ideas of the Housing Rental Information Management and Prediction System are initially proposed, with subsequent application in Halifax, Canada. Integrating the Tableau server, database, and prediction model, we build a seamless web system to harmonize management, visualization, and prediction functionalities for rental house data. The details and effects of the application of the CatBoost algorithm within this system are emphasized, highlighting its precision, adaptability, and business viability in forecasting the house rental market.

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The authors thank Dr. Zhen Wang for providing valuable comments and suggestions on Halifax Housing Rental Information Management and Prediction System. The authors would also like to thank anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments.

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School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, 100044, China

Shuangrun Shao, Xiangen Cui, Yihong Dai & Beining Bao

School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, 100044, China

Bingxi Zhao

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University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

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Shao, S., Zhao, B., Cui, X., Dai, Y., Bao, B. (2024). Housing Rental Information Management and Prediction System Based on CatBoost Algorithm - a Case Study of Halifax Region. In: Hu, M., Cornelis, C., Zhang, Y., Lingras, P., Ślęzak, D., Yao, J. (eds) Rough Sets. IJCRS 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 14840. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 25 July 2024

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-65667-5

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-65668-2

eBook Packages : Computer Science Computer Science (R0)

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Explorations of integrated multi-energy strategy under energy simulation by dest 3.0: a case study of college dining hall.

case study on restaurant management system

1. Introduction

2. literature review, 3. methodology and analysis, 3.1. overview of the simulation, 3.2. principle of calculation on dest 3.0 software, 3.3. model creation, 4.1. simulation and analysis of cold/heat loads, 4.2. electricity consumption analysis and simulation, 5. discussion, 5.1. biomass generating units, 5.2. solar energy utilization program, 5.2.1. photothermal system, 5.2.2. photovoltaic system, 5.3. wind energy utilization program, 5.4. hybrid renewable energy systems, 6. conclusions, supplementary materials, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

Fundamental CharacteristicDeST 3.0EnergyPlusDOE-2eQUESTIBLAST
Outcome simultaneity
Multiple time intervals
Output interface
Custom output reports
Room heat balance calculations
Building heat balance calculations
Convection heat transfer on internal surfaces
Long-wave interradiation between internal surfaces
Heat transfer between neighboring rooms
Humidity calculation
Thermal comfort calculations
Sky background radiation modeling
Form calculator
Solar transmission distribution
SitesDining HallBathroomBusiness Premises
Thermal disturbance0.5110.5
Thermal disturbance10.20.80.5
Thermal disturbance10.810.5
ParametersLimit ValueHidden Meaning
Lower limit of room temperature18 °CLower limit of indoor design temperature achieved by air conditioning operation
Upper room temperature16 °CThe air conditioner starts to run when the room temperature falls below this value
Lower humidity limit0.65The air conditioner starts to run when the indoor humidity is higher than this value
Upper humidity limit0.2The air conditioner starts to run when the indoor humidity is below this value
Area CategoryAnnual Radiation (kWh/m Y)Annual Sunshine Hours (h/Y)Average Annual Peak Sunshine Hours (h)Average Daily Peak Sunshine Hours (h)
Category 1 (i.e., class A) area1855–23333200–33001854–23005.08–6.3
Category II area1625–18553000–32001624–18544.45–5.08
Group III area1393–16252200–30001387–16243.8–4.45
Group IV area1163–13931400–22001132–13873.1–3.8
Group V areas3344–41901000–1400913–11322.5–3.1
Cut-In Wind SpeedCut-Out Wind SpeedRated Wind SpeedImpeller DiameterBlade LengthSwept Area
3 m/s25 m/s11 m/s70 m34 m3879 m
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Niu, Y.; Xiong, Y.; Chai, L.; Wang, Z.; Li, L.; Guo, C.; Wang, Q.; Wang, X.; Wang, Y. Explorations of Integrated Multi-Energy Strategy under Energy Simulation by DeST 3.0: A Case Study of College Dining Hall. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 6222.

Niu Y, Xiong Y, Chai L, Wang Z, Li L, Guo C, Wang Q, Wang X, Wang Y. Explorations of Integrated Multi-Energy Strategy under Energy Simulation by DeST 3.0: A Case Study of College Dining Hall. Sustainability . 2024; 16(14):6222.

Niu, Yu, Yingying Xiong, Lin Chai, Zhiqian Wang, Linbin Li, Congxiu Guo, Qiulin Wang, Xuhui Wang, and Yuqi Wang. 2024. "Explorations of Integrated Multi-Energy Strategy under Energy Simulation by DeST 3.0: A Case Study of College Dining Hall" Sustainability 16, no. 14: 6222.

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    Here are the main Actors in our system: Receptionist: Mainly responsible for adding and modifying tables and their layout, and creating and canceling table reservations.Waiter: To take/modify orders.Manager: Mainly responsible for adding new workers and modifying the menu.Chef: To view and work on an order.Cashier: To generate checks and process payments.

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    A restaurant management system, or RMS, is software designed to streamline restaurant operations and simplify restaurant management. RMSes vary widely in terms of features and functions, but most include point of sale (POS), restaurant inventory management, staff management, restaurant payroll, employee scheduling, and more.

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  16. Operational effects of using restaurant management system: An

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